HomeMy WebLinkAboutUC-04-008 �;, . �,,, CIT�°OF RENTON � City Clerk Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor BOnllie I.Waltoll October 26, 2004 Kevin M. Wyman 16540 SE 149`�St. Renton, WA 98059 Re: Request for Sewer Connection 154XX SE 132°d St., Renton (Lot#4, Cedar Crest Estates) Dear Mr. Wyman: At the regular Council meeting of October 25, 2004, the Renton City Council approved your request for connection of sanitat-y sewer service for one new single-family home on your existing platted single-family lot as referenced. For questions regarding the connection procedure, you rnay cantact Dave Christensen, LTtility Engineering Supervisor, at 425-43U,7212. If I can provide additional information ar assistance, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ,����;ry�,�2 .�. ���-' Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk cc: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Council President Don Persson Dave Christensen,Utility Systems Supv. 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055-(425)430-6510/FAX(425)430-6516 R E N T O N �Thispapercontains50%recycledmateria1,30%postconsumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE October 25,2004 � Renton City Council Minutes � Page 372 . .� CAG: 04-037,Talbot Hill Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-04-037,Talbot Hill Water Main Water Main Replacement, Replacement Phase 1; and requested approval of the project, authorization for Buno Construction final pay estimate in the amount of$49,424.16,commencement of 60-day lien period,and release of retainage bond in the amount of$22,628.53 to Buno Construction,LLC,contractor,if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. CAG: 03-063,East Valley Lift Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-03-063,East Valley Lift Station Station Replacement, Stouder Replacement; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay General Construction estimate in the amount of$2,169.42, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$39,408.75 to Stouder General Construction, LLC,contractor,if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Palmer presented a report on the Transportation(Aviation) request for speed humps on NE"7th St. and Harrington Ave. NE,near Highlands Committee Elementary School. The Committee is aware that both Harrington Ave. NE and Transportation: Speed Hump NE 7th St. are collector arterials and installing speed humps on these streets Installation at Highlands would divert drivers to the nearby residential streets. Elementary School(7th& However,the Committee recommended concurrence in the staff Harrington) recommendation to implement Tier 1 traffic calming measures on the streets for the purpose of slowing down traffic. These measures include, but are not limited to: speed limit pavement marks to reinforce signing; additional speed limit signs; permanent radar speed signs (requires budget evaluation); and police emphasis during the times the speed studies indicated there was speeding. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COLTNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: Smithers Ave Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Palmer presented a report regarding S Traffic Concerns Smithers Ave. S. speed pillow installation. The Committee met on 11/20/2003 and recommended implementation of traffic delineators; removal of turning restrictions; and the addition of a sidewalk, street overlay, and speed pillow on Smithers Ave. S. All of the improvements have been installed with the exception of the speed pillow. Due to the narrow width of the street, a speed pillow cannot be properly installed without creating a safety hazard. The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to instead construct a speed hump using King County's specifications,and install it in place of the speed pillow as a demonstration project. