HomeMy WebLinkAbout89 0 faith attempt to locate the 'DEVELOPER" be unable to do so, the latecomer's fee shall be placed In the Special Deposit Fund held by the •Cf1 V 1'or two years. At any time within the two year period the 'DEVELOPER' may receive the latecomer's fee, without interest, by applying to the •CIIY" fos that latecomer's fee. After the expiration of the two year period, all rights of the "DEVELOPER' to that fee shall expire, and the IMV shall be decmcd to be the owner of those funds. 10. When the TM" has received the funds for a iatccomces fee, it wW forwud that fcc to the 'DEVELOPER' within thirty (30) days of receipt of the funds. Funds received by negotiable instrument, such as a check, will be deemed received ten (10) days after delivery to the 'CITY". Should the •CITY' fag to forward the latecomcrs (cc to the "DEVELOPER' through the "CITY'S' sole negligence, then the •CITY" shall pay the •DEVELOPER' interest on those monies at the rate of interest specified in City Code Section 3.241 M- However, should the 'DEVELOPER' not keep the 'CITY" informed of Its curren'r, correct mailing address, or should the "DEVELOPER" otherwise be negligent and thus contribute to the failure of the "CITY• to pay over the latecomer's fee, then no interest shall accrue on late payment of the latecomer's fee. It. When authorized by the City Council, a latecomer's agreement can be extended for a period of up to five years. The extension will be granted upon written request for such extension made by the "DEVELOPER' prior to the expiration of the agreement. Tile latecomers agreement will expire at the end of the tar year period of item or, if extended, at the end of the extended period of time, but in no event shall tilt latecomers agreement be of more than 15 years in duration. 12. By instituting the latecomer's agreement tine °C11Y' does not agree to assume any responsibility to enforce the latecomer's agtrcment. The assessment roll will be a matter of public record and will serve as a notice to the owners of the potcntlal assessment should connection to the improvements be made. 1'he'DEVELOPER° has responsibility to monitor those parties connecting to the improvement. Should lhe'CIrP become aware of such a connection, it will use its best efforts to collect the latecomcrs fee, but shall not incur any liability should it inadvertently fail to collect the latecomer's fee. tAYF.CONERS nGREEN6'"rr. S 92-39" DOC/M111/M, e