HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 3ti KingCounty Department of Development and Envlronmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 • 206-296-6600 TlY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov • SUBDIVISION, SHORT SUBDIVISION AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Landscaping and/or .· Recreational. Equipment INSTALLATION. APPROVAL . D Within the City of:--------------- 0 Landscaping ~ Recreational Equipment Landscaping Inspect Activity No-=~-=~~o"-'-t~s~:c=-"2~1'-'-7~~~- On 7-~ -,tJ 2, it was determined that the landscaping and/or recreational equipment required for the project listed above have been installed. The minimum 2 year maintenance period for landscaping only, as required by King County Code, shall commence on 7-';) -o 9, PERFORMANCE FINANCIAL GUARANTEE INFORMATION If you have questions concerning the status of the following financial guarantee(s), please contact the Financial Guarantee Management Unit at 206-296-6659. Posted Amount Financial Guarantee Activity No. Financial Guarantee Activity No. Ao'f-8>1+1e, Landscaping $ 3.Zo, 10!, ~ * Recreation Equip. $ * *If landscape financial guarantee{s) includes amount for recreational equipment and/or trail, landscape only po;,:tion is $ / h 91 89D.~ · KING COUNTY l'IEPRESEN'l'ATIVE Inspector: j..._ ~ v,J I,-Date: DEVELOPER REPRESEN'l'ATIVE Name: · Mo"' r.£ T.>.,AJ ,J Street: 972-D N~ IZO,!.~ City: /<.cl,, 1..~ .I. State: wA ~~-Zip: "/BD:$4: Original: Developer Copyl: FGMU Copy3: lnspcclOr S/fonnslcmrent fonns/l.andscapcaccEquiplns1allApr,l.doe 09-14-04 tQ KingCounty Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 • 206-296·6600 TIY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov • SUBDMSION, SHORT SUBDMSION AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Landscaping and/or Recreational Equipment INS'l'ALLA'l'ION APPROVAL . D Within the City of:------------- 0 Landscaping lisJ Recreational Equipment Project Name: S~AW'~~~k --~=~~~----~--Project No. : __ l-_o~Z..~P~o~o~t~+-- Landscaping Inspect Activity No . : __ L.=-=o~tL...=cs=:r:,.,2=...c./ ~7 ___ _ On 7-, -L> 2, it was determined that the landscaping and/or recreational equipment required for the project listed above have been installed. The minimum 2 year maintenance period for landscaping only, as required by King County Code, shall commence on 7-"'J -o 9, PERFORMANCE FINANCIAL GUARANTEE INFORMATION If you have questions concerning the status of the following financial guarantee(s), please contact the Financial Guarantee Management Unit at 206-296-6659. Posted Amount Financial Guarantee Activity No. Financial Guarantee Activity No. Ao<f-13JJ+le, Landscaping $ 3.Z.D, lo.5 !!-2 * Recreation Equip.$ * ------ *If landscape financial guarantee(s) includes amount for recreational equipment and/or trail, landscape only po;rtion is $ / b?, 89D.:rJ2. KING COUN'rY REPRESENTATIVE Inspector : __ 1_ ... _,'f,--~+-+.,.:,_vi>J~/r,__Date: 7 -9 -o S Eng. III Initials=-+~+1~-----·Date: ;,1i1lo/o~ f-f DEVELOPER REPRESENTATIVE Name: Mo"' r.£ Vut,J N Street: 912. D }.l!E IZO t!.4 City: /<.r '"'"'~ .I. State: WA Original: Devoloper Copy!: FGMU Copy 2: File S/fonns/current formsiundscapeRccllquiplnstaJJApm.doc 09-14.()(j .• -s • • ® LANDSCAPE BOND QUANTITY FORM King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, Wa~hington 98055-1219 PROJECT NAME: DDES PROJECT#: ADDRESS: PREPARED BY: Date Prepared Shamrock LANtJ /rz.r;c. L02P0014 12409 148th Avenue SE Tim Cheatum . 10/20/2005 Bonds are based upon required landscaping only and will be posted for performance and/or maintenance. Required landscaping includes perimeter landscaping, surface parking area landscaping, (KCC 21A.16) and any.landscaping required by SEPA environmental review. The maintenance period is for the life of the project, however, after posting for maintenance, the performance bond will be reduced by 30% ($1,000.00 minimum) and be held for a two year period. Upon re-inspection of the site the bond·will be released if the site has been properly maintained (21A.16.180). If the project has not been maintained and there are dead trees, shrubs, ground cover, or other deficiencies noted in the required landscaping, the bond will be held until the deficiencies are corrected. 24 $1,200.00 .,:=:...:::, .