HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-04-003 � �: . ,�, C�T�c�F �El\TTO1� � City C�erk KaWy Keollcer-Whcelcr,Mayor . �oII11ie I.WaltOp . - June 23,2004 : lV:�ort�s and Vema Le�ack , � 1,38�;5 154th Ave.,.SE . Renton;WA �8059 . : R.e: Sewer Conneetiot�R+equest;�'ile No. IJC 04-403 bear Mr::and Mrs:Le�ack: . Atthe regular Gouncil me�t�ng:d�.Jun��21,2004,ti��lZen�on��ity Council concurxed in - ' . the recQmriiendation of:tY��Utilitaes��ommitt�e to approv�your��;qi�e$t for conn�ctibn�o, : Rentbn's sewer far one e�c�s���s�gle-�ami�y,ho�e�t l"38IS 1�4�Avenue 5E,parcel. No. 1463A�0-0016: E�e�:ut�on of a cov:ena�.t`to anne��locurri��t a�i�ari agreement that all X � deye�opment on`�he par�ae�is�ri:e��p3���C�;��;�;��tan zon��g a�`�t�cie�elopm�rit - 'stand�rds is required A'copy o�thE.corn�itte�r�port is enclos�d; ` _ � .: . . . ... .r+.`:�.-.-� .. . �. �.� � . . - If I can provide fuzther iri�prm�t�on,;p�ease feei free to co�rttae��me, ' . r :., :. . : Sincerely_; _� : : _ ���2�`�'L:R�IV►`! � . . .. `Michele 1�Teumanri : ` . . ; Deputy.Gity Clerk � . 4 cc: 1VI��ot'I�ath�!Keolke�Wheeler ._ � _ , Coun�il'�resident I�o�Perssdn . , � Ly�Hornsby,Utility Systems Director Dave Christensen,Ufility$ngineeririg Si�peivisbr � : Ronda Bryant, 15406 SE 136th St. , Renton; 98059 _ � l O55 South Grady Way-Rentcsn,Washington 98U55-(425)4�0-6510/FA7�(425)430-6516 R E N 1 O N �This paper coMalns 50%recyc9ed mate�ial.30%post consumer A H E A D O F T H E C U R V E. • � � From: David Christensen To: Neumann, Michele Date: 6/25/2004 3:32:33 PM Subject: Fwd: New Party of Record Hi Michele, Just wanted to be sure that you sent copies of the correspondence from the Fattore/Levack Sewer connection to the attached party of record request. Thanks, Dave C. . � � From: Julia Medzegian To: Bonnie Walton Date: 6/1 4/2004 1 1:02:27 AM Subject: New Party of Record Bonnie, I had a call from a woman who would like to be listed as a Party of Record for the following issues: 1 - Lavack Request for Sewer Connections 2 - Fattore Request for Sewer Connections Her information is as follows: Ronda Bryant 15406 SE 136th St. Renton, WA 98059 Julia Medzegian Renton City Council Liaison 425-430-6555 CC: David Christensen �; .,,� CIT�OF RENTON Jt City Clerk KaWy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Bonnie I.Walton June 23, 2004 Morris and Verna I.evack 13815 154th Ave. SE Renton, WA 9`8059 Re: Sewer Connection Request; File IVo. UG04-003 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Levack: At the regular Gouncil meeting of June 21, 2004, the Rentan City Council concurred in the recommendation of the Utilities Committee to approve�our request for connection to Renton's sewer for one existing single-farnily home at 13815 154th Avenue SE, parcel No. 146340-0016. Execution of a covenant to annex docurrient and an agreement that all development on the parcel is in compliance with Renton zoning and development standards is required. A copy of the committee report is enclosed. If T can provide further information�please feel free to contaet me. Sincerely, _ . `��na2�'l�� Michele Neumann Deputy City Clerk cc: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Council PresidentDon Persson Lys Hornsby,Utility Systems Director Dave Christensen, LTfility Engineering Supervisor _J— 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055-(425)430-6510/FAX(425)430-6516 R E N T O N . �This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer � A H E A D O F T H E C U R V E June 21,2004 � Renton City Council Minutes � Page 212 r . with the City's priorities in supporting infrastructure improvements for economic development projects in the Downtown and Highlands areas. First Savings Bank may request additional funding through City Council if 50% of the bank's final cost for the waterline exceeds the City's contribution of $50,000 plus the City's cost for the asphalt overlay of one-half the street. The Committee also recommended that Council authorize the funding of $50,000 to come from the Water Utility's 2004 Capital Improvement Project budget contingency fund for the Downtown Core Rehabilitation,account no. 421.500.18.5960.34.65.055290. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Oversizing Request for Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the request by Compensation,Earlington Lakeridge Development for approval of required oversizing and extra depth Ridge,Lakeridge Development compensation for the installation of sanitary sewer mains associated with its Earlington Ridge development,located near Stevens Ave. SW and S. 134th St. The Committee concurred in the recommendation of the PlanningBuilding/Public Works Department that Council approve the request by Lakeridge Development for oversizing and extra depth,in accordance with City Code 4-6-010.C, in an amount not to exceed$143,616. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCII.CONCUR IN THE COMMTTTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Sewer Service Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report concuning with the Connection Request, 154th recommendation of the PlanningBuilding/Public Works Department that Ave SE,Levack Council approve the Morris and Verna Levack request for connection to sewer ���,��� service of one existing single-family home on an existing platted single-family �i' lot,located at 13815 154th Ave. SE,King County Parcel No. 146340-0016. The Committee further recommended that the applicants execute a covenant to annex document and an agreement that all development on the parcel is in compliance with Renton zoning and development standards. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMTTTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Sewer Service Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report concurring with the Connection Request, 154th recommendation of the PlanningBuilding/Public Works Department that Ave SE,Fattore Council approve the Robert Fattore request for connection to sewer service of one existing single-family home on an existing platted single-family lot,located at 138XX 154th Ave. SE, King County Parcel No. 146340-0017. The Committee further recommended that the applicant execute a covenant to annex document and an agreement that all development on the parcel is in compliance with Renton zoning and development standards. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMTTTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following ordinances were presented for first reading and refened to the ORDINANCES Council meeting of 6/28/2004 for second and final reading: Planning: Downtown Core An ordinance was read amending Section 4-4-080 of Chapter 4,Citywide Off-Street Parking Property Development Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations)of Requirements City Code by creating parking standards for development in the downtown ���������� ����' � �'` �� ������it� r � D�t� ?�i 240 � UTILITIES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT June 21,2004 Request for Sewer Service Outside Renton City Limits Morris and Verna Levack, 13815 154th AV SE,KC PID NO 146344-0016 (Referred June 14, 2004) The Utilities Committee concurs with the PlanningBuilding/Public Works Department recommendation that Council approve the Levack request for connection of one existing single-family home on an existing platted single-farnily lot. The"Committee �urther recommends that the applicants execute a covenant to annex document and an agreemerit that all deve3opment on the parcel is in compliance with Renton zoning and development standards. � � Marcie Palmer, Member Toni Nelson, Substitute ember cc: Lys Homsby Dave Christensen 1:\COMMITTEE1Reports\Util ities�2004\Sewer-LevackReq:doc�DMCtp rev01/04 bh $►,; ,�. .;�,, CIT��OF RENTON � City Clerk KaWy Keolker-Wheeler,Mayor Bonnie I.Walton June 8, 2004 Morris and Verna Levack 13$15 154`h Ave. SE Renton, WA 98059 � Re: Sewer Connection Request; File No. UC-04-003 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Levack: At the regular Council meeting of June 8, 2004, the Renton City Council referred your letter as referenced to the Utilities Committee for review and recomrnendation, The Committee is schecduled to meet on this issue on Thursday,June 17,�004, at 3:00p.m.in . the Council Conference Room, 7`�'floor of City Hall. The meeting is open to the public. The Committee will make a recommendation to the full Council at a subsequent Council meeting. ` If I can provide further information, please feel free to contact me: Sincerely, _ 1Q�B?�'�y�(,Le�' (.vG���.