HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT RENTON, WASHINGTON APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON AGnnlotrot ... of Publk: _ Eoomlned .... d ""p"",," 1M. _ day of lO_ DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS E''''''~'''' and ""p~ I~I. _ dOy 01 20_ - RECORDING NO. I VOL/PAGE _____ • .J '.' ':' SCALE: --SCALE I" '" 30' DECLARATION OF COVENANT c.put, -334390-J602 PORTION OF ~~2~f~~EL:~~E~~R:§E2c~T1N~~S~~~~~~~,BY atylo",,,,lon4dmflllotnl,,,,,o.pootm,,,loIPutll!o;'llctlco AccoUIIINu_ SW 1/4 OF Tl-IE NE 1/4' OF SEC 5, ~ 23 N. RG 5 E. W.M, ~~~~~THf:E~ ~~~~~~M~~OTSA~~~OO~O~_;~YSH"6~TB~~~Ci~L AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE lUA-11-066-SHPL ANY ~ND AU 'l.ITURE "URQ-IASERS Of" THE LOTS. OR or -'NY "". ' THE LOTS CREAlED HEREIN FALl. WITHIN Z(JIIE 2 Of RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECllON LND-2o-0565 SUBDIVISIONS THEREOf. n.ns COVENANT SffAll HUN WITH -;HE LAND AREA AND AA£ SUB.£CT TO THE REQUIREIoIENlS OF THE ON Of RENTON ClROINANCE AS Sf10~ ON THIS SHORT PLAT ,.367 -'NO AS .oJoIENDED BY OROIN.o.NCE NO. 4740. TMIS alY'S 5(U sruReE Of SURVEY NOTES OWNER'S DECLARA nON KNOW m. P[0PLr BY HS( M"SEHTS llIAT ~ f.IIIIO(J!9CHD O'MERS or IN1ER£S1" IN 11-£ LNlI HEREBY 9-IMT ~AP"fIj ~ IEREBY WN<E ... ~~~SIQoI(f"~J~JArsMtf~lrr~.l'Ii 1)£ FREE CONSENT .IHl ~Na P 11-£ t£SIR[ (f" 1)£ O"IIIEIIS IN ~ThlESS MiEREOf ~ SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. WH HUGHES JR CO., INC., A WASHINGTON CORPORA-nON ACKNOWLEDGMEN"TS Stote of Wo .... lnQton County of' _____ _ On ttlis _ doy of ____ 20_ p..-.onolly oppeored to me kno.m to btl '" of ttle limited UClbllty Compony that e~ecuted Iot"IqOOIjI inltrum.,t, ond ocknowtedljled the soid ..,.trum .... t to b. the free ond voluntary oet ond deed of soid eompony, for the u,," ond purposel therein mention. ond on oath Itated thot h./th, wOI duly outhorized to uecut, the ,old instrument Wltn ... my hond ond offlelol .. aI h.eto IIffixed the doy cmd l"'or rnt above written Notory Public: in ond lor the State of WO"Bhlnljlton Notory (Prlntr=== Wy Appointment E..,lr ... Oot, __ _ NA nVE GROWTH PROTECllON EASEMENT TRACT "A.'. "TI-;E NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION EASE~ENT (NGPEl ON Tl-;IS SHORT PLA. T IDENTIFIES THE REQUIRED WETL .... NO BUFfER AREA. FOR THE I'I£TLANOS ON. THE CRrA. TlON OF THE NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION EA.SEMENT (NOPE) CONVEYS TO THE PUBUC fl.. BENEflCIfl..L INTEREST IN THE LAND 'MTHIN THE E .... S£~ENT ARE ..... THIS INTEREST SHilLL BE fOR THE PURPOSE Of PRESERVING NATIVE vrGETATION FOR THE CONTROl OF SURFACE wilTER AND EROSION. MAINTEN .... NCE OF SLOPE STABIUTY, VlSU .... L .... NO .... URAL BUfFERING, AND PROTEC-nON OF PLANT .... ND ANIMAL HABIT .... T. THE N .... Tlvr GROWTH PROTECtiON EASEMENT IMPOSES UPON All. PRrSENT AND FUTURE OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS O~ THE EASEMENT AREA ENFORCEABL£ ON BEHAlf OF THE PUBUC 8Y THE OW OF RENTON, TO U .... ve: UNDISTlJRBED ALL "TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION WITHIN THE E .... SEMENT AREA. Tl-;E VEGn .... TlON 'MTHIN THE NOPE ~AY NOT BE CUT. PRUNED. COVERED B" FILL. REMOvrD OR DAM .... GED. 'MTHOUl THE EXPRESSED I'IRITTEN PER~ISSION FROM THE CITY OF RENTON. THE RIGHT OF WAY ENTRY QRA.NTED HEREIN SHALL APPLY TO THE .... GENTS, REPRESENTA.TlVE .... 1'10 EMPLOI'EES OF THE OWNER OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS OF THE UNDERLYING PROPERTY. w z ~ "" Ul W Z o .., DRINKING WATER IS SUPl'UED FROW It SHAllOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY'S SURFACE. INSTRUWENT; TCFCCN OPT JOOOW TOTAL STATlON THERE IS NO NAMAL BARRIER BETIIItEN THE WATER TASlE AND GROUND SURrAa:. t./ETHoo USED: fiELD lRA'w£RS( v.1TH ACnJAL CITY ~ RENTON wCN fJJ4 INTERSECTION JONES AVE NE .t NE 24th SlREET, !'NO 1/8' BR PIN IN CONCR£lE WON EXTREWE CARE SHOULD BE DERClsm MiEN HANOUNG ANY UQUID SUBSTANa: OTHEFI FIElD r./U.SUREWENTS ANO ANGlES THAN WATER TO PRDTtCT fROIoI CONTACT v.1l'1i THE GROUND SURfACE. IT IS THE WAC 332-130-090 HOIoIED'NNERS RESPONSIBIUTY TO PROTtCT l'IiE CITY'S DRINKING WATER. DAn:. ~ SUR\'£f; JJLY 2011 BASS ~ BEARING; JONES AVE NE (00'J3'23' E) t;:~!\_l:l_~_~_Eo_i _ '''"12~ ~ -:;.-t------r -NE 24th STREET INTERSECTION A8ERtlEEN A\{ ~ 1 NE a: NE 24th STllEET, !'NO 3G60-3601 fDUND 1/2" R~BA.R &: PIN IN CONCRElE WON IN CASE n.JJ4 C>.P LSI 17559 2.0 orFSn (07/2011) LEGAL DESCRIPTlON TliE SOUl'li HALf ~ TRACT N4, co IiIU...IoIANS LAKE WASHNGlt)l G.I.ROEN ~ EDEN DIVISION NO 4, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOf RECORDED IN Ya..UWE 11 Of PLATS. P .... GE 82. RECORDS Of KING COONTY, WASHINGTON. EXCEPT THE NORl'Ii 150 fEET l'IiEREOf: SlruATt IN lHE COUNTY ~ KING, STAlE ~ W .... SHNGTON. (7/2011) , r.RE rENCE I N 8910'36" E 254.96' /! . _ ~I JO.OO 11 . .3" 116.48 TO ./- ~ Ti I I SHED I I i-' 138,48' '.~I\ FOUND 1/2' REBAR & I "-CAP LSI 17659 (7/20!1) '" I ~ LOT 1 I ... " I [O<~ "? il t! oe,,""",'" 1'1 a 7fi70sqlt ~ ,.., " I WATERMARK ~I" ¢ ~:t I ";~J -I 452----' eo, "350 : -L.-1, ., ; TRACT "A" ... lL~N...!8~9,:!1"-3,,,58~"_E~10!]'2=.5:,0'=-:-lI"'--'1 i-. (NGPE) t ._0---,-. wooo rENCE !2: 2Z.10B sq ft ~ <0,' LOTSla:2~THIS~Cln "h SET 1/2" REB .... R a: ."¥" \ PLAT HAVE A NON-SERVABLE, t'll CA.P LSI3B992 • :: : EQUAL ANO UNDIViDED INTEREST g I -"! 1-5 / STRE.I..M IN "TRACT ...... zit-.. LOl2 ' ro: 7.069 "~.It .. li~ ~,~ ~I! -" ~~ ~i- " ~~~~'~~ 67.67' 16.7~7' 3D.0\" N .-fOUND l' IRON RE FENCE I ~ PIPE (7/Z011j" iUJ43960-320J SClJT1i UNE ~ TRACT 294 ~ trl ~ ... ~ .. ~ a a ADDRESS LOT 1 2208 JONES AVE NE LOT 2 2202 JONES AVE NE REFERENCE DOCUMEN"TS RECORD OF" SURVEY REC NO 20110213900006 n.3J43G6D-JI62 Z RE f£NCE FOUND I" IRON PIPE (7/2011) LEGEND .. EX PK NAIL • ° + ;;;: '"W 2658.72 (CR) \ CITY OF" RENTON Wa.! IJ6G 555'2237 A lB5±N ~ INTERSECTION EDWONDS .... \IE NE a: !<IE 200. SlREET, FNO 3"BRASS WON VI • EX WON IN CASE EX REBAR / PIPE AS NOTED SET 1/2' REBAR '" CAP 138992 CALCULATED S 89"20'24" W nZ; ~E 20th STREV CITY ~ RENTON WON 11839 INlIRSECl1a.! XlNES AVE NE a: INTERSECTION ABERDEEN AVE NE a: NE 200. StREET. FNO PIN IN NE 201n StREET, FND PIN IN CONCRrTE WON IN CASE (07/2011) CONCR£lE Wa.! IN C .... SE (07/2011) N_ 188,877.739 E .. 1,JOJ,!Iti!i.237 EI.. _ 279.17 Pl.\'IIQj WAR!( IN CONCR[l[ iliON IN CASE (07/2011) N_189.0SI2.OJ3 E_l,3Q6,215.JD8 (e) (OJ (CR) (ROS) MEASURED CITY (:£ RENTON SURVEY REC 2011021J900008 i ~ "-~ RECORDER'S -CERTlFjCATEN~~ lLANO SURVEYOR'S CERnFICATE lift TOUMA ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS,PLLC JOEY SHORT PLAT Filed for record thi,_doy of __ 0 20_ 01_ '" In book. __ of __ ot poge __ at the request of Dar> M IQqma Mgr. Supt. of Records This mop correctly represents 0 survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requiremenJ..s of the Survey Recording Act ot the request/of WH Hughes Jr. Co., Inc. in july 2011 { ." c=.--: __ .. ----"' (;"'444 \" Certificate No. 38992 2208 JONES AVE NE RENTON. WA 980~ WEST VAllEY txtcu-n..-t PARI< DI'otl. BY DA"!( JOB NO 6632 SOJTH 1!11ST PI...oOCE. SUITE [_107 "KOIl. WA NOl2 DAN T. JULY 2011 ~25-245-01l ~OOE (4z:J) 2~1_0\I65 rAJ( (4~) z:Jl-0\I25 CHKO. BY SCALE SHE(; ""' l--JO' ,~, " CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT RENTON, WASHINGTON APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON __ <11 c-Jty .. <I £concmk: O' ........ ont u-.~ocI _ oppt'O"Od Ih. __ N, • ____ _ ~- DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE ~<WI<I~ __ Ooryol 20 __ -SCALE' ~_.1'~':" f T' L_ -SCALE 1" ~ 3{l' DECLARATION OF COVENANT o.rty,,-PORTlON OF Tl-jE O\\IIJERS or LAND EMBRAC[Q WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN -'<Im~_ """""nt N"",_ JJ43g0~3602 SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC 5 1WN 23 N RG 5 E WM RETIJRN FOR mE BENEFITS TO ACCRUE FROIoI THIS SUBDMSlON, BY , , " • ~~~~~THf:E-: ~~';i~~~~~'h~~~°cJ~~\:C:HB~~C~~L AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE LUA-ll-066-SHPL ANY AND ALL ruTUR( PIjRCHASERS OF THE LOTS. OR OF ANY TlIE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALl 'MTHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTEcnQN LNO-XX-XXXX SURVEY NOTES SUB01",SlONS THEREOF. THIS CO'l[NANT SHALL RUN WITH THE L~NO AREA AND ARE SUB.ECT TO THE REOOIREMENTS OF THE CIT'!' OF RENTON ORDINANCE AS SHO'oIN ~ THIS SHORT PLAT. f4,l67 AND AS ..wHIlED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. T'rlIS ClrfS SOlE SOURCE OF OI'MER'S DECLARA 1l0N r~PE2"'tl[.:F~~r'~~~~ ~ORT 9B)I\ISl~ 'lI£REF0'lE DECl..AAE lHIS NfJI fd BE !HE (JIAPtfC ~T~r .J:~AN~T.