HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA 07-125_Misc-_j Renton City Council and Mayor Law, 01.07.2008 Regards to Project# LUA07-125, SA-H, ECF / 409 Whitworth Keeping Renton as my backyard for family, friends, shopping and entertaining I became ecstatic over the direction the City has taken these past five years. I knew Bellevue when it was an outdoor shopping center, a milk barn, amusement park and residential homes were within a few walking blocks. I knew Kirkland when the streets were lined with Harley's, bars, dilapidated houses and was unsafe and not appealing to new residences. Now Bellevue is a mini Seattle, Kirkland is developed into Restaurants and Art Galleries. I' am a Realtor and heard from many homebuyers that they would like to purchase a condominium in Downtown Renton. I recently had a listing in Fairwood and was surprised the market for people already looking to purchase in the Downtown area. There are only two choices. One is next to the transit center and the other has very little turnover, only two units in the past eighteen months. People see the vision of Renton and are eager to start residing here. They like the fact that you can obtain groceries, household, gardening, home furnishings, hardware and electrical items all within walking distance. I do not know another other City near Lake Washington that offers what Renton offers. I have spoken to many neighbors and nearby residences within this project and found the following: There are more people that don't object to the project than people that object. Some rent and do not care what occurs. They purchased the home because it was zoned Commercial and knew it would be a good investment. Others do not object to the project although did not want to voice their opinion to avoid animosity with neighbors. Then there were a few that plan to move within 2-5 years (this decision was made before the project came about). Being Ahead of the Curve is thinking forward, trying something before others do and having the initiative and vision to add value. Capital Homes LLC, is Ahead of the Curve and I request the approval for this project to bring value to Renton. Please contact me if you need additional information, Thank you, Trish Johanson, Realtor McCarthyGMAC Real Estate 425 .269 .1906 December 28, 2007 To: From: Re: Renton City Councll Robert Willey (103 Logan Avenue, Renton Washington 98057) 409 Whitworth s, Renton Washington 98057 141002 I wish to go on record as e positive vot .. for the development on Whitworth. Such davalopments, In my opinion, attract people with who lire willing and have the means to Invest in our community, Keeping this development In tha downtown area benefits the community as a whole both financially and In overall appearance. December 28, 2007 To: From: Re: Renton Oty Councll Christine Willey (103 Logan Avenue, Renton Washington 98057) 409 Whitworth S, Renton Washington 980S7 This hitter is to express my support ofthe above named development. Adding 16 condo units in th I$ S story building on a 7200 sq ft lot will make affordable houslni a11ailable. Additlonally it wUI Improve the overall downtown area . J agree whole heartedly with th<>se who are adamant that we keep development downtown and out cJf the other areas In Renton. ·· · • Mayor Koclker and Renton City Council Members, My name is Jeff Wolfson and I am a landowner in the City ofRenton's newly annexed Benson Hills Communities. The City of Renton Is growing and will continue to ,grow as Jong as the stewards of the City follow The Growth Management Act for the State of Washington as well as meeting the need~ of the future urban development of Downtown Renton and its citizens. The planned development of 409 Whitworth Ave.S. meets all criteria of being a blueprint for Downtown Corridor development. The current zoning allows for the proposed 5 story building to stand at that location. The access of future homeowners to all basic needs are within a few