HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA 07-120_Report 01Robert & Julie Taylor 5315 NE 17th Place Renton, WA 98059 tel: (206) 251-1231 eml: jul.taylor@yahoo.com (applicant/ contact) Updated: 10/15/07 PARTIES OF RECORD KBS/TAYLOR LLA LUA0?-120, LLA Curtis Schuster KBS III LLC 12320 NE 8th Street ste: #100 Bellevue, WA 98005 tel: (206) 261-2112 (owner) (Page 1 of 1) CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: June 13, 2008 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. •••• •• Y•" --•' '~~ ...._ ... ~ .......... _ .......... -,.~--.«·----·----·~····----------------- Project Name: LUA (file) Number: Cross-References: AKA's: • Project Manager: Acceptance Date: Applicant: Owner: Contact: PID Number: ERC Decision Date: . ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: Appeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Mylar Recording Number: KBS/Taylor Lot Line Adjustment LUA-07-120, LLA Rocale Timmons October 15, 2007 Robert & Julie Taylor Curtis Schuster -KBS III LLC; Robert & Julie Taylor Same as applicant 8029770490; 0323059270 March 31, 2008 April 17, 2008 20080605900004 Date: Date: Project Description: The applicant has requested an adjustment of existing lot lines to enlarge the rear yard of an existing lot. Location: 5300 NE 16'" Street & 5315 NE 17'" Place Comments: ! ! .. , ·-·"= . .._....,,...._.__._,.,,,,.,...._._ . ._.-.-~w.,.-,.~.~·":...,. __ ,..,,_,,,,.._-.,_,., ",..,,___....,...,~ .. ,. -"'=..:~·~1----''"'_., _________ j CITY tF RENTON • Department of Community and Economic Development Denis Law, Mayor Alex Pietsch, Administrator June 4, 2008 Robert & Julie Taylor 5315 NE 17th Place Renton, WA 98059 SUBJECT: KBS/Taylor Lot Line Adjustment File No. LUA07-120, LLA Dear Ms. Taylor: The City of Renton has approved the above referenced lot line adjustment and has forwarded the final mylars to King County for recording. Please note the recording of the lot line adjustment map alone does not transfer ownership of property. If necessary, prepare and record a deed transfening ownership of the portion of land depicted in the lot line adjustment map. We recommend that the legal description for this document be prepared by a surveyor. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure this document is properly prepared and recorded with the County. If you have any further questions regarding this lot line adjustment, please contact me at (425) 430-7219. Sincerely, , f?c CJL. ~--<- , ,iocale Timmons Associate Planner cc: Yellow file Curtis Schuster / Owner -------10_5_5-So-u-th_G_r-ad_y_W_a_y_.-R-en-to_n_,_W_as_h_in_gt_on-9-80_5_7 ______ ~ @ This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM June 4, 2008 City Clerk's Office Rocale Timmons, Planning, x7219 KBS/Taylor Lot Line Adjustment; File No. LUA07-120, LLA Attached please find two sets of the above-referenced mylar and three copies for recording with King County. Please have Champion Couriers take these documents via: Same-day service ($13.81)-11 :00 AM deadline to City Clerk Attached is a check for the amount of$13.81 for the fee to Champion Couriers. According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account #000/007.590.0060.49.000014. Please call me at x 7219 if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: Yellow file Property Services Jan Conklin Curtis Schuster I Owner Robert & Julie Taylor I Applicant ' , ~~": ~~,<': Denis Law, Mayor ~'N?f April 3, 2008 Julie Taylor 5315 NE 17 1 1, Place Renton. WA 98059 Sl'BJECT: KBS/Taylor Lot Line Adjustment LUA07-120, LLA Dear \1s, Taylor: CITY _1F RENTON Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator The City of Renton has finished reviewing your proposed lot line adjustment and is no" ready to approve and send the final version for recording. The following items \\1]l 11ccd to be addressed prior to submitting mylars: 1. As current vested owners of Parcel B of the subject lot line adjustment, both Rohert Ci. Taylor and Julie Ann Taylor need to sign under the "DECLARATION" block (Sheet I of2). There is one signature line for the two of them. It is suggested that two lines be provided ( each one idcnti tied with the owners names noted und_er said line). 2. The word "INSTRUMENT" should be changed to DECLARATION in /110 places in the corporate "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" block. 3 The two original properties arc named "PARCEL A" and "PARCEL B" within the "LEGAL DESCRIPTION" block (Sheet I of2). However, it _ would be best to change the lot names to LOT A and LOT B on the drawing shown on Sheet 2 of 2. This signifies that the properties have been adjusted and from now on will be named something else, which is legally 1denti fied with the new legal description. Make said name change to the "AREAS" block on Sheet 2 of 2 also; 4. The Talon Group Commitment for Title Insurance, File No. 1081138, dated March 6, 2008. includes a number of Schedule B Special Exceptions items that arc not included on the lot line adjustment submittal, but are noted in said Schedule B. Please review Item Nos. 17, 23, 24, 27 and 28. Should said items be included under the "EASEMENT NOTES" block on Sheet 2 of 2'1 Once the above-mentioned items have been addressed please submit two sets of original signed mylars and a check for $17.97 made out to Velocity Express to my attention at the sixth floor counter of City Hall. ------l-0-55_S_o_u_th_G_ra_d_y_W_a_y_--Re_n_to_n_, W~as~hm-. gt-on-98-0-57--------' ~ (!} This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE· CURVE Please verify that the rnylars have been signed by all owners of record and ha,e bern notariLccl 11 ith an ink stamp (not embossed). The ink stamp must be legible so that King County will promptly record the lot line adjustment. This decision to approve the proposed lot line adjustment is subject to a fourteen ( 14) day appeal period from the date of this letter. Any appeals of the administrative decision must be tiled with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 pm, April 17, 2008. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: He:1ri~g F~Jminer, City of Renton, I 055 South Gr"dy W:1, Renton. \\' \ tJs()~~ Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-65 l 0. If you have further questions regarding this project, please call me at (425) 430-7219. Sincerely, Rocalc Timmons Associate Planner cc: KBS III LLC / Owner Project File CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM March 17, 2008 Sonja Fesser, Property Services Rocale Timmons, Current Planning, x7219 KBS/Taylor Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA07-120, LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and you are now able to recommend recording of the mylar, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However. if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please let me know. Thank you. Property Services approval: cc: Yellow File H :\Division .s\Oevel op.ser\Dev&plan. ing\PROJ ECTS\O 7 -120.Eliza :)eth-Rocale\Approval Memo 07 -120. doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM March 28, 2008 Rocale Timmons Sonja J. Fesser f:it KBSffaylor Lot Linc Adjustment, LUA-07-120-LLA Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: As current vested owners of Parcel B of the subject lot line adjustment, both Robert G. Taylor and Julie Ann Taylor need to sign under the "DECLARATION" block (Sheet 1 of 2). There is one signature line for the two of them. It is suggested that two lines be provided (each one identified with the owners names noted under said line). The word "INSTRUMENT" should be changed to DECLARATION in two places in the corporate "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" block. The two original properties are named "PARCEL A" and "PARCEL B" within the "LEGAL DESCRIPTION" block (Sheet I of 2). However, it would be best to change the lot names to LOT A and LOT B on the drawing shown on Sheet 2 of 2. This signifies that the properties have been adjusted and from now on will be named something else, which is legally identified with the new legal description. Make said name change to the "AREAS" block on Sheet 2 of 2 also. The Talon Group Commitment for Title Insurance, File No. 1081138, dated March 6, 2008, includes a number of Schedule B Special Exceptions items that are not included on the lot line adjustment submittal, but are noted in said Schedule B. Please review Item Nos. 17, 23, 24, 27 and 28. Should said items be included under the "EASEMENT NOTES" block on Sheet 2 of 2? \H:\File Sys\LND -Lund Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30-Lot Line Adjustments\0335\RV080328.doc ' CITY IF RENTON G~"''\ y 0<'¢> ~.,,,-t.' "~ I( p.~ T _ T Planning/Building/Public Works Department , ~ :--v Denis Law, Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator f:_),',.r'\'Or----...;..----------------------------- February 25, 2008 Julie Taylor 5315 NE l 7'h Place Renton, WA 98059 Subject: KBS/Taylor Lot Line Adjustment LUA07-120, LLA Dear Ms. Taylor: The City ol' Renton has completed the initial review of your proposed lot line adjustment. The following changes will be necessary in order for the City to approve your proposal: 1. Note the names of the vested owners under the signature lines provided in the "DECLARATION" block. 2. If KBS Development Corporation is the current vested owner of Parcel A, then an appropriate "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" block should be noted on the lot line adjustment submittal. The two "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" blocks currently noted on the submittal are suitable for individuals, but not for a corporation. Said currently noted blocks also include the word "DEDICATION". It appears that said word should be replaced with DECLARATION. Review and revise as needed. 3. Change the year ("2007") noted in the "ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS" blocks and in the "APPROVALS" blocks as needed (Sheet I of2). 4. The title report from The Talon Group, a Division of First American Title Insurance Co., Commitment for Title Insurance, Second Report, File No. 1081138, dated August 20, 2007, was used for the city's December 3, 2007 review. It is noted that said report (copy) used by the city was missing Page 7 of 13. A new comparison between what is now noted under the "EASEMENT NOTES" on the latest submittal of the Jot line adjustment, and the city's review comments of December 7, leaves a number of recorded agreements (and other) listed on the title report still missing on the lot line adjustment. Said omissions may be valid, however, the city does recognize agreements and CC&Rs, etc. as encumbrances when appropriate. Please review the following recorded documents listed in the title report again for possible inclusion in the lot line adjustment submittal: Rec. Nos. 2004029000792, -------l-0)-_5_S_o_u-th_G_r_a_dy_W_a_y---R-en_t_on-,-W-a-s-h1-.n-gt_o_n_9_8_05_7 _______ ~ @ This paper contains 50% recycled matenal, 30% post consumer J\HEAH OF THF. CURVE 5. It is not clear what "EASEMENT IS OFF THE SITE" means (see "EASEMENT NOTES" block on Sheet 2 of 2). If the phrase means that said easement, or other, does not encumber the subject prope11y, then remove the reference to the easement from the lot line adjustment submittal, and notify the title company that said easement should be removed from the title report. However, if said phrase is meant to mean that the subject property is "TOGETHER WITH" off site easements, then they should remain on the drawing sheet. Said phrase is noted seven times in said "EASEMENT NOTES" block. 6. It is sL1ggested that the two original properties be named "PARCEL A" and "PARCEL B", as is noted in the legal description attached to the title report (use it in the LEGAL DECRIPTION" block on Sheet l of 2). The lot line adjustment drawing (Sheet 2 of 2) then notes the newly adj ustcd lots as "LOT A" and "LOT B". Once the changes, as noted in the attached memo, have been made; please submit two copies of the revised lot line adjustment to me at the sixth floor counter of City Hall. The revised plans will be routed for final review and you will be notified when it is appropriate to submit the final mylars. If you have any questions regarding your application or the changes requested above, please contact me at (425) 430-7219. Sincerely, ;; •. ( \ ' -11: C c\..A..