HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-08-122_Large FormatHAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 OF SEC. KING COUNTY' Calculated 16th corner & NE corner of Janett's Southeast 128th Street Renton Boulevard I 634.25 North 1/4 corner of 14 Section 14. Township 23N, Range 5E. Found broken brass disk with punch. Renton control point 2103. ss8 , /Tracts, Vol. 17 , pg 60. ~ 0 ----. 07 '44"E 2_536.98' ~11 12 Northeast corner of .--__ m_ _ _ _ _ 634. 25 · ~0 ---t1tl--· Section 14, Township < -574 ~9--;-c-----_CT1_ 1268.49 14 13 23N, Range 5E. l 576.i'P 1 Found 3" brass disk with punch "KCSM". . I~ a. u unable to read 1 301,:~ ~.~:30' ~ om ~~ rn IUllO oml ~ ........ U)lO Q) I ........ , ~-r-~----~~---::-:-:---:-=~----~~----~l,_J l .~ :.... 586. 15 · C Y . ] IU ' • 587, 7 4 'p :..s CD N88 36'28"W/ -~ = ! cv 30.03' · o A~ ~rtl Ill C\J u u . C\J Q) ~ .~ :.: ~ . a. U1 ~ = ound plug with punch in concrete at SE 132nd PL & 160th Ave SE, incased, 0.21'W of 16th line. LEGEND: = Monument found as noted. Visited May 3, 2001. 14, .c 16 ~: filLn ~ ~ ~ +l I· (\J o oi ; ~ ~ ~ ~ l'lM Pi; m.~.c p = Plat of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts, Vol. 17 , pg 60. .o +l I~ g NOT TO SCALE 588. 51 'C 590.0'P ..... C = Calculated Renton Boulevard 301 a,?-u · Tracts. Vol. 17 , pg 60. >~~ ~~ 130' SW corner of Janettis u Found 1-1/2" axle ~ ~~ 593 23 · c · · .., h I <OC.0 • ...,.a,,,. Wit punch, incased 653 _50 , ~ _ 0 ______ 59~1.'._£' ______ -~:;:J J -I\.,..-~, . CT') 653. 50 · ?ii! • SE corner of Janett· s s99°53 ,08 .. E 1307·_00 , ----:..-Renton Boulevard S Tracts, Vol. 17, pg 60. outheast 136th Street Found 1" iron pipe. incased. KING COUNTY DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND COVENANT: All drain age easements with in th is Plat, not shown as .. Private", are hereby granted and conveyed to King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, for the purpose of conveying, storing, managing and facilitating storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King County, together with the right of reasonable a.ccess (ingress and egress). to enter said drainage easement for the purpose of inspecting, operating, maintaining, repairing and improving the drainage facilities contained therein. Note that except for the facilities Which have been formally accepted fo~ maintenance by King County, maintenance of drainage facilities on private property is the responsibility of the property owner. The owners of said private property are required to obtain prior written approval from King County Property Servi,ces, and any required permits from th_e King County Departmenf of Development and Environmental Services for activities such as cle~ring and grading, prior to filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drainage facilities (such as swales, cri'annels. ditches, ponds, etc. l .--or-pefrf orrrrrng-anr ·alter,n ions err 1iiod H icat ions to the drainage facilities, contained within said dr~in~ge easement. .,., ~ This easement is intended to facilitate reasonabf~ access to the drainage facilities. This easement ~nd covenant s~all run with the land and is binding upon the owners of 'said priva,te property, their heirs, successors and assigns. UTILITY EASEMENT NOTffi: A private easement is hereby reserved for and granled to Puget Sound Energy Company, Qwest, Comcast, any cable & any telephone company & their respective successors & assigns under & upon all private streets, alleyways and private drives, the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots and tracts and 5.00 feet parallel with and adjoining alleyways and private drives.Further easements are reserved over private lands for vaults, Pedestals and related facilities ("Vault Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the preceding sentence as follows: the Vault Easement may occupy up to an additional 5-feet in width (for a total width of 10 feet) with the length of each Vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the as-built vault (s). The number and location of Vault Easements will be "as installed" during the utility's initial installation of facilities. The easements are reserved and granted in order to install, lay, construct, renew, operate and maintain underground pipe, conduit. cables, wires. vaults and pedestals with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric, telephone, gas, telecommunications, data transmission, street lights and utility service together with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as possible to their original condition. No lines or wires for transmission of electric current, or for telephone, cable television, telecommunications or data transmission uses shall be placed or permitted to be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. No permanent structure shall be placed within the easement without permission from easement owners. · PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT COVENANT: The owners of private property within this Plat encumbered with drainage easements shown as "Private", hereby grant and convey to King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington. the right, but not the obligation to convey or store storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King County, together with the right of reasonable access (ingress/egress), to enter said drainage easement for the purpose of observing that the owners are properly operating and maintaining the drainage facilities contained therein. The owners of said property are responsible for operating, maintaining and repairing the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement, and are hereby required to obtain any required permits from King County Department of Development and Environmental Services prior to fillin~ pipin~ PLAT NOTES: 1). The monument control shown for this site was accomplished by field traverse utilizing a one (1) second theodolite with integral electronic distance measuring meter (Geodimeter 600) and Real Time Kinematic (ATKJ / Static Global Positioning System (GPS). Linear and angular closure of the traverses meet the standards of WAC 332-130-090. 2) Full reliance for legal descriptions and recorded easements have been placed on the title report from Chicago Title Insurance Company Commitment order No. 1144641, dated December 20. 2004. No additional research has been attempted. 3) Offset dimensions shown hereon are measured perpendicular to property lines. 4) The Articles of Incorporation for Magnolia Homeowners Association are on file with the State of Washington in Olympia, Washington. The Magnolia Homeowners Association is empowered to maintain common property and facilities and charge fees to homeowners for maintenance. and enter into agreements with the City of Renton. "Magnolia" will be the initial marketing name for the sale of the Lots described herein. 5) Tract A is a recreation tract for the benefit of all lot owners in this plat. Each ownership of a lot in this plat (lots 1 through 23 inclusive) includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract "A". The Magnolia Homeowners Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of said Tract "A". However. should the Homeowners Association fail to properly maintain Tract "A", then the lot owners of all _lots 1 through 23 shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of said tract. · 6) Tract C is a private Joint Use Driveway Tract for ingress, egress. utilities and private drainage for the benefit of the owners of Lots 22 and 23. Ownership of Lot 22 & Lot 23 within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract C. and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. An easement over. and across the entire Tract C is hereby dedicated to King County for ingress and egress for access to Tract 8. ALSO an easement to the City of Renton over. under and across the entire Tract c for the maintenance and operation of any sanitary sewer lines, structures and appurtenances. 7) Tract Dis a private Access Tract for ingress, egress, utilities and private drainage for the benefit of the owners of Lots 14. 15, 16 and 17. Ownership of Lots 14, 15. 16 and 17 within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract D. and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. An easement to the City of Renton over, under and across the entire Tract D for the maintenance and operation of any sanitary sewer ·lines, structures and appurtenances. 8) The house address system for this plat shall be as follows: Addresses shall be assigned for the East-West road within the range of 15801 to 15999. Individual addresses will be assigned to the principal entrance of each residence or building in accordance with King County Code 16.08. 9) Trees located within the plat shall be maintained by the owners of the lot for which the trees grow in. Trees located within the street right-of-ways shall be maintained by the lot owners of the abutting lots. cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape,_ .................... --. TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. WASHINGTON PLAT NOTES (CONT.): VOLUME/PAGE 10) Al 1 building downspouts. footing drains. and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings No. P-3094 on file with King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application for any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designed for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with the plans on file. All individual stub-outs a~d infiltration systems shall be privately owned and maintained by the lot owner . 11) / SCHOOL FEES FOR LOTS 2 THROUGH 23: 1 "Fifty percent (50%) of school impact fees were paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with King County Code 21A.43.050. The balance of the assessed fee. $/~498,00 per lot, together with the current administration fee, · · must be paid at the time of building permit issuance. •1SCHOOL FEES FOR LOT 1: One resident!al unit was existing prior to the development of this subdivision. If the issuance of a new building permit for Lot 1 occurs on or prior to May 7, 2007, then saip lots shall be exempt from the payment of the school impact fees. If the issuance of a new building permit for said lot occurs after May 7, 2007, then the full assessed fee. $"'4!;39§:00 per lot. together with the current administration fe~. must be paid at the time of building permit issuance. See K.C. code 21A.43.070.A.2. ' 12) FIJJP,D MPS FEES PEA KING COUNTY CODE 14. 75 FOR LOTS 2 THROUGH 23: -This plat is subject to King County code 14.75, King county Road Mitigation Payment System(MPS). For Lots 2 through 23. the MPS fees plus the MPS administrative fee shall be paid at the time of building permit application at the rate in effect at that time. ROAD MPS FEES PEA KING COUNTY CODE 14.75 FOR LOT 1: One residential unit was existing and occupied within the three years prior to the application for development of this subdivision. l,._ot 1 in this plat shall be exempt from the payment of fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation System. See King County Department of Transportation Public Rule 6.2. 1.4. !3) Tracts A through E are considered to be tracts pursua·nt to KCC 19A.04.330. A "tract" is land reserved for specified uses including, but not limited to, reserve tracts. recreation. open space. sensitive areas, surface water retention, utility facilities and access. Tracts are not considered lots or building sites for purposes of"residential dwelling construction. 14)~,There shal 1 be no direct vehicular access to or from 158th Avenue Southeast or 160th Avenue Southeast from those lots which abut them. 15) Tract Bis a Storm Water Detention Tract and is hereby conveyed to King County for ownership & maintenance purposes. 16) Tract "E" is a Sensitive Area Tract (SAT). Each ownership of a lot in this plat (lots 1 through 23 inclusive) includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract "E". The Magnolia Homeowners Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of said Tract "E". However, should the Homeowners Association fail to properly maintain Tract "E", then the lot owners of all lots 1 through 23 shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of said tract. 17) Public Drainage Easement Restrictions: Structures. fill. or obstructions (including. but not limited t~ decks. patios. outbuildings, or overhangs) shall not be permitted beyond the building setback line of the public drainage easements. Additionally. grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the public drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by King County DOES or its successor agency. 18) All private storm drainage easements shown hereon are hereby granted to the lot owners who would benefit from the easement. The owners of the lots having benefit of use shall be equally responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the drainage facilities they have the benefit of use. except no owner shall be responsible for the mainten- ance. repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the commonly used storm sewer located upstream from the point of connection of that respective lot owner. maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drainage facilities (such as swales. channels. ditches. ponds. etc.). or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement. t Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA. 98003 INDEX DATA: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM This covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their heirs. successors and assigns. DOES FILE NO. L02P0011 ~ ~ Pointe (253) 661-1901 t Surveying DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: January 3, 2005 JOB Nill: 1808 SCALE: NA JOB NO.: 1808 SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 2 OF 4 LUA-oB-ri~ SE VICINITY MAP SE 136TH ST PROJECT SE iX ~ "'f-=i='"' ;i:: _.___, :)JI---' - sr iX ~ "( ;i:: IQ -SE 134TH ST SE 136TH ST SITE ~ ~-~- "' SE 1JBTH PL; \,-----/'< C, ~ "' -142ND ST SCALE: 1" = 2,000' LOTi LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT 10 LOT 11 LOT 12 LOT 13 LOT 14 LOT 15 LOT 16 LOT 17 LOT 18 LOT 19 LOT 20 LOT 21 LOT 22 LOT 23 AREA (SF) 5,003 4,556 4.556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 5,315 5,087 4,500 5,403 6,783 6,120 4,843 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 5,000 G,338 SUB-TOTAi. 113,396 S.f. TRACT 'A' (OPEN SPACE) TRACT 'B' (WET/DEft:NTION POND) TRACT 'c' (ACCESS TRACT) TRACT 'D' (ACCESS TRACT) TRACT 'E' (WETLAND AND BUFFER) ON-SITE RIGHT OF WAY: SUB-TOTAi. TOTAi. (4.32 IC.) ~ iX "' SE 140TH ST ~ ;i:: ~ "( OJ ~ iE <o SE 142ND ST t- -h " "' -!3 ST 9,506 S.F. 20,339 S.F. 2,560 S.F. 3,156 S.F. 14,235 S.F. 25,186 S.F. 74,982 S.f. 188,378 S.f. ON-SITE RECREATION CALCULATIONS= RECREATION AREA REQUIRED: 8,970 SF (23 LOTS x 390 SF) RECREATION AREA PROVIDED: 9,506 SF (TRACT A) / . ENGINEER/PLANNER/LAND SURVEYOR: SURV[YOR: C[NTR[ POINT SURVE:YING 33639 9TH AV[NU[ SOUTH FEDE:RAL WAY. WA 98003 CONTACT: NORM LARSON (253) 661-1901 [NG/NEER/PLANNER: BP LAND INVESTMENTS, L.L.C. P.O. BOX 5206 KENT, WA 98064-5206 (360) 894-5315 OWNER/DEVELOPER: OWNE:RS: MARY [. HAMIL TON 15821 SE 132ND PLACE: R[NTON, WA 98059 DE:VELOPER: KBS Ill, LLC 12505 BE:L-RED ROAD #212 BELEVUE, WASHINGTON 98005 CON TACT: BOB RUDDELL OR KOLIN TAYLOR PHONE:: (206) 623-7000 -------- E ORI ·/7 ~/ I I I 't I I' , , I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I ' I I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ \ ---- ' HAMIL TON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LOT 3 LOT 2 @ @ ln N ------,"' l---W~OW::,\L'.rli~--\ ll[X/ST/NG HOUSE .p~.,_::;: · '1 5l LOT B ' ', ' ------·~ ' \ \ ' 137' '-,JJlACT •a• WET7DETENTION POND,, d . 0, - • SJ 0 0, Cl "' 21 0 0, 20 0 0, -- I _.-~ \ -,,-----~\ --· ,,, ... --- ----.-· ~ ·---- ----- [XIST. I 2" CULVERT /.E.(S) = 518,67 EXrsr. CB ~RIM~:S20. 93 J.E. = ·j/8.30 f12"N) 1.E. a/ 51a 11 12"s) ~IS1.-_g}_ __ FIIM = 516.49 :S, I.E. = 513.28 (12"N) '8 i 1' IE ::. 513. 74 (12"S) ' ,' 514 --· ----·---o~" ~ ' PAR. 2 c§> EXIST: 12" CULVcRT /.F:.{N) -503.02 SITE DATA= 1. TAX NUMB[R: 366450-0/DO 2. PROJECT AR[A: 4.32 ACRES (188,378 SF) 3. NUMBE:R OF LOTS: 23 ' 4. [X/STING USE or LAND: S/NGL[-FAMILY RESIDENCE/DETACHED 5. PROPOSED USE: SINGLE-FAMILY R[S/O[NC[/D[TACH[D 6. [X/STING ZONING: R-4 7. EXISTING COMPRE:HENSIV[ LAND US[ DESIGNATION: URBAN RESIDENTIAL 4-12 D.U./AC. 8. DENSITY: 5.32 D.U. PER GROSS ACRE 9. SMALLEST LOT SIZE: 4,5DO S.F. 10. SMALLEST LOT WIDTH: 50' 11. BUILDING SE:TBACKS: FRONT YARD: 20' GARAGE: 10' STRUCTURE: SID[ YARD: 5' REAR YARD: 5' --'"----''-' lJTILffiES AND SERVICES: WATER: KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT #90 S[WER: CITY OF RENTON PHONE: QWEST COMMUN/CATIONS POWER: PUGET SOUND [N[RGY GAS: PUGET SOUND ENERGY CABLE: AT&T BROADBAND FIRE DISTRICT: NUMBER 25 SCHOOL DISTRICT: ISSAQUAH WETLAND D[LINEA TION: CHAD ARRMOUR, LLC SOURCE: OF BOUNDARY:' FIE:LD VE:R/Fl[D BY CENTRE: POINTE SURV[YING SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: FIELD SURVEYED. BY CENTRE: POINT[ SURV[YING , So& EXIST. 12" CULVEFIT~ IE(N) = 508.30 C 0 "' le.. tu EX!ST. CB /"(i)il-;;;511. 28 I.E. = 508.64 (12"N) I.E. = 508.49 (12"S) /,[. = 508.53 (12"5£) g S.E 134TH ST. _Q(l_ST ~.f.B __ _ 1//M = 509.76 I.E. = 506. 76 (12::;1) 3t I.E. = 50/J.54 (12 a) 0: I.E. = 506.BO (12"NE) AVAILABLE SIGHT DISTANCE FOR 158TH AVE. S.E. POSTED SPEED LIMIT = __ MPH DESIGN SPEED LIM/ T = _ MPH ENTERING STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE: NORTH -----FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER SOUTH ------FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER AVAILABLE SIGHT DISTANCE FOR 160TH AVE. S.E. POSTfO SPEED LIMIT = _ MPH DESIGN SPEED LIMIT = _ MPH ENTERING STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE: ' NORTH -------FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER SOUTH -----FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER -- ' ... ; '' 0 B.M.: I I SCALE: 1 "=40 FEET 20 40 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVDBB 80 KING COUNTY SURVEY CONJROL POINT #TD10, BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE WITH PUNCH, /NCASE:D, AT THE INTERSECT/ON OF 160TH AVENUE S.E. AND S.E. 127TH PLACE. ELEV. = 505.90 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' LEGEND $ PROPOSfD MONUMENT f EXIST. MAIL BOX --0-EXIST. POWl':R POLE E-·-EXIST. GUY WIRE ~-so --E:XfST. STORM LINE [J EXIST. CATCH BASIN --W---EXIST. WATER LINE N EXIST. GATE VALVE t) EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT 83 EXIST. WATER METER O---·····--O EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE x---x EXIST. WIRE FENCE llZZ_ EXISTING ASPHALT EXISTING GRAVEL t_:,.'.7./.';r EXISTING CONCRETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL NUMBER :J66450-D100 (MARY E. HAMIL TON) TRACT 5, BLOCK 1 OF JANETT'S RENTON BOULEVARD TRACTS, RECORDED IN VOLUME17 AT PAGE 60, OF PLA rs, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. C " U) 0 0 ... II ' .. ~ :t: .. ~ '( Q: a 1-- "'( -J Q 8 I 0) -I U) 0 0 0 0 " I ") "' (0 INDEX TO ORA WING5 ~~ C3 Q'. U vJ C/·r .;,i _:,;_;;:;_;::.;.,.;_,.:..;:_..,:;..:..:;_;;.:.:.;.:_:.~~.;!·..,41 I I -' 1. '.l • 1 '., ,.,, .... 1 j 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT "" ,J ' •••• ·- 2. CONCEPTUAL STORM ANO UTILITY PLAN J. ADJACENT LOT OWNERSHIP EXHIBIT K.C, D.0.E,S, EXPIRES: 9-23-03! V DRAWING NO. ot---------1 C, 0 z 1057PPLT 1 OF 3 LUI\-OB-, 2.-l.-- I . Iii J!Ll!L ' ,., ! ., ' ' ' fl LEGEND u" EXIST. MAIL BOX -0-EXIST. POWER POLE E-EXIST. GUY WIRE -SD-EXIST. STORM LINE D EXIST. CATCH BASIN -w----EXIST. WATER LINE N EXIST. GATE VALVE 0 EXIST, FIRE HYDRANT rn fXISI: WATER METER £XIS/. CHAIN LINK FENCE x----x EXIST, WIRE FENCE L/// EXISTING ASPHALT EXISTING GRAVEL ----- ·1: -~::' .. '.:', .. •. <: EXISTING CONCRETE -510-EXISTING CONTOUR 2' (TRACT D) 1' (TRACT C) 6" $ PROPOSED MONUMENT • PROPOSED SEWE:R CLEANOUT • PROPOSED SEWE:R MANHOLE PROPOSED SANITARY SEWE:R LINE • PROPOSED CATCH BASIN 8 PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE PROPOSED STORM LINE • PROPOSED BLOW OFF 'fl PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT ~~ PROPOSED WATER VALVE PROPOSED WATER LINE 1.5' 26' PRCV'ATE DRMWAY (TRACT 0) 20' PRCV'ATE DRCV'EWAY (TRACT C) 20.5' TRACT D 16.5 TRACT C SITE BENCHMARK ELEV. = 513.94 STA. 0+00.00· ROAD "A"= STA. 2+12.50; 158TH AVE. Sf ~ Q: n_ + tu h If, x c,J J' EIS;// DRI £¥/ --·-----.,o~"' PAR. 2 @ ~ Q: 2' (TRACT D) 1' (TRACT C) HYDROSEED DISTURBED .AREAS / Jy Q t h \I\ x ''-' 2• COMPACTED DEPTH ClASS '8' ASPHALT CONCRETE HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. .-,, c I I' 1' J'.' :,.. " ~· I- i CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LOT 7 @ ------------ 60' ...----EXIST. 12" CUL VE T , 1.E.(N) = 511.38 ',..., J.E.(S) = 511.17 .. <O ------------- 52' LOT 6 @ I I I u, I rn I B; f1· ,~~rn ' J 52' EXlST. 24"-' RETAlNING W Ll / / / LOT 5 @) LOT 4 @ -EXIST. 24" RETAINING WALL ', ' Fl S88.J6'28'.'.i;_ 585.ill' '.lSHEOJ 52' 52; ' ' I LOT 3 LOT 2 c§j§) c§j§) ,5,2.?_ EXIST. '',,, / RUAINING WALL',, ' ' -. IE ______ ·-- tJ!,1 7 "' ., "' 1 6 ., )._ 4 "' 5 "' .... ~ "' ::, 0 _L 209' ------------- ' ' 1' I \ TRACT "A" _OPEN SPACE ----------------' ' ' • ' • ' • • ' • ' • • • • • • • • • • ' . •£ ER • OVERfl.QW • Sl'IIJ.WAY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .;,, "' "' "' "' • EXIST/lfG CHAIN LINK" • • • • • FENCC T<! BC R<MOIIED • "' "' "' "' "' "' • • • • ~~11:c~L I : __ ~---- • • • • / ' ,:.-.._ ... / I / / • "'166' "' • • E. ,..------- 137' II EXISTING BUILDING DRAIN )'STD/ ' / ' 21 b 0, . EXISTING BU/Wt, G TO ·1 BE DEMOLISH D ·---~~~i:.-=i=·---~--~-~----~ ' ,, ' 6" DRAIN SroRM SYS@' __ 20 ;,,~ ROOF & 1'0011 DRAIN CCJNNEC ON STUB (n1>,) , 19 I--~ 2 ----~---"-""-'O'.~~~~D'-"'~--50' , '-----._ ' --i ' ·, 109• ~ • 22 _-fi? ---------, "1'7,,_ ,,...,------508---,, ·, EVERGiiffN HrDGE 100· 23 -------, / -5{}f;---I -' I N88"42'04"W 588.39' 88' 16 ' 11 ' ' I I ' ' I I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' "' '-!O ' EXISTl~""R TO B!c:'REMO ··~---- 13 ' ' ' ' 50' ",. 2• BLOWOFF ' ' ' ' -£XI T. POtll!(? POLE TO BE RELOCA/ID ' ' ' 11 12 ',, 60' \110' ' I I 14, I I ' ', h.;:~ O oS ', AND GUY IIIRE E ISi I CB 5 \ ~ O ~\ ? ',,TOBE RELOCATED II EW Y ' . .,. 0 CONTROL STRUCTURE K£T ETE:N110N P EXIST, 6" '"s;0 f.V -. RETAINING WALL 6' 1 '-' , Sqs, I I I I I I 9 I ;,j 0 "' :--..__EXIST. 12" CULVERT /,E.(N) = 503.02 50' LONG LEV£L FLOW SPREADER BOT7llll £LEV. -500.00 STA TIC W.S. El.EV, = 503.00 , \~ O o,s 1 , EXIST. POWER POLE EXIST. 6" EXIST.. 12" CULVE:RT------ 10' 21' R MAX. W.S. El.EV. -508.00 I TOP £LEV. = 509.00 VOLUME REQUIRED = 44,ooo± CF VOLUME PROVIDID = 45,0001: CF DETE:N110N STANDARDS LEV£L II FLOW CONTROL WA TE:R QUAUTY STANDARDS BASIC WATER OU.AU1Y TREATMENT PER 1998 KING COUNTY MANUAL PROPOSED METHOD -IIETP0/10 21' R 10' UTILITY EASEMENT @) RUA!NING WALL I.E.(N) : 508.30 <§Ti]) 7.5' (158TH) 1' C) 30' R W 5' UTIUTY EASEMENT HYDROSEED -~ DISTURBED .AREAS 1' 1' 5' 1' 14' 14' 1' 5' 1'1' HYDROSEED DISTURBED .AREAS 7.5' (160TH) SIDEWALK 0.5' 2' w, z i ti 2' J.·1 -5" THICK CEMENT CONCRETE SI EWAU< ',, HYDROSEED 2% DISTURBED AREAS ' :;,; :,-.\ CEMENT CONCRETE CURB &: GUTTER LOT B @ f.X/ J f. RIV!. WAY -~-~----- EXIST. 12" CUL VERT J.E.(S) : 518.67 EXIST. CB ----R,M .-:::., 520.93 '\ 514 I.E. = 518.30 f12"N) I.E. ~ 518.17 12"5) STA.6+46.87· ROAD "A"= STA.2+11.52; 160TH AVE. SE u.i c,j a' ~! <:( al j!: ~ 0~ ~ ...___£_)(IS T c..S_B __ RIM : 516.49 1.£. : si_.J.28 (12"N) I.E. = 513.74 (!2"S) EXIST. CB /R!iT-;;;-s 11. 2 a IE = 50/J.64 f12"N) I.E. ~ 508.49 12"S) I.E. = 508.53 72"SE) g S.E 134TH ST. -EX1$T CB __ RIM = 509.76 IE = 506.76 f12"N) ~ I.E. : 506. 54 12 "S) Q: I.E. ~ 506.80 12"NE) w z 16' (158TH AVE) ai 16 160TH AVE 1~ 30' R W ±10' (158TH AVE) ti ±13' (158TH AVE) ±11 160TH AVE ±16' 160TH AVE -1L 2% EXIST. PAVEMENT SECTION SAWCUT AND SEAL JOINT SCALE: 1"=40 FEET 0 20 40 80 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVD88 8.1,1.: KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT #ID10, BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE WITH PUNCH. INCASED, AT THE INTERSECTION OF 160TH AVENUE S.E. AND 5.£. 127TH PLACE. ELEV. = 505. 90 511£ B.M.: SET PK NAIL 2.2° EAST OF FOGL/N£ AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF SITE. ELEV. = 513.94 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' ! EXPIRES: 9-23-03! • THICKENED ASPHALT EDGE 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE -- 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4· COMPACTED DEPTH ATB CEMENT CONCRETE ROU.ED CURB PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-002 PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-001 2" COMPACTED DEPTH ClASS '8' ASPHALT CONCRETE 1-1/2• COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE -- 5• COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4° COMPACTED DEPTH ATS 3" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE PER KCRS 4.01A, ALTERNATE 11 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE __ 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4• COMPACTED DEPTH ATB GRAVEL BASE ClASS '8' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOil CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) JOINT USE DRNEWAY TRACT NOT TO SCALE GRAVEL BASE ClASS '8' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOil CONDmONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 &: 4.03 K.C.R.S.) ROAD 'A' KING COUNTY SUBCOLLECTOR NOT TO SCALE GRAVEL BASE Cl.ASS '8' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS {SEE SECTIONS 4.02 &: 4.03 K.C.R.S.) 158TH AVENUE NE AND 160TH AVENUE NE KING COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD COLLECTOR NOT TO SCALE 0:: kl (l) ::;, :::, < ~ -, kl -J 23 en ~ ,_ a kl i?i i;j kl Cl ~ ai "' ~ <.J t5 ,.._ ~ C 0 :!? \'; > V 11' I: D ~ fil {I) s: il! ..; gJ "' u gt ~ m 8 I V " -0 I 0 0 - -0 z " I:'! I[) a <( Cl a 'I-~ II ' -< .. N .. >--' ~ 0:: ~ :r: Q, (l) ~ Q Cl a .. 6 ~ <( kl 0:: i5 Cl "' a I 0) I I[) a Cl~ -JO klO G:: (l) a ~ a ~ Q Q <( ~ :r: Q 0) C ·->,. (I) > L. :, CJ) DRAWING NO. 1057ENG 2 OF 3 LUA-oa-1-u- ' J' d -1 :,i ::i ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS LIST 1. MARY HAMILTON 15821 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0100 2. REYNOLDS Ul<lNG TRUST 13016 156TH A\/f. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0205 3. DONALD & DALE FlSHER 13115 158TH A\/f. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0215 4. STE'vEN GEYER 13128 156TH A 1/f. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0201 5. BEAL BANK 6000 LEGACY OR PLANO, TX 75024 366450 0210 6. STEVEN GEYER 13128 156TH A\/f. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0221 7. GARY & SALLY \\1LLIAMS 818 SW 306TH ST FlEOERAL WAY, WA 98023 366450 0220 8. CHARLES SMITH 13205 158TH Al/f. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0227 9. JAMES & KIMBERLY BROUGH 13220 156TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0225 10. SANDRA SNYDER 1915 S 375TH ST FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 366450 0228 11. ROBERT MOFFAT 13217 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0230 12. SANDRA SNYDER 1915 S 375TH ST FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 366450 0226 13. KING COUNTY 500 K C ADMIN BLDG SEA TILE, WA 98104 366450 0231 14. CONSERVATI\/f. BAPTIST CHURCH 13232 156TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0240 15. JARED HAIR & LAURA TAUTZ 134 22 156TH A 1/f. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0250 16. GWENDOLYN PICKENS & 1<1CTOR HIGH 13405 158TH A Vf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0245 17. LUCILLE PERRY 13426 156TH Al/f. SE RENTON. WA 98059 366450 0260 16. FRANCIS JR & ROBIN BECKMAN 13511 158TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0278 19. ALAN OSGOOOBY 13527 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0270 20. JAMES DUKE PO BOX 2262 RENTON, WA 98056 366450 0136 21. EDWARD & NANCY HILTON 13414 158TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0135 22. 111WAM JOHNSON 15902 SE 134TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0133 23. PATRICK & KELLY BEHR 15914 SE 134TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0132 24, ALl<lN & WENDY WOOD 13403 160TH A\/f. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0131 25. DALE NOTI 13422 158TH A\/f. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0127 26. FLORENCE NOTI 15915 134TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0120 27. GLENDA JOHNSON 13425 160TH A\/f. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0126 28. GUY & CARL JR PLATZ & JOONSON GERMNNE 13535 160TH A 1/f. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0141 29. PEGGY ANN STREIT 13512 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0170 30. RAYMOND & ERIN PLATZ 14627 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0180 31. RONALD COFFIN 16015 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0190 32. JOLENE MAGGARD 16023 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0200 33. STEVEN & PERI MUHICH 13420 160TH A Vf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0010 34. RICHARD & MICHAEL KNAPP 13412 160TH A\/f. SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0020 35. RANDY & BONNIE HORNER 13404 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0030 36. OON BAURICHTER 14025 176TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0040 37. MICHAEL & NECIA WAIN\\RIGHT 16025 SE 134TH AVf. RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0050 38. JOHN SR & ELIZABETH CROONQUIST PO BOX 2352 RENTON, WA 98056 200600 0060 39, BARBARA PEELER 16041 SE 134TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0070 40. MICHAEL & KA YE FOSMIRE 16049 SE 134TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0080 41. DOUGLAS & CRYSTAL WEIK 16040 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0120 42. GORDON & SULTANA ROBERTSON 16032 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0130 43. ROBERT & LORI OA 11ES 14708 30TH Al/f. NE SEATTLE, WA 98155 200600 0140 44. LEONARD JOHNSTON 16016 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0150 45. MORRIS JR & HOLLY JOHNSON 2635 REDWOOD ST ANCHORAGE, AK 99508 145750 0070 46. LY BUI 13208 160TH A\/f. SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0066 47. GARY MCCANN 13224 160TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0065 48. GARY MCCAIN 13224 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0067 49. LEONARD SKINNER 13030 160TH A\/f. SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0059 50. LEONARD SKINNER 13116 160TH Al/f. SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0062 51. DICK AMOS 16028 SE 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0061 52. DICK AMOS 16028 SE 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0064 53. MICHAEL DOOLY 16106 SE 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0063 54. DELOIS STANFORD 13111 160TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0062 55. \\1WAM KENAN .ll 15914 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 96059 366450 0060 56. TIMOTHY LEX & lllNA DOLAN 13116 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0066 57. FREDY JAQUES 13114 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0069 58. CHARLES & 1<10!.A SCOBY 13112 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0071 59. DA 1<1D KUPCHO 13110 158TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0064 60. DOROTHY ROCKEY 13119 160TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0066 61. CRIST Vf.RSCHAE\/f. 43803 284TH Al/f. SE ENUMa.AW. WA 98022 366450 0065 62. HUGH MURDOCH 15917 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0072 ,-~~---'--'-'''-·"··· 63. \\1WAM KENAN JR 15914 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0067 64. STEVEN ROY 15905 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0075 65. DANIEL & LYNN PETERSON 13118 158TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0073 66. sffFREY & JULIE TAYLOR 13128 158TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0070 67. GW NICKEL 13205 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0010 68. RICHARD & PHYWS RUDOLPH i 5846 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0020 69. MICHAEL & THERESA ADAMS 15842 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0030 70. DEAN KINNEY 15834 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0040 71. EMILIE VAN KEMPEN 15826 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0050 72. ROY l<lRClL 15822 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0060 73. D J YANTZER 15812 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0070 74. FlRANLIN HARSCH PO aox 2344 RENTON, WA 98056 923650 0080 75. DELAINE JORGENSEN 13225 160TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0090 76. WALTER KAPIOSKI 13231 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0100 77. MARY SACKED 15841 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0110 78. JAMES ROUGHLEY & OAWN THOMPSON 15833 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0120 79. CHARLES GRIMSHAW 15825 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0130 80. MARY HAMILTON 15821 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0140 81. ROBERT & MARIAN WEGLIN 2123 47TH AVf. SW SEATTLE, WA 98116 923650 0150 82. MARY HAMILTON 15821 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0160 HAMIL TON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON I I I I I : L______ I 2 59 58 57 56 I ~55 : 54 : \ I ~ ~a§]! @I) @ <@§) I f@1 ~ I I \ ;;.--~=j--1:-::-::-:-:t-:-:-:j-::;-::-±::f'~~~L~~~~t:-:::-::~1~~Q1!J)ub~C2==--+--t..::..:.::: I -i---------------___ LI ---1,---_i __ l _____ L ___ _J_~--i~-------~------ 1 \ 65 I ~ ___ PRIVATE ROAD -I I I 11 ;;-;,., ,-, I I /@JJ,, l @ I I ---I --~'0--'0062' I ,::,, ------1---I I I I ui ~_-y I ,v.c I 4 I ----------------j 64 I 63 I 62 I @ ______ _J I "'~ 1 5 I 66 I @ I = I \------49 : @ I @!Y ~ l €f9l : :,()_~5J:@J): 61 @ I : --------- 53 \ c@ I I I I -r--------------_______ T ___ _J _____ J._ .1 J_ @ I I I I 8 L?r48 , : I -r --,, -67--------,L ___ I __ _ _ _ _J ____ _ 7 ------ !) I = I 72 I 71 70 69 LOT 1 I I ~IP -~-----1 LOT 6 I LOT 5 1, LOT 1 I LOT J I <§§@ I I 73 = = I f-------46 I t----.., ----------LOT 7 I '2()~ I '2()_5SJ, I @ I @i§J I 68 LOT A I \ I 0£79) I I -1. I I I LOT 2 'DOW I I fl ~ ~ ~ : 1 I ,c, o I <1ifJ.0 o0..;,,. .-,o'3 "',.o KJ I f ~'l-o" I I 82 -. : <iif:ijJ I ----------LOT 8 \ I : 12 _ @:@) __ ~ I I <@§) 81 I 80 I I LOT 6 \ 79 LOT 5 <@ 8.E 132MJ PLACE 78 77 LOT 4 LOT J @J!v 1fi@ 75 \ LOT 1 I@ f------- 1 76 'J ,-- 1 I I I 48 I.OT C I I LOT 7 \ -n.7""==~----~----------€;;~ ------------- 81 I I LOT 2 (oioo) ,~ I I I (Qci~ __________________ L __ _ --------------r-------------- 15 1 I I I I _______ L 16 ----------- \fEffRENCE NUMBER FOR \OT Ol'rNfR .t: ADDRESS (TYP.) 17 PAR. 2 €9> 1 2 3 TRACT "A" OPEN SPACE 4 TRACT "B" STORM POND 5 • 0 • .... 0 s: ~ 6 7 t@ 21 20 22 23 8 9 ' .Cl 19 18 .... 0 '( ~ 17 16 20 I I I I I I 10 13 14 15 @ I I I --------1--J 22 : 23 : 24 I '.Jo1<:i @ I @ \ <§_~ 21 1,'1.i I I @ \.\.~I I I 11 12 ,i..G I I \ --------L-,----L---~------ 1 I gJ i s( I 35 I LOT J \£.~:~ 1"1/t;:;: (1-W.) 45 @Ii> 8.E 134TH BIR&:/ 1 36 37 38 39 @ \ LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 -----~ <@! I @ I @ I €f§} 34 I I I I LOT 2 \-----+----J----\-- (Q_O}C!) I I I I I 40 I LOT 8 \ (Q080) : I I -f-----+-- 1 I 25 I 26 I 27 -----~ ~ I 42 I 43 I 33 I LOT 15 I LOT 14 I LOT 13 I 44 I I ----------- 18 I I @ I @ I <@]) I I ----------~--------_J _____ _ 28 @ LOT! I @ I@ I@ wtq) I I I ~ I I I 8.E. 13571-1 s /Fl&:/ 30 31 LOT 3 I I LOT 5 I ---------i oiq --19-:---+--t---'----------------------1--4~~ I (ijj§g} : ~'/j'/j:'i"J~ L0/1 LOT 2 \----~---t {. e,s'< 0oqO @9l @ I I ~ -----~ I I I '11 I I I I I I SCALE: 1"=100 FE£T 0 50 100 200 C 0 :~ ~ °' ~ ei (lJ :. " ::, IJ) z 0 -gJ -, 0 0 -L,J II ...J ' 0 -.. ,_; VJ Ct: 0 :t: ~ 9, ,._ Q 8 ~ G Vi <( L,J Ct: Ci a ~ <( a z z .. f-C Cl:: ~ (lJ "' Ci 8 0 L,J ti "' 0 I 0, -I IJ) 0 96 l,JQ C: (lJ c:i ~ 0 Ct: Q Q <( 0 0 f2 I tr) "' <O <o' 0 ~ 0) C ·-~ > L ::, ..... (I) (1) .&; t... 0 ca.. (1) 1---1--(0 o- -J ~ 1--Lu <Q Lu -() ::c: ~ (/) J 0::: a Lu ~~ 0 DRAWING NO. 1,1--------1 0 0 z 1057ADJ 3 OF 3 LUA-o 8-/2--""Zr II ; ' . ' i ·)j :-1 ;-1 ',~: ' :··d /-{, ,. ·' ,. ; t .. ·, : j ·::,. HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. STA. 0+00.00· ROAD "A"= STA. 2+12.50; 15BTH AVE. SE I / ,, ··, I,. '·1 . , , ,•,; " I I I CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON • • •.· • Pl<;l"-'<;··~,··,._'S :):: , ~·:f:"1:t ~~'t;tr:~0:".C 0 ·1:~-~ _ __ . _ . _ ···• ~ _ I s,t-:~· .. . . TRA©T..-'A : .. ' ;y,, -'"-"----~ ,'. ~(>··· ..... - TRACT 'B" WET/DETENnON POND '"' SCALE: 1 "=20 FEET 0 10 20 40 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVDBB B.M.: KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT #W/0, BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE WITH PUNCH, INCASED, AT THE INTERSECTION OF 160TH AVENUE 5.£. AND S.£. 127TH PLACE. ELEV. • 505.90 SITE: B.M.: SET PK NAIL 2.2' EAST OF FOGL/NE AT N0RTHW£ST CORNER OF SITE. ELEV. "' 51 J. 94 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' 0:: kl Ill :::, ::, <'. Ill 0 " Lu _, 0 V) ~ h a Lu ~ in Lu Cl C .2 00 -~ "' " Ii) 0 - 0 "' II ' -.. is; f§ :i: Q, Q ~ " 0:: Cl >- 0:: ~ < -~ -cj 0:: Q I:;! " Cl z <'. .. ,-: l;'i > Ill 6 ~ Lu :i: u "' 0 I ") "' I 0 - c:i>.: r;J8 G:: Ill a ~ 0 8: Q " 0 0 0 " I I') "' <O <O° 0 ~ DRAWING NO. s 0 ._ ______ _. 0 1057PARK 0 z 1 OF 1 LUA-08-iii " ,, ,,, , I ,,, 1~' i '. ' ', . , 'J..,-,; ;.,.- -:;..· ;;.._ i I ' <,1' .. ;. I ·, [ __ _ -.,;.,.. ---~ ., '--"· , .. ~or,,·, ;~,.'...o..: ·c,'.,c -: j ' ' '' ( ' '' / / I / ~ ~ 4 <l: 1'--·-- ' r-1-t • LOT, I ' ' ',; /.OT I 288 . .,to v· 01 ~ I· ?' ' \ 0 ':30 <3:J 0 I'. 0 I It} ··---·---.. ·---... -.· .. -. _ ~·'-·-..cN.;..;8;,c7-!;.f._._s_z...;.W;_ __ ;:,;:29.::o,:·,::IS:.__ a _j ~ ~ ,, 0 KCSP 383015 8308170817 , ~ . ~ LOTZ I I ' I t-----------~--'------;:"i;;;-;;':~N~8~7::.-.'.':.:''.:·:.:"~s:_:w:'.::'._~z:.:,~o'..:·~''.:":.... __ _J 1 < ..5"8/,4,f.,> ' "' " i I~--. __ -'11 ·,1..9.J, ~, '~. ,· .'f w ' (f) // y ' ~ '/ a ,:. {'-I "' J l\J ', " ") I , I ' ~ -' 0 " I' ' "o ~ I . ~ >)) ' - ·' t ~-~--- --- PAR, I 150 LOT 3 220 "\ o'l-o '-./ -I .,. 0 0~ ---- .,; ..fBiJ.63,> $':!)fl± (!:':it') KC 7612010798 2. 90 -371.03 3]Z.C.fr,?) KC 7711160735; ' LOT I G '/," 0 Sp-:# ,,(-)( [( 0 2-"'I . ~ LOT I ' ' ~. ,r;, "" l LiJ :;,, 4:· '' i I , t~I £ ~ " "' J · i [~ '··L,_. ' ·, ' " ( --..'......--[--- " 1' ' ..:. <>1 "' 0 "' " 4 '--..:.,J ' ' 0 ,~ ' 0 " _( I, 'n ,•,·'.~~ '· ' ,•', ' " " 170 " / "' 00 o' i' I 3iP,-, '' '------- I f ,- 1~ ' o/1'6 ---'---~".fLE' ---, "t l ' l o' ... \ ' ' ,, ~ " " 1" ' I I~ ~ ' - V =a&J w ',· 7<? 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Assumed CONDUIT VOLTAGE VOLTAGE ASBUILTINFORMATION ,------------·-,---------------------· ----·----.. ~---+ SIZE LENGTH Loi Corner SIZE LENGTH BENDS DROP FLICKER Foreman · Complete 1'1!~:1-T_O_f---'11_10~tJ_o~·''°~l+--D_(_~\g_n---+-l_o_Meter(ft) (In) D(::n ~0' 45' 22' 1~~ (Percent) (Pe_rce ____ n~t}_,__A_ctu_ai_Am_ou_n_tc_'.:_:_~_8 d_(_c_~~-d~~& _v_01_,._H_1A'--'---,c---:35==0~+-~1--'1 o~i-----+~3---1-~11.==o_,_2---+---+--+-==2=.2 _ _,_~1==.6 __ . __ , _____________ -1 V01 H1B 350,_,._-+-_2=.1,~0----i----+--'3'--t-=2,_,_10~+-----'3'-+--+--,--+--"2=.7-+---=2=.3-+-----------·-----t ,__Y01 LOT 8 1/0 5.~-,--~70~--+~2_ -+--=5-+--2~+-----+---+---+-=2, 1~->----+2=.3~--+----------·--------+ V01 LOT 9 4/0 5 70 --+-==2-+--=5 ___ i---=2c..+--+---+--1--=1 ,9~--+---1==·6~--+--------------------1 _Y_01 LOT 18 1/0 ___ 65_ __ _J_q __ -~2-_,____6,5 3 -----t--f--==2=.6~--t--=3,~.5~----·--------------t _V_01_f--L_Q_T_1_9 __Jj_O=---t--=6_5~-<--7~0--+-~2-,.--+6~5_,_3-+---+--+-----+--2~.6~-+--3~,5 =--+--------------+ __ H_1A_Jc.O~T--'1=0+----'1=/0= _4 _==5-+--~70_-+-==2=-__ 5_ ___ ,--'2=_, __ ,___1-----;--=2=.7•--+--=3==.0------------------+ POWER GENERAL NOTES-PLAT PROJECT 1. THE CUSTOMER JS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ALL TRENCHING, PER THE TRENCH PROFILE, AND ALL EXCAVATIONS AT THE TRANSFORMER/HANDHOLE VAULT SITES SUCH THAT PSE FACILITIES WILL MATCH FINAL GRAPE. VAULT HOLES WILL HAVE STABLE LEVEL BOTTOMS. CUSTOMER WILL PROVIDE §"_QE_QFWSHED ROCK FOR VAULT BEDDING. ALL TRENCHES WILL HAVE 6" OF WASHED SAND COVER AND 3" BEDDING FOR ALL CONDUITS. THE CUSTOMER WILL PROVIDE SELECT BACKFILL, IF REQUIRED, AND COMPACTION AS NECESSARY. THE CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DISPOSAL OF ALL NATIVE SPOILS NOT SUIT ABLE FOR USE AS BACKFILL. ALL TRENCHES MAY BE JOINT WITH GAS, TELEPHONE AND TV CABLE. 2. ALL CABLES/CONDUITS TO BE INSTALLED IN CUSTOMER'S TRENCH AT A DEPTH OF 39" BELOW FINAL GRADE. INSTALL CABLE ID TAGS AT EACH END OF THE PRIMARY CABLES PER THE CIRCUIT ONE-LINE DIAGRAM. l:i: 1 2 NEW i I P-X 317912 NEW 168001 · 317912 ', : __J:IJ_A LOT11 4/0 5 70 2 5 2 2.5 2=.3--t-------------- _liJt,_ Jc.O==T-~12'-l---==4/0=--+--6==0~1-~70_-+-==2c..+--+6=0-1f-----"3-+---+--1----+----+2==·7, _____ ±c~--+----·--------1 3. INSTALL PVC (DB-120) ROAD CROSSINGS AS INDICATED ON THE CROSSINGS CONDUIT TABLE & AS SHOWN ON WORK SKETCH. CROSSINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED BY CUSTOMER/DEVELOPER PER PUGET SOUND ENERGY STANDARDS. I- :::, fi 3 4 triM'\ 5 6 P-X/168021 I '\ ~ <@)7 8<§:Dg , I \.:····. t-·--~-~ .. \.. .... I .. \ I rl~iW ""'" D 10 @) 11 ' ' I __J:11A LOT 13 4=/0-~-+-~60~-+---+7==0--+-==2~1---+6,=0-1f-----=3---·->---t---c---==2=.7---t--=2=.9~-+---------------+ H1B LOT 14 4/0 5 70 2 5 2 3.0 3.0 -+-----------------, _H1B LOT 15 1/0 5=-·-<--"70~-··---=2---+-_5~+-=2-+--+---1--+---+3=.3~--t--·=3=.7-----+----------------t 4. AT SYMBOL: ------INSTALL UNDERGROUND PRIMARY CABLES IN CONDUIT. CABLE LENGTH AND CONDUIT SIZE AS INDICATED ON PRIMARY CABLE & CONDUIT TABLE. () r-------.. -......... -•.---:~~:=-~~~--~ .·1 .. I , ·-------------+-----T~OAD "A" X08/ !x<;-l/xo6 --lr;j" • -~==-1-=~~~-==--= i ra __ HJ_~_ LOT.=1==6-i--_4=/0~-+--=40~a---+7==0--+-==2~1--4•==0-+--2~1--+---->--------2-· 1_ --~3==.4'--+-------------------1 _li~_I!_ LOI_1_7,___4/_0_f--_4_co_, __ 70 _ _,__2_1-_4_0_,_2_,_ __ --t--f-----t--3 __ ._1_ --·c----3~.4~-+-------+--~-------- • 5. AT SYMBOL: ----INSTALL 600 VOLT UG SECONDARY CABLES IN L T=2"E' ' 1 .J_ -" X05 I (i' X03 // I 1 1-~ ' .----~* 11-4"G 1,~_: .. g • 2'Ef/ ,g ~i..3"E xo2/ X01" ' 'H r----~~. 1-4"0 1-2"~~ 2 2"~ <=? 4 I;, 0 ----------------~~~~-.~~-----~~~~gi -R~o~ ~-=--:.fr=r_"-=--------)+. -~-4"G1' ~1:u r "I ----r I ,_Y02 H2A --,3=5,,0_ --,_1~1==0--+I------+--~3_,_1,_1~0 __ .. ,2·--+---+----+---t--=2~.2---t----+1==.6~--t------------- ,__Y02 H28 350 190 '-----+---'3'-+~1~90~i---=3c.+--t--f----+--2=.3~-+-__.,.2 .... 1,_--t-----------------t 1--\/02 LOT 1 4/0 160 I 70 3 160 _J'---l·---t---+----+--2=.4~-t------'3"'.2~--t---------------+ ,__Y02 LOT2 4/0 105 ! 70 3 105 2 2.2~_--1--___,2~.6~--t---------------t CONDUIT. CABLE/CONDUIT SIZE AND LENGTH AS INDICATED ON SECONDARY CABLE & CONDUIT TABLE. 6. AT SYMBOL: ~ INSTALL MINI-PAD HANDHOLE & PADMOUNT TRANSFORMER. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT AS INDICATED ON VAULT TABLE. II 5' 1..~;. PLAT UTILITY ---.;'-\-------,, 26' .,./::"168017'-/--,-------~ I·. (OPEN SPACE) -Je,mt ESMT. (TYP) T ROW ,,, -V -I::; +o~• "". !_ _ - 1' 1 -,~------· .,,.--r j 21 20 19 j / 1 ~ 317903. NEW : l:Qj) __Y0_2-+-L~O==T==3-+--~1==/0~-+-~5=5~~; ---"70~_,~2=-t-=505~+--'2=-t--+---+----+-=2,5 __ -t------'3.=3-------------------t _V,0=2c.+-=LO~T--'4'--t-~1/0~-+-------'5 ____ 7~0,_---;,-~2~t--5,~+-2c....., __ ,_-+--_,_~2~.1----+-=2.3_--t------------------7. AT SYMBOL: • INSTALL SECONDARY PEDESTAI/HANDHOLE W/ (3) MULTI-CONNECTORS. SIZE AS INDICATED ON SECONDARY HH/PEDESTAL TABLE. (EXCAVATION: 3' SQ.} I I I I I I I I I TRACT "E" (WETLAND & BUFFER) SITE PLAN SCALE: 1"=50' SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION NOTES SITE NOTES: P01 (317903-168038) Existing Pole -Remove Existing 45' CL2 Pole TRACT"B" (DETENTION POND) -Inst. New 45' CL2 Pole± 6' Wf':i, if existing pole per std 6010.1000 -Inst. Two phase single arm per std. 6032.1010 -Transfer two phase pri & neut to new pole -Transfer existing 25KVA oh Trf to new pole -Transfer existing svc to new pole -Inst. 1/0 Al. Single-phase term on epoxy sidemount arm -Inst. L/B C/0 & surge Arrester, Fuse @ 40T -Install stirrup tap A-Phase -Inst. 2" Primary riser on standoff brackets P02 (317903-168028) Existing Pole -Remove Existing 40' CL3 Pole -Remove Existing secondary span P01 to P02 P03 (317887-168038) Existing Pole -Remove Existing 45' CL2 Pole P04 (317887-168038) New Pnle . -Inst. New 45' CL2 Pole ± 5' w of existing pole per std 6010.1000 -Inst. Two phase single arm per std. 6032.1010 -Inst. single phase pole DE per std. 6031.1040 -Inst. 2-3/8" dwn guys to 10" sq. anc. L=5' -Transfer two phase pri & neut to new pole -Transfer single phase tap pri & neut to new pole or Positions __vo2 LOTS 1/0 5 70 2 5 -=2-1--+---l--f--~2,==.1~-t--=2=.3~-+---------.---------+ --4-TRACT"C" 18 : ,@168028 ,\3179031 I I I EXIST NX/168038 :, I /,(ACCESS ROAD) TRACT"D"-~ ,: . 13 ' H2A LOT6 1/0 5 70 2 5 2 2.7 3.0 --==-t----=--+-~-t-----~--+---t-~-+-----t--+---c--·-·-----t---~---1---------------t _1:12A LOT7 1/0 5 • 70 2 5 2 2.7 3.0 ---+--------------+ 8. AT SYMBOL: QJ INSTALL JUNCTION BOX HANDHOLE. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT AS INDICATED ON VAULT TABLE. ' _Jt_2_A LOT20 4/0 70 70 2 70 3 2.7 3.=0·-+--------------- __!:12,6. LOT 21 4/0 70 70 2 70 3 2.7 __ 1------'3==.0--<--------------------1 I ( I -f-c.5 12 I (: ACCESS ROAD) j / j esmt : I LU 9, AT SYMBOL: INSTALL SECONDARY CABLE & CONDUIT STUB·OUT. I I I IH C/'J I\ / I: :u+ ·~w ,~H=2=B+=L=O==T=22-.~1==/0~-1--~5 ~,-~70~-+-2--=--+-~5--<--2--=--+----;--+---e-=2 .. ~8-+--·~3==.6----t---------------t 10. AT SYMBOL: --* INSTALL STREET LIGHTING STANDARD. SIZE AND TYPE OF STANDARD/LUMINARIE AS INDICATED ON STREET LIGHTING TABLE. (CUSTOMER TO EXCAVATE & INSTALL SONO TUBES FOR PLACEMENT OF THE STREET LIGHT STANDARDS.) 22 23 I -~ ·~P,c\F\-c:f-'ic-PY9 ) -e~ -I- I ..L DETAIL: SCALE 1 "=10' FOREMAN PLEASE FILL IN GRID! HEIGHT: CLASS: YEAR: POLE INSTALL PO.+ 317887--168038 45· J FOREMAN PLEASE FILL IN GRID: HEIGHT: CLASS: YEAR: POLE REMOVAL POJ 317887--168038 4•' 1960 FOREMAN PLEASE FILL IN POLE INSTALL P01 GRfO: JI 790J-1680J8 45 HEIGHT: CLASS: j YEAR, 17 16 / ' H2B LOT 23 -~1/0~---;i--5-_,1 __ 70_-+_2_t-~5-+-2-+--+---·l---t--2_.e __ + __ 3._6_+--------------------t i 11. I ' M > ' : 14 ; I ' . J: I ., ' I <( i ---+----+-----f----+------;i--+---l---+--+--~t-----+--------1--. .,---+-------------+ I . : I . I---~~--~--~--~----~-'---·-~~----~-~------~--------------·-----------11. CUSTOMER/DEVELOPER IS RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE, INSTALL AND MAINTAIN ALL SECONDARY SERVICE CABLES, CONDUITS AND CROSSINGS FROM THE INDIVIDUAL UNIT'S METER BASE TO THE DESIGNATED CONNECTION POINT. 15 'a ~ 0 't I CO EXIST : 8 T"" ~317887 : 6 ,. 1 ~168038 I R(W • 1/0 UG Trlplex (ft)= 4/0 UG Triplex (ft)= 350 UG Triplex (ft) = 230 620 620 2• PVC & Bends = a• PVC & Bends = 565 885 48 14 Total Qts of Glue = 2.4 2.1 4.5 I ..,, NEW 1 lbnA'\317887 / ~168038 SE 134TH ST CIRCUIT LOADING TABLE - i- i -1--- - I DETAIL: SCALE: 1"=10' FOREMAN PLEASE FILL IN GRID: HEIGHT: CLASS: YEAR: POLE REMOVAL P02 317903-168028 40' . I 1986 FOREMAN PLEASE FILL IN INSTALL OP01 GRID: 317903-168038 TRANSFORMER SIZE: =25=K=VA~--- TESTEO SECONDARY VOLTAGE:----- MANUFACTURE: SERIAL NO; COMPANY 10 NO: FOREMAN PLEASE FILL IN REMOVE OP01 --------CIRCUIT: MAP-15 ASOF 712/2003 A PHASE B PHASE CPHASE I EXIST. PEAK LOAD 150.00 110.00 -12s.oo ' 1 '--1 E_S_T_.-_NE_W_L_O_A_D. _----~---_-__ -_--·_-"·_1_0_-~· ____ -,-_-_-_-o __ -_·_-_-_-_--_-_·-_O~ : ~T_o_T_A_L ________ 1_so_.00 _____ 1_1_0_.00 _____ 1_2_s_.oo __ l Vault & Equipment Table _:J_ __ N~-V:i~~-:-re _____ TE-yf_i_i_;_; __ ;._~-~----r--P __ ri ___ m_:_:-J __ Bu:~ngs V01 317912 42X48X38 37.5KVA MP TRF I 168021 Unlstrut HH 120/240 2 Matid: 7663001 Matid: 6247050 ----------i------+----------+----- V02 317912 168001 42X48X38 37.5KVA MP TRF Unistrut HH 120/240 Matld: 7663001 Malld: 6247050 -----'------"-~ PRIMA.RY CABLE & CONDUIT TABLE 1 1 Transfomi~r-~-ASBUIL T INFORMATION f ID Numbers Foreman-Complete I lC_o __ m~p_a_n~y_lD~>--1-------------~ ------------~---------------~ CONDUIT PRIMARY CABLE ASBUILT INFORMATION ---· --·~--------1---------------------+--·----------··--------- LOCATION Size Qty Design BENDS PULL Cable Design Cable Numbers Please Racool Foreman-C ,,_o=m~np~,l•'-'cle:.c---~~---1 Length f--~-~~----1 Length( 1-------~-----;i------r--C-Actual Amount Installed (Conduit & ~fro-0m'-'---+~k~• --1-/l=ln~\f----t--(ft2--+~go~·+4~5~•+=22~·+=-11~'+--"(l=b•~•l-t--~S=lz~e~-__ ft\ A B C Manufact\Jrer Year _ Cable) ____ ------! 1~P==o~1-1-~v:0_1'--+==2~+-1c.+-~2~3~5 -t-=3--l----t--t----t-1==4=8-t-1~/0~Af..=JK,~J+--=28=5-t-A~D=D=7==83=--+---+----+------t-----t--------------1 V01 VU2 2 1 205 2 94 1/0Af..JKT 225 ADD764 i-----~---~t---lf--~f----+~-1---t--+--+~-t~=~~c--=~-t==~-= --~ ··---c........----------· -t-----t-----------------i l----t----+--+--+-----+---1----+-+----t------i-----1-----1-----·+---f----·-·f------+---+-------------, 1---'----+-----+---'---'---'·---'·--'-----1--·----'-----+------1--------·--'------_, ____ , ____ _,__ ------------------ 2" PVC (ft} & Bends • 3" PVC (ft) & Bends= 4" PVC (ft) & Bends = 6" PVC (ft) & Bends = 440 5 0.61 Qts 510 0.61 Total Qts of Glue OPERATING RIGHTS LANGUAGE = Total = Total 1/0 Af..JKT 750MCM A private easement is hereby reserved for and granted to Puget Sound l!:nergy Company, PSE Gas, Qwe,t, Comcut, (other private utilities), Bild their respective successors Bild assigns under and upon all private streets, alleyways and private drives, the exterior IO feet parallel \\ith and adjoining the street frontage of all lots and lrncts ond 5 .00 foet parallel with and lldjoining all~yways and private drives. (ft) (ft) ENGINEERING AND DESIGN QUALITY CERTIFICATION -------·--_____ -. ---- EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL SHALL BE PER PSE STANDARD PRACTICE 0150.3200 TECHNIQUES FOR TEMPORARY EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL & ANY ADDITIONAL LOCAL JURISDICITON REQUIREMENTS. (LOCAL JURISDICTIONS MAY HAVE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING NOTES DETAILING WHERE EROSION OR SEDIMENT CONTROL STRUCTURES ARE TO BE INSTALLED, CROSS SECTION DETAILS OF THE TYPICAL EROSION STRUCTURES, & SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR WORK IN SENSITIVE AREAS.} .L.. ---- FOREMAN (CHECK BOX WHEN COMPLETED) 0 PSE Equipment LOCKED/SECURED & Work Area left ln CI..EAN/SAFE Con<11Uon. 0 Grid, Cable, IJfld Swlteh numbers INSTALLED & VERIFIED. 0 Fleld Changes RED-LINED on As-bUllt. D Material VERIFIED and CHANGES noted on PapelWOtk. 0 Total PRIMARY Cable noted on As-bUllt. 0 Company IO#'s RECORDED In conact locatJon ooA&bullt. O lndleate corroot FUSE SIZE on AH>Ullt& ~~ D Correct QC Che:ckllsl(s) reviewed. 0 Deviations noted on the AB-bulttend their reason. D l certify that the work performed meets PSE'a standarda and procedool8 and that all quality requirements are met. Foreman's Signature ____________ _ CABLE TV PHONE Project Manager Canta.ct Information: DAVE HAWTHORNE 253-405--7888 Cell PhoMJ NIA Pager -Owner I Developer Contact Info J KB$ DEVELOPMENT CORP. 12320 NE 8TH ST.# 100 BELLEVUE, WA 98005 ATIN: CURTIS SCHUSTER 206·261-2112 offloo I Developer Yoo x Yes x PSE \ ML.ocates Required" =--c--=--...,Nc'o---~Noc.--__ ~. •outages Required" Yes x No "Flagging Requkad" Yes X No 3 2 For contacts below dlal 1,888·CALL PSE (226-5773) CALL (800) 424.5555 2 BU8INE8S DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG THIS SKETCH NOT TO SE RELIED UPON FOR EXACT LOCATION OF FACILITIES REAL ESTATE/EASEMENT ROW REVIEW FUNCTION CONTACT PROJECT MGR PERMIT KING COUNTY PHONE NO DATE ----------jf-D.HAWTHRONE H.NGUYEN 253-405-7888 253-606-0992 03109104 03/09/04 1 ENGR·POWER REV# DATE BY DESCRIPTION ENGR-GAS COUNTY Erner sect Gas Wk Cir POWER WK CTR DRAWN BY INTERDESIGN 253-631-2187 03/09/04 30 QCSOKG QCSPLAT CHECKED:.;B::cY'-----4;'>"' .. ~.1".;;,'-'.,...,_/",\'--J-----~·.,_,f.l-''o;l!\+I MJ 1/4 SEC OP MAP PLAT MAP 0A~:P_:P.:..:R:=OV.:..:E:.:D:.:B:.;.Y_--j.f/~1/.c.,.f-· "'cf. __ ----'f-',.cltc.._,_,· icet,_,,_:.•'a."~-'-.,. -,'-,,,~' ,CL,,(,'-! ,___N_E1_4_·2_3-0_5_E_-+ ____ 2D8_.D88 ____ .... ____ 2_08_._089 ___ 8'-F_,..O'."RE:.:M"':A,-:,N_c#c.1_ --,4-1/_._.----"J'--·· --1-----·---~--·-- KING U·MAP NO (POWER) CIR MAP NO CIRCUIT NO l'-F.::Oc::RE:::;M:::.A::.:N..c#'l=---'+-----+------1---A 2305E053 2306E076 MAP·15 MAPPING SECONDARY HH/PEDESTAL TABLE -Sitej_Ped.estal .. 1· J Number of __ l_R_e_m-ar_k_s_ ~----Handhole Required~-----------------1 GRID, J1790J-1680J8 TRANSFORMER SIZE: 2..,5,,,K.uVA1---__ TESTED SECONDARY VOLTAGE:----- MANUFACTURE: Further easements are reservoJ over private lands for vaults, pedestals and related facilities ("Vault Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the pi~eding sentence as folloWB: the Vault Ewlement may occupy ,p to an additional H'oot in width (for a total width of 10 reet) with the length of each Vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the as-built Vlllllt(s). The number and location of Vault Erut.ment swill be "BS installed" during the utility's initial installation of facilities The easements are ret:1erved iwd grantoo in order to install, lay, construct, renew, operate and maintain underground pipe, conduit, cubles, wires, vll\llts ,nd pedestals with neceslllll)' facilities and o1her equipment for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electrfo, telephone, gas, telecommunications, data tmnsmis,ion, street lights and utility service together with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes herein stated. 'Ibese easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as pvssible to their original condition. No lines or wires for transmission of electric current, or for telephone, cable television, telecommunications or data tran,mission uses shall be placed or pennitted to be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. No permanent structure shall be placed within tbe easements without pennission from easement owners. ~certify that this design has been engineered In accordance with PSE Design/Engineering Standards, and that any/all vartatlons have been pre-approved/documented by the appropnate PSE Representative. JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS H 1 A Pedestal 5 ---' ' . H 1 B Pedestal 5 -· ·------------------------+------------------j--------------------t H2A Pedestal 5 -------------+-----------+-----·-~-·------+---------------------+ H2B Pedestal 3 FOREMAN PLEASE FILL IN GRID: HEIGHT: CLASS; YEAR: POLE REMOVAL P01 31790J-168038 40 2 1976 Engineer's J/. / 4' Signature ~~ ut" • ·· Pnnt Name J/11,t./t,:; /) .Cilttlr.t" I! SERIAL NO: COMPANY ID NO: Date &fe/--"/ UTILITIES QWEST COMCAST USI POTELCO l---==---+---=='-'-----+----------1-,--------1 CONTACT KIM GRAY JERRY STEEL TIM ROSS DAVE HAWTHORNE PHONE# 206-345-25n 253·288-7532 425-766-3131 HAMILTON PLACE 23-LOT PLAT 253-405-78888 INCIDENT MAOP Gas Order 107018879 SCALE 60 Elect Order 105027445 PAGE •.. r: ENERGY DESIGNED BY POTELCO 1-PHASE OH/UG LINE EXTENSION/POLE RELOCATE 160TH AVE SE & SE 134TH ST. REN,ONJ~- ; L.~ 1R=50' 1 OF2 1"=20' 0 10 20 40 ris&'\l ' • -J DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PLAN • ,, ,, • PIPE CAPACfTY TABLE= CULVERT L10 EX. 12' CONCRETE CULVERT TO BE REPLACED WITH 24" SD PIPE. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE DRIVEWAY TO PRE-EXISTING AFTER INSTALLATION OF NEW CULVERT. CULVERT fl: L8 L10 25YR STORM EVENT: 19.1 CFS 100YR STORM EVENT: 23.4 CFS 19.1 CF;S 23.4 CFS RIP RAP PAD DETAILS ALL RIP RAP PADS SHALL BE 7' WIDE X 8' LONG X 1' DEEP, USING THE GRADATION SPECIFIED BELOW= RIP RAP SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 9-13.1 OF THE WSDOT/APWA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. RIP RAP TO BE REASONABLY WELL GRADED WITH ROCK GRADATION AS FOLLOWS: PASSING 8 INCH SQUARE SIEVE 100% ~ OR { MAXIMUM STONE SIZE 8" PASSING 6 INCH SQUARE SIEVE 40-60% OR MEDIUM STONE SIZE 6' PASSING 2 INCH SQUARE SIEVE 0-10% OR MINIMUM STONE SIZE 2" CAPACTIY PROVIDED Wm-I NEW PIPE: 41.28 CFS 27.05 CFS I I I EX. ROADSIDE DITCH APPROX. I.OT LINE LOCA"i';u~' ONLY I i:/f iYt' CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE DRIVEWAY TO PRE-EXISTING AFTER INSTALLATION OF NEW CULVERT. CULVERT L8 EX. 12" CONCRETE CULVERT TO BE REPLACED WITH 24" SD PIPE. EX. TOP OF SLOPE PROPOSED TOP OF SLOPE • • 162ND A'vE S.t. (APPROX': t CATION ONLY) REGRADE EX. DITCH TO TO ACHIEVE A 1 1/2:1 MAX. SIDE SLOPE. I \ I I \ I I \ I I ARMOR DITCH WITH I 6" TO 8" QUARRY SPALLS WITH A I THICKNESS OF 12" 414.8 EX. TOE OF SLOPE .~1UN'7j11>'1 -I ~EX. TOP OF SLOPE EX. CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT PLAN SE 136TH ST DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE COURSE SE 144TH ST SE 136TH 5T ---'---! SE 134TH ST SE 136TH S PROPOSED HAMIL TO "=-il----l- PLACE PLAT 's: EX. CHANNEL '< r:~PROVEMENTS ~ Io: "' 14 O,f,C i 'St ,> SE 140TH ST bi 's: " SE 142ND ST 1/J -" - C .2 ·~ "' ] u ci z .M 0 0 "' 0 0 --~ (.)~ _J .-en· _j = :c -.... CfJ 00 m . ~~ z lO CN 8~ 00 I 0) (0 ~~ -0 W CN ::::> ....... >w Wz :.i 0 O W :C CN al 0... ~ -- ] 'i:, 0 ;,, C N 0 0 '2 II N II • 'C ' • -0 -> :c: co :g 00 0 .0 ---------ii ~I d 9 cr/ w1 ~ ~1 11 ul " " • ~ KEY MAP ~I " ~ 0 'O D I 0 ,,, Q NT$ J ~tl Engineer C C -~ .. 0 • e • Q. -• .c Q. 0 0 0 u <( 0 '' ---------1 ~ 1: en .w (9 u z5 Z IY zW :5 en CL _, e', Dz Zw :5 "' z ·O <o IY z--> IY Z t:::jW z . -(9 (9 z z-w c::i -.,> -IY > ::, Oen X C 2 V ry C -"' 0 V en / 0, C 'C V V C C ""' Completion Date r w g s =-:----=--:------;:1>--.c:"""--'~ ------1-----.-----,ts Engineer "" Completion Date ,- JAMES H. SANDERS, P.E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: ~ w ------1.Q E Approval Date ~ z 0 CN 0 ;:: CN .,,, --v, 0 0 4-,_, 0 ,·-CN ~ ~I;; 01 ~ ..._------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·-------.-l'--------------'--------'..---,,..-1---.....UI cc UA-08-IU -c-, ____ ---- I I J E7 · 11 T23N R5E G7 • 23 T23N R5E RECEIVED I '< ~1=1·. ~ ~/ ;:1_;J -r ', SEL ...J ___ ,_ ( 1~~s King Countv Dep~ent · of Develorn-nent 14 T23N R5E \ C I I \ l I \ I , \ \ I I ' ' ' ' ' 0 I ' I '\ ' \ \ " ! ' \ ' ' \ 0 n l J ,' ' \~/ I \ \ I ' ' l ~ ' ,- , ______ ... ' ·' ·~~ ' --------,I I ' ,' ', ', \. ____ ....... --..... \ \ ' ,· ' ' ' \ ' ' .' ·' ' I \ I ' ' ,_ ---/ / ·' ' ' \ •:?.;_:--. •.:.:. 200 400 ! I 1 I .I :! I I " ' ' LEGEND fl EX/SI: MAIL BOX -0-EXIST, POWER POLE E--EXJS(. GUY WIRE ·--SD--EX/SJ. STORM LINE 0 EXIST. CATCH BASIN ------w ----EXIST. WAJER LINE IXI EXIST. GATE VALVE tJ EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT EB EXIST. WATER METER o------0 [XIS/: CHAIN LINK FENCE X·-·--·-X EXIS 1: WIRE FENCE zzzz [XIS /ING ASPHALT EXISTING GRAVEL --·-·-· T/:~:~ EXISIING CONCRETE ---510--[XISFING CONTOUR /II PROPOSED MONUMENT • PROPOS£0 SEWER CLEANOUT --------)5ROPOS£b -$EWER MANHOLE PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE II PROPOSED CATCH BASIN GI PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE PROPOSED STORM UN£ • PROPOSED BLOW OFF 'fl PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT ~ PROPOSED WATER VAL VE PROPOSED WATER UN£ SIT[ BENCHMARK ELEV. -513.94 STA. 0+00.00; ROAD "A"- STA. 2+12.50; 158TH AVE. SE PAR. 2 @ PROPOSED B" SANITARY SEWER TO BE EX1ENDED ± 2,950 LF SOUTH TO THE EXISnNG SEWER LINE. 2' (TRACT D) 1' (TRACT C) ' 5• 26' PRIVATE DRIVEWAY (TRACT D) 20' PRIVATE DRIVEWAY (TRACT C) 20.5' TRACT D 16.5' TRACT C) 2% > 2' (TRACT D) 1' (TRACT C) HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE I ~ c,6 1.,j ! @ @ @ @ 1-1/2• COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE (_ /1LTERNATE -- ,,J-, .... '"' ' ·;,;. ' ' \: ILTO PLAC A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LOT 7 (o/50> ,...__/ -------- __:\_ ______ 209' LOT 6 <if@ Q) >-4 00 ,__ 00 :::; Q) "' ::, a ·~ TRACT 'A-:-------:!l ----Qf'EN SPACf;____-~"' / /' CB 1 _________ _________...,,. ·-....., CONTROL STRUCTURE 137' 5 Q) Q) 21 EVERGREEN 1--IEOGC a 0, 100' 23 20 0 0, ROOF &: FOOnN DRAIN CONNEC1 ON SnJB (1YP.) . "' 19 - 50' ---, /--,50(j.--------I ~-.. ,,,--/ \'-.. N88'42'04"W 588.39' \ ' 88' 16 11,5· ' ' \ \ \ \ • ,, / / R TYP 1:: 1'' -----------J5'R TYP • _ \' EX/ T. POw/:.R POLE ~ ~ -·.f / / ' TO BE RELOCA/ED ~ " ,\ / / 13 • • • • • \ \ C) 0, \ ' 1 O'.. ._ - 1'2' . ; ~ ~ -~ ',. . ,, ,.. \ f"' / \ ~;-,,.//~ I Q ,.-uj{/ • ' I N ! I ,.._ -I L t_ :;; . . -"~ \fl • .,,,'f.tc',L-V 0 "-., EXISTING WIRE FENCE °" TO BE REMOVED "--'{5 "'---. \ ... ··,,,. _·j' , EXISTING CHAIN Llf'IK .• " --FENCE TO BE REMOVED-.., .,,-, .... r~;ISTIN-;;-,1 I BUILDING ~ \ EXIST. POIIER POLE ANO GUY WIRE • ·• • !0 BE RELOCA JED ~s Oa ( ~-- ; ' ' ;,; "' WET DETENTION P 514 7 L.Or B ~§) EXIST. 12" CULVff/T 1.£.(S) = 518.67 EXIST. CB -F?IM = 520. 93 1.£. = 518.30 (!2"N) I.E. '"' 518.17 (12"S) STA.6+46.87· ROAD "A"= STA.2+11.52; °J60TH AVE. SE uJ ('Jj Q ~2u _.,.. ~ (00 7,J'< ---~ '<:( i;l SCALE': 1"=40 FEET Eil"'""-~--___ 4 0 20 40 80 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVD88 8.M.: KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT #TD!O. BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE WITH PUNCH, INCASEO, AT THE INTERSECTION OF 160TH AVENUE 5.£. ANO S.E. 127TH PLACE, ELEV. = 505.90 SITE: 8.M.: SET PK NAIL 2.2' EAST OF FOGUNE AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF SITE. ELEV. = 513.94 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' jE [~'AC. LA-Nt:. w/7' AC. 0 WAL~WAY ON EA'ST S1'DE' ~ POSTED 2.S MPH EXIST CB ,/'"/iiM = 511.28 I ,. = ,~aa "" r1 ?"N/ ·~· ,) •'-I/ ' - IE = 50fl.4Q (12"S; /.[. = 508.53 (12"S£) EXPIRES: 9-· 23-031 ..... -EX15T. 12" CULVF.RT I.E.(N) = 503.02 BOITOM ELEV. = 500. 00 STAnC W.S. ELEV. = 503.00· MAX. W.S. ELEV. = 508.00 I l TOP ELEV. = 509. 00 EX/$ f. I.E.(N) : 2" CUL VERT------·., = 508.Jo ·x1sr. g S.E. 134TH ST. DF V[W. Y.: " " " i..evei. 1. " ,, " " ti $OVtr1 @ v,!D of' I SB 'l1i A'S/E. SE " :s.\ " 10· UTIUlY EASEMENT " 1 • 1' 5' 2% ;z . ' 21' R W 1 ' 2' VOLUME REQUIRED = 44,000± CF VOLUME PROVIDED = 45.000± CF ~ DETENTION STANDARDS LEVEL II FLOW CONTROi. WATER QUALITY STANDARDS BASIC WATER QUALJJY TREATMENT PER 1998 KING COUNJY MANUAL. PROPOSED METHOD -tlf:TPOND 21' R W 14' 14' w, "' ~ "' w 'z w 0 10· UTIUlY EASEMENT 1' 5' 1' 1' HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS 2' >.: ;,';,:., J,, -5~ THICK CEMENT CONCRETE SI EWALK PEil KCRS DWG. NO. 3-D01 r COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS ·e· ASPHALT CONCRETE [XJST. _CB .• RIM = 509.?6 IE. = 506.76 f 12"N) IE "" 506.54 12"$) IE -506.Bf! 12"N£) I ' 1----------"3,cO'--"'R'-'W'---------f-1 ------~30"..'~R~(~W ______ "'"'"" ·1~ f--'9::.:.5:,.'..\(::.:15ccB::.TH:.:,)c...i.1:..'1--5"-'-~ e.--1_4~'-'(_15~8_TH~A~VE_,_) ___ J[5 7.5' (160TH) SIDEWALK 0 _5 • 16' (160TH AVE) :'z w ~/ <.-/ ±10' (158TH AYE) u ',( ;z. ±11' (160TH AYE) HYDROSEED "',.';/' DISTURBED AREAS 2% ±13' (158TH AYE) ±16' (160TH AYE) :;·.\ EXIST. PAVEMENT SECTION SAWCUT AND SEAL JOINT CEMENT CONCRHE CURB & GUTTER J" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRErE PER KCRS 4.01A. ALTERNATE II C a ·a ·~ "' Bi Q:, ::, :::, :z: Q:, 0 .., kl ...J <( (.) "' ~ f- s ~ [ij kl c:, 0 0 I'-. l!) 0 ~ 0 "' II ' ~ " r.i ti': 0 :i:: 9, Q ~ <( 0:: c:, I:'! <( c:, 'Z :z: ,_: [5 :,: Q:, "' c:, ~ (.) kl a ('J 0 I Ol ~ I l!) 0 c:, "' ...JO klO G: Q:, a :s' 0 0:: Q Q <( 0 0 0 r-.. I "' ('J (CJ rn C THICKENED ASPHALT EDGE 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 5 ~.· COMPACTED DEPTH ATB CEMENT CONCRETE ROLLED CURB PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-002 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }AJ,TERNATE -- 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4 COMPACTED DEPTH ATB 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE __ 5" COMPACTED DEPTH 'CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING· BASE COURSE 4 ._ COMPACTED DEPTH ATB GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIOMS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUJRED DEPENDING ON SOIL COND!TIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT ROAD 'A' KING COUNTY SUBCOLLECTOR NOT TO SC.Al£ NOT TO SCALE -'" ~---·-· --.-~. ,. ..:....,~··-' _ .. _. ·~· _e GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) 158TH AVENUE NE 160TH A VENUE NE KING COUNTY SUBCOLLECTOR KING COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD COLLECTOR NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE DRAWING NO. $ 1-----------ll 8 0 z 1057ENG 2 OF 3 LUA-oS-122 ,I I, .' ,, :•,1 I .. ,, ,J ,,;;/ ,. ' ,',-.i ' Surveyor's Notes: 1) The monument control shown for this site was accomplished by field traverse utilizing a one (1) second theodolite with integral electronic distance measuring meter (Geodimeter 600) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) / Static Global Positioning System (GPS). Linear and angular closure of the traverses meet the standards of WAC 332-130-090. 2) Utilities other than those shown may exist on this site. Only those which are visible or having visible evidence of their installation are shown hereon. 3) This survey represents physical improvement conditions as they existed May 10. 2001. the date of this field survey. 4) No title report was provided for this site. 5) Offset dimensions shown hereon are measured perpendicular to property lines. 6) It is not the intent of this survey to show easements or reservations which may affect this site. Vertical Datum: North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) as determined by King County. Benchmark: Base: King County Survey Control point #TD10, 2" brass cap in concrete with punch. incased, at the intersection of 160th Avenue Southeast and southeast 127th Place. Elevation: 505. 90 Site: Set PK nail 2.2'E of east fogline. 11.5'NW of mailbox for 13310 160th Avenue. Elevation: 513.94 Basis of Bearing: True North. Based upon Global Positioning System (GPS) Lambert Grid Washington State North Zone coordinates. A convergence angle of 00"58'01.856" counterclockwise was applied at a punch mark in the center of broken brass disk at the intersection of 156th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 12Bth Street. The monument is the north quarter corner of Section 14, Township 23 north. Range 5 east of the Willamette Meridian. The North American Datum of 1983/1991 (NAD 83/91) grid coordinates were found to be 180828.770 / 1319243.796 at that point. The inverse of both the sea level correction factor of 0.999977357 and the grid scale factor of 1.000002203 was applied to the grid coordinates for shown ground distances. Description: Tract 5, Block 1 of Janett· s Renton Boulevard Tracts. recorded in Volume 17 at Page 60. of plats. records of King County, Washington. Legend: s = Monument found. @J = Pool pump w = Mailbox 0 = Fence post GI = Power pole ,. = Guy wire anchor Visited May 3. 2001 I .I( & = Water valve 'el = water meter B = Hydrant .. = Faucet X = Wetland flag 1,1 = Catch bas in rru ~11~ ·~·a 02!2~@ I' Ml ,.; UI) K.C. 0.0.E.S. 0 30 Lrr E J K.C. D.O.E.S. Scale: 1 " ., ~-· -. -"\r--. --. --- 634.25' C::, Found broken brass disk wjth punch BOUNDARY & Southeast 128th Street S88"07'44"E 2536.98' 634.25' TOPOGRAPHIC -----. --. ----- i Sou.theast 132nd I -~~~ SURVEY Place NO 1 "19 · 14 "W 1472.93' ·~-~ 1268.4~" "" Found 3• brass disk with punch "KCSM", unable to read A portion of the SW 1/ 4 of the NE City of Renton, 1/4 of Section 14, County, Township 23 N., Range 5 E., Wj.M. Found plug with punch in concrete, incased, 0.2l'W of 16th line, held for street alignment "' Lf) 0 .., <D (\J 3: .., (') <D (\J . 0 0 z ' ,· 0' Broken aspha 1t. 30' ~ • • 't,~/,· 1:) .. ?,-lo·f) Q~ \ • op ". . rh • ro, \ , ., . . ~. ' . ...... ,,,,.,.,I>. " .. ro•4"1·T p r , 12 .. e.: ' RIM \ . ADS CULVERT 511.38 • • • "4 · barbed wire fence--~ --.., 4' hog wire -.. -~ce 0.6'S • - Site benc 1 ">""" • 4 · hog wire fence 0.5'N .". #' Centef"'line• · of dr-iveway ''\ii ,•8 • • .,, •. • • • ~:tland flag a B • • • ,. '?.,_,.. - #. ~w, ·i --\ ' .,, .. ··\x <c,'"'> 'lv. .. ·~.. . I ~:¢" ..;;i1· ":f:,1· "4)1" ·. ~· llrl tf?,.,'t... . \ g:,::1(-+-,:;, Water · ~·!/ Wetland ~ -. \¢· . -""-.. \wetland flag a 9 \ \ paint ·3o:. · :;~~ flag a 2 mark ~/i ~ Water ,i, pa,nt ~ Ff· ' . mark o> a1 ' ,..() • • • • • • \ .•. •" I -;;, ·~ r_ r.~ :::twetland ~uand flag a io ~ . · · /j, fl '--.. .;,.< A·· • • • • • • " .. , .'o • . ' '='""1 ·') .. ,. •• \ - \ King 4 · cyclcne fence • ,• ~ .. '<,· ,,, .. "'."' WetlanaX flag sp 3" " cate - • ---· --· - • • - • • --- ,/ 2' Petaining wall with wood fence 0.3'N • - ',., ,, • - • -- • - Concrete • • -- • • • • • 411-~---• - • , = l ~ ... flag sp2" ' I .•.. -·· ~"I --.......~ ,;r-. s• .;,,.,, •·.,, !1. ., Wetland flag a 11-X -~etland flag a 12 dp"" . . ")"-''' . : ~ . li3i'?) '\. Center:--1 ine•·-....._· ... · · ~·~ of dr1veway \ •1 1£i .p'°.p ,, ·!" •• 1, '\ .·. ..... ·• • Ma'.il . : tiox-- · 30' ePz.1'- Wetland .~ flag a 1 505.0 L:auFe 1 · ·. hedge . . : · 0,B'S .. · ·· .oncr.ete culVert·/ 503. 02 · . _ ;., ~~.<3 .. • Gravel Found 1-1/2" axle i::il,.-~ 12 ~ c ncrete culvert 1£~::~ .. ~L ___ _ 60 r ii : 30' . ...:..:.-..: ______ , ··~ ., ,_._ . flag a 14 5' cyclone qi,.., ,. . . . -&"' . ··w.etiand flag ·a .13· · 504.9. · '::--: ., --- .,,. ,P. ri-------r--c_ . f l Overhang · Building I 3 ·9 '8 ,;JP i. Cectar hedge 1• 0.4'S ,J~,._. ir'- ,< ...., (~ \ ,.,...) r-...J -< v,I' I \ Evergreen hedge 0.3'N • Evergreen hed9e 0. 1 S X • X Fence 1. 9 'N 4' cyclone fencel""0 "'·-; • 653.50' S88"53'08"E 1307.00' Southeast 136th Street ,.,.-;;, . -- • --- Shed ,, ,• Washington "ei,O .'?> 4' cyclone fence ¢·'!, ':fr ... 'o ' ~? tf'. • -- • • Retaining wall o. 1 ·s Shed 0,6'5 • • " Shed ~ 1.o·s .,.,, '1 q, <:,~ ... ~'f· • 1 3' cyclone.fence t, -:-..l~ " ... ~ 4'l-·0 ~;u·"' . I ---. 1 • ---- Wall 0.5'N • I ' I \ \. I ,, r I Wal 1 Fence overhpng o. 4. s • ~ . #' 'fl'i,·~ 0. 3' S • -. Step Building :';)(JI ~-3'N o.2·N1. . Ferice 588.39' .,r,·· "',.. .p·' .,,.··r <JP ' Fence 0.5'N • '6~ I 6" retaining 'l>, \ ~ I I l wall ·a ,.& .p1 ,. ~;JJ· Grave 1 0 verfiai1g -.fa~· 4 • cyclone • qfr"· • 4P·() fence 5· cyclone fence X IRES 12-15-2001 6" retaining wal I I i 12" Rim ~ iCentre 33639 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA. 98003 P • te (253) 661-1901 ...... --om t Surveying DRAWN BY: K Log g ·-----r.;;;;-;;:'C::;----------; DATE: May 14, 2001 JOB Nill: CHECKED BY: J Brown 1808 SCALE: IOB NO.: 1808 ~ I\) ' n 0, "' " ~-30' 0 " <D <D fg Water ...-1 ·paint mark ·• .. CATCH BASIN RIM 526. 42 12" ADS IE 524. 15 N 12" ADS IE 524.09 S ~ if. "TI 0 . "' WDEX DATA: SURVEY FOR ·o \ . ... q, . "r1· ·_ . .,. ... ~ .. / 88 "40 "17." · . 30. 1 ' .I":, • • • ·.•centerline of driveway ,;, . ".>,z,'"'>· CATCH BASIN RIM 520.93 12" ADS IE 518.30 N 12" ADS IE 518.17 S rlai:tw valve TCH BASIN IM 511.28 ,;, 12" ADS IE ~,.,., . .,').,il-12" ADS IE '-> 12'' ADS IE t,'>.,_.rP water valve CATCH BASIN RIM 509. 76 508.64 N 508.49 S 508.53 SE 12" ADS IE 506. 76 N 12" ADS IE 506.54 S 12" ADS IE 506. 80 NE SW-NE 14, T23N., R5E., W.M. KBS III Partners 13530 -476th Avenue SE North Bend, WA 98045 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 1 OF 1 . ' ; ~·i 1,,, ~ ATTACH SIGN TO '",>,POST WITH TWO -----"B/16 GALVANIZED '-~OLTS WITH WAS~-ERS .• ', "--8' -4x CEDAR OR POST HOLE ~~~iS~:\f'\"\\Rf(;f~D\ "77':'Tr __ _ ~~ \ S>»'/ ,:('."",fnl ,c--COMPACTED NATIVE >:: "/'. BACKFILL IN POST HOLE ::«0 ~'»; ~~ P:v:~ ~::<>:: ~~· ,«v ~~ KING COUNTY WETLAND/STREAM SIGN INSTALLATION DETAIL A) THE WETLAND/STREAM SIGN SHALL BE POSTED AT THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE LOT AND SENSITIVE AREA BUFFER. 8) ONE SIGN SHALL BE POSTED FOR EVERY 150 FEET OF SENSITIVE AREA BUFFER AND SHALL BE STATIONED PER THE LOCATION, ON THE APPROVED PLANS TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. SIGNS MAY ALSO BE ATTACHED TO FENCES C) SIGNS ARE AVAILABLE FOR $2.50 FROM: KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 900 OAKESDALE AVENUE SOUTHWEST RENTON, WA 98055-1219 S.A.T. SIGN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PLANT MATERIAL SCHEDULE SYMBOL BOTANICAL/COMMON NAMES TREES: ACER RUBRUM 'ARMSTIRONG' / ARMSTRONG MAPLE ACER RUBRUM 'BOWHALL' / BOWHALL MAPLE SIZE CONDITION 1.75" CAL. B & B 1.75" CAL. B & B SPACING QUANTITY 40' o.c. 6 40' o.c. 6 MAGNOLLA. GRANDIFLORA / SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA 1.75" CAL. AS SHOWN 3 PSEUDOTSUGA TAXIFOLIA / DOUGLAS FIR THUJA PLICATA / WESTERN CEDAR ZELKOVA SERRATA / SAWLEAF ZELKOVA 10 SCALE / 30 SCALE SHRUBS: ® CISTUS PURPUREUS / ORCHID ROCKROSE CORNUS STOLONIFERA / RED-OSIER DOGWOOD HELICTROTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS / BLUE OAT GRASS MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM / OREGON GRAPE B & B 6' HT. B&B AS SHOWN 4 6' HT. B&B AS SHOWN 3 1.75" CAL. B & B 40' o.c. 21" -24" 4' o.c. CONTAINER 24" -30" 6' o.c. BR/CONT. 2 GALLON 3' O.C. 21" -24' 4' o.c. CONTAINER 23 19 16 12 28 1" = 30' 0 15 60 ,, w Cl) lU '~~ :;~· 1 . ' ' <;( ~ ~ ): ): ) ): ): } : I I *I J' ffi /, ) 'i '\ : I ~y : I ' ' : ; ; . -;.--.. : .--.. REMARKS I ,:;:,, \ r)., .. _1;,~ .. ~\r~ CULVfH"! PXI'-' :,,1·1 '.>.p . '"'"""··<' ·····i2" f-!i rn 502.02 / STA~E & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, BRANCHED AT 6' STAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, BRANCHED AT 6' STAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, BRANCHED AT 6' STAKE, GUY ONE GROWING SEASON STAKE, GUY ONE GROWING SEASON STAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, BRANCHED AT 6' 4 CANES MINIMUM ... ··-"-.... .,_ / / ""'~. . -~,-,-..... ., .. ' ! ,)/-- 50" LONG LEVEL FLOW SPREADER LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN HAMIL TON PLACE A PORTION OF THE: SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON I I 5 I I SEE SHEET L2~!~R . tCT "_,_~ .. RECREATION ~ . --- I I J 6 i1 !t DENOTES :rTI I TYPICAL ! --- SYMBOL BOTANICAL/COMMON NAMES SIZE CONDITION SPACING QUANTITY REMARKS rn~-~-·~·-1 ~-........ : . ' ... ' .... ' .. . '. ' ........ . '' .... ' .. ' .. ' ........... ' . ............. ' + •••• ' • ' •••• . . '.'' ...... . 1· .. · .. ··_.·· .:1 . ~· ,. ' GROUND COVERS: ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI / KINNIKINNICK FRAGARIA CHILOENSIS / ORNAMENTAL STRAWBERRY LAWN LAWN/PLANTER EDGE PLAY SURFACING CONCRETE PAVING ==== TIMBER CURB ..... ...IL BOULDERS -ON-SITE SALVAGE VARIED SIZES; 24" MIN., 6' MAX. PICNIC TABLE BENCH S.A.T. SIGN 4" POT 18" o.c. 4" POT 12" o.c. SEED 24• -3' RANDOM 40" ( +) AS REQ'D HOLD 12" FROM BORDERS AND 1 B" FROM SHRUBS AND TREES AS REQ'D HOLD 6" FROM BORDERS AND B" FROM SHRUBS AND TREES COVER LOCAL COMMERCIAL BLEND 4 1 4 SEED AT 61b / 1000 SF; CELLULOSE MULCH AT 401b / 1 000 SF; WET TOLERANT MIX IN BIOSWALES CUT TRANSITION SEE SHEET L2 FOR LAYOUT SEE SHEET L2 FOR DETAIL MIXED SIZES WITH SMOOTH, WORN SURFACE; VEHICLE BARRIER. APPROX. MAX. SEPARATION OF 1 Q' SEE SHEET L2 FOR CALL-OUT SEE SHEET L2 FOR CALL-OUT SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL \ () i I ~1; •i: ' \ I' ! Ii I . "\ I' ,, L_· ,. ··0 KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. Review Engineer Review Engineer JAMES H. SANDERS, P.E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: ' . I I ' t0l5 / .c 0 co .- ~---·- 0 z ;; 8 II) z j CL C, z ~ j CL w CL (3 CJ) 0 z j . () _j _j ~ --- w () . <( 0 ..J z CL W ..J 5 ii: ~ CJ) _w ~o <( 0 I: LO o 00 oR CIO I ~ t") C\I ~~ -~ co Lill 0 :::> C\I >- Ull w _.:J z ..J 0 w ::c ID 0... -I 0 ~· 0 ,, N w I 1-----------1~ Completion Date ~1 I ~ 0 VJ d 9 u ]! 0 w .c u X ~ U) .w Cl 0 Z> z "' zW ::i U) CL ...J i" Oz Zw ::i :::e z ·O (!) "' z--> "'z l::J w z. -(!) (!) z z-w j>;j ...J > -"' > :::, u (/) 0 -N .0 I 0 N 0 0 n II " 0 0 (/) OJ 0 " E ~ 2 0 0 - I 0 N 0 / "" C ~ Q> " C "" C ~ / 0 ------::-,--t-----ir------:1:::: Completion Date ~ 0 --,----,-;::--;---i E C\I Approval Date :f O -g :::= ~ 0 5 1" = 10' 10 aj 20 ps '1 f: e, I ;;J / / w Cl) w :::, z ~ .c. ~ .... I \ / / ; !/ , I , •,, .. 1!.f ' I ' I I ' \ i ! \ I I ] I \ i ' I ' I i i I I : I , I I I .... J I / .. , ..... _ ~~ti}~·-+· -1-I ---ii I : i ' I I I i I ! : i I ' i I I . I I 1 1 ; I I I I / , I// ' ! I I I ' I I ' I I I i I , I I I i I \ i ' I i I ' I I ' I I ! I i I / I ~ ill iii ", 1 ! I I l /.·. ··1 .. •. /. I ·. ·I.' I ·{.'' ··! / / ... ·:><" \ I ·v ~. NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. FOR PLANT MATERIAL SCHEDULE SEE SHEET L 1. FOR LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES, MATERIALS, AND DETAILS SEE SHEET L-3, PARK FURNITURE AND PLAY EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS. PLAY TO COMPLY WITH IPEMA (ASTM) AND CPSC STANDARDS. MINIMUM PLAY ZONE STANDARD FOR CONTROLLED PLAY EQUIPMENT TO BE PROVIDED. INSTALLATION TO BE PROVIDE NO LESS THAN 12' GREATER PLAY ZONE THAN MINIMUM STANDARDS. THIS PLAN SPECIFIES PARTICULAR FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT TO ESTABLISH MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE DESIGN. ALTERNATE EQUIPMENT AND PROTECTION TO, AT A MINIMUM, BE COMPARABLE EQUIPMENT, AGE, AND SAFETY STANDARDS. PROVIDE ALL LABOR, MATERIALS, AND INSTALLATION AS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE WORK AND RELATED WORK SHOWN ON DRAWINGS, AS REQUIRED. PRIOR TO ORDERING/CONSTRUCTION, SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS AND MANUFACTURER CUT SHEETS FOR OWNER'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL. COORDINATE AND SCHEDULE ALL WORK WITH OWNER, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, AND OTHER TRADES AS REQUIRED. PROVIDE EXPERIENCED SUPERVISION OF ALL ELEMENTS OF THIS WORK. ALL CONSTRUCTION SUBGRADES TO BE COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT MINIMUM. CROSS PITCH ALL PAVING 2 PERCENT MINIMUM. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL PLAY EQUIPMENT. ALL EXPANSION JOINTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED VERTICAL AND FLUSH WITH PAVING SURFACE. EXPANSION JOINT FILLER TO CONFORM TO ASTM D994. ALL CONCRETE WORK TO BE A MINIMUM 3 1/2" THICK AND COMPRESSION STRENGTH OF 2,000 PSI AT 28 DAYS. 15. ALL ITEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN LINE, LEVEL. AND PLUM. 16. INSTALL BENCH AND PICNIC TABLE PRIOR TO PAVEMENT INSTALLATION. LANDSCAPE RECREATION AMENITIES AND PLANTING PLAN HAMIL TON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 01:::: THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, ~:ING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 2 3 ·'-····-··-··-·-............ ,_. ,, .. ,.,.,,, ··--······ ........... '., .. _ ' ··-"·•·' -· ·-· 4 ' ,,,,,, __ ,,,~ ........... -····•><·•-·--·-·········---··-····---........ ?~.,- \ I o., 5 ··~···----·r·•· .. - --------+-----CONCRETE PAVING: EXPANSION JOINTS AS SHOWN, LIGHT BROOM FINISH 96o·s;,.· ... _ · .... ,_ · ,.,,,diii!! ~-······-· C 1 0 z ffi E z w ~ z 0 ~ ~ 0 w a: w 0... ~ j '' '''' -fllji ' ' ' ' ' I I i I : .. ' . ·• ,, . : ·.-:--.-~-·-· ' '' '· TRACtr':tA" (OPEJf,QPACE) .· · .. L' ·/:!,,',: .;w· .· .. N· · .... . . . . . . - · .. :···>,. ·. '.( J.'.' ... , ·s·. ·.·p·•'·. , .... 6 41 ~ · ,, · · .... ___ \ ...... -: ~r:_ .: .· .. .,..-•·· " j ,, , ........ , ... · -f ~.. ::: =- i I i i 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. INSTALL ALL PLAY EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO PLAY SURFACING INSTALLATION. LEAVE ALL WORK AREAS, FURNISHINGS, AND EQUIPMENT MOPPED CLEAN. LEAVE ALL PLAY SURFACING COMPACTED, LEVEL, AND CLEAN OF ALL DEBRIS. AT FINAL ACCEPTANCE PROVIDE OWNER WITH ALL GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES. TRACT "A" TO BE PROVIDE WITH AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. IRRIGATION SYSTEM BY A SEPARATE DESIGN BUILD CONTRACT WITH OWNER. MIN. PLAY ZONE PER IPEMA & CPSC STANDARDS ADA ENGINEERED --~ WOOD CHIP SURFACING 12" (MIN.) COMPACTED DEPTH 12· MIN. DEWITT WEED BARRIER~ .:;.:';,,;..,.r 4':j~ COMPACT SUBGRADE 95% 24" REBAR AT 30" O.C. ____ __.,. & 12" FROM ENDS THROUGH TIMBER COUNTER SINK 1" AND PLUG -TYPICAL 1" MAX. AT LAWN; FLUSH AT CONC. CONDITION PROVIDE 1% -3% POSITIVE DRAINAGE FROM SURFACING AND EQUIPMENT LAP JOINTS TREAT CUTS _....i"""''--.....l-.jj---,,-ll,,I TYPICAL REBAR---11 TYPICAL TIMBER CURB® PLAY SURFACING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE .. / . ·. F . ; _/ . : ... . -/ ..•.... ?.J,,,,'' : ·er.~· ... ······ ___ :_ ····"-'",·\ . I \ TIMBER CURB SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET ' ' 47 l.F. SHRUB AREA 1,466 S.F. TYPICAL PLAY EQUIPMENT: "MOSAIQ MQ #100271 (WITH CONCRETE FOOTINGS) FOR 2-5 YEARS AGE GROUP KOMPAN (206-940-7981) (OR EQUIVALENT) WITH WOOD CHIP BASE: "WOODCARPET" NJA SURFACING 12" COMPACTED DEPTH MINIMUM (OR EQUIVALENT) PACIFIC PLAYGROUND, INC. (800-962-5048) 579 S.F. MIN. PLAY ZONE -----~ PER IPEMA & CPSC STANDAF!DS 3/4" CHAMFER AT ALL EXPOSED CORNER'.; 1/2" MAX. 4 \ \ \ ' \ 12· 18" MIN. MIN. 8" 8" MIN. MIN. ' ' I '---BENCH: '--+--PICNIC TABLE: i i~ "SIGNATURE SERIES" #S6 46" SQUARE TAB~E-4 SEA INGROUND PEDESTAL WITH . CONCRETE FOOTING WABASH (800-253-8619) (OR EQUIVALENT) \ \ \ ', \ "TRADITIONAL SERIES" #T5084 INGROUND PEDESTAL WITH CONCRETE FOOTINGS WABASH (800-253-8619) (OR EQUIVALENT) ~" I .... N. PLAY ZONE PER MANUFACTURER'S INFORMATION TYPICAL 4" PERF. ADS PIPE, DAYLIGHT PIPE AT TRACT "B" DETENTION POND HIS SHEET ADA ENGINEER~D WOQD CHIP ~I Jm"'n; SURFACING 12 (MIN.) \ I\ 1\ A A A I " A I COMPACTED DEPl'H \Jif'{f[)\['{X) SLOPE SUBGRADE TO PERF. ('(YYYn(Ym ADS PIPE I II !. I\ A A I A i 1 3/4" MINUS WASHED rf'D,ii(J.;J) DRAINROCK [')('[{;f'A n "J I ___ ..l I 21 j 8 en 2 0 C 0 ·~ 0 • :i: ~ -I D N D N "' I 1-----------1~ ~1 al C .2' gJ " C • e " 'O i .c () ~1 0 -N D I 0 N D N w " w w 0 0 II DEWITT WEED BARRIER JJJOJ,r , "' 0 --PAVING SEE PLAN ;-p+ D! .. }0,j ()c_ l)c }~h. ·()~) DRAINAGE "' PLAY AREA DETAIL NOT TO SCALE Review Engineer Review Engineer Completion Date D N " CD N '• N 0 / en C ·c ~ w C cr, C ~ / 0 -------1------,.-----18 Completion Date C? ,;;; PAVING/DEEPENED FOOTING 1o PLAY SUFACING DETAIL JAMES H. SANDERS, P.E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER t 0 -------It ('I Approval Date :i. O .g ;:: 0 D 0 ~ - 0 -/ NOT TO SCALE i/. M. SEloa Comments: CERTIFICATE NO, 706 (VAi.JD ONLY 'MlH S1GNA1URE) ('I Q'. -, _J v ,__ ____________________________________________________ , _________________________________ .....1.. _________ ..J_ ___ ....J. __ --1. __ __u C: 'i ,t. i .. LJ.JA-D8 ~, ll-:_ .... ,. , l " ': . I,_,,,,,,' , LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES AND MATERIALS SCOPE OF WORK FURNISH ALL MATERIALS, LABOR, EQUIPMENT AND RELATED ITEMS NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH THE TREATMENT AND PREPARATION OF SOIL, FINISH GRADING, PLACEMENT OF SPECIFIED PLANT MATERIALS, FERTILIZER, STAKING, MULCH, CLEAN-UP, DEBRIS REMOVAL, AND 90-DAY MAINTENANCE. QUALIFICATIONS: LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO BE SKILLED AND KNOWLEDGEABLE IN THE FIELD OF WORK. CONTRACTOR TO BE LICENSED TO PERFORM THE WORK SPECIFIED WITHIN THE PRESIDING JURISDICTION. JOB CONDITIONS: IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S 8ESPONS1BILITY TO REVIEW THE SITE AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE OWNER OR THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVES. ALL PLANT MATERIAL AND FINISHED GRADES ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE OWNER. PROTECTION: SAVE AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING PLANTINGS SHOWN TO REMAIN. DO NOT PLANT UNTIL OTHER CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS WHICH CONFLICT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. AN IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS TO BE INSTALLED. DO NOT PLANT UNTIL THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN TESTED AND APPROVED. HANDLE PLANTS WITH CARE -DO NOT DAMAGE OR BREAK ROOT SYSTEM, BARK, OR BRANCHES. REPAIR AND/OR REPLACE ITEMS DAMAGED AS A RESULT OF WORK, OR WORK NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AS DIRECTED BY OWNER AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. REPAIR OF EXISTING PLANTINGS: DURING THE COURSE OF WORK, REPAIR ALL EXISTING PLANTING AREAS BY PRUNING DEAD GROWTH, RE-ESTABLISHING FINISHED GRADE AND RE-MULCHING TO SPECIFIED DEPTH. GUARANTEE: GUARANTEE ALL PLANT MATERIAL FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE JOB BY OWNER. 90-DAY MAINTENANCE: CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE OWNER WITH A SCOPE OF WORK AT TIME OF INITIAL PROJECT BID TO PROVIDE LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE FOR 90 DAYS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF PROJECT (ACCEPTANCE) OF FACILITY BY OWNER. WORK TO INCLUDE MAINTENANCE AS DESCRIBED BELOW, IN PLANTING AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE. MATERIALS: PLANT MATERIALS: PLANT MATERIALS TO BE GRADE NO. 1, SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH (MN) AMERICAN STANDARDS FOR NURSERY STOCK (ANSI Z60. 1-1986). PRUNE PLANTS RECEIVED FROM THE NURSERY ONLY UPON AUTHORIZATION BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. "B & B" INDICATES BALLED AND BURLAPPED; "CONT." INDICATES CONTAINER; "BR" INDICATES BARE ROOT; "CAL" INDICATES CALIPER AT 6" ABOVE SOIL LINE; "GAL" INDICATES GALLON. A) SPECIFIED PLANT CANOPY SIZE OR CALIPER IS THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE CONTAINER OR BALL SIZE ESTABLISHES MINIMUM PLANT CONDITION TO BE PROVIDED. B) QUALITY: PLANT MATERIAL TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS FOR DISEASE INSPECTION, PLANTS TO BE FULLY LIVE, VIGOROUS, WELL FORMED, WITH WELL DEVELOPED FIBROUS ROOT SYSTEMS. ROOT BALLS OF PLANTS TO BE SOLID AND FIRMLY HELD TOGETHER, SECURELY CONTAINED AND PROTECTED FROM INJURY AND DESICCATION. PLANTS DETERMINEU BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO HAVE BEEN DAMAGED; HAVE DEFORMITIES OF STEM, BRANCHES, OR ROOTS; LACK SYMMETRY, HAVE MULTIPLE LEADERS OR ''y'' CROTCHES LESS THAN 30 DEGREES IN TREES, OR DO NOT MEET SIZE OR ANSI STANDARDS WILL BE REJECTED. PLANT MATERIAL TO BE FROM A SINGLE NURSERY SOURCE FOR EACH SPECIFIED SPECIES/HYBRID. NURSERY SOURCES TO BE THOSE LOCATED IN THE SAME REGION AS THE JOB SITE. C) SUBSTITUTION: NO SUBSTITUTION OF PLANT MATERIAL, SPECIES OR VARIETY, WILL BE PERMITTED UNLESS WRITTEN EVIDENCE IS SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER FROM TWO QUALIFIED PLANT BROKERAGE OFFICES, SUBSTITUTIONS WHICH ARE PERMITTED TO BE IN WRITING FROM THE OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. THE SPECIFIED SIZE, SPECIES AND NEAREST VARIETY, AS APPROVED, TO BE FURNISHED. SOIL PREPARATION: MAY BE SPECIFIC TO THE SITE, OR TO CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE SITE, AS NOTED ON THE PLAN. THE FOLLOWING: TOPSOIL, AMENDMENT, AND BACKFILL, ARE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE PLAN. SOIL FERTILITY AND AGRICULTURAL SUITABILITY ANALYSIS: AFTER ROUGH GRADING Al,ID PRIOR TO SOIL PREPARATION, CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN AGRONOMIC SOILS TESTS FOR PLANTING AREAS, LAWN AND SHRUB LANDSCAPE. A MINIMUM OF ONE SAMPLE AND ONC PER EACH TWO ACRES OF LANDSCAPE AREA TO BE OBTAINED. IF ON-SITE TOPSOIL HAS BEEN STOCKPILED, A TEST TO BE COMPLETED FOR IT, ALSO. TESTS TO INCLUDE FERTILITY AND SUITABILITY ANALYSIS WITH WRITIEN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SOIL AMENDMENT, FERTILIZER, CONDITIONERS, APPLICATION RATES, AND POST-CONSTRUC- TION MAINTENANCE PROGRAM. TESTS TO BE PERFORMED BY AN APPROVED SOIL TESTING LABORATORY WHICH WILL BE CONTRACTED WITH AND PAID FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SOILS REPORT AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TO TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER THE MINIMUMS NOTED, BELOW. PROVIDE CHANGE ORDER FOR ADDITIONAL MATERIALS REQUIRED IN THE SOILS REPORT. A) TOPSOIL AS A MINIMUM SUPPLY TOPSOIL CONSISTING OF LOAM SOIL WITH 5 TO 7 PERCENT ORGANIC MATIER. TOPSOIL TO BE AMENDED WITH SPECIFIC AMENDMENTS IN C) 1. AND C)2., BELOW, AND BE BLENDED TO SPECIFIED DEPTH IN E.), BELOW. LOAM TO CORRESPOND TO FIELD METHOD OF DETERMINING SOIL TEXTURE CLASSES FOR LOAM AND SILT LOAM, U.S. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE. PROVIDE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT THE TOPSOIL SUPPLIER AND SAMPLE OF TOPSOIL. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY NECESSARY WEED CONTROL RESULTING FROM CONTAMINATED OFF-SITE SOURCES. B) NATIVE SURFACE SOIL INCLUDING STOCKPILED TOPSOIL SURFACE SOIL ON-SITE MAY MEET TEXTURAL CLASSIFICATION AS NOTED IN A), ABOVE. PROVIDE AMENDMENTS IN C) 1. AND C) 2., BELOW, AND EVENLY BLEND AMENDMENTS TO SPECIFIED DEPTH. C) AMENDMENT 1. ORGANIC COMPOST TOPSOIL FOR PLANTING TO CONTAIN 15 TO 20 PERCENT ORGANIC MATERIAL BY VOLUME. THE FOLLOWING IS FOR SOIL WITH 3-4 % ORGANIC CONTENT. PROVIDE THREE INCHES (TWO INCHES COMPACTED DEPTH) OF COMPOST PER 12 INCHES OF SPECIFIED TOPSOIL DEPTH. MUSHROOM COMPOST, SLUDGE/ COMPOST BLEND, AND/OR AGED FIR BARK MULCH WILL SATISFY ORGANIC REQUIREMENTS. COMPOST TO BE FROM NON-FARM ANIMAL SOURCES, NOR FROM SOURCES CONTAINING REDWOOD/CEDAR PRODUCTS. 2. FERTILIZER COMPLETE FERTILIZER WITH TRACE ELEMENTS, 8 PERCENT SULFUR, AND A MINIMUM OF 50 PERCENT SLOW RELEASE NITROGEN. FERTILIZER TO BE "AGRO-DELUXE NURSERY" 10-15-20 AT 50 POUNDS PER 10 YARDS OF ORGANIC COMPOST, OR COMPARABLE NITROGEN EQUIVALENT. D) PLANTING BACKFILL ON-SITE TOPSOIL (EXCAVATED PIT SPOILS) AS FIELD PREPARED FOR PLANTING/TURF. E) TOPSOIL PREPARATION AS A MINIMUM, ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS TO HAVE 12 INCHES MINIMUM OF TOPSOIL PER A) AND/OR 8), ABOVE. CONTRACTOR TO ADJUST GRADES AND SUPPLY TOPSOIL AS NECESSARY TO ASSURE THE MINIMUM DEPTH. CONTRACTOR TO FORM BERMS TO THE HEIGHT AND EXTENT NOTED HERE, AND SHOWN ON THE PLANS. AMENDMENTS TO BE EVENLY BLENDED THROUGHOUT THE TOP 6-INCHES. TOPSOIL TO BE WORKED INTO SUB-BASE/SUBSOIL FOR ROUGH TRANSITION. SOIL DEPTH SPECIFIED IS FINISHED, COMPACTED DEPTH. PARKING PLANTER ISLANDS TO BE OVER EXCAVATED BY BACKHOE. REMOVE PAYING WASTE, GRAVEL BASE AND UNDERLYING SUBSOIL TO 18" BELOW TOP OF PAVING. SCARIFY AND OVER EXCAVATE PIT BOTTOM 12" TO MINIMIZE STRUCTURAL COMPACTION.S LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES, MATERIALS, AND DETAILS HAMIL 1··0N PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. BARK MULCH (TOPDRESSING): ONE-HALF-INCH (1 /2") SIZE, TO ONE-INCH ( 1 "), I.E., "MEDIUM," HEMLOCK/FIR BARK. APPLY SUFFICIENT QUANTITY TO PROVIDE THREE INCHES (3") TO FOUR INCHES (4") DEPTH IN AREAS NOT PLANTED IN LAWN. FINE MULCH, I.E., "STEERCO" TEXTURE AND CEDAR ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. STAKES: 2-INCH DIAMETER BY 8-FOOT MINIMUM LODGEPOLE PINE STAKE. GUY MATERIAL: CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON FIRE HYDRANT OR UTILITY POLE SIDEWALK NEXT TO VERTICAL CURB ~~ ~~ ~~ f"1 8~MIN. \ ( \ ( 1-INCH WIDE POLYETHYLENE CHAIN LOCK TYPE TIES; OR, 3/8" DIAMETER RUBBER. NO WIRE. LAWN: SEED OR COMMERCIAL SOD AS NOTED ON PLAN. SOD TO INCLUDE BLUEGRASS FOR BINDER. SOD WITH MANMADE BINDER IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. I+~ + + =~~ !:2~ '), I I' = 5'*c~=~··· ~ ii HERBICIDE: HERBICIDE IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR THE FIRST YEAR AFTER INSTALLATION. ANTI-DESICCANT: "WILT-PROOF," 48 HOURS f'RIOR TO SHIPMENT TO SITE FROM JUNE 1 THROUGH SEPTEMBER. THOROUGHLY ROOT WATER PLANTS PRIOR TO DELIVERY. PLANT MATERIAL DELIVERED TO SITE TO BE KEPT CONTINUALLY MOIST THROUGH INSTALLATION. EXECUTION: FINISH GRADES: FINE GRADE AND REMOVE ROCKS AND FOREIGN OBJECTS OVER TWO INCHES (2") DIAMETER FROM TOP THREE INCHES (3") OF PREPARED PLANTING BED. ALL FINISHED GRADES TO BE SMOOTH EVEN GRADES, LIGHTLY COMPACTED, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN AND DETAILED. SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS IDENTIFY FINAL ELEVATIONS. TREES: ARRANGE TREES ON SITE IN PROPOSED LOCATIONS PER DRAWINGS. EXCAVATE PIT, PLANT AND STAKE OR GUY, AS CALLED OUT AND DETAILED. ALL TREES AND SUPPORTS TO STAND VERTICAL. TREES TO BE PLACED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANTING PLAN, LOCATED AS DETAILED AND AS CALLED OUT ON PLANT LIST. BACKFILL SHALL BE PIT SPOILS. SffiLE BACKFILL USING WATER ONLY. NO MECHANICAL COMPACTION. STREET TREES: ALL STREET TREES ARE TO BE ON A 30 FOOT SPACING, UNLESS NOTED. ADJUST INSTALLATION LOCATIONS TO CLEAR CONSTRUCTED DRIVES, LIGHTING, AND UTILITIES AS NOTED BELOW. STREET TREE LAYOUT IS BASED ON PHYSICAL CONSTRAINTS OF DRIVEWAYS AND UTILITY CLEARANCES. NOTE DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO MODIFICATIONS, NO LESS THAN SPECIFIED QUANTITIES WILL BE INSTALLED. STREET TREE SPECIES ARE SELECTED FROM THE KING COUNTY APPROVED STREET TREE LIST. ALL STREET TREES TO BE 1.75" CALIPER / 1 o' HEIGHT MINIMUM. PROVIDE ROOT BARRIER AT STREET TREES AS NOTED IN KING COUNTY STANDARD DETAIL SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. ROOT BARRIER 18" UNIVERSAL BARRIER -UB 18-2 BY DEEP ROOT PARTNERS, L.P., PHONE 800-458-7668 OR EQUIVALENT. PL~NT STREET TREES DURING FALL TO WINTER MONTHS (OCTOBER 1st TO MARCH 31st). PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN A 3' DIAMETER WATER WELL AROUND ALL STREET TREES. PROVIDE A 3' DIAMETER MULCH RING AROUND ALL STREET TREES. SHRUBS: !NSTALL SHRUBS AS SPECIFIED FOR TREES. GROUNDCOVERS: EXCAVATE PITS TO A MINIMUM OF THREE INCHES (3") BELOW, AND TWICE THE ROOT BALL DIAMETER. WATER THOROUGHLY AND TAKE CARE TO ENSURE THAT ROOT CROWN IS AT PROPER GRADE, AS DETAILED. MULCH: MULCH ALL GROUND COVER AREAS NOT COVERED BY LAWN. MULCH MAY BE APPLIED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF GROUNDCOVER WHICH IS SMALLER THAN ONE GALLON CONTAINER SIZE. UTILITY CLEARANCES: FIELD ADJUST PLANT LOCATIONS FOR 8-FOOT SEPARATION OF TREES/SHRUBS AND 2-FOOT SEPARATION FOR GROUNDCOVER FROM FIRE HYDRANTS AND UTILITY VAULTS. PLANTING MAINTENANCE: CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN PLANTINGS THROUGH COMPLETED INSTALLATION, AND UNTIL ACCEPTANCE OF LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION. PLANTING MAINTENANCE TO INCLUDE WATERING, WEEDING, CULTIVATING, TIGHTENING AND REPAIRING OF TREE GUYS, RESffilNG PLANTS TO PROPER GRADES OR POSITION, RE-ESTABLISHING SffiLED GRADES; AND MOWING LAWNS WEEKLY AFTER LAWN ESTABLISHMENT. HERBICIDE IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR ONE YEAR FOLLOWING LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION. INCLUDED IS REPLACEMENT OF DEAD PLANTS AND PLANTS SHOWING LOSS OF 40 PEi!CENT OR MORE OF CANOPY. IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE: THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE MAINTAINED INCLUDING ADJUSTMENTS FOR BALANCED WATER DISTRIBUTION & PRECIPITATION. FAILED OR MALFUNCTIONING IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE REPLACED OR CORRECTED. PLANT AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE TO INCLUDE THOSE OPERATIONS NECESSARY TO THE PROPER GROWTH AND SURVIVAL OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE THIS WORK IN ADDITION TO SPECIFIC WARRANTY /GUARANTEES. STREET TREE IRRIGATION: PROVIDE SUPPLEMENTAL WATERING FOR ALL STREET TREES DURING SUMMER MONTHS FOLLOWING INSTALLATION AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN PLANT MATERIAL HEALTH. ' "' MULCH AT CURB DETAIL l·<OT TO SCALE >-1---CURB ---LUMJNA!RE ~ 10' MIN. f-1----'5cc.O'_Mccl"'N. ____ 1 -· -·--------------------·---------- NOTE 1.--~~ NOTES: 1. TREES SHALL GENERALLY BE PLANTED BACK OF THE SIDEWALK. PLAl~TING STRIPS WILL BE APPROVED ONLY AS PART OF A LANDSCAPING PLAN IN WHICH PLANT MAINTENANCE, COMPATIBILITY WITH UT:L.ITIES, AND TRAFFIC SAFETY ARE DULY CONSIDERED. 2. IF PLANTING STRIPS ARE APPROVED: A. MIN. DISTANCE FROM CENTER OF ANY TREE TO NEAREST cDGE OF VERTICAL CURB SHALL BE 4 FEET. 8. TREES SHALL BE STAKED IN A MANNER NOT TO OBSTRUCT SIDEWALK TRAFFIC. C. l~I CASE OF BLOCK-OUTS, MIN. CLEAR SIDEWALK WIDTH SHALL BE 5 FEET IN RESIDENTIAL OR 8 FEET IN BUSINESS DISTRICTS. 3. ON BUS ROUTES, PLANS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH METRO SERVICE PLANNING. PHONE 684-1 622. 4. SEE SEC. 5.03. 5. TREE', LOCATED WITHIN 4' OF STREET CURBS AND SIDEWALKS SHALL HA'>' ·,ooT BARRIERS PlACED ADJACENT TO AND ABUTTING STREET cuce,;: NID S!DEWALKS. BARRIERS OF 8' -10' LENGTH ARE TO BE CENTERED <:•>J EACH TREE. THE BARRIER SHALL EXTEND FROM 1" BELOW TOP OF CIJcB FOR 18" MINIMUM, VERTICAL DEPTH. STREET TREE STANDARDS KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DWG. NO. 5-009 ~-2" MULCH LAYER VERTICAL CURB LINE AT INTERSECTION FINISH GRADE AT •kl SLOPE (MAX); 2%. SLOPE (TYP. MIN.) (COMPACTED DEPTH) CURB PER CIVIL -· DRAWINGS (WALK SIMILAR) TOPSOIL AS SPECIFIED FINISH GRADE AT 3: 1 SLOPE (MAX), 10:1 (MIN) PREPARED SUBGRADE 1" MAX. (WITH COMPACTtD MULCH) . ' 1\JRF CONDmON SIDEWALK---1 MULCH CONDmON (CURB SIMILAR) PLANTER E;ECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE AMENDED PLANTING SOIL PER NOTES (TOPSOIL) 2" MULCH LAYER (COMPACTED DEPTH)--- FINISH GRADE ------------.. LAWN--------..._ EDGING PER PLAN ________ ___.. PLANTING BED ADJACENT TO LAWN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 50' MIN. 2" MUL.CH LAYER ~----(COMPACTED DEPTH) FEATHER EXCESS ~---SOIL UNDER MULC~H----- 1" MULCH AT CROWN -~ 1 /2" ABOVE GRADE 1" ABOVE GRADE-~ LESS THAN 1 GAL ( PlANfED BEFOAE MULCH ) 1 GAL CONTAINER and L.ARaER ( PLANTED BEFORE MULCH ) GROUNDCOVER/SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE HOLD PLANTS FROM--, EDGE OF PLANTER AS NOTED ON PLANT UST 0 w SPACING AS CALLED OUT ON PLAN/PLANT LIST BED LINE EDGE--~ CURB/WALK~ HOLD PLANTS FROM _ / EDGE OF PLANTER / AS NOTED ON PLANT LIST ============== GROUNDCOVER SPACING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE (2) LODGEPOLE STAKES; TIE AT APPROX. 1/3 TO 1/2 --~-~ HEIGHT OF TREE WITH FLEXIBLE RUBBER TIE IN FIGURE EIGHT PATTERN. STAKES AND TREE PLUMB 3" DEEP SAUCER FOR WATER 3" DEEP MULCH LAYER (COMPACTED DEPTH) --- REMOVE ALL TIES, WRAP & CONTAINERS. FREE PERIMETER ROOTS FROM NURSERY BALL ~~ EXCAVATE TREE PIT AT A Mlfl. OF 4 TIMES ·- DIA. OF ROOTBALL AT BALL CENTErc, TAPERING PIT GRAOE TO FINISH GRADE PIT SPOILS, NURSERY BALL WASTE BACKFILL SET BALL ON UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE,------__::::::~~~4 OR COMPACTED SOIL. • NOTE: o LIGHT FERTILIZER OVER PLANTING BED AFTER BACKFILL ONLY: NO FERTILIZER IN PLAffflflG PIT. o WORK PERIMETER ROOTS FREE OF NURSERY BALL. EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING/STAKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PRUNE DAMAGED TWIGS AFTER PlANTING-----------~ PLACE IN VERT. POSITIOfJ: DOUBLE LEADERS WILL BE REJECTED--- NOTE: o STAKING ON "AS NEEDED BASIS" PER NOTES; ALL GUYS TO BE FLEXIBLE o KEEP ROOTBALL MOIST AND PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES o HOLD CROWN OF ROOTBALL AT OR JUST ABOVE FINISHED GRADE o PROTECT TRUNK AND LIMBS FROM INJURY o BACKFILL TO BE SETTLED USING WATER ONLY - NO MECHANICAL COMPl,CTION o REMOVE ,ALL WRAP, TIES & CONTAINERS, REGARDLESS OF MATERIAL. (2) LODGEPOLE STAKES, PLUMB WITH ELASTIC CHAIN-LOCK--, TYPE OR RUBBER GUYS TIED IN FIGURE EIGHT; REMOVE AFTER ONE GROWING SEASON i / I "' PROTECTIVE WRAPPING DURING SHIPMENT TO SITE & INSTALLATION ---..._ jj,-"'fr"-'lt REMOVE AT COMPLETION OF PLANTING LAWN PLANTING; PROVIDE 3'¢ "NO GRASS" TREE RING & 3" DEEP MULCH lAYER (COMPACTED) IN WELL. HOLD BACK FROM TRUNK 8" TO 10" FINISH GRADE PREPARE PLANTING BED PER SPEC'S; AT MIN., LOOSEN AND MIX--,··,<;=~ .. "'f • .c-B~,_:,,,, SOIL TO 18" OR DEPTH OF ROOTBALL ANO 4 TIMES BALL DIA. REMOVE ALL WRAP TIES AND CONTAINERS --------- SCORE ROOTBALL AND WORK NURSERY SOIL AWAY FROM PERIMETER ROOTS. SET BALL ON UNDISTURBED BASE OR COMPACTED MOUND UNDER BALL PENETRATION TO SUBBASE (+) 24"--------------' ROOT BARRIER AT CURB/SIDEWALK, SEE STREET TREE STANDARDS DETAIL---~ DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING/STAKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE KING COUN1Y D.D.E,S. -\ ' ' ' z " "' :ii CJ ./l 0 Cl ci z Review Engineer Completion Date Review Engineer JAMES H. SANDERS, P.E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: Completion Date Approva I Date hl 0 u "' L • .c E ~ z .c 0 , "'I ~' I "' • C O> ·~ • Cl :c ':J 0 (f) 0 -C ~ 0 N z ·c 0 I u/ ~ ~ I "' C j ~ u e • .c Cl CJ 0 ('I 0 ~ 0 :e ~ I ~; ' ' " ~ e a. ~ • • .c "' ~ z .,,, o' ~ ~ • -a Cl (/) .w 0U z--~ zw ~ (/) a_ _, ~ Oz Zw :'.S :::;; z •O (!) a:: z--> a:: z ww w z . -(!) (!) z z-w c;:; _, > > a:: -:::, u (/) ~ I 0 N 0 C X 0 ·o 0 " 0 0 n II - 0 0 u 1/1 o, 0 'T 0 0 N ' >D ca '· ,,, 0 "' 3; v n T 0 N 0 C? ,: 0 0 0 --o- / ~: .._ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -1, _____________ ...1... _____ _,_ ___ ...... i.... ___ .., C: :.,v:, 3: "' I I l \ 3: "' 11 \ I ~ LOT 7 @ -----, ~------ 60' ------------- HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SCALE: 1"=40 FEET ~ I ' l,J Q_ 3: " ,,, "' ::J f,; 0 20 40 80 LOT 6 @ LOT 4 LOT 3 @ LOT 2 (0_7-i§J "' ( ):~ " '" LOT B @ '"'); / 1 -------EXIST. 