HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA 09-033_Talbot Ridge Estates_A-DKing County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Notice Board & Posting Procedures Instruction Package Notice of Application June 28, 2005 L05P0007 In accordance with King County Code Section 20.20.060, enclosed you will find instructions, specifications, and materials in order to meet the notice of application posting requirements of the County. Please read these instructions carefully and take action quickly to order your notice board sign. Your notice board sign can be ordered through a sign painter, using the information supplied on page 2 of the enclosed "Notice Board Requirements." The cost of the sign is the responsibility of the applicant. Further processing of your application is dependent upon fulfilling the notice of application posting requirement. When your sign is in place, attach the colored laminated notice of application along with the plastic envelope (containing extra copies of the notice of application) to the notice board as depicted on page l of the instructions. Maintain a supply of notices within the plastic envelope throughout the comment period. The posting sign/notice board must remain in place throughout the duration of your application. Immediately upon completion of the above instructions. complete the enclosed affidavit of posting and return to the Department of Development and Environmental Services. Land Use Division. Current Planning Section. at the address shown above (envelope enclosed). Failure to comply with posting requirements may be cause for a delay in the processing of your application. If you have any questions, please call the Land Use Services Division at (206) 296-6600. Enclosures: Notice Board Requirements-Application Laminated Notice of Application Waterproof Vinyl Envelope containing copies of the Notice of Application Affidavit of Notice of Application Posting form/LUSD return envelope Notice Board & Posting Procedures Instruction Pkg.-NOA 8/8/01 --· ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 L05P0007 -Talbot Ridge Estates Subdivision DDES Project Number AFFIDAVIT.· OF POSTING. ,, ' ',, : ~ !, ______________ ,, hereby affirm that I have posted the following: (print name) X Notice of Permit Application D Other-------------- on the day of , 2005, in accordance with the Department of Development and Environmental Services' requirements. I further affirm that the notice will remain in place and visible during the full required notice period. Notice was provided at the following location(s): !) 2) _________________________ ~ 3) I hereby affirm that the above is a true and correct statement. Signature This affidavit must be completed and returned to the Land Use Services Division within 7 days of posting. Improper posting or failure to return the affidavit within 7 days shall be cause for the final decision regarding your permit to be postponed. CPSFORMS/AFF!DAVIT OF POSTING.DOC 7/27/99 NOTICE BOARD REQUIREMENTS- NOTICE OF APPLICATION King County Dept. of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055~1212 Per King County Code Section 20.20.060, a notice board must be prepared and posted for your land use application. Please prepare and post in the following manner: . Notice Board Size and Text Specifications The notice board shall be constructed to the specifications described below. The notice board shall display the information shown in the figure. Board Construction: The notice board shall be constructed with 4' x 4' plywood. Professionally prepared plastic notice board overlays, permanently affixed to the board are permissible. Notice boards may be reused but they must be clean and show no evidence of former wording. 1. Lettering style: Helvetica or similar standard typeface 2. Lettering size: Title should be 3" capital letters (NOTICE OF PROPOSED LAND USE ACTION). Other letters should be 2" letters except on the 8%'' x 14" laminated paper providing the details of the proposal. See illustration below for use of capital and lower case letters, and placement of laminated paper and vinyl jacket. 3. Lettering: Black (permanent ink or silk-screen) 4. Background Color: White 5. Logo: King County emblem, in black 6. Laminated Notice of Application on a legal size sheet which provides information regarding the proposed land use application. TO BE SUPPLIED BY Land Use Services Division (LUSD) (see enclosed). 7. Legal size waterproof vinyl jackets with a fold flap, and wrap string. TO BE SUPPLIED BY LUSD (see enclosed). The applicant must make copies of the Notice, place them in the vinyl jacket, and maintain a supply of copies throughout the posting period. 4 FT ® NOTICE OF PROPOSED LAND USE ACT:U:ON King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Call (206) 296-6600 Type of Action: Proposal: File No.: NOTICE OF APPLICATION 8.5" X 14" LAMINATED 4 FT EXAMPLE COPIES OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN VINYL JACKET Notice Board Requirements-NOA 8/8/01 Pg 1 • · ' , .:':. , , , .,1. ,' : , .•. , , , ·., ·.· , ·.';,··. , ·. .· , , -. , •i : , , ,$,a,ndards,'fbr 1Lacati~gti:~h.dilhsta,lli:ng:Notice!3aas;di/,::;1 ' '., ·" ,. 'i <<'··;:) " ,. ., ' ' ' The notice board shall be located and installed to the specifications described below. Number of Notice Boards required for this application: TWO ( 2 ) Special Instructions: Place one board on 102"d Ave SE and one on SE 192"d St (western portion) Notice board shall be located: • • Midpoint on the site street frontage or as otherwise directed by LUSD staff to maximize visibility . At a location 5 feet inside from the street property line; a notice board structurally attached to an existing building shall be exempt from the setback provisions, provided that no notice board is located not more than 5 feet from the property line without approval from LUSD staff. • So that the top of the notice board is between 7 to 9 feet above grade . • So that it is easily accessible and totally visible to pedestrians . The applicant shall erect the notice board by solidly setting the post 12 to 18 inches into the ground; or structurally attached it to an existing building. Two 4" x 4" 8-foot-long (minimum) posts and four washers, bolts and nuts (3/8-inch diameter and bolts are 5-inches long) shall be used to install the notice board. Installation Certification The notice board(s) must be installed within 14 days after Land Use Services · Division has determined that the application is complete. The enclosed "Affidavit of Posting" must be signed, and returned to the Land Use Services Division within 7 days following the date of posting. . Maintenance and Removal of the Notice Board The applicant shall maintain the notice board in good condition throughout the application review period, which shall extend through the time of the final county decision on the proposal and the expiration of any applicable appeal periods. If the notice board is removed, LUSD review of the land use application may be discontinued until the notice board is replaced and has remained in place for the required period of time. TO BE FILLED OUT BY LUSD STAFF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE BOARD TEXT INFORMATION (To Be Given to the Sign Painter) Type of Action: Formal Subdivision Proposal: Subdivide approx. 