HomeMy WebLinkAbout52O ®A L71 9. No Qther .Amendments. Except as provided herein. the Loan Documents shall continue unmodified and remain in fill force and effect. 10. purpose and I flea�ovals. Approval of any matter in connection with the Loan by the Lender shall be for the sole pruposc of protecting the security and rights of the Lender. No uch approval shall result in a waiver of any default by the Borrower. in no event shall any approval of the Lender be a representation of any kind with regard to the matter being approved. 11. Disclosure to Ti le om an . Without notice to or the consent of the Borrower, the Lender may disclose to any title insurance company that insures any interest of the fender under the First Deed of Trust or the Second Deed of Trust (whether as primary insurer. coinsurer or reinsurer) any information, data or material in the Lenders possession relating to the Borrower (but not those of the members of Borrower), the Loan, or the Property. 12 Reimbursement pf Expenses. The Borrower agrees to reimburse the Lender for reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the Lender is connec on wnh this Agreement. including title insurance premiums, recording, filing and escrow charges. fees for appraisal. architectural and engineering review, construction services and environmental services, mortgage taxes, and reasonable legal fees and expenses of the Lenders counsel, provided, however, that Borrower shall not be required to pay Lender's secretarial or overhead expenses. I? Integration. Thr: Loan Documents, including this Agreement and the Unsecured Indemnity (a) integrate all the terms and canditions mentioned in or incidental to the Loan Documents and the Unsecured Indemnity; (b) supersede all oral negotiations and prior and other wri-ings with espect io their subject matter; and (c) are intended by the patties as the final expression of the agreement with respect ba the terms and conditions set forth in those documents and as the complelc and exclusive statement of the terms agreed to by the parties. If there is any conflict between the terns. conditions and provisions of this Agreement and those of any other agreement or instrument. mcluding any of the o0tier Loan Dxuments or the Unsecured Indemnity. the terns, conditions and provisions of this Agreement shall prevail 14. brae Ilaneou This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, and all counterparts shall constitute but one and the same document. If ary court of competent jurrsdictinn determines any provision of this Agreement or any of the other 19990029001139 occ "I o ozr ea-ze rti>9 rr�r wrr:ca .ins Ica » rw, carer..