HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA00-072 • ir , , , . Afr'''' i .. I PROPOSED GTE P:aaq]ROT AREA I:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;;::fEjROT iiiiiiiii�iiiiiii�iii�J ENGINEERD • • 1 FAX i..uuuui.,iii)i� SURE f TOT eiTi3 I 10 i B ss eii wsosao0. D 11 (( )) 9 I ! I I R co LLG[GL<ll!!4 ! ' • —~ WIRELESS _ iii-10 II . . 4 ! __ l� ! SITE NAME: • • , , , ._. ...„.... oI W IR ND ESS E. r'ti I c Rl>wE��Oj�I EAST VALLEY BEILEWC WA 98008 1 Ib P • • CASE NO. i �J2]7 I SITE NUMBER: ' ��[GLLLGf!!d , PROPRIETOR!INGORWTgN ,1 E� i / THE INGORYATION CONTAINED IN THIS lb ' WA 0 5 2 0 A 5 PROPNETORYSET OF R9Yttiu0Tua�C DOCUMENTS I OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN THAT I I S11 STRICTLY T PROHIBITED.E VARELESS SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 30.-0" ZONING DOCUMENTS J I APPLICANT I PAGE NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT MANAGER SURVEY SEE C-1 FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION ,ENO�v P:.SURE IDI BENTACT: WA 9B60A T-1 OVERALL SITE PLAN, # DATE ISSUE WHALEN A COMPANY INC. PENHALEGON ASSOCIATES rcr,1:6OB FLIT.TEL:(x5))m9-2B81 PROJECT INFORMATION 3003 NDRTHYP WAY SUITE 101 750 SIXTH STREET SOUTH LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1FLC0 CONTACT iEL:(425)889-280, I 3/B/00 RDA 2QmG - BEUEVUE WA 980M KONG .WA 98033 C-1 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PHONE: (42 STYG-28 COW.PRONE:: (E1D02 20 SITE ADDRESS PROPERTY OWNER q_7 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN ONE: (25)802-2509 PHONE: (25)B2)-501A SnURGUMD STORAGE WIN YEIER NOBLE, 25 802-2509 FAX: IS 82)-SMJ 3600 CAST VALLEY ROAD 15C PROPERTY HOLDING INC. REMON,WA 98055 3RD AVE MOO A-2 ENLARGED SITE PLAN ARCHITECT: TE(2 6)399-2321 A-3 NORTH&SOUTH ELEVATIONS PROJECT DESCRIPTION. A-4 EAST&WEST ELEVATIONS ARCHITECT ELECTRIC UTILITY GTE PROPOSES TO CONSTRUCT AN°MANNED TECECOYYUNICATWNS FACIIIIT CONSISTING OF A(3)SECTOR AM AAA ARRAY.CO-LOCATED ON AN CM.75.HI INC. PUGET SOUND ENERGY YONOPoLE wrtN A EMENSION i0 S'HKJI*20 EOUIPMfM LOCATED IN STORAGE BELL]�NIORM P e�T,ISUTIE 101 BOS 158TH AVENUE N.E. A&E EXECUTIVE VP' SxEL1FA TO TnE NOMH 0<THE PoIE. ORA.BY. LG COLLECT:,INA 98005 TAIRA BUILDING INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION TEL:((25))822-9W PHONE:CONTACT:(T(2U6))T�)�Jl). CHECKED BY:MA.KA FA:(.25)82)-IOSJ FAX: (206)28,3879 20NING:RA-5 I.PARKING REOUIREYENfS ME NOT CONSTRUCT. S-2 2.TRAFCONSTRUCT.TYPE:0/N CHANGED. CONTACT: P.OANEBERG ISUNAFTECTEO ISRE NUMBER I nivz P.OvnneOcgOaMaiai1""I""" A&E DIRECTOR: OCCUPANCY: 199i ,.NO�KIAw.Is PROPOSED 4GNATURE DATE PROJECT ARG IIJ 50 FTCONTACT, NAM NVAREZ.AG.WV,IB :3023039104 WAO52OA CONSULTANT TEAM _ APPROVED BY: _ PROJECT SUMMARY _ SHEET INDEX !SITE NAYS `° I = I I EAST VALLEY "" rossac eo si DOCUMENT REVIEW IbmK RU. I SITE ADDRESS I as, Baas 5 GTE-RF a10 RENTON,WA 98055 Ix WIm 3600 EAST VALLEY ROAD co Iu ITE W GTE-RF MGR. 6ATE ISHEE1 TOLE I ,P 5 GTE-SD DATE OVERALL " "° �, •nJ GTE-OPS G� SITE PLAN _ P !BOTH sT WHALEN—LUP & PROJECT .LOTT No.G . .00.POW _ °"� INFORMATION IqD hot WWI gamma a ii' A WHALEN-PM a¢ IA LaIVOT KO.. a B/� /Fig m ,aY PROP.OWNER ISHEET NUMBER RBSW �— OLTAA Rfl[IioR i a i a S[RKTN IYfDIflCL yl j. GATE O, KA INOIE ® ELLVAIDN RFJDFxtt �J' �T' �P ® "� T-1 ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS — VICINITY MAP N.T.S._ CITY STAMPS — APPROVALS I iA ,,,c0-- • Afl00 EC 0Am]gOfF 9 1 3000 NORTHUP v.' surtE IOw BELLEWE. A.9BOO - ((A25 822-1905 _----- (A25 827-1053 fA% _—___________—_____E%ISTINC ' BUILDING I r I I EXISTING •b %ISTINC ' !j BUILDING BUILDING T 1 �.µwrz"th Em.swr / / / JO_0• PROPOSED GTE WIRELE�{ / mow.... 1 I I 7..,,,,,,,,,,,h ill,,,,,,iii,,,,iii,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,i i i 7� PROJECT AREA f. • COVERED PARKING i ry P7. / b I •' •EXISTING US WEST / WIRELESS ////,,iii�iiii,,W.i,,,.//i//./// ./////,,,,,,,, ,///ii/./.,/i,,,/% ��V'�II /EQUIPMENT j{ / iiaE�io OR Ee�i.E. i EXISTING 75'HIGH / BEu.£WE.Ww s0005 / MONOPOLE TO BE / / • •1 I T /EXTENDED TO 85'HIGH/ j Sp CASE No. • EXISTING • // / BUILDING • / j / PflOPRiEfMv wfOflwTION ��.-._-_-.A • • 1 \S.R.167 / THE INFORMATION THIS SET v OF CONSTRUCTOR CONTAINED DOCUMENTS I7-••_•-• r / /YEHAa I o • i/I IS TR CRY RII. I• / EXISTING / i EXISTING BUILDING ZONING DOCUMENTS • BUILDING %ISTING • i �I BUILDING / i / I EGRESS • i n• 0 i, I Y DATE ISSUE Oh aaNGRESS•T— ' 3/e/aB ARUM MAC ....so- L. ''^ 'EXISTING EXISTI��,,,,,, e �.!__ BUILDING BUIIDIN •, .-- NG BUILDING A I• ' S ' I EXISTING / j g I I BUILDING URAW.V Err: LG Y / CHECKED Br:NA,KA R I / ISrtE NUMBER --D I iWA0520A / / ISM NAME I / / EAST VALLEY I j I I VIE ADDRESS I / j 3600 EAST VALLEY ROAD I RENTON,WA 96055 I 'SHEET TITLE / I / / ARCHITECTURAL / SITE PLAN 0 'SKEET NUMBER I I A-1 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN SCALE:I .b-D _ , 1 .1( ARCHITECTS MID BNOINEFl15 3003 NORTHUP WAY SURE I IOt BELLEVUE.WA.98004 (`25)822-1905 ((25 82J-1053 FA% ALL ORMALMLAZ A.WRITTEN bultin.Y. rwwm W IRErtL E55 PACIFIC �EXISTING STORAGE BUILDING BELLEE. W43 T.W202 005 .. • eo5a CASE N0. —PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TNE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF 5 PROPRIETARY ION DOCUMENTS14 HOST OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN THAT WHICH P TO GTE WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED, // - 30'_O- VaP L eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirmararasisatP E%I TINC ROLL-UP ZONING DOCUMENTS DO RI P POSED 4BT2'lUIPMENT CABINET / DATE ISSUE B/e/ro FREw nem INETjii,. (. I„O jr,,I,e..',..T.,. � j ROPOSEO POWER ��,�.-q.' T ..00„.... . 5; �i VW 7 /\ ; _ ....•M �� I�II �T� PROPOSED 9'x13'CONCRETE PAD ' -, / 'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i",, '� PROPOSED TRANSITION VAULT /. ',� ,,,=' EXISTING FENCE GATE ,,,,,, DRAWN ar: LC / / CNECIa0 BY:MA,XA War i" PROPOSED WALL PENETRATION I SITE NUMBER I ,I If_- '0 T PROPOSED COAX CABLE TRAY WAO52OA .I1 i_- ••T,�,. PROPOSED GPS ANTENNA IsrtE NAME I 1 F J •;1 E%ISTING 75'HIGH MONOPOLE l'ilikitil I EXISTING US WEST T--- Y EAST VALLEY t EQUIPMENT � ♦ III TO BE EXTENDED TO BS'HIGH --'� �---� EXISTING FENCE ISrtE RDDRE55 I Y21'-O• - 7600 EAST VALLEY ROAD pP:111111,„ , RENTON,WA 98056 HISNEET TI}lE ' ink\ ENLARGED`EXISTING Si®E BUILDINGN. jARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN O 1 O i ISHEET NUMBERSnI ENLARGED SITE PLAN W DIMENSIONS SCELE:T/.••T'-D• © ENLARGED SITE PLAN W NOTES , SALE:T/1•-T'-0' Q „_L • NOTE T STOIPMENT SHOWN INSIDE EO PARENT SHOWN INSIDEAp,e01-- . STORAGE SHELTER STORAGE SHELTER ARCIBIECTS AND ENGINEERS 3003 NORTHUP WAY SURE/TDI PROPOSED SECTOR'3'0330' B.LLEMUE.WA.00004 35 en-TABS (1)PANEL ANTENNAS ASN BST-TONS FAA (1)FUTURE ANTENNAS EMS#RR65-15-00_DP 0"MECH.TILT 0 1900 MHz TOP OF GTE ANTENNAS h TOP OF GTE ANTENNAS A, t89'-0'AG Y t89'-0'AG q RHO CENTER h RAD CENTER t86'-0'AG Y t86'-0-AG PROPOSED SECTOR'1'0 90' _ �r \ TOP OF POLE Ms M�No � TOP OF POLE 85'-0'AG T°'F`:A..°t""m°,sp°i,..°Qo°'®.a�'"w"c". (1)PANEL ANTENNAS 85'-0'AG PROPOSED SECTOR'2'0 210' (1)FUTURE ANTENNAS (1)PANEL ANTENNAS EMS#RR65-15-00_DP (1)FUTURE ANTENNAS 0'MECH.TILT 0 1900 MHz - TOP OF EXISTING POLE AND ANTENNAS EMS(JRR65-15-00_OP TOP OF EXISTING POLE AND ANTENNAS J, 375'-0'AG 0'MECH.TILT® 1900 MHz t75'-0-AG Y I11 I W I R E L ES S PACIFIC NORm AI A, f RAD CENTER OF US WEST ANTENNAS BELIEWE.WA.095005 RAD CENTER OF US WEST ANTENNAS i72'-0'AG t72.-0'AG Y. • CASE NO. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS IS PROPRIETARY BY NATURE.ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN THAT WHICH RELATES TO GTE TONELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. ZONING DOCUMENTS EXISTING 75'HIGH MONOPOLE . EXISTING 75.HIGH MONOPOLE 9 DATE ISSUE TO BE EXTENDED TO 85'HIGH TO BE EXTENDED TO 85'HIGH I 3/B/00 PRELIM TONER DRAWN ETU LG • CHECKED NY:MA.KA !SITE NUMBER I EXISTING SHURGUARD STORAGE UNIT WA052OA PROPOSED 4812 EQUIPMENT ISRE NAME I PROPOSED GPS ANTENNA PROPOSED 4812 EQUIPMENT PROPOSED POWER CABINET EAST VALLEY EXISTING SHURGARD STORAGE PROPOSED POWER CABINET PROPOSED TELCO CABINET srtE ADDRESS UNIT PROPOSED TELCO CABINET 3600 EAST VALLEY ROAD RENTON,WA 98055 PROPOSED TRANSITION VAULT !SKEET TITLE I \-1 I PROPOSED TRANSITION VAULT NORTH & SOUTH FINISH GRADE h _�.` . FINISH GRADE ELEVATIONS Y O. U I' EXISITING MONOPOLE FOUNDATION O-O' EXISITING MONOPOLE FOUNDATION ISHEET NUMBER I A-3 NORTH ELEVATION SSE:I/D - -0• 2 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE I/B•-I.-0" • • • NOTE. moil--EQUIPMENT SHOWN INSIDE EQUIPMENT SHOWN INSIDE STORAME THELOER EQURAGE SHELTER ARGIITECTB AND ENGINEERS 3003 NORTHUP WAY PROPOSED SECTOR'3'0330' (B(ELL)EVuE.WA...E .. (1)PANEL ANTENNAS (iis7 eii—io2i F. (1)FUTURE ANTENNAS EMS(RR65-15-00_DP 0'MECH.TILT® 1900 MHz SURE/10 J TOP OF GTE ANTENNAS h TOP OF GTE ANTENNAS AL t89'-0'AG Y I t89'-0'AG RAD CENTER h J RAD CENTER ,, t86'-0'AG `I' tEIC-0'AG sr /r� \ TOP OF POLE TOP OF POLE z Y Km NE PROPOSED SECTOR'2'CO210'J BS'-0'AG T h g NV,4 • (1)PANEL ANTENNAS 85'-0'AG .ICY (1)FUTURE ANTENNAS PROPOSED SECTOR'1"®90' EMS®RR65-15-00_DP TOP OF EXISTING POLE AND ANTENNAS (1)PANEL ANTENNAS TOP OF EXISTING POLE AND ANTENNAS AD, Yr® 0'MECH.TILT® 1900 MHz - - -- (1)FUTURE ANTENNAS t75'-0'AG t75.-0'AG EMS®RR65-15-00_OP 0'MECH.TILT 0 1900 MHz \ WIRELESS RAD CENTER OF US WEST ANTENNAS OR`H EN H \ U t72.-0'AG � BEUEWEN Viso. E. RAD CENTER OF US WEST ANTENNAS h t72'-0'AG Y CASE NO. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION , THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS IS PROPRIETARY BY NATURE.ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN THAT WHICH RELATES TO GTE VOTELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. ZONING DOCUMENTS EXISTING 75'HIGH MONOPOLE EXISTING 75'HIGH MONOPOLE / DATE ISSUE TO BE EXTENDED TO 85'HIGH TO BE EXTENDED TO 85'HIGH 1 B/S/ILO OVOID TWIRL DRAYm RY: LG c11ECXE0 BY:MA,KA PROPOSED GPS ANTENNA 'SITE NUMBER PROPOSED COAX CABLE BRIDGE PROPOSED GPS ANTENNA WA052OA —EXISTING SHURGARD PROPOSED COAX CABLE BRIDGE STORAGE UNIT PROPOSED 4812 EQUIPMENT ISrtE NAME PROPOSED POWER/TELCO CABINETS PROPOSED EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE PROPOSED TRANSITION VAULT EAST VALLEY POWER/TELCO CABINET E%ISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE GATES EXISTING SHURGARD EXISTING SHURGARD STORAGE UNIT PROPOSED STORAGE UNIT TRANSITION VAULT E%ISTING SHURGARD STORAGE UNIT PROPOSED 4812 EQUIPMENT PE ADDRESS I 3600 EAST VALLEY ROAD RENTON,WA 98055 SHEET TITLE I 1[ L_ T ..................................... EAST 8L WEST K::: 1 ELEVATIONS FINISH ..... ■ FINISH GRADE S GRADE .... 7 .. E%ISITING MONOPOLE —T U-O� ••EXISITING MONOPOLE FOUN.ATION FOUNDATION 1,tee_, e__›__. ISKEET NUMBER I A-4 WEST ELEVATION SGLE,I/V-I'-O• 2 EAST ELEVATION SCALE'I/EP a I•-O• 1 . .... . Cr I iii. 3. i '• . , 1.1.,!7 O Hai) Y "1 2 ;: 2 ; Ay A 04 •4440430• -.1., z ;.1 — • sy L.so 064.• 23, • •I. I . " 1.,' B • r )) ••1 .) Hi Lv, -o -I •i 131 : 1: COr • r; I l• -I I • 3..:Ac :,:. ,:.. 1- il -- 2 1:1 • ' ID '. IX f '$ ;: j 5 I i; 1- • ...;.; I.., Progressive . ' CC : CA 1,1 ,. ,), • .. •.- ''' I. I t;.;‘,. I!, . • CO I'I 5 • 1 •., 4,, .1 V Farrell I.1 _ . .. • ----; ''''N :•.) :. John V forrell ST. a 8 ID '.. 5 7_0ar :iii • @ ri ':" ' I ti I E, .' r.°'!i''''•QS ,P,:f,„..: 9 SI Ac ,•-•2*. \Tt. I. Ernilio •/trot . 4:7ii '......i• '::'44::‘ DJ ' ?Lui.•.• '91/tYT: la • ///. , 2 4 Shurgverd Storage Pro.rty 61'; / . J• I Exit.1k0E_Equipment 8, •0 ./..;i ...441,,,,,IMINIMII -.." MIMI• Storage Garage . ...,,,,....--•..; Existing Building:k,..741,11,... ' -A.; , 'io . . . ::. o Extstmg Monopole "...khop 42. __.......:;._".7222...=.": ."" gi t, , ._..._._. „ ,, , LNGTO 2 t' 1, w , 2 •': I6/ : L. '. iii '. a-1,000 Ft-4 _ _ j-:/ 1:-; i r,:vg, . -• - 5' :IF ti ' .„„1 R THE RN :7±-'..—--• :§ 4-2,500 Ft. —. -_ ,• ,.! : ...; ;, '1 Ill ,..1 ,...., .:4 fi ..fri 566 3.P.3-7, 0ING SITE PLAN , .MIT it li " •... 44, 44'.......r.4.44.,..... 3 !!...1,„•ii'l i o 1•61 Ac ././, VAL LE,t :MED I CAL( • • 1 'S"E ,,,,,,,: .k:::; ,... 6 1 1 CENTER i__.. 2 11 4 j ,-i•-••. - :0,...-w- ....1 i' IJ i• l 1, *. 6 ' i 16 •-.0 Kir ti2L Ti:l'i. L.,.1.-.:.,-;;1.:-....t.±y•; 1, HS Ang 4,- :•, ;,.. .. / 1.1 ......4.41s.. ,,,'1,L.: I... , libl, : .• i IP • 5 • 5 •• "II GTE WIretess 41 ST ST. 1` East Vay-WAD0520A,i NEIGHBORHOOD ,..... r.....1 ETAIL MAP SCALE:1 INCH=200 FEET Eaf 1:Ill 1 rjN IIQIItl PC C 11.-----..... .1 10 0.61AC . i'f,C1 24 .1'. L. / /1.....- I II II-.I • • .. , •••;....,2 1:k • .Y..---%-'.., 8..r . . • ..... 2E01 1 !::: I •. . ! 1 . . . ' I ... . • • '•: ' . `.)l'.. ....... . ,0: %.....• 0 I .' f B1 Se L , i % , IC E P4,.... Sp:,3q . • Eij • i.,•?.;i 3.) • , .S4 4 A Z 1 1 Cr N LT' S.F?LUA-94-06:4 ' Z3-5, . . , .. : • .:1:1• 4::';;11 • ' 1 1 84 ': . ' ' • '•I/5'07/L 4114 , ::: . . . 1 Z> -9 N ' I 1 73.ifil ' 7Z.::: i . :-.7•.-.±0 I -al_ .---. ... 281.31''..--.--. -7-. -.-.-..- t (4) : ,'11f*.s ,' . •:.1 1 [ 1 I . 't': • • ••• .• ::.1, . 0 • , •• (3) a I , ,:, I IN 0 . [... .......__ ... .___ • . • •.• . : . 0.46 Ac . •::•2 3 , 4c :• (... . • .... .,..• !::: . .. . . .. • • , $.P 197-78 1.. • ___ :•.1 1::1 1.: 1 • '4 . 4Ct il-I z61.30 • 1 ::: --- . ........_ _ _ •1•: .:•:1 " ‘I- •:,, 1 ,,;•.•• co , I :: „V iv E Z ri I (-111,%7 (2) 0 •• 0 ,. A 8IN • :.: ':.. • • I;' r--- 1 AiNi i •:•z, . .::: ;:.::I ammo I CC . •:' tr. • . . i•:I •:• I/I•U 774. i . :;: g P el.e g., ...h...!t)r e. s K..ol! • Progressive -.I 5 .1 1 1 25130 • . .. .,. .. , . . ,. ., •• • . .. .......: :::: . . ; • . .. .. . . Cr 1 '1: CO 1 k. ::• r3;•30-1 . `!) .:. •..• • 1:::: i:'. . .. . . • , .-------------------- M I 7' ,. ... . 03 1 '1 Ci to to ,.., N •• 03 .... ' . ••“ ••.. . . • 1 I Z I VI .:.... Lr:-. ..e.:...,,, J. V. Farrell 1 d . • • ::.: •0 .'- ,(0 • ....; i...;1 • • • • . MMII :.: Si'.•,' ...; '::•.1 :::i John V. Farrell . 1 1 .• I. ... ,I, ) ' •:' .4.--• -7, • .0, ,.:- s:.:: 6 14 A(... 1 ,: 9 • ::: \ c:, . 2(4 . II 2 65 ZO•••trn,.r,-2 25.99---- •'Z'''' 7:::::::: • 'Os ST, s .„,,.... L..2 . c. -,... . . . ,.. ... . . • • G' 5 70Ac @ izo • •io.G5 I !,.. ... 5 0 Zi 59 • ' en --.)--; ::,: ., w.: • # / . • l' 2,116:.77, i I • •'• <(e 014 ' 11 01 131:• .I.....i 1. V 11•t, (1 ;•::')...,;*4 3.51 /V- ..• gt.- OP 3•1!.? . c _ ••••iCr;••• \ I. '.., ,,,,8 • • .. - Emilio .12 ierof • _ . (7.-..;.% • . - • 'C >-• B ,., / I. ..... / 1.1.1 t- i-Lif::i! ... ,.. 4•,.• • irs, ...j . .• --.,39-•.,' • Shurguard Storage Pro 8 erty 1.: 4.I:1::' r•i i:::, . ExistingEquipment • ". p° ' I ?..:t ka '''; c';i ' • .._. .- ....... ,E.!.E,sts •••• • • . I -4141 79 • . c -• Existing Building . - •-• :',1._: 1 _________ ___J Minalliri I . . Storage Garage v .. ,.., .•.,_f ....! ______ • i , --- j, . , • 61,--• ,.•-• •• ----517 B8- -- . -. .... . . . . ... • _______gr--1 ' (I? f.•...1-..iii.....1 x Existing Monopole _ its.?7,.. .--- ..,- • ---- • . -" -- • - - • - • -01.•---165• -- -• ::. (.., ..i 14) _ .ty ..----• .1 ... . -- - ... • r . /. ., LI . . ii .,3 :.; r /.•.•.1 , ,r; - . cn \\• __________. (1.1 :'•I i.:I ; 4160i. ! k„,e„ I N G T 0 NIK,, i`J. -1 .. , ,2:i .,......, b.. • • ,...., 0,45 .i--,...s,:. . ,,..., '951 ,.. ..c., A.••))'.)„, ... • ":..t ., 'Cy. 2 •• 1'; iik s.i , a .... ,,„,, • • ::: , . ' ! h i: 1 :;."; ----...,k.. -... -T..--13.741,11 f•c 0; bo "..ii r-• 'n ••• a <-- 1 000 Ft. , i:::: Howard , rc ••••• r.::i ,j::. 0 r 0.• ------''-e•-2.4...., ji 15 i ., • •• • 1......! I1 • '. Hawkins ? T H E R •N .. 30556 - - .. . •• " YI I.44; I.•. ..):: -..f.'.:,z.,:•3.•`5•:'...: •1:',.., 7Z ft! ..5 :: <3 %.:. ,.,..:.:•,./ • - ---..-• • -1 f,1 cri ::.: Z• <- 2 500 Ft. --> , • , ,-6 ,_._ . ______ _ _. ir.,_-;- - - -311.9.5-- - - -- . • :: •-.• J' # zO•---4 i i:Li?7;"--E:5A47- • - -- •:• :. 1...:i f•::? • • ..• 'e. WI . •...1 :.;.1 ' •••'"••' (4) E.'.; j.' • • :;• 12 - . - . . :.•: 0 (I) l'.." • • . •:. N ;•- :...1 ::: . • • ;"..)64 Ac. • _ . . C &PH:3-77 ,! ;:::••1 :7) I INC SITE PLAN • ::; ________Jum...._______. • P.' I 92.0 . . ;:•"•:; '...11 Sc. ' ', '-''' .....,.. . .: I'•:', ....•1 ::,3 . :•• /.;7•:* .. 3 • Sarn Younk e r ...•..: •.•.. • •. ---.............„ ... • 1 ;5 I.61 Ac. , . .1 • , //;: VALLEY ' MED I CAL,. .. ,: .. :, •- ...., I moo • 8 - - •i . ...::..:: !: :, • ;I ,., 1 tO. IC 1 6 RAICAOAD ofily i E•.--- --1 . 1,...:' . / it.1::• ' ' 88 03 I 3!.;_ C •ENTER _.. . 2 . . 1 •„. ". -4 '‘'.••:,.,. :''1! ' '. • ,... . . • .../ ' iii. . (;) 0.-‘ '16, • -.4.. ..5. I 4: 6‘.--47671 I : • . . 1 j /1 .1 .1 • . : 1 ir 1 I G. ::: 4 g A BiNDIMQ siTE P; IAN ... ) I V . I r'' 2, iv • i ::-.5 , . •:- .I .E. •,. .... ..: .: B . ',./ _ --././.54 =. 1 ...c" .. ...1 q ZI; I ! : . • ‘• C.' ' 1.* .,',. . 88 02 .66 67 ' ‘8 : 166 7 , . 105.67 1)\\ ' C': - GTE Wireless .. -.-,-• 41 ST ST. , 0 ., ; .:.........:.,: , ..... / fLopli4E . : , ,,, East Valley - WA0520A ITY°P13F-NE.I6HBORTIOOD DETAIL MAP 421 7 .. rei„ :,...1 ''...... 0 I dl t\ ‘1' tto ".,;.1! 0 s: Ig . /./., to 0, r\J C\I CV IV . .•' .' NZLIN 0 2 2 01.19 SCALE: 1 INCH = 200 FEET 6 I 4 - 1....1: ro Lo ..: :!: Li nECE.11119 . USINESS - .1 ,T, 30027 .• 0.64Ac. ; ,..': , w , 1 17-4 . . 1./ ii -7 I(3-2) . • \A 1 g.,..... ,.,/ /r---:-.........1 ZV set OF {&ID S • • G I Joe's Real Estate Co Northern Railroad Burlington Eastgate Theatre Inc 9505 SW Boeckman Rd. 3501 E Valley Rd 7132 Commercial Park Dr Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Knoxville, TN 37918 SSC Property Holdings Inc Yang Investments LLC Pacific Gulf Properties Inc. 1201 3rd Ave. #2200 6177 155th Pl SE 737 Market St Seattle, WA 98101 Bellevue, WA 98006 Kirkland, WA 98033 Golden Treasury LLC Fred Steiner Glacier Park Co 3700 E Valley RD 29234 218th PL SE 1700 E Golf Rd Renton, WA 98055 Black Diamond, WA 98010 Schaumburg, IL 60173 Public Storage.Pickup &Delivery The Boeing Company POBox3703 Inc. Seattle, WA 98124 P 0 Box 25025 Glendale, CA 91221 • • • r • • , • • i . . • • . .ivii{Am".7. -. . • • I PROPOSED GTE PROJECT AREA ' I • //iiinniiiii,,nii,.//,/,,,iiii iiii4,44,/,i,,,,,,iiiiiiiiiiii, j,, ,,, • tal i i aviK ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS ¢I //////////W/FWFWWFWF FWIV[uiuiiuWAFFWF/i./ii/n/uiuin/hill% I L .II !) • SUITE i 101 I ' 1, {- ' 3003 NORTHUP WAY ., • BELLE VUE. Y1A 98004 • / 1 S. T 425 822-1905 / __.I,: "`::f'' (425) 827r,053 FAX `e I T • I • . T j/fI 1 • I 7 I • g i • WIRELESS • ;n , -- • Iz.R •i 1 / • I I } • 1u/, I OF/LLVAR, C AND AgAY NO PROPERTYcOotAncE0 mERCN.ARE THE •L �•' i J ! /' OUPII!'LED.USED OR D6ROSfD UIRf1011f • 1nE wRrrtEm ODRSENf OF<wt.u:O. • • I �� , 4111 i : ��.Dt • • • f 1 • i • MD. . • • • SITE NAME: r /n/��� o niiinnn/ii • I WIRELESS. EAST I %!u//! • t • i CJFI ONpR MM'E E • i VA E Y SUITE 202 . IE 1 1 • • BELLEVUE.wA. 98005 . Ti i . i . • SITE NUMBER: CASE NO. N I PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1 • 1 '�//\) THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS wA c 5 ! O.A • SET OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS [ •• 1 IS PROPRIETARY BY NATURE.ANY USE • OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN THAT . • • ! WHICH RELATES TO GTE WIRELESS • IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 30'-0"r • • APPLICANT: • • I PAGE NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: ZONING DOCUMENTS SEE C-1 FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION • WHALEN&COMPANY PROJECT MANAGER SURVEY 3003 NORTHUP WAY.SURE 101 • • BELLEVl7E.WA 98004 • T-1 OVERALL SITE PLAN, . WHOA LN k COMPANY INC. PENHAI.L£GON ASSOCIATES CONTACT. BOB STAFFORD TELL(425)889-2881 # DATE ISSUE • 3003 NORTHUP WAY SUITE 101 750 SIXTH STREET SOUTH LEGAL DESCRIPTION - TELCO CONTACT:BOB STAFFORD TEE:(425)889-2881 PROJECT INFORMATION • BELLEVUE WA. 98004 KIPoOMID.WA 9B033 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY • CONTACT:BOB STAFFORD CONTACT:SHELDON GULL C-1 1 3/8/00 PRELIM 2DNING PHONE: (425)889-2881 ' PHONE: (425)827-2014 SITE ADDRESS: PROPERTY OWNER: _ •MOBILE: (425)802-2509 FAX: (425)827-5043 • I SHURGIJA D STORAGE '. MA RV PEER • A-1 • ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN • - 3600 EAST VALLEY ROAD SSC PROPERTY HOLDING INC • RENTON,WA 98055 1201 3RD AVE//2200 A-2 ENLARGED SITE PLAN' SEATTLE.WA 98101 ARCHITECT: • - TEL:(208)399-3321 A• -3 NORTH & SOUTH ELEVATIONS • • •• PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A-4 ARCHITECT ELECTRIC UTILITY • GTE PROPOSES TO CONSTRUCT AN UNMANNED'TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY • EAST WEST ELEVATIONS CONSISTING OF A(3)SECTOR ANTENNA ARRAY.'CO-LOCATED ON AN EXISTING 75'HIGH • ALVAR INC. PUGET SOUND ENERGY MONOPOLE WITH A EXTENSIONHIGH TO 85'H WITH EQUIPMENT LOCATED IN STORAGE • • :WI NORTHUP WAY SUITE 101 805 158TH AVENUE N.E. A&E EXECUTIVE VP- SHELTER TO THE NORTH OF THE POLE. • BELLEVUE.WA.98004 BELLEWE.WA 98005 • CONTACT:TWA TABUREN • BUILDING INFORMATION:. . GENERAL INFORMATION: ' DRAWN BY: LG TEL: 425)822-1905 PHONE: ((206))447-3174 • FAIL-(425) 827-1053 TAX: (208)287-3879 • ZONING:RA-5. 