• '1.'1: •• '1: . . //X.'1: .. '1:.*//:X '1: •. · .x·.x, .. ». :::-.»X:· . . ~wa:· :::-;;;:>.:::::: ••• S· ·:;I'/ X ·:,:.;X »·:«.: . :>v,:: .:>; .. WX:..:"0~: .•. :>;.·*···f'>.·.'1 SOIL PREPARATION $25.00 CY CUBIC YD) 711 $17,775.00 $25.00 CY CUBIC YD) 296 $7.400.00 $25.00 CY (CUBIC YD 166 $4,150.00 $25.00 CY CUBIC YD) 237 $5,925.00 / .. " PLANT MATERIALS DECIDUOUS TREES Street trees $250.00 COST&LABOR $0.00 $250.00 COST&LABOR $0.00 Tilia cordata 'Corzam'. 2" cal. $250.00 COST&LABOR $0.00 On site trees Acer circinatum, 6' ht $100.00 COST&LABOR 58 $5,800.00 Aesculus x carnea, 1 3/4" cal. $225.00 COST&LABOR 6 $1,350.00 $225.00 COST&LABOR 44 $9,900.00 Fa us s lvatica 'Atro.' 1 3/4" cal. $225.00 COST&LABOR 2 $450.00 Malus 'Strawber Parfait' 1 3/4" cal. $225.00 COST&LABOR 6 $1,350.00 $225.00 COST&LABOR 11 $2.475.00 Page SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: $58,675.00 10/20/2005 Page 1 • • CONIFEROUS TREES Calocedrus decurrens, 5' ht. $150.00 COST&LABOR 12 $1,800.00 Chamaecyparis noot 'Pendula', 5' ht. $150.00 COST&LABOR 14 $2,100.00 Cupressus levlandii, 5' ht. $150.00 COST&LABOR 29 $4,350.00 Taxus baccata 'Fastiaiata', 5' ht. $150.00 COST&LABOR 61 $9,150.00 Tsuga canadnesis, 5' ht. $150.00 COST & LABOR 8 $1,200.00 SHRUBS Abelia arandiflora 'Ed. G', 2 gal. $35.00 COST&LABOR 14 $490.00 Amelanchier alnifolia, 2 aal. $35.00 COST&LABOR 19 $665.00 Azalea 'Hino Crimson', 15-18" $35.00 COST&LABOR 10 $350.00 Berberis thunberaii 'Atrapurpurea', 2 aal. $35.00 COST&LABOR 15 $525.00 Calluna vulaaris 'Blazeawav', 1 aal. $15.00 COST&LABOR 4 $60.00 Calluna vulaaris 'HE Beale', 1 aal. $15.00 COST&LABOR 14 $210.00 Ceanothus 'Julia Phelos', 2 aal. $35.00 COST&LABOR 31 $1,085.00 Cornus alba 'Eleaant. ', 2 aal. $35.00 COST&LABOR 38 $1,330.00 Cornus stolnifera, 2 aal. $35.00 COST&LABOR 143 $5,005.00 Hebe 'Autmn Glorv' 2 aal. $35.00 COST&LABOR 79 $2,765.00 Helictotrichon semoervirens, 1 aal. $15.00 COST&LABOR . 196 $2,940.00 Lavandula anaustifalia, 1 aal. $15.00 COST&LABOR 229 $3,435.00 Hemerocallis 'Marv Todd' 1 aal. $15.00 COST&LABOR 146 $2,190.00 Hemerocallis 'Red rum' 1 aal. $15.00 COST&LABOR 36 $540.00 Mahonia aauifolium, 2 aal. $35.00 COST&LABOR 32 $1,120.00 Nandina domestica 'Moon Bav', 2 gal. $35.00 COST&LABOR 93 $3,255.00 Osmanthus delavavi, 2 aal. $35.00 COST&LABOR 56 $1,960.00 Pennisetum orientale, 1 gal. $15.00 COST&LABOR 110 $1,650.00 Phormium tenax 'Bronze Baby', 2 gal. $35.00 COST&LABOR 57 $1,995.00 Picea ounaens 'Globosa', 1 gal. $15.00 COST&LABOR 18 $270.00 Polystichum munitum, 1 aal. $15.00 COST&LABOR 143 $2,145.00 Rhododendron 'UniQue', 18-21" $35.00 COST&LABOR 33 $1,155.00 Ribes sanguineum, 2 gal. $35.00 COST&LABOR 19 $665.00 Rosa nutkana, 2 aal. $35.00 COST&LABOR 161 $5,635.00 Rosa rugosa, 2 aal. $35.00 COST&LABOR 29 $1,015.00 Salix purpurea, 'Nana', 2 aal $35.00 COST&LABOR 15 $525.00 Svmphoricarpos albus, 2 aal. $35.00 COST&LABOR 32 $1,120.00 Vaccinium ovatum, 2 gal. $35.00 COST&LABOR 66 $2,310.00 Page SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: $65,010.00 10/20/2005 Page 2 ' .. , • • GROUND COVER $4.00 COST&LABOR 500 $2,000.00 RAIN GARDEN PLANTING $2.00 SF SQ. FT. 2,500 $5,000.00 0 , OTHER ITEMS IRRIGATION $0.80 SQUARE FOOT 30,000 $24,000.00 SITE WORK RAIL FENCE $9.00 LF/LABOR 165 $1,485.00 MESH FENCE $9.00 LF/LABOR 986 $8,874.00 CHAIN LINK FENCE $14.00 LF/LABOR 90 $1,260.00 AC PAVING $1.60 SF/LABOR 1,170 $1,872.00 CONCRETE PAVING $4.00 SF/LABOR 1,875 $7,500.00 BENCHES $600.00 EA/LABOR 8 $4,800.00 PICNIC TABLES $800.00 EA/LABOR 2 $1,600.00 TRELLIS SECTION $700.00 EA/LABOR 18 $12,600.00 BOULDERS $200.00 EA/LABOR 83 $16,600.00 BASKETBALL EQUIPMENT $700.00 EA/LABOR 1 $700.00 TETHERBALL $500.00 EA/LABOR 1 $500.00 PLAY EQUIPMENT $22,500.00 EA/LABOR 1 $22,500.00 PLAY AREA SOFT SURFACE $35.00 CY/LABOR 82 $2,870.00 BOLLARDS AT PLAY FIELD $50.00 EA/LABOR 4 $200.00 LOW DECORATIVE WALL & COLUMNS $1.00 LS 6,500 $6,500.00 CONCRETE EDGE AT PLAY AREA $7.00 LF/LABOR 241 $1,687.00 Page SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: $122,548.00 Bond .SubTotal (all Page Sub Totals added) $246,233.00 Add 30% of the Bond Sub-Total for Coningency in accordance with Financial Guarantee Ordinance 120220,Section 13 TOTAL BOND AMOUNT .?.A'"''> sµ..