HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 05 j Washington State _* O-09-077 , Adden #5-11 VAf Department of Transportation Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address BergerABAM Number 5 33301 Ninth Avenue S., Suite 300 Federal Way,WA 98003 Original Agreement Number CAG-09-077 Phone: 206/431-2300 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date 4/17/2009 1 2/29/2012 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Update Project Definition Report, Strander Blvd. $ 2,214,900.00 Description of Work Extend completion date to provide time to receive bids and to execute Supplement No. 6 for construction administration and inspection,plus design construction support services. The Local Agency of City of Renton desires to supplement the agreement entered into with BergerABAM Inc. and executed on 4/17/2009 and identified as Agreement No. CAG-09-077 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: $udgets for tacks revised ac shown on Exhibit F-? I I Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: Project completion date extended 9 III Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: No c�hnnge as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. By: Tames 4 Clunrre,RergPrARAM Inc By: C itv of Renton C Consultant Signature proving Authority Signature DOT Form 140-063 EF Date Revised 9/2005 I • 9/2/2011 Exhibit E-2-Supplement No.5 Page 1 of 2 Strander Boulevard Effort and Fee Estimate Summary of Budget Allocations per Task/Sub-Task Tasks/Sub-Tasks Budget Allocation Lump Sum thru Supplement 1 $ 19,900 100-Start-up Services $ 262,000 105-Technical Memorandum(35%Design) $ 155,000 110-30%Submittal to BNSF $ 62,000 115-Preliminary Geotechnical $ 45,000 200-Project Admin,Coord,and Mgmnt $ 154,248 205-Design To Budget ind in other tasks 210-Invoicing and Progress Reports $ 15,676 215-Subconsultant Coordination $ 26,676 220-Project Management and Administration $ 21,696 225-Meetings with City and Others $ 86,200 200.1 Additional Project,Admin,Coord,and Mgmnt $ 4,000 230-Quality Assurance and Control Intl in other tasks Task 300-Railroad Engineering(Hanson) $ 379,821 305-Project Management $ 33,952 310-60%Submittal to BNSF $ 123,511 315-100%Submittal to BNSF $ 175,475 315.1-Revised 100%Submittal to BNSF $ 37,160 315.2-Resolve Track Geometrics $ - 320-Design Support during Advertisement $ 8,723 320.1-Design Support during Award $ 1,000 Task 400-Geotechnical Engineering(S&W) $ 165,631 405-Evaluate Geotechnical Issues $ 72,896 405.1-Evaluate Geotechnical Issues Budget Adjustment $ (34,369) 410-Prepare Dewatering Memorandum $ 26,917 410.1-Prepare Dewatering Memorandum budget increase $ 8,000 415-Construct Pumping Test Wells and Refine Analysis $ 79,759 415.1-Construct Pump Test Wells budget decrease $ (10,000) 420-Trench Excavation/Testing $ 17,359 420.1-Trench Excavation/Testing budget decrease $ (2,000) 425-Design Support during Advertisement $ 6,069 425.1-Design Support during Award $ 1,000 Task 500-Civil/Structural Engineering $ 925,180 505-Field Verification Survey $ 20,649 505.1 Field Verification Budget adjustment $ (10,445) 505.2 Field Verification Track Survey $ - 510-Roadway Design $ 200,420 510.1-Revise Roadway Design $ 50,000 515-Utilities $ 20,600 515.1-Revise Utilities Design $ 5,000 520-Storm Drainage $ 67,030 520.1-Revise Storm Drainage $ 15,000 525-Pump Station $ 79,710 525.1-Revise/Complete Pump Station Design $ 5,000 Q:\FederalWay\2009\FAPW7-09-175\ProjMgt\Contract Development\Supplement No.5\Exhibit E-2 to Supplement No.5.xlsx i0 9/2/2011 Exhibit E-2-Supplement No.5 Page 2 of 2 Strander Boulevard Effort and Fee Estimate Summary of Budget Allocations per Task/Sub-Task Tasks/Sub-Tasks Budget Allocation Task 500-Civil/Structural Engineering(Continued) 530-Structural $ 144,960 530.1-Revise Retaining Wall Design $ 25,000 535-Construction Staging&Schedule $ 35,780 535.1-Revise Construction Staging and Schedule $ 5,000 540-60%Submittal $ 16,533 545-90%Submittal $ 39,119 550-Final PS&E Submittal $ 39,119 550.1-Revise/Complete 100 Percent PS&E Submittal $ 22,000 550.2-Revise/Complete Ad PS&E Submittal $ 39,142 555-Design Support during Advertisement $ 42,000 555.1-Design Support during Award $ 14,000 560-RH2 Pump Station Electrical Design $ 26,727 560.1-Revise/Complete Pump Station Electrical Design $ 9,904 560.2-Design Support During Advertisement $ 2,500 565-BCE Illumination Design $ 8,100 565.1-Revise/Complete Illumination Design $ 1,431 566-Design Support during Advertisement $ 900 Task 600-Right of Way $ 176,328 605-Title Reports $ 23,680 610-ROW Plans $ 33,060 615-Boundary Line Survey $ 34,671 620-Boundary Line Adjustment $ 8,918 625-Title Review $ 23,012 630-Property Acquisitions $ 58,125 630.1 Property Acquisitions Budget adjustment $ (18,038) 630.2-Revise Boeing R/W Easements $ 12,900 630.3-Revise ST R/W Documents $ - Task 700-Value Engineering $ 46,892 705-OAC TASKS $ 43,890 705.1 Revise OAC Task Amount $ (5,302) 710-BA Management and Support $ 8,304 Subtotal Initial Lump Sum+Tasks 100 thru 700 $ 2,130,000 Task 800-Remaining Allowance for Design Construction Support Services(DCSS) $ 84,900 Management Reserve Fund(MRF)-Authorized 6/15/11 Total of above $ 2,214,900 Total Authorization through Supplement No 4 $ 2,214,900 Q:\FederalWay\2009\FAPWT-09-175\ProjMgt\Contract Development\Supplement No.5\Exhibit E-2 to Supplement No.5.xlsx