HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRE21-000415_Pre-App_Meeting_Minutes_Staff_Review_Comments_220512_v1 MEETING NOTES MEETINGDATE/TIME/LOCATION December 16th, 2021 - 10:00 PM – 11:00 AM, MS Teams Conference Call PROJECT NAME 800 Garden Ave – Renton, WA PROJECT/FILE NO. 6042.00 MEETING NO & SUBJECT Pre-App Meeting – City of Renton ATTENDEES CC: Clark Close – Planner, City of Renton CT: Corey Thomas – Fire Prevention Reviewer, City of Renton NJ: Nathan Janders - Public Works Reviewer, City of Renton BW: Bryon Wolf – Bay West Development MG – Matt Gingery - Bay West Development IM: Ian S. Morrison – Land Use Attorney - McCullough Hill Leary AI: Archana Iyengar – Carrier Johnson Architecture PG – Paige George – Carrier Johnson Architecture CE – Claudia Escala – Carrier Johnson Architecture TE -Thaddeus Egging – KPFF – Civil Engineer Item No. Description/Comment Action/Information 1. 2. 3. General/Introductions a. Applicant team acknowledged receipt of the city issued memo on 12/16 just prior to the pre-app meeting. b. City reviewers highlighted key comments or changes from previous pre-app meeting and answered any questions from the team. c. Additional questions from the team can be addressed via email to the reviewers listed in the memo. Fire (CT) a. CT confirmed that fire loop around buildings (2 streets and fire access roadway on N & E) as shown in the proposal is acceptable; No additional fire apparatus/emergency vehicle access roadways will be required in the pedestrian zones in between buildings. b. Fire/Sprinkler riser room closer to Garden Ave N would be preferred; No specific distance requirement from the street but area should have direct access from exterior for FD. Lobby location acceptable for FD panels. c. Larger stretcher requirement for Renton - 40” W x 84”L which will require larger size elevator with wider 42” elevator door and lobby door. Typical 24” width for stretchers is not allowed. Water(NJ) a. NJ noted key differences in some comments - items 10 & 12. 800 Garden Ave - Renton, WA Pre- App Meeting Notes Page 2 of 5 6042.00 4. 5. 6. b. Item 10 requires compliance with city’s 2019 Water System Plan; it was noted that this should not have much impact to the actual systems. c. Item 12 - Fees listed in the memo per 2022 rates. Actual fees will be charged at the time of civil construction permit issuance. Sanitary Sewer (NJ) a. NJ noted key comments - items 8 & 9. b. Item 8 -Connection to existing 8” main sewer on Garden Ave N will require a capacity analysis.  TE asked what happens if the capacity is not adequate and if the city hires the engineer for this analysis.  NJ noted that 8” size continues on Garden for a long stretch. It would be more economical to connect to main on 8th or split flow between 8th and Garden Ave N. Applicant team would engage the engineer for the capacity analysis and work with the city through that process. Surface water (NJ) a. Item 4 – Project conveyance number noted in memo for on- site private conveyance systems. b. NJ noted that flow control facility will not be required as proposal will provide less impervious area compared to existing conditions. c. Water quality treatment will be required based on impervious area (fire access roads) shown in the proposal. d. NJ noted that there are easements. AI asked if any additional setbacks would be required from edge of easements. NJ noted that surface water & water easements fall within the ROW, so no setbacks within property line would be required. PSE easement at SW corner should be verified, but that would be in the plaza space with no potential impact to the building footprint. Surface water easement along Garden Ave N of 20 feet falls in the 23.5 feet dedication zone; No additional setback would be required from edge of easement, but applicant team should provide cross section to ensure that there is no additional surcharge/impact from the building foundation to the utility line; cross section to be provided to show proposed foundation in relation to the utility. Transportation (NJ) a. Garden Ave N –  Requires 23.5 feet dedication. Within that portion there will be a 6 increase to the paved roadway width 'will not' should be replaced with 'is likely not'. (although it seems unlikely that a facility is needed based on the proposal, the applicant will need to demonstrate that the proposal meets exemption criteria as part of the TIR.) not all easements (existing or future) are in the ROW. there are existing water easements on site and new ones will be required for new water mains that are installed. building setbacks from water are 10 feet from pipe centerline which is slightly larger than the 15 foot easement (centered over the pipe) that is required. stormwater on site will most likely be privately maintained and thus no easement is required therefore the building setbacks defined in chapter 4 of the RSWDM would not apply. (of note a declaration of covenant will be required which grants an easement but it is for access to the conveyance system features. however this is a different easement than the easements defined in chapter 4 and setbacks don't apply to the easement granted by a covenant.) 800 Garden Ave - Renton, WA Pre- App Meeting Notes Page 3 of 5 6042.00 7. – 2 feet clear zone at back of sidewalk versus 8 feet clear zone as proposed. This does not have any impact to the location of the dedication line (new property line) and building footprint.  BW asked if angular parking would be acceptable; NJ noted that parallel parking will be required. b. N 8th street -  23.5 feet dedication will be required versus 15.5 feet as shown due to the WSDOT plan for HOV connection to I-405. 30% design drawings (100% funded) provided by WSDOT to the city which requires the additional 8 feet increase in the ROW dedication. c. Water/sewer/storm fees due at civil permit issuance, but Transportation fees due at Building permit issuance. d. AI asked if curb-cuts shown are acceptable. NJ noted that Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) would be required for the curb- cuts, but the locations on Garden and 8th are conceptually acceptable. e. TE requested clarification on requirements for underground power lines; NJ noted that transmission lines are exempt – only LV and communication lines must be underground.  TE asked if additional clearance beyond OSHA min. 12 feet would be required from the power lines by the city; NJ noted that he is not aware of Renton having any additional clearance requirement from power lines.  