�4-�' Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk cc: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Councii President Don Persson Dave Christensen, Utility Engineering Supervisor �— 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055-(425)430-6510/FAX(425)430-G516 R E N T O N �This paper contains 50%recyGed material,30%post co�sumer A H E A D O F T H E C U R V E . u �- o�lf �� � f ; . � . � �-��a� ��n�� ������ v�1�� � � ���� CITY OF RENTON �,�u���>��:r� PLAl�TNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS �`�"�'`�:l`�`���`, �k��;�� MEMORANDUM DATE: June 10, 2004 TO: Dan Clawson, Chair Members of the Utilities Committee VIA: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler��""' � FROM: Gregg Zimmerma�Administrator � STAFF CONTACT: Dave Christensen, x-7212 SUBJECT: Request for Sewer Service Outside Renton City Limits Morris and Verna Levack, 13815 154"' AV SE Robert Fattore, 138XX 154`b AV SE KC PID NO 146340-0016 and 146340-0017 ISSUE: Robert Fattore has requested permission to connect a new single-family home on an existing platted lot. Morris and Verna Levack have requested to connect an existing single-family home on septic to the City sewer. Both properties lie just outside of Renton's current City Limits: This request is in accordance with City Code Section 4-6-040C, Sewer Outside the City. RECOMMENDATION: • The PlanningBuilding/Public Works Department recommends that Council approve the Fattore request for connection of sanitary sewer service for one new single-family home on an existing platted single-family lot and the Levacks' request for connection of one existing single-family home on an existing platted single-family lot. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: In June of 2002, the Renton City Council passed Ordinance 4969, which restricts the ability to connect properties outside of Renton's City Limits. Ordinance 4981, adopted in August 2002 provides a narrow exception to allow an existing lot to connect either an existing home or one new home upon that lot. � � � ,. � ;. June 10, 2004 Page 2 Council received the requests for connection from Mr. Fattore and the Levacks on June 1, 2004, the requests were presented to Council on June 7, 2004, and referred to Utilities Committee, which is in accordance with those ordinances and current City Code Section 4-6-040C, Sewer Outside the City. The code requires that the applicant submit a request for approval to the City Council and the code authorizes the Council to accept the request if the applicant is connecting one single-family home, whether existing or new, on an existing legal lot and that the applicant be required to execute an agreement to follow City of Renton zoning and development standards as well as a covenant to annex form. The Levacks and Mr. Fattore have already submitted sewer availability certificates to the City and they are ready to go pending Council determination on approval of their request. These individuals are currently neighbors and are anticipating working together on possible connection of the two lots requested. They will look to connect to the City's existing system constructed as part of the Highlands Estate Plat (see attached vicinity map for the location of the lots). CONCLU5ION: The letters submitted by the Levacks and Mr. Fattore, and their requests for connection, meet the code requirement for approval by the Renton City Council. As such, staff recommends that Council grant such approvaI. Attachment H:\File Sys\W�`P-WasteWater\W WP-03-0000 Cortespondence-Wastewater\davec4Sewer_Avaii_Fattore_Issue.doc�DMC\tb - i� :� -- i - - ' ��.� . i . - � A� ..t 'w � �i L • i� , , � . . �' .� � � �� • , , � �� .� _! _ �L�".��1���� I -I J, r - : ir�� � j ��%��*�� �''� � � ! - � `.i t _ � i � '� �'' � � ; i � � �1 '� �i '; r ; ,_� . , . < <.--_- �J � _ � I = i •✓ - -- - . ., ,. ;---______ - � ,� ; ��- ,,��,•�, � � � � .�i �; ;�1 �► � , / -� , , !�: � , � • ; � ,. � ., ., . _l � � � � - . . ' ` _, � �il / . . . �::.. � . � �� . , . 