(''i: 10/20/2005 c;2. ~ 7-"l-o '4 $73,869.90 TOTAL BOND PRICE: po.z:-r:,,.; =-'$Zo 1 , o!. "I - == 169) 89b. so $320,102.90 US, s+S{I, 3;) Page3 ~ ... :: 1~~18 Pra , Jeff From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: -----Original Message----- From: Pray, Jeff • Simmons, Pat Friday, October 22, 2004 8:32 AM Pray, Jeff Cheatum, Tim; Claussen, Kimberly RE: Landscape plan for Shamrock 7 Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 4:33 PM To: Simmons, Pat Cc: Cheatum, Tim; Townsend, Steve Subject: Landscape plan for Shamrock Hi Pat, • The plans provided to LUIS for the landscaping at Shamrock have signatures that indicate plan approval. However, the letter accompanying the plan set requires several changes, including the suggestion that the bond quantity worksheet will require revision. In essence, this plan set does not represent with clarity what the developer is required to construct. ·1;efl!!fiJ~'W&~Jth:itfd°f~p1Atto~d1Yua'rltityiwotkstieei~·> . Additionally, the plan set has a street tree plan, required by KCRS and apparently reviewed by ERS (your signature is on the top sheet), but the landscape letter makes reference of required changes on the street tree plan, changes required by the planner. The street trees are also included in the landscape bond quantity worksheet. fl(1¥'CUJl!l)~r~fl,ect th;it~tne"IH/~l!'t~tceeia'iialia~"d~c~p[~g:pl~n"f~ill-wi5f1<'excepH!i'e-~ee-in-the-eye 0brow.J.w6uld-.think~t~ey,. s= 7a~:~~~::~7Vlsl:4:::1>~in_t~-(l~,h~~~t,t~~~s,int?·t~~~facp~scap~ , Additionally, this plan set includes a landscaped area called out as "Wetland Restoration/Drainage", located between 144th and 145th Aves SE. Typically, wetland restorations are handled with an entirely separate plan set, bond, inspection and review activity managed by Steve Bottheim's group. Perhaps this portion is defined/handled differently under the Low Impact Development program, but the plans are not clear in this regard. We should discuss this for inspection considerations and responsibilities. f_:rh.hts 1 ;~r3.~-.Jract·:·.'t~t'J8;rr1~kre:u,~~;!l;J:j\t'~~l.~iJ31~W:etla(ld'.restprati?n-:-a:g1Jctliis"is'part-0fttie"[ID ar.~,.could _b~ nanalechascc:.· :::. Le, aquscap,ng.m. ,1e par ·-~-_ ' .. ,,,. .. ;, \ ,~. -: I suggest these plans not be released to the developer in their current state. It would serve the developer better if the change requirements were addressed in the ultimate approved plan set. It would also serve the developer and the inspector better if each sheet was signed for approval by the appropriate reviewer. I also suggest the landscape and street tree plans should be separate, with separate bond amounts and worksheets. This is the developer's option, but'it makes sense since the installation approval process by LUIS is simpler, and the installation approval for the trees needn't be held up by the installation approval of the landscape plan, or vice versa. We should also clarify the wetland restoration question and separate it from the plans if necessary. Thanks. Jeff Pray, P.E. Engineer Ill, Project Manager Land Use Inspections Section King County Department of Development and Environmental SeNices Ph. 206 296-7234 Fax 206 296-7174 ·-·---' 1 <® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services • 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 • Land Use Inspection Section Subdivision Landscaping and/or Recreational Equipment Installation Fee Quote Date: ---------- Permit Name: ----------------------- Permit Number: ________ Permit Activity Number:---------- Permit Activity Sub-Type: -~I=N~S~P~C~T~-L~- The Land Use Inspection Section (LUIS) has estimated the following fees for this permit's landscaping and/or recreational equipment inspections. The following fee quotes are ONLY for the fixed and hourly fees estimated for the LUIS inspection phase of this permit activity. The Counter Services Fee is a fixed amount. The Hourly Fee is the product of the estimated hours times the current hourly rate. The hourly fee quote and the fees total amount will be adjusted if the hourly fee rate changes. Counter Services Fee: Hourly Fee: TOTAL FEE QUOTE: $102.64 $2318.40 $2421.04 ·The above fee.quote covers only the period of24 months starting on the date of plan approval/permit issuance. If installation approval has not been granted prior to the end of the specified period, a new fee quote