NJ noted that that there have been some concerns in other areas with transmission lines being too low conflicting with street lighting. Transmission lines at the project site appear to be high, but this should be taken into consideration. f. PG asked if there were any restrictions for landscaping over the utility easements; NJ noted that there should no issue as there is existing landscaping already over the easement. Planning (CC) a. CC briefly described the project proposal and noted that the site is classified under the UC2 zoning, Urban design District C and Commercial Mixed Use designation.  Development includes 1223 units and 1749 parking spaces which are adequate per code.  Phase 1 to include demolition.  Adequate depth shown for pedestrian oriented spaces. b. CC noted that Phase 1 building is taller and height should be checked for compliance with FAA restrictions due to close proximity to the airport. -streets. 800 Garden Ave - Renton, WA Pre- App Meeting Notes Page 4 of 5 6042.00 c. AI noted the intent to use some of the commercial space initially as ‘resident co work space’. CC noted that 20% commercial is the target but there is flexibility to vary under the Planned Urban Development (PUD). Team to ensure that the residential amenity space meets the commercial space standards (ceiling height, ADA bathroom, plumbing line, grease trap/ventilation shaft) to allow change of use later. d. CC noted that the design should take into consideration factors such as sunlight, visibility for the plaza space between the buildings; potential to incorporate residential at grade, townhouse style units to enable more interaction.  AI asked if screening options for parking or treatment of blank walls would be acceptable since the proposal currently includes two levels of parking facing those areas;. CC noted these strategies would be allowed but design should address issues highlighted especially due to the east/west orientation of the plaza space. e. AI confirmed that net density for the development to be based on area of site excluding ROW dedications.Net density calculation will change due to the increase in ROW dedication along N 8th Street. f. 100% lot coverage confirmed since parking is provided within the buildings. g. 10 feet setback beyond dedication line would be preferred for screening along N 8th street where parking faces the street. Modifications or reductions would need to be approved by Chip Vincent. h. AI stated intent to use plaza at SW corner to compensate for zero setback for Phase 1 and 2 buildings. CC noted that design could increase sidewalk width into the clear zone (16 feet) and provide tree grates along Garden similar to the ‘Landmark’. No additional setback required. Garden Ave N is a pedestrian oriented street which allows flexibility through the PUD process. i. PUD allows for alternatives to be provided. j. Potential for additional dedication for light rail at N 10th Street. k. Mechanical equipment to be screened at grade or on roof top. l. 100 feet clear zone required for loading. m. CC noted that there is no specific ratio or % for guest parking; Tandem parking would be allowed if provided in excess of code required parking; can be reviewed through the Master site plan process. n. Balconies/ canopies would be allowed in setbacks. o. AI asked if balconies would be required for each unit to meet the private open space requirement since units are only located at upper levels. CC noted that PUD allows for through the land use process. (Chip is a part of the land use process.) the landing.This will be determined through the land use process. See setback comment in the pre-application meeting summary. light rail pedestrian access In approving a planned urban development, the City may modify any of the standards of chapter 4-2 RMC. Balconies/canopies may be allowed in setbacks if approved/modified under the PUD application. 800 Garden Ave - Renton, WA Pre- App Meeting Notes Page 5 of 5 6042.00 8. flexibility on this issue based trade-offs with common amenity space and access to residents. p. CC noted that trash storage to be outside of pedestrian areas but flexibility from trash storage code specific requirements would be allowed for such developments; AI stated current proposal shows internal trash storage rooms with collection along the fire access roads on the north and east side. Next steps a. Next steps - Electronic submittals - Master Site Plan Review / PUD/ SEPA – Type II Land use permits – concurrent reviews. a. SEPA checklist provided on the department of Ecology website. Public meeting would be required prior to submittal – developer driven virtual meeting, notification beyond 300 feet radius recommended to reach out to more people beyond just existing uses in immediate vicinity; Public signage on site; Applicant team to submit documents to CC for screening prior to intake. b. BW asked about Site plan review; CC noted that site plan review not required due to PUD review process. c. Lot subdivision subsequent to Final PUD followed by Binding Site plan review. d. Development agreement to be coordinated with city for appropriate phasing and vesting timelines. BW requested pre- app to be open for dialogue to further coordinate with the city on this issue based on timing of construction for this development and potentially avoid the need for development agreement if possible. e. BW asked about required extent of design development for the MSP review; CC recommended design to be developed as much as possible although flexibility is allowed for further development and resolution until the BP submittal. f. AI noted that applicant team will reach out with any additional questions via email. PREPARED BY: Archana Iyengar DATE: Dec 16th, 2021 following notes document our understanding of items discussed during the above referenced meeting. Should you have different or additional recollections, please so advise Archana Iyengar of Carrier Johnson in writing within three (3) working days. Carrier Johnson will proceed with work based on the following notes unless notice to the contrary is received in this office. Project Contacts List Name Company Email Phone Bryon Wolf (BW) Bay West Development bwolf@baywestdevelopment.com Archana Iyengar (AI) Carrier Johnson + Culture asi@carrierjohnson.com Clark Close (CC) City of Renton Planning CClose@Rentonwa.gov preliminary PUD - Type III land use permit