HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-94-001 VVHEN RECOIZDED RETURN TO: Office oE the city clerk � " Renton�tunicipal Building ' COV�,ANT TO ANNEX TO T��CITY OF:�.�1TON 200 Mill Avenue South UC-94-001 Renron,w,a 9so�s We, William Dennis and Teni G. Dennis, hereinafter referred to as "owners, their ,� successors, heirs and assigns" hereby covenant and agree to sign the necessary petitions for � annexation to the City Limits of the City of Renton, Washington, for the property herein � described and on the terms more fully set forth below. ; 1. Le�;al Description. The property to which this covenant shall apply is King � County Tax Assessor's#152305-91291egally described as follows: � � 0 The south 160 feet of the west 72 feet of the south 1/2 of the southwest 1/4 of ; the southeast 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of Section 15, Township 23 North, T �, Range 5 East W.M., Records of King County; � F�cept the south 30 feet thereof, conveyed to King County for SE 136th Street, � by deed recorded under Recording No. 9009110864 which superseded deed � recorded under Recording No. 9004170205� � b Situate in the County of King, State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as " � "the premises.° � 2. Basis for Covenant This covenant to annex is given as a condition to being � permitted to hook up to sewer and/or watet service from the City of Renton to serve the premises. � 3. Parties Bound This agreement and the covenant to annex shall be binding on � the owner and all persons subsequently acquiring any right, title or interest in or to said property referred to as the premises, and shall be a covenant running with the land. C�" �.{ 4. Time for Performance The owners, their heirs, successors or assigns, agree � and covenant to sign a petition to annex the above-described premises unto the City of � Renton at such time as the assessed valuation of the subject premises is sufficient to qualify � under the 75% method pursuant to RCW 35A.14.120, together with such othet adjoining or � contiguous area as the City of other petitioners may determine. The owners further agree, Q when so notified by the City, to promptly circulate and execute such Petition and to comply �?" with all the requirements of law regarding such annexation. If the owners, their successors � or assigns fail to do so, the Ciry reserves the right to terminate such utility services,. , . ;�, __ ,r, 5. Fitling These covenants shall be filed with the King County Auditor: IN WITNESS WHEREOF the owners of the premises have signed these covenants this S day of J/I���i-f-k.� , 1994. G��GG��--- C/.� /��rl��ti�-�7 � �n Z __'� � � �,� � �.. u� STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS. COUiVTY OF KING ) On t is day ersonally appeared before me ��.�-�,e v.�-�� U ��-�2-n�`� ' to me known to be the in. ' iduals(s) described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and ac'.:iic��ei�l�dg�d that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the use�ai�d �ut�os�s therein mentioned. UCJI:iv u't�uer my hand and official seal this ��day o � , 1994. � ���� �9�f-ov0 7 ���� C � Q� (�%e�-�t"��ll/j(,�1 Notary Public in and fo the State of ��-oo�/M-�/�h / �/$�3j Washington, residing at �� �• �9. l�f , . . y '*�'' � , WFicTIREC70 RETURN'I�: - . . . Ofhae of the C�y erk ; 'A ,Rentoailu[unid Building �� soo�uAy�,� w S�L7� SENrER EASEMENT A��REEMEN7C ; '� Rei�ton,WA 980 � `},' , _ " ��;;i `-�^ - �:-� � '�' � � � ; - , 4, �;A��E'���EN�' A.���a��,,�?