HomeMy WebLinkAboutLand Use Inspection.. King County Department of Development and Environmental Services .900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www. metrokc. gov .. 06/19/2007 • Attn: Joe Singh JPS Holding LLC 18124 Riviera Place SW Seattle, WA 98166 RE: Project Name: JESSIE GLEN PLAT Project No.: L05P0005 Activity No.: L06SI033 Dear Mr. Joe Singh: An inspection of this development was made by the Land Use Inspection Section. Based on that inspection, the enclosed punch list of construction deficiencies was prepared. Within fifteen (15) working days of the date of this letter, please contact the inspector (name and phone number at the bottom of the page) with the schedule for completing these items and indicating when work will begin. When all items are completed, please call for a follow- up inspection. If you have any questions or problems that the inspector cannot resolve, please call me at 296-7234 or write to the Land Use Inspection Section at the address above. s1[\;~'k ~) Senior Engineer Land Use Inspection Section Enclosures: LUIS Performance Punch List cc: Tenzing Thinley, Engineer II Inspector's Phone No.: 296-7038 Financial Guarantees Management Unit Building Services Division Inspector, Name Site Development Services Inspector, Name Department of Transportation, Road Services Division -,,--.., I- J8?";,1 E....-~~ os / z:z.; 'Z-oo7 \/Ot... "Vtl / o?i!> /,o<P?l 07~ • ~ ' CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PUNCH LIST for" Roads, Drainage, and Erosion Control Facilities · Punch List Date:-06/:19/2007 .. '' . ' ' ,, ' ' ,. ··1, '. Project Name: JESSIE GLEN PLAT Project No.: L05P0005 ActivityNo.: L06SI033 Activity Type: INSPCT-P Location: 19035 120TH AVE SE. I The Land Use Services Division has a computer tracking system that uses project and activity numbers. Please refer to both the project and the activity numbers when inquiring about this project. . ... 2 This official punch list is valid for 30 days. Changes will not be made within the 30-day limit without the expressed review and approval of the Senior Engineer, Land Use Inspection Section. Any extensions to the 30-day limit must be approved by the inspector. Deviations from this policy should be reported to the Senior Engineer at (206) 296-7236. 3 Computer generated punch lists may appear to be missing punch list items because they are not numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... etc. This is not a mistake, but due to the way the computer stores the standard conditions listing. 100 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: IO I Flush all storm drainage lines and clean out all catch basin/manhole sumps, including any retention/detention systems. 102 I am unable to candle storm drainage line(s) between the following location(s): all lines connecting to CB I (water in line), between CB# 28 & 29 and between CB# 29 & 30. I 04 Remove sediment build-up from the retention/detention system. I 07 Pump out the water in the following catch basins so the orifices can be measured coordinate with the inspector): CB# 28. The CB is not accessible-no ladders beneath lid. The control structure is loose and needs to be connected to outlet pipe. 112 Add locking bolts to the following catch basins: all CBs except those on rolled curb. 113 Grout the following catch basins: CBs # l, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 28 and 29. 114 The following catch basins have skewed access riser sections that need to be adjusted to comply with 1993 KCRS: CBs # 3, 4, 6 & 29. 115 Install IS' paved pond access roadway as per detail in sheet DT-01. 121 Verify the pipe inverts entering and exiting the detention pond are constructed per the approved plan. Page I of 4 Print Date: 06/19/2007 • CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PUNCH LIST for Roads, Drainage, and Erosion Control Facilities for Project Number: L05P0005 Punch List Date: 06/19/2007 130 Provide verification (per Retention / Detention Facilities "In Operation" Requirements by Public Rule) by a licensed surveyor (LS) or professional civil engineer (PE) as follows: a. Dimensions (LS) b. Required and actual volumes (live and dead storage) (LS) c. Elevations (LS) d. Easement/tract comers surveyed and staked (LS) 200 ROADWAYS AND PARKJNG AREAS: 214 Complete tract E and C paving as per plans. 215 Install the "Adopt A Road" and "No Stopping" sign in their new locations as per RD-02. 216 Grade gravel on shoulder at south end of 116'h Ave SE so it is flush with the edge and compacted. 217 Install fogline at south end of tract Bas shown in plans-RD-02 .. 300 SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER: 303 Replace broken sidewalk and/or curb in the following location(s): as marked out in orange paint per the concrete crack policy. 305 Fill behind all areas of sidewalk to provide a smooth transition. 306 Install mailboxes per the approved plans in the following Jocation(s): near lot 25 & 43 as per sheet RW-01. Provide clearances(sidewalk access behind mailbox and required setback in front of mailbox) as per details on sheet DT-04. 309 Provide, 12(H):l(V) slope, concrete ramps at the end of the sidewalk to the road shoulder per drawing 4-004, 1993 King County Road Standards. See sheet RD-02 near sta 30+00. 310 Install driveway sections in sidewalk in front of access gates to the pond. See sheet PD-01 and 1993 KCRS dwg no, 3-004. 311 Install ramp, sidewalk, curb and gutter section at the end of Tract B as per plans-see sheet RD-02. 312 The ramp installed at Sta 32+58, 13' RT in not per plans as shown in DT-02 and RD-02. 313 Install removable bollards at both ends of tract Bas shown in sheet RD-01. 314 Remove grout spillage on sidewalk in front of lot 37. Page 2 of 4 Print Date: 06/19/2007 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PUNCH LIST for Roads, Drainage, and Erosion Control Facilities for Project Number: L05P0005 Punch List Date: 06/19/2007 316 The transition ramp at south end of 1161h Ave SE does not have the truncated dome detail and asphalt landing area as per RD-02. Install as per plans. 400 OTHER COMMENTS: 408 Final Corrected Plan Street Names do not match the recorded plat (or proposed final plat). Correct street names on the Final Corrected Plan. 460 Landscaping, recreational equipment and street tree inspections will be handled under a separate punchlist. Please contact the inspector for details. 800 NON CONSTRUCTION RELATED REQUIREMENTS: 801 FINAL CORRECTED TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT AND/OR FINAL CORRECT PLANS: The Revised Code of Washington 18.4:i and the Washington Administrative Code 196 require all plans, specifications, plats and reports (including any changes) be prepared, signed, dated, and stamped by a licensed engineer. 804 A FINAL CORRECTED TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) REQUIRED: The applicant shall supply two (2) copies of the corrected TIR to this office. The FINAL CORRECTED TIR will reflect any drainage design plan changes. If no drainage design plan changes were approved, copies of the original TIR are acceptable. Copies of the TIR shall be marked "FINAL CORRECTED TIR". One copy will be kept by DDES and one will be forwarded to the King County Department of Natural Resources for permanent record keeping. 806 A TWO YEAR MAINTENANCE AND DEFECT financial guarantee warranting the successful operation and maintenance of RIGHT-OF-WAY improvements and/or DRAINAGE FACILITIES, and guaranteeing the workmanship, materials and design used in the construction of the improvements and/or facilities is required. Please contact the Financial Guarantee Management Unit (FGMU), at (206) 296-7009, to obtain the proper forms. DO NOT SUBMIT THIS FINANCIAL GUARANTEE UNTIL ALL OTHER CONSTRUCTION PUNCHLIST ITEMS HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED. THE TWO YEAR MAINTENANCE AND DEFECT PERIOD SHALL NOT BEGIN UNTIL FINAL CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL OR RECORDING, WHICH EVER IS LAST. The amount of this guarantee, (25% of the total costs (including a 30% contingency and mobilization factor) for existing right-of-way and future public road improvements and drainage facilities as shown on the financial guarantee worksheet) is: $ 118,629.00 Page 3 of 4 Print Date: 06/19/2007 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PUNCH LIST for Roads, Drainage, and Erosion Control Facilities for Project Number: L05P0005 · Punch List Date: 06/19/2007 812 DRAINAGE FACILITY LIABILITY POLICY (KCC 9.04.100) Any person required to construct a drainage facility (except downspout roof drain infiltration systems) shall maintain a liability policy in the amount of $1,000,000 which shall name King County as an additional insured. This policy shall remain in effect until construction approval or acceptance for maintenance, whichever is last. THE POLICY FOR THIS PROJECT MUST NOT EXPIRE BEFORE THE FINANCIAL GUARANTEES ARE RELEASED. THE POLICY MUST BE EXTENDED TO CONFORM TO THE KING COUNTY CODE DESCRIBED ABOVE. 814 INSPECTION FEES: After all other punch list items have been approved by the inspector, a Summary of Charges and Payments will be provided to you. Final Construction Approval can not be granted until the indicated fees are paid. NOTE: The Summary of Charges and Payments is not a final fee determination, additional charges may appear after Final Construction Approval. All outstanding invoices must be paid before any Financial Guarantees can be released. In order to avoid delays in processing, please notify the inspector when fee payment has been made. 840 Provide a certification, by a professional land surveyor, that the survey monuments have been set as shown on the final plat documents. This requirement is for PUBLIC roads only. 990 FINAL CORRECTED PLANS: FOR ALL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Submit a complete set of archival quality mylars. Mylars shall be photo mylar or ink-on- mylar, minimum 4 mil thickness. In addition, one (I) blue-line copy of the complete construction plan set is required. All plans must reflect all Minor and Design Plan Changes. The blue-lines must have all Minor and Design Plan Changes highlighted in green. The mylars will not be returned. If the consultant engineer desires copies for his/her records, copies must be made before submittal. Mylars and blue-line drawings shall not have shading or adhesive additions in any areas. 996 FINAL CORRECTED PLANS, REPLACEMENT MYLARS: When the originally approved mylar is not submitted as the FINAL CORRECTED PLAN, additional review of the replacement mylar will be required. The Plan or "P" number from the original mylar shall be shown on the replacement mylar. 1000 Inspector: TENZING THINLEY Phone: (206) 296-7038 -/_1/J<._· -~-Signature: f I v:=r _ J Page 4 of 4 Print Date: 06/19/2007 .,, ,, ·w King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov Design Plan Change NOT TO BE USED FOR EARLY START To Be Completed by Land Use Inspection Section This plan change is for Landscape/Recreation/Street Tree: D ) D within the City of: ----------Plan Change No. PlanChangeActivityNo. J.o 1fC O ?:l Suom1ttaT lnrormat1on: Upon completion of the review of the revisions, the reviewer shall notify the design engineer: Annlicant: j~5 ~ .. l-9 ,r101J l-\,. C, Enoineer & License No.: Address: \ ~ I i.-'f !2-1\/ IU-1>,. ~v 5vJ Address: ~ {,~14,-\JA ,~, 1,.,(.. / Project Name: -\ ~~s, ~ r, \,f.,~ Project No. \,,oS ?~oos"' Site Address: \) 0 7 J,..--\ vO ~A"(... ~€:-Inspect Activity No. On --~~~'L.>~<>~1--:r:_ ____ '""""'=-tl!l~ollowing plan change to the approved plan was: y DOES) (r uired by DOES (requested by applicant) Reason for Change/Code Citation: 5 or\~ -'(·a ... ,~-f '(.:I ~l-(l..if\"il't • ..JIL-D vi (r~ ~o\l U) This Plan Change involves: D Roadway Plan & Profile D Drainage D Traffic D Materials Lab Land Use Projects Only Project is: D recorded ID not recorded D Platting D Planner 5sJ Site Development Services (Grading) D Other The proposed change requires revised engineering drawings that must be submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services for approval: I Please call (206) 296-7137 when ready to submit. Design changes must be made by a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Washington. Payment of fees and deposits are due as of the date of this plan change, late penalties (KCC 27.02.030) are applicable. Each submittal shall include three (3) sets of revised plans highlighted in green with a revision block and a symbol by each revision. The revision block must be dated and initialed by the professional engineer making the revision. A copy of this form will be mailed directly to the design engineer indicated above and shall be included with each submittal. The review will be completed as soon as possible. Approval/denial will be directed to the persons indicated on the top of this form. ju,t:~ll'f\1 'l,PI. t1C..1v> f Inspector Name and Phone No. 1 (please print) Developer Representative date S:Current Form. Design Pan Change.doc 09-12-06 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206·296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov Design Pla1n Change NOT TO BE USED FOR EARLY START To Be Completed by Land Use Inspection Section This plan change is for Landscape/Recreation/Street Tree: 1><'.J · "<> IG 141 /;1 C AMT 1~f;.E. ~t--l T106.t 0 within the City of: ----------Plan Change No. Plan Change Activity No. Submittal lntonnat,on: Upon completion of the review of the revisions. the reviewer shall notify the design engineer: AnnJicant: Eneineer & License No.: Address: Address: Project Name: .J f ~ '2i \~ (~ Le:t-1 1.JLA., Project No. Los-f-' oo o.S- Site Address: ~ I C\ ~ l\-0-0 3 2. 0 Inspect Activity No. ' Reason for Change/Code Citation:..:------------------------ This Plan Change involves: 0 Roadway Plan & Profile 0 Drainage 0 Materials Lab Land Use Projects Only Project is: 0 recorded O not recorded 0 Traffic 0 Platting 0 Planner ~ Development Services (Grading) 0 Other The proposed change requires revised engineering drawings that must be submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services for approval: I Please call (206) 296-7137 when ready to submit. Design changes must be made by a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Washington. Payment of fees and deposits are due as of the date of this plan change, late penalties (KCC 27.02.030) are applicable. Each submittal shall include three (3) sets of revised plans highlighted in green with a revision block and a symbol by each revision. The revision block must be dated and initialed by the professional engineer making the revision. A copy of this form will be mailed directly to the design engineer indicated above and shall be included with each submittal. Approval/denial will be directed to the persons date Senior Engineer initials/date S:Currcnt Form. Design Pai Change.doc 09-12-06 Sandin, Randy From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Townsend, Steve Wednesday, May 09, 2007 9:46 AM Engell, Bruce; Eddy, Bob Sandin, Randy; Thinley, Tenzing; Pray, Jeff; Miller, Ray RE: Jessie Glen Inspection/enforcement of the significant tree plan is up to the LUIS inspector. If the inspector identifies an issue Bruce will be involved with any needed plan change. If all the trees are still where they are supposed to be, the inspection is really just a clearing limit inspection which we do all the time. Once the plat is recorded, the building inspector takes over monitoring on each lot. See our web site for a memo related to significant trees. file:/ /IS :/LU SD/FORM Siluis/index. htm From: Sent: To: Engell, Bruce Wednesday, May 09, 2007 8:54 AM Eddy, Bcb Cc: Subject: Townsend, Steve; Sandin, Randy; Thinley, Tenzing; Pray, Jeff RE: Jessie Glen Your staff has traditionally performed the TREE inspections. Some inspectors get mad if others (like me) interfere with their permits. Steve Townsend would need to make the decision if l do the TREE inspections on plats with approval from Randy Sandin. If the Engineer desires or suspects the approved Significant Tree Retention Plan has not been followed an As Built Tree Plan can be requested and routed to me for review. At that time I can work with the permittee to get resolved. Tenzing and I have done it that way before. Later ... short timer. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Eddy, Bob Tuesday, May OB, 2007 6:40 AM Engen, Bruce Thinley, Tenzing RE: Jessie Glen Bruce, Tenzing will be in charge of the Street Trees. As for the Sig. Trees not in the road. If they are being planted in a Rec Area we handle that but any others would be required under a separate bond that I thought was administered by you. Bob From: Sent: To: Subject: Bob: Engell, Bruce Monday, May 07, 2007 7:41 AM Eddy, Bcb FW: Jessie Glen Any thoughts on this? From: Sent: To: Subject: Tenzing: Engell, Bruce Monday, May 07, 2007 7:36 AM Thinley, Tenzing Jessie Glen 1 a,".' """ . . I'm getting calls from Joe Singh requesting I perform a site inspection on this plat to sign off his TREE Plan. told Joe that you would have to authorize any site inspections I do on this plat since I bill either on your tracking number or I set up an SOS number. What do you want to do on this? Sounds like Joe has removed trees designated to be retained?? Thanks. 2 Sandin, Randy From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Bruce, Townsend, Steve Monday, May 14, 2007 8:43 AM Engell, Bruce Sandin, Randy RE: Plan change information I think a meeting would be good. I will set one up. As far as this plan change goes, we just need a form completed for our files. Can you fill it out since you are familiar with the project? Steve From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Steve: Engell, Bruce Monday, May 14, 2007 B:36 AM Townsend, Steve 41E:::C:J__'..l;:_.--:;,---f-:;:::-,---('=;r--;;:;;-:-f'j~-=--: Sandin, Randy il...tt'v -:;s--' RE: Plan change information C!~ 'I 72.5 !!1. I am not sure I understand the issues on this so bear with me · not. andy about the process regarding time I spend on plats with Significant Tree Rete?J;::]issu 'affz~ Bowin r unders · g of how it should work: --1. The LUIS Engineer/Inspector requests my assistance on Significant Tree issues with their p at (this may be a simple revision like removal of a tree or a plan change where many trees were removed and need mitigation). I do not become involved in any plats with TREE issues until I receive a request from the project Engineer/Inspector. 2. In the past LUIS did not want me to bill under your field inspection number. I talked with Randy about this some time ago and it was determined SOS would open our own tracking number and bill the permittee separately and hourly. We do not have any special forms to be filled out ... just PP and TRS. If you desire a special Plan Change Form be completed SOS requests the following: 1. The LUIS Engineer/Inspector requests my assistance on Significant Tree Retention (same as# I above). 2. The LUIS Engineer completes the Plan Change Request Form and has Tham assign a billing number for SOS to use. This information can be forwarded to me via e-mail and I can use the number you assign for billing and tracking. My notes will be kept under the tracking number as usual. 3. The LUIS Engineer requests a red lined AS -BUILT Tree Plan from the permittee showing what changes arc being requested and/or have been without approvals. The AS -BUILT Tree Plan is sent to me and I verify the information on the ground. 3. I work with the permittee and the LUIS Engineer to obtain a professionally prepared REVISED PLAN or plan change regarding Significant Tree Retention (this includes changed wording such as lot designation having significant trees on them). Once I have approved the revised plan I sign, date and stamp the REVISED Plan and route 3 copies back to the engineer and keep one for my records. The Engineer is responsible to ensure a copy 1 of the REVISED plan gets in the main file for future reference. Depending on the Engineers request I can follow up to ensure the mitigation has been instituted properly and notify them when I have signed off. Sometimes monitoring is needed to ensure planting success depending on time of year (same as street trees). A performance bond is posted for the approved Significant Tree Retention Plan and released by the LUIS Engineer. I'm hopeful we can keep this procedure simple and easy for both your Engineers and myself in order to encourage communication and cooperation between us. Many of your Engineers (Tenzing) are very diligent in performing quality inspections and request my assistance when needed. I like working with Tenzing and we don't have any problems working together. Other LUIS Engineers prefer to do the work themselves so I don't know how their TREE Plans are coming along. Only the SOS Foresters can review and approve TREE plans and changes as these are needed and documented for future reference on building permit review and later on private ownership in maintaining and code enforcement on these trees. In my experience if the procedures get to cumbersome things don't get done 'on the ground'. An alternative to this is the SOS does all plat inspections for Significant Trees and Holmes Point Vegetation Management Plans. The SOS would attend the pre-cons and perform follow-up inspections and monitoring. SOS would assign its own inspection number. Note: I thought it was agreed that the SOS would be notified on pre-con's on plats in Holmes Point?? I have not been notified of any yet. Let me know if you desire to talk with Randy on this process as I may be totally misinterpreting your e-mail message. Thanks. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Nancy, Townsend, Steve Friday, May 11, 2007 8:43 AM nscott@barghausen.com Engell, Bruce Plan change information I found a copy of the plan change form for L01 PC064. « File: L01 PC064.pdf » , I have not been able to find a copy of the plan change form for L01 PC067; however, I did find this comment in our permit tracking software entered by Bruce Engel! in Site Development Services: This plan change has been opened to track SOS time for review of a Significant Tree Retention Plan issue that was not completed under the Plat review. It was routed to me from JPED who is reviewing for FPA. The plat has preliminary approval and the Sig Tree (S0-220) was not done under plat review as required by code. According to DNEL, PEER review was done and stated a S0-220 was not required. On field visit, JPED stated there are Sign Tree's on site. A tree Street Landscape plan has been completed but does not meet requirements of S0-220. A letter will be sent to the SP applicant to submit a Significant Tree Retention Plan. Steve Townsend, PE Supervisor, Land Use Inspections King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Phone(206)296-7204 2 Sandin, Randy From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Steve: Engell, Bruce Monday, May 14, 2007 8:36 AM Townsend, Steve Sandin, Randy RE: Plan change information I am not sure I understand the issues on this so bear with me if not. I talked with Randy about the process regarding time I spend on plats with Significant Tree Retention issues and the following is our understanding of how it should work: I. The LUIS Engineer/Inspector requests my assistance on Significant Tree issues with their plat (this may be a simple revision like removal of a tree or a plan change where many trees were removed and need mitigation). I do not become involved in any plats with TREE issues until I receive a request from the project Engineer/Inspector. 2. In the past LUIS did not want me to bill under your field inspection number. I talked with Randy about this some time ago and it was determined SOS would open our own tracking number and bill the permittee separately and hourly. We do not have any special forms to be filled out ... just PP and TRS. If you desire a special Plan Change Form be completed SOS requests the following: 1. The LUIS Engineer/Inspector requests my assistance Off Significant Tree Retention (same as# I above). 2. The LUIS Engineer completes the Plan Change Request Form and has Tham assign a billing number for SDS to use. This information can be forwarded to me via e-mail and I can use the number you assign for billing and tracking. My notes will be kept under the tracking number as usual. 3. The LUIS Engineer requests a red lined AS -BUILT Tree Plan from the permittee showing what changes are being requested and/or have been without approvals. The AS -BUILT Tree Plan is sent to me and I verify the information on the ground. 3. I work with the pem1ittee and the LUIS Engineer to obtain a professionally prepared REVISED PLAN or plan change regarding Significant Tree Retention (this includes changed wording such as lot designation having significant trees on them). Once I have approved the revised plan I sign, date and stamp the REVISED Plan and route 3 copies back to the engineer and keep one for my records. The Engineer is responsible to ensure a copy of the REVISED plan gets in the main file for future reference. Depending on the Engineers request I can follow up to ensure the mitigation has been instituted properly and notify them when I have signed off. Sometimes monitoring is needed to ensure planting success depending on time of year (same as street trees). A performance bond is posted for the approved Significant Tree Retention Plan and released by the LUIS Engineer. I'm hopeful we can keep this procedure simple and easy for both your Engineers and myself in order to encourage communication and cooperation between us. Many of your Engineers (Tenzing) are very diligent in performing quality inspections and request my assistance when needed. I like working with Tenzing and we don't have any problems working together. Other LUIS Engineers prefer to do the work themselves so I don't know how their TREE Plans are coming along. Only the SOS Foresters can review and approve TREE plans 3 and changes as these are needed and documented for future reference on building permit review and later on private ownership in maintaining and code enforcement on these trees. In my experience if the procedures gel to cumbersome things don't get done 'on the ground'. An alternative to this is the SOS does all plat inspections for Significant Trees and Holmes Point Vegetation Management Plans. The SOS would attend the pre-cons and perform follow-up inspections and monitoring. SOS would assign its own inspection number. Note: I thought it was agreed that the SOS would be notified on pre-con's on plats in Holmes Point?? I have not been notified of any yet. Let me know if you desire to talk with Randy on this process as I may be totally misinterpreting your e-mail message. Thanks. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Nancy, Townsend, Steve Friday, May 11, 2007 8:43 AM nscott@barghausen.com Engell, Bruce Plan change information I found a copy of the plan change form for L01 PC064. « File: L01 PC064.pdf » I have not been able to find a copy of the plan change form for L01 PC067; however, I did find this comment in our permit tracking software entered by Bruce Engell in Site Development Services: This plan change has been opened to track SOS time for review of a Significant Tree Retention Plan issue that was not completed under the Plat review. It was routed to me from JPED who is reviewing for FPA. The plat has preliminary approval and the Sig Tree (S0-220) was not done under plat review as required by code. According to DNEL, PEER review was done and stated a S0-220 was not required. On field visit, JPED stated there are Sign Tree's on site. A tree Street Landscape plan has been completed but does not meet requirements of S0-220. A letter will be sent to the SP applicant to submit a Significant Tree Retention Plan. Steve Townsend, PE Supervisor, Land Use Inspections King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Phone (206) 296-7204 4 soc ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, Washington 98055-1219 May 16, 2007 THis IS Nor DETE~•~•FINALFEB ·~•ll.lvA.TfoN Page 1 of 1 r--_______ _!ummary of Charges and~P_a_:y:_m_e_n_ts _____ _ Applicant: JPS HOLDINGS LLC 18124 RIVIERA PL SW SEATTLE, WA 98166 (206) 799-3051 Activity Number: Project Number: Development Number·: Permit Type: Status: ----·---··--···-------------·-----'----· Description Deposit Based on Est Hrs Site Inspect Counter Fee SUB TOTAL CHARGES: Description Check# SUB TOTAL PAYMENTS: BALANCE: ,;:'•,·· Ol ; ,-. 0 ' 1f', ··1::t Checklogid Payee Date Entered L07PC044 L05P0005 CHANGE OPEN Amount $1,449.00 $205.28 $1,654.28 Amount $0.00 $1,654.28 The fees shown above represent current charges as of this date and are an estimate based on the information provided to DOES at the time of application. For services that are rendered on an hourly basis, the cost of those services will be based on the actual hours worked. Hourly fees are charged at the rate in effect at the time of service, and will be billed monthly, along with any other outstanding fees. Fees that have been posted prior to permit issuance will be collected at that time. Fees subsequently posted will be billed to the applicant. All fees must be paid in full before ODES issues Final Approval, T.C.O. or C.0. l ~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 . 206-296-6600 TTY 20.6-296-72i7 www.metrokc.gov NOT TO BE USED FOR EARLY ST ART To Be Completed by Land Use Inspection Section This plan change is for Landscape/Recreation/Street Tree: D D within the City of: ----------Plan Change No. LI------------- Plan Change Activtiy No. ,,,L"'O.L7Pc.:Cse.Oi,.:4e.:4,._ _____ _ Submittal lntormat1on: Upon completion of the review of the revisions, the reviewer shall notify the design engineer: AnMJicant: JPS HOLDINGS LLC Eneineer & License No.: Address: 18124 RIVIERA PL SW Address: ESM CONSULTING ENGINEERS LLC SEATI'LE WA 98166 720 SOUTH 348TH STREET (206) 799-3051 FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 Project Name: JESSIE GLEN Project No. Lu0..1..SPuO"'O"'o,,.s,__ _______ _ Site Address· SE 192nd Ave/] 20 1h Ave SE Inspect Activity No.I, .... uOu6.:iSIJ.101..;.3c.;3,__ ____ _ On May 14, 2007 , the following plan change to the approved plan was: (recommended by ODES) (required by ODES) (requested by applicant) TEMPORARY CUL DE SAC REQUIRED AT SOUTH PLAT BOUNDARY, 117TH PLACE SE Reason for Change/Code Citation: SHORT PLAT TO THE SOUTH WILL NOT RECORD PRIOR TO JESSIE GLEN (TEMPORARY CUL DE SAC ON JESSIE GLENN REQUIRED)! KCRS 2.08 This Plan Change involves: ~ Roadway Plan & Profile ~ Drainage D Materials Lab Land Use Projects Only Project is: D recorded ~ not recorded D Traffic D Platting D Planner D Site Development Services (Grading) D Other The proposed change requires revised engineering drawings that must be submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services for approval: [I Please call (206) 296-7137 w.hen re~dy to .submit. . Ji Design changes must be made by a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Washington. Payment of fees and deposits are due as of the date of this plan change, late penalties (KCC 27.02.030) are applicable. Each submittal shall include three (3) sets of revised plans highlighted in green with a revision block and a symbol by each revision. The revision block must be dated and initialed by the professional engineer making the revision. A copy of this form will be mailed directly to the design engineer indicated above and shall be included with each submittal. The review will be completed as soon as possible. Approval/denial will be directed to the persons indicated on the top of this form. TENZJNG THINLEY (206) 296-7038 May 14, 2007 Inspector Name and Phone-No. (please print - (1[~-:Y date Developer Representative date imtials/date $:Current Form. Design Pan Change.doc 09-12-06 l '· Page I of I Thinley, Tenzing From: Laura Cociasu [laura.cociasu@esmcivil.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 10:18 AM To: Thinley, Tenzing Subject: Jessie Glen Bond Quantity Worksheets Tenzing, My name is Laura Cociasu, and I was the civil engineer for the Jessie Glen plat. As requested by Joe Singh, attached are the site improvement and landscape bond quantity work sheets (pdf format) for the Jessie Glen project. Please let me know if you have any comments or questions. Thanks, LAURA COCIASU, PE, LEED® AP Project Engineer laura. cociasu@esincivi!, corn ESM CONSUL TING ENGINEERS, LLC www.esmcivil.com Federal Way I Bothell I Cle Elum 33915 1st Way South, Suite 200 Federal Way, WA 98003 Tel: 253.838.6113 Fax: 253.838. 7104 Civil Engineering I Surveying I Land Planning I Landscape Architecture 1 GIS 05/10/2007 '·. ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 LANDSCAPE BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FORM For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. PROJECT NAME: --1.k_?:f'h"""'' "'-'""c"-"'G.2~::.i-/-eL-"-V/-1------------------ DDEs PROJECT#: L 0'5 P ooo 5 ADDREss: / / IP tb h;ire SE . /,;;t,hJ.Jem SE: lf>8'11' SiYf71-t ~ SE fq,zactsf. PHONE: _2$5 ?('.35<'. ( Q /13 PREPARED BY: L6@. /line; kuhlmo.n Bonds are based upon required landscaping only and will be posted for performance and/or maintenance. Required landscaping includes perimeter landscaping, surface parking area landscaping, (KCC 21A 16) and any landscaping required by SEPA environmental review The maintenance period Is for the life of the project, however, after posting for maintenance, the performance bond will be reduced to 30% ($1,000 00 minimum) and be held for a two year period Upon re-,lnspeclion of the site the bond will be released if the site has been properly maintained (21A.16 180) A landscape maintenance inspection deposit Is required prior to permit issuance to cover the costs of the 2~year maintenance Inspection. Landscape Inspections are billed at the current hourly rate once the Initial deposit Is exhausted. If the project has not been maintained and there are dead trees, shrubs, ground cover, or other deficiencies noted in the required landscaping, the bond will be held until the deficiencies are corrected UNIT PRICE UNIT TYPE QUANTITY PRICE SOD LAWN AREAS $500.00 MSF (1000 SQ FT) HYDROSEEDING $5000 MSF (tOOO SQ FT) ,,.,.,._.,_ ... ,,,.,,,.,,, .. ,,;·,-.... -••• ,. ,;s" •. • ·•:-,,,,.., •.. ,,,. ·;o,-;v.~,--.,, .. ,-,:,r,·, .. __ , __ .. ,,,,-; .. • ,,--.. ·-,.-,,,-,"',''' ,.;,;"'; ,,.,,, .... ...... ,.,~.,·.1:,-',,·· .. ,,.,._,,,,,,,,<,,C',•.,•l'•:0•! -.·,,-... --,.,.~."""' .. -.,-,,:·w .. , .. , ., .-...... ~ .. ·,•--"'"'--·: .. 2.-, .. •-· SOIL PREPARATION (JJ425-A TOPSOIL (6 INCHES DEEP) $25 00 CY (CUBIC YARD) 'l!-:; 7 B MULCH (2 INCHES DEEP) $4 00 SY (SQUARE YARD) 78 512- C. PEAT MOSS (TWO INCHES DEEP) $2.30 SY (SQUARE YARD) '}_(fl 'l 1/)o::i,- D COMPOST (3 INCHES DEEP & TILLING $26.00 SY (SQUARE YARD) ----------LS . 0-.. E. FERTILIZER $6.67 CY (CUBIC YARD) ,~.to,',>o·,,,,. •".;.-a', ·,,-.,.,,.,.,,,.,,.,'"";:.··, . •. ,.,,-.,,,-. •• .-•• ·:,·., ••• ¥-•• ·.,--,-.. ,.,,.es . •···-.. ·.,-·-··o.h·''f ..._, ...... , .. ,,,_..,,,,, ... ,,,.,-,,,.,-.·, .-,, .... ,~.,-.... ,, , .... ,,, .. ,_"·''·'"·'·"'·"·""''-:',,,, .. , .. , , ·o, ,,.·~-'"','c>•o,+-,·.'>.·, • .. ,~S'.''"''°·""''" PLANT MATERIALS A DECIDUOUS TREES 1 75 • 2.00" CALIPER (minimum height 10') $250 00 EACH COST&LABOR --------------PERIMETER & PARKING AREAS - 1.5 • 1.75" CALIPER $22500 EACH COST& LABOR 83 /8,&7,S-- INTERIOR 1.ANOSCAPING OR OTHER AEQUIREO lNI05C~ING B EVERGREEN TREES FIVE (5) FEET OR ABOVE $t50 00 EACH COST& LABOR /0 /, t;oo - C SHRUBS $35 00 EACH COST& LABOR I o2. ?i. c:;70- D GROUND COVER $400EACH COST& LABOR /'7'7 ?08 SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: ?;/, 71fi - $ Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes LandscapeBondQuanlilyFORM b•wks-landscapebq pdf 12-17-2003 Page 1 of2 / ;· ... UNIT PRICE UNIT TYPE QUANTITY PRICE "'"'"""''·''"'''"'''"'"'~·'''"''"'"'• , .. , .. ,,, .. ,"" ,. .. -.... , .. ,. ,,,;,,,., ..... ,.,. '0•\:'·"·'·'"''-'''·"·'''' •·.·.,·::··,:,,,,'c.,, ,·.;··:·.,:•.•,•,:.• c-·s.v.s, ... :·< ""·'~"-"""~""'·'·" . ":.,-.,.,.,,,,.-.. ,··--,. o:~-,-,, .. .... ·-··-·cs,•~·.-. -.,.._-,.-.. c --,.~ - MISCELLANEOUS TREE STAKES $265 EACH PER STAKE& Jeu ,4q3 -LABOR FENCING: LINEAR FOOT . ' "----------.. ·--. SOLID WOOD CEDAR $28 50 INCLUDES LABOR . BERMING $17 50 LINEAR FOOT -------·--. ·--.. INCLUDES LABOR . ---,~----..... , .. ----... ___ ------- -IRRIGATION 80¢ SQUARE FOOT . -RELOCATING TREES ON SITE 36" BALL $260 00 EACH 60" BALL $920 00 EACH RELOCATING SHRUBS ON SITE 12" BALL $26 00 EACH 24" BALL $33 00 EACH ADDITIONAL ITEMS: Onsite recreation facilities L"=' I :i'5, 02)V - SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND SUB TOTAL: $ /o1, z.q I - Add 30% of the Bond Sub-Total for Contingency in accordance 30 % CONTINGENCY: with Financial Guarantee Ordinance 120220, Section 13. $ 20, 187- TOTAL BOND PRICE TOTAL BOND PRICE: $ ?Ji7. 4'79, - Revrsed LBQW 11/13/2002 Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes LandscapeBondQuantllyFORM b--wks-landscapebq pdf 12·17-2003 Page 2 or2 ,• Page 1 of 1 Thinley, Tenzing From: Laura Cociasu [laura.cociasu@esmcivil.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 10:18 AM To: Thinley, Tenzing Subject: Jessie Glen Bond Quantity Worksheets Tenzing, My name is Laura Cociasu, and I was the civil engineer for the Jessie Glen plat. As requested by Joe Singh, attached are the site improvement and landscape bond quan!Uy work sheets (pdf format) for the Jessie Glen project. Please let me know if you have any comments or questions. Thanks, LAURA COCIASU, PE, LEED® AP Project Engineer laura.coc1asu@esmcivil.com ESM CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LLC www.esmcivi1.c0m Federal Way I Bothell I Cle Elum 33915 !st Way South, Suite 200 Federal Way, WA 98003 Tel: 253.838.6113 Fax: 253.838. 7104 Civil Engineering\ Surveying I Land Planning I Landscape Architecture I GIS 05/10/2007 ... . .. ' ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 96055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 LANDSCAPE BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FORM For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. PROJECT NAME: ~?fD.~=Q .... c"'--"(-;'-+1-e-'-4-v+1·---------------- DDES PROJECT#: L oes P ooo s: ADDRESS: I /IP ili we SE:. kseAJA}f.M PREPARED BY: 4;;iJ, nne:. f<uhlo?an SE--lf>8'H, c;ly.ee,t ~ SE /Cl2 114st- PHONE: '.?$3 c\'.?X' ( Q //3 Bonds are based upon required landscaping only and will be posted for performance and/or maintenance. Required landscaping includes perimeter landscaping, surface parking area landscaping, (KCC 21A 16) and any landscaping required by SEPA environmental review The maintenance period Is for the life of the project, however, after posting for maintenance, the performance bond will be reduced to 30% ($1,000 00 minimum) and be held for a two year period Upon re-Inspection of the site the bond will be released if the site has been properly maintained (21A 16 180) A landscape malntenence lnspecUon deposit Is required prior to pemnit Issuance to cover the costs of the 2ayear maintenance Inspection. Landscape Inspections are billed at the current hourly rate once the Initial deposit Is e,chausted. If the project has not been maintained and there are dead trees, shrubs, ground cover, or other deficiencies noted in the required landscaping, the bond will be held until the deficiencies are corrected UNIT PRICE UNIT TYPE QUANTITY PRICE SOD LAWN AREAS $500.00 MSF (1000 SQ FT) HYDROSEEDING $50.00 MSF (1000 SQ FT) _.,,,,,,,.,1""'"''~'""''''""""-'=''"~·«'"'~""'"'~""""'~·~""'''~"'~'• .......... ,..,-,, .. ,,0,c,·, .. ,,,,.,., .. ~ ... """'"'"'"'"'""'"''''"''" """'~·~'"""'""'~·-·,.,,, . ...,, .. ~-"""""'~"''"' '''"'-,·'i·.J;(I«:,,~·-,,,,,; •• ,,.,, ·,:,,,...,,,.,, "''"'""'<"~'·'"'''"'"'"·'~~c.•·.•.:«•"·"~""''::i,~~''' SOIL PREPARATION (0425-A TOPSOIL (6 INCHES DEEP) $2500 CY (CUBIC YARD) 2-57 B. MULCH (2 INCHES DEEP) $400 SY (SQUARE YARD) 78, 3/2 C. PEAT MOSS (TWO INCHES DEEP) $2.30 SY (SQUARE YARD) 21P '2 ftJO;- D COMPOST (3 INCHES DEEP & TILLING $26.00 SY (SQUARE YARD) -------------E. FERTILIZER $6.67 CY (CUBIC YARD) LS 0-... 'ffl.\\el~~"'"'""",.;.:;c",~'"•'~""''"'-""',.,i-,,.,i~-"1-'"~'~'N•'°~~,~·.,ac,,a,a. .,,,., .... .,.,,.,. -.,,;..-.-.,-.. ,,,~~····,-,,,,,...,-,,~,-i,.,;, ...,,,:,,..,,,, .. , .... -.. ,..,..~,""'~'-,~-~~.~-......... ,._...._-,,,,·, ......... ..,=, ,,~ "'''"""-=~,,,_~ .... :,,. .. , .. ,, .. w,_.,,,,.,,~,,,,,~,, PLANT MATERIALS A. DECIDUOUS TREES t 75 -2.00" CALIPER (minimum height 10') $25000EACH COST&LABOR ------------------PERIMETER & PARKING AREAS 1.5-1.75" CALIPER $22500 EACH COST& LABOR BB 18,&7~ -INWUOII t.ANOSCN'WG OR OTl'EII A£0UREDI.NIOSCMINi B EVERGREEN TREES 10 }, 600 -FIVE (5) FEET OR ABOVE $15000 EACH COST&LABOR C SHRUBS $35.00EACH COST&LABOR I !J2-'), Cj 70 D GROUND COVER $400EACH COST&LABOR /'7'7 '708- SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BONO AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: ?;/. 715 -s Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes LandscapeBondQuanUtyFORM b-wks-landscapebq pdf 12-17-2003 Page 1 of2 . . UNIT PRICE UNIT TYPE QUANTITY PRICE ·""""'~"~"'''~'-'""'"''~-•,a:1u,,,· ,Eh••, , . ......,,,,,,~.:"'"'~"-~''"•~-·.,.,.,, .. ,,,,,.,,,, ,;,~» ··~·-····~ ..... ,.-~· ,\'.''<-:!>, •• ,.'-! .,, ,.,.-.. <.:., .... ,,., •. ,.,.-·••·n .... ,,,:-,,c-,.., ... ,,, "'"''~'"''""~'""'·'·'' .• .. -..,: ... ,, .. ,. '"'' "·~·~"" ,,.., ... ,,, .. ,.·.,-,., . .., ........... .,,,, .. .,,. MISCELLANEOUS TREE STAKES $265EACH PER STAKE& le& L)q~ -LABOR FENCING: LINEAR FOOT '· ------~-. ~-SOLID WOOD CEDAR $28 50 INCLUDES LABOR .. --- BERMING $17 50 LINEAR FOOT --------INCLUDES LABOR ·------~., .... ------. -----·, IRRIGATION 80¢ SQUARE FOOT . . -RELOCATING TREES ON SITE 36"8ALL $260 00 EACH 60"BALL $920 00 EACH RELOCATING SHRUBS ON SITE 12" BALL $2600 EACH 24" BALL $3300 EACH ADDITIONAL ITEMS: Onslle recreation facilities L. '=' I :,6, 07JD - SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND SUB TOTAL: $ lo 1. z.q I - Add 30% of the Bond Sub-Total for Contingency in accordance 30% CONTINGENCY: with Financial Guarantee Ordinance 120220, Section 13. $ 20, 181- TOTAL BOND PRICE TOTAL BOND PRICE: $ Pi7, 419, -. Revl&ed LBQW 11/13/2002 Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes LandscapeBondQuanUtyFORM b-wks-land~capebq pdf 12-17-2003 Page 2 of 2 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web date: 11/21/2005 (®) King County Department of Development & Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton. Wash1ngion 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Project Name: location: Jessie Glen King County Cleanng greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber" ______ yes If yes, Forest Practice Pennit Number: (RCW76.09l Page 1 of 9 Est-001.Xls ___ no For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Date: 2/14/2006 Project No.: L050005 Activity No.: L05SR054 Note: All pnces include labor, equ1pmen~ matenals. overhead and profit. Pnces are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included m the RS Means database. Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Vers10n: 04/22/02 Report Date: 2/14/2006 " Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web dale: 11/21/2005 ;i:tt~~~1:8R~~~~:~~:;?l&.fi~i~7:i~E;~i;;i~i@&i:~§S:.~; 1~t*J.iii4ii«~il!;~it:;§ r:Jti~W;t&t ERfiSt©N1S-EIDIMENfd€.d'NX:R0lli~@F~tJ1:1f~t Ntirfib~~f{ ~f-2~Zk&ff¥Jf~W{J@¥1.t1} f~t~{1~!i~~ffdi0~ %~]~t14~tm Backfill & comp_aclion-embankment ESC-1 , $ 5.62 CY Check dams, 4" minus rock !ESC-2 ! SWDM I $ 67.51 I Each Crushedsurfac1nJI11f4"m1nus !ESC-3 I WSDOT9-03.9(31 I$ 65.45 I CY Ditch,nJI (ESC-4 I I $ 6.06 I CY 3700 1 29896 Excavation-bulk I ESC-5 I I $ 1 .50 I CY Fence, sill !ESC-6 I SWDM I $ 1.36 I LF 4700 6486 Fence, Temporary (NGPE) fESC-7 I _ _ __ I$ 1.36 I LF HydroseedinJI !ESC-8 I SWDM I $ 0.59 I SY 9500 1 5605 Jute Mesh fESC-9 I SWDM I $ 1.45 I SY Mulch, b~ hand, straw. 3" deep_ JESC-10 J SWDM 5.4.2. 1 J $ 2.01 j SY Mulch, by machine, straw, 2" deep IESC-11 I SWDM I $ 0.53 I SY Pip1119, t~mpor~. CPP, 6" IESC-12 J I$ 10.70 I LF Piping, temporary, CPP_ 6" IESC-13 I _I$ 16.10 I LF Piping, temporary, CPP, 12· IESC-14 I I $ 20. 70 I LF Plastic covering, 6mm thick. sandbagged IESC-15 I SWDM I $ 2.30 I SY RipRap,mach1neplaced;slopes -~ jESC-16 I WSDOTS-13.1(2) I$ 39.06 I CY Rock Construction Entrance, 50'x15'x1' jESC-17 I SWDM_§.4.4. 1 I $ 1,464.34 I Each Rock Construction Entrance, 100'x15'x1' jESC-18 I SWDM _5.4.4. 1 I $ 2,926.68 I Each 2 5857 Sediment pond nser assembly ~C-1!_L SWD_M _5A5.2_ _ f $__ ___1,949.38 I Each 2 1 3899 Sediment trap, 5' high berm IESC-20 I SWDM I $ 17.91 I LF Sed.~ap,S'hlgh,nprappedspillwaybermseclion IESC-21 I SWDMS.4.5.1 I$ 68.54 I LF Seeding, by hand ESC-22 SWDM $ 0.51 SY Sodding, 1" deep, level ground ESC-23 SWDM $ 6.03 SY SOdding, 1• deep, sloped ground jESC-24 I SWDM I $ 7.45 I SY TESC Sup_ervtsor jESC-25 I I$ 74.75 I HR Waterlruck,dustcontroi IESC-26 ! SWDM5.4.7 I$ 97.75 i HR WR1TE11f\r11EMSt11:rrseEFpage·_9_t~,t~x\L<.:.:tr..,.?:::<< •Lltttt.:ts:dJ:st"'#S -~>/:.~<jt:>I£~ i~iA:iT1<z7<· •-~~;k'_:Ai7:0~ ;;a:;::·::c~';x.·-·:~;:;-7;.;:,;·:·\2 ;;:;~--~;;xs·~0:0·:,;t1E Page 2 of 9 Est-001.xls Each ESC SUBTOTAL; 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATtON: ESCTOTAL: COLUMN: $ 51,743.12 $ 15,522.94 $ 67,266.06 A Unit pnces updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04/22102 Report Date: 2/14/2006 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet ,.,... ";".,:·,-. .o~, ·'I'::"'«:"-;,,.;,.--,~,.,, -,,,:-,;.;_,z. ··d·!7 .. ··-----;., --z: ... J;:.,..-•._· ..••.. :~:,~ .... ~::,-., <.-,.:.~• ,'.7L %,;,'ft··~ .. , ... :-' !:>,/~Y .... ~-... ~ --:· Xr·· ... _;, ·,-.;;.,-,.;, .. •<-·,~\-..;.:-,,h .n .. >,.--;_~,;;;,d ,·,,·,:-, -<:;,><y.,.,; _. ·:·:<;- ,.,,_ .. ,,.<·,:y_.,__ _, .•. ··:'-,"'5--0,.:-~sl .. -:,,,.c .. 0, -.,<,.,,1,~,,_,_,,,..:I. :. '--·"'"· ___ ,-,~ ·cc.• :··,_ . .,,,,.,,_.-,-,".'-•a .J., i ;,, __ ·r.,.-,,_:. · .. ---:__ · -· Backfill & Compaction-embankment GI -1 $ 5.62 Backfill & Compaction-trench Gl-2 $ 8.53 Clear/Remove Brush, by hand Gl-3 $ 0.36 CleanngfGrubblngn"ree Removal Gl-4 $ 8,876.16 Excavation -bulk Gl-5 $ 1.50 Excavation -Trench Gl-6 $ 4.06 Fenang, cedar, 6' high GI· 7 $ 18.55 Fencmg, cham fink, vmvt coated, 6' hig GI -8 $ 13.44 Fencing, chain link. gate, vmvl coated, 2( GI .g S 1,271.81 Fencing, split rail, 3' high GI -11 s 12.12 Fdl & compact -common barrow GI -11 $ 22.57 Fm & comnacl -gravel base GI· 1, s 25.48 RU & compact -screened ton-:on GI· 1 $ 37.65 Gabion, 12" deep, stone filled mesh GI• 14 $ 54.31 Gablon, 18" deep, stone filled mesh Gl-1 $ 74.85 Gablon, 36'" deep, stone filled mesh GI -11 $ 132.48 Grading, fine, by hand GI· 1 s 2.02 Grading, fine, with grader GI· 1 $ 0.95 Monuments, 3' long Gl-1! $ 135.13 Sensitive Areas Sign Gl-20 $ 2.88 Sodding, 1"' deep, stooed ground Gl-21 s 7.46 Surveymg, line & grade GI-,: $ 788.26 1Surveving, lot locaUon/lines GI. >S $ 1.556.64 iTrafficconlrolcrew( 2 flaggers I GI-24 s 85.18 TralL 4" chipped wood Gl-2 s 7.59 Trall, 4• crushed cmder GI-71 s 8.33 Trail, 4" top course G1·2• s 8.19 Wall, telammg, concrete Gl-2 $ 44.16 Wall, rockery GI-~ $ 9.49 Page 3 of9 SUBTOTAL ·KCC 27A aulhonzes only one bond reduction. Est..001.xis CY I I -I _ 35001__ --1_9,670.00 CY SY Acre I I I 3.351 29,735.141 CY I I I 65001 9,750.00, CY LF LF I I I 6701 9,004.80 Eachj l l 1j 1.271.B] LF CY CY CV SY SY SY SY SY I I l 51001 4,845.00' Each!_ l -L _10J ___ 1.:l51.30 Each SY Day Acr•l-=~1 -~-- --~ ~~ ---=----5.214.741 - HR SY SY SY SF SF 80,842.79 --------- Unit pnces updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4122/02 Report Dale: 2/14/2006 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet IAC Gnnding, 4' wide machine< 1000s· 1AC Gnnding, 4' wide machine 1 OOQ...20at: Rl-2 $ 5.75 SY AC Gnnding, 4' wide machine > 2000S' Rl-3 $ 1.38 SY AC RemovaUOisposaURepair Rl-4 s 41.14 SY Bamcade, type I Rl-5 $ 30.03 LF Bamcade, type Ill ( Permanent l Rl-6 $ 45.05 LF 1Curb & Guller, roffed Rl-7 $ 13.27 LF-Y-I i-Troof ---35,829:ooi Curb & Gutter, vertlcal Rl-8 $ 9.69 LF J l l 34'![_ __ 3.294.60! Curb and Guller, demoliUan and dispos Rl-9 $ 13.58 LF 1Curb, extruded asohalt Rl-10 $ 2.44 LF lcurb, extruded concrete RI -11 $ 2.56 LF ·~ RI -1~ $ 1.85 LF '680 1,25a.001 Sawcut. concrete, Der 1" depth Rl-13 $ 1.69 LF -- :Sealant asphalt Rl-14 $ 0.99 LF 680 673.20, Shoulder, AC. ( see AC road unit pnce )'<I -1 $ -SY Shoulder, mavel, 4'" thick Rl-1 $ 7.53 SY iSldewalk. 4'" lhick Rl-1i s 30.52 SY I I I 12501 38,150.00' Sidewalk, 4" thick, demolition and dispos Rl-18 $ 27.73 SY ·sidewalk, 5" lhlck Rl-19 $ 34.94 SY Skfewalk, 5" thick. demolition and dfspos Rl-20 $ 34.65 SY Sign, handicap Rl-21 $ 85.28 Each Stnpmg, per stall Rl-22 s 5.82 Each Stnmng, thermoplastic, ( for crosswalk Rl-7: $ 2.38 SF Stnpmg, 4" rellectonzed One RI -24 $ 0.25 LF Page 4 of9 SUBTOTAL _19,204.80 ·Kee 27 A authonzes only one bond reducUon. Est-001.xls Unit pnces updated: 02/12102 Version: 4/22/02 Report Dale: 2/14/2006 Site Improvement Bond uuant1ty vvorKsneet r~1.,~1t;~~a~:~~;;-~;: ROAo!sURFACING y~=0i4tfl9:~--~ .:g.-§,~:~ii..t1.f§';Jqp;~~r-J~j_>J:9fW)i:S_§R~fULgfi9.~lef~:W~~~Jt_~f~tfp io_wSl!1;},_'-~--;-]/<·W~\faJ/;\';c.--··::_.:-4X/ {:y::~:; :--X_ ;y¥·:;.:::;;7~·,;:::.-":/;_'"'·. For KCRS '93, (additional 2$' baseJ add! RS • 1 I $ 3.60 I SY I I I I I i i 1 AC OvertaX, 1.5" A_C J RS. 2J $ 7.39 J SY IAC Overtay, 2" AC RS-3 $ 8.75 !AC Road. Z'. 4" rock, First 2500 SY RS -4 $ 17.24 AC Road. T. 4" rock, Qty. over 2500S RS-5 $ 13.36 AC Road, 3". 4" rock. First 2500 SY RS -6 $ 19.69 AC Road, 3". 4" rock, Qty. over 2500 S "~-7 $ 15.81 AC Road, 5", First 2500 SY RS -8 $ 14.57 Ac Road, 5", Qty. Over 2500 SY RS-9 $ 13.94 AC Road, 6". First 2500 SY S -1 $ 16.76 AC Road, 6". Oty. Over 2500 SY ::,5_1 $ 16.12 Asphalt Treated Base, 4" lhick •s .1; $ 9.21 Gravel Road, 4" rock, First 2500 SY ,s -1 $ 11.41 Gravel Road. 4" rock. Cly. aver 2500 S ::,S-1• $ 7.53 PCC Road, 5", no base, over 2500 SY '5 -1l $ 21.51 PCC Road, s•, no base, over 2500 SY ,s -1 $ 21.87 Thickened Edge ,S-1 $ 6.89 Page 5 of9 SUBTOTAL ·KCC 27A authanzes on!v one bond reducUon. Est-001.xls SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY LF 2500 430 100.001 460 2600 34,736.00' 225 77,836.00 7,930.40 1,550.2 9.!.480.65 Unit pnces updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Dale: 2/14/2006 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet DRAlNAGE@tcff~P:i#iG.~J#.~if#.!ii~W~:eiAAa~l¢~46~itl,l)~!Mt)i:~~-§~?~t'Gi-Aif.6f.:cili¥~rt¥rt&¥1ffi;vet.i·i~iif.,¥~,Y¥~cti/A\~utmi:¥ei!Or.ii~:~¢:~~~~r(~;~tsond{~.~{ii.::~;«K~£t.SJ;:A~1;\::: Ar;cess Road.!. R/0 D-1 S 16.74 SY 200 3,348.001 Bollards· fi<e,j I D -2 I $ 240.74 I Each Bollards· removable I D. 3 I $ 452.34 I Each I I I 4 • (CBs mdude frame and lid) CB Type I I D-4 I$ 1~57.64J Each I i_ I 18J _ _ 22~637.521 D • 5 J $ 1,433.59 Each II!. 48• diameter D -6 j $ 2,033.57 Each for additional de.e_lh over 4' D-7 I$ 436.52 FT CB T YPill 54• diameter 0-8 IS 2.192.54 Each 0-9 I-Ii 486.53 FT 0 -101 S 2.351.52 I Each 0-111 S 536.54 I FT 0-121 S 3.212.64 I Each 0-131$ 692211 FT Through-curb (nlet Framework {Add 0-141 s 366.09 I Each cteanou~ PVC~4'" 0-151 s 130.55 I Each Cleanout, PVC~ 6" O -161 $ 174.90 I Each Cleanout. PVC~ 8" 0-171 $ 224.191 Each Culvert. PVC, 4 .. o. 181 $ 8.64 I LF Cuf,/ert. PVC, 6" D-191 $ 12.60 I LF 1Culvei\...P_VC, 8'" 0-20JS 13.33 ( LF cuwert,_P\/f. 12" 0-211 S 21.77 I LF Culvert._ g\4P ! 8" 0-221 $ 1725 I LF Culvert, CMP. 12" 0-23( $ 26.45 ( LF Culvert. CMP. 15" 0 • 241 $ 32.73 ( LF Cuwe_r!, CMP. 18" 0-251 S 37.74 ( LF Cuwert. C~P, 24" D -261 ~ 53.33 I LF Culvert. CMP, 30" 0-271 S 71.45 ( LF Culvert, ~p1. 36" D-281 S 112.11 LF CulvertSM~! 48'" D -291 i 140.83 LF Culvert, CMP, 60'" D -301 $ 235.45 LF Cuwert. CMP. 72" D-31/$ 302.58 LF Page 6 of9 SUBTOTAL ~Kee 27A authonzes only one band reduc:Uon. Est-001.xls 12 24,402.641 2,351.5 6 2,196.54 56,745.78 Unit pnces updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 2/14/2006 Site Improvement Bond Quantity worKsheet ~t:~i~l;i~i Culvert. Concrete, 8" 0-32 $ 21.02 Lf Culvert. Concrele, 12" 0-33 $ 30.05 LF Culvert. Concrete, 15" 0-34 $ 37.34 LF Culvert. Concrele, 18" 0-35 $ 44.51 LF iCulvert, Concrete. 24n 0-36 $ 61.07 LF CUivert, Concrete, 30" 0-37 $ 104.18 LF CUivert, Concrete, 36" 0-38 $ 137.63 LF Culvert, Concrete, 42" 0-39 $ 158.42 LF Culvert Conaete, 48" 0-40 s 175.94 LF Culvert. CPP, 6"' 0-41 $ 10.70 LF Culvert. CPP, 6" 0-42 $ 16.10 LF Culvert. CPP, 12" 0-43 $ 20.70 LF 1384 28648.8 Culvert, CPP. 1S-0-44 $ 23.00 LF 88 2024 Culvert. CPP. 18"' 0-45 $ 27.60 LF 762 21031 Culvert. CPP, 24• 0-46 $. 36.80 LF 454 16707.21 Culvert. CPP. 30" 0-47 $ 48.30 LF Culvert, CPP, 36"' 0-48 s 55.20 LF Ditching 0-49 $ 8.08 CY Flow Dispersal Trench (1,436 base+) 0-50 $ 25.99 LF French Drain (3" depth) 0-51 $ 22.60 LF GeotexUle.!_l<!ld in trench, polypropvien• 0-52 $ 2.40 SY 0-53 $ 74.75 HR 0-54 S 1.605.40 Each 0-55 s 14.01 SY I I I 301 420.3 D-56 $ 1.045.19 Each 0-57 $ 1.095.56 Each 0-58 $ 1,146.16 Each I I I 1 I 1146.161 0-59 $ 39.06 CY 5 195.41 lTank End Reducer C36" diameter) 0-60 $ 1,000.50 Each Trash Rack, 12" 0-61 $ 211.97 Each I I I 11 211.97 !Trash Rack. 15" 0-62 $ 237.27 Each Trash Rack, 18" 0-63 $ 268.89 Eacn Trash Rack, 21" 0-64 s 306.84 Eac:h Page 7 of 9 SUBTOTAL 70385.03 -~~-~-- Unit pnces updated: 02/12/02 "KCC 27 A authanzes only aoe band reduction. Version: 4/22/02 Est-001.xls Report Dale: 2114/2006 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet -RAF.fKING-'.l£OT:iSt1t~~A'CiNG:~;.:~:;\;;=f:~1;\Wi·;;.r,~~~-=~~~~Mf:~;,_,:;:~::f:,tt'.~'.:£t;t;~~~-;;,;)@J;:f:;~:.~:1:;~.~{~J.:t:l~T;;'.,~~(~~-~;:y~;::}~i{F(.;i:~~:t::;\}~//~~::~:~¥:~~~~)tt0 :~~-~~,:.:;:,'.~~~f;~:~:.:,~jg~'.tR~t1*f;;~~;{)}~;,~qfit;:tYR~~ No. lz-AC, Z-too course rock & 4" borrow PL-1 $ 15.84 SY iT AC. 1.5" lop course & 2.S' base cou1 PL-2 $ 17.24 SY 14• select borrow PL-3 $ 4.55 SY !_1.5" top course rock & 2.5" base cours1 PL-4 $ 11.41 SY WRiTE4NlftEMS7?.l0~~'.:~::·;~;-~<-)Xf.·.~::nrs:.>\£·:;:tc,: \-·~.4.t.::~:-5:3~-;X;:;L:Lt()±:<L~>~:;\tbJi.'..'..£::~}!t:itVZ3::,t .. :.~,S'. ~-':< ... v;;JL.t.>,.~: .• ~;;;~-.:25}~:./J~;.~~:~2f.;i;:{4.&Eiifi3 .{!iuch a~ detenlion/waler quality vaults.b ~ WI -1 Each Wl-2 SY Wl-3 CY Wl-4 LF Wl-5 FT Wl-6 Wl-7 Wl-B WJ-9 Wl-10 SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL (SUM ALL PAGES): 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBIUZA llON: Page 8 ors ·KCC 27A aulhonzes only one bond reduclion. Est-001.xis GRANDTOT AL: COLUMN, 365,014.40 109,504.32 474,518.72 B C 9,460.65 2._844.20 12,324.85 D E Unit pnces updated: 02/12102 Version: 4/22/02 Report Dale: 2/14/2006 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web date: 11/21/2005 Ongmal bond computations prepared by: Name: Date: 2/14/2006 Jessie Glen PE Registration Number. 40111 Tel.#: 1-800-345-5694 Firm Name: ESM ConstulUng Engineers, LLC Address: 33915 1st Way South. Suite #200, Federal Way, WA 98003 Project No: L050005 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & DRAINAGE FACILITIES FINANCIAL GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS Stabilization/Eros,on Sediment Control (ESC) Existing Right-of-Way Improvements PERFORMANCE BOND' AMOUNT (Al $ 67,266.1 (Bl _S:,_· ~~~~~~~ Future Public Road Improvements & Oramage Facilities (Cl $ 474,516.7 Pnvate Improvements (Ol $ 12,324.6 Galculated Quantity Completed Total Right-of Way and/or Sile Restoration Bond"/" (First S7 ,500 of bond• shall be cash.