blocks. All necessary utilities are available to the subject project. The creation of affordable housing will bring new homeowners to a downtown which has much more capacity and potential than that of today, and must be realized for tomorrow's growing population. There are pro's and con's to every decision one must make. Those who feel they are being impacted negatively now need only look at the home they live in and know that someone before them went through similar circumstances of .new development, only to find that those developments were built so they too cowd have the opportunity to live where they are today. Since the only constant is change, I would ask those residents who feel they will be impacted negatively to think into the future of the positives a new development with decent new neighbors will bring to their neighborhood. Such positives as added security, stability, new friends, and the raising of property values are just a few. It is my hope that the Renton City Council accepts the Planning Commission's recommendations and approves the planned development of 409 Whitworth Ave. S. Respectfully, tf/W~ Jeff Wolfson PROJECT NUMBER/ NAME: LUA07-125, SA-H, ECF / 409 Whitworth • Description: The applicant has requested site plan approval for a proposed 5- story, 16-unit, multi-family, residential condominium development. An existing single-family residence and garage would be removed from the site. Access would be from an existing alley (between Whitworth Ave Sand Shattuck Ave S). Parking would be primarily within the building on the ground level (3 exterior spaces would be abutting the alley). The four floors above the parking level would have 12 one-bedroom units and 4 two-bedroom units. A rooftop recreational space is planned. An environmental determination by the Environmental Review Committee and a Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review at a public hearing are required. APPROVE:~o NAME: ~sb\~f\ £e'6 D a lcb ADDREss: y 7 6.3 moll: c ,s Aue. .,s * BI oa ,-·. COMPANY: __ U~S .......... f?S~----------- COMMENTS: A:s a cur re o+ rcsrc\en+-0£ rnorri::s Au:... .s X cms looLinJ foe o., cnodn ar: :\:ct11obomc wifh;,, in jUQ /f:J'cJ aistincc. of-\'Ylcho fkrk ·-; ci'cii:s /fran,1'..J {el)+cr a,,d of her docvnh/Dn Bra-Ion am m ena :hes qocl fou(} J q Uc,8 ,sma II Sefc,Jz:c.n to ~urc.h'1ck um!d loo>,,-+or f?en./-ori to t\CU>c... o.. btJ 0-q-selcc...fru., -to furc..\---c.."-'\'..... -for o_ S.1Jl6lc... p~r..son- =i=-ho-uc-lruc.d.. ().)11-h,n (\ (Y1 cl~ o+--tlvc __ 00(.J..)f\fowr,_ O.feO-. -fer _0 \)G.r L{ 0 S a:lt'.S , 1 1 /Vi f ti r nk J fu /,ttv c Seen f-h c. c)e \l c.,\ bf men+ . 'i ~~i-ti\lc_ c.,~°'""j'C..') -I-\,,,), 0...1-G ~\.::.,00 floe-,~--~ IA>ould /CJlt-G iD te<e... OPfd'OOCA\ -~f' ~i..S prajec-i-. PROJECT NUMBER/ NAME: LUA07-125, SA-H, ECF / 409 Whitworth • Description: The applicant has requested site plan approval for a proposed 5- story, 16-unit, multi-family, residential condominium development. An existing single-family residence and garage would be removed from the site. Access would be from an existing alley (between Whitworth Ave Sand Shattuck Ave S). Parking would be primarily within the building on the ground level (3 exterior spaces would be abutting the alley). The four floors above the parking level would have 12 one-bedroom units and 4 two-bedroom units. A rooftop recreational . space is planned. An environmental determination by the Environmental Review Committee and a Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review at a public hearing are required. APPROVE:@No NAME: ¢ BbX\f• fbM:f>kl) ADDRESS: \ S:;i ll.\ ~ a,x::~r koDr ~ Ue.~W\ 4)f\ 9'3:P{+ ) COMPANY: l\_j S.\t:a h )ow~'*'~ 'b >G.j £-t:oyY\_ 'efbc"-' :\o i(n ,;oO ~iZ< 1;,)DrX + fu£-"he.~ . J COMMENTS: \ t.Dmmu±e (},.,\ \ YnR • ::t. f:-,e)Aie-, :6 ,pcedDN ~ (\().)\.:k\6-j b,,9:,IMf:6 peep e, s'\-o. 1 ti n~ i '{\, hc+ds 1A )0 O> l be\\ LL£'..., ; \c:o.9:ed OYl .J,\-ug t-Pl'.:i\..\:NnX,;, 1 10w\A :t' I'.\ jo~ Q, '' baYX\&.