will be prepared by LUIS and provided to you. Notice to Applicant: Please read all pages of this document, sign and date where indicated with an X and return the signed original in the enclosed envelope. If you have any questions about this form or the fee estimating process, please contact the project manager at 206-296-nnnn. Approved by; Name Project Manager Land Use Inspection Section, Land Use Services Division S:LUSD\LUIS\Current Form\Subdivsion Landscaping Standard Fee Quote 02192004.doc • ·' • • Land Use Inspection Section Landscape/Rec Equipment Installation Fee Quote Activity Number Page 2 Disclaimer: • The above fee quote is for SI (site inspection), PM (project management) and FG (financial guarantee management) time only and is based on historical data. The fee quote is subject to re-evaluation and possible re-adjustment under circumstances such as, but not limited to, plan changes, code violations and unusual and/or undisclosed site issues. Below is a comprehensive list of items that may make a re-evaluation of the fee quote necessary. Please note that a re-evaluation may or may not result in a change of the estimate. Disclaimer List The issues listed below are not part of the fee estimate. If any of these issues are encountered after the fee estimate is made, the estimate will need to be re-evaluated and possibly adjusted. • A Design Plan Change is issued. • The Applicant and/or Contractor are issued a Notice of Violation, a Stop Work is posted or a Notice and Order is initiated. • The Bond Quantity Worksheet does not accurately reflect the permit's scope of work. • More than one punch list and one re-inspection punch list (No Approval) are issued. • The permit is annexed into a city. • It is necessary to involve other sections or agencies in order to resolve a design or installation issue. • There are problems related to the bonding requirements. • Installation Approval has not been issued within the time allowed by County Code and the permit enters into DEFAULT status. By completing and signing below, you acknowledge that you are the APPLICANT, as indicated on the attached Applicant Status form, and have read all pages of this document. PRINT NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE x _____________________ _ Applicant Signature Date S:LUSD\LUIS\Current Fonn\Subdivsion Landscaping Standard Fee Quote 02192004.doc ;.,•' ·v•-~:e· "'',"''"'· J:::i•'tt:: W,:'.ii~·f",;. .. -' };,,,t>'• ">,. • ,_:r,<111,::-!i.l ki,f ·.coufii • ....... 9 .. -y • ~INAL Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Land Use Inspection Section Subdivision Landscaping and/or Recreational Equipment Installation Fee Quote Date: October 27, 2004 Permit Name: Permit Number: SHAMROCK L02P0014 Permit Activity Sub-Type: INSPCT-L Permit Activity Number: L04SI217 The Land Use Inspection Section (LUIS) has estimated the following fees for this permit's landscaping and/or recreational equipment inspections. The following fee quotes are ONLY for the fixed aud hourly fees estimated for the LUIS inspection phase of this permit activity. The Counter Services Fee is a fixed amount The Hourly Fee is the product of the estimated hours times the current hourly rate. The hourly fee quote and the fees total amount will be adjusted if the hourly fee raie changes. Counter Services Fee: Hourly Fee: TOTAL FEE QUOTE: $102.64 $5071.50 $5174.14 The above fee quote covers only the period of 24 months starting on the date of plan approval/permit issuance. If installation approval has not been granted prior to the end of the specified period, a new · fee quote will be prepared by LUIS and provided to you. Notice to Applicant: Please read all pages of this document, sign and date where indicated with an X and return the signed original in the enclosed envelope. If you have any questions about this form or the fee estimating process, please contact the project manager at 206-296-7234. ApA:!: JeQ; Project Manager Land Use Inspection Section, Land Use Services Division S:LUSD\LUIS\Current Form\Subdivsion Landscaping Standard Fee Quote 02192004.doc ; . ,/ • Shamrock L02P0014 Land Use Inspection Section Landscape/Rec Equipment Installation Fee Quote Activity Number L04SI217 Page 2 Disclaimer: • The above fee quote is for SI (site inspection), PM (project