} Performance Bond" Amount (A+B+C+Dl = TOTAL Reduced Performance Boner Total ... Mamtenance/Oefect Bond" Total NAME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND' REDUCTION: (A+B) $ 67,266.1 (Tl $ 554,109.6 Mm1mum bond· amount ,s S1 ooD. ~ &?bfrM.o-., BOND" AMOUNT REQUIRED AT RECORDING OR TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY ••• (El --'$'---~~~~~ Tx0.30 $ 166,232.9 OR (T-E) $ 554,109.6 Use larger of TxJO"..t or {1-E) Date: PUBLIC ROAD & DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE/DEFECT BOND" (B+Cl X 0.25 = $ 118,629.7 o/t'f-/of. • NOTE: The word ·bond" as used in thls document means any financial guarantee acceptable to King County. -NOTE: KCC 27 A aulhonzes nght of way and site restoration bonds lo be comblned when both are requtred. The restoration requirement shall include the tota! cost for all TESC as a minimum, not a maxtmum. In add\Uon, c.orrecUve work, both on-and off-site needs lo be mduded. Quantities shall reflect worse case scenanos not iusl nummum requirements. For example, if a salmonid stream mav be damaged, some esUmated costs for restoration needs to be reflected in this amount The 30% contingency and mobilization costs are computed in this quantity. -NOTE; Per KCC 27A. total bond amounts remaining after reduction shall not be less than 30% of the ong1naf amount CTI or as revtsed by maror design changes. SURETY BOND RIDER NOTE: If a bond rider ,s used, mm1mum additional perfom,ance bond snail be l $ 466,643.6 l(C+O)-E REQUIRED BOND' AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION BY DOES Page 9 of 9 Est-001.xls Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Unit pnces updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 2/14/2006 '---._.,,. ·-------· Thinley, Tenzing From: Sent: To: Subject: "ft1 SD0C8434.pdf (1 MB) Tenzing: Phil Kitzes [phil.kitzes@esmcivil.com] Friday, May 11, 2007 10:23 AM Thinley, Tenzing FW: Jessie Glen--Bond Quantities (Revised) Per Joe Singh, the following bond quantity worksheet has been revised to reflect the improvements performed to date. Also included is the pond volume worksheet. Thanks, Phil -----Original Message----- From: SavinCopier@esmcivil.com [mailto:SavinCopier@esmcivil.com] Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 11:09 AM To: Phil Kitzes Subject: This E-mail includes attached file (s) sent from "Savin Copier" (2560). Scan Date: 05.11.2007 10:09:01 (-0800) Queries to: SavinCopier@esmcivil.com 1 May 9, 2007 Job No 1166-001-005 Mr. Joe Singh JPS Holding LLC. 18124 Riviera Place SW Seattle, WA 98166 RE: Jessie Glen Plat Asbuilt Pond Volumes Dear Joe: Upon your reques~ we have reviewed the asbuilt pond volumes for the Jessie Glen project The required, designed, and asbuilt pond volumes are shown in the table below. Storage Volumes (cubic feet) Required Designed As Constructed Detention 95,963 97,111 96,982 Water Quality 26,763 33,043 29,402 In summary, the constructed pond exceeds the required volume. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (800) 345-5694. Sincerely, ESM CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LLC. ~t;~ LAURA COCIASU, PE. Project Engineer \\esmS\engr\esm-jobs\11661001 \005\document\leller-017 doc 31915 ls\ Way South S~!lt 200 Fodorat Way WA 9BOOJ Tel (2.53! 838 6113 Fax !253) 838 7\Dt. Toti Free (8001 JAS 5691, Bothell (4251415 61"4 www esmclvlt com Civil Englnl!aring Projecl Milnagemenl Land Surveying Land Planning Public Work5 Landsciip(• Archll11c1ure King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov !FAX Total number of pages including this cover sheet: Date: __ )_-_I g,_-_O f __ Time: ---'-t_l_:_J_,o_f_M __ TO: r Joe Phone No. _ __,_}_q-'---C/_.=c...5_0__.=c...')_I _ Fax. No . .,,---· .,--(, I ~o _ From: __ .,_e,_( ~:.=.__;.--'--/ ?}~-~~---+-- Phone: 206-296-10 3 '& -~~-- FAX: 206-296-7174 Comments: D Joe: 'L ;:.,4-li'Ji'61A Jo jt..,, .6~ _Z;;,fd 1 e/l~~,. -, f:= ~ ~ fap:! 0 0rf·CA--/· h refe---/,<A/'.I~ h6"--P . !'1uvu ~~ ~ 7'~ f·rr ~ /,~ ~ -~ 9R-/-~µ,~ V<V--1)~ ~ g,y<{Cf ~-/.(p ...,.:/( pr~ ~,.,..,,.f. SIGNIFICANT TREE BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET (Planting & Existing Trees) (Complete and return electronically) Date: Project Name: ODES Project Number: . '.,_ ,, ·'_.:1 _. ,, .::. " r: :::::i:;·: :~:._::.r;/·\ ,,~·-, ·, ·'}':i'*:Ft,ii '/\,;t'Y /i .,. f t:::;::t:.;:~t. I ·, ,,,,,,. ''j n ·:::t 1 ,:;,i_:,)i1'.')".' r1;1/'.-' )/•_ifNi:?!;',/t1,'.:; !,_; . ,, ,;_;'' ,\., i -· ,; , .,:Ri:1ce:,Each\, 1. Soil Preparation Topsoil Mulch (2 inch depth X 36" round) Fertilizer Removal of invasive species Irrigation (hand water per owner) 2. Plant Materials Deciduous Trees (Nursery Stock) Calioer: 3" cal Evergreen Trees (Nursery Stock) Caliper: 2" cal/ 6' ht Other: 3. Labor & Equipment Costs Labor: (planting) *Equipment: 4. Tree Protection Measures High Visibility Fencing Tree Stakes s. Monitoring Costs 3 years monitoring with reports •Existing Significant Tree Values Other: Other: SUBTOTAL 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION TOTAL PERFORMANCE BOND AMOUNT First $2500.00 shall be cash Quantity Calculations completed by: Approved by Site Development Specialist: ,v<r/.'-' 'VJ'i' ."'' '\ ,'i,t:' ,·,;;,'ti/!''vh' , ,:Ciuanitv .· · ' ( ,, L ,:· '-'',','' \ '' '/ ' t,,;.(,.i, ·J·,. , .. :· v· ,TilJlil l!i:ice, • Tree value determined by highest lumber cost times 3 (triple stumpage per WAC) '' "{j ·,, ,<Jomfuents SIGNIFICANT TREE RETENTION PLAN BOND INFORMATION (Planting & Existing Trees) This Significant Tree Retention performance and maintenance bond (for replanting and existing significant trees) is to ensure that significant tree replacements are planted and survive. It is also to ensure that the significant trees to be retained are saved in a healthy state and replaced as approved by the approved significant tree retention plan or ODES approved (documented) revisions to that plan. The planting portion of the bond is for a period of three (3) years monitoring from the date of tree planting installation acceptance in writing by DDES or until the approved Significant Tree Retention Plan has been successfully complied with. The existing bond amount can be released upon successful retention of the significant trees to be retained after the construction has been completed. At the final inspection for Significant Tree Retention by the DDES Land Use Inspection Unit (LUIS), the general site bond may be released if the site is in compliance with the ODES approved Engineering Site and Construction Plan and the Significant Tree Retention Plan. This Significant Tree Retention (Planting) portion of the performance and maintenance bond remains in affect for three (3) years monitoring or until DDES LUIS has completed final construction inspection and supports bond release as the Significant Tree Retention Plan is in compliance. If the Tree Retention Plan is not in compliance at the end of the street tree monitoring period LUIS can forward monitoring responsibility to DDES Site Development Services. ODES Site Development Services will assign an inspection/monitoring tracking number and bill the permittee the hourly rate in effect at that time as established by the King County Council Fee Ordinance. The permittee/developer is responsible to post the Significant Tree Retention and Planting Bond with DOES (Financial Guarantee Section) prior to the LUIS pre-construction meeting and prior to starting any site work/disturbance. A private agreement may be necessary between the plat permittee/developer, the future builder and the future landowner to ensure continued access for DOES inspections to the lots for the three (3) years monitoring or until the approved Significant Tree Plan has been complied with. This may require legal documentation as requested by DDES and is the sole responsibility of the plat permittee/developer to secure this agreement. A copy of this agreement shall be submitted to DDES Site Development Services and the LUIS Inspector. The future builder/landowner on the referenced lots that include significant trees ( existing or planted) shall not remove or damage these trees in any way without prior approval (a permit may be required) from ODES -Site Development Services. It shall be the responsibility of the bond holder to request bond release from DOES. If at the end of the three (3) year monitoring period ( or as extended) the Significant Tree Retention Plan has not been complied with the bond may be forfeit to King County. It is the responsibility of the bond holder to perform monitoring and maintenance of the plantings as stated on the DOES Significant Tree Retention Plan or as legally assigned to others as stated above. Status reports on planting success shall be submitted to ODES Site Development Services a minimum of once per year. Submittal of this bond by the permittee/designee and acceptance by DDES constitutes acceptance of the above stated conditions. 1···0 be. oL-)-"~ -~. ~-~ ~~ SP-;J--~~ rvof--~ C0t~ o-'\.. ~-~ fv j~e. ~-- 0 King County Department of DeveJopment and Environmental Services Li;nd Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division **************************** IM PORT ANT *************************** PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME IS NECESSARY FOR ALL DROP-OFFS Date Received by LUSD Project No.: _...L"'0,,,5'.Lf'.__.o"'o.1££ ___________ ~ ~~:~~!,~~ Project Name: :fEs.s,e:. ln.EN FROM: ""!P.:, \\0L1>1>.>i.-S. / J"'oE ~1,..;t.,-14 Company Name/ Contact Person K.G. g.i;).ls,S, Telephone No (:t.Pft) 7"1'l-305) TO: Tw·L,tvlr ~1/\JL'=-\:1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) Short Plat/ Plats Please specify item(s) dropped-off: ( Ui'..Qt".V s1f,.>J1"1tA>-lr ~Ee'. 1Zerv.mot.J 'PLAN Lot Line Adjustment Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Right of Way Permit Please specify ilem(s) dropped-off· Clearing/ Grading Permit -Additional information requested.· Please specify ilem(s) dropped-off: PLEASE NOTE: All drop-off ilem(s) will be logged into the computer under the proiect number, therefore, it is important that the top portion of this form is completed properly before you drop-off anything. Assistance in finding a project number can be provided by speaking to a Zoning/Land Use Technician. Your cooperation is important Thank you. Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov!ddes Drop-Off Cover Sheet-LUSD Only lg-cvs-dropofl.pdf 11-03-2004 PcJge 1 of 1 0 Inspection Request/ Corrections i . ) 'f, .. ;;~__) --@) L, ... ""artment of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest King County Renton, WA 98055-1219 206-296-6630 Project Name: -Lc.+~=-l--l..l..=~e.+,"-<-'-'LJl,,!f;::'..'.L,.,""'°-------Date of lnsp.:S' / f SI o7 Type of Inspection: --l-~--___o_PL<::.._::_:.=:...::::._L-f-_.k:~-'------~--,--..._-"""~-..--==-:::::--c Contact Name:------------~=----Phone#· Comments: --------------'<-+-"=-__:=~------------'--- CORRECTIONS AND COMMENTS: } ~• A---1 ( £~rrh-:;t A:c ( ( ,;--4?:::·· (-'"' I ' .. k.. I C2 "'"'-'u ( &-c .. A.. "'-"-'- Inspector: _IM ___ L-_~/,___)_b__,t,CJJ-/1...:..'_::k_,_ __ ,,___ _______ Inspected Date: 5 !~CS ? • 0353 (10/03) ·-1-@ -' ti King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov April 6, 2007 JPS Holding Inc. Attn: Joe Singh 18124 Riveiera Pl. SW Seattle, WA 98166 RE: Jessie Glen Stop Work Order, requested information Project No.: L05P0005 Activity No.: L06SI033 Site Location: 18924 116TH Ave. S.E. Dear Mr. Singh: Attached to this letter is the information you requested in your March 13, 2007 letter to this department, regarding the "Stop Work Order" posted in the Plat of Jessie Glen. This packet contains pertinent excerpts from the King County Drainage manual and Appendix D. Also included is a copy of our timeshcet hours and notes. If you have additional questions please call me at 206-296-7236. Sincerely, K~·~ Bob Eddy, P.E., Senior Engineer, Land Use Inspection Section, Land Use Services Division. . '"" \\.J 1.2.5 1.2.5 CORE REQUIREMENT i .OSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL CORE REQUIREMENT #5: EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ff' All proposed projects that will clear, grade, or otherwise disturb the site must provide erosion and R sediment controls to prevent, to the maximum extent possible, the transport of sediment from the project ;. site to downstream drainage facilities, water resources, and adjacent properties. To prevent sediment M transport, Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) measures are required and shall perform as described in i; Section Both temporary and permanent erosion and sediment controls shall be implemented as ,, described in Section ('to Intent: To prevent the transport of sediment to streams, wetlands, lakes, drainage systems, and adjacent properties. Erosion on construction sites can result in excessive sediment transport to adjacent properties and to surface waters. Sediment transport can result in major adverse impacts, such as flooding due to obstructed drainageways; smothering of salmonid spawning beds, and creation of algal blooms in lakes. ESC MEASURES The following ESC measures shall be provided as specified below and as further detailed in the King County Erosion and Sediment Control (ESCJ Standards, adopted as Appendix D of this manual: • Clearing Limits: Prior to any site clearing or grading, areas to remain undisturbed during project construction shall be delineated. At a minimum, clearing limit delineation flagging shall be provided at the edges of all sensitive area buffers. o Cover Measures: Temporary and permanent cover measures shall be provided when necessary to protect disturbed areas. Temporary cover shall be installed if an area is to remain unworked for more than seven days during the dry season (May l to September 30) or for more than two days during the wet season (Octobei_.'l t9_April 30), unless otherwise d<itermined by the County. Any area to remain unworked for more than 30 days shall be seeded or sodded, unless the County determines that winter weather makes vegetation establishment unfeasible. During the wet season, slopes and stockpiles 3H: 1 V or steeper with more than 10 feet of vertical relief shall be covered if they are to remain unworked for_ more than 12 hours. The intent of these measures is to prevent erosion by having as much area as possible covered during any period of precipitation. • Perimeter Protection: When necessary, perimeter protection to filter sediment from sheet flow shall be provided downstream of all disturbed areas. Perimeter protection includes the use of vegetated strips, as well as more conventional constructed measures such as silt fences. Such protection shall be installed prior to upstream grading. • Traffic Area Stabilization: Unsurfaced entrances, roads, and parking area• used by construction traffic shall be stabilized to minimize erosion and tracking of sediment offsite. • Sediment Retention: Surface water collected from disturbed areas of the site shall be routed through a sediment pond or trap prior to release from the site. This does not apply to areas at the perimeter of the site small enough to be treated solely with perimeter protection. Sediment retention facilities shall be installed prior to grading any contributing area. • Surface Water Controls: Surface water controls shall be installed to intercept all surface water from disturbed areas, convey it to a sediment pond or trap, and discharge it downstream of any disturbed· areas. However, areas at the perimeter of the site which are small enough to be treated solely with perimeter protection do not require surface water controls. Significant sources of upstream surface water that drain onto disturbed areas shall be intercepted and conveyed to a stabilized discharge point downstream of the disturbed areas. Surface water controls shall be installed concurrently with or immediately following rough grading. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 9/1/98 1-43 'SECTION 1.2 COREREQUIREMEN'l. • Dust Control: Preventative measures to minimize wind transport of soil shall be implemented when a traffic hazard may be created or when sediment transported by wind is likely to be deposited in water resources. ESC PERFORMANCE The above ESC measures shall be applied and maintained so as to prevent, to the maximum extent possible, the transport of sediment from the project site or into onsite wetlands, streams, or lakes. This performance is intended to be achieved through proper selection, installation, and operation of the above ESC measures as detailed in the ESC Standards (detached Appendix D) and approved by the County. However, the County may determine at any time during construction that such approved measures are not sufficient and additional action is required based on one of the following criteria: 1. IF a sieve test of storm and surface water discharges indicates that sand-sized sediment (soil particles coarser than the #200 sieve, 0.075 mm) is leaving the project site or entering onsite wetlands, streams, or lakes, THEN corrective actions and/or additional measures beyond those specified in Section 1.2.5. l shall be implemented as deemed necessary by the County. Note: The County can require that the ESC supervisor have a #200 sieve on site. Also, "leaving the project site" will be interpreted liberally. For example, if this criterion is applied to individual lots within a subdivision, it may, depending on the site, be appropriate to conduct the sieve test at the outlet of the drainage system rather than at the edge of the lot. 2. IF the County determines that the condition of the construction site poses a hazard to adjacent property or may adversely impact drainage facilities or water resources, THEN additional measures beyond those specified in Section can be required by the County. IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS ESC Plan 9/l /98 As specified in Chapter 2, all proposed projects must submit a plan for providing ESC measures. The ESC plan shall include a detailed construction sequence as proposed by the design engineer and shall identify required ESC measures. All ESC measures shall conform to the details and specifications in the ESC Standards unless an alternative is approved by King County (see "Alternative and Experimental Measures" in the ESC Standards, detached Appendix D). The ESC plan shall be accompanied by any calculations or information necessary to size ESC measures and demonstrate compliance with Core Requirement #5. The County may require large, complex projects to phase construction and to submit multiple ESC plans for the different stages of construction. Development of new ESC plans is not required for changes that are necessary during construction. Wet Season Construction During the wet season (October 1 to ApriI'30) any site with exposed soils shall be subject to the "Wet Season Requirements" contained in the ESC Standards. In addition to the ESC cover measures, these provisions include covering any newly-seeded areas with mulch and seeding as much disturbed area as possible during the first week of October in ~rder to provide grass cover for the wet season. Construction within Sensitive Areas and Buffers Any construction that will result in disturbed areas on or within a stream or associated buffer, within a Class I or 2 wetland or associated buffer, or within 50 feet of a lake shall be subject to the "Sensitive Area Restrictions" contained in the ESC Standards. These provisions include phasing the project whenever possible so that construction in these areas is limited to the dry season. 1998 Surface Water Design Manual 1-44 L , ~ ' . Appendix D / . ·· Erosion and S_ediment Control Standards · King County, Washington Surface Water Design Manual ~ ~KI NG COUNTY ~ '\ .. / Department of Natural Resources ' ' SECTIOND.4 ESC MEASURES D.4.2 COVER MEASURES ESC Requirement 2: Temporary and permanent cover measures shall be provided to protect disturbed areas. Temporary cover shall .be installed if an area is to remain unworked for more than seven days during the dry season (May I to September 30) or for more than two days during the wet season (October 1 to April 30). These time limits may be relaxed if an area poses a low risk of erosion due to soil type, slope gradient, anticipated weather conditions, or other factors. Conversely, the County may reduce these time limits if site conditions warrant greater protection (e.g., adjacent to significant aquatic resources or highly erosive soils) or if significant precipitation (see Section D.5.2) is expected. Any area to remain unworked for more than 30 days shall be seeded or sodded, unless the County determines that winter weather makes vegetation establishment infeasible. During the wet season, slopes and stockpiles 3H: 1 V or steeper and with more than ten feet of vertical relief shall be covered if they are to remain unworked for more than 1.2 hours. Also· during the wet season, the material necessary to cover all disturbed areas must be stockpiled on site. The intent of these cover requirements is to have as much area as possible covered during any period of precipitation. Purpose: The purpose of covering exposed soils is to'prevent erosion, thus reducing reliance on less effective methods that remove sediment after it is entrained in runoff. Cover is the only practical method of reducing turbidity in runoff. Structural measures, such as silt fences and sediment ponds, are only capable of removing coarse particles and in most circumstances have little to no effect on turbidity. When to Install: Any exposed soils that will remain unworked for more than the time limit set in ESC Requirement 2 shall be covered by the end of the working day. If the exposed area is to remain unworked for more than 30 days, the area shall be seeded with the temporary seed mix or an equivalent mix .that will provide rapid protection (see Section 0). If the disturbed area is to remain unworked for a year or more or if the area has reached final grade, permanent seed mix or an equivalent mix shall be applied. Measures to Use: Cover methods include the use of mulch, erosion control nets and blankets, plastic covering, seeding, and sodding. Mulch and plastic sheeting are primarily intended to protect disturbed areas for a short period of time, typically days to a few months. Seeding and sodding are measures for areas that are to remain unworked for months. Erosion nets and blankets are to be used in conjunction . with seeding steep slopes. The choice of measures is left to the designer; however, there are restrictions on the use of these methods, which are listed in the "Conditions of Use" and the "Design and Installation Specifications" sections for each measure. The methods listed are by no means exhaustive. Variations on the standards presented here are encouraged if other cost-effective products or methods provide substantially equivalent or superior performance. Also, the details of installation can, and should, vary with the site conditions. A useful reference on the application of cover measures in the Puget Sound area is Homer, Guedrey, and Kortenhof (1990). D.4.2.1 MULCHING 9/1/98 Code: MU Symbol: _.,,.__-1@)\---00>- Purpose The purpose of mulching soils is to provide immediate temporary protection from erosion. Mulch also · enhances plant establishment by conserving moisture, holding fertilizer, seed, and topsoil in place, and moderating soil temperatures. There is an enormous variety of mulches that can be used. Only the most common types are discussed in this section. Conditions of Use As a temporary cover measure, mulch should be used: 1. On disturbed areas that require cover measures for less than 30 days Erosion and Sediment Control Standards D-8 (It ~ -D.5 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SUR. B WATER DESIGN MANUAL ESC IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS This section describes the ESC implementation requirements that are required at each construction site. The measures and practices correspond to the implementation requirements in Core Requirement #5. Three of the sections [the ESC report (Section D.5.1, below), ESC maintenance requirements (Section D.5.4, p. D-43), and final site stabilization (Section D.5.5, p. D-44)] are required of every project. The rest of the sections are special requirements that may apply to the project depending on site conditions and project type. The introductory paragraphs at the beginning of most sections present the purpose of the measures and when they should be applied to the site. Compliance with the implementation requirements (as appropriate for the site) ensures compliance with the ESC Requirements. Note, however, that additional measures shall be required by the County if the existing standards ·are insufficient to protect adjacent properties, drainage facilities, or water resources. D.5.1 ESC REPORT For all proposed projects, an ESC report, including the ESC plan and supporting information for providing ESC measures and meeting implementation requirements as specified in Section D.6 (p. D-47) shall be submitted to DDES for review. A copy of this report shall be kept at the project site throughout all phases of construction. All of the materials required for the report are standard parts of engineering plan submittals for projects requiring drainage review. The simplest approach to preparing this report is to compile the pieces during preparation for submittal and include the report as a separate part of the submittal package. The ESC report shall include the following: 1. A detailed construction sequence, as proposed by the design engineer or erosion control specialist, identifying required ESC measures and implementation requirement~; 2. A technical information report (TIR) and ESC plan for King County review in accordance with Sections 2.3. 1 and 2.3.3 of the Surface Water Design Manual. Incorporate any King County review comments as necessary to comply with Core Requirement #5 of the SWDM (see Section D.10.1, p. D- 63) and the Erosion and Sediment Control Standards in this appendix; . 3. Any calculations or information necessary to size ESC measures and demonstrate compliance with Core Requirement #5; 4. An inspection and maintenance program in accordance with Section D.5.4 (p. D-43) that includes the designation of an ESC supervisor as point of contact; and 5. Anticipated changes or additions necessary during construction to ensure that ESC measures perform in accordance with Core Requirement #5 and Sections D.4 (p. D-5) and D.5 (p. D-41). While the ESC plan focuses on the initial measures to be applied to the site, any changes or additions necessary during construction to ensure that ESC measures perform in accordance with Core Requirement #5 and Sections D.4 and D.5 must be identified in the ESC report. The County may require large, complex projects to phase construction and submit multiple ESC plans for different stages of construction. Development of new ESC plans is not required for changes that are necessary during construction. D.5.2 WET SEASON REQUIREMENTS Any site with exposed soils during the wet season (October 1 to April 30) shall be subject to the special provisions below. In addition to the ESC cover measures (see Section D.4.2, p. D-8), these provisions include covering any newly seeded areas with mulch and identifying and seeding as much disturbed area as possible prior to September 23 in order to provide grass cover for the wet season. Erosion and Sediment Control Standards 9/1/98 D-41 SECTION D.5 ESC IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS Wet Season Special Provisions All of the following provisions for wet season construction are detailed in the referenced sections. requirements are listed here for the convenience of the designer and the reviewer. These e ···~ I. The allowed time that a disturbed area can remain unworked without cover measures is reduced to two days, rather than seven (Section D.4.2). 2. Stockpiles and steep cut and fill slopes are to be protected if unworked for more than 12 hours (Section D.4.2). 3. Cover materials sufficient to cover all disturbed areas shall be stockpiled on site (Section D.4.2). 4. All areas that are to be unworked during the wet season shall be seeded within one week of the beginning of the wet season (Section 0). 5. Mulch is required to protect all seeded areas (Section 0). 6. Fifty linear feet of silt fence (and the necessary stakes) per acre of disturbance must be stockpiled on site (Section D.4.3.1). 7. Construction road and parking lot stabilization are required for all sites unless the site is underlain by coarse-grained soil (Section D.4.4.2). 8. Sediment retention is. required unless no off site discharge is anticipated for the specified design flow (Section D.4.5). 9. Surface water controls are required unless no off site discharge is anticipated for the specified design flow (Section 0). 10. Phasing and more conservative BMPs must be evaluated for construction activity near surface waters (Section D.5.3). I I. Any runoff generated by dewatering shall be treated through construction of a sediment trap (Section D.4.5. I) when there is sufficient space or by releasing the water to a well-vegetated, gently sloping area. Since pumps are used for dewatering, it may be possible to pump the sediment-laden water well away from the surface water so that vegetation can be more effectively utilized for treatment. A straw bale filter shall be placed around the discharge from the dewatering pump. If there is not space for a sediment trap or 25 feet of suitable vegetation, other filtration methods shall be required consistent with KCC 9.12. 12. The frequency of maintenance review increases from monthly to weekly (Section D.5.4). D.5.3 SENSITIVE AREAS RESTRICTIONS 9/l/98 Any construction that will result in disturbed areas on or within a stream or associated buffer, a Class I or 2 wetland or associated buffer, or within 50 feet of a lake shall be subject to the special provisions below. These provisions include, whenever possible, phasing the project so that construction in these areas is limited to the dry season. The County may require more conservative BMPs, including more stringent cover requirements, in order to protect surface water quality. Any project proposing work within 50 feet of a steep slope hazard area shall evaluate the need for diverting runoff that might flow over the top of the slope. Sensitive Areas Special Provisions Any project that disturbs areas on or within a stream or associated buffer, a Class I or 2 wetland or associated buffer, or within 50 feet of a-lake has the potential to seriously damage water resources, even if the project is relatively small. While it is difficult to require specific measures for such projects because Af~_'t ltJ the ESC plan must be very site specific, the following recommendations shall be incorporated into the plan Q:/ 1 where appropriate: Erosion and Sediment Control Standards D-42 Ds -SENSITIVE AREAS RESTRICT10NS I. Whene:er possible, phase all or part of the project so.that i~ occurs during the dry season. If this is m1poss1ble,_ November through February shall be avoided smce this is the most likely period for large, h1gh-mtens1ty .storms. 2. All projects shall be completed and stabilized as quickly as possible. Limiting the size and duration of a project is probably the most effective form of erosion control. 3. Where appropriate, sandbags or an equivalent barrier shall be constructed between the project area and the surface water in order to isolate the construction area from high water that might result due to precipitation. 4. Additional perimeter protection shall be considered to reduce the likelihood of sediment entering the surface waters. Such protection might include multiple silt fences, silt fences with a higher AOS, construction of a berm, or a thick layer of organic mulch upslope of a silt fence. 5. If work is to occur within the ordinary high water mark of a stream, mcist projects must isolate the work area from the stream by diverting the stream or constructing a coffer dam. Certain small projects that propose only a small amount of gr~ding may not require isolation since diversions typically result in disturbance and the release of some sediment to the stream. For such small projects, the potential impacts from construction with and without a diversion must be weighed. 6. If a stream must be crossed, a temporary bridge shall be considered rather than allowing equipment to utilize the streambed for a crossing. ' 7. Any runoff generated by dewatering shall be treated through construction of a sediment trap (see Section D.4.5.1) when there is sufficient space, or by releasing the water to a well-vegetated, gently sloping area. Since pumps are used for dewatering, it may be possible to pump the sediment-laden water well away from the surface water so that vegetation can be more effectively utilized for treatment. A straw bale filter shall be placed around the discharge from the dewatering pump. If there is not space for a sediment trap or 25 feet of suitable vegetation, other filtration methods shall be required consistent with KCC 9 .12. For projects in or near a salmonid stream, it may be appropriate to monitor the composition of any spawning gravels within a quarter-mile of the site with a McNeil sampler before, during, and after construction. The purpose of such monitoring would be to determine if the fine content of the gravels increases as a result of construction impacts. Monitoring results could be used to guide erosion control efforts during construction and as a threshold for replacing spawning gravels if the fine content rises significantly. D.5.4 MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS All ESC measures shall be maintained and reviewed on a regular basis as prescribed in the maintenance requirements for each BMP and in this section. The applicant shall designate an ESC supervisor who shall be responsible for maintenance and review of ESC and for compliance with all permit conditions relating to ESC. The ESC supervisor must be available for rapid response to ESC problems. The ESC supervisor shall review the site at least once a month during the dry season, weekly during the wet season, and within 24 hours of significant storms. The County can require that a written record of these reviews be kept on site with copies submitted to DDES within 48 hours. The County can also require that the applicant designate an ESC supervisor with demonstrated experience in ESC to perform these reviews and to be responsible for ESC. !;SC Supervisor For minor projects, the applicant may serve as the ESC supervisor. The name, address, and phone number of the ESC supervisor shall be supplied to the County prior to the start of construction. A sign shall be posted at all primary entrances to the site identifying the ESC supervisor and his/her phone number. The requirement for an ESC supervisor does not relieve the applicant of ultimate responsibility for the project and compliance with King County Code. Erosion and Sediment Control Standards 9/1/98 D-43 .'\:: SECDOND.5 ESC IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS For highly sensitive sites, the County can require that the applicant designate an ESC supervisor with demonstrated expertise in erosion and sediment control. The qualifications of such a person shall include · at least several years of construction supervision or inspection and a background in geology, soil science, e t or agronomy. Typically, if a geotechnical consultant is already working on the project, the consultant can ·· · also be the designated ESC supervisor. The design engineer may also be qualified for this position. This requirement shall only be used for sensitive sites that pose an unusually high risk of impact to surface waters. At a minimum, the project site shall meet aff of the following conditions in order to require the applicant to designate an ESC supervisor with demonstrated expertise in ESC: • Alderwood soils or other soils of Hydrologic Group C or D • Five acres of disturbance • Large areas with slopes in excess of 10 percent Proximity to Class l or 2 streams or wetlands or phosphorus-sensitive lakes, such as Lake Sammamish, shall also be a factor in determining if a site warrants an ESC specialist. However, proximity alone shall not be a determining factor because even projects that are a considerable distance from surface waters can result in significant impacts if there is a natural or constructed drainage system with direct connections to surface waters. If DDES determines that the onsite ESC measures are inadequately installed, located, or maintained, DDES can require the appointment of an ESC supervisor with expertise in erosion and sediment control. Documentation If DDES requires that a written record be maintained, a standard ESC Maintenance Report, included in Section D.10.2 (p. D-66), may be used. A copy of all the required maintenance reports shall be kept on site throughout the duration of construction. Detailed maintenance requirements for each ESC measure are provided in Sections D.4.1 through D.4.7. Review Timing During the wet season, weekly reviews shall be carried out every 6 to 8 calendar days. During the dry season, monthly reviews shall be carried out within 3 days of the calendar day for the last inspection (e.g., if an inspection occurred on June 6, then the next inspection must occur between July 3 and July 9). Reviews shall also take place within 24 hours of significant storms. In general, a significant storm is one with more than 0.5 inches of rain in 24 hours or less. Other indications that a st~rm is "significant" are if the sediment ponds or traps are filled with water, or if gullies form as a result of the runoff. Note: The site is to be in compliance with the regulations of this appendix at all times. The requirement for peribdic reviews does not remove the applicant's responsibility for having the site constantly in compliance with Core Requirement #5 and the requirements of this appendix. The reviews are a mechanism to ensure that all measures are thoroughly checked on a regular basis and that there is documentation of compliance. The requirement for these reviews does not mean that ESC is to be ignored in between. 4111.. ta'! 'lll Ill D.5.5 FINAL STABILIZATION 9/1/98 Prior to obtaining final construction approval, the site shall be stabilized, the structural ESC measures, such as silt fences and sediment traps, removed, and drainage facilities cleaned. The removal of ESC measures is not required for those projects, such as plats, that will be followed by additional construction under a different permit. In these circumstances, the need for removing or retaining the measures must be evaluated on a site-specific basis. To obtain final construction approval, the following conditions must be met: 1. All disturbed areas of the site shall be vegetated or otherwise permanently stabilized. At a minimum, disturbed areas shall be seeded and mulched (see Section 0) with a high likelihood that sufficient cover will develop shortly after final approval. Mulch without seeding is not adequate to Erosion and Sediment Control Standards D-44 --·-.,,,...,._,_,_,,.,,,,_.,,.,,,,,...,.,, .. ,,,,.,.,,,,..,,,, __ ,"' ____ ,, ____ __,, __ Ktng County Department of Development Environmental Services Detailed Time Report L06S/033 INSPECT --.. =-·-""-""''""'""'"'"'"''""""'-'""'"""""'"'"""'"""'-'"-""'"'"""""'"""""""'""-'"""'""'"'"'--"-·'---.. ,-, ... --Date Employee type fn task hrs accum. note 03/03/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 33 1.00 REVIEW PRINTS AND CONDITIONS 03/06/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 33 1.5 2.50 REVIEW CONDTIONS PRINTS AND DESIGN 03/07/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 33 0.75 3.25 MORE RPINT REVIEW LIST ASSIMILATION 03/08/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 51 Field Check 0.5 3. 75 SITE CHECK FOR COINSTRUCTABILITY 03/08/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 36 Travel Time 0.5 4.25 03/09/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 33 1.5 5.75 COMPLETE QUESTIONS EMAIL 03/13/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 40 Communications-Staff Co 1.5 7.25 PREP & MTG WITH TCOO FOR CONSTRUCTABILTIY ISSUES 06/06/2006 Graves, Stacy RH FG 35 0.75 8.00 mt bedd, create acts, form prep and fees for eng app 105p0005 06/06/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 32 PM-Fee Estimating 1.5 9.50 FEE EST FILE AND CONDITIONS REVIEW, COORD AND ROUTE LTIR 06/20/2006 Graves, Stacy RH FG 35 0.5 10.00 rect of rest fg for eng app 105p0005 06/27/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 33 Precon Preparation 2.5 12.50 plans, tir, conditions, precon form, row imp. 06/27/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 13.00 06/27/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 33 Pre-Construction Conferen 2 15.00 site visit-precon , plans, tir, precon form, liability ins., sign, frontage 07/06/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 15.50 07/06/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Clearing/Grading lnsp. 2.5 18.00 site visit.tesc, clearing limits, access, signs, ditches, dust control 07/10/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Clearing/Grading lnsp. 1.25 19.25 site visit-tesc, clearing, signs, phone call joe 07/10/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 19.75 07/18/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 70 File Creation/Updates 1.5 21.25 phone call joe, reg. ins .. files. traffic control plans, conditions 07/19/2006 Graves, Stacy RH FG 35 0.5 21.75 rect of unaccept cert and lttr 105p0005 07/19/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 22.25 07/19/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Drainage & Utility lnspectio 2 24.25 site visit·tesc, stock piles, sd lines, access, roadway cleanup 07/20/2006 Graves, Stacy RH FG 35 0.4 24.65 ph liz, rect of aie for cert 105p0005, email tthi 07/20/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Road Inspections 25.65 traffic control plans, dan dovey comments, drainage liab. ins. 07/31/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 19 Quality Control 0.25 25.90 FILE AND COMP UPDATES 07/31/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 26.40 07/31/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Drainage & Utility lnspectio 1.5 27.90 SITE VISIT-TESC, SD EXCAVATION, CBS, CLEARING LIMITS, 08/02/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Drainage & Utility lnspectio 3 30.90 SITE VISIT-TESC, STOCK PILE, SD LINE INSTALLATION 120TH, VAULT EXC. 08/02/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 31.40 08/21/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Clearing/Grading lnsp. 2.5 33.90 site visit-=tesc, pond excavation, sd lines, . 08/21/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 34.40 08/28/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 34.90 08/28/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Clearing/Grading 1nsp. 1.5 36.40 site visit-dust control, access, clearing limits, pond excavation 09/13/2006 Young,Jay RH SI 40 0.5 36.90 conv. w/BEDD, called developer, contractor, disc inspection of control structure 09/14/2006 Young, Jay RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.75 37.65 09/14/2006 Young, Jay RH SI 42 Special Inspections 0.5 38.15 measure control structure, discussed TESC BMPs w/contractor, need more cover Saturday, March 24, 2007 Page I of3 L06S/033 INSPECT --Date Employee type fn task hrs accum note 09/14/2006 Young, Jay RH SI 34 Research 0.5 38.65 plans, folder for inspection of control structure, insp for TTH I w/hes on vac 09/15/2006 Cheatum, Timot RH SI 43 Erosion Control 39.65 mtg w/ contractor to go over ESC needs for site, const entrance, coverage, etc 09/15/2006 Cheatum, Timot RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.75 40.40 09/26/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 40.90 09/26/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Road Inspections 1.5 42.40 site visit.complaint investigation reg. dropp off., cones, fill up, ditches, tes 09/28/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 42.90 09/28/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 19 Quality Control 0.5 43.40 COMPLNT REVIEW AND DISCUSSION WITH TIHI & STOW 09/28/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Road Inspections 2.5 45.90 site visit-ditch repair, cones, plans, density tests, wheel roll, tesc 10/02/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 46.40 10/02/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Road Inspections 2 48.40 site visit-tesc, subgrade repair, wheel roll, 10/05/2006 Thintey, Tenzing RH SI 42 Road Inspections 3 51.40 site visit-Iese. roadway subgrade tests, wheel roll, repair, curbline 10/05/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 51.90 10/09/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36. Travel Time 0.5 52.40 10/09/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Road Inspections 2 54.40 site visit-Iese, curb, subgrade, ditch 10/10/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 54.90 10/10/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Road Inspections 1 55.90 site visit-wheel roll, subgrade repair, tesc, sd cbs 10/11/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 56.40 10/11/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Road Inspections 3 59.40 site visit-tesc, wheel roll, subgrade repair, cutb, power pole, cbs 10/12/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 59.90 site visit-curb pour, tesc, 10/12/2006 Thin!ey, Tenzlng RH SI 42 Road Inspections 60.90 site visit-curb pour, Iese, 10/17/2006 Eddy, Robert RH SI 51 Field Check 0.25 61.15 CMPLNT AND TESC CHECK 10/17/2006 Eddy, Robert RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 61.65 10/23/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 62.15 10/24/2006 Thin!ey, Tenzing RH SI 42 Road Inspections 63.15 site visit-tesc, curb-rolled vert transition, cbs 10/24/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 63.65 10/27/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 36 Travel Time 0.5 64.15 10/27/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 51 Field Check 0.25 64.40 TESC EVAL 10/31/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 64.90 10/31/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 43 Erosion Control 65.90 site visit-Iese, discussion about seeding, ground cover 11/01/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 66.40 11/01/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 43 Erosion Control 1 67.40 site visit-hydroseeding site, ground cover, Iese 11/06/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 51 Field Check 0.25 67.65 CHECK POND DURING RAINS 11/06/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 36 Travel Time 0.5 68.15 11/07/2006 Eddy, Robert RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 68.65 11/07/2006 Eddy, Robert RH SI 43 Erosion Control 0.25 68.90 CHECK SITE AFTER RAINS 11/08/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 40 Communications-Staff Co 0.5 69.40 BRIEFING INSP ABOUT STORM IMPACTS 11/14/2006 Thin!ey, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 69.90 11/14/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 43 Erosion Control 1 70.90 site visit-Iese, ground cover, pond, cbs 11/16/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 71.40 11/16/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42. Drainage & Utility lnspectio 72.40 site visit-Iese, pond, ditchline, cbs, 11/20/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 34 Research 0.5 72.90 reg. sd lines, phone joe, plans, Saturd"y, March 2.f, 2007 Pagel of 3 , . L06S/033 INSPECT ---· ,..,,,_,,., _ _...,.,, .. ""'"''""''~""""'"'" __ ,,."'""""""'"""'"-'"""'"'-" Date Employee type [11 task hrs accum. note 11/27/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 34 Research 2 74.90 plans, sd lines, cbs, conditions, curb change at 116th 11/28/2006 Thinley, Tenzlng RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 75.40 11/28/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Drainage & Utility lnspectio 76.40 site visit-tesc, pond, ditch, 11/30/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 76.90 11/30/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Drainage & Utility lnspectio 77.90 site visit-cbs, riser misalignment, pond, ditch 12/12/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 78.40 12/12/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 43 Erosion Control 0.5 78.90 site visit-tesc, ground cover, seeding, ditch, cbs 12/14/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 51 Field Check 0.5 79.40 TESC MEETING WITH TIHI 12/14/2006 Thin!ey, Tenzing RH SI 43 Erosion Control 1 80.40 site visit-tesc, stock pile cover, berm, cbs, 12/14/2006 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 80.90 12/14/2006 Eddy, Robert RH PM 36 Travel Time 0.5 81.40 01/02/2007 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 81.90 01/02/2007 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Drainage & Utility lnspectio 0.5 82.40 site visit.pond, ditch, 01/08/2007 Graves, Stacy RH FG 35 0.5 82.90 ph liz, rect cane cert, lttr to req, rect of fax good cert 105p0005 01/30/2007 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 83.40 01/30/2007 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Drainage & Utility lnspectio 1.5 84.90 site visit·sd pond, ditch, tesc, curbs, 02/15/2007 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 85.40 02/15/2007 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Drainage & Utility lnspectio 2.5 87.90 site visit·tesc, pond, cbs, curb, clearing limits 02/21/2007 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 88.40 02/21/2007 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 42 Drainage & Utility lnspectio 89.40 site visit.complaint inv., phone joe, tesc 02/27/2007 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 43 Erosion Control 1.5 90.90 site visit·lack of tesc, stop work order, discussion w/ chriss 02/27/2007 Thin!ey, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 91.40 02/28/2007 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 43 Interactive Communication 0.25 91.65 joe singh·reg. tesc, stop work 03/01/2007 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 43 Erosion Control 0.5 92.15 site visit.tesc, no work done per stop work order, no one on site. 03/01/2007 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 92.65 03/05/2007 Thin\ey, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 93.15 03/05/2007 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 43 Erosion Control 0.25 93.40 SITE VISIT-MET W/ CHRIS REG. GROUND COVER, STOP WORK 03/06/2007 Eddy, Robert RH PM 51 Field Check 0.25 93.65 CHECKTESC 03/06/2007 Eddy, Robert RH PM 36 Travel Time 0.5 94.15 03/13/2007 Eddy, Robert RH SI 34 Research 0.5 94.65 FILE ERSEARCH FOR STOP WORK ORDER CALL TO DEVELOPER 03/13/2007 Eddy, Robert RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 95.15 03/13/2007 Eddy, Robert RH SI 43 Erosion Control 0.5 95.65 TESC CHECK FOR STOP WORK 03/13/2007 Eddy, Robert RH SI 19 Quality Control 0.75 96.40 DISCUSIONS AND RESEARCH WITH STOW 03/21/2007 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 43 Erosion Control 1.5 97.90 site visit·tesc, stop work order·discussion w/ joe, lifted stop work, recording 03/21/2007 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 34 Research 1.5 99.40 conditi6ns, recording req., sig. trees, plans, prep. for meeting w/ joe 03/21/2007 Thinley, Tenzing RH SI 36 Travel Time 0.5 99.90 Summary For L06SI033 99.90 Hours Total Average Hours 0.89 Saturday, March 24, 2007 Page 3 of 3 I ~ King County • Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov DATE: ;;---7 -CJ 7 ,. Project No. >= LOOXXXXX SUBDIVISION and SHORT SUBDIVISION REQUEST TO RECORD Interoffice Memo TO: ___ -r,-'---'e-::.:P=..bi=..c..J=-z~"----------Land Use Inspection Section RE: Project Name:_~J~c~r=s /~£~G=·c...l=-=cc..cA.J..c.__ Project No. : __ l-_O_:~::_-_:P'----o'----o_o_.r::c.._ ___ _ Final Activity No.: __ L_O_G_.F-_f?._O_S-_(:,=----- Inspection Activity No. :. __ I--_D_6_' _S_J_-_0...:5:::..=.....:..3 ____ _ Please inspect the above-referenced project forthe following items: The Land Use Inspection Section does not recommend recording if any item is marked NO 1. KCC 9.04.090( c ): Are those portions of the _;lrainag~ facilities necessary to accommodate the control of flows discharging from the sites constr~ed and in operation, per public R/0 rule? __ ~_Yes __ No · 2. Water mains and hydrants installed? (mus~be approved by Fire Marshall) __ Yes __ No 3. 4. 5. 6. Roadways graded to all lots capable of providin~ccess by passenger vehicles? __ V"\' es __ No Specific site improvements required by prelirn.i'6ary approval installed? __ /_ YYes __ No Sensitive area to remain undevelor,ed deliniat~,, Yes Temporary control monuments set by Land Surveyor? ---L/ves No No 7. All safety hazards addressed? 8. 9. No There are no objections to the recording ofthySubdivision, ap;:l,,.issuance of building permits. __ ,_Yes _';J<i'_' _No Are there any building lots on this plat which should have further review or engineering prior to building construction? If so, identify lots and describe concerns in comment section. I 0. Minimum Performance Financial Guarantee required for recording is $. ___ ,c./.={J_6_-.£.1_c..:.(_).:::.....> __ · -""-- Cash or Assignment of Fund Restoration Financial Guarantee may be used ifa Performance Agreement to Complete form is completed .. l),,t/_/) ,-:.i c,1 b :'7 , crv 11. Minimum Landscaping Financial Guarantee amount required for recordng is $ __ ~__, '~--·:> ___ _ I\ 12. Minimum Recreation Financial Guarantee amount required for recording is $ _·c.t,;-1-l-1-Ao.·------- 13. Minimum Street Trees Financial Guarantee amount required for recording is $ ;2_ I ) ) 7-<; · tr\1 ) ,r::17.'i Comments: ,.J_ 'y lrf.R /0._~~ Pt • ..,,,_ h~ ,!~~ lo Inspector's signature and date: /",,,,;(SC·,(' cv.:.?,,Jec./ J: ,, . r,:,r-e,;/ ~-. lsn.t(e t"'jt k Financial Guarantee Compliance Engineer Initials and date: RETURN To: S./evt. Va._.,, Pc..tf:e-1 , Engineering Review Section S/FormsJCURRENTFORMS. Present. Req-tRec.mem/09-14-06 Original: Platting Engineer Copy I: FGMU Copy 2: Inspector Copy 3: BF Engineer ~ Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet W~ Cale: 11/2112.IJOS ~-@) King County Depadmcmtor Davelopment & Environmental Ser,ti~s SQQ O~e Awmo:Je South'tl.-est Renton. \'lashmgton 98055-1219 205-2.."fi-6600 TIY205-2ll6-7217 Project Name: Jessie Glen Loc:ati'.on: King County Cleann9 greater than or equal to 5,000 board feel of limber? ------ lfyes, Forest Practice Permit Numbec: (RCW76_09J P-..ge1of9 'cst.001.xls ____ no For alternate fonnats. call 206-296-6600. Date: Project No.; Ao:twityNoc 211412006 L050005 L05SR054 Note: All pnces ,nclude labor, equipment materials, overhead and pram. Prn:es are from RS Means data adjusted for tile Seattle area or from local sources if not mcwded in 1he RS Means database. Unit pnces upda~d: 02/12102 Version: 04IZ2/02 Report Dale: 2/1412006 $ "" • "' 0, ' 0 ~ cc: gJ C) 0, "' a, :,, :,: r<1 = 3: 0 ~ = C: r-__, z C, rn :z = ..., CD X ~ r.o "' w 00 uJ 00 ~ C) .,,. :0 = "' Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Wcbrla!e:. 1)12112005 Ongmal bond eomput;.Uons prepared by: .NQtne~ _Je,;_s,e Glen Da:a: 2114/2006 PE Reg1str.ition Numblilr. Firm Name: 40111 TcU: 1-800-345-5694 ESM Constu!Ung Engineers, LLC Adm=: 33jl_15_1st Way Soulll, Suite #200. Federal Way_,_ WA 98003 PRJ,JeClNo: L050005 ROAD 111!.PROVEMENTS & DRAINAGE FA~mES FINANCIAL GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS Stab!lization!Gos,on Sediment Control {E5Cl Existing Righ\-of'..Way frrtpro\'ements Future Public Road lm~oement5 & Oramaga Facili' Pnva!el-Ls Calculated Quantity Compictcd "fatal ~ht-of way andf.or Site Restoration Bond·r (Atst S7.S00orbond"' shall t:e cash..) Perfom1anc.e Bond--Amaunt (A+B+C!-0) !::. TOTAL Reduced Petfnrmance Bond'" Tota·- (A) {Bl (Cl (D) (A+B) en PERFORMANCE 0or,JO" AMOUW 5 _67.255. ty --- _?. $ 474.516.7 $ 12,324.6 s 67·.