HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0387Resolution for Notice of Assess- Resolution of Intention) ment Roll)IJi Resolution of Intention) RESOLUTION NO. 383 RESOLUTION N0. 386 RESOLUTION NO. 387 BE IT RESOLVED_ BY THE CITY Be It Ordained by the City Council of COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF the City of Renton: Be it Ordained by the City Council of RENTON: 1. That it is the intention of the the City of Renton: Section 1: That the 12th day gf City Council to order the improvement 1. That it is the intention of the January, 1926, at 8 o'clock P. Di., of Main Street by constructing a drain City Council to order the improve- is hereby fixed as the date of hear- along the east side of Main Street ment of that portion of the City of ing on the assessment rolls for the from Fourth Avenue to a point south Renton, lying south'of Cedar River following Local Improvement Dis- where the large drain passes beneath and embraced within the following tricts, viz.: the pavement, a distance of approxi- i described boundaries, to-wit: No. 157 for the improvement of" E' mately 750 feet, and doing such other Beginning at a point where the west Third Avenue by widening roadway "work as may be necessary in connec- line of S'hattuch Street intersects the from Burnett to Shattuck Street,! f tion therewith, all in accordance with north line of Third Avenue; thence Plans prepared by the City Engineer. west along said north line 300 feet;etc., et al., under Ordinance No. t769. 2. That all persons who may desire thence north 461.4 feet, more or less, Section 2: That the City Clerk' .kto object thereto are hereby notified to the south marginal line of the be, and he is hereby directed to to appear and present such objections "City of Seattle Cedar River Pipe Line Publish in the official newspaper of to a meeting, of the City Council to Right of Way;" thence westerly along the City of Renton, notices thereof f be held in the Council Chamber in said-south line to the west line of the as required by law and the ordi- r the City Hall in the City of Renton at city limits; thence northerly along nances of the City of Renton. 7:30 o'clock P. M., on the 8th day of the east bank of Black River to an in-, Approved this 29th day of De- I June, 1926, which time and place is tersecticn with the west line of Lake cember, 1925. t hereby fixed for hearing all matters Street produced southward; thence. GEO. H. THOMAS, t relating to said proposed improve- north to the north line of Commercial Mayor. ment, and all objections thereto, and Avenue; thence east alon said north Passed this 29th day of Decem- for determining the method of pay- line to the west marginal line of the ber, 1925. ment for said improvement.right of way of King County Commer- W. T. WILLIAMS, 3. That the City Engineer shall; in tial Waterway No. 2. thence south- City Clerk, r the manner provided by law, submit easterly along said west marginal line to the City Council, at or prior to said to the north marginal line of the right Date of first publication Decem- date, all data and information required of way of the Columbia and Pugetber31, 1925.by law to be submitted. q Sound Railway Co.; thence southwest- 4. That the cost and expense of said erly along said north marginal line to Resolution of Intention) Y improvement shall be borne by and I the east line of Block 2, Town of Ren- 7 assessed against the property liable ton; thence south to the northwest RESOLUTION NO. 388 c therefor, as provided by law. corner of Acre 44, in Plat No. 1 of the t Approved this 18th day of May, A. Renton Co-operative Coal Company's BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY i D. 1926. Acre Tracts; thence east 40 feet; COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REN- THOS. OLSON, thence north 5 feet; thence east 330 TON: Mayor Pro-Tem. feet; thence south 90 feet; thence 1. That it is the intention of the : Passed this 18th day of May, A. D., east 10 feet; thence south 60 feet to City Council to order the improvement 1926. the northwest corner of Acre 32 in of Park, Pelly, and Fifth Avenues and t W. J. WILLIAMS, Plat No. 1 of the Renton Co-operative Is e Tracts; thence Main and Wells Streets by construct Date of first City Clerk Coal east Oompany to the northeast corner ing cement walks alongside of Lot 26, publication May 21, 1926. Block 10. 