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Police: Reporting Speeding Councilwoman Palmer stated that citizens can report speeding vehicles to the Vehicles Traffic Sergeant via a phone call or the City's website, and a police officer will follow up on that report. Utilities Committee , Utilities Corrunittee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the Kevin M. Utility: Sewer Service Wyman request for sewer service outside the Renton City limits,for his Connection Request for property located at 154XX SE 132nd St. (Lot 4, Cedar Crest Estates, King Property Outside City Limits County Parcel No. 1442600040). The Committee recommended concurrence in (Wyman), SE 132nd St the recommendation of staff that Council approve Mr. Wyman's request for �� — October 25,2004 � Renton City Council Minutes � Page 373 : � connection of sanitary sewer service for one new single-family home on his existing platted single-family lot consistent with the requirements of City Code (4-6-040C). MOVED BY CLAWSON,SECONDED BY BRIERE, COLTNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Sewer Service Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the D.E.Blood Connection Request for request for sewer service outside the Renton City limits,for his property Property Outside City Limits located at 154XX SE 132nd St. (Lot 3, Cedar Crest Estates, King County Parcel (Blood), SE 132nd St No. 1442600030). The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council approve Mr. Blood's request for connection of sanitary sewer service for one new single-family home on his existing platted single-family lot consistent with the requirements of City Code (4-6-040C). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Clawson stated that future requests for connection to Renton's sanitary sewer service will be placed on the Council meeting consent agenda. Public Works: Cedar River Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the Seattle Broodstock Collection Facility Public Utilities (SPU)broodstock collection facility. SPU is proposing to build (Seattle Public Utilities a sockeye broodstock collection facility on the Cedar River as a mitigation Project) condition of their Habitat Conservation Plan. SPU's preferred location for the collection facility is at the I-405 overpass in the City of Renton. The conceptual design of the broodstock facility has been significantly scaled back and simplified to minimize impacts and concerns. Even with the proposed improvements to the broodstock facility there are many questions about potential impacts and mitigation that need to be discussed and worked out before the Committee can recommend that this facility be sited at the proposed I-4051ocation. The Committee recommended concurrence with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommendation that Council direct staff to engage in discussions with SPU to resolve potential impacts and concerns regarding construction and operation of a broodstock facility at the I- 405 site. Furthermore,the Committee recommended that this matter be brought back to Committee following these discussions to deternune whether the final design proposal fully satisfies Renton's concerns and adequately mitigates impacts. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending approval Finance: Vouchers of Claim Vouchers 231172-231614 and two wire transfers totaling $2,232,636.18; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 53975 -54201,one wire transfer, and 572 direct deposits totaling$1,784,175.06. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMTTTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following ordinance was presented for first reading and refened to the ORDINANCES Council meeting of 11/1/2004 for second and final reading: Rezone: Mroczek Property, An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property SW 4th Pl,R-8 to CN,CPA consisting of 12,078 square feet located at 700 SW 4th Pl. from R-8 (Residential -eight dwelling units per acre)to CN(Commercial Neighborhood) zoning;Mroczek Property. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/1/2004. CARRIED. ��r► v`rr✓ . ��,�,�'��'��€� �� C������:������1. UTILITIES COMMITTEE Date ��'a�a00 f� COMMITTEE REPORT October 25,2004 Request for Sewer Service Outside Renton City Limits K. Wyman, Lot 4, Cedar Crest Estates KCPID 1442600040 (Referred October 4,2004J The Utilities Committee recomrnends concunence in Staffls recommendation that Council approve Mr. Wyman's request far connectioz� of sanitary sewer service for one new single- family home on his existing platted single-family lot consistent with the requirements of Section 4-6-040C of the Renton Municipal Code. �,..