HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppr. Rec Landscape• ,-~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 '206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.kingcounty.gov November 27, 2007 Mei-Shiou Lin Triad Associates 12112115htAve NE Kirkland, WA 98034-6929 RE: Recreation/Landscape Plan Approval -File No. L07MI065 Plat of Martin (Preliminary Plat# L05P0019 / Engineering L07SR015) Dear Ms. Lin: This letter is in response to your most recent revisions made on November 7, 2007, as well as supporting documentation submitted on November 15, 2007. As a result of this documentation, your landscape and recreation space plan for Tract "A" of the Plat of Martin is approved with the following conditions: 1. The equipment (structures, benches, picnic table, etc.) shall meet at a minimum, Consumer Product Safety Standards and be appropriately anchored. 2. Walkways shall be constructed of a material and grade that is accessible for disabled under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) . 3. Fencing shall be installed as shown on plan page L2 Of 6. 4. Street trees, significant tree retention shall be reviewed with the engineering plans and are not part of this approval. A revised recreation/landscape plan may be required, in the event modifications are made to the significant retention plan. The landscaping and recreation space improvements (i.e. big toy, benches, and table) must be installed and inspected or a performance bond posted, prior to plat recording. The amount of the performance bond has been established at $41,998.45. This includes landscaping, equipment, surfacing materials, etc. The bond amount includes a thirty-percent contingency. Note this approval does not include street trees or bonding for significant tree removal/replacement. These will be reviewed in conjunction with the engineering plans. An inspection fee is also due prior to recording. This fee covers the cost of an installation inspection and a maintenance inspection. The amount of the inspection deposit will be determined by the Land Use Inspection Section (LUIS). If a performance financial guarantee is posted, the improvements must be installed within two year's from the dale of recording. At the time of inspection by the Land Use Inspection Section, if the improvements are fully installed per the approved plan, the performance financial guarantee may be reduced. lfoi'MI065 . ·~ November 27, 2007 . Page 2 Enclosed is a copy of the approved plans for your records. If you have any questions please contact the following: Karen Scharer at 206 296-7114 or karen.scharer@kingcounty.gov. Financial Guarantee/Finance billing hotline at 206-296-6659 or fgmu.ddes@kingcounty.gov. Inspections/ Land Use Inspection Section at 206 296-6642. Sincerely, -/{~~ Karen Sch r , Project Manager Current anning Section, LUSD cc: Pete Dye, P.E., Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD w/approved plan Claire Jonson, Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD w/approved plan Joanne Carlson, ASII, Engineering Review Section, LUSD w/approved plan· Steve Townsend, Supervising Engineer, Land Use Inspection Section, LUSD w/approved plan Financial Guarantee/Finance Billing, ASD w/ approved plan L07MI065 w/approved plan h.:i1q,( Cuu111y lh·parl111~·11t 111"D~·vd,,p111t•n1 llllll l~11,·iru11mc11lal Scn·kc.s !llllJ t l;1f.:,:sdak An;nm: S\\' Rc11(n1t, \\'ashinglun 98055-1219 LANDSCAPE BOND QUANTITY FORM PROJECT NAME: Martin Property: Recreation plan DOES PROJECT#: L07 M.l OCcS ADDRESS: SE 125th Street; King C. PREPARED BY: Mei-shiou Lin, Triad Assoc. DATE PREPARED: DRAWING DATE: Bonds are based upon required landscaping only and will be posted for performance and/or maintenance. Required Ian a ~udes perimeter landscaping, surface parking area landscaping, (KCC 21 A. 16) and any landscaping required by SEPA enviro e IM •C ~ /J ~!/ I':;' The maintenance period is for the life of the project, however, after posting for maintenance, the performance bond will be reduce'tlk, '!/J°5 } .. ~ ($1,000.00 minimum) and be held for a two year period. Upon re-inspection of the site the bond will be released if the site h{1; €J_evroper!/f.l(}/ :·:!I maintained (21A.16.180). Jf the project has not been maintained end there are dead trees, shrubs, ground cover, or other deficiencie~~ in the required landscaping the bond will be held until the deficiencies are corrected ·~. . •. /ii·.:.• ii \,:"~j) '·. ·.·· UNIT PRICE SOD LAWN AREAS $500.00 HYDROSEEDING: LAWN $50.00 HYDROSEEDING INFILTRATION PONDS $50.00 AQUATIC PLANTS $500.00 RAIN GARDEN PLANTING $500.00 $1.00 SOIL PREPARATION A. TOPSOIL: SHRUB & TREES (6 INCHES DEEP) $25.00 TOPSOIL: LAWN AREA (4 INCHES DEEP) $25.00 8. MULCH (2 IN.) $24.00 C. PEAT MOSS (TWO INCHES DEEP) $2.30 D. COMPOST (3" deep & tilling) included w/plant'g $26.00 E. FERTILIZER: included w/tree and shrub plant'g $6.67 PLANT MATERIALS A. DECIDUOUS TREES (INTERIOR LANDSCAPING OR OTHER REC'D LANDSCAPING) 2.0" CALIPER (minimum height 10') $250.00 1.75" CALIPER (minimum height 10') $200.00 MUL Tl TRUNK {minimum height 6') $120.00 B. EVERGREEN TREES 8' ht: $150.00 C. SHRUBS (5 Gallon) $45.00 C SHRUBS (2 Gallon) $30.00 SHRUBS (1 gallon) $10.00 SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT IOAGE 1 OF 3 ';;,.,;.: ••'l.f\, . 'I '! . UN11-.TYPE MSF (1000 SO. FT) MSF {1000 SO. FT) MSF ( 1000 SQ. FT) MSF (1000 SQ. FT) MSF (1000 SQ. FT) SQ. FT CY (CUBIC YARD) CY (CUBIC YARD) CY (CUBIC YARD) SY (SQUARE YARD) SY (SQUARE YARD) CY (CUBIC YARD) COST & LABOR COST & LABOR COST & LABOR COST & LABOR COST & LABOR COST & LABOR COST & LABOR .. ' ' ,, .. ·•·/\'.' ... ' ''. ; :., 1·::·: ; '1 ·i ; ', , ' QUANTITY , ,, , PRICE 0.00 6.00 $300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 $1,250.00 74.00 $1,850.00 13.00 $312.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 3.00 $600.00 2.00 $240.00 4.00 $600.00 0.00 119.00 $3,570.00 123.00 $1,230.00 BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: $9,952.00 ... '' ': :,~ .. ,-, '" ,, 'i·· ,-;,-!;'!'il'.'i.'::C'i'.''!'''''''''.·, ... ,,. '''i\:"·:; , .. ,, ... ::1:·:-",/'', i" ,,, ·•<•,': . ,·_ ' iiciWAN]IJ;1( :ii'!,ii::1t)PR1.c: __ Et ,· ; lJNiTRRIC::E ;·' ,I,, :·c' , , ·'"·' :.,:;j','i•; \i1\i1 •.· ·, '?, )Ui i11, i:.1,:1-!! UN IJ;:JIYR E. U: !: i !1-!i:! ' ' D. GROUND COVER (1 Gallon) $8.00 COST& LABOR 0.00 GROUND COVER (4 inch Pots) $4.00 COST & LABOR 0.00 MISCELLANEOUS TREE STAKES: included w/ tree planting $2.65 PER ST AKE & LABOR 0.00 FENCING LINEAR FOOT 3.5 FT. WOOD SPLIT RAIL $12.00 INCLUDES LABOR 176.00 $2,112.00 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION: Tract A $0.50 SQUARE FOOT 8,731.00 $4,365.50 ADDITIONAL ITEMS SURFACES CONCRETE PAVING/ WALK $25.00 Sq. Yd. 87.00 $2.175.00 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT : All Unit Prices include delivery and installatio PLAY STRUCTURE $9,183.00 LS '(LUMP SUM) 1.00 $9,183.00 PLAY SURFACING ( 12 INCH DEPTH) $2,106.00 LS (LUMP SUM) 1.00 $2,106.00 PLAY SURFACE PERIMETER EDGING $14.00 LF (INCLUDES LABOR) 57.00 $798.00 SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: $20,739.50 PAGE 2 OF 3 ! i · •• 1··1 .. ;, '''"!, ' • '; ,."; ,._! ;'.,_: '·-' ,. j.!') ; I'. 'UNif PRicE'! ' ..,':_ · .... · -,1 PRICE 1 SITE FURNISHINGS: All Unit Prices Include dollvery and installation WOOD BENCHES $540.00 EACH 1.00 $540.00 PICNIC TABLE $1,075.00 EACH 1.00 $1,075.00 THIRTY-PERCENT CONTINGENCY FEE $9,691.95 TOTAL BOND AMOUNT TOTAL BOND PRICE: $41,998.45 Note 1. Street trees are calculated in Significant Tree bond quantity worksheet. 2 Cost for landscape improvements in detention tract B is bond separately and to be review by the engineering section. PAGE 3 OF 3 ' ·Pacific Outdoor Products:: The Priority of Play • Jimber Playsystems • Stee lsys tem s • Premier Playsy stems • Poly Playsystems • Pre sch ool Playsystems • Cm:n_po nents Age range: Activities: Mate ri als: http://www.pacificoutdoor.com/playdetails.asp ?id = TC-1183 20 -24 kids 2 -5 years 6 WOO D or STEEL Page 1 of 2 11/2/2007 ·Pacific Outdoor Products:: The Priority of Play Page 2 of 2 http://www.pacificoutdoor.com/playdetails.asp?id=TC-1183 11/2/2007 TIMBER PLAYSYSTfMS" Wood play structures actl an attractive. natural elemen t to your playground. Al of our structural wOod Is treate<l with non -tack: >C.Q preservative. ACQ pressure treate<l wood Is E~ approve<! and contains no CCA (Chranlum-CoPper Arsenic). Tlis process is envronmentally friendly and does not seep Into the soil. Most Importantly. It poses no danger t o children. ACQ protects a~lnst ay rot, decay and t ermite attack. and It wea thers to a warm brown colOf. Because ACQ cont ains no ar senic or coPl)er-cilronil.fll. sa fet y Is enhance<! for our craftsmen and dsposal is not an enw0Ml8ntal conce rn. f'EATURES: • All of our belmelNI hlnd·HleCttd, routed , drilled 11141 .. nded to !Y._ IHUNI the quallty .c; ...... , -have become llll9llffl fof. • Our ucluelve c:aet collar eyetem allow• for ••Y lnetallatlon and modular 11 .. 1,n. • EA;cluelve cuetom ecale moclele can be ueed for dleplay and fundratelnc . • More economlcal than eteel etructuNle and ... , to lnetall. • Warm, .. tural, durable and tone llettnc -blend• Into the environment. • No play etructuNI I• too 91111111, -can cleetcn to flt 111J budcet or elze Nl(fl1Nlffl8flte. l)irucluwecastcollarsyslEmallowsfor easytnslllDatJonand ,rodi,Jardeugll All ~'P,!Sanicappsl 'Mtha pol}m1tx111tb mdcapfordu,ri,/l/ryand ~ ADofourbmmsareltand-sdcdst IOI/ad d1tl/ed and uzndm ID IISSU1l dw11piltywe~ba'omt .bwwnfor. ...... •••• • ••• : see bur m•w •• ; Prl'miern ·-: ! PldVSVSll'tnS on : \ pages 26 11 / • • • • ········· Don't forgetto \l'J : provide and maintain !.»iiiilllll. : a cushioning ground · ._ co,1er under all • • ·• equipment! • • • • • • • • •• • • • Warranty Informat i on PLAY GROUND EQUI PMENT: All structural upright posts carry a 30 year warranty against structural failure due to corrosion, deterioration or faulty workmanship. All other components carry a one year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. Warranty becomes effective on the date of delivery. Checking and cracking are a natural characteristic of wood products and should be expected. Normal checking and cracking does not affect the structural integrity of the structure and is not covered under this warranty. SITE AMENITIE S: All site amenities carry a one year warranty against structural failure due to co rrosion, deterioration or faulty workmanship, effective on the date of delivery. CONDITIONS : Replacement parts will be furnished free of charge (shipping and labor excluded) subject to the following conditions: (1) The warranty applies only to the original purchaser. (2) All returns must be approved in advance. (3) Structure assembled improperly, not to factory instructions or altered without authorization, will void the warranty. Warranty does not cover damage caused by vandalism, abuse, neg lect or acts of nature. Photographs or faulty pieces may be required to determine eligibility for rep l acement parts. Safety by Desi,2n We take your children's safety seriously. To provide them with a safe play environment we design all of our play equipment to meet or exceed current US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and American Society of Testing Material (ASTM) guidelines. For more safety Information contact the Consumer Product Safety Commission at (800) 638-2772 or American Society for Testing and Materials at (610) 832-9585. In addition, all of our design work is done by a nationally certified Playground Safety Inspector (NPSI) and we are ~~~ MEM B E R a member of the International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA). ADAAG Play Areas Is ADA accessibility one of your concerns? Will it be in the future? There are many factors to consider when creating ADA accessible play areas and we will be happy to work with you to meet your current and future needs. Our structures have been designed with ADA access in mind and most can be modified to your particular needs. For more information contact the United States Access Board at (800) 872-2253 or visit their website at www.access -board.com. Product Specifications See your dealer for product specifications . Product specifications are subject to change without notice . ' w w w. p ,l (if if o u l door. f om Standard Product Specifications METAL FINISH: metal parts are stainless steel, galvanized, zinc plated, zinc, aluminum, or powdercoated to resist rust and corrosion. TIRE SWING SWIVEL: Revolving tire swings are-suspended from a custom designed and manufactured ball bearing swivel in a fully enclosed housing. The tire swing housing consists of 356-alloy sand cast heat-treated aluminum. The swivel is fitted with a grease fitting to facilitate periodic lubrication. BELT SWINGS: Belt swing seats consist of flexible rubber 6" wide with slash-proof reinforced metal inserts. TODDLER SEATS: Toddler seats consist of flexible rubber with additional back support for smaller children and must include a safety chain across the front. BABY BUCKET: The baby bucket consists of a fully enclosed one-piece reinforced rubber seat. POLY PANEL: The one-piece poly panel is manufactured of rotationally molded polyethylene. The 24" diameter opening is used as a crawl through or for attaching a polycarbonate bubble or window. TWO-PIECE POLY PANEL: The two piece poly panel is manufactured of rotationally molded polyethylene. The two pieces are bolted together using zinc plated button head bolts and threaded inserts. The 24" diameter opening has a recessed groove into which either the rim of a galvanized steel barrel or the flange of a rotationally molded polyethylene tunnel fits. STEERING WHEEL: The steering wheel is custom designed and manufactured of rotationally molded polyethylene. The 15" diameter wheel spins freely on a center hub and pipe assembly. BUBBLE/WINDOW: Available as either a bubble or a flat window, manufactured of clear, impact resistant Lexan, the bubble or window attaches to the poly panel with tamper resistant screws. TIRES: Tires are cleaned, re-conditioned or re-manufactured auto tires with sturdy casings. Tires are used for tire swings, tire nets, and climbing tires. All tires are pre-drilled with appropriate holes for attaching hardware and for drainage. Under no circumstances are steel belted tires used. GYM RINGS: Gym rings are custom designed and manufactured from 356-alloy sand-cast heat- treated aluminum. Gym rings are used in pairs or in a traverse configuration. TIC-TAC-TOE PANEL: The tic-tac-toe panel consists of a rotationally molded plastic double walled frame and nine blocks with a.250" wall thickness. The blocks turn independently on galvanized steel tubing. The frame is drilled with mounting holes. PEEK-A-BOO PANEL: The peek-a-boo panels are rotationally molded polyethylene. They are custom designed to offer an excellent barrier for deck openings. Because of the specially designed openings in the panel, visual supervision is maintained. WOOD TIRE SWING BEAM: When a tire swing uses 5-hole support beams, a 12' 6"x6" (nominal) wooden beam is used. This beam is approximately 6-112' high. COIL CLIMBER: The coil climber center support pipe is 1-7/8" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe. The coils of the climber are 1/38" OD SS-20 galvanized steel pipe. Models for various deck heights are available. Timber Playsystems Product Specifications WOOD: Wood beams are Hemlock or Fir. Beams are planed smooth and cut to specific lengths. Edges of beams are rounded, ends are beveled, and holes are drilled through on where needed for connecting pieces. Beams are then pressure treated with a non-toxic ACQ wood preservative and stained a natural brown. Support beams are 6" x 6" (nominal) dimension or 4"x6" (nominal) dimension. Other wood components are of 2"x6" (nominal) and 4"x4" (nominal) dimension. PIPE: All connecting pipe is 1-3/8" OD SS-20 galvanized steel pipe. All pipe is pre-cut to the appropriate length and all exposed cut ends are securely capped with high impact UV stabilized polycarbonate end caps. COLLARS: Custom manufactured zinc collars with plated set screws are used to secure all pipes into and through wood beams. Each collar is secured to the beam with two galvanized nails. Collars are self-aligning to center collar into beam hole. The completed beam/pipe/collar assembly forms an extremely solid framework. CHAIN-Chain used for swings, chain nets, and chain walks is 1/4" galvanized proof coil. Chain used for the suspension bridge is 1 /4" galvanized high test and hardened. PARALLEL BARS: The parallel bars consist of two eight-foot long, 1-3/8" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipes. SWING HANGERS: Swing hangers consist of a galvanized ductile iron bracket utilizing a bronze oil-impregnated bushing and galvanized ductile iron swing hanger. The entire assembly is bolted through the overhead beam with zinc-plated bolts, washers and locknuts. All swings use galvanized 1/4" proof coil chain for support. STAINLESS STEEL SLIDE: The stainless steel slide is either 18" or 36" wide. The slide bed is 16 gauge T-304 polished stainless steel. Side rails are galvanized steel D-shaped pipe with a minimum height of 4". The slide bed is attached to the side rails with stainless steel rivets and is reinforced from underneath with galvanized steel braces. The slide top deck connector is 11 gauge T-304 polished stainless steel. Available in 7' and 10' lengths. SPIRAL SLIDE: The spiral slide components are all rotationally molded plastic. The spiral slide uses double-wall construction with a.250" wall thickness. The sections interlock using 3/8" T-nuts that are molded-in and 3/8" button head socket cap screws, Each section slides over a 4-1/2" OD Schedule 1 O galvanized steel center support post. Spiral slides are available in two heights: 72" with six sections making a 360 degree revolution and 54" with five sections making a 270 degree turn. S-TUBE AND STRAIGHT TUBE SLIDES: Tube and straight tube slide components are rotationally molded plastic. The double-wall construction has a .250" wall thickness. The sections interlock using 3/8" T-nuts that are molded-m and 3/8" button head socket cap screws. Various configurations and heights are available depending on the components used. STEEL TIRE SWING BEAM: When a tire swing uses 6-hole support beams, a 16' long 4-1/2" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe is used for the swing beam. The steel swing beam is approximately 8' high. The pipe end caps are permanently riveted in place. The pipe is powdercoated blue. TIRE NET: Tire nets consist of either four or six tire configurations. Tires are pre-drilled with assembly, attachment, and drain holes. The upper and lower two tires attach to pipe rungs using 5/8" zinc plated machinery eyebolts. ,. ' Steel Systems Product Specifications METAL FINISH: All metal parts are stainless steel, galvanized, or powdercoated to resist rust and corrosion. POWDERCOATING: Powdercoated parts are electrostatically polyester powdercoated to a thickness of 3 mils. Powdercoating provides a colorful surface that resists wear and weather. POSTS AND BEAMS: Standard posts are 4-1/2" OD 11 gauge galvanized steel or aluminum pipe