12"" CUL VE T LEGEND 52' 52_·, ' 52' r -§2-'.' 52' 'SO' EXIST. 24" / \. .........,_ } '---- EX/ ,T. RIV WAY VERTICAL DA TUM p EXIST. MAIL BOX -0-EXIST. POWER POLE E--EXIST GUY WIRE -SD--EX/Sf. STORM LINE D EX/S{. CATCH BASIN -W--· EXIST. WATER LINE l><l EXIST. GATE VALVE b' EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT Ill EX/Sf. WATER METER -0 EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE x----, EXJ5 r. WIRE FENCE T/77 EX/SnNG ASPHALT £XIS nNG GRAVEL : .. ·.···<' .. ·.-},,?; £x1snNG CONCRETE --510~ EX/SnNG CONTOUR 2" (TRACT 0) 1' (TRACT C) S PROl'OSED MONUMENT • PROPOSED SEWER CLEANOUT e PROPOSED SEWER MANHOLE PROPOSED SAN/ TARY SEWER LINE m PROPOSED CATCH BASIN e PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE PROPOSED STORM LINE • PROPOSED BLOW OFF 'fl PROPOSED FIR£ HYDRANT ~ PROPOSED WATER VAL VE PROPOSED WATER LINE 26' PRWATE DRIVEWAY (TRACT D) 20' PRWATE DRIVEWAY (TRACT C} 1.5' 20.5' RACT D 16.5 TRACT C 2% S/7E Bf:NCHMARK ELEV. = 513.94 STA. 0+00.00· ROAD "A"= STA. 2+12.50; 158TH AVE. SE --------,,a~" PAF/. 2 <@§> 2' (TRACT D) 1' (TRACT C) HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS JO'. 2· COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS ·s· ASPHALT CONCRm ,• '_;:. . ~ , I.E.(N) '.'. ~11.J8 , 1.£.(S) -~11. 17 ' -----------.... " "' • ,. • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • I{) ..... / ..... ~,F .......... ..., .,,..... .,, ..... • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' ' \ ' "' "' ' ' ' \ >- CJ RU AINING W LL / ' r ' .... ~ ________ ... ,,. ... / i:'i "' >-4 ., 5 "' >--:::; ., "' ::, s· DRAIN 0 STORA/ YSTEJI - _•._, , , .•. • 209' . . •''. • ••• .;. ·'· •• ,·- ---------------- TRACT 'A' ., "---OPEN SPACE ,., -----____________.,. 137' \ \ s, 6 ' r ---, ---1----------1 -----{;,--,~'-a-..-1-<, r-~_ lll 7 :ii "-, ~ j EXISTING BUILD/ G TO ·, 8C DEMOLISN D '-.JcJ-_=-=-=-=-=-. t.tS =--,1,;-=-=-=--------\, e • 20 Roof & fOOTI DRAIN CONNEC ON STUB (TYf'.) ' -----~ 19 50' ' 0 0, 109' 22 I . -----------.,7-,_ -----50&--·~-··fJ I. , --' ·, 100' BB' ' \ \ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' --- 50' ' ' ' ' \ ' ' ' \110' \ l \ 14, \ \ I \ 1 o: 60' ', -- ' ' ', • • • ., I "' ' ' EXISTING WIR£ FENCE TO BE REMOliE:O EXISTING CHAIN LINK" • ffl-lCF; Tif Bli R£MO!lfD • • • • • • • • • • ...,. ..... .....166' * • • E. .,,_.,,---------- . // ; " 0 .... -..... .,. r / -, . "' --..._____EXIST. 1r CULVERT 1.E.(N) ~ 503.02 50' LONG LEVEL Fl.OW SPREADER 3: "' ,-,\ 10' UTILfTY EASEMENT 1' 1' f-~ EXISDNG BUILDING CB 5 CONTROL STRUCTURE 21' R 5' 1' 2' I ' ' 23 _.--, /--soe------, _/ l 16 ' 11 ' EVE:RGRffN HEOGI:.- N88'42'04"W 588.39' Kf:"T ETENTION P BOTTOAI ELEV. -500.00 STA TIC W.S. fl£V. • 50.3.00 A/AX. W.S. ELEV. -508.00 I TOP ELEV. • 509.00 VOLUME REQUIRED • #,000:t CF VOLUME PROVIDED -45,CJOO± CF DETENTION STANDARDS LEVEL II FLOW CONTROi. WATER QUALITY STANDARDS BASIC WA 1ER QUALJTY TRE:A TA/ENT PER 1998 l<ING COUNTY MANUAL PROPOSED AIETHOD -VETPOND 21' R 14' 14' w, i 1' 5' 2· 1 1 1' ' 10' UTILfTY EASEMENT ' ',"~ EXIST. 6" 'So R[TAJNING WALL 6 HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS -5• THICK CEMENT CONCRETE SI EWALK PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-001 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE ' "' '-'P ' I ~1§ --.,,, , EXISnNG CHAIN Uf:m .., ---f.ENCE TO BE REMOVE \ ---, 128' EXIST. 6" RETAINING WALL EXIST. 12" CULVrnr-~-- 1.E.(N) = 508.30 3: "' 7.5' (758TH} 1' l:J '" I;) "' Lu 30' R s· 7-5' 160TH) SIDEWALK » <:7 HYDROSEED ' '>s ' DISTURBED AREAS 2% ,:\ CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUillR -EXIST. 12" CUL VEl?T IE(S) = 518_67 EXIST. CB ..-RIM = 520.93 514 l.f. = 518.30 f12"N) I.E. = 51B.17 12"S) STA.6+46.87; ROAD "A"= __ STA.2+11.52; 160TH AVE. Sf ., "\ --.-~. ' \ EXIST. CB RIM = 511.28 IL = 508. 64 f 12:~J IE = 508.49 12 o) IE. = 508.53 /2"SE) ~ g S.E 134TH BT. "'" I e . . (_J 1n 0 >< Le Lu _ EXIST. CB ___ _ (IJM = 509.76 I.E. = 506.76 i/2"N/ ~ IE = 506.54 12"5; 0: I.E. = 506.80 / 2"NE:) w z 30' R W 16' (158TH AVE) fi! 0_5• 16' {160TH AVE) -,~ ±10' (158TH AVE) l.'.j ±11' 160TH AVE) --1.L EXIST. PAVEMENT ±73' (158TH AVE) ±16' (160TH AVE} 2% SECTION SAWCUT AND SEAL JOINT NAVD88 B.M.: KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT #TD10, BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE WITH PUNCH, INCASED, AT THE INTERSECTION OF 160TH AVENUE S.E. AND S.E. 127TH PLACE. £LEV. -505.90 SIT£ B.M.: SET PK NAIL 2.2' EAST OF FOGLINE AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF SITE. £LEV. = 51J.94 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' ! EXPIRES: 9-23-03! • 3• COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE PER KCRS 4.01A, ALTERNATE II THICKENED ASPHALT EDGE 1-1 /2' COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE } ALTERNATE -- 5• COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4• COMPACTED DEPTH ATB CEMENT CONCRETE ROLLED CURB PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-002 1-7/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE -- 4 • COMPACTED DEPTH ATB 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 1-1 /2' COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE } ALTERNATE __ 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4• COMPACTED OEPTH ATB GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.} JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT NOT TO SCALI'. ROAD 'A' GRAVEL BASE CLASS '8' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.} KING COUNlY SUBCOLLECTOR NOT TO SCALE GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITlONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.} 158TH AVENUE NE AND 160TH AVENUE NE KING COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD COLLECTOR NOT TO SCAlE ~ ::; " ~ :::, I() <". 0 <( -Cl Ill 0 -, a . " z Lu II ---.J ' <( -<". l) .. N .. (/) 1--' ii: ct: 0 's: l: i 9; ~ f-.. Q Cl 8 ~ i3 ~ Vi <( Lu Lu ct: a a a ~ ~ f'l Ct: ~ ~ <( ill -.l (J a (/) Q ,_ ~ C :§ >-~ > -.l V "' H--/:: ~ u ' 2 -ffi -.l Q_ a -i-: "' Eb s; ::) l;J "' (_) cb < z 0 ~ (_) -ci "' ~ Cl () I" iii' "' 0 DRAWING NO. I V " ~ ' -0 I 0 1057E1G C, -0 2 Or 13 z C\J a I .. O)~ I I() a c,,:,: cd8 c::m a 's: 0 ct: Q Q <( a a a " I "' C\J (0 -.. (0 . a ~ WA-03 -12.?-- ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS LIST 1. MARY HAMILTON 15821 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0100 2. REYNOIDS U\1NG TRUST 13016 156TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0205 3. DONALD & DALE FISHER 13115 158TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0215 4. STEVEN GEYER 13128 156TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0201 5. BEAL BANK 6000 LEGACY DR PLANO, TX 75024 366450 0210 6. STE\IEN GEYER 13128 156TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0221 7. GARY & SALLY 111LLIAMS 818 SW 3061H ST FEDERAL WAY, WA 98023 366450 0220 8. CHARLES SMITH 13205 158TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0227 9. JAMES & KIMBERLY BROUGH 13220 1561H A \IE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0225 10. SANDRA SNYDER 1915 S 3751H ST FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 366450 0228 11. ROBERT MOFFAT 13217 1581H AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0230 12. SANDRA SNYDER 1915 S 375TH ST FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 366450 0226 13. KING COUNTY 500 K C ADMIN BLOG SEA TILE. WA 96104 366450 0231 14. CONSERVA Tivt BAPTIST CHURCH 13232 1561H AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0240 15. JARED HAIR & LAURA TAUTZ 13422 156TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0250 16. Glll:NDOL YN PICKENS & I/ICTOR HIGH 13405 158TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0245 17. LUCILLE PERRY 13426 1561H AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0260 18. FRANClS Jl & ROBIN BECKMAN 13511 158TH A\IE SE RENTON. WA 98059 366450 0278 19. ALAN OSGOOOBY 13527 158TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 96059 366450 0270 20. JAMES DUKE PO BOX 2262 RENTON, WA 98056 366450 0136 21. EDWARD & NANCY HILTON 13414 158TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0135 22. v.!LUAM JOHNSON 15902 SE 134TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0133 23. PATRICK & KELLY BEHR 15914 SE 134TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0132 24. All/IN &: WENDY \\000 13403 160TH AYE SE RENTON. WA 98059 366450 0131 25. DALE NOTI 13422 158TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0127 26. FLORENCE NOTI 15915 134TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0120 27. GLENDA JOHNSON 13425 160TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0126 2a GUY & CARL .ll PLATZ & JOHNSON GERMAINE 13535 160TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0141 29. PEGGY ANN STREIT 13512 1601H AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0170 30. RAYMOND & ERIN PLATZ 14627 160TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0180 31. RONALD COFFIN 16015 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0190 32. JOLENE MAGGARD 16023 SE 1351H ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0200 33. STE\£N & PERI MUHICH 13420 1601H AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0010 34. RICHARD & MICHAEL KNAPP 13412 160TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0020 35. RANDY & BONNIE HORNER 13404 1601H AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0030 36. DON BAURICHTER 14025 1761H A \IE SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0040 37. MICHAEL & NECIA WAIN\\RIGHT 16025 SE 1341H AYE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0050 38. JOHN SR & EUZABElH CROONQUIST PO BOX 2352 RENTON, WA 98056 200600 0060 39. BARBARA PEELER 16041 SE 1341H ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0070 40. MICHAEL & KA YE FOSMIRE 16049 SE 1341H ST RENTON, WA 96059 200600 0080 41. DOUGLAS & CRYSTAL 111:IK 16040 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0120 42. GORDON & SULTANA ROBERTSON 16032 SE 1351H ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0130 43. ROBERT & LORI DA11ES 14 708 301!1 A YE NE SEATTLE, WA 98155 200600 0140 44. LEONARD JOHNSTON 16016 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0150 45. MORRIS .ll &: HOl.l Y JOHNSON 2635 RED\\000 ST ANCHORAGE, AK 99508 145750 0070 46. LY BUI 13208 160TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0066 47. GARY MCCANN 13224 160TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0065 48. GARY MCCAIN 13224 1601H AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0067 49. LEONARD SKINNER 13030 1601H AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0059 50. LEONARD SKINNER 13116 1601H AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0062 51. DICK AMOS 16028 SE 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0061 52. DICK AMOS 16028 SE 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0064 53. MICHAEL DOOLY 16106 SE 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0063 54. DELOIS STANFORD 13111 160TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0062 55. l\1WAM KENAN .ll 15914 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0060 56. TIMOlHY LEX &: GINA DOLAN 13116 1581H AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0068 57. FREDY JAQUES 13114 15B1H AYE SE RENTON. WA 98059 366450 0069 58. CHARLES & I/IOI.A SCOBY 13112 1581H AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0071 59. DA "10 KUPCHO 13110 15B1H AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0064 60. DOROlHY ROCKEY 13119 160TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0066 61. CRIST \IERSCHAEYE 43803 284TH AYE SE ENUMCLAW, WA 98022 366450 0065 62. HUGH MURDOCH 15917 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0072 .. ·-·--·. -----------~-~-·--- 63. 111WAM KENAN .ll 15914 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0067 64. STE\IEN ROY 15905 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0075 65.. DANIEL & LYNN PmRSON 13116 1581H AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0073 66. ,HFREY & .UUE TAYLOR 13128 158TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0070 67. GW NICKEL 13205 1601H AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0010 68. RICHARD &: PHYWS RUDO!PH 15846 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0020 69. MICHAEL & lHERESA ADAMS 15842 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0030 70. DEAN KINNEY 15834 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0040 71. EMILIE VAN KEMPEN 15826 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0050 72. ROY \1RGIL 15822 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0060 71 D J YANTZER 15812 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0070 74. FRANLIN HARSCH PO BOX 2344 RENTON, WA 98056 923650 0080 75. DELANE JORGENSEN 13225 1601H AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0090 76. WALTER KAPIOSKI 13231 160TH AYE SE RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0100 77. MARY SACKETI 15841 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 96059 923650 0110 78. JAMES ROUGHLEY & DAv.!l lHOMPSON 15833 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0120 79. CHARLES GRIMSHAW 15825 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0130 80. MARY HAMILTON 15821 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0140 81. ROOERT & MARIAN \/!£GUN 2123 471H AYE SW SEATILE, WA 98116 923650 0150 82. MARY HAMILTON 15821 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0160 HAMIL TON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON I I I I I I I \ : L______ I 59 58 57 I 56 I /55 \ 54 : I 0.~ @) {Q~ I ~ -~f-_@01 @ I I I -' -----------... -~t-1-::::::-:::-::t::-::-::~=~=t:t=:=:-:====t=~:::'....-"4--t:.::.:~L ---LI ---II---_: I ;. _____ L ____ , ___ J_ I _J \ 65 i -~ ----PRIVATEROAD ----I 1 I @ @ I -i----i---,--60--@'!> I I 2 <§> ------1----I I I I I 4 I ----------------1 64 I 63 \ 62 I <Jfo6§> ______ _J ----- = I 5 66 I @ I ,,;;;:,;;,,, I th;;:;" !----=---49 II (§fiij) ,l@.!., @ = I I ~ I "2E!J) I 61 1-,QCl!.0 I I I I @! I I --------------------__ _j _i J_ @ I I 52 I I I \ 53 \ 1@1 I I I I I I I 8 L~4a i -:----:---r __ ;1_ __ 67--------y-L ___ I __ _ _ _ _] ____ _ I (@J) <@gl I 721 711 701 69 1 ~ I : --73----I LOT6 I LOT5 I LOT4 I LOTJ f--~--I t----,----------LOT 7 I @ I 0@ I @ I (QC!Jg) I 68 L~ : J I '0070' I \ .< I I I LOT 2 ="' -' rf[ci":ig; @3> I -----------~ I fl oo20 I I I @ 47 I KJ : I @ ,---------- 1 I 82 LOT 8 I @) I 80 79 -------1 LOT 6 LOT 5 9 12 SE. 132ND PLACE I 78 I 77 LOT 4 I LOT 3 75 I LOT 1 I <§o90J f---=-- ----'.J r-- 1 48 LOT C I I I I -I I -=====---::7----~----~ 81 \ @ @ LOT 7 I ~ (/@i) I €0 I I 76 I LOT 2 I I I I (@) ------- ----. I I I ,-;;, ---------- -------,-------------- 15 I I I I I _______ L 16 ----------- \ fm:RENCE NUMBER FOR \OT 0111'/E:R & ADDRE:SS (TYP.) 17 PAR. 2 ~ 1 2 3 ffiACT "A" OPEN SPACE 4 TRACT "B" STORM PONO 20 5 6 7 18 • ,'-' ,__ 21 20 (J '< g; 22 23 8 9 • 19 18 p ,__ (J '< g; 17 16 I I I I I I 22 I 23 I --------1---1 I I <J@ I@ I I bo'1 J,'o I I ""H I I +.c, I I I 21 8 10 11 13 12 14 15 24 --------L L I -,-------~------ 1 I I 26 I I I I @ I 25 27 ~ ' <( i!: i I I __________________ L __ _ \ fEFF.RENCE NUMBER FOR \OT 0111'/fll d: ADDRESS (TYP.) 45' SE. 134TH E[IRE:EI ' 35 I I I 36 I 37 38 39 @ I LOT 4 \ LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 -----~ @ : €i@J I @ I @ 34 I I / I I LOT 2 \-_ ---1---t--J-__ -I-_ @ I I I I I -----~ ~ I ,4.,2 I 48 I 33 I LOT 15 I LOi 14 I LOT 13 I LOT1 : @ \ ~ \@ LOT 3 I I __________ _j ________ _j _____ _ @ I I I ---'----,----------------- I I I ' I 10' __ 1 ry1 :1-;b +-~~,,,~o 28 @ SE. 135TH SIHEE:1 30 31 LOT 3 €@.l I I LOT 5 \ ---------lq;~'f'~ -~"/9;;..:;::,,::_:~--t-,-_j ____________________ J __ t:.:~ I I @ \ ~vC)1 J LOT 1 LOT 2 j-----1 ---+ +-c,s'< 0o'~ @ <[f,]Jt, 1 1 ~ -----~ I I I ., I I I ------- I 40 I LOT 8 <@) I I I I I -1-----1-- 1 I I I I I I I SCALE: 1"=100 FEET 0 50 100 200 C 0 ·;;; -~ °' ~ -0 0 0 z f5 Ill ::;; ::, < OJ 0 -, l,J ._j 0 V) ~ 1--.. El < Cl ~ Cl " I{) 0 ~ 0 0 II ' ~ .. N ii 0 ::c 9; Q ~ -s: a:: Cl ~ -s: Cl z < .. 1--' [5 > ~- Cl 8 Q l,J iS ~ 0 I 0, -I I{) 0 Cl"' -JO L<Jo G:OJ a 15! 0 a:: Q Q -s: 0) C ->, (I) > I... :, Cl) DRAWING NO. 1057A0 1 J 3 I OF 0 ' ' LUA-o 8 ~/'Zr?. ~~------- ;,, I ' I.', ,. !O 0 0 :z: " J.!.,~,i.:,,· HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON STA. 0+00.00· ROAD "A"= STA. 2+ 12.50; 158TH A \11'. SE "' "' TFIA T "E" WETLA DANO ER \ \ ' ' ' ' \ 'I, "' TRACT "B" WET/DE JENT/ON POND SCALE: 1"=20 FEET 0 10 20 40 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVOBB B.M.: KING COUNTY SUR\ll'Y CONTROL POINT #TOJO. BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE WITH PUNCH, INCASED. AT THE INTERSECT/ON OF 160TH AVENUE S.E. AND S.E. 127TH PLACE. ELEV. = 505.90 SITE B.M.: SET PK NAIL 2.2' EAST OF FOGUNE AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF SITE. ELEV. = 51J.94 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' C 0 ·;;; ·s V "' [;i en ::. ::, 2: en 0 --, UJ ...J <( (.) (/J ~ I- 8 f5 Di UJ Cl f'-. lO 0 - 0 <'J II ' - N a': 0 :c: 9, Q .. i <( Cl:: Cl ~ <( Cl -z < .. i-: ~ en :,,: Cl 8 tJ UJ 0 <'J 0 I r<) <'J I 0 - Cl:,,: --JO UJO G:en .. Cl I,; 0 Cl:: Q Q <( G.i is :c: Q 0) C ">',. (l) > L. :, Cl) V ORA WING NO. o"----------" 0 1057PARK 0 z 1 OF 1 '.1 i • I --------------- -------------- --- I co rt I .., ' Lot 2 Lot 1 ---·--___ l 1.. X11 '\3111~1:~~st 2" STW IP 12'S , , 166049, -...!,1-'!20111(-'2'110111¥11... ---. 1962-J 4104 l_ -·----,--- \ Cr;,;.,-.. -. ~~) "' ~---~ _ _c_S_E 200th ST L / . / -1 - Watershed Terrace-22 Lot Plat ,,,,,,- \-·ACS301-Aph \ ~2 \ ---r~- / -" .-1<)/ ' / \ / l V3,~ ci-ACS282-Aph I I I ~V1 I ce------ACS281-Aph \..,lJ Oneline Primary Diagram _..../ ___ .. ·--, __ C EOM_'N ,.) -, / "' __ .,,,.....--___..,, 2" STW IP 12'S ---1962.J-4104 Oneline Diagram-Gas F L _/------,_ C EOM 'N .) ··--, -J " ~-~ -- l,nistrut ~-·· ... -- .... 1----1 I I .l_ ·-·-.--~ I top of handho!e 2' above finsh grad& ~1--r I ~ ,.~. MP HH Excavation Detail CP NOTES: Install per company standards if low psp read, Install 9 LB anode and bring wire up in box with test lead off main ---------------- \ ' ~ • ,ru,had ·"" I OH Circuit Map 2205E036 connector bars shall be staggered-1:....·-- Pedestal will accept up to 6-3" conduits --'--------- ---~1·· 16" 13" 10" 18" Secondary Pedestal Excavation RJW I 42" minimum 24" minimum ' I (gas, phone, cable and power) ' I ~ !ff excavated ~ ;: ~ dirt pile ~ =c;..;;..,.;;;c;..;;_~/,% ~ location of roof drain intercep 'io E (") ::, .__ E Q)·->.5 8E Power E ::, E ~ E &, '<t' Joint Trench Excavation Detail L__ ---. ··----·--------'---·----------··--···------------------... -.----------------------------------~--------------------- ----------·----------------------------- ------·--- DDDDDDDD ELECTRIC GENERAL NOTES L GRADES Al,D LOCATIONS TO BE STAKED BY DEVELOPER. WORK Af1EA TO BE /, T OR NEi\F/ FINISHED GRADE AND CLEAR Of' OBSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. DEVELOPER TO PROVIDE SUITABLE PROTECTION FOR PAD MOUNTED EOUIPblUIT WHrn POSSIBILI iY OF VEHICULAR DAMAGE EXISTS. TRANSFORMER TO DE LOCA TEU A MINIIIUwl OF 3 FT FROM A NON- COMSUSTIBI.E WALL DR 10 FT FROM Al.lY OPEI.IING OR COMBUSTIBL.E SUIWACE. 3. DF:VELOl:,ER IS RESPONSIBLE FOF\ TRENCH PER H{ENCH Pf10FILE, SELECT BACK Fill., TRENCH COMPACrlON, RESTORA I-ION, ASPH1\LT REMOV1\L ANO REPLACEMENT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, TRENCH, BACK FILL AND COMPACTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PUGET SOU1\D ENERGY ST ANUARDS. TRENCH AS SHOWN MINIMUM 36" COVER. 4. OWNCR WILL PROVIDC EXCAVATION FOR TRANSFOf{MER VAULT PER VAULT EXCAVATIOll DETAIL. OWNER WILL PROVIDE ALL BACK FILL COMPACTION AND RESlORATION, OWNER WILL DISPOSE OF ANY NATIVE EXC/1 VA TED 1"1ATEP.1~\L ~·JOT SUIT ABLE AS BACK FII_L. 5. DEVELOPER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COflSTRUCTION COORDINATION AND OBT /\iNING UflDERGROUND LOCATES FOR ALL UTILITIES. G. DEVELOPER SHALL PROVIDE t\ t...llNIMUM NOTICE OF 15 WORKING Q;-\YS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF PSE F ACILITJES •DEVELOPER'S APPROVAL f'OR 'AS BUILT" TRENCH OEPTH/V/\ULT ELEVATION ~\ND l.OCA flOMS. ><THE UNDERSIG1\JE:]J AGREES THAT ALL PUGET SOUND ENERGY VAULTS AllO CUSTOMER-PROVIDED TRENCHES HAVE BEEN EXCAVATED ACCORDING TO mis WORK SKETCII AND THAT ALL EXCAVATION/DEPTHS OF SAID VAULTS ANO TRENCHES ARE CORRECT ANO FINAL ,---.---·--··------~ DDDDDDLJ -· .~~~~~------SIGNATURE OF OE\/C:LOPER OR HIS/HER REPRESEN'rATWE. GAS GENERAL NOTES I. co1,JTACT ONE ('Al L 48 HOURS PRIOR TO BREAKING GROUND I--S00-"12'1-5555 2. NOTIFY l,PPROPRIATE PERMiTTING AGENCY 48 HOUiTS PRIOR TO JOB ST ART. 3, RECORD ANY CHANGES MAKE TO l.OCTATION OR MATERIAi ON PRINT COPY. ~- !I. SEND PRINT COPY ALONG WITH COMP! ETFD WORKORDFR LISTING CREW AND ACTUAL MATrnlAIS USED TO APPROPRIATE DESIGIJ GROUP IMl,EDIA TELLY UPON COMPLETION OF PROJECT. 5. UNLESS OTHEf/ WISE NOTED, ALL PIPES INST AL LEO IN PLAT TD BE 2" PRE IP ALL CROSSING 4" PVC ALL SERVICES%" PE L ... _> FOOTAGE BETWEEN Fl iTINGS. / DENOTES STUB LOCATIONS. G. CUSTOMER DIG AND BACKFILL ON PRIVATE PROPFRTY OR EA'3EMEi\lT ONLY, tv1UST CONFORM TO PSE STANDARDS, COPY ATTACHED. PSE TO DIG AND BACKFILL ON PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. /, FINAL BACKFII..L ~IUST BE FREE FROII OBJECTS LARGER THAN APPRO/IM.A TEL Y G INCH 11·1 DIAMETER AND ALL CONST. DEBRIS. 8. PLE>\SE APPROVE CHANGES IN THE FOLLOWING WITH THE PROJECI M.AHAGEfllPDRI PRIOR TO INSTALLATION., •A CHANGE IN ,VIETER LOCATIOfl WHICH RESULTS IN THE ll•ISTALLArlON OF ADDITIONAL MAIi, . >1.Af'IY CH/1.NGES RESULTING IN THE REDUCTION OF SERVICE IN PIPE SIZE. •ANY CHANGES RESULTING THE SUBSTITUTION OF SERVICE FOR MAIN. •DEVELOPER'S APPROVAL FOR "AS GUil T" TRENCH DEPTH/VAULT ELEVATION ANO LOCATIONS. •THE UNOEflSIGNED /,GREES THAT ALL PUGET SOUND ENERGY VAULTS Mm CUST0~1ER ·PROVIDED TRENCHES HAVE BEEN EXCAVA rr:o ACCORDING TO THIS WORK SKETCH AND THAT ALL EXCAVATION/DEPTHS OF SAID VAULTS ANO TF{ENCH[S AliE CORF~ECT A~JO FINAL DATE SIGN1\ ! LIRE OF DI., VELOPEil OR HIS/HER REPRESc1\JTATIVE --L., '"~-·--- !!, 1"'"' -----. GAS MAIN INSTALLATION/RETIREMENT ' TypefWork Pipe Size Type Estimated Length Actual Length Manufacturer ~-·:-f-1---+----1-----·1-----1-------1 ---+i--+--·-+-----+-----+----+----·-t I GAS MAIN PRESSURE & TESTING ,1:'(l'~T L ___ tRESSU_R_E ____ _,__ __ T~E~S~T=E~D~BY. _ DATE QN TIME ON 'DATEQFF ]__ TIME OFF ---· .. Design Press SYS MAOP .. -- PROJECT PHASE NOTIF # ORDER# PWP, Superior 879246203 105017252 CABLE JV PHONE\ St Light 616640709 105017253 Relocatior f----f------1 Removal f-----+-----1 Temporar 'l-----+-----1 Job Order Distributio 514585837 107012810 ---·----~~~~, HP Main HP Svc/M;.A~--·-+-----I Proj~ct Manager Contact Information: Mark Enebrad (253)-606-7120 Cell Phone \(206)-680-4955 Pager PSIG VbhllyMcp --··------------------ I -----~··~-··- -", ·-/{}evetper6ai/.xf hlo Curtis G Shuster 12505 Belred Rd #212 Bellevue WA 98005 ""'~ ATTN: Curtis G Shuster 206-261-2112 office --··-----------------' 'For contacts below dial 1-888-CALL PSE(225-5773) -!.. 0 01 0 -!.. --.J I\) 01 I\) --!.. """' ""'-I 0 -!.. I\) 0) -!.. 0 "Locates Required" Yes "Outages Required"' Yes "Flagging Required"' Yes No No No CALL (800) 424-5555 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG THIS SKETCH NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR EXACT LOCATION OF FACILITIES 5 l REAL ESTATE/EASEMENT PERMIT -·-c---+----+----+-------------1 4 j STD PLAT ESMT Citv of Kent 3 i FUNCTION NAME PHONE NO DATE -·-:2~;t: =t=···=:t==·j=========·===1P~R~O~J~E~C~T~M~G~R;::=tM;a~rkjE~n~e~b;ra~dt~~~~ijt5~/~3D~/0~2d --'' 1 i ENGR -POWER Brian Harmon '81-7156 5/30/02 1--------------------------="..:...c.....c.c._--J..=====---=c.:....:.=:__-1-==:.-1 FEV,# DATE ENGR -GAS NIA NIA BY DESCRIPTION Erner Sect Gas Wk Ctr POWER WK CTR QCSOKG QCSOKE i DRAWN BY Brian Harmon \ 4., 5'-:;u ~r · ,~ ~4.... J King CHECKED =.BY.,___--l-----l-------1-----l OP MAP PLAT MAP cl APPROVED BY l NIA 231.083 -~------S\Y-05-22·05 ~~~---+F_O~R.~E~M~A~N~#~1 __ _j. __ .... ""·----····---.,·'----' '" CIR MAP NO CIRCUIT NO 2105ED36 MST-23 P ~O (POWER) FOREMAN #2 2205E019 MAPPING JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS UTILITIES l----------J.-------------c--------1-----------l CONTACT ------,---jf-----------~---+--------1---- PHONE# tC +,, PUGET SOUND ENERGY DESIGN:ED BY POTELCO Watershed Terrace-21 Lot Plat 10112 SE 200th ST., Kent, WA,98031 INCIDENT NO --~~-+-· MAOP: Gas Order Elect Order 107012810 105017252 SCALE 1 I 2 1" = 50' LUA-o B -I 2.-1-. ' J ., N 5' TO GRADE --J-'cP07Rc'cE -PRINTED PLASTIC SIGN ATTACH SIGN TO POST WITH TWO -----5/16 GALVANIZED LAG BOLTS WITH WASHERS. KING COUN1Y WETLAND/STREAM SIGN INSTALLATION DETAIL A) THE WETLAND/STREAM SIGN SHALL BE POSTED AT THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE LOT AND SENSITIVE AREA BUFFER. B) ONE SIGN SHALL BE POSTED FOR EVERY 150 FEET OF SENSITIVE AREA BUFFER AND SHALL BE STATIONED PER THE LOCATION, ON THE APPROVED PLANS TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. SIGNS MAY ALSO BE ATTACHED TO FENCES C) SIGNS ARE AVAILABLE FOR $2.50 FROM: KING COUN1Y DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 900 OAKESDALE AVENUE SOUTHWEST RENTON, WA 98055-n 19 S.A.T. SIGN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PLANT MATERIAL SCHEDULE SYMBOL BOTANICAL/COMMON NAMES SIZE CONDITION SPACING QUANTITY V . , -/ ~ ?i ·, .. f 0 TREES: ACER RUBRUM 'ARMSTRONG' / ARMSTRONG MAPLE ACER RUBRUM 'BOWHALL' / BOWHALL MAPLE MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA / SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA PSEUDOTSUGA TAXIFOLIA / DOUGLAS FlR THUJA PLICATA / WESTERN CEDAR ZELKOVA SERRATA/ SAWLEAF ZELKOVA 10 SCALE / 30 SCALE SHRUBS: 0 ® CISTUS PURPUREUS / ORCHID ROCKROSE CORNUS STOLONIFERA / RED-OSIER DOGWOOD HELICTROTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS / BLUE OAT GRASS MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM / OREGON GRAPE 1.75" CAL. 40' O.C. 6 8 & 8 1.75" CAL 40' O.C. 6 8 & 8 1.75" CAL AS SHOWN 3 8 & 8 6' HT. 8&8 AS SHOWN 4 6' HT. 8&8 AS SHOWN 3 1.75" CAL. 8 & 8 40' o.c. 21" -24" 4' o.c. CONTAINER 24" -30" 6' o.c. BR/CONT. 2 GALLON 3' O.C. 21" -24" 4' o.c. CONTAINER 23 19 16 12 28 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN HAMIL TON PLACE 1" .. 30' A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. 0 15 30 F""~ I L i ,:::,, ' 60 I 1\;r CUI .. .VER 'f '.·:;1 'j .,)U -· ·······-··--····· ~------.. ~------ ·-,, CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON -cc I I <~ ,,· --,~-·-, .. , p : I ----.,,.,,,.--··-· 1·-·-·---........... ---------· :::, ' ~; ~i "'0 \:, { I . 0 "' '1 1' i ! ' ! : ! l \ I I ! i : l I [ ---F .,, __ ..... - ... r --~ '"···''"~-/··· ·--. -· ·---,\\-·--·-------.. ·--------''' ,-1:;,, .. ' _·_,., ="·,·,-tc'&»,<!.'.'''i-·----,,. --·- . =-· \" . ·--'--,,7''"'··'·-···-·1······-·· ---··-··· --~·""<.,··::~/ ,·+;?_ ·--:-- ., _, s!/ ,'I -V .,, '··'·-j,; •o~···-~·-··,v "·"" .......... \.'--.. : I i l REMARKS C:Jf1Cf'St8 Pirr, 603.02 / STAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, BRANCHED AT 6' STAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, BRANCHED AT 6' STAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, BRANCHED AT 6' s·'AKE, GUY ONE GROWING SEASON STAKE, GUY ONE GROWING SEASON STAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, BRANCHED AT 6' 4 CANES MINIMUM ,_,. ___ ,-,~-'-' -·~· ~--~--'-" / / 50' LONG LEVEL FLOW SPREADER 7 SYMBOL BOTANICAL/COMMON NAMES 1 · .... , : , ... , , I ',• '.'' ,' ,''.''' •,. ,'' '.' 'j ' • + ' • + •• ' • ' ' • •• ' T < ' ' ••• • • • .. '' '' .... ' .. '' ' ..... '' ''' ............. c~~:,. __ '_J GROUND COVERS: ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI / KINNIKINNICK FRAGARIA CHILOENSIS / ORNAMENTAL STRAWBERRY LAWN LAWN/PLANTER EDGE PLAY SURFACING CONCRETE PAVING .c=== TIMBER CURB - -"'- BOULDERS -ON-SITE SALVAGE VARIED SIZES; 24" MIN., 6' MAX. PICNIC TABLE BENCH S.A.T. SIGN SIZE CONDITION 4" POT 4" POT SEED 24" -31 40" ( +) l .. F---,, -·~- '~•,,,, / I / I I -· '' --· -"""" ' ' ' --'' '----"··',--"------·-----. \ d ii +: SPACING QUANTITY REMARKS 18" O.C. AS REQ'D HOLD 12" FROM BORDERS AND 18" FROM SHRUBS AND TREES 12" O.C. AS REQ'D HOLD 6" FROM BORDERS AND 8" FROM SHRUBS AND TREES COVER LOCAL COMMERCIAL BLEND '''' --., . ---. ·., ..... _. SEED AT 61b / 1000 SF; CELLULOSE MULCH AT 401b / 1000 SF; WET TOLERANT MIX IN BIOSWALES RANDOM 4 1 4 CUT TRANSITION SEE SHEET L2 FOR LAYOUT SEE SHEET L2 FOR DETAIL MIXED SIZES WITH SMOOTH, WORN SURFACE; VEHICLE BARRIER. APPROX. MAX. SEPARATION OF 1 O' SEE SHEET L2 FOR CALL-OUT SEE SHEET L2 FOR CALL-OUT SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL ' ·...._,_ i (\) I / I ' > ,, ,;· , C --,- • • -, -''•-. >,,,L.~ •• ! i------ ··t··-· ··-'"·--1 ,, I ' ' ... " ..... .. \ \ / I I ! l. ! i i I , 9, I ' ~:, \ V . .;.··· J ' . '"T··5J4 I 0 z z j a.. 0 z i= j a.. w a.. <( ~ z j w 0 . j~ a.. w z=' 0 lL ~ en _w ~o <( 0 :c ' ~ ~I!$ ~ 1------...J.---;~ ~ ~ ~ i , I KING COUNTY RECREATION PLAN APPROVED ~3/36}(/ DAT,E 7 7 t-~ unAt'h~ -O\QeR.:\--~~ 10 ~ V!vJt~(]; q~ ~a·~~ /If~ ;~,u,!rc@ K.C. D.D,E.S. KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. Review Engineer Completion Date Review Engineer ~ JAMES H. SANDERS, P .E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: D ~--~lc-=D-c---t ~ Approva ate ~ z D ~ I I-::, 0 C/1 0 C\I 0 ;: X > t:'-1 o e Q) a ~ C. -.c C. 0 U f 0 X ~ .c "' (/) .w (!) u ~> z "' zW :s (/) 0.. _j ~ Dz Zw :s ::,; z -o (!) "' z--> "' z ww w z --(!) (!) z z-w C, _J > -"' ;:: ::, u (/) "' -V C X V 0 V u; ro 0 .,,. 0 0 N '-, CD N '-, "' 0 w E j.:: '-, .2! 0 0 ~ T 0 N 0 ----=- 1" = 10' 20 d', -' , I / , ! I/ ' I / ' ------------_j!f ; I ' -I I I \ I ' I I i ! I i I ' I ' I i ' -I ' I l ' ! -' -I 1 I ' ' ; I ' -I I I I ; I ' 1 I Ii/ , I// j/ : I ' I I I ' I ! I I ' I I I ' I i I ' I ' I \ i ' I I ' I ! i I 1 ' I ' I ! I ! I NOTES: / I / ·-' -/- . .. . I. i:. ! . ' . i". . j i V 1. FOR PLANT MATERIAL SCHEDULE SEE SHEET L 1. / ' / i \ / 2, FOR LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES, MATERIALS, AND DETAILS SEE SHEET L-3. I / I 3. PARK FURNITURE AND PLAY EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN SPECIFlCATIONS. PLAY TO COMPLY WITH IPEMA (ASTM) AND CPSC STANDARDS. MINIMUM PLAY ZONE STANDARD FOR CONTROLLED PLAY EQUIPMENT TO BE PROVIDED. INSTALLATION TO BE PROVIDE NO LESS THAN 12' GREATER PLAY ZONE THAN MINIMUM STANDARDS. 4. THIS PLAN SPECIFIES PARTICULAR FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT TO ESTABLISH MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE DESIGN. ALTERNATE EQUIPMENT AND PROTECTION TO, AT A MINIMUM, BE COMPARABLE EQUIPMENT, AGE, AND SAFElY STANDARDS. 5. PROVIDE ALL LABOR, MATERVILS, AND INSTALLATION AS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE WORK AND RELATED WORK SHOWN ON DRAWINGS, AS REQUIRED. 6, PRIOR TO ORDERING/CONSTRUCTION, SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS AND MANUFACTURER CUT SHEETS FOR OWNER'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL. 7. COORDINATE AND SCHEDULE ALL WORK WITH OWNER, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, AND OTHER TRADES AS REQUIRED. 8. PROVIDE EXPERIENCED SUPERVISION OF ALL ELEMENTS OF THIS WORK. 9. ALL CONSTRUCTION SUBGRADES TO BE COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT MINIMUM. 10. CROSS PITCH ALL PAVING 2 PERCENT MINIMUM. 11. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL PLAY EQUIPMENT. 12. ALL EXPANSION JOINTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED VERTICAL AND FLUSH WITH PAVING SURFACE. 13. EXPANSION JOINT FILLER TO CONFORM TO ASTM D994. 14. ALL CONCRETE WORK TO BE A MINIMUM 3 1/2" THICK AND COMPRESSION STRENGTH OF 2,000 PSI AT 28 DAYS. 15. ALL ITEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN LINE, LEVEL, AND PLUM. 16. INSTALL BENCH AND PICNIC TABLE PRIOR TO PAVEMENT INSTALLATION, l ,) ',( •• ,., "''" ,• ,,. .. , ---~-•, -·· _ _j,~~" LANDSCAPE RECREATION AMENITIES AND PLANTING PLAN HAMIL TON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. ',, ,, ' ' ' ' -,., "\ / .. "f""" i /// ;r-. / 1 ~------- ·-----,)\ ; ' i 2 CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 3 4 5 \ ' \ I><] / / r-''<----------------4--------'-----CONCRCTE PAVING: EXPANSION JOINTS ····""-·······""·-· -·-···· -~-···--·----..... AS SHOWN, LIGHT BROOM FINISH ··--,, .\·_· ... i I i I I t· ,~,. i ) \r J?*f-"·------;·-····---.. r i' 17. INSTALL ALL PLAY EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO PLAY SURFACING INSTALLATION. 18, LEAVE ALL WORK AREAS, FURNISHINGS, AND EQUIPMENT MOPPED CLEAN, 19. LEAVE ALL PLAY SURFACING COMPACTED, LEVEL, AND CLEAN OF ALL DEBRIS. 20. AT FINAL ACCEPTANCE PROVIDE OWNER WITH ALL GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES. 21. TRACT 'A' TO BE PROVIDE WITH AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. IRRIGATION SYSTEM BY A SEPARATE DESIGN BUILD CONTRACT WITH OWNER. ->'--'7>', . '6':~· .. : ---·· \ ·····•·-<--~ ' -'\ \_ TIMBER dURB \ \ ' SEE DE{A!L THIS SHEET SHRUB AREA 1,466 S.F. · ' 47 l.F. lYPICAL PLAY EQUIPMENT: "MOSAIQ MQ #100271 (WITH CONCRETE FOOTINGS) FOR 2-5 YEARS AGE GROUP KOMPAN (206-940-7981) ( OR EQU fvALENT) WITH WOOD CHIP BASE: "WOODCARPCT" />IDA SURFACING 12" COMPACTED DEPTH MINIMUM (OR EQUIVALENT) PACIFIC PLAYGROUND, INC. (800-962-5048) 579 S.F. \ ', \ \ ····-.?",r-~ 'o. ------------------I 95o·s:r:-,-.,, -----··--,, .... ' . ·-·---1 ······· ···--····'-··----········---· I-' . . . ! . ,..,,.~-+\ ~--++4--'\-1---+-BOUyDE '_ /', /', <_ \ -SEE .SHEET 1 ~/-. ----, -FOR [SCHE U E 1YPl¢AL \. \ """""~-'-•--"'1 ,i..,,q.c.+-;...,.,._ +-,_'-.+f--?""i'---+-TIMBtR CU --\ -1 -, SEE ,OCTAi '----BENCH: ~~-PICNIC TABLE: i "SIGNATURE SERIES' #S6 {:, 46" SQUARE TABUE-4 SEA~ INGROUND PEDESTAL WITH - CONCRETE FOOTING WABASH (800-253-8619) (OR EQUIVALENT) \ \ \ ' \ l -' 78 Ji.F. \ lYPlfAL PLAl EQUI ENT: "SPlyA 1" # 014 :~~:~1 ;: ~: ~ (WIT!'! CON CTE F TING) FOR 6-12 EARS />I E GROUP KO~PAN ( 6-940-j-7981) (OR[ EQUI NT) I WIT~ WOO CHIP BASE: "wOODCAR " />IDA SURFACING 12"/' COMP TED DE TH MINIMUM (OR, EQUI NT) PAQIFlC P GROUN , INC. (80µ-962 048) 694! S.F. \ "TR/>IDITIONAL SERIES" #T5084 INGROUND PEDESTAL WITH CONCRETE FOOTINGS WABASH (800-253-8619) (OR EQUIVALENT) 6" PLAY ZONE PER MANUFACTURER'S INFORMATION lYPICAL MIN. 4" PERF. ADS PIPE. - DAYLIGHT PIPE AT TRACT "8" DETENTION POND ADA ENGINEER~D WOQD CHIP SURFACING 12 (MIN.J COMPACTED DEPrH SLOPE SUBGRADE TO PERF. ADS PIPE 3/ 4" MINUS WASHED DRAINROCK fffffDrDrD rrfrxrrrrn rmrrrrrrn rrfrrrn rrrrrrn r ! 21 C J 0 z CJ) w E z w ::E <( z 0 ~ w a: 0 ~ w 0... ~ z j z j 0... 0 z j::: z j 0... 0 ~ :s "o C -~ II 0 • :r: - w u ' <( 0 ...J z 0... w ...J ~ rr: ~ en _w ~o <( 0 ::c -I 0 N 0 '' "' I 1-----------1~ ~1 " • C 'i 0 I f-:::> 0 (f) 'fll I X i1 • 0 0 (f) .w "' u Z> z <>: zW ::s Cf) 0.. _, 0 " .0 I 0 N 0 0 II -" Q 0 (/) o, 0 COUNTER SINK 1" AND PLUG -lYPICAL MIN. PLAY ZONE ------ PER IPEMA & CPSC 12· 18" DEWITT WEED BARRIER if'f[1 _ . . ,:: ~z ::s ~ z -o "' <>: z--> <>: z Ww w MIN. PLAY ZONE PER IPEMA & CPSC STANDARDS 12· MIN. 1" MAX. AT LAWN; FLUSH AT CONG. CONDITION PROVIDE 1 % -3% POSITIVE DRAINAGE FROM SURFACING AND EQUIPMENT LAP JOINTS REBAR---i1 lYPICAL TIMBER CURB <!I PLAY SURFACING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ··---·'-'~-~-~ STANDARDS 3L4" CHAMFER AT ALL EXPOSED CORNERS 1/2" MAX. MIN. MIN. --PAVING SEE PLAN 8" 8" MIN. MIN. PAVING/DEEPENED FOOTING@ PLAY SUFACING DETAIL NOT TO SCAI.E C•t: >•c <Y·•a ·P-i ~{, . .£Hf} DRAINAGE@ PLAY AREA DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 1,1, SEIDB. CERTIFICATE NO. 706 (VALID OOLY WITH SlGNAlURE) ,.. ,, KING COUN1Y D.D.E.S. Review Engineer Review Engineer JAMES H. SANDERS, P.E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: ' Completion Dote z " -"' "' z 15 c;:; _, ii: 5 :::, u Cf) " E i-= '-. ~ Q 0 c,, s -o N I 0 " 0 / ry C -c V V C ry C " ;; -------1------,.----...,.i,:-; Completion Date Ji 0 -------1 E C\I Approval Date 'i. O .a ;::: -.!l ;; " .c "' C') .-;; 0 0 0 ~ s-o~ / C\I ci' ...J " ,, ' ,, 1)1 ' ," /i LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES AND MATERIALS SCOPE OF WORK FURNISH ALL MATERIALS, LABOR, EQUIPMENT AND RELATED ITEMS NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH THE TREATMENT AND PREPARATION OF SOIL, FINISH GRADING, PLACEMENT OF SPECIFIED PLANT MATERIALS, FERTILIZER, STAKING, MULCH, CLEAN-UP, DEBRIS REMOVAL, AND 90-DAY MAINTENANCE. QUALIFICATIONS: LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO BE SKILLED AND KNOWLEDGEABLE IN THE FIELD OF WORK. CONTRACTOR TO BE LICE~ISED TO PERFORM THE WORK SPECIFIED WITHIN THE PRESIDING JURISDICTION, JOB CONDITIONS: IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO REVIEW THE SITE AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE OWNER OR THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVES. ALL PLANT MATERIAL AND FINISHED GRADES ARE SUOJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE OWNER. PROTECTION: SAVE AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING PLANTINGS SHOWN TO REMAIN. DO NOT PLANT UNTIL OTHER CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS WHICH CONFLICT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. AN IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS TO BE INSTALLED. DO NOT PLANT UNTIL THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN TESTED AND APPROVED. HANDLE PLA~ITS WITH CARE -DO NOT DAMAGE OR BREAK ROOT SYSTEM, BARK, OR BRANCHES. REPAIR AND/OR REPLACE ITEMS DAMAGED AS A RESULT OF WORK, OR WORK NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AS DIRECTED BY OWNER AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. REPAIR OF EXISTING PLANTINGS: DURING THE COURSE OF WORK, REPAIR ALL EXISTING PLANTING AREAS BY PRUNING DEAD GROWTH, RE-ESTABLISHING FINISHED GRADE AND RE-MULCHING TO SPECIFIED DEPTH. GUARANTEE: GUARANTEE ALL PLANT MATERIAL FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE JOB BY OWNER. 90-DAY MAINTENANCE: CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE OWNER WITH A SCOPE OF WORK AT TIME OF INITIAL PROJECT BID TO PROVIDE LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE FOR 90 DAYS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF PROJECT (ACCEPTANCE) OF FACILITY BY OWNER. WORK TO INCLUDE MAINTENANCE AS DESCRIBED BELOW, IN PLANTING AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE. MATERIALS: PLANT MATERIALS: PLANT MATERIALS TO BE GRADE NO. 1, SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH (AAN) AMERICAN STANDARDS FOR NURSERY STOCK (ANSI Z60.1-1986). PRUNE PLANTS RECEIVED FROM THE NURSERY ONLY UPON AUTHORIZATION BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. "8 & 8" INDICATES BALLED AND BURLAPPED; "CONT." INDICATES CONTAINER; "BR" INDICATES BARE ROOT; "CAL" INDICATES CALIPER AT 6" ABOVE SOIL LINE; "GAL" INDICATES GALLON. A) SPECIFIED PLANT CANOPY SIZE OR CALIPER IS THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE CONTAINER OR BALL SIZE ESTABLISHES MINIMUM PLANT CONDITION TO BE PROVIDED. B) QUALITY: PLANT MATERIAL TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS FOR DISEASE INSPECTION, PLANTS TO BE FULLY LIVE, VIGOROUS, WELL FORMED, WITH WELL DEVELOPED FIBROUS ROOT SYSTEMS. ROOT BALLS OF PLANTS TO BE SOLID AND FIRMLY HELD TOGETHER, SECURELY CONTAINED AND PROTECTED FROM INJURY AND DESICCATION. PLANTS DETERMINED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO HAVE BEEN DAMAGED; HAVE DEFORMITIES OF STEM, BRANCHES, OR ROOTS; LACK SYMMETRY, HAVE MULTIPLE LEADERS OR "y" CROTCHES LESS THAN 30 DEGREES IN TREES, OR DO NOT MEET SIZE OR ANSI STANDARDS WILL BE REJECTED. PLANT MATERIAL TO BE FROM A SINGLE NURSERY SOURCE FOR EACH SPECIFIED SPECIES/HYBRID. flURSERY SOURCES TO BE THOSE LOCATED IN THE SAME REGION AS THE JO[) SITE. C) SUBSTITUTION: NO SUBSTITUTION OF PLANT MATERIAL, SPECIES OR VARIETY, WILL BE PERMITTED UNLESS WRITTEN EVIDENCE IS SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER FROM TWO QUALIFIED PLANT BROKERAGE OFFICES. SUBSTITUTIONS WHICH ARE PERMITTED TO BE IN WRITING FROM THE OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. THE SPECIFIED SIZE, SPECIES AND NEAREST VARIETY, AS APPROVED, TO BE FURNISHED. SOIL PREPARATION: MAY BE SPECIFIC TO THE SITE, OR TO CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE SITE, AS NOTED ON THE PLAN. THE FOLLOWING: TOPSOIL, AMENDMENT, AND BACKFILL, ARE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE PLAN. SOIL FERTILITY AND AGRICULTURAL SUITABILITY ANALYSIS: AFTER ROUGH GRADING A~ID PRIOR TO SOIL PREPARATION, CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN AGRONOMIC SOILS TESTS FOR PLANTING AREAS, LAWN AND SHRUB LANDSCAPE. A MINIMUM OF ONE SAMPLE AND ONE PER EACH TWO ACRES OF LANDSCAPE AREA TO BE OBTAINED. IF ON-SITE TOPSOIL HAS BEEN STOCKPILED, A TEST TO BE COMPLETED FOR IT, ALSO. TESTS TO INCLUDE FERTILITY AND SUITABILITY ANALYSIS WITH WRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SOIL AMENDMENT, FERTILIZER, CONDITIONERS, APPLICATION RATES, AND POST-CONSTRUC- TION MAINTENANCE PROGRAM. TESTS TO BE PERFORMED BY AN APPROVED SOIL TESTING LABORATORY WHICH WILL BE CONTRACTED WITH AND PAID FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SOILS REPORT AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TO TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER THE MINIMUMS NOTED, BELOW. PROVIDE CHANGE ORDER FOR ADDITIONAL MATERIALS REQUIRED IN THE SOILS REPORT. A) TOPSOIL AS A MINIMUM SUPPLY TOPSOIL CONSISTING OF LOAM SOIL WITH 5 TO 7 PERCEHT ORGANIC MATTER. TOPSOIL TO BE AMENDED WITH SPECIFIC AMENDMENTS IN C)1. AND C)2., BELOW, AND BE BLENDED TO SPECIFIED DEPTH IN E.), BELOW. LOAM TO CORRESPOND TO FIELD METHOD OF DETERMINING SOIL TEXTURE CLASSES FOR LOAM AND SILT LOAM, U.S. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE. PROVIDE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT THE TOPSOIL SUPPLIER AND SAMPLE OF TOPSOIL. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY NECESSARY WEED CONTROL RESULTING FROM CONTAMINATED OFF-SITE SOURCES. 8) NATIVE SURFACE SOIL INCLUDING STOCKPILED TOPSOIL SURFACE SOIL ON-SITE MAY MEET TEXTURAL CLASSIFICATION AS NOTED IN A), ABOVE. PROVIDE AMENDME~ITS IN C) 1. AND C) 2., BELOW, AND EVENLY BLEND AMENDMENTS TO SPECIFIED DEPTH. C) AMENDMENT 1. ORGANIC COMPOST TOPSOIL FOR PLANTING TO CONTAIN 15 TO 20 PERCENT ORGANIC MATERIAL BY VOLUME. THE FOLLOWING IS FOR SOIL WITH 3-4 % ORGANIC CONTENT. PROVIDE THREE INCHES (TWO INCHES COMPACTED DEPTH) OF COMPOST PER 12 INCHES OF SPECIFIED TOPSOIL DEPTH. MUSHROOM COMPOST, SLUDGE/ COMPOST BLEND, AND/OR AGED FIR BARK MULCH WILL SATISFY ORGANIC REQUIREMENTS. COMPOST TO BE FROM NON-FARM ANIMAL SOURCES, NOR FROM SOURCES CONTAlfllNG REDWOOD/CEDAR PRODUCTS. 2. FERTILIZER COMPLETE FERTILIZER WITH TRACE ELEMENTS, 8 PERCENT SULFUR, AND A MINIMUM OF 50 PERCENT SLOW RELEASE NITROGEN. FERTILIZER TO BE "AGRO-DELUXE NURSERY" 10-15-20 AT 50 POUNDS PER 10 YARDS OF ORGANIC COMPOST, OR COMPARABLE NITROGEN EQUIVALENT. D) PLANTING BACKFILL ON-SITE TOPSOIL (EXCAVATED PIT SPOILS) AS FIELD PREPARED FOR PLANTING/TURF. E) TOPSOIL PREPARATION AS A MINIMUM, ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS TO HAVE 12 INCHES MINIMUM OF TOPSOIL PER A) AND/OR 8), ABOVE. CONTRACTOR TO ADJUST GRADES AND SUPPLY TOPSOIL AS NECESSARY TO ASSURE THE MINIMUM DEPTH. CONTRACTOR TO FORM BERMS TO THE HEIGHT AND EXTENT NOTED HERE, AND SHOWN ON THE PLANS. AMENDMENTS TO BE EVENLY BLENDED THROUGHOUT THE TOP 6-INCHES. TOPSOIL TO BE WORKED INTO SUB-BASE/SUBSOIL FOR ROUGH TRANSITION. SOIL DEPTH SPECIFIED IS FINISHED, COMPACTED DEPTH. PARKING PLANTER ISLANDS TO BE OVER EXCAVATED BY BACKHOE. REMOVE PAVING WASTE, GRAVEL BASE AND UNDERLYING SUBSOIL TO 18" BELOW TOP OF PAVING. SCARIFY AND OVER EXCAVATE PIT BOTTOM 12" TO MINIMIZE STRUCTURAL COMPACTION.S LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES, MATERIALS, AND DETAILS HAMIL TON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. BARK MULCH (TOPDRESSING): ONE-HALF-INCH (1/2") SIZE, TO ONE-INCH (1"), I.E., "MEDIUM," HEMLOCK/FIR BARK. APPLY SUFFICIENT QUANTITY TO PROVIDE THREE INCHES (3") TO FOUR INCHES (4") DEPTH IN AREAS NOT PLANTED IN LAWN. FINE MULCH, I.E., "STEERCO" TEXTURE AND CEDAR ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. STAKES: 2-INCH DIAMETER BY 8-FOOT MINIMUM LODGEPOLE PINE STAKE. GUY MATERIAL: 1-INCH WIDE POLYETHYLENE CHAIN LOCK TYPE TIES; OR, 3/8" DIAMETER RUBBER. NO WIRE. LAWN: SEED OR COMMERCIAL SOD AS NOTED ON PLAN. SOD TO INCLUDE BLUEGRASS FOR BINDER. SOD WITH MANMADE BINDER IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON FIRE HYDRANT OR UTILITY POLE SJDEWALK NEXT TO VERTICAL CURB , --~ '---, .::::::::7 : I I HERBICIDE: HERBICIDE IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR THE FIRST YEAR AFTER INSTALLATION. 1----"-5"-D'-'M""IN.:c. ----! 10' MIN. LUMINAIRE ANTI-DESICCANT: "WILT-PROOF," 48 HOURS PRIOR TO SHIPMENT TO SITE FROM JUNE 1 THROUGH SEPTEMBER. THOROUGHLY ROOT WATER PLANTS PRIOR TO DELIVERY. PLANT MATERIAL DELIVERED TO SITE TO BE KEPT CONTINUALLY MOIST THROUGH INSTALLATION. EXECUTION: FINISH GRADES: FINE GRADE AND REMOVE ROCKS AND FOREIGN OBJECTS OVER TWO INCHES (2") DIAMETER FROM TOP THREE INCHES (3") OF PREPARED PLANTING BED. ALL FINISHED GRADES TO BE SMOOTH EVEN GRADES, LIGHTLY COMPACTED, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN AND DETAILED. SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS IDENTIFY FINAL ELEVATIONS. TREES: ARRANGE TREES ON SITE IN PROPOSED LOCATIONS PER DRAWINGS. EXCAVATE PIT, PLANT AND STAKE OR GUY, AS CALLED OUT AND DETAILED. ALL TREES AND SUPPORTS TO STAND VERTICAL. TREES TO BE PLACED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANTING PLAN, LOCATED AS DETAILED AND AS CALLED OUT ON PLANT LIST. BACKFILL SHALL BE PIT SPOILS. SETTLE BACKFILL USING WATER ONLY. NO MECHANICAL COMPACTION. STREET TREES: ALL STREET TREES ARE TO BE ON A 30 FOOT SPACING, UNLESS NOTED. ADJUST INSTALLATION LOCATIONS TO CLEAR CONSTRUCTED DRIVES, LIGHTING, AND UTILITIES AS NOTED BELOW. STREET TREE LAYOUT IS BASED ON PHYSICAL CONSTRAINTS OF DRIVEWAYS AND UTILITY CLEARANCES. NOTE DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO MODIFICATIONS, NO LESS THAN SPECIFIED QUANTITIES WILL BE INSTALLED. STREET TREE SPECIES ARE SELECTED FROM THE KING COUNTY APPROVED STREET TREE LIST. ALL STREET TREES TO BE 1.75" CALIPER / 1 O' HEIGHT MINIMUM. PROVIDE ROOT BARRIER AT STREET TREES AS NOTED IN KING COUNTY STANDARD DETAIL SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. ROOT BARRIER 18" UNIVERSAL BARRIER -UB 18-2 BY DEEP ROOT PARTNERS, L.P., PHONE 800-458-7668 OR EQUIVALENT. ?LANT STREET TREES DURING FALL TO WINTER MONTHS (OCTOBER 1st TO MARCH 31st). PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN A 3' DIAMETER WATER WELL AROUND ALL STREET TREES. PROVIDE A 3' DIAMETER MULCH RING AROUND ALL STREET TREES. SHRUBS: li<STALL SHRUBS AS SPECIFIED FOR TREES. GROUNDCOVERS: EXCAVATE PITS TO A MINIMUM OF THREE INCHES (3") BELOW, AND TWICE THE ROOT BALL DIAMETER. WATER THOROUGHLY AND TAKE CARE TO ENSURE THAT ROOT CROWN IS AT PROPER GRADE, AS DETAILED. MULCH: MULCH ALL GROUND COVER AREAS NOT COVERED BY LAWN. MULCH MAY BE APPLIED PRIOR TO 111STALLATION OF GROUNDCOVER WHICH IS SMALLER THAN ONE GALLON CONTAINER SIZE. UTILITY CLEARANCES: FIELD ADJUST PLANT LOCATIONS FOR 8-FOOT SEPARATION OF TREES/SHRUBS AND 2-FOOT SEPARATION FOR GROUNDCOVER FROM FIRE HYDRANTS AND UTILITY VAULJS. PLANTING MAINTENANCE: CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN PLANTINGS THROUGH COMPLETED INSTALLATION, AND UNTIL ACCEPTANCE OF LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION. PLANTING MAINTENANCE TO INCLUDE WATERING, WEEDING, CULTIVATING, TIGHTENING AND REPAIRING OF TREE GUYS, RESETTING PLANTS TO PROPER GRADES OR POSITION, RE-ESTABLISHING SETTLED GRADES; AND MOWING LAWNS WEEKLY AFTER LAWN ESTABLISHMENT. HERBICIDE IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR ONE YEAR FOLLOWING LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION. INCLUDED IS REPLACEMENT OF DEAD PLANTS AND PLANTS SHOWING LOSS OF 40 f'ERCENT OR MORE OF CANOPY. ll<RIGATION MAINTENANCE: THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE MAINTAINED INCLUDING ADJUSTMENTS FOR BALANCED WATER DISTRIBUTION & PRECIPITATION. FAILED OR MALFUNCTIONING IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT ,;HALL BE REPLACED OR CORRECTED. PLANT AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE TO INCLUDE THOSE OPERATIONS NECESSARY TO THE PROPER GROWTH AND SURVIVAL OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE THIS WORK IN ADDITION TO SPECIFIC WARRANTY/GUARANTEES. STREET TREE IRRIGATION: PROVIDE SUPPLEMENTAL WATERING FOR ALL STREET TREES DURING SUMMER MONTHS FOLLOWING ll~STALLATION AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN PLANT MATERIAL HEALTH. .,--2" MULCH LAYER (COMPACTED DEPTH) -J...q=:;---1" MAX. TOP OF CURB .-TO TOP OF MULCH h .,e-+--CURB 4 MULCH AT CURB DETAIL NOT TO SCALE -·--~---\---- 4' PROXIMITY -......L-~ TO CURB/SIDEWALK 50' MIN. INSTALL 13' -1 Q' ROOT BARRIER NOTE 1.-~~~ 8' -1 O' ROOT BARRIER TYPICAL (SEE NOTE 5.) TYPICAL NOTES: VERTICAL CURB LINE AT INTERSECTION 1. TREES SHALL GENERALLY BE PLANTED BACK OF THE SIDEWALK. PLANTING STRIPS WILL BE APPROVED ONLY AS PART OF A LANDSCAPING PLAN IN WHICH PLANT MAINTENANCE, COMPATIBILITY WITH UTILITIES, AND TRAFFIC SAFETY ARE DULY CONSIDERED. 2. IF PLANTING STRIPS ARE APPROVED: A. MIN. DISTANCE FROM CENTER OF ANY TREE TO NEAREST EDGE OF VERTICAL CURB SHALL BE 4 FEET. B. Tf<EES SHALL BE STAKED IN A MANNER NOT TO OBSTRUCT SIDEWALK TRAFFIC. C. IN CASE OF BLOCK-OUTS, MIN. CLEAR SIDEWALK WIDTH SHALL BE 5 FEET IN RESIDENTIAL OR 8 FEET IN BUSINESS DISTRICTS. 3. ON BUS ROUTES, PLANS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH METRO SEfMCE PLANNING. PHONE 684-1622. 4. SEE -SEC. 5.03. 5. TREES LOCATED WITHIN 4' OF STREET CURBS AND SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE 1100T BARRIERS PLACED ADJACENT TO AND ABUTTING STREET CURBS AND SIDEWALKS. BARRIERS OF 8' -1 O' LENGTH ARE TO BE CEI-ITERED ON EACH TREE. THE BARRIER SHALL EXTEND FROM 1" BELOW TO~ 01' CURB FOR 1 B" MINIMUM, VERTICAL DEPTH. STREET TREE STANDARDS KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DWG. NO. 5-009 FINISH GRADE AT 4:1 SLOPE (MAX); 21s SLOPE (TYP. MN) ~-2" MULCH LAYER (COMPACTED DEPTH) TOPSOIL AS SPECIFIED FINISH GRADE AT 3: 1 CURB PER CIVIL DRAWINGS (WALK SIMILAR) SLOPE (MAX), 10:1 (MIN) PREPARED SUBGRADE 1" MAX. _c: ,----~-&,-1" MAX. (WITH COMPACTcD MULCH) 11JRF CONDmON SIDEWALK--- MULCH CONDmoN (CURB SIMILAR) PLANTER SECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE AMENDED PLANTING SOIL PER NOTES (TOPSOIL) 2" MULCH LAYER (COMPACTED DEPTH)--- FINISH GRADE LAWN---------..._.._ EDGING PER PLAN-------------- PLANTING BED ADJACENT TO LAWN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE r 2" MULCH LAYER ~----(COMPACTED DEPTH) FEATHER EXCESS ~---SOIL UNDER MULC-H----~ 1" MULCH AT CROWN-~ 1 /2" ABOVE GRADE 1" ABOVE GRADE-~ t£:Cf.io.;zj,J:ti.,c,;,(lci,F'9;1(',rrocl\cca'CCNY"(\S"CD,...," . 'j:r._: _(). ~'S~;· ·.,_,__~-"'~\ ~~~D , < ". • ' PlANTINI] NOTE: ·'· . -BED 1· ·. o REMOVE CONTAINER & WORK ROOTS 'j_,-,:? .. -:~°M,· "-.. ,\'., >, ·. : .. _ ' .' FREE OF SOIL; SPREAD ROOTS INTO EXCAVATION. o BACKFILL TO BE SETTLED USING WATER ONLY. LESS THAN 1 QAL ( PLANTED BEFORE MULCH ) 1 QAL CONl'AINER and LARGER ( PLANTED BEFORE MULCH ) GROUNDCOVER/SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE HOLD PLANTS FROM-~ EDGE OF PLANTER AS NOTED ON RLANT LIST 0 w ~-SPACING AS CALLED OUT ON PLAN/PLANT LIST BED LINE EDGE--~ CURB/WALK~ HOLD PLANTS FROM _ /EDGE OF PLANTER / AS NOTED ON PLANT LIST ============= GROUNDCOVER SPACING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE : (2) LODGEPOLE STAKEJ: TIE AT APPROX. 1/3 TO 1/2 ----~ ~l "· HEIGHT OF TREE WITH FLEXIBLE RUBBER TIE IN FIGURE .,, "' EIGHT PATTERN. STAKES AND TREE PLUMB _J /llr. ~ 3" DEEP SAUCER FOR WATER n :+' n--~ 3" DEEP MULCH LAYER (COMPACTED DEPTH) _±4/lr' 1.,,-J 2 REMOVE ALL TIES, iVR~ .. P & CONTAINERS. FREE J," I/fr,,&. ~ PERIMETER ROOTS FRO:• NURSERY BALL './,g 'f" :, ~:.Jt.. " io EXCAVATE TREE PIT AT ,\ M!N. OF 4 TIMES--, '""']1'' DIA. OF ROOTBALL AT BALL CENTER, TAPERING PIT . . I GRADE TO FINISH GRAQE PIT SPOILS, NURSERY BALL WASTE BACKFILL SET BALL ON UNDISTU~BED SUBGRADE, -------==~~ OR COMPACTED SOIL. !"='--~Ir NOTE: o LIGHT FERTILIZER OVER PLANTING BED AFTER BACKFILL ONLY; NO FERTILIZER IN PLANTING PIT. o WORK PERIMETER ROOTS FREE OF NURSERY BALL. EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING/STAKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PRUNE DAMAGED TWIGS AFTER PLANTING------------, PLACE IN VERT. POSITION: DOUBLE LEADERS WILL BE REJECTED--~ NOTE: o STAKING ON "AS NEEDED BASIS" PER NOTES; ALL GUYS TO BE FLEXIBLE o KEEP ROOTBALL MOl:,T AND PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES / ' o HOLD CROWN OF RO?TBALL AT OR JUST ABOVE FINISHED GRADE o PROTECT TRUNK AND: LIMBS FROM INJURY o BACKFILL TO BE SETfLED USING WATER ONLY -·/' NO MECHANICAL COMPACTION o REMOVE ALL WRAP, TIES & CONTAINERS, REGARDLESS OF MATERIAL. (2) LODGEPOLE STAKES, PLUMB WITH ELASTIC CHAIN-LOCK---.._ TYPE OR RUBBER GUYS TIED IN FIGURE EIGHT; REMOVE AFTER ONE GROWING SEASON ' ii rr, PROTECTIVE WRAPPING DURING SHIPMENT TO SITE & INSTALLATION ---.._ !l--'""''r-tl REMOVE AT COMPLETION OF PLANTING LAWN PLANTING; PROVIDE 3'¢ "NO GRASS" TREE RING & 3" DEEP MULCH LAYER (COMPACTED) IN WELL. HOLD BACK FROM TRUNK 8" TO 10" FINISH GRADE ,-.,-. "". -~. ,F'-1~,r~~f-,_J PREPARE PLANTING BED PER SPEC'S; AT MIN., LOOSEN AND MIX~~s;.~· r':;'."'"S '---'- SOIL TO 1 B" OR DEPTH OF ROOTBALL AND 4 TIMES BALL DIA. REMOVE ALL WRAP TIES AND co,JTAINERS --------~ SCORE ROOTBALL AND WORK NURSERY SOIL AWAY FROM PERIMETER ROOTS. SET BALL ON UNDISTURBED BASE OR COMPACTED MOUND UNDER BALL PENETRATION TO SUBBASE (+) 24"------------~ ROOT BARRIER AT CURB/SIDEWALK, SEE STREET TREE STANDARDS DETAIL---~ DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING/STAKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE KING COUNTY D.D.LS. C .Q ! ~ C. a. < 0 z Review Engineer Completion Date ~ en _J <( -a: w !:;: ~ ~ en w b z C, z ~ <( _J CL w a.. <( (J en Cl z ~ <( :t::: _J F ;; 0 0 U) "'I ~I " • C -~ • C :r: 5 0 en ] C 0 N 'C 0 :c ~ C ~ e C w ~ (J . <( 0 -_J z ~ CL w _J wz - Cl ~ LL en Cl _J w z-Cl <( ~ ~ z ~ " • -" 0 • .c " Cl ::c 0 0 t • > ~1 " ~ e C. C. < ~ z ..,; ~ " ,...i • ~ 0 C (/) .w c., u Z> z "" ~~ a_ ...J ~ Oz ~~ z •O c., "" z--> "" z i:::jW z . -c., c., z z-w Ci ...J > -"" > ::, u (/) _Q I 0 ~· 0 N V 0 0 v, a, 0 0-, ' u n I 0 ,, 0 / o, C ·c ITT V C ~ C V / 0 -----=--:--1-----,-----:'18 Completion Date STATE OF WASH R LAND ;AP _A Review Engineer JAMES H. SANDERS, P.E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: ] -------1 E Approval Date ~ z .D 0 ~ ] .c U) C? ~ 0 D 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ / ~: ,_ _______________________________________________________________ ,,,~-----------------------------------------------------------------------....JL---------------.L..----,,--....,1....---.....IL----..Jc: LUl\-o B -f Z.'2... ~--.. ·, \ ' I \ . )~ ._ -· c:::J '= I ' :;, ' l l --, , I I ,_, ::d,J I I , , ,, /, -,¥~ "--.. :::it I I I [..._. JI : ', /I I \ 1/ ·. \. ~'\ \ • I l \ I \ V 0 .... .,..,.. ..... ------ ',\ ____ , j ,,_____ \ ' r ' ,_ ' I ' r I \ ' ---:_,.,,."' r ' r \ C: ' \ ..,.,,.- \ , \ \ \ • / E7 -11 T23N R5E .-, J I C I '-J ,,.~.; >. ~: .r ____ ..,..--- 14 T23N R5E. J I I' t ' 1 " ' D ~~ L J I t ,, t 1..-1, l < 1 '-' ,--....._ __ .... __ /' ,- /, , / /'-, ( ' I I ~ I ' ------------------...,..------·--------------------------·,--------------------------------------------------- SE VICINITY MAP bi 's! " i': ;:; -SE 128TH ST bi 's! " SE 136 H SE 136TH ST i!: ST,_,_----J ~>----< PRO.£CT "' SE 138TH PL; \----1" Cl ~ "' -142ND ST SITE: 's! - SE $CAL£: J" = 2,000' LOTi LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT 10 LOT 11 LOT 12 LOT 13 LOT 14 LOT 15 LOT 16 LOT 17 LOT 18 LOT 19 LOT 20 LOT 21 LOT 22 LOT 23 AREA (SF) 5,003 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 5,315 5,087 4,500 5,403 6,783 6,120 4,843 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 5,000 6,338 SUB-TOTAL 113,396 S.F. TRACT 'A' (OPEN SPACE) TRACT '8' (WET/DETENTION POND) TRACT 'C' (ACCESS TRACT) TRACT 'D' (ACCESS TRACT) TRACT 'E' (WETLAND AND BUFFER) ON-SITE RIGHT OF WAY: SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (4.32 ,C,) i': ~ -SE 1J4TH ST SE 1J6TH ST 's! l!i " SE 140TH ST is! i': 's! " 0, " i': :e SE,__ 142ND ST f::: vi - ~ ST 9,506 S.F. 20,339 S.F. 2,560 S.F. 3,156 S.F. 14,235 S.F. 25,186 S.F. 74,982 S.F. 188,378 S.F. ON-SITE RECREATION CALCULATIONS: RECREATION AREA REQUIRED: 8,970 SF ( 23 LOTS x 390 SF) RECREATION AREA PROVIDED: 9,506 SF (TRACT A) / ENGINEER/PLANNER/LAND SURVEYOR: SURVEYOR: CENTRE POINT SURVEYING 33639 9TH AVENUE SOUTH FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 CONTACT: NORM LARSON (253) 661-1901 ENGINEER/PLANNER: BP LAND INVESTMENTS, L.L.C. P.O. BOX 5206 KENT, WA 98064-5206 (360) 894-5315 OWNER/DEVELOPER: OWNERS: MARY E. HAMIL TON 15821 S.E. 132ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 DEVELOPER: KBS Ill, LLC 12505 BEL-RED ROAD #212 BELEVUE, WASHINGTON 98005 CONTACT: BOB RUDDELL OR KOLIN TAYLOR PHONE: (206) 623-7000 PAR 2 (Q26Q) - G. ~ liJ I \ • I r --I l (1_ I I t:; I I I • I I ' I II" H~ I\~ I I I I I I, I I • • I . I ' ,: ', I I I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • • • • • ' ' ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • ---- ' • ' ' HAMIL 1·0N PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF:: THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LOT 7 LOT 6 @ @ ~------ 209' ------------------ ----.~ ' I \ ' 25' 137' ',,JRACT •s• WET1DEJJ=N110N POND,,, ' ' ' () ~------- 20' -0, - LOT 5 @39) o· ' -~ • SJ . 1-. "'0"' ~( 20· "' - 0 0, 0 "' ac:1 ·s n,,, 6 wsGUN yOl· i;B- 923650 50' I I I I LOT 4 (Q/20) 50' --------~---- ' 21 20 ' ' ' C> 0, LOT 3 @ 50' ------ ' ·-------- 19 ___ 22. __ soa-----& ----------,7-,, --' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' lt "' ,, ,, , , I I I I • • • • CT "E" ' ' ' \ .10o'i'·------t------::B-c-8,c---_:':,.,,__1 --- '. \ ____ -..., ' lt "' ,, £XI T. LOT fJ @ RIV WAY -EXIST. 12" CULVERT /E:.:.(S) = 518.67 [XIS r .. GfJ ------rffM = 320.93 IE ~ :518.JO f12"N) !.[. = '518.17 12"5) --~ ~EX/Sr. -CB 'f?{J,f ,cc 516.49 -s}6 : I.E. ~-·: 513 .. 28 (12"N) /._,;·. ;:, 51.--;< '"')1 r12"S) \ (: »A·-. -\ .. ._...,.. . ~ EIS'.;;~ .• om EvV //. , • V{l=FLAND. UFFER • • • • • • • • • • • • ;., <o --1 23 16 ' ' ' ' . ' "' ',!O ' ' ' I I I I I I I I I 1 lt "' . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,.,,/·---.------ / ' ' s-· O· ,.--,..- / , ,. "' "---EXIST. 12" CULVERT lt "' SITE DATA: 1.£.(N) -503.02 .. 1. TAX NUMBER: 366450-0100 : 2. PROJECT AREA: 4.32 ACRES (188,378 SF) . J. NUMBER OF LOTS: 23 4. EXISTING USE OF LAND: SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE/DETACHED 5. PROPOSED USE: SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE/DETACHED 6. EXISTING ZONING: R-4 7. EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE DESIGNATION: URBAN RESIDENTIAL 4-12 D.U./AC. 8. DENSITY: 5.32 D.U. PER GROSS ACRE 9. SMALLEST LOT SIZE: 4,500 S.F. 10. SMALLEST LOT WIDTH: so· 11. BU/LO/NG SETBACKS: FRONT YARD: 20' GARAGE 10' STRUCTURE SIDE YARD: 5' REAR YARD: 5' EXISTING RU/LO/NG I ' ' ' ' ' ' ,, --.... EVERGl?EEN 1-iEDGE N88'42'04-W 588.39' UTILmES AND SERVICES: 11 ' I 11..of'"''f-~~d' '' \~rg EXIST. 6" ·so RETAINING WALL 6 (@ WATER: KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT #90 SEWER: CITY OF RENTON PHONE: QWEST COMMUN/CATIONS POWER: PUGET SOUND ENERGY GAS: PUGET SOUND ENERGY CABLE: AT&T BROADBAND FIRE DISTRICT: NUMBER 25 SCHOOL DISTRICT: ISSAOL/AH WETLAND DELINEATION: CHAD ARRMOUR, LLC SOURCE OF BOUNDARY: FIELD VERIFIED BY CENffiE POINTE SURVEYING SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: FIELD SURVEYED BY CENTRE POINTE SURVEYING ' ' ' --' ' /1 -EXIST. 6" RETAINING WALL 128' ' ' ' • ' \ I ' ' ' EXIST. CB RIM = 511.28 sq,, ).[, cc 508.64 (12::~J 11.E. -508. 49 (12 0 i-~J~~~:jj.,j'!,..,-1:-'!.c;·E;;.·, _-508.53 (12"5£) V --EXIST. 12" CULVERT-·· l.E.(N) = 508.JO XIS r. D VEW 3t "' g S.E. 134TH ST. _EXJJT. ca_ .. l?/M = 509. 76 I.E. = 506. 76 f12"N) ,. 1.£. = 506.54 12"s) 1k: i.£ = 506.80 12"NE) AVAILABLE SIGHT DISTANCE FOR 158TH A VE. S.E. POSTED SPEED LIMIT = __ MPH DESIGN SPEEO LIMIT = _ MPH ENTERING STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE: NORTH ------FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER SOUTH -------FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER AVAILABLE SIGHT DISTANCE FOR 160TH AVE. S.E. POSTED SPEED LIMIT = _ MPH DESIGN SPEED LIMIT -__ MPH ENTERING STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE: NORTH ------FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER SOUTH ------FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT EMGINEER 0 8.M.: SCALE: 1"=40 FEET 20 40 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVD88 I ' i l I 80 (() . J ) ~ . ~ ~-) ' ,·) ,_,J :::,3 ,, J " ;p , .J KING COUNTY SURVEY CONffiOL POINT #TD10, BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE WITH PUNCH, /NCAS£0, AT THE INTERSECTION OF 160TH AVENUES.£. AND $.£. 127TH PLACE. ELEV. = 505. 90 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' LEGEND S PROPOSED MONUMENT r EXIST. MAIL BOX -0-EXIST. POWER POLE E--EXIST. GUY WIRE -SD-EXIST. STORM LINE 0 EXIST. CATCH BASIN -W--EXIST. WATER LINE t><1 EXIST. GATE VALVE {"j EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT Efl EXIST. WATER METER o----o EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE X --x EXIST. WIRE FENCE ZT.ZZ EXISTING ASPHALT EXISTING GRAVEL r .. ::: .. _;',c'J.~ EXISTING CONCRETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL NUIIBER 366450-0100 (IIARY E. HAII/LTON) TRACT 5, BLOCK 1 OF JANETT'S RENTON BOULEVARD TRACTS, RECORDED IN VOLUME/7 AT PAGE 60, OF PLATS, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. INDEX TO ORA WINGS 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. CONCEPTUAL STORM AND UTILITY PLAN 3. ADJACENT LOT OWNERSHIP EXHIBIT ,:riv ..... _-.. ·"-"--'------~ C ·~ ·~ "' m (I) "-..... C (I) ..... l!) a - a "' 'II " r-..i g=; :c •, ,-.: a:: ~ ~ a 8 I 0, -I l!) a ~ " ci EJ, "'~- ~ 0 0 a:: s( a:: a Lu Q :c Q 0 s( I- <:( -J Q -cj ct: Q rn C ·-~ (I) > I,... :, 00 DRAWING NO. 1,1---------1 0 0 z 1057PPLT 1 OF 3 ,. \ . ' LEGEND f EXIST. MAIL BOX -0-EXIST. POWER POLE E--EXIST. GUY ~RE ---so-· EXIST. STORM LINE D EXIST. CATCH BASIN --W-··· EXIST. WATER UN£ IX1 EXIST. GATE: VALVE '(j EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT rn EXIST. WATER METER 0------0 EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE x----, EXIST. ~RE FENCE Z_L7ZZ EXIS11NG ASPHALT -----EXIS11NG GRAVEL ~-~:>: .;·._;", .. ( .. EXIS11NG CONCRETE: ---510-EX/S11NG CONTOUR ~ PROPOSED MONUMENT • PROPOSED SEWER CLEANOUT • PROPOSED SEWER MANHOLE PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE 2' (TRACT 0) 1' (TRACT C) 6" • PROPOSED CATCH BASIN • PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE PROPOSED STORM LINE • PROPOSED BLOW OFF 'fl PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT H PROPOSED WA TE:R VAL VE PROPOSED WA TE:R LINE 26' PRIVATE DRNEWAY (TRACT D) 20' PRIVATE DRIVEWAY (TRACT C) 1.5' 20.5' RACT D 16.5 TRACT C 2% ~ 0: SI ff BENCHMARK ...- ELEV. = 513. 94 STA. 0+00.00· ROAD "A"= STA. 2+12.50; 15BTH AVE. SE PAR. 2 <@]> 2' (TRACT D) 1· (mACT C) HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. ~ "' I • 'f ~-1 I [~I ·'i' ~:1 1: :- \ 1 .. , I I I I I LOT 7 <§i~ \ ' ', ,_ -------------- so· EXIST. 12" CULVE I I.E.(N) = 511.38 , I.E.(S) """ 511,17 ' 52' , -_ _ _ ROOF .I: FOO»NG -"DRAIN NECnON ----------·-- ..,. "' S1U8-{. .) • • 1 1' I ' ' • • • • • • • • • •r ER ' ' • OVERFI.QW • ~JU.WAY• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' • 2 • • • EXJS11/tG CHAIN LINK" • • • • • • • FENG/; T(J B& Ri!MDJlfD • .., .,, .,, .., ~ .., • • • • • • I.AUREL HEDGE I • • • / ·1. ,:,--...- ., / • ""166' "" • _,,---·----- • , .,, . E /ST 1 J £\tV. Y--. ' . ;Ji'• · .. ;'!; 3 o>< "' 0. CL.> ~EXIST. 12"' CULVERT ,,, t ''T \;; \;; IE(N) = 503.02 X ~ "' '" 50' LONG LE\lfl. FLOW SPREADER ID' UllUlY EASEMEtfT CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LOT 6 <§I±§) ix, >-., >-:::; "' ::, b I I I '" I -°' I 8,\ j~/!£0 LOT 5 @ OUNTAI I POD LOT 4 LOT J @) @ -EXIST 24" 5<'-2,,, RETAINING WALL /-EXIST ',, , rr::;;:;;i RETAINING WALL', S88"36'26::( 585.97" JJ5~ ', 52" 52' ,.. -5-2~ ', , \ I ' RETAINING W LL ,,.,, '..., / --, 52'._\:;f '/--. -. • ......... ,5-Je-..... ----- ' ', \ c--1--------+-"-------<,-',:.;;-'-"l-'I 4 ix, ., / 5 ' ' ' ., ., .,.. --..... EVERGREEN HEDGE 6 21 7 ~ .. .. ......, _. ........ :g EXIS [ING BUJLDft G TO DE DEMOLISH D =.·do-~-=-=-=-~ m-~-· -------~-=--'-, ' -----..lt..... 50· -------- 100' BB' 23 -"' 16 -r.: .,,----1 / -·506--~-I ___ .,. \ 11 ' ' N88"42'04 "W 588.39' ' ' ' ' ' ' \ ' I I ' ' ' ' . ' "' '"' ' LOT 2 § I • \ ' ' ' \ I 1 o: EXIS11NG WIRE: FENCE ~O BE REMOVED, "'15 ',,, '... Ex1snNc CHAIN LIN~ "\ ' -·F-El,lfE TO BE REMOVE , ' 128' o' ~ § :=, ~ OQ 8:: LLJ "' 9 ,, v, x c, . r··· EXISnNG BUILDING CB 5 l WET DETENTION P V_ --\~ EXIST. 6" '3; RETAINING WALi. Os o s's', EXIST. POWER POLE 0 o 10 ',, AND GUY l\!RE 0 s'-· ',TOBE RELOCATW x.i' •• So& 3 CONTROL STRUCTURE 21' R BOTTOM ELEV. = 500.00 STA nc w.s. ELEV. -503.00 MAX. W.S. £!£V. -508.00 I TOP ELEV. = 509.00 VOLUME REQUIRED = 44,000± CF VOLUME PROWDED = 45,ooo± CF DETENTION STANDARDS LE\IEL IJ FLOW CONTROL WATER QUAUTY STANDARDS BASIC WA TE:R CJUAUTY TREATMENT PER 1998 KING COUNTY MANUAL PROPOSED METHOD -WETPOND 21' R 10· I EXIST. 6" RETAINING WALL EXIST. 12"' CULVERT-. IE(N) = 508.JO X/ST. DI VEW \ "' Q z '" ~"J '-' I/] t) 30' R W ~ "' ,,-1-i LOT B @} /-EXIST. 12" CULVERT IL(S) = 518.67. FXIST. CB RIM = 520.93 J.C. = 518.30 f12"N) IE = 518. 17 12"5) STA.6+46.B7· ROAD "A"= STA.2+11.52; 160Tli AVE. SE --....--.._ EXIST. CB ,-~Re-'.!M~='-"5"'1"'"6.~4~9 s,6' 5/4 u:. = 5/3.~8 (1?'.:N) !.£. = 51J. 14 (!2 $) EXIST. CfJ RIM = 511.28 /.£. = 508.64 f12 .. N) IE = 508.49 12"S) I.E. = 508.53 12"$[) ~ S.E 134TH ST. EXIST. ca RIM = 509.76 I.E. = 506.76 r12"N/ 0:31: /.£. = 506.54 12"$; I.E. = 506.80 12"NE) w z 30' R W UllUlY EASEMENT 7.5' (158TH) 1' 5' 16' (158TH AVE ,i! 1 1 1' 5' 1' 14' 14' 1' !j' 1' 1 • HYDROSEED 1--c,.:;,.-i(=:~c_+.;.+--"---I 1---~-s-=~-=i---lw 7.5' 160TH) SIDEWALK 0 _5 • 16' (160TH AVE) ,'z DISTURBED AREAS w, z ::; 2· "' 2' w 'z w 2% ~ u ~ ~-.\ J:1 -5" THICK CEMEtfT CONCRETE SI EWALK <:1 HYOROSEED ' :,_y, DISTURBED AREAS ,·.\ CEMEtfT CONCRETE CURB & GUITER '" ±10' (158TH AVE) u ± 11' 160TH AVE) EXIST. PAVEMENT ±13' (158TH AVE) ±16' (160TH AVE) 2% SECTION SAWCUT AND SEAL JOltfT SCALE: 7''=40 FEET 0 20 40 80 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVDBB B.M.: KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT #W10, BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE ~TH PUNCH, /NCASED. AT THE INTERSEC110N OF 160TH AVENUE 5.£. AND SE 127TH PLACE. EL£V. = 505.90 SITE B.M.: SET PK NAIL 2.2" EAST OF FOGL/NE AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF SITE:. EL£V. = 513.94 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' • THICKENED ASPHALT EDGE 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE -- 5• COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4• COMPACTED DEPTH ATB CEMEtfT CONCRETE ROliED CURB PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-002 PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-001 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHEO ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE -- 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4 " COMPACTED DEPTH ATB 3" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS '8' ASPHALT CONCRETE PER KCRS 4.01A. ALTERNATE /I 1-1 /2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE } ALTERNATE __ 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4• COMPACTED DEPTH ATB GRAVEL BASE CLASS '8' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE RECUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT ROAD 'A' KING COUNTY SUBCOLLECTOR NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE GRAVEL BASE CLASS '8' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) 15811; A VENUE NE AND 16011-1 AVENUE NE KING COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD COLLECTOR NOT TO SCALE ~ ~ ::, l l.J :,: 12 ~ C ll:'. .Q ~ ~ ·;; 0 "' >-h G [;j (1_ 8 "' > '" ll:'. ,; a, ~ a {) g, >. rn ~ I 0 " ~ a I 0 0 - 0 z ~ ::; " ::, l{) < a gJ --, a ... u.J II -.I ' 0 -.. "-i (/) Q a ::c ~ Q, >-Q a u.J ~ < "' Vl '( u.J a:: a a [:':! '( a z < .. ..c a:: ~ QJ "' a a u.J i5 u.J i5 "' a I 0, I l{) a a"< -.10 LJO G:m .. a ~ 0 a:: Q Q '( a, C ·->-Cl) > t... :, Cl) t... c oo ·-0 (L -C ~& -s- t DRAWING NO. 1057ENG 2 OP 3 I.JJA-oB -1 ~ 1- .ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS LIST 1. MARY HAMILTON 15821 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 386450 0100 2. REYNOl.l}S U11NG lRUST 13016 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 386450 0205 3. DONAUD & DALE FlSHER 13115 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0215 4. STEVf.N GEYER 13128 158TH A',£ SE RENTON. WA 98059 366450 0201 5. BEAL BANK 6000 LEGACY OR PLANO, TX 75024 386450 0210 6. STEVf.N GEYER 13128 156TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0221 7. GARY & SALLY \\ILLIAMS 818 SW 306TH ST FEDERAL WAY. WA 98023 366450 0220 8. CHARLES SMITH 13205 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0227 9. JAMES & KIMBERLY BROUGH 13220 156TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0225 10. SANDRA SNYDER 1915 S 375TH ST FEDERAL WAY. WA 98003 366450 0228 11. ROBERT MOFFAT 13217 158TH A',£ SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0230 12. SANDRA SNYDER 1915 S 375TH ST FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 366450 0226 13. KING COUNTY 500 K C ADMIN BLDG SEATTLE. WA 98104 366450 0231 14. CONSERVATIVf. BAPTIST CHURCH 13232 156TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0240 15. JARED HAIR & LAURA TAUTZ 13422 156TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0250 16. GWENDOLYN PICKENS & 11CTOR HIGH 13405 158TH A VF. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0245 17. LUCILLE PERRY 13426 156TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0260 18. FRANCIS JR & ROBIN BECKMAN 13511 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0278 19. ALAN OSGOODBY 13527 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0270 20. JAMES DUKE PO BOX 2262 RENTON, WA 98058 366450 0136 21. EDWARD & NANCY HILTON 13414 158TH A',£ SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0135 22. \\IWAM JOHNSON 15902 SE 134TH PL RENTON, WA 9B059 366450 0133 23. PAlRICK & KELLY BEHR 15914 SE 134TH PL RENTON, WA 980S9 366450 0132 24. AL\1N & WENDY WOOD 13403 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0131 25. OALE NOTT 13422 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0127 26. FLORENCE NOTI 15915 134TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0120 27. GLENDA JOHNSON 13425 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0126 2a GUY & CARL ,ll PUTZ & JOONSON Cl'RMAINE 13535 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0141 29. PEGGY ANN SlREIT 13512 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0170 30. RAYMOND & ERIN PLATZ 14627 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0180 31. RONAUD COFFIN 16015 SE 135TH ST RENTON. WA 98059 200600 0190 32. JOUENE MAGGARD 16023 SE 135TH ST RENTON. WA 98059 200600 0200 33. STEVEN & PERI MUHICH 13420 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0010 34. RICHARD & MICHAEL KNAPP 13412 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0020 35. RANDY & BONNIE HORNER 13404 160TH AVf. SE RENTON. WA 96059 200600 0030 36. DON BAURICHTER 14025 176TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0040 37. MICHAEL & NECIA WAJNWRIGHT 16025 SE 134TH AVf. RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0050 36. JOHN SR & ELIZABETH CROONQUIST PO BOX 2352 RENTON, WA 98056 200600 0060 39. BARBARA PEELER 16041 SE 134TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0070 40. MICHAEL & KA YE FOSMIRE 16049 SE 134TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0080 41. DOUGLAS & CRYSTAL WEIK 16040 SE 135TH ST RENTON. WA 98059 200600 0120 42. GORDON & SULTANA ROBERTSON 16032 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0130 43. ROBERT & LORI DA 11ES 14708 30TH A',£ NE SEATTLE, WA 9B155 200600 0140 44. LEONARD JOHNSTON 16016 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0150 45. MORRIS JR & HOl.1 Y JOHNSON 2635 REDWOOD ST ANCHORAGE, AK 99508 145750 0070 46. LY BUI 13208 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0066 47. GARY MCCANN 13224 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0065 48. GARY MCCAIN 13224 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0067 49. LEONARD SKINNER 13030 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0059 50. LEONARD SKINNER 13116 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0062 51. DICK AMOS 16028 SE 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0061 52. DICK AMOS 16028 SE 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0064 53. MICHAEL DOOLY 16106 SE 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0063 54. DEWS STANFORD 13111 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0062 55. \\IWAM KENAN JR 15914 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0060 56. TIMOTHY LEX & GINA DOLAN 13116 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0068 57. FREDY JAQUES 13114 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0069 58. CHARLES & 110LA SCOBY 13112 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0071 59. DA 110 KUPCHO 13110 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0064 60. DOROTHY ROCKEY 13119 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0066 61. CRIST Vf.RSCHAEVf. 43803 284TH AVf. SE ENUMCJ..AW, WA 98022 366450 0065 62. HUGH MURDOCH 15917 SE 131ST LN RENTON. WA 98059 366450 0072 63. \\IWAM KENAN JR 15914 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0067 64. STEVf.N ROY 15905 SE 131 ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0075 65. DANIEL & LYNN PETERSON 13118 158TH AVi. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0073 66. JEFFREY & JULIE TAYLOR 13128 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0070 67. GW NICKEL 13205 160TH A Vi. SE RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0010 68. RICHARD & PHYLLIS RUDOLPH 15846 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0020 69. MICHAEL & THERESA ADAMS 15842 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0030 70. DEAN KINNEY 15834 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0040 71. EMILIE VAN KEMPEN 15826 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0050 72. ROY 11RGIL 15822 SE 132ND PL RENTON. WA 98059 923650 0060 l.J. D J YANTZER 15812 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0070 74. FRANUN HARSCH PO BOX 2344 RENTON, WA 98058 923650 0080 75. DELAJNE JORGENSEN 13225 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 923850 0090 76. WALTER KAPIOSJ<I 13231 160TH A',£ SE RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0100 77. MARY SACKETI 15841 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0110 78. JAMES ROUG!ILEY & DAWN THOMPSON 15833 SE 132ND PL RENTON. WA 98059 923650 0120 79. CHARLES GRIMSHAW 15825 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0130 80. MARY HAMILTON 15821 SE 132NO PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0140 81. ROBERT & MARIAN WEGLIN 2123 47TH AVf. SW SEATTLE. WA 98116 923650 0150 82. MARY HAMILTON 15821 SE 132NO PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0160 HAMIL TON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON I I I I I : L______ I 59 58 57 56 I $1 I -1Y'0i' I /,c-;-· I 54 I I I <Qc,0) ~ <QC!_~ ~~ _ J_ f-_ _':_0.°3J5) I @ I I \ -r-----------~-~t-r==~===~~=±£~~~~~~-~~-4-~~~~L ___ LI ---\I ___ J __ I I ;;;. ____ L ____ I_ __J_ I _J 1 65 i -~ ----PRIVATE:ROAD ----I I I 2 : @ @ I ,----i---l--60-@ I 11 S'2 11 ------1---____ -I 64 I I I I 4 I -----------1 I 63 I 62 I @ ______ _J I ---- ----- 9 I 5 66 I @ I = I \------49 II {Qf_0 ~ c@]t> <Qo-I i~JJ1@1 61 I {-----------------..,'4--l7_9T ___ j ____ l_J __ Tl __ ,i_ 0f[§>__ @w : I : 7 I 8 L~; a I : I I : 67 ------,L ___ i ___ _ : @ -®--~ L~ 2 6 : L~5 : L~04 : L~J I @ : ~---1 __________ 1~3 7 I @ I (@g) I (Q§l I <§j]!J) r---68--L,::A : I I =0010 I I , I I I LOT 2 =i, I --i I 11 I I c@g) \ 10 : : <@§; ,---------- \ I 12 I I = ., @ ~ I 82 LOT 8 I 80 LDT 6 79 LDT 5 €_~ I ------1 81 \ SE. 1321.0 PLACE 78 LOT 4 77 LOT .3 75 I WT 1 I~ 1------- 53 : @I I I I _ _ _J ____ _ r--- 1 I I 48 WT C I I ~::===---7---~ ____ l __ h,;1 -------- @ @ @ LOI 7 I 8 0_;:2}) 1 76 I LO{ 2 ~ I I I I @ ------------~-----L __ _ ------- ------- -----, I I I ------ 15 -,-------------- I I I I I 16 -------L ----------- '\fEFERENCE NUMBER FOR \OT OVtNER 4t ADDRESS (TYP.) 17 PAR. 2 @§! 1 2 3 TRACT "A" OPE:N SPACE: 4 TRACT "B" STORM POND 5 • ,CJ h (J <( I': 6 7 1@ 21 20 22 23 8 9 • 19 18 p h (.) <( I': 17 16 20 I I I I @ I I 10 13 14 15 22 1231 24 --------,--..J I I ':>01<.i @ I @gi \ @I) 21 1,<o I I @ \,\,~I I I 11 12 ,i..G I I I --------L-,----L---~------ 1 I 25 I 26 I 27 I I @ 1<f1.BD 1@ ~ i <( i!: i \~lfFERENCE NUMBER FOR \or 011,NER 4t ADORESS (TYP.) 4li 'QEy) SE. 134TH BIRl:£1 35 I \ LOT J I 36 37 38 39 40 I @ : I.OT 4 I.OT 5 l.OT 6 LDT 8 \ -----I (Q§l (§@ I €@ <§osg) I 34 I I I I I : LDT 2 f-----1-----j----\---\----J.-- @ I I I I I I ------1 41 I 42 I 43 I 44 I I 33 I LDT 15 I LOT 14 I LOT 13 \ I w r 1 \ (Q_§) I {([,.4]) I ~130) r§Jl0 I I I ----------~--------_J _____ _ --~---~---------------- ,;;,~ I I I \ o()E!_if) I I I '\ I ! I I ' I 10' --' <,1 :i')<.J ,i..G~,,,uo 18 28 @ SE. 135TH 8/Fil±J :JO 31 LOT 3 (Q1mj) I I LOT 5 \ ----------r----~9 I 1~oiCJ~ "/9----t--f--L--------------------L-+-~ I 1 : ~'o :1') LDT 1 LOT 2 \----1 ---+ i-0c,'< 0oCJ0 €'ig) @ 1 1 CJo\ ------I I I I -11 I I SCALE:: 1"=100 FE:E:T 0 50 100 200 C .Q ] O:'. lcJ en ::;; ::, '2: en a --, lcJ -J 0 V, ~ ,_ 8 G Vi lcJ Cl " I:':' I{) a <( -Cl a a II z ' ~ '2: ., ~ .. ...: ; J:: Q, ~ Q Cl 8 ~ i3 <( lcJ O:'. a Cl "' a I 0) -I I{) a Cl"' ci8 G::en a ~ a O:'. 8: <( Cl a p I I') "' (Q <o' a ~ 0) C ·-t > L. ::::, CJ) I--i-en o- -J ~ I-LLJ ~Q LLJ -() :r: <{ (/) J a:: a LLJ <{ ~ 0 DRAWING NO. Ji ,311---------il 1057ADJ ci z 3 OF 3 LuA-oa-, ~?.. 4-· ----------------------------------------------- HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON STA. 0+00.00· ROAD "A"- STA. 2+12.50; 158TH AV£. SE ,. " IBA T "E" WETLA DANO ER .. _ . -··. .·if>kitN's#Ac/§'' '. 7 . ..--i , ·-~~~~-· --... ', "s,2~~--···· < .. ::,.· .·-: .. -·, . ', ... ·· ~--$$ ,# .. -·~_c?0 . ~ .·.· .'.. ., ~~ . < . . . ·'. ... :~i•ioy'p(l.t';~lE:> ·, ,· .,. , ·-: ·, ·' . . .• AND·i:I .DEPTH.OF: WOOD .·. · .CHI/> BAS& •waooCARPET" .· . TRACT "B" WET/DE/ENT/ON POND . . . ,, Cl ~ Q: (:J tJ '\' ft <1' {.j " '· ,, ', s,o pl(J) 1--I (f.) oJ~ g,o I"'( 0 B.M.: SCALE: 1 "= 20 FEET 10 20 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVDBB 40 KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT #TOTO, BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE WITH PUNCH, INCASED, AT THE INTERSECTION OF 160TH AVENUE S.E. AND S.E. 127TH PLACE. £LEV. -505.90 SITE: 8.M.: SET PK NAIL 2.2' EAST OF FOGL/NE AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF SITE. £LEV. = 513.94 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' C 0 -~ ·~ O'. ~ [;i Ql ::;c :::, :a:: Ql 0 -, wJ __, "' (.) (/) ~ h ~ i3 Vi wJ a r-.. ~ lf) 0 "' -a 0 <'l z II ' -< .. N ;...: ci' Cl:'. 0 ~ :r: Q, ~ Q a ~ El c§ "' wJ Cl:'. Q a "' a I ") "' I a - :ia wJO G:: (lJ c:i ~ 0 Cl:'. Q Q "' 0 a f:2 I ") "' <O <O' a ~ DRAWING NO. 151--------11 0 ci z 1057PARK 1 OF 1 LU~ -oa-1"2.. z. RECE\\JED I' 1 6 ?.00~ VOLUME/PAGE HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. KING COUNTY, DEDICATION: KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners of interest in the land hereby subdivided, hereby declare this plat to be the graphic representation of the subdivision made hereby, and do hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets and avenues not shown as private hereon and dedicate the use thereof for all public purposes not inconsistent with the use thereof for public highway purposes, and also the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots shown thereon in the original reasonable grading of said streets and avenues, and further dedicate to the use of the public all the easements and tracts shown on this plat for all public purposes af; indicated thereon, including but not 1 imi ted to parks, open space. utilites and drainage unless such easements or tracts ·are specifically identified on this plat as being dedicated or conveyed to a person or entity other than the public. in which case we do hereby dedicate such streets, easements, or tracts to the person or entity identified and for the purpose stated. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, waive for themselves. their heirs and assigns and any person or entity deriving title from the undersigned, any and all claims for damages against King County. its successors and assigns which may be occasioned by the establishment, construction, or maintenance of roads and/or drainage systems within this subdivision other than claims resulting from inadequate maintenance by King County. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, agree for themselves, their heirs and assigns to indemnify and hold King County, it successors and assigns, harmless from any damage. including any costs of defense, claimed by persons within or without this subdivision to have been caused by alterations of the ground surface, vegetation, drainage, or surface or sub-surface water flows within this subdivision or by establishment. construction or maintenance of the roads within this subdivision. Provided. this waiver and indemnification shall not be construed as releasing King County, its successors or assigns, from liability for damages, including the cost of defense. resulting in whole or in part from the negligence of King County, its successors. or assigns. This subdivision, dedication, waiver of claims and agreement to hold harmless is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of said owners. In witness whereof, we set our hands and seals: Kolin B. Taylor President-KB~ Corporaion, a Washington Corporation Robert W. Ruddell Secretary-KBS Corporaion, a Washington Corporation Solomon V. Avzaradel . Treasurer-KBS Corporaion, a Washington Corporation Home Street Bank, a Washington State Chartered Savings Bank by: its: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: State of Washington ) ) ss County of On this day of 200_.. before me, the undersigned. a notary public in and for the State of Washington. duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Kolin B. Tayor, Robert W. Ruddell. and Solomon V. Avzaradel personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer. of KBS Oevelopement Corporation. the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument. and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned. and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed. if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. State of Washington ) ) ss County of Notary public in and for the State of Washington, residing in My commission expires: print notary name On this day of 200_, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared to me personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the of Home Street Bank. the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. LAND WASHINGTON SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that this plat of Hamilton Place is based upon an actual survey and subdivision of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M., that the courses and distances are shown correctly thereon: that the monuments will be set and the lot and block corners will be ,i~i.~~d correctly on the ground as construct)on is comple~ed and tha~<;;f_;R,ai'°¥'\ fully complied with the provisions of the p 1 at t 1ng regu 1 at~.QJ1,iii0f>' ~it:t;rrtf",-::.-:· '·; Stephen H Woods Date Certificate No. 38965 Centre Pointe Surveying, Inc. 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 (253) 661-1901 APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES: Examined and approved this-~ day of Development Engineer Examined and approved this __ day of Manager, Land Use Services Division KING COUNTY COUNCIL: Examined and approved this-~ day of ATTEST: 200_. 200_ 200_ Chairperson, King County Council C~le_r_k,----07f--;-t~h-e--:::C~o-u_n_c~i~l--~ KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS: Examined and approved this-~ day of 200_ King County Assessor Deputy King County Assessor Account Number ________ ~ FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that all property taxes are paid. that there are no delinquent special assessments certified to this office for collection and that all special assessments certified to this office for collection on any of the property herein contained, dedicated as streets. alleys or for any other public use, are paid in full. this __ day of Finance Division ----~~-200 Manager, Finance Division Deputy RECORDING CERTIFICATE: Recording No. Filed for record at the request of the King County Council. this __ day of 200~ at __ minutes past .M. and recorded in Volume __ of Plats. Pages Records of King County, Washington. Division of Records and Elections: Manager Superintendant of Records INDEX DATA: EXPIRES 5-23-2005 Witness my hand and seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. Notary public in and for the State of Washington, residing in My commission expires: ~ Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA. 98003 P • t (253) 661-1901 ~ ~ Olll e «, t Surveying SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St .. Suite 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 LO\._l-~-11051 ODES lDZ:· print notary name DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: DATE: September 9, 2004 JOB NAME: SCALE: NA JOB NO.: S Woods KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 1808 1808 SHEET 1 OF 4 LUA-08 -I -z, 'Z., 1. P1 V1 V2 V3 P1-V1 I v1.v2 V2,V3 ---------. -----·--·------- Construction Notes:.-----~--- ---·-·---------------------- Install 1·1_ph 1/0 Al 15kv term w/1, lightning arrest & LB c/o Fuse to 40T Install 1 ·2" riser on s/o brkts Install 1,36"x42"x38" MP HH Set 37.Skva MP trf 120/240v Install 2-LB elbs Install 1 ·36"x42"x38" MP HH Set 50kva MP trf 120/240v Install 2,LB elbs Install 1-36"x42"x38" MP HH Set 37.Skva MP trf 120/240v Install 1 ·LB elb & 1 ·dust cap Install 1 ·2" conduit in cust provided trench 80' Pull in 1·1/0 Al 15kv solid JCN UG pri cable 80' Install 1 ·2' conduit in cust ~rovided trench 260' Pull in 1 ·1 /0 Al 1 Skv solid JCN UG pri cable 260' Install 1·2" conduit in cust provided trench 220' Pull in 1 ·1 /0 Al 1 Skv solid JCN UG pri cable 220' r 11 i;;;~~f -1-~''"" -l I • I I l RDADSIDE p L I J. 42" --'---· ·~ -,.-21" --~-::==:c__:= r-r t 36i '' ---,\\ / I \ / MINIPAD I FIELD SIDE ., ____ --~ 42" cover \ I ] I i l t \fas ~.~ j IL_ i -6" Sand Covel _, ~ \ [_ O,{()\·',/.----~-· • I 12".-, J() AV ff• of •~----11 M' \._ ~ . .3~'. Sand Base \ in _ _____ ,, crushed [ f~.. . 11_ (. ) / -Secondary fg~e tor Additional depth for trench with feeder l" \ _...._ Power vault) 3"SandBase ~~--_ ___ ----Primary t Power (FEEDER) PUGET 10' FRONTAGE EASEMENT SECDNDARY POWER PEDESTAL RDADSIDE ~t r-, 18 ,, · / Lower ~ hi ' Pedestal j 1' + ; ,-+;"~ r \1 12" , I i ,_J __,1,L.o .. I , J_ ,-i 36" I i / cover NA VTIVE l i Jcove;2 ... ~. Cor,d_uitj;/ ~".\J. ' /J--M_!~-~~~_)/'/ 9~:::-~---" Garr Priiary :~can:~~---- 3 of sand Tel & Power Power base TV -- Plat Trench Detail --------··-·--·---------- CROSSINGS CONDUIT TABLE . GAS -----. ---·- X-ING Size Type Qty Location Size I NO. (In) sched each N-S-E-W (In) X1 4 40 1 3 ! ------ X2 4 40 1 3 X3 4 40 1 3 ~-- X4 4 40 1 2 ~-----···--- " 3 X5 4 40 1 3 -. X6 4 40 1 3 X7 3 PSE #2432 7129/97 --------------. 2"SCHED ~OWH!T[PVC lfrl= ~"SCH ED ~OW H !TE PVC (fll= 310 6" SChED ,JO W H lrE PVC Cltl = 8" SCH ED ~OW H IrE PVC lftJ = 2" SCH ED 80 W H ffE PVC lfrl = 4"SCHED 80 W H lll f'VC !fr)00 6" SCH ED 80 VI H IIE PVC lfrl = 8" SCH ED 80 VI 1-1 !TE PVC lfrl = 2" SCH ED 120 W H Ii~ PVC !frl = ~" SCH ED 120 VI HEE PVC lft-1 = 5" SCH ED 120 W H !TE PVC lfrl ~ 8" SCH ED 120 VI H ffE PVC !ft)= ro1o12 · rvc Pug Ccps = Toiol4"PVC PIJgCcps= 12 To1ol6"PVC PIJgCcps= ,o:olB"P\/C PLKJCcps~ ToblG I.Je CQ1sl= 0.52 (/) <C (!) POWER Type Qty sched each 120 1 -· - 120 2 120 3 120 1 120 2 120 2 - 120 2 120 1 u ~ a: I-u LJ.J .J LJ.J Length (ft) 60 50 I 50 50 I 50 50 --·--·----- 50 50 50 360 2 26 0.66 Remarks (type of crossing) (Primary, Feeder, Secondary, St Llaht, Gas onlv, etc.,\ 1-ga~}.1 ~~_treetlig! 1-gas, 1-secondary, 1-streetl ig_t 1-gas,2-second ary, 1-streetl ig1t 1'.gas.1_:!l,lm")' 1-secondary, 1-streetl~g:t ---·-· ___ __J_j)_~s,2-secondary, 1-streetlig,t 1-gas, 1-secondary, 1-stree_!l.!~-t 1-streetligt 2"SCHED 4D GF,U PVC (fri= 3" SCH[D 40 GREY PVC (fl-)= 4"SCHED 40 GREY PVC (ftJ= 6" SCH ED 40 GREY PVC (frl 0 2"SCHEU SD GRf:Y f-'VC lfll 3•·scHED 80 CREY PVC (fr) 4"SCIIED 80 GREY PVC (fl) 6" SCH ED 80 GREY PVC (fr) 2" SCH ED I ?0 GREY PVC lft! 3•·sc11::o 120 GREY PVI: (fl) 4"SCHED 120 GREY PVC !fr: 6" SCHlD , 20 GREY PVC ({ti = Toiol2"PVC PLJgCcps = Toiol3"PVC Pug Ccps = Toial4"PVC Pug Ccps = Toial6"PVC PLJg Ccps -ToiolG De !Ot.:;I SECONDARY CABLE & CONDUIT NOTES LOCATION CABLE Assumed CONDUir SIZE - FROM TO (110,4/0,350) V1 H1 350 V1 Lot 16 1/0 V1 Lot 14 4/0 ~· . --- V1 Lot15 4/0 V1 Lot 17 1/0 1---- V1 Lot 18 1/0 V1 Lot 19 1/0 ------ V1 Lot 13 1/0 H1 Lot 12 1/0 H1 Lot 11 1/0 H1 Lot 10 4/0 ---~- V2 H2 350 V2 Lot 6 1/0 V2 Lot 7 1/0 V2 Lot 8 110 V2 Lot 9 1/0 H2 Lot 4 1/0 H2 Lot 5 1/0 V3 H3 350 V3 Lot 3 1/0 V3 Lot 20 1/0 ~·---------- V3 Lot 21 4/0 ~· H3 Lot 1 1/0 H3 Lot2 110 H3 Lot22 110 --· PSE #2429 7/29/97 110 UG Triplex (ft)= 410 UG Triplex (ft) = 350 UG Triplex (ft) = LENGTH Lot Corner SIZE LENGTH BENDS - - (FT) to Meter (ft) ! r1 I (fr) 9(>'5 \ 45° · 22u 125 3 125 2 10 70 2 10 2 110 70 3 110 2 ---- 110 70 3 110 2 i --. ----------.. ------ 65 70 2 65 2 ! 65 70 2 65 2 1- 65 70 2 65 2 i t--- 40 70 2 40 2 I i 10 70 2 10 2 - 10 70 2 10 2 -- 40 70 2 40 2 I ------------- 110 3 110 2 45 70 2 45 2 10 70 2 10 2 ··-·--------·---,.. ------- 10 70 2 10 2 ---------- 60 70 2 10 70 2 10 70 2 120 3 20 70 2 80 70 3 80 70 3 ---- 10 70 2 10 70 2 35 70 2 565 2" P\/ C 8. Bends = 340 3" Pl/ C 8. Bends = 355 Vau H-Tab e 60 2 10 2 I 10 2 ' I 120 2 : i 20 2 80 2 ! 80 2 10 2 10 2 35 2 525 36 735 14 Total Qts of Glue= VOLTAGE DROP (VOLTS) 2.6 2.5 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 ~· 2.7 3.1 3.1 ·-··-. ---------- 3.2 1.9 2.3 2.0 2.0 2-4 2.5 2.5 2.1 2.1 2.6 2.3 2.6 2.6 2.8 1.9 ti 3.7 -· - Site Grid Vault Size Type & Size Primary Transformer Remarks Number & Cover Equipment Bushing ID Numbers in Vault LB DC V1 36X42X38 37.5KVA MP TRF Unlstrut HH 120/240 1 1 Matid: 7663001 Matid: 6247050 V2 48X48X38 50KVA MP TRF Unlstrut HH 1201240 2 - Matid: 7663002 Matid: 6247100 V3 36X42X38 37.5KVA MP TRF Unistrut HH 1201240 2 . Matid: 7663001 Matld: 6247050 SECONDARY HH!PEDESTAL TABLE Site Pedestal Number of Remarks . '''.·', or Positions 'c,:.,"''" ,_ -'''+iandhole Required . H1 Pedestal 4 -------., .. -· ··----------- H2 Pedestal 3 ~------"--·····---""··---~---- H3 Pedestal 4 STREET LIGHT NOTES Site Station POLE HEAD # Offset Grid# Type Mtg Ht Arm Watts Style SL-1 315766 Dark Green 15' 100 green 166028 breakaway dayform -- SL-2 315764 Dark Green 15' 100 green 166040 breakaway dayform --.--- SL-3 315749 Dark Green 15' 100 green 166047 breakaway I dayform PPE TABLE -SERV ICESc., c.i_ Pipes Design Description of Activities -:o Size Type Length Location Length Location INST 518" TWIN Lot 14/Lot 15 >--------+-----· INST 5/8" TWIN INST 518" TWIN INST 518" TWIN I INST 518" TWIN . INST 5/8" TWIN Lot 18/Lot 19 ---------~--· Lot 11/Lot 12 Lot 7/Lot 8 Lot 4/Lot 5 Lot 1/Lot 2 --- 518 PE MD 10 518 PE MD 60 -------~----------------- 518 PE MD 10 --- 5/8 I PE MD 10 5/8~MD 10 5/8 PE MD 10 As-Built VOLTAGE FLICKER (%) 2.0 2.7 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.6 .,._ 3.2 3.4 3.4 --· 3.6 -~- 1.9 3.3 2.7 -- 2.7 ------ 3.5 3.3 3.3 2.0 -- 2.8 3_9 3.2 -- 3.4 3.4 3.8 Remarks - Lot 20/Lot 21 5/8 PE MD 10 ----------·- ! INST 518" TWIN ------r-------+-----·-----·--- INST 518" STUB Lot-17 5/8 PE MD 60 --------------------- INST 518" STUB Lot 16 518 PE MD 10 INST 518" STUB Lot 13 518 PE MD 10 INST 518" STUB Lot 10 5/8 PEMD 10 -... ,----.. -------. -· ---------~--- INST 5/8" STUB Lot 9 518 PEMD 10 INST 5/8" STUB Lot 6 5/8 PEMD 10 Lot 3 5/8 PE MD 10 ---INST 518" STUB --t---------·---·- INST 518" STUB Lot 22 5/8 PEMD 60 Total 518" Pipe= 300 PRIMARY CABLE & CONDUIT NOTES CONDUIT LOCATION Size Qty Length BENDS from to (in) (ft) 900 450 ~- P1 V1 2 1 80 -- V1 V2 2 1 260 V2 V3 2 1 220 PSE #2428 7129/97 2"PI/C !frl& Bencls= 550 3" PVC I Ft-I & BEnds = 4" PVC !frl & 8Ends ~ 6 " PVC !fr l I'., ElerrJs = 220 PULL Cable (lbs) Size 110 AL JKT 110 AL JKT 10 LJKT 0.54 Ois PRIMARY CABLE Length Cable Numbers (ft) A B C 80 ACS282 260 ACS283 220 ACS301 560 = T oio I 110 AL JKT -Toiol 750MCM !frl (fl) 0.54 101a101sorG IJe Please Record Manufacturer Year I rJDDDDDOD 11 --+------n ooouou I ELECTRIC GENERAL NOTES I. GRADES AND LOCATIONS [O BE STAKED ~y DEVELOPER. WORK AREA TO BE AT OR NEAR Fln!SRED GRADE AND CLEAR OF OBSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, 2. OEVELOPEH TO l'f<OVIOE SUITABLE PROTECTION FOR PAO MOUNTED EQUIPMENT WREN POSSIBILITY OF VERICUL!\R DAMAGE EXISTS. TRANSFORoAER TO BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 3 FT rno;.,1 A NON- COl,IBUSTIBLE WALL OI~ 10 FT Ff<OM ANY OPENING OR COMBUSTIBLE SUllf ACE. 3_ DEVELOPER rs RESPONSIBLE FOR TRENCH PER TRENCH PROFII.E, SELECT 8ACK FILL, TRENCH COMl'ACTION, RESTORATION, ASPHALT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT ON PRIVATE PIWPERTY. l1<ENCH, Bl.CK FILL MW COMPACTION TO 8E IN ACCORDANCE WITR PUGET SOUND ENERGY SI ANO ARDS. TRENCH AS SHOWN MINIMUM :-:\6" COVER. '1. OWNER WILL PROVIDE EXCAVhTION FOR Tf1ANSFDRMER VAULT PER VAULT EXCAVAIION DEH.IL. OWNER WILL PROVIDE .ALL BACK FILL COf/iPtiCTION ,'\ND RESTORA.TION. OWNER WILL DISPOSE OF ANY NA IIVE EXCAVATED MATERIAL NOT SUIT 1\DLE AS BACK FILL. 5. DEVELOPER IS l1[SPONS1Bl E FOR CONSTHUCTION COORDIN.HION AND OBT AIIJING UNDERGROUND LOCATES FOR ALL UTILITIES. 6. DEVELOPER SHALL PROVIDE /\ MINIMUM i\JOTICE OF 15 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO INST1\LL/1TION OF PSE FACILITIES "'DEVELOPER'S 1\PPROVA.L FOR ".l\.S BUILT" TRENCH DEPHI/VAULT ELEVATION AND LOCA rlONS. "'THE UNDERSIGNED ~\GREES Tl-11\T ALL PUGET SOUND ENERGY VAULTS AND CUSTOMER-PROVIDED TRENCHES HAVE BEEN EXCAVATED ACCORDING TO THIS WOF~i<. SKETCII AND THAT ALL EXCAVATION/DEPTHS OF SAID VAULTS A.ND TllEIKRES AIIE CORRECT AND FINAL DME S1GN1iT0RE OF DEVELOPER OR HIS/HER REPRESENT ATII/E GAS GENERAL NOTES I. CON IA Cl ONF CALL ~8 HOURS PRIOR TO BREAKING GROUND 1-800-424-5555 -- 2. NOTIFY APPROPRIATE PERMITTING AGENCY 48 HOURS PRIOF< TO JOB ST t\RT. 3. RECORD AclY CHANGES IAAKE TC LOCT ATION OR MA TERIAl_ ON PRlt-,J l COPY. 4. SEND PRINT ropy ALONG WITH COMPI FIFD WORKORDER LISTING CRE'N AND 1\CTUAL MATERIALS USED TO APPROPRIATE DESIGN GROUP IMMEDIATELLY UPON COMPI_ETION OF PROJECT. ':i. UNt.E:SS OTHER WISE NOTED: ALL PIPES JNST ALL ED IN PLAT TO BE 2 11 PRE IP Al.I CROSSING 4" PVC .1'1LL SE1\VICES%" PE I l FOOTAGE BETWEEN FITTINGS. / DtNOTES STUB LOCATIONS. 6. CUSTOMEfl DIG ANO BACKFILL ON PRIVATE PROPERTY or< EASEMENT ONLY. MUST CONFORM TO PSE STANDARDS, COPY .cTli\CHED. PSE TO DIG ANO BACKFlLL ON PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 7. l'lf<,\I_ BACKFILL MUST BE FREE FROM OBJECTS LARGER THAN APPROXIMATEl Y 6 INCH IN DIAMEIEn AND ALL CONST. DEBRIS. 8, PLl'ASE APPROVE CHANGES IN TRE FOLLOWING WITH TRE PROJECT Mt\NAGER(POR) PRIOI'\ TO INSTALLATION.: •A CHANCE IN METER LOCATION WRICR RESULTS IN THE INSTALLATION OF ADDITIONAL MAIN. •ANY CHANGES RESUI_ TING lN THE REOUCTIQfj OF srnv1cE IN PIPE SIZE. ><1\NY CHANGES R[SULTING THE SUBSTITUTION OF SERVICE FOR MAIN. *DEVELOPEWS APPROVAL f"="OR "AS BUILT'' H\ENCH DEPTH/VAULT ELEVATION A.ND LOCATIONS. .,. THE UNDERSiGNED AGREES THAT ALL PUGET SOUND ENERGY \/ AUL TS AW) CUSTOMER-P!-i'.OVIDED TRENCHES HAVE BEEN EXCAVATED ACCORDING TO THIS WORK SKETCH ANO THAT ALL EXCAVATION/DEPTHS OF SAID VAULTS AND rnENCHES Af,E CORRECT ANO FINAL DATE SIGNATUfl[--OF DEVF.LOPER OR HIS/HER REPRESENT A TJVE GAS MAIN INSTALLATION/RETIREMENT Vbh;tyMcp i i Estimated Actual Type/Work Pipe Size Type Length Length Manufacturer 1----------=--'-·------'------··---- ~. ~-----·------- -lo. .~~--·--· ------·-· ------0 I i 0, GAS MAIN PRESSURE & TESTING 0 TYPETEST I PRESSURE TESTED BY -lo. DATE ON TIME ON -..J ~. ------N DATE OFF TIME OFF Desigf1 Pres$----0, SYS MAOP PSIG N PROJE~T PHASE NOTIF # ORDER# -EiYB. I Superior 879246203 105017252 I -lo. \ St Light 616640709 105017253 I 0 Relocation I -..J Removal I 0 i Temporan -lo. Job Order N GAS Distributio 514585837 107012810 (X) HP Main -lo. I HP Svc/M A _.__ 0 ' CABLE[TV -Ow ner-AJf!JVet:pf:FGar/rxt-hfo PHONE ·1 ' Curtis G Shuster I ProjectlManager Contact Information: i 12505 Belred Rd #212 J Mark Enebrad Bellevue WA 98005 . (253)-606-7120 Cell Phone l ____ ATT~:_c~rtis G Shuster 2os-2s1-21_1_2~~1ce i (206)-680-4955 Pager I *For contacts below dial 1-888-CALL PSE(.225-5773/ 1'Locates Required 11 @) No CALL (800) 424-5555 "Outages Required" Yes (~0 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG "Flagging Required" (ye§) No THIS SKETCH NOT TO BE REL!ED UPON FOR EXACT LOCATION OF FACILITIES 5. REAL ESTATE/EASEMENT PERMIT 4 STD PLAT ESMT Citv of Kent . - l FUNCTION NAME PHONE NO DATE ' :2' PROJECT MGR Mark Enebrad (253) 395-7045 5130102 1! I ENGR-PDWER Brian Harmon '81-7156 5130/02 -- RE~# DATE BY !DESCRIPTION ENGR-GAS NIA NIA -- Erner Sect [Gas Wk Ctr COUNTY POWER WK CTR DRAWN BY Brian Harmon -----. 