~,iG-1/ I s 554,109.n' Mmumim iiori3~ amoont IS S1000. Ma1ntenanceJDefoc1. Bond"" Totat tfAMEOFPER.SON PREP!..RING BONO-REDUCTION; I 4~~&J_b~ B0No"' AMOUNT REOUIREO AT RECORDING OR TEMPORARYOCCUP~.NCY-- (El -"-$~~~~_c.._- T>.0.30 $ 166,232.91 _ OR (T-E) S 554.109.6 Us5 targerd trlo%ortf-El Date: "'NOTE:. Thew::ni"bo:ld"as used iD UUs document~a11y P.nana~tguaEantee aoc:e;itable fo King County. -NOTE: lCCCZ,Aaulhonzes llgt\tof viay;a.im siteres':oralion ba.l;:fsto beccmblncd Wh!!n both areroq,urred. PUBUC ROAD & ORAIKAGE. MA!NTENANCWe.Fe:TBOt.:O· l (B+CI x 0.25 ~ S 118.629.7 :ljt'+/OJ; Tite restoraUon requremct1t.shafl lru:lUde lhB rat.al cost ft:r .an TESCas amm:murn, nO::a maxcm.Jm. In a.rditbn. corr.eclivs work. bolh on-and oft-sue ne«::i lo De 111duded. Ot,..-anlife:, sha?I rellect wcrae.ca;e SGentumS"nat just mmmun-ret1Ulremei1ls, Fer e:,:ample, if a satmcnld s!ream tm!.\' be ~maged. smne e!>Umated <:osts for rester.aria., r1e&ds to be ronccted In lhlS :amount. Tne 30% corilingeRCY and mobili.!:afJon co=IS ara computed In this qUcntity. -NOT£: Pef KCC ZIA. tolal bond amoonts reuiainmg .afl.crict!uc'.ion shall no1 be ,ess than JOCL. of 'lhe on:gtni\f amcun\ rn ar ~ mv.sed by m.aJC]rllle.'i:go charn:e!>. S\JRETY BONO R?OER NOTE:. tr a bomd rider'ts used. mmmrum 2~~ pedmrrrence bond shall be j S 466,843.6 j(C+D~-E REQUIRED BOND' P.t.:.0UNTSAAE.SUBJECT10 R.E;VlEWAND MODIFICATION BY ODES Pages of9 Est-OOt.W; Check out the. DDES Web sice at WW\V.mettukc.aav/ddes Unit pnces updated: 02112102 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 2/14/2006 ::,: :D i (X> ' c:, ~ gj al '-" en ::<> = r-ri "' = 0 i C: .-_, = "' rr, ls ..,, :D = ~ "' u, <-u (X> <-u = _, C) ..,. =" c:, ··-. Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web d,nc; 11121/2u06 ··;~11l~t~t~1fr.¥~~;~tt~~Et~!~f(;£r!;iw~~~i1~~~~ti~11w~tl1~:~11i ~{~1~ ~i~TJJI ~~1,~~1~~tfit~If7it1: 'ER0St.0NJSED1MENT\C0ru t KO[}/>:i'~~:·";(l~\tfu.~:: ,.:, ..... _>-;·.:.-?~~--~ -~:=.:-:._Lt __ .;_t ~):_.--::_ _ ·-~·~. :l...·.·-.·--=--~:--:·.>•::'-~---,.,~,~~,,.·-: :.~· .>,_.·_·_-~,~~~::7.~ ... -)!·-~-:i,~ ··-..·:··_'.\ ~l; _:._ Backfdl & compoction-,,mcankmenl __ ... _IESC-1 I S 5.62 1 CY Check dams, 4" mnus rods IE= I SWDM J $. 67.51 I Each (;rushed S'Jrroantl 1t4• rT1111JS_ . !ESC.3 ., ~'1SDOT9-03.!!(31 IS 85A5 i CY Di!clung _ IESc-4 I I S a.oa 1 CY 3700 1 29896 8«cavslf!:m.b<Jlk lcs<>s I Is 1.50 I CV Fence._ siP.. I ESG.;; I SWDI\A 5.4.3. 1 I S 1.38 I Lf 4700 6406 Fen=. Tem;,o~E) IESC-7 I IS 1.38 I LF :Hydroseedlng _ IESc.a i S\\'CJM 5.42.4 I S . 0.58 I SY 5605 9500 1 Iule Mesh IESC-9 I S'IVDM5.4.2.2 I• 1.45 I SY 1\11.!Lch. by hand,.:,lr~w.a"_ deep IESC-10 I SWDM 5.4.2. i I$ 2.01 i SY Mulch.b mad1U1&,slr.iw,2"deep ESC-11 SWDl\ s 0.531 SV f'ip1rg,te.,._-,.y,.CFP~-··-ESC-12 $ 1U70 LF Pipln;i, tern;xm,;y, CPP, a· . (ESc-13 I I s 16.10 I LF Pil'Yl!I. le-.,, CPP. 12" -~-!ESG-14 l L; _ 20.70 i LF 'f'lasUccovemg, 6mm thtdt. sandb,igged _ . _ l~15 _l SWDM I$ 2.30 I SV Rip Rap, rrecii,ne placed;"'°-_ fESC-10 f WSOOT 9-13. 1(2) 1 s 39.06 f CY £lock Cans!1llclion En1rance. 5Dl<f~· /e;c.17 I SWDM I J 1.'164.34 I Each £!ockCOns',rudionEnlranre, IOO'xi5'r.1' (ESC-18 I S\'\/DMS.4.4.1 I J;_2,92S.68. I Eacn 2 1 5857 Sedimentpondnsera>sembly (esc.1" I S\l\'Dr..15.4.52 is i}l49.36 i Each 2 1 3899 Sedimeo!lrap.5' highbo!m /ESC-20 J SWDM5.4.5.1 !J; 17.91 f LF !Sed.oap.5't;gt,,npraf'?'d~.benn.sodfoo /ESC-21 I SWDM5.4.5.1 l,1; 68.54 I LF Seeding, t,y hand ~ESC-22.d SWDM 5.42.4 I $ 0.51 I SY 'So<iding, 1"c!eep, JQ,,.lgroun:l ~ -~~ _ESC.;!3 . SWDM5.4.25 $ 6.03, SY 1Sodding, 1· deep, slcpedground /ESC-24 I 511\'D{\.15-4.2.5 IS _ 7.45 I SY TESCS11~,. /ESC-25 f j $ 74.75 ! ~IR ,waiertnn.i<. dus\conJrol !ESC-26 I SWDMS.4.7 Is !17.75 I HR WRmE~i.IT:EMs~rsee4;1aat¥-s11-~~~~~;#i~~ ;~~-~rlf:?.(i';~tfif® ~~1t.t:~~ ~~1{ fffif~?d:~':f;2if ·=-~t;.1{,~~~~i~~~~ ~w.~~~~~'fJ Page 2of9 Fcd.f101 Ylo::: B;ch ESC SUBTOTAL: 30% CONTlr-!GENCY &. MOO\LlZATION: ' ESC TOTAL! COUJl\lN: S 51.743.12 $ 15,522.94 S 67,266.06 A Unit prices. updated: 02J'i2102 Versmn: D4t22JQ2. Report Date: 2/14/2006 $ "" I "' 0, I = _, ,c: rn C, ~ "' co :J> :3' rn "' = Q §1 '" C: !::; ~ er, i!s -., = = :z 9 N "' "-' = = = _, = ..,. ::0 0 ,,, Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet \'"lcb d~t:: 11l2'Hl0lb ·.·..-.~'""-···. · r:.:.::r.=-,,.---e<=,.....!"':-'"•ve~·"':'>"'-:: "'"!· ,,,....,_,·,..-::-• .,...,..... .• ··'"-"'!'""c.-"'""e-~::7.r."..,._,_.,. :-,• ·. . -~-'!'c!~-."""l~r.,~::::-:·r·:..,·o.. --.--;~···'" ~-"":..-_.. --,v::-,is:·:··,;.c:-r:·;~_,,_-.,,.. :,;,,~;~'"!<''·";'·._,,.,~"'.'-,.-,•:~--,~,·-·:-:<-""" !~!!!1!!!1!1!!!!!!!!1!!!111~ ·~· ····.c L . _ • :· ~--•• ,. · • < --• -.., • -· •• ..-:>..-·•. ,, •. ,.-· , • :.•.!, ··: :,. , ,.; · -. .,._ ·• ,_ -r .. J-. -~---• · -~-·_ .,.;•-,.-·_-r:l G RAt.nEMS~r-~..-""f.:'G~~~?"-:.: f~ ~,.c----,.~0-Z.fv'~S . ._.;.il-,:·:. -~·-i>,.:...· ,f-,.0,:·-~·<., .. ~: -~•·;r:.._·.-,,,'!.'·~~--'. :.-.i!'.'""--:~ .:...-!~. -.. "..:·.A.•.!:: • .":./:·~~:.,~~ •.. ,;:?-~>~:.':.,.,--:!_ .. .;:<-..• _ -.. ;· _,,..:·-'j 'scddin&ecn,padkm·embar"ll<ment 61·1 s 5.62 cY 3500 19.670.00 100h r., C.1°J 1Bockfi'l&Comi!R.":fkn..trenc.-'l_~_JGt-2 $ 8.53 CV I l - ctean'Remove Brush. by lran'1 __ __ /GI· :JC i' 0.35 76.16 20.r.s.14 l\,._ ... -1'-~-...,, ... 11t Cle.tn.-,g!q_n.Jbb'ngIT~RcmovaJ J Gi • 41 S -fU ., 1.50 . 4.00 :n~ 6500 9,75':l.0( L .... o ~ "' -; S'O ' ~'?"-Wk 161·5!S ·~Iv< , [ I 00=1 ,.,~~"' l !t0°Zi I '2, .,J_J E:=:11:ll1iort-Trettjt Gl-61S ---1 -·· f 1 Fencui_!l, coda,, 6' high t GI· 71 S F.....,,,, c<,..,, In<. w,y1-.•. s >;g~GI -a Ls~ ;Fencag, c:h.n!!_ r~. ~e. mVI c-oated. 2£1 GI -9 I s 1.;. 'Fe:ic:n11. spHtrail. 3' llid'I __ iGl_-:__10( S Fii1 &.<ompad-CClfm't~~C"l!_cr.•; /GI -t1j .$ Fill 8,_...._gr.,,eJ ..... _ IGl-1.j s 1&55 13.M .71.81 12.12 = 25.{8 Fm&QJmpaet-~~~toJJSUsl _ _l_st-1~ S -~ Gabloo. tZ'deep,-,toncti_ll~mesh !GI-~ S 54.31 Gcbi~_.1B'"~p..rlonetilk!t111'1P...sh IGL-151 S 14.DS IG~~~deep,Sb'lefilledmesh ~61-16. $ 1 32.40 '.~radln11. ine. bV han-::1 fru -171 S 2.02 6701 9.00<1.60 11 1_d71.B1'- ~ Dl .L.1 D.95 L SY ( I I 51001 4P.5.0Q' 35.t3 E&dl f 10 ,~~p ~sl~~s~ IG1-2D'l s 2.BS Sod~._T'~eep_,_s~graund lGt-ztJ S 7.46 ,5 urveym !!. C:no & grzde lGI -Z s 7B1l.26 """ ISuNiey~ng. lol loc.abooKnes !GI -2S S 1.S5S.t;.I A= 3.35' 5_).14.741 Tr..ffiCalntfCtcr.,w(Z~J IG!. 2• s 8S.1.B HR ;Trail4'"ctuppedwood }rn -2f:t S 7ff.ll SY iTr.n1A·crushedcm-...-IG1-2fll S B.33{ S'( Tra!I.<"°"'"""""' !GI ·211 S B.19f SY Walt. l'P.!a!mrtt:1. c:nncre<i:-IGI -26l s 44.1sl SF ,w.n.=1<eov )GI :""Is MS/ SF P.i::Je3af9 SUBTOTAL 6!}~2._T! •tccc ZIA ,'¥./.he~ antv one. !J;,nd redu.;tion. c-, ,.,, .. _1_ ,oo~ /(3() 7-. 1ot:,7 Lcii- £007-' -:,a-,4. BO I "l.~ I [;( 4~4<;.oi> 13~1_.'}_l> 'S'l-14-.J 'I' sq B4?.· 7'3 Unit p11Ce& u;1d.:.t-erl: 02/12/02 Versron: 4122/02 Report Dale: 2/1~ $ = r1, = I = ~ ffl = ~ "" CJ :0 "" "" = = = ~ = = r--__, :z: C, rn :z: = ,, = ex: z !? ~ "" = "" = ~ = ob :-0 0 """ Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web'd..,e; 1112\/21:lC:> t2l~:t~~~~~~~i~0~~-~~~fE~~;1~~~~ rf!~\E1:~:~~1~~~r:!!!:::~ R®D.1Mi!RO .... ~~-.2f-V ~il'Jo' .. -.·;.:;f.rX:.:::::~·7'..:'""':"7·f>=~i:~-~;r :c: ,--.. ;> ~~~~~ >/; ~·?·"'. +-""":.;?! ~~~+~~r•-.·;,,_~~ .• :,... ... _'-· .. ::.~-_·,-( .. ~--~,:·•;..-:-~:.-:~~<-'-~:1 ;r ,~--;T:"""'" :;:;E;_ :ACGnndinc,4""\'lide mac.hmc c 1000s RI-1 "' 23.(10 :Ac~ .f\w.feroaciline.1000.20n Rl-2 s 5.75 AC Gnndirlg.4'wfdema:tune >2000 ... Rl-3 s 1..'39 AC RernO\l.allOi.-.posallRl=par Rl-4 s 41.14 :e~.tvnet Rl-5 s :iQ.03 laam£ede.. ..,.._ 1n r ~.anl 1 RJ-6 $ -45'.0S Curb & Gunar. roJed Rl-7 s 13.27 Onb & GUtl£r, VC111cal "1-8 • 9."9 :CWb ~nd Gu~. demolilian artd dis--::: ..,, -5 s 13.55 Cum, extn:Jd.ed a;pl'lall RJ-tO s 2.•4 D.wb, extruded CORC?ete. Rl-11 s 2.56 SavlCtlt. asph,zit. 311 deJ:Afi Rl-,-: $ U!S f&twctd. ~ DOC 1"'depU\ Rl-1 s Ul9 IStt.aJ.mt. asphalt RJ-1 s ...... IShotllder. AC. ( see AC 11,::uui ur.lt »nee Jal -1, s - Sftotddtrr. --.4" 1hidt RI -1 s 7.53 Sltfelvdk. ,4;• thidt RI-1 s 30.52 .SidaWak. lf'ttlk:k. liemollionzid dispo:: Rl-1 s :!I.73 E'iiewalk.. 5"' thick . RI~ 19 s 34.S4 1Sidcrce!k.. 5" !liclt, d~cn 211a ~ Rl-2D s 34.65 l51gn, hair:ica? Rl-2 1 ~ 85.2a 1Shplng, n~rstall R(-7 s 5.82 St.1p1J19 0 lhl!rm~~ ( for aos..-""Wcik P.l-Z s 2.35 1Stnpl_ng._4" felle.cionzer! ltne Rl-2~ " 0.25 Page4ots SUBTr.lTAL •c<.cc 27A outhorr:zcs a.·dy one tP.md reducw:m. .................... SY -j ---! SY ,r( SY LF LF LF 2700 !..F 340, LF LF LF LF 6eO LF LF 680 SY SY SY I \~ 175! SY ,r( I "-1;;1 SY Each Eadi SF lF 3~ 3-?~}iI 1.25BJJO 673.20_ 38..,1?1!.00! 79.!.204-8D !oM J'.i"H17 IM:& /~f L~A 3~8 '-':>"" ,a;-z -:,4.&D (7.Sf,.00 C._2'5. "U 3,_fLL..-0·'6 , 7';2Ul4-B0 I Urit prr:.~s upda~d: 02/';2102 Ver:s1on.: 4/22f02 Repcrt D2le: 2(1412006 s '? '" = I = ....., ffl = g 0., ~ rn u, 3' = i = !::a :z: = rr, = = ...., :D ""' = 9 "-' <n <,.; = <..u = ....., = .,,. ::-0 = en Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Webrb!.o:-:. 11,z,,-~ !~E1!~;~~1~i{~~~E~~Eif!&~~!~~ll~!;~:-;!I!#ig:;r.=~t~ ROio..SilRF.Ac1NCf.~i~Roa(-;;a_~-:{'$i~p~~f?;t~~GRSliiS'"Jl~~:~~?i~~P.~J-t~~~~.~':~;~-~:;:-;:{~}-~hi:,r_·;~:,~-~;:.:;'.:~}i??.-¥;;'~~;~1ff~.i~T~.f;().fu'~»I f«KCRS'93.(,ddilonol2.;;...;..,~~1~~;f; ··~ ... r ;/1 ··· r· · , ·· ·1 · , 1 ·· ·-, ··· 1 · , 1 1 .COtcttav.1.5'"AC ,RS-~ S 7.391 SY fAc Ch:etra.y~ z-~ RS -~-a.75 sv iACRaad,2".4-iack.F.Qt25tll!_6Y JRS-4]3 17.24J Sf 111.C R11ed, 2" '4." ,_eek, OJ1-cue;-!Bn..~ RS-51 'S 13.3G sv IAc_RDad. 3'".4" rode, Finn±~ S'( RS-6t $ 19.60 SY 'A£ Road, 3"'". 4'" JDCk; g!f! ~-2§00 !::l m.q. ,, $ 15...81 SY AC Road. S-. ~l ~00 sY RS-•I s 14.57 SY AC Raad~. mv. ~'Z:SDO sY RS-91~ 13.94 SY :AC Ra_~ _fi"_. Fii;l 2500 SY RS-iq S 16.76 SY AC~'e.~,Oty.OVC!"2..9l0$Y_ JR$-1tl S 16.121 SY A5n!.,1tTn,a!cdBa&8,.;"hd<~-:--~~-g S _9.21 f SY 250<1 43!i00.00, 460,'" 2600 ~.736.Gl: 7.930...:01 tMZ lwi <nl-"'.c.P 3~~ cy: 'Gmvffl ~. 4"" rode, Rrsl 25DD SY S 11.41 SY l ' --- ~.iE.1 Roa.L-4'" ruck. OlV. ovcr 250~ S 7.53 SY P_~Road.5".noh!!:sc.ov-...r~SY tt;-1!f $ 2f.5! I SV PCCRoad! 0-,no-base,over:ZSOOSY~S-1~$ 21.67j SY IThld:.eQed Enge _ _ ~ -1 .!5 6.89 LF Page 5of9 SUBTOTAL ·~cc ZlA aultlarae:; cniy one: h:::;"11'-~Ju..:t!on. r:..-..nn~""" ~G.OU 225, l'S"t;t), '.l.'S'" 1.55ll.25f7 06 z ~_.6S 8'1$ Ir;,, r....- un:t ptlCl:!s updated:: 02/12/02 Version: 4122107 Report Da<c: 2/1412006 $ = ' I"\.) = ' = ...... &i = = = <,> :,, = rn "" = 0 §,1 <n = r-..... i:'i ,..., i5 .., :,, ex = 9 I"\.) '-" <,> CD <,> = ..... -= = :-0 ~ = Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet 'Webd*: 1t!2tl2D05 lf!!!t!1!Jt!li~IJl?Jt11!¥!~1!J.ltittl~lffJlll11':t, ~RA1NAGE~:c~:?~~'¢i~{r~~p~~or.~&tfit.t*~?;;{t1{fE~~~ ,Z;,i'.:£~~~-·.c-:~~~~F~~-f;~~~~~~~j_;t-::·;\~t:~;:£i~ii?.1~. A=ssRoad,RID 0-"1 S 16.7.il SY 200 3,348 .[QtJZ f I oBards-hGd D-2 S 240.7" I Each Bo!laros -remG'r.mfe • (CBs m_S!!_de mrtne on-J lidl 0-31 $ 4 452..3£ _1~~~..36 ==! Each CB T~ _ I 0-~ j ,5__1.l'gG<I Eoch 18 22,,637-~ IM"Z l CBl'ypelL _ _ iD-5j$1.!433.591Ead1 12 ~4.402.8:4 /()(j-y{ C8T~ll.46"'db:mctef I D-61~~~~~-~!! Each lo<additJonaldajlth....-4' l 0-71 s 436.521 _F[ CB l'fl)D ll S4 .. \iiam~ _ i 0-a t t 6_ 192.54 j Eacl, fooaddlllnnatdepUur.oer..r D-!1 $ 466.53 FT 1 -I I ___} CBTypc!h_GQ:_~eicr D-10 S 2,35!_~1 f;,<r""..h_ I 1 2.!.35t.52 _ __ /OOZ' foraddiUordci!p,lhover4" fD-11f S S36.54 I FT CS_T\,<pe U, T2: dlarneier _li;rf_~ijarud dcplh ~ _ IThn::,ll9h-cu_tb Inlet Fr~ lAddl :c1&1:rn~~ PVC. tr" C!eanouJ,. PV9_~ fr Cfelr.'l:lut.. PVC. 8"' p,tvort. PVC. 4- Cu1".,,ert_._ PVC. 6" Ctdva~ .. pYC~_B" ICo1ve11, PVC~12" I CUffl!1. C:-.,P. 1" -.CUhrert, CMP ._12"' :culYeJ_!.._gi.'11:'.'~1:i: Cu~CMP 1B"' ~Iv~ 0!.?._24 .. b11...e~~P.30_:_ CIJ!vert. atW, ~ 'qut-.tctt,. Cf\.?, 4B"' C\sve~ Cf".4P !._ ~ ~-=_1_t. Ct.4P, 72• Pn3~ 6c!S D-12 §_:3~2~ Ead, D-13 $ 692.21 FT 0-·14 S_ ~.09 Eoch 0-15( $ 0-161 $ D-171 S o-'"I~ D-191 $ D-211( S D-21J $ ~ Pc:!:irs 0-24( .$ ~ s 0-27 s In-28 s D-29 s D-3D $ 0-31 s 1.30.55 Eoch 174.90 f Eed"I 224_1s J Each 8.64 J lF 12.60 LF 13.33 I LF 2L771 U' 11.2S LF 26..45 LF 32.73 f LF 37.f4 ( Lf 53.33 J LF 71.45 j LF 1\2.11 f Lf 140-"3 { LF 235A5J LF 302.58 ( LF SUBTOTAL 9;.-(CC 27A ~ulhonze:;on!y one bord r~::h:::lion. C. ........ 1 _,#. 6 ~196.54 56.745,'re In!!,;( 5~ '~"· 4'2.. Unit pnces upda(ed; 07112/02 Ver.stcn: 4122102 Report Date: 2/1412006 ' JU = ' = ___, ~ = g 0.., ,u :J> = fTl u, = = ~ u, = ... __, = = CT1 5 -r, CD :x: ~ JU ,,, "" CD "' = _, -= ..,. ="' = ___, Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Wd:idcle: 11J2.1~ ~~!!.!!~!~~r[!.~E!!r~~!~!!t~~!Y~~i!r~!!!~~!~~i~~~!~~ 'Culvert.~eic,8. _ _tD.~32' _§ __ 21.02f LF l \ ! \ ---~--_l ~vert.Ccn~e~-'--12" _ JD-:_3.3f S 30.65/ LF b1t...-er1,. Conctolc._1S" I fr~J4f l ___ _':i.7.~ l __ LF CU_l,wt._C«r-rele. ,.. ID·351 § _44.5_1 J !.F CUl\len._Concre'.a!...24•_ J0:_36f ~ _61.-0,7 J U: CU'J..-ert. C11nc-rele, 31}" ----1.!!.:..~ 'culvcri;Concn1r~!_3o in-: Cu~~~~et6 . .i:.2'"' Jo-: _ ~~tven._conce~46"'__ ID-~ Cu_!,.,<eth__CPP.6"" jo-.c: Culvert. C?P_.~_ _ f 0-~ 3js ·20.101 LF i ------r, ... r---28EA.:.i---r -L7a> 41 s ,ioo1 t.F r -1 ---r -ira\ -----20 .. 1--r _ 1 ,oc, ·· sJ s 21.eo I l.F l I I 162) 21031.21 I _ J_!_(j~ 5 $ 36.60 j LF l ! -l --is4! 1s10,.2j -I I ,aat: ! 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I /Qo '1 I ?Q?,S<>. a-; Unil pnt;Cs. updated: 02112/02 Ver.sen: -4(2?-102 Report Date: 2/141200S ::,; = = ' n.., = I = ...... = rr, = 155 0., 0., = = rn en ::,; = §it u, p ..... = 0 ,.., 25 ..., = :x z p ru <.n "-' 0, <u = ...... -c:, = ::c = •:n Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet \...-dJ ,!a~; 1U21i2~ rf!1~t!Y~~iftl~~1!!i~fg!fji!~~!~r~!It~r~~~111Jcl=~t~~~~~ 'PARKING~cm:slfRF.AtlNG~~tf~;·t=:§f,: · ~..! -... _--,;:.;,,_;-. ·~t-1--t";::q;,.~.;< _~'~-;~~".',G."<>';..-"'k"' ,p,.=-.... ~ ~,,_,.,~; .. ., .___~·.);; ... ,~'!1 __ ·_ .. ,:-:./t,_--'··\;.-.'=:-~r{-v~ -~'!"-.,:.;-~ ..,~ --:::--~-_;)r,-;:--_··, tlo. ------. r_ PL-1 s 15.84 SY PL-2 s '7.24 SY 4"~banow PL-3 s 4.55 SY I I ! _j ____ -I h.5" ~~~rod; & l~~_Wlil PL-4 s 11.411 SY VIS::~ ''i,.,,,..._,4rz;_:\l>; i!~. ,.::~-~.~~,q.;~;i::~h. ~t.:...;;:~~"Tib~>. : ... ··_..:L4:!>ffei1:~il~:~:,; ·:t,,.:·-~0)-~ ·":Jt· ~.:,...._'%;.r~-0;:~~A)t; ·i-.fiC ·.:::;·;·;::·· ~.;-:•· ··;->-;::~· 1(5'.r:tt a:s -~~1l~*r _qu,_ttiily 1i,-mdtc.f 1m.. Wl-1 &ct, Wl-2 SY W!-'3 C'( \/Vl-4 J.l' Wl-5 FT Wl-6 Wl-7 Wl-8 I--WI-S 1--+----+--4-----~--J...-----l V' .. -to Pnge6af9 SUBTOTAL SUBTI:fTAL (SIIM At.L PAGES\: 3o•J, roNTINGENCY 6 MC6tUZA1lON:. GRANDtoT.Al; COLUrtN: "KC:C ZIA <mthoi'tzes ualy en~ !::aid mduelKln. B 365,014.40 9,480.55 1og.3)4.32 2..M420 )f, '474.51fL72 11_324.85 C D E 'f. ONL-'f l Th;t-1 a..iTS TAI.> t:i t U. 1<;. 1<,01.,l.)>,,e.DS (Pl. C oF--:,) f'=c;IZ. Aha.JM OF #11 C:, o '::'I • ~ c. Unit pnc:as updated: 02/12/02 \ferstcn:. 4122!02 Report Dale: 2fl412006 5$ = ri, 0, I = -= rn = = = "-' .,,. :D = rn u, = = §e en = c; Ei ~ ...., ;,:, X: "i5 "' <.n = 0, <,J Oo _, c:, ·= :0 25 .... -. . ' ~ ·• ' .. \ , .. < . r ~E~offl~-o-F·-· . t ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 : C@NSTRIYCT~@N W)Eff~©~~NCW I lb~Fl'il@l ~$® ilnl$~®©t!:§O!i'il ~®©~O@(ru ' l--~ --"·-----------------.------. ----·--. -·--·--------- Name of Development ~ s 5 , < ~ l -"-I-'.\ Project No. L6 5" P oo o ) Activity No. L O C. 5 t G 3 3 Address of Development _________________ _ Contractor: Developer: T P 5 ff o L I) 1,,1 ,:, L -------------- The following deficiencies have been observed on the site referenced above and must be completed by _S_,.e"'+'p~f-"";;z"-""o-,.) _-:Z'--"'v_O~<o~--------or further action may be taken. REMARKS: j) 'r'ws+-o // (Ion 5./-ruc +, ·c,v1 £ r, +1--,,, vi c.-c..-?_xr ;ltJO') /((! Swl),v\ I 2) .7N 5 +a. II is (-1-h:·k:! C,\'. p,1,c y: a />PAIi! o,,.,,Jl .?le,_,,,< / I -1. +,,JI T Iv+~~<,;,.. + ..(. c..v, clu s .,/. -;:, V\ s.) o I n. •• A. 4) INSPECTOR~~/~; Y)A~· ~(!.=h=e-'"'-c< 'F-'L..,..A.",-A ~cc--+qf-'/1_,_9+/~o ?~-- ' Print name/date -fi 1658 (Rev. 9100) White: Developer Yellow: General Contractor Pink: Inspector :·@~· Klngcounty . . Department of Development and Environmental Services .; Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Name of Development .J;_ 5 ~ , .,, 6: l ..,_ ;. 1 HEPOR'f@f' C@NSTHU~tf'~ON DffiCffl[gN©W la~~@! l!h~@ Blnl~fi?)@©trn@lril ~@©ii@1ru Address of Development _________________ _ Project No. L 6 5 P :; e, c, ~ Activity No. l o C:, ..; 1 c 3 ---) Developer: J 1 5 / 1 e, , 1) 1 Contractor: -------------- The following deficiencies have been observed on the site referenced above and must be completed by _S""e~· r/ J'-'+-~:7~0'-1 1 __ ;:?_c..~,_u_<c=. _________ or further action may be taken. REMARKS: 1) r;,,,+~ II ; Q l I "\!.~I ! , J I ·~ , . ,( ! \ '. '". ' ,.J,. / .. '/ \ \ \, I \ -~ INSPECTOR~ ( 1£~, J. . , '-/ /; '1 /'It, Print name/date • 1 1 ., • ,1658 (Rev. 9/00) White: Developer Yellow: General Contractor Pink: Inspector --- '· .~ t I I I • .. ·,:_ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Liz Lund Martinelli Insurance Agency 8910-184th Avenue East, Suite A Bonney Lake, WA 98391 RE: Unacceptable Certificate of Insurance DOES File Number: L05P0005 Project Title: Jessie Glen Dear Ms. Lund: July 19, 2006 On July 5, 2006, the Financial Guarantee Unit received your certificate of insurance, policy number 72LPS-00!334. However, the certificate of insurance does not conform to our liability insurance requirement because it was not submitted with the additional insured endorsement form attached. Please resubmit your certificate of insurance with the required additional insured endorsement form. All certificates of insurance submitted to King Cowity Department of Development and Environmental Services must have the additional endorsement form attached. Your prompt response to this request will expedite the processing of the insurance certificate. Fulfillment of these requirements as stated in King County Code 09.04.050 must be completed before work begins and/or continues on the drainage facilities for the above referenced project. If you have any questions, please contact me at 206-296-7009. Sincerely, Stacy Graves Financial Guarantee Coordinator cc: RR Construction Steven C. Townsend, P.E., Supervising Engineer, Land Use Inspection Section ATTN: Tenzing Thinley, Engineer Financial Guarantee Unit, Permit Center ·-. 07/18/2006 11:09 2538636176 CORRESPONDENCE #:RR-552 DATIE: 07/18/06 TO: KING COUNTY ATTN: TENZING TIIINLEY FAX# USED: 206-296-7174 PIR.OJJECT: JESSIE GLEN RR CONSTRLCTION COVER SHJEJE1l' RR LANDSCAPING, JLLC DBA.: RR CONS'Jl'RUC'D:'ION 718 GRIFFIN A VE #241 ENUMCLAW, WA 98022 PH: 206-412-1464 FX: 360-886-2207 RNRCON@Y AHOO.COM LIC# RRLANLL956L5 PAGES SENT INCLUDING COVER: 3 COMMENTS: PLEASE FIND IN THE FOLLOWING FAX: • CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT US WITH ANY AND ALL QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS 360-886-2208. Thank you, g~g~ Gena Tschabold Office Manager (IF THIS FAX HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY MISTAKE, PLEASE NOTIFY & RETURN FAX TO 253.863.6176) PAGE 01/03 07/18/2006 11:09 Jun 29 06 10:12e 2538636176 F~rmers Martinel ,ncy RR CONSTRLCTION 253 86 PAGE 02/03 p.2 ACO~ .. CIEIRTIIFUCA TIE OIF ILIIAB!llTif' 11\!SIJJJIRAI\ICIE l ~""'1 .-aooucER nus CERTIFICATS 19 19SU6V 1$ A lllATl'EiR OF IIIFQIWIA110N 11Aat1i"alli IMUrer,ca Apcy ONLY = ~1'111 I\IO Pileloffl! UPON 11m Cl3~1CAl1S HOLDSll. fflS <3fflPIC:ATi! DO:S 1.101" AMEMD/c llXTEND Oil 11910194th Ave E. IIA A, Tl3ll THE cO\ll!RAO!! APPORDED BY 1HE POL ,es B2LOW. Bc,n-Lake, WA Bm90 llltSIIIIERS Af'FOilDIIQJ CDlllruiOE NACCO ........ rNiURERA:. Natit11BI cue II. Mann<> Ins, C~ RRConslnlcCiOn ............ RR IAndscaping LLC DBA INIIVl!EJl C: PO Ball 103II INSURfRCI: Sumner, WA 98390 ' IN~=18lE' COlll!IIAC!:l!" THE POUCll:S OF INSi.$1.NCEUS'TEDBELONHAVE BEEN ISSUED roTtie INSURED NAMED ABO/E FOR THE POLICY PERIOOIN[)lCA11:0. NClWTHSTANa.NG ANY REO"JIReMENT. re,a,i OR c~~ OF ANY CONTRAC'T Of? OTHEI! DOC~MENT Wl"ll! RESPECT TO 11\HICH THIS CEl,;IFiCAll; MAY BE ISSUED Of? MAY PERTAIN, ntE INSURANCE A,; rJ"' THe isouoes DliSCRae:o HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, 9<CWSl0ll,;SANO CONOllONS a: SUCH FCUCIE$.AOG'Ji:EOA-:C LIMITSSHCN.tJ MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCH)BY PAID Cl.AIMS. ~ ~= .., .. a----~ , .. Lr.ID'S ~ERAlLIAID."" 721.PS-001334 f!/12/2006 6/12/2007 :&""""""~ I 1, .vu CCJrAlfA'.:f.A,l OENf:JW.. UABUTY , 100,000.00 A :=OcLAMB"""1E: ~oc:cu, MEDEXP •• _ _ • 5,000.00 l'E~SONM. &.MN···· .... "' • 1, .oo -> 2,000,000.00 GE!llmALAGGRE3A~ 1--xi~:enLMTAPnSllER: ' i:qoouo,~. COMJ.OPA:JO , 1........ J)~ , ... _ ~0::1108t.6 I.Wll1Lm" r£~til S11G.£ UMT I M'f ltlTO •tt-...... ->u.~OAUTC!i: !l!!':L>l~Y I SCH9JL'\EOAJ1'0S ...... --HIREOJltJTOS W~'f' • '°'°"""" """" --~:'~ I 1aw;E UMIIU'1Y -.JTO;)NL'lf ·EA..CCIC~ • R"'-N'tNJTO .'.JMRT/iMf &&,,.:.c,:; I MOONL'r. NJ(; I :j'm.lltDltfU.A UABSl.Jtl' EM:H--OJRRBwCE • OectJA D ClAM3 WIJE "'""""""' I I =t JEDIJCTIBLe I ~ETEl'fTIDN • ~•v= • WOMER.$ CO:QJElf!IA not,I DIG> 721.PS-Ol1334 enmooe 8'12/2007 IDPI.Offftl" Ul8a.11'Y ~I -·-HACCICEfJ'! I 1.(100,DUII.CII A AJf'f ll'AC flRIETOqp .lllTr'liAl5'1Cm!TMi or,icewE1;1BEA SIOUIOEDt "'.L n1"''"·-. fA £:MSII.D'tE t I ,:OOllJUll w.....~ l!.L, ....,.,,_,.E• KllliCVLIMif I I ,p:IIJIIUI> ....... DlSICAPllDII m' OPEIIATIOIIS 1lOCAIION5 I .-H:CLESJEa:.LU61Qfl&ADDB> BY EMDORSfCIBIT I !IPEQQL PftDltla"'5 CerllOcate hold..-is fisted as an mlditional insured as ""'!>eols to projffl Je5$ie Glen. end01'9emenl CG:Z012 applies. CsntPICATE H"" ~ ... M ... ELLA110M King County 5"0111.D ACY" Of-fllE A80'4" DISfflDID POI.ICIESBe C.lllCEU.ED D94AI TtfE EJCA1Ut1oa Dept. of De"21opment & En\llromental Ser,,tces OA~ fHfREOf, 1111 JSIU•G IMSURl!R WU 131SOJ:IIVDR TO UAD. ~ lo1A1W ~- Attn: Flnanclat Guarantee Mgmt Unit NO'IICI, JO JM, C9lTIACATI MOLDER AADD TO TKI LHl, BU1 UIUJRI lODOSO IMIDLl 900 Oakesdale Ave SW ~ MO D:n.lG4TIOlt OR 1-1184nY Of Al'N SIIICD UPON lHE ntSUMR, ffS ~Gl!NlB 0A Renton, WA 98055-1219 arci;w.mtAtPiCS. IIUTHo,u:t{D IH,JI.IISlllff 4Tilfl ,Z~ ' • 07/18/2006 11:09 2538636176 Jun 29 06 10:lZS Farmero Martinelli ,cy RR CONSTRU::TION 253 863 PAGE 03/03 p.3 fl tho corlilcab> hddor I• an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the poli=y(i"") mu,t be endorsed. A s!alllment ""-....atieale doos nol conllar rights lo tho CDoti&calll b-t in liei, of ....ti endorsement(~). II SUBROGATION IS WJ\11/f;l), Sllbject to '"" tanm, and con-of the policy, ealfl!ln pa5cies 1111!1)' require an ent!Draema,,I. A Cjat&mant on .,;,; Cllfllficata doeo not conft>r right• to the -- holder In llou of 11.1ct, endarsamanl(c). DISCLAIMER Tho Cerfificato of lnsuranca an the nwerse lido of this rorm does not constitula a contra.Cl belween tho l6<Ulng lnSUNlr(S). aulhcriHd rop-centatiVO or produ=, and tho cOllifc:ato haldor, ""' dz,oo ii alirmaliv91y or negdv&ly amond, extend or alter the C11V"'1l9D aft'Di'cled t,y the policies llslod thereon. ~® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division Drop-Off Co er Sheet for LUSD ONLY 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division **************************** IMPORT ANT *************************** Date Received by LUSD PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME IS NECESSARY FOR ALL DROP-OFFS Project No.: L051"1X>o'5 f6) [E (C [E ~ \07 ~ [Q) ln) JUL 1 4 2006 Project Name: :;re.ss \E. &i.eu FROM: .J'PS. \:4,.1>,.,,c,~ Le~ .. ,< ~p.i<:f/Ai"1 Company Name / Contact Person Telephone No: (aJG,) 1'11-1{1~(., TO: TE1JZ:1N£:r T >ii..:>Lej ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) Short Plat / Plats Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Lot Line Adjustment Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Right of Way Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Clearing/ Grading Permit -Additional information requested. Please specify item(s) dropped-off: K.C. D.D.E.S. PLEASE NOTE: All drop-off item(s) will be logged into the computer under the project number, therefore, it is important that the top portion of this form is completed properly before you drop-off anything. Assistance in finding a project number can be provided by speaking to a Zoning/Land Use Technician. Your cooperation is important. Thank you. Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Drop-Off Cover Sheet-LUSD Only lg-cvs-dropoff.pdf 11-03-2004 Page 1 of 1 December, 2000 Figure 6H-27. Closure at .Side of Intersection (TA-27) / B A See Note 2 for flagger information Typical Application 27 Note : See Tables 6H-2 and 6H-3 for the meaning of the symbols and/or letter codes used in this figure . Page 6H-59 Sect.6H.01 ~ . . . ~ . ..I s...!J \LI ~ ~ h 0 0 <eJ t\... U'> ~ 0 1 ......1 :tt '-./ 1 u..l if) lL t.,j 1 :I: ~ =£ t 0 N --C) <..J "2 '-' 0 -l:t ·If_" \ b:: ( z "3<; "' "' c ?. I I- ;JI " ~ ;i;I "I' " t] .:0 ... "' ,;: ;; . <.- .3 ~ i~ A __.., ~ ~ w t.: 1- ·.A ·£ cS) UI • !!. .,... .,\ ..9 1 :r ~ -' cc "' .,,. .,, ,,. .',£ ~ C, ~ ~ ~ ~ ,., J I 1 :1. 0 N - ®· King County Department of Deve.lopment and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division **************************** IMP ORT ANT *************************** PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME IS NECESSARY Date Received by LUSD FOR ALL DROP-OFFS Project No.: L05 rooos lo) IE CC It n ~7 IF:: r:: :-. Ul) ! :I Project Name: .JE.S~IE &LEN FROM: ;:rps HOLJ>/1\)la-S / c~r,:ts /3,i,tHtlt,( AUG 2 5 2006 /-;· Comp~ny Name I Contact Person K.C. D.D.E.S. Telephone No: TO: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) Short Plat/ Plats Please specify item(s) dropped-off: T.?:hFFIC. Ci,i,1m1 PL.Arv F<JR l.JATE-elr>/111\) f::l(.Tl:AIS/o,.J 01\j II~ -+I, ~VE. s.i;. Lot Line Adjustment Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Right of Way Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Clearing I Grading Permit -Addilional information requested. Please specify ilem(sl dropped-off" . ----·------·· -· ------------------------------ Other: ___ _ -------------------- ---------------------·--- PLEASE NOTE: . .1.11 drorr-off itcm(s) will be logged into the computnr unoer the project nurnt)er, therefore, it is important !hat th8 top portion of this form 1s completed prnper-ly befrn·e you drop-off ;mything. Assistance in finding a project number can be p:-ovicled by spcakin!,J to a Zor1ing/Land Use Tochnicicm. Your copporation is irnpor!a11t. Thank you. Check out the DOES Web site at www .. '.netrokc.gov/ddes Drop-Off Cover Sh_;et-LUSD Cmiy l~-C'/S-drop(.)fi pdf 11-03-200~ P<1'.cle 1 of 1 TR /'.\ FF IL l orJIKOL RA iJ .=-o R -::S-1=c ss.11=. bN \J ITTERrn 1-t 110 1::_ x TE iJ s I oN o 10 111o +1-A VE. s i= VICINITY MAP SE 186TH ST 1~ SE 192ND ST ~~ v.c 1YVO: ~ ~~ . ':/JI I ~ ~i. ~ r . J3 2 ~ p~ ./ I ~~ 11 ..._ Q'10Zi "°b <l'c:JO~ 'D tri''C)lao--------- A<>~~ ~ Ji,i~ii,ui;f\71) ,z•"J<3 'i-1 )-(o - -+ ,---- J ell ~ \IO{i I l\\.(.-t I lO"+ 111 • Ok HIila$ ..J, . ,, ~' ~ ~ § N - SITEI; I ~ :a .................. :eoluvARD;: J:::::::~:}/ ··············· I ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 .- . Project No.: /-0 5 P(5"0[) .S Activity No.: _.,,,L."'-'-'o'--'='6-'c;::.:.L:c.---=o....:3'----'3,c__Date: 6.P 't-/o 6 Project Name: ---"7'-e.#-u __ ·.:.....,;~jCL..C.----f?-';,:-~'-'---------------------- NAME. ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. / · :r?S ~Ll>ii>l,,$1 LL'- [--f Developer: :ro.E. S1111c..H \~IZ.Y j::\1/l!S~A 'Pl SW ~EL-'-(.zo~') 749·~051 / (or designated representative) S,e: , WP, ql)r~ '2. , '13.l -e<.. 7l, /, ~--* 24-hr. ~;1ifY!lJRCY CpntacVf', T 71 No: P,.,.-.. 'E-, O" f"A'J.. ~ Olt.J [ ] Contractor: ~~(.,01t/1"¥'.?'" ~ ) po f>l>r< /QJo :,mer -Jf;J{b 7/Jt 1//L• ('/{f [ ] License #: r-· fi;<,ZJ -/Mr~ I ? Cc [ ] Subcontractor: ---------- [ ] License#: [ ] Engineer: [ ] Jnspector: ["1 TESC Supervisor: Pc 4:J ~~ [ ] Other: f?O. ~ I03C> 1 ~ Wit qg""' AGENDA FOR MEETING -Check as items are discussed or marked N/A 1. Items Required at the Preconstruction Conference [~plicant tr~sfer fonn designating contractor to act as the applicant (or owner present) N.sw. [ f Jssued penn1t and approved construct10n plans (mcluc!mil HPA). · [vf ,JH' A or Fisheries contact; HP A required _Yes _v"_ NN;;o . ~ Developer Representative Initials. . [-1,,Forest Practice Permit required for> 5,000 board feet of marketable timber, provicj,, copy to inspector. . ~ feproved sanitary and water utility plans copy to inspector received? _Yes _V_ >No'"'° i 'r"·· . [ v( Copy of Certificate of Liability Insurance naming King County as additional insured, required for any drainage facility rk. A.I~ ement(s) for off-site work; provide copy to inspector. ntractor's Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) location on-site or provided to King County (WAC 296-62-05409). -Issuance Construction Authorization (PICA) ,Jetter, signed by King County and Developer . 2. Items Required at the Job Site While Under Construction [~Approved plans [ ] Issued permit (commercials) [ j )tight-of-Way Use permit ["1 Notice of Construction Activity sign (KCC 20.20.060) must be posted prior to any construction. (Required for all fonnal subdivisions; and any grading and/or building pennit subject to SEPA.) See Notice of Construction Activity flyer. s,currentfonn\Preconst.wd.04-22-03 Page 1 of? 3. Other Requirements All S>'nstruction details/proced es are not shown on the approved plans, but can be found in the following standards. [ .J' Application Date I 0 [vf King County Road Standards ( CRS) _1993; _1987; _1979; _1969; (check applicable standard) [ ,iA'SDOT/APWA standard specifications and plans; manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), Construction Traffic Control. . /_ [.J/Surface Water Design Manual _1998; _!990; _1979; (check applicable standard) 4. You Are Required to Notify the Inspector at the Following Stages of Construction (KCRS Chapter 9) [~e working day prior to site work start-up. [-'Jfoe working day prior to starting any underground utility work. (see Item 8). [,if One working day prior to placing curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; density tests and "proof rolling" are required. Density Jests must be approved prior to proof rolling. (see Item 8). [ ,f One working day prior to placing crushed rock. The developer/contractor shall first provide "proof rolling" test of the , ;,..,native subgrade to verify the subgrade is visibly firm, compact, and suitable for surfacing. r'LJbree working days prior to paving roadway. [-1 Three working days prior to start of work on cast-in-place concrete structures. 5. Erosion/Sedimentation Controls (ESC) [ efJearing limits shall be accurately flagged in the field as shown on the plan, prior to clearing. 0 )>lative Growth Protection Easements shall be flagged or fenced as shown on plan. [ -f Erosion and sediment controls shall be installed as the first step of construction. [ .}'Field conditions may require that erosion and sedimentation measures indicated on the plans be modified or )l!Pplemented. v(The developer is responsible for the adequacy of all erosion and sediment controls throughout the life of the project. [ yc'ontrol mud onto existing streets. I) Install rock pad or truck wash at construction entrances; 2) Wash truck tires if .9ecessary; 3) Keep adjoining roads clean. Don't wash mud and silt into drainage systems. [ ·1 All denuded areas must be mulched and seeded or otherwise stabilized to prevent sediment-laden water from leaving the site or entering the storm drain.age systems. v.( Provide an area on-site for cleaning concrete trucks. Effluent from concrete operations shall not be allowed to enter the _..Jtenn drainage systems. vf Projects that fall under the 1990 or 1998 drainage manual require covering within 12 hours from October I through ch 31. [ C Supervisor required per SWM Manual D.5.4 on all sites. [ hly Sensitive Site (SWM Manual D.5.4.) TESC Supervisor (several years of construction supervi.§!On or mspection Zb ckground in geology, soil science, or agronomy). Required for this site? Yes __ , No_~_. If yes, Name & Phone No. ________________ _ Supervisor Sign, (name and phone number) required at all primary site entrances. (Can be included on fanstruction Notice sign.) ("1 Recommend obtaining approval for non-standard water quality proposals well in advance of the need. 6. Utilities and Storm Drainage . ~~! utility construction on KC Right-of-Way requires a construction permit issued by Property Services (KCC 14.44). [ pies of approved plans and utility certificate must be provided before utility construction begins. [. Are there any underground crossings on existing County road? (See open cut policy and KC Road Standards Section J.03). Open cuts are not generally authorized. Parallel cuts in roadway require fuU width overlay. [ f' j,ocation conflicts. Notify inspector prior to any relocation. [ ,~Pi e specifications, bands, gaskets, bedding (WSDOTIAPWA) Standard Specifications). [ (N-12, Hi-Q) pipe requires extra care; store on flat surface to avoid deformation. [ Recommend locating CBs with at least two survey points to avoid misalignment with curb and gutter. S:CUrrentform\Preconst.wd.04-22-03 Page 2 of7 Compaction Method • Mechanical • Water settling • Regardless of method used, density standards must be met and documented (see Item 8). [ ] Finish work on drainage structures • Adjustment sections minimum ofone, maximum 16 inches. • Grout • Ladders -extend to within 16 inches from bottom of each catch basin and securely fastened to CB. • Frames, covers, and grates -OUTFALL TO STREAM -DUMP NO POLLUTANTS, PROPERTY OF KING COUNTY, STORM OR DRAIN ("Property of King County" not required for private systems). • Locking covers and grates required outside of traveled roadway. 1?93 KCRS projects: all storm drain covers and grates shall be locking ( except rolled grates in rolled curb). [ ] Lot stubouts installed and staked prior to signoff, 2 x 4 painted white and marked "Storm" or "Drain." [ ] All utilities including vaults, distribution lines, and poles located within road section must be installed prior to final construction approval. [ ] Utility poles and other obstacles must be located per King County standards, generally no closer than 10 feet from edge of traveled way. ( ] Call ONE-CALL (1-800-424-5555) and locate all existing utilities prior to starting any work. [ ] All road closures must be approved by the King County Department of Transportation, Traffic, in advance. 7. Retention/Detention Facilities [ ~ erty comers on easements and tracts must be permanently staked, and facilities must be built within the ment/tract as shown on the plans. . . d and berm slopes shall be 3:1 or flatter, unless otherwise approved. facilities shall be constructed and operational prior to any building construction; curbing, paving, or recording of subdivision/PUDs (KCC 9.04.090). Documentation required per Public Rule. Discuss Public Rule requirements. Control S ctures: Access road to control structure, pond bottom, vaults, or tanks • Width and surfacing, 12-foot-wide crushed surfacing (15 feet on curves) • Bollards or fence gates L,,Y'Restrictor "T" section riser and gate control assembly • Recommend inspection of "T" section prior to installation • Gate and outlet pipe must be watertight • Materials must be similar • Min. 2-foot clearance from ladder and any obstruction • Riser straps and gate chain/rod required • Must be able to open gate from the riser r{' ),.adders must extend to within 16 inches of bottom of each basin and be securely fastened to the CB wall. [ V<;;¢ers on restrictor and access manholes must be solid, round, locking lids marked STORM or DRAIN. [ )/Locking covers shall be required on all facilities located outside the curb, ditch line, or normal driving surface. 1993 KCRS projects: all storm drain covers and grates shall be locking. 8. Roadway Certification Requirements: The following guidelines will be used by the Department of Development and Environmental Services for minimum test and sample frequency. Additional tests may be required as the inspector deems necessary. Density Tests: WSDOT Sec. 2-03.3(14)D, KCRS 9.04, 3.03 • 90% or 95%, moisture content S. 3% above optimum S:CUrrentform\Preconst.wd.04-22-03 Page 3 of7 • [ ] Compaction control tests • WSDOT method No. 609 (AASHTO T-99/Standard Proctor). For >25% retained on the #4 sieve, use Standard Proctor with Rock Correction Factor.~ • P!l review and approval [ ] Trenches: See Utility Trench Compaction Rule, November 1983, and KC Road Standards Section 8.03. Sanitary, storm, water, gas, and power, etc., in the roadway prism: • Minimum one test every trench, and one test every 500 feet of trench length • Test u 50% trench depth (top 4 feet-95%; below 4 feet-90%) • In-ce densities and moisture content shall be determined by the nuclear gauge or Washington densometer method • st as trench is backfilled • Controlled density fill may be used above bedding ut section: WSDOT Sec. 2-06 • Minimum one test every 500 feet (100 feet, 1993 KCRS) on roadway subgrade, under curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Top 6 inches minimum density 95%. Curb, gutter, and sidewalk 90% • (pre 1993 .KCRS projects only): Firm and compacted under sidewalks (WSDOT Sec. 8-14) [ ] Embankment and fill sections: WSDOT Sec. 2-03.3(14)C • Minimum one test every 500 lineal feet on each foot of fill (1,000 cyds., 1993 KCRS) • A minimum of one test per lift • Compaction method B shall be used unless otherwise specified • 95% top 2 feet 90% below 2 feet o Curbs, gutters, and sidewalks minimum density 90% (1993 KCRS) Poor ~grade: KCRS 4.02 [)"Standard material thickness are not acceptable ifnative subgrade is unstable as shown during the proof roll test. Remedial measures will be subject to review and approval by King County prior to installation [)--Kspha reated Base (ATB) KCRS 4.04 may be used over isolated areas of unstable subgrade. Six month delay with 1c loading required prior to final left. Soil Amendments, Cement Treated Base (CTB), Cement Kiln Dust (CKD), etc. require King County review and approval prior to use. Concrete Tests: WSDOT Sec. 6-02 [ ] Developer/contractor must notify inspector for conference prior to beginning work ( ] Mix to conform to standards and must be verified on delivery tickets. State mix design (6-02.3(2)C) must be used unless approved by King County. Standard mix does not include fly ash [ ] Curbs must conform to Drawing No. 9. Back must be 12" high and 6" in front. Sidewalks are 4" behind vertical curb, except at driveways where the thickness shall be 5". Sidewalks shall be 5" behind rolled curb [ ] Joints in curb and gutter shall conform to Drawing No. 8 [ ] Wheelchairrnmps shall conform to Drawing Nos. 17 and 18 [ ] Slump tests: Max. 3" vibrated concrete, 7" nonvibrated concrete [ ] Cylinder tests, 7 days, 28-day strength, normally 3,000 psi Concrete structures certification: . [ ] Bridges, retaining wa ·; and retention vaults must be designed by a professional structural engineer and may require special inspectio per the Uniform Building Code (see 1701, 1994 UBC). Special inspections required on this job __ Yes No 9. Surfacing and General Requirements: Review Standards Not Shown on Plans / [/j Asphalt paving --laydown methods/equipment: WSDOT Sec. 5-04, pavers self-contained, power-propelled units. Truck-mounted pavers shall only be used for paving of irregularly-shaped or minor areas, or (KCRS 4.04): I. Pavement widths < 8 feet /2. Pavement lengths < 150 feet (] ~ilbox locations, conflicts with pedestrian/handicapped access [ .,Y~lbox stands, NDCBUs installed before Final Construction Approval (KCRS 5.04) [ ,Yfinish work on cut-and-fill slopes: Sec. 8.05 . S:Currentform\Preconst.wd.04-22-03 Page 4 of7 [+ Safety and Traffic hazards (KCRS 9.05) • Traffic control: required for all work in the right-of-way. of the traveling public, must comply with the MUTCD • Utility poles or other natural or manmade obstacles higher than 6" • Walls require end design protection L Flaggers must have state flagging cards · ~ dside culverts, beveled ends · uarry Spalls: 8 inches minus WSDOT Sec. 9-13.6 1. Barricades--construction: orange and white, stripes sloped downward 45 degree in the direction traffic is to pass It' • Temporary closures: Type III /I • Street termination permanent: red and white stripes and end-of-road marker • Plan Change Procedure Ins ~ Any changes to the originally approved plan will require a Plan Change and must be reviewed by the inspector prior to construction and approval. Design Plan Changes also require submittal and approval by the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services, Land Use Services and/or Building Services Divisions. • 2001 Fee ordinance fees are: (Please note, fees are subject to change yearly) • Land Use Services review fees: $847 each submittal and $132 per hour (deposit required) • Building Services review fees: $170 each submittal and $132 per hour (deposit required) [ · Inspection fee DEPOSITS paid at the time of plan approval or permit issuance ensure monthly billings ( currently $132/hour) will be collected. Failure to submit payment will result in enforcement actions including STOP WORK orders. The average cost for this permit type has been: Plats:'$20,550 Short Plats: $6,030 Commercials: $4,600 Grading: $5,080 R/W: $1,680 The actual cost may vary [ ] Projects (submitted prior to 3/4/99) not receiving Final Construction Approval within the first 12 months will be subject to additional hourly inspection fees, which may change yearly. [ ] Pre-Issuance Construction Authorizations (PICAs) will be charged hourly for all inspections before permit issuance. [ ] Additional fees apply to plan change review and to maintenance and defect financial guarantee release inspection. [] Currenthourlyfeeis$132. [ ] All inspection charges for this permit will be hourly. [ ] Each reinspection (performing the same inspection again on a different day) will be charged a $440 reinspection fee ($203.50 residential single family). [ ] Supplemental Inspections (inspections after punch list indicates all fieldwork is complete; required if Final Construction Approval is not granted within 30 days of punch list) will be charged a minimum of 1.5 hours (at the current rate). · Financial Guarantees 10. (f Public improvements may require a maintenance and/or defect financial guarantee that will guarantee improvements and maintenance for two years. If applicable, these financial guarantees will be required before Final Construction Approval. Pre 2000 subdivision/short subdivisions [ ] Plats/short plats without drainage facilities may be recorded before Final Construction Approval after posting a performance financial guarantee and approval by the inspector. Drainage facilities on plats/short plats must be constructed and in operation prior to recording. (See RID public rule and KCC 9.04.090) Year 2000 and later subdivisions and short subdivision require minimum improvements be constructed prior to recording (KCC.9A.130) . [ ] Commercial permits require a performance Financial Guarantee for site work if temporary occupancy is requested before Final Construction Approval. [ ] 2: 1990 projects require a 2-year. maintenance and defect financial guarantee for drainage facilities. Construction Deficiency Forms S:CUrrentform~Preconst.wd.04-22-03 Page 5 of7 • • [ otice and Order: hourly fee · [ ] Notice of Violation: hourly fee ($440.reinspection fee may apply) [~top Work: $500 initial penalty, hourly fee [ i;;;eivil penalties: Additional $100 to $500 for each: public health risk, environmental damage, history, economic benefit [ 1 Citations: $100 penalty . 11. Bond /Financial Guarantee) Forfeiture [ ~toration financial guarantee '/ Can be used at any time after notice by King County [ t( Performance financial guarantees / All improvements must be approved within two years from recording/six months after occupancy [ "] Maintenance/defect financial guarantees • Two-year warrantee period • Repairs must be completed within 30 days • Inspections/release by DNR/DOT r All projects have exp· ation date after which the plan approval/issuance is null and void. The expiration date for this proj is _,l..!:O:'..J.-6:;;,...,U-JJ..· Plats and short plats that are recorded do not expire, but must be completed with in 2 years m recording. f the project cannot be completed before the expiration date, you must apply for an extension. Plats • Preliminary plat extensions are not authorized. Short Plats • Preliminary short plat extensions are approved by Land Use Services Division; contact the Engineering Review Section, Platting Unit. · Right-of-Way Use Permits • Right-of-Way Use Permits extensions are approved by Land Use Inspection, contact the inspector. Building Permits • Contact the Building Services Division, Inspections Section . . Temporary Certificate Of Occupancy /TCO) • Land Use Inspection approval required: Drainage facilities Parking Access Performance Financial Guarantee [ I · · ated by developer at the time project is completed or request for occupancy certificate [ } ' low 30 days to inspect and to prepare punchlist · [ Punchlists are good for 30 days and may be subject to revision upon reinspection after 30 days. Otherwise, no changes shall be made to the punchlist unless directed by the inspection Senior Engineer. [ ] Inspection and punchlist timelines are subject to staffing level and weather limitations. [ ] Request reinspection after all punchlist items have been addressed. S:CUrrentform\Preconst.wd.04-22-03 Page 6 of7 " 14. Specific Notes from Plans 15. Signature As the Owner or Designated Representative (applicant form required), I understand the requirements of King County Land Use Inspection Section procedures and agree to abide by the conditions of the permit and the procedures discussed. Title S,Currentform\Preconst.wd.04-22-03 Page 7 of7 (King County 9-2004) ADMINISTRATION 19A.08.160 -19A.08.190 19A.08.160 Minimum subdivision and short subdivision improvements. A. Prior to final recording of a plat or short plat, the following minimum improvements shall be constructed consistent with the approved plans, except that the director may allow posting of a financial guarantee in the event that expiration of the plat or short plat is imminent or other extraordinary circumstances prevent the construction of such improvements. 1: Drainage facilities and erosion control measures consistent with K.C.C. 9.04.090; 2. Water mains and hydrant installed and fire flow available, if required; 3. Roadways graded to all lots within the subdivision or short subdivision and capable of providing access by passenger vehicle; 4. Specific site improvements required by the preliminary plat approval ordinance or preliminary short plat approval decision, if the decision requires completion prior to plat recording; 5. Delineation of sensitive areas that are to remain undeveloped; 6. Temporary control monuments set by a land surveyor, located in conformance with this title, and in place at final inspection. Penmanent monuments and control points shall be set and verified by a land surveyor within ninety days of the final lift of asphalt; and 7. Improvements without which the director determines a safety hazard would exist. B. The director shall have right of entry onto any lot, tract, easement or parcel that is part of the final plat or short plat to ensure compliance with the minimum subdivision improvements required in subsection A of this section. (Ord. 13694 § 51, 1999). 19A.08.170 Violations and enforcement. Any person or entity who violates any provision of this title shall, in addition to any remedies and sanctions provided for under state law, be subject to the enforcement provisions of K.C.C. Title 23. (Ord. 13694 § 52, 1999). 19A.08.180 Circumvention of zoning density prohibited. A legal lot, which has been subject to a boundary line adjustment or created through a legally recognized land segregation process and is of sufficient land area to be subdivided at the density applicable to the lot, may be further segregated. However, such further segregation of the lot shall not be permitted if the total number of lots contained within the external boundaries of the lots subject to the original boundary line adjustment or the total number of lots contained within the external boundary of the parcel subject to the original land segregation, exceed the density allowed under current zoning. (Ord. 13694 § 53, 1999). 19A.08.190 Rules. The director is authorized to adopt rules to implement the provisions of this title pursuant to K.C.C. chapter 2.98. (Ord. 13694 § 54, 1999). 19A--15 FROM : JOE SINGH FAX NO. 2064318676 30 2007 08:06AM Pl JG REAL ESTATE GROUP NW, LLC JPS HOLDINGS, LLC FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET PHONE NUMBER.: TOTAL NO. Of PAGES lN(l.UDING oovn: 0 URGENT O FOR REVIEW O PLEASE COMMBN'I" 0 PLEASE J<.BPLY O PLBASE RECYCLE NOTBS/C"""8>rn;, 8 b.M{_ v-ft?P ~w.t~ ~ ~~;t,, fjWX11 ·~ -l?J ,;"} 1 J 1 ~ f ~.9!---1/UWL (,#7 ~ ~,:,-?J/J, 3 71u.A_i, ~~ itw1 ~tA ~ q~/c7 YA~/ , -:Jjt ;J t11q k na4 R.fVIEllA PJ., $W SEATiLE, WA 98166 206-<ll•8676 FAX King County Depart t of Development and Environmr" 3600 -136~w Plnoo Southeast, Bollovuo, WA 98006-~ 1 Services PURSUANT TO KING COUNTY CODE TITLE 23 AND ORDINANCE 2909 ALL PERSONS ON THESE PREMISES AT: Site Addreu/Loc;;,,tlon, )'<! J..A I (' Project No. __ L_D_~S_f'_o_-_...,_e> __ ,:;-__ _ r ~, 11,." Activity No. Lo6S 7 oJ3 UNTIL AUTHORIZED BY THE DIRECTOR TO PROCEED. THIS INCLUDES CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIRS OR GRADING RELATED TO THE VIOLATIONS OF THE KING COUNTY CODE MARKED BELOW: / AN,EROSION/SEDIMENTATION PROBLEM, DRAINAGE FACILITY, OR CONSTRUCTION SITE WHICH: O' Poses a hazard to life and limb; endangers property; D Results in surface water drainage being discharged at adversely affects other drainage facilities; and/or an unnatural location or produces significant adverse adversely affects safety and operation of County right· impact {09.04.050). of-way, utilities or other County-owned/maintained property {09.04.130). ERl)SION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS WHICH: ROAD CONSTRUCTION: ['.j Are not built to approved plans; are not satisfactorily maintained; are not completed before grading or land clearing {09.04.090). D Where construction plans have not been approved {14.24.020) A DRAINAGE FACILITY WHICH: D Does not have the required bonds or liability insurance D D {09.04.100). Cannot be inspected due to denial of entry for inspection (09.04.140). Is not constructed and operating as necessary to control flows discharging from the site prior to construction of improvements, final plat recording or construction of buildings 109.04.090). CLEARING AND/OR GRADING VIOLATIONS: D Excavations greater than 5 feet or fill greater than D 3 feet involving more than 100 cubic yards of earth without, or in violation of the terms of, the required grading permit 116.82.050), {16.82.060). Clearing, grading, excavation, fill or embankment is a hazard to life and limb, endangers property, or adversely affects the safety, use or stability of a public way or drainage channel {16.82.040). D Excavations greater than 5 feet or fill greater than 3 feet in a preliminary or finally approved plat, not related to road construction 116.82.050). D Any clearing or grading in a sensitive area {16.82.050). D Clearing or grading in violation of an adopted community or basin plan {9.04.1801. OTHER VIOLATIONS: i{ ( 'I'" ,/( IC ,( ,, \, .'' ' D ___ r_c,1· ._'_' _0 _~_1 __ --'·-'-+-"-'"'_1_,_, ________________________________ _ ' This STOP WORK ORDER applies only to activity which contributes to the violations checked above. The following specific corrective work is allowed: 1 " ..--1 • ' I t \ ' I r-:. ' , ( • ,. \ f ' , / ,,,.. 1,( I ; . "/ l j.,.<,1,'/) I f---~ . ' I ..// ,., ~r-:(· 1 1·J i..t"'·" (I;,-., To bring this property into compliance it is'necessery to: --------------------~----"-/--'-'-+'-·-,..,~'-' __ "-Cl..:::.. -------------------------------------Corrections Due: ______ _ The person responsible for this property or violation(s) has the duty to notify the Department of Development end Environmental Services (telephone listed below) of any action taken to correG_t the violation{s). I ~ '/ . 7 ,.,) . lJ I Posted " ) P ?.. " ,-19 __ for the Director of the Department of Development end Environmental Services by: ' ' J 11 i '/ f 1 ~ telephone: ·" ·, " }i?;p -------,-~,.....~',----------------'-~-~~---------------(print name) (section) WARl\llll!G: Failure to STOP WORK; the RESUMING OF WORK WIT~OUT PERMISSION of the Department of Development and Environmental Services; or the REMOVAL, MUTILATION OR CONCEALMENT of this Order is punishable by fine end imprisonment and will subject tho violator to civil penalties of up to $2,000 per violation per day. In addition, the Director may suspend or permanently revoke any existing permits. YlC/StopWorlt.Ord Sep 1'1. 199•··10:l1.,•/dj ~ Department of ~ Development and Environmental Services cane County 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 I(;_ /,,... A . j (3 Locatlon/Address: __ ___,__tv ___ ;,p.,..e _______________ _ 1 0 / ,? iFA-7'} C \ Case/Permit Number: __ ~l-__ > __ r __ v_ v_,,-, _____________ _ This notice provides information that is important to you. Please read it carefully. A Stop Work Order has been issued to advise you that a civil code violation has occurred on the above-named property. This Stop Work Order requires the immediate cessation of the specified work or activity on the identified property. Work or activity may not resume unless specifically authorized by King County. If you violate the Stop Work Order at any time, you will be assessed civil penalties up to $645.00 per day which shall begin to accrue on the first day the Stop Work Order is violated, and shall cease on the day the work is actually stopped. Civil penalties assessed create a joint and several personal obligation in all persons responsible for code compliance. The prosecuting attorney on behalf on King County may collect the civil penalties assessed by any appropriate legal means, Civil Penalties assessed also authorize King County to file a lien for the value of civil penalties imposed against the real property of the person(s) responsible for code compliance. Any person who has been issued a Stop Work Order or having any record or equitable title in the property against which the Stop Work Order is issued may appeal the order to the Hearing Examiner of King County, provided the appeal is made in writing to: Department of Development and Environmental Services, 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW, Renton, WA 98055, within 14 days ( 3 I I> I O 71--) of the date of service of the Stop Work Order. The date of ~ervice is ( ;;;. I J !' I o 2:-). Failure to appeal with the specific reasons why the Stop Work Order should be reverse~ or modified may result in a motion to have the appeal dismissed. by the hearing examiner. Failure to appeal within 14 days of the date of service renders the Stop Work Order a final determination that the conditions described in the Stop WQ!.k. Order existed and constituted a civil code violation, and that the work was properly'ordered to cease. Enforcement of the Stop Work Order shall not be stayed during the pendency of any administrative appeal. In addition to the Stop Work Order, King County may prepare a Notice and Order directing you to immediately resolve all violation(s). The Notice and Order will assess civil penalties against you. If the violation(s) remain unresolved, additiona.1 civil penalties could be imposed, and you could also be subject to an abatement proce~s in which a contractorwould correct the violation(s). The civil penalties and costs of that abatement would be your responsibility and may be filed as liens against your property. Please contact me at (206) 296-7 0 7 q to discuss your violation(s) and the manner in which you will correct these violation(s). If I am unavailable at the time you call, leave your name, case or permit number, and a daytime phone number complete with area code on the voicemail. I will return your call as soon as possible. You may also respond by fax at (206) 296-'::I I ::J 4 , Thank you for your cooperation. Section 1393 (5'02) • I . \ I King County·Depar ·nt of Development.and Bnviromr ,al Services 3600 -1 . Pla.oo Southoa.ot, Bollovuo, WA 98006 0 PURSUANT TO KING COUNTY CODE TITLE 23 AND ORDINANCE 2909 ALL PERSONS ON THESE PREMISES AT: Project No. _ _,L=· _o_..:::....c,..;,f"_o-o __ 0_.:.