�. �. Dan Clawson, Chair ,/1 ' Terri Brier , Vice Chair Marcie Palmer, Member cc: Lys Homsby Dave Christensen ' M I , � � � �������•� OCT 1 $ 2004 CITY OF RENTON �TA��t°t'�C�'f!{�GiL PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: October 14, 2004 ����� ����`'�'� TO: Dan Clawson, Chair ��"� � �s �v�� �;�-`.���,;,�t� Members of the Utilities Committee `_~ ,~ � Cf�l �� ` " :��s=�!��� C;�_ ��..;,:..�., VIA: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler�f.�"" FROM: Gregg Zimmerm&h!Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Dave Christensen,x-7212 SUBJECT: Request for Sewer Service Outside Renton City Limits D.E.Blood,Lot 3, Cedar Crest Estates KCPID 1442600030 K.Wyman,Lot4, Cedar Crest Estates KCPID 1442600040 ISSIJE: Mr. Durwood Blood and Mr. Kevin Wyman have requested permission to connect a new single-family home on each of their existing platted lots that lie just outside of Renton's current City Limits. This request is in accordance with Section 4-6-040C, Sewer Outside the City. RECONIlVIENDATION: • The Planning/BuildingfPublic Works Department recommends that Council approve Mr. Blood and Mr. Wyman's request for connection of sanitary sewer service for one new single-family home on each of their existing platted single-family lots. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: In June of 2002,the Renton City Council passed Ordinance 4969, which restricts the ability to connect properties outside of Renton's City Limits. Ordinance 4981, adopted in August of 2002, provided a narrow exception to allow an existing lot to connect either an existing home or one new home upon that lot. Council received a request for connection from Mr. Blood dated September 18, 2004 and from Mr. Wyman dated September 21, 2004. These letters were read into Council on October 4, 2004, which is in accordance with those ordinances and current City Code 4-6-040C, Sewer Outside the City. The code requires that an applicant submit a request for approval to the City Council and the code authorizes the Council to accept the request if an applicant is connecting one single-family home on an existing legal lot and that the applicant be required to execute an r i October 14,2004 � � • Page 2 agreement to follow City of Renton zoning and development standards as well as a covenant to anriex. Mr. Blood and Mr. Wyman have already submitted Sewer Availability Certificates to the City and they are ready to go pending Council determination on approval of these requests. CONCLUSION: � The letter submitted by Mr. Blood and Mr. Wyman, and their request for connection, meet the code requirement for approval by the Renton City Council. As such, staff recommends that Council grant approval for both applicants. cc:Lys Homsby H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-03-0000 Corcespondence-Wastewater\davec\Sewer Avail_Blood_Wyman_Issue.doc�DMCtp z� ati�ie:s����� � ���' � v� �■�■ ■������������ _.\ 1� ���1�� �� ■,�■ I��/1��� �L� �'�I��l��■�' , ��� � = = ►w�► � �. � ��'� ����ir�_ !u���� : ��� l= � - � � ���������,� � R'� ' -■ r� � � ���`;-���- � r w ,t . r � "���� �'. ` �/ �� �: ■ 11.� , �' �� �� �� � � C �� �� � ' iL� ��n� ,,,,., , 'U W': � =':��'� � ��II��, :. . .� .� .► �1�1�1� 11111� �r�ttn�� •. °'� :� :�'� � .. � ��i►�� , �� .. � ■ -� �� � —����, • ��� ii '� � r u � �• � • � ,�;� ' ..� • - :�1 L�1aL+�a+�� � , : � �:: �Ili� � — C li 1; , . 