4.36 acres into 27 lots for single-family detached residences in the R-6-SO zone. File No.: L05P0007 Talbot Ridge Estates Subdivision NOTE: If you require this material in braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call 206-296-6600 (voice) or for hearing impaired 206-296-7217. Notice Board Requirements-NOA 8/8/01 Pg 2 LOSP0007 -Talbot Ridge Estates Number of sign boards required: 2 Location of sign boards: 1 Board on 102nd Ave SE 1 Board SE 192"d Street (western portion) Formal Plats A. Cities within 1 mile to be notified: Kent & Renton B. Airports within 2 miles to be notified: None Mail Notice to: 1) Affected Tribes • 2) Applicant 3) Community Groups • 4) p_Q], if adjoins State highway • Always included as a notice recipient (off of the STR list). Planners Posting Board lnstrx.doc ~ ' ([-Seattle <!rtmts ~~~ REPRESENTING THE SeattlcJost-.JlntclligcnceT Re Advertiser Account #78871004 Ad TEXT:KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DDES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057·5212 NOTICE OF PERMIT HEARING& RECOMMENDATION LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION Request: Formal (Subdivision) FIie# & Name: L05P0007 Talbot Ridge Estates Appllcant: Belmont Homes Inc. Location: Property Is located at the SW corner of the 102nd Ave SE & SE 192nd St Intersection, Renton Proposal: Subdivide 4.36 acres into 27 Iota for detached S/F residences In the R.S.-SO zone Project Manager: Trisha Bull, PPMII, 206-296-6758 Hearing Date and Time: January 30, 2007 at 9:30 am Location of Publlc Hearing: DOES, Hearing Room 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057·5212 Dept. Recommendation to Hearing Examiner: Approve subject to conditions. Comment Procedures: Comments on the above file are now being accepted by King County DOES, Land Use Ser vices Division, at the address listed above. Published this 13th day of January, 2007 Ad # 733908000 MAIN FILE COP¥ i!t~ Seattle <!rimes ~ REPRESENTING THE .ieattlcfoat-lntelligenccr K C /DEV & ENVIRON ATIN JACQUIE GONDOLA 900 OAKESDALE AVE SW RENTON, WA 98055 Re: Advertiser Account #78871004 Ad #: 733908000 3634021 / 3 STATE OF WASHINGTON Counties of King and Snohomish PO Box 70, Seattle, WA 98111 Affidavit of Publication The undersigned, on oath states that he/she is an authorized representative of The Seattle Times Company, publisher of The Seattle Times and representing the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, separate newspapers of general circulation published daily in King and Snohomish Counties, State of Washington. The Seattle Times and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer have been approved as legal newspapers by orders of the Superior Court of King and Snohomish Counties. The notice, in the exact form annexed, was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper or papers and distributed to its subscribers during all of the said period. · Newspaper The Seattle Times The Seattle Post-Intelligencer . --- Publlcatlon Date 01/13/07 01/13/07 (NOTARY SIGNATURE) Notary Public in and for the State c,I ~hington, fJ!Sidiiig.ai.Seattle / -'1' {.Jr,·\ .:: . 1...,, \0 w\.. ~ £ ( /,, -v..,, ,,,<-24-0·,~ " . I ,L,. '11, , ........ ,.,., It ,.. 11111\\\'''' -~" . ,,, 0~ .. , • ~,::, .::,.- ,, llth-.:7 , ..... 111 \\',:,"''''' ( ' STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Jody L. Barton, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a bi-weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a bi-weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact fonn annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on January 24, 2007. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$217.88. .n ,_:j-;::~dr• ,~-,,.---,..~:,M;,,~;;.i)":!: ""'i.c- , •f?" "\., . . . ,§'·"' . ,,,,11\lllll//11,, •.;\ .al Advert1smg Representative, Renton Reporter .. ,. -~~' \ Q , <;,.?. ': t 0 }'1 'l o>. Subscribed and sworn to me this 26th day of January, 200'.7' .-· · . • ;~rniss;;,: •. 0,., ~ \. ·-:,' ·1~··.,, ~ \\ -I-• -.,, r " -<' • _,. :!. l!z[) {2222,tzNYJ . ~ . ·. ?:)-~h "' ~ ~ BDCantelon :;. /!·.,) ,,·.: Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Kent, W~jhj9gi6Q~~-i~·:·::<: :J ,,Y P. 0. Number: •-, t:,,,,ory Pu'O\',,,,, . .._, l/11 \" • '',. . //JIJ!\I . _,,, ; .¢· ·~-~: ,·' ... _--...:< JONG COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMEl\'TAL SERVICES (DDES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057-5212 NOTICE OF PERMIT HEARING & RECOMMENDATION LAND USE SERVICES DMSION Request: Forma1 (Subdivision) File# & Name: L05P0007 Talbot Ridge Estates Applicant: Belmont Homes Inc. Location: Property is located at the SW corner of the 102nd Ave SE & SE 192nd St intersec- Proposal: tion, Renton Subdivide 4.36 acres into 27 lots for det- ached S/F resid- ences in the R-6-SO zone Project Manager: Trisha Bull, PPMII, 206-296-6758 Hearing Date and Time: January 30. 2007 at 9:30 am Location of Public Hearing: DOES, Hearing Room 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 Dept. Recommendation to Hearing Examiner: Approve subject to condi- tions. Comment Procedures: Comments on the above file are now being accepted by King County ODES. Land Use Sen-ices Division, at the address listOO above. Published this 13th day of January, 2007 Published in the Renton Reporter January24,2007.#862759 Affidavit of Publication 3150330/3 State of Washington, Counties of King and Snohomish, Mary C. Hiatt being duly sworn, says that he/she is the Authorized Agent of Seattle Times Company, publisher of The Seattle Times and representing the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, separate newspapers published daily in King and Snohomish Counties, State of Washington: that they are newspapers of general circulation in said Counties and State; that they have been approved as legal newspapers by orders of the Superior Court of King and Snohomish Counties; that the annexed, being a classified advertisement, was published in: Puqli~ationpate · The Seattle Times 07/05/05 And not in a supplement thereof, and is a true copy of the notice as it was printed and/or distributed in the regular and entire issue of said paper or papers during all of said period, and that said newspaper or newspapers were regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of July, 2005 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at Seattle MAIN FILE COPY K1NG c~UNTY. oePy;'oF DEVELOPMENT & • ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ·9000akesdaktAveSW, · ;·. R~, WA 98055-nt9 . ~9H5E,."Ji,f.••MIT . §SilitiT!c>'' ' . ; JtueD1v·1s:_10N . FIie:: .. ._. , • ~.:· . , LOSP0007 Talbot Ridge Estates ' t~C!l~a~~rizl; Belmo~t HOnlOS . · t~~t:n: Ot ttie ·SOUth~sti corner of the 102nd Ave SE & SE 192nd St Intersection I ProPOSal: Subdlvlde··approx. 4.36 cicres into .27 lots for slngle•fomllyl detached residences in the R-6- i~o~°n, Man~ger: ·. · Trlshoh Bull, 206-296-6758 COMMENT PROCEDURES: Comments on the above Ille are ~~!nt~1StJ§;~t~~e b(idd~~~~ listed above .. Publlshvcl this -5th day of J ulv; 1005.----.. s: )> z "Tl ;= m 0 0 1J -< STA TE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Tom Meagher, being first duly sworn on oath that he is the Legal Advertising Representative of the King County Journal a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in King County, Washington. The King County Journal has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the King County Journal (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Public Notice was published on July 5 , 2005. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$119.75. ,,\1111111,, ~ ,, B ''1. ,,.. 1.,. ,, ~ 9~ ......... ~r. ~ ~"'-;/ ::i.~ ,:' 0 •• • '"'OTI\Jl,-1 ~ ~ . - Tom Meagher ! i EXP. ': Legal Advertising Representative, King County Journal : ~ \ 04/28/2009 ~ : Jody I':'. Qfflfton -:::.:"'V'•._ ·i~ ,. ,,.~ . ... ... ~~· .... ~uc_..• .:-~ 0 ··-··-:..~~ ~ ,,,, 'P WAsv,,,,, ''''""'"'' Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Auburn, Washington P.O. Number: Cost of publishing this notice includes an affidavit surcharge. KING COUNTY DEPI'. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA98065-1219 NQDCE OF PERMIT APPIJCATIQN REQUEST; FORMAL SJlBDJYISIQN File: L05P0007 Talbot Ridge Estates Applicant Robert Wenzl, Belmont Homes Location: Located at the southwest comer of the 102nd Ave SE & SE 192nd St inteniection Proposal: Subdivide approL 4.36 acres into 27 lots for single- family detached residences in the R-6-$0 zone. Program Manager: Trishah Bull, 206-~758 COMMENT PROCEDURES· Com- ments on the above file are now being accepted by King County DDES, at the address listed above. Published in the King County Journal July 5, 2005. #859596 • / • ' I Rogers, Carol From: Rogers, Carol Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 8:04 AM To: Subject: 'Legals'; 'legals.bellevue@kingcountyjournal.com' Legal ad for publ. on Tuesday, 7 /5 Please confirm receipt. Please publish the accompanying, legal notice in your newspaper on TUESDAY. July 5. 