�,�� �.a�e �i�.i�= J •"•' ��y �r A�y i��y �, be vec<�n t:he o���ner(�,) of Pro�erty #1,be�n�;�'3ou,g�.as i�. and Sand.ra L.J�ohnson;, h�lsband � an u�if�, hex�ein ca).ied t}-�e "GR��IT'p�Z", ��hose property is Iegally described as; z c� Lot 6, F�rnwood �ast, aCcording to th�plat thereo�re�orded'in Volume 113 � � +af Plats, �a�e 68, r�ecords o�IC�Zg County, yyasl.lr�gton. Situ�,ate in the City ]Re:r�tc�rt, CourRt�• o£��g� St�te o�W�,shington. Subje�t to etisements, xeser- � �T�tivz�s, restri�tions and coven�nts of record, �f�ny, � L:J an the� ov��ers of Proper�ty #2,beiz�; �h'illiam Cj. and Jeni G. Den,:vs, husband and ti��e, N � he. ul c.a�l�ed t��e "GR�iN')C�E", t�=�.ose property is legalty describe�� as: � � ��� ��Ze S 1 b0 feet of th e W 72 feet of. th�S 1/2 o;f t1�,e SW X/4 of the$� 1/4 0£the u, I'�T"tti� 1/� of Sec. 7.5, T2�N, RS�,W:I�4,,Reeor.ds of King Cou�tty; ex �all�oal Q � ��nd r�inerals and fihe right to exp�are fAz and�tin�the same,�s re�ed by '� de�d rernz�ded uz�der K,iz�g Coux��y recordin�No. 192430;e�ccept the S 30 f�e� �� thereof, conv�yed t:o �Cirig Cot�nty afor S.E. 136t�-►Skr.eet, by d.eed recorded under. �L��r�i��g *10. 90G�1��Sb4 v��h��:Y�su�ersecieci Q.E?ed rec�rde�E ux�.tler recordutg r3o. 9004170205; situate in the County of Kiz�,g, Stat�of Was.�hr.ngton. W� ESS��TH: That sai��. G�ant4z� for axtd in cQztsitlerat�on c�f #�e mutual coye�.�nts her zn ex�-essed do b�y th�ese presents grant, Canvey, axtc� �confi.z�m�ta the said Grantee, rig t-of�-wrty or easement £o� � sanitary'side se��er �irie ovez, through, across ar�d u��n the fallovtTing described property i�1 �C.zng Caunty, Washin�;tQ;n, more particularly des 'bE�d a.s follvws: Begi.z�.ning at�tt�SF: coz�ter of Property #1 des�ribed. aXx�ve, tltence No�rth 17 f<3et��1ong the East l�ne of Property #1 to the Point of Beginning, thence WQst 1.5 fe�et parallel. to tr►e South line af Fm�erty� #1 as the cente��line of a 10 foot '�lridf� si.dc sewer right-of way and easement. G�' tee sh.��11 have tlie�ig11t witliout prior institution o��ny suit ox pxoceedulg at law, at tin� as �m.a;y be necessary, to exlter upon said pro�erh,° for the p���ppse af coztstructing, =�r• i�i�?�, �:�t�rn.�, ar r�4�:�nstructzz�a s�id sid� se�ver l���e Eti=i.ths��:t :��c�,��ng a��y ���;a? ubli ati.c�n +�r liability therefoz; provided tha.t suc�� coi�.St�ructing, repairing, alta�in,� or rec, tructii��; of said side sewe.r line shai.l.be accom�s2ished 'u� su�,ch a mannex t,hat the pr.i te i�nprovements exi.,;ting in this right-of�n�ay sh��ll not be di:�turbed or. des�royed, or � . th�e Q�vent they are �:�isturbed or destroyed, th��y will be rE>placed i.xt as ��od a ro�t itian �is they vvere iJxlmed.iately be�oz'e the property t�as �s�itered u.pon by the Gxa tee. The srar�tor sltall retaul t�-:e r�ght to use t�le suz'�ace of said ease��.Ent sv long as said use doe no`t interf�re tivi.tlz th� install�tion and znaintena;nce of the sid,e sewer line and so l.ot.� as no ��ermar�ent buildulgs or stxuch.�res ar�erectf�d on said ez�semen.t. . r---� � � ^ � � T 's �?as��m.ent Agr�em�Qnt shal� be a covenant ru.n�ting �vi.th the Ia.�d and sha1X be 0° . b' diz�,g Ltpol1��I1 P�'��s and their h.�irs, s�zccessors and assigns f��rever. '��� ' �0 �� I WIT���SS WHE�EC►F �n�e hereu.nto set our hands and. seals th� c}ay ���c� ear fiz�st ����� a v� �rntter�. �' ���¢� ���� � /� __ � � � o a g a ���-�--_ /� ,�, , u�l, s C.�� Zson �` , � Wxlli�un O. ��nnxs S �� � . , Sa dra L.,jolu�.son je� ' C�. Denxuis St e o!'Waslungton ) ) �o ty of King ) 1, t��►e undersign�d., a z�otary pub�ic in �nd ��x• th State of i�V�shington; hereby cer i�y that on thi.s ,��_t�ay o£ � lg� p�,.SOJz�2�, a�peared befvre �.e �a�lc�.s C �c��1��, 5 c�n� �� �bh � �^�,4���—S�:_ n '�s r-�� (�. � n�-� � � �� Qto e Icna�vn to be the individuals described in �.nd �v�ho ex�e�uted the f��egoing �, ins .u�t.en.i:, and acknowl�ed�ed that the3� signed and se�led the �ame as the� �-e� �nd � vc�l tary s�ct and deed, fc>x the uses and p o e�,�in�entioz�►�d. 0 � C�� : � No Pub�ic�in and.for the Sta.te r�f � ashi��gton, :resid.ing at�� (�_g�9 �.,o�c �n. 1..