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Wyman 16540 SE 149`h St. Renton, WA 98059 Re: Request for Sewer Connection Outside City Limits Dear Mr. Wyman`. At the regular Council meeting of October 4, 2004, the Renton City Council referred your letter of September 21, 2004, to the Utilities Committee for review and recommendation. The Committee is scheduled to meeting on this subject at 4:00 p.m., on Thursday, October 21, 2004, in the Council Conference room, 7`h floor of Renton City Hall. The Committee's recommendation will be presented to the full Council at a subsequent meeting. If I can provide further information, please feel free to contact me: Sincerely, ����1�YLl.G� �GU�-r'"' Bonnie L Walton City Clerk bw cc: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Don Persson, Council President Dave Christensen, Utility Engineering Supervisor John Hobson, Civil Engineer \ 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055-(425)430-6510/FAX(425)430-6516 R E N T O N �This paper contains 50%recyded material,30%post consumer A H E A D O F T H E C U R V E October 4,2004 "'�'�` Renton City Council Minutes ``r'� Page 338 ` MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL REFER CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 8.e. TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Richard D. Zwicker,North Renton Citizen Comment: Zwicker- Neighborhood Association President,PO Box 326,Renton, 98057,regarding North Renton Truck Traffic, truck traffic in the North Renton neighborhood(Park Ave. N.,N. 3rd St. and N. Park Ave N,N 3rd St,N 4th St 4th St.),and suggesting ways to deal with the considerable truck traffic. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Spears-NE An e-mail was read from Jacqueline Spears, 2713 NE 23rd Pl.,Renton,98056, 23rd Pl, Speeding Traffic reporting speeding traffic on NE 23rd Pl.,and requesting that something be done to slow the traffic down such as the installation of a speed bump or stop sign. MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR CONSIDERATION OF TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Wyman - �A letter was read from Kevin M.Wyman, 16540 SE 149th St.,Renton,98059, �� Sewer Service Connection requesting connection to Renton's sewer for a future single-family home located �" Request for Property Outside at 154XX SE 132nd St. (Lot#4,Cedar Crest Estates). City Limits, SE 132nd St Citizen Comment: Blood- A letter was read from D.E. Blood, 3711 Park Ave.N.,Renton, 98056, Sewer Service Connection requesting connection to Renton's sewer for his property located at 154XX SE Request for Property Outside 132nd St. (Lot#3, Cedar Crest Estates). City Limits, SE 132nd St MOVED BY CLAWSON,SECONDED BY BRIERE,COIJNCIL REFER THESE TWO LETTERS TO THE UTILITIES COMMTTTEE. CARRIED. Added Correspondence(14 items)was entered into the record concerning the issue of Citizen Comment: Various - the street name change from SW 41st St. to SW IKEA Way. (See page 334 for Rename SW 41st St to SW Council's discussion on the matter.) IKEA Way NEW BUSINESS Acknowledging the many resident concerns pertaining to traffic problems, Transportation: Traffic Councilwoman Palmer assured that the City is working on traffic calming. She Calming reported that there will be a special presentation on traffic calming at the next Council meeting, and the Transportation Committee will address the matter on October 21st. � Development Services: Signs Councilman Corman commented on the comprehensive response from the City on Utility Poles Attorney concerning Councilwoman Nelson's inquiry about the posting of garage sale signs on telephone poles. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington clarified that it is not appropriate to post garage sale or other types of signs on City street poles and light poles. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:54 p.m. _�07t�n.U� � �G�e�� Bonnie I.Walton,CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann October 4, 2004 �o- y�y � `� � � G��:�� �� ' September 21, 2004 ���G: u�-O�f-G�g • GiTY Q�i���y�'C� �'�� il � `•�f�� �,.,, s.r L t� Renton City Council 1055 South Grady Way �:EC�i,?=� Renton WA 98055 �'`� �''-�'`�4`�'`�'��`�'� Dear Mayor Keolker-Wheeler and City Council Members: I am requesting your permission to connect to the City of Renton sewer. I am planning on building one, single family home on an individual building lot located at 154XX SE 132°d St, Renton (Lot 4, Cedar Crest Estates). For any questions you may have,please call at your convenience. Thank you, �,l/ — Kevin M Wyman Attachment: Sanitary Sewer Availability form (copy) KEVIN M WYMAN 1 G540 SE 149TH ST RENTON WA 98059 (206) 419-0319 ..