2005, which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please call or fax me Immediately. Submit your invoice and 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to Accounts Payable, as soon after publication as possible, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records, and so that we may process same for payment. Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98055-1219 NOTICE OF PERMIT APPLICATION REQUEST: FORMAL SUBDIVISION File: Applicant: L05P0007 Talbot Ridge Estates Robert Wenzl, Belmont Homes Location: Located at the southwest corner of the 102°' Ave SE & SE 192°' St intersection Proposal: Subdivide approx. 4.36 acres into 27 lots for single-family detached residences in the R-6-SO zone. Program Manager: Trishah Bull, 206-296-6758 COMMENT PROCEDURES: Comments on the above file are now being accepted by King County DDES, at the address listed above. Published this 51" day of July, 2005. cc: Accounts Payable, Administrative Services Division, DDES Application File(s): L05P0007; Talbot Ridge Estates application notice. Seattle Times acct #078871004 1 ~.002 ~ell} flro ~·qm lf~o fl[F!i ~~iW ~. ·![~J~I~ ~ Ble ~dit l!jew lnsert Fqrmat !ools &ctlons t!elP Type a question for help • i ~~ Beply I (\l:l Reply to A!I l ~~ Forytard I ~ ~ I 'i' I lej 'X i <> • so, • It, j (1) • From: Tom Meagher [tom,meagher@ldngcountyjoumal.com] Sent: Wed 06/29/2005 8:29 AM To: Rogers, Carol Cc: SUbject: RE: Legal ad for publ, on Tuesday, 7/5 -~ Hi, Carol! I have received your email, and will publish the notice (Re/File LD5P0007) in the 7,1)5,05 edition of the King County Journal. Thanks, Carol ... have a great day! ~ [. r ~ Tom Meagher Legal Advertising Representative King County Journal Newspapers Phone: 253-234-3512 or 425-453-4296 Fax: 253-859-9268 or 425-635-0602 --Originlll Message- From: Rogers, Catol (tneilio:CatolRogers@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 8:04AM To: 'Legllls'; 'legllls.bellevue@kingcountyjoumlll.com' Subject: Leglll adforpubl. on Tuesday, 115 Please confirm receipt I~J , il9~ ~· ~~ @~ ~@ · ir~ri~~:· ·~rli!f~~-. r~~~-· ~-~~~~©~iw ~ffi Wednesday, Jun 29, 2005 09:00 AM User: rogersca Computer: DE217953 Os: Windows NT Version: 5.1 ' .. soc Page 1 of2 ... Rogers, Carol -----------------·------------------- From: Legals [legals@seattletimes.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 8:18 AM To: Rogers, Carol Subject: RE: Legal ad for publ. on Tuesday, 7/5 Good Morning Carol, Your Legal Ad# 3150330 will run Tuesday, July 5, 2005 for$ 55.76. Thanks, Eleanor Sub for Lady Byrd -----Original Message----- Lady Byrd Legals/Joyous Occasions NW classifieds.com/jobs Phone: 206-652-6604 Fax: 206-515-5595 lbyrd@seattletimes.com From: Rogers, Carol [mailto:Carol.Rogers@METROKC.GOV) Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 8:04 AM To: Legals; 'legals.bellevue@kingcountyjournal.com' Subject: Legal ad for publ. on Tuesday, 7 /5 Please confirm receipt Please publish the accompanying, legal notice in your newspaper on TUESDAY. Julu 2005. which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please call or fax me immediately. Submit your invoice and 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to Accounts Payable, as soon after f!Ublication as f!Ossible, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records, and so that we may process same for payment. Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 900 Oakesdale Ave SW. Renton. WA 98055-1219 NOTICE OF PERMIT APPLICATION REQUEST: FORMAL SUBDIVISION 06/29/2005 soc ... Page 2 of2 File: L05P0007 Talbot Ridge Estates Applicant: Robert Wenzl, Belmont Homes Location: Located at the southwest corner of the 102nd Ave SE & SE 192nd St intersection Proposal: Subdivide approx. 4.36 acres into 27 lots for single-family detached residences in the R-6-SO zone. Program Manager: Trishah Bull, 206-296-6758 COMMENT PROCEDURES: Comments on the above file are now being accepted by King County DOES, at the address listed above. Published this 5th day of July, 2005. cc: Accounts Payable, Administrative Services Division, DOES Application File(s): L05P0007; Talbot Ridge Estates application notice. Seattle Times acct #078871004 06/29/2005 Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division Noftce of Application 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 , File.#;Lps~Q.0Q7. 7!:'f c1.l!:)~>l•Ridg~iEstate~ ... , ,_."'.'.( , ,. , :·:: ,;_: ;·. ,,)) :!' !'·,.,'.' ,i·: J,\( ifi:·, ,ti: :i"',: ::· :: ?/ :\··; I :,;: ;1-; ·.}IDBE~ Rl~rir\ef: :fh{hati:s~il rTelep~ohe No;', ~~6°~9~-6758 .· ,::Email/trishah:bull@metrokc:goV ,',"ii':iji'i'!'i):!i''': ·'!·•"·· ,,, ' /.F. bat~\4,pplicaU?n .File~jMarcfi:'~4, 2oos .... . : •Date Determined Complete,;Apdl,21,2005 . ,, I· , 'I ·,.''"I'll'',,"' ;·,I,• '"'l"l'l''i"·''I,·.' · • ""i"''',,1,; .. , .... " ..... ,,.,,.,·q I', ,. I ,. ,-· ",I,,,,,, . .,,... ,.,', , , '"I'' !Project:·locatiort •. -f~e,i6.~o~~tfyj;: lob.!'ted ~t' t~; r:~i~~.:~r~~f~~'/Qf:t~~ '~;6;n~:1J;no~~Eo1n:c1 SE ·· ··: .· ... ·· · .. · :: •• :: •. 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Following the close of the public hearing, the Hearing Examiner will issue a written decision which may be appealed to the Metropolitan-King County Council. Details of the appeal process will be included in the notice of recommendation. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the planner at the phone number listed above. Written comments may also be submitted to ODES. You may review the application and any environmental documents or studies in our Renton office. NOTE: If you require this material in Braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call 206-296-6600 (voice) or for hearing impaired 206-296-7217 (TTY). Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Mailing Date: July 12. 2005 ----------------------------=-----=-----==----===--=~== Please send me notification of the public hearing and other official notices concerning this application. File No. L05P0007 -Talbot Ridge Estates (Please print) Name:---------------------------------- Address:--------------------------------- Telephone No.: ------------- King County has received an application to develop property at the address listed above. You are receiving this notice because our records Indicate that you own property within approximately 500 feet of the proposal I I l e I •"OO"A I .. PPROVE:D /J, CH£N k !jl R. H. Sll'ICi,S P.£. ~met .,.;..,.