-t.. ._._~ Rocale Timmons Assistant Planner Attaclunents cc: KBS Ill LLC / 0"11er Project File DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM February 20, 2008 Jennifer Henning SonjaJ. Fesser~ KBS/faylor Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-07-120-LLA Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Note the names of the vested owners under the signature lines provided in the "DECLARATION" block. If KBS Development Corporation is the current vested owner of Parcel A, then an appropriate "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" block should be noted on the lot line adjustment submittal. The two "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" blocks currently noted on the submittal are suitable for individuals, but not for a corporation. Said currently noted blocks also include the word "DEDICATION". It appears that said word should be replaced with DECLARATION. Review and revise as needed. Change the year ("2007") noted in the "ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS" blocks and in the "APPROVALS" blocks as needed (Sheet l of 2). The title report from The Talon Group, a Division of First American Title Insurance Co., Commitment for Title Insurance, Second Report, File No. 1081138, dated August 20, 2007, was used for the city's December 3, 2007 review. It is noted that said report (copy) used by the city was missing Page 7 of 13. A new comparison between what is now noted under the "EASEMENT NOTES" on the latest submittal of the lot line adjustment, and the city's review comments of December 7, leaves a number of recorded agreements (and other) listed on the title report still missing on the lot line adjustment. Said omissions may be valid, however, the city does recognize agreements and CC&Rs, etc. as encumbrances when appropriate. Please review the following recorded documents listed in the title report again for possible inclusion in the lot line adjustment submittal: Rec. Nos. 2004029000792, 20040924000680, 20050318000897, \H:\File Sys\LND -Lund Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30-Lot Line Adjustments\0335\RV080220.doc February 21, 2008 Page 2 2005 I 207002324, 20070523002223, and 20070523002220. NOTE: The title report referenced by the applicant under the "SURVEYOR'S NOTES" is dated July 11, 2007. It is not clear what "EASEMENT IS OFF THE SITE" means (see "EASEMENT NOTES" block on Sheet 2 of 2). If the phrase means that said easement, or other, does not encumber the subject property, then remove the reference to the easement from the lot line adjustment submittal, and notify the title company that said easement should be removed from the title report. However, if said phrase is meant to mean that the subject property is "TOGETHER WITH" off site easements, then they should remain on the drawing sheet. Said phrase is noted seven times in said "EASEMENT NOTES" block. It is suggested that the two original properties be named "PARCEL A" and "PARCEL B", as is noted in the legal description attached to the title report (use it in the LEGAL DECRIPTION" block on Sheet I of 2). The lot line adjustment drawing (Sheet 2 of 2) then notes the newly adjusted lots as "LOT A" and "LOT B". H:\Filc Sys\LND Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30 -Lot Line Adjustments\0335\R V080220.doc\cor DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEP A}lTMENT MEMORANDUM, January 4, 2008 Sonja Fesser, Property Services Elizabeth Higgins, Current Planning (7382) KBS/Taylor Lot Line Adjustment, LUA07-120 Attached is the revised version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and you are now able to commend recording of the mylar, please initial this memo below and return to me. ,•J\,\ H 4-~cnr: CITY OF RENTON UTILITY SYSTEMS If you have outstanding concerns, however, or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please let me know. Thank you. Property Services approval: Name Date Copy: yellow file h:\di vision.s\develop. ser\dev&plan.ing\projects\07-120.el iwbeth-rocale\memorandum to property services ( final review) 07-120.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM January 8, 2007 Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Elizabeth Higgins, Current Planning (7382) KBS/Taylor Lot Line Adjustment, LUA07-120 Attached is the revised version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If all Plan Review concerns have been addressed and you are now able to recommend recording of the mylar, please initial this memo below and return to me. If you have outstanding concerns, however, or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please let me know. Thank you. Plan Review approval: Name Date Copy: yellow file h:\division.s\develop.ser\dev&plan.ing\projccts\07-(20.elizabeth-rocale\memorandum to plan review (final review) 07- 120.doc CENTRE1 / P·rfINTE '-/ " ~ Consultants, Inc., P.S. Elizabeth Higgins, AICP City of Renton I 055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 RE: KBS/Taylor Lot Line Adjustment LUA07-l 20, LLA Dear Elizabeth, December 26, 2007 Enclosed please find a list of the 9 items listed in the Comments for the Applicant portion of your letter dated December 10, 2007. I) City land use action number and land record number have been noted on the drawing in the format requested. 2) Geometry has been fixed. 3) There are no discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated. 4) All easements, covenants and agreements of record have been noted on the drawing. 5) The plat name and tract numbers of the properties to the west of subject parcel have been noted on the drawing. 6) The addresses of the two lots on the lot line adjustment have been noted on the drawing. 7) References to decks, utilities facilities have been removed from the drawing. 8) Notary blocks have been included for all vested owners. 9) There are no easements, restrictive covenants or agreements to others as part of this lot line adjustment. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact me. ,:;11 y Qf RfN10~ RE.CE\VEO OEC 2 j 2007 Page I of I BUIL\)i\\lGDIVISiON 206 Railroad Ave. N. • Kent, Washington 98032 • Phone: 253.813.1901 Fax: 253.813.1908 Centre Poinle Surveyjng 33701 9th Aver.ue South Fedcra~ Way, WA 98003 253-661-c90l Wednesday, December 26, 2007 8:16:29 AM NEW PRO,TECT PROJECT: G:\2919\2919.pro C,OSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: OVERALL Point Number Bearing Description Distance 590 LOT Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 302 LOT S73°10'55"W 18.23 589 LOT S2l 0 l3'20"W 8 6. 4 9 588 LOT S39°l6 1 l6 11 W 48.15 676 New lot corn S01°37'03"W 96.10 399 N87°49'15 11 W 1. 21 459 S02°10'45"W 5.50 381 N87°49'15"W 65.04 382 N01°25 1 0l 11 E 140.01 384 S87°49 1 15"E 29.37 592 LOT N21°12'18"E 96. 95 593 LOT N73°10'55"E 79.11 590 LOT Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 187761. 79660 1315554.88050 0.00 445 187752. 66785 1315593.82490 Cale CL 40.00 44°29'37" Left 31.06 S89°03'16"E 30.29 2.98 3.22 143°14'22" Arc Definition 16.36 187745. 86662 0+31.06 187731. 88404 0+49.30 187726. 60949 1+35.79 187645.98494 1+83.94 187608. 70916 2+80.04 187512.64745 2+81.24 187512.69346 2+86.74 187507.19744 3+51.78 187509.67055 4+91. 80 187649.63774 5+21.16 187648.52096 6+18.11 1877 38. 90669 6+97.22 187761. 79586 -0.00074 0.01067 N86°02'47"W 0.01069 696.45 (697.22) 1/65125 1/944551 1/65280 17071. 598 SQ FT 0.392 ACRES 1315551.14642 1315559.64733 0.00 1315542.19705 0.00 1315510.88887 0.00 1315480. 41037 1315477.69776 1315476. 48864 0.00 1315476.27950 1315411.28654 1315414. 74868 1315444.09744 0.00 1315479.16483 0.00 1315554. 8 9117 0.00 Centre Pointe Surveying 33701 9t~ Ave~ue South Federal Way, WI'. 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, December 26, 2C07 8:16:28 Afl NEW PROJECT CLOSURC: REPORT PROJECT: G:\2919\2919.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 7 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 588 N87°49 1 15"W 384 S0l 0 25 1 0l 11 W 382 S87°49 1 15"E 381 N02°10 1 45"E 459 S87°49 1 lS 11 E 399 N01°37 1 03"E 67 6 N39°16'16"E 588 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance LOT New LOT Total traverse length Total error of closure 96.21 140.01 65.04 5.50 1. 21 96.10 lot corn 48.15 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 187645.98440 0+96. 21 187649. 64273 2+36. 22 187509.67555 3+01.26 187507.20243 3+06.76 187512.69846 3+07.97 187512.65245 4+04.07 187608. 71416 4+52.22 187645.98993 0.00553 -0.00023 S02°24'48"E 0.00554 452.22 (452.22) 1/81646 1/81718 1/1938944 9874.856 SQ FT 0.227 ACRES Easting Elevation 1315510.88370 0.00 1315414.74328 1315411.28114 1315476.27410 1315476.48323 0.00 1315477.69236 1315480.40497 1315510.88347 0.00 Centre Pointe Scrveying 33701 9th Avenue South E'ede::·al Way, WA 98083 253-661-1901 Wednesday, December 26, 2007 8:16:28 AM N2:W PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2919\2919.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, o~ chord bearing and chord lengths as i~dicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 49 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 590 LOT Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 302 LOT S73°10'55"W 18.23 589 LOT S2l 0 l3'20"W 86.49 588 LOT N87°49'15"W 66.84 592 LOT N21°12'18"E 96. 95 593 LOT N73°10'55"E 79.11 590 LOT Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 187761.79660 1315554.88050 0.00 445 187752.66785 1315593.82490 Cale CL 40.00 ' 44°29'37" Left 31.06 S09°03'16"S 30.29 2. 98 3.22 143°14'22'' Arc Definition 16.36 ' 187745.86662 0+31.06 187731. 88404 0+49.30 187726. 60949 1+35.79 187645.98494 2+02.63 187648.52649 2+99.58 187738.91223 3+78.68 187761. 80140 0.00480 0.01044 S65°18'52"W 0. 01148 377.91 (378.68) 1/32904 1/78788 1/36214 7196. 742 SQ FT 0.165 ACRES 1315551.14642 1315559.64733 1315542.19705 1315510.88887 1315444. 09721 1315479.16460 1315554.89094 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CeGtre Pointe Surveying 3370] 9th l\venc.e Soi_.:th Federal Way, WA 98803 253-661-190c Wednesday, Decerr,ber 26, 2007 8:1.6:28 AN NEW PROJECT PROJ~CT: G:\2919\2919.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based o~ the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: NEW LOT A Point Number Bearing Description Distance 590 LOT Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 302 LOT S73°10'55rrw 18.23 589 LOT S21°13'20"W 86. 4 9 588 LOT S39°16'16"W 14. 45 2206 N88°59'15"W 62. 55 2205 N21°12'18"E 110.49 593 LOT N73°10 1 SS"E 79.11 590 LOT Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 187761. 79660 1315554. 88050 0.00 445 187752. 66785 1315593. 824 90 Cale CL 40.00 44°29 1 37" Left 31. 06 S09°03'16nE 30.29 2.98 3.22 143°14 1 22" Arc Definition 16.36 187745.86662 0+31.06 187731. 88404 0+49.30 18772 6. 6094 9 1+35.79 187645.98494 1+50.24 187634.79833 2+12.79 187635.90363 3+23.28 187738. 91260 4+02.39 187761. 80177 0.00517 0.01265 S67°46'51"W 0.01366 401.61 (402.39) 1/29396 1/77737 1/31754 '/979.499 SQ FT 0.183 ACRES 13:5551.14642 1315559.64733 0.00 1315542.19705 0.00 1315510.88887 0.00 1315501. 74216 1315439.20192 1315479.16681 0.00 1315554.89315 0.00 Centre Po~nte Surveyi~g 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 253-661-1981 Wednesday, December 26, 2007 8:16:29 AM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE: REPORT PROJECT: G:\2919\2919.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: NEW LOT B Point Number Bearing Description Distance 2206 N88°59'15rrw 2205 N21°12'18"E 592 N87°49'15"W 384 S0l 0 25'0l"W 382 S87°49'15"E 381 N02°1D 1 45"E 459 S87°49'15"E 399 N02.0 37'03"E 67 6 N39°16'16"E 2206 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance LOT New Total traverse length Total error of closure 62.55 13.54 29.37 140. 01 65.04 5.50 1. 21 96.10 lot corn 33.70 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 187 634. 7 9627 0+62.55 187635.90157 0+76.09 187648.52480 1+05.46 187649. 64158 2+45.47 187509.67439 3+10.52 187507.20128 3+16.02 187512.69731 3+17.22 187512.65130 4+13.32 187608.71300 4+47.02 187 634. 80218 0.00590 0.00198 S18°31'5l"W 0.00623 447.02 (447.02) 1/71794 1/75720 1/225900 9092.099 SQ FT 0.209 ACRES Easting Elevation 1315501. 73572 1315439.19549 1315444.09299 0.00 1315414. 74423 1315411. 28209 1315476.27505 1315476.48418 0.00 1315477. 69331 1315480.40592 1315501. 7 3770 Cen~re Poi:1~e Surveying 33701 9th Ave~ue Sou~h Federal Way, WP~ 98003 253-661-1901 Wednesday, Dece:nber 26, 2007 8:16:29 AM NEW PROC"ECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJSCT: G:\2919\2919.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: AREA O, ADJUSTMENT Point Number Bearing Description Distance 2205 N21 °12 1 lS"E 592 S87°49'15"E 588 S39°16'16"W 2206 N88°59 1 15"V\1 2205 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance LOT LOT Total traverse length Total error of closure 13.54 66.84 14.45 62.55 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area Sta Northing 0+00.00 187635.90175 0+13.54 187648.52499 0+80.38 187645.98344 0+94.83 187634. 79683 1+57.39 187635. 90212 0.00037 0.00221 S80°30 1 46"W 0.00224 157.38 (157.39) 1/70173 1/425738 1/71146 782.758 SQ ,T 0.018 ACRES Easting Elevation 1315439.19262 1315444. 09011 0.00 1315510.88178 0.00 1315501. 