--%�f � � SANITARY SEWER AVAILABILITY FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CITY OF RENTON 1055 S Grady Way, Renton,WA 98055 Phone:(425)430-7200 Fax: (425)430-7300 TO BE FILLED OUT BY APPLICANT: Date of Request� � / � _ Applicant's Name: �y �c. �-Ct�t Phone Na �f2 �f/9'(J�j�j'�' Y� ,, Mailing Address: ��p J�Lj� '' l'`f� .;5�— City _���,� State ��Zip Code ����� Check one: Proposed Single Farnily Home _ c� Existing Single Family Home On Septic �:h�r�S;ecify) Location/Address: �,�`1�;�.1� 5.,� j�'�ti� �� King County Tax Account No: /���19� " ��`2`d Legally Described as: THIS APPLICATION SHALL INCLUDE A COPY OF THE PROPOSED SITE/PLOT PLAN. INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CITY: 1. � Sanitary Sewer Service will be provided by side sewer connection only to an existing size sewer main located within City records show a side sewer stub to the property O Y ❑N or � Sanitary sewer service will require an extension of approximately / sl ' , of siz sewer main located within .�� - . �1 ,11 ��GL� ,����rJ!-/Gr/ . .��� or ❑ The proposed development lies within service area;therefore,the appiicant shall contact The DistricdAgency at (phonej for sewer availability. � See attached letter dated 2. � Payment of ail applicable system development fees: (Fees aze subject to change without notice) -System Development Charge: $ 900 per single family residence -Residenrial building sewer permit: S 60 per single family residence -Latecomers,s cial assess nt fees: �''�i������ $_�2y" � ��'�l' $ s -Right of Way Fee $ -Righ f Wa Bond(Refu ble) ^� ��r �����' _�� �� - � l�i _Td `� � � % �CY'1!� ,r+� _ " _y — � � , d���.�-G"�"r����'�`�'�/ (over) . ``.r' � Sanitary Sewer Availability Form , Page 2 3. �1' Reference data '— � / ` . 4. ❑ Applicant shall abandon the existing septic system in accordance with Section 1119 of the current Uniform Plumbing Code and Section 4-6-040.I.6 of the City Code. 5. � Customers making a first time connection to sanitary sewers in King County,including Renton's Sewer . Service Area, are subject to a sewage treatment capacity charge. The piupose of this King County charge is to pay for building sewage treatment capacity to serve newly connected customers. Single- family customers pay $17.60 a month (billed by King County as $1U5.60 every six months) for 15 years. At the customer's choice,this fee may be paid to King County as a]nmp sum of$1,826.04. 'This fee is in addition to the month(y charge for treatment that Renton is required to collect and pass to King County. ' 6. � The Renton portion of the Wastewater Utility Rates for customers outside the city limits is 1.5 times the standard rate for customers inside the city limits. (City Code section 8-5-15C) 7. �� The proposed project is within the cocporate limits of the City of Renton or has been granted King County Boundary Review Board(BRB)approval for extension of service outside the City.. or ❑ Annexation or BRB approval will be necessary for the provision of sanitary sewer service. 8. � The sewer system irnprovement is in conformance with a County approved sewer comprehensive plan. or ❑ The sewer system improvement will require an amendment to the Renton Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan. 9. � The sewer system improvement will be within an existing franchise from King County allowing the installation of facilities in the County Right(s)-of Way. or ❑ The sewer system improvement will require that Renton obtain a franchise from King County to install the facilities in We County Right(s}of Way. CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION: 1) It is the responsibility of the owner/developer to verify, by an engineering study, whether it is possible to connect by gravity line to the existing City sewer system (a private lift starion may be installed, but is not desirable). The City may require, at it's option, the verification to be in the form of a letter signed by a professional civil engineer. 