1----1.-_ King QCSOKG QCSOKE CHECKED BY i -- 114 SEC OP MAP PLAT MAP , APPRDVED BY SW-05-22-05 N/A 231.083 I FOREMAN #1 U-MAP NO (POWER) CIR MAP NO CIRCUIT NO FOREMAN #2 2205E019 2105E036 MST-23 MAPPING JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS . UTILITIES CONTACT PHONE# Watershed Terrace-21 Lot Plat INCIDENT MAOP: NO +PUGH Gas Order Elect Order SOUND 107012810 105017252 ENERGY 10112 SE 200th ST., Kent, WA,98031 SCALE 2 I 2 DESIGNED BY POTELCO 1" = 50' I l HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE KING COUNTY, SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 14, Northeast corner of Section 14. Township 23N. Range 5E. Found 3" brass disk l 634.25 North 1/4 corner of 14 Southeast 128th Street ----S88 '07' 44 "E 2_536. 98, 634.25' 11 12 with punch "KCSM", _ --A~~unable to read 126B. l9 '1~13 S t · 14 NO 1 '19 ' 14 "'·' ec 10n , Township l ,.. 23N, Range 5E. Found 1472.93' broken brass disk with Southeast 132nd Place-----=il:> g~~~~ · 2 ~6~~on contra 1 ·1. J. I Found plug with punch 0 in concrete, incased, ....... o.21·w of 16th line, ...... held for street alignment NBS 36'28"W ~ .., r----.., 1-------------------3_0_. 2_1 ·_·, f~~' :II . LO ~ '30 'I 1 ""' ~~ ll:.., .... ~ w 1:j oo 30,'~ 3 rn ru c8 N C\J :S 3: (1') LO ::S ~. 111(0 .,o i:i ,q-;:I (\J ..., I'll 1;?(1') =3: ~3:G) ..: re. !1~ LEG END: N :....g 0 .-Ila ~~G) ~ g :SI~ -;,--;:;.~~ ~ z ~1=° 0 ~ = Monument found as noted. :.,:5 I Visited May 3, 2001. oo ~ z~ 30r-----------------J30' Found 1-1/2" axle~ NOT TO SCALE with punch, incase 653 .50 -I\ ~~~~-_ 653.50' S88'53'08"E 1307.00' Southeast 136th Street BASIS OF BEARING: True North. Based upon Global Positioning System (GPS) Lambert Grid Washington State North Zane coordinates. A convergence angle· of 0•59·01.856" counter-clockwise was applied at a punch in a broken brass disk at the intersection of 156th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 128th Street. Monument is the North quarter corner of Section 14. Township 23 North. Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian. The North American Datum of 1983/1991 (NAO 83/91) grid coordinates were found to be 180828.770 / 1319243.796 at that point. The inverse of both the sea level correction factor of 0.999977357 and the grid scale factor of 1.000002203 was applied to the grid coordinates for shown ground distances. UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE: A private easement is hereby reserved for and granted to Puget Sound Energy Company, Qwest, Comcast, (other private utilities) , and their respective successors and assigns under and upon all private streets, alleyways and private drives, the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all Jots and tracts and 5.00 feet parallel with and adjoining alleyways and private drives.Further easements are reserved over private lands for vaults, Pedestals and related facilities("Vault Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the preceding sentence as fol lows: the Vault Easement may occupy up to an additional 5-feet in width (for a total width of 10 feet) with the length of each Vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the as-built vault (s) . The number and location of Vault Easements will be "as installed" during the utility's initial installation of facilities. The easements are reserved and granted in order to install, lay, construct, renew, operate and maintain underground pipe, conduit, cables, wires, vaults and pedestals with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric, telephone, gas, te lecommun icat ions, data transmission, street lights and utility service together with the right to enter upon the lats and tracts at all times far the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon far these purposes shall be restored as near as possible ta their original condition. No lines or wires for transmission of electric current, or far telephone, cable television, telecommunications or data transmission uses shall be placed or permitted ta be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. Na permanent structure shall be placed within the easement without permission from easement owners. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT COVENANT: The owners of private property within this Plat encumbered with drainage easements shown as "Private", hereby grant and convey ta King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington. the right, but not the obligation to convey or store storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King County, together with the right ·of. reasonable access (ingress/egress). to enter said drainage easement for the purpose of observing that the owners are properly operating and maintaining the drainage facilities contained therein. The owners of said property are responsible for operating, maintaining and repairing the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement, and are hereby required to obtain any required permits, from King County Department of Development and Environmental Services prior to filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drainage facilities (such as swales, channels, ditches, ponds, etc.), or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement. This covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their heirs, successors and assigns. I \ Found 1" iron ~~~--<~""'"~pipe, incased. KING COUNTY DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND COVENANT: All drainage easements within this Plat. not shown as "Private", are hereby granted and conveyed to King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington. far the purpose of conveying, storing, managing and facilitating storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King County, together with the right of reasonable access (ingress and egress), to enter said drainage easement for the purpose of inspecting, operating, maintaining, repairing and improving the drainage facilities contained therein. Note that except far the facilities which have been formally accepted for maintenance by King County, maintenance of drainage facilities on private property is the responsibility of the property owner. The owners of said private property are required to obtain prior written approval from King County Property Services, and any require permits from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services for activities such as clearing and grading, prior to filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drain age facilities (such as swa les. channels, ditches. ponds. etc.), or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities. contained within said drainage easement. This easement is intended to facilitate reasonable access to the drainage facilities. This easement and covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their heirs, successors and assigns. PLAT NOTES: 1) The monument contra 1 shown for th is site was accomp 1 ished by field traverse utilizing a one ( 1) second theodo 1 ite with integral electronic distance measuring meter (Geodimeter 600) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) / Static Global Positioning System (GPS). Linear and angular closure of the traverses meet the standards of WAC 332-130-090. 2) Full reliance for legal descriptions and recorded easements have been placed on the title report from Chicago Title Insurance Company Commitment order No. 1144641, dated August 2, 2004. No add it iona 1 research has been attempted. 3) Offset dimensions shown hereon are measured perpendicular to property lines. 4) The Articles of Incorporation for Hamilton Place Homeowners· Association are on file with the State of Washington in 01 ympia, Washington. The Hamil tan Place Homeowners· Association is empowered to maintain common property and facilities and charge fees to homeowners for maintenance, and enter into agreements with the City of Renton. 5) Tracts A. and E are hereby granted and conveyed to the Hamilton Place Homeowners Association (HOA) upon the recording of this Plat. Ownership and maintenance of said Tracts shall be the responsibility of the HOA. In the event that the HOA is dissolved or otherwise fails to meet its property tax obligations as evidenced by non-payment of property taxes for a period of eighteen (18) months. then each Lot shall assume and have an equal and undivided ownership interest in the Tracts previously owned by the HOA and have the attendent financial and maintenance responsibilities. 6) Tract C is a private Joint Use Driveway Tract for ingress, egress. utilities and private drainage for the benefit of the owners of Lots 22 and 23. Ownership of Lot 22 and Lot 23 within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract C, and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. VOLUME/PAGE TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. WASHINGTON PLAT NOTES (CONT.): 6) Tract C is a private Joint Use Driveway Tract for ingress, egress, utilities and private drainage far the benefit of the owners of Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17. Ownership of Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17 within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract D, and an equal and undivided responsibility far the maintenance of said Tract. · 8) The open space and recreation tract shown as Tract A is . hereby conveyed to the homeowners· association identified· in note 4 above. Said homeowners' association will be responsible for the maintenance of said Tract. 9) The house address system for this plat shall be as follows: Addresses shall be assigned for the North-South roads within the range of ___ ta ___ and within the range of ___ to ~--for the East-West roads. Individual addresses will be assigned to the principal entrance of each residence or building in accordance with King County Cade 16.08. 10) Trees located within the plat shall be maintained by the owners of the lat for which the trees grow in. Trees located within the street right-of-ways shall be awned and maintained by the Hamiltan Place homeowners association unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. 11) All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected ta the permanent storm drain outlet as shown an the approved construction drawings No. P-2938 on file with King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) and/or the Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application for any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior ta the final building inspection approval. For thoses lots that are designed for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with the plans an file. All individual stub-outs and infiltration systems shall be privately owned and maintained by the lat owner. 12) Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21A. 43, which imposes impact fees to fund schoo 1 improvements needed ta serve development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent (50%) of school impact fees were paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with King County Cade 21A.43.050. The balance of the assessed fee, $--·~per lot, together with the current administration fee, must be paid at the time of building permit issuance. 13) This plat is subject to King County Code 14.75, King County Road Mitigation Payment System (MPS) . The MPS fees plus the MPS administrative fee shall be paid at the time of building permit application at the rate in effect at that time. 14) The road and storm drainage systems shall be constructed according to the approved plan and profile, Plan No. on file with King County Department of Development and Env ironmenta 1 Services (ODES) . Any deviation from the approved plans will require written approval from the proper agency, currently ODES. 15) Tracts A through E are considered to be tracts pursuant to KCC 19A.04.330. A "tract" is land reserved far specified uses including, but not 1 imi ted to. reserve tracts, recreation, open space, sensitive areas, surf ace water retention, utility facilities and access. Tracts are not considered lats or building sites for purposes of residential dwelling construction. 16) KCC 16.82.1500 applies ta the subject property. Therefore construction work involving soil disturbance, grading and filling of the site, including individual residential building pad preparation, is prohibited from October 1 through March 31, unless otherwise approved by King County ODES or its successor agency, cons is tent with the prov is ions of KCC 16.82. 1500. 17) There shall be no direct vehicular access ta or from 158th Avenue Southeast or 160th Avenue Southeast from those lats which abut them. 18) Tract Bis a Storm Water Detention Tract and is hereby conveyed to King County for ownership & maintenance purposes. 19) Tract Eis a Wetland Tract and is to be owned and maintained by the HOA, identified in note 4 above. 20) Public Drainage Easement Restrictions: Structures, fill. or obstructions (including, but not limited to, decks, patios, outbuildings, or overhangs) shall not be permitted beyond the building setback line of the public drainage easements. Additionally, grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the public drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by King County DOES or its successor agency. 21) All private storm drainage easements shown hereon are hereby granted ta the lot owners who would benefit from the easement. The owners of the lots having benefit of use shall be equally responsible far the maintenance, repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the drainage facilites they have the benefit of use, except no owner shall be responsible for the mainten- ance, repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the commonly used storm sewer located upstream from the point of connection of that respective lot owner. ~ t Centre 33701 9th Avenue South INDEX D.ATA: SE-SE 04, T23N, R5E, WM LUA-__ LND- DOES • Federal Way, WA 98003 ~ <,;;;;a,-Pointe (253) 661-1901 <o ~ Surveying DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: September 9, 2004 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: NA JOB NO.: 1808 SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 2 OF 4 LUA-08-12.i_ VOLUME/PAGE DOES HAMILTON PLACE 11 A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W.M. ~Noeth 1/4 coeoee of l Section 14, Township 23N. Range 5E. Found broken brass disk with punch. Renton control point 2103. .j.,) .j.,) rn rn cd cd 0) 0) ~ ~ .j.,) .j.,) ;j I'. ;j 0 LO 0 ..... . a) lf). 0 lf). "I' (\J (.Q (T) (\j tD KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 0 ..... 30' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tract 5 Block 1 of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts. recorded in Volume 17, at page 60, of Plats, records of King County, Washington. ,....._T _____ _ 5'1 I Private I Storm Easement 1 5000 SQ.FT . 5'f----5' Private Storm I Easement I I , 1 0 0 co co w : (\J (T) 2 (T) (\J 4560 SQ.FT. • ..... 0 z 0 0 CX) CD w : 3 (\J (T) ('fJ 4560 SQ.FT. 01 ..... 0 z 4' cyclone r- ),-IQ \ 0 '-- \.,- -___ ate 0 N88'36'02"W103.81' - 0 en en w (\J (T) (T) (\J . ...., 0 z 4 4560 SQ.FT. 0 0 CX) ..... 0 z 51. 77' -------- 5 4560 SQ.FT. 0 0 z I I I I 0.5'N 585.97' 6 4560 SQ.FT. 10' Utility g -T-NB!G1~6"W 00 Private CXJ Storm Easement w (\J (T) (T) {iJ . ..... 0 z 7 4560 SQ.FT. -----------casement .,.<ti 3 2.46' ~ 51. 78' 51. 77' ----o ----------~~1~-:;-,;---------.. ----....:~~:..,. __ _.~----~~.:....--~ .... ----~5!1~.7:7~·--~ ... ----~5~1~.z1z1~·-1-: .... ~ ..... ,..--~5~1~.~727~·~~~~--~~z.:---'0' ~·~: 51. 77' . ·oo.~7. NBS 0 36' 28 "W 536. 41 • l'--0) 3:: Q) (\J 0 ~-----L 103.60 ;j : ;j ~ "f ~ ('fJ Q) OJ 0) 3: cu· ------ : O'I 'Si" 0 ROAD 256. 13' st "A" S88"36'28"E 646.87' 238.00' :> <G ~ ,+,) (0 LO ~ (\J P> . 0 <G 0 z ~ .j.,) aJ LO ~ Found 1-1/2" axle 'Si" Lf) . 0 0 z 30' . 'Si" 0 'Si" Lf) . 0 0 z 1£::;'·~. ---- 0 30 60 SCALE: 1'' -30' TRACT "E" (WETLAND AND BUFFER) 14240 SQ.FT. 174.20' _189.24' TRACT "B" (WET/DETENTION POND) 17260 SQ.FT. Encroachment easement rRec. No. L 165.78' 5' cyclon fence LEGEND: ~ = MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED. VISITED MAY. 2001 . • = SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED " 22338/38965" , )8( = SET "X" IN BRASS DISK IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. ~ Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA 98003 p • t (253) 661-1901 ~ .... 01ne t Surveying DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED EY: S Woods EXPIRES 5-23-2005 DATE: September 9, 2004 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: 1" = 30' JOB NO.: 1808 10' Utility asement S88 °36 '28 "E 5 7. 11' 20.00' 10' w {iJ. ('f')lD ('r) 0) (\J • • (D ..... <;/' 0 z 0 0 o 52 50' .,.;-L . -t- 52.50' ~ 0 z 0 ::3 0 0) I 21 w 20 = ' {iJ (T) 4730 SQ.FT. (.) 730 SQ.FT. (l'J ~ (\J . ..... 0 ~ z 152.50' 52.50' N88"36'28"W 115.00' ~\ ),-..., r- ,( , ... (\:·-' '--22 \ ' 5500 SQ. FT. N88'36'28"W 105.00' 23 6590 SQ.FT. 125.00' 4' cyclone 653.50' S88"53'08"E 1307.00' 0 0 0 0) w (\J (T) ('fJ {iJ ' ..... 0 z : (\J (T) 0 (fl 0 (\J • ,0 '<'"< LO 0 z Southeast 136th Street INDEX DATA SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 3 OF 4 52.50' 4730 SQ.FT. ODES VOLUME/PAGE HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. KING COUNTY, 51. 77' 5 4560 SQ.FT. I I I I 0.5'N )... \ 0"" \,. sss·3s·2s"E 585.97' . 51. 77' -N88 '36~2'~ 51. 70' - 'S--1 0 z 6 4560 SQ.FT. --0.4' g r -N86~1 ~·11 00 Private OJ Storm w C\J (T) (TJ (\J . 'S--1 0 z Easement 7 4560 SQ.FT. 10' Utility casement ---- I,,. I I~ (1 I~ I~ y (' \.., \ ..._) -,, \,-(1) ----- 8 4560 SQ.FT. '<'1 0 z 0 ..., ---51. 77' 51. 77' 51. 77' N88'36'28"W 536.41' ROAD "A" S88'36'28"E 646.87' 238.00' 51.77' ...... ...., ..__) N88'04'14"W 47.94' ------- 0 0 OJ OJ w 9 ' C\J ('T'J 4560 SQ.FT. (T) C\J . 'S--1 0 z --- 51.77' WASHINGTON _. Southeast 132nd Place () )... V \ (' \.., ,.) \,- fence ----S8B74975B~ 0 0 OJ OJ w 10 ' C\J ('T'J 4560 SQ.FT. [T) C\J ' 'S--1 0 z -- 0 51. 77' ..... ---~ Found plug with punch in concrete, incased, 0.21'W of 16th line, held for street alignment _116~6-;------f g Private . Storm OJ Easement OJ • w . C\J ('T'J ('T'J (\J . 'S--1 0 z 11 5320 SQ.FT. 37.98' co OJ 0 ..-1 ..., ..., 0 (j) ..... ' N88 315728 ''W 30.21' 30' - (j) U1 0 ...... ...... L-SE 152.74' (\J Ol 10' Utility asement S88 '36 '28 "E 5 7. 11 ' ~ _22,50' t 52.50' 52.50' ----57.50' ---- ... g ~ u g i-:t ~ w '"""\ 21 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ol 0) w ::c: w 20 C\J w 19 w 18 ' ' (\J 4730 SQ.FT. (\J t.) 730 SQ. FT. 01 4730 SQ.FT. (Yj 5180 SQ.FT. ('T'J ('T'J (Yj ~ ~ r-i '<'"1 0 z (\J • 'S--1 0 z [T) ('J . "M 0 z 152,50· 52.50' NBS '36'28"W 115.00' ,;::., )... '-" r-~, \ (;.: .... , "" 2 2 Nss·35·2s·w 100.00· w 17 5500 SQ.FT. 4840 SO.FT. Nss·35·2s·w 105.oo· 23 6590 SO.FT. I 1 LJ.J 16 6120 SQ.FT. I LEGEND: 1: ~ = MONUMENT FOUND AS NdTED . 113.00' 4' cyclone fence VISITED MAY , 2001. e = SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED " 22338/38965" . ~=SET "X" IN BRASS DISK IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. 26. 00' 13' 13' I 0 ... 0 ... -Q 0 0 0 ... f-LO .... 'S--1 I.J.. 0 E-lg1 ;D OJ uo (\J (0 ('T'J <r:;-;; m ~ r-i E-1 ; z 0 13' 0 55.00' 31. 87' ..... --- 0 0 0 0 0) 0 13 w 12 ' 0 Ol 4950 SO.FT. (\J (T) 5090 SO.FT. ('T'J 5' Private C\J Storm • Easement -:-1 __ J ______ 0 z in 55.00' lC'l 60.00' 0 N88°36'28' 115.00' Cl) (Y') (\J 14 5650 SQ.FT. Nss·3s·2s"w 105.39' 15 7040 SQ.FT. 132.79' 5' cyclone fence TOTAL ACREAGE: OVERALL -188380 SQ. FT./ 4.325 ACRES ROAD -25180 SQ. FT./ 0.578 ACRES " (\J (D (D (D 0 0 LO OJ ('T'J 0 LO Ol (D 0 (\J ('T'J w ....; 1: I I I C\J 0 (\j . ...... 0 ([) -(\J (lJ (\J (lJ (lJ 30' lO (\J (\j -1--,) ~ rt). ....; co ~ Cl) ~~ -..j,..) ~ ;:j . ....; 0 ~ lf). (l) ~ ~ ~ <r: raCl +) 0 CD ~ 653.50' S88"53'08"E 1307.00' Found 1" iron pipe,--...._. \ incased . ~ Southeast 136th Street 0 30 60 ~ ~ Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA 96003 p • t (253) 661-1901 ~ ~ Oln e t Surveying INDEX DATA: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St .. Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 SCALE: DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: September 9, 2004 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: 1" = 30' JOB NO.: 1808 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 4 OF 4 .. 1 '' 30' LUA-OB -,2.2. ...... • II II,) q 0 10 20 e. __ ,, 40 I P.AF~. 2 ((}2(5()) ··,-.... ,.., CONSTRUCT ASPHALT RAMP W/8% MAX. SLOPE • . • • ' ' 16 ( ( '<; / 158TH AVENUE S.E. FRONT AGE IMPROVEMENTS A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. NOTE: PROVIDE FULL STREET OVERLAY FOR 158TH AVE S.E. PER 1993 KCRS 4.01 F PUBUC SEWER TO BE----, DESIGNED PER SEPARATE PLANS ':J\Q CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON STA. 10+00.00; ROAD "A"- STA. 7+12.51; 158TH AVE. SE ---------·---r/ -· ------· ... SAWCUT EXISTING ASPHALT u~ TO PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITION ,. WITH NEW ASPHALT ' . i2 • I ' \ _____________________ cxrsr. rr ...- w 5 C 0 :t c:, a.. g w C\I "' g ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 <( ~ ~ a: z _J d "' "' LL w 0.. cJ cJ ::? z ,i, ,i, w w z w "' ffi Cl) ~ 0 w _J 0.. 0.. ~ 0 0 w a: w w a: V) "' ~ -~ ~ a.. ~ Cl) "' "' ::? <( w J: (D (D ..: -I 0 "' "' C. Cl 0 ~ tc; 0 0 0 :g LO 0 0 " ...... _____________ J _____ ---------------------------------------- / (TYP. 2 LOCATIONS} DP·''f.\d'" \. ·--~-'it,, ~------------------------------- A:-. / ----~------------~ <O <O ~ ·12'· CULVERT / EXISTING POWEi~ ~OL[ _// ASPHALT RAMP\. BERill DOWNSTREAM'SIDE OF , .EX. DITCH .AS NECESSARY fi')· DIRECT ALL STORMWA1Hl. TO 15" SD. S04 _ "· ~ < .i / < 7 LF f$" SD , IE=503:37 I, < ' < W/RIP RAP i'A~ ~ [ /,_~ CONSTRU~T NEW DITCHl,f"ROM , 1,?° SD TO EX.l].DITCH TO < Gl:!,ANNfL WATER\ TO 4 5" SD EX. GROUND. ELEVATION ALONG S. PROPOEHTY LINE IS, HIGHER THAN EX. DITCH ' . \ 0. "< "' <~ I" 3:1 MAX -!~ .'-..... FLOODPLAIN NOTE: BASED ON CALCULATIONS AND NEW 15" OUTLET PIPE, FLOOD PLAN EUEVATION IS 503.78. FLOOD PLAINS LIMITS WILL BE CONTAINED WITHIN 5' OF NEW STORM DRAIN. • 9 LF 15'.' (DI•@ •1:39% .. • • 2.53% • ' \ t> .. \ < " ·. < ~ • I \ EX. W_ETLAND LOCATJPN < 2:1 SLOPE 'IJNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN (TYP.) < < BY OtfiERS / , (_ "< I <c::, " " I _i;___ t.::: V - y TRACT 'E' (S.A.T.) TRACT (RECREATION SPACE) • • • EXiSTING G.ROUND @ fl• PIPE . ---- ·············~·· .. : . . :: . . • 0~ ;±-. ·C.,V-.,. ,- . -~(0-~. . ·CIJ ol.C) -=u . en LO. II :<C . ·~ .11.u, II:_ ----u &J· U) '"CJ : : :~' :oo' c§ -:n~-a:_. 0::: . §~~t . z 2.58% · ;~3:~~1;;~;;E==========:·~J·I·3· i' :· ~-oc;~-:,h3~9~%-'~--~-----~~0===----~ --~-·-----·188 ·Lf .. 15... · " · · • ~1::q2-"SD ---~-----. - . • 01 ·o· ... '50() · STA 4+93, 18 • • IE=50 .10 · · BEVEL PIPE END, · • • • W /RIP RAP PAD . . . . . (\ t---.-•-7 LF '15~ SD @ 2.00% . .... ' ... CB HA.JYPE.L . W/SOUO LOCKING LID •. STA.5+02.36,• 18.B7' RT .. RIM=506, 14 , .. IE=503.23 ( 15'} IE;.503.23 (8') • . • 3 LFi8" DI@ 2;00%' . CB HB GURB INlET · (SEE · DETAIL 1H1S · SHEET} · • W/iHRU;..CURB iNLEJ ... • STA;5+D2.;l6, 1 ei, 1 r RT . · RIM=505.64 • IE=503.29 (8"} .. . 0,. ' I':'. (0 . ' z tri . ~0-. . . LI) . 5+00 . . "' . cq OI . . 1.n lO . . . ~o . . LO . 6+00 C8#14'TYPE 1 · · · W SOLID LOCKING UD • · . S A 6+,90.24; 19;00' ~T .. · · · RIM=510.38 · · · IE=505,88 (15'l· • 1E;,so4;13 c12· • .. 158TH AVENUE• S.E. - • l ":c20' .. . :,:"~5' '.'' r,,;.-- ... ~~ r-,.. . .oo, : : : 0 U):: 7+00 m ITT ~ ro =-----+ -----+ ro PROPOSED ASPHALT (SEE ROAD SECTION THIS SHEET) --------E.X!ST. EP 0 0 ... ... ~ 0 21 -N C $ -Q .iii ~ N d i= z r-;:-:_.:.___,,._:...c.• _c=====-~-==.-+cce. ~.~~-c-,~~ _ BEVfL. eJP£. . .,END,-···-· -:/··• ..... . ...... ·)\·· ...... ··12' \ ............ * 0;,-_·_.,c.7::.-_'-li..~'-..... :.-.·,· ... i.·,;.._ ··"'+---· .. _·-_p1~:_R5_0D3ET.1AOIL __ c_1_0 _____ --,-__ _ F--·--t<}-··-~<7 ~ , -- l'· i ···-/· / tXUl\G Cf!A:U Ul>K • CB-~ ;:·,:·,, c·~· · 'f'; :; ·: p<:· J:\' 1:7; ' , · .. ,k, .. I., U. ,,1 .. N,,}·:1··.C .\ ' ' ,' \ . ' EY!ST. 12~ itULVEf-{f ···--·1 ........ ..\ ';:· 11 ·1' -.,., ! " ·:;g l , .. ,,J-»jl.,,. !.E.(S) ,,, '.:;f.1'i CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP I PER DETAIL ON SHEET c,o: (TYP. 2 LOCATIONS} 1 INDICATES DIRECTION OF SURFACE WATER FLOW (TYP) I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I J , \ 13 LF 12" SD L EXiSTi\G rowu:; FJOL<: / • I ! l LOT 8 30' R W ' ±13' (,158TH AVE) 2% w z 30' R W i';! 16' (158TH AVE) 5' 1' 7.5' (158TH) ~ 1-----~~--~---1 1-~--~t--t----~--'--1 z, 0.5' SIDEWALK w 0 ±10' (158TH AVE) 2% 2% EXIST. PAVEMENT SECTION ' . . .:;:.; ' SAWCUT AND SEAL JOINT 3" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE PER KCRS 4.01A, ALTERNATE I CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 0 0 ...... w LO C\I 0 ..... I-0 l\j - • :::> CX) I 0 Cl) m U) _j ~ ~ C\I _j -(0 -J: -0 -w --lo C\I Cl) :::> -> CD • w w ~ w _J z • z _J 0 ALTERNATE __ ) 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE 4" COMPACTED DEPTH ATB(_ 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE ·PROPOSED· GRADE @ FLOWLINE · .• · O @ 2;_94% · · 128 LF 12 S -· . -.:I-.. . \"!I"'). .. ~r-"')' L() ...... . .. LO. s+oo ,_ ____ .,..--:-..:-· . I SIA 8+31.22 . IE=511.87 BEVEL• PIPE END · . . . . : . . . . . 13 LF 12" SD @ 14.90% · · · · · · · · :csg15 TYPE r W/SO~IO LOCKINQ LID• • . STA 8+ 18.95, . ,.9.00' RT. RIM=514.39 • ... IE=509.89 (12") . . .. ,.:n u ' ,1"" '° . 510 GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) 0 C\I w J: CD a.. 1 #3 BAR HOOP 2 #3 BAR HOOPS #3 BAR EACH CORNER #3 BAR EACH SIDE fOP & BOTTOM CURB INLET C') C\I ...... 158TH AVENUE NE KING COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD COLLECTOR .Q I C 0 D NOT TO SCALE in N 1-#3 BAR ACROSS BOTTO FRAME AND GRATE SEE SEC. 7.05 AND APPLICABLE DWGS. 6" RISER SECTION 12" RISER SECTION NOTES: 1. CURB INLET TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C478 & C890 UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS OR NOTED IN THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS . 2. AS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO REBAR, WELDED WIRE FABRIC HAVING A MIN. AREA OF 0.12 SQUARE INCHES PER FOOT MAY BE USED. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL COMPLY TO ASTM A497. WIRE FABRIC SHALL NOT BE PLACED IN KNOCKOUTS. 3. ALL REINFORCED CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRCTE SHALL BE CLASS 4000. 4. PRECAST BASES SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH CUTOUTS OR KNOCKOUTS. KNOCKOUTS SHALL HAVE A WALL THICKNESS OF 2" MIN. ALL PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN FACTORY PROVIDED KNOCKOUTS. UNUSED KNOCKOUTS NEED NOT BE GROUTED IF WALL IS LEFT INTACT. 5. KNOCKOUT OR CUTOUT HOLE SIZE IS EQUAL TO PIPE OUTER DIAM. PLUS CURB INLET WALL THICKNESS. 6. ROUND KNOCKOUTS MAY BE ON ALL 4 SIDES WITH MAX. DIAM. OF 17". 7. THE MAX. DEPTH FROM THE FINISHED GRADE TO THE PIPE INVERT IS 5'-0". 8. THE TAPER ON THE SIDES OF THE PRECAST BASE SECTION AND RISER SECTION SHALL NOT EXCEED 1 /2"/FT. 9. CONCRCTE INLET FRAME AND GRATES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND MEET THE STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS OF FEDERAL SPECIFICATION RR-F-621D. MATING SURFACES SHALL BE FINISHED TO ASSURE NON-ROCKING FIT WITH ANY OTHER COVER POSITION. 10. FRAME AND GRATE MAY BE INSTALLED WITH FLANGE DOWN OR CAST INTO RISER. 0. I c, 0l 0 1---------1- N :s b .! " "' Q 0 u N V) '<:! 0 • :,: ~ 0 in =e II 0 • > ~ N ~ I 0 1------------18 8i ' ~ co, QI " " 0 C 0 ·i C "" ;< u e 0 0 .c Q Q " ~1 " ~ e C. C. < ~ 2 C Q N D I 0 00 0 --N 1-----------1" -"' ,_ :r: 1--::, 0 ff) w ::, X z ~ w N ~ I") N N 0 N 00 00 N r... a z m (D 00 I I N <l'. r... ~ ~ :s: l() LO l() NN ~ ~~L() N ZNN 00 w .... -st ~ :,,:: .._, '-' • !;J (.!) u z ii: zw z tf) ::i -' 11. ..: Cl 1--' ~~ z •O <O a,: z--> a,: z ww w z . -(.!) (.!) z z-w c;:; -' ii: > ::, u tf) X '') ,n co m E ~~ PRECAST BASE SECTION ..:::;0 -, (MEASUREMENT AT THE TOP ,. I 0 c, CJ OF THE BASE) ~ ,--------------------..... I KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. ()cy Review Engineer Completion Date l>-e •, ITT w C Q> C m / G Review Engineer =--...,-,,--,:-.,-.j------r----~8 Completion Date KCRS STANDARD DETAIL 2-012 JAMES H. SANDERS, P .E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: .8 ~---,---=,-,---I E Approval Date ~ 0 C\I 0 :::= NOT TO SCALE EXPIRES 9 /23 /07 z .c 0 ~ ..... • II I\) q 51() ill LE. y1 20 l I '1~ 11\ 506.54 50GBO 40 I ----------.. \ i::XIST. CE/ RiM '"' 511 28 !.€. '"' 505.$4 ~ II' ~ e=J 0 ~ ............ c:i. .z u.J . ··~· · 1'1 . .~. ·-·~· . "' . ·-· ·i$. ·V). . II. ·"" • r:?y_ li" §L~ . . Ct:-.-r-. . . . -o, 5l : 1Eae50B;30 STA 14+89; 17 -' . . . . ... ' ; .... 1E=506.4S ····· ·····'· .GB#16 TYPE i Bt:1/El PIPE E:ND ; ·W SOLID LOCK. ING LID W/ RIP RAP PAD . . . . STA 15+01.49, 15:zs: Lt RIM~512.05 : lf:,,,508.95 . (12") : -----····· ···································. · 12 LF 12" S0@'4.F% 0 "' 0 "l -~ ~ I() 15+00 . ' PROPOS~O GRAD.E @. FLOWl;INE; -~~--- ____ ,~---. , ; !l @<3,B3% 0 0 0 0 "' . 0 "' ti' ,.; ,n Cf) ~· co -· I() "' . . . . . . . . . . . 16+00 160TH AVENUE S.E. FRONT AGE IMPROVEMENTS A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON \ EXi\;T, C8 \. ....... ••••••••-·•""" i~lM ~" b2D.93 LE. -"' SH:UO (L('ri) 1.E, """ 5;-g_-;7 (i2"S) STA.16+46.87: ROAD "A"~ STA.17+11.52: 16DTH AVE. SE NOTE: PROVIDE FULL STREET OVERLAY ALONG FRONTAGE FOR 160TH AVE S.E. PER 1993 KCRS 4.01F ::Hil . rb~~~ ~ . ; ·t0 C.,.C7-!P.;Z1c, r'- Nl""J ?;r:,:~:;:,. · 0 ' ~ ~·~ · !2 ····~o '°u···~~c ~> :._·:,:. ' ·u," "'r_ll) ·····N ~ ~m ..--o:::oo · o 1.u. · :~J:~: .t-!:: ~'f~tng,i~:~: '-'¥>. . ~ . l:::"'ii:z " ·>-,..,·_.,_ .• n =i ..... o..,.. w · ·V> · i-,...... ~: ~Li.J-Z.: ... H&J .;;J t--O.. :"-:::) !:::! C.. CD ::I (.).C . 5 !!,/ ;::-. C "'"··--·~· . "' ·X . 1- . .:: I t I I I I I I I I ' * . ·············ei· ··:·:g oJ "' ·+ • <X) ,i: ~ i5 . :;: \ \ ·540. .[jj • ~ . ' . . . . . . ' .. ········ · ···········.!iii· J . ' 530! u.J ~.1 %' • EXISTiNG GROUND @ : FLOWLINE - ; . -·----___,, ___ _ o: Cli#17 ITYPE i . 0 . W . SO IP LOC ING : UD STA 17+29.96, 16.54' LT. . . . . RIM,;,520.72 . : : : .. : ... .....•....•.. -..•... :~:gII~~· i~rd·2·Na:Jri .. 160TH • AVENUE . S.E. :fo;=iio:·: :,:";=:s:·: -- 75 LOT 2 rcffOC.i! ~'-··--~/ -,,: 1 ..... , 30' R W w z 7.5' 1' 5' 16' :::J 1--~~-++--'---I ~---+--------s§j SIDEV/ALK 0.5' IZ w 0 ±11' 2% _1L EXIST. PAVEMENT ±16' 2% SECTION SAWCUT AND SEAL JOINT 30' R W CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 3" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE PER KCRS 4.01A, ALTERNATE 11 > > ~ ~ w cS ~ O'. O'. u (_) "' cc cc r:'r: w w Q. 0. 0 0 w w V, V, > cS w Q'. er rn [I) "' 1' 0 0 0 0 0 0 CJ C) 0 0 " ,, 0 0 ', ' N N ,, " " ("'-! 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE __ 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4" COMPACTED DEPTH ATB GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) 160TH AVENUE NE ' KING COU,NTY NEIGHBORHOOD COLLECTOR NOT TO SCALE t I KING COUN1Y D.D.E.S. C .2 w ·;; ~ "' ~ ll. ll. <( ~ u ~ ,'!l " C d z Review Engineer Completion Date w c:, ; ~ 0 z a: u. w ~ w w CJ) e5 ~ a: a.. ~ J: - b (0 ...... .I i= 0 0 ...... ~ - • :) Q CJ) ...J ~ ' ...J -~ --- CJ) m ' ~ w • z 0 C\I (") C\I ..... w 0 :s a.. z 0 ~ -~ <( I Ii) 0 0 00 0, ~ -w :) > w ...J _J w m ..-- 5 0 a.. C\I 0 ...J d z w ...J -u. CJ) w 0 0 C\I ~ I lo C\I -(0 0 C\I -w z 0 I a.. _Q I C 0 v Q_ I 0 N 0 1-----------1;:: ] b 0 ;; C "' 0 0 0 II 'E 0 N V) 'C ft. 0 • :,: - io II • ~ 'h I 0 N 0 "' +S I 0 '-------------1'" .. 0 d c., ~ oj C .., ~ " C 0 C "' -~ ~ 0 e 0 .!!l ~ C u ~1 " ~ 2 ll. .'t ~ :'l "i 2 " 0 "' .Ll I 0 ,., 0 N 1-----------lm V C I I- ::J 0 VJ w ::J X ~ z w N ~ f") N N ON 00 00 N t°'-C, z en <.0 oo <{ ,.!_ l N rs-:S: LD LO LO NN ~ ~L()L() N ZNN 00 w -st -st ~ :.'.: ..__,, ..__,, C/1 .w (.0 u z--> z a:: zW :s C/1 tl. :J Cl I-' zZ :s~ z •O (.0 a:: z--> a:: z ww w z . -(.0 (.0 z z-w 1::i :! 6c ;,, ::::, UC/1 X 0 N II V 0 u v, .,. 0 0 "' CT> N " T 0 CT> ~ 'O '::' I 0 N 0 / 0, C ·c ill V C 0, C w 0 _______ __., _____ .... ------1:8 CD ~o "' y ": CD "': q. '° ....: Q') 0 Nr,rj . v-. "' -I Completion Date in -LO: N S'l ~'! N c·, LI') '" en •I) LI') . Lh. 17+00 18+00 I Review Engineer JAMES H. SANDERS, P.E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: C • .D Approval Date E , z .D 0 ~ 0 C\I 'l, 0 ~ ,:; ;:: V) (") m ..-0 0 0 ~ -o- ~ CL Ow '----·---------------------------------------------------------..L_ ______ i__ ____ .L.,,._..L__:Jjce -oa-12..z.. --------~-- 1"=30' 30 60 1§\- STA. 10+00.00; ROAD " "~ STA. 7+12.51; 158TH A E. SE SEE SHEET C3 FOR J 158TH AVE. S.E. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS / E' .Li'L D IVCNAY 10· UTIUlY EASEMENT HYDROSEED ~--, DISTURBED AREAS 3' 5' CEMENT CONCRETE ROLLED CURB PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-002 1 ' L.OT G i'· ,, ------------~----- SHEO ONSITE ROAD AND DRAINAGE PLAN A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC.14, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. LOT '.;) CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON /7 CONSTRUCT INTERCEPTOR TRENCH PER DETAIL ON C10 EXl:3T. POWE}?. POd'.. c.o. (lYP):::: (-t:1_· -----.. _ :. ;~: FOUHAN 'N/ POOL I - S88" 36\28~t 585.97' --------------------- 20 --;1 - .5'_ P_!lJ'{ATE SJO!l.M-• • [ DRAIN EASEMENT , --, ------ ' ' --TRACT "A" -~ ,.,...-- (RECREATTOff SPl\eEr 127 LF 24" SD -+- ---, ·--·· r, -------------- 1 O' STORM ====R=\~ DRAIN EASEMENT \ TO KING COUNlY -STOR;~~E -~_,..-.....cl-ol,I -. ------------- ' ' 20' WIDE INGRm/ GlESS AND UTILITIES E E T TO KING COUNlY F R MAINTENANCE OF T C '8' ' ' -' ' :-PROPOSED "" I L THICl<ENE.Q1~'!) -------"- 20 I _j // 512 6" PVC TIGHTLINE FOR CONNECTION OF FOOTING DRAINS ONLY l __ -j 16 MIN F.F.=513.0 : --W ,-- • 6" PVC TiHTLINE FD[! CON ECTION OF FOOTI G DRAINS OfilbY . l \ ____ I 3 00 12' WIDE INGRESS/EGRESS 1, N88"42'04"W 588.39' 21' R W / -tj-·- .o t·· l}J '"'-! "~...___ tx1<r. 1 /' CULVERT i:Cjtt-l) "' '.)Q:',_!)2 ' I I 12' 2% w, z :::J "' ~ w 0 12' 2% ·--··,. ·• o.,_.;_ DAYLIGHT WALL DRAIN AND UTILTIES EASEMENT TO •' KING COUNlY i I CONSTRUCT NEW DITCH W/6" MIN DEPTH AS SHOWN ~ 1! i' ii \\ ( SPECIAL NOTES: 21' R W 2· 1. ALL LOTS HAVE A PERFORATED STUB-OUT AS DETAILED ON SHEET C10 FOR THE TIGHTLINE SYSTEM BETWEEN THE HOUSE AND PUBLJC STORM SYSTEM. 5' 3' 2% :-0 -j'. A« 1 o· UTILITY EASEMENT HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS 5" THICK CEMENT CONCRETE SI EWALK PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-001 6" 2'' COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE 3' 1-1 /2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE } ALTERNATE --4" COMPACTED DEPTH ATB THICKENED ASPHALT EDGE 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) 22 20' J.U.D.T. 15' HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE -- 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4" COMPACTED DEPTH ATB GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) SE 133RD PL. KING COUNTY URBAN SUBACCESS TRACT "C" JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE 1' 1' 2· CEMENT CONCRETE ROLLED CURB. SEE KCRS DWG. NO. 3-002 TRACT "D" ' I STA.16+46.87; ROAD "A"~ STA.17+11.52; 160TH AVE. SE SEE SHEET C4 FOR 160TH AVE. S. E. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS C\fST. FWE H'd)R.4NT S.E. 134TH STREET i<L '"" 5(XS.7$ (12">1) '.t.. "" 500.54 (i'.(S) LC. ·.,. '."lOitBO (1:t'NE) 35 f5 f5 1B 1B 0:: 0:: u cJ ::tZ Yo ffi ffi CL CL fa ri:l (/) (/) ~ ~ 0:: 0:: C I N .,.... () z 26' PRIVATE ACCESS TRACT ' I ' 131 \ 111 ' 13' 11 ' 1 • 1 ' w, ~1 w, ~\ 2· _,-o· o o o COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS '8' ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT i 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COUR~ ALTERNATE (5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE _J 4" ATB ' -ADDITIONAL TREATMENT MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOILS CONDITIONS . PER KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS SECTION 4.02 8 0.. w (',I oO <( ...J ...J . 0.. 0 zz 0W I-:::I ...J LL ~ Cl) <( w J.: 0 0 _Q I C 0 -0 1-----------1,, I 0 N .ll 0 Cl 0 N -I 0 N 0 N -D I 0 N 0 N in 1-----------42 X :r: ~ 0 U) rn .w '-' (.) Z> z "' zW ::s "' [L -' og Zw ::s :::. z •O '-' "' z--> 0:: z ww w z . -'-' '-' z r5 ?:i ::::!~ >::::, u rn !D ,-. -,- 0 0 N ..... a, N ·;;, 0 2 0- 1 0 ,., 0 PRIVATE ACCESS TRACT KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. ·c:: m ill NOT TO SCALE EXPIRES 9/23/07 Review Engineer Review Engineer JAMES H. SANDERS, P.E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: Completion Date -~ '" C m / 0 N C--o-mp-le_t-,o-n~D-a-te-l-----'"'T-----,11 ~ S21 i t -----,,D~t-1 t Approval a e ~ z -ll ~ 0 0 ~-o- (01;; oi ~ I c: '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------....L-----------....... -----'i---:~ ...... ~---" ---------· ---~-· --~·--~-~ ~-----~ --~~ ___ IA4_ -~(.)8""'.""_, ~~ ---------~ -----~ -" ,___ ~ -----"--··----·~ ----~ ~· --~" -~·· ------·~---~- --------------------- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FROM HEARING EXAMINER'S REPORT AND DECISION 1. COMPLIANCE 'Mlli All PLATTING PRO~SIONS Of TillI 19 Of mE KING COUNTY CODE. 2. ALL PERSONS HA~NG AN OllllER:lilP INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT PROPERTY SHALL SIGN ON THE FACE Of THE FlNAL PLAT A DEDICATION lliAT INCLUDES THE LANGUAGE SET FORTH IN KING WJNTY COUNCIL MOTION NO. 5952 3. THE PLAT SHAil COMPLY V!lli lllE BASE DENSITY AND MINIMUM DENmY RE().JIREMENTS Of TllE R-6 ZONE CUISSIFlCATION. All LOTS SHALL MEET TllE MINIMUM DIMEN~ONAL RE(IJIREMENTS Of TllE R-6 ZONE CUISSIFlCATION OR SHALL BE AS SH0\\11 ON TllE FACE OF lllE APPR0\£0 PRELIMINARY PLAT, llll1CHE\£R IS LARGER, EXCEPT TllAT MINOR RE\1~0NS TO TllE PLAT lllllCH DO NOT RESULT IN SUBSTANTIAL CHANGES MAY BE APPRO\£D AT THE DISCRETION llf lliE DEPARmENT OF DE\UOPMENT AND EN~RONMENTAL SER~CES. 4. ALL CONSTRUCTION AND UPGRADING Of PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ROADS SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE V!lli lliE KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS ESTABLISHED AND ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 11187, AS AMENDED (1993 KCRS). 5. THE APPLICANT MUST OBT.AJN lllE APPROVAL OF THE KING CIJJNTY FlRE PROTECTION ENGINEER FOR TllE AOE().JACY OF -~E FlRE HYDRANT, WAJER MAIN, AND FlRE FLOW STANDARDS Of CHAPTER 17.08 Of lHE KING COUNTY CODE. 6. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL SHALL REQUIRE FULL COMPLIANCE \\llli TllE DRAINAGE PRO~SIONS SET FORTll IN KING COUNTY C<JDE 9.04. COMPUANCLMAY RESULT IN REOUONC TIIE NUMBER AND/OR LOCATION OF LOTS AS SHOllll ON lllE PRELIMINARY APPROVED PLAT. PRELIMINARY RrnEW HAS IDEN!IFlED TIIE FCUOV!NG CONrnTIONS OF APPROVAL, l\\l!CH REPRESENT PORTIONS OF THE DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS. ALL OTIIER APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS IN KCC 9.04 AND THE 1998 KING CIJJNTY SURFACE Wl,TER DESIGN MANUAL (KCS'MJM) MUST ALSO BE SATISFIED DURING ENGINEERING AND FlNAL RrnEW. A. DRAINAGE PLANS AND ANAL~S SHAil COMPLY \\1TII TllE 1998 KCS'MJM. ODES APPROVAL OF TllE DRAINAGE AND IWADWAY PLANS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. B. CURRENT STANDARD PLAN NOTES AND ESC NOTES, AS ESTABLISHED BY ODES ENQNEERING RrnEW, SHALL BE 910\\li ON THE ENQNEERING PLANS. C. lllE FOLLOV!NG NOTE SHAil BE ~O\\N ON THE FlNAL RECORDED PLAT: " All BUILDING DO\\NSPOUTS, FOOTING DRAINS, AND DRAINS FROM All lMPER~OUS SURFACES SUCH AS PATIOS AND DRl\£WA YS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO TllE PE!IMANENT STORM DRAIN OUllET AS SHOl\\l ON lliE APPR0\£0 CONSTRUCTION DRA\\lNGS f ON FILE \\1TH ODES AND/OR THE DEPARmENT OF lRANSPORTATION. THIS PLAN :liALL IBE SUBMITTED 111TH THE APPUCATIOII OF ANY BUILDING PERMIT. Ali CONNECTIONS OF THE DRAINS MUST BE CONSTRUCIED AND APPR0\£D PRIOR TO TllE FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION APPROVAL. FOR TllOSE LOTS THAT ARE DE~GNATED FOR INDI\IDUAL LOT INFILTRATION SYSTEMS, THE SYSTEMS SHALL BE CONSJRUCTED AT THE TIME llf lllE BUILDING PERMIT AND SHALL COMPLY v.rrtt TllE PLANS ON FILE." 0. CORE REQUIREMENT NO. 1; DISCIIARGE AT U NATURAL LOCATION. Til[ APPLICANT HAS RECEl\£0 APPROVAL FOR THE an OF RENTON's REQUESTED Dl\£R~ON OF SURFACE WATER RELEASES 001\NSTREAM Of lliE PROJECT AND ARIJJND THE SPRINGBROO( SPRINGS WATERSHED. (SEE ADJUSmENT FlLE l01WD42). THE CONDITIONS FOR ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL SHALL BE SATISFIED DU~NG DE~GN AND RrnEW OF TllE PROJECfS ENaNEffilNG PLANS (SEE ATTACIIEMENT 2). E. CORE REOOIREMENT NO. 3; RUNOFF CONTRQ. STORM WAlER RUNOFF CONTRQ SHALL BE PRO~DED USING THE LE\£L TWO FLOW CONTRQ STANDARD AS SPEaFlED IN THE 1998 KCS'MJM. lliE SIZE OF 111[ PROPOSED DRAINAGE TRACT MAY HA\£ TO INCREASE TO ACCOMMIJIJAJE TllE REQUIRED DETENTION AND WATER IJJALITY STORAGE VOLUMES. TllE RUNOFF CONTRQ FAOLITIES SHAil BE LOCAJED IH A SEPERAJE TRACT AND DEDICATED TO KING COUNTY UNLESS PORTIONS Of lliE DRAINAGE TRACT ARE USED FOR REQUIRED REalEATION SPACE IN ACCORDANCE \\llli KCC 21A14.180. DUE TO TllE DESRE TO PROJEC[ GROUNDWATER, ROOF DRAIN STORM WATER SHALL NOT BE INFlLTRATEO OR DISPffiSED \\ITHIN lliE LOT AREAS AS NOl<MALLY REQ\IIREO BY SECTION 5.1.1 OF THE 1998 KCSI\UM (IF FEASIBLE). f. CORE REQUIREMENT NO. 4; CONVEYANCE SYSJEMS A NEW OUTlET PIPE FROM TllE DETENTION FACILITY IS PRll'OSED TO BE ROUTED THRIJJGH THE OTY RENTON'S WA!ERSHED PROPERTY. All NECESSARY OFF-SITE DRAINAGE IMPRO\£MENTS, PERMITS AND TEMPC!<ARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT SHALL RrnEl'IED AND APPR0\£0 BY THE QTY OF RENTON. TllE CITY Of RENTON'S 9GNIFICANT TREE RETENTION REWIREMENTS SHALL ALSO BE ADDRESSED FOR TlllS SEGMENT Of THE llff-~TE PIPE. G. CORE REQUIREMENT NO. 8; WATER QUALITY. AS SPWFlED IN THE MONS, THE RESIJJRCE STREAM PROJECTION WATER OOALITY STANDARD AND LINER FOR lllE WATER PORTION OF TllE POND IS REQUIRED FOR THIS Sil£. H. SPEaAL REQUIREMENT NO. 4; OlrlER ADOPTED AREA -SPECIFlC REQUIREMENTS. THE PRll'OSED PLAT IS LOCATED \\lllilN THE SOOS CREEK COIIMUNITY PLANNING AREA lllllCH CONTAINS SPECIAL P--SUFFIX CONDITIONS RELATED TO SEASONAL CONSTRUCTION AND TREE RETENTION. TllE APPLICABLI P-sumx REQUIREMENTS SHAil BE ADDRESSED ON lliE FlNAL ENGINEERING PLANS (SEE CONDITION 7). 7. TO IMPLIMENT KCC 11A.38.1JO lllllCH APPLIES TO THE SITE, A DETAILED lREE RETENTION PLAN SHAil BE SUBMITTED V!'IH TllE ENQNEERING PLANS FOR THE SUBJECT PLAT. TllE TREE RETENTION PLAN (AND ENGINEERING PLANS) SHALL BE CONSISTANT 111TH THE REQUIREMENTS llf KCC 11A38.130. NO CLEARING OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS PERMITTED UNTIL THE FlNAL TREE RETENTION PLAN IS APPRO\£D BY LUSO. FLAGGING AND TEMPORARY FENONG Of TREES TO BE RETAINED SHALL BE PRO~DED, COHS1STAN1 Mlll KCC 21A.38.130B4. THE PLACEMENT OF IMPER~OUS SURFACES, Flll MAJERIAL, EXCAVATION WORK, OIi THE STORAGE Of CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS IS PROHIBITED \\lTHIN TllE FENCED AREAS AROUND PRESER1£D TREES, EXCEPT FOR GRADING \\ORK PERMITTED PURSUANT TO KCC 21A.3B.23DB4d(2}. A NOTE SHAli BE PLACED ON TllE FINAL PLAT INDICATING THAT THE TREES SHO\l,N TO BE RETMNED ON TllE TREE RETINTION PLAN SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE FUTURE DllllERS Of THE PROPOSED LOT~ CON~STANT \>!TH KCC21A.38.23086. (NOTE THAT THE TREE RETENTION PLAN SHAil BE INCLUDED AS PART OF lHE FINAL ENGNEERING PLANS FOR lliE SUSHI PLAT.) 8. lliE PROPOSED SUBDM~ON SHAil COMPLY \\ITH TllE 1993 KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS (KCRS) INCLUDING lHE FOLUJV!NG RE().JIREMENTS: A lllE FRONTAGE ROAD TO WATERSHED TERRACE, S.E. 20Dlll STREET, \\llll POSTED SPEED Of 15 M.P.H. IS CLAS~fl[[I AS A NBBCRHOOD COLLECTOR. URBAN FRONTAGE IMPRO\£MENTS, INCLUDING All 9GHT DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS, :liALL BE MET ACROSS THE FRONTAGE Of THIS PLAT. THE INTERNAL ACCESS STREET, ROAD 'A' SHALL BE IMPR0\£0 AS AN URBAN SUBACCESS STREET. 8. TRACT 'D' SHALL BE IMPR0\£0 AS A PRIVATE JOINT USE DR1\£WAY TllAT SER1£S A MAXlMUM OF TWO LOTS (LOTS 14 AND 15). THE SE\1NG LOTS SHALL HA\£ LINDMDED 01\NERSHIP Of TllE TRACT AND BE RESPON~BLI FOR ITS MMNTENANC[ AS SPEaFIED IN KCRS 3.01C, IMPRO\£MENTS :liALL INCLUDE AN 18 FOOT PA\£0 SURFACE AND A MINIMUM TRACT \\IDTH OF 20 FEET. DRAINAGE CONTROL SHAl.l lNCLUOE A CURB OR THICKENED EDGE 00 OOE ~DE. C. TRACT '( SHALL BE DESIGN A JED AS A PRIVA lE ACCESS TRACT SER~NG PROPOSED LOTS 1-3 AND 20-22. THESE LOTS SHALL HA\£ INDMDUAL OllllER:lilP OF THE lRACT AND BE RESPON~BLI FOR ITS MMNTENANCE. IMPRO\£MENTS SIIALL CONFORM TO KCRS 2.03 FOR URBAN MINOR ACCf.SS ROADS lllllCH INCLUDE 22 FEET Of PA~NG. lllE MINIMUM TRI.CT \>!Olli SHALL BE 26 FEET l\llll A MAXIMUM LENGTH Of 150 FEET. A PEDESTRIAN EXTENTION 10 FEET \\IDE \\ITH 5 FEET Of PA~NG SHALL EXTEND FROM THE END OF lllE TRACT TO PRO~DE AN ACCESS POINT TO THE S.E. 2ilOTH STREET ffiGHT-OF--WAY. AN ACCESS EASEMENT SHALL BE GRANTED O\£R THE TRACT FOR USE OF TllE PEDESJRIAN PATH. D. THE PROPOSED ROAD IMPRO\£MENTS SHALL ADDRESS THE REQ\IIREMENTS FOR ROAD SURFACING OOTUNED IN KCRS CHAPlER 4. AS NOTED IN SECTION 4.0IF, FULL 'MOTH PA\£MENT 01/ERLAY IS REQUIRED WHERE 'MOENING EXISTING ASPHALT. E. STREET TREES :liAll BE INCLUD[D IN THE DESIGN OF All ROAD IMPRO\£MENTS, AND SHALL COMPLY \>!TH SECTION 5.03 OF TllE KCRS. F. SE 200lli STREET IS DESIGNATED A NEIBORHOOD ClllECTOR SlREET l\\llCH MAY REQUIRE DESIGNS FOR BUS ZONES AND TURN OUTS. AS SPECIFlED IN Ki:RS 2.16, lliE DESIGNER :liAll CONTACT METRO AND THE LOCAL SCHOO. DISTRICT TO DETERMINE SPECIFlC REQUIREMEIHS. G. MODIFlCATIONS TO THE ABO\£ ROAD CONDITIONS MAY BE CON~DERED BY KING CIJJNTY PURSUANT TO THE VARIANC[ PROCEDURES IN KCRS 1.08. 9. All UTILITIES 'MTHIN PROPO~ RIGH IS-Of-WAY MUST BE INCLUDED \\lllllN A FRANOIISE APPR0\£0 BY THE KING COUNTY COUNOL PRIOR 10 FlNAL PLAT RECORDING. SEE TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT FOR REDUCED PLAN AND APPROVAL 10. lliE APPLICANT OR SUBSEQUENT 01\NER SHALL COMPLY \\ITH KING CIJJNTY CIJIJE 1!.75, MITIGATION PAYMENT SYSTEM (MPS), BY PArnG TllE REWIRED MPS FEE AND ADMINISTRATION FEE AS DETERMINED BY TllE APPLICABLE FEE ORDINANCE. THE APPLICANT HAS lliE OPTION TO BTllER: (I) PAY TllE MPS FEE AT FlNAL PLAT RECORDING, OR (2} PAY THE MPS FEE AT TllE TIME OF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. IF THE FlRST OPTION IS CIIOSEN, TIIE FEE PAID SHAil BE TllE FEE IN EFFECT AT TllE TIME Of PLAT APPLICATIOO AND A NOTE Sl,All BE PLACED ON TllE FACE Of TllE PLAT lllAT READS, 'All FEES REQUIRED BY KING COUNTY CODE 14.75, MITIGATION PAYMENT SYSTEM (MPS), HAVF. BEEN PAID." IF THE SECOND OPTION IS CHOSEN, TllE FEE PAID SHAil BE THE AMOONT IN EFFECT AS OF TllE DATE OF BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION. 11. LOTS 'MTlllN TlllS SUBDMSON ARE SUBJECT TO KING COUNTY CODE 21AA3, \\lllCH IMPOSES IMPACT FEES TO FUND SCHOOL SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED TO SER\£ NEW DE\UIJPMENT. AS A CONDITION Of FlNAL APPROVAL, FlfTY PERCENT (50%) OF THE IMPACT FEES DUE FOR TllE PLAT SHALL BE ASSESSED AND COLLECTED IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO RECORDING, USING THE FEE SGHEDULES IN EFFECT \\\JEN THE PLAT REC8\£S FlNAL APPROVAL TllE BALANCE OF THE ASSESSED FEE SHALL BE ALLOCATED EVENLY TO TllE D\\lWNG UNITS Ill THE PLAT AND SHALL BE ClllECTED PRIOR TO BUllrnNG PERMIT ISSUANCE. 12. lHERE SHALL BE NO DIRECT \£HICULAR ACCESS TO OR FROM SE 200Tll STREET FRlll,I lliOSE LOTS l\\llCH ABUT II A NOTE TO llllS EFFECT SHALL APPEAR ON lllE ENGINEERING PLANS AND FINAL PLAT 13. lliE PROPOSED SUBrn~~ON :liAll COMPLY V!Tll THE SEN~TI\£ AREAS COOE AS OUTIJNED Ill KCC 21A.24. PERMANENT SURITT MAR~NG, AND ~CHS AS SPECIFlED IN KCC 21A.24.160 SHALL ALSO BE ADDRESSED PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL TEMPORARY MAR~NG llf SENSTI\£ AREAS AND Tll8R BUFFERS (E.G., \\lTH BRIGHT ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCING} SHALL BE PLACED ON THE Sil£ AND SHAil REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL All CONSTRUCTION ACTI~TIES ARE COMPLETED. PRELIMINARY PLAT RE\1£W HAS IDENTIFlEO lliE FCUOl\lNG SPECIFlC REQUIREMENTS WHIGH APPLY 10 TlllS PROJECT. ALL Olllffi APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS FRlll,I KCC 21A.24 SHAil ALSO BE ADDRESSED BY lliE APPLICANT. A. DETERMINE lllE TOP, TOE, AND ~DES OF 4C% SliJPES BY FlELD SUR\£Y. PRO~DE A 50 FOOf BUFFER THESE SLOPES lHE BUITTR MAY BE REDUCED l\llll lliE SUBMITTAL OF A SATISFACTORY SOILS REPORT, SUB.IC! TO RE\1EW ANO APPROVAL BY DOES GEQOOST, PRIOR TO ENGINEERING PLAN APPROVAL. PER KCC 21A.24.180 ONLY THOSE STEEP SLOPE AREAS AND BUFFERS WHICH ARE ONE ACRE 00 GREATER IN SIZE SHALL BE IN A SENSITI\£ AREA TRACT. STEEP SLOPE AREAS AND TllEIR BUFFER MAY REMAIN AS PART llf TllE ADJOINING LOTS. B. TllE APPLICANT SHALL DELINEAJE All ON-Sil£ ERO~ON HAZARD AREAS ON TllE FlNAL ENGINEERING PLANS (EROSION HAZARD AREAS ARE DmNED IN KCC 21A.06.415). lliE DELINEATION OF SUCH AREAS SHALL BE APPR0\£0 BY A ODES GEOLOGIST. THE REQUIREMENTS FOUND IN KCC 21A.24.220 Ce!sCERNING EROSION HAZARD AREAS SHALL BE MET, INCLUDING SEASONAL RESTRICTIONS ON CLEARING AND GRADING ACTI~TIES. C. lllE FOLLOV!NG NOTE SHAil BE SHOllll ON lllE FINAL ENQNEERING PLAN AND RECORDED PLAT: RESTRICTIONS FOR SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS AND BUFFERS DEDICATION Of A SEN3TI\£ AREA TRACT/SEN9TI\£ AREA AND BUFFER CON\£YS TO lliE PUBLIC A BENEFlCIAL INTEREST IN lllE LAND \\1THIN TllE TRACT/SEN9TI\£ AREA AND BUFFER. THIS INTEREST INCLUDES THE PRESERVATION OF NATI\£ \£GETATION FOR All PURPOSES THAT BENEFlT TIIE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY AND \\llFARE, INCLUDING CONTRQ OF SURFACE WATER AND ERmON, MMNTENANCE Of SLOPE STABILITY, AND PROTECTION Of PLANT AND ANIMAL HABITAT. THE SEN~TI\£ AREA TRACT /SEN~TI\£ AREA AND BUFFER IMPOSES UPON All PRESENT AND FUTURE 01\\lERS AND OCCUPIERS OF TllE LANO SUBJ:CT TO THE TRACT/SENSITI\£ AREA AND BUFFER THE OBLIGATION, ENFORCEABLI ON BEHAif OF THE PUBLIC BY KING COUNTY, TO LIA\£ UNDISTIJRBED All TREES AND OTHER \£GETATION \\\THIN THE TRACT/SEN~TI\£ AREA AND BUFFER. THE \£GETATION \llTHIN THE TRACT/SENSITI\£ AREA ANO BUFFER MAY NOT BE CUT, PRUNED, CO\£RED BY Fill, REMO\£D OR DAMAGED V!lliOUT APPROVAL IN \l,!IITING FROM THE KING CIJJNTY DEPARmENT OF DE\£LOPMENT AND EN~RC!sMENTAL SER~CES OR ITS SUCCESSOR AGENCY, UNLESS 01HER\11SE PRO~DED BY LAW. THE COMMON BOUNDARY BETh!IN THE TRACT/SENSITI\£ AREA AND BUFFER AND TllE AREA llf DE\1:LOPMENT ACTI~TY MUST BE MARKED OR 0Tl1ER\\1SE FLAGGED TO THE SA]SFACTION OF KING CIJJNTY PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRArnNG, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OR OTHER DE\UOPMENT ACTI~TY ON A LOT SUBJ'CT TO TllE SENSITI\£ AREA TRACT/SENSITI\£ AREA AND BUFFER. lHE RE(IJIREO MAR~NG OR FLAG~NG SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL All DE\£LOPMENT PROPOSAL ACTI~TIES IN TllE ~ONITY Of THE SEN~TI\£ AREA ARE COMPLETE. NO BUILDING FOUNDATIONS ARE ALLO\\lD BEYOND TllE RE(IJIRED 15 FOOT BUILDING SETBACK LINE, UNLESS OlllER\llSE PRO~DED BY LAW. 14. SUITABLE RECREATION SPACE SHALL BE PRO~OED CONSISTENT \\\Tll TllE REQUIREMENTS OF KCC 21A.14.180 AND KCC 21A.14.190 (I.E .. SPORT COUR1[S1 GHILDREN'S PLAY E().JIPMENT, PICNIC TABLE(S) BENCHES. HC.). TllE PROPOSED RECREATION lRACT (JRACT 'A', M33 SWARE FEET) MEETS lllE ~ZE REWIREMENT llf THE CODE. A. AN O\£RALL CONCEPTUAL RECREATION SPACE PLAN SHAil BE SUBMITTED FOR RE~EW AND APPROVAL BY ODES, \\\TH THE SUBMITTAL OF TllE ENGINEERING PLAN& TlllS PLAN SHAil iNCLUDE LOCATION, AREA CALCULATIONS, DIMENSIONS, AND GENERAL IMPRO\£MENTS INCLUDING LANDSCAPING CONSISTANT Mlll KCC 21A.16. lllE APPR0\£0 ENGIIIEERING PLANS SHAil SHALL BE OON~STENT \\ITll lliE O\£RAll CONCEPTUAL PLAN. B. A DETAILED .RECREATION SPACE PLAN (I.E., LANDSCAPE SPECS, EOOIPMENT SPECS, ETC.) CON~STENT WTH TllE O\£RALL CONCEPTUAL PLAN, AS DETAILID IN ITEM A., SHAil BE SUBMITTED FOR RE~EW AND APPROVAL BY ODES AND KING COUNTY PARKS PRIOR TO OR CONCURRENT \\llll THE SUBMITTAL Of THE FlNAL PLAT DOCUMENTS. C. A PERFORMANCE BOND FOR RECREATION SPACE IMPRO\£MENTS SHAil BE POSTED PRIOR TO RECORDING llf Tll[ PLAf. 15. A HOMEOllllERS' ASSOOATION OR OlllER WORKABLE ORGANIZATION SHALL BE ESTABLISHED TO THE SATISFACTION Of DOES \\lllCH PRO~OES FOR TllE 01\NERSHIP AND CONTINUED MAINTENANCE Of TllE RECREATION, OPEN SPACE AND/OR SENSITI\£ AREA TRACT(S). 16. STREET TREES SHALL BE PRO~DED AS FQLOVIS (PER KCRS 5.03 AND KCC 21A.16.050); A lREES SHALL BE PLANTED AT A RAlE OF ONE lREE FOR EVERY 4-0 FEET Of FRONTAGE ALOOG All ROADS. SPACING MAY BE MODIFIED TO ACCOMMOCATE ~GIii DISTANCE REWIREMENTS FOR DR1\£WAYS AND INTERSECTIONS. B. TREES SHAil BE LOCATED V!TlllN lllE STREET ffiGIIT-Of-WAY AND PLANTED IN ACCORDANCE \>!TH ORA\\\NG NO. 5-009 Of TilE 1993 KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS, UNLESS KING COUNTY DEPARmENT OF TRANSPORTATION DETERMINES TllAT TREES SHIJJLD NOT BE LOCATED IN lliE SlREET ~GHT-OF-WAY. C. If KING COONTY DETERMINES THAT lliE REWIRED STREET TREES :liOULD NOT BE LOCATED Vl1THIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY, lliEY SHALL BE LOCAJED NO MORE THAN 20 FEET FROM lllE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. D. lliE TREES SHAil BE 01\NED AND MMNTAINED BY lHE ABUTTING LOT 01\NERS OR TllE HIIMEOl\\lERS ASSOQATION OR OTHER WORKABLE ORGANIZATION UNLESS THE COUNTY HAS ADOPTED A MAINTENANCE PROGRAM. 01\NERSHIP AND MMNTENANCE SHALL BE NOTED ON THE FACE Of TllE FlNAL RECORDED PLAT. E. THE SPEaES OF TREES SHAli BE APPR0\£0 BY ODES If LOCATED \llllilN lHE RIGHT-OF-WAY, AND SHAil NOT INCLUDE POPLAR, COTTONWOOD, SOFT MAPLES, GUM, ANY FRUIT-BEARING TREES, OR ANY OlHER TREE OR SHRUB \\\IOSE ROOTS ARE LIKELY TO OBSTRUCT SANITARY OR STORM SE'lornS, OR THAT IS NOT COMPATIBLE \lllll O\£RHEAD UTILITY LINES. f. THE APPLICANT SHAil SUBMIT A STREET lREE PLAN AND BOND QUANTITY SHEET FOR RrnEw AND APPROVAL BY DOES PRIOR TO ENQNEERING PLAN APPROVAL G. THE APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT METRO SER~CE PLANNING AT 684-1621 TO DETERMINE IF SE 100TH STREET IS ON A BUS ROUTE. IF SE 200TH STREET IS A BUS ROU!E, THE STREET TREE PLAN SHAil ALSO BE RE~El'IED BY METRO. H. THE STREET TREES MUST BE INSTALLED AND INSPECTED, OR A PERFORMANCE BOND POSTED PRIOR TO RECORDING OF THE PLAT. IF A PERFORMANCE BOND IS POSTED, THE STREET TREES MUST BE INSTALLED AND INSPECTED \illllN ONE !£AR Of RECOODING OF THE PLAT. AT THE TIME OF INSPECTION, If TllE TREES ARE FOUND TO BE INSTALLED PER THE APPR0\£0 PLAN, A MAINENANCE BOND MUSf BE SUBMITTED OR THE PERFORMANCE BOND REPLACED \>!TH A MMNTENANCE BOND, AND HElD FOR ONE YEAR. AFTER ONE YEAR, THE MAINTENANCE BOND MAY BE RELEASED AFTER DOES HAS COMPLITED A SECOND INSPECTION AND DETERMINE THAT lHE TREES HA\£ BEEN KEPT HEALTHY AND THRl~NG. A LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FEE SHALL ALSO BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO PLAT RECORDING. lliE INSPECTION FEE IS SUBJ'CT TO CHANGE BASED ON lllE CURRENT CIJJNTY FEES. 17. lHE fllllJV!NG HA\£ BEEN ESTABLISHED BY SEPA AS NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS TO MITIGATE TllE AD\£RSE EN~RONMENTAL IMPACTS OF lll1S DE\UOPMENT. THE APPLICANTS 51,ALL DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE 111TH TIIESE ITEMS PRIOR TO FlNAL APPROVAL A. TO PROTECT TllE QUALITY Of TllE GROUNDWATER, A LINER FOR lliE WATER QUALITY PORTION OF TllE STORMWATER FACILITY SHALL BE REQUIRED. B. TllE RESOURCE STREAM PROTECTION MENU SHALL BE UTILIZEO FOR THE WATER QUALITY STANDARD OF THIS SITE. C. TllE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTRQ PLAN SHALL USE lHE 10-ltAR STORM E\£NT FOR SIZING TllE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT POND, INSTEAD Of lHE NORMALLY REQUIRED 2-ltAR 001. TO PROTECT THE QUALITY llf THE GROUNDWATER, A LINER FOR THE WATER ().JAUTl POOTION OF TllE STORMWATER FAOLITY SHAil BE REQUIRED. APPROVED BY: WENDALL OSBOURNE, POSTMASTER KENT POST OFFICE 10612 S.E. 240TH ST. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION KENT, WA 98032 PHONE: (253) 852-1080 MAILBOX LOCATIONS Y SYMBOL INDICATES LOCAflON FOR MAILBOX MOUNTING PER STANDARD PLAN 5-012 FOR NDCBU-12 UNIT. THESE LOCATIONS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE KENT POST OFFICE POSTMASTER. CONTRACTOR SHALL RE-VERIFY WITH THE POSTMASTER AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. THE BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WAS PREPARED BY CENTRE POINTE SURVEYING. 33639 9TH AVE. S., FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 PHONE: 253-661-1901 5 4 3 2 1 -------------- SPECIAL NOTES: L WOIJIJ FENCES ARE ALLOV.CD IN SUBDl~~ONS \\\IERE THE FENCE l\lll BE M~NTAINED BY HOMEDl\\lERS ASSOCIATIONS OR ADJACENT LOT 01\NERS. FENCE MAINTENANCE RE(IJIREMENTS SHALL BE A CONDITION Of SU8Dl~SION APPROVAL, AND A STATEMENT DWJUNG MAINTENANCE RESPON~BILITIES AND REOOIREMENTS. 10-10-02 09-09-02 DB-12-02 06-24-02 05-19-02 1 OF 20 2 OF 20 3 OF 20 4 OF 20 5 OF 20 6 OF 20 7 OF 20 8 OF 20 9 OF 20 10 OF 20 11 OF 20 12 OF 20 13 OF 20 14 OF 20 15 OF 20 16 OF 20 17 OF 20 18 OF 20 19 OF 20 20 Of 20 PJP 1WB PJP 1WB PJP 1WB PJP 1WB PJP 1WB INDEX TO SHEETS COVER SHEET ROAD AMO STORM PLAN GRADING PLAN ROAD "A", ACCESS TRACTS "c" & "o" AND OFF-SITE STORM PROFILES S.E. 200TH ST. ROAD AND STORM PROFILE STORM POND PLAN AND CROSS SECTIONS STORM POND IN/OUT PIPE PROFILES ROAD AND STORM NOTES & DETAILS ROAD AND STORM DETAILS STORM POND CONTROL STRUCTURE DETAILS TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAM STREET TREE AND MAILBOX LOCATION PLAN STREET TREE AND MAILBOX LOCATION MOTES & DETAILS RECREATIONAL PARK PLAN SIGNIFICANT TREE RETENTION PLAN ALLAN BLOCK RCTAINING WALL SPECIFICATIONS ALLAN BLOCK RETAINING WALL SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS ALLAN BLOCK RETAINING WALL DETAILS DKB REVISED PER KING COUNTY COMMENTS (EARLY START-3) DKB REVISED PER KING COUNTY COMMENTS (EARLY START-2) DKB REVISED PER KING COUNTY COMMENTS DKB REVISED PER KING COUNTY COMMENTS (EARLY START) DKB REVISED PER KING COUNTY COMMENTS (EARLY START) No. Date By Ckd. Appr. Revision UTILITY CONFLICT NOTE: CAUTION: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT BY POTHOLING THE UTILITIES AND SURVEYING THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALLING UTILITY LOCATE @ 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL OF THE EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTILITY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICALLY VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE BASED UPON THE UNVERIFIED PUBLIC INFORMATION AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING PERMITS FROM THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES FOR REMOVING AND REPLACING ALL SURVEY MONUMENTATION THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, PURSUANT TO WAC 332-120. APPLICATIONS MUST BE COMPLETED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS TO REMOVE MONUMENTS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, OR BY CONTACTING THEIR OFFICE BY TELEPHONE AT (206) 902-1190. WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES PUBLIC LAND SURVEY OFFICE 1111 WASHINGTON STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 47060 OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98504-7060 UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, ALL MONUMENTS DISPLACED, REMOVED, OR DESTROYED SHALL BE REPLACED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, AT THE COST AND AT THE DIRECTION OF THE CONTRACTOR, PURSUANT TO THESE REGULATIONS. THE APPROPRIATE FORMS FOR REPLACEMENT OF SAID MONUMENTATION SHALL ALSO BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. • Vicinity Map Scale "I"= 2000' iJ! Ls, > • S 192ND~ND ST -ST SW 194TH SE 2QJli~T'< SE 190TH. PL ~ ""';:t-_:.::19_,,.2Nc,D'-'f-:S'.'.,T-f-- "-~- V, -> s 55TH ST ,S, <( nl""" al if! cl tbf ~ -~) ST "' Q O', - S 196TH ST & ~ ~---+---'-l-~S=E_,1~9~6T~H~S~T- f! !;! PROJECT> > > <i D "' .'-s I -< SITE7 "' "' s: >-- " ,_,,,,.h, :i: ~ i!: i!: '" (/) ...._ ;:,~rr !;; -L<J 5£ v, 199TH ST / 0) 6 2 Cl) --.:.=.. 5 200TH it sr >- > "' ~ <( ~ c.i f/J SE 200TH ST. ~ "" "'H, '" ~ <:t: "'"1---.I • I o; ct. (/) __,..-Cl l,,J ~ Q. i!: - > <( '; S 202ND ST W f--~ v; ~ 2 ~~~11 ~ V} V'} SE 204TH ST S 206TH s'r (';-~ :r I 0) "'( ~ g ~H ~~ T'-SF: 206TH i!: I ~ "' a le SI 208TH ;1E PL S $£ 207TH ST ~ ST/ SE 208TH ST r,r,, SE 208TH ST .. <O ~ S 212TH ST Soils Mop Scale 1"=1900' ,\ i(:/'· "'_ -." .. ~ I , •• Notice Required Contractors shall notify operators who maintain underground utility lines in the area of proposed excavation or blasting at least two business days, but not more than ten working days prior to commencement of excavation or demolition in accordance with RCW Title 19. Names and telephone numbers of the operators of underground utility lines in this project appear below. These numbers sholl also be used to serve in an emergency conditions as required. Phone Soos Creek Water & Sewer Dist. (253) 630-9900 Son itary Sewer Soos Creek Water & Sewer Dist. (253) 630-9900 Water District Puget Sound Energy -Gas (206) 287-3939 Gas Company Puget Sound Energy -Power (425) 454-6363 ext 816918 Power Company Call Before You Dig DIAL-A-DIG 1-800-424-5555 Notes 1. The Developer is required to notify the Department of Development & Environmental Services Land, Use Inspection Services, three days prior to the beginning of construction for a preconstruction conference and specifically request inspection before beginning: (call 206 296-6642 to request inspection). A. Installing of siltation and erosion control measures 8. Clearing ond grubbing C. Earth work D. Installation of any underground utility E. Before placing subbase, base or paving surface F. Installation of any forms or placing any concrete 2. A permit must be obtained from the office of the Resident Engineer, Washington State Department of Transportation, before any construction ls started on any existing state route. 3. A Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) Permit must be obtained from the Washington State Department of Fisheries prior to any work when required. Bonding Information Restoration Bond Amount $ -------- Performance Bond Amount $ -------- - l Site Pion Approval Approval of these plans is for construction of road and drainage improvements, site drainage & grading and temporary erosion control in unincorporated King County only. These plans do not authorize any other utility approval or improvements proposed in any State right of way. Site plan approval is void if the commercial building permit has not been obtained or renewed within two years of approval. Subdivision plan approval is void if the final plat is not recorded when the preliminary plat approval expires. PRO RATA SHARE ASSESSMENT ANALYSIS (County Use Only) Section Township Range Tax Parcel Number 10151 12121 10151 I o I 5 12 I 21 o J 5 I I 9 i o 11 11 I 9 2 9 6 Site Location is within the _s_min9.Jtook~__Sw-lngQ... drainage shed(s) Pro Rota Share Assessment(s) are: D Required f2J Not Required from the site due to development for increased storm water runoff. Peak Runoff Assessment Rate($ ) per c.f.s. increases.(10 year, 2 hour storm) Peak Volume Assessment Rate($ ) per Ac. Ft. lncreases.(2 year, 2 hour storm) AGREEMENTS, PLAN REFERENCES, PERMITS ETC. Preliminary Plat Approval Ordinance # Preliminary Map Approval Construct ion Perm its Received Sanitary Sewer Water District Gas Campony Power Company Telephone Other _______________ _ Ernerg,ency Date November 21, 2001 911 Police-Fire-Rescue RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL Date Engineer Plan Reviewer Engineer Supervisor Traffic & Planning Engineer King County Conservation District Materials Engineer Other Peer Reviewer Lisa M. Read, P.E. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION King County Washington Date Signature L KBS Ill, L.L.C. <J.>- Q_ u O 0 L Q) Name -L "'-"' "' > C C O 12505 Bel-Red Rood, #212, Bellevue WA 98005 (l_) O 3 QJ 000-' D r8l D Address and Zip Code Q_ KBS Ill, L.LC. .c (I) ~ I... Q) Name Q) (I)~ C C <f> 3: 3: 2 12505 Bel-Red Road, #212, Bellevue WA 98005 OOf- Ill] 0 Address and Zip Code Centre Pointe Surveying Name 33639 9th Ave. S., Federal Way, WA 98003 Address and Zip Code 206-623-7000 Phone 0 A Partnership D An Individual 206-623-7000 Phone Ill] A Corporation 0 A Partnership 0 An Individual 253-661-1901 Phone - -tj- ~ 0 0::: (fl N 0 _J L (1) ..0 E ::J z >. +-' '> ·-+-' 0 <( w () <( a: a: w l- o w I Cf) a: w I- <( ~ :11=1051 -tj- 0 0 0 o__ ~ 0 _J L (1) ..0 E ::J z +-' 0 (1) ·~ 0 '- [L License/Seal - - lfJ L (1) ..0 E ::J z (1) -·-LL >, +-' C ::J 0 u I EXPIRES: 9-23-031 (Siqnature & Date) Sheet 1 of 20 LOT 7 LOT D LOT 5 LOT 4 nT -l. ,J • .5 LOT ·1 R/W I I I I ! •' I -------------------------------~·----~~----------------~--'-----, • • ', • ',, '•. WATERSHED TERRACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NW 1/ 4 SEC.5, T.22N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON '•, ·,, SITE DATA: 1. TAX NUMBERS: 052205-9011, 052205-9296 2. PROJECT AREA: 3.93 ACRES (171,384 SF) J. NUMBER OF LOTS: 22 4. EXISTING USE OF LAND: SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE/DETACHED 5. PROPOSED USE: 6. [XISTING ZONING: SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE/DETACHED R-4 7. EXISTING COMPREH[NS/V[ LAND US[ D[SIGNA TION: URBAN RESIDENTIAL 4-12 D.U./AC. 8. DENSITY: 5.60 D.U. P[R GROSS ACRE 9. SMALLEST LOT SIZE: 4050 S.F. 10. SMALLEST LOT WIDTH: 40' 11. BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT YARD: SIDE YARD: REAR YARD: 20' GARAGE 10' STRUCTURE 5' 5' UTILITIES AND SERVICES: WATER: SOOS CREEK SEWER: SOOS CREEK PHONE: QWEST COMMUN/CATIONS POWER: PUGET SOUND ENERGY GAS: PUGET SOUND ENERGY CABLE: AT&T BROADBAND FIRE DISTRICT: CITY OF KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT: RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT SOURCE OF BOUNDARY: FIELD VERIFIED BY 1RI-COUNTY LAND SURVEYING COMPANY SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: FIELD SURVEYED BY TRI-COUNTY LAND SURVEYING COMPANY CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS PARCEL NUMBER 052205-9011 (KNUDSON) THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, l,ANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WAS1i/NGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF S.E. 200TH STREET, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH ALONG SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 211.50 FffT TO A POINT 241.50 FffT NORTH OF SAID SOUTHWEST CORNER, WHICH POINT IS IN THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEW, RECORDED UNDER AUDITORS FILE NO. 620889, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE' ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE NORTH 40' 41' 00" EAST A DISTANCE OF 230.2 FffT; THENCE: CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE SOUTH 84" 12' oo" EAST A DISTANCE OF 191.84 TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH BRASS PLUG, WHICH IS STAMPED L.S. 11691; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTHERLY LINE AND BEARING SOUTH oo· 44• 25" EAST (SAID LINE PASSES APPROX/MA TELY 6. 1 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF AN EXISTING GARAGE AND WORKSHOP) A DISTANCE OF 235.55 FffT TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH A BRASS PLUG, WHICH IS STAMPED LS. 11691; THENCE SOUTH 89" 15' 15" WEST A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH A BRASS PLUG, WHICH IS STAMPED L.S. 11691; THENCE' SOUTH 00' 50' 09" EAST A DISTANCE OF 136.72 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH A BRASS PLUG, WHICH IS STAMPED L.S. 11691, SAID MONUMENT IS ON THE NORTH LINE OF S.E. 200TH STREET. WHICH IS 30 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE. NORTH 89" 02' 37" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTIIEAST 200TH STREET PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID SUBDIVISION A DISTANCE OF 336.07 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. i 11sN12·AJsrN-12) 0 4.90% MAXIMUM OR/VE-WAY WIDTH IN PANHANDLE OF LOT 5 SHALL BE 10 FEET ROOF d: FOOTING DRAIN CONNE:CTION STUB (TYP.) ) I I i I ! ,5 , ( I , • ' ,{? '. -·-~ .. ...._.::: --,-- PARC£L NUAIBE:R 052205-9296 (DALY) THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF S.E. 200TH STREET; THENCE SOUTH 89" 02' 37" EAST, PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID S.E. 200TH STREU, A DISTANCE OF 336.07 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH A BRASS PLUG, WHICH IS STAMPED L.S. 11691, THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH oo· 50' 09" WEST A DISTANCE OF 136. 72 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH A BRASS PLUG, WHICH IS STAMPED LS. 11691; THENCE NORTH 89' 15' 15" EAST A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH A BRASS PLUG, WHICH IS STAMPED L.S. 11691; THENCE NORTH 00' 44' 25" WEST (SAID LINE PASSES APPROX/MA TEL Y 6. 1 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF AN EXISTING GARAGE AND WORKSHOP) A DISTANCE OF 235.55 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH A BRASS PLUG. WHICH IS STAMPED LS. 11691, SAID MONUMENT BEING ON THE SOUTHEFILY LINE OF THE PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED. RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 620889, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE AS FOLLOWS: SOUTH 84' 12' 00" EAST A DISTANCE OF 54.06 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 34· 26' oo" EAST A DISTANCE OF 147.30 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 14' 49' oo· EAST A DISTANCE OF 257.44 FEET TO A POINT 30 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION, SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTH LINE OF S.E. 200TH STREET; THENCE NORTII 89' 02' 37" WEST, PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LIN£ OF SAID SUBDIVISION AND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID S.E. 200TH STREE'c A DISTANCE OF 207.90 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CITY OF RENTON CONSTRUCT 6' mDE X I' DeEP "V' SHAPE DRAINAGE SWALE PeR DETAIL ON SHEET J. LEGEND s MONUMENT AS NOTED -·"-(,1"-· EXIST. POWER POLE c.__ __ EXIST. GUY WIRE ,,, .. _,: EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT '.) [xj EXIST. WATER VALVE @] EXIST. WATER METER [} J;X/ST. CATCH BASIN C:.3'; \-~, EXIST. SEWER MANHOLE EXIST. WIRE FENCE ~ PROPOSED ROCKERY • PROPOSED CATCH BASIN I e JcROPOSED STORM MANHOLE -<£ -----------------(£---- KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. Review Engineer Complolion Dote Senior Engineer Completion Dote JAMES H. SANDERS, P.E. Approval Dote DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: SCALE: J "=50 FEET 0 25 50 100 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVD88 B.M.: 3" BRASS DISK STAMPED "KC-F-7A 1993" IN THE S.E. CORNER OF CONCRETE BASE FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE IN N. W. QUADRANT OF INTERSECTION OF SE 192ND STREET AND 108TH AVENUE S.E. ELEV. = 456.10 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' CURVE TABLE NO. DEL TA RAD I US LENGTH Cl C2 35·09·23" 89'30'02" CITY OF RENTON LOT 3 : -__ r RENTON CITY LIMITS f<CPW TRAC'{ "A'' STOPtA DF?i\lNAG'E 55.00 70.00 I EXPIRES: 9-23-031 81. 74 109.35 f-2 f-2 f-2 ~ 15 I § ~ (.) 0 >->-)-,.. ,... ,... 2 2 2 :, ::, :, a a a 0 "' "' " " " i;'i 2 a: " " ~ 85 85 Q Q ~ i;J ~ "' s s s ii! w ii! "' "' "' "' Q Q a Q, fl; Q, (l Q Q 8 8 8 I I I 'O ... " 0 Q "' I I I 'O Q 0, 0 -Q " "' en f2 f2 t5 t5 ::, ~ ~ a C) "' >-)-,... ,... 2 5 ::, a 8 () " " i;'i ,;: "' "' il:' 85 Q i;J "' ~ s s w w "' "' "' (IJ Q Q Q, Q, (l Q 8 8 I I 0, " 0 -I I 0, 1'l 0 ... ,,., gi gi % fl; Q Q "' 8 0 I I ;I; "' -I I "' en 0 0 "" ,; -" (.) >, (!l © -0 0 0 z ei Q) :a!' :::, < co 0 -, l,J -J <Z 0 (fJ ((l Cl Ei i's E3 a (I) L ...... C 0,J 0 -I:'! I "' "' 0 <Z --Cl I 0,J C) 0 "' z II ' -< " ~ ::i: g:: ~ a2 Cl (I) ...... C ·-0 a... .. f--' ct: !;;' co a ~ CJ i5 Cl"" -JO CJ() C::m c:i !;;' 0 ct: Q Q <Z 0) C ·->-(I) > L. :::, (I) ~~ -@- t "l:t-a 2: a "'( a Q -.J ,._ Q a -J ~ 0::: Lu 2 (_) ~ (/) 0::: ~ a i,..:: 2: 8 "'( a vi "'( 85 0 0::: i,..:: ~ DRAWING NO. 105/STM 2 OF 20 UIA-DB-r-u- CITY OF RENTON '· l~, ... ~-~· R/W / / / I ! I WATERSHED TERRACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NW 1/ 4 SEC.5, T.22N., A.SE., W.M. CB §25; Sff SHEET 2 FOR CON11NUA 110N KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON CITY OF RENTON cONsmucr 6' WJDE X 1' DEEP 'V" SHAPE DRAINAGE SWALE PER DETAIL THIS SHEET. CITY OF RENTON LC)T J :_ ._r RENTON CITY UM/TS f<CPW S'TOF?M DF?J\/1\JAGE R/W 15 KING COUNTY D.D.ES. Review Engineer Complotion Senior Engineer Completion JAMES H. SANDERS, P.E. Approval DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: SCALE: 1 "=50 FEET 0 25 50 100 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVD88 B.M.: 3" BRASS DISK STAMPED "KC-F-7A 1993" IN THE SE CORNER OF CONCRETE BASE FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE JN N. w. QUADRANT or JNT£RSffT/ON OF S.£. 192ND STREET AND 108TH AVENUE $.£. ELEV. = 456.10 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' CURVE TABLE NO. C1 C2 DELTA RAD/US LENGTH --------------- 85'09 '23" 55.00 81. 74 89'30'02" 70.00 109.35 LEGEND $ MONUMENT AS NOTED ·0-EXIST. POWER POLE f... EX/ST. GUY WIRE tf EX/ST. FIR£ HYDRANT M EXIST. WATER VALVE ~ EX/ST. WATER METER [1 EXIST. CATCH BASIN '"'D ·\::, EX/ST. SEWER MANHOLE ><"------~>( EXIST. WIRE FENCE e::a::e::, PROPOSED ROCKERY ~ ~ ~ ~ ::, " ::, " 0 8 (.) ).. ).. h .... z § :, 0 (.) "' "' z ~ ? :5 [li a.. Q. El ~ V) > s: w ~ Cl'. co a, a Cl 9, 9, a.. a.. ~, 8 Q I I 0, "' 0 -I I 0, a:, 0 0 I EXPIRES: 9-23-031 ,. "' Date Date Date ,:::, ,:::, "' "' i', i', U) U) ).. ).. _, a! "' i;S "< ~ /::. ~ ~ ~ ~ " " 8 Q (.) ).. i: .... ~ s Q (.) (.) "' c., ~ 2 ;;, [li [li a.. a.. ~ a iJj s: :s "' ij! "' :g :g 9, Q, a.. a.. 8 8 I I .. 0, "' -I I <o "' 0 Q "' C 0 ·;;; ·~ "' .,; ~ 0 >, "' • -0 0 0 z BJ (l) ::a, ::, :z: (l) 0 -, CJ ..J <,: Cl (/) (tJ a 8 :z: "" [3 a -~ lf) 0 <,: -a 0 lf) z Ii ' :z: N ~ Q Cl'. 0 '.\: ::c: I:" (tJ a 8 ~ "' Cl <,: CJ 2S ::c: (.) ~ "'( -.I Q ~ ~ -a "'( a:: ~ "' 0 I lf) ~ I "' 0 31§ CJO c:: (l) 8 > 0 Cl'. Q Q <,: ~ ::c: Q 0) C: ·-~ > L.. :::::, 00 ~ a a a Q -a -.J ~ -.:( a:: f5 i-::::: E:1 V5 85 i-::::: ~ DRAWING NO. 105/GRD 3 OF20 LUA-08-f :U... 365 360 WATERSHED TERRACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NW 1/ 4 SEC.5, T.22N., R.5E., W.M. KING COlJNTY, WASHINGTON / '335 / 380 7+00 6+00 5+00 4+00 3+00 2+00 1+00 0+00 OFF-SITE STORM DRAIN PRORLEl4EW ' ;< 1---;,RO~;d[D -;;RAD£·--T1 ----·----; ~ -----·-·1 ,~ ~ ...... ·---~~~ ---]I I @ C/iL 1PIPE . T...J ! -J...J ;-J...J -- 1 -l ' I I -1--! I! i l,Lj i _____ -l. ---I I l 2: ! I 1 ~ i L ___ ,, ___ ~-----·3 ~ / ---I _______ J __ ... i _____ ..J ..i i 6•pVC O ;:::::::--r=' @ C/L PIPcl 0 ll:521£"' . , , HORIZONTAL SCALE: I "=50' VERTICAL SCALE: 1"=5' f- 0 "' f<: } a::~ ~ " :~ - 385 G a ~ -·---·T -------,-~ " ···-·--r--·····---·-··1 "'t"'CQ(\J !' I "ls/ I I ~0-.Jr:Q ! 0~ ! 355 1 EXIST. GRAd£\ VJa·"' I f 2-0% --H' l.£.=359.o 11 I I 1 ; I I I 355 § ---T--:1 1 -:-t-:·u~~r------,-----~-1 It::; RIM= 362.0 : I 0:::1.i..~ I I ~ II I I 2:S2rri I <;0:::,,.:-1 • o··lt I +l.J 1' ! o~~> ! -G:l ! +++;:j I I .., i I o ..... ol.j 1 ~""' I 1 380 ~ ~--~ ~----------··;·-----------·--·-t-{f)·b-'-------··-1--"--·-·----·i 350 345 340 3.35 3.30 I.E:. = I 356.25 (6'S&II? i ! . 1 ' i I I ! I I i I --~------------·t·------------·-1··-.. ---------~T------------------· ! j j : ! I l I I i ! ! i i ' ' I ! I_ I I ' , , -·+·-·------+--------l-··-·---·-----t---·-·---, C8 #12 TYPE: II J. I I i ST1· 4+72.66; 42.16LT i i r R/Mp 352.50 I ; , I 1.E:. i = 346.60 (6'~) I i I t.E. I= J46.J5 (12"/i/WJ , ; I ........ 1-.................... -,-·-----!--·----j-·------·--·, I ' I ' I i . I I ! I i ·-·--···---, ····-····· ·--·" ··+-···---·-.. --· : -----·-I __ ,, ______ Tl ------1 CB j11 TYPE 111 (46") I ! I . I STA. 4+50.00; 4-0.92 RT i I I f f RIM= 347.55 f. I · 1 I i /.£. = J4J.55 12:NE:,SE&S) ! I I , I.E. = 337.00 12 N£) I 1 I i I I I I ' STORM SEWER SIDE Rl'JN PROFILE 14EW HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"=50' VERTICAL $CAL£: I "=5' I VJ VJ VJ C) , 11· EXIST. GRADE I PROPOSE:D GRfD£ I @ C/L ROAD , ' @ C/L ROAD I I I I , I i ----i : I -1 ~ ---I I 375 ----y/~ /" -+ __ _J____ ~ ~--·-·-------.. --~ 1-..._ i : --. I i i , I I ! I ! ' l I I 1 I ; I I 3701------~.~;-~:tl,1? ,----·---1-----··--·1 B'P"-o, ~-I I I l 365 ~-- 360 i ' 0 R "' 0+00 I ' TYPE1i i --~ ---.. ---1F.:,~}t;~7;; (r~:~)T -------1 C8#4TYPE1 I ' I STA. 0+14~0; 7.5RT I I I RIM= 370. Vl ! i : I.E:. = 366/ 76 (12"N,S,E:&lli,) I ! I ' I "' "' -~ r:! ") "' I ' <o "' 0, " "' :::! ;t .... ") "' ,.., 1+00 TRACT "D" PRORLEl4EW HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"=50' VERTICAL SCALE:: / "=5' ! 2+00 I I I I I I ' I I I I ! 330 0, 0, " <o "' "' -,.., <o "' "' c::i s-.'. o; "' o:i " o:i ~~ ;;,; ;;,; .,. .,. ;;,; ;;,; ,.., ,.., 7+00 6+00 5+00 I I.E. = 343.50 12'NE,SE&S) I ! I.E. = 337.00 12"NW) I I I ' .,. "' ;J; "' &I "' "2 "' " --~~ 0) t() ~(',J "' "' ~~ ~~ <o <o ,.., ,.., "',.., 4+00 3+00 ROAD ':4 "AND TRACT "C" PRORLEl4EW HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"=50' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 "=5' f "' ~ o:i ;;i iJl "' KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. f:5 °" Review Engineer Completion Date CQ a :::; -f" I ::i '0 '0 :,: 0 -s: ~ Completion Dote -Cl I Senior Engineer CQ °" 0 0 ..., JAMES H. SANDERS, P.E. Approval Date DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: 0 '0 '0 "' II II ..J ' ' -s: ~ ~ (.J N VJ .._: 0:,,: a:: a::: G:J8 0 ~ J:: G:co SCALE: 1"=50 FEET [lJ I:'=' [lJ 0 25 50 100 a Cl ~ ~ s ~ > 2: 0 <.:) a::: Vi ~ Q "' J:: Q ! EXPIRES: 9-23-03! Cl Cl () -s: VERTICAL OA TUM NAVD88 B.M.: 3 .. BRASS DISK STAMPED "KC-F-7A 1993" IN TH[ S.E. CORNER OF CONCRETE BASE FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE IN N. W. QUADRANT OF IN1£RSECTION OF S.E. 192ND STREET ANO 108TH A VENUE S.[. £LEV. = 456.10 PVI STA = 2+00 PVI ELE\/ = .370.46 A.O. ·~ -7.07 K = 21.22 150.00' vc I I ' ' ,, ,.., r, o; iJl "' 2+00 "' r:! "' ' ' ! I I ' ! I i ' <o "' <o "' -R ;t R "' "' ") 1+00 375 I'.' 15 :::, :::, 0 (.) :,.. "' 2: 5 (J <:, ~ l;i a.. a ill 'S: "' "' I l ' I l ' I ' 330 0 IQ Q "' IQ :::! R ,,, ,,, ,.., gi 0+00 ~ "' Q I "' 0 I "' Q "' iE ..., ~~ L,J - :) ; ~ ~ ).:' I 0) < ; :g iE -' 'R' C ·-0) < It) >, = ~1~ (I) ~ > L. (I) ::::, _. Cl) C ·-0 0.. • I'.' I'.' I'.' I'.' 15 ~ 15 15 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 (.) (J (.) :,.. :,.. :,.. :,.. f-f-f-f- 2: 2: § 2: ::, ::, ::, 0 8 0 0 0 (J (.) C 0 "' "' "' "' ·;;, 2: 2 2 2 ·s '< '< " " • "' l;i l;i l;i ~ a.. Q Q ~ &l &l Q U) <n ill > 'S: 'S: 'S: "' "' ~ ~ "' 0: en gi en en .,; ~ Cl Q Q 0 @; @; 9, g, >, Q Q a.. Q IIl DRAWING NO. 105/PROJ "' "' f:; f:; 0 Q I I ,.'.. I • "' .,. "' -" 0 "' 0 I I I I 0 0 a 0, "' --C) Q 4 OF 20 .,. ,.., "' -c5 z LuA-01-1u.. 385 380 375 380 375 -----j-- 10% 370 -2% I I ) I a "' a " "' o+oo -2% "' ' "' l(' "' 0+00 ':1 <:, HYDROSEED ' DISTURBED AREAS :,·.\ I a .,. 0 ~ .::: "' "' 0+10 I I "' " a "' " l(' ~ " "' "' "' I I I I '"": :g ~~ -"' ' "' ~ ~ "' ' ..,. ' "~ " :::: "' "' "' "' "' "' 0+20 0+30 0+40 " "' l(' "' DRIVEWAY #1 PRORLEVIEW HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"=10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1"=5' NOTE:: FINISHED PROFILES OF DRIVE:WA YS #1 & #2 SHALL BE: VERTICAL CVR\£5 WITH MAXIMUM GRADE: CHANGES PER KCRS J.01.C.4. ' ' "' " .,. " "' a ,?.! R ~ ~ "' "' "' I ' "' 'C 0 "' ' " IQ "' "' 0+50 I ..,. "' "' ~ c~ "' "' 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 30' R W 7.5' 5' SIDEWALK 0.5' ~. '% ' ', ' ..... ' 16' DRIVEWAY #2 PRORLEVIEW HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"=10' VERTICAL SCALE: 1"=5' 20' OR JO' R W 15' -18' ±14' VARIES VARIES PAVEMENT SECTION SAWCVf AND SE.IL JOINT i 0+60 I ' "' " ~~ a &l ~ 0:, "' "' ~ "' 0+60 0+70 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTIER 3" COMPACTED DEPTH Cl.ASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE PER KCRS 4.01A, ALTERNATE II R/W I 0+80 1-1/2~ COMPACT£0 DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE -- 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4" COMPACTED DEPTH ATB GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDmONS S.E. 200TH ST. (SECTION A-A) (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) KING COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD COLLECTOR NOT TO SCALE JO' R W 20' OR 30' R W 7.5' 1' 5' 16' 14' SIDEWALK 0.5' »,( 2:7 HYDROSEEO ' DISTURBED MEAS :,·.\ CEMENT CONCRffi CURB & GUTTER 3" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRffi PER KCRS 4.01A, ALTERNATE II 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE -- 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4" COMPACTED DEPTH ATS GRAVEL BASE CLASS '8' MAY BE REQUll~EO DEPENDING ON SOIL CONOmONS S.E. 200TH ST. (SECTION 8-8) {SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) KING COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD COLLECTOR NOT TO SCAl..f o+oo WATERSHED TERRACE 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 S.E 200TH ST. PRORLEVIEW HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"=50' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 "=5' 355 6+00 7+00 KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. Review Engineer Senior Engineer JAMES H. SANDERS, P.E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: SCALE: 1 "=50 F[[T 0 25 50 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVD88 B.M.: Compietion Date Compiotion Dote Approval Date 100 3" BRASS DISK STAMPED "KC-F-7A 1993" IN THE SE CORNER OF CONCRETE BASE FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE IN N. W. QUADRANT OF INTERSECTION OF S.f. 192ND STRffT AND 108TH A VENUE SE filV. = 456.10 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' LEGEND S MONUMENT AS NOTED --()-EXIST. POWER POLE E·---EXIST. GUY WIRE '(J EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT C•<] EXIST. WATER VAL VE ~ EXIST. WATER METER CJ EXIST. CATCH BASIN (0 EXIST. S£WER MANHOLE ;c,----, EXIST. WIRE FENCE >--·--CJ EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE n-~o EXIST. WOOD FENCE a PROPOSED CATCH BASIN ! EXPIRES: 9-23-03! 0 z (l) L. ..... C (l) () lf) 0 "" 0 I lf) -I "" 0 0) C ·->,. (l) > L. ::::, 00 "q-a a a Q .,.._ a -..I 1051PR02 5 or20 --------------------- 11 • 6' 16' 15' 18.3' 15' 16' 6' 6' ~ VARIES BER VARIES r::: ; h ~ 2c is 8 ~ · T · · I r , · · ~ ;i.9·-t--·-, 350 ' I I i !" I sg£ TAILS ON I HECTS 1 • I ,,- < l------- I II ~ A N BLOCK I ,\il I 1'1:.'1'11"', ---',I I 1f1, 1 & 20. I ,, I .,,-,,-I --1----r------·--i --34!'1-~-l~-.. ~~-,:-;;~--~oi!s~(N[-::;12) REMOVE ORGANIC MA TE:RIAL. REPLJCE AND COMPACT BERM AT 95% fWTr/1 IMPERMEABLE: MA TERI AL PER MEmro "C", SECTION 2-03.3(140) OF WSV.OT STANDARD SPEC/FICA TIONS. 335 330 325 320 12· 5' GRAVEL v, ROAD ~ ~ 0+00 0+00 16' 0+20 I XIST. GR~UND I / / / i •• ii ! i _,,I.,,-: ,,i 1· FREEi BOA ! // I < ··---! ------·w~-TOP PONo:Jv:.: 9.00--t---------; --·----i 340 AX ELEV. 3 .00 i I ,,, 1 --1 I I i I ·-~1-------~---r--------------.. 1 ' l l I CEZ.Li, I I ! i TA TIC W.S. El.£\1~ I • --1 335 CB 1 j TYPE II 46• RIM -S47.55 I.£. = j43,55 (12.NE:,SE&S) I.E. = 337.00 (12"NW) l -----"j 330 21LF!,.12•ADS(N-12) 0 1;/.62X • I CB 11A *"E II 46" I I I ' , ! RIM = 350,50 ____ , -----·1-·-----·-·--·----1 ---" BOTTOM ~LEV. = 326. 00 : " .. · I i I.£ = JJJj30 (12"SW&NW) ---·-·---·------;.---~----....... -+---.. -·-------. 325 ; I i I.£ = 328.00 (12"ADS); BE\1iL END. I ' I I . CONSTRUCT ·w x 4'L x 1 •o , I RIP 11AP PAD! Wl1H 8" TO 121 · QUARRY SPALJLS. i I 320 0+20 0+40 0+60 0+80 1+00 1+20 12· 0+40 SECTION C4-A) PROALE~=W HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 "=20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 "=5' 51' VARIES 0+6D 0+80 SECTION (B-B) PROALEWEW HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"=20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 "=5' 1+00 15' 16' 6' 1+20 1+40 KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. WATERSHED TERRACE Review Engineer Senior Engineer Comple\lon Dote Completion Date A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NW 1/ 4 SEC.5, T.22N., A.SE., W.M. JAMES H. SANDERS, PE DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: Approval Dote KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 12"ADS(N-12) 0 4.90:C CB 21 TYPE 1 RIM= JJ7.2 I.E. = 3JJ.20 (12"NE&S) MANUFACTURER TO PROVIDE: RE:INFORCE:MENT AT PIPE PENETRATIONS IN THE GEOGRID ZONE PER THEIR RECOMMENDATION. CONNECT TO EXIST. 6' HIGH CHAIN / NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WALL DESIGNER/ o ''r v, Y ,, (..A ,.,,, ··4-\1 ~ ,,Jo _,,,. ct 1)\ ,s,. UNK FENCE: WITH NEW 6' HIGH WOOD // "11; ? /I I );,:\ 6 ·,·o \ FENCE. I I . I ! ! ( / , 90LFN15 ADS(N 12) 0 3.22,r CONSTRUCT 6' HIGH WOOD FENCE SE£ DETAIL ON SHEET 9. 15LFNB"AOS(N-12) 0 2.67" POND FENCE NOTES: 1. FENCES SHALL BE 6' IN HEIGHT. CB 5 TYPE II 72" CONTROL STRUCTURE: RIM= 340.50 I.E.-331.10 SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 10. CHAIN LINK FENCES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT STANDARD PLAN L-2, TYPE I OR TYPE 3 CHAIN LINK FENCE INSTALLATION. 2. ACCESS ROAD GATES SHALL BE 16' WIDE CONSISTING OF TWO SWINGING SECTIONS 8 FEET IN WIDTH. 3. PEDESTRIAN ACCESS GATES (IF NEEDED) SHALL BE 4' IN WIDTH. 4. FENCE MATERIAL SHALL BE VERTICAL METAL BALUSTERS OR 9 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL FABRIC WITH BONDED VINYL COATING. FOR STEEL FABRIC FENCES, THE FOLLOWING APPLY: a) VINYL COATING SHAI.L BE BLACK. ALL POSTS, CROSS BARS, AND GATES SHALL BE PAINTED OR COATED THE SAME COLOR AS THE VINYL CLAD FENCE FABRIC. b) FENCE POST AND RAILS SHALL CONFORM TO WSDOT STANDARD PLAN L-2 FOR TYPE I, 3, OR 4 CHAIN LINK FENCE. 5. FOR METAL BALUSTER FENCES, UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STANDARDS SHALL APPLY. 6. WOOD FENCES SHALL HAVE PRESSURE-TREATED POSTS (GROUND CONTACT RATED) EITHER SET IN 24-INCH DEEP CONCRETE FOOTINGS OR AITACHED TO FOOTINGS BY GALVANIZED BRACKETS. RAILS AND FENCE BOAl<DS SHALL BE CEDAR OR PRESSURE-TREATED FIR OR HEMLOCK 7. WOOD FENCES ARE ALLOWED IN SUBDIVISIONS WHERE THE FENCE WILL BE MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIONS OR ADJACENT LOT OWNERS. FENCE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE A CONDITION OF SUBDIVISION APPROVAL, AND A STATEMENT DETAILING MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES AND REQUIREMENTS MUST BE RECORDED WITH THE PLAT. ' / ./ ,· ) I \ / r CONS , 6' HIGH iloOD FENCE / , / ) \ // SEE DEfflL SHE?T 9. _/ 5 // iB 1A TYPE 11 48" / 7o, \ i ; i / STA. 4+:Jl,.12; 41.5B'RT./ / 01' "> · , 1 / RIM = 350.50 . , / ",q, 'B-t, : i ' 1 I.E. = ;µJ.JO (12"SW&J(IW) // "Q<-"-?' / I;£ -BiOO (12"AdS); BEVEL ~D. <;,'5'<i01'l f4 fO_NSTRU . 3'W X 'L X 1'0 / -----"4,,<':c!4r--' 1RIP RAP_1P W11H18" TO 127'° I / 81,,,,_ / QUARRr' SPALL / / ; / II 2'-9' Af.LAN BLOCK W, SEE l)E:TAIL OIi/ SHEETS 18, j9 & 20. i I .. I / I ! / ;/ ;/ /• / _,/ .. / I ! ' SCAL[: 1 "= 20 F[[T 10 20 40 V[RT/CAL DATUM NAVD88 B.M.: 25'R TYP. /. 3• BRASS DISK STAMPED "KC-F-7A 1993' IN Tr/E S.E. CORNER OF CONCRETE BASE FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE IN N. W. QUADRANT OF INTERSECTION OF S.E. 192ND STREET AND I I ' I I ' ' . I : TRACT 'A' OPEN SPACE/ RECREATION 108 TH A VENUE S.E. £LEV. = 456.10 CONTOUR INTERVAL CURV[ TABL[ -2' ~"-{ NO. DEL TA RAD /US LENGTH .o I a, •• • .! .• -,i ...• i I ' / I/ /, /j / I I i 1--\ I:~ /:j /Ct~ )~? Lu ' IV) U) ! ILui".5 ! ['· i~~ t5' ' J Cl) #12 TYPE II (46") //i:~ i(__-. I f -1---+-• I ·(.) CB f/3 '• rl--+--i--1--/0' RR/VA TE STORM DR11NAGE EASEMENT 6" PVC ROOF DRAIN STORM SYSTEM O 2.5:C 41LFN12"ADS(N-12) 0 2.6B" CB 2 TYPE I RIM= 3J9.2 I.E. • JS5.20 (6"S&NE:) NOTE: .;;, -I I tt ii .!: 0 I -.c.o . I II) • I o-, ;a; oi~ t\/ i', - 2'-9' BLOCK WALL SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 9. GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD; 5" CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COIJRCE CONSTRUCT 6' HIGH WOOD FENCE SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 9. I.E. = 329.00 (6"PVC); BEVEL ENO. CONSTRUCT 3'W X 4'L X 1'0 RIP RAP PAD WITH B" TO 12• QUARRY SPALLS. THE BERM EMBANKMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF COMPACTED SOIL (95% MINIMUM DRY DENSITY, MODIFIED PROCTOR METHOD PER ASTM D1557), PLACED IN 6 INCH LIFTS, WITH THE FOLLOWING SOIL CHARACTERISTICS PER THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE'S I • I ' RIM = 353.5p !· i/', 1.i;:. = 346.6() (6"¥£) ; 2 c, 1-f, = 346.Jt; (12 NW) / I I .. I I 21 / ' I 20 ._' . I / -0 () I ) I[] ((J I t,) r,) t,) I if] TRACT 'B' STORM WET/DETENTION POND BOTTOM ELEV.=326.00 TOP DEAD STORAGE ELEV.=331.10 MAXIMUM W.5. ELEV.=338.00 TOP POND ELEV.=339.00 VOLUME REQUIRED=37,316 CF VOLUME PROV/0£D=44,585 CF FACTOR OF 5AFETY=1.19 (19%) 6" PVC ROOF DRAIN STORM SYSTEM O 23.02X C1 C2 LEGEND 85'09'23" 55.00 89'30'02" 70.00 S MONUMENT AS NOTED -{_",.. EXIST. POWER POLE (----EXIST. GUY fWRE yo ,_) EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT t><J EXIST. WATER VALVE [ill EXIST. WATER METER [J EX/ST. CATCH BASIN 1-'2\ \:::::_l EXIST. SEWER MANHOLE X----···-X EXIST. WIRE FENCE o--~-o EXIST. 6' CHAIN LINK FENCE • PROPOSED CATCH BASIN 0 PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE Cf---iJ PROPOSED 6' WOOD FENCE C>--0 PROPOSED 6' CHAIN LINK FENCE TEXTURAL TRIANGLE: A MINIMUM OF 20% SILT AND CLAY, A MAXIMUM OF 60% SAND, A MAXIMUM OF 60% SILT, WITH NOMINAL GRAVEL AND COBBLE CONTENT. EMERGENT WETLAND PLANT SPECIES RECOMMENDED FOR WETPONDS NOTE: IN GENERAL, EXCAVATED GLACIAL TILL IS WELL SUITED FOR BERM EMBANKMENT MATERIAL. RIP RAP SPECIFICATIONS: RIP RAP OUTFALL PAD SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS FOLLOWS: ROCK LINING SHALL BE QUARRY $PALLS WITH GRADATION AS FOLLOWS: PASSING 8-INCH SQUARE SIEVE: 100% PASSING 3-INCH SQUARE SIEVE: 40-60% MAXIMUM PASSING 3/4-INCH SQUARE SIEVE: 0-10% MAXIMUM MINIMUM DIMENSIONS: THICKNESS: 1 FOOT WIDTH: DIAMETER + 6 FEET LENGTH: HEIGHT: 8 FEET OR 4 X DIAMETER, WHICHEVER IS GREATER CROWN + I FOOT SPECIES COMMON NAME NOTES MAXIMUM DEPTH INUNDATION TO 1 FOOT JUNCUS EFFUSUS SOFT RUSH WET MEADOWS, PASTURES, WETLAND MARGINS TO 2 FEET JUNCUS TENUIS SLENDER RUSH WET SOILS, WETLAND MARGINS INUNDATION I TO 3 FEET CAREX OBNUPTA SLOUGH SEDGE WET GROUND OR STANDING WATER 1.5 TO 3 FEET SCIRPUS VALIDUS (1) SOFTSTEM BULRUSH INUNDATION GREATER THAN 3 FEET NUPHAR POLYSEPALUM SPAITERDOCK DEEP WATER -3 TO 7.5 FEET NYMPHAEA ODORATA (2) WHITE WATERLILY SHALLOW TO DEEP PONDS TO 6 FEET NOTES: (l) SCIRPUS TUBERS MUST BE PLANTED SHALLOWER FOR ESTABLISHMENT, AND PROTECTED FROM FORAGING WATERFOWL UNTIL ESTABLISHED. EMERGING AERIAL STEMS SHOULD PROJECT ABOVE WATER SURFACE TO ALLOW OXYGEN TRANSPORT TO THE ROOTS. (2) NON-NATIVE SPECIES. BECKMANIA SYZIGACHNE IS NATIVE TO OREGON. NATIVE SPECIES ARE PREFERRED. I EXPIRES: 9-23-0J! ~ i:i "' ~ () >-h z :, 0 () "' z 2 f5 Q a (/) $ l,J °' a, C, 9, Q I<) 0 I "' -I "' Q "' 81. 74 109.35 "" ..,_ Cl: "' V) ~ >- ii! i5 w "' "' .._, Q ~ () >-i:i f-- ::,; " ~ :, 0 C) C) r::: "' " z 2 :, ~ 0 () C, a ~ v, f5 $ l,J Q °' 8 (/) $ ~ a, a, C, C, 9, 9, Q_ Cl. 8 "' 0 I I a .,. 0 -I I Q Q -- "' I') ~ i:i "' ~ 0 >-h ~ C) C, " 2 f5 Q a V) $ ~ gJ ~ 8 I 0, 0 I 0, 0 "' ~ i5 ! 0 r::: z :, Q C) C, z 2 f5 Q a (/) $ l,J °' gJ 9, Q "' 0 I "' -I 0) 0 - C 0 ·.; ·;: ~ Ct: ,; "' () di' ~ ~ 0 0 0 z es <'I OJ 0 ~ I:':! I ::, l/) l/) 2: 0 '( ~ ~ Cl I en <'I 0 a ...., 0 "' l/) w.J II II _, ' ' '( ~ ~ C, .. N .. V) f,.C Cl "c c2 es cj8 0 :r: > c:: en en ~ en Cl Cl a ~ Cl l:.J ~ ~ 2: 0 ('.J Q:: (lj '( w.J Q l:.J 0:: :r: Q Cl Cl C, '( ~ 0 0 (/) 0 <:< Q .,_ "'( 0 0 -J j::::: -I Q (_) a~ Lu (..) <: '<( 0 (/) 0:: Q (/) f5 0 .,:: ~ Q:: ~ Q:: (_) ea V3 (/) <: es "'( .,:: ~ DRAWING NO. 105/POND 6 Or20 "ii :J I " ! ,, • _., )) ! ii WATERSHED TERRACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NW 1/ 4 SEC.5, T.22N., A.SE., W.~li. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 345 ,----------------,----·---------1····--···· ·-----,·-----· --------;---------------I II 11 ,, I ~ I i i ! Q i I I I ' j Ct:: , i '1 I PROPOSED G,ADE v, I I I ' I @ C/L PIPE ~ ! I I i I I u i ' I i ' s::i:: I I . -···--------···-··-··--{-------------+---·-·--.----·-1·----·w.J -----·-~------·---·------·--·-i i i iS l[' E-XIST. -!GRADE ! ' W J @ C/LJ PIPE I , I I I ! ---! 340 335 335 i ----f i l I . -·----,------1 -_____ J _______ j__ -=-=l=-:-:= .--:_ L ________ , _____ J ---1 1 1 i I 1 i PROPOSED GRADE I @ C/LIPIPE '-- 330 325 CB 17 T'IPE: 2 48" RIM= JJ9.20 ! I ~~'Os i 4tLF-12 ·Aos 1 -----------1------,,{Id, -·--(N=t2-)-0-2;6'1J%--l----'"'.'::-:'±• :-1ri7' ~ or:!>· 1 1 i i i I.E . .,JJO.O -·-----l PDNf:1 OUTLET 27LFN15.A0t> \,ll~\Z j CB 5,T'IPE II 72• l N·-12) 0 1.!¥1% i CONTRO S11?UC11JRE i I i i RIM =~.50 I 1 ·-·----·-----' ··---· _____ L ____ ~ DEp.ft0 ON SHEETJo. _______ _j l I l l CB 6 ID'PE II 48. · i I W/ VAL ON POND DRArN PIPE 1 ; RIM = JJ9.2 I I ' ' ! I.E. = J2f3,24 I [ , I.E. = J27.70 (15"SW&II') I 320 0+00 l i ! ' I 0+20 0+40 0+60 0+80 POND OUTLET TO CB #17 PRORLEWEW HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"=20' VERTICAL SCALE, 1 "=5' 1+00 -- ·11 ' i ' , --------·-·---+ ·---------···--+--·------1 11----5-!!F.,,+-' Bc:.:,:,P'.".'.VC:-::0:-'.0::".5:::::1:::'lr--""\ 1.E.,l,J28.5 330 i PON? DRAIN l I j I I i -------·----·+-----·--·--·-····--t·· ··-------------j CB 6 nPE 1/ (48.) L I W/ VAL VE ON FDND DRAIN PIA£ I RIM = 339.2 I I ! I.E. = J28.24 1 [ I I 325 320 0+00 0+20 0+40 0+60 POND DRAIN TC) CB #16 PRORLEWEW HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 "=20' VERTICAL SCALE, 1"=•5' 345'--,-----·------------------·---,-· ·-----·---·----·--------, ------·---,----··---------,--·-------·---,------·------,---------------, --------·----"1 1 i I I "'" l PROPOfEO GRADE -1 I i I i ""--._J i r 33 l @ C/L!PIPE =~ ) j ! ~ ,< _ I I I I op;: {-i EXIST. A_RADE I ....., ! I l -11 '1 340 ----------1~-=---'--'---~--::-_J-----1------i--[1··------------1----------·-_@.C/Lr~-------1 I [ ----_, II ' -1 . I I !-----' 1 --' i I I -t ! , ! 1 ; ! 118£F,.,.,,. I I --· -----1----Ill j ! I i < ~DS(l -12• , II I i i CB 5 T'IPE i j 1 ; 0 1-,90~ ' , I I 335 I ~/1. : m:& n-Yswy------+-----r·------·--------·-··· ------·--------!-------------·----+--------··-----! I ,.. i I , i , ! I ' I I I ! ! i I I I i i I I I ; ~~ I - I I I I I 1 1 "''<4' · [ I i CB 21 •T'IPE 1 , "'l I '1 I ! ' ' I :'lo "· I I 1 ' i I RIM = J7.2 i <!I O ' . ' 330 1··--------1----------:-------------·r·---------r----I.E.,.; JrJ,20(12'WE&S{------- 1 ---7&,9~-t":-------1-----------1 I I I I I ' I i , I i i I i I i i i i V I i I ! l i I.E. = J~B.oo (12·ADs); [BEVEL~ -I 1 I i I I CONSTRI.ICT J'W X 4'L XI t'D i I 325 I---------T------1--------r·-----·-1 ·---------r---::A:~~tfu~1H B'1Y.12.--------1-------·1··-------1 1 I I ! ' i . 320 : ! I I l ' ! I I I I ' ' I I 0+00 0+20 0+40 0+60 I I I I I I I I ! ' ! I ' ! 0+80 1+00 1+20 CB #25 TO POND INLET PROFILEWEW HORIZONTAIYistALE: 1"~20· VERTICAL SCALE: 1"=5' ! 1 I ' I I ! I I ' 1+40 1+60 1+80 2+00 0+00 0+20 345 340 335 9LF-B" ADS(N-12) 0 1.69" 330 I I I---I _ _! ____ ·~·--·--i 15!.FNB"ADS(~-12) o 2.67" I i ! j -----------1 I ! CB 15 T'IPE: II '2• Cl))NTRDL S1RUCTI'/RE Rl/,f = J40.50 I I.fl.= JJl.10 j 325 ·------··-___ , ____________ ~ DETAIL ON SlfEET 10. I ; I CB 16 nPE II 48• W/ VAL VE ON POND DRAIN Pl IPE RIM = JJ9.2 I.E. = J28.24 I 320 I 0+00 l ! ' 6' ~ 12' LEAF COMPOST I FIL, R VAULT I I TOI?= JJ9.0 I.E.ln= JJO. 70 (121E:). 1' I.E.but= J28.40 (12 NE) I ' I 0+20 0+40 0+60 CB #15 TO ALTER VAULT TO CB #16 PRORLEWEW 0+40 0+60 HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"=20' VERTICAL SCALE: 1"=5' 0+80 1+00 1+20 LOT 1 STUB TO CB #22 TO POND INLET PRORLEWEW HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"-20' VERTICAL SCALE; 1 "=5' 1+40 345 340 335 330 325 1+60 KING COUNTY 0.0.E.S. Review Engineer Completion Date Senior Engineer Completion Date JAMES H. SANDERS, P .E. Approval Date DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: I EXPIRES: 9-23-031 0 B.M.: SCALE: 1 "=20 FEET 10 20 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVD88 40 S' BRASS DISK STAMPED "'KC-F-7A 1993" IN THE SE. CORNER OF CONCRETE BASE FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE IN N. W, QUADRANT OF INTERSECTION OF S.E. 192ND STREET AND 108TH AVENUE S.E. ELEV. = 456.10 "" le' >'-I Ct: ;:, V) >-() -' le' >-Ct: t;j ,_ ~ < ~ 15 le' ~ (.) t;j () C, >-~ ~ ,_ ~ < :::, 85 () 0 (.) cc I:: C) ,_ 5 < ~ 0 " C) 85 (!) !'2 < cc iE " B 85 V) B s: 2 Q ~ a '( i)j s; "' Ct: (lJ co ::§ a a 9, 9, 9, cc cc cc "' "' ti 0 0 I I I 0 0, "' 0 -I I I 0 0, "' -C, 0 <') "' - es "" cn 0 ~ -~ I ::, l() a, z 0 " --Cl I gJ l() -, 0 0 "" l() u.J II II .._J ' ' 0 --.. N .. (/) ....: Cl'< a: 0:: G:18 0 ~ :r: ;:;: en cn 9s cn a n.. a ~ ~ ci ~ is! i3 Q 0:: f3 " u.J n.. 0:: :r: n.. a a (.) " ~ 'q'--..J G: a 0 a a Q::: a_ Q ..,_ li.J a -I Q - C .2 ·" > '" "' Q ~ 1-- :::) '<;( ~ 0::: ffi < -i...::: a @ < -0 ~ 0 0 V5 Q ~ ~ Q::: i...::: ~ ~ >, CD CJ) '" ORAWING NO. -0 a 1051PR03 0 z 7 OF 20 GENERAL PLAN NOTES 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE KING COUNTY CODE (KCC), KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS (KCRS), AND THE KING COUNTY COUNCIL'S CONDITIONS OF PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION APPROVAL. IT SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT AND THE PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEER TO CORRECT ANY ERROR, OMISSION, OR VARIATION FROM THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS FOUND IN THESE PLANS. ALL CORRECTIONS SHALL BE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST OR LIABILITY TO KING COUNTY. 2. THE DESIGN ELEMENTS WITHIN THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED ACCORDING TO THE KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (ODES) ENGINEERING REVIEW CHECKLIST. SOME ELEMENTS MAY HAVE BEEN OVERLOOKED OR MISSED BY THE DOES PLAN REVIEWER. ANY VARIANCE FROM ADOPTED STANDARDS IS NOT ALLOWED UNLESS SPECIFICALLY APPROVED BY KING COUNTY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3. APPROVAL OF THIS ROAD, GRADIHG, AND DRAINAGE PLAN DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN APPROVAL OF ANY OTHER CONSTRUCTION (E.G. DOMESTIC WATER CONVEYANCE, SEWER CONVEYANCE, GAS, ELECTRICAL, ETC.). 4. BEFORE ANY CONSTRUCTION OR ~EVELOPMENT ACTIVITY, A PRECONSTRUCTION MEETNG MUST BE HELD BETWEEN THE DDES'S DEVELOPMENT INSPECTION UNIT, THE APPLICANT, AND THE APPLICANT'S CONSTRUCTION REPRESENTATIVE. 5. A COPY OF THESE APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 6. CONSTRUCTION NOISE SHALL BE LIMITED AS PER KING COUNTY CODE (SECTION 12.88); NORMALLY, THIS IS 7 A.M. TO 10 P_M. WEEKDAYS AND 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. ON WEEKENDS. 