HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-08-117_MiscFLOOD IOI£ X JOO YEAA FLOOO H.,Z,RQ AA(A ADJICEHI OWHER R{NION VI.LACI: ASSOCIATES 1 ----30.00' 0 ~1!%- ~ ~'iJ. -= ;;f ~J ,,,. -... ,,.. "'~ i ~ B.tSt F[WdP1-~, rm 1 10 3 F[[l FLOOD OCPTHS 1':~ ~~ ~i _. -·~ --·~ - I TT -1 EXIS TING '' . __ \ 1--. . ,' ... ~.,, ,., -, n .. ---~---c:,-:,-,----1~1 e. ~ no SJ ': ':;----~ 241 Si _') •17Y il ti '''"' _, ~,,,, -.._ 170 SI 51'J sr TT ·J EXIST ING I '1.•l I ~ ~ -~-~ " " ,, " " " GARAGE C r-1.11·• GARAGE B ,, ' ,, ' 1_ -: ~-' ,, ,, ,, " 'f"'y (~~ST I ~. -tJ)!,f • PS[ PAACEL 110Sf <NOT PAR T OF PROPOSED PROJECT> "" ~ ! J s: I I l<:J J~-'.ii j ! I: ~ I I J t<"\ I • USt Gl'J'AGt: A ,, ,~ sr ... - ! (•= =·_-_,,, "1,..,F '"" ~ :::.l 14'SF' ,,. " ... ,. .._ "" ''"' --~--=--·--:, ,. " , ' ·-' ' ' . _, ]54SF ', ,\•( I t 1 :) _. :l,' TT·2 EXISTING ~;a '.;.\ oo.--l41·V "'· ,-<f -' ·re:..••· r ~ ,_. --Si' ,lwi.et. ---·"" ___ ...,.}o:·,~~;.,.--..,. .-·-· ;• " 192 .ri>' 5. R. 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Ren:'.Je l:'rl 1\:c!1,;( it (]('i,-,v, d!·_· 1 /\ a~h·,;~11on \I,\ r . \I' PRINCIPAL eneris,vf_' <ncwied(Je of b, .. dqet1nrJ. value enqi.'·.ee,r·ng • 1000 · 11()() Dim c .. ; I'. r·,::, •.: 1..._ r .:- US Bank Centre 5h;trle, V'v'as/,inyrj(I West 8th Westlake Terry Sf'd/1.'t', W,1sf,1ncj:~ir) One Convention Place River Park Medical Offi((~ Building P.edrr,011d. thl:ih1n9101; Ackerley Group Building Sccitt.fc. l/<J.oi,ir)q-:on Boeing Company Wor!d Headquurters C.h<iuo. l.'l:nnr, Casey Family Foundation _<;,;;,itt}e, /Va:,h1notun McCaw Communications K!r(l,.in 1..I, W,:6f:,11qtci,·1 Avtech A_LPAC Corporation Se.Jtt!e. 1//c:1_si;/r;gror1 Continental Miils, Inc Ker,(. V/c":.Oh1:iq 1on Washington State Liquor Cortrol Board SeaUlr, IN,Vi.111~,·q!c,:1 r' C J s C <er i_J/01) -~. -~O. 4 l, SO •-f1in1.1t•_Jr· · s· Headquarters !l(f/011 ··ta! Building qton · ter e University ,:hing Research Building 'CJIOll tcr ·iqton tch Expansion 7ton ·.;witch J. \l:1rk f.t1cl1b. l.rr:r, Af' , Boeing World 1-lE',Jdqvarters West Water Development Block 2 K,rkian,I, \lV<1\i•1r191on r-/i IX~D JS t North Gate Mixed-Use Development Dot,a. GJrN Lakcpointe Ke.'vr;orc,, I/Vd\ii1.'nJ1on Carillon Point r-;i1ki,lnd. t·Wd11nqw11 Pentagon Centre /ir.1in91on. '/ir91ri1,l Raley·s Landing vve~i Sdcr<Hnen1c, C1/ifomH Nordstrom ~my: /vJ1(/1•9dn Nordstrom Rack Factoria Mall Bet'ievu'::. 'Nashmgton flESi[1!:iFI/\ 3rd and Virginia Seatr!c, V/,lshinqron J SDA Senior Civil Engineer, Principal Jon Turcott PE Benellls: Jon is a founding principal of SDA, with more than 10 years of experience on a wide variety of projects, including large, multi- phased endeavors, and design- build projects, He has a focused expertise in stormwater management design and utility design, TIiie at SDA: Principal Years employed by SDA: 7 Employment history: SDA -2003 to Present Entranco CDMINC Gray and Osborne Years' professional experience: 12 Education: University of Washington BS. Civil Engineering, 1998 Professional registrations and licenses: Professional Civil Engineer, State of Washington, 2003 Professional Civil Engineer, State of Oregon, 2009 Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality (CPSWQJ Resume for Jon Turcott Jon is a founding partner of SDA. He has over 12 years experience in civil engineering. He has worked for local consulting and design-build firms gaining experience in design and construction, He is dedicated to service using his technical expertise, creativity and communication skills to the benefit of his clients. Jon has participated in and led design for both small projects and large, multiphase endeavors, He has a focused expertise in stormwater management and utility design. Project Portfolio Selections: 1-405 NE B'" to SR 520 Braided Ramps; WSDOT and Bellevue, WA Responsible for stormwater system design, utility relocation, TESC, and stream mitigation for a design-build highway project. Project consists of new interchanges, bridges, and widening of 1-405 and SR520 in Bellevue, WA. Lead engineer for multiple utility relocations within the City of Bellevue. Individual relocations include over 1,600 feet of new sewer main, 1,200 feet of new water line, and dry utility coordination. Member of project utility task force and responsible for technical support and coordination for all utility relocations on the project. Lead engineer/designer for approximately 300 feet of stream restoration of Sturtevant Creek. Senior Design support and management for permanent stormwater conveyance and mitigation facility analysis and design, Plaza at Yarrow Bay Flooding Analysis; Kirkland, WA Principal-in-charge and lead engineer for the flooding study at the Plaza at Yarrow Bay site. The development has two streams, Cochran Springs Creek and Yarrow Creek, running in between buildings. The two streams discharge to the Yarrow Bay Wetlands. The parking garages are open to the air and at grade adjacent to the streams and weijands. During storm events, the garages experience significant flooding. We reviewed the original reports, designs, and as-builts for both the site and surrounding developments. We also reviewed numerous studies of the stream corridors, the comprehensive plan, habitat studies, and other documents. We performed extensive site investigations to document potential causes of the flooding problems. The investigations produced evidence of upstream erosion and cause of sediment deposition within the stream bed. We also discovered beaver dams which were reducing the hydraulic capacity of the system. City of Bothell Comprehensive Parking Plan; Bothell, WA Principal-in-charge and lead engineer for comprehensive parking study plan for the City of Bothell downtown core. The project is intended to provide solutions to increase on-street parking. We established baseline conditions through a combination of review of aerial photography, GIS data, and field investigations, A summary of design standards from a variety of sources was included. We prepared recommendations for the standards to be applied to the specific conditions in the study area. Several options were analyzed to develop a list of improvements for each block. The recommended improvements were relatively low-cost, but will increase available on-street parking by almost 50 percent. Casino Del Sol; Tucson, AZ. Responsible for civil engineering review for 70-acre casino development with amphitheater. Work included site inspection and plan and technical document review of as-built storm drainage systems and hydraulic analyses with recommendations for modifications to mitigate existing and expected flooding. Responsible for cost analysis and report documenting required modifications for use in potential litigation between the owner and contractor. SDA Resume for Jon Turcott Triton Towers Expansion; Renton, WA Principal-in-Charge and lead engineer for Master Site Planning Permit and Development Agreement for a 21-acre commercial site. The site consists of three existing buildings. The proposed development will include four additional buildings and a new par1(ing garage. SDA provided drainage, utilities and other design elements. As a part of the process, SDA also analyzed local drainage systems and researched historic development patterns in the area to assist in writing the specific stormwater requirements for the development agreement. In addition to the redevelopment. SDA is also providing infonnation and planning assistance to the owner for flood risk from the Howard Hansen Dam failure. Green Crow 050 Gravel Mine ; Oso, WA Principal-in-Charge and lead engineer for the original 75-acre mine and 300- acre expansion. The original wor1( included a 1,400 foot access road with a wetland crossing, three infiltration ponds and a 12 acre-foot lined pond for process water. The 300-acre expansion included approximately 20 phases each with an infiltration pond and a construction debris storage area. The original mine and the expansion was subject to a complex permitting process, including a Conditional Use Penni!, SEPA, JARPA, NPDES Sand and Gravel General Permit, Grading Penni!, Department of Natural Resources Surface Mining Permit and a Department of Health Solid Waste Exemption Penni!. Jon attended several public hearings during the pennitting process to present project information and respond to appeals. Microsoft Highlands Southwest Pond; Redmond, WA Responsible for design, documentation and review of a 1.5 million cubic-foot detention and water quality pond provided to support the future build-out potential for Microsoft's Issaquah Highlands property. SDA analyzed the development potential for the property and determined the required pond sizing. The location chosen for the pond had several challenges including steep slopes. The area is highly infiltrative, but infiltration was not pennitted, so a complex liner system with leak detection was designed. Because the pond exceeds 10 acre-feet of storage, a Dam Safety Permit was required by the Department of Ecology. The Dam Safety Penni! included a comprehensive risk analysis for downstream properties and modeling of several extreme stonn events. Ecology also required additional study of the downstream storm system. The downstream system contains unique energy dissipation systems which were modeled in the conveyance analysis. A detailed operation and maintenance manual was also prepared. Microsoft Bldgs 81 & 83, 156th and 51st Trunkline Analysis; Redmond, WA The 81 & 83 project includes on-site utilities, grading, and other infrastructure design in support of two new buildings on a 46-acre campus. Jon was responsible for assessment and analysis of several thousand feet of existing stonnwater trunkline to determine its ability to support the required development. A combination of field survey, review of as-builts, review of City GIS data, and technical documents was required to produce a baseline of the system for modeling purposes. Flows and conveyance capacities were then calculated and presented in a report. Microsoft Highlands; Issaquah, WA Lead Design Engineer responsible for the civil design of a 150-acre commercial site for construction of 2.95 million square feet of class A office space. Responsible for managing the development of the construction documents for Phase 1, coordination with the other consultants and the permitting agencies. The design included integration of water quality ponds into the site as features, road design, final grading, mass grading and coordination and detailed layout of all utilities for the project, including power and communications conduit. This work also included the on.going design of the Clayton Creek improvements located adjacent to the proposed infiltration pond for the site. These improvements were required to be built and installed in order to maximize the SDA Resume for Jon Turcott infiltration rate for the proposed pond and minimize the volume of on-site detention. Child Services and Child Support Building, Puyallup Tribe, WA Principal-in-charge and lead engineer for a new campus building on a 50-acre high school campus. There is no existing infrastructure serving this portion of the campus and little survey infonmation for the surrounding area. Our first objective was to research as-built records from both the water purveyor and school maintenance department. This data was merged with survey infonmation to develop an understanding of the existing site infrastructure. The design that followed was complex as well. The campus has an existing on-site sewage treatment system, but the capacity to serve the project was unknown at the beginning of the project. Our design proceeded without a known sewer service location, requiring thought to providing a flexible design which would be easy to connect to once the service was detenmined. Similar coordination and design issues were presented for the water. gas. and electrical services for the building. The project has required coordination with the Tribal project staff, the school staff, the architect, mechanical engineer, surveyor, geotechnical engineer, contractor, power and gas supplier, the water district, and the fire district. Cohasset Beach, Westport, WA Project Manager and Lead Design Engineer for 63-lot subdivision on the Pacific Ocean. Design effort required complex grading to maintain view corridors for each of the homes. Project included LID focused stonmwater design with WWHM modeling of an ecology embankment system to achieve enhanced water quality treatment prior to discharge. Pacific Professional Building, Westport, WA Project Manager and Lead Design Engineer for the new medical office building in the City of Westport. WWHM modeling was carried out of an infiltration gallery located under the parking lot to achieve both flow control and water quality for the project. Washington Cathedral, Redmond, WA Project Manager and Lead Design Engineer responsible for the preparation of the construction documents and channelization plans for approval for this redevelopment project. This project included the civil design for the street frontage improvements along Woodinville-Redmond Road, channelization plans for approval by WSDOT, site wall layout and building penmit coordination, water, sewer, storm drainage, and coordination of all utilities. 3rd Avenue Water Main; Duvall, WA Design lead for 3,200 lineal feet of 12" diameter ductile iron water main for the City of Duvall in 3rd Avenue NE. The new water main was installed to replace an 8' asbestos concrete pipe which was at the end of its design life and very susceptible to failure. Because of a narrow street and existing utilities located within the pavement corridor, SDA worked closely with utility surveyors to exactly locate all of the existing utilities in order to avoid conflicts during construction. This included providing ground penetrating radar (GPR) to locate the non-metallic utilities as well as standard locating techniques. SDA also coordinated closely with the City of Duvall in order to locate the water main to be future compatible with the conceptual road design that the City has planned for 3rd Avenue. SDA provided the permitting related to the project which includes SEPA, NPDES, and the JARPA permit which is required because of a creek crossing. SDA also provided a detailed engineering construction cost estimate to the City for the work outlined in the construction drawings and specifications. SDA Resume for Jon Turcott Civil Engineering Peer Review; City of Bothell, City of Duvall, City of Newcastle Peer review for the City of Bothell, Duvall and Newcastle. The role requires review of the permit documents prepared by other civil engineers on behalf of these jurisdictions. This includes detailed review of the storm drainage design, stonn water calculations and reports, street design, utility design, and grading for each project. SDA reviews the designs in detail to ensure that the projects are in compliance with the City and State regulations which govern the different aspects of the design. SDA provides each city with detailed red-lined drawings and a letter outlining our specific comments on the design. We also meet with the City and/or the applicant as appropriate to review our comments to make the response by the applicant more efficient. SDA's role provides a much needed service to the City based on our expertise with design and the developers are very receptive because we expedite the review and pennit process for them. Harbor Square; Bainbridge, WA Civil design in support of the construction of 200 condominium units with some mixed use located in eight separate buildings on a 4.3 acre site. Five of the buildings were constructed over an underground parking garage which had been designed to retain three landmark trees located on the site. The project scope for the civil design included street frontage improvements on three sides of the project, storm. sewer, water, and coordination of all utilities. The stonn drainage design consisted of on-site detention in the fonn of two vaults, water quality and conveyance design. A detailed upstream and downstream analysis was performed and a detailed hydraulic report was prepared as part of the pennit documents for this project. SDA also provided all of the pennits for construction and construction administration coordination with the contractor SDA Daniel G. McKinney, Jr. i Asso, , · , ipal 'j(transpo Experience Dan is an Associate Principal at Transpo with over 15 years of experience and has project management responsibility for a variety of transportation planning studies. During this time he has managed hundreds of transportation studies that meet SEPA/NEPA requirements, completed transportation studies for Environmental Impact Statements and Environmental Assessments, corridor studies, regional sub-area studies, town center planning, and comprehensive city wide planning. His focus has been in completing traffic impact analyses that address SEPA/NEPA requirements for newly proposed private developments and for evaluating town centers plans that arc desired by public jurisdictions. Having worked for both private developers and public agencies, Dan understands what is needed to quickly address and solve transportation issues from a variety of stakeholders. His expertise often requires him to work with multiple agencies, present at public meetings, and lead tasks forces to solve complex transportation problems among a variety of stakeholders. Some of Dan's specific project management experience includes: • Plaza at Yarrow Bay, Kirkland, WA • Burien Town Square; Burien, \'v;\ • Columbia Place Office, Olympia, W;\ • Cherry Street Office, Olympia, WA • 6400 Linderson Office, Tumwater, WA • Burien Transit Oriented Development (TOD); Burien, WA • Semiahmoo Spit Master Plan; 13laine, WA • Sunrise Master Plan; Pierce County, WA • College Station Planned Unit Development (PUD); Olympia, WA • Great Wolf Lodge; Thurston County, WA • Sammamish Town Center; Sammamish, \Y,/ A • Redmond Transit Oriented Development (TOD); Redmond, WA • Cordata PUD; Bellingham, W1\ • Northgate Mall and Tacoma Mall Expansions, Seattle and Tacoma, WA • 500 Mercer, Tower Records/QFC Mixed-Use Site; Seattle, WA • Extended Stay America Hotels; Ballard, Seattle, Kirkland, and Redmond, WA • Wal-Mart projects; City of Marysville and Pierce County, WA • Eastside Catholic High School EIS; Sammamish, WA • Edmonds School District Projects -Terrace Park K-8 School, Cedar Valley Community School/Scriber Lake High School, Mountlake Terrace High School; Snohomish County, WA Education B.A., Geography (emphasis in Transportation Planning and GIS), University of Washington, 1995 Affiliations Institute of Transportation Engineers, American Planning Association, Planning Association of Washington '11·:rn I! 8" .-\vf-' NE. Su:tt> GOO, K1rkla11cl, Vv'A '. (425) 821-366:i • • • • I • • • • • ~ ~ ~ ~ • -- ~ ! ~ ~ ! ~ ~ I _, ~ ~ ~ !ti • ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~} !l!l ~ ~ .!l!l .. FIRM FLOOD PLAIN . APPROXIMATE ZQNEAH EL24 M.8.1.. FIRM FLOOD PLAIN MAPPED ---, -:· ., 0 200 T" -.::! 1--a -:r > u I l I 400 200 1 "= 200' --- ~~~ sne Oevelopment===-=Assoclal::-:=::.e,i,::-uc l&'m&ol'JIIWOyHe:Dol:,al.~ ftQJI ~ ,~ -.---~' Cllloc•N-fm:: ••-........, 5 Qt nnrn --Scale TRITON TOWERS 1---------------- F LOO D HAZARD MAP R:\Proiects\233 (HAL Properties)\003-08 (Triton Towers)\Dwg\figures\TIR Figures\fig05.dwg Feet a Figiiri No.. LEGEND TOTAL SITE AREA = 923,576 SF - PROPOSED PERVIOUS EXISTING PERVIOUS TO REMAIN EXISTING PERVIOUS TO BE REMOVED TOTAL EXISTING lll!+e= PERVIOUS 156,000 SF TOTAL PROPOSED PERVIOUS B + 1\111 = 156,100 SF TOTAL EXISTING IMPERVIOUS 923,576 -156,000 = 767,567 TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS 923,576 -156,100 -767,467 I SF SF (', \ . \ l I / I f i i ~ 0 0 .c " z j __ .;.:.:..:-.::.. -· 0 ti) ro HKJ ' I u -·-·?r\;:'>. ! 200 1 "= 200' Scale 0 200 400 Feet ~ Design HKJ TRITON TOWERS 1·-200· ----< Scale Drawn ..f' 011-23-08 N Date ., 233-003-08 rn Project No. Sile Development Associates, LLC l«m 9QJ'IIII Way Ne lolhli, ~ Nlllll Office: 42S . ..(86.65JJ Fax: "'25.."66.d.s93 www.sdclenglreers.com PERVIOUS AREAS R:\Projects\233 (HAL Properties)\003-08 (Triton Towers)\Dwg\figures\TIR Figuros\fig04.dwg 4 Figure No. r -0: -J ... ' u October 6, 2008 MASTER SITE PLAN APPROVAL Triton Towers Expansion Renton, Washington 207606.01 Drainage Report Prepared by: ••• Site Development Associates, LLC ------1420 FIFTH AVENUE #2400 SEATTLE WASHINGTON 98101-2343 -T 206 623 4646 F 206 623 4625 www.call1son corn CALLISON Table of contents Introduction .................................................................... 1 Existing Conditions ....................................................... 1 Existing Onslte Drainage Basin ........................ 2 Soils .................................................................... 2 FEMA Flood Information .................................... 2 Other Environmental Considerations ............... 2 Developed Conditions ................................................... 2 Proposed Drainage Plan .................................... 2 Core Requirements ........................................................ 3 Special Requirements ................................................... 7 Appendix A -TIR Worksheet Appendix B -Downstream Analysis Appendix C-Reference Material List of Figures Figure 1. Vicinity Map ............................................................................ 8 Figure 2. Existing Site ............................................................................ 9 Figure 3. Proposed Site Plan ............................................................... 1 O Figure 4. Pervious Areas ..................................................................... 11 Figure 5. Flood Hazard Map ................................................................ 12 Figure 6. Downstream Photo Key Map ............................... Appendix B ••• Site Development Associates, LLC 10117 Main Stre~t: Bothell, WA 98011 Office: 425 486.6533 c°;;x· t:J? 4l\6 t/593 INTRODUCTION The Triton Towers complex is located south of South Grady Way, west of Talbot Road South and north of 1-405 within the City of Renton, Washington. Figure 1 is a vicinity map depicting the project location. The site is approximately 21.20 acres in size and contains three, ?-story office buildings. Figure 2 shows the site and surrounding existing features. The proposed project will add four new buildings, four parking garages and associated infrastructure improvements. The infrastructure improvements will include new access roads, surface parking, islands, plazas and necessary utility improvements. The proposed site layout is shown in Figure 3. This report addresses the storm drainage issues associated with the development of the property. The design standards addressed for this report are contained in Renton Municipal Code Section 4-6-30. Section 4-6-30 specifies that the drainage design analysis shall conform to the standards set forth in the King County Surface Water Design Manual, 1990. Please see Appendix A for the TIR Worksheet. EXISTING CONDITIONS Existing On-site Drainage Basin The existing Triton Towers Site consists of almost entirely of impervious parking lots and buildings. The parking areas sheet flow or flow along curbing to catch basins throughout the site. The site area north of S. Renton Village Place and the easternmost parking area of Triton Towers One, drain through catch basin and pipe networks and ultimately combine at single discharge point west of Triton Towers Two. This discharge point is connected directly to a box culvert which was recently installed by the City of Renton. Triton Towers One and the majority of the surrounding parking areas discharge through catch basin and pipe networks to a tributary of Rolling Hills Creek which runs along the southern property line. Solls The National Resource Conservation Map (NRCS) soils map for area indicates Urban Land for the entire site. The current NRCS soils report does not provide characteristics for Urban Land. The archived Soil Conservation Service Report for King County (1973) describes Urban Land as soil that has been modified by disturbance of the natural layers with additions of fill material several feet thick. The Revised Final Geotechnica/ Report for the Renton Village Storm System Improvement Project (HWA GeoSciences, Inc., January 12, 2007), was prepared for the City of Renton culvert installation project. This report provides additional soils information from borings sampled in southwest portion of the Triton Towers site. Near the southwest property corner, the subsurface consists of 2-3 feet of gravel sub-base material, one foot of topsoil, 8 Y:, to 20 feet of soft peat and organic silt over a recessional clay, silt and sand stratum. Based on the HWA report, it -1 - Triton Towers Expansion Preliminary Storm Drainage Report October 6, 2008 ••• Site Development Associates, LLC 10 I 17 Main Street; Bothell, WA 98011 would appear that the groundwater for the Triton Towers site is approximately 7 to 10 feet below ground surface. The Geotechnica/ Engineering Services Two Renton Place report (GeoEngineers, Inc May 9. 1985), which has been included with the submittal, includes information in support of the construction of Triton Towers Two. The report documented the subsurface conditions for several borings near the Triton Towers Two building. The soils encountered included peat and silty sand to a depth of 22-37 feet overlaying sandstone bedrock. The bedrock is indicated as the bearing material for the augercast piles which support the building. FIRM Flood Information The Triton Towers Site contains areas of potential flooding indicated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) published by FEMA. The FIRM map for this area is included in the Appendix. The mapped area includes the westernmost portion of the parking lot for Triton Towers One and the parcel west of Triton Towers Two and Three, the Renton Village retail complex. The mapped elevation is 24 (NGVD 29). Based on observations in the field, it would appear that the area of the site containing Triton Towers Two and Three is elevated and separated from the retail complex by a sloped landscape berm. The westernmost proposed building should be designed to maintain sufficient separation from the mapped flood elevation. A Flood Hazard Map is included as Figure 5 in Appendix B. Other Environmental Considerations According to King County Mapping, the project is not located within a landslide hazard area, nor does it contain coal mine, seismic or erosion hazard areas. A tributary to Rolling Hills Creek and a portion of the mainstem of Rolling Hills Creek are located along the southern boundary of the Triton Towers One parking lot. Rolling Hills Creek and the upstream tributary are designated as Class 3 streams by the City of Renton. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the City of Renton have determined that the stream and tributary are non-salmonid bearing. A full discussion of the stream is contained in a stream evaluation letter by The Watershead Company (August 18, 2008). This letter is included in Appendix C. The existing Triton Towers stormwater systems discharge to the Rolling Hills Creek system. DEVELOPED CONDITIONS Proposed Drainage Plan The proposed project will construct three new buildings and parking garages in place of existing asphalt parking. The site access roads and drainage systems will be modified to avoid the new structures and to adequately collect the runoff from the reconfigured site. The discharge points from the site will remain as existing. Triton Towers Expansion Preliminary Storm Drainage Report October 6, 2008 -2 - ••• Site Development Associates, LLC 10117 Main Street BothelL WA 98011 CORE REQUIREMENTS The following are the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual, Core Requirements with discussion specific to the Triton Towers Expansion. Core Requirement #1: Discharge at Natural Location The project will discharge runoff the Rolling Hills Creek system as it does currently. Core Reguirement#2: Offsite Analysis An offsite analysis was performed for Y. mile downstream of the project. Representatives from SDA visited the site on September 18, 2008, the skies were clear and the temperature was approximately 80 degrees. The Triton Towers site is located in the Rolling Hills Basin, per Figure 4-1 of Utilities section of the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan. The majority of the Triton Towers site drains to a stormwater system which combines at a manhole placed on the upstream end of a 4' x 6' box culvert recently installed by the City of Renton. The box culvert begins about 500 feet west of the southwest corner of Triton Towers Two. The culvert runs west along South Renton Village Place and turns south roughly bisecting the parking lot west of Triton Towers One. The culvert drains to the mainstem of Rolling Hills Creek. Triton Towers One and the majority of the associated parking lot drain to a catch basin and pipe network which discharges to the tributary to approximately 25 feet west of the box culvert. The onsite portion of the Rolling Hills Creek tributary begins at the downstream end of a culvert which crosses 1-405. The culvert discharge and beginning of the tributary are located in the landscaped area due south of Triton Towers One. The following is a summary of the downstream elements beginning at the 1-405 culvert discharge. The summary is based on field observations and review of survey documents and the stream report. Segment #1 -50 feet This segment of the tributary is heavily vegetated and has a bottom width of 2 feet, side slopes of roughly 2: 1, an overall bank height of approximately 4 to 6 feet, and a mild longitudinal slope. There was no water observed in the channel. Segment #2 -64 feet The tributary enters a 24" concrete culvert. The upstream and downstream ends are buried beneath vegetation. Segment #3 -126 feet Triton Towers Expansion Preliminary Storm Drainage Report October 6, 2008 -3 - ••• Site Development Associates, LLC 10117 Main Street: Bothell, WA 98011 This segment of the tributary is similar to Segment #1. The segment is heavily vegetated but appears to have a bottom width of 1 foot, side slopes of roughly 2: 1, an overall depth with bank of approximately 6 feet and a mild longitudinal slope. There was no water observed in the channel. Segment #4 -47 feet The tributary enters another concrete culvert. The survey indicates that the culvert is 36", but it from observation it would appear to be a 24" pipe. The upstream end is obscured by heavy vegetation. The downstream end is exposed and contains water which appeared to be stagnant. Segment #5 -81 feet This segment of the tributary has a bottom width of 2'. The bottom of the channel is 6" deep with banks that are near vertical. The upper bank of the channel is approximately 1: 1 and 10 feet high. The first portion of the stream is flat as evidenced by stagnant water in the bottom. Approximately 30 feet downstream, the slope increases and water flows freely. According to the survey, the discharge from Triton Towers One is located approximately 60 feet downstream of the start of this segment. The end of this segment is the discharge of the new box culvert, which is also the beginning of the mainstem of Rolling Hills Creek Off-llne Segment-4' x 6' Box Culvert As mentioned, the majority of the Triton Towers site enters a 4'x6' box culvert installed by the City of Renton. According to the Renton Village Hydro/ogic/Hydrau/ic Analysis (Gray and Osborne, January 2007), this culvert has sufficient capacity to convey the 25-year storm while limiting flooding for the 100-year storm to parking areas. Based on the report, the only flooding for the system is the parking area west of the Triton Towers Site. The flooding occurs at a manhole on the upstream end of the box culvert. The report indicates that the flooding is related to the backwater of the downstream creeks and the elevation of the parking area. Appendix C includes excerpts from the Gray and Osborne Report. Segment #6-101 feet This is the beginning of the main stem of Rolling Hills Creek. The tributary combines with the main stream channel and the 4'x6' box culvert discharges in this location. During construction of the culvert, rip-rap was placed in the end of the tributary channel, presumably to reduce the potential for erosion around the concrete box culvert. The first 20 feet of Rolling Hills is roughly 15 feet wide with side slopes of 3: 1 and a bank height of 10 feet or more. The stream section condenses to a width of 7 feet. The channel bank consists of a nearly vertical section approximately 2 feet in depth. The remaining bank is approximately 10 feet high with a slope of 1: 1. The stream bottom is fine sand and silt and the bank is heavily vegetated with brush and Triton Towers Expansion Preliminary Storm Drainage Report October 6, 2008 -4- ••• Site Development Associates, LLC 10117 Main Street; Bothell, WA 98011 Office-: 425.486.6533 1 ax· t:25 486 6583 trees. The longitudinal slope of the creek is gently and the water was flowing at a depth of approximately 4 inches. Segment #7 -155 feet Rolling Hills Creek is approximately 6' wide in this segment. The southern stream bank is 4 feet high and the northern bank is 2 feet high. Both main channel banks are nearly vertical. The over bank on the south side of the creek is approximately 12 feet high at a slope of 1 to 1. The north over bank is approximately 8 feet high with a slope of 1 to 1. The overbanks of the creek contain brush and trees, some in excess of 4" in diameter. The water in the creek was flowing well at a depth of 6 inches. Segment #8 -270 feet The side slopes of the creek are relaxed through this segment compared with upstream. The southern overbank is approximately 15' high with a slope of 2: 1. The northern overbank is approximately 8 feet high at a slope of 3: 1. The main channel is approximately 6 feet wide with a 2-foot vertical bank on both sides. The water was flowing about 4 inches deep in this location. Both stream banks are well vegetated. Segment #9 -260 feet The creek is roughly similar in this segment as in segment #8. The slope of the bank is fairly gradual. The main difference is that the vegetation appears to change through this area from trees, brush and ivy to long grasses. The grasses may be indicative of periods of saturation in the lower bank of the creek. This segment ends at a 48 inch concrete culvert which crosses under the 1-405 interchange. There is a side channel in the form of an enormous CMP culvert from the south. There is a berm which appears to be formed out of rip-rap at the terminus of this large culvert. We assume that the berm is intended to reduce the discharge from the large culvert into Rolling Hills Creek rather than containing the flow of the creek itself. Segment #10 -unknown length The 48" culvert across the interchange is the end point of our downstream analysis. The entry to the culvert is in good shape and does not appear to contain significant sediment. The length of the culvert is unknown to us, but it certainly extends well beyond the limits of our study area. Summary Rolling Hills Creek and the upstream tributary on the Triton Towers Site appear to function well under the developed conditions. Both stream banks are heavily vegetated including some larger trees. The presence of healthy trees on the bank indicates that erosion is minimal. The stream bottom consists of silt and sand which is consistent with mild flow velocities. The Renton Village Hydro/ogic/Hydraulic Analysis (Gray and -5 - Triton Towers Expansion Preliminary Storm Drainage Report October 6, 2008 ••• Site Development Associates, LLC 10117 Msin Street; Bothell, WA 98011 Cffice. 425 48!"'6fi33 r.i~· '-25 41'-5 oY593 Osborne, January 2007) indicates that the stream experiences flooding from backwater effects of downstream systems rather than the stream capacity. The proposed project will reduce impervious area which will reduce the flow rates contributed by the Triton Towers project. The project will have no additional impacts on the function of the downstream system. Please see Appendix B for photographs, stream sections, and the downstream path. Core Requirement #3: Runoff Control Section 1.2.3. of the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual discusses runoff control. Page 1.2.3-5 of the Manual lists two exemptions from runoff control, Negligible Peak Runoff Rate Increase and Direct Discharge. The proposed Triton Towers project meets the requirements of item (2) of the Negligible Peak Runoff Rate Increase exemption. The proposed project will replace impervious parking areas with buildings, garages, parking and landscape areas. Table 1. is a summary of the existing and proposed coverage areas. Figure 4 is a graphical representation of the existing and proposed coverage areas. Total Site Area= 923 576 sf • Pervlous fsfl lmnarvlous IAfl Existing 156,000 767,567 Prooosed 156,100 767,467 Net Increase 100 -100 Table 1. Existing and Proposed Coverage Areas. The result of the project is a net increase in the pervious area from 156,000 square feet to 156,100 square feet. Core Requirement#4: Conveyance System The conveyance system will include curbing, catch basins and piping. Roof drains will be tightlined to the conveyance systems. Core Requirement #5: Erosion and Sediment Control The project will incorporate Best Management Practices per the 1990 KCSWDM Manual as well as NPDES requirements from the Department of Ecology. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan will be prepared during final design Core Requirement #6: Maintenance and Operations Maintenance and operations guidelines for the catch basins and storm piping will be provided with the final design. Triton Towers Expansion Preliminary Storm Drainage Report October 6, 2008 -6- ••• Site Development Associates, LLC 1 O 117 Main Street; Bothell, WA 98011 Ot+1ce: 4Z,.486.6!;,33 f-'.8Y. ,;·z, 485 bS3 Core Requirement tn: Bonds and Liability The developer will meet bonding and liability requirements for the project. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Special Requirement #1: Critical Drainage Area Not applicable. Project is not known to be within the critical drainage area. Special Requirement #2: Compliance with an Existing Master Drainage Plan Not applicable. Project is not included in an existing master drainage plan. Special Requirement #3: Conditions Requiring a Master Drainage Plan Not applicable. Project does not meet the minimum requirements to trigger a master drainage plan. Special Requirement #4: Adopted Basin or Community Plans The project is within the Rolling Hills Basin. Per the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan, the basin experiences problems related to the capacity of storm drainage facilities near Renton Center and the Renton Village. The Utilities Section of the Comprehensive Plan was amended 12/12/05. As mentioned, the City installed a new 4'x6' box culvert in 2007 which was intended to replace a damaged culvert and mitigate flooding in the system. According to the Renton Village Hydro/ogic/Hydrau/ic Analysis this culvert has sufficient capacity to convey the 25-year storm while limiting flooding for the 100-year storm to parking areas. Based on the report, the only flooding for the Rolling Hills system is the parking area west of the Triton Towers Site. The flooding occurs at a manhole on the upstream end of the box culvert. The report indicates that the flooding is related to the backwater of the downstream creeks and the elevation of the parking area. Special Requirement #5: Special Water Quality Control Not applicable. The project does not meet the 5,000 sf threshold of new pollutant generating impervious surface (PGIS) which would require treatment. See exemptions from on-site peak rate runoff control, negligible peak runoff rate increase section 1.2.3-5 in the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. The project will only add 100 sf of impervious surface. A large quantity of the existing pollution generating impervious surface will be removed for construction of the buildings and garages. Furthermore, the project does not discharge to a Class 1 or 2 stream. Rolling Hills Creek is listed as a Class 3 stream by the City of Renton. Triton Towers Expansion Preliminary Storm Drainage Report October 6, 2008 -7- ••• Site Development Associates, LLC 1 Oi 17 Main Street; SothP.l!, WA 98011 Special Requirement #6: Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separator Not applicable. Special Requirement #7: Closed Depressions Not applicable. The project does not discharge to any closed depressions. Special Requirement #8: Use of lakes, wetland or closed depressions for peak rate runoff control Not applicable. Special Requirement #9: Delineation of 100-year floodplaln A portion of the project is indicated on the FIRM Map as lying within a 100-year flood plain. The area is limited to a portion of the surface parking area in the southwest corner of the site. It would appear that the mapped elevation is lower than the actual elevation of parking area. Appendix B includes a Flood Hazard Map (Figure 5). Special Requirement #10: Flood Protection Facilities for Type 1 and 2 Streams Not applicable. The project does not abut a Class 1 or Class 2 stream. Spec:ial Requirement #11: Geotechnical Analysis and Report Not applicable. The project does not propose to install a pond or infiltration facility and does not modify a flood protection facility. Special Requirement #11: Soils Analysis and Report A geotechnical report is included in is included in the submittal materials. REFERENCES City of Renton Comprehensive Plan, adopted November 1, 2004 and amended December 12, 2005 City of Renton Municipal Code, current through Ordinance 5020, passed September 29, 2003 King County Surface Water Design Manual, 1990 Triton Towers Expansion Preliminary Storm Drainage Report October 6, 2008 -8 - ••• Site Development Associates, LLC 1 Oi 17 Main Street; Bothell, WA 98011 FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map Panel 977, revised May 16, 1995 National Resource Conservation Service Soil Report for King County Area, November 21, 2006 HWA GeoSciences, Inc Revised Final Geotechnical Report Renton Village Storm System Improvement Project, January 12, 2007 Gray & Osborne, Inc. Renton Village Hydrologic/Hydraulic Analysis, January 27, 2007 The Watershead Company Stream Evaluation for parcel #7231600542, August 18, 2008 Triton Towers Expansion Preliminary Storm Drainage Report October 6, 2008 -9 - .. ., E 0 -, .. 0 0 ~ .'!. z m .., ., > 0 V) ~ .. .3 ::;: ~ N 0 "' 0 0 N ..f N " V) ., WAY S It &!i!'=°' Mi~ z SW 71H ST SW 27TH ST Ii! ... ~ SW J41H ST ~~~ SIie 0..1 lcpue11t Alloclalef. u.c ·~-~~~"~~tmll AIRPORT Cllla:W:W-1111: WN--• .- N 81H ST z z z ~ \ ;o I i -~ \ N TRITON TOWERS 1--------------1 aotJt--- VICINITY MAP lii.....No. R:?Projec\s?233 (HAL Properties)?003-08 (Triton Towers)?Dwg?figures?TIR Figures?fig01.dwg • ( r\ \ I \__J I ' L_ N EB 0 200 400 200 1 "= 200' --- ~~~ SIie 0..1iopn11111fAac1 kll&s. LLC !8122~--...... ~ ~1 caa.••-,-=•-wm • - ---Scale TRITON TOWERS 1--------------- E XI 8 TIN Q SITE R:\Projeets\233 (HAL Properties)\003-08 (Triton Towers)\Dwg\figures\TIR Figures\fig02.dwg Feet .... No. 0 "O C 0 E ·;:: m "O !/ 0 U) /~ ,11111111~il\ / 0 \ ( I ,.. / ,-oem ....... TT.. TT4 · Vi~;:::;::;:;:;:::~. \. ........................... __ ., ~----J ~ 111111111111111 D EXiiihi TT-C r, ~ j I iL__,_,rw;:-~~ - I -- 1 -------N -----E9 L ------ 0 200 \ \ \ \ 400 200 1 "= 200' --- ~[zJ~ • o..11oiin1111tADcc1a1e1. u.c Jlll'lli:nl-Nelolhll, ........ ..,. Galle ..... ._ ___ --·--- ---Scale Feet TRITON TOWERS 1--------------l""r.r~-- PROPOSED SITE PLAN Pi...Mo. R:\Projects\233 (HAL Properties)\003-08 (Triton Towers)\Dwg\figures\TIR Figures\fig03.dwg ii E 0 -, "' 0 0 ,: " z LEGEND TOTAL SITE AREA = 923,576 SF - PROPOSED PERVIOUS EXISTING PERVIOUS TO REMAIN EXISTING PERVIOUS TO BE REMOVED TOTAL EXISTING PERVIOUS -+ -= 156,000 SF TOTAL PROPOSED PERVIOUS -+ -= 156,100 SF TOTAL EXISTING IMPERVIOUS 923,576 -156,000 = 767,567 SF TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS 923,576 -156,100 = 767,467 SF -- ~ NKJ 0N Design NKJ - , I I ', .. --, .... = -L ! IMIJlrll D ~ N E9 0 200 1"=200' ----Scale TRITON TOWERS 200 ~,' 400 Feet Drawn i ..; 01-23-08 N ""-'~~-, I Date Site Development Associates, LLC 1azt lalllll WO, IC lallll. W'cal*,alDn Jmll ___ _, Scale ~ 233-008-08 (I) Project No. Office: 425..486.653.'.! Fax: 42S."86.6.s93 www.sdaeng1neers.com PERVIOUS AREAS R:\Projec\s\233 (HAL Properties)\003-08 (Triton Towers)\Dwg\figures\TIR Figures\fig04.dwg L---~-Figure No. "' " E 0 -, "' 0 0 .c " z FIRM FLOOD PLAIN APPROXIMATE ZONE AH aM M8J. FIRM FLOOD J PLAIN M~A-P_PE_D_ . 0 200 --200 1 "= 200' ---Scale I I 400 Feet ~~~ sn.·Clel. 1lcpne11t Allcl klles. llC IIIDIOl'."'_~Ne-~Won"dan !9"1 TRITON TOWERS i--------------1 ,i.:t!f',...'---- ---·-.. ----• Offl FLOOD HAZARD MAP R:\Projects\233 (HAL Properties)\003-08 (Triton Towers)\Dwg\figures\TIR Figures\fig05.dwg ...... No. Appendix A -TIR Worksheet King CountX,.Department of Development and Environmental Services,:.. TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER Project Owner Renton Properties, LLC Address 2025 First Avenue, Ste. 700 Seattle. WA 98121 Phone 425-448~80 Project Engineer Jonathan Turcott. PE Company Site Development Assoc., LLC Address/Phone 425-486-6533 x102 Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION .. Project Name Triton Towers Expansion Location Township --=2::.3 __ _ Range __ ~5 __ _ ............. Section --~19~-- Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS D Subdivison D DFWHPA D Shoreline Management D Short Subdivision D COE404 D Rockery D Grading D DOE Dam Safety D Structural Vaults X Commercial D Other X FEMA Floodplain D Other D COE Wetlands Part 5 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community Renton Village Drainage Basin Rollina Hills Part 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS D River X Stream Class 3 on Southern Boundary D Critical Stream Reach D Depressions/Swales D Lake D Steep Slopes . Part? SOILS Soil Type Slopes . X Floodplain D Wetlands D Seeps/Springs D High Groundwater Table D Groundwater Recharge D Other Erosion Potential Erosive Velcoties •· ,.. -~U=rba=n=La=n=d~ O.S% D Additional Sheets Attached Part 8 DEVELOPMENT LIMITATIONS REFERENCE D City of Renton Zoning Coda D D D D D D Additional Sheets Attached Part 9 ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION X Sedimentation Facilities X Stabilized Construction Entrance X Perimeter Runoff Control X Clearing and Graing Restrictions X Cover Practices X Construction Sequence X Other (NPDES Permit Requirements) slight LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT Available parking and land area NIA MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION X Stabilize Exposed Surface X Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities X Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris X Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities X Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation areas X Other Part.10 su"Ri=Xc~ wA r1=~ svstEM D Grass Lined D Tank D Infiltration Method of Analysis Channel D Vault D Depression N/A X Pipe System D D Compensation/Mitigati D Energy Dissapator Flow Dispersal on of Eliminated Site Open Channel D Wetland D Waiver Storage D Dry Pond D Stream D Regional NIA D Wet Pond Detention Brief Description of System Operation surface flow or roof drain pipes connected to a catch basin/pipe network which discharges to Rolling Hills Creek Facility Related Site Limitations Reference Facility Limitation . _·:-:,-·::_.\:-{-}_·f_·,_:."·-.,---:. __ -,_,. ' __ ,.' Part 11 STR!JCTURAl ANAlYSIS . :_··:' -.' ··:.>::)-:{_::_-.:_ .. :, __ , .. ' ·:---.·_.. ·;: .:__ - D Cast in Place Vault D Retaining Wall D Rockery > 4' High D Structural on Steep Slope D other X Drainage Easement X Access Easement D Native Growth Protection Easement D Tract D Other Part 13 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I or a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. Appendix B -Downstream Analvsls STREAM SECTIONS (LOOKING DOWNSTREAM) ~I~~ ~~ ix> I 1 :1 :-I • ..,r. I CX> ~ 6 N E9 Ir ~1:31~ rawn a•-aa-01 ate ia~a.ga ro~No. ca.-..-......... -· • - R:?Projecta?23J (HAL Propertlee}?003-08 (Trfton Towere)?Dwg~uree?TIR ~uree?fig06.dwg eW TRITON TOWERS DOWNSTREAM PHOTO KEY MAP w l .. Site Development Associates, LLC 101 17 Mani St, eet 8oth0 < , WA 98011 DOWNSTREAM PHOTOS PROJECT: TRITON TOWERS TAKEN BY: BLS DATE: 09-17-08 SHEET 1 OF 11 JOB NO .: 233-003-08 #1 -STREAM CROSSES PROPERTY LINE, LOOKING SOUTHEAST #2-STREAM ENTERS 24" PIPE , LOOKING WEST #3 -STREAM EXITS 24" PIPE, LOOKING EAST SHEET 2 OF 11 JOB NO.: 233-003-08 #4 -STREAM ENTERS 36" PIPE SHEET 3 OF 11 JOB NO.: 233-003-08 #5-STREAM CHANNEL BENEATH BRUSH , STREAM ENTERS 36" PIPE , SEE PHOTO 4 #6 -STREAM EXITS 36" PIPE, LOOKING EAST #7-STREAM CHANNEL, LOOKING SOUTH SHEET 4 OF 11 JOB NO.: 233-003-08 #8 -STREAM CHANNEL, LOOK I NG SO UTH #9 -STREAM CHANNEL SHEET 5 OF 11 JOB NO .: 233-003-08 SHEET 6 OF 11 JOB NO.: 233-003-08 #10-BOX CULVERT COMING IN TO STREAM FROM THE NORTHEAST #11 -STREAM TO T HE EAST AT BOX CULVERT #12-STREAM TO THE NORTH A T B OX C ULVERT #13-STREAM TO THE WEST AT BO X CULVERT SHEET 7 OF 11 JOB NO .: 233-003-08 #14 -BOX CULVERT CLOSE UP #15-STREAM TO THE WEST A T BOX C ULVERT SHEET 8 OF 11 JOB NO.: 233-003-08 #16-BOX CULVERT #17 -STREAM CHANNEL, LOOKIN G SOUTH SHEET 9 OF 11 JOB NO.: 233-003-08 #18-STREAM CHANNEL, LOOKING SOUTH , FLOWING WEST SHEET 10 OF 11 JOB NO .: 233-003-08 #19-STREAM ENTERS CULVERT A ND CONTINUES UNDER 1-405 INTERCHANGE SHEET 11 OF 11 JOB NO.: 233-003-08 #20-LARGE CULVERT UNDER 405 WITH BERM AT OUTLET, STREAM ENTERS PIPE IN #24 TO THE RIGHT IN THIS PHOTO Appendix C -Reference Materlals • SOILS INFORMATION USDA United States ~ Depa rt ment of Ag ricultu re ~ NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service A product of the Na tio na l Cooperative Soil Survey, a joint effort of the U ni ted States Depa rtment of Agriculture and othe r Federal agencies , State agencies in c lud i ng the Agricultura l Experiment Stations , an d loca l participants Custom Soil Resource Report for King County Area, Washington Preface Soil surveys contain information that affects land use planning in survey areas. They highlight soil limitations that affect various land uses and provide information about the properties of the soils in the survey areas. Soil surveys are designed for many different users, including farmers, ranchers, foresters, agronomists, urban planners, community officials, engineers, developers, builders, and home buyers. Also, conservationists, teachers, students, and specialists in recreation, waste disposal, and pollution control can use the surveys to help them understand, protect, or enhance the environment. Various land use regulations of Federal, State, and local governments may impose special restrictions on land use or land treatment. Soil surveys identify soil properties that are used in making various land use or land treatment decisions. The information is intended to help the land users identify and reduce the effects of soil limitations on various land uses. The landowner or user is responsible for identifying and complying with existing laws and regulations. Great differences in soil properties can occur within short distances. Some soils are seasonally wet or subject to flooding. Some are too unstable to be used as a foundation for buildings or roads. Clayey or wet soils are poorly suited to use as septic tank absorption fields. A high water table makes a soil poorly suited to basements or underground installations. The National Cooperative Soil Survey is a joint effort of the United States Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, State agencies including the Agricultural Experiment Stations, and local agencies. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has leadership for the Federal part of the National Cooperative Soil Survey. Information about soils is updated periodically. Updated information is available through the NRCS Soil Data Mart Web site or the NRCS Web Soil Survey. The Soil Data Mart is the data storage site for the official soil survey information. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Contents Preface .................................................................................................................... 2 How Soil Surveys Are Made ................................................................................. .4 Soil Map .................................................................................................................. 6 Soil Map ................................................................................................................ 7 Legend .................................................................................................................. 8 Map Unit Legend .................................................................................................. 9 Map Unit Descriptions .......................................................................................... 9 King County Area, Washington Version date:11/21/2006 8:23:11 AM ........... 11 Ur-Urban land ........................................................................................... 11 References ............................................................................................................ 12 3 How Soil Surveys Are Made Soil surveys are made to provide information about the soils and miscellaneous areas in a specific area. They include a description of the soils and miscellaneous areas and their location on the landscape and tables that show soil properties and limitations affecting various uses. Soil scientists observed the steepness, length, and shape of the slopes; the general pattern of drainage; the kinds of crops and native plants; and the kinds of bedrock. They observed and described many soil profiles. A soil profile is the sequence of natural layers, or horizons, in a soil. The profile extends from the surface down into the unconsolidated material in which the soil formed or from the surface down to bedrock. The unconsolidated material is devoid of roots and other living organisms and has not been changed by other biological activity. Currently, soils are mapped according to the boundaries of major land resource areas (MLRAs). MLRAs are geographically associated land resource units that share common characteristics related to physiography, geology, climate, water resources, soils, biological resources, and land uses (USDA, 2006). Soil survey areas typically consist of parts of one or more MLRA. The soils and miscellaneous areas in a survey area occur in an orde~y pattern that is related to the geology, landforms, relief, climate, and natural vegetation of the area. Each kind of soil and miscellaneous area is associated with a particular kind of landform or with a segment of the landform. By observing the soils and miscellaneous areas in the survey area and relating their position to specific segments of the landform, a soil scientist develops a concept, or model, of how they were formed. Thus, during mapping, this model enables the soil scientist to predict with a considerable degree of accuracy the kind of soil or miscellaneous area at a specific location on the landscape. Commonly, individual soils on the landscape merge into one another as their characteristics gradually change. To construct an accurate soil map, however, soil scientists must determine the boundaries between the soils. They can observe only a limited number of soil profiles. Nevertheless, these observations, supplemented by an understanding of the soil-vegetation-landscape relationship, are sufficient to verify predictions of the kinds of soil in an area and to determine the boundaries. Soil scientists recorded the characteristics of the soil profiles that they studied. They noted soil color, texture, size and shape of soil aggregates, kind and amount of rock fragments, distribution of plant roots, reaction, and other features that enable them to identify soils. After describing the soils in the survey area and determining their properties, the soil scientists assigned the soils to taxonomic classes (units). Taxonomic classes are concepts. Each taxonomic class has a set of soil characteristics with precisely defined limits. The classes are used as a basis for comparison to classify soils systematically. Soil taxonomy, the system of taxonomic classification used in the United States, is based mainly on the kind and character of soil properties and the arrangement of horizons within the profile. After the soil scientists classified and named the soils in the survey area, they compared the 4 Custom Soil Resource Report individual soils with similar soils in the same taxonomic class in other areas so that they could confirm data and assemble additional data based on experience and research. While a soil survey is in progress, samples of some of the soils in the area generally are collected for laboratory analyses and for engineering tests. Soil scientists interpret the data from these analyses and tests as well as the field-observed characteristics and the soil properties to determine the expected behavior of the soils under different uses. Interpretations for all of the soils are field tested through observation of the soils in different uses and under different levels of management. Some interpretations are modified to fit local conditions, and some new interpretations are developed to meet local needs. Data are assembled from other sources, such as research information, production records, and field experience of specialists. For example, data on crop yields under defined levels of management are assembled from farm records and from field or plot experiments on the same kinds of soil. Predictions about soil behavior are based not only on soil properties but also on such variables as climate and biological activity. Soil conditions are predictable over long periods of time, but they are not predictable from year to year. For example, soil scientists can predict with a fairly high degree of accuracy that a given soil will have a high water table within certain depths in most years, but they cannot predict that a high water table will always be at a specific level in the soil on a specific date. After soil scientists located and identified the significant natural bodies of soil in the survey area, they drew the boundaries of these bodies on aerial photographs and identified each as a specific map unit. Aerial photographs show trees, buildings, fields, roads, and rivers, all of which help in locating boundaries accurately. 5 Soil Map The soil map section includes the soil map for the defined area of interest, a list of soil map units on the map and extent of each map unit, and cartographic symbols displayed on the map. Also presented are various metadata about data used to produce the map, and a description of each soil map unit. 6 N A 559280 559360 Custom Soil Resource Report Soi l Map 55944 0 559520 55944 0 559520 559600 559600 Meters 300 0 -----am:======-----------am:===========Feet 50 100 200 0 200 400 800 1,200 559680 559680 Custom Soil Resource Report Legend MAP LEGEND Area of Interest {AOI) n Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Ci Soil Map Units Special Point Features ~ Blowout Ill] * • X .:ll A ... ~ ® @ V + Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression GraYel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot ~ SinkMle p Slide or Slip p1 Sodic Spot • Spoil Area O Slony Spot a) • ... Very Stony Spot Wet Spot Other Special Line Features ... ....,_ . Gully Short Steep Slope .,., Other Polltleal Features Munieipalities Cities • D Urban Areas Water Features Oceans Streams and Canals Transportation Rails +++ Roads - /V' - Interstate Highways US Routes State Highways Local Roads Other Roads MAP INFORMATION Original soil survey map sheets were prepared at publication scale. Viewing scale and printing scale, however, may vary from the original. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for proper map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov Coordinate System: UTM Zone 1 ON This product is generated from the USOA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: King County Area, Washington Version 4, Nov 21, 2006 Date(s) aerial images were photographed: 7/10/1990; 7/18/1990 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Custom Soil Resource Report Map Unit Legend King County Area, Washington (WA633) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name AcreslnAOI Percent of AOI Ur Urban land 23.4 Totals for Area of Interest (AOI) 23.4 Map Unit Descriptions The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a soil survey represent the soils or miscellaneous areas in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the maps, can be used to determine the composition and properties of a unit. A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more major kinds of soil or miscellaneous areas. A map unit is identified and named according to the taxonomic classification of the dominant soils. Within a taxonomic class there are precisely defined limits for the properties of the soils. On the landscape, however, the soils are natural phenomena, and they have the characteristic variability of all natural phenomena. Thus, the range of some observed properties may extend beyond the limits defined for a taxonomic class. Areas of soils of a single taxonomic class rarely, if ever, can be mapped without including areas of other taxonomic classes. Consequently, every map unit is made up of the soils or miscellaneous areas for which it is named and some minor components that belong to taxonomic classes other than those of the major soils. Most minor soils have properties similar to those of the dominant soil or soils in the map unit, and thus they do not affect use and management. These are called noncontrasting, or similar, components. They may or may not be mentioned in a particular map unit description. Other minor components, however, have properties and behavioral characteristics divergent enough to affect use or to require different management. These are called contrasting, or dissimilar, components. They generally are in small areas and could not be mapped separately because of the scale used. Some small areas of strongly contrasting soils or miscellaneous areas are identified by a special symbol on the maps. If included in the database for a given area, the contrasting minor components are identified in the map unit descriptions along with some characteristics of each. A few areas of minor components may not have been observed, and consequently they are not mentioned in the descriptions, especially where the pattern was so complex that it was impractical to make enough observations to identify all the soils and miscellaneous areas on the landscape. The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The objective of mapping is not to delineate pure taxonomic classes but rather to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. The delineation of such segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, however, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. 9 100.0% 100.0% Custom Soil Resource Report An identifying symbol precedes the map unit name in the map unit descriptions. Each description includes general facts about the unit and gives important soil properties and qualities. Soils that have profiles that are almost alike make up a soil series. Except for differences in texture of the surface layer, all the soils of a series have major horizons that are similar in composition, thickness, and arrangement. Soils of one series can differ in texture of the surface layer, slope, stoniness, salinity, degree of erosion, and other characteristics that affect their use. On the basis of such differences, a soil series is divided into soil phases. Most of the areas shown on the detailed soil maps are phases of soil series. The name of a soil phase commonly indicates a feature that affects use or management. For example, Alpha silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is a phase of the Alpha series. Some map units are made up of two or more major soils or miscellaneous areas. These map units are complexes, associations, or undifferentiated groups. A complex consists of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas in such an intricate pattern or in such small areas that they cannot be shown separately on the maps. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar in all areas. Alpha-Beta complex, 0 to 6 percent slopes, is an example. An association is made up of two or more geographically associated soils or miscellaneous areas that are shown as one unit on the maps. Because of present or anticipated uses of the map units in the survey area, it was not considered practical or necessary to map the soils or miscellaneous areas separately. The pattern and relative proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar. Alpha- Beta association, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. An undifferentiated group is made up of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas that could be mapped individually but are mapped as one unit because similar interpretations can be made for use and management. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas in a mapped area are not uniform. An area can be made up of only one of the major soils or miscellaneous areas, or it can be made up of all of them. Alpha and Beta soils, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. Some surveys include miscellaneous areas. Such areas have little or no soil material and support little or no vegetation. Rock outcrop is an example. 10 Custom Soil Resource Report King County Area, Washington Version date:11/21/2006 8:23:11 AM u~-Urban land Map Unit Setting Mean annual precipitation: 0 inches Mean annual air temperature: 32 degrees F Map Unit Composition Urban land: 100 percent Description of Urban Land Interpretive groups Land capability (nonirrigated): 8 11 References American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 2004. Standard specifications for transportation materials and methods of sampling and testing. 24th edition. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2005. Standard classification of soils for engineering purposes. ASTM Standard D2487-00. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of wetlands and deep-water habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FWS/OBS-79/31. Federal Register. July 13, 1994. Changes in hydric soils of the United States. Federal Register. September 18, 2002. Hydric soils of the United States. Hurt, G.W., and L.M. Vasi las, editors. Version 6.0, 2006. Field indicators ofhydricsoils in the United States. National Research Council. 1995. Wetlands: Characteristics and boundaries. Soil Survey Division Staff. 1993. Soil survey manual. Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 18. http://soils.usda.gov/ Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 2nd edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 436. http://soils.usda.gov/ Soil Survey Staff. 2006. Keys to soil taxonomy. 10th edition. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. http://soils.usda.gov/ Tiner, R.W., Jr. 1985. Wetlands of Delaware. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Wetlands Section. United States Army Corps of Engineers, Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Waterways Experiment Station Technical Report Y-87-1. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National forestry manual. http://soils.usda.gov/ United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National range and pasture handbook. http://www.glti.nrcs.usda.gov/ United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National soil survey handbook, title 430-VI. http://soils.usda.gov/ United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2006. Land resource regions and major land resource areas of the United States, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Basin. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 296. http://soils.usda.gov/ 12 Custom Soil Resource Report United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1961. Land capability classification. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 210. 13 If drained, this soil is used for row crops. It is also used for pasture. Capability unit IIw-3; no woodland classification. Urban land (Ur) is soil that has been modified by disturbance of the natural layers with additions of fill material several feet thick to accommodate large industrial and housing installations. In the Green River valley the fill ranges from about 3 to more than 12 feet in thickness, and from gravelly sandy loam to gravelly loam in texture. The erosion hazard is slight to moderate. No capability or woodland classification. Woodinville Series The Woodinville series is made up of nearly level and gently undulating, poorly drained soils that formed under grass and sedges, in alluvium, on stream bottoms. Slopes are O to 2 percent. The annual precipitation ranges from 35 to 55 inches, and the ~ean annual air temperature is about so· F. The frost-free season is about 190 days. Elevation ranges from about sea level to about 85 feet. In a representative profile, gray silt loam, silty clay loam, and layers of peaty muck extend to a depth of about 38 inches. This is underlain by greenish-gray silt loam that extends to a depth of 60 inches and more. Woodinville soils are used for row crops, pasture, and urban development. Woodinville silt loam (Wo) .--This soil is in elon- gated and block~a~areas that range from 5 to nearly 300 acres in size. It is nearly level and gently undulating. Slopes are less than 2 percent. Representative profile of Woodinville silt loam, in pasture, 1,700 feet south and 400 feet west of the north quarter corner of sec. 6, T. 25 N., R. 7 E.: Apl--0 to 3 inches, gray (5Y 5/1} silt loam, grayish brown (lOYR 5/2) dry; common, fine, prominent, dark reddish-brown (5YR 3/4) and reddish-brown (5YR 5/4) mottles; moderate, medium, crumb structure; hard, friable, sticky, plastic; many fine roots; medium acid; clear, smooth boundary. 2 to 4 inches thick. Ap2--3 to 8 inches, gray {SY 5/1} silty clay loam, light brownish gray (2.SY 6/2) dry; many, fine, prominent, dark reddish-brown (5YR 3/3 and 3/4) mottles and common, fine, prominent mottles of strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) and reddish yellow (7.SYR 6/6) dry; moderate, fine and very fine, angular blocky structure; hard, friable, sticky, plastic; common fine roots; medium acid; abrupt, wavy boundary. 4 to 6 inches thick. B2lg--8 to 38 inches, gray (SY 5/1) silty clay loam, gray (SY 6/1) dry; common, fine, prominent, brown {7.SYR 4/4) mottles and medium, prominent mottles of brownish yellow (lOYR 6/6) dry; 25 percent of matrix is lenses of very dark brown (lOYR 2/2) and dark yellowish-brown (lOYR 3/4) peaty muck, brown (7.SYR 4/2) dry; massive; hard, firm, sticky, plastic; few fine roots; medium acid; clear, smooth boundary. 30 to 40 inches thick. B22g--38 to 60 inches, greenish-gray (SBG 5/1) silt loam, gray (5Y 6/1) dry; few, fine, prominent mottles of brownish yellow {lOYR 6/6) dry; massive; hard, very friable, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; strongly acid. The A horizon ranges from dark grayish brown to gray and from silt loam to silty clay loam. The B horizon ranges from gray and grayish brown to olive gray and greenish gray and from silty clay loam to silt loam. In places there are thin lenses of very fine sandy loam and loamy fine sand. Peaty lenses are conman in the B horizon. These lenses are thin, and their combined thickness, between depths of 10 and 40 inches, does not exceed 10 inches. Soils included with this soil in mapping make up no more than 25 percent of the total acreage. Some areas are up to 15 percent Puget soils; some are up to 10 percent Snohomish soils; and some areas are up to 10 percent Oridia, Briscot, Puyallup, Newberg, and Nooksack soils. Permeability is moderately slow. There is a seasonal high water table at or near the surface. In drained areas, the effective rooting depth is 60 inches or more. In undrained areas, rcoting depth is restricted. The available water capacity is high. Runoff is slow, and the hazard of erosion is slight. Stream overflow is a severe hazard unless flood protection is provided {pl. III, top). This soil is used for row crops, pasture, and urban development. Capability unit IIw-2; woodland group 3w2. RECEIVED Jil.N l 6 2007 ,-,-----------------,. t I I I REVISED FINAL GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Renton Village Storm System Improvement Proj. City of Renton, Washington HWA Project No. 2006-067-21 Prepared for Gray & Osborne, Inc. (G&O #05731.00) January 12, 2007 I um [ HWA GEOSCIENCES INC. I · Geoteclwirnl t,11gineering • Hydrogeo/ ogy • Geoenvironmentnl Services · l nspection & Jesting January 12, 2007 HWA Project No. 2006-067-21 3.2 GENERAL GEOLOGY Geologic information for the site was obtained from the Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington (Mullineaux, D. R., 1965). Ibis map indicates that there are three surficial geologic units crossed by the storm system. From north to south, these consist of the following: 1) Quaternary recessional glaciolacustrine deposits, consisting primarily ofloose to medium dense sand with some silt and clay. Ibis material was deposited in an ice- dammed lake in the Duwamish Valley, during recession of the latest continental glaciation; the Vashon Stade of the Fraser Glaciation. 2) Holocene alluvium from the Cedar River, consisting ofloose sand and gravel with thin beds of silt, clay, and peat. 3) The Eocene Renton Formation, consisting of sandstone, mudstone, and shale and some coal beds. The sandstone is arkosic (25% or more feldspar) and irregularly cemented with calcium carbonate. Typically, it is poorly indurated and can be drilled with a hollow stem auger. The hill slope immediately south ofl-405 is also mapped as the Renton Formation. 3.3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Native soils encountered in the boreholes were in general conformance with the geologic map. However, from 1 to 3 feet of fill was present, beneath the asphalt pavement, in each of the borings, overlying native soils. The soils encountered were as follows, in order from youngest to oldest: Fill: Gravel sub-base material was present beneath the parking lot pavement, to depths of approximately 2 to 3 feet. In BH-1, beyond the southern margin of the parking lot, silty sand fill was present to a depth of one foot. Buried Topsoil: A one-foot thickness of topsoil was present in BH-1, at a depth interval of I to 2 feet, and consisted of dark brown silty clay. Alluvium: Soft peat, organic silt, and loose to medium dense silty sand. deposited in a fluvial environment, were encountered in borehole BH-2. The total thickness of peat and organic silt in BH-2 was approximately ! SY. feet, extending from 8\1, to 20 feet and 24 to 28 feet below the ground surface. Supplemental drilling was conducted along an alternative alignment to determine if it was possible to avoid the peat However, the additional drilling encountered a 10 foot thickness of peat and organic silt at BH-5, nearly 6 feet of peat in BH- 6, and nearly 5 feet of peat in BH-7. The alluvium, as described above, extended to the full depths explored (26.5 to 31.5 feet) in these additional three boreholes. Both the peat and 2006-067 Rev Final2.doc 4 HWA GEOSCIENCES INC. January 12, 2007 HWA Project No. 2006-067-21 organic silt are highly compressible, which likely contributed to the settlement of the catch basin and storm pipe by borehole BH-2, and the segment of the north-south sanitary sewer line crossing this area. Boreholes BH-3 and BH-4 encountered silty sand alluvium to depths of7 and 4Yz feet, respectively. Recessional Glaciolacustrine: This deposit was encountered in boreholes BH-1 through BH-4, and was revealed to be a generally fining-upward sequence, typical of a glacial meltwater depositional environment in which the meltwater source is receding. It consisted of several feet of medium stiff clay, over stiff silt and medium dense silty sand. Sandstone (Renton Formation): Borehole BH-1 encountered medium dense to very dense weathered sandstone, at a depth of I OYz feet. The feldspar and rock grains crumbled under finger pressure, as well as during grain size analyses, indicating a high degree of chemical weathering. This does not occur with similar-appearing glacial advance outwash sands in the area. Boreholes BH-2 through BH-4 were terminated at greater depths than BH-1, without encountering the Renton Formation. 3.4 GROUND WATER CONDITIONS Ground water levels observed in the boreholes were recorded on the borehole logs. However, observations of water levels during drilling can be misleading. Actual ground water levels are often higher than those observed, because boreholes are typically open only for a short time, and the auger used to advance the borehole can smear the side of the hole inhibiting seepage. Moreover, the ground water elevations reported on the borehole logs are for the specific dates and locations indicated and, therefore, may not be indicative of other times and/or locations. Ground water level readings were taken in the open borings upon completion and in the piezometers on June 16 and 23, 2006. Water level observations in the open borings and piezometers are summarized in Table I. However, to gain an appreciation of seasonal ground water variations, measurements should be made during times of typical seasonal high ground water, in late winter and early spring. 2006-067 Rev Final2.doc 5 HWA GEOSCIENCES INC. January 12, 2007 HWA Project No. 2006-067-21 Table 1: Ground Water Measurements for Boreholes BH-1 through BH-7 Borehole Surface Open Borehole Piezometer Water Depth (ft) Designation Elevation Water Depth (ft) (ft) June 16, 2006 June 23, 2006 BH-1 26 7.5 5.60 5.60 BH-2 27 2.5 NA NA BH-3 29 12.5 NA NA BH-4 30 10.5 6.70 6.79 BH-5 28 NA NA NA BH-6 29 8.0 NA NA BH-7 29 5.0 NA NA Soil and ground water conditions are depicted schematically on Figure 3, which represents a cross-section along the approximate preferred alignment of the proposed new culvert improvements. Aquifer testing was performed by HWA on June 23, 2006, and consisted of slug testing and pump testing. The methods are discussed in Appendix C, and conclusions are summarized in Section 4.5, Dewatering. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 GENERAL Based on the subsurface con di lions encountered in our geotechnical investigation, the following will affect the design and construction of the proposed project: • The proposed storm sewer will traverse loose or soft alluvial soils below the ground water table. In general, the soils are capable of supporting the new sewer, considering that the culvert sections will likely weigh less than the soil it displaces. However, over- 2006-067 Rev Final2.doc 6 HWA GEOSCIENCES INC. FIRM MAP 47°28'07" 122°13'07" l :, g w :, l <f SOUTH 7TH SOUTH "' w j "' :Jl 0 :, .... :, rice "' 0 i "' ii~ :5 CITY OF RENTON 530088 SOUTH 6TH STREET STREET (EL 24) RENTON VILLAGE 2: ::> 0 "' I 5TH w :, z w ,; "' cc w r !:c :;; "' PLACE • APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 500 0 500 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP KING COUNTY, I.II WASHINGTON AND INCORPORATED AREAS PANEL sn OF 1725 1SfE1 rv',AP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTE:01 U>IG COUNTY. UNIN~POAATEO /'&PS RfflTQN.CIN DI' NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX &:XI07l wn -!»JI MAP NUMBER 53033C0977 F MAP REVISED: MAY 16, 1995 Federal Emergency Management Agency This is an official copy or a portion or the above referenced flood map. It wa extracted using F-MIT On-Line. This map does not reflect changes or amendments which may haw been made subsequent to the date on the title block. For the latest product inl\:irmation about National Flood Insurance Program flood maps check the FEMA Flood Map Store at www.msc.fema.gov c;' :r. G 122°JJ'l5" 47030'00" .. ~01 I I K"~ Identified 1983 LEGEND SPECIAL FLOOD H,AZARD AREAS INUNDATED BY ml-YEAR FLOOD ZONE A ZONE AE No b,lSt• flood L'l('\,11ion~ dt'tE;>rrninf'd. R,t<;L' itood ek1·atlnn~ dt>terminc•d. ZONE AH Flnod dPplh~ ()f I lo J 1.-(,1 iu~u.ill\ art·a.~ ul pond!11,g,; h,1M.• fl,.._,n elL•v;iti()llS dl'll'rrnin<•d. ZONE AO Flood dt>pth~ of 1 to .I fC't'I iu,uaHy ~h<'t:'t tlow ,in slopin!!: !t•rr,linl: ,l\!'f,l)!.L' tkpth, dc,,.,.rmmed. For .1rt•,1s i•f alluvial fon flc,odjn~. wludtit•s Jlso d<.>Wrmfn€'d. ZONE A99 To Ix• protr·<·led fmm 10()-ytW lloud by Ft'deral tlood pmtL'<1inn ~ystc,m undN con~truction: no ha~e dev,l!ion~ determint•t-l. ZONE V Co<1Sl,1I llood wiCh velnrity h.1z..ini ,w,wC' ,1ction1· no h.1s.:• flood t>k·v.itirm:; dC'tl'rrnnwd ZONE VE (_c,c1~t.il i'lu<1d with wl"citv h,1.::,ird iw,we ,I( tio111; b,1,t-' i'lrn,d t->lcl:,1tion~ (kt1crrn1ned FI.OOOWAY ,\REAS IN ZONE AE OTHER FLOOIJ AREAS ZONE X Art',lS oi 500-y~.ir flood: arc;i~ of lUO-y~;ir ilmd with .iv<>raf,\C depth~ of l('SS th.m 1 foot or with dr.iinagc ar<.•as I~, th.in 1 ~u,ue milt,: and areas prol<.'Cted by lcvei.