HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-02-004 � � From: David Christensen To: Walton, Bonnie Date: 1/8/04 9:38AM Subject: Re:Williams Sewer Connect Hi Bonnie: For Mr.Williams request the answer is easy. His parcels fall under condition (e) of 4-6-040, which does not require the agreement since it is not in our PAA. As far as Mr. Holmes goes, no we have not had him sign such an agreement, primarily because this slipped through the cracks and because we have not yet made up the form. We have not finaled his project yet,so we will try and slip this in as a condition of final. Thanks for the heads-up! Dave C. »> Bonnie Walton 01/08/04 09:16AM »> I have another one to ask about: In January 2003 a request for sewer service for 3 lots outside City limits was approved by Council for Roderick Williams, 11919 Renton Ave. S., Seattle,WA 98178. I am not seeing in our records that an agreement was ever executed with him or recorded with King Co. for this. Would you happen to know the status of this? Thank you. Bonnie Walton City Clerk, x6502 k .�anuary 27,2003 � Renton City Council Minutes � Page 39 Renton's Potential Annexation Area;the City's cable channel 21;property taxes;and the Renton Community Marketing Campaign. In addition,she reported that several items pertaining to the way Council interacts with staff were also refened to the upcoming CounciUstaff retreat. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending that City Finance:Finance Analyst II Council approve filling the regular Finance Analyst II position at Grade 13, Hire at Step D Step D,with the incumbent limited term Finance Analyst II,Dawna Truman. MOVED BY PARKER,SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE CONIlviI7"TEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Claim Vouchers 211612-211979 and two wire transfers totaling $2,730,112.30;and approval of Payroll Vouchers 42342-42560,one wire transfer and 558 direct deposits totaling$1,787,051.45. MOVED BY PARKER,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Committee regazding the S. Grady Way westbound concrete approach to Rainier Ave. The Transportation: S�rady westbound approach of S. Grady Way to the intersection of Rainier Ave.has Way/Rainier Ave S Pavement experience serious rutting and shoving of asphalt out of the wheel paths onto Rehab Design,Entranco the adjacent C-curb and sidewalk. As an interim fix,to keep the approach safe and open to the traveling public,and to allow time to design and construct the permanent solution,this intersection was overlaid as part of the 2002 Overlay project. The permanent solution is to construct the final,approximately 550 � feet of the westbound approach of S.Grady Way to Rainier Ave.with concrete. Council previously approved the 2003-2008 Transportation Improvement Program(TIP),which budgeted$620,000 for the design and construction of this project. The consultant agreement between the City and Entranco,Inc.is in the amount of$53,504.46 which,when executed,will allow the design of , this project to commence. Construction ad is expected in Apri12003. The Committee recommended that Council accept the S. Grady Way Westbound Concrete Approach to Rainier Ave.project,and authorize the Mavor and City Clerk to execute the agreement with Entranco,Inc.,in the amount of$53,504.46. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCII.CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* . In response to Councilman Pazker's inquiry regarding the construction schedule, Councilman Persson reported that construction of the project will begin in April and should be completed by this summer. *MOTION CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report regazding the request by `t7iiifty�'Sewer onnection Roderick Williams for sewer connection to his properties located outside the Request for Property Outside City limits. The Committee recommended concurrence in the recommendation City Limits,Williams of staff that Section 4-6-040C of City Code be amended to allow owners of multiple existing legal lots to connect to the City's sewer system,if so authorized by the Renton City Council. The proposed amendment affects only � r > those portions of the City's sewer service area and those portions within its � adopted Special Assessment District(SAD)boundaries that lie outside of the City's Potential Annexation Area(PAA). Existing legal lots lying within both the City's PAA and within the City's sewer service area shall still adhere to existing Code Section 4-6-040C.1.d regarding provision of service. • � � � Ja:luary 27,2003 Renton City Council Minutes Page 40 The Committee also recommended that the ordinance regarding the proposed amendment be presented for first reading upon its introduction. Upon passage of the ordinance,the Committee further recommended approval for sewer connection outside the City lunits by Mr.Williams,to connect three existing lots that are within the City's existing SAD boundary for 80th Ave. S.,but outside of its PAA.