1.PARKING REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT • CHECKED BY: MA,.ICA CONTACT: PALL OANNEBERG CONSTRUCTION TYPE II/N CHANCED. . • eme0:p.dDnrl*80090OA.ararchllecls.COO • OCCUPANCY:5-2 • 2.TRAFFIC 6 UNAFFECTED A&E DIRECTOR: • CODE: 1997 3.NO 51GNAGE 1S PROPOSED I CONTACT: MARIO AWAREZ..gIA WA7178 • SIGNATURE DATE PROJECT AREA 117 50 FT [SITE NUMBER APN:302305910{ WA052OA CONSULTANT TEAM APPROVED BY: _ PROJECT SUMMARY • - SHEET.INDEX A2 1@ CO1®G a DlY DLlAl01 m I[NL SR 1515 I I - -1 SITE NAME MA .16M 1105 DEC Mt Y1NfM71iFf1 �� } • • - .� MXR 1�9.nom CO. CS S NYtmt ___ swan • • • EAST VALLEY ,FRN M1 IX E EACH N r mom z DOCUMENT REVIEW 4SIN WWII SOILR fJ. EACH a0 16 1FT AWCuS SDO). SSE = 1 • RN 1@i EX -TSsli Y n NO flR1NAS CO . DIEM N IOtIM WO 71®IW • W b i I1E$MI 1R um( M. fNliJ1 M ILI1 01 1011E No 19' (� . • • RW4 R101✓d'11 K F01 W CDtOYC] T.O.C. IU'Or 0[al[ <• Us 15RE AOORESS RR WONG FEE ROUT IOI 70 SOLE iD1L TIP ff 1RSDR! . EEC h &�"5f°°� °1 rya m °"�mama is y GTE — RF• ®E1/F (fin • • 3600 EAST VALLEY ROAD • CUM Ptr� pLq Den 1 Dp 6VmE COX N<nw • W C',�,C I'� ro�N 1(I RENTON, WA 98055 me OHMIC n1'D. Rn,l DL uom.NRAsue .ATE00 MSS NOTED • GTE - RF MGR. ,_i�•�0 de GYPSY=t WHO ODD MTE I SHEET TITLE I NC • C9H.• CD�ou 10,o N 42016 Pg. PAR GTE - SD JUN TA UN Q °^ QQ OVERALL CO. mrYv PTA THY 16( YtIL W. Hm s� • MAC KOPC.%MG MO Wlih• SITE PLAN o�rG' MUIR m YsoE Of NOV in MOH mi. NMI AR COOTOMC ,,I6 • • • GTE — TIPS OM. CUOMO 10011 180TH ST DALE es COM �D N10 Dz.0 ;� WONG 19Ni • p;>.,+ & PROJECT aL alN .s.Yn s so w • BAra WHALEN - LUP OK WNW M. WW1 90 WU .T MOE { - u DO, a COMR IX ��� WHALEN - PM INFORMATION YD71 1[Owmli .8. /� /(� �ev 3 N • PROP. OWNER a� R0fS10N ® 11ETALL RETERTNf:E L i x) SECTION REFERENCE �3/ Ll PLj' —1) S °ATE SHEET NUMBER CL KEY NOTE ELEVATg1I REIEIENCE DATE ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS - VICINITY MAP N.T.S._ CITY STAMPS _ APPROVALS TN'1 • I 4. _ • • • • FOUND 3/8'BRASS PLUG • T • •• 1, CASE CONC/Y60�;E• NTN PORTION OF S.E. 1 %4, SEC. 30, TWP. 23 N , RNG. 5 E., W } Ahra-iv---•KING. COUNTY, WASHINGTON �` • • • 589'20.49�E PROPERTY LINE __- • 477.J'__— • — - - - DETAILEE ARCHITECTS AND UDC). y 1 • n '„ 10' NORTHUP WAY N.E. Nova • i c a /u./n SUITE $ 101 F • /,�/ A - I . BELLEVUE• WA, 9800a A (425) 822-7905 • ®m:cc'' f I _ 425 827,1053 FAX • • .! NI r� lit O NT E EIN°ARREE THEN PROPERTY RTY 1 i • AND YAY NOT BE L), A DUPuwED.USED OR wsaosm n Hour thif 'J \ • THE wRTTEN CONSENT OF/J_VAR.WC. // //// // ..4'..-......1,.. ..11. • • PREPARED FOR: ' ./1...L! . . 4 I 04011...... . aig . . • • N1elK aorNu liilii/!liililiiii/iiiilii/i/ii/ii i lliiiin/iiiili!ii!/i//i!n/ii/iiii/ / _ • _ T W I R E C E S S.nz..-as • ,� • �n • PACIFIC NORTHWEST • PAWN.�c �t 2445 140tn AVE. N.E. ' • 7 • / (L Q SUITE 202 i I 1/!/!//!!!/!!/////////!!!/!!/!/!///l!/%//!!/111i///!/!!!!//Z/!!!////i!!! W. //_I wwww - • • BELLWE. WA.'98005 • ,i, • • .. •. (., • ' I I : da • ' 1 . ".a �'' -Ct CASE N0. . .I I '� .. ! / / /! Ti z23• �/41 •`• ' ,' •• .- . .. PROPRIETARYINFORMATION •.• o�a K,eTRACE • �• v nR ? "y •a �' - - / ISTING THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS I " —�— —¢i°e�aw c-iv .. / _ QQ • 'ONOPOLE 2•3r IS SET OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS I Z ma T-°v s-m '/ '�`� I / / • 3y �' ORPDISCLOSURE LB OTHER THAN Y NATURE. THAT • c" a�= •• WHICH RELATES TO CTE WIRELESS . : $ I S_�+-a V J � • I IS.STRICTLY PROHIBITED. i. . •I • I a�> ' 1 - ..... . b\.., • • • it W.A� I • soucc ! • Y o ` • PM�KHA • • • ) • h -. • ea • _• O Cy • t • / . • • I R,"'"�µ "�°�„m----.•�„, may .! • • • —� NiTIc E � a /iiiiili/////, P. STOWE /if • v i :W.AIN4 ,e5 . • • • rI E, _,v _ 1 E 1tOR 5-1SN - _Iy.ypgs �. I.W • / ' • GRAPHIC SCALE PROJECT NO. 00535.0 • �IIn i � • 12D.D N • e • / DATE ISSUE • • • IK FELT) • IC,rm.c fmr • ' / i .. • 1 inch. 3a R • 1 x/29/O0 TOPOGRAPHY • • • wi I • • •• • . / • • • • • • • • i j ENO,s/e'REBAR w/CAP • • • DRAWN BY: • / SWG • I , STAMPED'CRONES 2953Y • • CHECKED B1': .. o.1'Sc D�'E a'u20 I•osnan • I • • JRD • • k • s9°'rt N892049-W PROPERTY LINE 405.4' - • ISfiE NUMBER • J1, n> / • • • FOUND 2-BRASS•CAP • WA0520 A • • • s w/CNISED'a'OF OwC. . YDHUYCNT IN CASE(2/16/OD) _ LEGEND D WATER VALVE I SITE NAME �� • - TER .V NTIIRANi i • 31 •• • • p® WATERi ats(SS/so) • • NOTES: CERTIFICATE: • °� AITUTY EAST VALLEY DITF. D2/16/00 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS A SURVEY VICINITY MAP E- GUY ANCHOR, ' I. lH6 YAP IS iCR THE PURPOSE aF SHOwNG TOPOGRAPHY ONLY AND R POWER POLE NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. BQMDr.RY LWES SHOWN HEREON%ERE CALCULATED GURVFT•TEAK: WARNER/FARRAH° - MADE ON FEBRUARY 16.2000 AND REPRESENTS 1NE ACTUAL •�Or(� q Yy7rL'f rA '42^1 t:1 I QA POWER nuns-mum TROY AVN AR,'RATS•SHOWN PLATS RECORD OF Sl1RVET5 AND RECutD SECTOR 1FIT RTHT(2]]PC.JO-43 A ELEC. SITE CONDITIONS ON THAT DAY. h-iC J.�,, - • SUBQN90NS FOUND YONUYEN75 WERE USED AS THE OASIS°F CONTROL F 'r- .�, i I ©Q PO%E-F/TD.EPNONE VAULT I SITE ADDRESS FOR THESE CALCULATIONS.PROPERTY UNES ARE SHORN GRAPHICALLY FOR • _ 0. sg� TELEPHONE/TV REFERENCE ONLY. EXISTING MONOPOLE: Y YN 'g�T_, r: ^ p QIE/Tv RISER (SEE ENLARGED sIRN[r ABOV♦7 8�-F� R�}a -4}. T AAA , I .. I GAS vAIVE 2. THE BOUNDARY SHOWN HEREON IS PER RECORD OF SURVEY BY R.P.YcgOOY BAT 83 a)CPONATF£ litter ,+,:- zti'v:.. gj' ) • ���..7 • .0 A]SEPH R.DERSHAY-Pti/33127 DATE k P.- g v- I r TC STREET UCHT '3600 E. VALLEY. RD. H RECORDED IN BR_27 OF SURVEYS PAGE 147,FEY.NO.8105209001 RUCK M0.05 LATITUDE:4726'57_723" •-;r,• Y =t ,, . A LEAD W TAD(FOR THE CENTER OF SECTION.TINS f'ONT.IS 4.4Y SOUTH OF THE IDNGITUDE:'122T2'S9.128 _ - 6. x SPOT ELEVATION RENTDtI, • E. $ ' f� d e'{ F. WA 98055 THEORETICAL CENTER OF SECTION. C•y F-� 'W -Y-" . a 9QN NM 77 frKYlIVNATF<' + ". 3 ;Si, 'SRr,``• �, o MAILBOX j1EFERFNCE 41RVFY4 UTITUDL-472C51J6.T" • •t-'E' -� '"�'-., s i�`4W+",as.•�.. ••". . t�•.:9f.'-'!%C tiY...,_n< ,'`f '+4�r 1 caDa RCCKERr`O 3. RECORD OF SURVEY-BK 94,PC 52 REC.BY BAIL,INC LONGITUDE:172'12'54.688" y ';tl-._*� Nr'.L_2 try=N:v_:R ,yy��L, ,•`-- ISHEET TITLE m 4. RECORD OF SURVEY-BE 30,PG 243A REC/8202189001 BY.XXNES ASSOC. •'� "; •�, -G. 4'i.:• ICONGER TREE -21.1"(NJLVA B8) • "»,mow -. . . ..•.,, MZ."i.e�'i?'`: q.•:•. f--:;1_____ • N (i1WMD EIEVATKN O MONOPOLE •�;mCAN S WORK PERFORMED W CONAINCTNN NTH TMS SURVEY UTILIZED THE FOLLONNC CONVERGENCE ANGLE-1TIY4T SCALE FACTOR:1.03001011 ' ., EQJAPYENT AND PROCEOHRES:(A) CP.S STATIONS WERE OBSERVED USI NG ALIENa''i�eIMI'S ,!;_iy .. -��. vDECID.1REE. 'o OSBQKa+E A40C(IOA)FEOEVERS IHD 5017WIRE.(8) 2'CEODWEIER 600 SFTCES - S :r7..tlay.•��r 2-. FOUND CASE➢YONUY NT A TOPOGRAPHiC ELECTROUIC TOTAL STATION,YANTANED TO THE YANUfACTURE'S SPEcYHEOTIONS PER Xrcl C:\CADUB\STAYPS\SmI-'E � `•'=-"�1N ]> a-;y -- ;�Ia`V;.��" E (S NOTED)N W.AC]32-1J(1-100. C FIELD,RAVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ,_' ;:r' -• ''! _ •..:I - - NTERTr1EjeSNFsCENTER UNNV_AC 3J2-17(!)-090.() �•EXCEEDWG RFOUYi£YENTS SET CORM 1N t �.es �,m'x"�+"" a ,sTI1A7 PQRTIQI OF TMC NORM 446.71 FEET.AS YEASIAN£D KQNC ME%EST UNE aF a,r Y +". W " �-..T!�DI _— _ RI01T_OF-NAY LANES E, _,,,y,r,•..N-1 � -, T=t,Bxx 3 �*` QTCN LINES/FLOW SURVEY Or THE SOUTHWEST 1/{OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 a SECTION 30,TOWH3OP 23 ,_:i:';}`?,..L.. M - 'T.._�- +;,:�TYu"--- ; ..,--- .RASfG OF REARM,N.A.D.BT/91 PER KWG COUNTY CONTROL HELD CENTER Or NORTH.RANGE 5 EAST W;Y,THE ST 1/4Y OF SECTION STATE NSHIPNOW 7Y .,,,,,-• ,-^' *--Ia S..j^ X' .'+'• , 'I w WA h. 'Lft . '�;. �?5^'"E' y Y+� i -ASS— SANITARY SEWER UNE SECTION LINE SEC.]Q T%P 23 N.WIG.5 E.w.Y, AS CONDEWdO N KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO.582233:(THE `` — y-.'r• ^e�x;:.,�v',fi.;r' • ' —�— STORM OFAN LINE '° SERTICAL DATVIt NANO 88.PER KING SURVEY MONUMENT/RENT1241 SOUTH LNF R THE PROPERTY HEREIN OESOBRE0 IS PARALLEL TO THE NORTH i-fir-$"' >^.' h,,--- �l'- ",."'•''••' .EXCEPT . n - POWER LINES ' Cc f$YNTRDLI LNG flENG11YARK:TACK N LEAD W TOP OF 2 T 2'WON PIPE MONUMENTVENUE SOUTHEAST(EAST VALLEY ��I{lF��I —UST— U co / THAT PORTINN eTImN THE 92ND A } I ;� ,gym'-'"r':" r��` Wall —Ur+'— UNOQtGROUND [SHEET NUMBER al ELEVATION SOUTH OF ININARTECTIO)IN OF SW 41A1 5T,&E.VALLEY R0. ROAD). �•1117 REEFENCE TELEPHONE UNES CHIN LINK FENCE cn NRE FENCE .42 SITUATE N THE COUNTY OF KNC STATE OF NASeVNGTOR _°— 1'K%U � '. • • 4 1 I' i A • AlidevvA---- 4 1 MCI-MEM:3 AND ENGINEERS I • 3003 NORTHUP WAY 4 SUITE I 101EV ELL UE, W 9 98004 -- — 425 b2- OS . I ___— 4253 627-1053 FAX ' EXISTING BUILDING . LG<1L[cu1Q / ;. : / • b I i I i EXISTING I BUILDING XISTING / Kt 012.1H s MO WRITTEN UNTENuy.. __ OF AI.vwR, C_ O 4AY NOT BE . .. I I, BUIDING / '1 I eoNr.ua[o NENEtx ueE THE r+NorENn ' j I THE 1ttb�CNCONSENT O.�yy�' 1 Vi • . I 1 PtoyNaO rat' u 30_ I:.. . /ii�iiiii4iiiiiziii�iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwniiiiii/i7iiiiiu7riiii�iiiii - ! � PROPOSED GTE WIRE -1: I I I COVERED PARKING ry[i ,� /PROIECT'AREA i OD �l(ISTING US WEST i /iiiiiii/iiiiui/iiiiiii/iiiiiiiiiii/iiiiiiii/i/iii,,,w, ,v,-,,iiiiiii,w,./ I1 t (EQUIPMENTIW1RELESSIII / Illi::1/1 PACIFIC NORTHWEST I [ E7CISTING 75' HIGH j I 2445 140th AVE. N.E. I % 'MONOPOLE TO BE 1 sEUSEi uE wa gaoos • a § I T i I EXTENDED TO 85' HIGH( •[ / i I _ .. EXISTING •I / I I CASE NO. I I - .. . . BUILDING ' t _ / N THIS �I 'I I •7 S.R767� PROPRIETARY INFORMATION i i Ig I= iS-._._.� _ F [ ` II if SET OF CONSTRUCTIONTHE INFORMATION DOCUMENTS IMENTS I€' �, ' * I. I �i/////l/i/ii/ t I I IS PROPRETARY BY NATURE ANy USE J OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN THAT I iI I • ♦ ';[ iIS'STRICiWHICH �LATES TO GTE Y PROHipWIRELESS .. �[ _.i. • i BUILDING DING i BUILDING I { lib / 4 ` BUID NG ZONING DOCUMENTS i EGRESS �. — 1 I p ,[ I INGRESS�—^' I, o [ ` I DATE ISSUE T��„1 � BUILDING EXISTING %!1 I 1 =✓a/oo PREuu zaNwc ti J BUILDING Jt "I I I • i 1 I / a I ' / I EXISTING / / . a iBUILDING /. . . / i DRANK Err: LG I I / / CHECKED By: MA, KA / ____/_____0. I I / • di .. I ISRE NUMBER i . i I I WA052OA i / / (SITE NAME EAST VALLEY / / ---_ i !SITE ADD2SS i / 3600 EAST VALLEY ROAD i i RENTON, WA 98055 i / 1 / I SHEET TOLE .. • I j j ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN I / ; (SHEET NUMBER I . 1 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN Al SCALE: 1"=30'-0' 1 • / Jr. ' .. F iveviairde— . ; ARCHRECTB AND ENGINEERS ♦" �` y 3003 HORTNUP WAY SURE / 101 BELLEVUE. WA. 98004 (425) 822-1905 (425) 827-1053 FAX .. ' THE.rarr�i ED OA °r r- OUT , ; tl WIRELESS l o 1 j, 1 EXISTING STORAGE BUILDING t' 1 f 1 2 445 140th AVE. N.C.I I SUITE 202 �1 BELLEWE•WA 98005 1 1 . CASE NO. 1 I ; j PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ..�' . ' S 1 1 © THEETET OINFORMATION CONNNNED IN THIS I 11 jAT ® IS PROPRIETARY TNATURANY EUSE 1 ! OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN TH * 1 ; 1 ! WHICH RELATES TO GTE WIRELESS ! 1' 15-0- 30.-0- y / F IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 1 I 1 1 EXITING ROLL—UP JI ro 13—0- 2, i1 PROPOSED 4812 ZONING DOCUMENTS 1" , E(IUIPM ENT CABINET . �` , i �I PROPOSED TELCO # DATE ISSUE Al pgABINET i i % I 3/8/00 PRELIM ZONING or �' '�1" % 004 or 1 .CABINET ED POWER ��n' r / �; i oi ; Aillik. � so i 'I . ... .ii ���i..Y - 1 4,.., N 'l 1 '""'iiiiii ,`� i r PROPOSED 9'x 13• CONCRETE PAD .. • I � � lI � "" 'i'i� 0 I � � 1 ""'""................ .. ........ �i� r l '. . PROPOSED TRANSITION VAULT .. . i I I ii��„ . % 1 j 1 EXISTING FENCE GATE ...iii . LG ii '! '--=__%. ; -- __ __ �� DRAWN BY: 1 © (]tECKED BY: MA, KA I ! l l" PROPOSED WALL PENETRATION S �� I SITE NUMBER 1 I I I, I0 PROPOSED COAX CABLE TRAY WAO52OA I 11. 1 .. I 1 L_ I (1tJIl _ J i. ,muI' Ir �" ETWESTr �'� EING75HIGOPOLEi I 1 I EQUIPMENT O _ ��� TO BE EXTENDED TO 85• HIGH EAST VALLEY I 1 EXISTING FENCE IUITE ADDRESS I t21' 0` I 1 1 1 i1 o 3600 EASTVALLEY ROAD o, 1 RENiON, WA 98055 - 1 I sHEEE TITLE f ENLARGED ARCHITECTURAL IEXISTING STORAGE BUILDING SITE PLAN I . / rr r I r ISHEET NUMBER 1 Al / 1 ENLARGED SITE PLAN W DIMENSIONS Sr4I F. 1/4= 1.-0' / 2 ENLARGED SITE PLAN W NOTES A 2 s • • s • y _ • • _ .. • • • • } • NOTE: • • EQUIPMENT SHOWN INSIDE NOTE: • STORAGE SHELTER EQUIPMENT SHOWN INSIDE (STORAGE SHELTER • ' • Agerriti**** . • • • • • • } PROPOSED SECTOR "3" ® 330' ARCHIREGTB AND ENGINEERS . (1) PANEL ANTENNAS01 • • • •• 3003 NORTHUP WAY. ' . • 4 •• (425?l SUITE UE, WA. 98004 . . (i) FUTURE ANTENNAS • ((azs Bzz—I9os EMS {/RR65-15-00_DP. • . (4253 827-1053 FAX 0" MECH.'TILT © 1900 MHz .. TOP OF GTE ANTENNAS • • TOP OF GTE ANTENNAS • f89'-0 AG • t89'-0" AG • RAD CENTER • t86'-0" AG RAD CENTER • • t86'-0" AG • PROPOSED SECTOR "1" ® 90 /• I . . .• (1) PANEL'ANTENNAS • • • N TOP OF POLE J \ TOP:OF POLE ■J A,N� „ �T ■ O WRiTR:N WTERLµ' Y PROPOSED SECTOR "2" ® 210 I■■ `°""�E°"ERn" RE'^E P"oPCRn 8S'-O" AG 85-D" AG OF•c . INC.AND NAV NOT BE (1) FUTURE ANTENNAS �o oar�I�ur E'MSRR65-15-00_DP . (1) PANEL'ANTENNA$ *NE wmrrtN coRSENr or.¢v ur .� • • 0" MECH. TILT 1900 MHz . (1) FUTURE ANTENNAS . NR TOP•OF EXISTING POLE AND ANTENNAS EMSRR65-15-00_DP TOP OF EXISTING POLE,AND ANTENNAS • f75'-0" AG• 0" MECH. TILT ®.1900 MHz ' ' i i • • • t75'=0" AG ' •• `ii�/ .• WIRELESS . ti� \ RAD CENTER OF US WEST ANTENNAS PACIFIC• 44 1an°RTHwEsr ' RAD CENTER OF US WEST•ANTENNAS • • ``L'l vE• N.E. t72'-0" AG• • • • t72'-0" AG I BEIIEWE.SUITE WAO9H005 • • • • • _ CASE NO. • • • . PROPRIETARY INFORMATION •. • • THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS ' .. SET OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS . • . . IS PROPRIETARY BY.NATURE.ANY USE . • OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN THAT • WHICH RELATES TO GTE WIRELESS It •i _ IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. • • • • • • ZONING DOCUMENTS • EXISTING 75`HIGH�IONOPOLE• EXISTING 75 HIGH MONOPOLE • TO BE EXTENDED TO 85' HIGH • T0.BE EXTENDED TO 85' HIGH DATE ISSUE • • . • • • • I 3/8/00 PREUM ZONING • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • DRAWN BY: LG • • •• CHECKED BY: MA. KA • • _ ISRE NUMBER I EXISTING SHURGUARD STORAGE UNIT • WAO520A PROPOSED GPS ANTENNA PROPOSED 4812 EQUIPMENT • ` • • .. I SITE NAME N.:NI • : PROPOSED 4812 EQUIPMENT • • PROPOSED POWER CABINET . • EXISTING SHURGARD STORAGE PROPOSED'POWER CABINET EAST VALLEY UNIT PROPOSED TELCO CABINET • PROPOSED TELCO CABINET •\., ISRE ADDRESS I • • • .PROPOSED TRANSITION VAULT • 3600 EAST VALLEY ROAD • ' A RENTON, WA 98055 • • • • • . . • . • . . . . . . . • I SHEET TIRE I_ PROPOSED TRANSITION VAULT • I • NORTH & SOUTH I —�' t —1 — T FINISH GRADE • I FINISH GRADE ELEVATIONS EXISITING MONOPOLE FOUNDATION' 0'-0" EXISifiNG MONOPOLE FOUNDATION ��� • . ISHEET NUMBER ' NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: I/8-= I•-D- 2 SOUTH ELEVATION A-3 ' f I ft NOTE: EQUIPMENT SHOWN INSIDE NOTE: (EQUIPMENT SHOWN INSIDE I STORAGE'SHELTER STORAGE SHELTER PROPOSED SECTOR."3" ® 330' ARCHITECTS AND r (1) PANEL ANTENNAS 3003'NORTHUP WAY SURE i 101 (1) FUTURE ANTENNAS ! aEEEEvuE. WA_ 98004 (425) 822-1905 EMSRR65-15-00_DP (ass) 827—t053 FAX 0' MECH. TILT® 1900 MHz TOP OF ANTE A GTE NTENNAS Alt A " AG TOP OF GTE ANTENNAS ilio RAD CEN I RAD CENTER t89'CEN AG. �. t86'-0" AG TER 1 /I t86.-0" AG NN\ TOP OF POLE TOP OF POLE PROPOSED SECTOR "2" ® 210' N o.� lEN M.re (1) PANEL ANTENNAS. 85'-O" AG OF wN.t ,Nc MM BAY NOT 6E . . 85'-0" AI j • (1) FUTURE ANTENNAS rUPLICONE nc M a Of ALVAN.w EMS J(RR65-15 00_DP PROPOSED SECTOR "1 0 90- TOP OF EXISTING POLE AND ANTENNAS. (1) PANEL ANTENNAS 0' MECH. TILT 1900 MHz TOP OF EXISTING'POLE AND ANTENNAS . .. t75'-0" AG (1) FUTURE ANTENNAS .. .. EMS #RR65-15-00_DP t75"-0" AG II II I • 0" MECH- TILT @ 1900 MHz' .I .1 WIRELESS \RAD CENTER OF US WEST ANTENNAS Y RAD CENTER OF US WEST ANTENNAS PAgFlC NORTHWEST I 2445 140th AVE N.E. t72'-0 AG f72'-0" AG SUITE f sos .. .. BELLEWE WA. 98005• ' PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THE INFORMATION CONTNNED IN THIS SEF'OF CONSTRUCTION NOCUMENT.1 . .. i PROPRIETARY BY NATURE ANY USE ` R DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN THAT HICHRELATES TO GTE NIRELESS♦ SIRICTIY PROi-uB1TED. EXISTING 75' HIGH MONOPOLE ZONING DOCUMENTS TO BE EXTENDED TO 85' HIGH EXISTING 75' HIGH MONOPOLE— TO BE EXTENDED TO 85' HIGH I DATE ISSUE I 3/B/00 PRELIM.ZONING DRAWN BY: LG ' .. PROPOSED GPS ANTENNA CHECKED BY MA, KA PROPOSED COAX CABLE BRIDGE517E NUMBER EXISTING.SHURGARD PROPOSED GPS ANTENNA STORAGE UNIT ' PROPOSED COAX CABLE BRIDGE 1NA052OA PROPOSED 4812 EQUIPMENT . PROPOSED PROPOSED POWER/TELCO CABINETS SITE NAMEPROPOSEELCO CABINET EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE PROPOSED TRANSITION VAULT EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE GATES PROPOSED EXISTING SHURGARD ' EXISTING SHURGARD STORAGE UNIT EAST VALLEY TRANSITION•VAULT EXISTING SHURGARD STORAGE UNIT STORAGE UNIT PROPOSED 4812 EQUIPMENT 1 ' _ ISITE ADDRESS I I 3600 EAST VALLEY ROAD RENTON, WA 98055 . ISHEET TITLE I 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111101 I■ .•oE A1 ItZ•-.-.-.:❖:•......... FINISH GRADE " � •..�:•:��:•'=::-:=:=:•=•=•=•=:�=_-�=�_�� & WEST. EXISITING MONOPOLE T:—,�•--- -••-•••• 0'-0" •-••-- � w� FINISH GRADE ELEVATIONS FOUNDATION �5�._; •'••'•e� ••�.i••• EXISITING MONOPOLE FOUNDATION O'—O" 1[ SHEET NUMBER WEST ELEVATION V'*IF: 1/8-= 1•-0- 2 EAST ELEVATION A-4 . . a 0 CITY OF RENTON .,...i.. ..,.. .,.....„._ ,li,a 4r. 0,' A I p.44;orgs:06-01,0•41M. .0.0"'"............—Li''"'"-': 1 - ' N c51 ,.4.4 i eel/ Planning/Building/Public Works 11.111111111411*44‘&_. E ''.e; LC 0... n\ evppo,0"svd ... ‘,.u ,...1 v 0 5 10:' vin:-No 0 c") JIM 13'0 0 : Win in - : .. 1055 South Grady Way- Renton Washington-0055 PB METER \ \ t 41111r:are° it . • ..#I t..- 4 . 7- -%- -,. . ,.., ......- 7158401 U.S. POSTAGE 1.• ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 04 4c9 "fee 49ir PRSR1,- F 1 Rtf,- ,-,i,,' §,.•eS,' A VA %1 0.6 i 14100 .,..,,, .;., ) . tv, 1../ o %.,,•'..--!;-,).. - . .,....A.,,tp.„ . ., Glacier Park Co 1700 E Golf Rd GLAC 700 601732414 1N 19 06/21/00 Schaumburg, IL 601T RETURN TO 5ENDJ # k=-•:?; . VP, NO FORWARD 0 ON FILE . , UNABLE , ORWARD i RETUR !O SENDER • I '- ef? ) _ - . I O OYt) cgD *NTo� NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON- SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) DATE: June 12,2000 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-00-072,CU-A,ECF APPLICATION NAME: GTE 85'Monopole 2 ' PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project would replace an existing US West monopole II with a higher structurally sound monopole II. The existing structure is 75'tall, the replacement tower would be 85' in height. The project also includes installation of an additional set of antennas and ancillary ground base station equipment within an existing building. PROJECT LOCATION: 3600 East Valley Road OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE,(DNS): As the Lead Agency,the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore,as permitted under the RCW 43.21 C.110,the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS process to give notice that a DNS is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance(DNS). A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: June 2,2000 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 12,2000 - - APPLICANT: GTE.Wireless Contact Person Madeline Clemann,Whalen&Co OWNER: Mary Meier SSC Property Holdings Inc. Permits/Review Requested: Environmental(SEPA)Review, Other Permits which may be required: Construction Permits Requested Studies: N/A Location where application may be reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works Division,Development Services Department, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055. PUBLIC HEARING: N/A CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Land Use: The subject site is designated Commercial Arterial(CA). The project replaces an existing wireless tower. The proposed site is not within 300'of any developable residential property. