HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA 07-121_Report 01CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/ BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: December 12, 2007 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. Project Name: LUA (file} Number: Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Acceptance Date: · Applicant: Owner: Contact: · PIO Number: : ERC Decision Date: ' ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: Appeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: · Date Appealed to HEX: : By Whom: , HEX Decision: · Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Jericho Plat Lot 21 Special Fence Permit LUA-07-121, SF LUA04-031; LUA05-137 Andrea Petzel October 15, 2007 James Kerby, Norris Homes Inc. Same Same 3702950210 November 26, 2007 December 10, 2007 Date: Date: I ' Mylar Recording Number: l Project Description: Applicantion for a Special Fence Permit on a single family lot in the R-a l zone. Applicant requests permission for a six foot fence for a side yard along two streets, Jericho ! Avenue NE and NE 4th Street. Renton Municipal Code allows fences to be 4 feet in height for side yards along a street. Fences are further restricted to 3.5 feet in the clear vision area, or corner, of a lot. Location: 5250 NE 3'ct Place Comments: Greg Bergquist 14425 151st Place SE Renton, WA 98058 tel: (425) 271-1280 (party of record) Andrew Peck 14104 150th Place SE Renton, WA 98059 (party of record) Updated: 10/23/07 PARTIES OF RECORD JERICHO PLAT LOT 21 FENCE LUA07-121, SF Joe Spadoni 16736 125th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98058 James Kerby Norris Homes Inc. 2053 Faben Drive tel: (425) 256-0463 (party of record) Mercer Island, WA 98040 (owner/ applicant/ contact) (Page 1 of 1) + ..i + CIT T OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator ~~~ ~ -~ Kathy Keolker, Mayor ~N~01r-----------------------~ December 12, 2007 James Kerby Norris Homes Inc. 2053 Faben Drive Mercer Island, WA 98040 SUBJECT: Jericho Plat Lot 21 Special Fence Permit LUA07-121, SF Dear Mr. Kerby: This letter is regarding the Administrative Special Fence Permit approval that was issued for the fence located at 5250 NE 3rd Place, on November 26, 2007. The appeal period ended on December I 0, 2007 and no appeals have been filed, therefore, this decision is final. If you have any questions, please contact me at ( 425) 430-7270. Sincerely, / (;~(ffdJ_ Andrea Petzel Associate Planner cc: Greg Bergquist, Joe Spadoni, Andrew Peck I Party(ies) of Record ------l-0-55_S_o_ut_h_G_rad_y_W_a_y_-R-e-n-to-n,-W_a_s-hin-g-ton_9_8_0_57 ______ ~ @ This paper contains 50% recycled mat€rial. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE City of Renton PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE FENCE PERMIT EVALUATION FORM & DECISION Date: November 26, 2007 Project Name: Jericho Plat Lot 21 Special Fence Permit City of Renton File Number: LUA-07-121, SF Project Description: The applicant, Norris Homes, requested a Special Fence Permit to allow for the construction of a 6-foot high fence within the required side yard setback along two streets, Jericho Avenue NE and NE 4th Street for Lot 21 of the Jericho Plat. Renton Municipal Code allows fences to be four feet (4') in height for side yards along a street. Fences are further restricted to 3.5 feet in height in the clear vision area or the corner of a lot. The applicant was advised via a letter on November 6, 2007 to revise the application to meet specified conditions regarding fence height and location, and to provide a detailed landscape plan that would limit the height of vegetation to 42-inches in the Clear Vision Area. The applicant submitted revised fence plans on November 20, 2007. The proposed cedar fence has been redesigned to be 42-inches in height along the corner of the lot in the Clear Vision Area; 48-inches in height for the first 10 feet of the fence as it runs parallel along both NE 4th Street and Jericho Avenue NE; and 72-inches in height for the remainder of the fence. In addition, a revised landscaped plan has been provided for the area in front (or the "streetside" area) of the fence. The applicant proposes a combination of shrubs (1 and 2 gallon size) along the fence including: Azalea 'Hino Crimson' (Hino crimson azalea), Berberis thunbergii 'Crimson Pygmy' (Crimson pygmy barberry), Erica carnea (Springwood Pink Heather), and Viburnum davidii. At maturity, the proposed plantings would achieve heights that would not exceed the top of the fence as proposed. Location: 5250 NE 3rd Place King County Assessor's Property Identification Number: 370295-0210 Owner Name: Norris Homes Inc., James Kerby Applicant Name and Phone Number: James Kerby, Norris Homes, Inc., 2053 Faben Drive, Mercer Island, WA 98040, (206) 275-1903 