management) and FG (financial guarantee management) time only and is based on historical data. The fee quote is subject to re-evaluation and possible re-adjustment under circumstances such as, but not limited to, plan changes, code violations and unusual and/or undisclosed site issues. Below is ·a comprehensive list of items that may make a re-evaluation of the fee quote necessary. Please note that a re-evaluation may or may not result in a change of the estimate. Disclaimer List The issues listed below are not part of the fee estimate. If any of these issues are encountered after the fee estimate is made, the estimate will need to be re-evaluated and possibly adjusted. • A Design Plan Change is issued. • The Applicant and/or Contractor are issued a Notice of Violation, a Stop Work is posted or a Notice and Order is initiated. • The Bond Quantity Worksheet does not accurately reflect the permit's scope of work. • More than one punch list and one re-inspection punch list (No Approval) are issued. • The permit is annexed into a city. • It is necessary to involve other sections or agencies in order to resolve a design or installation issue. • There are problems related to the bonding requirements. • Installation Approval has not been issued within the time allowed by County Code and the permit enters into DEFAULT status. By completing and signing below, you acknowledge that you are the APPLICANT and have read all pages of this document. Payment of the inspection deposit is acknowledgement of this estimate. After financial guarantee release, unused deposit funds will be refunded. PRJNTNAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE x_·_ ------------------------Applicant Signature Date S:LUSD\LUIS\Current Forrn\Subdivsion Landscaping Standard Fee Quote 02192004.doc • • PLAT HOURS y = 62.317Ln{x)-219.75 / -~ \?'J,'.k" 300. 00 -· 1 )(._;, .,,.,,, 1 1\0" r~Q.!J. 250.00 ~--W-~---q1-~-tJ::--LI._L 1 -r i 200.00 --fd_J J_o I I I 1m_(______ :I: z Q 150.00 -r., ~ I -L--1 1 I l--...- 1-.I./ ~ 100.00 _.\/[-I I ! 1-z II- 50. 00 -! 1 , L--1----+~f-------+----t--------!--+------l 0.00 -I I I I 0 500 1 000 1500 2000 BQW LINE T (1000) soc DDES King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, Washington 98055-1219 October 21, 2004 .'.""-· Summarv of Char!!es and Payments Applicant: Charges Description CAMWEST DEVELOPMENT, INC. 9720 NE 120TH PLACE, SUITE 100 KIRKLAND, WA 98034 425-825-1955 Counter Service Fees SUB TOTAL CHARGES: Pa ments Description Check# Checklogid SUB TOTAL PAYMENTS: BALANCE: Activity Number: Project Number: Development Number: Permit Type: Status: Payee Date Entered Page 1 of 1 L04SI2 l 7 L02POOJ4 INSPECT PENDING Amount $102.64 $102.64 Amount' $0.00 $102.64 The fees shown above represent current charges as of this date and are an estimate based on the information provided to DOES at the time of application. For services that are rendered on an hourly basis, the cost of those services will be based on the actual hours worked. Hourly fees are charged at the rate In effect at the time of service, and will be billed monthly, along with any other outstanding fees. Fees that have been posted prior to permit issuance will be collected at that time. Fees subsequently posted will be billed to the applicant. Ail fees must be paid In full before ODES Issues Final Approval, T.C.O. or C.O. r ® • King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 October 7, 2004 Sara Slatten Cam West Development, Inc. 9720 NE 1201h Place, Suite 100 Kirkland; WA 98034 RE: Shamrock (DOES File No. L02P0014) Recreation/Landscape Activity No. L04MI048 Dear Ms. Slatten: This is in response to your October 5, 2004 request for approval of the landscape and recreation space plan for the plat of Shamrock. This plan also 'includes the landscapirig associated with the drainage facilities and street trees. We have reviewed your October 5, 2004 revised submittal, and with the following conditions, approve it as submitted: 1. The equipment (structures, benches, picnic table, etc.) shall meet at a minimum, Consumer Product Safety Standards and be appropriately anchored. 2. Walkways shall be constructed of a material and grade that is Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible. 3. The street trees located in Tracts A, B, C, and G are not shown on the detailed landscape plan sheet L6. The design appears feasible, however, this will affect the overall appearance of the landscaping. 