&1 I • ' L05P0007 I I I I I PREUMINARY Pl.AT TALBOT RIDGE ESTATES IBIEII../VDON7T HO/VD/ES P.O. SOX 2401 K/RKLAN(}, WASHIN(;T()N M08.J-24QI I I f------ UII ' i I ( 'I Ill t,1 1!' ~ :1' J ,. \ - ~DfSIGN 41Uff.n77 ,..411.1111.1'N1 fHOll'ffr/NO • ,uNNINO • $1.IIVtYINO ' ------- BULL, TR!SHAH PROJECT MANAGER ll MS: OAK -DE-0100 DDES/LUSD CLAUSSEN, KIM PROGRAM MANAGER Ill MS: OAK-DE-0100 DDES/LUSD CORE DESIGN INC. ROBERT STEVENS 14711 NE 29TH PL., SUITE #IOI BELLEVUE, WA 98007 DINSMORE, LISA CURRENT PLANNING SECTION MS: OAK-DE-0100 DDES/LUSD GILLEN, NICK WETLAND REVIEW MS: OAK -DE -0100 DDES/LUSD KENT FIRE DISTRICT #37 LARRY RABEL 24611 116TH AVE SE KENT WA 98030 LANGLEY, KRIS TRAFFIC REVIEW MS: OAK -DE-0100 DDES/LUSD ROGERS, CAROL CURRENT PLANNING SECTION MS: OAK -DE-0100 DDES/LUSD WENZL, ROBERT BELMONT HOMES PO BOX 2401 KIRKLAND, WA 98083-2401 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 WEST.LARRY GEO REVIEW MS: OAK-DE-0100 DDES/LUSD WHITTAKER, BRUCE SR. ENGINEER DDES/LUSD MS: OAK -DE-0100 L05P0007 L05P0007 .. . -~ 6624300120/L05P0007 O'REILLY PATRICK G+O'REILLY MARGARETE 10305 SE 190TH PL RENTON WA 98055 3123059024/L05P0007 AHLUWALIA RAVINDER SINGH+JA 730 E 55TH ST RENTON WA 98055 3223059327/L05P0007 BURLESON ALVIN B 19030 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 3388200030/L05P0007 CHU QUOC BAO+KHANH K PHAM 19230 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 6624300140/L05P0007 CONCHEE MELVIN L 10313 SE 190TH PL RENTON WA 98055 3388320110/L05P0007 DOMAN JAMES A+DOMAN KATHLEEN R 22724 156TH AV SE KENT WA 98042 6624300100/L05P0007 FIORE KENNETH W&CHRISTINE A 19022 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 7931000140/L05P0007 GILL BALWINDER 10885 214TH PL KENT WA 98031 7941200140/L05P0007 GUZMAN JAN ELLE 19242 98TH AV S RENTON WA 98055 7941200190/L05P0007 HUNGERFORD CHARLES+SANDRA 19231 98TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 • 3388200150/L05P0007 ABBOTI MIKE E 19261 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 3388200140/L05P0007 BADER PATRICK J+DELORES B 19249 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 0522059136/L05P0007 BURTON OLLIE J 11007 E 196TH RENTON WA 98055 PL33/L05P0007 CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 3388320140/L05P0007 CONNELL MICHAEL A+VITHUS C 19035 102ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 6624300090/L05P0007 DUNN WILLIAM C+DONNETIA L 19018 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 3388200160/L05P0007 FREED PHYLLIS E 19341 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 3639500010/L05P0007 GONZALEZ SONIA MATILDE 10304 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 0522059127/L05P0007 HICKS JOHN+ANNE 10313 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 0522059332/L05P0007 KELSO PATRICK L+PAMELA 10221 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 338B200090/L05P0007 ADAMS JOHN DELNO+MARY LOIS 19203 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 0522059306/L05P0007 BRENNER A J 10304 SE 194TH RENTON WA 98055 0522059137/L05P0007 BURTON ROBERT E 19226 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 PL50/L05P0007 CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 3388200130/L05P0007 COVAL ROBERT L+MALLIKA 19239 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 PL18/L05P0007 EDWARD WHITE KENT ENGINEERING DEPT 220 4TH AVES KENT ,WA 98032 SD9/L05P0007 G. ANDERSON, PLANT & FACILITIES KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #415 12033 SE 256TH ST KENT WA 98031 3639500020/L05P0007 GREENE CLAUDE A PRESTON-GREENE JAYNE L 10310 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 3388320080/L05P0007 HOOG DARRELL+O'BRIEN CANDES 10037 SE 190TH ST RENTON WA 98055 PL19/L05P0007 KENT PLANNING DEPT 220 4TH AVES KENT WA 98032 .-, .... 3388320190/l05P0007 KOOPMANS ARVEN FAMILY UVIN 10020 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 3388200120/L05P0007 LEWIS MARK S+KRISTI S 19229 99TH Pl S RENTON WA 98055 3388320120/L05P0007 MAKER KENNETH M+MARTHA T 19027 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 3388320160/LOSP0007 MCKEE MICHAEL W & ARLENE L 13337 SE 195TH ST RENTON WA 98058 3388320200/L05P0007 MEDLOCK Cl YDE C 10006 SE 192ND RENTON WA 98055 3223059328/L05P0007 NGUYEN UCHTAN 10220 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 7941200160/L05P0007 ORTEGA BENJAMIN+IGNACIO 19230 98TH AV S RENTON WA 98055 3388200100/L05P0007 PEDRO JOHN F+MARY ELLEN 19211 99TH Pl S RENTON WA 98055 SD13/L05P0007 R. STRACKE, FAOUTIES & PLANNING RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT #403 1220 N 4TH ST RENTON WA 98055 3388200040/L05P0007 RILEY RANDY J 19240 99TH Pl S RENTON WA 98055 3388200080/L05P0007 LANPHERE JAMES G+MINH THI 19414 99TH Pl S RENTON WA 98055 7941200220/L05P0007 LINK MICHAEL S+WILLA J 19249 98TH Pl S RENTON WA 98055 3388320150/L05P0007 MAXWELL DAMON+AMY P 19045 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 3388320060/L05P0007 MEDLOCK CLYDE & NANCY PURCE 10006 SE 192ND RENTON WA 98055 3223059151/l05P0007 MILLER STEFAN ]&SHIRLEY A 10204 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 3388320220/L05P0007 NGUYEN MINH SON 195 POWELL AV SW RENTON WA 98055 0522059046/L05P0007 OTANI HOD 19401102ND S E RENTON WA 98055 3388200110/L05P0007 PETERSON LINDA G+JOSEPH 19219 99TH Pl S RENTON WA 98055 3388200060/l05P0007 REAR LOIS 19260 99TH Pl S RENTON WA 98055 3388320180/L05P0007 RJPP STEVEN G+LORAINE A 120136TH ST BELLINGHAM WA 98229 7941200200/L05P0007 LEE LENNY L 19237 98TH Pl S RENTON WA 98055 7941200150/l05P0007 MAI DON 19236 98TH AV S . RENTON WA 98055 3388320240/l05P0007 MCDONALD ROGER M 10033 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 3388320210/L05P0007 MEDLOCK Cl YDE & NANCY PURCE 10006 SE 192ND RENTON WA 98055 3388200010/l05P0007 NANN SOPHAT H+SOVANNA LINDA 19210 99TH Pl S RENTON WA 98055 3388320100/L05P0007 ODREN GARY 10055 SE 190TH RENTON WA 98055 3388200020/L05P0007 PADDA GURDEV 19218 99TH Pl S RENTON WA 98055 7941200170/L05P0007 POTRA MARJA 19222 98TH AV S RENTON WA 98055 7941200210/l05P0007 REYRAO ROWENA UL Y BEL P 19243 98TH Pl S RENTON WA 98055 3388320090/L05P0007 RISTER H RAY 10041 E 190TH RENTON WA 98055 6624300130/L05P0007 ROWE ERIC L+DELVECCHIO SARA M 10309 SE 190TH PL RENTON WA 98055 0522059045/L05P0007 SHEEHAN NANCY 2482 LABIEUX RD NANAIMO BC V9T3M6 0522059077/L05P0007 SINGH HARCHAND+ANGREJ LAUR . 19225 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 3123059156/L05P0007 SNYDER GORDON 750 S 55TH ST RENTON 98055 3639500030/L05P0007 THORP JAMES S 10320 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98033 0522059323/L05P0007 TULLIS MARK L 10215 SE 192ND RENTON WA 98055 3388320170/L05P0007 WARZECHA GREGORY A 10034 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 0522059135/L05P0007 YOMITSU DAVID A STRUNC MARY 10321 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98058 0522059240/L05P0007 RUTH JOHN W 19406 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 3388320130/L05P0007 SIMPSON JULIA A 19033 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 3123059119/L05P0007 SINGH KARNAIL 5218 TALBOT RDS RENTON WA 98055 3223059329/L05P0007 SOI RAJ KUMAR & DARSHAN DEV 10228 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 7941200180/L05P0007 TRAPP HARRY D+AGNES T 19223 98TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 0522059043/L05P0007 UYETA WAYNE & JANE 19220 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 3123059125/L05P0007 WILSON ROBERT D 720 S 55TH ST RENTON WA 98055 3388200050/L05P0007 ZEMECK VIRGINIA M 19250 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 0522059339/L05P0007 SCHMELZER JEROME J+MARTHA J 19218 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 7931000144/L05P0007 SINGH HARCHAND ET AL 13955 INTERURBAN AV S #A TUKWILA WA 98168 0522059085/L05P0007 SINGH SATWANT 24419 105TH PL SE KENT WA 98030 3388320230/L05P0007 SQUARE WILBERT E SR+CELIA 12572 SE 231ST ST KENT WA 98031 0522059305/L05P0007 TULLIS MARK L 10215 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 3388320070/L05P0007 VANCE ROBERT L 10033 SE 190TH RENTON WA 98055 6624300110/L05P0007 WOODARD PATRICK+WOODARD KIMBERLYN 10301 SE 190TH PL RENTON WA 98055 • -... ,.t. (Auburn) FD31 (Kent) FD37 Fire Protection Dist #31 · Fire Protection Dist #37 1101 D St ['JE 24611 -116th Av SE Auburn WA 98002-4025 Kent WA 98031 MS: KSC-NR-0600 MS: KSC-TR-0431 KC27 Water & Land Res. Div Gary Kriedt King County Dept. of Natural Res. KC Metro Envirn. Planning Steve Foley Lill U23 Covington Library . Kent Regional Library 27100 -164th Av SE 212 --2nd Av N Kent WA 98042 Kent WA 98032-4482 Documents Dept. Librarian U24 U36 King County Library System Renton Library 960 Newport Way NW 100 Mill Av S Issaquah, WA 98027 Renton WA 98055 (for Planning Water & Sewage Usage) PL2 ATTN: Edward White PL18 Auburn Planning/Comm Dev Dept Kent Engineering Dept 25 W Main St 220 -4th Av S Auburn WA 98002 Kent WA 98032 PL19 City of Renton PL33 Kent Planning Dept Economic Development Dept. 220-4th Av S 1055 S. Grady Way Kent WA 98032 