* In response to Mayor Tanner's question whether the West Hill azea water and sewer district's(Skyway Water and Sewer District)plans to extend its sewer service area to encompass the subject properties has been completed, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman reported that the district has agreed to extend its service;however,the City has not yet received a formal agreement. In response to Councilman Pazker's inquiry as to what current City Code allows,Mr. Zimmerman stated it allows sewer service connection outside the City limits to a preeacisting single-family lot,and the proposed amendment allows connection to multiple existing lots. *MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN Tf-�COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Apollo Lift Station, Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report regarding the transfer of Transfer of Qwnership to City ownership of the Apollo Lift Station. The Committee concuned in the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department that Council approve the resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement for the transfer of sewer facilities,which allows for the transfer of the Apollo Lift Station,to Renton. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 42 for resolution.) Plannin� &Develonment Planning and Development Committee Vice Chair Clawson presented a report ,_ Committee regarding big-box retail use in the Center Office Residential(COR)3 Zone. Planning: Center Office The Committee met on January 16th to review the proposed zoning text Residential 3 Zone,Big-Box amendment to add big-box retail use to the COR 3 Zone. The Committee Retail recommended adoption of the Planning Commission recommendation adding this use, subject to Note#71, "Big-box retail to be permitted in the COR 3 Zone,east of Gazden Ave.N.and north of N. 8th St." The Committee further recommended that a public hearing regarding this matter be set on February 10, 2003. The Committee also raised the issue of how wireless communication facilities are permitted in the COR 3 Zone,noting that future mapping of this zone in azeas within the Employment Area-Transition Comprehensive Plan designation could lead to development with both residential and commercial activity, including wireless communication. The Committee concurred that this issue requires additional review and recommended that it be referred to the Title N (Development Regulations)docket amendment process for analysis of how wireless facilities are treated in all mixed use zones. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Downtown Core Planning and Development Committee Vice Chair Clawson presented a report Off-Street Parking regarding the Downtown Core off-street parking requirements. The Committee Requirements met to review the ordinance changes for the current parking-exempt Downtown . ` ' �„�,,, � � A����1l���Y � UTILITIES COMMITTEE �C6����J�ICIL COMMITTEE REPORT ��te i-.27 02003 January 27,2003 WILLIAMS REQUEST FOR SEWER CONNECTION OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS (Referred November 18,2002) The Utilities Committee recommends concurrence in staff's recommendation that Section 4-6-040C of City Code be amended to allow owners of multiple existing legal lots to connect to the City's sewer system, if so authorized by the Renton City Council. The proposed amendment affects only those portions of the City's sewer service area and those portions within its adopted Special Assessment Di�tr�ict boundaries that lie outside of the City's � . Potential Annexation Area. Exi�tii�g,�leg,al� lots ��ly��g within both the City's Potential Annexation Area and within th� �ity�s�,sewe� service a.�ea�shall still adhere to existing Code � � Section 4-6-040C(1)d�regard�ng�i�ovisi�� of s��;rvice. �� � � The Committee also recozrimend's that the ordinance regaxdr�ig t�� proposed amendment be presented for first reading`upo�ifs�introc�uc�c��. Upon passage of the o�dinance; th� ��9mmitt�e futther recommends approval for sewer connection outside the City .T'imxts �y'1'1�r„'�i����xi�, to conn��t ttuee existing lots that are within the City's existin� Special Asse�s�i�nt D�strict Boundary fai� 80`� Avenue South, but outside of its Potential Annexatiori Are�.