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: None known . • Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City's SEPA Ordinance,Zoning Code, Sensitive Areas Ordinance,Public Works Standards,Uniform Building Code,Uniform Fire Code,and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Genmalot Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Steve Taylor Project Manager, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on June 26 2000. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager.Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: STEVE TAYLOR(425)430-7219 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION • p I iraea xlt., 1`I(K� ® .. aa` A. Pi o ,ly _I i `.., rc i -I s 11 I-. i I.I.L........•. ` 7 r.ogr:mvr m III C . i; • ., .,.. sx fl}'k CY' t a s .N .'a. "y J F'sfinflEguiDmrnt r, : -i ' StamRG f ' �� � Existing BuilGnE ; v ,EAiaKnE Mompola v ; I d L I N GT O W �� , •;n -IMO Ft.-I. i. •a¢ n N RTHERN .- ;1,' N°.,N.r .•..q;. • -.gip i A-2300Ft.--1, �r n. — 6 III � .` 1.1 `: .n NINO [IT[ PLAN '1• • - • . a b�.:r .. .`Ik.: .... I•` ti: VALLE t ;MED I CAL/ .. 1 CrC N T ER - ` . • 7 nlTNtn l'i, f µ`^� • 'JI ' DIVA I Ii. -. - ' d Iu- ' GTE Winless ' AI ST ST.0 • t rLN I Ent V AIM - ' - ' �, . NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP ti , li a r11 !�.n� {i Pll V.. / //------/ u // Genmalot „....,.. ....--..,„,_,-)2m=. .....,. 0 0 CITY OF RENTON Al ea 4P. \-13r4,0 44 I; NAL Planning/Building/Public Works ,.., < occ al . , frvt,M"q1 .„ t' N : tet-I$in — R : - 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 C to. JU I 3'0 0 0 3 0_123CCEEI 'r” * PB METER ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED -- ... .. 7158401 U.S. POSTAGE ..14 \... - S SC-Property Holdings Inc .. Q„..,{,...„ 201 3rd Ave. #2200 Seattle, WA 98101 ,.-- ..,,,..,IT DEL i VERABLE ..fr-r..:::-.•—, c30 -.2: 1 ,,: . 3 DDRESSED ..,,,, , A ,, , --, '',,, !ABLE To FORWARD ,--- cr, hiri 0 . , •. , ,, ETURN TO SENDER . if ig.i.11_111111,11difilitibliiilia.f!fillid 411 NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED.DETERMINATION OF NON- SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) • • DATE: June 12,2000 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-00-072,CU-A,ECF APPLICATION NAME: GTE 85'Monopole 2 ' PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project would replace an existing US West monopole II with a higher E structurally sound monopole II. The existing structure is 75'tall, the replacement tower would be 85' in height. The project also includes installation of an additional set of antennas and ancillary ground base station equipment within an existing building. PROJECT LOCATION: 3600 East Valley Road OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE,(DNS): As the Lead Agency,the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore,as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110,the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS process to give notice that a DNS is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance(DNS). A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: June 2,2000 • • NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 12,2000 APPLICANT:. GTE Wireless Contact Person Madeline Clemann,Whalen&Co OWNER: Mary Meier SSC Property Holdings Inc. Permits/Review Requested: Environmental(SEPA)Review, Other Permits which may be required: Construction Permits • Requested Studies: N/A • • Location where application may • be reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works.Division,Development Services Department, • • . 1055 South Grady.Way,Renton,WA 98055 . • PUBLIC HEARING: N/A CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Land Use: The subject site is designated Commercial Arterial(CA). The project replaces an existing wireless tower. The proposed site is not within 300'of any developable residential property. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: None known • Development Regulations' Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City's SEPA Ordinance,Zoning Code, Sensitive Areas Ordinance,Public Works Standards,Uniform Building Code,Uniform Fire Code,and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Genmalot Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to 'Steve Taylor Project Manager, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on June 26 2000. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager.Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. • CONTACT PERSON: STEVE TAYLOR(425)430-7219 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION • c. 1 lir 7 i i I . .. ,;:s. . • t- I• I. J i" rel. & Z• i{ - • r.'"I i J 3 I iyg F • II m i LS I is :- ST. • I]\ , .; • G, . P, • f/ -�„ • 4.- NGS L _ .i . &Wng EWimenl 1'J a • Ea Building . ._ .. . \ELiLIin3 Moropole p� u "ter f1.0o°FLti r' l RTHERN - ' .L-. r e ..—.—' _ :rr.c...r—. i t7.300FL-e; i,� ^--��i . UI � . 6 NI e lne LIT( .LL• /1 . • - 1 Se-. .. :'I`•H - j:; V4L L E't L/E D.I CAL/ -_,- L '©—.."GD t -•.•I ( CF,NT EIn ` 7 nit NLn �� j] ( 1 • �� , OTE Maw. • - . _ 4IST St- • "'1' E..lV3ney-WA032 A I 1 NEIGHBORHOOD DETAII.MAP 1:1 L rt L L7 1 ;' 1It N EDAlt:,DiCH.AO/EST . USINEs§L•/'' �.ii n`E i /l II ttik 1 /1-----/ U //7 • Genmalot . _.... ., . . 0 ei, CITY OF IZENTON 37 6A 7? . --"—.0,1,, ' aotam*.*_-• ..7.7"--___,X0 - Ail Ca '. iriPk. 144.4 ; ..u. Planning/Building/Public Works -).- 4c ,,, 0. 0 1 JUN 13T 0 eef..4g41 - 0 3 0 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 liu in 1— (A A , ma= *0 Et , ' P B METER * * ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED . i 715840 U.S. POSTAGE :. , •-•• ik •NAV‘..)G I Joe's Real Estate Co ,,• ,•'44.4,7 , ' 9505 SW Boeckman Rd. ' Renton, WA 98055 FPO Qt4rH ------7-;------,.:17.11 `17-"Le N\ N;r 91 --- a) ,.. 1 11 1 RETUFiN To SEM:1m 1 4- -A ,AttleMTS/2?2:1,,,,.-4 ItilltInliiiitstilittfilltaiiii 1 1 1 II II AI II IIII I / II 4- \ Ishiltielltstili.1•11.4131.1•10141151111(1111 +Cdsi NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON- SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) DATE: June 12,2000 LAND.USE NUMBER: LUA-00-072,CU-A,ECF APPLICATION NAME: GTE 85'Monopole 2 ' PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project would replace an existing US West monopole II with a higher E structurally sound monopole II. The existing structure is 75'tall, the replacement tower would be 85' in height. The project also includes installation of an additional set of antennas and ancillary ground base station equipment within an existing building. PROJECT LOCATION: 3600 East Valley Road OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE,(DNS): As the Lead Agency,the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore,as permitted under the RCW 43.21 C.110,the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS process to give notice that a DNS is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance(DNS). A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: June 2,2000 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 12,2000 APPLICANT: GTE Wireless Contact Person Madeline Clemann,Whalen&Co OWNER: Mary Meier • SSC Property Holdings Inc. Permits/Review Requested: Environmental(SEPA)Review, Other Permits which may be required: Construction Permits Requested Studies: N/A Location where application may be reviewed: • Planning/Building/Public Works Division,Development Services Department, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055 • PUBLIC HEARING: N/A CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Land Use: The subject site is designated Commercial Arterial(CA). The project replaces an existing wireless tower. The proposed site is not within 300'of any developable residential property. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: None known Development Regulations Used.For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City's SEPA Ordinance,Zoning Code, Sensitive Areas Ordinance,Public Works Standards,Uniform Building Code,Uniform Fire Code,and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Genmalot Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to 'Steve Taylor Project Manager, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on June 26 2000. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager.Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: STEVE TAYLOR(425)430-7219 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION • • p Tm Y�`. iJ' :IiEFi 1,4 I......... r.ugror, t !' .. it ,tm '•3 .. T�(4t W 1'g /r% AL.rryrd Sbn{. iLLI - "'S ,,,,,- $ "''''''Ear •,., -- E.i,dnSRuildi,g Cv� . ,Fii.ue3 Matapola j 1.p - �i --I 9 L INGTO W I 1 :. "© '+ i , 1i .-1,000 FL-r r ,,'a g ' R THERN ' l , 47 ---;0_: . 5-2,500FL-.. D I NO Ill t FLAN it!' • .. w• , s... .. F. :J . y ©~ .,:' : VAL L E' MEDICAL f "R:�:. - I _ Ai f ::.r1 D K C E N T E.R ` 'R 1 4l P'�`q K�' • 2 • D,V.! l i.s•. •rlelll e.^v ` a • , .\. SY•'.�.. • 41ST . • ST.� -I I- Ent VNq-WA0520A NEIGHBORHOOD DETArL MAP p��� A SCALE:SdCH•TNFEET . 4 it p it y1 d N USINESS r� t1 II �1;k / /----.../ // //� Genmalot IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 'Ilr'7T/r- „ vz.1 „mu a © CITY OF RENTON 1.11. Planning/Building/Public Works 1+4 co 107 A ... , cc ,"' JUNP1.64 a - 3 0 O t i 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 ,-„. 1 3`0 o 0 elingm • PB METER * * 1., ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 7158401 U.S. POSTAGE <:''' '',;:,, ‹:•-1/2.' . •`'''.,-,:".-,.? .,‘:. •__..1 1:.:1:,-..c_ 1 ;.-',. -- *..,:. :. ,•:::;.-, i,-,5,-,,..1.F.-:-_.-- - L, :,-.L1 =. :-.: ii;til -cr; ------,;• o. 35 -cm-A 98055 N0ortihEernvRaialielyroR add Burlingt,,,o,.n:, Renton, v, hIR - 1 Li 11 N -r--------;--:.----- 1 uuLic; . -1 T 0 VI R T ER :Z II n r VI ADDRE ISSEE ; .E, ,....: °' til a LUNKNOWN i! e-, \ J-1 . 4100h91415 ill I III II II if fl II IIII II III IIIIIIIII11111111111211111:111MIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIII : .-*-----, ...- ti`cY O , NTO NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON- - SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) DATE: June 12,2000 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-00-072,CU-A,ECF APPLICATION NAME: GTE 85'Monopole 2 ' PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project would replace an existing US West monopole II with a higher structurally sound monopole II. The existing structure is 75'tall, the replacement tower would be 85' in height. The project also includes installation of an additional set of antennas and ancillary ground base station equipment within an existing building. PROJECT LOCATION: 3600 East Valley Road OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE,(DNS): As the Lead Agency,the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore,as permitted under the RCW 43.21 C.110,the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS process to give notice that a DNS is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance(DNS). A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: June 2,2000 NOTICE OF,COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 12,2000 APPLICANT: GTE Wireless Contact Person Madeline Clemann,Whalen&Co OWNER: Mary Meier • SSC Property Holdings Inc. • Permits/Review Requested: Environmental(SEPA)Review, Other Permits which may be required: Construction Permits Requested Studies: N/A Location where application may be reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works Division,Development Services Department, •1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055 • PUBLIC HEARING: N/A CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Land Use: The subject site is designated Commercial Arterial(CA). The project replaces an existing wireless tower. The proposed site is not within 300'of any developable residential property. Environmental Documents that _ Evaluate the Proposed Project: None known Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: , The project will be subject to the City's SEPA Ordinance,Zoning Code, Sensitive Areas Ordinance,Public Works Standards,Uniform Building Code,Uniform Fire Code,and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Genmalot Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to 'Steve Taylor Project Manager, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on June 26 2000. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager.Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. • CONTACT PERSON: STEVE TAYLOR(425)430-7219 • PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING.FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION • o lir ,I.I x a: El •.. 1-• Ili -' 1 ] in. aII a' �—°�- - jj? — n�- z I,i - II; C DD ® J m• III c 1 I ill h ., Ann v f..ro ST. tt ]5k C • W �/ ]S..S.W Storm • o,'. 11� ,!,; / EximnEEpicmei n :.�� ,/il-- ': �r4N�1 Smnee G.nEa • Existing Buil4a J \ . -' ,1 �� v. &Wins Monopole , I I ±._.- - mil -� �a c` �. � 3; L I N G T 0 H +r© • ! -Leon.. •j; ' n RTHERN .. N..°,.. .. .�;. 'E ; 4-2,500 FL-i'; ,. MI m e;f• . e,ne •ITe r..x 1: .,, .., t s.-....... ?' ..- .. j:;: ' VALLEit :MEDICAL/ 2 14 1 -©-..® S {{SS<'''.1 ? 4 C(N T I C R IAL=P K 99 • jy _ I ]] i GTE Melon • 41ST Eutve.y-wA052A - • A1 NEIG}BORHOOD DETAIL M AP, . s1: j Jn� N STALE:I INCH.Mp FEET qupEss y M �Il It tli k / IN u 11-7 Genmalot CITT )F RENTON ma IN Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator July 18, 2000 Ms. Madeline Clemann Whalen & Company 3033 Northup Way#101 Bellevue, WA 98008 SUBJECT: GTE 85 Ft. Monopole II Project No. LUA-00-072,CU-A,ECF Dear Ms. Clemann: This letter is to inform you that the comment and appeal periods have ended for the Environmental Review Committee's (ERC) Determination of Non-Significance for the above-referenced project. No appeals were filed. This decision is final and application for the appropriately required permits may proceed. The Conditional Use Permit is approved with no conditions applied. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at(425)430-7219. For the Environmental Review Committee, alal L Steve Taylor. Senior Planner cc: SSC Property Holdings, Inc./Owners / FINAL 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 r- - ««:<<»::<: <<<><<::><«<: ::<:::::: ::>::<::<>:«::<::>:<:><< ::>::» <><>»>> >>'>>:> > > > 1.TY7FIfN''f;7tlf > >> >»»_<>»:< <<_ :> >» > «>s:>> »;> <>><> iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;<>: E���VICE #Y>M`'��ILIN >"> i > >`>>> '' »' <>' >»'> » >ogg ii • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii On the 30 day of. dva 2000, I deposited in the-mails of the Unitecl.States, a sealed envelope containing iRr©.Irrt' Old D C SIOA'""" ' documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing • t1Aa.vNi e+ea SSC. F9De- Elol S l Lit MO-CI e_1 1r\e._, CIe4•vuLrNvl 651/ SAP (Signature of Sender) Siyut_ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ,,aa\ckrtit s�, .�'.v signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the/uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. �� i� Mali ' I CHEF Notary Public i nd for the State of Was fSgton NOTARY PUBLIC Notary(Print) MARILYN KAMCHEFF STATE OF WASHINGTON SAY a,,PO � CQMMISSION EXPIRES My appointment expires: EXp � JUNE 29,2003 Project Name: 9—re B5 IMov�opol-ems Project Number: LUTA -DO—01 2 3 C U— lA NOTARY2.DOC i REPORT City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works DECISION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW& ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTION DECISION DATE: June 27, 2000 Project Name: GTE 85' Monopole II Applicant: GTE Wireless Contact: Madeline Clemann, Whalen & Co. Owner: SSC Property Holdings Inc. Contact Mary Meier File Number: LUA-00-072, ECF, CU-A Project Manager: Steve Taylor Project Description: The applicant, GTE Wireless, is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and an Administrative Conditional Use Permit to increase an existing 75-foot tall monopole 10-feet in height to 85'. GTE would co-locate on the US West tower, extending the pole and adding six flush-mounted antennas. The existing monopole is located adjacent to the SR-167 right-of way on the Shurgard Storage site. The monopole would support a total of 12 panel antennas (including 6 existing US West antennas) used for wireless communication. The project would also include the placement of three (3) equipment cabinets inside a storage unit. Slats would be added to the existing chain link fence to provide additional screening for the equipment area. Project Location: Shurgard Storage, 3600 East Valley Road Exist. Bldg. Area SF: N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area SF: N/A Site Area: 600 sf (pole site) Total Building Area SF: N/A z---, F.. 3__-- i.4 = __ ___. �' Ir—J - ! II `� I DUSTRIAL ! ARK . z m fI: II " —I i° �. - fq.. 71 Iliii ,, �! z o 1 .. !� 'i I• � li )13 ' •lk = ,, Dif 'r O. r 9 ii 1 , .. , n • ' r—;,::: i s REW ' ...i..., ___.. , — :7'''':... IP G -2 "11' : ? . ' �pd-. i r "B s`. i= v i� , __ Y P O 1,�� 1lFl: J =. r �'f 'o- Vie ,r ❑ . Y� • r ��• Ir r 1y • ,v t v .f+7i W 41 Project Location Map erccua.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Conditional Use &Environm I Review Committee Staff Report ' GTE WIRELESS 85'MONOPOLE . LUA-00-072,ECF, CU-A REPORT AND DECISION OF June 27,2000 Page 2 of 8 PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND GTE Wireless is requesting Environmental Review and an Administrative Conditional Use Permit to install an additional set of antennas and ancillary ground base station equipment to an existing wireless communications tower. The current US West tower is 75-feet tall, the tower height would be increased by 10 feet to 85 feet. The facility is needed to extend GTE's existing system in order to cover King County residents and visitors in the Renton area. The proposed extension would add 10 feet to the existing 75-foot steel monopole structure and six (6) additional attached panel antennas (3 now, 3 in the future). The antennas would be mounted near the top of the monopole and would exceed the monopole's height by 4 feet, for a total height of 89 feet to the top of the antennas. The proposal also includes the installation of a GPS antenna and ground base station equipment for GTE inside an existing Shurgard building. The existing wireless facility is located on a 4.5-acre parcel occupied by Shurgard Storage and zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). The property is completely fenced and contains several self-storage warehouse buildings as well as associated parking and landscaping. The monopole occupies.a small fenced area of approximately 600 square feet in size located between two storage buildings along the site's eastern property line. A 6-foot high chain link fence with slats is proposed to surround the facility for screening and security purposes. No fill or grade is required for the construction of the project and no additional impervious surfaces would be created. The facility is proposed to operate 7 days a week, 24 hours a day and would be unattended. Since maintenance visits would be infrequent, no additional parking spaces are proposed. Construction of the project is anticipated to begin upon the completion of the land use and environmental review process. The proposal is regulated by the City's Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance (Ord. 4689). Monopole II facilities are typically considered a prohibited use in the CA zone when located within 300 feet of residentially zoned property. The intent of this condition is to prohibit wireless support structures from being located in close proximity to existing or future residential uses in the City. In this case the existing monopole is located approximately 270 feet from property zoned Residential (R-8). However, this property contains a sensitive area that renders it unbuildable. This issue was subject to a policy interpretation issued on June 9, 2000. The interpretation states that wireless support structure located within 300 feet of a residential zones may be processed as Administrative Conditional use Permits if the residential zone in question is determined to be undevelopable by the Development Services Division. The residential area in question contains a portion the 65-acre Panther Creek Wetland. The Panther Creek wetland is of high quality with diverse habitat and is not developable. Therefore, the project would be allowed subject to an Administrative Conditional Use Permit. PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21 C.240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Impacts The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: erccua.