•s from 100-ytw flood. OTHER AREAS ZONE X ZONED Areas delcrmined lo be outside .'iOO-ye.1r tloodplain. Area$ in which flood hazards arE' undetermined. UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS 1, > , ':,,1 ldcntiiied 1990 f' '" ~ '< '-....., . : Coastal barrier areas are normally located wilhin or Flood Haz3rd Areas. Otherwise Protecied Areas adjacent to Special -"' = -_;~;;t: ~, ;;" ; ' -0 " µ; ~F,Z: 'h I •" ""' ,o!Ll8'i4s< t« , cs,•,,,,.,1 -~" "., Flood Boundary Floodwav Boundary Zone D Boundary Boundary Dividing Special Flood Hazard Zones, and Boundary Dividing Areas of Different • APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 500 0 500 NATIONAL ROOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND INCORPORATED AREAS PANEL 971 OF 1725 (SET MAP INDEX FOR PAN[L~ NQr PJ-llNTl:01 NUMBER~~ ti:!OJ71 0971 ~ ~n MAP NUMBER 53033&0977 F MAP REVISED: MAY 16, 1995 Federal Emergency Management Agency This Is an official copy of a portion of the above referenced flood map. It was extracted using F-MlT On--l.ine. This map does nc,t reflect chlilngee or amendment.. which may have been made 11ubeequent to the date on the title block. For the latea.t product Information about National Flood Insurance Program flood maps check the FEMA Flood Map Store at www.mac.fema.gov STREAM EVALUATION T11c WATERSHED C:0/V\ I);\ NY August 18, 2008 Keith Maehlum Renton Properties, LLC Via email: kmaehlum@halrealestate.com SCIENCE & DESIGN Re: Stream Evaluation for parcel #7231600542, 555 S. Renton Village Place, TWC Ref# 080805 Dear Mr. Maehlum: On August 12, 2008, Nell Lund, Ecologist, and Mike Mazur, Fisheries Biologist, visited the property located at 555 S. Renton Village Place (parcel 7231600542) to evaluate and flag a presumptive stream flowing adjacent to 1-405 on the south west edge of the property. During the investigation, the classification of the stream as it is currently mapped was evaluated and the ordinary high water mark was identified and flagged. This letter summarizes the results of the stream evaluation study. Methods On August 12, 2008, the on-site drainage pathway was evaluated for stream characteristics and the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) was identified and flagged. The stream was evaluated according to each of the City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC 4-3-050L) and Washington Administrative Code (WAC 222-16-031) water typing systems. Field observations, the City of Renton Water Class Map (Figure 4-3-050Q4) and King County iMAP photos (http://www.metrokc.gov/GIS/iMAP) were all used to evaluate (and in this case confirm) the current classification of the subject stream. The OHWM of the stream and culvert entry and exit points were marked in the field with blue- and white-striped flags numbered from WM-IA to WM-21A along the northern bank and from WM-IB to WM-l 9B along the southern bank (see attached sketch). Findings The subject property contains a large office building, a paved parking lot, and a bus shelter. A segment of a class 3 (RMC 4-3-050L I aiii) stream, a tributary of Rolling Hills Creek (RMC 4-3- 050Q4), flows westerly along the south edge of the property. The tributary stream joins with the mainstem of Rolling Hills Creek on-site as it exits a box culvert located approximately 125 feet east of the western property boundary (see site map). The mainstem of Rolling Hills Creek is mapped as a class 3 stream by the city of Renton. The on-site stream segments are bordered by 1-405 on the south and a narrow band of landscaping along the parking lot to the north. Rolling Hills Creek drains to Springbrook Creek, a tributary of the Black River, which is a sub-basin of the King County WRIA-9 Duwamish-Green drainage basin. The eastern, upstream portion of 7SO Sixth Str-eec Sooth Kirkland, WA 980.3.3 p 425.822.SHl f 425.827.8136 . water,hedco.com Keith Maehlum August 18, 2008 Page 2 of9 the on-site stream tributary segment enters the property from a buried culvert passing under 1- 405 (near 1-405 Mile Post 2.25) approximately 20 feet east of the bus stop south of Triton Towers I (TT-I). The upper tributary stream passes through two separate culverts as it flows west along the property (see photo I) and is joined by the main portion of Rolling Hills Creek when it enters the stream channel from the north out of a box culvert located approximately 125 feet from the western terminus of the property (see photo 2 and 3). A bioswale was located east of the tributary stream. However, the ditch lost definition approaching the start of our stream flagging; it appears to infiltrate the lawn area before draining to the stream. The ditch was vegetated with lawn grasses and dandelion (see photo 4). It did not meet wetland or stream criteria. Stream The riparian corridor along the tributary stream from its entry at the 1-405 culvert down to the box culvert is dominated by Himalayan blackberry with patches of Reed canary grass, and giant horsetail. Bohemian knotweed, climbing nightshade, red alder, lodge pole pine, osoberry, cascara, Oregon ash, and black cottonwood are also present. The streambed contains a mixture of mud and silt. The width of the tributary is typically 3 feet, but ranges from 2 to 6 feet. Water was perceptually moving through the upper tributary channel at the time of our site visit and water depths were approximately 3-8 inches. The riparian corridor beginning at the confluence of the tributary and mainstem of Rolling Hills Creek located at the box culvert downstream to the western property boundary is characterized by red alder, black cottonwood, pacific willow, Sitka spruce, Himalayan blackberry, big leaf maple, mountain ash, lady fem, sword fern, and grasses. The streambed in this portion of the creek is a mixture of Y, to 2 inch gravels and sand (see photo 5). The stream below the box culvert is between 8 to IO feet wide, containing riffles and small pools and has water depths of 3- 8 inches. Several (20-30) small cyprinid fish (dace, Rhinichthys species), a crayfish, and a black- cap chick-a-dee were observed downstream of the box culvert. Both the tributary and mainstem portions of the stream generally meet the state's minimum requirements for the presumption of salmonid fish use based on physical characteristics, such as channel width and gradient. According to state definitions, drainages are presumed to have fish use if they have a defined channel bankfull width of 2 feet or greater (in Western Washington) and a gradient of 16 percent or less (WAC 222-16-031(3)(b)(i)(A). The physical characteristics of the drainage segment on-site fit within these criteria, being at least 2 feet in width and well less than 16% slope. However, Rolling Hills Creek has been mapped by the City of Renton and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) in Salmonscape as a non-salmonid bearing stream, presumably due to the existence of a fish passage barrier downstream. Rollin~ Hills Creek is piped underground from the east side of the Valley Freeway, west along SW 19' street, and exiting the pipe presumably into Springbrook Creek upstream of the Boeing Longacres Industrial Park. As further evidence of the lack of salmonid use, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Salmonscape map identifies potential fish passage barriers associated with the lower piped portion of the stream. Similarly, Natural Resources (DNR) Forest Practice Water Typing Keith Maehlum August 18, 2008 Page 3 of9 Map shows the stream as Type "N" or non-fish-bearing. DNR water type mapping takes primarily basin size and slope into consideration. Local Regulations Rolling Hills Creek The City of Renton regulates streams using the Renton Title IV Development Regulations, Renton Municipal Code, Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts (RMC 3). Rolling Hills Creek and its upper tributary are currently mapped as a class 3, non-salmonid- bearing perennial water, and can be found on the Renton City Streams and Lakes map (RMC 4- 3-050Q4). Stream buffers are determined based on stream class. Based on the conditions present during our site visit on August 12, 2008, both segments of this stream are presumed to have perennial flow. As described above, Rolling Hills Creek presumably has a salmonid migration barrier associated with the underground piping of the stream prior to its confluence with Springbrook Creek. No planned stream restoration projects that would remove any or all of these man-made fish migration barriers within the next 6 years are known. Therefore, it is our professional opinion that the current classification of this stream as a non-salmonid-bearing, perennial stream (Class 3) according to RMC 4-3-050Q4 is confirmed. Class 3 waters in the City of Renton require a 75-foot standard buffer width (RMC 4-3-050L5a(i)). Additionally, building over a piped and culverted stream is prohibited without a variance (RMC 4-3- 050L5a(ii)). However, no buffers are required along segments of piped streams. The City does require easements and setbacks from piped streams consistent with stormwater requirements in RMC 4-6-030. Following the approval of the City Administrator, standard stream buffers may be reduced or averaged in accord with RMC 4-3-050L5c,d. based upon an applicant request and the acceptance of a supplemental stream study. Buffer reduction to a minimum of 50 feet for a class 3 stream requires compliance with subsections L5c(iv)(a),(c),(d),(e) and (f) of the RMC 4-3-050 below. iv. Criteria for Approval of Reduced Buffer Width: The following criteria in subsections L5c(iv)(a) and (c) through (f), or criteria (iv)(b) through (f) of this Section shall be met: (a) Buffer Condition: Either subsection (1) and (3) through (5) shall be met or subsection (2) through (5) shall be met: (1) The buffer area land is extensively vegetated with native species, including trees and shrubs, and has less than five percent (5%) non-native invasive species cover, and has less than fifteen percent (15%) slopes; or (2) The buffer can be enhanced with native vegetation and removal of non-native species per criteria in subsection L5c(iv)(c) of this Section, and has less than fifteen percent (15%) slopes; and (3) The width reduction will not reduce stream or lake functions, including those of anadromous fish or nonfish habitat; and (4) The width reduction will not degrade riparian habitat; and (5) No direct or indirect, short-term or long-term, adverse impacts to regulated water bodies, as determined by the City, will result from a regulated activity. The City's determination shall be based on specific site studies by recognized experts, pursuant to subsection F3 of this section and RMC 4-8-120; or (b) The proposal includes daylighting of a stream, or removal of legally installed, as determined by the Administrator, salmonid passage barriers; and (c) The project includes a buffer enhancement plan using native vegetation and substantiates that the enhanced area will be equal to or improve the functional attributes of the buffer; or in the case of existing developed sites where a natural buffer is not possible, the proposal includes on-or off-site riparian/lakeshore or aquatic enhancement proportionate to its project specific or cumulative impact on shoreline ecological functions: and (d) The proposal will result in, at minimum, no net loss of stream/lake/riparian ecological function; and Keith Maehlum August 18, 2008 Page 4 of9 (e) The proposal does not result in increased flood hazard risk; and (f} The proposed buffer standard is based on consideration of the best available science as described in WAC 365-195-905; or where there is an absence of valid scientific information, the steps in RMC 4-9- 250F are followed. Buffer width averaging may be allowed to a minimum of 37.5 feet for a class 3 stream following RMC 4-3-050L5d(iii) below. iii. Criteria for Approval: Buffer width averaging may be allowed by the Administrator only where the applicant demonstrates all of the following: (a) The water body and associated riparian area contains variations in ecological sensitivtty or there are existing physical improvements in or near the water body and associated riparian area; and (b) Buffer width averaging will result in no net loss of stream/lake/riparian ecological function; and (c) The total area contained within the buffer after averaging is no less than that contained within the required standard buffer width prior to averaging; and (d) The proposed buffer standard is based on consideration of the best available science as described in WAC 365-195-905; or where there is an absence of valid scientific information, the steps in RMC 4-9- 250F are followed. Where the buffer width is reduced by averaging, enhancement shall be required where appropriate and notification may be required under RMC 4-3-050L5d(iv) and (v). Additional minimum buffer width reductions for sites separated from the stream by pre-existing hard structures, such as the on-site existing parking lot, can be determined by the City Administrator (RMC 4-3-050L5c(ii)(d)). The pre-existing structure must I) separate the upland property from the water body due to height or width and 2) Substantially prevent or impair delivery of riparian function from the upland property to the stream. The buffer widths established shall reflect the riparian functions that can be delivered to the stream (RMC 4-3- 050L5c(ii)( d)). However, buffer reductions below 50 feet for a class 3 stream require review as a variance per RMC 4-3-050N3 and RMC 4-9-250B. State and Federal Regulations Streams are also regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Any filling of Waters of the United States would likely require notification of and permits from the Corps. Application for Corps permits may also require an individual 401 Water Quality Certification and Coastal Zone Management Consistency determination from the Washington Department of Ecology (DOE). Federally permitted actions that could affect endangered species (i.e. salmon or bull trout) also require a biological assessment study and consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or the National Marine Fisheries Service. WDFW has jurisdiction over any project that may "use, divert, obstruct, or change the natural bed of any of the salt or freshwaters of the state" (RCW 77.55.011). Any proposal to conduct in-stream work requires a Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) from WDFW. Please note that the findings of this letter, including stream classification and resulting buffer width predictions, are subject to the verification and agreement of local, state and/or federal regulatory authorities. Please call if you have any questions or if we can provide you with any additional information. Keith Maehlum August 18, 2008 Page 5 of9 Sincerely, ~d(µ Nell Lund Ecologist Mike Mazur Fisheries Biologist Enclosures Keith Maehlum August 18, 2008 Page 6 of9 SW 71h St St Box culvert entry point of mainstem Rolling Hills Creek 1 I ! S8 1lllh st ••. , ' 19th St ti] )? < S 7th st JI . . !! ... C '9th ! .10!~ " « S 11111 St ··~· Site map of Rolling Hills Creek and tributary stream located on-site. Green color denotes class 3 stream designation for the city of Renton (RMC 4-3-050Q4). Dotted sections refer to piped stream and solid lines refer to open channel stream sections. The red circle denotes the location of the box culvert containing the mainstem of Rolling Hills Creek and confluence with the tributary stream. Keith Ma e hlum A ugust 18 , 2008 Page 7 of 9 Pho to I. C ulv e rt at n ag s 5-J\ and 4-8 in the upper trib uta ry . . Ph o to 2 . Inl et o f o n-site box c ul vert cont a inin g th e main -s tem of Ro llin g Hills Cree k Keith Maehlum August 18 , 2008 Page 8 of 9 Photo 3. Box c ul vert. Photo 4. View facing eas t s ho win g the bioswale located east of flagging. Keith Maehlum August 18 , 2008 Page 9 of 9 Photo 5. Legend: approximate stream location Stream Delineation Sketch (Parcel number 7231600542) Triton Tower I 555 S. Renton Village Place Renton, Washington Prepared for Keith Maehlum August 12, 2008 T 11 F. \tVATERSHED COM Pt\NY Note: Stream features are not surveyed. Areas depicted are approximate and not to scale. Stream flags: blue-& white-striped. 750 Sixth Street South I Kirkland WA 98033 p 42S .822.S242 f 425 .827 .8136 KING COUNTY DISTRICTS AND DEVELOPMENTS REPORT KCGIS Parcel Reports Property Report Districts and Development Conditions Report Find Your Council District Find Your Watershed KCGIS Center King County GIS Center King Street Center 201 S. Jackson St. Suite 706 Seattle, WA 98104 giscenter@kingcou nty. gov + 47.59909 N -122.33136 W + 47' 35' 56. 72" -122' 19' 52.90" HOME NEWS ScRVICES DIRECTORY CONTACT L KCGIS Center www.KingCounty.gov/GIS King County Districts and Development Conditions for parc1 1923059001 Parcel number 1923059001 Drainage Address 700 S RENTON Basin VILLAGE PL Jurisdiction Renton Zipcode 98057 Kroll Map page 336 Thomas Guide 656 page Electoral Districts Voting district King County Council district Congressional district Legislativedistrict School district Watershed WRIA PLSS Latitude ............. Longitude RNT 11-0990 District 5, Julia Patterson (206) 296- 1005 (iiJ 9 11 Renton #403 Black River Duwamish - Green River Duwamish- Green (9) NE -19 -23 -5 47.47024 . - -122.2095 Fire district does nc Water district does nc Sewer district does nc Water & Sewer district does nc Parks & Recreation does nc district Hospital district Public I No.1 Seattle school board district does not apply (not in Rural librarydistrict . does nc Seattle) Tribal Lands? No District Court electoral district Southeast King County planning and critical areas designations King County zoning NA, check with Water service planning area jurisdiction P-Suffix conditions None Roads MPS zone Comprehensive Plcm does not apply Transportation concurrency Urban Growth Area Urban zone Unincorporated Area Council does not ap11ly. Forest Production district? Community Planning Area Green River Valley Agricultural Production district? Coal mine hazards? None mapped Rural clearing limits apply? Erosion hazards? None mapped Critical aquifer recharge Landslide hazards? None mapped area? Seismic hazards? None mapped 100-year flood plain? Wetlands at this parcel? Related resources King County Assessor: eReal Property Report (PDF format requires Acrobat) King County Assessor: Quarter Section Map (PDF format requires Acrobat) King County ODES: \pplications Report (for unincorporated areas only) King County Treasury Operations: Property Tax Information for this property King County Recorders Office: Scanned images of plats. King County Recorders Office: Scanned images of surveys and other map documents. Open iMAP to this property (requires a high speed internet connection) Open Parcel Viewer to this property (any connection speed, but less features than iMAP) Search Address or parcel number: D search by condo name example address: 8621 428TH AVE SE I example parcel number: 0942000860 This report was generated on 911812008 10: 11 :25 AM Home Privacy Accessibility I Terms of use I Search Contact us at giscenter@kingcounty.gov. Links to external sites do not constitute endorsements by King County. By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. © 2008 King County EXCERPTS FROM RENTON VILLAGE HYDROLOGIC/HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS (GRAY AND OSBORNE, JANUARY 2007), Gray & Osborne, Inc., Consulting Engineers Alternative 1-West Box Culvert: Install approximately 605 lineal feet of 4' x 6' concrete box culvert from the 72-inch pipe (Node D) to the outfall (Node N3). The preliminary alignment consists of placing the box culvert in the roadway and then diverting it south through the parking lot (see Figure 7). Figure 8 presents a schematic of the model for Alternative I. Alternative 2 -East Box Culvert: This alternative entails the installation of 495 lineal feet of 4' x 6' box culvert between the same nodes as Alternative 1 (Node D to Node N3 ). The alignment of this alternative is located towards the eastern end of the parking lot (see Figure 7). Under both alternatives, catch basins would need to be installed in the parking lot to collect local drainage. To simplify the modeling, these catch basins were not modeled. However, the runoff from this area was input into the appropriate upstream node and was accounted for in the model. Early in the design process an alternative incorporating the existing 42-inch pipe and installing a parallel 54-inch pipe was reviewed. This alternative had the highest uncertainty because the condition of the existing 42-inch pipe is unknown. In addition, bedding of pipe over the known poor soils is difficult using traditional construction methods. To prevent point loading. the pipe would essentially need to be bedded/encased in concrete. For these two reasons the alternative of parallel pipes was not pursued. Alternative Storm System Modeling Results The model results for both Alternative 1 (west box culvert) and Alternative 2 (east box culvert) may be found in Tables IO and 11. The complete XP-SWMM output for Alternative I is located in Appendix D. To clarify the data within this output, Table E9 of the XP-SWMM output displays hydraulic grade line elevations within each node ("Maximum Junction Elevation") along with flooded volume ("Maximum Junction Area"), Table ElO displays flow rates ("Maximum Computed Flow") and pipe capacities ("Design Flow"), and Table E16 of the XP-SWMM output presents the elevation of the hydraulic grade line within the pipes ("WS Up," "WS On"). As seen in Table 10, the west box culvert (Alternative I) shows no flooding during the future 25-year storm event, and some flooding at the upstream end of the box culvert (Node D) during a I 00-year storm event. The model shows that Node D experiences 8,701 cubic feet of flooding during the 100-year storm event (Table E9, Appendix D). Likewise, the east box culvert scenario (Alternative 2), shows no flooding during the future 25-year storm event, and some flooding during the I 00-year storm at the downstream end of the 72-inch pipe (Node D). The modeling results reveal that 5,922 cubic feet of flooded volume is produced at Node D. Flow rates in each of the pipes for Alternative 2 may be found in Table I I and total flooded volumes are presented in Table 12. 14 City of Renton January 2 00 7 Renton Village Hydrologic/Hydraulic Analysis Gray & Osborne, Inc., Consulting Engineers Upsfnam UpslrelDI Rim Elev Node (fl) A 35 B 33.35 Nl 32.66 C 35.22 N2 30.3 D 28.67 Box cb A 30.25 Box cb B 28.5 Box cb C 26.6 N3 28 F 28.51 G 30.01 H 30.01 I 30 N4 25 I 30 TABLE 10 Modeling Results for Future Pipes Under Future Land Use Conditions Alternative 1-West 4' x 6' Box Culvert Dowostr<an Pipe Pipe Downstrtam Rim Conduit Dianeter Lmldh Upstrtam Downstretn Node Eltvallon (ft) Nane !In.) ID\ IE IE Slope Nl 32.66 A-Nl 60 74 24.46 23.3 1.29% NI 32.66 B·Nl 36 90 23.39 23.3 0.12% C 35.22 Nl-C 72 395 22.3 21.66 0.16% D 28.67 C·D 72 336 21.57 20.92 0.19% D 28.67 N2-D 42 306 20.92 20.84 0.66% Box cb A 30.25 Box 1 4' x6' 70 20.84 20.68 0.22% Box cbB 28.5 Box2 4'x6' 162 20.68 20.33 0.22% Box cb C 26.6 Box3 4' x6' 114 20.33 20.08 0.22% N3 28 Box4 4'x6' 257 20.08 19.4 0.27% F 28.51 N3·F Channel 171 19.39 18.94 0.26% G 30.01 F·G Channel 162 18.94 18.53 0.25% H 30.01 G-H Channtl 167 18.53 18.12 0.25% I 30 H-1 Channel 70 18.12 17.94 0.25% N4 25 l·N4 48 375 17.94 16 0.59% N5 /outfall) 28 N4-N5 48 100 15.56 15 0.56% NS ( outfall) 28 I-NS 132 500 17.94 15 0.52% Pipe 25--Year 100-Yea- Deolp Futlll"e Future Capacity Flow(t,2) F1owc1.2) (d"s) (d"s) Ids\ 70 0 0 99 0 -1 158 194 242 173 194 242 76 ·12 -12 135 208 135 207 251 135 207 251 149 206 234 728 242 274 769 242 274 2217 242 274 879 242 274 96 43 50 100 54 61 1518 199 224 '"' (1) (2) (3) Flows exceeding pipe design capacity represent surcharged conditions. "Flooded manhole" conditions represent water flooding out of the manhole and into the parking lot Negative flows indicate the flow is opposite the reversed elevations, so the flow in that pipe or channel is actually in the downstream direction. It may also indicate flow in a negative direction occurring at some time during the model due to backwater conditions. Source: Tables El, E9, El 0, El6 of XP-SWMM output files (Alt1_25 dee 06. out and Altl _l 00 dee 06.out) located in digital files in Appendix E. -= Flooded Manhole Upstream City of Renton 15 Renton Vil~e Hydro/ogic/Hydrau/ic Analysis Jammry ]()(fl GrOJ) & Osborne, Inc., Conru/Jing E~ineers Upotream TABLE 11 Modeling Results for Future Pipes Under Future Land Use conditions Alternative 2 -East 4' x 6' Box Culvert Dowostrean Pipe Pipe Pipe 25-Yt .. 100-Ye .. Doolp Future Futm-c Upslreim Rbn Elev Downstream Rim Coodult Dimneter Len.-., Uplltretllll Downlltr...,. C811a<lty Flow(t,:J:) Flow11•2> Node A B NI C N2 D Box cb A Box cb B N3 F G H I N4 I ·-. (1) (2) (3) /ft\ Node Elevalioo lftl Nime iht.l /ft\ 1E 1E Slooe ldsl ldsl lcfsl 3.'i NI 32.66 A-NJ 60 74 24.46 23.3 1.29% 70 0 0 33.35 NI 32.66 B·Nl 36 90 23.39 23.3 0.12% 99 0 ·I 32.66 C 35.22 Nl·C 72 395 22.3 21.66 0.16% 158 194 242 35.22 D 28.67 C·D 72 336 21.57 20.92 0.19% 173 194 242 30.3 D 28.67 N2·D 42 306 20.92 20.84 0.66% 76 ·12 -12 28.67 Box cb A 29 Box I 4'x6' 210 20.84 20.27 0.27% 149 206 29 Box cbB 27.4 Box2 4'x6' 110 20.27 19.98 0.27% 149 207 251 27.4 N3 28 Box3 4'x6' 175 19.98 19.39 0.33% 166 207 251 28 F 28.51 N3·F channel 171 19.39 18.94 0.26% 728 242 274 2851 G 30.01 F·G Channel 162 18.94 18.53 0.25% 769 242 274 30.01 H 30.01 G·H Chsnnd 167 18.53 18.12 0.25% 2217 242 274 30.01 I 30 H·I Channel 70 18.12 17.94 0.25% 879 242 274 30 N4 25 I-N4 48 375 17.94 16 059% 96 43 50 25 NS I outfalll 28 N4·N5 48 100 15.56 15 0.56% 100 54 61 30 N5 I outfall' 28 I-N5 132 500 17.94 15 052% 1518 199 224 Flows exceeding pipe design capacity represent surcharged conditionR "Flooded manhole" conditions represent water flooding out of the manhole and into the parking lot Negative flows indicate the flow is opposite the reversed elevations, so the flow in that pipe or channel is actually in the downstream direction. It may also indicate flow in a negative direction occurring at some time during the model due to backwater conditions. Source: Tables El, E9, EIO, E16 ofXP-SWMM output files (Alt1_25 dee 06.out and Altl_lOO dee 06.out) located in digital files in Appendix E -= Flooded Manhole Upstream 16 City qf Re ntan January 2007 Renton V,l/age Hydrologic!Hydraulic Analysis Gray & Osborne, Inc., Consulting Engineers TABLE 12 Flooded Volumes for Alternatives 1 and 2 25-Year 100-Year Node (cfl (cfl Alternative 1 D --8,701 Alternative 2 D --5,922 54-inch Node --Surface From these two models, it is apparent that a box culvert meets the City's criteria of preventing flooding during the future conditions 25-year storm event. The future conditions 100-year event results in limited flooding for both alternatives, however, with a total of8,701 cubic feet flooded with the west box culvert alternative and 5,922 cubic feet flooded with the east box culvert alternative, it is apparent that the Thriftway parking lot can handle this excess stormwater during a 100-year storm event. This analysis assumes an available storage area surrounding "Node D" with a depth of 6 inches throughout the parking lot located east of Thriftway. At a 6-inch depth (i.e., curb height), 17,360 square feet of parking area would be necessary for storing the flooded volume under Alternative l and 12,690 square feet would be necessary under Alternative 2. The parking lot provides approximately 27,800 square feet just to the east ofThriftway. Flooded water would also drain towards the northern parking lot in front of Thriftway where additional storage would be provided as well. COST ESTIMATES Cost estimates were prepared for the two alternatives described earlier. Both cost estimates include the installation of a 4' x 6' box culvert, shoring, excavation of unsuitable material, backfill material as recommended by the geotechnical engineer, and related work such as traffic control. bypass pumping, erosion control, and landscaping. The estimates also include a $10,000 force account for unforeseen issues that may arise during construction. In addition to the force account, a 10 percent contingency has been added as well. A higher cost estimate was calculated for Alternative I due to the anticipation of greater depths of peat and due to its longer alignment. Alternative I is estimated to cost $1,287,000 whereas Alternative 2 has an estimated construction cost of$ I, 160,000. Both construction cost estimates include sales tax and can be viewed in greater detail in Appendix F. City of Renton 17 Renton Village Hydro/ogic!Hydraulic Analysis January 2007 • CALLISON October 6, 2008 MASTER SITE PLAN APPROVAL/ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Triton Towers Expansion Renton, Washington 207606.01 Title Report -+----1420 FIFTH AVENUE #2400 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101·2343. T 206 623 4646 F 206 623 4625 www.call1son com ( (' @ Chicago 'Iitle Insurance Company· COMMITMENT FOR Tl1LE INSURANCE BY Chicago Title ~ Company Chicago Title Insurance Company, a Missouri corporation ("Company"), for a valuable coosideration, commits to issue its policy or pplicies of title insurance, as identified in Scbedule A, in favor of the Pro- pose,! Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or inteiest in the land described or referred to in Schedule A. upon payment of the premiums and chmges and complianoe with the Require- ments; all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Conditioos of this Commitment This Commi~t shall be effective only when the identity of the Proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies COIIUDltted for have been inserted in Scbedule A by the Company. All liability and obligation under this Commitment shall cease and tenninate 6 months after the Effective Date or when the policy or policies commined for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue ihe policy or policies is noHhe fault of the Company. The Company will provide ·a sample of the policy form upon request. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Chicago Title Insurance Company has caused its corporate name and seal to he affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. Chicago Tdle Insurance Company Br. ~) /l'F '--· fa?fJ--_ CONDITIONS 1. The term mortgage. wheo used herein. shall include dee.d of trust, trUst deed. or other security instrumenL 2. H the proposed Insured has or acqai:rcd acwal knowledge of any defect. lien. encumbrance, advctsc claim or otJ}er' DJalfa" affecting the estate or :intaest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Sdaedu1e B bmof, and shall fail ID disclose such knowledge to !be Company in writing, the Company shall be -from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hen:on fO lbe extent the Company is prcjndiced by failure IO SO" disclose such knowlcdgc. If the proposed Insured shall diacloae -knowledge to !be Company, or if tbe Company odlorwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, ~. adVClliC claim or other..._, thc Ccmpm,y at iis option may amend Scbedule B-of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not ICl.ieve the Company from liability p,oviously incumd p,11,un11t to paragraph 3 ;jr thosO Collditioos. 3. Liability of tbe Company under !his Commitment shnll be OD!y 10 !be named propoi!cd Insured nnd such parties included under tbe dcfillition of Insured in the _form of policy or policies oommia.d for and only for actual I06S inann,d in teluq,ce laeon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with ttie re,quitt:menrs beffiof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions· sh9wii iD Scbcdu.le B, or (c) toacquheorcreatethe estate_orinterestormortgagethcrcon covesed by this Commitn;le:llt In ooevmt shall such liability exceed tbe amount stated in Schedule A for tbe policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject IO the insuring provjsioDs aad Cocditions and the Exclusions from Covcrago of, the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the PfOPO$Cd Insured ·which are hemly mcorponlled by tef'erence and arc made ·a part of dl:is C'mrunilment exccp! as expressly lll<l<!med herein. 4. 1bis Commitment is a contract to issue one or more litle insurance policies aod is not an abstract of title or a report of Ille condition of tide. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Jnsuml may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of. the title to the-estate or interest or the sWUS of die mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on ~ are subject to the provisions of this Commipnent 5. The policy to~ issued contains an arbilraJUm clause. All arbitroble matters wh,:n the Amounts of Insurance is $2,(XJ(),(}()() or less shall be arburoied Ql the. option of either the Company or the lnsund as.tM exclusive nmiedy of the parties. You may review a copy.ofihe arbitralion rules at <.http:IIW'Nw.alta.org/> . . FORM n.81-06 (8I06) CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP ANY ~ FIFTH AVENUE, #1400,SBATILB, WA 98104 ALT.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A SECOND COMMITMENT Order No.: 122264 7 Tille Unit: U-06 CastomerNumber: TRITON TOWERS Pboru:: (206)628-S610 Buyer(,): RENTON PROPERTIES LLC Fax: (206)6l8-!1717 Olli= SA VIDJS/CAMPBELL/BISENBREY jHARRIS Corornitmeot Efi'ecliw, Date: SEP'l'EMBER 18, 2008 1. Policy IX Policies to be mued: at 8:00AM- ALTA Owner's Policy ProposedlD.mrcd Policy or Policies to be mued: ALTA Loan Policy 1992 EXTENDED PropoaedlD.mrcd Policy or Policies to be mued: ALTA Loao Policy Propo,ed insured: Amount: $0. 00 Premium: Tax: Amount: so. 00 Premium: Tax: Amount: $0. 00 Prnmium: Tax: 2 . The estate or in:tetest in the land which is covered by this CommitmCDt is: SEE ATTACHED ESTATE OR INTEREST EXHIBIT 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land is at the effective date hereof vested in: RENTON PROPERTIES LLC, FORMERLY KKDWN AS THE PLAZA AT YARROW BAY, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 4 . The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT ClllCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ALT A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A (Continued) ESTA TE OR INTEREST EXHIBIT (Paragraph 2 of Schedule A ODDtinuation) ONE RENTON PLACE: FKE SIMPLE AS TO PARCEL A EASEMENT AS TO PARCELS B AND C TWO RENTON PLACE: FEB SIMPLE AS TO PARCELS 1 AND 2 EASEMENT AS TO PARCEL 3 THREE RENTON PLACE: FEE SIMPLE AS TO PARCEL A EASEMBNT AS TO PARCEL B Order No.: 1222 64 7 Your No.: TRITON TOWERS ClilCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.TACOMMITMBNT SCHEDULEA (Cootinued) Order No.: 122264 7 Your No.: TRITON TOWERS LEGAL DESCRIPTiON BXHIBlT (Pwagraph 4 of SchoduloA coaiinuation) ONE RBNTON PLACE ( PARCELS A AND B) ONE Rfill'I'ON PLACE PARCEL A: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUJl.RTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMBTTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; AND BLOCKS 11 AND 12, C.D. HILLMA.N'S EARLINGTON GARDENS ADDITION TO nfE CITY OF SBA'ITLB, DIVISION NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THBRBOP, RBCORDED IN VOLUME 17 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 74, IN KING CODNTY, WASHINGTON, AND OF VACATED STREETS AND ALLEYS A'ITACHJID THERETO, AND LOTS 1 THROUGH 12, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 5, RENTON VIEW, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUMB 33 OP FLA.TS, PAGE 25, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTOO, AND OF VACATED STREETS AND ALLEYS ATTACHED THERETO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : BEGINNING AT TH8 SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TiiE NORTHHEST QUARTER OP SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19; THENCE SOOTH 01 ° 04' 08" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTrlWEST QUARTER OP THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 224.15 FEET; THENCE SOOTH 55°03'12" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 45.44 FEET TO THE TROE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 89°44' 03" EAST ALONG THE SOUTH MARGIN OF RENTON VILLAGE PLACE (NORTH LINE OF THE PLA.T OF RENTON VIEW), A DISTANCE OF 867 .26 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°24'03" WBST, A DISTANCE OF 123.27 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 1 {JCT. S.S.H. 5-M TO JCT. P.S.H. NO. 2-SR 405); THENCE SOUTH 20°46'00" EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN, 30.00 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CORVE TO THE RIGHT IN A SOUTHWESTERLY DIRECTION HAVING A RADIUS OF 1,810.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 07°05'07", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 223 .83 FEE."l' TO A POINT OF CURVE TO A SPIRAL C!JRVE; THENCE ALONG A SPIRAL CURVE TO THE RIGHT ON THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF PSH NO. 1 THE LONG CHORD OF WHICH BEARS SOOTH 79°20'21" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 2:92.06 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY OF THE SPIRAL CURVE; THENCE CONTINOING ALONG SAID NORTH MARGill SOOTH 80°49'08" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 213.80 FEET; THENCE SOOTH 09°10'52" EAST ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN, 20.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 80°49'08" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN, 27.80 FEET TO A POINT OF CORVATIJRE; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A_L_TACOMMITMENT SCHEDULEA ( Continued) OrdcrNo.: 122264.7 Your No.: TRITON TOWERS LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXllll!1T (Paragraph 4 of SclLedulc A continuation) 11,380.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00"'15'40", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 51.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH 08°55'12" WBST ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN 20.00 FEET, TO A POINT OF CURVATCJRE; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN IN A SOUTHWESTERLY DIRECTION ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIOS OF 11,360.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01°52']5", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 3 72. 03 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00°02'16" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 251.51 FBE'I'; THENCE NORTH 61°42'59° EAST, A DISTANCE OF 258.92 PEET~ THENCE SOUTH 89°44'03" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 56.01 FBB'T TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH ALL THAT PORTION OF LOTS 36, 37, 38, 39 AND 40 IN BLOCK 11 OF C. D. HILI..MAN' S EARLINGTON GARDENS ADD IT ION TO THE CITY OF SBA'ITLE, DIVIS ION NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RBCORDBD IN VOLUME 17 OF PLATS, PAGE 74, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AND OF VACATED 96TH AVRNIJE SOUTH (ALSO KNOWN .AS SHATTUCK STREET) AND ALSO THAT PORTION OF VACATED 10TH AVENUE SOOTH ADJACENT TO BLOCK 11 OF SAID PLAT LYING NORTHERLY OF A LINE BEGDmING AT A POINT OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO HES) 197+89.58 ON THE SOR.VEY LINE OF SR 405, JCT. SSH NO. 2-M TO JCT. PSH NO. 2 IN RENTON, AND 100 PEET NORTHERLY THEREFROM; THENCE EASTERLY TO A POINT OPPOSITE HES 199+64. 58 ON SAID SURVEY LINE AND 100 FBE'I' NORTHBRLY THEREFROM; THENCE EASTERLY PARALLEL WITH SAID SURVEY LINE 100 FEET TO A POINT AND THE END OF THIS LINH DESCRIPTION; AND LYING SOUTHERLY OF A LINE BEGINNING AT A POINT OPPOSITE HES 197+89. 58 ON SAID SR 405 SURVEY LINE .AND 100 FEET NORTHERLY THEREFROM; THENCE NORTHERLY TO A POINT OPPOSITE HES 197+89. 58 118 .22 FEET NORTHERLY THEREFROM; THENCE EASTERLY AND NORTHERLY PARALLEL WITH THE SERVICE ROAD SURVEY LINE OF SAID HIGHWAY TO A POINT OPPOSITE HES P.T. 1+93.4; THENCE EASTERLY THROUGH HES P.T. 1+93.4 TO A POINT OPPOSITE HES P.T. 1+93.4 AND 30 FEET EASTERLY THEREFROM; THENCE SOUTHERLY TO A POINT OPPOSITE HES 199+64.58 ON THB SR 405 SURVEY LINE OF SAID HIGHWAY AND 100 FEET NORTHERLY THEREFROM; THENCE EASTERLY PARALLEL WITH SAID SURVEY LINE 100 FEET TO A POINT AND TitE END OF THIS LINE DESCRIPTION; EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBERS 8708140473 AND 8708140474; ClilCAGO TIILE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T A. COMMITMl!NT SCHEDULEA (Continued) Order No.: 122264 7 Yonr No.: TRITON TOWERS LEGAL DESCR.IPTION EXHIBIT (Paragraph 4 of Schedule A coatinv•tion) ONE RENTON PLACE PARCEL B: AN EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY AND PARKING PURPOSES, AS ESTABLISHED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDBR RECORDING NUMBER 8612311880, AND AMENDED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9005161048, AND FIJRTHER AMENDED BY SECOND AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDDlG NUMBER 20010927001009; AND TOGETHER WITH AN BASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND PARKING AS ESTABLISHED BY ACCBSS EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010927001008 OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THAT PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMSNT LUA-00-014-LLA, RECORDED ONDBR RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001, IN XING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL A, SAID CORNER ALSO BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL C, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-00-014-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001; THENCE NORTH 01°04'08 11 EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 242. 84 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 01°04'08" EA.ST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A AND THE WEST LINE OF PARCELS B AND C OF SAID LOT LINE ADJUS'IMENT, A DISTANCE OF 451. 69 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF AN EASEMBNT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, LANDSCAPE AND EMERGENCY ACCESS LANE AS DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPH NO. 3 IN EXHIBIT "A" IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED ONDER RECORDING NUMBER 8612221311, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SAID POINT LYING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 60 FEET TO WHICH A RADIAL Lnm BEARS NORTH 75,;,44• 14" WBST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID EASEMENT THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31,;,18'58", AN .ARC DISTANCE OF 32.79 FEET TO A REVERSE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 80 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15°55'321f, AN .ARC DISTANCE OF 22.24 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOOTH 00°23' 46" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 125.21 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00°19'15n WEST, A DISTANCE OF 77.88 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 86°06'40" RAST, A DISTANCE OF 7.83 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00°27'44" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 84.18 FEET; THENCE SOOTH 01°04'49" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 63.70 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 02°18'29" WEST, A DISTA..~CE OF 71.56 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 37°30'39" WEST, A DISTA.~CE OF 48.17 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 18°47'21" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 38.07 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMl!NT SCHEDULEA (Continued) OrdcrNo.: 1222647 YoorNo.: TRITON TOWERS LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT (Paragraph 4 o!ScbeduleA CODtiDualioo) BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OP RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-00-014-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL A; THENCE NORTH 89°44'02" WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 170.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTH LINE NORTH 0!004'08" BAST, A DISTANCE OP 90.00 FEET; THENCE SOOTH 89°44' 02" THENCE NORTH 01°04'08" THENCE NORTH 05°56'56" THENCE NORTH 01 °03' 53" THENCE SOUTH 88°56' 07" BAST. A DISTANCE BAST. A DISTANCE BAST, A DISTANCE BAST, A DISTANCE BAST, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; OF 85.00 FEET; OF 10.30 FEET; OF 115.00 FEET; OF 19.13 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OP SAID PARCEL A, SAID POINT HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED AS POINT "A"; THENCE SOUTH 01°04'08 11 WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 299.99 FEET TO THE BEGINNING; AND TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL A DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : COMMENCING AT THE AFOREMENTIONED POINT nA"; THENCE NORTH 01°04'08" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 267. 91 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE NORTH 88°S5'52n WEST, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01°04'08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 128.78 FEBT TO A POINT ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 80 FEBT TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 77°30'38" WBST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31040'35", AN ARC DISTIWCE OF 44.23 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A; THENCE SOUTH 01°04'08" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 167.60 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. allCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.TA COMMITMENT SCHEDULEA (Continaed) Orde:rNo.: 1222647 YourNo.: TRITON TOlmRS LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT (Parag<aph 4 of Scbedwe A coatu,u.mon) TWO RENTON PLACE (PARCELS 1, 2 AND 3) TWO RENTON PLACE PARCEL 1: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMBTTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, liASHINGTON; AND LOTS 11 AND 12, BLOCK 5, RENTON VIEW ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THB PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 33 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 25, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. MORE PARTICULARLY DBSCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST COP.NER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19; THENCE SOUTH 01°04'08 11 WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 224.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55°03'12" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 45.47 FEET TO THE SOUTH MARGIN OF RENTON VILLAGE PLACE (60 FEET WIDE) AND NORTH OF SAID RENTON VIEW' .ADDITION; THENCE SOUTH 89°44'02" EAST ALONG THE SOUTII MARGIN, A DISTANCE OF 867.26 PEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 89°44'02" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH MARGIN, A DISTANCE OF 175.09 FEET TO TH8 WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SR 515 (TALBOT ROAD SOUTH) AS SHOWN ON WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY PLAN-RENTON VICINITY: CARR ROAD TO GRADY HAY -SHEET 6 OF 6, APPROVED NOVEMBER 5, 1971; THENCE SOOTH 02°36'57" WEST, Al.ONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 44.ll FEET TO THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. l (JUNCTION S.S.H. 5-M-TO JUNCTION P.S.H. NO. 2-SR 405), SAID NORTHERLY MARGIN LYING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF l, 780. 00 FEET AND HAVING A RADIAL BEARING OF NORTH 27°00'05" WEST; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6°12'09", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 192.69 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF A LEASE ENTERED ON APRIL 7, 1980 BETWEEN RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY AND BOEING COMPUTER SERVICES; THENCE NORTH 01°24'03" EAST ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 122.94 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. TWO RENTON PI.ACE PARCEL 2 : PARCEL C, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-00-014-LLA, RECORDED UNDER CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ALT.A COMMITMENT SCHEDULEA (Continued) OrderNo.: 1222647 Your No.: TRITON TOWERS LEGAL DESCRIFl'lON BXHIBlT (Paragraph4 of Schedule A continuariou) RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TWO RENTON PIACB PARCEL 3 : EASEMBNT(S) FOR RECIPROCAL ACCESS, AS ESTABLISHED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NCJMBBR 8612231195, AS AMENDED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED ONDER RECORDING NUMBER 8709291408; TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND PARKING AS ESTABLISH1ID BY ACCESS EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010927001008 OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THAT PORTION OP PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-00-014-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHBAST CORNER OF SAID P~CEL A, SAID CORNER AISO BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL C, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMBNT LUA-00-014-LLA, RECORDED ONDE.~ RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001; THENCE NORTH 0!004'08" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 242.S4 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 01 °04' 08" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A AND THE WEST LINE OF PARCELS B AND C OF SAID I.Ur LINE ADJUSTMENT, A DISTANCE OF 451 . 6 9 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF AN EASEMEN'T FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, LANDSCAPE AND EMERGENCY ACCESS LlWE AS DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPH NO. 3 IN EXHIBIT "A" Ill INS'I'RUMBNT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOMBER 8612221311, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SAID POINT LYING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 60 FEET TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 75°44' 14 11 WEST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CORVE AND ALONG THE SOOTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID EASEMENT THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31°18'58", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 32.79 FEET TO A REVERSE CORVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 80 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID CORVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15°55'32", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 22.24 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 00°23'46" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 125.21 FEET; THENCE SOOTH 00°19'15" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 77.88 FEET; THENCE SOOTH 86°06'40" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 7. 83 FEET; THENCE SOOTH 00°27'44" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 84.18 FEET; THENCE SOOTH 01°04'49" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 63. 70 FEET; THENCE SOOTH 02°18'29" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 71.56 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 37°30'39" WEST, A DISTMCE OF 48.17 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 18°47'21" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 38.07 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF CHICAGO 1TILE INSURANCE C'OMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEA (Continued) OrdcrNo.: 1222647 Yom No.: TRITON TOWERS LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBl'l' (Paragraph 4 of SchoclnleA c:ominuation) BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-00-014-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001, DESCRIBED AS FOLI..OWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER O:' SAID PARCEL A; THENCE NORTH 99o44• 02" WBST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 170.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTH LINE NORTH 01004'08" EAST, A DIS'!ANCB OF 90.00 FEIIT; THENCE SOUTH 89°44'02n THENCE NORTH 01°04'08" THENCE NORTH 05°56'56 11 THENCE NORTH 01°03'53 11 THENCE SOUTH 88°56'07n EAST, A DISTANCE EAST, A DISTANCE EAST, A DISTANCE EAST, A DISTANCE EAST, A DISTANCE OF 150. 00 FEET; OF 85.00 FEET; OF 10 .30 FEET; OF 115.00 FEET; OF 19.13 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, SAID POINT HEiIBINAFTRR DESCRIBED AS POINT 11A"; THENCE SOOTH 01°04' 08" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 299.99 FEET TO THE BEGINNING; AND TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL A DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CO!oNBNCING AT TH8 AFOREMENTIONED POINT "An; THENCE NORTH 01°04' 08" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 267. 91 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE NORTH 88°55'52" WEST, A DISTANCE OP 20.00 PEET; THENCE NORTH 01°04'08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 128.78 FEET TO A POrnT ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 80 FEET TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BBARS NORTH 77°30'38" WEST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31°40'35", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 44 .23 FEET TO THE BAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A; THENCE SOUTH 01°04' 08" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 167 .60 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OP BEGINNING. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.TA COMMITMENT SCHEDULEA (Continued) OrderNo.: 1222647 Yom No.: TRITON TOWERS LEGAL DESCR.IPnON EXHIBIT (Parag,aph 4 of Sc:hedole A conml11ation) THREE RENTON PIACE (PARCELS A AND B) THREE RENTON PLACE PARCEL A: PARCEL B, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-00-014-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. THREE RENTON PLACE PARCEL B: BASEMENT(S) FOR RECIPROCAL ACCESS, AS ESTABLISHED BY INSTRUMBNT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOMBER 8612231195, AS AMENDED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED ONDHR RECORDillG NUMBER 8709291408, AND TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR PARKING AS ESTABLISHED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED rn..'DER IlBCORDillG NOMBER 8612231196; AND TOGETHER WITH AN BASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS .AND PARKING AS ESTABLISHED BY ACCESS EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NCJMBBR 20010927001008 OVER THE FOLLOWillG DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THAT PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUS'IMHNT LUA-00-014-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL A, SAID CORNER ALSO BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL C, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT li.JA-00-014-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001; THENCE NORTH OP 04' OS" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 242 .84 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH O 1 ° 04 ' 0 8 " EAST ALONG THE RAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A AND THE WEST LINE OF PARCELS B AND C OF SAID LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, A DISTANCE OF 451.69 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, LANDSCAPE AND EMBRGENCY ACCESS LANE AS DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPH NO. 3 IN EXHIBIT "A" IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8612221311, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SAID POINT LYING ON A CORVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 60 FEET TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 75°44' 14 11 WEST; THENCE NORTIIEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID EASEMENT TIIROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31°18'5S 11 , AN ARC ~!STANCE OF 32.79 FEET TO A REVERSE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 80 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE TimOUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OP 15 ° 55 '32", AN ARC DISTANCE ClilCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.TA COMMITMENT SCHEDULEA (Continued) Order No.: 1222647 Your No.: TRITON TOWERS LEGAL DESCRIPl'ION ElQIIBlT (Puagraph 4 of Schedule A contmualxm) OF 22.24 FE8T; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 00°23' 46" BAST, A DISTANCE OP 125.21 FEET; THENCE SOOTH 00°19'15" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 77.88 FEET; THENCE SOOTH 86°06'40" SAST, A DISTANCE OF 7.83 FEET; THENCE SOOTH 00°27'44" WEST, A DISTANC:S OF 84.18 FEET; THBNCE SOUTH 01co4•49 11 WEST, A DISTANCE OF 63.70 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 02°18'29" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 71.56 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 37°30'39" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 48.17 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 18°47'21" WEST, A DISTANCE OF38.07 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUS'I'MENT I.,UA-00-014-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL A; THENCE NORTH 89°44'02" WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 170.00 PEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTH LINE NORTH 01004'08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 90.00 FEET; THENCE SOOTH 89°44'02" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01°04'08" EAST, A DISTANCE OP 85.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 05°56'56" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 10.30 FEET; THENCE NORTH OP03'53n BAST, A DISTANCE OF 115.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°56'07n EAST, A DISTANCE OF 19.13 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, SAID POINT HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED AS POINT "'A"; THENCE SOUTH 01004'08" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 299.99 FBBT TO THE BEGINNING; AND TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL A DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE AFOREMENTIONED POINT "A"; THENCE NORTH OI°04' 08" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 267.91 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEA.YING SAID EAST LINE NORTH 88°55'52" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01°04'08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 128.78 FEET TO A POINT ON A CCJRVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 80 FEET TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH '77°30'38" WEST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31°40'35", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 44 .23 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A; THENCE SOUTH 01°04'08" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 167.60 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.TA. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB Order No.: 122264 7 Y Olli' No.: TRITON TOWERS Schedule B of the policy "'policiea to be issued will routain =epliom to the followiog matten UDioaa the same arc disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS A. Rights or claims of parties in poo,ession, or claiming possessum, uot shown by the Public Records. B. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be di&dosed by an accorate and complete land survey of the Land. C. Ea,cmcuts, p,oscriptive right,, rigbts-of-way, liens or em:umhrances, or claims thereof, uot shown by the Public Records. D. Any lien, or right to a lien. for oontnbutiDD.'i to employee benefit~ or for state workers' compensation, or far~ labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all u imposed by law, ami not shown by the Public Records. E. Tues. or special as.sessmcnts which are not yet payable or which are not shown as emting liem. by the Public Records. F. Any lien for scrvicc, installation, connection, maintenance, tap, capacity, or construction or similar charges for sewer, water, eledricity, natural gas or other utilities, or for garbage coilcctionanddi5posal not shown by the Public Records. G. U:opatented mining claims, and all rights relating thereto; reservations and cu:eptions in United States Patents or in Acts authormng the issuance thereof; Indian tnbal codes or regu1atious, Indian treaty or aboriginal right5, including easements or equitable servitudes. H. Water rights, claims or title to water. I. Defects,. liens, encumbrancu, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the Public Records, or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed In.sured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS FOUOW WI.TACOMB bk a!J/17/07 ClilCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.TA. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Conlmuod) OrdcrNo.: 001222647 y om No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS r ITEMS l THROUGH 28, INCLUSIVE, AFFECT ONE RENTON PLACE o 1. EASEMENT(S) AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTES IS I , PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDrnG NUMBERS : UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR DEFENSE PLANT CORPORATION ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE AND APPURTENANCES PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES 3171112, 3171114, 3196045, 3364199, 3367763 (A RE-RECORDING OF 3365711) AND 3387249 a THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST UNDER SAID FASEMBNT(S) WAS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF SEATrLE, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, BY INSTRUMENTS RECORDED UNDBR RECORDING NUMBERS 3664559 AND 3664560. i NOTE: PORTIONS OF THE AREA AFFECTED BY SAID EASEMENT{$) HAVE BEEN RELEASED PURSUANT TO DOCUMENTS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBERS 7210300117 AND 7210300118. :, 2. BASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA APFBCTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: CITY OF RENTON, A MIJNICIPAL CORPORATION CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR, SERVICE, AND MAINTENANCE OF SANITARY SEWER LINES, AS PROVIDED FOR IN CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NOMBER 2051 PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY MARCH 20, 1970 6631804 z 3. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS ANTI CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR CLIA.CM81/RDA/!B9J CIUCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.TA COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) AREA AFFECTED: RBCORDBD: RECORDING NUMBER: OrderNo.: 1222647 YourNo.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAi,. EXCBPI10NS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT APPURTENANCES THE DESCRIPTION CONTAINED THEREIN IS NOT SUFFICIENT TO DETERMINE ITS EXACT LOCATION WITHIN THE PROPERTY HERRIN DESCRIBED_ SEPTEMBER 21, 1979 7909210721 L 4. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE, PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOOETHBR WITH ALL NECESSARY OR CONVRNIRNT APPURTENANCES A SOUTHERLY PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY AS DELINEATED IN SAID DOCOMENT AUGUST 27, 1982 8208270357 M 5 • EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION PUBLIC UTILITIES (INCLUDING WATER AND SEWER) WITH NECESSARY APPURTENANCES PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES AS DESCRIBED AND DELINEATED IN SAID DOCOMENT DECEMBER 9, 1982 8212090488 N 6. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS Ah'D CO:NDITIONS THEREOF: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.TA COMMITMENT GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: SCHEDULEB (CoolllUJed) OrdcrNo.: 1222647 Yom No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCl!PTIONS PUGET SOOND POKER & LIGHT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY OR CONVHNIBNT APPURTENANCES PORTION OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 5, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 5, PLAT OF RENTON VIEW {PORTION OF SAID PREMISES} AUGUST 2, 1984 8408020473 o 7. BASEMENT .AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER : CITY OF RENTON, A MONICIPAL CORPORATION PUBLIC UTILITIES ( INCLUDING WATER AND SEWER) WITH NECESSARY APPURTENANCES THE NORTH 5 FEET OF LOTS 5 THROUGH 12, BLOCK 5, RENTON VIEW (PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AND OTHRR PROPERTY) OCTOBER 3, 1986 8610030?27 1P 8. UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOGETHER WITH A1J.. NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT APPURTENANCES THE NORTHERLY 10 FEET OF SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY DECEMBER 19, 1986 8612191504 CONTAINS COVENANT PROHIBITING STRUCTIJRES OVER SAID EASEMENT OR OTHER ClllCAGO 1TILE INSURANCE COMPANY ALTA. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) Order No.: 1222647 Your No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCHPTIONS ACTIVITIES WHICH MIGHT ENDANGER THE UNDERGROUND SYSTEM. o 9. DECLARATION OP BASEMENT AND THE TERMS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTIID: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: ROADWAY AND PARKING PORTIONS OP SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY DECEMBER 31, 1586 8612311880 a SAID INSTRUMENT CONTAINS PROVISIONS POR BEARING THE COST OP MAINTENANCE, REPAIR OR RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ROADWAY AND PARKING AREA BY THE USERS. s AMENDMENT OP DECLARATION OF EASEMENT: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: MAY 16, 1990 9005161048 r SECOND AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENT: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: SEPTEMBER 27, 2001 20010927001009 u 10. BASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: CITY OF RENTON TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AS DESCRIBED IN SAID INSTRUMENT AUGUST 12, 2005 20050812000558 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L. T .A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continuod) Order No.: 122264 7 Your No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS v 11. BASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE, PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: CITY OF RENTON UTILITIES A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES AS DESCRIBED IN SAID INSTRUMRNT FEBRUARY 16, 2006 20060216000604 ,, 12. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT, BUT OMITI'ING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OP INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 87051151119 .z: AFFECTS: PORTION OF SAID PREMISES LYING WITHIN FORMER PORTION OP STATE HIGHWAY r 13. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND, RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: CITY OF SEATI'LE, CITY LIGHT DEPARTMENT PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY MAY 14, 1980 8005140434 USE OF A PORTION OF 'TIIE CITY OF SEATTLE TRANSMISSION LINE BASEMENT RIGHT OF WAY z 14. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: RENTON PROPERTIES LLC CHICAGO 1TILE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T A COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) OrdcrNo.: 1222647 Your No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCEPl'IONS AND, RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: RVA CENTER LLC SEPTBMBER 27, 2001 20010927001010 MOTlJAL RELEASE OF CLAIMS .u 15. RELINQUISHMENT OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHKAY NUMBER 1 AND OF LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR BY DEED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: RECORDED: RECORDING NOMBER: MAY 31, 1962 5433614 a 16. CONDEMNATION OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHHAY NUMBER 1 AND OF LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR BY KING COUNTY DECREE TO STATE OF WASHINGTON: ENTERED, SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER: AUGUST 21, 1962 590383 AC 17. RELINQUISHMENT OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER SR 405 AND OF LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR BY DEED TO THE STATE OP WASHINGTON: RECORDED: RECORD ING NUMBER: AUGUST 14, 1987 8708140473 AD 18. RELINQUISHMENT OF ACCESS TQ STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER SR 405 AND OF LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR BY DEED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: AUGUST 14, 1987 8708140474 .u 19. RELINQUISHMENT OP ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER SR 405 AND OF LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR BY ACCEPTANCE OF DEED FROM THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T A. COMMlTMBNT SCHEDULEB (Continued) OrderNo.: 1222647 -Your No.: TRITON TOWBRS RECORDING NUMBER: SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 8709151119 u 20. RIGHT OF THE PUBLIC TO MAKE NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS OR PILL.S OPON SAID PREMISES IN THE REASONABLE ORIGINAL GRADING OF STREETS, AVENUES, ALLEYS AND ROADS AS DEDICATED IN THE PLAT. AFFECTS: PORTION OF SAID PREMISES LYING WITHIN THE PLAT OF RENTON VIEW AB 21. MATI'ERS DISCLOSED BY A SURVEY OF SAID PREMISES BY BOCK & CLARK'S NATIONAL SIJRVEYING NETWORK, DATED JANUARY 12, 1998, UNDER JOB NUMBER 971014-1.0, LAST REVISED JULY 30, 2001, UNDER JOB NUMBER 20010525-1, AS FOLLOWS: MINOR ENCROACHMENTS OP THE CHAIN LINK FENCE BORDERING THE SR-405 RIGHT OF WAY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID PREMISES. ll' 22 • GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPA!D ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOONTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES J : YEAR, TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS; GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: 2008 723160-0542-08 2110 $ 3,649,300.00 $10,707,800.00 BILLED: $140,389.98 PAID: $ 66,579_2'7 UNPAID: $ 73,810.71 AFFECTS: TAXABLE PORTION OF ONE RENTON PLACE - M 23. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEA.~ (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : ClilCAGO TI1LE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) OrderNo.: 1222647 Your No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS YEAR, TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: 2008 723160-0542-99 2110 $ NOT AVAILABLE SNOT AVAILABLE BILLED: $ 0. 00 PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ 0.00 AFFECTS; SPECIAL TAXES FOR CONSERVATION AS TO THE EXEMPT PORTION OF ONE RENTON PLACE. Alt 24. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS PRESENTLY CLASSIFIED AS EXEMPT AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO THE COLLECTION OF BACK TAXES FOR A POSSIBLE 3 TO 10 YEAR PERIOD, DEPENDING UPON THE ACTUAL USE CLASSIFICATION OP THE PROPERTY DURING ITS :sxEMPT STATUS. INQUIRY SHOULD BE MADE TO THE KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE OR THE COMPANY FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: 723160-0542-99 2110 AL AFFECTS : GENERAL TAXES AS TO THE EXEMPT PORTION OF ONE RENTON PLACE . ....-25. UNRECORDED LEASE(S), INCLUDING TilE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: LESSEE(S): MACPHERSON' S INCORPORATED, BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS ; BMI, INCORPORATED; VISITING NURSE SERVICES OF THE NORTHWEST, INCORPORATED; KELl...Y SERVICES, INCORPORATED; TRINITY CONSULTANTS, INCORPORATED; DYNAMIC COMPOTING SER.VICES CORPORATION; MERIDIAN TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INCORPORATED; MEDIAMOSAIC, INCORPORATED; RAINIER PACIFIC MORTGAGE COMPANY, INCORPORATED; CHASE MANHA.Tr.AN MORTGAGE CORPORATION; THE BOEING CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.TA COMMITMl!NT SCHEDULEB ( Continued) OrderNo.: 1222647 Yon:r No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS DISCLOSED BY: DO 26. LABOR AND/OR MATERIAL LIEN: CIAIMED BY: AGAINST: IN THE AMOUNT OF: WORK COMMBNCRD OR MATERIAL DELIVERED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: r,p 27. IABOR AND/OR MATERIAL LIEN: CLAIMED BY: AGAINST: IN THE AMOUNT OF: WORK COMMENCED OR MATERIAL DELIVERED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: COMP.ANY; FARMERS INSURANCE BX CHANGE; OS WEST DEX, INCORPORATRD; SEA-LAND SERVICE, INCORPORATED; PACIFIC LEGAL SERVICES; FLUOR DANIEL GTI ; RHO COMP.ANY, INCORPORATED; WASHINGTON CITIES INSURANCE AUTHORITY; KNIGHT VALE AND GROCERY INC., P.S.; BAR-S FOODS, CO.; AND AMERICAN MCJLTILINE CORPORATION AFFIDAVIT AND TENANT LIST PROVIDED TO THIS COMPANY RJ FISHER COMPANY JSH PROPETIES/GREYSTONB MASONRY LLC $15,195.79 SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 JANUARY 4, 2008 20080104001533 APEX STONE, INC. GREYSTONB MASONRY, L.L.C. $18,027.65 DECEMBER 19, 2007 FEBRUARY 14, 2008 20080214000006 THB AMOUNT OF SAID LIEN" WAS ADJUSTED TO $15,320.00 BY AMENDED LIEN RECORDED FEBRUARY 25, 2008, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20080225002226 DO 28. I.J\BOR AND/OR MATERIAL I...Ifilif: CLAIMED BY: HOLMES ELECTRIC CO. CHICAGO TIILE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULES (Continued) Order No.: 122264 7 Your No.,: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS AGAINST: IN THE AMOUNT OF: WORK COMMENCED OR MATERIAL DELIVERED: RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER: THE PLAZA AT YARROW BAY LLC AND GREYSTONE MASONRY, LLC $ 30,270.94 SBPTEMBBR 28, 2007 APRIL 17, 2008 20080417001518 NI ITEMS 29 THROUGH 51, INCLIJSIVE, AFFECT TWO RENTON P!ACE AJJ 2 9 . BASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: CITY OF RBNTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ONE EXISTING 42" STORM SBWER LINE WITH NECESSARY APPURTENANCES PORTION OF PARCEL 1 LYING WITHIN A STRIP OF LAND 15 FEET IN WIDTH APRIL 28, 1980 8004280514 SAID EASEMENT IS A RE-RECORD:::NG OP EASEMBNT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8002200543. M 30. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT APPURTENANCES SOOTHER.LY AND EASTERLY PORTIONS OF PARCEL 1 AUGUST 27, 1982 8208270357 ,u 31. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: a."""""""'"" CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL. T .A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULED (Continued) PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: OrderNo.: 1222647 Your No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCl!PTIONS PUGET SOUND POWER. & LIGIIT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOGETHER WITH ALL NECBS$AR.Y OR CONVENIENT APPORTENANCBS A STRIP OF LAND ao PEET IN WIDTH, BEING PARALLEL AND ADJACENT TO THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 2 OF SAID PRFMISES ( SAID 8 0 FEET ALSO BEING PARALLRL AND ADJACENT TO THE WESTERLY LINE OP THE TALBOT ROAD EXTENSION); AND OTHER PROPERTY AUGUST 27, 1982 8208270358 .as NOTE: SAID BASEMENT IS Al.SO DELINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THB PACB OF THE SHORT PLAT. Kr 32. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS TIIEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBOTION SYSTEM TOGETHER WITii ALL NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT APPURTBNANC&S THERETO A STRIP OF LAND 45 FEET IN WIDTH BEING PARALLEL AND ADJACENT TO THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 2 (SAID 45 FEET BEING PARALLEL TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF RENTON VILLAGE PLACE) AUGUST 27, 1982 B208270359 AD NOTE: SAID BASEMEN;:' IS ALSO DELINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE FACE OF THE SHORT PLAT. Av 33. UNDERGROOND UTILITY EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Order No.: 122264 7 your No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCBPTIONS PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ELBCI'RIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT APPURTBNANCBS THE WBST 20 FRB"I' OF THE: BAST 380 FEET OF THE NORTH 3 0 PE.ET OF THE SOUTH 100 FEET OF PARCBL 2; AND THB WBST 45 FEET OF THE BAST 365 FEET OF THE NORTH 25 FEET OF THE SOOTH 70 FEET OF PARCEL 2 NOVEMBER 4, 1985 8511040582 CONTAINS COVENANT PROHIBITING STRUCTORBS OVRR SAID BASEMBNT OR O'I'HBR ACTIVITIES WHICH MIGHT ENDANGER THE UNDERGROUND SYSTEM. NOTE: SAID EASEMENT IS ALSO DELINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE FACE OF THE SHORT PLAT . .ax 34. BASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: CITY OP RENTON, A MONICIPAL CORPORATION PUBLIC UTILITIES ( INCLUDING WATER AND SEWER) WITH NECESSARY APPURTENANCES A PORTION OF THE NORTH 5 FEET OF PARCEL 1 LYING WITHIN LOTS 11 AND 12, BLOCK 5 OF SAID PLAT OCTOBER 3, 1986 8610030727 AT 35. EASEMENT AND TIIE TERMS .AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: CITY OF RENTON, A MONICIPAL CORPORATION CI.TACMB2{F,DA/um CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.TA. COMMlTMENT SCHEDULEB PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: ( Continued) Order No.: 122264 7 Your No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS LOCATE AND MAINTAIN THE DRAIN IN AND UNDBR RIGHT OF WAY EASTERLY AND SOOTHBRLY PORTIONS OF PARCEL 2 DECEMBER 3, 1986 8612031437 ..u NOTE: SAID EASEMENT rs ALSO DELINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE FACE OP THE SHORT PLAT. a 36. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRAN'I'BE: PORPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION PUBLIC UTILITIES (INCLUDING WATER AND SEWER) WITH NECESSARY APPURTBN.ANCBS SOUTHERLY PORTION OF PARCEL 2 DECBMBBR 19, 1986 8612191501 H SAID EASEMENT IS A RE-RECORDING OF EASEMENT RECORDED ONDER. RBCORDING NUMBER 8610030717. NOTE: SAID EASEMENT IS ALSO DELINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE FACE OF THE SHORT PLAT. m 37. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION MAINTENANCE, TESTING AND INSPECTION OF A FIRE MAIN AND HYDRANTS WITH THE NECESSARY APPURTENANCES WESTERLY PORTION OF PARCEL 2 AND OTHER PROPERTY DECEMBER 19, 1986 8612191502 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.LT .A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) Order No.: 122264 7 your No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCEl'TIONS NOTE: SAID EASEMENT IS ALSO DELINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE FACE OF THE SHORT PLAT. u 38 _ EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTBB, PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDBD: RB CORDING NOMBER: PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION OPERATING, rnSP:SC'TING, MAINTAINING, REMOVING, REPAIRING, REPLACING AND USING A COt+mNICATION LINE WITH .ALL CONNECTIONS AND APPURTENANCES THl!RETO THE WEST 10 FEET OF PARCBL 2 AND OTHER PROPERTY DECEMBER 19, 1986 8612191503 .8Q NOTE: SAID EASEMENT IS ALSO DELINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE FACE OF THE SHORT PLAT. BB 39. ONDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE, PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED : RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET somm POWER & LIGlfl' COMPANY, A KA.SHINGTON CORPORATION ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT APPURTENANCES THE NORTHERLY 10 FEET OF PARCEL 1 AND OTHER PROPERTY DECEMBER 19, 1986 8612191504 CONTAINS COVENANT PROHIBITING STRUCTURES OVER SAID EASEMENT OR OTHER ACTIVITIES WHICH MIGHT ENDANGER THE UNDERGROUND SYSTEM . .sz 40. EASEMENT AND THE TERY.S AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CHICAGO TIILE INSURANCE OOMPANY A.L.TA COMMITMENT PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTHD: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: SCHEDULEB (Continued) Order No.: 122264 7 Yam No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCl!PTIONS CORPORATION MAINTENANCE, TESTING AND INSPECTION OF FIRE MAIN AND HYDRANTS PORTIONS OF PARCEL 2 AND OTHER PROPERTY DECEMBER 22, 1986 8612221310 BJ NOTE: SAID EASEMENT IS ALSO DELINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE PACE OF THE SHORT PLAT. u 41. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: AR.BA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: OPERATING, INSPECTING, MAINTAINING, REMOVING, REPAIRING, REPLACING AND USING THREE PROTECTION POSTS, AN EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS LANE, INGRESS AND EGRESS AND AN EXISTING LANDSCAPE AREA WESTERLY PORTIONS OP PARCEL 2 AND OTHER PROPERTY DECEMBER 22, 1986 8612221311 SAID INSTRUMENT CONTAINS PROVISIONS FOR BEARING THE COST OF MAINTENANCE, REPAIR OR RECONSTRUCTION OF THE RIGHT OF WAY FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, LANDSCAPE AND EMERGEKCY VEHICLE ACCESS BY THE USERS. u 42. RECIPROCAL ACCESS AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: EXECUTED BY: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY, A WASHINGTON GENERAL P.AR'INERSHIP DECEMBER 23, 1986 8612231195 INGRESS AND EGRESS OF VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC 1a1 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO RECIPROCAL ACCESS AGREEMENT: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.T.A. COMMITMENT RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: SCHED.ULEB (Continued) OrdcrNo.: 1222647 Your No.: TRITON TOWHRS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 8709291408 SECOND AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENT: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: SEPTEMBER 27, 2001 20010927001009 u 43. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: AREA AF'F'ECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PARKING AREA NORTHERLY PORTION OF PARCEL 2 DECEMBER 23, 1986 8612231196 so NOTE: SAID EASEMENT IS ALSO DELINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE FACE OF THE SHORT PIAT. ;u 44. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, DEDICATIONS, EASEMENTS, AGREEMENTS AND NOTES , AS CONTAINED IN CITY OP RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMl!NT NUMBER LUA-00-0141-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001 . .u: 45. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND, RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: RENTON PROPERTIES LLC RVA CENTER LLC SEPTEMBER 27, 2001 20010927001010 MUTO.AL RELEASE OF CLAIMS B'l' 46. Rm..INQUISHME:NT OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 1 AND OF LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR BY DEED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: RECORDED: APRIL 13, 1962 CIDCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.TACOMMITMl!NT SCHEDULEB (Continued) OtdcrNo.: 1222647 YourNo.: TRITON TOWERS RECORDING NUMBER: SPECIAL EXCEPl'IONS 5412513 1111 AFFECTS : PARCEL 1 sv 47. RELINQUISHMENT OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 1 AND OF LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR BY DEED TO TEE STATE OF WASHINGTON! RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: JUNE 26, 1964 5754046 Bit 48. RIGHT OF THE PUBLIC TO MAKE NECESSARY SLOPES FOR COTS OR FILLS UPON SAID PREMISES IN THE REASONABLE ORIGINAL GRADING OF STREETS, AVENUES, ALLEYS AND ROADS AS DEDICATED IN THE PLAT. u AFFECTS : PARCEL 1 a!' 49 . GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLODB INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR, TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL 1. 2008 723160-0595-04 2110 $190,300.00 $ 0.00 BILLED: $1,872.74 PAID: $ 936.37 ONPAID: $ 936.37 BZ 50. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON CHICAGO 1TILE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.TA.COMMITMENT SCHEDULBB (CODJ:inaod) OrderNo.: 1222647 your No.: TRITON TONERS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTERBST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR, TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LFN'f. CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS : PARCEL 2 • 2008 192305-9001-07 2110 $ 3,351,300.00 $ 14,778,600.00 BILLED: $180,032.88 PAID: $ 90,409.85 UNPAID:$ 89,623.03 Cl 51. UNRECORDED LEASE, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: LESS!lE (SI , DISCLOSED BY: THE BOBING COMPANY AFFIDAVIT AND TBNANT LIST PROVIDED TO THIS COMPANY ai ITEMS 52 THROUGH 70, INCLUSIVE, AFFECT THREE RENTON PLACE cc 52. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDrnG NUMBER: CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION INSTALLING, CONSTRUCTING, OPERATING, MAINTAINING, REMOVING, REPAIRING, REPLACING AND US ING A WATER LINE WITH ALL CONNECTIONS, MANHOLES AND APPURTENANCES THHRBTO EASTERLY PORTION OF SAID PREMISES MAY 29, 1974 7405290484 c:D NOTE: SAID EASEMENT IS ALSO DELINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE FACE OF THE SHORT PLAT. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.TA.COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) OrderNo.: 1222647 Your No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS a 53. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, T03ETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT APPORTENANCBS A STRIP OP LAND 100 FEET IN WIDTH HAVING 50 FEET OF SUCH WIDTH ON EACH SIDE OF THE CENTERLINE OF THE EXISTING TALBOT-O'BRIEN 230KV TRANSMISSION LINE WHICH CROSSES THE NORTHERLY PORTION OF SAID PREMISES; A STRIP OF LAND 80 FEET IN WIDTII, BBING PARALLEL AND ADJACENT TO THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LilIB OF SAID PREMISES {SAID 80 FEET ALSO BEING PARALLEL AND ADJACENT TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE TALBOT RO.AD EXTENSION) • AUGUST 27, 1982 8208270358 NOTE: SAID EASEMENT IS ALSO DBLINM'I'ED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE FACE OF THE SHORT PLAT. co 54. EASBMKNT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION MAINTENANCE, TESTING AND INSPECTION OF A FIRE MAIN AND HYDRANTS WITH THE NECESSARY APPURTENANCES WESTERLY PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY DECEMBER 19, 1986 8612191502 ar NOTE: SAID BASEMEN':' IS ALSO DELINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE FACE CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L. T .A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Colllimled) OrdcrNo.: 1222647 Yow-No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCBPTIONS OF THB SHORT PLAT. c:r 55. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS TIIEREOF: FOR.POSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION OPERATING, INSPECTING, MAINTAINING, REMOVING, REPAIRING, REPLACING AND USING A COMMUNICATION LINE WITH ALL CONNECTIONS AND APPURTENANCES THE WEST 10 FEET OP SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY DECEMBER 19, 1986 8612191503 NOTE: SAID EASEMENT IS ALSO DRLINEA.TED .MD/OR DEDICATED ON THB FACB OF THE SHORT PLAT. a: 56 • UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDlliG NUMBER: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY CONNECTIONS AND APPOl<TENANCES WESTERLY PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY DECEMBER 19, 1986 8612191505 CONTAINS COVENANT PROHIBITING STRUCTURES OVER SAID EASEMENT OR OTHER ACTIVITIES WHICH MIGHT ENDANGER THE UNDERGROUND SYSTEM. NOTE: SAID EASEME1o""T IS ALSO DELINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE FACE OP THE SHORT PLAT. or 57. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: CIUCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T A COMMlTMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Order No.: 122264 7 Your No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS CITY OP RENTON, A MONICIPAL CORPORATION MAINTENANCE, TESTING AND INSPECTION OF A FIRE MAIN AND HYDRANTS WITH THE NECESSARY APPURTENANCES PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY DECEMBER 22, 1986 8612221310 NOTE: SAID BASEMENT IS ALSO DBLINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE FACB OF Tim SHORT PLAT. co 58. BASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: AREA. AFFECTBD : RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: OPBRATING, INSPECTING, MAINTAINING, REMOVING, REPAIRING, REPLACING AND USING THREE PROTECTION POSTS, AN EMBRGBNCY VEHICLE ACCESS LANE, INGRESS AND EGRESS AND AN EXISTING LANDSCAPE AREA WESTERLY PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES .AND OTHER PROPERTY DECEMBER 22, 1986 8612221311 SAID INSTRUMENT CONTAINS PROVISIONS FOR BEARING THE COST OF MAINTENANCE, REPAIR OR RECONSTRUCTION OF THE RIGHT OF WAY FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, LANDSCAPING AND EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS BY THE USERS. co NOTE: SAID EASEMENT IS ALSO DELINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE FACE OF THE SHORT PLAT. at 59. RECIPROCAL ACCESS AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: EXECUTED BY: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: RENTON VILLA.GE COMPANY, A WASHINGTON GENERAL PAR'nlERSHIP DECEMBER 23, 1986 8612231195 INGRESS AND EGRESS OP VEHICULAR AND • ClllCAGO TIILE INSURANCE COMPANY Al.TA. COIIIMlTMl!.NT SCHEDULEB (ConlmDcd) OrdcrNo.: 1222647 Yam No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS PEDES'IRIAN TRAFFIC AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO RECIPROCAL ACCESS AGREEMBNT: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 8709291408 SECOND AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENT: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: SEPTEMBER 27, 2001 20010927001009 cu 60. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EASEMRNT FOR PARKING ARRA, ESTABLISHED OVER AND ACROSS ADJOINING LANDS FOR THE BENEFIT OF SAID PREMISES BY INSTRUMENT: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: DECEMBER 23, 1986 8612231196 SAID INSTRUMENT CONTAINS PROVISIONS FOR BEARING THE COST OF MA.INTENANCE, REPAIR OR RECONSTRUCTION OF THE PARKING AREA BY THE USERS. CN 61. UNDERGROUND UTILITI EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: PUGET SOOND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT APPURTENANCES PORTION OF SAID PREMISES LYING WITHIN A STRIP OF LAND 15 FEET IN WIDTH CJilC"GO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T .A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Cootinued) RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: OrderNo.: 1222647 YomNo.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS DECEMBER 26, 1986 8612260353 CONTIUNS COVENANT PROHIBITING STRUCTURES 0VBR SAID EASEMENT OR OTHER ACTIVITIES WHICH MIGHT ENDMGER THE UNDBRGROUND SYSTEM. Cl" NOTE: SAID EASEMENT IS ALSO DELINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE FACE OF THE SHORT PLA.T. er 62. UNDERGROUND OTILITY EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY OR CONVEN'IENT APPURTENANCES PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES FEBRUARY 24, 1987 8702240819 CONTAINS COVENANT PROHIBITING STRUCTURES OVER SAID EASEMENT OR OTHER ACTIVITIES WHICH MIGHT ENDANGER THB UNDERGROUND SYSTEM. NOTE: SAID EASEMENT IS ALSO DELINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE FACB OP THE SHORT PLAT. D.l. 63. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORD ING NUMBER: CITY OF RENTON, A MONICIPAL CORPORATION PUBLIC UTILITIES (INCLUDING WA.TER AND SEWER) WITH NECESSARY APPURTENANCES NORTHERLY PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES JUNB 9, 1987 8706091484 • • CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.T .A. COMMlTMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) Order No.: 1222647 YourNo.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS mi NOTE: SAID EASEMENT IS ALSO DELINEATED AND/OR DEDICATED ON THE FACE OF THE SHORT PLAT. DC 64. BASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRJ\NTEE, PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: CITY OF RENTON, A MONICIPAL CORPORATION SIDIDiALKS, FIRE HYDRANTS, STREET LIGHTS AND TRAFFIC ISLAND AND APPURTENANCES EASTERLY PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES OCTOBER 9, 1987 8710090448 PD 65. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, DEDICATIONS, BASEMENTS, AGREEMENTS AND NOTES , AS CONTAINED IN CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER LUA-00-0141-LIA, RECORDED ONDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001. ~ 66. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND, RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: RENTON PROPERTIES LLC RVA CENTER LLC SEPTEMBER 27, 2001 20010927001010 MUTUAL RELEASE OF CLAIMS ,n 67. CONDEMNATION OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 515 AND OF LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR BY KING COONTY DECREE TO STATE OF WASHINGTON: ENTRRED, SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER: AUGUST 21, 1962 761065 zx; 68. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (A..'10tJNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : • ClilCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AL.TA COMMITMENT YEAR, TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: SCHEDULEB (Continued) Order No.: 122264 7 Yom No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 2008 192305-9023-01 2110 ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: $ 4,235,100.00 $14,635,400.00 GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: BILLED: $184,657.70 PAID: $ 92,328.85 UNPAID: $ 92,328.85 llll 69. UNRECORDED LEASE, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: •• 70 . DI 71. LESSEE: DISCLOSED BY: LABOR AND/OR MATERIAL LIEN: CLAIMBD BY: AGAINST: IN THE AMOUNT OF: WORK COMMENCED OR MATERIAL DRLIVERED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: MULTIPLE ZONES INTERNATIONAL AFFIDAVIT AND RENT ROLL PROVIDED TO THIS COMPANY APEX STONE, INC. GREYSTONE MASONRY, L.L.C. $18,027.65 DECEMBER 19, 2007 FEBRUARY 14, 2008 20080214000005 THE AMOUNT OF SAID LIEN WAS ADJUSTED TO $20,735.30 BY AMENDED LIBN RECORDED FEBRUARY 25. 2008, UNDER RBCORDING NUMBER 20080225002227 IMPORTANT t t THI.S TRANSACTION HAS NOT BERN APPROVED POR INSURANCE AGAINST UNRECORDED LABOR AND MATERIAL LID RIGHTS NOR POR MAT'l'BRS THAT COULD BE DISCLOSED BY AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE SUR.VBY 0!" THE LAND. YOU MAY NOT CLOSE UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED A SUPPLEMENTAL PROM THE TITLE UNIT ADDRESSING THIS PARAGRAPH l ' . ClilCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.LT.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) Order No.: 122264 7 your No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS TO PROVIDE AN EXTENDED COVERAGE LENDER'S POLICY GENERAL EXCEPTIONS A THROUGH D WILL BB CONSIDERED WHEN OUR INSPECTION AND/OR REVIEW OF SURVEY, IF REQUIRED, IS COMPLETED. A SUPPLEMENTAL C0MMITM8NT WILL FOLLOW. ro 72. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT FOR RENTON PROPERTIES LLC . .rzr NOTE: A COPY OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT, AND AMBNDMBNTS THERETO, IF ANY, MUST BE SUBMITTED. m. 73. ANY CONVEYANCE OR MORTGAGE BY RENTON PROPERTIES LLC, MOST BE EXECUTED rn ACCORDANCE WITH THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGRBBMBNT AND BY ALL TH8 MEMBERS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SPOUSES OR REGISTERED DOMESTIC PARTNERS A$ OF THE DATE OF ACQOISITION, OR EVIDENCE MUST BB SUBMIITED THAT CERTAIN DESIGNATED MANAGERS/MEMBERS HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO ACT FOR THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NJ 74. PENDING ACTION IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT: CAUSE NUMBER: FILED: BEING AN ACTION FOR : PLAINTIFF: DEFENDANT: ATI'ORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF: 08-2-07273-8KNT FEBRUARY 27, 2008 CONDEMNATION OF PORTIONS OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTIES FOR STATE HIGHWAY ST 405 STATE OF WASHINGTON THR PLAZA AT YARROW BAY, INC. , THE BOEING COMPANY, THE CITY OF RENTON AND KING COUNTY ROBERT M. MCKENNA u:r A LIS PRNDRNS OF SAID ACTION WAS RECORDED ON MARCH 25, 2008 UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20080325000435. NOTE 1: EFPBCTIVE JANUARY 1 , 19 9 7, DOCUMENT FORMAT AND CONTENT REQU!RBMENTS HAVE BEEQ IMPOSED BY WASHINGTON LAW. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE DOCUMENT BY THE COUNTY RECORDER OR rnPOSITION OF A $50.00 SURCHARGE. CLT~ • CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULEB (Continued) Onic:rNo.: 1222647 Yom No.: TRITON TOWERS SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS FOR DETAILS OF TH&SE STATEWIDE REQUIREMENTS PLEASE VISIT "nlE KING COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE WEBSITE AT fflfW.MBTROlCC.GOV/RBCBLBC/UCORDS AND SELECT OHLIRE FORMS AND DOCOIIDIT STAm>ARDS. THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCOMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH TH8 REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 65.04. SAID ABSREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION rs NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF TICE DOCUMENT: PORS LOTS 1-11, VOLUME 33 PLATS 25; PORS BL0CRS 11&12, VOLUME 17 PLATS PG 74. PORS NEQ SECTION 19-23-5; AND PARCELS B&C, RENTON ELA #LOA 00-141, REC #20010507900001. AS OF SEPTEMBER 18, 2008, THE TAX ACCOUNTS FOR SAID PREMISES ARE 723160-0542-08, 723160-0542-99, 723160-0595-04, 192305-9001-07, AND 192] 05-9023 -01. END OP SCIIEDULI!:: B ' -• @ 'lUlFIFTIIAVENUE,#3400,SEATI'LE, WA 98104 CHICAGO TfTI..._ .NSURANCE COMPANY PHONEc (206)623-S610 FAX: (71l6)628-9717 IMPORTANI': Tins is not a Sliney. It is lumlshed as a """'"8ioace to lo<ate tho land mdi<atodhereoa. willl refen:aceto lbeeb aadother land. No 6abi6tyb asaumedl'!'......., of ,eliam:c mcGJl.. .·~:-l '"'-. ··->·· . . , ',, ........ --,. -.--- • ' "'"'"' .. !" i ll'f',r"-:,l~'f ;;-----;,..,1/ TRITON EASEMENTS NEEDED: NORTH EAST SOUTH # EASEMENT No. # EASEMENT No. # EASEMENT No. l 7405290484 l 8004280514 1 3171112 2 8208270358 2 8208270357 1 3171114 3 8612191502 3 8208270358 1 3196045 4 8612191503 4 8208270359 1 3364199 5 8612191505 5 8511040582 1 3367763 6 8612221310 6 8610030727 1 3365711 7 8612221311 7 8612031437 l 3387249 8 8612231195 8 8612191501 l 3664559 9 8612231196 9 8612191502 1 3664560 10 8612260353 10 8612191503 1 7210300117 11 8702240819 11 8612191504 1 7210300118 12 8706091484 12 8612221310 2 6631804 13 8710090448 13 8612221311 3 7909210721 14 8709291408 4 8208270357 15 8612231196 5 8212090488 16 20010507900001 6 8408020473 17 5412513 7 8610030727 18 5754046 8 8612191504 9 8612311880 9m 9005161048 9m 9005161048 9m 8612311880 ---·-----.. __ ·,·?:_· :r; :'?Bt\'''J::i:f t,Jf\f_f_'._i •,\:~_:::},/ e -, . '-ii -,· :-:;_::·fl -t}<,;"'.'•f:,,'.·_:0'-,£ :Tff~tf",ZNl>BIITllRE ·madeithb .'k~day of, _,4,,,,,;<. ·, .1974,' t,;&t:weei,·:,::• ~/}-:_ ~:l _ · .. •,. > P.®._~-S()'9fiD'. ~: ~-.'li"IG8T r;<>>WAWJ:, _ a Wash~ c_orp'ora t ion . ( '.I_Qr~lj.ttff;.-::~-,_: l!ll181{~t:~;~;:;;~;;;:. ~{·>~·· ·0 \~~9'J~:d~: ·~na·.p7rfo~ca,'bY:Grantee of the covenants herein.after set forth,· -~-~ :cy ·> Gt:'~ntor,~h_ereby. SJ:r:a,n:t::~ _ .unt:o _Grantee a _ perpetual e_asement ,qver, across '_ .:: .. ::~J.r.-·._ ,·.>·(::i·ana;-,_.u:l)«:ier:··=-tbe·., f_Dl·l0Wing··.de:!!,¢J::'ibed ·property-, si t . .uated 'in 'King-_·county-,· . ·:lf:ijJ:::'<~~r~tJ:}:~}i:tJtf th~.~~~t i;1Lf the' Nor_theast'l/4_ of the . ' .. ---. ~ f;--: _. :_-_.:i.qo.r;t_he~.s·'t·:".1/ 4·: (!f-:· ~'~~_l;..1._r;)D._ Jc.~,_·:; To.wnsh :i.p-: ,·2 3: Nortjl,: ..-Ita:nge, ·5 .. .._ ::f: ;;;:... ··:(:~.&;.!$t,_',]t/M,i:/: i·~11.ci~Up.:i,n9-,.1p.ock. -2·~-\-Walswoi~h I s _ls"t.:·Addition . ,~ ... . ·.·J:C.V~htoiir, .. '~ecbt"d_8&...in .Volume.-6· of Plats .• ~ge .. :23,· iecor·ds. '· !.:o.f_.:,s.~fd, ·cio.Uilty·:; .. jYin9 · ~.outheiiy. o_f .. Gr~dy waY_,;· · · · · .,,;l~·,. \~ei~~:~nt·.;.s;fciot:'.·F:"~s:ate~t .. : . ...: .. · . ·:Tp.~f:·_ppl:'._f::;.O_n ... :of:.tl:t'ei_:abQ·ve d~ScribEld property lying within _.55· :··;fee·t,_:·.aS:-~~~tife_d··. at; right:·ii#9les soUthwesterly. and westerly Qf . ,~_d .j)a-i~l.I:~_1,:·. ~if.h. :t_he:. '~0~-10Wi..ng-.de.scribed C¢ri~e:;.i-irie-~-.a·s· Shciwri. · :.: '. 9h(J.tliu1.~fngt,On .. ·.$t"at8 ;·_-~_ig~Way :_:()apartment" Ri"gl:tt of· WaY,:)?tan ~f: S:il ·-<.~:;~:/·C~~i::n.~_tt ·st!e,;rt· -.8-~teJ)~i_On}. :I:",P_ · 5. l,5. ·t~:i MP : 7-.:~P(~~.n:t~.J'.'i· · -,.y;1.:c1n-1.ty._: · =,. .Car:t ~Road_:· to. G.t.ady -Wtiy-, Sheet ~ o·f _.11 _·-sheets.·'. c:ipJ)_r.oved. ·Nov~e:r·:.$~---j97l:·: : . .'B8g~nn.illg .at the int.er.section .(H·~E~s:~: .·4·33f9.9;83l;-· .. 0:f:. t))e .. ·_cen.~e_r~ . .i,!}ea _o.f. ·G_ra!if'.Way · <1nd SR 515 (au·rnet't· .st,re~t).~ ·--the_n·ce :s ·J·2~s,1. .. •.··49_~ .. E .. a1cor~g .sairl :centerline ·2 31.-66 . .f:e"Gt· (H~ ~-·._s.: .431+6'8_.17):."·'· . . i':~9;;_ the _P . .:·.S-'·.':(?f.' a, c.u;.ye·.,~!)·:ttt~ right ha~tin~r, a:. r·ad.i,U5, Of ·,..700~:9.Q,.-_ ·... _.;.-· · feet:-.::,therice.··.along· ·,sai_d:·cu;rve.· through ·a ·-.central _.a;rtgle ·o_f, .J-s_r32:1:.",. ·.~ .:-40." .fo:r.·_a .. dfs4fl.C:"=e·'.o.f ... (34.:2f_f8et to t.he· P.-E_ •. :-0.f'isaid.,c~rv:~: ... (H.~'E;~·/ :-.·. 4.;?7+33 ..... 91)-;. th<!nc.&.;_corit"inuin.g· along· aaid' ceriterline_. s.· .02.a 40.' 51,." · · ·_w .. ·99_~.51.·,·f~et _tO. the .:_terminus ··of-: said ceriterline · (H~E:~s~· · .4_26+34'; 4 f.;· EX9E,'T< pJJblic _:i-oadi. : · · · · · · :a> :.:remJ'O~ar.i 2s~fo~t · C~n:~~·rtict.ion E~sement. · . ~·. . . .. : Th,ilt port.ion of, the above described property lying '..Within .. 7~ · · ._:.fee:t:,;::a·S ·m:ea.aur.ed .at _right-,~ng;l.es. southwesterly a-o.ii 'West~rl"y_ :Of_· .. an.a .. pa~8:l}.~1''~ith ~e ·foll~-in·g describe~ centerline:·. Beginn_in:g··. ··. ·at,-.the. j.nte_r.E;ection .. (H.E.S.:"·433+_99.-83)_ of the .centerlines ,of ·· :Gi=;~y Way··a_nd -S~·-515.=-(euin~t,t .street), Right Of way Plan,·;s·R .... 5~5_:·;(Bl,l_r;net:t· StZ'.eet -·E~t'9nBiol)): MP 5.-.15 to MP-1 •. 22 ·Renton ·Y_i:cin~· itjl'S -.Cur-:·RO:a.d· to Gra"dy·-Way.·, S_heet··6.of ,11_-sheets,-· app'roved No.Vembi;ir,: S/ 19.71; .-thSnc::e :.5 -32.0 51 1 49"-E aJ.ong_ said .c_ent:e'rl-iile , 23{ •. 66. feet-(H.E.S. Hl+68.17) -to the-P.T. of. a curve to-the·· i.igh.t·, ha:vin·g·.a:·.:rc'.ldius.·of 100_.oo:·_feet~ thenCe··alon9-. said. ~ur~, thr~Ugb··<jl.,·centr~l ·angle· ot·'3S 0 32'4C 11 for·a die;tance of· 4)4.26: .·.,f~e:t JO,_the-.P~T:. ~·f ·said.·curve -.{H.E~S. __ 427+33.:9:J.__).'l;.thE?h_c,e · · ~. contini.li.ng, · .. alqri9, said ce~ter:J;ine ·.s 02 lj40 1 'H ~ w._. ·.9~ •. 51. :feet .to._.: .. _the tetntin_us .Of sail;i centerline. (H.-E.S • .:.l6+34-..4H· EXCEPT .. pu~liC' .r~·~as~· · ·· · · · ·· . -~j,:j.· temp_oi-ary --~OnStrliqt_irin: easement .sh<:111 :· remain _in· fore~_ .d\l~:-:, · .... · ii:ig-: eoD!iitructi.on and ·lintil .. ·s_uch: time as the .water: ~.ine hllS ·. been ·.aC.cept.ed. for ... milllite_riance .. and ·'Qperation-by the .. Ci_tY ·qf ·. ,en1;(>n_,. fOr_>thf!: ·p~rp_ose-of· us-2:iig·_ t~e ·abOve des·c:ribed. ar~a ·durin1:3 c.:on-· struction· and l.1,1,stallatic:m-·o~ ... a wate! line .with all c~ntjectiqfl;s, manhoies. and il.ppr~·teriances.·.thereto on. the proPertY·:hereinabov'e . described ·in the ·pe.rmarien_t· easement; . but i~ n.o eve_nt.-"'.tater.' thilJ'i·.. . FE!:br.ua"ry"· 1, .197-5 •... Sa·itl. eaSem!9rtt being·.·for_ .the p\.lrpri1?e Of-:i~s·tall- ·ing ,, const·r_uet~i:ig;.. op~~~tit19'; ·. ms int.a ininy. ·.removiri9, repifir-~:ng_, re_Placil'lg · and usihg .a. ~af_.e~: .. ~irie_ ·with· all conn,ections, manhole.a · a_nd.: appurte_n851-ees ···thereto, ,is gi:"anted -on·, the .foll(:>W.ing. tBrfflS ,and< cOnditiOns:. · T S /1 S ) i • -~ .... ~ -~ ----~ ·-:-:-;;-.,-.~ ---~--._ - ' ' . . . ' - ~Pt{f~·~·.:~~\/('}';.::\ :,),\/{.\ .. :;.\,·•: .}\.'):'·'·~:/ .. :. :"'.':.!;'-·sX,('.·.<~.;.,;_.:.:;···,.,•,.;.., < ,i-:," "t• .. :/;~::i(X~.·.f; ·i)~ f ~~~r ;11(,~t'.fat{J,:S:. ~ ,."'~"::.:::G:1Z~~1,[l I J·~,\ :. , --, .. , 2.4, inch•.• ib~irle, 'di~me~or: ,4~ ~l:J. ~g~nn,e~~1.?ns ~ -mc$n~-~~e,_.;:.a,~~_.;.-~PP.'r~:·te~"':,~·-<;.;-;.-,.::_.. :·.(.jJ~i J:'.: 1· · , ::,, . ,ano11.s , tt,eretQ;, ad~" lino •of·,p~pe . ta ;be, b,ined at,·J,east• :th~e~·.:f~~;;,: be~ll~ < ,, :.,:<.' :, '.\ ': l"_:-. ·t::\i>·· . .','.tlie;· ii,~,=.iJ'Jt~·,t_~ini~a.9_•f of·/t.h8'Jgr6uri_(I_ -.at:·:.all,.poirit_S .. , _.·_:G.tant:~_E!:: ag"re_eEl~\tO;.· .. , ·.; .. ·-.·-:,. · · :k.<,, ?·~\=~:./i'~&t~tl~-;.-_lJld\'.IQAiJl_thl;n.' .Subiit.SJ)i.i~f · .pe~-in~ni: ·-ma_r ~e~s.·'..at_. :bb_J;li.. 8rids : of·. e·ai_di; > M?t"'.i/N~:f~ii:t.t:Y.\O,}:~.J:l~t. ~~911.t;':.o~ :":1IT~;{ .. hei!!l?Y\'9J:a~ted :_ sjilf ic;l~"ut;;_1:9.; g_i Yfil:: r,~t1·c·e .-. .::-:, .. ·,: '· t~r. \, _,._,,·L~:_.~o.')~-1·~;'.,:;'P~z:'lf.()_~~:;;~f :·. th'.Er!:,:,_~9C~ti?~=-;of·,; G;c:ant.ee t. s ·.buri:ed ·.'filQjl_i~i.~s .• f !~J/•1}}::it;J!Ji!i(ifi&;~;ft;i~i\!tiffl!i~fs~r~yt~ta~~?~;s~~~,i;~~;~~!!~.il)i,., I.'> ,gi,:,me,.,cl, .!•l\d,:frp~\11,il·.<>Jaiiiis, fQr, ~µoh, damage. by wh0111s<>eyer: made and to :. t-'·.· :<. :inclainn:i;f1;..l;rJ1ntor.:for,,aU: .. s,uch: .. loss, dantage •and clal.Dli!,· . ·,. · , · , \f ;.j}'.;,:~}ii1f~1ri~i::i~~~~i(if t~ti!~!{!~\~nrh±0~:;;;·•.::~~:~:::'.~;,~i:Y·ii .:.i; . .-/ .. d·',:.~,,,:.,~.s-~p~~.'.'1.:u?;_~s~.:':~ue:~,.J-~_111:5 ··.Q;,.:. da~ge<is :·.-<Jue ·.t.o. ·_negligel.kt,-~ct .o~. :.om_i_ssio~· :_t_~.-. ___ ·:'; 1_-_:'._~.-.•:•.·.·_• .. i_._· ... ~_\_::_~.~-.. • .... ;_,_· __ ···.·.::_·.·, of ~~;t:0 :~a::~:::i:s::::::::::~:e :::::::ef::~::Y .. increases . i11 : thes ·, , ·:i:-'0i;iC:i:i$.s~~ssme·n.t.B:~Of ilny,_'kind. ::·1_ev1ed· · . .!lg8.inst _ the ab(')Ve,.daScE'lbed ·-'1·aJ1d:·.1:iy.·: .::~easoz:i ·: ()£. j;.h.e:··).:ns.:i;&_lla't_lOn· :q"f ··1;::~·:-~at.er.' line_,-. t~e .. u_se:.; .t_J:te%'e:_Of/-_:~:r,. the'. · :·: ~semerit/·1:18:r:~_:ln -_· ~ran ~~d·~·.:' .; .. '. . · · · · ·· · · · · ·· j·:·· 'i·: ·'. ·, • .;>. . ,";-· ·· .. i ;:. ·: ... -~::-.:·::'Gr~~or ~·e's~ves the ,right ::t·o .devE!ld~-~nd ·use . ."the-.-ian.d$· . .---.:ri~~~·. bi:ir8d .:bY this ·easemerit fo'r an!{ pu;r;pose not incons~liltent wit.h the r igllts gi&ri_ted_: herein~.: Without _limi=t;.i,ng the. gen.e.rality .of ~_tbE! for.egoi~g,. _ ;-(GJ:it,Jl1:or:'..r~se~88\:t.:he, r;i.Q'ht .. :at'.:any t·ime, tlnd·_·f_ront-1=:ime: to t.i_me;::. t0: c·on-: ::~~.tr'1~·1:: }~r·.'.·:i:;-eC?l'l.$t~11~f el-.•C:tZ'.i:,¢ ... Ti~~~ ,.. (w_hether. A~: or.· nc;;· .w~.e~t;x<.no~ ... :-.. · ,e>C~.:i;.ting: or. :·he+~ftei"· .. tQ. be -_·constructed)_ · o_n this ease~t ·in "_such l'l)ar,il'.l,er · /.t;h~f :Wi:I'.es .. -~.rid·;.()tije~--):·~;a..~·l;:_8c~f: str~~t~res. -may be. under, ·. ov~r·t: alQng'· and · :·~,r::·r9sS~ tl:iei ,l4rtds<en¢·e~ed··~y_;.this '_easement. .'-· / ... 6.\ G~al\~O~ r~s,er;;e~ the right .to grant access rights t; ~ther$ . ·: '.a_lP.ry:g:.of. :ac,r.oss . tht!· J.ai,ds .~.nC_-._eFed .. by thiS easeinen.t :·and. t6 .9+atj.t.=·anY ·· othei.·._r;ght ·.Which.: .. iS ... no't .inconsist~nt with the r:i'!)hts-h~~e~n .gr~tlt~_d tO ·."G:~: .. ~hte_e~ .. -. · · .. T/ .' :.~fant~·e iigr~tt!S -~o_ ·pr~vid~·-·~daquate arai:ll~g~ . tO .. ·pre;~t;'.' ·any·'. · ·)>~.c~p-,.o_f ·.-su1;£ac;:'e :\<f~te:~::o·V~~-. t;h8 eaS~rnent ·area .Or. ~~ant_or_'.9 e1:dj~Cen_t' : :-land -_whi.ch_' ~ay .-resu'.l t·.-·fro~ .G~~l'l:t;ee' s exercise of Said ·.e.asementi..i . :·· ·-. ·_8_~,: _ S'hO-U1i:i .·,the:. ___ ~a~8ai.~nt j1:t'ea be subseq\lently .il'Aproved-,: Gran_te~ · ag;c'.ei:_QS _ t_ha-t . ~-t shill).,· ·at· i.t.S-._,ole _ cost and expens_e, _.replace .. :o~:.--t:e~i;:ot"e: ·to ·-i.ts·.).1upr,Pved :condition·-'any .. B~c~. ·improvements ·which ~r.e· .. d_amaged ... oX',: · .. · ·destroY.ed ·. ~(s · the ·r~~ult .: o.£ _Grantee's .exercise of·. its-· rights· Qf. main tell-· .:_~c~.;· ·--:re~·~J:'·. or repl.aC~~n~ ~ · · . . . .. ' .· ' . . . gi~ c_ ··F0-1~:~in:9' · the_:\,lat~1t8tio,i of .said facilities,-. 'Gr~ri·t~e_··~..-9r_e~s_ ·_tO'·'res~re:-.. _t.he··ea_sEIJl)G.:nt: a·tea to :the Condition it'·was··in prior_ tt)· the·· ... ,··elterci:818· Qf · t'hE! rights_. her~in -granted. . . .. . · lQ. · .. _ -~~~nt~~. -a~1 .. ee·s··-~hat. should there be any.·.,~~t~~i~l :~X;,t~·~ed·-:· . 'frOm··Giaht6r~s Property w}lic_h·1S in exces13 of. the atrioµnt'.:r&qlli,;~4 to ... :.: -,:;res·tore.:·t_he ':su~faCo. to·.-its ·ori9'J.na1 .grade, such· ~xcess ·mat;.eiial shell!-: '·'·be. ·remo.~~ · a,t .·~rarit~.· s :e~ns~·· · · · ·i1 •. NC?· ~~signme~~--' ~~. the p.Civ(leges. and ben~fits ·_ B;CC:i:u~nq. t,o the: .: G:I'allte'e )'1ereul)der, .. by. oper~tion ,.?f ··l'~w. or otherwis~, $hall_: be:·.val~d· · w.ithOUt th8· ... prior written· co~~ent_ Qf Grantor. ·· · .12. · Th" ri,ghts and. obligabio~s of the parties .shall inu.re .to the l)i:tnefit ·pf·.-And ·.be. bindJ.ng· Ul)On th~~r. respective s\lc?es~Qr~ ·a:nd a.Bs.ig~s;. -z - -.. ---~ -( ' ~ . ' '• .. ~ --· . ? ,.... -~ ' 51~···· ._- rr:rir?~t'.~,~~f.:~{-/}</:,:Y:;·(~ ;\f:}}-' ' -' ; ;tI!;-.:.ttr:Wf .. ·'. .. -.. ·=.:.~, .... :.·:·· .. :.·:._,-•. '..· .. :.·1:.:.· .. ·:.:.: .. ::.:_ •. :.::.:_:.··._:•.·-·: ••. ~ .. ·:·····:·:·,.i·:.1 ... ~.:. ~t~~~2I'.1{r:?i·::':}:·:::-:; \->-i~::.:.::·-::·: ·-\: .: -_ ,,,;, ·<-, . ,.::/·;~, t I ~,r: ; ;, : '. _.; .. I.3,'. ·. ':\'llil' ·,;ighta:-,he..-,by ... grailte,r shail cease and ·deterniine, ,w~eyer 1-,~ ·;;·f·~Grl!,!l\:~e. •11!!,).t. h~_V'!. Pl'"'l'!!'!!ll,tly. •11,!>aridoned the use of ·ita · facilities ·• '~:-.•-·': · ; acco~ilatea .b'i· thie ·aaHunt. for. ii pedod of five years, , :._·,:.:_;_.'.,_•:··:.r.f ffi.: ... 1 .:.l.'.: .... f 1i~trt ·· · · · .; · ~ -...... :l# ,...'"j J . ~-. '.,By~~:J1ii~i~~~~4: ··:-'.; ·,. . '. . . . . ' · ·:,;,,;:-,.~, ·· --· --·_-.-_·· · .. --.· ·._ .. ·.· .'._/· ---·,-_·197_4, bef;ie ... ~;-th·_e,~-~:~d:~-;~t,~_;-~.<; . . {!. ·. _ :'PQ:r"SQ~-~1:1.Y.··appeared_=.-_Lmi_.L:i;E,,-"A,-._!fio., .. to.· me· knoWn; to·:bei··.the,.)Jari~ger~tteaf · ,_j .. :_· , :-.-.·ES·i~iff,_: Qi y"i~_iQn ~-:_·,of:: ~~~-: .. ~9tJN~~ ~O\lfBR. & · r.,IGHT. _COMPf\NY ,-· ·~ti)e.· ¢tj_rpo:ro'.ltlcin _ : :· _:-"": :~~·;·-, ... _,::_tl)~~--'.e·l!'.:eo_Ute_d ~:t:1)¢!:_ .-;0~90_4'.9'::·:·in·E,:t_rµment,' ·-and· acknOWl~dyed::·tjle -~aicl :.i)1Sttu:-.• :."{: .-·· <-)~fl~~~(f~~-;-~~~~g~·;-:".~e:~~icl:ii>;s~Umerit: ~f!. be ·.t~e·. -f:C-~-~ ·_~nd·.:-~l~t-~zJ. , , ... :~ ·: · ·::·:act:·, .. _and-._d!!e~ _of;,_sa=~_d,c0,_:rpor4tJ.:~n·,--~or_ the us.es _an~.-:-:pu_rposes .. t,here,l.Jl .. ·_· .-·-.·-· .•:.. . .'lllenUOried·,:.<and· .on ·oath, Stated 'tha:t···he is authorized .to·.execti.1:.0 -the·. said-; .~ {·· .{,lriBt.r~rit:/ ; · ---.. . .-. -.. .. .--. -. -,7 :t,J.·./·_:· . _._:_:_..-·.-_\WITNBsS:."my\iuirid,·.-an·d·i·Of.fiCiaif-;s8~1 ·heret_o .affiXed.:the _:d~yi·i~·-_:y$_ar .. :. ···fi":i$.t-:"a~Ve/wt~t:ten~c:·.: · ·.·· .'C" .--.. -, .:,_-· · · · · · · -· · ·· ·· ...... ~iyt-s·,.1,. :· l~!d ~1'.'~r;,j~iilI --· 1; ~-·P .,, ·He,.;,.,,: ·, ', ·.;. ,•_;.-: t ' \ . ~-; . -~-/~:ft(~:I~i-~~ ·. : ,;..'. 3-:.._ ; ,~· ' ' ' F.i/, .. · ... . ·a,.. ~-- . ~-.. _.; .... . r_.-: ::;TOR _ · .. HEGDi-W.:... ~ EL£Ct1t.·:·-:: KIN~. C.CU~l'.'Y• ·WAa1_,,·:· · •... : ~ . ·; · •. ·.i,: 1 ~.·.·.-:.: .. : •.•. ·.t_:.•.~.::.··f_•-~--:.:·· .. · .• _'._:._'i~titJiWf i:)itiJr1:tti:t·:,;:?}i"'~?'·m:.:·::;::1rr ... , ::m;u; ,. ·&>~~~;: f,,r an\! in l.'\11b1ti1:r;11111n ul Ont l).111.11 l~I (IOI and iblht1 1 ;,l11;1h11· n111Mcrr~L1cor:. 1hr 11:rcipt ul "hi<h il hrrcti:,. 1111.:lw:,"kdri:d, RENTON \'!LI.AG! COMJ'At>."Y I a Wuhington ,;eriernl pntnenhip ;::: l!Jji t,;•I Jag :i;. .Nil, ,,, ' SEE EXRIBlT 11A '1 A IT ACHED ' t .. Mi fNOU '.lT\' I ''.'''"' \)I /j &!fl ! ·o •~:·~1 ,II l, ,;I~ :~ ~ ""•lhtn ~~ il -ijll [IJ ] 18 '/, ,IHI ,,1'1 ,, ' S!,..Ob.··27 REC.C· r ';'. (,(1 ..... ~. 1"P•7 • 0,) 22 8 ! ~ . .... l,f a Exc:epl H may M' othcrn'tU Sl!'I fonh hettin GrJinlc~'s rig.his iha.11 be exercised l)pon thal :ponion of the Propcr1~· (1hc , • & ;:::'::•,·· h'"'"' dmribod a, ro1~ • ., ".·,·· i A Righ_t-of-Way 100 feet in width having 50 feet of suc.h width on each side of 1t th~ centerline of tbe exist:Lnt Talbot-O'Brien 230kV transmission line which ii crosses the ncn:therly portion of the p::operty. '·' ·\~ -:·1 ·. If PARCtL :S: A right of way BO feet iD width-being parallel ru:id adj~cent to boundary line of the property (said 80 feet also beinp; parallel to the westerly line ~f tha Talbot Road extension). the eanerly and &rljacent Said Parcel 11A11 and "B" rishts of way are fuTth8r delinated on the attached Exhibit 11 B-l.11 (This Easement 11111y be supe~seded at a later date eaeement description based on a survey furnished by a docU111ent with a more specific by Grantor at DO cost to Grantaa). I. Purpose. G~ntcc shall have lhe f;h11o construct, opera le, maintain. repair. replace and enlarge one or mon: electric lram;mission and/or distrib1.nion lines m•cr and/or under Lht Righ1,or-way tosethcr ~.'ich all necesury or con,'t'nicnl appuncnancH thtrtto. which 11'1&)' include but are not lfrni1ed to thr fo\lo.,,ini: a. 0\'Nhlld f1ellltles. Poles, and/or lowers will! crossanns, bra~. gu)'S ind anchors: clcl!lric uansmiulon and distribu1ion lints;: c:ommunic:alion and siJnal lincr.1r1nsformcrs. b. llndercround (1cllltles. Undcr1ro11nd ronchiiu. cabks. vaults. manholes. n.itches and transformen.: umi- buried or around mounicd racilitia. such as pads. transformers and swi1ches. ·· .. followiri11hc initial construclion oi'ilS facm1its, Gr:antet may from time 10 1imc-.:onstnJc.1 such additional linaand itt othn r:iieilitiei. as it may require. Jti 2. ACCKL Gramcc shall have lhe ri1ht ofaccen to the Ri8hl--of,Way over and ACfOll lht Proptrtyto enable On.111ee '.}~J: to enrti$r its righu ltt:~nder, providtd, thll Ciran1ee shall <:ompcnsa1~ Gnmtor for an)'damagc 10 lhc! P1openy caulCd ·.(;f by 1 ~, •::1::::::~:~:t:::;, ha>< th< ri1h1 to cul o, trim ,oy ond ,II bn,,h on= ,taodin, "'"°"ins upon :-: i~ 1he Riah1·of.Way, and also tbr rlslu to cut or trim any trffl upon 1hc Prcp~ny whidi. in falUna. cu111d. in Ciranicc"s !-.:: ~~ "'_s:·:. :~::'::ebcofa :;:;~\:.;·~:\N':~~ the tlghl LO USL!: tht Rilht,o(.Way for any purpQ$C na1 ',i!--, .... -.'..·.;_:. ~.'·, ... ?'!J,.,_·./.~'·,•-·.r._,_-,:,·.•,· .. in«tmillem •·ilh tht ri&lns hL!:rtin an.need, provlded, that Ciran.ior shall no1 eonsi.rua or mainWn 111y buildin1 or oi.hcr lt _•;,,:;. mui:111re Oft the Ri1h1..of~Wa)' and Orantor shall do no bla1tin1 wi1hin 300 feet or G111111te'I radlilies whhou1 Gt1n1ee"s pnar ,rnnL!:n consent. 1-. ~~} ). lndemnll,-. By accep1in1 and reco;din,: this. caseme111. Grnntec Bifec5 to indemnify and hold barmbs O~l'tln~*) ~ fra.m all)" and all claim, for injuries and~or dama,cs 1,uffered by any person which may be causal b)· 1he Oranlcc's _ ~ J(1 eurci~ 0(1ht r1r:h1t herein ,ranted: providcd, lhal Cir.nice ,hall uo1 he rcsporu1blc 10 Grantor1or11ny 1nJ11na and·or ! da.ma1~ 10 111n} pen.on causrd b)· acts or omi"ion, of Granh:ir 1 t,, AIJ1ndon1arnt. The riJilll ~rein pan1cd shall con1inuc until sueh 11mc :iis Gntnlcttn.ttS 10 u~ 1he Rif:hl-Ol·.wa~ f"r:,. (M:nD~ o( (1\ e c51.,uccco1"e )"Ul'I. in \l"hich ncn1 1hi~ cMCmcm ihall 1ermm11e and 1.11 n;hls hcrcundrrshall rc\'ffl 10 Gr:.n1<"r. r,:r,\1dl!d. 1ha1 such five (5) yur period shall 1n no event COIIIDlance prior 'ttl thQ e~p1Tat1or. of ten (10) ,~~• ·&ft~r the date hereof. , l,;11tn~\t111v,d o\\\li:n,, '!'ht 11i:.~1, :in~ ohl1~n1 it"l~ 111 l h, r11 r 11r~ ~h;,ll iuu,~ lt• 1hl' h1·1u•f11 uf 1111tl 11,· l>indmr upon 1 tw,I n•,rn·LIH' ~ucr~'"l'" ;in·d :1\,1rn~. D,<\TED llli1 ~+~dll)'CII ··---')'\:,· .::":,;'ll''"-''";\_,· __ ·----------· 19.JQ._. GRA~lOR a 1Jasb:Jnatoo ~~'IW ~~6?'j ···~2.. ~ lu President STATEOFWASHINOTON ) COUh'TY OF ss ) CORPORA TE ACKNOWU.DOMEh'T On I his --_dlll)' of _________ . 19 --· ~fore ine, 1ht undersigned, personally appcaraf ------,-------------and · to me kno11.'t\ lo be tht .nd • Mpeo.lwly, of ---------------------lhc corporation lbal ueculad lbe. fOJq:ain& insuummt. and ad;nowlcdscd tht a.id lnstnrmcnt 10 bt 1he fm: and voluralAI)' aa and deed of said corporation. far 1bc uses and purpo~ts 1hcrcin mentioned. and on oa1b 1t.1.1ed that au1horized to uccute ihe. a1cl instrurncn1 and 1ha1 1hc 5UI 1lrur.ed il the corpor1,1c Kai of uiid eorpo~tion. Wi1ncn my hand and official seal hercio 8!Jiited the day and year firs1 abovt" wrmeA. ?,;ctary Public: in and for th~ State or WubiflJlon, residing al STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COi.,,"'NTY OF' KIHC On this ~4t"" day of ~1.Ae,,u.c,,,T , 19 82 , before me, a Notary ?i.:blic in and fer the State of Washington, duly cominissioned and sworn, ~ersonally i!!:ppeared ..:..I..:..~~"'-...-·l,;w,,. t... '?<e·~\&.~-1:s • f:\q ..... .;,\o ~·n•S;!"'~i.,'i. "t"'"'-. to me kno'Wll to ""'._~A<..,..,\:--~~.,. ~:\ ,.,J-t'!o.\e..,.,_~:.::'---"l..c::~,:,,"-=·-------- +~ partner s o~ R~NTCN VTT.T.Af;;E CQMPhNY , a Washingto~ General Par~nersl11p, who executed . ·~~n-.~w~1~tch'1=nc-ca~n~d,-,f~o="r=e=q=o71-;cng instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be ;t"'.)s.~....-free and vol'1ntary act and deed as 99:...--\-'\l'\it.."'~ for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. bove WIT1;~55 · my hand and official =>eal the day .and y,ear in this certificate written. Notary PUblic in and~ tne State Washington, residing at L::t---d) · ·.,. EXHIBIT A That portion of Block 2, Walsworth'• First Addition to Renton, as recorded In vo:umo 6 of Plats, page 23, records of King County, Washington, TOGETHER WITH vacated Cora Streot and vacated 8th Avenue ,djoining, as vacated under Ordinances 1067 ano 2BSO, r!Spectively, of the City of Renton; and that portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter and ttte Southeast quarter of the Northeast quorter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.K., in King County, Washington, lying South of the southerly margin of Grady Way (•ho known as Secondary State Highway No. 1-L), being 100 feot 1n width as pre,ently established; lying North of the northerly margin of South Renton Yl11age Place (also known as Service Road), as conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under King County recording nunt>er 5475310; and lying I/est of the wuterly margin of Talbot Rood (also known as Burnett Road Extension), as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under K1ng County Recording Number 5754046, and State Road No. 515, •• condeimed by decree entered in King County Superior Court Cause No. 761065; EXCEPT that portion thereof ly1ng West of the following described line: Conmenc1ng at the Southeast corner of the Northwest quarter of satd Northeast quarter; thence southerly along the West line of the Southeast qu,rter of the Northeast quarter a dl5tance of 190 feet to the northerly marg1n of South Renton Village Place (also known as Service Road); thence easterly along the northerly margin of said South Renton Village Place a distance of 402.42 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the line herein described; · thence North 111-04 1 08 11 'East a distance of 839.92 feet. liXlre or less, to the southerly margin of Grady Way, and the terminus of sa1d line. SUBJECT TO: l. 2. 3. Relinquishment of certain rights granted to the State of Washington under Auditor's File No. 5754046. Easement for manhole vault and conmunicct1on lines to Pacific: Horthwest S.11 under Auditor's File No. 7205170191 Right of King County to make necessary slopes for cuts or fills tmder Superior Court Case No. 761065. . , .. fR M Q ij I m ~ ,· .... : .. ' .. • ' t =··~ ·' •' ,. ;·--···· • • . -· ,.,. ,,.,, ••"''. . ,· ,· -- # -:t!···-1'" .... ••• • ..,, -·-·-----________ ,. --·"·- ··------· (Parcel "An) ( Parcel 1191•) ..... \ ,• ! ....... . =·· -:t. I~ ! ...... . .. ,r ... ••:c J, .. '. '. : : 1~: --- . .- ' ·. -·· -~ : '--J~ f ! ' . . \ . :1/,IJ,, ,u.,;u~ ~t.,.: !!l!IU!!![$l (stlll)M. OI Hllf\1!1 V, 4"1Dllhffl.l.L·SU1ft 1e. P.O.IO.t UJ vtlltwt, WA t1G!19 . "l-5$tk3 .. , .. ·r:.·· .. ·-- PIRE HAIN AND HYDRANT EASEMENT . ···orti:1~ l"r..dent~:re" mad·e this /8t::, day of":.')~flc.:..""C._. , 1986, be~ween RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY, a Washington General Partnership ("Grantort1 heiein), and City oE Renton, a Municipal corporation ( •or.antee!' he:r:etn)J 86.,.12•'19 !tt 502 RECO F S.00 WITNESSETH: CASH5L >k->k,.,_-:1-!S. 0.".'I That iri _t1oneideratior1 of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable eoneider~tion, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and performance by Grantee-of the covenants he~einafter Set forth, Granter hereby conveys and quit claims unto Grantee an eaaement for the purpose of maintsnancet testing and inspection of a fire maJn and hydrants with the necessary appurte.nances ("Facility" herein) across and under the following property, situated in King County. Washingtont See legal description attached as Exhibit •rt" 1. Said Facility is an un~erground pipe; it shall consist of single line of pipe not over six {6") inches inside diameter, fiC'e hydrants and other appurtenances thereto. 2~ Grantee agraes to save and hold Grantor harmless from all loss or dmnage which may be due to the exercise by Grantee of the right herein granted and from all claims for su~h damage by whomsoever made and to_ indemnify Grantor for all such loss, damage and eleims, except damage caused by G~antor. 3. Gr,ntor reBerves the right to use said land for its own purposes in any way and to grant rights in said land to others, not inconsistent with the right herein granted to Grantee, subject to the following: "· 0 e No storag• or buildings are allowed within the area ~-~ ::•:::::dl::.:•:::i:.,:::ied parallel to ond w!tnin five~il~-B. c. i-l1 {5) feet of the centerline of the Facility: and i ,ii .. Any other utilities that ar~ buried parallel to and ~ ~ ~ within five {5) feet of the centerline of said Facility 1~~~ J that are damaged during Grantee's routine maintenancer ~i testing and inspection of said Facility shall be O ~. repaired or replaced at th~ ~rantor's expense. Granter~ °'i agrees to save and hold Grantee harmle3s from alJ. loss l or damage to said other utilit1eb which may occur as a ~ result of Grantee performing such routine rnaint~nance, testir1g and imr.pection of said Facility. Prior to ~my digging performed by Grantee within the area described in Exhibit "A•, Grantee shall notify and cooperate with Grantor in the coordinat1on of tts activities with thos~ of Grantor to minimize conflicts, insure ~rotection to each party's facilities, prevent hazardous conditions, or minimize interru~tion of Grantor's operatio,,s. 4. The right hereby granted shall cease and terminate whenever Grantee shall have permanently abandoned tha use of said Facility. s. Grantee, its successor~ or Assigns, shall have the dght, upon a minimum of one (1 J business day• s priol· notice. at such times as may be neceSsary to entar upcn said above described property for the purpoee of ro•.ttine maintenance, testing and inspection of said Facility, pr~vided, that such maintenance, testing·and inspection of said Facility ahall be accom~lished in such a manner ~hat disturbance to the existing private impr!'.lvemants and rrivate property shall ~ ruinimized. . ·.Notwithstanding tho for.egoing, in the eve:;,.t of any emergency requiring im11ediate acces~ to the facillty by the Grantee, Crantee may take: euch action upon such notice to Grer.t-or as is reasonable under the circumstances. l-DC-3215 121785 -,..-~--~----------··--·-----~---.... _ ·. --·-- ;~~~;~:-= CITY 0? RENTON, GRANTBB . ' _In. the ·event said improvements or property are disturbed, they -Will b& replac:ed ·in as good "' conCition as they were __ i_mm"'di1:1tely befor;~ th~ proper.-ty was -entered upon by tl•e Grantee. ··· 6. Grantor reserves tt"ae righ.;. to relocate said Facility, .provided said relocation confonas to the Grantee's Fire Protection and· Utili ti.as Depal'tment r_equirements. 7. Graritee shnll not block or impair access to Grantor's remaining property at any time, of which said Facility is a _portion,: or interrupt Grilntor':1 business. B~ This easement s_hell be a covenant running wi~h the land and shall be binding on the successors, heirs, and assigns of both parties het:eto. RENTON VILLAG8 COMPANY Port Blakely Tree Fan1s, a Washington Limited Partnership Its General Partner Puget Wester .... n, InL ~7t};:W~- President By, 3-0C-321= 121786 , .... iliiii.lii·· .. , .. i-....;.---~,~---;..,,.~,,-,.,-.·~·~··· .· ·. ~ .. ·-·~· ----~----·~ .. -~ • . ' ·_'J l ''i l ·1 J ! ' "! 1 I \ ' ~IRE MAI~ AND HYDRANT ltAsEMBNT RBNTO_N.VI~LAGB i'.!oMPANY, GRANWR Cl:Tr OF . RENTON«, GRANTEE STATE OP WASRIIIGTON ) . . . ) SS·. COONTY OP KING ) ·· · . On ·this ~~· .. day ot ~~ , 1986,. before me, the onderslgne , a Notary P~n and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appearad J. E. WAR.JONE· to me known to be the Gene~al Partner of PORT BLAKELY TREE FARM {Limited ·-Par.:.n·ersh!p) tbe lhnited partnership who exscuted the ·forego_ing· inst_rument in its capacity as general partner of RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY, a Washington general partnership, and he acknowl~_dged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of PORT BLAKELY TREE FARMS (Limited Partnership) for uses and putposes· therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is aUthorized to execute the said instrument. year STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) COUNTY OF KING ) r . ~ On this \.4~ day of ~Ir,..( __ , 1986, before me, the undersignea--a-Notary Pi..iicfn and for c~e State of Washington, duly coI11Dissioned and sworn, personally appeared w. E. WATSON to ~e known to be the President of PUGET WESTERN, INC., the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument in its capacity as general-partner of RENTON VILLAGJ:: COMPANY, a WE:.shington general partnersh~p, and he acknowledged the said instrument to be the frao and voluntary act and deed of Sbid corporation, for uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said inst~ument. a(fixed the ~ay and 3-'lC-327S 1217!6 .:r------~ I PI~E MAIN . AND ·nYDRAN'f EASEMENT .RE"TON VILLAGE-COMPANY~ Cl~Y OF RF.NTON EXHIBIT "A" the·\test ·10 feet of. ::.he North 10 fe6t of the south 130 feet i\ND the .wast 10 f"let: of the North 10 feet of the South. 465 feet AND the West 20 feet of th·e North 10 feet of the South 703 feet of the following_· desc.ribed PI.'.Operty: That. ·portion of Block .. 2, Wals""oith' s Firf't:: Addition to Renton, as recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 23, records of King County, Washington, TOGETHER WlTH vacated D~ra Street and vacated 8th AVenue adjoining as vacated under Ordinances 1067 and 2850, respectively, of the City of Renton; and that portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast qua~ter and the Sc~theo•t quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 Ra~t, w.M., in King county, Washington, lying South of the aoutherly margin of Grady Way (also known as secondary State Highway No. I-L), being 100 feet in width as presently estahlishedJ lying North of the nort.herly margin of Soutb Renton Vill_age Place (also known as Service Road), as conveyed to the C.ity of Renton by deed recorded under King County recording nunber 5475310; and lying West of the westerly m~rgin of Talbot Road (also known as·eurnett Road Extension) r as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under King County Recording Number 5754046, and State Road No. 515, as condemned by decree entered in King County Superior Court cause No, 761063; EXCEPT that portion thereof lying west of the following described liner commencing at the Southeast corner of the Northwest quarter of said Northeast qua~ter; the"nce southerly along the West line of c.he Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter a distance of 190 feet to the northerly margin of South Renton Village Place {also known as service Road): thence easterly along the northerly margin of saiQ South Renton Village Place a dietance of 402.42 feet to the True Point of Beginning uf tge line herein d~scribed; thence North 1 04'0Bn East a distance of B39.92 feet, mvre or less# to the southerly margin of Grady Way, and the terminus of said line. J··DC'-3275 121786 ' .. ' ... ·, TELEPHONE EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE mode this --12 day of ·~"-,.(JC1"--, 198b, between RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY, a Jotnt Ventuie,Grantor4 herein) and PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, a Washington corporation# ("Grantee• herein): l1ITNESSTH1 That in consideration of Ten Dolla~s ($10.0ij) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and performance by Grantee of the covenants hereinaft6r set forth, Grantor hereby conveys and quit claime unto Grantee a perpetual easement over, across and unCer the following desc~ibed property, situated in King County, Washington: See Attached £xhibit nA" Said easement being for the purpose of operat~ng, inspecting, Ja!.otaining, removing, repairing, replacing ancl using a communication line with all connections and appurtenances thereto, is gra11ted on the following terms and conditions: 1. The facility shall consist of communications lines enclosed within one concrec.e conduit system, said line to be buried at least three feet below the natural surface of the ground at all points. Grantee agrees to install and maintain substantial pe~manent markers at both ends of said facility on the right of way hereby granted sufficient to give notice to all persons of the location of Grantee's buried facilities. 2. Grantee agrees to save und hold Grdntor harJRless from all loss or damage which may be due to the exercise by Grantee of the rights herein granted, and from all claims for such damag~ by whomsoever made and to indemnify Granter for all such loss, damage and claims. 3. Granter shall not be liable for. any loss or damages to Grantee's facilities resulting from Grantor.t s use of the lands encumbered by this easement unloss such losa or damage is due to negligent act or omission of Granto~. 4. Grantor reserves the right to develop and use the lands encumbered by th.is easement for any purposEt not inconsistent with thd rights granted herein. 5. Grantor reserves the right to grant access rights to others along or across the lands encumbered by this easement and to gi::ant any other right which is not inconsistent with the rights herein granted to Grantee. 6. Should the easernont area be subsequently improved, Grantee ag1·ees that it shall, at 1.t.s sole ::::ost and expense, replace or restore to its improved condition any such improvements which are damaged or destroyed ft& the result of Grantee's exercise of its rights of maintenance, t~pair or replacement. 7. If Grantee, its successors or assigns, make an excavation in the Grantor's property, it shall, without delay, restore the surf.ace as nearly aa practicalbe to the same conditio~ as it was immediately prior to s11ch work. ij. Grantee agrees to provide adequat~ drainage to prevent any backup of surface water over tho easement area which may result from G~antoe's exercise of said easement. 9. The ri9~ts and obligations of the parties shall inura to the benefit of and l)i, binding upon their respective soc.ceesot:'a and assigns. '36-~12-~1 ~ RCCD F CASHSL ?.,00 -·-------.,,...,.-----------4-DC-H75 .t:!l 7A6 Ir~"""'' i-in::~~"°"11 .. · l!isaliBNT · ., ;j :. . <') ~ g g a--1 C\l \ c8 j • ' .] i RBN.'1'9NiVJLUGB. COMPA!IY . . ::PACIFIC ''NORTHWBST B!!k!, TEL£PHONE COMPANY · 10·.-Th& rights hereby granted ahaill cease and d·etermine wnenaver Grantee shall have permanently ~bandoned ~he us• of its . :taCilities acCOJl'fflloda~ed by this easement for a period of five years. STATE OF WAmJINGTON ) ) ss. REtn'O~ VILLAGE COMPANY Port Blakely Tree Fat"DIIB, a Washington r.imi ted Partnership COUNT! OF KING ~ ) On this \{ day of \)t.Wl,/\\iv{ , 1986, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washin9ton, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared J. E. WARJONE, Joint Venture Manage~ of PORT BLAKEL~ TRLE FARMS and W. E. WATSON, President of PUGET WESTERN, INC, to me known to b~ the partners of RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY, a Joint VAnturs, who executed the within and 1[0~9goi~ instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be ~'fit.\V tree and voluntary act and deed as for the use3 and purpose& therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and off.icial seal the day nnd year in tbis certificate above written. ., . ·".~ • .. •• }J.I ~j Motary Pu l1c 1n Washington, resid t e.~..:iteo'r at -'~µ=!~=--- 4-DC-J?.75 \21706 ... 1. ........._ -.. ~ELEPHONE; BABBMBNT REN",rON.VlLLAGE COMPANY . ·PACIFIC NORTHWEST. BEC.C. TSLBPHONE COIIPAll'f EXHIBIT "A" 'rhe West· 1,0 feet c...£ the following described property: That .portion of Block 2, Walsworth'& First Addition to Renton, ae recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, ·page 23, records of King County, Wa~hington,·TOGETHBR WITH vacated oo=a Street and vacated 8th Avenue adjoinlng ae. vacated under. Ordinances 1067 and 28:SO, · respectively, of the City of Renton: and that portion of the North&ast qullrter of the Northeast q·..;arter and the Southeast quarter· of the northeast quarter of section 1~, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, ,w •. M~, in King County, waeM.ngton, lying South of the s_outherly 11.argin of Grady Way ( also known as Secondary State Highway No. I-L), being 100 feet in width as p~esently estab~ishedr lying North of the northerly margin of South Renton Village Place (als~ known as service Road), as conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under King County recording number 54753101 and lying West of the westerly margin of Talbot Road · (also known as Burnett Road Extension), as conveyed to the State of. Washington by deed recorded under King County Recording Nlllllber 5754046 1 and State Road No. 51S, aa r,ondernncd by decree entered in King County Superior Court cause No. 761065; EXCEPT that portion thereof lying West of the following described line: Commencing at the : .• ..itheast corner of thE:J Noi·thwest quarter of said Northeast quarter, thence southerly alono the west line of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter a distance of 190 feet to tha northarly margin of South Renton Village Place (also known as Service Road); thence·_,gasterly along the northerly margin of said South Rent.on Village Place a distance of 402.42 faet to the True Point of Beginning of tge line herein describedt thence North 1 04 1 09ft East a distance of 839.92 feet, more or leas, to tha southerly margin of Grady Wayr and the termiaus of said line. 4-DC-3275 l2l1B6 -----------·-·-------· -~----~·-· ···-------·----·----~-~1-..... -~ .... ~.--·· # I ' •.. u cu ····· ... _. .. MBBMENTFOR UNDERGROUND ~ICSYS'tBM ,n · ·:.·· ·For ·a?ld" 1n consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other Consideration,. the receiPt of which ia hereby acknowledged, RBNTQ!il UTJ,JJsGB · ·COMPJ\NY, a ;Joint venture , and t"aluable BINTQN-YJIJ,t,,GE -COMPINY, a Washington General Portnershi r'Grankli' hanmJ, sranta. ,OOU:• ::n IIBd warranls to PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, • Wubmston oor. pGl'lldon ("Gnm.168" h~), fOI' the purpo,ea haralnia£&er set rm lb a perpi:nue1 easement under, acrod and over the fol- lovAni deacribed real property {lhe ·~rl)'" herein) 'iC it19 County. Washlngtoo. SEE ATTACHED EXHJ:BI'.l •An ~ "' !!! f3 :: I!' "' ~. > C\I ... "' --0 ... co Excapl at may be Olherwlse Set forth hel'ein Grant,ie·s rights shalt bP. exerdsm:I upon tb•I portionot lhe Property (the .. Righl- ol Way' hereiD) dascrib~ ..-follows: A Rfalit ef~,s-----•=•~.feeHftwidfli-ha¥!1fttt",--=o:.._----,.feE=t-of-st:eh~l7f-rr:l!!fflff"" IIM.~aa-1.UOW.: ~i The west 20 feet and the east 20 feet of the west 40 feet of the north 65 feet of the south 751 feet of the above described Property. $6/12/1'9 RECD:=- C~6HSL 7.00 1.t505 H i ri I V 1, Pu,pote. Grar:tee .shall havti the right lo-r.omlruct, op1:1ra1e, moi11t::iin. !'epair, replace and enl&llP! en underground eledrt.: . Q.; transmWlion and/or dislribuli.::n ~lem upon and undr.r the Righi-DI-Way togelher wilh all ncw..sary or o:mvenlelll ap. , ~ --( pur1eoonce1 therefor. which may include bur &NI oo; :lmited lo lh~ followl!l11: undmgrwnd Cll1duil5, cables, communication .r-.. llnet1; vaults, manholes, switches. end lr"ansforrnen: Bnd ~emi-lmrfad or sround mounled ladllli=. Followina lhc iniliel can-_: I-.'.~ mucUon of ils l,u;:il!Ues, Cn,nlee may from llmc lo 1iml! cons1r1.1cl s1.1ch addilionol rociiiti,e11 u ii may require. ' 1--~ ;i.. Acceu. Grantee &hall have !he right or BCCflH tolhe Right-of-Way over and across rh1t Property lo eneble Gren lee lo exer- ; ~ ~ cfso Its righlahermuidttr, proyjded, lha1 Grantee 9hall compen~ate Grantor for any dam&!!'I!! to the PropertycaW1eri by the exer- '. ··, ......._ c!se of said ri(VII or acceu. it ... ~ I ·t,.. a. OiNtnK:tlom; !.lmdscapill&-Cran tee ma)' rrom lime 10 lim~ ~emo,•c lree:i. busl1es. or orher OOllruc!ions wilbm the Ridit· · 'i) of.Way and may level and gr,11d11 lhe Wghl-d·Wa:,, lo the cxt~ri, reasonably necessary to carry out the purp0Sc3 et Co,tli in ' paragraph 1 hen:iof. provided. dial fallowing an)' such wnrk, Grnnrce .shall. to the exlP.nl reaaanebly practicabla. re,lore the Righ1-of.\V1t1y 10 the c,ntdllion ii ~'U inimedia!dy pritir to st:ch work. follO\\inJ 1b,., installation of Grantee·, tmdeciround fllldlides. Grantor mayundor111k11 anyotdinarr in•pr0\'Bmen1, 10 Lhe lanrtsc>1pingof !he RIW,kJf.Way, p1ovided lhal no lnuia or other planu shall be pla~ thereon whlt.h would be u11reas-:ma:.,Jr expensive ,JI' impractical for Cran!ee ta femo'hl end reelora. · 4 Gnalar's Uao of Rl.tbt,,of.\Voy. Gral'tlor r11,1Jwet lhl! rigl1! to us~ the Rii;ht-of•Way for any porp;:w: nol lncorlSUitail lo.'ilh lhe rtdlll lwmiin granlea, Jl«Mdld: thal Crentor 1boll no1 con.s1111cl or malntail't any buiJdlna or o~r tlnlc!ure on 1h11 Righl- of,Way whld:i would intffllrl'll wilh Iha wun·clse of tha rlahts herein gr;mted: lhill nc> dlMhlB, tunnelbtg Ul'other form of .m,. atru~ aclMI)' sball be done on lhu Properly wh!ch would disturb the crJmpaclkMI or umtarlh Grantee's iacl)l~f!I on 1he Rl,11ht-ol-Way. or endanpt the lataral NJ,J)Ort lo laid f11cili1ies; and friet no blil.Sl\rll shall be don,o wHltlo15 faet or the Rif!l11~- W.;>, I. Indemnity. B)' ~r.aptlng .ad recotdina lhi• eatamenl, Grantee llgfef<li to indannff)' end hofd hannleuGrantor ham any and Rll d1UD1 lDr iDJurlel anll/«-dam ase,a Nffarad by MY penol'I which may be caUll!d by lhe Gtullt:e'I exan:IH of Iba ri;hb bert'.n ,fl'anled; provided, lbal Gr•n'-• 1hall not be retJJ()Mlble tv Grenlor for My injuriM ••dlw damap:1 lo any pen;:>n caUHd by acll or omluioaJ or C.ranlOJ'. e. Abee:ferrnt. Thi! rflht, heroin 1'81:'led shall mniinue until such lime a, Grenlflfl cemes to uu the ruaht-o(0 \Vay ior a J.,eriad ol fJff lalmcmlllve. )'Nr;s. In \\Nm 8\111111 lhil ea$1!m~ni ,halt ter111iri::i1c and all riahta herwnder 1half rewrt toGr.111• lor, p,ovjded !Ml AO ahlndonm111n1 ,halJ bo dH:med lo have occurreil by reason of Cn1ntee's fetlUN lo inlllall)' llmt.U ib. f.acUltlN on it.. R1ghklf•Way within any pmioc:t of IIPJe from thP. daze hereof. 7. &umeuunancl ANIJu. The rlghta and obllp1101111 oI the parti1PJ,S 3h~ll inunt lo lhe benef11 of and be blndiP!Jupo»lhelr mp,ecdve llla:imcn lM a:utgm. 235/73 ll'Jl.111·,. ... -------~-·h J fl -A F l J i \ lO .0 lO i i ' i· I • ! j J \ :i ' (J', N aTATB or. WASHI~G'l'ON COUNTY or ICING ' . , • .Jl.6. __ . GRANTOR . llEN'fON VILLlGII COill'AIIY ~oint . ventura, and JOffl'TON .VI COHP»if, a Washington Gen1rta.l Partnership, t:onaistin9 ofi · Port Blakely 'In• Fama (Liloi tad Partnership) auaceasor to Aqullo P 'i•e, ~"· rt~ \~e, ita. oener11l Par:nez· T RM~C. . ~ ... BY' w. 1;; 1iataon,iliPresdent On this !IHI... day of -12._.Cce,""1,; e .r..... , 198 6 ~ before me, ·the undersign~ Motary~ublic 1n and for the State of ~ashington, duly co1'\n\issioned and aworn, personal1y appeared Ja Ea kARJONE, to me known to be the general partner of PORT BLAXELY TREE FARMS, a Washington limited partnership that ex~cuted the foregoing instru- ment, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed 0£ a.aid partnership for t.he uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written .. STATE OF WASHINGTON l COUNT)'OF /(1-vL-~ I &,,,.,.,.,. rid..:;al_ NOTARY PUBLIC firhl for the Statenof Washington, re~iding at A.G~,....,//'y.:, W.:Jiv,6 ' . CORPORA'l'E ACKNOWLEDGMENT On 1h11 ~dar or £)F.(t~BEI\... .111....B.L. before me, lhe undenil'led. penonally appoared -----.. Ji,, .. E. WA'l'SON 'tll\'d 10 me 1:n-... 10 be ht PTil&ident -.m4 • ra,;pecrivelr. or PUG8T WBSTERN, INC, the corporalion thal e:u~wied lhc fougol~ inslnlmenl., BOd nclcnowledsad I~ Aid lnatrumonl lo be the fin and ,;olllniary act er.d deed of said corpora.UQQ. for Iha uaes .Ind pt:rpoga therein me-llonmd. •nd ot1 oalh 11-c.J thal euthori.ted to eJ*Ule Ille snld int.lrument and thlll lhe nel affl:red 11 lhe a,rporole sea) of said. ear,:iorallon. WUneu mv hand and olrEclnl sail herero atrlxed lhe -dr:y an~ year fir~t abova.rlllen. . ~_Bd"- Norary Public in nnd for 1be Sit.~ cl Wa·h~. resldinga1 _.&P~~_,N>.::.=o:"'c:''>:,_ ______ _ .. ~-,·····-, "---·•' ·····-···------·'"""'" _;:}. I~ ·r .. ··- ! EJ\l!BIIENT ).OR UNDBROl'OIIND SYSTEM , C:R,!11'1'011"-VILLA.GE CO~PAN, . · _PUGBT SOUND l'OIIER & LIGHT COMPANY EXHUHT "A" Tha_tp(trtioll of Block 2, Walsworth'.; First Addition to Renton, as .recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page '23, rt;tcords of Ring-County, Washington, TOGETHER WITH vacated Dora Street and vac&ted 8th Aveh~e adjoining 4s vacated under Ordinances !C67 and 2850, respectiVely, of the City of Renton; and that pcrtion of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter and the Southeast quarter of the NorthEt"ast quarter of s~ction 19, TOl"1"'lship 23 North, Ranges Ba8t, w.H., in ~ing county, Washington, lying South of the aoutherly margin of Grady Way {also known ae Secondary $tate ~ighway No, I-LJ, being 100 feet in width as presGntly &etablishad1 lying North of the northerly margin of South Renton Village Place (a.lso known as Service Road), es conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded und~r King County recording number S4753l0J al'M.1 lying West of the weGterly margin of Talbot Road (also known as Burnett Road ~xtension), as conveyed tc the State of Washington by deed recorded under King County Recording Number 5754046, and·State Road No. SIS, as condemned by decree entered in King County Superior Court Cause No. 76106Si EXCBPT that portion thereof lying West of the following describe~ linet Co~encing at the Southeast cornQr of the Northwest quarter of said Northeast quarter; thence southerly along the West line of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast guarter a di~tance of 190 feet to the northerly margin of· south Renton Village Place (also known as Sorvice Road); thence easterly along the northerly margin of said South Renton Village Place a distance of 402.42 feet to the True Point of Beginning of tge line herein described; thence North 1 04'08a East a distance of 839.92 feet, more or less, to the southerly margin of Grady Way, and the terminus of said line. 6-DC-3:t7S 121886 . ~ . . . ' ., ------...........,,--·---·--- ' l. PIRB RAIN llND BYDRANT EASEMENT ~.ft "' . ~ . . . . . . . V\ II,, ___ \_ / ~ • . Thia_·indent\lre.mad&:thla ';.")..._ day of ~')( , 1985, 1 betwe~n JU:RTOM VI.Lt.AQE COMP~Y, a Washington . .cenerai Partnership § (•Grantcil'•-herein)~ and City of ltenton, e Municipal corporation ( "Grantee• herein>, EXCISE TAX NOT fii:QU-~;;,· . . NITNBS86TH 1 (~, ~ Co. Ro<or<ts Diva,, ~(-=:;;~ .C=:.P~i>lrtt :;..-·i... ~,;, :That ·1n conSideratlon of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good ~£ l~ and val~able Conoider•~!on,·in hand paid, receipt of which is ~~f ·hereby ac_knowledge.;!I t at10 perfQrmance by Grantee of the covenants c8 herelnafter set forth, Grantor hereby conveys and quit claims unto Grantee·an ·eaSeiaent for the purpos& of maintenance, tee~· 15b i11apactiOn of a iire. main and hv :i. ants vi th the .necesGarE-t ~ appur~enaR;c9s ("Pa.c!litr• _herein~ acros~ and under the Ji9*P'"i-hg pi·oporty, · situated 111 1t1ng County, Washington: ~-c ... ,~ ... .., ;-;~~ UI Sea legal description attached as Exhibit •A.•.;-;.::· .. > l. Said Facility is an underground pipeJ of eingle line of pipe not over six (6R} inches ·fire hydr.ants and other appurtenances thereto. ::.~. 0 ~ it. sha.11\Ccin.sfat inside <!~till, 2.· Grantee agrees to save and hold Gcantor ham.less from all loss or damage which may be due to the exercise by Grantee of the right herein granted and from all claims for such damage by wh0tasoever made and to indemnify Grantor for all such: loss, damage and claims, except damage caused by Grantor. 3. Grantor reserves the right to Lie said land for its own purposes in any way and to grant rights iq said land to others, .not inconsistent with the right herein granted to Grantee, subject to the following, A. No storage or buildings are allowed within the area described in Exhibit wA"; B. No power lines can be buried parallel to and within five (5) f~et of the centerline of the Facility~ and c. Any othei· utilities that are buried parallel to and within five {5) feet of the centerlin~ of said Facility that are damaged during Grantee's routine maintenance, testing and inspection of said Facility shall be repaired or replaced at the Grantor•s expense. Grantor agreeq to save and hold Grantee harmless froin all loss or damage to aaid other utilities which may occur as a result of Grantee performing such routine maintenance, testing and inspection of said Facility. Prior to any digging performed by Grantee within the area described in Exhibit •A•, Grantee a~all notify and cooper~te with Grantor in the coordination of its activities with those of Grantor to .minimize conflicts, insure protect.ion to e3ch party's facilities, prevent hazardous condition$, or Minimize interruption of Grantor's operations. 4, The right hereby granted sh~ll cease and terminate whenever Grantee shall have perm~nently abandoned the use of said Facility. S. Grantee, its successor9 or asBigns, shall have tho r_ight, upon a minimum of one (1) buGinrass day•s prior notice, at s1.1ch times a.a may be necesaary to enter upon said above described property for tha purpose of routine maintenance, testing and inapection of sc1ld Facility, provided, that such mainteriance, testing an_d inspection. of said Facility sh.all-be accomplished in Such a iunnar that diatu1·bance to th.a 8A1~ting privato · improve•ante ·•nd priv•te ~~operty ~hall be ~intmizedc NO.twU:hatanding· th.'!I foregoing, 1n the evEmt of any em•~ge"eY. requtring i~~dl~t~ ~~~~~~ t~ th~ Facility by the -· = .. " !'. Grantee, .Grantee may t~ke such a~tion upon such notice to Grantor~\!1'lh oe. i• .ruoonoole undor U.• circums<anc••• ~ 3-n<"·3ns 121786 · · ' , ..• , .i· Jt~~rr -'!~t·?\ 0 M ·. ,,:.:f1RE:'HA1N. AtfO ·_H'(n~ E:ASEMENT . ) )~BN't()il', _\1IL1,AG£ COMPNIY, GRAN'l'OR . ctn :or RENTON i GRAIITBB .. " . . ii;i t~_.evenf:: _s'Bid improvements or Property are disturbed, t_~_ey. will be. replaced in _as good a condition as they were · ·im,mediilte\y befo~e the-prop·arty was enteret.1 upon by the Grr..ntes • . ~. · G~antO~ .~e~e~~eS t.h.e righ~ to relocate said· Pa:ctlity, ·-proVided Ba!d relocation coriforns to the Grantee' B Fire Protection . and .Utilities. Department rec;;ub:emeri.ts. · . 7. Grantefr shall not bioc::k or impair access to Grsntor' s remairiing property at any ti•e, of Which said Facility i& a .portion, or interrupt Grantor's business. 8. This sa:aement sha11 be a covenant running with the land and ·shall be binding on the successo~s, heirs, and assigns of both plir~ies hereto. RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY Port Blakely Tree Fa~s, a Washington Limite~ Partnership Its General Partner ~~~ :=::::::::.__ Puget Western, Inc. 3-DC-3275 121786 .., ·.,.:·.'. . . ·----. 1:·~·,~·~,.,.,,;, ......... ~~--~~!'t~.;.;::f.""~ .· ~~,-,--~---···-~-~-~· .. ,, .... ·,.,;!'.·~f ~ :.~-~----;. c .. aµr h ·')tirrtl" r t ! ,,,_:;;:a·_.~ ~·. ';.' $TAT& OF WASHINGTON ) . ) ss. , . · COUNTY· OF KING .> ·_· ·o·n·. this ~:d~y of ~J=l1-1~-;i2 , 1986, before me, the undersi(]ned, a Notary puf:l{Cr'i and for the State of WaahingtOn;_duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared J. E. KAR.JONE to•~ khown to be the General Partner cf PORT BLAKELY TREE FARM (Limited Par~nership) the limited partnership who executed ·. the fOregoing instrurdent ii""i its capacity as general partner of RENTON 'VILLAGE COMPANY, a Washington ganeral pa~tnership, ftnd he acknowle,dged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act C'.)·and deed or PORT BLAKELY TREE FARMS {Limited Partnership) for uses Mand purposes therein m&ntio11ed 1 and on oath stated that he is N authorize_d to execute the said instrument. N . . i C'\1 Witness ~y hand and oif1c1~l seal hereto aff xed the day and ...0 year,first above written. a:,' STATE OP WASHINGTON ) ) Notari i c 1n and~~ the State of Wash.ington, I'esiding at $1.}(JMQ "4('ttf- COUNTY OF KING >\, J \ . . _ ·' . On this W day of ~v , 1986, before me, the undersigned a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commi$Sioned and sworn, personally appeared w. E. WATSON to me known to be the President of PUGET WESTERN, INC., the co·rporation that executed the foregoing instrument in its capacity as general partner of RENTON VILLAGE COHPAJ:lY, a Washington general pd.Ltn01.·ship, and he acknowledgl;!d the Si!id instrument to be the free'and '!oluntary act and deed of said corporation, for us-es. and purpo~~s therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he 1~ authorized to execute the said instrument. Witness my hand and official seal hereto year first above written. ~ ~ ~' ~ ~D~l,.,.1c-";i~n-'-/.¥;d~f~o-r-~~~~E\-,1'~t-a_t_e~o~f Washin~ton. resid at ~ affixed the day and ! 0 M N N N -.JJ ex, . t ~ E.tHIBIT_L . A llllr 01 UllD 10 FEET -tY7llG ' 1EET Oll EACH SIDE or 1IIE iOI.LOIIIIIC. DIISC111£D Cllri~ IH tllE IIOtnlEAST QUAR'Ill OF mnon u. 'IOIIIISHIF 23 nl'II •. ·'iMIG.1-" s .w1;,v.t1.1 - ~Ill AT M SOU'rlllilS'I: COllllEI\ OF tlfE IIO!IIIIUff "tlll,llmll\ or SAID ·IIOHIIBAff CIVAUD1 tllEIICI: IIOltlH 01•0<o•os• MST~ t111 lll!ST L1IIE ·.'IIIU£0F, A DISTANCE or :w..H FEEts tllEIICE SOUTH II SS'!i:i" EAS?, A DISTAIICI OF-402,'8 Rn !O. A lOIIIT HElltIIIMTEl tuCIIIIED AS lDlllT "A"1 SUI> !Oliff tlIIIG OIi TIii IIISTDLY LillE OF U!lD DESCRIBED Ill QUIT CUIK IJElll _Ill DIIIHT "4", ll£COUED UllDER Kinc C<lurm' UCOll.)IIIG llO, 8Z08Z7035S J D.»C1 SOU'Dl 01 0.'08" lfES.T ALONG SAID WES'I'DLY LINE, A DISTANCE .OF_U9.0S n:ET !O ?HE S01Jlll1l£ST ~Q!\!I~ OF $.1.lD !.AIID1 SJ.ID CONIER Lllllli OIi 'IIIE ~?II IIAIGlll OF IE!ITON VIWGE 1tACl(60 l!ffT ll1Dl:)1 THIIICI: sount ,, u•o2tt DST ALONG SAIJ) NORtH HABGIR, A 01STARCE Of nli.79 _nu TO tH1 Tim: PO!llt Of !EGINNl!iG Of SAID ~Pl SAID Elli? · HnttR&JTEB. DESCU:ID AS POINT w ... l 'tHENCE NOR'tH O'J 1S•S8" L\ST~ A DISTANQ; OF J,60. l'E£T TO TdE TEll!IINUS Of SAID STau, 'IOOlmlEll IIITK A S'IIUP OF LAIID 10 FEET WIDE LlING S FEET OK EACH SIDE OF_ ?II£ lOLl.llNING DESCBllEII C£11IERLIHE• COtllEltClllG AT 1lfE aU'OllMEH'l'IOlW) tolN'I '"i"i TREllCE soura H 0 ta4'02" EAST AU.st~ SAID lfOU'IIEIU.y MARGIN OF .1£NlON VILLAGE 11.ACE, A DISTANCE 01' 340,09 !P.! TO tHI IIWE POllrf OF BEGINNING OF SAID S11UP; Tlltl<CE BOB.DI 00 15'58" tiSTit A D1ST.Al1Ci: OF 3.30 FEET TO tHE 'lEBHINUS OF SAXD STIUP1 TOGE'IIIEll llltH A -S11UP OF UIIJ) 10 FEET WIDE LYING 5 FEET on EACH SIDE OE ?II£ FOLLONING DESCRIBED CEIITERLIKEJ CO!lfENCI.NG AT THE A!'OR£MEIIIIONED FOD'T ,.A"; THENCE NOB.TH 69°z9•09•• EAST. A DISTANCE OF 7l9,82 1£ET !O THE ll!IJt: POINT OF BEGIN!IING OF SAID STRIP, 'l'HENCE lfOlttH 81 S7•14" US'?, A DIS'rANCE OF 9.~ h:Et tO "' l'OINT ml THE IIESTEIILY IIAIGIH or SR 5U(TAL80T MAD SoutH) A£ SHOWB OH IIASIIIIICTON STATE HlGHIIAY Pl.AK-RENTON VICINITY, CAlUI ROAD TO GRADY HAY, SHEET 6 OF 61 Al'PIIOVED llOVEIBEB. S, 1'71; SAID POINT BEING THE TE!!IUHUS OF SAID Sl'lllPI TOOETHER WIT!! /. S'IBIP OF I.AND 15 FEET WIDE LYlllG 7 ,5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOilIIIG DESCRIBED CENTERLINE! COHMtNCIMG AT THE AFORPtm'IONED POINT nA"; TtlENCE NOP.DI 5.S0 57'28" EASTJ a Di STANCE OF 7&9. 75 FEiI TO THE TRUE ~ornr or &ECIN!IING OF SAID STRIP 1 THENCE lfOR.TH 65 44~001• EAST, A DISTAl!CE OF 14, 13 FEET TO THE VES!ERLY MldtGIN Of SA1D TALBOT B.OAD SOUTH At..'D TERMlmJS OF SAID STRIP); TOGEt'HEl\ WITH A S'llUP OF LAND 1S FEET WIDE LYING 1,5 rEE1' Ol'i EACH SIDE OF 'DiE FOLLOWlNC DESCRIBED CEh'TERLINE- COMHENr.UIG A'I THE AFOREMENtIONED l'OIMT ''A"; THENCE NORTH 42°34'38" F.AST• .& DlST/.WCf: Of eg1. 98 FEEt TO THE TI\UE POINT OF IEGINHING OF SAID S'IRIP J 11fEIJCE NORTH. S.7 04•57u US'te A DISTANCE or 9,33 FU.T TO mE WESTERLY MAR.GIN OF SAID tALIOT aoAD SOUTH AND TE1UUNUS OF SAID STBlPJ TOGi?HD llltH A S'DIIP OF LAIID to FEET WIDE LYlHG 5 rn, ON EACH SIDE OF THE lOLLOIIING DESCRJ.llll> CEN1:ERLlKE1 Cr»IHENCINC AT THE Al'OllEHElrrlONtv POih"'i "A"J 'tH£Net: NOATH 40(!:35'10 1t EAS'f, A DISTAll"...E OF 8!3,11 FE!I.'[0 THE !llUE FOIIIT OF tECINIIINO or SAib S11lIP1 THENCE: MORTll 57 04'57" EAST, A DIS..._\N~Z OE ~1.92 F£ET to tHE Wf.STERLY !!."-1.CIS or SA.ID TALBOT IIOAD SOUTH AKO TEIIHI~'US OF s.uo SUIP. ... ,.-,i,,_. .... ,,. -- f .,. ; ' . 'I'.,,_ EXl!IBl'f~~A (~) , . . . . . \ A •r:· OF UJID, l!I. Ol't lllK LYING ~ FEE't OH EACH SIDE DF ?!IE 1'0LLOWIIIC . : .~JD CIIIUIILIIIE lJj.'J:llJI JIOBtl!SAST QUAJ\TD OF SEC!IOB 19, ?OWIISIIIP .23. ll0111l1-· -llAlfGE_ · J_·-~. lt.M. t 0. ·M· -' C\I . gi· '° a,. . . . . . . . : c;cttHWClHG At ?HE soimnmsr W11!ER OF THE l«)Rt!ln,5T· QIWITEII OF SAID ~ ql/WEIJ . 'llllHCE NOa'!!I 01 o 04 • OU" !:AST ALOIIC 'ftiE VEST LillE 1!HEUOF.,·A.»ISTA1CCE OF'Z.44.66.FSE'tJ tHEHCE SOU?H aa0 ss• szu £AST, &·-DiSTABC!'. oi' 402~38 FEET TO A·fOiliT HEREINAFTER DESCRUED AS PODT "A•1 ~D POI!IT LYOO Cl& tHE IIIStERLY Ll~E OF LAND DESCBIBID Ill QUit Cl.Alli DEEi). IN EXHIBIT "A·, PECOBDID mmn llNG .COUNTY llCOBDIIIG NO. 8208270JSSJ ~ llOB.'Ia 00° 02• si.11 USt, A 1>IS'tM!CE OF 2B0.81 P..E! TO THE nm: 1'0111[ or BEGllllllllG Of ~D STllf OF L/IND; SAID POIHI LYING OM THE EAST LINE'. OF. Al( EASEME11r DESCIUBED IN COUR5E AS '"TllENCB 11 01° 041 08 .. E A DIS'UIICE OF 7lB,00 FEET" Ill SAID !:AS!MENT RECOIIDED IJIIDEB. KlHG Cj)tm'lY UCORIIIifG MO. '6631805; THENCE SOUTH ea0 SSt 52" UST, A DISTANCE OF 24,68 l,"EE'f 'lO no:. TlllUIIIIUS or SAID STillFJ -TOGETHER wrm·.A st1UP OF LAND 10 FEET WIDE LYING 5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOI.LOlflllG. DESClUBED Clllt£RLIHE; COMHENCI!fG AT ~HE AfORDiEtn'lONED POU:T "A'", THEIICE NOR.TH 09° 1S 1 1211 WES't, A Dl.St.AltCE OF 27 .91 FEET TO THE tRUE POINT OF BEGiiffllNGJ SAID P.OINT LnNc Olf SAio EAST LINE OF THE EASEMENT RttOJbED UND£1l SAID lU1IG COUlfI'Y RECORDING NO. 66318051 IHENCP. SOU1H eeo ss· 52" "£,\ST, A DISTANCE or 11.02 FEET IO THE TERMINUS OF SAID STIUPt TOGETHER WITH A STRIP OF LAND 10 FEET WIDE LYINGS FEET OH £A~K SID£ or THE FOU.OWINC DESClUIED CEHTERUNt; cmtHENCIIIG Al' THE AFORl:liENTIORED l'OIN'f "A''J THEMCS SOOTH ozo 00' 41" WEST.-A DISTANCE Of 303.89 FEET TC IP.I TRUE POINT OE ar.cmnrtNCJ SAID .UINT LYING OH-SAID EAST LIME Of THE EASEHZNT UCORDED UNDER UlfG COUlf?Y UC-OBI>UICi NO. G631805J ThENCE ~:.iUTH 8813 55 1 S2" EAST A DlSTABCE OF 10 .. 84 FEil TO THE TFJt.tl"':i,1iS OF SAID STRIP• ~': >'."..'·, -j i,\:;.,·,\-·.. . i"'' . . ,~if~>{·· · .... • ..•. · ......... ""'~---.-~---- C") N N N '° <X) ; . . . . .· IH~USS,. EGRESS r LANOSCAPE AND · Et4SRGENCY _'VEHICLE ACCESS LANE: EASB~NT . THIS !~0BlmlRE , .. ~e this 'J.,l'.\_ day of ~It( , 1986; betwe8n REN'l'ON. VILLA<;~· COHPANY-;-"°aJoint ,Venture, and RENroN v:U.~1!:. COMPf\1.U, ·a. wa8hing.tori general parine·rshtP, ( coll~ctlvely .r;ei:er_red ··t.o. · as ."'~he t?wners" >-,. · T~at 1ri.c0nsideratio6·of T~n Dollars ($10.00) and othe~ good -iind· 'liellUable, ~onaid"erati_On, in hand paid 1 receipt of which 18 h'Breby acknciwl,a,qged, the· Owner$ h.greby convey and quit claim unto ea:c_h. other a· perpetual e"asem.ent over and acrOS$ the following <lesC:dbed property, sit\lated :i.n i;.tng county,: Washingtoni- See Exhibit •Ah attach.ed hereto and by 1:his re_ference made a part hereof Said eaeement being for the purposes of operating, irispecting ,. JU,intaining:, removing, repairing, replacing and using three protection posts, an-emergency vahicle access lane, ingress a.nd egress and _an· exist.lng: landscape area as shown on A.L.T.A. survey dated November 1986 by Harstad Consultant$ and lo~e<frin ·the, No~therly 20 feet of the easement area described in 9ld •-.J Exhibit "A". :?::::.:::: t-J This easement is granted on the following terms an~~-? W =~U~M, ~·-~ ~ 1. Said lane shall be maintained in a manner unrestricted ~ccess by emergency vehicles ·-·~ ':.) -u which wrt;;:11'1.lcJi, at all t~~-~ 2. Cost of maintaining said lane shall be snared equally by each Owner. 3. Th~ Ownors shall not construct or plac~ any building atructut'es or other iinprovemeots within the easement area described in aaid Exhibit "Aw inconsistent with the ~urposes c1tatecl herein. 4. 5. The respective owners of the propart.ies relea&e, indemnif1• and promise to defend and save harmless the Owner of the other property from and against any and ~11 liability, loss, cost, damage, expense, action and claims, includirg costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by that Owner in defense of a claim asserted or arising directly or indirectly or account of or out of acts or orni~Bivns of that ~a~iy or its tenants~ guests, or i.nvitees in the exercise of their rights granted herein. The rights and obliga.tior,s gn1nted hel:"ein shall inure to the bencfi t of and be binding upon the owneu1 and their respectivs 3Ucceesors and assigns. Executed this day and year first above written. RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY, a joint venture: RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY, a Washington general partnership BY: Port Blakely ·rree Fanns, a Washington liaited pat'tner&hip Byt PUget Weetern, Inc., a W~~hington corpor&tion By: Port Blakely Tree Furms (Limited Partnership), a Washington limited partnership Its General Partner Partner By: Puget Westorn, Inc., a washir.gt""n cor[)Qration Its. Gene-1:al Partner By: W. E. OtlilOD It$ a~ne~&l Partner 7-DC~3275 121986 ,·. ;':) ,. -.-~ ~·". . :,._,-"-''""'"=·-, : .... ~·~--~,..~, ... w .... _ · tg~ttrt ,) , '')-'~-~ •l _, ' ' ,"'W 'J{;;,11!~~1l·,,'~iJs'c,lP~ ~ND . . •· .. · !<8C.1',V£lll(:L8; L.!,11&··ACCBS$ 8ASOMSNT · ·w,;"«4,Ai;B<coiu'Miil ;. JOIII.T VENTURE · R'.V.itUGBiCOMPNIY ·-,;, GBNBRAT·' PARTNBRSRI". . ) ' .. i}il :f ,, c~~rto:h::N;_:~d:/:~ '. ~· .· ~ , 1986, before rae; ,. _,-~~_'..:,. . ·:the·-tii'idei_Si'iin~, a. Notary "itl,'tfc 'fn anl'-for the Statr--;;,f -··.'·.f;.·-·:_ · if,a'ShJpOtp!'f,. ~'.u.iy. ·cOJ?m!iS9_i~n,~d ·an~ sworn, personally ap~are~ J. E ~ f.-~ · ·: .'~ONE'_· to·ile,--known.:-to be th!' Gen.era! Partner of PORT BLAJtELY TREE f:··:; :. _:'"F~RMS ... ··--,.JL~111i~8~.-: -~.artiJOr~liip), th. a li.mit~d pat:'tnership who exscuted ,· -.i :_. tht;'_:.fQl;egolng· .lma:t1:uman_t_· 1n its capacLt.y as gener~l pax-tner of · ·J-· · · _-RENTON vi_,LLA.Gt ·COMPANY; a washin_g_ton gene.ral p~rtnea:-ship, and he I - •t ,, .. 1 ; .i;. 11 I.·' 1 ... . • .. . i ' . . 1.· I: j \. ' i' I' , .. ' 1 · ,. 1;:'. ,. ·,.acknOWllDdQed the ~D.i~·-_·insfrument to .be the free ·and· voluntary f!ICt .8.nd·de·ea· O.f. PORT BLAKELY 'l'.·QEE FARMS (Limited Partnership)" for use·s. &n:d pµrpoaes ·therein mentioned,: and on oath stated that· he is authorized to· E!Xet~~te t~e said instrument. · · W.ft.neSs ·my. hand a.rid official seal hereto · · y8ar. "fir:Jt· ·above _written. affixed the day and Notary Ub ie 1n ab \.or the State of Washington, residing at SW J\::»nl'S:if . s·TATH OF WASHINGTON ·comm OP KING il : · · on·this "/)) day of ~\i.r , 1986, before me, the undersign~Notary Pu~ and for the State of Washj.ngton, duiy-·r.omm.issioned and sworn, personally appeac-ed 'W. E • . WATS.ON to 1118 known to be .tl\e President Of PUGET WESTEP..N.· INC., the corporation that _ex~cut~d the foregoing instrument in its capacity · as _g8nerl!il _p_artner of RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY, a Washington general patt_ne·rship, and he a·cknowledged the said instrument to be the - free·and voluntary ~ct and deed of said corporation, for uses and p·urpos_es therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. Witness my hand and official §eal har.eto affixed the day·and year firSt above written. ---......._ Notary Pub 1c 1n an Was_hingtonr residin 7-llC-32H 121986 .;.:··.·. ., I j· ' I I i ! j '· I I I I i I I I 1··· I ' ·wASa1N~to1if f ) ss. tdi,ti-rt OP ii:tio · > · .Jl;L~~~:~}~n~~ad:~.~~Y Pub~}~:!a for the' s!:!• 0 ~efore me, .. "t9M.,-c:!Uly-co~la~ioned ilnd sworn, pet"SOf'!ally .. appeared- -. -~·'fl ·· · ·. · · ~ to me known to ·be· the of PUget Western, Inc. one of . -_ .t:h,~· !)~h~ ··ve,,ture·rs ~o . P~TON VILLAGE 'COMPANY "the . CO?:pe>r.stion. tha~ · ~X..ecutad. ~l::te'-. .,dth.lr. ·~I'!d f_oregoing· _instrument, and ··acknc:;twledged ·the S~id :·instruinent to:.be ·the fre& and voluntary· act and deed of said ·-·· cO:ipor~ltJo"n-· fot"· said-jOint venture,_ for the uses and purpos&:s . there.in men·t1_on8!1i and on oath. stated that he '1&.5 authoi-ized to· execute the·· said instiumeml:.. =:·._: .. --'·WITNESS .M-.YeaJ:'-iri -.this _:,. · .. my= hai::ol and certiffoate official seal hereto ':llbove"'titten. . i {) affixed tha day an~ ·.~.·· . llil, · .. ~ . Pli1. \il_ Notaf'y Publ Washington, res . ',.Q_· i ,CO _--.... ~TAT~ OF WASHINGTON C_OUNTY OF KIHG ss. ·on this nti...!aay of ~cm c, .... 41-. , 19Jif.,, before .... th_e undersigned, a. Notary PUic in and for the State of . . W&$hin9ton, duly fommissioned and sworn, personally appeared i [. ~r-~~ · . , to me known to be the P lsn=ti=:~~~t!'(L.of Port Blakely. Tree F8rms, one o! 81 Joint;. -v8 tur:ere o~~N' VILLAGE COMPANY the corpor:atlon that executed the ·-within a:nd foregoing instrument; and aCknovledged the said i~strument to be the free ana voluntary ect a_nd·deed of s&id eorj;,ora1;.ion ·tor ~aid joint venture, fcir th& Uses· an4 pu~poses therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execut~ the said instru~ent. ···WITHES~ my hand and official sei:ll herato affixed the day and Yillll;r :il1: this. certificate above written. -No·t~;;,<'ttWifc" ~ t!ftJ'@~r the State of Washington. i:esiding at Sl..{)l:Y)!dc.Stf.. · .. >\:: 7-DC-3275: l 2l98f : .. ' ~:;:~\;.;,:.~-~--~~~·~~~~--11~l~.1-~1~~~~~:~~:~if-."··===--·-------,,.;,,..., .~,~ .. ,~.2 .... ~.-~~,,.~ .. ~~:,:r-~---·:~~~~.;~~~ .. -~~;;,:~.~._~;~:~;_'~~ .... · r.~ __ ;~r:~ ....... ~•oi?.91'1) -· ~ -.· \I " . ·jslTL ]~(>\ -. 1 ::.:-·· .. ·. ~T-~1111 Of tHl;,IIOltHUST Ql!AIITEI\ OF SECTION U, IONNSHIP 23 BOIITH, ' • : · • · ' , · ' '' · IAIIIIE S WI:, II.II. DESCllHD AS FOLLOIJS 1 t<,: ~ '-i .' , .. -~·~ M.IOUTIINES't COllllEll OF THE MORTHtAST QIWl?E! OF SAID •;;'[:<. . ·.t\::,':\ •:• · ... <illl&·.··.· :a.7 .. ii.Ei ... ~ .. ,~ .. •· .... ·· ·.·~ 101.'tll Ql 0 04.'01." EAST AJ.Olffi .. , 111£. IIEST U. NE· · -'!.,.:,'.'.;:, • •., ·'i·: > .. ·· .~,.XDISTAliel'l)f 144,fS HET1 THENCE SOUTH.BB0 55'52" £AST, A . . , :·. ·. ' .'..'.,.-DJi'l'Ain:E:o,·402;:ll·'FEET l'li,J.;POiNT HERElllAF;!£1 DESCRlllEll AS FOIII? "A"I ·.'..1· ', i . , '·, SAiii ~Ill'fi,fIHG :o~ TIIS ~y LINE OF LA."1> DESCIIIED II! QUIT · · • . .'. . . . ·· ·' ,CLAill,DEElf lR EX!ttin-"A", U:CORIJED UNDEI !<ING COUlffl' ~l!Dl!R; NO. · _-_.'.ji:.'.:.·· -·--:·-·:·:~l2oiµ703sSi)mfCtFD.tl;!))i~iQSO Ust-.t.LONG SAID ~Y"LI~E~ A ..... :. .. . · DISTIJicE" o,_··,.39.-F.E&T_·'!O m·_ -'h.lJE .~!NT or !~£1P.l!!!GJ _ TH!!!CE SO".ml ':0 J:. 01"9<i'.06"·~l;.ALOIIG .SAID:~TEILY LIHE, A DlST.IMC.E OF 285.0 FEET! .. : . ·1· :tJIEIICI .lio&ffl 02"49'21". l!A,tt, A DLSTANCE OF 29,73·fEET! THENCE ll?RTII . . .. . oi0 ¥,•.os" UST,·A.D1SUHCE OF 157.71 FEET! THENCE IIOlffl Ot"o4•08" WT, . i. ,·Ail>LSTANCE OF 65 000 FEET TO A.TANGENT CURVE IO 'Ill}: lU'I HAVIIIG A ·. '; IIADIUS OF W0,00. FEET1. THENCE NORTH ALONG SAID ctmVJ: TIIIIOIIGH A CEBTIW. -. r. · MOU or··o9°l0'00" • .'AN ilC J)_ISTMICE OF 33.16 FEEi TO THr-TRUE •oun . !. . _. ~ ·m1N111HG, .. --- ·I· ~. ! :~ · 'TO<;ETHD NUH ~ ~LLOWl"NG DESCB.UED LAND1 . ! ·N -~IHG AT l'HE AFOUJIPtIONED-POINT "A"; THENCE KORTH 01°04•0&" EAST i' ---ALONG _WQ. ~TEilLY LINE, A DISTAµCE. OF :32.46 FE£T to tHE 'IB\i"E POIHT OF ;8 MJ:?,IliNiltC1 THEh"CE-CONtiNUIKG HOltTH Ol''04*0S" £AST, .l Dl~ANCE OF 189.62 FEI'lJ THENCE L:EAYlNG SAJD WESTERLY um. S0Utfl 02 10'04'" £AST, . ~. l>ISTl.l!CE OF 60.83 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE TO 'lllE Lt:l'I HAVIIIC A ·IADilis OF 30,00 FEE'Ir THENCE SOUIIIEIU.Y ALONG SAID CURVE THIIQU:;H A · ~ ANGLE OF 15°51"'94", AH ARC DISTANCE OF 8.ll FEET ·'tO--A REVERSE CUIIVE HAVIllG h RADIUS OF 45.00 nET; Tl!£NCE S0IITH£1L1' ALONG SJ.ID CUIIVE iiHROUGH·A cEHTRAi ANGLE or 19°0:S•ss"J AN ARC DISTANCE OF 15~00 FEEIJ DENCE S0Ul'ft Ot0 0ta•08" WESTi A· DISTANCE OF 71.00 -rEET TO A TANCEllT" .CUIIVE l:O THE IUGIIT HAVIIIG A RADIUS OF 70,00 FEET1 THENCE ·soUTHEBLY _.ALOWC-SAID"·CURVE THROUGH A_.CENTRAL ANGLE OF 20°49"251'', ~lf ARC DISTANCE Of. 25.44 FEET l:O A IIEVFllSE CURVE HA YING A RADIUS OF 65.00 FEET! ~-SPutHERLY .ALON"~ SAI.D cuit.VE TH.ROUCH A cEHTRAL· IJiGLE 09°19.35".t A5 .AIC DISTANCE: O.F 10.58 FEE'I TO THE .:RU£ PDU,'T OF ~NHING;. 'IOOETIIEI IIIIH TII£ FOLLOWillG DBSCRISED LAND ; cO!IMENcI5G AT THE·AFOBEHENTIONED POINT "A"'I THENCE HOR'IH 01°04•oe't' EAST A!.ORG ~D liiESTERI.Y I.INE1 A DISVJ:1:::£ i}f 265. ',8 FEET TO tilE TRUE POIBT ·OF an;I:NNINGJ tRENCE-CONTINUING NORTH 01°04"0S" EAST I.LONG SAID .\IES?EBLY. LINE1 A D1Sl"ANCE OF 146.23 FEET TO TR£ SOUTHEASTEBLY KARGIN Of'. SOuttf GRADY ~AY 1 SAID MARCIN LYING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 3,869.71 FEET AND HAVlNG A BJ.DIAL BEARlHG OF NORTH z3o46•53u WEST, THENCl: .N01\IH£ASTERLY J.L0NC SAID CURVE THROUGH: A CElfl'RAL ANGLE OF . 0_1°04'29", ·A!l .il.C DlSTAliCE OF 72.60 FEET TO A POihT Oli A CURVE HA\'ING A ki\DIUS Or 50.00.FEET AND HAVING A RADIAL -BEARING OF. SOUTH 40037'0311 EAS1'1 'l'HENCE LEAVING -:;uD IW\CiIH SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CUB.VE "THllOUGH A. C£N'DW., ANGLE OF )9°26 1 06''. AN ARC DISTANCE OF ·J4,41 FE.ET1 . --~E·SOU'IH o,0 ~·Sl11"W£ST, A 1J:ISTANCE Pf 76.SS FEET TO A TANGENT ·Qf'B.VE TQ ·THE llGHT llAVING A RADIUS OF BD,00 F.EITJ THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY Al.OifG SAID CVRVE niBOOGK .,,. ·cEHTJ\AL ANGLE or 35°37•,2•·, AN. AJlC DIST.AJl'CE .· OF.4t.75 FEET TO A REVERSE. CURVE ~VING A RADIUS OF 60 l'EET1 THENCE soutinlEsTDLY ALOIIG. SAID cvm·TKROUGH A CENTIVJ. ANGLE OF 31°18 1 58'•, ·.All ARC_ ·DIStAJCCE··oF 32~79 ·nn TO 7;1[ TRUt POINT OF IECINNING. :}~1'}: .. ·. -;~.~'-~··· -·~~~"~--~ -·~ , RECIPROCAL ACCESS AGREEMENT RECV F CHSHSl. ·.·-::. G,[' This Agree'.ment is made on the ~?day of December r 1986 by .Rento~ Village Company, a.Washington general partnership, for the benefit of real .property described in Exhibit A (·Two Renton Place") attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and Exhibit B ("Three Renton Place") attached hereto and incorporated h~rein by this reference. (Collectively U1 ·referred to as "The Properties",) ()' 1, Agreement. The Renton Village Company ag~ees to allow ("'). free and open_ access foC" the owners, tenants, guests, and ('\J invitees (or ingress and egress of vehicular and pedestrian N traftic from •rwo Renton Place parking lot to 1'hree Renton Place '° -parking lot and from Three Renton Place parking lot to 1'1..-.0 co Renton·Place parking lot subject to the terms and conditicns contained herein. 2. Rent. No rent or fee shall be charged by the owner of either ~roperty. 3. Maintenance and Repair. This Agreement shall create rio obligation an the part of the owner of either of the properties to maintain, repair, or pay Ear maintenance and repair on either of the Properties. 4. Release and Indemnity. The respective owners of the properties r~lease, indemnify and promise to defend and save harmless the owner of the other property from and again5t any and a·11 liability, loss, cost, damage, expense, action and claims,_ including costs and reasonable attorneys• fees incurred by that owner in-defense of a claim asserted or arising directly or indirectly or account ·ot or out of acts or omis.sions of that party or its ten,mts, guests, or invitees in the exercise of their rights granted herein. 5, Successors and Assigns.· The rights and obligations granted herein shall inure to the benef'.t of and be binding upon· the owners of Two Renton Place and Three Renton Place and their respective successors and assigns. E ' ' I ' ! i ,. ' ·,. i ., : i ' STATE OF -WASHINGTON ss. ·couHTY OF KING RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY, a Washington general partnership By Port slakely Tree Farm (Limited Partnership), a ~Jashington Limited Partnership It General P&rtr.9r ij~-'> \. J. !':'. arjon ~s\fen l Pa tner ~ By Puget Westecn, Inc., a Washington Corporation I~~~~f~ By ?-:JL1£A/&-_ ~ w. E. l'latson Its Pr:eaident on this \1~ day of ~~?I,( , 19J!'.._, before me, the undersigned, a N~ary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared J. E, warjone to me known to be the General Partner of Port Blaltely Tree Farm (Limited Partner:ship) the limited partner.ship who executed the foregoing instrtlment in its capacity as general partner of Renton Village Company, a Washington general partnership, and he ack.Jtowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of Port Blakely Tree Farms {Limited Partnership) for uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath state that he is autnorized to execute the said instrument. Witness my hand and.Official seal hereto affixed the day and year·f~rst aOove written. '")DI'\ (}.~-._ Notary Public in ndfor ~he.,$tate~ Washington, res· d 'ng ;_it J:tll.~ . My Commission E,;pires '£, l ... _i"-'I,"----- -2- ' ' I I ; ·. : j STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On J:his \'\lit day of \)I~( , 19-1!'._, before me. the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared W. E, Watson to me known to be the President of Puget Western, Inc., the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument in its· cap<1city. as general partner of Renton Village Company, a Washington general partnership, and he acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said coi:poration, for uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath state that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. u, Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day O""' and year first above written. (') (\J C'\I "' co o O t I t l ~ C V (ll,'/1, ---- Notary Public i nd for thq1_ptate of Washington, res d ng at ~i{., My Commission E -3- •. )~"''tl'•cm#\%//¥', ·' ·-'-+-·-,--·""''"'"'··.---~~- i I ' ·J . 1/) "' (") (\J N '° co ·'the land rd'9~:red t:O :In thi:S co~itment 18 situattid in th• county of ~ing,. 11tate ·o"f· Waahingt~, and describ(!d a.& f'ollova, 'lbat· portion. qf the northeaat quRrter of SectiQn 19, Township 23 North, Range S East~ K.M.-, _in. 1/!inq County, Washington, AK, Lota11 and. 12, Blo~k S, Renton VieW Addition," according t~ th& plat thereof recorded.in Voluma 33 of.Plato, ,.pag6 25, in King County, WashiMton; ao~~ part1cular1¥ _descri~ed 1us followa, ·eoJ11ZJ1ancin9 at the eOUtheaat corner of the northw••t quarter of said. northaaat· qu.a.rter ·Of Section l9J . · . thence eouth 01 °04'08" west along tho east 11ne of tho mouthw~tat guarter Qf ~ northwaat quarter, a distance of 224.15 feet,. then~~ .. aOuth 5$0 03 1 12" east, a distanC"e of 45.47 feet to the aouth ma~9in ot Renton Villaqtl'P~ace (60 £e~t wide) and north o! •aid Renton View Adcl:l t:lOn, .· · · , -. · · .~hence aouth 89 944'02~ ea9~ along th• south •argln, a dlatan.ce of 867.26 f••t to the true point ol beginning; th-once cont:ll\utnci .isouth 89°44' Ol" east along said eouth mi.rq:ln., a diatanc.e of 175.09 f•a.t to th• wastl!rly right•of-waY of Slt.· 515 (Talbot.Road South)· u: ahown on Washington State Hiqhway flan-Renton Viei.nitys Carr Road to crady Way -Sheet 6 of 6, appr~vecl . November 5, 1971, · thenca.-•outb oa 0 36' 57" weat., along said "1'8Bterly riljJht-of•way line, ·•· diat~nGe of 44.11 feet to the northerly ma:r9~n ot.Pr:l~ary S~ato H:lghvay·No. 1 {.Junction s.s.H. S-M-to Junction •.s.H. No. 2•SR 405), eaid ~r~•rlY 11,ar9in lylnq on a curve havinf a I'adiu.a of l., 780. 00 f••t and havinq_ a radial baarin9 of north 27 00'0$9 ·westa t:hanafll wa•tarlY. &lonQ' aald curve through a cen.tf.a~ · angle of . 6°12'09~, •narc d:letarie• of 192.69 feet to a po~nt on the.ea•terly line. of • · L•••• entered on April 7 1 1980 between Renton Vtlla9e; Ccimpaby and Bo·ein; CompU_tar Service1, · . · tb•nc• -north .oi•.24•03:11 eaSt along said. easterly line, • diatanco at 122 •. 94 !'eet to tha ·t:rue point of beginning. (l•CJ•l dertcription,· ~-:.ntinU~) ,· I i ' '·J 1 ' I i ' ' .Kl.·. (\J "' co .•. LEGAL DESCRIPTION, cantinued.1 on,.at por:tion 0£ the northeilst quarter of Section 19, Townahip 23 North, Itani;• 5 East, W.M., ·1n King County, Washington" de.scribed. a11 f011owa1 Com.mencintl at the aouthweat corner of tho north~a&t qua,ter Qf th• . northeast quarte_, thareof"J thence north 01~04'09° eaat along the woat line thereof 244,66 f•ats· .thence south 88°55'.sz•· eaat 402.38 feet·t? the true poin~-of beginnin91 thence aou.th 89°44'02" eaat s1s·.11 feet, th•r.ce south 00~1S'5BH west 19.3S feet; theQcO South 896 44'02* eaat 175.00 feet ~o tba westerly margin of SR. 515 (Ta'J.bot Road South) as shown 6~ wa:1hington Sta._te, Highway Plan-Renton Vi~initys Carr Road and Orody WaY, Sheet G of~. approved Noven,l:iar 5, 19711 · . thence alon;·tha weaterlY margin of Talbot Road South, south 02°361 57• west 410.00· feet to the intera~ction wit!) th• ~orth ffl&r"91Q ~f Sottth Rentqn Village ?tace (60 !eet w1d•)1 thence.alonq the north •acgin of South Renton Villa;e Plaee, north· 89g44 1 02"·west·&19.31 feet to the west line ot land described in !:xhibit_··1tA1t 0£ (!.u:Lt Claia ·oeed recorded under Kin,; County B:ac;ord::1.ng, NUml:>ar 8208270355, · · 'thenC•· alonq the west line, ~orth 01°04'06" east 429.05 Zaet to th• . ·· tni• .~o1nt . of beqinn:l.n,-. .-,~----........ - ,,, . ;' ~''' 'l'-;t·\: ... :::: EXHUIT'j;I- LOT LtNE Ab.JIIS'IIIENT• ·PORTION TO TAX Let l FP.Olt TAX LOT 23 THA? ,OBTION OF. THE lfOP.THF.AST QUARTER IN SECTION 19, 'TOWNSHIP 23 N_oatN; IWlGI 5 .EAST, "·~· LYWG NORTHERLY AND-HOl\THEA.STERLY OF THI soutil LiNE OF LABO D£SCB1BED IN WARRANTY DUO IN VOL1JM¥ 106" OF . DEEDS• PAQE 172 UNDER AIJ~ITOR • S -FILE NO. 1322601, DATED JULY 3 1 191' · &Etw'E)af fJIILO D. K/IMLIN AND PUGET SOUND 'I_RAC'UDN, LIGHT AND l'OHEI. COHl'AIIYI LYlltG SOUTHERLY OF THE FOLLO•ING DESCIIUED LlNEt COltl!Elltl!W AT THI SOUTHWES't. CORNER OF THE iro.tuEAST qu~im:11 or '!HE. NOBttlEASl' QUARTO OF SAlD S&CIION l9J THENCE NOR'tH 01D04•Qet1· EAST ALO~ THE WEST LINE tHEftEOF 1 A DISTANCt OF 244.66 FEETJ 1HENC£ SOU1'K oa 0,s•sz .. EJST, A DISTANCE OF ~02.38 FEET to THE 'IBUE !'DINT or ftEGI~ll'.W bf SAID J)ESCRU.ED UNEt 'l'HENCE SO!JiK 19044tQ2it EAST, .l . DI~TAlfCI or 515.1.t FEET, THENCE SOUTH 00°15.1 S811 WEST. A. bI$TA1ICE. OF 19.35 F~!1'1 THENCE SOUTH 8'9-0 44'02" EAS't, A D!STl•NCE OF 175+00 rE£t 'IO fflE WESTERLY· MA1\CIN O!' SR S1S ('I'ALROT 80AD S0U1H) AS SHOWJI ON WASHINGTON STAtE HICHHAY PLAN-RENTON VICUllTYs CAill\ ROAD IO GR.ADY WAY, SHEE'f 6 OF .6.1 APP.ROVED NOVEMBER .5, 1971 AND TUMIIIUS OF !AID DESCRIBED LIKi:J AlfD 1,ytMG lrii'EST Oi tHE WES'IER!.Y MMGIH OF SAID SR. s°U, :1:\r;: i 1~~wi~~i&tJ·r~J:··-~~,,\, YJ',,,,_./·," /,,,--· . . ~---.-··., -, .. --:--~~ ' · fJJ.~D · .,,r i1ecord at Request of .~~· ·~:~'f-:~~Llz:-~d~~"~ · ·:) · i;.:,...--t,;; , we-,u•oss:: DECLARATION OF EASEMENT l ' Packing Easement 86/12...-2::; RECD F CASHSL 1-1,QO '! ·~. ! ' ! · l j ·i•t This Declaration is made on this i day of December, 1986, by t:'ort Blakely Tt:ee Farms a Washingt~limited partnershiJ,l anO Puget western, .Inc., a Washington corporation, doing business as Renton Village Company·, a Washington genex:al partnership, ~ (HGrantorN) for the benefit·ot the ,eal property described in Q-· Exhibit A attached hereto {the "Dominant Estate"). I. Redta1S A. Grantor is· the owner of the Dominant Estate, and the real property described in Exhibit B attached hereto ("Servient Estate .. ). · B. In order to assure parking for tile Dominant Estate, Grantor desires to declare a parking easement over and across that pottion of the Servient Estate as desccibed in Exhibit "C" attached hereto (·Parking Arean}. II. Declaration Grantor does hereby declare and grant for the benefit of the Dominant-E~tate a perpetual easement over and across the Parking Area for pedestrian and vehicular ingress to, egress from, and for parking upon the Parking Area (the nEase~entw), subject to the restrictions, reservations and covenants set forth below. III. Restrictions, Reservations and Covenants The Easement is declared and granted under this ~eclaration subject to the following restrictions, reservations and covenants: 1. ObstrUction of Right of. Nay. No fence, wall, hedge, or .other similar obstruction shall be placed on the .Parking Area to obstruct the fr.ee flow of traffic thereon. 