with a .012" wall thickness. All overhead swing beams, arches, and arch supports are 4-1/2" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe with a .237" wall thickness. If specified, 4-1/2" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe is available for all support posts. COLLAR SETS: Collar sets are 356 T-6 heat-treated permanent mold cast aluminum alloy. Collar sets consist of two halves. The collar sets have been designed to permanently attach accessories to support posts. Attachment hardware which consists of two plated socket head cap screws, two plated flush mount t-nuts, and two 1 /4" x 1" stainless steel roll pins are included with each collar set. The collar sets are powdercoated. PIPE CAP: Pipe caps are AS-CAST/356F sand-cast aluminum alloy. All exposed ends of posts and beams are capped with an aluminum post cap that is riveted in place. End caps are powdercoated. ARCHED CLIMBER: The arched climber consists of two curved 4-1/2" OD galvanized steel Schedule 10 pipe rails and eight 1-3/8" OD galvanized steel pipe rungs permanently welded in place, spaced at 12" intervals. The arched climber is powdercoated and held in place with two collar sets. STEEL DECK: The steel decks are made of 2"x3" angle iron and 3/16" expanded steel. Steel decks are plastic coated with 1 /8" thick PVC coating, bonded to steel with anti-corrosion epoxy primer. The standard deck is 48 "x 48"; OVERHEAD SWING BEAMS: All overhead swing beams are 4-1/2" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe with a 4" OD SS 40 galvanized steel sleeve permanently welded in each end. Each end of overhead swing beams fit into a 4-1 /2" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe connector which is permanently welded to either a swing arch or support post. Attachment is with 5/8" plated bolt and plated acorn nut. FIRE POLE: Fire poles consist of 1-7/8" OD Schedule 10 galvanized steel pipe with a 1-3/8" OD SS 40 galvanized steel connector pipe permanently welded in the end for connecting to support post with collar set. PARALLEL BARS: Parallel bars consist of two powdercoated, 1-3/8" OD, SS 40 galvanized steel pipe. The parallel bars are eight feet in length and connect to support posts with four collar sets. BANISTER SLIDE: The banister slide consists of two powdercoated 1-7/8" OD Schedule 10 galvanized steel pipe with a slope of 30 degrees. Each banister slide rail connects to the adjacent support post with one collar set. Each rail also rests on and bolts to the deck. STANDARD SLIDE: Standard slide consists of a bed made from 24" wide 16 gauge T-304 polished stainless steel. The side pipe rails are 4-1/2" OD Schedule 10 galvanized steel pipe which is powdercoated. The top deck connector is 11 gauge polished stainless steel. The side pipe rails are extended to be footed into the ground. The slide bed is attached to the pipe side rails with stainless steel rivets and is reinforced from underneath with galvanized steel braces. WIDE SLIDE: The wide slide is identical to the standard slide with the exception of the slide bed, which is 36" wide instead _of the standard 24". HORIZONTAL LADDER: The horizontal ladder consists of two 4-1/2" OD Schedule 10 galvanized steel pipes with aluminum end caps riveted in each end. The nine ladder crossbars are 1-3/8" OD Schedule 10 galvanized steel pipe evenly spaced and permanently welded in place. The horizontal ladder attaches to the support posts with four collar sets. CHAIN NET: The chain net is constructed of 1/4" galvanized steel chain into a net of 12" squares. All chain connections are formed using galvanized $-hooks. The chain net assembly attaches to two 1-3/8" OD SS-20 galvanized steel pipe rails with eight 1-3/8" ID plated steel shaft collars. The pipe rails attach to four support posts with four collar sets. CHAIN WALK: The chain walk consists of two eight foot 1/4" galvanized steel chain sections. The chain sections attach to the support posts with four collar sets. BALANCE BEAM: The balance beam is a 12' long 4"x6"(nominal) Western Red Cedar beam. The balance beam connects to the support posts with two collar sets. POLY TUNNEL: The poly tunnel is rotationally molded polyethylene 24" in diameter. Each end of the poly tunnel has a flange that fits into a corresponding recess in the poly panel. The attachment for the tunnel assembly to the support posts is four 1-3/8" OD Schedule 10 galvanized steel pipes and eight collar sets. COIL CLIMBER: The coil climber center support pipe is 1-7/8" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe. The coils of the climber are 1-3/8" OD SS-20 powdercoated galvanized steel pipe. Models for various deck heights are available. TIRE SWING SWIVEL: Revolving tire swings are suspended from a custom designed and manufactured ball bearing swivel in a fully enclosed housing. The tire swing housing consists of 356-alloy sand-cast heat-treated aluminum. The swivel is fitted with a grease fitting to facilitate periodic lubrication. SPIRAL SLIDE: The spiral slide components are rotationally molded plastic. The double-wall construction has a .250" wall thickness. The sections interlock using 3/8" T-nuts that are molded- in and 3/8" button head socket cap screws. Each section slides over a 4-1/2" OD Schedule 10 galvanized steel center support post. Spiral slides are available in two heights: 72" with six sections making a 360 degree revolution and 54" with five sections making a 270 degree turn. S-TUBE AND STRAIGHT TUBE SLIDES: $-tube and straight tube slide components are rotationally molded plastic. The double-wall construction has a .250" wall thickness. The sections interlock using 3/8" T -nuts that are molded-in and 3/8" button head socket cap screws Various configurations and heights are available depending on the components used. DOUBLE-RAIL AND TRIPLE-RAIL SLIDES: Double-rail and triple-rail slides are rotationally molded plastic. The double-wall construction has a .250" wall thickness. The double-rail slide is 32" high, 36" wide, and 57" long. The triple-rail slide is 43" high, 36" wide, and 69" long. GYM RINGS: Gym rings are custom designed and manufactured from 356 alloy sand cast heat treated aluminum. Gym rings are used in pairs or in a traverse configuration. The gym rings are pl as ti sol coated. D-HANDLES: D-handles are used to assist and facilitate movement from climbing activities to decks. The D-handles are custom bent 1-3/8" OD SS-20 galvanized steel pipe. Each D-handle attaches to the support posts using two collar sets. Note: We reserve the right to change product specifications without notice. STEP RUNGS: Step rungs are used to facilitate climbing from ground to deck, or deck to deck. Step rungs are 1-3/8" OD galvanized steel pipe. Each step rung attaches to the support posts with two collar sets. WORM CLIMBER: The worm climber consists of 1-7/8" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe side rails and 1-3/8" OD SS-20 galvanized steel pipe climbing loops permanently welded into a one-piece unit. The end supports are 1-7/8" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe. Worm climbers are designed for 42" and 56" deck heights. TIRE NET: Tire nets consist of either four or six tire configurations. Tires are pre-drilled with assembly, attachment, and drain holes. The upper and lower two tires attach to pipe rungs using 5/8" zinc plated machinery eyebolts. The tire net assembly attaches to support posts with four collar sets. ARCHED HAND-OVER-HAND: The arched hand-over-hand consists of 1-7/8" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe side arches. Hand-over-hand rungs consist of 1-3/8" OD SS-20 galvanized steel pipe. The horizontal span of the arched hand-over-hand is 102" between support posts. The entire assembly is permanently welded into one piece and attaches to four support posts with four collar sets. LANDSCAPE BOND QUANTITY FORM King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, Washington 98055-1219 PROJECT NAME: Martin Property: Recreation plan DDES PROJECT#: L04P0024 ADDRESS: SE 125th Street; King C. PREPARED BY: Mei-shiou Lin, Triad Assoc. DATE PREPARED: Oct. 29, 2007 DRAWING DATE: Oct 29, 2007 Bonds are based upon required landscaping only and will be posted for performance and/or maintenance. Required landscaping includes perimeter landscaping, surface parking area landscaping, (KCC 21A.16) and any landscaping required by SEPA environmental review. The maintenance period is for the life of the project, however, after posting for maintenance, the performance bond will be reduced by 30% {$1,000.00 minimum) and be held for a two year period. Upon re-inspection of the site the bond will be released if the site has been properly maintained (21A.16.180). If the project has not been maintained and there are dead trees, shrubs, ground cover, or other deficiencies noted in the required landscaping the bond will be held until the deficiencies are corrected I UNIT PRICE UNIT TYPE QUANTITY SOD LAWN AREAS $500.00 MSF (1000 SQ. FT) 0.00 HYDROSEEDING: LAWN $50.00 MSF (1000 SQ. FT) 6.00 HYDROSEEDING: INFILTRATION PONDS $50.00 MSF '1000 SQ. FT) 0.00 AQUATIC PLANTS $500.00 MSF (1000 SQ. FT) 0.00 RAIN GARDEN PLANTING $500.00 MSF (1000 SQ. FT) 0.00 $1.00 SQ. FT 0.00 SOIL PREPARATION A. TOPSOIL: SHRUB & TREES (6 INCHES DEEP) $25.00 CY (CUBIC YARD) SO.OD TOPSOIL: LAWN AREA (4 INCHES DEEP) $25.00 CY /CUBIC YARD\ 74.00 B. MULCH (2 IN.) $24.00 CY (CUBIC YARD) 13.00 C. PEAT MOSS (TWO INCHES DEEP\ $2.30 SY (SQUARE YARD) 0.00 D. COMPOST (3~ deep & tillino) included w/plant'o $26.00 SY /SQUARE YARD) 0.00 E. FERTILIZER: included w/tree and shrub ptant'g $6.67 CY (CUBIC YARD) 0.00 PLANT MATERIALS A. DECIDUOUS TREES (INTERIOR LANDSCAPING OR OTHER REQ'D LANDSCAPING) 2.0" CALIPER (minimum heiQht 10') $250.00 COST&LABOR 0.00 1.75" CALIPER (minimum heiQhl 10') $200.00 COST&LABOR 3.00 MULTI TRUNK (minimum height 6') $120.00 COST & LABOR 2.00 B. EVERGREEN TREES 8' ht included in significant tree bond $150.00 CQST&LABOR 0.00 C. SHRUBS (5 Gallon) $45.00 COST&LABOR 0.00 C. SHRUBS (2 Gallon) $30.00 COST & LABOR 119.00 SHRUBS {1 gallon) $10.00 COST & LABOR 123.00 PRICE $300.00 $1.250.00 $1,850.00 $312.00 $0.00 $600.00 $240.00 $0.00 $3,570.00 $1,230.00 SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: ,>AGE 1 OF 3 $9,352.00 I ---------------------------- I UNIT'PRICE UNIT TYPE QUANTITY PRICE I D. GROUND COVER (1 Gallon) $8.00 COST &LABOR 0.00 GROUND COVER (4 inch Pots) $4.00 COST&LABOR 0.00 MISCELLANEOUS TREE STAKES: included w/ tree planting $2.65 PER ST AKE & LABOR 0.00 FENCING LINEAR FOOT 3.5 FT. WOOD SPLIT RAIL $12.00 INCLUDES LABOR 176.00 $2,112.00 IRRIGATION IRRIGATION: Tract A $0.50 SQUARE FOOT 8,731.00 $4,365.50 ADDITIONAL ITEMS SURFACES CONCRETE PAVING/ WALK $25.00 So. Yd. 87.00 $2,175.00 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT: All Unit Prices Include delivery and installation PLAY STRUCTURE $9,183.00 LS (LUMP SUM) 1.00 $9,183.00 PLAY SURFACING ( 12 INCH DEPTH) $2,106.00 LS (LUMP SUM\ 1.00 $2,106.00 PLAY SURFACE PERIMETER EDGING $14.00 LF (INCLUDES LABOR 57.00 $798.00 SUBTOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: $20,739.50 PAGE 2 OF 3 I UNIT PRICE UNIT TYPE QUANTITY PRICE I SITE FURNISHINGS: All Unit Prices include deliven and installation WOOD BENCHES $540.00 EACH 1.00 $540.00 PICNIC TABLE $1,075.00 EACH 1.00 $1,075.00 THIRTY-PERCENT CONTINGENCY FEE $9,511.95 TOTAL BOND AMOUNT TOTAL BOND PRICE: $41,218.45 Note: 1. Street trees and coniferous trees are calculated in Significant Tree bond quantity worksheet. 2. Cost for landscape improvements in detention tract B is bond separately to be review by the engineering section. PAGE 3 OF 3 Pacific Outdoor Products -PT-38 ADA Square picnic table Recycled Plastic Frame Co lor -Black In ground mount Heavy duty single pedestal 3-sided table to meet ADA standards -in wood or p lastic Picnic Table Pacific Outdoor Products -BP25 6' length Recycled Plastic Frame Color -Black In ground mount Bench Pacific Outdoor Products -PM:1403 Area (soft s urface) Capacity Age range Activities Colors Slide Roof Uprights 30' X 24' 20-24 children 2-5 years old 6 Green Green Green Play Structure-2-S year olds ..-.. ' I ' 4 Response to request of additional information For Martin Property King County, WA Recreation/Landscape Activity No. L07MI065 • Detailed Manufacture's specifications for Play equipment TC-1183 • Recreation Plan bond quantity Form ~ ~ (C,; ~ .~ Wt7 [E fQ) NOV O 7 2007 · K.C. D.D.E.S. Prepared for: Camwest Development Triad Job Number: 04-257 November 5, 2007 : .. Date: July 16, 2007 To: Kimberly Claussen King County DDES 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98055 Job No: 04-257 King County #L05POOl9 Project: Martin Property Enclosed are: These have been sent: D For Your Use ~ Prints D Copies D Reproducibles D Reports ~ For Your Review I Approval D For Your Signature I Return D At Your Request [8] Documents D Specifications D Other D For Your Records D For Your Information D Other Quantity Date Description 10 1 1 1 Remarks: Sent By: 6/29/07 7/16/07 7/16/07 7/11/07 Landscape/Recreation plans Specifications/ Cut sheets Bond Quantity Worksheet Deposit check of $1,783.00 Rebecca S. Cushman, PE Project Engineer Copies To: Lond Development Consultants Sara Slatten 12112 I 15th Avenue NE Kirkland, WA 98034-6929 425.821.8448 425821.3481 fax 800.488 0756 toll free www .triadassoc com iDJ @: © @: D \'!!@: [g) lfLJ JUL 2 6 2007 K.C. D.D.E.S. . , • July 16, 2007 Kimberly Claussen King County DDES 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98055 RE: Martin Property L05POO 19 Triad Job No. 04-257 Dear Kimberly: 12112 I 15th Avenue NE Kirkland, WA 98034·6929 425.821.8448 425.821.3481 fax 800.488.0756 toll free www.triadassoc.com Please accept, process and approve the enclosed recreation and landscape plans. The package includes ten copies of the recreation plans, equipment specifications/cut sheets and the bond quantity worksheet. Please call me at 425 821-8448 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Rebecca S. Cushman, PE Project Engineer RSC cc: CamWest enclosures Land Development Consultants ' • LANDSCAPE BOND QUANTITY FORM Kina; County Department of Development and Environmental Servicts 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton. Washington 98055-1219 PROJECT NAME: DDES PROJECT#: ADDRESS: PREPARED BY: DATE PREPARED: DRAWING DATE: Martin Property: Landsc. Bond L04P0024 SE 125th Street; King C. Margie Korve, Triad Assoc. July 17, 2007 June 29, 2007 Bonds are based upon required landscaping only and will be posted for performance end/or maintenance. Required landscaping includes perimeter landscaping, surface parking area landscaping, (KCC 21A.16) and any landscaping required by SEPA environmental review. The maintenance period is for the life of the project, however, after posting for maintenance, the performance bond will be reduced by 30% ($1,000.00 minimum) and be held for a two year period. Upon re-inspection of the site the bond will be released if the site has been proper1y maintained (21A.16.160). lf the project has not been maintained and there are dead trees, shrubs, ground cover, or other deficiencies noted in the reauired landscapmg, thbod'II 'lthdfi' • n wi be held unti • e ceencees are corrected . I UNIT PRICE UNIT TYPE QUANTITY PRICE SOD LAWN AREAS $500.00 MSF (1000 SQ. Fn 0.00 HYDROSEEDING: LAWN $50.00 MSF (1000 SQ. FT) 3.30 $165.00 HYDROSEEDING: INFILTRATION PONDS $50.00 MSF (1000 SQ. FT) 7.07 $353.50 AQUATIC PLANTS $500.00 MSF (1000 SQ. FT) 1.00 $500.00 RAIN GARDEN PLANTING $500.00 MSF (1000 SQ. FT) 3.60 $1,800.00 DETENTION POND SHRUB/GROUNDCOVER PLNT $1.00 SQ. FT 8,330.00 $8,330.00 SOIL PREPARATION A. TOPSOIL: SHRUB & TREES (6 INCHES DEEP) $25.00 CY (CUBIC YARD) 215.00 $5,375.00 TOPSOIL: LAWN AREA (4 INCHES DEEP) $25.00 CY (CUBIC YARD) 41.31 $1,032.75 B. MULCH l2 IN.): included w/ tree & shrub plant'a $24.00 CY (CUBIC YARD) 70.00 $1,680.00 C. PEAT MOSS (TWO INCHES DEEP) $2.30 SY (SQUARE YARD) 0.00 D. COMPOST (3 INCHES DEEP & TILLING) $26.00 SY (SQUARE YARD) 0.00 E. FERTILIZER: included w/tree and shrub plant'g $6.67 CY (CUBIC YARD) 0.00 PLANT MATERIALS A DECIDUOUS TREES (INTERIOR LANDSCAPING OR OTHER REQ'O LANDSCAPING) 2.0" CALIPER (minimum height 10') $250.00 COST&LABOR 0.00 $0.00 1.75" CALIPER (minimum height 10') $200.00 COST & LABOR 3.00 $600.00 MUL Tl TRUNK (minimum height 6') $80.00 COST &LABOR 2.00 $160.00 B. EVERGREEN TREES FIVE (5) FEET OR ABOVE $150.00 COST & LABOR 0.00 $0.00 C. SHRUBS (5 Gallon) $45.00 COST &LABOR 0.00 C. SHRUBS (2 Gallon) $30.00 COST&LABOR 245.00 $7,350.00 SHRUBS (1 gallon) $10.00 COST & LABOR 27.00 $270.00 SUB TOTAL BOND AMOU ~I ~©~OW~ -I BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: ~AGE 1 OF 3 · f"'l 0 D $27,616.25 L07MI065 ~ -JUL £ 0 £UU/ K.C. D.D.E.S. I · • • ••• •. UNIT PRl~E • •• •. U~rfn<PE •. D. GROUND COVER (1 Gallon) GROUND COVER (4 inch Pots) MISCELLANEOUS TREE STAKES FENCING 3.5 FT. WOOD SPLIT RAIL IRRIGATION IRRIGATION; Tract A IRRIGATION; Tract B ADDITIONAL ITEMS SURFACES CONCRETE PAVING/ WALK $8.00 $4.00 $2.65 $8.00 $0.50 $0.25 $15.00 COST&LABOR COST&LABOR PER STAKE & LABOR LINEAR FOOT INCLUDES LABOR SQUARE FOOT SQUARE FOOT SY (SQUARE YARD) PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT: All Unit Prices Include delivery and Installation PLAY STRUCTURE $9,183.00 LS (LUMP SUM) PLAY SURFACING ( 12 INCH DEPTH) $2,106.00 LS (LUMP SUM) PLAY SURFACE PERIMETER EDGING $14.00 LF (INCLUDES LABOR) SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT PAGE 2 OF 3 PRICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 176.00 $1,408.00 7,696.00 $3,848.00 12,614.00 $3,153.50 84.40 $1,266.00 1.00 $9,183.00 1.00 $2,106.00 114.00 $1,596.00 BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: $22,560.50 l • .. : : , .·. . Jl'ollTPRICE. · UNIT TYF'E . QUANTITY .