7. IT SHALL BE THE APPLICANT'S/CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN ALL CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS NECESSARY BEFORE INITIATING OFF-SITE WORK WITHIN THE ROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY. 8. FRANCHISED UTILITIES OR OTHER INSTALLATIONS THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THESE APPROVED PLANS SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED UNLESS AN APPROVED SET OF PLANS THAT MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS OF KCRS CHAPTER 8 ARE SUBMITIED TO THE DDES'S DEVELOPMENT INSPECTION UNIT THREE DAYS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 9. DATUM SHALL BE KCAS UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY DOES. 10. GROUNDWATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE WITHIN A RIGHT-OF-WAY OR APPROPRIATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT, BUT NOT UNDERNEATH THE ROADWAY SECTION. ALL GROUNDWATER SYSTEMS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 81 3.02 OF THE APWA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 11. ALL UTILITY TRENCHES SHALL BE BACKFILLED AND COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT DENSIT/. 12. ALL ROADWAY SUBGRADE SHALL BE BACKFILLED AND COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT DENSITY (WSDOT 2-06.3.). 13. OPEN CUTIING OF EXISTING ROADWAYS IS NOT ALLOWED UNLESS SPECIFICALLY APPROVED BY DDES AND NOTED ON THESE APPROVED PLANS. ANY OPEN CUT SHALL BE RESTORED IN ACCORDANCE WITH KCRS 8.03(8)3. 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ADEQUATE SAFEGUARDS, SAFETY DEVICES, PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, FLAGGERS, AND ANY OTHER NEEDED ACTIONS TO PROTECT LIFE, HEALTH, AND SAFETY OF THE PUBLIC, AND TO PROTECT PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK COVERED BY THE CONTRACTOR. ANY WORK WITHIN THE TRAVELED RIGHT-OF-WAY THAT MAY INTERRUPT NORMAL TRAFFIC FLOW SHALL REQUIRE AT LEAST ONE FLAGGER FOR EACH LANE OF TRAFFIC AFFECTED. ALL SECTIONS OF THE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 1-07.2~, - TRAFFIC CONTROL, SHALL APPLY. DRAINAGE NOTES 1. PROOF OF LIABILITY INSURANCE SHALL BE SUBMITIED TO DOES PRIOR TO THE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING (KCC 2. ALL PIPE AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE LAID ON A PROPERLY PREPARED FOUNDATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT 7-02.3(1). THIS SHALL INCLUDE LEVELING AND COMPACTING THE TRENCH BOTIOM, THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION MATERIAL, AND AN'( REQUIRED PIPE BEDDING, TO A UNIFORM GRADE SO THAT THE ENTIRE PIPE IS SUPPORTED BY A UNIFORMLY DENSE UNYIELDING BASE. 3. STEEL PIPE SHALL BE GALVANIZED AND HAVE ASPHALT TREATMENT #1 OR BETTER IN:WE AND OUTSIDE (KCRS 7.03). 4. ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, SUCH AS CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES, NOT LOCATED WITHIN A TRAVELED ROADWAY OR SIDEWALK, SHALL HAVE SOLID LOCKING LIDS. ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES ASSOCIATED WITH A PERMANENT RETENTION/DETENTION FACILITY SHALL HAVE SOLID LOCKING LIDS (KCRS 7.05). 5. ALL CATCH BASIN GRATES SHALL CONFORM TO KCRS DRAWING NUMBERS 2-013, 2-(118, 2-019, OR 2-020, WHICH INCLUDES THE STAMPING "OUTFALL TO STREAM, DUMP NO POLLUTANTS" AND "PROPERTY OF KING COUNTY" (KCRS 7.05). 6. ALL DRIVEWAY CULVERTS LOCATED WITHIN KING COUNTY RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM 3:1 SLOPE FROM THE EDGE OF THE DRIVEWAY TO THE BOTIOM OF THE DITCH. CULVERTS SHALL HAVE BEVELED END SECTIONS TO MATCH THE SIDE SLOPE (KCRS 7.03(L), DRAWING NO. 2-001). 7. 8. A. B. C. D. E. ROCK FOR EROSION PROTECTION OF ROADWAY DITCHES, WHERE REQUIRED, MUST BE OF SOUND QUARRY ROCK, PLACED TO A DEPTH OF 1 FOOT, AND MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: 4"-8"/40%-70% PASSING; 2"-4" ROCK/30%-40% PASSING; AND -2" ROCK/10%-20% PASSING. INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH KCRS 7.02(B), DRAWING NUMBER 2-024. DRAINAGE OUTLETS (STUB-OUTS) SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL LOT, EXCEPT FOR THOSE LOTS APPROVED FOR INFILTRATION BY KING COUNTY. STUB-OUTS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING: EACH OUTLET SHALL BE SUITABLY LOCATED AT THE LOWEST ELEVATION ON THE LOT, SO AS TO SERVICE ALL FUTURE ROOF DOWNSPOUTS AND FOOTING DRAINS, DRIVEWAYS, YARD DRAINS, AND ANY OTHER SURFACE OR SUBSURFACE DRAINS NECESSARY TO RENDER THE LOTS SUITABLE FOR THEIR INTENDED USE. EACH OUTLET SHALL HAVE FREE-FLOWING, POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO AN APPROVED STORMWATER CONVEYANCE SYSfEM OR TO AN APPROVED OUTFALL LOCATION. clufli,-:fA-mJ<frAcirT~"sRAlL'llllf'l~ocAifEII' wjrljBACff!iE~m _Ejq11;IW,D2A8RV.f' SURFACE LEVEL, BE VISIBLE, AND BE SECURED TO THE STAKE. PIPE MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO UNDERDRAIN SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIBED IN KCRS 7.04 AND, IF NON-METALLIC, THE PIPE SHALL CONTAIN WIRE OR OTHER ACCEPTABLE DETECTION. DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ARE REQUIRED FOR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS DESIGNED TO CONVEY FLOWS THROUGH INDIVIDUAL LOTS. THE APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING THE LOCATIONS OF ALL STUB-OUT CONVEYANCE LINES WITH RESPECT TO THE UTILITIES (E.G. POWER, GAS, TELEPHONE, TELEVISION). F. ALL INDIVIDUAL STUB-OUTS SHALL BE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE LOT HOME OWNER. -~~--------------~------~---------~ KING COUNTY D.D.E_5_ WATERSHED TERRACE lli "' Review Engineer Completion Date m 0 :a -fc! I ::, lf) l() < 0 '( -Senior Engineer Completion Date -c:, I ~ "' 0 A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NW 1/ 4 SEC.5, T.22N., R.5E., W.M. --, JAMES H. SANDERS, P.E. Approval Date DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 9. PVC PIPE IS ALLOWED ONLY FOR USE IN PRIVATELY MAINTAINED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS OR AS ALLOWED IN ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY PER KCRS. PVC PIPE MUST BE SOR 35 OR THICKER AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM 03034. PVC PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED FOLLOWING PROCEDURES OUTLINED IN ASTM D2321, JOINTS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM D3212, AND GASKETS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM F477. 10. PVC RIBBED PIPE IS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO PVC PIPE. PVC RIBBED PIPE STIFFNESS SPECIFICATIONS MUST MEEr THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM D3034 (6"-15") OR ASTM F679 (18"-24"). PVC RIBBED Pll'E SHALL BE INSTALLED FOLLOWING PROCEDURES OUTLINED IN ASTM 02321. PVC RIBBED PIPE COMPOUND MUST MEET ASTM D1784, CELL CLASS 12454B OR 12364B, JOINTS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM D3212, AND GASKETS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM F477. STRUCTURAL NOTES 1. THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FOR STANDARD ROAD AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ONLY. PLANS FOR STRUCTURES SUCH AS BRIDGES, VAULTS, AND RETAINING WALLS REQUIRE A SEPARATE REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE DOES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION (KCC 16.04, 16.70, 14.20). 2. ROCKERIES ARE CONSIDERED TO BE A METHOD OF BANK STABILIZATION AND EROSION CONTROL. ROCKERIES SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED TO SERVE AS RETAINING WALLS. ALL ROCKERIES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH KCRS DRAWING NUMBERS 5-004, 5-005, 5-006, AND 5-007. " "-. "' 1 O' 16.5' R W UTILllY EASEMENT HYDROSEED~ 1 • 1 • 5' 1' 12' DISTURBED AREAS SIDEWALK 2.5' C, ;,'. <.·1 2' t i'i "' ' "' "" 2% ~ -y,\ '" " ;;:,. 10' 1 UTILllY EASEMENT 1' 1' 1 ' HYDROSEED 16.5' R/W 12' DISTURBED AREAS 2' 2% ' Y,,'Y ~ -----------CEMENT CONCRETE ROLLED CURB PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-002 ROAD "A" 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS '8' ASPHALT CONCRETE 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SUflFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNAfE -- 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4 " COMPACTED DEPTH ATS GRAVEL BASE CLASS '8' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) KING COUNTY SUBACCESS STREET NOT TO SCALE 1.5' CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTrER PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-002 26' PRIVATE DRIVEWAY 22' 2' 0 HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE } ALTERNATE -- 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4" COMPACTED DEPTH ATEI GRAVEL BASE CLASS '8' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT "C" NOT TO SCALE 1' 1.5' THICKENED ASPHALT EDGE 20' PRIVATE DRIVEWAY 2% 16.5' 1' HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE -- 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4" COMPACTED DEPTH ATB GRAVEL BASE CLASS '8' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT "D' NOT TO SCALE NOTES 1. A minimum 3' wide accessible route shall be maintained in all pedestrian accessible areas. 2. Contraction joints shall be placed along sidewalks at 15' moximum spacing. All joints sholl be cleaned and edged. 3. Inlets shall be located so that runoff does not flow past curb ramps. 4. This area may also incorporate the following; Decoro. tlve po.vingJ Open gro.ded po.vingJ Raised or leveleci planters, Benches or sea. ting a.rea.s, 5. Curb ramps shall be poured as a separate unit from the sidewalk, isolated by expansion joint material on all sides except at end of ramp next to the roadway. 6. Changes in level up to 1/4" may be verticol and without edge treatment. Changes in level between 1/4" and 1/2" shall be beveled with a slope no greater than 1 :2. 7. Romp texturing is to be done with an expanded metal grate placed and removed from wet concrete to leave a diamond pattern as shown. The long axis of the diomond pattern shall be perpendicular to the curb. Grooves shall be 1 /8" deep and 1 / 4" wide. 8. Cement concrete approaches shall be constructed of air~entrained concrete Closs 3000 and may be poured integral with curb. Comments: FINISH GRADE s~, '°'"7 PATCH SURFACING TO MEET AND MATCH EXISTING. MINIMUM SECTION TO BE SAWCUT PAV'T 1-3" A.C. PAV'T CL. B OVER 12" OUTSIDE OF I 4" CRUSHED ROCK BASE TRENCH EDGES EXISTING PAVEMENT EXISTING PAVEMENT • N • "' PIPING-- NOTES: , VARIES 'oCff:>o ooo 'I 0 () STRUCTURAL FILL MATERIAL COMPACTED TO 95% OF MAX. DENSITY ,______.~-----f-~~-SUBGRADE OR STRUCTURAL FILL MATERIAL COMPACTED TO 90% OF MAX_ DENSITY GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR PIPE BEDDING COMPACTED TO 95% OF MAX. DENSITY 1. PROVIDE 4" SAND [BLANKET BEDDING FOR RIGID PIPE 2. All TESTING OF B{ICKFILL AND COMPACTION SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE)WITH ASTM D-1557 T-PATCH ROAD RESTORATION DETAIL ' NOT TO SCALE ;J,fa" .[xQ~nsion Joint (TYPJ ~ Ramp texture T'(P ---~~~ & N~te 7) ~~1<=== \ Ldnding (5' MIN). When rpnOing is less than 5 use Curb Ramp Alternate. -~~ CURB RAMP Flush (nb1t \p:::j<:::::::::,.-y" exceed 1 ?.: see Not) 6) )/8" Ix11,qnsion Joint (TYPJ NOTd Area may be graded ----< ro T" "';,'"" ,,oo,. Flush ( ot \p exceed ~ /2-', see Note 6) I CURB RAMP ALTERNf E ,. ' l I ' 1 ' 2' MIN to edge of lane * Nominal dimensions RAMP TEXTURE DETAIL Two cross walks shown. Moy also be used with single cross walk to traffic island. 6' MIN I SIDEWALK AND CURB RAMP DESIGN I 5' MIN 10' MAX For use with large radius i (35' MIN) intersections Optional foundation for signal pole. CE~AENT CONCRE1E SIDEWALK AND APPROACH DETA1Js PER WSDOT STD. PLAN F-3 I NOT TO SCALE I EXPIRES: 9-23-03! D i'2 Q ::, es (_) ),. f--:a: :::, 0 (.) C 0 <, :~ ~ > m O'. 85 Q f.:l "' > ~ en -..i Cl _,, (_) fl, >, Q "' ~ I m " --0 I C, "' a -ci z l,,J z z -J '( < < '-.l " ~ ,, r.r, I-' ll:: 0 ~ :r: m ~ m c:, c:, f3 .. ~ g G i7i '( l,,J l,,J I!§ i5 c:, ~j a:: -a~ i-::. Lw (/) Q QC) << ,q: '"-( Q (/) '"-( ~ 00 a:: < c:,"' ci8 c:: m s :::,; 0 ll:: Q_ Q_ '( a 0 a " I re, "' <o <o' a .::::,. -.:t- C) C) C) Q ..... C) ...J ~ ~ ~ Ea Oj ~ ~ DRAWING NO. 1051DTL1 8 or20 Lu,A-o i-fl,?... I I l ., '' 11 '1: ' ,el . '.i N 5' TO GRADE PRE -PRINTED -...;P""LA""sn C s I G N StHiliYf Art1 Dounda17 1-!t ,,.tict • an fr Iii n • ATIACH SIGN TO POST WITH TWO ------5/16 GALVANIZED LAG BOLTS WITH WASHERS. '--8' -4x4 CEDAR OR PRESSURE TREATED POST SET 3' INTO POST HOLE COMPACTED NATIVE BACKFILL IN POST HOLE KING COUNTY WETLAND/STREAM SIGN INSTALLATION DETAIL A) THE WETLAND/STREAM SIGN SHALL BE POSTED AT THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE LOT AND SENSITIVE AREA BUFFER. B) ONE SIGN SHALL BE POSTED FOR EVERY 150 FEET OF SENSITIVE AREA BUFFER AND SHALL BE STATIONED PER THE LOCATION, ON THE APPROVED PLANS TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. SIGNS MAY ALSO BE ATIACHED TO FENCES C) SIGNS ARE AVAILABLE FDR $2.50 FROM: KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 900 OAKESDALE AVENUE SOUTHWEST RENTON, WA 98055-1219 S.A.T. SIGN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE -..__ PLANT MATERIAL SCHEDULE SYMBOL BOTANICAL/COMMON NAMES TREES: ,,,---,,JJ.jc--~--ll/cl ACER RUBRUM 'ARMSTRONG' / ARMSTRONG MAPLE · ......... ___ ~·:;.,·"' 10 SCALE/ 30 SCALE 0 ® ACER RUBRUM 'BOWHALL' / BOWHALL MAPLE MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA / SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA PSEUDOTSUGA TAXIFOLIA / DOUGLAS FIR THUJA PLICATA / WESTERN CEDAR ZELKOVA SERRATA / SAWLEAF ZELKOVA SHRUBS: CISTUS PURPUREUS / ORCHID ROCKROSE CORNUS STOLONIFERA / RED-OSIER DOGWOOD HELICTROTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS / BLUE OAT GRASS MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM / OREGON GRAPE SIZE CONDITION 1.75" CAL. B & B 1.75" CAL. B & B 1.75" CAL. B & B 6' HT. B&B 6' HT. B&B 1.75" CAL. B & B 21 • -24" CONTAINER 24" -30" BR/CONT. 2 GALLON 21· -24" CONTAINER SPACING QUANTllY 40' o.c. 6 40' o.c. 6 AS SHOWN 3 AS SHOWN 4 AS SHOWN 3 40' o.c. 23 4' o.c. 19 6' o.c. 16 3' o.c. 12 4' o.c. 28 E;:~4 1· = 30' 0 15 60 l \ I I I ' ; j I I I I ::E I l I I ' ' ' i i \ : \ ! 1 1 : I ,: : Ii : I w:I CD : ' ! f W 'I ' ' ffi ,l 1 ,I :S : i ~ \! ): , i ) I I , , , I ' I )' '1 : : i ) < I I I a. I I I i' )i gl- )i ' )l 1' i / I f'-, I < I I I J' ,/ 0.' ' ' I •. L 1 ·., •• '"'' ('l 'I v1•·R··1· ~ ' .,.... l\i:,i_,) , } .. , ... ,/ f011•1 ,;·~'~ '.H) r -~ ·t ,)., ., , ,~~, f\ '··-, • 1 ,;i.- -~·-·i2'' ! Fl lffi concr'8to culvort ,,/ 503. 02 .,.-,-·-,,,.., / 2 ,..,, ..... ,-ii...... .. ""'<-----:¥.. ·.• .. ' . ~-" . I / ,51 50' LONG LEVEL FLOW SPREADER LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN HAMIL TON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON . -I..:· ...• ' ..... = ---(\ .. :. \ . ' ' • / --!--\ __ :~:~::::::::.:::·==--= ::~ :_'::(:::~ ·····-··· "~~:==~=- 21 20 \----~·------ ....... ~-------__ _/\ \ REMARKS SYMBOL BOTANICAL/COMMON NAMES SIZE CONDITION , .. SPACING QUANTITY REMARKS STAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, BRANCHED AT 6' STAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, BRANCHED AT 6' STAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, BRANCHED AT 6' STAKE, GUY ONE GROWING SEASON STAKE, GUY ONE GROWING SEASON STAKE & GUY ONE GROWING SEASON; NURSERY GROWN FOR STREET TREE USE, BRANCHED AT 6' 4 CANES MINIMUM ITT:::::::::::\::: ::I [.~_ .. . ·. .. ... j - GROUND COVERS: ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI / KINNIKINNICK FRAGARIA CHILOENSIS / ORNAMENTAL STRAWBERRY LAWN LAWN/PLANTER EDGE PLAY SURFACING CONCRETE PAVING TIMBER CURB BOULDERS -ON-SITE SALVAGE VARIED SIZES; 24" MIN., 6' MAX. PICNIC TABLE BENCH S.A.T. SIGN . , . 4" POT 18" o.c. 4" POT 12· o.c. SEED 24'" -3' RANDOM 40" ( +) AS REQ'D AS REQ'D COVER 4 4 HOLD 12" FROM BORDERS AND 16" FROM SHRUBS AND TREES HOLD 6" FROM BORDERS AND 8" FROM SHRUBS AND TREES LOCAL COMMERCIAL BLEND SEED AT 61b / 1000 SF; CELLULOSE MULCH AT 401b / 1000 SF; WET TOLERANT MIX IN BIOSWALES CUT TRANSITION SEE SHEET l2 FOR LAYOlJT SEE SHEET l2 FOR DETAIL MIXED SIZES WITH SMOOTH, WORN SURFACE; VEHICLE BARRIER. APPROX. MAX. SEPARATION OF 1 O' SEE SHEET l2 FOR CALL-OlJT SEE SHEET l2 FOR CALL-OlJT SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL / \ I / \.]'\ 1-.. :,. 4;-,. (· / ' T5/4 I I -0 z z j a.. C, z ~ a.. w a.. ~ z j w (.) . j~ a.. w z=' 0 u. ~ ffl -o ~o :c -I 0 N 0 N ~ I 0 1-----------18 ~ ~ t ! ~1 ~ (3 ~ C ~ N .0 I 0 N 0 ~ N ID 0 u Vl ,o N '° "" 0 0 N '-0 N :;.. 0 ID E ~ 2 0 0 = 'lt.A-f.£J. I I 0 N 0 K1NG COUNTY D.D.E.S. R iew Engineer Completion Date / O' G -~ ID ID G rn C 3- 0 =:-IIL+,µ'./-;::-;--l-----r---,18 ~ C? .;;; ~ 0 0 -.,..l.ej_t'l/f?!,l;-,___j .cE ,... 1 o I D t ,.,~ ~ '' 0 JA H. DERS, P.E. App o a e ~ Q ~ 'o ::: DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER ,, ,.......-ill · / Comments: 'P O,&f -!l :'J ; L__ ____________________________________________________ _L,_ _ __.:;......11111!.:::~...!..l--L---TLUTt-i:p.-=-0=8~-~,2-:-:-i.:--- ------------- lb:~ w Cl) w ::> z ~ .t:. m ..... 1" = 10' 10 )\@ I I I I I i I ' I I I 11 I I : I , I I I ! I ; : ' I i /, . Ir 1 I I. I' "I I I /\'/ 1'_' '. / ! /· : ... T \ .·. ; -l 1_-·. __ \" . .:-·. ·_ 1: . . \ i \ --._ :~~1 I It·. , ' . ' . ! i \ I NOTES: 1. 2, 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. FOR PLANT MATERIAL SCHEDULE SEE SHEET Lt. FOR LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES, MATERIALS, AND DETAILS SEE SHEET L-J. PARK FURNITURE AND PLAY EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S WRITIEN SPECIFICATIONS. PLAY TO COMPLY WITH IPEMA (ASTM) AND CPSC STANDARDS. MINIMUM PLAY ZONE STANDARD FOR CONTROLLED PLAY EQUIPMENT TO BE PROVIDED. INSTALLATION TO BE PROVIDE NO LESS THAN 12' GREATER PLAY ZONE THAN MINIMUM STANDARDS. THIS PLAN SPECIFIES PARTICULAR FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT TO ESTABLISH MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE DESIGN. ALTERNATE EQUIPMENT AND PROTECTION TO, AT A MINIMUM, BE COMPARABLE EQUIPMENT, AGE, AND SAFEIY STANDARDS. PROVIDE ALL LABOR, MATERIALS, AND INSTALLATION AS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE WORK AND RELATED WORK SHOWN ON DRAWINGS, AS REQUIRED. PRIOR TO ORDERING/CONSTRUCTION, SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS AND MANUFACTURER CUT SHEETS FOR OWNER'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL. COORDINATE AND SCHEDULE ALL WORK WITH OWNER, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, AND OTHER TRADES AS REQUIRED. PROVIDE EXPERIENCED SUPERVISION OF ALL ELEMENTS OF THIS WORK. ALL CONSTRUCTION SUBGRADES TO BE COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT MINIMUM. 10. CROSS PITCH ALL PAVING 2 PERCENT MINIMUM. 11. PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL PLAY EQUIPMENT. 12. ALL EXPANSION JOINTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED VERTICAL ANO FLUSH WITH PAVING SURFACE. 13. EXPANSION JOINT FILLER TO CONFORM TO ASTM 0994. 14. ALL CONCRETE WORK TO BE A MINIMUM 3 1/2" THICK AND COMPRESSION STRENGTH OF 2,000 PSI AT 28 DAYS. 15. ALL ITEMS TO BE INSTALLED IN LJNE, LEVEL, AND PLUM. 16. INSTALL BENCH AND PICNIC TABLE PRIOR TO PAVEMENT INSTALLATION. ·---·--.,.,.,_...,..,..,,, ____ , ______ "'_' _________________________________________________________________________________________ ..,...-r----------, I_ ·./---......... _ >,-·, \· ·•. -. , . ,· . ··-.:·_·\_ .. _":: "' ·-_ \ . ., . LANDSCAPE RECREATION AMENITIES AND PLANTING PLAN HAMIL TON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 2 / I ..... ·-----~-···-·-·-·.o, .. __ _ ,, ······· --/ ·"'····--······----\a'I~· ... L ....... .. ·."/' ./ _ . .. . / . ;.} ... ·,;. , .. ):'· . ' . . . ... _. -r .·. __ -./ .·.· .. --;~"(:'·. _: ... , ·. '.··--.• ':\.' --.. --.. . .. " .. . I . 'i ... .. ·' . ··. \....,: . ·:-,..·. •• '·, • ., I . ',,,:. . ,,· -·.. · .. i .. ·. ·-·--·-··--·TAACtr:~Aff·_• _.· ·_ ' (OPfilt-~PACE) -.· ' •·· ·--.·L··,tv:\AiN' _.:· .. :·< · ·_. ·fr\\~ V · ... · ., . ·r . .. 6' ·4L·'1· :'g; .• ··s· ··p' : .. ··=·: .. .-; __ ._: ... : ~i: .... ·:. ~: .. ::..'· ... _.·,.··. . r_· i "" 3 / / I \ ····-->.-.,-/ ········ .... L_ ________ .,, ' • • • • ······---·······- 4 ········ -----"'"··· / / 5 ·---~- ' ; ·, -----·----'----····· ~,-,! ---.... ·----····--.,,, ... _____ .,.,_ / I ----'-----+----CONCRETE PAVING: 'I EXPANSION JOIN'TS AS SHOWN, LIGHT -------·---...... __ 1___ ,--~:g~::.1~.l~H ····-·-·---·------------ ' I ----------------_J ___ t ' ,Z,._'0.;1+,~-,..:c+,-;..;;,.1-4-..:i..t:__--+--BouLhE I SEE SHEET 1 ~~$~:_;1t~f < \ . ~~lt~HE U \ TIMB~R CU SEEjDEfAI 78 ~.F. lYPlfAL ~~144-l--.....;_-PLA~ EQUI ENT: ,-------- "SPlfA 1" # 014 "SPICA 2" 015 "SPICA 3• 016 (WITH CON ETE F TING) FORj 6-12 EARS A E GROUP KO~PAN ( 6-940+ 7981) ~fJ E~gb C~i~ ElAsE: "WOODCAR " ADA SURFACING 12ij' COMP ED DE H MINIMUM (OR EQUI NT) PA FIC P ROUN , INC • (8,-962 048) 69 1 S.F. I 21 .. 0 /il "' i .~ ~~ "' "' 8 ~ => 8 "' % 12 ~ In % ti! ~ 0: ~ !ii 0. ~ " ] " <) "' ::l1 ~ c!; .l! -0 "' C I .. d t= -z ij 8 {/) ffi E z w ~z z :5 ~ . Oa..<CO F ....J z <Oa..w w z ...J a: F z -0 Z O LL w <( r-Cl) a: ...J ...J w w a.. ~ 0 a..0<(0 <( z :r: 0 <( Cl) 0 z :5 0 b 0 ~ ~ C u ~ 0 II 'E N z ·c ~ 0 • :c ~ -' I 0 N 0 --N w I I )~ --\ I +--r~ \ ' \ \ \ I I I I I I 1----------1~ 0 \ 1 \, ....... ) l'r .,. _____ ::::~-=.::::::::==··········--- '--··1-; --/-1 \ ····-······-·-\ ' ···· ····· --------·, \ TIMBER CURB \ ~-PICNIC TABLE: I °SIGNATURE SERIES" #S6 46" SQUARE TAB~E-4 SEA INGROUND PEDESTAL WITH CONCRETE FOOTING WABASH (800-253-8619) (OR EQUIVALENT) \ ,___ I i i i i 17. 18. 19. INSTALL ALL PLAY EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO PLAY SURFACING INSTALLATION. LEAVE ALL WORK AREAS, FURNISHINGS, AND EQUIPMENT MOPPED CLEAN. LEAVE ALL PLAY SURFACING COMPACTED, LEVEL AND CLEAN OF ALL DEBRIS. 20, AT FINAL ACCEPTANCE PROVIDE OWNER WITH ALL GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES. 21. TRACT "A" TO BE PROVIDE WITH AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. IRRIGATION SYSTEM BY A SEPARATE DESIGN BUILD CONTRACT WITH OWNER. MIN. PLAY ZONE PER IPEMA & CPSC STANDARDS 12· MIN. COUNTER SINK 1" AND PLUG -TYPICAL 1" MAX. AT LAWN; FLUSH AT CONC. CONDITION PROVIDE 17, -J?. POSITIVE DRAINAGE FROM SURFACING AND EQUIPMENT LAP JOINTS TREAT CUTS _...l~---'---#--,,-11,,1 lYPICAL REBAR---11 lYPICAL TIMBER CURB Ill PLAY SURFACING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE SEE D[1:AIL THIS SHEET SHRUB AREA 1,466 S.F. " 47 LF. lYPICAL PLAY EQUIPMENT: "MOSAIQ MQ #100271 (WITH CONCRETE FOOTINGS) FOR 2-5 YEARS AGE GROUP KOMPAN (206-940-7981) (OR EQUIVALENT) WITH WOOD CHIP BASE: "WOODCARPET" ADA SURFACING 12" COMPACTED DEPTH MINIMUM (OR EQUIVALENT) PACIFIC PLAYGROUND, INC. (800-962-5048) 579 S.F. MIN. PLAY ZONE ----~ PER IPEMA & CPSC STANDARDS 3L4" CHAMFER AT ALL EXPOSED CORNERS 1/2';, MAX. I(' \ 12· 18" MIN. MIN. L-..-IBENCH: "TRADITIONAL SERIES" #15084 INGROUND PEDESTAL WITH CONCRffi FOOTINGS WABASH (800-253-8619) (OR EQUIVALENT) PLAY ZONE PER MANUFACTURER'S INFORMATION lYPICAL --PAVING SEE PLAN ADA ENGINEER~D WOSD CHIP fr SURFACING 12 (MIN. COMPACTED DEPTH ' I " 11---1 ~6Nfi~:~'s --=AT--=1o=P-=&----~~~<l;,-"'(.1;1 ( 1 ·,-__ fj :,.--1T./U7 BOTTOM; 1 B" O.C. VERTICAL ..,/ ; ----1 ----, ~ --=~rr ~_:::;t DEWITT WEED BARRIER ---J,~",-; "1::1:' _ _! ! 1·-'-TTT' ' . ,--' " ~~;~~~ION JOINTS AS \f[t:'1 r1i 1::1 r·lr~:=t I ! :~-I C NOTED ON PLANS. ''"'· •,;,IC :III::.:' [Tf 7 ---· ,-d 8" MIN. ' <Xl ~ PAVING/DEEPENED FOOTING ill PLAY SUFACING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ~;J:~F/fr ~~l ~fE. TRACT "8" DETENTION POND \ \ l"·----- 6" MIN. DRAINAGE ~ PLAY AREA DETAIL ' NOT TO SCALE ; R iew E . DERS, P.E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: 3'MO Completion Date Date ~ 0 0 .Q E (\I 1l " 0 0 z .c .Q ::= V, 0 , LU A-08-rz..2 N .D T 0 N 0 N " 0 u if> ..,- 0 0 N -----0 N -:;;:- 0 .--------------~ .. ---------------·-·-·------------------------·---·--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1"'"1---------, LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES AND MATERIALS SCOPE OF WORK FURNISH ALL MATERIALS, LABOR, EQUIPMENT AND RELATED ITEMS NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH THE TREATMENT AND PREPARATION OF SOIL, FINISH GRADING, PLACEMENT OF SPECIFIED PLANT MATERIALS, FERTILIZER, STAKING, MULCH, CLEAN-UP, DEBRIS REMOVAL, AND 90-DAY MAINTENANCE. QUALIFICATIONS: LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO Bl: SKILLED AND KNOWLEDGEABLE IN THE FIELD OF WORK. CONTRACTOR TO BE LICENSED TO PERFORM THE WORK SPECIFIED WITHIN THE PRESIDING JURISDICTION. JOB CONDITIONS: IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO REVIEW THE SITE AND REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE OWNER OR THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVES. ALL PLANT MATERIAL AND FINISHED GRADES ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE OWNER. PROTECTION: SAVE AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING PLANTINGS SHOWN TO REMAIN. DO NOT PLANT UNTIL OTHER CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS WHICH CONFLICT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. AN IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS TO BE INSTALLED. DO NOT PLANT UNTIL THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN TESTED AND APPROVED. HANDLE PLANTS WITH CARE -DO NOT DAMAGE OR BREAK ROOT SYSTEM, BARK, OR BRANCHES. REPAIR AND/OF{ REPLACE ITEMS DAMAGED AS A RESULT OF WORK, OR WORK NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AS DIRECTED BY OWNER AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. REPAIR OF EXISTING PLANTINGS: DURING THE COURSE OF WORK, REPAIR ALL EXISTING PLANTING AREAS BY PRUNING DEAD GROWTH, RE-ESTABLISHING FINISHED GRADE AND RE-MULCHING TO SPECIFIED DEPTH. GUARANTEE: GUARANTEE ALL PLANT MATERIAL FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE JOB BY OWNER. 90-DAY MAINTENANCE: CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE OWNER WITH A SCOPE OF WORK AT TIME OF INITIAL PROJECT BID TO PROVIDE LANDSCAPE AND IF<RIGATION MAINTENANCE FOR 90 DAYS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF PROJECT (ACCEPTANCE) OF FACILITY BY OWNER. WORK TO INCLUDE MAINTENANCE AS DESCRIBED BELOW, IN PLANTING AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE. MATERIALS: PLANT MATERIALS: PLANT MATERIALS TO BE GRADE NO. 1, SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH (AAN) AMERICAN STANDARDS FOR NURSERY STOCK (ANSI Z60.1-1986). PRUNE PLANTS RECEIVED FROM THE NURSERY ONLY UPON AUTHORIZATION BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. "B & B" INDICATES BALLED AND BURLAPPED; "CONT," INDICATES CONTAINER; "BR" INDICATES BARE ROOT; "CAL" INDICATES CALIPER AT 6" ABOVE SOIL LINE; "GAL" INDICATES GALLON. A) SPECIFIED PLANT CANOPY SIZE OR CALIPER IS THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE CONTAINER OR BALL SIZE ESTABLISHES MINIMUM PLANT CONDITION TO BE PROVIDED. B) QUALITY: PLANT MATERIAL TO COMl'LY WITH STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS FOR DISEASE INSPECTION, PLANTS TO OE FULLY LIVE, VIGOROUS, WELL FORMED, WITH WELL DEVELOPED FIBROUS ROOT SYSTEMS. ROOT BALLS OF PLANTS TO BE SOLID AND FIRMLY HELD TOGETHER, SECURELY CONTAINED AND PROTECTED FROM INJURY AND DESICCATION. PLANTS DETERMINED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO HAVE BEEN DAMAGED; HAVE DEFORMITIES OF STEM, BRANCHES, OR ROOTS; LACK SYMMETRY, HAVE MULTIPLE LEADERS OR ''Y'' CROTCHES LESS THAN 30 DEGREES IN TREES, OR DO NOT MEET SIZE OR ANSI STANDARDS WILL BE REJECTED. PLANT MATERIAL TO BE FROM A SINGLE NURSERY SOURCE FOR EACH SPECIFIED SPECIES/HYBRID. NURSERY SOURCES TO BE THOSE LOCATED IN THE SAME REGION AS THE JOB SITE. C) SUBSTITUTION: NO SUBSTITUTION OF PLANT MATERIAL, SPECIES OR VARIETY, WILL BE PERMITIED UNLESS WRITIEN EVIDENCE IS SUBMITIED TO THE OWNER FROM TWO QUALIFIED PLANT BROKERAGE OFFICES. SUBSTITUTIONS WHICH ARE PERMITIED TO BE IN WRITING FROM THE OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. THE SPECIFIED SIZE, SPECIES AND NEAREST VARIETY, AS APPROVED, TO BE FURNISHED. SOIL PREPARATION: MAY BE SPECIFIC TO THE SITE, OR TO CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE SITE, AS NOTED ON THE PLAN. THE FOLLOWING: TOPSOIL, AMENDMENT, AND BACKFILL, ARE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE PLAN. SOIL FERTILITY AND AGRICULTURAL SUITABILITY ANALYSIS: AFTER ROUGH GRADING AND PRIOR TO SOIL PREPARATION, CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN AGRONOMIC SOILS TESTS FOR PLANTING AREAS, LAWN AND SHRUB LANDSCAPE. A MINIMUM OF ONE SAMPLE AND ONE PER EACH TWO ACRES OF LANDSCAPE AREA TO BE OBTAINED. IF ON-SITE TOPSOIL HAS BEEN STOCKPILED, A TEST TO BE COMPLETED FOR IT, ALSO. TESTS TO INCLUDE FERTILITY AND SUITABILITY ANALYSIS WITH WRITIEN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SOIL AMENDMENT, FERTILIZER, CONDITIONERS, APPLICATION RATES, AND POST-CONSTRUC- TION MAINTENANCE PROGRAM. TESTS TO BE PERFORMED BY AN APPROVED SOIL TESTING LABORATORY WHICH WILL BE CONTRACTED WITH AND PAID FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SOILS REPORT AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TO TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER THE MINIMUMS NOTED, BELOW. PROVIDE CHANGE ORDER FOR ADDITIONAL MATERIALS REQUIRED IN THE SOILS REPORT. A) TOPSOIL AS A MINIMUM SUPPLY TOPSOIL CONSISTING OF LOAM SOIL WITH 5 TO 7 PERCENT ORGANIC MATIER. TOPSOIL TO BE AMENDED WITH SPECIFIC AMENDMENTS IN C)1. AND C)2., BELOW, AND BE BLENDED TO SPECIFIED DEPTH IN E.), BELOW. LOAM TO CORRESPOND TO FIELD METHOD OF DETERMINING SOIL TEXTURE CLASSES FOR LOAM AND SILT LOAM, U.S. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE. PROVIDE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT THE TOPSOIL SUPPLIER AND SAMPLE OF TOPSOIL. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY NECESSARY WEED CONTROL RESULTING FROM CONTAMINATED OFF-SITE SOURCES. 8) NATIVE SURFACE SOIL INCLUDING STOCKPILED TOPSOIL SURFACE SOIL ON-SITE MAY MEET TEXTURAL CLASSIFICATION AS NOTED IN A), ABOVE. PROVIDE AMENDMENTS IN C) 1. AND C) 2., BELOW, AND EVENLY BLEND AMENDMENTS TO SPECIFIED DEPTH. C) AMENDMENT 1. ORGANIC COMPOST TOPSOIL FOR PLANTING TO CONTAIN 15 TO 20 PERCENT ORGANIC MATERIAL BY VOLUME. THE FOLLOWING IS FOR SOIL WITH 3-4 % ORGANIC CONTENT. PROVIDE THREE INCHES (TWO INCHES COMPACTED DEPTH) OF COMPOST PER 12 INCHES OF SPECIFIED TOPSOIL DEPTH. MUSHROOM COMPOST, SLUDGE/ COMPOST BLEND, AND/OR AGED FIR BARK MULCH WILL SATISFY ORGANIC REQUIREMENTS. COMPOST TO BE FROM NON-FARM ANIMAL SOURCES, NOR FROM SOURCES CONTAINING REDWOOD/CEDAR PRODUCTS. 2. FERTILIZER COMPLETE FERTILIZER WITH TRACE ELEMENTS, 8 PERCENT SULFUR, AND A MINIMUM OF 50 PERCENT SLOW RELEASE NITROGEN. FERTILIZER TO BE "AGRO-DELUXE NURSERY" 10-15-20 AT 50 POUNDS PER 10 YARDS OF ORGANIC COMPOST, OR COMPARABLE NITROGEN EQUIVALENT. D) PLANTING BACKFILL ON-SITE TOPSOIL (EXCAVATED PIT SPOILS) AS FIELD PREPARED FOR PLANTING/TURF. E) TOPSOIL PREPARATION AS A MINIMUM, ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS TO HAVE 12 INCHES MINIMUM OF TOPSOIL PER A) AND/OR 8), ABOVE. CONTRACTOR TO ADJUST GRADES AND SUPPLY TOPSOIL AS NECESSARY TO ASSURE THE MINIMUM DEPTH. CONTRACTOR TO FORM BERMS TO THE HEIGHT AND EXTENT NOTED HERE, AND SHOWN ON THE PLANS. AMENDMENTS TO BE EVENLY BLENDED THROUGHOUT THE TOP 6-INCHES. TOPSOIL TO BE WORKED INTO SUB-BASE/SUBSOIL FOR ROUGH TRANSITION. SOIL DEPTH SPECIFIED IS FINISHED, COMPACTED DEPTH. PARKING PLANTER ISLANDS TO BE OVER EXCAVATED BY BACKHOE. REMOVE PAVING WASTE, GRAVEL BASE AND UNDERLYING SUBSOIL TO 18" BELOW TOP OF PAVING. SCARIFY AND OVER EXCAVATE PIT BOTIOM 12" TO MINIMIZE STRUCTURAL COMPACTION.S LANDSCAPE PLANTING NorJ=s, MATERIALS, AND DETAILS HAMIL TON PLACE , .. . , A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC.14, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. BARK MULCH (TOPDRESSING): ONE-HALF-INCH (1/2") SIZE, TO ONE-INCH (1 "), I.E., "MEDIUM," HEMLOCK/FIR BARK. APPLY SUFFICIENT QUANTITY TO PROVIDE THREE INCHES (3") TO FOUR INCHES (4") DEPTH IN AREAS NOT PLANTED IN LAWN. FINE MULCH, I.E., "STEERCO" TEXTURE AND CEDAR ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. STAKES: 2-INCH DIAMETER BY 8-FOOT MINIMUM LODGEPOLE PINE STAKE. GUY MATERIAL: 1-INCH WIDE POLYETHYLENE CHAIN LOCK TYPE TIES; OR, 3/8" DIAMETER RUBBER. NO WIRE. LAWN: SEED OR COMMERCIAL SOD AS NOTED ON PLAN. SOD TO INCLUDE BLUEGRASS FOR BINDER. SOD WITH MANMADE BINDER IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. HERBICIDE: HERBICIDE IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR THE FIRST YEAR AFTER INSTALLATION. ANTI-DESICCANT: "WILT-PROOF," 48 HOURS PRIOR TO SHIPMENT TO SITE FROM JUNE 1 THROUGH SEPTEMBER. THOROUGHLY ROOT WATER PLANTS PRIOR TO DELIVERY. PLANT MATERIAL DELIVERED TO SITE TO BE KEPT CONTINUALLY MOIST THROUGH INSTALLATION. EXECUTION: FINISH GRADES: FINE GRADE AND REMOVE ROCKS AND FOREIGN OBJECTS OVER TWO INCHES (2") DIAMETER FROM TOP THREE INCHES (3") OF PREPARED PLANTING BED. ALL FINISHED GRADES TO BE SMOOTH EVEN GRADES, LIGHTLY COMPACTED, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN AND DETAILED. SITE CIVIL DRAWINGS IDENTIFY FINAL ELEVATIONS. TREES: ARRANGE TREES ON SITE IN PROPOSED LOCATIONS PER DRAWINGS. EXCAVATE PIT, PLANT AND STAKE OR GUY, AS CALLED OUT AND DETAILED. ALL TREES AND SUPPORTS TO STAND CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LUMINAIRE 4' PROXIMITY __ L__,- TO CURB/SIDEWALK 15' MIN. FIRE HYDRANT OR UTILITY POLE 10' MIN. PLANTING STRIP SIDEWALK NEXT TO VERTICAL CURB ~~ 10' MIN. I 50' MIN. 50' MIN. VERTICAL. TREES TO BE PLACED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANTING PLAN, LOCATED AS DETAILED AND AS CALLED OUT ON PLANT LIST. BACKFILL SHALL BE PIT SPOILS. SETTLE BACKFILL USING INSTALL e· -1 o· ROOT BARRIER WATER ONLY. NO MECHANICAL COMPACTION. NOTE 1.-~-~ 8' -1 O' ROOT BARRIER TYPICAL (SEE NOTE 5.) STREET TREES: ALL STREET TREES ARE TO BE ON A 30 FOOT SPACING, UNLESS NOTED. ADJUST INSTALLATION LOCATIONS TO CLEAR CONSTRUCTED DRIVES, LIGHTING, AND UTILITIES AS NOTED BELOW. STREET TREE LAYOUT IS BASED ON PHYSICAL CONSTRAINTS OF DRIVEWAYS AND UTILITY CLEARANCES. NOTE DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO MODIFICATIONS, NO LESS THAN SPECIFIED QUANTITIES WILL BE INSTALLED. STREET TREE SPECIES ARE SELECTED FROM THE KING COUNTY APPROVED STREET TREE LIST. ALL STREET TREES TO BE 1.75" CALIPER / 10' HEIGHT MINIMUM. PROVIDE ROOT BARRIER AT STREET TREES AS NOTED IN KING COUNTY STANDARD DETAIL SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. ROOT BARRIER 18" UNIVERSAL BARRIER -UB 18-2 BY DEEP ROOT PARTNERS, L.P., PHONE 800-458-7668 OR EQUIVALENT. PLANT STREET TREES DURING FALL TO WINTER MONTHS (OCTOBER 1st TO MARCH 31st). PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN A 3' DIAMETER WATER WELL AROUND ALL STREET TREES. PROVIDE A 3' DIAMETER MULCH RING AROUND ALL STREET TREES. SHRUBS: INSTALL SHRUBS AS SPECIFIED FOR TREES. GROUNDCOVERS: EXCAVATE PITS TO A MINIMUM OF THREE INCHES (3") BELOW, AND TWICE THE ROOT BALL DIAMETER. WATER THOROUGHLY AND TAKE CARE TO ENSURE THAT ROOT CROWN IS AT PROPER GRADE, AS DETAILED. MULCH: MULCH ALL GROUND COVER AREAS NOT COVERED BY LAWN. MULCH MAY BE APPLIED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF GRDUNDCOVER WHICH IS SMALLER THAN ONE GALLON CONTAINER SIZE. UTILITY CLEARANCES: FIELD ADJUST PLANT LOCATIONS FOR 8-FOOT SEPARATION OF TREES/SHRUBS AND 2-FOOT SEPARATION FOR GROUNDCOVER FROM FIRE HYDRANTS AND UTILITY VAULTS. PLANTING MAINTENANCE: CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN PLANTINGS THROUGH COMPLETED INSTALLATION, AND UNTIL ACCEPTANCE OF LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION. PLANTING MAINTENANCE TO INCLUDE WATERING, WEEDING, CULTIVATING, TIGHTENING AND REPAIRING OF TREE GUYS, RESETIING PLANTS TO PROPER GRADES OR POSITION, RE-ESTABLISHING SETTLED GRADES; AND MOWING LAWNS WEEKLY AFTER LAWN ESTABLISHMENT. HERBICIDE IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR ONE YEAR FOLLOWING LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION. INCLUDED IS REPLACEMENT OF DEAD PLANTS AND PLANTS SHOWING LOSS OF 40 PERCENT OR MORE OF CANOPY. IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE: THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE MAINTAINED INCLUDING ADJUSTMENTS FOR BALANCED WATER DISTRIBUTION & PRECIPITATION. FAILED OR MALFUNCTIONING IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE REPLACED OR CORRECTED. PLANT AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE TO INCLUDE THOSE OPERATIONS NECESSARY TO THE PROPER GROWfH AND SURVIVAL OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE THIS WORK IN ADDITION TO SPECIFIC WARRANTY /GUARANTEES. STREET TREE IRRIGATION: PROVIDE SUPPLEMENTAL WATERING FOR ALL STREET TREES DURING SUMMER MONTHS FOLLOWING INSTALLATION AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN PLANT MATERIAL HEALTH. .< ,_..--CURB ' MULCH AT CURB DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL NOTES: 1. TREES SHALL GENERALLY BE PLANTED BACK OF THE SIDEWALK. PLANTING STRIPS WILL BE APPROVED ONLY AS PART OF A LANDSCAPING PLAN IN WHICH PLANT MAINTENANCE, COMPATIBILITY WITH UTILITIES, AND TRAFFIC SAFETY ARE DULY CONSIDERED. 2. IF PLANTING STRIPS ARE APPROVED: A. MIN. DISTANCE FROM CENTER OF ANY TREE TO NEAREST EDGE OF VERTICAL CURB SHALL BE 4 FEET. 8. TREES SHALL BE STAKED IN A MANNER NOT TO OBSTRUCT SIDEWALK TRAFFIC. C. IN CASE OF BLOCK-OUTS, MIN. CLEAR SIDEWALK WIDTH SHALL BE 5 FEET IN RESIDENTIAL OR 8 FEET IN BUSINESS DISTRICTS. 3. ON BUS ROUTES, PLANS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH METRO SERVICE PLANNING. PHONE 684-1622. 4. SEE SEC. 5.03. 5. TREES lQCATED WITHIN 4' OF STREET CURBS AND SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE ROOT UARRIERS PLACED ADJACENT TO AND ABUTTING STREET CURBS AND SIDEWALKS. BARRIERS OF 8' -1 o· LENGTH ARE TO BE CENTERED ON EACH TREE. THE BARRIER SHALL EXTEND FROM 1" BELOW TOP OF CURU FOR 1 B" MINIMUM, VERTICAL DEPTH. STREET TREE STANDARDS KING COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DWG. NO. 5-009 VERTICAL CURB LINE AT INTERSECTION FINISH GRADE AT 4: 1 SLOPE (MAX); 2% SLOPE (TYP. MIN.) ~-2" MULCH LAYER (COMPACTED DEPTH) CURB PER CIVIL - DRAWi NGS (WALK SIMILAR) TOPSOIL AS SPECIFIED FINISH GRADE AT 3: 1 SLOPE (MAX), 10: 1 (MIN) PREPARED SUBGRADE 1" MAX. (WITH COMPACTtD MULCH) ' . WRFCONDmON SIDEWALK--"" MULCH CONDmON (CURB SIMILAR) PLANTER SECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE AMENDED PLANTING SOIL PER NOTES (TOPSOIL) 2" MULCH LAYER (COMPACTED DEPTH)------- FINISH GRADE LAWN---------....... EDGING PER PLAN -,-1 ,--------------,~ PLANTING BED ADJACENT TO LAWN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 2" MULCH LAYER ~----(COMPACTED DEPTH) FEATHER EXCESS ----SOIL UNDER MULC=H-----~ 1" MULCH AT CROWN -~ 1 /2" ABOVE GRADE 1" ABOVE GRADE-~ LESS THAN 1 GAL ( Pl..ANTB) BEFORE W.CH ) 1 GAL CONTAtER and LAROER ( PLANTED BEFORE MULCH ) GROUNDCOVER/SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE HOLD PLANTS FROM--~ EDGE OF PLANTER AS NOTED ON PLANT LIST Q ----SPACING AS CALLED OUT ON PLAN/PLANT LIST BED LINE EDGE--~ CURB/WALK~ HOLD PLANTS FROM _ / EDGE OF PLANTER / AS NOTED ON PLANT LIST ============== GROUNDCOVER SPACING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE (2) LODGEPOLE STAKES: TIE AT APPROX. 1/3 TO 1 /2 HE'.IGHT OF TREE WITH FLEXIBLE RUBBER TIE IN FIGURE EIGHT PATIERN. STAKES AND TREE PLUMB 3" DEEP SAUCER FOR WATER 3" DEEP MULCH LAYER (COMPACTED DEPTH) --- REMOVE ALL TIES, WRAP & CONTAINERS. FREE PERIMETER ROOTS FROM NURSERY BALL EXCAVATE TREE PIT AT A MIN. OF 4 TIMES----.. DIA. OF ROOTBALL AT BALL CENTER, TAPERING PIT GRADE TO FINISH GRADE PIT SPOILS, NURSERY BALL WASTE BACKFILL SET BALL ON UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE, -------==~~~ OR COMPACTED SOIL. • NOTE: o LIGHT FERTILIZER OVER PLANTING BED AFTER BACKFILL ONLY: NO FERTILIZER IN PLANTING PIT. o WORK PERIMETER ROOTS FREE OF NURSERY BALL. EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING/STAKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PRUNE DAMAGED TWIGS AFTER PLANTING------------~ PLACE IN VERT. POSITION: DOUBLE LEADERS WILL BE REJECTED --- NOTE: o STAKING ON "AS NEEDED BASIS" PER NOTES; ALL GUYS TO BE FLEXIBLE o KEEP ROOTBALL MOIST AND PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES o HOLD CROWN OF ROOTBALL AT OR JUST ABOVE FINISHED GRADE o PROTECT TRUNK AND LIMBS FROM INJURY ' o BACKFILL TO BE SETTLED USING WATER ONLY - NO MECHANICAL COMPACTION o REMOVE ALL WRAP, TIES & CONTAINERS, REGARDLESS OF MATERIAL. (2) LODGEPOLE STAKES, PLUMB WLTH ELASTIC CHAIN-LOCK--.._ TYPE OR RUBBER GUYS TIED iN FIGURE EIGHT; REMOVE AFTER ONE GROWING SEASON PROTECTIVE WRAPPING DURING SHIPMENT TO SITE & INSTALLATION ---.._ 11---'!ili--tl REMOVE AT COMPLETION OF PLANTING LAWN PLANTINGj PROVIDE 3'~ "NO GRASS" TREE RING & 3" DEEP ----..__ MULCH LAYER \COMPACTED) IN WELL, HOLD BACK FROM TRUNK 8" TO 10" FINISH GRADE \ PREPARE PLANTING BED PER SPEC'S; AT MIN., LOOSEN AND MIX-~, SOIL TO 18" OR DEPTH OF ~OOTBALL AND 4 TIMES BALL DIA. REMOVE ALL WRAP, TIES, AND CONTAINERS ----------' SCORE ROOTBALL AND WORK NURSERY SOIL AWAY FROM PERIMETER ROOTS. SET BALL ON UNDISTURBED BASE OR COMPACTED MOUND UNDER BALL PENETRATION TO SUBBASE (+) 24"------------_..,, ROOT BARRIER AT CURB/SIDEWALK, SEE STREET TREE STANDARDS DETAIL---~ DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING/STAKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE z " <D "' ci :z ~ ] C 0 2 u ·c II) 0 :,: !I ~ .,, ~ C C ·? " e ~ 0 0 ~"' :J(}J ~---------~----'( :t KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. Re ew Completion Date "'($, ~8 I ~ :z ~ ~ ~1 .,, .,, ] "' e u "' a. .c a. () <( ~ z ~ .l! 0 0 ti) .w (!) 0 z &: ZW ~ ti) a.. _J 0~ Zw :5 ::; z •O (!) ll:'. z--> ll:'.z l::l w z • -(!) (!) z Q~ _J &: ~::, 0 ti) .0 I 0 N 0 - N "' " V v; 0 -st "' - -st 0 0 N "-0 N "--st 0 "' E ~ "' -" 0 "' • ,0 n T 0 N 0 King County Department of Development and Euviroium:ntal Servkes 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 fax. (206) 296"6729 *' CONDITIONS OF PERMIT/ AP PROV AL •• DATE: 4121/2004 Project No: L03SR034 Location : Hamilton Place Subdivision Renton, WA Allan Block Retaining Walls in storm water pond COMMERCIAL CO!<./ ORDINANCE 0001 -GEN.ERA~: This correction sheet is an abridged version of code requirements and is a review aid only. It shall not be used in lieu of the Uniform Building Cod U "ti M h . l C d U ., F. e, nt onn ec amca o e, 111,onn •1re Code, or any King Counly regulation or state law. Correcti;ns ~oted ~~low are part of the approved plans and shall remain attached to them at all limes. r he approval plans and specifications does not pen ·111 · l · . _ . . m 1e v10 at1on of any section of thu Umtonn Building Code, Unifom1 Mechancial Cod u ·r F' c ct~ .. K' C . e, morm ire o c, 01. any mg ount~ regulali?n or state law. Corrections as indicated below, along with the unchanged mformatton shown on the drawings must be 1· d · I I dd't' · 1 · . , comp 1e wit 1. n a 1 10n, _smce t m: corrcctton sheet ls a review aid, it shall not be used in lieu of the above me~t10ned codes, re.gulations,. and laws. Therefore, code compliance with all not~d applicable ~odi.: sections on this correi..:tion sheet, as well as other applicable code sectmns not s~ec1ficully noted, ~hall be required. The approved plans shall not be changed, modified, or al~ered wJthout authorization from the building official. The approved plans are required to be on the job site. Section 106.4, U.B.C. 0350 -SPECIAL INSPECTION: Provide special insp:ction by G~otechnical Engineer of Record for compliance withsoil report recommendations. Su?nut ~e~d. iclspcction reports, test lab. reports and final rcphort5s to _the Land Use Services D1v1s1on, Development I..uspection Unit, in compliance w11 eet1on 1701, U.B.C. The following items 9hall have special inspection: L} Excavalioi: and foundation subgrade preparation; and soil bearing load capacity confirmation. 2) Wall lateral load design--soil parameters confinnation. 3) Preparation of base leveling pad on firm soil (compacted crushed rock). 4) Placement of Allan blocks and Geogrid reinforcement. 5) Backfill soil materials selection and compaclion. 6) Installation of drainage system behind walls. 0357 -SPECIAL INSPECTION: Any fill emplaced under footings, slabs, or other foundation systems must be certified by a special inspection as having been compacted to at least 95% of ASTM U-1557. 0366 -SHOP DRAWING: Engineer of record shall review and approved all shop drawings. An approved copy shall be submitted to the Land Use Services Division, Development Inspection Unit. Section, U.B.C. l) Concrete mix design of Allan block unit::;. 2) Report of the qualified strength of the gcogrid materials from an approved testing laboratoty. · ... ~ .. ;~: . . ' ····• ---------------··------- -. ~ ·,. <t: :. • ' ALLAN BLOCK RETAINING WALL DESIGN ., ..... .... .. ·,· .. • 'h . ~ . ' ... ·.·•·'." .. . .::: ~··:..:·:~·:}{/i::: ~' ... . ..-... .. ·' .... AB THREE -3 DEGREE ·-------~------·· . ·····-· ---'(1 ·· ,_ __ .,.,_.,_~··------·-·-··~-· SHEET INDEX # OF SHEETS SHEET TITLE 1 TITLE SHEET 1 GENERAL NOTES 2 SPECIFICATIONS 1 SITE PLAN 2 WALL#1 2 WALL#2 2 CONSTRUCTION DET AfLS \ BLOCK ALLAN BLOCK CORPORATION 5300 Edina Industrial Boulevard, Suite 100 Edina. Minnesota 55439 Ph. (952) 835-5309 Fax (952) 835-0013 www.allanblock.com Allan Block Northwest 22509 SE 228th Street Maple Valley, WA 98038 Ph. 206-498--2879 Fax 425-413·7980 Seal This design is preliminary. Upon review and certification by a Professional Engineer, it may be issued as a construction document Q) u ro <( -CL s ,+-,,I C Q) 0 .... Q) •• ,+-,,I C ...c Cl) -0 V) E ·-E ,+-,,I • • ro C Cl) C) z -ro --Q) ·-,+-,,I -I I-·-u ~ -I-Cl) Cl) ·o· Cl) ,._ ..c Cl. V) Dace: 3/24/04 Prcject Number. 128.04 Revisions: Date: Drawn By: CDJ Checked By: SLH Sc,,le: Not to Scale Sheet Number: 1 of 1 IIOZ.0 ,, 1111 RETAINING W LL GENERAL NOTES 7~ c, 'S,)o >~1 1. Retaining wall installation shall conform to the Allan Block Modular Retaining Wall Systems Specification Guidelines, Geogrid Reinforcement Systems Specification Guidelines, and Water Management Specification Guidelines contained herein or in the Allan Block Spec Book ABENG4-00. 2. Hydrostatic loading is not considered in this analysis. Sufficient drainage must be provided such that hydrostatic loading (pore pressure) does not develop in the reinforced zone. 3. Soil loading considered in this design is based on the following parameters: Infill Soil: Internal Angle of Friction = 33 degrees Soil Unit Weight= 120 PCF Retained Soil: Internal Angle of Friction = 33 degrees Soil Unit Weight= 120 PCF Foundation Soil: Internal Angle of Friction = 33 degrees Cohesion= 0 PSF Soil Unit Weight,;; 120 PCF This information is based on the finding of the geotechnical reports from Earth Consultants, Inc. dated January 28, 2004. 4. Seismic loading considered in this design is based on the following parameters: Seismic Coefficient Ao = 0.3 Allowable Lateral Deflection External = 3 inches Allowable Lateral Deflection Internal = 3 inches 5. Global stability is not considered in this design unless otherwise noted. 6. Retaining walls must be staked according to the contract drawings. The retaining wall plan view generated by Allan Block Corporation is for wall identification only and is based on the grading plan prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers dated February 25, 2004. 7. The block type shall be the AB Three and must have a 3 degree batter. 8. Geogrid spacing is determined by structural cross-section design requirements. To insure proper geogrid placement, contractor must review both elevation view and cross sections prior to wall construction. 9. This design is preliminary. Upon review and certification by a Professional Engineer, it may be issued as a construction document PRE CONSTRUCTION CHECK-LIST REVIEW RETAINING WALL DESIGN FOR: A. Compliance to the Latest Site Plan and Site Conditions. 1. Does' the retaining wall design reflect the most current site plans and/or site conditions? 2. Do the top and bottom retaining wall elevations match the proposed grading of the job-site? 3. Have property lines and other obstructions behind the wall been accounted for? ,, ' 'I I B. Surcharges. 1. Have all slopes above and below the walls been taken into account in the retaining wall design? 2. Have all surcharges above the wall been acounted for in the retaining wall design? 3. During construction are there any temporary surcharges that should be accounted for? C. Review of Reported Soil Conditions with On-site Soils Engineer. 1. Are on-site soils consistent with soil parameters used in the retaining wall design? 2. Does the site show indications of multiple types of soil? Are these soils acceptable for the wall construction? 3. Is there evidence of non-native fill areas on site? Are these areas adequately compacted? D. Review of Surface Water Management with Project Civil Engineer. ' 1. Has surface runoff been accounted for in the site design? Is the runoff directed away fron the retaining wall? 2. V·/ill this site be irrigated? Is the irrigation directed away from the wall? 3. If the site storm drainage system becomes inoperable where will the water migrate to? 4. \A/ill temporary construction drainage be an issue? E. Review Retaining Wall Water Management with Wall Design Engineer and General Contractor. 1. I-low and where will drain pipes be installed? 2. ls it possible to vent drain pipes to daylight? 3. ls venting to a storm drainage system an option? 4. rlow will the drain pipe be protected from blockage or damage caused by subsequent construction activities? 5: .. Is there any unforseen or unanticipated water source near the retaining wall. 'I PRE CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES A. Verify that the correct color and setback of block has been ordered and delivered to the job. B. Verify that the correct grid type and strength has been ordered and delivered to the job. C. Mark station points where changes in wall elevation or wall direction occur. D. Identify changes in grid length, grid spacing, and grid type. E. Determine and locate proper base size for each section of wall. , F. Verify that compaction testing will be performed, at what intervals and ,ocations along the wall and who is responsible for contracting and coordination of the testing. G. Determine what methods will be used to verify construction materials, methods and sequence of construction (ie: written documentation of as-built condition, full time inspector on site, photographic documentation.) H. Verify who has authority to accept or reject the retaining wall installation and establish acceJPtable appearance criteria. BLOCK ALLAN BLOCK CORPORATION 53c,o Edina Industrial Boulevard, Suite 100 Edina, Minnesota 55439 Ph. (952) 835-5309 Fax (952) 835-0013 www.allanblock.com Allan Block Northwest 22!i09 SE 228th Street Maple Valley, WA 98038 Ph. 206-498-2879 Fax 425-413-7980 Seal Thi:; design is preliminary. Upon review and cer:ification by a Professional Engineer, it may be issued as a construction document. ', Cl) CJ) u Cl) ro <( .j-1 -0 0-~ z C 0 .... - " . .j-1 C ro IJ) -0 ~ 1-·-Cl) 1= E .j-1 •• ed C Cl) C -.,, -,1._ ro Cl) ...., Cl) ·-.. ... I f-lJ I.) ~ ...., 11) Cl) ,,_, Cl) () ' ..c ·-Cl.. C/) Date: 3/24/04 F'roject Number: 128.04 R.evisions: Date: Drawn By: CDJ Checked By: SLH 5;cale: Not to Scale 5,heet Number: 1 of 1 P'°'lf " 110 2.0 -·--------·"·····~-.... -·~,,--.. ·--····---.. -----· .. --~--,·--·-·--·--··"·······---·--···-.-.LuA .. :-0--8_=~l ..... Specification Guidelines: Allan Block Modular Retaining Wall Systems SECTION 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.1 Scope A. Work includes furnishing and installing modular concrete block retaining wall units to the lines and grades designated on the construction drawings and as specified herein. 1.2 Applicable Sections of Related work A. Geogrid Wall Reinforcement (see Section 2, pg. 4 of Spec Book) 1.3 Reference Standards A. ASTM Cl 3 72-97 Standard Specifications for Segmental Retaining Wall Units. 1.4 Delivery, Storage, and Handling A. Contractor shall check the materials upon delivery to assure proper material has been received. B. Contractor shall prevent excessive mud, wet cement, and like materials from coming in contact with the materials. C. Contractor shall protect the materials from damage. Damaged material shall not be incorporated in the project (Ref. ASTM Cl 372) PART 2: MATERIALS 2.1 Modular Wall Units A. Wall units shall be ALLAN BLOCK Retaining Wall units as produced by a licensed Manufacturer. B. Wall units shall have minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3000 psi (20.7 MPa) in accordance with ASTM Cl 372-97. The concrete units shall have adequate freeze-thaw protection with an average absorption rate of 7.5 lb/ft3 (120 kg/m3) for northern climates and 10 lb/ft3 {160 kg/m3) for southern climates. C. Exterior dimensions shall be uniform and consistent Maximum dimensional deviations shall be 0.125 in (3 mm), not including textured face. D. Wall units shall provide a minimum of 110 lbs total weight per square foot of wall face area (555 kg/m3). Fill contained within the units may be considered 80°/o effective weight E. Exterior face shall be textured. Color as specified by owner. 2.2 Wall Rock A. Base material must be well graded compactible aggregate, 0.25 inch to 1.5 inch, (5mm -38mm) with no more than 1 O 0/o passing the #200 sieve. B. Drainage material may be the same as base material. 2.3 Infill Soil A. Infill material shall be site excavated soils when approved by th~, Onsite Soils Engineer unless otherwise specified in the drawings. Unsuitable soils for backfill (heavy clays or organic soils) shall not be used in the reinforced soil mass. Typically clay soils with high plasticity will not be acceptable, unless specifically addressed by the Wall Design Engineer. B. Where additional fill is required, contractor shall submit sample and specifications to the Wall Design Engineer or the Onsite Soils Engineer for approval. PART 3: WALL CONSTRUCTION 3.1 Excavation A. Contractor shall excavate to the lines and grades shown on the construction drawings. Contractor shall use caution not to over-excavate beyond the lines shown, or to disturb the base elevations beyond those shown. 3.2 Foundation Soil Preparation A. Foundation soil shall be defined as any soils located beneath a wall. B. Foundation soil shall be excavated as dimensioned on the plans and compacted to a minimum of 95 o/o of Standard Proctor prior to placement of the base material. C. Foundation soil shall be examined by the Onsite Soils Engineer to ensure that the actual foundation soil strength meets or exceeds assumed design strength. Soil not meeting the required strength shall be removed and replaced with acceptable material. 3.3 Base A. Base material shall be placed as shown on the construction drawing. Top of base shall be located to allow bottom wall units to be buried to proper depths as per wall heights and specifications. B. Base material shall be installed on undisturbed native soils or suitable replacement fills. C. Base shall be compacted at 95 °/o Standard Proctor to provide a level hard surface on which to place the first course of blocks. The base shall be constructed to ensure proper wall embedment and the final elevation shown on the plans. Well-graded sand can be used to smooth the top 1 /2 inch ( 13mm) on the base material. D. Base material shall be a 3 inch (75mm) minimum depth for walls under 4 feet (1.2m) and a 6 inch (150mm) minimum depth for walls over 4 ft ( 1.2m). 3.4 Unit Installation A. The first course of wall units shall be placed on the prepared base with the raised lip facing out and the front edges tight together. The units shall be checked for level and alignment as they are placed. B. Ensure that units are in full contact with base. Proper care shall be taken to develop straight lines and smooth curves on base course as per wall layout p._,...,,., .. --. ··-. - . ------------ C. All cavities in and around the base row shall be filled with base materials and compacted. Backfill front and back of entire base row to firmly lock in place. Check again for level and alignment. All excess material shall be swept from top of units. D. Install next course of wall units on top of base row. Position blocks to be offset from seams of blocks below. Perfect "running bond" is not essential, but a 3 inch (75mm) minimum offset is recommended. Check each block for proper alignment and level. Fill all cavities in and around wall units and to a 12 inch (305mm) depth behind block with wall rock. Spread backfill in uniform lifts not exceeding 8 inches (200mm) in uncompacted thickness and compact to 90 o/o of Standard Proctor behind the consolidation zone. E. The consolidation zone shall be defined as 3 feet (1 m) behind the wall. Compaction within the consolidation zone shall be accomplished by using a hand operated plate compactor and shall begin by running the plate compactor directly on the block and then compacting in parallel paths to the wall face until the entire consolidation zone has been compacted. Two passes of the plate compactor are required with maximum lifts of 8 inches (200 mm). Employ methods using lightweight compaction equipment that will not disrupt the stability or batter of the wall. F. Install each subsequent course in like manner. Repeat procedure to the extent of wall height G. Allowable construction tolerance at the wall face is 2 degrees vertically and 1 inch (25mm) in 10 feet (3m) horizontally. 3.5 Additional Construction Notes A. Filter Fabric use is not suggested for use with cohesive soils. Clogging of such fabric creates unacceptable hydrostatic pressures in soil reinforced walls. When filtration is deemed necessary in cohesive soils, use a three dimensional filtration systerr1 of clean sand or filtration aggregate. B. Embankment protection fabric is used to stabilize rip rap and foundation soils in water applications and to separate infill materials from the retained soils. This fabric should permit the passage of fines to preclude clogging of the material. Embankment protection fab~ic shall be a high strength polypropylene monofilament material designed to meet or exceed typical Corps of Engineers plastic filter fabric specifications (CW-02215); stabilized against ultraviolet (UV) degradation and typically exceeding the values on Table 1 (see pg. 7) C. Water Management is of extreme concern during and after construction. Steps must be taken to ensure that drain pipes are properly installed and vented to daylight and a grading plan has been developed that routes water away from the retaining wall site. Site water management is required both during construction of the wall and after completion of construction. Refer to Section 4 for more water management inforrnation. Specification Guidelines: Geogrid Reinforcement Systems SECTION 2 PART 1: GENERAL 1.1 Scope A. Work includes furnishings and installing geogrid reinforcement, wall fill, and backfill to the lines and grades designated on the construction drawings and as specified herein. 1.2 Applicable Section of Related Work A. Section 1: ALLAN BLOCK Modular Retaining Wall Systems. (see Section 1) 1.3 Reference Standards A. See specific geogrid manufacturers reference standards. 1.4 Delivery, Storage, and Handling \ \ A. Contractor shall check the geogrid upon delivery to assure that the proper material has been received. B. Geogrid shall be stored above -208 F (-2.98 C). , C. Contractor shall prevent excessive mud, wet cement, or other foreign materials from coming in contact with the geogrid material. PART 2: MATERIALS 2.1 Definitions A. Geogrid products shall be of high density polyethylene or polyester yarns encapsulated i,n a protective coating specifically fabricated for use as a soil reinforcement material. · B. Concrete retaining wall units are as detailed on the drawings and shall be ALLAN BLOC!< Ret1ining Wall Units. C. Drainage material is free draining granular material as defined in section: Modular Concrete ~etaining Wall systerns as "Drainage Material." D. Backfill is the soil used as fill for the reinforced soil mass. E. Foundation soil is the in-situ soil. 2.2 Products A. Geogrid shall be the type as shown on the drawings having the property requirements iJ.S des~ribed within the manufacturers spec'ifications. j 2.3 Acceptable Manufacturers 11 • A. A manufacturer's product shall be approved by the Wall Design Engineer. l PART 3: WALL CONSTRUCTION j! 3.1 Foundation Soil Preparation • A. Foundation soil shall be excavated to the lines and grades as shown on the constructiop drawings, or as directed by the Onsite Soils Engineer. j . B. Foundation soil shall be examined by the Onsite Soils Engineer to ensure that the actual foundation soil strength rneets or exceeds assu.med design strength. Ji ; C. Over-excavated areas shall be filled with compacted backfill material approved by Ontite Soils Engineer. ,i ' 3.2 Wall Construction i Wall construction shall be as specified under Section 1, Part 3, Wall Construction • l ;~ 3.3 Geogrid Installation , A. Install ALLAN BLOCK wall to designated height of first geogrid layer. Backfill and copipact last 8 in (200 mm) lift behind wall to depth equal to designed grid length before grid is installed. r ! l I BLOCK ALLAN BLOCK CORPORATION 53CO Edina Industrial Boulevard, Suite 100 Edina, Minnesota 55439 Ph. (952) 835-5309 Fax (952) 835-0013 www.allanblock.com All,1n Block Northwest 22!i09 SE 228th Street Maple Valley, WA 98038 Ph. 20&-498-2879 Fax 425-413-7980 Seal Thi!. design is preliminary. Upon review and certification by a Professional Engineer, it ma)' be issued as a construction document (I) u V) ro <( C -0 0... s ·-C .j..J ro 0 .... u •• .j-,1 C ·-<)) -0 '--4- E: ·-·-E .j-,1 •• u r:s C Q) (I) -,, -L_ ro +-' (I) ·-0... ..... I f-(.) ~ +-' CJ) ~) Q) ••-. Q) C) ~-..c: o. t/) Date: 3/24/04 P:oject Number: 128.04 R,~visions: Date: Drawn By: CD) Checked By: SLH S,:ale: Not to Scale Sheet Number: 1 of2 11010 I LAA-12B .... l~l. __ B. Cut geogrid to designed embedment length and place on top of ALLAN BLOCK to back edge of lip. Extend away from wall approximately 3°/o above horizontal on compacted backfill. · c. Place next course of ALLAN BLOCK on top of grid and fill block cores with drainage fill to lock in place. Remove slack in grid and stake to hold in place. D. Lay geogrid at the proper elevation and orientation shown on the construction drawings or as directed by the Wall Design Engineer. E. Correct orientation of the geogrid shall be verified by the contractor and Onsite Soils Engineer. Strength direction is typically perpendicular to wall face. F. Follow manufacturers guidelines for overlap requirements. In Curves and corners layout shall be as specified on Construction Details, Sections 10-13. G. Adjacent sheets of geogrid shall be butted against each other at the wall.face to achieve 100 percent coverage. H. Geogrid lengths shall be continuous. Splicing perpendicular to the wall face is not allowed. 3.4 Fill Placement A. Infill material shall be placed in lifts and compacted as specified under Section 1, Part 3.4, Unit Installation. B. Backfill shall be placed, spread and compacted in such a manner that minimizes the development of slack or movement of the geogrid. C. Only hand-operated compaction equipment shall be allowed within 3 feet, (1 m) behind the wall. This area shall be defined as the consolidation zone. Compaction in this zone shall begin by running the plate compactor directly on the block and then compacting in parallel paths to the wall face until the entire consolidation zone has been compacted. Two passes of the plate compactor are required with maximum lifts of 8 inches (200 mm). D. When fill is placed and compaction cannot be defined in terms of Standard Proctor Density, then compaction shall be performed using ordinary compaction process and compacted so that no deformation is observed from the compaction equipment or to the satisfaction of the wall design engineer or on-site soils engineer. E. Tracked construction equipment shall not be operated directly on the geogrid. A minimum backfill thickness of 6 inches (150mm) is required prior to operation of tracked vehicles over the geogrid. Turning of tracked vehicles should be kept to a minimum to prevent tracks from displacing the fill and damaging the geogrid. F. Rubber-tired equipment may pass over the geogrid reinforcement at slow speeds, less than 10 mph (16 Km/h). Sudden braking and sharp turning shall be avoided. G. The infill shall be compacted to achieve 90°/o Standard Proctor. When roadways or structures are located above the reinforced zone the infill shall be compacted to 95 °/o of Standard Proctor. Compaction shall be taken at 4 feet (1.2 m) behind the block and at the back of the reinforced zone and frequency shall be as determined by the site soils engineer or as specified on the plan. Soil tests of the backfill material shall be submitted to the Onsite Soils Engineer for review and approval prior to the placement of any backfill. The contractor is responsible for achieving the specified compaction requirements. The Onsite Soils Engineer may direct the contractor to remove, correct or amend any soil found not in compliance with these specifications. 3.5 Special Considerations A. Geogrid can be interrupted by periodic penetration of a column, pier or footing structure. B. ALLAN BLOCK walls will accept vertical and horizontal reinforcing with rebar and grout C. If site conditions will not allow geogrid embedment length, consider the following alternatives: -Masonry Reinforced Walls -Soil Nailing -Earth Anchors D. ALLAN BLOCK may be used in a wide variety of water applications. Specification Guidelines:Water Management SECTION 3 PART 1: GENERAL DRAINAGE 1.1 Surface Drainage Rainfall or other water sources such as irrigation activities collected by the ground surface atop the retaining wall can be defined as surface water. Retaining wall design shall take into consideration the management of this water. A. At the end of each day's construction and at final completion, grade the backfill to avoid water accumulation behind wall or in the reinforced zone. . Surface water must not be allowed to pond or be trapped in the area above the wall or at the toe of the wall. B. Existing slopes adjacent to retaining wall or slopes created during the grading process shall include drainage details so that surface water will not be allowed to drain over the top of the slope face and/or wall. This may require a combination of berms and surface drainage ditches. C. Irrigation activities at the site shall be done in a controlled and reasonable manner. D. Surface water that cannot be diverted from the wall must be collected with surface drainage swales, and drained laterally in order to disperse the water around the wall structure. Construction of a typical swale system shall be in accordance with Construction Details Page 13, Sections 4 & 5. 1.2 Grading The shaping and recontouring of land in order to prepare it for site development is grading. Site grading shall be designed to route water around the waifs. A. Establish final grade with a positive gradient away from the wall structure. Concentrations of surface water runoff shall be managed by providing necessary structures, such as paved ditches, drainage swales, catch basins, etc. B. Grading designs must divert sources of concentrated surface flow away from the wall such as parking lots. 1.3 Drainage System The internal drainage systems of the retaining wall can be described as the means of eliminating the buildup of incidental water which infiltrates the soils behind the wall. Drainage system design will be a function of the water conditions on the site. Adequate drainage facilities will be required to completely drain the retaining wall structure. A. All walls will be constructed with a minimum of 12 in (300 mm) of dr~inage rock directly behind the wall facing. The material shall meet or exceed the specification for wall rock outlined in Section 1, 2.2 Wall Rock. B. All walls will be constructed with a 4 in (100 mm) diameter drain tile placed at the lowest possible elevation within the 12 in (300 mm) of drainage rock. This drain tile is referred to as a Toe Drain. C. Geo grid Reinforced Walls shall be constructed with an additional 4 inch ( 100 mm) drain pipe at the back bottom of the reinforced soil mass. This drain tile is referred to as a Heel Drain. 1.4 Toe Drain Drain Pipe should be located at the back of the rock drain field behind the wall as close to the bottom of the wall as allowed while still maintaining a positive gradient for drainage to daylight or a storm water management system. . A. For site configurations with. bottoms of the base on a level plane it is recommended that a minimum one percent gradient be maintained on the placement of the pipe with outlets on 50 ft {15 m) centers, or 100 ft (30 m) centers if pipe is crovvned between the outlets. This would provide for a maximum height above the bottom of the base in a flat configuration of no more than 6 in. (150 mm). B. For rigid drain pipes with drain holes the pipes should be positioned,with the holes located down. Allan Block does not require that toe drain pipes be wrapped when installed into base rock complying with the specified base material. C. Pipes shall be routed to storm drains where appropriate or through or under the wall at low points when the job site grading and site layout allows for routing. Appropriate details shall be included to prevent pipes from being crushed, plugged, or infested with rodents. D. On sites where the natural drop in grade exceeds the one percent minimum, drain pipes outlets shall be on 100 It (30 m) centers maximum. This will provide outlets in the event that excessive water flow exceeds the capacity of pipe over long stretches. 1.5 Heel Drain The purpose of the heel drain is to pick up any water that migrates from behind the retaining wall structure at the cut and route the water away from the reinforced mass during the construction process. A. The piping used at the back of the reinforced mass shall have a one percent gradient over the length, but it is not critical for it to be positioned at the very bottom of the cut Additionally the entire length of the pipe may be vented at one point and should not be tied into the toe drain. B. The pipe may be a rigid pipe with holes at the bottom with an integral sock encasing the pipe or a corrugated perforated flexible pipe with a sock to filter out fines when required based on soil conditions. For infill soils with a high percentage of sand and/or gravel the heel drain pipe does not need to be surrounded by rock. When working with soils containing more than fifty percent clay, one cubic foot of"grainage rock is required for each foot of pipe. 1.6 Ground Water Ground water can be defined as water that occurs within the soil. It may be present because of sµrface infiltration or water table fluctuation. Ground water movement must not be allowed to come in contact with the retaining wall. A. If water is encountered in the area of the wall during excavation or construction, a drainage system (chimney, composite or blanket) must be installed as directed by the Wall Design Engineer. B. Standard cetaining wall design does not included hydrostatic forces associated with the presence of ground water. If adequate drainage is not provided the retaining wall design must consider the presence of the water. 1.7 Concentrated Water Sources All coliection devices such as roof downspouts, storm sewers, and curb gutters are concentrated water sources. They must be designed to accommodate maximum flow rates and to outlet outside of the waif area. A. All roof downspouts of nearby structures shall be sized with adequate capacity to carry storm vvater from the roof away from the wall area. They shall be connected to a tiling system in closed conduit and routed around the retainin~ wall area. B. Site layout must take into account locations of retaining wall structures and all site drainage paths. Drainage paths should always be away from retaining wall structures. , ' C. Storm sewers and catch basins shall be located away from retaining wall structures and ~esigned so as not to introduce any incidental water into the reinforced soil mass. ' · D. A path to route storm sewer overflow must be incorporated into the site layout to direct1water away from the retaining wall structure. 1.8 Water Application , ' Retaining walls constructed in conditions that allow standing water to overlap the wall face are considered water applications. These walls require specific design and construction steps to ensure performance. A. Base trench and back cut for geogrid reinforcement shall be lined with embankment prot~ctionifabric meeting or exceeding the following criteria: z ; ,, ,, Mechanical Property Determination Method j Tensile Strength= 375 lbs (170 kg) ASTM D-4632 ; Puncture Strength= 145 lbs (66 kg) ASTM D-3787 t Equivalent Opening Size (EOS) = 70 CW-02215 j (U.S. Sieve#) J Mullen Burst= 480 psi (3.3 MPa) ASTM D-3786 J Trapazoidal Tear= 105 lbs (48 kg) ASTM D-4533 ,; Percent Open Area= 4°/o CW-02215 ; Perme~bility = 0.01 cm/s~~ . . ASTM 0-4491 . J J .. B. Infill material shall be free dra1nrng to meet the site requirements based on wave action ana rap19 draw down cond1Uons. C. Rip-rap or alternative products such as "Trilock" may be required as a toe protector to elirhinate'. scour at the base of the wall. ~. I .. 'I.' ~ ' 1 I I} l ., .,, i , , , . I · .. 1,',,,;.", t,,,; AL.LAN BLOCK ALL".N BLOCK CORPORATION 5301) Edina Industrial Boulevard, Suite 100 Edina, Minnesota 55439 Ph. (952) 835-5309 Fax (952) 835-0013 www.allanblock.com Alla~ Block Northwest 22509 SE 228th Street Maple Valley, WA 98038 Ph. 206-498-2879 Fax 425·413-7980 Sea! This design is preliminary. Upon review and certification by a Professional Engineer, it may be issued as a construction document Cl) u (tj <( V'J -0.. 3: C C 0 ·-0 ' +-' C (tj •• +-' Cl) -0 '-+-!:: ·-·-E 4-' •• u (,j C Q) Cl) -.,. -~-(tj -Cl) ·-0. ~ ... I I- IJ ~ -Vi (]) Q) .. ...., Q) Cl ,_ ..c CL. V) Date: 3/24/04 Project Number: 128.04 Revisions: Date: Drawn By: CDJ Checked By: SLH ~;cale: Not to Scale ~;heet Number. 2 of 2 1102-0 ' ,. r -------·-·--··----·--------····-·-·---~--·-·--·-· ""•· •,•=•-,.c. ''"··===.--, · ·'·-~ ····· .... -.•-.. -·~, ---·--·--· · ·-.-,·,·~~-·,-.-··,·~•-•·~··-ce-~·-.. ,··~·--~~--.... ~•-~=•c=--,~~~tl:,~8-~J1-_1_,_ . . --··--~-------·----·------· ---------:·,· .. . ,, _., ,., --·~----·· ._-., __ , . e« ' , .,,,1, 'J. _:_ _____ '< • 'I ::S~c:SBii*1i8-:/::--::""-----:,~-:...._ ____________ .. \', ', / \ : -WALL 1 . u.__,...',, )(1 CONS~UCT LEVEL #2 ~PREADER ', ,, PER D&f,IL THIS SHEET• "" ~ TRACT 'A' SPALLS__. SHEET '··· '· \ I I I I I I o• -· rn, I I I ........ \____ 50 ..:v\ -·-·-ft 6-·-·-·------ \ V :NCY -.v DETAIL \ \ ..:v \ ..y RACT !E' {S:A.T.) ..y ' ' ' "" tot "" I "'-: (RECREATION SPACE) ~. TW=511.50 A ..-___ 1BW=511.50 : .__ __ TW=511.50 BW=505.00 10-----t-- I I I I ' ' I I I 6.5' SOE- C _____ .... _ .... ___ .................. - ' ' ' ' ' IE=504.00 '---- CELL#1 ------ . '\'. . . \ \. . . .. ..>.. . . .. \.: \ .·. ~.. \. \ .. \ . I I I I I -.... .... .... ,_~ ..... ' ........ -. ............... ' ........ ~----.... ---------·--•• ·- INSTALL QUARRY SPALLS PER DETAIL THIS SHEEf B ~ . • .. ••·• .... • \u•,,, ' . ' --·-····. -··· -• ·,]•· ,,-. i , -~-.. -· 24" SD--- •.. J -1 O' SOE (TYP. - -INSTALL 6' CHAINUNK FENCE AS SHOWN PER DETAIL SHEEf C9 ---------------~ /---~ TW=511.50 BW=510.00 ""-""'- Q4" SD "'- · . . . ·I·. · · I . ' . ' ·. _..:~ .·.·15% --~ . .. inf . ,,, .. . . I . . I . ·. . .. TW=506.00 BW=505.00 CELL#2 ' .. TW=512.00 BW=505.00 'I . (,,l IE=503.00 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '·, • I I INSTALL CHAINLINK GATE PE£\ DETAIL SHEEf C9. I B I 21 I I I ___ , --------- TW=51t:"50 .___;;;B~_== 505. 00 -WALL2 . ·--...... -· ' ,. \ '·. \ ,. . . \ ,.J--1_ 22 ........ _.. ......... " -........ ..... -.......... . TW=511.50 i, BW==505.00 ~ ~-TW=511.50, -.S'fl=505.00 \ \ 12" SD C ~~+-__..-TW:t::511 .QO BW 511.50 q 2' ' 28 l 1, GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD ~IIRFACE W/4" MIN. . • •:c.·-~··, ll ·"••, -== ;•-'·-·; , ....... ,.~-· ,,. .. - I ALLAN BLOCK ALLAN BLOCK CORPORATION SJOO Edina Industrial Boulevard Suite 100 Edina, Minnesota 55439 ' Ph. (9521 835-5309 Fax (952) 835-0013 www.allanblock.com Allan Blo:k Northwest 22509 SE 228th Street Maple Valley, WA 98038 Ph. 206-498-2879 Fax 4,:5-413·7980 Seal This_ desi~:n is preliminary. Upon review and certtfica:1 :m by a Professional Engineer, it may be issued as a construction document ·:I.) () ,;ij <( --CL ~ ,-..... () .... C • • ~....., C res Q) --0 E -··-0.. 1->l-1 re I- •• z ·-C Q) Q) 1:ij --Q) ·->l-1 -:c I-u ~ ·- Q) -V) Q) . ...., 0 Q) I.. ..c 0... (/) Date: 3/24/04 Project Number: 128.04 R .. ev1s1ons: Date: Drawn By: CDJ Checked By: SLH Scale: Not to Scale -Sheet Number: 1 of-1 11oi.o --,., · . ., ,,. ="·'···cuA::tii? --iii. - ' Section Top Grade Bottom Sta. Cut Sta. End 0 I I I I -I I I I I I I -Grade 511.5 505 Bottom 510.23 I Station 0 503.24 I 22.03 l 511.5 505.24 503.24 69.78 118.99 Allan Block Retainin Wall Elevation -1 Horizontal Scale: I"= 10'-0" Vertical Scale: l 11 = 10'-0" 22.03 62.43 Allan Block Retainin Wall Plan -1 Scale: l 11 = 20'-0" Note: Wall identification only. • 1 ' ' ' . I I I I I I I 505 506 .. 503.24 'I,·. 504.51 I 92.55 62.43 North ,, ·. 'r.,. 92.55 118.99 I - '· ' I .. ..c: t:il -.. = , i I ·, 510 508.96 118.99 -.S~stoPe fl.I - ,, " Grid Len h Exposed Helgh1: V V ~, 1/l a • Q l ~0.33 1rt _.,. -2 ft Section Notes (1 TM Allan Block Corp. 5300 Edina Industrial Boulevard Suite 100 Edina. MN 55439 Phone 952/835-5309 Fax 952/835-0013 http://www.allanblock.com Allan Block Northwest 22509 SE 228th Street Maole Vallev. WA 98038 206-498-2879 425-413-7980 -fax Grid Number Grid Type Grid Nu1nber Grid Typ,e Grid Nun,ber Grid Typ,e Grid Number Grid Typ(, SectioJJt Number 0 ft Thru O· ft Allan Block Retaining ,v all Legend Project Name: Project Number: Hamilton Place 128.04 Location: Wall !'[umber: Renton, WA l Designer: CDJ Checked by: St-If 1 of 2 Date: 3/24/04 ABwalls '.~000 V.3.7 Allan Block Corporation / 6.5 ft 5 ft 6 C -Ill 511.5 ft • 6-A 5-A 5.3 ft 4-A I 3-A !/ 505.24 ft 2-A I 1-A 503.24 f~ J I (1 Ill • n C 1 l...-0.33 ~t ----Section 1 2 ft 0 ft Thru 118.99 ft • Section 1 Notes <~ fc, 'i -I.,, ' '!..' ' \, TM Allan Block Corp. 5300 Edina Industrial Boulevard Suite 100 Edina. MN 55439 Phone 952/835-5309 Fax 952/835-0013 http://www.allanblock.com Allan Block Northwest 22509 SE 228th Street Maule Vallev. WA 98038 206-498-2879 425-413-7980-fax Project Name: Hamilton Place Project Number: 128.04 Wall Number: 1 Designer: CDJ Checked by: Date: 3/24/04 AB Three 0.6354 ft Geogrid Legend A-Raugrid 3/3-20 B-Raugrid 4/2-15 C-Raugrid 6/3-15 g-Grouted Con. 2 of 2 ABwalls 2000 V.3.7 Allan Block Corporation P3~1.f.·w I I o Z.O · ~,,-:,:~, . .,.,.,., ... ~--·-,--~-···-.... ·,--=--~·,,._.,.,...·-=--.,..,..,.,"""""""....,..,~· .... ,,,..,.., ..... ,.,..,...,....=· l 1J ll. -a C -I 22 ... ,~·-·~=.< . .lvl:'.1 ... ··"~ .. ,:,C ... , .... f-.-.= _,. ·- . .. . {. H • • • ., 47 r-----.-;;=.----=::-::---:-c::---------~' .. , 2.99 • ..s,2 .:S-7•2. .,. N/$7-,.,,,..-07~ .... u.t ·-,;;,, 2QQ,4o I 1- <D u) I I " '!l~ ' .. N=t'l:i "~ " ,.i t,.. > I ll'l 4: •• 1~1 g -------~ 0 (I) LOT I ' 0 G 1.~ a) o\1 "f I he-----------------1 ~ "' • ·~ L ... LOT 2 /.OT I ----~~~.-~M~87~~--_s_z_w ___ z~•~·~-~~:;_ -2. o' !!! .; KCSP 383015 8308170817 < LOT 'l. t./ 87 ... t..?• 4S W < SSl,44.) Z90, '14 "' ~ ~ ' 05 " 0~ "l 3 • ~-· . ") ~ "' 'II '' ,; ., , er),-. o'I- N ~·-t:,=====::::::":::9;r.::9~"7"'.==;;z: 2.$1/·9~ IZ 8 I~ "1° I s z 0 :z w ' V) I I "' y \lj • "' • "' ~ ' • VJ '! .,, . 'H ... / .I ------ l----'5J2. ----, PAR. I ,50 220 LOT 3 220 " • . ' f:' . . '!i JI. KC 7612010798 :37/,C:J :n-z..G.(SP) ., "' II ' (p 5TIOII 7711160735 LOT I ' ·-"i ,",'\-": ----' " ~ . <i -~ -~ 2. ·~ w ui Jo r ' \ "' 2.'/0.II N8r-25·f0 E (S,;,.------,-,-a-.,- I \' ---...-1-~--,e"-'-7-..L __ e, 2/ :;.6+f \ ,'Jo \ ' / ;. • • 7 3 S .. E. ! -1-t A-i'-l \ v~(o t---1 ·rL-J,.-l, e:: 136TH. ST. _:._,~·-- 170 _:_.-'-:-" o" ,, " 1:,0----'-l ' • ~ I ,..'!, 1" N 87-40-11 W SE 14-23-5 K.C. -_\ ·-----;:-'Z.o?. s.t. .. .. 52 --1:1,:S ---r ' \ ,..., 0 l30Tl't ST. • l.J SE. 135TH. ST. " ., 7 " ' ,tD •' ~I \\( ' ' ·1 'i) .; b'() '!> o"" ' // 77.;r,, * NE 14 -23 - .- -18.5- .. w . s :c ., o'' -i. ,,_o o' ,,v. e 7-34-.117 »: .NCl,/7 68.~ ' . ' ~. ' oS .. ,. /17 . • f' ,t,• 0 n·,1.,0 .. IQ 80 NB? 3-,rS'A." \ < .$' p.3 •• n> I S~2• ,3/ 11 .$ 86-.S.S-~2 E; -_±!'.!J~'P, -~-------- \ S.E. 136TH. ST . I 30 6. 74 ---;-------- ,. J, ,, MAP REVISED,...,~--// c -ze-200;.,, -:, -, w Vl 12 " • ~ 7J,79 ,o :c 1- ::; .... "! . <O .., . " -., ., \ ' :,p \ SE -.,, .· VICINITY MAP bi .\'.' •( iE (0 '" ,. SE 136TH sr SE SE 136TH S T-'-------! ST ~ ~ ~ ~ " " iE ~ ~ ~ "' V) --S[ 134TH ST r---+-- PROJECT- SITE ~ S[ 136TH ST '( "' 5£ 138TH PL <n \t' / \.----I SC Q ,,, 0 'O - \t' "' bi " S£v, 140TH ST \t' ~ "' -,,, \t' " 0) "{ iE ~ SEi..... 142ND ST ~ 142ND ST V) - R ST / SCALE: 1" = 2,000' LOT# AREA (SF) LOT 1 5,003 I I LOT 2 4,556 I. '· LOT 3 4,556 LOT 4 4,556 LOT 5 4,556 LOT 6 4,556 LOT 7 4,556 LOT 8 4,556 LOT 9 4,556 .. LOT 10 4,556 LOT 11 5,315 LOT 12 5,087 LOT 13 4,500 LOT 14 5,403 LOT 15 6,783 LOT 16 6,120 LOT 17 4,843 -----.. LOT 18 4,500 LOT 19 4,500 LOT 20 4,500 LOT 21 4,500 LOT 22 5,000 . LOT 23 6,338 SUB-TOTAL 113,396 S.F. TRACT 'A' (OPEN SPACE) 9,644 S.F. TRACT '8' (WET/DETENTION POND) 20,201 S.F. TRACT 'C' (ACCESS TRACT) 2,560 S.F. TRACT 'D' (ACCESS TRACT) 3,256 S.F. TRACT 'E' (WETLAND ANO BUFFER) 14,235 S.F. ON-SITE RIGHT OF WAY: 25,186 S.F. SUB-TOTAL 74,982 S.F. TOTAL (4.32 AC.) 188,378 S.F. ON-SITE RECREATION CALCULATIONS: RECREATION AREA REQUIRED: 8,970 SF (23 LOTS x 390 SF) RECREATION AREA PROVIDED: 9,644 SF (TRACT A) ENGINEER/PLANNER/LAND SURVEYOR: SURVEYOR: CENTRE POINT SURVEYING 33639 9TH AVENUE SOUTH FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 CONTACT: NORM LARSON (253) 661-1901 ENGINEER/PLANNER: BP LANO INVESTMENTS, L.L.C. P. 0. BOX 5206 KENT, WA 98064-5206 (360) 894-5.315 OWNER/DEVELOPER= OWNERS: MARY E. HAMIL TON 15821 S.E. 132ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 DEVELOPER: KBS Ill, LLC 12505 BEL-RED ROAD #212 BELEVUE, WASHINGTON 98005 CONTACT: BOB RUDDELL OR KOLIN TAYLOR PHONE: (206) 623-7000 PAR. 2 <fm;·o) -~. __ ..,. HAMIL TON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/.4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. SITE DATA= 1. TAX NUMBER: 366450-0100 2. PROJECT AREA: 4.32 ACRES (188,378 SF) 3. NUMBER OF LOTS: 23 • • 3 4. EXISTING USE OF LAND: S/NGLE-FAMIL Y RESIDENCE/DETACHED 5. PROPOSED USE: SINGLE-FAMILY RES/DENCE/DETACHED 6. EXISTING ZONING: R-4 7. EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE LANO US[ DESIGNATION: URBAN RESIDENTIAL 4-12 O.U./AC. 8. DENSITY: 5.32 D.U. PER GROSS ACRE 9. SMALLEST LOT SIZE: 4,500 S.F. 10. SMALLEST LOT WIDTH: 50' 11. BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT YARD: 20' GARAGE 10' STRUCTURE SIDE YARD: 5' REAR YARD: 5' CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND SERVICES= WATER: KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT #90 SEWER: CITY OF RENTON PHONE: QWEST COMMUN/CATIONS POWER: PUGET SOUND ENERGY GAS: PUGET SOUND ENERGY CABLE: AT&T BROADBAND FIRE DISTRICT: NUMBER 25 SCHOOL DISTRICT: ISSAQUAH WETLAND DELINEATION: CHAD ARRMOUR, LLC SOURCE OF BOUNDARY: FIELD VERIFIED BY CENTRE POINTE SURVEYING SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: FIELD SIJ/NEYED BY CENTRE POINTE SURVEYING / x k fj c., / lor a ' (~>65) I EXiJT. CB RIM1·= 51T28 IE. = 501!. 64 ( I 2"N) I.E, F 508_ 49 (1 :2 ·'s) I.E. ~"'° 50B.53 (12"SE) . = 0·~ . AVAILABLE SIGHT DISTANCE FOR 158TH 'A Vi. S.E. POSTED SPffD LIMIT = 25 MPH DESIGN SPEED LIMIT = 35 MPH ENTERING STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE: NORTH 490'+ 250'+ FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER ' SOUTH 490'+ 250'+ FIELD ' MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER ,' - AVAILABLE SIGHT DISTANCE FOR 160TH AVE. 8.E. " POSTED SPEED LIMIT = 25 MPH DESIGN SPEED LIM/ T = 35 MPH 1· I ENTERING STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE: ' ' NORTH 490'+ 250'+ FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER SOUTH 490'+ 250'+ FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER SCALE: 1"=40 FEET l ••;s. ++ __ ' ~ 0 20 40 80 VERTICAL DA TUM NAV088 8.M.: KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT #TD10, BRASS CAP IN CONCR[T[ WITH PUNCH, INCASED. AT THE IN/ERSECTION OF 160TH AVENUE SE AND S.E. 127TH PLACE . ELEV. = 505.90 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' LEGEND ~ PROPOSED MONUMENT f EXIST. MAIL BOX -()-EXIST, PO'NER POLE f--[XIST. GUY WIRE ·-··-SD--·-EXIST STORM UN£ [I EXIST CATCH BASIN -W--EXIST WA/ER UN[ i><J EXIST GATE VALVE \J EXIST. FIR£ HYDRANT [B EXIST WA /ER MEIER X---X zz.zz ' ... :.-,.,,_, __ EXIST CHAIN LINK FENCE EXIST. WIRE FENCE [XIST/NG ASPHALT EXISTING GRAVEL EXIST/NG CONCRETE /,; \0 i' LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL ~M8£R 365450-0100 (MARY E:, HAMIL TON) TRACT 5, B&J?CK 1 OF JANETT'S RENTON BOULEVARD TRACTS, REC@f_<OED IN VOLUM£17 AT PAGE 60, OF PLA rs. RECORD OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. INDEX TO QRA WINGS 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT \ 2. CONCEPTUAL STORM A D UTILITY PLAN 3. ADJACENT LOT OWNERS IP EXHIBIT iDJ@:©~DW~@) lfQ MAY 3 0 2002 K.C. O,D.E.S. K.C. D.D.E.S. EXPIRES: 9-2J-0Jj • 8 I 0) I :g C) C) C) " I ~ <.o ~ C) -'.".. 0) C ·->-(j) > L :, (J) MAIN FILE C PY DRAWING NO ~._ ______ __. 8 1057PPLT 6 z 1 OF 3 i i i N PL CE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LEGEND rr1 EXIST. MAIL BOX -0-EXIST. POWER POLE (·-EXIST. GUY WIRE --so~-EXIST. STORM LINE 0 EXIST. CATCH BASIN ----W-·---EXIST. WATER LINE !XI EXIST. GATE VALVE b EXIST. FIRE H YD RANT Ell EXIST. WATER METER 0------<l EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE STA. 0+00.00· ROAD "A"= STA. 2+12.50; 158TH AVE. SE ;a,, "' "' "' ,1, + (, C1 'cl ,-1 .~ ~ I\ V) VJ l i I x I ,,, Ki I V ,, j I ' J ' ' I ~ 209' x------·----x EXIST. WIRE FENCE EXISTING ASPHALT EXISTING GRA VF:L EXISTING CONCRETE -\------------------ 1' ,,~ TRACT 'A• I ' • ' • -.OPEN SPACE ----~ CB 1 -------.-·/--~ V -510--EXISTING CONTOUR PF/OPOSEO MONUMENT • Pf<OPOSEO SEWER CLEANOUT 111 PROPOSED SEWER MANHOLE PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE II PFWPOSEO CATCH BASIN 9 PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE • PROPOSED STORM LINE PROPOSED BLOW OFF 'cf PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT ~~ PROPOSED WATER VAL VF: PROPOSED WATER LINE <fi3~ -----... • ' • ' CONTROL STRUCTURE • 137' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • EXISTING CHAIN IINK' • FcNCf' T<J Bii R(MO!/ED • ~ ~ ~ ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • LAUf(EL HEDGE I' All 2 ,,.------~---,/ / . ,--~-1 EXIST/NC . f BUILDING J , ,,,. -..... ,, 2' (TRACT D) 1' (TRACT C) THICKENED ASPHALT £OGE @ PROPOSED 8" SANITARY SE11£R TO 8£ EXTENDED ± 2,950 LF SOUTH TO THE £XIS11NG SEWER UN£. 26' PRIVATE DRIVEWAY TRACT D) 20' PRIVATE DRIVEWAY (TRACT C) 20.5' (TRACT D 16.5 TRACT C 2% 2' (TRACT D) 1' (TRACT C) HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS 2~ COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS '8' ASPHALT CONCRETE ~·~r~ ( ~, I t!J;s: ~~ [X/ST. 12" CUL V[R T ,, i ,_, I I.E.(N) ~ 503.02 tr1 en. =;;; X lJ.J w 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE -- 5• COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4· COMPACTED DEPTH ATB GRAVEL BASE CLASS '8' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) 10· UTIUlY EASEMENT HYDROSEED ~~ DISTURBED AREAS ,·.\ 1' 1' 5' CEMENT CONCRETE ROLLED CURB PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-002 1 • 2· ROAD 'A' 21' R 21 a 0, 100· 20 a 0, ROOF &: f'0011N DRAIN CONNEC ON STUB (TYf'.) 19 .---------....,.__ a -' ' ' .. ~ ·~ 5D-,___._... l:r1" 50' '"'5Q' 109' ' 88' SSMH CB \ • ' ' ' 0 0, ~o C) ," \ ':b_ 13 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' \ ' 14, \ ' ' ' ·····- ' ~ I ~ ;a,, "' Q, "' "' w ! ~ i ' ' ' ' ' ' . k ' ' ~~---E-XI_S_Tl-::;;,Gco;O WI •••. -RE_F_E_N_CE_:~ '" TO BE REMO VEO 23 16 ' 1:VERCREEN j N88'42'04"W 588.39' NEDGE I I WE'T £TENTION PO I )', \\/__= ',\, § EXIST. 6" 'So • 1 RETAINING WALL 6 BOITOM ELEV. = 500.00 , STATIC W.S. ELEV. = 5DJ.OO MAX. W.S. ELEV. -508.00 I TOP ELEV. = 509.00 VOLUME REQUIRED = 44, 000± CF VOLUME PROVIDED = 45,000± CF DETENTION STANDARDS LEVU II FLOW CONTROL WATER QUALITY STANDARDS BASIC WA TfR QUALJTY TREA 1M£NT PER 1998 KING COUNTY MANUAL PROPOSED METHOD -W£TPOND 21' R 14' 14' 2% 5' 2· 1' 1' 10' UTILITY EASEMENT l!YDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS i-'~ "'0, I J:1 5N THICK CEMENT CONCRETE SI EWALK PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-001 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS '8' ASPHALT CONCRETE ' "' '"' ' I "'~ts ',, ' , EXISTING CHAIN LINK-<c: ' ' --FENCE TO 8£ REMOVE '.._ 128' -EX/SL 6" RETAINING WALL EX/$ T. 12" CUL VERT____.- IE (N) = soa.3o ·x1sr D 'V[W 'i- 30' R W 9.5' (158TH) 1' 5' 7.5 (160TH) SIDEWALK 0.5' ». <:1 l!YDROSEED <'<,.~ 2% DISTURBED AREAS . « . . ' . ,,., ",-0-~m» CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 1-1 /2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE } ALTERNATE -- 5• COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BA.SE COURSE 4" COMPACTED DEPTH ATB GRAVEL BASE CLASS '8' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) 158TH AVENUE NE ;a,, "' LOT 8 ~ '<':'.'.".31 0 SCALI:: 20 1 "=40 FEET 40 80 E:XI ~T. ORIV WAY VERTICAL DA TUM ,, C (' --·EXIST. 12" CULVERT l.E.(S) = 518.67 [XIST. CB / 1/IM = 520. 93 I.E. = 5/EJ.30 {12'}/) I.E. = 518. '17 1 12"'::.') STA.6+46.87: ROAD "A"= STA.2+11.52; 160TH AVE. SE Uj (fj~ a u.i 6 >"' '<::( ~ ::, ~; 0~ ~ NAVD88 B.M.: KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT #TD!O. BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE WITH PUNCH, JNCASED, AT THE INTERSECTION OF 160TH AVENUE S.E. AND S.E. 127TH PLACE. ELEV. = 505.90 SITE B.M.: SET PK NAIL 2.2' £AST OF FOGLIN[ AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF SITE. ELEV. = 513.94 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' ....... ____ -..... EXIST. CB -RIM = 516.49 I.E. -513.28 (12"N1 J.E. = 51J. 74 (12"sj i EXPIRES: 9-2J-OJI 514 14' 16' EXIST. CB /""R!M = 51T28 I.E. ~ 508.64 f I 2"N) I.E. ~ 508.49 12"5) IE = 508.53 12"SE) ~ S.E. 134TH ST. EXIST. Cf3 i?IM = 509, 76 II:. = 506. 76 ('f2"N1 3t I.E. = 506.54 !12"5) <>: IE = 506.80 /J2"NE) w z (158TH AVE) ::, "' (160TH AVE) w ~ •Z w 30' R W ±10' (158TH AVE) u ±13' (158TH AVE) ±11' (16DTH AVE) ±16' (160TH AVE) 2% 2% EXIST. PAVEMENT SECTION SAWCUT AND SEAL JOINT 3" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE PER KCRS 4.01A, ALTERNATE II 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE __ 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING.BASE COURSE 4". COMPACTED DEPTH ATB GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) 160TH AVENUE NE NOT TO SCALE KING COUNlY SUBCOLLECTOR KING COUNTY SUBCOLLECTOR KING COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD COLLECTOR JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE [! f-- 8 13 Vi kJ a " LO 0 - 0 "" II .. N 6: 0 ::r: 11; Q. ~ '( 0: a m :,,: a a kJ o kJ :r: 0 "' -\?I, "' 0 I 0) -I LO 0 a ~ 0 0: Q. Q. '( 0 0 0 " I "' "' (0 -----(0 0 ~ L,j 2: 0 :r: Q. V ORA WING NO. 1, 1---~-----.JI a 10571:NG ci z 2 OF3 LUA-o B -( ,z. ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS LIST I. MARY HAMILTON 15821 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0100 2. REYNOLDS ll~NG TRUST 13016 156TH AVf. SE RENTON, \VA 93059 366450 0205 3. DONALD & DALE FISHER 13115 158TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0215 4. STEVEN GEYER 13128 156TH AVf. SE IJENTON, WA 98059 366450 0201 5. BEAL BANK 6000 LEGACY DR PLANO, TX 75024 366450 0210 6. STEVEN GEYER 13128 156TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0221 7. GARY & SALLY WILLIAMS 818 SW 306TH ST FEDERAL WAY, WA 98023 366450 0220 8. CHARLES SMITH 13205 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0227 9. JAMES & KIMBERLY BROUGH 13220 156TH A Vf. SE RENTON, WA &8059 366450 0225 10. SANORA SNYDER 1915 S 375TH ST FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 366450 0228 11. ROBERT MOFFAT 13217 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0230 12. SANDRA SNYDER 1915 S 375TH ST FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 366450 0226 13. KING COUNTY 500 K C AOMIN BLDG SEA TILE, WA 98104 366450 0231 14. CONSERVATIVE BAPTIST CHURCH 13232 156TH AVf_ SE REN fON, WA 98059 366450 0240 15. JARED HAIR & LAURA TAUTZ 13422 156TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0250 16. GWENDOLYN PICKENS & ~CTOR HIGH 13405 158TH A VF. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0245 17. LUCILLE PERRY 13426 156TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0260 18. FRANCIS JR & ROBIN BECKMAN 13511 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0278 19. ALAN OSGOOOBY 13527 158TH AVf_ SE RENTON. WA 98059 .]66450 0270 20. JAMES DUKE PO BOX 2262 RENTON, WA 98056 366450 0136 21. EDWARD & NANCY HILTON 13414 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0135 22. WILLIAM JOHNSON 15902 SE 134TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0133 23. PATRICK & KELLY BEHR 15914 SE 134TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0132 24. AL ~N & WENDY WOOD 13403 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0131 25. OALE NOTT 13422 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0127 26. FLORENCE NOTT 15915 134TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0120 27. GLENOA JOHNSON 13425 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0126 28. GUY & CARL JR PLATZ & J1Jf1NS0N GERMMNE 13535 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0141 29. PEGGY ANN STREIT 13512 160TH AVf_ SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0170 30. RAYMOND & ERIN PLATZ 14627 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0180 31. RONALD COFFIN 16015 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0190 32. JOLENE MAGGARD 16023 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0200 33. STEVEN & PERI MUHICH 13420 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0010 34. RICHARD & MICHAEL KNAPP 13412 160TH AVf_ SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0020 35. RANOY & BONNIE HORNER 13404 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0030 36. OON BAURICHTER 14025 176TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0040 37. MICHAEL & NECIA WAINWRIGHT 16025 SE 134TH AVE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0050 38. JOHN SR & ELIZABETH CROONQUIST PO BOX 2352 RENTON, WA 98056 200600 0060 39. BARBARA PEELER 16041 SE 134TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0070 40. MICHAEL & KA YE FOSMIRE 16049 SE 134Tll ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0080 41. DOUGLAS & CRYSTAL WEIK 16040 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0120 42. GORDON & SULTANA ROBERTSON 16032 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0130 43. ROBERT & LORI DA~ES 14708 30TH AVf. NE SEATTLE, WA 98155 200600 0140 44. LEONARD JOHNSTON 16016 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0150 45. MOfiRIS JR & HOLLY JOHNSON 2635 REDWOOD ST ANCHORAGE, AK 99508 145750 0070 46. LY BUI 13208 160TH AVf_ SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0066 4 7. GARY MCCANN 13224 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0065 48. GARY MCCAIN 13224 160TH AVf_ SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0067 49. LEONARD SKINNER 13030 160TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0059 50. LEONARD SKINNER 13116 160TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0062 51. DICK AMOS 16028 SE 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0061 52. DICK AMOS 16028 SE 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0064 53. MICHAEL DOOLY 16106 SE 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0063 54. DELOIS STANFORD 13111 160TH AVf. SE RENTON. WA 98059 366450 0062 55. WILLIAM KENAN JR 15914 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0060 56. TIMOTHY LEX & GINA DOLAN 13116 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0068 57. FREDY JAQUES 13114 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0069 58. CHARLES & VIOLA SCOBY 13112 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0071 59. DA "10 KUPCHO 13110 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 356450 0064 60. DOROTHY ROCKEY 13119 160Tll AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0066 61. CRIST Vf.RSCHAEVf. 43803 284TH AVE SE ENUMCLAW, WA 98022 366450 0065 62. HUGH MURDOCH 15917 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0072 63. WILLIAM KENAN JR 15914 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0067 64. STEVf.N ROY 15905 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0075 65. DANIEL & LYNN PETERSON 13118 153TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0073 66. JEFFREY & JUUE TAYLOR 13128 158TH AVf_ SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0070 67. GW NICKEL 13205 160TH AVf_ SE RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0010 68. RICHARD & PHYLLIS RUDOLPH 15846 SE 132ND Pl RENTON, WA 93059 923650 0020 69. MICHAEL & THERESA ADAMS 15842 SE 132ND Pl RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0030 70. DEAN KINNEY 15834 SE 132ND Pl RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0040 71. EMILIE VAN KEMPEN 15826 SE 132ND Pl RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0050 72. ROY VIRGIL 15822 SE 132ND Pl RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0060 73. D J YANTZER 15812 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0070 J.l. FRANLIN HARSCH _ PO BOX 2344 RENTON, WA 98056 923650 0080 75. DELAINE JORGENSEN 13225 160TH AVf_ SE RENTON, WA 93059 923650 0090 76. WALTER KAPIOSKI 13231 160TH AVf_ SE RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0100 77. MARY SACKETT 15841 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0110 78. JAMES ROUGHLEY & DAWN THOMPSON 15833 SE 132ND Pl RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0120 79. CHARLES GRIMSHAW 15825 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0130 80. MARY HAMILTON 15821 SE 132ND Pl RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0140 81. ROBERT & MARIAN WEGLIN 2123 47TH AVf. SW SEATTLE, WA 98116 923650 0150 82. MARY HAMILTON 15821 SE 132ND Pl RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0160 ILTON PLAC A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 2 @) I I I I I : L______ I (Q; :Jjp ~~ ~-Lt~\ (~ i : : I I -11 -----------... -:::-::t-r===-t=-===±:~=-=±i=~=-=~=t-=-~::...--+-~F:.::.=.=L ---LI ---II-J.1. --'--I ;;. ____ L ___ ...J_~--i~ _______ _J t 65 I ~ PRIVATEROAD ----I I I t (921s) ,.--, I 1---1---1-----,---. I I coon> "'0 <o .. no62I I I """ t ------1----~:..--I I I I u, ·--..,, 4 I ----------------I 64 I 63 I 62 t (Qoos) ------...J I ,.--. t 5 66 I /i,)1)75) I ,,. --I , -1-----:= --4.'9 11 (Qo6!) I CQl_()J,l 6irol I ----I 'P!1.6?) I (QO!J) I 6f I --@£79) I I I I --(oosn I I t-------------------___ .J _____ ..l ___ 1 l (Q(§) __ ,. I I I 53 : 19~ij; I I I I 1 8 74 r 1 1 r --1 --67 --------,L ___ 1 __ _ w,: 8 I I I I I LOT ' I _ _ _j ____ _ ---- 9 II 6. in, 0.c.,.,0 I 72 I 71 I 70 I 69 I --.< I ._:Y --= ----\ WT 6 t WT 5 I I (QO/OJ I I 73 WI 4 LOT 3 f---·"" LOT 7 I (QIJ0V I (@) I (§gl I (Qo.:3gl I --68--46 I !