HomeMy WebLinkAboutLarge Format - 3 of 4u o u en i: , " ,r~ _9 '" ~ W ~ g m _ C) Q 0..: Cl. en o o .. " o / '0 '" , 1'1 " ---- - , c 30' 30' '-,: ' I' \ f----------------------.----.. --. / , , ~O"'S A PORTION OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. I "0 DCS, , , VOIdE I He , \ '-":.'L L 1-------------- , 16"/1 r <\;'('!}]. " "\-'h7'~ " /"X",J. _____ "",c-,,~ , , , I , , I \ --. \ ; .-'-.' , _-'-"c_ !', ( \ ,T Lh!\iU'_ ,:,~J-Jl. ~':"~,A' , ''. I '. r ' .. I,; " I I ,. I L.. L. " \ ., ,-. t\\.I'_:,li--_I\ '. ('I : I 2;','/8" EXISTiNG TREE LEGEND -DECIDUOUS TREE WITH SIZE -APPLE TREE WITH SIZE CO!l..jTOUR INTERVAL -2' SCALE: 1" -50' 100' 16'" 'p, ':! - ALDER TREE WITH SIZE CHESTNUT TREE WITH SIZE CEDAR TREE WITH SIZE HORIZONTAL DATUM: WASHINGTON STATE PLANE 16" ::/"4.:. _ -'{,\t 1 6" __ "'~ COORDI~IATES, NORTH ZONE, NAD '83/91, BASED ON TIES TO KING COUNTY PUBLISHED CONTROL. J,ti'" - 16" .,,!;'} 'tt'i'~ - FIR TREE WITH SIZE COTTONWOOD TREE WITH SIZE HEMLOCK TREE WITH SIZE TREE STUMP WITH SIZE -LOCUST TREE WITH SIZE VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD '88, BE~ICH MARK -4" X4" CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH LEAD AND TACK IN CASE LOCATE[I AT THE INTESECTION OF SE 192ND ST AND 116 AVE SE. ELEVATION = 514,98 FEET, NOTE: THE LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON ABOVEGROUND STRUCTURES, Ar-JD UTILITY LOCATOR PAINT MARKS. LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES/STRUCTURES MAY VARY FROIvI LOCATIONS SHOWN HEREON. ADDITIONAL BURIED UTILITIES/STRUCTURES MAY BE ENCOUNTERED. IN MANY LOCATIONS, RECORD INFORMATION WAS UNCLEAR AND THE BEST ESTIMATE IS SHOWN. ALL LOCATOR SERVICES. SHOULD BE CONTRACTED PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION OR SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION. i ! " 1 ! I -1... ._ .' '~ i I \. , I ~ : ' , ,,", I " j-, r '. I : .' I,,: .; " i"""l,X "'sww < ___ " ____ " __ 1a>I,,7.:': ..... -.. -'--'.,~.~.:"~_ ... 'C ~ .~. 1"'" '-.' 'i'. L 36" .. ' V~)'l, 14'\ . } ~"'< -,.' , I , : I .-_ ·.,-__ .......".._--11 f ~ .--; i I "~I '.'j :. i ' ';\-, ;<'i Ii:': ;, ! ~ (! l: D f------- o (f) CJ z - 1'1 "<j-,0 _.0 __ rn ~~­, , , "'~. "'-, ""m ""~~~-"J ,n en !1J r'J c> ~::..~ E o o z W ...J CD W e o ~ " • ~ :c coP .S « c c • o "-0::8 " '0 '0 c c 33 0> [ C V " w.:< [ L ._ 0 0>3: c Wo .-= :.0 .?:: :J Un. z o 1-a z :r:: Ul ~ CJ > ex:: :J (f) W W a::: I-- o Z « 1------_._---------_. o ........ (1) z o I-- o Z o o LEGEND 1.1 TELEPHONE RISER I",i ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER ELECTRIC METER 1'1 GAS METER iL' WATER METER ' .. ' HYDRANT ,,' I-lOS, BIB GUAW POST GUY ANCHOR ..J o I (J) 0.. J (() (f) W J (!) z i= if) X W ~ Z ::J o U (') Z ~ POWeR POLE L! SANIrARY SEWER MANHOLE CHAIN LINK FENCE WOOD FENCE 1166-001 -oo~ E'X--Ol l.,I/ii : i AEr~ WIRE FENCE { : 'X'" F ~B'aLUUtr '.)1 YARl' DRAIN .. , OVERHEAD POWER WI~ES _. ____ -'-'--_-::,.,.?_ w_ ~...,.....-:-~ .... '_. _!I __ ' ;_' _~ ______ .,...-_____ L''''"'JI' ~NG f.Dl~ED 8Y L_~::.........'..:.':'.:.:~...':::~~ _____ . _____ _.:.::...-____ ..::..:~~::::.....:..::::.:~~X.::.:: _____________ ......l__ IlI',I; ,-\"C [) US I CATCH BASIN I. APPROXIMATE LOCATION UNDERGROUND GAS LINE KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. SIGN POST "APPROXIMATE LOCATION UNDERGROUND WATER LINE i'.i,., MAIL BOX I' GROUND LIGHT APPROXIIviATE LOCATION SANITARY SEWER LINE APPROXIMATE LOCATION STORM DRAIN LINE CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 Review Engineer Senior Engineer JAMES H. SANDERS. P.E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comrnents; Completion Uote I Uota "" Dote LGC JLL CHECKED ElY DAlE. 09/23/2005 DATE OF PRINT: EX-01 2 OF 18 SHlI:TS . , ---------1 _ .. _---- .. 30' v o o a: I~ 'W I U) lli / U) i i I I _ J ill (/) I :J' « ~/ffi Z I- ill/a:: > « « a:: o z :c I- <.0 ::;:;: ~ 'tW IT' W"'#r"lWiEl 0'1 r 7 -?""HiVWt rEnvm -X1".'>I\j!W t 'mmnne:?' Zt'IP?"'LCP 'ID::W'W' nw' 'crW\tffiJ!% Wtl -@fj wry' ,--'lfiIIIf!I!I!M'j;U-wnw f11 S'lt -tt -• A PORTION OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 33, TO'NNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. 30' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: FROM TITLE REPORT: PARCEL A FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY FILE #:4261-473774, 11/1/2004 LOT 4 IN BLOCK 1 OF NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV. NO.4, ACCORDING TO PLAY RECORDED AUGUST 24, 1950 IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS AT PAGE(S) 74, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTO.\j, PARCEL B LOT 5 IN BLOCK I OF ~IORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV, NO, 4, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 24, 1950 IN V,JLUME 47 OF PLATS AT PAGE(S) 74, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTOI~, PARCEL C 177' -----r--~4~5'~~-45' -1----5~4~'---+----------------------L---------------L- THE EAST 30 FEET OF LOT 6 IN BLOCK 1 OF NORTHWE:STERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV. NO, 4, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECOfIDED AUGUST 24, 1950 IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS AT PAGE(S) 74, IN KING 0Cl m N 2 3838 SF 96' 6 5873 SF 130' M+>¥O--~---~---.- L12' R/W DEDICATION 7 5528 SF III' 32 6649 SF 15 5154 SF 85' o -t 16 5353 SF 89' 95' 1/ I I---~----------'---------:.....~.-.......;~-.--~ S89'55'58"W 20' en 0 OJ ' 75.03'.W 33 N V 35 a _J ~ ~ I ~ N 5428 SF~r-____ 4_2.:..:?O::.:°5;:.,.S_F ___ -t /: I 52~7SF :72~~F :7~9fF ------------------------~----------- Co <D (J) _ 12,p' 17,5' Nm'" 0 f :-I'-<Xl 34 "" j 1 g: ! / o -t 5' !30' Z 4781 SF I f.------- - ---:n·----~-.-~ .. -- 50' 100' --...... 48' -~+¥-;.;;;:...... - -------------------------1 (JJ -o o o 472 SF ()' -- 1------------------------------------.. ---.----------f------------------------l ------------- f.-----------------~----- 192ND STREET a; 41 4721 "F m 42 m 43 ~ OJ 44 c;; 45 c;; 46 COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL 0 LOT 7 IN BLOCK 1 OF NORTHWESTERN GARDE~I TRACTS DIV, NO, 4, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 24, 1950 IN V,)lUME 47 OF PLATS AT PAGE(S) 74, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTOI~; EXCEPT THE NORTH 70 FEET OF THE WEST 225 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE WEST 300 FEET OF THE REMAINDER OF SAID LOT 7, PARCEL D-l A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRES~; CREATED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 27, 1993 UNDER RECORDING NOS. 9312272113 AND 9312272116. PARCEL E LOT 7 IN BLOCK 2 OF NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV, NO.4, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 24, 1950 IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS AT PAGE(S) 74, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTOI" 228' TRACT 0 c;; 47 c;; 48 ~@~ 4702 SF 4719 SF 4716 SF 4714 SF 4712 SF 4709 SF 4707 SF 4/05 SF DRAINAGE FACILI Y & OPEGI SPACE 29,066 SF 40' 40' 40' 40' 40' 40' __ .....J.......;~~""""""'~ .~ __ J.......~......J.-..,;~ 248' 40' 40' 40' _ _ ---i_~"""!"-"';';;""'" _ _ N89"50'55" E 960.57' ------"'r-----....... LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 CURVE TABLE 30,04 S03'02'50"W 389.58 S89'58'59" E L2 CURVE LENGTH RADIUS L3 112.70 SOO'II'07"W L4 33.79 SOO' II '07" W CI 90,32 57,50 L5 98.49 589'48'53"E C2 85.03 55.00 L6 19.51 546'08'44"E C3 14.57 19,00 L7 769,06 N89'55'5S"E L8 82,74 N01'21'22"E L9 133,27 ~189'55'58"E L10 147,50 SOO'OI'OI"W L11 30,00 SOO'OI'OI"W n SCALE: 1" = 50' -=:-J4~~'~_llir~'"~Ffw~mr~m:~'~7~111 ~ ~ '.'9,.W. . 50 25 0 50 100 HORIZONTAL DATUM: WASHINGTON STATE PLANE COORDINATES, NORTH ZONE, NAD '83/'91, BASED ON TIES TO KING COUNTY PUBLISHED CONTROL, VERTICAL DATUM: ~JAVD '88, BENCH MARK -4" X4" CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH LEAD AND TACK IN CASE LOCATED AT THE INTESECTION OF SE '192ND ST AND 116 AVE SE, ELEVATION = 514.98 FEET, .. _ .. ---------~ --! -" I N ' ~~n' I:;; , / . lO o Z .if , . ill: wi illi ::J: Z! ill > « Ii 1-1 OJ C\J ! '-'r , 3q' / I LD o 6 cr: If- W 'W iI U) 1[iJ :U) ,~ I a:: :0 , l- I 0 , W I..J '..J o ,0 10 '0 iO ;I iO: o ;((1 'I iQ) -.W :Z i"-'" ,30' f.------------- '" "f j} "L) "' . '~, \\) ) _/ ---_._-- REVISIONS NO. DE5CRIPTlo~J/OAr[ RY r-- r-- \ ",~.~ ~ I G! ~/'-'01 'K.tSIj);'" _ \j.'! ~ .. ~~ t~~~ /~', ~\ ~ l -, !~. ~' ~ ~I ~ ..... 29m,l >l'<ON'!'iI'i~ of' EXP I RES ~ 5 09--05 -n -.J-tIl 0 ~.ro ~ __ 0> W "''''~ c ...J I , , 0 00 on -<t U ...J "'~~ <DvW .~ -,;};]o; :c @ "'NO ",E ~:::.