Fence Location (check ALL applicable boxes): D Front Yard X Side Yard Along a Street D Rear Yard Along A Street X Clear Vision Area Fence Design (Which of the following measures have been employed?): X Permanent Landscaping X Quality Fence Materials X Modulation Of Fencing X Similar To Design and Material of Surrounding Fences X Increased Setbacks From Sidewalks D Ornamental Materials Or Construction Evaluation Criteria (Do the measures checked above satisfy the following objectives): Evaluation Criteria Achieved Not Achieved Improves Privacy X In Scale With Neiohborhood X Limits Blank Walls Alona Walkwavs X Aestheticallv Pleasino X Does Not Create a Traffic Hazard X X Approved D Approved with conditions D Denied Advisory Note: The applicant should contact the 1-Call Center, by dialing 811, to determine the locc1tion of underground utilities (telephone, street lights, cable, electric) which may be located behind the sidewalk. , .. -ttt1 \ :Cfi;, Ht\vyt Ftv tJe-11 W.?rfs Approve by the City of Re n I 1/ Z.l: / 1,c{) 7- Date' ' Development Services Division Director Appeals: Appeals of permit issuance may be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 PM on December 10, 2007. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required $75.00 application fee, to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 south Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Jericho Ave NE Line of Sight 20' l= 38.73' R= 25.00' r--- LI= 88°46'24"_j _j -::::~i==N:::0;0:;0 2;:;5:;;'J:;:J';'E=:;3;:;4:;.9;;;2'~~:;::::i\~ "'_ Util!1Y Esmt .. _ ~ \\ 1 Edge of Walk----' Existing 6 · Cedar Fence I Modulated) ___;SCLL.ll "' f;" 0mg. & land-i8 scape Esmt.--2 .._._ I I L.L L. ' L 11 II ~-~·-· ._ II ....... --~lJ Access Esmt. N00°28'2 I "E 59.41' 1--------'------Existing Fence :z Lot20 Jericho Estates Lot# 21 Scale: 1"=20' ZONING: RB FENCE PLAN Date: 9.25.2007 Setbacks I. Verifl~{lwge is in/in w/ Front 15' appro ING01v1s1 • NORRIS Rev: 11.19.2007 Drive: 20' 2 . Verify erosion contro9N 2053 faben Drive Rev: Rear. 20' Mercer Island. WA 98040 Side Int.: 5' measures • H 0 M E s Tel 206.275.ISDI By: James Kerby Side St.: 15' 3. Field check all norrishmnesim:.com measurements Jericho Ave NE f--, ') ' L= 38.73' R= 25.00' L\= 88°46'24" . Utilitv Esmt. ___ __, ___ _ d--Exisling Fence Proposed 6' CedaoFence (Modulate'{ Cont./---- 1-- (/) lLJ z ) \ Eclge of Wplk __ _, \-..___ '• / ) Existing 6' Cedar Fence {Modulated/~,__,_+--'< C<) ' f< scape Esmt. :z I L. L :, ' -, L .-----, :z a, a, 0 N "' 11 "" I <'. I If l'.3 ff :0: -_ :: ~, _! _____ -:-__ Access I Esmt. Orng. & Land-;g I ~L----,N-,,0'"'0""0 2'"'8:;;'2:;l ,;,:;'E=5:;:,9,=.4;:i,I.,...' ---'---~ ~ . , '-( 2 I/ li.11i1r,i:":1, 'i /J '' ?Z " Jericho Estates Lot# 21 Scale: 1"=20' 5250 NE 3rd Pl Pre/# 370295-0210 • NORRIS .• H O M .. E S 1053 faben Drive Mercer Island. WA 98040 Tel 206.275.ISOI no_rrishm1es_inc.com Date: 9.25.2007 Rev: Rev: By: James Kerby ZONING: RB Se/bocks 1. Fronr.-/5' Drive: 20' 2. Rear. 20· Side Jnt.: 5' Side St.: Is· 3. Lot20 Verily garage is in/ine w/ approach Verify erosion control measures field check all me.osurements LINE OF SIGHT 10' C CEDAR FENCE 42" CEDAR FENCE r--------, 24'-1 I" 6' CEDAR FENCE MODIFIED PANEL I-',.-~ --:_ -:_· _--:_-:_·-_-_---+--~· -~---,f . I ·1 48" CEDAR PENCE I' ji I I ~6' CEDAR FE('/CE MODIFIED PANEL CONTINUED I l L ·! ·i I' ·1 I.I. '" IYOF NTON ECE VED ;tv__z_ 2001 I , r1---------'B~1rDING !VISION -_ I Jericho Estates Lot# 21 Scale: 1 "=20' ZONING: RB NOTES FENCE PLAN Date: 9.25.2007 Setbacks 1. >---------------------11----------IFronl: 15' , Rev: 11.19.2007 Drive: w 2053f,ben Drive Rear. 20' Mercer Island. WA 98040 Rev: Side Int.: 5· Tel 2D6I/5.l9D1 I-----~ nnrrishomeslnc.com By: James Kerby Side St.: I 5' 2. 3. Verify garage is in/ine w / approach Verify erosion control measures Field check all measurements 0 13 AZALEA 'HINO CRIMSON' -HJNO CRIMSON AZALEA I GALLON © 4 BERBERIS THUNBERG/I 'CRIMSON PYGMY' -CRIMSON PYGMY BARBERRY 2 GALLON (H) 7 ERICA CARNEA 'SPRING WOOD PINK' -SPRINGWOOK PINK HEATH I GALLON 0 4 VIBURNUM DA VOii -DA VIOi VIBURNUM 1 GALLON ,;r\YOFRENTON RECEIVED , 202007 3U1LOINGD1VISION Jericho Estates Lot# 21 Scale: 1"=20' ZONING: RB NOTES Date: 9.25.2007 Setbacks I. Verify garage is inline w/ LANDSCAPE PLAN Front: 15' approach Rev: 11.19.2007 Drive: 20' 2. Verify erosion control • NORRIS 2053 faben Drive Rear: 20' Mercer Island. WA S8040 Rev: Side int.: S' measures • lei 21!6.275.19111 Side St.: 15' 3 . Field check all H 0 M E s norrishomesim:.com By: James Kerby measurements Monrovia -H!NO-CRJMSON AZALEA ~MONROVIA llnR ! !(" l' 1.·1 1;1,.-\L C!,:\I '! ..... ,11-_-.;· ~1",t.1. l •.