~--- Activity No. L o & src:,33 UNTIL AUTHORIZED BY THE DIRECTOR TO PROCEED. THIS INCLUDES CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIRS OR GRADING RELATED TO THE VIOLATIONS OF THE KING COUNTY CODE MARKED BELOW: , . AN ~OSION/SEDIMENTATION PROBLEM, DRAINAGE FACILITY, OR CONSTRUCTION SITE WHICH: 0/Poses a hazard to life and limb; endangers property; D Results in surface water drainage being discharged at adversely affects other drainage facilities; and/or an unnatural location or produces significant adverse adversely affects safety and operation of County right-impact (09.04.050). of-way, utilities or other County-owned/maintained property (09.04. 130). ~gsfON/SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS WHICH: . Qr Are not built to approved plans; are not satisfactorily maintained; are not completed before grading or land clearing (09.04.090). ROAD CONSTRUCTION: D Where construction plans have not been approved (14.24.020) A DRAINAGE FACILITY WHICH: D Does not have the required bonds or liability insurance 0 Is not constructed and operating as necessary to control flows discharging from the site prior to construction of improvements, final plat recording or construction of buildings (09.04.090). (09.04. 100). D Cannot be inspected due to denial of entry for inspection (09.04.140). CLEARING AND/OR GRADING VIOLATIONS: D Excavations greater than 5 feet or fill greater than D Clearing, grading, excavation, fill or embankment is a hazard to life and limb, endangers property, or adversely affects the safety, use or stability of a public way or drainage channel (16.82.040). 3 feet involving more than 100 cubic yards of earth without, or in violation of the terms of, the required grading permit (16.82.050), (16.82.060). D Excavations greater than 5 feet or fill greater than 3 feet in a preliminary or finally approved plat, not related to road construction (16.82.050). D Any clearing or grading in a sensitive area (16.82.050). D Clearing or grading in violation of an adopted community orbasin plan (9.04.1801. ( fc..5,.( This STOP ORK ORDER applies only to activity which contributes to the violations checked above. The following specific corrective work is allowed: ~ /; 11.1 .U. fc,..h' '{ r&;; (. s,J.,f . ~ -----------------------------------Corrections Due: _____ _ The person responsible for this property or violation(s) has the duty to notify the Department of Development end Environmental Services (telephone listed below) of any action taken to correct the violation(s). · - Posted 3 : S ~ ~.;}/. ~ '1 ~~ ?-for the Director of the Department of Development end Environments~ Services by: IF 117.t ''#, J),, I/,'/ (et ' /_IA. I telephone: 1/0G-.1. 1{-70]p (pr t nemel (section) - WARNING1 . Failure to STOP WORK; the RESUMING OF WORK WITHOUT PERMISSION of the Department of Development end Environmental Services; or the REMOVAL, MUTILATION OR CONCEALMENT of this Order is punishable by fine end imprisonment end will subject the violator to civil penalties of up to $2,000 per violation per day. In addition. the Director may suspend or permanently revoke any existing permits, FJO/S~opllork.Drd S•p 2,, 1U4--1G111•a/dj ~ Department of ~ Development and Envlronmental services EOna COUnty 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 /·(!_A A_ Jr3 Location/Address: __ ~_,_w'--__ I_M _______________ _ Case/Permit Number: _ __,f"--0~(--'f_rJ?rO ___ :§ ___________ _ This notice provides information that is important to you. Please read it carefully. A Stop Work Order has been issued to advise you that a civil code violation has occurred on the above-named property. This Stop Work Order requires the immediate cessation of the specified work or activity on the identified property. Work or activity may not resume unless specifically authorized by King County. If you violate the Stop Work Order at any time, you will be assessed civil penalties up to $645.00 per day which shall begin to accrue on the first day the Stop Work Order is violated, and shall cease on the day the work is actually stopped. Civil penalties assessed create a joint and several personal obligation in all persons responsible for code compliance. The prosecuting attorney on behalf on King County may collect the civil penalties assessed by any appropriate legal means, Civil Penalties assessed also authorize King County to file a lien for the value of civil penalties imposed against the real property of the person(s) responsible for code compliance. Any person who has been issued a Stop Work Order or having any record or equitable title in the property against which the Stop Work Order is issued may appeal the order to the Hearing Examiner of King County, provided the appeal is made in writing to: Department of Development and Environmental Services, 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW, Renton, WA 98055, within 14 days ( 3 / I 3 / c ~ ) of the date of service of the Stop Work Order. The date of service is ( 2 /;;;. f./ o i ). Failure to appeal with the specific reasons why the Stop Work Order should be revers7ct or modified may result in a motion to have the appeal dismissed by the hearing examiner. Failure to appeal within 14 days of the date of service renders the Stop Work Order a final determination that the conditions described in the Stop Work Order existed and constituted a civil code violation, and that the work was properly ordered to cease. Enforcement of the Stop Work Order shall not be stayed during the pendency of any administrative appeal. In addition to the Stop Work Order, King County may prepare a Notice and Order directing you to immediately resolve all violation(s). The Notice and Order will assess civil penalties against you. If the violation(s) remain unresolved, additional civil penalties could be imposed, and you could also be subject to an abatement process in which a contractor would correct the violation(s). The civil penalties and costs of that abatement would be your responsibility and may be filed as liens against your property. Please contact me at (206) 296-7 03 q to discuss your violation(s) and the manner in which you will correct these violation(s). If I am unavailable at the time you call, leave your name, case or permit number, and a daytime phone number complete with area code on the voicemail. I will return your call as soon as possible. You may also respond by fax at (206) 296-·> t ·~ (f: , Thank you for your cooperation. Signature Section 1393 (SI02) r·· I : ':-- ®, King County ,r,,_ -- Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 !fijgP@~'u' @~ : ©ON$1'RUClf~@6'\J ~~fffl©~~!\\fJ©W 1 lL~1ru@I U$® rnii'il~~®@ta@fi'il $®@t(8@1ru L_ -------- Name of Development __ -='/-'r-.'"",::,,_:;""'-'-71--R'--_ _,,,.~'--------- o <? ,~o~ ~ f~ L 05' ;;67:J"oS Project No. _____ _ Address of Development ______ /_) _______ 1_~-v-1' __ 1_·· Activity No. i 6 b SJ O 5,'; Developer: -~} ___ , ·'~(~·="-:,.,--ct~------ / /;.) "( J, ·, --LlA Contractor: 1- 0!(, {( 1v1 Ji"-'-<-£, '"'· --'-'--'---=----------' D /7 1 0?0' ,-• . I ," ""-' -' -_b·, ii \,Ii~ The following deficiencies have been observed on the site referenced above and must be completed by // -:) -::J-r Of. ----'----------------or further action may be taken. REMARKS: ,cvC,( Ir· ,t I tvy{,;,,,,f/ , , , , />1.u t.wi. Bt--c,o,,,,.,,,<-f . i/ ----INSPECTOR: I ~ ·t-. 'Z I l.----"? --------i=-~-~---_,,_ ____ _ JPrinl name/date IO ;i 6 o t, ~· ", / -)o 3 ( PHONE: ~ o ( -------;,+-.- 1658 (Rev. 9/00) White: Developer ·Yellow: General Contractor Pink: Inspector ' ' -® King County .Prop~o-ff ,C . er. S.heet · :r: ·· ,.,a:; t:t.1s0 oNLv Department of Deve.lopment and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division **************************** IM PORT ANT *************************** Date Recei PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME IS NECESSARY FOR ALL DROP-OFFS Project No.: LoSPoooS- Project Name: J,f'S,S IE ~EN FROM: :f'f"S. He,L.)? lwbS le~~" 'i? .. e.\ll>II,\ Company Name/ Contact Person Telephone No: (;2-Q(o) "7<f9-t./14/., TO: Ts"-lZ.11'l& ~11uLE'I' ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) Short Plat/ Plats Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Lot Line Adjustment Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Right of Way Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Clearing/ Grading Permit -Additional information requested. Please specify item(s) dropped-off: JUL 1 0 2006 K.C. D.D.e.s. 0 Other: __ --rr:...!..!,R .. l\t.r:E:i:::.Fl,.,,C.,..,C»~...ie.2ttoc=,cl.._J~-=L:,:l",e.cN"-'..Fo,,,g"-"ST1>"-"-'~:::.!Mc..Lco.,,,J:,_,../2cl,o,_fl.__,_A.,,,v"'E.c...,::SE....=:__----------- PLEASE NOTE: All drop-off item(s) will be logged into the computer under the project number, therefore, it is important that the top portion of this form is completed properly before you drop-off any1hing. Assistance in finding a project number can be provided by speaking to a Zoning/Land Use Technician. Your cooperation is important. Thank you. Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Drop-Off Cover Sheet-LUSD Only lg-cvs-dropoff.pdf 11-03-2004 Page 1 of 1 December, 2000 Figure 6H-27. Closure at Side of Intersection (TA-27) / B A See Note 2 for flagger information Typical Application 27 Note : See Tables 6H -2 and 6H-3 for the meaning of the symbols and/or letter codes used in this figure . Page 6H-59 Sect. 6H .01 December, 2000 Page 6H-J7 Figure 6H-6. Shoulder Work with Minor Encroachment (TA-6) .. A Typical Application 6 Note : See Tables 6H-2 and 6H-3 for the meaning of the symbols and/or letter codes used in th is figure . Truck Mounted Attenuator (optional) 1/3 L Sect 6H .OI ~ -. er t ~ "$ '":r"" . ~t t-~ ,/ .,J\ ~ l ,. -I .!:t -.. " <:r--Cit" I 3~ 1Q" ~ it bot: :i-.. " ~~ 1i ~ ~ \£ ~ 2 cc C> ...> l ] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a 0 0 ~ \f) ~ 0 ~ --1 ~ ~ A ~ % re Ct uj 0 if) lL u.J ~ -:> d a: 1 ~ () N -0 c...J -::z 0 () It:- d:" ~ ~ ill .., a:- "' 1. 0 ... N -' <T ""' ~ ~ ~~ ,!,c ~ fx ~~ ~ C "9 0 ~ \i uJ < .. --z ~i ct) l • , 1 :t, "tt ""4 ZI , , 0 ~ _:,., t- .,. .:-:..· , ~. "' \ t, ~ ~ a: SE \qz1..1~ s-r. IU 42 "' - t -.>~~~ Cr '\.,,-,\(? tl'I ~ !Ji ~/I'd"'" ~ ~ v~~,.o \ 6 (I;~ ~ "o v{ i ~ 1$."' -,, / ;J, ~..)~ \ ~~~ ~ Ill !JI ~ 'i? ,I\ "' -II DDES King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, Washington 98055-1219 June 27, 2006 Summary of Related Activities/Projects/Dev. r~pplicant: I JPS HOLDINGS LLC 18124 RIVIERA PL SW SEATTLE, WA 98 I 66 (206) 799-3051 Activity Number: Project Number: Development Number: PRE-PLAT Status: . . ........................................................... ·-···· ............................... ·------......... ····-...... -------................................ . P2,1e 1 of 1 L05P0005 PRELAPPR Activity/Project # Comp Type Status Fee Charges Hours Charges Payments Balance Due *L05P0005 PRE-PLAT PRELAPPR $22,063.41 $0.00 $22,063.41 $0.00 A06BNI 17 BOND OPEN $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 A06BNJ89 BOND REC!l!VED $7,500:00 . $0,00 $7,500.00 $0.00 *I,_Q5.,5R05_LI SITEREV COMPLETE $31,697.07 $0.00 $31,697.07 $0.00 L05V0052 SUBVAR GRANTED $102.64 $1,890.96 $1,993.60 $0.00 L06M1030 L-MISC COMPLETE $0.00 $1,050.53 $1,050.53 $0.00 *L06SI033 INSPECT OPEN $30,107.45 $0,00 $30,107.45 $0.00 !J)_6_$I03_LI INSPECT OPEN $2,638.39 $72.45 $2,710.84 $0.00 L_06SI035 INSPECT OPEN $2,710.84 $0.00 $2,710.84 $0.00 TOTAL: $96,819.80 $3,013.94 $99,833.74 $0.00 * Asterisk denotes Permit under Project Management !The fees shown above represent current charges as of this date and are an estimate based on the Information provided to DOES at the time of application. !For services that are rendered on an hourly basis, the cost of those services will be based on the actual hours worked. Hourly fees are charged at the rate in effect at the time of service, and will be billed monthly, along with •any other outstanding fees. I Fees that have been posted prior to permit issuance will be collected at that time. Fees subsequently posted will be ibilled to the applicant. All fees must be paid in full before DOES issues Final Approval, T.C.O. or C.0. ... ' Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web date: 11 /2112005 r ., ® King C01lJ1D1l1ty Department of Development & Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Project Name: Jessi~Glen Location: King County Clearing greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? -~~~~~-yes If yes, Forest Practice Penmit Number: (RCW76.09) Lno '-----------------------~---------' Page 1 of 9 Est-002.xls For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Date: 4/13/2006 Project No.: L050005 Activity No._: L05SR054 Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overtiead and profit. Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database. ~ ]> ::0 z"" " m oz ::0 0 C:c;, ~C") .... m en ~ . c.o i==m !B:z "'> < S::;,t g ffl m = o off1J:;;b OK.72-~ l,-6 -b C Unit prices updated: · 02/12/02 Version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 4/12/2006 Crushed surfacin.9. 1 1/4" minus Ditchin Excavation-bulk ~ence, silt NGPE Page2 of9 Est-002.xls Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet ed ESC-2 SWDM 67.51 Each ESC-3 WSDOT 9-03.9f3 85.45 CY ESC-4 8.08 CY .3700 ESC-5 $ 1.50 CY ESC-6 SWDM $ 1.38 LF 4700 ESC-7 $ 1.38 LF ESC-8 SWDM $ 0.59 SY 9500 ESC-9 SWDM $ 1.45 SY ESC-10 SWDM $ 2.01 SY ESC-11 SWDM $ 0.53 SY ESC-12 $ 10.70 LF ESC-13 $ 16.10 LF ESC-14 $ 20.70 LF ESC-15 SWDM $ 2.30 SY ESC-16 WSDOT 9-13.1(2 $ 39.08 CY ESC-17 SWDM $ 1,464.34 Each ESC-18 . SWDM $ 2,928.68 Each 2 ESC-19 SWDM $ 1,949.38 Each 2 ESC-20 SWDM $ 17.91 LF ESC-21 SWDM $ 68.54 LF ESC-22 SWDM $ 0.51 SY ESC-23 SWDM $ 6.03 SY ESC-24 SWDM $ 7.45 SY ESC-25 $ 74.75 HR ESC-26 I SWDM 5.4.7 $ 97.75 HR 1,1w1w*r1r: .f%1Mftfi®ttffl.f~1;w11w .~mR&tm~mw~w@t t:ach ESC SUBTOTAL: 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: ESCTOTAL: COLUMN: Web date: 11/21/2.005 1 29896 1 6486 1 5605 1 5857 1 3899 $ 51,743.12 $ 15,522.94 $ 67,266.06 A Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 4/12/2006 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Backfill & Comnaction-embankment GI -1 $ 5.62 Backfill & Comcaction• trench Gl-2 $ 8.53 Clear/Remove Brush, bv hand Gl-3 $ 0.36 Clearing/Grubbing/Tree Removal Gl-4 $ 8,876.16 Excavation • bulk Gl-5 $ 1.50 Gl-6 $ 4.06 $ 18.55 $ 13.44 $ 1 271.81 $ 12.12 $ 22.57 $ 25.48 $ 37.85 $ 54.31 $ 74.85 $ 132.48 $ 2.02 GI -18 $ 0.95 GI -19 $. 135.13 Gl-20 $ 2.88 $ 7.46 $ 788.26 $ 1 556.64 ers) IGI -241 $ 85.18 $ 7.59 $ 8.33 $ 8.19 ,g, concrete Gl-281 $ 44.16 Gl-291 $ 9.49 Page3of 9 SUBTOTAL ·Kee ZTA authorizes only one bond reduction. Est-002.Jds CY I I I 35001 19,670.00 CY' SY Acre I j ------E 3.351 29,735.14 CY I 9,750.00 6500 CY LF LF I -I I 67~1 9,004.80 Each I -1,271.81 LF CY CY CY SY SY SY SY SY I - I I 51~~1 -4,845.00 Each I -1,351.30 Each SY Dai Acre I -I I 3.351 5,214.74 HR SY SY SY SF SF --~842.79 Web date: 11/21/2005 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4122/02 Report Date: 4112/2.006 1:1:::irricade, h,r..:i, I Rl-5 nicade, h ..... e Ill f Permanent l RI -6 Curb & Gutter, rolled RI -7 Curb & Gutter. vertical RI -8 Curb and Gutter, demolition and dis""'sal Rl-9 [Curb, extruded asohalt RI -10 RI -11 RI -12 RI -13 Rl-14 urice ' Rl-15 Shoulder, oravel, 4• thick RI -16 Sidewalk, 4" thick RI -17 Sidewalk 4" thick, demolition and disoos RI -18 Sidewalk, 5" thick RI -19 RI -20 RI-21 RI -22 RI -23 RI -2• Page 4of 9 ·Kee II A authorizes only one bond reduction. Est-002.Jds Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web date: 11/21/2005 :MfillW@Wf]@:.;ttf4Wt11HfJ#.tHftj}ffeTh%lt@tm@ffe#~@fM@t#:ttMflftf.NtM@¥~~§fifrMJ-t4BflMWitl\'Tul1WffilttffiUmfih1#1@fat@}@{ • • , t I I I I SY $ 5.75 SY $ 1.38 SY $ 41.14 SY $ 30.03 LF $ 45.05 LF $ 13.27 LF 2700 35,829.00 $ 9.69 LF 340 3,294.60 $ 13.58 LF $ 2.44 LF $ 2.56 LF $ 1.85 LF 680 1_,258.00 $ 1.69 LF $ 0.99 LF 680 673.20 $ -SY $ 7.53 SY $ 30.52 SY 1250 38,150.00 $ 27.73 SY $ 34.94 SY $ 34.65 SY $ 85.28 Each $ 5.82 Each $ 2.38 SF. $ 0.25 LF SUBTOTAL 79,204.80 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4122102 Report Oate: 4/12/2006 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web date: 11/21/2005 AA1t -~r-~~~~-~-:-~HffltUWh~fi~-&aia11,11&tt[W$i;llii#i\tilllWJllOm11a11iRWflf.JWJfu1tt4[tll$%f¥Jif$§~1: 'addltional 2.5" base) add RS-1 AC Overlav, 1.5" AC RS-2 AC Overlav, 2" AC RS-3 · AC Road, Z', 4" rock, First 2500 SY RS-4 •c Road, Z', 4" rock, Qty. over 2500SY RS-5 ; Road. 3", 4" rock, First 2500 SY RS-6 IAC Road. 3". 4'" rock, atv. over 2500 SY RS-7 oAC Road, 5", First 2500 SY RS-8 lAC Road, 5" Qtv. over 2500 SY RS-9 Asphalt Treated Base, 4" thick RS -1 Gravel Road, 4" rock First 2500 SY RS -1 Gravel Road, 4" rock atv. over 2500 SY 0 s -1· PCC Road. S', no base. over 2500 SY RS -1 PCC Road. 6''. no base, over 2500 SY RS-11 Thickened Edge RS -1· Pages of9 "KCC 11 A authorizes only one bond reduction. E&t--002.xls $ 3.60 $ 7.39 $ 8.75 $ 17.24 $ 13.36 $ 19.69 $ 15.81 $ 14.57 $ 13.94 $ 16.76 $ 16.12 $ 9.21 $ 11.41 $ 7.53 $ 21.51 $ 21.87 $ 6.69 SUBTOTAL SY SY SY SY 2500 43,100.00 SY 2600 34,736.00 SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY SY LF 77,836.00 460 225 -~~rfjSJ.~_· ~1 l,930.40 1,55025 9,480.65 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4122/02 Report Date: 4112/2006 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web date: 11/21/2005 -I I 20:1 3,348.00 $ 240.74 Each - D-3 $ 452.34 Each 1,809.36 - -I I_ 191 23,895.161 D-4 $ 1,257.64 EachJ D-5 $ 1,433.59 Each D-6 $ 2.033.57 Eachj ... l -I 11 I 22,369.27 D-7 $ 436.52 FT --J 1 I D-8 $ 2,192.54 EachJ l 2,192.54 D-9 $ 486.53 FT D-10 $ 2,351.52 EachJ I I 11 ~-2,351.52 D -11 $ 536.54 FT D-12 $ 3,212.64 Each D-13 $ 692.21 FT -- D-14 $ 366.09 Eachj I --I 61-· 2,196.54 D-15 $ 130.55 ·Each Cleanout, PVC, 6'' D -16 $ 174.90 Each Cleanout, PVC, 8" D-17 $ 224.19 Each Culvert, PVC. 4" D-18 $ 8.64 LF Culvert, PVC. 6" D-19 $ 12.60 LF I I I I I I ~ :, Culvert, PVC, 8" D-20 $ 13.33 LF '•1lvert, PVC, 12" D-21 $ 21.77 LF alvert CMP, 8" D-22 $ 17.25 LF Culvert, CMP, 12" D-23 $ 26.45 LF Culvert, CMP, 15" D-24 $ 32.73 LF Culvert, CMP, 18" D-25 $ 37.74 LF Culvert, CMP, 24" D-26 $ 53.33 LF Culvert, CMP 30" D-27 $ 71.45 LF Culvert, CMP, 36" D-28 $ 112.11 LF Culvert, CMP. 48" D-29 $ 140.83 LF Culvert, CMP, 60" D-30 $ 235.45 LF Culvert, CMP, 72" D-31 $ 302.58 LF Page 6 of 9 SUBTOTAL 58,162.39 Unit prices updated: 02112102 "KCC 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. Version: 4122102 Est-002.xls Report Dale: 4112/'200S Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web date: 11/21/2005 Culvert, Concrete, 6" D-32 $ 21.02 LF Culvert.Concrete, 1Z' D-33 $ 30.05 LF !Culvert, Concrete, ·1 s· D-34 $ 37.34 LF lculvert, Concrete, 18" D-35 $ 44.51 LF Culvert, Concrete, 24" D-36 $ 61.07 LF 1Cutvert, Concrete, 30" D-37 $ 104.18 LF Culvert, Concrete, 36" D-38 $ 137.63 LF llvert. Concrete 4Z' D-39 $ 158.42 LF vulvert, Concrete 48" D-40 $ 175.94 LF Culvert, CPP, 6" D -41 $ 10.70 LF Culvert, CPP, 8" D-42 $ 16.10 LF !Culvert CPP, 12'' D-43 $ 20.70 LF 1405 29083.5 Culvert, CPP, 1 S' D-44 $ 23.00 LF BB 2024 Culvert. CPP, 18" D-45 $ 27.60 LF 762 21031.2 Culvert, CPP. 24" D-46 $ 36.80 LF 454 16707.2 Culvert, CPP, 30" D-47 $ 48.30 LF D-48 $ 55.20 LF D-49 $ 8.08 CY D-50 $ 25.99 LF D-51 $ 22.60 LF D-52 $ 2.40 SY D-53 $ 74.75 HR D-54 $ 1,605.40 Each D-55 $ 14.01 SY I I I 301 420.3 D-56 $ 1,045.19 Each D-57 $ 1,095.56 Each D-58 $ 1146.16 Each ~I~ I ~I 1146.16 D-59 $ 39.08 CY j 195.4 Tank End Reducer (36'' diameter) D-60 $ 1,000.50 Each ITrash Rack, 1 'Z' D-61 $ 211.97 Each! · I I 1 I 211.97 'Trash Rack 1 S' D-62 $ 237.27 Each Trash Rack, 18" D-63 $ 268.89 Each !Trash Rack, 21" D-64 $ 306.84 Each Page 7 of 9 SUBTOTAL 70819.73 Unrt prices updated: 02/12/02 ·Kee 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. Version: 4/22/02 Est-002.Jds Report Date: 4/12/2.(l(lB " .. Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web date: 11/21/2005 ,.,. :tlf:ffiU81fils0:i£:&t:%it:t\tt:tlB~:H~n:wt¥.t..iMt?~:;;;rf~i.~f%i:~w&W%\:fo+mJ&i:::+dt1t4it:A:=.%rb1&2ffiltt::.:ffet:\¥::\:fr&w.V@id1rm::i&frft5E5tt!.tt:!frt\ .I!!!!. PL -1 $ 15.84 SY PL-2 $ 17.24 SY 14" select borrow IPL-3 $ 4.55 SY '1.5" top course rock & 2.5" base course I PL -4 $ 11.41 SY .. ,.~UM&•,Ew§1t¥1}dti~~:£:I0¥f.;~#~{W0~M)i;f}:~ftii#f:¥i%~~4~%1:*:1~Ni;t;{il@i$k~i~W~iiilii~l%¥1&%i¥1(:~it~fu41~i~~w;f.&i~:t:~~~~fo~;:;~ii}iii0lli~~ Wl-1 Each Wl-2 SY Wl-3 CY Wl-4 LF Wl-5 FT Wl-6 ·--Wl-7 ·--Wl-8 Wl-9 w1.10 SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL (SUM ALL PAGES): 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: Page 8 of 9 *KCC Tl A authorizes only one bond reduction. Est--002.>ds GRANDTOTAL: COLUMN: ' 366,865.71 110,059.71 476,925.42 B C 9,480.65 b844.20 12,324.85 D E Untt prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4122102 Report Date: 4112/2006 ' t-• • Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web date: 11/21/2005 Original bond computations prepared by: Name: Jessie Glen Date: 4/13/2006 PE Registration Number: 40111 Tel.#: 1-800-345-5694 Firm Name: ESM Constulting Engineers, LLC Address: 33915 1st Way South, Suite #200, Federal Way, WA 98003 Project No: . L050005 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & DRAINAGE FACILITIES FINANCIAL GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS PERFORMANCE BOND• PUBLIC ROAD & DRAINAGE AMOUNT . BOND• AMOUNT MAINTENANCE/DEFECT BOND• REQUIRED AT RECORDING OR 'abilization/Erosion Sediment Control (ESC) Existing Right-of-Way Improvements (A} $ 67,266.1 TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY-, (8) _$"--~~~~~~- Future Public Road Improvements & Drainage Facilitie1 (C} $ 476,925.4 Private Improvements . (D) $ 12,324.8 Calculated Quantity Completed Total Right-of Way and/or Site Restoration Bond•,- (First $7,500 of bond• shall be cash.) (A+B) $ 67,266.1 (E} $ Performance Bond• Amount (A+B+C+D} = TOTAL (T} $ 556,516.3 Mm1mum bond' amount 1s $1 Coo. TX 0.30 $ 166,954.9 OR Reduced Performance Bond* Total*** Maintenance/Defect Bond• Total .AME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND• REDUCTION: ~~112~~ ~ • NOTE: The word "bond'' as used In this document m~ans any financial guarantee acceptable to King County. -NOTE: KCC '27 A authorizes right of way and site reStoration bonds to be combined when both are required. (T-E) $ 556,516.3 Use larger of Tx30% or (T-E) Date: (B+C) x 0.25= $ 119,231.4 !f/;3/0G The restoration·requirement shall include the total cost for all TESC as a minimum, not a maximum. In addition, corrective work, both on-and off-site needs to be included. Quantities shall reflect worse case scenarios not just minimum requirements. For example, if a salmonid stream may be damaged, some estimated costs for restoration needs to be reflected in this amount. The 30% contingency and mobilization costs are computed In this quantity. --NOTE: Per KCC 27 A, total bond amounts remaining after reduction shall not be less than 30% ·of the original amount (f) or as revised by majo:'~ign changes. SURETY BOND RIDER NOTE: If a bond rider is used, minimum addltional performance bond shall be j $ 4iid,250.3 !(C+D}-E REQUIRED BOND• AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION BY DOES Page 9 of9 Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Est-002.xls • ·.:> e Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 4/121200S · --=-=;,c-------------------------------- '• @ King County DOES Parcel Information Report -Chang~ Re.gort: This report was generated: 2/27/2006 12:26:26 PM Parcel Number: 6198400320 (l!iirit'! El Base Info Parcel Number: 6198400320 Tax Payer: JPS HOLDINGS LLC Annexation: N/A Jurisdiction: King County Situs Address: 19035 120TH AVE SE Zip Code: 98058 Postal City El Reference Info Page I of2 The information included in this report has been compiled by King County s from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King Col! makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accurc completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. King Cai; shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequer damages including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resu11 from the use or misuse of the information contained in this report. Any sail this report or information on this report is prohibited except by writ permission of King County. Plat Name: NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV NO. 04 Plat Recording Date: N/A Plat Lot: 7 Plat Block: 2 Kroll Page: 605 Thomas Brothers Page: 686 1/4-S-T-R: SW-33-23-5 Acres: 2.16 (94,089 SqFt.) El Planning Info Zoning: R-6 Comprehensive Land Use: um Assessor's Open Space: N/A Commercial Use: N/A Number of Units: N/A Appraised Land Value: 2005 -$147,000, 2006 -$261,000 Appraised Improvements Value: 2005 -$1,000, 2006 -$0 El Administrative District Info Community Plan Area: Soos Creek Unincorporated Area Council: N/A School District: Renton School District 403 Fire District: 0040 Roads MPS Zone: 342 ($3,765) Roads Transportation Concurrency Mitigation Zone: 799 Waterfront: No Water System: WATER DISTRICT Water Service Planning Area: Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Sewer System: PRIVATE Airport Noise Remedy Program: N/A Bald Eagle Flag: N/ A Council District: 5 Dwight Pelz Drainage Basin: Soos Creek: WRIA 9 '· Police Jurisdiction: King County Police Precinct: 3 Police District: F3 Snowload Zone: Standard Agricultural Production District: N Forest Production District: N Rural Forest Focus Area: N Transfer Development Rights Type: N/A Transfer Development Rights Status: N/A Transfer Development Rights Permit Number: N/A 8 Inspection Area Info Building Inspection Area: S-4 Clearing Inspection Area: Jim Ballweber Code Enforcement Inspection Area: Bill Turner ESA Inspection Area: Kathy Newborn Grading Inspection Area: Ramon Locsin Land Use Inspection Area: Tenzing Thinley El Sensitive/Critical Area Info Sensitive Areas Notice(s) on Title: None Aquatic Areas Buffer: N Basin Condition: Medium Flow Control Area: Conservation Flow Water Quality: Basic Water Quality Treatment Critical Aquifer Recharge Area: None Area of Potential Wetland Influence: N GIS 'Mapping Operations (GISMO) Version 1.0.0 Page 2 of 2 .·n· .'.I @) King County DOES Permit Information Report -Change Re(!ort- This report was generated: 2/27/2006 12:27:05 PM Parcel Number: 6198400320 (Piintl\ S_el.ect 1:111 I CLear_S<,_]_e,:tLon I Syvitc]l_S_eLe_ctio_rr Page I of I The information included in this report has been compiled by King County s from a variety of sources and ls subject to change without notice. King Cou makes no rePresentations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accun completen·ess, timeliness, or rights to the use of such Information. King Cou shall not be Uable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequer damages including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resutl from the use or misuse of the information contained in this report. Any salt this report or information on this report is prohibited except by writ permission of King County. ji(WfwfjJI, [] D . L05SR054 L05V0052 SJTEREV l PENDING 'JESSIE GLEN 16198400320 I JPS HOLDINGS LLC i 10/25/2005 SUBVAR GRANTED L05P0005 JESSIE GLEN · 6198400320 JPS HOLDINGS LLC 07/14/2005 D _ lo5~0005 PRE-PLAT I PRELAPPR . JESSIE GLEN , 6198400320 JPS HOLDINGS LLC 03/14/2005 Get deti'liled report L05P0005 Steve Townsend DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 October 25, 2005 OFFICE OF THE HEAIUNG EXAMINER REPORT AND DECISION KING COUNTY, WASlilNGTON 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services File No. LOSPOOOS Proposed Ordinance No. 2005-0390 JESSIE GLEN SUBDIVISION Preliminary Plat Application Location: Between 116th and I 20th Avenues Southeast, north of Southeast 192nd Street Applicant: JG Real Estate Group NW, LLC, represented by Eric LaBrie ESM Consulting Engineers, LLC 33915 !st Way South, Suite 200 Federal Way, Washington 98003 Telephone: (253) 838-6113 Facsimile: (253) 838-7104 King County: Department of Development and Environmental Services, represented by Trishah Bull 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055 Telephone: (206) 296-6758 Facsimile: (206) 296-6613 SUMMARY OF DECISION/RECOMMENDATIONS: Department's Preliminary Recommendation: Department's Final Recommendation: Examiner's Decision: EXAMINER PROCEEDINGS: Hearing Opened: Hearing Closed: Approve with conditions Approve with revised conditions Approve with revised conditions October 20, 2005 October 20, 2005 Participants at the public hearing and the exhibits offered and entered are listed in the attached minutes. A verbatim recording of the hearing is available in the office of the King County Hearing Examiner. L05P0005 -Jessie Glen FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. General Information: Owner/Developer: Engineer: STR: Joe Singh JG Real Estate Group NW, LLC I 8 I 24 Riviera Place SW Seattle, WA 98 I 66 206-799-305 I ESM Consulting Engineers, LLC 33915 I" Way South, Suite #200 Federal Way, WA 98003 33-23-05 2 Location: The site is located between I 16th and 120th Avenues Southeast, north of Southeast I 92nd Street Zoning: Acreage: Number of Lots: R-6-SO 7.7 acres 49 Density: 6.36 units per acre Lot Size: Ranges from approximately 3,780 to 6,600 square feet Proposed Use: Single-family detached dwellings Sewage Disposal: Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Water Supply: Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Fire District: King County District #40 School District: Renton School District #403 Complete Application Date: April I I, 2005 2. Except as modified herein, the facts set forth in the DOES reports (including the incorporation of the traffic narrative received as exh. I 6, inadvertently omitted from the staff report) to the Examiner and the DDES and King County Department of Transportation testimony are found to be correct and are incorporated herein by reference. 3. The subject property is an odd-shaped aggregate of tracts (essentially two rectangles connected by a narrow rectangular strip) with frontage on the east side of I 16th Avenue Southeast and on the west side of I 20th Avenue Southeast, north of Southeast I 92nd Street in the Benson Hill area between Renton and Auburn. The site terrain consists of a gentle slope generally from west to east. Vegetation consists ofa combination of dense mixed-species woods, shrub and grassy areas, and landscaped yards and lawn area gracing two residences (one on each major rectangle) and their associated outbuildings. No sensitive/critical areas lie within or in close proximity to the site. The surrounding area consists of generally larger lot suburban residential parcels. L05P0005 -Jessie Glen 3 4. The Applicant proposes subdivision of the property into 49 1 lots for single-family residential development. Each of the major rectangles of the aggregate property would be served by its own system of public roads providing access to each of the lots (Tract A, originally proposed to be a private stub road, may instead be dedicated as a public road; county staff confirmed that such conversion is feasible as the subdivision is currently proposed). A recreation tract with amenities would be placed at the easterly terminus of the cul-de-sac in the east end of the northwesterly half of the development, connected to the southeasterly portion by a continuation of the recreation tract in the connecting strip, which would itself be developed with a pedestrian trail and amenities. A drainage detention tract would be placed in the easterly portion of the southeast tract on the 120th Avenue Southeast frontage. 5. The single member of the public participating in the hearing (Babu Parayil, a nearby property owner) requested information regarding ability to hook up to the sanitary sewer service to be extended into the site by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. As noted in the hearing, sewer connection policies are under the authority of the District, not the County. CONCLUSIONS: I. The proposed subdivision, as conditioned below, would conform to applicable land use controls. In particular, the proposed type of development and overall density are specifically permitted under the R-6-SO zone. 2. If approved subject to the conditions below, the proposed subdivision will make appropriate provisions for the topical items enumerated within RCW 58.17 .110, and will serve the public health, safety and welfare, and the public use and interest. 3. The conditions for final plat approval set forth below are reasonable requirements and in the public interest. 4. The dedications ofland or easements within and adjacent to the proposed plat, as shown on the revised preliminary plat submitted on July 14, 2005, or as required for final plat approval, are reasonable and necessary as a direct result of the development of this proposed plat, and are proportionate to the impacts of the development. DECISION: The preliminary plat of the Jessie Glen subdivision, as revised and received July 14, 2005, is approved subject to the following conditions of final plat approval: I. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19 of the King County Code. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. 1 Forty six lots is normally the maximum pennitted on the subject property under the assi!,'11Cd R-6-SO zoning, but the increase of three lots is pennitted under the Transfer of Development Rights (TOR) allowances conferred by KCC 2 lA.12.030 (A) and (B) (J) in concert with Chapter 2 lA.37 KCC (the TDR program provisions). (' L05P0005 -Jessie Glen 4 3. The plat shall comply with the base density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-6-SO zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-6-SO zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger, except that minor revisions to the plat which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. 4. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (1993 KCRS). 5. The applicant shall obtain documentation by the King County Fire Protection Engineer certifying compliance with the fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. 6. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location oflots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval which represent portions of the drainage requirements. All other applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) must also be satisfied during engineering and final review. a. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual and applicable updates adopted by King County. DOES approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. b. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by DOES Engineering Review, shall be shown on the engineering plans. c. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings# on file with ODES and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file." 7. The drainage detention facility shall be designed to meet at a minimum the Conservation Flow Control and Basic Water Quality provisions in the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). 8. A drainage adjustment (L05V0052) is approved to combine the onsite subbasins into one post- developed detention facility. All conditions of approval for this adjustment shall be incorporated into the engineering plans. 9. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS) including the following requirements: a. Road A from 120th Avenue SE to Lot 37 shall be improved to the urban one-half street standard. The remaining portion of Road A from Lot 37 to the south plat boundary shall be improved to the urban subaccess street standard. L05P0005 -Jessie Glen 5 Road A shall include an adequate pavement radius to 1201h Avenue SE on the north side; unless otherwise approved by DDES. Property owner permission and an appropriate easement are required for this improvement, to be submitted with the engineering plans. The existing private driveway at this location is to be abandoned, with new access to Parcel 6198400300 on the new Road A. Property owner permission is required to relocate the driveway. Note that DDES has received a letter of intent to provide perm1ss10n. This subdivision shall comply with Section 1.03(D) of the KCRS. This Section requires a continuous public access prior to recording. If the proposed subdivision to the south (L04S0003) is not completed and approved by King County prior to this subdivision recording, a temporary turnaround shall be provided at or near the south end of Road A, subject to DDES approval as to location. b. Roads B, C, and D shall be improved to the urban subaccess street standard. c. The west R/W line for Road A shall be extended north across Lot 36 and Tract C to the north line of Tract C. d. The east R/W line for Road C shall be extended north across Lot 7 and 8 to the north line of Lot 7. e. FRONTAGE: The frontage of the site along I 16th Avenue SE shall be improved to the urban minor arterial standard (33 ft. half-width pavement section). The design shall require compliance with Section 4.0l(f) of the KCRS; asphalt overlay when widening. f. Twelve feet of additional R/W is required to be dedicated along the I 16th Ave SE frontage as required for a 42 ft total half width R/W(east side). g. FRONTAGE: The frontage along 120th Ave SE (west side) shall be improved at a minimum to the urban neighborhood collector standard. The design shall require compliance with Section 4.0l(f) of the KCRS; asphalt overlay when widening. h. Tract A shall be a minimum 26 feet wide and improved as a private access tract per Section 2.09 of the KCRS. This tract shall be owned and maintained by the lot owners served. Notes to this effect shall be shown on the engineering plans and on the final plat map. As an alternative to private access tract status, Tract A may be improved and dedicated as a public road subject to the KCRS. 1. Tract C shall be a minimum 20 feet wide and improved as joint use driveways per Section 3.01 of the KCRS. This tract shall be owned and maintained by the lot owners served. Notes to this effect shall be shown on the engineering plans and on the final plat map. J. A minimum 5 foot wide paved, public pedestrian walkway shall be provided between Road A and Road B, through Tract B. k. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section 1.08 of the KCRS. ( L05P0005 -Jessie Glen 6 I 0. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final plat recording. 11. The applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance. The applicant has the option to either: (I) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. 12. Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21A.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent (50%) of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and collected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building permit issuance. 13. There shall be no direct vehicular access to or from 116"' Avenue SE from those lots which abut it. A note to this effect shall appear on the engineering plans and final plat. 14. The planter islands (if any) within the cul-de-sacs shall be maintained by the abutting lot owners or homeowners association. This shall be stated on the face of the final plat. 15. Prior to final plat approval and recording, the applicant shall provide a valid Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Certificate approved by the King County Department of Natural Resources to create the three additional lots within the proposed development. The certificate must show the applicant (or successor or assign) as the lawful owner of the development rights. 16. Suitable recreation space shall be provided consistent with the requirements ofKCC 21A.14.180 and KCC 21 A.14.190 (i.e., sport court[s], children's play equipment, picnic table[s], benches, etc.). a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., area calculations, dimensions, landscape specifications, equipment specifications, etc.) shall be submitted for review and approval by DDES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the engineering plan. This plan must not conflict with the Significant Tree Inventory & Mitigation Plan. b. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. 17. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established to the satisfaction ofDDES which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation, open space and/or sensitive area tract(s). L05P0005 -Jessie Glen 7 18. Street trees shall be provided as follows (per KCRS 5.03 and KCC 21 A.16.050): a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. c. If King County determines that the ·required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by ODES iflocated within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. f. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by DOES prior to engineering plan approval. g. The applicant shall contact Metro Service Planning at 684-1622 to determine if l l 6'h Avenue SE and/or 120" Avenue SE are on a bus route. If 116" Avenue Se and/or 120'" Avenue SE are a bus route, the street tree plan shall also be reviewed by Metro. h. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after ODES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. 1. A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. The inspection fee is subject to change based on the current County fees. 19. To implement KCC 2 l.A.38.230, Special District Overlay-significant trees, which applies to the site, a detailed tree retention plan shall be submitted with the engineering plans for the subject plat. The tree retention and engineering plans shall be consistent with the requirements ofKCC. No clearing of the site is permitted until the tree retention plan is approved by DOES. Flagging and temporary fencing of trees to be retained shall be provided, consistent with KCC. The placement of impervious surfaces, fill material, excavation work, or the storage of construction materials is prohibited with the fenced areas around preserved trees, except as may be permitted under the provisions of KCC. ( L05P0005 -Jessie Glen 8 A note shall be placed on the final plat indicating that the trees shown to be retained on the tree retention plan shall be maintained by the future owners of the proposed Jots, consistent with KCC 2IA.38.230B6. The tree retention plan shall be included as part of the final engineering plans for the subject plat. ORDERED this 25th day of October, 2005. Peter T. Donahue, Deputy King County Hearing Examiner TRANSMITfED this 25th day of October, 2005, to the following parties and interested persons of record: Gary Johnson I 1811 SE 188th Street Renton WA 98058 Babu Parayil 1165 I SE 188th St. Renton WA 98058 Mike Snellgrove 18924 -I 16th Ave. SE Renton WA 98058 Trishah Bull DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Nick Gillen DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Steve Townsend DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Robert J. & Arlene Kokesh 7695 SW Westmoor Way Portland OR 97725 Seattle KC Health Dept. E. Dist. Environ. Health 14350 SE Eastgate Way Bellevue WA 98007 Ernest Thomson 17701 -108th Ave. SE PMB 206 Renton WA 98055 Kim Claussen DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Kris Langley DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Larry West DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Eric LaBrie ESM Consulting Eng. 33915 1st Way S, #200 Federal Way WA 98 Joseph Singh JPS Holdings LLC 18124 Riviera Pl. SW Seattle WA 98166 Kevin Torlai 19616-132nd Ave. SE Renton WA 98058 Lisa Dinsmore DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Carol Rogers DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Bruce Whittaker DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 In order to appeal the decision of the Examiner, written notice of appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council with a fee of$250.00 (check payable to King County Office of Finance) on or before November 8, 2005. If a notice of appeal is filed, the original and six (6) copies of a written appeal statement specifying the basis for the appeal and argument in support of the appeal must be filed with the L05P0005 -Jessie Glen 9 Clerk of the King County Council on or before November 15, 2005. Appeal statements may refer only to facts contained in the hearing record; new facts may not be presented on appeal. Filing requires actual delivery to the Office of the Clerk of the Council, Room I 025, King County Courthouse, 516 3'' Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104, prior to the close of business (4:30 p.m.) on the date due. Prior mailing is not sufficient if actual receipt by the Clerk does not occur within the applicable time period. The Examiner does not have authority to extend the time period unless the Office of the Clerk is not open on the specified closing date, in which event delivery prior to the close of business on the next business day is sufficient to meet the filing requirement. If a written notice of appeal and filing fee are not filed within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of this report, or ifa written appeal statement and argument are not filed within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the date of this report, the decision of the hearing examiner contained herein shall be the final decision of King County without the need for further action by the Council. MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 20, 2005, PUBLIC HEARING ON DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT AL SERVICES FILE NO. L05P0005. Peter T. Donahue was the Hearing Examiner in this matter. Participating in the hearing were Tri shah Bull, Bruce Whittaker and Kristen Langley, representing the Department; Eric Labrie representing the Appellant, and Babu Parayil. The following Exhibits were offered and entered into the record: Exhibit No. I Exhibit No. 2 Exhibit No. 3 Exhibit No. 4 Exhibit No. 5 Exhibit No. 6 Exhibit No. 7 Exhibit No. 8 Exhibit No. 9 Exhibit No. 10 Exhibit No. 11 Exhibit No. 12 Exhibit No. 13 Exhibit No. 14 Exhibit No. 15 Exhibit No. 16 PTD:gao L05P0005 RPT Department of Development and Environmental Services file no. L05P0005 Department of Development and Environmental Services Preliminary Report, dated October 20, 2005 Application for Land Use Permits, received March 14, 2005 SEPA Checklist received March 14, 2005 SEPA Determination of Non-significance issued September 16, 2005 Affidavit of Posting indicating a posting date of May 12, 2005; received by DDES on May 16, 2005 Preliminary plat map received July 14, 2005 (revision) Assessor's maps: SW 33-23-05, NW 04-22-05 and SE 32-23-05 Kroll page 605W Level One Downstream Analysis by ESM Consulting Engineers, LLC, received March 14,2005 KCSWDM adjustment approval letter for file L05V0052, dated September 22, 2005 Conceptual Neighborhood Circulation Plan by The Herbrand Company, received July 14, 2005 Traffic Impact Analysis by Mirai Transportation Planning & Engineering, received July 14, 2005 (revision) Wetland Determination by B-12 Wetland Consulting, Inc., received March 14, 2005 School Walking Conditions Analysis by ESM Consulting Engineers, LLC, received July 14, 2005 Traffic Narrative to be added to the Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner as condition H.5 L05P0005 Steve Townsend DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 September 21, 2005 NOTICE OF HEARING SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services File No. L05P0005 Proposed Ordinance No. 2005-0390 JESSIE GLEN SUBDIVISION Preliminary Plat Application Location: Eastern Side of I 16th Avenue Southeast, Between Southeast 188th Street and Southeast 192nd Street Applicant: JG Real Estate Group NW, LLC, represented by Joe Singh 18124 Riviera Place Southwest Seattle, Washington 98166 Telephone: (206) 799-3051 King County: Department of Development and Environmental Services, represented by Trishah Bull 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055 Telephone: (206) 296-6758 Facsimile: (206) 296-6613 A public hearing has been scheduled on this proposal for 9:30 a.m. on Thnrsday, October 20, 2005, in the Department of Development and Environmental Services Hearing Room, 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW, Renton, Washington. Any primary party wishing to reschedule the hearing for a different time or location must make a request in writing to that effect and must obtain the written concurrence of all other primary parties, which shall be submitted to the Hearing Examiner's Office at the above address within 7 days of the date of this notice. Primary parties include the applicant, property owner, and responsible County agency. (Other persons likely to be directly and substantially affected by County action on this proposal may request "party" status by submitting an intervenor petition to the Hearing Examiner.) Agreement to reschedule this proceeding shall constitute waiver by the parties of procedural time limits for its occurrence. A pre-hearing conference may be requested by any primary party prior to October 6, 2005. Hearing Examiner Rule VIII, which is included with this notice, governs pre-hearing conferences. If you are a party to this proceeding and believe a pre-hearing conference should be held prior to the public hearing, submit your written request with specific reasons in support thereof to the King County Hearing Examiner. ( .- L05P0005-Jessie Glen Page2of4 To promote efficiency in the conduct of hearings and to eliminate surprise, pre-hearing exchange of information is encouraged by the Rules of Procedure. Any person is entitled to receive, at cost, copies of documents in the County file. Application may also be made to the Examiner to direct exchange of other significant information by any person or agency. Mediation of disputes is available pursuant to King County Code Section 20.24.330 and Rules of Mediation. Please contact the Office of the Hearing Examiner if you need a copy of the Rules of Procedure or Rules of Mediation, or obtain the Rules by visiting our web site at www.metrokc.gov/mkcc/hearingexaminer. ORDERED this 21st day of September, 2005. I //2~ c~ /StaffordL.Srth ,;// King County Hearing Examiner TRANSMITTED this 21st day of September, 2005, to the following parties and interested persons: ESM Consulting Engineers, Gary Johnson Robert J. & Arlene Kokesh 720 S. 348th St. 11811 SE 188th Street 7695 SW Westmoor Way Federal Way WA 98003 Renton WA 98058 Portland OR 97725 Seattle KC Health Dept. Joseph Singh Mike Snellgrove E. Dist. Environ. Health JPS Holdings LLC 18924 -116th Ave. SE 14350 SE Eastgate Way 18124 Riviera Pl. SW Renton WA 98058 Bellevue WA 98007 Seattle WA 98166 Ernest Thomson Kevin Torlai Trishah Bull 17701 -108thAve. SE 19616-132nd Ave. SE DDES/LUSD PMB206 Renton WA 98058 MS OAK-DE-0100 Renton WA 98055 Kim Claussen Lisa Dinsmore Nick Gillen DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 Kris Langley Carol Rogers Steve Townsend DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 Larry West Bruce Whittaker DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 ·, L05P0005-Jessie Glen Page3of4 NOTE: If the Renton School District announces a district-wide school closure due to adverse weather conditions or similar area emergency, the public hearing on this matter will be postponed. Parties of record will be notified of the time and date of the rescheduled hearing. Any questions regarding postponements and rescheduling can be directed to the Hearing Examiner's Office at (206) 296-4660. Sign language and communication material in alternate formats can be arranged given sufficient notice at SLS:gao L05P0005 NOT Attachment 296-1000 (TDD number 296-1024). ( RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE KING COUNTY HEARING EXAMINER Rule VIII. PRE-HEARING CONFERENCES A. Purpose and Initiation Pre-hearing conferences promote efficient case management by providing an infonnal process for early identification of issues and resolution of procedural matters in complex cases. Evidence generally will not be received at a pre-hearing conference, except when required in order for the examiner to rule on a motion. (Pre-marking and introduction of exhibits to which there is no objection may occur at the discretion of the examiner.) The examiner, on motion of any party or upon his/her own motion, may convene a pre-hearing conference to: I. Identify, clarify, limit or simplify issues. 2. Hear and consider pre-hearing motions. 3. Schedule hearings, identify parties and witnesses, determine the order of and limits upon testimony, obtain stipulations as to facts and law, identify and admit exhibits, order discovery, and consider and act upon any other matter which may aid in the efficient disposition of the hearing. B. Requests for Conference A motion to convene a pre-hearing conference shall be made to the examiner as soon as the need for a conference is recognized by the moving party (at least 21 days prior to the scheduled hearing date), and shall state the reasons for the request, including any motions to be presented. For good cause stated in the motion, the examiner may consider a request that fails to meet the 21-day requirement. For hearings authorized under KCC 20.24.080, a motion by any party for a pre-hearing conference shall be granted if timely. However, unless consented to by all parties or otherwise ordered for good cause by the examiner, no pre-hearing conference on an appeal can be convened later than 45 days after receipt of the statement of appeal by the hearing examiner's office. C. Proceedings at Conference A party who has received timely notice of a pre-hearing conference shall identify at the conference any pre-hearing motions not previously made which he/she intends to make. Parties or interested persons may also file timely written pre-hearing motions for consideration at the pre-hearing conference. Failure to make or disclose a motion which was available to the party at the time of the conference may be grounds for its denial if subsequently made. D. Pre-hearing Order Following a pre-hearing conference, the examiner shall issue an order specifying all items determined at the conference. The order shall be binding upon all parties and interested persons who received timely notice of the conference. Revised March 31, 1995 • DIRECTIONS TO DOES HEARING ROOM 900 OAKESDALE AVE SW, RENTON SOUTHBOUND 1-5 EXIT 157 -Martin Luther King Way Turn RIGHT onto 68th Ave. S. 68'' Ave. S. becomes MONSTER RD. SW Monster Rd. turns into OAKESDALE AVE SW DOES is on your left (building 900) NORTHBOUND 1-5 • EXIT 154 to 1-405/W A-518/Burien/Renton Stay right to 1-405/Renton/Bellevue • 1-405 EXIT I to WA-181/W. Valley Hwy. LEFT onto W. Valley Hwy/SR 181 • RIGHT onto East Grady Way • LEFT onto Oakesdale Ave. SW DOES is on your right (building 900) NORTHBOUND SR 167 Northbound under the 1-405 overpass LEFT at SW 7'' St. (2rut light) LEFT onto Oakesdale Ave. SW DOES is on your left (building 900) SOUTHBOUND 1-405 • EXIT 2 to WA-167/Auburn/Rainier Ave. Follow to SR-167 (Valley Fwy.) north LEFT onto SW Grady Way • RIGHT onto Oakesdale Ave. SW ODES is on your right (building 900) NORTHBOUND 1-405 • EXIT I to Interurban Ave. S/W est Valley Hwy • LEFT at light at ramp bottom (north under 1-405) • RIGHT onto SW Grady Way • LEFT onto Oakesdale Ave. SW ODES is on your right (building 900) SW 7m SlllEET swoRA.DYWAY. N w s -E G:\working\Misc\Hex\DDES directions.doc TOWNSEND, STEVE LAND USE INSPECTIONS MS: OAK -DE-0100 DOES/ LUSD L05P0005 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER October 20, 2005 -PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:30 AM ODES Hearing Room 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Phone: (206) 296-6600 PROPOSED PLAT OF JESSIE GLEN FILE NO: L05P0005 PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO: 2005-0390 A. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ACTION: This is a request for a subdivision of7.7 acres into 49 lots for detached single-family dwelli11gs in the R-6-SO zone. Of the 49 lots, 3 lots are proposed under King County Code 21A.37, Transfer of Development Rights. The proposed density is approximately 6.36 dwelling units per acre. The lots range in size from approximately 3,780 to 6,600 square feet. See Attachment I for a copy of the proposed plat map. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: Owner/Developer: Engineer: STR: Location: Zoning: Acreage: Number of Lots: Joe Singh JG Real Estate Group NW, LLC 18124 Riviera Place SW Seattle, WA 98166 206-799-3051 ESM Consulting Engineers, LLC 33915 1'1 Way South, Suite #200 Federal Way, WA 98003 33-23-05 The site is located on the eastern side of l l 6'h Avenue SE, between SE l 88'h Street and SE l 92"d Street. R-6-SO 7. 7 acres 49 Density: 6.36 units per acre Lot Size: Ranges from approximately 3,780 to 6,600 square feet Proposed Use: Single-family detached dwellings Sewage Disposal: Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Water Supply: Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Fire District: King County District #40 School District: Renton School District #403 Complete Application Date: April 11, 2005 Staffrpt/masters/PLATFMT.Oct 1997 C r C. HISTORY/BACKGROUND: D. The Subdivision Technical Committee (STC) of King County has conducted an on-site examination of the subject property. The STC has discussed the proposed development with the applicant to clarify technical details of the application, and to determine the compatibility of this project with applicable King County plans, codes, and other official documents regulating this development. As a result of preliminary discussions, the applicant presented the Technical Committee with a revised plat on July 14, 2005. The modification was minor and included changes in the contact/applicant information on the face of the preliminary plat map. THRESHOLD DETERMINATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE: Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A), RCW 43 .21 C, the responsible official of the Land Use Services Division (LUSD) issued a threshold determination of non-significance (DNS) for the proposed development on September 16, 2005. This determination was based on the review of the environmental checklist and other pertinent documents, resulting in the conclusion that the proposal would not cause probable significant adverse impacts on the environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement (EIS) was not required prior to proceeding with the review process. Agencies, affected Native American tribes and the public were offered the opportunity to comment on or appeal the determination for 14 days. The DNS was not appealed by any party, including the applicant, and it has been incorporated as part of the applicant's proposal. E. AGENCIES CONT ACTED:. F. I. King County Department of Natural Resources: No response. 2. King County Parks Department: The comments from this division have been incorporated into this report. 3. King County Fire Protection Engineer: Fire protection engineering preliminary approval has been granted. 4. Renton School District #403: The comments from this district have been incorporated into this report. 5. Soos Creek Water and Sewer District: The comments from this district have been incorporated into this report. 6. Washington State Department of Ecology: No response. 7. Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife: No response. 8. Washington State Department ofNatural Resources: No response. 9. Washington State Department of Transportation: No response. I 0. METRO: No response. 11. City of Renton: See Attachment 2. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: I. Topography: The site generally slopes towards the south and east. The area is mostly flat with no significant slopes. 2. Soils: AgB surfaces soils are found on this site per King County Soil Survey, 1973. Staffrpt/masters/PLATFMT.Nov99.doc clc ll/10/99 -2 - .. AgB -Alderwood gravely, sandy loam; 0-6% slopes. Runoff is slow and the erosion hazard is slight. This soil type has a moderate limitation for low building foundations due to a seasonally high water table, and severe limitations for septic tank filter fields due to very slow permeability in the substratum. 3. Wetland/streams: The site lies within the Upper Soos Creek sub-basin of the Soos Creek drainage basin. 4. Vegetation: This site is second-story vegetation and groundcover consists of Northwest native species including salal, sword fern, berry vines, and grasses. Scattered evergreen/deciduous trees and brush occur in limited numbers. 5. Wildlife: Small birds and animals undoubtedly inhabit this site; however, their population and species are limited due to nearby development. Larger species may visit this site on occasion. G. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The site itself consists of 5 parcels totaling 7.7 acres. It is a combination of dense woods, shrubs/grass, landscaped yards, houses, and outbuildings with large lawn areas. The property is located within the Benson Hill area, located between the Cities of Renton and Kent. The area consists.of developed parcels. H. SUBDIVISION DESIGN FEATURES: 1. Lot Pattern and Density: The zoning of the subject property is R-6-SO. The proposed subdivision appears to meet the base density, minimum density, minimum lot width, and minimum Jot area requirements of the R-6-SO zone. 2. Internal Circulation: Access for the newly created lots will be provided by a new cul-de- sac on th.e northern portion of the site and by a new access road to connect with the · proposed short plat, L04S0003, and 120'h Avenue SE on the southern portion of the site. 3. Roadway Section: Road A from 120'h Ave SE to Lot 40 shall be improved to the urban one-half street standard. The remaining portion of Road A from Lot 40 to the south plat boundary shall be improved to the urban subaccess street standard. Roads B, C, and D shall be improved to the urban subaccess street standard. 4. Drainage: The Jessie Glen subdivision is located in the Upper Soos Creek subbasin of the Soos Creek basin. The site is subject to the Conservation (level two) flow control and Basic water quality requirements of the 2005 KCSWDM. The irregularly-shaped site consists of two separated rectangular-shaped areas connected by a unique 30-foot strip that provides continuity. The entire site and surrounding area gently slopes from west to east. The northwest rectangle abuts the east side of l l 6'h A venue SE. Sheet flow from the northwest rectangle crosses its eastern property line onto the abutting properties. To the south, the southeast rectangle abuts the west side 'of 120'h Avenue SE. Based on topography, sheet flow from the southeast rectangle crosses its south property line onto the adjacent property. All excess flow eventually recombines in the ditch on the west side of 120'h Avenue SE and flows south. Upon reaching SE 192"'1 Street, flows .turn east toward Soos Creek. The proposal is to collect most runoff from the northwest rectangle and direct it to the southeast rectangle where all site flows will enter a single detention and water quality facility located at the eastern end of the site adjacent to 120'h Avenue SE. From I20'h Avenue SE, the allowed release would then travel east on the north side of SE l 92"d Street. Nuisance flows to adjoining properties would be largely eliminated. , A conceptual drainage plan has been submitted showing the proposed stormwater facility in the Southeast corner within Tract D. Staffrpt/masters/PLATFMT.Nov99.doc clc 11/10/99 • 3 - I. TRANSPORTATION PLANS: J. I. Transportation Plans: The subject subdivision is not in conflict with the King County Transportation Plan, Regional Trail Plan, or Nonmotorized Transportation Plan. 2. · Subdivision Access: As stated previously, access for the newly created lots will be provided by a new cul-de-sac on the northern portion of the site and by a new access road to connect with the proposed short plat, L04S0003, and 120'h Avenue SE on the southern portion of the site 3. Traffic Generation: It is expected that approximately 490 vehicle trips per day will be generated with full development of the proposed subdivision. This calculation includes service vehicles (i.e., mail delivery, garbage pick-up, school bus) which may currently serve this neighborhood, as well as work trips, shopping, etc. 4. Adequacy of Arterial Roads: This proposal has been reviewed under the criteria in King County Code 14.70, Transportation Concurrency Management; 14.80, Intersection Standards; and King County Code 14.75; Mitigation Payment System. a. King County Code 14.70 -Transportation Concurrency Management: The Transportation Certificate of Concurrency dated October 22, 2004, indicates that transportation improvements or strategies will be in place at the time of development, or that a financial commitment is in place to complete the improvements or strategies within six (6) years, according to RCW 36.70A.070(6). b. King County Code 14.80 -Intersection Standards: The existing arterial system will accommodate the increased traffic volume generated by this proposal. c. King County Code 14.75 -Mitigation Payment System: King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), requires the payment of a traffic impact mitigation fee (MPS fee) and an administration fee for each.single family residential lot or unit created. MPS fees are determined by the zone in which the site is located. This site is in Zone 342 per the MPS/Quartersection list. MPS fees may be paid at the time of final plat recording, or deferred until building permits are issued. The amount of the fee will be determined by the applicable fee ordinance at the time the fee is collected. PUBLIC SERVICES: l. Schools: This proposal has been reviewed under RCW 58.17.110 and King County Code 21 A.28 (School Adequacy). a. School Facilities: The subject subdivision will be served by Benson Hill Elementary, Nelsen Middle, and Lindbergh Senior High Schools, all located within the Renton School District. b. School Capacity: The Renton School Board has adopted capacity figures which indicate their ability to accommodate additional students. c. School Impact Fees: No ordinance requiring impact fees for this school district has been adopted. d. School Access: The District has indicated that the future students from this subdivision will walk to Benson Hill Elementary School and be bussed to Nelsen Middle and Lindbergh Senior High Schools. Walkway conditions to Benson Hill Elementary school consist of sidewalks and paved shoulders. In addition, walkway conditions to the bus stops for Nelsen Middle School, located at l 16'h Avenue SE and SE 190'h Lane, and Lindbergh Senior High Schools, located at l 16'h Avenue SE and SE 18s'h Street, will consist of sidewalks and paved shoulders. Staffrpt/masters/PLATFMT.Nov99.doc clc 11/10/99 -4 .- 2. Parks and Recreation Space: The nearest public park is Boulevard Lane Park, located on the eastern portion of 1241h A venue SE, north of SE 192nd Street. KCC 21 A.14 requires subdivisions in the UR and R zone classifications to either provide on-site recreation space or pay a fee to the Parks Division for establishment and maintenance of neighborhood parks. At this time, the applicant is proposing to provide suitable recreation space. The Subdivision Technical Committee concurs with the applicant's proposal. KCC 21 A.14.190 requires subdivisions to provide tot/children play areas within the recreation space on-site. The proposal includes a 20,020-square-foot play area with a tot lot, sport court, and play structure. 3. Fire Protection: The Certificate of Water Availability from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District indicates that water is presently available to the site in sufficient quantity to satisfy King County Fire Flow Standards. Prior to final recording of the plat, the water service facilities must be reviewed and approved per King County Fire Flow Standards. K. UTILITIES: L. 1. Sewage Disposal: The applicant proposes to serve the subject subdivision by means of a public sewer system managed by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A Certificate of Sewer Availability, dated December 29, 2004, indicates this sewer district's capability to serve the proposed development. 2. Water Supply: The applicant proposes to serve the subject subdivision with a public water supply and distribution system managed by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A Certificate of Water Availability, dated December 29, 2004, indicates this district's capability to serve the proposed development. COMPREHENSIVE AND COMMUNITY PLAN: 1. Comprehensive Plan: This proposal is governed by the 2004 King County Comprehensive Plan which designates this area as Urban. · 2. Community Plans: The subject subdivision is located in the Soos Creek Community Plan area. M. ANALYSIS: The Subdivision Technical Committee has not identified any significant issues involved in the preliminary review and recommendations of this proposal. N. CONCLUSIONS: The subject subdivision will comply with the goals and objectives of the King County Comprehensive Plan and will comply with the requirements of the Subdivision and Zoning Codes and other official land use controls of King County, based on the conditions for final plat approval. 0. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the subject subdivision, revised and received July 14, 2005, be granted preliminary approval subject to the following conditions of final approval: 1. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19 of the King County <;:ode. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. 3. The plat shall comply with the base density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-6-SO zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-6-SO zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger, except that minor revisions to the plat which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. Staff~pt/masters/PLATFMT.Nov99.doc clc 11/10/99 -5 • r 4. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (1993 KCRS). 5. The applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. 6. Final plat approval .shall require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location of Jots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval which represent portions of the drainage requirements. All other applicable requirements inKCC 9.04 and the Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) must also be satisfied during engineering and final review. a. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual and applicable updates adopted by King County. DOES approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. b. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by ODES Engineering Review, shall be shown on the engineering plans. c. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall-be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings # on file with DOES and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file." 7. The drainage detention facility shall be designed to meet at a minimum the Conservation Flow Control and Basic Water Quality provisions in the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). 8. A drainage adjustment (L05V0052) is approved to combine the onsite subbasins into one post-developed detention facility. All conditions of approval for this adjustment shall be incorporated into the engineering plans. 9. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS) including the following requirements: a. Road A from 120'h Avenue SE to Lot 40 shall be improved to the urban one-half street standard. The remaining portion of Road A from Lot 40 to the south plat boundary shall be improved to the urban subaccess street standard. Road A shall include an adequate pavement radius to 120'h Avenue SE on the north side; unless otherwise approved by ODES. Property owner permission and an appropriate easement are required for this improvement, to be submitted with. the engineering plans. The existing private driveway at this location is to be abandoned, with new access to Parcel 6198400300 on the new Road A. Property owner permission is required to relocate the driveway. Note that DOES has received a letter of intent to provide permission. This subdivision shall comply with Section l .03(D) of the KCRS. This Section requires a continuous public access prior to recording. If the proposed subdivision to the south (L04S0003) is not completed and approved by King Staffrpt/masters/PLATFMT.Nov99.doc clc ll/~0/99 -6 - ) County prior to this subdivision recording, a temporary turnaround shall be provided at the south end of Road A. b. Roads B, C, and D shall be improved to the urban subaccess street standard. I c. The west R/W line for Road A shall be extended north across Lot 36 and Tract C to the north line of Tract C. d. The east R/W line for Road C shall be extended north across Lot 7 and 8 to the north line of Lot 7. e. FRONTAGE: The frontage ofthe site along 116 1h Avenue SE shall be improved to the urban minor arterial standard (33 ft. half-width pavement section). The design shall require compliance with Section 4.0I(t) of the KCRS; asphalt overlay when widening. f. Twelve feet of additional R/W is required to be dedicated along the 116 1h Ave SE frontage as required for a 42 ft total half width R/W(east side). g. FRONTAGE: The frontage along 120'h Ave SE (west side) shall be improved at a minimum to the urban neighborhood collector standard. The design shall require compliance with Section 4.0l(t) of the KCRS; asphalt overlay when widening. h. Tract A shall be a minimum 26 feet wide and improved as a private access tract per Section 2.09 of the KCRS. This tract shall be owned and maintained by the lot owners served. Notes to this effect shall be shown on the engineering plans and on the final plat map. 1. Tract C shall be a minimum 20 feet wide and improved as joint use driveways per Section 3.01 of the KCRS. This tract shall be owned and maintained by the lot owners served. Notes to this effect shall be shown on the engineering plans and on the final plat map .. J. A minimum 5 foot wide paved, public pedestrian walkway shall be provided between Road A and Road B, through Tract B. k. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section 1.08 of the KCRS. 10. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final plat recording. 11. The applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with King County Code 14. 75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance. The applicant has the option to either: (I) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. 12. Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21A.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent (50%) of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and collected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building permit issuance. 13. There shall be no direct vehicular access to or from 11_6'h Avenue SE from those lots which abut it. A note to this effect shall appear on the engineering plans and final plat. Staffrpt/masters/PLATFMT.Nov99.doc clc ll/10/99 -7 - • • 14. The planter islands (if any) within the cul-de-sacs shall be maintained by the abutting lot owners or homeowners association. This shall be stated on the face of the final plat. 15. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the Sensitive Areas Code as outlined in KCC 21A.24. Permanent survey marking and signs as specified in KCC 21A.24.160 shall also be addressed prior to final plat approval. Temporary marking of sensitive areas and their buffers ( e.g., with bright orange construction fencing) shall be placed on the site and shall remain in place until all construction activities are completed. 16. Suitable recreation space shall be provided consistent with the requirements ofKCC 21A.14,180 and KCC 21A.14.190 (i.e., sport court[s], children's play equipment, picnic table[s], benches, etc.). a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e. area calculations, dimensions, landscape specifications, equipment specifications, etc.) shall be submitted for review and approval by DDES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the engineering plan. This plan must not conflict with the Significant Tree Inventory & Mitigation Plan. b. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat 17. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established to the satisfaction ofDDES which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation, open space and/or sensitive area tract(s). 18. Street trees shall be provided as follows (per KCRS 5.03 and KCC 21A. l 6.050): a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. c. If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by DDES if located within the right-of- way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. f. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by DDES prior to engineering plan approval. g. The applicant shall contact Metro Service Planning at 684-1622 to determine if 1161h Avenue SE and/or 120'h Avenue SE are on a bus route. If l l 6'h Avenue Se ~ . and/or 120 Avenue SE are a bus route, the street tree plan shall also be reviewed by Metro. Staffrpt/rnasters/PLATFMT.Nov99.doc clc 11/10/99 -8 - h. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year ofrecording of the plat. At the time of inspectio·n, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after DDES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. 1. -A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. The inspection fee is subject to change based on the current County fees. 19. To implement KCC 21.A.38.230, Special District Overlay-significant trees, which applies to the site, a detailed tree retention plan shall be submitted with the engineering plans for the subject plat. The tree retention and engineering plans shall be consistent with the requirements of KCC. No clearing of the site is permitted until the tree retention plan is approved by DDES. Flagging and temporary fencing of trees to be retained shall be provided, consistent with KCC. The placement of impervious surfaces, fill material, excavation work, or the storage of construction materials is prohibited with.the fenced areas around preserved trees, except as may be permitted under the provisions of KCC. A note shall be placed on the final plat indicating that the trees shown to be retained on the tree retention plan shall be maintained by the future owners of the proposed lots, consistent with KCC 21A.38.230B6. The tree retention plan shall be included as part of the final engineering plans for the subject plat. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: I. The subdivision shall conform to KCC 16.82 relating to grading on private property. 2. Development of the subject property may require registration with the Washington State Department of Licensing, Real Estate Division. 3. Preliminary approval of this application does not limit the applicant's responsibility to obtain any required permit or license from the State or other regulatory body. This may include, but is not limited to the following: a. Forest Practice Permit froni the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources. b. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit from WSDOE. c. Water Quality Modification Permit from WSDOE. d. Water Quality Certification (401) Permit from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers TRANSMITTED TO PARTIES LISTED HEREAFTER: King County Hearing Examiner ESM CONSULTING EINGEERS LLC 720 SOUTH 348TH STREET FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 JOHNSON GARY 11811 SE 188TH ST RENTON WA 98058 JPS HOLDINGS LLC 18124 RIVIERA PL SW SEATTLE, WA 98166 KOKESH, ROBERT & ARLENE 7695 SW WESTMOOR WAY PORTLAND OR 97725 SEATTLE KC HEALTH DEPT. E DIST. ENVIRON. HEALTH 14350 SE EASTGATE WAY BELLEVUE WA 98007 SNELLGROVE, MIKE 18924 116TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98058 THOMSON, ERNEST 1770 I I 08 TH A VE SE PMB 206 RENTON, WA 98055 TORLAI, KEVIN 19616 132ND AVE SE RENTON, WA 98058 WILLIAMS KARA PO BOX 1588 RENTON WA 98057 Staffrpt/masters/PLATFMT.Nov99.doc clc 11/10/99 -9 - ,-· BULL, TRISHAH PROJECT MANAGER II DDES/LUSD MS: OAK -DE-0100 CLAUSSEN, KIM PROGRAM MANAGER III MS: OAK-DE-0100 ODES/ LUSD DINSMORE, LISA CURRENT PLANNING SUPERVISOR MS: OAK-DE-0100 DDES/LUSD GILLEN, NICK WETLAND REVIEW DDES/LUSD MS: OAK-DE-0100 LANGLEY, KRIS TRAFFIC ENGINEER DDES/LUSD MS: OAK-DE-0100 ROGERS, CAROL CURRENT PLANNING SECTION MS: OAK -DE-0100 DDES/LUSD TOWNSEND, STEVE LAND USE INSPECTIONS MS: OAK -DE-0100 DOES/ LUSD WEST, LARRY GEO REVIEW DDES/LUSD MS: OAK -DE-0100 WHITTAKER, BRUCE SR. ENGINEERDDES/LUSD MS: OAK-DE-0100 Staffrpt/mascers/PL:A.TFMT.Nov99.doc clc 11/10/99 -10 - i PRELIMINARY PLAT OF JESSIE GLEN n A PORTION OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W .M. ~ I / ~j :) C z~ (/) ~~ f(/) <I~ ::, 2 t tff r J8 "'' (Li§ 0 ..J a. ,_ (!} 8 :St; ..J a. IU::, ~..J ~ -;-/ •' .. /_ ... .,/'•' ,lJ- 4'°,? •' ~ I! ----I! "l -,-- I .I ,.,/ •' ~- •'" S.E. 1112ND STREET -(PAINICU'Al.~ L05P000 5 t= .. / ./ •'" S IGHT DISTANCE I t6Jl1 .JNt. Sf / ft9AD R 0,U>S ARTQHAL) DaCN Sl'CD: " WM onoac Dff C1SWCL S10PP11C SD« 01St.NCC; tDMlllllt ... ll(QUlllllt .... l'RCMID!: >GCI' MCMDCt >400' SCALE: 1• • 6<T ;i-;-:---,;$ ls IWH E4, g / BAM A OfRIKftfP90 CQ. I CAD6} DCIAf~ .. 1PM oau.G 1ICIHf OISTNCL ~ SDn CGtAHC£; IIIO:IUIMDt • .,. llfQIM[Jt. 250" ~ ~ ,w:MDr(D; >~ ~ro "'/ ~'o •' •. /' PROPERTY OWNERS: WCtW1 '· StEJ.QJl(M 1112• 111TH M st ---.,...._ tto:11 I lfTM M tc --- DEVELOPER: IM[--l15 3f"4 M SW. SU'lt I ,v(MJJJ#. WA t6173-)fto COHTACfl TY POIDOIOIWl __ .,,,,. """L-.. 110N 11.nt MK ----L_... , .. l.awHM K --- ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: DM CONSU.TIC IMCHDtS. UC 720 S. J.+IIM SIIIED f'EDDUil,. ......... NOO.J COHDCJ: (NC: &.aa:11: o=,J) ut-ftl.) TRAFFIC ENGINEER:• T# • C m.J 11Z .-.oa.a_ t«. IUn" IOI IQ.l1\,I\C.. IIDCM-215.2 CDHIJCT:; 'C ~ (tlS)~SJ:20 WETLAND BIOLOGIST: .. ,1 ASSOQQ[S 1 HQ 'l£Sf loUJCDt snuT IICOff, W. N0,32-5751 (Qf'tJ(;T: ID IOIU.L C1:SJ) ll5f-051, /,•' •' !! ~~ z ~I~ ti ~! !. /'" •' lD'_J~ =-1 --- 1 II VICNlYMAP SITI:DATA ASSa10ftS PMal.. ~ lOUt. 9IC,,,.,.,, I I NolO-OOIQ. f 1tl.0--0100. IIIM0-0'20, attl.....014' #Gfl~ 1.1 IC. ~fl\.N4~:;.~ -..... ---"""""""" ..___,. ...,.,._,. ---mmoa, ...,.._, - .. I.Of. SIQ..[ ,.......,. tlDIIOfflill Ml alUIICS lO • M)O,(D,, 1 wca.c HOW 10 K. MlJX'A1ID SOOS CIICOt SOf'Dl CIS'INCT SOOS QIIIO. 9Q'IJI DlnlCt ,con SOCXI. msnlCf (4°') -...... ......_. ..... """'--~ ,u:a:r .UONJQ' -..:C or 80UNCWff NG ~ CSII NL.0 ...o', .JNal/tlrt, 1005, DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (R-6): -----_..,_ --• 0,/JC. • OAJ/,C. :w '111:JMt: ,,, -.. 911:ic A'IIID!: 1CI" -,.. .......~~ »· a.x. WIJIMQ,IS ,...ACC. lQIC DENSllY C ALCULATION S: ~ /llll!/£A. l.JS,<1 11 S, -1.1 IC M.: IIN5ln': • OJ/IOC ~IICIGffT'; tOJ/Jtt:111£ ~OIJIO..LH:'*"'5,,: '4""1$ ....... ~ .)<ll.ltffl ~ OOdW'f" .. w.:rs NCnt. lHll """"8:T IS NIOfi'OSIN: 1D USC fflWS lO IOIE'C 4J U'1I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: AIICIU: 1lrU .,.. flllST lrMOICAM fflU l'SIWCC «Ml>Hf ,U f;.'2tl-t7Jn<I, ll/1(2DD4 ~ U)f • 9'I a.ooc t or ~ c:MIDOf 'llllolrCtS ON 1tO. .._ lttl:MlfC lD ,V:, IIEtdlXD IUli14&f 24. tt50 It -.aJM O OT P\N$ Al ,w%{1) 74. It Ole COIA'ITY, ~ ~ I.Of s .. ~ ' Of IOfflfllDIDIM CltllllCN -.,cts ""' Ma. • ~ lO l'\.Al tlCCDGl> M.ICUSf" 24, '* It '1QJ.AI( 47 OT ,u,J$ "1 ,w:((SJ 7 4. If ICIC CDUHT'(, ~ ~JOn:tf(XlDTt ..... 00( I Of~ ~ fflM:15 ON MO. 4. 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OF RENTON Kathy Keolker-Wbeeler, Mayor Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator September 28, 2005 Trishah Bull King County Department of Development & Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 SUBJECT: JESSIE GLEN SUBDIVISION, L05P0005 Dear Ms Bull : Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project proposal. Renton's Planning/Building/Public Works Department comments are as follows: The proposed development is within Renton's potential annexation area. Therefore, we request that street improvements (roadway pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalks, street lighting, etc.) for the internal street system and for the portion of all streets abutting the proposed development si te be installed according to City of Renton standards. Sincerely, fl)1':J/{ '?;tlJ!~ Gregg Zunmerman, Admin istrator Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. cc: Alex Pietsch, EDNSP Administrator Lys Hornsby, Utility Systems Director Sandra Meyer, Transportation Director Lesley Betlach, Parks Director Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshall Jennifer Henning, Principal Planner Bob Mahn, Civil Engineering Joe Singh, JG Real Estate Group NW, LLC, Applicant __ _.H:..·\.u;EiJJ.Jcli..JSo2,:yQs\A.IQ.I.D£1JMe.&.. 1 ::...-g1:.1~;uJ:.J!Lo.o:.w~~lliwG:i1S~w 3 ~wi~J1Jau.ttt,u~~~a.-.::..-~u.:~L:~ci;.ilia:.c:;~WilliPOw:;ias\Ciciu.~cci.t:i.1 1 ;::.t~'.llA..J~.c:iS1i5.ls5~c 5 &1el.cicol.!swurubct1.1civ~iss.uialDoi..ccttaacc.__ ~ @ ThlS paper oon1a1ns 50% recyeled rnator!al, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE C URVE ATTACHMENT~L,~~ l \ __ .....:__Of ____ ,...,,.,,,,,,__ PAGE PAGE ··,~.· ® Date of Issuance: Project: Location: King County ][)epartment of Development and Environmental Services State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Determination of Non-Significance for LOSPOOOS -Jessie Glen September 16, 2005 Subdivision of 7. 7 acres into 49 lots for the development of single family detached residences in the R-6-SO zone. The proposed lots range in size from approximately 3,780 to 6,600 square feet. The property is located on the eastern side of 116 111 A venue SE, between SE l 88 1 1, Street and SE l 92"d Street. King County Permits: Formal Plat (DOES File No. L05P0005) Trishah Bull, Planner SEP A Contact: Proponent: Zoning: Community Plan: Drainage Basin: Scctionffownship/Range: Notes: (206) 296-6758 Joe Singh JG Real Estate Group NW, LLC 18124 Riviera Place SW Seattle, WA 98166 (206) 799-3051 R-6-SO Soos Creek Soos Creek SW-33-23-05 A. This finding is based on review of the project site plan received July 14, 2005(revised), environmental checklist received March 14, 2005, Level l Downstream Drainage Analysis received March 14, 2005, Traffic Impact Analysis received March 14, 2005 and Traffic Impact Analysis Response received July 14, 2005, and Wetland Determination received March 14, 2005, and other documents in the file. B. Issuance of this threshold determination does not constitute approval of the permit. This proposal will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable King County codes which regulate development activities, including the Uniform Fire and Building Codes, Road Standards, Surface Water Design Manual, and the Sensitive Areas Regulations. .. -. Ll)5P0005 -Jessie Glen September 16, 2005 Page 2 Threshold Determination The responsible official finds that the above described proposal does not pose a probable significant adverse impact to the environment. This finding is made pursuant to RCW 43.21C, KCC 20.44 and WAC 197-11 after reviewing the environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency and considering mitigation measures which the agency or the applicant will implement as part of the proposal. The responsible official finds this infonnation reasonably sufficient to evaluate the environmental impact of this proposal. The lead agency has determined that the requirements for environmental analysis, protection, and mitigation measures have been adequately addressed in the development regulations and comprehensive plan adopted under chapter 36.70A RCW, and in other applicable local, state, or federal laws or rules, as provided by RCW 43.21 C.240 and WAC 197-11-158. Our agency will not require any additional mitigation measures under SEPA. Comments and Appeals Written comments or any appeal of this threshold determination must be received by King County's Land Use Services Division prior to 4:30 PM on October 3, 2005. Appeals must be accompanied by a nonrefundable filing fee. Please reference the file numbers when corresponding. Appeals must be in writing and state the perceived errors in the threshold determination, specific reasons why the determination should be reversed or modified, the harm the appellant will suffer if the threshold determination remains unchanged, and the desired outcome of the appeal. If the appellant is a group, the ham1 to any one or more members must be stated. Failure to meet these requirements may result in dismissal of the appeal. Comment/appeal deadline: Appeal filing fee: Address for comment/appeal: Responsible Official: Current Planning Section Land Use Services Division Date Mailed: September 16, 2005 SEPA Dctem1ination.doc 7/27/99 clc 4:30 PM on October 3, 2005 $250 check or money order made out to the King County Office of Finance King County Land Use Services Division ATTN: Current Planning Section 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 ",•' ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 September 22, 2005 Joe Singh JPS Holdings 33915 First Way South #200 Federal Way, WA 98003 Laura Cociasu ESM Consulting Engineers, LLC 33915 First Way South #200 Federal Way, WA 98003 RE: Jessie Glen Subdivision 2005 KCSWDM Adjustment Request (File No. L05V0052) Dear Applicant and Engineer: The Land Use Services Division, Engineering Review Section, has completed review of the adjustment request for the Jessie Glen subdivision. You are requesting approval for an adjustment from the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) Core Requirement No. I, Section 1.2.1, Discharge at the Natural Location. Our review of the information and a site visit provides the following findings: I. The proposed Jessie Glen subdivision is located between 1 J 6'h and J 20'h Avenues SE north of SE J 92"d Street. The 49 lot, 7. 7 acre, proposed Jessie Glen subdivision is filed under Land Use Services Division (LUSD) file number L05P0005. 2. The Jessie Glen subdivision is located in the Upper Soos Creek subbasin of the Soos Creek basin. The site is subject to the Conservation (level two) flow control and Basic water quality requirements of the 2005 KCSWDM. 3. The irregularly-shaped site consists of two separated rectangular-shaped areas connected by a unique 30-foot strip that provides continuity. The entire site and surrounding area gently slopes from west to east. The northwest rectangle abuts the east side of 116 1h Avenue SE. Sheet flow from the northwest rectangle crosses its eastern property line onto the abutting properties. To the south, the southeast rectangle abuts the west side of 120 1h Avenue SE. Based on topography, sheet flow from the southeast rectangle crosses its south property line onto the adjacent property. All excess flow eventually recombines in the ditch on the west side of I 20th Avenue SE and flows south. Upon reaching SE J 92"d Street, flows tum east toward Soos Creek. It appears that some upstream area would be tributary to the site. 4. The proposal is to collect most runoff from the northwest rectangle and direct it to the southeast rectangle where all site flows will enter a single detention and water quality facility located at the eastern end of the site adjacent to !20th Avenue SE. From 1201h -. ' Jessie Glen/L05V0052 September 22, 2005 Page 2 of3 Avenue SE, the allowed release would then travel east on the north side of SE l 92"d Street. Nuisance flows to adjoining properties would be largely eliminated. Only frontage improvements along 1161h Avenue SE appear to be included in the conceptual drainage plan. 5. No decorative ponds or shallow wells have been identified that would be affected by the proposed diversion. 6. The Level One Downstream Analysis identified an apparent repeat of drainage complaint 1996-1550. At the downstream end of the conveyance path on the north side of SE 192nd Street is a driveway culvert crossing for the residence at 19121 1241h Avenue SE. This driveway crossing is just prior to flow entering Soos Creek. It has been observed to be plugged and appears to need cleaning. This situation does not trigger the need for a higher level of flow control. 7. A consolidation of facilities for the proposed subdivision will be more economical in long term maintenance. · Based on these findings, we hereby approve this adjustment to allow the diversion of runoff to a single combined drainage facility draining to 120 1h Avenue SE with the following conditions: I. The release rates for the detention facility will be based on the tributary area being directed to the facility. 2. The volume for the detention facility will be based on all flows directed to the facility at full development under current zoning. The allowed release rate will be reduced by any undetained flows that would bypass the proposed subdivision drainage facilities. The detention volume shall be sized using the Conservation flow control standard in the 2005 KCSWDM. A IO to 20 percent volumetric factor of safety must be applied to all storm events requiring detention. The design Technical Information Report shall state the factor of safety selected and the basis of that determination. 3. Water quality facilities must be sized based on the entire proposed subdivision draining to the facilities including any required frontage improvements. 4. All onsite or offsite drainage facilities must be located in a public right-of-way, recreation space tract with easement or storm drainage tract dedicated to King County. 5. Additional storm drainage requirements identified by SEPA or the plat hearing review will apply to this project. The applicant retains all rights and privileges afforded in Section 1.4. If you have any further questions regarding this KCSWDM adjustment or the design . requirements, please contact Mark Bergam at (206) 296-7270. Jessie Glen/L05V0052 September 22, 2005 Page 3 of3 Sincerely, James Sanders, P.E. Development Engineer Engineering Review Section Land Use Services Division Jim Chan, P.E. Supervising Engineer Site Engineering and Planning Section Building Services Division cc: Curt Crawford, P.E., Managing Engineer, Stormwater Services Section, KCDNR Bruce Whittaker, Engineer III, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Trisha Bull, Project/Program Manager II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Mark Bergam, P.E., Engineer III, Engineering Review Section, LUSD ) King County Department of Dtvtlopmtnt and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Surface Water Design Manual Requirements / Standards Adjustment* Request Project Name: Jeshe Glen Preliminary Plat Project Address: SE 192nd and !16th Ave SE ApplicanUAgent: Phone: 206/ Joe Singh, JPS Holdings 799-3051 Signature: Date: Address: City, State, Zip Code: 33915 1st Way S. 11200, Federal way WA, 98003 INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT/DESIGN ENGINEER: DOES Project File No.: L05P0005 DOES Engineer/Planner Name: Trishah Bull/Mark Bergam Design Engineer: Phone: Laura Cociasu 253-76,-3173 Signature: Date: Engineering Firm Name: ESM Consulting Engineers, LLC Address: City, State, Zip Code: 33915 1st Way s. 11200, Federal Way WA, 98003 Please be sure to Include all plans (T.I.R., tf available), sketches, photos and maps that may assist in complete review and consideration of this adjustment request. Failure to provide all pertinent information may result In delayed processing or denial of your request. Please submit two complete copies pf this request application fonn and ppp!lcable fee to the DOES Intake Counter, at 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest, Renton, Washington 98055-1219. For additional information, phone Randall Parsons, P.E., at {206) 296-7207. DESCRIPTION OF ADJUSTMENT REQUEST: CJ Standard CJ Complex CJ Experimental CJ Blanket CJ Pre-application APPLICABLE VERSION KCSWDM: CJ 1990 (11/95) • CJ 1998 (9/98) o: 2005 • (Note: the term "variance' replaced by "adjustment') APPLICABLE SECTION(S) OF STANDARDS: Core Requirement #1 JUSTIFICATION PER KCSWDM SECTION 1.4.2 l!!I See attachments listed below. AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURES: DETERMINATION: D Approval ~onditional Approval {see below) D Denial D DNRIWLRD Approval Signed: --+.--t~7"t----:fl--------(Experimental & Blanket variances only) DDES Staff Recommendation Signed: Date: ·t:2--a- Conditions of Approval: See attached Memo Dated: DOES DIRECTOR/DESIGNEE: DDES,..-~d-.U.se Services Div., Engineering Review Supervisor: S gned: tiJ 1/l, o<"' L05V0052 f'951/£R.S/SWI1M·ADJ .doc F96/ERS/SWDMR•S.cpy22.doc 11/17/99 clc DOES, Bldg. Serv. Div., Site Engineering & Plannlng Supervisor: Signed: D JUL 1 ~ 2005 K.C. D.D.E.S ,.~... ··:. ] C O N S II I I I N G E N G N E E R S I I C I ®i I@ I~ I ""' , •v ,~ ' , . ]i June 22, 2005 Job No. 1166-001-005-0001 Mr. Mark Bergam King County DOES Land Use Services Division -Engineering Review 900 Oaksdale Ave. SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 RE: Jessie Glen Prellmlnary Plat Application LUSD File No. L05P0005 Request for Adjustment to the Surface Water Design Manual Core Requirement #1 Dear Mr. Bergam: On behalf of JPS Holding, LLC., ESM Consulting Engineers, LLC. is requesting an adjustment to the Core Requirement #1 for the proposed Jessie Glen subdivision. The adjustment is being requested based on the Preliminary Plat Application comment letter from Trisha Bull dated June 21, 2005. The proposed project encompasses approximately 7.7 acres and is located in unincorporated King County, on the East Hill of Kent More specifically, the project is located between 116th Avenue SE and 1201h Avenue SE, just north of SE 192°d Street, and includes King County Tax Parcel Numbers 619840-0080, 619840-0100, 619840-0120, 619840-0140, and 619840-0320. The .configuration of this project is somewhat unique as we are proposing two separate developed areas that are connected via a 30' wide parcel of land, which is proposed to be part of the required park area. See attached Preliminary Plat sheets for more detail. Stormwater drainage for the two separate proposed developed areas will be collected and conveyed to a detention pond as shown on the attached Preliminary Road and Drainage Plan. The adjustment to the Core Requirement #1 is being requested because we would like to combine the subbasins for the north and south sites into one post developed stormwater drainage facility. Ordinance 15052 dated May 26, 2005 for the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual describes Core Requirement #1 as follows: "Discharge at the natural location. All surface and storm water runoff from a project shall be discharged at the natural location so as not to be diverted onto, or away from, downstream properties. The manner in which runoff is discharged from the project site shall not create a significant adverse impact to downhill properties or drainage systems as specified in the discharge requirements of the Surface Water Design Manual• The review criteria which will be used to evaluate this adjustment were also taken from Ordinance 15052 and are listed below in italics with a response addressed in bold: 33915 1st Way South Suite 200 Tel (2531 838 6113 Fax (253) 838 7104 ' Bothell (425) 415 6144 www.esmcivil.com Civil Engineering Project Management land Surveying D ~@~o LaollJl'"~'"4 200 Pus'11c \ivor'ks 5 Landscape Architecture •" ' . ,. Mr. Mark Bergam June 22, 2005 Page 2 (1) Produce a compensating or comparable result in the public interest, and The project proposes to direct stormwater drainage from two separate areas Into one detention pond. The public community will benefit from this design because It will reduce the maintenance and operation activities to one detention pond instead of two. (2) Meet this chapter's objective of safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability based on sound engineering judgement Existing topography shows the north project site (Lots 1 -31 and respective roadways and tracts) draining to the east through adjoining private lots prior to reaching a ditch flowing south on the east side of 120th Avenue SE. Since the project site was orlglnaliy heavily forested, most of the stormwater runoff would infiltrate prior to reaching the existing ditch. Therefore, with this adjustment, the impact to the existing lots to the east will be mlnlmal. The natural location for a stormwater detention faclllty for Lots 1 -31 would be along the east property line with a discharge of existing undeveloped stormwater flows through the existing lots to the east to ultimately reach the existing ditch along 120th Avenue SE. Routing the stormwater to the detention pond in Tract D provides a safer and more functional alternative due to the fact that stormwater drainage wlli not be directed through private properties. As mentioned In response to criteria (1 ), It is in the public interest to limit maintenance to one detention pond. In addition, no adverse environmental impacts will result from this adjustment of the stormwater discharge location. In summary, the proposed adjustment to the Core Requirement #1 is in the public interest and meets the objective of safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability based on our engineering judgment As requested, we are enclosing a completed Surface Water Design Manual Requirements/Standards Adjustment Reques~ three copies of sheets 1, 2, and 4 of the Preliminary Plat plans, one copy of each Certification and Transfer of Applicant Status forms, a copy of the Level One Downstream Analysis, an aerial photograph of the project site, courtesy of King County lmap, and a check for the current fee of $2,672.00. Please give me a call if you have any comments or questions. Sincerely, ESM=NGc:~LC. LAURA COCIASU, P.E. Project Engineer Attachments CC: Trishah Bull, King County ODES Current Planning Section LUSD i:\esm-jobsl 1166\001 1005\document\adjustmentkingcounty.doc , 0 b ~ :, i;; z !" ' 5 " ;g 8 " • .. i _ _J ---, " $ " 0 .. 0 00 0 0 > C ~ " s " • 0 ~ ; g ; g ~ § ' ~ ' e i 0 0 ii i "• ' 11 ! ',,, ... I L · ·\,. ·., . . ' \.' : -4-----------------------------·---~ ~ . ·-~ 01°25'16" E 1402 09' . · Y, , :t r----',:-116TH AVE S.E,. {. N 01"25'16" E 298,18' r ---i'«i.oF --.-,ii:"t---'i!~--.;;.;~r"-r,ll,.;;,~ .. ::::.;.:..._...,::'."'"..,. .... '"'.'.""';;;+:'1'°'ri:- b -1 !" ID b n :s ~ !f.. -----1"8.19' ..... -1.i-----u.?..-~ -'v == .=: .=: :::= m -== -1 0 " Ch \ ~o.o•· ~ I iq N 01"20"32" E ~! -.J '• I'() ~ ~ --"'-' ~~· I "'P • 0 i ;• \• I~ I I I > ' 0 g z 0 " l ~ .:: • 0 ' " ' " " " ' 0 ~ , • ! 0 " • .§ ' ' • ' ,_, + 0 C, I a ' " " .• JESSIE GLEN A PORTION OF THE SW l/4 OF' THE SW 1/4 OF" SECTION 33. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.1.1., l<IJ,(G COUt<ITY, WASHINGTON SE£ sHE:£-r 3 OF 6 42'RADII.IS-n.-~\© LOT 6, BLOCK 1 l£GEND S£'T cotteREtt l,IONUWU,f VOL./PG. ;2.4-_1 /u 11 .. ,,. CASE S'!AUP[!) "LS 2929'" . ...-· .. /' _.-·-· .. "'• .•. -~---,, ... !ll::.::-- "'· ~ WO,IEN1' 0 0 0 El r0l,IID MONUMENT .lS N()T(O DICEPTIO~ Fl<OU TITlE 11£PORT S£f: CORl'ttsPONOINC NOTE ON s.trrT 2 OF 5 }-::c -~ .-····~o, <~-,. __ z_j? 9.i,{ ~ 1·,· a· I< •• 6' lfOOO· .i· ,. -:' 75.0Y roter · ~ .-°NB9"55'5S"E .. ,.,,, ... ,, .. ,·····'1 ,~ ~:11;: 32/''· K -1~ 38 ~; 39 ., • @ ·is 2 ~ 40 '"! ~ ~ • 3: ~ LOT ~ / EHCV"6IWICC SU ~DING NOTE ON SMEU 5 OF S === sa COAAESPONDIHG NOfE: OH SH[t'T 5 OF S ·-~ 1,. • DELTA L • AllC l!'NCTii ft (R) • l!.l,ClW._ lOT U'<E / IQ,()W. BU.!ING AT LOT COAA01 · << >> • CMJW.L L .. E t.D0Cn< ~-~~fSJ~~ ------• WIRE fENCC ------• ~ UNI( fVICt I ;;"" _______________ L ____ z .::, ._,.,a·r.iJ;-, .. · 4000· ~~Net [Q w w U) ----~ • WOOO l'U•C£ (l!EM) • RO,l~l'S OF Dll.,\PIOATUI fL'IQ; ~-PRIVATE STORM (lllAIJ,W;E: ~ I N_,1;1!rso·5t::E 960.57' I I /~ SCALE: 1 • .. 40' ---.:·, •. ,,,,., ... , ... , .... -· ._,/··· 4U',.f'20' 0 .,. LOT 6, BLOCK 2 L NB9"55'58"E 630.11' I r I ___ .. ,_-___ :::...___ ' tl1 ' :io.o~· I w I ~I >I -,_----~·c__ ,,, __ es;,,+:----~~ L[s11a f>SEUENl TO PIJGO SOl/ltO r-. = .. ~ ,o• llD -11 ~ IX 3(1 _ .. 40 ~! 41 ~ ;:: '-\ ..... 0 jf i-,V .. -I! ,~1o 43 i ! 4l ;: _' 45 Jf ··4~ . ·.~.,., ... , ... : ~.-·· ::: ,. .. . . TRACT D DRAINAGE FACILITY ~I 1- ;I,'; -s w @ • > D m <( w I 4007 I ~oo· ' w ~%C£1/ U) ,ooo· ~- I ' UN( TABLE I CURVE TABLE --= -00.U = "' -,· 12 . .l!i "' ~,.ro "' ,-28.!17 "' ,. 9·, ~-~ w . ,oo w ~-~ "' r . -r ,e.11 = »o, = • ... D.D.E.S. FILE NO. L05POOD5 ··.,: .. : ... .49~ -~041·, •. /_ ..• ..io:::o:· NB9"50"5S'E .-9~·-,". ,;·1· ·-:. \ aw. LINK IU<CE I N:>ITTH'NE.STERN GARDEN·.7.RACT..s-·.:· I DIV15DN tt::I, 4 . ·· ...... · ... ,,· ;. -~-00 25.00 36.00 E t>OIE;-11<™(:-0PINION QF ~ SUIM.l'Oll, 1HC UIW(J FEt«:ES OCPICIEO HERt.Dtl AA£, OR WERE. F01CES Of COIN(NIDICf." OR NfllW_ -i:Cffll!Cl_ FEJ;CC;. rr IOOT QRICltW.l.Y CONSfRVCT(t) TO S(RVE PlllliU.Rll_y IJOLINllAftY fOfC(S Nm CO NOT l'RESCNflT ISTITU1l: NI ENCIICl',CHMDIT UPON nE PLO.T. TH£ CllON'S or KWER OOll'!O ro,cr ALOI«; TI1[ WCS'I ""° l1 UN£ Of LOT 32 ,.,.0 TI-1E WEST LINE Of lOT lJ NI TO HAV[ B££ti CONSfl!\JCTU> FOil fltE USE Of' R£SIODICE rORM£1ll.T OCC\JPlltlG TliE /,/1:U,. Of LOTS 1 32 THROUGH lf> {-REWOYEO)_.tHO 00 IOOT CON$lllVW Ni rncROAOM/IT ~ 11-<£ PU,T. 0 DWG """"'f: \ \(SM8\ENG$1'\ 1 I 66\001\00~\Pl.OTS\FP-0~.~~ ,. " ' :-0 z 51 "' I L I I t.:.::.;.:f co,-,-ULTliG EN_G'lK-iERS LLC<~-1 .,... "'w.,i>o.tt,.... I $-d * I '?JI I.• f~ Way.-.WA 98000 ,:."" . _;: -~-~#~·~civil .. ~~ ./~-.,::r:;m c:1v1, E~-9 1 1..an;.SuN~~r '/ la<><! Pie!;~ Public Wori<a Proj<o,,t'~amonl. t. ~ ArCl'lltodo,re JOB NO. 1166--001 -0<6 ORAWN; ~.._"!__ DATE> ~l:IE_E!_ ··=·., . ./.:, ~ . . -C Engell, Bruce From: Sent: To: Subject: Tenzing: Engell, Bruce Thursday, May 17, 2007 10:32 AM Thinley, Tenzing Jessie Glen L05SR054 I have routed you 3 copies of the latest REVISED Significant Tree Retention Plan on the above referenced plat. Mr. Singh will need to submit the bond for existing and planting of trees as we discussed. The trees to be planted (as shown on the plan) shall be performed by a qualified landscaper. Monitoring can be done along with the street trees if possible. If not let me know and I'll do a final after the trees are planted to determine quality of trees and planting success. Let me know if I can be of further assistance. Thanks. 1 soc ® I" King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, Washington 98055-1219 February 27, 2006 Summary of Charges and Payments Page I of I --··-----------·------·--·----------------·--·-,------·--·--·---·· ---------· .... ···----------·---·. 'Applicant: Description JPS HOLDINGS LLC 18124 RIVIERA PL SW SEATTLE, WA 98166 (206) 799-3051 Deposit Based on Est Hrs Site Inspect Counter Fee SUB TOTAL CHARGES: Description Check# SUB TOT AL PAYMENTS: BALANCE: Checklogid I Activity Number: I Project Number: j Development Number: i Permit Type: I Status: ---'------- Payee Date Entered L06SI035 LOSPOOOS INSPECT OPEN --------' Amount $2,608.20 $102.64 $2,710.84 Amount $0.00 $2,710.84 [ ;:h;;-f-;;;;~o,;.,~·abo~e repres;;~t cu~-~e;;tcharges-as of.this eiate and are an estimate based on the intormat10;;---1 ,provided to DOES at the time of application. ·' For services that are rendered on an hourly basis, the cost of those services will be based on the actual hours worked. Hourly fees are charged at the rate in effect at the time of service, and will be billed monthly, along with any other outstanding fees. Fees that have been posted prior to permit issuance will be collected at that time. Fees subsequently posted will be I billed to the applicant. Ali fees must be paid in full before DOES issues _Final Approval, T.C.O. or C.0. ·, f .. j ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 April 20, 2006 Joe Singh JPS Holdings LLC 18124 Riviera Place SW Seattle, WA 98166 RE: Plat of Jessie Glen (ODES File No. L05P0005) Recreation/Landscape Activity No. L06MI030 Dear Mr: Singh: This is iri response to your request for approval of the landscape and recreation space plan associated with the plat of Jessie Glen. · We have reviewed your submittal .and with the following conditions, approve it as submitted: 1. The equipment (structures, benches, picnic table, etc.) shall meet at a minimum, Consumer Product Safety Standards arid be appropriately anchored. 2. Street trees shall be reviewed with the engineering plans and are not part of this approval. 3. The landscaping associated with T~act D, detention tract, is not part of this approval. The landscaping and recreation space improvements (i.e. play structures) must be installed and inspecied or a performance bond posted, prior to plat recording. The amount of the performance bond has been established at $60,785. This includes landscaping, equipment, surfacing materials, etc. The bond amount also includes a thirty-percent contingency. An inspection fee is also due prior to recording. This fee covers the cost of an installation inspection and a maintenance inspection. The amount of the inspection deposit will be determined by the Land Use Inspection Section (LUIS). If a performance financial guarantee is posted, the improvements must be installed within two year's from the date of recording. At the time of inspection by the Land Use Inspection Section, if the improvements are fully . installed per the approved plan, the performance financial guarantee. may be reduced. Enclosed is a copy of the approved plans for your records. If you have any questions, please call me at (206) 296-6758. If you have questions regarding the financial guarantee please · contact Stacy Graves, Financial Guarantee Management Unit at (206) 296-7009. Questions regarding the inspection process may be directed to the Land Use Inspection Section (206) · 296-6642. ,' ,. 'i .i -< ( . • @ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055,1219 206-296-6600 TfY 206-296-7217 PROJECT NAME: , -~C-ff;i) c (.;,,I-en· DOES PROJECT#: /._, 00 p (:)00 0 LANDSCAPE BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FORM For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. ADDRESS: I /(P tb we SE. /x:-bJJe,fA!/ PREPARED BY: u;,ef{ f/l(IC,. /<u.h/07{),n SE lf.>8"1' sfr-e,e,t 9i SE /q,z!!..4sf. PHONE: 'l,o/J 835$'. ( Q /13 Bonds are based upon required landscaping only and will be posted for performance and/or maintenance. Required landscaping includes perimeter landscaping, surface parking area landscaping, (KCC 21A 16) and any landscaping required by SEPA environmental review The maintenance period is for the life of the project however, atter posting for maintenance, !he performance bond will be reduced to 30% ($1,000 00 minimum) and be held for a two year period Upon re-Inspection of the site the bond will be released if the site has been properly maintained (21A16 180) A landscape maintenance inspection deposit is required prior to permit issuance to cover the costs of the 2-year maintenance inspection. Landscape Inspections are billed at the current hourly rate once the Initial deposit Is exhausted. If the project has not been maintained and there are dead trees, shrubs, ground ccver, or other deficiencies noted in the required landscaping, the bond will be held until the deficiencies are ccrrecled UNIT PRICE UNIT TYPE QUANTITY PRICE SOD LAWN AREAS $500.00 MSF(1000SQ FT) HYDROSEEDING $50.00 MSF (1000 SQ FT) •>\.c· _c; .. ,,., .. .1 .. :,,,.-,,.-,.,..-•• .,,,:c,,,,,',O;"c ..... ,,.><,,'(-•.>cte.,~·,,;.,,,,,, ,·,.,.,.,:.,., .. , .. ·-,·, .. ,., ·"· '···-··· ... ,, •.. ,., .... ,, ..• ~-C,•ic?,,, ,. ' '.,._ ..... ,,··:,.,:,,•:,>,·"-· .,u,' "~-~l'b'h·"~' ', --,ss:,,·:,;;;;;.;;<,\f,:"''''''·!