4. A street tree is located in the middle of the temporary cul-de-sac, either remove or relocated this tree or provide an eyebrow/planter island. 5. Tracts A and C require grasspavers (see sheet 26 of the engineering plans) to line the conveyance ditch. This should be noted on the landscape plan(s). 6. The portion of Tract K, adjacent to lots 85-88 should include some type of cover to prevent erosion and provide filtering of the roof runoff dispersion trench. \ ' 7. Revisions shall be incorporated into the final engineering plans. A revised bond quantity worksheet may also be necessary as a result of the revisions The landscaping and recreation space improvements (i.e. play structures) must be installed and inspected or a performance bond posted, prior to plat recording. The amount of the • performance bond has been established at $362,353. This includes landscaping, equipment, surfacing materials, etc. The bond amount includes a thirty-percent contingency. An inspection fee is also due prior to recording. This fee covers the cost of an installation inspection and a maintenance inspection. The amount of the inspection deposit will be determined by the Land Use Inspection Section (LUIS). If a performance financial guarantee is posted, the improvements must be installed within two year's from the date of recording. At the time of inspection by the Land Use Inspection Section, if the improvements are fully installed per the approved plan, the performance financial guarantee may be reduced. Enclosed is a copy of the approved plans for your records. If you have any questions, please call me at (206) 296-7167. If you have questions regarding the financial guarantee please contact Stacy Graves, Financial Guarantee Management Unit at (206) 296-7009. Questions regarding the inspection process may be directed to the Land Use Inspection Section (206) 296-6642. :2:el{t~ lfm~ussen, Project Manager Ill Current Planning Section, LUSD Cc: Triad Associates w/enc. dr{os, E~iaoo, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Pete Dye, P.E., Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD w/enc Joanne Carlson, ASII, Engineering Review Section, LUSD w/encs Steve Townsend, Supervising Engineer, Land Use Inspection Section, LUSD w/encs FGMU w/encs File w/encs • . ,··. \ • '® l'\l.-lv5 s~ ~5 LANDSCAPE BOND QUANTITY FORM King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, Washington 98055-1219 PROJECT NAME: ODES PROJECT #: ADDRESS: PREPARED BY: DRAWING DATE: Shamrock L04SR008 12409 148th Avenue SE Sara Slatten Bonds are based upon required landscaping only and will be posted for perfonnance and/or maintenance. Required lands perimeter landscaping, surface parking area landscaping, (KCC 21A 16) and any landscaping required by SEPA environm t . UW&[pj 'ffcr o ·~ ,.,~, ., 1 .,,1 i.L~ j ~_/ The maintenance period is for the life of the project, h0¥1eVer, after posting for maintenance, the performance bond will be redu~ b" 30% ($1,000.00 minimum) and be held for a two year period. Upon re-inspection of the stte the bond will be released [ the stte has been'JiropQyo. C. S maintained (21A 16.180). If the project has not been maintained and there are dead trees, shrubs, ground cover, or other deficiencies noted in • $50.00 SOIL PREPARATION $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 PLANT MATERIALS $250.00 $250.00 Tilia cordata 'Corzam', 2" cal. $250.00 On site trees Acer circinatum, 6' ht $100.00 Aesculus x carnea, 1 3/4" cal. $225.00 Betula a rifera, 1 3/4" cal. $225.00 $225.00 $225.00 $225.00 SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT ~~ 10/5/2004 CY CUBICYD CY CUBICYD CY CUBICYD CY CUBICYD COST & LABOR COST&LABOR COST&LABOR COST&LABOR COST& LABOR COST & LABOR COST & LABOR COST&LABOR COST& LABOR 24 $1,200.00 711 $17,775.00 296 $7,400.00 166 $4,150.00 237 $5,925.00 41 $10,250.00 33 $8,250.00 56 $14,000.00 58 $5,800.00 6 $1,350.00 -44 $9,900.00 2 $450.00 6 $1,350.00 11 $2,475.00 , OND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: Page 1 \ • • I CONIFEROUS TREES Calocedrus decurrens, 5' ht. $150.00 COST & LABOR 12 $1,800.00 $150.00 COST & LABOR 14 $2,100.00 $150.00 COST & LABOR 29 $4,350.00 Taxus baccata 'F asti iata', 5' ht. $150.00 COST & LABOR 61 $9,150.00 Tsu a canadnesis, 5' ht. $150.00 COST & LABOR 8 $1,200.00 SHRUBS al. $35.00 COST & LABOR 14 $490.00 Amelanchier alnifolia, 2 al. $35.00 COST & LABOR 19 $665.00 Azalea 'Hine Crimson', 15-18" $35.00 COST & LABOR 10 $350.00 $35.00 COST & LABOR 15 $525.00 $15.00 COST & LABOR 4 $60.00 $15.00 COST & LABOR 14 $210.00 $35.00 COST & LABOR 31 $1,085.00 $35.00 COST & LABOR 38 $1,330.00 $35.00 COST & LABOR 143 $5,005.00 $35.00 COST & LABOR 79 $2,765.00 $15.00 COST & LABOR 196 $2,940.00 $15.00 COST & LABOR 229 $3,435.00 $15.00 COST & LABOR 146 $2,190.00 $15.00 COST & LABOR 36 $540.00 $35.00 COST & LABOR 32 $1,120.00 al. $35.00 COST & LABOR 93 $3,255.00 $35.00 COST & LABOR 56 $1,960.00 Pennisetum orientale, 1 al. $15.00 COST & LABOR 110 $1,650.00 al. $35.00 COST & LABOR 57 $1,995.00 $15.00 COST & LABOR 18 $270.00 $15.00 COST & LABOR 143 $2,145.00 $35.00 COST & LABOR 33 $1,155.00 $35.00 COST & LABOR 19 $665.00 $35.00 COST & LABOR 161 $5,635.00 $35.00 COST & LABOR 29 $1,015.00 $35.00 COST & LABOR 15 $525.00 $35.00 COST & LABOR 32 $1,120.00 $35.00 COST & LABOR 66 $2,310.00 SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: $65,010.00 10/5/2004 Page2 • GROUND COVER $4.00 COST&LABOR RAIN GARDEN PLANTING $2.00 SF SQ. FT. OTHER ITEMS IRRIGATION $0.80 SQUARE FOOT SITE WORK RAIL FENCE $9.00 LF/LABOR MESH FENCE $9.00 LF/LABOR CHAIN LINK FENCE $14.00 LF/LABOR AC PAVING $1.60 SF/LABOR CONCRETE PAVING $4.00 SF/LABOR BENCHES $600.00 EA/LABOR PICNIC TABLES $800.00 EA/LABOR TRELLIS SECTION $700.00 EA/LABOR BOULDERS $200.00 EA/LABOR BASKETBALL EQUIPMENT $700.00 EA/LABOR TETHERBALL $500.00 EA/LABOR PLAY EQUIPMENT $22,500.00 EA/LABOR PLAY AREA SOFT SURFACE $35.00 CY/LABOR BOLLARDS AT PLAY FIELD $50.00 EA/LABOR LOW DECORATIVE WALL & COLUMNS $1.00 LS CONCRETE EDGE AT PLAY AREA $7.00 LF/LABOR SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT --- TOTAL BOND AMOUNT 10/5/2004 • 500 $2,000.00 2,500 $5,000.00 30,000 $24,000.00 165 $1,485.00 986 $8,874.00 90 $1,260.00 1,170 $1,872.00 1,875 $7,500.00 8 $4,800.00 2 $1,600.00 18 $12,600.00 83 $16,600.00 1 $700.00 1 $500.00 1 $22,500.00 82 $2,870.00 4 $200.00 6,500 $6,500.00 241 $1,687.00 BOND AMOUNT SUB TOT AL: $122,548.00 TOTAL BOND PRICE: '.:X)(b ~3, (o.;10 n... 1P ~.1, ~S3 Page 3 24 GameTime's complete selection of rock themed climbers are the perfect compliment to TreeScape's natural feel. Every child dreams of a tree house to play in and with this fun design, their dreams can come true. Peer through the clearing at this school, and you'll see a playground inspired by nature. A central tree is the focus of the design, giving kids a meeting place to gather, and decid~ which direction their play will take them. #85028 Anna's Treehouse oc, K.C. o.o.E.S. flayground Equipment by Gamre : TreeScape: Anna]s Treehouse • Page 1 of 1 F:;:;ndcring Top Vic•.11 Detail:.: Optl,:,r,s TreeScape Download Plans. Anna's Treehouse Product Name: Arma Model Number: 8502 list Price: US $· Minimum Use Zone: 36' O' X (... j Child Capacity: 100-· Recomended Ages: 5 to 1 Critical Fall Height 8' O" ADA Accessibility Elevated: 15 Accessible: , o Ground Leve!: 8 Types: 4 Additional: 0 WARNING: Safety Surfaci1 :. ~ikc.I~c.m_s ....... lf La5t 1-'i;:;wltd I .. -·····-··-··-·· ................ ·······--·-·····-···--··-··---··-·--·-·-·--_ .. ·-·-·---.. -----·-·······-··-·-·-··-··-· You may also like .. See all like Tree~ Bridge to Fun Grove Sherwood Forest The Tree Fart http://www.gametime.com/pdetail.asp?l=TreeScape&g=TreeScape&pn=Anna ]s Treehouse... 7/20/2004 iTEM $2,670: $4,995 $1,750 $3,500 '" ,,. .. ,, r _J, ___ .;:::_..,. Pogo Pole Playlablll Pogo Pole #1525 Price: $530 Minimum Use Zone: 14'0" (4m) diameter Height 4'0' (1.2m) Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 PlayLablll The Rotator #1526 Minimum Use Zone: 1-4'0' (4.3m) diameter Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 BALANCE BEAM~ ' I,', Graduated Balance Beam #1313 (Shown) Price: $585 Minimum Use Zone: 22'8" x 12'11" (6.9m x 3.9m) Height 1'0" (0.3m) Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 Curved Balance Beam .... Minimum Use Zone: 21'8" x 13'0" (6.6m x 4m) Height: l'O" (0.3m) Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 Toadstool Seat #10768 Price: 