>.' r, HINO-CRIMSON AZALEA Azalea "Hino-Crimson · (Kurume hybrid) • Catalog • Landscape Size • Plant Benefits • Care Instructions • Growth Conditions • Flowering ~ Attributes • Foliage • Retailers for this plant Item#: St5 Category: RHODODENDR Prirt Pldnl: Info Sheet Catalog Description •• • Clir;k "1,vnc to view pl1otos . Page l ot l Search tenn Go Zip code Go Offers a profusion of crimson red flowers that bury these wonderful plants in bold color. Produces a compact, branched mound for a tidy landscape shrub. Well sized for most residential applications. An exceptional foundation plant and seasonal color for Japanese garden. Midseason. Prefers acidic soil. Semi-evergreen shrub. Full to partial sun. Moderate growth 3 feet tall, 3 feet wide. HonH I At1011l Monrovia! ti110.!II Our Plants I Monrovia Styi~: Contact I Legal j Johs: !-'res$ RQ0111 SUILDINGDIVISION http:/ /www.monrovia.com/Plantlnf.nsf73e858bc84afl 756c88256fDa00787e69/824 ld60e2:.:: 11 /1912007 Momovia -CRIMSON PYGMY DWARF JAPANESE HARHEIU{ Y ~MONROVIA ][1".t!{"ll(-\ I.II ti.a.I (.l{.~1'·1~.\fF:,._"~l'.:(_1· l')-·i, ~'!Jnt Li~'ary Search term CRIMSON PYGMY DWARF JAPANESE BARBERRY Berberis thunbergii 'Crimson Pygmy' ('Atropurpurea Nana') • Catalog • Landscape Size • Plant Benefits e. Care Instructions • Growth Conditions • flowering • A.ttributes •Foliage • Retailers for this plant ltemt: 1205 Category: DEC SHRUBS Pfint Plant Info Sheet • Iii Clir.k above to view ohotos Go Photo Credit: Peter A Hogg Fi10'0•1r;iphy Catalog Description Page I or I Zip code Go A dwarf, densely branched form displaying deep crimson colored foliage all season long, best in full sun. Excellent for borders or small hedges. Deciduous. Full sun. A slow grower to 2 feet tall, 3 feet wide. Cutting grown. Hvm~ I ;'.,,ilou1 MOIHOVl<I ! /.'•.bo11t uur Plan::' 's1UT1(0'.'i~ Style' I Cc.rnact I Leq~I I Jvbs I Pre'.;$ 1--.:DGII) ;fTYQFRENTU, RECEIVED 2 ;1 /:/!]{ 3UiLDINGDIVISIO~ http://www.momovia.com/Plantlnf.ns£'085 l OeO 1 e6l cc96288257 l a9005a9153/2e27808 l... · l l/li9/2007 Erica carnea 'Springwood Pink' Kempu Codt: C274 Common Name: wmtcr heath Znnl': 5 to 7 Plant Type; Broadleafevergreen Family: Ericaceac Missouri Native: No Native Range: None Height: 0.5 to I foot Spnad: 0.5 to 1.5 feel Bloom Time: January -March Bloom Color: Pink Son: Full sun to part shade Water. Medium Maintenance: Medium v1~1t c,21 clu1s Page I of I Cun1r,1on IJam,;>o Sea, cl1 E-J·ld,i Questi~111s @J Erica carnea 'Springwood Pink' !':,1111 < ·111111,, ,,ud Ch:1r; ,·tl·rbti<:~ .,n11rees for thh pl:.111t ] l1~h I~ .,,illlH'II 1111''''.'' ,;],[:I• Uses: Wildlife: Flowers: Leaves: Fruit: Hedge Suitable 11s annual Attn1cts birds '" Has show)· flowers Leaves colorful Has showy fruit Shade tree Culinary hei:b Attracts ' -Has fragrant flowers Leaves fragrant Fruit edlble L_i Street tree Vegetable hummingbirds r:.::. Flowers not shO'N)' Good faU color Other: Flowering~ Water garden planl Attracts Good cut flower £·,('!green v Winter interest " Ground cover Will naturalize butterflies Good dried fk1wcr Thoms or spines Geoerel Culture: Best grown i.n sandy, acidic. medium moisture, well-drained loams that are enriched with peat. Unlike most of the heaths, this species will tolerate slightly alkaline soils. Best flowering occws in full stm, but plants gcneraUy appreciate some part afternoon shade in hot St Louis summers.. In order to achieve sharp soil drainage, heaths are sometimes planted in raised beds. A void heavy clay soils. In St. Louis, plants should be covered in Wlnter with mulch ( e.g., evergreen boughs or straw). Heaths will bloom under snow in the northern areas of their growing range. Jf pruning is needed, it must be done immediately after tlowering. Plants like cool summer climates and are not recommended for growing south of USDA Zone 7 Noteworthy Cllaracticristics: Erica carnea, commonly called winter heath, is a low-growing, evergreen shrub that is primarily native to the Alps in Emope. It typically grows in a mound to &-.9" (less frequently to 12") tall, slowly spreading along the ground by procumbent stems to zo~ or more. Over time, well-sited plants will form a dense ground cover. Needle--like me.dium green leaves (tn l/ 4" long) are in whorls of four. No fall color. 'Sherwood Pink' features um-shaped, pure pink blooms (1/4" long) in one-sided racemes (to 3" long) from January to March. Medium green foliage is bronze tipped. Erica camea has additional oommon names, including snow heath (may bloom in snow), spring heath (may bloom in early spring) a'ld alpine heath (mountainous native habitat). Specific epithet means flesh colored in reference to the flesh pink flower color. It is in the same fwnily as and closely related to Scotch heather (see Calluna vulgaris at C272 herein). Erica carnca is synonymous with and fonnerly known as Erica herbacea_ Problems: No serious inse.ct or disease problems. Root rot may occur in poorly drained soils. Powdery mildew, rust and wilt Usts: Year-round attraction. Rock