73506 1315439.19483 CITY •F RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator December 10, 2007 Julie Taylor 5 315 NE 17th Place Renton, WA 98059 Subject: KBS/Taylor Lot Line Adjustment LUA07-120, LLA Dear Ms. Taylor: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. Comments for the Applicant: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record nl!mber, LUA-07-120- LLA and LND-30-0335, respectively, on the drawing sheets in the spaces already provided. NOTE: The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. The geometry does not close. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing. Said note should include the CC&RS recorded under Rec. No. 9209101022, CC&Rs recorded under Rec. No. 20020702900007, easement agreement recorded under Rec. No. 20020807000276, easement agreement recorded under Rec. No. 20040629002394, agreement recorded under Rec. No. 20040429000792, agreement recorded under Rec. No. 20040924000680, agreement recorded under Rec. No. 20050318000897, agreement recorded under Rec. No. 20050621002061, easement recorded under Ree. No. 20050915000018, CC&Rs recorded under Rec. No. 20051020000338 and amended by Rec. Nos. 20051207002324 and 20070523002223, easement recorded under Rec. No. 20051201000095, easement recorded under Rec. No. 20079523900007, easement recorded under Rec. No. 20060808001642, easement recorded under Rec. No. 20060914001333, CC&Rs recorded under Rec. No. 20060808001642, easement recorded ------,-0-55_S_o-uth_G_ra_d_y_W_a_y--R-e-n-to_n_, W-as-hi-ngt_o_n-98-0-57-----~ ~ @ This ~rcontains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Ms. Julie Taylor December 10, 2007 Page 2 of2 under Rec. No. 20060914001333, CC&Rs recorded under Rec. No. 20070523002220, CC&Rs recorded under Rec. No. 20070523002221, easement recorded under Rec. No. 20070523002222, and an easement recorded under Rec. No. 20070612001236. The aforementioned-recorded documents are listed under "SCHEDULE B" of The Talon Group Commitment report, File No. 1081138, dated August 20, 2007. Note the plat name and tract numbers of the properties to the west of the subject parcel. Note the addresses of the two lots on the Jot line adjustment submittal. On the final lot fine adjustment submittal, remove all references to decks, utilities facilities and other items not directly impacting the lot line adjustment. These items are provided only for preliminary lot line adjustment submittals. All vested owner(s) of the subject lot line adjustment need to sign the final submittal. Include notary blocks as needed.· Note that if there are easements, restrictive covenants or.agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.)as part of this lot line adjustment, they can be recorded concurrently with the lot line adjustment. The lot line adjustment drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) are to be referenced on the lot line adjustment submittal. Provide spaces for the recording numbers-thereo(on said submittal. Do not use colored lines or text in the final Mylar submittal. Please contact me at (425) 430-7382 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Elizabeth Higgins, AICP Senior Planner DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM December 3, 2007 Elizabeth Higgins Sonja J. Fesser ~ KBSffaylor Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-07-120-LLA Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-07-120-LLA and LND-30-0335, respectively, on the drawing sheets in the spaces already provided. NOTE: The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. The geometry does not close. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing. Said note should include the CC&RS recorded under Rec. No. 9209101022, CC&Rs recorded under Rec. No. 20020702900007, easement agreement recorded under Rec. No. 20020807000276, easement agreement recorded under Rec. No. 20040629002394, agreement recorded under Rec. No. 20040429000792, agreement recorded under Rec. No. 20040924000680, agreement recorded under Rec. No. 20050318000897, agreement recorded under Rec. No. 20050621002061, easement recorded under Rec. No. 20050915000018, CC&Rs recorded under Rec. No. 20051020000338 and amended by Rec. Nos. 20051207002324 and 20070523002223, easement recorded under Rec. No. 20051201000095, easement recorded under Rec. No. 20079523900007, easement recorded under Rec. No. 20060808001642, easement recorded under Rec. No. 20060914001333, CC&Rs recorded under Rec. No. 20060808001642, easement recorded under Rec. No. 20060914001333, CC&Rs recorded under Rec. No. 20070523002220, CC&Rs recorded under Rec. No. 20070523002221, easement recorded under Rec. No. 20070523002222, and an easement recorded under Rec. No. 20070612001236. The aforementioned-recorded documents \H:\File Sys\LND Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30-Lot line Adjustments\0335\RV071203.doc December 7, 2007 Page 2 are listed under "SCHEDULE B" of The Talon Group Commitment report, File No. 1081138, dated August 20, 2007. Note the plat name and tract numbers of the properties to the west of the subject parcel. Note the addresses of the two lots on the lot line adjustment submittal. On the final lot line adjustment submittal, remove all references to decks, utilities facilities and other items not directly impacting the lot line adjustment. These items are provided only for preliminary lot line adjustment submittals. All vested owner(s) of the subject lot line adjustment need to sign the final submittal. Include notary blocks as needed. Note that if there are easements, restrictive covenants or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this lot line adjustment, they can be recorded concurrently with the lot line adjustment. The lot line adjustment drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) are to be referenced on the lot line adjustment submittal. Provide spaces for the recording numbers thereof on said submittal. Do not use colored lines or text in the final Mylar submittal. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this review of the preliminary short plat is provided for your use and information. H:\File Sys\LND -L·md Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND<:io-Lot Line Adjusunents\0335\RY071203.<loc\cor City of ton Department of Planning I Building I Publi, .. orks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 29, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA0?-120, LLA DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 15, 2001'c- APPLICANT: Robert & Julie Ta,lor PROJECT MANAGER: Elizabeth Hinnir><: , , _,_P.:..R,.,O,_,Jc,Ec:,Cc.:Tc_T.:..l:..cT..=Lc=Ec_: _:.K.:,B,_,Sc::./_,_T=.av,:.11=-orc:L:c:oc.:t_:Lc:cin.:,e:_:A_:.dc,li.:,us:c:tc:.:m.:,e::_n::_t _____ l-'-P°'L'-'A'-'N'-'R-"E=-V'-l"'E'-'W.:..:c_:..:K:,,ai.:vrc;:ec:.;n_:.K.o:itt,.,rccicc::.kc_ _ _,. ___ '_·_.~,--·cJ-=l,~l~-'~ 1'ic_'.! _,,..'------......_ c;· .~ ... SITE AREA: 17,072 square feet BUILDING AREA lnross): N/A -' ,1,.11 ,1 LOCATION: 5300 NE 16th St & 5315 NE 17'h St . WORK ORDER NO: 77827 , -.. _ • 5 ~,.,~. if// ~~MMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant has requested an adJustment of ex,st,ng lot hnes to enlarfi..~_the rear y~r~,'.:',~S-t///::_} l...:.,~/ .. -. ··, ·,-;r-I A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS ·--~/ Element of the Probable Probable Mo,e Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Air Water Plants Land/Shoreline Use Animals Environmental Health Energy! Natural Resources B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS i C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS Element of the Environment Housina Aesthetics Liahl/Glare Recrearion Utilities Transnortation Public SeNices Historic/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet n / / l) ( Probable Probable More Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary .\ c.J I We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to proper/ assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized R resentative Date City of "~nton Department of Planning I Building I Publi" .. arks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: %n COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 29, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA07-120, LLA DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 15, 2007 APPLICANT: Robert & Julie Ta lor PROJECT MANAGER: Elizabeth Hi PROJECT TITLE: KBS/Ta lor Lot Line Ad'ustment PLAN REVIEW: Ka ren Kittrick SITE AREA: 17,072 s uare feet BUILDING AREA ross : N/A LOCATION: 5300 NE 16th St & 5315 NE 17'" St WORK ORDER NO: 77827 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant has requested an adjustment of existing lot lines to enlarge ttll4\bQl~RJll!i?,IQf)\;ting lot. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Liaht!G/are Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transporlation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POL/CY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS I\J 9\\f We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where addition I information is needed to properly assess this proposal. ...... ~~~-;--~"', l'()N f~~~\ • 1 t~ ~ · l ·• I Planning/Building/Public Works Department ~-.... / .. ~,· .••. ._/_' _K_a_,h_y_K_eo-lk_e_,._M_a_yo_, ______________ G_r•_g_g_z_irn_rn_•r_n_,a_n P.E., Administrator [:. ~ ..:\ .. r \-. ", i "' -=··~•M< October 15, 2007 Julie Taylor 5315 NE 17th Place Renton, WA 98059 Subject: KBS/Taylor Lot Line Adjustment LUA07-120, LLA Dear Ms. Taylor: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7382 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Elizabeth Higgins, AICP Senior Planner cc: KBS IJl LLC / Owner I 055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98057 ---------·--- . --.""' REN-rcJ·N' \ H i·. ,; ' . . ' ., City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION . PROPERTY OWNER(S) fi'.•'fi.'.,t I PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: KoS ·nr \ ,r -_\.. .,___:,---PROJECT 0~ DEVELOPMENT NAfylE: J< D \ / ICtj tC(2. i.L,1· L.,,f-,;..,1,._.\-i·,.,,., •. ,.,¥ ~ ADDRESS: I 2,32._o NC gtn. s+. Jlc-1 L10 PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: '° 5315 NE 17th Pl, Renton, WA 98059 Ft'cr, e: '· .:.,__-:,, CITY: :-·) Z.IP: '.; C/:J,S ,r-. ;,.;, , i ~ I, I e _,!,,..: \.._., \ \ \, \J t..,\ 5300NE 16"'St,Renton, WA98059 frLf,.>G\ fl KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): TELEPHONE NUMBER: L,i..1h'::, C., 'i\•· ,.~.,-, (_ iJ\·.:,-- 8029770490 & 0323059270 2.c:u -li.v I 'J 112-. APPLICANT (if other than owner) ~c\ EXISTING LAND USE(S): SINGLE FAMILY -· ~I '•,((-\ A -r 't1( -~· . NAME: \1."\(Ci::.'.. · • , '·' \ .. z_ ( -~ . ' j . . --~----- PROPOSED LAND USE(S): SINGLE FAMILY COMPANY (if applicable): 1'1-EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: r. Z Ir) '\.; ,:c-1-1 t,, J .I '• ,) '. I -' l RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: -~1 I K't1T!Til ZIP: C1';{)~) 11 (if applicable): NA TELEPHONE NUMBER ,7 ~ I Z'.,JI-IZ.-3.J , l\c - {._/ EXISTING ZONING: R-8 PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): NA CONTACT PERSON SITE AREA (in square feet): 17072 SQ FT NAME: Room Taylor ;-cc\, P SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: 0 COMPANY (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: NA ADDRESS: 5315 NE 17th Pl PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): NA CITY: Renton ZIP: 98059 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): NA . TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: (200-)MS-ffl4 J'J \ tuj l{Y-Q: , l(i itU C C111 (zJc.}051/231 J, J NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): NA Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/ma.sterapp.doc 08/17107 SEP-13-2007 15:41 EXECUTIVE R.E. ,Inc. 425 271 6950 P.02/02 ie,JECT INFORMATION (cont ed) ~------'------'------------, NUMBER OF EXISTING OWELLING UNITS (rt applicable): 1 PROJECT VALUE: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE [if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if apl)(icable): NA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NA NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL 8UILDINGS frt applicable): NA NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): NA a AQUIFER PROToECTION AREA ONE IJ AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO IJ FLOOD HAZARD AREA IJ GEOLOGIC HAZARD IJ HABITAT CONSERVATION IJ SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES IJ WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ___ sq.fl. ---sq.fl. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.fl. /Attach leaal descrintion on -rate sheet with the followinn information included) A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 03, TWP. 23N., RNG. SE. W.M. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: I. Lot Line Adjustment 3. 2. 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I I .!( (111?