~OR~~~ \kW~ IN WInlESS ~EREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. WH HUGHES .1'1. CO., INC., A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS State of WcsI1ington County 01 _____ _ CN\ this _ day of ____ 20_ p .... sonally OPPe<lred to me known to be ", of the limited Liooilly Company that ""eo;uted lore9oing Instrum..,t, ond acknowledged th" said instrument to b. the free and voluntary ect and dn<! of IIOld compgny, for th .. uses and purpo:ees therein mention, and on oath ,toted thot he/she wOI duly authorized to execute the said instrument W1tnOllS my hand on4 officlol s8<l1 heretc offl~ed the day ond ~r fnt above written Notary Public in Qnd for the Stotfl of Washington Notory (PTuilL- loll Appointment Explrell 00'. __ _ NA Tl-..t: GROWTH PROTECllQN EASDlENT TRACT "A·, "THE NATIVE GRO~ PROTECnON EA$£IoI[NT (NGPE) ON THIS SHORT PLAT IDENTIFIES ~E REQUIRED WE1LAND SUFITR AREA FOR THE WETI..ANDS ON, ~E CREATION OF 11-'E NAnVE GROWTH PROTECTION (AS(IoIENT (NGPE) CON\I£YS TO THE PUBlIC A BENE:FlCIAL INITREST IN THE LANa 'MTHIN THE EASEIdENT AREA. THIS INTEREST SHALL BE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRESERViNG NATIVE IJ£GETATION FOR -mE CONTROL OF SURFACE WATER ANa EROSION, MAINTENANCE OF SLOPE ST,o,sIUTY, \IISU.o.L AND AURAL BUf'fERING, AND PROTECTION OF PLANT AND ANI~AL HABITA,_ THE NATIVE GROWT1-i PROTECTION EASEMEN, IMPOSES UPON ALL PRESENT AND fUTURE OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS OF THE EASEMENT AREA ENFORCEABLE ON BEHALF" Of mE PUBLIC BY THE CITY OF RENTON. TO LEAVE UNDISTURBED ALL TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION W.TH:N THE EASEMENT AREA. THE VEGETATION 'MTtfIN T'rlE NGPE ~AY NOT BE CUT. PRUNED. COVERED BY FILL. REMOVED OR DAMAGED. WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE CITY OF RENTON, THE RIGHT OF WAY ENTRY GRANTED HEREIN SHALL APPLY TO THE AGENTS. REPRESENTATIVE AND EIoIPlOruS OF THE O~ER OR SUBSEDUENT OWNERS OF THE UND£RL '(ING PROPERTY. RECORDER'S CERTlFlCAITNo. riled for record this_day of __ .20_ ot_ in book __ ol __ ot poge __ ot the request of Dgn M Ioqrog Mgr. Supt. of Records w z w > « U1 W z 0 , ORINIONG WATER IS SUPPUED fROIoI A SHALLOW AQUIFUI UNDER THE an's SURfACE. lliERf IS NO NATURAL BARRlER EET'IIEEN THE WATER TABtE ANI) GROUNO SURFACE. EXTROIE CARE SHOOLD BE EXERCISED 't\1-1EN HANOUNG ANY UQUll SUBSTANCE OTHEll lHAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT \IIITH THE GROOND SURFACE. IT IS THE HOWEO'M-IERS R[SP<:JjSlBlUrr 10 PROTECT TH£ aTYs DRINKING 'MAlm. INSlRUW(NT, TtPCON GPT JOOOW lUTAL STATION ILTHOO USED: FlELD 1RA..e!SE 'IIITH ACTUAL CITY OF RENTON IoION fJJ4 IN'TERSEC'lION JONES A\£ HE 51: FlELD MEASUREWENTS AND ANGLES WAC JJ2~lJO-090 DATE OF SURVEY: JJl Y 2011 HE 24th SlRffT. FND 1/8" 8R PIN IN CONCRETE WON BASIS OF BEARlNG: JOOES A\£ HE (OO"JS23" E) 1l3MJ960-~ f "· ",':,.f~(:;l E .. l.3{l3,Sn.104{) -----NN~~T;~:~J2;~EEr+------::r IN'TERSEC'lION ABERDEEN A\£ • NE 51: NE 24th STREET. FND I fOOND 1/2 REBAR 51: PIN IN CONCRETE IoION IN CASE CAP LSI 17659 2.0 OFl'Sn (07/2011) I (7/2011) , r-WlRE rENCE "I 30.00 N,8910'36" E 254.96'1/ _, __ ._.-= , g 113'116.48 ; 138.48 o " -, : .... I J J r-2 Ii ~~ d fir -" , -" ~ - 'hI "cnlg LOT 1 1 "'I ! "! d 7.670 sq,l\. ,l' ORDINARY HIGI-t : 1 r-... ¢ WATER MARK 46.2·~B_0~ W N 8913'58" E 102.50' / ~ 1~4 '0 ,-.-.-.-.-. WOOD FENCE ",,-'-' : ~ I SO 1/2" REBAR & i :' TRACT "A" (NGPE) 22.10B sq ft LEGAL DESCRIPTION lK£ SOUTH HALF Of TRACT 294. CD Im.UiANS LAKE WASHNGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DI'oISION NO 4, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOlUI.tE 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 62. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHHGTOO. EXCEPT THE NORTH 150 FEET lliERfOF; SITUATE N THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. -.~ FOUND 1/2" REBAR & I '---CAP LS* 17659 (7/2011) '" "' ~ w ~ ., ;: C',,"'!I M)!I'S '.\FI.'.'N .)1' ADDRESS ~'.\:"'.' ';/':':: V;,, .: LOT 1 2208 JONES AV£ NE LOT 2 2202 JONES AV£ NE REFERENCE DOCUMENTS RECORD 0, SUR~Y REC NO 20110213900006 ~I n CAP LSI38992 :... '~ 81 -.: z I" T 2 1~5 I STREAM RE fENCE ~ 1UJ4.J96O-J\62 Z I") LO .' I ..;. 7.069 Sq.f\.' FOUND 1" IRON r-... " PIPE (7/2011) f sml'5,20W 87,67' :' 16L1'T \" 3O~01; -- RE FENCE u FOLINO I" IRON 1:--PIPE (7/2011) SOOTH UNE OF TRACT 294 • • -Jr 0; ,..,,,,.. 2658" Ie" \ orr C< REN"" .ON 1''' lB5±N OF ItflERSECllON EQUOODS A\£ NE _ ___ _ ___ _ a: NE 20th STREET. FNO 3"BRASS I.tON W S 8970'24" W lJ257S' ;& PUNO! WAR!( ~ CONCRETE WON IN CASE (07/2011) NE 20th STREE N"'189.092.OJJ arr OF RENTON IoI(J,' IlB39 E"1,J06.215.3Q8 INTERSEC1lON .IlN£S AVE HE a: INTERSECilON ABERDEEN A\£ HE a: HE 20th SmffT. FND PIN IN HE 2Otro STRfET, FND PIN IN ~cr~~~~3r CASE (07/2011) CONCRETE WON IN CASE (07/2011) E .. I,303,565.2J7 n. 279.17 LEGEND -+-EX PK NAIL • • • (0' (0' (OR' (ROS) EX WON IN CASE EX REBAR / PIPE AS NOlED SET 1/2" REBAR &: CAP p8992 CA!.CiJLAlED I.4EASURED an Of' RENTON SUR~Y REC 20110213900006 ~ W Q ~ '" ~ LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICA IT This mop correctly represents a survey mode by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirement of the Survey Recording Act at the request WH Hu hes Jr. Co" Inc. in july 2011 g TOUMA ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS,PLlC JOEY SHORT PLAT 2208 JONES AVE NE RENTON, WA 98058 WEST vAll£'( EXEaJllVl:: PARK DWN. BY DATE JOB NO. MJ2 SQU1lH lWiST ~ sum: E~'O~ • !(£NT •• ~ M032 DAN T. JULY 2011 525-245-011 PHONE (42:1) 2:ll~D665 F~ (.2:1) 2:ll--oG2:! I--::o""~"~.",",'::"-'---I~,,,;;:;,C,,;:.:,-,c...--+.,~";,~,,'::";"':"'---I "eo 1"_30' 1 or 1 Cln' OF RENTON SHORT PLAT RENTON, WASHINGTON OECLARA Tl~ Of CO'o(NANT 1I~[ O'M/tR~ r.-L.o.H(I E"BR~Cfn "",.D< lH1~; «iORl rt ... " lU RETURN rop. Tef: BEN£Fl1S TO ACCRtJ( FRCIoI THIS SUBOIIIISlON, 81 SICHING IiERE~ COI'ENIINl AND ACREE TC, co"lvn T\f[ BENEFICIAL IWT!f\EST ~ 1J1[ NEW EJ,SEWENTS $fiOVIN ON .HIS 5H(JlT PLAl Tn ANT AHO AU fllllJlll PUIlDiA$!:R<; (J' lHt l0l5. or; ~ ANY SUSOlvtSlONS 1II£REIJ", THIS CO'iENAlil $tim FlUtl Willi THE lAh'O AS SHQIIOi ON THIS SHOfIl ptA 1 OVINER'S DECLARATION W~~mfl£r~1ilLoo~~JW,~~~ SH(Wll SL6JIVl~ THEREf'(J!E 1ELAA£ 'MS ~IJ' 10 BE THE GR.of\IIC REPRESENTATION or n£ SAUL JJ.Il) THAT !ilOO1 SU8Ol\l5lON IS w.oE ~l\j THE fIIU COtlSM ANO IN ~CC(JWAHcr \11TH !Ii[ OBIRE IX" THE OWNERS IN WlTNtS5 ML~Ea-WE SEO OUP. HilNDS AND SCALS. LDRRAlNE TAYLDR ACKNOWL£DGM~NTS sr.,....,. ... _n:w } -.--- ~~'~f~~~""-':'-":;i-~-_-~,~~_i';;;;;;';;i-~_;;'_~~~ m:I"", ... r_.~ 1D1E1>I,ullC'TlIt>IaIll!"WIl".t5 M;lll1II£r _, .. ,.<:1_ ..... • "'=~r""""_"'"""'_I>E""r_~,....''''''''''_ --.-,-;;;;-;;;c~---r,.1-:"a-",,:!,~::' ~ ~r_"'l>'I'OtPF/£Z- J 51; "l~mm ~ ~ ~ :1 ~NE 20TH SlIlEE'I , ~ ~ NE 16TH S'TREET VICINITY MAP RECORDER'S CERTIFICA TENo. 'iled For record this_doy (11 ___ ,70._ 01 _ N in bc,ol, __ ", __ cd pO(l~ __ 01 the reQl"=\si 01 Dgn k! TQ!!mg "'9", su"Dt. ",,-Rec"rds APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT Of ;\5SESSMHlTc, RECORDINr. l~fJ I VOL /PAGE CiTy or RENTON _ .. tnI .... ~, C-..mity .... ~ ~e_' ~ _____ IIOy~r 20 _ <f E."",,,,e. en" ~ '~'. _""y 01 ZIl_ SCALE: ,----. ---, SCr,lE ," _ J[r 0""'1""'·'_ PORTION or J3.3~[O 350:' ._--,-SW 1/4 or THE NE 1/.! or SEC 5, T'NN 23 N, RG 5 £. W,M, w z '" « en w Z o ~ AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE lUA-XX-XXX-SHPL 1l-1( lOr.; CREATED HERElN F~LL 'MWN ZONE 2 or REtlTON'S MIUIF(R PROTECl1!lN LND-XX-XXXX SURVEY NOTES AREA <V'IO ARE SUBJECl TO THE REOOTREWENTS or THE CITY Dr RENTON ORDtNANCt '~~7 .-.NO AS .l.WENOCD ElY 0Il01toll.,NC( NO. ~740. THiS ClTYS sou: SOURCE: l:I" DRINKING W~TER IS StlP"UED fROU ~ S!-V.u.OW MXJIFB< UNom TrIE OTYS SURfACE. 1l-101E 15 NO NAM"'-aARRtER Bt1'IIEEH '\HI WATER ToI8l...E A.tJ0 GROUND SllRFA~. INS1R\NEHT: rDPCON Gl'T X'OOW TOT"'-STAl1CH METHOD US<D-. flEll) TRA'oU!S£ "/11TH ACTUAL CITY ()' ROlTtlN Io4ON ~)' EXTREWE CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED YItt[N "ANooNG ANY UQU[) SY:ISTANCE OMR INTERSEClION JONES AVE ~ &. "!HAN WA1£R TO PROTECT mOl.! COWT,t,Cl 'MTH 'THE GRt\.IND S!JRF"AC(. IT 15 ll-lE FIElD loIE.lSt.IRDlENTS AND ANG1..E5 w~c JJ2-IJO-[)!)O NE 2(11) STREET, FND 1/B' BR HOIo4EOWNERS RESJ>ONSIEIIUn" TO PROTECT TH£ CiTYS DRINKING WArn. ~~ C~:~rZ;~ >ION f\/ ~ N: 191.115.,971 ."'" \ E-I.J!1l.577.1040 ;,;. ~. --~~ (> C{l I\J f'Q. } r(11J rl ~ ;"'.\1 I I !NV [L ~ 2~5.9"-'2·W I Fo,INlI 1/2' RER.r.Ii .t I r / -"" C<, "0;"" "'~; " // 1 :' .-P/2011) N / / >--ki"1 :: - -. ': '<n...." i I :. ---, .,',".' : . '_ I : I , :'; N .' t,'-"r' ["rnl :~~ I I .::. 6 :~ ,(',">-,. ~ ,',.;. . , : :~ r-. ,«0 ¢ LOT 2 fJi. WAR! : ::: L ,"-' IsrrRi;· DATE or SURVEY. ..tJl Y 20\ 1 BASIS Of BE.>.RING: JONES AVE NE (OO'JJ'z.:l' E) LEGAL DE:SCRIPTION THE SOUTH HAlf r:J" TRACT 294. CO HlU>lANS LAKE WASHINGTON GAROCN OF E()[/I DI~SJON NO 4. ACCORDING TO ntt: PL~T THEREOF RtCORDED IN \lCUJM( 11 or PV.TS. F'AG[ B2. RECGlDS Of KlNG CClJNTl, WAS!INCTON. EXCEl'1 TH[ NORTH 1:;0 rEU TI-lEREOf'; SllUAre: IN THE COONTY OF I(1NG. STATE: or WASHNCTON froND 'F!' RrnAR 01< Cf$' LSI 17fi59 (,/2011) W<.J,LA .... \S ~ ~ l I : ~I ",'" '" ,,;ti I I '" I or ; ',w .J '~B"'3'55'" ~~~04 ._ I . :. '-'-"--'~'-'---'m/=i '. ,"'-,~ ENGIN"R / SURVEYOR I : ;, , GR~V(L rm' ./"'~ OCI TOUMA ENGINE(RS &. LAND SURVEYORS . . . ____ . __ L, ).;;: ... "tiJfR.):~ 6632 S ,Sht PL-,a: sum E -102 : -:g fii i r-t;: \ l,_, g ~ENT. WASH1NCTON 9B032 1 : OJ ',fi L01""2 ,-~ '--ll)"U)[R;t z OWNER '" ~. ,fj........ :::: l!l96"~ It ' , .,--¥!IR[ rtNeE LORR.<JIl[ ,AYLOR \ ~ :: ~ / FOl.NO " IRON ~~~~~ ~~5~ I .:..... /.-PIPE I, /;>011) 4-25-.~-JJ67 : -/ ~OOTPWM~ j ~: '-. ~57-i-'-'~4 \ .;-:,---=--l-~i1;,~ "~" .. " \0 ff . ~ --.' "'\ --c..e """ "",,,,,,,.-,,;g;Cii'te'nfn J . ',~ ,_ FOUNIJ I ~~;;;; 0 R~mo _ 4-UNITS Pa.o'3E 11,,, -J;-nell PIP( P!2011) "-SOliTI-l LINE or TRACT 291 I D=Bf:I.i¥llf1'lU[,I:l:RE:..· • "------Fl.!>1 El. -z~o 33 PROPOSED SWARt FbdfAGiStotm l.OTS I E' lN~ EL -2'81O~1:'W t:::, 1 _ 17,1I1l2 ,~. !1. .-~ -H ~ 2:>0 1\ .~~ ~'W 26511 12 !CR) ~\ on t.-RENTIJOo' ~ON p6B 2 _ lE,965 sq. n. INY Cl " SII5 '--3, --1 '85:1:H or IN"JERSCCnON ~2SWmllW9B116 _ _ ~ r\; N"E 20!l1 SlREE"T, FND J'SRASS 1001·1 W . I\jE 20th STREET N-1B9.092-0J3 /d:. S B9'20'2~' VI I~Z~7g Y \... PVNOI M~RK IN CONCRm MON IN CAS( \07/2011) AUG -8 Z011 / CITY rr RENTON >ION {1!IJ! [ .. 1.306.2'5.308 \lflrp.~Cl1ON ..oI(S AYE: fI'E & INlERS[CTlCII ABO!OE'-j,/ AVE NE <I< / If[ 20th SlR([;. fHtJ PIN IN Nt: 20Ih SIREE"l FtIO -PIN tI fRf~ ," ---CONaIEl!: IoION IH C.0.5r (m/zoll) COt.'C!lETE 10101( IH CASE (07/2011) ~I\ " ' -~ ~~~ [_UOJ,5!l5.2J7 ~LO EL ·279.17 t' ______ . __ ._ ' _ " LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This mop correctly represents a suryey made tw m'O' "I under n,v directiDn in c:onIDrmrmr;:e ... ith th~ ,.eQuireme~ls af the-SurV<J\' Recording Ao:-.I ol ihp request ot Lorraine l'ly1C1r in i,J1)' 2011 Cl'rtifi'c11!' I..JL'. :,89~17 /~ro ... l~lA;;j}>t \~~ 3-)Ei ~~~$ r.I '~~~~;-' '(t=,- g TOUMA ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS,PLLC JOEY SHORT PLA 1 2208 JONES AVE NE RENTON. WA 98056 \YES! VAlLn DTCUnv.: PARK OWN. !l~ JOe NO ilill SOU'1l1 ,V"lS"l P\AIX. Sl.r.E [-'02 ''<DfI. w~ gl103l iJlltj I. 52~24!r-O" Pti(:Nt (423) 25'-oe:S~ FA' 1<25) 2'_062~ [;,..."u a,. SHE[1 ""' "~J{l' , or , I • \ , \ , I , \~ ,~ b Ul ILl ,2 I~ ,<{ \[l ,2 Ie::; i i i 253.3G' N83°1 0'33" E ,100,1 r7-S;:=C~Tf~-;:\~~)~O~S~iJ~~:-:~.:--~-----r---------------------1 'I I";~'· :~.~ ·~'·5:.II~;)Zr\. -'-":.:.-".;-: ;:~~~.c:c~,'-~ .. :;. '" 'tt.J ... '.' .......... " ,., '..... <,..... EXISTING; 1 ," I . ,'-L.', . ", _' . -" SHED ' .... II I I.;' . -:[6 ~ 1 0 ~:~ . I EXIST'NG ,:g C\I ~ ~ D '" " z iii ~ o 'SHED ,v . I EXISTING " --,,<, O· l1J S I 0 R.E5IDENCE :81 ['-.. _ 0 1['... 2208 JONES AVE NE Iv ! ~ ~: <> (17,823 SF) : i~ (Y)I \; ,0 o i L16S0 \ : '8 or \ 1903 ' 841' : .-J 2 is) ------1------0-------2 5 5 DST"""--S89~ijr87W----------------------L , , -- f....' " I <...D (Y) , : 1 ~! D~ 7 ~ -s,~z,\ T£..f.~ :~ =_ :~ G-(Y) " ['... 0.. ,-['...1 Oar ~ +:'§ ('() t PROPOSED LOT :'iJ ",,: ,'ILII UlA. (18,354 SF) /! ['...1 F IOIJ...JQ..r-~l"~ Gk ri'i / 1 ~-----------------------------~-------------------------------~ pin -334390-3602 2208 Jones Ave NE Renton , WA 98056 255.14' 5830 13'58" W N L A~-D s~~mento~LAJ Plaid til I§ Oi ... ; isieA AUG - 8 'l011 [R1~CC~~~~lD) " , CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT RENTON, WASHINGTON OEctA.R" TlON or COVENANT THE OIllNERS or L.o.NO [t.lBRACED WllHlN THIS SHORT PLAT. IN RHURN fOR THE: BtN£nTS TO ACCRUE fl/OI.I THIS SU801VlSlCfl, 6¥ SIGNING HEREON COVEtoI .... NT AND "GRIT to CONVEY T~E e<"-NmClAl INTEREST IN THE NEW EjI,SEI.I(NTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORt PLAT TO ANY .v.IO "ll FutURE PU~ASERS or lfjE LOTS. OR or ANY SU8D1'I!$lONS TKEREor. THts COVENANT SHALL RUN 'II1n1 THE LAND AS SHOlltl ON lHfS SHORT f'UlT. OWNER'S DECLARA liON rr~PE:''ii,ltJ1~WERE?~r~~ ~.J:?S 9GlT SIJI.I)f~ lHEREFtRE tlEc:t.ARt 111$ IMP 10 II( It{ CRAPHIC REPRESENTWCfI (f" mE SAME. ~ lHAT SHCRI SUBIlI~ IS III« NTH THE FREE CO'Isan AND IN ACCCfIDANCl: V1H \HE DESIRE cr THE O'IINERS IN WlThlES5 'MiERE()" WE SET OUR HANDS -'NO Sl:A.LS. LORRAINE TA'I1...OR ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ml1£OF __ J :::~}'=:r~~* ;,~;~;_~~~_;;~-::;;:;_;~;.. ~ .. _~",w .... rwr~"'-SAW""""''''­.........r ..... .ocr _ DlDJ. • ..."..". __ ...-....., _ ... r_>£.M'nIST~-.m>< ;/ !:" ........... ..:;.,c.:;-;;_;;-;;_;-;;~;--­;:Alrtr __ --.; ~-~ SI;"Y= ~ ~ ~ ~ N£ 20TH smrrr i i ~ • S NE 16TH STREET VICINITY MAP APPROVALS: D[PARTM~Nl or ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO I'0CIPAGE CITY or RENTON ~tnrto< 0' Cornm..,oty _ Leon"",", ~""", .. t bomine<l ""d __ d th;. _ dey 01 20_ 'i..oJ"" ~ 'f r-........ ~ __ ~.I'" ~_ ,-SCALE: {----= SC.o.tL r -;0' 334390-36n PORTION OF --Dooput~_ .......... t ... mt>o< SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC 5, TWN 23 N, RG 5 E. W.M. w z ~ -< Ul W Z o > AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE LUA-XX-XXX-SHPL UoID-XX-XXXX SURVEY NOTES THE LOTS CREATTII H£REIN r.o.u. '/IITHf,' ZON:E 2 or REHTctrS ,o,OOFER PRoTtcm;JI AAEA .o.NO liRE SUB,,(CT TO THE REOOIREMENTS or THE orr or RENTON ORDINANCE ~367 AND AS AWENOED BY OROINAHCE NO. HW. THIS alY'S sc:u: SOURCE or DRINKING WAm IS SUl'PUEO FROIo! II SI1AUOW A,OUIFER UNDER 1HE: errs SURF"'CE. 1HERE IS NO NAtuRAL BARRIER SET'IIITN THE WATER T.t.SLE AND GROUND SlJRFA.CE EX1RENE CARE SHOULD BE E:)(ERCtSro M.cEN HANOUNC ANY lJQ(ID SU8STANCE OTHER THAN WAlEl TO PROTECT FROIoI CONT"'CT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS mE HOWEOYmERS RESPCiHSlBlUTY TO PROTECT THE OlY'S cn-IKiNG WAtER. INSlRUWtNT: lOPCQ<I CPT 3000W TOTAl STATION l.IETHOO USED: FIELD TRA\£RSE WITH ACTUAL orr or RENTON MOO f3:H INTERSECTION JONES .0.'0£ HE '" HE 2~th STREET. FmJ 1/8" 9R PIN IN CONCRETr WON FIElD 1oI£...slJROIENTS AHD ANGLES WAC ~2-13o-ostl DATI: OF" Sl/ft'-£Y: AlLY 2011 BA9S Of BE.\RING: JONES "''0£ HE (00"33'2J" E) IN CASE (tl6/Q.4) N", Ig1.11S.1971 E"'I.~J.577.I04O ______ ~'2~ E m4.95· _ ~ _____ ~ EX CB NE 24th STREET 1N~CT1Otl ABERDEEN AVi. '11.1 (l -24B.11 NE &: NE 24th STREET, fND • 2.5.91'-12"W PJN IN CONCRETE 1.1{J11 IN c. rOUND 1/2" REB.o.R lI-(07/2011) RE fENCE I I ;: (7/2011) N 89"10'36H E 25 / LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SCUTH HAlF or: TRACT 294, tV HIlllIANS lAKE WASHINGTON CARDEN or ED~ OMS/ON NO ~. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF' RECORDfD IN VOLUWE 11 Of' PLATS. PAGE 82, RECORDS Of' KI'o'G COUNTY, W.o..srtNGTC ... EXCEPT 'tHE NORTH ISO FEET THEREOF; SIlUATE IN n£ truNTY OF lONG, STATE OF' WASftNGTON. rMl eN' LSI 17659 2.0 OfTsn ,_:_,T I / : ;,," t;4 ;~:I j f .:-!. : .... SHED ! _ I\.. FOUND 1/2" REBAR lI- CAP lSI 17659 (7/2011) t; : -: ~ : ~ '.' ~ -, SHrD: I ~ _ : :_l o:ffi [ ~:.. ORDlNARYI-lI(;H c:i ~ I ,. : :0'111'-,m ¢ LOT 2 ;~DAAl W~TER I.1ARK r----.t 'J, :: L I ·,m -' : : --.J: 15 F, w ~ / ' , 17,BBZ .a f~'il I \'-3 ..,. I or :, ----------------"-89·13'58 55.04 , ,. !;.~, '-·-t~~·-~---=wmn-"Ulcr-' 'l<jJ C;; I : :-: GRAIoU DR , -R _ ~ L:· P!l~"" :'[# ~ g ENGINEER / SURVEYOR TOUMA ENGINEERS &: LAND SURVEYORS 66J2 S 19ht PL .... CE SUITE E -102 KENT, WASHINGTON 90032 j : : ---' LOl/'2 ;!.. z OWNER ..., ,oIl , • 2208 JONES AVE NE • : ,OUNO I IRON RENTON, WA 98D58 I ;!: j PRoPOSEO SS PIPE (7/2011) 425--44+-J,367 "'1 'I'-: til le.g6~ Sq It iRE FENCE LORRAINE TAYLOR : BSBl SHORT PLAT DATA • -,,' TOTAL SHORT P1.AT ARtA 36.&47 SCI-tt. N 89'13 52j" E 255.14 ---;-a""'. OE..LOTS PROPOSED - 2 ------r--fzO'i!l'CCr<;;-'II' " fOUND I" IRON Ki C lit D 'Y PERMIT'JE[) d .. 4~ PER ACflE PIP[ (7/2011) SCUTH ~E or '!RACi 294 P DENSlTY.-~~ .DUjACRt larn~9f'9@O~5H!9rtG( Of' THE LOTS 1 -"7.M2 IIQ_ ft, r-- S85'22'J7"W 26SB.-72 CR ~~ r:~'Wk~cf6&.[J!!j~ 2 -18,965 sq. ft . ___ -'" Nt 200\ STREET. FHO J"BR,I,SS IotON W ----S 89~325.79· PUNOi WARK ~ CCHCRETE M{JII IN CASE: (07/2011) NE 20th STREET N-l!9.()92.0JJ AUG - 8 Zull CITY ex-RENTON IIai 11839 E=t,lOS.2t5..306 INTERSECTION JONES AVE NE & INltRSECTlON A6ERDEEN AVE NE '" N£ 201ll SlREET, flII) PIN 1N M: 20th STREET, F}lll PIN IN CONCRETE WON IN CASE (07/2011) CONt:R£'!t liON IN CASE (07/2011) N_ 188.811.739 EKI,J03.565.237 EL _ 279.17 [RH~CC~~W~[Q) w ~ '" ~ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE No. lLANO SURVEYOR'S CERnFICATE lIt TOUMA ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS,PLLC JOEY SHORT PLAT UTILITY PLAN RENTON, WA 98058 Filed for record this_doy of __ ,20_ ot_ in book_ .o' __ ot poge __ ot the request of Rpn M Toump Mgr:-----Supt. of Records ·This mop correctly represents 0 survey mode by me or under my direction in conformonce with the requirements of the Survey Recording Act ot the request af Lorroir.e Taylor in j,Jly 2011 Certificate No. 38992 1 ""'0\.).11'0 ~~<+, g a i ".:~~ ~ WEST VAlUY EXECUTIVE PARK OWN. BY OATS JOB NO. HJ2 SOJll< 19l5T PlACE. sum: E-l02 '~ENT. WA ;8032 . DAN T JULY 2011 525-2.5-011 PH!H: (.~) ~!--(16&5 ro:t (.~) Z51--05~ 1-;,""~",-;,c,,-----lo,~,~,,:;-,-----f,,O",,",,;------j "", l"-JO' 1 OF 1 ~ .... ~ f;I;l In ~ Z ..., N E-< In <:> , ..". ~ H H L, RM- I~ ZONING MAP BOOK PW TECH~ICAl SERVICES PRINlED ON 11/13/09 --.~ ... , ...... ---"", _ ......... -..,. ......... ... ...... " ............. _ .... 10 ... ' ......... ",_ ""' ..... _ ... ""-_ ... _ .. - ---,.,.,'-"0" C4 -32 T24N RSE E 112 o 200 400 ~~!!;;W~~I F ... 