• • PRICE SITE FURNISHINGS: All Unit Prices Include deliver and Installation WOOD BENCHES .,,, .. $540.00 EACH 1.00 $540.00 PICNIC TABLE $1,075.00 EACH 1.00 $1,075.00 THIRTY-PERCENT CONTINGENCY FEE $15,537.53 TOTAL BOND AMOUNT TOTAL BOND PRICE: Note: 1. Street trees and coniferous trees are not calculated in this bond quantity worksheet, but are included as part of Significant Tree Bond Quantity Worksheet. PAGE 30F 3 $67,329.28 SIGNIFICANT TREE BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET (Planting & Existing Trees) (Complete and return electronically) Date, July 16, 2007 Project Name: Martin Property DDES Project Number: LOSP0019 I. Soil Preparation Topsoil Mulch (2 inch depth X 36" round) Fertilizer Removal of invasive species Irrigation (hand water per owner) 2. Plant Materials Deciduous Trees (Nursery Stock) Caliper: 3" cal Evergreen Trees (Nursery Stock) Caliper: 3" cal/ 8' ht Other: 3. Labor & Equipment Costs Labor: (planting) Equipment: 4. Tree Protection Measures High Visibility Fencing (includes labor) Tree Stakes 5. Monitoring Costs 3 years monitoring with reports Existing Significant Tree Values Retained Existing Significant Trees: Other: SUBTOTAL 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION TOTAL PERFORMANCE BOND AMOUNT First $2500.00 shall be cash , . c~ ·acli. $10.00 31 $6.00 31 $15.00 31 NIA NIA $175.00 18 $125.00 13 $165.00 31 $45.00 31 $50.00 34 $2.65 62 $500.00 3 years $250.00 3 $310.00 $186.00 $465.00 NIA NIA $3,150.00 $1,625.00 $5,115.00 $1,395.00 $1,700.00 $164.30 $1,500.00 $750.00 $16,360.30 $4,908.00 $21,268.30 Included in landsc. Bond Otv. (18) Dec. Trees to be installed as Street Trees includes (3) retained trees (2) stakes per replacement tree (3) Alder Trees Quantity Calculations completed by: Margie Korve & Mei-Shiou Lin @ Triad Associates~ re:' @ re:' O 'i'.ll R in\ Approved by Site Development Specialist: D 1.5 1.5 VJ 1.5 l.0 JUL 2 6 2007 L07MI065 K.C. D.D.E.S. SIGNIFICANT TREE RETENTION PLAN BOND INFORMATION (Planting & Existing Trees) This Significant Tree Retention performance and maintenance bond ( for replanting and existing significant trees) is to ensure that significant tree replacements are planted and survive. It is also to ensure that the significant trees to be retained are saved in a healthy state and replaced as approved by the approved significant tree retention plan or DDES approved ( documented) revisions to that plan. The planting portion of the bond is for a period of three (3) years monitoring from the date of tree planting installation acceptance in writing by DDES or until the approved Significant Tree Retention Plan has been successfully complied with. The existing bond amount can be released upon successful retention of the significant trees to be retained after the construction has been completed. At the final inspection for Significant Tree Retention by the DDES Land Use Inspection Unit (LUIS), the general site bond may be released if the site is in compliance with the DDES approved Engineering Site and Construction Plan and the Significant Tree Retention Plan. This Significant Tree Retention (Planting) portion of the performance and maintenance bond remains in affect for three (3) years monitoring or until DDES LUIS has completed final construction inspection and supports bond release as the Significant Tree Retention Plan is in compliance. If the Tree Retention Plan is not in compliance at the end of the street tree monitoring period LUIS can forward monitoring responsibility to DDES Site Development Services. DDES Site Development Services will assign an inspection/monitoring tracking number and bill the permittee the hourly rate in effect at that time as established by the King County Council Fee Ordinance. The permittee/developer is responsible to post the Significant Tree Retention and Planting Bond with DDES (Financial Guarantee Section) prior to the LUIS pre-construction meeting and prior to starting any site work/disturbance. A private agreement may be necessary between the plat permittee/developer, the future builder and the future landowner to ensure continued access for DDES inspections to the lots for the three (3) years monitoring or until the approved Significant Tree Plan has been complied with. This may require legal documentation as requested by DDES and is the sole responsibility of the plat permittee/developer to secure this agreement. A copy of this agreement shall be submitted to DDES Site Development Services and the LUIS Inspector. The future builder/landowner on the referenced lots that include significant trees ( existing or planted) shall not remove or damage these trees in any way without prior approval (a permit may be required) from DDES -Site Development Services. It shall be the responsibility of the bond holder to request bond release from DDES. If at the end of the three (3) year monitoring period ( or as extended) the Significant Tree Retention Plan has not been complied with the bond may be forfeit to King County. It is the responsibility of the bond holder to perform monitoring and maintenance of the plantings as stated on the DDES Significant Tree Retention Plan or as legally assigned to others as stated above. Status reports on planting success shall be submitted to DDES Site Development Services a minimum of once per year. Submittal of this bond by the permittee/designee and.acceptance by DDES constitutes acceptance of the above stated conditions. ~t.'<:ific 9utdoor Products:: The Priority of Play • Iimber Pl aysystern s • Steelsystems • Pre mi e r Pl ay_s)'stern s • Poly Playsystems • Preschool Playsystems • Components Age range: ~iaM l •'I• I I• • 11 f~ 'I• 111'' m 1! ~ -~ Activities: Materials: http://www.pacificoutdoor.com/playdetails.asp ?id = TC -11 83 20 -24 kids 2 -5 years 6 WOOD or STEEL Page 1 of 2 11/2/2007 ---------------------- ~acific 9utdoor Products:: The Priority of Play Page 2 of 2 http://www.pacificoutdoor.com/playdetails.asp?id=TC-1183 11/2/2007 TIMBER PLAVSYSTlM~ Wood play structures act! an attractive, natural elemeot to y0u r playground. All of our structural wO<XI Is treatec:I with non-toxic N:.Q preservativ e. ACQ pres sure treated wood is EPA appro,,ed and contains no CCA (Chranlum-Copper Arsenic). Tits proces s Is envi'onmentally friendly and does not seep Into the SOIi. Most Importantly, It poses no danger t o children. ACQ protects against dry rot, decay and termite attack. and It weathers to a warm brown color. Because M;Q cont ains no arsenic or copper-chromum. safe ty is enhanced for our craftsmen and disposal is not an environment al concern . FEATURE.~: • All of our beam••,. fland ·MleCtecl, routed, drilled ::.~,:i ri!:mfu.!~:> ~'a~,,::,~ritr~rt:ft we hive become n ,w, _. ~.-~,·= • Our exclu•IY• c .. t collar •Y•t•m allow• for ••Y ln•tallatlon and modular dHl&n. • !Jlclu•lve cu•tom •cale moclel9 can be uMd for dl•play 1111d fundra191n&. • More economlc:al than •teel •tructu,.• and ... Y to IR9tall . • Warm, natural, durable and Ion& ... tln1 -blend• Into the -ironment. • No play •tructul9 I• too •mal~ -can de•lgn to flt ~ budget or •la requl,_t._ 0111 e,c/us/1,eant collar S}'stem ttl1ows (o1 easytnstlll!a/JOnalld rmdulardesJgll AD plptS are(Qppei lottha po~m,naa tndC11Pfordunblicyandst(£1¥ All of oorbarms oll!ha1uksa:tal. 11J11tai,drt/Jm and 5111idai l»OS5Ull thelpiltywe 11Q\le b.rome lcnown(or. ····· ····· .. .. ." see ournt>W •• . . • Premlt're : ~ Pl,l)'SVSh ms Oil : \ pages 26 ll / . . . . ········· 6 Don't forgetto \~ ·~~, : provide and m,1intain ~ ~ a cushioning ground • ._ co\1er under all • \ equipment! • ••• • • • • •• • • • Warranty Information PLAY GROUND EQUIPMENT: All structural upright posts carry a 30 year warranty against structural failure due to corrosion, deterioration or faulty workmanship. All other components carry a one year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. Warranty becomes effective on the date of delivery. Checking and cracking are a natural characteristic of wood products and should be expected. Normal checking and cracking does not affe ct the structural integrity of the structure and is not covered under this warranty. SITE AMENITIES: All site amenities carry a one year warranty against structural failure due to corrosion, deterioration or faulty workmanship, effective on the date of delivery. CONDITIONS: Replacement parts will be furnished free of charge (shipping and labor excluded) subject to the following conditions: (1) The warranty applies only to the original purchaser. (2) All returns must be approved in advance. (3) Structure assembled improperly, not to factory instructions or altered without authorization, will void the warranty. Warranty does not cover damage caused by vandalism, abuse, neglect or acts of nature. Photographs or faulty pieces may be required to determine eligibility for replacement parts. Safety by Desij?fl We take your children's sarety seriously. To provide them with a safe play env ironment we design all of our play equipment to meet or exceed current US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and American Society of Testing Material (ASTM) guidelines. For more safety information contact the Consumer Product Safety Commission at (800) 638-2772 or American Society for Testing and Materials at (610) 832-9585. In addition, all of our design work Is done by a nationally certified Playground Safety Inspector (NPSI) and we are IPEMA' __ .......... ,_ .. ......... ,N,t ............ ,_ MEMBER a member of the International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA). ADAAG Play Areas Is ADA accessibility one of your concerns? Will it be in the future ? There are many factors to consider when creating ADA accessible play areas and we will be happy to work with you to meet your current and future needs. Our structures have been designed with ADA access in mind and most can be mod ified to your particular needs. For more information contact the United States Access Board at (800) 872-2253 or visit their website at www.access-board.com. Product Specifications See your dealer for product specifications . Product specifications are subject to change without notice . w w w. p tl f i f i co u t cl o or . f om ----' Standard Product Specifications METAL FINISH: metal parts are stainless steel, galvanized, zinc plated, zinc, aluminum, or powdercoated to resist rust and corrosion. TIRE SWING SWIVEL: Revolving tire swings are suspended from a custom designed and manufactured ball bearing swivel in a fully enclosed housing. The tire swing housing consists of 356-alloy sand cast heat-treated aluminum. The swivel is fitted with a grease fitting to facilitate periodic lubrication. BELT SWINGS: Belt swing seats consist of flexible rubber 6" wide with slash-proof reinforced metal inserts. TODDLER SEATS: Toddler seats consist of flexible rubber with additional back support for smaller children and must include a safety chain across the front. BABY BUCKET: The baby bucket consists of a fully enclosed one-piece reinforced rubber seat. POLY PANEL: The one-piece poly panel is manufactured of rotationally molded polyethylene. The 24" diameter opening is used as a crawl through or for attaching a polycarbonate bubble or window. TWO-PIECE POLY PANEL: The two piece poly panel is manufactured of rotationally molded polyethylene. The two pieces are bolted together using zinc plated button head bolts and threaded inserts. The 24" diameter opening has a recessed groove into which either the rim of a galvanized steel barrel or the flange of a rotationally molded polyethylene tunnel fits. STEERING WHEEL: The steering wheel is custom designed and manufactured of rotationally molded polyethylene. The 15" diameter wheel spins freely on a center hub and pipe assembly. BUBBLE/WINDOW: Available as either a bubble or a flat window, manufactured of clear, impact resistant Lexan, the bubble or window attaches to the poly panel with tamper resistant screws. TIRES: Tires are cleaned, re-conditioned or re-manufactured auto tires with sturdy casings. Tires are used for tire swings, tire nets, and climbing tires. All tires are pre-drilled with appropriate holes for attaching hardware and for drainage. Under no circumstances are steel belted tires used. GYM RINGS: Gym rings are custom designed and manufactured from 356-alloy sand-cast heat- treated aluminum. Gym rings are used in pairs or in a traverse configuration. TIC-TAC-TOE PANEL: The tic-tac-toe panel consists of a rotationally molded plastic double walled frame and nine blocks with a.250" wall thickness. The blocks turn independently on galvanized steel tubing. The frame is drilled with mounting holes. PEEK-A-BOO PANEL: The peek-a-boo panels are rotationally molded polyethylene. They are custom designed to offer an excellent barrier for deck openings. Because of the specially designed openings in the panel, visual supervision is maintained. WOOD TIRE SWING BEAM: When a tire swing uses 5-hole support beams, a 12' 6"x6" (nominal) wooden beam is used. This beam is approximately 6-1/2' high. COIL CLIMBER: The coil climber center support pipe is 1-7/8" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe. The coils of the climber are 1/38" OD SS-20 galvanized steel pipe. Models for various deck heights are available. Timber Playsystems Product Specifications WOOD: Wood beams are Hemlock or Fir. Beams are planed smooth and cut to specific lengths. Edges of beams are rounded, ends are beveled, and holes are drilled through on where needed for connecting pieces. Beams are then pressure treated with a non-toxic ACQ wood preservative and stained a natural brown. Support beams are 6" x 6" (nominal) dimension or 4"x6" (nominal) dimension. Other wood components are of 2"x6" (nominal) and 4"x4" (nominal) dimension. PIPE: All connecting pipe is 1-3/8" OD SS-20 galvanized steel pipe. All pipe is pre-cut to the appropriate length and all exposed cut ends are securely capped with high impact UV stabilized polycarbonate end caps. COLLARS: Custom manufactured zinc collars with plated set screws are used to secure all pipes into and through wood beams. Each collar is secured to the beam with two galvanized nails. Collars are self-aligning to center collar into beam hole. The completed beam/pipe/collar assembly forms an extremely solid framework. CHAIN-Chain used for swings, chain nets, and chain walks is 1/4" galvanized proof coil. Chain used for the suspension bridge is 1/4" galvanized high test and hardened. PARALLEL BARS: The parallel bars consist of two eight-foot long, 1-3/8" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipes. SWING HANGERS: Swing hangers consist of a galvanized ductile iron bracket utilizing a bronze oil-impregnated bushing and galvanized ductile iron swing hanger. The entire assembly is bolted through the overhead beam with zinc-plated bolts, washers and locknuts. All swings use galvanized 1/4" proof coil chain for support. STAINLESS STEEL SLIDE: The stainless steel slide is either 18" or 36" wide. The slide bed is 16 gauge T-304 polished stainless steel. Side rails are galvanized steel D-shaped pipe with a minimum height of 4". The slide bed is attached to the side rails with stainless steel rivets and is reinforced from underneath with galvanized steel braces. The slide top deck connector is 11 gauge T-304 polished stainless steel. Available in 7' and 10' lengths. SPIRAL SLIDE: The spiral slide components are all rotationally molded plastic. The spiral slide uses double-wall construction with a.250" wall thickness. The sections interlock using 3/8" T-nuts that are molded-in and 3/8" button head socket cap screws, Each section slides over a 4-1 /2" OD Schedule 10 galvanized steel center support post. Spiral slides are available in two heights: 72" with six sections making a 360 degree revolution and 54" with five sections making a 270 degree turn. S-TUBE AND STRAIGHT TUBE SLIDES: Tube and straight tube slide components are rotationally molded plastic. The double-wall construction has a .250" wall thickness. The sections interlock using 3/8" T-nuts that are molded-m and 3/8" button head socket cap screws. Various configurations and heights are available depending on the components used. STEEL TIRE SWING BEAM: When a tire swing uses 6-hole support beams, a 16' long 4-1/2" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe is used for the swing beam. The steel swing beam is approximately 8' high. The pipe end caps are permanently riveted in place. The pipe is powdercoated blue. TIRE NET: Tire nets consist of either four or six tire configurations. Tires are pre-drilled with assembly, attachment, and drain holes. The upper and lower two tires attach to pipe rungs using 5/8" zinc plated machinery eyeballs. Steel Systems Product Specifications METAL FINISH: All metal parts are stainless steel, galvanized, or powdercoated to resist rust and corrosion. POWDERCOATING: Powdercoated parts are electrostatically polyester powdercoated to a thickness of 3 mils. Powdercoating provides a colorful surface that resists wear and weather. POSTS AND BEAMS: Standard posts are 4-1/2" OD 11 gauge galvanized steel or aluminum pipe with a .012" wall thickness. All overhead swing beams, arches, and arch supports are 4-1/2" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe with a .237" wall thickness. If specified, 4-1/2" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe is available for all support posts. COLLAR SETS: Collar sets are 356 T-6 heat-treated permanent mold cast aluminum alloy. Collar sets consist of two halves. The collar sets have been designed to permanently attach accessories to support posts. Attachment hardware which consists of two plated socket head cap screws, two plated flush mount t-nuts, and two 1 /4" x 1" stainless steel roll pins are included with each collar set. The collar sets are powdercoated. PIPE CAP: Pipe caps are AS-CAST/356F sand-cast aluminum alloy. All exposed ends of posts and beams are capped with an aluminum post cap that is riveted in place. End caps are powdercoated. ARCHED CLIMBER: The arched climber consists of two curved 4-1/2" OD galvanized steel Schedule 10 pipe rails and eight 1-3/8" OD galvanized steel pipe rungs permanently welded in place, spaced at 12" intervals. The arched climber is powdercoated and held in place with two collar sets. STEEL DECK: The steel decks are made of 2"x3" angle iron and 3/16" expanded steel. Steel decks are plastic coated with 1 /8" thick PVC coating, bonded to steel with anti-corrosion epoxy primer. The standard deck is 48 "x 48"; OVERHEAD SWING BEAMS: All overhead swing beams are 4-1/2" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe with a 4" OD SS 40 galvanized steel sleeve permanently welded in each end. Each end of overhead swing beams fit into a 4-1 /2" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe connector which is permanently welded to either a swing arch or support post. Attachment is with 5/8" plated bolt and plated acorn nut. FIRE POLE: Fire poles consist of 1-7/8" OD Schedule 10 galvanized steel pipe with a 1-3/8" OD SS 40 galvanized steel connector pipe permanently welded in the end for connecting to support post with collar set. PARALLEL BARS: Parallel bars consist of two powdercoated, 1-3/8" OD, SS 40 galvanized steel pipe. The parallel bars are eight feet in length and connect to support posts with four collar sets. BANISTER SLIDE: The banister slide consists of two powdercoated 1-7/8" OD Schedule 10 galvanized steel pipe with a slope of 30 degrees. Each banister slide rail connects to the adjacent support post with one collar set. Each rail also rests on and bolts to the deck. STANDARD SLIDE: Standard slide consists of a bed made from 24" wide 16 gauge T-304 polished stainless steel. The side pipe rails are 4-1 /2" OD Schedule 10 galvanized steel pipe which is powdercoated. The top deck connector is 11 gauge polished stainless steel. The side pipe rails· are extended to be footed into the ground. The slide bed is attached to the pipe side rails with stainless steel rivets and is reinforced from underneath with galvanized steel braces. WIDE SLIDE: The wide slide is identical to the standard slide with the exception of the slide bed, which is 36" wide instead of the standard 24". HORIZONTAL LADDER: The horizontal ladder consists of two 4-1/2" OD Schedule 10 galvanized steel pipes with aluminum end caps riveted in each end. The nine ladder crossbars are 1-3/8" OD Schedule 10 galvanized steel pipe evenly spaced and permanently welded in place. The horizontal ladder attaches to the support posts with four collar sets. CHAIN NET: The chain net is constructed of 1 /4" galvanized steel chain into a net of 12" squares. All chain connections are formed using