85 Minimum Use Zone: 13'1' x 13'1" (4m x 4m) Height l '3" (0.4m) Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 , Black only. ·walking the Plank #8672 Rubber surfacing Price: $835 #8662 Loose Fill surfacing Price: $835 Minimum Use Zone: 22'2" x 14'10" (6.8m x 4.5m) Height: 1 '1' (0.3 ended Ages: 5 to 12 • (Ll0 ~11 I I . ~l '-:y Accessible Backhoe Digger Backhoe Digger (U.S. Patent) .. , .. Minimum Use Zone: 15'0" (4.6m) diameter Recommended Ages: 2 to S or 5 to 12 , Quickship avail~b!e in yellow only. WWW.GAME Elevated Sandbox ,,.m Height 2'6" (0.8m) Recommended Ages: 2 to 5 or 5 to 12 • Cover sold separately Steering Wheel #3358 Price: $2,527 Minimum Use Zone: 16'6" x 32'8" (Sm x 9.9i'n) Height 6'8" (2m) Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 Track Length: 20'0" (6.1 m) • M~tented.~ :e:·$450 rice: sas ! rider. ) ) cc: $160 ce: $125 cc: $115 rice: $80 cc: $135 c.e: $105 kage for "ace Minature Whirl #325 (with mechanJcal speed limlter) Minimum U!ie Zone: 17'6" (5.3m) diameter Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 One-Piece Platform Whirl #919 (with hydraulic speed limiter) Minimum Use Zone: 19'8" (6m) diameter Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 • :.J<,'\ . ,J!~i~~41R}ltfijll'.'' Scrambler Whirl 1895 (with mechanical speed limiter) Minimum Use Zone: 17'8" (5.4m) diameter Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 Space Whirl Price: $2,530 Price: $1,095 16118 (with hydraulic speed limiter) Price: $2,895 Minimum Use Zone: 22'0" (6.7m) diameter Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 Four Seat Buck-A-Bout w /Coil Spring #200 Price: $980 Minimum Use Zone: 24'0" x 24'0" (7.3m x 7.3m) Recommended Ages: 5 to 12 • Order separately two Saddle Seats or t'tlfO Animal B_odies. Dinosaur Adventure Mates #6051 Jurassic: Green Dinosaur Price: S73S #6063 Purple Dinosaur Price: $735 Minimum Use Zone: 14'2" x 18'2" (4.3m x 5.Sm) Recommended Ages: 2 to 5 or 5 to 12 Jumbo Flyer Price: $735 Minimum Use lone: 16'8" x 17'7" (5.lm x 5.4m) Recommended Ages: 2 to 5 o~ 5 to 12 Stock Car #8658 Price: $985 Minimum Use Zone: 15'2" x 18'0" (4.6m x 5.5m) Recommended Ages: 2 to 5 or .5 to 12 • Unique rocking event allowing transfer accessibility. • Tactile instrumentation panel molded into dash. • Accommodates driver and passenger. • Optiona! seat belt #8659 available for supervised use. • "Patented." Crusin' Mates ALL Cars ... ,.. Fire Chiefs Car ..... Desert Commando Minimum Use Zone: 14'8' x 16'8" (4.5m x 5.lm) Recommended Ages: 2 tO 5 or 5 to 12 • Model F-4 Table· ;.,ith ~ray 4 x 4 Recycled Plasti Model F-5 Table with cedar 2 x 4 Recycled Plastic . I . .' .:, , ,~-:---·'. '·. ,,, Model F-7 Table, with steel straps Model F:a Table, with steel straps Tables These are table/seat combinations for a variety of settings such as public parks, courtyards, eating and game areas. All tables are available with either surface or embed mounting and handicap accessibility The F-4 square table is available with 36" or 48" square table tops and 2 x 4 or 4 x 4 wood or recycled plastic elements. I The F-5 table is available 6 ft. or 8 ft. long and with 2 x 4 or 4 x 4 wood or recycled plastic elements The f-7 steel strap table has a 47" square table top and independent seats. The F-8 steel strap table is available 6 ft. or 8 ft. long 17 FairWeather Site Furnishings, a Leader International company • 1 •800• 323 • 1798 • www.fairweathersf.com • ... -·Tr.insit_Ser!es. . ., ·. The Transit.Series is characterized by ·extra heavy duty construd:fon fo.r high use areas suC:h as transit ·stops and playfields. Available ·with wood or recycled plastic 4 x 4 elements. The T-2 is a full contour bench with back. · . The T-3 bench with back has classic park · !;,e~ch styling. The T-1 is the backless variation. La n Transit Series, Model T-3P . ... wiih Recycled Plastic Landscape Series . . ";'/tJJ;~:?'lf (, The refined look of the Landscape Series is at home in many settings w~ere ihefobk oi"·. Wood is preferred. Availab1e'~ith. __ 2_x\3·-~o-od·. or recycled plastic. The L-2 .iS ~i°"fuli i:'Otlt~ur '>: bench. The L-1 backless bench· c:'an ·tonipii-:, ment the contour bench oi b€ used··o~'.its ·own: ,. '·r' \,-.-·· :.._:. Fairweather Site Furnishings, a Leader International company 1•800·3~}J798 • www.fairweathersf.com 12