~ (fJ .~ « c cr. ~ c ~ I -o '" ~ ~ -0 W ...l--l:J It 0 @l i1'"~ 00 w ww -0 'U WI C C a c-l>-I Z ~o~ o 0 mu -'-' - CJ - z w C'l C 0 .cO " CJ ~CO E Z ::l0l Q) gl 0« .~ 0 -~3 ~c l-E ~~ ..J <Il 5: :>. " :::J <Il 0 1fI~ 005: 0 0 '0 .1£. (fJ ~~ --c 0 o L z .?: .lit ~ OJ 0 OlU 0 0 C'l 111 E -(')lI. (f) -. (l) a> 3: c '0 3: . " 0-" 3: c L ._ 0 0>3: c w u ==::0 > ._ :J U(L Z 0 I- (0 Z I UJ ~ tL « ::E G:i • ~ 0 Z a(j · ..J · W :z ...J :5 ....J ~ tL (f) (!J -.l 0 0 Z n:: W I---Z 0 -0 ..J (j) u 0 -.l (J) <l I ~ W z (j) 0 0.. J 1'1 a:: J 0 I 0 « 0 a:: ~ z :J 0 U (5 z :>:: J08 NO.: 1 166-00 I-DO.') OWG. NAfvlE: fNI--Ol DE:SIGNED BY: LGe DRAWf'l BY: JLL CHECKED r3Y: DATE: 09/25/2005 DATE OF Pf-<INT: RVV-01 4 OF 1 8 SClEETS NOTES 1. Slsnlflcant tr",,,,,,,,, .hown ha v", not beoo revl .. w"'" b\! an arborl.t to determine !.he roa Ith of the tree. The number of &lenlflc8nt treeo ma~ be reduce dependlne on the flndlne. of a c ... tlrled arborl.t. j A PORTION OF THE S.W. 1/4 OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. ~16" 16" 2" SYMBOL LEGEND- EXISTING TREES TO BE RETAINED ( SIGNIFICANT TREE DECIDUOUS TREE APPLE Malus ALDER SIG. CAl. INCHES 12 INCHES OR MORE SYMBOL LEGEND- EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED SIGNIFICANT TREE COMMON NAME SIG. CAl. INCHES Botan-icai name DECIDUOUS TREE ® SIZE INDICATED APPLE e Malus species ~ ALDER ... KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. Review Engineer Senior Engineer JAMES H. SANDERS P.E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: Completion Date Completion Date Approv(ll Dote Alnus gtut-tnosa Alnus glutinosa @ STEEl. FENCE POST OF< 2. Street tr .... location. are approxlmat .. and ma~ be adjuated per actual utlllt~ and drlvewa~ location •. CHESTNUT Castanea sativa CHESTNUT Castanea sat'iva ® I 2' x 2' WOODEN POST -TYP. e +/~ POSTS MIN.. Ii ,6'-1" DI5Tt,NCE APART MAX. CIF<Cl.IN:io RETAINED TREE AT DI'~IFLINE. 3. Tr ...... hown to b .. r .. ta In .. d on t"" tree retention plan .ha II be ma Inta In .. d b~ the futur .. owner. oft"" propo ... d lot&, conol.tent with KeC 16.82J5h . UJ . (J) UJ ::J Z UJ > « I l- ID ,-.... PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PART I -FJ.ANTING SPECIFICATION;; Genera I Condltl",no Land.cilpe contractor I Dev",lop .. r .hall v .. rlfy that plant lnatallation condition. ar .. oultabl .. within !.he plantlns ar .. dO. Any un.atlofactory condition •• hall be corr .. cted prior to otart of work. LLI1en condition. detrlillental to plant Srowth ar .. encount .. ..,d, .uch ao rubbl .. flli. adver." dramas", condltlono, olenlflcan\ vegetation, or ob.tructlon., t"" land.cap .. contractor I develop .. r .hall notify KC DOES prior to pl""tlns. 6aSlmlns of worl<. conot1tute. acceptanc .. of condition. a. .auofactory. • Plant. Inatall"", In undloturb .. d ar .. a •• hall be Int .. srated with .. xlotlng natlv .. vesetatlon, and planted In a random, naturall.tlc pattern. LOCAlE I SlAKE I VERIFY FJ.ANTING AREAS • Land.cape contractor I Dev .. loper &hall fleld locat .. , .take, and v"rlfy planting area. and conflguratlon. prior to planting. Ihl •• hall approxlmat .. what I. ohown on !.he DOES approved Slsnlflcant Tre .. Retention plan. All r .. vlolon. / chane" •• hall b .. pr"-a,,,proved by DDES and document"", for recording at final plat approval. AFEROVE FLANTING LOCATIONS AND SPACING • Planting locallono ohown on plant Ins plan. are apprOXimate, ba.ed on antlclpat"d .It .. condition •. Actual plantlne location. may vary from tho ... ohown due to final .Ite'condltlon. and location. of exl.tlns v"EJ .. tatlon, N .. v .. rthele •• , any variation. from the plant Ins plan will r"qulr" prior approval by KC DDES. SIEJnlflcant tr ..... ",aclng &hall be a minimum of flft .. en f .... t (1&' for non-etr .. et tr ..... or 4"" '''' cOlnt .. r for .tr .. et tr ..... ) or a& .tated on the approved planting plan. epaclng ehall b .. ad""'iuat .. to allow &IEJnlflcant tre .. '. room to .. xpand throuEJhout the futur .. ~ .. ar •. 24 25 26 27 28 36 29 30 FROPOSED LANDSCAFING-TYFICAL. REFER TO S~EET L-I AND L-2. I ! 