�.�s.,�, `% ���,c�;:�;, �; � CIT`�' OF RENTON — City Clerk Earl Clymer, Mayor Marilyn J. Petersen January 6, 1994 William 0. and Jeni G. Dennis 13604 SE 136th Street Renton, WA 98059-5125 Re: Request for sewer service outside City of Renton boundaries; 13604 SE 136th Street (King County) Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dennis: At the regular Council meeting of January 3, 1994, the Renton City Council approved the referenced request with the requirement that you meet the following conditions: 1. Sign and record restrictive covenants agreeing to support any annexation that includes your parcel; 2. Comply with City codes, standards and policies for connection; 3. Obtain required permits, including but not limited to a City side sewer permit and King County right-of-way permit. 4. Pay an LID assessment of $2,620.81, the sum paid by adjoining City properties within Heather powns for construction of sewer mains under Local Improvement District-�-7�' a9� 5. Pay utility rate for non-residents (one and one-half the standard rate). For additional information, please contact David Christensen, Utility Systems Division, at 277-6212. If I can provide further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ,' ��� \ Marilyn I e rsen, CMC City Clerk cc: Mayor Earl Clymer Council President Richard Stredicke David Christensen, Utility Systems Division 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 9$O55 - (206)235-2501 '�rr✓ �rwC. Januarv 3 1994 Renton �itv Council Minutes Paae 7 CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from William and Jeni Dennis, 13604 SE 136th St., Citizen Commen� Dennis King County, requesting emergency sewer hook-up to the City's sewer system - Sewer Connection as their private septic system has failed. The Seattle-King County Department Request of Public Health has informed the Dennises that they must either repair the u L������ , septic system or connect to a sewer system, if possible. Staff has reviewed the situation and recommends that the Dennises be allowed to connect to the City's sewer system, with the foltowing conditions: 1. The Dennises sign and record restrictive covenants agreeing to support any annexation that includes their parcel; • 2. The Dennises comply with City codes, standards and policies for connection; 3. . The Dennises obtain required permits, including but not limited to a City side sewer permit and King County right-of-way permit; ' 4. The Dennises pay an LID assessment of �2,620.81, the sum paid by adjoining City properties within Heather��9�ns for construction of sewer mains under Local Improvement District , and 5. The Dennises pay utility rate for non-residents (one and one-half the standard rate). MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO ALLOW THE DENNISES TO CONNEC'T TO THE CITY'S SEWER SYSTEM, WITH CONDITIONS. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chair Stredicke presented a report Plannine and Develonment regarding the Errata process and application numbers E-15(b), E-37, E-39, E- Committee 41, E-42 and E-43. A. REFERRED FOR PUBLIC HEARING: The Planning and Development Committee has reviewed the following requests: E-IS(b), E-37, E-39 and E-43, and has referred them to a public hearing and for Councii consideration. Comprehensive Plan: 1. E-15(b) Mary Gray/Barbara Little request to rezone a 10,000 square foot Errata, Gray/Little, 105 parcel at approximately 105 Lake Avenue South from the Public Use (P- Lake Ave S, #E-I 5 1) zone to the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. Plannin� and Develonment Committee Review: This request is consistent with the recent