2. Repair and Maintenance. The owner from time to time of the Do~inant Estate shall reasonably repair, maintain and care for the .Parking Area ut its so Le expense. 3. Succ~Esors and Assigns. The Easement sna11 run with the Dominant Estate and burden l;he Servient Estate and t~e ~arking Area. The restrictions, reservations and ;.:,r-'!=tl.00 . . ' ·. ' .. ' . ' ~-. ' E --~ ··,,·,:-· l .. .f i i ' '° CJ' ("') N N -.0 a:, COvenantS set forth in this Declaration shall be binding upon. inui:a to the benefit of the m"ners of the Domin,i;,nt. and--SerVierlt Es:tates and ·be enforceable by their respective Successors and assigns. 4. · Not a Public De~ication, Nothing contained in this Declaration shall be deemed to be a gift or dedication of any po_rtion of· the Dominant Estate, Servient Estate or the Packing Area to or for the benefit of the general public·oc for any public purposes whatsoever. Thij Decla:r;ation· shall be strictly limited to and for the purpose~ expressly stated herein. S. Estoppel Certificate. Owner of the Dominant Estate or Owner-of the Servient Estate, upon written request of the othei;, shall issue to the requesting party or to any other person specified by the requesting party, an estoppel certificate stating whether the pa·rty to whom the request has been directed knows: (a) of any breach of or default under this grant and, if there are known breaches or defaults, specifying the nature thereof; (bJ of any modification or amendment of this grant and,· if there are any known modifications or amendments, specifying the nature thereof; and (c) that this grant is then in full force and effect. Such statement shall act as a waiver of any claim by the party furnishing it to the extent such claim is based upon facts contrary to those set forth in the statement and is asserted against a mortgag~e or purchaser fer value who has acted in reliance upon the statement ~,ithout knowledge .of "facts to the contrary of those contained in the slat~ment. 6. Amendment. modified~ amended or signed _by the record Ser;vient Estate .. This Declaration shall not be cancelled except by wcitten instrument owners of the Dominant °Estate and the 7. No Merger. The Ea~ement shall not be ~xtinguiShed in the event that title to the Dominant -2- I ' ' ::;~tL~e., the Servient Estate, the Parking .a.re a or any ~ombination thereof is vested in the same party oc parties. IN WiTN.ESS WHEREOF, Grantoi:: has executed this Declaration the ddy and year firs_t above written. Renton Village Company, a Washington general partnership By Port Blakely Tree Farm, a Washington Limited Partnership Its General Partner rtner By Puget.Westernr Inc,; a Washington Corporation Its Gener.al Partner By-/(.9)#~ W • .vE. atson· Its Pi::esident -]- .. -. . . '"-~~~----. -·.' .. : },'"·,.;_~~. ;,., .-~ .... -• ·\ j i l , ' STAT~ OF 9UIS~l~GTON ) · . ) 5S. COUNTY" OF KIN·~ } . ·on tbtS~ day of)~~ ' B~, before me, the Und8rsigoed,·a Nota~y Public in and fer the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared J, E." WARJONE, to me known to be the General Partner of Port Blakely ?tee farms, the limited.partnership who executed the · fo_regoin9 insti::ument in its capacity as general partner of RSnton.VillagB Company, a Washington general partnership, and he· ·acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of Port B~akely Tree Farms for the uses anC purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized· to execute the said inst["ument. WITNESS .. clnd year. in my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day this.certificate 0a~b~~~~\~,ry./:~'.~~Lt~e~n=1.~~~~~~~~~~~- NOTARY PUBLIC in for th~tate of Washington, l ing at ~\v My appointment ex ,es ( '\ ,4{_ STATE 9F WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) on this~ day of Jll#"'-\n,r'. , 19iL, before me, the undersigned, a .Not~ry Public in and for the State oE wa·shington, duly-commissioned and swocn, personally appeared W. E. WATSON, to me known to be tt,e President of Puget Nestern, Inc., tl;'J.e corporation that executed the foregoing instrument in its capacity as general partner of Renton Village Company, a Washington general partnership, and he acknowledged the said iristrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for tPe uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized ta execut8 t~e said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official ~ea! hereto affix~d th~ day and year in· thts certificate above written. ·- NOTARY -~Jt{\: in of Washington, My appointme:i.t -4- <i . '~ . ' . ; . a i· ' '. l ' ' I ; ~ (\J ·..o <O EXHIBIT "t,..' jlli.T 1oaT10N or.THE HOk?HEASt QUAR'l'El\ or sEcr10ll.19 •. ~Hit 23 llORffl, !WICE s EAST, W.K .. lING coum WASHINGTON, DESCRUED AS ·rouows, ;CilllW!ClllG. AT tllE'60UtH1/En Q)IUIER OF THE ~ORT1l£A5I QU/JIUll OF . .11.UI IIQll'IIIEAST ljl/AIITF.&1 'nl~CE MORT!i 01.• O•' 08~ EAST ALONG tliE 1(£1.T u.n DIEUOI'~ A DISTANCE Of 244.66 E[ETJ TMINCE .Sotml 110 ss• 52 .. UST, A PlStAIICE .OF 402,31 FEET TO 'fHE TllUE fOIMT or BECl .. I11C1 tllEllCE .11\ml 9," 64' 02" WT, A DISTANCE OF 515,ll FEET1 tHEIICE SOlml .00" 15'. 51" WIST, A DISJ.WCE Of 19,35 FEET1 'IIIEIICE SOUl:11 . ... 64' ot•. J'.AS1'~ .l-itJSTANCE-OF,175.00 FEET TO A l0Ilrt Olf nrE 'WIST ... DLJ IIMAlII OF 1!11 515 (TALIOT MAIi SOUT!I) AS SH0\111 ON IIASHI!IGTO• STA'tt BlQIVAY ~·~OM VICIHITY t CAM. ROAD TO GiAOY. WAY,. SHEET 6 DI' 6a ·Al'PIOVED llOVDll!ll 5 .. ·i,71, THENCE NORTIIEI\LY ALONG tllE WESTERLY !Wal:la OF 'hLIOr IOAD SOUTIIJ IHE FOLt.<ll/IHC COURSES IORTI o2" 36' 51" EAST, A 'DISTAJICI or U.61 FEETJ nJENCE NOltH oa0 20• "53" UST. A l>I5?ANC:t or 100.so·,ut, THENC£ NORTH 02° 35• 09'' EASt, A DISTANCE OF 16,70 FEET 'NA CUIIVE HAYING A RADIUS OF 6}0 .F£ET AIID HAVING A. IIWIIAL IWilll OF IIOIITH 89• 45' 36" IIEST I l"rlEHCE IOBTIIEIILY A!.OliG s.uD CUP.Yi 'IDOUQH A CllttRAL OGLE or l3° '(HP 27". AH ABC DiSIAJICF.: or 316,l6·FEITI TIIEIIC£ .IIORTII n• 55' 03" WEST, A DlSTAIICE or·121.11 l'EET "rO A TANGENT CUIIVl TO TH£ LEFT HAVING• RADIUS OF SS,DO FEET! tHElfCE HOB.TH AND WESTEkLY ALOKG SAID CURVE TH.ROUCH A CU'TRAL AH.I$ _ OF eao 25' 22",·· AN AkC l>ISTAACE. OF B4.B& FEET to A lltVERSE CUIV.£ IAYla. A MADIUS OF )IH. 71 fEEtJ SAl[J CURVE LYIJro ON THE SOl'THEASTERLY ILIMI• W ·SIIU'IIHIIADY YAY1 'nlENCE SOUIHIIESTCRLY ALONC SAID IW!ClN 1IU\OtliH A c£Ntlu.,L ANGLE OF 01° 33• J2M, AN ARC DISTANCE DF ,10.s2 .FEEl' 'lO A l'Ol.Nt.WHICU LitS !fOl\tH 01° 04' 03" .EAST FROt'. TtlE TRUE toIX1' OF IECINHINGJTH.ENCE SOUTH 01° 04 1 08" ll'EST, A DISTA.'i'CE or 411 .. 11. l'EE'l .to Tl!£ TRUE POINT Of SECINNINC. ...,.-t'-···r -:,....;..-.--.. .S.,:---~ ·:• ... , I ; ' ' ' -1 ·I ' ' ' ,. i ,. . EXHIIBITL Tt,.at.-P.ortion of th.a .northeast quarter of Section 19,. Town.Jhip 23 North, Ran~• S East; H.K •• in King ~ounty, Washington, described AB fOUOws: · C,i;>tQmenc:ing at the tsouthwest .corner of the northeast quarter· Clf the north8aat·quarta~ thereof; th~n(:&· _north:01°04'08 11 east along the west line 'thereof -244.66 .feet; thence south S8°SS'52n eaat 402.38 feet to the true point.of beginning;: thence south 89°44'02" east 515.11 feet; thence south 00°15~58" west 19.35 fe~t; thence eouth 89 9 44'0211 east 17S.OO teet to u~o tn;$terly rnergin of SR 515 (Talbot RQad_South) as ehown on Washington St&te Highway Plan-Renton Vicinity; Carr Road and Grady Hay, Sheet 6 ot 6, approved November S, 1~71; thence· along the weste,rly m&rgin of Talbot Road South., south 02~36'57u we&t 410.00 fa.et to the intersaetion with the nOrth mar9in ot South Renton .Vili•ge Place (60 feet wide); thence along the north margin of South Renton Village Place, north 89°44 1 02" west 679,31 feet to the west line of land. described in Exhibit nA11 of Quit Claim Deed recorded under King county Recording NUmber 8208270355; thence Along the west line, no~th Ol 0 04'0a• east 429.05 feet to the true point of be;inning. ,~,r ,-,·,,w "*" .-,.,..,,.,~,·..-·• .. •·•" -~-_-...........,.--..--.~-u . -r· ;. l ' ' I 1 ' i· i I ' ! ' i ' ' ..0 O' --.. ~ N ..0 <X) . . ~ EXHIBIT ...f:.._ 'DIAt.POltlOI or n1£ KOl'IHEAST QUARtER Of Sf:CtlOtf 19, IOWNSHIP l]·NOI.IH,· ~E.5 EAST.-W.N.,. ll:IIG couwrr, WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOHS, C0MHEMCJ11C AT 1111 SOUTHWEST CQRHER or "THE NORTHEAST QUAI\TEB. Of SAID .. ·JfORTHEAST.QUAJlTD., THElfCIE NOatH (n004•0S" EAST.ALONG THE WEST LINE -·tKElU:'Of, i DISTANCE Of 244.66.FEETP THENCE s01JTH 886 5:5°52 .. EAST, A -,1STIJICE OF_.ilii02.38 _FEET to THE IllUE POINT OF a£GI:fNING.-SAID VOI'-""t LYIIIC 01._ t1U1 WESTDLY LIM£ or UNI) DESCRl8ED iN QUIT CI.\IH DEED tM . EXHIBIT ... A" UCORDiD ll)IJ)£R KING COUNTY R£CORD1lft; !10. 8208Z10J55J THEHCE · S01ml 89°44·02· _"EAST, A PISTANCE or SU~ll f'EET1 ?HENCE SOUTH oo 0 u•S8" wtsJ, ,.. 01s'f.A)ICE. or-211.76 FEt'T J .TKENCE NORTH _89°Ca4'02 .. WEST, A _DI$ .... . T~CE·:OF Sl5,,5.2 FEit. to SAiD WESTERLY LINE; tHENCE HORTH 01°04 1 0"8 .. EAST Al.0111: IWD lliSTDLY LIIII, A DlSTtl!CE OF 28.76 FEEr to TUE nut rourr or aiGitftitnG AIID C011TAIHt11C i,,eio SQUAIU: FEET HOR£_ o• uss. 1-/ [. . . ·. #"UQlf?T . . EA8BMEN'r FORUNIJWlGIWUNll BLEG"fRIC B~S'l'EM . J .~ .. l"or and .in oonsidersUon of One llollar ($1.00) nnd other I va1Qa.bl8 consideration, the receipt o·l which· is he.reby aoknow11:)dged I . . RENTON .VILLAGE GOMPANY, a. Washington general partnership l t"Grantor'' lterelnl, gl'Gnia, convB)'I and wnrranls lo PUG$T ~OUNO POWl~R & LIGHT Cl;:)MPANY. a -WuhlnttOL1 COr-. · ' PQrallon (0Granlae" _herein), for Iha purpoael herelnn[le.r ael foJ'fh a. perpetual easement under, aoro1111 mid_ ov,r/ the fol- . lowltis_ de~r1~d real property (lhe "Propei-ty11 berelnJ . Ki ng C.Ounly, Wuhll1910n, f;j SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED § N 86/12/26 RECD F CRSHSL 8.00 tt0353 r; 0: I l l I Bxcepl as 1nny h, otherwi511t aet for1h·hereln Greoh:1e's rlghla shall be exercised upon the I portion oJ' tht1I Property (lhe "Rlsht- of Way" heri!!ln) de:ic:ribed as follows: K~1e-----~---·--~a.aa.d!lrfflltffill·---··-----:.:~~1eee,m~iien,~- 11 .. -m:as:fDllmll: SEE EXHIBIT "B 11 ATTACHED By accepting and record in.· this easement document, Puget Sound Power &. Light .Company does hereby a.bandon and release all rights on said property acquired by easement recorded under Auditor's File llo. 8611070502. j PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGI\·r coMi>ANY 1 By: D~~R"'~E ,..t4.'fb;, { L Purpnse. Cran lee shall have lhe-r[shl lo conslrllel, operate, maintain, repair, re~lace and enlarge an underground eledrlr. t _ lram:,.nls:rion and/or distribution B)'!lem upon and·under lhe Right-of-Way Logolher with all nocessary or convenient ap,-i !I) l>u~enances therefor, which may include but are not limited lo Iha following: underground coruiuils, cables, communication {j ':{ ines; vaulll, manholes. awilches. and lransformert: and semi-burled or ground mounted fll.cllillea. Fo11owlng the lnlUal coo- l. :.n I alrudlon of Its racilities. Grantee may from time tD lime construal such additWnal faci.11.lles as It may roqulre. Kc,, I· ~ 1, Access, Gnmlea shall have the right of accees to the Righl-of-Wa.y over end acr•m, lhe Properly lo enable Gro.nlP.e lo exer• . t,~ cl11e Ila righla hereunder, providod, 1ha1 Granlee shall compenaele Grantor for any dnmege lo the Proporty caused by lho. exer-l...,... else or said righl ol access. . 3~ \) I. ObslructluJ; Landtcaplnz. Grnnlee may from lime lo lime remove lrees, bushe.-1, or other obstrucllona wllhln the Rlghl- ;'F,. QI-Way and may level and grade lhe Right-of•Way to the extenl reasonably necessary lo catty 0\11 tho pnrp-ian set fo"lh In 1 1 ..., paragraph t hereof, provkled, thal following any such work, Granlee shell, lo the extent reasanabll ptGC:llcabte, reelore 1he Rlsht-of-Way kl lho cmulitlon fl was lmmedlalely prior to such work. Following the lnslallelhm o Granlea'1 undarwtiund facllllle,, Gnmlor may under lake any ordinary lmprovemanla lo Iba laml~;aplng o( the Right-of-Way, provided lhal na lrHll or I. olher plant, ahall be placed thereon which would. be unreaaonably exper1.,ive a• impracUcal for Grantee IO ~emova and restore. I 1, r •· GnlllGt'• U1e of Rl.gbt-of•Way, C~tor reaerve1 lh• rljhl lo 11&1t the Righi-of-Way for any purpoN nol incoost.teni w.llfl lhe rt1hll herein granled. provtdet.l: lhat Granlor e:hoU nol c:on1lrlli::I or maintain any bulldlna or other struGlure on rhe_Rqht- of-Way which v.-outd lnterJara wtlh the exerclu ,.,r lhe rl1h1, herein jranted; that no di.gins, tunneling or other fol'm ·9' ~ ISlructlon acUvlly ahal1 be done on the Properly which would dlaturb the compaction or unearth Gran.toe's fac:llllln on Iha RIJIU~·Woy, or endan,ar 1he ialeral aupport lo said lacllltle,; and lhal no blo9tlns shall be done wilhln 15 feel ol tho Rlahl.of- Way, l: IJ. lodeaunll7, By aa:eptins and .recordl .. lhi1 -oaNment, GrantH·agroPa lo Indemnify and hokl harmlea Grantor from any I! end all claknl ror !nJuria and/or dam.,.. suffered by any pereon which may b11 caused by th.., GranlH'D uerdse of tt,erlgbg , heraln 8fffi1ed: plOVSded, that GranlU lhell DOI be respooalbla lo Granlor Cor any lnluried &r'l/or damaaea to any per,on )I causad by acle or omiMIONI of Granlor, t a. ~~~ 11to d,hll heroin anmted ahoU continue until sur:h limo ,as Cr:mtee coasmi lo uto tho ll:laht-ol~Way for a period of nve (SJ .succa.s.ive yurt, In which aven11hl• ~01ement _1hull lt1rmlnntc And an rlgh11111 hereunder .1ball rever110 Gran- lor, provided that no abandonment WI.I be deomed to he_va occurred by rou!IOn of Cranla11'1 fallure lO lnillally IDs:all its foclllliel on lhe RIJhl-Of..Way wllhlr1 any period ot lime from lhe dato ht1rt1of. ·· 7, ~san aod Aulp.11le rlahb and obUS11llons ul t11e i•ullu:i 3htdl lnunt lo !ho bonofU of and be binding upon lbeir re1pKllwe SUCCIIIIIOt.S and utlsno., . . . ,,11.3, ,.n: i~ \ . , .~ ' ! I c8 ~ 'I. I STAT£ Of' US1t1NG1DII ). ) ss. COIJNTY OfKIHB ) /)eCt;M 8~"----· , 19 _f!:_4... : •·. RENTON VILLAG&.COMPANY, a Washington GRANTOH general partnership consiStiug of z Port alakely 'free l'arJDY (Limited : · Pertnerebip} . . W.E. Watson on tbts 2#6 4iy of J.)t=c/!-,V'!Be'.'-, ~9 __ • before re.~ Nota~ Publh: lo u1d fur the State_ Wasltlngtan. dU!;' comluloMd 1ml swvin 1 personally appeared ., .E. WARJONli 1 P~rnSIDENT AND GENERAL PARTNER OF PORT BLAKELY TREE FARMS to"',_ to"' partn,r(sJ OfliERTON VILLAGE COMPANY, ·a Washington General Parblarship, who u.acuUd the w1tlltn and fort11ol~ ~n1-t1'Ullllnt, and 1cknowledg1d th1 wid tnstl"lllletrt to be his frn and YOluntny act end deed 1111 partner f1:lr th 1tSes and Pllrposes than1n 111entlonetl, WllNESS-11\Y hand Rd offlch,1 seal the da, and Jl!H' 1:n this certificate above written, L,,,,r,1v.; MIi- Roh'ry Pub 1 k 1 n ~nd for the State Df Hashtngton, residing et f<E.0¢10N.c,. . . \I; 'I,. 'l%iiJ1I~tf \it\,~:Qr WAllt)~o,; :1 { ;.,,.~~···' .. ,·· )· ss. COllKTY Of r.iiia.···· ) .On this 247/. dq of D/;C€M8£tL • 19 8(, befor"! me, 11 Notary _Publtc tn and for the State· llashtngton. d111ly li:01111fUlor11d and ,warn. PtrSOJ111ly 1pptared ___ w!!..:.',CEc,,.....!W'CAe,T,.,,s,,o,.NL.,------------ PREBIDENT PUGET WESTERN I INC, to me krnawn to be partne,[sJ of· RENlf:ON VILLAGE CO~ANY I a. Washington General Part11ershlp. wtio 9}18Cllted thi! wttitn and foregotng tn1t11111nt, and ackno111le~ tht Hid lnltnlllant. to be his free and volunt.ar,1 act 1,id dead IS -lPl"•=roctccouea:rc__ ____ for the USH and purpo1es thull!fn mentioned, I '· WITNESS !IQ' ltancl and offfcfa1 seal the da,r and ~ar In tMs certificate ;sbovo written, ---· t;;,,,.,,,,._.. .,t;? .t'Jtf....,,_ Notary F'ul>l k 1 n ar:d for ti.. $Uta-of Nashtn1ton "shling at /ctTa,,,.,,'IOI\/Q t CORPORATE ACkNOWLBDGMSN'l' . On Llab ..'.s!7$ da~ oi ./)f(F:(1:16~:'.\.... , 19Z(' , tiefore me, lhe ondantgn&d, per102tally appeared Wm, K Ar1·hur. and-------- 10 me-known to be lhe Di rector Bee J Estate and , ntapeellvely, of . PUGET BOUND PPJRB k I.,TGRT · COMPANY the 1-mrporat:on lhat exeaa1ad 1he foregoini lm•t.rumen1, nnd acknDWledged tho aald lnttrumeal lO be lhe (ree and volunlary act and deed of 3o!d eorporatton. for 1he uses and l)Urpm&S thornln monliontd~ aud "" oalh .s1a1ml 1ha1 · be WRR authodzed to, execute the •Id butrumenl and lhlll iha IV6J ~xad It lhe ~v ... ta se.tl of aid wrporalloo. Wllneu my hand and omctal Hal herelo ~lfixed Iha day and )'il&t first sb~o wrlllen. . . (m.,.,,dM. ~4~ Notary Pubilc tl r.nd for the Slalo oC Wuhlnalcn, rosJdlfl8Bt /(_€-.t::,;Vld.,,/~ ., . ·-·-~-.··-----~·--..,;;·.~· ~-~··:a.·,o;, ··.,~•~·-·-... ;J . :.; . ,: . ."·_·::"',·..::: J,jif'i!'' I l I l J 1 . BASEMENT. PO~ UNDERGROUND SYSTRM .. RBIITOII. VILLAGE COMPANY· . . PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY .EXHIBIT RAIi That portion. Of Block .2, walswor·th's First Addition to Renton, as re~orde.d in Volume 6 of·Plata, page 23, records of l\ing ccunt:Y, Washington, TOGETHER WITH vacated Dora Street and vacated 8th Avenue ·i!djo.ining as vacated· und8!r _Ordinances 1067 and 2850, re:s'pectively, o_f the Ci~y of Renton;: and that purtion of the Northea~t quarter of the Northeast quarter and the Southeast -quarter of th& Northeast quarter of Section 19, .Township 23 North, Range 5. East~· w.M., in King County, Washington, lYing South of the southerly margin of GI'ady Way ( also known as sec·ondary Slate Highway. No. I-L), being 100 feet in width as presently established1 lying North of the northerly margin of South Renton Village Place (also known as service Road), as conveyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under King County recording number 54753101 and lying West of the westerly margin of Talbot·Road · (also.known as Burnett Road Extension), as conveyed to the State . of Washington by deed re.corded under King County Recorci ~ng Number 5754046, ~nd State Road No. 515, as condemned by decree entered in Kfng County Superior Court Causa No. 761065; EXCEPT that portion thereof lying West of the following described line= · Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Northwest.quarter of. said Northeast quarter1 thence southerly along the West line of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter a distance of 190 feet tQ the northerly margin of South Renton Village Place (also known as Service Road): thence easterly along the northerly margin of said South Renton. Village Place-a distance of 402.42 feet to the True Point of aegil'l:ning of tge line h'erein describedr thence North 1 04'08n East a distance of 839~92 feet, more or less, to the southerly margin of Grady way, and ·the terminus of said line. 6-DC-3275 121886 I Ii 11 J; 1\ "!i ,, II I . BASEMENT·. FOR UNDERGROUND EtECTR!C SYSTEM RENTON .VILLAGE COMPANY ,PUGET· SOUND POWER· & LIGHT COMPANY EXHIBIT 1'B". · . A 'Right-of-,Way 15 feet , in width having 7. 5 feet of such width on 'each.side. of a centerlin~ described as follows: C~enCing.at the Southwest corner of the Northeast qu~rter o~ sclid Northeast quarter; -thence North 01°64'08" EaSt along the west line thereof, a distance of 244.66 f(!et; thence South 88° 55' 52" . East, a distance of 402. 38 feet to a point lying on the westerly line of land·_ d_eScriQed in QUI r CLAIM OBED iri EXHIBIT n A II recor4ed under King County Recording No. 8208270355; thence North 53°23'42" East, a distance of 669.96 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of said centerline; thence South 89°44'54" East,. a distance of 115.00 feet; thence south 23°07'21" East, a distance of 70. 00 feet to the terminus of said centerline. · :'f d ' ' ' ; ; . EASEMFNrFOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SYSTEM .'. iGraii.1_0, ... )1::!,~·ffln): ll'&nts.,:UJIWeyS and WJfraS'l11 1G PUGBT SOU~D POWER & LIGHT COMPANY. a Washington cor- pmition f.'Ct&D1ff"_ laerem1. for tha purpoS8S hOl'elnlifter sal forth a perpelm1l easemut undat, ·acf'OiS and over.the fol- lowh'ig --~-~ ·rea1-~ (lhe ".'Pn)party"-herein) King' County, Wuhingl:1m. See o.ttached EXHIBIT 11 A" 87/02/24 RECD F CASHSL ~0819 e;. 8.00 •.+>k*e.oo Except aa may_ be olheJwlae Id forth herein Granlea's righls shall be exercised up.m that porUtHI of lhc Property {llw nRlehl- . o1 Way" hl!9'l!!ln} duc:ribed P follaws: . 'JfRi,trl~-------._----:i-eeti!r-wtd'llrhavtng-------~-~a-cenlffo 5ine-4eN:,iW-folli1MN5T'- See a.ttached EXHIBIT 11 8 11 r:-: IT ru, ,, '" ~-.'.·•c:·,;i ·/ fU:Z:r I 0'..'I:'.l i.:UY}. ,, -;• f~Y-i'i~rf.\'~~~t~~?f ...• ,~~1t;UU.t 1, Purpole. Crenl!NI sha11 have Ure right lo cons1ru&I, operate. maintain, repair, replacsand enlarge an undergroundelectrir. ltanamlaion and/or diattlbutlon system upon a11d under lhe Righ!-of-Way togelh~r wllh all neceaary or m11,venlenl ap- purtenanet.a lhsrefor, wbich may Include but BJ'e nol llmlted to the followlng: undergnrnrn:1 conduib. cables. communication Jinae: \l"aults, manholes, swllchu. and transformers: end semi-bUtied ar ground mounted flldllliej. Following the inili11l oon- 61ruc11on of Us radii~ Gnmh,-o tf\J)' (mm time to lime om,truct such addi:1iom1l facilllies as ii may require. 2. Accen.Granlee shall have the righl of tH:CtlH 10 1he Rl!ht-o(-Way O'.'er ,md ae;rosa thePn'.lperl)' to enable Gn1.n1ee-to e:itP.r-. c;l$11:1 lla rlahta hereunder. provided. that Grantee shall compcMate Cranlor for any damage 10 Iha-Property caused by the ex.,,_ dlk! or said rlg.1i.l of accau. . · · a. Obalrutdona. Landacaplng. GrAl'ltee-may from lime lo time remove trees, bushes, or olber obs1ructiona_wilhln·11te Right-·· of-Way and may' tevel Dnd pade tha Ri9hl-of-W!Y lo Iha utent reasonably ncces..<1ll1"Y lo carr; out Iha purpoo:,t11. sel J011]1 in paragraph 1 hereof, provided, that tollowms any .such wort., Gran tea shall, lo the t-Xlent re.isonably practicable,_ taslora the Righi-of-Way lo Iha comllllon It wa1 immadlalely prior lo such work. Following the inslallation of Gnmtee'a undergrour:J. fut:illtie.t, Grantor may underlake: any ordinary impi:owa·umts to 1he lend=ipi11g of th.a Right-of-Way, provided tl1al no treas or olher p]anlll shall be plaoed 1herean whlch·wowd b11 1:111reasonably expt11Sive or impractical for Grantee lo remove and rnlore. I. &ianlor'a Use GI Rlaht,ot•Way, GrB11lor rH~ the right lo u5"l !he Right-of-Way for any purpose not Jru::omi&lflnl with the rishll herein lf'&nleJ, prcividad: lhal Granto, sbeU not CDnlltuct or main1aifl any bllildlng or other 9tr\tcture on !lie Righi- of-Way which would lnlark_ra wilh lhe exBJdae of the rlahlS heri11n granted; that no dlai111, tunnelir:iJ or olher form of co:1- slrucUoo activity shall be done on the Properly which would di~lurb the compaction ot unearth Granlen facilities OJ11he · Righi-of-Way, or eudet\pr the laleral .wpporl to Mid fadHl~1; and that flll hhu!iag:shall lilll done within 1& feet of !hf! Rlghl-Gl- Way. · I. ~. By ICCf!Ptl.118 and recotdlns this 111a1emena, Grantee agreBJ to indemnify imd hold hatmleu Granlor from any ~ all mliml lor Wjn,iol inld/or d111magn Nl'lered by any panon ...:hlch may be cauwd by !ho Grart«i•'s tnrdN af Iha ri&hl' unb). IJI'~; prorld,cl. lhatGranl~ Nllllll Mt ba rapDDllble to Gi-anlor for any Injuries and/or damaaes to any penon cauiad by ads or lllllbilkma m Gtamor. . ·. 1, ~L 'The rtshll herein anntod shall 011111dnue until auch lime as Gr,m!N celllff!.11 lo UH the Rlabl-Of~Way for a period of live f1)·~ve yeira, ln which event Ibis .uementahell tem.in,11111 and ull rigbu hereundflrshall r&tlflt 1o Gran- tor;Pf(Widad that _no abam:km.mmat lh•II be dfl8Dled lo haye o~i;urred by 1earon of Gr•nlafl'.t failure lo hlltkllly IIIMall ua · tadfl~i,s on the·Rlahk,1-Way wldlln any poriod -,r time r,om 1he do.le here;if. {' 1, ~ .ad AIIIJlla, Tha rlgbls and ohilptloni of Iba p.~tfi.~a 8hall UlUro to the hensnt of ,and be blnding~pon !heir . '· ~._._ •. • re~ct1ve wcceuon aoa iau1.-· \n1tjr1/..r I EXCISE T,\x Nor hU .. llJJ1 ® · /'.J(~1i,c.o~ ~e~-01ds U•1;~~o~ . · : poaP ·-~ S.-4-,.{!£t.o: )-,,/ . ., . . i ·. ( .. *"-'7.t---·. ll~;i·!"' :Pe.go 1 ~-f a___ .. ·.· ~ :.'"/ . i . . "'*'# q~·"'.··-,·~<7''cf,,: .•. ,.,,~';· ·., ' i ·/ ' ;. i .1 / STATE.OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OP KING ) .. ',:'.· RSNTON 'VILLAGE. C9MPAiff',: · a, . · . .-. ·., _was"hington Ge1:1e·ra1 Partnerah~·p·. By Its ~ort BJ~kely_Tree Farms {I,. ii?'.), a Washington· Limited Partnership· Oeneral Partner ("-. By Puget Wea~ern. Inc •• a W&shington. Corpc,r~.tion Its General Paftner ~,~.'",c-__ By 0 . ~~-- w.E~s0n · Its Pa:eaident . ·On this )_o-;t, day-of ffdlN,-Jn.7 , 19b before me, the .undersigned, a Notary_ Public in and for the State of_ . Washington, duly commi_saioned and sworn, personally appeared J. E. WARJONE, .to me knoW'n to be the Gen~ral Partner of Port Bleikely Tree-Farms (L. P.), ·t~a limited partners~ip that executed the foregoing.instrument in its capacity as general partner of Renton Village Ct,mpany, a Washington general part.ne:tahip, ·and he acknOWledged _the said inatrumeut to 'be the free and voluntary act and. deed of Port Blakely Tree :E'arms (L. p.} for the uses and purposee tberein aentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to eXeoute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official s~l hereto affixed the day and year in-this certificate above writte • '"'"''"""' ~,,1!..,_ NOTARY PUBLIC in0 tor the St.ate of Washington, residing at /•?t!aMeu,tD My appointment expires .JcP. IS', /9tJo STAT~_o, WASHINGTON) } Bli • COUNTY OP KING ) on .this :!'"'l'" day ot ,,Lce..tv/.M.~ · , 1987, before me, the undersign·-, a Notary Publlc 1.n a d for the Stati c;,f Washington, .duly commiaaioned and sworn, personally appear4!'d w. E. :WATSON, to me known to be the President of Puget Weabern, lnC., the cforp():ration that executed the foregoing instruDient .in its capacity a• gari&ral ·partner of Renton Village Collipany, a ~·:-~~•!o-.gton gahan.l partnarahip, and he acknuwi~._.;_ ~; .... •a.:...: instrument--to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporatiOn, the the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath atat•d that lt,e 1• authorized to execute the said ·1nstrU.11ent. . WITNESS my hand _and offieiftl seal hi'eto affixed the day and year ~n _thia cer~tfica.t.e. above written.~ NOTARY P0BLiC ~#o~'";n£a£• of : 'iJ:::.ahington, real.ding· at ,f;-t!.oMo-...,11, My ~ppointment. ex.pi.res S~P-IS, 12:?0 ......... . ·:i •• 31-QC-3270 020487 . ;" . A. \-,~,--.-->,~--: .. ·., i. .. :.\i: :/.-. ··--> . .. '':·a:!?:: ·1""11$Ml!IIT FOR {$DEjiGR0UIID ELECTRIC SYSUM BSllTOII. NILtAGE, COIIPANr (Gron tor) PUGET· ·sou?fi:r."P<nf~-·&.-LIGil'l" ci>MPANY (Grantee) EXHIBIT ·"A" ; '·:~: .. LEGJ\L DESCRlPTIOII .'~ :-.,.:'._\·\j/ . That portion of the lforthe~s:t quarter of Section 19, Township. /,\' ····:N.·. _:23·. NOrth, · Range· 5 East, W.M., King County 1 \fashiniton, ~esorlbed · il . ~·,. 'as follows: . ·-]~ C_ommenaing_a.t the S0utbwes·t _corner of the Nol'theaet quarter of I fi nld Northeast quarter thereo'f; the'lce N01·th 01°-0!\'08"-Ea.et a.long !. ·it th'f? West line thereof, a _distance of 244.66 feeti· thence" South i; :88°55'5211 ~ast. a"· jietan.ce of 402.38 feet to the 'J.'1•ue Puint of lj, Beg;l.nn1n8'; thence South 89°44'021' East, a distance of' 515.11 ; 1 _1··,·. feet; thence south ()0~15'58" West, :Ei. distance of 19.35 feet; thence So\J.th 89°44'0211 East, a distance of 175.00 feet tO a point o~ the westal'ly-·margin of SR 515 (Talbot Road South) as shown ! ' " on Washington Btate:Higbway Plan-Renton Vicinity: ¢Ur Road to Grady Way, Sheet 6 of 6; approved November s·, 1971; thence northel"ly along.the·westerly mil-l"gin ot. ~albot Road SoutbJ the .following courses North ·02°36 1 57 11 Ea.st, a distance ot 13.61 feeti .thence · North 08°20'5311 Bast, ·a distance of 100.50 feet; th•.mce North 02°36 1 ()9 11 East, a distance of 76.70 feet i:;:o a curve having a radius of-650 feet ·and having a radial bearing or· South 89°45'30" East; thence nOrtherly along said curve tnrough a central angle Of 3~0 09 1 i7 11 , ail arc distance of 376.16 feet; thence North 32°55 1 03'' West, a distance of 128a11 feat, to a tangent curve to the -left. having a·. radius of 55 .oo feet; thence North and westerly alOng said· curve tbrougl_i ·a central .. angle of ss 0 a5 1 22 11 J an a.:t'c distance of 84.88.feet to a reverse curve having a r&dius of 3869.71 feet; said curve lying on the_ southeasterly ·Jllargin of South Grady-Way; thence southwesterly· along said ·1t1argin through a central ·ang1e of 01°33•3~11 , an _a1•0 distance of 510,52 feet to a. ·point whiC.h lies North 01 e04'08'1 East_ from the true point of beginning; thence South 01°04'08" West, a distance of 41:l.71 feet to the True Point of Beginning. ! ' i I l ' I i i ; ' I. ,j ! ·. Pali{e 2 of 3 • ... ··~·.\• iOJ,. l --·~,! -• ¢~{~•-~-·_;·.; ~ .. ~ · .. :;jt .• ·.- + l l I I l i I 1 I I I i I ! I -I ! i l . II . . I -I . / I ·>-· I I I . EXHIBIT "B" :O"'•·.· .... -·A--··r:t.tbt·.of w&.y·i& ·t~et in width ba~ing 7,5 feet o:f ~ucb wi~tb i::o ··. Ou··.eacb' s.id8 of a .cen:terline descriOed as foll.ows: -~---- (\J . . (\J 0 -lti . com1Deno1Dg :at ih~ sout.bwest· .corner of the Northeast quarter · ot said· Nol"th88.st Q.uart.e1·i · thence North Ol. 0 04 10an· ·East a.long . ··the·-west li~e thereof, ii diStance of 244,66 fee1:J thence Beuth ·es•55,52i1 E_ast·,-a dil;Jtance o;t 402,38 :feet to a poi~t lyin~ on the -w_1;tst8rly line of-land ."described in Quit Claim-Deed. in ~hibit ·. ilA11 .re<;Oi·ded.-under King County. Recording No. 8208_270366; thence "North 57°57-1 28" ·Ea.st,-a distance of 766,20 feet to the True ··-POiDt of ·_Beg.inn.inn said _point· lying on the Nort_h line of an e:.:_iating .15 :foot wide · eELSement fo_r underground electric transmission line and/or-diatributiori system under·King·eounty Recording:Ho •. sei22e035S; thence _North 24°00 1 29 11 West, a dista.nCe of.88.22 feet: thence North 91°12 1 35 11 West., a. distance _of 65.4:8 teet; th"eri.ce North 32°39.'3911 West, a distance of 56.08 feet; tbenc& Horth 37°57 1 89" West, a distance of 20.40 feet; the~ee Nortb·Be0 32 1 0911 West, a.·dista.nee of 18.40 feet to· a·curve to the le1t having a radius of 200.00 feet and h~v.ing a rad.ial be"a-ring of .S:'.>utb 13°59 1 22 11 West; thence westerly a.long s&id cu1·ve through a aentra.l angle of 34°49 1 36 11 t an a.re dists.nce of 121.57 -feet; thence .SoUth 61°19 1 2011 West, a.distance of 47.1.5 feet; thence South _68"'49'3011 West, a. distance of 49,67 feeti · thence Sou.th 52 111 24'26" WestJ· a distance of 100,95 feet; thence So.utb 62°65'2.4'~ west,· a distance o-f 156.17 :teet to a point ·h~l'ein_after describe~ as Point 11 A11 ~ thence continuiDIJ South . a2n55 • 24°· West, a distance oi 25 ,66 feet; thence Scu._tb 19°'51113° West, ·a di.stance of 69.60 feet; thence South 23°43 1 5011 West, a dista.nce of.30 feet more or less to the North l 1 na of ·an un4erground power easement recorded under King County Recording No , 8612191505; -. ·TOGETHER WITH a atri:,,-of land 30 f_eet wide lying 15 fe'et on each side of the fol1ow1ng described centerline: begiuning at .the aforementioned Point 11A11 ; thence South 62°55'24 11 West, a distance of 25.88 feet; thence South 19°51~1311 West, a distarice of 25.00 ·fee~ to the ~erminus Qf said 30 loot strip of land. The exterior boundaries of said easement being either lengthened or sh~rtened accordingly to intersect with the bound&ries of · t.he tµtderground pO\Ver· ea·sement recorded uuder Kin1i Co\lnty Recording No, 8612191505, i .. 0 ··?.c f .. ~- l i ( ' t ; 1 ' i r :.· '' . ~.·\1·.:. I ··':·:i\'/Vi;i~-At ... •> . ,,·1 ~-.!,~x .. · ~ec2·:.!·"·1:1111-~::i-~il$!1S .... -.,.·-,_ __ ...,.,,j;/; ' ' 'j nd, ________ ..;,_, .w_,;;.a.;;o~·~-.... : .... · ....... e .... ,llb.\"--·--•,1,...1": .: e ·:. 1 8nd Cij~SL ···~~-~- ~f~l:'.,,.#.,:;;·":J-."c"·i"~.'.1'\·.#/~\~::(,.:'-"•~-. ~.--"-".,--":--_"-~· ... "'"."··_-_--. -_-,,-,:_ . fttlt~.~lljl~.:t~~(.r(~t•.•,--·a_il~ _th;I C_lrt OF_R£Nt0H 1 o Hu;.lclpal Ccar,Of•tlori_ or Xfn·1 f,;jj~,111~;· 11111ei~h1r cal led' "GrantH'' • . · · \: \·,' ;~1 t;i~sn.;, . -.,-.: '·: \-i;.~·,i1d GrlfttarC,I, for-~ol In con1ldor1tlon of 1111 sun of$ /;I!.!!.· . . ... >>':.:f:y .·,:··=·· ·.,.. ·. ·,,. · 'p1l~.)11J Gr1nt11, ~nd other va~&Mltla cHalderetlon, dG &i ::'~·-.,,·.:,,-·•1.1.:l~l'.fll,j;.,,~ln,-1ii11 1 .conver, and w•rr•nt unto ~hi Hid Cr11nt11 1 . lt1· · ~·:cc'ii.1o'90FI/MCl•_ai1Jtn•,· ·e,t· ••1.,..nt. fDi 1111ftllc ~tltltlH (lncludln• ..,,.,., an~,.,.,) whh \'C.tl~i'ii"IPlWt1in"'"1 0-,ej,,·, th,oqh, IC,011 1nd Upon ~hi fol low,nt -.scrllMtl propei'tJ . ;, ll)li_ ~tv.. ~Mlna&on. J111>r• ,ii-rl.lc1llllr d•scrlb,d H fellow-'.= . ,·, .. · · .. ,. . . . · .• . WM'lal" UIINllft' • PAIIT A ! '_! ···!, [', Cl) ,\: iluii, .. oi ·1a_nd l!i fNt ln width, 7,') f11e1 h·ft and ri,,.1. of thv ·rol1DW1n9 dl'll:rlti.d ••n~•rlin~ &i1uateri in tn~ Norc.h•••t Quarter of· 1eeu.oa· 1', town.hlp U. Morch, .J1•n9e !I Eut, w, U••n• NOr•d1an, ••nq CountY, W.1hi"9~Cn1 .or~ P•rr1cularly de•cribotd ~· fOUCl'lf.l ·. ·c:oiill•aciq ·at .t!M SouthWat carn•r of ,ho No_rthv•at QuaTter of 1. .. worttw.st Qu1rt•t of ••id 19i:::tion 191 thl'nc~ nortb 1• 04" 01• r•1t:•lGftll·O• WHt Una !tU,J9 fHt1 thenc:o 101nl'I u• H" n• &a•t 4DZ.)l-faot to th• Trlllt ·Point of ••1lnnin9, &aid paint tlein9 on-the wea1.erly·Un• or ·t.h&t. t.l'act or land•• r•cord•d 111 Auditor~• Fil• No~ 121127.0J!tl~ ·t.htbit A1 t.ttenc• 5out~ •&• 04' 01• West l4,0 teat:, tnene• SO\lth 1• 04• 01• west 1$,1 feet to th• T•r•lnus ;01nt ... ,d point 'bl'liav ~ t•• North•rly lino of a wat•rlin .. e••• .. nt aa.r.~rd•d in ~udlitor'• File No. 66)180!, .. ' .... i4uar• feet 110re or le,,. lfATml EAIDIINT -P~T e ··i:o~M'IIMJ •t 1.h• touttwie•t corMr of tho Norti'lc•st ~.arter uf th• N~rthcN.•t Quar~•r or ••Id lect1on 191 thence Horth 1~ 04• oa• £Ht ·u,.1i. teot1 u,.-. Bauth ••• S!t' SP £Ht 40:i.:JI f••t to tt-,c Tl"_Ue l'Oint ·of 8alinnJnt• ••Id r,oint b4!1n9 en tho 11os~orl)' lino of th•t-~r•ct 9l 1and •• recordad in Auditor•• rile NO. IJOl27DJ,,, t•hlbit A, th•nc• •orth ••• O•• oe• East 1,1,00 tO.tltf thenc~ 1011th n• .44' 02• 11:as,c !ti~ ... fHtl tMIIIII• NOH.h · 6P 4!1' 51• 1Ht_11,I f••t th•ftr•in,a Pelini, uhl polnl. btllnlil -on thu Wittterly Nl'fin Of ·Talbot aoad. Tlte sld•llaos of utd· · •H•-nt shall bit ••tended. or ·•hc,rtoned to 1or·111111no· dn tho Wo•t~rly. llnw or that tra'.ct of land•• recorded In Audltur•a FU(• No, Ul>BJ'tOJH, Bxhibu A, and the W,:,ati-rly ,...,,on of TaU,ot 'load. · l'ontainan,q \0,HO aquare t•l"t IIIOl'o or luu, WATn lAHJllt:Ht•·l'Alrt C A r.,,r1:vl o, lo1m' •ltualv~.•n tl'w tto.r\.h<e.»I 01,,ULH ol lk·ct,on .lt, 'l'ftn•hip JI Norttt,,, .,.119'1 ~ C..et, tihlh11t1,tll· H1tud1on • . f!il.!:~i"y, .... h~Dt\Dtl,, _.,, piJl'l.ac-11l•rly dl:,ll"rthPd H ,c:oai.,nc-tni, •t ·:, i... I01at_twt•at oorftflr nl \h,• Nort ?1<'4:111 O.u1rt111 of. lht· lforth\• .. 1t OU•tll'l 1\I eo•d St•el 1•.,11 19, ,n~·u•·t· No,-t.h ' _1•.11••oa•·l••t.aloti1 .tbt-••t ''"" Jto.u.tl fe1:t 1 thi:-tKH.· loulh ··'.-S~·;,~~.t .. •t HJ,11 IClrl to.Use Tr1te t'Phll Qf lkHJUmta.11 Had point. '-'-1111 oa 1.lloe-HUthHh 111,ugin or the Sotltl'li-G6'11dy :'·tl&Y1 ttwM1PS.tbO•U 1 H•V.1t H.11 f.,..,1, thune",•lo\lth" a,•••·~:t"·.·s.11 H0,60 f•t:tt tbancu Sovah rn·~r Wu•t n.oo fftt Iv • ·f!G,ll:IL OIi .t:M· ~t-.rly Une ci,f .._,.r· s:e....,nt Part 11 "t.lwtnc.u. Mort~ -H•.t,t ~OJ"·lhi•t. along ,UA' nortbH 1, . 1111i.o·h,;i·.t1!_1·h"ll't,·tn.nc-.<.1tor111~o·u·~•· h•t .101.\J..f_HI _t_c,,.:•·pv,n(:.cril·.l~ ·~~h!!'r.ly,_·urun.tllf.·~o,n_)l Gudr Var, ·tlwnr• _.,. \!I -.. i .. ~ .. ,. . ~ -4 ,. r ' ' I I ·"" , , . ill.CW11 1,tw .,~~~rlr aat9u11 ·;of hlllh Grady ~•r t.hl"wtll • . '~ •. ~;:,.;~-',,' ,' ct.1rw_ .. l:W(l_nt).'•:t~a:ua ol· J,IH •. ~f •••t·, aftd·a·1en;t.11 _of {~~//&\~.):" t:'--'.· _ ·.,:lJ/D~,f,,.·~-to ~M:-:'fr~ ~~~~-' :~.'-. .~.'ll_ln111n_,., . ~ ..... ~ .>:l' .~ ' • ' • ' • • ' <_ i'l-i:i,' '' • ', '.»vt.11t1'"TU .,.,..~tl1••• ruatit..•ot• .. y. r011•r\l'a~~-~•, -~ •• t-':.: ,-.. ,,") , ',~ til'~b1,•11t.i.1o ·M: "r\oi:.ihf• '. ' }f}.-;~!f-~·~:(::: ., , . -~·-·····'·'··".f~. ~-?-.-.·. , .! ..... ...., ..... ....,.,... .......... _ ..... __ ...__-11nd ------..... -----..--~ .;..~----·-----------__,·and~-----------"-- . STATE OF ~IIIGTOII COUITY OF KING ! . ss . . • i, tht undenignld, 1 notary ;bite in end for the SQ.le Df lfl1h1ngtD11; lltr.i,y · c•i'. tlf. y tlli. 1t ,on this ~dlY of fl1fnt6{( 19 &. pffsonllly 1ppeored · btfor~ ll :l"iOlmf:S· Es, · W~(l"o.i . · .. .. ••d ' ' . . ' . . . · • 'and. -------------1 n d .,...._. __________ ._ __________ ,_ ___ 1114 · · · . . · . ; to me kno,m to b1 fndMdu1 · 1n ·111a iilio eucu&a tlii loregol111 lnsfru,ant, 1nd acknOlll~ed tb.t . .m:!Fa=m=r, · SllftN •"4 soled the 111111 11. fi•a fr•• tnd Yolunt1ry act an• II I .... 1114 Plll'POIII thenl• mentioned, . · ... _.~_ ,, ~.-:.-,. ··-"':·:··-· .- • i: ' I ' I ,· , . i .. ! ,I. ' !· ' I I .. ! . : •i . ' r ' I ., I • l i ! I ' I I ' I ! . ,- ' I_ 1.ro.ii~~i I I • .u,. ~ ~ ~ is ~~§I J • • -t~ l • ' r,: r al '-... "- !11;,f:~t' -: s t,lJ.,;:"/'·~·-1,.::-7{}f;t '!/:,\:':'·.-}=?~';}\'.~i??: : ....... , ' :'' "r.<fi".\5:t. :•'P.h~~\'"' the 0 R":!aCOrd St. request Qf • . · . {}?~;. _.,\ ,',el'itJcs·ot T;1F.·<,:l'[·y Cl.KR . , AGF.BEMElfT AND EASEME'NT FOR SI~_?t)9_ :._ _ '~0¥$.· · ~~ ~ -,~?---'.!~--. :RENT:>N a.1ur.oe11•A1.1n.Pc~1u -iltbiuurrs, STRBBT L1GuTs Mm T :fwr,.AND 14 ~ 00 ;,;.:/:;~·-,':".·:·-< .. i,:,_ ·_,.::-:.2~o~Ul.,~A.'X_K.·S~.l7m_ ' :,· .. '. . .. . . ; ' . CASHSL ,.,,..,..l.,f~OO i·\t~·;~_,,:~,{'l:~-. t~~.N,;WASij.. _w.as~-. -. --. _. ·. . _. -. I'~ --. . -"·· ... _-·li. . :;_;;;~'~,--;?~~,/-_<:.~:-·-·· .. : .. TH_IS AG~~NT aad~ thl)1 ~ day of. ·ee.ftl-'l\.:.~ ],9_8.7,·. :';·P;:.~;:;~;--;._:·,~j · . b~tween··_RENTON YIMAGB · COMP~Y, 11 Washington General Partnerahi~~ .f~k~•-_;(}.:1 (Ment6I\ Village ~.e·rein),·.and.CIT\". OF PENTON,_ o. m_unicipal. ·;.,:;\-,:_i:;·,.:-:·.;;·.::d COrporatlOz:1; -( nq;rant~e" .. her~inJ 1 WBJHt~As/.Rent_on:·V_illa9e_ is the owner o1:_·. the rea.l property · known ·.a.a :'l'hr.ee Reni:_on -Place. a& ·desct:ibed in ExhH~ ... t "A."·.·.ft,ttached. )l(l!X",~o a.nd.·bt th~a ref~rence i~corporated herein f_t~e ·"'Property".), WHEREAS; _Grati.t(t8'.desir:e,s ·an e:aeesnent f.or a 11-idewaurs, fire hYdrantl, aueet lights, t~a(f-ic island and.its ac>purtenances ov_er, a._oro_as; .-·along, · i.n~ upon and Under-the Pror-rtY a~ a ·location. ·mc>re s~ecifl~al~Y. dasc:ribe4 herein be)owt · NOW THEREFORE, ·in .cnnald·eration of Ten & N0/100 Dolla:r:a {fM%r}S£~-_. f:!~i!~\;~~!n1!~~.f.9~~~:i~a~:!~~~!~9~~~s;~:r1~i~~n!~a!::1i::~~f the parfair•ance· by. Grantee ·of the covenants, teras_ and ,:ioriditionS · he:ieh1aftP.r se~ . for:th, RentOn Vi Uage het""eby grants, conveys and qui~ cl.aims to Grantee the fa1lowing easemente1, · · A nonei:Cluaive .Petpetual··easemcnt over, a.ci:'o&e, a.lor..g, in, Cl) upon and under -that portion of the Property a~ described iri tb~ at.tac:'h·e.d _Exhibit• ".B", .. 11 c 11 , •011 and 11 B 11 £or the, purpo11ea of -~ operattriy, maintaihlng, removing, repairing, replacing ~n~ using. a. O sidew~lk:, · ~· de•crib~.:!. in. the· attached Exhibit ."_B", fi~ci_ hydrants., O') a.111 d_eilcribell in .the attached .B,c:hil:.>it "C" street lights· as· · -;-_·\\ .... 1 0 deacrib&d _ in the _attllched · BxhJbi t •0°, and traffic ialand as < rt . s. deacr ibed hi the attached EXhi_b! t ."E" (herstn the "lmprovemEthta1i). :l ~ . The term& "Bar;eaent" and "Easement Are.i" in thia. in11trument :) refer to the easement herein 9ranted on Renton V.; llage' a Pro~erty . t · and ail dl!!8Ctilled on the attached Exhibit "B", 11 c", "Dtt and "E". •I . ~ . i \ .... ~ ... ':?. : 'l'hiEi Eaeement ie: granted··eubject to and conditior\ed upon· the follo11ing .te=ms, conditione and covenant&:. which Grl!lntee-hez-.eby promises to faithfully and fully observe and perf?rm~ L Compliance 1o11:lth Laws (l;t:ld Rules. The ·G.t"lintee shall l\aintain· and uee the ·1ilprovements in accordance with the rt.quireraents of Renton villa.ge; a.nd an::it statute, order, .rule regulation of any public_ authority having jurisdiction. or 2, Use of the Property by Renton Village. Graritee•s right~ herein shall .at. all timesbe subordinate to the rights of Renton Vi"llage, Renton _Villis9e ahall not be liab_le to Grant~e. or to .Gran~ee 1 s employ••fl, agents, or to any other par.ty .benefiting frOm . said Improveaienta, for_ lol!la or injury result;in9 from· any damage. or destruction Of the Improvements directly or indirectly caus·ed by RGnt(?n .V1ila9"1it 1 B e:iciaUJ\g. or future use of the P_roperty. ·.~ 3.· -Require~ PriOr Notice and Approval of Plans and specifications. · Prior ti) any inatall_atlon, alteration, replaceiaent or-removal of th~ Improvements or any other m~jor activity by Grant•e _on -the Property, Grantee Shall give Renton Village .written notice thereof together with prolimin·ary plans and ei;,ecifi"Cations for the sa118 prior to the $Cheduled commancem~itt of &..ic}i. activity. Renton Village e:hall have the r:ght _to require that Sucla pl~n• and specifi_cat_lons be modified," revised or. otharwiee changed tO tl:e extent that the final. plans and apeoiflcat1ol'lli .therefor shall include p.tovisio.-.a for the prevention of.haz~r~o-Js conditions. No such activity·sha.11 be commenced without Renton Villa~;e's prioz: writum approval of_ the plans and apecirica.tiona_iherefor and all changes or -amand~ents thereto, which approval ·ahlill not Oe unrea.aonab.ly withheld, Notwithstanding the for~cing, in th~ event of any emergency requiring ·111medi..! te action by. Grantee for protection ;;.f the Improva•ente_, persona or property, Grantee may ta.ke such action ·upon such noti~e to Renton Village as is reasonable ~nder the circ\1118ta.nceu. exctSE TAX NOT RF.OIJIR~O Kiflll..CO, Rot.of S O,\~~iOf\ ~,\. p·;_) _,.. (/t , I.. I \)CjUt'j'... ... ,~ '• 40-DC-5854 092487· ' .. Ct"•• ' r:--· ' :i.- f_ .. i. !·.''· f ' ; :;. '. , ... ·-:>"11!'01:.~iTi_g:,-·he-~e_in. '.ah~i.l. be ;dee·med -.to imp6ae · ~ny -d·uty or .'"·obll9ation_ oil. Renton _V-il_lage ·~o deterniine the .. ad:equa.cy. or · s'u,f{ci~ncy _of" ·thE! ,~r.a_~tee' a plans a.nd_ ·6peci f_ications_, o.:-to ,_._~aC~rt_lii~._-Wh.ether: orant.ee!s_-construction is ·in conformance with ·:the plar.s ·_and aPecifica~io:ns · approved by Renton'.Villag·~ • · · · 4.. Grarltaie•s :uae and Activities. Grantee Shall eX:erciiae. · ita ·rights: under .thls-·Agi:.e.ement so a.s· to minh1i2.e ,.nd avoid,· ~n80hr· as_ ·pogaible,_ ~n~er_fer_ence with the use by R.enton -Vill_~g_e _-of· 1t"L,-Property_ and -sha);l at :aU. times conci....ict its activities ;on .. -the Ec'.(lsement .Area' ao as-no~ to··il"lterfere witl.. obst..:-uct or .. er.aa·nger RQ:n·t-on Village's. oPerations or facilitf-es. ora.nt8e shall : main~ain the. I111pr6v_emellts and _conduct any otller of it:s -~ct.ivities .on the Easement Area 1n·such a aanner to prevent hazardous Conditions, · - 5.· Coo.rdinat.iOn of Activities. Grantee shall giv~ at least '30 days·advance written .notice of the proposed dates o~ it·s constructiofl, repair-and m~~ifltenance activities on tnt'! Proper.ty. Grantee shall"· cooperate in t.he revision of auch dnte'l and/or th'ij, coordiriiation of its ·ac_tivities -tilith those of Renton Village•e if UeE!mel:1 ·ne·cessary by Renton Village to minimize conflicts, .insure pc-otection to each par.t·ies_ faCilitJ."es or prevE!nt ha~rctous· c_on<litiomi. ·Provlded, l1owe_v~r t· th~t in the event' of a_n emergency .. raquiring in111ediate action by Grantee for the protec_tion:·of its· I~provements or· other .peC"Sone Or 9ropcrty, Grantee ""~Y _t,.dte .sucl, .act ion upon such notice to· Renton Villag-r! as is rfi!n.sonable_ uruier .the cirCumstancea, · 6. Work Standards, All work to be performed by Giant0e on the. Easem8iit ·Are,a _.siiafroe in accordance with the_ plane and specifi_cations ·subrll_itt8d to "and approved by Re_nton Village-~nd .s~a.11 J:>e C-Ompleted in .a· carefi.tl and workmanlike manner to ltent·on · Vi-llage' s satisfaction. ·free of claims or lieris: however, nothing · herein shall be dieG.iifted to impose a du·ty or obl_igation on Renton Village with respect t.o the 1;1ufficiency thereo·f. · WithoU:t !_imitation to the fo_rE!going, Grantee shall e:xe.rcisQ ~he utiaost. _r.aution when conduoting its activities in the vicinity of_ariy energized pOWer Unea in ·order to prevent any contact·. thCi"ewith, Uyon completion of such work .Grantee Bhall remove all: debris· and re.st.ore the ground s11rface ae ne1:1.r!y as possible to the condition in which it was at the commencement of such work, and shall replace any· pr.operty corner monuments which wer_e dhturbed or . . de1;1t~oyed during ·conatruc.tion. Grantee shall also pdy to Renton Vi_llage all 0£ Renton Vi 1la'30 1 .c cost.<; necessary to re-establish de'stroyed survey references and ·hubs ~stablished by Renton Village in -corijunatiOn with any surve:f Ofl: the Property. 7, Chang"eS and Repairs to Renton Village's Facilitif!s, Grantee shall .pro1t1ptiy pay to Renton Village the cost .of al'ly reloi::ation, alteratiool, restoration _and other change~ or repairs to Renton Village-'s facilities . .,hich Renton Village shall reasonably deem·nec~ssary by re6aon of the cor.str.uction, use :an1 main,..enance of _theo Improvements or other acti Yities of Grantee on the: Property. For .the pllrpose of th!s paragz:aph, ''cost 0 shall be Oefined as all direct ·or assignable costs of materials, labor and servi_cas including overhead, in accordance with charges ·for transportation of 11en,_ JQaterial, and equipment, storage expense. of material and rental of-equipment. · 8. Terll'lination for Breach. In the event Grantee breaches or ·fails to perform or observe any of the terms and conditions h8rein, and .faih to cure such breach or default within ninety (90) daya-of Renton Village's giving Grantee written notice .thereof •. or within ~uch other period of time as may be reaeonable in tl"11-<:!ircumstances, Renton -Vill'->gc may ter111inate Grantee's ri9hte under this ·Agretu11&nt in· a_ddit.lon to aud not in lh1itation of any other remee:·• of Renton Village at:. law or in equity, and the failure cf Rent9n Village tO exercise such right at any time.shall not waiv::!· Re_nton Village's. right to terminate fo1 any future bre~ch or default. . '.i .. ! I ! ·! ,..,..:· :.:::·:i.:::::.,:::~::-1:.;o :;.:,:.; .:· .::: 1:r:.:::;;~:c:;;;~(~~ ···yea·ra; ·· this :Agree111ant· ·-and a11·. ·arantee' s· r :i.ghtil: herel:lnder, ·aha.11. · · · · · .1·.' ,., i-.t·er11inate _Bnd. ·.reiv.er·t;_· _tO ~e.?~or(_._Viilage. . . ·. !·.·.: · io; Rel"ti&a·a":bf ·11IJ)rove.ra8~ta·:on Tei:"minationo· .. No term.ip.at;.ioll ·of this. _Agree•ant .. ahl!lii rela~ae Grantee_ from any· li_Bb.ility _or obliga.t,ion .with r411spect ·to aQy _r;iatter _ oc:eurdng prior· to such te?"lilii1.a· .. 10ll; .n·or-·-·sha"ll such. ~ .. er1n.ination :release Gr.E.ntee from its .. obI:igaU_on·.and liabJlity· to remove the Improvements ft9m Renton ·vq~oge~8 ~rr;>J:"~rty ~nd·.J'._es~or~ ~~e ground • .. · ii.· R.emovai ·-of Iinpiovellents on Termination. Upon any ·ter_minatt·on of_ this _Agreement,_ Grs:1.nt·ea shall promp+\y .remove .£roll · the Ease~nt Area _it_• .I.lllprovemants and .restOre· ·the ground to. the · condition now exiat.ing or, in the alterrn,tive, take such other mut:ua~ly a9reea.b1e meaBu_res to minimize the impact· of the l11:pr0Ve11111l!lntii· on· R8ritori Village'.a ·PZ'opei-ty. · Such work, ·removal and re_stor~tion sh_all be done··at the sOl.e co[il:t and expense .of Grantee. and in; a. manner aa.~isfac.to~:-y to Renton Village. In case oi: f_ailure" of Grilnte& to· so_ remOve· its Improvements, restore the g·,ound. ar ·take such. other·_·11utllaJ.ly &greed upon mGaaares, ·Ret'l~.on Vil.lage 11ay, · after reasonable_ flQtice to Grantee, :re110Ve-Graritfi:~' a Ii;npn:veraenta" re9tore the gtOund oc take such .i:aeaeu_r""'·" at the eXpenSe of Grantee, and. Renton· Village eh,ill not be liab_le · t~_erefor. · 1·2. 'l'hir<f P~rty RiqM:a. · Renton Village ~eserve:a all d:ght,;1 with retspeC"t to its property including, with,:iut lim.itaition, ·the right to gi~nt easements, licenses and permitB to others ,ubjact to the. right&. grant.~d in this Jtg"reement. 13.-fleleaae:.arid Indemnity. G1·antee does hereby release,· indemnify and pro11.ise Eo Gefend and saVE! harmle:as Renton. Vil.laga t~om and against ~ny_and all liability, lossi cost, damage, expense, actions and Claims, including costs and reasonable attorney's· fee.s incurred _by Renton Village in defense thereof, ·asserted or ari&ing d"irectly or· indirp,ctly on ·account of or out, of. (l) ac.ts or omhaions Of Grantee and Grantee's servants, agents, .employees, li.nd contractots or any other persori in _thei e:uircise of the· .rights granteJ h~ra_in, or (2) acts and omission& of Renton Village in its use of :Renton Village.' a Property ~hich affect .Grantee• s employees, agents, contractors, and other p_arties benefit1ng from said ·-tmpro•.1e11eni:.Br provided, howeyer, this paragraph does not purport to iademnify Renton Village against li_ability for ·d~magas _arising out of bodily injury to persons or damage to property .t:o lhe extent caused Ly or reaul ting from the. sole negliyence of ?.•·mton Village or Renton Village' 6 officez;S agents or employees. 14. Insurance. PriOr t.o Grantee'.s constructioO activities or other ~ubatantial·activities on the Property .under the rights provided herein, Grantee sh:ii.11" sllbmi.t to Renton Village ·evi6ence t'ha~ Grantee or. Gra.ntee.'s ·ccmtractorf! ·has obtained comi,rehensivc general Liability eoverase (including broad form·contractual liability coverage) satisfactory to Renton Village with l_imits no lees than the following: $1,000,000 Bodily Injur.Y · LiabUi ty, inc~_:.itHng auto•obj_le bodily injury liability each occurrence u.000,000 ·Property Damage LiaCilityi including au\:.o~bile .prC:'perty damage liabi l.i ty each occurrence Said coverage shall be maints1ined by Grantee, or Grcintee's contractors during the period when c:\Jch activities take place_; p~Ovided~ Grantee ~~y self~insure for bodily injury and prop~rty ~aJlllage ir1 such amoun\:.s as are consist~at with good practice. 1S. ~itle. 'rhe rights granted herein are subject to per::11!.ts, leases,. Uco"neee and ea~ernents, if any, fl.E.:retofore granted 'by R•nton Village, affectlng the property subject to this ··fl!J .. j'·' ··I· ' j ! ' ~;-1, f/;.,; ff' Jti;r 'l)\}""' ·~f~1'}~-. ;' ·f§}~~;~t t~~,',-.• . ,· •. l {/::'.:"-··1 . -··:,.·· .. . ;<, .- / •, , ... '--:. . -: .: ; "-. ".''\? :};·I-~'.;:::~g t::i_tle.!=o-. ..ft.l!I pr,op~r~y ·/.t···<'o::;·: If -to Renton_ Vu.1aC3e·, If-to Grantee~ or hi.lure "thereof· • .- ·Renton Village company 830 Logan Building Se"attle 1 WA 98101 cl_ty of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South ~enton~ WA 98055 NOtiCe·S sh'all be dee11ed -Offecl:ive, if maile-1. _ upon \he·· e~Co·nd day. foll Owing. depo~it· thereof in trie United ·states Mail, postage p,repaid., cer_ti fied nr registered, mail, return ::eceipt requeatP..d ~- or_ upon del~very ther_eqf ,if oth_e~wise given. Either pairty may· -c;:harige .-the add_ress to .. y,hich notices may be given· by _givin9 not-!._ce. as above . p,:~vided. . · · 17. · .\saifriment. ·No assignment of the priv~leg~s ·a:nd.. bencf,;.tt ac.c~u ng ~o-.Gr.an~ee.-herein, ana no assignment of the obligations· Or:' .I:iabi_lities of Grantee herein,· whether by ope cation of l.tt.W· or otherwise, Shall. be valid without tha prioi:-WI'i tt8i,: · consent Of R~nton Village· •. la. Successors. T"ne rights ·and obligations of the ·parties.· c1;hall .. inure to the b.enefit of and be bindiP.g iipon· ~hair reep~ctive ,successors ·:arid as&fgns. .· 19. l.ia.bilits• In tbe event; of any assignment of the ·~ight.a -hereunder·, the lla ility of Ol"antee and its assignees -shall be joint· and several • EXECUTED as o"f th8 date heteinabove set forth. Approved & Accepted hy: CI'l'Y OF RENTON RENTON VILLAGE r.QMPANYr ·B Waaitington General Partnership By Port Blakely Tree Far.ms ( L. P,), a Wafthj.ngt.on LirniteQ Partner$hip Its Genen,1 Partner By Pug~t Western, Inc., a Washington Corporation Its General Partne~ By @':~ 0 8--"" ALLEN A. PERRON n • V ,1.4· / ,,.,,..,;e,:;, -:7;..:.. ..... '"" -•- 40SDC•5854 092407 !~ t r· ..... l.> ·,· . ·-., ·. [) t: J_;.,-.:. r I . { ., i .. I ' ! [ i ·.i" j ! ! _. . ·. . . . _. . . . ·. . . -·.' ·.,. ·._:.:_ .... ;-:··_· .. ;, :·: .. ·• ·. . ' ·.' ... ~~ f,{"=""" ( ~ -' fl, ' ' • • • ,' ~ .q:. ~ • • -:. iL . . . . . ; AOllt:~"1' Al!'D E,\SEM!N'r:.ro,(siD.BWALK, If If tf < ' . -••. :~:t:\'.~~::f g~:~~NYL~o~!~t ~~::~o;sr,AND . 0•,,,~t ... ta:! :.:::::/:/:::MOTON l ' '";:''"'fli,.~1.-=k . . ~-'' -.. . . Af;. -~· . B!I ~ . ., , , On this ~ day ct .,_.,_ , 1987, befc<e me, the. ~Hl_lieraig.ned,· a· Nota'ry Public. nan c.r the-Stat.&.-of Wa15hingt_on, ·duly .Cominiaa1oned·_.\1nd sworn, Pera·onal.ly appeared J-.E~. WARJii)NE,. to lio.·1enown to ·be the Genei::al _Partnei of Port. l.H&kely "l.'r~~ F~rma· · ··(L. ·-p.), _ the limited par~ridr11hip _that executed the ·foregoing in•t·runi,ent_ .in-its capacity-a.a gener.al partner of. Renton_ Villa2• __ C~mpany; ! Washington· _general __ partners~1ip, and he aeknowledged.:the · 11a_id_ ins·~:~utn&n~-to· be :the fre~ and voluntary ·"let ancl deed of Port Bla~e_ly Tree Pa·rms (L. P.) for. the uses and purposes· therei"n · ' •e.ntioned, ·-and on oath ·stated that he is authori:1.ed to exe61.it8 the .&.aid. h,•trul.l.ant. · WITNESS vy hand_and official seal hereto affixed th& day ann .year in··thh, certificatO.abov~ written. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )' 8S, COUN'rY OF KING ) . On.this 2N-:. day of 0(!..roan"I'\.. • 19 ~7 1 before me, the · _undersigned, ·a, Nofaty Public::1.n · and for the state of Wc.shin9ton 1 duly ce11missiOneQ,jwd sworn, per.sonally appeared ALLEN : .• PEROC.N to 10.e knOWl'I: to be tlfd':'~reaident of PUGET WESTERN, I~., the · corporation that. ex~cuted the foregoing instrum:trit in it:s ca.p!iC~ty._ as general partner of Renton Village Company; a Washington general pa.rt"nership~ and he ac"knowledged ·the said instru11ent to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corpor111tion, fo:t the uaa.s =and pur..roses therein mentioned, and on oath Btated that· he wcur authorized to execute the ~did instrument. ·wI'rNESS ray hand and official seal heretu affixed t·ne dc)y ~nd yea~ above ~rltten. fl &,,,,..(..; ~1"'14-- 'N~o't_a_r_v~PC'u'b-l't'ce-r-·=n~-.-n~a,:..,t"o-r~t~h-o~s~t=a teol . Washington~ residing at _.(<~~:::,:n~"":.:..:O~~~~=--·~ My conu:i i s s i on expire s _ _,'/:c.-=...t'-·>,__·__,9_.o,__ -5- 40-DC-5854.'092487 .·.;,.·· . r :· ···r: \;;/:<. ·. i A'GREEMBNT AND El\BB'IRN'(FOR.SlDIMALK, .r.uui::·~~Sf·.·BT~~.:UIGH'.f'S;·: AND TRAFFIC ISLAND REll'l'ON VILt.AGE .COMPl\NY •·: CITY OF RENTON EXHIBIT "A" -That. pQrtiOn of the·· North8aSt quarter of'. Sect ion ·_19·, Towneh_ip .23 . ~.Q[~h', Rarigit 5 El!!l•t', W:H~. in King County·, Washington, deacrib:ed as f:oll6~s: :Com~&nc:il\9 .it the :S0'1thwa8t cOtner of the Norl:heaSt _qu~·rter. of· _aa_~d. Northe·aot .. aUart_ei;-;. · thence North 01 04'.08". Jlijst along the west line thereof, a ·. diatan0:f:!I ·of 244j,66 f.~t:t·: .the"ce. !3outh ,re _55•52 11 .East, a Uhtance of 402.38 feet to the .True ~o-int of. . Beginning, . · tbenc:e South 89 -~4.•02 11 EaS.t, a <i°istance of 515.11 feet, Jh&nc:• North· 0:0~15 1-5.0 11 East, a distanae of 180.65 f~et1 thence south 8~ 44~02" Ea.at, &. .distance of 192.·11· feet to a point . on· the weat:e.rly· in&i;-gin· of SR-515 (Talb0t Road South) as ahown on Washington·. Sta,te. B.ighway Plan-Renton Vicinity s .. Carr. Road to Gr.~dy-: ·W.ay, Sh·•et 6 Of ~t.appi:cved Novemb~r 5, 1971,-"-said P.~in_t·iyi~g op,· a·· cu.rve h_at,0,n9 a _radi_ua of·-.650.00 £1::et and having a radial :~.acir.:;1· · of So\lth B9_ .lO'.Of;f." West, . . . · . · . th.enc& norther~y along. eaid curve and the· weste£1Y margin of , Talbot .Road .south through a.Centr&l ang~e of 32 1s•11• an arc distance. of_.·365 6 90 teet: thence NOrt;'h .32'. 5$'03 11 :Weat a distance of 126.11 feet, to a ·t.a09'~flt CUJ:.'.Va.to""the left.having a radiu·s of· 55.00 feetr . ·thenc,a NOrth and.westerly· along ac1td curve through a central. att.gle' of 88 2S.1 22'', ari arc distance. of 84.88 feet to a reverse curve having a.radius of._3;869.71 feat,. said curve lying en the southeasterly margin of S0uth·ar~dy Way; thgnce aoutialli-este-rly along !Jaid margin through a ~entra.l _ angle of ·o7 33'32q, an-arc diutbnca· of 510,52 feet to a point which lies Not'th 01°04•.oen 0 Ea.st. fr9111 the true point of beginning; thence South 01 04'08"·weet, a distance of 411,71 feet to the True · Ppint· of -Beginning,· · . -' I i !-'-· ·r, f __ ·· t F ' •• I" I -~--•. · -i. ,.,,\:,~~~ i,t ,\!. '",''' ''11 . ,::,.:iptJ1 ' .. / ... sJ.'.>. • ':' 1-•• ~--'. __ -~'.;~ • I · ._ , r -1 ?'·',j,_,,.¥,: -~ -.•.·: l ~ ;. . • AG!lEEld~T ARD EASi;;MEN'f FOR SIDEWALK ·FiRE HYDIIANTS 1 STREET LIGHTS AND TRAFFIC ISLAND EXHIBIT "B" T"!mEE ilEHJON Pl.ACE OFF~SIT_E lKPROVatENTS Sidewalk £8.a;Qimt on East Prop~rtY Un~ of 'I'hrea Renton. l'l:9~e That Portlon or ·u,e·northea6t ~uarter of sectlon 19, TOwnship 23 North~ -~e _5 !aat, ~~H. d&acr1bed· al follo\l.&: Commenc1"nc •t ~ &-outh\le&t corner of the northf:ast quarter of Hid northeut qua'it.•ri thtnoe N 01°04'08" E alont W:St line thereo!1 a dbt1mce of 244.66 fai:tJ. thence S Bi15S 1:i2" 1:1 a distance: Of 402,38 f~£t to a po_int _on tbl: W88terly line of_ land-deacr1be~ 1n Qu1_t cum Dae<i in_ .EX.hib1t "A",-rlj!cord8d undar K_ti, ... '- County _aacording llo. i2062703S51 theni;ia N 67°26' 13" h, a· distance Of ·7SS;,33. 'feet· to the TR:JE POINT OF J)EGilrnING; aaid po~nt lying On _the weat•rl7. l!)argin · of SR S1S (Talbot. load Soutl1) as. aho'lm on 1-lashington State Jligl)l,ay Plan-le:~ton . ~loinlty, C~rr Road to Gra~y Vay, Sh~et 6 of GJ apprOV"!d Nov~.mber· s, 1971J thencP noi",herly lead.113 ,aici ·westerly line alons. & curve haVlng ,f'tadi~s of 600 faet .and haviitg a radial beadns or N n°18 1 23'' E thtOugh • central° ariBle of.ll0 Clt'43", ·an· arc dhtanCe Of 115_•'49 feet to a compoUnd·curve· havin&. a · Tadlus of i19.12 feit;·thtnce.northweatf~ly aloni said cur:Ye through a Central angle of l.ta0 0l.'22", an:uc dbtilnce of ·29.19 feet toe. rev•I°•• _cutve hav1ng·a radius· Of. ,132.0!i, feet; thence no~t.hwasUrly along_ uid curve .t91·ough -a cehtr11l. an_g~~ or··20°1~•42°, an arc di1tance Of 46,50 feeti t.httnce N 20 14'12·".W, a dlatanca of 33.~Z feet to a tangen~.curve to the left havl:tg·a rad!p• of 82.5$ feetJ tt.enct.-nortbweaterly along Hld curve th"t'ough a central angle of 21.0 04'16"~ an ·arc diet.nee. or 30 • .36 feetJ thence· N 32°56' 18" W, 11··distance of 57.28 ,eet. to a.tan9,ent curve to the 1e:1t having a radius0of 28.78 feetJ .. thence no~thweat'.'trly· along 11aid cairve throush·a central angle. o( 23 u~38"f an-arc _dl.&tanee of ·11~65 feet to a rever~a _ourve·havinc a ~adiua of s~.~1 fecta thence nortlulest~rly along aaid curve through a central angle of 23 50~28", an 11rc dbtance of 22.16 ·te~.t to a compound _cLJrve having a radius of 22, 71t feet; th-ance r1ortharly along i.aid curve tht-ough_a carin·al angle oi 31°10'1::I", an &"t'C distance of 12,37 feet to 11. curve bavlng a radiua of 50.0D '.'ot!et ar,,d having a. radial ·bearing of N 11°2:•51•• £, thanoe northe"I'ly along uld i:tn:-ve through a centnl anglP. of 16°02'02", an arc distance of 13.99 feet; ttience N 32°55,•11 11 14, a di&tanC~ C)f 14,613 fel!t to a curve ·hav1ng.·a radius of 53.50 feet and havinc a radial oe~rir.g of lf Ss0 ss• 37" · EJ thence north~sterlr alons said cu::::ve throlJgh ·a central anc,e of 54°52 1 41"'·, an Rl'"C .. Jistarace of 51.2ti feet to a i,oint on the westerly •arRin of sai4 Sk S15 {Talbot Road South)i th•n~e 6outheast~rly alon"t Said margin to the TRUE J'OINT OF .BEGDWitlG. 860~9 9-22-87 i i l i:. -~:,. .. {/·,.·.;~·:':!~_~:. '.~ ',-J. J .1 '·:·j I. ~--,,· -· ,. "j•: \.,, ~; AGREEMENT AND EASEMENT FOR SIDEWALK FiRE HYDRAN'l'S 1 .STREET LIGHTS AND TRAFFIC ISLAND EXHIBIT "C" THREE lENTON PLACE orr-SITF. lMPI\OVEHEKTS Watu ?.1.ne ~&emant 011 ~ast Ft-op11rty Line Three Renton Place • • • • ·"" .a.·Stt'lj,.O!-land·iO het \lid~ iylng 5': feet on each elde ·of -tl_i.e foll~l~_-da.scdbau ~: UnterUrw ln the.north.eu.t ·quu·ter of Seetl.oo 19, township 23 North, '11mge ~ s· -..~. u.u., · g· · Coila!IWl1ng at·t.be aouthvlat corner of .the northeast quart4!t' Of a&id northeast· pf quar"t•r·1 thane•. M Oi00"-~06 .. E along the west line thenof, .& ·distance of 244.66 -~ feetJ _the-nc. fl:·.88°S$'52".E, a dlstli.nQ& t>f-41')2,38 f~!!t !:"o a·poir.1:· herdnaftc-· a, . 'desprl~ ·a1·Polnt *'A"J·aald.point ·1yi.ng on the ves.~arly 11.na-ot_,land d.eJcrlbecf ·_in Qult-Clalm Dead -ln. Eihibit· "A", re.corQecl under Kb•!, County llvcord.lJ:ia Ko'~ 12082703551 tben"H: )I 68 56'15" Ea :11. distance of 719.57: fe:et to the DUE , 10INT·:JF.IEG1ta:J.l1C1 thenca 'N .84 38'23" E, a dht:anc:e of. J0.83 .f~at 'to_ a·polnt .On ·tl1a n1tady llierd.n _of Sit. SU· (Talbot Road South) ~a show on Washington State Highway tbn-.llenton_ V1alr.~ty1,Carr ).oad to Cndy Kay;. Sh.et 6 ·of· 6, app.ov,,td· November 5, 19711 lai!l, ·pol.~1~-bdnt the te:rn.inus· of said. &tdpJ Together_wlt.h a.-'1i:.dp of"-_lmd 10 feet vlde·lying 5.0 fHt on Heh aidt: uf the! follovlng deacrl'bed Canterttnaj cOJ1111e~cing at the a!1>re111en.ti_or-~d Point ,.A", .. thallCe. N 40°23'49" E, -a. d1jta_nce or _810.DS feet t-o th• TRUE POINT OF HCUINIMG or Hid atrtpJ tbe:1ce· :N 613 31 '37'.'. E, a dht.an.ce of 15.90 feQt tu the veaterly marlin of aaid Talbot load South and terminus of BQ14 etrlp. 860S9 \.;-.,-.. ·· AOREBUENT AND.EASl!IIE!iT FOR SIDl::WALK .FlRJ! HYDRANTS, .STiiEET LIGHTS· AND· TRAFFIC ISLA.ND · EXiilBIT ,,D" Street Light an_d Acc~oaorl.8'1 l::asenent on -~st. Proi;ie:rty Una ~ 'lhr~e R9nton PllCe ·(I) 1.: •tl'iP. of land S.O :t'Ht·.v1de iylng J.S fciet on each 81411 of the foi'10ir,ing · ; da;;~l_b•d Cllnterl1.ne .111 the ncirtheaat· quaner of Sect.Lon 19, '!'0:'NnsMp 23 Mor.th, 0 Ranae. S Eut, · W,H, 1 ~ ~cncing at th8-a"outiiwellit ~'tnet Of. tlie northeast quartet" of laid. .nonheut ·. C).(l,uartttt. thence'N Oi.0 04'.o·a·•···E along the. west l1ne. thereof,-a d'l.stanee·Cl!f.244.66 ;.f feet1 .the""-S 8SD55'52" £, a .01.atance ·of 40],,8 feet <O 8 point ·b ... losfttt· . !-·deafflbe.J.-·•~ Polnt-"A"i . .a14 poln~ 1yl.ng on the 1,1e!;terly lim1 of_ llU\d dea~rlbed ~ 1n .Qu.1t · Clalll ~~ !n Ell.hib&t "A" 1 record~J undf.l"t" Kins COW\t.7 ReCOri11ng . Jlo.-· 9;2082703SSJ tll,6nce M 63 -Sl'.32" E~ a· dhtance of 7S7 ._37 feet "'"" the ffltt 1'01:rl'. OF BEGllfHlNGJ ··thence JI 75°13'23'.~ !, a dbtant"! of 7~5,4 feet_.t.c a ,Olnt · on thf!: ve•terli,y u~gln of .SR _515 (Talbot Road !;.outh) o.s ·;..,9Vn on Wuihlngtoli: State ~l1hwiy Plan-Benton Vlclnlty1 ·car: 1\oad to Crady Kaj'; Sheet 6 of 6; •pproved BOY11111ber 5, 1971J e81d po1nt-be1n& ~he tenuinu, Of said $trlpJ Togt!th1tr 111th a strip of land S feet v1de lyJ.ng i .. s feet on each.-dda of the following dgearibed cienUiU.noJ c0111111•ndng at the afore111an~ioned roint 11A", thence R 50 26•s,11 E, a digt.ano2 bf 785.2S feet to the TRU& fOINt OP 1':tG:tMUNt.· · of aau· atd.PJ thence. N 62 29_•19 11 E, a distance of 11 .. 21 feet" to t1u1 westerly ma.rsln of-Hid. Talbot load South and ~~mLnue: of said atriPJ TOget_her· with _a. stdp of land 5 feat wide 1,y1ng 2 .. 5 het. on ea.ch el.de of the follOWlnff d8acribed centerline; comriiencin& at tne aforementioned Poll\t "A"~· thence ·N _.37: S:S'30" E, a _dlAtaflC41 of B17.12 f£!ct to the 't~U,E POlNt 01' JiGllffiING of aald stdpJ the.nee N 24 37'2.C.'' E, • ,;U.stanoe·of 9.13 feet to the westerly ma-rein of aaid T&lbot -Road South_. arid terminus c,f ciald stdp. ~ · .. . , . ,. ( +·,/-\'· -.:v·--; AGREEMENT"AND EASEMENT FOR SIDEWALK _FIRE HYDRANTS, ST°li.EET LIGHTS· AND TRAFFIC IS1AND_ EXHIBIT 11 E11 THREE 1\ENTON PW.Ct OFr-£:TE HIPROVEHENTS T~~fflc Island Eiaenant.on Ea6t prop~~ty L1ne: Or-Three Re~ton Plac~ . -. ' . . A otrl.P, of U.nd·-10· bet ·-l.1.de lying S fe..:i on each· aide of_ th8 f_ollow- i~g dei.c:r:l,b!ld cen~rline in the nOt'thea<t.t. qUarter of ·set.t.i.t;m. 19, · Toim!ibip 23· North~. l\an:G,fl S ta&tt l-Ul.1 · Coimi!:111:!i.ng at the ·J;outhwt-,_t-~ilez of·the nol'tt..-asi qunte"t·9f l!i.iid nor:~?:leliat qi.:art.ars. thenoe ·N 01 ()J4 1 08" E along t.tie west line thereof,· ·. a dhtaric1i". ·"f 2li4.66 · ;r ... tJ thance S 88°5St52" £, :• dhtance of-401.33 tRet to .a .pOl.nt· on. the. we'ltffly line of _land di?sc:rib4!1:d in Quit Clai£ · Deed.·-in Exhibit.· "A",. T.-cord•d undn 1(.i_,-,g. C-Ounty necordtl\(;·. No. 8208Z703S5j tbem~e N 70039 1 32 11 E, a di&tance· of 73~;91i _f•i:t to ;the TRUE P.Olt~t .OF_. BEGINNINGt--thence H 83°22•03 £, 1:1. dbt&flC'e of 10.00 ·faet to the Yi!eterly maire,in·-of SR 515 {Talbot Road SOUth)· &a &hmm .. . ·on Washington State ·Highw-~y 1lan•Renton Vicinity1 Carr Roftd to Gr_ady · Way, Sheet 6 of·£, -approved NovRmber 5, 1971, 6aid peint being thP · tem~nui; bf said Ftrip, · · 86059 .,·_:·??· ·-.:v,} .. ,..,; ' f t I • j. i ; ' ~--_ ~f"' ff::·?·::·:?rt~'~ ; . iF' "" ·-· '.:"\ j... • I'' I , i, . ,'I' . -!;.'."' ''-.;. 'l \ .. I .;:') ., '" ::i' ,·:, ., c> " ,, ~ " "' ~ ~7> b ·~ :-'-:: ::i I ., ,.,1 '' 'ii /~ lt)~i ··e·\{·."·,..:.:·=,--: "' .. " 0 0 " N 0 0 .. 0: "' 0 lei 0 "' m ~ 0 N >, a, " :, ill "' .. 0 "' " 5 u "' "' " z " 0 00 "' ~ EASF.MEN'I' 'l'IIJS EASEUEN'r. made thi.s \ \-\ 'r\ 19~, by n1~cl l>ctwecn PUGF.'J' WES'l'Ei!N, INC., a Wn8:hi.ngton c.arpol'll.tion h·erElinafter called "Gr_nntor",, and the CI1'Y OF REN'rON, a municipal corpornt_ion· of King Co1inty, \fa.sl1.ingLon, hereinafter called "Grnntce", WITNESS R 1· JI: That_ so.id Grnntor, fo1• and in consiclcr:tti.on o·f the sum of Ten Dollars & No/100 (,'j;l0.00) pr1itl b~· Gritntcc, and olher valuable consideration do by these presents, grant w.it.hout w1u•r;inly unto the snicl Grantee,. its successors and nssigns, ,in Easement for one exist- ing 42" storm sewer lihe with necessary appurtenauces over, under, through and across thnt certain Beal Property dcscri.bed in the E>.hibit ''A" attn.ched hereto, and by this reference made a ;,a.\·t hereof. Sa.id heretofore mentioned Gnrnlcc, its successors or assigns, shall have the right, upon pdDl· notice, at such times as mn.y be necessary to entar upon said Rr;:ml Property for the purpose of opera- ting, maintaining nncl repairing said sewer line, provided., that such operating, maintaining nnd repairing of said sawer line shall be accomplished in such a rnnnner that tl1e p1·ivatc improvement:i e:..isting in and on said Renl Property slrnll not be disturbed or damaged, and said Real Property will be restored to as good n condition as it was immediately be!ore said Roal Pi·operty was entered upon b~· the Grantee in the exercise of its 1·ights herein granted. The Granter and the Grnntc~, lly accepting 2nd recording this easement, mutually covennnt and agree n.s follows: 1. Grantee does hereby release, indemnify and promise to defend and save harmless Grnntor from and against nny and all liability, lass, nttor11ey' s fees incurred by Gni.ntot' in defense thereof, &.sse1·ted 01· arising directly 01· indirectly on account of or otlt of (1) nets _or omissions of Grantee and Grantee's servants, agents, employees and contractors in the exe1•cise of the rights granted herein, or (2} acts and omi~s1ons of Grantor in its use ot' Hs Heal Propet·ty which affect Grantee's cmp]oyccs, :tg-cn 1:s, cout ractors and oth<?r ·,>arLies ben~fitinJt from :.mid St?\\"et· 1 ine; 1,rov1decl hcwever, thi~ pnrag1•aph ~toes :not purj)ort to indi::1,m i ry Granto1· again~t. 1 i.nbi 1 i ty """ ---~_ -~.-=------:il-'{C't'?~li~ --__ ------~ -~ ' I ' "' l/") 0 ·-l) N g 0 "" ' , ,i:>,i."ffe 2 .-Enseillan t -b~; :\rici betwecll Puget Wl'lste.!!!i......!nc.. ;;nd C.t t:; of llento1! f01• di1mng0S nris.~_ng _out-of bodily inj1~1·y Lo persons or d:.inlngc· to prope1•ty c1\u_$ed-b.)I 01• rcsultinJt from the solo negligence or Gran tor or Ornnto·r• s a~entB or empl oyoes-. 2.-'fllc G1·nntor shall fully u:s:o nntl cnjo:: said Beal P,·operty, including.the r.i~ht to 1•ctni11 tlle ri~ht to use t.he surfaCe thereor· :if suC' .. h use· does not interlero witll tho opc1·ution nnd mai.ntenancc Of snicl sewer line. ~-•. ;;f"/,,,,. :J. '111c Grantor shnll have the right to construct, rcconst1•uct and mo.intnin buildings or structure~ over and on snld lten.1 Proporty p1-ov.ided · that clenrnnce of at len.st 4 Icet [rom the exterior of the Sewer line, as constructed, and the hott.orn of any ioundntion !01• said buildings or structu,·cs are mnintained, nnd provided, further, there shall not be any footings or bearing points for any permanent improvement ave?: said sewer line as constructed; and p1'ovidecl that should the Gra.ntor exercise the right to construct suc:h permanen improve_ment, Grantee slmll be allowed the right of ingress and egress over other real propm·ty of the Gran t(lt' fo1· the purpose of reaching ·the portion of the Real Property blocked hy such improvement. In the event of the con~truction of a building improvement over said Real Property, Grnntor agl'ees to notify Grantee of Granto1·1 s intent to so construct, and Grant or shcl.l 1 submit n. plan therefor nnd give the Grantee a reasonable 1·jght to :l11spect same, n.nd tako such ~teps as are necessary t.o p1·otect the sewer line installed within the Real Property. 4. Grantee will allow the Granter the right to connect to said sewer 11ne in the future provided that G1·an tor or his successors: pay the normal charges as required by other partier:; desiring to connect. 5, Should the Grantee cease to use this F,asement for the pu1·poses specified herein fo1· a. period o[ two (2) yeara, it shall notify the Grantor of such n.onuse, and the ri~hts grrmted herein shall revert to the Granter, and GL·anto1·' s Beal Property shall be freod !ram this Easement as fl111Y and coinp:tclely r:.s if this Easement had not been granted. 6. 'l'his Ease.nent, shall be a co·.,enant running witll the neal Pro1>erty and shall be b1ncLi.n~ on the GntntOL', his successot·s, hei1·s 1tnd n.ssigns. -2- ----------,-, . ' f. 1 I ·1,ng'.e ·s . .:1 r.-En:sement lH,-·nnd between Puget Western, lnc. and Cttv 0-r Renton _iJUGE'J' WESTERN, INC. ny~«; ad .... ' i(e;e'.si ckrn t. Puget· Western, lnc. S'L'AS'E OF WAS!I ING1'0N ss. C<;)UNTY OF KING On -~h:ls \\"I"°' day of 'fe'\:::!i-..i:v.a.-<j , 1980, before me, _the undersigned, pcl"sonally nf)JH'lllrod Li!:..,\",e: Pr,. \;)ll°"tii:~ to me known to be the \J Ve.~· V"f'~\ &e "'~ of PUGE'l' WES'fERN, INC., the c.orpol'atioi1 that oxe~utod the foregoing instrument, and ncknowledgcd the snicl instrument to be tlie free a.ncl voluntary act and de·er1 or sa.id c~rporntion, for the u!::ieS and put·poses therein mentioned, and on oath st.tted thnt he 1vas autho1·izcd to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed t..he day and ye11.~· .first nbo11e writ: ten. Notary Pt1blic in and for the State o.f Washington, residing at L..t 0 ...,wu11J -3- ic' ' ' : ' ' ' .• il\·?,j :-'· _· ·: ·:,--;:_, '.!?fifr .·· :.,.>\,i ))l~·i . ' i(( i \,\~tc -:-.: _= ·, "sl'r JjliJ! _4..,.~/!,l :~\,',iJf '<t l/) ~ V D 0 co . r. Pnge· 4 Easement by and between Puget Wt!stern, Inc. and City of Renton EXHIBIT "A'' ·l'o Ef,\sement by and between Puget Western, Inc. , as Gran tor, 11.nd the City ·of Renton, as Grantee . A strip of land, fifteen (15) feet in width, having seven and one-half (7-1/2) feet of snch width on eacl1 side of the ce::ntel'line of a 42 inch storm se"er line crossing the following described tract of land situate in the City of ReRton in King Count~·. Washington: Lot 12, Block 5 of the plat of Renton VJew as recorded in Volume 33 of Plats, page 25, records of King County, Washington, LESS the West 105 foot thereof. _......,__ ... ~---~··- ;:,{ f'Orantor" herein). hc:rcbr 9ranu, con\:c)'I arid warrant1o lo PUGET SOUJ'l:D POWER & tlGHT COM PAN{, t !:ii:t} W•,hinif on corl;'°ration~·Oramec-· l:ii:rclnl, fo~1he riurpo,t!S ht~c1~af1c:r sci f onh a pcrpc:tu1lc:Ht:ln~nt o-ver.actOSlj'~ . f-J 1inder,the ral1ov.·mgdescr1btd rulproptrty{tht'"P'rc-pen)'"'hcrem) m KI DO -~.¥unty, WHhinJ,ligh: , .~ _;-__;::-· 'fhat portion of the NorthAi!!:St queirter· of Sjjctlon 19, Townshlp 23 ··'. r!~, ~~t. -[\~:_' ~l.M,, In King County, Wllshlngton, 11nd Lots l through 6 of the pl;,t,-.. ·,.on~vf&w Addltior,;, .. \ ·es recorded I!' Volume :n, pl!!lge 25, records of t<lng County, Washln i!lnd Blocks 11, ··::-:·. 12, 14 tmd 15 of C, D. Hlllmen 1s Earlington Gardens Addltl°" Dtvlslcn No. 1 H reeorded :\- In Volume 17, p~ge 74~ records of Klrig County, Weshlngton, being a strip of lend general I~{,:., 50. teet.•lde and not exceeding BO toot In width, all lying adjacent to and lying nortl>erl\/' end westerly of the fol lowlng das_crlbed-South and East boundary llne; 1·:, Cor.11Hneln9 ?it Tl-.e Northeast corr-.er oi the Soutli'tlest querter o1 the NortheHt quarter of r:.: said. Section 19: thence Sciuth 01°04 1 08 11 West .llong ~he Eost I lne of said Southwest .qua.rtert: @{ cif.the·Northeast qul!lrter, a_dfstance of 224.15 feet; thence South 55•03 1 12t1 East, a i· <.L distance of 45.44 feet to·e point on the_South margln of Renton VIilage Place·<~ City of f f~ ::f R&nton street); thence South 89 8 44 1 02 .. East atoog seld South margtn a (lh,tancfl of 220,38 l;c l'.: • fpiet, thence South 53°33 109" West a·dlstaoce of 161.14 feet; thence South 24°36'3211 West ·. ,:.-::-;,.·; a' distance of 192,68 feet; thence North e1°5713511 East a dlstllne& of 402,B9 f88t; thence ,.,·_· •.•• 6'-:-~ ~orth 01°08 1 0411 East a dlstance·of 213.70 feet i'o a po!iit on the South margin of Renton z ~= , Vi I lege Placeo thence South 89°44 1 02 11 EHt a distance of SO.DI teat; thence South f{.~ :·:'· tjl.0 08 1 04 11 WeSt a_dlste111ce of 260.05 feet to a point oo the North.~rgln t)f P. rl.111ary ST!te i_; :·. ~lghw&y No. 1 (Jct. S.S.H. 5 .. M to Jct. P.S.H. No. 2) nnd tho True Point of Beglnnlng of it-~ the above mentioned South &nd ·East boundary J lne; thence nort~e.asterly along s~·id North. i\.··.··.::, ·.R~· ihargln of Primary State Highway No. 1 to a point on the West raargln of Tlllbot Road. i'(D ~. ·. D ~~:~: n:!~:~: 0~0 ~~t~~ 0~f I r:eg., w;r:c:a=~~ \~! ~:~~ 1 ~ ~! b~!" :r: ~~~~ :/ E:~t:O~~d:~ ~~'. .& &~;~ os moy be other-wise ,et forth horeln Graotoe' s rights shol I bo exercised upon l,;,; V} that portion of the Pr01>erty (the :~h:.°:~::" heceln) described •• tol Jowsa l·[J ~;~ ~ s s::::~:/ :ay· :: ::~!d:: I ~~e:+~1:~ :::e a;a:h:::::\ ::~~d ro~: I:~::~;" If t easement de_scriptlon based on a survey furnlshed by Grantor at no cost to.Gl"entee.> [/ I· I. Purpose. Granttt '5hall hayS tht ri,tl1 to co~ntcc, opcralc. maintain, rep.iii,, replace and tl\kr,ge one or morc- eleeuic 1ran1m.iuion and for distrihution lines o\'Cr and/_or under the Rigb1..gf-W1y toaether with all ncccsa.ry or conveniml 1ppur1cnante:5 Lhn"e_lo, whicta may indudt! bm are not limited to the foUowins: a_. OnrhNd fadHrles. Poles ilirul/orcowen with er ass.urns. braces., guys and anchol5~ clrctric: 1ran.1miuion and dlsiribu1ion linH; communicadM and si~l line5; rnmsformcn. b. U~l'lf'OWld fadtkiet. Underground conduits, cables, vaulll, manholes. 1witchts and uem:fonnm: ~i- buried or ground trlOIJnted fac:ili!tc5 -.:uch as padl, tranifonncn and .switches. F 0Uo•in11he :initial coni1ruc1ion of hs lacil\tic:s, Grantee may from tim.e to time ~1,ru~ such additi011.1l lioes and . alhn-facili1ics as i1 ma)' rcqllire. · 2. AtteU. Grantee sh.all ha~ therij:hl ofaCCess lO the Rijht-of-Way ovi:r and acros11hc Propc'l)'1Hnt.b1e Granlcc 10 eKCl'euc it1.riaht1 hcreUndcr, providcd, 1ba1 Orantce shall CGfflpcnutt Grantor for ariy damasc tO the Propcnycauwd b)• 1lu cxc-rcmoru..1d . .1i&ht or~--·-····- 3. Clln1n& of-Tree. Oranttc shall have tbe. ri1h1 to cut or trim any and aU brush ortffll nudln1 orarowlna upon the R.l&ht~-Wiy. 1itc:t 1lso 1he riJln lO cut.or 1rirn1111y tttts upon 1he Proper1y whtell. kl r1Di11J, coukl. in Chultce'I reas~blc jud.P~. be a hall.rd lo Onntci1'.9 r.dlitlis.. · · , "~ · Cnatnt"I Ua of ~-Way. Gnm1ar reserve,, Ult ri1h1 to u.e thtt Ripl-of-.Way ror an:r purpa&c: flot i~mt wilh' tho riJbl:S hmin S"fttM, prov:kled,"tltat Onin1or shall noi coftlffllet ~ 1Nilnt1i1 any .,ubdffll orOIIMr sltLICIUl'C Oft the Ri.aht-o(•WI)' Ind Onnklr lhaU do ao blas1in1 wilhin 300 f~l ofGnildee'l fadlitia witboul Oramcc'I ·· pr~r WJittffl.Coment. ·. 5. lnHlllnh1, By acapU111,arid l'KOl'dlnj_~ldsca11tnt1nL On.nice IS~ to indt:nutif)' 1114 bold tuumlnl Gn,--- "i,Oai.any ancf all dai_mdor inju.riel.andl_rir<dalUps suffered by any person which ffll)" bc_ca\UC\I by thr.O~aie=-. . t ·. e:lltfcist.ol1h.e: ri1hu .. he:. n:l_n • .. t'llllled;·p,·o·."".·· &d. .. ••. ~· ~~ .. "'. ,h.1.II no! be n:sp. 0111iblc to Ontnlorf..otlll}'injwlcsand/or. . .. 41 inauu 1o·an}· pctson·cau.std b)' 11."11 a.r _omissions o! Gn.ntor, · . . . . . 6. Abtindonmtt11.-Th1 ri1his herciri ~nltd llhan~ntinue: un1il rnch lime as Granter ~to USC' 1ht R\Jb1-:of-V.'11)· .. · · fon l)Criod o( r"· e: 15)_J.l.ocas~i\'t )"Nn; in whicli C\'.-111 lh~ ~1Cr.iitn.t sh11.ll terminau, and all ri5:M1):Mff11nckr'1lal f'I!\~ lO {j~;i,uor. r,_o\'idtd~ I_Pli such i !Ve (5)· ·.ye"ar_-_p:a.-.lod 51\81 I In no event COfflllne• P_r-:-lor. to the ·. ~x.ciratlo~ ·Ct "tan (10) ye_~l'"s ~fJer ,the. d~te herec:it. · · -~$ 't 1!:, -~i !ft) ,j. f;,:.-:,1. ' ;,1,,.; ,~-~ ~tt 1 ,1 .• '/~f;tfM<~;J~;~~~~;.~~fil~~i~~~¥ifrit;{.-i;:t .. h:;J,(1,:~~~~1>,?/}/"t,i;,;,,~·::~.::~;~:;t~iii.~i.~1.-;:-:~{l)i,>~ £i . '· I·.<·•"','" · .. 7. · ~ut rt,,m •mt ~,~~li:n\, Th,· 1 i~hn wnd _nldifill_it,n, ,,r 1kr,1r111·, '"~I!, nLirt H; th'" twnd111,1 .,r,J hi: t>i,utir.f ur,11r, 'f , n,\•1r l\';p,,:u,,: ,ut·tnwr, Mlll ;i~"fl\\. . . llATEOlhis_?.~4~~-"'--d,yar----8..\.AGU "l-T . --------.19~. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss COUNTY OF l on· 1his day pen,onally 1ppcarcd bcfo~c-mr GRA~TOR .B.ENXQN YII18GE C~PANY a Washinatnn general partners~p INC, · lo mr· known to be-1hr irldi.vidual --drscribrd in and wlio c:i.;~-..uitd the "'·hhin and (ou-rnif)g.inslrllmt:nl arwj ,ockn~wlrcli;:td tha1 ---signed tht samr as .---fRe and volu nlary aci ~nd deed !orlhc uinand r,urpo,n ,hcll'in men1,oned. OIVENundcrm~·hand.andofflcial"salthis ___ d1yof ____ ,_ _______ , 19. ___ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss C'OUl'\TV OF ) On this day pen.,nµ1lly appeared before mt: ~otBf)' Public in and for lht: Su1e-of Washinpon. residin_g at 82/08/2/ REC.t, F CASHSL ,j,(•O #03$7 +·"'**6. 00 22 B 10 me known to br the indi~idu'al __ dr,cri~d in and 1,1,ho c-xccu1ed the wi1tiin and '°"'Joins innr1.1mcm • .nd J.t"l,;n~wfcdged that ___ ugncd the same .as ___ free and ll<>IUntary ac1 and dred for the uses and pUl"J')Oieli therein meriuoncd. GrVEN under ffl}' hand and offid1! ~ral this ___ day or ____________ , ]9 ---- STATE OF WASHING~'ON ss .. COUNT':.'. CF KING ,-.·tu.uy ?i:blic in and fot the S111c ofWuhin,ion. resldi119: a1 Rfo.:~·-rnfrS UCTES: NOTAA!A.L SC~l ON Hi.:YEASE BlOI! On this -:i:6i-\"' day of· ('!\V.: Qi~>,T. , 19 82, before me, a Notary Public in 3.nd. for· the State of WaS::i..ngton, dul!• coiiimissioned and sworn, · person:i:.lly appeared L, t. \\ t-. \.L ~"e.-...:: Ait .... "\-o~ ? ..... ,is; \H-t.~~~""' i..,.c.... :. . to me ~"°'t partner s o QF;NTO'i YIIzT,APE C~PhNY , a Washington General Partnersh•p,: Who ex~cuted , "t"h"e,-;w:crr.t;ch•i=n-::a-;n"d'. "'l"o"'r"'e"'g"o"i"'ng instrumen_t I and acknowled.ge_d the said instru.~nt to be: !b1r)lc free and voluntaq .act and deed as 9 4 ... ~.,...<C.-rS for · the .uses .. ana purposes therein ment1onecL KIT!~ss· my ·h3nd and official seal the day ~nd year in this certific~te ·bove· Wr'itten. ,l.<,,.;+ d d .,J . No":ary Public In a~l!or the Stats of Washington, residing at-L.t~· ..... woQ..;)J ~}; i\; r,.•;, {fj~ ,, ii r ~~' :~.,.t f:~" ' ) :J· , ·~· \. :r f 1 ., r1: I.'_;, [{~! !if ti ::i :+:. J:w :i ' . , £ •••••• . ' .... -·::~·-··/•. CT] .... ,• •• -· .. _, ,. ,· • _. C::;··:-·· .. .,,.~, .. : '. .. , . •. • ! . ' 1.-: -·· '"'t~-::::1 "i .. ,. •• . . ,· lt~f i!t?I:j\:?;t::~:;:f \,-·.-: ;~~/-·. /::. >·>·:"'. <:'.1:vi.~:,.,, ,r,': :~\ .-:.~·,.~,\ PllGl:'T ~CQ. POWER z:r--1,;A~rnN'I' 43922.C//'-1< ~ ;,:. 1~ ::"J for ,md ffl ,.,11~1,lr1 .. 1i,.,o Ill LIRt' O,,U,11 111,lllll and u\l>rr \·Rhu,hlt 111n.11h•11,1u,~. lh1· 11·, ~•111 ul .. 111111 i. l,L·Hh~ n~n""'liihC"d. REN'l'O.'lf VILLAGE COM~_!HI\' p il Washing t:01~-~J!._O_!".:'ll !_;lartnership, ,, t~ ("'Gr1Mor" h~n·ln}. hlll'reby l(r•III.S. COR\'l')'I Ind warunr.s to PUGET SOUND POWER h I.IGHT COMPANY. I Wa&hln,.ton ~ «'rpctruUon r·annli't'" h\ireln), ror lhf.' pu~sll!i herolnllft~r u1 Jorth, 11 11~111vt'Jal t<1111ml.'n1 o\'vr. •crolis 111d under th, ;~ .•. \ ; lo!IOV.'1118 d~rttll'<l rt'a.l property 1 ... 1' "Pl"Ol,lerl)'"' herelt\l In_ ...Ki.ruJ_____ Cc.inly, WaWHnRlon '~~· . :i1 .l ., I =1i ' ' .Y<·• •,.·. < i ~'\N01JSj1-, ·~, n,!:.'_.,L ') ,. =-rn,,, .. See Exhibit 'A' Attached •] I ii!~f'''Hill ii /;Jil\ •,:·, ... :i:·.:./' ,,,···.,.· ~,: \ij ·;•:,.,Ill• , "Jijl." tc ' , ~ U, E:o:ct-p1 as may tw otherwise st"I rorl/1 herein Or,011>e"& rlgh1s ~hall be e~erch,;ed upon lhal ponlon o! tne Propen)' (I.he .. RIGht·ol'·W11y" herein) described ;no rollows: A Rl&hH1I-Way forty five (45} ree, In "-·\!Ith hao,:.,illil}-,0-~-=======-=-=--ffft--ef-911~W'Nhtt-on~mt .l'i~'-fffltt:NIM~M"i'eHM-r. -;~ ~-~ being parallel and adjacent to the southerly boundary line :~I: described property (said forty-five feet being parallel to of the above the northerly Exhibit "B-2"), .. :\~ line of. Renton Village Place as delineated on the attached l !i ' '-: l ~ ~· .iJ ri 'l\ V !'.\ In the event Renton Village Place is abandoned or vacated, above-noted Granter agrees to grant an additional easement form attached hereto as Exhibit "B-l '1 .a2 ... os,·27 RECD F ·).00 the in the #0355 1. PurpOlloe. or11.n1ee shall have 1he rlghl 10 construct. operaLe. m.a!nw.h,, rep,lr. replace 11.nd enlar1e one or more elt<:trk 1nns1n(i;5!on and'or distribution llnu over 11.nd/01' under Lhe R ii,;;h1·0!-Wa}' 1ogethtr wlth. all ne<:!,SSAQ' or comi:n1ent ,;:,pur1enar.ces theu!to ... ·hicll mar lncludebul are not limited 10 the followins: 1. o~·erllu.LI 11cU11ies. Poles and/or towers wl\h cr,:iss!!.rm,;. hr!!!.'~'>. ;:r,1!"S !!M !!~ors; 11"lec1ric nansmisslcti amJ d1s1rlbUtlon )Ines; =munkt11ion and :1=lsnal Unes: lnns!onm,n. b. Underground 111.cUfllH, Undergr1111nd conduilS. cnl.iles. ~·11u\1s. inanholt'.5. s\l"llchet IU1ll 1ran$1crrmers: .semi-buried or ground moun1ed facllllies :sucll as pa(l.5, uansformers am! swi1ches. Following du., initial constniclll)fl of Its r,cJllllH. Gra1>1ee may fr1Jm lime IO 11me constnict such additklnal llnK and Olher faclllile:s 1111 It may ro:aulre. :!. Aeeess. Grantee sllal1 have U,e rl&l'>t or accus to the Ri&'11·D1·W11y over and 1i:-ros1= die Prq,eny to enable Gn:ntee to e>:1!1"('.IU Its ri,hr.s here\lndflr, provided, tha1 CirentH shfl.11 tompEnsu~ GrMtor ror ·~-d1m11• 10 the Propen)' c1u1ad b).· lh• nerclse ot nld rlthl or ICC'ft.111- J. Ripe of W.y Cl earl.la and MllnlnaDCe. Crantee sl\811 have IJ\e ristJt III cut and remov-e or otherwise dh;pose or .uir·•nd all brush and trees p,ruem.ly exl111na upon the Rlgtll·O:·Wa)·. On1111ee Sl'II.II llf>O hive the rliht 10 conu-ol. -on• conUnulna bHlS and b)' any pnHlent and reason111bh· mttns. the es1abllsllrnent 11'1d 1roWV'I of 1rns. b11,1sb lll'ld other vepaa· tlon upon Ille Rll,ll,t·of·Way '1!.hicb could, In tht op,IIUOfl of Grnntee. inlerlcre 1dlh lhit enrel$e cl Grancee,"s rlaht& lliHeln or ere.ate I hazard ID G111JMee's tacllltlea. "· Dlf\llf Trees. CrantH sh.Ill b•ve lhe rlaht to cut aoo remove or otherwise dlspo5e of anr lreff JDC11tl!d rm !hi! Prop9r1:y wtsid& th'll RitJII of Wa"1 whkb In ra.lH11£ c-ould. Ir, Grar.1,at,'s rea5(1Mble judjmellC, bl-• huard 1,0 Gr1111N·1 laclllUH Pftf\ided. h(,11.r,-er. dlat CnnlN, prior to exercl9ln11 such right. shill ldtntll)" 5ucll d, .. er lrfffi, and aive prior ,.rinen IIOtllk:a.tlon 10 Gn111or and shall mlkt P•rin111111 to Gren-tor for Lh<: msrket \lalue of 111)" merchantable limber COAlalD- 6d lhereln 11.hle!I ls cue al'ld remoYl'd !ff disposed :lf by Onr.!H. Or1111 .. ·1 rallv.N lo comply wllh the Nll'ld.l1ion:J ol lhls para,iraph prior 10 ue-rclSln& k.s rllhts und1r emerpncy ~ndilions .shall IKll ba dlemad • Yiolatlon of 1h11 aareemen\. but Ora.nor shall SIIII H' ent!Ued lo c:cmptnAUcm. for 5'lch tree, thet •re e1111nd remoYad or o1h1rwiH dtaposed c1' \l)' Gn.nte. fl.. Gn.n&nr'II UIIIII! or 81&11toof.'R!"•y. Grantot rt58rYU tl,~ right ID U!iil lhe Rlahi-ti•Wa)-· (or UI)' l)Ut\)OH not IIICOnsillllnl .,-iV, 11h11 rilnl• ircn,i,, &r•nl"'4. pr.:.v:il'4.-1.'ut Oran:t.r ;t;;.!l ;;.;! ::::.,-:::ct:-.;:: :::-:::::!t:t.:.!n. ;:ny bllild!Z'..;;: er cth;::-:.:..-.::::re e,.-, 1111' Rl&,ht·0Po\'1y an.1 Gr111«.,• sh•II do no b)ls1ina •Uhln 300 (l!t'l or On,n1ce's r1cll111ta wl1llou1 CrUllff's prior wrlnen cons•n. ij, bldcn••l1)·. B)" 1ceeplh\i and record~ dlla ll!Hi=mcnt. Grenw, n;:~Cl'!i ID l.ndetnllVJ/ lnd holli Ntmlltl-~ tin,nlot from 111,)" 11\d all clllms ror dirnqes wllend b,y any t•rson v,.-hlch m•y be tausN b)· Grantff"I uerclk' al Ut~ rt[l,hls I\Cririn gr11.r.tlld, pnn·ldo:d. Ulal Gr1DlM shall Mlt be rupon1ibl4i 10 Granwr tflr cny da~e~ Tf<5uhh!I !rom ll!oJ~rle5 to 11'11 per&Orl CM11.:111<d u,· 0 1<:Li-Cl~ ClffUUIOIIS of Granl!)f. l B STATE OF WASHING'l'ON COUNTY OF KING ss. . ~~ ~ On this ?-.i\-day of ~\.Ac;\V-'' , 19 82 , before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washingtonr duly coiiimissioned and sworn, personally appeared :r. e.. v,Jo,..-yc,...-,ot.. ""e-~~ri"" ...... -\ ,;::r,..(: ?,q....,.;.\o ~Qeo...-\.:r\. "t....-.t. •• ~......_t... partner {s} of RBNTQN YITY.ilf}iE COMPif'NY ~ 07 _,,,.,,,,.=;:;,.-=-c-o,-,,ccc-=-=c.,..,c' a Washington General Partnership, who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to me known to be to be -\--""'e.:..'"'l'" free and volur1ta~y act and deed as S?o,...