gardens. Slopes. Ground cover. © Missouri Botanical Garden, 2001-2007 http://www,mobot.org/gardeninghe!p/p!antfinder/Plant;asp?Code=C274 CITYOFRENTO,, RECEIVED NOV 2 0 2007 BU/LOJNGDJV/SION 11/19/2007 Shrubs: Viburnum davidii Scientific Name Viburnum davidii Common Name David viburnum , Hardiness Zones: 7b to 9 j> Habit: Evergreen ; Growth Rate: Moderate i> Site Reqnirements: Sun to partial shade; moist, well- drained soil , Height: 3 to 5 feet ii' Width: 3 to 5 feet ii' Texture: Coarse to medium ,. Form: Compact, rounded dense habit , Flower/Fruit: Pink buds open creamy white on 2 to 3" cyme in spring; green fruit turns iridescent pink to red then metallic blue and black; persists into winter " Foliage: Opposite, simple, leathery dark blue-green leaves; 2 to 6" long; variable fall color: dull crimson, orange-red or purple ii' Comments: Fruit attracts birds; very dependable; use two or more plants to ensure cross-pollination ; Cultivars: -- Page I of 1 NC STATE UNIVERSITY Shrubs l'lant Fact Sheets Consumer Hort List by Scientific Name I Shrubs I List by Common Name Prepared by: Erv Evans, Consumer Horticulturist Web Design by: Heather Monroe © 2003-2004 NC State University Images © by Erv Evans ,~1 fy FRENTON RE ElVEO 2 0 2007 ( 'nlk:ge of _.\gritultu 1·e & Life \cirnrrs ! \(' (' ooptra tin-E, H.·n:11in11 1 lortku ltu ml Scicnrc- b==~~=====~=~=========~llidJ!ll G DIVISION http://www,ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/consumer/factsheets/shrubs/vibumum :_ davidii.h!ml 'lJ/}9/2007., C ~y 0 •o~".. . ;.¢;• CITY JF RENTON _ Planning/Building/Public Works Department ~i O~~-K-a-th.;.y_K_e_o_Ik-er_, -M-•y;,.o_, _______________ G_r-eg_g_z_im_m_e-rm-an_P_,E_._, A-d-m-in-i-st_r_a_to_r __ · Net November 6, 2007 James Kerby Norris Homes, Inc. 20 5 3 F aben Drive Mercer Island, WA 98040 Subject: Jericho Lot 21 Special Fence Permit City cifRenton File No. LUA07-121, SF Dear Mr. Kerby: Development Services staff have reviewed your request for a Special Fence Permit and determined that your application will be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Given the high volume of traffic at this intersection, fence height along the comer where the fence runs diagonal from NE 4'" to Jericho must be reduced to 42' inches in height, regardless if the fence is outside of the clear vision area (as per the site plan). For increased privacy trees or other landscaping elements can be placed on the inside of the fence, on the lot, but the fence height cannot exceed 42". 2. For the first 10 feet of the fence as it runs parallel along both NE 4'" and Jericho, fence height shall be reduced to 48", after which it maybe increased to 72". Please see the enclosed drawing for further explanation. 3. A landscape plan must be provided to the Development Services project manager, which includes landscaping for the area on the outside of the fence. Landscaping shall be limited to groundcover and shrubs, and in no case shall the height of a plant exceed 42". According to RMC 4-4-040C.4 where a traffic vision hazard is created, such as at this intersection, the City may require a modification to the height limitations and location of fences to the degree necessary to eliminate the hazard. An inspection will take place on December 18, 2007 to verify that all conditions have been met. This administrative decision will become final if not appealed to the Hearing Examiner by 5 :00 p.m. on November 20, 2007. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required $75.00 application fee, to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. -------,-05_5_S_o_uth_G_ra_d_y_W_a_y __ -R-en_t_on-,-W-as_h_i-ng-to-n-98_0_5_7 ______ -~ AHEAD OF THE CURVE , James Kerby November 6, 2007 Page 2 of2 Please contact the project manager Ms. Petzel, or Jennifer Henning at (425) 430-7200 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Neil Watts; Director Development Services Division cc: Paul Baker, Code Compliance Inspector Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Andrea Petzel, Associate Planner Parties of Record LUA07-121, SF -· Jericho Ave NE ~~~-'v"-~--~ I " L= 38.73' R= 25.00' Ll.= 88°46'24" Proposed 6' Cedar, Fence (Modulate \on/.) llJ z \ Edge of~- ....... __ _ Existing 6' Cedar Fence IM o d ulated) ----?--H!c-c411 "' S' Drng. & Land-g:i scape Esmt. __ :z:,__,_ r Line of Sight rProp@redtf'eoc~,-@eoor /Modulated Co /.) 20' ) NI I L. -, L LT __ _ \ l N00°28'21 "E 59.41' "''f2 II ! 'i 8 It I '1Z " 'ft~2" h [J< :z: 0:, 0:, 0 N "' w I '<: .! 