HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-08-001_Misc:IJ m 0 m -< m 0 m X :::, CY rt w '-> :z -"" = = 00 ~ Qp:l =<~ Oil: "Tim if{!i a~ Zz ~ i ' j " ' ' / I I \ r I .... -. ; j;lil. -=i ~! ! ~,r.J ! ' !' I .... J ~ '" ' '" ' ' " " ;::z:il ~ GJ > • ~n !.!:! ----; ~ •• LAND '''"'""' ,.,,...,..,..,,,...:,c..,,,.,-.... -.. ,.,.. __ , __ "''4"!-"'·""' '22" E 1~.oo· ~ ;R ,:•[\00' •• • ' [_ FORD-NIEMI PREL PLAT MAP PAGE 920.001 061 OCTO!O. "101 92001F'" 1917 SHAITUCK AVE S -~~~~ ' I <o :i_! I "1 / u, >, Q..::::: --; .. -< 0 'i ~ --; 7J I "' "' z d ~ .z c; ~ z 0 0 ~ 0 u, 0 "' ~ 0 --; _-< _!.O ~ i I z N " (,. b _z z 7J " (n -I" >, ;:: 1120 201.06 i~--5:J-4811 ±.QO__,_!! 190.0f ,. g! 700 18 ;gg.94 1n~1 m, S. 19TH. 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' ' S,),"28'>,·,,,o,rxr L_ FORD-NIEMI PREL PLAT TOPO AND TREE SURVEY 1917 SHAITUCK AVE S J I I J "' "' i! i "' I '" i I I ··' 1- ~20001-06! -~, 9,001/'P ---< " I "' "' z ---< u, 0 "' _z " ...... ,. z 0 C) .,, 0 u, 0 "' C 0 z ---< .-< ·"' " ---< ,, " V, z :c N z "' C) ---< .z 0 z " " '" !" "' "' ::0 m (") m -rti 0 m X ::r CJ" ("1" Vl -. I -- I ' \ i I I I I ' I I I . I ,. :I "I 11 I I I ' I ' i• ' • ~~1 i ' I I ! VJ "' '" " t:, VJ ,, I.ANO '""'""' ..,,.,.,.....,.,,ua:,...-r-W•""1•...,, _/_..,,__, "-'I""!"'-- FORD-NIEMI PREL PLAT GRADING AND UTILITJ[S PLAN 1917 SHATTUCK AV[ S VJ <o 'i' VJ I ,, I I I I I ~ .i -. r I 920001-0/.iT ~ "' J: "' "' z ~ u, 0 "' .z CS '-.. z 0 0 .,, 0 u, 0 "' C 0 z ~ .-< <D "' ~ ,, "' u, z :r: " z '" 0 ~ ;z 0 z "' 0 en "' ---;, !" -1:1 l1r~ i~ z ~ ~ " " ~ E ~~~ ~{~ " C, 41 ~ ~ Q. ~ ~ g gi ! UH ~~ ii i! h ~ 'i ~-!' ~~ p ' ~ ~·1 ~ I !:i 1:1 ·~ • 1'( { ,~ ~ ! ,1 ' ! ' c-l;::Rtv'.IN.I!.. 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'~·• CITY OF RENTON STAJ,17 .l'IT '•, ; ;1 , _ ,~, CL • O i , uc\ ~ :C r _ _,.,,.,,, '"'"''"" '' ~ . KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON I ·ou1 1RACT A (NGPE) ~ ,, •~I 17 .::--_ =--~t=( ·-s1tf~ -~ -- -.~. I? 7:. r::-,_= 2--' .. ~~ .. ., ' 'I ? im ""'"•'0't-' 1,iT. 1 / / t,ca \ ,.,ss~H ,~v [L" "" ' I! ; I "1M le. ,·,o. -ai,~ Cc -1:. ,; 'j I ; INV El : 1073< '""fl• 00:))1 ';'.}if G ,II ;.._--- ,,:ti I 1'\i ''" ,,.,, .. , "Htc-10 1 t _J~=UTILl11[\, ·-, I '2~1-,0 b;,~-~ ....l~"':::: -=--~10 H IIS'JT'JI' W11XJ.OO' ~ ~ . ·.tM !I . .) ~j -_-....,...~-.-.--~.---~-= N in,',i' I ~al' Conceptual Landscape Planting Plan S 19TH ST. --~ ""'', • /,, p ' '·~· .. ·, Exhibit 6 I I I :I ;/ I.~ ·~ l ! ) lREES SHRUBS TYPICAi PLANTING PETAllS NOT •o 'SCALE Tree Retention Colculat1ons To(o' Nom~ec of c,1,1;~9 T,••• • <2 E,,,t,nq Teo~., \Q bo ~<m<>V<d -11 Fropo•od St,ul ·,,,,, to ~• Plarilod -14 r...,,, ~1th;0 Poot 2 11 T,..,, alon<; ~ha\luck """-S ~ 3 ~ ~ r:s;:s::;:J GRAPHIC SCALE ... -L.i .;.!~1,L ~ CALL 48 f-<OU~S BEFORE YOU DIG 1-80C-.424--.555S '.)EVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JAN -4 2008 RECEIVED January 18, 2008 To: Elizabeth Higgins Sr Planner L .. 1 of Renton 425-430-7382 From: Jeff Sebak and Valley Vue Estates Home Owners Association Re: Ford-Niemi Plat 917-925 Shattuck Ave South nEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JAN 2 2 2008 RECEIVED I would like to be a person of record on the above mentioned development. I am writing on behalf of myself as well as our neighborhood home owner's assoc as I am acting president. The land sits directly below and behind our neighborhood development. We had a few concerns and questions: 1) Drainage Concerns: Our main concern is water drainage/ run off etc. We have had bad problems with water run off, land slides erosion etc as documented at the city. There are 5 homes that have rain water/ gutter systems that tie into a culvert drain that runs onto the discussed property. We talked to the city about this many years ago when our neighborhood was being built. The city said there was a water right away granted. At one point several years ago the culvert drain accidentally blocked and this created huge water issues for homes in our neighborhoods: flooded yards, water coming in basements etc. Some type of drain system will certainly need to be in place to accommodate the existing homes in our neighborhood as well as new houses being built. The present plan looks like a house would be built very close or on top of the area of concern for water. We want to make certain our homes maintain the proper established drainage as well as protect new homes from any problems. 2) Protection of Retaining Wall: There is a retaining wall running the length of our neighborhood that would be right next to a road needed to access the new homes and we need to be certain that nothing is done to compromise our retaining wall(s). We have had horrific problems with portions of that wall as is noted at the city. These problems have been fixed by owners and builders via law suits but not before portions of the wall blew out and landed on the property being developed. Thus the need for caution when digging for roads etc as well as for proper drainage needing to be maintained for the welfare of our homes and the new homes being built. 