1 and 24, Block 12; 1 and 1 Date of second publication May 28, of SMd Acre 32; thence south to the 24, Flock Thirteen; Lot 14, Block i. 1926.southeast corner of Acre 26; thence i Seventeen and Thirteen and Fourteen, , sot theasterly to the northwest corner Block Sixteen (16); also in front of , of Acre 38. thence east 300 feet; Lots 7 to 13, Block Ten (10); Let (Resolution for Notice of Assessment thence south along the east boundary Twenty-six, Block Ten; 1 to 12 inclu-Roll) of the City of Renton to the south sive, and 18, 19, 20, 23 and 24, Block i boundary of Highland Addition; 13; 1 to 6 in Block 14, Lots 14 to 26 RESOLUTION NO. 389 thene alternating west and, north in. Block 16, and Lots 7 to 13, in - along the south and west boundaries 7?ock 11. All in the Renton Farm Be it Resolved by the City Council of. of Highland Addition to the north line Pats, by ,constructing cement side- = The City of Renton: of Section 20, Twp. 23 North of Range iwalks and doing such other work as Section 1. That the 21st day of 5 East, W. M.: thence west along said may be necessary in connection there- September, 1926, at 8 o'clock P. M., is north line to the west line of Shattuch with, all in accordance with plans pre- i hereby fixed as the date of hearing on Street: thence north to the point of pared by the City Engineer. the assessment rolls for the follow- beginning, by constructing an add!- 2. That all persons who may desire ing Local Improvement District, viz.: f tional sedimentation unit, installing to object thereto are hereby notified No. 158 for the improvement of Main I pumps, and doing such other work as to appear and present such objections , 8t•eet et al, under Ordinance No. 768. may be necessary in connection there- at a meeting, of Qle City Council to Section 2. That the City Clerk be, with, all in accordance with plans pre- be held in the Council Chamber in ani he is hereby directed to publish pared by the City Engineer. the City Hall in the City of Renton at 2. That all persons who may desire in the efacial newsi aper of the City to object thereto are hereby notified 8 o'clock P. M., on the 7th day of Sep of Renton, notices thereof as required I tember, 1926, which time and place is by law and the ordinances of the City at appear and present such objections hereby fixed for hearing all matters of Renton. ata meeting of the City Council to relating to said proposed improve- Approved this 7th day of September, be held in the Council Chamber in ment, and all objections thereto, and the City lull in the City of Renton at for determining the method of pay- 1926. THOS. OLSON. 7:20 o'clock P. M., on the 6th day of went for said improvement. Mayor. JI!17, 1926• which time and place is 3. That the City Engineer shall, in Passed this 7th day of September, hereby i;xed for hearing 211 matters the manner provided by law, submit 1926. relating; to said proposed improve- to the City-Council, at or prior to said W. J. WILLIAMS,ment, and all objections thereto, and date, all data and information required City Clerk I for determining the method of pay- by law to be submitted.Date of first publication September ment fel said improvement. 4. That the cost and expense of said 10, 1926. 3. That the City Engineer shall, in improvement shall be borne by and Date of second publication Septem- the r.anner provided by law, submit assessed against the property liable her 17, 1926.rn the City Council, at or prior to said therefor, as provided by date, all data and information required Approved this 17th day of August, by 1p w to be submitted. A. D., 1926. 4. Tb at the cost and expense of paid THOS. OLSON. improvement shall be borne by and Mayor. 1 assessed against the property liable Passed this 17th day of August, tiiereior, as, provided by law. A. D. 1926. A Approved this 15th day of June, A. W. r. WILLIAMS, D. 1926. 1 City Clerk THOS. OLSON. Mayor. Date of first publication, August 20, 1926.19 Passed this 15th day of June, A. Date of second publication, August D. 1926. 9' ynR f W. J. WILLIAMS,2Q, City Clerk Date of first publication June 18, 1926. Date of second publication June 25, 1926.