38 LOCUST Rubinia BLACK COnONWOOD DOUGLAS FIR menz-iesii WESTERN HEMLOCK Tsuga WESTERN RED CEDAR J'huja piicata 8 INCHES OR MORE LOCUST Rub inia pse'll.doacacia BLACK COnONWOOD Populus trichocarpa DOUGLAS FIR Ps'll£dotsuga menz-ies-i-i WESTERN HEMLOCK Tsuga Iwterophylla WESTERN RED CEDAR Thuja piicata a ~~ i '. ~ ~ ~"I~ ~ ~ 3'1 iE REPLACEMENT TREE PLANT LEGEND IN TRACT B & D EIOTANICAL / COMMON NAME QUANTlrr Tf.lUJA PLiCAr A / WESTERN RED CEDAR 6' I-iT. MIN. 10 i=RAXINUS LATIFOLIA / OREGON ASI-i 2" CAL. 12 SCALE: 1" -50' MliIJUIP [IIJI! I~I ~~~~I 50' 25' 0 50' 100' -- , , EXIIlTING TREE TENIlAfi1 65-1 6A1'El'Y -~-l'o\lil, FENCE 01< EQUAL IlTEEL FENCE FOIlT 01< ~~I@J l' x 2' UJc!ODI:N FOST- TYFICAL EXISTI"", UNDI5TURElED SOIL ~~~---.J AROUrID I'<OOT ZONE. TREE PROTECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE [\ \) , ,: o POND ElAN ViEW " 00 "J ,. u.ii (J) UJ ::J Z UJ > <t: I I- 0 C\I PART 2 -FLANT MATERIAL €?TANDABD;; • Land.cap" cor,tractor / d .. v .. lop .. r &hall examln .. plant material prior to planting. An~ mat .. rlal not m .... tlns t"" r"qulr .. d .p .. clflcatlon •• hall be Imm .. dlat .. l~ remov .. d from the .It .. and replac .. d with like material that II,,,et. the reqUired .tandardo. Plant mat .. rlal ohall meet the r"qulrement. of Count~, Stat .. and Fed .. ral law. with r ... pect to plant dl ... a ... and Inf .... tatlon •. Inopectlon ,-34 '" I ..-, , I ! . I I {Jl /e ~;.) ~~~~~~St~EE CIVIL PLANS certlflcat .... , r"'qulred b~ law, &hall accompan~ each and .. ver~ ohlpm .. nt and .hall be oubmltted to t"" Landecap" contractor I d .. v .. loper upon rec .. lpt of plant material. The.e certmcat", •• hall b .. mad .. avallabl .. to KC DDE€? a. raqu ... ted b~ the In.pector. • Plant matarlal •• hall b .. locally EJrown (ilJ<!l.t .. rn WA, ilJ<!l.t .. rn OR, W ... tern 6C), healt~, bu.~, In vIEJorouo srowlns condition, and b .. suarant .... d tru ... Iz .. , Min ... and varlet~. If replacemoot of plant material I. nec ... oary du .. to con.tructlon damage or plant rallur .. within thr .... (3) y .. ar. of In.tallatlon, !.he .1" ... , .pecle. lind quantltl .... hall be .. qua I to .peclfl"'" plants a. Indicated on the approved plano. CLEAN UP I ~2- I --- c::::::-..: . __ " ~ .... FART 6 -MAINTENANCE AND CONTING!ENCY Flant •• hall be nur.ery erown, w .. II-root .. d of normal erowth and habit, and fr .... from dl ... a ... Inf ... tatlon. KC DOES r ... erve. t"" rleht to r .. qUlr .. replacement or .ub.tltutlon of any plant. Not .. , If .tr .... t tr .... '. to be planted al.o quallf~ lor .Ignlflcdnt tr .... '. - ~ ~----.--.-.-~~----.- SIGNIFICANT TREE RETENTiON NOTES &IGNIFICANT TREE RETENTION NOTES, KC 21A3823'" (SO-220) deem .. d un.ultabl... • Land.cape contractor I d .. veloper .hall b .. r ... pon.lble for the then the .tr .. "t tr .... malnt .. nanc .. and ,nonltorlne pro"",o •• hall be u.ed. Tr ..... &hall hav .. uniform branching, olnEJI ... tralght trunk& and t"" central leader Intact and r ... ,oval of con.tructlon mat",rlal and debrl. on !.he olt .. following • Pur.uant to KCC 16.82.156 an approved Significant Tr .... Retention Plan I. undamaEJ",d. Ball .. d and burlapped .tock .hall hav .. b .. oo root-pruned at I",aet once within prevlou. In.tallatlon of plant mat .. rlal •. All debrl. muot b .. removed to a T"Sdl • Malntooanc .. will b .. p",rformed till Ie .. per ~ .. ar to addr .... an~ reqUired for the propert~ a. d".crlbed on rile with King count~ Departmerlt and two \lear., and the plant otock .hall hav .. beoo erown In a container for at I .. aot one full erowlng landfill facillt~. condition. that could J .. opardlZ" the .uec .... of the mlllEJdtlon area. Development and Envlronmootal Servlc ... (ODES) Record. Cent .. r, on .h .... t I of ' .. aoon. Contaln",r .tock .hall be fully rool .. d but not root-bound. Plant material with damased root E.tabll.hed p'"rformanc<5I .tandard. for t"" proJ .. ct will b .. compared to t"" apprav"", enSlrle .. rlne plan. Number L05P"''''1Zl5, /lnd ActiVit!:) Number zone. or brol:.en root ball. will not b .. accepted. th .. monltorl"e r ... ult. to judge the .ucc .... of t"" mitigation project. If L1Zl5SRel54. Lot. 1,h,1,8,I"',II,12,14,15,19,20,21,22,.30,.34,42,43,44,45,4"",48,49, and Tract B • Conlr .. rouo tr ...... hall be nur ... r8 EJrown, full and bu~, and with uniForm branchlns and a natural EART 4 -PLANT WARRANTY AND MONITORING ther .. I. a .Isnlflcant problem with achl .. vlng the