----,----------I I j I I LOT 2 LOT A I I I r()I~, ;;;,-"""' I 7 ,..:::__Y '\ (~iJ!; ""06/f) I ---~ I 11 ,; I I ,c, () I I @]91 G,30> ":J'>':J w'b I 10 I 12 q,1-b t ,-, ----82 -1 I lil_?_?_l'V I -----LOT 8 I I : 12 _ @.cq~ _ --i I t (!mi;) 81 I 80 LOT 6 w;-40) <..'._ __ ~,, 79 LOT 5 $1 Jo1 --.~,.--'" 8.E 132ND PLACE 'J I 75 78 I LOT 1 I 77 I WQ9(.h LOT 4 I I.OT J 1----_.::--"' --....... ---"-. (!)!_()()) I 76 (012()) I -...._ ....... r-- 1 I I I 48 1.c,r c I I -~ LOT 7 I --=--7-=-=-..=1_ -__ ,L _ ---------@.sJ) 13 I I -------LOT 2 (010<)) --- I I I (pijg; ·------- ----, ------- 15 14 @) [ ______________ _ I I I I I 16 _______ L _____________ _ \ f£FER£NC£ NUMB£R FOR \OT OWNER & ADDRESS (TYP.) 17 PAR, 2 (02-6Ci> ~_./ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TRACT "A" OPEN SPACE • 0 • ~ p ,-27 20 19 18 0 ,_ ~ 0 ~ ~ r---'----+-----1 ___ 1~ i---~---1 13 12 22 17 14 23 16 15 20 I I ;--, I I (Ql~f.> I I ________ 1 __ ..J 22 \ 23 I 24 2f I ,._,o, <:i (Q1E) I (Qi.~i:D : <@ !<o I I €~;]) \,\)" I I I tG I I I --------L-,----L---~------ 1 I 25 I 26 I 27 I I ------------------L __ _ \ f£FERENCE NUMBER FOR \OT OWNER & ADDRESS (TYP.) 45 /f!Ei]J> 8.E. 1347H STREET 35 I I 36 :37 38 (Q_(~"p) I LOT 4-LOT 5 LOT 6 -----~ (~~) 1@9) (§osg; ::J4 I I I I LOT 2 I. _ r---~---~----1-- @?9) I I I I -----~ ~ I 42 I 43 I 33 I LOT 15 I WT /4 I LOT 1.3 I LOT 3 39 I 40 I LOT c;: I <0?1> : I I -f-----+-- 1 I I I I I I I 0.Ti}) 1 <§!0 1 rf0}) I I LOT 1 I 10150\ I 1{7;;·, I ..::0 __ 1-10\ I I ··--·"' I \,"'c/ I ,u :-::cv <i'ii]) I I I (o!?9) I I I ---'---,- 1 I I \ I 10\ --' ':>' :1".,':l +."~~\\\'>() ---------- 18 LOT l {@) ----------~--------~------ SE 135TH STREET 30 31 WT 3 I I r:0180) LOT 5 \ ',._. ___ ---------,----(jOQ> I 1 'ooi~~ 19,~--t-~f---1---------------------J---~=-==-= I I : ~'o 01') LOT 1 LO, 2 i----1 -__ + &# ~~ @ I I f~ -----~ I I I •l I I I SCALE: 1"=100 FEET -... I I J 0 50 100 200 EXPIRES: 9-23-0}1 C .2 w ·~ "' ~ es en :a; :::, < en a ' GJ -.J 0 <n ~ f.... a GJ < ('.) in GJ Cl "' [() 0 - a a II ' N 0: 0 :r: % Q ~ s <( 0: Cl I::' <( C, ~ < .. 1--' 0: '!; en ~ Cl 8 ~ (.) L.J :r: (.) "' -~ "' CJ I c,, -I [() CJ Cl~ -.JO GJO G.: en a '!; 0 8:: Q <( C) C) C) "' I "' "' "' (6 C) "' '- ~ < 0 :r: Q 0) C ·->-(I) > L. :J U) DRAWING NO. ;g 11---------!l 1057AOJ SE \ VICINITY MAP bi ~ "( i': ;t -SE 128TH ST SE 136 S T---'-----1 "( i': i': I!? ~ SE 136TH ST --SE 134TH ST/--:+-- PRO.ECT SE 136TH ST ~-~-SITE ~ "( "' SE 138TH PL~ \----/'< ! -142ND ST ,!:-- ~--- SE SCALE: 1" = 2,000' LOTi LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT 10 LOT 11 LOT 12 LOT 13 LOT 14 LOT 15 LOT 16 LOT 17 LOT 18 LOT 19 LOT 20 LOT 21 LOT 22 LOT 23 AREA (SF) 5,003 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 5,315 5,087 4,500 5,403 6,783 6,120 4,843 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 5,000 6,338 SUB-TOTAL 113,396 S.F. TRACT 'A' (OPEN SPACE) TRACT 'B' (WET/DETENTION POND) TRACT 'C' (ACCESS TRACT) TRACT 'D' (ACCESS TRACT) TRACT 'E' (WETLAND AND BUFFER} ON-SITE RIGHT OF WAY: SUB-TOTAL ls' bi "' SE 140TH ST \s' i!: ~ "' "( i!: <o SE 142ND ST ts. ->-" "' -~ ST 9,506 S.F. 20,339 S.F. 2,560 S.F. 3,156 S.F. 14,235 S.F. 25,186 S.F. 74,982 S.F. TOTAL (4.32 AC.) 188,378 S.F. ON-SITE RECREATION CALCULATIONS= RECREATION AREA REQUIRED: 8,970 SF (23 LOTS x 390 SF) RECREATION AREA PROVIDED: 9,506 SF (TRACT A) / ENGINEER/PLANNER/LAND SURVEYOR: SURVEYOR: CENTRE POINT SURVEYING 33639 9TH AVENUE SOUTH FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 CONTACT: NORM LARSON (253) 661-1901 ENGINEER/PLANNER: BP LAND INVESTMENTS, L.L.C. P.O. BOX 5206 KEN~ WA 98064-5206 (360) 894-5315 OWNER/DEVELOPER= OWNERS: MARY E. HAMIL TON 15821 S.E. 132ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 DEVELOPER: KBS Ill, LLC 12505 BEL-RED ROAD #212 BELEVUE, WASHINGTON 98005 CONTACT: BOB RUDDELL OR KOLIN TAYLOR PHONE: (206) 623-7000 E 1s-P' ' ·---· ............ ,.~·- a_ -LU J I • I ! ti.I I I -I I CJ. I \ . I I . ' HAMIL TON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LOT 7 LOT 6 LOT 5 @ @ @ ' \ LQT B 0§~ ORI [W -·------·-f:J'\A~ 1/'_,,,._,, PAR. 2 @ I I I I I I I I \ 1 1-----tg- 209' ------20' 50' 50' I ,, ,, fXIST.12" CULVERT 1.E.(S) ,. 518.67 EXIST. <c;c.:H~= U/M =. 520.93 IE = '518.30 f12"N) I.E. =· 518.17 12"5) I\ -,;t- ll U: ll~ I I ------------50' __ l I I I I / . '/SJ'. ORI EWf I I I 1, I I • I I ' ' ~ t ,, I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • • • • • • • • ,. • • • 1' , \ • • • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' & \ ' ' ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . •, . • • • • • • "'16 • .,, • • • • 137' ' '·.J'RACT 'B' WET!DEJJ=NTION POND,. . ' • ' • • ' \ \ \ \ -----....-. • • ., --,;-,.,... ,,,·/ .,..-------r EXISTING /JU/LO/NG 31: a: ' I , ·i "' -....___ EXIST. 12" CUL VU?T I.E.(N) = 503.02 SITE DATA= 1. TAX NUMBER: 366450-0100 2. PROJECT AREA: 4.32 ACRES (188,378 SF) 3. NUMBER OF LOTS: 23 4. EXISTING USE OF LAND: SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE/DETACHED 5. PROPOSED USE: SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE/DETACHEO 6., . EXISTING ZONING: R-4 7. EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE DES/GNAT/ON: URBAN RESIDENTIAL 4-12 D.U./AC. 8. DENSITY: 5.32 D.U. PER GROSS ACRE 9. SMALLEST LOT SIZE: 4,500 S.F. 10 .. -SMALLEST LOT 'MDn-1: 50' 11:· "/JU/LO/NG SETBACKS: FRONT YARD: 20' GARAGE 10' STRUCTURE SIDE YARD: 5' REAR YARD: 5' • SJ C) 0, ---- 21 -~------- C) "' -----' 20 ' ' . C, "' ------ ---------- 19 -----------.._, " ¢\ -----I C) - ~~ 50' "----'----5 • 00'.----~---+--=--;-;10!-::9'' -~',/...,~__J ----- . "' -~----20' ~ ;., C) "' ___ 22 __ ·508----~ ----------·;7-., --\ -' '------1-0-0'~ 88' \ \ \ ' ' ' \ ' ' % \ ' \ --- ' ' ' ' ' ' 14, • \ \ ' · 514 ·' "-------, "' ' . 62' I ' • ' • 23 . "' EVERGREEN HEDGE N88'42'04"W 588.39' UTILmES AND SERVICES: WATER: KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT #90 SEWER: CITY OF RENTON PHONE: QWEST COMMUN/CA T/ONS POWER: PUGET SOUND ENERGY GAS: PUGET SOUND ENERGY CABLE: AT&T BROADBAND FIRE DISTRICT: NUMBER 25 SCHOOL DISTRICT: /SSAQUAH WEILAND DEUNEA T/ON: CHAD ARRMOUR, LLC 16 113' ··-, ~HEq -~-EXIST. 6.. 'So RETAINING WALL. 6 SOURCE OF BOUNDARY: FIELD VERIFIED BY CENTRE POINTE SURVEYING SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: FIELD SURVEYED BY CENTRE POINTE SURVEYING . "' . "" \ ' ' --• ' E.X15T. 6" RETAINING WALL EXIST. 12" CULVERT~ 1.E.(N) = 508.JO x1sr OF Vf.W :;; S.E. 134TH ST. EXIST. CB RIM~-509. 76 I.E. = 506. 76 f 12"N) :t: 1.£. = 506.54 12"s) a: 1.£. "\ 506.80 12"N£) AVAILABLE SIGHf DISTANCE FOR 158TH AVE. S.E. POSTED SPEED LIMIT = _ MPH Of.SIGN SPEED LIMIT -_ MPH ENTERING STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE: NORTH ------FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER SOUTH -------FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER AVAILABLE SIGHT DISTANCE FOR 160TH A VE. S.E. POSTED SPEED LIMIT = __ MPH DESIGN SPEW LIMIT -MPH ENTERING STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE: . NORTH ------FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER SOUTH -----FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER -~ ,· SCALE: 1"=40 FEET 0 20 40 80 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVOBB B.M.: KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT #TDIO, BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE WITH PUNCH, INCASf:D, AT THE INTERSECTION OF 160TH AVENUE S.E. AND S.E. 127TH PLACE. £LEV. = 505.90 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' LEGEND \'II PROPOSED MONUMENT !r EXIST. MAIL BOX -0-EXIST. POWER POLE E-EXIST. GUY WIRE ----SD---EXIST. STORM LINE 0 EXIST. CATCH BASIN -W--···· EXIST. WA 7FR LINE rxl EXIST. GA TE VAL VE 'C) EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT 83 EXIST. WATER METER EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE x---x EXIST. WIRE FENCE 7..ZZZ.. EXISTING ASPHALT EXISTING GRAVEL .\·-~::.;.~);.\ EXISTING CONCRETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL NUMBER 366450-0100 (MARY E. HAI.IIL TON) TRACT 5. BLOCK 1 OF JANETT'S RENTON BOULEVARD TRACTS, RECORDED IN VOLUME! 7 AT PAGE 60, OF PLATS. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. INDEX TO ORA WINGS 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT (I) ~ -C (I) " 1() 0 0 "" II ' I-- "( -.I Q 8 I 0) -I 1() 0 a ~ 0 Q:: Q Q "<( 0 0 0 " I I<) "' \0 <o' 0 ~ 0) C ·->, (I) > ~ :, CJ) 2. CONCf.PTUAL STORM AND UTILITY PLA{o) m (r-3' ';'i n '!If/ 1c' 3. ADJACENT LOT OWNf.RSH1P EXHIBIT lni '-"' \I_::; [5 LJ rJ /~, 0 Ut; I 3 1 20D2 1 K.C. D.D.E.S, j __ D_RA_WI_NG_N_O_. --+-I 6.? 1057PPLT 0 z 1 OF 3 L.U -01' _, 2.1.. M IN FILE COPY HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LEGEND f £XIS f. MAIL BOX -0---EXIST. POWER POLE E-EX/Sf. GUY WIRE -so--EXIST. STORM LINE D EXIST. CATCH BASIN ·--w--EXIST. WATER LINE IXI EXIST. GATE VALVE b EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT 8'l EXIST. WATER METER o------o EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE x-----x EXIST. WIRE FENCE T/7Z EXISTING ASPHALT EX/SnNG GRAVEL ·:r -~ ~ ... ;:.::-::.·~-~ EXISTING CONCRETE ---510-EXISTING CONTOUR s PROPOSED MONUMENT • PROPOSED SEWER CLEANOUT 8 PROPOSED SEWER MANHOLE PROPOSED SAN/ TARY SEWER LINE • PROPOSED CATCH BASIN 8 PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE PROPOSED STORM LINE • PROPOSED BLOW OFF SITE BENCHMARK ELEV. -51.3.94 STA. 0+00.00· ROAD "A"= STA. 2+12.50; 158TH AVE. SE 3o 0:: n. + '" I-~ v, x '" .3 • " LOT 7 @ ------_____ ...... 60' ,• --EXIST, 12" CULVE T 1.£.(f':J '.': ~11. 38 I.E.(S -,)11.17 ' ' ' 52' ------·--------_ _ _ ROOF &: FOOTING • • • • • • • • • • • 1 ;' / ' ' • • • • • ' ' ' \ • OYERfl.QW • !IP/I.I.WAY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • --'OR.A/N NECTION SJIJ/3-{. .) 2 CB/14 1J7' • ' LOT 6 @ I I I '" I I LOT 5 (Q~ '5 nR5' 6 v1scUN vOL, 55 •· 923650 I I I LOT 4 @ LOT 3 S.?o-. c @ .• _.:I.l __ _I/-----4~ J SHED ' S,?z, EXIST. 24' ,, l?E_ TAIN/NG WALL EXIST ......... ,, ' ' ' 0:, ., 52' EXIST. 24" t; RETAJN!NC W LL ,,- ~ _,,/ ',a ,,· (/) ..... ______ ,,., i;'i ). 4 lo "' ::, ., C: ::, Q - / -5-~' ' ' ; ' 5 I I ' ' ., "' ',, JrsuEo~ / RETAINING WALL', SBB"J678:£ 585 g 7' n / ', ~ . . -- ',s 7-e,' ' 6 \r-+--------t~----,,.,;~ ,., 7 ~ ~ ~ Q) '---~ EXISTING BUILD/1 G TO ·, BE DEMOLISH D ~t=---~-----~-----s. -------- _ .. , ' ' Q 20 0, 21 ROOF & FODTI DRAIN CONIIEC ON SJIJB (TYP.) !'i~J.Y" 22 C, _. '1i\ ------sos--- --------- 100· ' ' \ -,7-,, 88' ' \ ' \ ' ' ' ' \ \ \ ---- ' ' ' ' \ ' ' ' . 'ti PROl'OSED FIRE HYDRANT ~~ PROPOSED WATER VAL VE El~ki'.' ORI C:.Vf\'Y / /. \' • • • • • • EXISTING CHAIN LINK" • • • FEI./Cfi Td Bfi R[M0/1£0 • I ;.., I <o 23 16 ' "' ''P 2' (TRACT D) 1' (TRACT C) PROPOSED WATER LINE 26' PRIVATE DRIVEWAY (TRACT D 20' PRIVATE DRIVEWAY (TRACT C) 20.5' TRACT D 16.5 TRACT C ........ /OAF/. 2 @ 2' (TRACT D) 1' (TRACT C) ,o" ) HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS .3 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS '8' ASPHALT CONCRITT I I E !SI • • • LAUFIEL r!EOGE ., ., "" ., ., ~ • • • • _.) ----.,. ; / • -,,/'. ' / , • ""166' "" ,,---.-·-- • £ i nv Y--' " .. a a >< "' EXIST. 12" CUL VERT /,E.(N) ~ 503.02 50' LONG LEVEL FLOW SPREADER 1 o· UTILITY EASEMENT HYOROSEED-~ DISTURBED AREAS ,·.\ 1' 1' ~TING 1 euiLotNG CB 5 ilfm'mf.fll I '"\-'-'.LLIJ-"".'/ ' / ' ' ', EVERGREEN NEDGE --.-·-) /--soo--.. ..-1 11 ' -; \ ' NB8'42'04"W 588.39' \~§3 CONTROL STRUCTURE ~T £TENTION P ', \\ EXIST. 6" 'So RETAINING WALL ~ 21' R W 5' 1 • 2· B07TOU ELEV. -500.00 o STA TIC W.S. ELEV. = 50.3.001 MAX. W.S. ELEV. -508.00 I TOP ELEV. = 509.00 VOLUME REQUIRED • #,000± CF VOLUME PROVIDED -45,ooo± CF DETENTION STANDARDS LEVEL II FLOW CONTROL WATER QUALITY STANDARDS BASIC WATER QUAUTY TREATMENT PER 1998 KING COUNTY MANUAL PROPOSED METHOD -l+f:TPOND 14' w, z ::J i u 21' R W 14' 1 • 2· 5' 1' 1 1 ' 10' UTILITY EASEMENT T·' J.·1 HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS 5• THICK CEMENT CONCRETE S! EWALK PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-001 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE THICKENED ASPHALT EDGE 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPltl CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE -- 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4• COMPACTED DEPltl ATB CEMENT CONCRETE ROLLED CURB PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-002 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE -- GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4" COMPACTED DEPTH ATS (SEE SECflONS 4.02 .!c 4.03 K.C.R.S.) GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDrTIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 .!c 4.03 K.C.R.S.) JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT ROAD 'A' KING COUNTY SUBCOLLECTOR NOT TO SCALI:'. NOT TO SCALE ' I [XJST. 6" RETAINING WALL 13 LOT 2 @ I L-------' EX/ T. POll£'8 POI.£ TO BE RELOCATED ' ' ' ' ' \ \ ' \ ' ' 12 ',, 60' ' \ \ \ \ I 3o 0:: ls I "' 0 a_ e: CJ "' "' x "' I - ' 5\ [XJST. U:.(N) 12" CUL \/[RT ---- -508.JO XIST. D VEW 7.5' 158TH) 1' 5' 30' R 7.5' (160TH) SIDEWALK CEMENT CONCRETE CURB .!c GUTTER 0.5' J LOT B @ EXIST. 12" CULVERT u:.(s) ~ 518.67 EXIST. CB .----RIM = 520. 93 574 IE. = 518.JO f12"N) IE = 518.17 12"5) STA.6+46.87· ROAD "A"= STA.2+11.52; 160TH AVE. 5£' Uj c,j~ q ~! <( al ~! 0~ ~ -..__l:_XcST, GB __ _ RIM = 516.49 I.E. = 51J.28 (/2"NJ I.E. = 513. 74 (12"S EXIST. CB _,..RIM = 511.28 I.I:. = 508.64 f12"NJ I.E. = 508.49 12"S IE = 508.53 12"5£) g S.E 134TH ST. EXIST. CB RIM = 509.76 I.E. -506. 76 f12"N) lo /.£. -506.54 12"$) 0:: I.E. = 506.80 12"NE) w z 30' R W SCALE: 1"=40 FEET 0 20 40 80 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVD88 B.M.: KING COUNTY SURV[Y CONTROL POINT #ID10, BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE WITH PUNCH, !NCASED, AT THE INTERSECTION OF 160Tff AVENUES.£. AND S.£. 127TH PLACE . ELEV. = 505.90 SITE B.M.: SET PK NAIL 2.2' EAST OF FOGLINE AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF SITE. ELEV. = 51J.94 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' • 16' (158TH AVE) a! 16' (160TH AVE) ,\g w ±10' (158TH AVE) u ±11' (160TH AVE) ___lL ±13' (158TH AVE) ±16' (160TH AVE) 2% EXIST. PAVEMENT SECTION SAWCUT ANO SEAL JOINT 3" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE PER KCRS 4.01A, ALTERNATE II 1-1/2" COMPACfED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE __ 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4 • COMPACTED DEPTH ATS GRAVEL BASE CLASS '8' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECIIONS 4.02 .!c 4.03 K.C.R.S.) 158TH AVENUE NE AND 160TH AVENUE NE KING COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD COLLECTOR NOT TO SCALE 0:: Lu [}) ::;; :, 2: [}) 0 -, Lu -.J 0 (/) ~ ,__ a Lu t3 i7l Lu Cl ~ C'i ~ (j ~ ~ C 0 'ii ~ ·, • "' >-"' iJ ei Q_ ~ <;; ~ .,; "' ~ q u gi " "' ~ I • " -0 I 0 Q - ci z " ~ lC) 0 " -Cl 0 'Sf-z II ' 2: .. N .. ,-..: ii: 0:: 0 ~ :r: % ~ Q Cl ~ g " Lu 0:: i5 Cl "' 0 I (J) I lC) 0 sa Luo G:!ll a ~ 0 0:: Q Q " 0 0 R I ~ (0 DRAWING NO. 1057ENG 2 or3 LUA-oa-122 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS LIST 1. MARY HAMILTON 15821 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 386450 0100 2. REYNOLDS LI\1NG TRUST 13016 156m AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 3664SO 0205 3. DONALD &: DALE FISHER 13115 158m AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 386450 0215 4. STEVf.N GEYER 13128 156m AVf. S£ RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0201 5. BEAL BANK 6000 LEGACY OR PLANO, TX 75024 386450 0210 6. STEVf.N GEYER 13126 156m AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 3664SO 0221 7. GARY &: SALLY \\1LLIAMS 818 SW 306m ST FEDERAL WAY, WA 98023 366450 0220 8. CHARLES SMlrn 13205 158m AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0227 9. JAMES & KIMBERLY BROUGH 13220 156TH AVE S£ RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0225 10. SANDRA SNYDER 1915 S 375TH ST FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 3864SO 0228 11. ROBERT MOFFAT 13217 156TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 96059 366450 0230 12. SANDRA SNYDER 1915 S 375m ST FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 366450 0226 13. KING COUNTY 500 K C ADMIN BLDG SEA TILE, WA 96104 386450 0231 -- 14. CONS£RVAT1Vf. BAPTIST CHURCH 13232 156TH AVf. SE RENfON, WA 98059 386450 0240 15. JARED HAIR & LAURA TAUTZ 13422 156m AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 3664SO 0250 16. GWENDOLYN PICKENS & \1CTOR HIGH 13405 15Brn A Vf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0245 17. LUCILLE PERRY 13426 156m AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0260 18. FRANCIS JR & ROBIN BECKMAN 13511 15Brn AVf. S£ RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0278 19. ALAN DSGOODBY 13527 158m AVE SE RENTON, WA 96059 366450 0270 20. JAMES DUKE PO BOX 2262 RENTON, WA 98056 3664SO 0136 21. EDWARD &: NANCY HILTON 13414 158m AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0135 22. \\1LLIAM JOHNSON 15902 SE 134m PL RENTON, WA 98059 386450 0133 23. PATRICK & KELLY BEHR 15914 SE 134m PL RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0132 24. AL \1N &: WENDY \\000 13403 160m A Vf. S£ RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0131 25. DALE NOTI 13422 158m AVF. SE RENTON, WA 96059 366450 0127 26. FlORENCE NDTI 15915 134m PL RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0120 27. Gl£NDA JOHNSON 13425 160TH AVf. S£ RENTON, WA 96059 366450 0126 28. WY & CARL .ll PLATZ & JOHNSON GERMAINE 13535 160m AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0141 29. PEGGY ANN STREIT 13512 160m AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0170 JD. RA ¥MONO &: ERIN PLATZ 14627 160rn AVf. S£ RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0180 31. RONALD COFFIN 16015 S£ 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0190 32. JOL£NE MAGGARD 16023 SE 135m ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0200 33. STEVf.N &: PERI MUHICH 13420 16orn AVf. S£ RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0010 34. RICHARD & MICHAEL KNAPP 13412 160m AVf. S£ RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0020 35. RANDY & BONNIE MORNER 13404 16Drn AVf. S£ RENTON, WA 96059 200600 DDJG 38. DON BAURICHTER 14025 176TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0040 37. MICHAEL & NEC1A WAINWRIGHT 16025 S£ 134m AVf. RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0050 38. JOHN SR & ELIZABErn CRDONQUIST PO BOX 2352 RENTON, WA 98056 200600 0060 39. BARBARA PEELER 16041 SE 134m ST RENTON, WA 96059 200600 0070 40. MICHAEL & KAYE FOSMIRE 16049 S£ 134m ST RENTON, WA 96059 200600 0060 41. DOUGLAS & CRYSTAL IIEIK 16040 SE 135m ST RENTON, WA 96059 200600 0120 42. GORDON & SULTANA ROBERTSON 16032 SE 135m ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0130 43. RO!l[RT &: LORI DA \1ES 14708 3Drn AVf. NE SEA TILE, WA 98155 200600 0140 44. LEONARD JOHNSTON 16016 S£ 135m ST RENTON, WA 98059 200600 0150 45. MORRIS JR & HOLLY JOHNSON 2635 REDWOOD ST ANCHORAGE, AK 99508 145750 0070 46. LY BUI 13208 160m AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0066 47. GARY MCCANN 13224 16Drn AVf. S£ RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0065 48. GARY MCCAIN 13224 160m AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0067 49. LEONARD SKINNER 13030 160m AVf. S£ RENTON, WA 98059 1457SO 0059 50. LEONARD SKINNER 13116 160m AVf. S£ RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0062 51. DICK AMOS 16028 S£ 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0061 52. DICK AMOS 16028 S£ 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 1457SO 0064 53. MICHAEL DOOLY 16106 S£ 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 145750 0063 54. DELOIS STANFORD 13111 160m AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0062 55. ~WAM KENAN JR 15914 S£ 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0060 56. TIMOrnY LEX &: GINA DOLAN 13116 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0068 57. FREOY JAQUES 13114 158m AVf. S£ RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0069 58. CHARLES & \10!.A SCOBY 13112 158m AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0071 59. DA\1D KUPCHO 13110 156m AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 3664SO 0064 60. OOROrnY ROCKEY 13119 160m AVf. S£ RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0066 61. CRIST Vf.RSCHAEVf. 43803 284m AVf. SE ENUMCT.AW, WA 98022 386450 0065 62. HUGH MURDOCH 15917 S£ 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0072 63. \\1WAM KENAN JR 15914 S£ 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 386450 0067 64. STEVf.N ROY 15905 S£ 131ST LN RENTON. WA 98059 386450 0075 65. DANIEL & LYNN PETERSON 13118 15Brn AVf. S£ RENTON, WA 98059 386450 0073 66. JEFFREY &: JULIE TAYLOR 13128 158m AVf. S£ RENTON, WA 98059 386450 0070 67. GW NICKEL 13205 16Drn AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 923850 0010 68. RICHARD &: PHYLLIS RUODI.PH 15846 S£ 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 9238SO 0020 69. MICHAEL & rnERESA ADAMS 15842 S£ 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0030 70. DEAN KINNEY 15634 S£ 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0040 71. EMILIE VAN KEMPEN 15826 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 ooso 72. ROY 'vlRGIL 15822 S£ 132ND PL RENTON, WA 96059 923650 0060 73. D J YANTZER 15812 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923850 0070 74. FRANLIN HARSCH PO BOX 2344 RENTON, WA 98056 923850 0080 75. DELAINE JORGENSEN 13225 160m AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0090 76. WALTER KAPIOSKI 13231 160m AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 923850 0100 77. MARY SACKETI 15841 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923850 0110 78. JAMES ROUGHLEY & DAWN rnDMPSON 15833 S£ 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 9238SO 0120 n. CHARLES GRIMSHAW 15825 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0130 80. MARY HAMILTON 15821 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 9236SO 0140 81. ROBERT &: MARIAN \\£GUN 2123 47™ AVf. SW SEATILE, WA 96116 9236SO 0150 B2. MARY HAMILTON 15821 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 9236SO 0160 HAMIL TON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ------ I I I I I : L______ I 59 58 57 56 \ /,,55 : 54 : \ I ~fij) @ <@> ~ -~1--<@.9>1 @ \ \ \ -y------------.,..--.".'."::'.t--t==-=---t-:_--::-::::-:t-~=±i=~==~±===::---+--4~:.::.L=_ --LI ---1,---_: ;..a ·-------~-~--i~-------~ 1 65 1 ~ PRIVATEROAD --I 1 ------l---@ @ : 1---1---1--60--(§as}> I : 4 I ---------------1 64 I 63 I 62 I ~ ------~ I 5 66 I @ I ~ I f-------49 II @1) <@) €i§J r,;;;; I I ~ I <§o?ZJ I 61 -0!_!9) I I I I ~ I -i----------------------/ .J J_ .L @ I I 1 8 L:r4a _; ___ 1----\---; --; --67--------rL ___ i __ _ 7 1 1 '02r-<@g> 172171170169 1 ~ \ ~ ------j LOT 6 i LOT 5 I LOT 4 I LOT J i)(J_I(].; I IQ:@) ~---,----------L{!l \ <@g> \ <§oi/1> \ {fjiiJfp I €"& i--68--L:A : \ I '0070' I I , \ I I LOT 2 I ~ .\ €~ ~ ---! I 1/ ~ I 1 I ·S O I @ a0~ ':l"<J i/" I 10 I ~ c,'l-" I '6=_22s -1 1 ----------82 ~ '~.:'::5" LOT 8 I : : 12 -~9)--~ I I @:§) 81 \ 8.E. 1:J2ND Pl.ACE -----".J 52 47 9 75 80 LOT 6 @ 79 LOT 5 e 78 LOT 4 €i§> 77 LOT J @ \ LOT 1 I (Q090) 1------=-- I 76 53 : @I I I I __ _J ____ _ i---- 1 48 LOT C \ I LOT 7 I -n-;r==~----i__________ (f;5§) LOT 2 @ I ----- I I I I I I 12.o§J! __________________ L __ _ ------- ------- _______ ! _____________ _ I I I I I 16 _______ L _____________ _ \ fm:RENCE: NUMBEJI FOR \OT OIMIEJI & ADDRE:SS (TYP.) 17 PAR. 2 @ --------------- 18 1 2 3 TRACT "A" OPEN SPACE 4 5 • ,'-' .... Cl g 6 7 8 9 1@ • 21 20 19 18 ,c, .... Cl "'< I': ~ TRACT "B" -;>"1Ci, 1> STORM POND "..,.""'--~ ~ ...... 22 17 23 16 "'b < a,<"< "" ~ <.,, 20 I I I I I I --------r-~ ~ : ~ : I <;01,'J @ I (§:J) I 21 1,<o I I @ ""~I I I 10 11 13 12 14 15 24 iG I I --------L-,----L---~------ 1 I I 26 I I I I <@ \ 25 27 I I ----------~--------_J _____ _ 28 s ~ ffi <( I \ f£F£RE:NC£ NUMBE:R FOR \OT OIM'IEJI & ADDRESS (TYP.) 45 /QD!2> 8.E. 1MTH Slf/EEI 35 \ \ \ LOT J I 36 I 37 38 39 40 I @ I LOT 4 \ LOT 5 l.OT 6 LOT B \ -----~ @ : @"@) @ <@0 I L::-2 I I I : I : @ i----;---~----:---i---r- -------1 41 I 42 I 43 \ 44 I I 33 I LOT 15 I LOT 14 \ LOT 13 I I w r 1 I i.§i_f5"1) I @ I wjj§) I (QOig) I I I I I I I I 8.E. 135TH SIRl±I 30 LOT 3 @ 31 I I LOT 5 I --i, I I ----------r----<r!.~ I 1'oo'l-q~ 19~--t--+--j_--------------------l--i..:.:.: I I : ~'o o1,; LOT 1 LOT 2 i------r ---+ &# ~ <§j!§> \ \ ~~ -----~ I I I SCALE: 1"=100 FEET -i I I 0 50 100 I 200 C 0 ·a ·~ "' ] u V 0 0 ci z es [lJ :;;; t-,._ ::, l!) :z: a -Ill a -, a 0 -lLI II -.J ' " -{.) .. N (/J ii: a J:: ~ 9, 1--Q a lLI /3 i V) " lLI Cl:: Q Q ~ " a z :z: .. ,-: [;i > Ill "' Q a ~ lLI a "' a I 0, I l!) a Q"' -.JO LLIQ G: ai a ~ a Cl:: Q Q " 0 0 0 " I I') ~ ~ J:: Q 0) C ·->,. (1) > L. ::, (1) 00 L. -C (1) 1--I-0) o- -.J ~ I-lLJ :;::: a_ lLJ -(.) :r: '<{ (/) J 0::: a LLJ ~~ 0 DRAWING NO. 1057ADJ 3 OF 3 LUA-oa-,22. h; .._...,., HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON STA. 0+00.00· ROAD "A"= STA. 2+12.50; 158TH AV[. SE I ·1 I ·1 I I I J.4 l ", ."11 l I " I I '-...._ I I ' I , ,, "' "' "' TAA T "E" WETLA DANO ER TRACT •a• WET/DE 1ENTION POND l.·l -1 .,, SCALE: 1 "=20 FEET 0 10 20 40 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVDBB 8.M.: KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT #W10, BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE 111TH PUNCH, INCASED, AT THE INTERSECTION OF 160TH AVENUE S.E. AND S.E. 127TH PLACE. ELEV. = 505.90 SITE B.M.: SET PK NAIL 2.2' EAST OF FOGUNE AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF SITE. ELEV. = 513.94 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' . r: .l ·> C 0 ·,; -~ "' 2 0 0 6 z 0:: Lu en ::; :::, z en a -., Lu -J '( 0 (/) '1;) f-.. ci Lu 13 ~ a t-s l{) a - a "' ' Ii -.. N O:'. a :r: ~ a.. ~ '( 0:: a >-ct: ~ z -~ --l Lu ct: Q f;':' '( a ~ z >-' 0:: ~ ~ a ~ Lu :r: 0 < ~ -l Q ~ ct: ~ Q -l ~ z 0 j::: ~ Lu ct: (.) Lu ct: "' a I I') "' I a ~ a><: ;:;jO _a u._en ci ~ a 0:: a.. a.. '( a a a t-s I I') "' (Q to' a ~ DRAWING NO. 1057PARK 1 OF 1 fi1; ·,, j,,, ,,,,,; .,.·>.\,\:·' ·;,o,I ''.·\I·,·,.,, •!I".,<,:;')-· s.:----.!\r-·- 634.25' -i---Southeast 128th Street S88'07'44"E 2536.98' 634.25' • i Surveyor's Notes: 1) The monument control shown for this site was accomplished by field traverse utilizing a one (1) second theodolite with integral electronic distance measuring meter (Geodimeter 500) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) / Static Global Positioning System (GPS). Linear and angular closure of the traverses meet the standards of WAC 332-130-090. 2) Utilities other than those shown may exist on this site. Only those which are visible or having visible evidence of their installation are shown hereon. 3) This survey represents physical improvement conditions as they existed May 10. 2001. the date of this field survey. 4) No title report was provided for this site. 5) Offset dimensions shown hereon are measured perpendicular to property lines. 6) It is not the intent of this survey to show easements or reservations which may affect this site. Vertical Datum: North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVDBB) as determined by King County. Benchmark: Base: King county Survey Control point #TD10. 2" brass cap in concrete with punch. incased. at the intersection of 150th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 127th Place. Elevation: 505. 90 Site: Set PK nail 2.2'E of east fogline. 11.5'NW of mailbox for 13310 160th Avenue. Elev at ion: 513. 94 Basis of Bearing: True North. Based upon Global Positioning System (GPS) Lambert Grid Washington State North Zone coordinates. A convergence angle of 00'58'01.856" counterclockwise was applied at a punch mark in the center of broken brass disk at the intersection of 156th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 128th Street. The monument is the north quarter corner of Section 14. Township 23 north. Range 5 east of the Willamette Meridian. The North American Datum of 1983/1991 (NAO 83/91) grid coordinates were found to be 180828.770 / 1319243.796 at that point. The inverse of both the sea level correction factor of 0.999977357 and the grid scale factor of 1.000002203 was applied to the grid coordinates for shown ground distances. Description: Tract 5. Block 1 of Janett ·s Renton Boulevard Tracts. recorded in Volume 17 at Page 60. of plats. recor'ds of King County. Washington. Legend: ~ = Monument found. Visited May 3. 2001 00 = Pao 1 pump 1" = Mailbox 0 = Fence post G = Power pole "' = Guy wire anchor &. Water valve o1 = Water meter B' = Hydrant ... = Faucet X = Wetland ~~©~u~v~ 0 flag MAY 3 0 2002 GI = Catch basin K.C. D.D.E.S. I .K 0 30 I "'---~~ " lD 0 .... <D (\) :;: .... f') ID (\) . 0 0 z K.C. D.D.E.S. ()() Scale: 1 " Found broken brass disk with punch Sr,>utheast 132nd BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY Place NOi '19' 14"W 1472.93' -,,-----'\r--$ 1268.42. Found 3~ brass disk with punch "KCSM", unable to read A portion of the SW 1/ 4 of the NE City of Renton, 1/ 4 of Section 14, Township 23 N., King County, Range 5 E., W.M. Washington Found plug with punch in concrete, incased, o.21·w of 16th line. held for street alignment ~ .. .,, Broken aspha 1t. 30' l • • ";,'I.I.· <o\?." 'O·'o n' \ ro , • op :, ' . ,<, • ". I . -, . . ~ .. ·~. ,,,,, .. t,.. w,.;:/·1'T p or ' 12" ~: ' RIM \ . ADS CULVERT 511.38 • • o/;, .. , ... • ~4' barbed wire fence-----..... 4' hog wire --. ..---,,:(~nee O. 6 'S ., 4' hog wire fence 0.5'N • • 4 · eye laie fence • ,• <:,.,,., .~ . ,ts.h:d} ... p >-,,1 •• _g,~ .. 1-~ .,r, • •. (ate • ..-6·1.. ~ .. 9· • • <o.._<?>·f>" '0.,-o'>" Gat; -t.,.<9 J4' cyclone fence ~;::;=:!..--''::.~~ •'_;"-l .. ~· . .,,.., Deck c l " •x-~X~iJ"lo"'..;,,~ •· Garden <:,'>g, ,,,? ti"''1~1 Pool 0., Fountain w/pool S88'36'2B"E .,.,,,., 4 · eye lone fence • Retaining wall o.1·s Shed 0.6'S Gate At,.'f'Jb rf.> 7' ~r,.-• • 1 ";'>/,.· • ,• ->., .. t,.. . .Grii\1e 1 . .,_.,.r;,,. J,. ... 'fJ .. e, . • ,. .. \'i". . ··i . . . . : . . . ·. . . . ·-~· :.· .. ru . · .. • - - • • <:, .. .,,. • • • \ • wetlandX flag Sp 3" "- • --- / 2' retaining wall With wood fence 0.3'N • - • . f') . <D .. . (\) --- . :;: . .""f: . Cl, .... . lD . -.. b .· o. ·Z • • • • • .,,.}'' ~wetiand flag a 6 .--. • .• ~ 11~~a~\ Q.I. '>, ' ~1· ~ li"·{;;·" )(Wetland flag a 7 iJj -,! I \. 't' .f'JJ,'o· Centerline• · of driveway ,• . .,,.. . P· Wetland \ . ~ .. flaga4 It /if \ · ~'fo Wetland I . . .' ~;;" flag a 3 .. " d? ,· ,-~~ ~ , .. jj" ••• . /[:. ··~ . ,0 . . ·'.,,x . . . . ...... v;,"'> 'lv;,• : "t:,',, · 1·/i' <::P1. ~1.· . ·~"!. ·. ~· ,n 'l-.,_·· • ..,. O' 411 ··· . , ~ Ill' -'!(~lo-:, Water paint mark · · · · ,,.. '·I Wetland '30 ·. · · ;~~ f 1 ag a 2 \ \ - • • • \ • • water ~Ji ~ ·p·a)n~-' \ ~:~:.: , • · · m~rk -~ r, : __ . ;~:tland ~tland flag a 10 '"' 'rl .. .c:, ">r:P· ·-: . ,.,. s flag sp2" ..._ ~ • t,o" ' • -g _,,. ... 'l. .p"'' '1 ·<f-.;,,•,,• ,.<P ~ •• '. 1 -' Wetland flag a 11X -~etlana ~--..•. 4§> ~"J'' '\.. • • -._.:..- • • <'§>1 • ... • \ -flag a 12 - • • .,, .. - • • 'f:, .. '}·'I, • ' '? ..... - • Centerline•··\ . ~.:.. of driveway ... •, ~ Wetland bwetland flag a 14 '~ ,,..'=' ' • -- <'}11,'l • • • • .,, .. • ~,:,"'>·"'~,;,.~.,. \ . .r; ". * /;. l'-'.· .• 5f 015°9_0 8 1 5' cyclone fenc !@reak <:Pt,.·'-f:><:l.,.tJ 5' cyclone fence 7'" ~-v-~ tP ':P"'·b,. fJl".1 I? ¢·"f. .. -. • g • -,y .... ?r:.e.flk , ,,.., ':P ... , ["' 4i •. f:3~e;a_ktJi~-<:P,.. .Sre&k . ~,-.~ -'~f339akl,; .fjl,,.., . ..f>·" .M>-~ , • . . • • • • • • . i<l~e.. d I tp· -w· ~--- L:auFel · ·. nectQ.e . ..--. 0.8 S . _.oncr.ete cJJ rVert·/ 503, 02 · . . :.. ;;i')-'3 .. · · • Gravel \• 1:f)'?'=' 50· ··wetl'an~\lag a 13· .,,, ' .. fif[ ,-,, ,1r'c__l Overhang · 504.9 >, . 3.9'S . • . , · Building . &~'. • ·· · .... G"avel . _i:,..-i. Cedar hedge 1• ,ffJ'?, V I <:J-'~ 0, 4 's ~iJb,• Evergreen t,edge 0.3'N • - Concrete • • --< C~ (' \ J ...... ) " J --< v, (" \ I - • • '-· - • o:,\'!>';--..._ • • .;;,'>'/.' -\· • • \ • ----\ \ \ • • Evergreen hedge 0, 1 'S Fence I. g· N -- • --<;, •.• -~ •• Wall 0.6' ate_.. .,,, .. 4l •. ~ X • N88'42'04"W 588.39' X Fence 0.5'N • Wall 0.5'N • \ • Fence 0.3'N \ . "~ ,;,}J'o· Vo . >~ \ .4l'?,·£, ~ \ Wall • Overhang o. 4 · s 0.2'N -Fence -. 0.3'5 .~ 'O ,;.ft'· ....... fr ... r ~'0--1 • "-'(/> '*'~-"S'-I -~·0 0 Ii, "Y ,._~ 6" retaining "'• \ ~ \ ;0 ~<,o·, "-. ".,~ "' #' ~,· .,,, . \ • \. ,,•·' - · 30' • 4 · cyclone fencet+.iob..·'3 • l wall ·.s, e 'O·'?l-'O 0,...v 1, ~ !';;,.1r Grav~!,,_,~ verli'ahg~ 0 ~ • ~~-4 · eye lone "'J'"' 5, eye lone • _,$-,,fJ fence ~-5· retaining wal fence 12" Rim ncrete culvert Found 1-1/2" axle with punch. incased j ssa~_j_ __ 30' 653.50' S88'53'08"E 1307.00' Southeast 136th Street ;,-2(-o( X IRES 12-15-2001 ~ Centre 33639 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA. 98003 P • te (253) 661-1901 ----01n t Surveying DRA1lll If{; K Log g CHJ:CKKD BY: J Brown DAT!l May 14, 2001 JOB NAIi& 1808 SCALE; 1 " ~ 30 ' JOB NO.: 1808 INDEX DATA: SURVEY F@ ~ ID ' " w "' .... CATCH BASIN RIM 526.42 12" ADS IE 524.15 N 12" ADS IE 524.09 S ~ 30' 0 :, • •. zy • "' •• "4 ' I . 30' . ID ID ~ Water ..-. ·paint mark . ·, ·./f . .,, o· · 1' .,,, •. . ,!t ( .r u:i . c,r·. ·.•Centerline of driveway .,, . fo,,,t>· CATCH BASIN RIM 520.93 12" ADS IE 518. 30 N 12" ADS IE 518.17 S water paint mark •' "' .. ~- CATCH BASIN RIM 516.49 12" ADS IE 513.28 N 12" ADS IE 513.74 S Aactw 11alve SW-NE 14, T23N., R5E., W.M. KBS III Partners 13530 -476th Avenue SE North Bend, WA 98045 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 1 OF 1 L-UA-o I -, -a2 w ,.•,'ii"" ,\ ., ' r-- lO 0 ,,,. lO N 3 . st 01 ro N r 0 0 z r I ~-Foun6d34.';~5:·:~i----------------------------------~S~o=-=u~t~h:s~:~:.~,~~::1· •. 4~4_:;Et21~~}~6h~.9~s~·S~t~r:e~e~t: ____________________________________ _,, brok~n brass , , _ disk with punch 1-<t \,\r---~-- ;, S outhe ast 132nd Place No1?19·14"w ,1 125s_49· 1472.93' < Broken/ asphalt · ;, 30' . . . . ./ I I I 30 '. / ,. . ~-"'--=-· ro (\J I '· /. ' I ' ' I I I I I I I I -12" r AIM \ ', \ \ I ' ;'I ' I I I • ~"- ' . \ ADS CULVERT 511. 38 -4' barbed wir~ ----- ADS CULVERT---- 511. 17 \ \ ~ HAMIL TON PROPERTY A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. fence_______ 4 • hog wire '~--tence 0.6'S --- ............................ L~ t;t 4 · hog wire fence 0.5'N -------..... ....._ ---- ',, ' ' CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 4' cyclone fence, ', Wet andX fla\ sp 3" ' ' -I "'"----~---.... --- + Shed 0 . 7 ' ',-.-,,.c .I ;,1 -s ed '-5( 1 0 'N 1 / / / / / 2· r, taining wall with wood fence 0.3'N -------- 520-.__ 4 · cyclone fence "" i 4' cyclone fence I Deckj ' Garden;( Pool -ti-1Fountain w/pool Step-} .....-Pump / ' ' ' ' '-.__ ..... S88".36.'28"£ 585.97' / -. Shed -- .3' cyclone fence . ,.., I I -............ ____ -----------... __ _ -------to ' (\J ' centerline• of driveway I ........... Water paint mark Centerline•, of driveway \ Found 1-1/2" axle G)with punch, incased / 653.50' --' I 3 :'f 0 .,. Ul ·-----------· ----""-'!'--~-~-.....;_ 1---------------- , ' ----.... 0 0 z . , , I' I ' Wetland 1 .. ilaga3 a 8 f : \i K ,,.._fJ' ' , ) \f' '. Wetland nl · Aspt alt f 1 1 // : "---------"\' ' ' '--...""·- , ___ ,, : --------- . I ---......_-.... I : ~ ' ..... 'f Wetland f 1 ag a 9 '-,, r l'lt. .............. I _9. ---.... ~wetland . .--:. r - ' 30' I IPO I .... __ _ --, ' Water p·a int I I I I '' flag a 2 .,e::-1/.,(/ .._ ... ......._, Ti(f'.£ :or e)l.fff:AZ-, '\, ................... ', ................. _~ - weji:.-AIJD l Wetland flag a 10 -, •. , \ XWetland ~ ', flag sp2" .... ... -----_ ~--..... ~a-rk]_ : \ • ' ' I I ' . _ / : 1 rWetland ' / ......... ,/ r / 1flag a 1 I I I/ 505.Q I -:, -- Wetland flag a 11~' t" 5etland flag a cyclone fencE ' ---------------- . "r.======::t-\L_Laurel .hedge· / ... ---wetland flag a -13..) o.s·s · // 504.9 .... __ ·oncrete c.ulvert ,,, - ' . • jr\ 1-\0rt--12 · ( I ----ii '-overhang :..:, Build·~-g I 3 .9 ·s Mail-_./ box . > 30' 503. 02 _ ' / /,,.,,. •Gravel • • Grave 1 · Cedar hedge 0.4'S . I . '• 12" concrete culvert AOI P0#?,7 I I ---,-- ----- Ever?.e~ } ' ' hedge Wall 13'-' p· cyclone fence <.i·~s: Fence 0 -~:- W;, ll 0.5'N ', ',, ' 1.9'N ..-----~-_r;Gate... 1 ----11q' ____ ,, -r , ,_ Evergree~ hedge 0,3'N 4' cyclone fence 653.50' N88"42'04"W 588 . .39' ( Fence_)"-,-,,.,-,""'."',,,.,..,,,.,...,.,., o.5'N L 6M rotaining .... , wall '~, o\ 4' cyclone fence ~~ S"~ Gravel' overhang 6'' retaining wall S88?53'08"E 1307.00' S0utl1east 136th Street K.C. D.D.E.S. Found plug with punch~/ in concrete, incased, \ 0.21 'W of 16th line, held for street alignment Step~ - n 0, "' .... !:," 30' 0 :, , .. " a, OJ ro :1l Water ..,-1 pa int markl Found 3· brass disk with punch "KCSM", unable to read CATCH BASIN RIM 526. 42 12" ADS IE 524.15 N 12" ADS IE 524.09 S Building __,. .~ ' I ,....---"" . I . I , L..-~-----~"--Concrete / / ' ~I \ \ 12" Rim \ ' 11 1 'I ' ...,__ A \ I ' I . . ' 30'. "'~-.. ;_;,: 5' cyclone fence .,> / y . Asph,H concrete culvert-'-". · 508.30 w ,, ··centerline of dl"iveway 7 CATCH BASIN RIM 520. 93 12" ADS IE c:::2. ADS IE Water paint mark CATCH BASH RIM 516. 49 12" ADS IE <:::_12·• ADS IE Water valve '7 Hydrant 518.30 N 518.17 S 513. 28 N 513. 74 S c:;-~ATCH SASIN ~~~~ RIM 511.28 12" ADS IE 508. 64 N • . 12" ADS IE 508. 49 S 12" ADS IE 508.53 SE CenterLne5 "-: .. -~. , ~-·· Water valve of dr iv ,way .. '-... · . 1.-.J.u-'"'// . ,.__:_ rn 12" concrete cl lvert -o .· IL Found 1" incased iron pipe,~\ CATCH BASIN RIM 509.76 12" ADS IE 12" ADS IE 12" ADS IE 506.76 N 506.54 S 506.BO NE SCALE: 1 "=.30 FEET .0 Areas: Gross Site: 188,380 Square Feet Wetland area, on site: 7,640 Square Feet 15 30 4. 325 Acres Surveyor's Notes: 60 1) The monument control shown for this site was accomplished by field traverse utilizing a one (1) second theodolite . with integral electronic distance measuring meter (Geodimeter 600) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) / Static Global Positioning System (GPS). Linear and angular closure of the traverses meet the standards of WAC 332-130-090. 2) Utilities other than thosa shown may exist on this site. Only those which are visible or having visible evidence of their installation are shown hereon. 3) This survey represents physical improvement conditions as they existed May 10, 2001, the date of this field survey. 4) No title report was provided for this site. 5) Offset dimensions shown hereon are measured perpendicular to property lines. 6) It is not the intent of this survey to show easements or reservations which may affect this site. Vertical Datum: North American vertical Datum of 1988 (NAV088) as determined by King County. Benchmark: Base: -· King County Survey Control point #T010, 2" brass cap in concrete with punch, incased, at the intersection of 160th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 127th Place. Elevation: 505. 90 Site: Set PK nail 2.2'E of east fogline, 11.5'NW of mailbox for 13310 160th Avenue. Elevation: 513. 94 Basis of Bearing: True North. Based upon Global Positioning S~stem (GPS) Lambert erid Washington State North Zone coordinates. A convergence angle of 00 •59'01.856" counterclockwise was applied at a punch mark in the center of broken brass disk at the intersection of 156th Avenue southeast and Southeast 128th Street. The monument is the north quarter corner of Section 14. Township 23 north, Range 5 east of the Willamette Meridian. The North American Datum of 1983/1991 (NAO 83/91) grid coordinates were found to be 180828.770 / 1319243.796 at that point. The inverse of both the sea level correction factor· of 0.999977357 and the grid scale factor of 1.000002203 was applied to the grid coordinates for shown ground distances. Description: Tract 5, Block 1 of Janett· s Renton Boulevard Tracts, recorded in Volume 17 at Page 60, of plats, records of King County, Washington . Legend: S Monument found. Visited May 3, 2001 l!I • Pool pump " = Mallbox 0 Fence post Q = Power pole • • Guy wire anchor w = Gas meter A = Water valve v = Water meter "1 • Hydrant ,... = Faucet X Wetland flag IJ Catch basin C 0 ·;;; ·~ "' tu ..J t'i V) -.Q l:J. ~ <( .. o a I . 0 I<) ,II >- 0::: "'( < - -~ -cj ct: Q ~ g ~ ~ "' ,-,,. . "' 0 ~ 0) C ·-~ > I... ::, 0) " ORA WING NO. gl---------1 1055PPLT 0 z 1 OF 1 LUA-os-12, ;, <'. ..;..) lf.l (D <]) ,.q Southeast 128th Street 53 4 . 2~5'."·~=~r-------------------------------------------=--= :_::_:;s~B~B~?~0~7~' 4440·\·E~2~5~3~6~.~9s~· ~ '::~'---------------------------------------------~----" r-~9--- 634. 25' Found broken brass - disk with punch ,_/ I -Southeast 132nd Place ~~5~~§~~4 "w ~ <' Broken/ asphalt . "< . . ' ,.. '..-'ti' Site~)· benct mark . I 30" \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ I -12" Y RIM \ ADS CULVERT 511. 38 .I I I \ ' .. \ _, ~ I ~ ., ro "-c: ---Gate L (.!) _.· ", .r t.. ', ,:'1--1---12 "' RIM ' I , I ' I (1 ' _:4, barbed wire ______ .... ADS CULVERT---- 511. 17 \ \ <12. 30' / . ' ' I I I I I • ' . HAMIL TON PROPERTY A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. l ,;, 4' hog wire fence 0.5'N CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 4' cyclone fence andX sp 3'" ,, L, 51 1 Gate + Shed 0 7 '\r;.:r s ed ·-5( j O' N 1 , , / / / / 2· r,tain\ng wall with wood fence 0.3'N ' C ... \Gate 4' cyclone fence / Deck I Garden:( Pool ,...pump / ' \ ' ' ' ........ _ 520~ 4' cyclone fence Retaining wa110.1·s Shed 0.6'S- 3' cyclone fence Found plug with punch in concrete, incased, 0.21'W of 16th line, held for street alignment Step-.,.-c9 Building ,• I _...._..--1 \ -l.....~~--~~~~~, Concrete n ru "' c<- !::i. 30' 0 ::, "' ~- 0 $ ' I OJ OJ 1268.49' Found 3" brass disk with punch '"KCSM", unable to read I CATCH BASIN RIM 526.42 12'" ADS IE 524.15 N 12" ADS IE .524.09 S fg Water ......, paint mark/ . . .. . . ·•centerline of driveway CATCH BASIN RIM 520. 93 12· ADS IE . --:.µ ! I ' ' • ----. c::2·· .ADS IE 518. 30 N 518.17 S ,... \l1 3' "' "' OJ (\J c-o 0 z ;:J 0 lf2 Centerline• of driveway ~' Water paint mark Centerli.ne, of driveway \ • ' "' 0 "' . \l1 , I ,, 10 •. ~ '... --------, -, ' ' ' -' ~ I, ··-......................... _,, ..... ._ ..... .__ . ..;;--~'":._~_!'!_"""'F"""" .................... --------------... ----0 0 .z /~-~ h ' -- ~---------... I 1' yQ \ ! 1,-0' ', ' ,. 1 1 flag a 5 I I / . \ . ' i I , .:i.:'Wetland fla a 6 I , I \ ' i ! ~ ,, ~ --,._ ro I i Wet land lag -0 ) r;, 7- r I <-wet land \ '\ I I ' ' flag a 4 Wetland \ ' a 7 ' ' ' ' 1 1 , ~lag a 3 .I I II ; 11 ,,\( Wetland fl\ a 8 ' · Aspt alt 1 I 1-,... .// ,_, • I I \ \ I I I I \ I ,,__.,.-------- ' ',, -- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I IPO' ' -----, ', ', ', I I --........ _____ _ Wetland flag _ t., <-wetland 30' ~later paint I I I \ ,. ,_nark?'--: \ • ' ' I ' I I I I \ \ I ' \ -· ' flag a 2 (l9 -1'if£ II[ e;.i.ff~ ........ __ ·-'- v\lv e:1~ !...wetland flag a 10 "' XWetland ~ flag sp2" Wetland flag a 11 ·i:::wetland Wetland flag a 1 505.0 'Y 5wetland flag a l;l_r [5 ·• eye lone fence '• .... ', ' ' \ ' flag a \ \ ' ' ' 12 \ . ,. \ e;r>' .................... ............... __________________ ! / --,-- Ever?.e~ hedge <. 1 ·~s; Fence 1.9'N /----,_ (lql ____ , -~ , ·- l tjb I -' ' ' Wall 0.5"N I Ii/ ' \ I I ' I : : pole,1 I ,, i '\ i:.1 a,--,z_ le, I ', ! ['.... -----_,_ ____ .... ------------, \ ' ' ' ' r-t ,.. 0 ~ -0 (/) ,-- 30·. . .• 7 -Water paint. mark · ' CATCH BASIN RIM 516. 49 12 '," ADS IE c:_12"' ADS IE Water valve 513.26 N 513.74 S . J.;1 . ~lding Cedar t1edge 0.4"S II (_Overhang Evergree~ hedge N88"42'04"W 588.39' ( ::1Hydrant Found 1-1/2" axle lwith punch. incased / 653,50' Ma.il .-/ box > 30· '• 12" cJncrete culvert i/0' --~11_!:!) . ..,,; K.C. D.D.E.S. 3.9"S 0.3"N 4' cyclone fence 653.50' S88?53'0B"E 1307.00' Southeast 136th Street Fence_)"_,,,.,,.,,.._,,,_."""'"ea-...J 0.5 'N H.. ..... ......... _. 6" retaining , wall ' O\ .. ~ 0"~ 4' cyclone fence Gravel" overhang 6" retaining wall_. 0 J-.. , .. 'C ' 0 o-., --.. 0 <; ' 0 0 Ve ',-.. 0 '{<:!-' .......... 5' eye lone fence -····,, .~,#,'" ··•"•~-"" ,. ' 12" Rim - I I 1 \ I 5' cyclone fence / / ·. ·_·, . - concrete cu 1 vert--'-. Asph::1.l t c:-~ATCH l)ASIN ~-~::, R1M 511. 2B 12" ADS IE 12" ADS IE . 12" ADS IE • 508. 30 ' . "'\M:i,';:~ <C-~ C: ~ _,.,,, ~ Center] ine-1 : · . ~. lh -Water valve of driv:iway ---. . _ 7 12" concrete CL lvert : ·'---~ · ~: CcATCH BASIN 508.64 N 508.49 S 508.53 SE \ RIM 509. 76 Found 1·· iron pipe,~ 12" ADS IE incased 12" ADS IE 12" ADS IE 506. 76 N 506.54 S 506.BO NE -. SCALE: 1''=30 FEET 0 Areas: Gross Site: 188,380 Square Feet Wetland area, on site: 7. 640 Square Feet 15 30 4. 325 Acres Surveyor's Notes: 60 1) The monument control shown for this site was accomplished by field traverse utilizing a one (1) second theodolite with integral electronic distance measuring meter (Geodimeter 600) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) / Static Global Positioning System (GPS). Linear and angular closure of the traverses meet the standards of WAC 332-130-090. 2) Utilities other than thos~ shown may exist on this site. Only those which are visible or having visible evidence of their installation are shown hereon. 3) This survey represents physical improvement conditions as they existed May 10. 2001, the date of thia field survey. 4) No title report was provided for this site. 5) Offset dimensions shown hereon are measured perpendicular to property Jines. 6) It is not the intent of this survey to show easements or reservations which may affect this site. Vertical Datum: North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAV088) as determined by King County. Benchmark: Base: King County Survey Control point #TD10, 2· brass cap in concrete with punch, incased, at the intersection of 160th Avenue Southeast and southeast 127th Place. Elevation: 505.90 Site: Set PK nail 2.2'E of east fogline, 11.5"NW of mailbox for 13310 160th Avenue. Elevation: 513.94 Basis of Bearing: True North. Based upon Global Positioning System (GPS) Lambert Grid Washington· State North Zone coordinates. A convergence angle of 00•5a·o1.B56" counterclockwise was applied at a punch mark in the center of broken brass disk at the intersection of 156th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 128th Street. The monument is the north quarter corner of Section 14, Township 23 north, Range 5 east of the Willamette Meridian. The North American Datum of 1983/1991 (NAO 83/91) grid coordinates were found to be 180828.770 / 1319243.796 at that point. The inverse of both the sea level correction factor of 0.999977357 and the grid scale factor of 1.000002203 was applied to the grid coordinates for shown ground distances. Description: Tract 5, Block 1 of Janett 's Renton Boulevard Tracts, recorded in Volume 17 at Page 60, of plats, records of King County, Wa5hington. Legend: & = Monument found. Visited May 3, 2001 l!I -Pao l pump 1' = Mailbox 0 = Fence post Q = Power pole • -Guy wire anchor II = Gaa meter b. = Water valve w Water meter cl • Hydrant .-. = Faucet X = Wetland flag IJ = Catch basin ! .• ") '. C: 0 ·a; & ] (J l!) l!) 0 - 0 t<) ,n .. ~ :r: 0 0 ~ ~ "' . "" ....,,_ "" 0 ~- g> ·-· ~ > L. aJ DRAWING NO. -*11---------1 0 1055PPLT 0 z 1 OF 1 LUA-o 8-tiz. '·""· ,· ..... ,,., .. . .. ',"' ., ~ .. '· \ (.,,, ' ' ,~ ,y .. \', ···fi' . . '~ ", '.·--. '· •.>_;>, __ . • .. "· "' , -01:.·. x:.,.\ ·······-~· .,,,., '.·}\· '. . .-.:.<. '' . .~:ir_J::stJ · :· -:•-e:.~!'-~. •1_ : __ ·.·:_t_;·~-~,,; •. -;c--,,, '-.. ,;,-'i _;i ' i' ,. ' ., '., •: ,, ,1·· ·-------------c-·---. . . 11 t'.· f --r-I I '· ., '}. I'• ;f"/}" ,_., •• -1 ' I· ·',l "' ~ r,r,V1€c 1Y· ~iR~ ~~ if . ~"i"~ · n1 ·,.j -~r .. ;;:\~~ Njo I },{~i"' ;I al • ·-· .. ·, _ 1~: = ·:::.:·,=1 §_§__T~~" A~i"8~. 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E]l .--·-·1 1 · Sf1ed I '-"-0 7 ~r;T Garden:( Pool ,,..pump w/pool Ste · Shed ~Fountain it:]' Retain;lng >iall o ... !'S Shed 0.6'5- Shed -1. 0 'S 3' cyclone fence ., / / ---/ ' _"\. -I Site-) · benchmark M I ~ ., ro L '.= ... ,..., ---Gate ' ' L. <;I 4' hog wire fence 0.5'N -' ' ' ' Wet andX SI ed ;' S( 1 O'N / \ ' S88'36.'28"£_585,97' •· ,_-_--'?5'' St', 51' \sh~d 51' ....... __ --' Hog wire ' '-+•I Jl \ ..... / :--Gate . fence fence O. 4 · S\ ;; 1.--.-~/ 1. 0 , N / '.:,.,. -.,,"' ' ., . '·, 51 1 '\ ., ·_;J. · iBB't\0'17.": , . . . , Ip() Grave/ . , · . · 30. 1 ' ··centerline of driveway 30' / ~t .,,, ..... _:_-' co {\j . ' [~ l(l (\j ' l I I I . ' h ' :,' +-~--12 .. ' ' I ' I ' \ RIM (1 ADS CULVERT---- 51 !. 17 ----------... ....._ ---', - ',,',,,_~ \ \ ~ - ' ' I I \ 1k. ~&~t:,, "'11111ta, ... ,..,.,...,.,.;'...,~..!..---------.J.,.,._ ' ~ ' ' ........ ___ -------~ ..... 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' '"' ' ' 0. ' i;,!;µ1)1,l.''"""" ~ val vJr [J . ·tD (\J ----' ' ' \ ~~--./ \..\. ~ .(\J --tu .. ·:oc..=1r, is ' \ . ·. .. I CATCH BASIN RIM ,520.93 12' 'ADS IE ~2" ADS IE --.----~---· 518. 30 N 5Jfi.17 S I 1, '--- 1--+-o!l-l..\.lli! ~~ "'1 .. 0'"', .-· -----------_;---""-'!-'.'!".!"I ___ pm_ ... _ ... _ ...... _ ...... __ ... _ ... _"'_"" -~ \~ ' ' ' ' \ ·· .. Grave:~ I/ , · ~ Centerline• of driveway Water paint mark Center] ine--.. of driveway \ Found 1-1/2" axle li th punch, incased ,/ 653.50' 0 0 0 z . - l ' ' ' ' ----.Gravel \ ' /? -~ ~ -------- 1-:_ "'--··~ --------" I I' x-Q '..,, -;./ '\ ' '),()' \ \\ ,, a I -: / '·, ,-,.'7 I l ./ \.) \..' \..' r:J> ,'T\ , 'it> I '/ ' "' v /. I I \ polei \ ·. ',,. ' ' . ---(\J ---------- ---· -r-:,:z AC T \ I 0'), \ (r(~! ?v ', <olPowe .. s.,a I "'~kzsJ' ~ \ \...\ r '(... (,-r;--. :....) ---------....... ---,,'-.. .... .....", ' ...-, Q,V r-. -.._1\.-............ ______ ' ' J,.,// \ \' ""'--,z.,,/ I Aspl alt • • RA <"' (-". \ '-\ '...J...., ~ <} (' '..,. ",, - i 1 , V>,•etlan~_fla a 6 ~-·--:":-~"""......_.j,~-v~~...._. $, r , '(,"" \_J ,1 '; I --' ' ----r· ..... _ -----------~ , ,. r ' ', I-\ \ l •0,<1 --, I , ---',, ~ I •. ' r ,t., ,< \ J ~ \ .1 Q --------' ro I , l'Wetland lag a 7 \ \ 'I' r, ... ' 'V ----. ·o 'A &/':1 2.1 '\ \~'>\(.... ,~0~·, 6 .... '--... ~ ,,'/ I ·.• . Wetland I\ I i?O' .._) \ 7 ~1\, 0 P\ .f: ---1-e ' / I ', flag a 4 1-·-'-:' ,:------------'..::.:.. ___________ _..:,....J ' ' '\ -0-,. to ~ ~ -~ . , , 1 '.1 \ ..._ -\ ! . I \ \ ()~ ~ I ~ .,__, I 11 Wetland \ ~ " \ 1 \ ' I ~ ' ..... _/ '' \. ......... _ ... __ -\, 1'. 5io -... r~ i : I-', I I ._______I . ~l7 ~ ' I I I ,' : I , Wetland fl a 8 ',, q,--510 _ t;!i~ J 60 , . ~ ',, \. : \ / / ~ -----------------'\-. ' , ,_ -------', l ~"<Df' M ) ' ~ : ,----==~1~0&-:,;;=.=..:2::...-:---;L/----~=-----:-,olo,, --~:'.:::::::,...,._,.........__-J, -\1, _______ ,_\;.'~,~l:;-1 D:-;,---to-o_' --~1-''-1--_) \ ' . i J \I, ---... ,,___ -... ,.... ~ ~ \ \ \ \ I' , , I' -- ~ . 1--Water · paint mark CATCH BASIN RIM 516. 49 12" ADS IE <::_ 12 i' ADS IE 513. 28 N 513.74 S ! 1:-lf-:;, ,. Wetland r a 9 ',, ___ -------,,____________________ ~ I I ~ ,,--2-L---------~-----------,-,-·------,,,',, ~. I ~\'----I 't\ ; 3 , ,;;__Wetland '";/ , -.... ..._ --1 _,.,,,,."" -........ \1 . 1 1 · O : ) flag a 2 ... ~~r,:~,L, ,.,.. "" '" '-,, -----,--------\ , M ',,, , 1 1w.ater. [ ,. , "f\(~ ]J[ ~ V""n \ ~ \ ~ 1,, ...._ , 'o '.., '., paint I WPi"~v I.,.,_ \ "~--------;:r--:---;::;,f-----+--------~'.l.!r/_ ______ '2,~..J " <:' ', ·------m .. ark! __ 1·1 '(,' ,._.XI' ~tland flag a 10 ' ', 11 / 1, 10 ,__, q ' ~ \ IOt/ .... , (_ _ 1 1 Wetland , .... ____ ... s t.1 , o '~ ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I 30'. : . -i flag sp2~ -~................ ,_,.. \, "-._ ~i~~, '-.. l I __ , ' ' . ' !\; , .. Wetland flag a 1 505.0 '{r 5wetland --5' cyclone fence / / '1~, " '"~: : /·1 Laurel . . . J.\1 \ hed~e / .... ---wetland -0.8 S / 504.9 • 1 i-' te culvert ,,/ Mail~. . ., box ..._ /" -:, Gr.ave] I 30' '• 12" concrete culvert • AOlPOI~?- • fiag a .13- ', --/ ' • Gravel ,, hedge Wall wan I Wall "', -. ,?' cyclone fence <.1·hs F nee 0.6~-0.5'N Fence overhang, 0 4 ,3 ,, II I : \ . ' • r.. 1r.:::===============::::c1rr-----z...overhang I 3.9'S , Building ,. Cedar hedge 0.4'S ' r t --0.2'N . , • ........ .9'N ,,--------f--J ..... a e 1 0 3'N J I -..., 1 ---• , , , .... .... \ • ) -Guy wire anchor-ti--• -l/,' ~-', ,, ,., ( '-~efcl --, ', In,_ I ' \ jil ·, I &. Water valve Evergree~ hedge 0.3'N 4' cyclone ence 653.50' I N88·12·01"w 588.39' ( ,,,., .._ _ ---• 1 Fence.) ~~.:i~, 0.5'N ll-.,;;,,"':5;,,,' .. ":r>etainlng ',--...... \ 0 0r,p "-.. \ ' wall , 0o 0 ,,.;~ ',.. 1 ' -:.... _:..;., ... --. 'iHydrant .--CATCH BASIN 41t----':>.o R1M :;11. 28 4' cyclone fence '< c§• ,OJ , l Gravel' ove.f'h-ang 0 '<~ ............... 5' cyclone 5' cyclone fence -.),: / 12· t.DS IE 508. 64 N 12" /.,05 IE 508.49 S .. 12" 1,DS IE 508. 53 SE 6" retaining wall fence Y , Asphilt 12" concrete culvert~ '-, .'· • Rlm 508.30 w ~ ;;;::_ Centerl ·ne.5 "\_: · ·~ 1 ~ Water valve of dr iv way " , ,; L--ll»'v// . ,__.,01 12" concrete CL lvert o .· ---::> u. '--cATCH BASIN \ RIM 509.76 . . 12" ADS IE iron pipe,~ 12· ADS IE S88?53'08"E 1307.00' Found 1" incased ~ 12" ADS IE 506,76 N 506.54 5 506.80 NE Southeast 136th Street SCALE: 1 "=30 F££T 0 Areas: Gross Site: 188,380 Square Feet Wetland area, on site: 7,640 Square Feet 30 4. 325 Acres Surveyor's Notes: 60 1) The monument control shown for this site· was accomplished by field traverse utilizing a one (1) second theodolite with integral electronic distance measuring meter (Geodimeter 600) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) / Static Global Positioning System (GPS). Linear and angular closure of the traverses meet the standards of WAC 332-130-090. 2) Utilities other than those shown may exist on this site. Only those which are visible or having visible evidence of their installation are shown hereon. 3) This survey represents physical improvement conditions as they existed May 10, 2001, the date of this field survey. 4) No title report was provided for this site. 5) Offset dimensions shown hereon are measured perpendicular to property lines. 6) It is not the intent of this survey to show easements or reservations which may affect this site. Vertical Datum: North American Vertical Datum of 1968 (NAVD8B) as determlned by Klng County. Benchmark: Base~ - King County survey Control point #TD10, 2" brass cap in concrete with punch, incased, at the intersection of 160th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 127th Place. Elevation: 505. 90 Site: set PK nail 2.2'E of east fogline. 11.5'NW of mailbox for 13310 160th Avenue. Elevation: 513.94 Basis of Bearing: True North. Based upon Global Positioning System (GPS) Lambert Grid Washington State North Zone coordinates. A convergence angle of 00 ·59 · O 1. 856" counterclockwise was applied at a punch mark in the center of broken brass disk at the intersection of 156th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 128th Street. The monument is the north quarter corner of Section 14, Township 23 north, Range 5 east of the Willamette Meridian. The North American Datum of !983/1991 (NAO 83/91) grid coordinates were found to be 180828.770 / 1319243.796 at that point. The inverse of both the sea level correction factor of 0.999977357 and the grid scale factor of L000002203 was applied to the grid coordinates for shown ground distances. Description: Tract 5, Block 1 of Janett' s Renton Boulevard Tracts, recorded in Volume 17 at Page 60, of plats, records of King County, Washington. Legend: <II Monument found. Visited May 3, 2001 [!J • Pao 1 pump ll' = Mailbox 0 = Fence post (i) Power po le ••Guy wire anchor 'If Gas meter £ = Water valve tf = Water meter t1 • Hydrant " = Faucet X = Wetland flag wt Catch basin C 0 l "' ] u Lu _, 23 (/) Cl) '--C Cl) () :g 0 - . g , II -., ~ 0 :r: -0 I r-.. O' I co 0 g l:: . I "1 . "l . to "" co . 0 ~ g> ··->-Cl) > '-:::, Cl) DRAWING NO. '511---------11 0 1055PPLT 6 z 1 OF 1 LUA-o 8-tl.2. I : I: ., ,, . ,' 6 (;?) 592.6 (S<:11.03) :;: I S...P.. 07& 133 .· 5, P, 5'!'1011 Q Ci) ::' i"'-i ~~ ,., :•: I~ .. . ; 'r i>-J f. _::.,(", :;: :!: ·"' u'<.t< ··•·• ·1 t--cc·sc~""co1 )oc"'- 1 :" 6"."'---1;--=cc'"2'i'"='0'----==--1-n-.®-'(3-1 ... ·15-..as ioe.,11 32.;.13 BL'lrl:N $\-lf'.C' ~·,m·-1;,_ .•... _, ~-'!'."G}~l''---' Y'--1 '' ~ ~\J, . .,...._,. I . , . '.: ".,.,_ ;_,, C. ·F'¢•.=c+r1r:::'. /.35 ..... - @ 0 N ~ -,_ \ 1'·AcC.· • ·fl(P6. Pr,.:-,..L;l'(,O ~ _. ', -~ - 7 0 -----.,:-_-______ ----=-------~--r::----- M~,l ~ Ow'' ' '' V·/ -:_:.,c -· Cl • ',l •• _.,1 I, 583.8· -.:., ! f-C 5 ( S',..3.3 ,} '· '' ' ;;~ D G.-rr. ~ S.E. 137TH PL." ,i;, c; x I '=''· . MS4 ~~~~l~4~~i Elli -__ ;; _ : '"-~-~~.)_ 10 : _. 9 __ [ ;j~ 3 I .·. \ 4 '. 5 &02.95 C 594.05 'J 6 V VICINITY MAP SE 136TH ST SE 17! ls' '< SE 136TH ST~__, ST " -SE 134TH ST/--'+-- PRO.£CT '" SE 138TH PL; '----i'< Cl ~ <() SE 142NO ST SIT£ ls' i!c a <o - SE 136TH ST ls' I;/ " SE 140TH ST sl.' iE ls' '( ill SE--: 142ND ST f -f--" "' -SE 136TH 3 ST SCALE: 1" = 2,000' LOTi AREA (SF) LOT 1 5,003 LOT 2 4.556 LOT 3 4,556 LOT 4 4,556 LOT 5 4,556 LOT 6 4,556 LOT 7 4,556 LOT B 4,556 LOT 9 4,556 LOT 10 4,556 LOT 11 5,315 LOT 12 5,087 LOT 13 4,500 LOT 14 5,403 LOT 15 5,783 LOT 16 6,120 LOT 17 4,843 LOT 18 4,500 LOT 19 4,500 LOT 20 4,500 LOT 21 4,500 LOT 22 5,000 LOT 23 6,338 SUB-TOTAL 113,396 S.F. TRACT 'A' (OPEN SPACE) 9,506 S.F. TRACT '8' (WET/DETENTION POND) 20,339 S.F. TRACT "C' (ACCESS TRACT) 2,560 S.F. TRACT 'D' (ACCESS TRACT) 3,156 S.F. TRACT 'E' (WETLAND AND BUFFER) 14,235 S.F. ON-SITE RIGHT OF WAY: 25,186 S.F. SUB-TOTAL 74,982 S.F. TOTAL (4.32 AC.) 188,378 S.F. ON-SITE RECREA llON CALCULA llONS: RECREATION AREA REQUIRED: 8,970 SF (23 LOTS x 390 SF) RECREATION AREA PROVIDED: 9,506 SF (TRACT A) / ENGINEER/PLANNER/LAND SURVEYOR= SURVEYOR: CENTRE POINT SURVEYING 33639 9TH AVENUE SOUTH FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 CONTACT: NORM LARSON (253) 661-1901 ENGINEER/PLANNER: BP LAND INVESTMENTS, L.L.C. P.O. BOX 5206 KENT, WA 98064-5206 (360) 894-5315 OWNER/DEVELOPER= OWNERS: MARY E. HAMILTON 15821 S.E. 132ND PLACE RENTON, WA 98059 DEVELOPEFI: KBS Ill, LLC 12505 BEL-RED ROAO #212 BELEVUE. WASHINGTON 98005 CONTACT: BOB RUDDELL OR KOLIN TAYLOR PHONE: (206) 623-7000 re J, "' T (l_ -CJ I I . I I --f \ t; I' , Ci J 1 • I I I I I I I I I I I I \ JI " /\ ~ ll~ 11 . I I I I I I • I • ---·-·· ____ , .. -•'"'--··-:cMS0----· -· -~-- HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LOT 7 eg_@) 1 2 ' "' ·-3 "' ', ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' LOT 6 @ ~ ---~ --------------~ 32' 52' 52' • • --lb- ,, / ' ' • • ' ' ' ' ' ., 209' ---------------- TRACT 'A' -----.Q_PEN SPACs--------_ __,- 137' 20' LOT 5 @ 20' ' -~ • 'S f\f<S' ~6 wr:GUN vOL· 6B 923550 50' I I I 50' 21 0 O> 20 a 0, 50' ------ -----~---- ' ' ' ,, ,, __ 11 I I I ¢\ I LOT B @ :I.' :, / £XI 'T. RIVI WAY ) ' EXIST. 12" CULVERT 1.£.(S) ~ 518.67 EXIST. CB .-----..---F?livf .= /?20.93 ,. 1.£. ~ .. •18.30 f12 N) I.E. ~ 518.17 12"5) ~--· ------S r1 '/ ', 9 19 ' & \ • • a "' 13 ' ' ' ., 12 ',, ./ I ,, ,, }'-J I I i I I I PAR. 2 <fjj_~ E IS ) 1 ORI 5 I \ • • • • • I I • I I I • ' ' ' • ...... _____ _ ' ' \ ' ,. I I I I I I I • • • • • • • • • ',·.1RACT 'B' WET7DETEN110N POND,, • • • SITE DATA= • • ., • EXIST. 12" CULVERT I.E.(N) = 503.02 1. TAX NUMBER: 366450-0100 2. PROJECT AREA: 4.32 ACRES (188,378 SF) 3. NUMBER OF LOTS: 23 4. EXISTING USE OF LAND: SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE/DETACHED 5. PROPOSED USE: SINGLE-FAMILY RES/DENCE/DETACHED 6. EXISTING ZONING: R-4 7. EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE DESIGNA'TION: URBAN RESIDENTIAL 4-12 O.U./AC. 8. DENSITY: 5.32 D.U. PER GROSS ACRE 9. SMALLEST LOT SIZE: 4,500 S.F. 10. SMALLEST LOT WIDTH: 50' 11. BU/1.0ING SETBACKS: FRONT YARD: 20' GARAGE 10' STRUCTURE SIDE YARD: 5' REAR YARO: 5' ', -~--·'----. -"'~----·~_:.,J..l.....c_. .. 1~---- . 50' 0, - 0 ., 22 c --------- -----soa----16 -·17-,, / UTILmES AND SERVICES= WATER: KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT #90 SEWER: CITY OF RENTON PHONE: QWEST COMMUN/CATIONS POWER: PUGET SOUND ENERGY GAS: PUGET SOUND ENERGY CABLE: AT&T BROADBAND FIR£ DISTRICT: NUMBER 25 SCHOOL DISTRICT: /SSAQUAH WETLAND DEUNEA TION: CHAD ARRMOUR, LLC SOURCE OF BOUNDARY: FIELD 1/ERIFIEO BY CENTRE POINTE SURVEYING SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: FIELD SURVEYED BY CENTRE POINTE SURVEYING 0 0, 60' ' ' I ·, -,, F'4 I l 0 , , ~ l I 6 ! 1 v, I I I I .._ ._., I I EXIST. CB RJi.;,c:..:-;515_49 I.E. J 513.28 (12"N) I.E, = 513.74 (12"S) EX/Sr. CB RIM--= 511. 28 Soa I.E. -508.64 (/2"N) I.E. •• 508.49 (12"S) 3 \,L-,4,L\J~"",-r_l.£_ .. _·~· T5~0-B._53__.:._12_"_S£..:.) EXIST. 12" CULVEl?T·--- 1.E.(N) = 508.30 1'? S.E 134TH ST. ~ c. EXIST._CB _ RIM = 509.76 f--' I.E. ~ 506. 76 f'?:NJ v, 3: I.E. = 506.54 12 S) o " I>: I.E. ~ 506.80 12'"NE) G.. G_j AVAILABLE SIGHT DISTANCE FOR 158TH A VE. S.E. POSTED SPEED LIMIT = __ MPH DESIGN SPEED LIM/ T = _ MPH ENTERING STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE: - NORTH -------FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT, ENGINEER SOUTH -------FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT· ENGINEER AVAILABLE SIGHT DISTANCE FOR 160TH AVE. S.E. POSTED SPEED LIM/ T = _ MPH DESIGN SPEED LIMIT = _ MPH ENTERING STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE: NORTH --------FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER SOUTH -----FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER SCALE: 1"=40 FEET a 20 40 80 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVD88 B.M.: KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT #TDIO, BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE 111TH PUNCH, INCASED, AT THE INTERSEcnoN OF 160TH AVENUE S.E. AND S.E. 127TH PLACE. £1.£V. =-505. 90 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' LEGEND S PROPOSED MONUMENT f EXIST. MAIL BOX -·0-EXIST. POWER POLE E--EXIST. GUY WIRE ·---·-SD~ EXIST. STORM UNE 0 EXIST. CATCH BASIN -·--W----EXIST. WATER LINE: N EXIST. GA TE VAL VE U EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT 83 EXIST. WATER METER 0-----0 EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE x----x EXIST. 111RE FENCE L /7..2 EXISTING ASPHALT EXISnNG GRAVEL '.':S:':/<-', EXISTING CONCRETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL NUMBER 366450-0100 (MARY E. HAMILTON) TRACT 5, BLOCK 1 OF JANETT'S RENTON BOULEVARD TRACTS, RECORDED IN VOLUME/7 AT PAGE 60, OF PLATS, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. INDEX TO ORA WINGS 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. CONCEPTUAL STORM AND unLITY PLAN 3. ADJACENT LOT OWNERSHIP EXHIBIT [fiJ@@[gD~_11 L~fr; 01,;1 3 J ~--.: ~ ,:rf/,,-- C .Q ~ l "' • (I) !.... ...... C (I) () " If) 0 - 0 '/- ,11 .. N ~ :c: 1-- ~ -..l Q 8 I 0, I If) 0 0 0 0 " I I<) "' <o rn C ·-~ > !.... :::, (J) DRAWING NO . 1,1--------1 0 0 z 1057PPLT 1 OF 3 l'C)~(J LUA-08-/2:L ' 'i ' ' LEGEND f EXIST. MAIL BOX ---0-EXIST. POWfR POLE E-EXIST. GUY WIRE --SD-EXIST. STORM LINE 0 EXIST, CATCH BASIN -W--EXIST. WATER LINE IX] EXIST. GA TE VALVE 'CJ EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT fE EXIST. WATER METER 0-------0 EX/SI: CHAIN LINK FENCE x----x EX/SJ: WIRE FENCE /777 EXISTING ASPHALT EXISTING GRAVEL ''."·<·· _;", .. (i. EXIST/NG CONCRETE ---510-EXISTING CONTOUR 2' (TRACT D) 1' (TRACT C) 6" S PROPOSED MONUMENT • PROPOSED SEWfR CLEANOUT • PROPOSED SEWfR MANHOLE PROPOSED SAN/ TARY SEWfR LINE D PROPOSED CATCH BASIN e PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE PROPOSED STORM LINE • PROPOSED BLOW OFF fl PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT ~~ PROPOSED WATER VALVE PROPOSED WATER LIN[ 1.5' 26' PRIVATE DRIVEWAY {TRACT D) 20' PRIVATE DRIVEWAY {TRACT C) 20.5' RACT 0 16.5 TRACT C SITE BENCHMARK ELEV. = 513.94 STA. 0+00.00· ROAD "A"= STA. 2+12.50; 158TH AVE. SE DR/ If DRitW ------,,o"" PAR. 2 @ 2' (TRACT D) 1' (TRACT C) HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS / 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRffi "--l,J J I . I I "" I ' I UJ I 6. bl \ ,., -• ! ' I I I I I HAMIL TON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. ' ' ', LOT 7 @_sci) -----·-- ', ', 60' ....----EXIST. 12" CULVE T 1.£.(N) -511.JB ', l,E.(S) =-511.17 ' ------------- ... <o • • • • • • • ·, · • • • • • • • • ER --- • 0\/E:Rfl.QW • $F>/1,LWA>' • • • • • • • • • • • • • 52' • • • • • • • EXIS11/fG .CHAIN LINK" • • • • FfJ,/Cf_ TC! BE RicMOJIEO • "" ,,,, ,,,, "' ,,,, • • • • I.AUFIEL @ HEDGE : It • • , ' • 6 • • • • ,,,, "'166' "" • CE AR E E. . -, ,; _: .... ,,. ,, , , .,.------- • "' ......._EXIST. 12" CULVERT 1.E.(N) ~ 50.3.02 50' LONG LE\IEI. Fl.OW SPREADER 10' UTILllY EASEMENT HYDROSEED -~ DISTURBED AREAS ,·.\ 1· 1' CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LOT 6 § LOT 5 @_:§) SHED ,-§~ ... I \ I ' R[TA!N!NG W1 LL .,,' ' / ' / '5 Flf6' 6 wi::cUN yOL-55- 925650 I I LOT 4 @ EXIST. 24'' RET AININC WALL OUN TAI V/ POO S8~;ii'28".{ 585. 9 7' JF~ 52' 5$(_ ' \ s, I •?r 1 • 100' LOT 3 @ S:2:2_ /EXIST. '',,, / RETAINING WALL",,"' 50' 109' ' ' 88' \ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .. 13 ' LOT 2 @ 0, "' EXIST~NG :ous~ ... c·~---", ', I .--\ '-· -__ .,.. -EX/ T. POWEil POL£ TO 8£ RELOCATED ' ' I I ' I I I !'I Q f" 0 ' 50' • ' ' ' ' ' • ' \110' I I I 14, \ ' I \ 1 o: 60' ', ' ' (/) ' ' 0 LOT B @ [XI , T. RIVI WAY EXIST. 12" CULVERT 1.1:.(s) = s1a.s? EXIST. CB V-".___.-----HIM = 520.93. IE ~ 518.JO f12"N) I.E. -518.17 12".5) STA.6+46.B7· ROAD "A·= -...--. EXIST. CB ~-·------·--- ,. • ~ • 514 RIM = 516.49 I.E. = 513.28 (12"N) I.E. = 513.74 (12"S) ' . EXISTING WIR£ FENCE ~O BE REMOVED, 2 r--;;;ISTINC I BUILDING CB 5 CONTROL STRUCTURE 21' R W 1' 2' 23 . "' 16 -____ .--, / -506--..--I -~-~-'·-./ 11 • EVERG/?EEN HEDGE" Naa·42·04·w 5BB.39' M:'T ETENTION P BOTTOU El.EV. = 500.00 STATIC W.S. ELEV. = 503.00 MAX. W.S. fl.EV. • 508.00 I TOP fl.EV. • 509.00 VOLUME REQUIRED • #,000:t Cf VOLUME PROVIDED • 45,000:t Cf DETENTION STANDARDS LEVEL II Fl.OW CONTROL WATER QUAUTY STANDARDS BASIC WATER QUALJTY TREATMENT PER 1998 KING COUNTY MANUAL PROPOSED METHOD -WETPOND 14' w, z ::::; « lg w u 21' R 14' 1' 5' 2' 1' 1' 11..c-"""~~,J,' 10' UTILITY EASEMENT \\E§ EXIST. 6" 'S, RETAINING WALL 06 HYOROSEED DISTURBED AREAS 5" THICK CEMENT CONCRETE SI EWALK ' "' '.(<> ' -·, "'-15 ',, . ' ', EXISTING CHAIN LINK-'\ '· -FWfE TO BE REMOVE J' 128' < o,c,' EXIST. POl+E:R POLE o ~OS ',, ANO GUY !'IRE O i,-'•,TOBE RELOCATED I si' ··sq,, EXIST. 12" CULV£Rr-~.-P'<")>/ EXIST. 6" RETAINING WALL I.E.(N) = 508.30 D 30' R W <:J ox k. l,.J EXIST. CB RIM = 511.28 I.E. = 508.64 (12"N) I.E. = 508.49 (12"S) I.E. = 508.53 (12"SE) ;;i S.E 134TH ST. EXIST. CB RIM = 509..76- 1.E. = 506.76 f 12"N) ,o I.E. = 506.54 12"$) II:: I.E. = 506.80 12"NE) w z 30' R f-,'.,7,,:.5~' .._1"'5"-BT"'H'I--) ..i.:.1'-1--'5"-'-..J f-----,1-=6',.-;.,(1-=58"'TH,.,...;AccVE=l)---lii) 7.5' (160TH) SIDEWALK 0 _5 , 16' (160TH AVE) ,lg HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS :,., ±10' (158TH AVE) ~ ±11' (16DTH AVE) ±13' (158TH AVE) ±16' (16DTH AVE) 2% EXIST. PAVEMENT SECTION SAWCUT ANO SEAL JOINT '' SCAL[: 1"=40 F[[T a 20 40 80 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVD88 B.M.: KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINT #TD10. BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE WITH PUNCH, INCASED, AT THE INTERSECT/ON OF 160TH AVENUE S.E. AND S.E. 127TH PLACE. El.EV. = 505. 90 SIT£ B.M.: SET PK NAIL 2.2' EAST OF FOGUNE AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF SITE. ELEV. = 513.94 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' THICKENED ASPHALT EDGE 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE -- 5• COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4• COMPACTED DEPTH ATB CEMENT CONCRETE ROLLED CURB PER KCRS DWG. NO. J-002 PER KCRS DWG. NO. J-001 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS '8' ASPHALT CONCRETE 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE -- 5• COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4" COMPACTED DEPTH ATS CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 3" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS '8' ASPHALT CONCRETE PER KCRS 4.01A. ALTERNATE II 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTERNATE __ 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4• COMPACTED DEPTH ATB GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.D2 & 4.DJ K.C.R.S.) ROAD 'A' KING COUNTY SUBCOLLECTOR JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.D2 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) 158TH A VENUE NE AND 160TH AVENUE NE KING COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD COLLECTOR NOT TO SCALE oo 11 Cl (.) ~ " I!) a - 0 'Sj- 11 ' I ', l'J 0 I 0) -I ~ DRAWING NO. t!. !! -oil---------~ I o Q - -0 z 1057[NG 2 OF 3 LUl\-o s-,~i -1,. ,_-.:__ •• :.::._ -'--a ',,, .'.:.' '' ·~-------··.-·_::.\:e..i:" ,·,-:' ., ., . __ ,./ ___ :::....:_ ___ ·. '11 • :-j 1,; ;:1 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS LIST 1. MARY HAMILTON 22. \\ILLIAM JOHNSON 43. ROBERT & LORI DA\1ES 15B21 SE 132ND PL 15902 SE 134TH PL 1470B 30TH AVE NE RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 SEATILE, WA 98155 366450 0100 366450 0133 200600 0140 2. REYNOLDS U\1NG TRUST 23. PATRICK & KELLY BEHR 44. UEONARD JOHNSTON 13016 156TH AVE SE 15914 SE 134TH PL 16016 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0205 366450 0132 200600 0150 3. DONALD & DAUE FlSHER 24. AL \1N & WENDY WOOD 45. MORRIS JR & HOLLY JOHNSON 13115 158TH AVE SE 13403 160TH AVE SE 2635 REDWOOD ST RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 ANCHORAGE, AK 99508 366450 0215 366450 0131 145750 0070 4. STEVEN GEYER 25. DAUE NOTT 46. LY BUI 13128 156TH AVE SE 13422 156TH AVE SE 13208 160TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0201 366450 0127 145750 0066 5. BEAL BANK 26. FLORENCE NOTT 47. GARY MCCANN 6000 UEGACY DR 15915 134TH PL 13224 160TH A VE SE PLANO, Tl( 75024 RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0210 366450 0120 145750 0065 6. STEVEN GEYER 27. GLENDA JOHNSON 48. GARY MCCAIN 13126 156TH AVE SE 13425 160TH AVE SE 13224 160TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 96059 RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0221 366450 0126 145750 0067 7. GARY & SALLY \\ILLIAMS 28. GUY & CARL JR PLA 1Z & JOHNSON GERMAINE 49. UEONARD SKINNER 818 SW 306TH ST 13535 160TH AVE SE 13030 160TH AVE SE FEDERAL WAY, WA 98023 RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0220 366450 0141 145750 0059 8. CHARUES SMITH 29. PEGGY ANN STREIT 50. UEONARD SKINNER 13205 156TH AVE SE 13512 160TH AVE SE 13116 160TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0227 366450 0170 145750 0062 9. JAMES & KIMBERLY BROUGH 30. RAYMOND & ERIN PLATZ 51. DICK AMOS 13220 156Til AVE SE 14627 1601H AVE SE 16026 SE 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0225 200600 0180 145750 0061 10. SANDRA SNYDER 31. RONALD COFFIN 52. DICK AMOS 1915 S 375TH ST 16015 SE 135TH ST 16028 SE 132ND ST FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0228 200600 0190 145750 0064 11. ROBERT MOFFAT 32. JOLENE MAGGARD 53. MICHAEL DOOLY 13217 1581H AVf. SE 16023 SE 1351H ST 16106 SE 132ND ST RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0230 200600 0200 145750 0063 12. SANDRA SNYDER 33. STEVEN & PERI MUHICH 54. DELOIS STANFORD 1915 S 375HI ST 13420 1601H AVE SE 13111 1601H AVE SE FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0226 200600 0010 366450 0062 13. KING COUNTY 34. RICHARD & MICHAEL KNAPP 55. \\IWAM KENAN JR 500 K C ADMIN BLDG 13412 160TH AVE SE 15914 SE 131ST LN SEATILE, WA 98104 RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0231 200600 0020 366450 0060 14. CONSERVATIVE BAPTIST CHURCH 35. RANDY & BONNIE HORNER 56. TIMOTHY LEX & GINA DOLAN 13232 1561H A VE SE 13404 1601H AVE SE 13116 1581H AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0240 200600 0030 366450 0068 15. JARED HAIR & LAURA TAUTZ 36. DON BAURlCHTER 57. FREDY JAQUES 13422 1561H AVf. SE 14025 1761H AVE SE 13114 1561H AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 96059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0250 200600 0040 366450 0069 16. GWENDOLYN PICKENS & \1CTOR HIGII 37. MICHAEL & NECIA WAINI\RIGHT 58. CHARUES & \10LA SCOBY 13405 158TH AV£. SE 16025 SE 1341H AVE 13112 156TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0245 200600 0050 366450 0071 17. LUCILLE PERRY 38. JOHN SR & EUZABElH CROONQUIST 59. DA \10 KUPCHO 13426 156TH AVE SE PO BOX 2352 13110 158TH AVf. SE RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98056 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0260 200600 0060 366450 0064 18. FRANCIS JR & ROBIN BECKMAN 39. BARBARA PEEUER 60. DOROTHY ROCKEY 13511 158HI AVE SE 16041 SE 134TH ST 13119 160TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0278 200600 0070 366450 0066 19. ALAN OSGOODBY 40. MICHAEL & KA YE FOSMIRE 61. CRIST VERSCHAEVE 13527 156TH AVE SE 16049 SE 134TH ST 43803 284TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 ENUMCLAW, WA 98022 366450 0270 200600 0080 366450 0065 20. JAMES DUKE 41. DOUGLAS & CRYSTAL WEIK 62. HUGH MURDOCH PO BOX 2262 16040 SE 1351H ST 15917 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98056 RENTON, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0136 200600 0120 366450 0072 21. EDWARD & NANCY HILTON 42. GCRDON & SULTANA ROBERTSON 13414 1581H AVE SE 16032 SE 135TH ST RENTON, WA 96059 RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0135 200600 0130 ---------- 63. \\IWAM KENAN JR 15914 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0067 64. STEVEN ROY 15905 SE 131ST LN RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0075 65. DANIEL & LYNN PETERSON 13118 156TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0073 66. JEFFREY & ..IJLIE TAYLOR 13128 1561H AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 366450 0070 67. GW NICKEL 13205 1601H AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0010 68. RICHARD & PHYLLIS RUDOLPH 15646 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0020 69. MICHAEL & THERESA ADAMS 15642 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0030 70. DEAN KINNEY 15834 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0040 71. EMILIE VAN KEMPEN 15826 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0050 72. ROY vlRGIL 15822 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0060 T!.' D J YANTZER 15B12 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0070 74. FRANLJN HARSCH PO BOX 2344 RENTON, WA 98056 923650 0080 75. DELAINE JORGENSEN 13225 160TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0090 76. WALTER KAPIOSKI 13231 1601H AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0100 77. MARY SACKETT 15841 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0110 78. JAMES ROUGHLEY & DAWN THOMPSON 15633 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0120 79. CHARUES GRIMSl1AW 15825 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0130 80. MARY HAMIL TON 15821 SE 132ND Pl RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0140 81. ROBERT &: MARIAN WEGLIN 2123 47Til AVE SW SEATILE, WA 98116 923650 0150 82. MARY HAMILTON 15821 SE 132ND PL RENTON, WA 98059 923650 0160 HAMIL TON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON I I I I I : L______ I 56 I /,55 : 54 : I I @ @ @ ~-l_{-§~1 @ I I I -r -----------... -~t--r===t::-.:::-::t:-:;-::-:tE=====t-=~;:_--4--~:..:~L ---LI ---II---_: ;.; ----L ___ _J_~--i~-------~ \ 65 1 L PRIVATE ROAD--I 1 1 @ <QcJ!)) I 1 1 1 60 -CQEtg> 1 I ------1---· I I I I I 4 I -----------------! 64 I 63 I 62 I @ ______ _J @) I ~ ~ : rf@) : @ \ @ i --61 --49 : @ 1-(Q_C!!!J; I I I I c@p I 59 58 57 52 I I I : 53 : 1@1 I I I I I I -I -------------------1 _l .1 l @ I I I 8 1.~4a _i ___ 1----\---i --i --67--------,L ___ L_ __ --~----- ------ 9 I w? @Ji) 17217/170169 1 ~ I 7 I ~ -------l LOT 6 I LOT 5 I LOT 4 I LOT 3 '12_()_1_9; I <@7J> ~---,----------1 ~ 3 7 I @ I q[@J I (@! I (Q@) r---68--L~ : I I '0070' I I A I I I LOT 2 I = ., @ @I ---, I fl C I , ·S'o I I @ r.;'>\' •J-'<:J 'J/o 8.E 132M) Pt.ACE I 10 : f q'l-o 11 ~.22 1----------82 ~ "<.-'!3' w r a I I : f2 _ (§]) __ ~ 1.~6 I I ~ 81 I 8 79 LOT 5 ~ 78 LOT 4 @ 77 LOT J <§_,~ 75 I LOT 1 I@ 1------- 1 76 ----'.J r·-- 1 I I I I 48 LOT C ----I 1 . LOT 7 I -~-;;=-==~----~-------~~-r@gJ I LOT 2 <@_§) I I @ ------------------L __ _ . -------------,-------------- 15 I I I I I _______ L 16 ----------- \fEFE:RENCE NUMBER FOR \OT OIWIER It ADDRESS (TYP.) 17 PAR. 2 <§g) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 <f@) TRACT "A" OPEN SPACE ' (.) ' • fl TRACT "B" STORM POND 20 .... (.) '( l"c 21 20 22 23 19 18 .... (.) '< l"c 17 16 I I I I I I --------r-~ ~ : ~ : I <::,01<.> @) I @ I 21 l\'o I I (Q,j§J ~~~I I I 10 11 13 12 14 15 24 -1..C, I I I --------L-~----L-----1------ 1 I gJ ~ -'( \ fEFERENCE NUMBER FOR \OT OIWl{R & ADD~-SS (TYP.) 45 i!: i @ \ 8.E 134TH BIREEI 35 \ LOr J I 36 37 38 <iijJ~ I LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 -----~ @ 0Jii§; @ 34 I I I : L0!__2 I-----+----I----1-- @ I I I I 39 I 40 I I I I LOT B ~ I I -f----+-- 1 I 25 I 26 I 27 _____ j ~ I 42 I 43 \ 33 \ LOT 15 I LOT 14 I LOT 13 I LOT/ I @ I @ I @ 44 I I -------- 18 I I I @ I I I ----------~--------~------ 28 @ rfojij) I I I I I I 8.E 13611-1 8/HEEI 30 31 LOT .3 I I (Qi_~ LOT 5 I ----------r----@ I I o'l,.°' 19---~r-t--...J.-------------------J--~~~ I \ : ~1.,'o()'l'J~ LOT 1 LOT 2 t----1 ---+ 'f. e,s'< o,fl @ @ I 1 o,O\ ------1 I I I "1 I I I I I I SCALE: 1"=100 FEET .-i I I 0 50 100 ! EXPIRES: 9-23-03! I 200 C 0 ·;;; 1 ~ e:i OJ ::;c r-.. :::, I() < C) -OJ 0 -, C) C) -Lu II _, ' «: -(.) .. N (/J 6c 0 :r: rg Q -, h Q El i's i vi «: Lu ll'.: a a I:'! «: q ~ < .. h ll'.: ~ ~ q ~ Lu Q C\j C) I 0, -I I() C) C) >:: G:J8 G:OJ a ~ 0 ll'.: Q Q «: C) C) C) r-.. I ~ (0 0) C ·->,. (1) > L.. :::, (1) L.. Cf) ...... C (1) 1---i-en o- -J ~ 1--LL.I <Q LL.I -(.) :r: "'( (/) J 0::: a LL.I "'( ~ 0 DRAWING NO. 8.._ ______ __. 1057ADJ ci z 3 OF 3 LUA-oe-rii --------- -,·,;.;.;-,-~ HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON STA. 0+00.00· ROAD "A"- STA. 2+12.50; 1587H AVE. SE 0 I ·1 I · ·1 I I I 1-",1\ , .... ""I ( I ...._" . \,r \ I ', ·1 · I I ...._-... . I . I 1 ·,· ,_/ ., .1. I .I I '"'" IBA T "E" WETLA DAND ER ' ' ' ' ' ' \ "' 9,, TRACT "B" WET/DETENTION POND ~ C, 6 "' !:/ ti "<' ff 0c" Cl -...._ --s,o • ',r,,. ---S',,,. I ":;) I oloo j:_ I (I) oj~ ~,() ,~ SCALE: 1"=20 FEET 0 10 20 40 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVDBB B.M.: KING COUNTY SURVEY CONffiOL POINT #TD10, BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE WITH PUNCH, INCASEO, AT THE INTERSECTION OF 1607H AVENUE S.E. AND S.E. 1277H PLACE. fl.£V. -505. 90 SITE: B.M.: SET PK NAIL 2.2' EAST OF FOGUNE AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF SITE. £LEV. = 513.94 CONTOUR INTERVAL -2' 0: Lu Cll ::, ::) z Cll 0 --, Lu -..J 0 V) ~ ..... .. El ~ Vi Lu Cl C .Q ~ ·, ~ "' -ci " u >, CD ~ ~ a 0 0 z " l{J C, - C, C\) II ' - N ~ :r: ~ Q ~ <( 0: Cl >-a:: ~ 2 -~ --I LLI a:: Q I:'! <( Cl z z .. >--= 0: ls: ~ Cl 8 ti Lu i5 < ~ -I Q ~ a:: ~ Q -I ~ < 0 ~ L5 a:: (.) Lu a:: C\) C, I "> C\) I C, - Cl"" G:/8 G::cn Cl ls: 0 0: Q Q <( C, C, C, " I ~ {Q <n' C, ~ DRAWING NO. 1057PARK 1 OF 1 LUf\-011-122, SE VICINITY MAP bi ~ <( iE ,,_ <o SE 128TH ST '< SE 136TH SE 136TH ST iE ST-'----l bi PROJECT- "' SE 138TH PL; /\,---!'< C, ~ <o -142ND ST S/TE ~ ~ - SCALE: 1" = 2,000' LOTi LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT 10 LOT 11 LOT 12 LOT 13 LOT 14 LOT 15 LOT 16 LOT 17 LOT 18 LOT 19 LOT 20 LOT 21 LOT 22 LOT 23 AREA (SF) 5,003 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 4,556 5,315 5,087 4,500 5,403 6,783 6,120 4,843 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 5,000 6,338 SUB-TOTAL 113,396 S.F. TRACT 'A' (OPEN SPACE) TRACT 'B' (WEf/DEfENTION POND) TRACT 'c' (ACCESS TRACT) TRACT 'D' (ACCESS TRACT) TRACT 'E' (WETLAND AND BUFFER) ON-SITE RIGHT OF WAY: SUB-TOTAL TOTAL (4.32 N;.) ~ " iE /I;' -SE 134TH ST SE 136TH ST ~ bi '< SE 140TH ST ~ iE ~ 0, "( iE <o SE 142ND ST !:'--,.. " "' t3 ST 9,506 S.F. 20,339 S.F. 2,560 S.F. 3,156 S.F. 14,235 S.F. 25,186 S.F. 74,982 S.F. 188,378 S.F. ON-SITE RECREA llON CALCULA llONS: RECREATION AREA REQUIRED: 8,970 SF (23 LOTS x 390 SF) RECREATION AREA PROVIDED: 9,506 SF (TRACT A) / ENGINEER/PLANNER/LAND SURVEYOR: SURV[YO/i: C[N TR[ POINT SURVtYING 336J9 9TH AV[NU[ SOUTH F[D[RAL WAY, WA 9800J CONTACT: NORM LARSON (25J) 661-1901 [NGIN[[R/PLANNER: BP LAND INV[STMENTS, L.L.C. P.O. BOX 5206 KE:NT, WA 98064-5206 (360) 894-5315 OWNER/DEVELOPER: OWNE:RS: MARY [. HAMIL TON 15821 SE 132ND PLACE: RtNTON, WA 98059 DtVtLOPE:11: KBS Ill, LLC 12505 BEl.-RtD ROAD #212 BELEVU[, WASHINGTON 98005 CONTACT: BOB RUDDtLL OR KOLIN TAYLOR PHONE: (206) 62J-7000 ·----~-~- I I I I I I I I I I \ II-,. I I U1 ll~ I I . I I I I I I • . I HAMIL TON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ' ' ' ' ' ' LOT 7 @ ' -------_____ ... 60' EX/Sr. 12" CULVE T I.E.(N) = 511..3_8 J.E.(S} = 511.17 52' ' §;( ' ' LOT 6 @~ ' ' ' ,.. i5 LOT 5 @ SHED 52 • .,--5~, £X1ST. 24 ''. / \, RETAINING W L_;,,.,,,.., ' ..... .. <O -----------------' -a-.. .,.--/ (/) ------ 1 2 ' ' ', 3 ' ' ' ' ' ,:'i -----' ' ' ' ' ' ~-~~--------------~ ' ' • • • ,, ' ' ' • JZ,: 52' 52' ' ' ' ' • ' TRACT 'A' -OPEN SPACE-~ ----------- 4 5 • '5 f\F5 1 6 ,11EGUN vOL· 55- 923650 I I I 6 LOT 4 @ s;,o ' ------------ LOT 3 @ ' LOT 2 @ "' Sj ---------1'~ lEXJST!NG HOUSE l ·= · ·. I .,.-~ -~----~'--// (L '" ' ,, ,, __ ! l I I I ¢\ \ LOJ B <§o~ --·-i- i I ' ' EXIST 12-" CUL VE/?1 1.£.(S} = 518.67 EXIST. C/3 ~/M = 520.93 1.£. = 518.30 f12"N) I.E. = 518.17 12"S) ' a B.M.: SCALE: 1 "=40 FEET 20 40 VERTICAL DA TUM NAVD88 80 KING COUNTY SURVl:Y CONTROL POINT #fi/0, BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE WITH PUNCH, /NCASED. AT THE INTERSECTION OF 160TH AVENUE S.E. AND S.£. 127TH PLACE. ELEV. = 505.90 CONTOUR INTERVAL = 2' LEGEND S PROPOSED MONUMENT r.r-J U [XIS[ MAIL BOX --------~ E 1'0-, . " ', , , , , I \ I • • • • • • • 137' 21 p ' & \ C, 0, 20 C, 0, 19 --0-EXIST. POWER POLE E--EXIST. GUY WIRE -50-EXIST. STORM LIN[ PAR. 2 <@qJ ORI E-Wfl I I I I I I I I I I I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • r ., ' "' 0 "' "----EXIST. 12" CULVERT 1.£.(N) = 50.3.02 SITE DATA: 1. TAX NUMB[R: J66450-0100 ', -------~ 2. PROJE:CT ARE:A: 4.32 ACRES (188,378 SF) J. NUMBtR OF LOTS: 2J ' ' \ 4. [XISTING US[ OF LAND: SINGL[-FAMII_ Y RtSID[NCt/OtTACH[D 5. PROPOSE:D US[: S/NGL[-FAMIL Y RtSID[NCt/DtTACHED 6. EXISTING ZONING: R-4 7. tXISTING COMPR[H[NSIV[ LAND US[ DESIGNATION: URBAN RESIDENTIAL 4-12 D.U./AC. 8. DENSITY: 5.J2 D.U. P[R GROSS ACRE: 9. SMALL[ST LOT SIZE:: 4,500 S.F. 10. SMALL[ST LOT WIDTH: 50' 11. BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT YARD: 20' GARAGE: 10' STRUCTURE: SID[ YARD: 5' R[AR YARD: 5' "'''''" ,',, __ UTILmES AND SERVICES: WATER: StWtR: PHONE:: POWE.'R: KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT #90 CITY OF RE:NTON QWE.'ST COMMUN/CATIONS PUG[T SOUND [N[RGY GAS: PUG[T SOUND ENERGY CABLE:: AT&T BROADBAND FIR[ DISTRICT: NUMB[R 25 SCHOOL DISTRICT: ISSAQUAH WETLAND D[L/N[A TION: CHAD ARRMOUR, LLC SOURCE: OF BOUNDARY: FltLD VERIFl[D BY C[NTR[ POINT[ SU/?VtYING SOURCE: OF TOPOGRAPHY: FltLD SURVEYE:D BY C[NTR[ POINTE: SURV[YING ' ' ' ' ' ' EXIST. 12" CULVERT-- ,, ,, , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- I.E.(N} "' 508.JO ·x1sr 0 'VEW 514 t---- EXIST. CB . RIM·~ 511.28 I.E. : 508.64 ~';2'.N) J.E. -508.49 . 2 '.i) /.[. = 508. 53 12"5£) ~ S.E 134TH ST. i I EX/SI? CB RIM i-509. 76 u:. ~ 506. 76 (12"N) 3: I.E. ]-506.54 (12"S) 0: I.E. -506.80 (12"NE) AVAILABLE SIGHT DISTANCE FOR 15811-1 AVE( S.E. POSTED SPEED LIM/ T = _ MPH 1 DESIGN SPEED LIM/ T = _ MPH ' I ENTERING STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE: I ' NORTH ------FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENG!NEER SOUTH ------FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENG/NEER AVAILABLE SIGHT DISTANCE FOR 160TH AVE. 8.E. POSTED SPEED LIMIT = __ MPH DESIGN SPEED LIMIT = _ MPH ENTERING STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE: -·- NORTH -------FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENG!riEER ·- SOUTH ------FIELD MEASURED BY PROJECT ENGINEER 0 EXIST. CATCH BASIN -·· W--EXIST. WATER UN£ . " ' M EXIST. GA TE VALVE ti EXIST. FIRE NYORANT fB EXIST. WATER METER c,----o EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE ,----x EXIST. WIRE FENCE 7//.Z EXISTING ASPHALT EXISTING GRAVEL --'-~- · ,;-.·~::_~:~}:_:~/;:, EXISTfNG CONCRE1E LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL NUMBER 366450-0100 (MARY £. HAMILTON) TRACT 5, BLOCK 1 OF JANETT'$ RENTON BOULEVARD TRACTS, RECORDED IN VOWM[17 AT PAGE 60, OF PLATS, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. INDEX TO ORA WINGS 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. CONCEPTUAL STORM AND UTILITY ffJJ/2 q /-;:, ,-. "' . 3. ADJACENT LOT OWNERSHIP EXH/811.nJ 2, I,~ c5 u '0 ~ ([); OCT 3 I 2002 I...'::/ KC. D.D.E.S. .xfv Exhibit No. -±+------ Item No. La,Q ~Ou \ \ C 0 ·~ ·~ "' • Lu _, d (/) " I!) a .. ~ :r: >-ct: "'( :z: -~ --..J LJJ ct: a_ ~ I 0) I ~ a a a " I ~ <O 0) C ·-~ > I,.. ::::, (J) DRAWING NO . 0 1------------ Cl 1D57PPLT 0 z 1 or 3 k' .. ta r I. ' .. I !"··· . . . . ,.;. ; !- 1 PR:tVATt Rf.:. . : : : ~:: ... 51 63.i 60 s1 .2£r 77etlis.,3 ' .... ( 57 .65) lfi ~{ ~) &.) (~ 6 (2) ··-(,) :~ I s7 .D U/l (Slt,.65) I 171 57 5/9.5 ·._ 13+o't-i' !;-., P I r. :.--: I ·r"~ --· ' .. ' .......... 7 0 595.l ( 593.43) . .0 PEN L01P0016 EVENDELL (L01TY40~l N "' 75/44 L01r .,,.__. ,~::====-=--=--------=-~ ______ -:__::. ~ I 6,,;..f-·· ' r -...Jil,;s LJ~ r-.-·1. "'. ----------- 515. 7 (514.31) (~) 5 6.23 ~J zJ .- ' -., .6 CEDAR I FIVE 554.59 ( 5'=3.So'J TR \ 554.J -----' J 1,1./7 II 1, - 0 I \ . 2 _\ <111 ~l ..,_.~~~---,r- 5 \1} 8 .-rr -- \, ~· --..-....., 3 (594.18) I \ ,1 ____ l_ - ! I ' ! \ \ I 1 L-UA-Di-1,1.. !515 510 DETENTION AND WATER QUALITY POND PLAN Fi1AME AND LADDER OR STEPS OFFSET. SEE PlAN SHEET. \ ROUND SOLID COVER MARKED "DRAIN' FiiAME & GRATE ELEVATION W/ LOCKING BOLTS. UNLESS OTHERWISEO APPROVED BY ENGINEER 1" = 20 1 j i " ,1 w ' ''. .. l l 41 I! i ,, ii I ! J ! : 11· I . I [ .... I ! I ' IJ J '-r I ' I \ 40 ~--~®>J ,y --.v CONSTRUCJuEMERGENCY O.F. SPILLWAY PER DETAIL THIS SHEET c,; ,V .y .y .y ,)/ -v .y ,V ,V .y ,V -v .y 4 TRACT 'A' (RECREATION SPACE) 1W=511.50 BW=505.00 10 ____ --. 6.5' SDE ---------------- IE=504.00 ····504, .............. , _ ---· • 4 PROPOSED CONCRETE JlETAINING WALL 24" SD (SEE SEPARATE STRUCTURAL PlANS) 1 O' SDE (1YP. INSTALL 6' CHAINLINK FENCE AS SHOWN PER DETAIL SHEET C9 I ~~ 1W=506.00 BW=505.00 CELL#2 I !=, . "'• I 1W=512.00 BW=505.00 . ,---.. ····---····-.. '""-"-•••, I ' ' EXiSTi!'lG I I BIYLD!NG C8*1A ' DETENTION STANDARDS=---- LEVEL II FLOW CONTROL C8*1B 1YPE II 48' W /BIRD CAGE LID LOCATE />S SHOWN RIM=505.00 IE=501.90 (8" PERF.) IE=501.90 (12') CONTROL STRUCTURE SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET WATER QUALITY STANDARDS B/>SIC WATER QUA!JlY TREATMENT PER 1998 KING COUNTY MANUAL PROPOSED METHOD -WETPDND 6' CHAIN llNK FENCE • . TRACT BOUNDARY • • . • PROPOSED CONCRETE RETAINING WALL • ·--... ... ... ... . S7 .. MAX. WAT~R SURFACE.EL=510:1s . . . . . . . --- · 6' · CHAIN LINK FENCE . • • • ' • TRACT BOUNDARY . --~."-.. ~ ___________ -·--__ --___ · __ ~ Ti::XIS11NG GROUND_ -. --. . . _ _ _ _ . J • • PROPOSED GRADE • . . . 5' BERM EL=504.00---~---------- ·-. ······-··· ····-JJ_ . . .. ~. ~ATIC \I/ATER EL';_5.Q5.00 ~--- . · · · CELL #1 · · .• :TOP SEDIMENT · •STORAGE . ~. .. ' .. ·~ · EL=so1 ;oo · . .... , .... -~' EL=S00,00--··"-"""---" CELL #2 ...... ' . . . . . . ' . . . · · BOTIOM POND EL~501.50 21 LF 12' SD O -9.52% . BEVEL PIPE ENbi . . CONSTRUCT COMPACTED JILL LINER • . · · 58 LP 12' SD@ 5;34% •. C. '_r::iilttA. •. • ro. LEVEL SPREADER I . ,,,,,. • w z :J ·~ ' .. Cl ! · • · · · PER DETAILS ON ·SHEET C10 AND · · · , · . . . • Eel REPORT . DATED JANUARY 28, 2004 • . · CONTROL STRUCTORE . -~ , -~ DEIENTION/WATER QUALITY POND SECTION A-A S0ALE: HORIZONTAL 1 '=20' VERTICAL 1 "=5' . . . r.-: ... tO .. ·2 . .. • • SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET . ... c;q .. "' . -~ A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON • ---~ --L."'- INSTALL CHAINLINK GATE PER DETAIL SHEET C9. B 21 filter fabric *15% max for flo• control/water quality treatment In rural areas. SECTION A-A NTS LEVEL SPREADER 20' WIDE INGRESS/EGRESS NlS ,AND UTILITIES EASEMENT "-'TO KING COUN1Y FOR TRACT 'I( 1W=511~50 BW=505.00 ---- P~OPOSED CONCRETE RETAINING WALL (SEE SEPARATE STRUCTURAL PLANS) 22 10' OVERFLOW SPILLWAY DETAIL NOT TO SCALE s• periorated pipe laid flat #1 IE•501.90 #2 IE•507.00 clean ( 5,C fines) 1 1/2-J/4 wa,hod rock I I --1e o.~ f,-z• 2· grodJ board notches NOTES: 2· 1. Thia tranch ehall be constructed so as to prevent potnt discharge and/or erosion. 2. Trenches may be placed no closer than 50 feet to one another. {100 feet along flowllne) J. Trench and grade boord must be level. Align to follow contoura of site. 4. Support post spacing as required by aoll conditions to ensure grade board remains level. TOP OF BERM EL=511.50 z BOTTOM OF ROCK EL=510.00 6" ELEV=507.90 12" MIN PLATE WELDED TO ELBOW WITH ORIFICE. EVU~Gi:~EEf-.1 HEDGE EL=510.50-"-~~-~~-~-----~~~ D1A=1 3/4" - flER PLANS HiM=512.50 STD GALV. STEEL OR I • . I ALUMINUM LADDER/STEPS . . OVERFLOW I"\ ' • ~ ~-r EL-510.00 Ir ~i~ ~"'-.. Il I'-.. ' • • 4 1/2" CLR. . , . PIPE SUPPORT /'fYp\ 4 . "-. ' ~ • 8" FROP-T SHEAR GATE I .4 PER KCRS STD DWG NO. 2-026 "' =------• \. 12" "'- • ~ -L- ) 12' SD -- • 0 • I ' "' INVERT EL=505.00 v ,;, -• • REMOVABLE COUPLING- PER KING COUN1Y ST/ / • RESTRICTOR PLATE ' • 0 z W/ DRILLED ORIFICE I ~ EL=503.00 ' N DIA.=1 1/4" . • • . ' ' ' • CB*1A ~ ~ 100 YR MAX. W.S. EL=510.18 ~ 10 YR MAX. W.S. EL=509.44 ~ 2 YR MAX. W.S. EL=508.14 ORIFICE ELBOW SEE DETAIL TO LEFT 12' SD \ INVERT EL=505.00 NOTES: g 3) 4) PIPE SIZES & SLOPES, SEE Pu\NS, LESS THAN OUTLET CAPACl1Y NOT COMBINED INLETS METAL PARTS: A) CORROSION RESIST ANT OR 3AL- NIZED 1Y'E II, EL PIPE, EATMENT . VANIZED OR ALUMI B) IF GALVANIZED STE HAVE ASPHALT TR FRAME & LADDER OR STEPS OFFSET SO: A) CLEANOUT GATE IS VISIBLE FROM TOP. B) CLIMBDOWN SPACE IS CLEAil OF RISER & CLEANOUT GATE EY 2'. C) FRAME IS CLEAR OF CURB. 5) STRUCTURE SHALL BE A 1YPE II CATCH BASIN MINIMUM. ~ ~ 15 15 "' "' ~ cJ "" ffi ffi a. a. Cl Cl w w u, u, 15 15 "' "' a, a, "' "' Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl " " Cl Cl ...... 0 0 ';::-N N -~ - N - TYPE 11-54" FLOW CONTROL MANHOLE SCALE: 1 • =2' 2" MIN L~ RISER 6" MAX. REMOVABLE WATER-TIGHT COUPLING OF FLANGE C8*1A 54" FLOW CONTROL MH JAILHOUSE c,.F. STRUCTURE SEE DETAIL THIS SHT. ACCESS LID " 0 '(; ·;; • "' ~ Q. ~ ] u ~ j 0 z 5 <( ::::> 0 a: ~ 3: 0 z <( z 0 ~ ~ 0 .m F . 0 • _J • _J ----en m ~ 5 0 D.. w N 0 0 z :3 _J :3 D.. d D.. z z 0 ~ w z _J -_J u.. 0 -D.. ::i: en <( w J.: 0 0 0 0 ..... ~ ll) N 0 F,;i 0 ::::> 00 I 0) lo en <( N • ~ 3: -(0 ~ -o W N ~~ • w _J z • z _J 0 0 w :c N m a.. ~ ..... .0 I C 0 1----------1;; I 0 EL=510.40-i _l FLOW RESTRICTOR ELBOW DETAIL SCALE: 1 "=2' 2 ij " i:, 0 " u io N 0 ~ ...•...• 515 -. ···.·505 !500 12' WIDE INGRESS/EGRESS AND UTILITIES EASEMENT TO KING COUN1Y FOR TRACT 'B' :s15 . 6' CHAIN LINK FENCE , • TRACT BOUNDARY • 51() 505 ..• ' . . . ------ • LEVEL SPREADER --....· i SEE• DETAIL TH\S• SHEET • ·so·· ·o:. . . . . KEY FOR POND BERM ,-s ·-·-~ REQUIRED BY KING COUNTY AND, GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER · .. '.q .. -2 EL=510.00-'-'-'-...L~..u..__.u........J.1-.J.J...-J.J..........u.-J.J........J.L......J ... J.~-----~ 35• _______ __.., B BARS @ 4' OC NOT TO SCALE FRAME AND GRATE FOR CONTROLLED POND OVERFLOW. PROVIDE VERTICAL BARS IN FRAME AT 4" O.C. JAILHOUSE VERTICAL BAR GRATE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ..... , Ii' CHIIIN lJNK iFENCE TRACT .BOUNDARY• · PROPOSED CONCRETE 'RETAINING WALL . . • • • ~· BERM EL~51 L50 •• THICKENED . EDGE 51 5 • • TRACT 'C' . . . . . . __ sz~MIIX. wA'rER s.uRF'Actt EL=.s.1~0"': 1=-s-• __ -----------_,..:.. -'-C------ ->-'<~EXISTING GROUND : • ' ; . ! \12" SD . 505J · IE=506.B!i · • • • • • • i • ' . :-· . \ I I • CELL #2 • • . . . . ' ' . . ' .............. \..: .... / . · .. · ··500·. ' . . . . ' . • . PROPOSED GRADE . • . CONSTRUCT CdMPi\tlED i'Tlll LINER . · · PER DETAILS ON SHEET :c10 AND . . • • ECI REPORT. DATED Ji\NUAR'( za: 2004 : . • . "l . . "" .. : : : '.:: -~ :~· -~ --in I() . DETENTION/WATER QUALITY POND SECTION 8-B SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1"=20' VERTICAL 1"=5' 0 0 II N u 'C Ul 0 • :,: - =e II • • > -N w I 0 N 0 SOIL AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS: 1---------1 BERM EMBANKMENTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF COMPACTED SOIL (95% MIN. DRY DENSITY) PLACED IN 6' LIFTS, WITH THE FOLLOWING SOIL CHARACTERISTICS PER THE UNITED STATES DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE'S TEXTURAL TRIANGLE: A MIN. OF 20% SILT AND CLAY, A MAX. OF 60% SAND, A MAX. OF 60% SILT, WITH GRAVEL AND COBE'LE CONTENT (NOTE, IN GENERAL, EXCAVATED GLACIAL TILL WILL BE WELL-SUITED FOR BERM EMBANKMENT MATERIAL.) N .D I 0 N 0 POND VOLUMES: DETENTION VOLUME REQUIRED: RECOMMENDATIONS FROM GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER SHALL SUPERCEDE ABOVE INFO. ~ 1----------1;; C 42,423 C.F. DETENTION VOLUME PROVIDED: RIP RAP PAD DETAILS 44,295 C.F. DETENTION VOLUME PS-BUILT: ALL RIP RAP PADS SHALL BE 7' WIDE X 8' LONG X 1' DEEP, USING THE GRADATION SPECIFIED BELC>W: WETPOND VOLUME REQUIRED: 12,905 C.F. RIP RAP SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 9-13.1 OF THE WSDOT/APWA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. RIP RAP TO BE REASONABLY WELL GRADED WITH ROCK GRADATION />S FOLLOWS: WETPONO VOLUME PROVIDED: P/>SSING 8 INCH SQUARE SIEVE 100% } OR { MAXIMUM STONE SIZE B" 15,063 C.F. P/>SSING 6 INCH SQUARE SIEVE 40-60% OR MEDIUM STONE SIZE 6' PASSING 2 INCH SQUARE SIEVE 0-10% OR MINIMUM STONE SIZE 2" WETPOND VOLUME AS-BUILT: EMBANKMENT: 1. POND BERM EMBANKMENTS MUST BE CONSTURCTED ON NATIVE CONSOLIDATED SOIL (OR ADEQUATELY COMPACTED AND STABLE FILL SOILS ANALYlED BY A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER) FREE OF LOOSE SURFACE SOIL MATE111ALS, ROOTS, AND OTHER ORGANIC DEBRIS. 2. POND BERM ENBANKMENTS GREATER THAN 4 FEET IN HEIGHT MUST BE CONSTRUCTED BY EXCAVATING ~ KEY EQUAL TO 50% OF THE BERM EMBANKMENT CROSS-SECTIONAL HEIGHT AND WIDTH. THIS REQUIREMENT MAY B, WAIVED IF SPECIFICALLY RECOMMENDED BY A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER • 3. THE BERM EMBANKMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF COMPACTED SOIL (95% MINIMUM DRY DENSITY, MODIFIED PROCTOR L..~ METHOD PER />STM D1557,) PLACED IN 6-INCH LIFTS, WITH THE FOLLOWING SOIL CHARACTERISTICS PER THE UNITED ,,..V STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE'S TEXTURAL TRIANGLE: A MINIMUM OF 20% SILT AND CLAY, A MAJIIMUM OF 60% ,., SAND, A MAXIMUM OF 60% SILT, WITH NOMINAL GRAVEL AND COBBLE CONTENT. NOTE: IN GENERAL EXCAVATED GLACIAL ..._, TILL IS WELL SUITED FOR BERM EMBANKMENT MATERIAL ~ ....-----------,-------1 "" EXPIRES 9 /23 /05 D.D.E.S. A H. S NDERS, P .E. DE.VELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: ______ __, Completion Date Completion Date :t ~~ ~8 L 0 • .D E N ~ 0 z .D ~ 0 ., -• " .c Ul L/) .w c.:, u ~~ Zw ~ L/) 11. .;! Cl 'z ~~ z •O c.:, e>: z--> "' z ww w Z· -(!) (!) z ~i ~ :::, u L/) X w C .D 0 "' u 0 N II w 0 u v, "' w E ~ .~ 0 0 "' E C I 0 01 0 C') ,; ..... 0 0 0 --0- 00 ;( o~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'-----..!......ll:.!!::....!~L.:::!!!IL-.....J...------L----...1.-----""' UJA-e>" -122- .--------..... ~-.~.-~--=·--1---·-----------·""'"" .. '·"'"=-·...,.----"···-~'"-"-'%L.'"c''""·""''"'""'"""'"--"'--"""-·------------------,---·-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rr---------, ClENERAL NOTES; LAST UPDATE 1/29/99 1, ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WrTH THE KING COUNlY CODE (KCC), KING COUNlY ROAD srAtJPARDS (KCRS), KING COUNlY SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL (KCSWDM) AND THE CONDITTONS OF PRELIMINARY SUBDMSIDN APPROVAL IT SHAU BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBIUlY STRIJClURAL.. NOTES OF THE APPLIC.ANT ANO ·jHE PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEER TO CORRECT ANY ERROR, OMISSION, OR VARIATION FROM THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS FOUND IN THESE PLANS. ALL CORRECTIONS SHAU BE Af NO ADDITTONAL COST OR LIABILITY TO KING COUNlY. 2. THE DESIGN ELEMENTS WlrHIN THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED ACCORDING TO THE KING COUNlY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT ANO ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (ODES) ENGINEERING REVIEW CHECKLIST. SOME ELEMENTS MAY HAVE BEEN OVERLOOKED OR MISSED BY THE DOES PLAN REVIEWER. ANY VARIANCE FROM ADOPTED STANDARDS IS NOT ALLOWED UNLESS SPECIFICALLY APPROVED BY KING COUNlY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3. APPROVAL OF THIS ROAD, GRADING, AND DRAINAGE PLAN DOES NOT CONSTrTUTE AN APPROVAL OF ANY OTHER CONSTRUCTION (E.G. DOMESTIC WATER CONVEYANCE, SEWER CONVEYANCE, GAS, ELECTRICAL ETC.). 4. BEFORE ANY CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT ACTMTY, A PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING MUST BE HELD BETWEEN THE DDES LAND USE INSPECTION SECTION, THE APPLICANT, AND THE APPLICANT'S CONSTRUCTION REPRESENTATIVE. 5. A COPY OF THESE APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 1. THESE PLANS ARE APPROVED FOR STANOARD ROAD AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ONLY. PLANS FOR STRU~'TURES SUCH AS BRIDGES, VAULTS, AND RETAINING WAI.LS REQUIRE A SEPARATE REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE ODES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION (KCC 16.04, 16.70, 14.20). 2. ROCKERIES ARE CONSIDERED TO BE A METHOD OF BANK STABILIZATION AND EROSION CONTROL ROCKERIES SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED TO SERVE AS RETAINING WAI.LS. ALL ROCKERIES IN COUNlY ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH KCRS DRAWING NUMBERS 5-004, 5-005, 5-006, AND 5-007. ROCKERIES OUTSIDE OF ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WrTH THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. SPECJAL NOTES: 1. ALL CUT SLOPES WrTHIN THE PROJECT SHALL BE NO STEEPER THAN 2 HORIZONTAL TO 1 VERTICAL ALL FILL SLOPES WffHIN THE PROJECT SHAU BE NO STEEPER THAN 2 HORIZONTAL TO 1 VERTICAL 2. PRIOR TO RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT, THOSE PORTIONS OF THE RETENTION/DETENTION FACILITIES NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATE THE CONTROL OF SURFACE WATER RUNOFF DISCHARGING FROM THE SITE, SHAU BE CONSTRUCTIEO ANO OPERATIONAL 6. CONSTRUCTION NOISE SHALL BE LIMITED IN ACCORDANCE WITH KING COUNlY CODE (SECTION 12.88); NORMALLY, THIS IS 7 A.M. TO 10 P.M. WEEKDAYS ANO 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. ON 3. PRIOR TO RECORDING OF THE FINAL PLAT, SITE CLEARING SHAU BE LIMITED TO THOSE AREAS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ROADWAYS AND UTILITY INSTALLATION, AS DEPICTED ON THE TEMPORARY EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN, ADDITTDNAL CLEARING FOR MODEL HOME LOTS, PERMISSIBLE BY CODE, MAY BE ALLOWED PROVIDED NO SENSmVE AREAS ARE PRESENT ON OR ADJACENT TO THE LOTS. WEEKENDS. 