--\r\se....r'=> for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, WITHZSS my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate bove written. Notary Public in and ~r the State of Washingtcm, residing at L :J "'"'....,'!9& £xhibi t 1 1\. I That portion of Block 2, Walsworth's Pirst Addition to Renton, as reoorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 23, r.ecords of King County 1 W.:\Bhington, TOGETHER WITII vacated Dora Street and vacated 8th Avenue adjoining, as vacated under Ordinances 1067 and 2B50, respectively, of the City of Renton; and that pc..rt:l.on of the Noi:theast quarter ..,f the Northeast quarter and th~ Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 ~st, W.M., in King county, Washington, lying south of the southerly margin ot" Ciritdy Way (alt.) known as secondary State Highway No. I-I~), being 100 feet in width as presently established; lying north of the ncrtharly marr 'i.n of South Renton Village Place {also known as Service Road), as conVuyed to the City of Renton by deed recorded under King County recording nwnber 5475310; and lying west of the westerly margin of .Talbot Road (also known as Burnett Road Extension), as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under King county Recording Number 5754046, and State Road No. 51S, as condemned by decree entered in Ki.ng county Superior court Caus~ No. 761065; EXCEPT that portion thereof lying west of the following described line; commencing at tho southeast corner of che Northwest quarter of said Northeast quarter; thence southerly along the west line of the Southeast quarter oft.he Northeast quarter a distance of 190 feet to the northerly margin of South Renton Village Place (alsw known as Service Road); thence easterly along the northerly margin of said South Renton Village Place~ distance of 180 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of tAe line hei·ein described; thence North 1°04 1 08" East to the souther:...· margin of Grftdy Way, and the terminus of said line. ·puaer POWER EASEMENT r::,:1n111T 1':&-l" REN'rON VILLAGE COMPANY I a Washington general,_,Pcc•;cr:_t,cn~e=r::•:.:h::i,:P:.<•------- !"Gran1or" herelnt, Mrtb)' &n,nts, conveys and 11i-atranl.$ to PUCET SOUND PO\\'!R &: LIGHT COMPA.IW, a \\:lshin1t1~n corporulon (''Cranlet-" hirreln), .'"It the pi,rpo1e1. hrelru1lter SO?! rorlh, • perp1m111 easement over, acrou. and under the lollowlna descrJbed rraJ properly t!M "Properly" herein) In Ki pg County, V.·uhlng1cm: That portion of vacated Renton Vil!age Pl~ce (also known as Service .. RoaG.) as conveyed to th-a City of llenton by deed recorded under }(ing. County r~cording No. 5475310, all lying within the Northeast quart.er, Section 19, Townahip 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. Ei.:cepl H may be OlhcrwlH st-I forth hf!r~lQ Graniee·s righu. s~..all be P..xercised upon that porlkm of !he Properl)' {Ute ·•Ril,hl·of·Way" herein} described as (ol1011t1: ..A-~~------------------~Mll..widll!,.,A;t.l,·k.8------------------l.vai4-~-,J;..~~M ~~~«...a-.(14-MWU~~ .... loMowi;. Same ~s above (as delineated on the attached E:xhibit "B-2•1 i, .-:, ·,· '- ;', ifi· ~-- i~l,1~,~ ~-',-.\,\,, \ .• l'• .,};·: .! ·;./ .. ~~, Oepu1y ~,~r.'. .. :. ·~f: :. Purpou. Gran1~ shall have the rlgh1 lO constl'\!Ct, oi:,trate, ma.inLAln. r~pair, r~lau and elVeJlle OM! or more IA eltctrJc 1nnsmlsslon.andior dis.tribu1lon Jill~ ('Y•r and/or under t'ie Ri11tn-o!-Wpy to1ether wilh all necessary or convenlern t.:' appurienancl!s lhereLO, which ma)' lncludtr bl.lt are IIOI Umltad 10 L"lt followlng: l · a. o~..-llead fac:UJ1iu-. Poles ll.11d/or towers wiih cross.ar1ns. braces, ,gu;:i-s and anchors, e!ec1ric 1ra.nsmlsslon and .~:: dlstriblltlot, lit.~ communlcatlon and si,Dal llnas: tnnsl'ormen;. f· :; _ or &rcund mounl41d facilities s"llch as pads. tr811$1'ormers and sl!l'ltChl!!.. _· _ b. VMfl'P'Ollhd JacUl1iU. Und•rVCJUaxl conduits, cables, ,-aults, ml'lnl:o!-ea, S\l.'itchH 11~ trP1i!'orm.ers; Stml·burkld ~,. FollO'M.·ina Iha Initial eorunrucuon cl Its faclllt!es, Crantee ma}· from 11me lo llme C'OnStrvct such additk.na.l lines and '.· -~· ether f,1cJl Iliac •• it ml)' require. t 2. Access. Grua1ee sha.U ha,·• lh• rlatn of access 10 tht RlghH;f·W11r over and ,cross lM Propen;y to enable Grantee to exercis:e lt5 rlgh\5. h•reurder, prO\'lded, lhai Grant.ff sblll compensate Gr11nLOr !or 8Jll' dllmqe lo lh• Properl)' r::ausl!d b)· the -"~in of said rtalu cl accu1. 3. Rl&bl ol WI)' Cl•rlnJ and M11J11ua11H. Gr..u ... shall h;ive the riiht to r::111 ind rvtl01/I' or OIJ'lenr,,!M dlapc:$11 ol any and an bn.ish and tr.u prt1SnU)' &11lat111,1 upon th Rl&ht·of•Way. Gr111\H shall also h1.\le Ute rllht to Cl:11\tn,I, on• conUru:l,w buls and b)' tny pntDl!nl .Ind rusonablt1 muns, lh.e e.stablishrntDI and arO\lt'lh of lr'ffS, brulh and othitr wpta- tion upon the Right-<tl•Way wl'llcb eould, In ma q.lnlon ct Clranlee-, inm1,rt will! the exercise d Grantee·• r1Pl5 he~ln CIT crn1e ,1 buaJ'd 10 GrantH'I ZacUlt.lq.. 4. Da"'tr Tre,as. Or.1nt.N Mall havt the rlpt to cut ADCi remove o.· otherwise dispose ol aay tre,e; located on tht Proper!)' autaido \he RI.I/II ol WI)' 'llllktl\. In lalllna could. in Gren1tt's reuon1ble Jlldpncn&. be a hannl 10 Gn1RN"s rllCUhles. PraYltled. lllC!IWrttr, lh.lt Gl'all .... prior to exertlSlll@. sue:h rlsll1. 1,bal.J klenti17 .sudl daqier trMS 11nd alvit prlnr wr!t1an natlriC.llloa IO Gnnior and sltall msk• paymem to CranLor for lhe m1rlc.er value Df aey merchtlllele tlfflbw contain: 11d lhueJn which Is cui and rtmo¥ed Dr dllpoaocl d by Gnntce. Gran1"·' raihlre to r::ompJy wilt! 11w coiidlttons of 1.hls p11ngraph prior: to ~err::lsi.a, tr.s rl.pis 1.1Ader emer.pne.)' tot1dJllons lhlill .i.t b* deemed • Yiol•lbl or this qrHment, bul Gr.1nior shall stUJ be entitl«I to eo~lon for aicll ut<es .lha1 are wt 8ffd HmOYe:I or olh•rwlH disposal or ~ GraM..e. 5. G.-1n1or's l!•• of Rl.gh1•oi-W17. Gr•ntor nsarvea lhe r!sht to use Ule R'll'!Mi•Way Jo,-11u1y PIIJ'p!IU DOI inc~15lefll """11.h \ti• rl1tu1· herel.ll Jr:a,Md, provided. th.It Orutor 11111111 net i:on.•.trvc:1 or 1"Nolm.1ln •nf WDdln& or o.·cher-stnK:IIINI Oil i.-,, R1.&n1·0:·Way 1.r.d Grunor sllul cto no bl&SI.III& 'fjoJlhin aoo·rec\ ol Grant~e·s llcilillu wi~I\ G~·s pflor wrlne. c::onHnt. ~. 11'14tmQl1)", 8)· acctpti~ and racon:lls.: this auffrlelll.. Grimttc •sre~s. 10 indemnU)· and bold harmless Onn1or from ar.)' 1..nc: a:: ~:111m1 for Uffiq&$ s11fttrtid by my per"son whit::h mtr tie e.1~~l'C b> G.rarutt·s u:1.1ttlst ,:J \hi" ril;"IU Mreln it•r-~~ prr.,·1C:~ Lha: Gro1nlN' .ri.11 DOI be resp,aMlblt 10 Or1.n1or for any dl.::;r.an Cff.,,lti!'ll (ron: ihj111rl•s IO ,1ny pe.rSCNI Cl..!..C tt) •_!!:f ~r WTIIH.'~-OI G_r.11110, ' ':,-Ur ' STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. ··-> OIV,NTOR Rl:1',~'.i'ON VILLAGE COMPNiY, a Washinaton General Partnership PUGET WES'rERN, !MC. By, ~~-¥V 11£.sresient INC. On this ~h day of , 19..n_, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Wash1n5ton, duly commissioned and sworn, personally-appeared 7 r>tLt. .. '0,e .e:9e,~ ____ r, 5&.iJ,-l T 7 ,-u:U)ftf is; .::2. ·j) ± Pt· 7 e w· gen ... to me known to be ~ pa:t:net" (S of Rl-""'\''T'QN VI! I t'af]'=' co~t'Dll,!i!V a Washington Gene~al ?artnersh~p, who executea foregol.ng instrument, and acknm,•ledged the said instrUlTlent ,:;,-c,:;.,,--;cc,:::,free and voluntary act and deed as for purposes therein mentioned. -c.he "'·~ thin and _to be the uses and STATE OF WASHINOTON '"-OT ARY PUSUC lnandlor Ille S..tt·rl _______ _ resi.11"'-:at ________________ _ . ~ ... · .. ;if:.;:· ,,Jf~:.·f ;· ·\'.>:.i:.~-:.>\.i:1J';.-;.'?°;!:~~;.~:·'!. · i~.,~·-~;'f\~.: :,-':,,r;! :·;:1, ,,., .. EXHIBIT 'B-2" ~- \ / ___ ..... \ I / \ I I-!, I ! i ' I ··---· ., / .·.: --- ~ ¥5' K.16117 o, WAY ~ RCNr.oN v,LLR6£ "PLRC. E" dj.lA /Um.C,;'f ,,.,,,,_;f /, .. t.GK!li'\',:t'Sl lSCIOl\'S Of 8UUVlll. llO';. 4DII IO&llil 4Yf. H.E. • SUITE 1114 P.O. BOJ 781 !ru.MLWA1• 511,, :l . ·. · •' ,~} .. ~.~-···· ;:~~i,:,. ,:.,5~~·?:, ,;.~: ~ .... ;:'. ,.-:,,,,.f•'-.:-: '., ,r.lC~~~~:~, ... _, 0 .... ,.(#.~}:.~·~~~(9bi;side·r.~tion·, ·-:~.h~ . ."-i:ece~pt·. of· whicli is hei:-eby ~c.kn0Wfe«3:ged, . ~:;\{f;'.·:\_?~:~-'-_{/;;t. -·.·:-·--. _·· . _-. : : .· '.·'-.·-' '. i\',{ ''. ·. Ji]lliit,mi':'vi1J.i,GE...COMFANI., ·a W•iil\ingto.n..Ji.enez:•LPact.nJ>nhi.p,~----- . ~i', ~ ,,,. _. ,:·,_.. ·' -., .. ·. -.. -· ... . .. ' . " . . ' . .· . . . '.fi{f}t\~-~~.,-~~e1_n),~,riiti111, ~n~)' .. ·11nd_:w.iran1a to Puct::fS~uNn PO\VE;-;·uCHT co~~ANY. a \~nshin~1~n c~- ~t{\-'/':..,.:~1,lt100,r.'(:;rf!·n1f!e'.'_liP.~irlJ .. lf?r lho p1,1tp~1 here:in111fter snt forth ,1 perpetual Msumeni" under. Rcross nnd m•i!r lhi:! fol. ,;~J,-_,(:\j,;· ... ~~iJIR ~-~ re81 properl~ (t~ ·~perl)"'.· ~ereln} .;.______King..._..._~-~ Counly. Washinglnn.. · · I~'): . . . SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED. e~~~~~:~ ?.M**::;~:o e j?~ "' .,__\!2 55 ,_·. -~ ·c-;: ff/?.! --~ :--: 1 % Exc1sE i~ ~ta:~~~~;;Y, :{ : ~' ~-.-'. . : ,~~i .· 81 x0_ 1,j,[,t/,ul .. Deputi ~ tr-: -.:_~1 ~S .ma .. ;il;,·· · · o~lse s~i forlh herein. Gra. ·ntee'S riwJ.15 shail be exercised upon 1h111 portion of Iha Prop!!r1y (the "Right- -~. • of-Wiey''. here'ffl described as follows: · · --. · ·c_.A:1uflhi"!'f.Wwr.-•_,,;, ______ ,:._. __ :-feettn"l'ridtlrffllffll.B-------------ft>!!'l1J~dtWidttttJ1r~ramet=' It'\ ;·~::d:::: feet of the East 380 feet of the North 30 feet of the ili. B. · :::t:e::o 4:e::~t o·f · the .Eas·t 365 feet of the North 25 feet of the ·1;\/:-:. · sc;>u'l;h .70 _feet. ;,! '•.·· t!!tffi a WD 'Al MCUMT OP: trs., ~~,=11Ml10N T. J: =~ lil-, , : : ', Pl.l<ll1T l'OWIII IUIC. · "~ ,., · eelllWi. WMINlON · IIIOClt i:'x ff~.'. -i:-Pur~ ~r~~l;e S}iell have Iha ngh1 to construe1.o:r,erale. mainlain, repair,replace.aJJd enlarge an underground electrl·;.~" ~ ::_ -·' :·1r,;ln'snis.",;s1p·,i· _dnd/or !l"islrlbullon. system upon and un 41' lhe Ri9ht-o[-\\'ay IO!(elher ·with all nacessarr or con,•en1en1 ap-- ----:_· · : P~rl_Cn,,nces 1~i-ef0:r. \Yhich_ may include bu_l are nnt _limited lo the following: underground conduil!i, cables. oommunicalion · ~ . : ';' U~:_ va~llij_;·m·an_hi:i!ai ~lches. and lrans_[ormers: and seml-buried or ground rnounled facilities. Followins the inilial oon-i · ·.. ·.~lrudion,or Us fa~!1ff!»,_-Granteo rnay from time_ to llnte construct su.:::h addi1ional fRcililies es ii may require. . ~-~-·· .. ·.{_~;: i ·.'-· i. :~::s::_; ,A~-~~~l~~-~h~l have Ill~ righ1 or &'.:GeSS to lhe Righi-of.Way over and across the Properly lo enable Cran tee 10 cxcr-. ..... cill(! its cight!l·h~undel", provided, that Cranlee _!lha_ll oompolL"ilfe Gran!or for any dam.age lo the Properly cauU:d b\' lhe exer-jl'/·;. '·_c11_B.of sa!d"righl of_acceJS. · . · ~{ ~:-· . ·. ·.3. O~-~~ona: L~~pfns. G~ntce may-from limo lo Ume remove trees. bushes. or o1her obslruclions "ilhifl ~ Rtghi- ;,/~:<· of-Way and may level and grade the Righi-of-Way lo lhe .ex.lenl reas!lnably necessary lo carry oul the purposes set forth in ~;_c·, paragraph·1 hereof. provided, 1ha1 follQ'Mng nnv such work, Grantee shall, lo the mtlenl reasonably pnctlcable, resk,re the •it . . ~lat,~ .. W4!iy.ki 1he·condltion Hwa, immedia1e)y prior lo such work. Fo11owing lhe installat:011 of Granlll!e's under.ground :ttl:>:_ :· · faclllJies, Cranlor riaoy·undertake any ordµlary lmprovemen!S to lhe landsi:apini! or lhe Risi,14-Way. provided !hat no trees or il\: :. : . ~:-~Inn la ~•II be placed thereon _which would be unreasonably ex pen. ive or impracllcal for Grantee to remove an~ tt:: :: : ·: 4.: ·.Granton~~ ~:r.:i..r-w-,,. ~ran~~ reaeTVO lhe rfshl lo use the Righl-of.-Way.for any purpose nol I~. i.;1eniw11h · I".·,.• .... ··· · 1), 1 e rlahtshhen,h l_n graldnte· , provklwiodtb, lhelhat Granlor s 1 hatbll ~~nsth ru~t or maindlainh lift)' bdul~!lns or qlh1~r 11ruc1~~ '!,~~e R11gh1-. .... o -Way I\" ic wou Interfere ex.ercia_e o e .... 11 erem gr ante ; t al no M'ng. 1unn.e ins or olmir unm o COll· ·~·-· •lnl¢Hon a_cHvlty shaU b8 done on the Property which would disturb the compaction or uneerlh Cronlee's Cacililles-on lhe 1sc:-.. RJ&hl-t1f-W~y. or ~anpr the_ Jaler~supporl lo sald facilltiea: and thal noblas1ingshall bl!! done within i&feetof lhe Riahk,f• ~ .• . ~-Y..-.-.. . . . . . . !.'."·· ,. I. Jildenmlty, 8(. IICCspllns and recordtns lhfl eu1menl, Gtentf1e agrees to Indemnify 11nd hold harmless Gnntor Crom illl)' and alt d1lm1 for o}urlo 1rul/or damageuuffared by 1ny person which may be caused by the Grantee's exercise of the r!Jhta h1rtin gr,nlod; ptovkl11d, that Grantee lffl811 nol be re,ponatble to Grantor for 11ny injuries and/()r damagu to any person cau.led.bY acta or omilllionl oI Cnn«>r. = _ & :,\~91'11: :Th~ rlahts herein if anted shall eontinu·e u·nlil Such time AS Grnnter. ce~ to use 1he·Rlgh1-ol'_-Wa)" tor a . period.o_r HYii (5)_ au¢e:Mlve !i'•.SJ'f, In which eve~l lhls &asament ahall lermlnal~ and all r.lablis h,ereunder shaH :-evl!'rl lo Cran• ;;f · tor, provl~ed lhat no _abandonmJmt ahall be di;iemed lo have occurred b.y rea5on of O_rab~e !'. failure to inlllally install Its .... · ··rt.c1_Utiea.qn.tho Rl1h1-of-Way wl~hln ~TI)' period of 11me from l~e dale hcr~or. _, •. · .- +:;{.:-··: . '. :;. S~ ~.and·A~~. t'he .. rlahis andobllsall~s of the pi.r1ies shall immft~ _1J;~ ~~rmi.i1 of a~ be bindln1upon lhair lit: 7,,,, -• .,.,,, . . U-H . \~f/L.~. ·.:;~.:.~· ... ,r.·,., __ ·.·.·,.,•.·,·_.·.·.·._.,·-.. _.· ... ·., .. ·,·, .-.,.-_-'.', .. _,._·._ ' ... · ... :.·'.·.··-.··.·,-._·.--... ··_.',,·:·.·-, . . .. '"ll·C.,,.,. ,::·, a .... ---, • • ,-~ :·\·hA/t\~~: .. _;:,:)itifr.'.i-i{./((;J;:~1\iX~'f{,_ :. ,;o? STATE'. OF WASHINGTON } . ... ,.,.,,,. .. . . } ss. ; Jtt .~OUN'?¥ OF l(ING . ) ,,,. -. . .. . .:1.p-95• GRANTOR lIBNTON VIJ,I,illG:E COMPl\NY a Wrisbinqtori General Partn.·ers}',iip · 1\ "'eftP?V> · · · . · . D.'(:'~-;-n. ri(:;-""·-.. -.- EY: --- . ~ e _ es e n ~c. : · .-., u.. cin 'this ~y day of ~V--;fJ> ... Pubiic in and for the State-'~=;.f!l"!;W!'a"'s".-"i~n-g~t--~-. l,l'j' person21lly appeared . <. ~1 ' ' { j.··.1'.·.', .. •.· ... ·t, .. "' .. · me known to be ..__. . partner).ir' of RENTON ·VILLAGE COMPANY ~ • a W~shington General Partnership, who executed, ~h ·:,·,the within and !oregoing instr,;.:nent, anc ackno,.,ledged the said instrument ,i:I · to be /J.I free and voluntary act and deed as ~d/tfV: for f,,. · the usas· and purposes therein mentioned . .. . i-~· , t·~ITI;~ss my , h~tid and official seal the day and ye·ar in this cer_tificate ,J: bc::\re written~ f,11:. •['J.· . j[,.• iil :~~-:::· ~~{i tj- ~.·.1· ... : ir · · /' Jf-. . ,~----.... _ n ~· .,!'; .STAT!: OF. Wl\l,HINU'l'ON. ) ;, . CQUNT1 OF KING l S.S. ; · < · · . Oil this Z -z... · day . of v'~~ 6,,.,__-, 19 ·es , before duly coiiimissioned me, a Notary and sw_orn, i.~ ,-'. P_.ublic 'iI) and for the $tBt-a .. of -Washington, f ·:-: pers~naUy appear!OC!. 41, e .. w,tz.rot/ Jl :~,-·known to be·. .... pertnerljcl of RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY , . .: . . . . . . . . . . . , a Wa,hington General Partn6'rship, who .eMecuted ·· ;·:',.·the; wahfn: and.-foregoing• in tr\11111>nt, anc: acl'..nowle<\ged the said instrwnent f<·to be'· · ,J,l:i · · free a:n ·untar" act and deed as ~ · .,. •A · · fo· r . .. ·' . . . . "'9 k: 't:1U t' •ttil!! ,11S1!!B and purpQses · mentioned. :wi;·itten· .. day and year in this eertificat.1 (!!ilNTON VILI,AGE' COMP/INY . -R~2194 ·· · liii2'ei.36 :'·KJ~41•. · .-.--~. ·. EXHIBIT 11 A" . ;: Th~~-~;t'i~~ ·of' the ~ortJ:ieast qu?!rter of the Nortf}east qu~rter .~_arld" the SoUtheaf;it_ q~~ter of th(= Northeast _quarter Of Section 19, . · .. TO.wriShiP .23 ·_Nor_th, .. Ra?'t"g'~-=5 -EaSt, W,M~, in Ki~g county, Washington, . ·lfinci ·S_outh Of_· th~ S0uthE!rly .margin _of Grady Way (also known as '·se(::C:,ndary. ·s_tate-Hirjhway No·. i;--L), being 100 feet in width as · :_p~_esen~ty-·-estaJ;,lished; lying North of the Northerly margin of ·sOUth-/Ren.tQn-Village Pl.ace (also. known as Serv_ice Road)·," as. cOn- veyed tci the City. Qf Renton by deed recorded under Kin!, County. -. r_e:c:o~dfng __ nµmber 5475310·; and lying west of_ the westerly margin .... 0:£·.,.TiS._lbot:Road (al"so known as Burnett Road .. Extension)., as ··conveyed. ·to :th:e. S_tat:e .. o~ -wa-~hingtoh by <feed recorded under King County.. RecO~d;Lng .Number 5754046, arid State· Road No._ 515, as· condemned by : ·decree entered· in Kin_g County Superior Court Cause No~ 761065 r ;EX¢~~-~-at-~ por_tion thereof lying West of the following described lfne, .::.Conimencing at the_ -So\lthe_ast · corner of the Northwest quarter of said NOrtheas_t ·quarter; ·thence Southerly along the West line of the Southeast ··guai::ter _ of .the Northeast quart.er a distance of. 190 feet · ·to "the Northerly margin :of South Renton Village Place (also known a~ .serv:iCe Road) ; thence· Easterly along the Nor~erly ma~g.in_ o_f said Sciuth" Renton Village ·Place a distance of 180 fe~t to the TRUE POINT OF ·BEGINNING'.of, the ·line herein described; thence North 1 ° 04 1 oe·11 E;ast to the So_utherly margin of Grady Way, and the terminus ·Of,Bald line. · unu~ !£1 11 .-no _____ _ ~:....,,_...,....;...-,--'------·-'-c...-'---·.And ___ _ hi~=i·~·ifi·~; c;al le .. ·"Grantorhl", ind the CHY O.f KEtf7DN. l! Munlcipel C~rporrtlon o"f ~Inv -tou~tv··~ wuhJn'glon 1 -hen·lmdter ·c1lltd "liunte..,11 • Wlll<ElllT!f: Thlt nl.d.Cr• .. tods) 1 for and ln c:cmll!h:ratlon of 016 IUIJI of $ PJ1 e" f!r!}'j ~ · ;· . _ . -·:::::,. _ .paid b}' Gr.i.r;lee_. ,od eth1::r y,1!1,,ablc consl'Oet-atlo_n, do b.y - ;f;hi!!:se 11T~1o.tr1n .• g:ran1, -barg:;;'ln 1 s.tl-1, eol'IYey, 4l'!id wa.r-rarit unto the ul:1 G.untee~ I t1 .'1,u,;:cesiar·s. •r16·a,s5lgn,, .11n easement for publtc utllltlr:~ {lnchiding wat~r.and 5-,11r} with ··inec~~ury •pp1.trO:nan(u over, through, 4erou at,d upo,r. Lh~ fol lo...ln9 dr:st.rlbod i;,roputy ln-t::lnp_Cm~nt)', _l,luh.lngton,_ rorl'l p,u·tl(.vl.uly degr!!:>ed t.i foll('<,¥5: 'lb:':! north five_ feet of IC'"',..s S thro.J,,.'.jh 12, Eloek 5, f:.c.,r,ton Vie!,,'1 a....--cordi.-,.;:J to t..'Y:! plat. tll!?reof n'C."'.'rded in Vol1E:! 33 0£ 1-~la~. r.JJe 2;;., i.?1 King Co..ir,ty, liashingtoo., .sa.i.d eas:;;,nent adjoW the so.1therly r:ia:-3:iJ: of &s:.1tt-, ~ Village Place as -!::.Ai.cata:i to the Cit\! of Re."lto.1 by Auditor's Fil,: Nu....,.;;.,.'.:.t 5475310. ())nta:~.uing 3,700 s7.1.e1re f(;!e'l: no.re or Jess. fil.i1I fOR moBII AT~.~ ~s•m•• ll!lllllll!llfflla, =:& 86 ... 10/03 ~9::r., F C.A!:-~i~ ,. :.• _;···.-:- 7/JO .. Ei,f.i!:f i i:i NOT flEQll!Rff _.,~0;~~:~~::·'.~,~~ C~-,.:, ,, < ~·,~~~;·~~-~,_~,~~,~~-~--~----·----·-------c=-"·''"""-~;;;;'Jfl<!'>,~.!:<'i~,a,o,;ce;',,"'::~.-.c.c.J.'-""·-· ·-~-:.l '."/}~. ~-,,_:~,\\~j.~.;;;.;~~;:·~r:~~i; -. ; , · . rig_~~/, f~:,·.j~;;:-.:;t11ici'nirctD~f1lte iffl!nt~Cned g_r.ant~e, 1t~ SL!tt:t~SOr.s or assignsJ .s.hall t1<1ve 1:_i:t'I-'·' -· :J> _,, '1,.\he. \J'~;ght 11 .wH:lu:i,ul ;prif:or -not1oe or 11r.oceothr.9 ~t hw. ,11 t such 'L llft!'S .n m11y be ,1.'~~ii:.; ( ~' , ·;1l~:t1-etir,:n-rjf,to -ent-u LlPOn ui-d a-bDve -de!d"1bed property fc.·I" the !Pllt,IJOSC! .of construct~ ':}.!': ':--,~,.:1: 1J1iJ,,..:_nw1J,\it_dnlf19 1, _re?IJirlf\g, ,el:t!rfog -or r-ccr 'S!:.r--1tctu1g Sahl utiiities. or mak1n9 ·~-::;;,:,:·\?;. :~.<: :.~f.:/o~e~.t/lo.-i., .th_er.ewi,th .... -:wnh9u:t ln_~urrtng: ~-ny 1cg;i.J Gbl.igat1ont -or lfabH I Ly -.... ',._\. '\ ... ·_-J::/-.i:he'r:!!f6,.e"-' -'P.rti.Y•i:ctr4 •. .thit -such ,c;onnr~c-t.1:0n, ma int.a l11_~ng, r.tpi!.fring, al te-r1n9 br ·· · · · · :.·. 'J.::::\._'.f;.t.~Ti~tfu~tllctii·-ec,t S.i:id :U'tjHt-ies···stiaU ·:be lccump:lhhed iu s.utti .11 .ru,rnn~r (hat U1e· ;fi_f( ( \!Pr.1)8:te ··.f·PIJ,m1V.e~·~~-.eKlsdng· cfn. -th:e r-ig"h_t{:S )··c-f ·W~Y :s.tio.11 riot he. dist\lrbt:id 1>r -.1.:·:"·1iaill~d$. -th_ey wn~, be -rep,ac-e.d in :u:9ood.f. ·c:cmi·,t.ion u the.}· we.-~ itM1ediJtely . · .. ·} . ··. ~1~, tb.e-.pripper_ty ~If el'f,ered ·uj)on by th.e Gnmte1:. f . . T:h_e-llir:.,tntior' 1~111~:I -full:, u,.e and anjoy ttie, afllrcri~.scribed premhe-t, focludi_ng 1 · · :ti~ :r1.9~t:to ,retain tM :ri"gll_t, to _.use ihe ·l:'Jrf~ce-of Hid dg.ht-of-.. way i-f 5-Uch un dDes __ nn( 1-nter.f-ere -~-th fos.tb.11,.atian and INlfoten~nce of the ut f'1 Hies. llc.we 1 er, . U1e·gr,ntor··s"h'a11 not··erect ·bu-ildi_n.9s o~·~tructures over, unde-r or across the ·:._.:r.1gbt-ot' ... _wny·d(lr.ing tile e.;s:i_·s:ttnce -of sut;-h -uti I ities. . _ .·:rhii:-fuemen·t •. Sha11 ba 1 ·covenant rullning with the land and shal1 .be binding -on -the ·Gr.antor-t :hh iucef;!Ssurs~ 'heirs and ass.lgr.s, Grant.ors tONena:)t tht:'t tti.ey .. are the· 0bwf.Ul :wni-.~ ·Cf 'the a·bc;ve .propert.fes and that !.hey Mve a goOd .and hwfol ) Tto o,~,ute ~1• :•••ment. and · 1~~---...:. and ---------- ____ _,~nd --------------- --------'----------'•nd CORPOAA TE FOR/.!: 5T/,TE OF l,)A;,f/1~16~•~1 CTM!TY t!F. f}ING; __ . ---! On this ~,-r.r-day of .SE 1-£n~I( , 19 #, l>cforr: me. the undersigned, a ·1iot.ary ·p~b1F~for Ute tale ·of :;.H,~JG·,Pr-:__, th.tly ;;;)r.~i'S-sio,1ed ond S\<o-orn per:S.o,al1.)" il.PP~"red .::Ji:i~E..i E:._opy fAJAb-0 ,.·c :rnd to F"1, known t.o l:.e t~ie ~,;.;, V~~k.ot.f(ll.¥. ,rnd • rcspecth'P.lJ' .. of M_.w-rr>/V V11-tAwE "°Ff'A? ___ we cOi;'1N"itTOn tha eicei:.;;tetl the for<?· going inst-ru111e11t. ar.d ilcnow~he Hid iostrume~t to be the f.re; jnti \•olunhr.t al:t _ and -deed of -said corporation, for lilt' u!.e:i 011d purp;:,ses therein .~nt ioned. i!r.:d tm oa-Ui-'stat.ed tliB'. ~eWA:'i av·th11rh:~a t<'.l execute the 'jJ-16 i11·:tr\11nent and th.-it .the seJ·l affbed t-s ·t e corporate seal of 5alid cr,rpDri!.t_!M. -wntu:ss -IIY ·h,md and ·off1tial sol he•eto -iffix-etJ the day and year in this certHitate above wrltten. I r: r ! I ' ' " i-a,•,·.i!ile --! I I t s 11 -·. -LI. ... i : ~:,. ,:.;.. ·, . ...... ·. mm FOR BtcllRD AT a~r Jf ; n iirllir awn · . ROOIIIIIJ!IIN.a .. !01 IIIU. A\t Sl ll!HmJ,Wlil!J55 '1,c ) ~ o I l"n~ ,, ~ '. 0 , ·1·' ,,., ,t:,~ .J." ,_Iv Easement Agreement ~ECC• ;:- 1:nSli~:;L J.~5. (!(I >-:'2,"1•1'.5~00 ~ l For'and in considaration of valuable consideration, the r~_ce~Pt .and gufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. this l"-:Eas-nt Agr_eement (11 Agreementu).t~_.made this ~ay of . -~· . ·OcJP:Bod?!Le _ , 198.6, by and bet~een Re"nton Village .Company, _:d_ ... a _WashingtDn general partnership ("Granter"), and the City of ,.--Reiltori, a· municipal ccrpC"ration of King county, Washington '~. ·c ''Grantee") . . .-\ i 1. Def int tions. Wh_eriever. usl!d in this Agreement, th8 follow~ng tetms shall have the following speciiied meanings: 1.1 10 Drain11 means that certain interceptor-storm 1drain, including all pipes, manholes, drains. connecting . ·drains, piles, connections, extensions and appurtenant struc- tur.e.s. and other items, as further described in the attached Exhib.it ·A, located _in and under the Right-of-Way. 1, 2 "P:i:'opet·tv," means the real property t!escribed in the 0.1:tached Exhibit B; provided that Grantor may enlarge, diminish or otheiwise change the Property at any time so-long as sµch change does not prohibit maintenance, repair or recon- struction of the·nr11in a1; desc·ribed in pcragraph 3, Upon any such change, the patties shall record an amended Exhibit B which designates s1.1f!h r.h~nue- 1. 3 11 Right-of--Way" means the ::eal propec-ty described .in the attached Exhibit .c, or such other Leal property as may be substitu·ted fat' ·the Right-of-wa.y putcuant to paragraph 4. 2. Grant .. Gt"antor hereby conveys and quit clai1as to Grantee a nonexclusive easement to: ( a) locate ilhd maintain the D;;ain in and under the Right-of-Way during the Term; and (b) to enter upoll the Property during the Term. at t·easonable times and in a reasonr1ble ma:.mer, if and to the extent necessary to maintain, i:-epa:ir or reconstruct the Dcai·n. ua:,::.l !~·~r .. ,. ;~-~-.:: _.:'.'_ - '9T Rf-C' · .. ,. ·ct: ::~ ~'.Yl~fL 1 • :.· :: •... , . • 100686/7256K. ·: 3. Maintenance and Repair. J, l Grantee·· s. Maintenance and Rep1-tii:: Obligation. Exc~pt to t:h~ ~xtent ~let forth in paragraph 3.2, during the ;.~eqn, ·Grantee sha!l -maintain, r:epair, or i:-econsti::uct the Drain :as:ri.ecessary to keep it in good condition and state of r:epa_ic- . ancj. functioning properly f,,r t~• purpose fat· whkh it was in- -~~nd0d. Such maint~nance, repair, or ·reconstruction Ehall be . acc,oll!P_lished: in·-a m~nner that dOes not damage· or disturb .any .and all other property or improvements e,<isting on ot a,;J.jacent .·to the _Property. .In the event any such prot,-erty ot: impr:ove- uien"ts -ate damaged ot: distU'Cbed .by such maintenance, repair, reCoristruction or oLner acts or omissions of Grantee, Grantee shall repair·, reSi:.orE! or· .. replace them to o.s good a condition as .they were ifflRBdiately_ before .the Pr-opert1-· was en~ered ui:-on by Gra~te8. Except in -~he case of emargenci-es, Grantee shall _give Granter-i;easom.ble adv·ance written notice of any such entry, ~aintenance, repair or reconstruction, 3. 2 Grantor's TemporarY.Jiain·;;enanoe Ohl !-92-tio~. Gr.antor. shall-assume, ·on ~half of Grantee, certain of the maintenance (but not tepair) obligations set forth iri para- graph ~-.1 for a period of three (3) years from the commen.c-et{lent ·of this A~reement. such mainten.ance obligations shall consist .of maintaining the Drain_ as. necessa~y to keep it in good condi- tiori and functioning .prqperly for the purpose for which it was intended: provided, however, that this paragraph 3 .2 shall not impose any duty on Gra~tor to repair or. reconstruct the Drain. 4. · Grantor · s Use, .GL-anto1; reserves and shall have a 11 rights to-use and enjoy the P1:ope1:ty and the Right-c,f-~iay to . th€ extent such tJGe does not prohibit rr.J.intenance, repair or reconstcuction of the Drain. Withc>Ut limiting the gene_r:ality of the foregoing, Grantor shall ha-J"e the right to relocate the D_cilinJ ·providl.!!d that (a) any such relocation shall be to an area ·where the Drain may perform the same functions as in its exis"ti~g lc;>cation; (b) Granto, bears the cost of such reloca- tion, and {c) upon such--i:elocation. the Right-of-Way shall be changed as necessary to incocporate such new location, and the parti_es shall tocord an amended Exhibit C designating the new location of the Right-of-Way. 5. Indemnification. Gtantee shall defe!,d, indemnify and . hold harmless Gt"antor, its successors, as5igns, legal rept"e- . sentatives and venturers.-and their r.espective director.s, offi- cers, employees, agents and repre-;entatives (~he "tndemnitees") fro~ and against any and all claims, losses, harm, costs. lia- bilities. da1t1ac_;as and expenses (including, but not Iir.lited to, reasonable attorney;' _fees) ( the "~osses") a::i.sing o\!t of or in connection with G1:antea's exercise of, or fail\._·e to exercise -2- : ,,.. . ' . __ its·tights· or per!orm its· obligat_ions unde'C ·this Agreement~ To . ·.t.he f.ullest extent permttted by applicable law, this p·a,rB.graph· S shall .apply regai:::dlass of any act, emission, ··· nE!g_l.igenc;ie. strict liability or product liability o( the )11demnitee~; provided that this paragcaph tiw, shall not .. pply .to ~he ·extent any Loss ari~es ou~ of Grantor's negligence. With.out limiting the generality of the foregoinq, Gtantee assumeS_·potenti'al liability for actions broug~t by Grantee's .agent3, serv_ants. employees or contractors. This paragraph 5, and anY other provision of this Agreement which may reasonably b,r .. construed_,as surviving the expiration of the Term. shall .survive-the expi;ation _of th~ Term . . _. 6. Successors and Assigns, Grantee shall not assign its .·.C'i9'h1;s under tl)is· 1'.greement .without the pr-ior written consent of Grant9t (which oonsant shall not be·unreasonably withh4ld). Subj8ct to the iltnlediately prec~ding sentence, the. rights and obligations·of the parties under this Agreement shall inure·to t~e benefit of and be binding upon their tespective successors ·and assigns·. 1. Titlf3. The rights granted by this Agreement are sub- ject· to pei:mits, licenses and easements (if any) heretofore gran~ed by G;antor affecting the Property and the Right-of- Woy. Grantor does not warrant title to the Property and the Right-of-Way and shall not be liable for defects thereto nr failure thereof. 8. the date when· the which it Grantor: Tet1n. The term of thls Agreement shall commence on of this Agr.eement and shall automatically terminate D!'ain is no longer used or useful for the purpose for wa.s in tended . Grantee: ~enton Village company The City of Renton By ~~~,'-'f>• ~~'f':P~c.h... I t!:i Ba~bar-A _ Y :.. ~hinpo_c1'!• !!~i'.~-~ ATTEST,27-'d'~ ~Mt>;/;-!., M;1xir..i<! E. Mol.:or CMC c:::. tJ Ci.erk N • ,51fJ-tf6 ·, l006B6/7256K .. · S~ATE QF Wl\SHING'fON COUNTY OF K,JJG-. ) ) . ss. ) Ori thi~ 3;i!l. day of OcT o,6Elf , 1986, before ·n,e, tha undersigned,. a Not.ary Public in and fot the State of Was_hington. dµly ~<;>mmi_ssioned and sworn, personally appeared .Jai\les Eddy Warjone, to·me known to b& the Joint Venture Manager of. Renton Village Company, .who acknowledged the said instrument ·tCi."be ·the free.· aud and voluntary ac~ and deed of said partner- . sh"iPr f_or th_e.-Uses. and_ purposes therein mentioned, and on oath $tat8d. that he is ~uthorized to execute said instrUitlent. . . ,WI'l'IIESS my hand •nd official seal her.eto affixed the day -~p.d··:ye·J't11,.j.n this.-· certificate above ~ritten • ·· .... ••· . ._ .. ( •,,_ . . . . STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY.OF ) ) ss. ) Jl~m~----NOTAR":! PUBLIC in and tor the State of Washington, residing at t'f/)(1.v(}q · My appointment expires lo ·/;l-g7 . On this ·~sr day of ~.{)l__lJJ,,.Jc:. ________ , 1986, befor<> me, the undersigned, a NOtary Public in and fot· the State of a.shin ton, duly comiuis~ioned an~ 2,-. .-~rn, pcr::;oi1a I LY appeated , ' · /Vtnx\ 1-u;, £ ~rtoc, to me known .to be the . . (lt~k ·mc·ii\ld~ ·--of The City of Renton who ac owledge t,:h sa1dtrumet to be the free and and volun- . tary act and deed of ·sa.id corporation, fot: tl1.e uses and our- poses therein me'ntioned, and on oath stated that he/she 1s authorized to execute said instrument. WITNESS my hand anO official seal her2to affixed the day and year in this certificate .~hove •.,,rit;te:':.. 7 I S • K -4- J _, . I ! i ! -·--- .--r:-r-.. -~-. --··2-~ ' '·."\:. '. . .. ,,r_ ; '\r I • • .• ii" .:i, ·-~ ~ ~ . .....-t. ~t ~ ·" .\ y •1 j~'\\ __ t .. ,/ ~ . '· .. ,. [XKlBI1 Th.Pt. ;:iortlon of ·the Northeest· lit: .'If Ser-ti on U1, lt:1""nsi'!i(1. 23 Ntirtn, li.~,-,g,; toBl'llen~in9 at tt:ie inter!>ection of the Ncl"'th .tight-o~-1'.ay Un~ of S. P.::!ntoo vt1:.a9e Pl: and tr,e 11est Rignt-o""-Way 1.1~e .::f Tai:iot K!).ac! South (S.::..te P.oaC Tr,er1:::!Ea North 02.}6'~7" [3$.~ a C::15.t;;;nce of 42;5.&l feet to the True Po5.nt.· of Tnence uorlh 08'20'~)" Easl a d!5~ance of !C.G ~e,t; ,..~ ~:: Tnence Morth B9'~•'02" ~e1t a di~Lance of 819.0 feet; Thence So~tn D"!5'58'' -~est a dis~an~e or 2~.G f~et; .,:.,...,,,._, .. ,. s,., ,_ ~. , •• ,;_-_.;.·· ii . ·~. :; ·~ s ··t.: .-.-;, ~ :,._., & '..'t • N 8 " 8 ' i \ ' . :- l .. " '. [ r. I I. ,· I I ~1~, lli~ -:· .. .. i ' ' ' !~:~:~:~~~nn~~ A;~:c;:;~:=~~~:/i 11 ii--· ........ ., •. i Henion VIiiage Company INTERCEPTOR STORM DRAIN U.L80T IIOAO S. / Rl!NTON .l!lt.U,01! PL/lC Li" PU.ff A P"°1'1LI! w,.~hlnJl<>tl I -.. ~ --- -',-· ~ ~,,u~u 11 I, g\ ,,,\1, i f ,, ,,n _ ' } . '. -~ . :,.· .·. . . I .' ~-t .. ) -1' • -' ) , j ' ; • ll !.!.-, • ~ • I '!i;i 1 ;;. ! ,. ' " .,,, ~; • !• ro 0 ~ " .. 0 < m "' :. ~ :, ii m .,, I: z I ' ' ' ~ ' > ~ i ·' .. ~-a-~: ' z • " • • ii ',,. .z :,: ~ \ " O· z .., " 0 C" I " .. 0 < rn ~ ~ " ~ m ' ' : '' Ronton Vlllaa• Comp:;-] INTERCEPTOR STORM DRAJN PLJINS, 9C1-l1!DULfS ,I NOTES ________ ".'.',."_"'_""!lion L---- • a " • 1: •:m:,v,;.., 1 :::ii~IN::i=;:11~~ •:•,'1l:!1U __ .... , .... I -~ ,..,. ,,. ,, .. ·.} ·~··_: :f!$F·, -··· \)·: .. .';~::c_iji~i&r, ... ; I-"'', Th1s l'ocument re-recorded tQ 1~c1Ud •fxh1bft ,V 1 attachM· ~reto. and therefo•e . ..._.,, 'i·.-··-· , r .... ,. '.id&de_ a part of this fnst~-ot. • "'!> ' .... -v'" ........ 8';..-'1 ... ,..1? #1'501 · ~ ·~ _'.;~, \• . • · UTILIT1U ll · . · · <' . CFISHSL .1_ .. ; . --! !_ !i !, !.l RECD F 7 .•)n ·-'l:··· -: < THISJNSTRUHENT, IHde th1.;;t:zd•r of 4~ · i ' ' I l ,, · -b~ b9tw"ln -. · ·_ · · · -•nd il0717. 0 :.·_·: ;.·)4_ :_-_~.···-·. 7_. ·J44ii,_ .. ··•· ()~~ •• d-&i,)jo)b3 -.. ,. · · · . -· __ •nd CASHSL "'*""*7-00 l . h<lrolnaltor coHed "Grontor(,)", and the Cl~":; REHTOII, • •unlclpol torPoretlon of King l toUnty, W,1Shln9ton, heNlnlfur call•-d 11 Grantee11 , l i I ~ VITNH!lTH: · HJ That Hid G.ra11torh.). for ,nd in c.on1lderatlon of tht lllll't of$ ( - old bV Gr1nteo 1 ~nd oth•r ~•11,t,tbl• ccn11d8ratlon. do Ly · "t'"ho'°,-e,-,p°'r"'"o'"son=1"',-,-9-,-,-• .,t-,-b"1'"r_9_1""1n=-,--=1•ll • CQn\ley, 1nd w.arr.ant unto the uld CrantH, ltc. sue~u,_an and 111lgns •• ,.. enament for publ le utl II tin (lncludlng water Hd 11W11r) with n1c91ury 19purt1Nl"Ct1 over, through, acrou •nd l!pon the following d&1c.rlhd prop«rtv 1n Kint County, We1hl~9ton, l'IOrl pmrtlcularly de1crlb,d as follows: ' 1 'I l ! ., ! j f :.f ' C, ,i f3 Cl' N --n '° A parcel of land for the purpose of a utility easement being a portion of the following described property: That portion of Block 2, Walsworth's First Addition to Renton, as recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 23, records of King County, Washington, TOGETHER WITH vacated Dora Street and vacated 8th Avenue adjoining, as vacated under Ordinances 1067 and 2850, respectively, of the City of Renton; and that portion of tha Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter and the Southeast qua'rte.r of the North- east quarter of section 19, Tow1\:ihip 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying South of the southerly margin of Grady Way (also known as Saoondary State Highway Ne. I-L), being 100 teet in width as pre- sently established; lying North of the northerly margin of south Renton by deed reccrded under King County recording number 5475310: and lying west of the westerly margin ot Talbot Road (also known as Du1:.·nett Road Ex.tension) , as con .. vey~d to the State of Washi.ngton by deed recorded under King Cou:1t.:i• Recording }lumber 5754046j and 'State Road No. 515, as condemnBd ~y decree enter~d in Kinq County Superior court Ca~se No. 761065: EXCJ::PT that portion thereof lying ~lest of the following de- scribed line: commencing at the Southeast corner of the Northwect quarter of said Northeast quarter; tOence southerly along the west lina of the Southeast. quar- ter of -the Hortheast quarter .i dista::1ce of 190 feet to the r..ortherly margin of south :.Renton Village Place (also known as Service Road); thence easterly along the northerly margin of said South Renton village Flace a ".l.istance of ~02.42 fwet to the True Point of Begi~ing of the line herein described; thence No:rth 1 04' 08" East a distance of 839.92 feet, more or less, to the southerl~, margin of Grady Way, and the terminus of said line. aeing more partic~larly describ~d as follows: A square parcel with 24 foot sides the Sout~ line &djoining the said northerly ~argin line of South Renton Village Place the ce.~ter line of the said square being 430,41 feet eadter- ly of the above True Point c,; ':':eginning measured along ma FOR ilEC.QIID Vf~,11,¥'!1!1 1w1ft~ 't~:?f ~! ;,.~} the~V~1 lihfe•nm·~.g~~~~~'\ naffir ii 33-gt,,_ A :~9.!:·:,.r'?! ~:~~~ 11J11111.11• W-fsl'J %!__/d<-4 -~ . ·_r_ ... ··-. _,_ .. . · c.: I . of 3 ' --·· ·y/' •., ;;;{./ . . . . :··i.')0'. · ··.··. ·s_1.ld)i~l"~tofo_re ·mentioried grantee, its successors or assign1, sl\all have -. ··.:i?::,---, t_he. right:. without -pr.1or notice or proceeding at law, at sl!ch times as may be : ; •;t . ·.n~cassary to enter uprm safd above described property for the purpose of construct- .. 1~f•··ni1intafntng, repairing, alter.fn9 or reconstructf11g said utilitiu, or mtk1ng :0n1:-e~nn_act1onJ therl'rlith.· Without incurring any legal obligations or liability ·- t~e.ret,;,_re,-provf_ded, that_ such construct1r>n, ruintain!ng, repiliring, alt.aring or reconstruct.Ion. of said utllttlos 1hall be accoq,lhhe~ In such a manner th•t the >. prlvote 1mpro•1iltnts uistlng 1, tM r1ght(s)-of-woy shall not be disturbed or · I d1111ged, they wlll. be replaced In as good a cond1tfon a; they wore f,medhtely ,, '.l~fQre ~he. prapt:r_ey _wu entered upcn by the Grantee • •• the right to retain ·the right to use the surfoce of said r1ght-of-w•y 1f such use ·does not-interfere with 1n,t111at1on arid aaintenance of the ut1littei~-However. . :.~.·.,:,., ...... ,~-.-. The Granter shall fully use end e,,joy thL 1foredescr1bed premises, including :: thl? grantor shill not ei-ect but ldtngs or structures over, under or across the: '.i.~ 1 · right-of-way ourlng the existence of such ut111tles. , • Jl .,. This. eaument. shall be. a covenant running with the land and shall be binding '·.·.1.l. 0 en the Gnntor. hfs suc-:euors, heirs and asstgos. Grantors cover.ant that tbey :1i m are the lawful ownt-rs i,f the 1bova properties and ti;at thay have a good and hwful )1 . right to .. ecute this agreement. H \, ~~· and '.11 ~~ \: \cs'17.-~''<' ... and :========================== ;:i ,: 51 ------------~••d ------------- ~ ~ ;} -----------------' ----------------Fi O' J', N ·}! ;8 CORPORA 1:,E FORN: STATE OF WA5H1N6'W 1,/ l COU/ITY OF K, NG,__ ___ l ss 0n this ;;)'(l!f: day or • 19 eL before me, the undersigned, a Hotary Public In ani for th~ atf .Q J c.,~iJ'. duly cclffl'lhs~oned and sworn personal Jy appeared Jil\"" f.S CPpy WAl:ial'lt, an to me own to be,,the 'J,j,Jf V1//-rtLt.€. l>ki,and • respectively. of "VIJ. .. L &~ >J the corporation that exec:uted the fore- going nstru:.ent, a,uf ac now e ge t sat in!itrument to be the free and voluntaty act and deed of said corpontion, for the us.~s and purpose-. therein mentioned, and on oath stited that ~! WA5i ~uthorized to execute the said iw:trument and that the seal affixed is tie corporate seal of said corporatiun. WJTN~SS lfl.Y hand and offfcial seal hereto affixed the d~y and ye~r in this cert!ffcata abo .. written. 2 of 3 UEl2-2 b ···--·--------·-·-~ ' " ., I ·! .. ;l ,: ,· :.<1 ·' r :·· r in i ~ ''"" ,a +4~i-----,--,-~-,,, --,,,,-.--.. = ..... ="--.. ==."1--r f l ! ·•· § '; ': ~ L------,:-,3 of-:-3 --:------=-· · __ ~~•- . "-,;----,,-.,-.,....,......,-,-:-___ ~-------~~----rh \/. ·,. ' ·;.( i-ii ·---~ EASEM£N'T·FOR UNDERGROUND £LECTRIC SYSTEM Pol:" And in colieider11tion of One Dollar {$1.00) and other va.luable con·siderat.ion, the receipt of which is he::=eby acknowledged, RENTON VJLLACE mMPANV, a joint ventur""--...aJl_to Parca1 l and · RENTION-VILJ,AGB CQMPANX. a Washington r2neral 13a,rtnersl:Jip, ,,, to Parcel 2 f'Ot8fttor" hel'ftnJ, W'an1s. COllveys·.-. ti warraTI!s to PUGET SOUND POWER ,t LlGttT COMPANY. a WB.!lrlngkm cor- poro111tan ("Grantea" h!!rcln}, for the purpos.eii her-ainafler tel foflh a tJe1pell.lal -emenl under. KroSI and aver 1ht. fol- l°"."'rla described real property fthr. 'Pro~rly" harein) Kin{"" County. W111hl1131on.. ~~ ~ ~~: ::- · -•,;: SEE ATTACH2D EXHIBIT 11 A,_11 EJtcopt u may b11 Dlherwial! set forlh her,,tn Grantee'i righ111 shall be eicercic:ed upon that-portion of the Properly I the '"Righl- ol W:iy" herein) daacribll!d 111 follows: -J 'ft'fttght-aliwa,'"" ------------MHtrwtdttrtravirir.------------:feet"ot",udl-,.ktlli on eada slde-M'!:tfttff.. l ----' ,I i The northerly 10 feet of the above described Property. l j 86/12/1~ RECD F Cj:./SHSL il504 A J ~~; 1, Pwpole, Gran lee shall haV<l the righl to 0Jmlr111;:L, 0118l"a1e, maintain. repair i·eplace and enlarge an underground electric J ', trananrlsslon and/or dlstrUrntion system upon and under lhe Ri~hl-o(-Way 1ogelher wilh all ilecessary or amventeni ap- t. '1' r,urtenJ.llCY d1arf'lor, wl!-lch mar lnclude but are not limiled to the CollO'Wing: und-erground conduit!, c.ib)es., oonummlcatlon · '. 1' Ines; vaulbi. manhole.,, swttcheA. and Iran.dormers: and semi-buried l'r ground mounted lacili!i~. Followln,g the lnllial con- 1 • ..._ '( struction of i.11 f"11cllitle.a. Graole! may from ti!Dft lO lime can~1rm::i such atld11io;1al lacllitil!!S_flS it may require. I~' , ,, ':\ z. AIDIM. Granlee shall h;ive 11ta rlgh1 of 11.CCftSS to the Rlahl-of-Way over and arnm lhe Property kl enablo Gn.nlee 10 IEIUIJ-:' 1 '\lo else lit rlahta hereunder. pn:r-.rided. tlial Grnnlee shall compun,ale Grantor for nny damage 10 1hefropetlycai=sed by the e>:e.· } "" else of said right or aazu. ·' ~ ·l .:S.... 3. Ohdrudloru; Limdiim.pbg. Grantee ma~ from lime lo lime remo\·e-lree.s, bushes, ur other obsh:liCl:ions 'lo'l.ilhln \he Righi-! \.. -Clf•WRY and may lewl and grade lhe Righl-of-Way lo 1h11 m.lonl reu.:mably necessary to carry out the pllrpose, ,el forth ln .l "'K '<' p,1Tagraph t hllrmof, provided, ihal foHowin.R any .such work. G[antee :shall, to lhe extenl raasom1bly prac!icable, restore the I V"1 R1ghl-o!0 Way lo the condiUon it was !mmedlnlely prior to 1uch work. Following Ille lnr.lallalion of C:ntll!ee'1 Wld8'110llnd ' facilitl-.Granlllr mayund.Hl.u:t1 any ordinary impr(,veh'lenU. 10 1he landecar,ingol lhe Ritlhl,of.W.a.y, pn:wided lhalnll lJ'eesor other plaftt, shall be placed lbareon which wan1d be unreasonahly experuive or :Impractical for Gtanlee lo TOIIIIJVII: anti ........ .f. Granlor"a U.. of Rlalli:-of•WII)'• Grantur reat1l"''e8 Iha right lo use the Righl-tJl•Way ror any purpose not irtCG11slsleml with tho rtahts herein aran1«f. ])l'G\1ded: lhal Cranlar !hall rml construct or maintain any hllilding or olhar Slnldure orL lhe Rl&hl· of.Way which would Interfere wllh lhe exercbe rA the rights herein gnmlcd; lhal 11odlgglllg. tunnellqor(llberlarmol cw- ~ ldmty lhldl be dons w,, lhe Pr:vpe:ty which would di~tu,rb lhe comp11ction or uuurlh GraatN"• facilities oo lhe ltilh1-0J.W.y, ar ondanpr lhe lateral mpporl t.0 said fadll11e&; nnd 1l1a1 no blasting 1ball bedaneWilhin 15 fntof 1he Riahl-of-way, I, lndlr.nlltv, 8J IOClpdaa Md ncordina ibia u111meat, Gran tea egreu lo indemnify and hold hai:mleu Gmntor fnND any and all dllbl lorlnjulia aml/ordlm1pnuff ored by any pen,on wh:i:b m.iy be cau&ed. by the Oraal99'• aiu:rdsd of Iha rlghta heraln ~; prc"lided. daal Cran1a11 lhall no1 bl r1111>1m11lble to Grantor for any lnjuriu, •nd/or da111ep:1 to any pe.non Clmadl,f"lldl m om1llkllls ar Grulor. I. , The rip;,; Mfflln .ftl"Hlod uhall c::onlimw un1il ,uch time u Granl11111 G'MSCI lo use Iha Riaht-of.Way for 1 pmfDtJ af flva 15) 111ccualve )'8m,,. In which even I 1h11. HNnionl shall lermlnale arid all n,hts hereunder .shall rewrt 11o Gnn- tor, Dl:O'rided IJIII no abandonment shall ht deemed to have occurred by reason of Grantee'• raiture to initially l~U Ila flCilitiel on lhe Right-at-Way within 1ny period of thn• from the dale hereof. , . ..._..,. ud Aal,pt. n. rtsb1a Ind obllpliom of lhe par ti~ shall inun· to Iha b9119fi1 nf and ba bhtcllJII upon lhllr raspecllve IIICCN5IID 11110 aufll\L 235/73 ·'. -:.r· -·. -. . . ·-.. -.-·· --.. ·---.. _ .... -· ·. . ' . -·._· ... -----------.---·. ' • ····-·•-.... .,,.,...... I· t )j !'. I l i' ·l . j l '. i I l .·. ...... . "' l ·.;r./ .. •·.· .. *= ",r • .. ·. I STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OP KING ~s:"4'-:-<3 '--"'"- cR:ANToR RENTON Vll,LAGB COMPANY. a joint ventur~, and REHTOR -VILLA.GE ~ANY, g Washington GIIDer&l Partnership, consisting ofi P~rt Blakely ~ree Farias "(LilRi~ed Partnership) suc~eaaor to AqQ1lo Pro er~ia ,i-.J'.na. On this !§Aday of .t)eceMJJE,t_ , 198b ~ be:tore me, th~ undersigned, a Notaxy Public in and for the St'ite of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally a~peared J. £. WAR.JOKE, to ine khown to be the general partner of PORT BLAKRLY TREE }'NUG, a Washington limited partr.ership that executed the foregoing instru- mant, and acknowledged said inStrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership £or the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute aaid instrwnent. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and ye~r in this certificate above written. JTATEOFWASHINGTON J ss COUNTYOF K(NI,-) £,,,,£,,,, ,&.;;z4,,_ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the·~-~-- State of Washington, residing at ~·::: o.....-,o,vo, WA-.r;4 CORPORATE ACKNOWLBOOMENT On lhls /hhday of LJ ~Ct!:r-6JS eA.... , w _llfi____. before me. the under&lgned. penonally appe;1rt'd Rt E W!:TSON *'WI- lo m• known 1o be the Presi drnt "'lmt • reapedl'Rly. of PIJC"im WEST'Z'RH INC the corporation that execulad lhe fol'f!IIMI inllnlm.ent. and acknowledpd lhoaaid iwtrumenl to bo lhe free eml voltin1a1y 1 ... '1 and deed of sald ootponilton, lor Iha uses and purpo,,;e1lhc,h:an menUoned. 11t1d on 4alh 11ated lhat • authoriTd IQ uacute lhe Nlld Instrument and !hat Iha ·5eal lf'lhcad fl the Cl)fJ)!Wate aaaJ "f aid ~J:pOl'iltlotL p Wlti,u,,s my band ;r!W oltldal seiil herelo affixed the day and ~-ear lir~t a'.t?V,e wrillen. ----~!"'aa~""'"-"-"'~~~~=---- Noaary Public: ln ,nd for the Slate cl Wuhlpgtoo, r41ridlng et A;:t:.~'Y'O #v,4.,/"°'>-_ -,---... --~ H i r I' l ;: I I i i ' l l ·' i · ;EASBtlBNT FOR UNDERGROUND SYSTEM RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY PUGET SOUND pOWER & LIGHT COHPANY Parcel 1 That portion of the :.~1rthe&st quarter of Section 19, Township 23 Nor.th, Range S Bast, w.M., in King Coun~y, Washington; AND Blocks 11 and 12, c.o. Hillmt..n 1 s Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No, 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of P!ats, page 74, in Kino county, W~uhington, and of vacated streets and alleys attached thereto, and t.ots 1 through 12, inclusive, Block 5, Renton View, ac-:ording to the plat thereof recorded in \'olume 33 of Plats, pi:lge 25, in King County, Wftshington, and of vacated streets and alleys a~tached thereto, described as follows: Beginnin9 at the southeast corner of the Northwe~t quarter of said Northeast quart3r of Section 191 thence south 01 04 1 08" weat along the East line of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, a distance of 224.15 feet, thence south 55 03'12" East, a Jistance of 45.4-4. feet to the True point of BeginnAng: thenQe South 89 44'03" Bast along the South margin of Renton Village Place (North line of the Plut of Renton view), a distance of 867.26 feet,0 thence south 01 24•03• West, a distance of 12J.27 feet to a point on the Northerly margin of Primary State Highway No. l, {JCT. s.s.a. 5-M to JST· P.s.a. No. 2-sR 405); then~e South 20 46 1 00• East, along said North margin, 30.00 feet; thence along a curve to the right in a southwesterly direction hazing a radius of 1,810.00 feet through a central angle of 07 05'07•, an arc distance of 22J.83 feet to a point of curve to a spiral curve1 thence along a spiral curve to the right or1 the Northel\lY margin of p.s.u. No~ l the long chord of which bears South 79 20•21• West, a distance of 292~06 feet to the point of tangency of the sp!ral curve, thane& continuing along ~aid North margin South 80 49•oe• weet, a distance of 213,SO teet; thence South 09°10•52" East along said North margin, 20,00 teet; thence South 80°49'08" West, along said Nor-th margL1, 27,80 fP.et to a point of curvature; thence along said North margin on a curve to the right having a radius of 11,380.00 feet thrQugh a central angle of 00°15•40•, an ~~~n~!e~~~: ~~o~;;~~.£::~~ along said North margin 20.00 feet to a polnt of curvaturer thence along said North margin in a sou~hwesterly direction on a curve to the right saving a radius of 11,360.00 feet through a central angle oi 01 52•35•, an arc distnce of 372.03 feet; thence North 00 02'16n West, a distance of 251~51 feetr thence North 61~42'S9" East, a distance of 258.92 fe~t; thence south 89 44'03" Ea~t, a distance of 56,01 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Parcel 2 That portion of the No~theast quarte~ of 5eetion 19, Town~hip 23 North, Range S Eaet, w.;.J., ln King County, WashingtonJ AND ....ots 11 and 12, Block 5, Henton View, accordirg to the plat thereof recorded in Voluae 33 of Plats, page i5, in King County, Washington, mo~& particularly described~• fol\ows1 -.f~~.~--==~. ··· . .'~,~-,_ ... ~. · •._--.·, .. ··~e--::~r:··-···,-. 5-DC-3275 121786 ,: ·a •. , .., ;1 ' :1 i i j ! ! I ,, 2 a- (\J ..0 <O EASEMENT POR UND!RGROUND SYSTEM ~~TON VILLA~E COMPANY PUGET SOUND POWBR & LIGHT COMPANY Parcel 2 continued Com:raencino at t.h. Southeast corner of the Northwest quartP.r ol said·Northeast ~arter of section 1~; thence South 01· O,t.tOU-west along the Ea~t line of the Southwest quarter of the northwest quartet, a dist.:1nce of 224.15 feat; thence South 55 03 1 12• East, a distancP. of 45,47 feet to the south margin of Renton Village Pl~ce (60 feet wide) and North of said :::!~: !!:;~ 99°44•02~ East along the South margin, a distance of 867,26 feet to the True PoAnt of Beginning: thenc• continuing south 89 44'02" East along said South margin, a distance of 175.09 feet to the Westerly right-of-way of SR S15 (Talbot Road South) as shown on Washington State Highway Plan- Renton Vicinitys Carr Road to Grady way -Sheet 6 of 6, approved ~ovember 5, 197A~ thence South 02 36'57• west, along said westerly right-of-way line, a distance of 44.11 feet to the northerly margin of Primary state Highway No. 1-(Junction s.s.n. 5-M-to Junction P.S.H. No, 2-SR 405), said Northerly margin lying on a curve having a radius of 1,780.00 feet:. and ha'V'ing a redial t.eari.:19 of North :n°oo.tos" W8st1 thence West.arly along said curve through a central angle of 6 12'09n, an arc distan~e of 192,69 feet to a point on the Easterly line of a Lease enterec on A?ril 7, 1980 hetween Renton Village Company and Boeing Cornp11ter services, thence North 01°24'03" East along said Easterly line, a distance of 122.94 feet to the True Point of Begtnning. 5-DC-3215 121786 '~f"' ,.,....,.,o1,,.,,..., ___ ,_.,.c ..... ,.....,.,,......,.,-..,.,,....---,,-·=----·--------.,..-------'""'' a 11 AM!j::N'DMEi.,iT NO • 1 TO RECIPROCAL ACCESS AGR~EMENT Th.is ainenclment dat~~ 8s· of Septembec JJ.g__, 198"/ is made by and betwaen Renton Village company, a Washington general pa rtriershiP. ( "RVC"), ~md ~e_nton Talbot De law "te, Inc., a D~laware Corpo_ration ( "RTD .. ). A. RCV in i ta capai:;:ity· a.~ owner of the real pI"operty located in :King County, ·washi.ngto11 commonly known as Two Renton Place anQ Three Renton Place entered into a certain Reciprocal AcCess Agreement dated December 17, 1986.anQ· recorded . December 23, 1_986 under Ki.ng_ County Recording N.J. 8612231195 (the tAgreement•) .. Which provided for pedestr-ian arid vehicular access between certai,:n partlons of the Two Renton Pl~ce_ and Three R~nton· Place_ pi:opert.ies. B.· RTD is tho successor in interest to RVC with respect to the Two Renton_P.lace prope!ty which is more particularly described-il\ Exhibit A to the Agreement. C, It has· been _discovered that the legal descriptiOn .for· Threa ·Renton Pla·ce as· set. forth in Zxhibit B i:o the-Agrt!ema·nt is incorrect. RVC and RTD desire tu amend the Agreement to correct the ~egal description in Exhibit B. Amendment NOW THZREFORE, RTD and RVC hereby agree to amend the Agr~em~nt as follows; 1. Exhibit B to the Agreement is hereby deleted and replaced in its entirety by the Exhibit B attached to this Amendment . . 2. Except as a()lerid8d herein, all terms aod conditions of the Agreement remain in fUll force and effect. DATED the~ ·day of September, 1987. Renton Talbot Delaware, rnc.1 a Delaware 7m~ ~\'..;;.~ -)) __ ,,,[ --"rts~t RVC: Renton Village Company, a Washington general partnership .. '!') By Port Blakely Tt"=!:e Farms '£"f~ittld Partnership, a washing~n-:: ;.:;::; limited partnership · . .-· ·, ... Its General Pattner · · ....,. - :-;,,:;;,.: "t· :? ~ .r ... · .. · •.::.' .'...";-"_ ::'.};':';J.\i(. ~- :~·., ~-... ,.,.._: By Puget WesterT1i Inc., a Washington corporation It5 General artner ·sTATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY-OF K_ ING ) ) ss. ) By·~---tJLl:UW'Cld'.:..C:"~---- W. E. Watson Its President On thi.s ~ /Ai,.· daY .o·f September, 1987, before me, the undersigned, a Notary l?ubli"c in ?.nd for the State of wa.shington,. duly commisSioned a_nd sworn, per1;1ona:py appeared J. E. warjone, to me known t:o be the General Partner of Port Blakely ·Tree Farms Limitecl l?art_nershii}, the limlted '()artnership that execut'ed the foi:8:going insl:rument in its capacity.as general. partne_r of Renton Village Company, a Washington· general partnei:sh.ip, and he acknowledged ·the said im~trument to be ·the free and voluntary act and .deed·of Port Blakely Tree Farms Limited Pa_rtnership Eor the uses and purposes therein · mentioned, and on oath s_tated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in.this ~ertificate above written. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF Kr· NG ) tlOTARY PUBLIC in and for t~ s;ate of Washington 1 :residing at lnbRlo&E My appointment. expires lril.-q_... 7--_ . 01) thisJ./~day of September, 1987, before me, th~ undersigned, a Notacy Puhlic in and for the State of Washington, duly convniSsioned and sworn, persorially appear:ed w.-E. watson, to me ~own to be the President of Puget Weste.tn, -2- L. . ' "\-' 1 --., .·,; ~~ .. t··· L. r _.· ' ' ' .,.. .. : Inc., the Washington corporation tt1at exa.cuted .the foregoing ins_tLument in: its capa·cJ..ty a5· genero.l. partner. of Renton Village ·Com[iany, a Washingtqn gen~ral par-tne.rnhip, and he acknowleelged the said instrument to b·e the frEJe end voluntary ·act and deed of sa1d·.corporati0n, ·for the use.5 and purposes theretn mentioned, and on Oath stated that he is authorized to exeCute· the s·aid instrument. · w·1TNESS ~y hand ana official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certif.icate above written. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) . ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN MITT© ) NOTARY PUBLIC in .. and for th~.s~~e of Washington, residing at ~~d My appointment expires 3 (~.-.- . ·on·thi• ,i,, day of ~.fewLJ//(..; , 1987,·before .me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Cdl.if)J_rnia, · 2u1y gmm_issioned and swor-n, personally appeared mu£., {< l . 'to me kno>en to be·the, person who· slgned as of Ren.tor Talbot ·Delaware, ·1~c., the Delaware corporation that e·xecuted the within--and foregoing instrument, and acknowledg8d 3aid instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporatiOn for the uses and purposes therein meritioned,- and oh oath stated· that .he..:. was duly elected, qualified and acting as said officer of the corporation, that~ was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal ·affi~ed, if a~y, is the corPor':lte setLl of said corporation. WITNESS my_ hand and offi.cial seal here and year in this certi-ficate above writte -3- I . • L ' .J 'EXHIBIT A (Two Renton Place} 'l'hP-t portion of ";l\e northeaet quarter of So.ction 19, Township 23 North~ Rarige S. Ea~t.1 W. M., · -in King County, Washington; AND. Lots·il and 12, Bloc_k 5, Renton View Addition, according to th~ pl,at· thereof recorded in Volume 33 of Plats, page 25, in Kin9 County,. Washington, more partiCula~ly described aa follows;. Conuaencing: at the southeast corner _of the northwest quarter of aai_d northeas·t quartet: 0£ ·sect1:on 19; ~ence ·soµth 01°04.1 08" west along the east line of :the southwest guar·ter of the nOrthwest quarter, a di:,tance 0£ 224-~ 15 fee·t-, thenc:·e south 55°0~ 1 12 11 east, a distance o! 45. 47 feet to the· ·aoutb margiri.~f Renton Village Pla~e (60 feet wide) and north 0£ s&id Renton View Addition; · thence south 89°44'02 11 east alOng the south margin, a-dietancie·Of· 86?,°.26·. feet to the true ·point of beginning; thence continui11_9 south .~9~44'.02 11 !;'last alortg said south margin, a· diet8nc~ of 175.09 feet to :the westerly right-of-way of SR_~lS (Talbot ROad South) as -sh.own on Washington State Highway_ Pl,.an-Renton. Vi!=~ni ty: Carr Road tO Grady Way .. Sheet_ 6 of 6, approved·. November·s, 1971; thisilce !Jouth 02°36 1 5711 west, : along said westerly right-of-way line, ~ d:iatanc:e of 44.11 feet i:o the northerly matgin of Prim:uy State Hi;hway No. 1 (Junction $.S.ll. 5-M-to Junction P.S.H. No. 2···;a 405), said.:northerly margin· lyinq on·-a. cui"ve having a radius of 1.-780.00 fest and having a radht.l bearing of north 27°00 1 05" west; · thence "eeterly along s"ai.d ·curve through a central angle of 6° 12 • 09 11 , an ·arc dist&nce of-192. 69 feet to a point on the easterly llne ·of a Lease entered _on. April 7, 1980 between Renton .Villag~ .. Cc,mpany and Boeing:Computer Services; thence north ·01 9 24 1 03" ·east along said easterly line, a distance o:l 122.94 feet to the true·point of beginning. (lt,gal d•scription, continued} r '. .-'( .:_i.:: . LEGAL :·bESCRIPT~ON, c'ontinued:_ That-portion of t~e northeast· quarter af Section 19, Township 23 No:c'th, Ranqe 5_ East, W.M., in King ·County, Washington, .d~scri.bed as tollows1 Commencing at-the ·southwest corner of the northeA.st·qua.:t:'ter Of the n_oi:-thea,.t ~arter thereOf; . -thenc:e north 01"04'08° eaet along the west line-thereef 244,66·_feet;··. t_h_enCe south ~S"'.55'52 1' ea.at 402.38 feet :to the true point-of· beginnin_gJ thence so"utll 89°44/ 02n -ea.st 515, 11 feet; tbencei ·south 00°15'58" -west 1_9.35 fr.et, . ~an.c,e sOUth -9gc44.1 02 11 east 175, 00 feet to the W9:sterly m.argin of -SR 515 (Talbot ·Road South) as shown on Washington State Highway Plan""Ren·ton Vicinity: Carr ·Road and G:i;ady Way, Sheet 6 · of ·6, app:ioi/&d NovemtH3r _S, 1971;. thence· a1~ng the westerlY margin of Talbot Road South, SoUth. 02°36 1 57 11 ·west 410. 00-· fe&t to· the intersection with the north ma:t'"gin 0£ SO\ith.-Renton Village Place (60 feet w.icle): thence a.long the north margin o! _.Sout.h Renton Vil-lag& Place._. north .89~44 1 02 11 ·west ·679·,31 feet to the west line Of land _desc1.~ibed 'in :Exhibit 11 A"· of Quit ·claim Deed -recorded under King County Pecording Number 8208270355; · thence. along the west line, north 01-io4'0811 east 429.05 feet to the true_ point o! beginning. i ' ,. . •· '••r J., { ' ·.;; E:XHIBIT "D" ( 'l'hree Renton Place) That portion of the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range S East, ·W.M., in King County, Washington, ·described·&~ follows: · · Commencing at the southwest corner of the northeast qu~rter of _s~id not'th8ast quarter; · thence north ·01 °04 1 can· east. a"i~ng the we5t line thareof, a distance . of 244-. 66 fe"8t; thence south 98°55 1 52 11 7_ast,. a distanc·e of 402.38 feet to the true pOint ot. beginning; ·thence south 89°44 1 02 11 e.ast, a dist,ance of 515.11 feet; thenc·e north 00°15 158" .east, a di&tance of 180·.65 feet; tb&nce south 89°44 10211 east~ a ciistar1c.e of. 192,71 feet to a.point on the ·w_e~teirly margin of SR-515 (~:albot Road south) as si10Wn on · · WaS1"iin9t9n State ,-iighway Pla.n-Renton Vi"cinity~ . Carr Roe:d·· tO Crady Way/-Sheet.6 of 6,· approved November 5, 1971, said point lying on·a cui;ye bavi_ng a ·radius of 650~00 feet and having a rad:lal bearing of.· sOuth 89°20'08~ ·W~st1 . · th811lce· northerly along_ said curve and the westerly margin·.of Talbot Road· s~·J.th thtough a .cent.ral angle of 32°1S' 111t, an arc di.!itance of 365.90 ·feet, thertce noiith 32°55'03 11 west, a distance of 128.11 f~et~ to a tangent curve to the left havinc; a i-adiu&.of 55.DO feat; thence north and westerly along said curve through a ·central angle. . of S8l;J25 1 22.11 ; an arc dietance of 84. aa feet to. a reverse ~urve h&ving a radius of 3;_B69. 71 feet, Haid C\1rve lying on the .southeasterly margin of South crady Way; thence southwesterly along said margin through a central angle of 07°33 1 32 11 j an arc distance ot'._510.52 feet to a .. point which lies north Ol 0 04 1 OB 11 -e_ast from the tru~ point of beginning; thence· aouth 01°04'0811 west, a distance of 411.71 feet to the t:rUe point:of beginning. 'l'OOETHl:;R ".flT!i the easement for· reciprocal acc~ss, and pa_rking by Kinq county RecOrding ·Numbers 86122~1195 and S6l223ll96. ' ' L i L ! 1::: J .. ! ,. ! ' jJ H G) H z ,e "tl l> ill m r "' r rn G'l l> r 0 rn en n D ..... "U --i ..... 0 z en ' " HORIZONTAL DATUM BASIS OF BEARING 00 RAOf!JS '6.00 60.00· CURVE TABLE I OELTA I ;n: ii-I '"' _@.,_2,i 32. 79' KING COUNTY AERU.L SURVEY (K HORTH LINE NEl/-4 SECTION 19, TIIIP, 23N .. AGE.5E.,W.M C.A.SI \ 1"•!00' LINE BEARING LI j NO! '04' 49 _IABLE DlSTol.NCE 3. 46 _,... U-4cai..:11 GRAPHIC SCALE 1 "•IOIJ UJ]"01;04~ 40.24 ~~;;.:;~~~-N. ~---0 100 200 30~ H£ CORl«:R SECTION 19 ~m,fJN/~-~ Cl.SE LEGEND ;:;~r:;~~;:;" CITY 11F Fl£Nl0N • -SET 1/2" REBAR l'j/CAP AFTER MITH T.lCI< IN LE40 lH -CASE / IIOIUEHT NII.IID LOT AQ,JUSTMENT IS AECOFIOEO VlSITEO •-1-98 CIH OF l'IEHTCW MIJl,l\,IIIEHT N0.63 BASIS OF BEARINGS 2661. 89 MEASURE / N88 '42'30"W 2661.88 K.C.A.S. -' ,; ~ HOIITH LTNf tlEl/4 9EC1IDN 1/•111P.~J .IIGE,SE .-~ ---- "' I! 21 '~ w Q > ~ "' - ~ "'1-"' ~ r " u, ~ "' ~ ·< 1·20·J6-~ i -?i' IIOl\,..g,\$J!>1ii£Hl 1~tn- ~ lJl1 c\..iilE .001-1111 §!It " 1.0:.0. u.• ., ~ ,. -·-. N!l9'.:'~'!]'L-- IO 09 NOi "3!:i'!:i? \; _ _,.·· 13. 79 AREAS: PARCEL "A" -426, 966 so fT. PARCEL •9• 325, 780 SO. FT. I oll1 ~ ----------\.~ 11 f _ \>o. .. 1a\ · • i.cJtl ____-v -o~ ··'""' 911 -·'3,D ~ii,.o"<~~- ~,;.•' F"'c•sE. ~ ,.ol!, ~S1l~ 7C /:!,, l t~'r--~.,E. n<: -• .....--•\~· ' l~1 l1i of L\1!f.1'3-),IE.J,..S~ .,,·a'.>·.~r~· "--'~~~¢ 1 c11 t04~_92 i. p•Oi. l>-:.i'$i·~ ~~-toll cil . N ,ri ~ ~ ~!:': LOT . C3 :"'= C ITV OF' RENT°" ~ S>IOFIT PUT t,;0 oN LUA·DO·O!IB-~ ~ P.EC. /,ICl 2oa1012•goooo, 0 z !12. B2 .. NB9"2B' 13"E Nijg_J2a "\il·f:°A- N ,. ,,. . ~ :::l-LOT C2 LOT C4 ~TOF'P\.~~r t.\!.0·01)-Dl!ll·SltPL. REC 00 20010,~.gooon~ !55 00 327. B2 t'i~ "" -:.\:~ 'IP.~ ..... - CITY OF' l'IENTl'.IN BHORT Pl.AT t,;O llJA·00·061!--SIR IEC. NO. lOOt01l•90000~ -1-...... "'· q;~ ,f,.,_6'./: f.- ,,c/'a'Q 1e ~- -;-4,.ft..6'~1e, <o o"'. ;s,~""% "':,,. ... ~.-.s-;<:l:~...:. .. ~ ~ ;1- ru, • ·1" ., ~~ -o ~ PARCEL "A" (LOT Ct-CITY or RENTON SHORT PLto.l NO LLJA-00-0l::IU-~HPL REC NO. 200l0l24S00005 ANO PORTICN OF LOTS 1 ANO 2 CITY OF R~~TON SHORT PLAT NO ~P-009-87 NOfll>iU$T COFWE,l S>IJI• Nlcl/4 SECTHW 19. Tl<P.23H .fl(;E 5l .• W.M. N8B"~'52"W ~ S£ CIJR',ila'A LOT C CITY OF' AE:NlOH 46.56 0 tu .. (\I :r;: ... -Q ?ii ~ LOT LJN£ AO,JUSTMUtf r«l LLA-Q!·IIB ALSO THE SW CORNER OF" LOT I. CIH llf' RENTON SHOAl PLAT HO. SP 009'-87 372. 42 N69"<114'02"'11 LUA-00-0141-LLA LN0-:30-0227 V ~~~i ........ q,~J~'I \.:•· \ ,,/ •. u "'!:.. \"I:, / ,t, 1..-84.!'111.,...,11,]· ~ .. "-~" / ~"' .. ~~\ .v"..1A "'" ,;:,.O~o ~ /(.-# . ~~~,/"'" ~ '-~~~~ ,• (~~ ~ \. \~ ~~· •• ,· ... J1 ~ . ~ " .... ("~\ '""' "~ f " .. ~ 0 ~~ -I ~I PARCEL "B" (PORTION OF LOT 2-CITY OF RENTON SHOAT PLAT NO. SP 009-87) ~' f'\ ~-g " ~» ? ~o g Q ..~ ·1· ~~ . 92-7l LOT 3 CITY OF RENTON SHORT Plol.T NO. SP 009-67 SUEIST"1ION ~I ~ ~-I C ,! '~ ~Q 3 Q •• z NB9 '44 'l~J -.;;·,·· .. ·~ ... -~ ( 1 1 - ~ . m! ~ l"j rn '" ~1· ;; - ·1· ,fi(~ t =~ .,]:~· ~ • .. ~~ .. ? • PARCEL "C" (PORTION OF lOT 1-CITY Of RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. SP 009-671 ! i • "/ 'm ~ i ; / ' 679.31 ·-~ INC.I.~ YISlTEO 1·21>-117 PARCEL "C" 2B<I, 707 SO. FT '\t..-'.9oi~ ~J-;-'} '• ~, @·:1•·n2·w ial n I ~?os 'I~ '" o~ re g iHt,.]Q___ _~----trou,,o~ ----o IN Che ---"' YISITEII 1-00-87 I I "\ " I I \ AREA FROM PAACcl "8" TO PAACEL "A" !0.2<16 SQ.FT. ol.REA FROM P~EL "C" TO PARCEL "A" 5. 813 SO.FT ~ :a; INDEX SHEET MAP ANO OVERALL SITE MAP SHEET 5 , SOUTH RENTON VILLAGE PLACE A DEOICATED BTR£ET·AUDITDR' 5 FILE MO. 5•75310 SHEET 3 NOTES I IIOAI( PEAl'OAM£0 IM CON.utCHON MITH THIS iiOAYEV UHLllfO Tl-If FOlLONIMG EOUIPMEMT AMO PIIOCEOIJAES A.NIKON TOTJ.L SUTTON MUMTAJNEO ra M,wul'ACTIJRl;WS SPEClrlCU!OHS f'ER WAC-332-l3G-lOO. 11 HELO Tll.t~EIISE E~CEEOIJ«: AEOOJl~EMEi-lTS OF wi.c-~-,,o-Q~ ~-USl'ME>ITS IJt'.l l!UILOINGS AR( 6111JWN ON HHS J. 4 00 5, I<'_,; .• . _'._:: .#. "J}(uP'f : 6'' .• di· 6·1'5"·11 HARSTAD CONSULTANTS !ICIYJL EI-IG!'41:.ER5 • UNO SOIIYEYDRS ' 2024 II. L~. S,UM,lMISH PIIY. IE RErNCWD. •A. !18052 (4i!!:i) 747·8336 NE1/<I SECTION 19~ TOWN~_IP 23 ~TK. RANGE ~EAST. W.M. AVA CENTER LLC LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LOT Cl CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. LUA-00-0BB-SHPL LOTS 1 ANO 2 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO, SP 009-87 SHEET ® "'-'- 1.- ~_,c !£; ~:;,~ iul > -< -<c ~ '-~!~~ iroi; . f!• ~ {g-ir o -<f-1 0~1 l":I Cg~ 'I'~, n .. ;~ ... ... i I -< j!il •• r~ @ ~ ~ ~ :D ~ 0 < z )> ~ a C C"J ! m~ Z' --i ~ m~ :D ~ .• a ri r• C"J • ~ ~ • • .. 1 .. · ' I THRIFTWAY STORE SEE SHEET PARCEL "A" ' . ' ' ' . I 7 ~ M • • I ~ • • • ' . ' a ' . ' = ' .. ,,).. • Ll )> TI n fTl ' CD N 00 "15'!5S" E 5 U) m m U) I m m -j b. 0 ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ " ~ a, ~ 0 r-,... ,-.. "',.,_ r C )> I ro ~o ' I ~o b ... ~ .t,. ...... I r r )> RETAIL z m ~;b ~ i!i ~ ... :0 ~ !§ ... ~~ <~ )> " ..... :u~ a ~~ ... ~ 0 • z ... ~ ;,>cc 0~ ~"' /Ii"' ...... m• !; Zlli n ..... z !(lM . ' ~~ ~~ ...... ~~ ' ,!.n • > d,i!lo ~ r~ ... ' n zO M r• -<8l ii =< n~ !ii ~ • • .~ F6 G SEE SHEET PARCEL "A .. STORES BUILDING '( I ' . I i ; • I ::" o •• I ~ s: • ~ ij' . ' ~ I 18. N 00'15·~· e z 180.65' 200.00· 5 \ r C )> I r-0 aO ' I ~o ., ..... Ill"" ........ I r r )> 3(]" JC' U1 0 u, ~' .. , !l"Ji1 81~1 ~I I f:: o I I ~ I I ,, ' r';;: ' ' .. ' ' •c •• ' ' !: ' ' ' ~~ ' 3 ' ' ~ ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' ,., :'~~ .. , -~~~ ~::~ ~~, :i • SEE SHEET 3 PARCEL "C' --------- 601 S. GRADY WAY STORES BUILDING SEE SHEET~ PARCEL "B. . • i • • ' i • ~ • r C .. I ' :i. '-·~t:> "{_: lil!lwMo!lerol •;"'"""'"7 ~!eH!ghW<lyNo. K.NQW ALL MEN BY T/llf;JI Pll/lSENTil. Thpt the Grilntor l.;i•,sil !lo; 1/JO'f/iBB flo. ~ to :ilC',! l'BII Jlo., 2{Jlmton· . . . _, ::, ' ' . ' ! ' \ ·" • for •nd I!> comidffation of th..,um of ---,-'11111 J.llD N0/100 {$10,00)------Dol!ats, &nd other v al.uabb conaid:amt.ion. ' hueby convey a and warrant• to the S'tATE OP WAsSINGTON, the following i:leseribt.>d '1"edl estate situaterl' m UNO County, i.n the State oj \?'·...shington1 to the same -e.:i:tmt and purpo.re as ii &he righta hereln. g10n~ io(l.d been acquired under Eminent, Domain itatute oJ the State of Washington: AJ.l that portion at Lota ll am 12·1n Blook So! Renton View, ea -plat reconled in V"olUlll.1!11 33 o! Plate on JM!.P 2S,.reoorda or !"1ng.Count;n: s:1tuata 1n the Cit:, at Rent.on,. County _or Klllg, State of 1i1ashington, lyi.ag noutheasterly or a lina drawn paral.lel. With and 100 teet northwesterly there.troa men l!e88ured at right ~ea a:JJ.d/or radially' to the C.eoter line o! PrlJllll7 State Hish-No. 1, PSH Mo. 1 JCT SSH .No. SM to JCT PSH Uo. 2, RentonJ !.lC!Pr that trom H18hvq l:DgJ.neer Station 209+00, northeaaterly, 3aid line .ehall b.e dra'lffl parallel. with mid 130 teet northweat-erly t.beretrom., ALSO all that part.ion or said l.otn l.1 sid J.2 lying: easterly ot a line dravn parallel witll and 50 !eet weatarl;v thH'tll!'rol!. llhe. aeaaured at right auglea to tM es lini:, or said hishw,g-, The lands being conveyed herein contain a.n area or 63t350 square feet, inon, or l.ess, the speei.tie detalli:, concerning all ot vnich are to be found within tha.t cer-""i.ain map 0£ definite location now or record and on rile in the office ot the Director of Highways .it 01.yJ.tpia a.nd bearing date or approval Oetobel' 31, 1961 And raviaed Deem.her 27, 1961 and tho center line or which iB ale') shown ot roeord in Volu.r.s 2 of Highway Plata, page 187 , 1~acords or aaid County • .USO, tne Granters herein co1IV15Y and wan-ant t.o the State of WaehiJleton all rights of :ine:2"811.& and eg:reas ( incl:uding all existing, Future or potantial. easements ot access, ligllt;, view and air) to, troJll arid batwaen Prl.mary State Highway No. l, PSii Ho. 1 JCT SSH No. 5M to JCT PSJI No. 2, ftento1'; and the remainder of .said Parcel ".l". EICEPT that aa a part ot the conaiderat.:i.on tor this t:ransa.c:tion the State agrees to construct ial.ong the 11ortJu1rly line 0£ tha above described lots ll and 12 a sezvio• road. ond to Wlich a"T'lieo road only, the Granton~ their heirs, succossors and assigns reserve a 11..ght ot reason.able aocwa, aey APPIOA.CH to Said sirviipe road to be Nbt.ained Oet11een the right of Illa:, line end tha shoulder lll1e of sid lervice l'Ol.d by the Grantora, . t.,heir heirs, SUCCHSQ,Ta and am;~. 'l'he grantor hcre.Ul l"6oerYe• the rigbt to raioTe t,be improvaDenh frtim the l&JKia hEll'd.D oon'Ye1'~.1 usum.Jl£ a.11 Ual:d.lit7 to pv11JODs ~or p:ro!il) ccmneoted vit.h aaid rl8ilcJftl., at any t..bae UDt.1.1. Jui:i.e 15tb:, 1962J hoveTer, on eaid date, a.lJ. OTG11.ents .1et rendniltg upon eild lllOO.a i,ball l>efxae t.he propert:, 0£ tlui state of Washington .-al rigbts of the &rdtor to said 1.Japrovmaent.a ahalJ. thez, cease and tend.nab. II is understood and. agreed that tha stat.a or Vaehi.ngt.o.n, itai authorised agents or .asaigna, ahall bav~ the right. to eDti* upon the rema.1m Dg abutting lands of the gN!Dtor, his b.eire, imccesaore or aH1.i.pa, Were neoessary to aocOJPplisb the removal of eair.l iD.pro,re:ao.nt,, .. Pa~el 1-)20 ~ (' --- f ." -.· : . ·-·"':\, .,:""' ... -\-/_-:- ;~ ... f I a : Ill: 4 i"' ~· "ffi z 0 . r 1l' ~ '-I I RtCORDEO. . . .c : ..... .. ~\~ .::}" r.::l c., VOL ........................... : :E 3' Q z PAGE.---··· .•.. REOU[ST Cf -ii! ii iii, ~ = "' ~ ~ ~~ i!i 1962 APR 13 PM 12 34 "1 !lJ I: • r'l d i,~ "' ): "" : ROBf~i :,. , ,,:-r.il.:'...' Al;[,!TOf! I • ! •' .. N ! 0 E KING COUNTY WASH. ' i3 I ·!l' :I <; .. : DEPUTY l ,t,; ·.n • ~ i . I"' "l,. ~ • i ! "j Ii! ~ .., "' I .lli1 ! i•. 111, 1, fil,i, , ~~~~~:~:~~~f~~~,1~~ KNOW ALL HEM BY THESE_,p~~~~' ·:~t-·Jhe_ ,G~i!nfo.r-· PUGET SOUND .PC)Wt!R ~ Llmri'. i:l!MPAHY, ;..;..,-iv ,u,ncsouNii nw:r11111 LIGHT ~ PWER COMPANY, a Washington CQtpotadtSn .fOr and__ln consideration-of the··f.WI Or MUTUAL BEHEFITs··w:1•v.ya end quit dai-ras t9 the State Of W:9$hlngtoa:1, · the follmlllng de~rlbed real eatate and any afte.,.-,cqulred lntarest therein, situate In king County, Jn th• s·tate of Wuhlngton to the ·s• ·extent end purpoH .. s If the rlghU '1ere1n grant~d had been ac;;qull'e:d unde·r-Elillnent Ooma'Jn stiltllte of the State of Wash• lngton. TRACT 11A.11j All that portion of the followlAg deS!Crlbed Parcl!II 1'1° lyl~ 1111!thln .. strip of land 250 foet ln width, being 120 feet wlde On-the ·Soi.itheasterly side and 130 feet wide on the Northwest- erly side of the centerline of_PSH No.·i •. Jet. SSM No. 2-tl to Jct. PSH_No. 2 In Renton; EXCEPT that fl'Ol'A Hlgh.rMy Er19i!)Hrrs Sttition (herelnafttir des.lgnated H.e.s.) 21)+00 on Hld center I lne to the EHtedy 1 lne of said Parcel 1'1 11 sold str Ip 1hal I be 220 fut In width being 120 feet wlde on the Southeasterly slct. end 100 foet wide on the Northwesterly sf~e of said center I ine. ALSO, JRACT 11f!11i All tAat portion of the following de1crlbed Parc.ol "I" lying Nortl'tlifasterly of a llne drawn par.allel with and 100 feet Northwesterly when measured et right angles and/or rattally from the eenterl lne of PSH No. I; Jet. SSH No. 2-tt to Jct. PSH ·rto. 2 In Jlanton, and lying ,Ea11ter- ly of the fol lowf-ng described I Ina: Beginning •t a point 100 feet Northw•:..-.erly opposite H.E.S. L-213+92.0 (RIV L) / SSlt Ho. S-C 33+67.4 (ft/\l L) when me.1sured at right .angles and/or radially fran said centerline; thence Northerly 11"1 a straight line to a point 190 feet West- erly opposite H.E.S. SSH No. 5-C 32+S0; thence Northeasterly In a straight line to a point 110 fttet Northwesterly opposite H.E.S. SSH No. 5-C }Ot-00 end tha and of this lino description. ALSO JAAtT '1C:11 ~ All that portion of the following desc:rlbad 1)8rcels 11 J1 1, 112,1, t14'1 1 11511 , al\d n&• lylng North- erly of ttao abov111 MeAtic-nod Tract 11A11 ond lying between I Ines No. I and 2 each described as follows: Line 111••: LI n~ 11211 : JM.tT 11011: Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of Grady way which Is 50 feet South- westerly frOfll the BS•Llne of p5· Nq. l, Jc.t. SSH No. 2-M to Jc.t. PSH No. 2 In Renton -IS measured along sal,: So .. :~uly 1 lne; thenc;o Southeasterly ln a straight line to a point opposite H.E~S. ~S 1++001 and 40 feat Southwesterly ~herefrom; thence Southerly parallel whh said BS-Line to a point opposita H.i:.S. a:s 10+00 and 40 feat Westerly there.from: thel\Ce Southerly .. to;, point opposite H.E.S:. BS 11+00 and SO feet Westerly therefrom; thence Sbutharlv parallel with s~ic ·s Line t.., the ltortherlv Line of PSH No. I. l B!!glnnlng at a point on the Southerly 1·1no of Grady Way which is 50 feet Nurth• easterly from said BS line as measured along said southerly line; thence South· easterly In a straight line to a point oppC>site li.E.S. BS lttOO and 40 feet Northeasterly therefran; thence South~rly parallel with said BS llne to a point opposite H.E.S. BS lo+OO and ~O feat Easterly tharefr0111; thence Southerly to a point opposite H.E.S. BS 11+00 and SO feet Easterly thorefran; thence Southerly parallel with said BS llne to the Northerly I ine of said Tra~t "A". All that portion of the following described Parcel "JI' lying Southerly of the above described Tract 11A.11 and lying between J-lnes ho. I and 2, each described as, follows: Line 11 1": / , Beginning at a pol·nt on th Southerly l lne of PSH No. I which Is 40 feet West- erly when IIN!!l&sured at right angles and/or radially from the 85 Line of PSH No. 1, Jct. SSH No. 2-H to'J(:t. PSH No. 2 In·. _Re~tl)n; thence SOYtherly parallel with said BS Line to the .Southerly llna of'iald Parcel No. 1. Beginning .at a point on the Soutl\erly Jin$ of said Tract 11Al1 which Is 70 feet Easterly when ineasured at right angles and/or radially from sald BS line; thohce Southerly parallel to s.,ld 8S Line to a point opposite H.E.S. P.T.a.s. 24+98 1 9 and 70 feet Easterly tberefraA; thenc:e Southerly to• point on the Southerly line of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast ~uarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, A.Inge 5 Eau: W.N .• which 1s 40 feet Easterly_ from said 8S Line as measured alar19 said Southerly I ln.e. / Pinc-al 3; Par-cef 4: Parcel ·5: -1"'• 11o,:~ .• ~s~. ""'~· • ~~T,;tli•·~;,,,.250. ,,..., ,.h•.--f.,, •nd. Eli~El'T. _th• south ,Eoo feat. th~r~f Cl'.~•Y•W ~'. l:heit.1.tV .of Renton -for py~J •• _. .. ·by_ .Daed te,;oi'd,-1 · ... under A.udltrir•s._Fi.lf~~-,~7~1;1·i;t~ ,M !h.; E_•s.~ '15,0 htet of··th~ _Southei~t O.uarte~ q_f_. the NOrthisast· Q.~ertor of::S,,etlon rj, Town,hJp 13 North,. ·a.,.. 5 East W.H.; EXCEPT pub I ~c l'"Qlds"; . · That _portion of. th9 North~st quartar of the Northeast quarto, of Soctton 19,. Township 23 Hort;h,. ~nge 5 EH~·. W.-H., 1ylng Southerly of tho right of way of Puget SoiJnd EleCtrl~ Caapu,.i? · (Se."tt le-Tacom111 lntar--Urban) end· South of the South bo~ndary tll'III-of th•t c•rtaln tract of l•nd conveyed to Puget.Sound Tract1on Light & P~r Conpany,. by Philo o. Hamlin, by deed recorded under Audltor•s. FJle No. l)Z26or,. EXCEPT publ le roadsj That portion of th6 Northwest Q.uartar of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, TQWnihlp 23 North, Range S £est W,H,, lylng Southerly of right of way of Puget SOunJ Electric Ccmpany; ~£PT pub!lc road~; Beginning at a point on tho East boundary line of said Sectfon 19, Township 23 North, Rang• S East W.K., a 91stanco of 660 faet South of the Northeast corner of 5ald Section 19; thenco West along the South boundary of Wallsworth 1 s First Addltlon to Renton, as per plat recordE~ ln VolU111e 6 on page 23, rec~rds of King County, a dlstanc.e of 490 feet: thence South paralSel to the East boundary line· of 5ald Section 19, a distance of 339 fe~t; the-nee East 490 feet to the East boundary line; thenee North along said East boundary line }JO feat to the point of beginning; That portion of the Northeast Q.uifrter of the ~ortheast Q..uarter of Soction 19, Township 23 North, ~ange S East W.H., described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East boundary line of said Section 19, a distance of 990 feet South of the Northeast corner of said section 19 sald point being the Southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed by Philo O. Hamlin to Seattle Elec- trlc Con,pany by deed d"ted July 15, 1908 an,l rt':corded in Yoltme 626 of [l,~ .. ds, page 438; the.nee Westerly along the South bot;ndary I lne of said tract o · ... "Id 490 feet;. thence Northerly along the_West lir.~ of said tract of land 33-.•:!;t to the Nol"thwest corner thereof, being coincide,;t with th0 Southeast con, . .,!" of tract of land conveyed to Geo~e O. Adair by dee,i dated February 6, 1908, recorded In Volume 591 of O~eds, page S46; thance Vesterly alottg the South bounda~y line of said Adair iract 250 feet to the Southw~st corner thereof; thence Northerly along the Westerly boundary line of 5aid AJair Tract 118.20 feet, more or less to Southerly boundary llne of·Seattle-Tacorna Inter-Urban right of way as es- tablished by declaration of appropriation and recorded In Volume 289 of Deeds, page 130, under Auditor's Fila Ho. 21792}; then~e Southwesterly along Southerly boundary line of said right of way }40.82 faet; thence South 16°]8 1 ~9' East 386.03 feet; thenca North 86a59•2211 East 393..52 feet; t1\,•nce South 28a08 1 o&~ East 99.20 feet, lllOte or loss, to a point.on the West boundary i;ne produced, of said Seattle Electric Company~ tract of land 150 feet Southerly from the Southwest corroer thereofi thence North 89°)2 1 41 11 East parallel with the South boundary l lne of said tr.iict of land 490. feet, morae or less, to a point on the Ent boundary 1 lne of uid Soc:tion 19, distant ISO feet South of the point of baglnnlng; thence North along said East boundary llne •so feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPT public roads; / Parcel 6: Block 2 of Walsworth 1 s First AddJtlon to Renton, Including' portion in old Seattle-Tac.orna Inter-Urban right of way; EXCEPT Publ lc Roads. / The lands being herein conveyed contain an area of 5.10 acres, more or less, the spe~lflc detail~ concerroing all of wlli~h are to be found within those certain maps of definite location now of ree')rd and on file In the office of the Director of Highways In Olympia, bearing dates of approval OctoOar 31, 1961, September 10, 1957, and Se.ptelllber 10, t9S7, revised Octobar 23, 1962, Decombor 27, 1961# and xarch 6, 1962 respectlvely, and the c•nterllna of which al.SO Ii shown of rec.ord In Vol~ne 2, pages 187 and 19t of Highway Plats, records of sa(d county • • ,,., Sheet 2 of 3 Sheats Parcel No. l·S02 ·;.·,,_., --:,;._,.r . . ' •, ·.·:.'··'·.' ·,·. ·.-.. •:. _; . __ :·._-· ,-.:;_i-:-._, •.. •· : . :-' _ .... · .. : .. ·-_ .· ... ·;._,-- ALSO, )h• ar~•t~ h•i"!".1.f~~I' !"!l··!\~}J ;•Jt,1~' to. t~e $t~.t~j<>J,W~h_ihgton _B! I rlgl,ts of lngro_ss :•,~ Ojjrol,!;\ !,,~< 1 ~d I,~ JI IJ:,~~t( Ilg~. :"!~•ro. ~f' [1<1\•~tl.•J: ~~.-nts;of. access, .. !!"~!;."J~ :::". :lf! ~i~~t~;;w;;~~~ :~~~~~=~~i!t3:~.~c!~d$:;·.No. 2•H : <EXCEPT .t~•t th•·a,-.it.t~ .. •IKI fti-~•~fitm:·1/lh~lj._h•ve·_)hO ~lght--c:if l"~•so~I• M:c8ss to the as Line Norl:t,erly >t¢G Q.~,s. as,16+00-~nd·SO\ltnerly fr°" H.£,s. BS 181-90, . It Is under&tood and agr_111~:--t~i:=~.Stilb wlll isSl.l4 to· t'ho CO!lpi:ny sueh penll"ts as Ny ba nac:eaury .to au~tK>rl~e ~t•. ,•-~-~1., •!!1'!11'.'t&.1 or·cont~llc:.tors to enter upon the r lght-.of way· of th,·St•to, In ac_tj)rdance with the plan--for lng,ress and egress des lgned .for said highway., ~o -th •·Xt,;,1nt· nac.~ssary to the essential ma'.lntenance end rel)alr of the Conp,.ny 1 s facilltlas la,,::3ted within tho highway rl~ht of way. The JMJW ex.ls.ting facllltles ,,,-, the t,mpany shAII be Permitted. to remain •lthln the right of -way of ·said highway H rKM.-1a:ca,tod or_ ~s r,located In accordance wlth the construction agreement executed by the )Mt'tleli haro.to. Should It be.come ne.couary In the future to alter, relocate, ·or remove •.nv of Said facl11tles from within the right of way by order·ot the State, Its successors or a:;.;lgns., all cons for such al- teration, relocation, or recnov•I, shall b111 borne by the Stah, ru suc.cusors or as• signs. ft Is undenlood ahd agreed that In tho event said hlgh\./Gly Is e\rer abandoned for use by the publlc., all rights herein conveyed shall revert to and revast in the CCOlpany, tts ,uccessors or asslgn5. It h understood and aigraed bet\frfee:n ,the parties hereto that th Ts conveyance sh.al I not take effect, and that no tttle shall p8,5S hereunder until tlj,: Grantor herein has been compensat•d for the cost of relocating Its facilities In /~"t>rdance with the utility relocetion agn:oment eXecuted by the parties h•n~to. It Is understood apd agreed that the dellve:ry of this deed Is hereby tendered and that the terms and chi lgatlons herecF sh.al I not beccme binding upuu the Stat~ of ~ashTr~ton unless and until accepted aru:i apprDved hereon In writing for the State of ·washington., Department Df lilghffilys, by the thief Right of Way Agent. DATED this .f?2~ d•V or· ,?;>,-7 _1964. Acceipted and ~prov_ ed: · b-/y,/-4f STATE OF WASHINCTON PUGET SOUND POWER~ LIGMT COHPANY Depar of alghways By: STATE OF WASH I NGTDN County of l(ing By: t ,..-=~+--~• 1964 b"e for" e p ~OJltt I I y ::..l,.c'=::'c:-:~~~~~:::;S::':-:i:-:--r:'.a nc1 ...._ ,..£ .. -.. • of corporation that executed the foregol~ lnstr1.1rnent, a cknow ed9ed 1, •. s_ ument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said c9rporatJon., for th'e~'il~~.,,.. and purposes therein mentioned, and on oeth stated that ~"'°'=;;,SJC~,~e;!',...<4""'1df~-a:...------~ authorized to execute said instrume~t and that the seal afflx6d is the corporate seal of said corporation. Givan under my hand and offlclal seal the day and year last above written. Sheot 3 of 3 Sh~$tS State of Washington Parcel Ho. I-S02 rilcJ fo, •~ord j-u:-~ t 19(' y ~: j.;. M. R•quut of Ca:>al'lltlelll of Hisd,w.i,y~ _ROBElT A. Mt.>t:l.,RIS. Wnrv "·~'°' ·;·_,a,;:'.-; .. _, ... ;.\·.-.··. ; . _.-: · .. . ... .. . ~-£~J tl\i~ if -----------------·-·----·---·-·-··-·-·---····-- ... ______ ··----·-····. -· ... ··---------··--··-····----- I ri~!Ytl~t~ .. ':-· -~ ·,~:-;,~~':'." ~--· ~"". ·-l~':·,:~~_fQ~INr·:Jn~ -.-.. ~&ci(' ~.--·· ,-,·-·~~n._ describ~-mand.whoex:ecuted the With" : tr~)?j~.'l~~~·ic:f~-·-·\ti:(!! ,.~•c:e~L1';':fie :that, , 1,te e."~~ted the same as hh. t~: ::: c,);':-·:'.:~~~w~,,t>·~: , • -~¥t'f'ftll$}.~r~ tl\er01n mentioned, . ,, :,·,,~· '~~ .. \m, , 1l 4'....:'·~-~. , ~ .·.· -~---~1.:t.~ ~ay .and year last abm•e wni~-.:.. , I ':i,1(1'',. ·,:: '.'. ' > . , .. . . .. ·, . . =•. "c . ,:1~;,. ' / • •.ft:::!~~.;·~~ .-<~·:: .·.;:.'_l;,t:~,. ,. ~llec1:j0f,.·R~~;-J /}i:~4· ,·· -'fl:#tr·c;ommiSSion_~pires: 1iif ;})i>·'t;'.A~1i'\;f!:"°''~tt Mg~~1i'~ifA~;i· .. . • . '1:i};.:=:- ;':"_{•,.-:-:;."·'.:..:.', ~i :, ~yJi~;;:c'.. Oi,;;~c~l Y~ '.::--; ,.; _ _,:,.:::·~ , __ ~"tr<· :;: , 194/, . (tJ •.• ~.·,· __ J:;___._1.~ -~ .. _' _· . , ~--- . Joh~ .Capelli _ ·. ,,.:.:_ · . . t;,, ·•··· .. -, . . :.,;·~--:.f,<: :..· ·~-/:;::·: >:<;.",::-'; ttc11N · · .' '.·: . . . · · · ' · cQUllri n~;f()ll:_tllAii/4u~~,tiJ1(u.., EABii!!ll, ;< Oo"'.'ty; • .;unioipi,1 ·~t~porabfoi, 0£ the state p~,fr~iJh1~t.>riJ)~itf~ '> iii·,~~ ,ii.t~\'f!h.;ta_~.ii\~r'.co;;~fc~~··ionorf:. in ·~~ia~-f~i§~-\f ~/<'j .· ·:\···~\·-~~ti•~.c:-~4-tii·,~ifr"ii~e.·ot . ~~-~;t:~i~-~~-~:~1"f;,.~_h6 ... st~t~ ~r: n~~~~:1~;;Ql{-:;;t{~Jh i-_:'\ · .. ,.·. -· '.;?\iii~ µ;i:f.{:~~f;id.-'.iii: .4~:\~ ~~~.;~~;~ii.~ ,r· .•• ~.~~-{~t·a~I: ... ~~:' ,i•>:';; :f+'~#~t-~·~·--~v+";.r•_26r,00J_-; o••)i iri'h~nd paid,· reoeip,t;of'"li¥ i'•ib•f~~/ , -· , .. ~-·_.:.~.P.~1Yl!l~~,~~;::A~:e_a. hereby _,grant mid' OOni.rO)' •.mto_ the m~rt.-tP'-.~+i;ti::C.~'t;11a1·,· ,i'.;hcl:1~~; ~~~ii,io;:. petj,et..-i · •••.,..nt,' tn, · ov~r, upon, and aoro~~ \ho lbll:,.u,i; I' } .. ' ~Y',- 11 't}-\:·_-.: .... ,., ... K.'"' -" )':!;=;.:,,·:·:' ~·j· ::;_,.,:,.· .. ,. ' ".",;···: . .. . .... ,. -. . ' ' ·'::, .. "t?~e~o-~~~,f r;d\i~:·-phe"' C~un~;,_·_,_~f .·Ktilg_~· :~_tats or Washiri"i,~U/~~Q~_,_tL·. . . . . ... __ tii~{po,-'tl:n oftoto 5 abd .Ii in Biouk 11, Lots 3lt{3~ !n'oi.~iyi, · :'.o't ;s_IO_ok; __ 12 ~,·,l..o_ti -~.?f ,to_· '.3Q_':.t:nC~-\Wi Ve. _i_n 01.Jok _i-.2, and __ L.o~a_:._-1, •--.;~-.· .... : ·: ·-.,:15., ..:1_6f·i.n,di lf'_in. :01ook 12 .. iSt c._ :D. -.n_1111no.11_1 s:· &P.rlj,n&toD,·Fal'ila~a•_ an ,; :··',"f':d.Ati~-~--;~~:i tti•_J1,ts,-.:-O(.SoB:t;,ttG;.;):;ll~isi~n · No·. -1,: iio:~o-~·~g\tO\-_ih~/-:_.:.-·: · :·r~.~.~i:~o"1*-:-Pia.t .. -tl\Or~pt ,.,-iri\1;.~. -~FJ.t:bt·.s_eation. \9 ~ T~a_hi~_,23.,J!Ot~_;_:_: ·/R~~-~,:,J!:a~_~f-~1ll~~t,t;.e:J.4er_~~.1.anr;_w~~h -1~sa .. wit~n I(\' _s __ ,-rir,>.:Ot_l~'ld '.-~,2.50_-i'9:et_-1n .•. :,t_i_dth:11 , .t'1,,o.;~~tl~~I!& ot &a.id 1:1_trip ·lyil1g_. 6?:~5~ :,t&et··, ·.·dfa_ts~t·: ~OUtli~a1i"ei·iY :ho~: :-~~---i87.•50··raet disto.nt nd'rtheaj!torly .. _: ·. :r:roin_ 0.l'.d'.. ~:r-a.U'et·:tc, .. .-~h:e:r~~VeY -._Hria. of tile' Covinr,_to"n•soa-e;.u,{ tt:4:Jjs.--_" ·.m_isdoti-,)'iuO. '°a .. nOW'·.locatW.l":· and st:isi{Gd on t:l_rn 1.,,round oV8r.~-: 11.o_rRSS. -. · ->.ud' .uJ)9ii:th8_:i"bbV:e_.· i,rop~l':tY.: sai~ ·11urvey line· boins pur.tiau'iar-1y. diieQJ"i~d 0.'1!r ro:1i_~lirii 1 · · . ·: Bog;nnin~··at .. ourvey •tntion 49~73-17, • point on tho ea~t_:line _Of" 3~9-ti~ji::-19; ·_i:Ownehip :23 Nor_th;, :Ran~t:t 5 &\st, w. _}~. • .:Bid _point l?.o:~n·g).,·J ~-... oej~_' ~2".: ·w-.:_· a di~ta:n:oe :or_-39.37 feet from th-e quar.~er seati~n==oo.rn.er ;on the,~e:ait ·une _o.r· said ::lection l9; thei.ce )f. ·56°· 11 1- 5:,1~.:t,,··, a ,-~18~08 o.r 2191.67" .feet. to ·StirVoy Si::D.l;;icm 51.fJ+64 •. ~i;, __ thOI\08 lf.:_l~_.·i~t_-_53 11-_J"• -·a di_ifto.na.e _ot· 14~3-W foot to .survey _station . 53)fl_8_._83i•.:: a ppi:ht. Qn the .nOl"t;.h ·une_ a.r said SBotion 19; 11aid-: point· bil!lillg ~N.i.;·~p--17.°t :Y/n, :S:, 8.. di.tance ot 815.25 feet from tho quarter. 11ocj"t;11)1'1 -ci>Mler ··au the "i')Ortl,. .. line of .said. Sectbn 19~ · . The a,fgrea,~id ens.em.ent e.nd right.;...vf-wo..y ls tor the followi~ pUJ'pon.s, namoly1 th_•_ pe~petual: r:ltpit to ant.tr and to erect• maintain, re_pa.i.r·; re'buU'1. Qpe1"ilte -and pa.ttoi one or JDONI· eleotrio po-wer transmi::s5ion Hoss, and. Qui, ~r· mor.• t:9l~pho_J• ~/or. teleg•ph UDai;. ·includin& tho ri,!ht to ereot su~: palioi!J 8.Qd ·other .b~l:IIU.ssion lbie atruoturea .. Wit-es, cables, a.nd the· appurt~·~-~ ~~·-~.~-~:: t'4o.r~oi_ 'tlle_,t_ur.t.h,ff .rigbt:tO olear said. rlght-o:r-ny and .~eB'p-.-~~ ·. S •. ·o;i.~ oi. bru:ah, thi.~r; intla:ilmable atrui;tureB. and fire ha1.ar~e;_· ~~:,th,e .)'.'igh.' ':~O .-l'.'et116Yt11 danger t.teee. 1r lll'lJ'-, lOO&ted beyond the limit• ot aatd f-i~~~ · .·o·t~·•- 't.. .. :'-·. unto· the 8a1d :viii'.fi-J .. 'si4fii)i th~ ~def~+-~~-: ,· ~~ii8e"f~8 •• ,\pti(a"e1;1:ts-~.to 1:u;;·. !i1XUP_~-~~ in 1 ts °b4lnali" by,~ majori~:, 01~ ,j. ~s~ ~- ' I19aJ'd Pi ~t~~'~isioner_~~ o.iid, j:~Q~,lltei seal to bo 1)4;1,teUJ\t,q, affixtid:'thia ,, , ,·.