·! ' I, (Print N•me/1) &,~ 4 ~T"'-<\w-RX,,h€q W RJ:l.l2-dedaie ttrat-HM (please chook one)&:f the culi'8!1t owner of the pn:,perty involved In this applk:atlon or::.::.:J the auiiibrlZed ,ep-ntatiw~ act fur a corporation (please attacll proof of authorizanon) an<11hlll the foregoing statements and nswers herein tainad and the lnfonnation herewltll aie In all l8spects true an<I COll9cl to the best of my knowledge ana belief. . . (' ,. ""'" / .; I~ that I lcnowor have satisfactory B'iilonai that /4trv iJ 7fH. ·, ( ... \i,·' 1· · "' / // signed this instrument and aolcnowledgea tt to be his/her/their frae and VOIUl!lill)' ac:1 for the .;;;J.~G::.;...,4D.,,LJ~,i...e,...;'./:_____ uses and purposes mentioned tn the lnatrument. /-, "'· -'.-' · '\ t ~ , -· / / . . (Signatuie of Ownei/Represenlalive) ...... // -; 3l l,1 My appclntmenteiq,ires.:_ -------- 08/17/07 TOTAL P.02 -. f )JECT INFORMATION (cor ued) NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 1 PROJECT VALUE: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NA 0 AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA 0 FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NA 0 GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if 0 HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. applicable): NA 0 SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): NA 0 WETLANDS sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 03, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W.M. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: I. Lot Line Adjustment 3. 2. 4. -- Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) , declare that I am (please check one) ~ current owner of the property involved in this applicatio the au h rize representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the formation herewith are in all respects true and correct to the b~~! ?f my ~nowleRge ~ belief. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence tha '-1.. ( l 1-....J-\ · c-O\ (Signature of Owner/Representative) Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/masterapp.doc signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hi her heir free and voluntary ct for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington My appointment expires: __ ~0~(_\'-'1.o~-~\~\~O~· __ _ 2 08/17/07 SEP-13-2007 15:41 EXECUTlVE R.E. ,Inc. 425 271 6950 P.02/02 )JECT INFORMATION (con1 1ed) NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS ("If applicable): 1 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (If appUcable): NA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (If applicable): NA NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (If applicable): NA NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if appUcableJ: NA PROJECT VALUE: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA. PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (If applicable): o AQUIFER PROToECTION AREA ONE IJ AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO IJ FLOOD HAZARD AREA IJ GEOLOGIC HAZARD iJ HABITATCONSERVATION O SHORELINE STREAMS ANO LAKES 0 WETLANDS ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ---sq.ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY fAttach leaal descrintion on senarate sheet with the followina infonnation includedl A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 03, TWP. 23N., RNG. SE. W.M. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: l. Lot Line Adjustment 3. 2. 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Priot -~•> RO Q er f 6-lo,~ , dedn that I am (please cheok one) ~. c:urrent ownef of the property involved m 11m appication or __ the aUlholized nta-to act roe • a11poralion (pie .... ..ttacl> proof of aUlhorizallOn) and that the foragoing statements and answers herein con1ainod and the lnfonnalion herewith are In all respecm true and com,ct to the ~ my kn~ and belief. I certify that I know or hove satisfactory evidence that lo"-'-\-~~ \ D-1 / ~ ~z !'-Signed this inglrument and acknowtedged ~ to be hil/har/lheirffllfl and vol act for the _ ~ c.,,-~ uses and p.._. mentioned In tlle lnatrumenl. -·--'-' ~· (Signature of Owner/Representative) Qcwcblpw/drvsen,/forms/plaaninglnmu.,app.doc Notary Public fn and for the State Of Yl\ashl1 ,gtt,n 'T.eic"'6 My appointment tJCpires: 2 ' la Iii f ® -- 08117/07 TOTAL P.02 • LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT OF KBS III, LLC (a Washington Limited Liability Company) Dated and Effective as of April lg_, 1999 LI1\1ITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT OF KBSIIl,LLC THIS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made this ~ day of April, 1999, by and among Sol and Mary Avzaradel, husband and wife, Kolin and Jacki Taylor, husband and wife and Bob and Susie Ruddell, husband and wife (collectively the "Members"). By this Agreement, the Members form and agree to operate as a limited liability company (the "Company") pursuant to the provisions of RCW 25.15, the Washington Limited Liability Company Act, as amended (the "Act"), for the purpose of holding and operating the Property, as defined in Article XIJI below. In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the Members agree as follows: Article I. THE COMPANY 1.1 Capitalized Words and Phrases. Except as defined in the text of this Agreement, capitalized words and phrases used in this Agreement are defined in Article XIII. 1.2 Name and Place of Business. The name of the Company and the name under which its business shall be conducted is "KBS IIl, LLC." The street and mailing address of the principal place of business is 15722 S.E. 160th Place, Renton, Washington 98058, or such other place or places as the Members may from time to time designate. 1.3 Registered Office and Registered Agent. The Company's registered agent for service of process shall be Leslie R. Pesterfield, Ogden Murphy Wallace, P.L.L.C., 2100 Westlake Center Tower, 1601 Fifth Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101-1686, or such other registered agent as the Members may from time to time designate by notice to the registered agent and the Washington Secretary of State. 1.4 Purpose of the Company's Business. The purpose of the .Company's business is to purchase, construct, hold for investment and then sell residential real property. 1.5 Term. The Company shall commence effective as of the filing of the Certificate of Formation with the Washington Secretary of State, and shall continue until December 31, 2030, unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement. 1.6 Tax Election. The Company shall elect on IRS Form 8832 to be taxed as a partnership for federal income tax purposes, and, until such election, the Company shall be taxed as a partnership for federal income tax purposes under the default rules contained in Regulation Sections 1.7701-2 and 3. LLC AGREEMENT OF KBS III, LLC -l- tRP114~1.1AGRJFs4J6. l(X)Q<) of the Company; (ii) the legal action is initiated by a party other than a Member; and (iii) the Managers undertakes to repay the advanced funds to the Company if it is determined that the Managers is not entitled to indemnification pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 2. 7 Additional Managers. At a meeting called expressly for that purpose, additional Managers may be appointed by the affirmative vote of a Majority Interest. 2.8 Removal. At a meeting called expressly for that purpose, any Manager may be removed at any time, with or without cause, by the affirmative vote of a Majority Interest. The removal of a Manager who is also a Member shall not affect the Manager's rights as a Member and shall not constitute a withdrawal of a Member. 2.9 Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring for any reason in the number of Managers may be filled by the affirmative vote of a Majority Interest. 2.10 Right to Rely on the Managers. Any Person dealing with the Company may rely (without duty of further inquiry) upon a certificate signed by two of the Managers as to the identity and authority of any Manager or other Person to act on behalf of the Company or any Member. Any two of the three Managers are specifically authorized to execute any and all documents related to the acquisition of that certain real property by the Company located at \:l.3~0 Nl='K~ S.T":t1= Jse\\e..., \v,\, including without limit earnest money agreements, purchase and sale agreements, prdmissory notes, deeds of trust and any other instrument or document necessary or helpful to acquire such property. Article III. MEETINGS OF MEMBERS 3.1 Meetings. The Members may hold Meetings for any purpose or purposes, which may be called by any Member holding more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the tben outstanding Units. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as requiring that tbe Members hold meetings pursuant to RCW 15.15.060. 3.2 Place of Meetings. The Members may designate any place, either within or outside the State of Washington, as the place of meeting for any meeting of the Members. If no designation is made, or if a special meeting is called, the place of meeting shall be the principal office of the Company specified in Section 1.2. 3.3 Notice of Meetings. Written notice stating the place, day and hour of a meeting and the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called, shall be delivered not Jess than ten (IO) nor more than fifty (50) days before the date of the meeting, either personally or by mail, by or at the direction of the Members calling the meeting, to each Member entitled to vote at such meeting. If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered three (3) calendar days LLC AGREEMENT OF KBS III, LLC -3- LRPt14041.1 AGRJF5436. I0009 .r The Talon Group a Division of First American Title Insuranc mmitment No.: 1081138 Exhibit "A" Real property in the County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: PARCEL A: LOT 7 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-135, SPHL-H AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070523900007, CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: LOT 49 OF THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (ALSO KNOWN AS WINDSTONE), ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 230 OF PLATS, PAGE 61 AND RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20051020000337, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Tax Parcel Number: 032305-9270-09 and 802977-0490-05 Form No. 1068-2 Page 3 of 13 AL TA Plain Language Commitment DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISIO- WAIV c. n OF SUBMITTAL REQUl1'EMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS ncr 2 07 Ca lcu lations 1 @B!Bf~~::mieJ::~9[:Biie\~f::j::J::::::i:;::1::11::::;:::::::::I:;:;:::::::1:::::::::1f:ij:!\::Ji!::i! Construction M itigation Descrip tion 2 AND 4 En viron me ntal Checklist 4 l*1~1Q:::w~x~n~:nlf!:{iiWRr~ig,:::1BBx~:~::::::::::::11::::1::tr:::::::::1:: Existin g Ea sements (Recorded Copy) 4 Grad ing Pla n, Conceptu a l 2 ~rii1n!f:i~in;J?~i~11i~:~::::::::::::::rn:::::::r:::;::::::::1tt:::::::::::i::t1:;::i1i::1:r1::::r=1Jt::::::: Habita t Data Report 4 1mp'~q1imlf m11~rri(~:1J:::rn:=:::::::::::::::::I:1:1II:t::J=:::::::::riri::i:::::::::: Irri gation Plan 4 Landscape Plan, Conce ptual 4 :~~Qtj§p~p~:!e!iqliP;~#.l!iij1lJ!J)Ii !/fiJ!!::itf :f [J?: : n:::: Fi] r Legal Description 4 m~re1 :1firrBYn~!:ai:firii~mx11u11mJ1::::f:t:::::;:::;:::::::::::;:::::::i Mailin g Labels for Property Owners 4 /0$Bi9t §~~~~1nQ:§tii:@ini1~1~rt~1~1::::J:1:::i:1:t1J:::: ::1:::::::::ir: Master App li ca t ion Fo rm 4 fqp~µ!Jl~~i:/git~~::{BP#)~:ffltiro2i1ll.irnli1t)i!Ji:I:::::t:1:::t:::::,::::::: Ne ighbo rhood Detail Ma p 4 This requi reme nt may be wa ived by: 1 . Property Services Section 2 . Public Wo rks Pl an Review Section 3 . Bui ldin g Secti o n 4. Development Plan ning Section _,-I PROJE CT NAME: ll 1 ltf I t&~ I DATE : ~/( ft;lur Q:IWEBIPWIDEVSERV\Forms\Plann i nglwaive rofs ubmittalreq s_9-06.xls 09106 .VELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER'rJF SUBMITTAL REQUIRE ... ..=NTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 iEW~~1::~~~w;9~~::{~f#tr.#:1::~::::::::::::;::::::::::it::::::w:::::::::::::::::i/:::::;,::::::::::;:::t1i::;:1::::;:;::::::1: Plat Name Reservation 4 Preapplication Meeting Summary 4 Rehabilitation Plan 4 l:riinil/1l!t:IJi/~i:it::=:t=:=:::::=t:1:::::;::f::::i::::::!):/;i/ii:::::::i::i::/:i:;::::11:::::/l:::ii;iiilirn;:::i;I:=j)i:}IIiI Site Plan 2 AND 4 :§tt~~mI2t::P:~~@1§~H~¥*:iif jn~ig,:t::::!i:!iij{j::ii1i::r:::::i:jf:ti:rn Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental 4 Street Profiles 2 m,,1:miesiilfie!IIIRiminiiti:!~f:::::;:;;:r::rn1f:rm:]:11:i:::]:J:r; Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Pia~ 4 :2t~:in1::;1n~mtli*=in::;x1rt!x:::!rtv1::!1!:21:~::Ii:::r:::::::::: Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 Wireless: Applicant Agreement Sta tement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing S ite Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of V iew Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waive-d by: 1 . Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section I PROJECT NAME: ' 3. Building Section '!@Ir !or ti!~ v __ . /. · /:J DATE: __ __.:._/':1-/..:._ //-==j;)~,'---"-··_T+. _____ _ 4. Development Planning Section Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Pl an ning\waiverofsubmittal reqs _ 9-06.xls 09/06 . DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 1 . Ex'o. L/ 3u 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public streets** I& 1ZY._Q square feet Private access easements** -z,ei_41j_ square feet Critical Areas· ,e--square feet Total excluded area: 2. /0,0'QL/ 3. Subtract line 2/rom line 1 for net area: 3. 6"7 Y{I.,, /:'Ji A square feet square feet square feet 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 4. /, 5L( (,, acres 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 5. --~--units/lots 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 6. 5. / 1 = dwelling units/acre *Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. •• Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. R:\PW\DEVSERV\Fonm;\Planning\density.doc Last updated: 11/08/2004 1 KBS/TAYLOR LOT UNE ADJUi To: Development Seivices Division Attn: Laureen Nicolay ENT PRE-APPUCATION PROJEi Project Name: KBS{faylor Lot Line Adjustment Project Location: Pertinent site addresses are: IARRATIVE Date: 7/9/2007 Lot 7: 5300 NE 16th St. Renton, WA 98059 (Windstone Lot 7, Div. IV -owned by KBS} Lot 6: 5350 NE 16th St. Renton, WA 98059 (Windstone Lot 6, Div. IV -owned by KBS) Lot 49: 5315 NE 16th St. Renton, WA 98059 (Windstone Lot 49, Div. I -owned by Robert & Julie Taylor) Project Purpose: To balance the yards between Lot 49 & Lot 6/7 while providing the Taylor's a more usable backyard space. The lot line adjustment would create a more pleasing aesthetic to the backyard of Lot 49, which can be viewed from the pinnacle park at Windstone, as well as give the Taylor's more backyard for their children to play in. Project Description Detail: Move the east/west running lot line, located at the south end of lot 49 and the north end of lot 6/7, approximately eleven feet to the south (see illustration below). The new lot line will be based on a 25' setback from the existing deck at the North end of the house on lot 7. The Seller (KBS Development Corp) and the buyer (the Taylors) have a signed agreement to transfer the subject area to the Taylors, pending City Approval of the project. N 1 Let "9 S•lljec1 Area t1 feet Let i Let 7 Current Use: Residential Special Site Features: The area in question includes a water easement. On July 7th, Tom Hoffman from Water District 90 verbally reviewed the lot line adjustment and intended land use as well as its potential Impact on the water easement. Tom saw no major issues and confirmed that re-establishing the existing fence on the new lot line would not cause any issues. Proposed Future Use: Open space in the Taylor's back yard. Proposed Code Modifications: None \\ N ;::. ~ •. 5 ~ ~ <'I \0 A CA R-1 ._<'It".), .· .•.• ,."<,, . . ,;.,~.,'41" R-1 ""' .; > R-1 R-4 R-4 R-,8 [';s --·! "Cl . s:=: <'2-..,,. - _:z:; R-4 E 112th Pl. R-8 E6 • 10 T23N RSE E 1/2 R-1~ · ~ NE 26th Slz __ J • SE 104t SE 113th D6 3 T23N R5E E l/2 ... , Centre Pointe Consulting, 206 Railroad Avenue North Kent, WA 98032 253-813-1901 Thursday, September 13, 2007 2:05:32 PM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2919\2919.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 7 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 588 N87°49'15"W 384 S01°25'0l"W 382 387°49' 15"E 381 N02°10'45"E 459 S87°49'15"E 399 N01°37'03"E 67 6 N39°16 1 l6"E 588 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance LOT New LOT Total traverse length Total error of closure 96.21 140.01 65.04 5.50 1. 21 96.10 lot corn 48.15 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 187645. 984 40 0+96.21 187649.64273 2+36.22 187509.67555 3+01.26 187507.20243 3+06.76 187512.69846 3+07.97 187512.65245 4+04.07 187608.71416 4+52.22 187645. 98993 0.00553 -0.00023 S02°24'48"E 0.00554 452.22 (452.22) 1/81646 1/81718 1/1938944 9874.856 SQ FT 0.227 ACRES Easting Elevation 1315510. 88370 0.00 1315414.74328 1315411.28114 1315476.27410 1315476.48323 0.00 1315477.69236 1315480.40497 1315510. 88347 0.00 "' Centre Pointe Consulting, 206 Railroad Avenue North Kent, WA ·98032 253-813-1901 Thursday, September 13, 2007 2:05:32 PM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2919\2919.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: LOT 49 Point Number Bearing Description Distance 590 LOT Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 302 LOT S73°10'55"W 18.23 589 LOT S2l 0 l3'20"W 86.49 588 LOT N87°49'15"W 66.84 592 LOT N21°12'18 11 E 96. 95 593 LOT N73°10'55"E 79.11 590 LOT Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 187761. 79660 1315554. 88050 0.00 445 187752.66785 1315593.82490 Cale CL 40.00 ' 44°29'37" Left 31. 06 S09°03'16"E 30.29 2.98 3.22 143°14'22" Arc Definition 16.36 187745.86662 0+31.06 187731.88404 0+49.30 187726. 6094 9 1+35.79 187645.98494 2+02.63 187648.52649 2+99.58 187738. 91223 3+78.68 187761.80140 0.00480 0.01044 S65°18'52"W 0.01148 377.91 (378.68) 1/32904 1/78788 1/36214 7196. 742 SQ FT 0.165 ACRES 1315551.14642 1315559.64733 0.00 1315542 .19705 0.00 1315510.88887 0.00 1315444.09721 0.00 13154 79 .164 60 0.00 1315554.89094 0.00 • ' Centre Pointe Consulting, 206 Railroad Avenue North Kent, WA 98032 253-813-1901 Thursday, September 13, 2007 2:05:32 PM NEW PROJECT PROJECT: G:\2919\2919.pro CLOSURE REPORT Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: NEW LOT A Point Number Bearing Description Distance 590 LOT Center Point: Radius: Delta: Arc Length: Chord Bearing: Chord Length: Middle Ordinate: External: Deg of Curvature: Tangent: Curve PI: 302 LOT S73°10'55"W 589 LOT S21°13'20 11 W 588 LOT S39°16'16"W 2206 N88°59'15"W 2205 18.23 86. 4 9 14.45 ' 62. 55 ' N21"12'18"E 110.49 593 LOT N73°10 1 55''E 79.11 I 590 LOT Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance Total traverse length Total error of closure Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area Sta Northing Easting Elevation 0+00.00 187761.79660 1315554.88050 0.00 445 187752.66785 1315593.82490 Cale CL 40.00 ' 44°29'37" Left 31. 06 S09°03 1 l6 11 E 30.29 2. 98 3. 22 ' 143°14'22'' Arc Definition 16.36 ' 187745.86662 0+31.06 187731. 88404 0+49.30 187726. 60949 1+35.79 187645. 98494 1+50.24 187634.79833 2+12. 79 187635.90363 3+23.28 187738.91260 4+02.39 187761.80177 0.00517 0.01265 S67°46'51"W 0.01366 401.61 (402.39) 1/29396 1/77737 1/317 54 7979.499 SQ FT 0.183 ACRES 1315551.14642 1315559. 64733 1315542 .19705 1315510.88887 1315501. 74216 1315439.20192 1315479.16681 1315554.89315 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Centre Pointe Consultirig, 206 Railroad Avenue North Kent, WA 98032 253-813-1901 Thursday, September 13, 2007 2:05:32 PM NEW PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PROJECT: G:\2919\2919.pro Coordinate values shown are computed based on the rounded bearing and distance, or chord bearing and chord lengths as indicated herein. Boundary Name: NEW LOT B Point Number Bearing Description Distance 2206 N88°59'15"W 2205 N21°12'18"E 592 N87°49' 15"W 384 S01°25'0l"W 382 S87°49 1 15 11 E 381 N02°10 1 45 11 E 459 S87°49'15"E 399 N01°37'03"E 676 N39°16'16"E 2206 Closing latitude Closing departure Closing bearing Closing distance LOT New Total traverse length Total error of closure 62.55 13.54 29.37 140.01 65.04 5. 50 1.21 96.10 lot corn 33.70 Error of closure in latitude Error of closure in departure Area Area ' ' ' ' ' ' Sta Northing 0+00.00 187634. 79627 0+62.55 187635.90157 0+76.09 187648.52480 1+05.46 187649.64158 2+45.47 187509. 67439 3+10.52 187507.20128 3+16.02 187512.69731 3+17.22 187512. 65130 4+13.32 187608.71300 4+47.02 187634. 80218 0.00590 0.00198 S18°31'51"W 0.00623 447.02 (447.02) 1/71794 1/75720 1/225900 9092.099 SQ FT 0.209 ACRES Easting Elevation 1315501. 73572 1315439.19549 131544 4. 09299 0.00 1315414. 74423 1315411.28209 1315476.27505 1315476.48418 0.00 1315477.69331 1315480.40592 1315501.73770 ' To: The Talon Group The Talon Group a Division of First American Title Insurance Co. 11400 SE 8th St, Ste 250 Bellevue, WA 98004 TITLE AND SETTLEMENT SERVICES TITLE UNIT 1 Tim Daniels unitl@talonnw.com Phn (425) 635-2100 (800) 497-0123 Fax (425) 635-2101 (800) 497-4750 Please send King County recording packages to: The Talon Group 11400 SE 8th Street, Suite 250 Bellevue, WA 98004 Executive Real Estate Inc 40 Lake Bellevue Dr Ste 100 Bellevue, WA 98005-2480 Attn: Julie Taylor File No.: 1081138 Your Ref No.: Taylor/KBS Development Corporation Re: Property Address: 5315 NE 17th Place, Renton, WA 98059 Seller/Owner: KBS Development Corporation COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SECOND REPORT Issued by First American Title Insurance Company, through its Division, The Talon Group IMPORTANT NOTICE Per House Bill 1240, effective July 1st, 2005, the nontaxable excise affidavit processing fee will increase to $10; taxable transactions will require $5 in addition to the tax payment. Effective July 22, 2007, the recording fee for a typical document will be $40 for the first page, with the exception of Deeds of Trust being $41 for the first page. The recording fee for exempt documents starts at $12 (for example; Assignments, Appointment of Successor Trustee). Please keep in mind there is a $1 per document return postage fee for recorded documents. Tim Daniels, Vjce President 1 The Talon Group a Division of First American Title Insur<1nce Co. Commitment No.: 1081138 Title Inquiries should be directed to: Title Unit 1 at ( 425)635-2100 -(800)497-0123 5CHEDULEA 1. Effective Date: August 20, 2007 at 7:30 A.M. 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: AMOUNT PREMIUM TAX General Schedule Rate ALTA 1992 Standard Policy $ 14,705.00 $ 350.00 $ 31.15 Proposed Insured: Julie A. Taylor and Robert G. Taylor, wife and husband Simultaneous Issue Rate Extended Mortgagee's Coverage $ To Follow $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Proposed Insured: To Follow 3. (A) The estate or interest in the land described in this Commitment is: A fee simple. (B) Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: KBS Development Corporation, a Washington Corporation as to Parcel A and Robert G. Taylor and Julie Ann Taylor, husband and wife as to Parcel B 4. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: See Exhibit A attached hereto Page 2 of 13 ALTA Plain Language Commitment ; The Talon Group a Division of First American Title Insur a, ,ce Co. Commitment No.: 1081138 Exhibit "A" Real property in the County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: PARCEL A: LOT 7 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-135, SPHL-H AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070523900007, CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: LOT 49 OF THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (ALSO KNOWN AS WINDSTONE), ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 230 OF PLATS, PAGE 61 AND RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 20051020000337, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Tax Parcel Number: 032305-9270-09 and 802977-0490-05 Form No. 1068-2 Page 3 of 13 ALTA Plain Language Commitment • The Talon Group a Division of First American Title Insura,,ce Co. SCHEDULE B SECTION I GENERAL EXCEPTIONS Commitment No.: 1081138 Any Policy we issue will have the following exceptions unless they are taken care of to our satisfaction. 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. (A) Unpatented mining claims; (B) Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (C) Water rights, claims or title to water; whether or not the matters excepted under (A), (B) or (C) are shown by the public records; (D) Indian Tribal Codes or Regulations, Indian Treaty or Aboriginal Rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. 6. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or materials or medical assistance heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. Schedule B General Exceptions will be eliminated from any A.LT.A. Extended Coverage Policy, A.LT.A. Extended Coverage Policy, A.LT.A. Plain Language Policy and Policies with EAGLE protection added. However, the same or similar exceptions may be made in Schedule B of those Policies in conformity with Schedule B Special Exceptions of this Commitment. Form No. 1068-2 ALTA Plain Language Commitment End of Schedule B Section I Page 4 of 13 The Talon Group a Division of First American Title Insura, ,ce Co. SCHEDULE B SECTION II SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS Commitment No.: 1081138 Any policy we issue will have the following exceptions unless they are taken care of to our satisfaction. The printed exceptions and exclusions from the coverage of the policy or policies are set forth in Exhibit A attached. Copies of the policy forms should be read. They are available from the office which issued this Commitment. 