7. IT SHAU BE THE APPLICANl'S/CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBIUlY TO OBTAIN ALL CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS NECESSARY BEFORE INrTIATING OFF-SITE WORK WITHIN THE ROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY. B. FRANCHISED UTILITIES OR OTHER INSTALLATIONS THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THESE APPROVED PLANS SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTIEO UNLESS AN APPROVED SEr OF PLANS THAT MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS OF KCRS CHAPTER B ARE SUBMITTED TO THE ODES LAND USE INSPECTION SECTION THREE DAYS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 9. DATUM SHAU BE KCAS UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY DOES. 10. GROUNDWATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION SHAU BE WrTHIN A RIGHT-OF-WAY OR APPROPRIATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT, BUT NOT UNDERNEATH THE ROADWAY SECTION. ALL GROUNDWATER SYSTEMS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 81 3.02 OF THE APWA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 11. ALL UTIUlY TRENCHES SHALL BE BACKFILLED AND COMPACTEO TO 95 PERCENT DENSITY. 12. ALL ROADWAY SUBGRADE SHALL BE BACKFILLED ANO COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT DENSITY. (WSDOT 2-06.3.) 13. OPEN CUTTING OF EXISTING ROADWAYS IS NOT ALLOWED UNLESS SPECIFICALLY APPROVED BY DOES ANO NOTED ON THESE APPROVED PLANS. ANY OPEN CUT SHAU BE RESTORED IN ACCORDANCE WITH KCRS 8.03 (8)3. 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHAU BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ADEQUATE SAFEGUARDS, SAFETY DEVICES, PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, FLAGGERS, ANO ANY OTHER NEEDED ACTIONS TO PROTECT LIFE, HEALTH, AND SAFETY OF THE PUBLIC, AND TO PROTECT PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK COVERED BY THE CONTRACTOR. ANY WORK WITHIN THE TRAVELED RIGHT-OF-WAY THAT MAY INTERRUPT NORMAL TRAFFIC FLOW SHALL REQUIRE AT LEAST ONE FLAGGER FOR EACH LANE OF TRAFFIC AFFECTIED. SECTION 1-07.23, "TRAFFJC CONTROL," OF THE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SHALL APPLY IN ITS ENTRETY. 15. BERMS FOR PONDS GREATER THAN 6 FEET IN HEIGHT ARE CONSIDERED EARTH DAMS. IT SHAU BE THE DEVELOPER'S RESPONSIBIUlY TO OBTAIN DESIGN APPROVAL FOR THE PROPOSED DAM FROM THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY (DOE) PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTING THE DAM. 16. ALL EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WERE OBTAINED FROM A FIELD SURVEY ANO FROM AVAILABLE PUBLIC RECORDS. CONTRACTOR SHAU BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UTILITIES WHICH MAY CONFLICT WITH CONSTRUCTION, WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT. ENGINEER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT ALL UTILITIES HAVE BEEN SHOWN. 17, IT SHAU BE THE OWNER'S ANO CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBIUlY TO NOTIFY THE TELEPHONE COMPANY, THE GAS COMPANY, THE POWER COMPANY, ANO THE CABLE 1V COMPANY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION SO THAT THESE OTHER UTILITIES CAN PREPARE THE NECESSARY PLANS FOR THE EXTENSION DF THEIR RESPECTIVE UTILITIES. IT SHAU BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESP0NS1BILI1Y TO COORDINATE THESE ACTIVITTES DURING CONSTRUCTION. DRANAOE NOJES; LAST UPDATE 1/29/99 1. PROOF OF LIABILITY INSURANCE SHAU BE SUBMITTED TO THE DOES PRIOR TO THE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING (KCC 2. ALL PIPE AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE LAID ON A PROPERLY PREPARED FOUNDATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSOOT 7-02.3(1). THIS SHAU INCLUDE LEVELING AND COMPACTING THE TRENCH BOTTOM, THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION MATERIAL, ANO ANY REQUIRED PIPE BEDDING, TO A UNIFORM GRADE SO THAT THE ENTIRE PIPE IS SUPPORTED BY A UNIFORMLY DENSE UNYIELDING BASE. 3. STEEL PIPE SHAU BE GALVANIZED AND HAVE ASPHALT TREATMENT #1 OR BETTER INSIDE ANO OUTSIDE {KCRS 7.03). 4. ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, SUCH AS CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES, NOT LOCATED WITHIN A TRAVELED ROADWAY OR SIDEWALK, SHALL HAVE SOLID LOCKING LIDS. ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES ASSOCIATED WITH A PERMANENT RETENTION/DETIENTION FACILITY SHALL HAVE SOLID LOCKING LIDS (KCRS 7.05). 5. ALL CATCH BASIN GRATES SHAU CONFORM TO KCRS DRAWING NUMBERS 2-013,2-018,2-019 OR 2-020, ANO SHAU INCLUDE THE STAMPING "OUTFALL TO STREAM, DUMP NO POLLUTANTS" ANO "PROPERTY OF KING COUNlY" (KCRS 7.05). PROPORTIONS PERCENT SEED MIX1\JRE BY WElcY-IT PURITY TALL FESCUE 68% 98 CREEPING BENTGRASS 10% 98 MEADOW FOXTAIL 10% 90 ALSIKE CLOVER 6% 98 REDTOP 6% 92 HYDROSEED THIS MIXTURE AT A RATE OF 120 LBS/ACRE RETENTION POND SEED MIX DETAIL NOT TO SCALE SEED MIX1\JRE RED FESCUE COLONIAL BENTGRASS WHITE CLOVER PROPORTIONS BYWElcY-IT 40% 10% 10% HYDROSEED THIS MIXTCRE AT A RATE OF 120 LBS/ACRE GRASS LINED DITCH SEED MIX DETAIL NOT TO SCALE Stormwater Storage Pond This pond is in our core. Runoff is stored and slowly released form this pond. This helps prevent downstream flooding and erosion and helps improve water quality on its way to Puget Sound. For more information or to report littering, vandalism and other problems, call: Deportment of Natural Resources Facilities Maintenance: 296-8100. PERCENT GERMINATION 90 85 80 90 85 I 1 1/2" 0: ' ~ " DRAINAGE NOTES AND DETAILS A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON TOP HINGE ------ ( 180' SWING) BOTTOM HINGE (180' SWING) ENO, GATE, OR CORNER POST FABRIC BAND 16' /v»>»>> 18" )'.:. . >;;"»? ;,;: '\ TENSION WIRE ~'/;c/ "' <D "' "' ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ~ {D -:.i. • '°' 3' -TYPES 1 & 3 12" ROUND SECTIOfl CONCRETE CLASS C '.;;(«:<<(,' 12" ROUND SECTION NOTE: CONCRETE CLASS C ----~/ 0 2-TYPES4&6 FENCE SHALL BE No. 11 GAUGE GALVANIZED '--"'"-'----'--- STEEL FABRIC. ALL PARTS OF FENCE SHALL BE VINYL COATED. VINYL COATING SHALL BE COLORED PER OWNERS RECOMMENDATION. MAINTENANCE ACCESS GATE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE BRACE RAIL TWISTED AND -~ BARBED SELVAGE ,. .,. o') )' ' § / ;< / ,A. . » 'x ~ >~" '· > x; ' T BRACE POSTS LINE POST ~ z :s Cl. w w en ~ "' °' 0 ;,. • "' " TWISTED AND BARBED SELVAGE CHAIN LINK FABRIC TENSION WIRE BRACE RAIL NOTE: •• FENCE SHALL BE No. 11 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL FABRIC. ALL PARTS OF FENCE SHALL BE VINYL COATED. VINYL COATING SHALL BE COLORED PER OWNERS RECOMMENDATION. TYPE 3 CHAIN LINK FENCE NOT TO SCALE PER WSDOT STANDARD PLAN L-2 RIGtrT-Of-WAY UN[ SIDEWALK PULL POST DUMMY JOINT THRU-CURB INLET DETAIL ROLLED CURB INSTALLATION NOT TO SCALE BRACE POST TENSION WIRE RIGHT-OF -WAY I RIGHT-OF-WAY 2' (TYP) !7'"-~--5" ADS 6" TEE (TYP) 15 15 c;'j c;'j VANED GRATE "' "' u u "' "' "' ffi w 0.. 0.. 0 0 w w en en c;'j c;'j "' "' CD CD "' "' 0 0 0 0 0 0 e, e, 0 0 ... ... 0 0 ' -N N -~- N - NOTE: ALL 6" AND 8" ADS (Oo RIGID PVC) PIPE SHALL BE PLACED AT A MIN. SLOPE OF 1.0% OR GREATER AND INCLUDE A BURIAL LOCAfOR WIRE. CONTRACTOR HAS OPTIOll OF USING EITHER ADS OR PVC PIFE PER K.C.R.S. LOT LINE ,......__,_ ___ BACK OF SIDEWALK [;;,'----6" ADS 1 o· .1. 1-------10' OR AS orHERWISE SHOWN ON PLAN VARIES . I Cl) ..J ;::: -<( 0 C tu 0 0 ·~ a.. ·~ 0 w C\I "' g 0 j z <( c.i a. Cl) z z 5 g w ..J -LL z -~ Cl) w <( w C C, :r: 0 a. ~ <( 0 ] z -u <( ~ a: 0 2 D 0 .ill 0 i= z 0 0 ..... w .... - • ::::::> () Cl) • ..J ~ • _J ~ ~ --- Cl) CD • ~ LI-I z 0 C\I C? C\I .... :il ~ z ~ 0 ;,: C :e 0 D 0 :c :c 0 N (/) (/) (/) ·c ~ 0 !I! !I! :c .ci 6. ALL DRIVEWAY CULVERTS LOCATED WITHIN KING COUNlY RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM 3:1 SLOPE FROM THE EDGE OF THE DRIVEWAY TO THE BOTTOM OF THE OrTCH. CULVERTS SHAU HAVE BEVELED ENO SECTIONS TO MATCH THE SIDE SLOPE (KCRS 7.03(L), DRAWING No. 2-001.) N ' <D RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE STORM CLEANOUTS AS SPECIFIED ON PLAN 1-----------1 I 7. ROCK FOR EROSION PROTECTION OF ROADWAY DITCHES, WHERE REQUIRED, MUST BE OF SOUND QUARRY ROCK, PLACED TO A DEPTH OF 1 FOOT ANO MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: 4"-B"/40:1-70" PASSING; 2"-4" ROCK/30:1-40" PASSING; AND 2" MINUS ROCK/10"-20,C PASSING. INSTALLATION SHAU BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH KCRS 7.02(8) DRAWING NUMBER 2-024. 8. DRAINAGE OUTLETS (STUB-OUTS) SHAU BE PROVIDED FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL LOT, EXCEPT FOR THOSE LOTS APPROVED FOR INFILTRATION BY KING COUNTY. STUB-OUTS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING: A. EACH OUTLET SHALL BE SUITABLY LOCATED AT THE LOWEST ELEVATION ON THE LOT, SO AS TO SERVICE ALL FUTURE ROOF DOWNSPOUTS ANO FOOTING DRAINS, DRIVEWAYS, YARD DRAINS, AND ANY OTHER SURFACE OR SUBSURFACE DRAINS NECESSARY TO RENDER THE LOTS SUrTABLE FOR THEIR INTENDED USE. EACH OUTLET SHAU HAVE FREE-FLOWING, POSmVE DRAINAGE TO AN APPROVED STORMWATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM OR TO AN APPROVED OUTFALL LOCATION. B. OUTLETS ON EACH LOT SHAU BE LOCATED WITH A 5-FOOT-HIGH, 2' X 4• STAKE MARKED "STORM" OR "DRAIN." THE STUB-OUT SHAU EXTEND ABOVE SURFACE LEVEL, BE VISIBLE, ANO BE SECURED TO THE STAKE. C. PIPE MATERIAL SHAU CONFORM TO UNDERORAIN SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIBED IN KCRS 7.04. IF NON-METAi.UC, THE PIPE SHAU CONTAIN WIRE OR OTHER ACCEPTABLE DETECTION. D. DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ARE REQUIRED FOR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS DESIGNED TO CONVEY FLOWS THROUGH INDMDUAL LOTS. E. THE APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING THE LOCATIONS OF ALL STUB-OUT CONVEYANCE LINES WITH RESPECT TO THE UTILITIES (E.G. POWER, GAS, TELEPHONE, TEl£VISION). F. ALL INDMDUAL STUB-OUTS SHAU BE PRIVATELY OWNED ANO MAINTAINED BY THE LOT HOME OWNER. 9. ALL STORM DRAINAGE CONVEYANCE PIPE SHAU BE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING AS DESIGNATED (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED): A. CONCRETE STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM C 76-85 CLASS IV REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE. B. PVC 3034 SDR 35 OR 21. C. DUCTILE IRON PIPE CLASS 50 OR 52. D. MINIMUM PIPE COVER SHALL BE 3.0 FEET FOR PVC SOR 35, 1.5' FOR SDR 21, 0.5' FOR DUCTILE IRON. E. PIPE MAY BE ANY OF THE ABOVE PROVIDED: 1. PIPE JOINTS MUST BE OF THE SAME MATERIALS, ANO 2. WHERE A PIPE MATERIAL IS SPECIFICALLY SHOWN ON THE PLAN, THAT MATERIAL MUST BE USED. SPECIFICATIONS: SIZE: MATERIAL: FACE: LETIERING: FACE COLORS: TYPE FACE: BORDER: POSTS: INSTALLATION: PLACEMENT: Pond Name and Number 48" , 1 f . I r', L..1 ?.:-3. ' • . _03 V:-_) 48" WIDE BY 24" HIGH .125 MIN. GAUGE ALUMINUM NON REFLECTIVE VINYL OR 3 COATS OUTDOOR ENAMEL (SPRAYED). SILK SCREEN ENAMEL WHERE POSSIBLE, OR VINYL LEnERS SIEGE BACKGROUND WITH TEAL LEITERS I "' HELVETICA CONDENSED: TITLE 3"; SUBTITLE 1-1/2"; TEXT 1" OUTER BORDER 1/8" WIDE, DISTANCE FROM EDGE: 1/4", ALL TEXT 1-3/4" FROM BORDER PRESSURE TREATED 4x4, BEVELED TOPS 1-1/2" HIGHER THAN SIGN FACE SECURED TO CHAIN LINK FENCE IF AVAILABLE, OTHERWISE INSTALL ON TWO 4"x4" PRESSURE TREATED POSTS MOUNTED ATOP GRAVEL BED, INSTALLED IN 2'-6" CONCRETE FILLED POST HOLES (8" MIN. DIA.). TOP OF SIGN NO HIGHER THAN 3' -6" FROM GROUND. USE 6-3/8"x2" HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED LAG BOLTS AND WASHERS. FACE SIGN IN DIRECflON OF PRIMARY VISUAL OR PHYSICAL ACCESS. PLACE AT LEAST 6' FROM PERIMETER OF SITE. DO NOT BLOCK ANY ACCESS ROAD. DO NOT PLACE WITHIN 6' OF STRUCTURAL FACILITIES, E.G. MANHOLES, BIRDCAGES ETC. PERMANENT SURFACE WATER CONTROL POND SIGN ' MATCH EXISTING DRIVEWAY ORAOE NOTES: 1. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL DRIVEWAYS WIDER lHAN 35' MAY BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER CONSIDERING TRAFFIC SAFETY AND NEEDS OF THE ACTIVl"fl' SERVED. ALL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL DRIVEWAYS SHALL HAVE AN EXPANSION JOINT LOCATED MID-WIDTH. SEE SEC, 3.04. 2. SEE SEC. 3.01. CEMrnr CONCRHE DRJ\'EWAY ~-TI-JICK 3. SEE SEC. 4.01 FOR SURFACING REQUIREMENTS, SECTION A-A ' '1.l TRACT 'D' ROLLED CURB DRIVEWAY SECTION NOT TO SCALE ~· EASEMENT (IF SHOWN ON PLAN) 10 , /-T -VARIES ~-.--._ PROPOSED CONCRETE 1---r ~f---;; .. ,---, .. ,rr-----'-r---'f"'-s:.'--..-.. PROPOSED R/W OR ESMT. ,_, ~ .,. /;> / .. "' 1/8" BEND (6") d PLAN VIEW N.T.S. 2 X 4 STAKE MARKED STORM OR DRAIN. w RIGHT OF WAY 10' s'--, ------"'='--'-'-'""""-----+---------1 ~I t!' f)>;:;>U/.\%°(, :.-C\;o('\. ,'-(I I I I I I I I I ,-I I ~-) I L--.J w z :J 6" ADS 6" ADS SWEEP FLEXIBLE ADS PIPE TO SURFACE. ELEVATION VIEW CAP 6" ADS @ SECURE TO STA<£ WITH 16 GA. COPPEf: WIRE ROLLED CURB ANO GUTTER MAILBOX CLUSTER VERTICAL CURB AND GUTIER f.bAfj 1.0' ROLLED CURB AND GUTTER 6" ADS LENGTH AS REQUIRED ROOF AND FOOTING DRAIN DETAIL CURB TRANSITION CURB TRANSITION (SEE DETAILS THIS SHEET) (SEE DETAILS THIS SHEET) MAILBOX NOTES: 1. MAILBOX HEIGHT VARIES ACCORDING TO THE 1YPE OF DELIVERY VEHICLE. THESE HEIGHTS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE POSTMASTER DURING PLAN REVIEW. 2. MAILBOXES MUST BE POSTMASTER APPROVED WITH A UNIFORM BOX STYLE AND METHOD OF ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION. 3. LOCATION OF MAILBOXES SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE REVIEWING AGENCY. MAILBOX LOCATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE :;r,~g, "'r=== ~ 6" X 6" WYE (OR 8" X 6") EXTENSION OF 6" (OR 8") ADS OR CAP END STORM DRAINAGE CLEANOUT N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. H. A DERS, P.E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER ---:--:c--:::---:--. Completion Date Completion Date :r: f-- :::i 0 (f) w :::i X :z: j';: w N ~ r0 N N 0 N ro a IX) N I' 0, <O IX) :z: I I N <( ~ ~ I' :s: l() lO l() NN ~ t-='U,l!) N :z: N N IX) w -st ... ~ :::<: ~~ ~ 0 ~ .JJ E C\I ~ • ~ 0 • z .c .JJ ..... (/) .... Vl .w (!) u Z> z "' ~ i:!! . a.. :;;! Cl !z zw :S :::; z -o (!) "' 25 1:5 z WW z--e, <.?z 15 ~ --' fie ~ :::, (.) V, C 0 ·o D I 0 00 0 ID C .Q 0 ry D 0 ,.., II V 0 u V) ID E ,-~. ID ~ 0 0 ·o I 0 ~, 0 C? / ..-m 0 0 _o o~ ~: ~ ~ 1..------------------------------------------------------------------------------L----.&......l-__,:....;:....L&_. ......... ---,...._....,_ ... -r .. -r-r-=-=-(J:;-;3'~---,=2..-="z... 0 -, Comments: EXPIRES 9 /23 /05 NOT TO SCALE ---------·-·---------------------------· -----------------------·-------- PLAN ----TONGUE END ON INLET END GROOVE END ON OUTLET END ENDS TO FIT ADJACENT PIPE SECTIONS END SECTION -3 PAYMENT & PLANNED CULVERT LENGTH I PIPE JOI END SECTION 1' MIN. METAL 4' MIN. PLASTIC PAYMENT & PLANNED CULVERT LENGTH MET AL AND PLASTIC PIPE NOTE: ELEVATION CONCRETE PIPE SIDE SLOPE SHALL BE WARPED TO MATCH THE BEVELED PIPE END. WHEN CULVERT IS ON SKEW, BEVELED END SHALL BE ROTATED TO CONFORM TO SLOPE. IF SLOPE DIFFERS FROM 3: 1, PIPE SHALL BE BEVELED TO MATCH SLOPE. BEVELED END PIPE SECTION NOT TO SCALE COMPACTED TILL LINER REQUIREMENTS 1. LINER THICKNESS SHALL BE 18 INCHES AFTER COMPACTION. 2. SOIL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95% MINIMUM DRY DENSITY, MODIFIED PROCTOR METHOD (ASTM D-1557). DRAINAGE NOTES AND DETAILS A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 0~ THE NE 1/4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON FILTER FABRIC RANDOM FILL 18" MIN. NOTES: 1. PERFORATED STUB-OUT CONNECTIONS SHALL CONSIST OF AT LEAST 10 FEET OF PERFORATED PIPE LAID IN A LEVEL, 2-FOOT WIDE TRENCH BACKFILLED WITH WASHED ROCK. 2. THE DRAIN ROCK SHALL EXTEND TO A DEPTH OF 8 INCHED BELOW THE BOTTOM OF THE PIPE AND SHALL COVER THE PIPE. 3. THE PIPE SHALL BE LAID LEVEL, AND THE ROCK TRENCH SHALL BE COVERED WITH FILTER FABRIC AND 6 INCHES OF RANDOM FILL. 4. SETBACKS SHALL BE THE SAME AS FOR INFILTRATION TRENCHES. PERFORATED STUB-OUT DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ____ TO ROAD DRAINAGE SYSTEM 2'x10' LEVEL TRENCH W/PERF. PIPE 1/2" L£TTERS RECESSED TO BE FLUSH N· A z " 8 " z " ~ 0 I= "' w a. 0 "' a. 2" (D 17 1 2" (0 1" {{?~.-,·1· 5" 1" ~ I'---"-~, -..;.,..,;--- SECTION A-A A NOTES: 1. MATERIAL IS CAST IRON ASTM A48 CLASS 30. 2. SEE SEC. 7.05. 3. THE WORDS "PROPERTY OF KING COUNTY" SHALL BE OMITTED IF ON A PRIVATE SYSTEM. SECTION 8-B 3. A DIFFERENT DEPTH AND DESNITY SUFFICIENT TO RETARD THE INFILTRATION RATE TO 2.4E-5 INCHES PER MINUTE MAY ALSO BE USED IN LIEU OF CRITERIA 1 AND 2. ROLLED CURB VANED GRATE 4. SOIL SHOULD BE PLACED IN 6 INCH LIFTS. 5. SOILS MAY BE USED THAT MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: AHACH SIGN TO POST WITH TWO 5/16 GALVANIZED LAG BOLTS WITH WASHERS. ATTACH SIGN TO POST WITH TWO SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING 6 INCH 4 INCH #4 #200 100 90 70-100 20-100 ' 0 ~ill) 0 S111i1iY1 Ar11 Uou1dary IWp !'tltcl 11t1 an 111 Iii n j 5' TO GRADE PRE-PRINTED PLASTIC SIGN 5/16 GALVANIZED __ / LAG BOLTS WITH WASHERS. 8' -4x4 CEDAR OR ~-PRESSURE TREATED POST SET 3' INTO HOLE -+--CONG. N 4 KING COUNTY WEfLAND/STREAM SIGN INSTALLATION DETAIL A) THE WETLAND/STREAM SIGN SHALL BE POSTED AT THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE LOT AND SENSITIVE AREA BUFFER. B) ONE SIGN SHALL BE POSTED PER LOT ABUTTING A SENSITIVE AREA BUFFER AND SHALL BE STATIONED PER THE LOCATION, ON THE APPROVED PLANS TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. SIGNS MAY ALSO BE ATTATCHED TO FENCES C) SIGNS ARE AVALIABLE FROM: KING COUNTY DEPARTMENf OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRANMENTAL SERVICES CALL: (206) 296-6660 S.A.T. SIGN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ,(\' . NOTES: Fl.US 1, RAMP AND APPROACHES H,\VE MINIMUM 32 IN. CLEARANCE FROM OBSTACLES INCL HYDRANTS, POLES, AND INLEfS. @ RAMP SHALL BE TEXTURED USING TRUNCAm> DOME PATIERN. (SEE DETAIL BELOW,) 3, Rr\WP CENTER LINE SIW.l. BE PERPENDICULAR TO DR RADIAL TO CURB RETIJRNS UNLESS OTHERWISE APPRCMD BY lHE COUNTY ROAD ENGINEER. 4, IWIIPS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT CORRESPONDING SIDEWAU( LOCATIONS ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF STREErS WHEN RAMPS ARE CONSTRUCTED ON ONE SIDE OF STREET, SEE FIG. 3--006, 4' MIN.,._ LANOJNG\81" (SEE AO. 3-IJOO) RAMP~ rnmJRE @ LANDING SHAU BE MINIWUM 4 X 4', (REFER 10 AG, J-008,) 8. RAMPS SHAU. BE COl'flRr'STING COLOR OF LIGHT TO DARK OR CWIK TO LIGHT AND COLORING MUST BE AN INTEGRATED PART Of lHE P,N,IP. PLAN VIEW PERFORATED STUB-OUT DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 12.:1 10' JOINT GRADE BREAK 6:: J/a• EXSPANSION 4" THICK CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK SECTION VERTICAL CURB SECTION BPI I ED CURB SECTION SQUARE PATTERN SQUARE PATTERN DIAGONAL ALIGNMENT PARALI.EL ALIGNMENT TRIANGULAR PATTERN PLAN TRUNCATED PPMES CURB RAMP DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 6' RAMP 5 ,-.~,, MIN, LANDING @ CURB RADIUS CURB RADIUS •• • CROSSWALK MARKINGS*\ c=:=J OR ,.CROSSWAU< LOCATION. 'c=:::J 1(,.: """" @ RAMPS SHAU. BE CONTRASTING COLOR OF LIGHT TO DARI< OR DARI< TO LIGHT AND COLORING MUST BE AN INTEGRATED PART OF TI-IE RAMP. 2, CONSTRUCT RAMPS IN ACCORDANCE WITH F1G, 3-007, @ LANDING SHALL BE A MINIMUM 4' X 4', NOT TO SCALE CURB RAMP WITHIN RADIUS DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TOP OF SLOPE J HYDROSEED w DISTURBED 5 AREAS ·I-J-' f--!'VAcc.R,,.,IEccS- --.....__ SL [LI --V. OPE' 12 -----~ 0.. EX. GROUNDY----.-..___ 6" TOE OF SLOPE CONSTRUCT 6" MIN. DEPTH SWALE ALONG ENTIRE LENGTH OF TRENCH TO CATCH SURFACE WATER RUNOFF. 3/4" TO 1 1/2" WASHED ROCK INTERCEPTOR TRENCH NOT TO SCALE NAME AND FILE NUMBER OF PROJECT: NAME AND COMPANY OF DEVELOPER: ENGINEER: HAMILTON PLACE/DOES FILE NO. L02P0011 KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTRACTOR: DATE CONSTRUCTED: DATE OF MANUAL USED FOR DESIGN: OUTFLOW PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: RELEASE MECHANISM SIZE, TYPE, ANO INVERT ELEVATION: LIST OF STAGE, DISCHARGE, AND VOLUME AT ONE-FOOT INCREMENTS: ELEVATION OF OVERFLOW: RECOMMENDED FREQUINCY OF MAINTENANCE: NOTE: 1999 KCSWDM LEVEL 2 12" LCPE IE=505.00 ELEV. 505 506 507 508 509 510 510.5 510.00 ANNUALLY DISCHARGE(CFS) 0 0.043 0.061 0.096 0.166 0.210 2.900 THE INFORMATION SHOWN ABOVE SHALL BE ENGRAVED ON A BRASS OR STAINLESS STEEL PLATE AND SHALL BE PERMANENTLY ATTACHED INSIDE THE CONTROL STRUCTURE. INFORMATION PLATE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE VOLUME(CF) 0 6,340 13,308 20,997 28,997 38,567 43,479 C :§ " "' ~ ~ ~ ~ cJ '-? "" "' es es a. a. Cl 0 w w V> V> ~ ~ "' "' g/ CD ..: ~ a. Cl ~ 0 0 ] 0 0 u C) ~ C) 0 0 .... .... 0 0 .:i :::-"' 0 "' -0 ~ - Completion Date ~ ....--.,.... ffi 0 0 0.. 0 w C\I 0 0 () j ...I z • <( 0.. 0 CJ) z z 5 g w ...I -u.. z -::? CJ) w <( w ~ IO 0 z <( a:: 0 0 0 .,.... ~ LO C\I 0 C\I 0 ::, CX) I • 0) «5 () CJ) • <( C\I -' ~ _j 3= ....... (0 5~ ~o w C\I fB ~ ~~ ~ ll.! ...I z z ...I 0 0 WI C\I ID 0.. C? C\I .,.... 0 z ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 C u 0 :,: 'e :,: u -~ "' "' "' 0 ~ ~ ~ :,: 1----------tf C 0 " .D I 0 N 0 N ~ 0 V V) .,. 0 0 N '.. m N '.. .,. 0 '" E t:.. ~ ~ 0 0 N 'O I 0 N 0 --""'~~-~~- t'.-~-- ·SSJ~11 1· = 30' 30 60 ,,,,,,._ _ _Jk(w ;,,'tW*"J ---------- 'I I I I I I I I i\ I '\' I I ·-' I I ·-··~.-·, --~---',. DEMOLITION AND TESC PLAN A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EXPIRES 9 /23 /05 -, .. "'·.h' ·;· _ _J........__,_____ . ___ , ~~. _., ·------''. ''--~- .,··, 't f ---------- El<::~:;rnK, WATER MlJE~ TO BE RELOCATED AND UTILIZED FOR LOT 11 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE CB PROTECTION FOR ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED CATCH BASINS THAT WILL RECEIVE STORMWATER RUNOFF FROM CONSTRUCTION SITE. S.E. 134TH STREET RiM ,.,. 509.7(, I.E. ,~· ~ii)(U(i (t2''N) iJ:. "" !JGfJ.5-\ (11"S) I.E. "'-~i06.G!J ( 1 /'i,fr) KING COUN1Y D.D.E.S. C :i .. "' 15 15 ~ ~ u u "' "' "' Ei w Cl.. Cl.. 0 fil w en en ~ ~ "' "' m m .: "" "" 0. 0 0 ~ 0 0 'O "' 0 a u "' (.!) £ 0 a ... ... ~ 0 ./l -"' 0 "' -0 :.-- 0 "' z z j a.. ~ w 0 ~ j a.. 0 z z <( 0 ~ z 0 -~ E <( ..J J: 0 ~ w 0 ~ i= 0 0 -~ I.() 0 0 -:::> 00 (j en en _j ~ <( _j 3: .....:-~ ~ -w -en ::> Ol • [ij ~ LL! ..J z ..J 0 w C\I Ol (') C\I - -5 0 a.. C\I 0 ..J . 0 z w d lL en w 0 0 C\I -N I lo C\I -(0 0 C\I ....... w z 0 J: a.. .LI I C 1------------1.g - ] b iii C I') 0 0 II u N "' 'C 0 • :c - 0 u ~ 'E z .. > I 0 01 0 " "' I 0 L-----------~2: ~ 1 ~ 'O 'O .. C ~ "' C ~ u ·,; e .. .. -"' 0 0 u ~1 'O .. > e 0. ~ ~ ./l 0 0 H .D I 0 0, 0 L-----------~~ V) .w I Cl u f-z- ::::> -~ 0 Zw z V) VJ :5 ..J w 0.. <C ::::> X 0 'z z ~ Zw w N :5:::,; ?.: z r"l N N ·O ON CX) Cl "' CXJ N r--z- 0 -> 0) <D CX) "' z z I I ~w N r--~~ ~ z . l[J -Cl Cl z l[J NN cs~ . ,....._,....._ ~ f-l[J l[J ..J > N ZNN 5 "' CX) w '<I' .... -::, ~ ::>'.'. ._,.._, u Vl ~tl ~·otv,, .s, <$,: :::,f'<J .... ,; <r " z ::t =W C!J ~~ ..,. ;:, _,v ~ X " .D 0 O• "O 0 n II w 0 u ,,, "' I 0 N 0 / o• C 'C "' w R iew Engineer ~8' 0 co~"' C O• C:ompletion Dote ~ / ~~:..,,.l-~·!?.tJ'J_ _ __,-J,----.,-----:i8 Date H. S N ERS, P.E. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Comments: (') / ~ 0 -~ ~ 0 .a 0 E C\I " 0 :, 0 --z ~ 0 --"' .-"' .... / .a .-0 Q_ 0 -, "' ~ LUA-08-121. ' ' EROSION AN> "fP'tlENT CQNTROl. NQJES: LAST UPDATE 1/29/99 1. APPROVAL OF THIS EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (ESC) PLAN OOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN APPROVAL OF PERMANENT ROAD OR DRAINAGE DESIGN {E.G., SIZE AND LOCATION OF ROADS, PIPES, RESTRICTORS, CHANNELS, RETENTION FACILillES, UTILillES, ETC.). 2. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THESE ESC PLANS AND THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT, AND UPGRADING OF THESE ESC FACIUllES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT/ESC SUPERVISOR UNTIL ALL CONSTRUCTION IS APPROVED. 3, THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CLEARING LIMITS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN SHALL BE CLEARLY FLAGGED BY A CONTINUOUS LENGTH OF SURVEY TAPE (OR FENCING, IF REQUIRED) PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, NO DISTURBANCE BEYOND THE CLEARING LIMITS SHALL BE PERMITTED. THE CLEARING LIMITS SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE APPLICANT/ESC SUPERVISOR FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. 4. THE ESC FACILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN MUST BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH ALL CLEARING AND GRADING SO AS TO ENSURE THAT THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT TO SURFACE WATERS, DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES IS MINIMIZED. 5. THE ESC FACIUllES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR ANTICIPATED SITE CONDmONS. DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, THESE ESC FACILillES SHALL BE UPGRADED AS NEEDED FOR UNEXPECTED STORM EVENTS AND MODIFlED TO ACCOUNT FOR CHANGING SITE CONDmONS (E.G., ADDmONAL SUMP PUMPS, RELOCATION OF DITCHES AND SILT FENCES, ETC.). 6. THE ESC FACILITIES SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY BY THE APPLICANT/ESC SUPERVISOR AND MAINTAINED TO ENSURE CONTINUED PROPER FUNCTIONING. WRITTEN RECORDS SHALL BE KEPT OF WEEKLY REVIEWS OF THE ESC FACIUllES DURING THE WET SEASON (OCT. 1 TO APRIL 30) AND OF MONTHLY REVIEWS DURING THE DRY SEASON (MAY 1 TO SEPT. 30). 7. ANY AREAS OF EXPOSED SOILS, INCLUDING ROADWAY EMBANKMENTS, THAT WILL NOT BE DISTURBED FOR TWO DAYS DURING THE WET SEASON OR SEVEN DAYS DURING THE DRY SEASON SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY STABILIZED WITH THE APPROVED ESC METHODS {E.G., SEEDING, MULCHING, PLASllC COVERING, ETC.). B. ANY AREA NEEDING ESC MEASURES NOT REQUIRING IMMEDIATE ATTENTION SHALL BE ADDRESSED WITHIN FlffiEN (15) DAYS. 9. THE ESC FACILillES ON INACTIVE SITES SHALL BE INSPECTED AND MAINTAINED A MINIMUM OF ONCE A MONTH OR WITHIN FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS FOLLOWING A STORM EVENT. 10. AT NO TIME SHALL MORE THAN ONE (1) FOOT OF SEDIMENT BE ALLOWED TO ACCUMULATE WITHIN A CATCH BASIN. ALL CATCH BASINS ANO CONVEYANCE LINES SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO PAVING. THE CLEANING OPERATION SHALL NOT FLUSH SEOIMENT-LAOEN WATER INTO THE DOWNSTREAM SYSTEM. 11. STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AND ROADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. ADDmONAL MEASURES, SUCH AS WASH PADS, MAY BE REQUIRED TO ENSURE THAT ALL PAVED AREAS ARE KEPT CLEAN FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. 12. ANY PERMANENT FLOW CONTROL FACILITY USED AS A TEMPORARY SETTLING BASIN SHALL BE MODIFlEO WITH THE NECESSARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE STORAGE CAPACITY. IF THE FACILITY IS TO FUNCTION ULTIMATELY AS AN INFlLTRATION SYSTEM, THE TEMPORARY FACILITY MUST BE GRADED SO THAT THE BOTIOM AND SIDES ARE AT LEAST THREE FEET ABOVE THE FlNAL GRADE OF THE PERMANENT FACILITY, 13. WHERE STRAW MULCH FOR TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE APPLIED AT A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 2 TO 3 INCHES. 14. PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF THE WET SEASON (OCT. 1), ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE REVIEWED TO IDENTIFY WHICH ONES CAN BE SEEDED IN PREPARATION FOR THE WINTER RAINS. DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED WITHIN ONE WEEK OF THE BEGINNING OF THE WET SEASON. A SKETCH MAP OF THOSE AREAS TO BE SEEDED AND THOSE AREAS TO REMAIN UNCOVERED SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DDES INSPECTOR. THE ODES INSPECTOR CAN REQUIRE SEEDING OF ADomoNAL AREAS IN ORDER TO PROTECT SURFACE WATERS, ADJACENT PROPERTIES, OR DRAINAGE FACIUllES. 15. PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION ACllVITIES ON THE SITE, THE APPLICANT SHALL MARK THE SENSmVE AREAS IN A HIGHLY VISIBLE MANNER, AND THSES AREAS SHALL REMAIN SO MARKED UNTIL ALL DEVELOPEMENT PROPOSAL BE SPECIFlED ACllVITES IN THE VICINITY OF THE SENSmVE AREA ARE COMPLTETE. 16. PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION ACllVITES ON THE SITE, THE APPLICANT SHALL IDENTIFY THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE SENSITrlE AREA TRACT AND ADJACENT LANO USING PERMANENT SIGNS. SIGN SPECIFlCATIONS SHALL BE SPECIFIED BY LUSD AND SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLANS. SPECIAL NOTE8' 1. ALL FENCES WITHIN THE PLAT BOUNDARY SHALL BE REMOVED OR RELOCATED. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE RELOCATION OF FENCES ALONG BOUNDARY LINE WITH ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS, AS NECESSARY. 2. COORDINATE ALL RELOCATIONS OF EX. POWER UTILillES WITH PUGET POWER. 3. COORDINATE ALL RELOCATIONS OF EX. TELEPHONE UTILillES WITH TELEPHONE Co. 4. ALL TEMPORARY PIPES SHALL HAVE 1' MIN. COVER. 5. ALL PIPES WITH LESS THAN 2' COVER, SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON. CONSTRUCTlON SEOUBJCE: 1. ATTEND PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING. 2. FLAG LIMITS OF S.A.T. AREAS AND INSTALL BRIGHT ORANGE SILT FENCE (AS REQ'D BY COUNTY). SILT FENCE SHOWN ON PLAN CAN BE ELIMINATED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE KING cou~ INSPECTOR. J. FLAG OR FENCE CLEARING LIMITS. 4. POST NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY SIGN WITH NAME AND PHONE NUMBER OF ESC SUPERVISOR. 5. INSTALL CATCH BASIN PROTECTION IF REQUIRED. 6. GRADE AND INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE(S}. 7. GRADE AND STABILIZE CONSTRUCTION ROADS. 8. CONSTRUCT SURFACE WATER CONTROLS (INTERCEPTOR DIKES, PIPE SLOPE DRAINS, ETC.) SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH CLEARING AND GRADING FOR PROJECT DEVELOPMENT. 9. INSTALL STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM PER APPROVED KING COUNTY PLANS. 10. INSTALL WATER SYSTEM PER COVINGTON WATER DIST. REQUIREMENTS. 11, MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH KING COUNTY STANDARDS AND MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 12. RELOCATE SURFACE WATER CONTROLS AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES OR INSTALL NEW MEASURES SO THAT AS SITE CONDITIONS CHANGE THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL IS ALWAYS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE KING COUNTY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL STANDARDS. 13. COVER ALL AREAS THAT WILL BE UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN SEVEN DAYS DURING THE DRY SEASON OR TWO DAYS DURING THE WET SEASON WITH STRAW, WOOD FIBER MULCH, COMPOST, PLASTIC SHEETING OR EQUIVALENT. 14. STABILIZE ALL AREAS THAT REACH FINAL GRADE WITHIN SEVEN DAYS. 15. SEED OR SOD ANY AREAS TO REMAIN UNWORKED FOR MORE THAN 30 DAYS. 16. UPON COMPLEllON OF THE PROJECT, ALL DISTURBED AREAS MUST BE STABILIZED AND BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES REMOVED IF APPROPRIATE. TESC NOTES AND DETAILS A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON TEMPORARY "V" DITCH NOT TO SCALE 3' SWALE FLOWLINE 150 100 ---or 3' ROCK CHECK DAM 0.5' MIN. KEY ROCK INTO SWALE 0.25' (MIN.} SWALE x-sECTJON AT ROCK Cf:ECK DAM .J[-111 ITT-T· 5' SUMP BEHIND ROCK CHECK DAM SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY, AND CLEANED WHEN COLLECTED DEBRIS EXCEEDS 1/2 OF ITS DEPlH KEY ROCK INTO SWALE MIN. 0.25' q ~ I ;,, d NOTE: ROCK SHALL BE 4" MINUS QUARRY ROCK. ROCK DAM X-8ECT10N ROCK CHECK DAM DETAILS NOT .TO SCALE 2"x4" WOOD POST ALT: STEEL FENCE POSTS FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL 2"x2"x14 GA. WIRE--..._ FABRIC OR EQUIV. PROVIDE .75" -1.5" WASHED GRAVEL OR NATIVE BACKFILL ----- • "' • 0 I "' IN TRENCH AND ON BOTH SIDES OF FILTER FENCE FABRIC ON THE SURFACE -l 8" MIN. 11 II II FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL 36" WIDE ROLLS. USE STAPLES OR WIRE RINGS TO ATTATCH FABRIC TO WIRE. 2"x2"x14 GA. WIRE FABRIC OR EQUIV. :':J J l-~I I l=~I I l=l 11-ITT=-111= --111---111-I 1---111- BURY BOTTOM OF FILTER~ ~TE~ IN 8"x~ T~H-~ . 6' MAX I I 11- 1 ~2"x4" WOOD POSTS, STANDARD OR BETTER, LJ OR EQUAL ALTERNATE: STEEL FENCE POSTS BRIGHT ORANGE SILT FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE • 0 I ;,, ~ b I N --+-, • IO I " PROPOm10NS HP ldXJU'c BYWEIOHT CHEWINGS OR RED FISCUE 40% ANNUAL OR PERENNIAL RYE 40% REDTDP OR COLONIAL BENTGRASS 10% WHITE DUTCH CLOVER 10% T.E.S.C. SEED MIX DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ALTER FABRIC = 1) DD NOT PLACE FABRIC UNDER GRATE 2) APPLIES W/ SUBGR.IDE WORK. ONCE CRUSHED ROCK PLACEMENT PROCEDES FOR ANAL PA\/lNG, WRAP GRATE W/ FABRIC MAKING WATER- PERCENI' ~ Pl.MY QBJ.INAllON 98 90 98 90 92 B5 98 90 1> TIG>IT UNTIL ANAL ADJUS'IMENT IS 3• APAAT (MAX.) COMPL£TE 11-----~~~~~--~ 2"x2"x4"(MIN.) WOODEN STAKES, DRIVEN INTO GROUND 18" (MIN.) IN DEPT!t BURIED FILTER FABRIC PfCJPNA-A C.B. SILT FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE / 8" 4" -6" QUARRY SPALLS GEOTEXTILE (IF REQUIRED) TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NOT TO SCALE CONTROL MANHOLE CB#1A 12" 12" CPEP ELBOW W/ SLOTTED PERFORATIONS 5• DEEP x 12• WIDE NOTES: 1. IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTAINING & CLEANING THE APPROACH ON A REGULAR BASIS. 2. IF DIRECTED BY THE COUNTY ADDITIONAL QUARRY SPALLS MUST BE ADDED. J, THE CONSTRUCTION APPROACH MUST BE LOCATED AT THE PERMANENT APPROACH LOCATION. ~.;,....--12" CPEP PIPE W/SLOTTED PERFORATIONS MADE USING A CIRCULAR SAW ~~'#c-~·~wqw_S~ELEV~= 505.00 WETPOND TEMPORARY OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE NOT TO SCALE ® NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY KING CCU~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 900 OAKSDALE AVE ,:,/1 RENTON WA 981055-1219 :> " w w > > Type of Action: 23 LOT SINGLE FAMILY w w °' °' SUBDIVISION Project No: L02POD11 u u '<'. '<'. • Description: GRADING, ROADS & UTIUTIES ~ De fr'. Projected Completion Dote: SUMMER 2004 w w Cl. Cl. Hours of Construction: 7 AM TO 10 PM WEEKDAYS 0 0 9 AM TO 10 PM WEEKENDS w lu (/) (/) > GS King County's Contact: w fr'. (t'. Phone Number: rn m Developer's Contact: 'c '<'. CURTIS SCHUSTER 0 0 Phone Number: (206) 261-2112 After Business Hours For 0 0 Environmental or Safety 0 0 Related Emergencies: 1-688-437-4771 0 0 0 0 ¢ .,- 0 0 4' '-" N N ~ '-" • IO ~· ,.., N ~ CT CT CONS I RUCTION SIGN NOT TO SCALE -------~- ----.~--~------~ ®] King County I Deparbneat vr Dovelopment a.ad \EDvit'on!llental &rricu I 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Wuhington 98055,1219 Legal Requirements Per King County Ordinanc~ ~~97ame~ing KinQ Coun_ty Code 20.20.060, a Notice-Of-Construction signboa1d is r~qulred far all formal subd1v1s1ons, grading permits subJect to SEPA and Building permits subject ta SEPA. The sign mu_st be prepared and posted for any of these projects prior to any construction beginning after July 27, 11198. The notice boa'.d shall be constructed and displayed to the speciffcations described below. Notice Board Construction Specifications: The notice board shall be constructed wilh 4' x 4' x 1/2" plywood, exterior grade, gocx:f surface one side. Profes- sionally prepared plastic board overlays, permanently affixed to the board are permissible. The notice board ! hall display the information as shown in the figure and as sp~ifled at the pre-construction meeting. Notice boards may be reused but they mus! be clean and show no evidence ol former wording. 1. 2. 3. Lettering style: Lettering size: Lettering: Helvetica or similar standard typeface Tlt!e should be 3" capital letters (NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCT ON ACTIVITY). Olher letters should be 2" letters. See illustration above for use of capital and I01Nercase letters. Black (permanent ink or silk-screen) 4. Background Color: White 5. Logo: King County emblem, in black The applicant/developer shall erect the notice board by solidly setting two 4" x 4" posts 12 to .24 inches inlo the ground; or structurally attaching II to an existing building. Post length shall be at least 7 feet above ground. Two 2" x 4" diagonal braces should be nailed to the lnstde back of the posts and staked at the ground to provide stat ility against wind or soft soil conditions if posts are less than 24 inches into the ground. The notice board shall be attached to the posLS with four lag bolts and washers (3/8-inch diameter and 3" long) . Notice Board Location: The notice board shall be located: • At the midpoint on the site street frontage or as otherwise directed by ODES staff to maximize visibility. At a location 5 feet inside the street property line; a notice board structurally attached to an existing buflcing shall be exempt from the setback provisions, provided lhat the notice board is locatod nol more than s feet from the property line without approval from DOES staff. So that ihe top of the notice board Is between 7 to 9 feet above grade. So that ii is totally visible to pedeslrians. Maintenance and Removal of Notice Board: The applicanl/d~velop~r shall maintain the notice_ board _in good condition throughout the site improvem,mt construction perrod, which sh<ill extend through the time of final construction approval by King County DOES or its successor agency or jurisdiction. The notice board shall be removed within 14 days after final construction approval. Early removal of the notce board m~y result in enforcement actions authorized under King County Code, Title 23 and may delay fi ,al construction approval. KING COUNTY D.D.E.S . C -~ ·~ 0: ~ Q. 1t ] u ~ .! ,8 0 z ------=--t Completion Date ~ -~ w Q Q z <( en w b z 0 en ~ Ji! i= 0 0 ..- ~ • ::::> 0 en • ....I ti5 • ....I -:c ---lii en CD • ~ w • z 0 C\I C? C\I ..- '6 z 3:: j -0 C 0 :i: 0 N (/) u 'C (/) 0 ~ :i: I I-:::, 0 U') w :::, X z ~ w N ~ I") N N ON 00 00 N r--0 a, CD 00 z < ,.!.. I N r--~ 3: LO LO LO NN . ,.-..,.-.. ~ I-LO LO N ZNN 00 w.,. ... ~ :,.: ,._., ,._., ..-..- 0 0 a.. w C\I 0 0 ....I j . 0 a.. z z ~ w ....I iI -~ en <( w :c Q Q LO C\I 0 .,.... 0 C\i CIO I O> (0 <( C\I s: .......... co -0 w C\I ~ -w ....I z ....I 0 w :c CD a.. z '6 3:: 0 :e :i: (/) ~ ~ Ul .w (.:, 0 z--ii; Zw ~ Ul n. :;i Cl 'z Zw :'.S ::; z ·O (.:, 0:: z--> 0:: z t:l w z . -(.:, (.:, z z-w i::i _J ii; 2: :::, 0 Ul "' C D 0 ry D 0 ,.,., II "' 0 u en u "' I 0 N 0 / ry C ·c "' "' C ry C "' / 0 .f./l.+:Jt.+-c--c-l-----,------:18 Completion Date .a 0 , 0 C\I 0 :J: ct) ~ ..-0 0 0 .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·---"""""""'-·-·------------------------------------------,,-,,--------, 1"=20' DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PLAN LOT LINE (APPROX. LOCATION ONLY} RACTOR SHALL CE DRIVEWAY TO PRE-EXISTING CULVERT L10 AITTR INSTALLATION CULVERT TO BE FOR 160TH AVE. S.E. NOTE= CONTIRACTOR AND/OR DEVELOPER SHALL COORDINATE WITH PROPERTY OWNERS OF LOTS ADJACENT TO CULVERTS LB AND L10 PRIOR TO BEGINNING CULVERT IMPROVEMENTS. EX. ROADSIDE DITCH EX. TOP OF SLOPE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE DRIVEWAY TO PRE-EXISTING AFTER INSTALLATION OF NEW CULVERT. CULVERT LS EX. 12" CONCRETE CULVERT TO BE REPLACED WITH 24" SD PIPE. EX. 12" CONCRETE OF NEW CULVERT. / WEST R/W LINE REPLACED WITH (APPR_ox. LOCATION ONLY) • S PIPE. _ _ -------+--_ rEX. TOE OF SLOPE --------+-!---+-------------------- =-= -~~ ~..::. -~ = -=--= :::--..::. = c::::=-5~ END _ _ 1fi1~riEJ~D SlfiL_C.10-_ __ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _ _ __ ~--;---_ _ -1;15;1PUNIL ~ ~ ~&1r2~PE END ~----------~------_____ _ ____ -~-:~=--------:---~---~-l!E~~-~-: ~~~---------______ tf.t-----------~-~ _:-_ ~ ~~'-------------------~~~~----------!~ __________________ ; ~~:: -~-~-~-,=--________________ -: __ -~-~-__ =f = --~~;r~\1°= ~ _ ;.~ _ = ~ P_ER D~IL ~~_::~~-C~~_f:-:_ -~ _ _ --_:-~ _ 1"=20' -------T-- I I I I I I I , I I --------- S.E. 142ND PL. 1 1 NEW 21 LF 24 " SD ~ r ~ EX. EDGE OF ASPHALT]------f -----------------------------, ---------• ~ -18-LF 24~ SD-------------------,---------------------------------- @ 1.43 % mo 3.33% " INSTALL RIP RAP PA PER DETAIL THIS SHEET. (TYP. BOTH ENDS) • "' 0 m CULVERT IMPROVEMENT PLAN \ , 411.,.,, 1 41 _111,r \ I 60' WIDE UNOPENED R W FOR 162ND AVE S.E. (APPROX. LOCATION ONLY) \ I 1 1/2:1 (TYP.) PROPOSED TOP OF SLOP~---1 --- \ _ ~#---_" :=_ _ m-:-4-:::._____ _ 416.1 415.1 ------"'tf'l's-:;,i,7"----:m:6":::~.......,;....:.:.::.= ,U6..li_ --• 4 . 417.2 415.6 WALL / !it""-====:~ :Y = = = = I I I I I I I I I I I / CONCRETE CULVERT O 2.33% PROPOSED TOE OF SLOPE / II I I I I I / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / NOTE: / / / / / LOT LINE / / / (APPROX. LOCATION ONLY) CONTRACTOR AND/OR DEVELOPER SHALL COORDINATE WITH PROPERTY OWNERS OF LOTS 11 AND 12 PRIOR TO BEGINNING CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS. / 409.0 / \ \ EX. CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ·--" ,. '------'---·'- NOTE: SEE KEY MAP FOR LOCATION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION DOWNSTREAM IMPROVEMENTS. REGRADE EX. DITCH TO TO ACHIEVE A 1 1/2:1 MAX. SIDE SLOPE. r-ARMOR DITCH WITH I 6" TO 8" QUARRY I SPALLS WITH A THICKNESS OF 12" • 414.0 \_, : : I I I I I I : ~EX. TOE OF SLOPE I I I I I I _,.,,-EX. TOP OF SLOPE I I I ( I I I \ 41\1 ,o~ or\, b" o I I I I I \ I I,+,\ . \ mp I I I I I i I I I \ I I I I I I I I \ \ ~+/\IOI 4114 I : : I I : I I I : INSTALL RIP RAP PAD PER ·DETAIL THIS SHEET. (TYP. BOTH ENDS) SE 136TH ST • bi ~ SE 136TH ~ ST__._ _ _, i':1----1 i):l - ' 77,+---j , '// /',/ - SE 134TH ST SE 136TH S / .. ·'/j PROPOSED .. · . ·' c:::;Ls~; PROPOSED HAMILTO "<--J--1-- PLACE PLAT CULVERT L10_/ / ~ -1 g DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE COURSE 5£ 144TH ST i ,,__ REMOVE DEBRIS AT CULVERT PIPE CAPACITY TABLE= CULVERT i 25YR STORM EVENT: LS 19.1 CFS L10 19.1 CFS RIP RAP PAD DETAILS KEY MAP NTS 100YR STORM EVENT= 23.4 CFS 23.4 CFS SE 140TH ST bi ~ ~ SE 142ND ST V) -" - EX. CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS CAPACTIY PROVIDED WITH NEW PIPE= 41.28 CFS 27.05 CFS ALL RIP RAP PADS SHALL BE 7' WIDE X 8' LONG X 1' DEEP, USING THE GRAD A llON SPECIFIED BELOW: RIP RAP SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 9-13.1 OF THE WSDOT/APWA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. RIP RAP TO BE REASONABLY WELL GRADED WITH ROCK GRADATION AS FOLLOWS: PASSING 8 INCH SQUARE SIEVE 1 OD% 1 OR { MAXIMUM STONE SIZE 8" PASSING 6 INCH SQUARE SIEVE 40-60% OR MEDIUM STONE SIZE 6' PASSING 2 INCH SQUARE SIEVE 0-10% OR MINIMUM STONE SIZE 2' ' I \ j ~ ~ r)j r)j "' "' c..i c..i "' "' ffi "' w a. a. 0 0 w w V) V) r)j r)j "' "' <Il <Il ~ "' "" D. 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 (!) g iJS 0 .... .... 0 0 ~ ....... d ~ "' "' ~ 0 j! ....... .... ~ i= ci "' ~ z ;; 0 u "' ~ zj < a.. 0: 1-0 z ~w <( ~ w~ ~o z a: == ~ o- 0 5 0 a.. w ('\,I oO :3 ~ a.. 0 zz 0~ ~ [[ ~ Cf) <( w :c 0 0 l() ('\,I 8~ CO I O> lo <( ('\,I == co -o w ('\,I ~~ :i ~ Q, w :c "" m a.. ~ ..- :S ~ 0 'in " .2 0 II N II t • 'i: • ~ -0 -:,: ro ro 0 N 0 ~------8-""! ~ 9 ~ ~ i l -------1 Completion Date Q) CP~-N .~it~CP O inolDCL+' ~ ~ ~ CL ~ N 0 0 0 < L..I U) .w (!) 0 z--6: Zw 5 l/J a. .;! o!z zw :5 :::; z ·O (!) a:: ~5 a: z liJ w z . -c.:, (!) z /5 ~ __J 6: 2: :::, 0 VJ 0 N 11 ~ V 0 V 1/) ro " ro 0 " E ~ 2 0 0 l . ; 'ii" Areas: Gross Site: 188,380 Square Feet Wetland area. on site: 7,640 Square Feet 4.325 Acres Surveyor's Notes: 1) The monument control shown for this site was accomplished by field traverse utilizing a one (1) second theodolite with integral electronic distance measuring meter (Geodimeter 600) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) / Static Global Positioning System (GPS). Linear and angular closure of the traverses meet the standards of WAC 332-130-090. 2) Utilities other than those shown may exist on this site. Only those which are visible or having visible evidence of their installation are shown hereon. 3) This survey represents physical improvement conditions as they existed May 10, 2001. the date of this field survey. 4) No title report was provided for this site. 5) Offset dimensions shown hereon are measured perpendicular to property lines. 5) It is not the intent of this survey to show easements or reservations which may affect this site. Vertical Datum: North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVDBB) as determined UY King County. Benchmark: Base: King County Survey Control point #TD10, 2" brass cap in concrete with punch. incased. at the intersection of 160th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 127th Place. Elevation: 505. 90 Site: Set PK nail 2.2'E of east fogline, 11.5'NW of mailbox for 13310 160th Avenue. Elevation: 513.94 Basis of Bearing: True North. Based upon Global Positioning System (GPS) Lambert Grid Washington State North Zone coordinates. A convergence angle of 00 "58'01.856" counterclockwise was applied at a punch mark in the center of broken brass disk at the intersection of 156th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 128th Street. The monument is the north quarter corner of Section 14, Township 23 north. Range 5 east of the Willamette Meridian. The North American Datum of 1983/1991 (NAO 83/91) grid coordinates were found to be 180828.770 / 1319243.796 at that point. The inverse of both the sea level correction factor of 0.999977357 and the grid scale factor of 1.000002203 was applied to the grid coordinates for shown ground distances. Description: Tract 5, Block 1 of Janett 's Renton Boulevard Tracts, recorded in Volume 17 at Page 60, of plats. records of King County. Washington. Legend: S = Monument found. ~ = Pool pump or = Mailbox 0 = Fence post '"1 = Power pole • = Guy wire anchor 111 = Gas meter I>. = v/ater valve M = elater meter U = Hydrant '"' = Faucet X = Wetland flag IA = Catch basin Visited May 3. 2001 I .K 0 30 ..... Ul 0 "" (D (\J 3: "" fC) CD (\J • 0 0 z Scale: 1 " I . -1\r-. 634.25' T. Found broken brass disk with punch ,c··~--•-.,.,-.... -. -.. --.,---.----. BOUNDARY & Southeast 128th Street ss8·07·44"E 2536.98' 634.25' TOPOGRAPHIC ··-~'"-···---···---------··-~-····· --·-·-·-· --' Place 11/;'i)'"'-<I-"~c? ~ " Found 3" brass disk . ,..;::;:,' ," with punch "KCSM". found plug w1~h punch . ' unable to read 1n concrete. 1ncased. . '. Southeast 132nd -·-----SURVEY A portion of the SW 1/ 4 of the NE City of Renton, 1/ 4 of Section 14, King County, Township 23 N., 0.2!'W of 16th line, held for street alignment Range 5 E., W. M. Washington ' >' .,, Broken asphalt. '~~. G:>V·· .. '' . . : . i,'o . '? .. ?,·: . 30' J • • ">\~· "., .. 't-· V·"J. n• I ro, • op :, . . "' ' "'. I . ~. ' ~ .. ·5·. ":lh .. t,.. m .~·\!T p or ' 12" -t.: ' RIM • \ . ADS CULVERT 511. 38 • • ' '!:1(1· "4• bar·bed wire fence--..... 4' hog wire ---~ce 0.6'S • • • • • 4' hog wire fence 0.5'N • ·t· ~:x---.. ' . : O'l" • ~· .·. (\J' ' 'fC) . to .. ' (\J ti ~ g: ~ ~t· " . ' .. a 'X Q) 3:. . . . ~"J • ·ijul '?~',,· . : V rl .. "-1" : ~ °? • -• • • gl~~i- ~ . 0 ' •;,J 10 H "'l · ~· ~·!' -. (f) 16 ~ " 9::'. b ·~: ~ 0. ~: ~ t z .~tr. .,,.· .,,., / .. \ ... ..;.) . ( ' ,, ,f/ ' u aJ ·.,,o· · ,: : X Wetland • :S- l{) · '·\· flag a 5 <J>•· <'.o ,• /.: • ..'21'\ • .,,_,;:J?.· <') "'" ..... • • • • . · r~. '"-:''· o" 1 ~ J • ;" r.+ 1.,,!....XWetland flag a 6 -- ..---t •', ~,..,. ~ g! 1'1>, ' <})1· .,-I 't)· .4l-<b· Centerline• ·- of driveway ro j,S"-"XWetland flag a 7 &· { Wetland / \ I' /.if' flag a 4 \ 11:1''' Wetland .. (~... flag a 3 ,· ~·jf ii "''' .. ••• /~:~ ----··& . "' . .. '\.x • \ • • • \ • -- • /, •. 'I ,, 4· cycJur1e fence t,.. ~ .. 9· 'Q .. '?,· • • •• <p'>'o ";,-.,.'o·" Test pie'. sp 3" "-.. • - Gate -- • -- • • • .,. .. ~.<o'> ">"<o·1" s Gati s.,o> 14· cyclone fence ·,::---. ;,.si:.... t;;i,.-.~· ·'% Deck .. •x--x () 9 ·0 ">.,.9,· Garden '?"q, °'? ~ -.1 .1 Shed 0.7' Pool ,q.., ... Fountain '?" .pump w/pool 'r'"',"' .. •<?J-~ ' •!'irn_5 S88 °36 '28 "E Shed <') .. ~t'~"!"'er.:e.aJ<.~-· · · . -. .()~ .,.io·-'.'.°t'a ----, .. --• • • .,_. ,., .q, reak <').,.'<>· Hog";, wire'· fence 0.4'S / 2' retaining wall with wood fence 0.3'N • - • f;,'> .... • -' - • • • • .;,'>\• .. • - -- Concrete • • ...'( c .... (' J t-\ --(() ('J I' \ -- • • •• ";, ....... ">,fl"? Shed ,•· ,. • • ,,; ;; - 4' cyclone fence ' a . ~· ,:fl • - • -Retaining wall 0.1·5 Shed 0.6'5 <P, .'o'~ -~~:~~--0~ :':J_~-: I ?.-~ ----. -i'>. ~ a• Water paint mark <';,?1'-. . (I\ ro, :l<Hr,:> ·.,. • -1· Wetland ·30 :_ · b'ioi flag a 2 nater it . · pa int \)\ fl• . mark i. tu· -~~0 • I . · li LJ: ~ 9 -· . .:.·:i & ,· .··. lilt1 "' ~-~· · ·.u-..• ·. :fr ~ • 't;J°'J'g ', '!)<fl. • qi>• ~ 0 1q3 I~ .~ ~ ~-,x· Center 1 ine•·,· ... · ~ !.. of driveway \ · ', l'i-i .;,!l">:o'o·,.-. ·~~~ ~~ ti· .I) .,,. ... ~ XTest sp2" Wetland f Jag a 1 505.0 q, ·•·' , .• I,,• ':,t;Jt,• 't:,li' _·. .,... ·• . •. Ma11 DOX· · 30' .. ij)i.·1~ • ~·:etland flag a 10 pit ...... - - • ~ 41"·?, ~ ... '<> Wetland flag a 11?< -~etland ' flag a 14 ---• • \ - flag a 12 - "W.etlan~"iiag a .1:r ••'·• ,' r-------,f'"<-over;hang . 504.9. ": ') . Building 3.9 5 .·,i;p'}·~ • Cedar hedge 0.4'8 • - fj)1 .1 Evergreen hedge 0.3'N • - • 4' cyclone • Evergreen hedge O. I'S Fence 1.9'N -- • Wall 0.6' N88°42'04"W 588.39' • • Fence 0.5'N • Wall 0.5'N Found 1-1/2M axle 0.,.-;; 12" c ncrete culvert 12·::::~··~ L ____ _ 653.50' S88"53'0B"E 1307.00' Southeast 136th Street /. 70 o4- 60 30' 12-15-2005 ~---,,,--. . '\ ·o Gate •• • ,:,II.• II(,' ,:;.. r;."-· • " µ "' 0 w "' " t;· 30' 0 :, " ~· " "' ro CD ~ t'later "'"'1 ·pa·i.nt mark . ·~/ •a' ·.,,g, ' ,,, 0 .' ID ' >-' ' ~· ;j "'. CATCH BASIN RIM 526. 42 12" ADS IE 524.15 N 12" ADS IE 524.09 S Shed ~ 1.0'S .'::> • ~i.~· - • \ • • \ \ / ,/ J \ ·~ • " .,. ~ ter · t~Q 1' ) 30 ... ·1' . .. ., . . . ' ·~ ... (f ',(D (\J OJ.' . ru: 'i::><';;;\l;;q,• . lf) ,; ,1:-~ ~ ., (l •• ·..,-1 ;,-. f;J?.f:J·.;, ID-I ,I', "J}' ' "J .. ~· Q)O ~--.•. ~ ·. •centerline .. of driveway •• ·4"'' CATCH BASIN RIM 520.93 12" ADS IE 518. 30 N 12" ADS IE 518. 17 5 x i.:1·~•rn ~; .,•·)f $ ,~f· ] ~6 ;tci-"'~~ , lop·() : :+->;:::j :J (ti "' ,'" • z . no. .,._,.,, , , . . ..... "' "'· ' ' 0 ·'t Toµ--t"? 1 :i :· · · . ha er I'> • $J> '&\.">">,. · ·, · paint ?\1 . m ·.s.1t, • ·: · .lf]. marl< (D w,"i• '. ' ' • • • ' ' . . . 'o .. .., .,_,,)• 0 ... , ' "t:· . ..,-. ru'7''\.:...i• •. , i. · Q) fC) ,'g¢'1. . ' ¥ •. ~. ' ;::j 1 w. ~;>·•. ' ' ... ·~ \ .:':. ~ :t:; ·~·.~·t· ' i ,,, .•' ' (\/ •• 1"1• ' ... · ~. o" 0 ·I·~·.-.,..,~ -4 ...... <;,)· ,..~ 't4 cl~ ' ~.._'co-· ... • 'f"J' 5'; Jg : ·. ·... ··.,.C: CATCH BASIN \ ~'··J· _µ RIM516.49 J :.,?\;, :0 12" ADS IE 513. 28 N .,," .;· 12" ADS IE 513. 74 S ' (0 ···1· . ,: . ' ~'i!ji.,-' X ~ • , . ~ -.OJ· , .... ·t :~1 \ 1(\) I "> ~'-;, ' '\ ' \ ' _,,," ,,,•\ ,:1~:r . ·, ' • "-•• ,. ' .\ ' I . , '--u ' ...... ' ""\"-\< ..,.":"I ~ ~ ';.'J~-........ '-""'....) ~ ..... \ _1 •• . ~ " .~~. '•, ~'\ \ • Fence 0,3'N \ Wall overhang o.4'S 0.2'N · --Fence 0.3'5 £, ' ':J .. "?,,·'o TOR~ i,~; ~f· _-'I:..,:·. •#· ' ~·r~· ...... ,;,.o , .;,-.i-·"' '='.,. , B , · ·. · '- • ,,, 0 .,. ' r.~· . . • ">........ V, .... ~··1:. . . .. , Guy wire anchor "<O)"if'~' · · · -1:1 --......... ~ .,. 0 • .f'·~ ... · ... ' .._,o1·, , .... 'o·'g .'I-. \'I.'<:) <)f;, .. 'l,•f:,\ .. 'I,· ,14:, l ... · 0 <')-.-i·" v;,-4;,o'~ Br~ak __ ';. ro()<?>· .e; -.()·'ili~~~~ ,<?> ~ r~ ,1 ... _ .. 't>.,'I.· &-Hydrant f.F'ili·'ili -... 8 -· R -~ • --i•--, · · s,,.ss ~later va 1 ve • . ....._ • .,.o •• ,. .J 12" ADS IE 508.53 SE 6" retaining wall 5" cyclone fence '-..., .••"' ,o• .,•:ea :;r·· :::.;~j.'., ~ ·... ···~.-,,-.4'-,,~,:;,.,• ,i~C!dAtr~gt~~ ~ 5' cyclone fenc·g fi .. o .... ' t. ~ '? .. \·00 12" concrete culvert ,"'-' .. ~ · j 3 P~ It ; ·• Rim 508. 30 ~ ~.,,o ~x:<il· ·. . ~ ~,. 4;,'>()·f;, 1 Center! ne · -~ Water valve of driv way .,,_,_.."' 12" concrete c lvert'3-I ~'l. o , RIM 509. 76 <f'1 '';j !"~· IL ATCH BASIN incased 12" ADS IE 506. 54 S Found 1" iron pip-e, ··•. 12" ADS IE 506. 76 N -----12" ADS IE 506.80 NE ~ Centre 33639 9th Avenue South ~ Federal Way, WA. 98003 -~-Pointe (253) 661-1901 t Surveying DRAWN BY: K Logg CHECKED BY, N Larson DATE: May 14, 2001 JOB NMIE: 1808 SCALE: 1" = 30' JOB NO.: 1808 illDEX DATA: SURVEY FOR: SW-NE 14, T23N., R5E., W.M. KBS III Partners 13530 -476th Avenue SE North Bend, WA 98045 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SIIEET 1 OF 1 ' " ,, ' !' '' ' ,, ;,j NOTES/CONDITIONS FROM THE HEARING EXAMINERS REPORT: DATED 3/28/03 1. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19A of the King County Code. 2. All persons having on ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plot a dedication which Includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. J, The plat shall comply with the maximum density (end minimum density) requirements of the R-4 zone classificC1tlon. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-4 zone clossificoUon or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever Is larger, except that minor revisions lo the plot which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. 4. The Applicant shall provide Transfer of Density Credit documentation to DOES prior to final approval. 5. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Rood Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 111871 as amendod (1993 KCRS). 6. The Applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. 7. A surface water odjuetment (L02V0098) is approved for this subdivision. All conditions of approval for this adjustment shall be met upon submittal of the engineering plans. 8. The 100-year floodplain for any onsite wetlands or streams shall be shown on the engineering plans and the final recorded plot per tha 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). 9. The following road improliements ore required to be constructed according to the 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS): a. Road A shall be improved lo the urban sub-access street standard. b. FRONTAGES: The frontages along both 158th Ave SE and along 160th Ave SE shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard. c. Tract D shall be improved to the private access tract AJterations to Streams or Wetlands a. If alterations of streams and/or wetlands are approved In conformance with KCC 21A.24, then a detailed pion to mitigate for Impacts from that alteration will be required to be reviewed and approved along with the plot engineering plans. A performance bond or other flnanclol guarontee will be required at the lime of pion oppro\lal, to guarantee that the mitigcition measures are installed according to the plan. Once the mitigation work Is completed to a ODES Senior Ecologist's satisfaction, the performance bond may be replaced by Cl maintenance bond for the remainder of the five-year monitoring period t.o guarantee the success of the mitigation. The Applicant shall be responsible for the Installation, maintenance and monitoring of ciny approved mitigation. The mitigation plan must be installed prior to final inspection of the plat. 15. The following note shall be shown on the final engineering pion and recorded plot: RESTRIC'TIONS FDR SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS AND BUFFERS Dedication of a sensitive area tract/sensitive orea and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest In the landl within the trcict/sensitive area and buffer. This interest fncludes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit tho public health, safety and welfare, 1ncluding control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/sensitive area and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, lo leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. Th,s 'vegetation within the troct/s9nsitive area end buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill 1 removed or damaged without approval In writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor agency, unless otherwise provided by law. standard per Section 2.09 of the KCRS. Tract C shall be improved as a joint use driveway. The common boundary between the tract/sensitive area and buffer and the area of d8\+'elopment activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other d. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance procedures In Section 1.08 of the KCRS. development acti\lity on a lot subject lo the sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer. The required marking or flogging shall remain in e, Lots utilizing Tract D shall hove undivided ownership of Tract D and be responsible for its maintenance. Lots 22-23 shall have undivided ownership of Tract C and be responsible for its maintenance. A note to this effect shall be placed on the engineering plans and final plot. 10. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a fronchlse opproved by the King County Council prior to final plot recording. 11. The Applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with King County Code 14. 75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance. The Applicant hos the option to either. (1) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) poy the ~PS fee ot the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of plot application and a note shall be placed on the foce of the plot that reads, "All fees required by Ktng County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), hove been paid." If the second option ls chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect os of the dole of building permit application. 12. Lots within this subdi\lision are subject to King County Code 21A.43 1 which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As o condition of final approval, fifty pert:ont (50ll) of the impact fees due for the plat shall be o(jsessed and collected tmmedialely prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plot and shall be collected prior to building permit issuance. 13. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the Sensitive Areas Code as outlined in KCC 21A.24. Permanent survey marking and signs, as specified In KCC 21A.24.160, shall also be addressed prior to final plat approval. T emporory marking of sensitive areas and their buffers (e.g., with bright orange construction fencing) shall be placed on the site and shall remain in place until all construction acti\lities ore completed. 14. Prel!minory plcit review has identified the following specific requirements which apply to this project. All other applicable requirements from KCC 21A.24 shall also be addressed by the Applicant. Wetlands a. Class 3 wetland(s) shall hove a minimum buffer of 25 feet. measured from the wetland edge. b. The wetland(•) and their respective buffsra shall be placed In o Sensitive Area Tract (SAT). c. Buffer overog!ng may be proposed, pursuant to KCC 21A.24.320, provided the total amount of the buffer oreo ls not reduced and better resource protection is achieved, subject to review and approval by o ODES Senior E Ecologist. d. A minimum building eetback line of 15 feet shall be required from the edge of the tract. place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area ore completed. No building foundOtions ore allowed beyond the required 15-foot bu!:Jing setoc;1,;J, line, unless otherwise provided by h:w. 16. Suitable recreation spacQ R;1oii t'b ;:i·ovided consistent with the requirements of KCC 2-1A.14.1 f:J and K<;;C 21A.14.190 (i.e., sport court.[s], children's piay ,~tJipment, picnic toble[s], benches, etc.). Cl, A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., landscape specs, equipment specs, etc.), shall be submitted for revtew and approval by DDES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the final plat documents. Applicori1 ::i;:ill pro\lide o minimum of 9,500 square feet os shown r.m ~:-1e preliminury plat mop. b, A perfonnonce bond for recr1Jc;t~s";.1 space Improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. 17. A homeowners' association or otl';·.;r workable organization shall be established to the satisfo~tlon of DOES which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation, open space and/or sensitive area tract(s). 18. Street trees shall be. provided as follows (per KCRS 5.03 and KCC 21A.16.050): o. Trees shall be planted at o rote of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Rood Standards, un!ees King County Deportment of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. c. If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by ODES if located within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. f. The Applic<mt shall submit a street tree pion and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by DOES prior to engineering plan approval. g. The Applicant shall contact Metro Service Planning at 684-1622 to determine If. 158th Ave. SE and/or 160th Ave. SE is on a bus route. If either rood is a bus route, tho street trse plan shall also be reviewed by Mel,o, h. The street trees must be installed and ln.spected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, If the trees are found to be installed per the approved pion, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the mcintenance bond may be released ofter ODES has completed o second inspection ond determined that the trees h<Jve been kept healthy and thriving. A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. The inapection fee is subject to change based on the current County fees. 19. The following have been established by SEPA as necesaory requirements to mitigate the adveree environmental impacts of this development. The Applicants shall demonstrate compliance- with these Items prior to final approval. The base flow control for the stormwC1ter detention system is Level 2 per the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Monuol(KCSWDM). To mitigate for existing downstream flooding problems, one of the following options is required: a. The stormwoter detention system shall be designed to the Level 3 Flow Control criteria os specified In the 1998 KCSWDM. OR b. The stormwoter detention system shall be designed to the Level 2 Flow Control critsrio and the following downstream improvements shall be accomplished either Individually or in conjunction with other development projects in the area: The 160lh Ave. SE downstream conveyance system (from SE 136th ST to approximately SE 142nd St.) shall be upgraded lo provide for the 100-yeQr storm capacity. Downstream driveway culverts/ ditches and a cross- culvert under 16oth Ave. SE shall be improved as needed. Culverts L-8 and L-10 on the west side of 16Dth Ave. SE, cross-culvert L-11, and culverts L-12 and L-14 on tho east side of 16Dth Ave. SE shall be improved. The culvert designations ore according to the Level 1 Downstream Drainage Analysis prepared by Daniel Boimelll, PE doted Moy 26, 2002 and revised Doc 3, 2002. Bank and channel stabilization are also required In the unopened right-of-way for 162nd Ave. SE. in the vicinity of the e<:1sterly line of lot 12, Rich Leo Crest (address 16046 SE 142nd St.). It is estimated that stabilizing and re-grading approximately 50 to 100 feet east of 16046 SE 142nd St., will be t1dequate to resolve flooding that has occurred at this location. The culverts and channel described ore localed from the south site boundary to o distance of opproxlmotoly 2000 feet to 3200 feet downstream. Note that the above ditch and culvert improvements are Intended to dupllccite the downstream Improvements required for the east sub-basin o) the proposed plot of Evendell L01P0016. 20. The applicant shall provide addftrona1 analysis, to be reviewed and approved by DDES, to assure that downstream Improvements, in conjunctron with additional runoff liolume from the elte as developed, will not exacerbate drciinage and flooding problems between the termination of the required downstream culvert and ditch Improvements and SE 144th Street 2 4/21/04 DG 2 16 04 DG DD DD DKB PER KING COUNTY REVIEW UTILirY CONR..ICT NOTE: CAUTION: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION, DIMENSION, AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILlllES WHETHER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR NOT BY POTHOLING THE UTILlllES AND SURVEYING THE HORIZONTAL AND VEITTICAL LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUC'TION. THIS SHALL INCLUDE CALUNG UTIUTY LOCATE O 1-800-424-5555 AND THEN POTHOLING ALL OF THE EXISTING UTILITIES AT LOCATIONS OF NEW UTIUTY CROSSINGS TO PHYSICAU.Y VERIFY WHETHER OR NOT CONFLICTS EXIST. LOCATIONS OF SAID UTILlllES />S SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE BASED UPON THE UNVERIFIED PUBLIC INFORMATION AND ARE SUBJECT TO VARIATION. IF CONFLICTS SHOULD OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT SARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. TO RESOLVE ALL PROBLEMS PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WrTH CONSTRUC'TION. DKB PER KING COUNTY REVIEW No. Date By Ckd. Appr. Revision SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION THE BOUNDARY SURVEY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WAS PREPARED BY BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. THE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY WAS PREPARED BY THE McANDREWS GROUP. AND PROVIDED TO BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. ON ELECTRONIC FORMAT. ADDITIONAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY WAS COMPLCTED BY BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS AS NECESSARY FOR DESIGN. SHEET INDEX= C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 CB C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 1 OF 1 L1 COVER SHEEf HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN 158TH AVE. S.E. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS 160TH AVE. S.E. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS ONSITE GRADING AND RCTAINING WALL PLAN ONSITE ROAD AND DRAINAGE PLAN ONSITE ROAD AND DRAINAGE PROFILES DCTENTION AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY DRAINAGE NOTES AND DCTAILS DRAINAGE NOTES AND DCTAILS DEMOUTION AND TESC PLAN TESC NOTES AND DCTAILS DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PLAN BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN l2 L3 LANDSCAPE RECREATION AMENITIES AND PLANTING PLAN LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES, MATERIALS, AND DCTAILS 1 OF 1 1 OF 1 1 OF 2 2 OF 2 1 OF 1 1 OF 2 2 OF 2 1 OF 2 2 OF 2 1 OF 2 2 OF 2 TITLE SHECT GENERAL NOTES SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS SITE PLAN ALLEN BLOCK REfAINING WALL 11 ALLEN BLOCK RETAINING WALL 1 ALLEN BLOCK RETAINING WALL 2 ALLEN BLOCK RETAINING WALL 2 CONSTRUCTION DCTAILS CONSTRUCTION DCTAILS MASTER LEGEND= PROPOSED; ASPHALT GRAVEL ~ C.. MONUMENTATION AS NOTED CONTOURS • ----_ _!;:iQ. _ ----• SPOT ELEV. ~ fi. ····-·J ...................• J., ..... ,.,/' ···~ WATER SEWER STORM --=~---® ... •-~~-~=-·r FRENCH IJR!ilN/PERF PIPE WALL ELEVATIONS (BW= ELEVATION AT GROUND SURFAC•,) CONCRETE RETAltilNG WALLS TW=730.80 ~ LIMITS OF CLEARING ....,,_,.,._,v...,...,...,._,"J...,...,._.v...,....,...., BRIGHI ORANGE SILT FENCE TEMP. 'y' DITCH -.. ·--- PRIVATE STORM [, RAJNAGE EASEMENT PSDE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT SOE EXISTING; EX. STORM DRAINAGE EX. CONTOUR EX. POWER EX. GAS EX. WATER EX. SANITARY SEWER ,:, EDGE OF PAVEMENT ------------------ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ---···- . "o" ,.,., "'"' ""' '""' '" PARCEL NUMBER 366450-0100 (MARY E. HAMILTON) TRACT 5, BLOCK 1 OF JANrn's RENTON BOULEVARD TRACTS, RECORDED IN VOLUME 17 AT PAGE 60, OF PLATS, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BASIS OF BEARINGS PARCEL NUMBER 366450-0100 (MARY E. HAMILTON) TRACT 5, BLOCK 1 OF JANrn's RENTON BOULEVARD TRACTS, RECORDED IN VOLUME 17 AT PAGE 60, OF PLATS, RECORDS OF KING COUNr!, WASHINGTON. DATUM NAVD88 BENCHMARK KING COUNTY SURVEY CON fROL POINT #TD10, BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE WITH PUNCH, INCASED, AT THE INTERCESflON OF 160TH AVENUE S.E. AND S.E. 127TH PLACE. ELEV. = 5D5.90 CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING PERMITS FROM THE W/>SHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES FOR REMOVING AND REPLACING ALL SURVEY MONUM~NTATION THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY CDNSTRUC'TION ACTIVTIY, PURSUANT TO WAC J31-'120. APPLICATIONS MUST BE COMPLETED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS TO REMOVE MONUMENTS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE W/>SHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, OR BY CONTACTING THEIR OFFICE BY TELEPHONE AT (206) 902-1190. WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES PUBLIC LAND SURVEY OFFICE 1111 W/>SHINGTON STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 47060 OLYMPIA, W/>SHINGTON 98504-7060 UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, ALL MONUMENTS DISPLACED, REMOVED, OR DESTROYED SHALL BE REPLACED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, AT THE COST AND AT THE DIREC'TION OF THE CONTRACTOR, PURSUANT TO THESE REGULATIONS. THE APPROPRIATE FORMS FOR REPLACEMENT OF SAID MONUMENTATION SHALL ALSO BE THE RESPONSIBIUTY OF THE CONTRACTOR. ---·-·---- Vici n it y M a p ~ '( 0 '( °' ~ S[ (NE 41H ST} 5£ 136TH ST Not To Scale bi ~ '( i1: t -128TH ST bi ~ '( i1: ~ -E 134TH ST 5[ 136TH ST =-...l--- "' S[ 138TH Pl; '( C, i'o (1!1---ls! "' bi i'i 'O - -:"':f5~£c,V)r1-'4"'0'"TH!._2!S.!,T ~ i1: ~ 0, '( i1: <o S[ 142ND ST f:--,_ " 5[ 142ND ST V) -;::. -ST Soils Map Not To Scale Notice Required Cor1lrnctors shall notify operators who rnoinluin underground utility lines in lhe rJn.iO of proposed excavation or blasting al least two business duys, but nol rnore lhun ten working days prior to comrnencernent of excavation or demolition in accordance wilh RCW Title 19. Names and telephone numbers of the operators of underground utility lines in this project appear below. These numbers shall also be used lo serve in an emergency conditions as required. Phom;: CITY OF RENTON ( 425) 430-7206 Sanilary Sewer KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT #90 ( 425) 255-9600 Water Districl PUGCT SOUND ENERGY (253) 395-7030 Gas Company PUGEf SOUND ENERGY (253) 395-7030 Power Cornwmy Call Before You Dig DIAL-A-DIC 1-800--424-5555 Notes / 1. The Developer is required to notify the Building & l_or1d Development Division, Oevelopmeri t Inspection, three days prior to the beginning of construction for a preconstruction conference and specifically request inspection before beginning: A. lnslullir1g of siltation and erosion control rn0osures 8. C/eoring and grubbing C. Eurthwork D. lnslollution of any underground utility E. Before placing subbose,, base or puving surface F. lnstullotior1 of any forms or placing any concrele 2. A permit must be obtained from the office uf the Resident [ngineer, Washington State Department of Tronc,portation, before any construction is started on <.my existing state route. 3. A Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) Perrnit rnusl be obtained from the Washington State Deportment of Fisheries prior to any work when required. Bonding Information f~estorotion Bond Amount $ _·_i.;.,..o/Q.=...,..,.,lfJ\£,"-1"'-- ) Performance Bond Amount $ --------- Site Plan Approve I Approval of these plans is for construction ofj..r'c)od and drainu~e improvements, site drainage & grading and te"fhporary erosion conlrol in unincorporated King County only. Thes::; plans do not authorize uny other utility upprovol or irnp1ov8m1Jnts proposed in any State righl of way. Site plan approval is void if the cornrnerciai buil jing permit ha, not been obtained 01 renewed within two yeurs ,)f approval. Subdivision plan approval is void if the fihal plat is not recorded when the preliminary plal approval expires. PRO 11ATA SHARE ASSESSMENT ANAL Y:;15 (County Use Only) Section Township Range Tax Parcel Number LU.1:.J Ll_W I o I 5 I LJU I 6 I 4 I 5 W LoJ~1 I_QJ_QJ Site Location icJ within lhe ----------··---"·--drainage she :J(s) Pro Rota Shore Assessrnent(s) ore: D Required D No· f~equired frorn the site due lo development for ir1creos;ed storm water runoff. Peak Runoff Assessment Rate{$ ) per c.f.s. increases.(10 year, 2 hour storm) Peak Volume Assessrnenl Role($ ) per J\c. Ft. increases.(2 year, 2 hour storrn) AGREEMENTS, PLAN REfTF,ENCES, F'EP~11 rs ETC. (To be completed by Consultant) Preliminary Plot Approval/Permit Issued Dole: Expiration Dute: Other Related Permit Numbers Received: Right-of-Way Use Permit Grading Building(?ruclur€:) Other fflj4n J/P{ kh/1 BoorJ feet of tree rernoval on site: Cubic yards of material hauled on/off the site: Is this a erosion sensitive c.H"eu site'? (Yes/No) 3-28-03 2/n Note: If "yes", a Highly Sensitive Sile [rosicn Control Supervisor is required. See ESC pion und Tlf:'. for details. Dale Ernergency 911 Pol ice~ Fire-F,; esc J e F,ECOMMENDED FOR /\l'l''f,OV11L (To be completed by l(ing Count:,) Engin er Supervisor Traffic & Planning E:ngi1· eer Sensilive Areas Strncturol F~eview l:::nginuer Other· L I f- :::J 0 U') w 0 <( _J (L z 0 ~ ~ <( I CEIVED AY 2 1 2004 KING COUNTY 0 USE SERVICES (/'l .w u, u z--~ zw z (/'l 5 _, 0.. <( D lz Zw 5 :::; z •O u, °' Z5 acz ~w z . -u, U>z z-w (';j _,~ > ::, u (/'l I (l) E l CJ z 1------------------------·--------1------------I "' 1:' APPROVED FOR CONSTF!UCTION KincJ County WCJshiricJton ~ •" KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 206-261-2112 C U 0 0 u ~-1... (!) Nome Phone :.:..:: _,_. Q) (!) 0. C C U o. o 3 " 12320 N.E. BTH ST. SUITE 100, BELLEVUE WA 58005 <(LJC)_j 0 ~l] 0. ~ Q) 1... 1... rv (I) (l) _,__., C C ~ 3 ~ I... () 0 !-- ~ o ·o .._ I.. QJ ~ % c;:::: (l) C ·'-' > L L CJ' Q) :::) I... C Address and Zip Code KBS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Nome [] A Partnership D An lnclividual 206-261-2112 Phone 12320 N.E. BTH ST. SUITE 100, BELLEVUE WA \r80D5 Address orrd Zip Code Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. Narne 18215 72nd Ave S. Kent, WA 98032 ~ A Corpora liof' [] A Parlnershir, [] An lndividucrl 425-251-6222 Phone 1./J o::: liJ [l) ~-2 :=J z w _J LL 1./J l.JJ C.l C.l '-(!J _() E ::J z > .. ~ u <( 5 0 ~ g I.... QJ ..0 E :J z -~ CJ QJ . --·, 0 I.... Q__ EXPIRES 9/23/05 0 -7 -~ C Q) E CL 0 QJ > Q) 0 X V 0 0 V, V E !::_ 2 0 0 / "' C ·c V V . " o, C V / 0 ,,, 0 / "' 0 0 0 1------------1/ UV)OW [] ~ Address and Zip Code 0.. 4 Sheet C1 of 1.3 ,: ;;:;;...&....::....-.a...------- \ r------~---~--,.=-----·-----------~--------rr-1 HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN ---=== --.::=..c-_ ''··.~ ~ ~~~ ~...::r-~~ 1" = 40' 80 __ ,,5J INSTALL S.A.T. SIGN />S SHOWN PER DETAIL ON SHEET C10 {TYP OF 4 LOCATIONS) ----------- 8 00 ... ~I 5' PRI 'TE STORM EASEMENT 7 00 C 5 OG 4 31.74 "' "' I I < r •. ,. , .. '.I ' 32.46' r--- A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 51.78' 8 PRIVATE STORM EASEMENT DISTANCE VARIES (TO BE OWNED/MAINTAINED BY HOA) 1 .. ClT b 51.77' 51.77' 0 0 ~ I ,'\"S' f: L \/ ' ,) 51.77' NCBU EASEMENT --t 'I .. ,. ' ,, ' S8S-36'28"E 585.97' 51.77' 51.77' SE 133RD PLACE 0 URBAN SUBACCESS) 0 ~ 51.77' R/W l 0 0 ~ I (':'" -~. ,. '-' ' ,~ /,~·::-;::;~'-\U ;,i,.1,) '···---~~ 5' BSBL FROM EASEM NT 51.77' ;; 15' BSBL N 189.24' N47"28'21 "W 41.85' 1 O' STORM EASEMENT TRACT 'A' (RECREATION SPACE) S56'23'32"W 29.89' I -'"N8"'8''36'28'w ----~--~,- 136.84' 6.5' STORM EASEMENT-- N27"53'5p"W 28.02 N13'56'?,9"W TRACT 'B' ~ 19.42 (WET/DETENTION PONO FACILITY)~ N67"50'1,4"W ~ 18.44 ..... rn 52.50' 52.50' 52.50' 32.50' C'6' I ~ ---i ,---i r----i n·1 ~ ,..-...,en NI NI N .. 1 lJ 10 ~ "' 21 ~ ~ 20 E ~ 19 E ~ >-1a "' =?~ r,lo .a .o != w JI") O°' oq oC? =:! It -;.., :;zJ r/ ?!! ~ .~ ,. 00 l2.50~ L2.50~JJ L2.50.J L~7.50.J ~ ~ r88'36'28"E 115.00'----.~.] .,---100.0Q'. .• ) (J\,. \ ...,o 0 I 22 'i<, 0 17 S87"1B';J6"W 25.09' '::I 'L t' Lo ' ~ (.1\ t::> / \g_1-~-,,~ ~-8B'36'2a"W------J -----a8.oo"__j 15' BSBL ··--.. il.62' io O "'· ~---105.00' ~---- "', N08.o0·o0:f5r"E @ !" r--N39'0~'i8"W ~ ~I . I 20.00 II 23 i'1 ~ 16 I . ~,j O J L __ --J25.00' ~I, r L .. 113.0o~--_J 12' WIDE INGRESS/EGRESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT TO KING COUNTY N88"42'04"W 588.39' 0 0 -+ '[! i /'\ .,. ') ;.VI , .. 51.77' 37.98' c,I< NCBU EASEMENT ~ 0 0 ~ 0 ---"' ll ~ "' e,'I 30.00' 31.87' C',s .--c-c----105.39'----, N41'56'02"E 20.90· 'ix, I 15 I I'") L___ . _J~ 3 . 18 · 00 16 · 00 EX. 30' EX. 30' R W R W 15 00 S.E. 134TH STREET I I ___ I ___ J 1. 2. 3. CURVE C1 C2 CJ C4 C5 C6 C7 SPECIAL NOTES= LOTS 22 AND 23 SHALL HAVE UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP OF TRACT "C" AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR rr·s MAINTENANCE. LOTS 14 -17 SHALL HAVE UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP OF TRACT "D' AND BE RESPONSA8LE FOR IT'S MAINTENANCE. KING COUNTY SHALL HAVE INGRESS/EGRE~~ AND UTILITIES EASEMENT OVER ALL OF TRACT C CURVE TABLE LENGTH RADIUS TANGENT DELTA 38.27 25.00 24.02 87"42'24" 30.43 25.00 17.42 69'44' 40" 9.84 25.00 4.98 22'32'56" 40.46 25.00 26.22 92'43'53" 38.08 25.00 23.84 87"16'07" 39.27 25.00 25.00 90'00'00" 39.27 25.00 25.00 90'00'00" ON-SITE RECREATION AREA: RECREATION AREA REQUIRED: 9,500 SF PER H.E. CONDITION #160 RECREATION AREA PROVIDED: 9,506 SF (TRACT A) LOT AREA TABLE LOT # AREA (S.F.) LOT# AREA (S.F.) 1 5,003 13 4,815 2 4,556 14 5,652 3 4,556 15 7,035 4 4.556 16 6,120 5 4,556 17 4,843 6 4,556 18 5,040 7 4,556 19 4,733 8 4,556 20 4,733 9 4,556 21 4,725 10 4,556 22 5,500 11 5,315 23 6,593 12 5,087 TOTAL LOT AREA 11s,19a s.r. 2.67 Af;, AVERAGE LOT AREA 5,052 s.r. 0.12 Af;, TRACT TABLE TRACT USE AREA (S.F.) OWNERSHIP A RECREATION SPACE 9,506 H.O.A. B WET/DETENTION POND FACILITY 17,260 KING COUNTY C 20' JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT 2,580 LOTS 22,23 D 26' PRIVATE ACCESS TRACT 3,425 LOTS 14-17 E SENSITIVE AREA TRACr 14,235 H.O.A. ON-SITE RIGHT ~,?F,-WAY 25,186 KING COUNTY TOTAL TRACT AREA 12,192 s.r. 1.66 AC. NOTES 1. TAX #: 366450-0100 2. SITE AREA: 4.32 AC 3. EXISTING USE: SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE/DETACHED 4. PROPOSED USE: SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE/DETACHED 5. EXISTING ZONING: R-4 6, PROPOSED ZONING: R-4 7 EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: . URBAN RESIDENTIAL 4-12 DU/AC 8 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: • URBAN RESIDENTIAL 4-12 DU/AC 9. PROPOSED MIN. LOT WIDTH: 50' 10. REQUIRED MIN. LOT WIDTH: 40' 11, PROPOSED MIN. LOT AREA: 4500 SF 12. PROJECT DENSITY: 5.32 D.U. PER GROSS ACRE 13. REQUIRED MIN. BUILDING SETBACKS: ) FRONT YARD: 1 O' {20' FOR GARAGE SIDE YARD: 5' {10' ADJACENT TO R/W OR P.A.T.) REAR YARD: 5' (10' ADJACENT TO R/W OR P.A.T.) FROM S.A.T. LINE: 15' EXPIRES 9 /23 /05 ~ ~ ~ ~ "' "' cJ cJ ~ ~ ffi f5 11. 11. Cl Cl "' "' V) V) ~ ~ "' "' C j g 8 ii' ........ O O O ~ N 1, N -Cl '.;;:-- z j a.. _J 0 a: I-z 0 () _J ~ 0 N -a: 0 ::c (j .J .J ~ = - ..-.... 0 0 a.. w C\I () 0 j~ a.. 0 z ZW 0 _J ~ n: -~ en <( w :c 0 0 D I C 1------4" '6 ] b ~ C ... 0 0 II N u ·c VI 0 • :c ~ 0 u ~ t: z t ·r 0 N 0 ~ N ~ I 0 "I 1----"""."-:--:-""""10 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ C c j{_ e .2'9t ia.2 !~6~8 '" .D I 0 N 0 1---------,~ ~~ .::,tb .q' ~--------,----, ::t: KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. ~~ C:ompletion Date ~8 Da te L 0 ot ~ .a E C\I Date :, 0 z .... .a .... 0 .., ~ ~ ~ .c VI X '" ·c D 0 ~ ·o 0 "' II ~ 0 V 1/) .c I 0 N 0 ------------------------------- --------......... --·-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·-----i--,--------, / ' EXl'ST. ·- _. .. II ~ , -' ' , 40 CONSTRUCT ASPHALT RAMP W/B"I. MAX. SLOPE (TYP. 2 LOCATIONS) ASPHALT RAMP\_ • BERM .QOWNSTREAt,(SIDE OF ,.>;;;-.EX. DITCH AS NECESsARY c;;':'.'>' To· DIRECT All STORMWATER Td \5' SD 501 . EX. GROUND ELEVATION ALONG S. PROPOER1Y LINE 13, HIGHER THAN EX. DITCH -. - FLOODPLAIN NOTE• BASED ON CALCULATIONS AND NEW 15" OUTILET PIPE, FLOOD PLAIN ELEVATION IS 503.78. FLOOD PLAINS LIMITS Will BE CONTAINED WITHIN 5' OF NEW STORM DRAIN. N' t") - ·cri . a, - -• .·. Ii·-;::-· ·,..: -- b "'-·. -d: ,ti) n: ·1r ;:!: : ~ '° /!i C1) : 0 . .. .... + : ·in .. ~: . <~ ! ~: -It -"" : ' 510 •-- : 9 LF.15~'D1:@ .1:3.9"1.:. ·' 3:1· MAX ..... ' : : 1~, : : : : . : · . ' ~. L:.;L~_;___,,_,;,c. -: EX. 12· SD --~-7 LF '15" SD @ 2.00%: !50() -' .CB 14A.JYPE: .l : - W/SOLID LOCKING LID : _ SfA,5+02.36,: 18,87' -RT . RIM'=5Q6, 14 : _ -IE=503.23 (15") : iE;.503.23 (B") I-'--'--'--': 3 lfiB" DI @ 2:00%' . CB 146 CURB INLET -{SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET) -- : : W/iHRiJ~CURB INLET .... , : STA,5+02.;36, 15, 12' RT: : -RIM=505,64 . -[E,,,503.29 {8") 5+00 . . . I!) . --~a,- .. ,n (0 .. ~o. . . . U1 . :c ' 158TH AVENUE S.E. FRONT AGE IMPROVEMENTS A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. NOTE: PROVIDE FUll STREET OVERLAY FOR 158TH AVE S.E. PER 1993 KCRS 4.01F CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ,,, ,·~ 512.25 I···· v, X w ' ' \ ' \ ___________________ !::XIS'( EP ------+ ------ PROPOSED ASPHALT (SEE ROAD SECTION THIS SHEET) .,,,,-•.c.·.-·-··· B~EL. eU?.E .. 0 END--·---· -··----··-.... - -·-PER DETAIL C10 ---- ---Q 12 4,i;...\.--\----I-E_=5_03.1D _________ _ \ 13LF12"SD EE SHEET C6 FOR CONTINUATION TRACT "A" : .............. r..X!_-:_dlNG CHAIN L_JNi\ / •:T,'t"':· TC' PF f?!'lV' ;;,.>[} I .--'-----I , .• 1S,,I .. -' ~ ... ·-' ::.!'f::J'-I 1 ( \ , ' , ' EX\JL 12'' CULVERT ................ \ LE.(M) ""' :)jL)B I i.t.:}) ~, 511.17 CONSTRUCT CURB RAMP i PER DETAIL ON SHEET C10 ! (TYP. 2 LOCATIONS) I 1 INDICATES DIRECTION OF SURFACE WATER FLOW (TYP) I I . I ' / l I._ 1:XiSllNG POWEh ?Ol.E , n·,· ., J .. V I / (250)) B2 30' R W ±13' (158TH AVE) w z 30' R W 61 16' (158TH AVE) 5' 1' 7.5' (158TH) ~ 1---...:..::'-'=='---'-'=----t e.----1--l----~--- z, 0.5' SIDEWALK w '~ ±10' (158TH AVE) 2% . . . -» N d ~ z ~ ---flNCC TO m: REMOVE:o (RECREATION SPACE) SAWCuT-AND SEAL JOINT 3" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE PER KCRS 4.0111, ALTERNATE I CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTIER 2.53%. i •• 2.56% -.. - EX(SJlNG GROU~D ~ It ~\PE : : ------;..,..;..---..-, .. -.. -"-· ·_'...-,-'-'-'~~~:~~~~:~-~~~ . ---'"01"139"1.'· 4BB Lf 15 -" , , --"~ . . ~ cd ,no .. IO. 6+00 ·o· ---- CB# Pl-' TYPE J : · W SOLID LOCKING LID ' - --_ -A 6f90:2,i; 1e;oo·· lill,: -. RIM=5 I0,3B · · · · · · , · · · _ : : _ IE:505;~8 (l5:) . --IE-504, 13. (12 )- --. 158TH AVENUE: S:E~ .. 1:"~2;0· .. : : t"d5.': : "' !:j! --ro~. . . , ~IQ: 7+00 PROPOSED GRADE Cl! FLOWUNE .... ' . . .... ' ..... --· -.• -D ·@· 294% ---12B LF 12 · S -- . v· . . . <:-!~-. ~".! ,..; i:n .-. "' - s+oo C) CIJ . ········: ... ~ . i-J . + . o:: ·co· . 0 . n . .s. .. CJJ : VJ -d u ----"' -"'i . ' ' --+ < -CIJ ~ : • ~ .iQ_ ·o· --.II, -z . 13=! .W .: · :_3;1 __ MAX' . -· .: I STA 8+31.22 • .. : : :1E=.511.B7: . - ·BEVEL' PIPE END 13 LF 12" SD·@ 14,90,i:-. ' . . ;cs# 1s JYPE r '!' SOUP WCKl~G Ltp : _ STA 8+ 18.95, -19,00 RT. RIM=514,39 : .. _ IE=509.B9 (12") .0 ' st -(f) . . l=! . • l"T · ~ ALTERNATE --) 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE 4" COMPACTED DEPTH ATS<_ 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE w z 0 :r.: 0.. -.. : .. · .. :510• GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITION (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) 1 #3 BAR HOOP 2 fj BAR HOOPS #3 BAR EACH CORNER H3 BAR EACH SIDE fop & BOTTOM CURB INLET 158TH AVENUE NE KING COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD COLLECTOR .D I C 0 D NOT TO SCALE 1-#3 BAR ACROSS BODO '-n N FRAME AND GRATE SEE SEC. 7.05 AND APPLICABLE DWGS. NOTES: .!? " u VI 0 l<l ~ C 0 II N 'C 0 • J: ~ 0 "' u 'E II ~ • ~ o_ I 0 N 0 N w I 0 N 0 N -I 0 1. CURB INLET TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDAN,:E WITH ASTM C478 & C890 UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOW~ ON PLANS OR NOTED IN THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS . 1------------18 6" RISER SECTION 12" RISER SECTION 2. AS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO REBAR, WELDED WIRE FABRIC HAVING A MIN, AREA OF 0.12 SQUARE lllCHES PER FOOT MAY BE USED. WELDED WIRE FABRIC: SHALL COMPLY TO ASTM A497. WIRE FABRIC SHALL NOT BE PLACED IN KNOCKOUTS, 3. ALL REINFORCED CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE SH,\LL BE CLASS 4000. 4. PRECAST BASES SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH CUl'OUTS OR KNOCKOUTS. KNOCKOUTS SHALL HAVE A WALL THICKNESS OF 2" MIN. ALL PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN FACTORY PROVIDED KNOCKOUTS. UNUSED KNOCKOUTS NEED NOT BE GROUTED IF WALL IS LEFT INTACT. 5, KNOCKOUT OR CUTOUT HOLE SIZE IS EQUAL TO PIPE OUTER DIAM. PLUS CURB INLET WALL THICKNESS. 6. ROUND KNOCKOUTS MAY BE ON ALL 4 SIDES 111TH MAX. DIAM. OF 17". 7. THE MAX. DEPTH FROM THE FINISHED GRADE TC THE PIPE INVERT IS 5' -0" . 8, THE TAPER ON THE SIDES OF THE PRECAST BAl;E SECTION AND RISER SECTION SHALL NOT EXCEED 1/2"/FT. 9. CONCRETE INLET FRAME AND GRATES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND MEET THE STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS OF FEDERAL SPECIFICATION RR-F-621D. MATING SURFACES SHALL BE FINISHED TO ASSU<E NON-ROCKING FIT WITH ANY OTHER COVER POSITION. 10. FRAME AND GRATE MAY BE INSTALLED WITH FLA1lGE DOWN OR CAST INTO RISER. :r: I- ::J 0 U1 w ::J X z i1: w ~NN ~ ON <Xl <Xl N I' Cl 0) (0 <X) z <( ..!. ..!. N I' 3: L() L() L() NN ~ ~U1LO N ZNN <X) w '<I' '<I' ~ ::,,: ._, ._, ~~ p=-=N § (MEASUREMENT AT THE TOP .... OF THE BASE) ,-----------------,--------1 -.., X -· ~~ ~8 KING COUNTY D,D.E,S, C:ompletion Date V) .w to u z--~ zw ~V) a.. ..! 0~ zw :s ::. z •O to a:: z--> a:: z i±l w z . -<o <oz ~i 5 :::, u (/) N .D I 0 N 0 V ·c .D 0 '" -0 0 N II V 0 u V) V E "' ~- 2 0 0 C I 0 00 0 / '" C C V V C '" C V / 0 {t.:.'.£.'1..'l----lf------r----"'"'.'1•8 Completion Date C? / ~ 0 ..-w --<./."CJ....--~ E C\I g a ~.• ~ ~ z O O --KCRS STANDARD DETAIL 2-012 NOT TO SCALE EXPIRES 9/23/05 8 ~ ~ ti 8: ....._ ___________________________________________________________________________ _L. __ __JL.!!1!!..=....;.L.~~.L----L----L--....i.lc:: .~----~~--~~~·l,!..'..l!L --------------------------------------,---"'-'"·-"""'""'""'''"'-'"·---·---·"""""'"'"'"---"'"---·----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------,-... ------------, '!'<''' '. ",) ' ._, 52() 40 '1?111 CONSTRUCT ASPHALT RAMP W/8% MAX. SLOPE (1YP. 2 LOCATIONS) BEVEL PIPE END PER DETAIL C10 IE=SOB.30 L.fX.i';T_. __ CH ........ _.,_, __ _ F<lfi. "~ 509,76 I.E .. en !506.76 i2"N) r.E. CCC 506.54 1 z"s) I.E. :SOG.00 f.E ~ ;J; ~ ......... · .. ~ • r~,z" ~~~• . ct'::;.....-r "'.'""" -.. '" o; :ii • 1E"'5oa:3o • STA 14+~9: 17 ······IE=508.45 lltvtl. • PIPE END • W/ RIP RAP PAD II ~ ~ -~ 0 .:z uJ ·~· .~. . II ""'. • · CB# 16 TY~E. ( · · · W SOLID LOCKING LID STA 15+01.49, 15.25' LT. · RIM=512,05 · ' IE=.508.95 (12") • 12 Lf 12'. SP (» 4.p% 0 N. IX! . 0 -· "' -· I() . 15+00 ·---·--· i PROPOSED G!ll\D.E c». FLOWLINE . . . 0 (» ~.83% ~ 0 ~ 0 "' . "' rr .,; IQ I() en -en -· I() I() . 16+00 -,-,1 160TH AVENUE S.E. FRONT AGE IMPROVEMENTS A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON I i· :·.: I '"'i''TI''(' =i,·:p·,:· ~-,:~1,·1X, _, ·1 ;.,'.,,),Isa > ,., •• , l.1 ,, .l-I TO Et: REMOVED :,··. / ·_-I 11 : ·: u i i I / / l I 1 1--EXb_L ~,:rfiWEL ()Rh/E i . ··UL'· ..... i TO !JC ".tMOVU) 1 11· . . I I , · i ... -/· -·-· · · : I : •• \, ,,/~-/ !. '--~~ /. .I !' \ '.. ! ,1\ .. -'-~,..,_! .. /. I I •, ' / ·I I I I I I I I I X :· ! ' . ' i:,(l:)f'IH(: HOUSE ··1 ;:· ;'' ···.1··-. ,_.. ... -,.,_ I I , (. '}-'r··-"1J/ •. ·\.c--f· _, ' ., / I' I ·1 ' ' ' ., ' I d \ \··\ '\ : . ~: ' ' \ \. \ \, ('• : ' ' \ ' ' ! •. I I" : -,,.., 10 : .. en 2 ',.,.,. / .. , \/ ; __ _/ END SIDEWALK/ \!:\.t;f CF ;{/,! ~)}(). '.(i i. 1~ '., 1 it ·~o 11 :n-n 1., :·,11u/ (12"::.; STA.16+46.81; ROAD "A"~ STA.17+ 11.52; 1 GOTH AVE. SE NOTE: PROVIDE FULL STREET OVERLAY ALONG FRONTAGE FOR 160TH AVE S.E. PER 1993 KCRS 4.01F . EXISTING GROUND (» FLO'ill;IN[ ' ...,__--------· .:....-:.-·--- ---~· ~--.-. .. "j() . ·o "' ·N ·+ . "' . ~-· ~-=--- _, -·· .. , ... . . -··· -{ ) ( --------------_;:;·_ -----------------,,, EXfST. '. '.:.'' CULVEF:T-./ iY I.E.(N) 30' R W -- w z 7.5' 1' 5' 16' :J 1------,-,---,=-cc--l ,_ __________ _,g:; SIDEWALK 0,5' IZ ±11' ~ EXIST. PAVEMENT ±16' 2% SECTION CB#l 7 :TYPE i SAWCUT AND SEAL JOINT 30' R W 0 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 3" COMPACTED DEPTH CIASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE PER KCRS 4.01A, ALTERNAE II 0 ·~ ·~ "' " 3 w w tS tS "' "' u u "' "' "' °' w ,,., 0.. 0.. 0 0 w w <c! en r,j > w "' "' [ll (D ..: "' "' a. 0 0 ~ C.1 0 ] 0 0 u 0 0 ,J; 0 0 st st 0 0 ~ " ~ N C N 0 " ,, 0 ,,, z . 510' ... ! 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE }ALTER~ATE __ 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4" COIIPACTED DEPTH ATB (0 -· "' IQ ,-: ,n -I() 160TH AVENUE S.E. 1"~;20' . 1:1' ;;;5.' : -,,. "' . ID "' -en I() 17+00 {,0; ~') . C::r N "' I() -'.O q (>j ~ ,~ ,n 18+00 GRAVEL BASE CIASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.D2 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) 160TH AVENUE NE KING COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD COLLECTOR NOT TO SCALE ....................... 500 KING COUNTY D.D.E.S. Completion Date . c~. ., ,,, (() . (_ Date EXPIRES 9/23/05 C. w C, ~ ~ 0 a: w u.. :l: w ~ 00 ~ a: a.. :l: ~ - (0 ,- ..le i= 0 0 ,- w I:: • ::::> Q 00 ....J • t;; _j ~ ~ --- 00 m • ~ LL! z 0 C\I C') C\I .... ~ 'i:, ~ N C 2 II u ·c IJ) C • :,: - w 0 j a.. z g ....J -::E ~ Ii) 0 0 co 0) ; ~ w ::::> > w ....J ....J w m 0 1o u :e ~ • - 5 0 a.. C\I g . 0 z w ....J -u.. 00 w 0 0 C\I .,.... N I co C\I ........ (0 0 C\I ....... w z 0 I a.. D I C 0 "· Q. I 0 N 0 N w I 0 ~, 0 N ~ I 0 J.------------18 ~ ~ ..a E ~ z .D 0 .., I 1- ::::i 0 VJ X i'.;: 0 C\I u 0 ~ .0 ;: IJ) ('I) ,- ~ N D I 0 N 0 N V C D 0 en " 0 N II V 0 u VI en • u ~ I 0 ,,, 0 O' C ·,:: V V C O' C V m 0 0 0 ~ c~ 3 n_ '" c:: LUA-08 -122. .:--c-·----·----. -------------------·· 1" = 30' 60 $n¥mMh1 ------- SEE SHEET C3 FOR 158TH AVE. S.E. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS ------- 'I(.', !'•J -------------- 1 / / I • I ,. , , .. ', /'·:. . ! . . ;"1-. i?i I L I 't I I , I I \ "' :,.,· / , , I \ I I -~ ONSITE GRADING AND RETAINING WALL PLAN A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 SEC.14, T.23N., R.5E., W.M. 2:1 SLOPE '.") f '\ ~.;U UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED (TYP) u, [)) : ........... \ t'' '[11 j '. :>h :.., !\ CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ' I ' T--------U· FOUNTt.lt~ W/ PUOl. \: .. <i:::i 24" i.\·:·f-\\!WiG W/\ll .· ~BB' ;6'28"E 585.97' I I I I I I I ~-------~------~ DEVELOPER SHALL HAVE THE OPTION TO CONSTRUCT A 4' MAX. HEIGHT ROCKERY ltJ PLACE OF 2: 1 SLOPE ALONG NORTH If.. / :::~ ' ,,, " I iii ; ' -lc.: i -c: \,.; .I ' I ·' I I . : 1-.!" ! ,: '. -"'~·· ·:,., ,. . . , . . ·-. ... -..... , ... :,, ·······"'··---· .. . . --·-··---··'''" ".'~ . I I I I I I "'-: '1---. NI -, "', I I V' ·It, TRACT "A" (RECREATION SPACE) SEE SEPARATE PLANS ----·-- • .CCDAR:M.ff;GE · .. "'"";. ···----,: ---------- PROPOSED ASPHALT ,_ ... J-,:· . '-/.<:·' ·1,. ·.: r ·.r · ·,r -------~-·, .... ____ /)'...'.... .. l F-- ·-. "'' '•, ,,,,, I I I I ... ..... • • • • ... r'· --=::;. ................ :~:--. ~-.-.·:. I ' .L 21 20 2:1 N88"42'04"W 588.39' HWGE I I _J ' 11 ! MAILBOX LOCATIONS NOTE• 11 STA 20+40.99, 14.85' LT (LOTS 1-8, 19-21) @ STA 14+99,86, 14.85' LT (LOTS 9-16, 22, 23) (SEE MAILBOX LOCATION DETAIL ON SHEET C9) INDICATES MAILBOX MOUNTING LOCATION WITH NUMBERS REFERENCING HOW MANY LOTS IT SERVES THE LOCATIONS SHOWN HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY THE RENTON HIGHLANDS STATION POSTMASTER, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXACT LOCATION AND TYPE OF CBU AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. MAILBOX APPROVAL IS DOCUMENTED IN THE FILES AT DDES. --------·------------~ ~~ --~- I I \ \ 3--()0 ·,. ... J; . I V. J .. r·~;,,,;;:, VIN I I I \ \ ,, ', [;<hl. 1 J." i~UL\'iJ<l IL(~l) ""· t>G:UO SPECIAL GEOTECHNICAL INSPECTIONS• THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE BY A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER OR ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST DURING THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVflY, FOLLOWED BY WRITTEN CONFIRMATION TO THE KING COUNTY SITE INSPECTOR THAT CONDITIONS ARE ACCEPTABLE AND/OR THAT ALL RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER OR ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WITH: • PERFORM FIELD DENSITY TESTING OF STRUCTURAL FILLS AS NEEDED DURING PLACEMENT AND OBSERVE GRADING AND EARTHWORK OPERATION. • EXAMINE ALL CUT SLOPES AND EXCAVATIONS TO VERIFY THAT CONDITIONS ARE ACCEPTABLE. • PROVIDE PERIODIC INSPECTION OF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS AT INTERVALS SUFFICIENT TO CONFIRM BOTH COMPLIANCE WITH THE PLANS AND ON-SITE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CONTROL MEASURES. I I I ,1 ·-; .. 1-f ,,-····· EXl':)Y tt' CU\.:iEf(l IL(S) '" ~)1fi.67 SEE SHEET C4 FOR 160TH AVE. S.E. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS S.E. 134TH STREET KING COUN1Y D.D.E.S. G5 ~ Gj c5 °' °' u 0 y ~ °' °' Li.J li..l (L o_ 0 0 w w V, VI ~ ~ QC QC m m L..'. ;:;'.'. ~ D. 0 0 ;t :;:: g 0.. w ('1 00 z j ...J j 0.. d 0.. z z ...JO w ...J 1-...J <( '.:J a: 3:: ~ CJ) <( w :c 0 0 ,..... ~ -<O 0 ('1 ---w z ~ 0.. .D I C 0 ·o 1---------1-1 0 ,,, 0 N m I 0 ('-l 0 ,_, .0 I 0 01 0 N -~ 1------------1~ X :c 1-- ::::i 0 (/) -~ ~ .0 0 u, 'O 0 "' II ;,; 0 u V, rn • 'O E rn I 0 N 0 Completion Date LUA-ol -f i.'2.- 0 ; 15 Ltd STA. STA. 1"=30' SEE SHEET CJ FOR 158TH AVE. S.E. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS 60 1 o· UTILITY EASEMENT HYDROSEED ~~ DISTURBED AREAS 3' 5' 2· 2% I . :< •. '»>: >; . . . .• , CEMENT CONCRETE ROLLED CURB PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-002 21' R W e: ; I'~ ·r -, ~ _,,. ' C.O. (1YP) -------------- ~ ..... --l/ c<:. G!1er1 "' ···----it --····-······~ --· ... ·~---' ... ··~-~-· . CULV[h".f / ,,/ ~TRACT "A" (RECREATlUN" SPAeE) ,../' 127 LF 24" SD ..,,,. ____ .,.j,.i.... -~·· -.v _____ _ .. _____ J',....... ..., __ .... ,. ~ ..... }:'..,-·-•. ,,c .. ;: •_ .. } .. . •, ti (;j .· ·. ONSITE ROAD AND DRAINAGE PLAN A PORTION OF THE SW 1/~· OF THE NE 1/4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON it·H•··~ I p t.U 1. ,f/' i" ' :~ f ,.,~-;·: L-\.i ' -...' , ' ~.'.); ~).. ,.,-;:;;::;:.-... \-!_::;:':!..) . '· l ., l I\ --... \ I'. :,') f ;_' [ FOUNT/\N W/ POCL '• S88" 36~28~E. 585.97' ----------#----~~; ------------- L<I,; 1. 1.-.+-- 4 I I 5 I I 6 J L_J~ L __ _ ··,- 10' STORM DRAIN E'ASEMENT \ TO KING COUN1Y .. :;: ' ] ~ r~--f--s1'2' ~RMU~E ~_,,.~~\-.:,i " ' I I ' i::xc:n~1G 8UlDihG DAYLIGHT WALL ORAN 12' WIDE INGRESS/EGRESS T! AND UTILTIES E'ASEMENT TO '' KING COUN1Y \ I *' CONSTRUCT NEW DITCH W/6" MIN DEPTH AS SHOWN ·-=-c-, --~1w; ---------=2--------,J _::_:::-------'o. ---' 6" C.0. (1YP .) -- .( .. --.---......,--· -=:c~~~~L-=====-"==-"--'--+-"+-"'"""'--"~ N8B"42'04"W 588.39' CONSTRUCT INTERCEPTOR TRENCH PER DETAIL ON ClO 76 ; I 1_·(_1-'" .. ' H0U'3[ 1:-.A~"··--- ;( H ' .. ' /·' '•,_ EXI~{ l 2 I ,. r,'H\ :;o3.D2 'f· j / ' / 12· 2% w, z ::J Ct'. w ~ w u 12' 2% SPECIAL NOTES= 21' R W 1. ALL LOTS HAVE A PERFORATED STUB-OUT AS DETAILED ON SHEET C10 FOR THE TIGHTLINE SYSTEM BETWEEN THE HOUSE AND PUBLIC STORM SYSTEM. 1 • 3' 2% ' . ':/' 1 o· UTILITY EASEMENT HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS 5" THICK CEMENT CONCRETE SI EWALK PER KCRS DWG. NO. 3-001 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE } ALTERNATE --4" COMPACTED DEPTH ATB 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) 6" THICKENED ASPHALT EDGE TRACT "C" 20' J.U D.T. 15' 1' '°0'v,;\Y/J, ::<-;,0 ~y \.>'*-'>:-' HYDROSEED DISTURBED AREAS 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE 1 l;i/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COURSE } ALTERNATE -- 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE 4" COMPACTED GRAVEL BASE CLASS 'B' MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOIL CONDITIONS (SEE SECTIONS 4.02 & 4.03 K.C.R.S.) DEPTH ATB JOINT USE DRIVEWAY TRACT SE 133RD PL. KING COUNTY URBAN SUBACCESS NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE •1' I I I 1 ' 2· CEMENT CONCRETE ROLLED CURB. SEE KCRS DWG. NO. 3-002 TRACT "D" ' DJ~~T. 12" CULi/EET 1.E.{S) "'"· 518.67 srA 16+46 87, ROAD "A"~ STA.17+11.52; 160TH AVE. SE SEE SHEET C4 FOR 160TH AVE. S.E. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS S.E. 134TH STREET CB SO~J.76 '' , .... I.'. C 26' PRIVATE ACCESS TRACT 13' 11 ' 11 ' w, ~I w, ~l 2' ' 2" COMPACTED DEPTH CLASS 'B' ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 1-1/2" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING TOP COUR~ ALTER~ATE 5" COMPACTED DEPTH CRUSHED ROCK SURFACING BASE COURSE _J 4" AB ADDITIONAL TREATMENT MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON SOILS CONDITIONS PER KING COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS SECTION 4.02 PRIVATE ACCESS TRACT KING COUNlY D.D.E.S. NOT TO SCALE Ap E' ------ C 1 (j .J .J z j a.. 8 .,.... 5 0 a.. w C\I 00 <( _J _J . a.. 0 z Zw 0 _J I--_J LL ~ Cl) <( w :i: 0 8 0 co 0) 0 C\I .,.... C\i I lo . <( ~~ C\I ....: ~~ -- ·w LL! _J z _J oW N m ~ .,.... w z 0 :i: a.. .0 I C 0 ·o, 1----------1~ I 2 ~ C .~ 0 • I - 0 8 N -I 0 N 0 N .D I 0 N 0 N ~ 1------------1~ X ate :r: ~ 0 V) (f) .w ~~ -5' Zw ~ V, CL~ 0 >-' ~~ z •O (!) a:'. z--> a:'. z \±1 w z . -(!) C>z Q ti ..J ii= ~::, u V) ill L .0 0 a, 'O 0 "' II w 0 u U) <j" 0 0 N . .._, a, N :;:. 0 "' (t'. I 0 ca 0 LUA-oB-rz.2.. 510··· .0? ~ 0 ~, S3C> · PROPOSED F~NCE (4' MIN HEIGlf[) . : PROPOSED. MODULAR : BLOCK WALL . . " . "' 0 oh 5+00 ~ :i; . 0... .. !I,! . .. 0. . "' X <O .. .won· 13 ;/;~ . u T-s-.-. . . . LO. ~<II . Ul t,c;:J. a, . " 0 . "' : LOW: POl~T ElEV. = : 510 .. 94 : -----i 1. LOW POINT· STA = 10+36.57 ·F'YI STA =: 10+29,90 PVI ELEV,; 516.ili 40.00' vc o: .. "' -'·N· "' . o·..--· ·+ ..---0 <() ·-··8· tJ >" > CO· ill . Li.J N ·z q . ::i O. .. n +. o. . a::: "'." . .o "' -. ''d .en . , .,,. -. .. :<. . ·+ ...... : ill In ..,o ,n -.t-lO'.--.. c.o.~.w r---: 8CA §: OLO-U W 'Ji' II Gj · · a::acn .. u en Vl. .... -s~~: ~:_~.: 0%· ""wx· =:i -I-, . _.;..-,-. 0 "l . "! -· O; -.o ---"' . "' "'· 10+00 5' SID~ALK-ri r . . 0.96% . . TRACT 'C' . t"=a30'. 1 ''.=:=$': re m 0 "1_(j 6+00 "---'"""-· -~ -· "'· .,..., .--. .;I" . ....... 11+00 PROPOSED SANITARY· $EWER · PER SEPARATE i'lANS; (TYP) 0 . oh --0 "' ,...; --"' "' .~. • C">l . LO . 7+00 "' -"' ·"' ,...; --· "' "'· 12+00 . ' . . {'rj . . Oil). ~Q?:v1 ~ Sffts . O 11 "'· · ... oYJ .. u (/) fl? ·s .... . CN!CQ . . ..-·a.; . ·""w"'-.::? ..... :I-: . : J.00% · .oci N ·ui -· O· ,,.;. -. "'. • . p. i ,-;. i"I : . u ..., :~:m~· . . ·-t-0' ~ -~t') . ..... --'V""···· ·X · . .s'fl ~ tlci _,_. . -+--'-""' ONSITE ROAD AND DRAINAGE PROFILE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 SEC.14, T.23N., A.SE., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 520 ~ ... Cl z ····i:.:r8···· ·z· .. ......... ... ;< . . t"J . • "' O> ~ ::;; .w QJO'I· -~0>..,...; .z :+ It) . . . .+. IQ? . .:::J iv -. -~ .v. Ii) i LO ,.... __ ..... ·3:, X ,o. ..... ""-~ II .. ·i:. ·<I! II • · · · · · · · · "" "'EiJ · · · · ·.·,:; Iii ci 520 .... : I-': .... b ~"' ' •••• i a.. ....... t, 0 !I,!... . :5 ':'f : 'LL i en : E:XISTING GROUND @ . It ~ ·"' . ; O ... '°. ·pR· ~P·.o's·ED. ·.GRA. DE 'Cl·<. ·Li.J ."""'.~. · O ' · z,... ·t, < @ · OF TRACT . PR POSEO .. FENCE : w 1/) ·. 0 '"'JI.·. . ..... · · · (4' MIN HEIGHT) w "'w ~ 51% . 2,1 .tJiJ:JLL __ ~JJi~++--~.:-:-'. ~·/ti,..~-.~~/- :/ '--'""" . . ..• $10'. 121 LF 1.2~ S.D. @ 0.5()% ""--.-·~· : ca 12:TYPE 1· · W ROLLED VANED GRATE STA 3f67 .oo; 1 L25' (LT. . · RIM=511.78 . IE=5ci~.67 ( 12') : 1.E;-50S.17 (6") : :JJJL.~ t· .. :·.:·=.:.:· .. :·--~~; ..... 7-.. "-eooeoom ~"=~~. ~!rf im!~~" ' ...... PROPOSED .. MODULAR .. aLoCK WALL ; ~ .... -~ 3+00 . EXISTING GROUND @ : f1. R/W ...-,----;-' -:~ <'! "' "' "' . "' .; -in "' 13+00 . Lo(? . . "' . fil . """" . . f"')N. ~~(()· :~§2 .. o 11 ·II . . .... Q!'. O·~ .. . Utn .. . s·· ,O· . N·. . -.a . .