HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-03-001 � _Apri121,2003 � Renton City Council Minutes � Page 146 1. The neighborhood group has sufficient "sweat equity" to cover the additional amount; 2. The request is made in writing or by e-mail and approved by staff prior to expenditure of the additional amount; 3. The need for additional funding results from unforeseen circumstances related to a change in materials or expertise not anticipated during the original approval process; and 4. The additional expenditures are needed to implement the project as approved by Council. • Present the contingency fund request to council each time a group of grants is proposed for funding approval. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending TJtility: Sewer Servi ce concurrence in the recommendation of staff that Council approve the request of Connection Request for Robert F. and Sheila Carter for connection of sanitary sewer service outside the Property Outside City Limits Renton City limits for one new single-family home on an existing platted (Robert F Carter) single-family lot consistent with the requirements of Section 4-6-040.0 of Renton Municipal Code. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility:Water System Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Vulnerability Assessment, concurrence in the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works ABS Consulting Department that Council authorize the Mayor and Ci , Clerk to execute a consultant contract with ABS Consulting in the amount of$87,500 to perform a wlnerability assessment of the City of Renton's drinking water system. he Committee further recommended that Council approve the transfer of � $50,000 from the Water Utility's Reservoir Recoating project to the Emergency esponse Plan Update project to cover the consultant contract and staffs contract administration costs. The transfer will not increase the total appropriation of the Water Utility 2003 Capital Improvement Project budget. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCII.CONCUR IN THE CONIMTTTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Central Plateau Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Interceptor/Elliot Bridge 3166 concurrence in the recommendation of staff that Council authorize the Mayor Replacement,King County and City Clerk to execute the interlocal agreement with King County for the City's inclusion of the Central Plateau Interceptor work as part of King County's Elliott Bridge#3166 Replacement project. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regazding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 148 for , resolution.) Transnortallon(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Comrnittee regarding The Boeing Company Lease Addendum#20. The Bceing Company Airport: Bceing Lease leases 1,032,738 square feet of ground area at the Renton Airport,including Addendum#20,Fund Transfer several buildings and a new, unused restroom facility located within the City's to Purchase Restrooms,LAG- tie-down area. Bceing's lease,LAG-65-877,requires an adjustment of the 65-877 property lease rates every five years for the next five-year period. In 2000,City � � �:��� � �P� • �•�-:� .,���_.� .. �;,���� � �����L Dat� `� 2� �°03 � UTILITIES CONIlVIITTEE COn'IlVIITTEE REPORT Apri121,2003 CARTER REQUEST FOR SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE RENTON CITY LIlVIITS (Referred March 24, 2003) The Utilities Committee recommends conc,urrence.in Staffls recommendation that Council approve the.Carters' request for cot�n�ction of sanitary sewer service outside the Renton City Limits for one new single-family home"on an existing piatted single-family lot consistent with the requirements of Section 4-6=Q40C of Renton Municipal�ode. dy Corman, Chair Terri Brier ice Chair Dan lawson, Member ��: Lys xo�by Dave Christensen I:\COMMITTE�Reports\Utilities\CarterSewRq.rpt.doc�DMC:If � „ ,; �' CIT��F RENTON �.u. City Clerk Jesse Tanner,Mayor Bonnie I.Walton Apri123, 2003 Robert F. Carter 4515 NE 26`�Ct. Renton, WA 98059 Re: Sewer Hookup Request Dear Mr. Carter: At the regular Council meeting on Apr�l 21, 20U3, the City Council concurred with the recommendation of the Utilities Com�rn�ttee`to ap�SrQvelyour request for connection of sanitary sewer service outside th�Renton Gity limits for one new single family home on an existing platted single-famfl�lot cansiste�t with the requirernents of Section 4-6-040C of the Renton Municipal Code. If I can provide additional information or assistance;please feel F'r,ee to contact me. Sincerely, � �o-�:.�- C�Q�t►�� ; � Bonnie I.Walton City Clerk _ cc: Mayor Jesse Tanner Council President Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Lys Hornsby, Utility Systerns Director Dave Christensen,Utility Engineering Supervisor : 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055-(425)430-6510/FAX(425)430-6516 R E N T O N �This paper contains 509;recycled materiaf,30 h post consumer A H E A D O F 'I H E C U AV E � . * March 24,2003 � Renton City Council Minutes � Page 113 MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL APPROVE ITEM 7.a. AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Separate Consideration City Clerk reported bid opening on 3/12/2003 for CAG-03-005,Pavilion Item 7.b. Building Renovation; ten bids;engineer's estimate$1,800,000; and submitted CAG: 03-005, Pavilion staff recommendation to award the contract to low bidder,Edifice Construction Building Renovation,Edifice Company, Inc.,in the amount of$2,184,890.47. Refer to ' Const Co Committee of the Whole for discussion of funding and bid protests. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-VVHEELER,COUNCII� REFER ITEM 7.b.TO COMNIlTTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from Robert F. Carter,4515 NE 26th Ct.,Renton,98059, Citizen Comment: Carter— requesting connection to the sanitary sewer on NE 23rd St.in the Summerwind Sewer Service Connection development for his property located outside the City limits, north of Request for Property Outside Summerwind in Newcastle Terrace,Lot#5. MOVED BY BRIERE, City Limits SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Added Council President Keolker-Wheeler reported receipt of a letter from Vision Citizen Comment:Camerer— House Executive Director Susan M. Camerer,PO Box 2951,Renton,98056, Building Permit Fee Waiver requesting the waiver of building permit and development fees for the Vision for Vision House Children's House Children's Village,and in exchange,Vision House will offer Village scholarships to low income Renton families in need of childcare assistance. MOVED BY KEOLKER-VVI�ELER,SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO COMMiJNITY SERVICES COMMTTTEE AND COMMTTTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Vice Chair Briere presented a report regarding the Utilities Committee agreement to update the City's digital orthophotography. The Committee Technical Services: Digital recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council authorize Orthopho�ography Update, the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a sole source consulting agreement with Walker&Associates Walker&Associates,Inc.for aerial photogrammetric services in the amount of $49,858.75. MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COLJNCII, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance:Vouchers Claim Vouchers 213231 -213713 and two wire transfers totaling $2,985,625.36; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 43257-43497,one wire transfer and 565 direct deposits totaling$1,740,520.66. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMTI'TEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transaortation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Committee regarding the design contract for the Strander Blvd. extension. The Strander Transportation: Strander Blvd Blvd.extension project,from West Valley Hwy(SR-181)to East Valley Rd.,is Extension Design,Perteet an important east-west trans-south valley connection project tazgeted at Engineering improving access and mobility for the traveling public,freight,and businesses. When constructed,it will provide access to the development at the Bceing Longacres site,Tukwila Transit Center, and provide a grade separated crossing at the Union Pacific Raikoad and Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad tracks. The contract is for 30%design,covering the Corridor Environmental Impact Statement(EIS),base-mapping,road section, and project phasing. Supplements to this original agreement will be added to cover the final design of each project phase, of which there are expected to be at least three. The , �!�?�'-e �/�y/��U:� �` � � �v 1��.�� c��a�R�t�r� , � ��erc ��R �. 9 2�03 19-March-2003 RECE6VEE� GR?'��t��RK`�QFFI�E City of Renton Attn: O�ce of the Mayor and City Council Re: Sewer Hookup Sir: The purpose of this Ietter is to ask permission to connect to the sanitary sewer on NE 23ra St. in the Summerwind development. We.purchased a vacant lot north of Summerwind, in Newcastle Terrace, last fall. Our intention for the lot is to build a single family home for us to occupy and would like to connect to the sewer in accordance with City of Renton code 4-6-040C. Our property is just outside the Renton city limits and is inside the Urban Growth Area. If you have any questions regarding this project,I would be more than happy to discuss it with you or other members of the City of Renton staff. Thank you. ���fi', Bob& Sheila Carter � 4515 NE 26�'CT. Renton, WA 98059 . � 206-544-0662 (day) 425-255-9705 (eve) 425-736-0842 (Bob cell) bandscarter(a�,attbi.com Ref: Lot#5,Newcastle Terrace; KC tax ID 6061400050 C C : �j re9 9 Z�rn m e r man f �/f3�P4�/ . , �c�� Chrts�-en�e,n� U-hi��ies �ivrs��, r ` „ �.; � CIT� �F RENTON � City Clerk Jesse Tanner,Mayor Bonnie I.Walton March 25, 2003 Robert F. Carter 4515 NE 26`�Ct. Renton, WA 98059 Re: Sewer Hookup Dear Mr. Carter: At the regular Council meeting on March 24,2003, the City Council referred your letter requesdng sanitary sewer connection:t�the Utilities.�ommittee for review and recommend�tion. You will be nd�ified of the time and date of the committee meeting by ,:.. the Council secretary when this-itetn is ss��dulec�.:;- ' _ - _ _� -. ; _ If I can provide additional information or assistance, ptea�e�eEl`free to contact me. Sincerely, - 1���7`�I't(.G�� �G��c<�'�� Bonnie I. Walton ~ City Clerk cc: Mayor 7esse Tanner Council President Kathy Keolker-V�heeier Gregg Zimmerman,PBPW Administrator 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055-(425)430-6510/FAX(425)430-6516 R E N T � N �This paper contains 50%recyded materia�,30%post consumer A H E A D O F T H E C U R V E