$ f' ,-. doy of ':4)2-~aoo (J'fl, , l?J!.L•. -- ''1JJt2-- !ft!i~a: )it'.,_,,,,,;/ C_Q'.Jnty-.: Aucu t.o:r:-· i:l[I(:_\: Ex- ·Jfflo_fo' Cl<ir-1 of tho tto~rd :o r·-.tOurt_tY-·C.omml:,~si one rs ) ) ) ._Mo_t.~-.to R80ord.illg: Oi'fioer ••• (?.~.,_.. &-de..~"-~ Hotary Public in o.nd for the I State or v-1 .._, \..i ...._ t +o, ff.esidin~ at 5 ~ .... tt )?~, VJ..._. Counission expiros: Upon rooordation, please return to: .-,.-:._. ·= . Sa Nona,SJ\ T. J. UcGaffery llohneville Pairer· Adadniii:-trati,"~ 604 Odd Fellows n1ci.-g. · · Portland. Ore&en ··,iia,-tttc~-ci.+:t'-1, 19.41,1·. P:N.. ,,.,.1t of Pii~:Souhd.Jltle' lnfflnm« Ca . . -~"Eftl·~ _MbR_RtS, County.Auditor .·--... -.. .. . c·onvey.s·:o.hcf w.nrt'ruit,.". t.o. n:,;1·~~$0 ?1:.r.t Cci:-por!lt. '.: cin, ,1. ,•,:;'?Or':lt !.cm crentoo L,--::.·, -.. ·,., ,. ; ... acit. of -:Gim~·ClS.S-~1iitlfl~! 11 ~eco?·IS·\J'.!-,!Ct{o:;m f" .. c:··:·.,::c Scq:,,:·:-.t ~-® ..:..c-i.~ .n.~;~;~·'ld . -. . -. . . -J~nr/i~; · 193~>· ;~8 . ·.-·:· . ' ... ·i-' ---. .-,. bi:~):n) .C?'9'~1'1 ~Pon~ -~1C. a~r9mi -~~.,.-,f.;::..lo1.'iri;: .. cc~,;:1·ii·r.?:c.!· h:-.d..in t3.a ; . .i•.::,;.;; \:~/'}r::t>;;. :·Ct .. ·. . . ·/:.. . ... . .. · .·. ·r.tfifu..1A ·eiaAetnQn:t. anQ. ·j:~g_ht..a.f-wa.7-.ia .tor~_t.qt, _tol;:}an'~ pui:J)Osea:--'·: ·7 .. c-: ,.-.-_ ·. :· -~--· -. -: .. -,.:· ... ·· -/,,'.... -·· · · ·. ~ riih~ t:o ~rite:r. a¢ to erect~ Iillln~rf; __ :~~, rebuildR. · •. :sfJ. .,_._·,_.... -··-. !j;i~oi Cne :or -::io-ro~·.111,idric-pormr tran~saion lines anC 8jlpui'ten.ant ':.:;;.,.-... ,';e;. ,: I; . . . • ··'.•':inc;·i:~lBg tr~ rig~.4 f.-o oteot. a~ci:_ tr~:3!31.s.s.ion line str•.K:tn.r~~, ',h.. . . . ' . ,.:/.·., -~/:aµ;-:1, ane~r,.~ ~U othe.r appurter.ances a6 a.re n~cess.::..ry t.'leri:ta; - ~?j,:';\t~~.i~~i ·,o,,citar O~id ri~hi~of-say e.od "'~P toe ~-clc•c of bruSh, :' · ,. · ;:·: ··"'"\~:\:J{ w11C£1nga 1 ·ar:°t;! all ttro ~lil-Zlii-r!s-; !l.::G t.:1'3' ri.;;ht-to r F,;n:1<1\'•,; dD..".ger .. -. . ··.·. />: ~: _,.-:. ' . . .. . . :'\"-ti:.1-~~ -~-~-~ll}"j lo.cated ~yond ll~· li!!' .. U,s y·!' si;..i,ci rl.;ht .. ~f...,..t,L)". ··{·:.·..:_~,;" . :'All. ·bru•.h, ti~l<r., or buildJ.n;;, removed pur.s•,liht t~ th,. t:·nrs oereof · ~-·~~ ~,~op~rty o! t!10.. .r,,;;.f._.n:.e Pl.O:nt. _Co.l'po!"'l.tion Cr:" i~5 a.s,!-._-::-.3.._ ,i;-_c ::;.:,-t~ ~~-~-cl ·ot.-b:f. ~&le, .burni1lG'~ oJ·. _ot~,,n•t;s.~. ····--., ... -.•, . T:') RA.VE MG:: TO P.OID tl"..:-·'3-".iiC.\-<:'."-::r.i.· .t ,c-.d r:!.f'-:t--~r-,,.:i.y w-.tc..: :,:, riof~rbt -Plor.t.. Cot·p-.,r:1 :.1 on 1:.d ltt;" •·~ si{tr.~, forcv,.r. It. is t•.i.rt.h ... r u.ndc re~OO.t: ·,;-,,. •' .. -.\}t -J ~· ·,::----·· ~<.-~ (ll,8SO.GQ), . ~. ' . ··> • '; a ~~ora,tion· c.re·;ted by an Col'poi;.i:t.ioll' iCt~• 0l!.pprovl!<l· ' .,. ·--~· .ti:~~:~~~/.:~:::~~ " . ·~~qh'/i~a~~~.$1,od· iti)o st;r.uc::\uree., ' ' ~i----~ <~~~~~,~~;~~-~~~:::Jr~~-~~i~~:Ssaey t~!to_; ; · ... :' ... , ~ · i;lli<_':Si#.;~ftf~~~-:.'iiiif_. ·_-. ~iiop;w{·~-·~~~. ~1,ar_ of bruoh, r-~ . ' •' j ·, ... ":•, z '\"(!1,1-""' ~.t·2f!-.~(:t:;.;}_:·~··~ ·~1?·}·:'.t ';: .. _.' ... _-.;· .'} _.._ . . ........ \ ; ·• -,~f~b~.! ~~;:~~t_lf.:!8~~~~~ ±,~::~~~Ji~~ .. ~pi~ ~~?!~:} on_ !!1\JOiilooct. t6 )ij~i~-~~.:~ffl~~f~~-~-)fb~'::;tci~ot~~-~.'-!Q:~.n!i~~ not .l_~~· t~~-:·c~Obr)?'· 1" ')f~i/.~~:~if·i't~i:~ij~f~n(~~-;;~~ghi .. to. r~~vu ~anwn: .fleas, 1t ~ill, ; ... lt>0~~/~i,,..1i;,;:'.l,ii.ih,'ot:li~~a :.i4'ftt; •• ;~,.., .. . · .. : __ : -,{<.";:t.···~:· _-·.' .. -.:····:.· .. ·~ .. -· _;., __ .:·,,-·. .. ,. All_bl'\lSb~_ -,.1mb1;1r·:,. o.r ·ij1;1_i.ld:'-T1~ J"Cr.'lct\"q<l l}tiz:sue1·nt !;i;> '-'l'm -t<.ms fi1:r•.cf ;~f·r~ -~~:-~~~~:~ :;---~hJ~fi;n_i~ ri1'nt-· G~p-~.rat10:r/ Qr 1 ts.::~:,! 1ma, nnd "ay 03 ~is,;q~()d ~/~:. ~~1.~i ~~i{.i~s.i,, 9~ .. o~~o~·~~:~ '~n\ '~Orp:.;: :-f~H:~;zf;~O;:::;~nt _0and ,k;ht-of~n,y . . . :!:~~~-'f;;: ::" .~•"'"~"~~~z:. ..... ~'~i;, · ·. in ~d:ii,#.il;:rji~4i~i':pf.:.t,~~~ io. hereby ••kno,1loocea, ·vlO'NIW. l'iilji;~.: -.~,:~~~'.~~ij~·. · .. ' . . . '' :·:~'.-· .rianVOts· ~d'.·~~t~·.:t;.~: Qet<'D.Set Plaht Co:-p11ra.tlon, a corporation ~nat~d:,b<J'" ~ . . ' : . • . . .· . , ,,, ~: . • . 'I . ' . . . . ~~ ·pr~:C~f":'0--~-titled-11~~-coti_otni.ct.ion ·Fin.1r:ce Co1·,1r•t"ht! or, A.at: "-PFNYM . Jn.n\ii'T-: ~;. 1~3-2) 'lB. l',r,len<!O_d, ~nid · 1 tD <1mii _:na ,. :i fY.lITL.not:t. Wor:_~nt -.imd ri::ht~ . -1 . \ . . . ·-. . . ot"'\'fey 1rij, O!lo·r, upoi:a,,. ai-td tt.C~ri5 the follmdnc-<logcriWd la.:-.d .t:-~ t"!i~ ·County ct ~ 1n iho $~t,e ~r ~,;.:u;hin~t~~, t.o Wit.i !bat po,111,m· of ,x.61a, 1, I,; 5 ""'1 4 in Bloel< ll or o, D, - lllJ.lMia••. 11q:i,1,~a1t·~ .kW.\!."" w \ho OI.IIT ([f .seuu., 11..~.•·•!lil'~ .... ··#,. _<,111• .. •uii·.. pl.a. t IIMNot, 1,\11M llta..,oa_. , ~P ,s N. ,, bi\11• S lu\1 ([f ,illo ~··lloi!l .. '''Jf4Gciii,i.l;y;. !1/.naton, -... 11 .. ... ' ... ' '' .• , ... ;. ' ' ' hladru.abetl • .. ···'""""' .:••u., · ·: " · ··tot>.ih• ~-U:~alca i' · · · · · }~~1!.ii,i 'Otil.'olt ia 162, s , .. , ,..,ila-\ ' 111,.;~~!!t l,l.lle.Caf .. tilo Co'linp..,;; ~..,.; ·-... ~M·'~·l1116ts Poni<lalaPl1 -·~ .. · : ·. •J•1,_.·tii.-~.·.j;t.. ~ .... -1.a.,17, a.pal.in. ont·l!"· :i;;5. ·.-9 _qt,~1!..:l,t;. '.' : ' 2l:~• lja!IS~ .li.l!aat ,of. tlle_; ,· ·· Jle .:: 44.,.;,;..,~;.~~:l!;,;l.0 Oil• si• 11'. a diot,Aiiff of: .• . · ft,,t.htif.'~cc'l.if~--~ .. o-'•!JU--tho '*""-lit,e.l>f.•dd.' -' . s;o!Y11:.:i1,11.,,,'!l-.°"'Jlf:ff"':1:i:•.61i• 11'. a 'dl.'(tanae of ~li.61.ttot ;:=~1=~"'!=~t~::0:S~:~·. ~· !. ,:.~~'.< ; ••, -. ;;·.-' ' · .. ,:...~:~ .. ~'.·ij.\i'J,t'~ilitS,ii~ta-1',_,pl\l.d pout b..u,g I!. &&"·1:{!;51~,~ ••-le'.. of '8lllolll .~:.lr<., \be quarl,,r .. _oil.OIi ~·e,: . · •. ,:~,.-:,~·.-...... 1,---~~..---, ... ( . ..:.\ .... , •. •. ··i:,i~d ••••mitn1i~tl'~i.iilit'-8i.:+iay 11 for t;,l,, roi.l.wl.ng purpo•••• _.;:·,"~~: ~igh~ tofoef.?i~. ~ \ci,e~c~-~int.a.tnJ l"Dpair., re-build, .. ·~trol. orie. ~r ~r9 e~Ct:r!c powof·tr·nn!l, lines ~1\d appurter.a:.t ··;~$-~i;·l~ing the '.rill.Mt .. t~ ~rtct-6\lC tr3rt°s!!ds:\ line ,at.l"J.C?.'UttB-1 .·,. ,.·.:·· . p ;-:,~f;!,~~". '£1,'16) anc1ots,_. ~,;ot,hb · o.pput-tengn;;,06 l1S ~~ n'.eccssa..7 theNtoi ·:\M:~t{f,er rlitl";t, i.o cir.ar Bl11d ri('h~-of-'lrny a:1d X~•J.;> 4)-?1~ s;M""~ clea.r or brueh, • . ",¥ .:"' ' . ~u~i/a:11 ~:Lldint:S1 !lnd sill f:Lro h:,i-'(d:'3; Rl)d the rlr.:!°:.t to rcr.-.ove dn.:o-.(!'er . . ,; . ".:i:-·.,··--~ ,, . . iree_Ji.; :1P ·any:, loaha l.)(·yoncl tt:c lj.::d \~,; o~ :i:1~c rt .~!·,t-r:i\.......,-!i.)'·il ~-··· .All brueh, tlr.1b~r. or hull:ttnge r,_'tr.U'l'.·.! ;:'.1r:5•1.'l1.': '.') :.!·.'. tr-TC".3 • ..• -. :;:' ,u'O ~h"(I_ ·propvrt.)' of ~ht. ::.t.f,~ruH; Plilr,T. Corpo:-,,t.: on o:· ; ' --3..'.:~~ ,::::i, :.~,c dl.!!polidd of l.iy c.11le:, LL:rri.J1·1;!1" 01" <:ith.-.rwt!l-t., .. -~.· . TO HAV~ /\1.;J ·ro l!v?.D th1~ 1nlc! ~ ... ,u1unc1.t .'Ir.('. :·'.r.".•,-;f..;-··,:.· ·;:.·.~ :-~ : -~f.tJrlnt. Plm1l. Carpor.:it.ion arid it!J bs'Jiar1e 1 foI','v1r. ,-.. ····-'--It ;-,''";Jlqr .. tmd•.tll-~O\Xl-•nd ,grccJ•.o. ,m(!,rs\.·o,,J .... ,. •>a.;·,:,-,.,., . ;~·,;~:r~~~biita_~·-'~1'fe~··.1e i':C_l!e~\44. . .ao:;-i:uil ("O~p.;n5;.:.t;~!'·'.'?" ,~: :.·•_-,'I,"·~ !.~!.- detrtrtl· to t.nc ·cxc-r~isc of...~ny of tht: ri;;hts-ntrov~' :d-..EJt:!rth-~-. d:::7000 :'\Q /' · 4. 'DeH e:reauj::~ 'by Ver','n.toa Al'ban.oso. detGd April l, 19ft.l• ra- ~ord.ed cm April 15• lst,..l, tn·the office or tha AuditQr or l:bl.g Cbtliltyt YfUhb£ton, 1n VolUTt1$ 1960 ot l)ead•, Pa.,:o 663, · Audttx>rto Pile 'Wo. 3158530, s. Deed o:&•cruted by L6n5' ·t-.uQJ.1 and Zuf'ir11i. ..Utcla, A,i,:alo .0:rad<l a.nd PJ..i-y Br9da, and Ja.oo'b 'B:1'a.ttu1J and ,lohnm,a !tra.ttuis,.. dfl.~fld Aprt-U 2~. l~l, reco:rde8 on ApPil :28, l'X..l, ·1n 'thfl af"tt.oe or the Auditor ot Xi~ County, "8.ehington, .ln Volurno 1963 o·r Deoda, Ptt.~a 63,-, Au1:Ut.or'11 File, No. 3161240. 6. Dead sxocutod by Lona Accola and Za:fira Agtola, and Jaoob Bra.ttus and Johnt1.C1a ~rattua, dated April 21, 1!)41 1 reoOl'd&d or. April ~8, 14:41, in the ofl"li!Jtl of tho Audi tor of Xlnl( Countr, Wa.ahingtoii., 1n Volumo 1963 of Deedt1, Par.a 6&J, Audltor 1 11 Filo Bo. ;161~. ' 7. I>eGd e:c.e&uted by Eugeno A, lrlaok, d&tod Juno 27, lst.l, reQDrded on Ju.1:,-2', l')d;--1.n--throtttl.fll. or the,.,Auditor (If Kint; Count:,,',. K~lhington 1 in VolUll& 1984 or Doodo, PagO 467, Auditor's File lio, 3160311, •. · n, !>e'od •~•c11ted b!.Litno AJt4la. l!U'.ld Zafirii,. _',.ttol.a. o.nd.\Yillillln A. U&ek~ ~tod l.y 1, l~l, reeordod~on Mnt 6, 191.,.l, i.n the ortlou or; tbo Auditor r;>f Ktnia;: Com1ty, Waollinr;toti, 1n Vol.w,,. 1966 o1' ~ed.11, h~o l1,S 1 Audltor•s Fil& No, 31.§J693, 9. Da-ed ex-jJeutr,d by John capelU~ dnhd l.!n.:y 3, 19'.Jl, rooorded on .n.u,~_11., 19'.ll. ln tih.a ott.10• of the, Audit.or .. of ,King CQunty, "'Wuhingto~f in Vohmo 1975 or Doodo, Po.ga 44. Auditor's Fih no,,. 3'17P14.. . 10, l>nd ~ted. by John C..pelli, dated ·;Jay 2~. 1941,· re,Ql)~d ! oa J.~,q, l~., in tho ottloo of tl',.o Amlitor·ot KiJtg County. ~hi _ .r 1n Volme.1975 or Deeds, Pnge 40, lfld.itor•a 1'1lo ••• 3171 · •• \,',;·~§ ~ ;''~~1;,.,~;,~,,, .. · ·. · having it,,, Pl'in<!)S llllli•,ot b!laineit ill,. i(,·., i'i· ?" Cit)' •;:&,~~):;fit:{;: ?te or If~~;~ .~t~, , . . . · .. : ~'.:J{., . Wffi~·!-~a-.:~. ~tioii,-a .1,.~?'6l'~tion_ aliio ~rgan~ecl ~~ ~ ·\ 1 the LBll9 ot. U..· llid,.t""-Bto.te• ot -•. end al.oo ~ tte Pl1noipal o!fi<le at . ~ .. -. ' alr Ven:-.ont Aitenutt N,lf.1.,· OiV Of' Wubillgbon, Distrlot 0£ Col~.t _aoquired oo:rt&in property and !""port)' rl,gbte located 1n X:tng County, \\' .. h!ngt,on, ~. p.tr-81,\Em.t to Pu.blic l.mr No_, ~t ?9th. Co.ngreBtt, apprvved bn Jun& ~, ·· 1945, Di?'e.nie·~ eol"pOrtu·on· --e di.ssoiV"ed' ;f.reotiva J·u~ l, l,~5, and a.1i of' its .. . . ~ i\mOt.ians, pa«are., du.Uoa end 8:Ut,bortty, -together witli 1ta d0Cl.tl'D8nta, books ot account, roc-ord.lJ aseots'and i1.a~Ui~1ee of' eve~. kind Md nature, -~ tranofen-ed. tQ Re- . QO!le,truotion ~Q,O ColJ!Ol"&t.:ion to be ~1'01•med, oxarc.isl!i!d and ad.Ministered by Rooon- stNotion i'Uaence Co,rpor"!t1on 1n· tho same nwu1or_ and to the amne · erlent o.nd e:ff'oot 88 U' ort4in"1ly veatedr 1n • 11eoonetruction F:\nono~ coryc,1":tio.a, · ·Y~i· .. -Reconet~aiti'6lf~i1J'fliijfj;iCOl:'pijnt:f°Ol1·; ·orantol' -here:trf', 1e tho o-,mor ot •ll JU")pert,Y e.nd prop,,rt7frighto.deoti'1,boa·i;_,.,·.rto~· ..id;ob were to .... rly owned_ by . l)otonH Plant Corporation. -. -f . . · 1.mr, 'lHE!WORB, Re:.:.On~~n Wnnn~~ c~rporation to:r· anp 1:fl. oonoviez:atloii .~. · or tm doUU. ('18..oi)) ad otb•_>,. 'hlJrllblo oot'loldon.t1Q!' l,11 hMd paid, NOeipt ot ~ •• -.11;r--.is..i,:·~. lriinii?•rii'-iind quit-~.;,: h<>ee aJ.l. ~• ~ ~ !ii~\ilil ~ to,(A) ,'4 ..n.,,, _..,· oi, :ieaol f(~wbl& oiroldi . .;\:,. ~~~!~'.~:~/ .. ':'k~.~~ .. ~~>;~~~~~-=~-~.~~~~.·f::~;t:'~~:: ,,..,,.Ill'~~ ,'J411.. -,(d) .:rili,!JI i>l'$P.llrliJ' . ~, .. -~~~~~~:J~~f,;:S!Jt1t~l: l l ,-,, ·"'-' • ·; .• ----:._=. .. 2, o..d exaoutacl ey J., J, 'lw'IIST and AruUl a. Bu.mey to Doten•• Plant Cotporat.:1.on QJ1 Auguat l4, 1943· t· :rooordod on Allguat 18, 1943, in the otfi.4e of tho Auditor ot ~ yp.mty.,. \fae.h.tngfun, in VoluJtle 2156 1 of' t>nlRJ.1 i pate 71, .Aud.itol'"' u i'1lD lilo • J.3300!\4• ( i'ran: No •. M-.2) I> * J. 0o9d oxecut.ed. by John F. ~r to Deforuie l>lant:Co;rporation on Septeabal' 25 1 1943, NOo:t'ded Septombor .:28, .1943, in tho office of UMi .lnditor ol K:ls.g County, W~ri, in Volume 2166 ot ~e, p.t.ee 310, Anditor•.s. FUe No. 3:33Gll0• (Ti-act .Mo. DS-3) ,, lleod ezeoute<i ey Lyle Howl.tt and Sll<lio n ... ut to Defon•• Plant Coiporation on .August -16_. 1943,. reeordod on lmp,ust 18, 1943, in the o1'tice of tho Auditor ot _ring: County, Wn.shington, in Volumo 2l.S6 of Do9UO, P'S'e ?S, Auditor's Fila No. 3330053. {'I'?-e.ct 210. ts-5) 5. Doed exo(mtod by Lyle W. ner.1..-tt. and Saclia w .. HO'\n.tt. to Defeneo Pl..s.nt Col})orat:ion, oq Augu!:l:t .:u. 1943; r'eOOldod on. · December 10, 1943, in the office of tbf•Awiitor ot King County, Waahµgton, il;l Vohme 2186 ot Deode, PQS.ej4.54, Aw:11tor•s P'ile No. 335.3940.. (Tr54t No. 00-S) . . 6.. •Deed ~t.Bd b,y Henry WUl.1am8 to J.)efensa Pl4nt Corpo.raUon 0.Q Ocs;obor 16, l94J., reoorded on Oatob&t' 19, 1943, in the or:fioe ot tbe A:.ucU to:r of · X1Dg Cwnty, · W'uhingt.on., in Volupn 21.73 or llffde, pa&o ~ .Abd1tor•o l'l.le No. 33'2598. (Traot No. DB-9) 7. Deed ftDl:Ut.ed b;Y" Josophlne S9M., Marie Senn Meath., Ipnu. Senn 1'Qs:iJ:t.an, .lJ.ra)).a. 8. Sann, Lou.1a: u. Benn., 1iorbort K. Senn, ~~ - kun Ekei\ii>n and .11.uJ.e Jo Senn llh1 to to De£onae Plant 1CoZ'f)O"t'a.Uon OD lloT__. l41 191.,3,, 1'9C-Orded 'Oil Ja.n.U$.ey ~6, l944, 1n t~off';ltl ot tile ~ ot K:IJ>B Ooontv, ll'oal>ine,;on, :In voiu.,, 2197-o • -;p.7, -1tor•o PUe No, "62708, ('l'raot No, 00-.U) a. Doo4 --b7 Car.1 Wallaoo '1olmoon •rat.AYL.!ohlla<m-~:. ''.'' ' ~W....en·J'"""'1TS, .1944, reoorded on Jomiar:r ;?2· 9 ~i£· ... '·, --in tf,i, olt1oe, ot 1:lle Au.Ii-· ot m2'il County, lta~, 1n ' . -· t;i ~>t ~. Pl't• ~'-~H<!,,~ ... mi-11o. 3361891>-< .· • t~~'.'/ . ~ ~~ ·:~:!\;:_.(f /~j( r ---·-· :-:-,...., ----= .·. -J--. -<1·'. ~. '. cc,,·.,,\/.oc tpt,-;a1Jn,;fll;.~~n:~M~tiiJ5l.\{~i\'··' · · ,~V1J)lllllDiili:i),A/ID lltl .iOO•JJo.11.s,ro • . ;, ::($li5.QO.qo . \, · ' .. ''' :•.:f'i'·, .. ~.··,,,4g:,,tli'i/r,ijj~~hii;tJi;ir:•:~ajj¢·:1facfflt lf<M·,:;;,n~er/itiOrt f reQeJ p ,:o .\ifbioh .t, ,,hereby ••·' · .,f~f~:i~:!Et~W~~~zyf$l~f•i~~~·~~10 ~·e!~~~~~~~~i· · · .··•·· .:·. 1 ;:-_, • (\J.~·~f,~Q~~ _ P~-~ns .I>~ ~~-.~o1'.l~1.ng-_des~ribed Parcel Of'_.tamh t; ,: ~ .. , . <;1liotg~;4rlli~i~;i!~ :i\;!1\ :~. :hih:s"~t~1e:::":..t~· .· '!,.' • 'sttiJr,liJ.\i11,162,5tJ.fj!~t: dlsi:ant ,iesl.erly fro,,r.nd·l,87,$0 fee.t · rt '\, , ; i1rat~!'~.,,~..,.Mt1j:.~,!,"!\,,P1ir;,geL ~~tll t~ slil',,et11n~ or th,! ;::l-. "f ' .. :_;_.,. ~'V'.!-~~~~-~j.~1;:9~~am;ss_ion: lin_e #1 _aa ·.7oc_~¥' .. d,· ·.oni:_; ___ across, J1 ··.·.~.<:. ·. · ::-;,:_.ai;u:~\11P,.ijf\·,t¥:-t_a~:·~l~Y;. aaid m!l."JeJ. b.ne_:.-·b4!!1,n_g.~ticu.l~rly ;;}:·. l"£\ , _:•.·--~~i~&~ ·-~~5J.6Uriw.lff .: .. ·.··: · · . · _ -· · ~'-i ·,:--. ..-· ~!titinihS -Qt:: ~y.·_st~t;l.on -496+73~17 ~-ll poin-f;;· On :t.~ .. ~ lBt :J,iile _, :,f-.>~ ·):,f·-:,~~1¥ .~9,(~ris~i!))?J.Nptj~h.t Ratl~ 5-·_r'an~_, W;M~-~ f~id ,PO;t.nl :)· beip_g . ."S.Qti~: l~.,5~11 West a d1Bttinee C_f 39,37 ·+'e!ft: !'r.om.-tlie' · · )f · .. -... .. (J.1Ut?;t1ir-:.s.~ct;;oj:t_1 CO,t'ner :oi). tbe ·.l?ast liue of' s~itl·~~-tiori ~9L: . -ti; <u .:ti'leJl_ce.)ftJ.i:_tf.(56.~.1'53~' West a :dht~nce of 2_191..~_67;:··-i'eet tq .. &u:rvey J; '\ · ··.a.~~~Qij·.~l.~~-Stf; t~(l,Ce Nonn:1°18 1 53 11 W~~t A_.~,f~~nee" Of' .. }-:; ~ · ·14:5)-.99\f!'~tiW.-:·si.u~y: ~tatiOll., 533-+18 .• 83,: a P¢bt,_On t~·:_no~h '.fi\''. . . n ... ,.oi' es,iu, Sech~<>!(l9;'i("id j,ci.nt being North 69'?:7'3T" ·East 'f , ', .,·e.-_d.:s~.n_ce ln.' __ 815 .. -25,,leet: r.ron;: the quarter section COrnifr:Qn· the } · '· np:r~ iJ,qe,d,I' s!i{i(s'e~ti.:\j,,19; · · ·· · · · · J (.- {: i .t .h. ' f . ' t,: .i •. '· . ··:·. wh1.ctr: lit:!. _rl~ih~il'.teft'Y -Qf.:t~·-, fOi1.P\ling._· ~scr_ibed lh:e: ', . -.. ·. ·.. , . ~~ri~i.ng·_·fit·. the:· i_nt~rs~tJOll' ~:r.-.thG :eaf:t ,iine of.:aaid · 35:0~foQt strip_. ~r·,larid :,,'tth tile .oimth Hne of the tr, 1./4 of. toe !/E 1/4 of. :·~a}'.d '~.Qti~n.19_;"-\theftce·,.~t along said-aouth l,ine lOO'·teet; . ·-thenCe ·.Sori.th.1ot8r53"-ii:8_S1, -.~6--.29 f'eet; thet.(:e S,Ou,th 54928~56" ~~•t 856.95 'feet to'.tiu, na,,tli·iniirgin o~ I-X'imary.st,>te Highwa,y .{S.lr 405) _No,; tt,Jet·. s~cOt~Q.i(n'··.stat'<! High,r0y l'lo. ·2-~_ to J'~t~ · PSH ·No.-2;. thenc-e east,e:rli :a1ong .the nol·therly.·ma?'gin .of sBid )u.ghway_.·to the.· tertnint>.t.ioil-cf said line it1_ the nOrthePstetly niargi.n of.· f!aiit:'350 toot strij, of land; · frcim. thq·.S~ ·certain ease:zients recorded in the off.ice ot: the.Au.ditor··of' Xing County, Wa;s._bifi~9n.1. asc. f'01J.O"..,S:. . '·l,. fill ·ee.oament for ele.ztric tl'nnsmlssion line pUl'f,l08es granted· · by.J~.-~e.dron, ns·bi_s_s~parete.pfoperty, .to Unit~,i St.ates o!' Amaric·a . as reeo!.'dE.d und.er Aud.i.tor' B -?lls;> · -IfQ~ 3163692 in Volume :i.~5 of Deeds, Pase 436 1 and c1;mveyed ·to t,he City of SeB.tt'.t.c by inst.rumen*"..-re.cQ:rde4 ic. Volume 2597 of ·D~edS, Psge 50, under Auditor'• File !lo. 36645591 (It,;,0> 12) 2. Ah e&~oeDi~nt· for t;l_~r.tric transit.11>.sion liil~ P\U"l)oses gran~d by Gu_iseppiD.1:1 Ps.ulon; a, her 1SC:!1lara:t(: p.t"_operty, to the Ur::'ted Stataa Of AmeriCa as reC.ord:ed in Volume 1S61 of" Deeds, P-age l, under Aiid1t0r-t6-File No.-. 5-158541 and conV'eyt:.d to the Cit~ or Sei!!-ttle.-.b"'J :inetl'Ument 1:eg:Orded .U). Vol!,1.me 2597 or Deeds, Peise 50; undei-.. Audit..:r's 11ie· W:,, -3664599; (It_e,1 13} ·3t An ~asement fQr transm;taaion line p~rposec granted by Vii~nntie.·.Poigoraro and.V(ctoria Pegora.1,0, hii; 'dlfe, to the UnHe!i Eftl\tell Oi".Aiaer.tcaj :as ~o_o.rdcd in Volume 19@ or Deoda, Page 292, uncle?' !hi.d::.:~or 1 a File No. 3-1652511.1 and r;onvaj'l:'."d. to the C.lty Of Sebttle by ln~t~."nt re·corpetJ.·1.Qlde:t·-Aud!tot'.s i"1le lfo, 3664'55'9 in Volwne 2597 .ot D!edli-,. Pa~ '.;iOJ {Itt.PJ 1:,) '-•·. fl.1;30; ' ... ~~~a~:;·;~~~.,;~~~:Q.!f~td~, ?arc:l uf !..nd. ~~iah ·~~· soutliwe~t,,rl,y of . Begi;i,;1Di;,at thi ,int;i'li~~i~ri ofthe south right of.,.,;.,· lin~ ,~t •· ~eco.ndtUi(~ta,i;_e ,~~~i}t9.•/b.;.Ji ·(Gi-~o.y WS.y _ii:1_·th~' :c1t:r Qf~~eJltoil, . . \:la.iihl~¢.ri.)\ ~!~~--:t))e :~~t;"~~/9~ .. B~rd ·-35.CJ-fOot. st;oi'.P ·_pf ,;landl ·. thetlCe S.tr\ltij·d ~18:' 53H: -~~-:-~/32,: feet ~o _. the _tr:u~ ·)?6:1,nt :;ot :t,:egln• .· · rdng .Ot said. lirie.3:tnertee.·sm.1i:i:{:5_~55.ro9tr East· 719~5li.:·t'eet_·:t.6 .. the ·._po~t-of-t-eri_lt~US.·.Of:.s.aid' t1ne.,.:iii ·t~e south\.'esterly_")~e Of s·1iid 350-i'oot st:rtp of, J.an~; . tr6Tfi;'tliOae--certa.:i.11 .eas~ntS: reQ9f(].~ in -the o:ff-ice of' ·tbe~_King CQUntY .. ~t:or, K.tnt:(PbUnty; WB:Yb.insi,oo;· ae follows: i. 1\ll eaa~ment io_i· elf?ctric .tr.anandssion Li.ne pu"l'pOsea ·.g;an:t;ed. by · Loui& Ca.r,,;t,ccioli and_:;Mariett~ CaI'a!!cioll:1 bi,s ~if'e, to ~f'ense .Plant Co~.,:,ation e.s record.ed:tUld.er-Au.d.1-tiol' '.~ File .. No .. · 33864()~'.i": in VOlume 2226 · Qf. Deew., Page .JQ?, ··E!-fi4··c<mvey:Cd · tq -the tit"y ·of' Sea.t.tle by .·. _ tnat:rumein.t :recorded: in Vol~f,I. -2~97-·. of .D.~~a: ~ Page 56, . under Aµditox '·s . l'il.e llo. 3664S6o;.,(Item,'54) ·· · 2'"' An ew&esient:-"ro.r,:_tr,8,rt~S-aiori -l,ine FU.!'pcaeH granted by c .. .B. McN~uet.tOO. ~nd Eiitel ··~~.toll.t. ,)ha wif~, to JJ&t,:meie Plant-. Col'p)].·Q- . tion a.s '.N!:co.ide(l:undei. Aud.itO.r'·13· .. w.1e No. 3J61658 .:i.n. Vo.lumc:·21.96-a:r .. ~edEi,-Psg~ \t.35\ .. IDld. CQmtey'ed .. to:"the City 1,J: :')eattle-by ins-triuaent .·.·:,oec.o~ed in Vo.~ ·2597.or-:_Deeds~. Page 56, u11de.r ·Auditor's Fil~· )\o,, J66!/56o; (Itom 53) . . · .. 3 •. :An.e.U.einent 1'o1• trans~a,a,:l,on line purpoGe:1 granted b;y.VaJ,e;it1ne t,leU.t~ ·arid ~te lielitch, hio Wife, to Deten,e Plant Corporation .as recorileli under Auditor'• '!li~e No. 3:i6fl'17 in Volur"" 2199 or Deeds, Pe.ge·li66, Mt! .eonv'~4 .. tc ·the City· of" Sea.ttJ.e by irts'µrument re1Jorded. .1il Volumia-2.m of.J).eeda·,-Eage_ 56, Und.~:t" /\udit.nrTs File· No. 366lJ56o; (!teon 5~) · · •. 2 - t:- ]'. ,,. 1 .. ' jl ,? I I I ;I -3 • i •;1; ilf . 'f..l!i . ~:\s·::· ~ i. \:}:·:·,-· -~--·11~~-. . ,;;','!i'i'~,~ .. ~ ;w;,g.~ . . i:t;'~·;·:•i .. :i.i.".:.~l .. ;i./ .. :::.: .. ·.:.~ .. ·i. ,, 1 i!: '" 1J~i3~tffli1/ ;~, ····,0w. rn " .. -'.~. i. T.;tY,Pri',oJit I . ."\~·.l..:·:,. . ··---•' -... ' . '_';I . .';:;::··'_ .... ,. ·,f.:;: .. i;;-,;:·':~-;,~~2~:i ~~ '-:::;:> ···::::. ·, ., ·.;,:.;. ~;~:-.. 0 0. £2 ~, ·-~-,. ·:._;:_jf~t~~:L:)2'.: ._ ·.;;, ·/ -->>-::: .. \.: .. - ;..,.-,,/.:,':· >t\: P_:''-\f;'~ :_ea_BeJJie.llt:·· .rpt'" ru:ect~~<:-,·.tt-an~.s"sioi:i.-' BytJtj:_Dl·· ( r_~_¢a.f PJ~ _ _-0.f ~Q~ ',LS; b,~ebi-i.ac1µ1.~;:-;:; ·:,s {i!I:.d$i:i1:tt<{~ft~ll!-:1•~P:11f."i1't·· ~Jt~J:ei{ in King ·C6\Ulty ,.•_wasj\1niit~n-d~0<>ri~•c\,-· i .., ;:_, ···"! -~ . I Cf ·,. .o· . '\,.•(') <q• 0 '•--· All tii(j;.'e, 'p(irtiono 6d;he t'ollciwing de•~iibod narc el~ of land tn tile 'Norifulast ·:1/4 or/ae~'(.i:o~).9;;·'l'¢.;nJli;p.2311orth; Rti.nge 5 East, li,M,_: . ·· · .. •·• _ _· : . ~rco:I. _i_;< · 'l'hai•. po~'tion• !>t the' llortllweat 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 bf Saction 1.9, :Townf!hip_._:23·:NorfihJ _Range·· 5-East·, W.M,;, d~Bcribed· as'·tOllows: : · Beg1~~n-~:-~t.·. ~ :;~inl . ~n 't·~ soUt~~;ly · !Mrgin of s.~co~~ Sta~e)U-~Y No·. 'l.-li ( Or~·dy". Way.· in t-l\e -c~ty ·o:!' R~rto:ri) 232·. 5 _ fe_et we&t or. -t}ie :east 1ine_ ~£ s&tcfJtfOrtnWest 1/4 ·or· the'. Northeast 1/4· as. mea..aur!!;d ~rp-~ndi_cu .. JJ.u>J.y.,:·_·s1dd point. being· the· -i'BtJB ·P0111T.,.OF BEGINNING:~ then.~e );('uther4'" · a.16ng. 8 llrie°· .. 2ii?. • 5·.· :?);et f'l;"om ( &S 100~$\ll"'t'!·i · perpetldicula.rly) e.nd' ~f!.1 to tEiid east· J.~ne .. of_,·ae.1d JiUb~Yision to tba· scUth 11n_e" oi'. sB;ld_ subd:i_-·. ·vii3iofi; -· thonCe·-Nci,rth 89°44 .•.3111 : We·at · 1027 ~8sr feet·. a.lon·g·. th~ :so~th line of said subdivision: to·the ~~1"fy ,1ie::.rr.;i.i of P:rima.tj:._'.$tate_--~ighway lio •. 5;l a; rec.Orded in lfighfty·PJ.a.t.sj ·Volume 2s pages_ i86, 187, 188; ·. ·t~nce Norlli. ol.!?33~.19 11 :µu~t.=14o·,99 f'eet along ;ri;;id eastel"ly ·margin·; ... the.11ce ?:0rlh·-41_°34_.1 5(r'._._Eaat' 90~78"f'eet to a point.· on ttie--.sout.he:t1y·~~ gin of SeconcJacy;state·H1gnwayHo, 1-L(Graiiy Way); thence northeaster4': ·. a,;.1ong tbC-aOUtherl.y,ina.rg:fo= .. ot Secondary State RighW&y:tfo, 1-L to·the TP,UE POJJIT OE' BEOI!llmlll'; · . · Pl\.i"cei 2 . . . . ,,;.-.. :_ .. Those pcrtiOOs:· ot'. ~~ted · 91;,h"·A:Vell\le South tomcl"ly·South.,1.li.aih. stre:~"t· (M.e;nphis AVon:u:e) ;· 9th .. p4.ce -'So:qth,. f'onnerly South 149th-· Street (Manning·. Avenue); 96th Avenue· south,. foriiieriy-snattuck Avenu,e; and :vaC:ited.' alleys in Bl.ocks 11 and 12, C~ D'. H~'s Earlington Garden· Add.i"tion., D.iv:lsion No • .l·> as record~d .1~_Vol.ume· 17-of. Pl.a.ti;, Page 74,. Records of')Cirig dounty> Washington, as as.id ·str-eetS and alleys we:r~ vacated ·pursuant to Ciiy. of' Renton, Washington, Ordinance No .• 205.l: which J.ie within a.. str-ip ~f land 350 f'e~t in u:idth i!l the Hotthea..st .1/4 o.f. Bef?t_icin· J.9, ·To-wn.ahip 23 lfort,h, _Range 5-East, W.M., the bow:ida.rii;S:B of said strip lying. 1.62. 50 -feet dU;tant. wester 4' and 60Ut.hvester ly f:rom and· lli7. 50 i't!_et· diQtant es.aterl.y a11d·~ox-thea.s.t.erly·i'rom e.nd parallel to the sUl.-vey line o·-r_ the Covir:igto"n-Seatt.le tre.rumij~eeiOJl. line ill. a.i. ).ocated ovF.ir, acrOss., and Ul)On the herein described·.·Pa.rcf!ls 1 and ~, .s!:l.id survey line being :Pa,rtiou- 1arJ..y-described a~ toJ.lOWs: Beginning·a.t .survey atation ~96:f-73.17, a. DOint on the ea.st line of Sec- tion ·19 Township 23 North1 .Range 5 East, W .M., said point b~ing Squth 1°09 1 _52f. West a diSt~ce 9f:-39,.37 :feet from thB q,ce.rter section corner on the east 11he of said Seation 19; ·ther.ce Nor-th 56°ll'53·1 ' West a dis- tance o.f 21.91·.67 .feet to survey station 518+64.B4; thence North 1°18 1 53 11 West a ·distMce ot' 1i..53 •. 99 feet to survey station 5.33+1B.83, a point on tl1e north line of said section l.9, said point being North 39°17 1 '3'/11 Enst a di.stance-of 815,25 feat from tbe quo.rt.er se-~tion -.:ornex-on th~ north .line ot said Scotic;an 19; e.ai« atr-J.p of ltUld being a portion of th&t cer- tain ntt~p of le.nd conveyed to the City of .See.tt,J.e by the Unit.ed States of America, by Deed dat8d-Septomber 25, l~-;/-*5• :md recorded 1n Vol.,·.fte 25')7 or Dee~o, pp.gc 50t urtder.Au.ditor 1 s file No. 3664559 and b;:, Deed tlated Jul;y 1.6, 1946 s..nd reCOt'ded in VoJ.u,n.., 259? of Dseds, µage ~6, under A.uditoz,'s File no: 3664560, Reco.1".®-c1.f' Y.ing County, Wnshint;·toni f!!J1~lf:;!{iff ;~ff~~~;~fii)';.;: '-:,·::. · . . . . ''l"Ja: B,id~i§Jl:C~!?:';til/it,·®,tJ\eill!tofJ.y. or. " line,Msc1';,l>ed' f,S' rolldwsf·,. ' ., 'Deiihi\ii,'1/j: ,at."'.tne,ii\teraeo~:101> .ot the east lino of said: 350,rciot st'.#i'. ·. : '.qf)J#,d;iiiiW/tli~)9~~1i line of tlie NW 1/4 of the NE .1/t'of sai<!>Sei:tion ; ·.:.;t.9f:,ti,.Ein_r;;_1(}-!~~\~J4orlg)::&id:--8.Q~tb· 1i1Je :ioo fee.t·;.~·tP,~n.S!E1';·_S:ou~h'_:l'?fa\5.3'' .. · ·· 'Ea'st 2Q;~!,· fee~i.·:~l\•h•.• S~tlf 549?.8' 56" Ee.st· 856;~,:re'et to, the. north. 'wsifr.of.'Pi';iiioi.cy.,State lligh""1f (SR t,05) No. l; Jct",. Seco)l\lliry State , Hi«hWa.Y.:~()/·2.;M ·:t9-J¢t,;; J?i-imaey-State Higlway··NO,;--2V t~Once: ~ter'.cy. · al0~·,;t)i8">.rtol'th8i-;i;y-.;_W.gilt,·Of .a:a1~ Hig}\w~ ·to _the~'.terminl:ttion of.: s_aid '.line,:in.-,the nOrtbePie_i-ly··•e.l'sifia:of' .:J>i.id .350 toot ·st.rip JJf J..and·;.--:AWO . ' .. ,· . . ,· ·.. ·. . . . ... ·. . . .· ... _· m:CE];l!;. :.that:· ·~_r:t,iOii.,'.of.-_sa:i'~ · b~:r~in _d_€·scribtrl: -35(). }'oOt· .. ~ti-iii"-o_f: I.and 3.ying_.s_O~hw8Stetly or·.a .. lin~:· ~escribed as :ro1i.o:ws.; ·. neginriing_ at_-tll.·e. i11tei•seetfon.-Ot:the '·~oi;th··_rlgb:t·:of way l.ine cif'.S·e·aondfJ.cy·.:StatC lli.sbway-· No. ·1-I,:{Grod:, i/W ·fo tlie:,eity, of R~nton, \/a•hingt~n).; '4th · .. tbe wi,•t . line o_f s*1~---~oreir~ ~es.~~b~i. 350 foot strip of: ~(.thenCE?: ~outb· ·' · 1 °18 t 5311 ·,. ~t.'_."492. 3_2 . ree:t-:_ to the point _·_.ci' .. begfri.Ili"~g.' Of. 'said -here.in · ~iEi.~ ocribed · Jj..n~ ;. t_heelce: Sou.th .,52°55 1 09n ::&is t 719 ~ 54 feet.· ·to/~hif. point ··f'.!'!: termiriUS."-0_1'· 8a1d;. lib.et in: ~he ISOUiihWesterly 1me-· of :_sai_d_::h°eX":eirt:. de'ocri-350 foot s.trip_ ot ~aM. . . . _THE· C!~Y" Or SF;A'l'TLE, ·a, ~n:i:c:ip~ · cOlllOxati on in_ the Stat~--~f-~~S-~i~t~ ,_ . . ,"hereby· rele.Slles to .'tbe.· HOIMAN, ?RO~T:p,$ ,: :l,!.'W. and P',JGET W!STE~· INC ~·1 · a· joint venture, ·d/b/a/ Jl!lliT<ll VILfi/lGE:..com>ANY, i;l!e fol.lawing deserl.bed-reol. ·pZ'Opert:, si tua:te in King County.; Wa~~.ngton·,-· -i;:·o .. 'lfi t: - · A st1•ip of land 350 :feet. -in:. llid't.h --i,n ·that portion cf t~e· ~ 1/2 qf the NW--. li4 ot the tf&-1/4· o:f Seetion· 19~ .Townsh:i.p.23 North~ Ranf!!ie. 5 Eas..t·, W.M:,.·, !n ~ng County, Washington, which li~a ._southe1·ly of the south lirie of Seoond.- arJ· State Highway No. 1-L·, · de&cribed as foU.mm: Begihning at the· no1th -quarter COl."ner of Section 19·, .T<mrtship 23 ·NOrtlt, Range. 5 Ea::st; W~M•; thence a.0Utl1e1·ly -a.long the weet 'line· of the ~ 1/4 of'' said Section l.9i a di'3te.nce of 1100~50 feet to the centerline of SeCoudary · Stata Highway l-L (Grady W'ay); thence nort,heaaterly along said cent.erline · . being on a bearing of NO:rth 77029'03" Bast, 702;69-feet;··thomce SOuth · 0031147'' E4st, 51.l.l .te8t to the south tnnrgin of said Secbndal"Y Ste.te· K1ghway No,.·.1-L (GradJ! ~ay) 1 ·being the true point of beginning; thence NOrth.77()29 1 03 11 East, 349.62 teet tcf·thr; P .. C~ O:f a cu:~e. to the left; thence on said curve to. tlte. lE!lft a-d.ista..11.cc 01· 8.18 feet;, said curve having a :radius or 3820.00; ·thence South o931 1 47 11 Eo.at, 412.89 -feet ·to-t.be sou.th line of the ~ ·1/4 o:f NE 1/4; thence along saiU '.-losrt.h line North ._89°114•.31" \:fest, 350.03 f'est; tbenee. North· 0°·31 1 4~/" w~stt ':33.77 f'eet tc the true ·point of beginning, · from that certain ·easP~nt gr«oted. by· Pu.get Sound Po'l.'er nnd Light Co:npo.ny,. to the City ot Seatt1e, Q6 :recorded January l.4, 196h ln Volume 4493 of Deeds, page 2TI, . Auditor•:, Pile No.--.5,687013,. Record.a_ ot" Kir,4l Coun-ty, Washington. 1':-{0VIDINO THAT existing transm:tssion line f3ciHties o-r the City of Seattle Hhieh or~ ·now locatt!d .upon,. across and over aaj_d area of rel.e&SQ shall be u.ll.a..red. to i:-emain under· full ; .. :roteotion of all easement right& M o:rigiri.t:i.lly g:rantaeci, until auid fo.cilitics he.vcr .. becn :i.~emoved. It is understcod 8.00 agreed thQ..t all Ctty tr.:,i.nsmis:;ion lin~ .racilit"le,s will be rmiloved·frc~ the a~ea of release·on or be~or~ U~cemb~r 31, 1sr,3. -?.- ,.,.:_. ... ,, •. 3 - ·_:,". ·:? . ' ' ., I T :f t: ',''.'', :',.-:;}, ·t:~ -'•; i!,/·. ,;:i,11~i{l(~{£\\;fif{·~{ ···~--. . , .. ",,:\,%\,;'.iti\ ... ~. ~i-· ;.-: ),. " ' ' ::~)i> _•-,:-f'.,;·,,:. ~{:{:'. ,,,~. ..,{ \\\'· . ,:!·-.' . ,, ; •. s,,,.,,,,,,,tf•,,;,,.,,,,",···. ·.·', ... "Z!tJ Mi. ~: .• 9,0t;.lili;t~i~(3 •'.;,: ;((_:.· ):tr .. :(?··lt.;;'.i~~):¥.,/_.··.,_ · ... ;· .. ,::···.: ·_;·;,· ~ ,:·.·::}; .. _':.·. i··.·· ':_;{ f ~-'!:;r::'. '.\~;~~t:'fo1l~:;.s~J;'ij'\f 1 ?\$}Sijf:tt~ijiMtt:! ,·:--.. :·:' ,.': ... . . ~·},;· ',, '.; . : . . ,:·· ; , (~~~!.~~.,\~~g~~:f~Y: ,o~c,,,,•<•;r r, :,:. ,,,: ) -t · ci/,,: .. \~ . f !f t I " ' f·,·_:•- tA i''J' J ' 1, . i -~ ./ ;. . ' ~ .· ' l ! i t .. {_.'.: :l ::, :::<( .. , ci, ~-··--•-' .. · .. ··-~··· -~-..... ,. , .• _,r· ,uut iu ,·~Htllidnt•••hm ,,f h1,1; _p-,1i .. 1 l~i,lltlJ i-r••• -,tt,,,, -.i,ifii,,t-t~, t•':ttt~" 1tfot" ill)ttttt 'h,1 f111~,-.t,,1. of whh•h I H tu, 11.t'.~· ,,{ l.ji1;\ll t·f·h.,,1. IH;-l.Hfi!• . ·Nt(Jf'l'rnttrm·, ltK·~ I ft tft1ffhlo1;t1,n fi•lf•Pi ,,1 i,.n, .-,01.l l'tf•ll:'f \tftttf·ftll, I Hi', 1 t. )t,tnl•in11tou (,',atfn.Hf\l·l1•ht d11h~,, hu4tt!lfrij1, !ll1 1,J:1,·1011 Vitt.Aid 1°1frMt'{; 1k ·_ 4'tdnl. V11,H.tUol Ahil IIMUJtNO"fh!f Jllrt11hl, MWtWlt! UhfUt, t .. H11u1tu,~hu1,;lt-.t , ~"~···•·r (U~A~ll-, •~m,v.ov nt1tl w,11 ;·01H •. H N!nfi'! tLHH!fj) f'1tiu·,, I, l.ti,IH ,-,0•1•1,,,,v-1 1_1.lf11.tdilo~tu11·t;u1J,•1trit\l1ii.O (''UJt,nl,,Hti h1,~1ilo), fnt ~h,.• 1·•u,.,.r,, .. ~ l,H•.,iH Af-!#f -Jtftl-. f 1',i lh, fll ~~ 1~!,H·•~ J tU.UU~&IJ.;.1d LJ\h,_ 1 ,1:..,1 t1.:ll~ ;1wl U•i•h,, f ,~1, ~1.tll~•Wh1,, ~h~no,.tl,u•l"•onl p1,,p."'tt)· tlhi. .. i•1,•1•i;1l'i'" hH11ii1d, ,,, t.h,,, 1:000,y. Wt1t1h,OiJftU1i .· . J.· J.~,U,,;!f:l:t;q1 fltllfllltO ttfu•ll hrt'ltj 1.111 1 t l1Jhl tit fnOfftJhJ.f, t,j;r'liH••, .~1.ot"n~o 1-'jtJ,i11oh, H•\•tiW·~ ,ut1t_,1n~i0u" ,i,,,~ u1 t··ov u1,~,,t,_1, t1..i.11itl'l!ltt1ti1th IUUl/t):, d ., 1· hol-loO a1u1t,, IJ\ltfr ,u,1t/111 mith•t I lo·, tU•thi ,,, U"'i I n•,t\t ""'' \fl,.h._1111 t\tlUftltNil"')~ 01 t•on',iuute-,nt n11J1111i•1n,~1,,,4,1, lh1,1·hfll, ",Jhl,:h ,., .. ,., ,;p,111,}h 1,111. 11n1 n11t ll1<1lhd.1.u 1l111 f'llllr,11lm,, ,.., g11.v,u1dJ,;:~1.Ul.t h~'-· 110,on 1H11t/•n ,,,,w._ .... \f~~h .·(·•·~,ot,,1Hif~1 l.ttllUtUt~ UUYJfdlHf(lhith,tHll 11Jt•l•IIIH !1,1hti111IM,l,-;H rt4ht 1P+tt1lhulluit 11 ..... , tt~.Hlllltilll 1 UJtt· ., .. ~ 41tul fl l 1Jh~ I ) t fH~~, l • :Utltf IIU~J fl, • _lh . Jl~!(f.JtJ[tl1l1~(l.l-t,.9~Jl~~~tf)1 U11•lo11,1·h1m1I 1'(_,,1~io•1,;;, ;'itl1\111·1 1 v:,ult••, .-.11tltm.14Ht I ttw ru till #flnit 11 !ION tt,n~u I fl J Jlll~ .. , .•• , .. j o,I .~. IJ• nOflli tl4.<Uf!F1 lHf r .. otl11-ht.n auof, 1111 ,,,.,tn, t1,u1or111tti1)l,, •11Ht ""''"h,,n. lt°'t1.J0Wi1ttJ lhH lntl.l!ll ('OIUIIIOIJl.nh Hf IIH-f~r1tl1~,Ht 1 tJ111httt;1-tl\rl\1 (l'ON lftlft4I Iii l)•u tHIOffl-t'tlot MIWh ffthll!lt1flol Jllultt ,lf11I ,,tlj;,.1 ro+•~llllnh ~" n MftV tlHjliln,, ,~ ft}JJ:('Jt,lt, •h,u,tuo tthttll hov,, thii , j11ht .. , n.,,.,, .. 1+11 '" 1tu1 IH,,i,• Hf Wl\f OV,H· rit\f1 ·1!1(f)_o-.fli lhil l'J'llj•n•ty C!1 1,1111hlu ifl,u1IM.• Ii, M•OJl'&!tn lf'1 J lt,ht·i• htt10011daf, 11n,"Yld6d 11ml f•t1'0•••4• 1th,1ll ,,w•,1•Hlrttitl11 l"i1011l 1 ,• l1n 1Hi\' 11~,,..,itll< l,0 fhH l'lfH_IU~l·ty fliHtflrnl hy 1hn lt,i!nt·1~Jfl:u ,~, ~rt!il t !!fhl •.,t •.11·+·•~11n. :J, tvt.UJl.~. ~,.LJ\!~JtJ~· lhttti,iH• ,,h,d I h·••.•u th•, • ,,,tit ... t•ljf ,,t •• t•"t ft.tty lllldl all r,1u,1l1 in t,,.o, ff( 'hhtln1, ''1 •.jli•\i}lllj ,111 1 fl thll jll1Jl,1 ,.r u •• y. 4'11•1 lllllft• l.htt tl9hf t•, ~ut Ht· t-tlM ,_ft)' ~-''•-'f-'~ w~!1!i tltt. t•fup . ..,,t'( vhl,,h. lh ~,,1t1n1.1, l.k,ul•I, 1,1 u-nmlt10 1 1t lth.ffl01Hthlo _1i.1f)1ff1! .. hi J l,11 ii hllf'·H1\ Ip itt,•i111n•1 t: fri•·\li !:.!~Hh -J .~ \l,.ti_nt.1u,1 n. _!J..~'J. fJ,L .. ~JU!t1 .'1.tJtH:.r' -'H ,~l\i .. , t4rhtd v1_1~! It,~,. )t ,,M '" mnli ih.0: R1ijht' dflffiy_rr,f RJjy pUif~HJn ''"' lfplll!1tdldt>tii \:i~1h in!! f~tjtiil1 t.m1uJ1t 'ifl'l'li1t4ul 1 1•10Yhi11d Uud OtM1lu1 i.,h,lll 111,1 ,,1,1HH111,t •~t h,-tifi~,11,1 ""-V t1ul)tlft1t1 •.n olh•~~ _,l_fHutOfti f•h t!u1 lli1Jld. ltl u,,r rlfHt (U,t111;u IJh11,1 ., .. fm hh1JU.ihV ~triitn l@ij tottl ,,r oo,ntito 1J< fd;dllllHfl t,ill1,qtt OYll"''''''" IH' luf "~JI t.un t'UIHrnnt i ii, Jtl.l}~tt,tJ11'1 Uy 1'HPt•t•f1UU IH11l ~H,;•11•!11111 lhl1t n,~ff1111,M1t, Otnt,lt11~ A\fl"OUt, tu h),jhU.ul'fy f!!HI h•,l1t hfUf"th,1tii U11olu1 f1111r 1,uy llt•I ,-,ti ,,1;ti1"""-ti ,lit" 1litl1BUOff ftOftu1••j• hy tH,y ,10-HttUi Vhi.rh t'<ttY l,p l'l,\lf)1HI hy Ht.totuh'o 4))1:nh.il~H·or·t-hn flOMt1 to~rnH1 ~ft't1Hhlil; t•Jnl,/1,11·•1 lh,,• ll),ittl,li\ i.!uti~ finl hff.t'nPlt(•it1:1t~1~\I t.o o,.u1to• fnl· IHtY ,lrwiittJhll ton11lti1111 flint .. lt1lnf!Hh , .. tth;1 t••11·.1toh onUhY.,t liY n,11 u ol '".l!'t !''.th,ott 1.t t1r·11ot 1,,, fh t\lh.'.o.4'.~~J~fJJ\, 'fhtt _(ltft•I .. ht,1,flIII_-•/r1M1,,,) fihili •"thl ltuu• y11I :) Mt-Vh I,!~ ilu"6l·aH!~.!l ~~mUt.~tl to uuu !In.! h!1:I~! ,,f l!tl\ I••!" ti !•1"ll!J1i ,,i 1$•;, H,.J /1tnrtt, lh w~,Joft t1vot_1t ti.ii, t1111rn, .... 1,1 hh;\ll lt·tilk>h,1l,, 1111•1 ,1fl , i.o,;, .tv~, aun,t•••· IH1tt1 I , ,.wu ,. 11.J Or not ot, ji1 ,.v ti; .. ,, t 11 ,1 1,·, 01 .. 11 .. t, .. 1,,1,ht ,.,11,4,, , .•. dUt_tfhiHi ,,~ hfllYtJ hl.•iUtHf4 1J ..... fllijfl .. 11 pf J11W\td·1 i·) ,diljfl ,,, &itltih)(~ lofi:Htll ·li . .lt fllolttlittif .11,.·q,1~ t~l~,t.t nl lftl llHhiH iU1~ t~Hi•io\ ,~i 11t·•' t1,.,u l h•t tlflt tf hN• t'j41' t 'I , !.111\iUJ/ 'ff l!.l .~ ,/Oi•I .. /1 • • l \111,11 , &h .. 11 ..... ; .. lo 'l.Jii\ l,.,i;HfU ,,r M .. ) ltUl.ttfl:itlilit)tft A1t1J li"tiltJHB, "ttu; • t itli I 1, ,,..~ l.it.,1411,; r1Jul nlil llj1".l l.i,,;. ,~j ll,t>; t·,~11 !{•'· Ht~•III th~\t !~IHf"'~t l\-1.• • .f ~ :~,t•<Jl,·"•.l' ' J '1 • ) ') J ' (llrJll1l<11h ll'( ,. ---I / : . ) :. I I 1,11. on lh.ltt. ht t" ,111v ol ., A ti -~~41.; ,. _, l 1i I 1 / t .l,ol1,t1l tMJ, tin.I 11i11l1tt t.Jmuul, f'td itohftl ly np1u.1tt611\_'· · \j .. , . ,_f , J1 , _,_ •. l ~-J -·(. _,•n•-i ... ,._ _ .·, -,·,· _, th PO ,1,vum n, Un t,n t,1...t'.. ,1 1 " ·1 ,..... . . . • . t t'tiOIUHII l yn ., , 1·,, J Of lt~n Y.1'h1tJrn1·un.-, ltW ;··,· ')u~. 'i~•,.ln,,,-t' ill it·~" t 11,,t ,. !<,li•IH 1111 I hit f Ill ,1111, I Jlji 1 tHtt' \1t1"11.ut , nnd 1•1>kohwl·u41\Jhtl I ho nA 111· loal, w .... •nt + ,, l,i. 1 ht• f, ,,,, a,,,t "'"'"r,1 ,,~ )" ,u·t IH,,I d~P1t. 0 r b,_, fl l'hl 1•u1 ot It,,., ro1 -lu~ tW1t1~ ill Ht l•Ht ,,,otwn I ll(i I ti' 11 P>IJ·;t u,,,~,, I IHt•I nn onth ttl~lu,t I ittl,. fl.t _ ., J .. 1H1tlto1l~1!il 1~, 1,11101•·11\h ,h1.1 ,.,,1,1 lh'9tt",1 f'lronl tliHI ,hitl. tho ltil/tl otr,_lilfHl '"' 11111 1··11qu111_111, 111101 ;,r kltll•I 1•1u110111.-o,,. ui,-mttm MY tum•1 tto~J ~1CU11i,1I ijh1\I 1,1·,1,t .. ,1t1J~o1l 1$11• ti~~-1111,, _y,,,u· t.ltJII, i\!P)YO \tJltl.'UO, • ·'· I . _ ,l'J••j•Mfl V 1 't1111t ·1~•((-~tJI\ h.f tin, H•Hl_ht.11!Ut•· ou,\,lOf Pf.H»ii,1•11 11,, l••u'i\d1_,,, ll i,:,,,lh, ftAfJtjO ,; f_hHl~t -'""·• h1 KliUJ fUtml'/1 U,u•ht1111t,•Hr uoil 11,tn .1 ti,,.~ •• ,it, I, ot-1.ho ,.,,,c.-hf U,t)IUOt\ Ylow n,t,lttl_llH ,,o 1·1·1-IIJiJ,;,} Af, \lhl•m,t• i"), f<HJi.• ,·,. t"(HftH't.lf~ Of" t{lttif -~,unt·r, 11,H,hlflltloo 1,1111 li.1111·"!,;H H. tit 141 •U11l it,.,. e, U;:_ Ul.llta.111•1, tt,u.lituf1hH o,u·1h1ok /uM11 IH" l;J\'IJ,ll,,i ji11. I .~ .. J''"I •·• f!',t tn Yotu-... 1.-1; f•it\W ·14, 1oi!.tth!tJ itl tilo•t i~11,1111 ~·, !P,11,hl11,;1,;,,, 1f1i ... f ,i.,,11 llff IOI 11,,i~, IHrnlrmtutJ 11.\ ihtt thHl,t)4HHII l"Ultltr) Ill flu1 l,1,ull1\.if',d 0111Htt.1 uf lt11, thH(htl'tUlt Uitn.-1111 t•' t111t,1 f11•i•tluo l'Jj th,•n1:-o /H}•f!h Ol .. b4 1 uf_l' Hl•,,1 1drn1·t Um ... 1J1t1il 1.Jnn ot fut hi uuulhV'.,,HI. t_h.iitt l.fH ul itnl Hui qu,.;,u1-$; U"""'' !~·~ j It .. ,,.\nno11. (ti ;nt.i4 luut., iiu~m-11 ti.oullt f1 1lta(1l'IJ"' l'1t&I, ii ,,,ft,,t .. ,r,. H( A~••t · htlll·_ 1.o n 1mJ111 m1 lhu mmth tl\1HtJlh 11f lii•itl11t1 ~, 1 t,u1•' i~l,thtt t ,, :1 . (!lf,)'·f,t Hanlon flt-tttOUJ tlifllWO UnUlft ftU"-HtOJ" .'.rt11l itlHIHI u,d1I fi•~lltl\ .:-_{ t'~ hltl_•·glt\ ~ ·1llttt11nuu ttf 'J!j,f) l110t 111 lftf_i 1/Hlft 1•01,n o,· IU:lllHflilW1 IIHthHI :,~ ,-..; fflJulh •••:t1J 1 CJ .. • \t{1-itl\ 41 f11Jt.rHWt• uf ,40J,1"1 fMllt 1hM•IHi f!hOlh ttft11'~'t .. ··: OW..•t:l "t_U.i!ttt•nMtof_.:10.u.1,wt, tlorm•,1 Ur1J,h 1,l"'U,'1••t. .,o,if~ i' ,IJ,,1,tl)lit, ·& of .• ,u,.n·, (IHtl, lf1tttftln ltlltlh t,1•,1,•r,1~ \fl!ltl j H 1))11ti\l!l'.•t vt H~i.. ,o fo:id }: ., ~ H.1 .,, tti'tllU. 01, tho JfttHt tMtiJlh n, tho hn1t1 \lidioy u11,h\.t,1y tti-11111~ lt~Ti••I '• t·11 ;J~. ,,u,1u,,1Jt fUmfh Ol•Ut)t~ .lifl"I 'IIUOII f1"t1I J~-~nt Hr~fijlll f.B,fdf t,,t,1 lh 1t 1«•l1tl ·f-.. OH lhu Uot·th. ~-iU!JIU ot t 1fh"lrH_·v IU1•t•t l_th1,1w,,y 1111, l_ t1.!••I. fl,h,lt. 't,f-i tu Jut, .,.n.tL tin, :u, thutHltt Pouth ft0"')fi.1 H"' h,~t n1hOII ,.,.,,, Huljh 1>'1-Ulllh Afoo fa,,1 1.0 ff IMd1tl. of uu1·11i,11:to,c•1 thnntrt• oh,11·, 1,nld oo,th ..,., ·tlu oH n m1t\'ll to Utff lntt lho ••onun ul \lltlH, hf•,1111 ,,4;11111 nt1•:J1,•t1· ti,rn1 1,,1vl•,•J ff t'ild6\U• 11f lfBhlO ftml. lhHH1,,h n •·iuut 1111 ru111l" 111 Hi"' l·Pou-· oo 11~1, illlnl,rtt'IPu-ul ltJ'l,46 hrnt, lhonm• 1u•uth Uo"'CJ0 1 •1"' 111itrt '''"•Hf t,,11i, Hi._,,. ~At.Qlh ft dl,.fttnmt Of. IOn,OfJ luot j lhu11tt1• t_ilhOII 11 l•iH'r'l'.P tu tJ111 1 i1Jfd ,m ttft\tl Unt'lh flt.iUtJJO tuwJnu n .-.1dllu1 ur ;tUh,bU (ll-,il-Lht4u1t1h u ,.,.,111 .. & ~1.1i1&0 Of -Jfllt!iift 1 00k ftf1.ftt(I dlnt.o,Wtl'ol ;UJl,,.f} ~1udf lltttfi•)H /1-'1uth ~r,•tl)•{\'· I.M,< ·, nl_u1uJ tt~•d_thu·l.h f!IAt·t1in n tllu4,u1•10 \11 1 1,0,00 l1•n,1 ••1utH.•• 1,1,,ni., .-.i,I,~ m,rt.ft f,l\f'tJlll •m A. OlllVt~ tu Uuj J,,r, lmV1tirf I! !nil!,nt u( JIJ(t,f;(t , •••• j 1hi ,,,.,11 . -It (Wfltl;t,l' flllfll~• ol 41J 111 .tHt 1 00"' Ml MP tllUttt111•0 of J~0,0' l1•ot1 t)11111,i• lhi11lh oo•oo•,tt" llttRI. ,.ti,ntJ ll4'Jtl Um th hi\HJiti 1i 11'1!.Ahtl" ,,t •. } I h•t·I' tht1n4ltt 11ioou .tu,ld tforth f!'At1.,J11 u,, n ,11nY11 tu 11in 1i.r1 tl,o 1·,·1d,,1 i.1 Whl1th h~nrN Uo1·th (t!;•41,1 .10"·\~1rnl. h1tvt1111 n tml,1111 of ll 1 ti,n,ot, f1,id lh11_,,!,;h A t!Utlt.flt] "oyl11 fir tJl•00 1 ~}111 ith f1IP (l.1,\;11,r·H. ,r (,;f,,tH. 1111 1 ! t 11111111,, Houth '11"'''' 1• ltlltll nluh'I n,d11 tttnth f,i1u,1!11 ,, ,11-1li,tt1t·H ,,1 Jl_l,IHJ 1.,1.f, thnrm(J nh•ov HAifl tt, ... t-h fH<tnjin i111 "f'11iVP t~•iL" ihi\ ;;". ,,,.,,;,.i .. : nhH-t1 .Hlltlft. lhHth un•,•)1 1'1"' H111d Ji;1VltttJ i' l,Hlt11i• 111· It I 1110,Hil (f11~1 ,tiio1i.1t1 Jt (tOt_lftttl 1wqlo u( ()C)•l 11_1 40 .. (th itl!I tltf41111H•i• nf 'ii.II(, f"1t1•li lh~•11i.'11 ~Ju:lh p(t•4_u1oa· fHUH fl)~OfllJ at1Jil Hu.th V>OHHI! .. d~rdrt!H'" i.f ,,.Mi ,..,,,1, atw,11·11 UOit.h ot•io 1 .4;,tio ~ft~-~,uwt ~.;tltl Uotlh ~-:-nt,;lit ;; ,H;-;tiiiH'H 1,t )O,{W ~;,,,ii th!lhNt Jfu!"lh tu,•,tf)1 (jf1to ttllfi1 R)lfOi.f oal•I U,Hlh f"l,,•11l11 f~ ,llidnt11,1 of Ii l,IJ!I '4.1ul ,,., • ,~olnl ur lttU(lflllt"fY It! ,t ,~p,1-;,l f_qtf\ll• 1111 ft,l(tl U1•1th t""•iflj~r1, lhont.tn ;.i(,o4J fH1i1l f1Ut1h fJl,tU!JIH.ttn n uplrol !ill~Vn 1n lti1, ~••fl thu l•-1;,J utw,·,, of whit.th Jtt1iUH uo,th 11t•n1 1 110" U•M ,1 4111,1,111,-1, uJ ,,,,. rn 1,,,,1, i.tUJtt4'U Uonh (tt·iH~'O.t .. tl1Jttl n 4111tl.A!H'il "' JJ,'iil l1•1·lt th,_•u,·,. h11;lh lil••ft 1 -4,t• l,ltttlt ll 1lt1tl11IU'fl r1f :,f1,/fl fu1,t1 lhllltl·H 1,•,tlh OIi lt 1 1/~ U,•1,1 ft llU1t-urw11 uf )fl,00 (flHIJ thou1i11 rumlh t11•4•,1 it" u,,·11\ ,l 1H1d,111•·.1, ,,i :l!l,Oi>a flu.tt1 thulWf-1 UHllh 01•011 1 04'" 1:111d 11 1li1,t,o,,-" ,.,I )"1f,.'1'; t ... .t fct ,. fMt.lnt on lh•~ fJottl.h tn111ul11 of fto11t11n V&llii•111 1•1,,1,111 1httth1· U1.1,ti1 U!J",t\'ur· tfo1t 11tunv P!ti!! Jhtulh ,.,u.,,.ih h dlfit,1t1i'.11 111 ~1n,u1 r, ... 1 t •tu,11,._., t,111.1ih 01 .. 0h'r•••·uPht o 11&11,111111•• ul .Hl,10 ,,,u11 ih,1111,, ;.1 .. ,,1t 01·1\1 P1" \-t ... d ~ tll1ttn,1i.m of 40,,tlfJ fttUlf tho1,-1,r, Uof"llt J{ .. ll,'t1·· lf1•,i .o 1ll11tn11nt 11r lt,t;,·r.n (1u_11.; 11t,~1,H1 uonh 1j1•1P(Pt" t'i•ht ,, 111"1,,111•· ,., i,.1.11 fH•• ,,, , • . Jtt.lllJt 011 fh:t flt_mth ,..,.,fH"IJIH of IWIJl·lfl Vlll,,,,,. l 1 iu,-,,1 t'1t•W·n U,uth 11•,·,,1 11;•· Wuot fthmf} ,.,,111 thuflh ,.,u.,t,, ., ,l&o,,oi.,,, ul l-t I 11', 1,,,-t 1,, ti,,· 1li•Ut: 1;1}f1tl" Ill' lllrlll llN Iii/I , ttt11t,:11,1 ttt# ,,.,,y l11t .. thi~•\rl;.,-r,,.1 f,r1,h J,r,,·ti, '/,,, .• ,,,,•,, 1l•1ht11 ,_.lt,,ll I·• Olil'"•ti1Ptiil o,1t,11 ~h"i f"1,1J;u1 ,., lht· 1·1·f,-t1 1 11•,,-'11, .. 111 •, ''", 1,.,1,-,, 1 .,.., 11 m· t ,,... 1 mf r r, 1 ~ "\t r1 , ' .... _::.. ' _,,._,.·("~ ..... --,,~· _..,,.._ '" ·" lr,~-r~ ·.··.-:' • .,.. . -? '1 .. i .... ·.·~ '··.:. · '""'\e-• Btt· _\. · ... ,-~-'i.."·;"/' ... · ,oCI,;\· .· () ,;,.:.• .... ! .• ,.:.· ...... . .... ""s~~-~. ·::;:;., .::i'an · ; .·:=n;;~ ... ,_. JOX..1=. ~:t~r . (·: 1· .:!'" ••• __ .......l...,.__ .. .....::....1..: __ h'J~-' -l ,(' ~--1'Ll· _._· t_ - •. r;, .. • .. . .... ·;:, fil' C __ ._r0'·~- '/{11. '.31~ '>H 495 t., f11e 859 69 Gcco~er JO, 1969 ~entor, V11lage Co. ,Al~T ··' -~- EXHIBI~ "A" :~at ~crtfon of the Northeast quarter of Section }9, Townshfo 23 ·,·ir~'1, :.an'?e 5 E.~s~. W.'.~ .. and tn~ b1ocks 11, 12. 14, ~n.J 15 of ·:t:>-:-.i.n',; ~adin9ton Gindens /ldCit-fon to tJ\e Ci_ty of Sf'.itt'ie 'vh\.,··, ·:u. 1, .H .lCr ~lat recoroed in Vo1ur.1e 17 af Plats, rage: t·::::,r:s uf 1(1n9 ::aunt+>', '...Jash1ng~n. an1 of vaca..te<:I streets J.,.J fli>vs, a.,c of :nod 5 of Rentonl\'1;?,.,, !,dJitlon as t>er p!at ,·=-:..::,~.:i:-: i--: .'')]1..,ne 13 of :::ilats, page 2':> records of Kine County, ,1·. :i·.~:vn, ;.·in.; witr,in a. str~11 of .:an::!:; fett fn ..ti,Jtr, !1~Vin,:; '-~e;: u• ~nl~ ,n-H'i a:, 1?4C", sf<,e cf t;iC f"r.,ll)w\r.; destrine..:: iir.e • • 1.-~.r:.~~.,-,s: ,~..,,Jrt,~r o~ Sc-ct'lon i'l; ~1.(·r.c<: ,'1 ::;;":-'..:·;:,=:;" r : ~ ·,~-:.: :1,l' 0~ ,.;1~ ·1c,rt1,·,,~st ~'J>"'r~~r of t-•t' r-crtr,eait ,~~:~~ d ~iSC?n:P rf S9: .57 feet; ~·l~~,~ S z~·ss·~2·· E ii ,·.,t.a::i,:,_. c' :::.z...i.;;t '~et to t•,F.:' true '.'!o:r,t or ::.ei;in~inr-; ~i',:or.ce ;;;"::,•.;:·" :. ;., cist:.:'IC"!' of 13,J.-:n fPPt: ~:-'er.ce S ;::;•:;4•0,·r·· ~ a : ~--c~ _,. i~J.;7 fe~t; t~cnc~ S ~~0 ~3'J2'' ~ a ct1sta~ce of :..-'J{. "'·.'•·i.: c,.,~~:;-.> •, .. ,.~ .. ~:.·s~·· ,.' c ·:1~.-·r.ce c,.t' :vs.(.C fci:: '·~·r!:'aft,:,r ce~L:r,;i~,:,\.! Dr,ir.: "'· '!.rienc.? c:int1nuL:,-: J): ,\ i.::;.:a11.::~l ()f 3,-,t..•7 (~,~: tc a :,oint hereafter :.,-.··:na:-!':.· :·,·ir;t '.,', t-"lter.cr :; .:7•_51·2~. o c1Stor.ce uf 0:02,23 .,..-~:, ;",~~~~ 1 J·_"·J'.:')9'' h fa i:!istd'ncc of ·,ss • .::a fe!?t tu f ,:,,t .-.er,:.dc,:yr .::cs1,;:na::.c1 ?ohlt 'C'; t':c~ce ;\ 7';~53'23", .,i a ·•.:1 c,1 c-=' ::·;.ss feet: t"ler.ce S J2°19'i.O" I.' n d'istdnce· of .:., f.?.· :l">'!;ce S lS 0 :i.;'J.1";: a. dist,rnce of 33.10 fee't; ~J 0 2;' ;a· E a distance of 22:.~~ feet ta the ~ :-2"'ai.'lus of so1C 11.n&. -,1~ :silr:1~:i cf SJi,:; nir:.rii?ast QuHtcr· of said s~ct1on 1':I ·~,;: .. 1tni., a strio:> of 1and 10 feet Ir. ,,!~:.h ha•,irifj 5 feet .,;f B-1-J width on <.-ach side .of the fol"lowfnq -:escrbeG 1,1ne. ~~1ft~'.~c ~~ t•e ~~ove ~@ntfone~ Point ~ t~ence S 00•~9·24~ ~ ~ ~~s::.~~c~ of 371 .s, feet to tne ter~1nus of said 11ne (the s~~t~er:y boundary of sa1d easement be1nq o curve on the nortnerly ~ar9fn of PSH IJ.} • ' r' I .; ·4.-:. S59 6~. October.. JO, 1969 ' . Together 'tJ{th: r 1,it nort1on of sa1d northeast quarter of sa1d Sec:1on 11 'r1,• u1 tf'lir; a -.tr-1::i of l.and 10 .fe<!t 1n ·)'II 11th 1'1.av1ng 5 ·fept r,.-':.,1:d,i,.:dGtn Oil ei\ch.of the fo~lO'rlH"] Ces,crjbed 11ne . .'..:.11i11r:inr, at tne ~ .. ov d ?~lr.t 'C' tt\en.ce S 38.:?3'5.;" d oist~nce of 233.4 ence S G0°02' i6" Ea Gfs;tcnce ,q' 3U.OO feet to the t f sa1d line ,· . -:",;,Jiether ;;1 ~• • ,-~ • ••• f -~ 1: .-. ~ .. 1 : ~ : ,·. {. .· · r'.:·e~~t ~~~r:~~ ::r-: :: re~: 1 ,· r. : ; Gr.,:·.~ ;, :: · ,··.:-;.; :·?r.c~ 5 ,· .-:: : .. -,. ~ ..... ~ : • ; f!t• • ~. ·'.· (' '-(: <; -•• ' :i • Z a .:1s:ar.ce J# ' ••• ··i,•, ,JliS !notrument, dated as Of• .. O<;c~ber 30 .. , '., l98/!:}.a inii~{;:•;;.(' by .:,nd between .AqllHo .Properties, fno., • o was"fuiigton··corporiltion,· ·,· · iU'lci Puget Western,"··.I_ricr.·, _a· Wllshingtq~--co.rporatiorf) .. ·cluihi;,:.:bu~iite.si~. _ ,.:. -•.,>'··i.· as ll<mton· Villag.e Company, a jo.in~ .v~», \1re ( "Gran tor~ )·c'Al\il•,!<)'l• >,.;•·..'.>"·· City of Jie~ton; a Municipal Corpo~ation o.f !(ing. Coµnty ,: W;,'shJ.119:ton::," ( 11 Grantti!e 11 ). • · ' .. ·-·. Grantor bereby· 9rants1 · ·bar9ai_na t .:. sella __ and. c_c,l'l"_ei,S<tb·. (fr~rit_~-8) its successors· ~nd assigns, -.~tie:. _following 'iiiitsr sySfai~ Jth.(( System") and ea_se1aent (the_.·...,Eas·emerlt"): .-, ... ·· · · A, 'the Wnter Systern . The Wat,ir System .consists o! the followlng equipment Wllicli lib .. been installed in the Easement!· ·· 1. Fire Valve Assemblies 2. 12 inch water main 3. 8 inch water inain 4. 6 inch water main s. 3 inch meter 6. 4 inch meter 7. 6 inch meter S. J inch valves 9. 4 inch valves 10. 6 inch valves 11. 8 inch valves Ja. The-Easement ..: 3. each .. ., 885 lineal feet · 34 5 l'ineai · feet•· 110 lfoeal fee't · 1 each· , .. l each:.' . l ea.ch· 3. ·each-·-' · 4 each 9 each. 4 each" 'i'he .Easement consists of an eaae11K,H1 t for Public .utilit;ies linclutling water and sewer) with neceS!>ll!'.Y .ippln:t:.enances<·over ,: . . thr()\l~jh, aci;oss. and upon the following described ··prcipe.rty in ·K~1;'!9 .. · County, Waahlngton, mor.e particularly deuc:ci.becl as; fc.>llows: A !.~ tr Jp of L;md 20. 00 fact. in ,,idth having lQ. ~Q feet rtf ·=H~Gh width OJ: e-ao;;h .sJ.de of the following dencr·i.bed c:;-:nt0rl:int~: n,:1.nnrdnq at. th,i south•.NH.it. corner ('If the Northwest. 1:,,.,,i:\rtr::.r (,t tl,t'.1 H~n theast. Oll.:"IX'ter-()( Boct.ion fg, '1\?WJ)Bhip ;·i ~-l\-;-rt.h, fU.JHJt'~ 5 ta~t, W.M., in 10.ng CQm'lt.y, Washington·, tk.•t)(:~~ :;011tl'i ft.1 6 04 'OfJ" \rt~!St alOlHJ LIH:' W~i:it line of "the :.>~,1.1t/H~ .. 1st Q1.1.i.neJ:· t:,f tho Nortiw,~st: Qu,u:b.:n· of. said s·oc- t :·~;;i .\'}, a d.i~U:11~ce of ~24,1~ fee.+.::; thenc~::; south 55•03•12 11 i<ii,1.t ;j ,J.i.~;t;~nct~ ,..,f 45.4,J feet.. to the Scuth rna,;gin .of ;:n~:f.<,il ViU~1~1E;: r·1.·v•,;i; t.he.nct:? South 89.:.44 1 01 11 tnst along :,.11<; :<;~·U., m.:1.1·,Jln ,1 dii,tance of 12t,. 06 feet to the 'i'HUE _,i,;·j· th fJ!:G-rw-~1.:u; of. t.he ccnti0t"l..i1H~ dr.-.r:cribcd he:rein, ,.1·1 i.;H twr(iinafu.·l· rha·r-1i.,1nt.tt.!;"l<l ?cdnt •A 1 r thcnc.e South ·,?" ;,,,,-~t., ;.-ll.ii:1.1ir,r.:~.l 1:,£ 4U.::!.':i f.f:1:~L to t.l1e terminus , ·r,, ;, \.la.1' J .l _:,::,, · (:~ · f /'.), ; .JI I, . ' i, !J, (\ f, •,.fa .. ··-· . ·• .. , -~. · Beginning at Point .... •l'thei1ce South 89•ttiG:Z•:, !!!iio(a':. dist.once ·of·. 10. 00. teet .to· the TRUE POINT, OF·:· Bl«llNNXNG i),•' · 'the'liae. aonUnuing 'Southi89°44 '02" East,,. a '•dJatilriceO:ot· ·, ·' 102,.50• feat1 °tliem:e South 00°15'58" Wea:t·.a,\'listana.!1· Of·· 38. 00 feet1 thence i:iorth ·89~A4 'O," West ;.,a' .d.l.stRriCQ' .o·f,, 28.00 feetJ. thence Notth·.Q0°15 1 58'_'.-.-Eas'(._a: '.diat·,n_c_8:"\,,f.: · 2s.oo _!geti :th~ne~ No?"th 8'.90-41 1 02•1 w.i~t-a_~di'.6't:•1'otl--9t::·· 14. 50 feet I. thence North 00°15 1 58". East' a:·dht,ii\c';;i:·o1 • 13.00 feet to. thE! TRUE P,OJ11'!' .OF BEGINNING,,: ... Water Line No·. 2 A Strip of.land.·15 feet· in Width having 7,5 feet/~f'.itc1:>i· width Otl ·en_Ch s_ide Of the follow~ng described cEfritei~Jry·ef' .. -,.\ ·- &<>ginning at the southaast corner. of. the. Nortli.we~'t OUilr~: t<>r of the North.ea$t Quarter of Section ·19, Township ·23· .. North. Range 5 __ En.st, W.M_~',. -_in King· Courity_;,_: w&.Shifl.g.to_rl_i.:\ · thence South 01°04'08" west· along the West·line ·of.the:• southeast Quarter· of the -'Nor~heast Quart_ei:"_ (?f.-:s·ilid ·-S~c~ .. tion 19 a distance <>f 224.15 faet, thence·South· ssi03'12". East,· a distanc·e. of 45; 44 fe.et · t.o ·th.e. south ll\Llrgfo of .... Renton Village Place; th.eilce South.89°ol4!02-"· East'...along--.· sa.id South tAargin a .distance of 412.80 feet·to· tlie TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of _the __ cen.terlinP. de_sctib8d-ll6re·1·n 1 ·:· -. th,inc:e SQuth 00°15'58'' West, a distan,;:e :of ill;so 'feet . : to the terminus of the centerline~ · · · . . Tl!E liATER SYSTEM IS HEREBY GRAN'rED, DMGJ;INED, SOLD ANO C:ClN-. • · ·• \'EYED TO GRANTEE, ITS SUCCESSORS AND. ASSIGNS, "JiS IS", ".WHERE·'1i;•;. /?~·-, JUW,Xl'.l\".!JIJl1(1\XWJ11~JIX GAANTOR MAKES NO WARR.ANTIES OR· REPRES)i:N~i . : ''..,V TAT!O!lS 01' ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO 1'llE W.1'.1'£1\ S'.l'STEM. ANb' EXPRESSLY . ·,t,/; ,; DISCLAIMS (AND GRAN1'.EE, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS; EXPI\ESSLY: .. ;·· .. ?t.1 WAIVE) ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY (E.G., OF MERCAANTI\BILl'tY OR· FITNESS · .. J !'OR I, PARTICULAR PURPOSCJ /IND l\NY CLl\IM IN TORT. . . ·. '>(~ Grantee, its successors nnd assJanJ~t sh_all. 11Ud.ntain ~-ri.d -~-~Pair_'.:_:_·._ ., ''.{. the Water System in ~'4'm00<7&'.ij gc..od i'l>M'l'hon and··state. of' ~epair • · ~l· !ll!Y!:l'O;(l;~l~X<o'icllillll»'im!ma~Cl:@-YA'.RI'C. · · . · ~/·1; ,. . ~ . . . 1y; . j' , Grantee, its succossore and ass-igns:, shall have · th8 .,i'ight·,. ~:£r.:rc1~.c1bln at such t.irues as may be nccos.sary, _t.a enter_ ·.upon :t_he. _ ~i..:ovt:-uesc:o.oea pror,erty for the purposo iJi 11.tal11L,hinih<1,. r-e()A"iring, 01 r ecm1~t:.1·uctin9 thfl Wt,tt~l'. Sygtt)mt pri;;,v-id~d, . that such ·_R\l\il).tainin_g·,:- rcT·-l.iY ing, or .r,~consLruct-ion 11hal 1 b(J accompli'shed iii_ EI\Kh ~ )1ia11n·er.· tth1.t th<;" itr,pr01rPment6" ex is.ting on oi:: adjacent to the abt.. .,_,m~d~so:r;iba'd· pror-<,11·tv :'•ha1 l riot be dam..1.ged ox I in the c·:vcnt they are distu~bo4 c,r d.:ur..;,(J.!d, G:.:-ai1t1:.ic will r(lpa.ir, r'8-f:ltore or :replace thCW:-.to.as . ,··1.nd .1 <:oJJd.-it.iou an they wei:e. 1,n.111e1:H,:1te.ly bofore tho property wns ,:, 1\ • ,.:··i ·: .. ~·.1 \::1:..,1!1 hy (.;Y-i'lfl t:Ho, a.nit pnw.i dc.O t urther that.,' :e)(c~pt . iri. tlio :·i,1:;,:· '.lt r·m1:.•rqcrn~.it.rnj Grantee will yive Gri;1nt.or reasonable :adv~noe ,,1r ii. t...•,1 n~·t it:e of a.ny ;;uch c1"'.:t:,~rin9·, m.:-11 n ta lning, repairing oi:" c-:,·,:1;;·or rl'.::',r·.rv>'.':!> th1J r.l9ht to ful.ly use and enjr.>y the ~bov¢ .... th·,.'. . ..-:-r~.i:<:d :,,.,opu.i.t::1, :in<:ludi~\q t.he riql·1t; t(.I u:.e the surface of the ,,._;·.ry;-,·:· ···~h~,;c ,· .! \:..-.d 1.,:::-op{!l."t y to t.hf.:: .;;~xt-:!nt sc,1ch use does not prohibit ,,;·.<.:·,i,."i1;'i; ,,~p.zi.~if1<i o!' rcc::onat.rtictiori of the Water System. -·" .. ·.,·. ,:~( .-,n(.,.r· ~·.i.,tt.l i H( .. d: rir. .... 1 et. dur iitq the uaefu.l. life of the -) ~,., •ii"••· .•• ,~:,· ~''°'M• ?<· ;,,oo<Oi;tl!f ii\ li1t~ a.cross suc,h water. S)'$te111, if such,:erection prohibitu· 111aintainfog,•c:':J.:·,;.::••': ·,. repd~ iny ,or. re,:;,;,nst~uet.ion· of t.he · ·water Sys.tern/ ... /:' .. CC.<'' >,:·:<.\i ·::'-'.> '. i-. \: '.":./••.: The f)asement sh..:U ~": ,i c6y11i,aJ'!t running <Ji~h t)l{ iiiii~·~hcf:',-,;:,,:C· shall· ba bind.i.ng on ,the Gr11n.t::>r, 'itil. aucce'siior.s·,i\nd·. ass~:gna,:: prQ'";,_. ,. v ided, however, th11 t .· the &a semen t s.hll n au tomadc;a:gy. ~srmi n~ t:e: ','-"{ ';'/ upon the· ¢xpirntiol) · of .. tho useful ·,lif~: of the.: \\'at,er,.Sy$tell\;_ /-'::-:.·:::'> · ··· Gr~ntor& · covenant . that•· thoy -are ·tht! ,lawful owner a ·of:·th,f:,abqv<>+·.''··· des<:-, ·:heel property. and th ... t. 'they· have a good· and._··h\<ful ;-i{Jhti t~. &:K~Ol!ti! this iu~t;l."u...~e~".t;.. · "-·. , · ·.' G!ranto;i,·-: · Renton Villag,;, t;om~o~y\) By: . . Aciu~;o P~ope~ii~~-,:-' ln~,~'. -.~i~, P~e~id~nt·. By . 4. .... •rw;~lif.'::f:t'4·--< < J~. ·a n,sBi:Jtaot Secretary: .. By; . . ·. . Puget Westorn<:x~·':l··.': ~ . 0-···...... . ,f .· . -/~ ~Hall,ft"ent. BY, __ .,::·_. ·. ~ S$. C:t;HiNT't 0}' C'.1NG c·r, u,i,, ;J.P._ day of {).rft'J:Ji.1_.,_'_ ______ , HOO, before m,;, thi,· L1',,.·'.i":i" :d 'J111L"d; tt Nc.it.ary Puh!1c ii~f-fur: the Sta.ta or. Washington, ,·:4·1 :: \·:,:·.r.,i~\.'.,:.s h~n~rj tind m,,vt'h, p,:rsona,1 ly ttppc~rcd Jameg td.dY ·Wrt;jonc · :11;.ci ,;r,1q;.,:, ... ; • O(n,;t,-,,:u!, t<) flif! known t('t the P:rf:sldf:'nt and A.snhttant , ·:,:_·':;;-q-, r(-}':>p-~oti.Vo:. ... 1.Yr (,f Aquila I'r.opertiei.s, 11\c., the ·coi:po;:.i;- ' '.·1;1.t ~:-,:'.·,c1H:f·.-J the f\;.:re,1oi11~1 ii:lstx-u:r;fmt on behalf of Renton · "l" , .• H.,•.' :_·•,:.,1:~·:ir;y, .~ N,tt;hfr,qt.vn jolnt vc11t,1te, r:nd ackno-wledged -the i1·,:,1.r·,!r,:<::,1 ti.,~:,-; t!"iG fl"f'H~· und volunt:ary fl:CL a:n<l cteed of said .. . ·'-X.•·.·· .. •••••••• . . ~,1If ~;:jf j);ii1 . . . -:>-.:i ...... '·.·:.·-..... · ._· ... _·: . :-.~-'· '-"-.-:~>..:>/{.f!.:/,'.:::.\'..".':_);{\~)/;+.://1}?;::_7;~~1:- '?0rporotion and Sal<l Io.iri~. ventur~,.for t\10.,uu11,~~t1,:purpo.~·•.~·;eh·,r9.~:,{\'":,.',:" rn "'"ntioncd, · nnd on. oo.th .slated...'thlit they wore· ·a11th0Hz·et1/to,. iiliil·D'• '· '.: ,· ·,.;.:c> cut.e the said-ins\..i·ume11t · on-;l;utlhil.l f: Of: .said Car:~ri~lo'n·,.·· '\. --~·.:::.·:,~-,?\ '.~.:,.(_''/!-'-;?-?:·:· -.: yea,· ~f;~~~!b~~eli!~ft:~tot(idal .. saal heroto ~ff~~;~·_th~'·ii~~.~io}lt{J{j)'.;t<} S'r!i.TE OP WASIIINGTON COUNTY OF KING . ) i es. ) .. ··'-~. -,t.;·:·.:·•,':,:~,- ·~Wft1c ~~' ~'.su~l ·:··er:;tt:t1Jt#~£:•,,;::,,::.:.··· .on this .;S"day of "2/,.;..;..~.~ .. 1980, befor~ ~ •. tlie'-·-, undersigned, a Not.ary Pubf~ t;ha State·of Washington, duly con,missioned and. s1<orn·,· .personally appeared f,. E. Hall and ·. W~ 1::.~ Watson, to·· me known to b~ -,the P_resident and· seci•eta_ry·, l:C!ipectivcly, ·of Puget Western,· -,_IrtC."·; the._coi.·p0:i;ati·()n·:that-,e·xi~--,. . «ut~d the foregoing instrument·: ort behalf of Renton Village Comp~iiyl a Washington joint venture, and ·aCkripwledged _the·_·said: ir,s~:rume.ht'.· to be the free and vol.untai'y ac·t and deed of said .c.orl)ota:tio~·'.'and- 9aid joint venture, for the ua·es and_.-purposes therein_. nientt:orie(f,: ltnd on oath stated that they were .a·u,thorized to :eXecUte· th·e: Sa(j.d. instrument on behalf of Said _cOrpo·ra.tion. _ · WI'l'NESS. my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and first above written. ·. -<· :· · ,. ::-~~,;,;~ ( '' . . year S'l'A'l'E OF WAS1UU(~'i'Ot~ ss. COUNTY 0:f KlNG Vu t.hir, l._dr.(L eay ::~f .. --~~ ; 1911:L ba~o_r~· ms, .~h~·-· u~:d~t·~,i~p1ed, a Uot.ary PubfJ.c i.n and tort.he State of. ·W4nhi~gtOn, Ou.ty co1111,,Los.i.cmeU: o.nd t-~wortk, personally apr,enred Jilllrl· C\Y,p~t ..... -· 0'11H) }:f.P~{m~ .. X:..·~ .. ~'ll..~ .. .L._ ..... .' to me known to ho. the Mnyo-r ·Pro· l:f,tr._, __ ..;~ ;:,orJ .. ~_£1,Jni:,_i;;_~~_L.;lf',.t.k__. reape~tively, of ci.ty of Renton,_· 1,:.11f.i. mi.micip~tI corpo.L',1tu.m that ~xeeutOd the for.ogoing ins1:rt.tmcnt:.and ;1ct.;~0YdfH.'ly-f~d the said ir:stX't1Jt14"1'nt to bf~ the f-rec an.d vol.u)'.lta;-y ·_a.Ct [Hh~1 d•:i·"d c,f" sa1d ,,oq_)Orutiou for the u5Cs ar1d ·pu.rl)OiU:)~ therein 1r,-..mt:.,.t,r,,:'d, ,:,iml on oc:>.th r:.t<1tc,:.t that they l"fB:r.'C-1rnthorJ.ir.:d to a.xe'Cu.t.a {;1;:-!t.-:.~,:t 1,,12tt.·u.tnr.mt l)IJ b'!.ihalf ox s4'litl <;otpo:tation. \-J!'1'Nl~t;!> M·r h .. rn~J ,1ntl off.\cl,'ll &_;ea1 :\~~ret(~ .3f_f.i:xr.1,f t~~. day ·-~~-d ·:- :/·.'.·,'-• '.. l ;·;,!l ,ilil'JVV wr·.i t.U11i,. ' ", •'' ·. -~·· ,·. ','-_·',,\~:r1 ~-~~,-;;:_.~:~:<x:~f:tf:;~~£:~\;:.·;-f: . . •.. , .. -,.,., .. ' ,' . ·",)~--,,.,.-,. :". ·. . ···.'.:,-': \_ . /--'·\~:--::}i:.kt~1/{/\tf\~} ~.,, ,, • ' ·:·.·.·.~~ .. _,·~.-~~'. ~:· .. ~··-',·\·! ·-·~AL_-:s·· 0~ ·r····.-R' ·o-r____:..7".u· . · :-_.\·:;!'.\~\,:~t/:~,¥~;::{\.\:{i __ ;._..., ___ -----·-',..-_,-,;c-'--',, ...... .; . . . ' . i'' ...... " :If~' •: : .. ,: •, .. 1_17 "' n: re '<:'. ~! '!, ~'~ ti?~; .... -.. i!l!J. 50' $. 0 .. 115 ·,58 "tv. :. /·::<,:::.~.;?:-C:,; _ .. :i~i··· :._ ;\· .. ·•.· .. -:·.; .'· .·-·· . . ,,_-. . . ·:, l 1 ····1·•···-··-\-•-.:••.··-.·.····· .:. \ \ ' . ntrn ma ~mono AT . REQ~EST 0,f t•/fJC! fyf m cm tUH i-'irnH1I~ t~U!:ilCIF.U ;\DS; 1Z~ f-'.IU ~H ~t 1! 11rn~ t,-t ~WH ., '~· i} · :>.::}:~-fr·,~?~;~:(?;·~~~'rJ\/t=?t~?trt~~:t:i~-) . ; .-. . ·--.·:- l ss. I :·; .... - J~UL:V. ·. • · ... ·· · .· , l9. 84, bafoie 111~·, a Neita,;; ,'.-~-:_,_· __ ;_P_~,~~-c ,:_i.l\:. U:~d: .for_ <t;he. _s.~_~t;• -of_ ~ai'Kingt·on, .. du_ly. t:onirn'iss'i0n8d:·.arid-._sworn, ... :. ·. p_et,onlllly.,:appeared . · J,. E, Wadone, president of l\quilo.,P.rop'erties,; Inc;:'. . . . . . . ~ . . ·:. • \t•!I'l':l.-1SD illy hain~ •21d.'official seal .the day and. y .. i: ~;certif.t~e '. ~.-...,~«uo. ~ ~ '" ,, ... . . .. ,i~,~~: :, ' ·,.Wash1n9t1:,n' red4ing: ,,. '. K.sacNQO ' ' . •·.·,:1:jT_nr1~J~,;}:,j'.. ·•.· >i.//~· .',:-·:'sw,'i/1 •or lf1'SHXNG'l'QN 1,. ; .. · ~;~-i~~~;,,i;.-r •. ~,·~~t!:·· E1~~,;~~;.~::·r~~~~·~;:2,, ');-,:.tJ·~:;~~-~1:l~11,~~r~:in,~ ,' 11r.tn1ra' p '•II o:,x~~~~. '-.'~ ' '-'",>tlie,,111,:hln: 111d;.¥6r111oln9·:i:·n11J,'ll(iient,·~ ailcl,• .. ack~owlad911d:i'.ihJ iai't' 1ii~li¥ili!iilllli•}:'. . l!ltlll'.BIT. "A'' '.,, . -... ~ :.-"/. end -------- ----'-------··'·--------,-.-··----------•i .. · . '• ·, '.. . ,Ni,r&·l~ft•r callf/1.,; 11Cnntorh)", illnd the tl~Y or ltEN':OH, ,. Munldp11I t-:irpo:,11tlon cf t.lnp -~iiilty! Wuh_lovton_~ huc'ln,1ftn-t.1lied "GuntG~". YH-NESSET-H: ·wa~ .uld Gr .... 1or(.,'). For a.nd In c.on1ld~r•tlon of thl!I !iurr; of$ pJ1e q_~_,j!/;;;;, · .::=::=::::::::::::::::::cr~c:::""'c,'-Jp•ld ,by Cun1~e. tnd oUier v.,lL1ablc consldu:.11tlon, do by the.sot ·pr~\ent_s. .. -·9r.anl, ,bJ1rg•,ln 0 1,ell,. eonve-y, oJnd w.t.rr.:,nt unlo the sal.d C.rulfoe. I h -~.uc:c~uors. and a.sSiJru-. ,1n euernent for pub I le ut,111 t l~!. (I ncivdl 09 w11u:r and i-arl wl th ·!J'l-ece,ulry appuf"le.nancu over, through, ,u.rou and upor. the follcw!ng tlcicrll1,od pre-party jln p;.'J,ng -County, \inh.fngton, .l!Dn parllc:11\nly ducrlbrd u ioi1('0,<\! ~ north five feet of Lots 5 Un:ough 12, :eloc:k S, F~ntor:: Vie", accordir-.g to ~ plat t:neroOf .recorcled in VolU!IE ·33 of plats, page 2~, m Kinry Coimtv, '. washi.ngton, said easrnent ad~oins the 50'.itherly .rrar,1in of So;.1th P.ent--on \'i.!lag; Place as· ~:::..tl.cated t-:i the Ci~ of !e"?ton by Auditor' .s Fil~ N'-I"'"cr 5475310. ·-~t:ai.ru.ng 3,.7QO square f;eet m::ire or less. UEIH BE,/10/03 RECD F CASHSL. , . .. #07:!7 c, 7.00 ll Ii If t, 1, ;:'.:i:--.:-\~.--i: .· ·.} •. ·:· ... f.·i., .... ·:.:,.:::,.·,:.:7.i~-: '.' .. \··.>.·.:,'.·· ... Ii:.:;_.}.:!~ .. ,~_-)Jereto .. _~ore. ·.·;llll!ntlO_Pe_ .. d -g'.a. •t•.·.t· · 1·u· .. succ~sSors or ·.il.S.Si g~s, s·hin have ?~:~~;..:-:: =:-:;i ;\;._:1~¥.,•rt9'1~-'"'lil.t.-t:b~t .prior ~ot1c,~ or .pr.oceedfog ~t low, ·at such 1.1ne$ .u.1 1111.1.·be- ?::t:,\~:"::i<-:· :~:'-;!ri,et~~"'Jlr)' ,t«J.eqt~.f-·utiOn :Said above detcrl~ property .fC<' the -pur:poui 0-f c:ons·!n,ct- ,;:;f)>> ·>:Ci,.' .. ,tflf_,,' -~_1J_\~l'1,l~g. tf!Pl!!_ir1ng~ :•·l_t-e-r1n~ or !·c~r ~structfog Sil id utn 1ttes_1 or-m1k111y \1:~·-•,, ._-·A._(-\1.JJ! ~l(:·H.Dnl.,-:the~-1_.t.~,. wfthout-1ncur-r:f,ng an, lega_l obliga.tions ·-or Hilltilit.y . ;;:.;,:;.:-;;_, ·.:~·--1· ·. t~ref,;ire,.;. :prcn1-.t.tled, tha.t; .such ccnstruct1on., -maintaining, repairing, alte.ring or ):-'. :-··:::r~~~~.~tiiuc;tl.cm ·,ol,-SliUI .'11tll1-t-ies sh11;l-l :.be i1ccomp1 \shed i11 such 11. ma1iner that U1f · · l ·.·pnv•~ ,1q,,..,m,entn1!,~!ng in the Tlght(1,)•of-way sh,11 not be disturbed or .:.:.,'.\~.~i!i)il'd,. :~ ·\ilfll ·be _rephce-d fn as -gODd a 1:ondHfon as they were imed.htely -~.):-".~:<-:· j ·: ·: ·tief~Te~'..-Uie ... P~.i_,ett~ ~15 ·entei:-ed 11i,on by -the Cn,ntec. " '·· ·_:tije.·:&~o.-rit'Or·.$h11il _l.uUy _uiif!._.and.-en_joy th?!. afareciescribcd prem-is-e:s, inc1ud1ri9 •._; .. ·• . . -~-~ •. ,_.!_. . f:,, ,the-:rH1ht ,t,o·,re.ta1n the ·r:ig1tt·to_ ,use the -surf.ace of s:.aid right-o.f--way H suc-h use ]. ·.,4oes·_not 11)1:·~r--.fere ·wttb.in.stallatlon _and 1101nt-enance of !.he utiHties. l!cwever, :t:t!e :gr:.intor -shan not .er_e<;·t buildir.gs or ·structures. over, ur.der or acroH the ··r1flh_t.;.o~';..Wlf ~~119_ tht txfstflnce 1,f such .util1t-1P..s. ' ' ·1 ·.... Jhi~· ea.semtnl~ .shill ·be I c:.,v~nt· running ~H.h the land arid sllall be binding · _on the 'Gr-antor.,· bis -s,uccessl)rs, ·heirs and .assigns. Gr:rntors covenant t-hat the-y , . ..are thllt lawfu 1. -owne:.rs · of 'the above properties and tho t they have .a good -and lawful 1. ~lr;_:~~:.to: exec.~te-~l.t ft:eement. and--------·· .~:@ ......... -"""" ••d -------- } . . ----------- ,nd tORPOAAT£ FORM, STATE .Of r,)A~ty,-J6,>,-J -comm DF t(,NG- ss _ On this :,Yj~i+ day of 5EPrEnt(Jf;_«:. , 19 ti, before me, the tmdersigne:f, a H9ta"r.v Pu_t,hc 1n .;md for -the ·~tate.-of ~>i,#G,i>.1---1. duly .-:.o~rnis·shmed i1nd 5"\o,-Crrt per'sona,!'.ly .. appe.ar-ed_:::lA·..no E..DtJy WA.(3..J.ic. ~fld to.:~:kn~· lo t.e· -ttie ~,~':'" VEJ.n14.-tt.f{fl'5,I,. ;md , rcspe.i::U\i'P.lJ', ·o.f-UWTtJ11/' -1/,JU.A:( ~r'A,JY the corporation Urnt er.eouted the fol'{'- 9'oill9i11\tru.ent, afl~acnowtedgfd the ~lid iAStn:met'li to be tJiC free D:Rd ·~OlUlltOl"j net and iieed (IJ nJ·d corp.orati-on. for ti1t' uses aod rurpcs.e5 therein .:Jentione:d. aP.d o~ a,;i·tt1 ~tited t:ha:_[ipw45 authorized to e:i:ecl1te the s<nd fw:tr1JRent ilfld thJt ·th,·sear .of.rhea-ls the corporo-te s-ea.·1 of -said ccrµo-rotion. . WITNE-SS my hind -and of-ficfal seal heTYto .)ffixe..: the day r100 y.ear fr, tMs t:e:J"t.iffcate ibov.1 wr'itten. ) 1: I I I I I I i i I ,I I ! ' ,, ----',' ~\ r. ·_-l . \ ! -\ . --.--\ I. ----____ _j\ I 1· • I J 1·---=~---___ \ i I!,--~--i~_\ ~ 'SJ . \ i ~-~11, l \ ·. 1!~!1---·-----_} li"'ll "' '~ f!r-·-----------1 -_---'' 1~1-:---. -. ·--{ ~ ·-~---______J -------- ----1 l l I • ._:I __ ~fi:,;_·:·;t_-_· ~:-·,_ •. _:;.~~_-_:ail'··-:·_ '----,_,-_--~-"--·:--~ ---'----,-----..J ... · .. ~ 1 ~ J,1'.~:l\•,,is,,.,e,.,, ,_ ~·-~-,.,-~.~~~--- , -==,a:,-,.~~·-· . ·*'"l'n'' r- ;,t .. ji:' i'(1.·_'./S:t'¥,~~tf ,i!t& ~!'lroii:_.v;)iage Place (~·-dedicaj;lld'. pup_\ic:·. '·\ '.:' ._.'<} ~J:i,~(;;,;. i::·!f, -:•,, ,ilfJ:re_e~) ,ian~::.f_o_r .<."fair :and_ maintenance ·Pf: t~e·.~oa,~l:'i\Y[ .:>;, :, .... , ..:,~--,:·a,1,:1li-1·'•r:1~-.. , -,.puJsuant,·"to p~:tagraph 3 1 " · : -·~ --··-·-.-,,, :· r'· >.· {\~·:,. {,l ,· .. ·-··-' · .. ·:-:-:, .:,•. . : ·"'· ':;: erlarii:s ,.:"'·(.,,_,·-.- · .... ,.>:i,.:_:;?r,¥tt11ct\:~i(6£ ~oadway. i4ofe,!ce,, _ ·.····.-or.·other ·•s1m1lar •obstrucbon shall,· be· placed on·:the, i:Y~o~{I~a'y'tq ·o~tt\ic't the £re .. · How c,ift:r~ffic ,theirepn;'. ·: 'ti:r.:ovidscl;,·lioweve,;',; t'hat, Granter. rnserves .. th_e .right··.to· 'er .. c,:t; at:li;aiit,9nce in.each calendar year ~a!lq'ritqr.e\ ···.·· 'i'!~f.ten,;.H .legally desi,rable) barriets,or cha~ns .across .,tllE! · Clloa,dway for J.he .purpose. of prohibiting access.,' ingress., · ar1d·,!"ijress•J:!j ~he public.in· order to-.avoid,t;h_e' ·_pcissibility pf ·dedicating the Roadway··for ,public µ~e.· ' . __ . ·' • . • ' . -· . _, -. ·-, . • . .>-' . -•. -• •. . . _2, ·:. ~e~o~atiorii Graritor res<irves ·the ~i,;iht to . reToc~te at arly .time ai)d from time to .time .either, the . .. · Roadway o·r the Parkil).g Area (or both) ;,·provi'de.d, -11.owever; that'Grantor shall 'not ,r<c>locate .the Roadway'or' the ... :Parking· Easement without the prior. written. consent of H1Ei •.···· ·--..t~~n, .. ·.owner Ot the· Dominant. Estate. .,-· 3·, R~~ai:r_ · a~d --~~i~tenan~e. . 3 .1 Thi'! O>mer of the Dominant Estate :{•owne/ . A"J s.hai.l from, ti.me to time ceasonably 'repair·, ma;i.iltairi and ,care_ ·.for· tli..e Roadway and· the. Parking· Are&·; prov.ided; · however' that 'the owner of Parcel B ( "Owner .B"). sliaU . ;reimburse .owner· A .for ·a fraction of. owne·r A's· ·reasonable·· . out~of;.'poi:ket costs :thereof; the numerator'.of. said . " .• -:: f ra_c~ion . .ihall,be equ,h .to the squa~e fo_oi:age · ot •the, ,net .. ~e~t·at.,le:-,.spiice,· w.i_thin .;bu_i ldfngs _now·-or· herea·rt_e·r>1c;_ca·tecr· An· Parcel'.B and ·tli.e de11o;ninator of said fiaction's!:!all •. be' .. ecjif~L t9 the suµi of the square footages of: . .. . ,(a}·.· ti,e net reritable space witll}n , . bµ~JJ[ng~ ~.,,..·or· li.ereiafter located <:in. tp.e Oomin'arit ' .. Est'ate; · plus· . -· .. ·.·.·. (bi :the ~et rentati1 e Sl'iiCe witl;iin '.·· ,b~;;WJh9's riow,o_rher .. eilHer located on:P!1Jc~1-;11,;:..,}, is: '9(tiie'.date r,f f:ii{s; grant, the·niat lce~ta~l;;, :.,.pac~ .. w.i):hiri,,·btiild(ngs ' . .loca1;:ed. on. the D0m1n~rit:Est'ate··1·;,",·:· .. < ?.P#§#il'liat!!JY· pi, 9F··• sqtiate feet. arid Jh!'rietf~l\("ti~~' .:·._./ .. :_:( O ' --~~}~)~~t;~~:·:~~~/\T~&'°~ ~ __ :-~·· < :.-.~~.~ ~:/ 'A*{\::::-> i:i;{~,~~~J;::~~i~·~~ J:J-:~~~~~t-~1 ,:l,.~(..,i~f 1k'£'i:ll!'t..;;,,"';~';:,' ,. 1 'L' '"'':"1 .•,:~t 't'·>'4_.:~•;,_jfµ·~"'~-,:/-,t~p'f-:,{ .. "t,tff\\; :-·-.":_,,' . -~-•:.".'i. -,,) ·.:·-.:f(:\' . . -.-.;·, ,, ... , . . ~·-~-'. .,,.,,/,.:}: ~: '-· . .:.·; ... -. h.C'C?{c':;:;,,,,,·,'a''/· .. fai'I1fre.shalt-'coilti"nue-foc a period ·Of thirty (30) 'days ··: w;)f ·,Itr1:-f :t<c~t:tzf ~!~~l:.~:i~l1:,f~;i:~i~~!~;!}~(~i~~;;~itt~;.: · -~·.: ...• · ,,.. , .. :·,;/ ·::-·· ·· re-1mburse· .owner. B ,·fo[" a fraction of owner· B.!s-reasonable. ' ,. ;: otit~of,-pocket. costs thereof; the .ntimerator,of\said . > .. ,ftad:iori · sli:a1Lbe,' equal·: to. the.·sguare,focitaqe .·Of the·net '.:teJitai.,ie, spaci,i within b,ii ldings now or he~,eaihet, :iocal:ed . . •On .'the :oominant Jrsta:te' arid the denomina'cOr. of· s·a·id · · ..... , t:rac:t:ion 'shal i be equal· to the sum of the .square footages of:> · · .· · . . · · · · (a). ~henetrentable, space within ,bµildings. how or he.reafte,: located on the ti(jmi.narit· ·-.Eqt-ate·;.···a_rid. . . (b) the net rentable spa'cie within· · ·b:ui ~~i)1gs now. o~·· her0aft·8i --located on ·Pa'C'C.el. s.· · .· · · ·. .3. 3 .Any amounts to be reirobursed pursuant ... to. ' -pav.ag,:aph 3 .• 1 or pa rag rapt\ 3. 2 above shaU be paid withi.n · thirty (30) days after the reimi1ursirig part.y' s • receipt-. of. the. ql:her ·par'ty' s coqect invoice therefo·r; supported' by .. . appropri:ate receipts and other pertinent. iriformaficiri . . . stib~t,ntiat~ng tne costs for which reimbursement is .. · .. · soughL .. Any amciuri\:s not. paid when· due. sha.11 bear-· .· · ... · .. ·i.nter,.-s·t at t),:e r_ate of twelve percent· (1_2%)· pei, .an_rium or, · .. -.t:t:ie::· maximum rote_· p~r:mi tted by _app 1 icqbl~.·-l'aw ,· _ which'ever ····is .. less, ·frfcim,ttie. date _due until .the .. date.paid; · 3A. A default by the reimbursing· p·arty i.n Hi•. · 6bligaticiri 'to' ti;l(ml;ni.rse. the other pai:ty (with .interest l ... -_ a_;s · des·cr.ibe·~;_dn .P_ar cigr-~ph 3 -~ 1 or Par a'g r aph. :i.·_2.:, ~h~ 11 .. g.:,i.ve!_ . -ri"se .to· a l_ien. concerning .such obhgat-ibns, upo·ri. the,,:.,-.. · ,reimbursing patty.' s· interests . i.n tne Don\;inant Estate .. or ··Parcel B,. ·wnidiever is owned QY the reimbursing party· • .-. " " ' " ... · : . . . . -. . .. •. · .. ·. ·. 3.5, 'i'hl;! lie.n ·p~ovidE\d for in paragraph 3j'. ,above -shall-attach aµd_· ta~e effect .only.llpon> tecordation::· of a Cj.aim'.of Lien ,by ·the cla1mai1t 1.il ttie office o.'Cthe··. /l<iiisj Ciiuitty, Rec<>rds .• ~nd El~ctioris _Division,< The_ Cl.aini, pi: ·. T,ie11·-,~.Jla1l ·s.et · fotth th_e following: • , '· .··.· - :;1 .. . . .. .. . · .· . (c) thei last. kh~wn, 'narri;. 'and 11\ailing' ' ·,' . adcii~~~ of the .ci>J,iiar c:ir reputed owner ot: tlie.:f.,rope,ty agai,ist Which ·J::.h'" ifen is claimed;.·.· . .. . . . .· ... , .· . ,·. . (d) . a legal descriptio'n o(. the' ~~operty a~a'ini;it Whi.ch: the. Itian is claimed; a.nd'. :. i.'· ,;() :,.<·~-.. (e) · a statement that th~ lien is clairne'd to tl,e; pr:ovisions of. this oecla_r.atiqn: :····-1:.: ·.-:;_.:-._ ' <!·•·· -.i·'- -. • .. --· ·:~.-·. · pur:~uarit ,, . . . C"") ' ;N i: :Thii.ciairn .~£ L~eh shall be verified .ahd ackrio,<le<iged and: :::o::. '._shall. qo·n-t;ain. !' certificate that a. copy thereof· hl\S bee.rt: ser.ved ··:cO,.: 1,l'i;>on. ti,:> owner' or reputed owner. of the property against which .. ·-the li_ial'l_,,'is · clainje;d,: either by personal seriiica. or by .iqai'ling':. · ·. fhi,;t class, certi.fied, return receipt requested) _to such_· ... •:· ... . owner. at the··address• provided in the ofi'i'ce ·of .the King-Coimty _pi;p.,ri:ment of ii.ssessmen.ts. for mailing of tax statements with; ·. respect to th_e property ag;linst which the ·lien is claimed, The . lien. so claimed _shall attach. from the date of r'ecordation ,_i.Qlely·in.the amourit,clai·med.thereby and _may be·e.nfo_rded in _any· \manner'. aYlowea · by .. law :·for the· foreclosure ·of . liens'. 4. successor's a~d Assigns. The F;asc,me~i:s shall be ... · -·.;:e:aS~Rle:Ilf~. run,ni_ng:-with ·the Dominant Estate a.nd-bu_rdeIJ."iQg . ·-·.Pa,,:del..·B, the,:. Park:i.ng.Are'a a'iid Roadway -t'o·r. t:-he benefit-ot.:·the . . ·G~~-rit:ee~_-arid _ t_~e·_.·.:oc~tipant~)f.: . The ··restriCtions·~ . r·eSeiVatloriS ·:arid.: :-·co:V:~n.,int:s· &.et __ .. fo_rtti in _thi._s .. _grant. sha.11.-bt;?:· bind._l.ng_·.,Up·on·,._ :·inure: : to t;h,;, l;ie,fiefi.t of and he enforceable by Gr_antor; Grar.t\'ee, tl?e', . :.Occt.ipan~s-:a,id: 1:tiei.r· respective successors and a_ssigns,' . ,· . ' . _.-. '' . . . . ,•., .·. ._ . ' . ·•·:·, .. f<. liieacli,. tri' thll ~vent of breacr of or rie~auit: ,1ndi,,r, . this:qra·nt; Gra_ntor. or Grantee or a_ny of.· th.e Occupants :sh~ll: be . . :eli.1;Jtled to:commeni;:e'aii.acti;on for .Eull an<i adequat;e r.elief'·. :: ftolll the .. consegv:en\:'es of.· such. br<,ach.. _The unsuc:cess fut J;iiirty -,in .any i:i:uch' a:cti.on .stiai:t p·a:ir to. the previii'l:i,ni;i 'pqrty:a ..... · .. ·· .. · o.;re~~.oiiable'suin.,for.a,t:torl\eys' .. fees incuri.ed. by the:prevailing' .· ·.:,part'y :in -::i::onO:ectiori · wUh.· such ·-action, : whether, or hci-t. ··such·-·:: _··:_·: .. '~~~t,iOii' ,ij;i pro~ilcl'ted;to judgment. · · ··· · ·· · ,,,,, ?,\, ' , . i; .. No~ a·P~biic Dedi:c~tio'n. Nothit)g cci~tairt~d in rtLi:{: :, · __ Decl~t'a't'ipn shaTI be \l-Eieintjcj j:o be a g if l cir ,decj~i\a€i.on pf ._,,., ,. t:<.: '_.;·s, __ ~{~.<~-;},. . -; ·: . titi~l;~~;;{;, -4~ ·1t~1-;I;/~~i}i~t:f}~~;:~u,-,-\:··.;'.:·:) · ·rrri~~1;'.i;,1~~r~it~i ., · _ ..... -l" ~;-_., .. ,, .. .,!,,-·1··::: .. -w~ ... "111,..J ~ .,, ... · ,(;'.','_ ... , .. .. ., . ytt:'.}j]:1J\~11:J:1t;11;1'.~;\¥~_:;1i; · ·\:/: .. ·-· ·---:·, ~t\\J~~-;~ Jr\· r-.: .,:..: ... -~,--- ··, · · > ' :,.·,.the; property· subJect·· to the •lease, ·unless and until-t.he n,.ase. , lti,::{; . /):t~it)ll!i ?\ .i-~ :oancienea: ?·r termina_ted; provided, _•howevei:/t~at-• ·1:c,:/···· < • J:his. ·p:rov-1sion shall• no.t. aff.ect. the. nghts .o.f any:party· to· ',/ . ·.· ciai'°· i;i .Ueri. against '.the fee as· provided in ·paragraph 3·,4, ·above, fr.:· 'ii · ..... · ::a. E~to~~el. C~i:~if.icate. Owner A 'or ~ne,: s:; · upon 11·< ··-~-·-·.·•._::-_._ wr.itt.e.n r_equest of the ·other, shall -issue to the:.1~questing. ,·. ,}:'.,',....., i?a .. rty, o.r.to anyperso!l specified by the,request;ing-party;:an 1 ·. -··. e,istoppel .certificate stating_ whether tl1e_p'3rty to.whom-tl)e• )' ·.·:_,;; , reqi1est has Meri ditected:·knows: · ·. · · · · · · !. · £:! ·:{, ~ of'any breach of or default under this gr.ant ." [ , ~: . .T ·. andi .H. t!]ere are. known breachr,s ot .defaults, specifying. t the· _na tilre: ~her~off I:'-(b> . at any ~odification or ainendrrient of this grant ;: . itnd, ··.'if ·-1:he·re are ·any .known mod if icationif.· of: ameridme:P,ts_.~· :3pecj.fy1ng :the nature .t~ereof; and · 'fol' · .that this Declara_tion is ·the.ti in· .full for.ca ·and ef f.ect. such s~atement shall act as a waiver of any claim by. the'.party' :futnish1,ng .it·' to the extent such claim i.s. base.d upoi) facts' ····contr..a:-t:y.':to>th'O'se.,_Set fo'rth ·in:· the" sta:tement_..a·nd ·-is--·aSseI"te·d·: ~-g-_clin$t :a:·'"~~-rtga"cjee ·.o·r.·Purchaser for value Wtlo.-··h·as .. ·ac·t:"ed in'.> ,'reli-imce:upon the si:atec:ent withqut lmow1edge Of facts \.0. the .":._cq~t:~~~y Q~ "tho_se. contained . rn the s'tate!llant.. . . . <9'~ ;Rules and Requ,lations .. Gi:antor reserves t~ta .c,ight, · · · _ l;:_'c,_-·estal;,-lj:sli-; .·modify, amend, revoke and. enf<>cce· re;,sonable< !{r(',.. :r.111,a's. go\ie~ni-ng 'the. use of. the Parking. Area. and' the' Rciaciway ic'.> .·,_ :subjec:t ti{ prior 'iiritten consent from Gralit;ee, whicli such · ·•." . ·: ,•i::oi)ilenf i;ha1t' not Q" uiueasonably. withheld>· · · . ~;,:··; .• ,; .• ;r'.;;~~~~1~~1i~~;!;~i~~~: ~~~i~-!~e~:;~!~~!~:-~-~~!~·~:i~i·~-~!~~;~i~~f~he'·. t.-.~~~J: :~>.:·~:_t~~\/:/~r_· .. · if,11~;;:~j~. .••·\ . . S . :, . :, < ~~~1~,~:~l\q~~~0'~xfec--;l'-:'::-.'.'J,.f.~~~·~•~$,~~ ~!i1t!t~~~ittJ·)l:,;,f;:,_°:.;~=t.:::·:::;\t)'._::_.-.. ··: -· :. ·:::;}~:·}:;::,:\.··._:r,:?/:r~:;;:~{; . Renton:Vill),ge·ccomp~ny) as;,· .. 'Washingfon·,G~nei:'aL Patth:,ersb'ip' ' ' . . . ' ' : . ~~ . _. . . .-. . '.",~; . . By Its ' By · Its Port: · Biakely Tree{ .. , Fa'rms: {L;<: P:·) '; a •Washington• · L1mi tea·'Part!}ership : . .. . .GeneraJ>Part'lr$r. . . . . .. . Puge·t· -~~s~~~-n·,·_'·: Inc:;_,.· .i' ·wash ingtori: corporatl.on· Gerieral Partner. =~·~~{-t~E-:ti:~~f\:~{\J!~~ ft:· ' . .. ,,-... , .\ .. \. ·L,:-:··,:':': ·,\. ·.undeti;_igned·; a: ,io(ary.•Publi~ -in and for _the ·.state of .. '. ,' .f ·, '.-.\' .:·; ··:., ·-,w'ash:i:ngton,; duiy .'commissioned and sworn, personai.ly-.'appi;ared . Jt;,;1:,::J,'\r;:f ilt;itt.:i~:r i~ ~J/1t?~~;1; t~ ti!~ t ~ ~'f.t ~~~i:~ ~2: :.:~1:i l: ~: ~t_q!t l\.: -,:::t··-.:,·,::·:.:·_.!'\~ec.uted. ,tne: foregoing instriti!\ent. in its: c:apacfty .. _a·s· .9enetal'. r .,\>''''i ·s: p~rtii~r ti_~ R~nfon ViUage _c,,inpany, a Wa?hii:tgton j:jerieraf ·; _-·;, , : · ·1· .,' ·, .-partneuhip, and he acknowl_edged the said instrqment to/b.e the '. •, "'r:tt~ ... , ~l)d v<;>luntary act· arid,·d~ed of :Ort' Blakely Tree Farms . ' .·.· ;, ··, ,, .· ;{L. ··P.·) ,£0:r: the::uses· · a_nd ·purposes tnere1n -ment1·oned, .. and ·.i:i_n·. ,,> · -.·, <'' ·oath:stat'e'd that .'he is· auth6'rized to execute: the ·said . : 1' · · ~ .' ·instrument·, · · · · · · · .. · · · · : · .-:·-;: ' ,WITNESS my •hand and official seal herel:d affi'.,;ecf the \lay<:{:'.-:.;:, -,~j/<a"pp._· ire,r -i_p: ttiis, cei:-t:.i f iCate above ~~ri tten_.: :;_-_·,·, ~~(t ,.;.~- ; .· \ 'iJ3_: ~~€c ·(:l~AKf4_ e<~i_.~t:_:::. ·1 · of Washington;_ Tes.1<hng at-?'f-°'14/JJ,,',• ) ,· ... ·.· . . My appointment ~xpj,res i/!'J/ff)';':·''' ... ·•. · .• STATE. bF . WA~HINGTON :C,JUNT'l .QF Ki I N G. ) ) ·y ss. j .•• . · ....• · .· .. ~n.this3{2_ day ~f J)a,4 (}{(\. 19&, before·me;. the .. __ _ . , .. _ undP.I"Sl_gped,:· a_ .. Notar.y Public· 1n and for t_he St-ate, of .. ! •. ·A..1i~.wasi,:ln.gfon, duly cominission.,<'Iand swontr;.eets9nai1y _appear.,d' .·· ... ,ll.>,.l<',uo.'1)111.IFl .. •E. IM.TS9!1; .to me.·known t.o be the Pl'e!tlaent of• Puget .t-'estt>irn, ; ·, -.,.-\.::': ·· .>:~_nC"-.~~-=-._the_ ·corpor'at-ion_ --that e:Xecuted tne £Oreg·ot,ng_--·l_nSt.I:lfu•~rtt -·in· l_. .. . ·• .(ts-·:c_apcit:.t~Y _a·~ g_enerpl·. pai'tl'):_ia!' of _Renton-··.vi~:i"ci_ge :cotnp~riy/: cl. . L · !fa,$1i.ingt;-.on general Pa.rtnership, and he acknowledgeµ the said i·• ·instrument.: i:fr. be ,\:he. free· ·and :voluntary act. anrFdeed· ot -sa}a··· kt_:~<:·.. . ·;~_.o:-~P.~-I'.-~-~~?n.~_ ~?:r. --~~-~ ·1:l_s7s ___ and.· ~-u ~PC!Se~(._ t~er:fli_ri_ · ~e~t .. ~O~!a·,:·. ~.-n·a~. ki·\.;· : ·•·?.!l:9ath.·stat_ed,that·..tu,'_1s. authorized to execqte Jhe:sa~d.: f.{ , . .,, · ,, •lnStfUtnent.. . ;:-; . . ··'·. . .. (i',. ' r?r:-, ,. .di'"< '}-~ •· · ''.~'·:t/:rof~a~d:;):t!a.~\i:ll·;'~his·, !'ert Jf ~cate above ,.,~Y'M:i. ~,., .. ~ .: ,· 1-·· t,.; ,; ,. -~-·-~> ~:· . ~c .. i1J< .• itor;,,i,J:i~ of Washfngt;:ori,.creS1ai11gia!:;·· ::{[;·/t; 'i'!Y appo iritment. ;..c,_,_ ~-,.":_-i_:"~:·:. ·~-·:':-",::-1::~~-~,~~·;;·r"~~"l'}Wl ·.>-/1 f il1·-,, .-·]'i'..'f\lit . .·,._,.,;'' -8.- -.. , .. -. ~"~~~~~&1!)1~~;,J'i+~;;:~~~~ ' .. ·,;.·.-·:·· r' ' . ; .. _·,.; ' E#{IBP: l\. . 11llt1:~;~1~~,:::~:~.',~::·:·:,,,,.,,, '';''i.\/)\f~2·~-.:~l)j:'):li;<.Rllhge/5 E-a_st, .W.M:; in King County, Washington, and_ .. \.<:c-,•.: /.-.)lilotiks· l:li and,.·12 ofa.'c. '-D, Hillman• s Ear lingtan. Gar_dens Additicii'f '> }}/(,,r/:}~iJ~~~~~\tt;·S~1~::" g~~;otI! f~jnp ~~~ .. ~ 4 r{c~~~!n~~~~~;~~-:p1·a t_ . . . . . )-,' ·<'W~s~\A!ito~>" a_nd of v11cated _stre.ets and alleys: attached· t)1~retci; .: . ·,· ' · _.; \,;i)i,:i":I.<>ts·c.;L tlir,Jtigh · 11, ·, Block sc o E. Ren tori '"View,(0 -accci.,din:g'-to-the· '·:_JCpl_at .. recoi:ded·.in Volume J3, of. Plats, Page_.-2s;·1n·· King-County.; .. ··· 'wastiiri.cjtori ,. ~nd of .. vacated streets and alleys -att~ched thes!>tu,. · "Ii'· fq~i;cr,illE!d as EciUows: .·. . . . . . . . . .. . .· . ' . , . -.'Beginning-at the-Southeast ctirner of the Northw~st Quatt:er of.· _:,....;;; :' hsaiij.·liortheast Quarf:er of Section 19; _ thence South 0·1•04 .'QB"·. :,,.S3 '-West-along ·the East -line. of. i:_he Southwest Quarter 61:i the · ::::::---,,l!Jorthe_ast.Q1il1rtet,. a distance of 224 .15 feet; thence' i:lo,uth ....,, ·,ss-~03·\12".:·,Eat;".t a distance of 45. 44 feet to .the, TRUE· PC'i:NT .OF.- . <O ,,BEGINNING; thenc:e _$outl1 ?9°44'03" East along !:lte.Soubt margin . 'oJ. Ren~<>!' -vqlage' Place {North-. line of the Plat bf Renton· View · Addition} a'dist)3.nce of '867.26 feet; thence Sou·t_h 01•24_•03• · :. : .. West, a''pis,:tance of. 123. 21· feet to a point on the nort_hedy ·:·.marginiof ·1,1,i:imai:y State Highway No. 1,-(Jct. ·S-.S.H. _5,-M to·Jc_t .. . P;s.1:L 'i1o;,_2~sa:4os); thence·· south 20°46'.0ci" East'along .said .:.North•ma·rgin; 30,ffO-feet; t_hence along a curve to the . .-right.in .-'_a·sotibh\>lest.er.ly·direction having a radius of-1,810.0il ·fet;,t .· .. ,thr:ough.-a_·ceni:ra1·.angle of _07°-05'07" an arc-d_is\:ance.of . 223.83 .-,-f·eef-._.to"· a :.po,i_nt. ·of cur·ve to· a _s-pi ral curve·; the'nGe ·alorig. a· . spfr81 curV_e ·fo, the right on the northerly margin of PSH No.· l che long:_chord llf' which bears South 79"20'21" West a -distance or:·-2_92:;-06. ·feet..to· .. the .point .of, ·tat1gency of the spfral.curve;. _tife1.1-CE!·_.¢oi'1tinui.tj"9 :.along .·_si3.id_ No_rth margin Sout~. so·0 49/ o8Y. West· .a" dis.i:ance:-:_of_ 2i3.-80 feet-; thence South 09°10;52"· _East along . _S/lid Noi:.t\t margfo, 20; 00 ·feet;· thence South_ 80•49' dB." West . . · a·,;i.ong :·se.:i._(f_-Nor.th. ftla·t,gin·i ._27_.·80 _ feet to a point Qf · cu"rv·ature:; . . ·,_tli.,rce;-~lqng, said i:iorth 'margin ·on a curve. tri. t\te right.-l)avin~· a_. i::adius Qf. n; :3"8.(L 00-feet·-through a . central •arigle'.i:>f '00°15 •40• ';ii,·'atc'.d{stancf;i .of 51,:.86 feet; thence North 08°55'cl2" West ·' .·aJ9~g saicI i-lortii:.matgin' 2.0.00 feet to a point of· cuiv~tiire;.: · . tlier1ce al.orig said"North margin in ., southwesterly 'd.irei::tii:m 'on-' • 0-.:-a,cl.\,V.e-·to ~i)e:"rii;ihtihaving··a. radius o[ U,360.-_0iF f!3et.·thtough · :'·a'c.el\tr;,l·.l!ngJe· O:f;_dl 0 52'35_"··an ace di.stance. of 372·,03·feet1·. :',,.c· tt)erice\,No.dh' _-_00°02 ,: 16•-; Wesf .a· dis ta nee of 251 .51 .feet; ,:·thence ~fott.h ;6i 04) '59( r;ast. a distance. of ·258. 92 feet·;.· tl\ence.'spi.ith ·a9•·4·4':;0-3-~ .. g·,rst-,a: di"st'ance of '56·; 0 l Eeet ta: the TRUE· -POINT:: OF • .-i.-:B.EGI~~ING;, '· ... ·.· .. · . . . . . . . . . ~i~>i-::/-'· ·)\·· . ·.:.,·, · .. ; .:_-·, \-.f;:. ,: ~,_''.·-:.·_,· ... ·.:,·_·_;::_: .. : .•. ' •. _,_:'._::•·,_·_" __ :;: ... ,_::,:_::~:.:·.:_:_:.;.,_'.·7,--... ·.,'._~-·_:···;'.: .. :::_.•.---•.: __ -.: •• :'.:.i,:,_: __ ·-'.: .•. :.·.: __ ~-,-_;·-__ ,';_;····_'.·:·--:~._-_·._:_· •. :_:_:'._' ...• ".~-·-·:•-,'.:·:.·.:,_'.::··:·':',:_·;h ... ,,_:_·_,_: •. ·._-'.'. .• ,·_·-~.:,,:.·._;,·:·.:_ .. :_:,~_·.:.~---•.,'._ .• ~'.•'.-_·.·.:_:_· .. ; •. ·.·-'.· .• ;:_·_;.·, •. ':_:,·:_;.·_._,'.:.:•_··,'.: __ ,:•-~., •..•. '.•.,_~ .. ~'.._,._:··;:_!··,~.··:·: .. · .•. ' ... ·,·.:·:·.~:j ... ··,·_ .. i_' •... _f.;_~,j--.-,_'_._:'.:•_·-~_:_,:'.,:···.---.----,_•.--',_.:.:•.:,_,·.:_.= .. ~.· •. :·:• .• ~_···.·.,_ .• , •• ,-.3 •.• :.,·.,,::.~ .•• ,' __ -.:_:_~-'.:_::::,:~-•-·::-'.., •• _ •• : .• ~ •. -.• ~:_,:,.: __ :.::::,:'::;··-;..,,·.·:·_··.~,_-•. · •• :·_•:,:·.: •• _".-•• ·.·_.~ •• _:_·~_:_:.~.--'_·;.: .•. :_·.~-'-•:.',·.!.·.·.·:, •.••. _::_-~:~-'.··;.-,·:.·_·,f:.: __ :,; .. :}.~_t_:;r,;_~--·_,~,-.' .• -,,.:,_.:,; : . •.·. ,,. t"' ;;,:<;'.,, :: ~ C , ~ .\ . ,-~--;;. ~.--. ~;, .-. . _ _ _ -.. _ _ _ -·(·::.--;'<t:_r=:ti~1\v22~r~~~~r~~ ~f~¥fit:\i.1Jit;~;i(tJif ff ;;t ":;::,!'·,'·::,I(rJl}Jf ~i1l~Jf :"· f.\'.fi".i:,,. > ~·,, ,, .• !'-!'•'...:,•, " . ,. .. ,, ,. -::.;-::.~:;> •;_· . 't . :~,s ~ .. :~::· -~··:·~~L8gei.,, rleSc:C'ip.ti•on: , ·,>' .c;,:Ji:JtiiIB1T B · . •·· . {Parc,:el B) ,.,.._ Iii l.t .. ':_:1_:_1_l0~f r1~}r:r.: .. ~})' and_. s· :.;·..,. .. r1.\-. · -·, y i-yi':f'. '';' Tli~C (J(J~tfon ·of· the Northea~t .Quart~r of Sect·i6n :1<i ;' TowQshi'p ./ '';ii3 ,North, Range ·5 East, W.M., 'in King :county, Washington, ca.nd>,°, . ·i-_o,(.Block, 14·,:.c .. ·o. Hillman's Earlinoton Gardens AadiHon to-the . . . c-;i.ty .of -Seattle·Division No: 1, accordi:ng· to the plat recorded· , 'fi'n Voluine·11'·of l>la_bs, .P,age74, in King County,. Washi11g!:,,6n/and ·.:_\_._!§'': •,'oLv·acated·. st·reets and alleys, described as foPows: . . _ . · ''s!igi,'uii:~~: at the Southeast corner of the Northwest Q~arter -of . '.;;,·, i•s~id".No~theast :Quarter; thence North 89°44 '}V' West, a di.s.tanc:e .·· N··. \o.'f'·· ,I.260;4T,·.feet·. more or less· .to a· point on. the .eafiter1y:. margin· ·,.-. i;_. 1 9(;pdmary-Stat.e Highway No. s, as recorded in Highway ·p1ats "-'-:, VC1.1.ilme'..? , .. PagE!S ·i86-,-18·7 and 1B8; thence South O l 0 33 • 19·,; ~est:, · c;Q 'along Si!id ., .. ,sterly margin; a distance Of 90.00 feet :tq the ··:trll!!'POint.6f begbini'ng; thence.South 89°44'31• East/ a· ·ll,istaricie of ·333:74 feet; thence North 38•4;•35• .East,·'a . ·diiltaiice .of ··21s.·aa feet; thence North 01•33•19• East, a . . . . _:disiarica·of·:,io.OO feet;theni:eNorth 89°28'13• East, a' distance· ·:.0('24:.oo 'feet(thenc.;, south00°3l'47" East, ,i 'distance of' ·· ·138 .• 38',,.feet ;.• thence Sout:l' 26°53" 16" West, a ·.distance ·of 383· .. 18 · ·. >.tiiet ·to a poi-nt· ot· curvature· an the northerly margin ·of·· prim,frY. · , S~at'e l!i<:ih"!aY.· No. -2~SR· No. 4,05; ·. thence. going in• a. nort~westetly : .directiori, along." t'he· northerly margin 'of said highway cin:a :curve; . 'tci. the :1ef\:.:"1hOS!" c.intei: bEial"s South 38°56;57" We$t and: a _.: .. · · ,.Jadius.of .. 288 .. 80 feet, an· arc·distance of r45·,97 feet; :thence' ., · .. . ',11ori:i'i::.i'lo•oo•41•. West.. e<' distance of 100.00 feet· to a potilt 9E .. •· . , · · -..c::µryatu.re._;.·-.:t~he,nc.e ,going .. in a· _notthwester.lY d.i:re·c_f:i.on on·?-: .Cu·[ye- . · 't'? ·the·· r:i,.ght, wiiose. center be.ars North 09°59.' 19'" F;ast; .and a·· - ·.i!'Q.ius,of,>109.';io., feet_,. an arc .distance of 155.A6. {eet;. tt,e!'lc,fo\ ... l!Qtth'.88°26'.{l"' West, ·a dis.tance. of 6.00 feet to a point o[i· · ·'.sahf:·ea·sttar'ly margin·:of: ·primary State Highway· NO;. :Si thence , Nori:h'·o1• 33' 19;• 0 E'ast· afong s'aid, .e, s ter iy margin . a distance of •'.Bi;:iJ7 feE!f: to the'· TRUE POINT: OF BEGINNI.NG. . \ ~!\RClll. 2 : . ,;i"l'l!;,_t':poi:tion of ·the Northeast Quart~r uf Section 19, ·To.wnshl.p·. ., ··.,." .'·~3 .. _.1foith}·R.ilnge·'s .E·asi:;,:W.M.", ·rn 'King county, ·washipgtori,. and.· .. , . . i ':o'f :1nocksC,1'1./)2, '14 and .15;. t. 0, Hi l lmari• s Earlingtion Ga'i'dens :> .·· :,,({t;tiM~t:I~;itd~~i-~~ <~~1~:tn~o~i;~:~~f ~~~;/7:4 ~~i~~i{~~S~t'' .. ,;},.(:::,-.s._·:· ....... - -10-· · ,,,. !r ~~~,s-: ., .. ;•·.,i:,,~v·'.!.,;i.~',Ji~..-~~-..,./',,,...'1l_~ -, ·,; ~ -; , .;;,. -:'-:.,~-·,)i,,·hv1 :1 ~~ .. ~ ·~1~.,.l'l'.~'1'!1~~ ~~;{1}tei~{·;ff :{t;.};;~J;,-,;· ··,'\~\'.}:-:·· .-:,·'.;;;_;?{. i/.).::.•>-' -:-:~·.~::,.•:./ii .streets, s: •· .. ).,. '•i''}' sa1d,,Nort;heast:. Quarter/_ thence South. a 1°04·'.QSJ'.i West 1 : along .. -the-:·,· ,, .... t}{,;;;;;?i(;J;!~f :rSt!!f t;i:~:t~;!Jl!t!l~~il:!~:t~:~~;rif ;::;~;~!jJ~°!~!t;,}~Gkr~?j/·:>\ ' .. ··• ·• i 1 distance>oi: 5i;.Ol feet. to the TRUE PO'NT OF· BEGiili1IilG; ·.thimoe .. · i/?}''' ';_· continuihg.-:Nortll 89°44 '03•' West, a distance· of· 6511. 99 · £~et; _ .. (:·,:· :• Jhen.~e .. S011th'. 3Sn5'31" -we·st;. _a' distance of,'7Gl~74 . fe"et •to the•.'. ,. • "' ..•. , n6rtheiiY·margfn of. primary State Highway\No.·,·'2-,-SR 4!>S; .thence. i-)•>' :_)/t~~gz;tlf :~~,:~;tt~t"'~~g~~~e~~~~e~0 ;g:~~!\~r~:-.i: e~f~~~ce;·~t-·· .•.. ' ' '/: •;::6f S!)\i:thea'sterli(·dfrectfon a1o,:,g a curv7 co t\i.e .lefl; whOSE! ~e~ter -·. ;• ·:;,· c0.:-tiea-rs Nortlj·49.~:57:'·19"East and a radiu.s of.3~0.80 -feet,· an·ai:c ... (-'·;,: a:>-";d±stance•of'340,8l·feet; t_hence South 00°00'41"-Easf.'a.dista'nce L <C:Z:,, .. ot-_,i,:21,feet,to·a 11airit oe curvature; thence 9otn9 in a .·. -..•. i!·./.:· .. .:-:: ·t""':l< .. ·n.OiEhe.85.tCt.i-Y.-"di-rt:!cti"on ._cilong·.:.a curve fo ·the· Jef:t wh6=$e_'.'Cent:ei:-. (:-.·-;. N· beats ·Ntir'th ·05045 :3ou West, ·and a radius of ll',360;o'Q 'feet, an:. JJI arc :dis_t;ance of 25;4 :f3 i'E!et; ,thence North. 00~02.'16" WesL .a , --·i:O:>'distanc8' of ·251.51 foet;·:thence North 61°42'59'!. East·,. 258 .• 92 ' fe.et. ·to tlie .TRUJ;; POINT ·oF 0 BEGINNING. ' ' ' 'PARCEL' Ji' That portion';[ the Nqrtheast Quarter of Se~tion-:19, To;.nship i3' 'North; Rangt? ·5' East, W.M., in King County; W<1shington/·and of'Blocks 12·, ·14 arid 15; c._ D. Hillman's.'F.arHrigton.,Gatderis'., Addition to. t'he'Clty of Seattle Division No. l, according.to.· tlje pl'i,t recorded ln Volume.17 of Plats; P~ge 74, in·Klng · ~o·uilt"y ;.: i,,f~shi.ntjtcin:; ~nd ·-of -vacated· st r-eets -a'iid allE!yS·i·: · d~:it;ribed ·a:s fol lOws: · · · · · ~eg-i~riing' ~t. the Southeast.· corner of the. Northwest 'i.iuartei' i:i'i. ·said WC>i:tlieast Quarter; thence South 01°04'08" v,iest alqng:tlre· · · l)as-t'erly' ,liinit's of the -southwest Quarter o,f ·ehie!" 110.r~_lie~.'"t Quarter·, ... a ,;listance of '224 .1·5 feet; thence ,south·. 55°03'·1'2·.· . . : .East'~_ . a .. d.i'St"an,::e.·.-Of_·· .45·._4_4.'-;f_eet ;-. __ thence North" 89·0 .44.'. o3 M;'.·west-;· .. a-:. ,. ,'. ·distance. of', 575 .'00 .feet ·,to the true point. of: begforifn'g (. thence' · •· ::North: 00.0 31 '47"' West, a distance of 249 .90 f.eet; '•thEince:So\_ith . 89."4 4 • 31" Ea·s t\ a d~ stance of.· 2 s. oo feet; . tht?nc!S!. NO,i~h 00°31'-47" West, a distance of 125.00 feat; .thence Sou.th ... 69 ?28' 13" .West,.-. a·. aistance of .24 6. 