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Conditional Use&Environm Review Committee Staff Report ' GTE WIRELESS 85'MONOPOLE LUA-00-072, ECF, CU-A REPORT AND DECISION OF June 27, 2000 Page 3 of 8 (1) Earth Impacts: The subject site is currently paved with asphalt, relatively level and served by a storm drainage system. The project would require an extension to the tower; equipment cabinets would be placed inside existing storage units. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is recommended. Policy Nexus: Not applicable. (2) Aesthetics Impacts: The proposal would result in 14 feet of height (10 foot tower, 4 foot antenna) added to an existing 75-foot monopole. The closest developable residential property is approximately 600 feet to the east of the site. Only minimal visual impacts are expected. The monopole site is a 600 square foot area located between two Shurgard storage buildings and cordoned off by a 6' chain link fence. The applicant is proposing to insert slats into the fence to screen the base of the facility on the west, east sides. The existing abutting structures would screen the south and north sides of the facility. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation is recommended above and beyond existing code provisions. B. Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommend that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINATION OF DETERMINATION OF X NON-SIGNIFICANCE NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED. Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period. Issue DNS-M with 14 day Appeal X Period. Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period with a Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. C. Mitigation Measures No further mitigation above and beyond existing code provisions is recommended. erccua.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Conditional Use&Environm( Review Committee Staff Report ' GTE WIRELESS 85'MONOPOLE - LUA-00-072,ECF, CU-A REPORT AND DECISION OF June 27, 2000 Page 4 of 8 PART THREE: ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTION - REPORT & DECISION This decision on the administrative land use action is made concurrently with the environmental determination. A. Type of Land Use Action xx Conditional Use Binding Site Plan Site Plan Review Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Special Permit for Grade&Fill Administrative Code Determination B. Exhibits The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing: application, proof of posting and publication, and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No. 2: Drawing No. T-1, Site Plan/Details (Received June 2, 2000). Exhibit No. 3: Drawing No. C-1, Topographic Survey (Received June 2, 2000). Exhibit No. 4: Drawing No. A-1, Architectural Site Plan (Received June 2, 2000). Exhibit No. 5: Drawing No. A-2, Enlarged Architectural Site Plan (Received June 2, 2000). Exhibit No. 6: Drawing No. A-3, North & South Elevations (Received June 2, 2000). Exhibit No. 7: Drawing No. A-4, East &West Elevations (Received June 2, 2000). Exhibit No. 8: Neighborhood Map C. Consistency with Conditional Use Criteria Section 4-9-030.1 lists 10 factors that the governing authority shall consider in determining whether to issue a conditional use permit (although the governing authority may waive or reduce the burden on the applicant of one or more of these criteria if the governing authority, concludes that the goals of RMC 4-4-140, Wireless Communication Facilities, are better served thereby). The 10 factors are as follows: 1. Height of the proposed tower. The Wireless Communications Ordinance (Ord. 4689) permits monopole II support structures up to 35 feet higher than the regular permitted maximum height for the applicable zoning district, provided the structure is in compliance with Airport zoning regulations. The maximum height for the CA zones is 50 feet and the proposed tower height is 85 feet so the monopole II would comply with the height restriction. Additionally, antennas are allowed to exceed the height of the monopole by a maximum of 15 feet, the proposal would exceed the tower height by only 4 feet. 2. Proximity of the tower to residential structures and residential district boundaries: The proposal is regulated by the City's Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance (Ord. 4689). Monopole II facilities are typically considered a prohibited use in the CA zone when located within 300 feet of residentially zoned property. The intent of this condition is to prohibit wireless support structures from being located in close proximity to existing or future residential uses in the City. In this case the existing monopole is located approximately 270 feet from property zoned Residential (R-8). However, this property contains a sensitive area that renders it unbuildable. erccua.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Conditional Use&Environme Review Committee Staff Report GTE WIRELESS 85'MONOPOLE LUA-00-072,ECF, CU-A REPORT AND DECISION OF June 27, 2000 Page 5 of 8 This issue was subject to a policy interpretation issued on June 9, 2000. The interpretation states that wireless support structures located within 300 feet of a residential zones may be processed as Administrative Conditional use Permits if the residential zone in question is determined to be undevelopable by the Development Services Division. The residential area in question contains a portion the 65-acre Panther Creek Wetland. The Panther Creek wetland is of high quality with diverse habitat and is not developable. The closest developable residential property is approximately 600 feet to the east of the site. 3. Nature of uses on adjacent and nearby properties: The subject site is presently developed as a Shurgard Storage facility. The site is fully paved and contains several long storage buildings. Adjacent property is currently a mix of commercial and industrial. Uses include construction and excavation company headquarters, a car rental lot, and a motor rebuild business. Residential use occurs to the east, across SR 167, approximately 600 feet away. 4. Surrounding topography: The project site is relatively flat with no perceptible slope orientation. Surrounding properties are of a similar topography. 5. Surrounding tree coverage and foliage: The surrounding area is a built urban commercial environment with very little foliage. No land clearing or tree cutting is proposed. The project does not add buildings or structures that increase the impervious surface area of this property. The subject site is currently paved with asphalt, relatively level and served by a storm drainage system. 6. Design of the tower, with particular reference to design characteristics that have the effect of reducing or eliminating visual obtrusiveness: The proposed facility would utilize a slim-line galvanized steel monopole with inline antenna. The monopole support structure would have minimal visual impact to adjacent residential uses. 7. Proposed ingress and egress: Access to the proposed facility would be off East Valley Road. The Shurgard Storage facility is fully fenced with an electronic gate. The monopole itself is located between two storage buildings and protected with a six-foot fence. A GTE technician would perform routine maintenance on the facility once a month in off-peak hours. 8. Potential noise, light and glare impacts: The cabinet equipment will be installed inside and existing storage garage, hence, the equipment will not be visible, nor will the equipment fans be audible. No lighting of the tower is proposed. The majority of the construction cost is in equipment. The construction process will not disturb the surrounding parcels in terms of noise, dust or traffic. There will be no ground preparation work, filling or grading. 9. Availability of suitable existing towers and other structures: GTE Wireless proposes to co-locate a wireless communication facility on an existing US West 75-foot monopole. 10. Compatibility with the general purpose, goals, objectives and standards of the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinances and any other plan, program, map or ordinance of the City: erccua.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Conditional Use&Environm( Review Committee Staff Report GTE WIRELESS 85'MONOPOLE LUA-00-072,ECF, CU-A REPORT AND DECISION OF June 27, 2000 Page 6 of 8 (a) Comprehensive Plan, its elements and policies The subject site is designated as Employment Area — Commercial (EAC) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The following are applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies: Policy LU-181. Development should be designed to be compatible with adjacent, less intensive uses, e.g., lighting, fences, landscaping, setbacks should all be considered during site design. Policy U-100. Require that the siting and location of telecommunications facilities be accomplished in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts on the environment and adjacent land uses. Policy U-101. Require that cellular communication structures and towers be sensitively sited and designed to diminish aesthetic impacts, and be collocated on existing structures and towers wherever possible and practical. The proposal co-locates the new facility on an existing monopole. Accessory equipment will be placed in an enclosed storage building and the proposed screening for the proposal would adequately screen the base of the facility. No significant adverse impacts are anticipated. (b) Zoning Code The site is located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning designation. The CA zone permits monopole II facilities with an Administrative Conditional Use Permit if located more than 300 feet from residentially zoned property. As previously noted, no developable residential property is located within 300' of the site (c) Ordinance 4689 —Wireless Communications Facilities The goals of the Wireless Communication Ordinance are to: "encourage the location of towers in nonresidential areas and minimize the total number of towers throughout the community; encourage strongly the joint use on new and existing tower sites; and enhance the ability of the providers of telecommunications services to provide such services to the community quickly, effectively and efficiently." The proposal complies with all bulk and dimensional requirements for monopole II wireless communication facilities. The total height of the facility is 109 feet above sea level, well below the 379-foot limitation for the Renton Airport. Because the facility is co-locating on an existing monopole surrounded by asphalt, the applicant is proposing to add slats to the existing fence (rather than vegetation) to provide additional visual screening. The proposal complies with the goals of Ordinance 4689 through the joint use of existing facilities, by locating in non-residential areas and by configuring antennas to minimize visual impacts. Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit. XX Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. erccua.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Conditional Use&Environme Review Committee Staff Report ' GTE WIRELESS 85'MONOPOLE LUA-00-072,ECF, CU-A REPORT AND DECISION OF June 27, 2000 Page 7 of 8 D. Findings, Conclusions & Decision Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1) Request: The Applicant has requested Environmental Review and an Administrative Conditional Use Permit for a wireless communications facility at.the Shurgard Storage site, 3600 East Valley Road. 2) Environmental Review: The applicant's file containing the application, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation, the comments from various City departments, the public notices requesting citizen comment, and other pertinent documents was entered as Exhibit No. 1. 3) Administrative Conditional Use Permit: The land use application provides adequate information and justification for the conditional use criteria for a wireless facility. 4) Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is consistent with the policies established by the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and Utilities Element, specifically policies LU- 181, U-100, and U-101. 5) Zoning: The proposal is located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) Zoning designation. The proposed facility requires an Administrative Conditional Use permit and not located within 300 feet of developable residential zoned property. 6) Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance (Ord. 4689): The land use application complies with the requirements of the City's Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance, specifically the ordinance's requirements for collocation and minimizing visual impacts. 7) Existing Land Use/Zoning: Land uses and zones surrounding the subject site include: North: Commercial property zoned CA; East: Residential single family property zoned R-8 (across SR 167), South: Commercial property zoned CA; and West: Commercial property zoned CA E. Conclusions 1) As noted in the findings above, the subject proposal complies with the policies and codes of the City of Renton, including those contained within the Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance (Ord. 4689). 2) The proposal complies with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Employment Area - Commercial, and the Zoning designation of Commercial Arterial. 3) F. Decision The Administrative Conditional Use Permit for GTE Monopole Shurgard Storage, File No. LUA-00-072, CU-A, ECF, is approved. EFFECTIVE DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: June 27, 2000 SIGNATURES: ✓l Jana an on,Zoning Administrator date erccua.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Conditional Use&Environmr Review Committee Staff Report GTE WIRELESS 85'MONOPOLE LUA-00-072,ECF, CU-A REPORT AND DECISION OF June 27, 2000 Page 8 of 8 TRANSMITTED this 27th day of June, 2000 to the applicant and owner: Mary Meier,SSC Property Holding Inc. (owner) 1155 Valley,Suite 400 Seattle,WA 98109 GTE Wireless(applicant) Madeline Clemann,Whalen Company(contact) 3003 Northup Way,Suite 101 Bellevue,WA 98004 PARTIES OF RECORD: None TRANSMITTED this27th day of June, 2000 to the following: Larry Meckling, Building Official C. Duffy, Fire Prevention Neil Watts, Public Works Division Lawrence J.Warren,City Attorney South County Journal Environmental Determination and Land Use Decision Appeal Process Appeals of either the environmental determination [RCW 43.21.0075(3),WAC 197-11-680]and/or the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM July 17, 2000. If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)430-6510. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one)communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to appeals to the Hearing Examiner. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Zoning Administrator. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the decision by the Court. erccua.doc A /troit-- I . I 1 i I 'Aaoc1EDT.AIOI ENA7Damu 3003 NORTHUP WAY - SURE 101 BELLE UE.WA 99004 A25 627-1005 .2S 927-105]PAX BUILDING ------ / • I / • EXISTING • !STING / / ILL'•1°. .,.,,tlyz.,R°°o°a� BUILDING BUILDING 7 '� .'�':ft•"N� d°�k K' i 11 ::::;::EE:::::J ,,iiiiiiii,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,JI30-0• PROPOSED CT• PROJECT AREAARKWC j %IST NC US WE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ii,,,,,i i�iiiii,,, 'EOUIPNENf ' :.il li.o .aeooa /I A II�' f%ISTINC 75 HIG '��n MONOPOLE TO D OttitvuE.WAK I I IEXTENOEO TO 65 / I CASE N0. S EXISTING / BUILDING • / / PROPRIETOR!WEORWTION 0),'•-'-•-• R.167 THE INFORMATION CONTNNED IN THIS e = I -.h._._•,+ • / SET OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS TT Y,( IS PROPRIETARY BY NATURE.WY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN THAT WHICH REUTES TO GTE WIRELESS j; »iiiiiiiiiii, '� IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. • EXISTING I 'I ' • EXISTING BUILDING ZONING DOCUMENTS BUILDING • %ISTINC ._.1._ L .— ' ��BUILDING II 1 / EGRESS 1 — ���' ^ Tr / OATS ISSUE CRESS T— j / ]/e/m PREw Mr. -+F- L•-� ‘EXISTINC o •E%ISTINC��� / I • I �.JllllV���_,/� BUILDING BUILDING' ' / M1 II F dl ' EXISTING / BUILDING WANN Br. LG ' / CNECRCO 138 MA.KA ISRE NUMBER I ,� WA0520A / ISITE NAPE I / I EAST VALLEY / ISRE ADDRESS I --------------------------------------- I i 3600 EAST VALLEY ROAD / RENTON,WA 98055 / !slur IRLE I / 1 ARCHITECTURAL I / SITE PLAN I I 0IS0EET NUMBER I I 1 A-1• ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN • sae, •30 0 1 . . .r ARIi1REOft Am Ellmkd:,ERB 3003 NORTHUP WAY SURE/101 . BELLEVUE,wA.98004 A]S B9)-1051 FA% ra: ���� ���� ..........wTtM mnYMr W rvu..K. WIRELESS• cum EXISTING STORAGE BUILDING • Pa nF NOAW N'E uVUE,Vt..,E• CASE NO. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION • THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS © SET OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VP OR PROPRIETARY BY NATURE.MY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN THAT WHICH RELATES TO GTE WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 30'_O. j E%I TING ROLL-UP ZONING DOCUMENTS Al DO • P POSED"' '- 1 E UIPMENT CABINET 41 OPOSED TELCO - , x/e/m PREIiMBxawc I // 0/ AB NETED POWER N PNOS -��I -. / .~ / PROPOSED 9'•13'CONCRETE PAD s, ill ' % EXISTING FENCE GATE" ' ,i-PROPOSED TRANSITION VAULT own/m LC ` CHECALO Lib MA,XA irk PROPOSED WALL PENETRATIONIsrtE NuueERI0T-- „ T- iT PROPOSED COAX CABLE TRAY WA062OA -1 I ' -T ISRE NAVE I , H CUIVII) PROPOSED CPS ANTENNA -T �jy'■- �, E%ISTINC US WESTr---T � TOI BE EN DH MONOPOLEEAST VALLEY -ram - EQUIPMENT TO BE EXTENDED TO 85'HIGH ---' L---�I EXISTING FENCE ISITE ADDRESS I t21-0• 3600 EAST VALLEY ROAD opp- pi WA 98055 'SHEET TITLE 1 /• ENLARGED \ , ARCHITECTURAL • O I• l `EXISTING STORAGE BUILDING 6 SITE PLAN O 'SHEET NUMBER/ A-2• CNE:ENLARGED SITE PLAN W DIMENSIONS ' S T/A•. -0• © ENLARGED SITE PLAN W NOTES AlSCAIE:I/Y'-I.-0• Q • • • ' EQUIPMENTQ SHOWN INSIDE EQUIPMENT SHOWN INSIDE //��/�/���W//.