HomeMy WebLinkAbout59EXHIBfP A•1 PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION VALLEY OFFICE PARK Office &Industrial Park - Recording No. B002269013, being a portion of Lot 4, City of Renton Short Plat No. 431 -79 (also known as Valley Subdivision No. 1), recorded under King County C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens vacated Blocks 24 ane 31 and vacated street adjoining Addition to the City of Division o . 1' according to the plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 74, in King County, Di EXCEPT that pnrtion thereof conveyed :o the City of Renton under King County Recording No. 8203150513, described as follows: n of the ine C 4 and the �tef rlineCoff L ndt he intersection of Avenue Southwest the ase conveyed toothe City ofrtRelnton fundersaid LKi g County ce Recording No. 771160930; said extension, 74.31 feet to curve, concave tot e 2 thence North 89°49'01' West, along _ Northwest, having a radius of 35 feet, and u h a central POINT gle BEGINNING; 60'43`, an arc length of c-� thence Northeasterly along said curve through c 54.27 feet to the Erst dine of said lot 4; 19.60 feet to a curve, concave to the o thence North 1'20'16' East along said East line, o Northwest, having a radius of 55 feet; 8°50'43", an arc length of thence Southwest along said curve, through a central angle of $ S 85.28 feet to the South line of said Lot 4; e, 19.F0 feet to the TRUE POINT OF thence South 69149'01' East along said Soutf� lin o BEGINNING. o in un a curve to the thence along said north margright having a radius of 11,380.00 test stance of 51.86 feet; through a central angle of 00° 15' 40'.31d northarclmargin 20 00feet to a point of curvature; thence north 08° 55, 12' west along a rng aaeslofg11,360.00 feetgt'hrough aucentral arnge'roft'0105'2'c35', antright arcdistance'of 372.03 feet; thence north 000 02' 16, west, a distance of 251.51 feet; thence north 61 ° 42' 59" east, a distance of 258.92 feet; thence south 891 44' 03" east, a distance ci 56,01 feet to the true point of beginning; TOGETHER WITH an easement roadway and parking purposes as recorded under King County Recording Number 8612311880.