galvanized S-hooks. The chain net assembly attaches to two 1-3/8" OD SS-20 galvanized steel pipe rails with eight 1-3/8" ID plated steel shaft collars. The pipe rails attach to four support posts with four collar sets. CHAIN WALK: The chain walk consists of two eight foot 1 /4" galvanized steel chain sections. The chain sections attach to the support posts with four collar sets. BALANCE BEAM: The balance beam is a 12' long 4"x6"(nominal) Western Red Cedar beam. The balance beam connects to the support posts with two collar sets. POLY TUNNEL: The poly tunnel is rotationally molded polyethylene 24" in diameter. Each end of the poly tunnel has a flange that fits into a corresponding recess in the poly panel. The attachment for the tunnel assembly to the support posts is four 1-3/8" OD Schedule 1 O galvanized steel pipes and eight collar sets. COIL CLIMBER: The coil climber center support pipe is 1-7/8" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe. The coils of the climber are 1-3/8" OD SS-20 powdercoated galvanized steel pipe. Models for various deck heights are available. TIRE SWING SWIVEL: Revolving tire swings are suspended from a custom designed and manufactured ball bearing swivel in a fully enclosed housing. The tire swing housing consists of 356-alloy sand-cast heat-treated aluminum. The swivel is fitted with a grease fitting to facilitate periodic lubrication. SPIRAL SLIDE: The spiral slide components are rotationally molded plastic. The double-wall construction has a .250" wall thickness. The sections interlock using 3/8" T-nuts that are molded- in and 3/8" button head socket cap screws. Each section slides over a 4-1/2" OD Schedule 10 galvanized steel center support post. Spiral slides are available in two heights: 72" with six sections making a 360 degree revolution and 54" with five sections making a 270 degree turn. S-TUBE AND STRAIGHT TUBE SLIDES: S-tube and straight tube slide components are rotationally molded plastic. The double-wall construction has a .250" wall thickness. The sections interlock using 3/8" T-nuts that are molded-in and 3/8" button head socket cap screws Various configurations and heights are available depending on the components used. DOUBLE-RAIL AND TRIPLE-RAIL SLIDES: Double-rail and triple-rail slides are rotationally molded plastic. The double-wall construction has a .250" wall thickness. The double-rail slide is 32" high, 36" wide, and 57" long. The triple-rail slide is 43" high, 36" wide, and 69" long. GYM RINGS: Gym rings are custom designed and manufactured from 356 alloy sand cast heat treated aluminum. Gym rings are used in pairs or in a traverse configuration. The gym rings are plastisol coated. D-HANDLES: D-handles are used to assist and facilitate movement from climbing activitie.s to decks. The D-handles are custom bent 1-3/8" OD SS-20 galvanized steel pipe. Each D-handle attaches to the support posts using two collar sets. Note: We reserve the right to change product specifications without notice. STEP RUNGS: Step rungs are used to facilitate climbing from ground to deck, or deck to deck. Step rungs are 1-3/8" OD galvanized steel pipe. Each step rung attaches to the support posts with two collar sets. WORM CLIMBER: The worm climber consists of 1-7/8" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe side rails and 1-3/8" OD SS-20 galvanized steel pipe climbing loops permanently welded into a one-piece unit. The end supports are 1-7/8" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe. Worm climbers are designed for 42" and 56" deck heights. TIRE NET: Tire nets consist of either four or six tire configurations. Tires are pre-drilled with assembly, attachment, and drain holes. The upper and lower two tires attach to pipe rungs using 5/8" zinc plated machinery eyebolts. The tire net assembly attaches to support posts with four collar sets. ARCHED HAND-OVER-HAND: The arched hand-over-hand consists of 1-7/8" OD SS 40 galvanized steel pipe side arches. Hand-over-hand rungs consist of 1-3/8" OD SS-20 galvanized steel pipe. The horizontal span of the arched hand-over-hand is 102" between support posts. The entire assembly is permanently welded into one piece and attaches to four support posts with four collar sets. Pacific Outdoor Products -PT-38 ADA Square picnic table Recycled Plastic Frame Col or -Black In ground mount Heavy duty single pedestal 3-sided table to meet ADA standards -in wood or plastic Picnic Table Pacific Outdoor Products -BP25 6' length Recycled Plastic Frame Color -Black In ground mount Bench . ' Pacific Outdoor Products -PM1403 Area (soft surface) Capacity Age range Activities Colors Slide Roof Uprights 30' X 24' 20-24 children 2-5 years old 6 Green Green Green Play Structure-2-5 year olds .-.. Response to request of additional information For Martin Property King County, WA Recreation/Landscape Activity No. L07MI065 • Detailed Manufacture's specifications for Play equipment TC-1183 • Recreation Plan bond quantity Form / ) ''-0 ~J-. {pJ ~(C~,~WIE f(J NOV O 7 2007 I_Y K.C. D.D.E.S. Prepared for: Camwest Development Triad Job Number: 04-257 November 5, 2007 • j/® King County Department of Development and Envlronmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Permit Number: L05P0019 ~~~~------- Permit Name: Martin Property FOR INDIVIDUALS: Web date: 09/09/2005 CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT STATUS For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Activity Number: _L:cOc.c.7--=S-'--'R"'-01-'-'5'-------------- I, (print name), hereby certify that I am the/an owner of the property which is the subject of this permit. If I am not the sole owner of the property, I certify that I am authorized to represent all other owners of the property. My mailing address is: I further certify that I am the "Applicant" for this permit and as such am financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. I shall remain the "Applicant" for the duration of this permit unless I transfer my "applicant" status in writing on a form provided by DOES. * Signature of Applicant Date Signed -OR- FOR CORPORATIONS/BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: I, S AUi SLA-JTW (print name), hereby certify that I am an authorized agent of CAM~ D~DfeM~ IN'=, , a corporation or other business association authorized to do business in the Staeofashington, which is the sole owner of the property that is the subject of this permit. If this corporation or business association is not the sole owner of the property, I certify that this corporation/business association is authorized to represent all other owners of the property. The mailing address of this corporation/business association is: 9720 NE 120th Place Suite 100 Kirkland WA 98034 I further certify that the above named corporation/business association is the "Applicant" for this permit and as such is financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. This corporation/business association shall remain the "Applicant" for the duration of this permit unless it transfers its applicant status in writing on a form provided by DOES. ~~~_,,__--· (L___,_ .J.:1-'--1,(.1/0-1---7 _ ~;-~nt Date Signed * * By signing as the Applicant or the Applicant's Agent, I certify under penalty o~·~ @fgt&W~ffl State of Washington that the information provided above is true and correct. ~ JUL 2 6 2007 CertApplicantSttmO 7 M1I-a0.p6 509/09/2005 Page 1 of 2 K.C. D.D.E.S. ~----------------------------------- • NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: By law, this department returns all engineering and other plans to the applicant. If, however, you wish to authorize the department to return engineering and other plans directly to the engineer, architect, or other consultant for the limited purpose of making corrections, please designate below: (gJ I authorize this department to return plans directly to my consultant(s) for the limited purpose of making corrections as designated on this form. CONSULTANTS: Triad Associates-Attention Rebecca Cushman 12112 115th Ave NE Kirkland, WA 98034 Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes CertApplicantStatus martin lc-cer-apstat.pdf 09/09/2005 Page 2 of2 ti King County Department of Development an.d Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 www.kingcounty.gov October 1. 2007 Rebecca Cushman Triad Associates 12112 115ht Ave NE Kirkland, WA 98034-6929 RE: Recreation/Landscape Activity No. L07MI065 Plat of Martin -Preliminary Plat # L05P0019 Dear Ms. Cushman: This letter is in response to your July 26, 2007 submittal for the landscape and recreation plan of the Plat of Martin. I have reviewed your submittal, and request the following additional information to complete our review. 1. The Recreation Plan approval is a separate approval from street tree review. Reference to significant trees only is needed if they are to be removed or planted within the recreation tract. 2. Provide dimensions of Tract A on plans. 3. Clarify Landscaping materials/plantings to be used within the recreation tract and numbers of planting on plans for the recreation tract on the landscape portion of the recreation plans. Bonding & a count of landscaping materials outside the recreation area tract must be bonded and reviewed under engineering. 4. Submit detailed specifications for the play equipment and additionally provide confirmation within the manufacture's specifications that demonstrate play equipment will meet consumer product safety standards. 5. Recreation area irrigation only must be bonded in the recreation plan. 6. Please note : Costs for improvements outside of the rec. area tract will be reviewed separately by the Engineering Section and must be filed with that section for review. approval and to separately bond. The performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. · L07MI065 October 1 , 2007 Page 2 Please submit 8 copies of revised documents and sets of recreational plans for our records. If you have any questions regarding this request for information, please call me at (206) 296-7114 or e-mail at karen.scharer@kingcounty.gov. ~. Karen Sc;:}, Project Manager II Current Pl~:~g Section, LUSD cc: Kim Claussen, Program Manager Ill, Current Planning Section, LUSD Pete Dye, Sr. Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD File L07MI065 ) Date: November 6, 2007 To: Karen Scharer King County DOES 900 Oaksdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055 Job No: 04-257 Projeet: Martin Property Enclosed are: [83 Prints D Copies D Reproducibles D Reports 1:83 Documents D Specifications D Other These have been sent: [83 For Your Use 0 For Your Review I Approval D For Your Signature I Return D At Your Request 0 For Your Records 0 For Your Information 0 Other 12112 I 15th Avenue NE K1rkla11d, WA 98034-6929 425.821.8448 425821.3481 fax 800.488.0756 toll free www tri;1dc1ssoc.com fPJ f~~ni:t[E/N, Nov a 7 2007 I.Y K.c. D.D.E.s. ()11:111111, l>all' lk,n 1pt1011 8 8 1 Remarks: Karen, 11/5/07 11/5/07 11/6/07 Response to Request of Additional Information packet Landscape/Recreation Plan Drop-Off Cover Sheet This package is being submitted in response to your letter dated 10/1/07. Please contact Mei- shiou Lin with any questions. Thank you. SentBy:ckJng,n; /I.~ Jasmine A. Brothers Administrative Assistant ' 1· r • I 1 i ' ' _:' .·' ;.:·;:;;;· PLANT LIST TRACT A Open Space/ Recreation 5YM60L PLANT NAME QUANTITY SIZE C0NDITl0N/COl·tr·1ENT5 DECIDUOUS TFi!EE -\-1,----6ETULA FAFYl'<IFERA/ b~ FAFER 611'<CH X 5TYRAX 06A5SIA/ FRAGRANT 5NOW6ELL CONIFEROUS TFi!EE5 CALOCEDRU5 DECUl'<REN5/ INCENSE CEDAR ::.....:.--F5EUDOT5UGA MENZIE511/ LAU.N DOUGLAS FIi'< A1'<6UTUS UNEDO/ 5TRAW6ERRY TREE 6El'<6ER15 THUN6El'<GII 'ATl'<OFUl'<FUREA'/ RED-LEAF JAFANE5E 6A1'<6El'<l'<Y CEANOTHUS GLOl'<I05U5 'FOINT REYE5'/ FOINT REYE5 CEANOTHUS HEBE 'RED EDGE'/ RED EDGE HEBE I-IELICTOTRICHON SEMFEl'<VIRENS/ 6LUE OAT GRA55 HYDRANGEA QUEl'<CIFOLIA 'ALICE'/ OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA MAHONIA REFEN5/ CREEFING MAHONIA NANDINA DOMESTICA 'MOON 6AY'I MOON BAY HEAVENLY 6AM600 05MANTHU5 DELAVAYI/ 05MANTHUS FOL Y5TICHUM MUNITUM/ 5WOl'<D FERN ROSA RUGOSAI l'<UGOSA 1'<05E '• ' ', ' 6 1 HT. MIN 6 4 6, MUL Tl5TEMMED 134" CAL. 6 4 6 IIZ'' MIN. 2 8 1 I-IT 646 2 8 1 I-IT 21 2 GAL CONT 2 GAL CONT ;lb I GAL CONT ;ll 2 GAL CONT 4& I GAL CONT 2 GAL CONT 2& I GAL CONT 21 2 GAL CONT I& 2 GAL. CONT 11 I GAL CONT 11 2 GAL CONT " · COUNTRY GREEN 812)/212) LAWN MIXTURE OR EQUAL. 5EED RA TE FER Fl'<OVIDEI'< 5FECIFICATION. < AVAILA6LE AT COUNTl'<YGREEN TURF FARM5 l.812)12)312)12).11'=>3) ·. '. : . ' . : . SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23N., RANGE SE., W.M. I t /J 1 I I / . ' I PLA/ OF SHAfocK I .. ~--- KING COUNTY LANDSCAPE PLAN !ROVE) ~ . ~r,Ji b- . . ..,.. .... "'!.~-~, ------. . . KING COUNTY RECREATION PLAN. RECREATION PLAN FOR TRACT A SITE FURNISHING LEGEND ITEM MANUFACTURER / MODEL • \l) "T ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ I \ \ \ \ I I I J I I I I I J I I I J I I / - FICNIC T A6LES FACIFIC OUTDOOR FRODUCTS, INC. -FT-38 ADA SQ. TABLE TOF = (I) TA6LE (;, SEATS) -ADA ACCESSIBLE 000 2 11 X IIZ'" CEDAR TOFS AND SEATS, GREEN FRAME, GROUND MOUNT. 6ENCH FACIFIC OUTDOOR Fl'<ODUCTS, INC. -(I) 6F-2& '=>' CEDAR CONTOUR 6ENCHES, 211 X 4 11 CEDAR, GREEN FRAME. FLAY EQUIFMENT FACIFIC OUTDOOR Fl'<0DUCT5, INC. FLAYGROUND STRUCTURE "TC-1183 FROVIDE A 26' X 31Zl' MIN. SOFT SURFACE 5FACE 01'< AFFl'<OVED EQUAL, COLORS SLIDE-RED FOL Y ROOF -BLUE ALL FOWDERCOATED COMFONENTS -6LUE SOFT SURFACING FOi'< MINIMUM SQUARE FEET FOR FLAY STRUCTURE AREA, 181Zl 5F FLAY AREA STRUCTURE MINIMUM DEFTH 12 INCHES, FACIFIC OUTDOOR Fl'<ODUCTS, INC. FLAY AREA EDGING LINEAR FEET FOi'< FLAY AREA, 111' SITE FURNISHING & SITE LAYOUT NOTES • SITE FURN15HING5, 4 FLAY EQUIFMENT AVAILA6LE AT FACIFIC OUTDOOR Fl'<ODUCT5 INC., MAFLE VALLEY, WA FHONE, 42&-432-'=>IZ'IZ'IZ' • INSTALL ALL 51TE FURNl5HING5 <AS NOTED ABOVE) FER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATION, AMERICAN DISA61LITIE5 A550CIATION, CONSUMER Fl'<ODUCT SAFETY 5TANDAl'<D5 AND KING COUNTY REQUIREMENTS. IT 15 Tl-IE RE5FON5161LITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO INFORM THE OWNER'S REFRE5ENTATIVE OF ANY CONFLICTS IN THESE REQUIREMENTS. • 5U6MIT MANUFACTURERS CUT SHEETS OF ALL ITEMS TO 6E INSTALLED FOR AFFl'<OVAL 6Y OWNER Fl'<IOR TO INSTALLATION. • IN5T ALL 51TE FURNISHINGS FLUM6, LEVEL AND RIGID • METAL FITTINGS NOT SUFFLIED 6Y MANUFACTURER 51-!ALL 6E GALVANIZED. ALL END5 OF BOLTS NOT UNDER MANUFACTURERS 5FECIAL TREATMENT ARE TO 6E 6ALLFEENED OR OTHERWISE RENDERED T AMFEI'< Fl'<OOF. FILE 01'< GRIND ALL SHARF EDGES, TO 6E SMOOTH 01'< FLUSH. • LOCATION FROM HARD SURFACES OF ALL FLAY EQUIFMENT AND 6ETWEEN EQUIFMENT 5HALL 6E FER MANUFACTURER SAFETY ZONE REQUIREMENTS. • 5TAKE ALIGNMENT AND LOCATIONS OF ALL SITE IMFROVEMENT5 (INCLUDING FEDE5Tl'<IAN TRAILS AND 51TE FURNl51-11NG5). SHALL 6E REVIEWED 6Y OWNER'S REFRE5ENTATIVE FRIO!'< TO INSTALLATION. INCOl'<RECTL Y LOCATED WORK 5HALL 6E REMOVED AND REFLACED 6Y CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER • FEDESTl'<IAN LAYOUT 51-!ALL 6E 5UCH THAT INTEl'<5ECTION5 ARE RADIAL (&', TYF. UNLE55 NOTED) AND CURVES ARE TANGENT TO ONE ANOTHER • VERIFY THAT SUBGRADE HA5 BEEN FROFERL Y COMFACTED. WORK 51-!ALL GUARANTEE AGAINST SETTLEMENT FOR ONE YEAR • WALKWAYS 51-!ALL 6E CONSTRUCTED OF A MATERIAL AND GRADE THAT 15 CONSISTENT WITH THE RECOMMENDATION GUIDELINES FOUND WITHIN Tl-IE AMERICANS WITH Dl5A61LITIE5 ACT, (ADA) "----~-----~-----· 2 l I SCALE: 1" = 20' o 10 m ~ ~ I I ~ ' i ~ . \ .. - - \ I I I i ' '--- KEY MAP \_, NOT TO SCALE I RECREATION AREA5/-TRACT A TOTAL RECREATION AiA REQUIRED, (13 LOTS X 391Z') TOTAL RECREATION AR A Fl'<OVIDED IN TRACT A, FEl'<IMETER X IIZ'% RECREATION FERIMETi ON ROW FROVIDED, ON-SITE RECREATIQN ELEMENTS REQUIRED RECREATIOt:I ACTIVITIES, I + I TOT LOT Fl'<OVIDED RECRE1Tl'f., ACTIVITIES, 2 + I TOT LOT I. CHILDREN'S (TOT ~OT) FLAY AREA I 2. FICNIC AREA AND BENCH I I 3. OFEN FLAY LAWN \ . I ' SHEET INDEX LI L2 I RECREATION PLAN -TRACT A \ PLANTING 1 1}JOTES AND DETAILS ;:ROVEIP 14 \( 1:" 0- --o,TE -- &,0112) 5F < IZ'.11 AC) 112) ,0912) 5F ( 2:, AC) 426' X IIZ'% = 43' 21Zll LF < 41%) I ()A ~~~ CAUTION LOCA 710N OF £X/S71NG U71 , ES IS ~P{',IJOmA'ilr£ AND MAY NOT 8£ ACCURA 1£ OR -ii INCLUSNE. IT IS TH£ CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBIUTY TO AELD VERIFY LOCA 710N OF unU71£S PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUC710N, 0 YOU MUST CALL 1-800-424-5555 NOT LESS THAN TWO FULL BUSINESS DA \'S BEFORE BEGINNING £XCA VA 710N WHERE ANY UNDERGROUND U77UnES MAY 8£ LOCA 1£0. FAILURE TO DO SO COULD MEAN BEARING SUBSTANnAL REPAIR COSTS. © 2007 TRIAD ASSOCIATES "' T ASSOCIATES 12112115\hAve. NE Kirkland, WA 9803Ml929 425,821.8448 425.821.3481 fax 800.488.0756 toll free www.triadassoc.com ' La11d Development Consulta~1tf ).... "Ii:( I--. .... i,... m 0 ~ "Ii:( e: l ~ I C) 0 ~ <: ~ :s "Ii:( ~ ~ ~ .:::: ~ Ct: 0 ~ GERALD F. BUCK, AICP PROJECT MANAGER NICK A YINGER, PLS PROJECT SURVEYOR RICK A, TOMKINS. PE: PROJECT ENGINEER 1.1£1-SHIOU UN, ASLA PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FIRST SUBMITIAL DATE: 6 /29 /0 7 SCALE: HORIZ,: 1"= 20' V!R'l.:N/A STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHIT, CT • EI-SHIOU LIN CE TIFICATE NO. 826 STAMP NOT VALID UNLESS SIGNED AND DATED SOB NO. 04-257 SHEET NO. l 1oF2 ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ' " Q ' ~ ~ ~ a -• & " ~ C ' ~ -" ' ~ -• • ~ ~ . • ~ -~ ~ a -~ ~ a ~ -~ if. '.le e; • ~ a a~- ~I ' ~}§ ~~ . "' :§~ '>a PLANTING NOTES GENE~L NOTES -Contractor shall verlf!:J exletlng elte condltlone prior to beginning conetructlon. Notlf!:J owner of dlecrepancles, between plane and actual field condition•. The contractor eha II be reeponeible for damage to exletlng utllltlee or Improvement• reeultlng from their work. Repairs ehall be made at no expense to the owner. -The contractor eha 11 notlf!:J the ownere representative prior to beginning conetructlon, and shall keep the owner Informed of progreee of work throughout conetructlon. An!:J requirement In the plane and/or notee ehall be considered binding. In caee of dlecrepanclee or lteme not understood b!:J the contractor, the owner's repreeentatlve shall be contacted lmmedlatel!:J. -Site vlelte b!:J the Jandecape architect to Inspect progreee of work and Ile conformance with the plane eha II be ae directed b!:J the owner's representative. -Execute periodic cleaning of the elte throughout the contract period to remove waste materlale, rubbish, plant containers resulting from their worl<.. -ilk'ltten dlmenelone eupereede eca\ed dletancee. Dlmenelone are taken from the back of curb, face of building or face of fence. -Refer to architects 4 civil engineering plane for elte, grading 4 utlllt!:j Information. -Contractor oha II coordinate their work with a II other applicable tradeo, ae neceeea r!:J. Glua llt!:j Aeeurance Work ehall be Inotalled In conformance with applicable local code• and ordlnancee -Planting eha II be be performed b!:J a \lceneed and bonded contractor -Contractor shall obtain neceeear!:J permits and pa!:J required feee. -Chemical appl1catlone ohall be applled b!:J llceneed applicator. Lateet feeue of American Standard for Nurser!:J Stoel<. published b!:J American Aeeoclatlon of Nureer!:Jmen ehall be uoed to grade nureer!:J etocl<.. ANSI Zl&e>.I Plant nomenclature oha 11 conform to that ueed In New &unoet Western Garden 6001<. current edition. Names and varieties not !feted In thlo reference ohall be thoee moot commonl!:J uoed In the nuroer!:J trade. FroJect Condition& Pl,ntlng operatlono ehall not be conducted under the following condltlono, I. Freezing Weather 2. Exceeelve 1-leat 3. 