`'� STORAGE SHELTER STORAGE SHELTER 1 9 V • . ARDIRECTO A50 BOWERS 3003 NORTHUP WAY SURE/101 PROPOSED SECTOR-3.0 330' (B(ELL7E7VUE.WA POOOW (1)PANEL ANTENNAS (izs)a i-io°si P,u< (1)FUTURE ANTENNAS. EMS(RR65-15-00_DP ' 0'MECH.TILT 0 1900 MHz TOP OF GTE ANTENNAS A- TOP OF GTE ANTENNAS t89'-0•AG t89'-0'AG RAD CENTER h - RAD CENTER h t86'-0-AG sr U86'-0•AG Y PROPOSED SECTOR'1'090' / \ \ TOP OF POLE .Lana"°.NM.AND IL TOP OF POLE 85'-0'AG ,�"".."Tr°6,1 2.21 r (1)PANEL ANTENNAS PROPOSED SECTOR'2'0 210' °"L"'"'M" (1)FUTURE ANTENNAS 85'-0'AG (1)PANEL ANTENNAS • _ EMS/RR65-15-00_DP (1)FUTURE ANTENNAS • 0'MECH.TILT 0 TROD MHz _ TOP OF EXISTING POLE AND ANTENNAS h EMS#RR65-15-00_OP TOP OF EXISTING POLE AND ANTENNAS ,II �o0.13 t75'-0•AG Y 0'MECH.TILT®1900 MHz t75'-0•AG WIRELESS 11 mane NORTHWEST -\RAD CENTER OF US WEST ANTENNAS EDI ioi • RAD CENTER OF US WEST ANTENNAS ,I f ecuEWE.Ww PRwoa t72'-0'AG t72'-0'AG - -- CASE NO. • PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS • SET OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS • IS PROPRIETARY BY NATURE.AR USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN THAT WHICH RELATES TO GTE WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. ZONING DOCUMENTS EXISTING 75'HIGH MONOPOLE - • EXISTING 75'HIGH MONOPOLE I DATE ISSUE TO BE EXTENDED TO 85'HIGH TO BE EXTENDED TO 85'HIGH 1 3/E/130 PRE.maw DRUM Be LC • CHECa n OR MA,XA ISITE NUMBER I • • EXISTING SHURGUARD STORAGE UNIT WAO520A PROPOSED 4812 EQUIPMENT IsITE NAME• I PROPOSED GPS ANTENNA . PROPOSED 4812 EQUIPMENT PROPOSED POWER CABINET EAST VALLEY EXISTING SHURGARD STORAGE PROPOSED POWER CABINET PROPOSED TELCO CABINET UNIT PROPOSED TELCO CABINET : A5 \[. !SHEET ME I 1 - • FINISH GRADE' - PROPOSED TRANSITION VAULT NORTH & SOUTH J� 13tle FINISH GRADE ELEVATIONS fL-ii:,'I-EXISITING MONOPOLE FOUNDATION O-0 q EXISITING MONOPOLE FOUNDATION-. T • ISHEET NUMBER I NORTH ELEVATION sou:1/8••T'-0- 2 SOUTH ELEVATION scan vs--i'-cc - 1 A-3 • EQUIPMENT SHOWN INSIDE EQUIPMENT SHOWN INSIDE STORAGE SHELTER STORAGE SHELTER Ap,irout ARCHITECT/3 AND ENOBgfli! 3003 NORTHUP WAY PROPOSED SECTOR"3"0 330' eELiiv IE10DR.0000* (1)PANEL ANTENNAS (�zs)BEI-1908 ((25 BD)-IUSO FAN (1)FUTURE ANTENNAS EMS BRR65-15-00_DP 0"MECH.TILT 0 1900 MHz _ TOP OF GTE ANTENNAS TOP OF GTE ANTENNAS AL 389'-0"AG `r t89'-0"AG RAD CENTER RAD CENTER A, t86—0'AG V" t80-0"AG N . TOP OF POLE 8 E TOP OF POLE PROPOSED SECTOR'2'0 210'J 5'-0"AG q°•" p µ3 (1)PANEL ANTENNAS • 85'-0•AG wPLr.1PwIRmoT (1)FUTURE ANTENNAS PROPOSED SECTOR"I"0 90' 'o""` EMS BRR65-15-00_DP TOP OF EXISTING POLE AND ANTENNAS_A, PANEL ANTENNAS 070 0'MECH.TILT 0 1900 MHz - -- (1)FUTURE ANTENNAS TOP OF EXISTING POLE AND ANTENNAS A,t75'-0'AG t75'-0"AG Y 13 EMS PR65-15-00_DP • .. 0"MECH.TILT 0 1900 MHz \ WIRELESS RAD CENTER OF US WEST ANTENNAS N BEL y RD"`EN •1 \ t72'-0'AG 7 1k Wo DOOMS RAD CENTER OF US WEST ANTENNAS t72'-0"AG CASE NO. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION THE WFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 5 PROPRIETARY BY NATURE.ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN THAT WHIM RELATES TO GTE WIRELESS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. ZONING DOCUMENTS EXISTING 75'HIGH MONOPOLE EXISTING 75'HIGH MONOPOLE / DATE ISSUE TO BE EXTENDED TO 85'HIGH TO BE EXTENDED TO 85'HIGH 1 T/A/DD PROW Ma. DRANH MN LG CHEWED BO MA.NA PROPOSED CPS ANTENNA LITE NUMBER PROPOSED COAX CABLE BRIDGE PROPOSED CPS ANTENNA WA0520A —EXISTING SHURGARD PROPOSED COAX CABLE BRIDGE STORAGE UNIT PROPOSED 4812 EQUIPMENT PROPOSED POWER/TELCO CABINETS !SITE NAME I PROPOSED • EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE PROPOSED TRANSITION VAULT EAST VALLEY POWER/TELCO CABINET EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE GATES EXISTING SHURGARD EXISTING SHURGARD STORAGE UNIT • PROPOSED STORAGE UNIT TRANSITION VAULT E%I� STING SHURGARD STORAGE UNIT PROPOSED 4812 EQUIPMENT IDOL ADDRESS 3600 EAST VALLEY ROAD RENTON,WA 98055 'SHEET TITLE I ' EAST & WEST EL EVATIONS s GRADE FINISH FINISH GRADE EXISITING MONOPOLE -r 0-0� •••EXISITING MONOPOLE FOUNDATION FOUNDATION 'r:-"�_'.' __ T 1 'SHEET NUMBER I - A-4 WEST.ELEVATION SGLT:Or 2 EAST ELEVATION SSE:I/B'-I'-0' 1 REPORT City of Renton & Department of Planning/Building/Public Works DECISION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW& ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTION DECISION DATE: June 27, 2000 Project Name: GTE 85' Monopole II Applicant: GTE Wireless Contact: Madeline Clemann, Whalen & Co. Owner: SSC Property Holdings Inc. Contact Mary Meier File Number: LUA-00-072, ECF, CU-A Project Manager: Steve Taylor Project Description: The applicant, GTE Wireless, is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and an Administrative Conditional Use Permit to increase an existing 75-foot tall monopole 10-feet in height to 85'. GTE would co-locate on the US West tower, extending the pole and adding six flush-mounted antennas. The existing monopole is located adjacent to the SR-167 right-of way on the Shurgard Storage site. The monopole would support a total of 12 panel antennas (including 6 existing US West antennas) used for wireless communication. The project would also include the placement of three (3) equipment cabinets inside a storage unit. Slats would be added to the existing chain link fence to provide additional screening for the equipment area. Project Location: Shurgard Storage, 3600 East Valley Road Exist. Bldg. Area SF: N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area SF: N/A Site Area: 600 sf (pole site) Total Building Area SF: N/A GONG RENCE DATE / (R 1/O D NAME IT ATE Project Location Map erccua CITY ty e RENTON .▪ a Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator June 29, 2000 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia,WA 98504-7703 Subject: Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on June 27, 2000: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE GTE 85 FT. MONOPOLE II LUA-00-072,ECF,CU-A The applicant, GTE Wireless, is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and an Administrative Conditional Use Permit to increase an existing 75-foot tall monopole 10-feet in height to 85'. GTE would co-locate on the US West tower, extending the pole and adding six flush-mounted antennas. The existing monopole is located adjacent to the SR-167 right-of way on the Shurgard Storage site. The monopole would support a total of 12 panel antennas (including 6 existing US West antennas)used for wireless communication. The project would also include the placement of three(3)equipment cabinets inside a storage unit. Slats would be added to the existing chain link'fence to provide additional screening for the equipment area. Location: 3600 East Valley Road. Appeals of either the environmental determination [RCW 43.21.0075(3),WAC 197-11-680] and/or the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before.5:00 PM July 17, 2000. If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)430-6510. If you have questions, please call me at(425)430-7219. For the Environmental Review Committee, &u41-7 Steve Taylor Project Manager cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Larry Fisher, Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman, Department of Natural Resources Don Hurter, Department of Transportation Duwamish Tribal Office Rod Malcom, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (Ordinance) US Army Corp. of Engineers . Washington State\ 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 ;y " CITY RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator June 29,2000 Ms. Madeline Clemann Whalen & Company 3033 Northup #101 Bellevue,WA 98008 SUBJECT: GTE 85 Ft. Monopole II Project No. LUA-00-072,CU-A,ECF Dear Ms. Clemann: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC)and is to inform you that they have completed their review of the environmental impacts of the above-referenced project. The Committee, on June 27, 2000, decided that your project will be issued a Determination of Non- Significance. The City of Renton ERC has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement(EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made by the ERC under the authority of Section 4-6-6, Renton Municipal 'Code, after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information, on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. Appeals of either the environmental determination [RCW 43.21.0075(3), WAC 197-11-680] and/or the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM July 17, 2000. If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,, (425)430-6510. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at(425)430-7219. For the Environmental Review Committee, 411/41/ Steve Taylor Project Manager. cc: SSC Property Holdings, Inc./Owners dnsletter 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE APPLICATION NUMBER: LUA-00-072,ECF,CU-A APPLICANT: GTE Wireless PROJECT NAME: GTE 85' Monopole II DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, GTE Wireless, is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and an Administrative Conditional Use Permit to increase an existing 75-foot tall monopole 10-feet in height to 85'. GTE would co-locate on the US West tower, extending the pole and adding six flush-mounted antennas. The existing monopole is located adjacent to the SR-167 right-of way on the Shurgard Storage site. The monopole would support a total of 12 panel antennas (including 6 existing US West antennas) used for wireless communication. The project would also include the placement of three (3)equipment cabinets inside a storage unit. Slats would be added to the existing chain link fence to provide additional screening for the equipment area. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Shurgard Storage, 3600 East Valley Road LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section This Determination of Non-Significance is issued under WAC 197-11-340. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14)days. Appeals of either the environmental determination [RCW 43.21.0075(3),WAC 197-11-680] and/or the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM July 17, 2000. If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)430-6510. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to appeals to the Hearing Examiner. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Zoning Administrator. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the decision by the Court. PUBLICATION DATE: July 03, 2000 DATE OF DECISION: June 27, 2000 SIGNATURES: P� /�� 6 2 7/0 o Gregg im er an, ministrator DAT Department o Pla ing/Building/Public Works Ar"-r.-_____ /)ak c(, 7,,d„ m Shepherd, Ad •• nis -t r DAT Co munity Services Dr partment Le ,,,j.d? - at7, a I r, Fire Chi Renton Fire Department dnssign 1 J V iofill ' , Ira,,?. rffi , ,,. :, . -,..,5 _,-1 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: GTE 85 FOOT MONOPOLE II PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-00-072,ECF,CU-A , The applicant,GTE Wireless,Is requesting Environmental(SEPA)Review and an Administrative Conditional Use Permit to increase an existing 75-foot tell monopole 10-feet in height to 85'.GTE would , co-locate on the US West tower,extending the pole and adding six Flush-mounted antennas.The existing ' ' monopole Is located adjacent to the SR-167 right-of way on the Shurgard Storage site.The monopole'--.. ' • would support a total of 12 panel antennas(including 6 existing US West antennas)used for wireless V' • communication.The project would also Include the placement of three(3)equipment cabinets Inside a ' storage unit.Slats would be added to the existing chain link fence to provide additional screening for the equipment area.Location:3600 East Valley Road. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED I THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE I ENVIRONMENT. Appeals of either the environmental determination IRCW 43.21.0075(3),WAC 197-11.680]andlor the land use I decision must be filed In writing on or before 5:00 PM July 17,2000. If no appeals are filed by this date,both I actions will become final.Appeals must bo filed In writing together with the required$75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner,City of Renton,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are "I governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-0.11B. Additional Information regarding the appeal process may be obtained fromiiii the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)430-6510. = Ira llr a ,� I • I —eL-- -- 1 I ©� e II a - 11..1._' „ t., �1 ; ^p llxaro ��• ! r • S l XEflN 1 11 . 13 PI .. 7.2 canO. ° w ODDETxaw 1 Id+i . qusI E5a! yi Ti 11 111,d 1/---f 0/0 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT(425)430-7200. • . DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. CERTIFICATION I, 4,A,V•cc L/- ,,, , hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were posted by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on . �} _ 3 pip �, . Signed: , 2_,-,1,,_,,,i_Q 2 -> ATTEST: Subcribed and sworn efore me,a Nortary Public,in and for the State of Washington residing in--?H ,on the I zf ch.• day 2¢'J 8 c) i ARis 1'IV i fVi�I�EFF <. NOTARy PUBLIC • STATE OF�ASHIN • GTON _ coil MISSION EXPIRES , MARILYNICAMCHEFF JUNE , 2003 MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES:6-29-03 ;;.,_._ ..,. } , , AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Charlotte Ann Kassens, first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL 600 S. Washington Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032 a daily newspaper published seven (7)times a week. Said newspaper is a legal NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL newspaper of general publication and is now and has been for more than six DETERMINATION • months prior to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON,WASHINGTON English language continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, . The Environmental Review Committee Washington. The South County Journal has been approved as a legal has issued a Determination of Non- newspaper order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Kingtheeniauthori for the following n project under by p 9 � authority of the Renton Municipal County. . Code. The notice in the exact form attached,was published in the South GTE 85'MONOPOLE II LUA-00-072,ECF,CU-A County Journal (and not in supplemental form)which was regularly distributed to Environmental review to increase height. the subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a of existing monopole. Location: 3600 E. Valley Rd. Appeals of either the environmental GTE 85' Monopole II determination [RCW 43.21.0075(3), WAC 197-11-680] and/or the land:use decision as published on: 7/3/00 .must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM July 17, 2000, If no appeals are filed by this date,both actions will become final. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of I Appeals must be filed in writing together $43.13, charged to Acct. No. 8051067. with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, ' 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA Legal Num 918 ' 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are goy- ._ erned by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information' regarding the appeal process may be ' obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)430-6510. Le al CI , South County Journal Published in the South County;Journal {� July 3,2000.7918 Subscribed and sworn before me on this /01- day of ) u3 , 2000 Now 1 ��N 1011 Er'p®"4/� *�� p. $SIO744A*O 'ii a i-re:off ,51 ):et_. -)3...„94,%./..e_ ▪ v..Cf _OTAgy • — Notary Public of the State of Washington —'—' = residing in Renton _ ItinAc • it, ,�.; � King County, Washington kenron Department of Planning/Building/ . ks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: `po...t/1�s COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 26, 2000 APPLICATION NO: LUA00-072,CU-A,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 12, 2000 APPLICANT: GTE Wireless PROJECT MANAGER: Steve Taylor PROJECT TITLE: GTE 85' Monopole 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78697 LOCATION: 3600 East Valley Road SITE AREA: 200 square feet 1 BUILDING AREA(gross): SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The proposed project would replace an existing US West monopole II with a higher structurally sound monopole II. The existing structure is 75'tall,the replacement tower would be 85'in height. The project also includes intallation of an additional set of antennas and ancillary ground base station equipment within an existing building. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 4,6 flya 71-6 I B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS 94) ceAs2_ /bo C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS j Lie/ 7 J We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is eded to properly as ess this proposal. Signature of Director or Author ed Representative Date devapp Rev.10/93 City _. :Scenron Department nning Building/ c ._ ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOP ENT APPLICA REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: PCO2..., COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 26, 2000 APPLICATION NO: LUA00-072,CU-A,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 12, 2000 APPLICANT: GTE Wireless PROJECT MANAGER: Steve Taylor PROJECT TITLE: GTE 85' Monopole 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78697 LOCATION: 3600 East Valley Road SITE AREA: 200 square feet I BUILDING AREA(gross): SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The proposed project would replace an existing US West monopole II with a higher structurally sound monopole II. The existing structure is 75'tall,the replacement tower would be 85'in height. The project also includes intallation of an additional set of antennas and ancillary ground base station equipment within an existing building. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LighVGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Histonc/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment • 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet �bes V apJ . B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS • C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or A rized Representative Date devapp Rev.10/93 r % / City c_` nwr► Department of Planning/Building/Pull. ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 1k\V?01(4 COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 26, 2000 APPLICATION NO: LUA00-072,CU-A,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 12, 2000 APPLICANT: GTE Wireless PROJECT MANAGER: Steve Taylor PROJECT TITLE: GTE 85' Monopole 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78697 LOCATION: 3600 East Valley Road SITE AREA: 200 square feet I BUILDING AREA(gross): SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The proposed project would replace an existing US West monopole II with a higher structurally sound , monopole II. The existing structure is 75'tall, the replacement tower would be 85' in height. The project also includes intallation of an additional set of antennas and ancillary ground base station equipment within an existing building. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shomline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet ''p 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS Ui ---Oke,.(x4fouh. tarac-tA autoolictLa PeztaiL.GeAtaPit ' ' , " 4.04.10474, ca a ,uuga cjaizoj uueo).-a( leae, trp7. T 4A4 Qat cUJA-t" C°1 Witill' (XeAer Ir�,w,a, I Q., WALL, 37�j aig - .01.