··'"·":' .... ,,.,, ., .. ,.,""''"\'''·"'·'"''""~-~~;.., .. ,,,,,,:-,,,.--:,,>:-,·,:::,~.,,., SOIL PREPARATION A TOPSOIL (6 !NCHES DEEP) $25 00 CY (CUBIC YARD) l'-:J 7 (fJ425- B. MULCH (2 INCHES DEEP) $400 SY (SQUARE YARD) 78 . 3/2 C. PEAT MOSS (TWO INCHES DEEP) $2.30 SY (SQUARE YARD) 21.fl 'l (t)O~ - D COMPOST (3 INCHES DEEP & TILLING $26.00 SY (SQUARE YARD) ....______ ---:..___ E. FERTILIZER $6.67 CY (CUBIC YARD) LS 0-... ;,.:;cs· ·c.;q--<,<l>,v<:=• ,.,, ... ,-~_,. «'-Y-C ..... ~,:~.,-'< ., ·,,,,~,,, .,,,,~.,,_-. · . ···'·'·¥······,,, • ._,,H,,,,·,·,:'; ,., .... ,.,,,,,.,.:-,i"'-1'~' •«>1:c-.,,,;,.,.,,,,.~,.,,,_,.,,.1,,..,;,,•H~._,.,,_,,~, , .. -:,,.:;,,.,._.,-.,.~~~,A·.;,,~:,'>,aO,o,;•··,,,,c,o, "'"'""''·"·''"'"'11::·•··~"'"',•'-'~i.<~~-,-~.c,.,,,,,.~,, PLANT MATERIALS A DECIDUOUS TREES 1 75 -2.00" CALIPER (minimum height 10') $25000 EACH COST&LABOR ~ ------------PERIMETER & PARKING AREAS 1.5 • 1.75" CALIPER INTERIOR I.AAOICAPING OR OTHER REQUIRED tAAOGcAJ>ING $22500 EACH COST& LABOR • 10 ~--- B EVERGREEN TREES I ---Lr.:,1 J FIVE (5) FEET OR ABOVE $150 00 EACH COST&LABOR • ,. ~~I C SHRUBS $35.00EACH COST&LABOR Jilt ~ ) D. GROUND COVER $400 EACH COST&LABOR /'/'7 '708 SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: $ .1llllt= . Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes LandscapeBondQuanutyFORM b-wks-landscapebq pdf 12-17-2003 Page 1 of2 "1 i• UNIT PRICE UNIT TYPE . ,-,.-.•<>.->:o:··•·:>O __ ;c;,,-,.;~ .. :Of~.·<::,\·I,', .. ' . .-'J.<".'"'-.... ,'c'. ', ··. :·· ·,·.-::~;:,F,-·c,-·;,:o: ·,,,,l\""<'•.,t<<.c'-c;· .. ··, ..•. •~· .. • ,· ...... •-.-\\· •• ." ••.••.•••• :C •• l; •......... 1"~-~ .. ,.> . MISCELLANEOUS TREE STAKES $265 EACH PER STAKE & LABOR FENCING:.· LINEAR FOOT SOLID WOOD CEDAR $28 50 INCLUDES. LABOR BERMING $17 50 LINEAR FOOT INCLUDES LABOR IRRIGATION 80¢ SQUARE FOOT RELOCATING TREES ON SITE 36" BALL $260 00 EACH 60" BALL $92000 EACH RELOCATING SHRUBS ON SITE 12'' BALL $2600 EACH 24" BALL $3300 EACH ADDITIONAL ITEMS: Onsite recreation facilities L~ SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT Add 30% of the Bond Sub-Total for Contingency in accordance with Financial Guarantee Ordinance 120220, Section 13. TOTAL BOND PRICE Revised LBQW 11/13/2002 QUANTITY PRICE , '""";~.:;,;.:o--:. ,~.-.:,ac.<!:".<".!""''.'"·""'"'~ ~--·· '.<,·~·,·-····--,·,,···~c--·· , .. -,.,. ..... ,. -,--· ---,.,. qo.10 -111[?:4 '· ' ~-. ..._ -•. ··--.... ' "-,. ---•. ...__, -· ' '·, .... '··--~--·---' ., -- I 36, O?JD - BOND SUB TOJfG: 75Efl0- $ 30% CONTINGf~Z7 $ - TOTAL BOND PRICE: .. • ·~- $. - - l c~ -~~;;:tj);: LandscapeBondOuanUiyFORM xrJ /7.S·r/.(/'o x o:Jr{MltJ)-= 49G.t, Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes b-wks~andscapebq pdf 12-17-2003 Page 2 of2 0 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 April 20, 2006 Joe Singh JPS Holdings LLC 18124 Riviera Place SW Seattle, WA 98166 RE: Plat of Jessie Glen (ODES File No. L05P0005) Recreation/Landscape Activity No. L06Ml030 Dear Mr. Singh: This is in response to your request for approvalof the landscape and recreation space plan associated with the plat of Jessie Glen. We have reviewed your submittal and with the following conditions, approve it as submitted: 1. The equipment (structures, benches, picnic table, etc.) shall meet at a minimum, Consumer Product Safety Standards and be appropriately anchored. 2. Street trees shall be reviewed with the engineering plans and are not part of this approval. 3. The landscaping associated with T~act D, detention tract, is not part of this approval. The landscaping and recreation space improvements (i.e. play structures) must be installed and inspected or a performance bond posted, prior to plat recording. The amount·of the performance bond has been established at $60,785. This includes landscaping, equipment, surfacing materials, etc. The bond amount also includes a thirty-percent contingency. An inspection fee is also due prior to recording. This fee covers the cost of an installation inspection and a maintenance inspection. The amount of the inspection deposit will be determined by the Land Use Inspection Section (LUIS). If a performance financial guarantee is posted, the improvements must be installed within two year's from the date of recording. At the time of inspection by the Land Use Inspection Section, if the improvements are fully . installed per the approved plan, the performance financial guarantee may be reduced. Enclosed is a copy of the approved plans for your records. If you have any questions, please call me at (206) 296-6758. If you have questions regarding the financial guarantee please · contact Stacy Graves, Financial Guarantee Management Unit at (206) 296-7009. Questions regarding the inspection process may be directed to the Land Use Inspection Section (206) 296-6642. Sincerely, ·~~ ll s,11. Plaaa" II Current Planning Section, LUSD Cc: ESM Consulting Engineers, LLC 33915 1'1 Way South #200 Federal Way, WA 98003 Joanne Carlson, ASII, Engineering Review Section, LUSD w/encs Steve Townsend, Supervising Engineer, Land Use Inspection Section, LUSD w/encs . FGMU w/encs File w/encs ,, .i ., (' ·® . King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 LANDSCAPE BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET FORM For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. PROJECT NAME: ~~ .... ,.,,.,,_,.c""'-'-G=-,,.µ../-e.4E-1--J· ____ L_0_0_M_...L_D_~_o ____ _ DOES PROJECT#: L 00 p 000 5 ADDRESS: I /(pili we SE. /2:;btKlll PREPARED BY: 4'A fi(}C /<ublmon SE:. /2>8'}/' c;frat ~ SE 1q2!l..4 sf. PHONE: 203 83$<' (Q//3 Bonds are based upon required landscaping only and will be posted for perfonnance and/or maintenance. Required landscaping includes perimeter landscaping, surface parking area landscaping, (KCC 21A 16) and any landscaping required by SEPA environmental review The maintenance period is for the life of the projec~ however, affer posting for maintenance, the perfonnance bond will be reduced to 30% ($1,000 00 minimum) and be held for a two year period Upon re-Inspection of the site the bond will be released if the site has been properly maintained (21A16 180) A landscape maintenance inspectlon deposit is required prior to pennit issuance to cover the costs of the 2-year maintenance inspection. Landscape inspections are billed at the current hourly rate once the inltlal deposit is exhausted. If the project has not been maintained and there are dead trees, shrubs, ground cover, or other deficiencies noted in the required landscaping, the bond will be held until the deficiencies are corrected UNIT PRICE UNIT TYPE QUANTITY PRICE SOD LAWN AREAS $500.00 MSF (1000 SQ FT) HYDROSEEDING $50,00 MSF (1000SQ FT) •.-:e:s.0 •• ,.-,.>W"i-".'"·'"'"'"'··'"'·····"···:, ... :.'>I,·, , ............ ~--.,,·,·1,,,,:,· .,., ... , .•. ·, ..... ,., '\\ ... , ... ,.,*," "'"''··-.. ,.-.,~ ... ,x:« ~,.,,;.,,\ \·.;·"·'""'"."'"'r""'""·~•o':·N,-.-"~"' ·:,:-. ;;;;;;;".'i':"''''·""'" ,,..,, ,· ,,,,.~,.,•c,,·,,,,,.,,, ... , .. ,,,..~,, .. ,1,.,, .. ,,,,,,:., ;.;,:.,,:.., ... ,-., SOIL PREPARATION (JJ425-A TOPSOIL (6 INCHES DEEP) $2500 CY (CUBIC YARD) l'-J 7 B. MULCH (2 INCHES DEEP) SY (SQUARE YARD) 76 3/2 -$4 00 C. PEAT MOSS (TWO INCHES DEEP) $2.30 SY (SQUARE YARD) 2{1) 'l (/JO~ - D COMPOST (3 INCHES DEEP & TILLING $26.00 SY (SQUARE YARD) ----....._ ----.:.___ E. FERTILIZER $6.67 CY (CUBIC YARD) LS 0-., ·""·"··,,__.-~,,.·,.c-::,.,.;..:,..,,.,,,~·,.>:.~Y-,,..,-..w.Ar•,-.,.,%-'·.·,~---~ .. · v·::,.,,. .• .. ,.,.., . . ,,;.., :·,·,:•:,, .. ,.,.,. ,,,_.,.·.;.···1·" •''>.>.·,,·,,,':•,s.,,,,.,.,.,.,,.'1,.-•. ·,,,-.,, .. .-··.~:.·, ,··'-'··,,·.,, . .,.," ...... ,.,,,,.,,, ....... ''"''•" .X>.>.:..-. .;.,~.{ .• ,.",.• ... '\""1'•,kO;.<~T.-:·O,CC.""'""' PLANT MATERIALS A DECIDUOUS TREES 1 75-2.00" CALIPER (minimum height 10') $25000 EACH COST&LABOR -------~ PERIMETER & PARKING AREAS "'-"/ , .) - 1-5 • 1.75" CALIPER $22500 EACH COST& LABOR • to ~ lITTf!RIOR 1.AAOSCN'ING Off OTHER REQUIRED LANOSCAPltfG B EVERGREEN TREES ~ FIVE (5) FEET OR ABOVE $150 00 EACH COST&LABOR .. r C SHRUBS-· $35.00 EACH COST&LABOR .:Ml!. '1 ~-,31 D GROUND COVER $4 00 EACH COST&LABOR /'l't '708- SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: sJllllr= Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes LandscapeBondQuantltyFORM b-wks-landscapebq pdf 12-17-2003 Page 1 of 2 - D J ' ' \ . UNIT PRICE UNIT TYPE c,,,.-.. •.,,•,•>:"""·'.»V:·'"''''''"'"''"''1:,1; .• ,"."(1:s.,::,;;,,Mc,·, "·-::-::-,cc· .. ,,.,,,, ... •;: .. ,·.,;,,,,, .. ;·.,;/,•,,',",\':ii<':f··-·· ,., !(:,•:'"',":···· ····<'-·.·:,c,,;,-"'"" <·:,t.h'"""I MISCELLANEOUS TREE STAKES $265 EACH PER STAKE & LABOR FENCING: LINEAR FOOT SOLID WOOD CEDAR $28 50 INCLUDES LABOR BERMING $17 50 LINEAR FOOT INCLUDES LABOR IRRIGATION 80¢ SQUARE FOOT RELOCATING TREES ON SITE 36" BALL $260 00 EACH 60" BALL $920 00 EACH RELOCATING SHRUBS ON SITE 12" BALL $2600 EACH 24" BALL $3300 EACH ADDITIONAL ITEMS: Onsite recreation facilities LC::;, SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT Add 30% of the Bond Sub-Total for Contingency in accordance with Financial Guarantee Ordinance 120220, Section 13. TOTAL BOND PRICE Revised LBQW 11/13/2002 .. _.,.. ·-~----..,_ .__.__,. .. _ -.. - QUANTITY PRICE ,;,cc!a,·:•.-,····· .,,;c,;,c-,·, ·,·'""""'" ., ... , .. ,. ._ .. ,,,:::,,,-.,,,"·:-,-.,.~,·-· "'"','.O::,,, ,.,.,. . qo.10 ..-34 -~ ·--.__ ·--·--~--·-----,, .. -. ~--......_ .................... _ .. --------------. •. -- I ~6, O?)V - BOND SUB TOlfG= 15B. ID $ ., fl - 30% CONTINGr~z7 $ TOTAL BOND PRICE: • • $ ~ •• -.... --~ Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes LandscapeBondOuanUlyFORM b-wks~andscapebq pdf 12·17·2003 Page 2 of2 ',\!ill.I~~"" "4)'1:#,, '). • ~ ~~~~ :.o!P-1)' sudi;.1r;r> rJr~o: '29 1 6'' >! 30 1 A" r.t) <.~J .rif.."lr m-:n.~.-;(} ./\ I ~1011 tllll Slfi lnJ!D' r;•uif fl-, IJ(11r.r:a' a.ric,\ II ,1rl:t' J'f~.ttcl e,\' p,'ar •h1••?A"l,,e.~t l,-,;I -~-.. t \,, .; ... ., h• ··;., . .,. \,If,~ kY; ~-·. t · 5 '1"'1" ,oit,ty su,fuce .,,.,i,: 30' 9" x JC' t'' nn. ai pf<,y m-'l!'r.lb ·; ,; A{JA tAfrrvtitnd p~,y .,".arnpt.i,'W:tr~.s: 6 i\l}A gft)l»lcl level (Jl<.ly coin/WICJl)f5: 3 ' I lllto r-.. ~ 111~Jr,f, •. -.:i:·, ap:m,)(" .... ~~1l~,t~·.1,~,·u£~t#I' J.lh'{:~t.. ~ ... 1111 -!1,. r, ~-Ml A~1A ,\ l!",:lid vi11h pr-:r..n· n::-:uibJl:! !.t. -·:,~.in9 ~!Id ta:elf.•· wiln olhe· r~m,or, w~1u.li.t11tll!lfl..i;.,\·~··. · ~ l'J't•· •WI t,.,du:~ ~''"fi f":!' pb:Jd .1rd,:~ <1rd a,;,·n.J:: jJiJ'f H!;•,lljlllhHI .1 .. - :::·ii· . :· '····-·· · ·-·.~: .. ;: : .. ·. : ... , . ...... , ., ....... ~. .-.,:c1; :""''' .... ,. f ·1od ,.-.. ,.sl •.;,1, ti I ' ',<,,;/ \ • J " (, ,u ita ble IQ, age,: 5 -I '2 years ,afaly ,urfoce area: 24' 6" x 35' 9" no. of play evonls: 6 A .. ri:~ili1m~ '5t,11 lu;;• 11u;:;.1 ~/\ pln:::!d unde• ard 1Jtriii11.\i llll rJay CquiF,,1rcml ,uiicbli> /or age;: 5 -12 years safuly ~rkice area: 2 B' 3" • 36' no. of ploy evonls: 6 M).(\ cil:s<:i1<1d y},<!1/ <l'>l'lfl"""''\': 5 Al>A ground 18""1 ploy components: l It is the 1T1tJnulur.:h110:,,', ">(!inlr>n that 1hc-1h•.x:Ju1t!' ~t(iwn w111plia!t v.,jrh 1hr. cnrrcnl ADA ii q'Sl)(J w/lh f'l'Df,C:' acrimible :i;u1 lud1~ oorl 1nnc1hC1" wilh D1l11# 11w;.'t~ ll"''n-l \,,..,\ "'!"I""""- A. ·~~ill,.:u'lf fV+"t,.;..a m~:;.1 !:;.c, ,:;lun.J 1.1rier nr~· nr:)Jnd :i; ril~· .equip111eul YIM:lN'A,.; , .. ,~·-·~..,.~ Kay Park Recreation Corp. ---Item # RCB72B, Recycled Plastic Benches and Tables Kay Park Recreation Corp, 1301 Pine Street, Janesvllle, IA 50647 Toll Free: (800) 553-2476 , Telephone: (319) 987-2313 • Fax: (319) 987-2900 E-Mall: saies@Kav:Park,com • Website: w...w_w..KavPark .. 9P.l!l A!! ... C~Ji!gories >, .. RCB72B Item # RCB72B, Recycled Plastic Benches and Tables larger image Specifications Name Length Frame Material Weight Mounting w/Optlons Plank/Staten Used Plank/Staten Size Color Color Options Recycled Plastic Benches and Tables Recycled Plast!c Benches/Tables are made out of Waste Plastics and are uniquely designed to Inhibit vandalism. Plated steel hardware Is molde"d directly into the bench and table supports, and once completely assembled, the hardware·rs Inaccessible. All of these products are reinforced In a rigid design to resist sagging. The recycled material Is Impervious to weather and Insects, and IS guaranteed by the manufacturer for 25 years against material fallure. The color Is evenly distributed throughout, so It never needs painting. These recycled plastic products are durable, affordable, and thts means o.vera/1 value for you. Frames are black. Specify color for 2 x 6 Inch planks when ordering. 6 ft. Bench with Back 6 feet Recycled plastic 135/bs Free Standing Recycled Plastic 2x6Inch Cedar Brown Cedar Gray Teal Page I of 1 http://kaypark.thomasnet.com/printitem/all---categories/recycled---plastic---benches---and---tables/... 3/13/2006 Kay Park Recreation Corp, -Item# RPT722S, Recycled Plastic Benches and Tables Kay Park Recreation Corp. 1301 Pine Street, Janesville, IA 50647 Toll Free: (800) 553-2476 • Telephone: (319) 987-2313 • Fax: (319) 987-2900 E-Mail: ~.Kaypark,C.91Il • Website: ~yPark.com All G.ateqories > RPT722S Item # RPT722S, Recycled Plastic Benches and Tables larger Image Specifications I Name Length Frame Material Weight Mounting w /Options Plank/Staten Used Plank/Staten Size Color Color Options Recycled Plastic Benches and Tables Recycled Plastic Benches/Tables are made out of Waste Plastics and are uniquely designed to inhibit vandalism. Plated steel hardware Is molded dlrectly Into the bench and table supports, and once completely assembled, the hardware Is inaccessible. All of these prod.ucts are reinforced In a rigid design to resist sagging. The recycled material Is Impervious to weather and Insects, and Is guaranteed by the manufacturer for 25 years against material failu~. The ccilor Is evenly distributed throughout, so 1.t never needs painting. These recycled piastre products are durable, affordable, and this means overall value for you. Frames are black. Specify color for 2 x 6 Inch planks when ordering. 116 ft. Table with 2 Seats 6 feet Recycled plastlc 3751bs Free Standing Recycled Piastre 2 x 6 Inch Gray Brown Cedar Gray Teal Page I of! http://kaypark.thomasnet.com/printitem/all-categories/recycled-plastic-benches-and-tables/... 3/13/2006 i! ,, ,, i, i !! I 1: ,, ' I ti ij ' ' ·! I ' ' ii " ' i l 'I ,, " ' :: " ' :i ' I ' I ; i I I j ' ' ' 1: .i I ,I ' ! ' I NOTES I. 51!,Jnfrlcant tr"""" ehown have not biSen r~vrewed b~ an arborlet to determine the hea Ith of the tree. The number of or9nlflcant trseo ma~ be reduce dependln!,J on the f!ndrne• or a certffl6!d arborlet. 2. Street tree location& are approxJmate and ma~ be adJueted per actua I utility and driveway location&. j ! J ' . I '\,_;T \_ -' L~,'~ r 1/"'"'""-11: I .... ' .. _,,_ / \, / j f-\-,-Ft'·" 1----ROAD D t-; --- \ f 'fi I \ I 0 I-. I , i •, ! \ • W1 . ' \ 1_.~m'ko~~ ---' 41,J<J~l I· .-,, {!. \ ,, ·, ( ;.f \._,."'·'"· ·.c.-;;. 8" \ \ 1 ' i \ \ I I \ .'i \ 1 \ 0 0 <( 0\ a: C ! . ; A PORTION OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 I\IORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. \ -- 15 ,. ' \ 22 14 ,2·· 4'l{ I i .. I 16"/10" 0 SYMBOL LEGEND- EXISTING TREES TO BE RETAINED SIGNIFICANT TREE COMMON NAME Botanical name DECIDUOUS TREE SIG. APPLE ~ Kalus species ~ 1-A __ L_D __ ER__:,_c:___c..:..:_c:___ __ -J--:.~· \ Alnus glutinosa ~ CHESTNUT ~. Castanea sativa ~ LOCUST Rubinia pseu.doacacia BLACK COTIONWOOD Populus trichocarpa • CAL. INCHES 12 INCHES OR MORE SYMBOL LEGEND- EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED SIGNIFICANT TREE COMMON NAME Botanical name DECIDUOUS TREE APPLE Kalus species ALDER Alnu.s gtutinosa CHESTNUT Castanea sativa LOCUST Rubinia pseudoacacia BLACK COTIONWOOD Populus trichocarpa SIG. ® -fl'',,, . ' 1, CAL. INCHES SIZE INDICATED KING COUNTY 0.0.E.S. 'II.I 'l"' f'\ Review EnA"'f p f{ O v e "'1:l,ko-m~pl~et~io-n~D~a t~.-1 sUBJEC] '.o. '0 ; Comments: Dote STEEL 1'-ENCE poe,r OR -~ :;?' X :2' WOODEN F05T -TYF. 8 +/-F105T6 MJM. • 6'-1 11 D16T ANCE APART' MAX. CIRCLING, RETAINED ,REE AT DRIFLINE . Il ' ' ' ' ' 3. Tree:& &holllfl to be reta lned on the tree retertlon plan oh<l II be U) ',, m / / • ' <, \ ma rnta Tned by the future ownere of thts propoeed loto, conslotent with KCC 16.62.156 I " '" ,n " ' ' ' ' I 'I \ i ,.,_ ---- ; .. . \. / \ ..... \ \ ' I ill 1 1 :J z w > <( I I- ' I --~-1 U" \_ .i I ;lilt ) , 1! 23 ?,II< 24 ( ; / 15 4"/18'\ 1 I I ' " • "~:, ' ) \ \ / 1 ' \ ) / I _____ f' _. __ ..., __ .... ...,._/_ 1 J \ \ PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS FART I -PLANTING 5FECIFICATION5 Gansra I Coodftlono " Land~caps contractor I Developer &hall varlf~ tN·t plant Installatlon condlttone are &ultable within the plantrn9 ~rea&. AnH un&atlofactory condition• ehall be corrected prior to &tart or work. ll.!1en condition• d.,t,rmental to plant growth are encountered, ouch ao rubble ffil, adveroe dralna9e eondltfono, or9nffJcont ve9etatron, or obotructlono, the l"ndocape contractor I developer oh<lll notlfB KC DD1=5 prior to plant1n9. Be9Jnn1n9 or work =notltute& acceptance or condition• a• oattoraetor~. • Plant• lnotalled In undloturbed area• ohall be rnte9rated with exretrn9 native ve9etat1on, and planted rn a random, natura lrollc pattern. -I'· l \ • i I ' '\ 25 - l / / ,/ ' '' ' . ' ·. ' ' : ,\ \c ; LOCATE I §TAl<E I VERIFY FLANTING AREAS , Landocape contractor I Developer •hall ffl!Jld locate, stake, and verlf~ plantln!,J areao ancl '.----.·:..· .. \ ... ·~ eonflguratlono prior to plant1n9. Thto oh<lll approximate what To ehown on the DDE5 approved Sr9nlffeant Tree Retention plan. All revlolo'1& I ch<ln9s& shall be pre-approved by DDES and docum,,,,ted for racordln9 at final plat approval. AFFROVE PLANTING LOCATIONS AND SFACING • Plantlng loeatfons &hown on plantrn9 piano are approximate, baoed on anticipated olte condlt!Ofl&. Actual planting locatlone may var~ from tho&e ehown due to f'lnal efte condition& and locatTone of exletfng vegetdtlon.. Nevertheless, an~ varldt.lone frOfli the plant1n9 plan wlll r.squrre prior approva I b~ Kc DDE&. · · · · · , .~ • e19nlflc,:1nt tr~ &pac1n9 &hall be a mlnTmum of fifteen feat (1B' ror non-etreet trees or 4©1 on cente,r for otreet treeo) or ao otated on the approved plantrn9 plan. 6pacrn9 ohall be adeGfuats to allow er9nfflcant tree'• room to expand trroughout the future yearo. PART 2 -PLANT t1ATiaRIAk 9TANDARD6 • L.andocape contractor I developer ehall examine plant material prior to plant1n9. Any material not meetlrt!,J the reGfUTred epeclflcat1ono &hall be lmrr1sdratelH removed from the site and replaced with 111<.a materral th<ll meets the required otandards. Plant material shall meet the requirements or CounlH, State and fe,deral lawo with reopo,ct lo plant dfoaaoe and Tnfeotatrono. lnopecllon certrrrcateo, requ\re,d by law. ohall accompany each and .. var~ &hlpment and &hall be submitted to the Landocape contractor I developer upon rec:elpl of plant material. Theoe certrrrcate• oh<lll bs made ava Hable to KC DDES ao requeoted by the lnopector. , Plant matarlalo ohall be locall~ 9rown /Weotern UJA, UJeotern OR, Wsolern BC), healt~, bu•~. rn v19oroue growing condltron, Bnd bs guarante:.ied true &lz1s, name and varli:,t~. rr replacement of plant matarral fe, nece:e.eary due to cor1etructron dama9e or plant f'aflure within th"ee (3) ~ear& of' lnetallatlon, the olzeo, op.,cleo and quanlltfeo oha\l be equal lo opeclffed plarito ao Indicated on the approved piano. / / ( ' J / ' / >' \ / 3~ ' ) ~, I / I 26 --\ ' ' J ' ( [ \ "I I ) I l21 27 28 f 36 ,, ' 29 30 • I DOUGLAS FIR Psuedotsuga menziesii WESTERN HEMLOCK Tsuga hetervphylla WESTERN RED CEDAR Thttja plicata 8 INCHES OR MORE DOUGLAS FIR Psuedotsuga rnenziesii WESTERN HEMLOCK Tsuga hetervphylla WESTERN RED CEDAR Thuja plicata EXISTING, TREE----L-------- ~-----'D"R:,:l,_F:=,L"IN ·1-"CF~T~RE=E~----+ v 8'-1 11 MAX ,( 1 1 ' REPLACEMENT TREE PLANT LEGEND (WITHIN TRACT B & D & Lot~ 24-31) P!'<OF06ED LANDSCAPING-TYPICAL. REFl=R TO 6f.Jl=ET L-1 AND L-2. I / i ! 60TANICAL. I COMMON NAME TI-IUJA PL ICAT A I WE6Tl=RN RED Cl=DAR FRAXINU6 LATIFOLIA I OREGON A51-1 P5EUDOT5UGA Ml=NZll::611 / DOU6LA5 FIR E>' I-IT. MIN. 2" CAL. 4' I-IT. MIN. GUANIID'. \"' 12 24 . __ , SCALE: 1" = 50' APPROVED ~IJUJEC:T TO ATTACHED CO~IDITIONS .8 ~1Jl lj ·\f/ -290) ( ~-, so· 2s· --... ··'---,_--c._ 38 .j ·,., / i '·--- ,...~ ' #'"'"" ' ~ t~ I"":" '."\ ~ji.....~i..;;;:1,;i.,::;,1' ji:'":::'.,;;~...;::..i~.....,,...:~::.:· . ·,:;.·~~-......... Iii'' :;..........;'\.lilii ::::""""'::.·~...;::., I""""_,,,,.°' \,: h:..J / i _.,-• • / FART 6 -MAINTf;NANCI; AND c:;ONTIHcal;NCY SIGNIFICANT TREE RE"fENTION NOTES GAL..v11zep WJRE:---~ I ~'.,]Tl. I 'I -~ TEN&4'< 65·1 SAFETY-, .. cell ln; l fl~,m !'ENC~ OR eGll.lAL Jjj ¥ffl 5TEE~ PENCE F05T Ol'l J'n,'lln,~I 2' x 2'WOODEN F05T- TY"Flc'fL EXl&T~.!GJ UNDl5lUReED SOIL ---~ AROUlD Roar ZONE. ·rREE PROTECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ' ' V • I WI • (j) w ::, z w > / <( :t l-o (.\j I , ' ' ' i I ,_.'l ' ., ' ' t0 I ! ' t ' ' ' • ' ii ,: \"i SIGNIFICANT TREE REQUIREMENTS FLAN yli;W ~ Flant& &hall be nursery 9rown, Wc!illwroote:ci of' normal growth and habit, and rree rrom dl&sae.s rnfeotatron. KC DDE:5 reoerve& the right lo require replacement or subetrlutlon or anH plant• deemed un&ullable. , Treeo ohall have uniform branch1n9, 01n9le olra19ht trunl<,, and the central leader Intact and undama9ed. Balled and burlapped &lock shall h<lve been root-pruned at least once within previous two ~saro, and the plant otocl<. oh<lll h<lve been grown rn a container for al least one full 9rowr119 oea&on. Container otock oh<lll be fullH rooted but not root-bound. Plant material wrth dama9ed rool zone• or broken root ball• wrll not be accepted. CLlaAN UP .. Landscape contract.or I devei!oper sha 11 be ree.pOl'l&lble: for the removal or conetructlon malsrla! and debrl& on the: &Its following Tnotallallon or plant material•. All debrro mu&t be removed to a le9al landrllt racr lily. Note: If etreel tree'e to be planted aleo quallf"~ for e-r9n1r1cant tree 1e then the &treet tre:e ma lntenance and mon1tor1,19 t=iroci:s6& aha II be used. 51GNIFICANT TREE Bl;TlaNTION NOTE&, Kc 2IA3B23<V !50-22.VJ * Pur&uant to KCC lb.82.15~ an at=Jproved SJ9nrrfcant. Tree Retentron Plan le. • Marntanance wrll be performed twice per ~ear lo addreoo any required for the property as deocrrbed on rrle wrth Krn9 Count~ Deparlmert and f 11 &IEJnlflcant tre:e:1 11 I& defined a& an exret1n9 healt~ tree that I& not d hazard If"'"' !Te. a tree that doeo not h<lve a h19h propabflilH of rmmrn.,ntly rallrn9 due to ~1 debllltatrng dieeae.a or e,tructural d.sfect) and that, whsi meaeure:d four and one •;alf t'eist above 9rade, ha& a minimum diameter of: • Conl,erouo tree• oh<lll be nuroery 9rown, full and buo~, and with uniform branching and a natural non-oheared form. 0rr9tnal central leader muot be heallh!,J and undama9ed. • Landecape contractor I develop.,, ohall oubmft a liot or plant oupplrer namso, addreooeo, phone numbsro, and stora9e / 9rowrn9 \ocallon• or the mater Ta I to KC DDE5 prior to planlln9. FART 4 • FLANT WAe;RANT'r' AND MONITORIN<a condition& lhal could Jeopardize the e.uccee,e of' the mltl9at1on area. Dsvelo~ent and EnvlronmentBI Services (DPE5) Recorde Center, on &~el I or Eotabliohed performance otandard& for the project will be compared to the approved engfneerrn9 piano Number L<Z>SP<Ve><Z>S, and Activity Number I. 8 11 for evergreen tree&, or 2. 12 11 ror deciduous traee,. the monltorln!,J reoulte to Judge the oucceoo or the mitigation project. Ir L<2>S5Re>S4. Lot• l,6,1,B,1<2>,ll,12,14,15,l':l,2<2>,21,22,3.V,34,42,43,44,4E,,46,4B,49, and Tract 6 there ro a 019nrrrcant problem with achfevrn9 the performance otandardo, within thlo plat contain tree• the muot be retained per oald approved Tree 1rgnrrrcant tree• located rn the Interior or the development propooal, Jnclud1ne the bond holder ohall work. with Kc DDE:5 to develop a cont1n9ency Retention Flan_ Any propooed clearrn9, 9radtn9 or conolructlon actrvrtreo that 1enoftlve area• and their buffere, ohall be retained In the reoldentral oubdlvlofon • Landscat:,e: contractor I cleveloper 1e, warranty ehall Tncluds plan. COt'ltlngenc!J plan& can Include, but are not. Jrmlted to: re9radln9, Will (or may) Impact a sfgnfflcant tree within said lots must be reviewed ar1d 9t the rate of l!Z' trse& per acre or rive percent of eiuch trees, whlchsvsr 16 replacemant or plant• /oame &Jze and opecreo shown on approved addrtronal plant lnotallatlon, erooTon control, medratrono to hydrolo9y, approved b~ Krn9 County DDE5 Land Uoe 5ervrceo Drvreron and/ or oucceooor, !3reater, piano) that prove either to me mrolocated or unoultable •• to plant and plan oubolltutrono of type, elze, quantity and locatron. 5uch for compliance with said Trse Retention Flan. The current landowner and ruture I SUBSTITUTIONS material otandardo. Except for looo due to exceoolvely oevere cont1n9ency plan &hall be oubmftled lo the KC DDl::5 lnopector by landowner• oh<lll maintain and protect oald tree& and oecure permflo ao required A,, er9nrrrcant tree may be credited as two treao when It meet• one or more or the , 5ubotrtutlono or opscrrred p\a,it opecf'3&, olzs or condTllon wrll be allowed onl~ with prior written climatolo9rca\ condition& /aubotarned by '"'-~ear recorded weather December 31 of anH year when def1clencleo are dTocovered. Cont1n9ency to perform any maintenance and / or relato,d actlvlt~ auch ao hazard tree followln9 characterfolo, approval from KC DDEI:>. charte), Tnotalled plant materral are required to be guaranteed For wrll Include many or the Tlemo lioted below and would be rmplemooted rr ramedratron. r. The tree lo IB lncheo or 9reater In dfametsr trree ~"aro a9arnot defect• and unoalfsfactory 9rowth. Plant• the perfonnanc:e &tandardo are not met. Maintenance and remsdlal action • The permit applicant ohall determine that the rrnal tree retention plan doe• rr. The tree To located In a 9roup1n9 or at leaot f1va treeo wrth FART 2 _ FLANT INl:>TALI..ATIQN ,.,placed oh<lll be rernrtrated under plant 9uarantee condltlono. The on the ells writ be Implemented rmmedrately upon completion or the not Include 019nrrrcant treeo unabl" to ourvlve more th<ln ten year• art.,, the date 9anop1eo th<lt touch or overlap monltorrn9 period shall be trree /3) yearo from ln&tallatlon monrtor109 event /unleoe olherwroe opecfflcall~ Indicated below). of project completfon. ! rrr. The tree provide• ener9y oavtngo trrou9h winter wrt1d protection or SOIL FREFAf'lATION I AMiaNDHl;NTS acceptance In wrrtrn9 by the DDE5 1nopector. • Dur1n9 year one, two and trree replace all dead plant material. • 5rgnlflcant Tree Frotectron, 1ummer sh<ldln9 ao a reoult of Ito location r5latlve to bu1ld1n9• • Prior to Jnotallatron or planlln90, all cono\ructron d"brlo and an~ other non-native mat.,rral &hall ' UJater all plantrng• at a rats or I" of water at leaot ever~ week I. Frfor to any clearrn9 all treeo to be retained &hall be flagged. Iv. The tree belon9e to a unique or unuoual opecreo. ba removed from the mrt19atron area. Tree& a'1d orrubo oh<lll be pll planted a& ehown rn the FART E, -FINAL ACC:EFTANc:;E betw"""" June IS-September 15 durln9 the r1rot ~ear after rnotallatron, and 2. Prior to 9radrn9 and trrou9hout conotructTon, a temporary cha1nllnk, approved plan det,lllo. A oorl moloture retention a9ent /polymer) oh<l\1 be rncludsd In plantrng for the flrot ~ear after an~ replacement plantrng• !C , MJ. wire or pla&tfc net fence oh<lll be uoed to ldet1tlf~ the protectoad are lj'ian modification• and tree replacement are permitted a 5 ro\lowo, back.ff II par manuracturer'e •peclflcatrono. • Upon completron or planting, the landocape contractor I • Replace dead plants w1th the oame opecfeo or a oubotftute opecleo /drip line) of any e19nrrrcant tree deer9nated ror retention. The height 1-AnH orenlflcant tree In the rnto,rlor ma~ be replaced by another ol9nlflcant tree , fn non-graded plantrn9 areas, planting pilo all be back.filled with a 5"'/E,"' mixture of Imported, developer •h<lll provide the DDl::5 lnopec:tor with a •"tor clear!~ that meet• the 9oal and objectives of the enh.!lncemert plan, oubJect to or ouch fanclri!,J oh<lll be adJuoted accordrng to tM topo9raphrc an<:/ rp the Interior. weed free topoofl and the native ooil from the planting pit. In graded areao, planttneo oh<l\1 be marked prints deorenat1n9 the actual location& or plantrngo within the KC DDES approval. ve9etatrve condition• or the &Ile to provide clear visual dellneallon b. IF the required number or olgnlffcanl tree• cannot be retained then rnotallsd direetl~ Into newly placed topooll. Imported topooil ohall be a 3 .. way mix aCCJL1fred from an mrt19at1on area. Landocape contractor I devslopsr oh<lll """"Pa • Re-plant area after reaoon ror rarture h<lo been Identified /"-9· or lhe protected area. The srzs of the protected area around the ,(on-•l!,Jnlrfcant sized tree• ma~ be retained or new tree• may be ~!anted to meet approved local oupplrer. complete set or print• at the Job orte durrne conotructlon for the moroture regime, poor plant oloci:, clloeaoe, ohade/oun condition•, wildlife tree oha\1 be equal to one root diameter For each Inch or tree trunk tt,e ol9nrrrcant tree requrremen\o ao fo\lowo, provided th<ll the reaoon for the , SoJIMolot, or eciutvalsnt, oh<lll be added lo the topooll backffll of a\l plantrne prto. The purpooe or 'red llntn9' ch<ln9eo or modrrrc:atlono to the approved damaae, etc). diameter meaoured four feet above the ground or at drip line or the P,urpoee or thlo ouboectlon, the ol9nrrrcant tree to be replaced bH the new or 5o11Morot oha\1 b"' hydrated bafor"' bsrn9 added to topoorl backrrll. Manufacturer• recommended piano and ohall update oald Information on a dally baors. • Remove I control weedy or exotic lnvaolve planto (e-9. 5cot'o tree. 'lxfot1n9 replacemert tree ro aoolgned a diameter or 12 rncheo, ] appllcatron rate& and uoag., oha\1 be ro\lowed. ' KC DDE5 eha\1 approve plantrn9 locatrono a• depicted on the 6room, reed canarH 9raee, 1-ilmalayao Blackberry, purple looeetrrre, etc) • At no time durrn9 and after construction oha\1 the fo\lowrn9 be pennltted j I. Uren uo1n9 replacement tree• meaeurrn9 trree lncheo In diameter or ] , UJaod~ planting• ohall be r ... trlized with a olow releaoe 18 month) hrgh nllroeen, low phoophoruo approved replantrn9 plan. If ftemo ars to be corrected, a punch flat by manual or chemfcal meano a• approved b~ Kc DDE5. Use of within the e19nrrrcanl tree protection area, (a) rmpervroue ourfaceo, rrll, eirealer (ao measured b~ calrper), one-h<llf Inch diameter or rsplacemsnt tree " eranular fertilizer 121 _3 _1 ;, wrth application ratee ao opecffled by the manufacturer. Fertllfzar sha\1 be oh<l\1 be prepared by the DDE5 lnopector and oubmrtted to the herbicide• or peotlcfdeo within the m1tr9atron area would only b,9 excavation, or otora9e or canotructron material• !b) grade level ch<ln9eo, •rail be provided for everH one Inch diameter or or9nrrrcant tree to be E applied after plantrng pit le bac1<.fllled, and prior to appllcallon of mulch. Fert11rzer ohal\ not be Landscape contractor I developer for completion. Arter punch liot Implemented If other meaoureo railed or were conordered unlike!~ to be except In limited clrcumotanceo where propoeed rmprovemert usrn9 permeable replaced, and f E applrsd bdlwesn Novemb,sr and March. Tlemo h<lve been completed, DDE6 lnopector ohall review the oucce•oful, ar1d would require KC DDE5 approval. Tree• and orrube materlalo are determined bH an arborlot to be non-detrrmertal to the treeo root 1: TL IUien uoln!,J replacement tr"""o meaourln9 leoo th<ln lrree lncheo In diameter, ;;J !'!. , OUtolde of wetland areao, a 3 Inch la~er or mulch /medium Doue Fir barl<.J oh<ll\ be placed around project For rrnal acceptance on plan rmplementatlon. ohould be weeded to the drrpline and mulched to a depth or 3 Inches. eyolem. one Inch diameter or replacement tree oh<lll be provided for every one Inch J d:i' thcSI ba&s of each new tree to a 36 11 dl.amsler ror eroa.lor1, wiSed control and moleture relel"l'tlon. All nc:m-nallve vesf.9tatlon mu&t be removed and dumped of'f' e,Jte at an • 51gnlffcant Tree: Maintenance: c!lameter of elgnlflcant tree to be replaced. -' , Exlotlng natural or landocaped area• th<ll ars damagsd durrne conotructlon ohall be reotored • A5 !3UILT 5Ul;lMITTAL ON FLAT5 approved location. !a) All 019nrr1cant tree• ohall be maintained ror the lire or the project SIGNIFI '§'] lo their ort9lnal condition, unleoo rmprovamenl• or modlffcatlon• are specified for tho&e area•. ' Clean-up traoh and other debrlo. lncludfn9 monltorrn9. . CANT TREE CALCULATIONS ~ £ • Lllnde.~pe contrdctor I develope:sr &hall e1xsrcl~e care to protsct from JnJur~ to trunk, root&, or Note. ff rtSvfe.lona and I or chan!:3e& have beeri madl:! to the • 6e1ectlvely prune woody plant& to thln and remove dead or (b) All &lenfflcant tree& &hall be pruned and trimmed aa necee.eary lo ,,.. bran<*"'• or any traeo or orrubo th<l\ ar" to remain. Any \lvrn9 woody plant that Jo dama9ed durln9 lnftfal DDE5 approved o19nrrrcant tree retention plan oubmrt an dfoeaoed portion of lreeo. maintain a healthy 9rowln9 condition or the prevent prrmar~ limb railure. Fl=R KCC 16.132.156 Tf.JE TOTAL NUM131=R OF TREES TO 13E Rl=TAINED 61-iALL g conotructron oriall be treated within 24 houro of occurrence. Contractor ohall prune wounded Ao-6ulll plan. tr no chan9eo / revrorono hav" been mad., an Ao-Built Thro reciurrement &hall not be Interpreted lo allow, 81= 10 TREl::6 Pl=R ACRE OR 5% OF SAID TREES, WI-IATEVl=R 16 GREATl=R. .;:: portion• or plant fmmedrately after damage occur&. lnjur,9d plant• oh<lll be thorou9hly waterec and Plan 10 not rsciurred. FART 1 -FERFOfsMANCE 60NP5 !I) topping or prlmarH otemo g addlllonal meaoureo oh<lll be taken /ao appropriate) to aid rn plant ourvfvobillty. !2) prunrn9 that reoult& In the loo& or 2<2> percent of ve9etat1ve maoo TOTAL NUM131=R OF TREl::6 16 214. 5% OF 214 = II TREl::6 f , Grading, The duff \ayer and native topooil ehall be retained rn an undloturbed etats to the Prior to final plan Inspection ror the S19n1rrcant Tree Ret..ntfon • To aooure the oucce•• or the m1t19atron, a performance bond wrll be /3) c:uttrn9 of maJor rooto, except 1n preparation for tranoplantatlon -OR-~ maximum extend practfcable. Any duff la~er or topeoil r..novsd durrne eradrne &h<lll be otocl<piled Plan permlttee oh<ll\ oubmrt an A5-BUILT 5rgnlflcant Tree Retertlon pooted with KC DDl=S by the Developer at the time or plat approval or ao deemed neceooary and I or acceptable by a certified 10TAL 61TI= SQUARE FOOT AG!= = :335,412 S.F. = 1."I ACRES "'o"':;, on-•lte In a deorenated, controlfed area not adjacent to public rsoourceo and crfllcal area&. The Plan to lhe DDE5 lnopeclor ohowrn9 all plan revlofons I chan9eo and ror the coot of 1mplemert1n9 the mrtrgauon plan to be monitored for arborlot. Ip TREl::6 f'l=R ACRE = "11 TREl::6 REQUIRED TO Bl= RETAINl=D 1$ GREATER -mat..-rat ohal\ be reapplied to other portion• or the &Ile where feaolble. Area• th<lt h<Jvs been verlf~Jn9 lh<lt the DDES approved 519nrr1cant Tree Retention plan trree (3) ~earo. It wrll be the Developer I permltlee reoponolblilty to (4) UJrth the exception of dead, dToeaoed or dama9.,d treeo I Jo;<: cleared and eraded oh<lll have the oorl mofolure holdln!,J capacltH ,.,.tared lo th<lt or the orrernal !approved at the DDE:5 Enernserrn9 F!evrew ota9e) h<le been raqueot a final lnopectfon at the end or the trv-ee !3) year monrtorrn9 opecrrrcally retained to provide wildlife h<lbltal± other dead, -oTAL RETAINl=D SIGNIFICANT TREES = 41 "'o, undf&turbed ooTI native to the &Its or the maximum extent practicable. The oorl rn ariy area th<lt hao completed per plan requirement&. Thro A5·6UILT plan oh<lll b"' period and lo releaoe the pooted bond. The bond quantlt~ ca\cu\auan dfeeaoed, dama9ed or oto\en plantrn9 •h<lll be, ,..,placed 31 TRE"'a a,, .,., AT 1 < 8 been compacted or th<ll ha• h<ld oome or all of the durr layer or underlying topooll removed ah<lll reviewed and approved b~ the 51te Development 5pscra11ot I rorm For both ex1ot1n9 01gn1r1ca'1t tree• and tree• lo be planted oh<lll be Tmmedlate\8 or the next planlln9 eeaoon If the loeo doe• not occur I T E"'"'" "'""o, .... , 13 " CAL. OR LINDl=R = i"ai b d d t l l r \ t It hold! rt The d l L-11 t l<.a I b l Foreoter that ll conform• to 6<2>-22"' and ean be recorded. Ir com..,leled and oubmltted to DDE6 5ft,s Develo...,.,,ent e,.,rvlcee ,..,,ror to rn a nfantln,.., oeaoon. R ,_ CRED T/TREE = 31 TREl::6 ';. ",-. e amen ., o mr 19a e or o• mo• ure-n9 capac y. amen men """ a pace e ween d L_ r-..... ,.. r-"' e TREES 61-10\J.N AT IQ" CAL. O"" OV"'"' = o T="'"' C"""'DITafT="'E--., -Hay 1 and October 1. Replaced topooll ehall be a minimum of 13 rncheo thlci:, unleoo the applicant approve lne, plan wrl\ be &enl back to the DDE5 lnop.,.ctor for flrial approval of the 519n1r1cant Tree Ret.,ntron Flan /the bond form will be <' "' "'"' , """"' r-cc o = E ,. demonetrateo th<lt a different thlci<ns•• wrtl provide c:oncl1trono e<;ulvalent to the ooll moloture plan lnopectfon proceooln9. Mrt19at1on monltorln!,J For 519n1r1cant prov1ded by the 5D5 Foreoter at the time or the 519nrr1cant Tree 16 TREl::6 9, '.: holdrn9 capacrt8 natrv" to the orte. Replaced lopoo\1 ohall have an oreanlc matter content or Tree sh<lll commence upon acceptance and approval or thlo Retention plan review ota9e). The actual bond w11\ need to be oubmlttsd , I ,,.. ~ between B to \3 percent dry wer9ht and a pl-I oultable for the propooed \andocape plarito. A5-ElUILT plan and laot for 3 ~"'"" or growln!,J oeaoono. to DDES prior to project acceptance for rreld lnopectron by the Land ~UM131=R OF PLANTED SIGNIFICANT TREES Rf=:QUIRl=D=:30 ~~ .... ---------------------·-----------------------------------------------;U•~e;;.,;;ln;•~P;e;c~ll;o~n~~~r~t----------------------------------------------------_!;f~~UH;;;;6~E:~R;,;;;OF;;;.;~f'~L~A~N~·~rE~D~5~'1~G~N~IF~l~C~A~N~T~T~RE~l=~5~f'~R~O~V~IDfl=~D~=~4~6~=~2~2~@gt,k\~/~\2~@~2~,11 __ ~ REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION/DATE BY 1 FINAL· LANDSCAPE PLANS ESM 10-20-05 FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESI.I 2 02-13-06 3 FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESM 04-26-06 4 FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESI.! 05-17-07 (9 z UJ (9 z 1- _J :J (/J z 0 0 • 0 • • ..J • ...J (/) (9 z -0 ....l 0 :t (/) n. J E 0 () • ·-> ·-() E (/) Q) ' 3: 3: 3: z w ....J (9 w Cl) U) w """') ~ a .µ 0 • "' .c "'e .f <( C C. 0 Q. -o CL u 00 'O 'O CC 0 0 _J _J CJ> C L • 00 •-" CL ·-0 g'>' Wo ·-:= .0 > ·-:, 0 n. z § z I 1 z ::s CL z 0 ~ w ti a:: w w g: 1-z ~ G:: -z (!) -(/) ~ ::::, 0 u c., z ~ JOB NO.: 1166-001-005 DWG. NAME: l.A-03 DESIGNED BY: LOK DRAWN BY: JLL/LDK/TG CHECKED BY: DATE: DATE OF PRINT: 04/26/2006 L-3 20 OF 20 SHEETS I I NOTES 1. 5I9nlflcant tr6eee &hawn have not besn reviewed b~ an arborl&t lo determine the health of' the tree. The number of' e.19nrrrcant tre~e ma~ be reduce deperdlng on lhe find Ing• of a certified arborlet. 2. 5treet tree: locatlone are approximate and may be adJueted per actua I utlllt~ and drlvewa~ locatlone,. 3. Tree& e,hown to be ! ' I ,-,. ! .. -~ .·• , _., . .....__. ;' • ' ' . '-''-~·~c&.· -ROAD D ~,--·--..._ ' ' ' I I I / ' • ' ·w ' ' . ' (I) ' \ i \' '-1 ' 1 l 3 ' ' ' '· I I \ ' . •,J \ i I ' \ . ' ,' f -· (_/' / ~-·· 6" A PORTION OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. 3 ·" 15 14 ' ! Ir;:) t__\ 0 /L16 ·. '- u· o ~ ,· ~ !6"/10" 0 / / \ 22 '2" I ' ! I ( ( \ SYMBOL LEGEND- EXISTING TREES TO BE RETAINED SIGNIFICANT TREE COMMON NAME Botanical name DECIDUOUS TREE APPLE Jlalus species ALDER Alnus glutinosa CHESTNUT Castanea sativa LOCUST Rub inia pseudoacacia BLACK COTIONWOOD Populvs trichocarpa SIG. • CAL. INCHES 12 INCHES OR MORE SYMBOL LEGEND- EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED SIGNIFICANT TREE • COMMON NAME Botanical name SIG. CAL. INCHES DECIDUOUS TREE ® SIZE INDICATED APPLE Jlalvs species • , .. ALDER @ Alnus gluti,wsa CHESTNUT ® Castanea sativa LOCUST • Rubinia pseudoacacia ;:,,. l ~,,~~ BLACK COTTONWOOD ® Populus trichocarpa ' DOUGLAS FIR KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. Review Engineer Senior Engineer A p p R Q , ...... ,. ....... , JAMES H. SANDERS P.8,CJBJe:,,I ' DEVELOPMENT ENJltA~r:ll c~::~ --------~ . W1z Comments: K\~)G C.OUt ••• , ...... 11<:::r.: .::t:!JVI • Completion Date /'1:mtJtion Dote ' 'intlJ~';jlYOI Date .::i.,lJ.-.z,:p7 lTY res DIV, STEEL FENCE FOOT OR -- 2' x 2' WClODEN POST-TT'P. 6 +/-POSTS MIN. • 6'-1" DISTANCE APART MAX. CIRCLING RETAINED TREE AT DRIPLINE . reta lned on the tree retention plan ehall be maintained bH the> future owner& or the: prot=7ossd loto, conefstent wrth KCC 16.82.156 ' (~ w \ '"' "' --. ' _, ,, z >,._.., _ __::,._1 --ROAD B ---+/-.. "'--+---DOUGLAS FIR Psuedotsuga menziesii WESTERN HEMLOCK J'suga heteraphylla 8 INCHES OR MORE Psuedatsuga menziesii WESTERN HEMLOCK ~ " . G . ' . ' • ' i " ',; 1 w > <( I 1-c.o ,- ,- i / I PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS / '6 ' I 4"/18'!. ,J' '6i \ 1\2" _____ \ \ \ \ ! • i FART I -FLANTIN0 &FECIFICATION& C:ienera I CondltJone., " Landscape contractor / Developer shall verlf!:J that plant ln&tallatlon condltlone are suit.able within the plan-t1n9 area&. An~ U11sat1efactor!:J condlt.Tone, ehall be corrected prior to &tart of work. UJren conditions ci~trlmental to plant 9rowth are encountered, euch ae. rubble fill, adverse drainage: condltlone, &l9nrr1c.1nt ve9etat1on, or ob&tructlone, the lande,cape contract.or I developer ehall notlf!:J KC DDE5 prior lo planting. Beginning of work conotlluteo acceptance of condition• as sat Te,f actor!:J. , Plants lneta!!cttd In undisturbed areae sha!\ be lnte9rate:d wlth sxfstlng native vegetation, and planted In a random, natura\Tetlc pattern. L,OCATE I &TAKE / VERIFY FL.ANTING AREA& • Land&cape contractor I Developer shall fleld locate, etake, and verify plantln9 areae and conflguratlono prior to planting, Thi& shall approximate what I& ohown on the DDE& approved &!gnlflcant Tree Retention plan. All revlolono / change• ohall be pre-approved b~ DDE& and documented for recording at flna I plat approva L AFFROVE FLANTING LOCATION& AND &FACING> • Planting locations ehown on planting plans are approximate, ba&ed on anticipated .:ilte conditions. Actual plaollng locaUon.e. ma~ var~ f'rom those shown due to rrnal elte condition& and location& of exls,tlng ve9etatlot1. Neve:rthele&s, a<1~ vatlatlone. from tbe planting plan wrll require prior approval b~ KC DDE&, • Significant tr~e spacing e.hall be a minimum of flfte!.9n feet (\&' for non-street tree:e or 4cz:>' on center for street \ceeo) or ao olatsd on the approved planting plan, &paclnel shall be adequate lo a l\ow significant tr~e'e, room to expand throughout the future ~eare_ FART 2 -FL.ANT MATERIAL. &TANDARD& • Landscape contractor I developer shall examine plant material prior to planung. Any mate:rfal not meetrn9 the re~ulred epecrftcatlons &hall be immediate\~ removed from ths &lte and replaced with Ilks material thdt meet• the required standard•. Flanl material ohall meet the requrrsmento or Count~, 6tate and ~edera\ laws with respect to plc1nt dl&ea&e and lnfee,tatlons. lne.psctlon certlflcateo, required b~ law, shall accompan~ each and ever~ ohlpment and ohall be submitted lo the Landscape contractor I developer upon receipt of plant materlaL Thee.e certtrlcates ehall be made available lo KC DDE5 ao requeoled b~ the lnopeclor, • Flanl materfa\o shall be locall~ grown !l!Jeotern WA, Weelern OR, l!Jeotern BC), healt~. bu&~, In ) .~ ' \ ! t , -. _.,. . ,---"' ' I I / 25 / 26 - ' ! //// I ,_ Jl ,. ' i ' ,\ \\ i \' ,' \\ ~' ' !. 32 --' 27 28 36 i • 0 29 30 ' ' . 16"/1~" ' \ 31 ' '· \ . -- ' j'c:: FROF05ED LAND5CAFING· TYPICAL. REFER TO 51-!EET L-1 AND L-2. " ,' -------. 35 38 ( / ) • \ . "\ .. -,;-· -,;, " --- FART b -MAINTENANCE AND CONTINGENCY WESTERN RED CEDAR J'huja plicata J'suga heterophytla WESTERN RED CEDAR J'huja plicata ~ -;' I if EXISTING TF<EE--,j__-------- DRIPLI REPLACEMENT TREE PLANT LEGEND (WITHIN TRACT B & D <~ Lots 24-31) EIOTANICAb I COMMON NAME T!-IUJA FLICATA / WE5TEF1N RED CEDAR FRAXINU5 LATIFOLIA / OREGON AS!-1 F5EUDOT5UGA MENZIE511 / DOUGLAS FIR 51ZE b' \..IT. MIN. 2" CAL. 4' !-IT, MIN, GlUANTIT-rj IIZ) 12 24 TENSAR GO-! SAFETY FENcE OR EQUAL 8TEE.L FENCE POST OR-= 2' x 2' WOODEN FOST- TYFICAL ,.. 8'-1 11 MAX ~ 1 1 EXl&TINQ UNDl&TUR6ED SOil.. ---~ AROUND ROOT ZONE. TREE PROTECTION DETAIL SCALE: 1" = 50' -- ' . '~ --r--,' --- APPROVED . su1ur:r:r ro 130. ,, pfl ----~:.~~~-~.:~-~~_r:i-~:~:~-~~---. · (if C'[!JifL- KING COUNTY [/ ' -~l>:ND USE SERVICES DIV. . ... -··- '_,. t /") ,, 12"/1 ., •. 1 2" ,,®,' 84 1-4"' 47 ' ' . ' ' \ #'"% '""""' ".,.,.,,, '""'""'.,. :......:~~,,,,: :.~•::::;.,,_' _ .... l .... :11:· ::i;::~,,::::; .. •;.' _..,.:..: I L---- . ------. ----·- ·. -- NOT TO eCAl.E ., ! \ --~~·J / "' w, SIGNIFICANT TREE RETENTION NOTES SIGNIFICANT TREE REQUIREMENTS FLAN VIEW vr9oroue growing condition, and be guaranteed true: elze, name and varlet~. If replacement of plant material le necee.eary due to con&tructlon damage or plant fallure within th"ee (3) years of lneta1\atron, the sizes, speclee and quantlllee ehall be equal to opeclffed planlo as Indicated on the approved piano. • Flante ehall bs nure,ery grown, we!l-rooted of normlll growth and habit, and free from ctleeaee Infestation. KC DDE& reserves the right to re~ulre replacement or eub&tltutlon of an~ pla.r,te deemed unoultable, • Tree& shall rll!ve uniform branching, single stra19ht trunks and the central leader Intact and CLEAN UF • Lande.cape contractor I develo~er shall be reeponsTb!e for the removal or cone,tructlon materral and debris on the srte following fne,tallatlon of plant materfals. All debris mue,t be removed to a legal landfill raclllty, Note: If street tree\~, to be planted also qua!If~ for e.rgnlflcant tree's then the etreet tree maintenance and monitoring procee.e &ha!l be ueed. 510NIFICANT TREE RETENTION NOTE&, KC 2IA3B230 !&0-220! • Fursuanl lo KCC 16.B2J56 an approved &19nlflcant Tree Retention Flan I~ • Maintenance will be: performed twice per ~ear to addreee any reejulred for the propert~ as dee,crlbed on file with King Count~ Department ~nd A 11 e.l9nlflcant tree 11 le defined as an exle.tln9 healthy tree that I& not a hazard tree (le, a lree that does not have a high propablllt~ of lmmlnentl~ falling due to a debr!rtat1n9 dfeeaee or etructural defect) and that, when measured four and one half feet above 9rc:1de, ha& a mf.r,Jmum diameter of: undamaged, 6alled and burlapped stocl<. ohall have been root-pruned at least once within prevlouo two !::!ears, and tr161 plant stock ehal! have been grown In a contal.r,er f'or at least one full 9row1n9 oeaoon, Container otocl<. ohall be rull~ rooted but not root-bound, Flant material with damaged root zone• or broken rool ball• will not be accepted. • Coniferous treee &hall be nure.ery grown, full and bue~, and with uniform brand,1n9 and a natural non-sheared rorm, or191nal central leader must be healt~ and undamaged. • Landscape contractor I developer ehall e,ubmlt a ll&t of plant eupp!ler name:&, addresses, phone FART 4 -FLANT WARRANTY AND MONITORING cond!tlone that could Jeopardize the euccese of the mlt19atlon area. Development and Envlrol'lmenlal 5ervfcee (DDE5) Records Center, on eheet 1 of Eetabllohed performance olandardo for the project will be compared lo the approved engineering piano Number L05F0005, and Activity Number ! lhe monllorlng result, to Judge the oucceo& of the mTt19at1on project. If L055FW54, Lot• f,b,l,B,10,11,12,14,\5,19,20,21,22,30,34,42,43,44,45,46,4B,49, and Trac~ El there le, a e.19nlflcant problem with achJev1n9 the performance atandards, within lhle. plat contain trees the must be retarned per sald approved Tree the band holder ohall worl<. with KC PDE& to develop a contl,igenc~ Retention Flan. Any propooed clearing, grading or conotructlon acllvltle• th•l • Landecape contractor I developer 1& warranty shall Include plan_ Cont1n9enc~ plane can Include, but are not limited to: re9rad1n9, wlll (or ma~) Impact a sT9nlflcant tree wlthln eard lot& must be reviewed and I I. 8 11 for evergreen trees, or 2_ 12 11 for decfduoue, tree&. S19nlffcant treee located In the Interior or the development propoeal, Including &en&ltlve areas and their buffers, ehall be retaf.r,ed In the residential subdTvlelon at the rate of li:z:> trees par acre or rive percent of such trees-, whichever Is greater. numbers, and storage/ growing location• or the material lo KC DDE& prior to planting. replacement of plants (e,ame e.lze and specie& shown on approved additional plant lnetellatlon, eroelo.r, control, medlatr0r1e to ~drolo9~. approved b~ Krn9 Count~ DDE5 Land U&e Services DTvT&lon and / or succe~4or, plane) that prove either to me mlslocated or une.ultable ae to plant and plan e.ubetltutlon;. of t!:Jpe, elze, quantlt~ and location. Ouch for compliance with eald Tree Retention Plan. The current landowner and futur'r &UE3&TITUTIONS material otandardo. Except for loo& due to sxceoolvel~ severe contingency plan eha'l be submitted lo the KC DDE& Inspector b~ landowner• shall maintain and protect oald tree& and oecure permllo as requlr<jd A significant tree ma~ be credited ao two treeo when It meet• one or more of the • 5ubotltutlono of opeclfled plant epecleo, size or condition will be allowed only with prior written cllmatolo91cal condltlono (oubotalned by 10-~ear recorded weather December 31 of any iear when deflclencleo are dlocovered, Contingency to perrorm an~ maintenance and I or related actlvll~ such as hazard tree following charactsrloto, approval from KC DDE&, charts), lnetalled plant material are required to be guaranteed for will Include many of the llemo lloted below and would be lmplen,ented If remediation, 1 L The tree lo TB Inches or greater In diameter three yeare agc:Hnet defect& and uneatlefactory growth. Plant& the r=,errormance etardard& are not met. Maintenance and remedlal action ~ The permit applicant shall determine that the flnal tree retention plan do~e II. ·roo tree le located In a grouping or at lea&t five tree& with FART 3 _ FL.ANT iN&TAL.LATION replaced ohall be relnltlated under plant guarantee condition•. The on the site will be lm:>lemented Immediately upon completion of the nol Include 019nlflcanl lreeo unable to survive more than ten ~earo after the <1ate canopleo that touch or overlap monltor1n9 t:,erlod shall be ti'Tee (3) year& from lnetallatlon monitoring event (unlse,e olre!"wle.e epeclflcally Indicated below). of project completron. If!. The tree provide& energ~ savln9e, through winter wind protection or &OIL FREFARATION / AMENDMENT& acceptance In writing b~ thdo DPE5 Inspector. • During ~ear one, lwo and trree replace all dead plant material. • &19nlflcanl Tree Frotecllon, oummer ohadlng ae a result of Ito location relative to building• , Frlor to Installation or plantings, all construction debrlo and any other non-native material shall ' Watec all plantlr,gs at• rate of I" or water at least ever~ week L Frlor to any clearing all treso lo be retained shall be flagged, Iv. The tree belong• to a unique or unusual species. be removed from the mlllgatlon area. Tree• and shrub• ohall be pit planted a• ohown In the FART 5 • FINAL A=EFIANCE between June 15-&e~tember 15 durrng the flrot ~ear after lnotallatlon, and 2, Frlor to grading and lrroughoul conotructlon, a temporar~ chalnllnl<., approved plan details, A ooll mololure retention agent /pol~er) ehall be Included In planting for the first ~ear after any replacement plant1n90 !C l M). wire or plaollc net fence shall be used to Identify the protected are Flan modlflcatlono and tree c,9placement are permitted ao follows, bacl<.flll per manufacturer'• opsclflcatlone. • Upon completion of planting, the landocape contcactor I • Replace dead plants with the eame opecleo or a oubotllute epeclse ( drip line) of an~ olgnlflcant tree deolgnaled for retention. The I-eight a, An~ olgnlflcant lree In the Interior ma~ be replaced b~ another olgnlflcanl tree , In non-graded planting areao, planting pllo all be bacl<.fllled wrlh a 50/50 mixture of imported, develop.,., shall provide lh" DDE& Inspector with a eel of clear[~ that meets the goal and objectives or the enhancement plan, •ubJecl to of ouch fencing ehall be adjuolsd according to the topographic and In the Interior, weed free topooll and the native ooll from the planting pit, In graded areas, planting• &hall be marked prints deolgnallng the actual \ocallono of plant1n90 within the KC DDE5 approval. vegetative condition• of the olte to provide clear vloual delineation b, If the required number or olgnlflcant trees cannot be retained, then lnotalled direct!~ Into new\~ placed topsoil. Imported lopooll ohall be a 3-way mix acquired rrom an mitigation area. Landscape contractor / developer ohall keep a • Re-plant area after reason for rallure hao been identified !e,g. of the pcolected area. The olze or the protected area around the non-olgnlflcant olzed trees m"~ be retained oc new tree• ma~ be planted lo meet approved local ouppller. complete eel of prints at the Job elte during construction for lhe moisture regime, poor plant etoc\.:, dloeaoe, shade/eun conditions, wildlife tree shall be equal to one fool diameter for each Inch or tree trunk the &lgnlflcant tree requlremenlo ao follow&, provided tr,it the reaoon for the , &o!IMolol, or equlvalenl, ohall be added lo the top&oll backfill or all planllng pits. The purpooe of 'red lining' chang"6 or modlflcallono lo the approv"d damage, etc). diameter measured four feet above the ground or at drip line of tbe purpo•e of thlo ouboecllon, the olgnlflcant tree lo be replaced b~ the new or &ollMo!Ol shall be h~drated before being added to topooll bacl<.rlll. Manufacturer• recommended plane and •hall update said Information on a dall~ baelo. • Remove I control weedy or exotic Invasive plants !e,g. &cot'o tree, exlollng replacement tree Is aoolgned a diameter of 12 Inches, ] application rates and uoage shall be followed, • KC DDE& ehall approve planting locatlono ao depleted on the Elr'oom, reed canar~.graoo, 1-llmalayan Blackberry, purple loooetrlfe, etc) • At no time during and arter conotrucllon ohall the following be permitted I. When uolng replacement treee measuring three lncheo In diameter or " ] , l!.bod~ planting• shall be fertilized with a elow rel,•a•e (B month) high nitrogen, low phoophoruo approved replanting plan. If ltemo are lo be corrected, a punch list by manual or chemical meano ao approved by Kc DDE&. Use or wTlhln lhe olgnlflcant tree protection area, (a) lmpervlouo ourraceo, fill, greater (ae mea&ured b~ caliper), one-half Inch diameter of replacement tree granular fecllllzer (21-3-1), with application raleo ao opeclfled by the manufacturer, Fertilizer shall be ehall be prepared by the DDE5 Inspector and oubmltted lo lhe herbicides or pesticides within the mlllgallon area would only be excavation, or storage of conolruclfon materials (b) grade level changee, ohall be provided for every one Inch dTameler of olgnlflcant tree to be ~ applied after planting pit lo backfilled, and prior to application or mulch. Fertilizer ohall not be Landscape contractor / developer for completion. After punch list Implemented If other measures failed or were considered unlil<.ely to be except In limited clrcumotanceo where propooed Improvement uolng permeable replaced, and 11' ~ applied between Novembec and March. ltemo have been completed, DDE& lnepector shall review the oucceooful, and would require KC DDE5 approvaL Tree• and orrubo materlalo are determined b~ an arborlot to be non-detrimental lo lhe tree• ro{'t 11. ll.!1en using replacement tree• msaourlng leoo than trree Inches In diameter, ~ ." , Out&lde or wetland areas, a 3 Inch la~er of mulch (medium Doug Fir barl:.) ohall be placed around project for final acceptance on plan lmplementallon, should be weeded lo the drlpllne and mulched to a depth of 3 lncheo. oyolem, I one Inch diameter of replacement tree ohall be provided for ever~ one Inch 9 65' the baoe or each new tree to a 36" diameter for eroelon, weed control and moisture retention. All non-native vegaatlon muol be removed and dumped orf oTle al an • &lgnlflcant Tree Maintenance, · diameter or olgnlflcant tree to be replaced. ' ' ·', ~ -'-\ . ' ~ a! ' Exlotlng natural or landscaped areas thal ace damaged dur1n9 conotructlon shall be reotored ' A& BUILT &U6MITTAL ON FLAT& approved location. (a) Alnclllud•lglnn~lcmaonntlttrorelne!,"hall be maintained for lhe life of the project SIGN I Fl CANT TREE CALCLJ LATIONS .:-:: :;:; to their original condition, unless lmprovemente or modification& are &pecffle:ci for those areae. • Clean-up traeh and other debrle. ~ ~ % ;i' , Landocaps contractor I developer ohall exercise cars to protect from Injury to trunk, root•, or Note, If revision• and I or changes have been made to the • &elecllvely prcne wood~ planlo lo thin and remove dead or (b) All elgnlflcant tree• &hall be pruned and trimmed ao neceooar~ to \ FER K 1 .;;; brancheo of any tree• or shrub• that are to remain, An~ living wood~ plant that 16 damaged during Initial DPE& approved olgnlflcant tree retention plan submit an d!oeaoed portion al trees. maintain a healt~ growing condition or the prevent prlmar~ limb failure, E I f~::2.156 Tl-IE TOTAL NUM6ER OF TREES TO 6E RETAINED 5!