2) When new sanitary sewer lines are installed,the City typically installs or requires to have installed stub-outs to the property line. This is done as a courtesy to the properiy owners. The City does not guarantee a stub for aIl properties nor dces it guarantee the condition or location of the stub. It is the responsibility of the owner/contractor to have an approved connection from the building sewer to the City's sewer main. If there is a stub,it is in good condition,and the owner/contractor can locate it,then it is available for use. The detemvnation of condition of existing sanitary sewer stubs shall be the sole responsibility of the City and the City's decision shall be final. If th�stuh is b:oke:.or ihe City ins�ctar detennines that tr,e siub's c:c�u3:uon is not acceptable,it shall be the owner/contractor's responsibility to repair the stub,replace the stub at the existing tee,or to install a new stub and tee directly into tl�e main. ethod o epair/replacement to be determined by the City's inspector. I hereby c ' that th above�sanrtary sewe inf ati n is true. This certification shall be vali for one yeaz from date of si e. (Fee inf t' n is subject to e w' out notice). TY O - AST UTI � �gnatory Name WastewaterUtility Section re te 905-0OOI.DOC Rentonnet DC905-4001 12/03 bh � - �� �1 � 4 ` � � � .� i�i ■ �� s � �� a - � ..� � � �� .i. _ � � � , � -�. � � � ,��� . .;,- �� � _ � ..t -- �� i . - � ..■ �r Y ,�i��� T � � � P .. � " ►r Y ' - _ . �r � ���� = r .. � ��� ���� - -� �. �..� 1�1�!�i � ��� �� � . _ _ __ _ _ ,.,�11/ .��_•►, I .: _ �. � �,� � � � ..�-� ____ �. � �� _ _ � � ��11��� �-��.,, � �,►���.1�; ��.. � . � � � '� ����'� �rr : "�+'-� _ ��:�s� :'�' .� � �� � � �!!�I�� ��' ��'� � . �� �� --; �'�� '� �!�' �� ,, - �� . .. �� � � `� � ��s� ,� � �� � ; � +!� _ �Y �' ,.r, „� � � � 1 Ilil��rli�r � . ��. �� , , � ��!r° �►"s'� � �� � �•� � �■ � � . . , , r �' �! �; f� �t�: , ���'i►�� '�� � .� �� _ , � � , !� - .� � ....� ♦ - _.�; � /� .r�s ..•� -,.. �� ,. ,f ����.� � �� ; � E�i � �' ��i► � .�. �� .��, �. �.� � ,� �r.- !� � .��,. �•� r� �r�� .� .r ♦ ��� �-�� • �_ v� �'�� � � � �E'� .� � � ��� �� ��e ._ �� � : � . �: -�,IE�ao ��� _� - �. �.�� ' l �e����a - . �� ���� � r������ � ( � � : � � ���� . 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Q �� �_ T i�l ■il'�.■■���y■■�.■■■■��■■■■��� � : =: � �= o= ='�' ' 1 //11 ��i�11= ' " ■ /� - i3�..� ■ A - ti- �� ■ — _ ���- - t� ������ ': � � o►�!, ��: � �. 11��� ���1 i ��� � i� � ;�0��'J �i i ��� � --- _ -�� I����� C� �'� �'. 1�� �� ����������� _ ' � �� � � � i � w�'�-� �.� ,�■: �%�■��,��. �� ' �� 11 11�i��1��'� �'� � �� ��i��� ������������� ��� �1��/s.�����/ 1�1� � �' '1 'l1.7IC1 „�� � Iw�� 1�I�i.._�����������������•� �,��1-/ i � � �(' /ay�y � i�7/". .�a . September 21, 2004 ���e: UC�-p�f-q0$ � c�-n�o����rc� Renton City Council ,��'� � 3 `t;t�� 1055 South Grady Way ;�x�.�`-t��.e;�.� Renton WA 98055 �;cT�''tu': �f•,�'��r�+�=�4�c Dear Mayor Keolker-Wheeler and City Council Members: I am requesting your permission to connect to the City of Renton seweY. I am planning on building one, single family home on an individual building lot located at 154XX SE 132nd St, Renton (Lot 4, Cedar Crest Estates). For any quesuons you may have,please call at your convenience. Thank you, . ���_ ,_ l � �Kevin M Wyman Attachment: Sanitary Sewer Availability form (copy) KEVIN M WYMr,N 16540 SE 149TH ST RENTON WA 98059 (206) 419-0319 � � � ...,_=-=�.T� � � SANITARY SEWER AVAI.LABILITY FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CITY OF RENTON 1055 S Grady Way, Renton,WA 98055 Phone:(425)430-7200 Fax: (425)430-7300 TO BE FILLED OUT BY APPLICANT: Date of Request� � y Cr Applicant's Name: �j�r��iy �L,i��.,,t Phone No. 2Q�e �l�j',�i';j�C� Mailing Address: ���C) i�. ��-��'Y'"'� 5�--_ City ���,�,.� State �_Zip Code �,��_� Check one: Proposed Single Family Home �_ Existing Single Family Home On Septic O:h�:�S�e�if;i Location/Address: ��`��;� ��'�l�'���� 5�-- King County Tax Account No: /`����� -- L'"`1���} Legally Described as: THIS APPLICATION SHALL INCLUDE A COPY OF THE PROPOSED SITE/PLOT PLAN. INFORMATION PROVIDED BY C1TY: 1• ❑ Sanitary Sewer Service will be provided by side sewer connection only to an existing size sewer main located within City records show a side sewer stub to the property ❑Y ❑N � or :� Sanitary sewer service will require an extension of approximately 'i of si,z�sewer main located within .��"''~ �' ���* ,1� �L�L� ��,�G�cl�lG� .�`��'� .1 or ❑ The proposed development lies within service area; therefore, the appiicant shall contact T'he DistricdAgency at (phone)for sewer availability. 