-: 0-. WO. ::J ~'f'v'.-; Y"\OYYl...Q, ) 1 January 8'\ 2008 'C \/ , ' ~~i;~~~~'L,_.1 ~J~-Po~-,, CC,0J (}jo~):,\.°.i; l'\1 t '",,, '") V •J . \<'°1-t i.,,4 1.PO!f.t My name is JeffWolfson\i!!_}O I am a landowner in the City ofRenton's newly v7 annexed Benson Hills Communities. The City of Renton is growing and will continue to grow as long as the stewards of the City follow The Growth Management Act for the State of Washington as well as meeting the needs of the future urban development of Downtown Renton and its citizens. The planned development of 409 Whitworth Ave.S. meets all criteria of being a blueprint for Downtown Corridor development. The current zoning allows for the proposed 5 story building to stand at that location. The access of future homeowners to all basic needs are within a few blocks. All necessary utilities are available to the subject project. The creation of affordable housing will bring new homeowners to a downtown which has much more capacity and potential than' that of today, and must be realized for tomorrow's growing population. There are pro's and con's to every decision one must make. Those who feel they are being impacted negatively now need only look at the home they live in and know that someone before them went through similar circumstances of new development, only to find that those developments were built so they too could have the opportunity to live where they are today. Since the only constant is change, I would ask those residents who feel they will be impacted negatively to think into the future of the positives a new development with decent new neighbors will bring to their neighborhood. Such positives as ad~ed security, stability, ne~fr\~1m, ~!..~IJising ofprop_erty value~ ru:e just a fe"':. _. _ , It 1s my hope that the ~~accepts the Plannmg Comm1ss10n '\ '1-,/ L/ ~ J-J-<,.f.f.'J recommendations and approves the planned development of 409 Whitworth Ave. S. Respectfully, 7f;/ lv.-lfAF-., Jeff Wolfson Jan.7,2007 To: From: Re: Renton City Council Ole Willey {103 Logan Avenue, Renton Washington 98057) Owner 409 Whitworth S, Renton Washington 98057 Meeting Jan. 8 2008@ 9AM This letter is to express my support of the above named development. Adding 16 condo units in this 5 story building on a 7200 sq ft lot will make affordable housing available. Five out of the 14 properties on the street are owner occupied. The absence of a new build housing selection keeps, citizens who want to live Downtown & take advantage of the Downtown core services (like transportation, the Cedar River Trail, City Parks & the Landing) from being able to invest in their community. There are single family homes available, the period they were built offers challenges, resulting in wet basements & antiquated heating, electrical, h2o systems, this is hardly a prudent home choice for a first time buyer. I believe the community & businesses of Renton will benefit from the increase of housing density. Other residents of Renton have expressed to me their concern about development of high density housing being built in the outlying neighborhoods. Any development in the downtown area, in their opinion, reduces that possibility and creates services that they must at this time go outside their community for. Thank Y .. o. u.~. 1 j '/ / 1{lJ /f./ uil ../~ Ole Willey Renton 409 WHITWORTH DEVELOPMENT PL.ANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 1 9 2007 RECEIVED TRIP GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION AND TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE LETIER JTE, Inc. Prepared for Mr. Chris Cirillo & Mr. Chris Bennett CAPITAL HOMES, LLC 20314 132nd Avenue NE Woodinville, WA 98072 October 12, 2007 JAKE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, INC. Mark J. Jacobs, PE, PTOE, President 7731 8th Ave. SW -Seattle, WA 98106 -2007 Tel. 206. 762.1978; Cell. 206. 