1. Lien of the Real Estate Excise Sales Tax and Surcharge upon any sale of said premises, if unpaid. As of the date herein, the excise tax rate for the City of Renton is at 1.78 %. Levy/Area Code: 2163 For all transactions recorded on or after July 1, 2005: • A fee of $10.00 will be charged on all exempt transactions; • A fee of $5.00 will be charged on all taxable transactions in addition to the excise tax due. 2. General Taxes for the year 2007. The first half becomes delinquent after April 30th. The second half becomes delinquent after October 31st. Tax Account No.: 032305-9270-09 1st Half Amount Billed: $ 1,533.69 Amount Paid: $ 1,533.69 Amount Due: $ 0.00 Assessed Land Value: $ 37,500.00 Assessed Improvement Value: $ 245,000.00 2nd Half Amount Billed: $ 1,533.71 Amount Paid: $ 0.00 Amount Due: $ 1,533.71 Assessed Land Value: $ 37,500.00 Assessed Improvement Value: $ 245,000.00 (Affects Parcel A) 3. General Taxes for the year 2007. The first half becomes delinquent after April 30th. The second half becomes delinquent after October 31st. Tax Account No.: 802977-0490-05 Amount Billed: Amount Paid: Amount Due: Assessed Land Value: Assessed Improvement Value: Amount Billed: Form No. 1068-2 ALTA Plain Language Commitment 1st Half $ 2,344.92 $ 2,344.92 $ 0.00 $ $ 165,000.00 269,000.00 2nd Half $ 2,344.92 Page 5 of 13 J The Talon Group a Division of First American Title Insura, ,ce Co. Commitment No.: 1081138 Amount Paid: $ Amount Due: $ Assessed Land Value: $ Assessed Improvement Value: $ (Affects Parcel B) 0.00 2,344.92 165,000.00 269,000.00 4. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof. Grantor/Trustor: KBS III LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company Grantee/Beneficiary: Washington Federal Savings, a United States Corporation Trustee: Washington Services, Inc., a Washington Corporation Amount: $284,000.00 Recorded: March 03, 2003 Recording Information: 20030303001422 (Affects Parcel A and other property) Modification and/or amendment by instrument: Recording Information: 20050317002221 and 20060315001278 5. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof. Grantor/Trustor: KBS Development Corporation, a Washington Corporation Grantee/Beneficiary: Washington Federal Savings, a United States Corporation Trustee: Washington Services, Inc., a Washington Corporation Amount: $2,850,000.00 Recorded: October 07, 2005 Recording Information: 20051007001585 (Affects Parcel A and other property) Modification and/or amendment by instrument: Recording Information: 20060208002290 6. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof. Grantor/Trustor: Robert G. Taylor and Julie A. Taylor, husband and wife Grantee/Beneficiary: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., "MERS" solely as Trustee: Amount: Recorded: Recording No.: (Affects Parcel B) a nominee for Homestar Lending, a Washington Corporation, its successors and assigns Talon Group $365,000.00 January 18, 2007 20070118001060 7. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof. Grantor/Trustor: Grantee/Beneficiary: Trustee: Amount: Recorded: Form No. 1068-2 ALTA Plain Language Commitment Robert G. Taylor and Julie A. Taylor National City Bank The Talon Group $220,500.00 January 18, 2007 Page 6 of 13 The Talon Group a Division of First American Title Insura, ,ce Co. Commitment No.: 1081138 Recording No.: 20070118001061 Note: This Deed of Trust contains Line of Credit privileges. If the current balance owing on said obligation is to be paid in full in the forthcoming transaction, confirmation should be made that the beneficiary will issue a proper request for full reconveyance. (Affects Parcel B) 8. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof. Grantor/Trustor: Robert G. Taylor and Julie Ann Taylor, husband and wife Grantee/Beneficiary: Citibank, N.A., a National Banking Association Trustee: First American Title Company Amount: $322,900.00 Recorded: April 11, 2007 Recording No.: 20070411000822 Note: This Deed of Trust contains Line of Credit privileges. If the current balance owing on said obligation is to be paid in full in the forthcoming transaction, confirmation should be made that the beneficiary will issue a proper request for full reconveyance. (Affects Parcel B) 9. Reservations and exceptions, including the terms and conditions thereof: Reserving: Minerals Reserved By: Northern Pacific Railroad Company Recorded: August 17, 1906 Recording Information: 411867 10. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 6092233 For: Ingress, egress, utilities and drainage, over, across, under and upon the land 11. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: 12. Recording Information: 8605230993 For: Ingress and egress over and through the land Easement, including terms and Recorded: Recording Information: In Favor Of: For: provisions contained therein: August 15, 1986 8608151325 Puget Sound Energy, Inc., a Washington corporation Electric transmission and/or distribution system 13. Conditions, notes, easements, provisions contained and/or delineated on the face of the Survey recorded January 27, 1987 under Recording No. 8701279027, in King County, Washington. Form No. 1068·2 Page 7 of 13 ALTA Plain Language commitment The Talon Group a Division of first American Title Insurance Co. Commitment No.: 1081138 14. 15. 16. Terms, covenants, conditions and restrictions as contained in recorded Lot Line Adjustment (Boundary Line Revisions): Recorded: Recording Informaton: September 10, 1992 9209101022 Terms, covenants, conditions and restrictions as contained in recorded Lot Line Adjustment (Boundary Line Revisions): Recorded: Recording Informaton: July 02, 2002 20020702900007 Easement Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: Clifford and Cindy McClelland, a marital community And: KBS III, L.L.C., a Washington Limited Liability Company and/or successors or assigns Recording Information: 20020807000276 17. Easement Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: And: Recording Information: Virginia Luck, a single woman KBS III, L.L.C., a Washington Limited Liability Company 20040629002394 18. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Memorandum of Agreement" Recorded: Apri I 29, 2004 Recording No.: 20040429000792 19. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Memorandum of Agreement" 20. Recorded: September 24, 2004 Recording No.: 20040924000680 The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled Hookup Agreement" Recorded: Recording No.: March 18, 2005 20050318000897 "Termination of Easement and 21. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Memorandum of Agreement" Recorded: June 21, 2005 Recording No.: 20050621002061 22. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Declaration of Sewer Easement" Recorded: September 15, 2005 Recording No.: 20050915000018 23. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and/or easements; but deleting any covenant, condition or restriction indicating a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national origin to the extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violate Title 42, Section 3604(c), of the United States Codes: Recording Information: 20051020000338 Page 8 of 13 ALTA Plain Language Commitment The Talon Group a Division of First American Title Insurc11Ce Co. Commitment No.: 1081138 Modification and/or amendment by instrument: Recording Information: 20051207002324 and 20070523002223 24. Provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Windstone Homeowners Association, and any tax, fee, assessments or charges as may be levied by said association. 25. Any and all offers of dedication, conditions, restrictions, easements, fence line/boundary discrepancies, notes and/or provisions shown or disclosed by the filed or recorded map referred to in the legal description. As to the Plat of Stone Ridge (also known as Windstone recorded in Volume 230 of Plats, Page 61) 26. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 20051201000095 In Favor of: City of Renton, a Washington Municipal Corporation, its successors and assigns For: Temporary access 27. Any and all offers of dedication, conditions, restrictions, easements, fence line/boundary discrepancies, notes and/or provisions shown or disclosed by City of Renton Short Plat LUA-04- 135, SPHL-H recorded under recording number 20070523900007 . 28. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 20060808001642 In Favor of: KBS Development Corporation and/or its successors or assigns For: Slope and construction 29. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 20060914001333 In Favor of: City of Renton, a Washington Municipal Corporation, its successors and assigns For: Access 30. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and/or easements; but deleting any covenant, condition or restriction indicating a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national origin to the extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violate Title 42, Section 3604(c), of the United States Codes: Recording Information: 20070523002220 31. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and/or easements; but deleting any covenant, condition or restriction indicating a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national origin to the extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violate Title 42, Section 3604(c), of the United States Codes: Recording Information: 20070523002221 Form No. 1068~2 Page 9 of 13 ALTA Plain Language Commitment • • The Talon Group a Division of First American Title Ins,...,ance Co. Commitment No.: 1081138 32. Easement, including tenms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 20070523002222 In Favor of: City of Renton, a Washington Municipal Corporation For: Emergency vehicle access 33. Agreement for Easement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: King County Water District No. 90, a Municipal Corporation of King County, Washington And: KBS Development Corporation, a Washington Corporation Recording Infonmation: 20070612001236 NOTES A. Effective January 1, 1997, and pursuant to amendment of Washington State Statutes relating to standardization of recorded documents, the following format and content requirements must be met. Failure to comply may result in rejection of the document by the recorder. B. Any sketch attached hereto is done so as a courtesy only and is not part of any title commitment or policy. It is furnished solely for the purpose of assisting in locating the premises and First American expressly disclaims any liability which may result from reliance made upon it. C. The description can be abbreviated as suggested below if necessary to meet standardization requirements. The full text of the description must appear in the document(s) to be insured. LOT 7, CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-135, SPHL-H, REC. 20070523900007 AND LOT 49, PLAT OF STONE RJDGE (AKA WINDSTONE), VOL. 230, P. 61. APN: 032305-9270-09 APN: 802977-0490-05 D. The following deeds affecting the property herein described have been recorded within 24 months of the effective date of this commitment: 20060125001785, 20060929002788 and 20070118001059 E. According to the application for title insurance, title is to vest in Julie A. Taylor and Robert G. Taylor, wife and husband .. Examination of the records discloses no matters pending against said party(ies). F. All matters regarding extended coverage have been cleared for mortgagee's policy. The coverage contemplated by this paragraph will not be afforded in any forthcoming owner's standard coverage policy to be issued. Property Address: 5315 NE 17th Place, Renton, WA 98059 End of Schedule B Section II Form No. 1068-2 ALTA Plain Language Commitment Page 10 of 13 • The Talon Group a Division of First American Title In~~· ance Co. Commitment No.: 1081138 SCHEDULE B REQUIREMENTS (A) Pay the agreed amounts for the interest in the land and/or the mortgage to be insured. (B) Pay us the premiums, fees and charges for the policy. (C) Documents satisfactory to us creating the interest in the land and/or the mortgage to be insured must be signed, delivered and recorded: (D) You must tell us in writing the name of anyone not referred to in this Commitment who will get an interest in the land or who will make a loan on the land. We may then make additional requirements or exceptions. (E) Releases(s) or Reconveyance(s) of Item(s): (F) Dther: (G) You must give us the following information: 1. Any off record leases, surveys, etc. 2. Statement(s) of Identity, all parties. 3. Other: Form No. 1068-2 ALTA Plain Language Commitment End of Schedule B Requirements Page 11 of 13 • The Talon Group a Division of First American Title Insu, ... nce Co. Commitment No.: 1081138 CONDITIONS 1. DEFINmONS. (a) "Mortgage" means mortgage, deed of trust or other security instrument. (b) "Public Records" means title records that give constructive notice of matters affecting the title according to the state law where the land is located. 