1-ligh Winds 4. Exceoslvel!:J Wet Condltlone Sequencing 4 Schsdullng Landscape contractor ehall coordinate with other olte contractor• and owner'• repreoentatlve to develop a ochedule for Jandocape lnstallatlon. Coordinate with earthwork contractor to eetablleh appropriate oubgrade elevatlone ae required b!:J planting soil and mulch depthe specified herein and on the drawing•. ~DUCT&, Plante -Provide plants ae Indicated on drawings. Gluantltlee ehown on drawlnge are for contractor'• convenience onl!:J. Contractor le reeponelble for tota I number of plant• repreoented graphlcall!:J or b!:J calculation. Condition, All plants ehall conform to the following minimum requirements, I. Nureer!:J grown, unleee otherwlee opeclfled. 2. Supplied In appropriate container, balled or burlapped, or bare root ae opeclfled on drawlngo. 3. In vigorous growing condition with full foliage and full!:J, &!:Jmmetrlcall!:J branched t!:jplcall!:J repreeentatlve of the epeclee. 4. Plante eha II meet governing regulatlone concerning peete, weed• <1nd dleease 4 eha II be free from a 11 peete, dleeaeee 4 weede. 5. Full!:J and completsl!:j rooted, but not rootbound. I&. Plant grading eha II conform to ANSI Zl&e>.J. -Street Treso, Uniform In appearance, elze and etructure. Overelzed Plante, Plante larger than epeclfled elze ma!:J be ueed providing height, spread, caliper, and root ball dlmenelone conform to ANSI Zl&e>.I. -Plante shall be Inepected b!:J the owner'• representative at time of dellver!:J. ReJected plants shall be removed from the ells lmmedlatsl!:j. 1-l!:Jdroeeed Seed ehal\ conform to the etandarde for "certified" grade eeed or better, as outlined b!:J the State of WA Dept. of Agrlculture'e "rule• for seed Certification" latest edition. Seed ehall be furnlehed In standard contalnere. -Upon owner'• requeet, furnloh duplicate copies of a statement olgned b!:J the vendor certlf!:Jlng that each Jot of oeed hao been teated b!:J a recognized eeed testing lab within I& months of deliver!:! to the proJect ells . 1-l!:jdroeeeded mix eha II be ae opeclfled on the piano -Fertlllzero and amendment• ehall be per the h!:Jdroeeed euppller -Jurledlctlon ehall approve oeed mix prior to Installation. SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23N., RANGE SE., W.M. Solle and Mulchee On Site etoci<.plled &oil -If available, on-elte etoci<.plle eoile ma!:J be ueed for planting bed preparation, lawn areae or plant pit backfill. Uee of on elte ooll to be coordinated with owner'• repreeentatlve Import topeoll mix for uee In &!Tub bede and lawn areae -2-wa!:J topeoll to be approved b!:J Owner's Repreeentatlve. Topsoil shall be 50% compost and 50% eand, sand!:J loam or ellt!:j oand and ohall meet the following speclflcatlons Screen Size ( Approximate particle size) Total Nitrogen Organic matter Pl-l range Conductlvlt!:j 1/11&" maximum 2!:>% minimum le>% minimum 5.!:>-8£' 4 mmhos/cm maximum Topeoll muet be free of viable planto, plant parto, or eeeds. Soll mix for plant pit backl'III -2-wa!:J topsoil to be approved b!:J Owner's Repreoentatlve. Topsoil shall be 50% compoet and !:>0% sand, sand!:J loam or ollt!:j oand and ohal\ meet the following opeclflcatlono Screen Size ( Approximate particle olze) Tota I Nitrogen Organic matter Pl-l range Conductlvlt!:j 1/11&" maximum 2!:>% minimum le>% minimum !:> .!:> -8 £) 4 mmhoe/cm maximum Topsoil must be free of viable plants, plant parte, or eeede. Compost -Compost shall be the result of the biological degradation and transformation of plant derived materials under controlled conditions to promote aerobic decomposition. Compost shall be etable with regard to ox!:jgen coneumptlon and carbon dioxide generation. Compoet ehal\ be mature with regard to lte sultablllt!:j for serving ae a soil amendment. The compost shall have a moleture content that hae no vlelble free water or duet produced when handling the material. Screen Size ( Approximate particle elze) 1/11&" maximum Maturlt!:j meaeure greater than 8e>% Total Nitrogen .!:>% minimum Minimum Organic matter 4e>% Pl-l range 1&£'-8.!:> Foreign matter b!:J dr!:J weight O.!:>% maximum Soluble ealt content Jeee than 3 mmhoe/cm maximum &tablllt!:j 1 or below Topsoil and compoet shall be tested b!:J the supplier within Se> da!:Je of <1p1::illcatlon using the Seal of Teetlng Aseurance (&TA) protocol to meet the requirement• of the U& Compoetrng Council ' Fertilizer -Treee, elTubs and groundcover, I. Formula 4-2-2 "The etarter" ae manufactured b!:J Profeoelonal'e Choice, or equal 2. Agrlform Tablets, Planting tableto ao manufactured b!:J Agrlform lnternatlon<i I Chem I ca le Inc., 20-10-5 ana 1!:jele, or equa I. -1-l!:Jdroeeed, I. Ae Included with h!:Jdroeeed mix. 1-lerblcldee -Pre-Emergent, Sur flan or approved equa I. Other herblcldeo eha II be approved b!:J owner'• representative prior to application. Submit product data and purpose of uee for review. FROCEDURl:5, Examination -Examine erte and verlf!:J that lines, levels, gradeo are acceptable and condition of exletlng eoll le read!:J to receive work. -&tart of work ehall Indicate contractor'• acceptance of exletlng condltlono. &oil Preparation -On site soil I. If on elte etoci<.plled eoll le available for uee In new planting areas, It shall be submitted to a eolle testing Jaborator!:J for anal!:j•I• 2. If used, on ells etocl<.plled soil ehall be amended per reou\to of eoll teote 3. If eoll le native soil, stockpile foreot duff and topsoil oeparatsl!:J, cover with weed barrier, while otoci<.plled and reappl!:J to landscape areas-min. 8" depth and till Into eubgrade to a depth of 2" min. 4. If soil le disturbed, otoci<.plls and cover with weed barrier, while otoc~Iled and reappl!:J to Jandocape areas-min. I&" depth and add a la!:Jer of 2.!:>' compoot following the topsoil application. Rototlll compoot to a depth of 6". &ITub Eled, I. Prior to placing eoll mix, ecarlf!:J eubgrade In two dlrectlone and thoroughl!:J \oooen to a depth of 2 lncheo. 2. Place 8 lnchee of ooll mix on oubgrade and thorough\!:) till Into oc<1rlfled eoll to a depth of 10 Inches. 1-l!:Jdroeeeded or Sod lawn areas, I. Rake, drag 4 remove roc\c.o 4 debris 3/4"+ from top I" of eeed bed Fine Grading -Remove rocko and debrlo with an!:J dlmenelon larger than I Inch that turned up during preparation. Rake, drag and roll area smooth to eetablloh approved finished grades. Maintain eotabllohed flow \!nee, olopee and grade to achieve pooltlve drainage allowing no puddlee. Finished Grade Requirements, I. Planting Eled Areas, 3 Inches below adjacent paving and curbo. 2. Seeded lawn areas, I Inch below adjacent paving and curbe. 1-l!:Jdrooeed Ing -Water area to a depth of 4" prior to h!:Jdroseedlng -&pra!:J elurr!:J onto flnloh grade at ouch an angle to aid In embedment of oeed -Contractor ehall clean excess elurr!:J from plante, paving and etructuree Tree , &ITub Plant Ing -Excavate plant pile to slzee Indicated on drawlnge. -Do not plant until direction concerning pooltlve drainage le given b!:J genera I contractor. Fertilize plant pile at planting with Agrlform tableto, 20-10-!:>, or equa I Appllcatlon rate ohall be per manufacturer'• Instruction -&et plumb face for beet appearance. &et eo root crown will oettle to appropriate level related to surrounding flnlohed grades after oettllng hae occurred. Watering, Conotruct water baelne and thoroughl!:J water plante lmmedlatel!:J after planting. -Reetore finished ~radeo b!:J hand raking. Leave water baelne In place. -Place epeclfled mulch and hand rake omooth -Fertilize b!:J topdreoelng new shrub and tree planting, with Profeoolonal'e Choice • The &tarter 4-2-2, or equal Application rate shall be per manufacturer'• lnotructlon &take treeo ae Indicated In detalle. Groundcover planting ehall begin at the following dletancee from other alts element& 12" from dripline of conlfere, 24" from trunk of deciduous tree, 16" from outer branchee of olTube, 18" from adjacent hard surfacee Pre-Emergent 1-lerblclde Appl!:J In accordance with manufacturer'• recommended rates and procedureo. -Appl!:J to ool\ of all planting areao prior to placement of mulch. Mulching Appl!:J 2 Inches ( compacted depth after watering) of opeclfled mulch to flnlehed grade In a II ehrub and groundcover bede. -Thoroughl!:J water mulched areae to enoure moloture penetration to the soil. JN&FECTJON, GUA~NTEE • MAINTENANCE -Keep areae of work clean, neat and orderl!:J while work le In progress. -The Landocape Contractor shall contact the owner's representative prior to beginning conetructlon. Dlecrepancleo or other problem• ehall be resolved at thle time. -Ma fntenance period eha II begin upon Inspection and approva I b!:j owner's representative, and ehall be for 12e> calendar da!:j•- Malntenance of new planting shall conslet of watering, cultivating, weeding, mulching, reeettlng plants to proper gradeo or upright position, reotoratlon of the planting saucer, and furnishing and appl!:jlng ouch epra!:J& and fnvlgorante ae are neceooar!:J to keep the plantings free of lneecte and dleeaoe and In tlTlvlng condition. Plant material ohall be In thriving condition one !:JSar from date of final acceptance. Replace new plant material which hae Joel 3e>% or more of their normal foliage. ,fJ '•. ''. ; ... , . ' . ' -" ' ' ' ·. Cl z r: ., Q a 0 ' ' .i "' Ff<cVAILING WIND ..-''S~=TREE 6TAl<E ' ROOTBALL V---t--TRUNK FLAN '-;,,::;. __ TREE STAKE NOTE, PLANT TREES I" I-IIGI-IER TI-IAN DEFTI-I GROUN IN NUR6ERY TI-11:E FIT SMALL NOT BE LESS TI-IAN (2) TIMES ROOT BALL DIAMETER TI-11:E 6TAKES PERPENDICULAR TO PREVAILING WIND '!!-----12 GA WIRE, TWIST TO TIGI-ITEN '----fif-----112" DIA BLACK RlleeER I-I06E TYF. NOTE, TI-11:ES &' TALL ANP 61-!0RfER DO NOT REQUIRE TREE UNLEes NOTED OTI-IERWISE .-.1-----CUT ALL TIE6 AND FOLD BACK BURLAP FROM UPPER l/3 OF ROOT BALL. REMOVE ALL FLA6TIC AND TWINE ,,,---------2" MULCI-I LATER 61-fALL eE COMPOST Jt;,=o<~-----~" WATER BASIN T '1i'(1 I;•: ::' ", } l~1ii/' l-ecARIFT 51DE6 ANP BOTIOM ~ :111 ) ]t1',; ~..lr++i-lnli, ;:: 1-1 I, OF PLANTING FIT TO ALLOW I-j j jj {,, :,\, .·, ,;,;, i = . FOR ROOT PENETRATION ~ ~ -J<-J.!.+1,i·· • , <:" '.; i' II ' z r: • Q ' .i • .i ' "' • ~~n~E'r'Ei\F=:~I llii=fi1Jl 1~ 6FECIFIED 601L MIX AND FERTILIZER "-----RECOMFACTED NATIVE 601L 4" 2X MIN DIA ROOTeALL TYPICAL DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE w ~ I- & ,.: I ~ 0 TI-11:E STAKE F!<EVAILING ROOTeALL WIND Tfa!1JNK 0 FLAN TI-11:E STAKE NOTE, PLANT TI-11:ES I" I-IIGI-IER TI-IAN DEFTl-f GROUN IN NUF<6ER'f TI-11:E FIT 61-fALL BE NOT LE65 TI-IAN 2 TIME6 ROOTeALL NOTE, TREES&' TALL AND 61-!0RfER DO NOT REQUIRE TI-11:E UNLE66 NOTED OTI-IERWl6E ' I 'l DIA, WATER TI-IOROUGI-IL T AFTER PLANTING TI-11:E er AKEe PERPENDICULAR TO PREVAILING WIND F'----',----12 GA. WIRE, TWl6T TO TIGI-ITEN >'---,"'---112" DIA BLACK RUBBER I-I06E ' \ TYF. "-==== 2" x 2" CEDAR er AKES ;_ CUT ALL TIES AND FOLD BACK BURL-AF AND BA6KET FROM UPPER 1/3 OF ROOTBALL. REMOVE ALL PLASTIC AND TWINE ~--2" MULCI-I LATER SMALL BE COMF06T j ffi. I ,; / . < • ~:.:-;,1~11':!!!'~;f'acl"'.ilrr,s;;/:', -,l~- 1 ::, ::::::A: eonOM OF PLANTING FIT -=111 .i ,:,\:1-;I)-' '1,i\-,._/,--+-4-+-~It--w,-+ ll'l/ •,:.·.',; -1111, '. · . N ·-1 ) ;,;, , :: \ 111 ;e;, .:;:, .·.<.t_'',','· -111 ·~ ·-.• z :; .. -,.'.,.;. r: .. ' ,, . , /// /// // ''•<'.' ; j_ I , ' "' . . . ' '---l .i -=1 I, :1 I l11 ,I I l11 ,I I l11 JL 11 111 1 k:"""-~·-· ;---eFECIFIED :01L MIX AND FERTILIZER ~+-----RECOMFACTED NATIVE SOIL ' 4" 2X MIN DIA ROOTBALL • TYPICAL NOT TO SCALE CONIFEROUS TREE DETAIL ,_, , I I ' \ ~-CUT ALL TIE6 AND FOLD BACK BURL-AF 4 BA6KET FROM UPPER 1/3 OF ROOT BALL OR REMOVE FLAeTIC CONTAINER, REMOVE ALL TWINE FROM PLANTING FIT. ,---3" WATER BAelN 2" MULCH LATER SMALL BE COMPOST _r:;;:c__ KEEF MULCH 2" FROM TF<UNK '+oo',frri-4,----6FECIFIED PLANTING MIX ANP FERTILIZER ;J"'tt--t--6CARIFT 61DES AND eonoM OF PLANTING FIT TO ALLOW FOR ROOT PENETRATION "11-jiJ~~~@@~~~~~~:---RECOMFACTED NATIVE SOIL l I 6" ' t \ ' TYPIOAL SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NOTE, ALL GF<OUNDCOVEf</6HFil.lB 6FACING SMALL BE EQUIDl6T ANT UNLEee OTI-IERW16E 6FECIFIED. Dl5TANCE ON CENTER A5 6FECIFIED I ~eTART Flf<6T ROW OF PLANTING AT 112 Tl-IE FERFENPICULAR 6FACING -l-,IL BETWEEN ROILS ' ·.4 , 1 j CAUVON 2. Roll to produce a firm finished grade and llghtl!:j rake to Joooen top 1/2" of soil prior to eeedlng TRIANGULAR PLANT SPACING LOCATION OF EXISTING UTIUTIES SHOWN IS APPROX/MA TE AND MAY NOT BE ACCURATE OR ALL INCLUSIVE, IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBIUTY TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATION -1-l!:Jdroseeded areas (non Irrigated), I. Thoroughl!:J till top I& Inchee of seeded areae and add ooll addltlveo 4 fertilizer. (Rate 4 l!:jps ae recommended b!:J oeed supplier.) 2. Rake, drag 4 remove rocko 4 debrle 314"+ from top I" of eeed bed 3. Roll to produce a firm finished grade and llghll!:J rake to loosen top 1/2" of ooll prior to seeding NOT TO SCALE OF UTIUTIES PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. YOU MUST CALL 1-800-424-5555 NOT LESS THAN TWO FULL BUSINESS DA 'I'S BEFORE BEGINNING EXCAVATION WHERE ANY UNDERGROUND UTIUTIES MAY BE LOCATED. FAILURE TO DO SO COULD MEAN BEARING SUBSTANTIAL REPAIR COSTS. © 2007 TRIAD ASSOCIATES a \. T' ASSOCIATES • ------ 12112115thAve, NE Kirkland, WA 98034-6929 425.821.8448 425,821,3481 fax 800,488,0756 toll free www.triadassoc.com L a 11 d D e v e 11 p me n t C a-n s u I t a n t s )... Ct) ...... ::::! ffi ~ .... ~ ~ ~ Q.: i C 0 ~ ~ 8: Ct) :s: ~ ~ ~ .... ~ ;c: (,!J :e....: ~ t,.;; ~ er: ~ ~ ~ GcRALD F. BUCK, AICP PROJECT MANAGER NICK A. YINGcR, PLS PROJECT SURVEYOR RICK A. TOMKINS, PE: PROJECT ENGINEER MEI-SH/OU UN, ASLA PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FIRST SUBMl'IT!L DATE: 6/29/07 SCALE: HORIZ.: NTS Vffl.:NTS STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCH! E<;_T I EI-SHIOU LIN CE TIFICATE NO. 826 ST!YP NOT VALID UNLESS SIGNED AND DATED JOB NO. 04-257 SHEET NO. L2oF2 \ / v PLAT OF SHAMROCK SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23N., RANGE SE., W.M. ,-----~I I I STREET TREE LIST &YMeOL 60T ANICAL/COMMON NAME DECIDUOU& TF!EE& ,·----, I I QTY. SIZE ~---1 0 AMELANCl-llER CANADEN515 5ERCIVE6ERRY 18 3" CAL. 10' 1-lT. MIN 646. SINGLE TRUNK, WELL-6RANCl-lED, FULL 4 MATCl-lED. +/-4IZI' O.C. GENERAL 5T8EET T8EE NOTES, 1. STREET TREES LOCATION& ARE AFFROXIMATE, VERIFY DRIVEWAYS 4 UTILITY LOCATION& PRIOR TO TREE INSTALLATION. ADJUSTMENTS TO STREET TREES MAY BE NECESSARY TO AVOID CONFLICT&. CONTRACTOR 51-lALL BE RE5FON516LE FOR ADJUSTMENT& TO STREET TREES TO MEET Tl-lE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS. • 4' MIN. FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT • IIZI' MIN. FROM DRIVEWAY/ ALLEYWAY • IE>' MIN. FROM LIGl-lT POLE • E>' MIN. FROM FIRE 1-lYDRANT, UTILITY POLE 4 UNDER!:<ROUND UTILITIES 2. STREET TREES 51-lALL 6E EQUALLY &FACED 4IZI' O.C. Wl-lERE FOS516LE. 3. CONTRACTOR 51-lALL BE RE5FON516LE FOR IRRIGATING STREET TREES DURING PLANT E5TA6Ll51-lMENT. 4. STREET TREES 51-lALL 13E LIMBED UF TO o& FEET, UNLE55 OTl-lERW15E NOTED, AND 5T AKED IN A MANNER NOT TO 013STRUCT SIDEWALK TRAFFIC. REFER TO KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARD E>-IZllZIS FOR ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENT&. ' ... "" ' \ \ I I ' 1---1 I I ,-1 J L~ I, I IJ L_~ 1--, I I I I I I I I I I I I L __ I ---~ '_J I c1 L_ I I 1 I $CALE: 1" = 40' 0 20 40 80 , ---.____ -r I I 1----1 ,J I I I ~ FIRE 1-lYDRANT OR UTILITY POLE SIDEWALK NEXT TO VERTICAL CURB LUMINAIRE ~ ALLEYWAY IE>' MIN. ~ E>IZl' MIN. IIZI' MIN. DRIVEWAY IIZl' Ml ~IN~. ~E>-:--IZl_'_M_IN_.-f ~ + NOTE 1.-_.J J "---.J PLANTING 5TRIF FLAN NOTES, VERTICAL CUF<:6 LINE AT INTERSECTION I. TREES 51-lALL GENERALLY 6E PLANTED BACK OF Tl-lE SIDEWALK PLANTING 5TRIF5 WILL 13E APPROVED ONLY A5 FART OF A LAND5CAFING FLAN IN Wl-llCl-l PLANT MAINTENANCE, COMFATl131LITY WITl-l UTILITIES, AND TRAFFIC SAFETY ARE DULY CONSIDERED. 2. IF PLANTING STRIPS ARE AFFROVED, A. MIN. DISTANCE FROM CENTER OF ANY TREE TO NEAREST EDGE OF VERTICAL CURB 51-lALL 13E 4 FEET. 13. TREES 51-lALL BE 5T AKED IN A MANNER NOT TO 0135TRUCT SIDEWALK TRAFFIC. c. IN CASE OF 13LOCK-OUTS, MIN. CLEAR SIDEWALK WIDTl-l 51-lALL BE E> FEET IN RESIDENTIAL OR 8 FEET IN 13U51NE55 Dl5TRICT5. 3. 5EE 5EC. E>.1Zl3. STREET TREE STANDARD PER KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARD 5-009 NOT TO SCALE 900 ,;:::::,.,,,co SE 1!6/h ST -+.---1---l'i;j TO /-4 5 NE 4th ST SITE :;:;: . ' ii ... : . ofk 'P.'k .... · ,or , SE 132nd ST SE 133rd CT VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OWNER: PROJECT DEVELOPER: ENGINCER/SURVEYOR/ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT GEOTECH. ENGINEER: MARTIN KENNETH A. 9720 NE 120TH PLACE, SUITE 100 KIRKLAND, WA 98034 (425) 825-1955 CAMWEST DEVELOPMENT, INC. 9720 NE 120TH PLACE, SUITE 100 KIRKLAND, WA 98034 (425) 825-1955 CONTACT: SARA SLATTEN TRIAD ASSOC/A TES 12112 115TH All!'" NE KIRKLAND, WA 98034 (425) 821-8448 CONTACT: GERRY BUCK (425) 821-8448 ASSOC/A TED EARTH SCIENCES 911 FIFTH A 1/!'"NUE, SUITE 100 , ,_ , lff RKLAND, WA 98033 , ,, CONTACT: KURT MERRIMAN '" . (425) 827-7701 "' ' • > RECREATION AREAS -TRACT A TOTAL RECREATION AREA REQUIRED: (13 LOTS X 390) EJ TOTAL RECREATION AREA PROVIDED IN mACT A: MIN. RECREATION PERIMETER ON ROW REQUIRED: PERIMETER X 10% RECREATION PERIMETER ON ROW PROVIDED: ON-SITE RECREATION ELEMENTS REQUIRED RECREA T/ON ACTIVITIES: 1 + 1 TOT LOT PROVIDED RECREA T/ON ACTIVITIES: 2 + 1 TOT LOT 1. CHILDREN'S (TOT LOT) PLAY AREA 2. PICNIC AREA AND BENCH 3. OPEN PLA Y LAWN SHEET INDEX £ ~.-.,.-. ,,,,c-1., ~ COALFIELD · · ,.... PARK .. -- PARK & RIDE ji' &] . "*-~~~1?