799.5692 Email -jaketrafflc@comcast.net J TE . Jake Traffic Engineering. Inc. . Mr. Chris Cirillo & Mr. Chris Bennett CAPITAL HOMES, LLC 20314 132"" Avenue NE Woodinville, WA 98072 Re: 409 Whitworth -Renton Hark J. Jacobs, PE, PTOE President 7731 8•" Ave SW -Seattle, WA 98106 -1007 Tel. 106.761.1978 · Cell 106.799.5691 E-mail jaketraffic@comcast.net October 12, 2007 Trip Generation, Distribution and Traffic Impact Fee Letter Dear Mr. Cirillo & Mr. Bennett; We are pleased to submit this Trip Generation, Distribution and Traffic Impact Fee Letter for the proposed 409 Whitworth project in Renton. The proposed project is to provide 16 residential units. The project is located at 409 Whitworth Avenue South on parcel #7841300235. Access to the site is via an alley off of South 4'" Street. This report is prepared to identify the trip generation and distribution of the proposed development per ITE Trip Generation data and calculate the traffic impact fee. In addition we reviewed the site accesses for the subject project. The work contained in this report is pursuant to our correspondence with Renton. The summary and conclusions are on page five of this report. PROJECT INFORMATION Figure 1 is a vicinity map showing the location of the proposed site and surrounding street network. Figure 2 shows an aerial image of the project site. Figure 3 shows a preliminary site plan prepared by TSA Architects. The plan consists of the project layout comprising of 16 residential units and the internal street circulation. The project provides garage parking for 21 vehicles; the garage entrance is off the alley. Access to the site is provided via an alley off of South 4th Street. Full development and occupancy of the proposed 409 Whitworth project is anticipated to occur by 2009, presuming the permits are issued in a timely manner. EXISTING ENVIRONMENT Project Site The project site is located on parcel #7841300235 and is presently developed with one existing single family dwelling unit. This existing housing unit would be removed to make way for the subject project. Additional information on this parcel is attached in the appendix. Mr. Chris Cirillo & Mr. Chris Bennett CAP ITAL HOMES , LLC October 12, 2007 Page -2- Street System JTE, Inc . The primary streets within the study area and their c lassifications per the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan are as fo llows: ';., S. 3,d St. Principa l Arterial ),., Main Ave S. Principal Arterial -Rainier Ave S. Principal Arterial , :,. S. 4 th St. Minor Arte r ial ).-Shattuck Ave S. Collector ~ Whitworth Ave S. s/o S. 4 th St. Unclassified The posted speed limit on S. 4 t11 St. was observed to be 25 MPH a Minor Arterial t hat is the same as that posted on unclassified residential access streets. Motorist's expectancy dictates that Arterial Streets have a higher speed limit than unclassified streets. Many agencies use 30 MPH as the min imum for c la ssified streets that has resulted in improved driver compliance and traffic safety. SITE ACCESS Based on our ana lysis the proposed s ite access wi th the a ll ey co nnecting to South 4 th Street appears to have ample sight v isibil ity. Street parking is provided a long S. 4 th St. which potent ia lly limits sight vis ib ility at t h e alley access; a parking restriction of say with in 30' of the alley access could be co ns idered . A s imilar restriction at the Wh itworth Ave. S. intersection should also be revie wed. The sight visibi l ity benefit of restricting park ing at an intersection is shown in the Whitworth Ave. S./S. 4 th St. photograph looking west as compared to the Alley/S. 4 th St. intersection look ing west. Below a re pictures at the proposed s ite access a nd intersections. Alley/Site Access: JTE, Inc. Mr. Chris Cirillo & Mr. Ch ris Ben n ett CAP IT AL HOMES, LL C October 12, 2007 Page -3 - Al/ey/S. 4rh St.: Whitworth Ave S./S. 4 m St.: Looking east TRIP GENERATION Defin itions A vehic le trip is defined as a s ingle or one direction vehicle movement w ith eith er t he origin or destinat ion (existing or entering) inside