2. LATER DEFECTS. The Exceptions in Schedule B -Section II may be amended to show any security interests, defects, liens or encumbrances that appear for the first time in the public records or are created or attached between the Commitment Date and the date on which all of the Requirements (a) and (c) of Schedule B -Requirements are met. The Company shall have no liability to you because of this amendment. 3. EXISTING DEFECTS If any defects, liens or encumbrances existing at Commitment Date are not shown in Schedule B, we may amend Schedule B to show them. If we do amend Schedule B to show these defects, liens or encumbrances, we shall be liable to you according to Paragraph 4 below unless you knew of this information and did not tell us about it in writing. 4. LIMITATION OF OUR LIABILITY Our only obligation is to issue the Policy referred to in this Commitment, when you have met its Requirements. If we have any liability to you for any loss incurred because of an error in this Commitment, our liability will be limited to the actual losses caused by your relying on this Commitment when you acted in good faith to: comply with the Requirements shown in Schedule B -Requirements or eliminate with our written consent any Exceptions shown in Schedule B -Section II. We shall not be liable for more than the Policy Amount show in Schedule A of this Commitment and our liability is subject to the terms of the Policy form to be issued to you. 5. CLAIMS MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT Any claim, whether or not based on negligence, which you may have against us concerning the title to the land must be based on this Commitment and is subject to its terms. Form No. 1068-2 Page 12 of 13 ALTA Plain Language Commitment • ' , The Talon ~oup ESCROW AND TITLE SERVICES PRIVACY POLICY We Are Committed to Safeguarding Customer Information In order to better serve your needs now and in the future, we may ask you to provide us with certain information. We understand that you may be concerned about what we will do with such information -particularly any personal or financial information. We agree that you have a right to know how we will utilize the personal information you provide to us. Therefore, together with our parent company, The First American Corporation, we have adopted this Privacy Policy to govern the use and handling of your personal information. Applicability This Privacy Policy governs our use of the information which you provide to us. It does not govern the manner in which we may use information we have obtained from any other source, such as information obtained from a public record or from another person or entity. First American has also adopted broader guidelines that govern our use of personal information regardless of its source. First American calls these guidelines its Fair Information Values, a copy of which can be found on our website at www.firstam.com. Types of Information Depending upon which of our services you are utilizing, the types of nonpublic personal information that we may collect include: • Information we receive from you on applications, forms and in other communications to us, whether in writing, in person, by telephone or any other means; • Information about your transactions with us, our affiliated companies, or others; and • Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency. Use of Information We request information from you for our own legitimate business purposes and not for the benefit of any nonaffiliated party. Therefore, we will not release your information to nonaffiliated parties except: (1) as necessary for us to provide the product or service you have requested of us; or (2) as permitted by law. We may, however, store such information indefinitely, including the period after which any customer relationship has ceased. Such information may be used for any internal purpose, such as quality control efforts or customer analysis. We may also provide all of the types of nonpublic personal information listed above to one or more of our affiliated companies. Such affiliated companies include financial service providers, such as title insurers, property and casualty insurers, and trust and investment advisory companies, or companies involved in real estate services, such as appraisal companies, home warranty companies, and escrow companies. Furthermore, we may also provide all the information we collect, as described above, to companies that perform marketing services on our behalf, on behalf of our affiliated companies, or to other financial institutions with whom we or our affiliated companies have joint marketing agreements. Former Customers Even if you are no longer our customer, our Privacy Policy will continue to apply to you. Confidentiality and Security We will use our best efforts to ensure that no unauthorized parties have access to any of your information. We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those individuals and entities who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. We will use our best efforts to train and oversee our employees and agents to ensure that your information will be handled responsibly and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and First American's Fair Information Values. We currently maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. Form No. 1068-2 ALTA Plain Language Commitment © 2001 The First American Corporation • All Rights Resesved © 2003 The Talon Group , All Rights Reserved Page 13 of 13 Printed: 10-04-2007 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA07-120 10/04/2007 01 :52 PM Receipt Number: R0705342 Total Payment: 450.00 Payee: JULIE AND ROBERT TAYLOR Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 450.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 5720 450. 00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 650. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.l Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 •• , VOLUME/PAGE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT FILE NO. LUA-__ -___ -LLA//LAND RECORD NO. LND-__ A PORTION OF THE DECLARATION: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNER(S) OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.040 AND DECLARE THIS ADJUSTMENT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SAME, AND THAT SAID ADJUSTMENT IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF THE OWNER(S). IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF -----~ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON THIS DAY OF 2007. BEFORE ME. THE UNDERSIGNED. A NOTARY PUBLIC. PERSONALLY APPEARED TO ME KNOWN TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHO EXECUTED THE FOREGOING DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT SIGNED THE SAME AS ____ FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED. -.. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THE DAY ANO YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. STATE OF WASHINGTON NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT-----------~ ) ) ss COUNTY OF _____ __, THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON THIS DAY OF 2007, BEFORE ME. THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY APPEARED TO ME KNOWN TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHO EXECUTED THE FOREGOING DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT SIGNED THE SAME AS ____ FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED. WITNESS MY HANO AND OFFICIAL SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. RESIDING AT-----------~ NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 03, TWP. 23N., WASHINGTON CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT .A:. LOT 49 OF THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (AKA WINDSTONEJ PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 230 OF PLATS. AT PAGES 61 THROUGH 65, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. LOT B: LOT 7 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. LUA-04-135-SHPL-H AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070523900007, CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1) 4) THE MONUMENT CONTROL SHOWN FOR THIS SITE WAS ACCOMPLISHED BY FIELD TRAVERSE UTILIZING A ONE (1) SECOND THEODOLITE WITH INTEGRAL ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING METER (GEODIMETER 600) AND REAL TIME KINEMATIC (RTK) / STATIC GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS). LINEAR AND ANGULAR CLOSURE OF THE TRAVERSES MEET THE STANDARDS OF WAC 332-130-090. FULL RELIANCE FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS AND RECORDED EASEMENTS HAVE BEEN PLACED ON THE TITLE REPORT FROM THE TALON GROUP TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT ORDER N0.1081138, DATED JULY 11, 2007. NO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH HAS BEEN ATTEMPTED. 3) OFFSET DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO PROPERTY LINES. 4) THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS AS THEY EXISTED SEPTEMBER 24, 2007, THE DATE OF THIS FIELD SURVEY. BASIS OF BEARING: PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (AKA WINDSTONE) RECORDED IN VOLUME 230 OF PLATS. AT PAGES 61 THROUGH 65, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. APPROVALS: EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ----DAY OF --------2007. CITY OF RENTON ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS: EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF --------2007. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR RNG. 5E. W. M. w z l1J > <( ...J ..J <( > ::i D I'll:. sut--1sE.i w (/) ~ w en SE 100TH ST L1J > <( I SE 102TH ST I-co 'ST ..... ~ w SE 105TH PL z L1J > <( VICINITY MAP 1/4 mile= 1" . -BENCHMARK: . FOUND MONUMENT INCASED AT STREET INTERSECTION OF 148TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST AND SOUTHEAST 112TH STREET. KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT NO. 3725. ELEVATION: 467.77 FEET. VERTICAL DATUM: CITY OF RENTON. RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS: SEE CONTROL SKETCH ON THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (AKA WINDSTONE) RECORDED IN VOLUME 230 OF PLATS, AT PAGES 61 THROUGH 65, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. DEVELOPMEl\ff PLANNiMG .. , ·JF RE!\ff()t,.l OCT -1t 2007 1!!:z·_(;EIVED RECORDING CERTIFICATE: Recording No.----------------- LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: This map correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the Survey Recording Act at the request of Robert Taylor in August, 2007. CEN7J;E i NT E INDEX DATA: NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: Robert Taylor Filed for record this ___ day of-----~ 2007 at_._ _.M. in book ~-of Surveys at page ~-at the request of Stephen H Woods Manager Superintendent of Records Step~;r!l Certificate No. 38965 Consultants. Im:.. P.S. 206 Railroad Avenue North -Kent, WA 98032 253-813-1901 rnain 253-813-1908 fax DRAWN BY: L Nguyen CHECKED BY: s Woods DATE: October 3, 2007 JOB NO.: 2919 SCALE: 1 .. 500' DRAWING NAJ.!E: 2919 - 5315 Northeast 17th Place Renton. WA 98059 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 1 OF 2 ' ' LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT FILE NO. LUA-__ -___ -LLA//LAND RECORD NO. LND-__ A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 03, TWP. 23N., WASHINGTON RNG. 5E. W. M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, \ \ \ \ -i.\. \ \ SSMH \ \ \ \ . \ 'I,\. \ \ \ \ \. \. \. ~!M p~~ 9N~2 439. 58 IE'\ a• PVC SE 439.53 IE \. 8' PVC W 439.61 IE ~1-----.. Found brass disk I with "X" in 4" x 4" concrete post, incased-:'-~- / I / CB \ ,A5 ____. · / AIM 449.26 26' Private Road r ____.____.-----~6" .PVC W 446.16 IE ~~ & LJt i 1i t y \ ____. ____. ,.,. -ry r:L: 2 PVC SE 446. 26 IE • <::. • Easement. 45 ____.J.~-----cP~ i;.~<f ____. ____. \ S75. "8." ~ V' ------..,, c:8"£ ____. ____. I tr." ---4o. oo . ... :0 .. -~ -----• 0 ,, .I> " ~~--~ • I . .1>W . ____. ____. 'a> 19 · \ \ J.---____. ~ • ..... / r;i ____. ____. LACS . \O • 1:>1:t<c. \ ____. ____. \ o ~ g / r,.t:i .1:1 1'fll p . . \\13 ____. L-____. '1-" \ ~ '4 · / ~'o·<:-1 ...---: ____. ____. 1580 \.iSso \ / . r,.'> \\'t 5"'c.\ \. \. \. \. \. ".. ".. ------... / / CB " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "' ' ' ' ' ' -----\-----~<t:>'o \',o»e\\\e 3. \\l. ".l ·2.:~· . \'l.'t'I :1 \e· ()' \)'c.' ~ / TYPE II ' \ ,IV . Lot A ~ A _Ji80 /{j '1/VLM 48 15' PRIVATE WATER EASEMENT REC NO. 20040631000578 & REC. N0.20050607001536 z 1-1 _J 3: BUILDING . 1700 SQ. FT. ------ · ADJUSTED AREA g 783 SQ FT Ki 0.018 ACRES LU z F"""-r..,_~_, ........... v, C (/J .... i::, <ti a, '-; U) Ll..,. "' u cxc ·rl •r-t : ~ .. X OJ ; c......, ..... w . -0 . I!) to .... w ' ,..._ I!) . -{TJ • -0 z r I "" . -0 . C, I u w C I ..,. -L-,_ ' Lot B I i3 I ~, -, I I _J (!) z .... C .J 1-1 => m . 