Renton WA 98055 B. Poldevart, Dep Superindent SDl Clinton G. Marsh, Director Fae. & Const. Dept SD9 Auburn School District # 408 Kent School District# 415 915 -4th St NE 12033 SE 256th St. Bldg B Auburn WA 98002 Kent WA 98031-6643 R. Stracke, Facilities & Ping SD13 Administrator SES Renton School Dist # 403 Kent Sewer Utility 1220 N 4th St 220 -4th Av S Renton WA 98055 Kent WA 98032 Environmental Review Section ST2 Habitat Biologist, Rod Malcom TRl WA State Dept of Ecology Muckleshoot Indian Tribe PO Box 47703 39015 -172nd Av SE Olympia WA 98504-7703 Auburn WA 98002 Russ Ladley, Fisheries Biologist TR2 TR3 Puyallup Tribe Snoqualmie Tribe 6824 Pioneer Wy E PO Box 280 Puyallup WA 98371 Carnation WA 98014-0280 ,._ . --· Fisheries Habitat/Environment Suquamish Indian Tribe PO Box 498 Suquamish WA 98392 Auburn Water Dept 25 W Main St Auburn WA 98002 Public Works Dtr Kent Water Dist 220 -4th Av S Kent WA 98032 Soos Creek Water/Sewer Dist PO Box 58039 Renton WA 98058-1039 Coal Creek Utility District 6801 132nd Place SE Newcastle, WA 98059 WA State Dept. of Wildlife 16018 Mill Creek Blvd. Mill Creek, WA 98012 WA State Dept. of Ecology NW Regional Office 3190 -160th Ave SE Bellevue, WA 98008-5452 WA St. Ecology Dept/WQSW Unit Linda Matlock PO Box 47696 Olympia, WA 98504-7696 Eleanor Moon KC Executive Horse Council 12230 NE 61st Kirkland, WA 98033 TR5 WD3 WD23 WD41 WD57 Richa.rd Young TR4 Tulalip Tribe 7615 Totem Beach Rd Marysville WA 98271 WD12 Cedar River Water/Sewer Dist 18300 SE Lk Youngs Rd Renton WA 8058-9799 City of Renton, Public Works Dept. WD32 Development Services Div. 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98055 WD55 Water Dist #90 15606 SE 128th St Renton WA 98059-8522 WD58 Water Dist #111 27224 -144th Av SE Kent WA 98042-9058 WA State Dept. of Wildlife Habitat Mgmt. Division P.O. Box 43155 Olympia, WA 98504-3155 WSDOT NW Region SnoKing Area MS-240 15700 Dayton Ave No. PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 Roger Dorstad PO Box 375 Redmond, WA 98073 . ~ .. -,., .. Goll, Shirley From: ) Goll, Shirley Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 12:07 PM To: Subject: 'legals@seattletimes.com'; 'legals.bellevue@kingcountyjournal.com' Legal ad for plat hearing Thanks (Jody, the Renton Reporter please) Please confirm receipt. Please publish legal notice in your newspaperon Saturday, January 13, 2007, which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please fax or call me as soon as possible. Please submit your invoice with 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to DOES Accounts Payable as soon after publication as possible, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records, and so that we may process same for payment. Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (ODES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057-5212 NOTICE OF PERMIT HEARING & RECOMMENDATION LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION Request: Formal (Subdivision) File# & Name: L05P0007 Talbot Ridge Estates Applicant: Belmont Homes Inc. Location: Property is located at the SW corner of the 102"' Ave SE & SE 192"' St intersection, Renton Proposal: Subdivide 4.36 acres into 27 lots for detached S/F residences in the R-6-SO zone Project Manager: Trisha Bull, PPMII, 206-296-6758 Hearing Date and Time: January 30, 2007 at 9:30 am Location of Public Hearing: DDES, Hearing Room 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057 -5212 Dept. Recommendation to Hearing Examiner: Approve subject to conditions. Comment Procedures: Comments on the above file are now being accepted by King County DDES, Land Use Services Division, at the address listed above. Published this13th day of January, 2007 c.c. Accounts Payable/Admin. Services/ DOES Application File: L05P0007 S.Times Acct. No. 078871004 1 Page 1 of2 _,,. • Goll, Shirley From: Legals [legals@seattletimes.com] Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 1 :05 PM To: Goll, Shirley Subject: RE: Legal ad for plat hearing Hi Shirley, Your Legal Notice is schedule to run on Saturday, 1/13 ( Times & Pl ) under AD#3634021 at the cost of $154.88. Thanks, Jared From: Goll, Shirley[mailto:Shirley.Goll@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 12:07 PM To: Legals; legals.bellevue@kingcountyjournal.com Subject: Legal ad for plat hearing Thanks (Jody, the Renton Reporter please) Please confirm receipt. Please publish legal notice in your newspaper on Saturday, January 13, 2007, which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please fax or call me as soon as possible. Please submit your invoice with 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to ODES Accounts Payable as soon after publication as possible, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records, and so that we may process same for payment. Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DOES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057-5212 NO~OF PERMIT HEARING & RECOMMENDATION LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION Request: Formal (Subdivision) File# & Name: L05P0007 Talbot Ridge Estates Applicant: Belmont Homes Inc. Location: Property is located at the SW corner of the 102nd Ave SE & SE 192nd St intersection, Renton Proposal: Subdivide 4.36 acres into 27 lots for detached S/F residences in the R-6-SO zone Project Manager: Trisha Bull, PPMII, 206-296-6758 Hearing Date and Time: January 30, 2007 at 9:30 am Location of Public Hearing: DDES, Hearing Room 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 Dept. Recommendation to Hearing Examiner: Approve subject to conditions. Comment Procedures: Comments on the above file are now being accepted by King County DDES, Land Use Services Division, at the address listed above. 01/11/2007 > .... • Published this13th day of January, 2007 c.c. Accounts Payable/Admin. Services/ ODES Application File: L05P0007 S.Times Acct. No. 078871004 01/11/2007 Page 2 of2 Page I of3 Goll, Shirley From: Jody Barton Uody.barton@kingcountyjournal.com] Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 8:26 AM To: Goll, Shirley Subject: RE: Legal ad for plat hearing Good Morning Shirley! I know ... it's a bit confusing, however, the reason we can't publish on the 17th is because the first.available Renton Reporter doesn't take effect until the 24th. This is because of the sale of the paper and going to a 2x weekly paper for Renton .... The map you have is correct, it just isn't effective until the 24th. :) I'll publish it for you on the 24th. Thanks for being so patient while we all work this out together.:) Have a good weekend! Jody Jody Barton Legal Advertising Representative King County Publications, Ltd. 600 Washington Ave. S. PO Box 130 Kent, WA 98035 253-234-3506 (Phone) 253-859-9737 (Fax) "We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." -----Original Message----- From: Goll, Shirley [mailto:Shirley.Goll@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:57 PM To: Jody Barton Subject: RE: Legal ad for plat hearing hi just talked with Kim she said go ahead and publish on the 24th in the local paper as we have published on Sat. 13th in both S.Times & the P.I. so we are covered -can you send me an updated map with days & times as the one I printed off does say that the Renton Reporter publishes twice weekly every Wed. & Sat. ? thanks again From: Jody Barton [mailto:jody.barton@kingcountyjournal.com] Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 2: 13 PM To: Goll, Shirley Subject: RE: Legal ad for plat hearing 01/12/2007 ) Actually, the Renton Reporter doesn't publish again until the 24th .... -----Original Message----- From:Goll,Shirley.