performance .landarde, within thl. plat contain tr ..... the mu.t b .. r .. taln .. d p .. r .ald approved Tree non-sheared form. OrlSlnal central I .. ad .. r muot b .. healt~ and undamaeed. !.he bond holder .hall work with KC DDE€? to dev .. lop a conllngenc~ Retention Plan. Any propo.ed clearlns, eradlne or con.tructlon actlvltle. that • Land.cap .. contractor I d .. veloper .hall ."bmlt a liet of plant .upplier nam .... addr .... e., phon.. • Land.cap .. contractor / dev"loper'. warra"t~ .hall Includ.. plan. Contlneenc~ pia". can Inc Iud .. , but are not limited to, r .. sracllne, will (or may) Impact a .Isnlflcant tr",e within .ald lot. mu.t b .. r .. vlew .. d and numb .. re, and .torae'" I srowlne locatlono of th .. mat .. rlal to KG DDE5 prior to plantlne. r"place,"ent 01 plant. (.ame .Iz .. and .pecl .... hown on approved additional plant Installation, erOSion control, msdlatlo,,& to ~droloe~, approv .. d b~ King County DDE:€? Land U ... Service. Dlvl.lon and I or .ucce •• or, ! I " ) ;' In /504-·----__ / \ / \ SIGNIFICANT TREE REQUIREMENTS A ".Ienlflcant tre .. " I. defined as an .. xl.tlne healt~ tr",e that 1& not a hazard tr .. e (I ... a tre .. that do ... not have a hleh propablllt~ of Imminently faliine due to d,debilitatine dl.e".e or .tructural d .. fect) and that, when m"a.ur"'" four and on .. half f .. ",l abov .. EJrade, hao a minimum diameter of, 1. 8'1 far evergreen trees, or 2. 12" f'or deCIduous trees. olsnlf!cant tr .. e. located In the Interior of the d .. v .. lopment propOMI, Includlne ."".Itlve ar .. a. and their buffers, .hall be retained In the r",.ldentlal oubdlvl.lon at the rat .. of 10 tr" ... per acre or flv .. percoot of such tr,,<,~ whlchev .. r I. ~redter. plan.) that prove .. It her to me mi. located or unSUitable ... to plant and plan .ubstJtutlon. of t~p .. , .Iz .. , quantity and location. Such for compliance with .ald tr .... Retention Plan. T"" current landowner and future SUB€?rITUTIONS material standard •. Except for 10 •• due to "xc .... lvely ... vere contlneoocy plan .hall b .. oubmltted to t"" KC ODE€? In.pector by landowner •• hall mllintain and protect .ald tr ..... and ... cur .. p .. rmlts a. reqUired A .Ienlflcanl tree may b .. credited a. two treeo when It m .. "t" on" or more of the , Sub.tltutlons of .paclfled plant .p .. CI ... , .Iz., or condition will b .. allowed only with prior Wrllt"" cllmatoloSlcal condition. (.ub.taln .. d by I"'-year r .. cord .. d weather December 31 of any year when d .. flcl<mel ... are dl.coyered. ContlnEJOOc~ to perform an\! malnt...,anc," and lor relat"'" "ctlvlt~ .uch ao hazard tr"" rallowlne charact .. rl.t., approval from KC DDES. chart.), Installed planl mat ... lal ar .. r .. qulred to be EJuarant .. ed for will Includ .. man~ of the Item. listed below arid would be Implemented If remedlallon. 1. The tree Is 18 Inches or er .. ater In dlam .. ter three ~"'ar. asaln.t def .. ct. and un.atlsfactory growth. Plant. the performance .tandard. ar .. not met. Malntooa"ce and rem .. dlal action' The permit applicant shall determine that th .. final tr .... retention plan do... II. The tre .. 16 located In a erouplnEJ of at I .. a.t five tre". with FART.3 _ ELANT INSTALLATION replac .. d .hall be r .. lnltlat .. d under plant sua rant .... condition •. The on the site wlil b .. hnplemented Immedlat .. ly upon complelJon of the not Includ .. slenlflcant tree. unable to .urvlve more than too y .. ar. after the date canopl ... that touch or overlap monltorlns p .. rlad .hall be thr .. e (3) !jear. from In.tallatlon monitoring "Voot (unl .... otherwl.e speclficalll:l Indicated b .. low). of project completion. 