- . """''· .:::i-~ -0 ... -· "'· . 22 LF 1~" SD O 0.50% ' PER SEPARATE PLANS (TYP): : cs 1J.TYi'(1. W/ROLLED VANED: GRATE · STA: 3+67.00, 11.25' RT. : RIM;.$11.1~ · IE,,506.76 (12") IE=509.2B \6") I':~. _...,,.; . ·;;::i ,-. . in. 4+00 ·~· ,-.. --. -· "! "' "' ..,: . .; -. "'. 14+00 .--:-. • <XY . "· . ,..,. . rn. .+ . :!· -- .,n .OJ . ..,: -~· -~ TRA. c· • T· 'D' . ' ' ' . . . . ·1 !'=30 1 . - . "' ~o "' . -"' ,,,- . "' . 100.00'. y~ : PVJ STA ;= 14f83As: PYI C:L.EY = 5) 5.35 · "' t, J:: "l .•. z . If)· ···-P ffi ~ p. (/) If) ~II . . 1-_...,. . . ~ u in . ~ .--; .. µ~~ -g:-~ ..... -.. . ·+ a, ~CXJ., .. -~-..,.ti)· ....... ,,,_ . >=":"o.. ·x "' · ::,W-,.._ · ·1-C< II . . . "' .,, .. ~ In EiJ ,,, -I":': 0 . "' <O -. .,, -"' 15+00 . "! . "' -. .,, . 5+00 "'. "l "' . "" ,.._. .; -· "'. · IE=504.00 : 9 :LF 24" $D: · @. 2.11% a m l'ROPCistD :rENCE: ·::I-~ ' . "LO . ·3' It . :~:~: . . CONCREit RETAiNiNG WALL .. PROPOSED GRADE ALONG: 5' SID~ALK~ I:: : · <!,. OF STORM· PIPE · ' : · · · · "·so o· 1 11:11 · •127LF 24. . · , . · ... CB 1 TYPE 11-48" . W SOLID, LOCKING LID : · ·ST··. · 11 +·1 ~·.·45· · 74·,5o'RT. · · . ~-... -~ . ' ....... . {SE· 133RD PL) · : · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · • ~~~g;}:0(24 , . STORM. LINE: 'A' ) "cc;JQ' ~ !'::::5'· • · LF 24" SD @ o:94% 62 . ci3 i TYPE ii ~46" : W SOLID LOCKING LID STA. i 12+43.05, 74.$0' RT (SE l33RD PL)... . RIM=;512.41 · · · IE=5b5.67 :(24") : . w ::g-. z ... ·:J;:!· . t"-; .o -. "' . . • . II) . · · · 3' 11 · · 25 LF 12' SD : @ 1.44:ii ' ... .. ...a.J . QC w. 5' S1DEIV"1.K . :--'· . . . CB 4 -TYPE 11-48" : SEE SE 133 RD PL. PROFlLE BElO\\'.fOR C.ONTINVATION ······:WQ ' .. ·-: 6.i: ·-:I{). ···~··• ... w +-. ... z R . .. =1 N .... ln ........ " p,; ci ! . . ' . . . . '. '_;_-. -.-.-:~~ ---··········~······ ~:~_.-'." . ·-. 130 . . . . . .. , CB#20 'TYPE I \ iST,l,.: 8-f 14:32; 32 ; RT ' CB 18 lYPE I 50 00'· vc. ' STA.6-f82.97; 5721 ~l : .... ' (156TH AVE SE) : . . S3() W/:_O~ID LOCKING LID {156TH AVE SE) : .. W/SOUD LOCKING LID RIM=5:12,20 : : : .... IE=<509.20 (12") · PVI 'STA = 16+10 . . . . . . .. . PVI tLEV ,;._ 519.7'!! . . . .. I" : : ~ . U) Cl. -~~· . . co. "' -. -,,.... I.() . ·w Vl "' :~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ,;_ ·W CO :~ ~ · • !1· . . ~ .. .z ,o· ' . "' lj ..... ' i!: "' .. . :::J ,..... :VJ ·w ' . tl1N O "'*"~ . + · •u o I-+n "' + · · . . <D .. :,> > . ::, «>d. = <00. ·a::: ,. w w .U. ~N . '"'.'"~. 3' ..c'fl £': < II . ii', In i:il ,!; to i;:l -~~- ' .. o'° t>-"l ·~(O~. -(J) ..-LO . .(Fl LO. 11· ..... RIM-~10,00 ...... , • IE=50!-00 (12') : ...... . ... · $10 500 '··.······· ' · · · CB 19·TYPE I . . . : STA 6+~3.54, 32! ·RT· : (158l'.H AV[ St): : W/~OLIO ~OC)(!NG LID : RIM=510 .. 50 ' .. · ..... :.IE:;507, 6. (12') • ·r· · · · R·M·: ·L· ·1N·E • c• :, SO ..... ·····, . . · .. · ! ' ·,. ·l =,30 ... .".f'-~)5''..: . ~ . .o. ·;'.o . .q "' -in EX. GRQUND · · · · ALONG· Iii.· OF STORM PROPbS.ED GRADE : . rr'"".'"'.'-:-7---:---""--c-c,...;J.L....:.·~ALONG ·Iii. PF STORM · .. ' ' .... '.510· 510[ . . . . ' : CB .3 TYPE I . ·~ II V> . o@"'· ~ \,; . ::I~--. . -=-~ .. · ...... : .. · .. ·~ · W ROLLED VANED· GRATE . A 5+52:St, 6' LT . TRACT 'c') · · · · · IM=51LB9 · · · · · · : 1t;.sos.« (12:r -~~I-'. I . 500 . . "' ~ "' .q. "' "' .o -. f,j "' <() 16+00 C ••••••• i ·,, 2 TYPE 11-48 · SEE SE 133 RD PL PROFILE . SEI..O\\'.FO.R .. CO.NTINlJAII.ON .. . . STORM LINE: 'B' · .. : ... 1'.'.',;30'. .. : r·~:s~ : .q. ·"' . fil KING COUNlY D.D.E.S. C 0 'ii ·;; • et: 15 15 G'; G'; "' et: ~ ~ e5 e5 0. 0. Cl 0 w w en en G'; r.5 et: et: m m C "' "' Cl. 0 Cl ~ Cl 0 ] Cl Cl () t, t, ~ Cl Cl .... .... 0 0 $ ' "' -0 "' -C :;:, - ti "' -z 510· .91 i= ii 0 bl w 0 <( z -~ 0 0 z <( 0 <( 0 0: ~ en z 0 Q --1 .,.J • --- Ji C 2 ·c 0 I w _J -LL 0 a: ll.. 0 0 ..... w 0 j ll.. z 0 ~ -~ <( I LO 0 ~ 0) ~~ r!: w (j() s ·w LI.I _J z _J oW C\I CD ~ ..... b 8 ;,, ., II :e II " ' • > -- ..... ..... 0 0 ll.. C\I 0 _J • 0 z w _J -LL 00 w 0 0 w ~ I ll.. .0 ) C Q "'· 0. I 0 N 0 N .0 I 0 N 0 J'.' 1-------------i~ V) • uJ (!) (.) ~5' z uJ 5V> (L ...J ~ CJ z z uJ 5:::;; z ·O (!) "" z--> "" z ttl uJ z . -(!) t, z z- u.J w ...J > 2; g§ (.) V) X V ·c .0 Q 0, "O 0 ·~ II V Q 0 VJ ID E .= '---2 0 0 ·-------1 Completion Date C? / L 0 v, " ..... D .c 0 E C\I -0 " ~ :, 0 • 0 z .c ./ .c ..... "' "' 11. 0 ..... () ..., V C: EXPIRES 9/23/05 F ~005()\ l l [)00 gJ g HAMILTOt{ PLACE A PORTIOJ.\f OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 OF SEJC. 14, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. KING COUNTY, DEDICATION: KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners of interest in the land hereby subdivided, hereby declare this plat to be the graphic representation of the subdivision made hereby, and do hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets and avenues not shown as private hereon and dedicate the use thereof for all public purposes not inconsistent with the use thereof for public highway purposes. and also the right to make all necessa~y s[opes for cuts and fills upon the lots shown thereon in the original reasonable grading of said streets and avenu,s. ano further dedicate to the use of the public all the eaaements and tracts shown on this plat for all public purposes as indJcated thereon, including but not 1 imited to parks. open space, utilites and drainage unless such easements or tracts ahe specifically identified on this plat as being dedicated or conveyed to a person or entity other than the public, in which case we do hereby dedicate such streets. easements, or tracts to the person or entity identified and for the purpose stated. Further. the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided. waive for themselves. their heirs and assigns and any person or entity deriving title from the undersigned. any and all claims for damages against King County, its sLlccessors and assigns which may be occasioned by the establishment, construction, or maintenance of roads and/or drainage systems within this sUbdivi~1on othe~ than claims resulting from inadequate maintenance by King County. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, agree for themselves, their heirs and assigns to indemnify and hold King County, it successors end assigns, harmless from any damage. including any costs of defense. claimed by persons within or without this subdivision to have been caused by alterations of the grouno surfacl;l. vegetation. drainage, or surface or sub-surface wate~ fl-0ws within this subdivision or by establishment. construction or maintenance of the roads within this subdivision. Pro~ided. this waiver and indemni~ication sha11 not be construed as releasing King County, its swccessors or assigns. from liability for damages. incluoing the cost of defense. resulting in whole or in part from the negligence of King County, its successors, or assigns. This subdivision, dedication, waiver of claims and agreement to hold harmless is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of said owners. set our hands and seals: I AC KNO WLEDG EMENTS: . '... . .. ' ,' -· .... . State of Washington ) so·lo;J v.· A~;fr~~;-c'.. ···;, Tre11surer-KBS uevelopmerit Cor·pora ion, a Waijhin on Corporation . v.; .a~ , ..,Ai/ii )ss County of t· . I On this~:i::d~y of ~~(1,,l,ffj . . 200! before me. the undersigned. a notary pub 41n 1;mt1 for· the· state of Washington, du 1 y commissioned and sworn, persona 11 y cippeared Kolin B. Tayor. Robert W. Rud de 11. and Solomon V. Av;zcirade 1 persona 11 y known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evitlence) to be the President, the Secretary and the Tr~asµrer, of KBS Development Corporation. the corporation that exetuted the within and foregoing instrµment, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deec:1 of said corporat19n, for the l!ses and the purposes therein mentioned. and on oath sta\ed thDt they are authorized to execute said instrument cln('.J thqt the sei;il affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand anc:1 seal certificate above written. ,,,,,.\..\\' ............ r-,, __ .,. \':? ¥• ~".L"' -:-~.-''''"'' :!'f..·,~ ... •, .: _,.,.. _.,·:~!.S,IQN''·, V. ' ~ i1 --1~ €·!,, ·~ ', : .. f [l ~~ T~~ .. \.;,~ ~ ~ j ~' ~ '~ lo; .,. :, ~ ~ 1'a,~ ; : 1, ~ \, ,.., ' 1.·' ...... ---: I '9>,.. 1•,;'10.,Q'/! ,,•' _,>. :: I I -..,-,,.\\,,,.,,... ~0~ - '' • 1 ~, "VA$"~~ ...... --,,.,,,·,,\,'' Stete of Washington l County of 61·!>.!l~ i ss On this ~(.) ~ day of l):R~,1)'.Y\..,::~ , 200~ before me, the undersigned, a notary public ~n and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared i..(l[): (1.(;U.f~o me personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfctory evidence) to be th~*~ °£A~~of Home Street Bank. the corporgtion that executed the wit~in ano foregoing instrLJm\:rnt and acknowlec:lged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corooration, for the uses the purposes therein mentioned. and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. '· WASHINGTON APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND·ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES: Examined and approved this ~ day of"',..~\~/\.( . 200.e,. }fVV~- Examined and approved this _S_ day of ... J""' ..... G ..... f\ .... ·, . .._. __ ....., 200~ KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS: Examined and approved this Ok.Jiday of 9a/}(tl~~ . 200,g_. Scott Noble« -tf~ ~Otlike 1 King County Asse~sor Deputy King County Assessor Account Number Jw(a-150-Q{O() FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that all property taxes are paid, that there are no delinquent special assessments certified to this office for collection and that all special assessments certified to this office for collection on any of the property herein contained. dedicated as streets, alleys or for any other public use. .~ id in fUll. Th . ('.£''~ d f -r,1 IA .., •. , 200 ".-. ·· '\ ,.'f:.A$iJo 1 S TV I a y O \..H4: '\ 1,4.,.tl w .,_,_ 4 w> ~~~,. 1 t . F inanes Divis ion . f ,1-,>~")'c)\: f ICJ~<~ •• ~Jo ·\, Q, v, Gt \/ t.f ~ ... -~.:··.l cit~ . .\·~.1.· \.t""·· .. :~.i. , ... ···· · · ~~ ~:: · so;'· Manager. Finance Division ,;. ~:,~, ·-· . i~ . ~ ~ -;:'.-r ~,l l~'J,.:,, '~--1~ .4 ~ 1 I L I .. ~ .. ''\ -)/',j/1.1:J"·,. ~ .,.:1i'l .. ~·J._ , --,,-,, 7-. ,,t,t , I , -r-.-. 'Ii.·.;;. .. _ " .. -.. d.Q:/ .. '.·' '.. 1"?.J-·~r;~. ~.,. ... · .. • r .,_. ~ c ---, e . "'·""x_.,:v,.,t,., :... ·1( - l RECORDING CERTIFICATE: Recording No. 4:~QQI IJQ(:JQ .. ~~£) Filed for record at t···h·e reque;,t.~~ .. th~ K.·ing· .. Cou.nty Council. this _il_ ~~~ ~~corg~d in V ume . of0 ~1ats~Y J~~~~·~qu:j4l~~~~rd...,....s-o-=-f M · King County, Wash gton. Division of Records and LAND SURVEYOFf S CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that this p~at of Hamilton Place is based upon an actual survey and subdivision of Section 14. Township 23 North, Range 5 Ea~t. W.M .. that the courses and distances are shown correctly thereon; that the monuments will be set and the lot and block corners will be staked correctly on the ground as construction is completed and that I have fully complied with the provisions of the platting regulations. ' Cert ~-U·iQate No. 3a965 Centr'.~ Pointe Surveying, Inc. 3370 f 9th Avenue Sow th Federal Way, WA 98003 (253) 661-1901 Date Witness my hand and seal h certificate above written. eret)aff'.xed the day and year i: this '\ {).LL,,-t . kf"lJ:>W -t Centlre 33701 9th Avenue South .... • Federal Way, WA 98003 ,,., ,, ...• _._, ... , INDEX DATk SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM ODES FILE NO. L02P0011 Not~y publ~~ in and for t~ Statetf of ashingt~n. residing in·. 1,£,M My commission expires: ~ .... t,;::. 07 :3:u, d~ L. · print ~.<'ab tJ notary name p " t (253) 661-1901 ~ ~ lOfil e t Surveying DRAWN BY: D Woocls CHECKED BY: s Woods DATE: December 15. .~004 JOB NAME; 1808 11,.~CArn NA JOB NO.: 1808 -a,w i'lrf'N'.l\lW@fl~·~-····.•· " --~, SURVEY FOR KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St.. Suite 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 1 OF 4 HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. KING C. 0 UN,'TY CalcµJat.ed 16th corn1:1r -. -.-I & NE i;:orn!lr of ~1;1nett '5 Sol.ll.theo.i,t 12Qth_. S. tr.-e.e .. t Renton Bouhivar,;1 I 634. 5 North 1/4 corner of 14 Section 14, Township 23N. Range SE. Pound broken bras$ disk with pun~h. Renton control point 2103. sa 8 /Tracts. Vol. 17 , pg 60. · ~ . -·· '0 7 '44uE 2_536,;1£1' ~11 rN_Pr __ t .. heil!it corner.of ,----_ _ _ 6'.;14. 25' "'=o:----,6il,--· -. . Sect iOr1 14, Township f ---5.74-."'_9-:-c------,,,_1 12158.49 14 13 23N. Han~e 51:. ~ · Pounds· bra$S disk u 576.i'P N01'19'14"W wi.th p1,mch "i<C!;IM", 1-c.. u 1472.93' unable to read ~ 0 301~~ :.,?-1 I r--01 ""· Ll1 I 3o • · +I 001 ~bi! I :i~ ~1a, :9 I ~ ... o.. ···y. ; .., 586.15 ·c -"' l'/.l ~-587. 7 4 'p , . .c:I IU "': NBB 36' 28 '\IV . 9:l 15 ::, ru 30. 03' u-i o Ara ~l'/.l I; ~!l-~Q. in~~ .... 11101 OJ· ~ ~ A FoLJnd plug with punch in c;oncret!l at SE 132nd PL & 160th t,,ve SE. incased. 0.21 'W of 16th hna. LEGEND: = Monument found as noted. Visited May 3, 2001. 14, .,cl ~ •. ·.· .... Q) ---··· .. -.·· ~~ tj ;.., .~ ~\ (\J.,.. OQI Ol ~_;,,i Q:) " mm ru...-. 01.• ....., le.~ mm i~ p = Plat of Janett's Renton Boulevard Trac:: ts. Vo 1 . 1 7 • pg 60 . · I i C = Calculated NOT TO SCALE !:i68.!:;i1 'C 5~0,Q'P SW 1;orner of Janett~s Ri;mton EIQl.!lavaf,d 1P~ u 30 ~~ i:oP-130' Tr_.a_._c_ts._ v_o1_; 1_7_-_. ,pg 60---------FouM 1,..1/2'; ai1le > · • m·o l ~ l?l 593 23 ' C ' ' ., with punch, incased u;, '° 59!:i' 1 ' P :; g: .. ..... --0 ------~ .;..:_ -------_lP~ J . 653.50' .. ,I\ m .· .. .. _6 __ o3. 5_-_o_._ -·. ~ , SI: corner Of Janett' s ---.. .. --· Renton aoul!lv.ard S!:.16'53'06"E 1307.00' Tracts. Vol. 1'7,pg60. SQutbe@~t 1:,ath Street Found 1" iron pipe. incased. KING COUNTY DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND COVENANT: --PLAT NOTES: All draini:\ge ea§ements within this Pli;tt, nqt shown c;lS "Private·. are hereby 9r1nted gnd conveyed to King county, a PQlitical subdivision Of the State of Weshington, for the purpose of cQnveying. fi!toring, mana.ging and facilitating storm and surfece water per the engineering plans approved for t~is Plat by King County, together with the right of reasonable access (ingress and egress), to enter said dreinage easement for the purpose of inspecting, operating. maintaining, repairing and improving the drainage facilities contained therein. Note that except for the facilities Which have been formally accepted for maintenance by King County. maintenance of drainage facilities on private property is the responsibility of the property owner. The owners of said private property are required to obtain prior written epproval from King County Property Services. end any required permits from the King County Oepartment of Oev1:1lopment and Environmental Services for activities such as clearing and grading, prior to filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drainage facilities (such as swales. channels. ditches, ponds, etc.). or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities, contained within said drainage easement. This easement is intended to facilitate reasonable access to the drainage facilities. This easement and covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their heirs, successors and assigns. UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE: A privc!te easement is hereby reserved for and granted to Puget Sound Energy CompimY, Qwest, Comcast. any cable & any telephone company & their respective successors & assigns under & upon all private streets, alleyweys and private drives, the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots and tracts and 5.00 feet parallel with and adjoining alleyways and private drives.Further easements are reserved over private lands for vaults, Pedestals and related facilities("Vault Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the preceding sentence as follows: the Vault Easement mey occupy up to an additional 5-feet in width (for a total width of 10 feet> With the length of each vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the es-built vault(sl. The number and location of Vault Easements will be "as installed" during the utility's initial installation of facilities. The easements are reserved and granted in order to install, lay, construct, renew, operate and maintain underground pipe, conduit, cables, wires, vaults and pedestals with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric. telephone, gas, telecommunications, data transmission, street lights and utility service together with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as possible to their original condition. No lines or wires for transmission of electric current. or for telephone, cable television, telecommunications or data transmission uses shall be placed or permitted to be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. No permanent structure shall be placed within the easement without permission from easement owners. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT COVENANT: The owners of private property within this Plat encumbered with drainage easements shown as "Private·. hereby grant and convey to King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, the right, but not the obligation to convey or store storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King county, together with the right of reasonable access (ingress/egress). to enter said drainage easement for the purpose of observing that the owners are properly operating and maintaining the drainage facilities contained therein. The owners of said property are responsible for operating, maintaining and repairing the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement, and a~e hereby required to obtain any require<;! permits from King Co1Jnty Oepc1rtment of Development and anvironmental Services prior to fi1ling, pip!n~ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) The monument contro1 shown for this site wa1 1ccgmplish,d by fi1;1Jd t.rqveirse •,,1tilizing a one (1) second tt:ieodolite with integrc!l electronit distance measuring meter (Geodimeter 600) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) / Static Global Positioning System (GPSJ. Linear and angular closure of the traverses meet the standards of WAC 332-130-090. Full reliance for legel descriptions and recorded easements have been placed on the title report from Chicago Title Insurance Company Commitment order No. 1144641, dated December 20. 2004. No add it iona 1 research has been attempted. Offset dimensions shown hereon are measured perpendicular to property lines. The Articles of Incorporation for' 140{1101ia Homeowners Assa.elation art; -o.n f~ la with t~,e 5t-,~··;~·ie.:-+;:.:"f." r,ashingtcn in Olympia. Washington. The Magnol:ici Homeo\!\11ers Association is empowered to maintain cornmr:m· 1;1•operty and facilities and charge fees to homeowners tor m~intenance, and enter into agreements with the City of Renton. "Magnolia" will be the initial marketing name for the sale of the Lots described herein. Tract A is a recreation tract for the benefit of all lot owners in this plat. Ec!ch ownership of a lot in this plat (lots 1 through 23 inclusive) inclLJdes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract "A". The Magnolia Homeowners Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of said Tract "A". However. should the Homeowners Association fail to properly maintain Tract "A", then the lot owners of all lots 1 through 23 shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of said tract. Tract C is a private Joint Use Driveway Tract for ingress. egress, utilities and private drainage for the benefit of the owners of Lots 22 and 23. Ownership of Lot 22 & Lot 23 within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract c. and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. An easement over, end across the entire Tract C is hereby dedicated to King County for ingress and egress for access to Tract B. ALSO an easement to the City 6t Renton over, under and across the entire Tract c for the maintenance and operation of any sanitary sewer lines, structures and appurtenances. Tract Dis a private Access Tract for ingress. egress, utilities and private drainage for the benefit of the owners of Lots 14. 15, 16 and 17. Ownership of Lots 14, 15. 16 and 17 within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract 0, and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. An easement to the City of Renton over, under and across the entire Tract D for the maintenance and operation of any sanitary sewer lines, structures and appurtenances. The house address system for this plat shall be as follows: Addresses shall be assigned for the East-West road within the range of 15801 to 15999. individual addresses will be assigned to the principal entrance of each resid•nce or building in accordance with King County Code 16.0B. 9) Trees located within the plat shall be maintained by the owners of the lot for which the trees grow in. Trees located within thestreet right-of-ways shall be maintained by the lot owners of the abutting lots. TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W.M. WASHINGTON PLAT NOTES (CONT.): 10) All building down spouts, footing drains. and drains from all impervious surfates such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the epproved construction drc;1wings No. P-3.0S4 on file with King County Department o-f Oevelopment end Environmental Services (DOES) and/or the King County Depertment of Transportation. This plan shell be submitted with the application for any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed c!nd approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designed for individual lot infiltration systems. the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with the plens on file. All individual stub-outs and infiltration systems shall be privately owned and maintained by the lot owner. 11) SCHOOL Ff:ES FOR LOTS 2 THROUGH 23: Fi tty percent 150;) of school impect fees were Pl;lid at the time of final plat approv!:!l in accorda.nce with King County Code 21A.43.050. The bal!:!nce of the esse§sed fe~ $ a•ae.oo per lot, together with the current <!.<;!ministration fee. must be peid at the time of builoing permit issuance. SCHOOL FEES FOR LOT 1: One resigential unit was existing prior to the deve1opment of this subdivision. If the issuence of a new building permit for Lot 1 occurs on or pr ion to Mi:IY 7, 2007. then said lots shall be exempt from the payment of the school impact tees. If the issuance of a n,w building permit for said lot occurs after Mey 7, 2007. then the full assessed fee. $ 499.6.00 per lot, together with the current c1dministration fee, must be paid at the time o-f building permit issuance. See K.C. code 21A.43.070.A.2. 12) ROAD MPS FEl;S PER KING COUNTY COPE 14. 75 FOR LOTS 2 THROUGH. ~3:, This pl1;1t is subject to King county code 14.75. Kins County Roc;1d Mitigation Payment System(MPS). For Lots 2 through~~ the MPS fees plus the MPS administrative fee shall be paid at the time of building permit application at the rate in effect at that time. ROAD MPS FEES PER KING COUNTY CODE 14.75 FOR LOT 1: One residential unit was existing and occupied within the three years prior to the application for development of this subdivision. Lot 1 in this plat shall be exempt from the payment of fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation System. see King County Department of Transportation Public Rule 6.2.1,4. 13) Tracts A through E are considered to be tracts pursuant to KCC 19A.04.330. A "tract· is land reserved for specified uses including, but not limited to, reserve tracts, recreation. open space. sensitive areas. surface water retention, utility fe.cilities and access. Tracts ara not considered lots or building sites for purposes of residential dwelling construction. 14) There shall be no direct vehicular access to or from 158th Avenue Southeast or 160th Avenue Southeast from those lots which abut them. 15) Tract Bis a Storm Water Detention Tract and is hereby conveyed to King County for ownership & maintenance purposes. 16) Trgct "E" is a Sensitive Area Tract(SAT). Each ownership of a lot in this plat (lots 1 through 23 inclusive) includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Trect "E". The Magnolia Homeowners Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of said Tract "E". However. should the Homeowners Association fail to properly maintain Tract "E", then the lot owners of all lots 1 through 23 shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of said tract. 17) Public Drainage Easement Restrictions: Structures, fill, or obstructions (including, but not limited to, decks, patios, outbuildings. or overhangs) shall not be permitted beyond the building setback line of the public drainege easements. Additionally. grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the public drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by King County ODES or its successor agency. 18) All private storm drainage easements shown hereon are hereby granted to the lot owners who would benefit from the easement. The owners of the lots having benefit of use shall be equally responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the drainage facilities they have the benefit of use. except no owner shall be responsible for the mainten- ance, repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the commonly used storm sewer located upstream from the point of connection of that respective lot owner. 19) The road and storm drainage systems shall be constructed according to the approved plan and profile. Plan No. P-3094 on file with King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) . Any deviation from the approved plans will require written approval from the proper agency, currently DOES. cutting or removing veget1;1tJon !except for routine l1;1n~scape,P!Ml!!'!!!l1fflif'l!l!!llllllllilll!!ll!P.~!¥!P'!'~ mainteni;lnce !iUCh ii!S lawn mowing) in open v!;lgetat1;10 dr1;11nage • ~\l!'!!ll!;l!l!!1!1!!!!!'!1!!--!'lll.!l!!.,.!l,.~-~--~,.P/!!!!lfll!.!i;;. ffll~ll!!! .. 1!11 .• Ri!!ii!!(ll!I•••••~~----. Jll(!!!.~!!l!!l!!"""'IJ!R!li!!!! ... !111!.R!.!!l!-... ll!!! ... !I!. •••~llJ!lj!!!!!i!ll!!l8'!!!!l!l!!! .. !!!!.!!! ... !!!!, .. !lll! .. l!l!!! .. lll!llll!l!l!!..-1!!1!1!!~ J)l!llll!l!l!lll!!l!!ll!l!IIIRRl!lt. facllities ($UCh i;l.S swales. Ch!;lnnels. QitOhe!:i, ponds. etc.), ~ C'··-e· --n;hi<,A ::13701 9th Avenue South IN!l~XQ!T4: or performing any alterations or modifications to the ,8111'k-," -...• ~1.\1 Federal Way, WA. 98003 SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM drainage facilities contained within said drainage easE1ment. ~ ~ P. do--.. 10_ ... n ..... -.,-t.·.-·-A·· .. · (253) 661-1901 -. This covenant shall rl,ln with th1;1 land and is binding upon -----------~ the owners of !:laid privete property, their heirs, successors and assigns. Surveying DOES FILE NO. L02P0011 .. , DRAWN BY: DATE: SCA[J:; D Woods January 4. NA CHECKED BY: s Woods 2005 JOB NAME: 1808 JOB NO.: 1808 SURVEY FOR: K8S Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St.. Suite 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 2 OF 4 HAMILTON PLACE ~ A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. ~ ~North l/4 corner of l Section 14, Town:;;hip 2i~ ~ange ~E. Found b .•.. r ..... o·k ... ·en b .... ras·s··· dis~ with pync;n. Renton control point 210:;1. . " Ul 0 "S;I' ~ 3; "S;I' (TJ OJ C\J • KING COUNTY, 30' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5 to th$ 60, in Slock 1. Janett· s Renton Boulevard Trqc;t:;i. ac;corc:ting Plat thert:iof. recori;Jed in Volume 17 of Plats. at page (s) King County, Weshington. 1 .... 1 '7_T _____ _ 5'1', I Private I Storm Oraina9e Easement w : ('\J (T) 2 (T) (\j • ..-1 0 :;;/! TRACT "E" (SENSl'l'IVE A.REA) Encroachment easement Rec. No. 20041005000244 165.7 LEGEND: 5' eye ne fence 0 = MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED. VISITED MAY 3, 2001. • ~ SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED .. 22:;1aa1a~S1;15 ... I : 't"' ''"'~i \ 0'--i! \... I 12· Easement for ingress & egress for the penif,i.t of King County. 51. 82' Note: 23N., RNG. 5E. w. M. 5 WASHINGTON I • I I I ).. \ 0'-- \... \ 0 ... \... I 0.5'N 5E36 • 15 I N68'36'12''W 51.70'-o 0.--T-Nas•3T. ·oe·w 0 co C!) w (\j (T) (T) C\J • ..... 0 4 ..-( \ Q \ \... 6 0 0 ~ o J03.60' co Privete · r;p Storm .. Ora in~rne w E;1;1sernent (T) (\j • ..... 0 ~ -~ 52. · 0' 7 C• 0 0 en w ("\J m ('I') (\j • .., 0 4 11!5 • 00 I 0 z · N8ff'@6 · ea ··w ro5:·oo · · 23 5' Private Storm Drai.n1;19e Ea~ement l______ ' 1 5. 00' ------- I NS8"42'04"W 588.51'. ,( \ Q \ 1 \.. . SW corner of Janett·s Renton 6oulevard Trc1cts, Vol. 17 , pg 60. Found 1-112· c1xle izC::;··~. ---- )8( • SET "X" IN BRASS DISC IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. The 100 year flood elevation is all contained outside of the boundaries of this plat. DlSTANCE L..1 NO f 0 23; ~2···l: 7.87' 0 30 60 ~:1.~1·1Ll..a 111:l.i_: 11···••~ SCALE: 1'' = 30' DOES FILE NO. L02P0011 BSB.L = BUILDING SETBACK LINE DRAWN BY: DAm: SCALE: • 0 Woods CHECKED BY: January 3. 2005 JOBN~: 1" = 30' JOB NO.: s Woods 1808 . 1808 .. ' ... .. ,"" 653.50' . l..4. . .. N86 '•35 ; 28 "W t..5 sav·19 · 14 ··e .: ,-.~ .. ,.,. "··· S68"53'08"E 1307.00' .!1·.ee· 4.86' Southeast 136th Street moEx'oii.tk SW-NE 14, T23N, RGE, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St.. Suite 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 3 OF 4 A PORTION OF THE KlNG COUNTY, SW llCJ05 CJ I l l 00 C) fJ g HAMILTON PLACE 1/4 OF THE NE l/4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. WASHINGTON S0uth!3&~t 128th Street -------...s--- I JI' Note: The 100 year flood el§lvation is ell contained outside of the bounderies of this plat. I I I /I "'( I 0.5'N 586.15' ffif. 77 · -NBB'36'i°fW5170-;--:--1----~4 · o . o Nl,l6 '31 '06'W · -------- 0 o 103.60' g aj Private co Storm ),. \ 0 '- \,. cyclone fence 51:77•· Nij8'04'14"W 47.94' 1.2'N . -----t,-----S88'49'5B"W Q . . 0 0 0 Calculated 16th corner &l Ni;: !;orn!lr of Janett's Renton eo~levard Tracts. Vol. 17 . pg 60, 116-:-it4· -----r · Private Stgrm g Drainage Easement 5 LJJ Drainage Easement (lJ 30' /,,U co co co SCALE: 1'' -30' SE I :aEARING :Pl~TANCE ·,···; T6 ;;.ee· L7 LB 4.86' LS N88°36'28"W 4.86' Llo 7.87' . (\J fl) (T] 6 i O ' LJt i l it y e_asement ---- 51. 77' 7 hl • 51. 77 · .. NBS 0 36 '28" W 536. 58 ' 133rd Place S86 •35• 28" E 134f: 03' lP ' Ut i l it y Ea!Himent sas ·~is . as "E ... 5'a'. B'oT .... C\J .... (1J ,.,._, ... ' LJJ (\J m (T) (\J • 52.50' 8 LJJ 9 : (\J fl) fTJ (\J • ,,..., Q ~ 51. 77' 57.50' co LJJ : (\J fl) fTJ (\J • ,,..., 0 z ...;J 10 51. 77· lo §5. 06; I:::_ - 5' LJt i l it y J 5 5 ·!. 5 ' Ut i l it y o Easement I r--Easement i • 0 .... CD LJJ : C\J (T] fl) (\J • ~ g g--1 .----.,L . TRACT O SEE NOTE 7 g o c;i I o " o ON SHEET 2 OF 4 . g ~ 20 ~ 19 : 18 .. ·. 1'0!0 ~ 13 g :; 0 "l"'1:;: ~ ~ C\J ru I·,.., ,,..., (TJ fl) I~ w r:_. i+i LJJ o I hl (TJ (T) ' ~ ~ : 0 1 lJJ C\J (1') (1') (\J • 11 38.15' .... C\J .... fU 32.02' 12 0 "M C\J O'l tO (\J 01 (D 0 C\J ('11 LJJ : fTJ "'i' ·~ ~ ~ I : ~ I ~ g/ §~o~~io~~!nage RESTRICTIONS FOR SENSITIVE z z I ~ ~ ~ I Easement AREA TRACTS AND SENSITIVE 1,ii,j52~·;50:;·~~~~~~-+~~~L-.._ .......... -....J5~7:..,;. 5~o~· ......... .L/ 5.J.:i &..i i ~·1 :-J _55~. 0~0• _ ::- lP lO AREAS AND BUFFERS: · N8B •3s · 28 ··w r:.1 1 15. oo · 100. oo · · ~ ........ ,'g···.· NBB •36 .;8 ··w 115 . 14 . Dedication ot a 1ensitive area tract/ • _ s1:msitive arei;l and but.fer conveys to ,< ._., fTllcci the PlJblic c:1 tieneficial inter.!ilst tn the \ C, \ 2· .. ·· 2· 17 c:u 1~ 5· Private l,;1r'ld within the tract/§ens).tiv¢ are1a \...• r-Storm Drainage elnd buffr:;ir. This interest i.r:ich,1qes the Easement 14 ~ Presewv<ltion qf native vegetatipn fqr all PW'PQSe$ th1;1t gene fit the gu.p l i c hei:llj:h. · safety cind welfi:lr'IE!, inqlyqing control of sllrfs1i:1e water anp t:H'C!$i9n, mainten<lnce of slope sti=lbility., and protection of plcjnt and animal habitat. The §ensitive arE!a tract/sensitive area and buffer impo$es upon all present and future owners and occupier$ of the land subject to the tract/sensJtive area and buffer the pbllgation: 1:wfr;iri;eable on beihal f qf the pub HG by ~ing Qq1,1nty, to leav, undisturti,a all tr11, and other vegetation within the tra.ott,en1 H iY!l! ar1:1ji !!rid p1.1ffer, The veget~t ipn within the! tractl,ensHi ve l:!rea ano bllffer maY not be cut. prune1;t; t;ovliireo by fill. remo111:11;1 or da.l!)aged wi fho1,,1t ,uiproval iri writing from th1 Klng Qounty Departm1nt of ·oev1l0Pment •nd Environmental &ervioeg or its 1uc1;e1sor agency, unless otherwise provided by law. N88"36'28"W105.00' 23 0 z 16 G' Private Storm DrainaQe Ea1ement 5· Private storm i _ _ _ DraiMge Easemenit -1-5.-oo~-----------------. .. ·1· .·"7------ 1 NB8"42'04"W 588.51' 4'cyclone fence LLJ (\J. (1') . "I' fl) Lr) (\J • .~ ~tO 0 z N8B 0 36 · 20 "W f05.52 · 15 0 LC1 co (TJ 10' X 10' Overhead ~ Power 1c1sement to.......____ Puget sound Energy ~o·· 32. 91' ~ 5· cyclone fenCe I The QQl!)mon bo1.1ndary between the tract/ sensitive area and buff er ctnd the 1;1rea of development S·Qtivity myi.t be marked or otherwislii flagged ta the 1ati1faction of King Coynty prior to any Qlearing, graoing. buHoinQ oon1tr(li;t ii;m or oth1;1r oevelopment <!Gtivity on a lot ,wl:liect to the sen$itive arei;! tr11c;t/seniHHve are,;1 @.nd but.fer. The rE!guired marking or fJagging shall remain ~n glai;;e L)ntil ciP c,tevelopmf:!nt Proposal !:lJ;tJvHie§ in the vicinity of the seneitive area cjrecomplet~d. 1 LEGEND: 1 Subject To: A agreement and the terms and conditions thereof filed under Aec. Nb.20040729000541. "' = MONUMENT FOLJND AS NOTED. VISITED MAY 3, 2001. @ = SET #4 RESAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED " 22:338/3€!!;165" • )8("' SET "X" IN BRASS DISC IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. 30' . gi. lO ..... C\J ..... m 0 .... C\I IXl C\I ffl l No bYilding founoaqon1 l:!l"e allowed beyond the reguir~d 1ij-toot building setback line. un1e•s·oth1rwise providld by law. 653.50' S88"53'08"E 1307.00' BSBL = BUILDING SETBACK LINE SE corner of Janett· s J R1ntcin.. B. ou. lev. a. r.d .. · Tracts. .··•.· .. Vol. 17. pg so. Found 1" iron pipe, incased. ----· . · .. BASIS OF BEARING: Southeast 136th Street True North. flq§li/Q 1.1pon GlQbal PosHioninQ System (GRSl Lampert Grii;I Wi:!91'.lington St1:1te Nqrth Zone .i::ooro)nl:!tes. A cc:,nvergence angle oJ 0'58'91.856" counterclockwise was applied at a p~n;h,in a broken ~rass di§c at the int1rs11;tion of 156th Avenue Southeast and southeast 128th Street. Mon1.1ment is the North quarter corner of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Msridian. The North American Datum of 1983/1991 (NAO 8~/91) grid coordinates are approximately 180828.770 r·o·centre· ::~~~&rt;&ive;:e ~~~~~ ~ Pointe (253) 661-1901 Surveying / 1319243.796 at that point. The inverse of both the sea level correction factor of 0.999977357 and the grid scale factor of 1.000002203 was applied to the grid coordinates for shown ground distances. DRAWN BY; D Woods CHECKED BY: S Wo O d S ODES FILE NO. L02P0011 EXPIRES 5-23-2005 DATE-. SCALE: January 3. 2005 JOB NAME: 1808 1" "' 30' . JOB NO.: 1808 ll!DE:X DATA: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 4 OF 4 VOLUME/PAGE HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. KING COUNTY, DEDICATION: KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners of interest in the land hereby subdivided, hereby declare this plat to be the graphic representation of the subdivision made hereby, and do hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets and avenues not shown as private hereon and dedicate the use thereof far all public purposes not inconsistent with the use thereof for public highway purposes, and also the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots shown thereon in the original reasonable grading of said streets and avenues, and further dedicate to the use of the public all the easements and tracts shown on this plat for all public purposes as indicated thereon, including but not limited to parks, open space, utilites and drainage unless such easements or tracts are specifically identified on this plat as being dedicated or conveyed to a person or entity other than the public, in which case we do hereby dedicate such streets. easements, or tracts to the person or entity identified and for the purpose stated. Further. the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, waive for themselves, their heirs and assigns and any person or entity deriving title from the undersigned, any and all claims for damages against King County, its successors and assigns which may be occasioned by the establishment, construct ion, or maintenance of roads and/or drainage systems within this subdivision other than claims resulting from inadequate maintenance by King County. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, agree for themselves, their heirs and assigns to indemnify and hold King County, it successors and assigns, harmless from any damage, including any costs of defense, claimed by persons within or without this subdivision to have been caused by alterations of the ground surface, vegetation, drainage, or surface or sub-surface water flows within this subdivision or by establishment, construction or maintenance of the roads within this subdivision. Provided, this waiver and indemnification shall not be construed as releasing King County, its successors or assigns, from liability for damages, including the cost of defense. resulting in whole or in part from the negligence of King County, its successors, or assigns. This subdivision, dedication. waiver of claims and agreement to hold harmless is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of said owners. set our hands and seals: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Soloni?ri'" V. A~d;l~-7 Treasurer-KBS Development Corporaion, a Washin on Corporation County of j(~ l State Of Was~~ngaton I ss On thisday of ~"'·*'"'-, 2oo_f before me, the undersigned, a notary pub ~d for the State of Washington. duly commissioned and sworn. personally appeared Kolin B. Tayor. Robert W. Ruddell. and Solomon V. Avzaradel personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer, of KBS Development Corporation, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument. and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and seal certificate above written. ,,,,,,,\, ....... 8 S 11 ---\~ , C..it.". -~ ''"""'• 7~ ,, f ,~ _.-~SIOftj-':,, u, ,, ~ \J ··0¥ "T~ so', A ' ., : ~\I ~"', r,'\ I ; ;U ~ , :..a ??,:, ;.;, ~ / : 1, ._ la; ,,, I ~ ~ .. ,,, ', "'-',, S\.~ .: : ', -:, ...... '•,,,"·Jo.ot .---_.>-:: , , ·er ''1 \\"~,........... ~o--_- \ 0, \YA5"9" ---,, .............. ,,,,,,,,, State of Washington l I/ ) ss County of i\ 1 ·19 <es l On this .;J.o Ith day of D..e~ , 200~ before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ~..e,o. C.. ~o me personally known (or proven on the basis of satis~ctory evidence) to be the ~i.cJ._ bg~of Home Street Bank, the corporation that executed the wit in and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and seal certificate above written. DRA11N BY: D Woods WASHINGTON APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES: Examined and approved this ~ day of~~ , 200.,ei ~;er Examined and approved this _J__ day of ~~-..,..Q~i\.,__., __ __, 200 or -· KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS: Examined and approved this __ day of 200_. King County Assessor Deputy King County Assessor Account Number ________ _ FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that all property taxes are paid, that there are no delinquent special assessments certified to this office for collection and that all special assessments certified to this office for collection on any of the property herein contained, dedicated as streets, alleys or for any other public use. are paid in full. This __ day of Finance Division Manager. Finance Division- Deputy KING COUNTY COUNCIL: Examined and approved this __ day of 200 ATTEST: -,-,------------Chairperson, King County Council Clerk of the Council RECORDING CERTIFICATE: Recording No. Filed for record at the request of the King County Council, this day of 200__.. at __ minutes past .M. and recorded in Volume __ of Plats, page records of King County, Washington. Division of Records and Elections: Manager Superintendant of Records LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that this plat of Hamilton Place is based upon an actual survey and subdivision of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., that the courses and distances are shown correctly thereon; that the monuments will be set and the lot and block corners will be staked correctly on the ground as construction is completed and that I have fully complied with the provisions of the platting regulations. Certificate No. 38965 Centre Pointe Surveying, Inc. 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 (253) 661-1901 INDEX DATA: /2-17-o'I Date EXPIRES 5-23-2005 SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 CHECKED BY: s Woods KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ODES FILE NO. L02P0011 DATE: December 15, 2004 JOB NAME: 1808 SHEET 1 OF 4 SCALE: NA JOB NO.: 1808 I I I I I VOLUME/PAGE HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. KING COUNTY' Calculated 16th corner & NE corner of Janett·s Southeast 128th Street Renton Boulevard / 634.25 sea /Tracts. Vol. 17 , pg 60. 0 . '07'44"E 2.536.98' ~11 12 Northe.ast corner of North 1/4 corner of 14 (") 634 25 · ~--..fti.-· Section 14, Township ,-----------· ~ 1268. 49 14 13 23N, Range 5E. Section 1~ Township 23N, Range 5E. Found broken brass disk with punch. Renton control point 2103. < 574~9-:-C-------1 Found 3" brass disk l 576. 1 · P with punch "KCSM", I u a. u unable to read -;;~·30 :I ; ~ ; ~ \30 • ~ ....... w~ "' ....... , ~ I I ~ ::::r 586. 15 · C ! ound plug with punch in concrete at SE 132nd PL & 160th Ave SE. incased. o.21·w of 16th line. ~:., 587.74'P fY. :J II>~ NBB 36'28"W/ -~ ::I LEGEND: ::::S ~ 30.03' ~r& d~ N 0 = Monument found as noted. .! 31: ~a. ~a. in~ 8 ..... 1. ~CJ} Ol· Ol (") d Visited May 3, 2001. :;J-~ .,...Ol w~ ~ :J col:.r ~;;; , ~~ gl_:-<< p = Plat of Janett's Renton Boulevard Vol. 17, pg 60. ~I~ (TJ(TJ i:9 ,~ g Tracts, NOT TO SCALE 588. 51 'C 590.0'P ..-I C = Calculated Renton Boulevard 301 ~~ ~~ 130 , Tracts. Vol. 17 , pg 60. > , , ..,o SW corner of Janeti's u Found 1-1/2" axle .., !;I~ 593 23'C · ·" h I tOUl ' .,....a,, Wit punch, incased 653 .SO' ._ __ 0 ______ 59~1_1) _______ ;t.[3 J J\,.........__.,, "" 653. 50 · ~ , SE corner of Janett' s S88'53 .08 .. E 1307·.00 , · -----4111:..-Renton Boulevard Tracts. Vol. 17, pg 60. Southeast 136th Street Found 1" iron pipe. incased. KING COUNTY DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND COVENANT: All drainage easements within this Plat, not shown as "Private", are hereby granted and conveyed to King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, for the purpose of conveying, storing, managing and facilitating storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King County, together with the right of reasonable access (ingress and egress), to enter said drainage easement for the purpose of inspecting, operating, maintaining, repairing and improving the drainage facllities contained therein. Note that except for the facilities Which have been formally accepted for maintenance by King County, maintenance of drainage facilities on private property is the responsibility of the property owner. The owners Of said private property are required to obtain prior written approval from King County Property Services, and any required permits from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services for activities such as clearing and grading, prior to filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drainage facilities (such as swales, channels, ditches, ponds, etc.), or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities. contained within said drainage easement. This easement is intended to facilitate reasonable access to the drainage facilities. This easement and covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their heirs, successors and assigns. UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE: A private easement is hereby reserved for and granted to Puget Sound Energy Company, Qwest, Comcast, any cable & any telephone company & their respective successors & assigns under & upon all private streets, alleyways and private drives, the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots and tracts and 5.00 feet parallel with and adjoining alleyways and private drives.Further easements are reserved over private lands for vaults, Pedestals and related facilities ("Vault Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the preceding sentence as follows: the Vault Easement may occupy up to an additional 5-feet in width (for a total width of 10 feet) with the length of each Vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the as-built vault (s). The number and location of Vault Easements will be "as installed" during the utility's initial installation of facilities. The easements are reserved and granted in order to install, lay, construct, renew, operate and maintain underground pipe, conduit. cables. wires, vaults and pedestals with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric. telephone, gas. telecommunications, data transmission, street lights and utility service together with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as possible to their original condition. No lines or wires for transmission of electric current, or for telephone, cable television, telecommunications or data transmission uses shall be placed or permitted to be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. No permanent structure shall be placed within the easement without permission from easement owners. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT COVENANT: The owners of private property within this Plat encumbered with drainage easements shown as "Private·, hereby grant and convey to King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, the right, but not the obligation to convey or store storm and surface water par the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King County, together with the right of reasonable access (ingress/egress), to enter said drainage easement for the purpose of observing that the owners are properly operating and maintaining the drainage facilities contained therein. The owners of said property are responsible for operating, maintaining and repairing the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement. and are hereby required to obtain any required permits from King County Department of Development and Environmental Services prior to filling, piping, PLAT NOTES: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) The monument control shown for this site was accomplished by field traverse utilizing a one (1) second theodolite with integral electronic distance measuring meter (Geodimeter 600) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) / Static Global Positioning System (GPS). Linear and angular closure of the traverses meet the standards of WAC 332-130-090. Full reliance for legal descriptions and recorded easements have been placed on the title report from Chicago Title Insurance Company Commitment order No. 1144641, dated December 20. 2004, No additional research has been attempted. Offset dimensions shown hereon are measured perpendicular to property lines. The Articles of Incorporation for Magnolia Homeowners Association are on file with the State of Washington in Olympia, Washington. The Magnolia Homeowners Association is empowered to maintain common property and facilities and charge fees to homeowners fO!" maintenance, and enter into agreements with the City uf Renton. "Magnolia" will be the initial marketing name for the sale of the Lots described herein. Tract A is a recreation tract for the benefit of all lot owners in this plat. Each ownership of a lot in this plat (lots 1 through 23 inclusive) includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract "A", The Magnolia Homeowners Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of said Tract "A". However, should the Homeowners Association fail to properly maintain Tract "A", then the lot owners of all lots 1 through 23 shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of said tract. Tract C is a private Joint Use Driveway Tract for ingress, egress. utilities and private drainage for the benefit of the owners of Lots 22 and 23. Ownership of Lot 22 & Lot 23 within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract C, and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. An easement over, and across the entire Tract C is hereby dedicated to King County for ingress and egress for access to Tract B. ALSO an easement to the City of Renton over, under and across the entire Tract C for the maintenance and operation of any sanitary sewer lines, structures and appurtenances. Tract Dis a private Access Tract for ingress, egress, utilities and private drainage for the benefit of the owners of Lots 14. 15, 16 and 17. Ownership of Lots 14, 15. 16 and 17 within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract D, and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. An easement to the City of Renton over, under and across the entire Tract D for the maintenance and operation of any sanitary sewer lines, structures and appurtenances. The house address system for this plat shall be as follows: Addresses shall be assigned for the East-West road within the range of 15801 to 15999. Individual addresses will be assigned to the principal entrance of each residence or building in accordance with King County Code 16.08. 9) Trees located within the plat shall be maintained by the owners of the lot for which the trees grow in. Trees located within thestreet right-of-ways shall be maintained by the lot owners of the abutting lots. cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape~..,...,..,.., .. ..,IIIIIIIIJ~!'IIIIIII!~ WASHINGTON PLAT NOTES (CONT.): 10) All building down spouts. footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings No. P-3094 on file with King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application for any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designed for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with the plans on file. All individual stub-outs and infiltration systems shall be privately owned and maintained by the lot owner . 11) SCHOOL FEES FOR LOTS 2 THROUGH 23: Fifty percent (50%) of school impact fees were paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with King County Code 21A.43.050. The balance of the assessed fee. $ 2498.00 per lot. together with the current administration fe~ must be paid at the time of building permit issuance. SCHOOL FEES FOR LOT 1: One residential unit was existing prior to the development of this subdivision. If the issuance of a new building permit for Lot 1 occurs on or prior to May 7, 2007, then said lots shall be exempt from the payment of the school impact fees. If the issuance of a new building permit for said lot occurs after May 7, 2007. then the full assessed fee, $ 4996.00 per lot, together with the current administration fee, must be paid at the time of building permit issuance. See K.C. code 21A.43.070.A.2. 12) ROAD MPS FEES PER KING COUNTY CODE 14.75 FOR LOTS 2 THROUGH 23: This plat is subject to King County code 14.75, King County Road Mitigation Payment System(MPS). For Lots 2 through 23. the MPS fees plus the MPS administrative fee shall be paid at the time of building permit application at the rate in effect at that time. ROAD MPS FEES PER KING COUNTY CODE 14.75 FOR LOT 1: One residential unit was existing and occupied within the three years prior to the application for development of this subdivision. Lot 1 in this plat shall be exempt from the payment of fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation System, See King County Department of Transportation Public Rule 13) Tracts A through E are considered to be tracts pursuant to KCC 19A.04.330. A "tract" is land reserved for specified uses including, but not limited to, rese-rve tracts, recreation. open space. sensitive areas. surface water re tent ion, utility facilities and access. Tracts are not considered lots or building sites for purposes of residential dwelling construction. 14) There shall be no direct vehicular access to or from 158th Avenue Southeast or 160th Avenue Southeast from those lots which abut them. 15) Tract Bis a Storm Water Detention Tract and is hereby conveyed to King County for ownership & maintenance purposes. 16) Tract "E" is a Sensitive Area Tract (SAT). Each ownership of a lot in this plat (lots 1 through 23 inclusive) includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract "E". The Magnolia Homeowners Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of said Tract "E", However, should the Homeowners Association fail to properly maintain Tract "E", then the lot owners of all lots 1 through 23 shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of said tract. 17) Public Drainage Easement Restrictions: Structures, fill, or obstructions (including. but not limited to, decks, patios, outbuildings, or overhangs) shall not be permitted beyond the building setback line of the public drainage easements. Additionally. grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the public drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by King County DOES or its successor agency. 18) All private storm drainage easements shown hereon are hereby granted to the lot owners who would benefit from the easement. The owners of the lots having benefit of use shall be equally responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the drainage facilities they have the benefit of use. except no owner shall be responsible for the mainten- ance, repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the commonly used storm sewer located upstream from the point of connection of that respective lot owner. 19) The road and storm drainage systems shall be constructed according to the approved plan and profile, Plan No. P-3094 on file with King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES). Any deviation from the approved plans will require written approval from the proper agency, currently DOES. maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drainage facilities (such as swales, channels, ditches, ponds, etc.). or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement. t Centre 33701 9th Avenue South [NDEX DATA: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM This covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their heirs, successors and assigns. DOES FILE NO. L02P0011 • Federal Way, WA. 98003 -.& ...... Pointe (253) 661-1901 ~ Surveying DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: January 4, 2005 JOB NAllE: 1808 SCALE: NA JOB NO.: 1808 SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 2 OF 4 LU{i--08-/Z'l, HAMILTON PLACE ~ A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. .~ ~North 1/4 corner of l Section 14. Township 23N, Range 5E. Found broken brass disc with punch. Renton control point 2103. -+,,) -+,,) lfJ. lfJ. ro ro (l.) Q) ~ ~ -+,,) -+,,) ;:j I'. ;:j 0 tr) 0 ..... CD rn 0 rn "I" C\J to (TJ Q) (\J (l.) to C\J ;:j 3: ;:j ' 3: r:: "I" r:: ' {T) ,;;J' 0 ~ en ~ C\J ,;;J' . LO < 0 < . 0 0 z 0 z ~ ~ -+,,J -+,,) co co LO LO T"""'I "l"""'1 KING COUNTY, ..... I' LO co co 30' 30' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, to the 60, in Block 1. Janett' s Renton Boulevard Tracts, according Plat thereof, recorded in Volume 17 of Plats. at page (s) King County, Washington. 1 I ~ '~'"' ''"'~i \ o" I \.. ' ..-1 0.5'N g--NB8'33'25"W15~8Ef 0 0 5 .~ -T ------ I Private -------_ _ _ a_ie __ _ · N88'36'02"W 103 81' 0 . 0 I Storm Drainage Easement co co co co co . I LO 01. ~,)g ill . lffi 1 .... ('\J .... (1J 10' Private Storm Drainage easement UJ C\J {T) (TJ (\J . ..... 0 z 2 51. 78' UJ . (\J (TJ (Tj (\J . ..... 0 z 3 51. 77 · CD UJ ' 4 (\J (T) {T) (\J . ..... 0 z TRACT "B" (WET/DETENTION POND) TRACT "E" (SENSITIVE AREA) Encroachment easement Rec. No. 20041005000244 165. 7 LEGEND: 5' eye ne fence 0 = MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED. VISITED MAY 3, 2001. 9 = SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED " 22338/38965" . 12' Easement for ingress & egress for the benifit of King County. 51. 82' Note: ....., 0 z 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. WASHINGTON ),. \ 0" \... . I 0.5'N ),. \ 0 \,, \.. ,.. .. '( VOWME/PAGE 51. 77' 5 51. 77' SE 0 .... ....., 0 z 6 :;; -T -Na5•3Tos·w o 103.60' a:i Private co Storm UJ . (\J {T) {T) ('\J • ,...., 0 z Drainage Easement 7 10' Uti 1 ity casement ----------- 51.77' 51.77' Nss·35·2e·w 536.58' 133rd Place .... ('\J S88"36'28"E 647.03~ ~~~~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 m m UJ 20 UJ ' ('\J : {T) (\J (TJ (T) (TJ (\J . (\J . ....., 0 ....., 0 z z 52.50' N88'36'28"W 115.00' ..-< \ Q \ \.. 22 N88'36'28"W 105.00' 23 5' Private Storm Drainage Easement L ---125 .ao~ ------- I N88.42'04"W 588.51' 1 SW corner of Janett·s Renton Boulevard Tracts. Vol. 17 . pg 60. Found 1-1/2" axle ){=SET "X" IN BRASS DISC IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. The 100 year flood elevation is all contained outside of the boundaries of this plat. LINE L1 L2 BEARING DISTANCE N01 '23'32"E 2.86' N70 '06' 18"E 7.87' 1£:::~,,~ ---- I K 0 30 60 SCALE: 1 '' 30' DOES FILE NO. L02P0011 BSBL = BUILDING SETBACK LINE 6 Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA. 98003 p • t (253) 661-1901 ~ ~ 01n e t Surveying DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: January 3. 2005 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: 1" = 30' JOB NO.: 1808 L3 N88°36'28"W 4.86' L4 N88'36'28"W 4.86' 653.50' L5 S67 "19' 14"E 7.87' S88'53'08"E 1307.00' Southeast 136th Street INDEX DATA: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St .. Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 3 OF 4 LUA-oB-t-ii A PORTION OF THE KING COUNTY, SW 1/4 HAMILTON OF THE NE 1/4 VOLUME/PAGE PLACE OF SEC. 14, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. WASHINGTON South~ast 128th Street -----S---- 5 0 30 60 I I __ __.I SCALE: 1 '' 30' SE I I I I I 0.5'N S88"36'28"E 586.15' 51. 77' ,.. .. ~ Note: The 100 year flood elevation is all contained outside of the boundaries of this plat. I A, I I . ,~ I n I lo' ,A \ "' Ii :i,. .._J I V :i,. , .... \. .... .) \ , .... \. ...._) 13. fence \.,. n V ---------0 4' 51. 77' NB8 '04' 14"W 47.94' 1.2'N ---N88'36'12"W 51.70' · -1----..:.. o N86'31'06"W o 103.60' · -------t-----sae·49·55·11 0 . 0 .... 6 10' Utility casement a:i Private CD Storm Drainage LU Easement . ('\J ('I") ('I") (\I . ...-t 0 z 7 51.77' 51.77' N88"3 '28"W 536.58' 133rd Place ... ru sBB ·3s · 2a .. E s4r 03 · .... 10' Utility ru asement S88 •35, 28 .. E 8 51. 77' 0 0 (XJ (XJ LU (\I (TJ (TJ ('\J . .... 0 z g Sidewalk easement 51. 77' ..J 0 co co UJ ' ('\J (TJ (TJ ('\J • .... 0 z 10 . 51. 77' 0 .... Calculated 16th corner & NE corner of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts, Vol. 17 ,pg 60. tt6-:-:i4-;------I N88 3tf" 28 "W 30.03' · Private Storm g Drainage Easemen CD CD UJ • ('\J [T} CT) ('\J . .... 0 z 11 38. 15' .... ru ... ru CD CD 0 .... ('\J 01 Ol ID 0 ('\J ('T') UJ : CT) 30' ru ..... O'I 0 .... 1~ ~2.50' UNE BEARING DISTANCE 5 7.26' 52.50' 52.50' 57.50' I o 55. oo · I:_ 32.02' <I~~ <-. 61..>. ·a sq" ~.1'6'.Z'· Ol ·a 1>'l . 3'. L6 N01 "23'32"E 2.86' L7 N70 ·os · 1a·E 7.87' LB N88"36'28"W 4.86' L9 N88"36'28"W 4.86' L10 S6 7 "19 ' 14" E 7.87' Dedication of a sensitive area tract/ sensitive area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/sensitive area and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without approval in writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor agency, unless otherwise provided by law. The common boundary between the tract/ sensitive area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flag9ed to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. ...( \ Q \ \.,. 0 0 0 en LU 20 ' (\I ('T') CT') C\J • .... 0 z N88"36'28"W 105.00' 23 5' Private Storm 0 0 0 en UJ : ('\J (TJ CT') ('\J • .... 0 z Drainage Easement . i ___ 120-;------- 0 0 0 en 19 UJ • 18 (\J CT) CT') (\J • ...-t 0 z 16 5' Private Storm Drainage Easement ----~-----i ~------ I NBS 0 42'04"W 588.51' 4' cyclone fence 1 Subject To: A agreement and the terms and conditions thereof filed under Rec. No.20040729000541. UJ ~-. ...,. CT) l!') f'l....; ,...lO 0 z 5·! 5· Utility r--Easement TRACT D SEE NOTE 7 ON SHEET 2 OF 4. 0 0 13 0 12 en LU ' ('\J CT') (0 (T) ('\J (\J (0 • .... ID 0 z 115.14' 14 lO 0 0 U1 15 ro (Tl 10 · X 10 · Overhead ~ power easement to---....__ Puget Sound Energy 'rio- 132. 91' ~ f LEGEND: 5' cyclone fence I ~ • MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED. VISITED MAY 3, 2001. • • SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED " 22338/38965" . )8( • SET "X" IN BRASS DISC IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. ru CD ru CD CD 30' l No building foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback line. unless otherwise provided by law. 653.50' S8B"53'08"E 1307.00' BSBL • BUILDING SETBACK LINE SE corner of Janett's J Renton Boulevard Tracts, Vol. 17 ,pg 60. Found 1· iron pipe, incased. ---- BASIS OF BEARING: Southeast 136th True North. Based upon Global Positioning System (GPS) Lambert Grid Washington State North Zone coordinates. A convergence angle of 0•55·01.856" counterclockwise was applied at a punch in a broken brass disc at the intersection of 156th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 126th Street. Monument is the North quarter corner of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian. The North American Datum of 1963/1991 (NAO 83/91) grid coordinates are approximately 180826.770 / 1319243.796 at that point. The inverse of both the sea level correction factor of 0.999977357 and the grid scale factor of 1.000002203 was applied to the grid coordinates for shown ground distances. ODES FILE NO. L02P0011 Street l Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA 98003 P • t (253) 661-1901 ~ ~ ome t Surveying DRAIII BY: D woods CHECKED BY: s Woods DAT!: January 3. 2005 me NAME: 1808 SCAII: 1" .. 30' !OB NO.: 1808 INDEX DATA; SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FO!t KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St.. Suite 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 4 OF 4 ~ +J 0 c.o ~ HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. 11 ~Nocth 1/4 co,oe, of l Section 14, Township 23N, Range 5E. Found broken brass disk with punch. Renton control point 2103. -i-,;i -i-,;i w. lfJ. ro ro (l) Cl) ..Cl ..Cl -i-,;i -i-,;i ;:1 I"-;:1 0 ID 0 ..-, co (/J. 0 (/J. "'l' (1J I.D (TJ Cl) (\J (l) lO (\j ;:1 3: ;:1 ' 3'. 0 'Sf 0 ' rf'J "" 0 Cl) co (l) :> ('\J :> "" ' ~ < 0 < 0 0 z 0 z ..Cl ..Cl -i-,;i -i-,;i c.o co lD lD "l""'""'i "l""'""'i KING COUNTY, ..-, " LO co co 30' 30' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, Block 1, Janett· s Renton Boulevard Tracts. according to the Plat therof, recorded in Volume 17of Plats, at page (s) 60, in King County, Washington. ,, 1 0.5'N 5·~ -T------g--N88'33'2~W15~8s7 I Private I Storm co co . I LO Drainage Easement w 0\. 1 ('\J ..i1~ (TJ lO . (l") IIB ~ 5'1--5' Private Storm ..-1 I Drainage Easement~ I I: · 10' Pr iv ate Storm Drainage easement 2 25.09' N87 '18'36" TRACT "E" (SENSITIVE AREA) Encroachment easement 1 Rec. No. 20041005000244 ------- 0 0 OJ co w : ('\J 3 ('I') ('I') (\J . "M 0 z f 165. 7 5' eye ne fence LEGEND: ~ = MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED. VISITED MAY, 2001. • = SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED " 22338/38965" . \ 4' cyclone ,-. ),. ICi ('"' ,.) \.,- OJ OJ w ' (1J ('I') ('I') ('\J • "M 0 z 4 12' Easement for ingress & egress for the benifit of King County. 51. 82' Note: 0 0 co (I') (\j . VOLUME/PAGE 23N., RNG. 5E. W.M. WASHINGTON ),. \ ('"' -..) \.,, ,;::.\ '--' I I I I 0.5'N sas·3s·2s"E 586. 15' 51. 77' 51.77' -------- (1J. ('Y')lD rr, en ('\J • • Q) "M "" 0 z 12' 5 0 0 co co w : ('\J (TJ (I') (\j 0 "M 0 6 0 0 0 :;;; -T-N86'3~06"W o 103.60' a:i Private a:i Storm w . ('\J (l") (TJ (\j . "M 0 z Drainage Easement 7 0 0 ::c:, 21 t) en w : (\J 0 en 20 w : ~ ~ rf'J (TJ (\J • "M 0 z 52.50' N88'36'28"W 115.00' ~ \ () \ \., , 22 N88°36'28"W 105.00' 23 5' Private Storm Drainage Easement l ______ _ 125. 00 ' ----- (\J rf'J (T) (\j . "M 0 z w . (1J ('Y') • . 0 ('Y')o (\J • ,0 "'"'ITT 0 z I NBS O 42 '04 "W 588. 51 • ,,( \ () \ \.,, ~ SW corner of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts. Vol. 17 , pg 60. Found 1-1/2" a e iz=:~ _j_. ---- )8( = SET "X" IN BRASS DISK IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. The 100 year flood elevation is all contained outside of the boundaries of this plat. IJNE Li L2 BEARING DISTANCE N01 '23'32"E 2.86' N70 °06' 18 "E 7.87' 0 30 60 SCALE: 1 '' 30' DOES FILE NO. L02P0011 BSBL = BUILDING SETBACK LINE EXPIRES 5-23-2005 t Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA. 98003 p • t (253) 661-1901 -oC!!> .__ Olll e i Surveying DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: November 29, 2004 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: 1" = 30' JOB NO.: 1808 L3 N88 °36' 28 '(E u.r 4. 86 · L4 NBS 0 36' 28 cE' (,J. 4. 86' 653.50' L5 S67 °19' 14 "E 7.87' S88'53'08"E 1307.00' Southeast 136th Street INDEX DATA: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St.. Suite 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 3 OF 4 ' LUA-os-,U, . . " VOLUME/PAGE HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. KING COUNTY, I I I I 0.5'N 586. 15' 51. 77' Note: The 100 year flood elevation is all contained outside of the boundaries of this plat. I.e.. I I . I~ I ),, n I (' \,. I:;' .A \ ..... '-) I~ ),, ~) I V ('"' \., \ .._) l 3. fence -h V (1) n (1) WASHINGTON South~ast 128th Street n V Calculated 16th corner & NE corner of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts, Vol. 17 , pg 60. NBB'36'1°fW51~0-;--::--1----~4 • --o o N86'31'06"W" ------NB8'04'14"W 47.94' 116.44-;------r NBB3§72s"W 30.03' 5 0 30 60 SCALE: 1 '' 30' LINE BEARING DISTANCE L6 N01 '23'32"E 2.86' L7 N70 °06' 18"E /, 7. 87' LB NBS '36 '28 "ffi" v:', 4. 86 ' LS N88 '36 '28 '(E v-4.86' L10 S67'19'14"E 7.87' o o 103.60' . 0 .... co a:i Private co Storm SE 6 10' Utility casement 51. 77' lU Ci.I (TJ (T) (\J . "M 0 z Drainage Easement 7 51. 77' N88'36'28"W 536.58' 133rd Plaee rJ S88 °36' 28"E 64r 03' 10' Utility asement S88 '36 . 28 .. E Io 52 50 · 52.50' 5 7.26' 0 0 0 0 0 0 (J) 01 lU 20 llJ ' (\J ' Ci.I (TJ (TJ (T) (TJ C\J • (\J 0 "M "M 0 z 0 52.50' 19 8 51. 77' 0 0 0 m w ' (\J (T) (TJ (\J • "M 0 · Private Storm g Drainage Easement . -------t-----S88'49'58"W 0 . 0 0 0 co a) co co co co co a) llJ 9 : lU 10 Ci.I : (TJ Ci.I (TJ (TJ C\.J (TJ • (\J "M 0 0 "M LJ.J 11 : (\J (T) Je,dJ ft:Jz (TJ (\J 0 µof "M z 0 z 0 z . 51.77' ;:: 38. 15' ! ~ ) ?l SE u) . 57.50' 26.00' I o 55. oo · I:_ 5' Utilityj 5 5·! 5' Utility Easement I i--Easement I o ._ o / I. ~ f'""\ co I I O ff) 1--1 (TJ oz1" .,,..J I la ,rl " "M Im ~ i:_. ~ w a11 • i;:--, <( ' 0 I ~ U~ ~al I . __.i a: • 01 5' Private (T) -......_. e:, ff) I Storm Ora inage 18 13 0 0 0 (J) lU ' (\J (T) (TJ (\J 0 "M .... (\J .... (\J 32.02' 12 ;./e.ed }/ew ~ l'ktf~( 0 ,rl (\j 01 lD (\J lD (0 (J) (D 0 (\j ('f') w : (TJ ,q- I ~ ~ ~ I Easement RESTRICTIONS FOR SENSITIVE 15 ; ~ ;; 5 .1 j AREA TRACTS AND SENSITIVE 1r5:2 ·:5~0 ;· ~~7:::~52~.~50~·-4-1~52.c.2~. ~50L:,' _ _,.. __ ,15!17.J. 5LQ.o.:._· _LJ.1 z z ----__ z z 0 z AREAS AND BUFFERS: NBS '36 · 2B"W 115. oo · NBS •36 . 28 .. w 100 . 00 . ,- 0 .~. 1 ...,:;in~...:5:::....5~·:':oo~·-.!;!;l.in-e---..l62.I.O!...,J.:14;L:' __ Ji 1&3 co.I~ N88'36'28"W 115.14' Dedication of a sensitive area tract/ sensitive area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare. including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/sensitive area and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by f i 11, removed or damaged without approval in writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor agency. unless otherwise provided by law. The common boundary between the tract/ sensitive area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. ,'( , G' V w 22 17 I rri ff) I;;; /C\J C\Jl-ru 5' Private 1 Storm Drainage 0 Easement (\, k, 14 tO 0 . N88'36'28"W 105.00' 23 (\J • . o 8'36'2B"W 8 .00' 16 QS.~ !o'~ 'v .cs {ff ~ 5' Private Storm ...., LO Drainage Easement o 5' Private Storm i _ _ z Ora inage Easemenit -~25~~--------------~13~~---- I N88'42'04"W 588.51' 4' cyclone I fence ~\11 ~ \I TOTAL ACREAGE: 0 LO N88'36'28"W 105.52' 15 132.91' 5' cyclone fence LEGEND: MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED. VISITED MAY. 2001. SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED " 22338/38965" . CD ff) 0 LC1 )8( = SET "X" IN BRASS DISK IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. I 1 I I I 30' 30' (\J ..... en 0 .... (\J ro C\l 0) ro l No building foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback line. unless otherwise provided by law. 653.50' S88'53'08"E 1307.00' OVERALL -188, 4278+/-SQ. FT./ 4.326 ACRES ROAD -25, 192+'l-SQ. FT./ 0.578 ACRES BSBL = BUILDING SETBACK LINE SE corner of Janett's J Renton Boulevard Tracts, Vol. 17, pg 60. Found 1" iron pipe,~ -----. . ODES FILE NO. L02P0011 Southeast 136th Street t Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA 98003 p • t (253) 661-1901 ~ ,..... 01ne ~ t SUIVeying DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: November 29, 2004 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: 1" = 30' JOB NO.: 1808 \. I INDEX DATA: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St.. SUi te 100 Be 1 levue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 4 OF 4 LUA-01-1 ~~ ~ -t,..) 0 co ._I r -------------- VOLUME/PAGE """" HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W.M. KING COUNTY, DEDICATION: KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS that we. the undersigned owners of interest in the land hereby subdivided, hereby declare this plat to be the graphic representation of the subdivision made hereby, and do hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets and avenues not shown as private hereon and dedicate the use thereof for all public purposes not inconsistent with the use thereof for public highway purposes, and also the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots shown thereon in the original reasonable grading of said streets and avenues, and further dedicate to the use of the public all the easements and tracts shown on this plat for all public purposes as indicated thereon, including but not 1 imi ted to parks. open space, utilites and drainage unless such easements or tracts are specifically identified on this plat as being dedicated or conveyed to a person or entity other than the public, in which case we do hereby dedicate such streets, easements. or tracts to the person or entity identified and for the purpose stated. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, waive for themselves. their heirs and assigns and any person or entity deriving title from the undersigned, any and all claims for damages against King County, its successors and assigns which may be occasioned by the establishment, construct ion, or maintenance of roads and/or drainage systems within this subdivision other than claims resulting from inadequate maintenance by King County. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided. agree for themselves. their heirs and assigns to indemnify and hold King County, it successors and assigns. harmless from any damage, including any costs of defense, claimed by persons within or without this subdivision to have been caused by alterations of the ground surface, vegetation, drainage, or surface or sub-surface water flows within this subdivision or by establishment. construction or maintenance of the roads within this subdivision. Provided, this waiver and indemnification shall not be construed as releasing King County, its successors or assigns, from liability for damages, including the cost of defense, resulting in whole or in part from the negligence of King County, its successors, or assigns. This subdivision. dedication, waiver of claims and agreement to hold harmless is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of said owners. In witness whereof, we set our hands and seals: Kolin B. Taylor President-KBS Development Corporaion, a Washington Corporation Robert W. Ruddell Secretary-KBS Development Corporaion, a Washington Corporation ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: State of Washington County of ) ) ss ) Solomon V. Avzaradel Treasurer-KBS Development Corporaion. a Washington Corporation Home Street Bank, a Washington State Chartered Savings Bank by: its: On this day of 200_, before me, the undersigned. a notary public in and for the State of Washington. duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Kolin B. Tayor. Robert W. Ruddell. and Solomon V. Avzaradel personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the President. the Secretary and the Treasurer. of KBS Development Corporation. the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument. and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. State of Washington County of ) ) ss ) Notary public in and for the State of Washington, residing in My commission expires: print notary name On this day of 200_, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared to me personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the of Home Street Bank, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. WASHINGTON APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES: Examined and approved this __ day of 200_ Development Engineer Examined and approved this __ day of 200_ Manager, Land Use Services Division KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS: Examined and approved this __ day of _____ __,. 200_ King County Assessor Deputy King County Assessor Account Number ________ _ FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that all property taxes are paid, that there are no delinquent special assessments certified to this office for collection and that all special assessments certified to this office for collection on any of the property herein contained, dedicated as streets, alleys or for any other public use. are paid in full. This __ day of Finance Division _____ 200_. Manager. Finance Division Deputy KING COUNTY COUNCIL: Examined and approved this __ day of 200_ ATTEST: -=-=---:---::---...,.-,---=--~---Ch a i rp er son, King County Council Clerk of the Council RECORDING CERTIFICATE: Recording No. Filed for record at the request of the King County Council. this day of 200_, at __ minutes past . M. and recorded in Volume of Plats, page records of King County, Washington-. -- Division of Records and Elections: Manager Superintendant of Records LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that this plat of Hamilton Place is based upon an actual survey and subdivision of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M., that the courses and distances are shown correctly thereon; that the monuments will be set and the lot and block corners will be staked correctly on the ground as construction is completed and that I have fully complied with the provisions of the platting regulations. Stephen H Woods Certificate No. 38965 Centre Pointe Surveying, Inc. 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 (253) 661-1901 Date RECEIVED NOV 8 0 2004 KING COUNTY LAND USE SERVICES Witness my hand and seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. ~ Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA. 98003 INDEX DATA: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM DOES FILE NO. L02P0011 ·~--," ~----,--=--,--~-~----c-=---=-o---c--------& .... Poi·nte (253) 661-1901 Notary public in and for the State ~ of Washington, residing in My commission expires: t Surveying print notary name DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED IJY: S Wo O d S DATE: November 29, 2004 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: NA JOE NO.: 1808 SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 1 OF 4 I \ ' ~€/)-?_ /c-b'-o 4 HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 OF SEC. 14, KING COUNTY, Calculated 16th corner ~ NE corner of Janett's Renton Boulevard / 634.25 Southeast 128th Street /Tracts, Vol. 17 , pg 60. _____ S88'07'44"E 2.536.98' ~11 1?,.,...Northeast corner of North 1/4 corner of 114 !· 634.25' • · --:-,-0 --bi'\-,-. ' Section 14, Township pw· Tc ---N01 19'14'1'1"" ' 1268.49 14 13 23N, Range 5E. Section 14, Township ~\ 23N, Range 5E. Found I S 14 t<:. 1472 93' , Found 3" brass disk outheast 132nd Place · ' with P),l~C "KCSM", broken brass disk with . g~~~~. 2 ~~~~on contra l ·1 ~ I~~ -;; +> 11:.. '4, ~ ~ I j QJ QJ .cl . .cl ./ +I ,-.. +> ::1 ID '"''30' o·. ,... rn O O · ,,. 'SI' f/l ..-, (,0 Cl) QJ (\J QJ ' g ~ g ~ ~ ~~ ~(\Jt :.~ :1i ~LEGEND: unab 1 e (! ead i Cl\-t.C.. f].Vt +' 0 +>1· co O a:, 'SI' \..~ ~ z IQ,~ ~'IU = .-4 .o ' ,~ Monument found as noted . Visited May 3, 2001. 30 30' r----f'Pu+~·i;rr"::sfr-c.:=-A':'i"'-'rC.:O---------..J /!0T i C.Ac.c_, /;_~~r ~~ i ------653.50' -----' S88'53'08"E 130'7 00 , · ·~ '..-SE corner of Janett's S th · Renton Boulevard ou east 136th Street Tracts, Vol. 17 . po.-e~. F--- BASIS OF BEARING: True North. Based upon Global Positioning System (GPS) Lambert Grid Washington State North Zone coordinates. A convergence angle of 0'58'01.856" counter-clockwise was applied at a punch in a broken brass disk at the intersection of 156th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 128th Street. Monument is the North quarter corner of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian. The North American Datum of 1983/1991 (NAD 83/91) grid coordinates were found to be 180828.770 / 1319243.796 at that point. The inverse of both the sea level correction factor of 0.999977357 and the grid scale factor of 1.000002203 was applied to the grid coordinates for shown ground distances. UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE: A private easement is hereby reserved for and granted to Puget Sound Energy Company, Qwest, Comcast, any cable & any telephone company & their respective successors & assigns under & upon all private streets, alleyways and private drives, the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots and tracts and 5.00 feet parallel with and adjoining alleyways and private drives.Further easements are reserved over private lands for vaults, Pedestals and related facilities("Vault Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the preceding sentence as follows: the Vault Easement may occupy up to an additional 5-feet in width (for a total width of 10 feet) with the length of each Vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the as-built vault (s). The number and location of Vault Easements will be "as installed" during the utility's initial installation of facilities. The easements are reserved and granted in order to inst a 11. lay, construct, renew, operate and maintain underground pipe, conduit, cables, wires, vaults and pedestals with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric, telephone, gas, telecommunications, data transmission, street lights and utility service together with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as possible to their original condition. No lines or wires for transmission of electric current, or for telephone, cable television. telecommunications or data transmission uses shall be placed or permitted to be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. No permanent structure shall be placed within the easement without permission from easement owners. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT COVENANT: The owners of private property within this Plat encumbered with drainage easements shown as "Private", hereby grant and convey to King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, the right, but not the ob 1 igat ion to convey or store storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King County, together with the right of reasonable access (ingress/egress), to enter said drainage easement for the purpose of observing that the owners are properly operating and maintaining the drainage facilities contained therein. The owners of said property are responsible for operating, maintaining and repairing the drainage facilities contained with in said drainage easement, and are hereby required to obtain any required permits from King County Department of Development and Environmental Services prior to filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drainage facilities (such as swales, channels. ditches, ponds, etc.), or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement. This covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their heirs, successors and assigns. Found 1" iron pipe, incased. KING COUNTY DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND COVENANT: All drainage easements within this Plat, not shown as "Private", are hereby granted and conveyed to King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washin~ton, for the purpose of conveying, storing, managing and facilitating storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King County, together with the right of reasonable access (ingress and egress), to enter said drainage ea~ement for the purpose of inspecting, operating, ma int a in ing, repairing and improving the drainage facilities contained therein. Note that except for the facilities which have been formally accepted for maintenance by King County, maintenance of drainage facilities on private property is the responsibility of the property owner. The owners of said private property are required to obtain prior written approval from King County Property Services, and any required permits from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services for activities such as ~learing and grading, prior to filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drainage f ac i 1 it ies (such as ,swa les, channels, ditches, ponds, etc.), or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities, contained within said drainage easement. This easement is intended to facilitate reasonable access to the drainage facilities. This easement and covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their heirs, successors and assigns. PLAT NOTES: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) The monument control shown for this site was accomplished by field traverse utilizing a one (1) second theodolite with integral electronic distance measuring meter (Geodimeter 600) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) / Static Global Positioning System (GPS). Linear and angular closure of the traverses meet the standards of WAC 332-130-090. Full reliance for legal descriptions and recorded easements have been placed on the title report from Chicago Title Insurance Company Commitment order No. 1144641, dated August 2, 2004. No add it ion a 1 research has been attempted. Offset dimensions shown hereon are measured perpendicular to property lines. J J The Articles of Incorporation for Magnolia Homeowners~ ef J Association are on file with the State of Washington in Olympia, Washington. The Magnol~a Homeowners Association is empowered to maintain common property and facilities and charge fees to homeowners for maintenance, and enter into agreements with the City of Renton. "Magnolia"~ will be the initial marketing name for the sale of the Lots described herein. Tract A is a recreation tract for the benefit of all lot owners in this plat. Each ownership of a lot in this plat (lots 1 through 23 inclusive) ipcludes an equal and undivided ownership intrest in Tract "A":~The Magnolia Homeowners Association shall be reponsibli for the maintenance of said Tract "A". However, should the Homeowners Association fail to properly maintain Tract "A", then the lot owners of all lots 1 through 23 shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of said tract. JOINY v§f. f}f-.JVfV,)J'\ Y Tract C is a private Aeeess Tract for ingress, egress, utilities and private ~rainage for the benefit of the owners of Lots 22 and 23. Ownership of Lot 22 and Lot 23 within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract C, and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. An easement over and across the entire Tract C is hereby dedic~~ed to King ~aunty for ingress and egress for access to Tract ,8. VOLUME/PAGE TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. WASHINGTON PLAT NOTES (CONT.): Access: 7) Tract D is a private Jeint Use Ori 1,e1my Tract for ingress, 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) egress, utilities and private drainage for the benefit of the owners of Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17. ownership of Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17 within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract~ and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. The house address system for this plat shall be as follows: Addresses shall be assigned for the East-West road within the range of 15801 to 15999. Individual addresses will be assigned to the principal entrance of each residence or building in accordance with King County Code 16.08. Trees located within the plat shall be maintained by the owners of the lot for which the trees grow in. Trees located within the street right-of-ways shall be owned and maintained by the Magnolia Homeowners Association'unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings No. P-3094 on file with King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application for any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designed for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with the plans on file. All individual stub-outs and infiltration systems shall be privately owned and maintained by the lot owner. Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21A.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school improvements needed to serve development. As a condition of final approval. fifty percent (50%) of school impact fees were paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with King County Code 21A.43.050. The balance of the assessed fee, $ 2308.50 per lot, together with the current administration fee, must be paid at the time of building permit issuance. This plat is subject to King County Code 14.75; King County Road Mitigation Payment System (MPS). The MPS fees plus the MPS administrative fee shall be paid at the time of building permit application at the rate in effect at that time. ~~· .... ~r The road and ~torm drainage systems shall be constructed~/ accordin!;f-t6~tne approved plan and profile, Plah' No-;r3094"CC' on file with King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) . Any deviation from the approved plans will require written approval from the proper agency, currently DOES. Tracts A through E are considered to be tracts pursuant to KCC 19A.04.330. A "tract" is land reserved for specified uses including, but not 1 imi ted to, reserve tracts, rec re at ion, open space, sensitive areas, surf ace water retention, utility facilities and access. Tracts are not considered lots or building sites for purposes of residential dwelling construction. 15) There shall be no direct vehicular access to or from 158th Avenue Southeast or 160th Avenue Southeast from those lots which abut them. 16) 17) 18) 19) Tract Bis a Storm Water Detention Tract and is hereby conveyed to King County for ownership & maintenance purposes. Mt /~ Tract VY is a Sensitive Area Tract (SAT). Each ownership of l1ot in this plat (lots 1 through 23 inclusive) includes an equal and undivided ownership intrest in Tract~~ The Magnolia Homeowners AssoJ;iation shall be repons1ble for the maintenance of said Tract "(j)' t Howev~er should,-; the Homeowners Association fail to properly maintain r.f{c @.~then the lot owners of all lots 1 through 23 sha e equally responsible for the maintenance of said trect. Public Drainage Easement Restrictions: Structures, fill, or obstructions (including, but not limited to. decks. patios. outbuildings, or overhangs) shall not be permitted beyond the building setback line of the public drainage easements. Additionally, grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the public drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by King County DDES or its successor agency. All private storm drainage easements shown hereon are hereby granted to the lot owners who would benefit from the easement. The owners of the lots having benefit of use shall be equally responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the drainage facilites they have the benefit of use, except no owner shall be responsible for the mainten- ance, repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the commonly used storm sewer located upstream from the point of connection of that respective lot owner. i Centre 33701 9th Avenue South INDEX DATA: s·w-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM DOES FILE NO. L02P0011 • Federal Way, WA 98003 ~ ._.... Pointe (253) 661-1901 t Surveying DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: s Woods DATE: November 29. 2004 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: NA JOB NO.: 1808 , SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St.. Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 2 OF 4 A /, 2. / r/ovc. fr'a.,, -f'.,.,c fov tit e / / C"t ·f-d I I' f-,:, ;, c-e SW 1/4 HAMILTON OF THE NE 1/4 VOLUME/PAGE PLACE OF SEC. 14, TWP. 23N., PORTION OF THE KING COUNTY, Calculated 16th corner & NE corner of Janett's Renton Boulevard Southeast 128th Street /Tracts, Vol. 17 . pg 60. ;f{o< K / "\\L-K RNG. 5E. W. M. WASHINGTON I 634.25 North 1/4 corner of 114 Section 1~ Township ,A v lJ ";)JJ,~ 0 PLAT NOTES (CONT.): . J' V < \<> <...i( v 7) Tract D is a private Access Tract for ingress. ~ 0 ----S8S"D7'44"E 2.536.98' ~11 ~Northeast corner of r ___ m_ _ _ _ _ 634.25' ~0:---~tl-· Section 14, Township t -574~39-;-c-----_m · 1268.49 14 13 23N. Range 5E. ~' " -1 Found 3" brass disk u ,~ • 576.i'P N01'19'14"W With punch "KCSM", 23N, Range 5E. Found broken brass disk with punch. Renton control 1 point 2103. \rt 1o 'l'C \.l i'\" "' egress, utilities and private drainage for the benefit of the c-Y • \ \" °I \} Q/ty owners of Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17. Ownership of Lots 14. 15, 16 and I a. N ::_I\J u 1472.93' unabletoread ~ .3oi~~ ~ ~ 'J *~~I .... ~ I J'-(J') I' I' ~ ~U:130•' +J 001 () 0 \'l £".)f' ~ I~~\'. ;!, \" g~\ Found plug with punch in concrete at SE 132nd PL & 160th Ave SE, incased, 0.21'W of 16th line. 0,l \~ So \~~ ~ ~ J-~7 within.this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership ~~ . ~ o-~';, \l" )(<I-interest in Tract 0, and an equal and undivided responsibility QJ ...Q . GJ I ""'""' I .... \\t .J--II' v c~ ,,)'. for the maintenance of said Tract. \ , •• (1, " 'I\ U-u .... " ::I LC1 o·. ~ I ~· * 586 o . ,·~ . 15 'C y ~ ~ LEGEND: O' k \J' 1)0 X X'1 ! si ~ +· \\ \ The house address system for this plat shall be as follows: Addresses shall be assigned for the East-West road within the range of 15801 to 15999. Individual addresses will be assigned to the principal entrance of each residence or building in accordance with King County Code 16.06. NOT TO SCALE rn ~ U) QJ (\J E~ I!,! '<I' <~ co ...Q ·~ .... 0 (0 0 lO z >-1 60. ~ • ""' "--IV\ \J -.. ..__ rn.... 1 587.74'P co .... , NBB 36'28"W/ QJ ru :r 30 . o3 · g l2 ... . en ,tj ..... ::l ·o ~rn '° = Monument found Visited May 3, t1' \Jif \~X· as noted. (I, 0\,1 2001. '° ~ lri 0 0 N 'Cl 0-----:. l -, ~ \r) \J ('0 ,.., .:, !l)C\J u :::'. ~ ~ ;= ~~ 4) ~(:\ '<I' lfl~ L:i • 1 ~1·: ~~~ ~ IC)~ ....... v .-1 0 \'v {',.. ~ 0 0 -.. • Cl.) QJ LC') ~ ::l (J') (Tl s:: . <t !I) ; ad> OJ. ;--1< p = Plat of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts, Vo 1. 17 , pg 60. ..... C = Calculated position. I~ (\ ~ ~ ,.,.... 588. 51 'C * { ~ t--:;-:--;::------.;;:.59::.;;0;;.;,,.:::,0..::' P:._ ______ _J ~ -I ,fo !Ir ro IA.' lu ~ ;Ille: voc__o 301 git ~ ~-ll' ~?-130 , k' J\/le7 > .. (\.,\ ,_ I\..\ '-J.-('1")0 ~ ma, '1· 593 23' C ,· 7' · · ., I 'q"(T) '-.) • \J' "'""c:1)<' ,_co~ 0 ______ 59~1_'.£1 _____ ~ _Z3l2 J (T) 653. 50 • ~ . SE corner of Janett' s 9) Trees located within the plat shall be maintained by the owners of the lot for which the trees grow in. Trees located within the street right-of-ways shall be owned and maintained by the Magnolia Homeowners Association unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. 10) All building downspouts. footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall S88'53'08"E 1307.00' Southeast 136th Street ~~~~~Renton Boulevard Tracts, Vol. 17, pg ~a-.,._~ Found 1" iron pipe, .-'-~-- be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings No. P-3094 on file with King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application for any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designed for individual lot infiltration systems. the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and BASIS OF BEARING: True North. Based upon Global Positioning System (GPS) Lambert Grid Washington State North Zone coordinates. A convergence angle of 0'58'01.856" counter-clockwise was applied at a punch in a broken brass disk at the intersection of 156th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 126th Street. Monument is the North quarter corner of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian. The North American Datum of 1983/1991 (NAO 63/91) grid coordinates are approximately 160628.770 / 1319243.796 at that point. The inverse of both the sea level correction factor of 0.999977357 and the grid scale factor of 1.000002203 was applied to the grid coordinates for shown ground distances. UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE: A private easement is hereby reserved for and granted to Puget Sound Energy Company, Qwest, Comcast, any cable & any telephone company & their respective successors & assigns under & upon all private streets, alleyways and private drives, the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots and tracts and 5.00 feet parallel with and adjoining alleyways and private drives.Further easements are reserved over private lands for vaults. Pedestals and related facilities("Vault Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the preceding sentence as follows: the Vault Easement may occupy up to an additional 5-feet in width (for a total width of 10 feet) with the length of each Vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the as-built vau 1 t (s) . The number and location of Vault Easements will be ·as installed" during the utility's initial installation of facilities. The easements are reserved and granted in order to install. lay. construct, renew. operate and maintain underground pipe, conduit, cables, wires. vaults and pedestals with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric, telephone, gas, telecommunications, data transmission. street lights and utility service together with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as possible to their original condition. No lines or wires for transmission of electric current. or for telephone, cable television. telecommunications or data transmission uses shall be placed or permitted to be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. No permanent structure shall be placed within the easement without permission from easement owners. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT COVENANT: The owners of private property within this Plat encumbered with drainage easements shown as "Private", hereby grant and convey to King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, the right, but not the obligation to convey or store storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King County, together with the right of reasonable access (ingress/egress). to enter said drainage easement for the purpose of observing that the owners are properly operating and maintaining the drainage facilities contained therein. The owners of said property are responsible for operating, maintaining and repairing the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement, and are hereby required to obtain any required permits from King County Department of Development and Environmental Services prior to filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drain age f ac i 1 i ties (such as swa les, channels, ditches, ponds, etc.), or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement. This covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their heirs, successors and assigns. DOES FILE NO. L02P0011 KING COUNTY DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND COVENANT: ()t'Vshal~ c~mply ~ith the plans on file. All individual stub-outs ~~ and 1nf1ltrat1on systems shall be privately owned and maintained All drainage easements with in th is Plat, not shown as "Private". 17 f by the lot owner, 3re hereby granted and conveyed to King County, a political xO \7 subdivision of the State of Washington, for the purpose of \ Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County conveying, storing, managing and facilitating storm and surface Code 21A.