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Letter from Robert Fattore, 13810 152°d Ave. SE,Renton, 98059,requesting City sewer service to property he is purchasing, located outside the City limits on 154`�'Ave. at approximately SE 138"'St. Refened to Utilities Committee 2. Letter from Morris and Verna Levack, 13815 154�'Ave. SE, Renton, 98059, requesting City sewer service to their property located outside the City limits. Referred to Utilities Committee Please respond as follows: Prepare memo to Councilmembers via Mayor. (After Mayor's approval,Mayor's secretary will copy for Council and Clerk and return copy to you.) Prepare memo to Councilmembers via Mayor and include attached letter with memo. (After Mayor's approval, Mayor's secretary will copy for Council and Clerk and return copy to you.) Prepare letter(s) to citizen/agency with department head's signature and submit to Mayor for approval. (After Mayor approves the Ietter, the Mayor's secretary will mail it out after making a copy for Council and Clerk and returning a copy to you.) XX Scheduled on Council committee agenda for June 17`�`at 3:00 p.m. Confirm with Council Liaison. (Copy of response to City Clerk not required.) Other: (as noted) PLEASE REFERENCE LOG NUMBER ON ALL LETTERS. Please complete request by(6/17/04). Thank you. - � �� cc: Derek Todd Margaret Pullar Dave Christensen R��E�V�� JUN g - 2004 C�TY OF F��NTON urturY sysrEn�s �' � Cd'�'��;'t�t'fccc., �-7-G�� . '� ��1,,,� �!�"�u� ' RE��{VED r � �,'l� uC- 0�1-�3 C�N�R�� 5-25-04 Mayor and City Council .�UK � " 20�4 - 1055 So.Grady Way c�o�S S MMS MAY 2 6 2004 Renton, Wa. 98055 RECENEo CTT'�'CLERkS OFFICE Our names are Morris and Verna Levack,our address is 13815 154`�Ave SE. �Zenton, WA. 98059; and our tax parcel number is 146340-0016-0�. We are --------�g�oti�t��e��egt�ermission to�ool������:������v�e�:�e�a�ed ir;��4`�=- -- - _ Ave SE. at approximately SE. 138`� St., in conformance�vith city code section 4-b-040C. Our septic system was installed in the mid 1960's and due to the potential cost of repair or replacement we ar� making this r�quest. Sincerely, .�._ ����✓ , "'!J�-�- 0�.1=�� Mdrris and Verna Levac� 13 815 154�'Ave. S.E. Renton, Wa. 98059 �� : ,Da-� . ✓�'�'' -. ��� � ,,� c���ccc� 6-7af� �� �` F�'l����� y cr�z s-2s-os 1Vlayor and City Council, RECEIVE� 1055 So. Grady Way CtTY O�RENTOPi Renton, Wa. 98055 ���� � � ZQo�f C�n'OF RENTON t�AY 2 6 ZOD4 vT�L�T�Y SYSTEMS RECEiVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE My name is Robert Fattere and I am purchasing the existing Yacant lot located_at 138XX l 54�'Ave. SE Renton Wa. The tax parcel number for this lot is 146340-0017-01. I plan to build a single-family home on this property and request the approval to join the sewer line on 154�'Ave. SE. in the Highiand Estates plat in conformance with ciiy code section 4-6-040C.Thank you in advance for reviewing this request. ; Sincerely, ���7� �Zobe�=Fa�.�e 13810 152ave S� Renton,Wa. 98059 (425)228-16Q0 Days (425)226-0115 Nights c�: ,Da.vc � �� ,._ , . ``�r✓' `+�rrr� June 7,2004 Renton City Council Minutes Page 187 Planning: Primary Use Surface Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Parking Lots Development, recommended incorporation of new policies for park and ride facilities in the Park&Ride Lots Comprehensive Plan,and,adoption of an ordinance establishing regulations for primary use and shared-use parking for park and ride facilities. Refer to . Planning and Development Committee; set public hearing on 6/14/2004. Utility: Oversizing Request for Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommended approval of the Compensation,Earlington request from Lakeridge Development for compensation in an amount not to Ridge,Lakeridge Development exceed$143,616 for oversizing the sewer main for the Earlington Ridge development located near Stevens Ave. SW and S. 134th St. Refer to Utilities Committee. Solid Waste: Residential Utility Systems Division requested a briefing on the planned residential solid Collection Reroute waste collection reroute scheduled to occur in late June. Refer to Committee of the Whole. CAG: 03-168,Maplewood Utility Systems Division recommended approval of an amendment to CAG-03- Water Treatment Facility 168, agreement with Economic and Engineering Services, Inc.,for additional Improvements,Economic and geotechnical services in the amount of$71,976.35 for the Maplewood Water Engineering Services Treatment Improvements and Golf Course Improvements project. Council concur. Utility: Surveying Services Utility Systems Division requested approval of the Surveying Services Roster Roster, 2004-2007 2004-2007, listing ten professional land surveyors. Council concur. Fire: International Fire Code Fire Department recommended approval to adopt the 2003 International Fire (2003)Adoption, Fire Code and associated amendments, to amend the fire prevention fees, and to Prevention Fees establish penalties for violations. Refer to PlanninQ and Development Committee. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Development Services: Councilman Corman commented on the national building codes and the State Building Codes Adoption, law that goes into effect on July lst, which bans open flame gas and charcoal Barbecue&Christmas Tree grilling on combustible apartment or condominium decks that lack sprinklers, Bans and bans cut Christmas trees in apartments and churches that lack sprinklers. He indicated that in the context of the fireworks discussions,more effort is being made overall to control fire risks. Mayor Keolker-Wheeler pointed out that Renton law can be more restrictive than State law; however, it cannot be less restrictive. She stated that effort is being made on the State level to reduce the restrictions,particularly those on the display of Christmas trees, but there is not much that can be done on the local level. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Robert Fattore, 13810 152nd Ave. SE,Renton, Citizen Comment: Fattore- 98059,requesting connection to Renton's sewer for property he is purchasing at Sewer Service Connection 138XX 154th Ave. SE, located outside the City limits. MOVED BY BRIERE, Request for Property Outside SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COIJNCIL REFER THIS City Limits, 154th Ave SE CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTII.ITIES COMMTTTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Levack- Correspondence was read from Morris and Verna Levack, 13815 154th Ave. �..� Sewer Service Connection SE,Renton, 98059,requesting connection of their property located outside the Request for Property Outside City limits to Renton's sewer. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY City Limits, 154th Ave SE LAW, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE iJTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. � a. � '�11� . June 7,2004 Renton City Council Minutes Page 188 Added Conespondence was read from Victor Karpiak,President of First Savings Bank Citizen Comment: Karpiak- of Renton,201 Wells Ave. S.,Box 360,Renton, 98057, stating that Water Main Replacement Cost construction of their new;banking facility requires installation of a new ten-inch Sharing,Williams Ave S water main on Williams Ave. S.between S. 2nd and S. 3rd Streets. At City staffs suggestion to install a twelve-inch water rnain,First Savings Bank asked that the City share the cost of the infrastructure upgrade. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chair Briere presented a report Plannin� & Development recommending that Council authorize staff to draft City Code amendments to Committee permit monopote wireless communication facilities within rights-of-way in Development Services: residential neighborhoods. The Committee further recommended that the Wireless Communication matter be referred to the Planning Commission for review and that the required Facilities in Residential Zones public hearing for the proposed amendments be held by the City Council on 9/13/2004. MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY LAW,COLTNCIL CONCUR IlV THE COMMTTTEE REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. Public Safetv Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Law presented a report recommending Legal: Making False Statement concurrence in the staff recommendation to adopt an ordinance that clarifies the Clarification,Interference crime of"Making a False or Misleading Statement" and removes the reference Reference Removal to the crime of"Interference" in City Code 1-3-3.F.5, and that adds two definitions to City Code 1-3-4. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 189 for ordinance.) Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending SAD: East Kennydale Sanitary concurrence with the recommendation of staff that the East Kennydale Sanitary Sewer Infill Phase II Sewer Infill Phase II Special Assessment District No. 0025 be approved. The special assessment district will establish connection charges of$5,208.87 per single-family unit that are within the boundary of the assessment district. In addition, simple interest will accrue at a rate of 5.93% for a period of ten years. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance finalizing the special assessment district be presented for first reading.* Councilman Corman excused himself from the meeting, as this project affects his home. Time: 8:41 p.m. *MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 190 for ordinance.) Councilman Corman returned to the meeting. Time: 8.42 p.m. Transportation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Palmer presented a report regarding Committee the grant agreement with the Transportation Improvement Board(TIB)for Transportation: Benson Rd S design and construction of Benson Rd. S. The City of Renton applied for and (Main to 26th),TIB Grant was awarded a TIB grant of$150,000 for pedestrian safety improvements on Benson Rd. S. from 440 feet south of Main Ave. S. to S. 26th St. The intent of this project is to complete four missing sidewalk links on the east side of Benson Rd. S.,to improve safety,and to provide an enhanced pedestrian environment. The Committee concuned in the recommendation of staff that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the agreement with TIB to accept the Pedestrian Safety&Mobility Program grant funding for design of the Benson Rd. S. pedestrian improvements, and that Council approve all , , • uc�o�-DD3 �'�� �-7-0� � � � ��C'�u: � cr-nr af���r 5-25-04 Mayor and City Council 1055 So. Grady Way MAY 2 6 2004 Renton, Wa. 98055 RECEiVED CI'T`1'CLERK'S OFFICE Our names are Morris and Verna Levack, our address is 13815 154r''Ave SE. Renton, WA. 98059, and our tax parcel number is 146340-0016-02. We are � <a-�t���yvtz�t�eq�es��ermission to hook�����-��is���g�e�v�r l�a�ed in 154�'-- Ave SE. at approximateiy SE. 13 8�' St., in conformance with city code section 4-6-040C. Our septic system was installed in the mid 1960's and due to the potential cast of repair or repiacement we are making this request. Sincerely, _ ���� C>��-�`� �'�-� �.,�� Mdrris and Verna Levac� 13815 154�'Ave. S.E. Renton, Wa. 98059 �� : ,Oa-� . �'� Rentonnet Plat Index Search Page 1 of 1 . �' � _. Property Profile Summary Report ACCOUNT INFORMATION ASSESSMENT AND TAX INFORMATI Acct No: 146340001602 Levy Code: 4350 Parcel No: 1463400016 Tax Status: TAXABLE Taxpayer: LEVACK M R Roil Yr: 2004 Mail Addr: 13815 154TH AV SE New Cnstr: NO RENTON WA 98059 Land Val: $88,000.00 Impvs Val: $192,000.00 PARCEL INFORMATION Plat Name: CEDAR RIVER FIVE Jurisdiction: KING COUNTY ACRE TRS Present Use: SINGLE FAMILY(RES USE20� Plat Lot: 3 Zoning: R4 Plat Block: 1 Lot Acres: 0.77 S/T/R: 14/23/5 l.ot SF: 33561 Qtr Section: SW Wtr Frt SF: 0 Prop Type: Residential RESIDENTIAL BUILDING 1 Bedrooms: 4 1 st Flr SF: 1880 Finish SF: 2820 Year Built: 1967 Bath F3H: 1/1/1 2nd Flr SF: 0 Att Grg SF: 500 Bldg Grde: 7 AVER, Fireplace: 2 3+ Flr SF: 0 Deck SF: 180 Bldg Cond: GOOD Stories: 1 Half Flr SF: 0 Fin Bsmt SF: 940 Units: TEST BsmtGar SF: 0 Bsmt Tot SF: 1880 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 3 1 CEDAR RIVER FIVE ACRE TRS E 1/2 LESS N 110 FT & LESS S 110 FT http://rentonnet.org/intranet/kca/index.cfm?fuseaction=displaysummary&R=1 5/28/2004 —� ORD.#�, u��� � � 12/�IXZcay� �� �Ll t� li�� o�i ��� �II ��I 1'.i/21/196 0, �r- o�------ �' ; �,--b-i �iNE ��i�� �' � II l�Z,1(� o `-' a �_ `� `'\ NEI 4 ��N � ""I ' ��_ � �, D. 47� --�—' �� �' I NE 4th St � `-� ��( I�� ��NE 4t NE h S; I I — i I, _ ._�� sE _-- --- ORD. ------ ------i - _ - -- D.{�2308 10/ 1985 i ; 13/196 ��� � ORD. 5064 � w ORD. 4470 � �----' 3�2 2��4 L_- 8 1994 ' � -- �_ � � J ' '' -1 i NE 3rtl St I ¢ ¢ � � ( � � �. � c � � � SE 7 �nd St NE 2nd St �N 2r:d � -_� L"'�= �� — -- � _ _ SE 132nd St. _ .__. �l `-- , ' 1`p�l I v� C�_--`-Wr' I N I z �� z � �r��� R 64 > � 1 0 D. , �, � �N ' -�y I , 12/ 9 S ¢ ¢ > O � 4 � � I L �— ¢ r� G �I U 0 L N � Q � � 7 ' �I � � � �\ � � � � N .— _J ��� cD SE 2nd PI �__ �;SE 136th St ��-t �--___� � - SE 136th Si. _ _____ ,,� ——-�.�E-�r.d�6t� ��a P� � ` �' 5%i��, � � Q ` SE 137ih PL a�h�.� , �, �_.. rM� S��P\ � �- � SE 138th PI. � S / � _ --�L_-—._-- ,�, ' ''SE 13 -��� �. ,,, ----__, �, , � ' � �`-� SE 139th PI ���--� - � ' � -- � � � SF 139th PI_J� >I , SE 13 >� — Q .�..��.��....�.��J �, � (� a -- - ,, S� �q1s!S� Q �;=-'J ��i �i SE 140th PI. �:i �j� i � i,. %---__--- � � �� �,, �S? 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