111. The tr .. e provld ... energ~ ... vlns. throuSh winter wind protection or SOIL f"I'SEEABATlQN I AMENDME:NI€> acceptance In wrltlne by the DDE€? In.p .. ctor. • During y .. ar one, two and thr .... replace all dead plant material. • Slsnlflcant Tre .. Protection, .ummer ehadlne a. a r ... ult of It. 10calJon relative to bUlldlns· • Prior to In.tallatlon of plantlnEJs, all con.tructlon d .. brl. and any other non-natlv .. mat .. rlal .hall Water all planllngs Ilt a rate of I" of water at leaet every w .... k. I. Prior to any clearing all tr .. ". to b .. retained .hall be fI"eeed. Iv. The tr .. e b .. lone. to" unlqu .. or unu&u,,1 .pecl .... b" remov .. d from the rnillsation ar .. a. Tre",. and ohrub •• hall b .. pit planted " •• hown In the FART 5 -FINAL ACCEPTANCE between Jun .. I&-S .. ptember 15 during t"" fir., y .. ar art. .. r In&tallation, and 2. Prior to gradlns and throuEJhout construction, a temporar~ chalnllnk, approv .. d plan deta1l •. A 0011 mol.tur .. r .. tentlon dEJent (pal~m .. r) .hall be Included In planunEJ for !.he nr.t y .. ar arter any replacement planllns. (C 4 M). wlr .. or pl".llc n .. t foocS .hall b .. u.ed to Idootlfy th .. protect .. d ar.. Plan modification. and tree replacement ar .. p .. rmlll"'" "0 follow., backfill per manufactur .. r' •• p .. clflcatlon.. • Upon completion of plantlne, the landscape contractor / 'Replace d .. ad plant. with t"" .am ... pecle. or a .ub.tltute .pecl",. (drip line) of any .lgnlfJcant tr .. e d ... lgnat .. d ror retention. The heleht iI .. Any olsnilicant tree In the Interior ma~ be replaced by another .Ienlflcant tr .. e • In non-grad"", ",I"ntlng area., planting pit. all be bacl<.f1l1 .. d with a &1Zl15'" mixture of Imported, d .. veloper .hall provld .. !.he DDES Inep .. ctor with a eet of cl",arly that m .... t. t"" eoal and obJ .. ctlv",. of the enhancement plan, oubJect to of such f""clnEJ .haiT be adJuoted according to th .. topoeraphlc and In the Interior. w""'" Ih.e topooll and the natlv," 0011 from t"" plantlnEJ pit. In eraded ar .. a., planting •• hall be marked print. d ... lsnatlne the actual locatlona of plantlns. within the KC DOES approval. v"eetatlve conditions of the .It .. to prOVide cl .. ar Visual delln .. atlon b. If the reqUlr .. d number Of .Ienlflcant tr ..... camot be retaln .. d, then In.tall .. d directly Into newly plac"", topooll. Import .. d topSOil &hall b .. Il 3-way mix acqulr .. d from an mltleatlon ar ..... Land.cape contractor I d .. v .. lop .. r .hall ke .. p a • Re-plant area aft .. r rea.on for fallur .. ha. b .. en Identlf("", ("-S. of the protect .. d area. The .Ize of the prot .. ct .. d are" around the non-.Isnlflcant .Ized tr ..... ma\! b .. r .. taln .. d or n .. w tree. may be planted to m .... t approv"", local .uppller. compl .. te ... t of print. at t"" job .Ite durlne conotrucllon for the mol.tur .. r .. glm,., poor plant stock, dl ... a.e, ehad",/eun condition., wildlife tr .... shall be equal to on" foot dlamet .. r for each Inch of tre .. trlJf1i<. ire .Isnlflcant tr .. e reqUirements a. follow., prOVided that th" rea.on for the • 5ollMolot, or eqUivalent, .hall be added to the topeoll backfill of all planting pit •. The purpooe of 'r .. d lining' chanse. or modification. to the apprav"", damage, .. tc), diameter measured four f .. et abov .. the eround or at drrp line of the purpo.e of thl •• ub.setlon, t"" .Ignlflc"nt tre .. to b .. r"plac,,,d b~ the n .. w or 5ollMoiot &hall b .. ~drated befor .. being added to top.oll backfill. Manufacturer. recommooded plan. and shall update &aId Information on a dall~ baals. • Remov .. / control w .... d~ or .. "otic Inv",.lve plant. (e-s. Scot'. tree. ,"XI.tlnS r .. placement tr .. ", I. a •• lened a diameter of 12 Inche., appl1callOl1 rat ... and u&dEJe .hall be follow .. d. • KG ODES .hall approve plantlne location. a. deplct .. d on t"" Broom, reed canar~ era so, I-llmalayanBlad<b .. rr~, purple loo ... trlf .. , .. tc.) • At no tim .. durlns and dfter con.tructlon .hallt"" following b .. permitted I. Ilk1en u.lng r .. placement tr",,,. ,"e ... urlng three Inche. III dlamet .. r or • Wood~ planllne •• hall b .. ferllllz .. d with a .Iow rel .. a ... (8 month) high nltrOeoo, low pho.phol'u. approved r"plantlns plan. If It""". ar .. to be corr .. ct .. d, a punch l1.t b~ manual or chemical m",ane a. approv .. d b~ KC ODES. U.e of within !.he .Ignlflcant tree protection ar .. a, (a) Impervlou •• urfac ... , fill, rare .. ter (a. mea.ured b~ ca Ilper), OrI .. -half InCh dlam .. ter of r'9placement tree granular fertilizer (21-3-1), with application rat",. a •• psclfled b~ the manufactur .. r. Ferllilz", .hall b.. .hall b .. pr .. pared by the DDES In.p .. ctor ,md .ubmltted to the herblcld .... or p ... tlcld .. s within the mll.lgatlon area would only b.. ..xcavatlon, or .toras .. of cOlI.tructlon material. (b) srad .. level