HomeMy WebLinkAbout5O Co .D O t• 0 O GT Street Improvements (subgrade, asphalt surfacing, and concrete curb, gutter, sidewalk and street lighting) storm dralmge and water line on SW 19th Street from Lind Ave SW to Westerly entrance of VYZIS (Southgate Office Plaza) a distance of 650 feet with dac waterline etnu: oing onto Raymond Ave. SW. The above street improvements Include all appurtel, ances, and such installation to be made in full compliance wim .:--,,;icaDle coos and r,gulations of the "CITY." The "DEVELOPER' further covenants and warrants ghat all cxpcnses and claims In connection with the construction and Installation oC the aforesaid improvements, whether for Labor or materials or both have been or will be paid in full, all at the "DEVFLOPER'S' expense, and the `DEVELOPER' covenants and agrees to hold the "CITY' harmless from any liability in connection therewith. 2. See Exhibit "11" attached hereto for the legal description of the lands affected by this latecomer agreement, and see Exhibit "e' attached hereto for the map showing in outline the land affected by such additional charges per the terns of this agreement. The "Developer' further certifies that the tote( cost of said construction as hcrcinabovc sper-ificd is delineated on attached Exhibit'D'. The total amount of the cost of said Improvement shall be employed to determine the pro rota reimbursement to the 'DEVELOPER' by any owner of real estate who did not contribute to the original cost of such improvement, and who subsequently wishes to lap Into or hookup to or use said facilities, which tap or hookup shall include connections to laterals or branches connecting thereto, all subject to the laws and ordinances of the "CITY" and the provisions of this Agreement. TIIE NIETIIOD OF DETEMINING LATECOMER PAYM£YP SlIA11 6E AS FOLLOWS: Sum of one half the water line installation, plus roadway Improvement and storm drainage improvement differences between the cost of 650 feet of full roadway and 1010 feet of one-half road way improvements. bfcthodology wed to spread the cost over the benchting property per cost summary sheet labeled Exhibit'D". TTIE PRO RATA COST. dR PROPERTY 15 $48,469.00. IATGrnNEAY AGREEMENT •2 '/2 ;1'/N.ixN2AA11 Uhh