HomeMy WebLinkAbout12Project Narrative,. The Phase I child care center measures 3,721 square feet, the outdoor play areas measure 4,251 square feet. Phase II includes tenant improvements to the west side of the first story of the same west office building. Phase II would serve up to 56 children of employees and would also include new outdoor play areas built where landscaped areas currently exist. The Phase If interior improvements measure 6,100 square feet and related outdoor play areas measure 4,600 square feet. Project Height: New site work includes new roofs over portions of outdoor play areas (no walls) which will measure 16 feet tall, above outdoor play area surfaces which will be approximately 4 feet above existing parking lot elevations. Existing office buildings heights measure 41.75 feet above existing parking lot elevations. Lot coverage: Existing lot coverage is 15.98%. With the addition of the roofs over outdoor play spaces, the lot coverage will become 16.15%. Parking: In Phase I, parking spaces for 13 employees and 4 loading spaces will be provided. In Phase II, parking spaces for 12 employees and 6 loading spaces will be provided. By zoning regulations, the site is currently over -parked. Parking spaces for child care employees are to be existing spaces, which will reduce the non -conformity with respect to parking. Vehicular access to the site is via 4 existing curb cuts, 2 at the east property line and 2 at the west property line. Proposed off -site improvements: None proposed. Total Estimated Construction Cost/Estimated Fair Market Value of the Proposed Project: Total Estimated Construction Cost and Fair Market Value — Phase I: $450,000 Total Estimated Construction Cost and Fair Market Value — Phase II: $650,000 Estimated Quantities and Type of Fill/Excavation Materials: Fill in Phases I and II is proposed to construct level play areas adjacent to new classrooms inside the existing building, and will consist of on -site excavated materials where possible and imported structural fill from approved quarry source as supplement. Phase I quantity of proposed excavation is 20.59 cubic yards. Quantities of proposed fill is 20.59 cubic yards of native material and 258.41 cubic yards of imported fill for a total of 279 cubic yards. There will be no native material to be disposed of. Phase II quantity of proposed excavation is 14.9 cubic yards. Quantities of proposed fill is 14.9 cubic yards of native material and 320.1 cubic yards of imported fill for a total of 335 cubic yards. There will be no native material to be disposed of. Number, Type and Size of Trees to be Removed: No trees will be removed in Phase I or II. Land to be dedicated to the City: No land will be dedicated to the City. Page