(14.12, �`�' 'at�t t vattAr=a;s4L, etstok kat,&bum-Aed- C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additio al informatio' needed to properly assess this proposal. Q.O 0 ' Ju.u.E. In/ Zip Signature of ector or Authorized Representative Date devapp Rev.10/93 City e, Department of Planning/Building/Pu ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING tconovvt-o Lc, gcp\rU OMMENTS DUE: JUNE 26, 000 DNINNVId O1D31VHjS ONV APPLICATION NO: LUA00-072,CU-A,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 12, 2 00 .,W3SGOOAigA lNVo�3 APPLICANT: GTE Wireless PROJECT MANAGER: Steve Tayl r PROJECT TITLE: GTE 85' Monopole 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78697 OOOz L l Nnr LOCATION: 3600 East Valley Road ®RAI3O3 1 SITE AREA: 200 square feet I BUILDING AREA(gross): SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The proposed project would replace an existing US West monopole II with a higher structurally sound monopole II. The existing structure is 75'tall,the replacement tower would be 85' in height. The project also includes intallation of an additional set of antennas and ancillary ground base station equipment within an existing building. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Ligh!Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services _ Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation _ Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS Pv 7 LS LOYn' YU7 / .- —V !vim E'vL-lc.Y tS LT-1> . _ LA-Aaviyv� C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have • is application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas here additional in 'on is needed to properly assess this proposal. / &/' 0/a Signature of irector o horize Representative Date devapp Rev.10/93 City of __.._.3n Department of Planning/Building/Publi:, ...:rks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: _Fre, evQ iV\, U1i COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 26, 2000 APPLICATION NO: LUA00-072,CU-A,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 1 00E C E n(1 —rj APPLICANT: GTE Wireless PROJECT MANAGER: Steve _y r J PROJECT TITLE: GTE 85' Monopole 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78697 i JUN 1 2 2000 i LOCATION: 3600 East Valley Road I SITE AREA: 200 square feet I BUILDING AREA(gross): CITY OF RENTON SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The proposed project would replace an existing US West monopole I with a higgi KPAWT Ktind monopole II. The existing structure is 75'tall,the replacement tower would be 85' in height. The project also includes intallation of an additional set of antennas and ancillary ground base station equipment within an existing building. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing _ Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation , Environmental Health Public Services , Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation - Airport Environment 10,000 Feet �11 14,000 Feet /0/ B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS /01 C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS n We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where addi tonal informatio needed to properly assess this proposal. cte:/.5/4e Signature o 'rector or Authorized Re, esentative Date N devapp Rev.10/93 City of keririin Department of Planning/Building/Public' ENVIRONMENTAL 8 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 'Review W8tL —COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 26, 2000 APPLICATION NO: LUA00-072,CU-A,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 12, 2000 CITY OF REN'TO , APPLICANT: GTE Wireless PROJECT MANAGER: Steve Taylor grr,r-m. PROJECT TITLE: GTE 85' Monopole 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78697 JUN 00 LOCATION: 3600 East Valley Road roc a q yUiLgjihit-A B V Y�.onwsY'vt SITE AREA: 200 square feet I BUILDING AREA(gross): SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The proposed project would replace an existing US West monopole II with a higher structurally sound monopole II. The existing structure is 75'tall,the replacement tower would be 85' in height. The project also includes intallation of an additional set of antennas and ancillary ground base station equipment within an existing building. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS • • C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS tA�./O CO t/V{bt,t,Q,w( We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information l. //mation is needed to properly assess this proposa Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date devapp Rev.10/93 City of I. m Department of Planning/Building/Publii° ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:` sv v-_ u0-1/1 COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 26, 2000 APPLICATION NO: LUA00-072,CU-A,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 12, 2000 0/4- �o APPLICANT: GTE Wireless PROJECT MANAGER: Steve Taylor PROJECT TITLE: GTE 85' Monopole 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78697 44(.4 ix,‘ OAP LOCATION: 3600 East Valley Road *10. SITE AREA: 200 square feet I BUILDING AREA(gross): 4.`�6.8� SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The proposed project would replace an existing US West monopole II with a higher structuvsound monopole II. The existing structure is 75'tall, the replacement tower would be 85' in height. The project also includes intallation of an additional set of antennas and ancillary ground base station equipment within an existing building. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants _ Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE RELATED COMMENTS Ivc) Cowl d ' We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date devapp Rev.10/93 City of Dn Department of Planning/Building/Pub) , ks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:Sf f ret (,)(IS-CUAG.4--- COMMENTS DUE: JUNE 26, 2000 APPLICATION NO: LUA00-072,CU-A,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 12, 2000 O APPLICANT: GTE Wireless PROJECT MANAGER: Steve Taylor ,,0„Op ,, PROJECT TITLE: GTE 85' Monopole 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78697 day eNA LOCATION: 3600 East Valley Road tki ie sd SITE AREA: 200 square feet I BUILDING AREA(gross): d ��� SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The proposed project would replace an existing US West monopole II with a higher structuraf0. . ,�,nd monopole II. The existing structure is 75'tall,the replacement tower would be 85' in height. The project also includes intallati i +f an additional set of antennas and ancillary ground base station equipment within an existing building. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LighVGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS IV)o co IM , We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where addi ional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. 1Je/ //oo Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date devapp Rev.10/93 EVEL OPME NT IND • O SURROUND►ING PROPERTY OWNERS 1.6 hln.300_feet of the s abet ................ ............... .... ................ .............. PROJECT NAME: GT g Si N1ov-opo I-e 2 APPLICATION NO: 1--U • Coo - 01Z1 CU- A �C • The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME ADDRESS • ASSESSOR'S PARCEL - — — — — — — NUMBER. • G I Joe's Real Estate Co Northern Railroad Burlington Eastgate Theatre Inc • 9505 SW Boeckman Rd. 3501 E Valley Rd • • 7132 Commercial Park Dr Renton, WA 98055 • Renton, WA 98055 Knoxville, TN 37918 SSC Property Holdings Inc Yang Investments LLC • i:. Pacific Gulf Properties Inc. 120.1 3rd Ave. #2200 . 6177 155th Pl SE 737 Market St Seattle, WA 98101 : Bellevue, WA 98006 Kirkland, WA 98033 • • Golden Treasury LLC Fred Steiner Glacier Park Co 3700 E Valley RD 29234 218th PL SE 1700 E Golf Rd Renton, WA 98055 Black Diamond, WA 98010 Schaumburg;IL 60173 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON Public Storage Pickup &Delivery The Boeing Company JUG 0 2 2000 P O Box 3703 Inc' Seattle, WA 98124 P O Box 25025 Glendale, CA 91221 RECEIVED • • (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) Amok- • L (Continued) NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER Applicant Certification I, 1/1,c,) z/A/c CLtyo.40.i✓ , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property (Print Name) owners and their addresses were obtained from: D City of Renton Technical Services Records ,t14 Title Company Records th S/ - ,Re.---Pic'rr 0 King County Assessors Records l ikon au''•, Signed Date r`Y -0'O ' p:QgNOTARy9N:� - (Applicant) = • dN%.5,1, • '°U B L l C o`5 NOTARY ' 9 M ti°' o� ATTESTED: Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Puyblic, in and for the State. 1tr�„• residing at , r " i on the ,3Ilday of 16s y DD . Signed,AV�firff • / / (Notary ublic) :;. , ::::::: : ::.; ::: ..:: ..:::... :..::n: >: :....:.::: ....For Clty:.of.Reenton Use:: :.;;.:» >;: : :> . : :;.:: :.,..:. ... • ..... ......• .::...—:: :: . .. CER.... ,.ATI.ON OF:.MAILING > < :'........:<.:.>:::::>.: :::::::..;a : >::>::>.:::::..,:.;::;;:; , ; hereby certify that notices of the proposed appllcatlon were mailed t • o ..,..: :>;:;..:.::: ::::::: :: :::.;.:....... :: eachi:. .:. prop .:1 ,; w.iot••... .>:. >:d: < i. .; »;:> »..,.:.::>:.;:::.<:::::i:,...:::<.:;»:.;:;::;>::> :.::;.:_ :::::.:: . ::.;.:.:,:.::;:>:. >:: »:...:::.. ::lsted:: ro ert ::.ow.er::. :�..:::�-. :Z.�.;.::.::.; .;::. .::;.. .:: .: .: :..:..::..::..:. .;:.>;::;;::»;:>::>::>: : ...:>:;:>:»:::>: <»:»:: >: : >::::<. ....... . . . .,., Signed :.> Date: ' .;::. _,. . :;:::;.::>::::. >::>::>::>::>::;:< :: T: T::::, ..::: A . i::.::.::::::::.:77 .:... .... ;.:::....:..:.:::::::::;E::::: :: :;:,,..::: . ::...:....::: :..:::..::. TA f�F:WASH N �'�3�( :.::.::. . .: . :: ::.::.::<:<.::>:: .::.:: .::. .::.; :;:.:.;:.;. ..::.::.;. CC�11t . Slt� ..EX.IRS ...:...:::..: ATTEST:-..,:. l�Scri: w eOre kr:ne'.<:: .No 0:...P blic::in;>and for: h.et State of:Washin� p4:1esidin ::bt...1„.1,L. ................ .............. listprop.dociVIARILYN I(AM HEFF REV°n98 MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES:6-29-03 2 ."a Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Steve Taylor Project Manager,Development . 1\ITO Services Division,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on June 26 2000. If you have questions about This proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail,contact the Project NOTICE OF APPLICATION , Manager.Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON- CONTACT PERSON: STEVE TAYLOR(425)430-7219 SIGNIFICANCE(DNS) , !PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE: June 12,2000 ' LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-00-072,CU-A,ECF • APPLICATION NAME: GTE 85'Monopole 2 i, PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project would replace an existing US West monopole II with a higher - structurally sound monopole II. The existing structure is 75'tall,the replacement tower would be 85'in height The project also I, includes Installation of an additional set of antennas and ancillary ground base station equipment within en existing building. II PROJECT LOCATION: 3600 East Valley Road I' OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE,(DNS):As the Lead Agency,the City of Renton has 'tr , determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project.Therefore,as la permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110,the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS process to give notice that a DNS is �'I S g likely to be issued.Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS are Integrated into a single comment period. _ .i , There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance(DNS).A ' __ 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS. u si I. I_-' I', PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: June 2,2000 - I ••.•• 11 E NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: June 12,2000 4' —`—' ------ APPLICANT: GTE Wireless Contact Person I u ___ e Madeline Clemann,Whalen 8,Co II ` ••• '• _. i - ;n, OWNER: Mary Meier � `S,• ®�.. y� SSC Property Holdings Inc. -n. . '�•_•. _1yi`�J ::,...v...............xi.z. ,y,lJPermits/Review Requested: Environmental(SEPA)Review, v iuc,re �r ,cmr..�/ ++CCY7oFF Other Permits which may be required: Construction Permits arxraa I « �7.-. jRequested Studies: N/A .. _ w�_ . Location where application may „ be reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works Division,Development Services Department, •••• ••• •... 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055 ! ) f 41:, PUBLIC HEARING: N/A _z i. , .� ,! 1 ) CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: a,,,`•,"3(•" .t.•, •• , jt(,~ odd www- Land Use: The subject site Is designated Commercial Arterial(CA).The project replaces I r•" Nalel®ORN IT Er OODDfl'M.MAP an existing wireless tower.The proposed site Is not within 300'of any iu s i'r s a", ln P N developable residential property. I I N 3i Su •u qi k 4//V u//7 Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: None known - - - —-- Development Regulations • Used For Project Mitigation: The project will he subject to the City's SEPA Ordinance,Zoning Code, Sensitive Areas Ordinance,Public Works Standards,Uniform Building • Code,Uniform Fire Code,and other applicable codes and regulations as -. appropriate. • • Genmaior CERTIFICATION • I, A h A ro �.b�eDv,W , hereby certify that 3 copies of the above • document were posted by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby •the described property on . S�.,,,_ I2 . zoob - • • • Signed: i� •r46. ATTEST: Subcribed and sworn before me, a Nortary Public, in and or the State of . Washington residing m 0,,(\ - ,on the 1 -1`` day of • 4 MARII. 'N KAMCHEFF a e--------7-21 � i r NO1A.Rrr F PUBLIC ����i U STATE OFV'�ASHINGTON . MARILYN KAMCHEFF AN COMMISSION EXPIRES MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES:6-29.03 1 JUNE 29, 2003 f :iinNiiiiI :;<:<::::<C ..'...MEN.:;..S;: :::V I:>.;:.:., >;t I...:t�: kagli >`>><;'; <>'>''< >` > kigiR' > > <><'> < 0:: :»»>::>::>::>:<:>::::>:::>:::>::>::::;::>�<:<::<:::;»>::><:::;»::::>::;»»::::» ::>:::>;::>::>::::::>::>::»:: � .1��1� '�`.:'".arm....t!�1rS..t�.....iS£�........:.................... .....................:.:•:•. :::::::... • • • • • • • • • • • • ?•. 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PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION: ADDRESS: i/.-S� '!Iva' //e / • . 3('co Z'' r a/9-zt L7 //c/. CITY: 5 - ZIP: �lD�y KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): E9-TTLL7 TELEPHONE NUOMBER: 2 06), J q q _ 3 3 2-( EXISTING LAND USE(S):.T.Aidus.Tre..//4-c__/ T' > litigliiillAP.M(PAN.RIRVOthOgiti#OROWdit:tilItiiliili! NAME: uJ/4/4-L G A CO �JL 7 j/�`f M LL..(57f PROPOSED LAND USES: -/`I/ 2/i✓cam C Le.,-?-,-)/ A1, C hu cfi) re/e uvrt,ri or? I c_41- )i.C Co t v e_A-77,0 rL COMPANY(if applicable): TL- �ig_L ZJ 55 EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: MV • ADDRESS: 30O 3 f t/o2fLt✓fi Vj�1 ®/ PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): !f PA CITY: IA_ ZIP: EXISTING ZONING: TELEPHONE NUMBER: 4.2_c_ ry y- 2 s-- / JON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): ®2 °" :::::.::::.:..::.:.::::::. A/4 c ..:::.::.;:::.;.;::.::.:::.;:.::.;:.>:.:.;:. SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): NAME: / Z COMPANY(if applicable): , . PROJECT VALUE: r /-/lei it--f(i ce), • ;;r ,C�DO ADDRESS: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? SO o 3 . it)`2'r' u)�1. f t / • . U NO CITY: ,ZIP: ge2LL-7/wt `f 130 OF IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA? TELEPHONE NUMBER: Alo-r • f t zJ' . iHegnmiosegttdAtlrikSbitti*tiAl6PilrktbtttitttVHAA-tdt.hltiiiiiikil.iI..lee.ti--tHlitiliie.leiiiififIBIMBSIEMNM 7)--71A-61-1 4 MM ...........::.�::............:.::._...... . . k:> ..... 1(r. ::. . . : ;?:.:tt t.> + .. ...spa............11..... sake...::::::::: .:::e.e... ::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: :.::::.:::::: :::.�.�:: ;G`�ec � :a :..:: cat�v::.'.;:GYP::;:::: :...:..:.:.::RA�X.,::.:, �Y. ::::::::.:::::;::::::::..... .:::.:.:....... .... .............. .. ................. .. —ANNEXATION $ SUBDIVISION: • • — COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT $ _ REZONE $ _LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT $ _SPECIAL PERMIT $ _SHORT PLAT $ TEMPORARY PERMIT $ _TENTATIVE PLAT $ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $ ) 06� _ PRELIMINARY PLAT _ $ • _ SITE PLAN APPROVAL $ _ FINAL PLAT $ _GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ . • (NO. CU. YDS: 1 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ _VARIANCE $ (FROM SECTION: 1 _ PRELIMINARY _WAIVER $ _ FINAL _WETLAND PERMIT $ ROUTINE VEGETATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ _ BINDING SITE PLAN $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: _ SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE $ —VARIANCE $ _ EXEMPTION $No Charge X. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ 700 REVISION $ ::: E HIP li fli »>:A '<gnai Ni < ` iii > f WlV RS . ........:.......:......:.........:::....::::........ I, (Print Name)/1/0/1/ �Qler,declare that I am(please check one)_the owner of the property involved in this application,,the authorized representative to act for the property owner(please attach proof of authorization), and that the foregoing statements and answers herein' contained and the info a ion herewitttsubmitttted i in eseppta XSye and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. all 9 . ' �NtIJIENT •.•t% Mgili h . . ..Q� A�.tiTr6ST: Subscrib d nd sworn to before me, a Notary Public,in and € ) e/— 0;* 1.10 Tq R�,9 0r e S :t: of G residing at (N f Owner/Re ntative) •�- �- , on the day N�5 PUBLIG. ditTUo SVei �°�y, o nature of 0 'r/Representative) •#'-P WA.....6 ,, ig nature of ► t Public) ;.:'.>::::;::'. ::>::::::: »:»:<:;:.Viii::;::;::»»»::::>:::<::<::>:>�:<: ::::»::>: o>: e:com loo,111 :>C. .. p f .. . :: :.:.::::.:::.:.::: . .:.:.:.:::.;:..;.:.:.::.;:.:.;:.:<::.:;.;:.;:;::::.::;..(Th�:;section..t ..1a . .........P...............Y.....�tY:............................ ................. ........ .........:.. .::.:::::::::: ;:.,: > <> :>'. � :::.:::.. :.::::::.:�. .:.�: :::: »::: - >::>::<;;CAI�:<:L�:<:;:<+GPA>: CU=,":>..CIJ.... ... .. . :. ::::: .�I..:.�tl�>:N�,rnl5er::: ;' ::.. :..c"�'. ..:.::..�:�►.._::AAC�::.:BSt�.::::C�1�::5:::..:...................:...:.:::::.:::. ...... . ..:�:::.�:::::.�:. .::::::::::.. :::::::::::::.::::::.:::.:. «:::::::;>:::>:;;>::fillkl.l?:;>::>:1=PiiD:.;.FP.;P:P`:.R;;::.RYMi'.:::::SA:.P.r:..�:SA.:H:.:;.:S�1Pl..:A:. 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'&.