3) Road Proximity: We obviously will have concerns for how the road is put in as it will be right next to many of our back yards and the mentioned retaining wall(s). 4) Water Pressure Concerns: Additionally we have very poor water pressure for our houses right now and it is imperative that the addition of new homes will not further decrease our water pressure or give the new homes low pressure. 5) Density Concerns: It appears the plan is calling for several more homes per area than the existing surrounding neighborhood. Our neighborhood has 6-7 houses for the same area whereas this new the plan is looking to have 10 homes. 6) Native Growth Protection Area: The plan calls for this protected area but does not specify how much land that is. 7) Style of Single Family Homes: Does the plan call for all single family free standing homes to match the surrounding neighborhoods? Thanks for your help. We look forward to working with you and/or the developer/owners to answer any questions. Additionally we look forward to watching Renton grow and to welcoming the new neighbors. Sincer y, /.7 /~ (../ /. ~-~/'-- :Jeff ebak Valley Vue HOA Pres Home 425-687-0151 Cell 253-988-3385 332 South 201 " Place Renton, WA 98055 Exhibit 7 Comments to Ford-Niemi Preliminary Plat January 16, 2008 To Elizabeth Higgins. We have concerns about the proposed construction of ten houses to the south of our property outlined by the Ford-Niemi plat proposal. Our land has been subject to excess water run-off on the existing horse pasture. Building ten homes will reduce the capability of the land to absorb some of this water and thus aggravate current run-off water problems. As it is, there are minor sink holes and underground water channels formed from the existing run-off water and we do not desire to have any more that will further damage our yard and cause flooding to our neighbor to the west ofus. We request that this project be reconsidered such that storm run-off water will be eliminated. Respectfully, Dan Wallem, Sokhim Wallem 319 S 19th St. Renton, WA98055 (425)255-6702 Exhibit 7 Karen DeBru¥,n 313 South 19 h Street Renton, WA 98055 425.271.2397 January 14, 2008 TO: Elizabeth Higgins Senior Planner Development Services Division 1055 South Grady WA Renton, WA 98057 RE: Land Use Number: LUA08-001, PP, ECF ; Project Name: Ford-Niemi Preliminary Plat It is my understanding that the developer for the Ford-Niemi Plat is in the process of securing city approval for the development of 10 houses on two combined parcels of land. I am outlining my concerns regarding this development since the two sections of land involved are both adjacent to my property located at 313 South 19th Street, Renton, Washington. It is not my intention to stall the development in any way, but it is my intention to protect my property prior to the City of Renton's approval. Below are my concerns: 1. The runoff of surface water before and after construction 2. The runoff of underground water before and after construction 3. The height of the property since it begins to gain height as it runs along my back property line. a. What type of retaining wall will be in place in order to hold the soil in place and b. What type of drainage will be used in order that water run off from the backyards (upon completion) will not invade my property when we get one of our 100 year storms. Since moving to this location in 1989 I have continued to have run off from this same property and others. In order to protect my property I have installed a crawl space drainage and pump system that handles the current drainage. I am very concerned that once this hillside is disturbed in the early/final construction phases I will have problems with water and mud invading my property. I intend to attend the public hearing on this project on March 18, 2008 at 9 a.m. which may or may not provide some of the answers to my concerns. Therefore I would like to have these issues addressed in writing followed by a one-on-one conversation with a representative of the City of Renton and the developer prior to the beginning of the development. I can be reached during the day at my work number: 425.235.2426. Sincerely ':'1 a/u,;U Jlt ,/:Pt.£..-Lc.-j;,(__/' Karen DeBruyn '.,/ l Exhibit 7 j vllYOfRENTOlv qECEIV~D jAN 14 2008 :lUILDINGDIVISION ~ ... ~ el ~ ~ <'I ... CD .., C!) "cl 0:: ;>-. Cl) --ro > ~ CD IL CA ZONlNG a, I "' P/B/PW TECHNICAL SERVICES 02/28/07 F3 • 18 T23N R5E E 1/2 CD CA S Rento Village Pl. R-8 R-8 R-8 St. CA H3 · 30 T23N R5E E 1/2 0 230 "O 1:4.!!00 RM-F R-8 Exhibit 8 19 T23N R5E E 1/2 S319