11 0:, :0 11 N °' -_ :: 1- -J_j ·-·---- Access Esmt. ! Existing Fence Lot20 OCT -4 2007 Jericho Estates Lot# 21 Scale: 1 "=20' ZONING: RB NOTES Pre/# 370295-02 IO --------------------l Rev: • NO RR I S 2053 faben Orive 1-,,--------1 Drive: 20 ' 2. . k~~ =m Mercer l,land. WA 88040 Side /nl.: 5' • H O_ M_._ .. B .S Tel 2!16.275.ISOI Side SI.: 15' 3. . norrishmne&inc.com By: James Kerby 5250 NE 3rd Pl Date: 9.25.2007 Setbacks 1. Fron/: 15' Verify garage is inline w / approach Verify erosion control measures Field check all me.a.sure men ts City of. ,_ .. ton Department of Planning I Building I Publi, .,arks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 29, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA0?-121, SF DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 15, 2007 APPLICANT: James Kerb , Norris Homes Inc PROJECT MANAGER: Andrea Petzel PROJECT TITLE: Jericho Plat Lot 21 S ecial Fence Permit PLAN REVIEW: Ka ren Kittrick SITE AREA: 0.12 acres BUILDING AREA LOCATION: 5250 NE 3~ Place WORK ORDER NO: 777828 bUiLDING DIVISION SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicantion for a Special Fence Permit on a single family lot in the R-8 zone. Applicant requests permission for a six foot fence for a side yard along two streets, Jericho Avenue NE and NE 4th Street. Renton Municipal Code allows fences to be 4 feet in height for side yards along a street. Fences are further restricted to 3.5 feet in the clear vision area, or corner, of a lot. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earlh Housina Air Aesthetics Water Linht!Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals TransJJorlafion Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Natural Resources Historic/Cultural Preservation Airporl Environment 10,000 Feet 14.000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS /(),9V.f' C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS //.J&W We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. October 22, 2007 These comments pertain to file number LUA07-121, concerning a request for variance from the City-Wide Property Development Standards for a fence on the southwest corner lot of the intersection of NE 4th Street and Jericho Ave. The fence, even at the allowable forty-two-inch height in the clear vision area, presents a traffic safety hazard to automobiles northbound on Jericho Ave, especially those turning left. The speed limit on NE 4th Street is 35 mph, but traffic frequently exceeds the posted limit. The street is popular with drivers who disregard red traffic lights. A pole, located on the sidewalk, to support traffic lights, impedes northbound drivers' view of eastbound traffic. Additionally, political signs are placed there for several months during each election season. The net effect of the fence, pole, and signs is that northbound drivers can expect to see eastbound vehicles no more than two seconds prior to those vehicles entering the intersection, at typical eastbound speeds. Especially considering the number of Hazen High School students driving to school through this intersection, this is an inadequate warning of vehicles violating the red light. I have attached photos taken from the driver's seat at the normal stopping position for northbound automobiles in the left lane of Jericho Ave, and of the eastbound view of that spot. I request that the variance from 4-4-040 FENCES AND HEDGES be disallowed. I further request that all newly-constructed portions of fence along the property line be removed, in the interest of traffic safety. Only the fence previously installed by the developer should remain. While I understand that the property owner will not enjoy the privacy of a solid fence, this restriction is the result of a choice to locate the house in that position. It was obvious to any reasonable person that a portion of the lot would be inappropriate for fencing. As the house was being constructed, my wife and I commented that we hoped that the buyer had received a significant discount, because of the inability to have a privacy fence on the corner. If the property owner assumed that they would be able to fence the yard without restriction, they failed to perform a "due diligence" investigation. Traffic safety should not suffer as a result. It is worth noting that the City of Renton would likely be a defendant in any lawsuit involving collisions between eastbound and northbound vehicles at this intersection, as would the property owner. I request that I be advised of the time and place of the variance hearing. If the party requesting the variance is allowed to make oral comments, I request that I be permitted the same privilege. I also request that I be advised of the results of the hearing. Thank you. 4~~ Andrew J. Peck 14104 150'h Pl SE Renton, WA 98059-7333 425-228-7395 .. r-- Northbound on Jericho Eastbo und on NE 4th City of .. _ .. ton Department of Planning I Building I Pub/i_ ,orks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 29, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA0?