0 See attached letter dated 2• � Payment of all applicable system development fees: (Fees are subject to change without notice) -System Development Charge: $ 900 per single family residence -Residential building sewer permit: $ 60 per single family residence -Late�s��es�7"����e'�es: � $ `�' y �Ea '�--°�'T $ $ -Right of Way Fee $ -Rig,h,.�f Wa Bond(Re able) � t �p�= ""��,�I�'�:'�,�'" }.�� = �`�'� t �` � Tv � "-�+ ����� �t�+i �� -Q.+�� ' ' �' �` > dr��z�,r;ruu,¢L L�-'�r j�.�r�-�r�����•��� (over) � �Irr�'` y�` , Sanitary Sewer Availability Form _ Page 2 3. � Reference data , �� � -1'L� ^ 4. ❑ Applicant shall abandon the existing septic system in accordance with Section 1119 of the current Uniform Plumbing Code and Section 4-6-040.I.6 of the City Code. 5. � Customers making a first time connection to sanitary sewers in King County,including Renton's Sewer Service Area, are subject to a sewage treatment capacity charge. The purpose of this King County charge is to pay for building sewage treatment capacity to serve newly connected customers. Single- family customers pay $17.60 a month (bilied by King County as $105.60 every six months) for 15 years. At the customer's choice,this fee may be paid to King County as a lump sum of$1,826.04. This fee is in addition to the monthly charge for treattnent that Renton is required to collect and pass to King County. 6. �l The Renton portion of the Wastewater Utility Rates for customers outside the city limits is 1.5 times the � �' standard rate for customers inside the city limits. (City Code section 8-5-i5Cj 7. �, The proposed project is within the corporate limits of the City of Renton or has been granted King County Boundary Review Board(BRB)approval for extension of service outside the City.. or CJ Annexation or BRF3 approval will be necessary for the provision of sanitary sewer service. 8. � The sewer system nnprovement is in conformance with a County approved sewer comprehensive plan. or ❑ The sewer system improvement will require an amendment to the Renton Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan. � 9. � The sewer system improvement will be within an existing franchise from King County allowing the installation of facilities in the County Right(s)-of Way. or � The sewer system improvement will require that Renton obtain a franchise from King County to install the facilities in the County Right(s)-of Way. CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION: 1) It is the responsibility of the owner/developer to verify, by an engineering study, whether it is possible to connect by gravity line to the existing City sewer system (a private lift station may be installed, but is not desirable). The City may require, at it's option, the verification to be in the form of a letter signed by a professional civil engineer. 2) When new sanitary sewer lines are installed,the City typically installs or requires to have installed stub-outs to the property line. This is done as a courtesy to the property owners. The City does not guarantee a stub for aIl properties nor does it guarantee the condition or location of the stub. It is the responsibility of the owner/contractor to have an approved connection from the building sewer to the City's sewer main. If there is a stub, it is in good condition, and the owner/contractor can locate it,then it is available for use. The deternunation of condition of existing sanitary sewer stubs shall be the sole responsibility of the City and the City's decision shall be final. ?f th�stu� is brokexi ar the City inspectur deYem�ines t�hat fr,c�tub's�:undition is not acceptabie, it shall be the owner/contractor's responsibility to repair the stub,replace the stub at the existing tee,or to install a new stub and tee directly into the main. ethod o �epair/replacement to be deternvned by the City's inspector. I hereby c � that th above�sanitary sewer inf ati n is true. This certification shall be vali Afor one yeaz from date of si re. (Fee inf at' n is sub�ect to e w' out notice). T'Y NTO - AST UTI ` � `''� ignatory Name ✓ ,,� Wastewater Utility Section .re te 905-4001.DOC Rentonnet DC905-4001 12/03 bh � ■. 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