[mailto:Shirley.Goll@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 I :50 PM To: Jody Barton Subject: RE: Legal. ad for plat hearing what about Wed. the 17th of Jan? Would that work for the Renton Reporter? From: Jody Barton [mailto:jody.barton@kingcountyjournal.com] Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 12:12 PM To: Goll, Shirley Subject: RE: Legal ad for plat hearing Hello Shirley! Page 2 of3 Did you mean'to publish on the 24th in the Renton Reporter? Unfortunately, Saturday, January 13th, the Renton Reporter doesn't publish and the deadline for the King County Journal has already passed ... Please advise. Thanks! Jody Jody Barton Legal Advertising Representative King County Publications, Ltd. 600 Washington Ave. S. PO Box 130 Kent, WA 98035 253-234-3506 (Phone) 253-859-9737 (Fax) "We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." ----Original Message----- From: Goll,Shirley[mailto:Shirley.Goll@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 12:07 PM To: Jegals@seattletimes.com; Jegals.bellevue@kingcountyjoumal.com Subject: Legal ad for plat hearing Thanks (Jody, the Renton Reporter please) Please confirm receipt. Please publish legal notice in your newspaper on Saturday, January 13, 2007, which will meet our minimum legal notice requirement. Should this not be possible, please fax or call me as soon as possible. 01/12/2007 Page 3 of 3 Please submit your invoice with 3 copies of the affidavit of publication to ODES Accounts Payable as soon after publication as possible, in order for us to enter legal proof of publication in our file records, and so that we may process same for payment. Attachment: Legal Notice KING COUNTY DEPT. OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (DOES) 900 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA 98057-5212 NOTICE OF PERMIT HEARING & RE;~OMMENDATION LAND USE SERVICES DIVl§lON Request: File# & Name: Applicant: Location: Renton Formal (Subdivision) L05P0007 Talbot Ridge Estates Belmont Homes Inc. Property is located at the SW corner of the 102nd Ave SE & SE 192nd St intersection, Proposal: Subdivide 4.36 acres into 27 lots for detached S/F residences in the R-6-SO zone Project Manager: Trisha Bull, PPMII, 206-296-6758 ' Hearing Date and Time: January 30, 2007 at 9:30 am Location of Public Hearing: DOES, Hearing Room 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 Dept. Recommendation to Hearing Examiner: Approve subject to conditions. Comment Procedures: Comments on the above file are now being accepted by King County ODES, Land Use Services Division, at the address listed above. Published this13th day of January, 2007 c.c. Accounts Payable/Admin. Services/ DDES Application File: L05P0007 S.Times Acct. No. 078871004 01/12/2007 ® Notice of Decision- Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division SEPA Threshold Determination anol Notice of Recommendation & Hearing 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057·5212 File No.: L05P0007 Project Name: Talbot Ridge Estates DOES Project Manager: Trishah Bull Telephone No.: 206-296-6758 Applicant: Project Location: Project Description: Permits Requested: Robert Wenzl Belmont Homes, Inc. PO Box 2401 Kirkland, WA 98083-2401 425-893-84 78 The site is located at the southwestern corner of the 102"d Avenue SE and SE 192nd Street intersection. The postal city is Renton. Subdivision of approximately 4.36 acres into 27 lots for the development of single family detached residences in the R-6-SO zone. The proposed lots range in size from approximately 3,200 to 5,850 square feet. Of the 27 lots, 2 lots are proposed under King County Code 21A.37, Transfer of Development Rights. Formal Subdivision Department Recommendation to the Hearing Examiner: Approve, subject to conditions Date of Public Hearing: January 30, 2007, 9:30 am DOES Hearing Room -first floor 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 SEPA Threshold Determination: Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) Issued January 12, 2007 The Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) will issue a written report and recommendation to the Hearing Examiner two weeks prior to the scheduled public hearing. Persons wishing to receive a copy of the report should contact ODES at the address listed below. Following the close of the public hearing, the Hearing Examiner will issue a written decision which may be appealed to the Metropolitan-King County Council. Appeal procedures will be stated in the Examiner's written decision. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the Project Manager at the phone number listed above. Written comments may also be submitted to DOES. A public hearing as required by law will be held to consider the approval of this application. If the Renton School District announces a district-wide school closure due to adverse weather conditions or similar area emergency, the public hearing on this matter will be postponed. Interested parties will be notified of the time and date of the rescheduled hearing. Any questions regarding postponements and rescheduling can be directed to the Hearing Examiner's Office at (206) 296-4660. Comm'ent/Appeal Procedure on SEPA Threshold Determination: Comments on this SEPA determination are welcome. This SEPA determination may also be appealed in writing to the King County Hearing Examiner. A notice of appeal must be filed with the Land Use Services Division at the address listed below prior to 4:30 p.m. on January 29, 2007, and be accompanied with a filing fee of $250.00 payable to the King County Office of Finance. If a timely Notice of Appeal has been filed, the appellant shall also file a Statement of Appeal with the Land Use Services Division at the address listed below prior to 4:30 p.m. on February 5, 2007. The Statement of Appeal shall identify the decision being appealed (including the file number) and the alleged errors in that decision. Further, the Statement of Appeal shall state: 1) specific reasons why the decision should be reversed or modified; and 2) the harm suffered or anticipated by the appellant, and the relief sought. The scope of an appeal shall be based on matters or issues raised in the Statement of Appeal. Failure to timely file a Notice of Appeal, appeal fee or Statement of Appeal, deprives the Hearing Examiner of jurisdiction to consider the appeal. Appeals must be submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) at the following address: Date Mailed: January 12. 2007 DDES--Land Use Services Division Attn: Permit Center 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 If you have any questions regarding the appeal procedures, please contact the Planner at the phone number I ted ab If you require this material in braille, audio cassette, or large print, call (206) 296-6600 (voice) or (206) 296-721 • ' .. ,., ..,.. ... BULL, TRISHAH PROJECT MANAGER II MS: OAK -DE-0100 DDES/LUSD BURTON ROBERT E 19226 I 02ND A VE SE RENTON WA 98055 CITY OF RENTON REBECCA LIND EDNSP DEPT. 1055 S. GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 CLAUSSEN, KIM PROGRAM MANAGER Ill MS OAK-DE-0100 DDES/LUSD CORE DESlGN lNC. ROBERT STEVENS 14711 NE 29TH PL, SUITE #101 BELLEVUE, WA 98007 D1NSMORE, USA CURRENT PLANNING SECTION MS: OAK -DE-0100 DDES/LUSD DOMAN KAnlY 22724 156TH A VE SE KENT WA 98042 GILLEN, NICK WETLAND REVIEW MS: OAK -DE -0100 DDESILUSD GOLL, SHIRLEY CURRENT PLANNING SECTION MS: OAK -DE-0100 DDESILUSD L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 HANlS, PATRlCK HANIS GREANEY PLLC 6703 S 234TH ST, STE 300 KENT WA 98032-2900 98032-2900 HlCKS,JOHN 10313 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 98055 KC HEARING EXAMINER'S OFFICE ATTN: MARKA OR GJNGER L05P0007 TALBOT RIDGE ESTATES MS: YES-CC -0404 KENT FIRE D1STR1CT #37 LARRY RABEL 24611116THAVESE KENT WA 98030 LANGLEY, KR1S TRAFFIC REVlEW MS: OAK -DE-0100 DDES/LUSD LOZIER HOMES CORPORATlON JENNJFER MCCALL 1203114T11AVESE BELLEVUE WA 98004 MCDONALD ROGER & LINDA I 0033 SE 192ND ST. RENTON WA 98055 RUTHJOflN W. 19406102NDAVESE RENTON WA 98055 SCHMELZER J 19218102NDAVESE RENTON WA 98055 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 .