1:4,800 .. \~ <,,~ .. :---'~""---' RC R-l R-8 05 T23N R5EE 112 5305 • Hearing Examiner Hear. SIGN IN SHEET Joey Short Plat December 6, 2011 1"11; ;·'t>;;"i!:;: i ',;ii,:i/,';~ I' .. "";i:,:!,b:,;,' ,'Name,:;Ji". '::,,::: ,,:J ~;,,';',: .. ,Represeittiit2"",:::r11'L ,', .. /:Ph~ri~#·';i~-'-:'.· ,.;::i'~"""~;;::L·"'_ ;~~" '-JeCJI') :::de3 rt7.5 {td;. prtJpprlv rJtVf)er-42q-2r:;L/-/2Stf ,L(jIJJ~/~ {;y tJrt/ /fA/j , (,/ V t:Ji)R...1 .d, A () ,Iv I vdofp 76 C17$7 ¥-b~f .J r t' I Gz IQI, Q~E-e6 I :E7 mail", , '. j /1' a I1sfrc/f'I1..ft! I'c>r/, Wilford Hughes W.H. Hughes Co. ! 14401 Issaquah Hobart Road Issaquah, WA 98027 tel: (425) 444-3367 (applicant / contact) Fritz Brendemihl 1203 N 38th Street Renton, WA 98056 tel: (425) 228-4682 (party of record) Karen Walter -f PARTIES OF R~:CORD JOEY'S SHORT PLAT LUAll-066, EGF, SHPL-A Lorraine Taylor 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 (owner) Deanna Dobak 1700 NE 20th Street Renton, WA 98056 (party of record) Susan Rider Jean Stearns 2216 Jones Avneue NE Renton, WA 98056 tel: (425) 254-1254 (party of record) William O'Connor 921 S Washington Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (party of record) Watersheds & Land Use Team Leader 1835 NE 20th Street Renton, WA 98056 (party of record) Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 (party of record) Updated: 09/15/11 (Page 10f1) DTft~"ftIT OF COMMU " 1f\1~'LI ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AMENDED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTE~, REPORT AND ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REPORT & DECISION ERC MEETING DA TE: Project Name: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: October 24, 2011 Joey's Short Plat lorraine Taylor 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 Wilford Hughes W.H. Hughes Co. 14401 Issaquah, WA 98027 Same as applicant lUA11-066, ECF, SHPl-A Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 stream, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 sJ.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. 2208 Jones Avenue NE 1,230 36,847 SF (0.85 acre) Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): Total Building Area GSF: N/A N/A 1,230 S.F. Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determinationof Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M). Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community .• )miC Development JOEY'S SHORT PlAT • • . ERe c .lnistrat;ve Short Plat Report & Decision 'f LUAll-D55, fCF, SHPL-A Report of October 24, 2011 PROJECT LOCATION MAP I PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION / BACKGROUND A_ EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit S: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: Exhibit 8: Exhibit 9: Ex. 10: Ex. 11: Project file ("yellow file") Zoning Map, Sheet D4 Site Plan (received August 8, 2011) . Landscape Plan Aerial Photo Letter from William O'Connor (received September 7,2011) Email from Karen Walter, Muckleshoot Tribe (received September 21, 2011) Letter from Susan Rider (received September 9, 2011) Technical Memorandum from Otak, Inc. (dated October 14, 2011) Revised Critical Areas Review For Joey's Short Plat (dated August 4, 2011) by Altmann Oliver Associates, LLC Geotechnical Infiltration Letter (dated July 26, 2011) by GeoResources, LLC Amended ERe & Short Plat Report l1-066.doc Page 2 of 15 r .. ';ity of Renton Deportment of com=unity & Economic :eve/opment ERC and Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision • JOEY'SSHORTPLAT 81-----------"'--SHPL-A Report of October 24, 2011 Page 3 of 15 B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: Lorraine Taylor 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 2. Zoning Designation: Residential-4 dwelling units per acre (R-4) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Residential Low Density (RLD) 4. Existing Site Use: Single Family Residence 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: a_ North: b. East: c. South: d. West: 6. Access: . 7. Site Area: Single Fomily Residences (R-4 zoning) Single Family Residences and Vacant (R-4 zaning) Single Family Residences (R-4 zoning) Single Family Residences (R-4 zaning) Jones Avenue NE 36,847 S.F. (0.85 acres) C. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Comprehensive Plan Annexation Kennydale Blueberry Farm CPA & Rezone D. ·PROJECT NARRATIVE: Land Use File No. N/A N/A LUA05-159 Ordinance No. 4924 1818 5265 Date 12/05/2001 03/09/1960 09/20/2005 The applicant is proposing a short plat for two single-family residential lots on a 36,847 square foot parcel in the Residential 4 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-4) zone (Exhibit 2). Proposed Lot 1 would have 17,882 square feet and proposed Lot 2 would have 18,965 square feet. The net density for the proposed project is 2.74 dwelling units per acre. An existing single family home and two sheds are located on the northwest portion of the site and are proposed to remain. The project site is primarily flat with less than a 10-foot change across the parcel from west to east. Soils on the property are described in the Geotechnical Infiltration letter, dated July 26, 2011, by GeoResources, LLC (Exhibit 11). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 stream, bisects the site from north to south and the majority of a wetland (Category 2 or 3) exists in the eastern portion of the property beyond Kennydale Creek and its buffer. Development of a new detached single family house on the site would take place outside the 35- foot stream buffer (Exhibit 3). Amended ERC & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community (. .miC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLAT ERe or ainistrative Short Plat Report & Decisio~ . WAll-D66, ECF, SHPL·A Report of October 24. 2011 Page 4 of 15 Access to proposed Lot 1 would continue to be via an existing driveway from Jones Avenue NE; and access to proposed Lot 2would be via a new driveway cut from Jones Avenue NE. E. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities a. Water: Water service would be provided by the City of Renton. There is an 8-inch water main in Jones Avenue NE. The existing home at 2208 Jones Avenue NE is served by a o/.-inch water meter connected to the water main in Jones Avenue NE. b. Sewer: Sewer service would be provided by the City of Renton. There is an 8-inch sewer main in Jones Avenue NE. The existing home at 2208 Jones avenue NE is connected to the sewer main. e. Surface/Storm Water: There are existing storm drainage facilities in Jones Avenue NE- 2. Streets: There are existing sidewalk, curb, and gutter along Jones Avenue NE. No further improvements are required. 3. Fire Protection: The Oty of Renton provides fire protection services to this area. I PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. ENVIRONMENTAL THRESHOLD RECOMMENDATION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS-M with a 14-day Appeal Period. B. MITIGATION MEASURES 1. The applicant shall install a split rail fence with appropriate signage along the westernmost 35-foot stream buffer boundary of Kennydale Creek. Such split rail fence and signage shall be installed prior to recording of the short plat. 2. A Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) shall be established between the western most 35- foot stream buffer boundary and the eastern property line. The NGPE shall be indicated on the short plat and a note describing the NGPE shall be placed on the face ofthe short plat. 3. The existing easternmost shed on Proposed lot 1 shall be removed or relocated outside ofthe NGPE prior to installation of the split rail fence. . C. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to Amended ERC & Short Plat Report 11-066. doc .11 City of Renton Department of Community, JOEY'S SHORT PLAT . . Report of October 24, 2011 ··.IC Development ERCo! ertrotive Short Plat Report & Decision LUAll-056, ECF, SHPL-A Page 5 of 15 occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: L Water a_ Stream and Wetland Impacts: Kennydale Creek crosses the central portion of the subject property in a north/south orientation. Per RMC 4-3-0500. Kennydale Creek is a Class 4 stream in this vicinity. Class 4 streams require a minimum buffer area of 35 feet. To the east of Kennydale Creek is a wetland which is either a Category 2 or Category 3 Wetland. Category 2 wetlands require a buffer area of 50 feet and Category 3 wetlands require a buffer area of 25 feet. The applicant submitted a Revised Critical Areas Review (Exhibit 10) for Joey's Short Plat (File No. lUAll-066), 2208 Jones Ave. NE, Renton, WA (Parcel 334390- 3602), dated August 4, 2011, prepared by Altmann Oliver Associates, LLC. The Critical Areas Review states that Kennydale Creek on the project site is a Class 4 stream which appears to have been historically ditched. Vegetation along the stream banks is mowed to the edge of the channel and plant species within and adjacent to the channel at the time ofthe field investigation consisted almost entirely of reed canary grass. The Critical Areas Review