HomeMy WebLinkAbout10�. Department LUA_00-01„—__ 9, SA -A, City of Renton P/8/PW Dep C= administrative Site Plan .4pproval & Envirowne Review Committee Staff Report __ --- page 2 of e WIZARD— S CHILD CAR_ E CEN7E—„_ _-0 ---=-- _� REPORT AND DECISION OF MARCH 7, 2000 ---- f PART PROJECT JF DESGRIPTIONIBAGKGI�O�N_ Dare -----ter tthei p ate campus to develop a childoffice buildings totaling The applicant, Wizards of the Coast, is proposing located in the Green River Valley. The site is developed with four, two-story office are also located on the gross square feet. Associated parking, utility and tenor landscape 208,752 g hoses, which include interior and exterior alterations to the existing site. The proposal consists of two phases, building and site. and is nded ould alter approximately 3,720 square feet within the building Phase I would be located on the south ha oefVhe west office building on the firststory de of tinseportion "o` accommodate up to 46 children. This care center. Approximately 4,25C square fee la area. The new play area, which would require the footprint for the creation of the day care foot anopy, the building would be converted to da Poutdoor ka 9 is also proposed to include a 560 square removal of existing landscaping d 4,600 Approximately 6,100 square feet within the ity and outdoor play area Phase II, which would be located on hewestPide of the same building, would be designed to accommodate up to 56 additional children. is also proposed for the phase 11 outdoor play area. square feet outside sof the quarebootcanwould be converted to a second child care for the site — — --� — PART TWO_ENViR®---MEN�pI- REVIEW lance with RGW 4°.21C 240, the fallowing prcj ironmental review addresses only those In comp uatel addressed under existing development standards and project impacts that are not adeq Y environmental regulatons. A. Environmental Impacts various City Departments and Divisionsipt a determine The proposal was circulated and reviewed by whether the applicant has adequately identified veand addressed environmental impacts anticipate o occur in conjunction with the proposed 1, Earth c halt paving areas as well as The proposal wo s: uld require the disturbance of the exiting asphalt, existing landscaping. The rase of fill is also prop©sad in both phases in orde�aoimately 20level cubi play roximate. 279 cubic yards of fill. Phase II is anticipated fill materials areas adjacent to the remodeled building areas. Phase I would include apP yards of excavation and app approximately 335 cubic yards of fill. Theproposed quarry excavation of 15 cubic yards and imported structural fill from an approved would consist of on -site excavated materials and imp source as supplement. No r.ative material would be disposed of of -site. Mitioation Measure: No further mitigation is recommended. Poiic Nexus: NIA 2. Water Impacts: The p la areas would be proposal would not significantly aiter the the oppSea outdoo t Of impervious p Y us surface for e the runoff to connection points with the site. Small increases in storm :eater run-off created by collected by drains and/or catch basins which would carry ouffall, existing drainage system. e existing h an outlet cuntr I strgcture anelsiprap h Street surface drainage system, after passing line, The proposal does within the 200-foot boundary regulated by toe City's Shoreline master Springbrook Creek is locav d within 450 feet of the site's western property j not include any activities Program. sarpt