• ...... . ; ,. SCHMELZER JERRY \92\8102NDAVESE RENTON WA 98055 SEATTLE KC HEAL TH DEPT. EDISTR. ENVIRON HEAL TH 14350 SE EASTGATE WAY BELLEVUE WA 98007 SINGH HARCHAND RAURANGREJ \9225102NDAVESE RENTON WA 98055 TOWNSEND. STEVE LAND USE INSPECTIONS MS: OAK -DE -0 I 00 DOES/ LUSD fULLIS, MARK L. 10215 SE 192ND ST. RENTON WA 98055 UYETA WAYNE & JANE 19220 \02NDAVE SE RENTON WA 98055 WENZL, ROBERT BELMONT HOMES PO BOX 2401 KIRKLAND. WA 98083-2401 WEST, LARRY GEO REVIEW MS: OAK-DE-0100 DDES/LUSD WHITING, KELLY (REPORT ONLY) KC DOT ROAD SERVICES DIVISION MS: KSC-TR-0231 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 WHITTAKER, BRUCE SR. ENGINEER DDES/LUSD MS: OAK -DE-0100 ZEMECK, MS. VIRGINIA M. 19250 99TH PLACE SOUTH RENTON WA 98055-6334 L05P0007 L05P0007 . ~ . BULL, TRlSHAH PROJECT MANAGER 11 MS: OAK -DE-0 I 00 DDES/1..USD BURTON ROBERT E 19226 102ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 ClTY OF RENTON REBECCA LJND EDNSP DEPT 1055 S. GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 CLAUSSEN, KIM PROGRAM MANAGER Ill MS: OAK -DE-0100 DDES/LUSD CORE DESlGN INC. ROBERT STEVENS 14711 NE 29TH PL., SUlTE #101 BELLEVUE, WA 98007 DINSMORE, LISA CURRENT PLANNlNG SECTlON MS: OAK -DE-0100 DDES/LUSD DOMAN KATHY 22724 156TH A VE SE KENT WA 98042 GILLEN, NlCK WETLAND REVIEW MS: OAK -DE -0100 DDES/LUSD \ GOLL, SHIRLEY CURRENT PLANNlNG SECTlON MS: OAK -DE-0 l 00 DDES/LUSD L0SP0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 LOSP0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 HANlS, PATRlCK HANlS GREANEY PLLC 6703 S 234TH ST, STE 300 KENT WA 98032-2900 98032-2900 HlCKS,JOHN 10313 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 98055 KC HEARING EXAMINER'S OFFICE ATTN: MARKA OR GINGER L05P0007 TALBOT RIDGE ESTA TES MS: YES-CC -0404 KENT FIRE DISTRICT #37 LARRY RABEL 246ll 116THAVESE KENT WA 98030 LANGLEY. KRIS TRAFFIC REVIEW MS: OAK -DE-0 I 00 DDES/LUSD LOZlER HOMES CORPORATION JENNlFER MCCALL 1203 114TH AVE SE BELLEVUE WA 98004 MCDONALD ROGER & LlNDA 10033 SE 192ND ST. RENTON WA 98055 RUTH JOHN W. 19406 102ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 SCHMELZER J 19218 102ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 SCHMELZER JERRY \92\8102NDAVESE RENTON WA 98055 SEATTLE KC HEALTH DEPT. E.DISTR. ENVIRON HEAL TH 14350 SE EASTGATE WAY BELLEVUE WA 98007 SINGH HARCHAND RAUR ANGREJ 19225 102ND A VE SE RENTON WA 98055 TOWNSEND. STEVE LAND USE INSPECTIONS MS OAK -DE -0100 DDES / LUSD fULLIS, MARK L. 10215SE 192NDST. RENTON WA 98055 UYETA WAYNE&JANE 19220102NDAVESE RENTON WA 98055 WENZL, ROBERT BELMONT HOMES PO BOX 2401 KIRKLAND, WA 98083-2401 WEST, LARRY GEO REVIEW MS: OAK-DE-0100 DDES/LUSD WHITING, KELLY (REPORT ONLY ) KC DOT ROAD SERVICES DIVISION MS: KSC -TR -0231 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 L05P0007 WHITTAKER, BRUCE SR. ENGINEER DDES/LUSD MS: OAK-DE-0100 ZEMECK, MS. VIRGINIA M. 19250 99TH PLACE SOUTH RENTON WA 98055-6334 L05P0007 L05P0007 . ~ . PO••,~. -· -~-·-· 6624300120/L05P0007 O'REILLY PATRICK G+O'REILLY MARGARETE. 10305 SE 190TH PL RENTON WA 98055 3123059024/L05P0007 AHLUWALIA RAVINDER SJNGH+JA 730 E 55TH ST RENTON WA 98055 3223059327/L05P0007 BURLESON ALVIN B 19030 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 3388200030/L05P0007 CHU QUOC BAO+KHANH K PHAM 19230 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 6624300140/L05P0007 CONCHEE MELVIN L 10313 SE 190TH PL RENTON WA 98055 3388320110/L05P0007 DOMAN JAMES A+DOMAN KATHLEEN R 22724 156TH AV SE KENT WA 9804 2 6624300100/L05P0007 FIORE KENNETH W&CHRISTINE A 19022 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 7931000140/L05P0007 GILL BALWINDER 10885 214TH PL KENT WA 98031 7941200140/L05P0007 GUZMAN JANELLE 19242 98TH AV S RENTON WA 98055 7941200190/L05P0007 HUNGERFORD CHARLES+SANDRA 19231 98TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 3388200150/L05P0007 ABBOlT MIKE E 19261 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 3388200140/L05P0007 BADER PATRJCK J+DELORES B 19249 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 0522059136/L05P0007 BURTON OLLIE J 11007 E 196TH RENTON WA 98055 PL33/L05P0007 CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 3388320140/L05P0007 CONNELL MICHAEL A+VITHUS C 19035 102ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 6624300090/L05P0007 DUNN WILLIAM C+DONNITTA L 19018 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 3388200160/L05P0007 FREED PHYLLIS E 19341 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 3639500010/L05P0007 GONZALEZ SONIA MATILDE 10304 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 0522059127/L05P0007 HICKS JOHN+ANNE 10313 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 0522059332/LOSP0007 KELSO PATRJCK L+PAMELA 10221 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 3388200090/L05P0007 ADAMS JOHN DELNO+MARY LOIS 19203 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 0522059306/L05P0007 BRENNERAJ 10304 SE 194TH RENTON WA 98055 0522059137/L05P0007 BURTON ROBERT E 19226 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 PL50/L05P0007 CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 3388200130/L05P0007 COVAL ROBERT L+MALLIKA 19239 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 PL18/L05P0007 EDWARD WHITE KENT ENGINEERING DEPT 220 4TH AVES KENT WA 98032 SD9/L05P0007 G. ANDERSON, PLANT & FAOUTIES KENT SCHOOL DISTRJCT #415 12033 SE 256TH ST KENT WA 98031 3639500020/LOSP0007 GREENE CLAUDE A PRESTON-GREENE JAYNE L 10310 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 3388320080/LOSP0007 HOOG DARRELL+O'BRJEN CANDES 10037 SE 190TH ST RENTON WA 98055 PL19/L05P0007 KENT PLANNING DEPT 220 4TH AVES KENT WA 98032 • ' -~--.. ~ . ····--.. _. 3388320190/L05P0007 KOOPMANS ARVEN FAMILY LIVIN 10020 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 3388200120/L05P0007 LEWIS MARK S+ KRISTI S 19229 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 3388320120/L05P0007 MAKER KENNETH M+MARTHA T 19027 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 3388320160/L05P0007 MCKEE MICHAEL W & ARLENE L 13337 SE 19STH ST RENTON WA 98058 3388320200/L05P0007 MEDLOCK CLYDE C 10006 SE 192ND RENTON WA 98055 3223059328/L05P0007 NGUYEN LICHTAN 10220 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 7941200160/L05P0007 ORTEGA BENJAMIN+ IGNAOO 19230 98TH AV S RENTON WA 98055 3388200100/L05P0007 PEDRO JOHN F+MARY ELLEN 19211 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 SD13/L05P0007 R. STRACKE, FACILITIES & PLANNING RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT #403 1220 N 4TH ST RENTON WA 98055 3388200040/L05P0007 RILEY RANDY J 19240 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 3388200080/L05P0007 LANPHERE JAMES G+MINH THI 19414 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 7941200220/L05P0007 LINK MICHAEL S+WILLA J 19249 98TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 3388320150/L05P0007 MAXWELL DAMON+AMY P 19045 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 3388320060/L05P0007 MEDLOCK CLYDE & NANCY PURCE 10006 SE 192ND RENTON WA 98055 3223059151/L05P0007 MILLER STEFAN J&SHIRLEY A 10204 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 3388320220/L05P0007 NGUYEN MINH SON 195 POWELL AV SW RENTON WA 98055 0522059046/L05P0007 OTANI HOD 19401102ND S E RENTON WA 98055 3388200110/L05P0007 PETERSON LINDA G+ JOSEPH 19219 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 3388200060/L05P0007 REAR LOIS 19260 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 3388320180/L05P0007 RIPP STEVEN G+LORAINE A 120136TH ST BELLINGHAM WA 98229 7941200200/L05P0007 LEE LENNY L 19237 98TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 7941200150/L05P0007 MAI DON 19236 98TH AV S RENTON WA 98055 3388320240/L05P0007 MCDONALD ROGER M 10033 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 3388320210/L05P0007 MEDLOCK CLYDE & NANCY PURCE 10006 SE 192ND RENTON WA 98055 3388200010/L05P0007 NANN SOPHAT H+SOVANNA LINDA 19210 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 3388320100/L05P0007 ODREN GARY 10055 SE 