also identifies a disturbed wetland in the northeastern portion ofthe site (Exhibit 3). The wetland consists of a shallow topographic depression that appears to extend off-site to the north. Vegetation within the wetland includes Pacific willow, Himalayan blackberry, reed canary grass, creeping buttercup, giant horsetail, Watson's willow-herb, watercress, and scattered skunk cabbage. Hydrology within the wetland was based on the presence of disturbed hydric soils. The Critical Areas. Review also notes that the wetland is more than 15 feet from the eastern Ordinary High Water.Mark of Kennydale Creek and the maximum required buffer for the wetland would be SO feet, therefore, the stream buffer is more restrictive. The report notes that the 50-foot buffer shown on the plans is based on the unlikely possibility that the wetland is a Category 2, rather than a more likely Category 3 wetland which would require a 2s-foot buffer. The Critical Areas Review concludes that because the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Priority Habitats and Species database does not indicate any priority habitats or species on or adjacent to the subject property and the fact that future development would take place outside the 3s-foot stream buffer area, there would be no critical area impacts as result of the project. Three letters commenting on the classification of Kennydale Creek were received by staff. Two of the letters commented on a previous project in the vicinity and questioned the Class 4 stream designation of Kennydale Creek (Exhibits 6 and 8). Exhibit 8 also included attachments, one being a stream assessment survey on Kennydale Creek, prepared by Wild Fish Conservancy (dated September 23, 2009). The third letter was received from Karen Walter, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division (Exhibit 7), asking about the classification of Kennydale Creek and providing suggestions for buffer area enhancement. Staff responded to these letters and stated that this two-lot short plat does not affect the classification of the creek. Furthermore, the future development on the project site would occur outside of the 3s-foot stream buffer. Therefore, there is no essential nexus for requiring buffer area enhancement. However, by requiring the NGPE and not allowing removal of vegetation without the express written permiSSion of the City of Renton, the buffer area would be enhanced. However, based on concerns raised in the comment letters, and to evaluate the Wild Fish Conservancy stream assessment, the City requested an independent evaluation of Kennydale Creek at the subject location by Otak, Inc. Field work was conducted by Otak staff and a report was prepared (dated Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community eom;c Develop'!"ent JOEY'S SHORT PLAT Report of October 24, 2011 ERe Df ,.inistra't;ve Short Plat Report & Decisio~ . LUA1HJ55, ECF, SHPL·A Page 6 of 15 October 14, 2011 and contained herein as Exhibit 9). The report concludes that the portion of Kennydale Creek on the subject property meets the definition of a Class 4 stream. As the short plat would allow the for development of one additional detached single family home, and in order to prevent degradation ofthe onsite stream and wetland, staff recommends as a mitiga"tion measure that the applicant install a split-rail fence with appropriate sensitive area signage along the western 35-foot stream buffer boundary. The split rail fence and signage would need to be installed prior to recording of the short plat. Also, in order to protect the creek, buffer and wetlal)d area and buffer on the east portion of the site, staff recommends as a condition of approval that a Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) be established. This NGPE would include the site area from the westernmost 3S-foot stream buffer boundary to the eastern property line. The NGPE would need to be indicated on the short plat and a note describing the NGPE shall be placed on the face ofthe short plat. In addition, to improve the function and value of the stream buffer, staff recommends that a shed that is presently located within the stream buffer (on Proposed Lot 1) be removed or relocated outside of the NGPE prior to installation of the split rail fence and before the short plat recording. Mitigation Measures: 1. The applicant shall install a split rail fence with appropriate signage along the westernmost 35-foot stream buffer boundary of Kennydale Creek. Such split rail fence and signage shall be installed prior to recording of the short plat. 2. A Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) shall be established between the western most 35- foot stream buffer boundary and the eastern property line. The NGPE shall be indicated on the short plat and a note describing the NGPE shall be placed on the face ofthe short plat. 3. The existing easternmost shed on Proposed Lot 1 shall be removed or relocated outside of the NGPE prior to installation of the split rail fence. Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; RMC 4-3-050E D. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text ofthis report and/or "Advisory Notes to Applicant." .,/ Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. PART THREE: ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REVIEW A. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts a. Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts b. Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table c. Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards Amended ERe & Short Plat Report ll-D66.doc 'City oj R~nton Department of Community· .iC Development JOEY'S SHORT PIA T ERC a "trative Short Plat Report & Decision LUAIHJ66, ECF, SHPL·A Report of October 24, 2011 d. Section 4-2-115: Residential Design and Open Space Standards z. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts a. Section 4-3-050L: Streams and Lakes b. Section 40-3-050M: Wetlands 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards a. Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards a. Section 4-6-060: Street Standards S. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations a. Section 4-7-070: Detailed Procedures for Short Subdivisions Page 7 of 15 b. Section 4-7-120: Compatibility with Existing Land Use and Plan -General Requirements and Minimum Standards c. Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots -General Requirements and Minimum Standards d. Section 4-7-130: Environmental Consideration -General Requirements and Minimum Standards 6. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria 7. Chapter 11 Definitions B. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: L Land Use Element: Residential Policies 2. Community Design Element: Established Residential Neighborhoods 3. Environmental Element Critical Areas Co DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. Project Description/Background See Project Narrative, above. z. Environmental Review Except when located on lands covered by water or sensitive areas, short plats are exempt from SEPA Environmental Review pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(6)(al. Since this site contains both Kennydale Creek and a wetland, SEPA Environmental Review is required. 3. Compliance with ERC Conditions See Mitigation Measures in Part 2 B, above. 4. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc -----------, City of Renton Department of Community / ".' omic Development JOEY'S SHORT PIA T Report of October 24, 2011 ERe ar "." inistrative Short Plat Report & Decisio'n ' . LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Page 8 of 15 official file, and the essence ofthe comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report. 5. Consistency with Short Plat Criteria Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision-makers in the review of the plat: aJ Compliance with the Comprehensive Designation The site is designated Residential Low Density (RLD) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Lands in the RLD designation are intended to guide development on land appropriate for a range of low intensity residential where land is either constrained by sensitive areas or where the City has the opportunity to add larger-lot housing stock, at urban densities of 4 du/net acre, to its inventory. Lands that either do not have significant sensitive areas, or can be adequately protected by the critical areas ordinance, are zoned R-4. The proposal is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan Land Use, Community Design and Environmental Element objectives and policies. Policy LU-157. Within the Residentiol4 dulac zoned area a maximum density of 4 units per acre is allowed to encourage larger lot development ond increase the supply of upper income housing consistent with the City's Housing Element. Policy Objective Met o Not Met Policy CO-12. Infill development, defined as new short plats of nine or fewer lots, should be encouraged in order to add variety, updated housing stock, and new vitality to neighborhoods. Policy Objective Met o Not Met Objective EN-A. Protect and enhance water quality of sUrface water resources including the City's lakes, rivers, major and minor creeks, and intermittent stream courses. Policy Objective Met o Not Met Objective EN-B. Preserve and protect wetlands for overoll system functioning. Policy Objective Met o Not Met bJ Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation The subject site is designated R-4 on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development would allow for the future construction of one new single-family dwelling unit. Density: There is no minimum density in the R-4 zone and the maximum density is 4 units per acre. The area of the criticai areas (wetland and stream) onsite (5,150 square feet) is deducted from the gross square footage of the site. Therefore, the net square footage would be 31,627 square feet (0.73 acre). The net density for the two proposed lots would be 2.74 dwelling units per net acre which falls within the permitted density range for the R-4 zone. Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community l e;c Development JOEY'S SHORTP/AT Report of October 24, 2011 ERC ar Qrrrative Short Plat Report & Decision WAII-066, ECF, SHPL·A Page 9 of 15 Lot Dimensions: As demonstrated in the table below, all lots meet the requirements for minimum lot size, depth, and width. As Proeosed Lot Size Width Deeth 8,000 SF minimum 70 feet required 80 feet required Lotl 17,882 SF 70 feet 255 feet Lot 2 18,965 SF 74 feet 255 feet Setbacks: The required setbacks in the R-4 zone are as follows: front yard is 30 feet; interior side yard is 5 feet; and the rear yard is 25 feet. The proposed lots are oriented so that the front yards of both lots face west. The proposed lots appear to contain adequate area· to provide all the required setbacks. Building Standards: The R-4 zone permits one residential structure per lot. Each of the proposed lots would support one detached unit. Accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. Building height in the R-4 zone is limited to 30 feet for primary structures and 15 feet for detached accessory structures. The allowed building lot coverage for lots over 5,000 square feet in size in the R-4 zone is 35 percent or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater. Impervious surface area coverage may be a maximum of 55 percent. The existing house on proposed Lot 1 complies with these standards and the building standards for proposed Lot 2 would be verified at the time of building permit review. c) Community Assets The site (outSide of the wetland area) is vegetated primarily with lawn. There are 7 trees on the project site (2 cedars and 5 alders) all of which would be retained. In addition to the trees, the site also contains Pacific willow, Himalayan blackberry, reed canary grass, creeping buttercup, giant horsetail, Watson's willow-herb, watercress, and scattered skunk cabbage. The applicant would be required to plant two ornamental trees, a minimum caliper of 1 )f, inches (deciduous) or 6 -8 feet in height (conifer), within the 3D-foot front yard setback area for the proposed lots (Exhibit 4). The submitted landscape plan indicates that two 1 )f,-inch caliper flowering cherry trees would be planted in the front yard of each ·Iot. Existing landscaping may be used to augment the required landscaping. In order to protect the onsite stream and wetland, staff has recommended mitigation measures which are discussed in Part Two of this report. d) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations Streets: There is existing sidewalk, curb, and gutter fronting the project site along Jones Avenue NE. No additional street improvements are required. The proposal would result in an increase in traffic trips to the City's street system. The new residence is expected to generate 9.57 trips at a rate of $75.00 per additional average daily vehicle trip; credit is given for the existing Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community I .omiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T ERe or .inistrative Short Plat Report & Dedsi;n . WAI1-066, ECF, SHPL-A Report of October 24, 2011 Page 10 of 15 residence on the subject'property. The Transportation Mitigation Fee is estimated to be $717.75 (1 new lot x 9.57 trips x $75.00 = $717.75) and would be payable prior to recording the short plat. Therefore, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant pay a Transportation Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $717.75, prior to recording the short plat. Blocks: No new blocks would be created as part of the proposed short plat. lots: The shape, orientation, and arrangement of the proposed lots comply with the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations and the Development Standards of the R-4, zone. Proposed Lots 1 and 2 would be rectangular in shape. Access to both lots would be via Jones Avenue NE. Both lots meet the requirements for minimum lot size, depth, and width as demonstrated in the table above. The lots are oriented to the west; the front yards would be along Jones Avenue NE. Lot 1 contains an existing house to be retained and Lot 2 appears to have sufficient building area for the development of a detached single-family residence provided the applicant complies with the conditions of approval. e) Reasanableness of Proposed Boundaries Access: Access to both lots would be via Jones Avenue NE. Topography: The site is primarily flat. Relationship to Existing Uses: All properties surrounding the subject site are designated R-4 on the City's Zoning Map. The proposal is similar to existing development patterns in the area and is compatible with that development. In addition, the proposed development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code. f) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicates that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to Code required improvements and fees. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that a Fire Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $488.00, be paid prior to recording the short plat. Schools: According to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the City of Renton Land Use Element (January 16, 1992), the City of Renton has a student generation factor of 0.44 students per single-family residential dwelling. Based on the student generation factor, the proposed short plat would result in 0.44 additional students (0.44 X 1 new lot = 0.44) to the Renton School District. The Renton School District Impact Fee is currently $6,310.00 per each new Single-family unit and is payable prior to the issuance of building permits. It is anticipated that the Renton School District can accommodate any additional students generated by this project at Kennydale Elementary School, McKnight Middle School, and Hazen High School. Parks: There would be no anticipated impacts to parks. Storm Water: The project will comply with Appendix C ofthe 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual and the City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWDM, Chapters 1 and 2. Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls within the Flow Control Duration Standard, Forested Conditions. Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-o66.doc , , City of Renton Department oj Community:. i.,_ Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T . ERe at IrOrative Short Plat Report & Decision , WAII-066, Eel', SHPL-A Report of October 24, 2011 Page 11 of 15 Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: The site is served by the City of Renton water and sewer services. All plats are required by City Code to provide one hydrant within 300 feet of any proposed single-family structure. In addition, separate water service is required to be provided to each building lot prior to recording the plat. All short plats shall provide a separate side sewer to each building lot prior to recording. D, FINDINGS: Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1. Request: The applicant is requesting an Administrative Short plat approval for the subdivision of one parcel (36,847 square feet) into two lots,for the future construction of one single-family residence on Lot 2. The existing single-family residence on Lot 1 would remain. 2, Application: The applicant's short plat application complies with the requirements for information for short plat review. The applicant's short plat plan and other project drawings are contained within the official land use file (Exhibits 2 -5). 3, Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is designated Residential Low Density (RLDjin the Comprehensive Plan. 4, Zoning: The proposal is zoned R-4. S. Subdivision Regulations: The proposal is subject to the requirements established by the City's Subdivision Regulations. 