HomeMy WebLinkAbout2x PLANT ADDITIONAL SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVER IN THIS AREA EXISTING SHRUBS, TO REMAIN NEW TODDLERS AND PRE-SCHOOLERS' PLAY AREA SEAT WALL CONCRETE STEPS EXISTING SHRUBS J.. TO REMAIN REMOVE EXISTING GROUNDCOVER EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN PLANT ADDITIONAL SHRUBS AND GROUNDCOVER IN THIS AREA .00 GRNAMENTAL GRAs.� AND BULBS TO BE . PLANTED EXISTING TREE - TO REMAIN 10 5 0 10 20 GRAPHICAL SCALE: 1" . 10' Plant Legend DEC DUQWS 1 o OP Ouercus polustris Pin Oak LJe. SHRUBS 1 1 /2" col. 20' O.C. BUD Buddle;o dov;d;; Common Butterfly Bush 2 gal. CAL Coll;corpo bodin;sr; Beauty Berry 2 gal. CDR Cornus stolorthro 'kelseyi' Dwarf Red-Tw;d Dogwood plug Q RIB R;bes songu;nsum glut;nosum Red Flowering Current I gol. EVERGREEN SHRUBS LAW Lovondulo ongustifol;o 'Munsteod' Fngl;sh Lovonder POL Polyst;Cum mun«turn Sword Fern SAR Sorcococco rusc;fol;o Sorcococco ® GROUNDCOVERS vie AND Viburnum onus VINES Lourustinus ARCT Arctostophylos uvo—urs; K;nn;k;nn;ck EUON Euonymous fortune; 106cons Common Winter Creeper • FRAG Froger;o 'Pink Pondo' Strawberry SM HELI Helionthemum nummulorium Sunrose (yellowy •nor;ety) m AND LONI HERBS Lon;cero jopon;co "HOlhono' Hall's Honeysuckle PERENNIALS ® CHIV Chives Chives 4 ECH Ech;noceo purpureo Purple Coneflower O ORIG Origonum morjorono Sweet Marjoram 0 ROSM Rosmor;nus ofiicinas 'Tuscan Blue' Rosemary Q RUD Rudbeck;o loc;n;oto 'Coldquelle Golden Glow 0 SALO Solv;o off;c;nolis Gorden Sage 0 SANT Sontol;no chomoecypor;ssus Lavender Cotton O ORNAMENTAL GRASSES THYM Thymus citr;oodorus 'Argenteus' Lemon Thyme TEST Festuco omethystino "Superbo' Blue Fescue d MISC M;sconthus s;nens;s "Gros;ello" Misconthus MISC M;sconthus s;nens;s "Graz;ells" M;sconthus i PENN Penn;sstum alopecur;o;des 'Homeln' Fountain Gross �C SEST Sesterio coeruleo Blue Moor Grass WC Norc;ssus tozetto 'Orientol;s' Daffodil TUU Tulipo botolini Tul;p Note: Plant tulip and daffodil bulbs in clumps amidst the ornamental grosses. 4" pot 1 gal. 1 gal. 1 gal. 4" pot 1 gal. 4" pot 4- pot 1 gal. 4" pot 1 gal. 4 " pot 1 gal. 1 gal. 4" pot 4" pat 4" pot 4" pot 1 gal. 1 gal. 1 gal. 4" pat bulb bulb 5' O.C. 4' O.C. 2' O.C. 4' O.C. 18" O.C. 3' O.C. 3' O.C. 3.5' O.C. 18" O.C. 6' O.C. 18" O.N. 18" O.C. 8' O.C. 12" O.C. 3' O.C. 1.5' O.C. 3' O.C. 2.5' O.C. 2' O.C. 2.5' O.C. 18' O.C. 12' O.C. 2' O.C. 2' O.C. 18" O.C. 18" O.C. A T FOUY PA&CUM INC aK�Wl•uiaM INfMa►M�+► �MIIRrNIlIMI nwwoft 010Aw 80 e,aftouMwou Wizards 6" OX of the Coast 6" O.0 Child Care Center TNWtt Impr0vone tc 1801 Lino Av~ SW Renton. Wal oan qW5' 8 Februrary, 2000 Envirc:nmental Review Site Plan Review Revhiorn ---------------- No. ------- ------ v1WSC0P41ENT PtgNNINC 017YofRENTON FEB 0 9 2000 Ll . 0 RECEIVED sk-- ov-0 I q IIIIIIIII'�I1-1I1�'I'III+'IIIII+IIfI�I'I'4IIIII�,III�flllll�'�+�'Ifl