56 feet to the·. Nod:heast· · . _ cornet of -'1:he. above· rlescr ttied, pa rce 1 no, _ ·1 ;,-theinaeF south;: : . . . ,i,. if0,~3:l·,• 4.7u:·Eas,t ,>a. dist~nce'-'of' 138.38 Eeet ;· t!it?nce·-Soµth ... . :·."26°53'16".·west,i a:.aist~nr,, of.383.18 Eeet to a•point.,i)f· : ,cu rva,t:ure on: the ·.nor t~er ly. margin of P .. SiH; . •No'..,,2,-jR '4:os ;··\: ·· .'thence ·along~ a· .curve to. the right. wnose: centei: Jieai,;. · s6utli . .. -.. -. . . .. . .. . ' ' . : . . . . ., . . f/ ·; ;._ •. ;. ·\:-'~ .. ··'··I !:;,J'.;'1~1,~?':':':f~~~~f·.}1.~,_;_w~it\~r,:d.\a· ·r-~d*us ;'of 2 sa. a_o f ee.t', :.iip. \ii:c:·dijltan,;;e';9~-:'-': · ':: ;r,_:~~·-..11·~~6i~---l~;{4·~:;~t!'3~;.,·;.~b~qd7··,soµt~:-~o't92 • 41 • East:,_ ,a: di~Ja~~e .·of >,s1;._~P,\ ·. ~~ .. , .~----:~ h~:,~;,~;-\,;,",i> -feet:,.t;o;s.tha-,moi!lt'westerly corner of the abolie ,described-·· Pi',tCEl,l.' ,; . · •; ~:t{,, ·:;,·, lY;iI:1h'(f~,,,i •.• '.tih~li,:.i!(lilo'rth ,'35 ~ 25'' ~i .. East. a distance ··ofC 2'59';-74·_ ·feet·';·,,,.:·-': -~-... -..;.-..,·"·~--~~--•-~' .. ~.~. ,, ' • • ~ -~' • ·i ...... --~--~ __ , ~A,~;~;1;/:·· t,,~r-~--f:hen·ce;SoUth"' S9-(lo:44 !-03 ... Ea st, ·a distance of'_ 140,. 00 (eet ,'-;, i:nor~ -or_· -, .f: hiY" :!.i2 ... ,, , 1 "i'i'' ,~ ,, '°"'" -·· • ,:..''" '•' • • · · \ · , • , _ , _ • ~ . • , .. ,'· '""' ! : ,.,:ies.s;-f;o: ~!le';.1;RUE POINT,.OF BEGJNNING. ., ' . .... . . . ,. ft1I~J:I'!:IT3l~i;~tfL~~:; . i{': , .· ·. > • .. \,e•i \/ • /.;· .. ,c ,•:·:,1i·Thatc'po.rt-1on,•nf::the·Nortt,easc ·Quarll•r· of :section· 19, Township· ·-,·.~,.~-·'.-•,'-·/,~ _ _l:'·-'V"; .. -.··;.,.··.-.c,,·. ·, • ._. •: ... -_, _.--.. -: -·.:-.. . _ , ' • , c _ r,.,-;{_:·· :,:r-~:~;•,1-1,q~::t~ ... ,.Ka~\l!l·)i· .. e_asl,: ,W,M, ,:.in King COUl!,~Yi. Wash1n11ton, anu i'.·:·· •. ,·,.:, .. " :,, ·:lllo<,/is::.12,;.••i-J.,:.and 14_; C, iD •.. ·Hillman' s Ear ling ton Gardens .. . . .. ',· ·'° /'id4J.tion,tO>~hE!· Cit'y.6f Seat,tle Division No·, 1, acci>rditigito.'-. . ,, .. ,.the•p1at·:re.C0:tded:'.in Vo_lllmE! 17 of Plats,:Page·,7f/in\King:,, _ .:> ·,o,'.;C:?1f11t:i,; ~~si).ington, ~nd of v_acated sheets' and:aHeys, . · '· : ,, ,·t:0-c-' described -as-.follows: · · · .. ·. · · · · · ·. · ·· :':?ti.!i: B,egi~nirtg at t~e Soutbeatt corner of th_e Norttiwes~ Quartet· of·· ···•M.F !51aid·''Noi:theast Qu_art'e.r; thence Sou_th 01•04 • oa•··we_st · along the· . . ~:(~asterXy .. lim_i,l:s .cif the .sout_hwest. Quarter. Of tlie Northeast .. : '' "°·. Q~af_ter.~ _<:lis_tance.qf 224.1_5. feet;_._thence south 5.5°03:'12",f:ast· .. · a::,. ,a distanceo.f ~5.:.44 feet,to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; :thence-. North.8.9°4'4"03" West .a dist<'lnce of s1s:oo ·feet; thent:e-.North' ..... · .00°,31 ''47" West' a' .distance of 249 .90 feet; thence South .. . . . . 89°44 '31" East a di.staru::e of 25. 00 feet i . thence North 00°'.llti1• ,;West'-a· di·st,ince of 125.00 :feet to the Northeast corner· o'f tlie . .. .• . above descti;bed parcel 3; thence. along the• nort" line of' . ::i, P,a,:b!,Jls·:f.:i,"id-3_,South a9°28:,13" West a dij,;_tance of210;5!; f.eet ... :'.:·,to. thfl' Northwest· corner .of. the above described parcel l_;. thet1c¢ '· . •, alpng-;Jone . .,esterly and north,frly line of parcel ·li south. ·.' ·: · ·.·0;].~33'19':-swe·st.'i!·dist<'lnce o.f_ 40.00 feet: theii.t:e south 38°46'.3,5'~-- west·. a ,ciistilnce of· 218 :-as feet; thence !forth' 89.•.<14.'31"'· west: ,i .. · ctistai:ice'. 01: :J:i:3.74· feet to a point on the easterly-margj_n of a:i,lririraty.·s.tate -Highway-.No. s; as recorded in Highway Plats : ·.· : ·,::Vol:ume, 2/ Pages 186; 187 anci· 1as; thence North·O'i0 33/_19•· East, . >a,iohg "i!i'd easterly.margin,. a distance o,f iJo.·99 feet.mote o,_.· ::_J'ess"to· a,· pi:11,nt' _.on·'.the •southerly· margin-,of road known ·:.as Olack·:. '· .:.-_:<.··.R'.i_V.~r:·;JqflOtlon: ·-1--R8nt_o~·-RO_aa·. -as des_cribEld·.: in:-.Aua":ft_6t·.•. ~.:-'Ffi~ ~:··. __ :' · >,;..o\ ·,: ~!'.>; '•29,1040f;': thence alOl)g, said . r.o.ad ~-d~stance Of 90. 73'' fe.ef:· to :-,·'' ii/pQint'o.if'l;he··south!i>rl:i,· mar_gin_of secondary,Stal:.e iligµwiiy No.:':' ·.,-' .. ,f·,,L_'.:;(G~,ady .. W!;lyh · (~lac.k. Rive.r Junction -'Rentcfl)-,R<>ad) .:as\:.•··· ... : ·· -d~si;f',i:b,e)i. Jn.':~udito.r ·.s F.i l!i '.No; 29104 oe; . tt\enc·e Nortli ,77°29 \llit ;, J;;;ost•;.: iilong. s.ai.<l, soutlieriy,. m<ii:g in,. a distail\:8 o'f ) 13', 17 fe~'t::· .l;o:, .. _.>a\,p~~nf: of, i;:~i;-,ve( _thence ;c011tfnuin~ ·along_ s~i<:l.-~0J.1l:liet_li, :< :;:_. ,.:, .m;, rg·in,-·.,qn, .a---curve. ,-to· ·the .. · Je-fl; having . a r adrn.s. of: 3 8'70• .• 00. , fee.\:·;,. · \··at{:atc _.'dfstance '«jf 758, is feet; . thence Sou~hiiil.•04 •:01•:\W<1stt'a.·,:c' ' )ciJ,st~!]C8 g.iCil~.'L.9.f feet to tbe, ·Nprth iirie' o{ the Soµth. 60 (i;ief i_ , .. \ 0f·i.the ... Nbtthi2.5'0<.f'eet· of. the Southeast Qµarter''oCthe NO'ti:he.ilst·· :<· ,,i· .. ';(hi~r:t;e/ tif'stic;t:i:ofr 19, as c~n~eyed to th';. ~itY,:,Pf. Re)itoii tif/ ,: • ; I - :• ::·>:<_.\:\:- • ed't,recorde'd-tih.diir..'0Al.i'.diJ:brc•s File No. 54'7.SHO;•,,ln¢!lce.:•Nott:n,/t,.; .. ·. t";1,._ ~ 1 itt,41f}~o:3J.(WEJst.>~a·;di'sta·nce of .. 312 .. 42 feet; . thE!ric:8-:sOU.th : , -,-~: ... _;, ~:. ·. :-.:,: t ;'{tl{t '~.P,~;-jQJ~)tiiii,s't;\~ -"$li'st:apoa.·:.o{ 54. :11 feet; tfi~'nce. soU:tl\;' 55\1_!.3. '.)2~,: .::-.t };;;;;,;,:,: ~ .... J!!,b\jl >-dts€.~n&~-q_f,'..'9,.'31, feat: lio the -TRUJ';. POIN'r OF BEGINNINGi, ·:.J / : l '.;i:''_:'.:~.J .. ;Jt>~~P~,po~~ion ~4ee'.d~d to the_,t:!ity of Reiltqn ·_by .. deed_ fre~,qrd~d-__ .·-··,. "":-'-:·-·. ·· .-unaeH'. Aqdi'tor'-'File-'No 54"5310 . · .. "' • -· · ·----. ~·ft~.-\t{::~t~·t> ..... ·..:~.-,,:,'.~·-·~~ .... ',_ :\ .. ' . : .' .-< _. "\' ',.'.' ":r;·:\~ :·<.~::f.~:._ ~~·· ·_ .... ·, ., ... I;,·::: \.\·r .. I; l.:· .. l l'- 'j j · I i '. /: r 1', • . 1 . ,;. r J· l j,' l;'i j.Jr)· l J ' l\'. Yii ,-1) a::, _Y/:,t.·; .• .-..._ ·-·--.. · ,. .-,'::',. :~:j·· ); '. ~'-._:_( ".! -~,: ~ --.- · ·. ·· ";,~,,i:,Fi JD_, : ... ::. '._:.:.:t.:~.f.\.i.i.·_$_:_Jit~~f jtf f ,11 .· -\..\;.Y •'>,:.· .• ':\l\'f,'.~ ·: , ..... ,. ' ';·:. ,., :'<, _,.;:;_ ,• -~·. ~-·-·,:·:t . :c ; ·.:::,) ... i: .. :.-.:,· ••. · .. ·.·, .. :'·····.·.··:_·.·.'·.·.··.·,.·.·.·.,·,·: f ·;,":,. r·· .,,. ,-, -· .. J:,.'::,·:,(,: :>· .-,:;, ; -;\\-".\' t~{;l :;.f··_:.:, 'l'.li'!t/ ~~~'~ipn,: of,. !:_he S<:>uthwest_ Quart.er of' fheit!or~J;t~a~f Cl\i~tJ:er,,. ··' r_ ,.•\/·'. .·,,,_r"'tt sech_on_ 19, .. '):'o".',:i\'lhp _2_ ~ North,. Range :-5; E,~s~_·.· w .. M. •. ··, .. '}:_-·~ti~_.-\·_··., I'.'.\, .. ):. ·} C1.t:ii:. of ;.l~entor1, King county, Washington des.cubed· ·a.s··. fo~lottf!;. 0 ;· (_,fil.·_!!_11_[_:j_f Jj_:_:_ilf f_jt_ j~_:. !i1_:_'._~:i:R;~:_:_ l: :ni_J:~!~~~:_;.•~.t;_ ;_ ;_ t_I~_···_:if :;. .. -,.::.,.ex:, : .. -::,.,s.9•·44 '.'03·."····.west, .. a· d.i:itance .. of 18. 28 'feet; . the.nee . .Smith·,·: , · '.·· L-:': ;:«)., I> ~1~:42:0,,59/' We~t ::ii:: dist airce iiif .· ,io. 00 'feet to, the TRUE ~INT:oF' · :.;i;t::.-.,S:E(l~NN.lNG,; '.tl:i.eric,;,' 9ontinuing South .61 ~42 ·s~.·· :i,les_t . ~. distance of.··· · :'M/;'. lS~, 69;'.f.eet; thence_: along a curve. to. the nght having. a radius· ',c\J·\,o·f 42,.00 feet,.thr<iµgh a central angle ot' 28°14'45'" ~n ,ire:', .. ·.· ·'" ;~.'Jj:{-~i st,ance Of/,20/71 .. feet'; th!lnCe smith 89°57 '.f!1" .w~st a, di static~ ...•. · .. '.'.:''.\'-:°cQC .. ;; _of·.}l..O.;O.L fee~;, th,mce North,.·28° 17' O.l ''.. Wes.t a distance of 23.0. 80' · , .... · · ·,:', feet.;·.•thence,Nor,th·H.•42'59" East a distance·.of 2ao;oo feetr --.-. ~': . tnence,,SoUtl\ ·02.~ .. 59' 03". West• a dis ta nee of '·1oa ,99. feet;. ·,thence : ·Southi-28"17'01'' !last a·distance of 56.00 feet; .therice south· .. ··· .. · 89•:44'.0J• East a ctistancia·of 94·.oo feet; the11ce.1l·cmt'h 2a•17•01· . East-:a ,distance· of .SS. 92 feet to the TRUE POINT .. OF BEGINNING, EXCEPT . .--thi, .. southerly·.1s., oo .. feet thereof.. <·i/; .,....,_<,:(cf,. . ... 'EXtl:iB IT D \)i' ( Th.a ,R<iactw'ay}' ., ·>\:>': ,,; ;;,rhat· por.tiori:\·of the-':Nc,_ttheasb'Quarter o( · Set;t1on• ·19 ,· Tc;,,wrislup, '''·is-.. '.';'/2);;!~od::fr'/:.lla~~e: 5°'E;~st,, · 1,;if.,\in the Ci tr of_:_R<antori\'Kin.g''/ ;., i .. ;;(:.ount:y.,\.wa~·11i11gtori.1yi1J\(wittrii', a strip qf iai:)~ :30' fei;,t-in:: . ,,. ;;,,://( >width-'·hai1rig. ).5',fee€: o( S\IC.h'.,Width. on each side_ 'of·'the'·· · . . ·: ·: ·, f~irowfnc;Faescribell centerline: · . · · · . ' ~ " . ' ' '•/ •• , · ,. " ·,s :"-i.";-". ... :·.,>.: , :. :;·.-J ·• <, • •" • .;, • , . ••· •. • · •. • •• • ••• • • ,-: • , • .. • • .. ·• • • .•• . ' . · '. .• • 2e' }l!iai;lirinJn.g: at_ the '.Southeast ~crrter ?f the Northwest· Olcl!'lrter of ·a:,,·•.:_tl1-e,:Northea'i1.t.Qu:1_i:.ter·o,f s~1d S 7ct1o_n 1_9:·thence.r,outh._. -c ,_ ,.:,01•01 •os" ~e!lt' 11Jong the East.line of the Southwest' Quarter .. of· '. '-' Jthe(llortheasf · (luai:ter ,i·a' distance of 224 .15 i:eei:; thence· Squth · .•·. : -~ iS!i 0 03'):2"., Ea~t a dfstaiice ,ff 36 .1_3 · feet to a., pbint-on 'the Wi>st' :'o.,arg_iiLof R1>ilton 'Village Place (a City of Renton street)';· . tiienc·e ·North ·01004 ·oa• East. along said West margin a distance _. of 21.18. feet. to' ~h" TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING of the · _ . , ,•:afore1nenti.Shed.-c~nt •• line,. the North and South limits-of. the':JO \J_o()bstr.it,, s_ha1:1-; ext!'nd.'cto .· th.e margin of Re.nto11 :VJlJage_ P .. l.a_c~;-· : . .-:therice:_S0uth·G1•A2'5·9" West a distance of 355.07' feet; theiice- . alorig_ 'a .'cu·fve to' the· right havirig a radius of 42-,00 feet; . ithi:_ougl)' ·.;: c_entra 1. ail_g le of.' 28 ° 14' 4 5" an a re -distanc,r.· of io.'. 7'1 · .''f,,et;; thence' Sou,th: 89°57'44". West a distance of 234.70 feet;· .. )'thence al'ong a ,curir.e to .the right having a radius of 42,00.'feet . ,tl)'r6ugh'·a ceri\:ral,angle.of 67_0 44'36" ari arc distance.of 49:66" feet;. therice North 22•17.•,40•.· West a distance of 1s1:.94°feet; .. ·:.:i:hence:.a'long 'a·•curve to the .·right having a radius of 65.00 fiet :;--ti;ttpµgh ii ce11tral_ angle of 70°33'21" an ate distance of·so;o4 feet;·.thence·.1'10:rth 48°l5'.41" East a distance of-156.58 feet,;,,·. . th.ajrne a"rong: a c1,1rve to. the lefi: · having a radius of. 110, 00. ''feet· .. ;'thrOu~h_·.-a·-·.ce·nti .. aT a_11:g1~· ot: 48°_47~-23"._an .a:cc_.·distarice-_Of··93~6.7 :· ': feet·;,,t:hence· N_orth. ·00°31'.4i". We.st a distance of 3·09. 0·9 ·-feet ·to. ':a point·on t.he South rriargin of South Grady Way .(a:'cil:y s'tt'eet:): a.n4< th¢ ·terminui.' of the ceritenine, . the· right and left m;,r:;in:S · :iof ithe: 30: foot :strip .shall. .extend to the s·out!> marg.in. ocs.;uth.'. Gfao.f way. ·· · · · · ·.· · · ;2_x~},tfit.:~~:\{}/\)itl.{~.:·~H·~Bi~t~;t~~~f%~;21.Xtitlf~~jltfit~Jft~J ::-.. ::.:< .$; /~\ • ., •7 ,,:_,.,. ·-. .< .... ~· ,;.-.•. , ~ ~. ;,. : ;,-:. ,;,-·. ·-:.-: ·.)'.\;;-·.::::·y •.,;:: -;'~_'· .!':}~ - . ,_ .. ·.:::.,:. ::'y:; ·.·_;:,"··· ·,: ':-.. : ~-:·~: ,,- :--,~·I_.··.'.',·.·~· .•. ',¥ ... ·.·."· -~ ~..:_,..,·-.-.-~:-,--· .w, . . t:xOJS& rAX_ ..irii'.Ami1:t.i ,'iim:t1DljBNT ·oi oeci.hRATION · · · ~=~,Ill~.· · .. -OF''8ASEMENT·. :·-·.·t4. ··.,:-, _,:_-.·-1'· ./·;·_·;'. --~~\y i;\tt(j\' --·.,, >"· .:: ..... ·.··, : 'fl. ·.·.·.·.,AMEN .• ~-_,_._OP DB.CLA.RAT. I~O. F _f:AS&l.tEN .. ·. T (~luneil<:I. mont· .. > .. is.··. •· .-. ~r .... ~~-' :,. •ffectiy_e··tru!\'.·" .. ,day ."of: .. -.:-~ _, . . '-.l!lft:'bY. "an<t botwee~: .. (,>" ·. _ ... ~_-VILLI\GE·-. ATES.' c•aVA,•. ;·.-a Hat:thlngton-<Jtlm'!i'al·_part:nerahlp, · · . .. &ncPRBtf'l'ON -.'l"ALDOT'. DB_Ll\lf:I\RB ,:: INC. ( .. Talbot_'!.) • a tletavare · .catj,orat:1011i ·.' fi·,·: ·. (~bli~Ot1.Yeiy .. ,~na01irant·a-!) ,'. <llrif la llpprOved. by _80BJNG '.-C.OJHVrER... - "t-·· .SRltV-ICES',--""a' divlalon .,of ;THE· DOSING COMPAN~ • to mod.igb.Oll),l'IJC,iatiM 11048:. -9 ··par~~·~ct;84i.ein,·nt:~~---:·+'"'··:·· ;_''.····. :~·-· -·:· :-~· :· · · -· · ·-· ·······RECF.,EE:.· .· ,.·~~-00 · R,B,C:.l T~l'I. L. S . ·:Rt!CI> ,-··.•2s.oo ' :-crisHSL<··· --~. _..;IMi2?.-(JQ · · . . _-.··A_~. Talbot: and t:he ·:P't.1101:'·.ownor of: tho "P.:irce1 ... now owned b}' -SS- '· ·RVA··pi-evlOUaly. •KeeUted .• rid l:'ecQrdad a Declaration of-·Ea:s·entent ·uncle~ ··Ki"ng :cou,ity Reriotdi!l,9' No. 8~12311,880 . (at_t_ached .~reto) to.·. ·eat_.blish ·cert.iiin>&a88Mnts, · including ·a Pai:.k!ng Are~ qru:J: :t.oods· . . , ,.: i:Oa&te:d __ .on'.:th~· RVA Parc81 ·. (d&fi1)8d -in tJ18 Decl<'lntion ~a. :'~P~t:cef· n") . ··.··4110W1.ng:,th'El! nOn~xClusiVe:-u&.e .the"reof·. by-the adjoining parcit1.-owned by /Talbot hlO.On~---in_-tne D\:llclar~tiQ.n .. _aB "Par.ca.! A"J •. · All_ te.t:_ma .. l .. _'._::_{,:.·.~.::.'.·.:.A.:,r .. f,t .• ,;.~,~, .. : Jt· .j::t=~·~'"~~ .od~i~, Declaration .••• u 11.v. th• ......... riin• .when " .. -j --~ ;. -_._\·. ii •.. -~0:ing·_-aB·\otlant :in .th8 :at;i.c~ building J.o-~~-t~d-on PllrCol /~f.i.·i.•. {!a·. ' A;J~aa ce~~·~1.~ ·:_1.~~a.e r,ig~ts to· ut.ii_ba· the Parking Area. · . .::'~ .. _c. Th~-~kt1e8, ... al::-the reqUel!Jt· of RV.I\, wish to modify the -: 13f . . l~Ca~ion: ~f. thO -Parking Are~ ··and_. the. niaintenance obli~_at.iOn~ __ t:tiero- --.'.for~·-. _ ._ NOW, .T~E1¢~RE,". for good ·and·-valuuble. conside~B.tio_n; · · and ·adequacy: Of _which· aro · heroby: acknowl_edged. Dec la.rants a1rnend· th~."origi)\al !)eclara~ion.as followst · · the C'ecE!ipt heroby _ . := i.·. ··s~b~t-1.tute·· ~Pl1~kin~· ~raa~ ~qa1 oescripl:ion·._. -'l'he rcvtsecl· ·. leg.ill·, de~_crlptlon_-Of·-tfio, P.:u;klng-AfitQ <1ttac:hed to thl.u /lmond~n't. ~:; ::_~v.i.sed ·£,o,:hibit·.C .•P,1rkin9 A.r8a" ·iG hereb}' suUstitut_ed··tor and _ ·. J.u~rsodeB -~he.o·~ig.iia~l. Exhibit C-1~81 dm'Ji':ript_ton fOr tb.· Parklfuj Are:a·.whioh was ot.taqhOd: to·,the:.odgi_na_l Declarution.: · ~ l>ortion·of' ·, .. tho: Pr'C!i>artY· C°"rod .. by.--thO orig,t.noiil E_Mhil,1i_t. c. 9hall,-bo· ·eubjeo~· to· ·. any. lf:llla_ellG,it"" tor tho Pa.rkln~r l\re1t1, e>l:~ept ho th_o ox tent auah ·proporty· ·:i• n~··J.~luded·-.t!'I Reviaod.Exhibit c.--. :_. -·· : ._' .. ;·._., .-... 2~< .B\lbStitUto··•1to8clw6y" '~g.lll.'oa!ICrtptiol\~ ·.Tho··t'oVtaod 1o~j.a1.-· .4Cuic-r1Ptian ·.or .... trio_~·ftoadw~Y atEa_chud .ta-E.hU Amendmoritt llw ·afi\ilaod. · ... Bxhiblt _D.l1ta•dW'fty 11 .h .horobi,1=-·iubatttu·tad· for aind 11Upor·a_edo8_·,tho · ·. oi'_,l91nal-"BKh1bh .. b·.·109A1: dOeodPi.iori for .the ,RoadwaY. -Wh"!~h _w4e-.'fttta:chod · : · tc>. th6 -or1·u1nnl;" Do_alara.tion. ·tfQ ~rt".lon of t!io prop_e __ rty· ·coVeiad Jiy · .. · · /·:·, l:ha~_oi"~t.t.inll. Bx_l:l~b!.t ~D.-ehol~ bet ·aubloct· to anY 04aomont.-for--.i:tto:.l't0lid"'1.y_ ·.- .. __ ,,,ex9~pt.·.ta·,t.tta: o~t.01,'.t-.auah propor~y. _a= now J.ncludod .!n· ~laotl.'£xh1blt: ,: . : D.~.a.-.~ .. ·· . . '. .. :.),:·.: 'ROpAb ··di!4 lli1i)~ruil\CO o·,=·tl~~. rGrkin«J Ar~t1·:':~lid -~i'aWai •. '-; - . (a) .. : ·.T~_a: rapalr,:·a!lf) __ µt,o~nnnco proYi_llon, o# ,~rElcla·.··111; .. iaofai9h•· 3~-1 thrcuqli l.,.l, or :tllO •.nrl9I011 I ,noolnr•tlon. oro noondod ·wl.th roapoot. to tho-·· ·.-: . . .. .. < ,••'. ·'".•) '.~_. i-:,"' . <.'i· ,·;.\ \.\). \I ''.:$ ·,:!~. ·:_.}:Xl ... •ti·· ,~l '} ilf ,7 •. -.. . -'.,. >··· ',11:1~'"'" -• ' •. -j -t}t:;}~/,;i~')'i; ~~t\sff\~l~ .. ~-~t.~~;·t ·.····.·.·.' ... ~ .. :.: .. ~}:'· ·.:, ·.:'":"\' -. "\f ... .•. ,.·//?, __ .; .. __ ' ... ·.••· .. :.-.:.~·_;,·., .·.· •\,;.'. :,; _:_;::,_•:): ··::;,~:-'a_·:;_;,.:: -----. . ---"'~~::: - ~?,J;;;~ .:.:~:: r. r-~a'fJilJig ~··')tel_~ ~y ae~ p~~ded herein. Bffacttve·, ti~ .thit .dilfe (,:~-::;;·~~,'-,., j .. " -::-', ~-f ~~!l~~t• ·av~ ••/th• Parcal, e (?Wner (upon -whiat9-·ttie tloarking ~rea , -~--~, ':<.,' _,, __ • • •• -anii:1 1'oatiirNiy rla .... eitu.~ad) ilha_l1· at: ·tta sole _co.st. and_~· Wldeftaka the ;~~,,1;~,,_,~~:-~:~'.:;'ji~~;~~~~*:S:iE~:~:r~:~~~~~!F:~~~iSittZf~;;··. ~-}/f • ... '{\ 'i'' : '· , ··""1!'0~ -•~: J'~,1,:11 .!*fter:, . ,Sill!;l~.ct .. , tc,· the .providoq~ .of, """'ll'~l>I!: lti), ., · .·' >'. ·· · ·' ·/ ·.t,·'·.' ~ .' balw;·-.:·th• _originil· Dlial:;ar•tioh\ ~,._:jdlan_ded to eliminate r_aidiuraement ·· l~;J;.'.J?%i ·,: _\:;: \· '/~oi/~Q•· .. ~IJalr•.'-~l~~p. .. n~·:-~:~.'~~_'.o.(· th.e:.-Pa,~1n,:~·:•'!d._-'.~VAy-, :_".;~\\'_:·~·.:::· ~:, :r .. ( . : .n_d.-ne~ t.htiir:·'. pa,~r<ahil;l :~.1~-~ Jh•;othe~ ·Jor,: -~ny ~~~t:a :'. re~ating · to i~~~ .::::~ «.1~~s1:;:;~~tZf~-~;t~:~ti§1lt'.l ~~iarA·-~on i~'-~.~~~ ~o •.. '. ' ;/ft'i.tii., .. . . .. ;h~tter·,provJ.de .that· if ·_.th•· fllarc&l_· B' own,r .9hall,.-f4JJ ';.t;o' repa_~r 1 _. i.$~: i?t•. ·""1n.t,d:ft. -an"d:. -~e_;~fd_i:,:· th~ ·-P4i~~tig-_ ·At_ea-:·and_: RobidWay-:ajf~:7-4f-_..:iiub~-· · :: -;·~_:·,·· ~-'?~:_\,)('; :~ai-J.~~: _ata:~1~.,:_09.DM~~-·'.fo_.r: .~::~r~~.;-?f. :th~~ty·_-_t_3o)· :c!jya·:.af.t;ar·.:n_~c~,;,~. :.\?t~· .. -;,_~,t\ Of._fa~. fiUil•re.~J.:~ ·9'.~ven-_by_ ~-.P~~,1·,A. owner ta· _tha··Pa"-'cel .8-.own~r. ·:rt::./:)_~<l. -.. ~en,:.~[ _P.~l)\;:~r~.~Y:.;\ln~.r~~·-·. suc_h, ·repeii_r •. -Jl!la~n~·~Oft and. ,.-,•,}i;,:c;:,•/:;1 .ca_~e,··:in1,i,bioh-. ..,_t'.,t~:_l'arce_l,:·B;-qwnar. shal~_· t_eimhuraa._ the P_arcel_·A· ,· .,?~f)J_'.{~ ~,a'#',~!)r :~~1::~t:e~~~e·'.:'?.U:_t~c,~f P~•-~--cQ,a,ta thefE!c;i~·•.· -:-~~-~~u~ta .. · .);,·t't.,:,,i!'~ :·&:li~l~;be, .'~u_e-·wit;,tif.n ,J.tii~ty ;,(-io)-~daiya'·4fter .. d~l.i.V4lry_ ot --~~'.!!'.e,:»rJ~t~ .. -. , j/r.r~'~J;\) ·.=-~c.,,ipta,,: .• ~;nc:f.~~'9'!::P.~Z:~~n.ii?,:t:=·1~i~.tib_n :simstan_t;illt:t~ .£he out;.t;tf-· .•',, j~:J";·~.:,kt .=poc.11;.. _et,_-r:patsa.•·t.'A_n.y_t.amo ... llnt:a }K>t, .. pa~d :wh. e_n due sha.1_1· . .-be.· ,.r ·inta_.res.t -al, -;:.\·~1~i-·. the rata··of ."twalvti:'.'>petoeJlt, (1.21): ~r :·annum or -~e Jrii!lxi11Una'.'r•t.e . .- i~;j}}~}~ ~rJ11it~dJ~Y<:all~;1~p1_~· --~·~,: wfiio.~e':'er·. is 1ess,--~rom' _the ._d8!t8. "~e · ';;:,';•<'Gl \if .u~~1 "'1~· ., \(5\f,(t; . ,• . ..i_.-_· .. >•-· ... No··;Ot~t',Cha~ee;· :B~~pt_-a~-.e~l)r&s~ly-provided--in.-tM •. _·. -. • •· • ·-d ;-Jco ··:_ ·A!len_d~_ri,tf j:i~_:f'rL1l.na :-·rie_c_l•rat:!Olj ·shal~ _continue -in~·full ""forae ,and (h/·t~i -_:;_·:0~:·:J;11f_fe~t.·:~~.-.~.·--~~_e_w_i!h·ita::ter~~----· · .. _ · .. -,:. . ;i(\;~)}l -: . ·_';ri/.NiTM.EsS·:-w1mlU3.o_F: . .. . . ' f.? ... ·.;.!_·:._·.:_ •. "::·.·.·_:-'. ... ~.,·.{,,i. ~ 1 ._I:.·.·.:··.· '~'writ:y,•, thi_• 'Amerid~nt is executed '.on: tho •_•t• fir.et.' 'f . ·1·· ·.··. ' . _ ~ ~i!:'NTtl_N __ VxtLAGf; :Assoc·rATBs; A .. ,. ,/,·;/·:£? , .. , ·:~as~iri_gtOn general ~~r~ne;rat!ii> -· it ;:: .. ·.tr-.··:: ..... el ' .·g-,.· ·:;]ii. :::;;, .. I·• . ' -:· :· '. ;-/.: ... ~.::-;: , ·-.,.,,~ ,.h-,.J,. -.-, -'}.:-,,. ,fyn~i\·L;J:'{ ~l."<~><:.,,!:iK< .... ' ·ri~:~"'-~"Kl -+. ~1,.~)j,l~._":'..f~~·&::~--~t:J~.: 21\.t~'.."'.-~--q_,' ._: i\>-~·,~--:--: ,, . o/.i:,;,il,;-~f;_;·)':'ey~~?4 ~~~~~-~ i;::· ~-,~.o.::<U,-.,,,~.~;;t.;.,'• .,, ....... ,..l , .... ~-··, 1~.~,-~~~'l.~,,.-~ .. ,.~ .. ;'t.,_ ~-·-·,4·•-- . ·, ·" ---··· ·-:., .. ! .. ' .. \::t: ..... ·.· ... ·. -:-·:·;:;,•,.-... ·:.;::-: ' ,- <.,,·,:·_ (·· ;;.:; X.1 ·.,.·,-, ... ': .. :.-~-:· .. ·.•.:-:', ·.•. ,.,.: .,':.'\/~;:~--:: ....... - ,.-.,--. ' RENTON :·~~~~<o~·LAWARR,'· 1r«:·~:., a 0e1aWai1;r corpQ?at1c:,n·· .' · ''t~1~a 1~;;. ~-~-~a~~,~~:~·::: ·Jtevtiiod '.·~tltbtt c r.eg~l oei;cri~tJ.~i • · ·-·: ·1ot ·-l"llr'.k.iri(j· Area· '·~ -·:-:-··· ·ot-{gina:1'" t>ecl&ra.tion of Eaaebh!ftt·. (K.c_·~ 'Racori!i"g · · ...... ·' 11o,··en2uuso)c · . '" · . · .. · •. ~.~. : · ~;;:~t_--~~-= :·~J!i:ii~~~-ib~ t tJ · Legal ~eac~iPtiOn :of .. _Roid~ay·_ · is hereby· app~· by1 ·· .-OOs1NG:_;~()M-~_UTER . ~ERV~Es, a . . diVisiori ·:of :Th(i:·.aoe~~ Coai!)al\y, :.~·-~1.a~N-~~rat:·1~:-· .·,_, . BY ';<,~ff2 li~r~' . .-STATE OF. t#ASlllNGTON . ) ) )· a8·. . :· .· . . . .. . . ." · .. ·. ·• ·;;;; ~hi~·,+,/ ~•Y of ~D,,;,., . , l~il~; before ,.., a · . NO~ry .. Publie._ n .. and ,.Eol•,.the .. Stat~ of._h'aihi.ngt_on~--~c-11ornlJ.y'· · -· appe~r8~ 14ICIIAEt :·sANl)9R:PPY;,· ·pu_rSona11Y ~n.owii. tO:H·. (Ox:· j~!:•:,-.,ed. -to me. on '.tbe. basis. of-·sat~afaotory .·evidence).· to .. ba the perR011 ·_whO ·signed. thie inatr·umentr:-on oath stat"ed that he. was . .. au~r.f~~<L.t:o~.t:t.xetiU~~ ·the~·-iil:li!ti:_ument_-aa 0 1je_r.~r,1l·~-p~rtine~ '?f7:>,;~---. · _. _R,!.Zft'OI'I" vn~~ ~~CIAT~S.I· ~nd ~cJmowledged the s_atd· inatrume_rit . · · ., . to 1,e.: h18 :-fi&e ·and. VOlun:t.ary ··act· and deed, ii~:-p_artnittit ,·. ·f!)t-:.the_, ~-o_il;,ah~;~~··e~ ·_ther~lh ·mentioned~ . .. . ' . : .. · rlt~WITMESS Wll1!:REOP~·-x:·-:1;1a~ heroun.t.o ilet··'rnt·;hatid." and:·· , ¢!ti~~~l': •e«l .. th~t:"ey._and. y~l:r· Urat·.abOvO writt-~n~' ',· -.... .. . .-. "-' .... 0 :·,~.-:: .\:.·,,: ·,sT~;,..OP·~o0;~1~1 l .. ·. .· . . ~~..W,tii>SGn '1t\.):t6k·· :~'• . iti.Nl:TNR~S:NHJ$ROP, I ~~-·-bere\lnto s&t rny· h:ani:f .in:d. of:fi.~~~~ · a~i-::ttfa clay ·and y&at ;first ·.,.oove · writ:t&n·• ·= . =·.;:.,_.·( .. :~ -~h:i"a 'tt~ ·aa:y:of 1)aejtr1~c.~ , 1989; l>Eifore mt:rt .a i9.:. NotaiY· _Publ.i_cTna'~d, for·· thi·.5€ate-of \iasl\ingto_ni ~ereona·11y o; . .-_a"ppe~red_-t,U.; .. t.~Pi::" .:·-· ·-. ·_ , pe%"s1)nally. kJtown·.to.me· i:/"o (o_r.proved-to·fflllt on __ t.he-·baala of satisfacl:.ory'_evidence)_ to be ·.,;.., -.".,;~\·-,,"::.;.,};,>' ;\,,·· r:.=.,; ·;. ,;,.-~·. .:t.h& -p~n;ai;a.1f,\fho-. executed this_ ,iijtlt:~!,lrnent·,_ on -oath -.eta"tE!d ·that ·· · HG-.,,_-_-wai!s, authorbed:·:to. exe_oute -th.~ inst1·1.11Qa-nt:, and: ackn"owled,Jtld ,,I£'ai.:t:}ie_bie.tdtet CF t¥1:iijEJb Of~ BOBINO COMPUTBR SERVI..CBS,. a -· _ .. divtd.On:of ·lftia Boe ng <!o!llpany~_· .. to: be the free and Yolunt"ary · : · .. '.a.et a~d-deed,of -aa"1Ji 00rpot:a.~i6n_," ~or-the ·uses and PlirpCJSaa. · :-118~,t~o~-~-i~-this.inat~ment., . · · · .. ' ··,. -XN Wl'.J'NBBB waamiof, r:·_tiAve _·hel'euntl') set'_ my. h"o\ind :$1\d ._-·~uioial. ·sea1 ·-t~ day.-a~:ye~r··=f1t"Bt. ·abvva written~.-:· -· , / .• ::. .<:.:-:-;-'. .. ' \~ : !. 't-.~ . ,_. ' .: . :.~i-:·':Y \.·. \::· ! ·.: . . . '-~~···, ·, Aev~~d. .· )ixttl.Bi"r :c __ t.et;ii_. ~~ar1pt1on Pa-··1 of· 2 · .... · . · .· · · · ,· ... ~ . . ' . ·--~·.,u~nruow. hliton t!- t.dt~&. ~~~·'.·Vi~ .~ itHtOD Plaet! ·_. . ~)~~:=~~\~--~f\~:~1:~a,.~--Qaar&n.of·_Soot,l~n-.U~ --~:~;;;l_·~~.·- : RDn&e ··.S."bl_t:, N~M.: 111.lC~ng ~t.J,-:"Ua•hbistcn_ ~7lng. M1tbla ·~t .. portl_on.· · 11;tf." ~loali. .u:o1· t; .. !J.-,_.Hlll111n~1.' Eu1l111it,o11.earum Additio~i-to .t•" , · · :-Clt.y.:_of.-S~utte,·: DlVisl•• · No, · If &cl(tOl'dlng, to tM .. Plat: t--f .~cord,d · 11\ _V_o\a··.;lJ'..of. 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' Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton I 05 5 South Grady Way Renton, WA 9805 5 Title: UTU..ITIES EASEMENT Project File #: Property Tax Parcel Number: 723160-0542 S1rec1 Intersection or Project Name; Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: AddlUonal refer= numbers are on page ___ Grantor(s): Grnntee(s): I. Renton Pro-rties LLC I. Citv of Renton, a Municinal Comoration Additional legal is on page __ of document. (Abbreviated legal des,:ription MUST go here.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A utility easement over a portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. 060106b OllcRJ'-Esml-F"...t.doc\ Page J FORM 03 0013/blvC.U.21-97 .J.0/10/2008 08:32 IFAX Hung.Nguyen@CTT.com ~ ke1th !ill 002/010 200602 I 8000604.002 The Grantor(s), for and in eonsidoration of mutual benefits, do by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, convey, and warrants unto the .said Grantee, its succ:essors and assigns, an easement for public utilities (including water. wastewater, and surface water) with necessary appurtenances over, under, through, across and upon tho following described property (the right-of-way) in King County, Washington, more panieularly described on page I. (or if full legal is not on page I-Exhibit A.) For the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining underground utilities and utility pipelines, including, but not limited to, water, sewer and stonn drainage lines (including surface appunenances), together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings oflaw. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time comtruct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the following terms and conditions: I. The Grantee shall, upon completion of any work withtn the property covered by lhe easement,. restOrc the surface of the casement~ and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work, as nearly as practicable ro the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantee. 2. Orantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not, however, have the: right tQ: a. Erect or maintain any buildings or structures within the easement; or b. Plant trees. shrubs or vegetation having deep rool patterns which may cause damage 10 or interfere with the utilities to be placed within the casement by the Grantee; or c. Develop. Jandseape. or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements: therein. d. Di&, tunnel or perform other forms of constructton activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Qran1ee's facilities on the easement, or endanger the lateral support facilities. e. Bl est within fifteen (IS) feet of the easement. 3. The Renton Village Storm System Project improvements may include surveying, soil borings, geotechnical exploration, and construction of the new underground stonn system. 3a The Grantee shall indemnify, defend, and hold Grantor harmless from any damage to the property, propeny improvement, and persons and personal property on the propeny, and from any liability, suit, action, judgement, claim, or expense (including attorneys fees and costs) arising from the il<:ls or omissions oftbe Grantee, its agentst employees, and contractors in exercising their rights under this easement. 3b The Grantee acknowledges that the easement burdens a large parking area serving the Grantor's office building,. and agrees to exercise its' rights under this easement in a manner that wm minimize~ to the ex.tent reasonably possible, interrupting the Granters use of the parking area. The Grantee agrees to aJJow the Grantor's access to areas of the parking lot that arc not needed for construelion purposes (such as excavation, stockpiling, access, and other construction related uses), and not create an unsafe condition for persons using those parking area. Jc The Grantor agrees to cease using the parking area north of S Renton Village Place and east of the Thriftway building, that it has a parking use agreement or easement over, while that area is being used for construction of this project. The conditions of this easement roprding parking nolifroation will apply to that area. 4. The Grantee may use the Easement area for surveying, geotechnical investigation, cons1ntction staging, material storage, and other putpOSes needed for the new storm system project. The Grantee will attempt to limit the Easement area used to minimize disruption to the Grantor. 5. The Grantee will notify the Granter at least seven days ahead of time of any areas in the Easement that will be used for the new storm sys!Onl project, except in an emergency when the Grantee may immediately access the ea.semen1 property to handle the emergency, and will notify the Grantor as soon as convenient after handling the emergeacy. Page2 FORM 03 OOJJA>b/CAl-21-97 .1011012008 08:32 !FAX Hung.Nguyen@CTr.com ~ keith ~003/010 %00911% I 80ClC81M.881l • 6. The Grantor will notify all user of the parking lot in the Easement area of"No Parking'' in the area that will be used for the stonn system project. The Grantor will be responsible for removing, or paying for removal, of any vehicles parking in the "No Parking'' area and Easement area. 7. The Grantee may remove curbing, landscaping, and other physical features needed for access and construction of the new storm system, including features along the access road on the north side ofthe property. The Grantee will restore any items removed, unless mutually agreed otherwise with the Grantor. 8. The Grantee will attempt to locate the new stonn system in close proximity to the existing 42-incll and 48- inch stonn system. The Gran tor acknowledges that the location of the new storm system may V8I)' from the location of the existing storm system. 9. The Grantor and its successors agree to execute a permanent Utility Easement, a minumum of JO feet wide from each side of the new underground stonn system, after it is constructed. 9a. The Grantee shall provide the the permanent Utility Easement document on the standard City of Renton Utility Easement fonn, including the legal description of the easement and a figure showing the location of the easement. After the Grantor executes the easement the Grantee shall have the easement recorded with the County, and shalt provide a copy of the recorded easement to the Grantor. IO. The Grantee agrees to concurrently release this Easement with the execution and recording of the pennanent Utility Easement for the new stonn facilities. I I. This Easement and the permanent Utility Easement shall contain the following Hold Harmless provision: The Grantor acknowledges that part of the Property is located in a flood hazard zone identified on the FEMA Flood Maps. Because of the facto<S inherent in the location of the PropertY, the new storm system project may not eliminate flooding on the Property. The Gran tor, and its soccessors, release and agree to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any damage to the Property, property improvements, and persons and personal property on the Property, and from any liability, suit, action, judgment or claim arising from any flooding of the Property, not due to the Grantee's neglegence. 12. This Easement expires four years from the date of recording of this instrument, onless the new storm facilities have been constructed or are under construction. -End- This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. By this conveyance, Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons, whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Gnmtor has caused Ehis instrumon1 to be executed this __ day of ____ 20 __ . 060t06b OueRP-Esml-Final.doc\ pa;ge:3 FORM 03 0013/bl>'CA2-21 JJ7 io/10/2008 08:32 IFAI Hung.Nguyen@CTT.com RENTON PROPERTIES LLC By: HAL Realty III, Inc., its Member By: Nam.~ .. ""----i.::Jl\!JL1r-f..~~c......- Title: ___ _._,""--f-'----- STA TE OF WASIDNGTON ) .1/ )ss. COUNTYOF~ ) ~ keith 14) 004/010 2ooeo11 eoocae 1.e!/11. On this 9,,7-,t,. day of _)p..ru~ , 20o6, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, y commissioned and sworn personally appeared 'bo,.04, 0,.. W , known to me to be the '$.V I P, of HAL Realty Ill, Inc., a Member of RENTON PROPERTIES LLC, a Washington limited liability company, the limited liability company that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company, for the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the person appearing before me and making this acknowledgment is the person whose true signature appears on this document 2841\018:01/ll/06 TREADIHAL\RENTON OFFICE PORTFOLIO igna re ~n Y,~A Print Name NOTARY PUBLIC in and forthe State of Washington, residing at~- My commission expires~. SIONA T\lRE BLIC • RENTON PROPERTIES LLC J0/10/2008 08:32 !FAX Hung.Nguyen@CTf.com EXHIBIT A UTILITY EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION A utility easement over the following described parcel: ~ kelth li!i 005/010 20060216000604.00& Blocks 11 and 12, C.D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle Division No. !, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 74, Records of King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH Lots l through 12, inclusive, Block 5, Renton View, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Volume 33 of Plats, Page 25, Records of King County, Washington TOGETHER WITH vacated streets and alleys attached thereto; Said utility easement more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section I 9, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington; Thence South O l O 04' 08" West along the east line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of224.15 feet; Thence South 55° 03' !2" East, a distance of 45.44 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Thence South 61 ° 46'55" West, a distance of260.20 feet to the eastern boundary of Lot I of Renton Village Associates Binding Site Plan No. BSP-026-90, as recorded under King County Rec. No. 9005080690; Thence South 00° Ol '44" East along said eastern boundary, a dismnceof248.82 feet to the northerly margin of Primary State Highway No. l (Jot. SSH 2-M to Jct. PSH No. 2 (also known as SR 405); Thence North 81° 22'44" East along said northerly margin, a distance of379.63 feet; Continuing South 05° 03'23" East along said northerly margin, a distance of22.28 feet; Continuing North 80° 25'43" East along said northerly margin, a distance of 47.15 feet; Thence North 00 East, a distance of260.14 feet; Thence North 900 East, a distance of 9 I .54 feet; Thence North 0° East, a di.s1ance of 67 .65 feet to the southerly margin of South Renton ViUage Place; Thence North 89" 44'02" West along said southerly margin, a distance of286.15 feet to the True Point of Beginning; .101101200& 08:32 !FAX Hung.NguYen@C1T.com •. ,1: 0' 100' Sc;aler 1' = 100' THRIFlWAY 1-405 ,, ,, -+ ke1th ;:, S Renton Village PL li!J006/0l0 200801 I 6000904.0IIIJ ONE RENTON PLACE 723160,-0542 ......... UTILITY EASEMENT EASEMENT ~ One Renton Place RENTON VILLAGE STORM SYSTEM PROJECT City of Renton Surface water Ufllify D. Carey 12/13/05 J.0/10/2008 08:32 !FA.I Hung.Nguyen@CTT.com ~ kelth ~·_;,\~;/('::-.' ·>:~~~~J!/-- t f. !'; f ' ... -·~ J f fl . I . l l ' ' ' ' .. "• ,. 'J; =o '4 '-' "' ..... . ~ .) ·j"\ Cl .. ) I ~.:c ' . ,, •· ; ' ' > ,t?,, !'", •' \ ,' • •U• '• -0 " "' "" n AGREf.HENT U~ US8 Ol" Cl1Y OP SEATTLE TRANSMISSION LINE EASEMENT RlQlT-OF-WAY P,H. 1230519•!•004 WHEREAS, the City of SeBttle 1 Citv Light Departlllil!!nt, hateAfter known a, the NCityN, awns a transmission line eaaement right-of-way ovet pottlons of Lots 2, 3, and 4, Block 51 Renton View Addition to tha City of Renton, Wa~hingtoq, Q8 recorded in Volume 33 of Plats, page 2S, King County, Waehingtcin:; and WHEREAS, Pacific Northw~se Bell telephone Coi!lpany, 1600 Bell Plaza, Seattle, Wdshlngton, hereafter known aa -PNa•, request• thfll consent of the Clty of Seettle, City Light Department, to plac1 two •tni•huts containing telephone switching equipment and to pl~• conduit within the City's aald transmission line easement r1ght-~f-way al shown on the attached 'rawlng, said drawins by this reference made a part hereol; NOtl, TIIEREFOR&, as between the parties, it 11 autually agreed that PND may place tvo mint-huts and conduits in the tranaai1alon line right-of-1tay, subject to the following tet"lls a~d condltionst J. Thia agreement 1& subject to cancellation upon 30 days• written notice by tho Supe.r1ntendent of City Light. 2. Flammable fl.ltertal shall not be pla~ed "1.thin the rlght-of"'Way. 3. The mini-huts placed upon tho right-of-way shall be grounded in a ~anner approved by the Superintendent of City Light, ,. PNR sh~ll. upon completion of any construction of any facllltles deacribed h&rain. remove all d~bris aftd restore the surface of tha above deseribed property a~ nearly as possible to the condition in which it ex!:..ted at the date of this agreeraenc: • S, If PNB's use of the right-of-way should at any tillMI become a h.a:ard, as determined by the Superintendent, to the presently iaatalled electrical facilities ot tile City of Seattle or any facilities added or constructed in the future, either overhqod or underground, :ir should sue:, ose as deter- :nined by the Su~rlntendent fnterfere with the inspection• consttw:tioo., a,.intenancC or repair of the same or with the aeceas along such easement, PNB, upon thirty days' wricten notice. will be required to remove or relo~ate such ha~ard or interference at it.a ol<ft'l e~pense. If PNI shall fail to re1110ve or relocate suc.h hazar-d or interference, the City may at its elt!:tlon remove such huard or lnterferenee without liability to PNB for loss, injury or danage thereto, and the cost of such removal shall be paid by PHB to the City upon demand. 6. PMB agree1 to protect and save harmle1• the City from all clainst actiona, or danage1 of every kind and description which 111ay accrue from. or be suffered by reason of its use of the right•of-va1 or che performance ot any work in connection with its use: and ln caae of any aucb. suit or action being brou3ht aaainst s.oid City, or daaag•• 1ri11ng out ot or bt reaaon of an, o[ the abovt1 cau1ea. PNB shall. upon notice of com111n~ement of tdCh actiofl. defend the aaa.o ac tts sola coat and expense and v111 fully aat11fy any Judament arter the said suit ahall ha .. be.n finally detera!~ed. tf adyersely to. the City or Seottle. 7. tt ii under1tood that any rlght• 9FAnUd hereunder art aubJ,:n,,-t:or-n,~· r,i1. ..- ext1ti1'11 rtahte 1 lf any, of oth•r part!••• ln coneant1na co tha u .. of thti right•af-wa,y for Chh purpo11a I the Ctt:, doe& nGt. WllH or euboq.Unata itf'~r. ·~ ,~,: of the rights and prlvtlegaa gr3nUd co the CUy bf HHl'flOl\tt t'\ft I' I .; · trar111•iu1on ll ne purpoau 1 l of 3 t·r.,' By rn• "'l', ~ t.Ecii<iNS .;/1 ' ~t, .. ~; . . . . ' ' ' ' .,.<'l.;.•//,)>,"4-<,''\ .......... ,..;.,:.<;,';...;i~;;,,;:.i,.;,.:,,-i 14!1007 /010 i ! r i .10/10/2008 08:33 IFAX Hung.Nguyen@CTI'.com ~ keith 141010/010 ~ . . . . . \ '', . . ' . ~ . _-... ·' \ ... -= • ........ . ,. ·~. : .. ' . 101101zoos 08:33 ll'A.! Hung.Nguyenl!C'rr.com -+ keltb 11!1008/010 ,... . ' . ' ··, ' . . . . .. . -. . . '. . ' _. ' ~ . .· . -·. ---. ' • • • ;,',·\· • t , ,· ~ ,' ~-:,l ';."~', '111:,·o , ' • ~· • • • •. ·''""''~Jar~·,•.·~ ;;;~~~;r~~1~~~~o/!~~~ . ' l ' ' ~i?~ .. ·· c;. 'thl! Supu-intP.nrt11tnr nf r.1t-y Light, or hh qe:nta. •lw.lt IMin t.ha right at all reuon.able tJ.111es to 11\epe~:t nid premilH for the purpou of ob•arvtng the condlttona thereof ~nd the manner of complianc• by PNB with the terma and condition• of this agreement. ,. ' ., r I • ' • I. ,. • •. II. ... ,: 10. ;~e Superintendent of City Light shalt have the right at all tta.1 to suspend any or all operation, on above property which ha dei1111 to be detrifflental to the beat intereata of the City ot Seattle • 11. ~is aareeaent ta for the uae of the above deecrihed land only• and shall not be construed to replace or to be used in lteu of any permits or licensee which may be requited, granted or 1uperYi1ad by any other 1ubdtvi- sian of government chargad with licensing 1 policing and aupervtstng the operations cf PHB hereunder-,. 12. Al between the parties, PNB will gssU11e all risk of l~a•, da~age or injury wbtch may result ftOII ita use of the right-of-var area. •xcept for such loss, dsma3e or injury as the City may ba responaihle for by law. It is under1tood that any daaage to the City's property, caused by or resulting froca t'NB'~ UH of the right-of-way tract, uy h• tepaired by the City and the actual cost of euch repair shall bti charged agatnat and ha pa.id by f'NB. 13. Thie agreemer.t is aubject to PNB's acquiring the necessary easements from the fee owners of the right-of-way sr~a covered by this aareemant• and lt shall not take effect until such ea,ementa are acquired. 14. PMB agrees th.lit the Clty of s~attle ahall not be li~bl• for any damage to PNB'a property by reaaan of any r.onBtructlont alterations, aatntenance or taprov ... nta performed in said property by the City~, .S.ettle, it• agents or representatives. 15. PNB agrees not to uae the property herein de1cribed for any other purpose vhataoever t~an as set forth abovet and agree• that the Superintendent of City Light of the City of Seattle shall ht the aole judge of any conflict or violation of such us~ as 4ba\lti stated. 16. PNB agreea for itself, ita heirs, succesao~ and asaigfl.81~ that the covenants herein contained shall be binding on the parties, their heirs, successors and assigns, forever. Approved this /111-, day of _]n_~,-~--19ie_. City Light. 2 of 3 PACIFIC NOR.Ttll!ST BE~L TELEPHONE. COMPANY •r:.,.,-,,--------------Tt tlG { 10/10/2008 08:33 !FAX Hung.Nguyen@C'IT.com -, kelth ; .. • (FOR. CORPORATe ACKNOWl,P.[)()mN'I') STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY l'F ~ ~ as. On thh 7 1'l... day of ~ 191'!2, before me •··.r~~.·o•wnlly, ••• be ... ,.h·.a n, c·'' ~ ~"'·~ • : to ~ == ~~ ~--• ;x>A·1te f 2:!:!i~-&u1d,~ so 11 ~ _____ ~- of PACiitCftOR.THWESf BELL TELEPHONE COMPAMYt the corporation that executed the wlthin and foregoing instrument, .c:nd .....ti. acknovladaed that uld instrument to be the: free and v,,luntar1 act and dead of aatd corporation .for tru\ uaes and purposes therein s.:.,1tioned, afld ...._on oath atated that .. 4'lJ..3 u, authorized to executo said instrwaerit • .......... ' IN WITNESS WHE:REOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed ay offi.cial seal the day and ye.at" abo'Ve written. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNn' OP' KING Notary Pubiic~hlo1ton, redding at -1~9 ' ) ) 55 o ) On this /,3 ti day of 'h_,.._ 19 i7.• before ee personally appe.ared RQ&Bffi!i• 1Jlili{t~;?,: .• }~.U,Perintende:nt o Seatti. Clt:y Light Department, the corporat"'. on t'hac ei'ecutei:l the within and forctgolng in~trWJe:nt, and acknovledged said instrument to be tho free and •olunCaty act and de~~ of tald corporation for tha usea and putpo1es theroin mentioned, and on oath stated that ht' was authori•ed to execute taid 1n8trument, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ay hand and afllxed my offlclal seal the day and year above vtltten • ..,.c..L(,,_J.·~1 r:,e,.,.-)1...i,.....,;,._. Notary Pub11c."1n,ndfo~ the State of residing at. ~-!;. Washington, 3 of l lg! 009/010 I r Printed: 03-15-2011 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUAOS-117 Receipt Number: R1100860 Total Payment: 03/15/2011 03:52 PM 100.00 Payee: RENTON PROPERTIES, LLC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5022 000.000000.007.345 Variance Fees 100.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 3969 100. 00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000000.020.345 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.000000.007.345 Annexation Fees 5007 000.000000.011.345 Appeals/Waivers 5008 ooo.000000.007.345 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.000000.007.345 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.000000.007.345 Environmental Review 5011 000.000000.007.345 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.000000.007.345 Final Plat 5013 000.000000.007.345 PUD 5014 ooo.000000.007.345 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.000000.007.345 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.000000.007.345 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.000000.007.345 Rezone 5018 000.000000.007.345 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.000000.007.345 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.000000.007.345 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.000000.007.345 Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence 5022 ooo.oooooo.007.345 Variance Fees 5024 000.000000.007.345 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.000000.007.345 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.000000.002.341 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 ooo.ooooo0.007.341 Maps (Taxable) 5954 650. DO NOT USE -USE 3954 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 ooo.000000.000.231 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .oo .00 .oo .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 • 0 'D C Q E n:: C C u, CJ 'D " ;, 0 (/) .2 I}_ c, 0 N rD CJ c, N SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 23, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. ' , ---------~ -----------.. ------ NOTE: r I THE SU RVEY INFORMATION SHOWN IS A COMB INATION: 1 . 2. 3. '' ,, ' ALTA SURVEY -BOCK AND CLARK, JULY 18, 2001 CITY OF RENTON AS-BUILT RECORDS I I I I I I I ADDITIONAL TOPO BY DR STRONG I ' ' ' " . " ,, ' ' ___________ .._ I "• ' ' ' RENTON VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER "" ... ' ..... ~ .,'"' ' '' ,, I I , I I "'· I 1 1 1 I I I .··.· 11 I 1 i 'O'I> -----' I '---·-I I I I I . I . . I I I I I I I I - • - . I '"'ke , ' '· -~- TT..4 F'f,,,,32.00 0 en ._ ..... ,., ···-__ J ' ' ' ~ \' ' ' ' '. ' ' '' ,_ ' ~ " " ', "' "' -------·-' --.. ------W\--- TT-3 . EXISTING,, l ' •: ,. ' - I -' .. 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' I -, , D :~- ~ ,;: ; _, ,· -w a:: I- ISSUED/ REVISED DATE --- MASTER SITE PLAN SET 10/6/2008 TT-7/GARAGE D BUILDING SECTIONS 0 ll'.'. 0.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ----- ;----------" ------------------------ ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' F E D C B A / ' • _ _,.- • • ' , .. --·· ' ' • .• ,......- ......... ,.,.-·· ' , .... - .. ·-." ' FLQ_QQ ZONE X ,.--·· . / _ ...... ---· __ ,.-···· ' 100 YEAR FLOOD HAZARD AREA·. ............................ . . ·········-.~- FLOOD ZONE AH BASE FLOOD ELEV • 24 FEET 1 TO 3 FEET FLOOD DEPTHS ,.,.,'.'•"-"•. \ ·--•, '· I ~-_ .. ,•. ' • I · .. • • '., .. / .. • }It! ' /};-!§@...: . " .. - . . ........ -·· . :;~iii =-&::..~®L ··-----·· . ' .. " .. _._ .. _.,, ,' ·-' =0-.-........ -.-.... ". """''-"•· .. . . • ... ' • A1 OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLA~ ~8~'48'29"~'-. i. '. 02'00'28' SCALE: 1"•80' ········ . 16.4 7' R • 11360.00' L • 398.09' ADJACENT OWNER: RENTON VILLAGE ASSOCIATES 1 ' " ,-.·.·'/ ~ /,' -.. ,·/, N09' 08'06"W,;-' ; --4.00' .. ,, / / 146.23' N 01'04'08" E .. · ... '-. •, ", ...... :-< SET CORNERS :~,, RM •17672 ' • N09' 10'52"W . • ·····-----_.,, '',f.oo·: .: .... -----·· S80' 49'08"W '---2.Sb' - ', c. • oo· 02'4.6" R ; 11J134:oo· /CONVEY ANCE,RfCORDING NUMBER 87081404 73 L • 9.13' ~ r,.'\ C, 'i'-r,.\l '{ . . . 0''<' 30· WT BACK.· REQUIRED . 11'-9" EXISTING~· ·-~ LANDSCAPE BUFFER ... • • 190 SF I 690 SF _,' + + ' ,...., I _,, ' ,-. 147 SF~-1,/! ..... ~----:·.. ) l" . '.: .Jt ·.. J __ ; 7 , lO!J sF 1. ,,F., / TT-5 TT-6 5,R-4Q:> 11962 SF---.._ .. , 360 SF . 1539 SF GARAGE B PSE PARCEL (NOT PART OF PROPOSED PROJECT) ,,-"',,,-\ / \/' \ •+1,-;-1,··1'+1 l , ( , l ·, l , '-... _., ''-_., ''-., ,..._ -" I 1-::, 0 U1 l-o OJ -30' SETBAC~ REQUIRED N 23' 04 '37" E J:pro1ecs nonca nons ees non -.s CONTOURS: THE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY IS VIRTUALLY FLAT WITH MINOR SLOPING TO PROVIDE DRAINAGE OF THE EXISTING PARKING. THE PROPOSED GRADING WILL BE LIMITED TO CURBED LANDSCAPE ISLANDS AND SLOPING ASPHALT AREAS OF DRAINAGE. THERE ARE NO PERIMETER BERMS OR LANDSCAPED AREAS WITH SIGNIFICANT GRADING PROPOSED. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING: ALTERED PARKING AND PERIMETER PLANTING AREAS WILL BE RE ·PLANTED TO MEET OR EXCEED CODE REQUIREMENTS WITH NATIVE AND COMPATIBLE SPECIES. NEW AREAS WILL BE PLANTED WITH MIXED NATIVE AND CLIMATE COMPATIBLE SPECIES OF TREES AND SHRUBS. SPECIES INST ALL ED WILL PROVIDE COLOR AND TEXTURE VARIETY THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. LANDSCAPE TREES WILL BE 70'/. DECIDUOUS. ALL LANDSCAPE STRIPS ARE AT LEAST 100SF WITH NO DIMENSION LESS THAN 5'-0". TREES WILL BE PROVIDED AT A RATE OF ONE TREE FOR EACH 6 PARKING SPACES IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIRED TREES FOR STREET FRONTAGE. SHRUBS WILL BE PLANTED AT A RATE OF 5 PER 100 SF OF NEW LANDSCAPE AREA WITH 50'/. OF THIS NUMBER BEING DECIDUOUS. GROUND COVER SHALL PROVIDE 90'/. COVERAGE OF NEW LANDSCAPE AREA WITHIN 3 YEARS. LANDSCAPE WILL BE IRRIGATED AS REQUIRED TO ESTABLISH THE PLANTS. LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS: PROPOSED TO BE ADDED EXISTING TO REMAIN EXISTING TO BE DEMOLISHED TOT AL LANDSCAPE AREA ON SITE: TOTAL LANDSCAPE REQUIRED• (15SF/STALL x 406 STALLS) TOTAL TREES REQUIRED: (1 TREE/6 ST ALLS l!l 406 ST ALLS) TOT AL SHRUBS REQUIRED (I SHRUB/100 SF NEW LANDSCAPE) (PARKING) 15,980 SF 31,093 SF LEGEND: ~ PROPOSED TREES (STREET) 23,920 SF 8D,320 SF EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN --. ____ ., (TOTAL) 39,900 SF 111,413 SF 39,800 SF 151,313 SF 5,865 SF 68 TREES 400 SHRUBS 125 222 ,-, . , • , EXISTING TREES TO BE DEMOLISHED 104 '" PROPOSED LANDSCAPE B EXISTING LANDSCAPE TO REMAIN ~--~ EXISTING LANDSCAPE TD BE DEMOLISHED NOTE: TREE COUNTS BASED ON A PHOTO SURVEY SCALE: 1" • 80'·0" ---------------------------... • ,n = w 3: 0 t- z 0 t--= t- en GI ·-.. .. GI a. 0 .. D. C .. 0 o'. .. ~ C (.) S: GI ..I 0 Ir: ..I z 0 VI ..J ..J < u z 0 -,n z C3: a. >< w 0 0 I'- :::i '<'"" (f) N '<'"" 0 Lj") Q) co co I'- > Ol o o <( <( Lj") Lj") -:;:coco ~ "1" 'tj" -'St 'St LL Ql -(!) (!) LO _. O O N ClJNN 0 Q) N (f) I-I&. E 0 z Cl 0 C: II) 0 "' -... = ..i <1l < Cl (.) ;: ;: ;: <( s z 0 I- z w 0:: '-"IS~S~U"-"E~D~/~R"-=-EV-'-'-'IS~E~D,_~DATE MASTER SITE PLAN SET 10/6/2008 OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN ' 0 0 co 0 co I'- 0 N 1j, f-u LU -; 0 0:: a. 0 40 80 160 _ ___.L-100 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F E D C B A '-------------------------- ( ;-_ 0 ::J; I/ F~ID G" UIA CO~E::. MO~. I y/·-=---. ::.i/PU~1CHFD ."3''D1A G"'ASS \ 0-, / /~ C:AP. 0 19' l·t & 0 I~ W -\ /' \ c- . ·--. -""+., -'.-'1'/~o,11,,)1, \\,// \ '< ,:S ·tY l in n · 35' ·(J.0.40' "' 0 ~==~= DETAIL (1'-1:JT ro SCAL:C:) I 'WICAL ALL CJTER BI.II_DlilG CORt·-!C: <S ) V . Ii M 15' EL:::ci:N:: ESf,(-TO / ~ o) \/ 0 ' , / ·l~ PUGET SOIJl·1D ?OW[R ,!,; UGH r // '<"; Q , J' ~ 5' x 'J. 13 S'7REC:T LIG'·IT ESM I ' 1 1 .o I · c1r_c ~JO s10224cs· s ~ f' 2 -';'.' /' ,.,...;.;--ro r_;i I Y 01 REHTOr\ ~-~,- : J ,., ' --...... \ / ,<', \ RC:C. NG 37100·;>0448 l!!I 11 , ' ~ / '-, I \ \ / ·r:, . ~1 I ) ~ -~v :oo· r~~.N':01,1S':010(1 Ll'JE ESM'r· ,../ ~b_ I ---~J .:,;--0 \:...--~ ' ' r --• :;,.:_: ~~--_____ \'\--\4, _? .PUC~:.f ~OU~U P?l.'.'E~ & LIGHT ....----;:.'\ \ r.?M,_J=-="):~~ ,f(J~\\.::.,.....--15.9_? .: 1{j ~,\'.A.fl,< ,_c,~_1/ --1 ·--,., ~ '<1:.C. l'-IU. 8L08L70j:)8 -..-<,\'\ r \ / <J'-....:::.\~'2:~ ~-;:::) u" TO ,.Hr ~,F REN O~I t!i'l!!l' ' ," -------, .s;:.>, /,J'\ I&.....-:-. UTUJ!JR '\ , ·-··---J"' s. 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E I\ ___,----:::-.::::::---:..:=-:=---==----------_..':::<\ BOLJD\--__,..-'.~~-~; ·---~:>:,\\.,.~ ----------·/·'· ·-\~,:,-.-. ---II ,_ ~---=· = _ ....... -~ \\ T:J CITY OF RErirrn·: .Q;itj ----t1Jf~-g....:------..... _/~ "-,~_1 -::::Sr.:w±-~r--l ~-tlX:1A....:::..._...---"------,f,' __ __ . __ _ , .. _, ---"~ ... --.,,. -~ ~~/ \' ~i REc. rw. s6122213101e.,w ---------_______...---~---...-s. --G-J ...v ;k--------,,. -7 ;W--l~~ / w-, \ ::=1----5 0 \ ::::=::j,,~-"""-:::::c_::c='-~~~,,'L_...., , ~ :;;:,9\ ___ ~(?------i c; -1 -,---, \· ___ "_· --A::;f::'.!:.1..6.L r ------"\,~%f" -~ ).,''-----,\-. ~i· i1~~~~"~J'~~~f r r~:~ '...._'::::--====--"=============~ 1/ICII\IITY 11IAP -~~~~-~~~~-zt~.t~~Yt:©f> r~__=,t-~'. =~;f.~{/~) i,-r-·J i:. ( __ / /....--· !"-185.6' -1~.-· .. ,",-~,f-'j·r:;_w~LK:a: ;: \\"\\\ -T I RCC,IJ~_;/:,'.~::t:'s:.~.:~ ________ _.-·,,--",•.:~~ c· .1,,11 TER l',\1 r ____ ,,_.,. ,, 1;;, /-7-/ 1 ;,., -~' _ '-1o·l11: 1A1 " , , [ , \ fscr: ~,o 1,,05290,11:a.4 ,,!J!,W ... ~ _,, ' ' SIG~I "'-'171 7' .., ---------~u,' TO(::IT(O-f-ilr,O'l 1 '---c---<( --/ ~( -8"CRW"'--:'.>"0AJTO H 1C '0 I ..--5'x754'SIRE':.ILIG·lf[~,\I· ... .....-~· R[C. WJ. 261'.-!221310------ 1 ~ ) ~u-___ / --,~ .',,_, \-\•,,--, .. (~JOT TO SCALE) 1~~ 10· ELEPHm.E ESl-~'r (0ft ---l ..------S1.J-----~-_ _.-{]· -r-·· i,--t, Sl-'1--<IM,(_F.:R ,;, :;~ \:--_.....--·oD· 11 /'\ TO CITY CF RENfm1 ~t) <1:I, REC. ClO 86121915Qj __ ---1_ 0 -~-co 7-S-O'<Y COhC &. ':ill:.] ll_DG. :,-; J ~ .,.. 1-,"_, ·Y,// A~ --/3 ° c?. "THREE RF:t.JTQ',J r'LA,:L·' :~ -:a d fii ..t.: ~ ; p1:_r_:_ ~10 871DOc!0.:.43 --"f [~t) Tl-,,_~· WA-ER f'St-.fl --.. /(7._, / / I <i,\,JJr GRMJ. FLO,J;:.: A-WF. = 16.62'J :;q_ft. ,g ·ct ~ / 1 ~ , CIT'·' Jr· RC:t.JTC)~j -..., 0' ] A..]L/ "1 'C 1:':T :-_00~ AREA ~ 2',292 sq 1,. --c i1 / \ rec rm. c_;moc9·.:.s4 r so. / / jl nic 'r-( .~.' J:----J'.'1.\ /,,_ \ _ ~1~l/~_.R ( , _ _L. A':Of-'11~ .T L H/C s'"cmv -crnrn11TC? / I\ s., Ml., /a :::,-r----<~·3·~-s-- BUX ·_1./ ~ l.(J) ,--I l:"'\. /J. ,Pr Al r (," L --r ~ 171 7' /8"Ci?'.'/ j --\ 'I \ \ / \ __ ,....------9 53 I IO Wf.-ER •s,i - 10"W----------y , ' r 3~ "'lso'<:: .. ::::: H/C \' C:) P'. _:C:Vrnst' ::·"'<;. --I --I \ TT! '{ /\ TO CIT( JF RD:Tll~I ,;~ 4".:',::o';,11J''N,'\-E"I.E~1-,1-:-r r' ~·~,DE~,,~1,16,_"B"~_ -[kwJ_" 't1"if1 SEE .:~-~\c,·icw.•'-~..::':::::_____ ,S __ I, __ )1_~ --t-\ '\ftr' _p't}--J.....-~---------------I I r,=c l'JO 8612221'1oi·t; ifjt ro c1TY oF RENTor,.1 r1,-m.E-I -'" (' "A'"-.....---=---r-i iHl1 r ~\_;,-: 1 1 ' o-1,c-::: ,-m ,:1-;·:2191su2 •/.'\l.,LT_"' ·---L . ''t".:<s, DETAIL L-A'3Pf-A ,rcrn,c RAl,1F t---y--,---fl\ I~' -___i_;.--P.,l..{i:i... \ j__~ ex 10· TRMF=K 1::.LA\JO Es11r _ _[ .. u'1 1-1 W/HMm R;.1L ":..J L' , '(Ot_i,... ~J'-'~ -\ ro . 1 y ,,, ,.,,,1 ,,~ ---;-..,, (' IY)RJ\~H OU Fil )I_ Of ESk'T) <O c, 1 __J =F :.D Ac-::,HAL I CL \ n ,.::f'-t"~ \ I ' r, .qpii • (-i"DRAIH OUTSIDE OF ESM'r) /r ,i,,,'PH ~0 1_____G_j ~ ---~ '= .~ i--y·---; ~6 /'~·-~~.," -r1. cl\ '-~\ .. '{:i ..,, REC ~W tl/'QOgoi 4 t>~& --~ 4u· ' 65' E_ECTRIC ESC/'T / ' ~ ,,, -~ ~ u _r/ ,'Si TII ' b Fl I 1~" \ I ' SL(·,LE 1" == 61J' cCALE IN 1[[T C JU 120 8/\31~ IJF BE/1Rl~.cs· Cl::il"-FRI ~I, m· T.l\LBCT POAD so·J 1 H ('::fi-')'5) :'l 1)2'J8"1 s··::, 8ET'.'1ECi) CFNFRl.Hff l·/CNJt,IEN rs. '::>CR RUHOH ··!11' AGl: CD SHOR-.=i_AT ··W. I, R~CUC<llfll l~I VO .UME 56 OF SURV[YS. P,\GE 90, Ut.llJFR ·=;ECCRLllr·JC ,'JO. d/U/069001, l(IMG COUNTY, W1\ ,~;~~ 82~J1JtC~c~-~-l ~ '~ l ::,~:: I r ~r --~12·so____ '.:D ~--C: "--3"~-~1~f-..... 1 --F -~ .~~l'jf,~ 1 c)~ -~~' -~r~(t~;~T ~:i~~~o~~~1E\ & Ll'.;-lf ~g,) 'IH LlllS roF Id_l -,r-, jf 1·· -I __ -~ ~ :!.-F'+Pc or-BL.\ DRAI\ 192.71' 1~:·/-\-:1' 1-k--._ __ O',\NER: \)'\IJI T FUI L sr: P I CL · _ _Ff'.(~, o 'DL ·., S 89'44':J:2.' 1E M ~ ---/ ,, · RFr,JTOl'J V' __ .t.GE . .0.ssoc. o'"c-GREAsL: -~ ... ,, \ ?( ,1 -',~· ~.-, -\ J EMH'~, / ··If ~ 1--\.~~\R1s-~',D °'C:";~·;.~~.'. CURVE TABLE r1' ADI Js ocL I,\ L::J,JGTH fT,'\t·JG~E~'"c'-T~I ~c~H~O~R~D~~_c"6"'~"Ac.;""'"'~1c;-.-c--1 :£{!! 1w;r1~::c;S, E']RESS Lf,\IDSCAr":C'. -:::-510 _1 c' ~ &: DFR·SC:iiC' v:-11::::u:: i::::t,1 I ~ w ~ =o )"":t .. Cl 38t:,(j_71' CT33'.)?" 510.52' 255.G.3" J:-~S~60 20!"0>060 ';,2010 ':-'l0/~ ' 'FC. r~u. i:J612221311 i~ 0 ~ 0 ··"·-_ 1 __ v, ~ u,,}g C\,\/l"·JER:I r I I 1~ '.) C2 6~:.~~,°a°~· ~;~:1~;~~:: 84.23' S3.51' 37~31 ~~·. ~ :·;:~;:;;:,, \~:; 10'111,T:RE.Jf,ffS II' ~ 1 1, ---•• 1~L~~ LO ' F-'UGET sci1_1r,r1/,/u,JEr~GY 1+ I 118:11.,, ,'_ lw L___'C~'~·--===~-=~~~-~:o;~,;0'~-~ 9~0-·--~1~0~·-·~9~1-·-- a;f>·, f~~, ,~~=Cl~~ c;,,~f;~~o;~~ & -=!J ' 1:~~1 I I Eono1,u_t' pa_r_;_ '.-'i TA c ~J 8 I i3 I: (j (i~ RF c: ~ o c :, 1 22 2 ' 11 u --'\.._ i e .. -: -_ ~I f ~~ii:' .. ,;; I ;.:,"\:;~ i ~'J rn 7 ·l// -" .. '·Hrn··· R'{T'A .. D ",_,'ss AR,,,.· c,A1 .e. .. ~. ~ / ~ ,'"' "'!!'"'! 1"-" ~!, '~ .1, '''!\ -~"~Ii'',''''·!='~ i~ '~·"' :'~ '""¥!'i•l:i:~ii-J~. ,, ,:.:, ,;; ,,.,.;;, ~; ~,,;;, ~; ~ ;~ .;.; .. ;;,.; . ...;.;,: ;1-,:::· :·:=::::::::t:t::~: ~:;: :i~'i!.~~ ('"i "i :i ::t , ----! :::' IOR "Two [~:~'"iTON PLACE" ~ r---t 'y~ '-.: ~-"\ f6 lil1~r:~~f.~~:~J':;::r~:i;·"~r::Jfi:;'ffJ:1::·~fv.·if!fiJ':'.:=.,1t1d;'~::f;:~~G;~:~:f.j·:11:f!il'.::la11 ;_~!!!-, "J A JL T -,~ VAUL -._ FH C.. I O TGL 0.: o· t<. &) 0.2:; W. )-ll. / ~ l <( I Z '1:~,,~!j,,~e~~:'!!'~,~,cai,,,~,,i,,~~·~~'~;~_lf~-"-,'.! =_:t':~iJi··~; ;;,,~ '~'i!t'ic'~1_!i:"l!:f;"i,,~,·l;,,,,;,,,,.,,ii,f;;;11:m-,~,;~,,.. 1m11mn~1~-i~_"Hil:im11, 11 ":"'~~:" I T.P.0.8 ~'.:.::_, __ ...._ 1'...::_.oASPH. '.:'~ \I .::..;F[E'•~~~ll~R~f~~.:'~~;]L.511S:J '~.·.--_".:,: r-T)kl j'/'+-'' ,I :\: i\SPH "' \~ L..'."_'_ _:=__J ~ I 1. _____ "_.,',,.1·1· i r-.OT[· ,'-LL T[MS I_ISTED BELO'.V ('()RRESPC'.JC,f·C TJ S'.::-fflJIJlf-_ f-:: __ j, ---=~-=J-:----==t=·::---'-=-=r'~;::;" I / 1 REtlAk/CAP rAvE BEEl'-1 PLOTTED f-'FF<rm~ 1 ,J02.33' i' ::----sTORM =f--22,•14'~---------DISAI~-12'·op ,1 I, f'j t\~"4402'" 'N ,Id! 1-'··------1 "HAiiS-AU LS 1373·1" ____l 1G"WAl·.I( ESf,1'T ,.._ t,,,. .... ----V-A1_,1 I r~,.'P_. mi CR 1' ---' .,-UNI.JER"" _ -~7'5 (]()' J fl , .,,,.,.--------I I j G 12· W 1 I\JSTALLING. CONST?JCTIP.JG, Of'[RATlr,,G, M:\l~IT1\INltlG, R'::t-,10\/ING, R:CPAl--/lra..(3. l '0 Cll"Y OF RE~:TOl".J ',, -=!""""'F""""t ---~-1:::"SJ--------HJ"SC A~ __.i;, _,,'--r----= I r:[PLACl~lC AND USING,\ 'N/\ER Lll·ff Vil-H 1\LL cmn•1ECTIC'1S, MAr-lH:JLE'.'; AHLl ,_,_: REr ·w ""Gc;13 c5 --....... --c=---, -, IJITCH '' 1 .. ,'-1 / / ~~< \ I 1 .A,FPURTnJANCES THERETO FOR r:ITY OF R~-nm:, RFCORDIN8 NO. 7+052-J0"-84. ,:l'.l. -· 1• · t.: -·' _ Ft1D R,~LRvP.r:i SPKl ·~-..,A,RKlrG EPSE 1,1Ef'.I-··-....,__1S:...A~m ''' ~" gifr§ ,,c, / p ~ INCRESS, :::GRC:SS L.::..rmSCP.F-'E-1 .; Ill 1\3Ph, r\1 ,' 111 ~!;IRE': ~1::; i:fo 2))11% ,/ (1'"1-'ICAL) P.S-'HALr ' A-;PHAU-u.1 ?'--~., 11J;~ 2 ELECTRIC T';1\~!SMSS1m1 A\JU/'~" LllS RID1Jllm: ':;YSTF~1. -oc::TrJER WITi-1 /\LL. ~ ~ ·$ tc~Mf6GE~f1yn1;,~;-LE E3M ~o ~ I I-~ RECIP~Or:Af~css ( t4,) L"I ____J ~ ( (§ r.r ) '_j > I "·-,, ~ ' I I ! i ! I ~c -II / ii I I j ~~.;:,f_J:sN\~Yi?~ru~~~1\'("/;~1H,'3t;c~/1~ic;i-''KE3 F'J~ PIJGC I '.iUlJND H)WGS & LIGHT I __ SW C'::"'1rl• ME /1 I-.JEl/4 { ~ U1 4. , ,',,GREEl,!E~ r ,,u_ \JO 8612231~;15 !!i \ ..t.: ± I I I ~---Jc 19 T 23 ,1 R '..> L: ,._,~, _ /'D < R-, w . B: ---_ ~s:J.., -, 11 1 _ 1 I 1 / 3. ~1A1f'.JTEi-1A[\CE, TEST1~.c A'JD 1MS?ECT10~1 o=-A FIT=:: t1A1~1 A\JD 11YDRA:,,jE •t.1Tf-' \ -f u • -,; '--JI Tr E HECESSAR.,. A:,PU[HDIAt•.C[S IC'I< CITY 01 R[NTOr-1. REC1)RDING r-.0 8fi1?"()1502. , po1~n oF co·H,1E~ cE1,1nn , ,~ c ·-I I (~ • / n rn rn I/ -q- [SJ :cv -~iv 0 --c:- ()- ~ :::Clv'1:11Tl.Jl:}JT H:·. ~017JE, 0\111'\":...~: IJNIVER'.:-;I IY '2'TREET PROPERTIES !I, LLC. "TV/J REhlTLJ~.J PLAC=:, OWf\lER: VIL'_ACE ASSOC. SURF1\c:-_ f,10N'JM['IT Rf i;,:d & C/1P HUB & rACK GA.S \!/.L ·-,E WATrn f,EER WAER V.A._VE F,RE ClYDf.:At1 I '"lOSE blclG c'Afl MOUNTEC TR/\NSf_-Dkf,1FR UTILI 'f POL[ L TILl:"l POLE ANCrlOR ci_,y roLE ul CAP IQ) D C~D D CRW H/C ,:_: UTILI rY \/AULT lJ i"ILITY CAP 111.A.FCIC LAB!NET TELEPHONE -s1:; _r.: SI O ::\-1 D:c;:A1t-. 'vl1\NHOLE Ci\ -:er l::A SIM S1Gl·I COICRE I~ fiETAl~,HSG WALL '1AtOICAPc-'C:D STf.'---L COi,1P1\Cf JAR'\ltJG STALL -~-:OD--- 81J~IC:J WAffR LN:C SiCRf/ ·JRAINAC::: LINE SM:! fM<Y SEWER LIMC: -'iS- z:xm~c; CLASS F C/1 ~1m,. fHE P:S(,:-'~RTY IS ZO\JEIJ C•), \Ol&1ERCIAL '.)IT!CE. S:C:TBACI<'~: f.lE Z 1JNl~H_; U)ll[ RECJIRES /-, Mlf.Jl.'·,1UP:I c:JIJI_DINC SET3,\C.-( OF 1 S FEEr -·op n:c: rno~n 'r'A~D. t,1'1C 30 f--c: I" FRC~I -11:=: STREET FOP A ELILDl~.C CF sc· HC:IGHT OR T.t,_LC:~ H:.l(JI f THE ZO~J~JG (.1)DE 1\LL!JWS A f,IA:s:IMUM 8UILD1\JG HFICHT C·F 2::iu I :..U BULK IUNl~IG RESTr.lCTIOl'IS LIT CQV[RAGE· l"f-E lQr-11~1(; CODE A:_Lows 1\ BUil) (,.::; ARC.fa. UP TO 6~, PE"i:Cnn OF rH:. IOIAI_ _or A.-,c:A. LCT c:,v::-·~l'.GE MA'( 8E ltKl<[/\5[0 Ui' TO 75 ;::,ERCC:H I Or IHE TCTi,L LOT ARf-"A IF" PA.f,'KINC IS PROVlilEIJ WITHlf·I 'I [ 31JIL[lli!G OR ',VITHI~: A P1\RKl1'1C c:AfiN][. ::x:::C:l'T W TH A~. Al-'F-'IS(1\/ED f//\S-ER SITE c' _A \J_ !"'ARKING· PAF<l\11'.G OF VEHICLES REL,,TF:D ro I-IE CC:M\1E;:c1r•.L IJ::;ES "O-IAI I. ''WT 0[ /II_I_OWFI) mi RES1crn-1A! ",'REETS. _ANDSCA.Fli·1G/11,PRQ',.1EMEI\ -;-;:; THE ZCNlr·Vi c;:_:u REQIJ1.-,c:s A f.1 f'.H,IU~·I 1n =-c:1:.1 LM,JCSC.i\'l~JG s·rc1 I-' A JI_I r-lilG i'"'IJB_IC STRFFTS. f'--iE SOU?C[ CF THE /l,EJCV[ f.JrOR!vl/1-ION IS r;Wf,1 THE CITY OF REfHCt·I ZCN:NC :-,IAP ~W-5.119. DATED 03/82/]5, A~D ~£CT1m1 +-13-16 c1--THE RENTON MIJN Cll'AL CODE. (17Y 01 RENIO~. PLMlf.Jl'K /..f•II) zrn1t1G: (425) ·130 7200 R[~!TON CIT( HA!_L, 10~5 SO. GRAD"_., WAY, R[~ITC~1. 'NA 98U55 FLOOD ~:(JI-[: By grc:ph·c plott:n9 onlv. tnis pruperty 3 1n Zone(s) X of the flood n:::;uronce RD'.e f:'op,C::,mrr,unily Pcwel Mo 5.50:l.5COg77 F--,wl"i'ch beocs on r.:'(eeti1e Cote of __!i_,',Y 10 l'J95 __ oncJ is 1ot i-1 u ~i::ecio Floo.-llczc'd Ace,J By tolr,ph0n'O coll dmed 11/7/IJD to tlie .'fo~ional -loo<I l11~urnnc".! '-'rc,9rnm (BC,)-6.38- 6620) we hove IEFJr1eci i11s c:o·r rnuroity .:Joes cu:-r-,,n:I·; par~1ci?Dle in .--, 'A I B 1,' x 18' COMPilCTOR l)NIT <Ji,1 <;IJl!,Jl":CT PRCPERTY ASFHf1L T P,\VEMEN I r:'JCfsOACI ES Q'·j If) SJEJECT ppo:ocrn-r, I_P ro 42 FFic:T PLUS c;:,: M11•1U'.i TH:: WC:SERL Y AIJ,JC-,Nl~1G f'RO;,rnn F.F:~,EFI-'::, ,-?Ot,I THIS F:~C~OACH,IE'~I AtiJ USES -HE A'.'il-'IJJ.\.~T .A.S AC::::S-3 TO A\J[j l'"Rml SUBJ::c-PRQ,JE~TY. N 0--E: ALL Fl:-.D l•.'EASIJ"C:\Erns 1,1,',TCH[Y RECORD D1ME1·1'.:iCH'.-i \'11 IHIN Tl-I[ P~'::Cl':,10'1 REUJll<[\,1EIHS OF AL A/ ACSP/ SPECIF C,1110'15. SUBJECT Pf(OPERTY ARE1\ Contains: .3.3G,024 sq. ft or 7.71/0 ocr~ PARKl~·lG '.3TA_LS PROVIDED Gl'J SUB.J~CT p.;:,ci--:·~RTY S 1.Af\JClARJ STA'_LS 611 H.t.,f\lDiC/\J STALL3 = '3 ·-:-orA __ NO STALLS= 624 4. o:iElATli'1G, 11\S:iEcm.c. \1AlriTAl~1 r .. c, RC:l\10Vl~IC, =EP1\IRl[,.G, REPL~,::: (•JG A.\lll '~Slf·1G A '.":'.Jl,mUNICATl:J~i Ll~-.E WIT-I ,\_L COPMECTIOl~S 1'.,'n M"r'UP.TEl·.ANCES FOR FACIIC ~IORTll'N:ST IJELL TELEPf-,0r·1E Cot/PN1Y, RECCRD1t.JG H:). 5612191503 ::,. ELEC rRIC TRN:SMIC)SIIJr~ A~JLC/CR JI':; I~ ell ... r1rJt,. ::; ··s i"f:"~' "'OGF rH'=:~ WI-H Ale. ~!ECESSI\F.Y CO:mECTot1C: A\JJ .Al'l'UR"lc:J~Ar·ICES f_-UR fJJGe:1· <;(),JNI) Pcw:-r! &. LIGHT COf,IF/· . .'ff, ;;::cORD1fJG ·~n. 86171'Jl505. 6. l•/At)f[_\J,',J.JCr:. ws-1t1G !'.'ID l;'JS:JECflO~. OF A FIRE 1-/Al~j NW f-YCF?i\i'H"::, 'NTH Tr<E MECESSARY APPU:S:TENALCES FOR CITY OF RE~IT0'.'1. RE,:::ORD1~1G h·J. iY:il22213'0. /_ CJi'USAll'l';. lf\:SJ·CIIN(\ :dAIN-J\1~1:W;, l<i-MOVING, R[PAll~l~!G, ."EPLACl~,G IJ'.31'1C IHRt.E P,::.n:.CI on 1-'0'0IS, !'-.~I c.·1.1!:-.RGC.l'IC'' VFHICI.F: A.CCESS LA\JE, lilGf-lESS/EG'<ESS Al·IO AN lXIS 111\C: LNlllSCAPt. ARlA H)R Cl f'( CF RErnm1, ll[COIOH-:G NO. 36122::21311. Pm .3_ 's:ECPROCAL ACCESS 1\GRED/EHT NJ[, THE TEP\1S MID COt·IDITOl'IS l"ll:l<fUI-, FO'< VF:HICI F .. ,~n PEDEST'tlAl·I t,JGRESS APID EGRESS, REUJ';Jl".JG r·.J(J_ 0612.231195. 9. =-M<:-<1r.JG AKC:.A EST!,BLISI· [D OV[R MW ,'.CROSS .-'-DJOl~.lrK LMJCS FO~ THE [)["•1[111 OF S,~·D PRD/IS[S DY IP 1STRIJMErH l'"OR RE\JTIJ.'I VILLAGF: cm/FANY, ~ECORJl~:G HO. 8G122JI 196. 10 ELECTRIC TR/\ilSfAISSIO[I ANJ/OR 01s:FIBIJf·CM ~-iY':ilU,1 1·u(;r liif-:"< WIii: A_L ··1EC::SS1\RY OP cmNEi'JIE\JT :'1FFLR fEMAHCES -UI~ 1-'U(Jl 1 :.;ou~m JO'NER 2-: LIGf-T COr/FAHY. RECORC.:IMC 1~0 86: 22SC.3~3 II. -:.LC:Clr/lC lf-lANSf,11S:i'.lH /..Nr)/O:;: DISTRIBUTION SYSTD,I TGCCTl·[R 'i,'ITH /'.LL ··1':.CC:SSARY OR CJMI/E\Jll:,,J I APF'LF: l"EHA.NCES FOR PUGET sou~m =-owrn & LIGh ... :~r),Vl-'MlY, kC.COHIJl>lG hO. 87CV4081'J. Le PIJELIC ·J[!l.lrlE':: (lt,ICLIJl)ICIC 'l-.'J..Tff AMJ S[w:;;) WIT--i l·1ECESS,\RV ,P=-u1nr::1,ti.··iCES FJI! :_~ TY OF RGHO'I, PEC:J~Jl~.G -,w. 870G:J91484. 1.3. SIDEWALK'.:i, FIRE f-YDRAtrs. sn::ET LIGHTS ."\~.D T,7.:/,iTIC ISL\ND NW AP~._IRE~.ANCC:S ro~ CI-Y or RE'1T0~1. ;:::cORDll·18 \JO. 87100901'18 COPYRIGHT 2000 by Bock ,3.: Clc,r:-. r;,.-,r,-:,orwion This prodLd :otyl,c u·IU \J1r11Jl i·~ prc-~ccteci by Cof.):,riqh: <Jn<J :::;11 rghts or·e r1o,::er·1ec. The use of t1is ~tyl~ and 'o."m'.ll j3 c;lridl/' pd1i':.iiled w,~ri,,~t :he wr1.kr, ccr1'YJllt (_ind per11:~;:i0n of \ 0 fil : 0 IJTLlr( .1ur,1::TIC:N BO>< MMli IOLE HA~.DI OLE ---P-- ---"lVP---HIGil '/OLTl;Gl !-'OWE~ '_I\E the program. r,.o fielc sur,,cy1ng wrH pcrknvir.:,J t,J ceterm,v" t~.s 10ne cr·d en ele•.-ot,cn ced f1cde mciy ::,e ne•Jdcd tv -,-erify :hie d2kcn1nrJ:1or1 or 1J:::;µly for n variar1ce fr,yn the Fet.le·,il Emergenc\' f.1,Jnogernent Agency -~-==-=-=-===-====='------- 39 EASEME~IT SfALL'.::: AR'E ··r~OT" l'KLJ[J~IJ I~; fOTAL ~:0 oc-ST/..LLS, BE:·FF' I"'.; -wo f<E,\JTO~I Pl ,",CE PP.01-'l.J"C'r. Bc.,ck ir Glork /";o'r,orcrion. '----~-~----'" .. / ----------------------- i I \\_ IHAr POR"r J'1 Ur l"lC: t·JL•f<ffiEAST CU,\RT'< r,F SF::-1rn.1 19, TJW'l'.oHIP '.!.} rml\11·1. Rf.N:::: 5 EAST, 'N LLAMETTE I/ERID1t,M, IN KIHG cou:HY, WASHlt,JCTD~., DES:::'< BED AS F,JLLOWS crn,lt/EHCl~1G Al l'-jC: SOLlrH•t,EST C:ORNC:R ,r iHl f·IORIHEAST OJAPTEP o:-S/\0 NC-RTIIC:.1\ST QUAkll-k, Tl i[NC[ N0RTI I 01 '04'88" :CAST AL0r1C Tl-IE WEST _l,·1[ -, IE~EOF, A !JIS -AH'.~:. rJf ~44 'Jfj ">FI", ·11-!UKl SOU H tld"./,;'~;(' [AST, A DISTA.HCE OF 402.30 FE[T TO TIE TRUE FOll.,T OF BECl~,M[\G; Tl :[l··JCE sou:11 sg·.i.fo2" EA:C:T, /\ D 3T,\NC[ JI'" 515. 11 l[ET; THEtJCE ~JORTH 00·15·53" E/\ST, /. J STt-JICE OF '80.65 FEE-, THENCE SOU":H 39·11-·or F/\";T, ,\ o:STN~CE CF 192.7'1 :CEl=T TO A POl'·JT ON THE WESIERLY ~-1.ti.RGle.J Of-'.)R-jlj (IALl:1CT RrJAlJ ':ifJIJIH) AC, SHU'·.',,~: r_:cJ \'.1A'.oHl'JGTOI\ STA-E HGIIWAY PLAt1 RlMln1 VICl~.IIY CARR Rf)Al) 10 GRAJY WAY, SH:CE fj o· G, APPR:JVED \IO\'EMDER 5, 1971, S1\ID :,OINT LYH·IG o·~ /\ ,-ur:vr HAVl[.J(; A "SAUl~S o~ 6:::-ri.rJIJ FEET A\JD HAl/1\JG A RADIAL BEAR,1·1G OF SCU l"H 39"21J'(Jtl" WC:S ·; IHE~W-E r~ORTHERLY /,I_D'·IL~ '.:>.AID CU~VE A\Jll THF: IVESrERLY MAf<CIN CF TALDOT ROAD SOUTH THROUGH A c:NnA\. ,'.,t,.J(,LE Cl 3:;,·1s·11", AH AH: DISTA~iCE OF 36::.90 FEET; IHrtlCI: .\JUl-clH J'.J"').'-)Oj" WEST. A IJ15L"r,Jc~· ()-1)8.11 Ff::ET, TO:, TN.GrnT CURVE TO THE _ff'" rlAVlt1C A RAJIJS Ur 55.0C FEC:r; TrlENCE '.JORTH At'IJ 'il/C:Sl'ERL y ALCr,JG SAi) CU!<V[ T-IRCUGH 1-\ CENTP/\l NJGI F CF '::\1:f'.c'5'L2" AH Al<C UISl"Al·JCE OF 84.-38 F:[T TO A R['v["'/SE CJRI/E h\Vl'.JG A RADILS m- J,dti]. !I f-1:.ll. '.:iAlu CURVE LYl'IC ON TC SOL Tl;[,t;ST[RLY 1·,1ARGl~1 -:;.::-SOUTH GR,\DY WAY: T"lENCE SIJIJTHWC:STEFSLY .'.IL,':HC "SAID MA'.:ICl:·J -HR,JUGH ;., C.Er,TRAL ANGLE CF 07'3,"3'3?", A'I ti.RC DISTAl~CC: cc .51(1 52 FEET T(J ;\ F'OINT Wl-tlC--i LIES ~.C~TH 01·0+·0r-.r· C:ASI r1,rn,1 :r f-_ r-su:. 1-"rJl~I I m· 3:CCINi"WI(, T-IENCE SOUTH 01'04'08" WEST, 1\ JIST.f,\JC.C: or ·1'1.71 ,:-EET TO THE TRl~E PCINT OF BC:G,N1W'1G. (.C,,LSO n.0\1/,'J AS LJ-2 :_:F CITY CF RE'HON '3'"10RT l'LI\T ~IJ/v'BER :Jf)9 ::J/ (."'IH·I roN VII I.ACF CO\lPA~IY 5:1101'1 =-LAT 'ILIMEER O)E), RECORCED 1..:NDE~ RECORD.HG 1.JUMl::ir.:i-\ ':\/U/OQ<,JOC1) TOGETHrn \11TII TII[ EJ,S[t,IF~Jl(S) rcR R'::Clr'ROC."L ACCESS A[~;) PAh'Ki.'JG, AS ESTA8!...SflEJ 31 1t·6TRUME~ff R::::::ORDED un:-R RC.C:JRUING ~.UMBER 2G ! 22.5118.'i. AS Ai,,1FMUED BY l~IS TRLl.·IE'1T RE::::orn:::D IJNJC:R REC.Om11:,1c NLMDER S7092'0l4D3, A~.D 8612231106. PARCc:L 8: l.t.:::,c:Mi::J1 r(s: f-1JI< l<c:Cll-'IWCAI_ AC(T::;s. AS f-_Sfi\:l_l'.,;Hlll '3Y INSTRUf,E[\ T REC:JRDEJ UNDF::;: Rf-:COC()NG MJM6rn i:l0122J"195, AS Af/D·1DEO err lt·l'.:::1 s'UMU-1"" -,.::cOl<C[J ljf,DER r"i[CORDIMG NU,IDff, 8709291408, P.W) TOGETHER WITrt Ah FASi":.\1[~H r::,r. PAJ\i<: t1G /\S ESrABLISHED BY 1:·EIRUM::rn RECJ'xu~-) LJNIWR RH:'.]"'ll)lt.JC l\·IJ1,1BEf"~ 861223119b. r,JQTE: The above de,c:ri-:ied Le;c:1 Desci-"ption desc 0 ·bes t~.e sor-,c pccper:y as ins1Jred 1-the -itle Cc,rnrnitment l\lo 1 _ _Q_Q7061 o- Chicr:19,) Titk l"l::uroncc Compac-iy, Secttle, 1il//-\ =iearing c11 effedivc dote of Jul'' 18, 2001. CC\ TAIN:':.: ";,,)G,024 SQ r·· CK 1.714 ACRES. <::: ====================- for Renton Refi Project Site No. 4 707 S. Grady Way Renton, WA Based Upon Title Commitment No. of Chicago Title Insurance Cornpa0y, bearing an effective date of Ju'.ly Surveyor's Certificatioh 1007061 Sealtle, WA 18, 2001 To Renton Properties LLC, a Washington ~limited liability company; Aetna Life and Annuity Compony, a Connecticut _Corporation, MBO North America Finance: B.V., Chicago rille Insurance Company together with thier respective successors and/or assigns and Bock & !Clark Corporation. ' This Ts to certify that this map or plat land the survey on which it is based were made (i) in occ~rdance with 'Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/,iCSM Land Title Surveys," jointly established and adopted by ALTA,I ACSM and NSPS in 1999, and includes items 2,3,4,6,7o,7D1\7c:,8,9, 1 O, 11 a, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Table A thereof, and sur[.ey measurements were made in accordance with the "Minimum\ Angle. Distance and Closure Requirements for Survey MeasurVlents Which Control Land Boundaries for ALTA/ASCM Land qtle Surveys"; and that this survey also meets and complies wit(l the Agreement and Survey Requirements for the Renton Project dated Surveys dated j Registration No. 17672. within the State of Washington Date of Survey: July 26 2001 I Date of Last Revision: July 30, 2001 Survey ~repared by: Reid Middleton 728 13}th Street SW Everett, )'NA 98204 ( 425) 7f 1-3800 I I \' '\·.,..._ Network "·:.::::- Project No. 2001 0525-4 jSheet I of I ' ' ' t l 0 roJec s n on eesnona 40 er:: C ) (_[) er:: (_) > w ______ > _J <L / 0 i --1 f--- c / U) _J u w _J D z <J: _J 2_ J) u, (') >--- (Y_) l.U l') -~ ~· c:i- ""T :::3 IJ) t:s1 C) C) 0) '--, ~-, '._) rS .SC <I <I f--- _J <I LL 0 uJ r, 0 f--- <T 7 D 0:: ( ) 0 3 J:: Xi ~] co r.l) ( _) ·,"' (I) '-LI __J -00 _J l_) G) <T --,-~ 7 i--.._ 1 'V c-· ,--Dc)o, : ( ) ----1 2'. Lu lorn-.-,, i§ <I cY) :c / LO Q_ ..... _~---·:.::.., .. ·<~_ 80 160 ~ z 0 ILi u z ILi D:: ILi LI. ILi D:: D:: 0 -----------------------------' Cl) a:: w :I: 0 ... z 0 ... - Ill CII ·-.. .. CII 1:1. 0 .. D. C 0 <>: .. ~CU S: CII ..I 0 ii:: ..I c{ u z 0 -Cl) z cc a. >< w ISSUED/ REVISED MASTER SITE PLAN SET 0 0 I"- (]) - :, ~ (f) N LL L!l N 0 N 0 co 0 L!l L!l t'- 0 L!l co co s;f" s;f" -s;f" s;f" (]) -<O <O -oo tU N N (]) (/) I-I&, E 0 z " 0 C: Cl) 0 (/) -..I ..I ., ct " u ,: ,: ,: <( s: z 0 1- z w 0:: DATE 10/6/2008 1------------- 0 0 Cj) 0 "' r- 0 N ,r.J, J-u w -, 0 O'. CL AL TA SURVEY -NORTH o:r----u.__, ALT A-001 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ----------------------------------- ' F w E D C B A 10'x 11.02' WATER ESM'T j TO CITY OF RENTON REC. NO. 8612221-510 J OWNER, UNIVERSITY STREET PROPERTIES 'THREE RENTON PLACE" II, LLC. FND 1/2~ REBAR/CAP "HARSTAD LS 13731" 0.10' N & 0.25' W ~ -li"l ::?J PUGET OWNER, SOUND ENERGY ·, 3' SQ. WATER VAULT~1nl FH j T.P.0.8. PARCEL 2 f-,..-....: A S88"55'52"E V 402.38' ' ' 10'WATER ESM'T STORM VAULT RECIPR ESS A °RE:EMENT REe: e.i:--·6612231195 §~J A 111cNUfi1ENT RE<at,fu-. 8709 j ':£.\1 CAR ON Co~_,_-------F --- --i-515.11-,-- ·44'0·" '" ' -' r'l Lf") '\ 1 m ~ .),.-o.. Ml .... g 'li'S~ETiiC'/OliR~N~EfR~-t--r:.+:=~:=/1::-:=-:=-=i++~B, 1...--TBL j RM #17672 '""' o...__ VJ ,.- DRAIN • i---"CMP -.... I/ lo TO CITY OF RENTON----~ REC. NO. 6631805 I 9 FND RAILR ~ASPH., AD SPIKE .11' W. ~l~j:::::j=li==· .;Q; 1 B'SD .,~T.=t~ PAr~KING EASEMEN r _J •. REC. NO. 86122J1196 ~N~ 1...--S 89'44'02" E 175. 0/ ~ DITCH '.a- N ,,·~~ INGRESS, EGRESS LANDSCAPE--iflof-1 ~,j-&.l0:\) & EMERGENCY VEHICLE ESM' r ~~$' REC. NO. 8612221311 r--< l I \ J • , ---I~ &~"'\ 1 O' TELEPHONE ESM'T ~-REC. NO. 8612191503---·+t#I - OWNER: RENTON VILLAGE ASSOC. 1-STORY CONC. DLDG. u-,----.,_ I/ r- r- RECIPR A ACCESS -t-+A-G~R~EEMENT REC NO. 861223"11:;;9'5t--,+c,:r·~ Co, AMENDMENT REC NO. 670929140 tf«'il '-'f.c:}J --r-- --~- --r-- ~ON C_B_+----r-- --f-- --r-- L , ----.I I I/ POINT OF COMMENCEMENT COMMITMENT NO. 5B1735 ASPHALT PARCEL 2 v- i PHONE VAULT- SE CORNER, NW1 /4, NE1 /4, SEC. 19, L 23 N, R. SE .. _,,w~M~/.J, w -0 10'WATER ESM'TS z TO CITY OF RENTON REC. NO. 8612191502 & REC. NO. B612221310 __,,- "" ~ ""' -1-.t= DRAIN I +--D FUlLO~f~DITTIRnl --r-- FH + -1- -+---r-- PARC L "A" ELEC r ~IC ESM'TS "T~oCnpITc~E~T" /1fill'fu SOUN POI/IER & LICH Cu. ---t--'ZifrW -~-. 051104 ---t-- ··-+--~ ~ < I - ~ PARC L "B" ~ :s,,~c~cc;l;~IC'7EsM'TS TO p GET I --r-- --r-- --r-- 1, ' ---t~ "' ---j D 0 __ 8 ASPHALT ' L ASPHALT 0) -t-- -~ ---+--,;,_ .l'o\ ---t-, - --~ - - - - - ' h ' A':;iPHALT SEE DETAIL "A'~ 165.4' \ J 7-STORY CONC. & STEEL BLDG. "TWO RENTON PLACE" GRND. FLOOR AREA = 16.633 sq.ft. ~ 1 ST FLOOR AREA = 21,296 sq. ft. en ~ FIRE SPRINKLER BIB CONNECTIONS IN CONC. WALL 171 . 5' ""' ): • D ): ' MAINT. ~~ ~g ~ H 7 C H C ~15 ~.,.,c ~c 0 z --u w ~ Z I 2 z ~OA ~~ 0 ~ G 2 " u, w 80' - HAU 0 0 :r: f- :J 0 (J) 0 <( 0 0:: f- 0 CD -' <( f- I '" " N 0 z FND 1/2" "HARSTAD 0.12' W. REBAR/CAP LS 13731" -0 ---~:; 0.50' 1 . .35' o 0.40' cil "'"'=====~ DETAIL "A" (NOT TO SCALE) TYPICAL ALL OUTER BUILDING CORNERS t /' IF===\'" S 2NO ST ,._~~~-{,001-------( z ""'"" "'==~SITE S. RENTON~-IX VILLAGE PL fl ,, --"" l/ VICINITY 1\1 AP (Nor ro SCALE) ---t--.• SOUN POWER & LIGH CO. ~ ~ -----8"c:RW-._ 1554' '\. ,-8"CRW ):( 'I CONC. Y ):( ):( '/1. 153.4}' --11-,c.._, ----80' ELECTRIC ESM'T TO PUGET SCALE 1' " 6U' SCALE IN FEET SOUND POWER & LIGHT CO. FND 3/4" IRON PIPE W/CAP "LS 10896" 0.22' S. & 0.43' E. l 1.U:,.=#, . . 051104~¥~~ ~ ~ L' ---t----i---_ ~~ 1, ---,---' w,, -... ~%::t) CONC. WALK ASPHALT CDNC. WALK •,-5 CONDUITS W/1' SQ. BOX ,ri ASPHALT D ~ r ~G 6 " ~ 0 ,a UTILIT o VAULT /{! fi 7' DIA REC. NO. 8208270357 & ~\'fk «~fih. REC. NO. 82082/Qj55 %1IW ,~ ' ro ·,m C' ,.,..,.,..,,-.., ...,,,.,,-Ill OF 6" DIA CONC. MON. " 72"SO------@---72"SD ",;,;,: -,~" URAINAGE ESMT7 r,a SIGN ,,;; -~-3.5' x 10' WAfER ESM'T TOP MISSING, 0.35 N. n_40' W. OF EX. PIPE p REC. NO. 861203 37{;i • I 0 ~1/C 11-V-TO CITY OF RENTON ,Qt,, f~EC. NO. 8612221310 ~""f I I I I I I p I I I I 11 I / I I I I I I , __,.---J, T .Ho FH ~ -.. JH 679 . .31, [SJ1cv o FH T.~ "t2::i!/ I ~ ? ~ 11---·-p . n +i, _ n ~L FND 1/2" REBAR/CAP CONCRETE WALK CONCRETE WALK --.__ ;-. / 12"W X " 12'W-MANGLED CAP ___/ ". --: WMH " .. ·-" / g / .. N 89"44'02" IN " ry5 WMH . / 0.03' N. & 0.10' E. -~e');sJs~M;H,---4;;a,s-____,-,,;:o-""'B~sSsiM~H"'P;;U,iBi;L"IC~'CRKO~A~O<+---'lil"S'r---~S~IG~N~"~rW~D,;--;R;E~N~TO~N~,-:::; ~f--_-r--;7LA~s;-P;H~A~L~T~fa"SS--~7/b--~~~~""-~ccto":;s--4"'6e~A=s=P~H~A-L~T-;~;;J--+l .. --7 /~Q::;;W;M~H;--p ..------PLACE 700" 0 I , .. ,.,r/ S. R,ENTON VILLAGE PLACE j j ~ . "'""" "" S89'44'02"E 867.26' «<:&::, 45' ELECTFIIC ESM'T TO ~!&® PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT ',;.:fl>'' REC. NO. 8208270359 ----7 I/ {ffat 5' PUBLIC UTIUTIES fyfil) ESM'T TO CITY OF RENTON REC. NO. 8610030727 -- ·21*::,. 10' ELECTRIC ESM'T TO PUGET t=t:m SOUND POWER & LIGJ:!T CO. _ ~;:07 REC. NO. 86.12191504 ----- -10' WATER ESM'TS .rt;& TO CITY OF RENTON {-t@.ij' flEC. NO. 6612221310 _,.,'%k 24' SQ_ UTIL. ESM'r ,th''f:~ REC.NO. 8612191501 -- ~'~t.'f'· & 861003071l ,, , &~~\ / ~9 ® C~v ~C~ ~b r-,Hj ;;,;.: ~t:S~AD&L~~,37:,1' .. 1/ _ _:2f;j I IA' 111J-.-·!/~t . ~-i ~ ~n -1- ( 11 1 ~ r I\ /1 FND 1/2" REBAR/CAP --.-__ OWNER: UNIVERSITY STREET PROPERTIES II, LLC ,.... ? ,__..,/ 44.11' "HARSTAD LS 13731'' PARKING STALLS o S 02'.36'57" W 0.01· s. & o.oa' E. ''ONE REN·roN PLACE' WEST OF SIGNS ARE -'\ FOR "ONE RENTON PLACE" --..... __,,?_ 28 STANDARD AND \ l CURVE I C-1 • X 0 m Hl N IS] !CV /IV -0- E- C)- 0 0 HH 0 RADIUS I 1780.00' DEi TA I 06'12'09" LENGTH 192.69' TANGENT 96.44' cHor,o 192.60' BF ARING S 55-05'00" W MONUMENT IN CASE SURFACE MONUMENT REBAR & CAP PK NAIL / TACK IN LEAD HU8 & TACK GAS VALVE WATER METER WATER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT IRRIGATION CONTROL VAL VE POSI flON INOICA TOR VALVE HOSE BIBB POWER VAULT PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER UTILITY POLE UTILITY POLE ANCHOR GUY POLE UTILITY JUNCTION BOX MANHOLE HANDHOLE l [ill UTILITY VAUI_ T @CAP UTILITY CAP a=:==-TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE TRAFFIC SIGNAL CABINET D ©l D _o_ CRW PA H/C C TELEPHONE RISER STORM DRAIN MANHOLE CATCH BASIN SIGN LIGHT STANDARD CONCRETE RETAINING WALL PLANTED AREA HANDICAPPED STAI_L COMPACT PARKING STALL -X---;<---FENCE LINE ---w --- ---SD--- ---55--- ---P--- ---HVP--- BURIED WATER LINE STORM DRAINAGE LINE SANITARY SEWER LINE OVERHEAD POWER LINE HIGH VOLTAGE POWER LINE FLOOD NOT[: E3y graphic plotting only, this property is in Zone(s) X of the Flood Insurance Rote Mop,Community Punel No. 5303JC0977 F ,which bears on effec:\ive dote of Mov 16 1995 ond is not in o Speciol Flood Hu.wrd Area. By telephone coll doted 11/07/00 to the Naliunul Flood lnsurom;e Program (800-638- 6620) we hove learned this community does not currently porlicipote in the program. No field surveying was performed to determine this zont: und on elevation certificate may be needed to ver;fy this deterrnir10tion or apply fer o variance lrorn the Federol Emergency Monuyement Agency. NOT SUBJECT PROPERTY s+-3 COMPACT STALLS INCLUDED '0,.0· .,\ y pp IN SUBJECT PROPERTY TOTAL. ,.>.. c,0~1".J. gW'l~ ,~' ~--------, s...-.:' y,.'\ cc> ',,s1 :, ~ I T.P.0.8. PARCEL 1 I \,_'< · ,os'''" :,.?.\C~ <o'2-10 \ \ FNO 1 /2" REBAR/CAP C... '\,v"' '---(.\-~~ -~ 'c,1.0,,\i \~ \ "H~~C6Aio~~Tl~~731'' ~a ".J \0 ---~ FNO 1 /2" REBAR/CAP s J 0 "HARSTAD LS 13731H 0.07' S. &: 0.14' E. [[ Zoning Doto ZONING CLASSIFICATION: THE PROPERTY IS ZONED CO, COMMERCIAL OFFICE. SETBACKS: THE ZONING CODE REQUIRES A MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK OF 15 FEET FOR THE FRONT YARD, AND JO FEE r FROM THE STREET FOR A BUILDING OF ao· HEIGH r OR TALLER. i I HEIGHT: THE ZONING CODE ALLOWS A MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT OF 250 FEET. BULK LONI NG RESTRIC flONS: LOT COVERAGE: THE ZONING CODE ALLOWS A BUILDING AREA UP TO 65 PERCENT OF THE TOTAL LOT AREA. LOT COVERAGE MAY BE INCREASED UP TO 75 PERCENT OF THE TOTAL LOT AREA IF PARKING IS PROVIDED WITHIN THE BUILDING OR WITHIN A PARKING GARAGE, EXCEPT WITH AN APPROVED MASTER SITE PLAN. PARKING: PARKING OF VEHICLES RELATED TO THE COMMERCIAL USES SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED ON RESIDENTIAL STREETS. LANDSCAPING/IMPROVEMENTS: THE ZONING CODE REQUIRES A MINIMUM 10 FEET LANDSCAPING STRIP ABUTflNG PUBLIC STREETS. THE SOURCE OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS FROM THE Cl [Y OF RENTON ZONING MAP NO. 5319, DATED OB/02/96, AND SECTION 4-13-16 OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE. CITY OF RENTON PL#lNING AND ZONING: (425) 4J0-7200 RENTON CITY HALL, 1055 SO. GRADY WAY, RENTON, WA 98055 ASPHALT PAVEMENT ENCROACHES ONTO SUBJECT PROPERTY, UP TO 42 FEET PLUS OR MINUS. THE WESTERLY ADJOINING PROPERTY ElENEFI TS f--ROM THIS ENCROACHMnJ r ANO USES THE ASPi-lAL T AS ACCESS TO AND FROM SUBJECT PROPERTY. Ii NOTE, ALL FIELlJ MEASUREMENTS MATCHED RECORD DIMENSIONS WITHIN THE PRECISION REQUIREMENTS OF ALTA/ACSM SPECIFICAflONS. Subject Property Area PARCEL 1 AREA = 14,896 sq, ft. PARCEL 2 AREA = 290,521 sq. ft. Total Contains: 305,417 sq. ft. or 7.01 ucres. PARKING ST ALLS PROVIDED ON SUBJECT PROPERTY STANDARD STALLS ~ 617 HANDICAP STALLS = 1.3 TOTAL NO. STALLS = 630 39 EASEMENf SfALLS ARE INCLUDED IN TOTAL NO. or SfALLS, BENEFITS SUBJECT PROPERfY. SUBJEC r 1-'RUPERTY ALSO CONTAINS 1 -MAIN TEN ANGE Sr ALL ANO A 18' x 45' MOTORCYCLE PARKING AREA 11 0 30 60 120 BASIS OF BEARINGS: CENTERLINE OF TALBOT ROAD SOUTH (SR-515) N 02·35'57"E. BETWEEN CENTERLINE MONUMENTS. PER RENTON VILLAGE CO. SHORT PLAT NO. 1, RECORDED IN VOLUME 56 OF SURVEYS. PACE 90. UNDER RECORDING NO, 8707069001, KINC COUNTY, WA .• .L_ ONE EXISTING 42" STORM SEWER LINE WITH NECESSARY APPURTENANCES. LYING WITHIN A STRIP OF LANO 15 FEET IN WIDTH, ClfY OF RENTON, RECORDING NO. 8004280514. (NOT PLOTTABLE FROM THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN TITLE REPORT} 2. ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM fOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT Ar-'PURTENANCES FOR PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPA~JY, RECORDING NO. 8208270357. (PLOTTED) 3. ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION ANO/OF<! DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOGETHER WI rH ALL NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT APPURTENANCES FOR PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, RECORDING NO. 8208270358. (PLOTTED) 4. ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT APPURTENANCES !HERETO FOR PUGET SOUND POWER COMPANY, RECORDING NO. 8208270359. (PLOTTED) 5. ELECfRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOGUHER WITH ALL NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT APPURfENANCES THERETO FOR PUGET SOUND POWER COMPANY, RECORDING NO. 8511040582. (PLOfTED) & LIGHT & LIGHT 6. PUBLIC UTILITIES (INCLUDING WATEf-1 AND SEWER) WITH NECESSAl~Y APPURTENANCES FOR CITY OF RENTON, RECORDING NO. 86100307:!7. (PLOTTED) '"/_ LOCATE AND MAINTAIN THE DRAIN IN AND UNOD< RIGHT OF WAY FOR CITY OF RENTON, RECORDING NO. 8612031437. (PLOTTED) El. PUBLIC UTILITIES (INCLUDING WATER AND SEWER) WITH NECESSARY APPURTENANCES FOR ClfY OF RENTON, RECORDING NO. B6121\J1501. (PLOTTED) 9. MAINTENANCE, TESTING AND INSPECTION OF A FmE MAIN ANO HYDRANTS WITH THE NECESSARY APPURTENANCES FOR CITY OF RENTON, RECOfWING NO. 8612191502. (PLOTTED) 10. OPERATING, INSPECTING, MAINfAINING, REMOVING, REPAIRING, REPLACING AND USING A COMMUNICATION LINE WITH ALL CONNECTIONS AND APPURTENANCES THERETO FOR PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, RECORDING NO. 8612191503. (PLOTTED) 11. ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY OR CONVENIEN r APPURTENANCES FOR PUGET SOUND POWER & LICH r COMPANY, RECORDING NO. 8612191504, (PLOTTED) 12. EASEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE, TESTING AND INSPECTION OF FIRE MAIN AND HYDRANTS FOR CITY OF RENfON, RECORDING NO. 8612221310. (PLOTTED) 13. OPERATING, INSPECTING, MAINTAINING, REMOVING, REPAIRING, REPLACING AND USING THREE PROTECflON POSTS, AN EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS LANE, EASEMENT FOR INGRESS/EGRESS AND AN EXISTING LANDSCAPE AREA FOR CITY OF RENTON, RECORDING NO. 8612221311. (PLOTTED) 14. INGRESS/EGRESS OF VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC FOR RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY, RECORDING NO. 5709291408, (PLOTTED) 15. PARKING AREA FOR RENfON VILLAGE COMPANY, RECORDING NO. 8612231196. (PLOTTED) 15. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, DEDICAflONS, EASE~1ENTS, AGREEMENfS AND NOTES, AS CONTAINED IN CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE AOJUSfMENT NUMBER LUA-00-0141-LLA RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001. I'"/. RELINQUISHMENT OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY NO. 1 AND OF LIGHT, VIEW ANO AIR BY DEEU fO THE STATE OF Wf\SHINGTON. RECORDING NO. 5412513. (NON PLOTTABLE) AFFECTS SUBJECT PROPERTY, 18. RELINQUISHMENT OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY NO. 1 AND OF LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR BY DEED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RECORDING NO. 5754046. (NON PLOTTABLE) AFFECTS SUBJECT PROPERTY. COPYRIGHT 2000 by Bock & Clark Corporation This product style and format is protected by Copyright and oil rights ore reserved. The •Jse of \his styte and formal is strictly prohibited without the written consent ond permission of Boe:-. & Clark Corporot,on. PARCEL 1: THAT PORTION OF THE NOfHHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHING TON; AND LOTS 11 AND 12, BLOCK 5, RENTDN VIEW ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 33 OF PLATS, PAGE(S) 25, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19; THENCE SOUTH 01"04'oa" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 224.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55"03'12" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 45.47 FEET TO THE SOUTH MARGIN OF RENTON VILLAGE PLACE (60 FEET v'l'IDE) ANO NORTH OF SAID RENTON VIEW ADDITION; THENCE SOUTH 89'44'02" EASr ALONG THE SOUTH MARGIN, A DISTANCE OF 867.26 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGl~JNING; THENCE CON flNUING SOUTH 59•44'02" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH MARGIN, A DISTANCE OF 175.09 FEET TO THE WESTEflLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SR-515 {TALBOT ROAD SOUTH) AS SHOWN ON WASHINGTON SfATE HIGHWAY PLAN -RENTON VICINITY: CARR ROAD TO GRADY WAY -SHEET 6 OF 6, APPROVED NOVEMBER 5, 1971; THENCE SOUTH 02'36'57" WEST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 44.11 FEET TO THE NORrH[RLY MARGIN OF PRIMARY STAfE HIGHWAY NO. 1 (JUNCTION S.5.H. 5-M-TO JUNCTION P.S.H. NO. 2-Sf( 405), SAID NORTHERLY MARGIN LYING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1,780.00 FEET AND HAVING A RADIAL BEARING OF NORTH 27'00'05" WEST; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6°12'09", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 192.59 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF A LEASE ENTEREU ON APRIL 7, 1980 BETWEEN RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY AND BOEING COMPUTER SERVICES: THENCE NORTH 01·24'03" EAST ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 122.94 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: THAT PORTION OF THE NORfHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EASf, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOU fHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST UUARTER THEREOF; THENCE NORTH 01'04'08" EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE THEREOF 244.66 FEET; THENCE SOUTH ss·55·52" EAST 402.38 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH B9"44'02" [AST 515.11 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00'15'58" WEST 19.35 FEET; THENCE SOUTH s9·44'02·• EAST 115.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF SR-515 (TALBOT ROAD SOUTH) AS SHOWN ;\S WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY PLAN -RENTON VICINITY: CARR ROAD AND GRADY WAY, SHEET 5 OF 6, APPROVED NOVEMBER 5, 1971: THENCE ALONG THE WESTEf<L Y MARGIN OF TALBOT ROAD SOUTH, SOUTH 02"36'57" WEST 410.00 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH MARGIN OF SOUTH RENTON VILLAGE PLACE (60 FEE r WIDE); THENCE ALONG THE NORTf-1 MARGIN OF SOUTH RENTON VILLAGE PLACE, NORTH 89'44'02" 'v'/EST 679.31 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" or QUIT CLAIM DEED RECORDED UNDER RCCORDING NUMBER 82C8270355; THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE, NOR TH 01 ·04'05" EAST 429.05 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. (ALSO KNOWN AS LOT 1 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NUMBER 009-87 (RENTON VILLAGE COMPANY SHORf PLAT NUMBER ONE), RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8707069001.) PARCEL 3: EASEMENT(S) FOR RECIPROCAL ACCESS, AS ESTABLISHED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNOER RECORDING NUMBER 8612231195, AS AMENDED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED U~JDER RECOfWING NUMBER 8709291408. NO fE: The above described Legol Descr:iption describes the some property as insured ir1 the Title Commitrnerit No. 1007060 _q.f. Chicago Tille Insurance Company, Irie., Seotlle-, ·w't1'·bearing an effective date of My 20, 2001. [ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey for i Renton Refi Project Site No, 2 1 700 S. Renton Village Place Renton, WA Based Upon Title Commitment No. 1007060 of Chicago Title Insurance Company, Seattle, WA bearing an effective date of July 20, 2001 Surveyor's Certification 1 To Renton Properties LLC, a Washington limited liability company; Aetna Life and Annuity Company, a Connecticut Corporation, MBO North Amerlca Finance B.V., Chicago Title Insurance Company together with thier respective successors and/or assigns ond Bock & Clark Corporation. This is to certify that thi:, map or plat and the survey on which it is based were made (J) in accordance with 'Minimum Standard Deta!I Requirements for ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys," jointly established and adopted by ALTA, ACSM and NSPS in 1999, and includes items 2,3,4,6, 7a, 7b 1 ,7¢,8, 9, 1 0, 11 a, 1 3, 14, 15 and 16 of Table A thereof, and survey measurements were made in accordance with the "Minimum Angle. Distance and Closure Requirements for Survey Measurm~nts Which Control Land Boundaries for ALTA/ ASCM Land Title Surveys"; and that this survey also meets and complies with the Agreement and Survey Requirements for the Renton Project Surveys dated _____ _ Registration No. 17672 within the State of Washlngton Date of Survey: July 26, 2001 Date of Last Revision: July 30, 2001 Survey prepared by: Reid Middleton 728 134th Streat SW Everett, WA 98204 (425) 74'.