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King improvements needed to serve development. As a condition county, together with the right of reasonable access (ingress and of final approval. fifty percent (50%) of school impact fees egress), to enter said drainage easement for the purpose of were paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with inspecting, operating, maintaining, repairing and improving the K' Linty Code 21A.43.050. The balance of the assessed fee, drainage facilities contained therein. Note that except for the 308.5 per lot, together with the current administration facilities which have been formally accepted for maintenance by ee. must be paid at the time of building permit issuance. King County, maintenance of drainage facilities on private property is the responsibility of the property owner. The owners of said private property are required to obtain prior ~ritten approval from King County Property Services, and any fr.8cQUired permits from the King County Department of Development and En~ironmental Services for activitia~ such as clearing and grading, pr 1or to fi 11 ing, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drainage facilities (such as swa les, channels, ditches, ponds. etc.), or performing any alterations or modifications to the ~rainage facilities, contained within said drainage easement. This easement is intended to facilitate reasonable access to the drainage facilities. This easement and covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their heirs, successors and assigns. PLAT NOTES: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) The monument control shown for this site was accomplished by field traverse utilizing a one ( 1) second theodolite with integral electronic distance measuring meter (Geodimeter 600) and Real Time l<inematic (RTK) / Static Global Positioning System (GPS). Linear and angular closure of the traverses meet the standards of WAC 332-130-090. Full reliance for legal descriptions and recorded easements have been placed on the title report from Chicago Title Insurance Company Commitment order No. 1144641, dated August 2, 2004. No additional r'esearch has been attempted. Offset dimensions shown hereon are measured perpendicular to property lines. The Articles of Incorporation for Magnolia Homeowners Association are on file with the State of Washington in Olympia, Washington. The Magnolia Homeowners Association is empowered to maintain common property and facilities and charge fees to homeowners for maintenance, and enter into agreements with the City of Renton. "Magnolia" will be the initial marketing name for the sale of the Lots described herein. Tract A is a recreation tract for the benefit of all lot owners in this plat. Each ownership of a lot in this plat (lots 1 through 23 inclusive) includes an equal and undivided ownership intrest in Tract "A". The Magnolia Homeowners Association shall be reponsible for the maintenance of said Tract "A". However. should the Homeowners Association fail to proper 1 y ma int a in Tract ·A·. then the lot owners of a 11 lots 1 through 23 shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of said tract. Tract C is a private Joint Use Driveway Tract for ingress. egress. utilities and private drainage for the benefit of the owners of Lots 22 and 23. Ownership of Lot 22 and Lot 23 within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract C, and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. An easement over, and across the entire Tract C is hereby dedicated to King County for ingress and egress for access to Tract B. 13) 14) This plat is subject to King County Code 14.75, King County Road Mitigation Payment System (MPS) . The MPS fees plus the MPS administrative fee shall be paid at the time of building permit application at the rate in effect at that time. The road }lOd storm drainage systems sha 11 be constructed according· to the approved plan and profile. Plan No. p.::3094 on file with King County Department of Development and Environmenta 1 Services (DOES) . Any deviation from the approved plans will require written approval from the proper agency, currently ODES. Tracts A through E are considered to be tracts pursuant to KCC 19A.04.330. A "tract" is land reserved for specified uses including, but not limited to. reserve tracts, recreation, open space, sensitive areas, surf ace water retention, uti Ii ty facilities and access. Tracts are not considered lots or building sites for purposes of residential dwelling construction. 15) There shall be no direct vehicular access to or from 158th Avenue Southeast or 160th Avenue Southeast from those lots which abut them. 16) Tract Bis a Storm Water Detention Tract and is hereby conveyed to King County for ownership & maintenance purposes. 17) 16) 19) Tract "E" is a Sensitive Area Tract (SAT). Each ownership of a lot in this plat (lots 1 through 23 inclusive) includes an equal and undivided ownership intrest in Tract "E". The Magnolia Homeowners Association shall be reponsible for the maintenance of said Tract "E". However, should the Homeowners Association fail to properly maintain Tract "E", then the lot owners of all lots 1 through 23 shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of said trect. Public Drainage Easement Restrictions: Structures, fill. or obstructions (including, but not limited to. decks, patios, outbuildings, or overhangs) shall not be permitted beyond the building setback line of the public drainage easements. Additionally, grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the public drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by King County ODES or its successor agency. All private storm drainage easements shown hereon are hereby granted to the lot owners who would benefit from the easement. The owners of the lots having benefit of use shall be equally responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the drainage facilites they have the benefit of use. except no owner shall be responsible for the mainten- ance, repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the commonly used storm sewer located upstream from the point of connection of that respective lot owner. .. i Centre 33701 9th Avenue South INDEX DATA: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM • Federal Way, WA 98003 ~ ~ Pointe (253) 661-1901 ~ Surveying SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DATE: December 15. 2004 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: NA JOB NO.: 1808 SHEET 2 OF 4 WA-08-(2'" -------~----------~ /ED-5 / l. -2 7 --o <f- HAMILTON PLACE 11 A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. ~o,th ti< coco,, of l Section 14, Township 23N, Range 5E. Found broken brass disk with punch. Renton control point 2103. -t-> -t-> rt:>. rt:>. co co (I) (]) ,.q ,.q -t-> ....,.:> ~ l"-~ 0 lf) 0 «-i CD if). 0 if). "'I' C\I lD (Y) (]) (\J (]) lD (\J ~ 3: ~ : 3: ~ "I" ~ ' fl") "1" 0 (]) OJ ~ > 0J "SI' . lf) <r: 0 < ' 0 0 z 0 z ,.q ,.q ....,.:> -t-> c..o co LO LO ~ 'l""'"'l KING COUNTY, ..-1 I", LO OJ (JJ 30' 30' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, Block 1, Janett· s Renton Boulevard Tracts, according to the Plat therof. recorded in Volume 17of Plats, at page (s) 60, in King County, Washington. I I 4' hog 5 .~ -T------g I Private OJ I Storm OJ Drainage Easement -I lf) UJ 01_ 1 (1J -s:f\~ (T) lD . (T) lffi flJ 5'!--5' Private Storm «-l I Drainage Easement~ I I : . ('\J "I" ITT lD ..-1 10' Private Storm Drainage easement ...-1 2 TRACT "E" (SENSITIVE AREA) Encroachment easement rRec. No. 20041005000244 165.7 LEGEND: ------- 0 0 OJ CD UJ : ('\J (T) B ' (T) C\I . ~ 0 z 5 · eye ne fence ~ = MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED. VISITED MAY, 2001. • = SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "22338/38965". 4' cyclone ''"'\i I ---_cJ.ie_ -- 0 NBB'36'02"W 103.81' 0 (JJ co UJ : ru ('I') (Y) (\I • ~ 0 z 4 12' Easement for ingress & egress for the beni fit of King County. 51. 82' Note: 0 0 CD CD flJ «-i 0 z VOLUME/PAGE 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. WASHINGTON 51. 77' I I I I 0.5'N 586.15' -------- 5 0 0 : ru ('I') (T) ('\J . ...-I 0 z .,( ' G' \,,' 6 0 0 0 OJ UJ : (\J (T) ('I") flJ "M 0 z :;; -T-N86'3~06"W O J03.60' co Private CD Storm UJ - ('\J (T) (Y) ('\J ' ...-I 0 z --- 20 Drainage Easement 7 0 0 0 OJ UJ : C\I (T) (Y) (\J . ...-I 0 z 22 23 5' Private Storm Drainage Easement L _______ _ 125.00' ------ I N88'42'04"W 588.51' ~ SW corner of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts, Vol. 17 , pg 60. Found 1-1/2" axle iz=::;;,e~. ---- )5( = SET "X" IN BRASS DISK IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. The 100 year flood elevation is all contained outside of the boundaries of this plat. LlNE Li L2 BEARING DISTANCE N01 °23' 32"E 2.86' N70 '06' 18"E 7.87' 0 30 60 SCALE: 1 '' 30' ODES FILE NO. L02P0011 BSBL = BUILDING SETBACK LINE EXPIRES 5-23-2005 t Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • !'ederal Way, WA 98003 p • t (253) 661-1901 ~ ~ om e i Surveying DRAWN llY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: December 15. 2004 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: 1" = 30' JOB NO.: 1808 L3 N88°36'28"W 4.86' L4 N88°36'28"W 4.86' 653.50' L5 S67'19'14"E 7.87' S88'53'08"E 1307.00' Southeast 136th Street JNDEX DATA: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 3 OF 4 LUA -o 1-1 z..i.. LJ.::,c,.1..L·,c,::e.~·,.-, •-~=-'-""";!ti< ,;·-•y.,,_,f·, -., ' i.,yc:;~;::c·,(.,,r.,,~-; -;.::;·~,--.; :,-' 1 ,. ,J .... I_· •·i ·J~- lED-J /1--?., 7 -0<'.F-- VOLUME/PAGE HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF KING COUNTY, .k ),. \ 0'" \..,' I I I I o.5'N S88'36'28"E 586.15' 51. 77' THE NE 1/ 4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. Note: The 100 year flood elevation is all contained outside of the boundaries of this plat. 1.i:,. I I . 1-2 I ),. n I 0'--lo' .-,, \ '"' I~ ),. ._) I \..,' (°"' '--\ ..._) \ 3. fence -h \..,' (I) 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. WASHINGTON South~ast 128th Street n V Calculated 16th corner & NE corner of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts, Vol. 17 ,pg 60. -N88'3~12"W51~0-;--:--1----~4 · --_ o o N86'31'06''W • ----- 0 o 103.60' N88'04'14"W 47.94' --------t-----S88'49'58"W 0 - 116-:-:i4-;------r 0 Private Storm CIJ co Private CIJ Storm 0 Drainage Easement 0 0 0 5 LU Drainage Easement CI) ClJ ro OJ 30' 0 30 60 SCALE: 1 '' 30' 0 ...... 6 10' Utility casement ---- 51.77' ru ('11 (T) ru . ..... 0 z 7 51. 77' N88'36'28"W 536.58' 133rd Place SE ~ S88 '36 '28"E 64i: 03' 10' Utility asement S88 '36, 28 "E . ...... (\J LU g ' ru (T) (T) (\J . ..... 0 z Sidewalk 51. 77' """"~ 51 . 77 ' \J. L8 CD OJ OJ ClJ LU 10 ! (\J (T) (T) (\J 0 ..... LU 11 ! ru (T) Ar: (T) ru . ..... 0 z 0 z . L9,l 51. 77 · 0 ..... 38. 15' Ci) U) 0 (\J (Y) .... (\J 0 "'"1 (\J Ol w ' (Y) LINE BEARING DISTANCE Io 52 50 · 52.50' 5 7.26' 52.50' 57.50' I o 55. oo · I::_ '<I' L6 N01 '23' 32"E 2.86' L7 N70 °06' 18"E 7.87' LB NBB'36'28"W 4.86' L9 NBB'36'2B"W 4.86' L10 S67°19'14"E 7.87' RESTRICTIONS FOR SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS AND BUFFERS: Dedication of a sensitive area tract/ sensitive area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare. including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/sensitive area and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer may not be cut, pruned. covered by fill. removed or damaged without approval in writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor agency, unless otherwise provided by law. The common boundary between the tract/ sensitive area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ol Ol en IJ..J 20 LU 19 w ' C\J ' ' (\J C\J (T) (T) (T) (T) ("I") (T) (\J . (\J ru . • ..... 26.00' 5' Utilityj 5 5,/ 5' Utility Easement I ~Easement 1s: I of> o 1 I. ~ ~ w I lo M ~ (T) o-r1~ ~ I I . ""' ..... I~ ~-r:...., w LU ol C"""" '< -o I I ~u>ru· ,., H (ll 01 13 32.02' 0 0 0 12 Ci) LU ' ~ (\j (T) - U) (T) C\J I __...ia: • cn 5' Private (T) ~ fl; (T) I Storm Ora inage I rv ~ rv I Easement ..... 0 ..... 0 0 z z ru • <.O ..... U) 52. 50' 52' 50' I 5 ;; E-i ;; 5'1 J z 0 z 1r;:~~~~~;:-:~:7£--+--,-!i~_;~o2,:·~-._ ___ ,2z.:J~Ot'--!.l.!z z NBB '36 ' 28 '' W 1 15. 00 ' . 91r· -,-~5~5~· :':00:1---' ~in~t---.-t;i6~0 .... ~14;L'~-_. N88'36'28"W 100.00' r N88'36'28"W 115.14' .-( ' G \ \., -22 N88'36'2B"W 105.00' 23 . t • 0 5' Pri va e Storm Ul 17 88.00' 16 Drainage Easement O 5' Private Storm i Z Ora in age Easement ---125136"7 _______ --113.00' ___ i I N88'42'04"W 588.51' 4' cyclone I fence LU ru _ (T) "I" fl) LO rv....; "°1 U) 0 z N88'36'28"W 105.52' 15 (D 0 0 lD <D (T) 10' X 10' Overhead ~ power easement to---...__ Puget Sound Energy ~i5'" 132.91' ~ 5' cyclone fence I ~\11 ~ r 1 I LEGEND: ~ = MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED. VISITED MAY, 2001. • = SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "22338/38965", ~=SET "X" IN BRASS DISK IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. I I 30' C\J ..... 01 0 ...... (\J 0) (\J (D co +J rn (1j (l) ~ +J en ~ ~o ~ lf.) U) ('\J 3; Cl) ' ~ (ll ,q-~ Ci) Cl) "'"1 -.-1 p,, o<r: z ..cl -i,,.) 0 co M l No building foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback line, unless otherwise provided by law. 653.50' sss·53·os·E 1301.00· BSBL BUILDING SETBACK LINE SE corner of Janett·s J Renton Boulevar_d_ Tracts, yol. 1? ~nd 1" iron pip~ ----· . . Southeast 136th Subject To: A agreement and the terms and conditions thereof filed under Rec. No. 20040729000541. DOES FILE NO. L02P0011 Street i Centre 33'701 9th Avenue South • Fedecal Way, WA 98003 p • t (253) 661-1901 -"> ....,.. Olll e <o t Surveying DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: December 15, 2004 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: 1" = 30' JOB NO.: 1808 INDEX DATA: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 4 OF 4 VOLUME/PAGE HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. KING COUNTY, DEDICATION: KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners of interest in the land hereby subdivided, hereby declare this plat to be the graphic representation of the subdivision made hereby, and do hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets and avenues not shown as private hereon and dedicate the use thereof for all public purposes not inconsistent with the use thereof for public highway purposes, and also the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots shown thereon in the original reasonable grading of said streets and avenues. and further dedicate to the use of the public all the easements and tracts shown on this plat for all public purposes as indicated thereon, including but not limited to parks, open space, utilites and drainage unless such easements or tracts are specifically identified on this plat as being dedicated or conveyed to a person or entity other than the public, in which case we do hereby dedicate such streets. easements, or tracts to the person or entity identified and for the purpose stated. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, waive for themselves, their heirs and assigns and any person or entity deriving title from the undersigned, any and all claims for damages against King County, its successors and assigns which may be occasioned by the establishment, construct ion, or maintenance of roads and/or drainage systems within this subdivision other than claims resulting from inadequate maintenance by King County. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, agree for themselves, their heirs and assigns to indemnify and hold King County. it successors and assigns, harmless from any damage, including any costs of defense, claimed by persons within or without this subdivision to have been caused by alterations of the ground surface, vegetation, drainage, or surface or sub-surface water flows within this subdivision or by establishment, construction or maintenance of the roads within this subdivision. Provided, this waiver and indemnification shall not be construed as releasing King County, its successors or assigns, fr·om liability for damages, including the cost of defense, resulting in whole or in part from the negligence of King County, its successors, or assigns. This subdivision, dedication, waiver of claims and agreement to hold harmless is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of said owners. In witness whereof, we set our hands and seals: Kolin B. Taylor President-KBS Development Corporaion, a Washington Corporation Robert W. Ruddell Secretary-KBS Development Corporaion, a Washington Corporation ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: State of Washington County of ) ) ss ) Solomon V. Avzaradel Treasurer-.KBS Development Corporaion, a Washington Corporation Home Street Bank, a Washington State Chartered Savings Bank by: its: On this day of 200_, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington. duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Kolin 8. Tayor, Robert W. Rud de 11. and Solomon V. Avzarade 1 persona 11 y known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the President. the Secretary and the Treasurer. of KBS Development Corporation. the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned. and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument and that the sea 1 affixed. if any, is the corporate sea 1 of said corporation. Witness my hand and seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. State of Washington County of ) ) ss ) Notary public in and for the State of Washington. residing in My commission expires: print notary name On this day of 200_, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared to me personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the of Home Street Bank, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. WASHINGTON APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES: Examined and approved this __ day of Development Engineer Examined and approved this __ day of 200_ Manager, Land Use Services Division KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS: Examined and approved this __ day of _____ ___,. 200_ King County Assessor Deputy King County Assessor Account Number ________ _ FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that all property taxes are paid, that there are no delinquent special assessments certified to this office for collection and that all special assessments certified to this office for collection on any of the property herein contained, dedicated as streets. alleys or for any other public use. are paid in full. This __ day of Finance Division Manager. Finance Division ---=---.,...-----------------Deputy KING COUNTY COUNCIL: Examined and approved this __ day of _____ ___,. 200_ ATTEST: ,,,..,,...---,----,--~-c::----,--,,---C hair person, King County Council Clerk of the Council RECORDING CERTIFICATE: Recording No. Filed for record at the request of the King County Council. this day of . 200__, at __ minutes past . M. and recorded in Volume of Plats, page records of King County, Washington-. -- Division of Records and Elections: Manager Superintendant of Records LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that this plat of Hamilton Place is based upon an actual survey and subdivision of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East. W.M., that the courses and distances are shown correctly thereon; that the monuments will be set and the lot and block corners will be staked correctly on the ground as construction is completed and that I have fully complied with the provisions of the platting regulations. Stef)n 1-lwoods Cert ficate No. 38965 Centre Pointe Surveying, Inc. 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 (253) 661-1901 ;z.-11~~ Date Witness my hand and seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. t Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • F'ederal Way, WA 98003 INDEX DA1.A: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM ODES FILE NO. L02P0011 :-:--:--~--=--:----c---:--:-----:--:---=----:------e, ~ Poi· nte ( 253) 661-1901 Notary public in and for the State ~ of Washington, residing in My commission expires: t Surveying print notary name DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Wo O d S DATE: December 15, 2004 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: NA JOB NO.: 1808 SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 1 OF 4 ~-D8-(2?, I j_ /ZEJ)-I f-Z1-04- RECE\VED S £. p 1 6 2.GG4 \\\Ngsio;~cES VOLUME/PAGE HAMILTON A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF TrHE N:Ec\?;i;./t4Z1\')tOFYJtSEC. <;'114, TW'P~~!,23N.' i RNG1!L\5E.'·W.M;:,, KING COUNTY, !:WASHINGTON DEDICATION: .i-'.. -.. :_' ,i e,5Jf:t---:) '{KNO~.' ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners •fo f(tnterest in the land hereby subdivided, hereby dee l are this ,pl&J/to be the graphic representation of the subdivision made Jhereby, and do hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever \allfitstreets and avenues not shown as private hereon and dedicate ~th()use thereof for a 11 pub 1 ic purposes not inconsistent with the ~~iJthereof for public highway purposes, and also the right to )nak~fa)l necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon. the lots shown f'therS:or:L in the original reasonable grading of said streets and .~;avenues'; .,and further dedicate to the use of the public a 11 the ;Veaserriepts· and tracts shown on th is plat for a 11 pub l tc purposes as ''indicated thereon, including but not 1 im i ted to parks, open ~P~ie. utilites and drainage unless such easements or tracts ,ar~J?s,eecifically identified.on this plat as being 9edi~ated,or cconveyed to a person or entity other than the pu.ollc, in which ;ca 9:ef'we do hereby dedicate such streets, easements, or tracts t0°the person or entity identified and for the purpose stated. +fur::;tJ1eq, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, ·~~i~~-for themselves, their heirs and assigns and any person or ·entity deriving title from the undersigned, any and all claims •Jo~;dcimages against King County, its successors and assigns -~hic:.h, may be occasioned by the establishment, construct ion, or maintenance of roads and/or drainage systems within this S.uti"d iv is ion other than claims resulting from inadequate ~rnai11tenance by King County. Fur(her. the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, \atjr1e for themselves, their heirs and assigns to indemnify and hoJq.;King County, it successors and assigns, harmless from any ,damtfge, including any costs of defense, claimed by persons within or '"iii thout th is subdivision to have been caused by a 1 terat ions of ''the\grciund surface, vegetation, drainage, or surface or sub-surface wat~r flows within this subdivision or by establishment, ~cori§truction or maintenance of the roads within this subdivision. \Proiided. this waiver and indemnification shall not be construed 'oas releasing King County, its successors or assigns, from liability · for;~damages, including the cost of defense, resulting in whole or in:'f)art from the negligence of King County, its successors, or a3signs. This· subdivision. dedication. waiver of claims and agreement ':tO·t,old harmless is made with the free consent and in accordance ~it~ the desires of said owners. lJ'. Kolin B. Taylorji President-KBS Corporaion, a Washington Corporation_.,,/ :-A;\ ~fii~fV'e /,D~Gl.,v Robert W. Ruddefll Secretary-KBSl.lcorporaion, a Washington Corporation our hands and seals: Solomon V. Avza Treasurer-KBS orporaion,-- a Washington Corporation Home Street Bank, a Washington State Chartered Savings Bank by: its: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: State of Washington ) ) ss County of------~ On this day of 200___. before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, du 1 y commissioned and sworn, persona 11 y appeared Ko 1 in B. Tayor, Robert W. Rudde 11. and Solomon V. Avzarade 1 persona 11 y known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the President. the Secretary and the Treasurer. of KBS Developement Corporation. the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. State of Washington ) ) ss County of Notary public in and for the State of Washington. residing in My commission expires: print notary name On this day of 200_, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared to me personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the of Home Street Bank, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: J? I hereby certify that this,:;,p1at 9f ·f;larniltqri PJa,~e'Ii8 based upon'" an actua 1 survey and subd'i vis ion·· of ~Sect ion· 14,' Township' 23 NorJh, 8ange 5 East'/$ W: M., that the courses and distances are shown · correctly thereon; that the monuments will be set and the lot and block corners will be staked correctly on the ground as construction is completed and that I have fully complied with the provisions of the platting regulations. Stephen H Woods , ,. Certificate No. 38965 · Centre Pointe Surveying, Inc. 33701 9th Avenue South Federa 1 Way, WA 98003 (253) 661-1901 J ,APPROVALS: Date :JDEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ~xamined and approved this __ day of Development Engineer :1 ,§a;~mined and approved this __ day of ~---== KING COUNTY LANO USE SERVICES 200 200_ ~~nager, Land Use Services Division ~G COUNT,i~COUNC IL: \ Examine_5(,/and approved this __ day of 200 ,4-Cha&r:~son, King County Council ATTEST: Clerk of the Council ff-; IT KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS: Examined and approved this __ day of 200_ Kin,g County Assessor Deputy King County Assessor ~r9count Number ________ _ FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that all property taxes are paid, that there are no delinquent special assessments certified to this office for collection and that all special assessments certified to this office for collection on any of the property herein contained, dedicated as streets, alleys or for any other public use, are paid in full. this __ day of Finance Division ------200_. fi, Manager, Finance Div is ion ~t ttt~ 'n-. }' Q~puty ,:; '?) 1-- 1,,,,, .. ,·•:'# RECORDING'"-1):CERTIFICATE: Recording No. Filed for record at the request of the King County Counc i 1. th is __ day of 200__, at __ minutes past . M. and recorded in Volume __ of Plats, Pages Records of King County, Washington. Division of Records and Elections: Manager Superintendant of Records ~ Centre 33?01 9th AvenUEt South INDEX DATA: 0 SW-NE · 14, T23N, R5E, · WM'' SURVEY FOR: Notary public in and for the State of Washington, residing in • ..•.. '......... Federal Way, WA 98003 P • t (253) 661-1901 ~ .;>-Olll e t ,r1Surveying KBS Development Corp. ~ 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 t"' My commission expires: . . fl1<9 Jo. DD ES ftt.,z:P00\,1 print notary name Bellevue, · WA 98005 ~ ~ KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON;, ~ ,SHEET 1 OF,-:ih; -,--··.<..:.,"\; DATE: September 9, 2004 JOE NAME: 1808 DRAWN BY: D Woocls CHECKED BY: S Woods SCALE: NA JOE NO.: 1808 r -C f<_ E P ,_ I c; -i, "'I .-o Cf---- 1{-tf---Vcfl..lP(-/tr(Ef_j'J;(IJ!<)tTf"tl,U -/c!,oT SoMET/l/~vC ,1-l-f'T(C€' lll/~,FGl::f;f•VT 1 i<3-i/€RiFY Ir _j"/l)eu.J/H)c f.:Clt-Sfftllt.(:vJ( {S /\Ji':{3/)fil) -7( Z.-,tee /fl{OU'€ f=t':'v!JCl,::; 'jf-/ -;? (?/}'10if6" i, l st /)AT/1 r;l'..010 T/1€ J:';,i..(U/'fTE /1-ccc:SS ~tft-c'- HAMILTON PLACE VOLUME/PAGE ~A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4-:~\0F SEC. , KING COUNTY, 14, TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W .. M. I J( 5 4560 SQ.FT. 4s£l± . 0 ..... 1.i:. I - ,-2 n lb ),;' I~ ' 0'-- 6 -4e6e SQ. FT . 4-~s-Cv± w - (\I (Y') (Tl (\I • '<"1 0 z 10' Utility casement ---- 51. 77' 7-· -4-eG& SQ. FT. q ss (.. '1- 51. 77 I' N88.36'2B'Wr536.41' V "4§eO-SQ . FT . 4-SS~t, -R8AD ''-Jr-S88 •35 '28 "Efj646. B}>c, 238 oo~ -.1._;.;,,•.1' .,, ~:-i(H,t:.-,C, 10' Utility asement.. . . .. . JS8.8c"36 '28 ''E, 5 4 .-I!-\ ~) 'tj 0 z o ·. 52 50' 52. so·,--''·'· 52: 56\ l Ct 0 0 01 w £0 : (\I (Y) ~SQ.FT. (Y) 47ZS-(\I . ..... 0 z 152.50' 52.50' NBS 0 36 '28" r(,115. 00' 22 +·•5500 SQ. FT. N88'36'28"W 105.00' 23 _,.65QQ.-SQ . FT . ¥: z._, 0.'S'{ 5 ·J: I ~-'.e--;;· 0 0 0 OJ w : (\I ff) ff) (\I 0 '<"1 0 z w w ,·,-~-~--.!i '. , __ -··----·-,,-<~--~-:,t}:,, ~- 19' 0 OJ ~-so.FT. w C\J (T) f7w± ff) (\I ~-0 '<"1 0 z 2.50' ·,1• .7,,· __ ._:_ . ~ SQ.FT. 4?<l2 ·_i--.0 ?- ' 28 .. W 88. 00 ' 16" fil.20-SQ. FT. tttJ r" I 1 LEGEND: x: ~ = MONUMENT FOUND AS J~ED. VISITED MAY , 2001. e = SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED " 22338/38965". )8( = SET "X" IN BRASS DISK IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. 653.50' @hr\ fi ' ?(t,/;,,,I sss·53·os"E 1307.oo· Southeast 136th Street I I I I 13' UJ (\/ - (T) -.::r (11.ff) ~-~ '<"1 lO g, WASHINGTON \ Southeast -· -· -'-·, ·-·-··--- n \,-V r"" '--...._) V fence 5' Privat.e Storm 01'.'1,l\1:tj·"' , Easement · 0 0) w ~ SQ.FT . --11 (-+-) ,, ,,, - 37.98' :- (\I (Y) (T) (\I . ..... 0 z 14 -5e9<r SQ. FT. sog7 t:- ,J;ireO SQ .'i=T. 5GSlt ··. N88 °36' 28"W 105. 39' 15 ·~SQ.FT. 703i~'!: tj (0 (\J 01 < ~\ .. ~--> - tj ~ C\J C\J 0 (0 ~ _ill tj c.o 0 0 Ln - a) (T) 0 L!l 0 Cl) 30' .r:J. • °" ~ 30' 132.79' 17:~· 5' cyclone fence ('f) -,___,/ TOTAL ACREAGE: /&'8378± OVERALL -~jSQ. FT./ 4.325 ACRES ROAD ~SQ. FT./ 0.578 ACRES ts11<1--± Found 1" incased 1: I . (0 IIl' .. 0 .... .... 0 30 60 t Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • . Fedeca! Way, WA 98003 INDEX DATA: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM p • t (253) 661-1901 ~ ._... Olll e to SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. SCALE: t · , Surveying 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 1 '' 30' DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: s Woods DATE: September 9, 2004 JOB NAME: 1808 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON D D60",,.,rf(;~ ·;\lo, Lo_z P 00/ I SCALE: 1" = 30' JOB NO.: 1808 Jo: ''-SHEET 4 OF 4 -?'\ ~(,z? \ _.,,/) ,;,0.'- WA-oB-(22 /: I VOLUME/PAGE HAMILTON PLACE,, A PORTION OF THE SW KING COUNTY, 1/4 OF <THE )NE ·)tj4''.~0F''SEGftJ l "{f:COfl.,Vt='/... J'f.''T Northeast corner of / cJ_,.c,,, . " Section 14, Township ·14, ,'.,., .. IT1:WR ... ,1·';23N/, ,:RNG. '\-:5E:;s"':W .. M., ,.WASHINGTON,; ,L-..., CAl-c, posrr1a.0 23N, Range 5E. l 634.25 North 1/4 corner of 14 Sect ion 14, Township l 23N, Range 5E. Found Southeast 128th Street ____ 888 '07' 44"E 2.536. 98' ;? ,-1 Found 3" brass disk .' 11 12 with punch "KCSM". ---..,,.;.-. -A~:,----unable to read N01 '19' 14 "W ~· 12.6,88, .. 4 4v99 ''11~4 13 1472.93' 634.25' PLATy0 NOTES (CQNT.): '\_ @ J.~~c.\@ ~.:3. a. p~ i vate: 'fO i~'s~~~way Jrc1ct .f o~ ingrJ~~. , egress, utilities and private drainage ·for the' benefit of.the I '-6wr\ers '1o f Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17. Ownership Of Lots 14, 15, 16 and ~7 within.this plat includes an equal and undivided ownerslJip int~rest •in Tract D, and an equal and undivided responsibility for th-maintenance of said Tract. broken brass disk with punch. Renton control point 2103. Southeast 132nd Place 11 ] Found plug with_ou_nc ' ·\~y,~ in concrete, Cuii;;Jise];? .., ~ ~, 0.21'W of 16th line, .., ~ !- held for street ,.,. ~ alignment N8836'28"WI~ ~ :,~·'.r;,( 30 . 21 ' I'--, . · :--t' °':I l3ot· --------------~-11.A:0J -s . y~1t ~n he open space nd ecreation tract shown as Tract A is hereby conveyed the homeowners' association identified in note 4 abov . aid homeowners· association will be "'-['esponsible fr th maintenance of said Tract. ! :.... i.oj: i4' t( !~ S6el'fore 30··~~:-. ,/tJ:·;,1i 4> lri ~ h't:cCUJ ~ t,1 ;:s "· I l "'I _ 9) ,, The house addP~ss system for th is plat sha 11 be as fol lows: ,,--.,-";J·..,.....~ · Addresses shall be assigned for the North-South roads within f!rJ<l A<l• ~~">~(;) the range of __Alfr__ to ~ and within the range of J5Bol to f...p-1A':J'-'"" sl,1/!r''l51 for the East-West roads. Individual addresses will be i.; .LEG· END·. ; ~~~ f .. ·1'.;{ <I~ ~~;f lt:>t ~\~ ._..,,, .~<.~-·'"'~-i '°\· -' = Monument found as noted. · :S.;) "i'S·-.. ..... o , Visited May 3, 2001. ;o•; ",,. I~ z cg ;..._ -.. = .... '.;;,, ~ "< .. ~ 30:-----------------....130' r ' t ~ 10) NOT TO SCALE assigned to the principal entrance of each residence or building in accordance with King County Code 16.08. Trees located within the plat shall be maintained by the owners of the 1ot for which the trees grow in. Trees located within the street right-of-ways shall be owned and maintained by the Hamilton Place homeowners association unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. /~ 1 / Found 1" iron ___ __. .... '::;~1~,~~{l/\7K 653.50' ,j f\8T .=. ff-f.. fCAr oF , , • , /N' i!fol, i7,pG (..C, 11) AU building downspouts. footing drains, a d drains from Ill impervious surfaces such as patios an driveways shall .be.1connected to the permanent storm drain out~e BASIS OF BEARING: S88'53'08"E 1307.00' Southeast 136th Street True North. Based upon Global Positioning System (GPS) Lambert Grld Washington State North Zone coordinates. A convergence angle of 0'58'01.856" counter-clockwise was applied at a punch in a broken brass disk at the intersection of 156th Avenue Southeast and Southeast aj 128th Streu t. Monument is the North quarter corner of { \7 . Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the M ~ Willamette Meridian. The North American Datum of 1983/1991 ( (NAO 83/91) grid coordinates were found to be 180828.770 (1 / 1319243.796 at that point. The inverse of both the sea level correction factor of 0.999977357 and the grid scale factor of 1.000002203 was applied to the grid coordinates for shown ground distances. UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE: :--···.":-/))---· -, ,, -=:,r· ~·-,·'<•·.: '"'J;;'f ~,;pq1yate .easement is hereby reserved for and granted to Puget v.Jfft"' Pe--1t.;)<11 r <Jf Wc6.U,vJ ;1 1 lf.J w (. (, S') I'" (... s.:ho. wn on the approved construct ion draw in s N . P-29 · f,J'O.'z~, ' oF Jf:J:'r KING COUNTY DRAINAGE 'EASEMENT AND I COVENANT: !1,1 f'dra inage easements with in th is Plat, not shm.n as "Private", 'are,hereby granted and conveyed to King County, a political . sul:!.division of the State of Washington, for the purpose of 'convc{ying, storing, managing and facilitating storm and surface 'wate{ per the engineering plans approveo for' this Plat by King Coyn,ty, together with the right of J",easonable access (ingress and ;~gr,¢.ss), to enter said drainage easement for the purpose of .insp~ct ing, operating, ma int a iQing, repairing and improving the :dr_ajnage facilities contained therein. Note that except for the ~/~c:J)ities which have been formally accepted for maintenance by W!ng'}County, maintenance of drainage facilities on private prop·erty is the responsibility of the property owner. ~JJ1;~.,~owne.rs of said p,rivate property are required to obtain prior " · tm·. proval from King County Property Services, and any · i" rmits fro.Jll the King County Department of Development and .... ,"r . ntal Services for activit'.es such as clearing ano--gr.ading, ~.eht8t to filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except ~&9:'i;foutine landscape maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open ~y~g1,;1tated drainage facilities (such as swales channels ditches \B@~s. etc.). or performing any alterations o~ modifications to the JdJ"~inage facilities. contained within said drainage easement. -. -j .r°n file with King County Department of o elopm and · Environmental Services (DOES) and/or the epartment of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application for any building permit. All connections of the ·~~~ins must be constructed and approved prior to the final .~.,H.i,lc:ling inspection approval. For theses lots that are '~es i~ned for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems srall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with the plans on file. All individual ~tub-outs and infiltration systems shall be privately owned and maintained by the lot owner. Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21A. 43, which imposes impact fees to fund school , improvements needed to serve development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent (50%) of school impact fees were paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with King County Code 21A.43.050. The balance of the assessed fee $·23.Q.f.t150,,per lot. together with the current administration ' e, must be paid at the time of building permit issuance. 13~r'his plat-is--subj ect to King County Code 14. 75, King County Road , Mitigation Payment System (MPS) . The MPS fees plus the MPS Y/c.\ administrative fee shall be paid at the time of building permit application at the rate in effect at that time. ~CJ,und Energy Company, Qwest, Comcast, (other private ut il it iesl , ~nd their respective successors and assigns under and upon all private streets, alleyways and private drives, the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots ~Qd tract~ and 5.q;?, feet parallel with and adjoining alleyways __ 9!J9 pr i vat,e dr i ves·;Jurther easements are reserved over private lands for vaults, Pedestals and related facilities ("Vault Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the preceding sentence as follows1' the Vault Easemen may occupy up to an additional 5-feet in widti (for a total widt :T,hf(; easement is intended to fac i 1 i tate reasonable access to the dralhage facilities. This easement and covenant shall run with the t1a11d'. and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their \heirs. successors and assigns. 14) 1/1he ro~d and storm drainage systems shal 1 be constru~<.:::._·c.· ~~ according to the approved plan and profile, Plan No ...!...±Jf!f__~3 on file with King County Department of Development an i 1 l of 10 feet) with the length of each Vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the as-built vau 1 t (s) . The number and location of Vault Easements will be "as installed" during the utility's initial installation of facilities. The easements are reserved and granted in order to install, lay, construct, renew, operate and maintain underground pipe, conduit, cables, wires, vaults and pedestals with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric, telephone. gas, telecommunications, data transmission, street 1 ights and utility service together with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as possible to their original condition. No lines or wires for transmission of electric current, or for telephone, cable television, telecommunications or data transmission uses shall be placed or permitted to be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. No permanent structure shall be placed within the easement without permission from easement owners. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT COVENANT: f';:_\ jh( owners of private property within this Plat encumbered ,with drainage easements shown as "Private", hereby grant ,and :convey to King County, a political subdivision of the rc~tat:,e of Washington, the right, but not the ob 1 igat ion to ;,~onv~y or store storm and surface water per the engineering \,plans approved for this Plat by King County, together with '.the ·right of reasonable access (ingress/egress), to enter Spid'drainage easement for the purpose of observing that fb~1?wners are properly operating and maintaining the drainage facilities contained therein. ,:lhfii owners of said property are responsible for operating, ·maintaining and repairing the drainage facilities contained _'~ithin said drainage easement, and are hereby required to JO~tai[1 any required permits, from King County Department :~f Development and Environmental Services prior to filling, Piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine ~land!cape maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated ?drainage f ac i 1 it ies (such as swa les, channels, ditches, ponds, ·:etc.)_; or per forming any alterations or modifications to the ,,dra~nage f ac i 1 i ties contained with in said drainage easement. JQA!:!: covenant shal 1 run with the land and is binding upon ,t.he ,qwners of said private property, their heirs, successors and assigns. LUA--- . ------- LND- DOE s,d., lo l t"rJOI / 'C-riltJ . ;VO,. t . ---:_. ;,:~ PLAT NOTES: 1) 2) The monument.control shown for this site was accomplished by field traverse utilizing a one (1) second theodolite with integral electronic distance measuring meter (Geodimeter 600) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) / Static Global Positioning System (GPS) . Linear and angular closure of the traverses meet the standards of WAC 332-130-090. Env ironmenta 1 Services (DOES) . Any deviation from the approved P,I.ans will require written approval from the proper agency, currently ODES. 1~) Tracts A through E are considered to be tracts 16) pursuant to KCC 19A.04.330. A "tract" is land reserved for specified uses including, but not 1 imi ted to, reserve tracts. recreation, open space, sensitive areas, surf ace water retention, utility facilities and access. Tracts are not considered lots or building sites for purposes of residential dwelling construction. KCC 16.82.1500 applies to the subject property. Therefore construction work involving soil disturbance, grading and filling of the site, including individual residential building pad preparation, is prohibited from October 1 through March 31, unless otherwise approved by King County DOES or its successor agency, consistent with the provisions ,of KCC 16.82. 1500. 3) Full reliance for legal descriptions and recorded easements have been placed on the title report from Chicago Title Insurance Company Commitment order No. 1144641, dated August 2, 200"1. No additional research has been attempted. Offset dimensions shown hereon are measured perpendicula~-f-y1 ?_). to property lines. ~.~~ There shall bend direct vehicular access to or from 158th Avenue Southeast or 160th Avenue Southeast from those lots which abut them. 4) ·The Articles of Incorporation for Hamil ton Place Homeowner·s-~) Association are on file with the State of Washington in Tract Bis ~.Storm Water Detention Tract and is hereby conveyed to King County for ownership & maintenance purposes. Olympia. Washington. The Hamilton Place Homeowners· Association is empowered to maintain common property and facilities and charge fees to homeowners for maintenance, and enter into agreements with the City of Renton. -. Tracts A. and E are hereby granted and conveyed to the Hami 1 ton Place Homeowners Association (HOA) upon the recording of this Plat. Ownership and maintenance of said Tracts shall be the responsibility of the HOA. In the event that the HOA is dissolved or otherwise fails to meet its property tax obligations. as evi.~~ric.~d by nori;,:-payment of property taxes for a period 9f e.1ghteen .. (18) months, then each Lot sha 11 assume and have an equ1al" arid undivided ownership interest in the Tracts previously owned by the HOA and have the attendent financial and maintenance responsibilities. 6) '.tTract C is. a. p~ i vate J?,t?t:Nie, dbxe.v.9.y 1ris'.t :for ingress: cJ:1g~ess, Ut11lt1es and)pr;1Vate drarnage)for the benefit of the 'o'wnErs of Lots 22 and ·2:f. Ownership''cif Lot 22 and Lot 23 within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract C, and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. 20) Tract E is a ~ Tract and is to be ,GL'R9EI and maintained by the HOA, identified in note LI above. Public Drainage Easement Restrictiorii: Structures, fill. or obstructions (including, but not limited to, decks, patios, outbuildings, or overhangs) shall not be permitted beyond the building setback line of the public drainage easements. Additionally, grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the public drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by King County ODES or its successor agency. 21) All private storm dl"a.inage easements shown hereon are hereby granted to the lot owners who would benefit from the easement. The owners of the lots having benefit of use shall be equally responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the drainage facilites they have the benefit of use, except no owner shall be responsible for the mainten- ance, repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the commonly used storm sewer located upstream from the point of connection of that respective lot owner. i.q~ r t Centre 33701 9th Avenue South INDEX DATA;Q/J ~ ~ 6E-l, IT23N,· R5E, WM; • Fede,al Way, WA. 98003 ~ .... Pointe (253) 661-1901 c;, t Surveying SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 DRAWN llY: D Woods CHECKED llY: S Woods KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DATE: September 9, · 2004 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: NA JOB NO.: 1808 SHEET 2 OF 4 ' fED-l 9 ~zc;~ ocr h(n{r=-~ A 6 11 \Jb 11 A L{ 'tj '1t;l'\)·b \J v = v HAMILTON PLACE 11 A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/4 :OF SEC. 14, TWP. ~Nocth 1/4 cocoec of l Section 14. Township 23N, Range 5E. Found broken brass disk with punch. Renton control point 2103. -+-' -+-' lfJ lfJ ro ro <l) <l) ..q ..q -+-' ~ ;j "' ;j 0 U1 0 ....., co [I) 0 lf.J. "I' (\J lO (T') <l) (\J Q) lO (\J ~ ;j ' ~ ~: ~ "I' ~ = •'-_. (T) "" ~ ~ 0 co -(\J '<:I' . ID < 0 < .. 0 0 z 0 z ..q ..q ~ -+-,) co co L(.) LO ~ ~ KING COUNTY, /;i) / ....., r--... lf) co co <., \') 30' 30' I I I II I "I' 0 - "I' lf) 0 0 z LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 0 \f-Tract 5 Block 1 of Janett' s Renton Boulevard Tracts, recorded in Volume 17, at page 60, of Plats, records of King County, Washington. 4' cyclone r- ),, 'C) \ 0 '- \.,- 5·~-T------g -in ---I _ ate ~-NB8'36'02"W103 81' - LU ' I Private • co I Storm Dra..1~e co Easement Uli l C\J (T) 2 01 ..i1~ lO ~ I ....wcrtY SQ.FT. s ()OS± 5'!---5' Private (T) C\I • ,rl 0 z ·45o0-SQ. FT. +.S:S!.:,! I Storm Of~IVl<-J L Easement I 32.46' ru· ------ 01 (\J "q' LD lO ,rl .... N 0 ..... ~~ <a\·W, ·'( ~ .. 1-f-VI~·. 51. 78' ~ 'f'..~~ ts I':. f' ·'1-t· o. 0 ,.;~ OJ OJ IJJ C\J (T') (T') (\J . tj 0 z ..4§W-SQ . FT . ~'S:S'(;fif?' 174, .. 20,' <199)24'·7 ---.-.,-, --- ([JC" 5¢zTRACT "E" ,t' :, (WETLAND AND BUFFER) ?ffsz/. 0 ' . 0 &1 l''.-1 ~;: (\J (T) (T') (\J . .-4 0 z ::le; -~SQ.FT. 4-SS-Ct ' -~0 SQ.FT. /ill:.(,OJ;};; L~ tj 0 z VOLUME/PAGE 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. WASHINGTON . 51 J,77' i 5 1-. .•• 1/ -666-SQ. FT. 4-sT& :r: 51. 7..7'. 0 ..... (\J . ,rl 0 z ~ SQ.FT. 'icSS(;,. !. g -T-NBIG1~6"W a:i Private . OJ Storm i),'l'.l.11t1<jL u.1 ). Easement . _, (\j (T') (T') C\J • tj 0 z t' ~ SQ.FT. 'f-SS(.. ± 10' Utility casement -------- ' NBS 0 36 '28" ~536. L11 · +-__ R_O AB ·""A" ·,,:,_:3aa :3s ·,2e 0r;J646. 87', · ""'230. etr' 10' Utility asement """I ct S88 ~36 '28 ''B· 5 ·~-9 52. 50 \ ,.·.;_,; -C\J (T') (T') C\I ·-~ SQ.FT. ~-7&:f±: . ~ 0 z 152,501, 52.50''' Naa •35 · 2s "vf:, 115. ob, ,;::., ),, ._, (- --{/: 'J""' " 2 2 J-5500 SQ. FT. N,?B 0 36 1 2s·~w 105. oo · 7. 11' ,:~ 0 0 0 0) LU ~ 4730 sa.rr.- (T') r-i ,rl 0 z ,·-; LU .JR'ffi SQ. FT. /<}-2 JS·-f ·,· ·,,<?o;7<9 ,, , o /< Encr.oa~•llfent easeme·n_t· · ,---~091.J:. ·•> ~ tl 1 El+>'f/.!lic/\.!'i furl.. )/!G f)_fSS { E/.:GE·s·J -~ {1 . , ; ' ~ Found 1-1/2" axle ~::~,,~. ---- I ,If' 0 30 60 I l _ ___,I SCALE: 1 '' 30' a.,,,~c) 2_zoo 11 ..-Rec.. '. · g::;;.. '-r---eCs . ~ \ i io:i. 78 ', ~~cyclon fence LEGEND: 0 = MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED. VISITED MAY /t 200 f. • = SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP.STAMPED " 22338/38965" . )8( = SET "X" IN BRASS DISK IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. f"Of{ /;?E-Alir/7 ", j<./tJG CtlU1,lr(, --'( " (~ \ --'( () ('-...) ,, \ t Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA 98003 p • t (253) 661-1901 -e-~ 01n e .. 1 · Surveying ' .. DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: September 9. 2004 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: 1" = 30' JOB NO.: 1808 I 1 653.50' S88°53'08"E 1307.00' Southeast 136th Street . INDEX DATA: ,.,SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM, SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp . 12320 NE 8th St .. Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 3 OF 4 /ED=4- ;-o;-os- [ VOLUME/PAGE HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. ·23N., RNG. 5E. W.M. KING COUNTY, DEDICATION: KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners of interest in the land hereby subdivided, hereby declare this plat to be the graphic representation of the subdivision made hereby, and do hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets and avenues not shown as private hereon and dedicate the use thereof for all public purposes not inconsistent with the use thereof for public highway purposes. and also the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots shown thereon in the original reasonable grading of said streets and avenues. and further dedicate to the use of the public all the easements and tracts shown on this plat for all public purposes as indicated thereon, including but not limited to parks, open space, utilites and drainage unless such easements or tracts are specifically identified on this plat as being dedicated or conveyed to a person or entity other than the public, in which case we do hereby dedicate such streets, easements, or tracts to the person or entity identified and for the purpose stated. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, waive for themselves, their heirs and assigns and any person or entity deriving title from the undersigned, any and all claims for damages against King County, its successors and assigns which may be occasioned by the establishment. construction, or maintenance of roads and/or drainage systems within this subdivision other than claims resulting from inadequate maintenance by King County. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, agree for themselves, their heirs and assigns to indemnify and hold King County, it successors and assigns. harmless from any damage, including any costs of defense. claimed by persons within or without this subdivision to have been caused by alterations of the ground surface, vegetation, drainage, or surface or sub-surface water flows within this subdivision or by establishment, construction or maintenance of the roads within this subdivision. Provided, this waiver and indemnification shall not be construed as releasing King County, its successors or assigns. from liability for damages, including the cost of defense. resulting in whole or in part from the negligence of King County, its successors. or assigns. This subdivision. dedication, waiver of claims and agreement to hold harmless is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of said owners. set our hands and seals: so·1ooifin' v. Avzad~--··i' Treasurer-KBS Development Corporaion, a Washin on Corporation ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: State of Washington ) ~~~ )ss County of j(J ) On thisday of ~fftW~,C , 200..l before me. the undersigned, a notary pub~d for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Kolin B. Tayor, Robert W. Ruddell. and Solomon V. Avzaradel personally known (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer, a f KBS Oeve lopment Corporation, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument. and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation. for the uses and the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. Witness my hand and seal certificate above written. .... ,,,,,,,,, ~--G S 11 ---"\r:, . c~.'·· .: g.' ,,,'""''• 7(;. ,, _ ,::s .-'&'!>s10,v:;..! ... , -() -¥ • '-i:' ~ I : f3 ~~T~ 1t r11 ~ ,,. .. -·:,....il&;·;a~ : \ .-4.s,~ J ; ,~,, v", _ .. , I "" •,, (l•Jo 0& •"ct -I ~A.. ,, • ;, ....... -,, .,,. ,,,~"''''"'' ~ -- , 1 I Op 'I,/ AS\\.,, ~ -- \ \ .... ~ ,,,,,,,,, ..... State of Washington ) I/ ) ss hereto affixed the day and YJa~n this .C. e£>J111 ~~ Notary public i~~for_the Sta~~~~ of Wash~ng~on, re~1d1ng 1_.--11~,.....~~-s--a.:!~~~.,.... My comm1ss1on expires: _.~....,.·~~ .... ...,,,._...,..__~ C.rurb,'.s .C: .$cAav1lt' print notary name County of r:-1·1\!l~ l On this .;2.o !t;h day of D.er,R~ , 200~ before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared j..,U). C.. a..Jlv.u.o me personally known (or proven on the basis of satis~ctory evidence) to be the ~LU. ~of Home Street Bank, the corporation that executed the wit in and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. the day and year in this WASHINGTON APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES: Examined and approved this __ day of 200_. Development Engineer Examined and approved this __ day of 200_. Manager. Land Use Services Division. KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS: Examined and approved this __ day of 200_. King County Assessor Deputy King County Assessor Account Number ________ _ FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that all property taxes are paid, that there are no delinquent special assessments certified to this office for collection and that all special assessments certified to this office for collection on any of the property herein contained, dedicated as streets, alleys or for any other public use. are paid in ful I. This __ day of Finance Division -------200_. Manager. Finance Div is ion Deputy KING COUNTY COUNCIL: Examined and approved this __ day of 200 ATTEST:,,..,,..-----------Chairperson, King County Council Clerk of the Council RECORDING CERTIFICATE: Recording No. Filed for record at the request of the King County Council. this day of 200__. at __ minutes past --,---..,...· M. and recorded in Volume __ of Plats. page records of King County, Washington. Division of Records and Elections: Manager Superintendant of Records LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I hereby certify that this plat of Hamilton Place is based upon an actual survey and subdivision of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., that the courses and distances are shown correctly thereon; that the monuments will be set and the lot and block corners will be staked correctly on the ground as construction is completed and that I have fully complied with the provisions of the platting regulations. Certificate No. 38965 Centre Pointe Surveying, Inc. 33701 9th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 (253) 661-1901 INDEX DATA: 12-17-01/ Date Witness my hand and seal certificate above written. Not of My krw-W t Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA. 98003 P • t (253) 661-1901 ~ ~ ome t Surveying SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Be 1 levue, WA 98005 ODES FILE NO. L02P0011 DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: s Woods DATE: December 15. 2004 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: NA JOB NO.: 1808 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 1 OF 4 LUA-08-12, HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 OF SEC. 14, COUNTY' Calculated 16th corner & NE corner of Janett's Southeast 128th Street Renton Boulevard KING I 634.25 588 /Tracts. Vol. 17 . pg 50. ----,. 0 ----. '07 · 44 .. E 2.536. 98 · ~11 /Northeast corner of North 1/4 corner of 114 ,... -__ rn ______ 634.25' ~0---~.-· Section 14, Township 1 574-_3g-:-c------"!_1 '1268.49 14 13 23N. Range 5E. Found 3" brass disk 576.1 'P with punch "KCSM", Section 1~ Township 23N. Range 5E. Found broken brass disk with . I~ a.. u unable to read I (\J· :q~I +> punch. Renton control 1 point 2103. 30:~: ~ll:\30·· ~ I i5iR ~bi! Found plug with punch in concrete at SE 132nd ;. ~ ~ ........ ~~ "" ........ , PL & 160th Ave SE, incased, 0.21'W of 16th line. ~. r'--------":":'~~ ...... ------....l1_J i o . 586. 15 'C y . ~ Q) .Cl . +> " ::I ~ o·. C/.l ~ C/.l 587.74'P ,... o:; NBB 36'28"W'" ·~~ LEGEND: ~ Q) (\J a~ ~ ~ < '.'1 cu ' 30 .03' · o a~ ~C/.l Q>N u . ruQ) !: ~ :q~ ~a.. ~~a = Monument found as noted. Visited May 3, 2001. co .Cl·~ (0 g ~z .ell~ :~ Pdin i: ~ ==: \:q (\J.... ~';1 01. ;'"' < p = Plat of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts, Vol. 17 , pg 60. '° l'f! (T') (T') (\1 (T') c: .Cl .... 0 ::.:+> I~ g C = Calculated NOT TO SCALE 588.51 'C 590.0'P ...... SW corner of Janettis Renton Boulevard u 1. a. u 30 ~ i:o i:o ~ 130 . Tracts, Vol. 17 , pg 60. Found 1-1/2" axle > . . "10 1 ~~ 593.23'C ...:ai.-"' with punch, incased 653.50' I\ ~'°:::. 0 -_____ 59=!..:_1..'..£' _______ ;:gra J rn 653. 50 · . g . SE corner of Janett· s -----· Renton Boulevard S88'53'08"E 1307.00' . T t V 1 17 60 rac s, o . , pg . Southeast 136th Street Found 1" iron pipe, incased. KING COUNTY DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND COVENANT: All drainage easements within this Plat. not shown as "Private", are hereby granted and conveyed to King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, for the purpose of conveying, storing, managing and facilitating storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King County, together with the right of reasonable access (ingress and egress). to enter said drainage easement for the purpose of inspecting, operating, maintaining, repairing and improving the drainage facilities contained therein. Note that except for the facilities which have been formally accepted for maintenance by King County, maintenance of drainage facilities on private property is the responsibility of the property owner. The owners of said private property are required to obtain prior written approval from King County Property Services, and any required permits from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services for activities such as clearing and grading, prior to filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drainage f ac i 1 it ies (such as swa les, channels. ditches, ponds, etc. J , or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities, contained within said drainage easement. This easement is intended to facilitate reasonable access to the drainage facilities. This easement and covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their h,!r irs. successors and assigns. UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE: A private easement is hereby reserved for and granted to Puget Sound Energy Company, Qwest, Comcast, any cable & any telephone company & their respective successors & assigns under & upon all private streets, alleyways and private drives. the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots and tracts and 5.00 feet parallel with and adjoining alleyways and private drives.Further easements are reserved over private lands for vaults, Pedestals and related facilities("Vault Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the preceding sentence as follows: the Vault Easement may occupy up to an additional 5-feet in width (for a total width of 10 feet) with the length of each Vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the as-built vau 1 t (s) . The number and location of Vault Easements will be "as installed" during the utility's initial installation of facilities. The easements are reserved and granted in order to install, lay. construct. renew, operate and maintain underground pipe, conduit, cables, wires, vaults and pedestals with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric, telephone, gas, telecommunications, data transmission, street lights and utility service together with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as possible to their original condition. No lines or wires for transmission of electric current. or for telephone, cable television. telecommunications or data transmission uses shall be placed or permitted to be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. No permanent structure shall be placed within the easement without permission from easement owners. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT COVENANT: The owners of private property within this Plat encumbered with drain age easements shown as "Private", hereby grant and convey to King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, the right, but not the obligation to convey or store storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King County. together with the right of reasonable access (ingress/egress), to enter said drainage easement for the purpose of observing that the owners are properly operating and maintaining the drainage facilities contained therein. The owners of said property are responsible for operating. maintaining and repairing the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement, and are hereby required to obtain any required permits from King County Department of Development and Environmental Services prior to filling, piping, PLAT NOTES: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) The monument control shown for this site was accomplished by field traverse utilizing a one (1) second theodolite with integral electronic distance measuring meter (Geodimeter 600) and Real Timti Kinematic (RTKJ / Static Global Positioning System (GPS). Linear and angular closure of the traverses meet the standards of WAC 332-130-090. ~ull reliance for legal descriptions and recorded easements have been placed on the title report from Chicago Title Insurance Company Commitment order No. 1144641. dated December 20, 2004. No add it ion a 1 research has been attempted. Offset dimensions shown hereon are measured perpendicular ~o property lines. iltle#Art-fcTei of Incorporation for Magnolia Homeowners Association are_.on file with the State---of Washington in Olympia, Washington. The Magnolia Homeowners Association is empowered to maintain common property and facilities and charge fees to homeowners for maintenance, and enter into agreements with the City of Renton. "Magno 1 ia.. wi 11 be the initial marketing name for the sale of the Lots described herein. T~act A is aJrecreation tract for the benefit of all lot owners in th1s plat. Each ownership of a lot in this plat (lots 1 through 23 inclusive) includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract "A". The Magnolia Homeowners Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of said Tract "A". However, should the Homeowners Association fail to properly maintain Tract "A", then the lot owners of all lots 1 through 23 shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of said tract. Tract C is a private Joint Use Driveway Tract for ingress, egress, utilities and private drainage for the benefit of the owners of Lots 22 and 23. Ownership of Lot 22 & Lot 23 within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract C, and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. An easement over, and across the entire Tract C is hereby dedicated to King County for ingress and egress for access to Tract B. ALSO an easement to the City of Renton over. under and across the entire Tract c for the maintenance and operation of any sanitary sewer lines, structures and appurtenances. Tract Dis a private Access Tract for ingress, egress, utilities and private drainage for the benefit of the owners of Lots 14, 15. 16 and 17. Ownership of Lots 14. 15. 16 and 17 within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract 0, and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. An easement to the City of Renton over, under and across the entire Tract D for the maintenance and operation of any sanitary sewer lines, structures and appurtenances. The house address system for this plat shall be as follows: Addresses shall be assigned for the East-West road within the range of 15801 to 15999. Individual addresses will be assigned to the principal entrance of each residence or building in accordance with King County Code 16.08. 9) Trees located within the plat shall be maintained by the owners of the lot for which the trees grow in. Trees located within thestreet right-of-ways shall be maintained by the lot owners of the abutting lots. cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape 11 ................ !l!lll .. !!1111111t. TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W.M. WASHINGTON PLAT NOTES (CONT.): VOLUME/PAGE 10) ',All building down spouts, footing drains. and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings No. P-3094 on file with King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application for any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designed for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with the plans on file. All individual stub-outs and infiltration systems shall be privately owned and maintained by the lot owner. 11) SCHOOL FEES FOR LOTS 2 THROUGH 23: =Fifty percent (50%) of school impact fees were paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with King county Code 21A. 43. 050. The balance of the assessed fee, $ 2498. 00 per lot, together with the current administration fee, must be paid at the time of building permit issuance. SCHOOL FEES FOR LOT 1: one residential unit was existing prior to the development of this subdivision. If the issuance of a new building permit for Lot 1 occurs on or prior to May 7, 2007. then said lots shall be exempt from the payment of the school impact fees. If the issuance of a new building permit for said lot occurs after May 7, 2007, then the full assessed fee, ~ ,4996. 00 per lot, together with the current administration fee, must be paid at the time of building permit issuance. See K.C. code 21A.43.070.A.2. 12) 2 ~0AD MP~'FEES PER KING COUNTY CODE 14.75 FOR LOTS 2 THROUGH 23: This plat is subject to King County code 14.75, King county Road Mitigation Payment System(MPS). For Lots 2 through 23, the MPS fees plus the MPS administrative fee shall be paid at the time of ~uilding permit application at the rate in effect at that time. •ROAD MPS ~EES PER KING COUNTY CODE 14.75 FOR LOT 1: One residential unit was existing and occupied within the three years prior to the application for development of this subdivision. Lot 1 in this plat shall be exempt from the payment of fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation System. See King ~County Department of Transportation Public Rule 6.2. 1.4. 13) ... Tracts A trirough E are considered to be tracts pursuant to)KCC 19A.04.330. A "tract" is land reserved for specified uses including, but not 1 imited to. reserve tracts, recreation. open space, sensitive areas, surf ace water retention, utility facilities and access. Tracts are not considered lots or building sites for purposes of residential dwelling construction. 14) ii.There sh<;1l l be no direct vehicular access to or from 158th Avenue Southeast or 160th Avenue Southeast from those lots wt;iich abut them. 15) Tract~ is a Storm Water Detention Tract and is hereby conveyed to King County for ownership & maintenance purposes. 16) '•Tract "E" is a Sensitive Area Tract (SAT). Each ownership of a lot in this plat (lots 1 through 23 inclusive) includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract "E". The Magnolia Homeowners Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of said Tract "E". However. should the Homeowners Association fail to properly maintain Tract "E", then the lot owners of all lots 1 through 23 shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of said tract. 17) Public Drainage Easement Restrictions: Structures. fill. or obstructions (including, but not limited to, decks, patios, out buildings, or overhangs) sha 11 not be permitted beyond the building setback line of the public drainage easements. Additionally. grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the public drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by King County DOES or its successor agency. 18) All private storm drainage easements shown hereon are hereby granted to the lot owners who would benefit from the easement. The owners of the lots having benefit of use shall be equally responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the drainage facilities they have the benefit of use. except no owner shall be responsible for the mainten- ance, repair and/or reconstruct ion of that port ion of the commonly used storm sewer located upstream from the point of connection of that respective lot owner. 19) The road and storm drainage systems shall be constructed according to the approved plan and profile. Plan No. p-3og41J on file with King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) . Any deviation from the approved plans will require written approval from the proper agency. currently DOES. maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drainage' facilities (such as swa les, channels, ditches, ponds, etc.). or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement. t Centre 33701 9th Avenue South INDEX DATA: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM This covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their heirs, successors and assigns. • Federal Way, WA 98003 ~ ....... Pointe (253) 661-1901 t Surveying SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St., Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 DOES FILE DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON NO. L02POO 11 DATE: January 4, 2005 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: NA JOB NO.: 1808 SHEET 2 OF 4 , LUA-08-\2.2 HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. 11 ~Nocth 1/< cocn,, of l Section 14. Township 23N, Range 5E. Found broken brass disc with punch. Renton control point 2103. -+,,) -+,,) rn '(fl Cd Cd Cl) Cl) ~ ~ -+,,) ,+,J ;.j . t-.. ;.j 0 L!1 0 ..... CD m 0 m ,q-C\J (.0 (TJ Cl) (\J lD Cl) C\J ;.j 3C ;.j ' 3C ~ "q' ~ .. (T) "<l' 0 Cl) co Cl) . > C\J > "<l' • L!1 < 0 < . 0 0 z 0 z ~ ~ -+,,) -+,,) co co LO LO 'l"'""'1 'l"'""'1 KING COUNTY, ...... r-- l(') co co 30' 30' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, Block 1, Janett· s Renton Boulevard Tracts, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, at page (s) 60, in King County, Washington. 1 k \ 0 '- ,. , 4 · hog wire '-' 5 .~ -T------ I Private I Storm Drainage LOI Easement 01. 1 --:i1(0 lD ~ il8 10· Private Storm Drainage easement 0.5'N g--N88'33'25"W15°f Bii7 co CD UJ ' C\J (T) (TJ C\J • ..... 0 z 2 51. 78' 0 0 CD CD UJ C\J (T) (T) C\J • ...... 0 z ------- 3 51. 77' I ~ ':'"' ""'\i \ o" I \.. ' CD CI) UJ ' 4 C\J (TJ . (TJ ru • ...... 0 z C\J "'1' TRACT "B" l(') (.0 ..... (WET/DETENTION POND) TRACT "E" (SENSITIVE AREA) Encroachment easement Rec. No. 20041005000244 165.7 LEGEND: 5· eye ne fence 0 • MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED. VISITED MAY 3, 2001. • • SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED .. 22338/38965 ... 12' Easement for ingress & egress for the benifit of King County. 51. 82' Note: ...... 0 z VOLUME/PAGE 23N., RNG. 5E. w. M. WASHINGTON 51. 77' 5 51. 77' sss 0 36'28"E 0 0 CD CD 6 10' Utility casement 0 0 CD CD UJ C\J (T) (TJ C\J • ...... 0 z T-N86'31'06"W l03.60' Private Storm Drainage Easement 7 0 ... ----------- 51. 77 I 51. 77' N88"36'28"W 536.58' 1 133rd Place SE n: S88"36'28"E 647.03~ -.~~~- 0 0 0 CJ') w 20 : C\J (TJ . (T) C\J . ...... 0 z 5 .50' N88"36'28"W 115.00' .;( \ G \ \.. 22 N88"36'28"W 105.00' 23 5· Private Storm Drainage Easement L ---125.oo-;------- 0 0 0 CJ') w : (\J (T) . (T) ('\J . ..... 0 z I N88 "42'04"W 588.51' ~ SW corner of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts, Vol. 17 , pg 60. Found 1-1/2" axle )( = SET "X" IN BRASS DISC IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. The 100 year flood elevation is all contained outside of the boundaries of this plat. LlNE Li L2 BEARING DISTANCE N01°23'32;'E 2.86' N7o ·05 · 18 "E 7.87' iz:::~··~. ---- 0 30 60 1~-1 __ __.I SCALE: 1'' -30' DOES FILE NO. L02P0011 ...___:.--,,_···J '~-----' ·-·-·u--··::...cc~:.....___· -~~ BSBL = BUILDING SETBACK LINE EXPIRES 5-23-2005 • Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA. 98003 p • t (253) 661-1901 ~ -om e t Surveying DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: S Woods DATE: January 3, 2005 JOB NAllE: 1808 SCALE: 1" =-30' JOB NO.: 1808 L3 N88"36'28"W 4.86' L4 N88"36'28"W 4.86' 653.50' L5 S67°19'14"E 7.87' . S88"53'08"E 1307.00' Southeast 136th Street INDEX DATA: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR; KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St .. Suite 100 Bellevue. WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 3 OF 4 LUA-ot-12.2. VOLUME/PAGE A PORTION OF THE KING COUNTY, :i,. \ 0'"' \... HAMILTON PLACE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 OF SEC. 14, TWP. Note: The 100 year flood elevation is all contained outside of the boundaries of this plat. ,..,. I I . ,~ I ).. n I I-.. \.. lo' ...... \ ..... '-' I~ :i,. _, I \... , ... \,, \ .__) 13. cyclone fence .... \..' <II Gate 1.0 'N 23N., RNG. 5E. W. M. WASHINGTON Southeast 128th Street n V Calculated 16th corner & NE corner of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts, Vol. 17,pg60. '<I (\J ~· lO ..... 51. 77' NBB'04'14"1tl 47.94' 1.2 'N NB8'36'12"W 5l 70' -· -1----?.:_4 ' . o NB6 '31 '06"W · --------116~4 ... -----r NB8 3157 28 ·1[ 30.03' 0 30 60 I ! I SCALE: 1'' -30' LINE BEARING DISTANCE L6 N01 °23' 32"E 2.86' L7 N70 '06' 18"E 7.87' LB N88'36'28"W 4.86' L9 N88'36'28"W 4.86' L10 S6 7 '19 ' 14 "E 7.87' o o 103.60' 0 00 Private 5 0 .... 6 10' Utility casement ---- OJ Storm Drainage LU Easement . (\J (1') (1') (\J • ..... 0 z 7 51.77' 51.77' N88"3 '28"W 536.58' 133rd Place SE ru S88 '36' 28 "E 64f: 03' 1~ ~2.50' I rzl t I~ tc, 21 u ~ ~ 10' Utility asement S88'36'28"E 52.50' 0 0 0 Ol w 20 • (\J (T) (1') (\J • ..... 0 z . ..., (\J 5 7.26' 0 0 0 01 w • (\J (T) (1') (\J • ..... 0 z 52.50' 19 8 51. 77' 0 -o---- 0 Ol lJJ ' C\J (1') (T) ru . ..... 0 . -------l-----588'49'58"'11 0 . 0 0 CD OJ UJ (\J (1') (1') ('\J . ..... 0 z 57.50' g I 5' Utility--J 5 0 CD CD UJ ' ru (1') (TJ ('\J . ..... 0 z 10 51. 77' I o 55. oo · I ::_ 5·! 5' Utility i---Easement 0 .... · Private Storm g Drainage Easement CD co LU . ru (1') (1') C\J . ...... 0 z 11 38. 15' ..., (\J .... (\J 32.02' Easement I I a.. a TRACT D SEE NOTE 7 ON SHEET 2 OF 4. 0 0 18 I. ~ r'"\ co IO (1') 1--4 (Y) 0 ~: '" lo..... ..... -I Im~ r:..... ~ w o . r:-' < . 01 13 I (\Ju>ru • I ~ __..a! ~gl 5' Private (1') ~ e:. (1') I Storm Drainage 0 12 01 LU ' (\J (1') (1') ('\J . ..... co co ..... tO 0 ..... ('\J CJl (.(l (\J tO (.(l CJl tO 0 (\J en UJ : CT) ,q- I ~ ~ ~ I Easement RESTRICTIONS FOR SENSITIVE Is ; E-t ; 5 .1 j AREA TRACTS AND SENSITIVE 1--52:·;;50~·~~~~5:-2~. 5~-+--t-~~L-~t---....25L7 . ..§:50Q.:' _ _J.1_.z z ----__ _ z 0 z AREAS AND BUFFERS: NBS '36' 28 "W 115. 00 · ~-'"'1"1 '""in"""T..:.,:,5 .-_5 ·~0.:a:.0 -· ~in_,. __ ~~~4.:._· --a 100.00' <;:, ~I~ N88'36'28"W 115.14' Dedication of a sensitive area tract/ sensitive area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health. safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion. maintenance of slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/sensitive area and buffer the obligation. enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by f i 11, removed or damaged without approval in writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor agency, unless otherwise provided by law. The common boundary between the tract/ sensitive area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flag~ed to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading. building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. ..-( \ 0 \ .._./ (1') I . 22 17 C\JI~ 5' Private \... N88"36'28"W 105.00' 23 5' Private Storm Drainage Easement 16 5' Private Storm Drainage Easement i _______ _ 125. 00' ----------------.----1 __ I NBS '42'04"W 588. 51' 4' cyclone fence ~ Subject To: A agreement and the terms and conditions thereof filed under Rec. No.20040729000541. UJ (\J. (TJ ,q- CT) ID ~...; ..... tO 0 z r--Storm Drainage 14 tO 0 Easement N88"36'28"W 105.52' 15 0 l!1 co (1') 10 · X 10 · Overhead rR power easement to---......_ Puget Sound Energy ~(f"'" 132.91' ~ 5' cyclone fence I 1 LEGEND: " = • I MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED. VISITED MAY 3, 2001. \ SET #4 REBAR WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "22338/38965", I ~=SET "X" IN BRASS DISC IN 4" X 4" CONCRETE POST IN MONUMENT CASE. 30' 30' (\J Ti. 01 0 .... C\J co (\J co co l No building foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback line. unless otherwise provided by law. 653.50' S88'53'08"E 1307.00' BSBL = BUILDING SETBACK LINE SE corner of Janett's J Renton Boulevard Tracts, Vol. 17 ,pg 60. Found 1" iron pipe, incased. ---- BASIS OF BEARING: Southeast 136th True North. Based upon Global Positioning System (GPSJ Lambert Grid Washington State North Zone coordinates. A convergence angle of 0"58'01.856" counterclockwise was applied at a punch in a broken brass disc at the intersection of 156th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 128th Street. Monument is the North quarter corner of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian. The North American Datum of 1983/1991 (NAO 83/91) grid coordinates are approximately 180828.770 / 1319243.796 at that point. The inverse of both the sea level correction factor of 0.999977357 and the grid scale factor of 1.000002203 was applied to the grid coordinates for shown ground distances. DOES FILE NO. L02P0011 EXPIRES 5-23-2005 i Centre 33701 9th Avenue South • Federal Way, WA. 98003 p • t (253) 661-1901 ~ -01ne t Surveying DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: s Woods DATE: January 3, 2005 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: 1" == 30' JOB NO.: 1808 INDEX DATA: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St .. Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 4 OF 4 r-0 ..,t-) 0 "° """'"4 HAMILTON PLACE A PORTION OF THE SW 1/ 4 OF THE NE 1/ 4 OF SEC. 14, KING COUNTY' Calculated 16th corner & NE corner of Janett's Southeast 128th Street Renton Boulevard I 634.25 88 /Tracts, Vol. 17 , pg 60. --,. 0 ----. 8 ·0 7 ' 44 "E 2536, 98' ~11 ~Northeast corner of North 1/4 corner of 114 r -__ er,_ _ _ _ _ 634. 25' ~0---i:.:1-. -· Section 14, Township -574~9-;-c------(")-' 1268.49 14 13 23N, Range 5E. Section 14 Township 23~ Range 5E. Found broken brass disk with 576. 1 , p 1 Found 3" brass disk with punch "KCSM", u unable to read punch. Renton control 1 point 2103. +> i .Cl . +> r-. ::1 1.11 o·. NOT TO SCALE Cl) ~ (0 g: !~ co .el . r-i ~g ~z 586.15'C 587.74'P 588. 51 'C 590.0'P u ~:1-1 ~ l1; \30 ,· ~r»1 (OL{) ......... 1 +> y ~ Q) NBB 36' 2B"W/ -~ . ~ ::1 30.03' ·o 1\l Cl) tD • C\J (1) u LC) ;3' ::s • 0.. Ol· en er, s:I (01.11 • .... Q,) ocn ~en~ (\J .... OJ. :-1 (ll (ll ...., §E~ 0 cc .-i Found plug with punch in concrete at SE 132nd PL & 160th Ave SE. incased, 0.21'W of 16th line. LEGEND: ~ = Monument found Visited May 3, as noted. 2001. p = Plat of Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts, Vo 1. 17 , pg 60. C = Calculated SW corner of Janet~'s Renton Boulevard 301 a,~ ~M .> ~~ ~~ 130' Tracts, Vol. 17 , pg 60. Found 1-1/2" axle l ~~ 593.23'C ~en ... ., ,_'°;:::_ 0-_____ 59~1.'.£' _______ ;:;;lri J with punch, incased 653.50' I\ er, 653. 50 · g . SE corner of Janett' s s 8a,53 .08 .. E 1307·_00 , ----:..-Renton Boulevard Tracts, Vol. 17 , pg 60. Southeast 136th Street Found 1" iron pipe, incased. KING COUNTY DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND COVENANT: All drainage easements within this Plat, not shown as "Private", are hereby granted and conveyed to King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, for the purpose of conveying, storing, managing and facilitating storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King County, together with the right of reasonable access (ingress and egress), to enter said drainage easement for the purpose of inspecting, operating, maintaining, repairing and improving the drainage facilities contained therein. Note that except for the facilities which have been formally accepted for maintenance by King County, maintenance of drainage facilities on private property is the responsibility of the property owner. The owners of said private property are required to obtain prior written approval from King County Property Services, and any required permits from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services for activities such as clearing and grading, prior to f i 11 ing, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drainage facilities (such as swa les, channels, ditches, ponds, etc.), or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities, contained within said drainage easement. This easement is intended to facilitate reasonable access to the drainage facilities. This easement and covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their heirs, successors and assigns. UTILITY EASEMENT NOTE: A private easement is hereby reserved for and granted to Puget Sound Energy Company, Qwest, Comcast, any cable & any telephone company Ii: their respective successors & assigns under & upon all private streets, alleyways and private drives, the exterior 10 feet parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots and tracts and 5.00 feet parallel with and adjoining alleyways and private drives.Further easements are reserved over private lands for vaults. Pedestals and related facilities("Vault Easements") adjacent to the 5-foot wide utility easement reserved in the preceding sentence as follows: the Vault Easement may occupy up to an additional 5-feet in width (for a total width of 10 feet) with the length of each Vault Easement extending 5 feet from each end of the as-built vault (s). The number and location of Vault Easements will be "as installed" during the utility's initial installation of facilities. The easements are reserved and granted in order to install, lay, construct, renew, operate and ma int a in underground pipe, conduit, cables, wires, vaults and pedestals with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with e le ctr ic, telephone. gas, telecommunications, data transmission, street lights and utility service together with the right to enter upon the lots and tracts at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as possible to their original condition. No lines or wires for transmission of electric current. or for telephone, cab le te lev is ion, te lecommun icat ions or data transmission uses shall be placed or permitted to be placed within this easement unless the same shall be underground. No permanent structure shall be placed within the easement without permission from easement owners. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT COVENANT: The owners of private property within this Plat encumbered with drain age easements shown as "Private", hereby grant and convey to King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, the right, but not the obligation to convey or store storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King County, together with the right of reasonable access (ingress/egress), to enter said drainage easement for the purpose of observing that the owners are properly operating and maintaining the drainage facilities contained therein. The owners of said property are responsible for operating, maintaining and repairing the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement, and are hereby required to obtain any required permits from King County Department of Development and Environmental Services prior to filling, piping, PLAT NOTES: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Bl The monument control shown for this site was accomplished by field traverse ut i 1 iz ing a one ( 1) second theodolite with integral electronic distance measuring meter (Geodimeter 600) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) / Static Global Positioning System (GPS) . Linear and angular closure of the traverses meet the standards of WAC 332-130-090. Full reliance for legal descriptions and recorded easements have been placed on the title report from Chicago Title Insurance Company Commitment order No. 1144641, dated December 20, 2004. No addition a 1 research has been attempted. Offset dimensions shown hereon are measured perpendicular to property lines. The Articles of Incorporation for Magnolia Homeowners Association are on file with the State of Washington in Olympia, Washington. The-Magnoll:,rHomeowners Association is empowered to maintain common property and facilities and charge fees to homeowners for maintenance, and enter into agreements with the City of Renton. "Magnolia" will be the initial marketing name for the sale of the Lots described herein. Tract A is a recreation tract for the benefit of all lot owners in this plat. Each ownership of a lot in this plat (lots 1 through 23 inclusive) includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract "A". The Magnolia Homeowners Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of said Tract "A". However, should the Homeowners Association fail to proper 1 y ma int a in Tract "A'". then the lot owners of a 11 lots 1 through 23 shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of said tract. Tract C is a private Joint Use Driveway Tract for ingress, egress, utilities and private drainage for the benefit of the owners of Lots 22 and 23. Ownership of Lot 22 & Lot 23 within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract C, and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. An easement over, and across the entire Tract C is hereby dedicated to King County for ingress and egress for access to Tract B. ALSO an easement to the City of Renton over, under and across the entire Tract C for the maintenance and operation of any sanitary sewer lines. structures and appurtenances. Tract Dis a private Access Tract for ingress. egress, utilities and private drainage for the benefit of the owners of Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17. Ownership of Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17 within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract D, and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. An easement to the City of Renton over, under and across the entire Tract D for the maintenance and operation of any sanitary sewer lines, structures and appurtenances. The house address system for this plat shall be as follows: Addresses shall be assigned for the East-West road within the range of 15801 to 15999. Individual addresses will be assigned to the principal entrance of each residence or building in accordance with King County Code 16.08. 9) Trees located within the plat shall be maintained by the owners of the lot for which the trees grow in. Trees located within thestreet right-of-ways shall be maintained by the lot owners of the abutting lots. cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscapeJIIIIII, ...................... .... VOLUME/PAGE TWP. 23N., RNG. 5E. W.M. WASHINGTON PLAT NOTES (CONT.): 10) All building down spouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings No. P-3094 on file with King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the 11) application for any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designed for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with the plans on file. All individual stub-outs and infiltration systems shall be privately owned and maintained by the lot owner . SCHOOL FEES FOR LOTS 2 THROUGH 23: Fifty percent (50%) of school impact fees were paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with King County Code 21A. 43. 050. The balance of the assessed fee, $ 2498. oo per lot, together with the current administration fee, must be paid at the time of building permit issuance. SCHOOL FEES FOR LOT 1: One residential unit was existing prior to the development of this subdivision. If the issuance of a new building permit for Lot 1 occurs on or prior to May 7. 2007, then said lots shall be exempt from the payment of the school impact fees. If the issuance of a new building permit for said lot occurs after May 7, 2007, then the full assessed fee, $ 4996. 00 per lot, together with the current administration fee, must be paid at the time of building permit issuance. See K.C. code 21A.43.070.A.2. 12) ROAD MPS FEES PER KING COUNTY CODE 14.75 FOR LOTS 2 THROUGH 23: This plat is subject to King County code 14.75, King County Road Mitigation Payment System(MPS). For Lots 2 through 23. the MPS fees plus the MPS administrative fee shall be paid at the time of building permit application at the rate in effect at that time. ROAD MPS FEES PER KING COUNTY CODE 14.75 FOR LOT 1: One residential unit was existing and occupied within the three years prior to the application for development of this subdivision. Lot 1 in this plat shall be exempt from the payment of fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation System. See King County Department of Transportation Public Rule 13) Tracts A through E are considered to be tracts pursuant to KCC 19A.04.330. A "tract" is land reserved for specified uses including, but not limited to, reserve tracts, recreation, open space, sensitive areas, surface water retention. utility facilities and access. Tracts are not considered lots or building sites for purposes of residential dwelling construction. 14) There shall be no direct vehicular access to or from 158th Avenue Southeast or 160th Avenue Southeast from those lots which abut them. 15) Tract Bis a Storm Water Detention Tract and is hereby conveyed to King County for ownership & maintenance purposes. 16) Tract "E" is a Sensitive Area Tract (SAT) . Each ownership of a lot in this plat (lots 1 through 23 inclusive) includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract "E". The Magnolia Homeowners Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of said Tract "E". However, should the Homeowners Association fail to properly maintain Tract "E", then the lot owners of all lots 1 through 23 shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of said tract. 17) Public Drainage Easement Restrictions: Structures. f i 11. or obstruct ions (including, but not 1 imi ted to, decks, patios, outbuildings, or overhangs) shal 1 not be permitted beyond the building setback line of the public drainage easements. Additionally, grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the public drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by King County DOES or its successor agency. 18) All private storm drainage easements shown hereon are hereby granted to the lot owners who would benefit from the easement. The owners of the lots having benefit of use shall be equally responsible for the maintenance. repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the drainage facilities they have the benefit of use, except no owner shall be responsible for the mainten- ance, repair and/or reconstruction of that portion of the commonly used storm sewer located upstream from the point of connection of that respective lot owner. 19) The road and storm drainage systems shall be constructed according to the approved plan and profile, Plan No. P-3094 on file with King County Department of Development and Env ironmenta 1 Services (DOES) . Any deviation from the approved plans will require written approval from the proper agency, current! y DOES. maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drainage f ac i 1 it ies (such as swa les, channels, ditches, ponds, etc.), or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement. t Centre 33701 9th Avenue South INDEX DATA: SW-NE 14, T23N, R5E, WM This covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their heirs, successors and assigns. ODES FILE NO. L02P0011 EXPIRES 5-23-2005 • Federal Way, WA 98003 --& ~ Pointe (253) ee1-1901 i Surveying DRAWN BY: D Woods CHECKED BY: s Woods DATE: January 4, 2005 JOB NAME: 1808 SCALE: NA JOE NO.: 1808 SURVEY FOR: KBS Development Corp. 12320 NE 8th St .. Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHEET 2 OF 4 . ' LUA-oa-,~ Section 1'op Grade Bottom Sta. Cut Sta. End 2 -,...__ ......, ~ I I I I I I I I I ' ~Grade 505 505 505 Bottom 503.88 503.88 503.88 . !Station 0 I 51.41 I 11.25 1 2 512.14 512.14 505 505 503.88 503.88 51.41 51.41 51.41 146.9 Allan Block Retainin Wall Elevation -2 Horizontal Scale: l" = 20'-0" Vertical Scale: l" = l 0'-0" 121.9~ 134.4] 146.9 51.41 71.25 0 Allan Block Retainin Wall Plan -2 Scale: l" = 40'-0" Note: Wall identification only. ~--~-., ,. -----~"--~,~~=--c=..........-~---' North / / I , ,. / I / I / I / I /I , ' I 505 503.88 1134.41 . ~--··"··-·-~··---~ .. ---.... --------· ,. 'I. 'i1 ·, 511.5 510.23 I 146.9 TM Allan Block Corp. 5300 Edina Industrial Boulevard Suite 100 Edina. MN 55439 Phone 952/835-5309 Fax 952/835-0013 http://www.allanblock.com Allan Block Northwest 22509 SE 228th Street Maole Vallev. WA 98038 206-498-2879 425-413-7980 -fax Grid Len h ---s\oP C/J - •• ' • Grid Number Grid Type Grid Nu1nber . Grid Type Exposed Helghit Grid Nun1ber I/ Grid Type .. Grid Num.ber II Grid Typ" it: ' ( Ill • ( l Q l I.-.-0.33 1rt -Sectio11 Number 2 ft Oft Thru Oft • Section Notes Allan B]lock Retaining ,;v all Legend Project Name: Project Number: Hamilton Place 128:.04 Location: Wall llfumber: Renton, WA 2 Designer: CDJ Checked by: S.0(1 1 Date: of 2 3/24/04 ABwalls 2000 V.3.7 Allan Block Corporation P!09'4~ 1,02.0 '" -·-. ,., _,,, "" .. . ._ ....... l kfil~ a! 8 .. -:l.Z~ .. ------·- . ···-- 5 ft 250 PSFLive • • S12.14 ft • I 6-A 5-A 4-A 7.1 ft 3-A I 2-A I sos ft I 1-A V 503.88 rt!= J ( "l (1 0 l ~o.33}c Section 1 -2 ft 0 ft Thru Sl.41 ft Section 1 Notes o~b ----------·-·-··-···--· ---··· . ·\·--·-··-· . I' ..--· 5 ft 250 PSFLive • • , 512.14 ft I 6-A ~ 7.1 ft 4-A I 3-A !/ 2-A sos ft I 1-A 503.88 rt!= Y V () II) (1 • 0 l ~0.33 ~t Section 2 2 ft Sl.41 ft Thru 146.9 il1.': . ft Section 2 Notes ,, ·-. 'I.,. ~~-~--········ ----------·-------- .. \ t I \ \ f \ ' I I !1Tifo1I.litl u~ll:l .. Allan Block Corp. TM 5300 Edina Industrial Boulevard Suite 100 Edina. MN 55439 Phone 952/835-5309 Fax 952/835-0013 http://www.allanblock.com Allan Block Northwest 22509 SE 228th Street Maole Vallev. WA 98038 206-498-2879 425-413-7980 -fax Project Name: Hamilton Place Project Number: 128.04 Wall Number: 2 Designer: CDJ Checked by: Date: 3/24/04 AB Three 0.6354 ft Geogrid Legend A-Raugrid 3/3-20 B-Raugrid 4/2-15 C-Raugrid 6/3-15 g-Grouted Con. 2 of 2 AB walls 2000 V .3. 7 Allan Block Corporation p30,~ Y I I O i_c -·-···--,.-~ ........... --~~--~~,~--~-=·,,,.,,,=·=~c··-····----~--... ---~~~-~-~-·-·=-----·~---· -~--=-····= .. "··=·m~-"~--· ., . l,lJlJ..=QL-:C42 .... . • -~---------~ -----,---,-,-,~=;-.,,..-c:=-:-:--:-----,-----,-----------·---------------~- *REFER TO SECTION 1: ALLAN BLOCK TYPICAL SECTION FOR ALL OTHER NOTES, DETAILS AND SPEC1FICA TIONS. ALLAN BLOCK UNIT HIGH WATER ELEVATION CUT NOTCH IN ALLAN BLOCK TO ALLOW FOR DRAIN PIPE • ···: .. 4 in (100 mm) DRAIN TILE VENTED THROUGHT THE FACE OF THE WALL AT THE LOW WATER ELEVATION ON . . . . ..... • .. 30 ft (10 m) CENTERS MAXIMUM __ _ LOW WATER ELEVATION ,, r----FlLTER FABRIC TO BE PLACED BETWEEN TOPSOIL AND DRAINAGE ROCK UNDER TOP COURSE EXTENDED LENGTH MAY BE REQUIRED DUE TO SITE OR SEISMIC CONDITIONS LINSTALL EMBANKMEMT PROTECTION FABRIC TO A MINIMUM OF 1 ft (300 mm) ABOVE HIGH WATER LINE '-----~ EMBANKMENT PROTECTION FABRIC (TERRATEX EP OR EQUIVALENT) 1.1: ALLAN BLOCK lYPICAL SECTION-WATER APPLICATION ,... - -3' - .. .. ... SECTION VIEW o. 89 f, 1.469 ft 1.3: ALLAN BLOCK THREE -BLOCK PROFILE .• Mi9 f. -, { ' PLAN VIEW . .- l 0.625 ft 0.989 ft ~ ISOMETRIC VIEW 1, -. EXPOSED WALL HEIGHT ALLAN BLOCK WALL BATTER FROM VERTICAL ~ OPTIONAL ALLAN BLOCK CAPSTONE ALLAN BLOCK UNIT-~ t~, 3 ft (l m) ~ COMPACTION --I CONSOLIDATION ZONE I ZONE FINISH GRADE BACKSLOPE ABOVE WALL ANGLE. i ~)i'X'YM~ -r ..-:::::::::::::., ~ ~&,..'::f/.~~V BACKSLOPE ~ ~~ ~~«?<~~>.Y' HEIGHT ~"z~~~~~'> ' _J_ ~~~~1 '"<.,"<.,'< ,(~ , ""'--IMPERMEABLE Fill TO ~ (//~ ,.. : MINIMUM THICKNESS OF : B in (200 mm) . . . . • . in (300 inm) . . • • • . : ) . • C itFILL SOIL • • WEU. GRA~ED GRANULAR DRAINAGE ROCK 0.2$ In to 1.5 In (5 mm to 38 mm) i,ESS TiiAN 10% FINES • . . • • • . • • . . . . • • GEOGRID REINFORCEMENT TYPE AND LENGTH VARIES PER ~r~~~ ~~JE ~-~·'.;;Ii:: ;i....·: ...... .;.;•,-_G..,EO_G_R ... ID.,· _LE_N_G.,TH------4 WALL DESIGN ;~~ ··.:;,·, / "<'/..~,,:f))-'t)>.'0>, />'/~ ''~"i\>S,1t,;.j;,;;:;{,,..~.:;;~:;, ,L:_]l.f~lfi~lQ._M):l.L\lliI_J:1.J/"4 in (100 mm) DRAIN I-: TILE VENTED TO DAYLIGHT EMBEDMENT 6 in {150 mm)':~•.;. ,_.,.·. DEPTH f I ' • I 12 in (300 mm) 'I' 1.2: ALLAN BLOCK lYPICAL SECTION -GEOGRID REINFORCED •REFER TO DESIGN DETAl!..S SECTION I: ALLAN BLOCK TYPICAL SECTION FOR ALL I OlHER NOTES, DETAILS ANO SPECIFICATIONS. FENCE OR RAILING HEIGHT GROUT TOP lHREE BLOCKS AT POST CUT GEOGRIO TO Al.LOW FOR POST _ _,, NON-\\INO LOADED FENCE OR RAILING CORE OR1Ll CAPSTONE TO ALLOW FOR POST •REFER TO DESIGN DETAILS SECTION 1: All.AN BLOCK TYPICAL SECTION FOR ALL OlHER NOTES. OETAILS ANO Sl'ECIFICA TIONS. COLUMN TUBE OR PVC PIPE TO BE INSTALL;D DURING WAIJ. C0NSlRUC110N r- FENCE OR RAILING HEIGHT ' /"NON-\\IND LOADED FENCE OR RAILING CON CRETE OR GRAVEL. POST FOOTING CUT OR DISPLACE GEOGRID AROUND COLUMN TUBE OR PVC PIPE 'i1 . 1.4: ALLAN BLOCK TYPICAL SECTIONs -GUARDRAIL ABOVE THE WALL AL.. II'A f\J BfOCK ALLAN BLOCK CORPORATION 5300 Edina Industrial Boulevard, Suite 100 Edina, Minnesota 55439 Ph. (952) 835-5309 Fax (952) 835-0013 www.allanblock.com Allan Block Northwest 225C9 SE 228th Street Map,e Valley, WA 98038 Ph. 206-498-2879 Fax 425·413-7980 Seal This design is preliminary. Upon review and certification by a Professional Engineer, it may be issued as a construction document rJ) -·-(ij -I-' Cl) Cl) 0 u (ij <( C: -0 Cl. s ·--I-' C: u 0 ..... :::J • • ..+-J C: :.... (JJ -0 -I-' E ·-rJ) E ..+-J •• n:l C: (JJ C: z (ij -:.:; 0 Cl) ·-...... I I-u u ct::: ...... (JJ (JJ ·o· (JJ lo... ..c Cl. t/) Date; 3/24/04 Prc,ject Number; 128.04 Revisions: Date: Drawn By: CDJ Checked By: SLH Sc.ile: Not to Scale Sheet Number: 1 of2 ?!oe,tfz 1102..0 .... ··---~-----~--........ -.. -·-·----· ----·· ~~--·-·---·-.-.. ,·,.-·,-.. _. . .. .. . . .. .. . . ... . ... ~ .. . . ... .. . . .. ,.. . ...... ·'"---~·,·.-~.. ... . . . ·==·····--· ... =·=· . =~-.~~~~=~-~-=~=J~_UA:::~<2A.ti ..... 2 ..... 2 __ _ --·---------~--------------------- ENT GEOGRID LAYERS EXTEND ONE QUARTER OF SUBSEQU SHOULD THE WAL LOCA TIO L HEIGHT PAST THE CORNER N IN AL TERNA TE DIRECTIONS ~ H/4 PRINCIPLE REINFORCEMENT DIRECTION i--H/4-- flj I - D II PRINCI PLE EMENT ON REINFORC DIRECT! \I ALLAN BLOCK UNIT R MUST BE GEOGRID LA YE INSTALLED IN OUTSIDE CORN THE PRINCIPL RUNNING PER TO TIHE WALL TO THE ER WITH E DIRECTION PENDULAR FACE • 0 _15 ·- ALLAN UNIT BLOCK~ J " PRINCIPLE REINFORCEMENT DIRECTION -- • ' - , ,, ' I :· I, GEOGRID MUST BE PLACE D LOW ONE CORSE ABOVE OR BE ADJACENT LA YER ON THE RETURN SIDE OF THE CO RNER TO ELIMINATE GEOGRID CON~ PRINCIPLE REINFORCEMEN T DIRECTION i· DJ l ALLAN BLOCK UNIT ALLAN BLOCK UNIT WELL GRADED GRANULAR DRAINAGE ROCK 0.25 in to 1.5 in (5 mm to 38 mm) LESS THAN 10% FINES FINISHED GRADE MINIMUM OF ONE BURRIED BLOCK EXTENDED INTO SLOPE TO PREVENT EROSION ,., .I, .. 11 2.1: INSIDE CORNER GEOG RID OVERLAP 2.2: OUTSIDE CORNER GEOGRID OVERLAP 2.3: STEP UP AT BASE COURSE SPECIFIED REINFORCEMENT ELEVATION -------.... ADDITIONAL REINFORCEMENT LAYER PLACED NEXT COURSE ABOVE SPECIFIED REINFORCEMENT ELEVATION TO ELIMINATE GAPS PRINCIPLE REINFORCEMENT DIRECTION >----TRIM REINFORCEMENT TO FIT CURVE ..---ALLAN BLOCK UNIT 2.4: INSIDE CURVE GEOGRID OVERLAP " . 'I .. ; ALLAN BLOCK UNIT WITIH WINGS REMOVED PRINCIPLE REINFORCEMENT DIRECTION TRIM REINFORCEMENT TO FIT CURVE I \ ..,,---3 in (75 mm') OF SOIL REQUIRED BETWEEN OVERLAPPING, REINFORCEMENT TO AVOID GEOGRID CONTACT PRINCIPLE REINFORCEMENT DIRECTION 2.5: OUTSIDE CURVE GEOG RID OVERLAP , I , 1 , •• ., • I .. j : . ·!l. ,.l\i! ,.,,i ""~ _.,', AUL.AN BLOCK ALLAI-J BLOCK CORPORATION 5300 Edina Industrial Boulevard, Suite 100 Edina, Minnesota 55439 Ph. (952} 835-5309 Fax (952) 835-0013 www.allanblock.com Allan Block Northwest 22509 SE 228th Street Maple Valley, WA 98038 Ph. 206-498-2879 Fax 425-413-7980 Seal This design is preliminary. Upon review and certifkation by a Professional Engineer, it may be issued as a construction document V) -·-rt'S -+-' Cl) Cl) 0 u rt'S <( C -0 c_ 3: ·--+-' C u 0 ..... :J • • -+-' C ~ (1) -0 -+-' E ·-V) E -+-' • • re C (1) C z -rt'S ...... 0 Cl) ·-...... I I-u u ct::: ...... (1) (1) •-.. (1) 0 .... ..c Cl.. V) Date: 3/24/04 Pro,iect Number: 128.04 Revisions: Date: Dr.wn By: CDJ Checked By: SLH Scale: Not to Scale S he,et Number: 2 of 2 f,c,f~· Al. 1102..0 ,i j " I'·/ ! ''"! V, • ' ' CJ'-. ; ' ' . ' .. '· -.. , ' '' ,-, ,, •. ·-t« '"i,i . .-'.' J _,._ ---~-----'' ~ ' ---- ·------------------···-···----~-··_··-,=--_-=,._. ,.,=._··"_ ·_· -,--,, .· ·:_·· __ , ........... " •. , .•.• , ....... , .•. _.,., .•• ,._ ....... _,.,. .. ,_. .WA=oB_-(2.~---=-, . -.::...... .,_ ~-.. .,__,. '_''.J_.' _,_.; .. _'· __ _._-~-"" ,., ~1 s ..... .,-, ,:j- /J" ··-------·· __ ,,,,,, -- .. ·9 ' ' ' I I I ' ' I ' ' s::: ·~·"{='·~ -,~.f: nM'dl " ! ZOOZ IO AON ' I ' ' ' .. ) (-{il· I: ' \ ' /. . \ ' ' ' .. 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