rezone of two ad jacent Public Use zoned parcels to Commercial Arterial (Errata E-15, Hsue/Wilson, Ordinance 4421 of October 18, 1993). The Committee reviewed the staff recommendation and is of the opinion that a public hearing should be held so the full Council can consider the request as stated above. Action: Council schedule a public hearing for February 7, 1994, to consider the applicant's request. Comprehensive Plan: 2. E-37 Ross Baker (Cellular One) request to include "wireless base stations" Errata, Cellular One #E- in the "Utilities, Small" definition in the zoning cade. 37 Plannine and Develonment Committee Review: The Committee reviewed the staff recommendation and is of the opinion that a public hearing should be held so the full Council can decide whether "wireless base stations" shall be defined as "Utilities, Small," "Utilities, Medium," or "Utilities, Large" in the definitions section of the Zoning Code (4-31-2). Smali utilities are Primary Permitted uses in all zones. Medium utilities t � � �:.ITY C7�R E' ��I�M < ' � i+•-`� �'~ +� ri�-�s�- , t : , ,�,�,, , . -, �� �.:� �°�'1 �` �' `���—� �� ,�:� � ,�� r� �� 1993 ��r 9� �� .�� v� ( December L9 . 19y3 r���.��vtu FR: WILLIAM O DENNIS/JENI`"�GY ENNIS�FFICE 13604 SE 136 ST (P�/�CE�. #� I513059l�$� RENTON, WA 98059-51`L5 t 206 ) 255-£i199 TO: RENTON CITY COUNCIL 1 . WE ARE WRITING THIS LETTER, AS A PETITIC)N, FOR YOU TO ALLOW US TO CONNECT OUR HOUSE TO THE CITY OF RENTON SEWER SYSTEM. 2 . WE LIVE IN KING COUNTY BORDERING THE CITY OF RENTON, AND HAVE YOUR SEWER SYSTEM ADJACENT TO OUR PROPERTY. 3 . SID FORMAN FROM THE KING COUNTY DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH HAS ORDERED THE SEPTIC SYSTEM AT OUR HOUSE CONDEMNED. HE CAN BE REACHED AT ( 206 ) 296-9736 WITH ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE. 4 . THE NEIGHBORS TO THE EAST OF US ( STEVE AND TARA HOLMAN ) WERE ACCEPTED INTO THE SYSTEM A FEW YEARS BACK, THEREBY SETTING PRECEDENCE FOR THIS PETITION. 5 . WE WOLILD APPRECIATE ANYTHING THAT YOU CAN DO TQ EkPEDITE THIS M�TTER, AS OUR SEPTIC TANK OVERFLOWS WITH VERY MINIMf1L USE. WE WOULD LIKE TO PUT AN END TO THE UNPLEASANTNESS FOR OUR NEIGHBORS AND OURSELVES , ��,5 WELL AS END ANY HEALTH HAZARD WE MAY BE CAUSING. 6 . WE HAVE BEEN IN CONTACT WITH THE COUNT�',THF CITY iDAVE CHRISTIANSEN AND MIKE BENOIT) , AND A PRIVATE CONTRACT�R. WE ALSO HAVE HAD THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES LOCATED AND MARKED. WHILE PLANS FOR THIS PROJECT ARE WELL UNDER. WAY, WE CANNOT BREAK GROUND WITHOUT YOUR APPROVAL. 7 . YOUR CONSIDERATION OF THIS MATTER IS GREATLY APPRE�,TATEU, X �i�' ��""___(�" ��iy�------ X ���vr�.e.-o — WILLIAM O DENNIS JE G DENNIS CC : DAVE CHRISTIANSEN, PROJECT SUPERVISOR . �`r�� � � �1��Z�ki�// t �� / � � .� � ��'" City ot Seattle King County / /,,�'J�' / Nurman B.Rice,Mayor Tim Hill,Executive � �L�i�/�.._S �ru���,,._ Seattle-King County Department of Public Health David M. Lurie, Director December 29, 1993 Mr. and Mrs . William O. Dennis 13604 SE 136th Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. and Mrs . Dennis : On December 28 , 1993, an investigation was made of your property at 13604 SE 136th, parcel ##1523059128 . At that time, your sewage disposal system was discharging effluent upon the surface of the ground. A licensed septic system installer hired by you must make application for a permit to repair this system and effect the repair as soon as possible. Under no circumstances should this discharge of sewage effluent be allowed to continue for a period of time exceeding 14 days from the above date. If your residence is within a local sewer district and public sewer is available to your property, you must connect to the sewer at this time . If you have questions