-121, SF DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 15, 2007 APPLICANT: James Kerb , Norris Homes Inc PROJECT MANAGER: Andrea Petzel PROJECT TITLE: Jericho Plat Lot 21 s ecial Fence Permit PLAN REVIEW: Ka ren Kittrick SITE AREA: 0.12 acres BUILDING AREA ross : N/A LOCATION: 5250 NE 3'' Place WORK ORDER NO: 777828 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicantion for a Special Fence Permit on a single family lot in the R-8 zone. Applicant requests permission for a six foot fence for a side yard along two streets, Jericho Avenue NE and NE 4th Street. Renton Municipal Code allows fences to be 4 feet in height for side yards along a street. Fences are further restricted to 3.5 feet in the clear vision area, or corner, of a lot. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housinn Air Aesthetics Water OrihtlG/are Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Trans--rtation Environmental Health Public Setvices Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Presetvation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expettise and have identified areas of probable impact or re additional information is l)eeded.t,o properly assess this proposal. tive Jd/,7&7 Date CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 15th day of October, 2007, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter & NOA documents. This information was sent to: Name Representina James Kerby, Norris Homes Inc Owner/ApplicanUContact Surrounding Property Owners See Attached (Signature of Sender): ~ ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: io-n, -a7 Notary (Print): A """\;:>-e. r L'f bb My appointment expires: a\ \"-j\o Project Name: Jericho Plat Lot 21 Special Fence Permit Project Number: LUA0?-121, SF 344871002004 ACKERSON ADAM+ TRACY 5308 NE 4TH ST RENTON WA 98059 778789055002 BACH MARY HO-MONG+BACH MARIANNE HO-MONG 5310 NE 3RD ST RENTON WA 98059 152305910100 COLLIN JEFFREY W 14232 SE 129TH PL RENTON WA 98056 152305909201 FALKENSTEIN WILLIAM L+JANEL 14240 SE 129TH PL RENTON WA 98059 344870024009 LA KHUONG K & TRAN HOA K 5221 NE 4TH PL RENTON WA 98059 370295018003 MAYS TYLER FRANKLIN+CHILDER 5232 NE 3RD PL RENTON WA 98059 370295024001 NORRIS HOMES INC 10516 172ND CT SE RENTON WA 98059 344873007001 QUINN SIMON M+MELISSA L 5318 NE 4TH ST RENTON WA 98059 344870008002 VAN HUNG T 5218 NE 4TH PL RENTON WA 98059 778789056000 WOO MICHELLE P 5304 NE 3RD ST RENTON WA 98059 344871004000 ADDANKI VIJAY K 5304 NE 4TH PL RENTON WA 98059 084710001607 BAKER FINANCIAL 26209 SE 162ND PL ISSAQUAH WA 98027 370295003005 DEE CHERYL LYNN G 5235 NE 3RD PL RENTON WA 98059 370295002007 HOANG MYDUC B+DUONG BA V 5243 NE 3RD PL RENTON WA 98059 947571006008 MAHALANABIS ARIJIT +MAHALANABIS MADHUMITA 5127 NE 4TH PL RENTON WA 98059 370295005000 MEJIA WILLIAM MEJIA-MENJIVAR MARISOL 5221 NE 3RD PL RENTON WA 98059 344870019009 PARK JEBUM+NARI 451 ILWACO AVE NE RENTON WA 98059 344870022003 ROCO JAIME+ TEODORA L 5209 NE 4TH PL RENTON WA 98059 370295019001 VO NGHIA T 5238 NE 3RD PL RENTON WA 98059 344870009000 WU YI LISA 5212 NE 4TH PL RENTON WA 98059 344870020007 AP /JACKSON 5201 NE 4TH PL RENTON WA 98059 370295007006 CHANG BENJAMIN+LIM SONY 5139 NE 3RD PL RENTON WA 98059 344870021005 ESTANDIAN ANGELO B+JULITA B 5205 NE 4TH PL RENTON WA 98059 370295020009 KONMA ROGER S+CARYN T 5256 NE 3RD PL RENTON WA 98059 947571007006 MATEO FLORANTE V+AMELIA S 5133 NE 4TH PL RENTON WA 98059 344871003002 MERRILL GREGORY R+JOAN M 5312 NE 4TH PL RENTON WA 98058 152305916404 PROULX PAT +PAUL FAMILY TRUS PO BOX 3486 RENTON WA 98056 370295017005 SALES DULCE R 5226 NE 3RD PL RENTON WA 98059 344870023001 WANG KEN YAO+HUEI-CHIN 5215 NE 4TH PL RENTON WA 98059 344870025006 XEM+HUYNH 5227 NE 4TH PL RENTON WA 98059 • 370295006008 YANG HSUEH-MEI Y+HINCHEY LE 5215 NE 3RD PL RENTON WA 98059 344871001006 ZHANG XUAN+BRAVO SERGIO 5300 NE 4TH ST RENTON WA 98059 344870007004 ZHOU LONG 5224 NE 4TH PL RENTON WA 98059 NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Ma11ter Applicath;m has been filed and accepted with the De11elopmant Services Dl11ision of the City of Renton. The following briefly descrlb111> the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: J~r,ct,o Plat Lot 21 Special Fer.ce Penn it: LUA07-121 SF PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Aopl1cant;on for a Special Fence Permit on a single family lot Fn the R-13 zone Applicanl requests permission for a six foot fence tor a s,oe yar:l along l'\/1/o streets Jericho Avenue NE and NE 4th Streat Renton Municipal Code allows fences to be 4 feet ,r he,ghl for si:le yards along a street Fences are further restricted to 3 5 feel ,n the clear 11,s,on ¥ea. or corner of a lot PROJECT LOCATION: 5250 NE~"' Place PUBLIC APPROVALS: dm1r.,strat111e Special Fence Permit APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Jamds Kerby. Norris Homes Inc . Tei· (206) 275.1903 Comments on the above application must