change., &hall be provld .. d for .. ver~ one Inch dlam .. ter of .Isnlflcant tree to be appll .. d after planllne pit 10 backfilled, and prior to application of mulch. "erllil"",r &hall not be Landscap .. contractor I d .. v .. lop .. r for compl .. tlon. Aft .. r punch II.t Impl"""oot .. d If other m .. a.ur ... fall .. d or wer", consld .. red unllkel~ to b.. ..xc .. pt In limited clrcum.tanc ... wher .. propo.ed Improvement u61ng p .. rm .. abl" replaced, and applied b .. tw ...... ' November and March. Item. hav .. beoo compl .. t .. d, DDES In.p .. ctor .hall reView the .ucces.ful, and would r .. qulr .. KC ODES approval. Tr .. e" and .hrub. mat .. rlale ar .. d .. t .. rmlned b!:j an arborl.t to b .. non-d .. trlmootal to the tr ..... root 'II. When u.lnS replacement tr .. e. mea.urlng Ie •• than t",e", Inche. In diameter, • Outolde of w .. tland ared., a 3 Inch layer of mulch (m .. dlum Doue Fir barl<) .hall be plac .. d around project for final acceptanc .. on plan Implementation. .hould b .. w .. "d .. d to the drlpll"", and mulch!od to a depth of 3 Inche.. .~.tem. """ Inch dlamet .. r of r .. placement tr ..... hall be prOVided for .. v .. ry on .. Inch the ba ... of .... ch new tr .... to a 34>" dlamet .. r for eroolon, w .... d control and mol.ture retention. All non-natlv .. vegetation mu.t b .. removed "fld dumped off .It .. at an SIEJnlflcant Tre" Maintenance, e/lamet .. r of .IEJnlf1cant tre .. to be r .. placed. • EXI.l1ng natural or landecap"'" ar .. a. that ar .. damas .. d durlne conatructlon .hall be r",.tor"'" AS BUILT SUBMITTAL ON FLATS approv",d location. (a) AII.lgnlflcant tre ...• hall be maintain"", for the life of the proJ .. ct $' IGNIFICANT TREE CALCULATIONS to their orlEJlnal condition, unl .... Improvements or modification. ar ..• p .. clfl .. d ror tho ... area.. CI .. an-up tra.h and other debrl.. Including monitoring. • Land.cape contractor I d .. veloper &hall ex .. rcl.e care to protect from Injury to trunk, root&, or Note, If revlolon. and lor chanEJe. hav .. b .... n made to the Sel"ctlvely prun .. wood~ plant. to thlr' and r .. mov .. d .. ad or (b) All .IEJnlflcant tr .....• hall be prun .. d and trimmed as nece •• ar~ to '*ER KCC 10.821!';6 T~E TOTAL NUMBER OF TREES TO EE RETAINED S~ALL branch ... of a,,~ tr .. ",. or ."·ub. that are to remain. Any Iivlrl9 woody plant that I. damae"'" durlne Initial DDES approv .. d .Ignlflcant tr .... r",tootlon plan 5ubmlt an dl.eae .. d portion of tr...... maintain a healt~ erowlne condition or the prevent prlmar~ 11mb failure. ' I' ' construction .hall be treated within 24 hour. of occurrence. Contractor .hall prune wounded A.-Built plan. If no chanS'" I revl.lon. have been mad .. an As-Built Thl. r""'iulrement .hall not be Interpreted to allow, ~E lIZ> TREES FER ACRE OR 50% OF SAID TREES, WHATEVER IS GREATER ",ortlono of plant Immediately after damage occur •. InJur"", plant •• hall b .. thoroughly water .. d and Plan I. not requlr .. d. FAIST 1 -PERfORMANCE BOND€? (I) topplne of primary .tem. l'OTAL NUM"""'''' OF TREE'" I'" 214. "'% OF 214 = 11 T="''''S additional mea.ur .... hall be taksn (a. appropriate) to aid In plant .urvlvabillt~. (2) prunlns that r",oult. In the 10 •• of 2'" percent of vee .. tatlv .. ma.. ...."'...." '"''' ""'''' • Gradlne' The duff la~"'r and natlv .. top.oil .hall b .. r .. talned In an undleturb",d .tat .. to the Prior to final plan Inspection for the Significant Tr .... Retootlon • To a •• ur" the .ucce •• of the mltieatlOn, a p .. rformanc .. bond will be (3) cuttlne of major root., .. xcept In pr .. parallan for tran.plantatlon -OR- ..... maximum .. xtend practlc.;bl",. Any duff layer or top.oil removed duritiS gradlnEJ .hall b ... tockpil .. d Plan p .. rmltt ..... hall .ubmlt an A5-6U1LT Slsnlflcant Tr .... Retention po.ted with KC DDE:5 b~ the D .. velap .. r at the tlme of plat approval or ". d .. em"'" n .. ce.sary /lnd / or acceptabl .. by a c .. rtlfl .. d TOTAL SITE SQUARE FOOTAGE = 33!';,412 SF. = 1.1 ACRE:S <II '" on-.lt", In a de.IEJn8ted, controlled ar .. a not adjacent to public r",.ource. and crilleal "r .. a •. The Pllln to the DOES In.pector .howlng all plan revision. I c".anse. and for the co.t of' Impl .. mentlng the mlU9dtion plan to be mor,ltored for arborl.t. I,Z, TREES