the proposed development. Traffic generated by development proj ects consist s of the follow i ng types : Pass-By Tri ps: Diverted Link Trips : Trips made as intermed ia t e st ops on t h e way fro m an o rigin t o a pri m ary tri p destination. Tr ips attracted from th e t raffic volume on ro adways w ithi n t he vicin it y of the generat or b ut require a d iversion from that roadway to another roa dway t o gain a ccess to the si t e. JTE, Inc. Mr. Chris Cirillo & Mr. Chris Bennett CAPITAL HOMES, LLC October 12, 2007 Page-4- Captured Trips: Primary (New) Trips: Trip Generation Site trips shared by more than one land use in a multi-use development. Trips made for the specific purpose of using the services of the project. The proposed 409 Whitworth project is expected to generate the vehicular trips during the average weekday, street traffic AM and PM peak hours as shown in Table 1. The trip generation for the project is calculated using trip rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation, Seventh Edition, for Residential Condominium/Townhouse (ITE Land Use Code 230, respectively). All site trips made by all vehicles for all purposes, including commuter, visitor, and service and delivery vehicle trips are included in the trip generation values. Residential Condominium/Townhomes generate predominantly primary trips. There would be some captured/pass-by trips that already exist within the vicinity; such as mail delivery, garbage, and other service/delivery traffic. Based on our traffic engineering experience we believe that captured/pass-by trip rates of five percent for residential condominium/townhouse type uses are appropriate. Thus we have applied a 5% factor that we believe to be conservative. Additionally, one existing single family dwelling unit exist on the site. Trip credits for this single family dwelling unit were taken from the proposed project. Based on our analysis, the trips generated by the 409 Whitworth project are calculated to be 80 net new daily and 7 net new trips during the PM peak hour. Trip Distribution Figure 4 shows the site generated traffic assigned to the street system. Trips to and from the site were distributed to the surrounding street network based on the characteristics of the street network, existing traffic volume patterns, the location of likely trip origins and destinations (residential, educational, business, shopping, social and recreational opportunities), previous traffic studies and expected travel times. AGENCY TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS The City of Renton requires a traffic impact fee for new developments based on the number of new average daily trips generated. The current fee is $75.00 per new average daily trip. The proposed development is projected to generate 80 net new daily trips thus contribute $6,000 (80 net new daily trips x $75) towards the City of Renton's transportation improvement program. Mr. Chris Cirillo & Mr. Chris Bennett CAPITAL HOMES, LLC October 12, 2007 Page -5- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION JTE, Inc. This letter was prepared to identify the Trip Generation, Distribution and Traffic Impact Fee per City criteria. Based on our analysis the proposed 409 Whitworth project is expected to generate 80 net new daily and 7 net new PM peak hour trips. A traffic impact fee of $6,000 is calculated to be contributed to the City of Renton's traffic impact fee program. The site would need to be constructed per City criteria. No other traffic mitigation should be necessary. Please contact me at 206.762.1978 or email me at jaketraffic@comcastn.