ba submitted m writing to Andrea Petzel, Associate Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on October 29, 2007. If you have questions about th,s proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notif1cat1on by mail contact the Project Manager at (425) 43~-7270 Anyone who submits written comments will aut<>matically become a party of record and will be nDtifiad of any oec,s,on on this project PLEA.SE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CA.LUNG FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: Oi::tober 4, 2007 Oi::tober 15, 2007 If you would like tote made a party of record lo reooive further information on this proposed project comp,ele t.1,s forr-i and ret~rn to City of Renton. Development Planning 1055 South Grady Way. Renton, WA 98057 F,le Name I No.: Jencho Plat Lot 21 S~1al Fence Permit I LUA07·121, SF NAME-------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS:---------------------------- TELEPHONE NO CERTIFICATION I Si:m (a£JSEIZ. , hereby certify that J copies of the above document ' · -c. · ''"\\\\\111 were posted by me m __J_ conspicuous places or nearby the descnbed propelit£lll\_'fNN ,-,,_!J 1" ~ ~ -,,A';l,.'l>~i,'--lt'<,,111 / _ ::: ,. ,-u.,,.,.J (t I, . ~ DATE: /1),0C-:([2 SIGNED: ) ~ ff4',;,+e•"-_.,;·l:,·,t~ \ -:: -~ . """~ ~~ :, :!v -• -.p~ ~ ATTEST: Suhscnbed and sworn before me, a Notary Pub he, m and for the State of Washmgton rcs1d1~ m ~ ; ~ -~ ,-..0 ; ::. 1' ~\ V9:\_f.1 -=~= /":, ~~1 ,Cl ~0,:: Q.fu/,-y \J....~.. -~. ,,,~e~ NOTARYPBLICs0:;.s1-1~$' 111,"""''" y-;,,, , on the / ~ day of '\'.Y o~~ ;~,; ~N'fo NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Jericho Plat Lot 21 Special Fence Permit/ LUA07-121, SF PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Applicantion for a Special Fence Permit on a single family lot in the R-8 zone. Applicant requests permission for a six foot fence for a side yard along two streets, Jericho Avenue NE and NE 4th Street Renton Municipal Code allows fences to be 4 feet in height for side yards along a street Fences are further restricted to 3.5 feet in the clear vision area, or corner, of a lot. PROJECT LOCATION: 5250 NE 3rd Place PUBLIC APPROVALS: dministrative Special Fence Permit APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: James Kerby, Norris Homes Inc.; Tel: (206) 275-1903 Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Andrea Petzel, Associate Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on October 29, 2007. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-7270. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: October 4, 2007 October 15, 2007 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: Jericho Plat Lot 21 Special Fence Permit/ LUA07-121, SF NAME:---------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: _____________________________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: CIT' OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator October 15, 2007 James Kerby Norris Homes Inc. 2053 Faben Drive Mercer Island, WA 98040 Subject: Jericho Plat Lot 21 Special Fence Permit LUA07-121, SF Dear Mr. Kerby: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7270 if you have any questions. Sincerely, t~~~ Andrea Petzel Associate Planner ------l~0-55_S_o_u_th_G~rad-y_W_a_y---Re_n_to_n_, W-ash-i-ng-t-on-98-0-57 ______ ~ @ This paper oontains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD ·oF T-HE CURVE SPECIAL FEf CE PERMIT APP LI CATION c•~y OF RENTON Develo,_ ent Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton WA 98055 Phone: (425) 430-7200 ALL REQUESTED ITEMS MUST BE PROVIDED IN ORDER TO PROCESS THIS APPLICATION 1. Property Address: --=€'-'2"-'.L5°-=0---+f'l-"-='£"'---__.'3,:;.__,-__ of_p_l _. ----'--i+-i/ _.___ ___ _ 2. Tax Assessor Number: $] 02 9 S: -DZ I 0 3. Property Owner: NoRf<l'S Hor1£S /1\Jl. Phone:{lob)'J.75 -fCJD I Street Address: ~0'5 3, f:A:BccN DK. City/State: 1'ltRlER I SL/ltvD!.ip: 9wl/ t) 4. 5. Contact Person: ..,sJ"'-'A:.....L.:..iNt___,.~=,,_-4/c.::::<-=€:"---L.::/2=,JB=v/-1-, __ Daytime Phone: (zo 1,, )1.75:j"I O 3 '-'-oi1 Maximum Height of Proposed Fence:._-=\.D==---=------------- 6. Type of Material to be Use for Fence:__.:l::..::£--=:D_Jr:....:....c}<. __________ _ 7. Distance from Proposed Fence to Property Line: 8. Project Val ue:"""''"1--1...1.1_!?_0_0 ______ _ 9. Describe Landscaping to be Installed (if any):.~~,._h:..;. ... --'-'-"'""b""s'------il''--'~"--..