FER ACRE = 11 TREES REQUIRED TO BE RETAINED IS GREATER ~ a. mat .. rlal &hall be reapplied to other portion. of the .It .. where fea.lbl ... Ar .. ae that have b .. oo verifying that the ODES approv .. d Significant Ir .... Retention plan thr"" (3) ~eare. It will be the D .. velop .. r / permittee .... ponolbillty to (4) With the .. xc .. ptlon of dead, dl.ea ... d or damas .. d tr ..... l ~ cl .. ar"'" and er"ded shall hav .. the .011 moloture holdlne capaCity re.tared to that of the orlelnal (approved att"" DOES Engln ...... lns Revl .. w .tag .. ) bas been reque.t a final Insp .. ctlon 8tthe end of the three (3) ~ear monltorlns .peclflcall~ r .. taln .. d to provide wlldllf", habltat± other d .. ad, TOTAL RETAINED SIGNIFICANT TREES = 00 ~ 0: undisturbed .011 native to the .It .. of the maximum .. xtent practicable. The .011 In Iln~ ar .. a that has completed per plan r"qulrement.. Thl. A€?-6UIL T plan &hall be period and to rel .. "oe the po.t .. d bond. 1"" bond quantity calculatlOf1 dl.",a ... d, da,"as",d or .tolen plantlns .hall b .. r .. plac .. d 42 TREES SI-JOlLN AT 16" CAL. OR UNDER = "'0 been compacted or that has had som .. or all of the duff la~er or underlylns topooll remov .. d &hall revl .. w .. d and approved by the €?It .. D .. velopment Sp .. clall.tl form for both .. xl.tlng significant tree. and tr .. ee to be planted .hall be Immedlatel~ or the next plantlns &ea.on If the 10 •• doe. not occur I TREE CREDITITREE = 42 TREES .§. s be am"",d .. d to mltleate for lo.t mOI.tur .. -holdlns capaclt~. T"" amendment shall take place betw .. en For .. ster that It conform. to 5eI-22'" and can be r .. cord .. d. If compl .. ted and .ubmIU..d to ODES SI1.e Dev .. lopment SerVice. prior to In a planllng .ea.on. :l TREES 5~OlLN AT 16" CAL. OR OYER =2 TREE Cf'<EDITSITREE = '1' ~ Ma~ I and October I. Replac .. d top,oll &hall be a minimum of' 6 Inche. thiCk, unl .... the applicant approved the plan will b .. &eI'lt back to the DDE:S Insp .. ctor for final approval of the Slsnlflcant Tree Re1"",tlon Plan (the bond form will b.. 16 TREES '::" demonetrate. that a different thlcl<n .... will provld .. condlllcflG equivalent to t"" 5011 mol.ture ",Ian In.p .. ctlon pro""".&lnEJ. Mltlgallon monitoring for Slgnlflcant provld"", b~ the 50S For ... ter at the tim'" of the Slsnlflcant Tre", ..... u holdlns capacity nallve to tre .It ... Replaced top.oll .hall have an organiC matter content of Tre ... hall commence upon acc .. ptance and approval of thl. Retention plan review .tag"), The ac("al bond will n .... d to b .. submltt .. d -:. 01! b .. tw .. oo 8 to 13 percen\ dry w .. lght and a pl-i .ult"bl .. for the propo ... d land. cape plant.. AS-6UIL T plan and la&t for 3 ~ear& or grow Ins ... a~on.. to DDE:S prior to project acceptanc," for field In.p .. cllon by the Land NUMBER OF FLANTED SIGNIFICANT rREE5 REQUIRED = n ~ £ ..... __________________ .... ________________________________ .... _______ -____ .... __ ....:U:.: .. ~I:n.:!p~.,:::C~t~lon:.;Un=lt;,... _____ .... ~ ____ ....... , ... ' .... _ .... '_ ........ _ .................. __ ..... ____ .... ________________________ ...kNUMBER OF FLANTED SIGNIFICANT TREES PROVIDED=:23 _._. .--~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~----~ REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION/DATE , FINAL lANDSCAPE PlANS 10-20-05 2 FINAL LANDSCAPE PLANS 02-13-06 3 FINAl lANDSCAPE PLANS 04-26-06 e STATE OFj·a, WASHINGTO~ REGISTERED ~.~SC~~jJ;~ , .' Milia, L ' , Iii LEANNE D. KUHLMAN CERTIFICATE No. 743 -"V~ ~~ ~ .. o ~~m "''''~ I '.J. ,)On "'~ .... "'''''' -~~ "''''m * "',,"0 '" ~3.e c U) 'c 0: l< c --0 '" :> 0: W G ~::F' W w," '0' ~~d c z 0 ---' . - (9 - Z 0 0 w ~8 (9 .cO ~O) Z =>OJ '" 0« c -~:;: '>, (-v, !1l -E c:. -l :;:~ :J ::J 0 Ul ~, 1ii~ 0 '0: U) . c, ~~ :~ 0' z ...J( ~Q) 0 OJ '0 0 0 (flQ) E -(flu.. In Q) ()J . ~ 3: c T 3: me "'~ 3: c • .-( OJ' c' WI w .~ :-=..t > . on :;; c ---f- ~ :2 :I U <1 3 Z " « () -J Z a.. • -I z . W 0 -I ...J I- ~ Z (j) (9 w (l) /:j Z 0::: W -w 0 w ....... 0::: -I (J) I- 0 (f) l- I z (j) W () lL.. 0... J -Z J Cl -CJ) ?: z ::J 0 0 (9 z ~ JOB NO.: 1166-001-005 DWG. NAME: LA-03 DESIGNED BY: LOK DRAWN BY: JLL/LOK/TG CHECKED BY: DATE, 04/26/2006 DATE 9cF,,~ PRINT:-,' .~ 2 ~; 2006 L-3 20 OF 20 SHEETS