0 -. to a, w • {TJ C, . ,..._ {TJ . -0 z . I!) ..,. U ~ 0 c~ u ~-~ooc •o 0·"0 (\JI!) u.uu S87'49'15"E 1.21' SS O . SSSD ~Ztn S87'49'15"E 65.04' ----~---;:.;;.:.~~!.!;.~~--~t.1.iater meter' CATCH BASIN ,'-<J I . in I~ =====tiiF!:===---RIM 467. 54 6" PVC N 465.19 IE ru ' IO . I ru NE 16TH ST in· in 12" ADS W 464.95 IE ru ci 12" ADS E 164. B9 IE WV 'TL)A /\I I r\r,v I 425. o 7 • cri SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ~~~~®~~-;-t;;==::=====~~t-A!M 469. 53 62. 67 ··.1 S87'49'15"E 4 -8" PVC W 462.77 IE 87.74' -a· PVC E 462.50 IE Found "X" in brass __ disk in 4" x 4• in concrete, incased LAOOEA ml NORTH SIDE / AIM 447. 75 ' --... __..,.,,... 12' PVC WNW 444.61 IE '- ATCH BAS; --12' PVC SW 444.61 IE '-'- 12" ADS NE 446.36 IE 12' PVC NE 444.55 IE '- ' <t' 11{._ ... II I EXPIRES '- ' ' Legend: = Found "X" in brass disk in 4" x 4" concrete post in monument case. • -Set #4 rebar with yellow plastic cap stamped CPS INC. 22338. .... ~ k, wl • • (} - - - - - - - \.'Jater blow off \.'Ji:J t er' meter (\AIM) ~~ater va 1 ve (\.'IV) Catch basin (CB) Storm Stub out (SSO) Sanitary sewer manhole Sanitary sewer stub CENTRE p out (SSMH) (SSSO) Consultants, Im:., P.S. 206 Railroad Avenue North -Kent, WA 98032 253-813-1901 main 253-813-1908 fax DRAWN BY: L Nguyen CHECKED BY: s Woods DATE: October 3, 2007 JOB NO.: 2919 SCALE: 1 " 30' DRAWING NAME: 2919 - SCALE: 1 '' 30' Areas: Old Lot A: Lot B: Total: New Lot A: Lot B: Total: INDEX DATA: Square Ft. 7197 9875 17072 Square Ft. 7980 9092 17072 NE-SE 03, T23N, SURVEY FOR: Robert Taylor 5315 Northeast 17th Renton, WA 98059 Acres 0. 165 0.227 0.392 Acres 0. 183 0.209 0.392 Place VOLUME/PAGE it~~ ..... · t .,~, lf'u.c_ i _ ,.,, ti ,• #J. -· ""'"'.:\!J •.. ~c/':• . :JJ -, ii.' "' ' u " . KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 2 OF 2 ,-_.,.,.,,,,. .. ,..,.,I, ,, , '"' -11 1-l ------------------------------------------------------,·----------------------------·--------... --------, ..... ------......... VOLUME/PAGE LOT LINE·· ADJlJSTMENT FILE NO. LUA-07-120-LLA// LAI~D l~ECORD NO. LND-30-0335 A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/lr OF SEC. 03, TWP. 23N., WASHINGTON DECLARATION: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED-OWNER(S) OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.040 ANO DECLARE THIS ADJUSTMENT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SAME. ANO THAT SAID ADJUSTMENT IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF THE OWNER(S)., IN WITNES HEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS ANO SEALS. Robert Taylor ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) I/ ) ss COUNTY OF _._~._l'"""'fv--"C::,---~~> THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON THIS /'iJ-fli. DAY OF ,4PB,1L . 2008, BEFORE ME. THE UNOfRSIGNED. A NOTARY PUBLIC. PERSONALLY APPEARED~~ Y{ o~£LT ot' JIJL\€. -n..,11...o~ TO ME KNOWN TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHO EXECUTED THE FOREGOING DECLARATION AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT JH<.Y SIGNED THE SAME AS JH:£/IZ, FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED. \ \ WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THE DAY ANO YEA,R 1 FIRST ABO~BUJJ;N .. _ . ~=----""'· ,· . """""~,~·,,. ·' · .. ·--.-,-----·~,---. ---.---.--='"-= ----.....,..,__ --' __ ... ., STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 1/ K°l\JA . )) ss COUNTY OF ~l\.;,~~""----d-~~-'· ON THIS ;l.liiJl DAY OF flf~j1_. , 2008. BEFORE ME. THE UNDERSIGNED. A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE ·oF WASHINGTON. DULY COMMISSIONED AND SWORN, PERSONALLY APPEAREo}(Ot..,pv~.:nt,u,d TO ME PERSONALLY KNOWN (OR PROVEN ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTGllY EVIDENCE) TO BEAfHE, /tJ'1JtP£1'{ OF l(GSSJF, /.,1,C.. • THE CORPORATION THAT EXECUTED THE WITHIN AND FOREGOING DECLARATION, ANO ACKNOWLEDGED SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE ANO VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION, FOR THE USES THE PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED. AND ON OATH STATED THAT HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE SAID DECLARATION AND THAT THE SEAL AFFIXED. IF ANY. IS THE CORPORATE SEAL OF SAID CORPORATION. HERETO AFFIXED THE DAY AND YEAR IN THIS /. .···~ ~.~ NOT ARY PUBLEINNO ~ i°HE ST ATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING IN ~AA/P MY COMMigs.I~ EXP.I~. S: .. g,:;£~ Cyr 't ~8 r NOTARY NAME CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, LEGAL DESCRI:PTION: PARCEL A:. LOT 7 OF CITY OF RENTON SHOFIT PLAT LUA-04-'135.:...SHPL-H AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070523900007, CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: LOT 49 OF STONE RIDGE (ALSO KNOWN AS WINDSTONE), ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 230 OF PLATS, PAGES 61 ANO RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 2005j020000337, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SURVEYOR'S r~OTES: 1) THE MONUMENT CONTROL SHOl~N FOR THIS SITE WAS. ACCOMPLISHED BY FIELD TRAVERSE UTILIZING A ONE (1) SECOND THEODOLITE WITH INTEGRAL ELECTRONIC: DISTANCE MEASURING METER (GEOOIMETER 600) ANO REAL TIME KINEMATIC (RTK) / STATIC GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS). LINEAR ANO ANGULAR CLOSURE OF THE TRAVERSE~i MEET THE STANDARDS OF WAC 332-130-090. 4) FULL RELIANCE FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS AND RECORDED EASEMENTS HAVE BEEN PLACED ON THE TITLE REPORT FROM THE TALON GROUP TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT ORDER N0.1081138, DATED MARCH 6, 2008. NO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH HAS BEEN ATTEMPTED. 3) OFFSET DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO PROPERTY LINES. 4) THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS AS THEY EXISTED SEPTEMBER 24. 2007. THE DATE OF THIS FIELD SURVEY. ··-·-.. BASIS OF BEJ\.RING: PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (AKA Wil\!OSTONE) RECORDED IN VOLUME 230 OF PLATS. AT PAGES 61 THROUGH 65, RECOf'.!DS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. APPROVALS: EXAiJWJi THI~.'~ .-Y ___ D_A Y_·_O_F_ -_ -_ ...,,_C°: 1 LA::\1=.e,=· ====~-2008. CITY OF RENTON ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNiNG/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS: EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF 2008. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR BENCHMARK: FOUND MONUMENT INCASED AT STREET INTERSECTION OF 148TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST AND SOUTHEAST 112TH STREET. KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT ND. 3725. ELEVATION: 467.77 FEET. VERTICAL DATUM: CITY OF RENTON. RNG. 5E. ·w.M. RENTON CONTROL MONUMENTS: SEE CONTROL SKETCH ON THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (AKA WINOSTONE) RECORDED IN VOLUME 230 OF PLATS. AT PAGES 61 THROUGH 65, .RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. w z w > <( -' -' <( > :::, 0 \\IE sUl'\5E1 w > <( w (J) SE 100TH ST~ <( J: SE 102TH ST Iii '<I" SE 105TH PL ~ IJj > <( T.E 16TH IW I-(J) U1 "<t _J -.,a_ w _J H ST 2 ?,~~,o~ ISSAQUAH Ro S"-MAY VALLEY COUNTY PARK , VLCINITY __ MAP 1/4 mile= 1"· ,,,__Ima ____________________ ,.._,, ,---------------------------,,,,_ __ ·,--,---.-.!"'~" ,----------------------, ,,!!!!!~!!!'!11---------------------~-----INDEX DATA RECORDING CERTIFICATE: Recording No.---------------- Filed for record this ___ day of _____ __, 2008 at_: __ _.M, in book __ of Surveys at page __ at ttle request of Stephen H Woods Manager Superintendent of Records LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: This map correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the Survey Recording Act at the request of Robert Taylor in August. 2007, '~Al.I st~ods Certificate No. 38965 EXPIRES .5"/ZJ /, CENTRE p '~hJt;..P.B. 206 Railroad Avenue North -Kent, WA 98032 253-813-1901 main 253~813-1908 fax DRAWN BY: L Nguyen CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: JOB NO.: ,2919 Dec. 26, 2007 SCALE: 1 " 500' DRAWING NAME: 2919 - NE-SE 03, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: Robert Taylor 5315 Northeast 17th Place Renton,, WA 98059 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 1 OF 2 .If ··---~-L .. SCALE: 1 '' 30' .-. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT FILE NO. PORTION OF LUA-07-120-LLA/ / LAND RECORD NO. LND-30-0335 A THE NE 1/4 CITY OF OF THE RENTON, SEC. 03, TWP. 23N., RNG. SE 1/ 4 OIi' KING COUNTY, UJ C en ·r-1 u IO OJ '-;;' UJ .0 'SI' IO u C ><C •rl ....... ' ' 'SI' X ru ::, C: 4-J •ri a, 'C c.. C .><: U ::, 00 C 0-..-t 0 l.L..LJ u " ..... 0 . lO (D .... w ' ..... 0 " lO ~ ..... c:, z WASHINGTON \ \ \ '?..\ \ \ \ \ \ \ Found brass disk I \ \ \ \ 7,\ \ \ with "X" in 4" x 4" concrete post. incased_/ -~ 1 1 2 / \ 45 ------/ 26. PRI VA IE RU All \ --/ & UTILITY 26~§i~~~600337 45 _ .,\----er>. / REC. NO. ~. --~-\ 576 _ --\ _w·~~ \ \ \ ' -I i:r. ----. -_ 10. oo. ,-,-:ll ' -~ ".1>" ~~~' \ \ \ \ " " "- ' " "' ' " ' \ I -J>.l>W ? 19. \ )---0 • :--/ ,..r-· ><-"'c. -\ • No >J" . Found brass disk · •\G·lj'"' ----0 "'-Gl / t,.l:l· with 'X" in 4" x 4" 1,-\13 __ -\ 0 · ~ · / ~'(;'~ · ---.:.concrete post, incased " --\ /0..i,.\ ,,... -~ ........ -~~'v / " -'( y< t.i,.st.;i~\331 . \G. 1:,1:i"}\ , / "- " " \ . u,\1..\ '?()()'3\() ~3 \e.i "-/ "- \Cl ~\) ' ./ / " " " '-. ?.t.C,' ........ --" ---" l -r----l LU z H ~' 3:: w z " .... 0 r, . 0 0 I-0 'SI' Z-1t:::, .... WO.a :::E::C<n w Cl) (r) Cl) I nJ <( IO IO W('r)o on f'.. >-I 0 1--'SI' 0 HO(\J _. I H<(Q I-::, z :::, _. " ,u OOLLJ ~zo: LOT A -, I w z 0 0 (r) Lr:J _ J _ ~7_'49_' 15_"E _i.21-' ,___ o . 0 . - 0 on (D 01 w ' (T) 0 . f'.. ~ ..... 0 z "' ~ •o C\I LO 0 . ZIO TDA/\I 1 f\nv f ,,,,, ,- LEGEND: " '-. " " " '-. " . 'V -_ -,-, ..... 1 .;;.;SB;..;.7.'. 4.:.:9;...' .:.:15~":;..E ..::6::;:.5~. 0:.::,4_' -~--....I • -FOUND "X" IN BRASS DISK IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. -SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED CPS INC. 22338. I - ' 0 /o . LO C\I '1LO • C\I 63. 00 ··.1 NE 16TH ST 424. 74' . ID (\J . LO . 0 (T) sa7--4-g · 15 .. ·-E-4_8_7 _. 1-4 • ~ Found "X" in brass--~_} disk in 4" x 4· in r " " " ' VOLUME/PAGE 5E. W.M. EASEMENT NOTES: 1) RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 411867. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS INSUFFICIENT TO DETERMINE AN EXACT LOCATION. 2) MEMORANDUM AGREEMENTS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBERS 20040924000680, 20050621002061 and 20040429000792. 3) A TERMINATION OF EASEMENT ANO HOOKUP AGREEMENTS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20050318000897. 4) A DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE PLAT OF STONE RIDGE (A.K.A WINDSTONE) RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20051020000338. AS MODIFIED BY REC. NO'S 20051207002324, 20050523002223 AND 20071031000895. 5) ANY AND ALL OFFERS OF DEDICATION, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, FENCE LINE/BOUNDARY DISCREPANCIES, NOTES AND/OR PROVISIONS SHOWN OR DISCLOSED BY CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-135, SPHL-H RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070523900007. 6) ANY AND ALL OFFERS OF DEDICATION, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, ~ASEMENTS, FENCE LINE/BOUNDARY DISCREPANCIES. NOTES AND/OR PROVISIONS SHOWN OR DISCLOSED BY CITY OF RENTON PLAT LUA-05-001 FP, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20051020000337. 7) COVENANT, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND/OR EASEMENTS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070523002221. 8) TERMS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS CONTAINED IN RECORDED LOT LINE ADJU 1TMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9209101022. 9) TERMS, COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS .AS CONTAINED IN RECORDED LDT LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020702900007. 10) PROVISIONS IF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BY-LAWS OF THE WINDSTONE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. AREAS: OLD LOT A: LOT B: TOTAL: NEW LOT A: LOT B: TOT AL: ----~--~-- SOUARE FT. 9875 7197 17072 SQUARE FT, 9092 7980 17072 INDEX DATA: ACRES 0.227 0. 165 0.392 ACRES 0.209 0. 183 0.392 NE-SE 03, T23N, SURVEY rnR: R5E, WM concrete, incased Consultants, Inc., P.S. 206 Railroad Avenue North -Kent, WA 98032 253-813-1901 main 253-813-1908 fax Robert Taylor 5315 Northeast 17th Place Renton, WA 98059 ' DRAWN BY: L Nguyen CHECKED BY: s Woods DATE: JOB NO.: 2919 Dec. 26, 2007 SCALE: EXPIRE(,. ' KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON I '---------------------------------------------·"---,---·---..,,,, I 1 .. -30' DRAWING NAME: 2919 SHEET 2 OF 2