•••• ,ff•••••,$)•-•,••• • •••••••• • •-••••••••••••• • - (5&‘eAirn ote86-41) 1 ) .X--, 34900 Eats,- ,„,.. . liefilvReGixwi Post-jr Fax Note 7671 /Date /1100. it of . pages PROJECT NAME: G-re. vv 1 rle_.sg jes , To 1140241(7vz 61,4)440211 From t6614.1 N13h/71 , C°jDePt14/114 1144 CZ), Co. ei-)47 1-PlA1/15n #1 Phon * • JUN 0 Fax e DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 6A/00 CITY OF RENTDATE: Phone Fax* 2 2000 . . • • hAdlvlsion.s1clevelop.sendeV.planing1walver.xls . RECEIVED TOTAL P.01 GTE Wireless Communications Facility . East Valley —WA0520A 3600 East Valley Road,Renton WA Conditional Use Permit Application Item#6. Project Narrative, Item#12. Parking,Lot Coverage,Landscaping Analysis, Item#21. Landscaping Plan, Conceptual, and Item 28.Justification for the Conditional Use Permit Request Other Information Requests Item#6. Project Narrative GTE Wireless of the Pacific proposes to replaee-an-existing US West monopole II,,w tamer monopstmeturally-tete-II. The existing US West WCF tower is 75 feet tall. GTE proposes to increase the existing tower height 10 feet to 85 feet. The project will also include the installation of an additional set of antennas and ancillary ground base station equipment for GTE inside an existing Shurguard bldg. This telecommunication facility is needed to extend GTE's existing system in order to cover King County residents and visitors in the Renton area. Construction would begin approximately one month after receipt.a Renton City building permit. Construction cost is estimated to be$85,000; and, the fair market value of GTE's portion of the project is $400,000. The facility will not require additional lighting. The majority of the construction cost is in the equipment. The construction process will not disturb the surrounding parcels at all in terms of noise, dust, traffic etc. There will be no ground preparation work, filling, grading, etc. The cabinet equipment will be installed inside an existing storage garage,hence, the equipment will not be visible,nor will the equipment fans be audible. The project does not add buildings or structures that increase the impervious surface area of this property. In addition,no vegetation will be removed or impacted. Currently the exiting pole is fenced,but is not landscaped. It is located between storage buildings, and is surrounded exclusively by asphalt paving, as is the storage yard. GTE proposes to insert slats in the fence surrounding the pole to enhance screening. The property the site is located on is zoned RA-5. Residential use occurs across Hwy. 167 - a considerable distance away. The houses are buffered from the site by a parcel strip that is a wetland. The parcels immediately adjacent to this parcel are quite industrial/commercial in use, and include a construction and excavation company headquarters, a car rental lot, and an engine rebuild business. Trespassing is not of concern since the owner of this leased site also owns the acreage surrounding the site. There are no visitors or customers related to this use of the property. A GTE technician would perform routine maintenance on the facility once a month in off-peak hours. Since the facility is not staffed, there is no need for sewer, water, or other people-related public utilities or services. �EVELOPMR�j�-p CITY OF REN pNNINGa JUN 022000 Item#12. Parking,Lot Coverage,Landscaping Analysis This is a monopole co-location project. GTE Wireless is replacing an existing 75 foot monopole with a like 85 foot monopole and then adding our antenna to the pole along with the existing US West antennas. US West owns the facilities, we have a lease agreement from them to co-locate.. The property this project is located on is Shurguard Storage 3600 E. Valley Road(see enclosed picture). This property is all asphalt and existing storage buildings. There are no wetlands on the property, and our project has no relationship to any existing parking, neither does our project require any additional parking; hence,no parking lots are proposed. The existing lot coverage will remain the same with this project. We do not have information available to us regarding the existing building sizes. No buildings are being added or deleted. No impervious surface will be added or deleted with this project. A chain-link fence surrounds the existing monopole. Our ground equipment cabinets are located inside an existing building owned by Shurguard Storage,hence do not require landscaping. For Landscaping,we propose to add slats to the existing fence surrounding the monopole. #21.Landscaping Plan, Conceptual A landscaping plan is not warranted given that the only landscaping possible given the would be to add slats to the existing fence (see previous narrative section). For Landscaping,we propose to add slats to the existing fence surrounding the monopole. #28. Justification for the Conditional Use Permit Request Other items: Map of existing Site Conditions The property this project is located on is Shurguard Storage 3600 E. Valley Road(see enclosed pictures). This property is all asphalt and existing storage buildings. There are no landscaping or natural features on this relatively flat parcel.. Please see attached copy of topography map to see location of existing buildings and contour lines. Lease Agreement Draft GTE Wireless does not hold a lease for the tower with the land owner. We have a lease agreement with US West who has a master lease with the land owner for the tower. Because US West owns the monopole, the responsibility of US West to remove their monopole after discontinued use. The US West lease does not preclude the land owner from entering into leases with other providers on other portions of the property. Obviously if GTE Wireless is co-locating on this US West owned tower, then US West is committed to co-location of other carriers on it's monopole. Applicant Agreement Statement Because GTE does not own the monopole and does not have a lease with the land owner for it, we can not legally provide this statement. Inventory of Existing Sites GTE Wireless has the following communication facilities within the Renton City corporate limit: • 600SW 10th ST Monopole 110 ft. • 11840 Renton Ave So. Building 40 ft. • 11224— 138th Ave SE- Co-Lo/ATT • 2806 Sunset Blvd. Monopole 40 ft. • Renton Stadium Building mount • 1616 NE 30th St. Monopole 80 ft. • 351 Union St. Monopole 60 ft \ * e ill .\----1,-7- - \ 1 ., ::.. \, 13 I I i ... _ , r i _ kill :'- ; : It.' •. , : I'J •.� : .�. - Y.;. _.. i N. i • I@ Justification for the Conditional Use Permit The city's comprehensive plan and land use code establish guidelines for siting wireless communications facilities such as the facility GTE Wireless is proposing. By establishing guidelines for WCF's, the plan and code together demonstrate the city's compliance with the Telecommunications Act of 1996. This proposal supports the goals of these documents as follows: • The tower is being constructed in a non-residential area, and is a co-location on an existing US West tower. Adverse impacts to the community at this location are minimal. • This tower is located adjacent to a major freeway, and within an existing storage facility. The pole has been placed between two storage facilities and has excellent ground level screening. No residential housing directly abut this commercial/industrial property. • The antennas proposed (see plans) are a flush-mount type; hence, do increase the diameter of the pole very little. Antennas will be painted to match the existing US West antennas. The ground equipment cabinets for both carriers are located inside storage buildings so they are out of the public's view. The existing chain-link fence will be . retrofitted with wood/plastic slats to further improve ground-level visual aesthetics. • This facility will take approximately one month to build, and will enhance GTE Wireless's existing communication system for Renton residents, as well as visitors to the Renton area. By co-locating, GTE can provide services quickly, effectively, and efficiently. • Users of wireless systems are affected by call-dropping in areas of incomplete coverage. When systems are complete and fully operational, police, fire and other emergency providers can experience continuous fully operational communication systems (whether using the GTE system directly, our accessing it through roaming). By making our telecommunication systems complete the health, safety and well being of Renton's residents will be improved. l I Y EN DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION::::,;: EN: ' ONN�EN` ` 4L C ± ,K PURPOSE OF THE CHECKLIST: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21c Rcw, Requires All Governmental Agencies To Consider The Environmental Impacts Of A Proposal Before Making Decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (Eis) Must Be Prepared For All Proposals With Probable Significant Adverse Impacts On The Quality Of The Environment. The Purpose Of This Checklist Is To Provide Information To Help You And The Agency Identify Impacts From Your Proposal (And To Reduce Or Avoid Impacts From The Proposal, If It Can Be Done)And To Help The Agency Decide Whether An Eis Is Required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly,with the most precise information known,or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully,to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer,or if a question does not apply to your proposal,write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline,and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have any problems,the governmental agencies can assist you. . The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal,even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply.". IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS(part D). For nonproject actions,the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF REN T ON JUN 022000 RECEIVED TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: East Valley—WA0520A 2. Name of applicant: Whalen Company, Inc., on behalf of GTE Wireless of the Pacific Incorporated, a Delaware corporation 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Whalen Company, Inc./Madeline Clemann,Zoning Manager 3003 Northup Wy., Suite 101 Bellevue,WA 98004 (425) 889-2881/206-240-4611 4. Date checklist prepared: April 20, 2000 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule(including phasing, if applicable): The proposed facility will take approximately one month to build. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions,expansion,or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. None at this time. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared,directly related to this proposal. None known. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. None known. 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. A. City of Renton: Building Permit B. Federal Aviation Administration: Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration C. Federal Communications Commission: Site Filing and Approval 11. Give a brief,complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) GTE Wireless proposes co-location of communication facility on an existing US West 75 foot monopole. The project would include: increasing the height of the existing pole from 75 feet to 85 feet; mounting six(6) panel antennas measuring five(5)feet in height on the pole; and, placing three (3) BTS equipment cabinets inside a storage unit provided by Shurgard Storage building owner. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any,and section,township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of Page 2 of 10 GTE Wireless @ Juanita Drive WA0436A • TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency,you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. A. Address: 3600 East Valley Road B. Tax Parcel Number: 302305-9104 C. Nearest Town or City: Renton,WA B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description of the site(circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous,other . (See location description A 12 above. b. What is the steepest slope on the site(approximate percent slope)? The site area is generally level. c. What general types of soils are found on the site(for example,clay,sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils,specify them and note any prime farmland. Not known. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so,describe. None observed. e. Describe the purpose,type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. No soil will be removed from the site. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing,construction,or use? If so,generally describe. No erosion is expected due to the flatness of the proposed site. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction(for example,asphalt or buildings)? Other than the pole itself, no portion of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion,or other impacts to the earth, if any: No measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, are anticipated to be necessary. 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal(i.e., dues, automobile,odors, industrial wood smoke)during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Small quantities of dust and vehicular emissions may be produced during the one-month construction period. Page 3 of 10 GTE Wireless @ Juanita Drive WA0436A TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No. c. Proposed measured to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: None. 3. Water a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site(including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds,wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. None known. 2) Will the project require any work over, in,or adjacent to(within 200 feet)the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Not known. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose,and approximate quantities if known. No. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so,describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. The site is unmanned and will not require water or sewage disposal service. No wastes will be generated at this site, nor discharged to the ground. b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn,or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any(for example: Domestic sewage; industrial,containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems,the number of houses to be served (if applicable),or the number of animals or humans the system(s)are expected to serve. None. The site is unmanned and will not require water or sewage disposal service. No wastes will be generated at this site, nor discharged to the ground. c. Water Runoff(including storm water): Page 4 of 10 GTE Wireless @ Juanita Drive WA0436A TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 1) Describe the source of runoff(including storm water)and method of collection and disposal, if any(include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so,describe. No additional runoff will be created by the project. The proposed facility will be mounted on the pole. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so,generally describe. No. The facility is unmanned and will not generate any waste materials. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: The facility involves a minimal amount of impervious area. No measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts are anticipated to be necessary. 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen,other _evergreen tree: fir,cedar, pine,other shrubs grass _pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush,skunk cabbage,other water plants: water lily,celgrass, milfoil,other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? None. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants,or other measured to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: None proposed. Page 5 of 10 GTE Wireless @ Juanita Drive WA0436A TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: birds: hawk, heron,eagle,songbirds,other: mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: fish: bass,salmon,trout, herring, shellfish,other: b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so,explain. Not known. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: None. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy(electric, natural gas,oil,wood stove,solar)will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing,etc. Electricity and telephone service will be required to run the communications equipment. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so,generally describe. No. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: All equipment will conform to all applicable energy codes. No additional conservation measures are anticipated to be necessary. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion,spill,or hazardous waste,that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so,describe. No. There are no known materials that could cause fire or explosion. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. None required. A GTE Wireless technician will visit the site approximately once each month for routine maintenance. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None are anticipated to be necessary. Page 6 of 10 GTE Wireless @ Juanita Drive WA0436A TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project(for example: traffic,equipment,operation,other)? None. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis(for example: traffic,construction,operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. There would be noise related to construction activities during normal business hours throughout the one-month construction period. The proposed equipment generates little to no sound and the cabinet, any sound will be dampened by the garage enclosure. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: None are anticipated to be necessary. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The property the site is located on approximately 4.52 acres in an industrial area, Hwy 167 to the east; auto brokers and auto wrecking to the north; East Valley Road, Far West Steel and Home Base to the west; and a vacant lot and motel to the south. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so,describe. Not known c. Describe any structures on the site. The site currently has a US West 75 foot monopole and associated ground equipment located on it. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so,what? No structures will be demolished. The existing wood utility pole will be replaced with a taller version. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? RA-5 f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Not known. g. If applicable,what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N/A h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. Not known. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? None. The site will be unmanned. One GTE Wireless technician will provide routine maintenance visits to the site approximately once per month. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. Page 7 of 10 GTE Wireless @ Juanita Drive WA0436A TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts,if any: None. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle,or low-income housing. None. b. Approximately how many units, if any,would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle,or low-income housing. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None. 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas;what is the principle exterior building material(s) proposed? The existing pole is 75 feet tall. Our proposal raises the height 10 feet—to a total of 85 feet. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? The proposed antennas and equipment cabinet will not obstruct views any more than the existing tower. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: None proposed. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? None. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: None. Page 8 of 10 GTE Wireless @ Juanita Drive WA0436A TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? None. b. Would the proposed object displace any existing recreational uses? If so,describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: None. 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on,or proposed for, national,state,or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. None known. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological,scientific,or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None known. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: None known. 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Access to the site would be provided from a driveway off East Valley Rd. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not,what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? N/A c. How many parking spaces would be completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? No parking would be eliminated by the proposed project. A GTE Wireless technician will visit the site once a month for routine maintenance (walk-up maintenance). The site is otherwise unstaffed. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe(indicate whether public or private). No. e. Will the project use(or occur in the immediate vicinity of)water, rail,or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. A GTE Wireless technician would visit the site once a month for routine maintenance. Page 9 of 10 GTE Wireless @ Juanita Drive WA0436A TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: None are anticipated to be necessary due to the low quantity and frequency of vehicular trips to the site. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services(for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools,other)? If so, generally describe. No. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. None. 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas,water, refuse service,telephone, sanitary sewer,septic system,other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project,the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Electric provided by PSE, and telephone service provided by GTE/US West. D. SIGNATURE I,the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: /2_/tC Name Printed: /1441-DC L-44/L L e-7/(4'4714 Date: Page 10 of 10 GTE Wireless @ Juanita Drive WA0436A , 1wj E.•.TFRSON J rR Ztt.r', JJ\ .1RTt\SON. INC. 2AMP.3 i' {'HTfiaSOM TEVf'N C. STRRML£t Pauc February 29, 2000 PSM Job No. 20055 Ref 1. Uniform Building Code 1997 2. EIA/TIA 222-E Structural Standards for Steel Antennas Towers and Antenna Support Structures 3. AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaries and Traffic Signals 1994. 4. Geotechnical Report, S408,01-0 1 by Geo Engineers. Dated April 25, 1997. • Subject: GTE Communications Monopole WA0492A Site Name: East Valley Co-locate Located at 3600 East Valley Road. Renton. WA Engineering drawings and structural calculations for the foundation of a 85-foot high steel communications Monopole, at subject location, are presented in Attachment I The design of the foundation has been based on the referenced standards. Design calculations for the foundation are provided. The foundation presented herein is an augured drilled pier -foundation and designed for AASHTO 90-mph with a gust factor of 1.3, '/" ice build up and EIAiTIA 90-mph with ' :2" ice build up manufacturer's provided values. Limitations on addition of future antenna contained in the attached monopole structure analysis apply to this foundation. Attachment 2 is PSM. Inc's report on the structure of the steel tower erected on the subject foundation Sincerely, Peterson Strehie Martinson, Inc. February 29, 2000 • Steven C. Strehle, P.F. a :r f; • Enc, 1. Engineering drawings& Structural calculations ,rP 2. PSM, Inc Report . tis, 0• \�� tE»CS 6/30/2001 • DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JUN 0 2 2000 820 JOitN SrRtEI P:;4r'ri,PS i-ENGSVE;ErtS.+:c;!.f RECiEiVEP6-r,22-4580 SEATrt.E, WAsfi[ '»i 9H1O9-5129 Fax 206-622-0422 (2"k1Y r),wI'VcNTs,SteuclUitArs oRi_!1>; tr5G7E'.E.AsT VA!-l.F-�' Ci!-1,,:�t'�CF''ti.L'ir �.al.Li:l'I;tiiTR;.' 2r1(l.t S.ils?f• lierracon PROJECT TEAM _'>fU ^nueh:i: zii3i7!11C:nci '!`J={Shin(pr 9131:is2 :?O';861 6000 >:'ccs i20i�};161-1;USC April 25, 1997 • Bechtel Corporation 8140 Old Highway 99 Southeast Tumwater, Washington 98501 Attention: Mr. Scott Mutchnik Re: Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed US West Tower Site SEA-048D 3600 East Valley Road Renton, Washington GeoEngineers Project No. 5408-001-01, Task 13 Terracon Project team has completed geotechnical engineering exploration for the proposed US West Tower Site SEA-048D to be located at 3600 East Valley Road in Renton, Washington. A sketch showing the tower location was provided by Mr. Scott Mutchnik of Bechtel, a copy of which is attached as Figure 1. This study was performed in general accordance with the scope of work ( x i I con aine i te ber 24 1996. The purpose of these services is to provide geotechnical engineering recommendations for design of foundations and other earth connected phases of the project. Proposed Construction: As currently planned, construction on the site will include a monopole cellular transmission tower and ancillary support equipment. The proposed monopole tower will be approximately 75 feet in height and will be supported on a drilled shaft foundation system. Maximum vertical loading at the base of the tower will be in the range of 8 to 10 kips,the maximum lateral force will be 3 to 5 kips and maximum overturning moment will range from 180 to 210 foot- kips. Scope of Services: The scope of the services performed for this project included a subsurface exploration program, laboratory testing and engineering analyses. One'test boring was drilled on the site at the location of the proposed monopole tower. Selected soil samples were tested for the • following engineering properties:- • Water content • Dry Density • • Compression • • Expansion • pH • Resistivity • Water soluble sulfate content :{)TECHNICAL.ENVIRONMENTAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS C UAUl"Y ENC9INEENING SIFJcf'. 1'}6 L ' Bechtel Corporation April 25, 1997 Page 2 Subsurface Exploration Conditions: We explored subsurface conditions by drilling one boring to a depth of 36.5 feet at the proposed monopole location. A continuous log of the test boring was recorded by our field representative during the drilling operations. At selected intervals, samples of the subsurface materials and penetration tests were taken by means of driving split spoon samplers, The soils were classified in general accordance with the classification system described in Figure 2. A key to the boring log is presented in Figure 3. The boring log is presented in Figure 4. Ground water measurements were made in the test boring immediately after drilling. . As presented on the boring log, subsurface conditions consist of 3 inches of asphalt concrete overlying 4 inches of crushed rock. The pavement section is underlain by loose silty sand with gravel and occasional cobbles which was encountered to a depth of 9 feet. Very loose to loose fine sand was encountered from a depth of 9 feet to a depth of about 33 feet and overlies medium dense fine sand with occasional gravel which was encountered from a depth of 33 feet to the bottom of the boring. Ground water was observed in the test boring at a depth of 11 feet at the time of field exploration. These observations represent only current ground water conditions, and may not be indicative of other times, or at other locations. Ground water levels can be expected to fluctuate seasonally and with varying weather conditions. Laboratory Testing: Selected samples were tested to determine the natural moisture content and dry density of the soils. The results are presented on the boring log in Figure 4. Laboratory swell and consolidation test results indicate that the near surface soils are non-expansive and exhibit low to moderate compressibility at in-situ moisture contents. The consolidation test results are presented in Figure 5. • The results of corrosion tests completed in general accordance with ASTM (American Society of Testing Materials) methods are summarized in the following table: • Corrosivity Test Results Depth Soil Resistivity Sulfates (feet) Classification pH (ohm-cm) (ppm) 5.5 SM 7.5 28,000 ' 1 10.5 SP • 6.8 6,100 <1 fin Bechtel Corporation April 25, 1997 • Page 3 • These values should be used to determine potential corrosive characteristics of the on-site soils with respect to contact with the various underground materials which will be used for project construction. Tower Foundation: As presently planned, the proposed monopole tower will be supported on a single drilled shaft foundation system. A straight shaft at least 24 inches in diameter, drilled a minimum of 38 feet into natural soils is recommended. For axial compression, the drilled shalt may be designed for a maximum end bearing pressure of 12,000 psf (pounds per square foot). Skin friction of 130 psf can be used in designing for either uplift or compression loads. These values include a factor of safety of at least 2.0. For lateral load and overturning design, passive earth pressures can be determined based on an equivalent fluid density of 380 psfift for soils alo g the shaft above the ground water level. Below the ground water level, passive earth pressures may be determined based on an equivalent fluid density of 140 psf/ft. For calculation of lateral deflection, a coefficient of subgrade reaction, independent of shaft diameter, of 15 tsf(tons per square foot) may be used for the analysis. The soil modulus for the subgrade soils increases linearly with depth by an amount equal to the coefficient of subgrade reaction for each foot of depth. Lateral load design parameters are valid for maximum soil strain of five percent acting over a distance of one shaft diameter. The passive pressure, soil modulus and coefficient of subgrade reaction are ultimate values; therefore, appropriate factors of safety should be applied in the shaft design. Drilling to design depth should be possible with conventional single flight power augers. The hole will probably not remain open without stabilizing measures. Temporary casing may be necessary the full depth of the hole to prevent sloughing. It will be necessary to use a concrete vibrator during concrete placement to allow concrete to fill any voids created while removing the casing. Concrete should be placed immediately after completion of drilling and cleaning. Due to potential sloughing and raveling, foundation concrete quantities may exceed calculated geometric volumes. Concrete with slump in the.range of 4 to 6 inches is recommended. Free-fall concrete placement in drilled shafts will not be acceptable. The use of a bottom-dump hopper, or a tremie pipe discharging near the bottom of the hole where concrete segregation will be minimized, is recommended. The shaft bearing surface must be cleaned prior to concrete placement. A representative of the geotechnical engineer should examine the bearing surface and shaft configuration. Bechtel Corporation April 25, 1997 Page 4 Equipment Support: As presently planned,the proposed ancillary equipment will be supported on a concrete slab-on-grade. We understand that the on-grade slab will measure about 10 feet by 12 feet. Equipment loads are expected to be about 3,200 pounds. To reduce potential differential movement of the equipment slab the crushed rock and asphalt concrete should be stripped from the pad area. A base course layer of crushed rock at least 18 inches thick should be placed for support of the equipment slab. This layer should be placed in a single lift and compacted to an unyielding state. The natural silty subgrade soils should be excavated to the depth required if extending the grade of the slab above the existing surface is not acceptable. Should structural loads be concentrated on the perimeter of the slab, a monolithic turn down edge should be considered. Thickened interior slab sections can be used to support concentrated or continuous slab loading provided that slab thickness and reinforcement are consistent with structural requirements. Foundations and slabs should be reinforced as necessary to reduce the potential for distress caused by differential foundation movement. Foundation excavations should be observed by the geotechnical engineer. If the soil conditions encountered differ significantly from those presented in this report, supplemental recommendations will be required. Seismic Considerations: The project site is located in Seismic Risk Zone 3 of the Seismic Zone Map of the United States as indicated by the 1994 Uniform Building Code. Based upon the nature of the subsurface materials, a seismic site coefficient, "s" of 1.2 should be used for the design of structures for the proposed project (1994 Uniform Building Code, Table No. 16-J). General Comments: The Geotechnical Engineer should also be retained to provide services during excavation,grading, foundation and construction phases of the work. Observation of drilled shaft and foundation excavations should be performed prior to placement of reinforcing and concrete to confirm that satisfactory bearing materials are present_ These services are considered a necessary part of,continuing geotechnical engineering services for the project. Construction testing, including field and laboratory evaluation of fill, backfill, pavement materials, concrete and steel should be performed to determine whether applicable project requirements have been met. It would be logical for Terracon Project Team to provide these additional services for continuity from design through construction and to determine the consistency of field conditions with those data used in our analyses. The analyses and recommendations in this report are based in part upon data obtained from the field exploration. The nature and extent of variations beyond the location of the test boring may not become evident until construction. If variations then appear evident, it may be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations of this report. • t.r,: _,n Bechtel Corporation April 25, 1997 Page 5 We have appreciated being of service to you in the geotechnical engineering phase of this project, and are prepared to assist you during the construction phases as well. If you have any questions concerning this report or any of our testing, or when we may be of further service for construction monitoring or consulting services, please do not hesitate to contact us. • Sincerely, TERRACON PROJECT TEAM Shaun D. Stauffer, P.E. Project Manager A fi i0 ee Jack K. Tuttle, P.E. 'gyp 4, 2795J Gifi'TE�� Principal SSrONAL Document ID: P:\5408001\SEA.048D.ft EXPIRES 1/23/ 1 > cc: Mr. Don Clark Terracon Consultants Western, Inc. • 5035 S. 33rd St. • Phoenix, AZ 85040 04/17 67 07:31 FAX 206 861 1 GEOE?GINEERS ( 003 cn; nI=wuc tai titttrhC : 4-16-57 : 4:44PN : • [LE SETTLE- 360 352 5417:c 2/ 2 • L OCKWOOD GREENE 408 NC. Wok o g D P[SRneT nglneenVArthileoW rs • sriEEr r+4. a 6aeor Gwa�. • DATE 4e- lb-97 jos►tue SEA D 9 b w 724.ifie4Aen .5 t _cbuptiTEoer "1:ZiPli SiJEi]EM_ $'ri' i /A4. t4 ---..... —.--CKECKEO BY • .44 G • 1 . dt, , • - . • •/1 _ • s (/ 1 . . . (Colmar-Gran) 6 . 15r .41=et ,, . tE - : , : It.. _.....pia.4.4 . "i:' : .:. 41 . . 1 " 2e , ( _ —•-- I2 f , ' ., 1 1 r IL ' 1 I ''' ''''''''''' ..* ..er:orilt. . . '7 f ' , . •1,4r ' '1 BORING ' : .p,••ra r- � a • • f pc•erig i / '3 711144 ,E '.IZ / r 11i4 t 7'.S • • slopli,* 1 • * al . . , 7,_ - • .. .:. • .... . . , • • , . , . f: ' . iliA t.g.tbc,Ank.$ sibgerej4. / Ts ? tj r f . J • • FIGURE 1 ,, • SEA-048D s,n so• aja tzaji SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM • GROUP MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOL GROUP NAME . GRAVEL CLEAN OW WELL-GRADED GRAVEL, FINE TO COARSE GRAVEL COARSE GRAVEL GRAINED GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVEL. SOILS More Than 50% of Coarse Fraction GRAVEL GM SILTY GRAVEL Retained WITH FINES • on No.4 Sieve GC CLAYEY GRAVEL • More Than 50% SAND CLEAN SAND SW WELL-GRADED SAND,FINE TO COARSE SAND Retained on No. 200 Sieve SP POORLY-GRADED SAND More Than 50% of Coarse Fraction SAND SM SILTY SAND Passes WITH FINES No.4 Sieve SC CLAYEY SAND • • FINE SILT AND CLAY ML SILT GRAINED INORGANIC • SOILS CL .CLAY Liquid Limit Less Than 50 ORGANIC OL ORGANIC SILT, ORGANIC CLAY SILT AND CLAY MH SILT OF HIGH PLASTICITY, ELASTIC SILT More Than 50% INORGANIC Passes CH CLAY OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAY No. 200 Sieve • Liquid Limit 50 or More ORGANIC OH ORGANIC CLAY,ORGANIC SILT HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT PEAT • NOTES: SOIL MOISTURE MODIFIERS: 1. Field classification is based on visual examination of soil Dry - Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch in general accordance with ASTM 02485.90. Moist- •Damp,but no visible water 2. Soil classification using laboratory tests is based on ASTM 02487-90. Wet - Visible tree water or saturated, usually soil is obtained from below water table • 3. Descriptions of soil density or consistency are based on interpretation of blow count data, visual appearance of soils, andtor test data. • • • rs m ri '<AIM SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM co Geo ngin.eers FIGURE 2 • LABORATORY TESTS SOIL GRAPH: AL Atterberg Limits CP Compaction SM Soil Group Symbol CS Consolidation (See Note 2) DS Direct shear GS Grain size Distinct Contact Between %F Percent fines Soil Strata HA Hydrometer Analysis • SK Permeability Gradual or Approximate SM Moisture Content Location of Change MD Moisture and density • Between Soil Strata SP Swelling pressure TX Triaxial compression V Water Level UC Unconfined compression • CA . Chemical analysis Bottom of Boring BLOW COUNT/SAMPLE DATA: 22 Location of relatively Blows required to drive a 2.4-inch I.D.— undisturbed sample split-barrel sampler 12 inches or other indicated distances using a ----Al.- Location of disturbed sample • 300-pound hammer falling 30 inches. • 17 Location of sampling attempt with no recovery • to 0 Location of sample obtained Blows required to drive a 1.5=inch I.D..__. in general accordance with • (SPT) split-barrel sampler 12 inches • Standard Penetration Test or other indicated distances using a (ASTM D-1586) procedures 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. 1� __ • 26 1.0 Location of SPT sampling • attempt with no recovery Location of grab sample • "P" indicates sampler pushed with weight of hammer or against weight of drill rig. NOTES: 1. The reader must refer to the discussion in the report text, the Key to Boring Log Symbols and the exploration logs for a proper understanding of subsurface conditions. 2. Soil classification system is summarized in Figure A-1. • KEY.TO BORING LOG SYMBOLS Geo PEnginee s FIGURE 3 TEST DATA BORING SEA-048D DESCRIPTION Moisture Dry Content Density Blow Group Surface Elevation(ft.): Lab Tests (%) (pcf) Count Samples Symbol • 0 0 1 ,MA,ASPHALT 3 inches asphalt concrete RX 4 inches crushed rock .. ;- SM Red to brown silty sand with gravel and occasional cobbles - (loose,moist) _ I — 5— 5 _ MD, 10 131 19 i Cs• i • ._.I ' SP Gray fine sand(very loose to loose,wet) 10- —10 _ MD 34 87 6 ■' _ • 15-- I • , —15 MD 42 75 1 3 i ..I w _ w , z 1 , I i . . 0 w 20— •• • • —20 IlL 1 . I . • _ MD 29 88 3 • ■ • = I —30 30— ` I 3 1 • i 1 I I . `-<*1 :-�'' SP Gray fine sand with occasional gravel(medium dense, a'et.} 35— •• —3 5 - I I_ VA . - Boring completed at 36.5 feet on tla/18;97 . Ground water encountered at a depth of 11.0 feet } • - 5� -W 40 D 40'"•' J f o Note: See figure 2 for explanation of symbols (� LOG OF BORING • Grey��Engineers • FIGURE 4 • . • 540B-001-01-1130 SJT:J.KT:cros 04/23/97 (CON-048D PRE) 1 n • -mc • CONSOLIDATION(inches/inch) l V o P O O O CD O P O O�p O 4 O O CJ A E. N CDCID p O Q o b O Iv O O QG 01 tri 0 . . P . . n..) CM oc" m : . o . . .. ... - . . m •. co n _.�......... ................................._._.._.-......................._........-........-............_.. ._._....._... ....,..........._.......-......... .. GGom N .. . ._.. . . .......... . .. . .. . .. cn _cn _ 51 • • _ ... . n0 x . . . _.. .... . . ...... ._O Z O I ........ • Z w v - . . .... _.• . . .._... . r o ,n b • a _ , C 0 . 73 Z ng . R1pOz o _ . ... . .. . . .._.. . . , . . . cn m -::I a • z ...... . .. 73 -1 m . Cl) m{z g NCAS �m� s _J Z > **************************************************************** City of Renton WA Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R0002936 Amount: 1,200 .00 06/02/00 10 : 08 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #WHALEN & CO Init: LN Project #: LUA00-072 Type: LUA Land Use Actions Parcel No: 302305-9104 Site Address: 3600 EAST VALLEY RD Total Fees: 1,200 . 00 This Payment 1,200 . 00 Total ALL Pmts: 1,200 . 00 Balance: . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 .345 . 81. 00. 0006 Conditional Use Fees 1, 000 . 00 000 .345 . 81. 00 . 0007 Environmental Review 200 .00 JN NN�daN3lNdpj�4 3p