HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1,.~ . , " , Seattle I I J Tu ..... '. ~. ' .... , , f Areaenl, ... ' \ wila , , I s I and Ke n t -++-___ --.J~ Acrual Data Soutee: CltyofRentm 2009 King CW!/y 2009 and ESAk1c/foo ll ThiS map depic ts tne approXImate locatKl(l and eXlI nl of areas subj€(1 10 Ul e SMP. The ac lual extent 01 shOre~ine jJrisdiction requ ires (l $ole-sp eci fic el'(l lJation to illdenlily the ord inary high wate r ma-k and any associa ted we ti(f1ds , The loca1io n of 'Ie 20 cis limit is from USGS (19981 FlooopB ln aoo floodway ex tent art! based on FEMAIlI(lppi ng .rid the l O'Mlr Green Rr'er Mapp ing Stud y by Kjng Cou nty. Wet la'ld loca tJOns are approKlmate and based on existir.g Ci lYIrt!gionai n.enIOlies; aJdr.lOI1;)1 wall ands may he presenl tla l are not slUWn on 1he maps <lIld some of the areas sh:wm as wet ands may not meet the welBnd cri lella This map ma.cs no ct(!im;)S to whet her v.ellands <Ie associat ed .... Ith the shorel ine Of 001. This map shook! not be used as. a dellflitlYe source on ass oc iated We~ands ..nIer Shor'ethe ManagementACl ILrisd ICI()n SuCh a de~nnl nab on ... .i~ be male on a casI,l-by-cas.e baSis ._ ........ , .• u_ ......... ...... _"t.W>_ .... ..,."'''-.u ;." Bellevue .'-(" , ; <, • . " .... ;~ " ~l ',' , Ltliu! IOUIII LaJ.e "ashin,ta" Renton Shoreline Environment Overlays I: 50 .000 o ""nI6 .2010 ~O .... O.2<5====O,5 ........... ' w Wi les /. 'c.r{),f"",.II".t(;I."t~I,~_I' ,) ••. r.bl.hlel,.' """. u,"",,,,,,,,,,,(I'll ·11 .... r~", "{ ..... ~"".,~~_""'IIq".i' ~'~I4_fr ... ~tl .. _'"'':1''''''''_''' 11_(l.j 10",,</ r.-l Oly lImlS r':J FAA 8o~dary _ 'fI.etlan1s Shorel ine Environm ent Oes ignaUon DNah..ra D SOOre t.ne H!tIlnl8l1 S11y D Sh:Jrnl ine Isolated H i!1l l ntensl\y D Sh::lre hne Sing le Famly D Ijban COnsO'W:rlCY Shoreline Jurisdiction BRS C -Black RiverfSpnnlPl'l)d.; Creek Reaches CR-Ceda r Riv er Read'les GR-G'een RIVer Reaches LO -Lake Desll'8 Road'les l.W -Lake VII!IstllngtQ'l Reames Me · May Cre ek Reaches • • CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: September 13, 2013 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City .f!~~~:¥_O~.:..' _________ ._~~~--~~~--------....... '< •• , .... . Project Name: Shoreline Master Program Update LUA (file) Number: LUA-l0-028, ECF , Cross-References: ! AKA's: " Project Manager: : Acceptance Date: , Applicant: I Owner: : Contact: : PID Number: Erika Conkling April 21, 2010 City of Renton N/A Erika Conkling, City of Renton . ERC Approval Date: May 10, 2010 ! ERC Appeal Date: May 28, 2010 i--------------------------~---------------------------------------------; Administrative Denial: ! Appeal Period Ends: ,--~--------------------------------------------------------------------- : Public Hearing Date: I Date Appealed to HEX: ~ By Whom: f HEX Decision: Date: , Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: : Council Decision: Date: , Mylar Recording Number: , Project Description: This non-project action adopts new policies and regulations to manage shorelines within the City of Renton. " Location: Various locations within City of Renton Comments: STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on May 14,2010. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $133.00. ~/ y(J$r .#/ /J; inda M. Mills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 14th day May, 2010. "\\\\\1\111 11 -..-..' 0" 1// ,-..-" '-{ n(s", II ..::::-A\).. "'~\"\\\lllj!, '''0 /1;: .::-\~~'\ ~"' . .',r..:.t~ f::~i".'~1111 'l : -lq: ' '4i\~\ c % c ,. :>, NunCEOF -ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASIlINGTON The Environmental Review Comminee has issued a Determination of Non- Significance for the following project under [he authority of the Renton Municipal Code. Shoreline Master Program Updare LUA 1 0-028. ECF Location: PropeI1ies within Renton City limits in the vicinity of Lake Washington, Lake Desire. the Cedar River. the Green River, the Black River, May Creek. and Springbrook Creek. Areas outside Renton City limits. in the vicinity of these waterbodies could be affected in the future upon annexation. The Shoreline Master Program provides policies and regulations for the use and development of all property subject to shoreline jurisdiction under the Shoreline Management Act (SMA). It consists of a series of documents that will be adopted by lhe Renton City Council and the Washington State Department of Ecology. All documents are available for review on the project website: www.shoreline. rentonwa.gov A concurrent 14-day comment period and appeal period has been issued on this. proposal. Comments may be directed to: Erika Conkling, AICP. Renton Department of Community and Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 by 5:00 p.m. on May 28, 2010. Appeals of the environmental detemtination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on May 28, 2010. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-IIO.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. Published in the Renton Reporter on May 14.2010. #362166. • • Ms. Erika Conkling Senior Planner • • MUCKLESHOOT INDIAN TRIBE Fisheries Division 39015 -172 nd Avenue SE • Auburn, Washington 98092-9763 Phone: (253) 939-3311 • Fax: (253) 931-0~ ItYotp Planning ;0nton May 20, 2010 IVISion MAY 24 2010 Renton Dept of Community and Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way fPJrE.' -. rc ffi §rffE [Q) Renton, W A 98057 RE: Renton's Shoreline Master Program Update, LUAIO-028, ECF, Determination of Non- Significance Dear Ms. Conkling: The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division (MITFD) has reviewed the fifth update to the City of Renton's Draft Shoreline Master Program (SMP) and the threshold determination (DNS) for this project We are attaching our comments in the interest of protecting and restoring the Tribe's treaty protected fisheries resources. We appreciate the City's incorporation of some of our previously submitted comments to the previous draft of the Shoreline Master Program (MITFD letters 1123/2009; 9/18/2009 and 12/30/2009). However, several of our previous comments remain outstanding. These outstanding issues are identified in the attached comments. The MITFD appreciates the City's commitment and ongoing efforts to protect and restore salmonid habitat Clearly, the Shoreline Master Program can be a powerful tool that City can use for this purpose. As we have noted previously, the Final SMP should be revised to acknowledge the importance of the Cedar River, Lake Washington, May Creek, and the Green River and associated shoreline tributaries for the Tribe's ceremonial, commercial and substance fisheries. Tribal members fish in Lake Washington and the Green-Duwamish River, including areas within the City of Renton. The City needs to ensure that the SMP and its implementation do not continue the degradation of treaty protected fisheries resources or impact Tribal members' ability to access these resources. • Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division Comments to the Renton's SMP Update and DNS • May 20,2010 Page 2 of 5 Thank you for the continued opportunity to review and comment on the SMP, Please call me at 253-876- 3116 if you would like to meet and discuss these comments. ~iI;lcerely, ,JJ ~t~IJJ~_/ Karen Walter Watersheds and Land Use Team Leader Cc: Barbara Nightingale, WDOE, NW Region • Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division Comments to the Renton's SMP Update and DNS I, Policy SH-36, Recreation, page 31 • May 20, 2010 Page 3 of 5 This policy could result in dredging or filling of regulated shoreline areas and adjacent waters to support recreation, It should be deleted from the SMP because it will likely result in adverse impacts to fish habitat that cannot be sufficiently mitigated. 2. Table 4-3-090, D,7a Shoreline Bulk Standards, footnote 9, pages 63 and 64 This footnote would allow building coverage within 50% of the 100 foot vegetated setback area in some portions of the shoreline designated environments, including the Cedar River. As a result, it negates the purpose of the vegetated setback regulation to provide an area where shoreline riparian functions can occur and should be removed. 3, 4-3-090,E, I Shoreline Use Table, page 67 Aquaculture should be allowed in the Urban Conservancy and Natural environments, The Shoreline Management Act WAC 173-26-241(3)(b) identifies aquaculture as an activity of statewide interest. These regulations do not identifY it as such. There may be a need to construct small scale finfish facilities such as egg boxes or other measures to propagate or assist in salmon propagation, 4, 4-3-090,E.1. Shoreline Use Table, page 69 Helipads should not be allowed within the regulated shoreline jurisdiction under any environmental designations, particularly aquatic, because they can result in permanent loss of shoreline functions and adversely affect salmon habitat. They are not water dependent or water oriented uses. Since the City has an existing airport on Lake Washington that is accessible to helicopters and within proximity to shoreline properties; there is no need for helipads on private lots within the regulated shoreline environment. 5,4-34-3-090, E,6(d)(vii), Marinas, page 75 In order to protect against elevated predation mortality, any covers on overwater structures need to be made of light transmitting materials and/or have windows and skylights to allow sufficient light to reach the water surface, 6. 4-3-090,E,7(d) Piers and Docks design standards, pages 81-84 The maximum design standards for piers and docks in the table are too large and should be downsized, We recommend that the Table be modified to match the numeric criteria found in the US Army Corps' Regional General Permit 3 for Piers and Docks in Lake Washington (see http://www.nws.usace.armv.miilpublicmenu/DOCUMENTS/REG/RGP%203%20Final%20Text%20 6- 13-05 .pdf), The table needs additional language that requires new and redeveloped docks to fully mitigate for their impacts to salmonids and aquatic habitat. Reducing the area and effects of docks along the southern shoreline of Lake Washington, and restoring gently sloping shorelines with dense native shoreline vegetation is important to improve survival rates particularly for Cedar River Chinook. • Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division Comments to the Renton's SMP Update and DNS 7. 4-3-090.E.7(g) Piers and Docks variances, page 85 • May 20, 2010 Page 4 of 5 Variances should only be allowed if there is truly no other alternative and the project can fully mitigate for its impacts. 8. 4-3-090.E.I O( d)(iii) Transportation, page 88 Overwater trails should not be allowed in any of the shoreline designations, particularly aquatic. An overwater trail will result in basically a very large pier or dock structure with its associated overwater coverage and piles. Since trails are usually required to be ADA accessible, the overwater trail pier or dock will likely be larger than most piers and docks used in residential settings. Piers and docks provide habitat for known salmonid predators. The jurisdictions in Lake Washington, including Renton, should be seeking to remove overwater structures, not facilitate additional structures. 9. 4-3-090.E.IOf(iv), Transportation, page 91 Helicopter landing facilities are not an appropriate use on shoreline areas of single family lots. See previous comments regarding helipads. 10.4-3-090. E.II(xv), Utilities, page 92 New utility pipeline and cables on shorelines, where no other feasible option exists, should be required to fully mitigate their impacts including the permanent loss of restoration areas and opportunities due to their vegetation standards. II. 4-3-090. F.I(g), Vegetation Conservation, page 98 New development should be required to fully comply with the vegetation standards. Without further definition of buffer enhancement, this regulation opens the door for substantial impacts to riparian areas and potentially limited mitigation: 12.4-3-090. F.I(i)(v), Vegetation Conservation, page 100 The maximum 30% view standard applied to trees is too high and will limit successful and necessary restoration of riparian functions along the shoreline. Trees should be allowed to be planted on redeveloped or altered lots within the vegetation buffer. Trees can be pruned so that views can provide through the tree cover, while still providing other riparian functions. 13. SECTION V. Renton Municipal Code Chapter 8 PERMITS-GENERAL AND APPEALS Section RMC 4-8-1200 Definitions of Terms Use in Submittal Requirements for Building, Planning, and Public Works Permit Applications, Supplemental Stream Study, page 126 Unclassified stream studies should be assessing the water typing using the physical criteria in WAC 222- 16-031(3). • Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division Comments to the Renton's SMP Update and DNS Shoreline Restoration Plan 14. Section, page 1-5 • May 20,2010 Page 5 of 5 As we stated in our previous comments twice, the known salmonid predators language regarding habitat needs in the Lake Washington shoreline should be modified using the citations and information we provided. It should not stay as written Walter (2009) and not a Muckleshoot Tribe representative. As a staff person in the Tribe's Fisheries Division, Ms. Walter provided the City with this information in previous comments. The actually literature citations should be used, not a personal communication from Ms. Walter. Please see existing available scientific information that notes that deeper habitats with rocky substrates without vegetation appear to be preferred by small and large mouth bass that may also be keying in on overwater coverage and piling as ambush habitat (i.e. Pflug and Pauley 1984; Kahler et al. 2000; Fresh et al. 2003, etc). There is an abundance of these habitat types in the shoreline, which is likely increasing predation opportunities that wouldn't exist historically. 15. As we noted previously, the shoreline restoration plan is a good collation of existing information and proposed projects from salmon recovery plans that could occur within the City. However, the plan lacks specific details about when the potential projects will be implemented and the City's role (including financial) in getting these projects completed. As a result, there are no real commitments or guarantees that the restoration plan will be implemented. .. • Erika Conkling, AICP ADVENTURE '95, LLC 851 S. W. 34 th Street Renton, Wa.98057 425-291-3423 May 20, 2010 Department of Community and Economic Development City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Wa. 98057 Re: Comments on Renton SMP DNS Dear Ms. Conkling: • Adventure '95 LLC ("Adventure '95") respectfully submits these comments on Renton's proposed "SMP" policies and regulations to manage shorelines within the City of Renton. Adventure '95's Interest Adventure '95 owns the real estate at the above address on S. W. 34th Street, and its affiliated company "Econobox" operates a light manufacturing, warehousing and distribution facility at the location. A small portion of the facility is subleased by Apperson Printing. In this letter we will refer to this entire site as the "Springbrook Facility" . The Springbrook Facility is bordered on the East and partially on the South by Springbrook Creek, on the West by private property, and on the North by S.W. 34th Street. Just across S. W. 34th Street, to the North of us, is the "Oaksdale Commerce Center". Overview Adventure '95 supports the City's initiative regarding shorelines, and fully hopes and expects to be a "good citizen" to assist the City in implementing its policies. At the same time, we feel it important to identifY areas where Adventure '95's legitimate interests and activities may be implicated, so that the City can properly take into account such interests and activities when it adopts final rules and regulations-and hence these comments. History and Description of Springbrook Facility The site was vacant land until 1995, when the City issued a building permit for the 160,000 SF warehouse which stands there now. The warehouse structure and surrounding improvements were completed in 1996. The exterior dimensions of the • • building, along with the parking, driveways, loading areas, landscaping areas and other exterior features have remained substantially the same from 1996 to the present. Consistent with the approved plans, the building was situated in the middle of the real estate parcel with large setbacks on the East and West sides, and rather smaller setbacks on the North and South sides. On the South side, a truck driveway borders wetlands area and, in the Southeast comer, partially borders Springbrook creek. On the full extent of the East side, a car parking area borders the creek. There is no allowed ingress to or egress from the property except on the North side, along S.W. 34th Street. Continuously from 1996 to the present, the building has been used for light manufacturing (primarily production of corrugated boxes and foam products), warehousing and distribution, all consistent with the permitted uses under the Renton Municipal Code. Because of the nature of the packaging business, including its cyclical nature, the precise mix between manufacturing and warehousing has varied considerably over the years at the Springbrook Facility. For many years, as much as 50% of the interior space was devoted to manufacturing, whereas today less than 10% is so devoted. Tomorrow may bring yet a new mix. In addition, although there are no current plans to change the building "envelope" or exterior improvements, on the inside of a facility of this size there are invariably, and from time to time, requests for tenant improvements, and/or changes in the electrical, plumbing, structural, or foundation features in order to accommodate changes in the manufacturing/distribution mix. In other words, it is by no means a "static" facility. Because we see the likelihood, indeed inevitability that we or our tenants will be applying for permits in the future to allow certain new activities in the facility, we write to highlight issues we have spotted in your proposed policies and regulations as they might possibly pertain to such future permit applications. Numerical references are to your proposed regulations unless otherwise noted. Policies SH-25 and SH-28 These policies encourage public access to shoreline areas, and specifically encourage foot and bicycle paths. Given the layout of our facility, and the heavy active use by trucks, cars, and other equipment such as forklifts, it would be impractical and quite unsafe to mix any public access with those activities. For safety reasons, any such public access would need to be segregated from our ongoing business activities at the site. 4-3-090.C.4.c This would provide that, "uses adjacent to the water's edge and within buffer areas are reserved for water-oriented development, public access, and ecological enhancement". As mentioned, at the Springbrook Facility there are active uses related to manufacturing and distribution near Springbrook Creek, although we would argue not technically 2 • • "adjacent" to the water's edge or within buffer areas. Certainly our ongoing uses are not water-oriented or water-dependent. We wish to be very clear with the City (as discussed further below) that those ongoing uses are fully permitted notwithstanding the quoted language. 4-3-090.D.2.d.iv "Wetland Buffers" We are wondering ifthe term "roads" in 4-3-090.D.2.d.(ix)(2) should include "parking areas" here. We have a permitted parking area near Springbrook Creek on the East side of our facility. (Similarly, the recently completed Oaksdale Commerce Center, on the North side of S. W. 34th Street, has a permitted parking area near Springbrook Creek.) Similarly, we are wondering if the term "improved areas" as used in 4-3- 090.D.2.d.(ix)(4) would or should include roadways, truck bays, and parking areas, all of which we have on the East side of our facility, with a roadway on the South side. (Please see also our discussion of parking issues under -090.E.l O.e below.) 4-3-090.D.3.b Lighting and Screening Subparts iv and vi of this section spell out lighting restrictions. As originally permitted, and for safety reasons, the Springbrook Facility has significant outdoor lighting, as is typical for warehouse uses. We would hope and expect these new regulations would not require any adjustment to, or additional restrictions on, that lighting. Subparts vii and viii of this section pertain to screening of mechanical equipment and visual prominence of free-standing structures. For many years, the Springbrook Facility had a large "cyclone" affixed to its roof and clearly visible from surrounding areas. (Similar cyclones now exist at, e.g., the Allpak facility, 1100 S. W. 27 th Street in Renton, and at the Alliance Packaging facility, 1000 S.W. 43d Street, also in Renton.) The Springbrook Facility cyclone was just recently removed and delivered to a Spokane facility, but there may well be a need to reinstall it, or install a different but similar cyclone, at the Springbrook Facility in the future. In light of this preexisting permitted use and the impracticality and expense associated with "screening" such equipment, we trust the screening language in vii and the visual prominence limitations of viii would not apply to a reinstallation of the cyclone as described above. Separate and apart from the cyclone matter, from time to time and as a matter of business necessity our tenants must occasionally store equipment, including mechanical equipment, and materials outside the Springbrook Facility in the dock loading areas. Once again, we hope and trust that such activities will not implicate the provisions of vii and viii, described above. More generally (and less technically), it stands to reason that the activities at, and appearance of, a manufacturing and distribution facility such as the Springbrook Facility will not necessarily be as aesthetically pleasing as may be contemplated by many of your 3 • • proposed regulations. We use good faith efforts to keep our facility well-maintained, clean and presentable; but it is, after all, a manufacturing and distribution facility. 4-3-090.E.5.a Industrial Uses; Existing Uses; Change in Use This provision, in subpart ii, contains reference to "existing non-water dependent uses" and includes the statement: "Changes in use are limited to existing structures." We are unclear as to the meaning and thrust of these provisions. Thus, we are unclear whether "uses" refers to historically permitted uses, actual uses, or both or neither. As stated previously, the Springbrook Facility has been continuously permitted for light manufacturing and distribution since its construction in 1995, and that continues. As also stated previously, the exact mix and type of uses, within the broad categories oflight manufacturing and distribution, have varied considerably in the past and likely will do so in the future. We hope and trust that a future adjustment in mix and type of uses within those broad categories (and inside the existing building structure) would not run afoul of any of the language in this proposed regulation. Separately, what if we did decide to reinstall the cyclone on the roof of the Springbrook Facility? Would that be a "change" in use at all, and if so would it be regarded as "limited to existing structures"? The regulations do not seem to answer clearly this type of question. Subpart iv of this section states in pertinent part: Non-water-Oriented-Uses: Non-water-oriented industrial uses may be permitted where: (1) Located on a site physically separated from the shoreline by another private property in separate ownership or a public right-of-way such that access for water-oriented use is precluded, provided that such conditions were lawfully established prior to the effective date of the Shoreline Master Program; ... (Emphasis added.) At the Springbrook Facility, as we understand it, we pursue a "non-water-oriented industrial use", but our facility is not physically separated from the shoreline. The only thing that separates the building from the creek is a private driveway and private parking area, not public right-of-way. As the activities at our facility seem to be clearly allowed under ii, discussed above, it seems strange that they might be disallowed under the language of iv, which we hope and trust is not the intent. Needless to say, clarification is needed. Language in 4-3-090.E.5.d is also confusing and potentially troubling to us: Materials Storage: New industrial development may not introduce exterior storage of materials outside of buildings within shoreline jurisdiction, except by 4 • • approval of a Shoreline Conditional Use subject to the additional criteria that exterior storage is essential to the use. As stated, we presently store equipment and materials outside on an occasional basis, and we also typically store wooden pallets outside on a more or less continuous basis. Understanding that preexisting uses are not (or do not seem to be) swept up by the provision quoted immediately above, we are still unclear on the meaning and likely application ofthis provision. For example, what if we reinstalled into the Springbrook Facility a machine that had been moved elsewhere for a period of time, and what if because of the level of production of that machine we had to store more wooden pallets outside than we had stored immediately before the machine was reinstalled? (But about the same number as when the machine had last been at Springbrook many years earlier.) Would that be a "new" development that might trigger this clause? We also don't know how one determines whether "exterior storage is essential to the use". In our view, exterior storage of wooden pallets is essential in our line of work because interior storage raises significant safety (notably, fire) and expense issues. But we appreciate that someone who may not care much about our business needs could form a different view. Who decides, and how? 4-3-090.E.1O.e Transportation, Parking Subpart iii suggests "private parking" be away from the shoreline unless "essential" to serve approved uses. At our Springbrook Facility, on the East side, we have parking for employees and visitors, and many of these parking spaces are quite close to the shoreline of Springbrook Creek. Parking somewhere on the site is "essential" for our employees and visitors. These particular parking spaces are used as they are, because that is how the site was designed and permitted back in 1995. We cannot move the parking spaces now because by doing so we would necessarily intrude into our truck bays and truck maneuvering areas and driveways. Ie., there is no other place for these parking spaces. We would not want issuance of a future permit to be conditioned on our movement of these parking spaces. We think that would be unfair and improper. 4-9-190C. Exemptions Subsection .2 would establish a $5,000 maximum for categorical exemptions. We think that is an awfully small number. If, hypothetically, we wanted to reinstaIl our cyclone on top of the roof, would that be a "development" as you have defined that term? If so, in all likelihood the cost of the reinstallation and connection would exceed $5,000 by a considerable amount. Were we 5 • • to need a permit for any or all of the above activities, we would certainly think it unfair that that would trigger a full review under the Shoreline Management regulations. We respectfully suggest a threshold more in the $50,000 to $100,000 range would be more appropriate for this type of exemption. ********* You may feel we are overly concerned about these proposed regulations, and perhaps we are. Nevertheless, it is important to us that we maintain our business operations at the Springbrook Facility well into the future much as we have successfully over the past 15 years, without suffering undue restrictions or regulations. Thank you for your time and attention. Please accept these comments in the constructive vein in which they are offered. Should you have any questions of concerns about the contents of this letter, please do call me. Sincerely, John D. Alkire General Counsel cc: Econobox; Apperson 6 • • NJOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) pornD TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL AcnON PRQJECTKAME; PROJECT NUMBER: Shoreline M_I'rof::r.lm Upe!m WA1(HJ28, EO' LOCATION: n... pn:>pa$ed cru."I'" would affect properties within Renton Oty limits In the .,;anity of Lake Washlnrton. lake ~, the Ce<br Rm.r, the Green River, the BI",dr. River, May Creek. arod s.p';~k c.-k.. Are.;rs outside Renton oty limits In the vi<;inity of tl>est! ~rbodIes =uld be aff&ctad In the future upon annexation. DESCRIPllON: Thls non--proj.,.;t acIion adopts new ponci.,. ~ ~... to manoIgoo shorelines within the Otv of Renton. The p ... posaI ..... y be rwIewed orHine atl!!WVol $!tornij".. "mlp!!!l/i BOY· TIlE em OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERe) HAS OffiRMINED THAT THE PROPOSED AcnON DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. A concurT1!nt 14-day ecrn ...... nt period and appeal period has ~n mued on this pruposal. Comments.-..av "- directed to: Erika ConIdInt:. A1O', City' of Renton o.,poorunent of CDmmunity and Economic ~elop.rnent, lOSS South G",dyW2y, R"ntar\, WA 981157 by 5:00 p.rn. on M;ay za,. 2010. APfM"'''' of tIM! environmental determination must be filed In wr/tIn, CI" or before 5:00 p.rn. on ~ 28, 201D. Appml. must be filed in writinz tDtetber with the requited fee with; Hearin~ Examiner, City' of Renton, 1055 South G~ W~. Renton, WII.9S0S7. Appe:ols tlI tNo u.miner are gOl/l!med by otv of Renton Municipal Code SectIon 4-.s. 110.B. Additianal irtformOltion ~11lJ: the appe .. 1 process ""'Y be obtolned from the Ilomtan City CIerl:'J 0fIice, (4Z5)II3O-fiS1O, IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEAlED, A PUBLIC HEARING WIll BE SET AND All PARnES NonFIED. CERTIFICATION ----tli~:!:i.'I--E,~'f-l~~~ hereby certify that 4 copies of the above document -IF--conspicuous places or nearby the described property on Date: %'1/;0 Signed: !4&; ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON SS COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Y, e \ \~3.p ~ if signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their fre nd v;~tary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in a dfor the State of Washington Notary (printl: ___ \A_,_A...:: . ...::.;:;G::,.· ':...;c""Je,::=· ~eI~ _____ _ My a ppointment expires:. __ ~A"">K~j .. l>~b:::!A-'------'"d"-5...1· T) .-:=d.~o""-..;B=:!...-__ _ COUNTY OF KING • • NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME; PROJECT NUMBER: Shoreline Master Progr;om Update LUAlo-G28, fa: LOCATION: The pro~ chanEes would affect propel'ties within Renton City Hmlts In the vkinity of Lake WashI"itOn. lake Desire, the Cedar River, the Green River, tile Black River, May Creek, and Sprin~rook c::r-k. Areas OIJtside Renton City limits In tile vicinity Df these watJori>odiH could be affected In the fuNre upon ~nr>Vliltion. DESCRIPTION: This non-project action adopts ..., .. policies and nogulatlons to lrnllIiIgt' shorelines within the City of Renton. The pmpos.al may be revlewed "n-lint! ;rt_,.horeli"".renton ...... gow. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMmEE (ERe) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. A concurrent 14-day axnn'lf!"t ~riod and appe;l1 pec10d has been issued on thi<. proposal. Comments ITIOIV be dj~MI to: Erika Ctlnkfing, AICP. City of Renton Department Ilf Community and Ecooomk Development, 10S5 South Gr.tdy Way. Renton, WA !lB051 by 5:00 p.m. on May 28, 2010. Appeal. of the en~i1'DnmentOll detennination mllrt be filed in writing on Or before 5:00 p.m. on May 2a, 2010. Appeals must be filed ,n writi", tog*ther with the r*qllired fee with; Hearing Exam'""., Oty of Renton, 1055 South G .... dy W..." Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the fum;ne. are s ...... rM!d by Qty of Renton Municipal Code Sec:tlon 4-8- 110.S. Additional infarmat;on rq;lrding the apPNI Procl!S$ r=y be obtainf!d from the Renton CIty Oel1(5 Office, (425) 43O-G51O.. If THE ENVIRONMENTAL OmRMINATION IS APPEALED, A PUSLIC HEARING WILL BE SET AND AU PARTIES NOTIFIED. FOR FURTHER )NFORMATION, PLEASE CONTAa ERIKA CONKLING, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425)430-6578, OR EMAil AT ECONKUNG@RENTONWA.GOv. DO NOr REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please indude the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. CERTIFICATION ss I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that K. " S C'," Q ) $ ( . n signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: Notary P~bli~1n a~:; f~~~e State of Washington Notary (Print): I i A {' , __ ~~~, ~~b~~~'Lb~('~r ______________ __ My a ppoi ntm ent expi res .:_ ----..:Al.JJ."J"i-, ",{ '..;;lc1-1_"'2::....'~G.,-.:c,):::J(..:·'·.1..! ~1 ______ _ • • CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 14th day of May, 2010, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing ERC Determination documents. This information was sent to: Name Agencies See Attached 300' Surrounding Property Owners & Parties of Record See Attached /L 7Yl ~/jl/.k_ ~ (Signature of Sender): 'V/,hM \ STATE OF WASHINGTON )U r~j ':::: ) SS .. ~ COUNTY OF KING ) ,~~M~ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy M. Tucker :.~I wP' signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the , anu I'UO I'U'C' mentioned in the instrument. Dated: 'hlttl 1"0 delQ Notary Publci[; and for the State of Washington Notary (Print):. ____ ~~I.:.... ::...A"".--"Cr~(.>..:,,<..:;:b"'-(~/ _____________ _ My appointment expires: A ,--,0', C.J " "".:j ~ <;., ""'., J '" . "-J P.rqj~t!ll~m!!L: Shoreline Master Program Update prole#lII~i:Ilb~r: LUA10-028, ECF template -affidavit of service by mailing Dept. of Ecology * Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 WSDOT Northwest Region· Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers * Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Boyd Powers * Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Serv. Attn: SEPA Section 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Seattle Public Utilities Real Estate Services Attn: SEPA Coordinator 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 • • AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) WDFW -Larry Fisher· Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. * 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer Issaquah, WA 98027 39015 -172 nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Duwamish Tribal Office * Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program * 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 KC Wastewater Treatment Division * Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation· Environmental Planning Supervisor Attn: Gretchen Kaehler Ms. Shirley Marroquin PO Box 48343 2015. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: Steve Roberge Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director 13020 Newcastle Way 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Municipal Liaison Manager Steve lancaster, Responsible Official Joe Jainga 6200 Southcenter Blvd. PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01 W Tukwila, WA 98188 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 *Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an «Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the notice of application. template -affidavit of service by mailing PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTNLlNE ADDRLlNE CITYSTATE ZlPCODE 0372000076 88TH AVENUE SOUTH LLC 2120 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98144 3344500290 ABBEY VINCENT H D EXECUTOR 9005 21ST AVE NW SEATTLE WA 98117 5126900211 ACCORD INC 3300 MAPLE VALLEY HWY RENTON WA 98058 3956500080 ACKERMANN JACOB A+LORA A 2008 NE 28TH PL RENTON WA 98056 1181000160 ACORD MICHAEL 11600 RAINIER AVE S #306 RENTON WA 98055 1180000235 ACREE SHARON RAE 85305 113TH ST $EATILE WA 98178 3342102520 ADAMS GINA L 917 N 30TH ST RENTON WA 98056 2329780540 ADAMS PEGGY 15400 SE 155TH PL #54 RENTON WA 98058 9425530540 ADELE BONNIE R 1800 NE 40TH ST #E-301 RENTON WA 98056 3342700537 ADKINS DOROTHY 1417 N 40TH ST RENTON WA 98056 2523059058 AKIYAMA CLYDE H+KAREN M 17408 E LAKE OESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 9425530060 ALDRICH JUDITH A 1802 NE 40TH ST #B-6 RENTON WA 98056 0007200089 ALLARD GERARD+ELlZABETH A+C 1839 1ST ST KIRKLAND WA 98033 2329780300 ALLEN BOB JR 15400 SE 155TH PL #30 RENTON WA 98058 • 2212000270 ALLEN COLLEEN 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #0103 RENTON WA 98055 1180000060 ALLEN LE DEWEY E 84355 112TH ST SEATIlE WA 98178 2329780750 ALLEN NEIL R+VICKIE 5 15400 SE 155TH PL #75 RENTON WA 98058 9189700165 ALLENBEHNKEN PEGGY 15030 132ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 0007200187 ALLRED MYRLE & SUZANNE 62 MISSION LN POLSON MT 59860 3342100985 ALVIZ TlMOTEO Z JR 168 BREMERTON AVE NE RENTON WA 98059 1190500040 ANDERSON BRIAN R 1105 N 38TH ST RENTON WA 98056 2523059024 ANDERSON DARRELL W+VIOLET L 17232 174TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 3342103730 ANDERSON JOSEPH C PO BOX 78654 SEATTLE WA 98178 2045400190 ANDERSON STEPHEN E 10445 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 3342100071 ANDERSON STEVEN & JULIE 3303 BURNETT AVE N RENTON WA 98056 3343301061 ANDRADE JULlE+ROBERT G 6633 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD RENTON WA 98056 0518500800 ANTEZANA RICARDO+MARIA T 1025 N 42ND PL RENTONWA 98056 2954900460 APPLE EIGHT HOSPITALITY OWN 814 E MAIN ST RICHMOND VA 23219 3345700115 APPLE RICHARD 0 3901 LINCOlN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 3629150060 APPLESTONE STEVEN J 1204 N 38TH ST RENTON WA 98056 2423059055 AQUA BARN RANCH INC 115 GARFIELD ST #4139 SUMAS WA 98295 4058200275 ARENDS R 11448 RAINIER AVE 5 #150 SEATTLE WA 98178 • 2329780680 ARIES HENRY E+BONNIE G 15400 SE 155TH PL #68 RENTON WA 98058 2329780130 ARIES JUNE 0 15400 SE 155TH PL #13 RENTON WA 98058 4008400190 ARMSTRONG JACK 18331 W LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 2223059126 ARNEY CLINT E+MICHELLE L 13335 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98058 1644500140 ARNOLD DEBBIE 1003 N 27TH PL RENTON WA 98056 4058200120 ARNOLD MARJORIE D 10880 DIXON DRIVE 5 SEATILE WA 98178 2223059120 ARON lEONARD+BRENDA 15020 134TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 0007200044 AUSTIN WALTER & SHARON 14823 47TH AVE E TACOMA WA 98446 8856920420 BAESLER EUGENE+SONG lS710 SE 156TH ST RENTON WA 98058 40S82OO41O BAHRE ALAMAZ H 10803 DIXON DR 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 1332700090 BAKER KEN+MARCELLA 2942 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 9189700215 BAKER RICKY LEE+JOYCE ANN lS033133RD AVE SE RENTON WA 980S8 5126400115 BALA E M 3121 SE 5TH ST RENTON WA 980S5 4010800115 BALDWIN GARRY W+SUSAN M 18437 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 980S8 3343300904 BALMER JODY 5 & KARl L 10014TH AVE #2200 SEATTLE WA 98154 5127001010 BANKS DAVID L 14609 142ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATINLINE ADDRLlNE CITY5TATE ZIPCODE 3342103464 BARAKAH LLC 1616 NE 30TH 5T RENTON WA 98056 2323059137 BAROEN ERIC & 51RI PO BOX 307 FALL CITY WA 98024 1778450090 BARNIER ELIZABETH M 1700 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #301 RENTON WA 98056 4008400170 BARTLETT STEVEN C 18235 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 980S8 3342100255 BEAl WAYNE F+JUANtTA C 709 N 32ND ST RENTON WA 98056 1332700220 BEARDSLEY SUSAN 2916 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 5126900385 BECK DAVID CHARLES+CHRISTIN 3600 5E 6TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 9425530260 BELENKY AARON 1800 NE 40TH 5T #H-4 RENTON WA 98056 3342100200 BELL GREGORY R+ANN MARIE 806 N 32ND ST RENTONWA 98056 2523059045 BENNETI J WILLIAM BENNETI CHRISTINE 5 17460 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 2323059177 BERGERON DONNA PO BOX 6265 KENT WA 98064 2329780160 BERGSMA JUDY 15400 5E 155TH PL #16 RENTON WA 98058 2223059139 BERGSMA MARK 14810 SE JONES RD RENTON WA 98058 1778450140 BERNHARD CARMEN 1700 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #402 RENTON WA 98056 • 3623059033 BERQUIST ERIC C+JULIE A 17610 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 5127001130 BILLET BllL+GRIFANTINI THEL 14409141ST AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 3342100385 BILTI SIMON JR+CECILIA M 3008 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 2329780080 BINGHAM MARY L 15400 5E 155TH PL #8 RENTON WA 98058 3345700140 BIRK SATINDER 11220 5E 265TH PL KENTWA 98030 2323059112 BISHOP JOE C & LYNN A 14860 154TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 9425530430 BI5MUTI PETER 1800 NE 40TH 5T #G-2 RENTON WA 98056 6308490030 BIT PROPERTIES LLC 710 SW 34TH RENTON WA 98057 3340406256 BITNEYGROUW5 COMPANY POBOX 738 RENTON WA 98057 2329780810 BIVENS WYNETIA M 15400 SE 15STH PL #81 RENTON WA 98058 1180000450 BLACK DERRICK A SR+LlSA J 85485 114TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 3342102280 BLACK PATRICK R 911 N 34TH ST RENTON WA 98056 9188000153 BLACK RIVER PARK LLC C/O BTV DEVELOPMENT LP 2870 GATEWAY OAKS DR #110 SACRAM E NTO CA 95833 1644500230 BLALOCK SCOT A+R05E LEWISB 2625 WILLIAMS AVE N RENTON WA 98056 2329780740 BLAND DANA C+JEAN E 15400 SE 155TH PL #74 RENTON WA 98058 1181000020 BLOOM ANDREA H 11600 RAINIER AVE S #102 RENTON WA 9805S 3342102010 BLOSS MARTA 3302 BURNETI AVE N RENTON WA 98056 3342103025 BL05SVENEGAS MARTA 910 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 • 7229500350 BN5F PO BOX 961089 FORT WORTH TX 76161 2423049048 BOEING COMPANYTHE PROPERTY TAX DEPT PO BOX 3707 M/C 2000 SEATILE WA 98124 7229300635 BOLAND JAMES M 51 LOGAN AVE S RENTON WA 98002 2329780770 BOLANOS WILLIAM H 15400 SE 155TH PL #77 RENTON WA 98058 3342700622 BOLLINGER MARIE+LAZARENKO B 3706 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 2045800241 BOMBERG DAVID A 10637 DIXON DR S SEATILE WA 98178 0007200041 BONNER ROBERT G JR 1507 JONES AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 2212000290 BOOTS 5HERICE N 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #D201 RENTON WA 98055 1134000120 BOWDEN EDWARD 3939 SE 10TH PL RENTON WA 98055 3342103705 BOWDEN KIM 2727 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 9425530240 BOX JAY M 1800 NE 40TH 5T #H-2 RENTON WA 98056 5126400105 BOYDPOWIS TRACY L 14450 29TH N E BELLEVUE WA 98007 7231501020 BRADFORD DEAN KENT 10005 2ND ST RENTON WA 98055 7231501110 BRAUNSCHWEIG ROBERT+SHERRY 912 S 2ND ST RENTON WA 98D57 0518500790 BRAZG RONALD L+VANESSA J 1019 N 42ND PL RENTON WA 98056 3344500390 BRE PROPERTIES INC ATTN: PROPERTY TAX OEPARTMEN 525 MARKET 5T #4TH FL SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTNLlNE ADDRLlNE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE 3344500415 BRE PROPERTIES INC ATTN: PROPERTY TAX DEPARTMEN 525 MARKET ST #4TH FL 5AN FRANCISCO CA 94105 3342103656 BRENNAN GERALD F+MARY E 3405 LAKE WASH BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 3342103635 BRENNAN JERRY 3405 LK WASH BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 3342103657 BRENNAN JERRY 3405 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 3342700533 BREWIS DANIEL 4855 LAKEHURST IN SE BELLEVUE WA 98006 3342102981 BRICKLEY MAYBELLE 914 N 35TH ST RENTON WA 98056 2045800250 BRIGGS AARON J+TIFFANY ANN 10635 DIXON DR 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 2329780980 BRIGHTON DAVID T 15400 SE 15STH PL #98 RENTON WA 98058 5128000056 BRISENDINE HOWARD III+SHANN 1S034130TH AVE 5E RENTON WA 98058 8856890120 BROMLING BRADT+KIMBERLYA 15850 SE 156TH ST RENTONWA 98058 5126400150 BROOK5 JENNIFER G 3108 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 1181000150 BROOK5 STEPHEN M 11600 RAINIER AVE S #305 RENTON WA 98055 5126900465 BROS5ARD REGAN & PAM 22929 144TH AVE 5E KENT WA 98042 3343300921 BROWN RONALD J+KAREN SHIVER 6929 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD 5E NEWCASTLE WA 98056 • 4010800130 BROWN TOUSSAINT TRU5T 18517 WEST LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 7224000140 BRU5H RYAN L 108 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 1644500190 BUCHANAN DAVID DOUGLAS 2700 WILLlAM5 AVE N RENTON WA 98056 3823300060 BUCHANAN JUDY E 740 N 32ND ST #6 RENTON WA 98056 9425530230 BUCK BRADLEY T 1800 N E 40TH ST #H-1 RENTON WA 98056 3344500435 BUCK DOUGLAS M 904 N RIVERSIDE DR RENTON WA 98055 0007200145 BUENO CARL05 E+SHANNON PO BOX 1148 RENTONWA 98057 167B400110 BUFORD DEBORAH 0 8505 S 110TH CT SEATTLE WA 98178 3342100280 BUI TRANG+NGUYEN THUAN 3110 LAKE WA5HINGTON BLVD N RENTONWA 98056 0823059055 BUILDING C AT SOUTHPORT L 1083 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N 5TE 50 RENTON WA 98056 8856920350 BURG DAVID J+AUDREY A 15534 156TH CT SE RENTON WA 98058 3623059068 BURGE5S ROGER L & PATRiCiA 17810 E LAKE DE51RE DR 5E RENTON WA 98058 8856920660 BURK5 CLiFFORD+ALMER B 15605 157TH AVE 5E RENTON WA 98058 5128000020 BURLESON SANDRA K 320 CHINOOK AVE #C4 ENUMCLAWWA 98022 3823300020 BURMAN PHILlP+CRYSTAL ET AL 740 N 32ND SH2 RENTON WA 98056 4010800120 BURMEISTER CHRISTOPHER J 12219 SE 276TH PL KENT WA 98030 0007200075 BURNETT LLC 505 STH AVE S #160 SEATTLE WA 98104 5126400120 BURNETT STEPHANIE 3129 SE 5TH ST RENTON WA 98058 • 3343300940 BURNHAM BRAD 4000 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98059 9189700155 BURWICK DENI5E M 15036132ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 9425530400 BUTTERS DAVID A 1800 NE 40TH ST #0·302 RENTON WA 98056 2523059023 BYER5 MATTHEW HALLISON J H 17447 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 3343301080 CABALQUINTO MICHAEL 5101 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD NE RENTON WA 98056 4058200165 CALDWELL JAME5 A 10902 DIXON DR S SEATTLE WA 98178 2045800215 CAMERON SAMUEL E+CONNIE B 10810 DIXON DR S 5EATTLE WA 98178 8856920470 CAMPBELL DANNY P+KATHERINE 15526 157TH CT 5E RENTON WA 98058 1778450070 CAMPBELL RICHARD B+CAROL C 1700 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #203 RENTON WA 98056 2045800205 CAMPBELLSUELLEN A 10600 DIXON DR S SEATTLE WA 98178 2329780340 CAMPBELL-REKABY MICHELLE+MA 154005E 155TH PL #34 RENTON WA 98058 1180000145 CANLAS PAUL R+MARIA 5 85015 112TH ST 5EATTLE WA 98178 1778450080 CAREY LEUVENIA 1700 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #204 RENTON WA 98056 1332700200 CAREY ROBIN R 2920 KENNEWICK PL NE #2920 RENTON WA 98056 3342700538 CARLSON KATHLEEN & RUS5EL 1409 N 40TH RENTON WA 98056 4058200075 CARLSON LARRY G ETUX 10834 DIXON DR S SEATTLE WA 98178 PID TAXPAYERNAME AITNLlNE ADDRlINE CITY5TATE ZIPCODE 118000D400 CARMODY THOMAS P 4737 194TH AVE SE ISSAQUAH WA 98027 3342700615 CARPENTER CARL A 1020 2ND AVE 5E ISSAQUAH WA 98027 1644500130 CARPENTER KRISTIN L 1011 N 27TH PL RENTON WA 98056 3345700230 CARPENTER THOMAS EARL III 3601 LINCOLN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 8856890100 CARSON JEAN E 15858 SE 156TH ST RENTON WA 98058 2329780440 CARTER WALTER C+JUDY A 15400 SE 15STH PL #44 RENTON WA 98058 2329780640 CASSIAS JOHN B+ADELE L 15400 SE 155TH PL #64 RENTON WA 98058 7231501130 CEDAR RIVER COURT APTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 201 27TH AVE SE #A200 PUYALLUP WA 98374 2045800330 CEDERBLOM RODNEY P+ROSE MAR 10491 DIXON DR 5 SEATILE WA 98178 1180000160 CHAN MARTIN K W 19327 113TH AVE 5E RENTON WA 98055 7954310130 CHAN TAT HUNG+PING PING LO 3327 LINCOLN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 3345700096 CHANCELLOR JOHN 11009 ISSAQUAH HOBART RD SE ISSAQUAH WA 98027 722600004S CHASE FLOYD 2200 ABERDEEN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 7231501950 CHATEAU OE VILLE LLC 801 S 3RD 5T RENTON WA 98055 • 0007200110 CHAU BILl+ANN 500 S TOBIN ST RENTON WA 98055 3342700548 CHAU BUN NELSON+YUEN WING K 3920 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 3343301001 CHAU WUNCHUN+MANWAI LAU 6428 129TH AVE SE BELLEVUE WA 98006 S1264000S0 CHAVE2 MARIA 3100 SE 5TH ST RENTON WA 98058 2045800025 CHEN KEN R 5300 16TH AVE S SEATILE WA 98108 9425S30140 CHEN MING-SHOL 1800 NE 40TH 5T #A-2 RENTON WA 98056 7224000145 CHENEY BEN L+AlICE M 104 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 4058200125 CHIN JOHN D+VIRGINIA L 10886 DIXO N DR S 5EATILE WA 98178 36230S9043 CHITWOOD DENNIS 17917162ND PLSE RENTONWA 98058 204S8OOO65 CHOAT HARVIE L 10452 DIXON DR S SEATILE WA 98178 3343301000 CHONG SAM K 13224 SE 51TH PL BELLEVUE WA 98006 1461200040 CHOW EUGENE 14521144TH PL SE NEWCASTLE WA 98059 1332700110 CHRISTIANSEN JANET 2938 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTONWA 98056 204S800040 CHRISTIANSON DANIEL 1221 S 7TH ST RENTON WA 98057 1180000485 CHUNG RESIDENCE 8524 S 114TH 5T SEATILE WA 98178 2223059049 (HUPAKHIN EUGENY 14929 134TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 1461200030 CIRLINCIONE GLENN V+5ANDRA 14517 144TH PL SE RENTON WA 98059 7231501010 CITY OF RENTON 1118 5TH AVE 5EATILE WA 98101 • 23230S9132 CLARK JUlIE+ TATLEY JEFF 15120 149TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 3956500100 CLAWSON DANIEL F+LAURA A 2018 NE 28TH PL RENTON WA 98056 2329780370 COHEN HYAM & DIANE M 15400 SE 15STH PL #37 RENTON WA 98058 1147000040 COHEN TOBY F 1919 NE 32ND ST RENTON WA 98056 2249800040 COLEMAN DOUG 1910 NE 29TH CT RENTON WA 98056 1134000170 COLIS DOROTHY V 1004 SHELTON AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 3342700360 CONKLIN EMILY S 3608 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 980S6 5127001120 CONNElY JAMES E II+KRISTEN J 19731 NE 156TH PL WOODINVILLE WA 9807278S7 0518500950 CONNER HOMES AT BARBEE MILL 846 108TH AVE NE BELLEVUE WA 98004 918970010S CONRAD MATIEHW R+DEANNE 15032 131ST AVE SE RENTON WA 980S8 1938100060 COOLEY FAMILY LIVING TRUST 2849 BLAINE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 2045800380 COONS STEVEN L+FRANCIS F 10441 DIXON DRIVE $ SEATILE WA 98178 3342103001 CORRELL KEVIN l+$USANA 3502 BURNETT AVE N RENTON WA 98056 204S80019S COURTER JACK 1001 N RIVERSIDE DR #207 POMPANO BEACH FL 33062 7226000105 CRABTREE JAMES W+KATHLEEN M 115 WELLS AVE NORTH RENTON WA 98055 5126400025 CRAIA JOHN 3000 5E STH ST RENTON WA 980S8 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTNLlNE ADDRUNE CITYSTATE ZlPCODE 2329780460 CREEAR PATRICIA A 15400 5E 155TH PL #46 RENTON WA 98058 2329780830 CURTIS DONALD 15400 5E 155TH PL #83 RENTON WA 98058 3342700550 CYPRIAN ALEGRIA 3922 MEADOWS AVE N RENTON WA 98056 3343300945 C2UBAJ NATHAN F 1505 29TH AVE SEATTLE WA 98122 5126400015 DALEY STUART +LYNN 2930 SE 5TH ST RENTON WA 98058 7226000125 DALY SHAWN M+DEBORAH A 3700 PARK AVE N RENTON WA 98056 334270038S DANCE JEREMY D PO BOX 207 AUBURN WA 98071 8856920620 DAO HIEP QUOC 13314 26TH CT S SEATTLE WA 98168 3342102750 DAD HUNG+lOAN BUI 900 N 34TH 5T RENTON WA 98056 9189700070 DAVIDSON DOUGLAS G+ALTHEA A 15035131ST AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 3823300010 DAVIS M SUE 740 N 32ND SU1 RENTON WA 98056 0007200045 DAWSON JAMES D+RENEE E 10838 LAKERIDGE DR 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 4058200380 DAWSON JAMES MICHAEL+MARY G 10845 DIXON RD 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 5126900455 DAWSON VALERIE 3525 5E 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 • 5126400035 DEACY JOANNE M 3012 SE 5TH ST RENTON WA 98058 9425530510 DEBAY CAMERON 1800 NE 40TH ST UE-201 RENTON WA 98056 2045800165 DEBORTOLE LOUISE V 10632 DIXO N DR S SEATTLE WA 98178 4010800145 DEGAGNE RICK R+LORI M 18551 W LAKE DESIRE DR 5E RENTON WA 98058 1134000100 DELANEY HOWARD R JR+SHARON 1018 SHELTON AVE 5E RENTON WA 98058 2523059056 DELAURENTI CHARLES J II 17741 SE 173RD Pl RENTON WA 98058 7224000125 DElMUNDQ OANILO S+GLORIA l 16121 5E 149TH 5T RENTON WA 98059 3342103695 DELOOF SUSAN 469 TACOMA AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 1181000070 DEMCO ELISABETH R+MICHAEL K 11600 RAINIER AVE S U203 RENTON WA 98055 1181000220 DEMPSTER ROBERT I+DIANE W 11600 RAINIER AVE 5 #406 RENTON WA 98055 8069000095 DENEAU ALEA 11614TH AVE E #1 SEATTLE WA 98112 3629160020 DENISON STEVEN+ELlZABETH 1100 N 38TH 5T RENTON WA 98056 4010800105 DENNEY GREG 18415 W LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 5126400250 DENNY LARRY K+MARGRIET WOLT 3205 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 1180000050 DERONG JUE EDWIN 3615 MONTEREY CT NE RENTON WA 98056 0623059011 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUS 400 COUNTRYWIDE WAY SIMI VALLEY CA 93065 1180000455 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUS 1270 NORTHLAND DR U200 MENDOTA HEIGHTS MN S5120 4058200265 DEVRIES KURT 11039 84TH AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 • 8069000090 DEXTER STANLEY G CARTER JEANETTE L 10386 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 3342100535 DHALIWAL KHUSHMINDER SINGH 2811 BURNETT AVE N RENTON WA 98056 8899600070 DICH lYNN 13996 NE 1ST PL BELLEVUE WA 98005 2329780320 DIEBOLT HALINA 15400 SE 155TH PL U32 RENTON WA 98058 3342102495 DIEDERICHS LISA ANNE 908 N 33RD PL RENTON WA 98056 4058200405 OIESNER ELIZABETH A 10807 DIXON DR S SEATTLE WA 98178 3224059038 OIEU RANDY+JULIE 1312 N 40TH ST RENTON WA 98056 942S530360 DILLARD ALLEN & LlZETTE ARR 1800 NE 40TH ST #D-201 RENTON WA 98056 1778450160 DILLON ROY DEAN+PEGGY JEAN 1700 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N U404 RENTON WA 98056 0623059022 DINH LUAN V+BANG GUONG T NG 8408 S 112TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 9425530560 DION CLAIRE 1800 NE 40TH ST #E-303 RENTON WA 98056 512690040S DOBSON JOHN W ESTATE DOBSON WYMAN K P R PO BOX 59 RENTON WA 98057 3342100400 DOBSON STEVEN L 1008 N 33RD PL RENTON WA 980S6 9425530020 DOCIU SONIA 1800 NE 40TH ST #B-2 RENTON WA 980S6 4008400185 DONALDSON ROBBIE A+CHREE L 18321 W LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 9B058 9425530420 DONG NANCY FONG 1800 NE 40TH ST #G-1 RENTON WA 98056 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATINLINE ADDRLlNE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE 3345700145 DONNELL GORDON ROBERT 7421152ND CT NE REDMOND WA 98052 2329780790 DONOHUE 15400 5E 155TH PL #79 RENTON WA 98058 9425530460 DOREMUS BLAIR E 1800 NE 40TH ST #G-5 RENTON WA 98056 1147000080 DORVAL DANIEL & ESTELLE 2015 NE 32ND ST RENTON WA 98056 1778450050 DOWELL MARY K+JOSEPH l 1700 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #201 RENTON WA 98056 3623049091 DRAINAGE DIST 1 POBOX 297 KENT WA 98032 1461200060 DRUMM RANDALL+ROSARIO PALACIOS 14529 144TH PL SE RENTON WA 98059 1332700060 DUBY WM C & ANN C 2948 KENNEWICK PL NE #6 RENTON WA 98056 9189700145 DULL LYLE A 13120 SE 151ST RENTON WA 98058 3342700484 DUNDAS DONALD R & P DENICE 3701 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 3342102985 DURR YOSEF R+DARCIE E C 908 N 35TH ST RENTON WA 98056 1134000160 EDMONDS B L 1008 SHELTON AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 1332700100 EDSON SUSAN I 2940 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 4058200350 EDWARDS W B 10879 DIXON DR 5 SEATILE WA 98178 • 0007200109 EGAWA AILEEN SAORI 91 WILLIAMS AVE S RENTON WA 98057 2212000230 EGENES DANE A 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #C203 RENTON WA 98055 1181000120 EIDSON LARRY K 11600 RAINIER AVE S #302 RENTON WA 98055 8856890110 ELICH DANIEL M 15854 SE 156TH ST RENTON WA 98058 7221400470 ELLIOT ROBERT C+DENISE 5 300 RENTON AVE S RENTON WA 98055 9425530030 ELLIS DANIEL E 1801 NE 40TH ST #B-3 RENTON WA 98056 2329781010 ELLIS LOU 15400 5E 155TH PL #101 RENTON WA 98058 2045400180 ENG TUCK L & JOHNADEE 4716 S MORGAN ST SEATILE WA 98118 5126400040 ERCOLINI STEVEN J+BETSY L.F 3016 SOUTHEAST 5TH ST RENTON WA 98058 2212000180 ERNST LEE E 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #C102 RENTON WA 98055 1332700120 ESPE BRIAN & DENISE 2936 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 9425530620 EUBANK ASHLEY K 1800 NE 40TH ST #F-6 RENTON WA 98056 3340406261 EXPERION CAPITAL LLC 5837 JEAN RD LAKE OSWEGO OR 97035 3342103310 FACILITIES & OPERATIONS CTR OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIR 300 SW 7TH ST RENTON WA 98055 1181000110 FAIT ROSE M 11600 RAINIER AVE 5 #301 RENTON WA 98055 7226000115 FAKHARZADEH M HADI PO BOX 78404 SEATILE WA 98178 2423049063 FAMILY FUN CENTERS TUKWILA 7300 FUN CENTER WAY TUKWILA WA 98188 2329780850 FARNHAM CONNIE #19168 15400 SE 155TH PL #85 RENTON WA 98058 • 2045800066 FARRAR GREGG S 10458 DIXON DR S SEATILE WA 98178 5127000900 FEATHER RUSSELL A 14243 SOUTHEAST 146TH ST RENTON WA 98059 3342700388 FEROGLIA GARY A+WORTMAN SHA 1015 N 38TH ST RENTON WA 98056 7954310050 FILION MICHELLE+KRI5 3507 LlNDOLN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 4010800125 FINKBEINER DANIEL+KELLY POBOX 59566 RENTON WA 980582566 2329780870 FINN RICHARD 15400 SE 155TH PL #87 RENTON WA 98058 7231501095 FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOA PO BOX 358 RENTON WA 98055 7226000090 FISHER SALLY A 854 REDMOND AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 1644500240 FITZGERALDT+ClACClO R POB 53034 BELLEVUE WA 98015 9425530600 FLAHERTY DAVID+KATHY 1800 NE 40TH ST #F-4 RENTON WA 98056 1332700280 FLEMING JOHN E 2904 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 1181000050 FLIGHT ANTONIO F 11600 RAINIER AVE S #201 RENTON WA 98055 9425530250 FORBES ANGELA L 1800 NE 40TH ST #H-3 RENTON WA 98056 1180000255 FORBES KARMA 8518 S 113TH ST 5EATILE WA 98178 4010800150 FORTIER JAMES M FI5CHERFORTIER K DENICE 18549 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 0296000065 FOSTER JEFF M 7243 TWIN CEDAR LN SE OLYMPIA WA 98501 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATINLINE ADDRLlNE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE 2212DOO190 FOSTER RICH INC 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #C103 RENTON WA 980S5 7954310100 FOUTS MICHAEL M+LAURA A 3411 LINCOLN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 3823300030 FRANCIS RAY D 740 N 32ND ST #3 RENTON WA 98056 2329780530 FRANCIS SHIRLEY ANN 15400 SE 155TH PL #53 RENTON WA 98058 1938100050 FRANCO MARLAND B+CAROLJ 2855 BLAINE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 S126900390 FRANKLIN B & PIEDFORT 0 L 3608 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 980S5 7229300595 FRASIER CHRISTINE SEVERYNS WILLIAM PO BOX 836 RENTON WA 98057 2323059030 FRENCH DOUGLAS F 15258 150TH LN SE RENTON WA 98058 2223059117 FRIEDLAND BROOKS+ANDREA L 6621 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD 5E NEWCASTLE WA 98056 2296500185 FRIENDS OF YOUTH GRIFFIN HOME 16225 NE 87TH A6 REDMOND WA 98052 3342100556 FRISVOLD LARRY A+CYNDA B 707 NORTH 29TH STREET RENTON WA 98056 33421D027S FUJIKI STEVEN H 3114 LK WA BLVD NORTH RENTON WA 980S6 1180000340 FULTON CAROL 8S05 S 113TH SEATTLE WA 98178 4100200010 FURER HARRY I+MARCJA 11323 RAINIER AVE 5 itA SEATTLE WA 98178 • 41002D0020 FURER HARRY I+MARCIA 11323 RAINIER AVE S #B SEATTLE WA 98178 4100200030 FURER HARRY I+MARCIA 11323 RAINIER AVE S #C SEATTLE WA 98178 4100200040 FURER HARRY I+MARCIA 11323 RAINIER AVE S #D SEATTLE WA 98178 2045800260 FURER HARRY I+MARCIA 632S S7TH AVE S SEATTLE WA 98118 8856920310 GALIOS GREGORY+PATRICIA lS6D5 156TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 2D45800155 GALLAGHER KENNETH 1064D DIXON DR S SEATTLE WA 98178 2329780760 GANNON GEORGIA 15400 SE 155TH PL #76 RENTON WA 98058 0007200162 GANNON GREG PO BOX 391 HOBART WA 9802S ODD720009D GANNON J K +L E LIVING TRST C/O GANNON JACK K+LOIS E TRS 22925 SE 292ND PL BLACK DIAMOND WA 9801D 2D45800175 GARNER JAMES PO BOX 78155 SEATTLE WA 98178 1461200050 GARRETT ROBERT LEE+GALLOWAY TERESA K 14525 144TH PL SE RENTON WA 98059 4D58800355 GASCA GILBERT S 104D1 76TH AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 5126900425 GATHMANN RICHARD JAMES 3621 SE 5TH PL RENTON WA 98058 8069000210 GAVINO JAIME B 3420 BURKE AVE N A301 SEATTLE WA 98103 4058200080 GEBREMARIAM MICHAEL 10840 DIXON DR S SEATTLE WA 98178 3342102760 GERRING DALE+LlNDA L 905 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 942553032D GIBBS STEVEN S 1800 NE 40TH ST #J-4 RENTON WA 98056 221200010D GIBSON LANCE M 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #B102 RENTON WA 98055 • 232978105D GILBERT JEREMY J+MELISSA S 15400 5E 155TH PL #105 RENTON WA 98058 2323059135 GILDCREST ENTERPRISES LLC PO BOX 253 ISSAQUAH WA 98027 334210277D GILL DOLORES M 917 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 885692073D GILLERSTROM MARILYN 157D7 SE 156TH ST RENTON WA 98058 2223059106 GIRAD JACI 13308 SE 149TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 7226000121 GIULIANI JOHN R JR 812 N 1ST 5T RENTON WA 98055 1253810260 GK SERVICES CO ATTN: TAX DEPT 5995 OPUS PKWY #500 MINNETONKA MN 55343 1253810085 GLACIER PARK COMPANY C/O CONOCOPHILLIPS CO PO BOX 1539 PASO ROBLES CA 93447 1134000140 GLEASON JASON R 3950 SE 10TH PL RENTONWA 98058 3342100490 GOBEL PAUL R+JULIA C 2100 LK WASHINGTON BL N Q1D1 RENTON WA 98056 7226000160 GOLDEN JASON+NORA 801 N 2ND 5T RENTON WA 98057 2523059019 GOLLER ALVA & DOROTHY 17340 E LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 8856920340 GOMES DENISE RAE+STEPHEN C JR 15532 156TH (T Sf RENTON WA 98058 5126900440 GOMEZHERNANDEZ ANDRE 35D6 5E 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 3623059071 GONZALEZ GABRIEL+NANCY L 18008 E LAKE DESIRE DR RENTON WA 98058 3342100510 GONZALEZ LUIS+DIANA 808 N 29TH ST RENTON WA 98056 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATINLINE ADDRLlNE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE 2223D59D47 GOOD GRANT+MARCY 4406 221ST PL5W MOUNTLAKE TERRACE WA 98D43 232978D480 GOSSELIN BARBARA J 154DD SE lS5TH PL #4B RENTON WA 98D58 3224D59107 GOULD RAYMOND L VENA CANDACE 1426 N 4DTH ST RENTON WA 98D56 2523059027 GOWIN CONSTANCE F 17436 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98D58 19381ooo7D GRACZYK EDMUND P 2843 BLAINE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 9188Doo12S GRADY WAY ILLC PO BOX 27069 SEATILE WA 98125 9425530410 GRAVES DENNIS+TOMOKO 18DD NE 40TH ST #D-303 RENTON WA 98DS6 3342100615 GRAVES LAVERNE E 9DS N 28TH PL RENTONWA 98D56 8856890310 GRIFFUS WILLIAM M+RHONDA J 16126 SE lS6TH ST RENTON WA 98D58 72214DD025 GRINOl05 ANN V 324 CEDAR AVE 5 RENTON WA 98D55 S1264DD100 GRONBERG FRANK M 31015E 5TH ST RENTON WA 98D55 232978088D GROVES FRED+CHRISTINE lS4DD SE lS5TH PL #88 RENTON WA 98D58 2212000220 GUEVARA ASHLEY 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #C202 RENTON WA 98055 5127000990 GUGGENMOS STEVEN L+MICHELLE 14619142ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98DS9 • S127DDI000 GUGGENMOS STEVEN L+PARKIN MICHELLE K 14615 142ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98DS9 17784S01OD GUTHRIE FAMILYTRUST 17DD LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #302 RENTON WA 98D56 2423049061 GUY GLENN LEE 10948 SE 284TH KENT WA 98031 40582001D5 HAAG G L ID862 DIXON DR S SEATILE WA 98178 1332700080 HAJNY MARILYN K 2944 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98DS6 7225000405 HAM FREDERICK H JR 200 WELLS AVE N RENTON WA 98055 3342100485 HAMADEH NABIL & GHAOA 2908 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 4058200115 HARE FREDERICK V 10876 DIXON DR 5 SEATILE WA 98178 1181000010 HARER PROPERTIES IILLC C/O J STEVE HARER 1160D RAINIER AVE 5 #101 RENTON WA 98055 1181000090 HARER PROPERTIES II LLC C/O J STEVE HARE R 11600 RAINIER AVE 5 #205 RENTON WA 98055 7226000095 HARGROVE JOHN P 105 WELLS AVE N RENTON WA 98055 1332700070 HARMES KAREN H 2946 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 9189700210 HARMON JEFFREY JOHN+CHERYl 15027 133RD AVE 5E RENTON WA 98058 512640DD55 HARRISON HEATHER P 31D65E 5TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 2249800060 HART SHAWN E 1911 NE 29TH CT RENTON WA 98D56 7225000400 HARTMAN BRAD P+KRISTINA NOE 206 WELLS AVE N RENTON WA 98D55 2329780730 HASSEL WARREN M+NOLA J 15400 SE 155TH PL #73 RENTON WA 98058 232978D06D HASSON JAMES B lS4DD SE 155TH PL #6 RENTON WA 98058 • 3224059054 HAUER ALFRED H 133D N 40TH ST RENTON WA 98056 2D4S800050 HEBERT MASON BEAU+COURTNEY 11012 56TH AVE S 5EATILEWA 98178 5126900430 HEHR GREGORY E 31806 SE 291ST ST RAVENSDALE WA 98D51 2045800275 HEIMBACH JOHN W 10607 DIXON OR S SEATILE WA 98178 7229300600 HEITMAN BODEN SANDRA 50 LOGAN AVE S RENTON WA 98D55 3224059058 HELINA PATRICIA 5 M 4DD4 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98D56 13327DD210 HEMPHILL MICHAEL D 2918 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 91897D0220 HENDRICKSON HOPE L+CONZALES 15D41133RD AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 3342103020 HENSLEY BYRON L & JO ANN 9D4 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 2223059122 HENSON KARL D+SUSAN L 14914134TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98D55 9189700230 HERDT JOYCE E+RICHARD 13216 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98D58 5126900380 HERRIGES LAUNNY R 554 PIERCE AVE SE RENTON WA 98D58 2329780700 HERRMANN JANE ANN 15400 SE 155TH PL #70 RENTON WA 98058 334270D418 HERTEL MARSHA JANICE 3836 LK WASH BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 2523049058 HGK RENTON PROPERTY LLC 1100 SW 27TH ST RENTON WA 98057 3224059059 HICKS GARDNER 4008 LAKE WASH BLVD N #4 RENTON WA 98056 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTNLlNE ADDRLlNE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE 3224059036 HICKS GARDNER W 4008 LAKE WASH BLVD N # 4 RENTON WA 98056 5126400110 HILLJAMES E & BETTY C 3115 SE 5TH ST RENTON WA 98058 7225000435 HINDMAN TODD GREGORY 913 N 2ND ST RENTON WA 98055 3345700220 HINES DELORES M 1825 NE 38TH 5T RENTON WA 98056 7225000445 HINTON ROLAND 108 WELLS AVE N RENTON WA 98057 2329781000 HINZ JERRY W+BARBARA L 15400 SE 155TH Pl #100 RENTON WA 98058 4058200305 HIRAIWA JAMES EIICHI 8203 S LAKERRIDGE DR $EAITlE WA 98178 1644500290 HOLLAND JAMES A+MILIONE CAT 906 N 27TH PL RENTON WA 98056 5126400160 HOLM DAVID 3120 5E 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 8856920460 HOLM PETER D+CINDY A 15524 157TH CT SE RENTON WA 98058 7221400465 HOLT DANIELJ+SUSANNA R 310 RENTON AVE S RENTON WA 98055 7954310120 HONG NGHIEP K+VAN T TRINH 3333 LINCOLN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 3342100495 HOPPER SELMA E+CHARLES S 712 N 29TH ST RENTON WA 98056 2223059123 HOUCHINS PERRY R+HOUCHINS KAREN R 15036 133RD SE RENTON WA 98058 • 2212000300 HOUSER PAUL W JR & AMY 5 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #0202 RENTON WA 98055 9425530300 HSU ERICA 1800 NE 40TH ST #J-2 RENTON WA 98056 3342103743 HUDSON WILLIAM 8058 118TH AVE SE NEWCASTLE WA 98056 2045800051 HUGHES JEFFREY W PO BOX 82 RENTON WA 98057 3779200170 HUGHES L P+MARY ELLEN 8865 OVERLAKE DR W MEDINA WA 98039 2329780600 HUGHES THOMAS E III+HUGHES 15400 SE 155TH PL #60 RENTON WA 98058 5126900505 HUMBLE ROBERT 5265 MAJESKA LN CASHMERE WA 98815 3342700425 HUNTTHOMAS R+CARYLJ 1125 N 40TH ST RENTON WA 98056 9425530480 HUSMANN SHAWN C 1800 NE 40TH 5T #E-101 RENTON WA 98056 2223059109 HUTCHINS LEE J+BARBARA J 15026134TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 3224059062 HUTTON H DOUGLAS+SUSAN C 1432 N 40TH ST RENTON WA 98056 2212000060 HUTTON RONALD E 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #A202 RENTON WA 98055 11800004£() HUYNH NGOC THI 85405 114TH ST SEATILEWA 98178 7225000430 HYLER ROBERT 5+GERALDINE R 127 PELLY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 2223059155 HYNES RONNIE & CHERYL 15109 149TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 4058200360 IACI KATHERINE 10867 DIXON DR S SEATTLE WA 98178 3343300920 IDEAL FINANCIAL5ERVICES LL 10436 SE CARR RD #101 RENTON WA 98055 2212000050 IGELMUND DARRELL & LINDA 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #A201 RENTON WA 98055 • 2212000080 IGELMUND DARRELL & LINDA 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #A204 RENTON WA 98055 2423049008 INDUSTRIAL VALUATION SERVIC PO BOX 92108 AUSTIN TX 78709 1778450020 INVEST LLC 1700 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #102 RENTON WA 98056 1778450030 INVEST LLC 1700 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #103 RENTON WA 98056 1778450120 INVEST LLC 1700 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #304 RENTON WA 98056 1778450130 INVEST LLC 1700 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #401 RENTON WA 98056 2329780330 IRELAND DAVID 15400 5E 155TH PL #33 RENTON WA 98058 9425530340 ISHIKAWA MI5UZU 1800 NE 40TH ST #0-102 RENTON WA 98056 3623059070 J 0 I NORTHWEST HOLDINGS 10605 SE 240TH ST KENT WA 98031 7565100025 J G RENTON LLC 400 112TH AVE NE #230 BELLEVUE WA 98004 2045800005 JACKSON ELESIA 10473 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 1678400130 JACKSON JACQUELINE M 11028 84TH AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 3342700364 JACOBS GLORIA K 1012 N 36TH RENTON WA 98055 3342103150 JACQUES JIM H 6833 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 1253810010 JAMES FAMILY ILLC 3401 LIND AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 2329780270 JAMES NICOLE 15400 5E 155TH PL #27 RENTON WA 98058 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATINLINE ADDRlINE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE 2212000170 JELINEK JANE M 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #C101 RENTON WA 980SS 3342700476 JENKINS ERIK M+KIMBERLY A 3611 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 7224000130 JENSEN PAUL S+KATHLEEN 112 PEllY AVE N RENTON WA 98055 1938100090 JENSEN YOUNG MATI+lISBET CELLOLAAN 5 2992 NB BARENDRECHT THE NETHERLANDS 00000 334210024S JENZEN JOYCE M 801 N 32ND ST RENTON WA 98D56 3342700497 JEPSON BARRY+ANITA 11642 100TH AVE NE #105 KIRKLAND WA 98034 2223059133 JEROME ANITA 4118 BEACH DR FREELAND WA 98249 723150109D JKH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC 22217 255TH AVE SE MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 Doo7200093 JO BITNEY HOLDINGS LLC 11413 SE 86TH ST NEWCASTLE WA 98056 5029500040 JOHNS SUKHUI 6625 109TH PL SE NEWCASTLE WA 98056 2223059060 JOHNSON CLIFFORD C+JOHNSON 3665 55TH AVE SW SEATILEWA 98116 8069000100 JOHNSON GEORGE W+VERONICA P 10396 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 0007200D53 JOHNSON JAMES G 42S8 SW SUNSET DRIVE LAKE OSWEGO OR 97034 7221400455 JOHNSON MARK W+MARIANNE H N 316 RENTON AVE S RENTON WA 98055 • 2212000090 JOHNSON MICHAEL L 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #BI01 RENTON WA 98055 72260000S0 JOHNSON PATRiCiA M 209 WILLIAMS AVE N RENTON WA 98055 3345700083 JOHNSON PETER W & NATALIE F 310 14TH ST RAYMOND WA 98577 3342100569 JOHNSON SUSAN E 2820 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 980S6 6689400015 JOHNSTON CHRISTOPHER P+STEP 3926 SE 11TH ST RENTON WA 98058 1332700050 JONE5 DEBRA S 2950 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 3342100530 JONES EMILY ANN 2815 BURNETI AVE N RENTON WA 98056 1623059013 JONES TROY H 15025 SE MAPLE VALLEY HWY RENTON WA 98058 2329780580 JORDAN ALICE J 15400 5E 155TH PL #58 RENTON WA 98058 1181000080 JUDY KAREN R 11600 RAINIER AVE S #204 RENTON WA 98055 1253810050 JWC & K LLC 3901 RAYMOND AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 2423049123 K & M HOLDINGS IV LLC 1201 MONSTER RD 5W #350 RENTON WA 98055 2523059015 KAIRIS SONJA 17319 WE5T LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 4058800370 KAMPSEN DARREN+CARLA C 10423 76TH AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 2329780230 KANG HAE+CHOU M 5AN 15400 SE 15STH PL #23 RENTON WA 98058 3342102971 KAO ALBERT UPING+KAO BECKI SUE 1002 N 35TH ST RENTON WA 98056 1644500270 KARPIAK VICTOR+ROBBI D 2719 WILLIAMS AVE N RENTON WA 98056 0623059012 KATAOKA CANDACE J 8502 S 112TH ST SEATILE WA 98178 • 9189700160 KAUZLARICH RIETA C 13210 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98058 2329780310 KEELER KARYN C 15400 SE 155TH PL #31 RENTON WA 98058 2523059025 KELSEY HENRY & KAREN L 17411 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 1253710060 KENT CITY OF 220 4TH AVE S KENT WA 98032 7226000075 KEYMON INVESTMENT PROPERTIE 5310 NE 4TH CT RENTON WA 98059 3345100013 KHAN ADILA 2817 DAYTON AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 1678400135 KILKER STANLEY D 11048 84TH AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 2323059078 KIM SO JIN+YI SUN HWA 14820 Sf JONES PL RENTON WA 98058 1310430680 KING COUNTY 500 K C ADMIN BLDG 500 4TH AVE SEATILE WA 98104 2223059104 KING COUNTY N FAEG 500 4TH AVE #600 SEATILE WA 98104 2423059029 KING COUNTY REAL ESTATE SEC 500 4TH AVE #500 SEATILE WA 98104 2323059093 KING COUNTY WATER DIST 90 15606 SE 128TH RENTON WA 98059 3342102531 KING RUSSELL 0 + JONNI C 919 N 35TH ST RENTON WA 98056 3342100380 KINGEN MARTHA C 3014 LK WASH BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 1180000205 KIRCHHOFF ELAINE M 8540 S 113TH ST $EAITLE WA 98178 3823300050 KIRKMAN PAULINE H 740 N 32ND ST #5 RENTON WA 98056 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTNlINE ADDRlINE CITYSTATE ZlPCODE 0296000082 KNAUSS LARRY G 16405 SEJONES RD RENTON WA 98058 5126900470 KNIBBS JAMES A+EVA M 3601 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 1332700290 KNOWLE GLENN E+lINDA E 2902 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 2212000140 KOCH KIMBERLY+THEODORE 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #B202 RENTON WA 98055 5029500050 KOCH THEODORE A 6615 109TH PL SE RENTON WA 98056 4058200085 KOSHI ROBERT P+KIM HOANG TR 12718 SE 80TH WAY NEWCASTLE WA 98056 3956500050 KOSOBUTSKI ALEXEI+PANTCHENK 2001 NE 28TH PL RENTON WA 98056 3623059117 KOSTEN DOUGLAS W 14700 PETROVIT5KY RD #K202 RENTON WA 98058 8856920360 KOUBA JAMES D 15536 156TH CT SE RENTON WA 98058 5126900400 KRAUS OSCAR+lINDA 3624 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 3342700526 KRAUSE JODY L+NOERENBERG JE 3903 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 5126900395 KUBICEK MICHAEL A 3616 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 2223059101 KULLBERG JAMES J 13330 SE lSlST RENTON WA 98058 3342700558 KULLMAN CHRISTOPHER G 3820 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 • 2329780720 KUNZ V PATRICIA 15400 SE 155TH PL #72 RENTON WA 98058 9425530080 KURESMAN KIMBERLY 1800 NE 40TH 5T #C-2 RENTON WA 98056 9425530110 KURTZ JOHN R+NAM H 1800 NE 40TH 5T #C-5 RENTON WA 98056 4008400175 KWON JOHNASON+SOON OK 18301 W LAKE DESIRE DR 5E RENTON WA 98058 1938100080 KYES DOUGLAS R+SONJA M 2837 BLAINE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 2045800015 KYRO KARA 10496 DIXON DR 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 7954310500 LA CROSSE HOA 6947 COAL CREEK PKWY SE #744 NEWCASTLE WA 98059 3345700112 LAFEVER DAVID LLOYD+MONICA 3915 LINCOLN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 3342700627 LAKE BUCKY L 3716 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 3344500455 LAKE PARK VENTURE LLC 2500 MINOR AVE E SEATTLE WA 98102 9425530220 LAM YEN H 1800 N E 40TH 5T #A-10 RENTON WA 98056 2329780910 LAMPKIN SHEILA R 15400 SE 155TH PL #91 RENTON WA 98058 3224059039 LANGE ROBERT H 4017 PARK AVE N RENTON WA 98056 2045800090 LARSEN ELLEN F 10410 DIXON DR 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 1180000158 LARSEN NANCY KAE 8515 5 112TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 9189700075 LARSON JEROME R+VIRGINIA L 15027 131ST AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 9425530070 LASKE RESIDENCE 1800 NE 40TH 5T #C-1 RENTON WA 98056 7225000460 LAUCK MARION L 904 NORTH 1ST ST RENTON WA 98055 • 3342103745 LAVALLEYTED 18019 SE 1215T PL RENTON WA 98059 6689400035 LAW ESTELLE M POBOX 44 RENTON WA 98057 4058200110 LAY VAY PAC 10866 DIXON DR 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 1253810020 LBA REALTY C/O THOMSON REUTERS 2235 FARADAY AVE SUITE 0 CARLSBAD CA 92008 7224000070 LE 8 ASSOCIATES PS C/O VIENNA LE 135 PARK AVE N #101 RENTON WA 98055 8856920410 LE CHUOI TAN+NGA THI NGUYEN 15704 SE 156TH ST RENTON WA 98058 1180000415 lE PETER+MYLAN 85S1114TH 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 1644500210 LE PHANG+BUI HOA THI THANH 2620 WILLIAMS AVE N RENTON WA 98056 3342700381 LE SELL SHIRLEY J 3710 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 8856920490 LE TRAN 15836 SE 156TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 7226000145 LEATH LEY LEONARD T 809 N 2ND ST RENTON WA 98055 9425530D4D LEBEAU ERENA M 1801 NE 40TH 5HB-4 RENTON WA 98056 2523059021 LEE DEBRA & BARRY 17441 W LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 3342700552 LEE DONALD 3926 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 1147000050 LEE MICHAEL+MELODY 22726 SE 49TH Pl ISSAQUAH WA 98029 1147000100 LEE SOON JA KIM+DAVID KIM 2027 NE 32ND ST RENTON WA 98056 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTNLlNE AODRLlNE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE 2212000250 LEE TAE S 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #0101 RENTON WA 980SS 4008400157 LEEP JESSE L 18225 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 2323059010 LEHMANN TYLER L 15202149TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 5128000005 LENNON MILDRED H+BUTTON CAR 6702 S BANGOR CT SEATTLE WA 98178 7226000030 LEWARNEJACK W 231 WILLIAMS AVE N RENTON WA 98055 1180000265 LHOTKA WARREN L 90S 24TH AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98144 1180000245 LI JIAN 6617 S 124TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 3342700492 LIANG GUOXUAN+XUELING LUO ET AL 3705 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98905 39S5901420 LIBERTY RIDGE HOMEOWNERS 912510TH AVE S SEATTLE WA 98108 2223059075 LlDSTRAND CONNIE M 15006133RD AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 3342700530 LIM SUNG+JUNG 3921 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 1253810110 LIND AVENUE INVESTORS LLC 3215 LIND AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 0296000055 LINDBERG PHYLLIS M 233142ND AVE SW #205 SEATTLE WA 98116 1332700250 LLEWELLYN SUSAN 2910 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 • 3342700540 LOPEZ CHRISTOPHER+JENNIFER 3932 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 3342103735 LORD MARK LORD LISA 3307 MTN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 2045800235 LOUIE LINCOLN A 5550 26TH AVE S SEATTLE WA 98108 5128000015 LOWRY ROBERT JOHN 15001130TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 8856890090 LOZADA HENRY B+LOZADA OFELI 15900 SE 156TH ST RENTON WA 9BOS8 4058200195 LUBONG NICA S 11006 LOTUS PL S SEATTLE WA 98178 204S800077 LUCANH K+HONG LONG XUAN+TR 10448 DIXON DR S SEATTLE WA 98178 2329780840 LUCAS LIDIA + JORGE 1S400 SE 155TH PL #84 RENTON WA 980S8 3342103625 LUCK VIRGINIA E 285 SAND DUNE AVE NW OCEAN SHORES WA 98569 2212000070 LUGER THERESE M 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #A203 RENTON WA 98055 8856920630 LUNDERMAN MARK W 15608 156TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 4058200090 LUX EUGENE V+MARILYN C 10850 DIXON DRIVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 5128000070 LYONS JACK A+LEOTA M 15002135TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 3342102745 MACCUBBIN LOUIS+KAREN 4049 AMES LAKECARNATION RD NE REDMOND WA 98053 2045800225 MACDONALD BRUCE E 10653 DIXON DR S SEATTLE WA 98178 2323059178 MADDEN FRANCES C 15209 150TH LN SE RENTON WA 98058 5126900475 MADDEN JESSICA LYNN 3605 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 2523059037 MADDEN JODI 17422 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 • 2329781020 MADDOX ROY 1S400 SE 155TH PL #102 RENTON WA 98058 1147000110 MAHAlKO DAVID $+$ALLY ANNE 2033 NE 32ND ST RENTON WA 98056 3342100165 MAHER MARK C 713 N 33RD ST RENTON WA 98055 3342100160 MAIERS SPENCER V 803 N 33RD ST RENTONWA 98056 3342100060 MAIN STREET BUILDERS L L C 40305 302ND AVE SE ENUMCLAWWA 98022 3342100065 MAIN STREET BUILDERS LLC 3309 BURNETT AVE N RENTON WA 98056 5126400045 MAJERUS DANIEL 3020 SE 5TH ST RENTON WA 98058 9425530210 MAJEWSKI PETE P+5USAN R 1802 NE 40TH ST #A-9 RENTON WA 98056 1181000180 MALCOLM PAMELA G 11600 RAINIER AVE S #402 RENTON WA 98055 7954310140 MALHOTRA SACHIN & ANJALI 3321 LINCOLN AVE NE NEW CASTLE WA 98056 3342103152 MALLORY KATHLEEN 3509 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 8069000105 MALONEY W HUGH+CAROL C 10400 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 2045800140 MANGINI CHARLES E 10646 DIXON DR 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 4058200200 MANNING STEVEN E+SHElLA M 11012 LOTUS PL S SEATTLE WA 98178 2423049100 MANUFACTURERS MINERAL CO 1215 MONSTER RD SW RENTON WA 98055 3342103480 MAPILI CHARlE$+MARY ANN 2316 NE 31ST ST RENTON WA 98056 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTN LINE ADDRlINE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE 2223059D40 MAPLEWOOD ADDITION WATER COOPERATIVE PO BOX 766 RENTON WA 980S7 33421OD126 MAR ADON+MINDY 9D6 N 33RD ST RENTONWA 98056 204540D250 MAR DOUGLAS J 5424 SEWARD PK AVE S SEATTLE WA 98118 4058200070 MAR HAYDON J 4019 90TH AVE 5E MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 1180000040 MARKS ANDREW J+STEPHANIE A 8425 5 112TH 5T SEATTLE WA 98178 6391220020 MARR CHRISTINE E GUARDIAN 143 PARK AVE N #B RENTON WA 98055 9189700065 MARTELL CARROLLJR 15043 1315T AVE 5E RENTON WA 98055 3342700620 MARTIN DANA RENNELLE+CANTEL 3704 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 1180000225 MASON E F 8534 113TH 5 SEATILE WA 98128 2323059113 MAYES BERNICE 15633 5E JONES RD RENTON WA 98058 2223059113 MCCORKLE WADE S 13307 5E RENTON MAPLE VALLEY RD RENTON WA 98058 9189700140 MCCOY ROBYN LYNN 15029132ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 2329780200 MCCRACKEN LEE 15400 SE 155TH PL #20 RENTON WA 98058 5127001110 MCCREADY DONALD G 14434 1415T AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 • 3623059066 MCDONALD J PAVO 17804 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 2045800105 MCDONALD JOHN CORMAC 7710 5 106TH 5T 5EATTLE WA 98178 2045800190 MCELROY THOMAS A+LEAH C 10616 DIXON DR 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 9425530590 MCEVER CHRISTOPHER 1800 NE 40TH ST #F-3 RENTON WA 98056 5127000980 MCFARLAND ROBERT C 14616 142ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 4058800365 MCGAVIN ALEX R+LEGRAND ERIC H 10417 76TH AVE 5 SEAITLEWA 98178 6689400075 MCGINNIS ARNOLD 4017 5E 11TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 2045800325 MCGLOTHIN DENNIS 10495 DIXON DR 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 2212000020 MCLAUGHLIN PROPERTIES LLC 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #A102 RENTON WA 98055 1180000466 MCLEOD ANTHONY + TERRI 1618 40TH AVE SEATTLE WA 98122 1180000465 MCLEODANTHONY+TERRI L 85365 114TH 5T SEATTLE WA 98178 7226000110 MCMILLAN RENA 121 WELLS AVE N RENTON WA 98D55 9425530280 MCPHERSON DOROTHEA A 1800 N E 40TH ST #H-6 RENTON WA 98056 5126400170 MEADOWS ROBERT T+VALORIE C 3204 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 1332700010 MEANS RICK R 2958 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 2329780690 MEDEIROS KATHRYN J S 15400 SE 155TH PL #69 RENTON WA 98058 0007200139 ME02EGIAN JAMES V+JOANNE M 11204 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 5126400260 MEHTALA MICHAEL L+REBECCA E PO BOX 2392 RENTON WA 98056 • 4058200100 MELLOR H I 10860 DIXON DR 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 1181000130 MELLOTT DARRYL 11600 RAINIER AVE 5 #303 RENTON WA 98055 9425530270 MENDONICH GAYlE M 1800 NE 40TH 5T #H-5 RENTON WA 98056 9477720180 MEREDITH JA50N+ALYSSA 52608 NE 2ND ST 5CUPPOU5E OR 97056 3342100390 MERRELLJACK D+RITUALO JOAN 12536 206TH PL SE ISSAQUAH WA 98027 3342103156 MERRILL DEREK+CR05S ALEX 3419 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 7231502030 MERRILL GARDENS C/O PROPERTY TAX COUNSELORS PO BOX 3525 MCKINNEYTX 75070 3342102525 METTLER ELAINE M 913 N 3STH ST RENTON WA 98056 1253710050 METZLER I SPRINGBROOK LP 700 5TH AVE #6175 SEATTLE WA 98101 7224000120 MEYER DANIEL J PO BOX 40030 BELLEVUE WA 98015 2323059063 MILES DALE A 15023 SW JONES RD RENTON WA 98058 3342700516 MILLER GEORGE W III MILLER SYLVIA 3901 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 1181000140 MILLER GEORGIA FREELEY 11600 RAINIER AVE S #304 RENTON WA 98055 1678400125 MILLER KEITH W 11024 84TH AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 6689400085 MILLER MARION I 3909 SE 11TH RENTON WA 98058 3345700225 MILLER PAUL R+MILLER PAMELA JO 3623 LINCOLN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTNlINE ADDRlINE CITYSTATE ZlPCODE 4010800172 MILLER PHYLLIS SCHOTTMAN KATE 18614 179TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 1778450010 MILLICAN MARY ANN 1700 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #101 RENTON WA 98056 5126900450 MILLMANN DAVID 3517 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 3342102496 MILUTIN MARICH 1910 CANYON CLOSE RD PASADENACA 91107 3342700480 MITCHELL G C 3625 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98055 2329780990 MITCHELL GRAY 15400 SE 155TH PL #99 RENTON WA 98058 1332700230 MITCHELLJ WESLEY 2914 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 3342700493 MOFFATT ROBT L 3709 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98055 1678400141 MOHAMATH BASARI 11050 84TH AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 4010800155 MOORE CHRISTOPHER E MOORE JUDITH 18557 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 2212000320 MORGAN KAREN E 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVO N #0204 RENTON WA 98055 9425530190 MORIMOTO TAKAYOSHI 1801 NE 40TH 5T #A-7 RENTON WA 98056 4058200365 MORRIS JANE E 10861 DIXON DRIVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 7225000440 MORRISON JACK 112 WELLS AVE N RENTON WA 98055 • 2223059066 MORRISON JAMES T +LAKSO VIC 14915134TH AVE SE RENTON WA 2045800390 MORTON DARLA S 10436 76TH AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 3342700467 MOSS LYLE+SANDRA 14525 SE 51ST 5T BELLEVUE WA 98006 3342700370 MOSS PHYLLIS A SPELMAN SANDRA L 3632 LK WASH BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 7225000455 MOYNIHAN DAVID L+SUSAN K 104 WELLS AVE N RENTON WA 98057 3623049114 MPWA LLC 204 E 17TH ST#202 COST MESA CA 92627 2323059109 MUIRHEAD ROSS 14866154TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 9189700060 MULLER KURT A+lISA A 13020 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98058 2329780550 MURCHISON MYRTLE E 1S400SE lS5TH PL #55 RENTON WA 98058 9189700135 MURDOCHFA5TRUP SUSAN E 15021132ND AVE 5E RENTON WA 98058 0623059010 MURILLO CHRISTOPHER+LUANN 84265 112TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 722GD00020 MURILLO MARIANO M+CON5TANCIA M 210 BURNETT AVE N RENTON WA 98056 3342100630 MURPHY S W 923 N 28TH PL RENTON WA 98056 2212000240 MUSCAT JAMES P & JANE M 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #C204 RENTON WA 98055 7225000415 MVHRENTON PROPERTIES LLC 7711 31ST AVE NE SEATTLE WA 98115 2212000310 NAGAMINE AKIRA+HIDEKO 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #D203 RENTON WA 98055 9425530370 NAKAMURA BERT K 1800 NE 40TH 5T #D-202 RENTON WA 98056 3343300903 NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION PO BOX 23800 MERRIFIELD VA 22119 • 8856890080 NELSON KEITH E+lINDA J 15906 SE 156TH ST RENTON WA 98058 2045800100 NELSON MARY LOU 10402 DIXON DR S SEATTLE WA 98178 9477730190 NEWCASTLE CITY OF 13020 NEWCASTLE WAY NEWCASTLE WA 98059 2212000260 NEWING ANDREW H 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #D102 RENTON WA 98055 4058200385 NG ANNA 2924 72ND AVE SE MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 7954310070 NGO AN K+MY THANH LIEU 3429 LINCOLN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 0007200086 NGUYEN ALEXANDER H+MARY 104 WELlS AVE S RENTON WA 98055 3224059106 NGUYEN ANDREW+VILAY LAT$AMY 1438 N 40TH ST RENTON WA 98056 1180000410 NGUYEN CHINH HONGHRAN PHUO 8549 S 113TH ST SEATILE WA 98178 7224000135 NGUYEN DUY 12345 5E 181ST ST RENTON WA 98058 1180000075 NGUYEN NGOC VU+PHUONG TTRA 11217 85TH AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 1147000090 NGUYEN THAO THI NGOC 2021 NE 32ND ST RENTON WA 98056 3343300924 NGUYEN TRI DUY+LE PHU THITHANH 6841 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD SE NEWCASTLE WA 98056 1332700160 NICHOLS DAVID AND SHARON 2928 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 3345100015 NICHOLSON BRADLEY E 2811 DAYTON AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 3342700427 NICOLI BRUNO I+LlSSMAN OLGA 3404 BURNETT AVE N RENTON WA 98056 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTN LINE ADDRlINE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE 3345700132 NIElSEN BRUCE 3825 LINCOLN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 3345700130 NIELSEN MARGARET L 3835 LINCOLN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 5126400255 NIELSEN ROBERT M 3209 5E 6TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 2329780650 NILLES PETER E+C ELIZABETH 15400 SE 155TH PL #65 RENTON WA 98058 1180000360 NISHIMURA SHIRLEY 5UBALA 8533 5 114TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 1778450110 NIX SCOTTIE 1700 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #303 RENTON WA 98056 1332700300 NOMER JUNE M 2900 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 1423049043 NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO 916 SMITH TOWER SEATTLE WA 98104 1644500170 NURANI ASHIFA ALLAUOIN+SHEZ 2708 WILLIAMS AVE N RENTON WA 98056 3956500060 OAKLEY DAWN M 2000 NE 28TH PL RENTON WA 98056 9425530490 OBRIEN DONNA C 1800 NE 40TH ST #E-102 RENTON WA 98056 1181000210 OBRIEN JOSEPH G 11600 RAINIER AVE S #405 RENTON WA 98055 5128000007 O'BRIEN LYN+DELFIERRO CARVEL 15015 BOTH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 1332700030 O'CONNELL DEBRA L 2954 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 • 0007200055 OHARRA MICHAEL E 94 WILLIAMS AVE S RENTON WA 98056 3342102245 OHASHI DAVID M 902 N 33RD ST RENTON WA 98056 0518500190 OHASHI ROSS W+AVA W 1018 N 42ND PL RENTON WA 98056 5128000066 OHNEMUS HORACE 0 15018 BOTH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 2045400201 OHNO FRANK H+lIZ A PO BOX 22 EDMONDSWA 98020 4058200180 OKAZAKI GARY T 10922 DIXON DRIVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 7221400030 OLIVAREZ RIZAlINO+EVANGELIS 1211 5 3RD ST RENTON WA 98057 9425530380 OLSON AARON 1800 NE 40TH ST #0-203 RENTON WA 98056 2223059100 OLSON RONALD C 15029134TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 7224000075 ONE PARK PLACE LLC 135 PARK AVE N RENTON WA 98055 1147000120 ONGSTAD ERIK E+KATHERINE L 2105 NE 32NO ST RENTON WA 98056 2249800030 OPITZ TIMOTHY J+MElIS5A M 1906 N E 29TH CT RENTON WA 98056 1181000200 ORFF ELEANOR M 11600 RAINIER AVE 5 #404 RENTON WA 98055 2045800006 ORKNEY CRAIG E+HANSEN MARGA 10498 DIXON DR S SEATTLE WA 98178 3342102735 OSAOA KOICHI B+RHODA M 916 N 34TH ST RENTON WA 98056 1644500260 OSBORNE MICHAELA G 2715 WILLIAMS AVE N RENTON WA 98056 9425530580 DUREN LOREN 1800 NE 40TH ST #F-2 RENTON WA 98056 5126900170 OVERBY MARYA 3225 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 • 2329780100 OVERSON RODGER 15400 5E 155TH PL #10 RENTON WA 98058 2329781040 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #104 RENTON WA 98058 2329780110 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #11 RENTON WA 98058 2329780120 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #12 RENTON WA 98058 2329780140 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #14 RENTON WA 98058 2329780150 OVERSON RODGER 15400SE 155TH PL #15 RENTON WA 98058 2329780190 OVERSON RODGER 15400SE 155TH PL #19 RENTON WA 98058 2329780020 OVERSON RODGER 15400SE 155TH PL #2 RENTON WA 98058 2329780210 OVERSON RODGER 15400SE 155TH PL #21 RENTON WA 98058 2329780220 OVERSON RODGER 15400SE 155TH PL #22 RENTON WA 98058 2329780250 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #25 RENTON WA 98058 2329780260 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #26 RENTON WA 98058 2329780280 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #28 RENTON WA 98058 2329780290 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #29 RENTON WA 98058 2329780350 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #35 RENTON WA 98058 2329780360 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL#36 RENTON WA 98058 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTNlINE ADDRlINE CITYSTATE ZIP(ODE 2329780380 OVERSON RODGER 154DO 5E 15STH PL #38 RENTON WA 98058 2329780390 OVERSON RODGER 154DO SE 155TH PL #39 RENTON WA 98058 2329780040 OVERSON RODGER 154DO SE 155TH PL #4 RENTON WA 98058 2329780410 OVERSON RODGER 154DO SE 155TH PL #41 RENTON WA 98058 2329780420 OVERSON RODGER lS400 SE 155TH PL #42 RENTON WA 98058 2329780430 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE lSSTH Pl #43 RENTON WA 98058 2329780450 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #45 RENTON WA 98058 2329780470 OVERSON RODGER 154DO SE 155TH PL #47 RENTON WA 980S8 2329780490 OVERSON RODGER 154DO SE 155TH PL #49 RENTON WA 98058 2329780510 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #51 RENTON WA 98058 2329780560 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL#56 RENTON WA 98058 2329780570 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #57 RENTON WA 98058 2329780590 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #59 RENTON WA 98058 2329780610 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE lSSTH PL #61 RENTON WA 980S8 • 2329780620 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE lSSTH PL #62 RENTON WA 98058 2329780630 OVERSON ROOGER 15400 SE lSSTH PL #63 RENTON WA 98058 2329780670 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #67 RENTON WA 98058 2329780070 OVERSON RODGER lS400 SE 155TH PL #7 RENTON WA 98058 2329780710 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 15STH PL #71 RENTON WA 98058 2329780780 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE lS5TH PL #78 RENTON WA 98058 2329780820 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE lSSTH PL #82 RENTON WA 98058 2329780860 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE lS5TH PL #86 RENTON WA 98058 2329780090 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #9 RENTON WA 98058 