HomeMy WebLinkAbout66„� FROM UNICO PROPERTIES. RENTONN TO 4307300 P.09 FEB-10 2000 Underwriters or ether similar body, if any ("Legal Requirements"), manager, to the extent permitted ring Budget and, when not so permitted, following auttroriution from under the Approved Opera r irements which comes to its Owner, stall p'ornPtly remedy any ents violation of any such Legal Req” contesling or intends to contest such written not notice attention except m cas.where tiionn in which case Owne shalt give Manager Prompt er shall, within which come to Manager where Owner directs Otherwise. of any violation or notice of alleged violation of Legal t its decision to says. give notice tosOwneS rate with each other to cause the Property Re it business days, g a er a e to coupe n cOmPfiance with all applicable Legal Requirements and shall not Icrtany such Requirements. Owner and Mang � which is prohibited by any operated at all times suffer, permit or make any use of the Property directly or indirectly, Legal Requirements. cements, covenants, conditions and (b) The Property is currently subject to the ogre and ordinances listed in cs, easements, the "Property mortgages, well as to all existing leases (hereinafter collectively restrictions contained in those certain deeds, erforrrt all of the obligations Schedule C attached hereto as es to rise its best efforts top er shall use Agreemens" ). Manager covenants and ogre e Agreements. a,,, Maytag Of Owner to be performed under the Prop rtY . ound lease, space and duties on the Part comply with all terms and conditions contained to any provided that its best effom to fully or other security instruments affecting each Pr°pe er hat Merger lease, mortgage, deed of trustprovided, further Manager has been advised by Owner of the existence thereof, anaabl"ty on account hereof. All or incur anyAgreements shall not be required to make any payment a agencies, or other parties to the property with any lenders, govemm g writingby communications i steal] be through the Owner unless otherwise specificzlly directed in violations of any Legal Requirements or Property (c) Expenses incurred in remedying as hereinafter defined. When funds in excess Agreernenv may be paid fear., the Operating Account operating Account are required or no fy Owner by tthne for which e end of the of the amount on deposit in The bOper�ec o penalty, Manager the violation. the Property title holder mightsubject TOPmay be made to remedy next business day so that prompt arrangements er shall prepare and submit to Owner a eratian, repair, improvement and 4.5 A roved Bud el and Business Plan. Manager tan shall be proposed Operating Budget and Business Plan for the leasing Promotion, pp posed budget and plan for the forthcoming calendar Year- maintenance of each Property 1 of each calendar year or, with respect to a newly added Property Cr0 days after the addition of a Property to Schedule A. delivered to Owner no later than October to Schedule A, no later than sixty' ( ) Y d then will consult with Manager prior to the used budget. and pion an roved Operating Budget" and Owner will consider the proposed n order to agree on an "APP operating Budget or calendar yeardisapproval for the propped Op g commencement of the forthcoming oval or to Owner, such budget "Approved Business Plan". If written approval er within thirty Go) days of itsroovederY Business plan. Manager Business Plan has not been received by M agpperating Budget and APP and plan shall be deemed to be the Approvedensure that the actual costs of maintaining and all reasonable effQ tOpeing Budget pertaining thereto. During ng agrees to use diligence and to hall not exoceed the total Approvedor as required under any operafutg each property Owner not less than monthly, Owner, of increases in costs and expenses that were not foreseen calendar year, Manager shall inform of more agreements or as reasonably requested by approval shall be required for increases during the budget preparation period. Owner's prior written than 5% for any budgeted line item.