-'----+f....:1..e:et'-'1/\"-'----- /'v, 0 I <A d (. I certify that the information on this application furnished by me is true and correct and that the applicable requirements of the City of Renton will be met. I und land that this application is valid for six months from the application date. If a permit is not issued during this time perio t application will be e v ·d. This application does not constitute a permit to work. Work is not to commence until th ui ing permit is po d o p ises where work is to be performed. Certification is hereby rendered that no work is t be done except as escri nd that all work shall conform to the applicable codes. Work in public rights-of-way and/ r 1lity easements i not rized under this application. ~ Date: __.f_o.,_/_,_t;+-/"-o 7+--- Q:wcb\pw\devservlforms\building\BuildApp.doc Rev 3/03 • NO~RIS • I-I O ?\1 l S City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 RE: Jericho Estates Lot#21 Special Fence Permit Justification Letter To Whom It May Concern: James Kerby 2053 Faben Drive Mercer Island. WA 98040 Cel 2DG.423.46D3 Fax 2DS.275.191D Email jamesOOnorrishomesinc.com We propose to continue the 6' cedar (modulated) fence along the northern side yard oflot 21 Jericho plat per the site plan included. The purpose of this continuation is to "improve the privacy and security of the adjoining rear yard space" oflot 21 which at the moment is open to the intersection of NE 4th St and Jericho Ave NE. The proposed fence is not "out of scale" of the residential environment as it is only connecting existing fences on NE 4th and Jericho Ave. The proposed fence is not a "blank wall" as it is modulated per the attached detail. The proposed fence will not present a vehicle hazard because it incorporates the city's line of sight requirements. The proposed fence will: • Have permanent landscape in front • Be cedar • Be modulated • Is the same design as is already on NE 4th St • Have the finished face to the street The proposed fence will not: • Have an increased setback from the sidewalk • Have wrought iron Thank you, James Kerby CA NE 4lli 0 Sc. CA R-1 CA R-10 R-8 R-8 R-8 R-8 R-8 N R-8 ;::. -:;:::::.=~il ~l"'---__.,-4 R-8 NE 2BdBSt. R-4 w z "' R-4 ~ R-4 E3 co O' 0 R-8 0 ~ C) ,::; (l.) ....., R-4 NE 2nd St. R-4 ~ R-4 R-4 x SE 2nd Pl 1 -..r----,_ J .. ---- SE 139th Pl. w w (/) (/) St. \i\\st st. (l.) (l.) > > <t: <t: w, (/) ~ ~ -+-' _, SE 142nd w I.D co St. -tj< -tj< (/) w -~; -en "' > a.i (l.) <t: > "' <t:' > > ~ <t: <t: -,..., ~ "'O -tj< _, "'O .,,,, 0 Q ... --tj< C\1 C'C) --tj< -tj< -· - G6 • 22 T23N R5E E 1/2 ZONING -·---Renton Cl~ Lt.mil.II P/B/PW TBCHNICAL SBRVICBS 02/2IWI "' -R-4 Z R-4 R-4 R-4 R R-4 R-4 SE 2nd Ct R-4 SE SE w µCl' (/) (/) 0:: -P-. ~ ~ -,..., -+-'. a:, a:, -tj< -tj< -- SE 145th Pl. . 1 ,' j 0 sog -'yo ll-4.800 F6 15 T23N R5E E 1/2 S31S Jericho Ave NE ~----v~~'"' f.,--Line of Sight rProposed£ence ·.;. Cedar / [Modulated Co /.) 20' L= 38.73' R= 25.00' !,= 88°46'24" . Uti/JJy Esmt. Proposed 6' Cedari Fence /Modulated/ Cont.). _ LU 2:. \ Edge of W'plk --, '--.____ Existing 6' Cedar Fence (Modulated)~'"+--1--41 ""' f< Drng. & Land-gg scape Esmt. ~ 1- 1 I /___./ VT_/ -I ----, I L - I L. I I' .i _II . J_J Access Esmt. N00°28'2 J "E 59.41' Jericho Estates Lot# 21 Scale: /"=20' ZONING: RB 5250 NE 3rd Pl Pre/# 370295-0210 Date: 9.25.2007 Setbacks Front: 15' Rev: Drive: 20' • NORRIS 1053 F,ben Drive Mercer Island. WA SB040 Rev: Rear: 20' • Side Int.: 5' H 0 M E s Tel 206175.ISUI Side Sf.: 15' narrishamesinc.cum By: James Kerby :z: OJ OJ 0 "' "' . -w Lot20 ;cf NOTES I. Verify garage is inline w / approach 2. Verify erosion control measures 3. Field check all measurements ® ~ S/:lfil/.~ AZALEA 'HINO CRIMSON' -HINO CRIMSON AZALEA @ --SPIREA NIPPONICA 'SNO\'/MOUND' -SNOW MOUND SPIREA / TERNSTROEMIA GYMNANTHERA -TERNSTROEMIA (i) ' ---- r ---- L Jericho Estates Lot# 21 Scale: 1 "=20' ZONING: R8 Landscape Plan Date: 9.25.2007 Setbacks Front: /5' Rev: • NORRIS 1053 faben Drive Drive: 20' Mercer Island. WA 98040 Rev: Rear. 20' Side Int.: S' • H 0 M E s T ,I 206.275.ISDI Side St.: Is· norrishom~sinc.com By: James Kerby NOTES 1. Verify garage is in/ine w / approach 2. Verify erosion control measures 3. Field check all measurements \ -J 1 ~ t ~~ ~ -:f -:1 .. "' cs "' ._ ~ \• ~ \, lJ V ..( \f ~ ~ -" ·' ~ ~ 0 Q {l I ~ ( I l( ~ '( 0 0 ~ ~ ~-~ " ,,, ~ '1.. i (j ;:; I/ ·-·i-:s " I! ~ ·w: ('] <l cl cJ .... \:'; ~ 4 :r f T "" ,< "< N N- \ / ~. +. '] f, ~ 0 V \) C>... .. ~ ~ -. ¥ \;J V a.. V) i 0 ....... ._j V 'JJ --~ { .,,... --'" V u { <.. s' :) •v IV) V, "' V .k <.. ,J ""' V\ ;j' '>< -3'" 0.. _j o/ )-V) .~~ "' " ::::!," s{ d ___. fY) -ff V ~ ---0 j ,_ ., --I- s <> 0 s < D 0 \J ~ s' '1' -'j \) ,; "'--c1 ..z ' ---'--:r ~ x ~ N "-! Printed: 10-04-2007 Payment Made: CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA07-121 . ~' .. Receipt Number: Total Payment: 10/04/2007 03:43 PM 100.00 Payee: NORRIS HOMES Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Payment Check 63845 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 650. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 Amount 100.00 Amount 100.00 Balance Due .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 . 00 .00 .00 .00 R0705345