6. Existing Land Uses: Single-family residences in R-4 zoning surround the project site to the north, south, east, and west. 7. System Development Charges: Water System Development Charges and Sewer System Development Charges, at the current rates, will be required for each new single-family residence as part ofthe construction permit. 8. Public Utilities: The applicant will be required to install individual sewer and water stubs to serve the new lot. E. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the Residential Low Density comprehensive plan designation and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation. 2. The subject site is located in the R-4 zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval. 3. The proposed Joey's Short Plat complies with the subdivision regulations as established by City Code and state law provided all advisory notes and conditions are complied with. 4. The proposed Joey's Short Plat complies with the street standards as established by City Code, provided the project complies with all adVisory notes and conditions of approval contained herein. 5. Staff recommends measures to protect the onsite stream and wetland. F. DECISION: Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 1l-066,doc City oj Renton Department of Community, ,Anomie Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T ... .• nmental Review Committee Repo'rt • . LUAll-D66, EeF, SHPL-A Report of October 24, 2011 Page 12 of 15 The Joey's Short Plat, File No. LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A, is approved and is subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the environmental mitigation measures specified for Joey's Short Plat, LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A as adopted in the Environmental Threshold Determination. 2. The applicant shall pay a Transportation Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $717.75, prior to recording the short plat. 3. The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $488.00, prior to recording the short plat. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Planning Director Planning Division TRANSMITTED this 24th day of Octoberr, 2011 to the Contact/Applicant/Owner(s): Contact/Applicant: Wilford Hughes 14401 Issaquah Hobart Road Issaquah, WA 98027 Owner: Lorraine Taylor 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 TRANSMITTED this 24th day of October, 2011 to the Party(ies) of Record: Jean Stearns 2216 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 William O'Connor 921 S Washington Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Fritz Brendemihi 1203 N 38'" Street Renton, WA 9056 Karen Walter Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 39015172"d Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 TRANSMITTED this 24th day of October, 2011 to the following: Neil Watts, Development Services Director Larry Meckling, Building Official Kayren Kittrick, Development Services Jan Conklin, Development Services Carrie Olson, Development Services Amended ERC & Short Plat Report 1HJ66.doc Deanna Dobak 1700 NE 20'" Street Renton, WA 98056 Susan Rider 1835 NE 20'" Street Renton, WA 98056 ,------------------~---~------------------------------~ City of Renton Department of Community l ' •.. Development JOEY'S SHORT PLAT Report of October 24, 2011 Fire Marshal Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Renton Reporter ERe 01 ;.4Iitrative Short Plat ~eport & Decision .~ WAll-D66, ECF, SHPL-A Page 13 of 15 G. LAND USE ACTION APPEALS, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION, & EXPIRATION The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the decision date. APPEAL: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before S:OO PM on November 7, 2011. An appeal of the decision(s) must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 1l0.B governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee to Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall - 7th Floor,(425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. EXPIRATION: The Administrative Short Plat decision will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A single one (1) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-7-070.M. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation ofthe appeal by the Court. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. Planning: 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 2. The applicant will be required to comply with protection measures for retained trees as set forth in RMC 4-4-130HS. 3. The applicant will be required to comply with Environmental Regulations concerning Native Growth Protection Areas, streams, and wetlands contained in RMC 4-3-050. 4. Language for the NGPE is: "The Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) identifies the stream, wetland and buffer areas. The creation of the Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) conveys to Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community & ~r:onomic Development JOEY'S SHORT PlAT ERe andAdministrative Short Plat Report & Decision Report of October 24,2011 Page 14 of 15 the public a beneficial interest in the land within the easement area. This interest shall be for the purpose of preserving native vegetation for the control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, visual and aural buffering, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The Native Growth Protection Easement imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the easement area enforceable on behalf of the public by the City of Renton, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the easement area. The vegetation within the NGPE may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without express written permission fram the City of Renton. The right of entry granted herein shall apply to the agents, representatives and employees of the owners or subsequent owners of the underlying property. " 5. The Renton School District Impact Fee is currently $6,310.00 and is payable prior to issuance of building permits for Lot 2. 'Plan Review -Water: 1. The project will need to provide domestic service, and fire service to serve the proposed development. 2. Per the City Fire Marshal, the preliminary fire flow requirement for a single family home is 1,000 gpm minimum for dwellings up to 3,600 square feet (including garage and basements). If the dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, a minimum of 1,500 gpm fire flow would be required. A minimum of one fire hydrant is required within 300-feet of the proposed buildings and two hydrants if the fire flow goes up to 1,500 gpm. Lateral spacing of fire hydrants is predicated on hydrants being located at street intersections. 3. The fee for a Yo-inch water meter installed by the City is $2,260.00. Plan Review -Surface Water: 1. The Surface Water System Development fee is $1,012.00 per new lot. 2. Small project drainage review is required for any single-family residential project that will result in 2,000 square feet or more of new impervious surface, replaced impervious surface, new plus replaced impervious surface, or 7,000 square feet of land disturbing activity. If the project exceeds anyone of these thresholds, a drainage plan and drainage report will; be required with the site plan application. The report shall comply with Appendix C of the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual and the City of Renton amendments to the KCSWM, Chapters 1 and 2. Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls with ion the Flow Control Duration Standard, Forested Conditions. 3. A geotechnical report for the site is required. Information on the water table and soil permeability, with recommendations of appropriate flow control BMP options with typical designs for the site from· the geotechnical engineer, shall be submitted with the building permit application. Plan Review -Sewer: 1. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges are based on the size of the domestic water meter. These fees are collected at the time a construction permit is issued. The sewer fee for a Yo-inch water meter is $1,591.00 Plan Review -Transportation: 1. Traffic mitigation fees will apply. Traffic mitigation fees of $717.75 will be required prior to recording of the short plat as a condition of the plat. 2. The maximum driveway width for a single loaded garage is 9 feet and 16 feet for a double loaded garage. Plan Review -Fire: 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. Available fire low is limited to 1,2S0 gpm. 2. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 3. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. Amended ERe & Short Plat Report ll-D66.doc qty of ~en,ton Department of Community & Fr(mo.mj·c Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of October 24,2011 Property Services: Please see attached for memo from Property Services. Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc ERe and Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision • LUAI1-D66, ECF, SHPL-A Page IS of IS C4 -32 T24N R5E E 1/2 I- R-8 .", ~~~~u~s~4 05 T23N RSE.E 112 5305 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT RENTON, WASHINGTON OEClAR,t.,TlQN Of COVENANT lifE OI'IH[f1S ('I" LAND EII8IIIICI:r1 '111'" ltlI!l moRt 1'lA.T. tl RE1'I.IItH fOR Tl€ (lEtfEFlTS Ttl M:CRUE FRIJoI 111$ ~~. 