-IALL 8 conotrucllon shall be treated within 24 hours of occurrence. Contractor shall prune wounded Ao-Elulll plan. If no change•/ revisions have been made an Ao-Built Thlo rsc,ulrement ehall nol be lnlerpreled lo allow, 6 0 ""' FER ACRE OR!:>% OF SAID TREE5, W!-IATEvER 15 GREATER. ;;: porllono of plant lmmedlate18 after damage occuro, \nJured plant• &hall be thorough!~ watered and Flan 1• not required. FART 1 -FERFOF<t1ANCE 60ND5 !I) lopping of prlmar~ stem& 0 addlllonal meaoure• ohall be taken (as appropriate) to aid In plant ourvlvablllt~. !2) pruning lhal rssull• In lhe looo of 20 percent of vegetative ma•• TOTAL NUM6ER OF TREE& 15 214. 5S"o OF 214 • II TREES ~ , Grading, The duff la~er and native topsoil shall be retained In an undloturbed otals to the Frlor to final plan lnopsctlon for the 519nlflcant Tcee Retention • To aooure the o.icce•• or the m1t19atlon, a performance bond will be !3) culling or major root•, except In preparation ror tranoplantatTon -OR· ::: maximum extend practicable. An~ duff la~er or topsoil removed during grading shall be stoci<plled Flan permltlee shall submit an A&-BUILT &19nlflcant Tree Retention posted with KC DDE& b~ the Developer at the llme of plat approval or ao deemed neceooar~ and / or acceptable b~ a certified TOTAL SITE SQUARE FOOT AGE , 335,412 5.F. = 1.1 ACRES 1ll" on-olte In a deolgflaled, controlled area not adjacent to public reoourceo and critical areas, The Flan ta the DDE5 lnopector showing all plan revisions I changes and for the coot or lmplementlng the m1t19atlon plan to be monltor,9d ror arborfol, 10 TREE& FER ACRE = 11 TREES REQUIRED TO 6E RETAINED 15 GREATER "l « material ohall be reapplied to other portion• of the sits where feaofble. Area• that have been verlf~lng that the DDE& approved 51gnlflcanl Tree Retention plan trree (3) ~ears. ll uJII be the Developer I permlttee reoponolbllllH to (4) With lhe exception of dead, dloeaesd or damaged trees :k ~ cleared and grade,d &hall have the ooll mololure holdl,ig capaclt~ reotorad to that or the original (approved at the DDE& Engineering Review stage) hae been request a final Inspection at the end of the trree (3) year monitoring epsclflcally retained to provide wildlife habitat, other dead, TOTAL RETAINED SIGNIFICANT TREES , 41 "'m undloturbed soil native to the sits of lhe maximum extent practicable. The soil In any area that has completed per plan requirements, Thlo AS-BUILT plan shall be period and to relea.e the pooled bond, The bond quantity calculation d!seaoed, damaged or etolen planting ohall be replaced 3 1 T"'EES S"O"~' AT IQ" AL O UN ~ ~ b •-th •-d II r c-d I d I I d "-II reviewed and approved b" the &Ile Development &peclal!ot / form for both exlotir" ol,,.,nlflcant treoie and treeo to be planted o"-11 be lmmsdlatelu or the nexl plantin" o-•oon If t"-lo&s do-• not occur ,.... M ""' " C · R DER = "o een compacted or l,~ ao ,~ some or a o l,= Liff ayer or un er 81n9 topool remove o,~ " " " '~ " " = •= = I T"'"'E C"'"'DIT/T"'EE I T"'E a. ~ fl b d d It! r I hold The d c-11 •-I b Forester lhat It conrormo to 50-220 and can be recorded. Ir completed and oubrrllted to DDE& Bite Development &ervlceo prior to In a plant in" &eaoon, · ""° "-"' " = 3 " E" "'.::, e amen e tom gate or oot moloture-Ing capaclt8, amen ment ••Q ta= pace elween d " 8 TREES 5!-IOUN AT 18" CAL. OR OvE"" •2 T"'"E C"'EDIT&!T="E• fi>E"' Ma~ I and Octobeir I. Replaced lopooll shall be a minimum of B lnche• thlcl<., unle•• the applicant approve the plan will be sent bacl<. lo the DDE& Inspector for final approval of the &191lflcant Tree Retention Flan !the bond form will be 16 T"'"'ES r-r-= " = 00 .;, demonotrate,, that a different thlckne•• will provide condition• equivalent lo lh<a ooll moloture plan Inspection proceoelng. Mltlgallon monitoring for &!gnlflcant provided b~ the 5D& Foreotec at too time of the Significant Tree = ~ .. holding capaclt8 native to t.hs site, Replaced topooll shall have an organic matter content of Tro:e ohall commence upon acceptance and approval of thlo Retention plan review stags), The actual bond will need to be submitted C: ~ between B to \3 percent dry weight and a pl-I suitable for the propooed landscape plant&, A&-ElUIL T plan and laol for 3 ~ears or growing oeaoono, to DPE& prior lo p·oJecl acceptance for field lnepectlon by the Land NUM6ER OF FLANTED SIGNIFICANT TREES REQUIRED •30 ~i'1-----------------------------------------------------------------~U:•;e~ln~•~p:e:c;t1;o~n;~;'~t-------------------------------------------------.:;;;N~U~M~6~E~R~OF~~F~L~A~N~T~E~D~5~1G~N~IF~IC~A~N~T~T~R~E~E~5~FfR~O~V~l~D~E~D~=~4~6~=~2~2~@~1,ik/~l2~e~2~,I==~ , '" ! REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION/DATE BY ANAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESM 10-2D-05 2 FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESM 02-13-06 3 FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESM D4-26-06 4 ANAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESM 05-17-07 STAlE OFS.f'(<J? WASHINGTON REGISTERED f/E,NDSCAPE ARCHllECT 'V,1.v1,i1 £lDtiL&DfJ?atL LEANNE D. KUHLM CERTIFICATE No. 743 Cl z f- ...J ~ (/) z 0 0 • () • ....J • ....J (f) (I) z -0 ....J 0 I (J) a.. J "' .. ,0 -.. 0 --m ww- ' ' ' w,o .. "' -~ W v ID E 0 () • ·-> ·-() E rn (I) • 3: 3 3 z UJ ....J (9 w mr z z U) en w "'"1 ~ C ~ E o,~ C 0, ·-0 ~c > 0 . :,; " (/) 1, 'Q.~ C 0 0 ;-_J ~ "' C ·c • w •"' C • ·-0 "'"' C Wo == .a > ·-~ on. z :5 a.. z 0 1-z w w 0::: w w 0::: I- I- ~ -u.. -z c., -U) JOB NO.: 1166-001-005 DWG. NAME: LA~03 DESIGNED BY: LOK DRAWN BY, JLL/LDK/TG CHECKED BY: DATE: 04/26/2006 DATE OF PRINT: L-3 20 OF 20 SHEETS ·--~. < -----------,-----------------------------------!:2::::M~D.....!~~~::!~~lS~\0~-~::.(~~5\£G;I.E..N n REVJSIOl'IS NOTES I. 519n1flcanl troeeo ehown hd ve not b.si!U'l reviewed by ari arborle.t lo determine the hea llh or the lree. The number of s1snir1canl treeo ma~ be reduce clapencllnS on loo flncl1ns• "' a certified arborlet. 2. Street tree locatron& are at=iproxlmats and ma~ be aclJuotecl per actual ullllt~ and clrlvewa~ location&. 3. Tree& 6hown to be: reta lned on the tree: retention plan oha JI be maintained by the rulure owner& or ths propoesd loto, canolotent with Kee l61l2.IS6 I ! I • I • ; 0-J ' ('! ,!) ., : I ;1 " I \ J f / \ J ' H'~--,:SC"''--ROAD D t-;' --- /·, . ' • • I I I \ • W1 (/) \ I w ·, :J z w > <( ~I ~/ J \ I ·, I \,j ' 1 l (. 6 ' ' ' I , \ ' '· ;_J \ ' i . ;<""~'\;_, i I ' • L , 10" ~".Ilic ·. 2~1* '· ' \ 25 j / / A PORTION OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. i i J 14 • ,n / 26 I 27 28 29 -- I o ,, •. 30 I, .. .. . ">, __ ,,/ 16"/10" i ('.29 l / ill o / R ' . lb"//~- \ --~·-·· _., 31 '• 1i@ 21 22 ® I ' • I I SYMBOL LEGEND- EXIS-flNG TREES TO BE RETAINED SIGNIFICANT TREE COMMON NAME Botanical name DECIDUOUS TREE APPLE Nalus species @ I-A_L_D_E_R-=-------4-~ .. Alnus glutinosa ~ CHESTNUT & Castanea sativa ~ LOCUST Rub inia pseu.doacac·ia BLACK COTIONWOOD Populus trichocarpa DOUGLAS FIR Psuedatsuga ,nenziesii WESTERN HEMLOCK J'suga heterophylla WESTERN RED CEDAR J'huja plicata CAL. INCHES 12 INCHES OR MORE 8 INCHES OR MORE SYMBOL LEGEND- EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED SIGNIFICANT TREE COMMON NAME Botanical name DECIDUOUS TREE APPLE Nalus species ALDER Alnus glutinosa CHESTNUT Castanea sativa LOCUST Rubinia pseudoacacia BLACK COTIONWOOD Populus triclwcarpa DOUGLAS FIR Psuedotsuga menziesii WESTERN HEMLOCK J'suga heterophylla WESTERN RED CEDAR J'huja plicata SIG. 0 ® CAL. INCHES SIZE INDICATED l Comments: LosSRost.f cXISTIN<i, TFIEEe----L------~- &'!EEL ~ENCE f'06'r OR -~ 2' x 2' WOODEN F'05T-Tl'F'. e, +!-P0Sl6 HIN." e'-1 11 D15T ANCE AF'ART MAX CIRCLlm. FIST Al>IED TP<EE AT DRIF'LINE. f'kAN VIEW t, 0'-1" MAX.,, 'f 1 REPLACEMENT TREE PLANT LEGEND (WITHIN TRACT B & D & Lotb 24-31) i I \ ~ ).__,_ ---fl?'' -1.--)\ __ .i...,..,.._ .. _ ' -, __ i.,. ___ ... __ _ ! _,.,. .. -. ' '" __ ..... __ ,,.._.._ __ ,,;·~-. -.: ».7 OOTANICAL I 'ff.lUJA FLICATA I UJE5TEF<N RED CEDAR 6' l-lT. MIN. QUANTITY I@ 12 24 GALV,~t-UZED WIRE:----~ i -['#~~ ;_ 'rEN&-'f' c,S-1 SAFETY . I-' f· I_ \ i \ I / PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PART I -PLANTING f\FECIFICATION& "'"""'ral Conciltlon• , Lanclocape contractor I Developer ohall verify lhal plant Jnotallatlan condition• are eultabl" within the planting araao. Any unoatloractory condition• ehall be corr .. cted prior to otart of wor~. lLhen candltlono deLrfmental to plant 9rowth are encountered, euch ao rubble fill, aclveree dralnatJe condltlano, 019nlflcar1t vegetation, or obolructlono, the lanclocaps contractor I developer •hall notify KC DDE5 prior lo r,lantlng. 6e91nn1n9 or work conotltuteo acceptance of canclltlono ao oatls,actor~. • Flanto lnotalled In uncllelurbed arsao shall be Integrated with exlotlng native vegetation, and planted In a random, naturallotlc pattern. LOCATE I 5T AKE / vE('!IFY Fl.ANTING ARl;A5 • Landocape contractor I Developer ohall field locate, olaks, and verify planting area• and configuration• prior to planting. Thlo ohall approximate what le ohcwn on the DDE5 approved 519nlflcant Tres Retention plan. All revlelono / chanS"" ohall be pre-approvscl by DDE5 and docum..,tecl for recorclln9 al flna I plat approva I. APFRQVE PLANTING LOCATIQN5 AND 5FACING , Plantrng !ocatlone &hown on planlln9 i::,lane. are approximate, bae.ed on ant.lclpated e.tte condition&. Actual plant.Ing locatlone ma~ veir~ from tho&l'!:l e.l-iown due to final el+.e condltlone and -~- location& of exletlng vegetation. Neverthsleee, an~ varlatlone from ths plant.ln9 plan will requrre prior approval by KC DDE5. ,, 519nlrlcant. tre:19 epacln9 &hall be: a minimum of' f'lfteer1 feat. (15'' f'or non-street treee or 4@ 1 on center ,or otreet tro,eo) or ao otated on the approved planllng plan. Spac1n9 oha II be adequat" lo allow ol9nrr1cant tra"'• room lo sxpancl tl-,ou9hcul lhe ruture year&. PART 2 -FLANT MATERIAL 6TANDAl'<D5 • Lanclocape contractor I developer ohall examine plant materlal prior to planllng. Any material not meet1n9 the rsciurrsd opscrrrcatlono ohall be lmm.,clratsly removed from the olte and replaced wllh Ilks mat,.rlal that meet• the requlrscl otanclarclo. Flant material ohall meet lhe r,squ1rsrr1ento of Count~, State and F.,deral lawo wllh reopect to plant dloeaoe and ln,eolallono. lnopectlon certlflcateo, required by law, ohall accompan~ each and every ohlpment and ohall be oubmlltscl ta the Lanclocapa contractor I daveloper upon r<Sc:elpt or plant material. Theoe csrllflcateo shall be m9cle available lo KC DDE5 ao reciusotecl by the lnopector. • Plant material& ohall be locall~ grown (U...olsrn UJA, U...otern OR, U...olern BC), healthy, buohy, In vr9arouo 9row1n9 condition, and be 9uaranteed true olzs, name and variety. Ir replacem.,.nt or plant material lo neceooar~ clue lo conolrucllan damage or plant farlure within tl-,ee !3) ~ear& or lno\allatlon, lhe olzeo, opecleo and quan\ltleo &hall be sciual to opeclf'led plant• ao Indicated an the approv,od piano. • Flat1to ohall bs nuroer~ grown, wsll-roo\ecl or normal growth and habit, and rres from dloeaos lnf,gotallan. KC DDE5 reosrveo the right to reciulre replacemB'1\ or oubotltutron of any plant• cleem"d unoultabla. • Treeo ohall have unlforin branch1n9, 01n9le straight trunk,, and \he central leader Intact and undamaged. Balled and burlapped otocl< &hall have been root-prun"'cl at leaot O!'lCS within prevlouo two yearo, and the planl &lock. ohall have been grown In a container ,or at leaol one rull 9row1n9 oeaoon. Container o\ocl<. ohall be fully rooted bul not root-bound. Plant material with clama9ed ,·oot zoneo or brok.en root ba 11• will not bs accepted. • Conlferouo treeo shall be nuroery grown, rull and buohy, and with unrrorm branching and a natural nan-ohearecl form. 0rr91nal csntral leader muot be healthy and unclama9ed. • Landocape conlraclor I developer ohall oubmlt a llot or plan\ ouppller r1ameo, aclclreooeo, phone numbero, and otora9e I growrns location• or the material to KC DDE5 prior \o planting. 5U65TITUTION5 , Sub&tltutlone or epec::trrf!ld plant eF='sclee,, atza or coricHtlon will be allowed onl~ with Frlor writ.ten approval from KC DPE5. FART 3 -FLANT INSTALLATION 50IL Ffsl=FAl'<ATIQN I AMENDMl;NT6 j Prior to lnetallat.Ton of F'lantlnEje., all cori&trucUon dsbrl& and any other non-native material e,hall be removed from the mlllgauon area. Tree& and ol-,ubo ohall be pit planted as ehown In loo approved plan d<9tallo. A ooll moisture retention agent (pol~msr) ohall bs Included In plant1n9 back..t"III per manur~1cturisr'e e!='sclflcatlorie. • In rion-9racled plantrng areao, planting plto all be back.filled with a S@IS@ mixture or Imported, w<0sd free topoorl and loo native &oil from lhe plant1n9 pit. In graded areao, planting• oha JI be lnotallecl directly lnlo newly placed topeoll. Imported lopooil ohall be a 3-way mix a=tulred front an approved loca I oupplier. • 5or1Molot, or equivalent, ohall be added to the topooll back.fill or all planting pits. The 5o11Molot ohall be hyclralecl bsfore be1n9 added to topooll bacl<.f111. Manuraclursro recommended appllcallan ralso and uoasa ohall be followed. • UJood~ planlln90 ohall be rerlillz"'cl with a olow releaoe (8 monlh/ hl9h nltro9en, low phoophc,uo 9ranular rertlllzer (21-3-1), wllh application rateo ao opeclflecl by the manufacturer. Fertlllzer ohall be appllecl after planting pit lo back.flllecl, and prior lo application or mulch Fertlllzer ohall not be applled b<Stwsen November and March • OUtolde of wetland areao, a 3 Inch lays, or mulch (medium Dous Fir bark.) ohall be plac::ecl around the baee or et:ich new tree to a .36 11 diameter for sro&lon, weed control and moisture retention. ~ Sxlet.fn9 natural or landecaped arede. that are dama9ed during conetructlon &hall be restorsd \o their orrg1nal condition, unleoo lmprav.,menlo or mocllflcatlono are opeclflecl for thooe areae. t Landscape contract.or I di:,veloper &hall exercfee care to protcSct from rnJury to trunk, rootsr or branche• or any tree• or &n"ubo thal are to remain. Any Jlvln9 woody plant that lo damaged durlriEJ conetructlon shall b'9 treated wlthrn 24 houre of occurrence. Contractor shall prur1e wounded portion• of plant Immediately arter damage occu,o. Injured plant• ohall be lhoroughl~ watered and adclltlonal msaoureo ohall be taken (ao appropriate) ta aid rn plant ourvlvabllll~. • Gracl1n9, The du,f layer and native topooll ohall be retained In an unclloturbscl olate to the maxln1um extend practlc::abla. Any clurr lay.,, or lopooll removed during 9,adrng ohall be olockpll5cl on-olte In a daol9natecl, controlled area not adjacent ta public reoourceo and crltlc:al areao. The •aterral ohall bs reapplied ta other portlono or the ol\e where rsaolble. Areao thal have been laar"'cl and graded ohall have loo ooll moloture holding capacll~ reotored to that of the original dloturbecl ooll native to the olte or the maximum extent practicable. The ooll In any area that hoo .., compacted or that hao had oome or all or the duff layer or unclerlyln9 topooil removed •hall amended to mlllEJale for loot mololure-hold1n9 capacity. The amendment ohall take place bstuieer, · I and October i. Replaced lopooll ohall be a minimum or 6 lncheo thick, unls•• the applicant <:>notrateo that a dlf,eren\ thlckneoe will provide condition• eejulvalent to the ooll moloture Ing capacity native to the orte. Replaced topooil ohall have an or9anlc malter content of -, 8 to 13 percent dry we19ht and a pf.I oultable for lhe propaoed landocape planto. / -" ' FRAXINU5 LATIFOLIA / OREGON A5f.l F5EUD0T5UGA MENZIE511 / D0UGLA5 FIR 2" CAL. 4' f.lT. MIN. FENGE OR EGlUAL I ---1•m· ! J--;cr rt • fu~n1=m STEEY FENCE f'OeT OR -' cc'm- 2' x 2'1WOOPEN f005T- TYF'1Cf1- I EXl&Ti'IC> UNDISTIJRaED 601L ---~ ' '" ., " I ' l;\ . ·-' ·"./ ,. , F'ROF'05ED LAND5CAFING-TYPICAL. REFER TO 5l-lEET L.-1 AND L-2. / ' Af'<OIJNI D RooT zONE. TREE PROTECTION oE-r AIL I NOT TO SCALE APPROVED I ' ' I ,, / ;;,: ' .J CLEAN UP I !' ·. \ ,, I, • '-,. / / ' \ \ ] --... ) 3~ I I _ I ' ' l21 / I \ ·-(0 i I ! ~3 '-.I \ l ~1 J' r :::) I:; .. ~ ! ' l,f 1 • I ' I I ~-,n ', \ / l./ 36 .. ' , -_I ... • 34 ! • Landecape contractor I developer ohall be reoponorble for the removal of conotruc\lon material and dsbrlo on the &Its following ln•talla\lon of plant material•. All clebrlo mu•l be removed to a [e9al landfill raclllty. PART 4 • PLANT UJARRANTY AND MONITORING, • Laridecape contract.or I devsloper 1e. warranty shall Include replacement of plants ( e,ama size and er:,ecle& ehown on approved piano) thal prove either \o me mlelocated or unoullable ao lo plant matsrlal e•Landarde. Except for lo&& due to excee.elve\~ e.evere cllmatolo91cal conclltlano (oubo\alnecl by l@-year recorded weather chart&), lne-talled plant mate:rlal are rec:julred to be guarantei!!d for \1-,ee yearo asa lnol derecto and unoat1eractar~ 9rowth. Flanto replaced ohall be relnltlatecl under plant 9uarantee c::ondltlono. The monltorln9 period ehall be ln'ee (3) yearo from lnotallatlon acceptance In wrllln9 by the DDE5 lnopeclor. FART S -FINAL ACCEFT ANCE • Llj::)on completlon of plant1n9, the landeccq:,e contractor I d"'velop"'r ohall provide the DDE5 lnopector with a oel or clearl~ marked prinlo cleo19nat1ng lhe actual lacatlono or plant1n90 within the mitigation area. Lanclocape contractor I clevelop,ar ohall keep a complete &et or prlnlo at the Job olte clur1n9 cone\ructlon ror lhe purpoes of •red llntn9 1 chang"-& or modfflcatlone to the:: ap~roved piano and ohall update oarcl ln,orma\lon on a dally baolo. • KC DDE5 ohall approve plant1n9 locallan• ae cleplctecl on the approved replant1r19 plan. If l\emo a,e to be correc\ecl, a punch llot oha II be prepared by \he DDE5 lnepeclor and oubmltlscl lo the Lanclocapa, contractor I developer for completion. Arter punch Hot ltemo have bsen completed, DDE5 lnopector ohall review the project ror final acceptance on plan lmplamentatlon. • A5 6UILT 5U6MITTAL ON FLAT5 Mote, Ir cevlolono and / or chan,ae• have been made to the Initial DDE5 approv"d orgnlflcant t,.,., retention plan oubmlt an Ao-Built plan. Ir no change• I revlalono have been made an A•-Built Flan lo not required. Prior lo flnal plan lnopacllon for the 519nlflcant Tree Ret.,.,llon Flan permlt\ee ehall oubmlt an A5-6UILT 519nlflcant Tree Retention Flan to the DDE5 lnopector oho1111n9 a II plan rev lo Ion• / chan9eo and verlf~ln9 that loo DDS5 approved 519nrr1canl Tree Retention plan <approved al the DDE5 Eng1neer1n9 Review ola9e> ha• beB'1 completed per pion reciulremen\o. Thro A5-6UIL T 1'7lan ehall be revlewsd and approved by the 51te Development 5pecla llol / Foreo\er that It c::onrormo to 5@-22@ and can be recorded. Ir approved the plan will be o..,l back lo the DDE5 lnopector for final plan lnopectlon proceeolng. Ml\lgatlon monltorln9 for e,19nlflcant Tr""' oha II comm..,ce upon acceptance and apprava I of thlo A5-6UIL T plan and laol for 3 year• or 9row1n9 oeaoono. ' ' """"=;._ ., ,l. ,. " '; :,}37 38 I o .. '!::,, .• ~-?' it ) ',. j / i -•• ~ (.) 28" .3 6" SCALE: "I"= ---,, " . --.""' 50' ··. / ·-==•• --..c::: __ _ nfazr 51JB.1£CT TO ATTACHED C<)l,IDITIONS ----------------------~----~------~ KIN(; COUNT'/ LAND USE SEHi/iCES DIV -. . a~\.--- .S&~iLL ' .. 5'-I'/ -206 7 . ;,---c,.-.·"':-:s:c>~,--ROAD A ----·~~t, .,. • 1-- • / .. -,,. ,;,1,· .. -,. . :,./ .. 1,...,. .. -.·< _..!;~ -,·,Y: .,.·,,,:?',. ,ir'" ··'" Ii' 84 .. ~ I~ 1 4" •~ 47 i\ ' i .,' ' ,b I . ' i, ) ' . ' Wi • (j) w :J z w ;> j,-<C. I l-o C\J I 6" .. ' . •, T"" i • .... ) '', •• ! ') ",, '"'!"" r,., .. ,/_,----/ •' FART 6 -MAINr!;NANC!; AND CONTINGENCY Note:; Ir etreet tree'e to be: plantsd aleo quallf~ for &!9nTf'Jca11t tree'& th,c,-n the &tree:t trise ma lntenance and monltorrng ~rocee.s ehi!! I! be ueed. ., Mafntenance will ba performed twice per year to acldreae. an~ condlllono that could Jeoparcllz" the oucceoo of the ml\19atlon area. Eolabll&hed performance otanclardo ,or the project will be compared to the monitoring reoulte to Judge the oucceoo or the mlll9at1on proJecl. Ir there lo a 019n1flcant problem with achieving the performance otanclardo, the bond holder ohall work. with KC DDE5 to develop a cont1n9ency plan. Contingency piano can Include, but are not llmllecl lo, regrading, acldillonal plant lnotallatlon, eraolon control, medlallono lo hyclrala9y, and plan oubolltutlono or l~pe, olze, quanllt~ and location. 5uch contingency plan ohall be oubmittecl to the KC DDE5 lnopector by December 3-1 of any !:jear when derlclericlee are dlecoversd. Cont.ln~enc~ will Include many or lhe llem• liotecl below and would be 1mpleme11ted If the performance &tandarde are not mc,t. Ma rntenance arid rernedl.B I action cm the olte will be Implemented lmmecllately upon completion or the monitoring event (unleoo otherwloe opecrflcally lncllcaled below). • Durln9 year one, two and \1-,ee replace all dead planl material. • Water afl plantrn9s at a rate of 111 of water at !ea&t ever!:l week b"lween June 1S-5eptember IS clur1n9 the flrol year after lnolallatron, and for the flrot ~ear after anH replacement planlln90 (C 4 M>. 1 Replace dead plarite with the e,ami£ epecls& or a eubstltuts epscle& thal meelo the 9oal and objecllveo or lhe enhancement plan, oubJect ta KC DDES approval. . • ~wp[ant area after reason for failure ha& been Jdl9fltlfied (e.g. mole.turd:! regime, poor plant etock., dle.eaee, ehade/&un condltlone, wlldllfe clamase, etc). • Remove I control weed~ or exotic Tnvae!ve plant& (e..g. 5cot'e, Broom, reed canar~ graoo, Himalayan Blaclsberr·y, purple loooetrll'e, etc.> by maoual or chemrcal mean• ao approved by KC DDE5. Uoe of herbicide• or peotlcldeo within the m1t19at1on area woulcl only be implemented If other msaoureo railed or were conoldered unlikely to be oucc::eoorul, and would require KC DDE5 approva I. Tree& and ohrubo ohould be weeded to the dr1pl1ne and mulched lo a cleplh or 3 lncheo. All non-native ve9statlon mue.t be removed and dumped off elte at an approved location. • Clean-up traeh and other debrl&. • 5elactlvely prune woody plant• \o thin and remove dead or dloeaoecl portion or lreeo. · FART 1 -FEF;1FORMANC!; !30ND5 • To ae.eure the eucceee or the m1t19at1on, a psrfonnance bond wfll be pootecl with KC DDE5 b~ the Developer at lhe time of plat ap~>rava I for the cool or Implementing the mlll<,3allon plan to bs monitored for tl-,e" (3) yearo. ll will be lhe Develop"' I permlltee re•panolbfllly lo reejueot a flna I lnopecllon at the encl of the lrr""' (3) ~ear monrtor1n9 period and to relBaoe the po•tecl band. The band ciuanlll~ calculallon rorm ror both exletlng ol9nlflcanl lree• and lreeo \o be planted oha II be c:ompletecl and oubmltlecl lo DPE5 51t<> Development 5ervlceo prior la approval of the 519nlflcant Tree Retention Flan (the bond rorm will be provlclacl by the 5D5 Fareoter at the time of the 5r9nlflcant Tree Retention plan review otage!. The actual bond will need to be oubmlttecl to DPE5 prior to project acceptance for flsld lnopectlon by the Land Uoe lnopectlon Unll i I _ .. -· 1,,,..-- SIGNIFICANT TREE RETENTION NOTES 51GNIFICANT TRI;!; RElJ;NTION NOTE5, KC 2IA.3!2.2)l@ (50-22.z>! • Furouant to KCC l61l2.IS6 an approved 519nrflcant Tree Retention Flan lo reciu1recl ,or the properly ao cleocrlbecl an file with King County Department and Development and Environmental 5ervlceo (DDE5) Record• Center, on oheet I of loo al'7proved eng1n .... rlng piano Number L@SF'.z>e>.z>S, and Activity Number L@55FWS4. Lo\o l,6,1,8,10,ll,12,14,15,l':l,2.z>,21,22,3.z>,34,42,43,44,4B,46,48,4':l, and Tract 6 within lhlo plat contain treeo the muot be retained per said approved Tree Retention Flan. An~ propooecl clearrng, 9racl1n9 or conotructlon act1vlt1eo that will (or may! Impact a orgnlflcan\ tree within oalcl lot• mu•\ be reviewed and approved by King Count~ DPE5 Land Uoe 5ervlceo Dlvroron and / or oucceooor, t'or compllarice with &aid Tree Retentron Flan. The current Landowner .and future landowner& eha\1 maintain dnd protect &aid treee ar1d eecure permlte ae required to perform an~ miilntsnarice and I or related actlvlt~ euch aa hazard tree retrhsdlatlon. • The penr1rt applicant ohall determine lhat the t'lnal tree ret,sntlon plan does not Include e,fgnlflcant treee unable: to eurvlve: moris than tetl ~eare after the date or project completion. • &19n!flcant Tree Frot.ect.lori~ I. Prior to any clearrng a JI treeo to be rata lned oha II be flagged. 2. Prior to sraclrns and \l-,ou9haul conotructlon, a temporar~ chalnllnk, wire or pla&tfc net f'ence eha!! be ueed to ldsr1tlfy the t=irotected are ( drip line) of any olgnlflcanl lree ds&lgnatecl for retention. The hel9h\ or ouch ,..,c1n9 &half be aclJuoted according to the topographic and vsee:tatlve condlt.lone. of the elte to t='rovlde clear vle,uc:1\ delineation of the protected area. The elze or the protect<9d area around the tree eha II be equa 1 to one foot diameter for each Inch of tree trunk diameter measured tour feet above the ground or at drip line or the tree. # At no time during and after cone,tructron &hall the following be permftte:d within the significant tres protection area: ( a) Impervious eurracee, fill, excavation, or &tora9a or cono\ructlon ma\erlalo (b) grads level chan9eo, except In llmlted clrcumetar1cc'il& where propoeecl Improvement u&ln.9 permeable materlale are detsnnTned b~ an arborlst to be nan-dstrlmental to the trees root oyotem. • S!gnff'lcant Tree Malntenancei (a) All ol9nlflcanl tree• ohall be malnlalnecl for the lire or the project Including monitoring. (b) All or9nlflcant tree• ohall be pruned and lrlmmecl ao necesoary to maintain a healthy 9rowlng condition or the prevent prlmar~ limb failure. Thi• rsqulrement ohall nol be lnlerprelsd to allow, (I) topplns or primary otemo ('2) ~runlng that re.suit& !n the lose of 21Z' percent of vegetative mae$ (3) c::ullln9 or major rooto, "xcspl In preparation ,or tranoplan\a\lon or ao deemed neceooary and I or acceptable by a c::ertlflecl arborl&t. ( 4) UJllh the exception or dead, clloeaoecl or clama9ecl treeo opeclflcall~ retained to provide wllclllre habitat± other dead, dloeaoecl, ciamagecl or otolen plant1r19 ohall be replaced Immediately or the next plantln9 oeaoon ff loo 1005 cioeO no\ OCCUI' In a plant1n9 oeaoan. / I /,. ' i I ,)1 ' ('' IN . ' ~ ' SIGNIFICANT TREE REQUIREMENTS A "olgnlflcant tred" lo defined a• ao exlot1n9 healthy tree that le no\ a hazard ·.ree (le. a tree that claeo not have a hl9h propabllll~ of lmmrnently falling due to J debllitalfnEJ dieea&e or &tructural defect) and lhdt, when meaeured four and one half reel above gr.3de, ha& a minimum diameter or: I. 8 11 for evergreen tree&, or 2. 12 11 for deciduous tree:&. 119nlflc::ant \reeo located In the Interior of the development propooa I, lncludrns 'l"'"•ltlve a,eao and their buffera, &hall be r,,.,alnecl In the reolclenllal oubcllvlolon l\t the rate or 10 tree& per acre of' flv,s rercenl or &Uch trec9e, whicQSvsr le t,1rec1ter. 1~ e.rgnlflcant tred ma~ be cradfled ae two tres& when It meste one or mori:, or tha rPllowlng chclracterlet&: · L The Lres le 18 lnchee or great.er fn dlametar , II. The tree lo located In a 9roup1ng or at leaot flv<!I treao with C:anoplee, lhd l touch or overlap ill. The tree provide& ener9!,J e.avlnEj& throu,ah winter wind t:'rotect:.lon or e;ummer e,l,,ad1n9 ae. a reeult or lte location relative to bullcllt1ge · Iv. The tree belong• to a un1ciue or unuoua I opec::leo. I Filan modlflcallone, and trc:Je replacernenl are permitted cl& rollow&: a. Any elgnlflcarit lree In the Interior md~ be replaced by another elgnlflcant tree If~ the Interior. t7-If the re<::1ulred number or ergrilflcant trees c.:1nnot be retdlned, then 1;on-ef9nlrlcant elzed tree& ma~ be retained or new tree& ma!-J be planted to me.st ~rie e,fgnlflcant trscs r<Squlremente ae follows, provided that the reae-on ror the purpood of lhlo &uboecllon, the ol9nlflcant tree to be replaced by lhe new or exl&tlng replacement trss: 1& a&e.fgned a diameter of 12 Inches: L lLhsn ue,lng replacement treee meae.urrn9 th-isi:e lnchee in diameter or ~,feater (aei meaeurtS1d b~ caliper), on~-half' Inch diameter of replacement tree ;J.ha\l be provided for ,sver~ one Inch d!ametlSI" of elgnlflcant tree to be r'3placecl, and If. LL.hen ue.ln9 rer;>lacement tr11919e-rneae.urfng lee-& than th-ee lnche& In diameter, one Inch cllamett9r of rei::,lacement tree ehllll be provided for sver~ one Inch dlamt9tc:w or e19nlflcant tree to be replaced. SIGNIFICANT TREE CALCULATIONS f"ER KCC 16.82.156 Tl-IE TOTAL NUMBER OF TREE5 TO 6E RETAINED 5l-lALL 8E 10 TREE5 FER ACRE OR 5% OF 6A1D TREE6, Wl-lATEVER 15 GREATER. l"OTAL NUMBER OF TREE5 15 214. 5% OF 214 = II TREE5 -OR- 1'0T AL 51TE SQUARE FOOT AGE = 335,412 5.F. = 1.1 ACRE5 1,0 TREE6 FER ACRE = 11 TREE5 REQUIRED TO BE RETAINED 15 <:iREATER i'OTAL RETAINED 51GNIFICANT TREE5 = 41 31 TREE5 5l-lOUJN AT 18" CAL. OR UNDER = I TREE CREDIT/TREE = 31 TREE6 8 TREE5 51-iOUJN AT 18" CAL. OR OVER =2 TREE CREDIT5!TREE= lio TREE5 ilUt-16ER OF PLANTED 51GNIFICANT TREE& REGlUIRED=30 HUMBER OF FLANTED 51<:iNIFICANT TREES FROVIDED=4io= 22<1!,I / 12.,2,1 NO. DESCRIPTION/DATE BY 1 FlNAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESM 10-20-05 2 FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESM 02-13-06 J FINAL LANDSCAPE Pl.ANS ESM 04-26-06 4 FlNAL LANDSCl>PE PlANS ESM 05-17-07 STA'IE OFS-17·07 WASHINGTON REGISlERED ~'~OSCAP~~ £~~\{JCT '~ K~HLMfwafL CERTIFICAlE Mo. 743 <.? z -I- -' ::J U) z 0 0 • () • ....J • ....J n (I) (!) z -0 ....J 0 I (J) CL J E 0 u ' ·-> ,_ () E CJ) (I) ' 3: 3: 3: z w _J CJ w W¥ff1'1 (j) (f) w J ~ " 0 2 .c o•" .s <{ C CW 0 0. -0 !1. u 00 ·o -o C C 0 0 ..J ..J ~ C • E .,.. C 0, ·-0 >, C • 0 ~2 " uio "'CJ -~ C 0 0 C ..J n. z § z :c ~ z :s a.. z 0 -1-z ~ Q:'. w w Q:'. I- I-z <( (.) -Li.. -z (.!) -U) JOB NO.: 1166-001-005 DWG. NAME, LA-03 DESIGNED BY: LOK DRAWN BY, JLL/LOK/TG CHECKED BY: DATE: DATE OF PRINT: 04/26/2006 L-3 20 OF 20 SHEETS I . I I ' • • , A PORTION OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. Review Engineer Completion Dote SYMBOL LEGEND-SYMBOL LEGEND-• I J EXISTING TREES TO BE RETAINED EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ~~-.:' •. Senior Engineer - ~16" --Completion Dote NOTES ~ J-\.......--1"'1' . f--ROAD D t-0 ---- ,9l,?),,2 ¥ 6" • 15 1 6" ~ 1 ·~4" I SIGNIFICANT TREE SIGNIFICANT TREE JAMES H. SANDERS P .E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Approvul Dote I. S19nlfl""nt tr"666 ohown havs not be<,n COMMON NAME SIG. CAL. INCHES Botanical name COMMON NAME SIG. CAL. INCHES Botanical name (3" 16" /8" /6" Comments: revlawC!ld by an arborl&t lo d..tsrmlns the health 22 DECIDUOUS TREE " 12 INCHES DECIDUOUS TREE ® SIZE INDICATED 21 A P P R''-T'l"'TT"l' ......... ----'---·---' 14 or the lrse. The numb..- or ol9nlfl""nl tr ..... may b"' r"'ducs depending on the finding• or a csrtlfl..d arborlot. 2. Slrs..t lrse location• arB approx!mats and may bB adJuot..d psr actua I utlllty and driveway lo"" ti ono. 3. Trse• ohown to bB • rsta Jn..d on the trse w • u, -· r..tsnllon plan oha II be I ~ CJ) ma Int a lned by the future w owner• of the propoo..d :::> Jote, con&l&tEll'lt with KCC a ITT ' z 16.82.15>6 ) \ w > , <( 5 I 0 --1 o" I- (!) * 23- ,-,... 4" /18' 6 0' / ": 1,;t tD1 \ PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PART I -F'J.ANTIN4 f>f:ECIFICATIQN5 a,..,..-a1 CQndltioo• 1 , Landocape contractor I Dsv.,Jopsr &hall vsrlf~ that plant lnotallatlon c:ondltlono are ouJtab B within the planting a,,.ao. Any unoatlofactory condition• oha II b., correct..d prior to otart or work. UA-,sn condition& d<0trlm0111tal to plant growth ar .. sncountsr..d, ouch ao rubbls rill, adv..-• ., drainage, c:ondltlOJ'li, ol9nlflcant vsgBtatlon, or obotructlono, lhs landocaps contractor I d<0v .. 1oper oh.all notify KC ODES prior to planlln!:J, 6sglnnln9 of work conelltul6o acceptancs of condition& ao oatlofactor~. -~ , Plant& Jnotalled In undloturb..d area• &hall b .. lnlB9rat..d with BXl&llng natlvs V"'9etatlon, a,~ plant..d In a random, naturallotlc pattstn. LOCATE I 5T At5E I vEBIEX PLANTING ABEAf> , Landocape, contractor I Dsv<0lopsr &hall flc,ld locate, otal<a, and v"'lfy planting arsa• and configuration& prior to plant1n9. Thi• &hall approxlmats what lo ohown on the DDES approvsd Significant Trse Rst,snllon plan. All , .. v101ono I chang""' ohall b"' p,.,-approvc,d by DDE5 and doCIJfflsnt..d ror r""'°rdlng at final plat approval. AEEBQYE FLANTINu LOCAtlON!> AND !>PACING . , Planting location• ohown on planting piano ar" approxlmat.,, bao"d on anticipated &Its , condltlom Actual planting \ocallono ma~ vary from !.ho&B ohown dus to final olt" condition• and, Jo""tlono ,;r sxlotlf10 vss..tatlon. Nsvsrthslsoo, any varlatlono rrom lhs planting plan will r""'lulr" prior approva I by KC DDES. , ', , Si nlflcant tr""' •pacing ohall be a minimum or fifteen f....t (\e,' for non-otr-i. tr_. or ~ on c;:ent..r 1or otreet tr"""6) or ao otat..d on lhs approvsd planting plan. Spacing &hall be •d""'!uatdl lo allow 019n1r1""nt tres'• room lo expand trrOU!:Jhout tho futurs ~saro. FART 2 -PLANT MATERIAL 5IANDARD!> . , Landocap"' contractor / dev.,lopsr &hall <0xamln" plant malsrlal prior to planting. Any mal""l~,I not me..tln!3 the r'""lulrsd opeclflcallono &hall bs lmm..dlat.sl~ remov..d rrom lhs olte, and rsplacsd · with lll<a mat..-Ja I that m-• the r""'luir..d otandardo. Plant matsrla I oha 11 m-the r'""lulremsnt• or County Stat" and Fodsral lawo with r<SOpsct to plant dloeaos and Jnr.,otallono. lnopsctlon csrtlfl~t"" r'""lulr..d by law, oh.oil ac:compan~ ...,ch and evsry ohipmenl and &hall be oubmltted lo tho Landocap., ~tractor / d<0vsloper upon recslpt or plant matsrial. Theos csrtlflcateo &hall b., ma_dcs ava Jlabls lo KC DD!eS ao r'""lueot..d b~ the lnopector. , Plant matsrlalo ohall b" locally grown (W...,tsm WA, Wsotern OR, Wsotsrn 6C), hsalth::i, buof-\!, In vi orouo 9rowln9 eot1dltlon, and b<!I guarant....a true olz.,, nams and varl..t~. Jr replacement of plant ma1srial lo neceeoar~ due to conotructlon damags or plant railure within trrse (3) ~earo of lnotaflatJon, the olzS6, epeclso and quantltleo oh.oil bs equal to ope,c;:lfl..d planto ao indlcat..d on the approv~ :'lan&Flanto &ha II bs nurosr~ grown, wsll-rooted or norma I growth and habit, and rr .... rrom dloeaoe ' lnfe&tallon. KC DDES rsoervso the r19ht to r'""lulre replacsmsnt or oubotltutlon or •n<:J plant• dsem..d unoultabls. , Tr""° oh.oil havB uniform branching, olngle otra19ht lrunl<.e and the c;:entral lsadsr Intact and undamagsd .. 6alled and burlapp.,d otod< oh.all have beew1 root-prun..d at lsaol oncs within prev1'1',J6 two earo, and the plant etock &hall have be,sn grown In a contalnsr for al leaot one full growing . oeaoY,,,,. Container otocl:. oh.oil be full~ rootsd but not root-bound. Flant material with damagsd raol zonso or brol<..-1 root ballo wlll not be accept..d. . . , eonirsrou• trseo oh.oil be nuroery grown, full and bu&h,), and with uniform brancnlng and a natural non-ohsar..d form. 0r191nal central leadsr muot be hsalth::i and undamag..d. · , Landecaps contractor I d.,vsloper &hall oubmlt a l!ol or plant ouppllsr nameo, addr<S&&<S&, phone numbsro, and otorage I 9row1n9 location& or the mater la I to KC DDE5 prior to planting. 's > 0 24 25 26 27 • - .. 15" /9" 19 · 1~,J~-.,....,,1@: ·. . ..... "' .;,,._ 0 28 - .. 1;i -fl.p"/1 o" / "\-6"/'f''/6"/ ': ' 29 30 z· I HI' /1 Q" 0 31 . OR MORE APPLE e Katus species APPLE e Matus species ALDER ~ Atnus gtutirwsa ' ALDER @ Alnus glutinosa CHESTNUT @ Castanea sativa CHESTNUT ® Castanea sativa LOCUST • Rubinia pseudoacacia LOCUST • Rubinia pseudoacacia "' -l BLACK COTIONWOOD ~ Populus trichocarpa BLACK COTIONWOOD ~ Populus trichocarpa DOUGLAS FIR • 8 INCHES Psuedotsuga menziesii OR MORE DOUGLAS FIR * Psuedotsuga menziesii .. - WESTERN HEMLOCK ~ J'suga heteroph.ytta WESTERN HEMLOCK ~ J'suga heterophytla WESTERN RED CEDAR • J'h.uja plicata WESTERN RED CEDAR ~ J'huja plicata REPLACEMENT TREE PLANT LEGEND (WITHIN TRACT B & D) eo:rANIC::AL I Tf.!UJA FLICATA / u.ESTEF<N 1'<1:D CEDAR FRAXINUS LATIFOLIA / ORECiiON A5f.l SIZE Q Ll\lfllrr 6' f.!T. MIN. IIZI 2" CAL. 12 u, FROF05ED LAND6CAFINCii-TYPICAL. --+---.-++~ REFER TO SHEET L-1 AND L-2. _, N ( I ./ ' / ''\ CLEAN UF l 3 \ ·~ ,, -- ,. 36 f ,/ 35 -- • Landocap., contractor I d.,velopsr ohall be rBoponolble for the removal of conotruc:tlon matsrlal and debrl• on tho! olte rollowlng lnolallatlon or plant matsrlal&. All debrlo muot b .. remov..d to a Jesal landfill rac::Jllty. FART 4 -FLANT WAFs&ANTY ANO MONITORING! SCALE: 1" = 50' ' ........ /.1 .. --·~---\ --''--------- 1 ::-0.~ ROAD A ' ,.-, \ ' 0 0 x-.Y1 "1 I lb" lCY' / ' ,I ,. ( . i-37 38 -~·. t,· fo-..1.V ·· 4 2" I ·· !QS)_ FART~ -MAINTENANCE ANR CONTIN'.iENCY Nots, Jr olrsst trse'• to be plantoo aleo quallf~ for 019n1r1cant tr...,'o thsn the •tr-trse malntsnancs and monitoring procsoo oh.oil bs uoeJG!. ·- 1.fui l .• ' --··-·--·~---- SIGNIFICANT TREE RETENTION NOTES 51GNIFICANT TREE RETENTION NOTES, KC 214.36.72"2 (50-22'2> • Furouant to KCC lb.82.15>6 an approved 5Jgnlflcant Tr""' -erllon Flan 10 • Malntenancs will bs perform..d t.wJ,::., psr ~ear lo addrsoo any required for the propert~ •• dsec:rlb.,d on flla with King County Dspartmenl and condition• that could J.,opardlze ths &uccso• or the mitigation arsa. Development and Envlrom,ental 5srvlcso (DDESJ Recordo Center, on oh9et J or Eotabll&had psrformanc;:e otandardo for the proJsct will bei compar..d to the approv..d eng1n .. srln9 piano Numbsr L<ZJ!;P>Z>le)<ZJ!;, and Activity Number the monitoring rsoulto to Jud9s the ,ucceoo of t.hs mltl9atlon proJ,•ct. If L~SFW!:>4. Lot& l,6,1,e,1,z,,11,12,14,1;;,1<:1,2,z,,21,22,3e.>,34,42,43,44,45>,46,48,4<:J, and Tract 6 thsre Jo a ol9n1flcant problsm with ac:hlevlng the performancs otandardo, within lhlo plat contain tr""'o the muot be r"'laln..d psr oald approved Tree the bond hold"' oh.all work with KC DDE5 lo d6vslop a c:ontlng""'"l! -sntlon Flan. An~ propooad clsar1n9, grading or conolructlon actlvll16& that , Landocap" contractor; developer'• warranty ohall Jnclud" plan. Contlngenc~ piano can lncJud,o, but ars not limited \c•, rssracling, will (or may! Impact a 01gn1flcanl trse within oald lot• muot be revle,w.,,::I and rsplaC<!ll11""1t or plant• (oame olze and opscl"6 ohown on approv..d additional plant lnotallatlon, ..-oolon cc.,itrol, medlatlono to h\jdrolog~. approv..d b~ King County DDE5 Land Uoe Servlc<S& Dlvlolon and / or oucc;"6oor piano) that prove elthsr to me mlolocat..d or unoultable ao to plant and plan oubotllullono or t~pB, olza, quanllt~ and location. eiuch for compllanc;:e with oa!d irsa Flelenllon Plan. Theo curreonl landownsr and future ' material otandard&. Except for Jooo dus to exceeolvel~ 0.,vsre contlnS""GY plan oh.oil <>B oubmlll..a lo tra KC DDE5 lnop,sctor by landowner& oh.oil maintain and protect oald tre,.,. and oscurs permit& ao requlr..d 5U65T[t\JTION5 , cllmatolo91ca\ condition& (oubotaln..d by IIZ'-~...,r rscord..d weather December ::ii of any ~...,r when d"'flclenclso ars dlo=vsrsd. Contlngsnc~ to perform an~ maintenance and / or rslatad activity ouch ao hazard tr""" , flubotltutlon& of opsclfl..a plant opecleo, olzs or condition will be al\ow..d only wlti'I prior \llrl\l!"" charto/, Jnotal\Old plant material are rsqulr..d to b" guarante..d for will lnclud" many or the Item& llol..d b<1low and would bs lmplsm"'"t"'d If remO!dlallon. SUBJECT TO J'EflMIT ~9iNDITIONS · &J L"'=!i ~ 5-9-2001.o KING COUNTY !AND USE SERVICES DIV. ¥ /\\'f ROGl:cb kl": \;'~ 1-tlP1t/l.N.T \Re:( KE:T (' f.-\ \l ~ bJ. I) ~l LY i EXl~TI""" 'll'<EE--_i_ ______ _ i ' ' \ I I GALVANIZED WIRE---~ I ' TENeAR "'5-1 SAFETr--;s FENCS OR EOI~ STEEL FENCE F,06T OR _!lm','mc!!/ 2' x.1' ~ Fo&T- T"fPICAl 1 ' 1 DF<IPLI STEEL. FENCE POST OR -~ 2' x 2' W::IODEN POST-TYF. 6 t/-P06T5 MIN. • 8'-1 11 Dl&T .1-NCE APART MAX CJ,;,c;l.J,..,, !<ET AINED Tl<EE A'T Dl<IPLINE • i I I v B'-1" MAlj 1 1 FLAN YIEW EXISTIN:; LNDl&T\JRBED 601L ---~ ~ =1=· TREE PROTECTION DETAIL ' . ,··: ··~~:;,-. . ! NOT TO &CALE \ ii \ ' ( . , • • - ,z:;·. --- ,·1 ) •. ,. ' ,.,. co '0 '· u.i I • CJ) w :::) z w ' I I<( / I I I- 0 C\l r I I u, 0 "' I J fi1 SIGNll:;ICANT TREE REQUIREMEI\JTS A "olgn\flcanl lres" lo defln..d ao an BXlotln9 hsallh\j tr""' that Jo not a hazard lr""" (le. a tr""" lhat doeo not have a high propabllll~ of Jmmlnentl~ fa\11n9 due lo a d~lllt.dtln9 dle,«saee or &lructural def'ect) and that, when md.Ul&Ursd f'our and one half fd';st above 9rade, hae a mlnlmum diameter of'i Li 8u for evergreen tree&, or 2.1 12 11 for dsclduoue tree&. 5Jgnlf!""nt tr= located In the Interior or the development J:>ropooa I, 1ncludln9 osnol\lve areao and their buffer&, &hall be rmaln..d In th<> reoldential oubdivlolon at. ~ rdt.s or le:> treee, per acre or rtve percsnt of' &uch tre.:,e,. whlQhsye!f 10 er"" ter. I A er9~Jrlcant tree ma~ b~ credited a& two tres.& wren It meet.1~ one or more of' the: follo~lng characlerl&to, ~ This tree I& 18 fnci1se or greater ln dldmeter approval rrom KC DOES. ' u--r .... ysaro agalnot dsfecl• and unoallofactory growth Flanto the psrrormancs otandardo ars not met.. Maintenances and r""1tedlal action • The psrmlt applicant oh.all dmsnnlne that the final tres r..tsntlon plan doso rsplacad ohal[ be ralnlllat..c:1 under plant guarantse condltlono. The on the olts will bs lmplemsntsd lmmsdlate,J~ upon completlc,i of the not Include 019nlflcant treso unable to ourvlve mo,., than ten year• after the date FART ;;i -PLANT JNs;TALLATION ' monitoring period ohall be trr"" (3) Y""r• rrom Jnotallallon monitoring event (uni.,.• ot.herwlos opsclrlcally indicated bslow!. of proJ.,ct complst.Jon. /I. n-.,, tree I& local..d In a grouping or at lsaot five trsso with i,anopleo that touch or overlap Ill. Tha tr""' provide• snsrg~ oavlngo ti-rough winter wlncl protection or iummsr &hading ao a rsoult or Ito location relative to bulld1n90 ·1 ac;:ceptance In writing b~ the DDES lnopector. • During year°""'· two and trr"6 ''"!~lace all d...,d planl mat.,rlal. ' 519nir1cant Tr"" Frotectlon, %?IL FREFAf<ATION I AMENDMENT5 , ! • LUatsr all planting• at a rat., or I" or water at lsaot every w"'"" I. Frlor to an~ c\sarlng all treeo lo be r..taln..d ohall be flagged. , Frlor to Jn&tallatlon or plant1n90, all conotructlon debrlo and an~ other non-natlv15 mat...-Ja\ """1\ FART 2 _ FINAL ACCEPTANCE b"'tw""'" Jun'" le.-5sptember 15> during the flrot ~..ar after ln&lallatlon, and 2. Prior to grading and trroughout conolructlon, a temporary chalnllnk, be remov"d from th<> mlt19allon ar..a. Tr""° and orrubo &hall be pit plant..d •• ohown In t.J-.o ·. for the flr•t ysar artsr an~ rsplacement plantln90 (C , M). wlr" or pla•llc n..t r...,ce &hall be uoed to Identify ths protected are approv..d plan d..tallo. A ooll mo!elure r..tsnllon agent (polymer) oh.oil bs lnclud..d In planting !. , Upon compl..tlon of planting, the landocap"' contractor/ • Rsplace dsad planto with ths earns opecle• or a oub•tltute opecl.,. (drip llne) or any &Jgnlflcant trse deoJgnated for r..tenllon. Ths height bacl:.flll psr manufac\ursr'• opeclflcallono. · d"vslopsr &hall provlda the DDES lnopector with a est or cJ,.arly that m6'"lo the goal and obJ&::llvoo of lr<I ......ancemenl plan, oubJ,,ct lo or ouch f"'1clng ohalf be adJuoloo according to the topographic and • Jn non-grad..d planting arsa•, planting plto all bB bad<.J'ill..d with a !;IZ)/!:><Zl mlxlur" or lm~ortsd, marl:sd prlnto dso1gnat1ng the actual location• or planting• within the KC DDE5 approval. vss..tallve condltlono or the olte to provldB clsar vloual dallneallon w"""d r,..., topooll and the native ooll from the planting pit. In grad..d arsa•. planting• ohal be . mitigation arsa. Landocapa contractor/ d1Svelopsr oh.oil l<asp a • Fie-plant arsa after rsaoon for r,1llurs hao been lden'llfl..d (a-9. or the protected area. The ol,:s or the protsctsd ar..., around th<> Jn&tal\sd direct!~ Into newly plac..c:I topooll. lmporte,d topooll ohall b., a ::l-way mix acquired rrom an complst.e o..t of print& at l.h9 Job olte during conotructlon ror th<> moloture, r"9lme, poor plant otock, dlo .. ao", ohad.,/oun CC'<ldltlon&, wlldllr.. tr""" oh.oil b<1 squal lo one foot diam..ter for ...,ch Inch of tree trunk approved local ouppllsr. l p\Jrpoos or 'rsd lining' changso or modification& to the approv..d damage,, me). diammer msaour..d four r-above the ground or at drip lins of the , 5ol1Molet, or e<:jUlva\ent, ohall b"' add..d to the lopooll bad<.flll or all planting plt.6. The i piano and &hall update oald Information on a dally baolo. • Remov., I control wsedy or "xollc lnvaolvs plant• (e.g. Scot'• tr ..... Sol1Molot ohall be h\jdratsd beror .. being add..d to topoo!I bad<.fill. Manufactursro recommended , , KC DDES oh.all approve plantln!3 locallono ao deplct..d on the Elroom, rsed canar~ graoo, e\Jmalayan 6laci<bsrry, purpls looo..trlfs, stc.! • At no llms during and after conotructlon ohall th<> following be psrmltted a appllc:atlon rat& and uoags oh!J II b" follow..d. . approv..d rsplantlng plan.. If Item• ars to be corrected, a punch llot b~ manual or chsmlcal msano ao approved b~ KC DOES. U•e or within ths 019nlflcant trse protection area, ( a) lmpsrvlouo ourfac;:eo, fill, 1: , Ulood~ planllng• ohall be fertlllzsd with a olow rBleao"' (6 month) high nitrogen. low phoophorua i oh.all 06 praparO!d b~ the DDES lnopector and oubmltlsd lo the herblcldB& or p.,ollclds& within t.J-.o mltlE1allon ar..a would onl8 PB excavation, or olorage or conotructlon material• (b) grade level change&, 8 9ranular rsrtlllrer (21·3•1), with appllcatlon rat<SO ao opeclfled b~ the manufactursr. FsrtJllzsr oh!JII bo Landocap"' contractor/ dsvBloper ror comple,tlon. Aftsr punch IJot lmplem""loo If other msaourso rall<ld or wer<J conoldsr..d unlll<sl~ to bs except In llmltoo clrcumotanceo where propoo..d lmprovement uoln9 permeable ~ appllad after planting pit lo bad<.flll..d, and prior lo appll""tlon or mulch. Fsrtlllzer oh.all not 0 " J\smo hava b""" compl..t..d, DDES Jnop 8 ctor &hall rsvl..w the oucceooful. and would re,'1ulrB KC DDE5 approval. Treeo ~nd orrubo matsrlalo are d..termln..d by an arborl&t to be non-d..trlmsntal to the tree& root ~· ~ applied bstw"""" Novembsr and March p,oJecl for final aCCBptancs on plan lmplemenlatlon. ohould be wesd"'d lo lhs drlpllne and mulchsd to a dspth of 3 lnchso. oyolem. "{?.. , OUt&ld., or w..tJand arsa•, a ::i inch la~er of mulch (m..dlum DGX.JS Fir barl<J oh.oil b<S placed aro<Jnd All non-natlvs vsgatatlon muot l::>e removed and dumpsd coff olte at an • S19nlflcant Tr"" Malnt.,..,anc.,, 8 s:. the baos or sach """" trse to a 36" dlametsr ror sroolon, we..d control and mololur,o retention. · , AS OOILT OOElMITIAL ON FLATS approv<Jd location (aJ All 019nlflcant trese oh.oil be malntalnoo ror the nr., or tho proJ15 ct ~ "' , Exlotlng natura I or lando""p..d ar""• that are damag,•d during conotructlon oha II k:,., reolorsd · , Clean-up traoh and other dsbrlo. Including monllorlng. \v. The tr""' belong• to a unique or unuoua I opec1., •. Flar1 /Tlodlflciat.1on& 8nd tree replacsmc9t'lt are permitted ae, follow&~ a. '"'I\J algnlflcant tr"" In the Interior ma~ be replaced by an<>t.her 019n1ncant tree rn lt'1IS lntsrlor. b. I~ t.J-.o requlrsd numbsr of ol9nlflcanl tr.,... cannot be retaln..d, then non-a19n1ncant erzed lree.& ma!:J ba retained or new trse& ma~ be planted to meat tra •J9nlflcant tree rsqulremenlo ao rollowo, provided that ths rsaoon ror the purpooai or lhlo ouboectlon, tho 019nlflcant tr""' lo b" replaosd b8 the new or exlo\lng rsplac:sm""t tree I& aoo1gn..d a diammsr of 12 Incl-ea, ·} I. 1.1.J,,sn U&ln9 replacement tree& mea&urtng tlTee lnchee. In diameter or gr"4ter Cao msaoured b~ calipsr), one-hair Inch diamelsr of ''"Placement tr"" ohal( k:,,. provided ror ever~ on., Inch dlammsr or 019nlflcant tr""" to bs replaCBd, and _Ill. Uhsn uo1n9 rsplacemant traao meaourln9 leoo than trres lnchso In dlamsl,..., or., inch diameter or re,placsment tree oha II be provld..d l'or BVOlr~ one Inch dlam..ter of ol nlflcant tr""' to be rsplaced. SIGNIFICANT TREE CALCULATION:S ' n ,;; Jl to their or191nal condition, unls•• lmprovemenlo or modification& ar"' •peclfl..a for th::>&" arsao. Nots, If ri:,vlolono and J or changso have been made to the • S..lectlve,ly prune wood8 planlo to thin and remov .. dsad or (bi All 019nlflcant lreeo &hall b., prun..d and trlmmsd •• necsooar~ to ! J , Landocaps contractor I dsvefoper oh.oil sxsrcloa carB lo prote,c;:l from Injury to truni<. roote,"' Jnltlal DDE5 approv..d algnlflcant trse rstentlon plan oui:;>mlt an dl&sao..d portion or tr...... maintain a hsallh:) growing condition or the prevent primary limb raJlurs . FE~ KCC 16.82.1&6 Tf.!E TOTAL NUMBER OF TREES TO J:,E RETAINED 51-lALL .,;; braru:::hso or an~ tr""" or orrubo that are \o remain. An~ llvln9 woody planl l.Nl lo damaged during . A&-6uilt plan. fr no chang"° I revlolono hav., boien made an Ao-Built Thia r'""lulremsnt oha II not bs lntsrpr..tsd lo a l\ow, 8 conotructlon oh.ill b<0 trsated within 24 houro or occurrenc,s, Contractor oh.oil pruns wound..d · Flan 16 not required. FAR! 1 -Feiy0Rt1ANCE BQNDe, (I) topping or primary ol.,.no ,;: portion& of plant Jmm.e,dlataly after damag" o=ur•. Injured planlo oh.oil k:,., th::>roughly wat..-sd and (2) pruning that rS&ulto In the looo or 2<Z> perc..-t of veg..tatlve maeo 8 additional msaourso .hall be, tal<sn <•• appropriate) to aid In plant ourvlvabllllb..d Frlor to final plan lnope,c;:tlon for the e,19nlflcanl Tr""" f<elsnllon • To a•ours the ouccs•o or tho m1t1gatlon, a psrrormano• bond will be (3) culling of major roolo, sxcept In preparation for tranoplanlatlon fu , Ciiradlng, ·rhe duff layer and natlvs topooll oh.oil be r..taln..d In an ur,,;,Jolur olalB to the Flan psrmltlee ohall oubmlt an A5-6UILT Slgnlflcanl Trse -entlon poot..d with KC DDE5 by the D.,v.,loper at the tlmB or plat approval or ao d....m..d neCBOoary and I or acceptable, b~ a certified ~ maximum Bxtand practlcabfei. Any duff la~sr or topooll rsnov..d during grad::a oh.all bs otocl<pilsd Flan lo the DDE5 lnopector ohowlng all plan rsvlolono I changso and for the coot or lmplemsntlng tho m1t19allon plan lo bB monitored for arborlot. 1ii"" on-olta In a dB&lgna,..d, controlf..c:I ar..., not adJac..-t to public reoourcso a c:rltlcal areao. The verlf81ng that the DDES approv..d Significant Tree -entlon plan trrse (3) ~saro. It will ba tho Dsvaloper / psrmlttee rBOponolbility to (4) With the exception or dead, di&saoBd or damaged lr""'° g) a. matsrlal oh.oil b<S r...,ppll..d to other portion& or the olle wher" fsa•lblOI. Arsao l.Nl have bser (approved at the DDES Englnesrlng Flevlew &lage) ha& been rscusot a final Jnopactlon at u,., snd of the t!T""' (3) ~ear monitoring opeclflcall~ r..talnad lo provide wlldllrs habitat± olho,r dsad, BEtl0 TREES PER ACRE ORE,% OF SAID TREES, WI-IAT!oVER 15 CiiREATER ,1 , TO"(AL NUMBER OF TREES 15 214. E,% OF 214 = 11 TREES . -OR-.. TOTAL SITE SQUARE FOOT ACiiE = 335>,412 5.F. = 1.1 ACRE:5 IIZI TREES F'ER ACRE = 11 TREES REQUIRED TO BE RETAINED 15 CiiREATER ' TOT AL RETAINED Sl<::,NIFICANT TREES = 60 7 '!; cl...,r..d and grad.,.;i ohall hava the ooil moloturs holding capacity rsotor..d lo lh!lt of tho! original complel..d psr plan r'""lulremento. Thi& AS-6UIL T plan oh.all bs psrlod and to rslsaoe the pooled bond. The bond quanllt~ calculation dlosao..d, damag..d or olo\en planting oh.oil be replac.,,::1 i\,;; undloturb..d ooll nall/S to the oltB or the maximum sxtent practlcabls .. The •0 11 In any area that ha• rsvi .. w.,d and •)::>proved by the Sits Developm""1t Spe,c;:Jallal / form for both sxl&tlng 019nlfl""nl trseo and tr""° to bs planted ohall b., lmmsdlate\8 or the next planting osaoon If the lo•• do"° not occur , < ~ bsen compact.,d or !;hot hao had ooms or all or the duff laysr or undsrl~1n9 topooll remov..d oh.oil For.,.ter thal It conform• to W-221Zl and can be record..d. If compl..tBd and &ubmltlsd to DDE5 Sile Development S...vlc.,o prior to In a planting oeaoon. ,, 42 TREES 51-JOUN AT 18" CAL. OR UNDER = I TREE CREDIT/TREE • 42 TREES f ~ bB amended to mlll~~tB ro 1 r ~:'~t molotur11~;_~111dbln9 ca1p 1aclt~r T~n=~~t :f~~:•:: ~plap";;',!~""" approved \re plan wlll be oent bacl:. to the DDES lnopeclor ror final approval or the S1gn1r1""nl Tr""' 1'<6l..,;tlon Fl~~!t~ bonr d roTrm will be j ':! TREES 51-lO\IJ',l AT 18" CAL. OR OVER = 2 TREE Cf<ED ITS/TREE= 18 TREE5 r;; w May I and Octobsr L Flep •= topoo "'"' "' • m n mum ""' plan lnopectlon proceeolng. Mlt19at1on monitoring for S19nlflcant provid..d by the 5D5 ForBOler at the lime, of '""' algnl leant rse .'J' E ~ demonetrat<SO tr.,t a dlffsrsnl thl""""'°o will provld., condlllono '""!Ulvalsnt to the 0011 mololure Tree ohall comm<lf'ICs upon aCCBptancs and approval or thlo -enllon plan review otage). The actual bond will nsed to b"' oubm!tl..d '.!l ':. holding capacity natlv" to the •ltB. Rsplaced lopooll &hall have an organic maltsr content or M-6UIL T plan and Jaot ror 3 ~...,r• or growing • .,,,,on•. to DDES prior to proJ.,cl acceptance ror field lnope,c;:tlon by the Land NYMBER OF PLANTED SIGNIFICANT TREES REQUIRED= rt ( 1 betw""'" ei to 13 percent dry wBISht and a pl-l eultabl., for lhs propoo..d landocapa plant•. Uoe lnopectlon Unit NUMBER OF PLANTED 51CiiNIFICANT TREES FROVIDED=:13 ·oL.:::::::..::..:~:.::.:.:..:.:..::.:..:.. .... __ .:.., _______ :.._.;.. _____________________________________________ ..,;;;;,;;..:;,;;;.:;;;;;;.;.;;;.;...,;;;;.;.;;. _________________________________________________________ .!;;;;;;:;;~~..;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;.;;;.;;;;~:;;;; _____ ---;.;.1 i;: a. REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION/DATE BY 1 FINAL LANDSCAPE Pi.ANS ESM 10-20-05 2 FlrlAL lJ\NOSCAPE PL.A.NS ESM 02-13-06 3 FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESM 04-26-06 LEANNE D. K CERTIFICAlE No. 743 - 0 t ...J ...J Cl) * a: - UJ @ UJ z -CJ z 0 0 lU ~8 CJ .c 0 -~ co z :, Ol 0 <( ~3 f-«I -...J 3~ :::) "'3 Cl) ~-z LO ['! 0 ~ .. Ol u () (0 .. (0 lL • () • ....I • ....I ~ (I) (.') z -0 ....I 0 I (J) a. J JOB NO.: DWG. NAME: .., .. "' -+o --~ "' "' -I I I ill "' .. -" ., .. "' --:;J"' m e.!-S !;' "' " ~~a ~~d E 0 u • ·-> ·-u E en (I) • 3: 3: 3: z w ..J ~ w Cf) Cf) w J • " " -0 • -.c .,,u .£ ~ C C 0 0 0. -o a. 0 w "" CC -9 .3 -C • E "'" C C> ·-0 "'c •o ~::, " v,- 0 'tl -~ CO 0" ..J a. "' C " • w •-" C" ·-0 0>3: C Wo =.o .?: ::J 0 a. z § z I ~ z ::s a.. z 0 -I-z w LJ 0:: w w 0:: I- I-z (3 LL. -z c., (/) ~ z ::::, 0 (.) (.!) z :,:: 1166-001-005 LA-03 DESIGNED BY: LDK DRAWN BY: Jll/LDK/TG CHECKED BY: DATE, 04/26/2D06 DATE 0~ I',. PRINT: • f:' .. ?. 8 zoos 20 L-3 "1-\ OF~ SHEETS • ' 1 . ' 1 '' \ ' ' ' 1 l -----------' ,-----..,.......------- 10 00 ---J.-- I I 1 2 11 +00 ' "· I ' 7 • • ,,;-;.__.. _______ ..,, 8 9 10 -. I • • -0 21+00 I __ ._. 