-3800 ~!work Project No, 20010525-2 Sheet 1 of 1 SCALE: 1" • 80'-0" J: proiec s n on ca .s 0 40 Cf) 0::: 0 >-w > 0::: :=:J Cf) _J <[ z 0 f- <[ z 'y_ 0::: <I _J u oO 'y_ u 0 m 80 (f) >-w > 0:: :::J _J i- ~ I- D z <I LL 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·---------------------------------------------------------------------·----------------------------------------------'------------------------------------------------- 160 > ..I z 0 w u z w D:: w LI. w D:: D:: 0 LI. z 0 I-- ·-... .. G) D. 0 .. D. C 0 Cl'. .. ~CU s G) ... 0 n:: ... z 0 -rn z c:( ii. >< w ISSUED/ REVISED MASTER SITE PLAN SET 0 0 r--- QJ -:, ~ Cl) N ~ 0 '° (I) co co I'- > 0) 0 0 <( <( '° '° ~ ~ co co 'st 'st 'st 'st lL QJ -(0 (0 LO....., o O N CllNN 0 QJ N Cl) I-LI, E 0 z u 0 C U) 0 -U) .! -,;,,;a (ti ci: u u ~ ~ ~ <( s z 0 1-- z llJ 0::: DATE 10/6/2008 fi ?r;1:ii 0ct ·, -__ _ -----,\"lfy-f,Gt.\\l ;_··_· ,,,_. · __ ,-------------------~·- AL TA SURVEY · EAST 0 0 "' 0 "' 1'- 0 "' 'lie f- 0 w --, 0 Cl'. o._ ALTA-002 ,--------------------------------. - F E D C B A -------------------------· ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·--------·· ' ' • SOUTHEAST CORNER NW 1 4 NE 1 4 SECllON 19, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M . FLOOD ZONE X SET CORNER RM #17672 S55'03'12"E 45.44 S89'44'0J"E 56.01 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT COMfAITMENT NO. 581734 NOTE: ALL FIELD MEASUREMENTS MATCHED RECORD DIMENSIONS WITHIN THE PRECISION REQUIREMENTS OF ALTA/ACSM SPECIFICATIONS. POINT OF BEGINNING COfAMITMENT ~10. 581734 AD.JACENT OWNER: RENTON VIL.LAGE ASSOCIATES 1 WATER EASEf,1EN T , MINOR ENCROACHMENTS OF THE CHAIN-LINK FENCE BORDERING THE SR-405 RIGHT-OF-WAY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY 80UN[JAfU OF SAili PREMISES. 10' UNDERGROUND ELEC. EASEMENT REC. NO. 8612191504 (PUBLIC ROAD) S. RENTON VILLAGE ADJACENT OWNER: UNIVERSITY STREET PROPERTIES II, LLC PLACE ,\.:\ 5' UTILITIES EASEMENT '. ,~, REC. NO. B!i10030727 SCALE 1 " 60' o· 30' 60' 120· BASIS OF BEARINGS: CENTERLINE OF TALBOT ROAD SOUTH (SR-515) N 02'38'15"E, BETWEEN CENTERLINE MONUMENTS, PER RENTON VILLAGE CO. SHORT PLAT NO. 1, RECORDED IN VOLUME 56 OF SURVEYS, PAGE 90, UNDER RECOFWING NO. 8i'Oi'069001, KING COUNTY, WA FND 1 2" REBAR CAP "HARSTAD LS 13731'' HELD POSITION FND 1 2" REBAR CAP "HARSTAD LS 13731" 0.07' N. & 0.01' W. Ir, f-0 :::, -< 0 ii' U-) 0 0 iii <( =, 0 !le, O' f-Lf) o~ m LO _ _J I <( O:' f-(/) I N----i05l--+-------,7"'"--12"w------::7 """t--,----------12"w---------H~s---------~i>i:-----12"w----+------------il'--r,1-+:.q_12"w ~~=-=-=-=====:S~~~~~~~~g~:S~:=:=J1]sc·s~s[:====~~~~t~==;l{tj_~='=~~:'.::__!'_;;,~fB'"55--~/j_ __ -;;s:::=,-'~::::::,.;,s,;'.~;::::,,.~i:"'.'.::=t=t==--------.'.:_~~",s,----------h-::_ ____ ~r3"--te•ss-a-tF--------+--n"s,,----------f-"-'-"_H--f'--==--1 ASPHALT "g ? S89'44'0J"E ? g 867.26" ASPHALT ASPHALT FND HARS 0.57' 5. WZ-OOU 000 ZONE AH FLO ELEV = 24 FEo:. 3 FE FLOOD DEPTHS PARKI REC. NO. • . I 6 35 ~ ~z~ ow~ -<!;Ct;'.-<( 34 36 pp ca f----P 12 -1 2 4 3 s 37 @ 39 0 ROLLING HILLS I ---,1'::c'scJ,,)~~r IBRUSH ~ ' N P. CREEK r --t----lc;,,t-~~ ---1--,1,nnn-,k~;;;f--"j:::::-P P-PP P LOOIJ Z NE AH pp --- FND REBAR CAP NO LS# • . ' " pp -0- SET CORNER _. N RM #17672 00 _ sa9·4s'29"E .6. "' 02·00·2s" CONVEYANCE RECORDING L = 398.09' NUMBER 8708140474 CONC. WALK ASPH T l ,--- ' P.A. ASPHALT PP "' N09'08'06"W --, <!' ,·. ,,,_ ,_ 'Y1,,t, 4.00' "~ '., "~ ~ '., ~ l6.4i' R = 11350.00' \ ~~--------~:,;r-L-----;,,,~ 0~·02·40" ELECTRICAL EASEMENT °& o R 11364.00' 0.24' N. & 0.33' E. PLA 6 ? 00 m ' YO r.:ONC. WALK - :0: RYD < "ONE RE TON PLACE" AR A _n 555 SQU TH REN fUN VILLAGE PLACE i'-STOR CONCRETE OFFI TOWER FIRST FLOOR AR A = 16,709 SQ. FT. UPPER FLOORS A EA = 21,320 SQ. FT (BY OUTSI E DIMENSIONS) 0 ' fEt n .. n~H ' TELE MH ~ f---=i ~ ~ ~ u i5 f---Z ~ I 00 c;i P,A. ____ ,_ _ _,m P.A. 0 u, '--'',c---+1----"~----j-so EAS[M_E_ AP E. (c\R\CA~ a 2 0 __ p p 6 --24"5 sa ,,,.g"os·· FND MON CASE o NO MONIJMEN f lcoNVEYANCE, RECORDING NUMBER 87D814U4i'J R C O. I" e-1-/--J-/j 6 15· JJfi+~A~S,PHA T FH so-- pp ASPHALT BLOCK 5~ EN ON VIEW A~ R u g 30' UILDING SET ACK LINE a'} SD H --f-~A~S~P~HALT 0 0+ __ ,__, u lf--- ~N'--11--A-S0P'HA T N ? FND 1/2' REB~ "HARSTAD LS 13731" 0.01' S. & 0.08' E. - P.A. ' P.A. -+-+--0-++--'CD-+-_, ' ' • • . . 0 0 EGEND MONUMENT li\J CASE SURFACE MONUMENT REBAR & CAP SET CORNER~~ RM #17672 ;;, o_ 28 STANDARD AND 3 COMPACr srALLS FOR "TWO RENTON PLACE" NOT SUBJECf PROPERTY (THIS PARCEL IS NOT PART OF t:,. SUBJECT PROPERTY, BUT IS PART -': OF "TWO RENTON PLACE") FN 1 2" REBAR&ilf "HA STAD LS 13731" 1j. 0.26' N. & 0.15' E. O 0 ~ \ RIGHf-OF-WAY __. ll = 07'05'07" '"'\ MONUMENT o R = 1610.00' o. L = 223.83' " ' ~ + "' r o {f:i ~ 0 PARCf;.b A: !HAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, (AS f, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHING fON; ,:I.ND TOWNSHfP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 BLOCKS 11 AND 12, C.D. HILLMAN'S EARLINGTON GARDENS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE. DIVISION NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECOFWED IN VOLUME 17 OF PLATS, PAGE 74, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AND OF VACATED STREETS AND ALLEYS ATTACHED rHERETO, AND LO rs 1 THROUGH 12, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 5, RENTON VIEW, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT fHEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 3.3 OF PLATS, PAGE 25, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AND OF VACATED STREETS AND ALLEYS ATTACHED THERETO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: EJEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NOfHHWEST QUARTER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19; REC NO. 790921 Oi'21 ~ -----------L ,,, 9. I J' io ----i------O ~o~• -------o PA = PLANTED AREA WMH = WATER MANHOLE YD = YARD DRAIN X D PK NAIL / TACK IN LEAD HUB & TACK !HENCE SOUTH 01'04'08" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE ~IORTHEAST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 224.15 FEET: HIENCE SOUTH 55·03·12" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 45.44 FEET ro rHE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: fHENCE SOUTH 89"44'03" EAST ALONG THE SOUTH MARGIN OF RENTON VILLAGE PLACE 0 ON SITE OFF SITE• TOTALS STANDARD 543 167 i' 10 COMPACT 22 13 35 HAND I CAP 8 ' 8 TOTALS 573 1s, 753 • OFFSJTE PARKING BY PARKING EASEMENT. RECORDING NO. Cj005161048 ZONING CLASSIFICATION: THE PROPERTY IS ZONED CO, COMMERCIAL OFFICE. HEIGHT: THE ZONING CODE ALLOWS A MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT OF 250 FEET, SETBACKS: lHE ZONING CODE REQUIRES A MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK OF 15 FEET FOR THE FRONT YARD, AND 30 FEET FROM THE STREET FOR A BUILDING OF 60' HEIGHT OR TALLER. LOT COVERAGE: THE ZONING CODE ALLOWS A BUILDING AREA UP TO 65 PERCENT OF THE TOTAL LOT AREA. LANDSCAPING/IMPROVEMENTS: THE ZONING CODE REQUIRES A MINIMUM 10 FEET LANDSCAPING STRIP ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS. THE SOURCE OF THE ABOVE INFORMA [ION IS FROM THE CITY OF RENTON ZONING MAP NO. 5319, DATED 08/02/96. AND SECTION 4-D-\6 OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE. CITY OF RENfON PLANNING AND ZONING: (425) 430-7200 RENfON CITY HALL, 1055 SO. GRADY WAY, RENTON, 'NA 98055 FLOOD NOTE: By graphic plotting only, this property is in Zone(s) A AH and X af the Flood Insurance Rate Map,Commuriity Panel No. 53033C0977F ond 5303JC0979F ,which beors an effective dote of Moy 16, 1995 and is in o Special Flood Hazard Arno. By telephone coll dated 11/7 /00 to the National Flood Insurance Program (800-638- 6620) we hove learned this community does currently participate in the progrmn. No field surveying was performed to determine this zone ond or1 ele~atian certilicate moy be needed to verify this deterrninotion or apply for a variance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. 1. 2, 3, 4, 5. G. 7. 8. 9, 9M. ELECTRIC TRANSMJSSION LINE ANO APPURTENANCES, RECORDING NOS. 3171112, 3'.71114, JJgE,045, 3354Jgg, 3367763 (A RE·RECOROING OF 3355711), ANO J3El7249. THE BENEFICI/'l.L INTEREST UNDER SAID EASEMENf WAS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF SEAITLE UNDER RECORDING NOS. 366455g ANO 3664560. NOTE• PORT!ONS OF THE AREA AFFECTED BY SAID EASEMENT HAVE BEEN RELEASED PURSUANT TO RECOROIKU NOS. 7210300117 ANO 7210300118. THE EASEMENT DESCRIBED IN THJS DOCUMENT !SPART OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY ANO IS PLOTTED ON THJS PLAT. SEWER INSTALLATION PER CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 2051, AFFECTING PREMISES LV!NG WITH!N THE FORl~ER SHATTUCK STREEf AND 9TH AVENUE SOUTH, RECORDING NO. 6631804 PLOTTED ON THIS PLAT. ELECTRIC TRANSM I SS IO~J ANO/OR O ISTR JBUT JON SYS rEM EASEMENT TO PUGET SOUND PO\./ER ANO LIGHf CO., RECORDING NUMBER 7g0qz107z1. THE EASEMENT DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT JS PART OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND IS PLOTTED ON THIS PLAT, ELECT Fl JC TRANSM ISSI O~J ANO/DR U ISTR I8UT ION SYSTEM EASEMENT TO PUGET SOU NO PQ',iER ANO LIGHT CD., RECORDING NUMBER 8208270357. THE EASEMENT DESCRJBED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PART OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY ANO 15 PLOTTED ON THIS PLAT. PUBLIC UTJLITJES ( INCLUDlNG WATER AND SEWER) EASEMENT TO CITY OF RENTON, R~CORDING NUMBER 82l20q0488. THE EASEMENT DESCRIBED IN THIS OOCl..:MENT JS PART OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY ANO IS PLOTTED ON THIS PLAT. EI_ECTR!C TRANSMISSION ANO/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM EASEMENT TO PUGET SOUND PJWER ANO LIGHT CO., RECORDING NUMBER 8408020473. THE EASEMENT DESCRIElED IN THIS DOCUMENT JS PART OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND IS PLOTTED ON THJS PLAT, PJBLIC UTJLITJES ( !~JCLUDJNG WATER AND SE'IIERl EASEMENT TO CITY OF RENTON, R~CORDING NUMBER 8610030727, THE EASEMENT OESCRJBED JN THIS DOCUMENT IS PART OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY ANO JS PLOTTED m1 THIS PLAT. I.J~DEROROUND UTILITY EASEMENT TO PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT CD., RECORDING NUMBER 86121gt504. THE EASEMENT DESCRIBED IN THJS OOCUMENr IS PART OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND IS PLOTTED ml THIS PLAT, L'C:CLARATION or: ROADWAY AND PARKING Ei'.'ISENENT WI rH ADJOINING PROPERTY. RECORDING NUMBER 8612311880. SAID EASEMENT CONTAINS A PROVISION FOR BEARJNO THE COST OF MA!NTENA~ICE, REPAJR, OR RECONSTRUCTION OF SAID ROADWAY ANO PARKING AREAS BY THE USERS. THE EASEMENT DESCRIBED IN THJS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVISED BY RECORDING NUMBER 9005161048 ANO THEREFORE IS NOT PLOTTED ON THIS PLAT. ~!JENOMENT OF OECLARATJON OF EASEMENT, RECORDING NUMBER 9005161048. THIS O'JCUMENT AMENDS THE ROADWAY ANO PARK I NO EASEMENT WI TH ADJOIN l NG PROPERTY PREVIOUSLY RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 6612311880. THE AMENDMENT DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT AFFECTS THE ADJOINING PROPERTY ro THE WEST OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AND IS PLOTTED ON THIS PLAT. tll [!J M (SJ !CV /IV OH.B. ·0- (C- ()- 0 0 HH 0 a D @ 0 _n ----~---iX-- ----W ---- ----so---- ----ss---- ----P-- -HVP- GAS VALVE WATER ME fER WATER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE POSITION INOICA fOR VALVE HOSE 8188 POWER I/AULT PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER UflLITY POLE UTILITY POLE ANCHOR GUY POLE UTILITY JUNCTION BOX MANHOLE HANl>HOLE UTILllY VAULT UflLITY CAP TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE TRAFFIC SIGNAL CABINET TELEPHONE RISER STORM DRAIN MANHOLE CATCH BASIN / YARD DRAIN SIGN LIGHT STANDARD FENCE LINE BURIED WATER LINE STORM DRAINAGE LINE SANITARY SEWER LINE OVERHEAD POWER LINE HIGH VOLTAGE POWER LINE (IJORTH LINE OF THE PLA\ OF RENTON VIEW), A DISTANCE OF 867.26 FEET; fHENCE SOUTH 01'24'0J" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 123.27 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY 1,IARGIN OF PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 1 (JCT. S.S.H. 5-M TO JCT. P.S.H. NO. 2-SR 405); !HENCE SOUTH 20.46'00" EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN, JO.DO FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGH f IN A SOUTHWESTERLY DIRECTION HAVING A RADIUS OF 1,810.00 FEET THfWUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 07'05'07", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 223.83 FEET TO ,\ POINT OF CURVE TO A SPIRAL CURVE; fHENCE ALONG A SPIRAL CURVE ro THE RIGHT ON THE NORTHERLY MARCIN OF PSH NO. 1 THE LONG CHORD OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 79'20'21" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 292.06 FEET TO rHE POINT OF TANGENCY OF THE SPIRAL CURVE; rHENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN SOUTH 80'49'08" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 213.80 FEET: rHENCE SOUTH 09'10'52" EAST ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN, 20.00 FEET: rHENCE SOUTH 80'49'08" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN, 27.80 FEET TO A POINT OF CUFNATURE; rHENCE ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 11,380.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00·15'40", AN ARC DIS fANCE OF 51.86 FEET; fHENCE NORTH 08'55'12" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN 20.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; rHENCE ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN IN A SOUTHWESTERLY DIRECTION ON A CURVE TO '!HE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 11,360.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01"52'35", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 372.03 FEET: fHENCE NORTH 00'02'16" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 251.51 FEET; rHENCE NORTH 61'42'59" EAsr. A DISTANCE OF 258.92 FEET; IHENCE SOUTH 59•44'03" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 56.01 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; roGETHER WITH ALL THAT PORTION OF LOTS 36, 37, .38, 39 AN[) 40 IN BLOCK 11 OF C.O. HILLMAN'S (ARLINGTON GARDENS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE, DIVISION NO. 1, ACCORDING TD THE !1LAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 17 OF PLATS, PAGE 74, IN KINC COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AND OF VACATED 96rH AVENUE SOUTH (ALSO K,"lOWN AS SHATTUCK STREET) AND ALSO THAf PORTION OF VACATED 10TH AVENUE SOUTH ADJACENT TO BLOCK 11 OF SAID PLAT LYING NORTHERLY OF A LINE BEGINNING AT A POINT OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION (HEREINAFTER REFErmED ro HES) 197+89.58 ON THE SURVEY I_INE OF SR 405, JCT. SSH NO. 2-M TO JCT. PSH NO. 2 IN RENTON, AND 100 FEEf NURTHERLY THEREFROM; fHENCE EASrERLY TO A POINT OPPOSITE HES 199+64.58 ON SAID SURVEY LINE AND 100 FEET NORTHERLY THEREFROM; !HENCE EASTERLY PARALLEL WITH SAID SURVEY LINE 100 FEET TO A POINT AND THE END OF rHIS LINE DESCRIPTION: 1\ND LYING SOUTHERLY OF A LINE BEGINNING Af A POINf OPPOSITE HES 197+89.58 ON SAID SR ,1Q5 SURVEY LINE AND 100 FEET NORTHERLY THEREFROM; IHENCE NORTHERLY TO A POINT OPPOSITE HES 197+89.58 118.22 FEET NORTHERLY THEREFROM; !HENCE EASTERLY AND NORTHERLY PARALLEL WITH THE SERVICE ROAD SURV[Y LINE OF SAID fllGHWAY TO A POINT OPPOSITE HES P.T. 1+93.4: fi-lENCE EASTERLY THROUGH HES P.T. 1+93.4 TO A POINf OPPOSITE HES P,T, 1+93.4 AND 30 FEET [ASTERL Y THEREFRrnA: !HENCE SOU TH ERL Y TO A POINT OPPOSITE HES 199+64.58 ON THE SR 405 SURVEY LINE OF SAID IIIGHWAY ANO 100 FEET NORTHERLY TrlEREFROM; II-IENCE EASTERLY PARALLEL WITH SAID SURVEY LINE 100 FEET TO A POINT AND fHE END OF IHIS LINE DESCRIP flON; fXCEPT TI-IOSE PORTIONS CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBERS 8708140473 AND 8708140474; PARCEL B: AN EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY AND PAf~KING PURPOSES, AS ESTABLISHED BY INSTRUME~JT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8612311880, AND AMENDED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9005161048. NOrE: THE ABOVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION DESCRIBES THE SAME PROPERTY AS IN SCHEDULE i\ OF TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 1007059 OF CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, INC. !-.!EARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF July 18 2001. ----------------~--· I aoo "' VICINITY MAP (NOf TO SCALE) CONTAINS: 310,999 SQ. FT OR 7.14 ACRES COPYRIGHT 2000 by BDck & Clork Corporation This product style and formal is protected by Copyright mid oil rights ore reserved. The use of this style ond forrnu! is strictly prnhibited without the written con~ent and permission of Bock & Clark Corporation. fo, Renton Refi Project Site No. 1 555 S. Renton Village Place Renton, WA Based Upon Title Commitment No.1;007059 of Chicago Title Insurance Compon'f, Seattle, WA bearing an effective date of July 1!8, 2001 Surveyor's Certification! To Renton Properties LLC, a Washington 1/mitad liabJllty company; Aetna Life and Annuity Compariy, a Connecticut Corporation, MBO North America Finance fi.V., Chicago Title Insurance Company together with thi~r respective successors and/or tl'.lsigns and Bock & <;lark Corporation. This is to certify that this map or plat ~nd the survey on which it is based wt1re made (i) in accordance wlth 'Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys," jointly established and adopted by ALTA, AcsM and NSPS in 1999, and includes Items 2,3,4,6,7o,7b1,ic,8,9,10, 11 a, 13, 14, 15 and 1 6 of Table A thereof, and surve'y measurements were mode in accordance with the "Minimum ~ngle. Distance and Closure Requirements for Survey Measurments Which Control Land Boundaries for ALTA/ASCM Land Tille Surveys"; and that this survey also meals and complies with the Agreement and Survey Requirements for the Renton Project Surveys dated ------ Registration No. 17672 within the Stole of Washington Date of Survey: _jyJy 26, 2001 Dote of Last Revision: July 30, 2001 Survey, prepared by: Reid Middleton 728 134th Street SW Everett WA, 98204 (425) 741-3800 Network Project No. 20010525-1 Sheet 1 of 1 SCALE: 1" • 80' -0" J: proJec s n on ca .s 0 40 0::: 0 3 f--- (f) 0::: 0 >-w > 0::: =i (f) __J <I z 0 <I z (f) y 0::: <I _J (_) y (_) 0 m 80 , .. '. (,[) >-w w _J f-- f-- ',,,,_ 160 ~ z 0 LLI u z LLI at! LLI LI. LLI at! at! 0 LI. U) a: w ;: 0 1- z 0 I--a: I- Ill GI ·-... .. GI 12. 0 .. D. C 0 er: ... ~ C CJ ~ GI ..I 0 ii:: ..I <( u z 0 -U) z <C a. >< w 0 0 "- (1) -::, ~ ff) N E 0 z C, 0 C U) 0 (I) - <( $ z 0 1- z w 0::: L!) 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COMPOSITE PANEL (TRESPAl • " B2 TT -5 EAST ELEV AT ION SCALE: 1/16"•1'·0" KEYPLAN SCALE• 1/16" • 1'·0" 0 8 16 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . _., .· . VJ a:: w ;.: 0 I- z 0 I--a:: I- ~ Ill Ill ·-.. .. Ill D. 0 .. a. C .. 0 a: .. ~ C (.) s Ill ..I 0 i:r: ..I <( u z 0 -VJ z c( D.. >< w 0 0 l'- Q) - :, ~ (/) N ~ 0 LO Q) 00 00 I'- > Ol O 0 <( <( LO LO -;;; S: 00 00 ~ 'Sf 'Sf ·--'Sf 'Sf LL Q) -(0 (0 I.O .-0 0 N CilNN 0 Q) NUJl-11. E 0 z " 0 C UI 0 U) -... -.... co c:,: " u ?; ?; ?; <( $ • z 0 I- z w 0::: ISSUED/ REVISED DATE MASTER SITE PLAN_SET~ 10/6/2008 1---------~--------- 0 0 (!) 0 (!) ,.._ 0 N Cfct f- () w --, 0 a:'. a. TT-5 EAST ELEVATION ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' F E D C B A MAX ELEVATION EL ·182·-·o .. · ---" ' 11!--'-'i;l!;o _o&,MECH SCREEN -'='Ir-~~-~-~~-~~-----r · -----------1 --------~---~-~--y~---~-, ' ' ' I I I L-----------METAL iEQUIPMENT SCREEN ~~'~8 .. ------- oc, .L111LELOOR 11 _____ _ y;i20'-0" oc, • ArLQO.R. 10 ______ _ ~08'-4" _da.__FLQO.R_ 9 _____ _ ~6'-8" .L111LELQO.R_ 6 _____ _ ~5'-0" AFLQOR ? ------ ~3'-4" da..FLQOR 6 _____ _ ~1'-8" .L111LELQOR 5 _____ _ V•50'-o" AFLQO.R_4 _____ _ "°V00'-4" .L111LELQOR J _____ _ ~6'-8" AFLQOR2 _____ _ ~5'-0" "' • "' ' - "' ' -- oc, ' -- -- oc, ' - oc, I I I ' ' I I '---~ --------f--4c/--+--f--f--f--f--f--f--j--j--j--J--J--J--f--Hi-- ' I -------------------rn-+-+-+-+-+--+--+-+-1--f--i--+--+--+----t;--4 ~-GLAZED CURTAINWALL (TYPICAU l----l-l---+---l--l---1---1--l--+-+---l--f--~-+--l---+--+-+--l--l=F=l--+------------Fic--f--1--1--1--+---+--+--+--+--+--+---l---l---1---C----h---l -------+--+--t--1--l--l--f---f--f--l---f--+--+--+----1---1--1-__j ~-1f--=--~-~~-=-~-=-~-t1 =-:-~=--:--=-1---~-~:--_:---~-=-~1 =--:---~_ -::_J _=-~~~==-L-=-~1=-=~=-=-~-=-L~~=-=-l-=-l-8~~~~-~~-~-~~;;;;~~~~t~~~6~~-~=-~-=-=-=!~~~=-=-~-=--:±--:._~_ =--:---~-~:--_L _=-:-_!_ :--_ :.b_;:::::_ ~"'---~-~~-==-=-~-~::~t~=~:====::::s:::L:'.h~JIR,ssP.~L .... 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TT-5 WEST ELEVATION rmi:r-_ __,A-223 I -----" --------------------" --" -"" -" -------"" ------" -" -----" --------" -------" ----" -------------------"" ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} ,------------ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' F E D C B A ---------- ---" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, ~ ' I I ' I ' MAX ELEVATION ~EL -18i'--O-" ---\ ' TOP or MECH SCREEN •15D'-IJ" I I I -------------------__,___ --------"----------_, ----------~~~-~~~~4~~~~~~~~~-r-~~~~~~~~-c"-~-~~~~~~~-~'c---~~~~~~~r~~~~~-,-- I ' --• I I I I I I I 11 11 I II , -==--METAL EQUIPMENT SCREEN ---------------;___----------------------' ~, I ---------- 0 ' r ' ' I I ' ' ' AROQF_ --------' -.iip-;T31' -8" --------------------i--------i--------1---------i---------T--------1---------1-------r---t-----r-,---ir-,1-11-------rr-,1-11-rr-1-,1-,----r-----r-,-,-,-r-r---r--i--,--e=1:=i=+=i=+=+=F""'=""'=""'=""'=¥==l=== I I ' I I I I I I I I I 00 ' ' ' I I I --------------------' ---------' ----------------_, ---------_, ----· -----'--~-------,_ ------- I AFLQOJl_ 11 ______ -' -.iip-;,2 0' · O" " 00 ' ' ~ia~~\,!0 -----C .-------------------:--------: -------- I I I I ---------------------------------------------' , I I "" ' I I ' I ' l -~,~~-H-f=====cc!==Jc== I r / QOH 9 _____ ----'I.-------------------___j ---------1--------1 --------___j ----------f----------I---------I ---------1----+--+-----++----+---+--1----t----1+---1---+---+---1---fr----t---t--r=---t--lf--t-+-t--t-+-t--~-+-l-+-+++--¥1":+-t=====t=+== 6'-B" , , , , , , , ,., i<l I I I I I I I ----------V I/ I I I I I I 0 I I I I I I I r 1----1----f--1--+-i========!== --ALUMINUM PANEL ArL~,?~,,3---. ---.---------------------i---------i--------i-------· --i---------t -· -------i---------i--------~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I I I I I I I: ~+++-++--1======-r=~,=J=~---COMPOSITE PANELS CTRESPA) 1o ' -""'GLAZED CURTAINWALL CTYPICALI ~ o 1 ,-. I I I -I I I I ---I . -I ----I -' ~~~~ . .?--------:~-------------. -------!----· ----! --------i---. -----!----------! ---------!-. -. -----(----- : I OP~N METAL SCREEN ~-1-..._ I I I I I/ rsl!H f---L--1 _.,-+4t'.rtt+~~~~~+-;+~-----------ALUMINUM FINS i i i ~-~~!ii1+ .. -... -~ ~ ::·1mH=:t-t-ti-t-i=:c..,..,-mn~~E-E AFLOOR 6 -V-+61'·8" "" ' rl, FLQQ8_ ~ _. ____ -' ~0'-0" 1o '1 ~~mlj,'! -n:>r-~ i:1t -v / i·.:,::.·. -(i/:C: 1---~ - }iii ' , --, -iI Ji!i Iif 'i,'if"p7f;,s $-;~;cs --1-~,-~c-r======t=cci== ' I ' / / lit · I I'""+ iij:i ! 111]1: ,ii -1--- ~~,?~") _ ------',---. ----------------~ -------:'ii!~ ~ ~ }i/i~l---l-+---+----l--+-----l---l-~--1---1- ~ I ~H~q ~g.?~,,4------~ .-------------------- -.-: ·.-:,:, ::-=-> ! - ,L ., .· .. ~ARAGE ~ I I ' ' ' ' ' I ' '' I KEYPLAN TT -7 S RENTON VILLAGE PLACE ELEVATION A1 SCALE: 1/16" • 1'·0" SCALE: 1/16"•1'-0" MET AL PANELS SLOPED METAL AND GLASS ENTRY CANOPY POINT-FIXED GLAZING ---STONE TILE OR TERRA COTTA ~ II) GI ·-.. .. GI a. 0 .. D. C -0 ct'. .. ~CU :a: II) ... 0 A:: ... z 0 -~ en a:: w == 0 I- z 0 I--a:: I- ,:( (.) z 0 -en z c( a. >< w 0 0 I'- ()) - :::l ~ Cl) N ~~OL{) ()) co co I'- >moo <( <t: II) II) -s:coco ~ V "'1" ·--'St 'St LL ()) ::: (0 (0 LO---oo N Cll N N 0 ()) N Cl) I-II. E 0 z " 0 C: Ill 0 -V) ..I -= ..I ro ,( " U 3 3 3 <{ $ " z 0 I-z w 0::: ISSUED I REVISED DATE t-------- M ASTER SITE PLAN SET 10/6/2008 ------------·- TT-7 ELEVATIONS 0 8 16 32 ,,....------A-231 0 0 <O 0 <O r-- 0 N lie f- () LU --, 0 rr: (J_ '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. -------------------------------------. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 0 I'- F E D C B A a • [,;> co ' I I ' . ------------_____ L ~-------~~---.L-_________ ~ ' . 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'1:?{'?;f'!'\. ~'iJF':: "\. -.. ~ ~--\\ J, I ;~ ,,.;.: : /:i .. . :~ . -. : It. ]:[ ~ fr741 1 i1 ! Ji !-~~ :( ISSUED/ REVISED DATE MASTER SITE PLAN SET 10/6/2008 -·'---L-~t:~--:~ =: ··: --:···~---;;·----------. . KEYPLAN TT-7 ELEVATIONS 0 8 16 32 _ _.A-232 0 0 "' 0 "' r-- 0 N 'It f-- 0 UJ -, 0 Cl'. n. ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ----------------------------------------------------------. -----------------------------------------------------------. --------------------------------. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 • . " ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------r·-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ' ' 0 : ' ' I i ? , A <; S 7 R q 1() ~r--I ' ,A(]) ' ' .. ' • ABBREVIATIONS No1· USED VICINITY MAP DRAWING INDEX ~ ~ ~ I : ~ ~r-oi.n : , CL (]) co co r--, ., AC ASPHAL TIC CONCRETE ARCHITECTURAL O > Ol o o ., JAN JANITOR ACC ACCESSIBLE <( LO LO : ACP ACOUSTICAL CEILING PANEL ._ <( : : ACST ACOUSTICAL A-001 GENERAL INFORMATION CL -~ co co , JT JOINT KITCHEN : AD AREA DRAIN A-001a (PROPERTY) LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~ q-q-• D DDE D M A-002 NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP i::: KIT LONG F E D C B A ~~J M ~DJU~T ~LE A-002a FIRE PROTECTION .. O U. (])-q-q-• AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR A-003 OVERALL SITE PHASING PLAN c,: +o :;::; CD CD : L LAM LAMINATE, LAMINATED AHU AIR HANDLING UNIT wz 1: U 10 -o o : ALT ALTERNATE N ru N N : (' _,,..,,:J A-100 OVERALL SITE :S: Ill .J o (]) : LAU LAUNDRY LAV LAVATORY LT LIGHT ALUM ALUMINUM , £ 0 0:: .J N Cl) I-II. :, ANOD ANODIZED • .- APPROX APPROXIMATE t , • Ii .,_J,!))'~' A-111 TT ·4 GROUND FLOOR PLAN : LTG LIGHTING APT APARTMENT ~ f J, ------~y-A-112 TT·4/TT·6 TYPICAL OFFICE FLOOR PLAN : ARCH ARCHITECT, ARCHITECTURAL A-113 TT-4/TT ·6 ROOF PLAN : MAS MASONRY MATL MATERIAL MAX MAXIMUM AUTO AUTOMATIC ! / : AV AUDIO VISUAL s '"" )---{ A-121 TT-5 GROUND FLOOR PLAN : MECH MECHANICAL MED MEDIUM AWP ACOUSTICAL WALL PANEL(Sl "" "' ~"'1, A-122 TT-5 TYPICAL OFFICE FLOOR PLAN j BB BULLETIN BOARD ~ , • .,.,.,,_,.._"'>-+-fs900~,~,,,'""',,-, --1 "", A-123 TT-5 TYPICAL ROOF PLAN • MEMB MEMBRANE MEZZ MEZZANINE BD BOARD ''1, ~ : BLDG BUILDING "' A-131 TT-7 GROUND FLOOR PLAN-OFFICE/GARAGE : BLKG BLOCKING A-132 TT-7 LEVELS 2-4 FLOOR PLAN-OFFICE/GARAGE : MGT MANAGEMENT MFR MANUFACTURE, MANUFACTURE MH MANHOLE MIN MINIMUM, MINUTE • ~ 80 BOTTOM OF A-133 TT-7 LEVEL 5 PLAN-OFFICE/GARAGE (ROOF) : BOT BOTTOM A-135 TT-7 LEVELS 6-11 PLAN-OFFICE MISC MISCELLANEOUS MO MASONRY OPENING • " • BRG BEARING A-136 TT-7 ROOF PLAN-OFFICE BRZ BRONZE MS MOP SINK MTD MOUNTED ~ BSMT BASEMENT BUR BUil T UP ROOFING MTL METAL MVBL MOVABLE CAB CABINET N NORTH CB CATCH BASIN NIC NOT IN CONT ACT CEM CEMENT, CEMENTITIOUS CER CERAMIC CG CORNER GUARD NO NUMBER NOM NOMINAL NTS NOT TO SCALE CH COAT HOOK Cl CAST IRON CJ CONTROL JOINT CIP CAST-IN-PLACE oc ON CENTER OH OVERHEAD OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER CL CENTERLINE CLG CEILING CLO CLOSET CLR CLEAR OPNG OPENING OPP OPPOSITE ORD OVERFLOW ROOF DRAIN OTS OPEN TO STRUCTURE ABOVE CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CO CLEAN OUT, CASED OPENING COL COLUMN COMM COMMUNICATION CONG CONCRETE CONN CONNECTION, CONNECT CONSTR CONSTRUCTION CONT CONTINUOUS, CONTINUE CORR CORRIDOR CPT CARPET CSWK CASEWORK CTR CENTER CU CUBIC PBD PARTICLEBOARD PRCST PRECAST PO PLANTER DRAIN PERP PERPENDICULAR PLAM PLASTIC LAMINATE PLAS PLASTER PLYWD PLYWOOD PNL PANEL PL PROPERTY LINE PR PAIR PRKG PARKING PROP PROPERTY D DEEP, DEPTH DBL DOUBLE PT PAINT, POINT, PRESSURE TREATED PTN PARTITION DEMO DEMOLISH, DEMOLITION DET DETAIL DF DRINKING FOUNTAIN DIA DIAMETER DIAG DIAGONAL, DIAGRAM DIM DIMENSION DIV DIVIDE, DIVISION DMPF DAMPPROOF, OAMPPROOFING DN DOWN DR DOOR, DRESSING ROOM DS DOWNSPOUT DW DISHWASHER DWG DRAWING R RADIUS, RISER RCP REFLECTED CEILING PLAN RD ROOF DRAIN, ROAD REF REFER TO, REFERENCE REF REFRIGERATOR REINF REINFORCED, REINFORCING REQD REQUIRED REV REVISED, REVISION RFG ROOFING RM ROOM RO ROUGH OPENING RT RIGHT DWR DRAWER S SOUTH SC SOLID CORE SCHED SCHEDULE SD ST ORM DRAIN SECT SECTION SGL SINGLE SHT SHEET SHTHG SHEATHING SIM SIMILAR SPEC SPECIFICATION SPKLR SPRINKLER SPKR SPEAKER SQ SQUARE SS SERVICE SINK SST STAINLESS STEEL STC SOUND TRANSMISSION CLASS STD STANDARD STL STEEL E EAST [IFS EXTERIOR INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEM EJ EXPANSION JOINT EL ELEVATION ELEC ELECTRIC, ELECTRICAL ELEV ELEVATOR ENCL ENCLOSE, ENCLOSURE EP ELECTRIC PANEL EQ EQUAL EQUIP EQUIPMENT ESCAL ESCALATOR EXH EXHAUST EXP EXPANSION, EXPOSED EXIST EXISTING EXT EXTERIOR STOR STORAGE STRUCT STRUCTURAL SUSP SUSPENDED FA FIRE ALAHM FCIO FURNISHED BY CONTRACTOR/ INST AL LED BY OWNER FD FLOOR DRAIN FDC FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION FDTN FOUNDATION FE FIRE EXTINGUISHER FEC FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET FH FIRE HYDRANT FHC FIRE HOSE CABINET FIG FIGURE FIN FINISH, FINISHED FLEX FLEXIBLE T TREAD T&G TONGUE AND GROOVE TEL TELEPHONE TEMP TEMPERATURE, TEMPORARY TER TERRAZZO THK THICK, THICKNESS TMPD TEMPERED TO TOP OF TSTAT THERMOSTAT TV TELEVISION TYP TYPICAL FLR FLOOR, FLOORING FLUOR FLUORESCENT FO FACE OF, FINISHED OPENING FOIC FURNISHED BY OWNER/ INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR FP FIRE PROTECTION, FIREPROOF FR FRAME, FIRE RATED FRMG FRAMING FRT FIRE RETARDANT TREATED FT FOOT, FEET FTG FOOTING FUT FUTURE FVC FIRE HOSE VAL VE CABINET FWC FABRIC WALL COVERING FWP FABRIC WRAPPED PANEL(Sl UGND UNDERGROUND UNFIN UNFINISHED UON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED VERT VERTICAL VEST VESTIBULE VNR VENEER VR VAPOR RETARDER VWC VINYL WALLCOVERING w WEST, WIDE WI WITH W/0 WITHOUT WC WATER CLOSET, WALLCOVERING WD WOOD WH WALL HYDRANT WP WEATHERPROOF, WATERPROOF, WATERPROOFING, WORK POINT WR WATER RESISTANT WT WEIGHT WWF WELDED WIRE FABRIC GA GAGE GAL V GALVANIZED GEN GENERAL, GENERATOR GFRC GLASS-FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE GFRG GLASS-FIBER REINFORCED GYPSUM GFRP GLASS-FIBER XMFR TRANSFORMER REINFORCED PLASTIC GL GLASS YD YARD GYP GYPSUM GYP 80 GYPSUM BOARD H HIGH HB HOSE BIBB HC HOLLOW CORE HD HAND DRYER HDBD HARDBOARD HOW HARDWARE HDWD HARDWOOD HM HOLLOW MET AL HO HOLD OPEN HORIZ HORIZONTAL HR HOUR HT HEIGHT HVAC HEATING, VENTILATINGG AND AIR CONDITIONIN ID INSIDE DIAMETER INCL INCLUDE, INCLUDING INFO INFORMATION INSUL INSULATE, INSULATION INT INTERIOR IWD INDIRECT WASTE DRAIN REFERENCE SYMBOLS ... xx .. ,A-XXX BUILDING ~ECTION INDICATOR ... xx ~ ,A-XXX, J DRAWING REVISION INDICATOR i---------------------r---------------------1 EXTERIOR ,LEVATION INDICATOR .. ___ MAT!:_H _!:l~E-__ _ n-SEE XX/A-XXX MATCH LIN, INDICATOR DATUM INDICATOR OR WORK POINT PLAN SYMBOLS EXISTING TO REMAIN (SHOWN SHADEDl '''''''""',',W,",'" .. . . . .. ,· ·.' ., ,', •,•" '. -------------------r r -------------------. EXISTING TO BE DEMOLISHED , / (SHOWN DASHEDI L, ~ <i:!)---------· ' I NEW COLUMN GRIDLINE INDICATOR EL XXX.XX EL XXX'-XX" SPOT ELEVATION INDICATOR 'l) NEW TYPE OF WORK (PROPERTY) LEGAL DESCRIPTION PORS LOTS 1-1\ VOLUME 33 PLATS 25: PORS BLOCKS 11-12, VOLUME 17 PLATS PG.74 PORS NEQ SEC I ION 19-23-5: AND PARCELS B&C, RENTON BLA•LUA 00-141, REC• 2001050 7900001. SEE A-0010 FOR COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. BUILDING ADDRESS BUILDING 1 (EXISTING): 555 SOUTH RENTON VILLAGE PLACE BUILDING 2 [EXISTING): 700 S RENTON VILLAGC PLACE BUILDING 3 [EXISTING): 707 S GRADY WAY RENTON, WASHINGTON GR"[l'f '11,/o."f .a. RENTON ""LL AGE .. \~ 1.----" /! "' / ' SITE " ~ • < ~ '~ • 0 ( '6 "' '-, ~ ~ ~ ./) SCOPE OF WORK THE ADDITION OF FOUR OFFICE BUILDINGS (BUILDINGS N0.4 THROUGH NO. 7) AND ONE PARKING GARAGE (A,B,Cl TO AN EXISTING OFFICE BUILDING COMPLEX. BUILDING 7 WILL INCORPORATE ADDITIONAL PARKING GARAGE SPACE (Ol. SITE AND BUILDING INFORMATION SITE AREA: TOT AL FOOTPRINT OF NEW BUILDINGS: TOTAL FOOTPRINT OF EXISTING BUILDINGS TO REMAIN 21.085 ACRES 219,654 SF 63,960 SF 1918,4 71 SF) ---·---. ---~ A-141 A-142 A-143 A-151 A-211 A-212 A-213 A-221 A-222 A-223 A-231 A-232 A-233 A-241 A-311 A-331 LANDSCAPE L -100 GARAGE A,8,C GROUND FLOOR PLAN GARAGE A,B,C FLOOR PLAN (TYPl GARAGE A,8,C ROOF PLAN TT-6 GROUND FLOOR PLAN TT ·4/TT ·6 NORTH ELEVATION TT·4/TT·6 SOUTH ELEVATION TT-4 EAST/WEST ELEVATION (TT-6 OPP HAND) TT-5 NORTH/SOUTH ELEVATION TT-5 EAST ELEVATION TT ·5 WEST ELEVATION TT-7 NORTH ELEVATION TT-7 SOUTH ELEVATION TT-7 EAST/WEST ELEVATION GARAGE A,8,C ELEVATION TT-4/TT ·6 BUILDING SECTIONS TT -7 BUILDING SECTIONS OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN SURVEY (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) AL TA-001 AL TA-002 AL TA-003 CIVIL C1.0 C1.1 C1.2 C1.3 C1.4 ·· AL TA SURVEY AL TA SURVEY AL TA SURVEY -NORTH -EAST -SOUTH OVERALL COMPOSITE CIVIL PLAN PARTIAL COMPOSITE CIVIL PLAN PARTIAL COMPOSITE CIVIL PLAN PARTIAL COMPOSITE CIVIL PLAN PARTIAL COMPOSITE CIVIL PLAN GENERAL NOTES z 0 ·~ < u E 0 z " 0 C (I) 0 "' --I -= ..I (1J ,( ~ (.) ;: ;: ,: BUILDING TT-4 BUILDING TT-5 BUILDING TT-6 BUILDING TT -7 11 STORIES OFFICE 11 STORIES OFFICE 11 STORIES OFFICE 11 STORIES OFFICE 270,427 SF 351,018 SF 270,427 SF 245,257 SF NET: 225,487 SF NET: 294,720 SF NET: 225~487 SF NET: 146,J27 SF I-------------·--·----·-----• TOTAL SF NEW OFFICE GROSS SF EXISTING OFFICE GARAGE A GARAGE B GARAGE C GARAGE D GROSS S.F. NEW PARKING GARAGE TOTAL GARAGE PARKING STALLS TOTAL GROSS: 1,137,1,9 SF 433,419 SF 5 STORIES 5 STORIES 5 STORIES 4 STORIES NET: 892,021 SF NET: 351,500 SF 252,600 SF 162,600 SF 162,600 SF 80,589 SF EXISTING ON-GRADE PARKING TO REMAIN 658,389 SF 2145 ST ALLS 661 ST ALLS PROPOSED ADDITIONAL ON· GRADE PARKING STALLS TOTAL ON-GRADE PARKING ST ALLS TOTAL SITE PARKING STALLS PARKING RATIO REQUIRED: PARKING RATIO PROVIDED: EXISTING LANDSCAPE TO REMAIN: PROPOSED ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPE: TOT AL LANDSCAPE AREA: 15 SF LANDSCAPE / STALL (STALLS < 50 PER BUILDING SITE) 406 ST ALLS 1067 ST ALLS 3212 STALLS 3.0/1000 2.58/1000 111,413 SF 39,900 SF 151,313 SF 5,865 SF req'd BUILDING CODE CRITERIA ZONING TAX PARCEL NUMBERS APPLICABLE CODES BUILDING AUTHORITY CO (COMMERCIAL OFFICE) 1923059023, 1923059001, 7231600542 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE 2006 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE 2006 WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE PLANNER: VANESSA DOLBEE TEL: 425.430. 7314 PUBLIC WORKS REVIEWER: ARNET A HENNINGE TEL: 425.430. 7298 FIRE PREVENTION Ri::VIEWER: DAVE PARGAS TEL: 425.430.7023 BUILDING DEPARTMENT REVIEWER: CRAIG BURNELL TEL: 425.43D.7290 J:,proJec1s,,momca..,,..imon eets,lmon_a~uu 1 .s, ,, 1. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWINGS. 2. VERIFY FIELD CONDITIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF EACH PORTION OF THE WORK. 3. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARE COMPLIMENT ARY, AND WHAT IS REQUIRED BY ONE SHALL BE AS BINDING AS IF REQUIRED BY ALL. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL PORTIONS OF THE WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT FOR RESOLUTION OF ALL DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4. DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE STRUCTURAL GRID OR TO FINISH SURFACES, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 5. DOORS AND CASED OPENINGS INDICATED NEARBY WALL INTERSECTIONS, SHALL BE LOCATED SO THAT THE EDGE OF THE FINISH OPENING IS SIX INCHES FROM THE FACE OF THE NEARBY WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. ALL OTHER DOORS AND CASED OPENINGS SHALL BE CENTERED BETWEEN ADJACENTWALL INTERSECTIONS. PROJECT DIRECTORY OWNER RENTON PROPERTIES, LLC 2025 FIRST AVENUE, SUITE ?OD SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98121 TEL: 200.448.5080 FAX: 206.448.5075 CONTACT: KEITH MAEHLUM ARCHITECT CALLISON, LLC CIVIL 1420 FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 2400 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101 TEL: 206.623.4646 FAX: 206.623.4625 CONTACT: MARK LUDTKA SITE DEVELOPMENT ASSOC, LLC (SDAl 10117 MAIN STREET BOTHELL, WASHINGTON 98011 TEL: 425.486.6533 FAX: 425.486.6593 CONTACT: JONATHAN TURCOTT, P.E. U) 1:11: 0 w z <( 0 3: 0 s <O 0 0 -<O U) ,-... - I-z 0 z N 0 'It z ct I-f- 0 1:1. u z UJ I->< L1J -, 0 -w 0::: a: 1:11: 0.. I- ISSUED/ REVISED DATE MASTER SITE PLAN SET 10/6/2008 I--------------- . -" ?))U\\ --- U\.' GENERAL INFORMATION ,. , I (.2} ~. m-----A-001 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . . ---------------------------. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ----------------------------------- F E D C B A ' (PROPERTY) LEGAL DESCRIPTION ONE RENTON PLACE !PARCELS A AND Bl OflE RENTON PLACE PARCEL A• THAT PORTION OF THE NOR FHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE NIERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHl1~GTON; AND BLOCKS 11 AND 12, C.D. HILLMAN'S EARLINGTON GARDENS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE, DIVISION NO. 1, ACCORDING ro THE PLLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 17 OF PLATS, PAGE(Sl 74, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AND OF VACATED STREETS AND ALLEYS ATTACHED THERETO, ANO LOTS 1 THROUGH 12, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 5, RENTON VIEW, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 33 OF PLATS, PAGE 25, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AND OF VACATED STREETS AND ALLEYS ATTACHED THERETO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS• BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19; THENCE SOUTH 01 33/64 04'08" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 224.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55 33/64 03'12" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 45.44 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 89 33/64 44'03" EAST ALONG THE SOUTH MARGIN OF RENTON VILLAGE PLACE !NORTH LINE OF THE PLAT OF RENTON VIEW), A DISTAflCE OF 867.26 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01 33/64 24'03" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 123.27 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHEflLY MARGIN OF PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 1 IJCT. S.S.H. 5-M TO JCT. PS H. NO. 2·SR 4051; THENCE SOUTH 20046-00-1 EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN, 30.00 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT IN A SOUTHWESTERLY DIRECTION HAVING A RADIUS OF 1,810.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 07 33/64 05'07", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 223.83 FEE r TO A POINT OF CURVE TO A SPIRAL CURVE; THENCE ALONG A SPIRAL CURVE TO THE RIGHT ON THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF PSH NO. 1 THE LONG CHORD OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 79 33/64 20'21" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 292.06 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY OF THE SPIRAL CURVE; THEflCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN SOUTH 80 33/64 49'08" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 213.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 09 33/64 10'52" EAST ALONG SAID flORTH MARGIN, 20.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 80 33/64 49'08" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN, 27.80 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 11,380.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00 33/64 15'40", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 51.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH 08 33/64 55'12" WEST ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN 20.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN IN A SOU FHWESTERL Y DIRECTION OR A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 11,360.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01 33/64 52'35", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 372.03 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 33/64 02'16" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 251.51 FEET; THENCE NORTH 61 33/64 42'59" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 258.92 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 33/64 44'0-l" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 56.01 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH ALL THAT PORTION OF LOTS 36, 37, 38, 39 AND 40 IN BLOCK 11 OF C.D. HILLMAN'S cARLINGTON GARDENS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE, DIVISION flO. 1, ACCORDlflG TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 17 OF Pl,ATS, PAGE 74, IN KING COUfiTY, WASHINGTON, AND OF VACATED 96TH AVENUE SOUTH IALSO KNOWN AS SHATTUCK STREET) AND ALSO THAT PORTION OF VACATED 10TH AVENUE SOUTH ADJACENT TO BLOCK 11 OF SAID PLAT LYING NORTHERLY OF A LINE BEGINNING AT A POINT OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION !HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO HESI 197•89.58 ON THE SURVEY LINE OF SR 405, JCT. SSH NO. 2·M TO JCT. PSH NO. 2 IN RENTON, ANO 100 FEET NORTHERLY THEREFROM; THENCE EASTEfsL Y TO A POlflT OPPOSITE HES 199•64.58 ON SAID SURVEY LINE AND 100 FEET NORTHERLY THEREFROM; THENCE EASTEf,L Y PARALLEL WITH SAID SURVEY LINE 100 FEET TO A POINT ANO THE END OF THIS LNE DESCRIPTION: ANO LYING SOUTHERLY OF A LINE BEGINNING AT A POINT OPPOSITE HES 197•89.58 ON S/>JD SR. 405 SUF,VEY LINE AND 100 FEET NORTHERLY THEREFROM; THENCE NORTHERLY TO A POINT OPPOSITE HES 197•89.58 118.22 FEET NORTHERLY THEREFROM; THENCE EASTERLY AND NORTHERLY PARALLEL WITH THE SERVICE ROAD SURVEY LINE OF SAID HIGHWAY TO A POINT OPPOSITE HES P.T. 1•93.4; THENCE EASTERLY THROUGH HES P.T. 1•93.4 TO A POINT OPPOSITE HES P.T. 1•93.4 AflD 30 FEET EASTERLY THEREFROM; THENCE SOUTHERLY TO A POINT OPPOSITE HES 199•64.58 ON THE SR 405 SURVEY LINE OF SAID HIGHWAY AND 100 FEET NORTHERLY THEREFROM; THENCE EASTEf,L Y PARALLEL WITH SAID SURVEY LINE 100 FEET TO A POINT AND THE END OF THIS LlflE DESCRIPTION: EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBERS 8708140473 ANO 8708140474; ' ' ONE RENTON PLACE PARCEL B: AN EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY AND PARKING PURPOSES, AS ESTABLISHED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 861231188D, AND AMENDED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED Uf:DER RECORDING NUMBER 9005161048, AND FURTHER AMENDED BY SECOND AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUIIBER 20010927001009; AND TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND PARKING AS ESTABLISHED BY ACCESS EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010927001008 OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY• THAT PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA·00·014·LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL A, SAID COF,NER ALSO BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL C, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-00-014LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001; THENCE NORTH 01 -13/64 04'08" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 451.69 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, LANDSCAPE AND EMERGENCY ACCESS LANE AS DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPH NO. 3 IN EXHIBIT "A" IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8612221311, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SAID POINT LYING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 60 FEET TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 75 33/64 44'14" WEST, THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID EASEMEflT THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31 33/64 18'58", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 32.79 FEET TO A REVERSE CURVE HAVING A flADIUS OF 80 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15 33/64 55'32", AN AF,C DISTANCE OF 22.24 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 00 33/64 23'46" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 125.21 FEEL THENCE SOUTH 00 33/64 19'15" WEST, A DISTANCE 77.88 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 86 33/64 06'40" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 7.83 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 33/64 27'44" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 84.18 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01 33/64 04'49" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 63.70 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 02 33/64 18'29" WESF, A DISTANCE OF 71.56 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 37 33/64 30'39" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 48.17 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 18 33/64 47'21" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 38.07 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-00-014-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS• BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL A; THENCE NORTH 89 33/64 44'02" WEST ALO,~G THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 170.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTH LINE NORTH 01 -13/64 04'0S" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 90.00 FEEL THENCE SOUTH 89 33/64 44'02" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEEL THENCE NORTH 01 33/64 04'08" E1\ST, A DISTANCE OF 85.00 FEEL THENCE NORTH 05 33/64 56'56" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 10.30 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01 3-1/64 03'53" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 115.00 FEEL THENCE SOUTH 88 33/64 56'07" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 19.13 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, SAID POINT HEREINAFTEF, DESCRIBED AS POINT "A"; THENCE SOUTH 01 33/64 04'06" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 299.99 FEET TO THE BEGINNING; ... ANU TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL ·;eo[SCRIBED AS FOi.LOWS• COMMENCING AT THE AFOREMENTIONED POINT "A"; THENCE NORTH 01 33/64 04'08" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 267.91 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE NORTH 88 33/64 55'52" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01 33/64 04'08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 12S.78 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 80 FEET TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 77 33/64 30'38" WEST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31 33/64 40'35", AN ARC DIST /\NCE OF 44.23 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A; THENCE SOUTH 01 33/64 04'08" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 167.60 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 7 THfsEE RENTON PLACE (PARCELS A ANO Bl THREE REN fON PLACE PARCEi. A PARCEL B, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-00-014-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. THREE RENTON PLACE PARCEL B: EASEMENT1Sl FOR RECIPROCAL ACCESS, AS ESTABLISHED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8612231195, AS AMENDED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8709291408, AND TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR PARKING AS ESTABLISHED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8612231196; AND TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND PARKING AS ESTABLISHED BY ACCESS EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010927001008 OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY• THAT PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-00-014-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS• COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF S/>JD PARCEL A, SAID CORNER ALSO BEING THE SOUTflWEST CORNER OF PARCEL C, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA·00014LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001; THENCE NORTH 01 33/64 04'08" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 242.84 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 01 33/64 04'08" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A ANO THE WEST LINE OF PARCELS B ANO C OF SAID LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, A DISTAflCE OF 451.69 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, LANDSCAPE AND EMERGENCY ACCESS LANE AS DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPH NO. 3 IN EXHIBIT "A" IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8612221311, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SAID POINT LYING ON A CURVE HAVING A F,ADIUS OF 60 FEET TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 75 33/64 44'14" WEST; THENCE NOl<THE1\STERL Y ALONG SAID CURVE AND ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID EASE,IENT THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31 33/64 18'58", AN AHC OISTANCE OF 32.79 FEET TO A REVERSE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 80 FEET; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTflAL ANGLE OF 15 33/64 55'32", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 22.24 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 00 33/64 23'46" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 125.21 FEEL THENCE SOUTH 00 33/64 19'15" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 77.88 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 86 33/64 06'40" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 7.83 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 3.J/64 27'44" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 84.18; THENCE SOUTH 0133/64 04'49" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 71.56; THENCE SOUTH 02 33/64 18'29" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 48.17 THENCE SOUTH 37 33/64 30'39" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 38.07 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-00·014-LLA, RECORDED UNDER. RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS• BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL A; THENCE NOPTH 89 33/64 44'02" WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 170.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTH LINE NORTH 0133/64 04'08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 90.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 33/64 44'02" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01 33/64 04'08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 85.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 05 33/64 56'56" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 10.30 FEET; THENCE NOF,TH 01 33/64 03'53" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 115 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88 33/64 56'07" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 19.13 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, SAID POINT HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED AS POINT "A"; THENCE SOU fH 01 33/64 04'08" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DIST ANGE OF 299.99 FEET TO THE BEGINNING; AND TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF SAID PARCEL A DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS• COMMENCING AT THE AFOREMENTIONED POINT "A"; THENCE NORTH 01 33/64 04'08" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 267.91 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE NOR fH 88 33/64 55'52" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01 33/64 04'08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 128.78 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE HAVING A FsADIUS OF 80 FEET TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 77 33/64 30'38" WEST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31 33/64 40'35" ' AN ARC DISTANCE OF 44.23 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A; THENCE SOUTH 01 33/64 04'0B" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 167.60 FEET TO THE Tf/UE POINT OF BEGINNING. 0 Q TWO RENTON PLACE !PARCELS 1, 2 ANO 3) TWO RENTON PLACE PARCEL 1• THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 2-l F,AflGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; AND NORTH, LOTS 11 AND 12, BLOCK 5, RENTON VIEW ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 33 OF PLATS, PAGECSJ 25, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, 1n COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTEF, OF SECTION 19: THENCE SOUTH 01 33/64 04'0B" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTEll, A DISTANCE OF 224.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55 33/64 03'12" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 45.47 FEET TO THE SOUTH MARGIN OF RENTON VILLAGE PLACE 160 FEET WIDEI AND NORTH OF SAID RENTON VIEW ADDITION; THENCE SOUTH 89 33/64 44'02" EAST ALONG THE SOUTH MARGIN, A DISTANCE OF 867.26 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 89 33/64 44'02" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH MARCIN, A DISTANCE OF 175.09 FEET TO THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY MARGIN OF SR 515 (TALBOT ROAD SOUTH! AS SHOWN ON WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY PLAN·RENTON VICINITY: CARR ROAD TO GRADY WAY -SHEET 6 OF 6, APPROVED NOVEMBER 5, 1971; THENCE SOUTH 02 33/64 36'57" WEST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 44.11 FEET TO THE NORTHEF,L Y MARGIN OF PF,IMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 1 (JUNCTION S.S.H. 5-M-TO JUNCTION P.S.H. NO. 2-SR 405), SAID NORTHERLY MARGIN LYING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 1,780.00 FEET AND HAVING A RADIAL BEARING OF NORTH 27 33/64 00'05" WEST; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6 33/64 12'09", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 192.69 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF A LEASE ENTERED ON APRIL 7, 1980 BETWEEN PENTON VILLAGE COMPANY AND BOEING COMPUTER SERVICES, THENCE NOf(FH 01 33/64 24'03" EAST ALONG SAID EASTEF,L Y LINE, A DIST ANGE OF 122.94 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. TWO REF(FON PLACE PARCEL 2• PARCEL C, CITY OF RENTON LO F LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-00--014-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TWO RENTON PLACE PARCEL 3• EASEMENTIS) FOR RECIPROCAL ACCESS, AS ESTABLISHED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUf1IBER 8612231195, AS AMENDED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8709291408; TUGETHEr, WITH AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND PARKING AS ESTABLISHED BY ACCESS EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010927001008 OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THAT POf,TION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA·00·014·LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORJING NUMBER 20010507900001, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS• COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL A, SAID CORNER ALSO BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL C, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-00-014-LLA, RECORDED UNDEF<. f<ECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001; THENCE NORTH 01 33/64 04'0B" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PAFCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 242.84 FEET TO TH[ TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORfH 01 33/64 04'08" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A ANO THE WEST LINE OF PARCELS B ANO C OF SAID LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, A DISTANCE OF 451.69 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, LANDSCAPE AND EMERGENCY ACCESS LANE AS DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPH NO. 3 IN EXHIBIT "A" IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8612221311, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTGN, SAID POINT LYING ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 60 FEET TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 75 33/64 44'14" WEST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID EASEMENT THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31 33/64 18'58", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 32.79 FEET TO A REVERSE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 80 FEET; THEflCE 1\LONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15 33/64 55'32", AN Ar,c DISTANCE OF 22.2,1 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 00 33/64 23'46" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 125.21 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 33/64 19'15" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 77.88 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 86 33/64 06'40" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 7.83 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 33/64 27'44" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 84.18 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01 33/64 04'49" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 63.70 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 02 -13/64 18'29" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 71.56 FEEL THENCE SOUTH 37 33/64 .30'39" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 48.17 FEEL THENCE SOUTH 18 33/64 47'21" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 38.07 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF PARCEL A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-00-014-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010507900001, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS• BEGINNING AT THE SOUT~EAST CORNER OF S/>JD PARCEl. A; THENCE NORTH 89 33/6,) 44'02" WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 170.0U FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTH LINE NORTH 01 33/64 04'08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 90.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 33/6f 44'02" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01 3.J/64j 04'08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 85.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 05 33/6) 56'56" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 10.30 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01 33/64 03'53" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 115.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88 33/6! 56'07" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 19.13 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, $AID POINT HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED AS POINT "A"; THENCE SOUTH 01 33/64 04'08" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 299.99 FEET TO TflE BEGINNING; AND TOGETHER WITH TH,\T PORTION OF SAID PARCEL A DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE AFOREMENTIONED POINT "A"; THENCE NORTH 01 33/64 04'08" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A, A DISTANCE OF 267.91 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE NORTH 88 33/64 55'52" WEST A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01 33/64 04'08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 128.78 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 80 1FEET TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 77 33/64 30'38" WEST; THENCE NORTHEASTERL yl ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31 33/64 40'35", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 44.23 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL A; THENCE SOUTH 01 33/641 04'08" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 167.60 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ' I ' ' ' i ' ' ' i ~ Ill cu ·-.. .. cu Cl. 0 .. D. C .. 0 [t'. .. ~ C CJ s: cu ... 0 a:: ... z 0 ·~ <( u U) a:: w z ;: 0 0 -U) I-z z <C 0 a. I->< -w a:: I- ISSUED/ REVISED MASTER SITE PLAN SET 0 0 I'- Q) -·- :::, .,- (/) N . .,-0 LO Q) C() C() I'- > Ol O 0 <( <:( LO LO -s: C() C() (J) ~ 'SJ" "Si" ·-• 'SJ" 'SJ" LL Q) ::;:::; CD C.O LO -oo N tll N N 0 Q) N (/) I-II. E 0 z (J 0 C: Ill 0 Ul -·-..I= ..I ci: u "' 0 ;: ;: ;: <( s: " z 0 I- z w 0::: DATE 10/6/2008 0 0 en 0 en ,__ 0 N 'tt 1--u UJ -, 0 0:: 0.. GENERAL INFORMATION J:\proJectS1LntOn\CauulrJton,sr 1eeLsumon_a-uu I a.s11L 4: ri::r.---____.A-001 a '-----------------------------------------------------------·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 0 'D C Q E Q:'. C C "' ('.) 'D "' > 0 CJ) :;,; Q_ N 0 N OJ 0 0 N ~ 0 ~ u 0 i ' ' . \, ,,, . I , " -~, 'I ' '-I ' I ' \. '· --. ' ' -i ~ · •.\ I i ... ' ' ., .. '· ' ,, ' ' t ' ·-; \): \ -.} T "' _,)" ' . . .• " (--" : \ - ',, '. _) F_ I ' ' ;.,, L · r.:; ,:' :.... ,:·: '' •-~ .. ~ ..... 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I i j "'\, (-- !· s I ' ' ., l . I .... ,,.,, ,_,, ....... "" .. ' "'""" .... ,_ ...... _, .. ,. """""""'""'' .. ' , ' \ ~ .. : ~· '. i _ ... ; ' \,,.,, IV' "- -·:" ,-.... 1 -·-') ; \ . , .. I ..... , .•. -=------·"· . , L , " ·' ' L ;· .. r : ~.J · -. c. -. / _! I ' ·;·· '_1 /""\ >._) _ I NOTE: ·,..._ ' f : I ·'; ', F E •. ·11e ;•., ... · ;"'('' ""=" [ ·; ,, '"'" "~" ,. ' ' ., • ' ••••• I i • 1," THE SURVEY INFORMATION SHOWN IS A COMBINATION: " ~··· ' I ,r ' . --. , ' -,-' -e:,· -----.. - ' '" "" -··' ,, .. -·----~" 1. ALTA SURVEY -BOCK AND CLARK, JULY 18, 2001 2. CITY OF RENTON AS-BUILT RECORDS ADDITIONAL TOPO BY DR STRONG 3, !-:C...· ... _r ·, R:\Projects\233 (HAL ·Propert ies)\003-08 (Triton Towers)\Dwg\sheets\TT-s l02_dwg ·----l , ", --l • '" ""-V""V"" '--·--· .} ~ -·~~-·-" >i,, ........ ;\t-"""""""';,..,. { . ,-. ,, . ',·· -,. ,., . ,., --. LEGEND . .. ,, ; .. ~, ""[ - , "'"'L -•· .. J.,.,,,.,..,.,,,:::-;, ,_ ·-- ,;;:.. ~:,: ........ -·-' -· ·- ".,_ .... "'"'"'"''" -'·'<' ' ', ,I i 0 Yi ,. 00 . 'r"" ' . , Cl .. Q) -~--.. --- ·. "1 ""A'"' SD WATER LINE FIRE HYDRANT ----w---- DOUBLE CHECK VALVE POST INDICATOR VALVE FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION WATER METER .. [;;iii Ptv® <toe l'lil J~OOF DRAINS _,,,, "' ~ ! .. .. · ·i· -·rt , .. J··-· ' ' - • ,..... .. , -_ _, ___ PROPOSED FIRE -------~. ' "·' t ., .. ,,., .. ,, --' '" .,, .. ~Jfr; '' ·-· ,, .. FIRE ~ sERV1cE='coNNEcT10Ns 1-PIV .... 1-DCVA ! 1-FDC ---- ' ----t I i DOMESTIC .. WATER ._SERVIC,E 1-METER . 1-DC\/A · --t I " "' "' "! i ' I .. I ,, . "'" rr==r,=;r====;==r=, -.c "'""". ~. li '.I' .. ---·.,,.~ .. ,,~~ ·,:,, GATE VALVE THRUST BLOCK STORM DRAIN CATCH BASIN/ STORM DRAIN MANHOLE " .. ·. ":" .. .:'.'; -. -~ .. · ..... ,.·.;a: =:,·: ~" ·' . ---. SEE SHEET C1.3 H ------so----.... SANITARY SEWER ----···SS~ .... ', -- .... -...... -.. """ ... ' ,, .:_j Ii ,I ' . GARAGE 8 "·-· ' '-,··-~-· ' !, ; ~-l ' I •. .. .. 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'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,-------------------- ' ' ' F E D C 8 A A1 - 86 A-221 TT-5 ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/16"·1'-0" B2 A-223 I ' 0 ' " I -rt 30' -0" 267'-0" I ' ' ' r-44'-0" l jQ'-0" t 30' O" 1~ 30'-0" t 19'-0" 1 ' ' t 30'-0" t 30' -0" t 30'-0" t 30'·0" --------'I.--- b ' ~ ..,. ---------'•---~ 0 0 ' ' b b ~ ,,.., -------~'I.-- b ' -------,..,--0 ' I I - ' I I r ' I ' I I ' I l-l-l-l--l-+-t-l--+-+-+-+-+-l--l-l-l--l-1--1--1-+-I - ' I f-lf-.f.-l.-f-+-t-f-+-J-i---1-1-1--1---1--+-+-1-+-+-I_ ' I l--l--+-+-l--1-1-1--l-l-+-+-+---l---l-l--+-+-l--+-I--I--I-- ' I ' I ' -I --f..lf-+-l--l-+-t-l--1-1-1--l-l--1-f--l-l--W I I I I ' . 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KEYPLAN SCALE: 1/16" • 1'-0" o B 16 32 ------------------------------" • C/1 GI ·-... .. GI a. 0 .. a. C .. 0 O'. .. L!J C CJ z $ GI ..I 0 a: ..I z 0 • VI ..J ..J <( u fl) a:: w z i 0 -0 fl) t-z z <C 0 a. t->< -w a:: t- ISSUED/ REVISED MASTER SITE PLAN SET 0 0 I'- Q) - :J If) Q) > <{ -"' ~ LL l!) N 0 N z 0 rn -..I ..I c,: u ~ N ~ 0 l!) co co I'-Ol 0 0 <{ l!) l!) s: co co 'Sf 'Sf -'Sf Q) 'Sf :: (0 (0 -0 0 Cll Q) N N U) ~ II. E a " " a Cl) --ro " ,: ,: ,: <( s • z 0 I- z UJ Cl'.'. DATE 10/6/2008 TT-5 ROOF PLAN ~-~A-123 0 0 en 0 en ..... 0 N Cl< I- 0 w -., 0 Cl'. a_ ~--------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'-----------------------------------0 0 I'- ' ' F E D C B A A1 '----------------------------- B6 A-221 0 ' ..,. ------3\,.---- 0 ' '·O' 30' O" t 30'-0" t 30' -0 11 ' ' t 30'-0" t 82 A-223 267'·0" 30'-0" ' ' ' ' 4'-0" ~ 30'-0" t 30'-0" I, 30' ·O" t 19'-0" I, l ----T T ·----0--------------cb-------------6-------------o-------------c1-------------ra-------------a -------------ra ------------El------rli-------9 I I I I I I I 'cY ----------------~----------------'----------------~----------I ' I I I ' ' ' -. --~---ti-ill---. ----------rn--------------rrli'~ ·= ----ID------------[!}-----------EB--------rn------@ 0 ' 0 ' 0 "' ------'i.----- 0 ' ------.-'i.----- 0 ' ELEC TE~-- I ' I I ' ' -rn--------------m-------------1!}-------- ' ' STOR ----- I ------'-----------------'----------------_J ---------- I I I ' I I ' ' -----ca-------------m ------------m ------rn- • I I I ' ' ' -----® I I I I I I __o ____________ ...J71 _____________ r:,_ ____________ i-:,__ ____________ n_ ____________ f'j_ ____________ n _____ ---. ---.o ._ ----------.o __ ---__ ...J71 __ · -----~5 D '+' '+' '+' '+' ..,.., '+' "+' '+' '+' '+' \:.5 ' ' TT -5 TYPICAL OFFICE FLOOR PLAN SCilJ.E: 1/16"•1'·0" • I l \ i i i I SCPJ.E: 1/16" • 1'·0" 0 o· . :.::) ... 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I ···1· . --,,_ ··------.. ,. ··------.. ,_ ,·:-· .) 4'-0"1 -----·---·-------------. -------- -' -' @ .. ;/ ·-· .. ~. ;·,_ _.- KEYPLAN TT 5 GROUND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1116" , 1' -0" 0 8 J: proJe rions ees .s -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~.:_ -~-. -'--. ----,-,-.-.-.-.-.-,-,-,-.-.-.-,.:,--_-.. -,, ......... -.1: ....... ;.· . ~-.. ~.-·- •• .... ----. ---. --. --------_-·-._ /' .... ~ . i' ,, ..... --_,_.- 16 32 • z 0 I--a:: I- Ill GI ·-.. .. GI C. 0 .. D. C 0 Cl'. .. ~cu s GI ..I 0111:..1 z 0 tJ) ---' --' <( u z 0 -(/) z cc a. >< w ISSUED/ REVISED MASTER SITE PLAN SET TT-5 GROUND FLOOR PLAN A-121 o r--. Q) - :::, ~ CJ) N (I) <X) > en <( <( -;;; ~ u. I.{) N 0 N z E 0 0 Q C UI o U) -... ... c:t u "' " <( s 0 <X) 0 I!) -z 0 1- z w 0::: DATE 10/6/2008 a a CD a CD ,._ a N Cit 1- (.) 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B2 A-213 ~ -----------@ n on s ee s n on_a- \ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCALE: 1/16" , l'-0" 0 8 16 32 --------------- U) a:: w i 0 1- z 0 1--a:: I- Ill Clj ·-.. .. Clj a. 0 .. II. C 0:: 2 ~ C (.) s: Clj ..I 0 a= ..I z 0 -en z c( a. >< w 0 0 r-- (1) -:, ,- CJ) N ,-0 LO (I) 00 00 r-- > °' o o <( <( LO LO ~ s: .... E 0 z " 0 C: U) 0 ti) -·-... :::: ... C\l < '-: u ;: ,: ;: <( s • z 0 1- z w Cl'.'. ISSUED/ REVISED DATE MASTER SITE PLAN SET ~ 10/6/2008 TT-4 ROOF PLAN _ ___,A-113 0 0 CD 0 CD r,... 0 N *I, I- () UJ -., 0 0:: 0.. ' ---- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' F E D C B A A1 C, ' ---+-"'k-. -. - 0 ' ---+-~1.--. - II. / B6 A-213 ' I -- 4.1 4.2 ,.,., '-0' 30'·0" 30'·0" I ' ' I I ' ' I I /'- 4.3] 30'-0" I ' ' I I ' ' I I .oil 82' A-331 ' 207'·0" 30'·0" / Al " 4.5 A· 211 ,-4.6 4.7 4.8 I 30'-0" 30'-0" 19'·0" '-0' I I ' ' ' ' I I I I ' ' ' ' I I I I -0-. -. -. -. -. ----di-. -. -. -. -. ---6---. -. ---. ---13)-. ~ . ---. -. -. -EJ--. ---. ----. -CJ-. -----. -. ---ra--. -. -. -El -. -------. -. ~ I I I I I I I \CY I I I I 'r---------------~-- ]1 I -------------~----1 I ' ' I I I I B------------[8---------m------------lui\ I I I \:51 I I I ' ' -[]]----. ------. -CIJ---. -. -----. LI ' ' --. -?--. . ---. / --:x -I I - ' . -. - ELEC STOR I --- ' / ' I -,Ac ' /'-. I • 81 ..,_ ,A-33~ l~li ·1:== .oil .,_A~;3~ jli..__ __ ,. __ -t---+----ll-~:--------~:----------rl: ---TE_L _ . ! ! 0 C, ' ' 0 0 5:::! 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HAND) TYPICAL OFFICE FLOOR PLAN NOTE: FOR TT ·6 MIRROR FLOOR PLAN ABOUT HORIZANTAL AXIS SCALE: 1/16"•1'·0" SCALE: 1/16" • 1'·0" 0 ':.=_.·t·· .. ::~:_.·'.:\ ..... ; --. ~···--....... -.. •• KEYPLAN 8 16 L------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ji:1::i5iprroaJie:e ssl!rinica::e:nr.:c:::a'l:'!r.~:r.::i;::::1s1!rir,:;:~me::.s~...,------~lli-ocll'!!'44'!1' , ____ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 ---------------------- ~ en GI ·-.. .. GI D, 0 .. D, C .. 0 ct ... w cu z s GI ..I 0 ~ ..I z 0 ·~ ,,, ~ w ;: 0 I- z 0 I--~ I- c( u z 0 -,,, z cc a. >< w ISSUED I REVISED MASTER SITE PLAN SET 0 0 ...... <!) - ::J ~ (J) N ~ 0 l!) CX) <!) 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" ' \, ··\ / I ' _,- . ·--··••,w,•,w,• -:·. ·:.--.. ,.-;-, . : , .. . . _,,-. -~·'_.;;.. KEYPLAN SCALE: 1/16" , 1'·0" 0 8 16 J: proJe s n on ca n on s ee s ri on a-.s -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- 32 -.. • "'·. -.•.. ', .-. -· .· • (I) ix: LU ti: 0 I- z 0 I-- ·-... .. GI a. 0 .. II. C 0 !l'. ... ~ C CJ s: GI ..I oll::..1 z 0 IJ) -... -' <( () z 0 -Cl) z <C 1:1. >< LU ISSUED/ REVISED MASTER SITE PLAN SET TT-4 GROUND FLOOR PLAN A-111 0 0 r--- ::, ~ Cl) N LL l!) N 0 N z 0 II) - 0 IX) 0 l!) l!) f'- 0 l!) IX) IX) 'Sf" 'Sf" • 'Sf" 'Sf" Q) -(0 (0 -oo Cll N N Q) (/) I-II,, E 0 " C 0 <ll "' " <( $ z 0 1-- z L!J 0::: DATE 10/6/2008 :0 0 0 © 0 © ,.._ 0 ('J '* 1- () w -, 0 a:: 0.. --------------~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, ------------- F E D C 8 A SCALE: 1"•80' A1 OVERALL SITE PLAN ll===ic·" VICINITY MAP ,,, •• ,,,, I • • ,,, :,, •' .-. . :::;; • -,. ' • . -··· I • • I z • • S 2NU ST 0;::,. . 9~ ~-~ ~S3RDST • • .,. . .,. : .-: .:, . • • .,. • • -_ ,J . .,. • • ,,, • • "" '•'•"• ·' · · ·· ·· ·' · •.•.• ··-·-· .. -.·. • • .-.-. •• • "'" • w, •.•.,w,.•.•.:.,·,w.•.: 30'SETBACK .---_ ... ----- I I I I l ,.·.· I I I I [ .I I I • I I I ., I EL • 30.0' --: ·vy" - -·-, ' ....• ,..,·. •••• •,··,. •• ,' ·,-.,.,·,·,•,•,·,•,·,,,•,,•,, ,',,,",',W," .:, . ·. · .. ' .. '\\. .. I .• :_:-..... -------~-------==------• ...... FF: EL TT -6 J I 7 · ..... ' .. _. ...... , ••. -•• , '"' . _,•,•,,: •. ,:,., .. ,.,,,.,.:,,,.,,:. ,:,:-,.•:-,:::,·,,: ,:-~==··-·-:-::,:,,:::.·-·-:-:-,:,: r·:-:· .-.-..... -.-.-...... -.-.. -.... . .. t. - TT-3 EXISTING: ·-: :,:.,•,w,•,:,,·,:·~·=··-•,:,:-•:·~·=··-·,:·''·"'"-"-'•"m,•>:· ·-···•~··.'-· • ~---------------- . . I. I. I I I ...... I .. ·.··. I .. "I I . S I ··. \ I I I ..-..~-.---------- . I .... -""'1 I I I I I I I L I I I I I PHASE 1 I I I ~~~~~~~~~-----~-' I I ' I I I ,, ... J : I • I I GARAGE C · .. , SITE I I ., .. TT-5 ASE2 • ,,, N.T.S. . :! ._--- } ----- iv· -RENTON VILLAGE --rl / SHOPPING CENTER • I --1-. ' ::,..,.,w,•. .;::·'· .•.•.••,w,•.•_•;:'./ },...,..,.._,-.-..w~w.,·,·:w, ·,· ,·, •• ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·····-·, .-.-.-. -,:•,•,•.•,W,'M'"' '-'·'" .w. •"'•• =m.•,wN .. J . f .! ' ., :: ': . .:l- . , .. I .----. -- • I I I I FF EL • 2'-' ~! I ----t-1 ------,t;::::J:;==;::==;==;'=~ I I I ~:;:::;:::;::;::;:::;::;:::;::;::;~:::=:=: I ...... I~----. i I ' I :-·-·-: ........ -,-.-.,.-., .-.-J .i ··.. I I ,.--~ I I I I I. C::::::::=:J I I I TT-4 FF: EL •32'-0" 2. 7' I I I I I I, I -----------------·------------- GARAGE B PHASE 3 ---------------~ ---------------- , I I I r-I. l. GARAGE A I I I I .. • : ' -· . -----.---~--~---. I ---.~ ,. --,.;. --lllllli . ..;;···.-, ... ---· TT-2 EXISTING. I I I I I I I I I I _11111!'-_____ _ -- D ., I r-------------~-~-~--------------------...... 11!111!1. -.... - • ,-·-·. -. : ~;;_ ·.:::.·.·~~~~·-~------:~---.-°'--~-·.,,-----,.---------~,-··-·--·-···1·~··~~-1---i.---------' ' ... ,\ :; . J ., . ,. '' I . \ s: ' TT-1 EXISTING : : ._: ·. :; . -· ' .......... -·-· ··------~ ., ,: ., • • I I --· • • I I I I ,,, ·' I • I • ,,, • .,. • I I J: proJec s r1 on ca --------------------------------------------------------------------. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHASE ONE: PHASE TWO: PHASE THREE: PHASE FOUR: PHASE FIVE: a.-·· 576,987 TOT AL NET 1587 ST ALLS 871,707 TOTAL NET 1984 ST ALLS 871,707 TOTAL NET 2367 STALLS 1,097,195 TOTAL NET 2997 STALLS 1,243,521 TOT AL NET 3212 ST ALLS SCALE, 1" • 80'-0" OFFICE 2. 75 ST ALLS/1000 SF OFFICE 2.3 STALLS/1000 SF OFFICE 2.7 STALLS/1000 SF OFFICE 2. 73 ST ALLS/1000 SF OFFICE 2.58 STALLS/1000 SF LEGEND: EASEMENT SET BACK ' -.. -PROPERTY LINE • en a:: w i 0 I- z 0 I--a:: I- ·-... .. II) a. 0 .. D. C .. 0 C( .. ~ C CJ s: II) ..I 0 a:: ..I z 0 rn -... ..J <( u z 0 -U) z ct D. >< w 0 0 t-- Q) -:::, ,,.. (/) N ,,.. 0 L() Q) co co t-- > a, 0 0 <( <( L() L() -;;; s: co co st st . st st LL QJ L.. -(0 (0 l() +-' 0 0 N CUN N 0 Q) N (f) I-II. E 0 z " 0 C fl) 0 IJ) -..I ..I (1J ci: " u "' "' "' <( $ -z 0 I- z w 0::: ISSUED/ REVISED DATE 1---------- ,...M~A=S T~E~R ~S~IT=E _P=L AN~S=E_T _ 10/612008 ' OVERALL PHASING SITE PLAN 40 80 160 0 .s ,-----A-003 ------------------------------------------------ 0 0 "' 0 "' r--. 0 N C!tc t- () LI.J -, 0 0:: (L F E 0 C B A m Cls~e-r Si·k-P l~n moclcu <'ec:th M Apprb!A?cl ~ L-f/5/201 l Exp: F\\9c.1S-t 2) ·201~ ~1').,p_}y0G'c /Dd-tbe_ , I , I \\ -----------\', ---------'- ----------~,.,----_:; · SITE ________ VICINITY M.AP N.T.S. ·., ,1 -RENTON VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER 1 ' 9 I '.;; -~- --4 ····---{-----·- '-.- ~I I ~1.-. ! ACCESS POINT T·,,. ( .i - ._ I _,,,· i, ., ~1 . I IT r I , I r. I S. R. 405 ,, ,, ,, ,, / / _,,.·_,_ ,,,,· : 15'-0" ,_ 20'-0" -: 180'-0" :, . ---• I / 11-2 EXISTING ' \ \ \ \ ·. \ ·. \ .. \ \ \ I I I \ \ \ I I ' : I 1 : ,J I I .... ACCES \• ""'1111 POINT SITE .AND BUILDING INFORMATION SITE AREA• 21.085 ACRES 1918,471 SFI TOTAL FOOTPRINT OF NEW BUILDINGS• 217,196 SF TOT AL FOOTPRINT OF EXISTING BUILDINGS 10 REMPJN 63,960 SF BUILDING TT -4 WAREHOUSING/ GARAGE B DAYCARE 11 STORIES OFFICE 534,912 SF 40,000 SF 10,000 SF 245,257 SF NU, 518,865 SF NET• 40,000 SF NET: 10,000 SF NET: 146,327 SF 2 STORIES BUILDING 11-7 11 STORIES OFFICE TOT AL SF NEW OFFICE TOTAL SF NEW WAREHOUSE TOTAL SF NEW DAYCARE GROSS SF EXISTING OFFICE GARAGE A GARAGE B GARAGE 0 GROSS S.F. NEW PARKING GARAGE TOTAL GARAGE PARKING STAUS TOTAL GROSS: 780,169 Sf• TOTAL GROSS• 40,000 SF TOTAL GROSS• 10,000 SF 433,419 Sf 4 STORIES 6 STORIES 4 STORIES NET• 892,021 SF NET: 40,000 SF NET: 10,000 SF NET• 351,500 SF 171,360 SF 388,800 SF 8D,5B9 SF EXISTING ON-GRADE PARKING TO REMAIN 640,749 SF 2,015 STALLS 712 STALLS PROPOSED ADDITIONAL ON- GRADE PARKING STALLS TOTAL ON-GRADE PARKING STALLS TOT AL SITE PARKING ST ALLS PARKING RAf.O R[QUIREQ, PARKING RATiO PROVIDED: EXISTING LANDSCAPE TO REMPJN• PROPOSED ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPE• TOT AL LANDSCAPE .AREA: 15 SF LANOS•:APE I ST ALL 1ST ALLS < 50 PER BUILDING SITE) 382 ST ALLS 1,094 STALLS 3,109 ST ALLS 3.0/1000 3.0/1000 111.413 SF 39,900 SF 151,313 SF 5,865 SF req'd REQUIRED BUILDING SETBACKS• BUILDING FRONT y PJRD REPJR y PJRD SIDE Y PJRDS TT-4 30'-0" NIA NIA 11-7 30'·0" 30'-0" NIA GARAGE A 20'-0" NIA NIA GPJRAGE B 30'-0" NIA NIA GARAGED 30'-0" N/A N/A NOTE• SPECIFIC STALL SIZES FOR REQUIRED STALL TYPES PJND COUNTS WILL BE INCLUDED IN FUTURE SUBMITT PJLS SITE COVERAGE• TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT PJREA TOTAL SITE PJREA PERCENT SITE COVERAGE CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS DELTA 281,156 SF 918,471 SF 30.11 LENGTH Cl 80.00' 15·55'32" 22.24' C2 60.00' 31'18'56" 32.79' LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L1 N18'47'21"E 38.06' L2 N37'30'J9"E 48.17' L3 N02'18'29"E 71.56' L4 N01'04'49"E 40.24' LS N01'04'49"E 23.46' L6 N00'27' 44 "E 84.18' L7 N86"D6'40"W 7.83' LB NOO'l 9'15"[ 77.88' L9 N00'2J'46"W 125.21' l(Q(R\ S60'20'50"E 80.00' l(J!R) N75'44'14"W 60.00' NOTE• SEE A-003 FOR PHASING PLPJN LEGEND• EASEMENT SET BACK PROPERTY LINE PEDESTRIPJN WALKWAY STRIPING SCALE• 1" • 80'-0" ~ .. GI .. .. GI D. 0 .. D. C " 0 0: .. ~ cu ,; GI ..I 0111:..1 z 0 -~ < u Cl) a:: w z J 0 0 -Cl) ... z z er: a. 0 ... >< -w a:: ... _l§_S_UI:!)__/ R~Vl~EO MASTER SIT_[ PLAN SEr MASTER SITE PL~ SE I _M~LER :ilTE PLAN SE I ALTERNATE OVERALL SITE PLAN 0 0 ,._ a, -:, ~ 1/l N -""" 0 LO a,COcor,.... >ma a <( <( "' "' -'ii: a, a, ~ vv i:i: a," V V :;:::: co co LO -0 0 C\ICUNN 0 a, N 1/l I-II, E 0 z u 0 C .. 0 0 -·-..1-... • c( u u ~ ~ ~ <( $ z 0 I-z w 0:: 0 0 <O 0 <O ,-.. 0 "' ... I- CJ w • 0 !l'. a. Df.i:E QJ/26/2010 04/07/2010 0(/11f1Q11 F E D C B A St-le f>lcl(\ (Ylc~ c\ if1ccrr1v 11 Af:prt:)V't'.cl -L-\/5/2011 E;<p: A,i 5ur)+ ;:, > 2c; ls 1£,,13M{, -;fl,_f h:;L -i ' ·/·----------------- ----------•" ---------' ' . -•"" ----"' t VICINITY MAP '(''- j ""' .;-·· ·:. ~-n. ~---~--. 4 N.T.S. ' i " J i I I l I I I I I 1 i ., ·"'. .... "-~ -· . 0 0 0 <D c<1 " ' 1 ---' I r I i ~· -- ' I )'c .~-· < '.• ,• .. ' ·,, ' ·-,_. '" '"' ' "i,• ,v . '" "' '•,·, -.,;., 4·-0" /-T--,' •,,, ''•" -·-,, '•' / .......... --~_-_;"· C/' 54'-0!' " •i ,·,. --. ! .,, ·-" . -. ' ' !· '"' ,., ,. ' ' ' -•. '" '·.y <?' . .-_.;_:./ ·:': ·'.' ,. :.-·.: .. ( ' " .-'· ,·<' '' ' '"'')'' ' . ' -:·· -....... =~''··.L,.; ;::,):,/;:. :,,:_/,""'.'";, -:;:;-;,:::-,.::;. ··--(~ ' ', ,, .. ,,,:·\, ;, ,' ' _-0' ' ' ," •' :. ' : .. ,,,; ', ;_,' ',i '": _, ,., ·,_ -,":, ., .{ :)' " ,,. ,;. X ,, ' ,, ,;. •," :, .. , ~. ;.,,. -- X, •" •\,. "·">"," -,· ' " , .. , C,, ,,,, .• :.,<*'_·; · .. :, :: '.,--,. ' ·-' .... --;.., :..; ... :.;., ''. '. •!:. '' ',' ' t" ,,, {" ., ... .-,- ' '''. ;, < ';" ,:• •: ,,, " ,,,,-,,. ' ,., ,,, ,. ,.n W/\RE~9VSE ARJ:'A . ' ·_,. ,' ·. ' " ', '. ·,_•_;_;-_ ..... _·· .. :;, ?: . · .... ''i: ''-" 0' ,. A 0 , .. -... ,' ;, / •' '. ' ' ,· ,:, __ ~. ,!, '' ..... . .. """ ' ' _..,,. •,' ' "' " -· .. • v" . I'.'·"' . ': ,. ' ,' ' ' 0" ' · ,,, ·' , . ,. i ,' 1• ,t,' " -+---0 ' ' ' ' I '-0 "- _.,.,.,.--"' . ,, >_,,...-,, ,, ,. 0 :· _ _, ,,_; 0' .,_rf: }·-, '. ·.,,_ "-,' 0 .•• --·' ,. ·L .. ,-. -.... , .. ,. ___ •'"·' ,.,_ _,,, " 3 ; ', : ., ~ ,,,, . ..-,,f,, \ ... ~; ~} • • \ 0 -' 0 ---t-·-.. ,. --- , . ·-·r··. ! ·---··r .. ~ :::"-"'1 =· ··_ ·------=- D "" ·-· ............ . ,.. I • --c-i-- ""' "' .•......... ---,,,I "'" "' "~• 1 '=" ~ I" ~ _,,, '' ---·-""'.I,.."" :--. ' I , \ . . I I I . ... . i I ' ' ' i ~~~11 / ' ----' ! I -I i / i :J I 1 \ I I I ' ; 1 f \ . -I ,· i I ,,, .. "/ , I .. '" " / I I -i k i .... 4',CCES , t ··· ,. t / ·J ~ f DINT 1 .... ,, .•. , I '. ' ' . ' 1-i i I . ' ' ,J .... --1 -' "! I ' ' I ' i ----:24'-0" , ,' I j f ' ! ' ' 88'-4" I 40'-5"; .. ,· .t\h, -,f--,-,1"----"'"--'-----,J''-TT=--=-:-... ~ \ \.. ·,._ 25'-0" ';.-s:z4•-7" --... ---------18'-0" •., -~·: ---.. , --~-------6' -7" " .,--- SITE AND BUILDING INFORMATION SITE AREA, 21.085 ACRES (918,471 SFI TOTAL FOOTPRINT OF NEW BUILDINGS, 217,196 SF TOTAL FOOTPRINT OF EXISTING BUILDINGS TO REMAIN 63,960 SF BUILDING TT-4 WAREHOUSING/ GARAGE B DAYCARE 11 STORIES OFFICE 534,912 SF 40,000 SF 10,000 SF 245,257 SF NET, 518,865 SF NET, 40,000 SF NET, 10,000 SF NET, 146,327 SF 2 STORIES BUILDING TT -7 11 STORIES OFFICE TOT AL SF NEW OFFICE TOT AL SF NEW WAREHOUSE TOTAL SF NEW DAYCARE GROSS SF EXISTING OFFICE GARAGE A GARAGE B GARAGED GROSS S.F. NEW PARKING GARAGE TOTAL GARAGE PARKING ST ALLS TOTAL GROSS, 780,169 SF• TOT AL GROss, 40,000 SF TOT AL GROSS, 10,000 SF 433,419 SF 4 STORIES 6 STORIES 4 STORIES NET, 892,021 SF NET, 40,000 SF NET, 10,000 SF NET, 351,500 SF 171,360 SF 388,800 SF 80,589 SF EXISTING ON-GRADE PARKING TO REM.AJN 640,749 SF 2,015 ST ALLS 712 ST ALLS PROPOSED ADDITIONAL ON- GRADE PARKING STALLS TOTAL ON-GRADE PARKING STALLS TOTAL SITE PARKING STALLS PARKING RATIO REQUIRED, PARKING RATIO PROVIDED, EXISTING LANDSC.AJPE TO REM.AJN, PROPOSED ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPE, TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA, 15 SF LANDSCAPE / ST ALL (STALLS < 50 PER BUILDING SITE! 382 STALLS 1,094 ST ALLS 3,109 ST ALLS 3.0/1000 3.0/1000 111,413 SF 39,900 SF 151,313 SF 5,865 SF req'd REQUIRED BUILDING SETBACKS: " .. r' BUILDING FRONT YARD REAR YARD SIDE YARDS TT-4 TT-7 GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE 30'-0' NIA NIA 30'-0" 30'-0" NIA A 20'-0" NIA NIA B 30'-0" NIA NIA D 30'-0" NIA NIA NOTE, SPECIFIC ST ALL SIZES FOR REQUIRED ST ALL TYPES AND COUNTS WILL BE INCLUDED IN FUTURE SUBMITT ALS SITE COVERAGE, TOT AL BUILDING FOOTPRINT AREA • 281,156 SF 918,471 SF TOT AL SITE AREA • PERCENT SITE COVERAGE • 30.1!. CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS DELTA LENGTH C1 C2 80.00' 15·55'32" 22.24' 60 oo· 31'18'56" 32.79' LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L1 N18'47'21"E 38.06' L2 N37'30'39"E 48.17' L3 ND2'18'29"E 71.56' L4 NOl '04' 49"E 40.24' LS N01 '04' 49"E 23.46' L6 N00'27' 44"E 84.18' L7 N86'06' 40"W 7.83' LS N00'19'15"E 77.88' L9 N00'23' 46"W 125.21' LlO(R) S60'20'5D"E 80 oo· L11(R) N75'44'14"W 60.00' NOTE: SEE A-003 FOR PHASING PLAN LEGEND, ' -.. - EASEMENT SET BACK PROPERTY LINE PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY STRIPING SCALE: 1" • 80'-0" 0 40 80 160 (I) cu ·-... .. CD a. 0 .. a. C .. 0 a: ... ~ cu :i: CD ..I 0 Ill: ..I E 0 z () 0 C rn o "' -..I = ..I "' c:i: () u ,: ,: ,: -------------- ,,, 1:11: w 3: 0 1- z 0 I-- z 0 -,,, z er: A. >< w <( s z 0 1- z w er: ISSUED/ REVISED DATE ,---------- 0 0 (D 0 (D r-- 0 "' 'II, l- o w -, 0 0:: 0.. MASTER SITE PLAN SET 03/26/2010 MASTER SITE PLAN SET 04/0712010 MASTER SITE PLAN SET 01/14/2011 ALTERNATE OVERALL SITE PLAN A-100 ALT ew_tn on_a-.s C ti""" ____ _, ' ' • 0 'O C 0 E (l:'. C C <l) c.::, >-m 'O "' > 0 U) -"' 0 _J ::a' Q_ 'Cl-o N ro 0 0 N 0 ~ 0 0 ., , .. . ,,f ,.c , .. "\ f""\ : ·; } \" ,_; ..... ,....,_ ' " ' \ ., ( • L ........... -.... r .... ,.,.,,, ............ IEZ •.• :r.,, ......... _f SS·--····· .... -......... , ....... _ ... , •..... MRl·ss-·~·,~·····---··----.......... . r j ():1[ [) -, r , ' . ' '. .... ..I '" ', ; ,_ , .. ,, _ .. , '"['' !u ; •• ! ..... ..~ . r l • ' ,, ; i "" ,, ), • ... ... -' -/. . ')'. -~ .. ,· -.-. !: ,:. I , ... , .. , \ .. ~ss-1 \ \ "'' ·. .,ri-' ' \ 1· I ' ' \ ' ' ' \, .. :-" .. '(' •, . ' ' ' .,~/I '" ·.:. :: -.. ~ ., , \ C i ·"· " l . -.',~ ... ' '.',~ ... :~,(I "j ,.;J ' -~: .... :.:.~~-: .... , .. ! .. ~ .. -- ,, .• ... ,."[" .~--·· I Ii ' ,_,,, ; ' \ ' \ \ \ \ \ ' '\ \ ' I ....... \ .,.. ' ' c_ • ·• L ; '' I ' \ f\ ' -, /• - :.:,. """"" ... ,• .. , ... ,." ... ,,.,, --~ ,,.,, \I: ,• ' ,_,, .. ,-~.,;, .. ,,, .... , ... ,,,,,,_ ' ' U) ______ ($ I ·, ' \ ' , .... ,f '" \ ",,/ ·"" .·"' \ ' "' "' " ---"' "i::.:~;-~· ,-,; -.. ( ' ,' -~' ' • .. ' • \ ( 6 EXISTING 4'x6' 801, cy1,.\lE~T I (LOCATION PER c.o.~. , -; ' I '· --AS-Bl/lLTS) -I-\ ' :~-- ' ,) ! --· ! I ( • I -., .... ' • ! . ··,~ '. ··>J ' '?. ' ) ' l, .... ! .•'') . ... " ' ' -j- --~, ' I ~ ., ''("'" , __ ,,, .... _,, ____ ,, .: .... ' '"·· . ! '! ~, , .. ,· I - " 1-, i i 1: \, . ..J "' ( :, , ,,,, -r· r·i i---1 i '.! >-.-\ i\; ,,:.~ -.-J--·t~-:-,:,, --··-·--' 11.l ___ .... ..... '\:. - ',,, I ' -··, L""" '•' ~-·\i ::--··"., .. .,.-,, I''· ") j "·,' ',,.,... . _,, ,, ',.' .{ ... : ' ..• -"" ,..... --~ ' . .,-.. 1, ,: ..... r·..,-:. --!-.1·.---: 1r ,-. ___ '· . ..,,1 \,,,, t~.i: i -.1,1 :-vi ... ,,,;.:·-.. ·. , I ; ..-' . ";,·- --' ·-··"' ..... ·----... , ..... 1-- ,.. ·""' ""~ ·- ' { " ' '( --,·_r -,,-., ·r , I - I '-,-··-" ' -""·-···,·-·-- .... ~-. ·+··- T f'" . ' ' • i, ; .·, ~·" --· ,,·-"-i'1'"'"'' i i 1' 'I -.-.! -;-- -~ ".:":""T e e:• '" ..,a .. -' 1 . • • :: ?F"'-. ,, .,~~· ,=· -~-:-=---::::.... ' . "'", ,, . L . '1 . .t.:._ ' -' ""· / '( '. " I_ ...... 71 , 1- ;' '· .f "·.:::..;: ·:~ .. ::::-cc, .. -i '• •' .:..~: .. , .... "' ::~-~~: !r' / 7;_ ! ......_, ... --- "' ~ .... _ . ' / .._ 1 -• )(~' -, .. _,· __ ,, __ :. ;.' >. . "',• ,, I j \ ' l 1 : I i -· -. ' "" .. , ..... , .... J .• ., ____ :_ -··-,J .. --'-~· ... ----·---··-1--• ' I .... ,.,.,. ··~· """'"" • •• .... · ',, .,,_, __ ,, ..... "~-1= ! ' \ \ ---\·-j,, ' ' • I , ·· ... _ .... .-"' ~ . .,.----~ ..• ,_,. ___ ." ·'-·---· "<·"" ~ !' f'" ... . ' ,·-·- ,_' ,.-.. ' ' .. ·. ·,,, ' '- , , . "-·, -. -·-' .. ·-• --", ),-.. ,, 7 , .... ,. '. "· -, .. '-~ ' .. \ ' .l ' ' ' .. , . "·· •' \/ j _ "' '\ i l , .. \ ' ' _ _::. ,,:- .. -- ., •.•. 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' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ,---------. ----------. -----------------------------. -. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F E D C B A 6.2 6.3 6.5 6.6 30' -0" 30'-0" 30'-0" 30'-0" MAX ELEVATION ~El 182'_-0-" ---'"""\ TOP OF_ MECH SCREEN ~<"'-~~-=+'·--~-~~------~---~-~--1-~-~---~-~---------1 ---------+---------1---------- , I b ' 00 ~QF ________ 31'-8" 00 ' -- ~QOB_ 11 ______ 20'-0" 00 ' - ~QOB_ 10 _______ 08'-4" co ' -- ~QOB_g ______ 6'-8" 00 - ~QOB_B ______ 5'-0" co ' - ~QOB_! ______ 3'-4" co ' -- ~QOB_I) ____ -- 1'-8" co -- ~QOB_5 ________ 0'-0" 00 ' -- ~QOB_4 ______ 0'-4" 00 ,= ~f~: .. 3 I 00 -- ~QOB_2 ______ 5'-0" io ' ;! 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