~¥"&<> ---_»_,iif-»Osc»c1:»-W{',_,-~~t 5,070 SF (0, 11 AC) 10,090 SF (.23 AC) 426' X 10% = 43' 201 LF {47%) LI COVER SHEET/STREET TREE PLANTING PLAN L2 LAYOUT PLAN AND SITE DETAILS LJ L4 LS L6 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN PLANTING NOTES AND DETAILS SIGNIFICANT TREE RETENTION I REPLACEMENT PLAN TREE RETENTION I REPLACEMENT NOTES AND DETAILS [DJ rn@[§OW@[Q) Ln) JUL 2 6 2007 CAUTlON LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN IS APPROX/MA Tl:: AND MAY NOT BE ACCURATE OR ALL INCLUSIVE. IT IS THE CONmACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO AEW VERIFY LOCATION OF UTILITIES PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSmUCTION. YOU MUST CALL 1-800-424-5555 NOT LESS THAN TWO FULL BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE BEGINNING EXCAVATION WHERE ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES MAY BE LOCATl::D. FAILURE TO DO SO COULD MEAN BEARING SUBSTANTIAL REPAIR COSTS. L07MI065 © 2007 TRIAD ASSOCIATES \. T ASSOCIATES -•• 12112115thA,e. NE Kirkland, WA 98034-6929 425.821.8448 425.821.3481 fax 800.488.0756 toll free www.triadassoc.com Land Oe1Jeloprne11t Consultants .. ~ >= ~ "' "' ; 1-----------1 f--~-. --------- §:: GERALD F. BUCK, A/CP PROJECT MANAGER NICK A. YINGER, PLS PROJECT SURVEYOR REBECCA S. CUSHMAN. PE PROJECT ENGINEER MEI-SH/OU LIN, ASLA PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FIRST SUBMl'ITAL DATE: 6/29/07 SCALE: HORIZ.: I"= 30' VERT.:N/A STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHI ECT • ... IEI-SHIOU LIN CE TIFICATE NO. 826 STAMP NOT VAIJD UNLllSS SIGNED AND DATED lOH NO. 04-257 SHEET NO. l 1oF6 C Fla Area 5ur,ace L2 and Concrete Edge Fla~ Equipment-, B Bench. T . .. · .L2 A L2 PL/lTOF SHAMROCK Picnic Tab\~, T Exletln9 Tree . to Rema In, T~p. I SCALE: 1" = 20' 0 10 20 ~ ~ MATERIAL NOTES, I I I I I I Cl LO "1-- I I I I I I I I I I -._ \ \ \ \ \ 1,, \ \'' \ \ , ' I I \_ I ·, I I -., " (_) I ,., I I I I I ' \ ' ', ! • . : '•, ' \ ,-t \ \ 10' ' ' ' TRACT A 24' • \ Open Space/ Recreation \_ "' . ' .. , ,~ • CONCF<!ETE WALK OR FINISH &RADE OF LANDSCAPE AF<!EA. WALK SHALL BE FLUSH WITH TIMBER EDGE, Fe:, OF--------, LANDSCAPE AF<!EA SHALL BE I" BELOW TIMBER EDGE b "xb" FF<!E55URE TREATED WOOD HEADER, WOOD 5HALL--*°'"""""11---,., 1-111- SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23N., RANGE 5E., W.M. ' I I NOTES, SPECIFIED PICNIC TABLE I. PROVIDE 3-5EAT ADA ACCE551BLE TABLE WHEF<!E SHOWN ON FLAN. 2. F<!EFER TO SITE FURNISHING LEGEND AND LA,OUT NOTES FOR ADDITIONAL PICNIC TABLE INFORMATION. HEIGHT FER MANUFACT. INSTRUCTION A COMPACT 5UOORADE -~ TO ':l!:>% "' PICNIC TABLE TYP. NOT TO SCALE 2' MIN. ~2" CLA55 'e:,' ASPHALT COMPACTED LA,ER --2% 5LOFE TO Fu. CONC. FT&. FER MANUFACTUF<!ER'5 IN5TRUCTION5 DRAIN ROCK / ~-SPECIFIED BENCH CARR, TOP LEVEL r=====================i • MIN. I 5UF<fACE MOUNT FER MANUFARCT. F<!ECOMMENDATION'5 ~-WHEF<!E CONCF<!ETE FAD 15 SHOWN ON FLAN HEIGHT FER MANUFACTURER FINISH ~cADE F<!ECOMMENDATION I '""" 11 I •• , ', ~::L~FE '. ·.·• ·.· •,. ~' ill' 11111 11111 . . • 11111 11111 11111=1 I I I l=l 111 =11111= IN&ROUND MOUNT O~~ION" 111~ . : ·11111 11111 11111 11111 1111 ~11111 11' A5 FER MANUFACTURER'S =yr 1 I ,'. • =11111 11111 11111 11111 Jl 11 1 ' ' RECOMMENDATION WHEF<!E ,q; ~ -,-, ,-- NO CONCF<!ETE FAD 15 •• ~··:-%"00 SHOWN ON FLAN • 0 ::0"' B 7 BENCH INSTALLATION OPTIONS NOT TO SCALE 8'-0" O.C. MAX ---'1>"-8" MIN. DIAM. SFLIT---1 MORTISE CEDAR F05T5 ~-COMPACTED 5UOOF<!AC:,E - ' -' = ,.\) "' SITE FURNISHING LEGEND ITEM PICNIC TABLES = DOD BENCH FLA, EQUIPMENT SOFT 5UF,l=ACINC:, FOR FLA, AF<!EA 5TRUCTUF<!E FLA, AF<!EA EDGING MANUFACTUF<!ER I MODEL • PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS, INC. -FT-38 ADA 5Q. TABLE TOF (I) TABLE (3 5EAT5) -ADA ACCE551BLE 2" X 10" CEDAR TOF5 AND 5EAT5, GREEN FRAME, GROUND MOUNT. PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS, INC. -(I) BF-2!:> b' CEDAR CONTOUR BENCHES, 2" X 4" CEDAR, GREEN FRAME. PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS, INC. FLArGROUND 5TRUCTUF<!E "TC-1183 PROVIDE A 2'1>' X 30' MIN. SOFT 5UF<fACE SPACE OR APPROVED EQUAL, COLOF<5 SLIDE-F<!ED FOL r ROOF -BLUE ALL FOWDERCOATED COMPONENTS -BLUE MINIMUM 5QUAF<!E FEET FOR FLA, 5TRUCTUF<!E AF<!EA, 180 5F MINIMUM DEPTH 12 INCHES, PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS, INC. LINEAR FEET FOR FLA, AREA, Ill', 5EE DETAIL C FOR FLA, AF<!EA 5AFETr EDGE OPTION. PACIFIC OUTDOOR PRODUCTS, INC. SITE FURNISHING & SITE LAYOUT NO TES • SITE FURN15HING5, 4 FLA, EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE AT PACIFIC OUTDOOR FRCDUCT5 INC., MAPLE VALLE,, WA PHONE, 42!:>-432-1!:>000 • INSTALL ALL SITE FURNl5HING5 (A5 NOTED ABOVE) FER MANUFACTUF<!ERS F<!ECOMMENDATION, AMERICAN Dl5ABILITIE5 A550CIATION, CONSUMER PRODUCT 5AFETr 5TANDARD5 AND KING COUNT, F,i!EQUIF<!EMENT5. IT 15 THE F<!E5FON51BILITr OF THE CONTRACTOR TO INFORM THE OWNER'S F<!EFF<!E5ENTATIVE OF AN, CONFLICTS IN THESE f<!EQUIF<!EMENT5. • SUBMIT MANUFACTURERS CUT 5HEET5 OF ALL ITEMS TO BE INSTALLED FOR APPROVAL Br OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. • INST ALL SITE FURNl5HIN&5 PLUMB, LEVEL AND RIGID • METAL FITTINGS NOT SUPPLIED Br MANUFACTUF<!ER SHALL BE GALVANIZED. ALL ENDS OF BOLTS NOT UNDER MANUFACTURERS SPECIAL Tl'sEATMENT AF<!E TO BE BALLFEENED OR OTHERWISE F<!ENDEF<!ED T AMFER PROOF. FILE OR GRIND ALL SHARF EDGES, TO BE SMOOTH OR FLUSH. • LOCATION FROM HARD 5UF<fACE5 OF ALL FLA, EQUIPMENT AND BETWEEN EQUIPMENT SHALL BE FER MANUFACTUF<!ER 5AFET, ZONE REQUIF<!EMENT5. • STAKE ALIGNMENT AND LOCATIONS OF ALL SITE IMFRCVEMENT5 (INCLUDING PEDESTRIAN TRAILS AND SITE FURNl5HINC:,5). SHALL BE REVIEWED Br OWNER'S REFF<!E5ENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. INCORF<!ECTL.,.. LOCATED WORK SHALL BE REMOVED AND F<!EFLACED Br CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. • PEDESTRIAN LA,OUT SHALL BE SUCH THAT INTER5ECTION5 AF<!E RADIAL (!:,', T,F. UNLE55 NOTED) AND CURVES ARE TANG.ENT TO ONE ANOTHER VERIFr THAT 5UOORADE HA5 BEEN FROFERL r COMPACTED. WORK SHALL GUARANTEE AGAINST SETTLEMENT FOR ONE ,EAR ' • • WALKWA,5 SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF A MATERIAL AND GRADE THAT 15 CON515TENT WITH THE F<!ECOMMENDATION GUIDELINES FOUND WITHIN THE AMERICANS WITH Dl5ABILITIE5 ACT, (ADA) DUMM, JOINT (1/4" X 2" WITH FF<!EMOLDED ,---------JOINT MATERIAL " 10' O.C) I. FLA r AF<!EA WOOD 5AFET, 5UF<f'ACINC:, SHALL BE WOOD CARPET (OR EQUAL) MINIMUM COMPACTED DEPTH OF 12" WITH TWO (2) LArERS OF &EOTEXTILE FABRIC. NOT CONTAIN CCA'5--=~~_;;,<E:_=f! 111= 11 1-1/2" 5TAINLE55 STEEL ~; "'I I 11 l l0xl0x'1>x'1> W.W.M-~ CONTINUOUS ~--TOOL MARK5 (114" V GROOVES " !:,' O.C. BETWEEN DUMM, JOINTS) 5LOFE 2% TO 2. DRAIN ROCK FOR 5UMF5 AND FEF<fORATED FIFE BACKFILL SHALL BE 1-1/2" WASHED DRAIN ROCK, 5T AFLE ( 4 FER F<!EBAR) '--'-~ No. 4 F<!EBAR, ii,' 0.C. (2" MIN. ,_I I l=l ·I ·I_I I 1=11111)1 111111 ~I' ' BELOW FINISHED GRADE) -, I .-111 -111 -111 -I -111=11=- TIMBER EDGE OPTION ENGINEEF<!ED WOOD CONCF<!ETE WALK ~ SEE DETAIL ~ NO. 4 F<!EBAR 2" R (T,FJ ~-FLA ,GROUND 5UF<fACING <THIS SHEET) C 2% &RADE COMPACTED ____ ~ 5UOORADE 3 11 min. l~p. "---4' DIA. AD5 FEF<f'ORATED DRAIN FIFE "0.!:>% MIN. CONNECT TO NEAF<!E5T CATCH BASIN PLAY AREA SAFETY SURFACE AND CONCRETE EDGE NOT TO SCALE ELEVATION FQ&t SECTION D SPLIT RAIL CEDAR FENCE NOT TO SCALE -,.\) -N E 2% FITCH • -.-· - . . • • • -~ . • ' ' ' -a • DRAIN 4" DEPTH OF !:>/8" MINUS BASE MATERIAL -n!=e--COMPACTED 5UOORADE TrF. NOTE, 5EE FLANS FOR WALKWA, WIDTHS TYPICAL CONCRETE PAVING/WALK NOT TO SCALE CAUUON LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN IS APPROX/MAT£ AND MAY NOT 8£ ACCURA T£ OR ALL INCLUSIVE. IT IS TH£ CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATION OF UTILITIES PRIOR TO PROCEEDING 'MTH CONSTRUCTION. YOU MUST CALL 1-800-424-5555 NOT LESS THAN TWO FULL BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE BEGINNING EXCAVATION WHERE ANY UNDERGROUND UT/UT/ES MAY BE LOCATED. FAILURE TO DO SO COULD MEAN BEARING SUBSTANTIAL REPAIR COSTS. © 2007 TRIAD ASSOCIATES \.. T ASSOCIATES 7 12112115thAve. NE Kirkland, WA 98034-6929 425.821.8448 425.821.3481 fax 800.488.0756 toll free www.triadassoc.com Lc1r1d Oe11eluµ111e11t Consultants (/) ::::! ~ i,.... ~ ~ ~ ~ C ci5 ~ ~ :s: llJ q; ,r::::i ~ .... Cl) ,q: ~ .... :::, ~ ,q: ...J GERALD F. BUCK, AJCP PROJECT MANAGER NICK A. YTNGER, PLS PROJECT SURVEYOR REBECCA S. CUSHMAN, PE PROJECT ENGINEER MEI-SH/OU LIN. ASLA PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FIRST SUBMIITAL DATE: 6/29/07 SCALE: HORIZ.: 1• -20' VER"l.:N/A l!l" o'} ""-I ,__..... 1/1 {', STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHI ECT • ... EI-SHIOU LIN CE TIFICATE NO. B26 STAMP NOT VAIJD UNLESS SIGNED AND DATED JOB NO. 04-257 SHEET NO. L2oF6 ' FLA'f AF<EA. F<EFER TO LA'fOUT FLAN, L2 6ENCl-l, REFER Td LA'fOUT FLAN, L2 --, . ~ . . ~/,c',._,.'-" -~~ . , I I PICNIC TA6LE, F<EFER"TO.LA'fOUT --'--..l,1,,-..,._, FLAN, L2 ···. ORNAMENTAL AND NATIVE Sl-lRU6S.-----. ···· · ·REFER··Te FLANf -1:::EGEN&-······ RAIN GARDEN PLANTINGS.--+----. F<EFER re PLANT LEGEND AQUATIC PLANTINGS. REFER re PLANT LEGEND &' Cl-lAIN LINK FENCE, REFER TO CIVIL PETENTJeN peNP FLAN FeR PET AILS. ·------------------'.-- PLAT OF SHA!v!ROCK i }"• :'''', <; i.~· . .) .. I i \ ...... '"' '"' . "'•··----·····~··--.----·······----- I I ,-----------, I I I I I I -. SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23N., RANGE SE., W.M. Lawn/ · Open Fla~ ·V . . . . . '• 1,.,':1:1r··. } ,, ., . fr I I I I I I IJ..-="'-I i ! ... , .. "' .--· ,--------------1 I I I I I I / • \ / \ ' • L • \ ------== .. • 2 ---- i ! I PLAf OF Sf-lAM~OCK ' .. • ---~'---+-- ' ' ' ' ' ' .. /3 12 . I I ---------------. • " ' ' ' " "'' .... " ---~ ···~-'''"m,-,., ... I " .. ~-· ..• ~· '" ,--------. I -- l_j SCALE: 1" = 20' 0 10 20 40 ~ PLANT LIST SYM60L PLANT NAME SIZE CONDIT ION/COMMENTS DECIDUOUS T~E .00 __.,,_,,__ __ 6ETULA FAF'fRIFERA/ &' 1-lT. MIN 6 4 6, MUL TISTEMMEP o, PAPER 61RCl-l X ST'fRAX 06ASSIA/ FRAGRANT SNeW6ELL CONIFEROUS T~E5 CALOCEPRUS PECURRENS/ INCENSE CEDAR ""+:_:_--FSEUPeTSUGA MENZIESI I/ PeUGLAS FIR 6ER6ERIS Tl-lUN6ERGII 'ATReFURFUREA'/ !'<ED-LEAF JAPANESE 6AR6ERR'f CEANeTl-lUS 'JULIA Fl-lELFS'/ JULIA Fl-lELFS CEANeTl-lUS CORNUS AL6A 'ELEGANTJSSJMA'/ TAT ARIAN pec:;woep CORNUS STOLONIFERA/ F<EPTWIG pec:;,weep 1-lELICTeTRICl-lON SEMFERVIRENS/ 6LUE eAT GRASS 1-lEMEReCALLIS X 'F<EP RUM'/ F<EP RUM PA'r'LIL Y MAl-lONIA AQUIFeLIUM/ O!'<EGON GRAFE NANPINA POMESTICA 'MOON 6A'f'/ MOON 6AY 1-lEAVENL Y 6AM60e eSMANTl-lUS PELAVAYI/ OSMANTl-lUS FENNISETUM eRIENTALE/ ORIENT AL FOUNTAIN GRASS FeL YSTICl-lUM MUNITUM/ SWORD FERN Rl-lePePENPReN 'PeRA AMATEIS'/ PeRA AMATEIS Rl-lOPePENPReN Rl6ES SANGUINEUM/ REP FLeWERING CURRANT ReSA NUTKANA/ NUTKA ReSE ReSA RUGeSAI RUGeSA ReSE S'fMFl-leRICARFeS AL6US/ SNOW6ERRY MIX PLANTING: FOR RAIN GAFii?DEN 134" CAL. le>' MIN . 8'-Je,' 1-lT 8'-lel' 1-lT 2 GAL 2 GAL 2 GAL 2 GAL I GAL 2 GAL 2 GAL 2 GAL 2 GAL. 2 GAL I GAL 18-21" 2 GAL 2 GAL 2 GAL 1 GAL 0 0 0 U U 0000000000 ['00000 000 _J'UUOUOO )o.,o 0 o o o" ')' 'J uo uo,_, _), u' o o 0 o o ALFECURUS AEQUALIS/Sl-lORTAWN FOXTAIL CAF<EX 06NUFT A/SLOUGl-l SEDGE ) 0 O OU O O O ,, O .~ { CAREX STIFATA/SAW6EAK SEDGE ELEecl-lARIS SFF./SFIKE RUSl-l JUNCUS TENUIS/SLENPER RUSl-l 1-lOLCUS MOLLISNELVETGRASS OENANTl-lE SARMENTOSA/WATER PARSLEY 646 CONT CONT CeNT ceNT CONT CONT CONT CONT ceNT CONT CONT CONT CONT ceNT CONT CONT AQUATIC PLANTS (SEED MIX OR ROOT FRt\GMENT • RI-IIZOMES MIX) LLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLL CAF<EX STIFATA/ SAW6EAK SEDGE JUNCUS EFFUSUS/ SOFT RUSl-l OENANTl-lE SARMENTOSA/ WATER PARSLEY GL 'fCERIA eCCIPENTALIS/ WESTERN MANNA.GRASS ELEeCl-lARIS FALUSTRIS/ SPIKE RUSl-l SCIRFUS MICROCARFUS/ SMALL FRUITED 6ULRUSl-l SFARGANIUM EMMERSUM/ 6UR REEP CA!'<EX 06NUFT Al SLOUGl-l SEDGE GROUND COVERS .. . ' . . ' ceUNTR'f GREEN 8el/2el LAWN MIXTURE OR EQUAL. SEEP RATE FER FRG>VIPER SPECIFICATION. (AVAILA6LE AT COUNTRYGREEN TUt-:F FARMS 1.8eJIZ).31Z)IZ)J1&3J WETLAND/SWALE SEEP/KING ceUNT'f WETLAND SEEP MIX FESTUCA RU6RA/F<EP FESCUE 4e>% 6Y WEIGl-lT AGROSTJS SF/6ENTGRASS 3e>% 6'f WEIGl-lT LOTUS CARNICULATU5/61RDSFeOT TREFelL 30% 6Y WEIGHT CAUUON LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN IS APPROX/MA TE AND MAY NOT BE ACCURATE OR ALL INCLUSIVE. IT IS Tl-IE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATION OF UTILITIES PRIOR TO PROCEEDING W/71-1 CONSTRUCTION. YOU MUST CALL 1-800-424-5555 NOT LESS TI-IAN TWO FULL BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE BEGINNING EXCAVATION WHERE ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES MAY BE LOCATED. FAILURE TO DO SO COULD MEAN BEARING SUBSTANTIAL REPAIR COSTS. © 2007 TRIAD ASSOCIATES ' T ASSOCIATES r 12112 115th Ave. NE Kirkland, WA 98034-6929 425.821.8448 425.821.3481 fax 800.488.0756 toll free www.triadassoc.com L a 11 cl D e v e J' o IJ 111 e 11 t C o 11 s u I t a 11 t s GERALD F. BUCK, A/CP PROJECT MANAGER NICK A YINGER, PLS PROJECT SURVEYOR REBECCA S. CUSHMAN, PE PROJECT ENGINllER MEI-SH/OU LIN, ASlA PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCfilTECT FIRST SUBMITTAL DATE: 6 /29 /0 7 SCALE: BORIZ.: I"-20' VERT.:N/A STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHI ECT • EI-SHIOU LIN CE TIFICATE NO. 826 STAMP NOT VAIJD UNLESS SIGNED AND DATED JOH NO. 04-257 SHEET NO. L3oF6 ------------- PLANTING NO TES -Contractor shall verlf!:j existing site condltlone prior to beginning construction. Notff!:j owner or diocrepancleo, between piano and actual field conditions. The contractor shall be responsible for damage to existing utilltleo or Improvement& resulting from their work. Repairs shall be made at no expense to the owner. -The contractor oha II not Ir!:! the owners repreoentatlve prior to beginning conotruct Ion, and eha II keep the owner Informed or progress of work throughout construction. -An!:! reciu1rement In the plane and/or notes shall be considered binding. In caoe of diocrepancles or itemo not understood b!:j the contractor, the owner's representative ohall be contacted lmmedlatel!:j. -5ite vloito b!:J the landscape architect to Jnopect progreoo or work and Ito conformance with the piano shall be as directed b!:j the owner's representative. -execute periodic cleaning of the olte throughout the contract period to remove waote materials, rubbish, plant containers reoultlng rrom their work. -Written dimenoJono ouperoede scaled dlotanceo. Pimenolono are taken rrom the back or curb, race of building or race of rence. -Refer to architect• 4 civil engineering piano ror olte, grading 4 utllil!:j 1nrormatlon. Contractor shall coordinate their work with all other applicable trades, as necessar!:j. Qua llt!:j Aoourance -Work shall be Jnstalled In conformance with applrcable local codes and ordinance• -Planting shall be be perrormed b!:j a licenoed and bonded contractor -Contractor shi!ll obtain necessar!:I permits and pa!:/ reciulred rees. -Chemical applfcatlono shall be applied b!:j licensed applicator. -Latest issue or American 5tandard ror Nurser!:/ &tock publrohed b!:J American Aoooclatlon of Nuroer!:!men shall be uoed to grade nuroer!:I otock. AN51 Zll:>0.1 -Flant nomenclature oha II conform to that used In New 5unoet Western Garden Book current edition. Names and varieties not lioted Tn this reference ohall be those moot commonl!:J used In the nurser!:! trade. Project Conditions -Planting operation• ohall not be conducted under the rollowing conditions, I. Freezing Weather 2. excess Ive 1-ieal 3. 1-ilgh Windo 4. exceoslvel!:j Wet Conditions Sequencing 4 Schedulrng -Landocaps contractor oha II coordinate with other o Ile contractor• and owner'• repreoentatlv,:, lo develop a schedule for landscape Installation. -Coordinate with sarthwork contractor to eotablioh appropriate subgrade slevatlono ae reciulred b!:j planting soil and mulch dspthe epsclfled hsrsln and on the drawlnge. ~PUCT5, Flante Frovlde plant• as Indicated on drawlnge. Quantltlse shown on drawing• are ror contractor'• convenisnce onl~. Contractor le rseponelble ror total number or plante repreosntsd graphicall!:I or b~ calculation. Condition, All plante shall conform to ths following minimum rsqulremente, I. Nurser!:/ grown, unleoo othsrwlss epsclfled. 2. 5upplisd In appropriate container, ballsd or burlapped, or bare root ae opeclflsd on drawings. 3. In vigorous growing condition with full rollage and rull!:j, &!:jmmstrlcall!:I branched l!:jplcall!:j reprsoentative or ths epsclse. 4. Flanto ehall meet govsrnlng regulations concerning peels, wssde and d!esaee 4 ohall bs rrss rrom all peete, dloeaoes 4 weeds. 5. Full!:/ and complstel!,j rootsd, but not rootbound. ii:>. Flant grading shall conform to AN51 Zll:>0.1. 5treet Trsee, Unirorm in appearance, oizs and structure. -Ovsrslzsd Flants, Flante larger than spec1r1ed eTze ma~ bs ussd providing height, spread, caliper, and root ball dTmensTono conrorm to AN51 Zll:>0.1. -Flants shall be, Tnepsctsd b!:J the ownsr's rsprc,sentatlvs at tlms of dellvsr!:I. Rejected plant• ohall be removed rrom the elts lmmsdiatel!:1- H!:jdrooeed -5ssd ohall conrorm to the etandarde for "certified" grads seed or bsttsr, ao outllnsd b~ ths 5tate or WA Pept. or Agriculture'• "rules ror seed Csrtificatlon" latsot edition. 5eed ohall bs rurniohsd ln standard contalnsre. Upon owner's request, rurnleh duplicate coplss of a statement signed b!:j the vendor csrtlr!:jlng that each lot or osed hao been tseted b!:j a rscognlzed oeed lsetlng lab within II:> months or dslivsr!:I to the project ells. H~drooeeded mix shall be ae epsclfied on the piano Fertlllzsre and amendments ohall be psr the h!:jdroosed supplier -JurTedlctlon ehall approvs oeed mix prior lo Jnotallatlon. SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23N., RANGE SE., W.M. 5ollo and Mulcheo On 51te otocl<plled ooll Ir available, on-site stockpile eolle ma!:/ be uoed ror planting bed preparation, lawn areas or plant pit backrlll. Uoe or on olte ooil to be coordinated with owner's repreoentatlve Import topooll mix ror uoe In shrub bed& and lawn area& -2-wa~ topeoll to be approved b~ Ownsr'e Repreeentatlvs. Topsoil shall bs !:>0% compoet and !:>0% eand, sand~ loam or sill~ eand and shall mest the rollowlng spsclflcatTono 5creen 5izs ( Approximats particle • Jze) Tota I Nitrogen Organic matter Fi-I rangs Conductlvlt!:j 1/111:>" maximum .2!:>% minimum 10% minimum !:>5-8£> 4 mmhoo/cm ma xi mum Topsoil must be rres or viable plants, plant parte, or osedo. SoTI mix for plant pit backr111 -2-wa!:I topsoil to be approved b~ Owner's Rspreeentatlve. Topeoll ohall be !:>0% compost and !:>0% oand, oand!:j loam or eilt!:j oand and shall mest the following opeclflcatlon• 5creen Size (Approximate particle olze) Tota I Nitrogen Organic matter FH rangs Conductlvlt!:j 1/111:>" maximum 25% mlnlmum 10% m T n Im um 5.5-8£> 4 mmhoei/cm maximum Topeoll must bs free or vlabls planto, plant parts, or essde. Compost -Compost shall be the result or the biological dsgradatlon and tranorormation of plant dsrlved mater la ls under controlled conditions to promote aerobic decompoeltion. Compoet oha II bs &table with regard to ox~gen consumption and carbon dioxide gensratlon. Compost ohall bs maturs with regard to Ito eultabillt~ ror serving ae a soil amendment. The compoot shall have a molsturs content that has no vioible rrss water or duet produced when handling the material. 5creen olzs ( Approximate particle s lze) 1/111:>" maximum Maturll!:j measurs greater than 80% Tota I Nltrogen 5% mlnlmum Minimum Organic matter 40% Fi-I rangs 11:>£>-85 ForsTgn matter b~ dr!:j weight 0.5~. maximum 5oluble ea It content lsoo than 3 mmhoe/cm maximum 5tablllt!:j 1 or bslow Topsoil and compost shall bs tsstsd b!:J the euppller within ~0 da!:j& or appllcation using the &ea\ or Tsetlng Assurance (&TA) protocol to msst ths reciulremente of the ue, Composting Council Fert!lrzer -Trseo, ehrubo and groundcover, I. Formula 4-2-2 "The starter" ao manuractured b!:j Froreeoional'o Cholcs, or equal 2. Agrlform Tableto, Planting tablete ae manufactured b!:j Agrlform International Chsmlcale Inc., 212>-10-5 anal~olo, or equal. -1-1!:jdroseed, I. Ae Included with h~drooesd mix. Herbicides -Frs-emergent, 5urrlan or approvsd sciua I. -Other hsrbicidse shall be approvsd b!,j ownsr'o rspreeentativs prior lo application. 5ubmlt product data and purpooe of uee ror rsvlew. ~CEPURE:S, Examination examine orte and verlr~ that linse, lsvelo, grade& ars acceptable and condition of sxisting soil lo read!:! to receive work. -&tart or work shall lndlcate contractor'• acceptance of exlollng conditions. &oil Preparation -On sits eoll I. If on sits stockpiled ooll le available ror uss ln new planting arsao, It shall be submittsd to a soils tsotlng laborator!:I ror anal!:j&Ts 2. If ueed, on site otockplled ooil ohall be amended per reoulto or ooil teole 3. tr eoll Is native soil, stockpile roreet duff and topooll separate!