2329780900 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE lS5TH PL #90 RENTON WA 98058 2329780930 OVER50N RODGER 15400 SE lS5TH PL #93 RENTON WA 98058 2329780940 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #94 RENTON WA 98058 2329780950 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #95 RENTON WA 98058 2329780960 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #96 RENTON WA 98058 2329780970 OVERSON RODGER 15400 SE 155TH PL #97 RENTON WA 98058 1723059147 PAIK SEUNG SIK+EUNSIL 2439 MAPLE VALLEY S RENTON WA 98055 2223059085 PALADY EMILY J 13316 SE 149TH ST RENTON WA 98058 9477720210 PALETTA KELLY 9237117TH AVE SE NEWCASTLE WA 98056 • 3342102995 PALKA ADAM 1412 N 40TH ST RENTON WA 98056 9425530390 PARK HEI SOON 1800 NE 40TH ST #0-301 RENTON WA 98056 3955900920 PARK HYE SOOK 273 BLAINE DRIVE DR SE RENTON WA 98056 1644500250 PARKER STEVEN D+SANDRA S 2711 WILLIAMS AVE N RENTON WA 98056 0007200148 PARKSIDE AT 95 BURNETT LLC 2256 38TH PL E SEATTLE WA 98112 0007200073 PARKSIDE AT 95BURNETT LLC 1015 37TH AVE E 5EATTLE WA 98112 1180DO0065 PASAG JOVITO A 5R+CARLINA G 8439 S 112TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 7231500860 PATAS SOUTH SECOND LLC 1815 ROLLING HILLS AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 3956500090 PATRICELLI ANTONIO T +HEATHE 2012 NE 28TH PL RENTON WA 98056 3623059018 PAUN DOROTHY 18059 E LAKE DESIRE OR SE RENTON WA 98058 2223059099 PEARSON ERIC P+JENNlfER S 15017134TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 2329780050 PEREZ DAVID + CINDY 15400 SE 155TH PL #5 RENTON WA 98058 6689400021 PEREZJ05EPH R 3920 SE 11TH ST RENTON WA 98058 2329780170 PEREZ NANCY G+AGUILAR GERMA 15400 SE 155TH PL #17 RENTON WA 98058 1644500220 PESHTAZ NADIR+NAFI5A 2621 WILLIAMS AVE N RENTON WA 98056 3342700412 PETETT J SCOTT 3824 LAKE WA5HINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTNLlNE ADDRLlNE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE 39SS9OO900 PHO THUYET/HUYEN BAU 269 BLAINE DRIVE SE RENTON WA 98058 4010800100 PIATNITSKY VLAOIMIR+YELENA 1813 FERNDALE AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 9425530520 PICKARD ANDREW A+AYA F 1800 NE 40TH ST #E-202 RENTON WA 98056 1332700190 PIERSON GREGORY L+EllEN L 2922 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 1332700170 PIERSON GREGORY L+ELLEN LOR 2926 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 3629160070 PIPKIN GARY C & YVONNE M 1120 N 38TH RENTON WA 98056 5126900205 PIRAINO NOEMI+BANUELOS RIGO 3333 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 2223059108 POLICH RICHARD F 15034134TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 5126400020 PONDER KENNETH L+DELINDA L 2938 SE 5TH ST RENTON WA 98058 7224000090 POOL BROTHER CONSTRUCTION L PO BOX 2197 RENTON WA 98056 3342100625 POOL MATTHEW CSHANNON D 900 N 27TH PL RENTON WA 98056 3342700544 POPALAHMAD W+MADINA 3930 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 2329780240 POPE JAMES M+PATRICIA C 15400 SE 155TH PL #24 RENTON WA 98058 8069000190 POTTER EVERARD E 21 HIBISCUS PLANTATION MANOR STTHOMA5VI 00801 • 2329780400 PRIZMICH JOHN W III 154DQ SE 155TH Pl #40 RENTON WA 98058 1923059013 PROVIDENCE HEALTH C/P KENNEDY WILSON PO BOX 52850 BELLEVUE WA 98015 3340404000 PROVIDENCE HEALTH 5Y5TEMWA 506 2ND AVE SEATTLE WA 98104 1332700270 PRUITT AUDIMESE M 2906 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 3623049018 PSAF DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS DEPTPTWA07047 PO BOX 25025 GLENDALE CA 91201 16230S9037 PUGET SOUNO ENERGY/ELEC PROPERTY TAX DEPT PO BOX 90868 BELLEVUE WA 98009 3342700414 QAASIM TASLEEM+HAMID 3830 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 1180000425 QUAN SUSIE PO BOX 77034 SEATTLE WA 98177 3342102740 QUERIN VERDIE R 23410 160TH AVE SE KENT WA 98042 5126400030 QUINN NANCY BAKER 3008 SE 5TH ST RENTON WA 98058 9188000110 RADOVICH JOHN C LLC 2835 82NO AVE SE #300 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 2954900440 RADOVICH PROPERTIES LLC 2835 82ND AVE SE STE 300 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 133270018D RADTKE LYNN 2924 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 1332700240 RAGLAND KENNETH G 2912 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 1723059158 RAMAC INC 4607 FOREST AVE SE MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 5126900215 RAMIREZ LAWRENCE F+RENEE M 24207 237TH WAY 5E MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 3342100150 RAMIREZ MERCEDES A 807 N 33RD ST RENTON WA 98056 3342103149 RAMOS PEPE R+CATON DEBORAH 1429 N 36TH ST RENTONWA 98056 • 2329781030 RAMSEY IVAN+RACHEL 15400 SE 1SSTH PL #103 RENTON WA 98058 3342700384 RANCOURT DEWEY A+LOIS A TT 3724 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 3956500110 RANDOLPH JOHN A 2024 NE 28TH PL RENTON WA 98056 6689400076 RASAR BERRYHILL LORENE A 570137TH AVE NE SEATTLE WA 98105 9477720170 REBENSOORF LEONARD F II 9213 117TH AVE SE NEWCASTLE WA 98056 0623059008 REDOA AMANUEL 8438 S 112TH $EAITLE WA 98178 2045800021 REESE ALVORD R+MELINOA K 10494 DIXON DR SEATTLE WA 98178 2523059053 REEVES KIMBERLY 17416 E LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 2523059016 RENICK DEAN L+WANDA M 17727 SE 173RO PL RENTON WA 98058 7224000055 RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY 235 MILL AVE S RENTONWA 9805S 1823059150 RENTON LOCAL 1797 BROTHERHOOD CARP & JOINER5 231 BURNETT N RENTON WA 98055 7226500095 REPP WILBUR L PO BOX 5532 KENT WA 98064 3955900910 REYES KEVIN R 271 BLAINE DR SE RENTON WA 98056 7229300630 REYNOLD5 GLENN D 55 LOGAN AVE RENTON WA 98055 8069000110 RHODE JEROME M 342 OCEAN POINT DR ANCHORAGE AK 99515 1461200020 RICE THOMAS D 6133 125TH AVE SE BELLEVUE WA 98006 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATINLINE ADDRLlNE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE 3342700546 RICHTER GARY H JR 3940 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 9477720200 RIOGELEY JEFFREY TYE LIM DENISE Y 9231117TH AVE SE NEWCA5TLE WA 98056 942SS30450 RIFFKIN KENNETH E 1800 N E 40TH ST #G-4 RENTON WA 98056 1778450060 RIGG5 PATRICIA 1700 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #202 RENTON WA 98056 9425530090 RILEY MARTIN WILLIAM 1800 NE 40TH ST #C-3 RENTON WA 98056 1678400105 RILLERA JAME5 L 4857 41ST AVE 5W SEATILE WA 98116 3342100480 RITUALO RANDY & LINDA 701 N 30TH ST RENTON WA 98056 3345700110 ROBERTS MICHAEL G+MARTHA A 3925 LINCOLN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 0007200091 ROBERTS RICK+lISA 118 WELLS AVE 5 RENTON WA 98055 5126900435 ROBERTSON SHARON M 3701 5E 5TH PL RENTON WA 98058 2212000160 ROBINSON LAURA ANNE 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #B204 RENTON WA 98055 5126400060 ROBINSON NICOLA J 3110 SE 5TH ST RENTON WA 98058 9425530050 ROBINWEILER ALEXANOER 1802 N E 40TH STnB-5 RENTON WA 98056 3342700369 ROCHElLE SARAH J 3626 LK WA5HINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 • 6391050020 ROGERSON TERESA 119 MAIN AVE S #1191/2 RENTON WA 98055 2212000120 ROMERO NEIL 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #B104 RENTON WA 98055 8856920650 ROSE MICHAEL P+BAXLEY MARGA 15631 SE 156TH ST RENTON WA 98058 5126400175 ROTH WILLIS J 3208 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 3623049108 RSJ HOLDING5 LLC C/O 7ElEVEN INCTAX DEPT PO BOX 711 DALLAS TX 7S221 3342100125 RUIZ WILFRED S+RHONDA L 814 NORTH 33RD STREET RENTON WA 98056 0623059007 RU5CHE ARTHUR D+JENNIFER L 8418 S 112TH 5T SEATILE WA 98178 2329780520 RUSSELL DOROTHY M 15400 5E 155TH PL #52 RENTON WA 98058 2223059129 RUSSELLJOHN GEORGE 13308 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98058 7226000040 RYAN MARY PATRICIA PO BOX 336 RENTON WA 98057 2212000210 RYBERG CHELSEA 4100 LAKE WA5HINGTON BLVD N #C201 RENTON WA 98055 3342103159 RYLAND STEPHEN D+JENNIFER L 3407 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 2329780010 SALISBURY WILLIAM G+50NJA 15400 SE ISSTH PL #1 RENTON WA 98058 3342100555 SANCHEZ ALEX 703 N 29TH ST RENTON WA 98056 5128000061 SANDBERG KRAIG A 15026 130TH 5E RENTON WA 98055 3823300040 SANDER50N CATHLEEN M 740 N 32ND ST #4 RENTON WA 98056 3629160050 SANDERSON MICHAEL S+CATHLEEN M 1112 N 38TH ST RENTONWA 98056 1180000341 SARDO GREGORY+SARDO 8515 S 113TH ST SEATILE WA 98178 • 512640016S SAUM LAURA 3124 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 980S8 5126400155 SAUM PATRICK & HEATHER 3116 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 980S8 3342700473 SAUNDERS AMYl 3605 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 2323059007 SAWIN THOMAS J+DAE IRIS 15002 SE JONES PL RENTON WA 98059 2323059014 SAYLOR DAMON+KNIGHT MARK 15224 150TH LN SE RENTON WA 98058 3956500070 SCHAEFER WALTER A+5ELL LlSBET 2004 NE 28TH PL RENTON WA 98056 4008400191 5CHILLING DUANE M SR+MICHELLE DAWN 18341 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 0007200122 SCHMIDT MARGARET & ROBERT 7136 S SUNNYCREST RD SEATTLE WA 98178 3623059078 SCHMIDT RICHARD & PING 184215E 174TH WAY RENTON WA 98058 2329780180 SCHOENECKER JUANCARLOS 15400 SE 155TH PL #18 RENTON WA 98058 22230S9088 SCHRAM R T 13321 MAPLE VALLEY HWY RENTON WA 98058 1134000130 SCHREINER KEITH T 3949 SE 10TH PL RENTON WA 980SS 5126900210 SCHUL TEK JEFFREY+8ERNADINE 2921 TALBOT RD 5 RENTON WA 98055 0007200040 SCHUMSKY DONALD W+MARGARET 2019 JONES AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 7229300580 SCHUMSKY DONALD W+MARGARET 2019 JONE5 NE RENTON WA 98056 1134000150 SEARCH RICHARD VERNON+CARLA 3932 SE 10TH PL RENTON WA 98058 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTNlINE ADDRlINE CiTYSTATE ZIPCODE 3342100295 SECREST VIRGINIA 3106 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 3342100215 SENSENBACH BRIAN J 816 N 32ND 5T RENTON WA 98056 6308490010 SGM LLC 740 SW 34TH RENTON WA 98057 0372000115 SHAMBAUGH RICHARD E 1SS21 EAST SHORE DR LYNNWOOD WA 98087 5029500060 SHAPIRO RAQUEL 6607 109TH PL SE NEWCASTLE WA 98056 3343301022 SHARP FRED 10910 SE 66TH ST NEWCASTLE WA 98056 9189700170 SHELTON KARYN E+JASON J 15024132ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 2045800107 SHEPPARD DAVID A 10504 DIXON DRIVE SOUTH SEATTLE WA 98178 4058800405 SHERIDAN JANE 10412 CRESTWOOD DR S SEATIlE WA 98178 4010800140 $HERTZ H D 18S33 W LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 9425530170 SHIMADA CHRIS Y 1801 NE 40TH ST nA-5 RENTON WA 98056 2045800370 SHINTAKU MICHAEL! ETAL 10459 DIXON DRIVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 2323059122 SHIREY RILEY L+DONNA M 1042 W LAKE SAMMAMISH PKWY BELLEVUE WA 98008 3342100595 SHIVE BRIAN 2803 BURNED AVE N RENTON WA 98056 • 3623059088 SHIVITZ WILLIAM F+KATHLEEN 17620 E LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98055 3342700420 SIDEBOTHAM CHRISTOPHER G 16055 SE 13STH ST RENTON WA 98059 4058200175 51015 GLORIA M 10916 DIXON DR S SEATTLE WA 98178 8069000200 SILVA THEODORE DOUGLAS 10371 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 9425530530 SIMONS JOHN LEWIS JR+BARBAR 1800 NE 40TH ST ~E-203 RENTON WA 98056 4010800165 SIMPSON BRENT J & JANET M 18573 W LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 9425530200 SIMPSON CARLHARA NUCCIO 1802 NE 40TH ST ~A-8 RENTON WA 98056 7226000100 SIMPSON CRAIG L+MARGARET LY 111 WELLS AVE N RENTON WA 98055 3342100454 SINGH GURMUKH 5313 HIGHLAND DR SE AUBURN WA 98092 9477720190 SINGH HARVINDER+TINU SING 9225 117TH AVE SE NEWCASTLE WA 98056 1778450040 SINON CONNIE 0 1700 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N ~104 RENTON WA 98056 1644500200 SINTHUSAN ATlPAT+LlNDA 2626 WILLlIAMS AVE N RENTON WA 98056 1147000060 5JOLIN MICHAEL l+TONYA D 2003 NE 32ND ST RENTON WA 98056 2329780890 SMALLING JOSEPH G+CHRISTINE 15400SE lS5TH PL ~89 RENTON WA 98058 2045400221 SMITH DONALD C 10425 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 9425530010 SMITH ERIN 1800 NE 40TH ST ~B-1 RENTON WA 98056 6689400030 SMITH EUGENE 3912 SE 11TH ST RENTON WA 98058 2523059042 SMITH JAMES P+SMITH HEATHER L 17421 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 • 3342103030 SMITH JEFFREY L+GWEN M 1004 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 3342700405 SMITH KATHLEEN M 12048 160TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 9425530100 SMITH PHILLIP E 1800 NE 40TH ST #(-4 RENTON WA 98056 3345100120 SMITH ROBERT D+BUSTAD CATHE 46405 170TH SEATAC WA 98188 0007200085 SMITH SUSAN 17130 12TH AVE NW SHORELINE WA 98177 2212000110 SMITH TARYN R 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N ~B103 RENTON WA 98055 2329780500 SMITLEY RAYMOND L+DEBBY L 15400 SE lSSTH PL ~50 RENTON WA 98058 3224059083 SNYDER VERA 0 1328 N 40TH 5T RENTON WA 98056 9189700225 SOARES KEVIN K 5400 NE 3RD PL RENTON WA 98059 2296500200 SOBRATO DEVELOPMENT CO 10600 N DEANZA BLVD #200 CUPERTINO CA 95014 2323059082 SOLTERO EXEQUfEL & KARLA 15635 SE JONES RD RENTON WA 98058 0372000094 SOLTERO EXEQUIEL+KARLA M 9447 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98118 7226000070 SORENSON SOREN ROBERT POBOX 895 RENTON WA 98057 9425530150 SORIA AMINADAB V+OGUILVER H 1800 NE 40TH ST #A-3 RENTON WA 98056 5126900460 SORIANO ODILON MENDOZA 3533 SE 6TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 6391050010 SOSIK JAMES A JR+JENNIFER L 119 MAIN AVE 5 #119 RENTON WA 98055 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTNlINE ADDRlINE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE 22230S9110 SPEARS KIRA 14916133RD AVE SE RENTON WA 980S8 22230S9119 SPEARS NATALIE lS010 134TH AVE SE RENTON WA 980S8 5029500070 SPEARS ROBERT S 6601109TH PL SE RENTON WA 9B056 334210047S SPENGLER SCOTT R+BAIN MARSHA 0 2902 LK WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 1923059076 SPIEKER PROPERTIES LP C/O PROPERTY TAX DEPT PO BOX 3879 CHICAGO IL 60690 0007200164 ST LUKES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 99 WELLS AVE S RENTON WA 98055 512690044S STACHOWIAK KIMBERLY J KEEL+VINCENT L 8108 6STH ST W UNIVERSITY PLACE WA 98467 362305903S STAFFORD THOMAS W 17736 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 980S8 1134000110 STANKER J J C/O JANKANSKAS 5912 92ND AVE SE MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 2045800220 STANT KEVIN+GASKINS BARRY 10800 DIXON DRIVE S $EATIlE WA 98178 3342103492 STATE Of WASHINGTON DEPT OF HIWAYS 00000 3342103491 STATE Of WASHINGTON DOT REAL ESTATE SERVICES PO BOX 47338 OLYMPIA WA 98504 942S530330 STEMWELL KAREN E 1800 NE 40TH ST UD-101 RENTON WA 980S6 4008400476 STENDERAJEREMY+KRISTIN 1800S E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 980S8 • 3342100580 STENSLIE THOMAS P 2807 BURNETT AVE N RENTON WA 980S6 334210008S STEVENS PATRICIA A 805 N 33RD PL RENTON WA 980S6 1332700040 STEWART EDWARD+NOELLE M 29S2 KENNEWICK PL RENTON WA 980S4 5126900410 STONE CHARLES EDWIN 17407 SE JONES RD RENTON WA 980S8 7231S02130 STORWICK RICHARD ALLEN+fREY CAROL JEAN 1510 9TH ST ANACO RTES WA 98221 40S82OO370 STRAND REVOCABLE LIVING TRU 108S1 DIXON DR S SEATTLE WA 98178 1332700020 STRASEN STEVEN ALDEN 29S6 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 980S6 3342100176 STROMBERG FAYE 28700 196TH AVE SE KENT WA 98042 33421OO20S STURMAN DAVID J+LEILANI 0 814 N 32ND ST RENTON WA 980S6 7226000117 SUMMERS BRANDON K+AMY M 42S SE CROSTON LN ISSAQUAH WA 98027 5126900420 SWifT WINNlfRED 3613 SE STH PL RENTON WA 98058 7226000080 SYTH BON ITA L 119 PARK AVE N RENTON WA 98055 9477720160 TALBERT 9207 117TH AVE SE NEWCASTLE WA 98056 334270062S TAN PHAN+YU JASON+LE TAN 9322 7TH AVE 5 SEATTLEWA 98108 3342700632 TANG YAN 1416 N 39TH ST RENTON WA 98056 3629160040 TANNER MARGARET A 1108 N 38TH ST RENTON WA 98056 79S4310090 TANUWIOJAJA IWAN+MIEKE IRAW 3417 LINCOLN AVE NE RENTON WA 980S6 72260000SS TASCA EDWARD L+SUSAN L 3936 PARK AVE N RENTON WA 980S6 • 3342700630 TASCA JAMES G 1480S SE JONES PL RENTON WA 98058 4058200205 TECHANE ZEBENE+ MULUGETA ABEBECH 11020 LOTUS PL S SEATTLE WA 98178 3342700617 TEETS DENNY J+ROBIN D+PEASE 3612 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 1181000100 TEMPLE MARIAN 11600 RAINIER AVE S #206 RENTON WA 98055 3342100SOO TEMPLETON STANLEY 806 N 29TH ST RENTON WA 980S6 9425530610 TESAR DAVID N 1800 NE 40TH ST #F-5 RENTON WA 98056 2329780660 THOMAS ELIZABETH U1954S 15400 SE 155TH Pl #66 RENTON WA 98058 334210276S THOMAS ROBERT L T SR 913 N 36TH 5T RENTON WA 98055 2045400095 THOMASON GARY 10629 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 32240S9050 THOMSON NEIL PO BOX 76 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 7224000147 TINKER WILLIAM E PO BOX 2106 ISSAQUAH WA 98029 06230S9023 TIPLER KENNETH K PO BOX 18972 SEATTLE WA 98118 942SS30160 TKACHEV ARKAIDY B+MARIANNA R 1800 N E 40TH 5T #A-4 RENTON WA 980S6 2223059142 TOM PERI BRYAN 13311 SE is 1ST ST RENTON WA 980S8 3629160060 TOUCHSTONE STEVEN C+RENEE A 1116 38TH ST RENTON WA 980S6 88S6920720 TOULOUSE GEORGE+COLLINS SAN lS71S SE lS6TH ST RENTON WA 980S8 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTNlINE ADDRlINE CITY5TATE ZIPCODE 0007200092 TRACY DAVID+TURPEN GARY 108 WELLS AVE 5 RENTON WA 98057 6391220010 TRAN LUNG VAN 143 PARK AVE N #A RENTON WA 98055 1181000170 TRAN SEAN X 11600 RAINIER AVE 5 #401 RENTON WA 98055 3342100546 TRAUTMANN ROBERT F+CAROlYN 809 N 29TH ST RENTON WA 98056 3224059108 TRAVIS HUGH LEE IV 1420 N 40TH ST RENTON WA 98055 3345700085 TRIDELT INC 6840 112TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98056 8856920640 TRUONG ANGIE B+LAI KHEIM 15625 SE 156TH ST RENTON WA 98058 2045800035 TRUONG NGA K 10484 DIXON DR 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 8856920320 TSO JOHNNY 17110 SE 29TH Pl BELLEVUE WA 98008 1147000170 TU HARRY HONG NGO JENNIFER HUN 2016 NE 32ND CT RENTON WA 98056 7954310110 TUCKER JEFFREY N+SHAWNElL R 3405 LINCOLN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 1332700260 TUCKER MICHAEL E 2908 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 3779200255 TUKWILA CITY OF 6200 SOUTHCENTER 8LVD TUKWILA WA 98188 9425530350 TWEED GERALD V+5HIRLEY E 1800 NE 40TH 5T #0-103 RENTON WA 98056 • 3629150080 TYLER CHERYL ANN PO BOX 921 RENTON WA 98057 4058800410 TYRELL DALE N 10406 CRESTWOOD DR 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 3344500315 UB5 REALTY INVESTORS PO BOX 130156 CARLSBAD CA 92013 8856920500 UMAYAM BENJAMIN R 15603158TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 5126400245 UNDERWOOD TOO C 3125 SE 6TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 1190500041 UND5DERFER ROBERT L 1021 N 38TH 5T RENTON WA 98056 3342700610 UNG WENDY+SASSI5AID 3600 MEADOW AVE N RENTONWA 98056 3779200155 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO PROPERTY TAX 1400 DOUGLAS STOP 1640 OMAHA NE 68179 7224000155 UNITED RENTALS INC C/O EPROPERETYTAX PO BOX 4900 DEPT 160 5COTISDALE A2 85261 9425530470 U5ECHE CHRISTOPHER J+LAURA 1800 NE 40TH ST #G-6 RENTON WA 98056 5126400145 USHER CHRISTOPHER 0 3104 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 8856920480 UTGARD MARVIN B+ELAINE B 15830 SE 156TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 1644500300 UTZ DIANE C+ RANDY J 912 N 27TH PL RENTON WA 98056 9425530310 VALDEZJESSE+ClARELLE J 1800 NE 40TH ST #J-3 RENTON WA 98056 9189700095 VAN SICKLE RICHARD N MR & MRS 131045E 151ST ST RENTON WA 98058 2523059029 VANDERS ALDIS+MARllYN J 17341 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 2045800185 VANGELJORDAN 10620 DIXON DRIVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 5128000010 VANN NANCY H 2314 129TH AVE 5E BELLEVUE WA 98005 • 7954310080 VANNGHE DENISE 3423 LINCOLN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 5126400180 VANTUYL NANCY 3216 SE 6TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 1778450150 VATIER$TEPHEN+REBECCA HALL 1700 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #403 RENTON WA 98056 2423049037 VECTRA LLC 7404 S 262ND ST KENT WA 98032 3342102785 VENTRI5 JAMES R 1001 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 4058200355 VERBECK DARREL W 10873 DIXON DR 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 2212000010 VETERANS AffAIRS 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #A101 RENTON WA 98055 8899600100 VICTORIA POINTE LLC 23811 STATE ROUTE 2 MONROE WA 98272 2223059097 VIGOREN DAVID T 15023 134TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 9425530290 VI LAY LAT$AMY 1800 NE 40TH ST #J-1 RENTON WA 98056 2523059046 VINCENT ANTHONY 17437 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 7565100045 VI5CHER BALDWIN & DANA 260 RIDGE DR PORTTOWNSEND WA 98368 4058200185 VIVOLO DANIELJ JR 10926 DIXON DR 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 4008400230 VOSK ANDRIS 17450 W LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 4058200095 VU HUY T 10856 DIXON DR 5 SEATTLEWA 98178 1181000060 VU JENNIE Y 11600 RAINIER AVE S #202 RENTON WA 98055 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTNlINE ADDRlINE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE 4058200060 VU LOAN+NGOC HUYNH 10818 DIXON DR S SEATTLEWA 98178 4058200390 VUKCEVICH DAN R 10831 DIXON AVE S SEATTLEWA 98178 0623059019 VUONG KIMBERLY H 4878 BEACON AVE S SEATTLE WA 98108 1134000180 WAFFLE ORMALJACK 1000 SHELTON AVE SE RENTON WA 98056 2212000280 WAGNER BEVERLY J 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #0104 RENTON WA 98055 3342700518 WAI JUSTIN W MON+NGUYEN HY 1426 N 38TH ST RENTON WA 98056 2212000130 WAITE BROOKS EVERETT 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #B201 RENTON WA 98055 3623059090 WAKLER MICHAEL C+KAREN L 17826 E LAKE DESIRE OR SE RENTON WA 98058 9425530180 WALK DONALD 1801 NE 40TH 5T #A-6 RENTON WA 98056 2323059140 WALlA DANIEL M 15408 SE JONES RD RENTON WA 98058 3342100540 WALLACE GLENN A JR+ANN E 813N29ST RENTON WA 98056 3623059080 WALLACE WILLIAM CRAIG 17855 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 2223059103 WALTER 0 LEE+SHARYN A 15035 134TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 2329780030 WA12 DAVID + ALICE 15400 SE 15STH PUB RENTON WA 98058 1644500160 WAN CECILIA 2712 WILLIAMS AVE N RENTON WA 98056 • 1678400115 WAN RAYMOND K & CYNTHIA Y 85045 110TH CT SEATTLE WA 9425530130 WARNER ALYSSA+BROWN JOSEPH 1800 NE 40TH 5T #A-1 RENTON WA 98056 1181000190 WARNER JUSTIN J+JENNY 11600 RAINIER AVE S #403 RENTON WA 98055 8069000080 WARNER KAREN 0 10380 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLEWA 98178 1147000070 WEI VA UN+YA WAN 2009 NE 32NO ST RENTON WA 98056 1180000390 WELLS BODIL 5816 NAHAN E E TACOMA WA 98422 7231502020 WELLS LLC C/O KENNETH KING 3973 E HALF ROUND BAY RD HARRISON 10 83833 7224000045 WELSH JUDITH A 101 PARK AVE N RENTON WA 98057 4010800160 WETZEL CRAIG S & ElI2ABETH 18565 W LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 1181000030 WHIT -HOLLOMAN JUANITA 11600 RAINIER AVE S #103 RENTON WA 98055 2329780920 WHITE ADAM THOMAS 15400 SE lS5TH PL #92 RENTON WA 98058 9425530550 WHITE ERIC 1800 NE 40TH ST #E-302 RENTON WA 98056 1180000475 WHITE MARY KAY 8530 S 114TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 3342700560 WHITE RHON M PO BOX 3465 RENTON WA 98056 5126400125 WHITEHURST MICHAEL TROY 3201 SE 5TH ST RENTON WA 98058 7954310040 WHITNEY HELEN M 3513 LINCOLN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 3629150090 WHITWORTH SAMUEL 1122 N 38TH RENTON WA 98055 • 3342102497 WIBMER KURT+SARA 3310 BURNETT AVE N RENTON WA 98056 5128000006 WILCOX CARLOS 15021130TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 3343301023 WILKERSON MARGARET PO BOX 667 BELLEVUE WA 98009 2329780800 WILLECKE LESLIE K 15400 SE 155TH PL #80 RENTON WA 98058 3342700545 WILLIAMS GEORGE 3908 MEADOW AVE RENTON WA 98055 4058200345 WILLIAMS ROGER L+GERALDINE 10885 OIXON DR S SEATTLE WA 98178 2045800106 WILLIAMS TERRY V W+VIVIAN M 10671 MARINEVIEW DR SW SEATTLE WA 98146 4058200170 WILLIAMS WANDA J+GIX ROBERT 10910 DIXO N DR S SEATTLE WA 98178 4058200190 WILLITS JAMES A SCHULZ MARIANNE 12032 NE 70TH ST KIRKLANO WA 98033 3342700508 WILLMAN JAMES C+PAULETTE C 3821 MEADOW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 4010800110 WILSON FRANK 18429 W LAKE DESIRE DR $[ RENTON WA 98055 4058200340 WILSON GRANVEL 324 25TH AVE S SEATTLE WA 98144 3343301002 WINFREY JOHN D III+FREDERIC 10923 SE 64TH ST NEWCASTLE WA 98056 3623059074 WINSHIP NANCY E+FI5H THOMAS 17628 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 3342100140 WISE DOUGLAS+RUFINA R 813 N 33RD RENTON WA 98056 3342102261 WITTMANN CHARLES P+WITTMANN CAROLA E 907 N 34TH ST RENTON WA 98056 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATINLINE ADDRLlNE CITYSTATE ZIPCQDE 3342100D70 WNEK ANDRZEJ 3305 BURNET AVE N RENTON WA 98056 8856920330 WOLFE SUSAN 15533 156TH CT SE RENTONWA 98058 2249800050 WONG HELEN M 1914 NE 29TH CT RENTON WA 98056 5126900320 WONG KAHSOON+ANN KIM WEI 3512 5E 6TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 4058200395 WONG KAI F PO BOX 80563 SEATILE WA 98108 7954310060 WONG MAN LUNG RICHARD+ANITA 3501 LINCOLN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 1180000375 WONG STEPHEN 8531 S 113TH 5T SEATILE WA 98178 1180000275 WONG WAI TING ET Al 8504 S 113TH $T 5EATILE WA 98178 2223059114 WOOD DENNIS K & DEAN K 14934 134TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 7224000115 WOOD PATRICIA GRACE 126 PELLY AVE N #A RENTON WA 98055 9425530440 WORKMAN JENNIFER+5TEVE 1800 NE 40TH 5T #G-3 RENTON WA 98056 2D45800255 WORLD SAVINGS 8ANK POBOX 659548 SAN ANTONIO TX 78265 2212000150 WORLEY CURTIS W+MARILYN 410D LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #B203 RENTON WA 98055 2249800010 WRAITH ROBERT A+SIGNE l 1834 NE 29TH CT RENTON WA 98056 • 3343300901 W5DOT PO BOX 330310 SEATILE WA 98133 1678400140 WU JENSON T+JULIET C 11040 84TH AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98178 2212000040 WYWROT LOIS R 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON 8LVD N #A104 RENTON WA 98055 9189700100 YAMADA DEAN MAYKOTO+DEBORAH 15040 131ST AVE 5E RENTON WA 98058 3342103153 YAZAWICH BETTY J 3503 MEADOW AVE RENTON WA 98055 2212000200 YEU DIANA D 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #C104 RENTON WA 98055 1181000040 YIRGA RAHAIL+KA55A ABREHAM 1160D RAINIER AVE 5 #104 RENTON WA 98055 3342100135 YITREF HAILE M+BALEYNE5H MA 5920 126TH AVE SE BELLEVUE WA 98006 9425530500 YOTIY JINA J 180D NE 40TH ST #E-103 RENTON WA 98056 9425530120 YOUNG ANDREW 1800 NE 40TH 5T #C-6 RENTON WA 98056 2223059052 YOUNG LISA 13315 5E 149TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 7225000410 YOUNG SIMON 181 LA MESA AVE ENCINITAS CA 92024 2212Doo030 YOUNGBLOOD JON C 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #A103 RENTON WA 98D5S 1644500310 YUSEN JEFF H & NATALIE G 1002 N 27TH PL RENTON WA 98056 9425530570 YUSIM DMITRY 1800 NE 40TH 5T #F-1 RENTON WA 98056 2523059032 ZARIN5 GUNTA & VALDIS 17327 W LAKE DESIRE DR 5E RENTON WA 98D58 9189700150 ZERCHER EDWARD+KARI MICHELL 22244 SE 4TH ST SAMMAMISH WA 98D74 1644500150 ZERDA STEVEN K+USA A 2716 WILLIAMS AVE N RENTON WA 98D56 • 2249800020 ZHOU LlAN 1902 NE 29TH CT RENTON WA 98056 4058200400 ZORN JOHNNIE+GWENDOLYN WEBB 10811 DIXON DR S SEATILE WA 98178 5939 ASSOCIATES lLC 730 SW 34TH RENTON WA 98055 ADAMS DELL 11309 186TH AVE SE ISSAQUAH WA 98027 ADAMS KEN+DANZA CHERYL A 17433 E LAKE DESIRE DR 5E RNETON WA 98058 ADAMS PAUL B 16014 1315T Pl SE RENTON WA 98058 ADVENTURE 2000 LLC C/O SP HOLDINGS 1000 5W 43RD 5T RENTON WA 98057 AGNEW JEFFREY+TERESA 17615 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 AKIMOTO JUNIOR PO BOX 574 KENT WA 98035 ALAN A MACKENZIE 2109 WHITMAN AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 Alan and Cynthia Provost PO Box 1492 Renton WA 98057-1492 ALEXANDER RENE L 15036 135TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 ALFIERI MIKE + DEBBIE 2273 66TH AVE S E MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 ALLINGHAM WILLIAM D PO BOX 48117 SEATILE WA 98148 ALLISON DAVID S+ALLISON LISA C 2100 NE 31ST ST RENTON WA 98056 ALMQUIST NANCI L 10931 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 PIO TAXPAYERNAME ATTNlINE ADDRlINE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE AMB PROPERTY CORP 605T ATE ST STE 1200 BOSTON MA 02109 AMBROSE KATHLEEN l 5730 MT HWY 35 KALISPELL MT 59901 ANDERSON 0 LOWELL BAKER LAURIE L PO BOX 78382 SEATILE WA 98178 ANDERSON RENEE K+MARK R 11148 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 ANGEL HARRY 10424 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98178 APDALHALIEM SAHRUDINE 11009 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98178 ARB CORPORATION LTD 720 SW 34TH RENTON WA 98057 ARCH$TONE 9200 E PANORAMA CIR #400 ENGLEWOOD CA 80112 ARNEY CLINT E 13335 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98058 BABCOCK STEFANI D+8ABCOCK DAVID E+RHODA A 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-409 RENTON WA 98056 BACHEllERIE ROBERT H 6417 RIPLEY LN RENTON WA 98055 BAKER PATRICK+COLBERT BRIGI 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-307 RENTON WA 98056 BAN K OF NEW YORK 400 COUNTRYWIDE WAY SIMI VALLEY CA 93065 BANNECKERJOHN B+GENEVIEVE 15324 LINDEN AVE N SHORELINE WA 98133 • BARBEE MILL CO INC PO BOX 359 RENTON WA 98057 BARGER CHARLES RANDAL+RENEE M M 2336 NE 31ST ST RENTON WA 98056 BATES JOAN B 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-206 RENTON WA 98056 BAXTER BONNIE J 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-408 RENTON WA 98056 BEATY RONALDJ 3609 5E 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 BELL DONALD R & NANCY L 3616 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 BENSON RUSSElL+MARGARET E 6607 RIPLEY LN N NEWCASTLE WA 98056 BERGAN TYLER J 3306 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #1"2 RENTON WA 98056 BERTELSEN HANS & KATHRYN A 18348 WEST LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 BETHEL WILLIAM M 11120 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 BETIINGER SHAWN & MICHELE 17514 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98057 BIGLEY CHARLES P+MARJIE J T 8718 S 113TH ST SEATILE WA 98178 BILLOW TYGANN 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-110 RENTON WA 98056 BIRK SATINDER 11220 SE 265TH PL KENT WA 98030 BISIACK RICHARD B 2801 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTONWA 98056 BITNEYGROUWS COMPANY PO BOX 738 RENTONWA 98057 BLACK RIVER PARK LLC C/O BTV DEVELOPMENT LP 2870 GATEWAY OAKS DR #110 SACRAM ENTO CA 95833 8lESENERJEFF 13101 SE 151ST ST RENTONWA 98058 • Bob Powell 301 Park Ave N #3 Renton WA 98057 BOEING COMPANY THE PROPERTY TAX DEPT PO BOX 3707 M/C 2000 SEATILE WA 98124 BOlES AARON J 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-208 RENTON WA 98056 BOOTH R ALLAN+JACKlYN A 13203 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98058 BOWDEN KIM D+LARSON LORI 2727 MOUNTIAN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 BOYDSTON ANTHONY 3920 NE 11TH PL RENTON WA 98056 BRAGG FLORENCE E 5S WILLIAMS AVE #1-203 RENTON WA 98056 BRE/ESA PROPERTIES LlC ATIEN: FRANCES PARKER 100 DUNBAR 5T SPARTANBURG SC 29306 BREARD RHONDA LEE 6625 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 BRENDEMIHL FRITZ W 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-312 RENTON WA 98056 BRENDEN MARSHALL M LOONEY WIlliAM A 18225 SE 128TH RENTON WA 98059 BRENNAN JERRY 3405 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 BRESSAN DORLENE E 901 HIGH AVE 5 RENTON WA 98055 BRIIT PRESTON JR 10894 GARDEN PL S SEAITLE WA 98178 BROWN JOHN MICHAEL 3703 LK WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 BROWN MARY 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-304 RENTON WA 98056 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATINLINE ADDRLlNE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE BROWNE SANDRA l 85255 112TH 5T SEATILE WA 98178 BRUCE HAROLD A 6631 RIPLEY IN N RENTON WA 98055 BRUNDAGE KYQN C 1704 MILWAUKEE DR PORT ANGELES WA 98363 BRYANT GEORGE R 10646 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATIlE WA 98178 BRYN MAWR LAKESIDE LLC 11326 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 BUCK DOUGLAS M+CLAUDIAJ 904 N RIVERSIDE DR RENTON WA 98055 BUCKLIN RUSSELL L PO BOX 411 MOUNTLAKE TERRACE WA 98043 BUCKTON CRAIG B 11154 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 BURR ROBERT H 3013 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 BURROUGHS JOHN D 2815 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 BYRON MICHAEL W+STACEY E 1009 N 41ST PL RENTON WA 98056 CALLAHAN DE BORAH 18554 W LAKE DESIRE RENTON WA 98058 CAMARDElLA DANIEL+RIKA 15523157TH (T SE RENTON WA 98058 CAMPBEll BETH 1508 5W 43RD RENTON WA 98055 • CANNON ARLENE 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-201 RENTON WA 98056 CANNON MICHAEL D+CATHI j WH 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-305 RENTON WA 98056 CARLOS OTHEN & SHIRLEY G 17640 W LAKE DESIRE CT SE RENTON WA 98058 CARLSON BRADLEY T 3310 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 CARLSON KEITH M 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-207 RENTON WA 98056 CARPENTER DONALD R+BARBARA 238 LAKE DESIRE DR S RENTON WA 98058 CASSADY JAMES+RAMONA 15012 128TH ST KPN GIG HARBOR WA 98329 CASSAN CURT M 3133 JONES AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 CAWLEY BRENT 15247 lS0TH LN SE RENTON WA 98058 CEDAR RIVER COURT APTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 201 27TH AVE SE #A200 PUYALLUP WA 98374 CHAMBERLAIN EDWARD W 5006 42ND S W SEATILE WA 98136 CHANCELLOR JOHN 11009 ISSAQUAH HOBART RD sE ISSAQUAH WA 98027 CHAO YEN+CHAI CHAO 7219 128TH AVE 5 SEATILEWA 98178 CHARLEY RONALD L 11018 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 CHATFIELD THOMAS 1395 GOLDEN GATE AVE #402 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94115 CHAVES FERNANDO S 25807 SE 192ND ST MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 CHELlSON j W H 9909 NE 1ST sT #301 BELLEVUE WA 98004 CHIOZZA CAROLE ANNE 10917 RAINIER AVE S 5EATILE WA 98178 • CHOW SUE H 6124 S 124TH ST SEATILE WA 98178 CHRISTENSEN RUTH C 10802 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98178 CHRISTOPHERSON SARAH 822 N RIVERSIDE DR RENTON WA 98055 CIVF I WAIBOl LLC 20415 72ND AVE 5 SUITE 210 KENT WA 98032 CLARK C DOLORES 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-201 RENTON WA 98056 CLARK HENRY E+GERALDINE M 11620 BONNIE AVE YUMAAZ 85367 CLOW GLEN E 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-205 RENTON WA 98056 ClS MANAGEMENT L L C PO BOX 14256 SEATILE WA 98114 COBY G LEESA 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-106 RENTON WA 98056 COLACURCIO WILLIAM 522 BOURBON ST NEW ORLEANS LA 70130 COLEMAN JANET 3409 SE 7TH RENTON WA 98058 COLEMAN SABRINA QUARLES+KEL 18300 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 COLLODI FLORIO & PATRICIA A 3709 JONES AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 CONNELY SEAN+CYNTHIA K 13221 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98058 CONNER CHARLES F 3001 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 CONNER HOMES AT BARBEE MILL 846 10BTH AVE NE BELLEVUE WA 98004 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTN LINE ADDRlINE CITV$TATE ZIPCODE CONTRERAS DONALD E+lISA 0 11234 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 CONVERSANO GUY A 1305 N 36TH 5T RENTON WA 98056 CONVERSANO GUY A+REBECCA A 6615 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 COOKTAMMIEJ 17627 E LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 CORSILLE$ DIONISIO 42095 ELM GROVE 5T SEATILE WA 98118 CORSILLES DIONISIO+ADELAIDA 10675 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98178 COYOTE MICHAEL EDWARD 10608 RAINIER AVE 5 5EATILE WA 98178 CRATE VIRGINIA M 10806 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 (ROSEna FRED A 5025 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 CROY DANIELA+$YLVIA A 10818 RAINIER AVE S 5EATILE WA 98178 (RUEGER JILL M 15247 150TH LN SE RENTON WA 98058 CUNNINGHAM CLARA E 18043 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 CURTIS D L 15010 135TH PlS E RENTON WA 98055 CURTIS DARVIN L 15010 135TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 • CURTIS DARVIN L 15010 135TH SE RENTON WA 98055 DAGAN GARY G & MALINDA 18408 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 DAHLBY THOMAS R 3213 MOUNTAIN VIEW N RENTON WA 98056 DAHLBY THOMAS R ... KATHLEEN I 3217 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 DALPAY DIANE G 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-206 RENTON WA 98056 DANA DONALD & PATRICIA A 5219 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 DANNEMAN ROGER W-tADElINA V 3007 SMITHERS CT S RENTON WA 98055 DAVIS ERNEST J-tLEAH J 10634 RAINIER AVE S SEAITLE WA 98178 Dayna Fleming 5021 Ripley Ln #210 Renton WA 98056 DEDRICKSON KEVIN L+AMY J 1012 N 42ND PL RENTON WA 98056 DEFRANCO JOHN C+KRISTEN M 10920 RAINIER AVE 5 SEAITLE WA 98178 DELLINGER LEE F & BETIY J 6425 RIPLEY LN RENTON WA 98056 DENNEY ROBERT K+NANCY H 3818 LAKE WASH BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 DENNING JERALD J 3105 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 DENNISON DAYTON P 3717 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES PRODUCT SALES & LEASING DIV PO BOX 47016 OLYMPIA WA 98504 DIAS WILLIAM R+JUDY PO BOX 58966 RENTON WA 98058 01 ET5CH CHARLES C 3737 PARK AVE N RENTON WA 98056 • DIMITRIOU HARRY A 13209 5E 1515T RENTON WA 98058 DOBSON WYMAN K ... DDBSON VICKI L 821 N 1ST ST RENTON WA 98055 DOLLE MAN RICHARD 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-401 RENTON WA 98056 DONCKERS LARRY E 10842 GARDEN PL 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 DORMANN MARK & PAUL 15635 21ST AVE SW SEAITLE WA 98166 OOUVIA RESIDENCE 6801 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 Dragan Jagnjic 1085 Lake Washington Blvd. N, C-107 Renton WA 98056 DRAINAGE DIST 1 P D BOX 297 KENT WA 98032 DRAINAGE DIST 1 OF KING CTY PO BOX 297 KENT WA 98035 DRAYTON EUGENE ... COREATHER 10905 RAINIER AVE S SEAITLE WA 98178 DUBOIS PEGGI L+GALSTER MART 2907 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 DUDEK TERE5A+STEFAN 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-1 RENTON WA 98056 DYE PATRICK 7029 RI PLEY IN N RENTON WA 98056 DYER ALBERT L ... 8ARBARA A 223 5TH AVE S #0103 KIRKLAND WA 98033 EAVES KENNETH F 1109 SHELTON AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 EBERTZ MARK R 3321 SE 7TH ST RENTON WA 98058 PID TAXPAYERNAME AnNlINE ADDRlINE CITYSTATE ZlPCaDE Ee! TWO BLACK RIVER LlC 1301 SHQREWAY RD #250 BELMONT CA 94002. EILEEN J HALVERSON lLC 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-303 RENTON WA 98056 ELAND BUILDING LTD PRTNRSHP C/O SIMVE$T PROPERTIES 600 UNIVERSITY 5T 5TE 1925 SEATTLE WA 98101 ELDRIDGE BETTY J 15022 135TH AVE 5E RENTON WA 98058 ELFERS GREGORY P+BRADLEY R 6823 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 ELLINGSON MARY ANN 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-406 RENTON WA 98056 EMERSON JOHN K 17851 E LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 EMERSON WILLIE 724 OLD HY 9 (LINTON AR 72031 Emmanuel Bass 1085 Lake Washington Blvd N. #(-102 Renton WA 98056 EMORY DON W+CYNTHIA B 14228142ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 ENG STEVEN P+AUREA G 18228 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 ERIKSON BRUCE E+MARY R 3815 LK WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 F & K INVESTMENTS LLC 13810 152ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 FACILITIES & OPERATIONS CTR OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIR 300 SW 7TH $T RENTON WA 98055 • FALANIKO ROSE + FRANK 2224 NE 31ST ST RENTON WA 98055 FALKENHAGEN JAN F 18324 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 FARINAS VICENTE 6611 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 FAUCHER R A & GRANT J J 15001135TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 FAUll JOY J 12925 SE 151ST RENTON WA 98059 FAWCETI JAMES RESTATE JANET MILES EX PO BOX 454 OCEAN SHORES WA 98569 FAWTHROP PAUL B+FAWTHROP LORI K 14330 177TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 FERNANDEZJENNILEE A 11007 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 FERRIS KINNEY W+PEGGIMAE C 921 N 1ST ST RENTON WA 98055 FICK JAMES+BUCKINGHAM KIMBE 10644 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 FIFE BRIAN+5TEPHANIE DEJONG 3613 LK WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 9B056 FILLIPS JUDITH A+BAKER DALE 3405 SE 7TH 5T RENTON WA 9B058 FINNIGAN G BRUCE+JANET 1005 SHELTON AVE 5E RENTONWA 98058 FINNIGAN ROBERT R+CHRISTINE 13329 SE 1515T RENTON WA 98058 FIRST INDUSTRIAL R TRST INC ATTN LINDA BAUER 898 N SEPULVEDA BLVD #750 EL SEGUNDO CA 90245 FIRTH LEE & STEPHANIE 14816 SE JONES PL RENTON WA 9BOSB FISCHER RICHARD J 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-101 RENTON WA 98056 FISHER RONALD B 8740 S 113TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 • FIX M MONICA 3007 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 FLEMING DAYNA 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-210 RENTON WA 98056 FLYNN MATTHEW P 5301 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 FOSS LAUNCH & TUG CO 660WEWONG SEATTLE WA 98119 FOX ROBERT L 11016 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 FRAUSTO LEE 10642 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 FREDERICK DOUGlAS L+FREDERICK VEDA C 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-102 RENTON WA 98056 FRENCH DOUGLAS F 1S258 150TH LN SE RENTON WA 98058 FRENCH TIMOTHY A+HEATHER M 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-308 RENTON WA 98056 GAFFNEY THOMAS D PO BOX 3707 SEATTLE WA 98124 GARDNER MARK K+CHRISTIE S M 6841 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 GASTON GARY 10936 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 GEIGER DEAN A+SARAH C 3415 BURNETT AVE N RENTON WA 98056 GIBSON JAMIE SUE 15031135TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 GILLETT ROBERT W+SUZANNE SMITH 17409 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 GILSTRAP DANNY R 15241150TH LN SE RENTON WA 98058 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATINLINE ADDRlINE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE GlESSNER TROY 5 & LYNN M 17628 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 GODDARD LARRY P 10452 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98178 GOETZ ROBERT L 3209 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98055 GONZALEZ JUAN C 3113 SE 6TH 5T RENTON WA 98055 GOODWIN JANE M 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-306 RENTON WA 98056 GORDON ANDERSON 8642 ISLAND DR 5 SEATILE WA 98118 GRADY WAY I LLC PO BOX 27069 SEATILE WA 98125 GRADY WAY IIlLC POBOX 27069 SEATIlE WA 98115 GRAHAM DEAN & KERRI CEDAR RIVER PROPERTIES LLC 16410 SE 143RD Pl RENTON WA 98059 GRIGGS KAREN K 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-112 RENTON WA 98056 GRIM ELIZABETH L PO BOX 566 RENTON WA 98055 GRUNDHAUS MARJORIE K 7001 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 HAGGART KATHY LYNN+DANIEL j 6819 RIPLEY LN RENTON WA 98056 HALVERSON EILEEN J 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-302 RENTON WA 98056 • HAMILTON EDITH M 3714 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 HANSEN ELEANOR 8722 S 113TH SEATTLE WA 98178 HANSEN RICHARD P+MARCIA R 17420 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 HARER ROSALI E E 8730 S 113TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 HARRIS CHERYL SMITH 10645 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 HARRISON WALTER W 11020 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 HAWES CHESTER E 3121 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98055 HAWKINS BRET M 12928 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98058 HAWLEY JOSEPH J 18536 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 HAYATSU PASCAL 10674 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98172 HEIMSOTH MARGARET A 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-109 RENTON WA 98056 HELFENSTEIN PETER P+CAROLA 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-114 RENTON WA 98056 HEMPHILL WILLIAM B & LINDA 17720 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 HENDERSON LESLIE J POTTER 3021 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 HENDRY TED MICHAEL 17252 W LAKE DESIRE DRIVE SE RENTON WA 98058 HIEMSTRA SYBOUT PETRONELLA 3720 LK WASH BLV N RENTON WA 98056 HIERSCHE PAULINE P+HIERSCH EDGAR L 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-303 RENTON WA 98056 HILL DEWEY C 17808 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 • HILLE ALAN M+lINDSEY M 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-310 RENTON WA 98056 HILTON JEFFERY C+L1NG 5117 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 HOBART JEAN G 100 WILLIAMS AVE N RENTON WA 98057 HOBBS SCOTT D+PATRICIA S 18240 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 HOCHFELD MARTIN 4411 KINGSWAY ANACORTES WA 98221 HOOPER CONNIE 12455 SE 297TH PL AUBURN WA 98092 HOPE JOHN E+JOELLEN TRUST 11014 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 HORIJAYT+MICHAEL+EMMONS C 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-208 RENTON WA 98056 HOUK ROBERT L 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-202 RENTON WA 98056 HOUSER lINDAJ+MERLE C 1500 HARRINGTON AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 HOUTZ JOHN H 6809 RIPLEY LN RENTON WA 98056 HOWE GREG M+MOLLY 21018 SNAG ISLAND DR LAKE TAPPS WA 98391 HOWES AARON L+ALETHA M GEME 11230 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 HULBURT DAVID W+CECELIA S 25328SE 200TH MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 HUMPHRES MICHAEL+KRISTEN 6435 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD SE NEWCASTLE WA 98056 HUNNEX TYLER B 10412 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTN LINE ADDRlINE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE HUNT TIMOTHY ALLAN+HUNT JEN 1129 N 40TH ST RENTON WA 98056 HUNTER DOUGLAS REAL PROPERT 2 PARK WAY RT 173 UPPER SADDLE RVR NY 07458 HUSE JAMES D+CVNTHIA A 5227 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 HUTSON JACK 8553 39TH AVE SW SEATTLE WA 98136 HunON JACK E 18424 W LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 IDDINGS STEVEN G 15322 ROOSEVELT RD SNOHOMISH WA 98290 IDEN KEVIN 5121 RIPLEY LN RENTON WA 98056 INGERSOll ROBERT J+ARLENE B 11224 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 I NVESCO THOMSON REUTERS PTS (WELLS) 2235 FARADAY AVE SUITE 0 CARLSBAD CA 92008 lOP POLO JOSEPH A 5201 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 JACKSON MARY+QDUKWE DAVID 10888 GARDEN PL S SEATTLE WA 98178 JACKSON STEVEN G 10401 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 JACQUES JAM ES H 6833 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 James and Randl Carnaghi 1131 Lake Washington Blvd. N., unit E-311 Renton WA 98056 • JAMESON JIM 17624 W LAKE DESIRE CT SE RENTON WA 98058 JAMESON JIM 17624 WEST tAKE DESIRE CT SE RENTON WA 98058 JANNSEN GAILE F SS WILLIAMS AVE #1-109 RENTON WA 98056 JANSEN STEVE 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-4 RENTON WA 98056 JAVELLI FRANCA 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-103 RENTON WA 98056 Jeff P. Johnson Northwest Hydraulic Consultants 16300 Christensen Rd, Ste 350 Seattle WA 98188 JESSEN LARRY W 12919 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98058 John Stewart 8223 S 132nd St Seattle WA 98178 JOHNSON DANIEL H III 3233 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 JOHNSON DAVID L 1001 SHELTON AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 JOHNSON FRED H & AUDREY S 10620 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 JOHNSON H ALAN+MARllYN F 13505 SE 148TH ST RENTON WA 98058 JOHNSON LJUNE 13227 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98058 JOHNSON PATRICIA E 6837 RIPLEY lN RENTON WA 98056 JONES TOMMY A+MARSHA MCMAHON 6603 RIPLEY LN N NEWCASTLE WA 98056 JOO STEPHEN M & PATRICIA T 8741 S 113TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 JW Hank Chellson 9909 NE 1st St-Unit 301 Bellevue WA 98004 KARINEN ROBERT R 1205 SHELTON AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 • KATERS ROBERTA C 3117 SE 6TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 KC WATER & LAND 500 KC ADMIN BLDG #5OOA SEATTLE WA 98104 KEHAYES CORINNE MARIA GRAND 317 NE 915T 5T SEATTLE WA 98115 Kellina E McGurr 1083 lake Washington Blvd. N #D-203 Renton WA 98056 KELLY A H 13125 SE 151ST RENTON WA 98055 KEMP TISSIA 10607 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 KEMPBROWN TISSIA A 10819 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 KEMPER SANDRA R 10914 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 KENDRICK JOYCE 3715 LK WN BLVD N RENTON WA 98055 KEPPLER WILLIAM F+DEBRA L 2805 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 KEYES ERIK 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1·7 RENTON WA 98056 KILLION BILL E 915 N 31ST ST RENTON WA 98056 KIMURA HOWARD G & FLORENCE 18012 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 KINATEDER EDWARD G 3427 SE 7TH ST RENTON WA 98058 KING COUNTY REAL ESTATE SEC SOD 4TH AVE #500 SEATTLE WA 98104 KINGERY CHERI L 3401 SE 7TH ST RENTON WA 98058 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATINLINE AODRUNE CITY5TATE ZIPCODE KLOPFENSTEIN JOHN M+LORRAINE 13215 SE 1515T 5T RENTON WA 98058 KNICKERBOCKER GLEN M+SANDRA PO BOX 571 PALMER AK 99648 KOLESAR LARRY+SUSAN M 1030 NORTH 38TH ST RENTON WA 98056 KOlKE RAYMOND D+CRYSTAll 18528 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 KREICK CONRAD R+JOY A 3619 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 KWOLEK DAVID W 1113 SHELTON AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 LA RUSSO GERALD H 10940 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 LAKESHORE THE 1325 4TH AVE STE 2110 SEATTLE WA 98101 LAM PAUL 11236 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 LAMB MICHAEL B+SHERYl 10908 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 Lana Getubig 1083 Lake Washington Blvd N, Suite D411 Renton WA 98056 LANG SUSAN E 7023 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 LARI5 ROBERT J 6637 RIPLEY LN RENTON WA 98056 LARSON DEBORAH ANN RAQUEL+B 1013 SHELTON AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 • LARSON LUZ DEL CARMEN 10856 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 LARSON STEVE E PO BOX 68267 sEATILE WA 98168 LARUE PHYLLIS 2505 MAPLE VALLEY HWY RENTON WA 98058 LAVIGNE PAUL R & SUSAN M 14833 SE JONES PL RENTON WA 98058 LAVILLE JENNY M 5S WILLIAMS AVE #1-309 RENTON WA 98056 LAW DENIS W+PATRICIA 3625 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 LBA REALTY C/O THOMSON REUTERS 2235 FARADAY AVE SUITE 0 CARLSBAD CA 92008 LE DARLENE D+PETER D TRAN 813 5 38TH CT RENTON WA 98055 LE LONG M & JANELLE T 10444 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 LE NITTHA 13025 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98058 LE PLEY YOLANDA 4457 TOKUL RD SE SNOQUALMIE WA 98065 LEE JACQUELINE W 15638 SE 156TH ST RENTON WA 98058 LENG JEFFREY E+JANIELOU 8710 S 113TH ST SEATTLE WA 98178 LEROY HARRY K+DEBRA J 55 WIlliAMS AVE #1-307 RENTON WA 98056 lEWNDOWSKI GARY+KRISTIN VICKERY 17426 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 lIEBRICH DAVIDJ+CAROLJ 10628 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 liKNESS JAY W+JUDV l 18566 W LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 LIN SHIE JEN 17702 163RD PL SE RENTON WA 98058 • LINDAHL KEVIN L BVUS REBECCA A 3719 LAKE WASH BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 LINDBERG COLLEEN M+CROOKER 3111 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 LITTLE IVONA 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-305 RENTON WA 98056 LITTLE MAN VIKTORIA 3805 LK WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 LOCATELLI JAMES M+BETTV 1 18312 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 LOCK MICHAEL M+PRISCILLA F 10880 RAINIER AVE S SEATILEWA 98178 LOMBARD ROBERT & SUZANN 10637 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 LOM BARDY RAY PO BOX 915 RENTON WA 98055 LORENZ JAMES F+ELLENE L 12407 169TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 LORGE JOHN PETER III 6437 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 LOVEGREN W B 10862 GARDEN PL S SEATTLE WA 98178 LUND VIRGIL H 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-105 RENTON WA 98056 LYONS JACK 15002 135 AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 LYONS JACK A & LEOTA 15002 135TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 MACDONALD DAVID N 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-204 RENTON WA 98056 MACKEY RYAN K 10822 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATINLINE ADDRlINE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE MADDOX RANDALEE L 10846 GARDEN PL 5 SEATIlE WA 98178 MAGNUSSON CRAIG D+SHANON E 6433 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 MANGUBAT ALiNDRINAANTONIO SS WILLIAMS AVE #1-405 RENTON WA 98056 MANSELL GARY E PO BOX 511 RENTON WA 98057 MANUFACTURERS MINERAL CO 1215 MONSTER RD RENTON WA 98055 MANUFACTURERS MINERAL CO 1215 MONSTER RD sw RENTON WA 98055 MANZ OLAF P 7009 RIPLEY LN RENTON WA 98055 MAPIU CHARLES+MARY ANN 2316NE31STST RENTON WA 98056 Maria Martinez 1133 Lake Washington Blvd N #F202 Renton WA 98056 MARSHAll MILDRED PO BOX 22538 SEATIlE WA 98178 MARSHALL ReB 2909 MOUNTAIN VIEW DR RENTON WA 98056 MARTINEAU ARTHUR+JENNIFER 3617 SE 6TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 MASON EDWIN F & MARYANN H 8534113TH 5 SEATIlE WA 98178 MATHIESEN HOWARD 11207 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98178 • MAnsON RONALD C+ASTRIDA B 10410 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98178 MAXON GENE A& BARBARA L 3212 LK WA BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 MAXWELL STEVEN A+MARCIE E POBOX 2048 RENTON WA 98056 MCALPIN LYLE B 13323 SE 151ST RENTON WA 98058 MCCONVILLE 5HAWN 18122 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 MCCORMICK ROBERT 161 MAPLEWAY DR SELAH WA 98942 MCCRAY DAVID M+SALLY L 6815 RIPLEY IN N RENTON WA 98056 MCDANIELS NOREEN K 55 WILUAMS AVE #1-404 RENTON WA 98056 MCDONAGH KIMBERLY 909 N 15T5T RENTON WA 98055 MCKINNEY LOUISE J+SAMUEL B S5 WILLIAMS AVE #1-207 RENTON WA 98056 MCWILLIAMS DONALD E+DORIS L 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-302 RENTON WA 98056 MEAD ROBERT DAVID 602 215T 5T HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92648 MEDZEGIAN JAME5 V+JOANNE M 11204 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 MELLETI CARLOS+ELlIOT STEPHEN 3624 JONES AVE NE SEATILE WA 98056 MERRILL ED & MIN 17815 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 MIHALIK JOSEPH 1522.2 SE JONES RD RENTON WA 98055 MILES DALE A 15023 SW JONES RD RENTON WA 98058 MILES IN SUN PO BOX 58381 RENTON WA 98058 • MOJI YUKIMORI 10657 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98178 MOODY ALBERT L+I LUCILLE PO BOX 73341 PUYALLUP WA 98373 MOORE WALTER C 5115 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 MORALES ROGElIO F 18366 WEST LAKE DESIRE DR 5E RENTON WA 98058 MORAN KIMBERLY 5 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-3 RENTONWA 98056 MORGAN LAURA S+JAMES C 3103 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 MOSELAGE JOHN H 1121 SHELTON SE RENTONWA 98058 MOUlIJN JOHAN P & GEERTRUDE 3726 LAKE WASH BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 MOY PETER C 10862 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 MULUGETA AKALU+TRUWORK M ME 11015 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98178 MURAKAMI LANCE T 10805 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 MURAKAMI TAKAAKI 18570 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 NAMES CHARLES D 3009 SE 5TH ST RENTON WA 98055 Nancy H Denney 3818 Lake Washington Blvd N Renton WA 98056 NASAROW ANDREA 5 3602 LK WASH BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 NEAR CHARLES SAMPADIAN KIMBERLEY 903 N 1ST ST RENTON WA 98055 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTNLlNE ADDRlINE ClTYSTATE ZlPCODE NEITHERcon DAVID ALAN 11002 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 NELSON FRITZ W 3825 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 NELSON GA 13013 SE 1515T 51 RENTON WA 98055 NEUBAUER WILLI BALD 18006 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 NEWMAN JON+lINDA 8070 LANGSTON RD S SEATTLE WA 98178 NGHIEM LUU THUAN 10457 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 NGUYEN CHUONG T+TRAN TAMMY 18726 BOTHELL WAY NE BOTHELL WA 98011 NGUYEN JOSEPH T 322 SENECA PL NW RENTON WA 98057 NGUYEN KHANH TIEN HY 11131 RAINIERAVES $EATILEWA 98178 NGUYEN MINH V+THANH HUaNG T 15632 SE 156TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 NICHOLS DIANE 17338 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 NICKELS JOHN MARK 10464 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 NIELSON CLAYTON W 2127 38TH AVE E SEATTLE WA 98112 NIGRO BERT A 995 SHELTON AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 • Norman Jaffe 5214 116th PI Sf Bellevue WA 98006 N055UM SHERRIL Y 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-110 RENTON WA 98056 NW DEVELOPMENT OF SEATTLE I PO BOX 78037 SEATTLE WA 98178 OAKESDALE BUSINESS PARK LLC C/O KG INVE5TMNT MAGEMNT LLC 11225 SE 6TH 5T STE 215 BELLEVUE WA 98004 OAKESDALE I LLC 204 E 17TH ST #202 COSTA MESA CA 92679 OBERHOLTZER FAMILY TRUST 10450 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 O'FARRELL GREGORY & DARLENE 10868 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 OGIMA L L C C/OTRIMLITE INC 901 SW 39TH 5T RENTON WA 98057 OLYMPIC PIPELINE COMPANY C/O BP AMERICA INC PO BOX SOlS BUENA PARK CA 90622 OPPFEL T CHRIS 13028 NE 32ND PL BELLEVUE WA 98005 ORGILL PETER D 915 N 1ST ST RENTON WA 98055 OVRUCHESKY ALEXANDER 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-108 RENTON WA 98056 OWENS RICHARD C+TRANG T NGU EMBASSY HOUSE APT 1205 18 DONGZAIMENWAI XIAO JIE BEIJING CHINA 100027 00000 PANTANO MARIANNE 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-107 RENTON WA 98056 PASQUIER PAUL L+KARYN A 18313 149TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 PATINA REALTY LLC 195 W SUNSET WAY ISSAQUAH WA 98027 PATRICK ANN DELAURENTI+PAUL PO BOX 3149 RENTON WA 98056 PAUN DOROTHY 18059 E LAKE DESIRE RENTON WA 98058 • PEARSON MARILYN B 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-204 RENTON WA 98056 PEHA ROBERT D+DONNA V 3611 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 PENNER DELLA 331 VALLEY MALL PKWY #273 E WENATCHEE WA 98802 PEREIRA CHARLA MARIE 18220 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 PERETTI RAY L PO BOX 796 RENTON WA 98057 PETERSON KIM E 10900 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 PHAM NGAN T 11232 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 PHAM THAN H+ THUY 11011 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 PHAN LlNH H 10944 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 PHILLIPS DOROTHY G 1101 SHELTON AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 PHOU SUNCHEA 13003 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98058 PIANTANIDA GREG+SHERRE 7011 RIPLEY LANR N RENTON WA 98056 PIANTANIDA GREGORY C+SHERRE 7011 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 PLATH EUGENE I+KATHLEEN M 13019 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98058 PLATH EUGENE I+KATHLEEN M 13019 SE 15ITH ST RENTON WA 98058 PONTIER RUTH E 216 GASNER BLISSFIELD MI 49228 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTN LINE ADDRLlNE CITY5TATE ZlPCODE POOL MATI C+SHANNON D 3601 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98046 POPE BRUCE G+CATHERINE A S5 WILLIAMS AVE #1-105 RENTON WA 98056 PORT QUENDALL COMPANY C/O VULCAN INC 505 5TH AVE 5 #900 SEATILE WA 98104 PORT QUENDALl LANDING 3306 3306 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #1-1 RENTON WA 98056 PORTER STEPHEN C+ NANCY A 3205 MOUNTAINVIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 POTOSHNIK MIKE JR 3403 BURNED AVE N RENTON WA 98056 PRELLWITZ DERREK 3705 SE 6TH 51 RENTON WA 98058 PRICE EARL W FAMilY TRUST PO BOX 72 RENTON WA 98057 PRITCHARD MARC & KAAREN 2807 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 PROVIDENCE HEALTH C/O KENNEDY WILSON PO BOX 52850 BELLEVUE WA 98015 PROVOST ALAN E+CYNTHIA M PO BOX 1492 RENTON WA 98057 PUGET SOUND EDUCATIONAL SER 800 OAKESDALE AVE SW RENTON WA 98057 PUGLISI PHILIP PO BOX 1201 SOAP LAKE WA 98851 PULLEN CHRISTIAN JOHN PULLEN DEBORAH 10882 GARDEN PL S SEATILE WA 98178 • PULSIFER MICHELLE 835 N 15T ST RENTON WA 98055 Ql CORPORATION KIM CHUCK 19401 5E 16TH ST SAMMAMISH WA 98075 QUARRY INDUSTRIAL PARK LLC 9125 10TH AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98108 QUENDALL TERMINALS PO BOX 477 RENTON WA 98055 RALSTIN ELEANOR H 11144 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98178 RAMAC INC 4607 FOREST AVE SE MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 RAMSAUR SU5AN 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-211 RENTON WA 98056 RANZ MARK K 1106 N 38TH 5T RENTON WA 98056 RAY RICHARD F 10814 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98178 Regina Ousley 1131 Lake Washington Blvd. N. #E-317 Renton WA 98056 REHON REBVIASHVILI FAMILY HERITAGE TRUST 18432 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY PO BOX 2316 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON PARTNERS LlC+NORTHWE 9164 5E 54TH PL MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 REPP WILBUR L PO BOX 5532 KENT WA 98064 RESCHKE BRIAN PAUL 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-103 RENTON WA 98056 RICHARDS DARIUS F 3605 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 RICHARDSON REAL ESTATE LLC 700 SW 34TH RENTON WA 98057 RILEY TIMOTHY J+VIRGINIA L 3607 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 • RIVERVIEW APARTMENTS C/O GRAN INC 10211ST AVE W SEATILE WA 98119 ROBCLARISSA PARTNERSHIP lL PO BOX 402 FALL CITY WA 98024 ROCKWELL JUANITA 3009 SE 5TH RENTON WA 98055 ROGERS DARRYL L & SUSAN R 17408 W LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 ROH M THOMAS W 18414 W LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 ROMEO MARIA L 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-209 RENTON WA 98056 ROSBACH DALE 13417 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98058 ROSENBAUM L L 15059 SE JONES RD RENTON WA 98058 RUPERT FREDERICK E+JUDITH G 800 5TH AVE #101204 5EATILE WA 98104 RUTKOVSKIY IVAN & LYUDMILA 2924 SE 5TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 RYAN BING T 14626 SE JONES PL RENTON WA 98058 RYAN DARREN J+MARYBETH 6421 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 RYAN MAXWELL H P a BOX 336 RENTON WA 98057 SAHOTA KANWAUIT 5INGH+RAVI 17228 PETROVIT5KY RD RENTON WA 98058 SAITO MICHAEL& KAREN 13105 SE 1515T ST RENTON WA 98058 SALSTROM JARED A 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-213 RENTON WA 98056 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATINLINE ADDRLlNE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE SALVATION ARMY PO BOX 9219 SEATILE WA 98109 SAMSON GARY l+JENNIFER 5 18116 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 SANDJAY