190TH RENTON WA 98055 3388200020/L05P0007 PADDA GURDEV 19218 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 7941200170/L05P0007 POTRA MARIA 19222 98TH AV S RENTON WA 98055 7941200210/L05P0007 REYRAO ROWENA LILY BEL P 19243 98TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 3388320090/L05P0007 RISTER H RAY 10041 E 190TH RENTON WA 98055 6624300130/L05P0007 ROWE ERIC L+DELVECCHIO SARA M 10309 SE 190TH PL RENTON WA 98055 0522059045/L05P0007 SHEEHAN NANCY 2482 LABIEUX RD NANAIMO BC V9T3M6 0522059077/L05P0007 SINGH HARCHAND+ANGREJ LAUR 19225 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 3123059156/L05P0007 SNYDER GORDON 750 S 55TH ST RENTON 98055 3639500030/L05P0007 . THORP JAMES S 10320 SE 192ND 5T RENTON WA 98033 0522059323/L05P0007 TULLIS MARK L 10215 SE 192ND RENTON WA 98055 3388320170/L05P0007 WARZECHA GREGORY A 10034 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 0522059135/L05P0007 YOMITSU DAVID A STRUNC MARY 10321 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98058 0522059240/L05P0007 RUTH JOHN W 19406 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 3388320130/L05P0007 SIMPSON JULIA A 19033 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 3123059119/L05P0007 SINGH KARNAIL 5218 TALBOT RDS RENTON WA 98055 3223059329/L05P0007 · SOI RAJ KUMAR & DARSHAN DEV 10228 SE' 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 7941200180/L05P0007 TRAPP HARRY D+AGNES T 19223 98TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 0522059043/L05P0007 UYETA WAYNE &JANE 19220 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 3123059125/L05P0007 WILSON ROBERT D 720 S 55TH ST RENTON WA 98055 3388200050/L05P0007 ZEMECK VIRGINIA M 19250 99TH PL S RENTON WA 98055 0522059339/L05P0007 SCHMELZER JEROME J+MARTHA J 19218 102ND AV SE RENTON WA 98055 7931000144/L05P0007 SINGH HARCHAND ET AL 13955 INTERURBAN AV S #A TUKWILA WA 98168 0522059085/L05P0007 SINGH SATWANT 24419 105TH PL SE KENT WA 98030 3388320230/L05P0007 SQUARE WILBERT E SR+CELIA 12572 SE 231ST ST KENT WA 98031 0522059305/L05P0007 TULLIS MARK L 10215 SE 192ND ST RENTON WA 98055 3388320070/L05P0007 VANCE ROBERT L 10033 SE 190TH RENTON WA 98055 6624300110/L05P0007 WOODARD PATRICK+WOODARD KIMBERLYN 10301 SE 190TH PL RENTON WA 98055 (Auburn)··-·--·~ Fire Protection Dist #31 1101 D St NE Auburn WA 98002-4025 MS: KSC-NR-0600 Water & Land Res. Div King County Dept. of Natural Res. Steve Foley Covington Library 27100 • 164th Av SE Kent WA 98042 Documents Dept. Librarian King County Library System 960 Newport Way NW Issaquah, WA 98027 (for Planning Water & Sewage Usage) Auburn Planning/Comm Dev Dept 25 W Main St Auburn WA 98002 Kent Planning Dept 220 -4th Av S Kent WA 98032 B. Poldevart, Dep Superindent Auburn School District # 408 915 -4th St NE Auburn WA 98002 R. Stracke, Facilities & Ping Renton School Dist # 403 1220 N 4th St Renton WA 98055 Environmental Review Section WA State Dept of Ecology PO Box 47703 Olympia WA 98504-7703 Russ Ladley, Fisheries Biologist Puyallup Tribe 6824 Pioneer Wy E Puyallup WA 98371 FD31 Lill LI24 PL2 PL19 SDl SD13 ST2 TR2 (Kent) Fire Protection Dist #37 24611 -116th Av SE Kent WA 98031 MS: KSC-TR-0431 Gary Kriedt KC Metro Envirn. Planning Kent Regional Library 212 --2nd Av N Kent WA 98032-4482 FD37 KC27 LI23 LI36 Renton Library 100 Mill Av S Renton WA 98055 ATIN: Edward White PL18 Kent Engineering Dept 220 -4th Av S Kent WA 98032 City of Renton PL33 Economic Development Dept. 1055 S. Grady Way Renton WA 98055 Clinton G. Marsh, Director Fae. & Const. Dept SD9 Kent School District # 415 12033 SE 256th St. Bldg B Kent WA 98031-6643 Administrator SES Kent Sewer Utility 220-4th Av S Kent WA 98032 Habitat Biologist, Rod Malcom TRl Muckleshoot Indian Tribe 39015 • 172nd Av SE Auburn WA 98002 Snoqualmie Tribe PO Box 280 Carnation WA 98014-0280 TR3 '----• .> Fisheries Habitat7Environment Suquamish Indian Tribe PO Box 498 Suquamish WA 98392 Auburn Water Dept 25 W Main St Auburn WA 98002 Public Works Dtr Kent Water Dist 220-4th Av S Kent WA 98032 Soos Creek Water/Sewer Dist PO Box 58039 Renton WA 98058-1039 Coal Creek Utility District 6801 132nd Place SE Newcastle, WA 98059 WA State Dept. of Wildlife 16018 Mill Creek Blvd. Mill Creek, WA 98012 WA State Dept. of Ecology NW Regional Office 3190 -160th Ave SE Bellevue, WA 98008-5452 WA St. Ecology Dept/WQSW Unit Linda Matlock PO Box 47696 Olympia, WA 98504-7696 Eleanor Moon KC Executive Horse Council 12230 NE 61st Kirkland, WA 98033 TR5 WD3 WD23 WD41 WD57 Richard Young TR4 Tulalip Tribe 7615 Totem Beach Rd Marysville WA 98271 WD12 Cedar River Water/Sewer Dist 18300 SE Lk Youngs Rd Renton WA 8058-9799 City of Renton, Public Works Dept. WD32 Development Services Div. 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98055 WD55 Water Dist #90 15606 SE 128th St Renton WA 98059-8522 WD58 Water Dist #111 27224 -144th Av SE Kent WA 98042-9058 WA State Dept. of Wildlife Habitat Mgmt. Division P.O. Box 43155 Olympia, WA 98504-3155 WSDOT NW Region SnoKing Area MS-240 15700 Dayton Ave No. PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 Roger Dorstad PO Box 375 Redmond, WA 98073 • -.... ,_ (Auburn) FD31 (Kent) FD37 Fire Protection Dist #31 Fire Protection Dist #37 1101 D St NE 24611 -116th Av SE Auburn WA 98002-4025 Kent WA 98031 MS: KSC-NR-0600 MS: KSC-TR-0431 KC27 Water & Land Res. Div Gary Kriedt King County Dept. of Natural Res. KC Metro Envirn. Planning Steve Foley LIU LI23 Covington Library Kent Regional Library 27100 -164th Av SE 212 --2nd Av N Kent WA 98042 Kent WA 98032-4482 Documents Dept. Librarian LI24 LI36 King County Library System Renton Library 960 Newport Way NW 100 Mill Av S Issaquah, WA 98027 Renton WA 98055 (for Planning Water & Sewage Usage) PL2 ATTN: Edward White PL18 Auburn Planning/Comm Dev Dept Kent Engineering Dept 25 W Main St 220-4th Av S Auburn WA 98002 Kent WA 98032 PL19 City of Renton PL33 Kent Planning Dept Economic Development Dept. 220 -4th Av S 1055 S. Grady Way Kent WA 98032 Renton WA 98055 B. Poldevart, Dep Superindent SDl Clinton G. Marsh, Director Fae. & Const. Dept SD9 Auburn School District # 408 Kent School District # 415 915 -4th St NE 12033 SE 256th St. Bldg B Auburn WA 98002 Kent WA 98031-6643 R. Stracke, Facilities & Ping SD13 Administrator SES Renton School Dist # 403 Kent Sewer Utility 1220 N 4th St 220-4th Av S Renton WA 98055 Kent WA 98032 Environmental Review Section ST2 Habitat Biologist, Rod Malcom TRl WA State Dept of Ecology Muckleshoot Indian Tribe PO Box 47703 39015 -172nd Av SE Olympia WA 98504-7703 Auburn WA 98002 Russ Ladley, Fisheries Biologist TR2 TR3 Puyallup Tribe Snoqualmie Tribe 6824 Pioneer Wy E PO Box 280 Puyallup WA 98371 Carnation WA 98014-0280 Fisheries Habitat/Environment Suquamish Indian Tribe PO Box 498 Suquamish WA 98392 Auburn Water Dept 25 W Main St Auburn WA 98002 Public Works Dtr Kent Water Dist 220-4th Av S Kent WA 98032 Soos Creek Water/Sewer Dist PO Box 58039 Renton WA 98058-1039 Coal Creek Utility District 6801 132nd Place SE Newcastle, WA 98059 WA State Dept. of Wildlife 16018 Mill Creek Blvd. Mill Creek, WA 98012 WA State Dept. of Ecology NW Regional Office 3190 -160th Ave SE Bellevue, WA 98008-5452 WA St. Ecology Dept/WQSW Unit Linda Matlock PO Box 47696 Olympia, WA 98504-7696 Eleanor Moon KC Executive Horse Council 12230 NE 61st Kirkland, WA 98033 TR5 WD3 WD23 WD41 WD57 Richard Young TR4 Tulalip Tribe 7615 Totem Beach Rd Marysville WA 98271 WD12 Cedar River Water/Sewer Dist 18300 SE Lk Youngs Rd Renton WA 8058-9799 City of Renton, Public Works Dept. WD32 Development Services Div. 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98055 WD55 Water Dist #90 15606 SE 128th St Renton WA 98059-8522 WD58 Water Dist #111 27224 -144th Av SE Kent WA 98042-9058 WA State Dept. of Wildlife Habitat Mgmt. Division P.O. Box 43155 Olympia, WA 98504-3155 WSDOT NW Region SnoKing Area MS-240 15700 Dayton Ave No. PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 Roger Dorstad PO Box 375 Redmond, WA 98073