<n if you have any questions. Sincerely, Mark J. Jacobs, PE, PTOE, President JAKE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, INC JTE, Inc. VEHICULAR TRIP GENERATION TABLE 1 409 WHITWORTH -RENTON SITE ACCESS/TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE ANALYSIS TIME TRIP TRIPS TRIPS TOTAL PERIOD RATE ENTERING EXITING Single Family Detached Housing (ITE Land Use Code 210, one lot) -Existing Average Weekday T = 9.57X 5 (50%) 5 (50%) 10 AM Peak Hour T = 0.75X 0 (25%) 1 (75%) 1 PM peak Hour T = 1.01X 1 (63%) 0 (37%) 1 Residential Condominium/Townhouse (ITE Land Use Code 230, 16 units) -Proposed Average Weekday T= 5.86X 47 (50%) 47 (50%) 94 AM Peak Hour T = 0.44X 1 (17%) 6 (83%) 7 PM peak Hour T= 0.52X 5 (67%) 3 (33%) 8 Total (Proposed -Existing) Average Weekday -42 42 84 (801) AM Peak Hour -1 5 6 PM peak Hour -4 3 7 (7 1 ) T = trips X = number of lots/lots A vehicle trip is defined as a single or one direction vehicle movement with either the origin or destination (existing or entering) inside the study site. The above trip generation values account for all the site trips made by all vehicles for all purposes, including commuter, visitor, recreation, and service and delivery vehicle trips. 1 -Applied 5% captured/pass-by trip percentage to account for trips that already exist within the site vicinity such as mail delivery, garbage, and other service/delivery traffic. Project: 409 Whitworth -Renton Location: 409 Whitworth Avenue South i . "'' i"/."°'-, t ,. Mr4 ,r111cw111 ~ !"'t 10"4 '" ;, · '"Strander el'lo iiliiJt--0 UJ 1." l ., f:i • SW 71h St ,., SW 27th St SW 3-4th St ~ -~-; f f z "' ~'.,ng C,ont; r,,rtrod c,"~ ' 'ill,;. Mlpew(l()(I, ~1~?-.:. . :,_· <tSE ·" w "' l·l • iii { iii ~ ~ ~ ' ~·· t iii iii l';l ~ • .t • ,!! ~ JI. ~ ~ i ~ 409 WHITWORTH -RENTON t NORTH " w z ~ l 0 .. .,~ ........ 1- lil l • 7 l. "' m lBE'.J<llnd St JTE, Inc. TRIP GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION AND TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE LETTER FIGURE 1 VICINITY MAP Project: 409 Whitworth -Renton Location: 409 Whitworth Avenue South t NORTH Note: Image obta i ned from King County I Map 409 WHITWORTH -RENTON JTE, Inc. TRIP GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION AND TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE LEITER FIGURE 2 AERIAL IMAGE Project: 409 Whitworth -Renton Location: 409 Whitworth Avenue South • --'7 . ..,..~·~ .· . ...,.~~·~:;;--,_.,.. --- ' ' ' ' I I ' •: "l, z, ~' <I ii •' ,: •, I I ' ' I I I ' 'I ,'f io' I ' I ' • • ! --····i i ' j i• i ' ' i ' ! ! I I Note: An 8.5 x 11" preliminary site plan ,s included with this report 409 WHITWORTH -RENTON t NORTH D ., JTE, Inc. TRIP GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION AND TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE LETTER FIGURE 3 PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN D I _I. I I '· 1.,,.: \ _.. I _I 'rJM'N0.lN3!:I S 31\V HJ.!:IOM.LIHM 60. '"""'"'"'~"'' "~" Q'('IUW•\CO I a;;OLr,I\;, I Hnr,. \ \\. rn.,, 'H "' -~" ",p, '''"''": ,,c ' ' '" "I ,; 'l'<ISl Hl~OM.LIHM 60t ---------------------------------------- -.. -.. .. 8 b .. b .. ./1 I ! J---1.•·or"---------------·g iilnN;aA..,. H.L~OM.LIHM 'l> l I ~ OQ·o» ----------------~· ~-~O,'i1~.!N .... u u Ill I ._ I dl I i1 It I :> I ~I ·1 dl I "'1 I I I I I 1 ' I I 1 I~ q. F -" --I~ 11" 1( ·i I "' ! r.-------- 1 ! ' ll // 1' I ,,,. _.3._ ----_.......,..._ -I b I i ... --~ .. 1~ 1~ 12 .. I j j : ~l·IIJ,;'lil~c:,,:, z r··--------------·-r··------, -----, -oo-=o. < / j I j ~ -j----11----------[ i n :ti 1 1 1------l -' -__ll Ill ' .: ~~ -~f---+--_jir---+---'-,c..__l I-I 11·· ,i-! I 1 '° • ! 1 I ~ Z i uh I ! c i : 'r--t ..... I 1' ', ~~ • ., I I : ;I ' i I " , : ! .,--~ I ' i : j j : ! ' I ' ' f / I \ r-----------------1 ·g anN;;A..,. :>1':)n:i:.I"..,.1-ti ,---------~ .!.:.•1'!..!:! _ -- I Project: 409 Whitworth -Renton Total PM Peak Hour Trips: 7 Entering: 4 Exiting: 3 t NORTH . . .. s Jfli"Sf " S 3nl Pl 1'"7' I \ .. -. .. ~/ I Project Site I "' ~2002 1,,1,c,o»tt Co,o AU,; M> ,.,,,...d S 5th St "' i " j i :~ 409 WHITWORTH -RENTON JTE, Inc. TRIP GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION AND TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE LETTER FIGURE4 PROJECT GENERATED PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES AND DISTRIBUTION