HomeMy WebLinkAbout23any amounts owing under the Junior Note or the Junior Deed of Trust in such warmer and order of preference as Beneficiary in its sole discretion may determine; (d) to die payment of all amounts owing wuder the Junior Note and the Junior Deed of?rust in such trance, and order of preference as Beneficiary in its sole discretion may determine; arJ (e) the balance, if any, to the payment of the persons legally entitled thereto. Section 4.8 The purchaser at any foreclosure sale pursuant to Section 4,1 shall become the legal owner of the Mortgaged Property. All occupants of the Mortgaged Property shall, at the option of such purchaser, become tenants of the, purchaser at the foreclosure sale and shall deliver possession thereof immediately to the purchaser upon demand. It shall not be necessary for the purchaser at said sale to bring any action for possession of the Mortgaged Property other than the statutory action of forcible detainer in anyjttstice court having jurisdiction over the Mortgaged property. Secrnn 4.9 Addid! n Y v neeā€¢ and Diaburseme.Q t; S osft of laIlL4L"Mutt. (a) If any Event of Default exists, Beneficiary shall have the rigbt, but not the obligation, to cure such Event of Dcfault in the name and on bchalf of Grantor. All sums advanced and expenses incurred at any time by Beneficiary under this Section 4.9, or otherwise under this Deed of Trust or any of the other Loan Documents or applicable law, shall bear interest from the date drat such sum is advanced or expense incutrcd, to and including the date of reimbursement, computed at the Default Rate (as defined in the Loan Agreement), and all such sums, together with inttmst thereon, shall be secured by this Deed of Trust. (b) Grantor shall pay aB expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses) of or incidental to the perfection and enforcement of this Deed of Trust and the other Loan Documents, or the enforcement, compromise or settlement of tha Indebtedness or any claim under this Deed of Trust and the other loan Documents, and for the curing thereof, or for defending or asserting the rights and claims of Beneficiary in respect thereof, by litigation or otherwise. Section 4.16 Neither the enforcement of any of the remedies under this Article 4, the assignment of the Rents and Lewes under Article 5, the security interests under Article 6, nor any other remedies afforded to Beneficiary under the Loan Documents, at law or in equity shall cause Beneficiary or Trustee to be deemed or construed to be a mortgagee in possession of the Mortgaged E