not answered by this letter, please telephone me at 296-9736, Tuesday thru Friday, from 7 : 30 to 9 : 00 a.m. Sincerely, � � ��'���i'Ly i�-__••___.. Sid Forman, R.S . Environmental Health Services Eastgate Service Center SF:drs LU:9 Eu�t District Public Health Cet�ter al Ea�ttgale 14350 SE Eastg�tr.Way Bellevur.,Washingtnn 98007 (206)'29fi-4920 "PrintrJ un RrcyolrJ Pu��rr" "''� ,,� �F,�����ED JIAAN 31994 , .. �,,�. �.,;� i .;��iNli1L CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: January 3, 1994 TO: Tim Schlitzer, Chair Members of the Utili ies Committee �; Mayor Earl Clymer ��..� FROM: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator .�T � Planning/Building/Public Works Department STAFF CONTACT: Mike Benoit, Wastewater Utility � SUgJECI': Dennis Request for Sewer Service Outside Renton's City L'units RE: King County Parcel #1523459129 AKA 13604 SE 136th Street ISSUE: William and Jeni Dennis have requested permission from the City to connect to our sanitary sewer system as a non-resident. Their existing septic system is failing and is discharging effluent upon the surface of the ground. RECOMMENDATTON: Staff recommends that the Dennises be allowed to connect to Renton's sanitary sewer system with the following conditions: 1) The Dennises sign and have executed a covenant agreeing to support any annexation that includes their parcel; 2) The Dennises make connection to ciry sewers consistent with City codes, standards and policies; 3) The Dennises obtain and pay for all required pernuts, including but not limited to a Ciry side sewer permit and King Counry R.ight-of-Way Permit; 4) The Dennises pay the amount of$2,620.81. This amount being equivalent to the sum paid by the adjoining City properties within Heather powns for � January 3, 1994 � Page 2 �-9? construction of the sanitaty sewer mains under LID �9: The Dennises shall have the option of spreading these charges over a period of ten years with interest thereon fixed at the rate of 10% per annum; and 5) The Dennises acknowledge that, as the properiy is located outside the Renton Ciry Limits, the occupant is required to pay the utility rate set by the City Council for non-residents (currently one and one-half the standard rate); DISCUSSION: The Dennises own the house at 13604 SE 136th Street. They have been having problems with their existing septic system. Upon inspection, the Seattle-King County Health Department found the property to be in non-compliance with the regulations. When the Seattle-King County Health Department investigated the properry, the septic system was discharging effluent upon the surface of the ground. T'he City owns and operates an eight inch sanitary sewer line in SE 2nd Place (County designation SE 136th Street) that is adjacent to the Dennises property. A su� inch stub was provided to the lot for future connection during the sewer mains construction. This sewer main was constructed in 1977 to provide sewer service to the plat of Heather Downs. Under the Health Department's regulations, the property must be connected to public sewers if within 330 feet, provided the sewer utility permits the connection. If we do not allow connection, the property owner's alternative is to replace the system. T'his properry lies adjacent to Zone 2 of the City's Aquifer Protection Area. This property would be included within Zone 2 if it were either annexed into the City or if an interlocal agreement between the City of Renton and King Counry regarding aquifer protection regulation within King County was enacted. In April of 1991, Council granted an exemption for a neighboring parcel (see attached minutes) for Steven and Tara Holman. This recommendation is consistent with this prior decision. 94-OOi.DOC/MAB/bh