~, covsr with wsed barrier, while stockpllsd and reappl!:j to landscape areae-mln. 8" depth and till Into oubgrade to a dspth of 2" min. 4. If soil I• dlsturbsd, etockplle and covsr with wesd barrlsr, while etockpllsd and reappl!:j to landscape arsao-mln. II:>" depth and add a Ja~er of 2.5" compost rollowing ths topsoil application. Rototill compost to a dspth of 8". -5hrub Bed, I. Frior to placing ooil mix, scarir!:I oubgrade Tn two directions and thorough\!:! loosen to a dspth of 2 Inches. 2. Flace 8 lnchss or soil mix on oubgrade and thoroughl!:j till Into ocarlflsd soil lo a depth or 10 lnchee. H~droseeded or 5od lawn arsao, I. Rake, drag 4 remove rocl<.o 4 debris 3/4"+ rrom top I" or sssd bed Fin"' Grading -Re:mov"' rocl<.o and d"'brlo with an!:! dlmenolon larger than I Inch that turned up during pr .. paration. -Rake, drag and roll area omooth to eetabllsh approved finished gradeo. Maintain ... tabliohed rlow lineo, olopee and grade to achieve pooitive drainage allowing no puddleo. -Flniohed Girade Reciu1remento, I. Planting Bed Areas, 3 Inches below adjacent paving and curbo. 2. 5eeded lawn ar .. ao, I inch below adjacent paving and curbs. H:jdroeeedlng Water area to a depth of 4" prior to ~drooeedlng -5pra!:I olurr!:I onto rinioh grade at ouch an angle to aid in embedment or oeed -Contractor shall clean excese elurr!:! rrom plants, paving and otructureo Tree i 5hrub Planting -excavate plant pile to olzee Indicated on drawings. -Po not plant until direction concerning poslllvs drainage le given b~ gensra I contractor. -Fertilize plant pit• at planting with Agr1rorm tablets, 20-10-!:>, or squat Application rate ehall be psr manufacturer'• Jnotructlon -&et plumb face for beet appearance. &et eo root crown will esttls to approprials lsvel rslatsd to eurroundlng rlnishsd gradee arter esttlrng hae occurred. -Watering, Conotruct water baelne and thorough[~ water planto lmmedlatsl~ after planting. Rsetore flnTehed gradse b~ hand raking. Leave water baeine In placs. -Flacs spsclflsd mulch and hand rake emooth -Fertilize b!:j topdreeelng nsw shrub and tres planting, with Frofseelonal'o Choice -The 5tartsr 4-2-2, or equal Application rats shall bs psr manufacturer'• lnotrucllon -&take treee ao !ndlcatsd Tn dsta lie. -Giroundcovsr planting shall bsgTn at ths following d!etanceo from other site slemenlo 12" from dripline or conifere, 24" rrom trunk or dsclduouo trse, 18" rrom outsr branchee of ehrube, 18" from adjacent hard ourfacse Frs-emergent Herbicide -Appl!:j In accordance with manuractursr'• recommsnded ratss and procedurso. -Appl~ to ooll or all planting areas prior to placemsnt of mulch. Mulching -Appl!:j 2 incheo (compacted depth arter watering) of epeciflsd mulch to flnlehed grade In all shrub and groundcover bede. -Thoroughl!:j watsr mulchsd arsae to ensurs moieturs penstratlon to ths eoll. IN&FeCTION, GUARANTee 4 MAINTeNANCe -Kssp arsae of work clean, neat and order\!:! while work Jo In progreee. -Ths Landscape Contractor ehall contact ths ownsr'e rspreoentative prior lo bsglnnlng construction. Plecrepanclee or othsr problsme shall be reoolvsd at this t !ms. Maintenance period shall begin upon lnepsctlon and approval b!:j owner'• representative, and shall be ror 120 calendar da!,js. Maintenance of nsw planting ehall conolst of watering, cultivating, wssdlng, mulching, rsssttlng planto to proper gradee or upright poeltlon, rsstoratlon or ths planting oaucsr, and rurnlehing and appl!:jlng ouch opra~o and lnvlgorante ae ars nsceoear~ to keep the planting• rres or lnescto and dTssass and In thriving condition. -Flant material shall be Tn thriving condition ons !:lsar from dats of final a ccsptance. -Replace new plant matsrlal which has loot 30% or mors or their normal rollage. ,JJ z r: Q ' - ,I) +o a Q ' .. • ~E 6TAl<E PREVAILING FcOOTBA!..L 0 WIND TRUNK FLAN • TF<EE 5TAl<E NOTE, PLANT ~E5 I" I-IIGI-IER TI-IAN DEFT!-1 GRou.N IN NURSERT ~E FIT 51-lALL NOT BE LE56 TI-IAN (2) TIME& FcOOT BALL DIAMETER TF<EE 6TAl<E6 FERFl:NPICULAR TO PREVAILING WIND ~---2 11 x 2 11 CEDAR 5TAKE5 a,----.,- 'I+-----12 GA. WIRE, TWl5T TO TIGI-ITeN '-----!+-----1/2" DIA 6LACK RUBBER I-I05E TYF. NOTE, TF<EES !:>' T Al..L AND SI-IORTER DO NOT f'!EQUIF<E TREE UNLE66 NOTED OT!-1Efi!UJ16E n1r-----CUT Al..L TIE6 AND FOLD 6ACK 6URLAF FROM UFFER l/3 OF l'iOOT 6Al..L . REMOVE ALL FLA5TIC AND TWINE ,---------2" MULC!-1 LAYER 51-lALL 6E COMF05T ~'.'7;~:=-------3" WATER 6A51N lli-,,±¥=-SCARIFY SIDES AND 60TTOM OF PLANTING FIT TO ALLOW FOR ROOT PENETRATION '---5FECIFIED SOIL MIX AND FERTILIZER "------Fi!ECOMFACTED NATIVE SOIL 4" 2X MIN DIA FcOOTBALL TYPICAL DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE • ~E &TAKE PREVAILING 1'iOOT6Al..L WIND 0 TRUNK 0 ~E 5TAl<E FLAN NOTE, PLANT ~ES I" I-IIGI-IER TI-IAN DEFT!-1 GFcOWN IN NURSERY TF<EE FIT 51-lALL BE NOT LE56 TI-IAN 2 TIME& FcOOT6ALL NOTE, ~es S' TALL AND 5!-IORTER DO NOT Fi!EQUIRE TF<EE UNLe56 NOTED OTI-IEfi!WISE DIA, WATER TI-IOFcOUGI-IL Y AFTER PLANTING TREE 5TAl<E5 FERFl:NDICULAR TO PREVAILING WIND "-------12 GA. WIRE, TWIST To TIGI-ITEN ~----f/2" DIA. BLACK l'aJ66eR I-IOSE TYF. 1-c-----2 11 X 2 11 Cl=:DAR er AKES ~ltr~---cuT ALL TIE5 AND FOLD BACK BURLAP AND BA51<ET FROM UPPER 1/3 1=111 1.··_·_ -=111:: OF f<OOT6ALL. REMOVE Al..L FLA5TIC AND TWINE .,,,----2" MULC!-1 LAYER Sf.lALL BE COMPOST ;;;:;;;.<~-3" WATERING 6AS1N '"'-.Jsll'-1.--~µ.lr·Jl·-·. -·•--1LL!ffi1='::1 11· • m, , 5CAfslFY &IDES AND 60TTOM OF PLANTING FIT -1 z 111-; ; -·•• I r: -, > 111 I .,4;~~;;. 4'~ -I I I=-"-~-,_ ;"*<t,.'iJ'.:\tS'lf:ll=f? .&OIL MIX AND FERTILIZER +--+------·-_-..c••c..f·,c..'i_'i.i_c'"·,_·-,.-,J<.,-1-, ~ •• ~., ""'"· a..,..,--RECOMFACTED NATIVE SOIL 4" 2X MIN DIA FcOOT6ALL TYPICAL CONIFEROUS TREE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE "'" ~-CUT Al..L TIE5 AND FOLD 6ACK BURLAP • BA51<ET FROM UPPER 1/3 OF l'iOOT 6ALL OR Fi!EMOVE FLA5TIC CONTAINER , REMOVE ALL TWINE FROM PLANTING FIT. ~-3" WATER BASIN TYPICAL SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NOTE, ALL Gf<OUNDCOVER/Sf.11'!,JB 5FACING 51-lAJ..L 6E EQUIDISTANT UNLE66 OTI-IERW16E 5FECIFIED. DISTANCE ON CENTER AS 5FECIFIED r-!5TART FIRST ROW OF PLANTING AT 112 Tl-IE FERFl:NDICULAR 6FACING -,...-,,.. BETWEEN f<OW6 --.-~-EDGE OF PLANTING AREA CAUTION 2. Roll to produce a rTrm finlohsd grade and lightl!:j rake to loooen top 112" or soil prior to seeding TRIANGULAR PLANT SPACING LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN IS APPROX/MA TE AND MAY NOT BE ACCURATE OR ALL INCLUSIVE. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATION OF UT/UT/ES PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. -1-l!:jdrossedsd areas (non Jrrlgatsd), I. Thorough!~ till top II:> Inches of eeeded areao and add ooil additivss 4 rertllizer. (Rate 4 t~pe as rscommended b!:j sssd supplisr) 2. Rake, drag 4 remove rocl<.o 4 debris 3/4"+ from top I" of sesd bsd 3. Roll to produce a firm rlnlshed grade and llghtl!:j rake to loosen top 112" of ooil prior to oseding NOT TO SCALE YOU MUST CALL 1-800-424-5555 NOT LESS THAN TWO FULL BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE BEGINNING EXCAVATION WHERE ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES MAY BE LOCATED. FAILURE TO DO SO COULD MEAN BEARING SUBSTANTIAL REPAIR COSTS. ©2007 TRIAD ASSOCIATES ,, \. T ASSOCIATES -• 12112 115th Ave. NE Kirkland, WA 98034-6929 425.821.8448 425.821.3481 fax 800.488.0756 toll free www.tria.dassoc.com L a 11 cl D e v e I o p 111 e 11 t C o 11 ::; u I t a 11 t s )... Cl) ...... ::::! ~ ~ .... :c: ~ ~ Q.. ~ Q.. 0 C) ...J or:( ~ ~ Cl) ~ ~ 0 if,.. :c: Cl) ~ (!} ~ ...: 3= ~ i,...; ·q; I:( :c: (.) or:( ct z ~1 if--~----------- §: GERALD F. BUCK. AICP PROJECT MANAGER NICK A. YINGER, PLS PROJECT SURVEYOR REBECCA S. CUSHMAN, PE PROJECT ENGINEER MB-SH/OU LIN, ASlA PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCIIlTECT FIRST SUBMITI'AL DATE: 6/29/07 SCALE: BORIZ.: NIS VEifl.:NIS STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCH! ECT • ... El-SHIOU LIN CE TIFICATE NO. 826 STAMP NOT VALID UNLESS SIGNED AND DATED IOB NO. 04-257 SHEET NO. L4oF6 TREE LEGEND (X: ::~s' EXl5TING 51GNIFICANT TREE5 TO BE REMOVED ,i ti ' (CONIFER& 8" 4 ABOVE I DECIDUOU5 12" 4 ABOVE) 0 --Jv EXl5TING TREE5 TO BE RETAINED '4A (CONIFER5 8" 4 ABOVE I DECIDUOU5 12" 4 ABOVE) EXISTING TREE DATA TOT AL NUMBER OF TREE5 ON 51TE, 81 TOTAL NUMBER OF 51GNIFICANT TREE5 ON 51TE, 412) 5YM60L A COT DEC F QUANTITY 1!; 5f'ECIE5 ALDER COTTONWOOD I DECIDUOU5 3 FIR 4 5YM60L H HO F EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN 5FECIE5 HEMLOCK HOLLY FINE TOT AL NUMBER OF TREE5 ON 51TE TO REMAIN, JIZ) QUANTITY I TOT AL NUMBER OF 51GNIFICANT TREE5 ON 51TE TO REMAIN, 3 5YM60L A 5FECIE5 ALDER GENERAL NOTES QUANTITY [IZ) I. Friar to final plat recording, a certified arborlet or other qualified pereon ma~ Inspect and determine tre condltlon of the trees. Treee deemed SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23N., RANGE SE., W.M. MARTIN PROPERTY Significant Tree Retention Plan Project Number: LOSPOO 19 Parcel Number: I 023059383 Submittal Date: 6/29 /07 \ \ \/ \ I I AMELAN,CHIER CANADE;N515 '· I \1 I ·1 I ! t. I i h I , I '· I I : unhea Ith~ ma~ be removed and/or replaced b~ first eubmlttlng a "Flan Revision Request" to the King Count~ LUl5 Tnepector / engineer for review and approva I per KCC 16.82.ISb b~ the DDE5 Site Development 5pecla list / Forester. PLAT OF SHAMROCK '7. ' • I 'a I I i I ··1 I / 1 [". 1 1 I I I\ I i 1 I . I , I I I \1 / TREE RETENTION REQUIREMENTS CALCULATION FOR TREE RETENTION ACREAGE FER Kee lro.82.l!;b ( A) (1) GR05S ACREAGE -DEDUCTION5• = NET ACREAGE 3.11 AC. -.':lS AC. = 2.16 AC • DEDUCTIONS, I. VEHICULAR TRACT ACCE55 11,12)43 SJ=. 2. UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE 21,123 S.F. (DETENTION FOND! 3. FEDE5TRIAN ACCESS I 51DEWALK 2,643 5J=. TOT AL DEDUCTIONS 41,412)':l SJ=. = .':lS AC. SIGNIFICANT TREE CALCULATION CALCULATION FOR REQUIRED TREE5 FER Kee lro.82.TSb (A) (4) NET ACREAGE X flZ) TREE5 FER ACRE = REQUIRED 51GNIFICANT TREE5 2.11!> AC X 112) TREE5 FER ACRE = 28 REQUIRED 51GNIFICANT TREE5 RETAINED SIGNIFICANT TREE CREDIT CALCULATIONS TREE CREDIT CALCULATION5 FER KCC 16.82.ISI!> !CJ (3! TREE CLASSIFICATION TYFE NO.of TREE5 TREE CREDIT5 TOTAL TREE CREDITS 51GNIFICANT TREE5 BELOW 18" DIA. TO REMAIN 51GNIFICANT TREES 18" DIA. OR GREATER TO REMAIN 2 X X = 2 2 = 2 TOTAL EXISTING RETAINED 51GNIFICANT TREE CREDITS ..... -...................... 4 REQUIRED 51GNIFICANT TREE5 ........................•.......................... 28 REQUIRED REPLACEMENT TREES TO FULFILL Sle:.NIFICANT TREE REQUIREMENT ......... 24 51C:!NIFICANT TREE5 TO BE REPLACED BY A NEW OR EX15TING NON51GIFICANT TREES 5HALL BE A5SIGNED A DIAMETER OF 12" FER KCC 16.82.ISro (E) !2) REQUIRED REPLACEMENT TREES TREE CREDIT5 TREE REPLACEMENT REQUIREMENT5 24 X 12" = 288" RETAINED NONSIGNIFICANT TREE CREDIT CALCULATIONS TREE CREDIT CALCULATION5 FER KCC lb.82.ISI!> <EJ (2! 4 <E) (2) (a! RETAINED NON51GNIFICANT TREES TO BE RETAINED WITH A 3" MIN. DIA. " IZ)E,d TREE CLAS51FICATION TYPE NON SIGNIFICANT TREE5 NON SIGNIFICANT TREE5 NON SIGNIFICANT TREE5 JIZ)" DIA. TO REMAIN 8" DIA. TO REMAIN I!>" DIA. TO REMAIN NO.of TREE TREES CALIFER 2 4 X X X JIZ)" 8" I!," = = = TREE REPLACEMENT CREDITS IN INCHE5 2 IZ)" " IZ) .S , I = 412) " 8" " IZ).S,I = II!>" 24" " IZ)_!;,I = 48" TOTAL EX15TING RETAINED NON51e:.NIFICANT TREE CREDIT5 ........................ -.... 111!)4" TREE REPLACEMENT CREDIT CALCULATIONS TREE CREDIT CALCULATION5 FER Kee 16.82.ISI!> !E) (2) (a) TOTAL NEEDED REPLACEMENT TREE CREDITS = 184" NO.of TREE TREE CLA551FICATION TYFE TREES CALIFER STREET TREE5 18 INTERNAL DECIDUI05 TREE5 IZ) INTERNAL CONIFEROU5 TREE5 (approx. 8'-IIZ)' HT. = 3" DIA.J 13 TOT AL PROVIDED REPLACEMENT TREE5 . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • 31 X X X 3" 3" 3" = = = TREE REPLACEMENT CREDIT5 IN INCHES !;1" ., IZ).E'>d = JIZ)8" IZ)" ., IZ).E'>d = IZ)" 3':l" "' IZ).5, 1 = 18" TOT AL PROVIDED REPLACEMENT TREE CREDITS ......................•..... -. . . . . . . . 18/o" TREE RETENTION CREDIT CALCULATION SUMMARY TOTAL NON51GNIFICANT TREE RETENTION CREDIT5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . flZ)4" TOTAL PROVIDED REPLACEMENT TREE CREDIT5 ..................................... 181!>" TOT AL PROVIDED REPLACEMENT CREDIT5 ........................................... 2':lll!)" ,, x,1 \,_ j,. .,_~,,, '. 20"f10 13 • I I I I I I I I 51' ·-~~. / .. "' ' 10 \ 'G .· ()l I / ' ,, .,.,. 0 .,., '; '"' ~---1 ' i ' ' i I i i TREE REPLACEMENT LEGEND 5'T'M60L BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME DECIDUOU5 &TIQEET TIC!SE& / / I I I I I I ·,._ •• ~--------;--, ----.. r'' c;m·. 512!: \ 8 ' \ 9 / I I !,/ I I · I I 1 I ' I f '. I I I I I I , I I 'e I I , ~: l : i t I I / •1 ;,;;,, I I j + ,. ____ " ~-........ ~~-___ ,, ···- o• I I i \-.:::: I 11 1· ·, I '~ I ! I ;_ I j 11 : r I I SCALE: 1" = 40' TOTAL REQUIRED REPLACEMENT CREDITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288" 0 AMELANCHIER CANADENSl5 5ERCIVE6ERRY 18 3" CAL. 646. 51NGLE TRUNK, WELL-BRANCHED, FULL 4 MATCHED. +/-412)' 0.C. • NOTE, PROJECT PROVIDES AN EXCE55 OF (2) TREE CREDIT5 SIGNIFICANT TREE RETENTION NOTES: KCC 16.82.156 (50-220) •Pursuant to KCC 16.82.156 an approved Significant Tree Retention Plan is required for the property as described on fife with Ki'ng County Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) Records Genter, on this sheet of the approved engineering plans Number L05P0019, and Activity Number L07SR015. Lots Tract A within this plat contain trees that must be retained per said approved Tree Retention Plan. Any proposed clearing, grading or construction activities that will (or may) impact a significant tree withi'n said lots must be reviewed and approved by King County DOES Land Use Services Division and/or successor, for compliance wUh said Tree Retention Plan. The current landowner and future landowners shall maintain and protect said trees and secure permits as required to perform any maintenance and/or related activity such as hazard tree remediation. • The permit applicant shall determine that the final tree retention plan does not i'nclude significant trees unable to survive more than ten years after the date of project completion. •Significant Tree Protection: 1.Prior to any clearing all trees to be retained shall be flagged. 2. Prior to grading and throughout construction, a temporary chain/ink, wire or plastic net fence shall be used to identify the protected area (drip line) of any significant tree designated for retention. The height of such fencing shall be adjusted according to the topographic and vegetative conditions of the site to provide clear visual delineation of the protected area. The size of the protected area around the tree shall be equal to one foot diameter for each Inch of tree trunk diameter measured four feet above the ground or at the ddp line of the tree. •At no time during and after construction shall the following be permitted within the significant tree protection area: ( a) impervious surfaces, fill, excavation, or storage of construction materlafs (b} grade level changes, except in limited circumstances where proposed improvements using permeable materials are determined by an arborist to be non-detrimental to the trees root system. • Significant Tree Mai'ntenance: (a} All significant trees shall be maintained for the life of the project including monitoring. (b} All significant frees shall be pruned and trimmed as necessary ta maintain a healthy growing condition or to prevent prlmary limb failure. This requirement shall not be interpreted to allow: (1) tapping of primary stems (2) pruning that results in the loss of 20 percent of vegetative mass (3) cutting of major roots, except in preparation for transplantation or as deemed necessary and/or acceptable by a certified arborist (4) With the exception of dead, diseased or damaged trees specifically retained to provide wildlife habitat; other dead, diseased, damaged or stolen plan ting shall be replaced immediately or the next planting season if the loss does not occur in a planting season. • The Significant Trees to be retained as shown an the approved Significant Tree Retention Plan shall be maintained by the future owners of the proposed lots, consistent with KCC 16.82.156. Note: All tree's to be removed, pruned, or limbed from public right of ways requires a right of way use permit from the appropriate public agency and needs to be secured and submitted to KC ODES prior ta any clearing in these areas. (Contact Bernard Thompson far clearing in King County Right of Way at telephone number 206-296-0887 or e-mail bernard.thompson@netrokc.gov. CONIFEROU& TF<EES CALOCEDRUS DECURRENS/ INCEN5E CEDAR F5EUDOT5UGA MENZIE511/ DOUGLA5 FIR GENERAL STREET TREE NOTES: 8'-112)' HT 6 4 6 8'-112)' HT 6 4 6 I. 5TREET TREES LOCATION5 ARE AFFROXIMATE, VERIFY DRIVEWAYS 4 UTILITY LOCATIONS FRIOR TO TREE INSTALLATION. ADJU5TMENT5 TO 5TREET TREE5 MAY BE NECE55ARY TO AVOID CONFLICT5. CONTRACTOR 5HALL BE RE5FON516LE FOR ADJU5TMENT5 TO STREET TREE5 TO MEET Tl-IE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENT5. • 4' MIN. FROM EDGE OF PAVEMENT • JIZ)' MIN. FROM DRIVEWA1 / ALLEYWAY • IS' MIN. FROM LIGHT FOLE • S' MIN. FROM FIRE HYDRANT, UTILITY FOLE 4 UNDERGROUND UTILITIE5 2. 5TREET TREE5 SHALL BE EQUALLY 5PACED 412)' O.C. WHERE POSSIBLE. 3. CONTRACTOR 5HALL BE RE5FONSl6LE FOR IRRIGATING 5TREET TREE5 DURING PLANT ESTABLISHMENT. 4. 5TREET TREE5 SHALL BE LIMBED UF TO I!> FEET, UNLESS OTHERUJISE NOTED, AND 5T AKED IN A MANNER NOT TO OBSTRUCT 51DEWALK TRAFFIC. REFER TO KING COUNTY ROAD 5TANDARD !;,-IZ)IZ)':l FOR ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENT5. S. ON BUS ROUTE5, STREET TREE PLAN5 SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH METRO TRAN51T ROUTE FACILITIE5± CONTACT FER50N, PATT COM5TOCK 2IZ)l!>h84.IS23 CAUUON LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN JS APPROX/MA TE AND MAY NOT BE ACCURATE OR ALL INCLUSIVE. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO FIELD VERIFY LOCA TJON OF UT/UT/ES PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCT/ON. YOU MUST CALL 1-800-424-5555 NOT LESS THAN TWO FULL BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE BEGINNING EXCAVATION WHERE ANY UNDERGROUND UT/UT/ES MAY BE LOCATED. FAILURE TO DO SO COULD MEAN BEARING SUBSTANTIAL REPAIR COSTS. © 2007 TRIAD ASSOCIATES \. T ASSOCIATES -•• 12112115thAve. NE Kirkland, WA 98034-6929 425.821.8448 425.821.3481 fax 800.488.0756 toll free www.triadassoc.com Land Deve 11011rne11t Co11sulta11ts I ~~ 1--------------, ~ ~ GERALD F. BUCK, AICP PROJECT MANAGER NICK A. Y1NGER, PLS PROJECT SURVEYOR REBECCA S. CUSHMAN, PE PROJECT ENGINEER MEI-SHIOU LIN, ASLA PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHfrECT FIRST SUBMITTAL DATE: 6 /29 /0 7 SCALE: HOR!Z.: 1"-40' VERT.:N/A STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHI ECT • - EI-SHIOU LIN CE TIFICATE NO. 826 STAMP NOT VALID UNLESS SIGNED AND DATED JOB NO. 04-257 SHEET NO. - SIGNIFICANT TREE RETENTION NOTES: KCC 76.82. 