4 0 0 -- l. : I 5 23 24 25 'i 6 SCALE IN FEET -- I I 120 STA. 26 FT. RT. PIE TO NSTALL POLE WITH 2<XN/ HF'S M-C-111 L~ AT 30 FT. ON AN »-FOOT AAM Array 1 - I \. n 'I. ,H 'l.H \.n 'a.U '11.11 '1.11 \ .n \ .. \.tt \ ,N \.n \.n \.,i 'a.1t \. Interoeotion o~ Je••e Glen Plat with 116th Av•. BB Illuminance Valuea(rc) "111.H \,n\.u\.u\.1!'11.11 \., .11\.~- Average •l,82 Maximum •3.lB , ... \.11\,11 \.w\.,i 'I.M\. . ,I Minimum .o.,, ' 'I,,. \ ,II \.11 \.n 'a,n \,tt 'I ,n '1.u '1.u "I, 'l.tt \.u \,11 \,n 'a.t \.n \.u \.tt 'i.n "l.u Avg/Min llatio•2,7S \.u \.u\.u \.u \.11 \.u \.,, \.n \. n 1.u \.u "-.~ • \.fl \.u , ... \,II\.~ 'll.H \,., ..... \,,H \.11 \.n \,H ·""'-'-. Luminaire B-•200 watt HPS cutoff Cobrahaad at 30' moutins \ .. "\, .. 'i.N\,tt\,~\.H'a,H\,Ji\,at'l,N\."\.N\,71\,11 , ~r=====================~~ \,M \.N \,N. \,»\,lt1\.11\.u \.n \.oe \.H \,H \," \,fl \,w \.a, \.u \.M \.u\ ... \li.&,rQ,O\.u \.u \,1t1'\.tt\.u \.ti \.u\,H \,u \,H \,M \.u\,JI \.,. \,r\.H\,U \,N \.n \.rt \,f4 \,M \,u \,n \,-'l! \," . \.M \."\.u \,t,r \,N\,H \,W \,ta \.11 \,H \,N \,ti \,M \,M \,It \.n \,H \,M \,W7ft \,n\,H \,11 \,H \,tt \,tt \.t'I' \.u \,n \.n \,11 \.M \,M\.u \.~.~ \,tt'a.tl "l:.u \.u \,N \,n \.u \.H \.11\.u \,H ' \ . .-\ ... \.11 \.u \.!M \,H\.t1 \.u \.H '.111.u \.11 \.11 \,,. \,u ,.IM '11.n \,n \.u 'Lu \.in \.11\.u \.n \,n \,11\.u\.tt \.u\.77:, \.1, \.ff \.u \,Ni \j" \.ta \.u \.11 \.11 'J.n\.o \,n\.u \,lt 'l,H \.u \.u \jn\,H \.u \ ... \.n \.u\,» \.,. . \,11 \,n \,M \,n'l;w \.u \,n '1.11 \.u \,u \." \, ' \,u \,tt \,n \.u \lo \.M \.N \,It 'Ii. \.H \.11 '1,i.n \.11 "l.u \,u \~u '\.u \,H \.u \., ,11 'li, ' '·" '1.11 'ti.n \,H\_.u \.u \.u \.tt'J.n STA. m-1-67 36 Fr. RT. PIE TO INST A! I. POLE Willi 'JJX1# I IFS M-C-111 UJMINAfE AT 30 Fr. ON AN 8-FOOT NIM • • 15 14 • • 8 • + ,... v I<( 12 13 I- I-• --0 22+00 0 • 16 ' '. 17 • 18 . • • • 20 t") 1 ·""' . 19 " . ' .. . . . . ••• Arr'B 0 • 26 ' • 36 • 35 t 34 -- 20 -- 27 • --• • 28 29 30 31 --- • • ' ' 37 38 39 LO 41 42 43 --••• - NOTES 1. PUGET SOUND ENERGY TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN ILLUMINATION SYSTEM. CONTACTS: GREG FRISBEE (425-456-2915)/JIM KENNEDY (425-456-2978) 2. KING COUNlY TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL PERMANENT SIGNING. cor~TACT KEITH BROWN (206) 263-6132 PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION, 3. NOTIFY KING COUNlY ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK ON ILLUMINATION SYSTEMS. [~ l<JU>Je:'/1 (;z.cl.),'#~·/otl'l] 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ANY STRIPING DAMAGED OR OBLITERATED BY CONSTRUCTION TO PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONDITION. CONTACT STRIPING STRIPING ENGINEER MORGAN WONG (206) 396-3247 TO VERIFY STOP BAR LOCATIONS PRIOR TO FINAL STRIPING. 5. 5L.:L -5L.1..., .SUAIL Hem OR etcefl> KII.Jq COVloJT'-/ "Pote Ol"P.:56r '£eQ.cJ llt.e,M Q..4TS. •--·--' : : I 0 60 SCALE IN f'EET • .. ------~--~~-===--~=====..c:===-====c...;.:;=~=~=..:::===---==::::::=-- • 44 45 46 - -------····---·-----·---·---· -----···-·--··· . [2J ~~ ·''9'P.ffffw..,1111c'!l1W_,., .. ..._, ------------<> •• -·· _ _:__·--.i..---··1--~-·-,r.r-·--~ ~ 1 1 I ~ I 2 2 i!: j ··-... . -·----------1----....... -1--- i I SE ENL:ARGEM I ,_,,. ....... . .... ______ ·-'-· - . ,,~, PL 4 I 7. "''--co-· Cf--·-···+~~: ............ _____ i ____ _ ·,--,.-.r.,.._I"""_ ~~--.. -.--L--.. -Jd: lkn 1ll,W •• ,.; I .--·-····r----- 1 : 8 9 I I ... 9 4 5 6 ·r I ' I , SE 19~0. fil ·· ·-... -WttU.U....I. l.l!II lll ----,-··-------c"'r1 ·-r.'. ... . ··-... .. . . ··-·---r.r. .,,~· ,,., VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE I ... • • $L3 • S/_'2_ TRACT D .,. ' 1 8 •• I • I w en SLI ,w • ~ 47 48 49 I i:E 11,,,.,. ,. ··~1t11•;•111111 -- [ ·-·----_,,,..j __ _.l 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEEi KING COUNTY D.O.T. APPROVALS F DATE 0 C\I • .,, .• 1,11111•11 ~\\\~ 'T CALL 2 DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG 1 -800-424-5555 . {UNDERGROUND UT1U1Y LOCATIONS ARE APPROX.) J.P.S. HOLDINGS SHEET NO. JOE SINGH ' 1 JESSIE GLEN ...L.05SR04-L05SR05..f. NW QUADRANT -116TH AVE SE AT SE 192ND ST ........ -----·-----------------12.J OF2...1 SI-IEETS DESIGN BY: G.FRISBEE PSE DATE: 5-8-06 SCALE: / ·------1. I -/ ~z 0 ~ , I l~I ~ ".1 u, o, '" /W LQ O•o CN ., / ' ro " ' ! \ •*11Dk O:ftfffi"MWW I! 1 t > O I E'CPM ,_,..,_, rn '""""'""'""""NZiRUN=•*"' 10 t ¥5 ___ ,,.,,.,.,._,, 1 ,. ........ ~*" .... .._ ... _ &•-r@ ,,,..,,n·,-,21: ..-eern .,_ m 1 ,_.,-,,-vw ·:e ,,..,., --0 ,.e,zr , ,,..1-*•' mo , ::e itt ---IO·orto Cl,e ,c::<>e '""""''"-,,..,.,..,,., --, """'*'"-"'"'"'""'"""'"'"'M-+ellO"'r a """" .• ,....,.,...,,.._,.5£ 045 01w-1a..-Ytlf<>ti<ilE o IE n mM_,_.,, ao, 001': r a '152<>>s ¥UG _,,.,.,.,.,....,u,wr ,_ .. w,,...., __ ,.,..,,. 10 "'""' _.,.,,.,. 012 c n '.>cm ,,,,.., ___ ,aot ·: e > n .,,.,,,me=-1 tt -__ .,. .... ,.. .. -- \ \ j l • j \ \ -. .I I /1 i ' I / ('J c°'; ~r: ii 10+,oo • I 0 0 + OJ' o;· .. 7' \ 0 0 tr 0 I • w • Cl) • w > <( .c ..... c.o .... r- \ \ ... l I I \.\. ',, ,. •• 1 1:2 ' :1 ' ;r, . I ; i 3 •' 6 ! ' : ' ' ' U1 ' •• .- . .. ' ' ;r·-.r .. - (''"" '-1", I ., I I I I I / -- ·, \ \ \ l'0 .f---'·· 1-1· '--• 0 (:) C:) 0 <( 0 0: I I { ;-l "r----C---li..j-J.!....-L.ll l' \-.7_ -.!'( __ _ I • \ 1, I Q 7 4" 1 I B'! OJ --I I\ •5' ? c? ., ")" I [_ .-.,,, ' ... \\)//_, .,, .. Ii 12" I i I I CY' ~-1_~1t~ \~3 ' \ 24 . ' / ' 25 ' . / ' •-. I I I 26 ~~~~fi; ''."-'·-\\ ."'./. ·\i -·.·::-·/ '----c!-9L..I....J.~....;;~;c.....--~.I-·~-,·~ .. ~..,~"''~"".~""~"'-~--··--···-~---·~"'~,ii~ii,-~,!11(.,,•,..:·~~....!.~~~..;;..~~~-L~---... t--·~----~---··-.i.-------·~----;+,----~.J...~~~~~~i....~ ' ( I ' ) \1 o I / \ o I i \ +_; \ (D ; \.0 / ' r \ / i ' T 0 0 -/-- l() 0 SHOULDERS COMPACTED SOIL. TO BE W/NATIVE 8'' -.\. (Yl 5' -lls:lll,c.. '_l[L 8" CRUSHED ROCK BASE COURSE -- l \ I J.1 '· . A4!N ---'ls .. I I I i i I -2 -8--:-" -E-X..L.CA_;V~AT-10!.._N.'-.__- ( 4" -6" PREFERRED) EXTEND BASE COURSE 8" BEYOND PAVEMENT EDGE TO SUPPORT PAVEMENT EDGE (BOTH SIDES) ~EXccl-c:STcclccN-::-G-C-coR=-o=-s=-s""· -S-LO_P_E_G_R_A_D_E_' TO BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR CROSS SLOPE GRADE 0-2% ASPHALT TRAIL NOT TO SCALE / / KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. Review Engineer Completion Dato Senior Engineer Completion Dato JAMES H. SANDERS, P.E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Approval Date Comments: n ---------------"""""' --....... ,,--.-......... ---..... ---,. /' - 27 28 29 30 31 '• \ ' \ • • • (4) TOTAL 0' PICNIC TABLE-RPT-122S, PLANK COLOR TEAL---' MANUFACTURER, KAY PARK RECREATION LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE, CASCADE RECREATION, INC. CONT ACT, BRETT OLIVER 1-8138-260-8010 ((;,) TOTAL 0' BENCf-l WI BACK-RCB12B, PLANK COLOR TEAL __ / l"IANUFACTURER, KAY PARK RECREATION LOCAL REPRE5ENTATlvE, CASCA,DE RECREATION, INC. CONTACT, BRETT OLlvER l-888-280-8010 ON-SITE RECREATION SPACE (KCC 21 A.14.180.A.1) .. REQUIRED (49 X 390 S.F.) TOTAL ON-SITE RECREATION PROVIDED 19, 1 IO 20,020 S.F. S.F. i ' ' i ./ / ,, 21 ' ' . ;, " , ,, / '· , ': ,' J \ ' ! ( ' \-),,\'-" ..:, ,o . , I -• /\. ,,/'- ~f -~ i\:;} ,_. 22 ' ···\ / :, •' • I I ' . I I + ) I " ' { •, I SCALE: i" = 30' CONTOUR INTERVAL= 2' Pvfi1-------i&EEDED LAUJN-TYPICAL. REFER TO 5f-JEE'f L-2 FOR 5PECIFICATION5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I .. ,·-~················ ' . . . ' .,_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ....--------!;' WIDTel A5Pf-JAL T PEDE5TRIAN ' --• PATel-TYPICAL, &EE TRAIL 5ECTION Tf-115 Sf-JEET. ---31'X 31' TOT LOT (AGES 2-5) COMPOSITE PLAY STRUCTURE W/ APPROPRIATE SAFETY ZONE AND WOOD Cf-JIP PLAY SURFACING. HODEL RP2552, ADA COMPLIANT l"IANUFACTURER, ROHPERLANDPLAY OR APPROvED EQUAL LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE, CASCADE RECREATION, INC_ CONTACT, BRETT OLlvER 1-888-280-81::>10 -------STORM DRAIN EASEMENT d'>-~L------PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT ~iY1 . .' .' .1 REFER TO Sf-lEET L-2 FOR ,: :: : :-I PLANT LEGEND -TYPICAL ' . ' f;_ ' I 1'-'· ·. :;.l, WARNING: i ! ' I i • • i THE UTILl'fY LOCATIONS SHOWN .-,, ' ·; ". k~;.,-.,;;., •.• ,.,.,, .. _,.,.,.,t .. tt>"'.f~FCYO- ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. DEPTH , UNKNOWN. CALL 1-800-424-5555. ' NOTE: ' STREET TREE LOCATIONS ARE APPRbXIMATE AND SHOULD BE ADJUSTED PER FINAL DRIVEWAY AND UTILITY LOCATIONS. 1-· ~ ,$,g~N~~-- l1lE~ .. . . .. · ... ]tf l 'ROVED .. :l· ;, ' "' ·" . -., ' -~. A:-ZD b I . • .. .. IZ . --.---• ·1'. ·. : . .-. ·.~= DATE -' • • ----· ~,r;q -. . .. " .. .. .,.,, • " .. ,,-, . ls]' ................................. ' ....... 1 ----··" ~ "'~"'~ --~ -• .. ,j ~" ... C t ~ ·: " -J .. e . .. ., ::I.I. " ~ " ' -... ..... APPROVED i..::;iir 1 1 , ~ . "'/::--2-0 ·1 ~ ------ ~---~. ' -------DATE . .. , -- KEY MAP NO SCALE *"'~ e on~ .... R>+ I i' -• I I E ::.:_ ~ l'l / .. / al .. ~ .. 0 ~Q'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------·--------------..J~ REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION/DATE BY FINAL LANDSCAPE PlANS ESM 10-20-05 2 FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESM 02-13-06 STATE Of(/.•/</ ·U.1 WASHINGTON REGISTERED DSCAPE RC~IITECT '/, l&Ltl?if~t() itk 1 /i, Yi LEANNE D. KUHLMAN CERTIFICATE No. 743 0 z 1- _J :::J U) z 0 0 • 0 • -' • -' (/) 0 z -0 -' 0 I (/) 0.. -::, E 0 0 • ,- > ,- 0 E U) (I) • 3: 3: 3: z w ...J er, w NtMW»ffl (f) (/) w J ~ C w E a,W C a, ·-0 "-c w 0 I: ::, " VJ -e u u.~ C 0 0 L _J Q_ "' C 'C •• W-" C C ,-0 "'"' C w 0 :-= _n ,2: :J 0 ll_ z § z I ~ z 5 0.. w 0.. (3 (/) 0 z 5 JOB NO.: 1166-001-005 OWG. NAME: lA-O·J DESIGNED BY: LOK DRAWN BY: JLL/LDK/TG CHECKED BY: DATE: 02/14/2006 DATE .>If: \ , " .. , ,~, PRINt.t.B, 1.,:,;i ,z.ou~ L-1 1 8 OF 20 SHEETS ; J I' I . I C 0 E ~ " ~ • C rn C , 0 ~ j N D c· I ru <\ ·o /v <J] •• ~ ......... 0 0 ao_ .,;; 8 / -· 8 .,;; ~ ~ A PORTION OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF SEC-rlON 33, TOVVNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. STAPLE WARNING: KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. 2" MAX-I 2x2 PINE TREE 5T AKE5 5ET 5TAKE5 PERPENDICULAR TO PREVAILING WIND INST ALL "TREE BOOT" OR --~ "ARElORGARD" IN LAWN AREAS. PLANT TREE 1"-2" 1-JIGI-JER T!-IAN IN NURSERY WATERING BASIN-------,_ AMEND NATIVE 50IL W/ 6" DEF'TI-J 3-WAY MIX PLANTING 50IL UNDl5TURBED GROUND 12" MIN. FOR WOOD 5TAKE5 4 18" FOR REBAR -9-- ZREINf'ORCED RUBBER f.105E OR VINYL WITJ.J 16 GAUC,E GALVANIZED 5TEEL WIRE TIES DETAIL '----PRUNE D15EA5ED AND BROKEN 13RANCJ.JE5 1'-------I-J05E; WIRE TIE5, 5EE DETAIL ABOVE ~--REMOVE BINDING TWINE; TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP. ~-2" SETTLED DEPT!-1 FINE BLEND BARK MULCJ.J ~--FERTILIZER T A13LET5 !4-21 GRAM-2el-le>-5) SCARIFY PLANTING PIT 51DE5 AND BOTTOM 6" DEEP, FIRM, NATIVE SOIL MOUND DECIDUOUS TREE PLANl"ING & STAKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PLANT I" !-IIGI-JER Tl-JAN IN NURSERY o'· I • I . ·-, \ ' . •. o· \ r-"'=;;_ \\\ . --~~ \ .. . . . , "---, / ; ' . ,..,._sc--1PRUNE D15EA5ED AND BROKEN 13RANC!-IE5 • 0 / ;; . . . -~-REMOVE TOP l/3 OF BURLAP ,-::t..2" SETTLED DEPTJ.J FINE GRADE BARK 11ULCJ.J 2x ROOTElALL WIDTI-J SHRUB PLANTING DE-rA!L NOT TO SCALE THE UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. DEPTH UNKNOWN. CALL 1-800-424-5555. NOTE: STREET TREE LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE Af\lD SHOULD BE ADJlJSTED PER FINAL DRIVEWAY AND UTILITY LOCATIONS . EQUAL SPACING 1/2 DIA. OF PLANT ~-F'--¥--,fF--ll----J F--¥---+f"'-_.,' OR AS Sf-lOILN ON DRAWING EDGE OF PAVING OR PLANTING BED T SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER SPACING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE .- Review Engineer Cornpletion Dahl Senior Engineer Cornpletion Doto JAMES H. SANDERSN P.E. DEVELOPMENT ENGi EER Approval Date Cornments: n 60 SCALE: 1" = 30' CON-rOUR INTERVAL= 2' SEE SHEET L-1 FOR CONTINUATION NO STREET TREES WITl--11N 50' 51Gl--1T DISTANCE TRIANGLE AS DEFINED BY KCRS DUX,. NO. 5-00':l-TYPICAL ' ' ./ ' ' 36 , _.-- / / /35 I I / 0 ,a· n ------· ---- LANDSCAPE NOl-ES L DO NOT DIG BEFORE LOCATING UTILITIES. _/_.- / 1 32-F ' l .' ·' / i ' ' 38 / i ·1 .__:: ') ' ' \_, / • "_j - ,/ ,.,/ 2. SUBGRADES, INCLUDING BERMS, TO WITl--11N l/10Tl--1 i'OOT PROVIDED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR UNLESS OTl--1ERWISE NOTED. 3. 5UOORADE SHALL BE: SCARIFIED OR ROTOTILLED IF SOIL CONDITIONS REQUIRE. 4. ALL STREl::T TREE PLANTING STRIP& Sf.lALL BE: SEEDED. REFER TO Tl--115 51--1EET FOR SEED MIX. 5. APPLY 6" DEPTl--1 3-WAY MIX TOPSOIL IN ALL PLANTING AREAS OR AS OTl--1ERW15E NOTED. 6. APPLY 2" DEPTH FINE GRADE: BARK l"IULCH IN ALL PLANTING AREAS. MULCH TO BE FREE OF WEED SEED, 6AWDU6T, RESIN OR TANNIN AND SHALL NOT CONTAIN ANY COMPOUNDS DETRIMENT AL TO PLANT GROWTH. 1. CONTRACTOR 16 RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING ANY PROPOSl::D 6UB5TITUTIONS OR UNFORESEEN FIELD CONDITIONS TO Tf.lE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND/OR OWNER 8. AJ_L PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE DISEASE FREE AND ARRIVE IN A VIGOROUS GROWING CONDITION. ':'I. ALL PLANT l"IATERIAL SHALL CONi=ORM TO U6A STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK, LATEST EDITION. 10. ALL MA5S PLANTINGS SHALL HAVE TRIANGULAR SPACING. IL ALL MA6S/GROUNDCOVER PLANTINGS ARE CONTIMUOU5 THROUGHOUT PLANTING BED. IF NO SYMBOL 16 SHOWN, REi=ER TO FLAM NOTE6 AND PLANT LEGEND. 12. 6PECIFIED PLANT SPACING IN PLANT LEGEMD 6UPER5EDES 5YMBOL5 Sf-lOWN ON PLANS. 13. ALL TREE PIT5 5f.lALL BE INSPECTED TO INSURE PROPER DRAINAGE. 14. P061TIVE DRAINAGE 61--1ALL BE l"IAINTAINED. MOUND PLANTING AREAS A MINIMUM OF 12" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 15. CONTRACTOR AGREES TO WARRANTY AND MAINTAIN ALL PLANT MATERIAL FOR ONE FULL GROWING &EASON PAST INSTALLATION AND 6HALL REPLACE DEAD PLANT MATERIAL WITf.llN Tf.lAT WARRANTY I MAINTENANCE PERIOD WITl-1 NO OBLIGATION TO Tl-IE OWNER 16. STREET TREES 5f-lALL HAVE UNli=ORl'1 BRANCHINC, HEIGHT OF 5 1/2' MINIMUM ABOVE GRADE OR AS OTf.lERWISE NOTED. 11. STREET TREES SI-IALL BE LOCATED NO MORE Tl-JAN 20 FEET FROM THE 5TREET RIGJ.JT-OF-WAY LINE. 18. STREET TREES NEAREST INTER&Ec·rroNS SI-IALL BE A MINIMUM OF 10' FROM ANY SIGN.AGE. 1':l. STREET TREE LOCATIONS ARE APPROX. AND 5!-IOULD BE ADJUSTED PER DRIVEWAY, STREET LIGI-IT AND UTILITY LOCATIONS. 20. ALL TREES Sf.I.ALL BE DOUBLE STAKED AS SI--IOUJN ON Tl-IE DETAILS. ST AKES TO BE REMOVED AFTER ONE FULL GROWING 5EASO~t TREES T~IAT l-lAVE DIED WITf.llN Tf.lE ONE YEAR WARRANTY / MAINTENANCE PEl~IOD 5f.lALL BE REPLACED AND RE-STAKl::D FER THE DETAIL. 2L Tf.lE TREES 61--lALL BE OWNED AND 1'1AINTAINED BY Tf.lE ABUTTING LOT OlLNERS OR T~IE l-lOMEOlLNERS ASSOCIATION. 22. Tl-IE PLANTER ISLANDS WITI-IIN Tl-IE CUL-DE-SACS Sf.lALL BE MAINTAINED BY Tl-IE ABUTTING LOT OlLNERS OR I-IOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. / HYDROSEED MIX FOR DETENTION POND t11XTURE BELOW SPECIFIED AS A RATIO BY WEIGi-iT, NAME ffiOFQFITION FEfsCl;~lT 4!=&11NATION 6Y l.lJEIY!HI f'URITY PERENNIAL RYEGRA5S 40% g8 gg CREEPl~IG RED FESCUE TALL Fl::SCUE HIGI-ILAND BENT CLOVER 3el% 20% J!Z)% WOOD FIBER l"IULCf-1 APPLICATION RATE, 2,000 LB5. / ACRE HYDR06EED APPLICATION RATE, 35e> LBS. / ACRE TACKIFIER APPLICATION RATE, 40 LBS./ ACRE FERTILIZER APPLICATIOI~ RATE, 435 LBS. / ACRE oo·reei f-lYDROSEED ALL AREAS ABOVE Tl-IE !-IIGl-1 WATER MARK AND INSID!= Tl-IE PERIMETER FENCE. FOR f.lYDROSEED, USE 1-8 LBS. OF SEED MIX FER 1,000 SQUARE PEET. APF'ROXIMATEL '( ':'1-10 LB5. OF 10-20-20 N-P-K FERTILIZER PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET, AND APPROXIMATELY 45-46 LBS. OF WOOD CELLULOSE FIBER MULCl-1 PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET IN ALL AREAS TO BE SEEDED. ADD APFROXIMATEL Y I LB. OF TACKIFIER PER 1,000 5QUARE FEET FOR 6LOPE5 AS NECESSARY. SEEDIMG SEASON 15 LIMITED TO MARCH I-MAY 15 4 AUCEiU5T 15-OCTOBER I. SEED S!-IALL CONFORM TO STANDARDS FOR "CERTIFIED" GRAS5 SEED OR BETTER, AS OUTLINED IN WSDA "RULES FOR SEED CERTIFICATION". LATE:ST EDITION. SEED MIX FOR LAWN AREAS NAME ERQF'ORTION ·--.. _ ,/ J I ·. \\,,,._ "-------.. 36:::FOO / '.~ "· -< -_,-,_--/' - .. ---· PLANT LEGEND OOT ANICAL / COMMON NAME TJ.JUJA PLICATA / WE:5TERN RED CEDAR 0 F'YRU5 CALLl=RY ANA Cf-lANTICLEER I FLOlLERING PEAR FRAXINU5 LATIFOLIA / OREGON A5!-I ACER RLIBRUM 'OCTOBER GLORY' I OCTOBER GLORY MAPLE PYRUS CALLERY ANA 'CAPITAL' / CAPITAL FLOWE:RING PEAR 0 VIBURNUM TINU5 'SPRING BOUQUET' / LAURUSTINUS + . + + , ... , .. + ~ + + + + 'C ... • t T a " t-·> + r > . ~ t· -;-' .. ' • T + + + T .,. ., .,. + t-' ARCT05TAPI-JYL05 UVA-URSI / KINNIKINNICK SY UJEIQiHT GIERMINAIION Af'ELICATION RATE TRIPLE BLEND PERENNIAL RYEGRAS5 10% ':10 6-8 LBS. / i,e>e>ei 5F. TURF QUALITY FINE FESCUE NOTE;;? 30% ':10 SEED ALL AREAS TI-JAT ARE BARE GROUND AND AT LEA5T 18" FROM ANY PLANTED TREE OR 5HRLIB. USE AFFROXIMATEL Y '3-10 LBS. OF 10-20-20 N-P-K FERTILIZER PER 1,000 SQUARE: FEET, AND APPROXlt1ATEL Y 45-46 LB5. OF WOOD CELLULOSE FIBER MULC~I PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET IN ALL AREAS TO BE: 5EEDED. SEEDING SEASON 16 LIMITED TO MARCI-I I-MAY 15 4 AUGUST 15-OCTOBER L SEED Sf.lALL CONFORl"I TO STANDARDS FOR "CERTIFIED" GRA5S SEED OR BE"rTER, A5 OUTLINED IN WSDA "RULE5 FOR SEED CERTIFICATION", LATEST EDITION. --1~.:,u4. / f/lZE GlUANIITY COMMENTS E>' 1-JT. MIN. 10 VIGOROUS, B4B !REPLACEMENT TREE) I" CAL. I" CAL. I" CAL. I" CAL. 5 GAL. I GAL. 38 12 1 20 lie> 40 VIGOROUS, 1346 /REPLACEt1ENT TREE! VIGOROU5, 13413 !REPLACEMENT TREE) \/IGOROU5, 13413VIGOROU5, B4B !REPLACEMENT TREE> VIGOROUS, 134ElVIGOROU5, 6413 !REPLACEME:NT TREE) • TRIANGULAR SPACING " 24" O.C., FOR /,:OMFLE:TE COVERAGE LI/ITf.llN 2 YE:AR5 I I ''""""'" ' ,. . '.' "'-'""""' KEY MAP NO 5CALE I I \ i I I ,: .. I\, \gl "f-_ 'CT'-, 0 G:J • (f) • w ~~ ..c al C\f ,- 0 0 I I • REVJS!ONS NO. DESCRIPTION/DATE BY 1 FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESM 10-20-05 2 FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESM 02-13-06 STATE Of,J-·k/-Olp WASHINGTON REGISTERED ;15".'NDSCAP~ RCHJTECT !Ni , 1,/JJV Jll!.Ll-l 1tbll LEANNE D. KUHLMAN CERTIFICATE No. 743 () t _J _J (/) * a: - w * w z CJ z 0 0 w N C0 'It 0 ('.) _cO -ro z ::, Ol 0 <( I-~s ...J "' . s~ ::i 1ns (/) ~- z I{) l'! 0 ~ "' Ol "O 0 C') "' C') u. • 0 • _J • _J "' (/) 0 z -0 _J 0 I U) 0... J ., ;f "' -0 -~m w~- I I I w"' • "' -~ "' _, w --"' "' m :<l N 0 _, "' -~ 1i " °" ~=13 ww WI ~~w 0~ a," E 0 () • ·-> ·-0 E (/) (I) • 3 3 3 z w .....J (!J w CJ) (I) w J ~ ~ ~ 0 • ~ .c "'~ .~ <( C C • 0 n. 0 0. 0 w " " C C 0 0 _J _J o> C ·c "" •-" CL ·-0 "',': C Wu ;-:: .D .~ :) u 11. (/) w I- 0 z 0 z <( Cf) _J -<( t:i 0 ft z ::i CL w 0... <( () (/) 0 z ::i ~ z :::) 0 0 (.!) z ~ JOB NO.: 1166-001-005 DWG. NAME: LA-02 DESIGNED BY: LOK DRAWN BY: JLL/LDK/TG CHECKED 8Y: DATE: 02/14/2006 DATE OF :CB 1 4 2! PRINT: L-2 "1 9 OF 20 SHEETS ' ' . ' ; I ' r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--l'lltll!IZ"'tl'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------":"'-"'i n 0 " 0 0 0 0 rn e , 0 -~ s ,o 0 -- 1 ~ :I ,n / a: • µ .µ -0 0 0 0. -{, 0 0 / 0 0 -{, "' A PORTION OF THE S.VI/. 1/4 OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. SYMBOL LEGEND-SYMBOL LEGEND-Review Engineer Completion Date Senior Engineer Completion Dote EXISTING TREES TO BE RETAINED EXISTING -rREES TO BE REMOVED on:, ;;, --NOTES .. JAMES H. SANDERS P.E. Approval Date DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER SIGNIFICANT -rREE SIGNIFICANT TREE / COMMON NAME I. 5!gnlrlcarit treeeo ef10wn have riot bc.ieri revrewed by an arborlet to determine the hea Ith of the tree. The number of e,fgnrriciant tre~& may be reducs depending on the find Ing• or a certified arborle-L. ~ COMMON NAME Botanical name SIG. CAL. INCHES Cornments: SIG. Botanical name CAL. INCHES t--18"/14'" ,\ ~ @15" i4 22 1 I DECIDUOUS TREE 12 INCHES OR MORE DECIDUOUS TREE (:8) SIZE INDICATED 2. 5lreet tre~ locatrone are a~proxlmate ar1d ma~ be adJuoted per actual utllil~ and drlvewa~ location&. 3. Tr.see ehown lo biS reta Jned on the tree retention plan ohall be mll rnta lned b~ the future ownere of the propoe,ed Iota, consleter,t with KCC l<&.82.156 j ,' ' 0/ '" ,n ' I ; I ' ' : \ ! ,.r ' ! I, I \ \ \ / ', ' I / . w . \ U) ,, w :J z w > <( I 1- (.0 ,- ,- • } I I / ! u PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PART I -PLANTING! flFECIFICATION5 General Conclltlona ( [ ' : ' ,' '6 ' 0 24"/18'\ OJ r'J' / c: - 1 o" ·03 '~ 'r wtW ' \ ' \ , Land&c8t?a contractor I Developer ehall verlf~ that plant lneitallatlon concHtlone are suit.able within the planting eireae. An!::J un6cltf&f'actor~ condltlora; shall bs corrected prior to &tart of work.. Whoo conditions dstr'lmental to plant growth arei ,sncounterecl, e.uch ao rubbli.Y fill, adveree drainage condltrone, &l9nfflct1rlt vegetation, or ob6tructlons, the landecape contractor I developer shall notify KC DDE5 t:,rlor to planting. BeglMlng of work. cone,tltute6 dcceptance ot" condlt1or1& a& s.atle.factor~. ' Plante, ln&talled In uncllet.urbsd area6 shall be Integrated with eXl6t1n9 native: ve9etatlon, and planted In a random, naturalls.tlc pattern. LOCATE; I 5TAKE / vE;Rl~Y FLANTINGT ARE;Ao • Lar1d•cape contractor I Developer shall field locale, otake, and verlf~ planting area& and configuration• prior Lo planting. Thi& shall approximate what lo ohown on the DDE5 approved 5!grilffcant Tree R"tenllon plan. All revlolon• I changes ohall be pre-approved b~ DDE5 and documerit.sd for recording at ffndl r.;ilat approval. AFFROVE PLANTING! LOCATIONS AND 5FACINGI ' Plant1n9 locations e.hown on plantlr1g plan& are aF'proxlmate, baaed on anticipated e.lte condltlon6. Actual plant1n9 !ocatlone ma!J var~ from those ohown due to final site candltfon6 and locatlone, of ax!et1n9 vegetation. Nevettheless, t1n4::J varlatlono from the planting plan wlll require prior approva I by KC DDE5. " 6!gnlflcani tree e.pacine &hall be a minimum of fifteen teet (15' tor non-etreet treee. or 401 on ce:nter for &tr.set treee) or as &tated on the approved plantTn9 plan. 6pacrn9 e,ha!I be adeciuate to allow elgnlflcant tree'• room lo expand th-oughout the future ~ear&. FART 2 -ELAN-r MAll;RIAL 5TANQARPfl • Landec:ai::,e contractor' I developer e.ha\1 exa1nlt1e plant material prior to p!antlng. Any material not meeting the roictulred opeclffcatlon• ohall be lrnmedlatel~ removed from the olte and replaced with like mdterla! that msel6 the reC1ulred standards. Plant material shall meet the requrrement.& or Count~, 5late and Federal lawe. with re:?:spect to plant d16~ass and rnf"ss.tatTot1e. lnepectlon certlflcatee, reciu1red b~ law, shall accompan~ each and every ohlpment and •hall be oubmllted to ,,.., Landscape contractor I dev"loper upon receipt or plant material. Theoe cerllflcateo ohall be made ava!labl" to KC DDE5 a• reciusoted b~ the Inspector. • Plant material• ohall be locall~ grown (Weolern WA, Weotern OR, Western BC), healthfj, buo~, In v19orous, growin9 condltfon, and be guaranteed true elze:, name and variety. If replacement of' plant mdterlal fe, 11ece1;;ear~ due to cone.tructrot1 damage or plant f'allure wlthrn three (3) years of lne.tallatlon, the slzee, spec!"• and ciuantllleo ohall be e<jual lo opeclfled plant• ao lndlcated on the approved piano. ~ Planta shall b,s nureer~ 9rown, wett~rootsd of normal growth and habit, and free from dleeaee ln,eotatlon, KC DDE5 reoerveo the right to reciulre replacement or oubotltutlon or anhl plant• deemed unsuitable. ~ Treee ehall have uniform branchlr,g, e,Jngle etrcHght trunk& at1d the central leader lnt.:Jct dnd undamaged. 6alled and burlapped etock. &hall have been root~pruned at least once within prevlou& two yc3ars, and the plant e.tock e.hall hav<9 beer1 grown In a contafner for .:It least one full growing eeaeon. Container elock eh.all be fully rooted but not root-bound. Plant mate:rla\ with damaged root zonee, or broken root ball& wlll not be .accepted. • Corilferoue tree& &hall be nureer~ 9rowr1, full and bue.~, and with untrorm branching and a natural non-e.~ared form. or1grnal central lec:1der mue.t be .healthy and Ul'lda11u:i9ed. • Lc:1nde.cape contractor I developer eihall e,ubmlt a 11st of plant euppller name&, .addreee,es, phone numbers, and &torage / 9rowln9 location& of the material to KC DDE5 prior to planting. 5UEl5TITUTIONfl ' 8ubslltutlor1a of s.peclfled p!ant sr:,eclee, size or condition wlll be allowed onl~ with prior wl"lttl!9t'l approval rrom Kc DDE5. (..,.....=. \ \ ,; ' •, \ \ 24 ( / ' I I ' ' I / " l ' I " ___ J 25 / ' 26 I 27 .' 36" STUMP ' 4" 15" /9" 19 12@'" Hf l \ -/ 41 . 48" 1} i·tP"/ 1 o" / q. ,r1p·1s·; "· ·15+~ -+-+-~---,--~ 0 28 29 16+00 -1--- 30 , l (2)12:·; O' I 16"/Hf 3i / / I ' i\ ' I G l() ' . ,? ,- ' '-. \'-\ \ \",. \·,\ ''.. i1\ \ ""-----a ~. A(l'.:ff , , . / t PARK ?i', ,.r SEE SHEET 1L-1 I ' ' ! / l(; Cl ({j ;i ,1.c ~ \ -. --< ; I .\ )\--0 I ., I ! i i ,, / / \', ( ·;,.;II I I , , ~ ' ' ' / f ' • i i I APPLE • Nalus species lil!iw' ALDER ~All Aln-us g/-utinosa 1 ',;JW r------------+- CHESTNUT [!~ Castanea sat'iva ~ LOCUST R-ubinia pseudoacacia Bl.ACK COTTONWOOD Populus t·rickocarpa DOUGLAS FIR Ps1.tedotsuga 'fnenz'iesii WESTERN HEMLOCK J's-uga hete1vphylla WESTERN RED CEDAR Tkitja plicata • 8 INCHES OR MORE APPLE a ,!falus spec·ies e:; ~ ' ALDER @ Alnus gl-utinosa CHESTNUT ® l"astanea saliva LOCUST a .. '"' -R-ubinia pseudoacacia ~ t 1!1 BLACK COTIONWOOD )~ Populus trichocarpa DOUGLAS FIR -Psuedotsuga rnenziesii WESTERN HEMLOCK ~ J'suga heteropkylla WESTERN RED CEDAR ~ J'k-uja plicata REPLACEMENT TF~EE PLANT LEGEND (WITHIN TRACJ B & D) . 60TANICAL I COMMON NAME THUJA PLICATA I WE6TERN RED CEDAR FRAXINU6 LATIFOLIA / OREGON A5H &Ill;; 6' HT. MIN. 2" CAL. QUANTITY 10 12 • ' • j, I [ i e· J FROF05ED LANDSCAPING-TYPICAL. -~-~.....,...· +-' , REFER TO SHEET L-1 AND L-2. / 1 I \. \ " : , ' I 1 \ I / Yr' \ CLEAN UP - ',, -- 21 32 ' I 36 ' / -,'\ ' 33 35 ' ' t;;,'.Jii ···-'" 34 .:., -- • Lat1decape contractor I developer ehall be reeponelble for the removal of construction materlal and debrfe, on the site f'ollow1n9 Installation or plant material&. Al! debrfe, mue.t be removed to a leg.al landfill faclllt~. FART 4 -FLANT WARRANT'r AND MONITORING! / -_(/0''' \ \ ·', ',.'"/\,,, ',, J-,(' I . -·{ .. 7\,-··r 1 ., ., ' ,'} ' --.. :~~.- ' 32 00 38 +-- 0 ;\t --~""" ! 9 .... ··- PART 6 -MAINT!;NANCE AND CONllN<;i!;NCY SCALE: 1" = Nole; If &treat tree 1e, to be planted al~a C1Uallf"~ for &lgnlfrcant trae'e, then the &treat tree maintenance and mor1ltorln9 procee.e shall be ue.ed. 50' - SIGNIFICANT -rREE RETENTION NOTES 51GINIFICANT TR!;I; Rl;TE;NTION NOTES, Kc 21A.38.230 (50-220) ' Fursuant to Kee l<:>.82.156 an approved 519nlflcant Tree Retention Plan lo • Mdlntenance will be p~rronned twice per .Year to addre&& any required for the prop.srt!-J ae cleecrlbed on rHe with King CoU/'1ty Department and condltlone, that could Jeopardfze the 6Uccee,e, of the m1t19atlan are:a. Development and Envfror11t1enlal Services (DDE:5) ~corde Center, on e.r'eet I of Establiohed performance otanddrd& ror the proJect will be compared to ths approved ""1,Jlneerlng piano Number L05P0!VIZ)!;, and Act1vlt~ Number the monitoring reoult• to Judge the success of the mltlgallon proJect. Ir L,Z,55R,Z,B4. Lot• l,6,1,8,l<O,ll,12,14,15,1'3,20,21,22,30,34,42,43,44,45,4b,4B,4':l, and Tract B there Je, a &l9nff'lcal'lt problem wlth ach1evlt19 the performance etandarde., within th!& plat contain trees ths must be retained per &did approved Tree the bond holder shall work UJllh KC DDE5 to develop a contlngenc~ Retention Plan. An~ propoaed clearing, grading or construction actlvltleo that • Landacape contractor I developer'• warrant~ oha II Include plan. Contlngenc~ piano can Include, but are not limlt,sd to, regrading, will ( or may) Impact a olgnlflcant tree within oald Joto muot be reviewed and replacement or plants (5ame s!zs and opecre& ehown on approved additional plant lne.tallat.!on, eroe.lori control, medlatlone to h~drolo9~, approved b~ K1n9 Counly DDE5 Land Uee Service& Dlvlelon and/ or succee,eor, plane,) that prove either to me mle.located or une.ultable as to plant and plan eubetltutlons of t~pe, 5fze, quanlfty and location. Such for cornpllance wrth eald Tree Retention Flan. The current landowner and future material e.tandarde,. Except for loee due to exce&&lve:Jy severe cont1r1.9enc!:j plan shall be eubmltted to the KC PDES lnepector bH landowner& sha!J maintain and protect eiald tre:ee, .and secure permlte ae requfred cllmatolo9lcal condltlone (eubetalned b~ 10-~e.ar recorded weather December 31 or an~ !:Jear when deflclenclee are dl.acovere:d. Contlngenc~ to pert"orm an~ maintenance and / or relaled ac:tlvlt~ such as hazard tree charte), lnetalled ):'lt1nl materral are reciurred to be guarant.esd for wlll Include man!::! of ths: lteirie, l!eted below and would be implemented ff' reme:dlt1tlon. three !::jei:lr6 .:19a1ne.t defect& and ut1e.1tle.factor~ growth Plante, the performance &tandarcls are not met. M.:llntenance and remedial action • The ~eranrt applicant shall determine that the final tree retention plan doee FART 3 -PLANT INSTALLATION replaced shall be relnltlated under plant guarantee conditions. The on the site will be implemented lmmedlatelH upon completion or the not Include significant trees unable to ourvlve more than ten ~ears after lhe dale monitoring period shall be three (3) ~ear• from lnotallatlon monitoring event (unleo• otherwise opeclflcallH Indicated below). or project completion. SOIL FR!;EARATION / AMENDl'"IENTS acceptance In writing b~ the DDE5 Inspector, ' During year one, two and three ro,place all dead plant material. ' 519nlflcant Tree Protection, ' Prior to lnetallatlon of plant1n9e., all cone.trucllon debrle. and any other not1-natlve material shall • lUater afl plar1t111ge, at a rats or 1'1 of water at leaet every week L Prior to an~ clearing all trees to be retained &hal! be flagged. be removed from the mitigation area. Trees and oh-ubo ohall be pit pl8nled as ohown In the PART 5 -FINAL ACCE;PTANCE; between June 15-5eptember 15 during the flrot ~ear arter lnotallatlon, and 2. Prior to grading and th-oughout conotrucllon, a temporar~ cha!nllnk, approved plan dBta!lo. A soil moloture retention agent <pol~mer) •hall be Included In planting for the rlrol ~ear a,ter any replacement planting• (C 4 M!. wire or plaotlc nst fence shall be ueed to !der>llf~ the protected are back.fill psr manuf'acturet 1s opeclflcatlon&. 1 Upon completion of p!ar1Un9, t~ lllnd&cape contractor I " Replace dsad plant& with the eam,s epeclee or a eube.tltute ~pecle& ( drip lfne) of c:ln!J e1gn1f1cc111t tree deergnated for retentlof1. The height ' In non-graded planting areao, planting plto all be backfilled with a !;IZ)/!;IZ) mixture of Imported, developer shall provide the DDE5 lnepector with a oet or clearl~ that meelo the goal and obJectlve• or the enhancement plan, oub,Ject to or such fencing ohall be adJuotsd according to the topographic and weed rree topooil and the native soil from the planting pit. In graded areas, planting• ohall be marked print• deo1gnat1ng the actual locdllon• of planting• 1ulthln the KC DDE'5 approval. vegetative condlllona or the olts to provide clear vloual delineation fne.lalled direct!~ rnto newl~ placed top&ol!. lmporled to~e.ofl ehall be a 3-wa~ mrx acc:iulred from an mitigation area. Lande.cape contractor I developer ehall keep l1 • Re-plant area after reason for f.allure ha& beer1 Identified (e.9. of the protected area. The slzs of the protected area around the approved local euppller. complete &et of t='rlnt& at the Job elt~ dur1n9 conetructlon for the molet.ure r<9glme, poor plant e.tock., die.eaBe, ehade/eun condition&, wlldlrfe tree ehllll be equal to one foot clrameter for each Inch of tree trunk • 6oili'"lolot, or eciu1valenl, ohall be added to the topsoil backfill or all planting pllo, The purpooe of 'red l11>1ng' change• or modlrlcatlono lo the approved damage, .,,c). diameter measured rour reel above the ground or al drip line or the 5oilt1olot •hall be h;Jdrated before being added to topooll backfill. Mar,ufacturero recommended plan• and •hall update said lnrormatlon on a dail~ baol•. • Remove I control weedu or exotic lnvaolve plant• (e-9. Scot'• tree. applicatlori rate• and usage ohall be followed. ' KC DDE5 ohall approve planllng location• ao depleted on the Broom, reed canary graso, Hlmala~an 61ackberr~, purple loo•etrlfe, etc) • At no time during and after conalrucllon ohall the following be permitted ' Wood~ planting• &hall be fertilized with a slow release (B month) high nitrogen, low phoophoruo approved replanting plan, If llsms are lo be corrected, a punch l!ot b~ manual or chemical means ao approved by KC DDE5. LI•e or wlthlri the olgnlflcant tree protscllon area, (a) lmpervlouo ourfaces, fill, grllnul.ar fertfllzar (21-3--1), with application rates ae epeclrled b_y the manufacturer. FertllTzer shall bc=J ehclll brS prepared b!:! the DDE& Inspector and eubroltlecl to the herblclcie& or pe:stlcldee within tbs 1r11trgat1on area would only be excavation, or storage of con&tructlor1 material& (b) grade level chan9ee, c1pplled after planting pit le. back.filled, and prior to application of mulch. Fertilizer ahall not be Landscape contractor I developer for completlon. After punch llet Implemented If other meaeur'e& falled or were coneldered unllkel!J to be except rn llrnlt19d clrcumstancee. where proposed Improvement u&lng permeable .applled between November and March lt.sme have been completed, DDE6 lneit:=>eclor ehllll review the e.ucceee,.ful, and would regulre KC DDE& approval. Treee and e.hrube materfale. ara determined b!:, an arborf&l to be non-detrimental to the trees root ' Out&lde of' wetland area&, a 3 Inch la~er of mulch (medium Doug Fir bark) e.hall be placed around F'roJsct f'or t"lnal acceptance on plan Implementation. ehould be weeded to the dripline and mulched ta a depth of 3 1nchee. Byetem. the baee of each new tree to a .36 11 diameter for erosion, weed cor1trol arid moisture retention. All non-native vegetation muet be removed t1nd dumped off elte at an • 619nfffcar1t rree 1'1a!ntenance: ' E'xlollng natural or landscaped areao that ar" damagsd dur111g conotrucllon ohall be reo\ored ' A5 BUI!,. T 5UBMITTA!. ON FLATS approved location. (a) All olgnlffcant tree• shall be maintained for the llre of ths project STEEL FEMCE P06T OR--, 2' x :2' l.lk.JODEl'.1 poe,r -iYP. 8 +/-F05T5 MIN.@ 8'-1 11 D15T ANGE Af'ART MAX. CIRCLING RETAINED TREE AT DRIPLINE. EXISTING TR!:EF---~-------- I I DRIF'LIN Of TREE I ,f------~~~'1-,~~=-,-,,-._.-l"_H_A_X_.! 1 ., GALVANIZED WIRE---~ EXl&TINC, UNDISTURBED 601L ---~ AROUND ROOT zONE. ·rREE PROTEc-r10N oE-rAIL NOT TO &CALE -' " SIGNIFICANT TREE REQUIREMENTS FLAN VIELU A '1sl9nlflcar1t tree" Is defined ae. an exfatlng healthy tree that I& not a hazard tree (le. a tree that doe• not have a high propabllll~ of lmmlnenll~ falling du" to a debllltatfng dlseaee or etl"ucturdl defect) and thal, when meae.ured four and one half teet above grade, ha& a mln!mum diameter of: L 8 11 for evergreen trees, or '2. 12u Tor decrduoue, tre:ee. 519nlflcant treee. loc:alsd In the Interior of the development propoeal, Including sensitive areas and their burf"ere,, ernlll be retained In the residential eubdlvl&lon at the rate of 10 trees per acre or five percent of such treee., whfchever re greater. A e.lgnlflcant tree may be credited ae, two tl"eel) when rt meets one: or more of the f'ollowlng characterfsts: L the tree I& 18 Inches or greater lr1 dldmeter If. The tree le, located In a grouping of at !eae,t five trees with canopies that touch or overlap !IL The tree provldee energy eavlnge through winter wind protection or :=,ummer el1ddlng ae, a reeu!t of Its location relative to burld!nge fv. Ths tree: belongs to a unique or unueiua l spec lee. Plan modifications dnd tree replacernenl arl!;:I t:7ermltted as follows. a. An~ e,fgn1t"icant ·tree In the lnLerlor may be replaced b~ another e.19n1flcc:1nt tree In tr.e Interior. b. Ir the required number of e.1911lflcant tree& cannot be reld lned, tMn r1on-e-r9nlflcant sized trees ma~ be retained or new treee may be planted to meet. the st9n1ncant. tree requlremente as follow&, provided that the reae.on for the purpose or thre eiub&dctlon, the sfgnlflcant tred to be r<.!3placed b~ the new or exl&tlng replacement tree I& aee.lgned a diameter of' 1:2 lnchee: I. When uern9 replacement treee. meaeur1n9 th-ee lnchee In dramel.sr or grealer (aa meaeiured b~ caliper), one-half Inch diameter of replacement tree shall be provided for ever!:J one Inch diameter of e!gnlflcemt lree to be replaced, and II. When using rep!acetnerit treee. 111eaeurrn9 Iese than three Inches, In diameter, ofle Inch diameter of" replacement tree &hall be provided for ever!:J one Inch dlam.ster of e19nlflcant tree to be replaced. SIGNIFICANT TREE CALCULATIONS lo their original condition, ut1lei;e Improvements or modlflcatlot1a are specified for thoe.e areas. • Clean-up trae.h and othet de:brle.. inc.lud!ng monitoring . • Landscape contractor/ developer shall exsrcloe care to protect from lnJur8 to trunk, rooto, or Note, If revision• and I or change• have been made to the ' 5electlvel~ prune wood~ planto to thin and remove dead or (b) All olgnlf'lcant tree• ohall be pruned and trimmed ao neceeoary to PER KCC 16 _132 .1 56 Tl-lE TOTAL NUMBER OF TREE€, TO BE RETAINED SHALL brancheo of anu treeo or oh-ubo that are to remain. An~ llvlng wood8 plant that lo damaged during Initial DDE'5 approved olgnlf!cant tree retention plan oubmll an dlseaoed portion of treeo. maintain a health\j growing condition or the prevent prlmar~ limb failure. BE 10 TREE& FER ACRE ORB% OF SAID TREES, W!-IATEVER 15 GREATER conetructlcm shall be: treated within :24 hours of" occurrence. Contractor ehatl prune wounded Ae.-6uflt plan. If no chdngee / revle.Jone have been made lln Ae.-Bullt This re'1ulrement 6hall not be rnterr,reted lo allow; portions or plant lmmedlal"IY after damage occuro. lnJured planto ohall be thorough!~ watered and Plan Is not reciu1red. PART 1 -PJ;RFORMANCE; BOND5 (I) topping of prlmar~ stems additional meaoureo or>all be taken (as appropriate) to aid In plant ourvlvabilit~. (2) pruning that reoulto In the loo• of 20 percent of vegetative maoo TOTAL NUMBER OF TREES 15 214. 5% OF 214 = II TREE5 ' Gradtn9: The duff la~er and nlltlvs tope,oll ehall be retained In an undisturbed etate to the Ptlor to final plan lne.pectlon ror the S1gn1frcant Tree Rsteritron s To aeeure the &uccee.e of Lhe m1tl9lltlon, 8 performar1ce bond wrll be (3) cutting or mc1Jor root&, except In t:7rsparatlon ror transplantation -OR- -maximum extend practicable. Any duff la~er or topsoil re,,,oved during grading ohall be stockpiled Flan P"rmlttee •hall oubmlt an Ao-BUILT 5!gnlflcant Tree Rslentlon pooled with KC DDE5 by the Develop.,, at the time or plat approval or ao deemed neceooary and / or acceptable b~ 8 cerllfled TOTAL SITE SQUARE FOOTAGE = 335,412 6F. = 1.1 ACRES l£,, on-olte In a designated, controlled area not adJacent to public reoource• and critical area&. The Plan lo the DDE5 Inspector ohowlr>g all plan revlolon• I changeo and for the cost or lmplementlng the mitigation plan to be monitored for arborlot. 10 TF<'J=E5 PER ACRE = 11 TREES REQUIRED TO BE RETAINED 16 GREATER 0 "' material ohall be reapplied to other portions or the •Ile where feaelble. Area& that have been verlf~lng that the DDE5 approved 51gnlflcant Tree Retention plan three (3) ~earo. It will be the Developeir / permlttee reoponelbillty to (4) With the exception of dead, dloea&ed or damaged treeo J 9 cleared and graded ohall have the soil molotur"3 holding capaclt~ reo\or,sd to that of the original <approved at lhe DDE5 Engineering Revl<SIW stage) ha• been reciueot a final lnepectlon al the end of lhe three (3) ~ear monitoring speclffcall~ retained to provide wildlife habitat± other dead, TOTAL RETAINED SIGNIFICANT TREES = 62 t)"' undisturbed soil nativ,; to the site of the maxlmu,n extent practicable. The aoil In any area that has completed per plan rectulremenl•. Thie A5-6UILT plan ohall be period and lo releaoe the posted bond. The bond <jUat>tlty calculatlor> dloeaoed, damaged or otolen planting ohall be replaced 4 2 TREES e,~JOWN AT IB" CAL. OR UNDER = ig been compacted or LflBl has had some or all of the duff lay"r or underlying topsoil removed ohall revlooied and approved b~ lhe 51\e Development 5pec1allot / form for both exl•t1ng algnlficant treeo ~nd tree• to b" planted ohall be lmrnedlatel~ or the next planting oeaoon Ir the looo cloe• not occur I TREE CREDIT/TREE = 42 TREES a~ be amsnded to mitigate for loot moleture-hold!ng capaclt~. The amendment shall take place between Forester that It conform• lo 50-220 and can be recorded. Ir completed and oubrr1llt"d to DDE5 Site Development Services prior to In a planting eeaocm. 10 TREES Sl-lOWN AT IB" CAL. OR OVER •2 TREE CREDIT&rrREE= .,;;El Ma8 I and Oc\ob<91" I. Replaced topooll ohall be a minimum of B lncheo thick, unlees the applicant approved the plan will be sent back to the DDE5 lnopector for final approval of the fllgnlflcant Tree Relenl!an Flan (the b011d form will be 20 TREES ([) N demone.tratee, that a cHfrerent thrckrleel:1 will ptovlde condltlcm& equivalent to tr'"ie eoll mofe.ture f:7ldl'I lnapectlon proctS&eln9. Mltlgat.lon mot1Jtor1ng for 619nrf'lca11t provided b~ the &D& Forester at the trrne of' the 619nlflcant Tree ~ ·· holdfrtg capaclt!:j natrve to tf'\13 site. Replaced topeoJl shall have an organic matter content or ·rree &hall commence upon acceptance: and approval of thle, Retention plan review etage). The actual bond will need to be e.ubmitted / E betw,aen B to 13 percent dr8 W'3lght and a pH suitable for \he propooed landacape planto. A5-BUIL T plan and la&t ror 3 ~earo or growing oeaoono. to DDE5 prior to project acceptance for field lnopectloti b~ the Land NUMBER OF PLANTED 51GNIFICA~!T TREE6 REQUIRED= 15 ~£"---------------------------------------------------------------------;U•~e;.,;;ln;•~p;e;c~tr;o~n~~~l~t----------------------------------------------------...;~N~U~M~B~E~R;;;;;;OF~~P~L~A;;;;;;N~TE;;;;;;D;;;;;;6~1G~N~l~F~IC~A~N;;;;;T~T~RE;;;;E~5;;;;P~R~O~V~ID;;;;;E~D~=~2~2;;;;;;;=======~ REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION/DATE BY 1 FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESM 10-20-05 2 FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESM 02-13-06 ~~ U) * a:- ~$ z (!) z UJ (!) z 1-- --' :::J U) z 0 0 • 0 • _J • _J (f) (9 z -0 _J 0 I (f) 0.. -, r- lO ~ r 0) 0) 'Cl "' 0) "' lL E 0 0 ' ·-> ,_ 0 E (f) (!) ' 3: 3: 3: z UJ ....J ('J w ttT:_, (J) U) w J 0, C L • 00 •-" C L ,-0 0'5 C Wu ;=: 1) .~ :> 0 0. z § z I ~ z ::S a.. z 0 1-z w Gj 0::: w w O::'. f- f-z <3 -LL -z (9 Cf) i= z :::J 0 u Cl z :,,: JOB NO.: 1166-001-005 DWG. NAME: lA-03 DESIGNED BY: LDK DRAWN BY, JLL/LDK/fG CHECf<ED BY: DATE, 02/14/2006 DATE oFr-EB 1 4 2006 PRINT: - L-3 20 OF 20 SHEETS . ... . ... . I ' I ·-------·----,.--- - ... I 30" 0- 26" 14 1 6" ef 1 s" / 1 4" \ +"\) ,~ 1 5" 21 22 I I : 2" Comments: n r'L,, ,'1f_Y 36" STUlvlP 5TREET TREE5 10' FROM ( ~ 6ACK OF CURB-TYPICAL • } -~--~ Id ~-- .. ~ :,.,if, ,"'"°'i, -1 3"@ 1 \ I I 8" • UJ • • 'C -·-~- --, 3 c" () 0 <( 1 5" /9" 0\ 0: \ 19 1 2" 1 8·/ \ ~ r --+- (2)12" 36 ;-;'' + i -1 3" I ,:!;2 ~ ~ " ~ 1 5" / 1 o" 0 1 2" ·1 2" .... '[)' .. .. --·@· : . ·: .... •.' ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I·· -~ .. . . . . . . . . ~litii . lilii-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J . ....._ ............... . !J I[) SCALE: 1" = 30' CONTOUR INTERVAL= 2' -!----SEEDED LAU,N-TYPICAL. REF'ER TO SI-IEET L-2 FOR 5FECIFICATIONS. (,J C\J u, (J) ' w I 4/ l~------ROAD B-·:':\:.:. ..... · .· .· ... ·. ·•· .· .. ·..:,· ·H-----S' WIDTI-I ASFI-IALT PEDESTRIAN .. .'. <'~:'s' · · -FATI-I-TYPICAL. SEE TRAIL N/ 01 . 1.n I i ' I I I > <( ..c ...... (0 T"" ,.... I I 4,,~ ,,.., 1 o" I v\ I \ '· ,, I I 5 I ·.s-o,,,. .... , 6 --~ 1 o" "'~· 23~ 24 25 I 26 1 6" / 1 " 27 28 29 30 31 ------+-----·--------,__ _______ --_......, _____ .. --,_..-.;;.;;t::::::::::----::::;..-...,.. --1'-----"" --------··_J . ------. . . . . . .. 5ECTION TI-IIS SI-IEET. ,....-----::ll'X ::ll' TOT LOT ( .AC:!E5 2-S) C0MF051TE FLAY 5TRUCTURE W/ APPROPRIATE SAFETY ZONE AND WOOD CI-IIF FLAY SURFACINC:s, MODEL RF2SS2, ADA COMPLIANT MANUFACTURER, ROMFERLANDFLAY OR A~VED EQUAL LOCAL REFRE5ENTATIVE, CASCADE RECREATION, INC. CONTACT, BRETT OLIVER 1-888-280-8"'1<2) ::l0'X 40' TOT LOT ( MES S-12) COMPOSITE FLAY 5TRUCTURE W/ AFPROFRIATE SAFETY ZONE AND WOOD CI-IIF FLAY SUF<FACINc:::,, MODEL RF2S0::l, ADA COMPLIANT MANUFACTURER, ROMFERLANDFLAY OR APPROVED EGlUAL LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE, CA6CADE RECREATION, INC. CONTACT, BRETT OLIVER 1-888-280-8"'10 --.._ __ ::I&' X S0' I-IALF' COURT BASKETBALL· TYF'. ( 4) TOT AL b' Ff,ICN;::;::-l;::C;--:T;A;-;B;;;L-;E-;-_-;R;:;;f';;;T;.1;:;2:25, FLANK COLOR TEAL--~ MANUFACTURER, KAY PARK RECREATION LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE, CASCADE RECREATION, INC. ~-I------PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT \ I (J1 5' 2" ASPHALT 2% CROSS SLOPE TO J:7 A, . "'IN I .. ~ :l!!.A<-:2--:fl':-:::EX-::C'c:AV.\.,Ac::;Jl..j._ON;,..- o ( 4" -6" PREFERRED) EXTEND BASE COURSE ff' BEYOND PAVEMENT EDGE TO SUPPORT PAVEMENT EDGE (BOTH SIDES) EXISTING CROSS SLOPE GRADE :;, TO BE VEF!IFIED BY CONTRACTOR -, CONTACT, BRETT OLIVER 1-888-28"'·8"'10 (b) TOTAL 6' BENCI-I W/ BACK-RC612B, FLANK COLOR TEAL MANUFACTURER< KAY PARK RECREATION LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE, CASCADE RECREATION, INC. CONT ACT, BRETT OLIVER 1-888-28"'-WIIZ> ON-SITE RECREATION SPACE (KCC 21A.14.180.A.1) REQUIRED (49 X 390 S.F.) 19,110 S. F. TOTAL ON-SITE RECREATION PROVIDED 20,020 S.F. - V I co 0 I.() •· .... f .'. £ ZS 1m! &a !!!I!" ---=""'~--' SEE SHEET L-2 FOR CONTINUATIO~ WARNING: I THE UTILITY LOCATIONS S;HOWN ' ~~~it:~.OXl~t~C ~~k6o-2{:T~555. ·, "' " ~a. 0 , -CROSS SLOPE GRADE 0-2% N TE: ~ '!. i ~~ j <t ASPHALT TRAIL STREET TREE LOCATIONS ARB APPROXIMATE !~ NOT TO SCALE AND SHOULD BE ADJUSTED fER REFER TO SI-IEET L-2 FOR PLANT LEuEND • TYPICAL . . ,r , 1• • • • • · •. , :;, " , • . . . . .......... ~ ·:-. -~_. :-'-~ ··"· :": _,. j '!. ::::. .. ' .. ..,...,.,_ . ' . . . . . . " . '.-.•· ·;: ... -..................... ,, .... • KEY MAP NO $CALE ~ \ \\" ] ~ FINAL DRIVEWAY AND UTILITY 1 .1 LOCATIONS. ,,, .. L _____ .... _____________ ............ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·-"l-----------------------------.... ,,-a: . . :::: • 0 i;: a: REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION/DATE BY 1 FINAL LANDSCAPE P1.AHS ESM 10-20-05 2 FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ES~ 02-lJ-06 J FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESM 04-26-06 ( LEANNE D. KUHL~AN CER11F1CA1E No, 743 () t ..J ..I (J) * a: - LU G LU z (!J z 0 0 LU N (') 'Ila 0 .c 0 (!J -O'.l z :, Cl) 0 <( ~~ I-<J) • ...J ~~ ::J 1n ~ U) ~- II) 1! z ~ <J) 0 O)'O 0 gi l • () • _J • _J ~. Cf) C) z -0 _J 0 I Cf) 0.. J ~.:f ~ --m (0 'D.,.. I I I ""' ... .., -~ "' . "' -~ :3 ,om NO N<,o ~- l1 3 " ~cla @~ ':I a,o E 0 () • ·-> ·-() E (/) (I) • ,:: ,:: ,:: z w ~ a ~ 0 • "' .c "'e .!:: <( C C 0 C 0. -o a. 0 • ,, ,, CC .:L3 ~ C • E ,,,. C o, ·-0 >, C • 0 ~"' a VJ~ u • 'O.~ C 0 0 L ..J a. o> C ·c •• . " CL -0 o>j: C Wu =.Q .?: :J un. z § z I ~ .....J z ~~ w w ~ rm (.) (/) ~ (/) ::i w J ~ z :::, 0 (.) (!) z :,c JOB NO.: 1166-001-005 DWG. NAME: LA-01 DESIGNED BY: LOK DRAWN BY: JLL/LDK/TG CHECKED BY: DATE: DATE OF PRINT: 04/26/2006 L-1 a.\ 1 8 OF ~ SHEETS \ .------·-----' -· 2" MAX.I 2x2 FINE TREE ST AKES SET STAKES PERPENDICULAR TO PREVAILING UJIND ,-, -:r -.i-INSTALL "TREE 600T" OR --~ w ~ "ARe()Fil:r.ARD" IN LAUJN AREAS. ~ 8: PLANT TREE 1"·2" HIGHER --~ £:! <t THAN IN NURSERY UJATEF!ING BASIN----~ AMEND N,t>;TIVE SOIL W/ 6" DEPTH 3-WAY MIX PLANTING ::,OIL UNDISTURElED GROUND 12" MIN. FOF~ WOOD 6T AKES 4 18" FOR REl3AR A PORTION OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. 6TAPLE TREE ZREl~OR.CED RUBBER HOOE OR VINYL UJITH 16 GAUC:IE GALVANIZED STEEL UJIRE TIES DETAIL '---PRUNE DISEASED AND BROKEN BRANCI-IES !'------HOSE 4 UJIRE TIES, SEE DETAIL ABOvE ~--REMOvE BINDING TUJINE 4 TOP 1/3 Of BURLAP. ~-2" 6ETTLED DEPTH FINE BLEND BARK MULCH ~-FERTILIZER TABLETS r 4-21 GRAM-20-10-&) • • ~--::s: • O• • 6" d· •• • • • .. ~----PRUNE DISEASED AND _,:..-• BROKl::N BRANCHES 0 ~~-~~-·~REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP ,_.:,c...2" SETTLED DEPTH FINE GRADE BARK MULCI-I 1----FERTIL.IZER TABLETS ( 4-21 C,RAM-20-10-&) ;,+--AMEND NATIVE SOIL WITI-I @" DE!"TH 3-WAY MIX TOFSOIL COMF,O.CT AND WATER TI-IOROLJC,I-IL Y '---+--FIRM NATIVE SOIL MOUND 2x ROOTBALL WIDTH SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL WARNING: THE UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. DEPTH UNKNOWN. CALL 1-800-424-5555. NOTE: STREET TREE LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND SHOULD BE ADJUSTED PER FINAL DRIVEWAY AND UTILITY LOCATIONS. EQUAL SPACING EOOE OF PAVING OR PLANTI~ BED J Comments: n ~ NOT TO SCilLE SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER SPACING DETAIL 30 15 0 30 60 DEC:IDUOUS TREE PLANTING & STAKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE SEE SHEET L-1 FOR CONTINUATION ' 36 ~ 28" NOT TO SCALE NO STREET TREES WITHIN Se>' SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE AS DEFINED BY KCRS DUX:,. NO. &-00':l· TYPICAL ' " SCALE: 1" = 30' CONTOUR INTERVAL= 2' 36" r 1 r;JJ -STREET Tfi<EES 10' FROM 1 r BACI< OF CURB· TYPICAL "IA,liA 1 6" -+ ____ __...-··-,,_. . ..,,_,_.,. 1 E " I 2' ~ 0 1 6"; I 1 o" 38 ~} ~-.£J: ,J , " 42~ !y_ ,_./ 1 2" / E " 1 6" -I' 24" -~ I 4" ~~J~ ~· • !)() /----7,,..2;._------:.--+-,i,-----_...,.. ______ ,...._ ----..1.J~~:'P"~- '1 ·~ < ··~---/ LANDSCAPE N()TES I. DO NOT DIG BEFORE LOCATING UTILITIES. 2. 5U6GiRADES, INCLUDING BERMEi, TO WITHIN 1/le>TH FOOT PROVIDED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. 5U6GiRADE SHALL BE SCARIFll:D OR ROTOTILLED IF SOIL CONDITIONS REQUIRE. 4. ALL STREET TREE PLANTING S"rRIF'5 SHALL BE SEEDED. REFER TO THIS 51-iEET FOR 5EED MIX. S. AF'FL y 6" DEPTH 3-WAY MIX TOF'50IL IN ALL PLANTING, AREA5 OR AS OTI-IERWl5E NOTED. 6. AFFL y 2" DEPTH FINE GRADE BARK MULal IN ALL PLANTING AREAS. MULCH TO BE FREE OF WEED SEED, SAWDUST, RESIN OR TANNIN AND SHALL NOT CONTAIN ANY COMPOUNDS DETRIMENTAL TO PLANT 6ROWTH. 1. CONTRACTOR 15 RE5F'ONSIBLE FOR BRINGING ANY PROPOSED 5UB5TITUTION5 OR UNFORESEEN FIELD CONDITIONS TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ..l1RCHITECT AND/OR OUJNER. 13. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL ElE Dl5EA5E FREE AND ARRIVE IN A VIGOROUS GROWING CONDITION. 9. ALL PLANT MATERIAL 5HALL C:ONFORM TO U5A STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK, LATEST EDITION. le>. ALL MA55 FLANTIN65 51-!ALL 1./AVE TRIANGULAR 5F'ACIN6. 11.,.ALL MA55/GROUNDCOVER F'LANTIN65 ARE CONTINUOUS THROU6HOUT PLANTING BED. IF NO S"rM60L 15 5HOUJN, REFER TO FLAN NOTES AND PLANT LEGEND. /.,.-/ HYDROSEED MIX FOR DETENTION POND MIXTURE BELOW 5FECIFIED A5 A RATIO BY WEIGHT, NAME PBQPOFsIIQN FEBCENI PERENNIAL RYEGRA55 CREEPING RED FESCUE TALL FESCUE HIGHLAND 6ENT CLOVER er: WEIGHT FUFslD: 4(Z)% 98 IJX)OD FIBER MULCH APPLICATION RATE, 2/Z)(Z)(Z) LBS./ ACRE I-IYDR05EED AF'FLICATION RATE, .3!:>(Z) L6S. / ACRE TACKIFIER AFFLICATION RATE, 4(Z) LB5. / ACRE FERTILIZER AFPLICATIOts RATE, 43!:> LBS./ ACRE NQTE_12 D / 2,:" ~' , .. ~" ~V'----====-m-1----~ ::::~~',JL.Jk:'.:-___ __:··::::~1---=====:... PLANT LEGEND eQTANICAL I COMMON NAME THUJA PLICATA / UJE5TERN RED CEDAR FYRUS CALLERY ANA CHANTICLEER / FLOWERING FEAR FRAXINUS LATIFOLIA I OREGON A51-1 ACER RUBRUM 'OCTOBER GLORY' I OCTOBER GLORY MAPLE FYRUS CALLERY ANA 'CAPITAL' I CAPITAL FLOWERING FEAR ..,u,, ''(ftj.!.!fi Vl6URNUM TINUS '5FRINc. BOUQUET' I LAURU5TINU5 + ...... .. .,. + + .... ' ARCT05TAFHYL05 UVA-URS!/ KINNIKINNICK e,rre QUANTID:: 6' HT. MIN. 10; ; ' I" CAL. •' 3". I" CAL. 12 .. I" CAL. 1 ' I" CAL. 21· I GAL. 4el VIGOROUS, 646 (REPLACEMENT TREE) VIGOROUS, 646 <REPLACEMENT TREE) VIGOROUS, 646 (REPLACEMENT TREE) VIGOROUS, El4BVIGOROU5, B4El (REPLACEMENT TREE) VIGOROUS, BIBVIGOROUS, B4B (REPLACEMENT TREE! Yi , i .,,., c 12. 5F'ECIFIED PLANT SPACING IN PLANT LEGEND SUF'ERSEDE5 S"rMBOL5 SHOUJN ON F'LAN5. HYDR05EED ALL Af.1EA5 ABOVE THE I-IIGf-1 WATER MA!'<K AND INSIDE THE PERIMETER FENCE. FOR HYDROSEED, USE 1-8 LBS. OF SEED MIX FER lfZ)00 SQUARE FEET, AFFROXIMATEL Y 9.f(Z) LBS. OF 10-20-2(Z) N-F-K FERTILIZER FER l,IZ)0(Z) &GlUARE FEET, AND AF'FROXIMATEL Y 4&-46 L65. OF IJX)OD CELLULOSE FIBER MULCH FER l,IZ)OO SQUARE FEET IN ALL AREA5 TO BE SEEDED. ADD AFF'ROXll"IATEL Y I LB. OF TACKIFIER PER 1/Z)OO 5GlUARE FEET FOR 5LOFES A5 NECE55ARY. ++t+t+ + • + + + !t-++J-+ +-++-++• t + -+ + + + f+f++< ' ' TRIANGiULAR 5FACIN6 ., 24" OC., FOR COMPLETE COVERAGE WITHIN 2 YEARS • ~ • 0 " 1.3. ALL TREE FIT5 SHALL BE IN5F'ECTED TO INSURE PROPER DRAINAGE . 14. FOSITlvE DRAINAGE SI-IALL 6!: MAINTAINED. MOUND PLANTING AREAS A MINIMUM OF 12" Ul'ILESS OTHERWISE NOTED. IS. CONTRACTOR AGREES TO WAFIRANT, AND MAINTAIN ALL PLANT MATERIAL FOR ONE FULL GROWING, SEASON FAST INSTALLATION AND SI-IALL REF'LA,CE DEAD PLANT MATERIAL WITHIN TI-IAT WARRANTY/ MAINTENANCE PERIOD WITI-I NO 06Ll6ATloN TO Tl-IE OUJNER. . I@. STREET rREES SI-IALL I-IAVE Ut~IFORM BRANCI-IINGi I-IElul-lT OF & 112' MINIMUM ABOVE GRADE OR AS OTI-IERWISE NOTED. 11. STREET TREES SI-IALL BE LOC,<l.TED NO MORE TI-IAN 2(Z) FEET FROM THE STREET Rlul-lT-OF-WAY LINE. 113. STREET TREES NEAREST INTEF<~CTIONS 51-lALL BE A MINIMUM OF f(Z)' FROM ANY 51GNAGE. 19. 5Tf.1EET TREE LOCATIONS Afi<E Af'F'ROX. AND SHOULD BE ADJUSTED FER DRIVEWAY, STREET Llul-lT AND UTILITY LOCATIONS. 2e>. ALL TREES SHALL BE DOUBLE STAKED AS SHOUJN ON THE DET AIL5. ST AKE5 TO BE REMOVED AFTER ONE FULL GROWING 5EA50N. TREES THAT HAVE DIED WITI-IIN THE ONE YEAR WARRANTY I MAINTENANCE PERIOD SHALL BE REPLACED AND RE-5TAKE0 FER THE DETAIL. 21. THE TRE:85 SHALL BE Ou.NED .~ND MAINTAINED BY THE ABUTTING, LOT OUJNER5 OR Tl-IE I-IOMEOll.NERS ASSOCIATION. 22. THE PLANTER ISLAND5 WITI-IIN THE CUL-DE-SACS SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE ABUTTING, LOT OWNERS OR HOMEOUJNER5 ASSOCIATION. ALL t1AIW41N 51IE UNTIL FINAL /C:l§EECIIPN AND ACCEEMNCEwBX OUNFR n SEEDING SEASON 15 LIMITED TO MARCI-I I-MAY I!; 4 AUGUST I!:>-OCTOBER I. 5EED 5HALL CONFORM TO S'TANDARD& FOR "CERTIFIED" 6RA55 SEED OR BETTER, A5 OUTLINED It, WSDA "RULE5 FOR SEED CERTIFICATION", LATEST EDITION. SEED MIX FOR LAWN AREAS NAME El'!Pf'ORCIQN 6X WEIGHT TRIFLE BLEND PERENNIAL RYEGRASS 1e>% TUf.l' QUALITY FINE FE5CUE 3'1;?% NQUre w AFFLICATIQN lsATE 6-8 LBS. / l,12)e)0 SF. SEED ALL AREA5 TI-IAT ARE BARE GROUND AND AT LEA6T 18" FROM ANY PLANTED TREE OR 5f-lRUB. U5E AFFROXIMATEL Y 9-f(Z) LBS. OF 10-2e>-20 N-F'-K FERTIL.IZER FER lfZ)OO SGlU~\RE FEET, AND Af'F'ROXIMATEL y 4&-46 LB5. OF IJX)OD CELLUL05E FIBER MULCH FER lfZ'(Z)(Z) s.:;iuARE FEET IN ALL AREAS TO BE SEEDED. SEEDING, 5EAS0N 15 LIMITED TO MARCf-1 1-MAY I& 4 AUG,Uf,T I&-OCTOBER I. 5EED &HALL CONFORM TO STANDARDS FOR "CERTIFIED" 6RA55 SEED OR BETTER, AS OUTLINED IN WSDA "RULES FOR &EED CERTIFICATION", LATE&T EDITION. ....... -· mm: ·J I KEY MAP NO 5CALE [ • ill ' U) • ill > <( .c -0 C\I ,- --, REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION/DATE BY 1 FINAi.. L>.NDSCAPE PWIS ESM 10-20-05 2 ANAL LANDSCAPE PLANS ESM 02-13-06 3 FlNAI... LAADSCAPE PWIS ESM 04-26-06 LEANNE D. KUHLMAN CERTIFICATE No. 743 (.) ~ ..J ..J - (/) * C: - UJ * UJ z (!) z 0 0 UJ ~tl (!) .c 0 -O'.) z :, 0> o<i: I-~s: ...I <ti - 3: iii' :J 1ii 3: en ~-z II) l'! 0 ~ (I) fJl 'O 0 (') (I) (') LL • () ' ...J ' ...J -Cl) (!) z -0 _J 0 I Cl) a.. J "' :r "' -0 --m " "' -I I I <> ,o v ..,_ ~ <> v <> ~ N v ,o -- l; ,. " g:jJ wd ~ 5 "l "'u ~ J t • ·"' .c o,U ,i:: ..\: C C 0 0 0. -o a. u 00 " " CC .3 .3 ~ C ~ E o> ~ C o> ,-0 >, C E ~i 0 V>~ 0 u 'U.~ ' C O ·-0 L. > ..J a. ·-(.) E rn Q) • 3: 3: 3: z w .....J (9 w (fJ (fJ w J "' C ·c V • V-" C ~ ·-0 o>J:: C Wo =.o .2'.: :J OIL z § z I ~ (/) w I- 0 z 0 z <( (/) ....J -~ Cl • z :5 CL w CL ~ (/) Cl z :5 ~ z :::J 0 (.) G z :,,: JOB NO., 1166-001-005 DWG. NAME; L'.-02 DESIGNED BY, LOK DRAWN BY, JLL/LDK/fG CHECKED BY; DATE: DATE OF PRINT: 04/26/2006 L-2 ~, 19 OF~ SHEETS I .