` __' , andy Corman, Chair Terri Briere,Vice Chair ���— � Dan Clawson, Member cc: Lys Homsby Dave Christensen WilliamsSewrConn.rpt\ rev01/02 bh �" " November 18,2002 � Renton City Council Minutes w� Page 440 85-011,Addendum 5);Lane Hangar Condo(LAG-99-003,Addendum 1); and NW Seaplanes,Inc. (LAG-91-005,Addendum 7). Council concur. Utility: Public Works Fees Utility Systems Division submitted proposed increases to eleven public works fees pertaining to water meter installation,sewer and storm water construction pernuts,and release of easements. Refer to Utilities Committee. Utility: Kennydale Sewer Infill Wastewater Utility Division recommended authorization to transfer$�00,000 Project,Fund Transfer from Wastewater accounts to the Sanitary Sewer Main Extension Account No. 45000 to cover unanticipated costs as part of the Kennydale Sewer Infill Phase I project. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY NELSON,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Conespondence was read from Roderick Williams, 11919 Renton Ave. S., _. C' ' en Comment: Williams— Seattle,98178,requesting connection to City sewer service for three parcels Sewer Connection Request for located outside the City limits in the vicinity of 80th Ave. S.and S. 130th St. Property Outside City Limits MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCII, REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMTTTEE. CARRIED. Added Petition submitted by Steven A.Beck,4735 NE 4th St.,Renton,98059, Citizen Comment: Beck- requesting the City authorize and arrange an annexation election for the Bales _ Bales Annexation,SE 128th St Annexation; 8.5 acres along the eastern limits of the City at SE 128th St. and 155th Ave. SE,if extended. The petition is signed by Irvin Leifer, 15325 SE 128th St.,Renton,98059,one of four residents residing within the proposed annexation area. MOVED BY PARKER,SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THIS PETITION TO THE ADMIlVISTRATION. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Beck-Falk Petition submitted by Steven A.Beck,4735 NE 4th St.,Renton, 98059, Annexation,S 47th St requesting the City authorize and arrange an annexation election for the Falk Annexation; 6.43 acres abutting the southwest corner of the intersection of S. � 47th St.,in Renton,and 102nd Ave. SE,in King County. The petition is signed by Janet L.Abubakar, 18415 102nd Ave. SE,Renton,98055,one of two residents residing within the proposed annexation area. MOVED BY PARKER,SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL REFER THIS PETTTION TO THE ADMIIVISTRATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Comrnittee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Planning &Development report regarding the proposed Urban Center Design Overlay Regulations City Committee Code amendments. The Committee reviewed the matter and associated issue Planning: Urban Center paper on November 7,2002. The Committee recommended that a public Design Overlay Regulations, hearing be set on December 2,2002,to consider the matter, and an ordinance Application to Small Multi- be drafted for consideration at that time. MOVED BY KEOLKER- Family Projects WHEELER,SECONDED BY PARKER,COiJNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report regarding the aquifer Utility: Aquifer Protection protection City Code amendments. The Committee recommended that a public Code Amendments hearing be set on December 2,2002, to consider the proposed amendments to the City's aquifer protection regulations. MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. �� ' �1/ /��2�2 � �:-�-� November 8,2002 C/n,� AENTON N0� �??0 �:� AE �? Honorable Ma.jor Jesse Tanmer and �V C�FR�S�p Members of Renton City Council d K �FF/CE 1055 S. Grady Way Rentoq WA 98055 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SA1�tITARY SEWER SERVICE Dear Mayor Tanner and Councilmembers: I own three vacant parcels in King County that I would like to build houses on. I plan to consttuct one house�each lot. These lots are in the City of Renton's sewer service area and adjacent to ihe City's sanitary sewers that were installed as part of the 80th Avenue Sauth Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. The lots are also within the Special Assessment District created for the City's project. I am requesting tbe City's approval to connect these three lots to the City sewer. The parcel nwnbers for these lots are 214480-0181,ZI4480-0080 and 214480-0186. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, � ��%�=�.--- Roderick Williams 11919 Renton Ave. S. Seattle,WA 98178 206-772-1971