HomeMy WebLinkAbout70Said heretofore mentioned grantee, its successors or assigns, shall have the right, without prio- notice or proceeding at law, at such times as may be necessary to enter upon said above de.scribed property for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, repairing, altering or reconstructing said utility, or making any connections therewith, t.ithout incurring any legal ob119at'on-- or liability therefore, provided, that such construction, main- taining, repairing, altering or reconstruction of s!tch utility shall 5e aceornplished in such a manner that the pirtvate improvements existing in the right rights) -of -way shall not be disturbed or damaged, or in the eve -it they are disturbed or damaged, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were r- immediately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee. oThe Grantor shall fully use and enjoy the aforedescribed premises. Cp including the right to retain the right to use the surface of said right-of-way tv if such use does not interfere with installation and maintenance of the utility CDline. However, the grantor shall not erect buildings or structures ever, under 0 or across the right-of-way during the existence of such utility. co This easement, shall be a covenant rm Wing with the '.and and shall be bind- ing on the Grantor, his successors, heirs and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above propert!es and n at they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. VALLEY OFFICE 6 INDUSTRIAL PARK KNk t Qrmgrry known as Metro Industrial District) p Pau iad�ice President CORPORATE FORM: STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY Of King AM XXX SS On this 22nd day of Febt In Bo before me, the undersigned, a Notary Publ c rn an for the Cate o .Washin ttinn, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared Paul S. Chiado 3"Crrespectively, to me known to be the Vic e_frai Pd� nt._ — -- of Valley Office 6 Industria.ti Park the corporation that executed the fore- going nstrum•:n.t, an ac now a ge t e sail instruu nt to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corpporation, for the uses and purposes therein merr:ioned, and on oath stated that he authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is t e corporate seal of said corporation. WRNESS my hand and officiai certificate above written. seal hereto affixed the day and year in this i t,otary Pu tc i an forte Stetc of 91iin tQn residing at S2A±, e UE71-2b