HomeMy WebLinkAbout62fats• s -- N N r�- i of RE-RECORDED TO CURttDCT LEGAL LF.SCR"TTON IN TTF)i-S 2 1. 3 of ",iIBTT -A- 1 0? .�l/OET RfGfJRDED Tots rsY EASFAtEYT POR fJNLF.RGROLXO ELECTRICSYS' 1�1C a� �+I AVALAV DILLY 3E 1 11 31 AN iQ BYTHE 011:4OF MORTEGORDSG. EliCf INS INDUSTRIAL DZSTRZCT, INC.ZNC�1" Oir'TY �If IITiMEST E6M4ER21A1REAL ESTATE COf7PANY, INC__= !'---- _ f"Granror" herein). grants, ro "nut warn. to PjJM SOUND POWER A LIGHT COMPANY. • Washlnpon ax- pnadon `y—lee" herein), for the purposes hereinafter, rN fnnh • p •rpetual NO .1 ruder, .._ and —the f& hnving describeA real Property (the "Roparty" hrreln)----1CinQ Couny. Wash otitnn. All of Blocks 24 and 31, including vacated st.3ets in C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Division No. 1, as recorded in Book. of Plats in Volume 17, page 74, King County, Washington; EXCEPT rcadd deedel, to the City of Renton; AND ALSO EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING DDSCRI31;D PROPS:i:. The north 27 feet of Lots 6 and 53, and Lots I through 5 and Lots 54 through 58, Block 31, C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Ad,lition Division No. 1, according to plat recorded in Volume' 17 of Plats, page 74, in King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH the west 12 feet of vacated 86th Avenue South adjoining Lots 1 through 5 and portion of Lot 6. Located in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. Except as may be otherwise set forth herein Grantee's rights stall be exercised apart that ptrtlion of the Property ithe •'Right - of Way' herein) described as follows: e,Rlgbsoadr.Y........ Gtetlaeridibl�uog.�______._._.ieel.otwrb rr:idlhnncarlr.Wta.oracw,sor. The Legal Description of said Right-3f-Way is attached hereto as O Exhibit "A', and incorporated herein by this reference. co Grantor reserves a right to use said Right -of -Way for other utility installation. O Grantor reserves the !right to relocate all or any portion o'!F said Right -of -Way end Installations located therein at Grantor's expense. Grantee agrees not to unreasonably restrict access to the property in connection with Grantee's exercise of Right -of -Way. CO, 1. Purpose. Grantee shall have the right to construct operate, maintain. repair. replace and enlarge an underground electric trar—iwion end/or distribution system upon and under the Riaht-of-Way hreether with all necessary or convenient ap. purtenances therefor. which may include but are not limited to the following: andergmund conduits, cables, communication lines: vaults, manholes. switches. and transformen; and semi -buried or ground mounted facilities. Following the initial con- struction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. 2 Access. Grantee shall have the right of aocess to the Righiof-Way over and aaow the Pm rtv to enable Grantee to exer- cise its rights hereunder. provided. that Gnaure, shall compensate Grantor for any damage to the (Property rausrd by the exer- t rise of sold right of access. v7 ;\ 1. Oba c ctions: Landaraping. Grantee may from time to lime remove tree, bushes, or other obstructions within the Right- ' of -Way and may level and gredo the Right-of4t'ay In the extent reasonably neces a,y to cam• out the purposes set forth in �l paragraph 1 hereof, provided, that following anv such work. Grantee shall, to the extent reasonably practicable, restore the Rightof-Wary to the condition it was immrdinteiv prior to such work. Following the installation of Grantee's underground P facilities, Grantor may undertake any ordman• improvements in the landscaping of Ihe Rightof-Way. provided that no trees or L3 other plants shall to phred thetmn which would he unreavmahly experenve or impractical for Grantee to remove and 1 retore- V & Grantor's rise of of Right -Way, Grantornrs.•nes therivhr ;n aw the Right -al -Way for any purpwe not inmnsisicnl with the rights herein gram. 1. provided: that Grantor shall not nmstruct or maintain any building or other structure an the Right- af Way which woo "interfere with the exercise of the rights herein granted; that no digging, a mne!ing or other form of con- strud ar aclivityshall he done nn Ihe Property which would di.aturh the compaction or unearth Grantee i facilities on the Right -of -MY, -endanger the lateral support to said facilities; and that to bulling shall he. done v:ithin is feet of the Right -of - Way. S. Imfem,lty. By accepting and recording this cosoment. Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor from any and oil claims for injuries endwr damages suffered b) any person which may be caused by the Granree s exa. css of the rights herein granted; provided. .het Gramee shall not be responsible to Grantor for any injuries andlor eamages to any person caused by aces or omissions of Grantor. & Aba-dorunen9. The rights herein granted shall r tints until such hoe as Grantee ceases io use die Rightof-Way for a p,viml of five 151 o—ex ile reran. in which m•ent this ols•emeru shall terminateand all rights hereunder shall revert to Gran. tot. jr—ided that no abanrhourn-1 ;hall Mr dnrm,sl o, haw! occo-A by reason of Grantees failure to initially install its failites on the Rrght-of-iVay within any pav;,d of rime fr•.m the d.w hemnf. 7. Sursessan and Assigns. The rights and ubletalion.9 of th, panics Shalt inns:• Io the In•nefi! of and be binding upon their retpe Al'. 911rn—slier; and .1a.911pu. { R-1158 FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF, ,asln l>s KJ148 PUGET POWER F'{CI'a'r,ls>. 436791 REAL ESTATE DIVISION 235/75 PUGET POWER BLLG. BELLEVUE. WASHWGTON 99" -. -t AffENTION. WAYNE BRES.LER " S