LlC 4957 LAKEMONT BLVD SE #C428 BELLEVUE WA 98006 SANTONE MICHELLE WALKER MARIO 10656 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 SANTOS RENATD & LUCY 1008 N RIVERSIDE DR RENTON WA 98055 SANTOS RENATD L+PAZ C 1815 LAKE YOUNGS WAY SE RENTON WA 98058 SARGEANT MARIE K 12931 SE 1515T ST RENTONWA 98058 SAUVE DAVID J 3413 SE 7TH ST RENTON WA 98058 SAUVE MICHAEL+RHONDA 3417 SE 7TH ST RENTON WA 98058 SAVOY DONALD l 3015 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 SCHEINER EDWARD A 3312 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 SCHLORDT CONRAD A 14504 11TH AVE NE ARLINGTON WA 98223 SCHMIDT RICHARD & PING 18421 SE 174TH WAY RENTON WA 98058 SCHUMAN WILLIAM CARL+VAUGHA 13007 SE 1SlST ST RENTON WA 98058 • SCHWARTZ SAM 10884 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 SCHWENDEMAN MARY S29 N CHARLES #303 BALTIMORE MD 21202 SCHWENK CRYSTAL 3306 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #1-3 RENTON WA 98056 Sean P O'Neil SPOCA 575 High Avenue South Renton WA 98057 SECO DEVELOPMENT INC 1083 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N SUITE 50 RENTON WA 98056 SEIMEARS JERALD L+TSUIFUNG 18508 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 SELDEN KAREN 18336 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 SEZTO LEWIS N+CAROL C 10875 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 SHAJARI ABDE+GINA 3009 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 980S6 SHANTlEY HARRY B+TERESITA L 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-108 RENTON WA 98056 SHELLMAN ANTHONY 10878 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 SHELLY CATHY A 10926 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 SHERWOOD GLEN R+PALMQUIST 0 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-107 RENTON WA 98056 SHORE TIMOTHY L+BAKER TODD 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-2 RENTON WA 98056 SHURE CHARLES H III+GAYLE A 903 N 36TH ST RENTON WA 98056 SIEGER ANTON J & MElODY M 17816 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 SIVESIND R STANLEY RIGGS JAYNE 3821 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 SKAGGS BRIAN J 10932 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 • SMITH DONALD C 10425 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 SMITH GREGG JR+WILLIAMS KELLY MARIE 6811 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 SMITH LOIS MAY 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-407 RENTON WA 98056 SMITH MARILYN I 1009 SHELTON AVE SE RENTON WA 98058 SMITH SHARON M 5143 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 SNELL KIMBERLY M 17859 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98056 SNOWDEN RALPH 3905 SE 11TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 5NURE KIRK A+DONNA 17604 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 SOTELO SYLVIA H 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-5 RENTON WA 98056 SOU LES STUART P 15013 SE JONES RD RENTON WA 98058 SOUTHPORT LLC 1083 LAKE WA BLVD N #50 RENTON WA 98056 SOUTHPORT ONE LLC 1083 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N #50 RENTON WA 98056 SPEARS BEVERLY 13111 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98058 SPOUSE PETER+KELLY GRACE 3011 MOUNTAINVIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 ST LUKES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 99 WELLS AVE S RENTON WA 98055 STARKOVICH BEVERLY J 810 N RIVERSIDE RENTON WA 98055 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATTNlINE ADDRlINE CITV$TATE ZIPCODE STARKOVICH BEVERLY J 810 N RIVERSIDE DR RENTONWA 98055 STENDE RA JEREMY+KRISTIN 18005 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTONWA 98058 STENKLYFT JASON L 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-301 RENTON WA 98056 STEPHENS PAUl+CLARISS 18404 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 STEWART JOHN 8223 S 132ND SEATILE WA 98178 5TILLMAKER LINDA A 13401 SE 1515T ST RENTON WA 98058 STINSON BEATRICE 10825 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98178 STONEMAN WILLIAM C 3101 MT VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 STRAHAN SYLVIA B 18518 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 STRICKLER PAUL C 10650 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 Sylvia Sotelo 5021 Ripley Ln. N #5 Renton WA 98056 TA CHOU 15622 SE 156TH RENTON WA 98056 TABOR LESLIE D 11226 26TH Pl SE EVERED WA 98205 Talvinder Sahota 1085 Lake Washington Blvd. N, C-311 Renton WA 98056 • TAMIYA MASAHIKO 15713 SE 184TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 TASCA JAMES G 14805 SE JONES PL RENTON WA 98058 TAYLOR JOHN T 17713 E LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 TAYLOR MARK T 19683 MILITARY RD S SEATAC WA 98188 TAYLOR ROBERT W+ALlSON P 3811 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD RENTON WA 98056 TESCHENDORF HOWARD H !!+CHRISTINA K 17603 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 THAYER MICHAEL W+Ll5A J 817N1STST RENTON WA 98055 THE BAGLIEN FAMILY TRUST 3029 5E 6TH 5T RENTON WA 98058 THIRY PIERRE P 6619 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 THOM EUGENE D+JEAN E PO BOX 59024 RENTON WA 98058 THOMAIER KEVIN+LlNDA 17730 W LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 THOMAS JACK A 18330 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 THOMASON DEBRA LEAH 104 MAIN AVE 5 RENTON WA 98057 TIAA CREF C/O NATIONAL TAX SEARCH 303 E WACKER DR #850 CHICAGO IL 60601 TIEU ANN N 830 N RIVERSIDE DR RENTON WA 98055 TINGVALLALBIN A 18031 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 TIONNSCNADH LLC 1346 BELLEVUE WAY SE BELLEVUE WA 98004 TIS LOW BARRY T +SUSAN R 3701 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 • TOBECK ROBERT L+SONYA R 1003 N 41ST PL RENTON WA 98056 TOMPERI BRYAN J 13311 SE 151ST ST RENTONWA 98058 TONKIN PATRICIA E 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-104 RENTONWA 98056 Tony SChildt 10508 NE 48th pi Kirkland WA 98003 TORKELSON EDWARD & KATHY K 11006 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 TOSCO CORP C/O CONOCOPHILLIPS PO BOX 1539 PASO ROBLES CA 93447 TRAN THAI NGOC+TRAN SHAWN A 15525 157TH CT SE RENTON WA 98058 TRAUTMANN ROBERT F+CAROLYN 809 N 29TH ST RENTON WA 98056 TRINGALI MARIA A 15522 157TH CT SE RENTON WA 98058 TRIPLE G HOLDINGS LLC 204 E 17TH ST #202 COSTA MESA CA 92627 TUKWILA CITY OF 6200 SOUTH CENTER BLVD TUKWJLA WA 98188 TYABJI JULlA+ISMAEL HUSSEIN 10403 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 UNDERWOOD RICHARD 0 2314 NE 28TH ST RENTON WA 98056 UNDIS LAWRENCE E 25404 SE 219 MAPLE VALLEY WA 98038 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ATIN BILLINGS JIM 1416 DODGE ST #325 OMAHA NE 68179 UNION PAC/FIC RAILROAD CO PROPERTY TAX 1400 DOUGLAS STOP 1640 OMAHA NE 68179 PIO TAXPAYERNAME ATINLINE ADDRLlNE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE VACA RICARDO 3017 SE 6TH ST RENTONWA 98058 VACCA NICHOLAS+VAC[A MARICHU 18023 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 VACCA NICK A 18023 E LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 VAN NOSTRAND lAMES F+MAXINE 1708 35TH AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98144 VAN NOSTRAND THOMAS J ALTER NANCY 348 LAKE DESIRE DR N RENTON WA 98058 VAUGHN RICHARD W JR 5137 RIPLEY IN N RENTON WA 98056 VELDWYK HARRY J+CHERYL F WEBBER 10616 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 VISION PROPERTY MANAGEMANT 27320 SE 162ND PL ISSAQUAH WA 9802.7 VOSK ANDRIS 17450 W LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 YUAN D 10856 GARDEN PL 5 SEATTLE WA 98178 VU ANTHONY+[YNTHIA CHU 113158TH PLNE BELLEVUE WA 98008 VUONG JEWEL+WILLIAM LlAO+YU 11109 RAINIER AVE S SEATILEWA 98178 VUONG KIMBERLY H 4878 BEACON AVE S SEATILE WA 98108 VUONG QUANG+HUYNH HA TU 526 S MONROE ST SEATILE WA 98108 • VUONG TONY H+ROSIVA T 10923 RAINIER AVE S SEATILEWA 98178 WADDINGTON JACK M+SHERI L 2332 NE 31ST ST RENTON WA 98055 WAH TAl LIMITED LIABILITY C PO BOX 3543 RENTON WA 98056 WALDRON TERRY R+PEGGY L 18342 W tAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 WALKERJ L VONLOSSOW C L 2816 NW 80TH ST SEATILE WA 98117 WALLJOHN W+PATRICIAJ 18548 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 WALLACE WC 17855 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 WALSH ROGER R+SUZETIE L 17846 W LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 WARE KIP & CHRIS 6827 RIPLEY LN N RENTON WA 98056 WARREN MARGARET L 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-314 RENTON WA 98056 WC Stoneman 3101 Mountain View Ave N Renton WA 98056 WElL GARY A 3711 LAKE WASHINGTON 8LVD N RENTON WA 98056 WELLS FARGO BANK NA PO BOX 21927 SEATILE WA 98111 WETHERBEE MARK & KATHY 17524 WEST LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 WEYRICK ROBERT M+NANCY 0 14911135TH AVE 5E RENTON WA 98058 WHITAKER MATILDA M 413 WELLS AVE N RENTON WA 98057 WHITE KATHLEEN L 3101 SE 6TH ST RENTON WA 98058 WHITEHOUSE GEORGE S+SANDRA 18305 SAN ANTONIO DR MORGAN HILL CA 95037 • WHITLEY LEE 969 SHELTON AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 WHITMORE JEFFREY M+KAROl P 17832 W LK DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 WICKERSHAM JOSEPH W 17807 E LAKE DESIRE DR SE RENTON WA 98058 WIDMER MARK A+ANNE BOYINGTON 801 N 1ST ST RENTON WA 98055 WILLIAMS AUDREY D 13411 SE 151ST ST RENTON WA 98056 WILLIAMS CAREY SCOTI +ROBIN 10680 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98178 WILLY RICHARD 0 WILLY MARY C 10624 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 WILSON JOAN MARY 55 WILLIAMS AVE #1-402 RENTON WA 98056 WILSON LYNN M 10430 GARDEN PL S SEATILE WA 98178 WILTZ PATRICK J+CHRISTINE D 10826 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATILE WA 98178 WINCHESTER PAUL 10408 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 WINTER MARLENE R 2731 MT VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 WOLTER DONNA L 10448 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 98178 WONG LILLIAN Y 11013 RAINIER AVE S SEATILE WA 981783327 WOON FRANK K 8508 S 112TH ST SEATILE WA 98178 WRIGHT JACK CAMERON 5021 RIPLEY LANE N 1'1-205 RENTON WA 98056 PID TAXPAYERNAME ATINLINE ADDRlINE CITYSTATE ZIPCODE YASUNAGA FRANCES H 10456 RAINIER AVE 5 SEATIlE WA 98178 YOUNG ERIC+ALlCIA 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-304 RENTON WA 98056 YOUNG GARY F 3115 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N RENTON WA 98056 YOUNKER JASON A 5021 RIPLEY LANE N #1-6 RENTON WA 98056 YUEN SHARON 1433 HINDS PL 5 SEATILE WA 98144 ZllMER MARK E+ROSEMARY 3837 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98056 ZIMMERMAN JAMES V+THERESAA 813 N FIRST ST RENTON WA 98055 Robert Bakker 6417 Ripley Lane RentonWA 98056 Christie Mueller 6841 Ripley Lane N Renton WA 98056 John H Harts 6809 Ripley Lane RentonWA 98056 Tony Boyston 3901 Lake Washington Blvd N Renlon WA 98056 T any Boyston 3713 Lake Washington Blvd N Renlon WA 98056 Kelly Grace 3011 MI. View Ave N RentonWA 98056 Ariane Elvepack AnMarCo 9125 10th Ave S Seattle WA 98108 • • • May 12, 2010 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch,Administrator Subject: ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPAl DETERMINATION Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERe) on May 10, 2010: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE PROJECT NAME: Shoreline Master Program Update PROJECT NUMBER: LUA10-028, ECF LOCATION: The proposed changes would affect properties within Renton City limits in the vicinity of Lake Washington, Lake Desire, the Cedar River, the Green River, the Black River, May Creek, and Springbrook Creek. Areas outside Renton City limits in the vicinity of these waterbodies could be affected in the future upon annexation. DESCRIPTION: This non-project action adopts new policies and regulations to manage shorelines within the City of Renton. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on May 28, 2010. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. A concurrent 14-day comment period and appeal period has been issued on this proposal. Comments may be directed to: Erika Conkling, AICP, City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 by 5:00 p.m. on May 28,2010. Renton City Hall _ 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov ,\ Washington State DepartmeeECO'Ogy Page 2 of 2 May 12, 2010 • Please refer to the enclosed Notice of Environmental Determination for complete details. If you have questions, please call me at (425) 430-6578. For the Environmental Review Committee, Erika Conkling Senior Planner Enclosure cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Boyd Powers, Department of Natural Resources Karen Walter, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Melissa Calvert, Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Gretchen Kaehler, Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Ramin Pazooki, WSDOT, NW Region Larry Fisher, WDFW Duwamish Tribal Office US Army Corp_ of Engineers Barbara Nightingale DOE NW Regional Office 3'190 160lh Ave SE Bellevue, WA 98008 Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. Attn: Karen Walter 39015 _172'd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 US Army Corp, of Engineers Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Hugo Flores Depart of Natural Resources PO Box 47027 Olympia, WA 98504-7027 KC Dev, & Environmental Serv, Attn: S E PA Section 900 Oakesdale Ave, SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 M, Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Seattle Public Utilities Attn: SEPA Coordinator 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 Seattle Dept of Planning and Devt Attn: Maggie Glowaki 700 Fifth Ave" Suite 2000 P,O, Box 34019 Seattle, WA 98124 NOAA Fisheries Attn: Thom Hooper 510 Desmond Drive, suite 103 Lacey, WA 98503 .SDOT Northwest Region Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv, , MS-240 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 Duwamish Tribal Office 4717 W Marginal Way SW Seattle, WA 98106-1514 KC Wastewater Treatment Division Environmental Planning Supervisor Ms, Shirley Marroquin 201 S, Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Monica Shoemaker DNR Regional Office 950 Farman Ave Enumclaw, WA 98022 City of Newcastle Attn: Steve Roberge Director of Community Development 13020 Newcastle Way Newcastle, WA 98059 Puget Sound Energy Municipal Liaison Manager Cody Olson PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01W Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Katie Knight WDFW 600 Capital Way N Olympia, WA 98501 Ike Nwankwo Dept of Commerce Growth Management Division 906 Columbia St SW Olympia, WA 98504 Department of Ecclogy Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 eWDFW -Larry Fisher 1775 12th Ave, NW Suite 201 Issaquah, WA 98027 Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert 39015 172'd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Attn: Gretchen Kaehler PO Box 48343 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Kirk Lakey WDFW Regional Watershed Stewardship 1775 12th Avenue NW Suite 201 Issaquah, WA 98027 City of Kent Attn: Mr, Fred Satterstrom, AICP 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 City of Tukwila Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official 6200 Southcenter Blvd, Tukwila, WA 98188 City of Bellevue Attn: Michael Payne 450110'" Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98009 City of Mercer Island Attn: Steve Lancaster 9611 SE 36 th Street Mercer Island, WA 98040 Boyd Powers Department of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: Shoreline Master Program Update PROJECT NUMBER: LUA10-028, ECF LOCATION: The proposed changes would affect properties within Renton City limits in the vicinity of Lake Washington, Lake Desire, the Cedar River, the Green River, the Black River, May Creek, and Springbrook Creek. Areas outside Renton City limits in the vicinity of these waterbodies could be affected in the future upon annexation. DESCRIPTION: This non-project action adopts new policies and regulations to manage shorelines within the City of Renton. The proposal may be reviewed on-line at www.shoreline.rentonwa.gov. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMIITEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. A concurrent 14-day comment period and appeal period has been issued on this proposal. Comments may be directed to: Erika Conkling, AICP, City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 by S:OO p.m. on May 28, 2010. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on May 28, 2010. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE SET AND ALL PARTIES NOTIFIED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT ERIKA CONKLING, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-6578, OR EMAIL AT ECONKLlNG@RENTONWA.GOV. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) APPLICATION NUMBER: APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: shorelines within the City of Renton. LUA10-028, ECF City of Renton, Department of Community & Economic Development Shoreline Master Program Update This non-project action adopts new policies and regulations to manage LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The proposed changes would affect properties within Renton City limits in the vicinity of Lake Washington, Lake Desire, the Cedar River, the Green River, the Black River, May Creek, and Springbrook Creek. Areas outside Renton City limits in the vicinity of these waterbodies could be affected in the future upon annexation. LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development This Determination of Non-Significance is issued under WAC 197-11-340. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before S:OO p.m. on May 28, 2010. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Community Services Department May 14, 2010 May 10,2010 , Administrator Fire & Emergency Services Economic Development • • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: TIME: LOCATION: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Terry Higashiyama, Community Services Administrator Mark Peterson, Interim Fire & Emergency Services Administrator Alex Pietsch, CED Administrator Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Monday, May 10, 2010 3:00 p.m. Sixth Floor Conference Room #620 THE FOLLOWING IS A CONSENT AGENDA Shoreline Master Program Update LUA1D-D28, ECF (Conkling) Location: The proposed changes would affect properties within Renton City limits in the vicinity of Lake Washington, Lake Desire, the Cedar River, the Green River, the Black River, May Creek, and Springbrook Creek. Areas outside Renton City limits in the vicinity of these waterbodies could be affected in the future upon annexation. Description: This non-project action adopts new policies and regulations to manage shorelines within the City of Renton. cc: D. law, Mayor J. Covington, Chief Administrative Officer S. Dale Estey, CED Director· W. Flora, Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal· Richard Perteet, Deputy PW Administrator -Transportation C. Vincent, CED Planning Director· N. Watts, Development Services Director· L. Warren, City Attorney· F. Kaufman l Hearing Examiner D. Pargas, Assistant Fire Marshal J. Medzegian, Council • • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC MEETING DATE: Project Name: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: STAFF RECOMMENDA TlON: May 10, 2010 Shoreline Master Program Update N/A City of Renton, Department of Community and Economic Development Erika Conkling, AICP x6578 LUA 10-028, ECF Erika Conkling, AICP x6578 This non-project action adopts new policies and regulations to manage shorelines within the City of Renton. The proposed changes would affect properties within Renton City limits in the vicinity of Lake Washington, Lake Desire, the Cedar River, the Green River, the Black River, May Creek, and Springbrook Creek. Areas outside Renton City limits in the vicinity of these waterbodies could be affected in the future upon annexation. N/A N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): Total Building Area GSF: N/A N/A N/A Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS). PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION / BACKGROUND Update of Renton's Shoreline Master Program (SMP) is required by state mandate and must comply with the guidelines in WAC 173-26. The SMP provides policies and regulations for the use and development of all property subject to shoreline jurisdiction under the Shoreline Management Act (SMA). It consists of a series of documents that will be adopted by the Renton City Council and the Washington State Department of Ecology. Those documents include: the Shoreline Management element of the Comprehensive Plan; multiple amendments to Title IV of the Renton Municipal Code, including sections: 4- 3-090 Shoreline Master Program Regulations, 4-8-120 Submittal Requirements, Specific to Application Type, 4-9-190 Shoreline Permits, 4-10-095 Shoreline Master Program, Nonconforming Uses, Activities, Structures, and Sites, and Definitions in chapter 4-11; the Restoration Plan; and the map Renton Shoreline Enviranment Overlays. The proposed SMP is based upon information in the supporting document Revised Draft Shoreline Inventory and Analysis. The impacts of the proposed SM P are reviewed in the document Shoreline Cumulative Effects Analysis. All documents are available for review on the project website: www.shoreline.rentonwa.gov Several drafts of the SMP have been prepared and reviewed. A previous notice of application and comment period was issued for the October 2009 public hearing draft of the SMP. Several changes have been made to the SMP since that time, particularly affecting sections related to the regulation of: ERe Report.docx City of Renton Department of (:ommuni Economic Development 'nn,",p"tni Review Committee Report SHORELINE MASTER LUA ECF Report of May 10, 2010 Page 2 of 5 wetlands, dredging for existing uses, standards for docks and piers, and setback and buffer requirements for existing single-family homes, recognition of vested rights, and non-water-oriented uses in high intensity environments, This determination is based on the March 2010 SMP draft, Based on the Shoreline Cumulative Effects Analysis, the proposed SMP should result in no net loss of ecological function, as required under state law. ~ PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43,21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS with a 14-day Appeal Period with a concurrent 14-day Comment Period. B. Mitigation Measures 1. None, C. Exhibits Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Shoreline Overlay Environments Map CD-SMP SEPA Support Documents, containing Revised Draft Shoreline Inventory and Analysis, March 2010 and the Shoreline Cumulative Effects Analysis, March 2010 D. Environmentallmpacts The proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: 1. Earth Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse impacts to the land/earth. Mitigation Measures: None, Nexus: N/A 2. Air Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse impacts to the air. Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A 3. Water a. Wetland, Streams, Lakes Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse impacts to wetlands, streams, or lakes. The goal ofthe implementation of the proposal is to achieve, at a minimum, no net loss of ecological functions or processes in these areas, and in the ideal Situation, to gradually restore these areas over time. ERC Report.docx City of Renton Department ofCornmuni SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Report of May 10, 2010 Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A b. Ground Water Economic Development "OnlYJerltalReview Committee Report LUA ECF Page 3 of 5 Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse impacts to ground water resources. Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A c. Storm Water Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse impacts to storm water control, and in fact as shoreline buffers are created and planted, existing storm water control may be improved over time" Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A 4. Vegetation Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse impacts on vegetation" The proposal encourages retention of existing shoreline vegetation, and the restoration of vegetation in shoreline buffer areas with re-development of properties and for the establishment of non-water- oriented uses within shoreline jurisdiction. It is reasonable to expect a net increase in vegetation over time. Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A 5. Wildlife Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse impacts on wildlife" The proposal encourages retention and restoration of shoreline habitat for all types of wildlife, including for endangered salmonids. The goal of the implementation of the project is to result in, at a minimum, no net loss of ecological functions and processes, and ideally, to gradually restore ecological function and processes over time. This will provide a net benefit to wildlife. Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A 6. Energy and Natural Resources Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no Significant adverse impacts to energy and natural resources. Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A 7. Environmental Health a. Environmental Health Hazards Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse impacts to environmental health. ERC Report.docx City of Renton Deportment ofLOl7Im'unI Economic Development tol Review Committee Report SHORELINE MASTER LUA EeF Report of May 10, 2010 Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A b. Noise Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse noise impacts. Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A 8. Aesthetics Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse impacts on aesthetics. Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A 9. Light and Glare Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse light and glare impacts. Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A 10. Parks and Recreation Page 4 of 5 Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse impacts on parks and recreation opportunities. One of the goals of the SMA is to increase public access to the shoreline, with the intent, in part, of allOWing more recreational access and pUblic enjoyment. Opportunities for additional public access will be created over time as properties redevelop. Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A 11. Historic and Cultural Preservation Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse impact on historic and cultural preservation. Any impacts to potential or known archaeological sites that occurred as a result of development allowed by the SMP would be evaluated at the time of project specific review. A section of the SMP recognizes the treaty rights of tribes to use the shorelines. Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A 12. Transportation Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse impact in regard to transportation concerns. Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A 13. Fire & Police Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse impact in regard to fire and police protection. ERC Report.docx City of Renton Deportment ofCo'nml~nii SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM Report of May 10, 2010 Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A 14. Public Services Economic Development ~onl71erltoIReview Committee Report LUA ECF Page 5 of 5 Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse impact in regard to the provision of public services. Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A 15. Utilities Impacts: This non-project proposal will have no significant adverse impact in regard to utility service. Mitigation Measures: None. Nexus: N/A E. Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or "Advisory Notes to Applicant." ,(' Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, May 28, 2010. Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing at the City Clerk's office along with the required fee. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton WA 98057. ERC Report.docx Seattle I~ I I I i ~ ' .... , 'C o Ken t -++--------- /-c/uaJ Data SOOfce. City of RentJn ~OO9, Kmg COlmly 200 9 and ESt; MOitson. ThiS map depicts the <lPD fox:mate location ood CXlBn\ of areas subjecllo the S/;1P The octuai extent of shOrellfe ~risdicton f8(juire s a site-specific evauation to imentify the ardina)' high wa te r mark ood any assoc iated wetlands The location of tie 20 cis limit i> from USGS (1900). Floodplain ,md flood .... ay extent are based on FEMA rnappiny am the LOl\oel Green Rrver Mapping Slooy by KJng County. Weiland loca tions are appmximate and based on exi3ling City/regio nal inl'entones; a.:ldrtional 'M!tlands may be present that are not shown on the maps and rome oj the areas sho wn as we~ands may not meet the wetland clileria. Th is map makes no claim as to whether 'M:!Uands a-e a;socia ted ~Ath the shorel ne or not ThiS map should nat be used as a de1ln1t l'lE! sourCE on a'-Sociilted Wetlands umer ShJrelille ManagementAct jurisdic\on Such a dCEn mn atian v~1I be male 011 a case -by-casf. basis New cas tie S~II""" , ' , ~ t Bellevue -e-ReR~1!OItt' "'~~\15 rr ,.1 " .' Lflke 11.l.1urg • Renton Shoreline Environment Overlays kln16 ,20 10 025 0 .5 1 ___ ===-_____ Mlles o l ' 50,0 00 H\CFlJlfl'n"';I<;JS\(;!S_I"r":/,"L,J,,,u",,'_,,u,r'.JY{){"~lib,d.~ "a."'-,,,' ~''''''v''ii,"r/ "'5<I'idla's'A ,/"".,1 ... ';""'~li1l"(l 11,li NIOm .J ft~l Oty Lirrits l.:... .. l F¥\A BoLrJdary . 1Aellards Shoreline Environment Designation o Nat Lrai D Shoreline H!tllntenSlt)' o Shoreline I so lated Hi!tJ Intensity o Shoreline Slrqle Fcmly D Ijoon Conservall;Y Shorelin e Juri sdiction BRSC . Black R1ve rI Spnngbro d<: Cree+; Reaches CR -Cedar River Reames GR -Green River Re aches LD -Lake Des ire Reames cw-Lake 'I\tI:;illrgtcn Reames MC _ May Creel<: Reaches City o.ton Department of Community & Economiceelopment ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~ COMMENTS DUE: MAY 5,2010 APPLICATION NO: LUAlO-028, ECF :..:t<I"'------t:D~A:T=-E =CI:R=C~U:-:LA~T~E=-D-'-: ~A:PR~I~L ~21~,-=2=01~0:-'-----=::;:::\=----- APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT TITLE: Shoreline Master Program Update SITE AREA: NjA LOCATION: Vicinity of Lk Washington, Lk Desire, Cedar River, Black River, Springbrook Creek and May Creek within Renton City limits, and within areas that may bzcome part of the City of Renton within the next 20 years PLA~EWER: Kavren K~ -----. EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): N/A PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) Nj A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant requests Environmental (SEPA) Review for the proposal to adopt a new Shoreline Master Program (SMP). The SMP establishes City policies and regulations for the use, development, protection, and restoration of shorelines within Renton City limits. In addition, the program includes proposed policies and regulations for shorelines within unincorporated King County and within Renton's potential annexation area, and for a strip of land along Lake Washington (north of Renton City limits, south of Bellevue city limits, and west of Newcastle city limits) that is within unincorporated King County but not assigned to any potential annexation area. These areas within unincorporated King County have been included in Renton's SMP because they have the potential to be annexed into the City prior to the next major update of the SMP. PLEASE NOTE: All the SEPA supporting documents can be found on the enclosed CD. If you have any questions, please contact Erika Conkling at .6578 or econkling@rentonwa.gov. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Enl/;ronment Minor MoJor Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Element o[ the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Ught Gfafe Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14000 Feet 8. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS articular attention to those are rn which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional informa ' n seeded to properly assess proposal. Signature of Director or Authorize Date City of_ton Department of Community & Economic .e!opment ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: p~ ~ APPLICATION NO: LUAIO-028, ECF APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT TITLE: Shoreline Master Program Update SITE AREA: NjA LOCATION: Vicinity of Lk Washington, Lk Desire, Cedar River, Black River, Springbrook Creek and May Creek within Renton City limits, and within areas that may become part of the City of Renton within the next 20 years COMMENTS DUE: MAY 5,2010 DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 21, 2010 PLANNER: Erika Conkling PLAN REVIEWER: Kayren Kittrick EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): Nj A PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) NjA SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant requests Environmental (SEPA) Review for the proposal to adopt a new Shoreline Master Program (SMP), The SMP establishes City policies and regulations for the use, development, protection, and restoration of shorelines within Renton City limits, In addition, the program includes proposed policies and regulations for shorelines within unincorporated King County and within Renton's potential annexation area, and for a strip of land along Lake Washington (north of Renton City limits, south of Bellevue city limits, and west of Newcastle city limits) that is within unincorporated King County but not assigned to any potential annexation area, These areas within unincorporated King County have been included in Renton's SMP because they have the potential to be annexed into the City prior to the next major update of the SMP, PLEASE NOTE: All the SEPA supporting documents can be found on the enclosed CD, If you have any questions, please contact Erika Conkling at x6578 or econkling@renlonwa,gov. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element a/the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary farth Air Woter Plants Land/Shoreline Use • Animals Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Natural Resources M;':;~',;" >_ "'0;';' <~ B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have review.ed this appficatio with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional infi tion is needed to properly assess this proposal. fjd(o /10 ~ Cit] '. ment ENVIRONMENTA~ n Department of Community & Econom, DEVELOPMENT APPLICA ~N REVIEW SHEET APPLICATION NO: LUA10-028, ECF APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT TITLE: Shoreline Master Program Update SITE AREA: N / A LOCATION: Vicinity of Lk Washington, Lk Desire, Cedar River, Black River, Springbrook Creek and May Creek within Renton City limits, and within areas that may become part of the City of Renton within the next 20 years COMMENTS DUE: MAY 5,2010 DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 21,2010 PLANNER: Erika Conkling PLAN REVIEWER: Kayren Kittrick EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): N/A PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/A . 'ei' ,0' . ',. c"v~ . ". - SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant requests Environmental (SEPA) Review for the proposal to adopt a new Shoreline Master Program (SMP), The SMP establishes City policies and regulations for the use, development, protection, and restoration of shorelines within Renton City limits, In addition, the program includes proposed policies and regulations for shorelines within unincorporated King County and within Renton's potential annexation area, and for a strip of land along Lake Washington (north of Renton City limits, south of Bellevue city limits, and west of Newcastle city limits) that is within unincorporated King County but not assigned to any potential annexation area. These areas within unincorporated King County have been included in Renton's SMP because they have the potential to be annexed into the City prior to the next major update of the SMP. PLEASE NOTE: All the SEPA supporting documents can be found on the enclosed CD, If you have any questions, please contact Erika Conkling at x6578 or econkling@rentonwa,gov, A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major In/ormation Impacts Impacts Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Enl/lronment Minor Major In/ormation Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housin Air Aesthetics Water Liaht/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Tranroortotion Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HistoriC/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATEO COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact ere additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Date City of R!ton Department af Community & Economic D!'opment ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: T mr.r:::ID("),r"'M ~ n I APPLICATION NO: LUAlO-028, ECF APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT TITLE: Shoreline Master Program Update SITE AREA: N/A LOCATION: Vicinity of Lk Washington, Lk Desire, Cedar River, Black River, Springbrook Creek and May Creek within Renton City limits, and within areas that may become part of the City of Renton within the next 20 years COMMENTS DUE: MAY 5,2010 DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 21, 2010 PLANNER: Erika Conkling PLAN REVIEWER: Kayren Kittrick EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): N/A PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/ A .",{,.,', ; ." SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant requests Environmental (SEPA) Review for the proposal to adopt a new Shoreline Master Program (SMP). The SMP establishes City policies and regulations for the use, development, protection, and restoration of shorelines within Renton City limits. In addition, the program includes proposed policies and regulations for shorelines within unincorporated King County and within Renton's potential annexation area, and for a strip of land along Lake Washington (north of Renton City limits, south of Bellevue city limits, and west of Newcastle city limits) that is within unincorporated King County but not assigned to any potential annexation area. These areas within unincorporated King County have been included in Renton's SMP because they have the potential to be annexed into the City prior to the next major update of the SMP. PLEASE NOTE: All the SEPA supporting documents can be found on the enclosed CD. If you have any questions, please contact Erika Conkling at x6578 or econkling@rentonwa,gov, A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e,g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element 0/ the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major In/ormation Impacts Impacts Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major In/ormation Impacts Impaas Necessary Earth Housinq Air Water Plants ~ Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Natural Resources A~'!?~,!~ , i~:g~~eet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS !\)o-v-L... C, CODE-RELATED COMMENTS N~ We have reviewed thjs application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. • • City of Renton Deportment of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: MAY 5,2010 APPLICATION NO: LUAlO-028, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 21,2010 ~A~P~PL~I~CA~N~T~:~C~i~~o~f~R~en~t~o~n~ ________________________ -r~P~LA~N~N~E~R~:~Er~ik~a~C~o~n~k~li~n£g ______________ ~~~i~~-~:~?~1-L~~~_~- PROJECT TITLE: Shoreline Master Program Update PLAN REVIEWER: Kayren Kittrick SITE AREA: N/A EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: Vicinity of Lk Washington, Lk Desire, Cedar River, PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/A Black River, Springbrook Creek and May Creek within Renton City limits, and within areas that may become part of the City of Renton within the next 20 years SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant requests Environmental (SEPA) Review for the proposal to adopt a new Shoreline Master Program (SMP)_ The SMP establishes City policies and regulations for the use, development, protection, and restoration of shorelines within Renton City limits. In addition, the program includes proposed policies and regulations for shorelines within unincorporated King County and within Renton's potential annexation area, and for a strip of land along Lake Washington (north of Renton City limits, south of Bellevue city limits, and west of Newcastle city limits) that is within unincorporated King County but not assigned to any potential annexation area. These areas within unincorporated King County have been included in Renton's SMP because they have the potential to be annexed into the City prior to the next major update of the SMP. PLEASE NOTE: All the SEPA supporting documents can be found on the enclosed CD. If you have any questions, please contact Erika Conkling at x6578 or econkling@rentonwa.gov. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major In/ormation Impacts Impocts Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Mojor Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS /V~ We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas 0/ probable impact or areas where additional in/ormation is needed to properly assess this proposal, Date • • City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: F I Vt- APPLICATION NO: LUAlO-028, ECF APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT TITLE: Shoreline Master Program Update SITE AREA: N/ A LOCATION: Vicinity of Lk Washington, Lk Desire, Cedar River, Black River, Springbrook Creek and May Creek within Renton City limits, and within areas that may become part of the City of Renton within the next 20 years COMMENTS DUE: MAY 5,2010 DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 21, 2010 PLANNER: Erika Conkling PLAN REVIEWER: Kayren Kittrick EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): N/A PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/ A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant requests Environmental (SEPA) Review for the proposal to adopt a new Shoreline Master Program (SMP). The SMP establishes City policies and regulations for the use, development, protection, and restoration of shorelines within Renton City limits. In addition, the program includes proposed policies and regulations for shorelines within unincorporated King County and within Renton's potential annexation area, and for a strip of land along Lake Washington (north of Renton City limits, south of Bellevue city limits, and west of Newcastle city limits) that is within unincorporated King County but not assigned to any potential annexation area. These areas within unincorporated King County have been included in Renton's SMP because they have the potential to be annexed into the City prior to the next major update of the SMP. PLEASE NOTE: All the SEPA supporting documents can be found on the enclosed CD. If you have any questions, please contact Erika Conkling at x6578 or econkling@rentonwa.gov. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element 0/ the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Mojor In/ormat;on Environment Minor Mojor In/ormotlon Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary arth Vater ~ are ~ Use Itilities ~~~;;~. ~ /~(/ B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS Jl .:,/\1/ y ~. /((!~ C. "",,"""'''DroMM// We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas oj probable impact or areas where odditional information is needed to properly a~"ss this proposal. / j' ~~~~~~~c~1~/~ __ ~~~'~~~~=0L-1./1~!(d Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date 7 • • City at Renton Department of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT /:::COnNYl I LDev APPLICATION NO: LUA10-028, ECF APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT TITLE: Shoreline Master Program Update SITE AREA: N j A LOCATION: Vicinity of Lk Washington, Lk Desire, Cedar River, Black River, Springbrook Creek and May Creek within Renton City limits, and within areas that may become part of the City of Renton within the next 20 years COMMENTS DUE: MAY 5, 2010 DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 21,2010 PLANNER: Erika Conkling PLAN REVIEWER: Kayren Kittrick EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): NjA PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) NjA SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant requests Environmental (SEPA) Review for the proposal to adopt a new Shoreline Master Program (SMP). The SMP establishes City policies and regulations for the use, development, protection, and restoration of shorelines within Renton City limits. In addition, the program includes proposed policies and regulations for shorelines within unincorporated King County and within Renton's potential annexation area, and for a strip of land along Lake Washington (north of Renton City limits, south of Bellevue city limits, and west of Newcastle city limits) that is within unincorporated King County but not assigned to any potential annexation area. These areas within unincorporated King County have been included in Renton's SMP because they have the potential to be annexed into the City prior to the next major update of the SMP. PLEASE NOTE: All the SEPA supporting documents can be found on the enclosed CD. If you have any questions, please contact Erika Conkling at x6578 or econkling@rentonwa.gov. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Nan-Cade) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable Environment Minor Major Impacts Impacts Earth Air Water Plants Land/Shoreline Use Animals Environmental Health Energy/ Natural Resources More In/ormation Element of the Environment Necessary Hous;n, Utilities , ~!: VI a 1"1 elle-vV'C'A [ eC£lVl O(lYlI v c1 f1 d Probable Probable More Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary t1'l-e deJ i ca-te· e¥1V i vv VI vrovrf?f I We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly Qssess this proposal. Signature 0 I } Date • • City of Renton Department af Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ProQ6ri1 oVG f , I APPLICATION NO: LUA10-028, ECF - APPLICANT: City of Renton PROJECT TITLE: Shoreline Master Program Update SITE AREA: N / A LOCATION: Vicinity of Lk Washington, Lk Desire, Cedar River, Black River, Springbrook Creek and May Creek within Renton City limits, and within areas that may become part of the City of Renton within the next 20 years COMMENTS DUE: MAY 5,2010 DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 21,2010 PLANNER: Erika Conkling PLAN REVIEWER: Kayren Kittrick EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): N/A PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/ A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant requests Environmental (SEPA) Review for the proposal to adopt a new Shoreline Master Program (SMP). The SMP establishes City policies and regulations for the use, development, protection, and restoration of shorelines within Renton City limits. In addition, the program includes proposed policies and regulations for shorelines within unincorporated King County and within Renton's potential annexation area, and for a strip of land along Lake Washington (north of Renton City limits, south of Bellevue city limits, and west of Newcastle city limits) that is within unincorporated King County but not assigned to any potential annexation area. These areas within unincorporated King County have been included in Renton's SMP because they have the potential to be annexed into the City prior to the next major update of the SMP. PLEASE NOTE: All the SEPA supporting documents can be found on the enclosed CD. If you have any questions, please contact Erika Conkling at x6578 or econkling@rentonwa.gov. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Envjronment Minor Impacts Earth Air Water Plants Land Shoreline Use Animals Environmental Health Energy/ Natural Resources B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS ~ov"e C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ~Ol"e.. Probable More Major Information Impacts Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Mojor In/ormation Impacts Impacts Necessary Housin Aesthetics LiQht/Glare Recreation Utilities Trans ortotion Public Services Historic/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14 000 Feet We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas 0/ probable impact _or a::~~ ~~~r~additionarntormat,lOn is needed to properly assess thiS proposal. I { kyc ---A" \, ~ ).~'-=--4 \2-6\ 2 (,,) \0 Signature of Dire~tor or Authorized Representative Date I • UJAIO-D2~ City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: PROJECT NAME: Shoreline Master Program Update ADDRESS: LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: Vicinity of Lake Washington, Lake Desire, the Cedar River, the Black River, the Green River, Springbrook Creek, and May Creek within Renton City CITY: ZIP: limits, and within areas that may become part of City of Renton within the next 20 years. 98055, 98056, 98057, 98058 TELEPHONE NUMBER: KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): N/A-non-project action. APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: Department of Community and Economic Development EXISTING LAND USE(S):Varied. Includes: single-family residential, multi-family residential, commercial, industrial, civic, open space, parks, and vacant. COMPANY (if applicable): City of Renton PROPOSED LAND USErS): No changes proposed. EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: Varied. Includes: RS (Residential Single-family), COR ADDRESS: 1055 S. Grady Way (Commercial/Office/Residential), RLD (Residential Low Density), UC-N (Urban Center-North), EA-I (Employment Area-Industrial), EA-V (Employment Area-Valley), RMD (Residential Medium Density), CC (Commercial Corridor), and UC-D (Urban Center-Downtown). CITY: Renton ZIP: 98057 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): No chanQes proposed. EXISTING ZONING: Varied. Within Renton: R-8 (Residential Eight Units per Net Acre), COR (Commercial/ Office/ Residential), R-1 (Residential One Unit per Net Acre), UC-N2 (Urban Center North 2), IL (Industrial Light), 1M (Industrial TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425-430-6578 Medium), IH (Industrial High), CD (Center Downtown), RM-U (Residential Multi-Family Urban Center), R-10 (Residential Ten Units per Net Acre), CA (Commercial Arterial), RC (Resource Conservation), R-4 (Residential Four Units per Net Acre), and CO (Commercial Office). Within King County: R-6 (Residential,6 DU per Acre), R-48 (Residential, 48 DU per Acre), R-12 (Residential, 12 DU per Acre), R-1 (Residential, 1 DU per Acre), and UR (Urban Reserve). CO NT ACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): No changes proposed. NAME: Erika ConklinQ, AICP SITE AREA (in square feet): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY (if applicable): Department of Community and DEDICATED: N/A Economic Development ADDRESS: 1055 S. Grady Way SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: N/A CITY: Renton ZIP: 98057 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY: N/A TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): N/A 425-430-6578 econkling@yahoo.com NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable):N/A H:\CED\Planning\RegionaJ Issues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Updatc\Public Participation\SEPA\rnasterapp.doc - I - " ,". PR~ECT INFORMATION (Contintd) ,-__ ~~~~ __ L-__________________ -, NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE N/A N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable) SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A '~ AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL ~ AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A ~ FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq, ft, SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A ;i-GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq, ft, NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if ~ HABITAT CONSERVATION sq, ft' applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW }\ SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES sq, ft PROJECT (if applicable): N/A ~ WETLANDS sq, ft LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION __ , TOWNSHIP __ , RANGE __ , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. Environmental Review 3. 2. 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) ,declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property involved in this application or _ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signature of Owner/Representative) (Signature of Owner/Representative) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that --,;;-~o---;--;-.,-­ signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be hislherJtheir free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Wash ington Notary (Print) ___________ __ My appointment expires: ________ _ H:\CED\Planning\Regional Issues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\Public Participation\SEPA\masterapp.doc - 2 - • • PLANNING DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining ifthere may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NON PROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). . 1 -06/09 H:\CED\Planning\Regional Issues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\Public Participation\SEPA \Envt Checklist.docx • • For non project actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. -2-06/09 H:\CED\Planning\Regional IssueslShoreline Master Program\SMP UpdatelPublic Participation\SEPAIEnvt Checklist.docx • • A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Shoreline Master Program Update (2009) 2. Name of applicant: City of Renton. 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Erika Conkling, AICP 425-430-6578, shoreline@rentonwa.qov 4. Date checklist prepared: October 5, 2009 ClM/Lt4-tc{til 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phaSing, if applicable): N/A 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. N/A 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Final Shoreline. In)!ii.r;tory and Aoalysis, October 2009 and Cumulative Impact Analysis, Octaber 2009b ,;.p-ilLI-u/ _ ).()fo.t..4 '1fJar.ci... 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. N/A 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. City Cauncil adaption folia wed by appraval by the Washington State Department af Ecology. 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size ofthe project and site. The proposal is the adoption of a new Shoreline Master Program (SMP). The SMP establishes City policies and regulations for the use, development, protection, and restoration of shorelines within Renton City limits. In addition, the pragram includes proposed policies and regulations for shorelines within unincorporated King County and within Renton's potential annexation area, and for a strip of land along Lake - 3 -06/09 H:\CED\Planning\Regional Issues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\Public Participation\SEPA\Envt Checklist.docx • • Washington (north of Renton City limits, south of Bellevue city limits, and west of Newcastle city limits) that is within unincarporated King County but not assigned to any potential annexation area. These areas within unincorporated King County have been included in Renton's SMP because they have the potential to be annexed into the City prior to the next major update of the SMP. Shorelines under the jurisdiction of the state Shoreline Management Act within the City of Renton or its planning area include: Lake Washington (also a shoreline of statewide significance (SWSS)) Lake Desire Cedar River Green River Black River May Creek Springbrook Creek Shoreline Jurisdiction in each of these areas may be defined as all areas within 200 feet of the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) of water body and any associated wetlands, it also includes any floodplain areas within 200 feet of a flood way, even if such areas are greater than 200 feet from OHWM. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (Circle one); flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other ______ _ Not Applicable, Non-project action. Lake Washington-flat, rising into hills just beyond shoreline jurisdiction in several places. Lake Desire-flat. Cedar River-flat, rising into hills just beyond shoreline jurisdiction in several places. Green River-flat. Black River-flat. May Creek-flat. Springbrook Creek-relatively flat west of 1-405, east of 1-405 the watercaurse runs through hilly terrain that decreases in elevation from east to west. Also east of 1-405, the creek is set within a channel characterized by steep slopes at some points along its caurse. Please refer to map 3 Topography of the Final Shoreline Inventory and Analysis for more information. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) Nat Applicable, Non-praject action. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Not Applicable, Non-project action. - 4 -06/09 H:\CEDlPlanning\Regionallssues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\Public Participation\SEPA\Envt Checklist.docx • • Soils in these sites vary, please refer to map 4-8 Surficial Gealogy of the Final Inventary and Analysis for more information. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. Not Applicable, Non-project actian. Lake Washington-south and east banks are cansidered subject seismic hazards according to Renton critical areas maps. Lake Oesire-the eost bank is considered subject to erosian and landslide hazards accarding to Renton critical areas maps. Cedar River-this area is considered subject to multiple hazards including seismic, erosion, and landslides according to Renton criticol areas maps. In 2001 there was a landslide caused by the Nisqually earthquake that blocked a portion of the Cedar River. Green River-the portions of this jurisdiction within City limits are considered subject to seismic hazards according to Renton critical areas maps. Black River-the entire jurisdictian is considered subject to seismic hazards according to Renton critical areas maps. May Creek-the entire jurisdiction is considered subject to seismic hazards, and the portion east of 1-405 is also considered subject to erosion and landslide hazards according to Renton critical areas maps. Springbrook Creek-the entire jurisdiction is considered subject to seismic hazards occording to Renton critical areas maps. More information can be found on map 4-A Landslide, Erosion, and Seismic Hazard Areas Map 4-A of the Final Inventory and Analysis for more information. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Not Applicable, Non-project action. Filling and excavation within the shoreline is limited to the minimum extent necessary to accommodate an approved shoreline use or development, and only with the assurance of no net loss of ecological function under the proposed regulations. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. g. Not Applicable, Non-project action. Erosion hazards are proposed to be addressed using existing critical areas regulatians and city-wide regulations such as the clearing and grading code. Risks of erosion from proposed clearing, construction, or use, will be evaluated on a project specific basis. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Not Applicable, Non-project action. Impervious surfaces within the shoreline are limited based on shoreline environment in the proposed shoreline bulk standards, as shown in of the draft. In addition, the proposed draft requires and urages the creation of vegetation conservation buffers, which in many cases will reduce imperviaus surface on a project specific basis. Informatian on current levels of impervious surface coverage can be found on map 8-0 Impervious Surface and map 8-E Land Cover from the Final Shoreline Inventory and Analysis. - 5 -06/09 H:ICED\PlanningIRegionallssues\Shoreline Master ProgramlSMP UpdatelPublic ParticipationlSEPAIEnvt Checklist.doex • • h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Not Applicable, Non-project action. Please see answers above. 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Not Applicable, Non-project action. b. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. Not Applicable, Non-project action. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Nat Applicable, Non-project action. 3. WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate Vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. Not Applicable, Non-project action. The proposed plan directly addresses surface water bodies and their adjacent lands and wetlands, including: Lake Washington, Lake DeSire, Cedar River, Green River, Black River, Springbrook Creek, and May Creek. These are all year-round water bodies. There are also year round and seasonal streams and wetlands that are associated with water bodies addressed by the SMP, some named and some unnamed. Please see Map 3-A Water Bodies and Wetlands of the Final Shoreline Inventory and Assessment for further information. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Not Applicable, Non-project action. The proposed SMP directly addresses policies and regulations for projects requiring work in, over, and adjacent to the described waters. In general, a buffer of vegetation will be required adjacent to the shoreline, except for where water-dependent uses are located. On most properties, land alteration and structures will take place outside of the buffer. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. Not Applicable, Non-project action. The proposed SMP strictly limits filling and dredging. Filling and excavation within the shoreline is limited to the minimum - 6 -06109 H:ICED\PlanningIRegionallssuesIShoreline Master ProgramlSMP Update\Public ParticipationlSEPAIEnvt Checklist.docx • • extent necessary to accommadate an approved shoreline use or development, and only with the assurance of no net loss of ecological function under the praposed regulations. Dredging is only permitted in cases where the praposal and any necessary mitigation results in no net loss of ecological function and where one of the follawing purposes is served: maintaining navigation, flood contral, an appraved restoration praject, the development of a water dependent use where no feasible alternative exists, maintenance of public parks and public access to shorelines, maintenance of existing, legally established boat moorage slips, minor trenching for underground pipes or cables where there is no alternative, remedial action plan under the Model Toxics Control Act, or to correct water quality problems that are adversely affecting aquatic life or recreational areas. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Not Applicable, Non-project action. The SMP is not expected to change the amount of overall development in Renton and the related demand for woter. 5) Does the proposal lie within a lOO-year flood plain? If 50, note location on the site plan. Not Applicable, Non-praject action. By definition, the proposed SMP addresses the shoreline area, which inciudes portions of the 100-year flood plain. This inciudes areas of the shoreline along the Cedar River, Green River, Black River, Springbrook Creek, and May Creek. Please see the following maps from the Final Shoreline Inventary and Assessment far more information: 4-0 FEMA Floodplain, 4-E Cedar River Floodplain, 4-F Black River, Green River, Springbraok Creek Floodplain, and 4-G May Creek Floodplain. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If 50, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. Not Applicable, Non-project action. b. Ground Water; 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Not Applicable, Non-project action. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. Not Applicable, Non-praject action. c. Water Runoff (including storm water); ·7-06/09 H:\CED\Planning\Regionallssues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\Public Participation\SEPA\Envt Checklist.docx • • 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters, If so, describe. Not Applicable, Non-project action. 2) Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Not Applicable, Non-project action. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: Nat Applicable, Non-project action. The proposal introduces measures to reduce and cantrol storm water impacts including the restorotion of natural drainage systems and requiring engineered storm water systems to be located as for from the water's edge as feasible and outside of required vegetation canservation buffers. All development must camply with current storm water regulations, and will be evaluated on a project specific basis to ensure no net loss of ecological functions. 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: if deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other if evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other if shrubs if grass pasture crop or grain if wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bull rush, skunk cabbage, other if water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other if other types of vegetation Not Applicable, Non-project action. b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Not Applicable, Non-project action. The proposed SMP encourages and requires the canservation and restoration of native shoreline vegetation for the purposes of maintaining and restoring shoreline ecological functions, as well as to mitigate for the direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts of shoreline development. c. list threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Not Applicable, Non-project action. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Not Applicable, Non-project action. The proposed SMP encourages and requires the conservation and restoration of native shoreline vegetation. Vegetation conservation standards have been proposed for every reach of the shoreline in table 8.19-1 of the draft SMP. V\:VCt.,\) Y'"'ito ·8-06109 H:\CEo\Planning\Regionallssues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\Public Participation\SEPA\Envt Checklist.docx • • 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals, which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Bir~s~:~~~~e~ro~n~,~e~a~g~e~,~s~o~n~g~l~r~s~o~~~~~~===========-Mamm er ear, e , eaver,o er Fis sa mon, trout, 0 Not Applicable, Non-project action. More information is available in the Final Shareline Inventory and Analysis, on maps S-A Fish Distributian, 5-B Spawning, Rearing or Presence of Salmon ids and Salmon Stock Inventory, 5-C Wildlife Heritage Points and Bald Eagle Nesting Areas. b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Not Applicable, Non-project action. Lake Washington-Osprey, and several species of salman and trout. Cedar River-Bald Eagles and severolspecies of salmon and trout. Black River, Green River, and Springbrook Creek-Bald Eagles, Great Blue Heron and severol species of salmon and trout. May Creek-Osprey, and several species of salmon and trout. More information is available in the Final Shoreline Inventory and Analysis, an maps 5-A Fish Distribution, 5-B Spawning, Rearing or Presence of Salmonids and Salman Stock Inventory, 5-C Wildlife Heritage Points and Bald Eagle Nesting Areas. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain Not Applicable, Non-project action. Lake Washington, Cedar River, Green River, Block River, Springbrook Creek, and May Creek are part of established migration routes for severol species of salmon and trout. More information is available in the Final Shoreline Inventory and Analysis, on map 5-B Spawning, Rearing or Presence of Salmon ids and Salmon Stock Inventory. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: Not Applicable, Non-project action. One of the major purposes of the propased SMP is ta preserve and enhance the ecalogical function of shorelines within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act, which directly and indirectly preserves and enhances canditions for wildlife. This is accomplished in a number of ways, including the adoption of policies and regulations that control uses, establish development standards, and establish standards for vegetation conservation and habitat restoration. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Not Applicable, Non-project action. ·9- H:\CED\Planning\Reglonallssues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\Public Participation\SEPA\Envt Checklist.docx 06/09 • • b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. Not Applicable, Non-project action. The proposed policies and regulations would encourage and require the planting of new (native) vegetation within and adjacent to the shoreline. New vegetation could potentially affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties. However, the type of vegetation selected is determined on a project specific basis, and impacts on the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties can be evaluated and mitigated on a project specific basis. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Not Applicable, Non-project action. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result ofthis proposal? If so, describe. Not Applicable, Non-project action. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. Not Applicable, Non-project action. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Not Applicable, Non-project action. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Not Applicable, Non-project action. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Not Applicable, Non-project action. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Not Applicable, Non-project action. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use ofthe site and adjacent properties? . 10 -06109 H:\CED\Planning\Regianallssues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\Public Participation\SEPA\Envt Checklist.docx • • Not applicable, Non-project action. The current uses within shoreline jurisdiction are varied. Lake Washington-single-family and multi-family residential, recreational, open space, industrial, and cammercial. Lake Desire-single-family residential, recreational, and open space. Cedar River-single-family and multi-family residential, recreational, open space, commercial and industrial. Black River-cammercial, recreational, open space, and industrial. Green River-industrial and commercial. May Creek-Multi-family and single-family residential, open space, recreational. Springbrook Creek-industrial, commercial, open space, recreational. More information is available in the Final Inventory and Analysis, see map l-A Lake Washington and May Creek Reaches, 1-B Cedar River Reaches, 1-C Green River, Springbrook Creek, Green River Reaches, and 1-0 Lake Desire Reaches. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. Not Applicable, Non-project action. c. Describe any structures on the site. Not Applicable, Non-project action. Structures within shoreline jurisdiction include those consistent with existing land uses including: single-family homes; multi-family housing structures ranging from two to 200 units; commercial structures including those built as offices and for retail and the Virginia Mason Athletic Facility and Seahawks Corporate Headquarters; recreational buildings including those for storage, picnicking, and general use; industrial facilities including those for light, medium, and heavy manufacturing and the Renton Municipal Airport. There are also a series of over water and in water structures associated with piers, docks, bulkheads, and public access. Specific information about aver water and in water structures in Lake Washington is shown on the following Final Shoreline Inventory and Analysis maps: Shoreline Modifications maps: 11-A -ll-H. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? Not Applicable, Non-project action. The proposed regulations would require structures currently not in compliance with the proposed development standards to be brought into full conformity if there is a major remodel of the structure. This may result in the demolition of some structures, or parts of structures at a future date. The proposed regulations also require the removal of bulkheads, in water and over water structures when minor and maderate remodeling projects are proposed. Exact details are available in the proposed draft in section 4-10- 095. e. What is the current zoning classification ofthe site? Lake Washington-Renton zoning includes Commercial/Office/Residential (COR), Residential eight units per net acre (R-S), Residential one unit per net acre (R-1), Urban Center North 2 (UC-N2), and Medium Industrial (1M) and King County zoning Residential six units per acre (R-6) and Residential 4S units per acre (R-4S). Lake Desire-King County zoning is R-6. Cedar River-Renton zoning includes 1M, UC-N2, Light Industrial (lL), R-S, Residential ten units per net acre (R-lO), Residential Multi-Family Urban (RM-U), Commercial Arterial (CA), COR, Resource Conservation (RC), Commercial -11 -06109 H:\CEO\Planning\Regional Issues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\Public Participation\SEPA\Envl Checklist.docx • • Neighborhood (CN) ond King County zoning includes Residentiol one unit per acre (R-l) and Urban Reserve (UR). Black River-Renton zoning includes R( 1M, Heavy Industrial (lH), and Commercial Office (CO). Green River-Renton zoning is 1M. Springbrook Creek-Renton zoning includes: 1M, IL, IH, RC, CA, and co. May Creek-COR, R-8, RC, R-l, CA, and CN. Further information is available on the following maps from the Final Shoreline Inventory and Analysis: Map 8-A Renton Zoning, Map 8-B King County Zoning. f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation ofthe site? Lake Washingtan-Renton designations include Commercial/Office/Residential (COR), Residential Single-Family (RS), Residential Low Density (RLD), Urban Center-North (UC-N), Employment Area-Industrial (EA-I) and King County Urban Residential High (UH) and Urban Residential Medium (UM). Lake Desire-King County designation is UM. Cedar River-Renton designotions include EA-I, UC-N, Residential Medium Density (RMD), RS, Urban Center Downtown (UC-D), Commercial Corridor (CC), COR, RLD, Commercial Neighborhood (CN) and King County designations include Urban Residential Low (UL) and Greenbelt/Urban Separator (GB). Black River-Renton designations include Employment Area-Valley (EA-V) and EA- I). Green River-Renton designation is EA-V. Springbrook Creek-Renton designation is EA-V. May Creek-Renton designation include COR, CC, RS, RLD, and CN. Further information is available on the following maps from the Final Shoreline Inventory and Analysis: Map 8-Renton Land Use and Map 8-C King County Comprehensive Land Use. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Nat Applicable, Non-project action. Current Shoreline Master Program designations include: Lake Washington-Renton Urban Environment and King County Urban Environment. Lake Desire-King County Rural Environment. Cedar River-Renton Urban Environment, with Conservancy Environment on the south bonk from the old Stone way site to City limits and King County Conservancy Environment. Black River-Renton Natural Environment. Green River-not designated in the current SMP. Springbrook Creek-Renton Urban Environment, with Conservancy Environment in the areas of associated wetlands. May Creek-Renton Urban Environment west of 1-405 and Conservancy Environment east of 1-405. Proposed Shoreline Designations include: Lake Washington-Shoreline Residential Environment in reaches A, B, D, E, G, and K, Urban Conservancy Environment on a portion of reach C, and Shoreline High Intensity Environment in reaches C, H, I, and J. Lake Desire-Shoreline Residential Environment, with Urban Conservancy Environment at the north end of the lake. Cedar River-Shoreline High Intensity Environment west of 1-405, with a small area of Shoreline Isolated High Intensity Environment in reach B on the north -12 -06/09 H:ICED\PlanningIRegionallssues\Shoreline Master ProgramlSMP UpdatelPublic ParticipationlSEPAIEnvt Checklist.docx • • bank, Shoreline High Intensity Environment on the north bonk of western half of reach C with Shoreline Residential Enviranment on the eastern half of the narth bank and Urban Conservancy Environment an the south bank of reach C and both banks of reach D. Black River-Natural Environment. Green River-Shoreline Isolated High Intensity Environment. Springbrook Creek-Most of this creek is designated for Shoreline High Intensity Environment, with the exception of severo I sections designated Urban Conversancy Environment, associated with severol wetlands and the wetland mitigatian bank. May Creek-Urban Conservancy Environment with portions west of 1-405 in Shoreline High Intensity. For more information, please consult the proposed Shoreline Environment Overlay Designation maps. h. Has any part ofthe site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. Not Applicable, Non-project actian. By definition, shoreline areas contain wetlands associated with the subject water bodies. There may also be adjacent wetlands. For more informatian as to the reported location of wetlands, please consult Final Inventory and Analysis map 3-A Water Bodies and Wetlands. The extent of areas cansidered environmentally sensitive due to seismic hazards, landslide hazards, steep slopes, or erasion hazards is discussed in the section above on "earth." Sensitive areas due to the presence af endangered Wildlife is also discussed above in the section on "animals." The Cedar River, for approximately the two eastern most miles of the planning area, is part of a Critical Aquifer Recharge Area, as shown in Map 4-C of the Final Shoreline Inventory and Analysis. Areas subject to flooding are discussed in the section above on "water." There are severol sites of impaired water canditions due to Fecal Coliform on the south and east shores of Lake Washington and on Lake Desire. Map 7-Impaired Water of the Final Shoreline Inventary and Analysis details this condition. The former Quendell Terminals site, located in Lake Washington reach C is also a designated superfund clean-up site under the national Environmental Protection Agency. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Not Applicable, Non-project action. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? Not Applicable, Non-project action. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: Nat Applicable, Non-praject action. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: Not Applicable, Non-project action. The policy section of the proposed SMP will be adopted as an element of the Renton Comprehensive Plan to ensure that shoreline and land use planning are consistent. -13 -06109 H:\CED\Planning\Regionallssues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\Public Participation\SEPA\Envt Checklist.doc)( • • 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Not Applicable, Non-project action. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Not Applicable, Non-project action. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Not Applicable, Non-project action. 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. Not Applicable, Non-project action. The proposed SMP would adapt cantrols for height within shoreline jurisdiction. Standards vary by shoreline environment designation, see table 6.09 Shoreline Bulk Standards in the proposed droft. 'f 5-c) 'f c' D -7£, t1.c/ b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Not Applicable, Non-project action. The proposed policies and regulations would encouroge and require the planting of new (native) vegetation within and adjacent to the shoreline. New vegetation could potentially affect views by adjacent properties. However, the type of vegetation selected is determined on a project specific basis, and impacts on views and aesthetics can be evaluated and mitigated on a project specific basis. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: Not Applicable, Non-project action. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Not Applicable, Non-project action. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? Not Applicable, Non-project action. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? Not Applicable, Non-project action. -14 -06/09 H:\CED\Planning\Regionallssues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\Public Participation\SEPA\Envt Checklist.docx • • d. Proposed measures to red uce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Not Applicable, Non-project oction. 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Not Applicable, Non-project action. Recreatianal opportunities in the immediate vicinity of the shorelines subject to this proposal include: use of hand powered and motorized watercraft, swimming, fishing, passive enjoyment, bird watching, active sports, pedestrian and bicycle troils, and golf-course. More information about park and troil facilities located in the immediate vicinity of the shoreline areas can be found on Final Shoreline Inventory and Analysis map l2-A Parks and Troils, as well as Map la-A, 10-B, and 10-C Public, Vacant, and Park Land. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. Not Applicable, Non-project action. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: Not Applicable, Non-project action. One of the policy goals of the proposed SMP is to increase opportunities for public recreation and access to the shoreline. In the proposed SMP two tables detail public access objectives and requirements by reach for all shorelines: Table.4:fPt'. lic Access Objectives by Reach and Table JMJ6 Public Access Requirements by Reac i' ,. I , L S H -~ I ",k '1~3--oqo D" (!-.e.i0 0 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. Not Applicable, Non-project action. Lake Washington contains one inventoried site near the seaplane romp at the Boeing plant at the south end of the Lake. Cedar River has two state and federolly registered sites including the Renton Substation of the Snoqualmie Falls Power Company and the Renton Fire Station. There are also two inventoried site near the Cedar River including two hearths used by trovelers along the River and historic debris from a manufacturing operation. Black River and Springbrook Creek is the location of Duwamish settlement and villages and contains five related inventoried sites. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. Not Applicable, Non-project action. Lake Washington and other shoreline areas are part of the Duwamish Tribe's historic finishing area. The entire lake served as a cultural resource for the Tribe and other groups that harvested fish, game, and plant species in the area for -15 -06/09 H:\CED\Planning\Regional Issues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\public Participation\SEPA\Envt Checklist.docx • • generations. The Muckleshoot Tribe considers this area a high probability for archaeological resources and it is part of their fishing grounds. Cedar River contains three ethnographic sites: Duwamish tribal fishing weir and trading ground, a Duwamish village site, and a historic trail called the Cedar River Pack Trail. Green River is part of the Muckleshoot Tribal fishing grounds. There are also Black River and Springbrook Creek contains three ethnographic sites related to an extensive trail system that radiated from that area. It was an important source of medicinal and edible plants. It also is part of Muckleshoot Tribal fishing grounds. May Creek contains two ethnographic sites including a Duwamish village and a partion af a historic trail used by Native Americans. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: Not Applicable, Non-project action. Impacts to potential cultural resources will be evaluated on a project specific basis. The proposed SMP includes poliCies and regulations that are oriented to maintaining and restoring shoreline ecological functions. This directly and indirectly enhances the environmental conditions to the benefit of fish and Wildlife and tribal fishing. 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Not Applicable, Non-project action. Information about the public streets and highways serving the shoreline areas is available on Final Shoreline Inventory and Analysis maps: 1-Shoreline Planning Area, 1-A Lake Washington and May Creek Reaches, 1-B Cedar River Reaches, 1-C Black River, Springbraok Creek and Green River Reaches, 1-0 Lake DeSire Reaches, 9-A Roads. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Not Applicable, Non-project action. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Not Applicable, Non-project action. The proposed SMP limits parking in the Shoreline Environment to only those facilities that are needed to support a preferred shoreline use. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private? Not Applicable, Non-project action. The proposed SMP limits new roads and streets within the shoreline unless necessary for access to a preferred use. There are also proposed performance standards that specify how roods and streets should be planned, located, and constructed to create the least possible impact on shorelines. -16 -06/09 H:\CEO\Planning\Regionallssues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\Public Participation\SEPA\Envt Checklist.docx • • e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If 50, generally describe. Not Applicable, Non-project action. The proposed SMP is in the vicinity of several rail lines and the Renton Municipal Airport. For more information please cansult the Final Shoreline Inventory and Analysis map 9-A Roads. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Not Applicable, Nan-project action. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Not Applicable, Non-project action. 15. PUBLIC 5ERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. Not Applicable, Non-project action. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. Not Applicable, Non-project action. 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. Not Applicable, Non-project action. All of the above utilities may be available at various sites within shoreline jurisdiction. Septic systems are not allowed in the City of Renton, but are allowed within unincorporated King County. See Sanitary Sewer System map 9-C and Sanitary Sewer System Structures map 9-0 from the Final Shoreline Inventory and Analysis for more information. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Not Applicable, Non-project action. -17 -06/09 H:\CEO\Planning\Regional IssueslShoreline Master Program\SMP UpdatelPublic Participation\SEPAIEnvt Checklist.docx • • C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true, correct, and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or Willfull~ck rf.full disclosu e on my part. proponentSignature: __ ~~~c~. __ ~/~\, ~~====~ ______ ___ Name Printed: C', E" \/, V1Cf>d- Date: -18 -06109 H:\CED\Planning\Regional Issues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\Public Participation\SEPA\Envt Checklist.doc)( • • wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, flood plains, or prime farmlands? One of the gools of the proposal is to protect and enhance environmentally sensitive area, threatened and endangered species habitat, wetlands, and flood plains as well as to increase public access to the shareline through parks and open space. A discussian of haw the proposal relates the protection of wildlife habitat appears above. Environmentally sensitive areas, including wetlands and floodplains, are included in the shoreline area by definition, and thus protected with proposed standards for setbacks and vegetation conservation buffers, limitations on uses, and standards intended to reduce the intensity of adjacent development. New provisions for non-conforming property require existing non-conforming uses to begin to come into compliance with the policies and development standards of the SMP when minor and moderate alterations are made to the property. This should incrementally result in better protection, and even enhancement, of environmentally sensitive areas (such as near shore habitat), which under the current standards are only required to fully comply with SMP regulations when ._u ) there is a major alteration to the praperty. For more information on the cumulative veeP' h < impacts af this proposal, please see the Cumulative Impact Analysis (October 2009):ln jrIAft(t 0 addition to the policies and regulations in the proposal, the City has also propased a1J.!I Restoration Plan that contains a list af projects that would enhance environmentally ,;;l.i!& sensitive areas. . Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: See above. 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? The majority of Renton's shorelines are in a highly developed condition. Most of these shorelines have been designated as High Intensity or Shoreline Residential Environments. One of the goals of the Shareline Management Act is to balance the development of shorelines for water oriented uses with public access and no net loss of ecological function. Single-family is considered a priority use, although not water oriented. Although not all of the uses currently developed within the shoreline are water oriented or single-family, the proposed regulations would prevent new non-water oriented uses unless such uses provided for enhanced public access to the shoreline and/or restored shoreline ecologicol functions. In addition, new provisions for non-conforming property require existing non-conforming uses to begin to come into compliance with the poliCies and development standards of the SMP when minor and moderate alterations are made to the property. Such measures should incrementally result in increased protectian and enhancement of Renton's shoreline. There are some shorelines that are nat currently highly developed, including: the Black River Riparian Forest, portions of the Cedar River and May Creek (east of 1-405), a portion of Lake Desire, and portions of Springbrook Creek (primarily restored wetland areas). Areas that are currently not highly developed have been proposed to be deSignated as Natural or Urban Conservancy Environments. As much of this land is already devoted to parks and open space, it is both a compatible designation with existing land and shoreline use and expected to continue to be compatible. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: See above. -20-06109 H:\CED\Planning\Regionallssues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\Public Partlcipation\sEPA\Envt Checklist.docx • • D. SUPPLEMENTAL SHEETS FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (These sheets should only be used for actions involving decisions on policies, plans and ro rams. You do not need to fill out these sheets for roject actions.) Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types of activities likely to result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? The proposal is intended to limit and prevent such impacts through the adoption of policies and regulotions for shoreline areas in the City of Renton and the planning area. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: Not applicable. 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life? One of the major purposes of the proposed SMP is to preserve and enhance the ecological function of shorelines within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act, which directly and indirectly preserves and enhances conditions for plants, animo Is, fish, and marine life. This is occomplished in a number of woys, including the adoption of policies and regulations that control uses, establish development stondards, and establish standards for vegetation conservation and habitat restorotion. The proposed SMP encouroges and requires the conservation and restorotion of notive shoreline vegetation for the purposes of mointaining and restoring shoreline ecological functions, as well as to mitigate for the direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts of shoreline development. Vegetation conservation standards have been proposed for every reach of the shoreline .>/[L rnbil! 3.01 of the droft SMP. The proposal olso includes an associated Restorotion '>plan, which enumerotes a number of projects specifically targeted at preserving and enhancing plants and wildlife. ~f)& c\-30~O (1-\ aU Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life are: See above. 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? Nat applicable. Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: Not Applicable. 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, . 19· 06/09 H:\CEo\Planning\Regionallssues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\Public Participation\SEPA\Envt Checklist.docx • • 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? Not applicable. Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: Nat Applicable. 7. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. These proposals are campatible with requirements for the protection of the environment. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true, correct, and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue ffin r liance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or ~illfullaCk~ulI discl;;te on my part. Proponen t Sign ature: __ c:-__ .:....~ _CZ--,-, ---':, ____ --" ___ _ Name Printed: C, ~. \/1 VJ c..ev\.+ Date: . 21 . 06/09 H:\CED\Planning\Regional Issues\Shoreline Master Program\SMP Update\Public Participation\SEPA\Envt Checklist.docx