756 (50-220) •PART 1 PLANTING SPECIF/CATIONS Genero/ Conditions ~ Landscape contractor/Developer shall verify that plant installation conditions are suitable within the planting areas. Any unsatisfactory conditions shall be corrected prior to start of work. W1ien conditions detrimental to plant growth are encountered, such as rubble fill, adverse drainage conditions, significant vegetaUon, or obstructions, the landscape contractor/developer shall notify KC DOES prior to planting. Beginning of work constitutes acceptance of conditions as satisfactory. • Plants installed in undisturbed areas shall be integrated with existing native vegetation, and planted in a random, naturalistic pattern. LOCATE/STAKE/VERIFY PLANTING AREAS •Landscape contractor/Developer shall field locate, stake, and verify planting areas and configurations priOr to planting. This shall approximate what ls shown on the DDES approved Slgnificant Tree RefBntion plan. All revlsions/changes shall be pre-approved by DDES and documented for recordlng at final plat approval. APPROVE PLANTING LOCATIONS AND SPACING •Planting locations shown on planting plans are approximate, based on anticipated site conditions. Actual planting locations may vary from those shown due to final site conditions and locations of existing vegetation. Nevertheless, any variations from the planting plan will requi're prior approval by KC DOES. •Slgnificant tree spaclng shall be a minlmum of fifteen feet {15' for non-street trees or 40' on center for street trees) or as stated on the approved planting plan. Spacing shall be adequate to allow signiflcant tree's room to expand through the future years. PART 2 PLANT MATERIAL STANDARDS •Landscape contractor/developer shall examine plant material prior to planting. Any material not meetlng the requlred specifications shall be immedlately removed from the s;te and replaced with llk.e materla/ that meets the requlred standards. Plant material shall meet the requirements of County, State and Federal laws with respect to plant disease and infestations. Inspection certificates, required by law, shall accompany each and every shipment and shaft be submitted to the Landscape contractor/developer upon receipt of plant material. These certificates shall be made available to KC DOES as requested by the inspector. •Plant materials shall be locally grown (Western WA, Western OR, or Western BC), healthy, bushy, in vigorous growlng condition, and be guaranteed true to size, name and variety. If replacement of plant material is necessary due to constructlon damage or plant failure within three (3) years of installatlon, the slzes, species and quantities shall be equal to specified plants as indicated on the approved plans. •Plants shall be nursery grown, well-rooted of normal growth and habit, and free from dlsease or infestaUon. KC ODES reserves the right to requlre replacement or substitution of any plants deemed unsultable. • Trees shall have uniform branchlng, slngle straight trunks and the central leader i'ntact and undamaged. Bolled and burlapped stock shall have been root-pruned at least once within the previous two years, and the plant stock shall have been grown i'n a container for at least one full growing season. Contalner stock shaft be fully rooted but not root-bound. Plant material wlth damaged root zones or broken root balls wm not be accepted. • Coniferous trees shall be nursery grown, full and bushy, and with uniform branching and a natural non-sheared form. Origiflal central leader must be healthy and undamaged. •Landscape (:ontractor/developer shall submlt a llst of plant supplier names, addresses, phone numbers and storage/growi'ng location of the material to KC ODES prior to planting. SUBSTITUTIONS • Substitutior/S of specified plant species, size or condition will be allowed only with prlor written approval from KC ODES. PART 3 PLANT INSTALLATION SOIL PREPARA TIQN/AMENDMENTS •Prior to installation of plantings, all construction debris and any other non-native material shall be rernoved from the mltigation area. Trees and shrubs shall be pit planted as shown in the approved plan details. A soil moisture retention agent (polymer) shall be i'ncluded in plantlng back.fill per manufacturer's specification. •In non-graded planting areas, planting pits shall be backfilled with a 50/50 mi'xture of importfJd, weed free topsoil and the native soil from the plan ting pit. In graded areas, plan tings shall be installed directly in to newly placed topsoil. lmpor_ted topsoil .. shall be a .J,:~Way mi)J _(Jcqui(ed_.from.-,an.,.approved"/ocal ,.si..Jppliet:='""ew.'"''""'"'"""""'-~-'·. · .. -.. , • Soi/Moist, or equivalent, shall be added to the topsol/ back.fill of all planting plts. The So11Moist shall be hydrated before being added to topsoll backf/11. Manufacturers recommended application rates and usage shall be followed. • Woody plantlngs shall be fertilized with a slow release (8 month) high nitrogen, low phosphorus granular fertmzer (21-3-7), with applicatlon rates as specified by the manufacturer. Fertilizer shall be applied after planting pit ls backfilled, and prior to application of mulch. Fertilizer shall not be opp/led between November and March. • Outside of wetland areas, a 3 inch layer of mulch (medium Doug Fir bark) shall be placed around the base of each new tree to a 36" di"ameter for erosion, weed control and moisture retention . • Existi'ng natural or landscaped areas that are damaged during construction shall be restored to thelr origiri<JI condition, unless improvements or modifications are speclfied for those areas. •Landscape contractor/developer shall exercise care to protect from injury to trunk, roots, or branches of any trees or shrubs that are to remain. Any living woody plant that ls damaged during construction shall be treated within 24 hours of occurrence. Contractor shall prune wounded portions of plant Immediately after damage occurs. Injured plants shall be thoroughly watered and additional measures shall be taken {as appropriate) to aid in plant survivability. Grad1'ng: The duff fayer and native topsoil shall be retained in an undisturbed state to the maximum extend practicable. Any duff layer or topsoil removed duri'ng grading shall be stock.piled on-site in a designated, controlled area not adjacent to public resources and crltical areas. The material shall be reapplied to other portions of the site where feasible. Areas that have been cleared and graded shall have the sol/ moisture holding capacity restored to that of the orlglnal undisturbed soil native to the site to the maximum extent practicable. The soil in any area that has been compacted or that has had some or all of the duff layer or underlying tOpso11 removed shall be amended to mitigate for lost moisture-ho/ding capacity. The amendment shall take place between May 1 and October 1. Replaced topsoil shall be a minimum of 8 inches thlck, unless the applicant demonstrates that a different thlckness will provlde conditions equivalent to the soil moisture ho/ding capacity native to the site. Replaced topso11 shall have an organlc matter content of between 8 to 13 percent dry weight and a pH suitable for the proposed landscape plan ts. CLEAN UP • Landscape contractor/developer shall be responsible for the removal of construction material and debris on the site following lnstaflatlon of plant materials. All debris must be removed to a legal landfill facility. PART 4 -PLANT WARRANTY AND MONITORING • Landscape contractor/developer's warranty shall i"nclude replacement of plants (same size and species shown on the approved plans) that prove either to be mislocated or unsuitable as to plant material standards. Except for loss due to excesslvely severe climatological conditions (substantiated by 10 -year recorded weather charts), i"nstalled plant material are required to be guaranteed for three years aga1'nst defects and unsatisfactory growth. Plants replaced shall be reinitiated under plant guarantee conditions. The monltoring period shall be three (J) years from installation acceptance in writlng by the DOES Inspector. PART 5 FINAL ACCEPTANCE • Upon completion of planting, the landscape contractor/developer shall provide the ODES Inspector with a set of clearly marked prints designating the actual locations of plantings within the mitigation area. Landscape con tractor /developer shall keep a complete set of prints at the job site during constructlon for the purpose of 'red lini"ng' changes or modifications to the approved plans and shall update said information on a dally basis . • KC DDES shall approve planting locations as depicted on the approved replanting plan. If items ore to be corrected a punch list shall be prepared by the ODES Inspector and submitted to the Landscape contractor/developer for completion. After punch J;st items have been completed, ODES Inspector shall review the project for fi'nal acceptance of plan lmplemen talion. • AS BU/LT SUBMITTAL ON FLA TS Note: If revlsfons and/or changes have been made to the !nit/al DDES approved significant tree re ten Uon plan submit an As-Bu lit plan. If no changes/revislons have been made an As-Built Plan is not required. Prlor to final plat inspection for the Signiflcant Tree Retention Plan permlttee shall submit an AS-BUILT Signlficont Tree Retention Plan to the DDES Inspector showing all plan revisions/changes and verifying that the DDES approved Significant Tree Retention plan (approved at the DOES E:ng,'neering Revlew stage) has been completed per plan requirements. This AS-BUil T plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Site Development Specialist/Forester that it conforms to 50-220 and can be recorded. If approved the plan will be s'3nt back to the DOES Inspector for flnal plat lnspectlon processing. Mltigation monitoring for Significant Tree shall commence upon acceptance and approval of this AS-BUILT plan and lost for 3 years or growlng seasons. SE 1/4, SE 1/4, SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 23N., RANGE SE., W.M. MARTIN PROPERTY Significant Tree Retention Notes & Details Project Number: LOSPOO 19 Parcel Number: I 023059383 PART 6 -MAINTENANCE AND CONTIGENCY Note: If street tree's to be planted also qualify for slgnificont tree's then the street tree maintenance and monitorlng process shall be used. • Maintenance wH! be performed twice per year to address any conditions that could jeopordi"ze the success of the mitigation area. Established performance standards for the proj"ect will be compared to the monltoring results to judge the success of the miUgation project. If there is a significant problem with achieving the performance standards, the bond holder shall work with KC DDES to develop a contlngency plan. Contingency plans can 1'nc/ude, but are not limited to: regrading, additional plant installatlon, erosion control, mediations to hydrology, and plant substitutions of type, slze, quantity and location. Such contingency plan shall be submitted to the KC DOES Inspector by December 31 of any year when deficiencles are discovered. Contingency w/11 Include many of the items llsted below and would be implemented If these performance standards are not met. Maintenance and remedial actlon on the site w,1/ be lmplemented immediately upon completion of the monltoring event (unless otherwise specifically lndlcated below). • During year one, two and three replace all dead plant material. • Water all plantings at a rate of 1" of water at least every week between June 15 - September 15 during the first year after installatlon, and for the first year after any replacement plantlngs (C & M). • Replace dead plants with the same species or a substitute species that meets the goal and objectives of the enhancement plan, subject to KC DOES approval. • Re-plant area after reason for {allure has been identified (e.g., moisture reglme, poor plant stock, disease, shade/sun conditions, wl1dlife damage, etc). • Remove/control weedy or exotic invasive plants (e.g., Scot's broom, reed canary grass, Himalayan blackberry, purple loosestrife, etc.) by manual or chemical means as approved by KC ODES. Use of herbicides or pesticldes wlthln the mitigation area would only be implemented if other measures failed or were considered unlikely to be successful, and would require prior KC DOES approval. Trees and shrubs should be weeded to the drlpline and mulched to a depth of 3 lnches. All non-native vegetation must be removed and dumped off site at an approved location. • Clean-up trash and other debris. • Selectively prune woody plan ts to thin and remove dead or diseased portlon of trees. PART 7 -PERFORMANCE BOND • To assure the success of the mitigation, a performance bond wlll be posted wlth KC DDES by the Developer at the tlme of plat approval for the cost of lmplementing the mitigation plan to be monitored for three (3) years. It wl/1 be the Developer / permittee responsibility to request a final inspection at the end of the three (3) year monitoring period and to release the posted bond. {he bond quantity calculation form for both exlsting significant trees and trees to be planted shall be completed and submitted to ODES Site Development Services prior to approval of the Significant Tree Retention Plan (the bond form wllf be provided by the SDS Forester at the time of the Significant Tree Retentlon plan revlew stage). The actual bond will need to be submitted to DOES prlor to project acceptance for field inspection by the Land Use Inspection Unit. Note: The Significant Tree Retentlon Plan shall 1'nclude depiction of tree planting details with written planting lnstallation notes. Stroot troos shall be provided as follows (por KCRS 5.0J and KCC 21A.16.050): • Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requi'rements for drlveways and lntersections. • Trees shall be located wlthin the street rlght-of-way and planted in accordance with Draw1'ng No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determ1'nes that trees should not be located in the street rlght-of-way. • If K1'ng County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way llne. • The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the county has adapted a maintenance program. Ownershi'p and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. • The species of trees shall be approved by ODES if located within the right-of-way. and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are l!k.ely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines (see llst of acceptable trees above). • The street tree plan shall be revlewed and approved by the ODES project review engineer in coordination with the ODES Forester if comb1'ned with the Significant Tree Retention Plan. • The street trees must be installed and inspected or a performance bond posted prior to recordlng of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be 1'nstalled and inspected within one year of recordlng of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a mo1'ntenance bond must be submitted or the performance band replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, th6 maintenance bond may be released after DOES has completed a second lnspection and det~rmined that the trees have been kept healthy and thrivi"ng. Submittal Date: 6/29/07 - ,I) T-111 I 111- 11 i' z I: '.•. ,., .. ' . /// /// // ·,. 1--- NOTE, T"11:ES &' TALL AND 6HORTER DO NOT "11:GlUl"11: TF<l=E ST Al<!:6 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE'. F"11:VAILING WIND FLAN NOTE, ~'_:::;:--TFIEE 6TAKJ: __,, __ ROOT6ALL 0---l--Tl<IJNK "c,;-::'._--T"11:E STAKJ: PLANT TF<l=ES I" HIGHER THAN DEPTH GF<OU.N IN NURSERY T"11:E FIT 6HALL EIE NOT LESS THAN 2 TIMES F<OOT6ALL DIA. WATER THOF<OUGHL 'I' AFTER FL ANTING Tf<l=E STAKl:S PERPENDICULAR TO F"11:VAILING WIND '-----12 GA WIF<I=, TWIST TO TIGHTEN il------lr.!" DIA. 6LACK i<!IJE16ER H06E T'l'F- 211 X 2 11 Cl=PA~ srAKJ:S ~===cur ALL TIE6 AND FOLD 6ACI< EIURLAF AND EIASl<ET FROM UPPER 1/3 OF F<OOT6ALL-F<l=MOVE ALL PLA6TIC AND TWINE __,----2" MULCH LA'l'E~ SHALL 65 COMPOST ~;;:::<~--3" WATERING 6ASIN --=1 I~ ;ill, ' ,ill, ' ,ill, ' ,_I I '""l".' ~TT"T 5Fl:CIFIED 601L MIX AND FERTILIZER +--+-P' -+-----FIECOMFACTED NATIVE 60IL 4" 2X MIN DIA ROOTEIALL TYPICAL CONIFEROUS TREE DETAIL NOT TO SC'ALE z I: Q ' ,I) .. Q ' ,n F"11:VAILING WIND FLAN NOTE, TRl:56 &' TALL AND SHORTE~ DO NOT Fll:GlUIF<I= T"11:E ST AKJ:S UNLE66 NOTED OTHERWISE ,..---''':::::---TFIEE ST Al<!= --",---F<OOTEIALL --t--TRLINI< '--.,-::._ __ T..EE STAKI: NOTE, PLANT TFll:55 I" HIGHER Tf-lAN DEPTH GF<OUN IN NURSER'!' TRl:E FIT 6HALL NOT EIE LE66 THAN (2) TIMES F<OOT EIALL DIAMETE~ TRl:E ST Al<!:6 Fl:RFl:NDICULAR TO F"11:VAILING WIND ;a----,.---!~-----2 11 X 2 11 CEDAR erAKE:e '!!------I, GA. WIFIE, TWIST TO TIGHTEN -------Ir.!" DIA 6LACK RUEIEIER H06E T'l'F- r1t-----CUT ALL TIES AND FOLD 6ACI< 6URLAF FF<OM UPPER l/3 OF ROOT EIALL_ "11:MOVE ALL PLASTIC AND TWINE: __,------2" MULCH LAYER SHALL EIE COMPOST 3" WATER EIA61N '., . -11-·· -1=111 I; 111- 111~ 6CARIF'T' 51DE6 AND 60TIOM OF PLANTING FIT TO ALLOW FOR ~OOT Fl:Nl=TRATION '----SF!':CIFIED SOIL MIX AND FERTILIZER '------F<l=COMFACTED NATIVE 601L 4" 2X MIN DIA F<OOT6ALL TYPICAL DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE FIRE HYDRANT OR UTILITY POLE SIDEWALK NEXT TO VERTICAL CUFi:6 LUMINAIRE ALLEYWAY IE>' MIN. ~ E><Zl' MIN_ l<Zl' MIN_ DRIVEWAY l<Zl' MIN".,.-~-E,_rz,_' _M_IN_. -ii' .--...., + l'J'<,-, ._../ "--._. ._../ NOTE 1.-~ PLANTING, STRIP FLAN NOTES, VERTICAL CUFi:13 LINE AT INTER&ECTION L TREES SHALL GENEFi:ALL Y 6E PLANTED 6ACK OF THE SIDEWALK PLANTING, STRIPS WILL 6E APPROVED ONLY AS PART OF A LANDSCAPING PLAN IN WHICH PLANT MAINTENANCE, COMPATl61LITY WITH UTILITIES, AND TFi:AFflC SAFETY ARE DULY CONSIDERED. 2_ IF PLANTING STRIPS ARE APPROVED, A_ MIN. DISTANCE FROM CENTER OF ANY TREE TO NEAREST EDGE OF VEF«TICAL CUR6 SHALL 6E 4 FEET- 6. TREES SHALL 6E STAKED IN A MANNER NOT TO 06STRUCT SIDEWALK TFi:AFflC_ C_ IN CASE OF 6LOCK-OUTS, MIN. CLEAR SIDEWALK WIDTH SHALL 6E E, FEET IN RESIDENTIAL OR 8 FEET IN 6USINESS DISTRICT&. 3_ SEE SEC_ E>.e>3_ STREET TREE STANDARD PER KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARD 5-009 NOT TO SCALE CAUUON LOCA noN OF EXISnNG unLtnES SHOWN IS APPROX/MA TE AND MAY NOT BE ACCURATE OR ALL INCLUSIVE. IT JS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO RELD VERIFY LOCA noN OF unLtnES PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCnON. YOU MUST CALL 1-800-424-5555 NOT LESS THAN TWO :t0 . :Vi FULL BUSINESS DA rs BEFORE BEGINNING EXCA VA noN WHERE 'i'i ANY UNDERGROUND ununES MA y BE LOCATED. FAILURE TO " X DO SO COULD MEAN BEARING SUBSTANnAL REPAIR COSTS. '!I J%; © 2007 TRIAD ASSOCIATES \. '"f ASSOCIATES 7 121121151hAve. NE Kirkland, WA 98034-6929 425.821.8448 425.821.3481 fax 800.488.0756 toll free www.triadassoc.com La11d Development Consultantf GERALD F. BUCK, AICP PROJECT IIANAGER NICK A. '11NG£R, PLS PROJECT SURVEYOR R£8£CCA £ CUSHMAN. P£ PROJECT ENGINEER M£/-SHIOU LIN, ASLA PROJECT LANDSCAPE ARCHfl'ECT FIRST SUBMIITAL DATE: 6/29/07 SCALE: HORIZ.: 1"=40' VERT.,N/A STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED LANDSCAPE ARCH! .. EI-SHIOU LIN CT • CE TIFICATE NO. 826 STAMP NOT VAIJD UNLESS SIGNED AND DATED JOB NO. 04-257 SHEET NO. L6oF6