8Y 5IGHlHC HlR[QH CVt'I':NNIl t.ND ACRE[ 10 COi'~ TIl': 9OI[FJCI.t.l,. INTER(SllH THE N[1f rA!iUoIEtm ~ OH 1US !'aliT rv.T TO ANY AHD fJ.l Hnlm: PUIl{lI"'S<R~ (J" 114( tOTS, on Of f,J{y W~"'SlOfoiS UI!R'EDr. 1II~ t.o'I[HAlH SI1.o.t.L !\UN '!11TH 1H[ LAHO ... S SHO'M>l tJ<I rnlS SHORT PI. ... 1. IN l'nmESS WHEREOF 1'£ SET OUR HANDS I\HO SE,o,LS. UlRRAIN[ T .... YlOR .... CKNOWL£t)Gt.lENTS ...... 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VNIT5 PER r ODlSIrt -2.J6 OU/ACA[ C . ~ PAIJP~!iQUARE moTA.'''' ~. ~'1 J!!:~!!:r.-oQl'Il" -~ '.,., 2if) lm98~.oq.;II~U,1 --------s BIi0'i4"-'J25.7~E 20t~ STR&ET PUIoIOl IoWIII ... ~otEn: ~OH IN CAS[ (111/2011) H-18l1,08LD.l) Plalliling I.;ivisioll em' (J' RtNTotI 10100 ell INl£RStCTION JtfI£S ~W HE ok IN1(R5(CTION AIlERllEEN AVI: Nt .' N( 20th 51l1EET, FNlJ F'IH IN Nt 20th SIREn. tHO PIN N OONCAETr WON tI CASE (01/2011) COOCRETE WOI( IN CASE (07/2011) N_ 188,B11.7Jg E .. T,30'}'565.Ul n -21D.17 Th(s mop correctly represents 0 survO!y mode by m~ 01 under my direction In t:onlormnnce ... Ith Ihe 'rfJquiremenl!l of Ihe Surv~y Recording Ad 01 the requul of Lorroine laylor In ,"",ly 2011 . (_1,J06,215.J08 IIi: TOUMA ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS,PLLC M:51 V&l£Y O£CtllTVE PARK AUG -8 ZU11 till SOU"PI1"!T I'l ... ct, IIVIlt [_IU1 ·MDfl. W' 18031[' o",.~ 1. [ •. '.AA.'I" 2C011 ,._. ·S-;!I-2~!;-ml I'IfOH£ (U5) ~&I·081B ,,,~ \4U) 181·062& CHKD el. SC"LE ~ .. 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J ---------------------Z-ss.14-;---sFio-1 3'58" w----------------------- • ~ ::t ..... c:I ~ ,f::oo • pin -334390-3602 2208 Jones Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 N 'LA"j.n5L.A~~Of~>~'LAJ Plannil'q Division IIUG - 8 lOll ICji l;:; \C' rf; 11\\17 ~ D' n s .y .. ,,,Ii ~y (SlY < 378.1 9 ~06 City of Renton. W8lhlnglon 378.1 Feel Thi s map Is a user genaratlltd Iialic output from an Internet mapping lite and 11 for reference only. Data layer. that app .. r on thl. map may or may not be acctJrate , current, or otherwise reliable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Lakes and RIvers Water Courses Parcels . Street Names Rlghls of Way Streets Roads Jurisdictions .... "" 0.. Mc*le. ' 1,,- K ... ..... """'" Mwcwl1l8lld Ntrwe811. RENTON S •• ne ...... T ...... Aenal (March :>J • R,1d: Bal'l(U • 0I'Hn: e.nd_: • BIUtI : Bence:] Notes Enter Map O.,Icr1ptlon • ~ ::t t-I c:I t-I -I U'1 • o ., ii • ii iii I ; . <-C( 11. VI. ~ 'S:i ~ ..... [1 Proi "",1-Mo.1&<.5 C '" Ii c~·~ of P~'" i:1 1 05'> ~'" Wy GoAr Iii K"<A-~, ()Jf'. 1 .boS7 . I: Ii h. . L VIr j 1-0.61. f:CF SiIPL-A EXHIBIT 6 'I ~~ Mv ~ .. ~ /[.,,'1 I€HCL-c~"'<'-""r +~ ""'IS -cla'>C;;;J'Ifc.AfbI,. J! f4,..M'(j",~ e'X .... t:: i, W~I"-~ 11'-'''', +ki'<'-'5~ t~ q.bo'ie ~1~{;.) "J,-<y'( r;~ PI..r/:.1-:/.'" ~A-t ·t, l"t:". ....... it'.'" ~kl 0/A11iA-L +1-.. C:v<~l:: W><.r 1M<k.J. "<" ~ Q(p.r(4 I . , ---rh~c s-~ I'~ ft.+-" Ct.. .. ~ 4, J,,-/-1'1 C<. c.(p."r 3 CLr J.k ..... .",J. ! ' _. ~'( 0< s-l,· .... , "5f.vJ r q~eJ 'y 'l--i't ~r JI<* Cu-4",,/ ~ ,Atl/>J,l.ce ' I C{tAi pert.r><e-cJ hy +t-. 0-Jll ~ f-t'dt CO"-S-et"4KC>, /yW orf OV".,{(,4J!1.. II '. . _ I,' 7h( s~Jy WO>I f~-f6.-..J. .:tr 0. ~rcllf. ~f --I-N. ~~ IJ-t~(-<!/~bc-!/'J; I h th ... Cd-., ..... J '" copy of fi,... s/.>J" /..>or: 7".'" ~ )!Ii'; CA", V1t<.cM-t. c,. L, 01 j!..,.J,..r, s~e~1 't fa.., <;'0- :t. 1.>-' .... $ Y''''1 S<»f;t'c~J uJ~'" -1. :::J"'<.V -f+..... ixj.. . ........4.. ;, -It.. P"'i-"~ .J.~c..":I'Jia~ ~( -:t t...J o.c)()U~1 ff-t G'L; Wd.JU hN{ Cow"":."'! . 4-h,~v IIA--f! b., it.. tr it .... !. 1 Iw. <; I-~CL ve /6 u. k J -t ~ .j.{.. R...J-f'I.J/b.. " ",i Ctlu ".,rt Iov.-Ir il ""I .f!t/H 0" +W' ISSo, (y ~ .... C~i"-...J.h .. t-hir s;,~"" kUe r/ I!> P-~ t ~ A wIll bl eo.--M') ~.u-d,,,:; ~;J' ;-Ssoe.. 0 -:tF '{au 4~~. Q"'1 r~<h--~, v-,a..-Jf'1 -/-k t S+"'-1cla(-ri"k..~ 1"''''\ s/.Jl-, '1~ WA~ ec".K..1-AM {OJ", et~ 42)"2.28-&7{t. ,I '?I~J<. E!~~ UH o.~ A pa...f.y.< of re.:uJ 0" -H-. pc}-I-~6 7. It--t.r 0 " . Ii C=....kIU~ {, WI<-1;-!w -Ih '~)'iR.' !I ~~" C!,.y~ :! ~z~(y~ ., . ::1 't2 f ~ < ~ 4."-1 f.. SI- b...J-..L ... l.o lor/.. C;;I+~"? Denis 1:.aw' Mayor" Sept,ember 21, 2011 WilJiam E. O'Connor 921 South Washington Street Port Angeles;WA 98362 , : DepartTnent of CO[T1munity and Ec~nomic Development':" , Alex pietsch, Administrator ' , , ,"SUBJECT: "JOEY'S SHORTPLAT, WAll-066, EC~, SHPL-A' Dear'Mr. O'Connor:' Thank you,foY your letter regarding Joeys Short Piat, LUA11-066, ECF, SHPLcA th,at we received on September 7, 2011. Yo'u; comments have been added to the fiii for'the . ..".' . .' . .' decision-maker to consider, , , ' ,Your commentsa;emuch ~ppr~ciated, I~ your letter you stated that youwe~~ c~rtai~ 'that Susari·Rider would be contactingme regarding this matter: ,In fact, Ms. Ri.der d!d i:onta~t me by mail and provided b.ackgro~nd and history, including some supplemental , 'materials regardingKennyCiale Creek" This pr'oject is for the subdivisi~n of land to creat~, :;one <idditionallot in the Resid,ential-4 dweliing units per acre (RA) zone. Tlie classification of Kenny dale Creek is not at'issue. The project would maintain the" ,minimum35-foot buffe'r are~ ;equired for'a,Class'4 stream,' , ' I will include you as a Party of Record for JoeY's Short Plat, 'LUAllc066, ECF, SHPL~A" . . . . .' '. . 'You may c~~tactrne at (425) 4~0-73g2 or gwasser@rentoi,wa,gov. '. . ' .' .' '," Sincerely, ';;;;~~ Gfrald C. wasslr' , . ~sociate'pla~n,er Renton Gty H.all • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentDnwa.gov " ," Gerald Wasser From: Sent To: --------. Karen Walter [KWalter@muckleshoDtnsn.usJ Wednesday, September 07,2011 11:14 AM Gerald Wasser EXHIBIT 7 Subject: JDey's ShDrt Pla~ LUA 11-066, ECF, SHPL-A, Notice of Application and Proposed Determination of Non-Significance, Mitigated Jeny, The MuckleshoDt Indian Tribe Fisheries Division has reviewed the Notice of A,pplicatiDn materials for the above referenced project We have a questiDn and initial comment abDut this prDject as nDted belDW: 1. Per the Critical Areas Review for this site (Altmann Oliver Associates Aug 2011), Kennydale Creek thrDugh this site is considered a Class 4 stream by Renton.' What is the basis for this classificatiDn? According tD the surveyors configuration of the stream and wetland Dnsite, the stream is 10 feet wide. If the stream is this wide, then it suggests that the stream is capable of suppDrting salmon. Please provide the data that Renton has to support the classification of Kennydale Creek at this location. 2. The Critical Areas Review also notes that the stream is currently ditched and mDwed tD the edge Df the channel. As part of the short pla~ the stream buffer should be enhanced with native trees and shrubs to improve habitat and water quality and shade out the existing reed canarygrass. We appreciate the opportunity to review this proposal and look forward to the City's responses. We may have comments subsequently. Thank you, Karen Walter Watersheds and Land Use Team Leade"r Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisharies Division 39015172"d Ave SE Auburn, WA 98092 253--876--3116 1 De'ni, law' Mayor · September 21, '20ll .. Department ofComnJUnity and Economic DeVE,lopment .. . : Alex Pietsch, Administrator . Ka[en Walter Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Di&ision ~9015 172:°d Avenue 56' Auburn,WA~8092 SUBJECT: JOEY'S SHORT PtA T, LUAll-066, ECF, ~HP(-A Dear Ms. Walter: . '"'. <'-. Thank youJor. your email of September 7,201i regarding Joey's Short' Plat, LUAll~066, ECF~ SH PL,A. In that IOmaii you askwhat the basis is for classifying Kerinydale.Creek <,5 a i::loss 4. Strea'rin in this area and you prov.ide ·suggesti.ons·f~r stream buffer en'hancement. Renton Municipal Cod~ (RMC) 4-H50Q, Fig~re 4-3-050Q4 icopyatta~hed) identifies · Kennydalecreek·as·.~ tlass4 stream in this viCinity'. RMC 4'3~056L.1:a.iv.identifies Class' · 4 waters as 'non-salmonid-bea~ingduring years of normal rainfall. A checb:lam on . Lower Kenhyda.1e .Creek would likelYrender.the Stream course.impassable to salmon .. . -" '. . . The prqject is to subdivide the existing parcel whi~h woulrl create one additibnallot'. B~th iots w6uid be oriented ea~tjwestand KennydaleCreek w~uid r~mai~uhtouched. ·the buffer. for Clilss 4 str~ams is a minim~m of 35 feet.. Th.e .applicant is proposing to m'aint~inthat buffer and sfaffwill recomrri:endthat a 'splii:rail felice be·installerl alD'ng the buffer· boundary. Because 'the 35~foot bu~er area will be maintairi~d,.there is' rio essenti~1 nexus tQ,re.quirebuffer enhancement. . . I'trust that. your 'co~cerris have been addressed i~ this lette~: . .-' '., . Please contact me at (425) 430-7382 Dr gwasser@·rentortwa.'gov.ifyou have any .. . '. ' '. questions. '. , . - " . Gerald C. Wasser Associate Plimner . Attachment Renton City.Hall • 1 055'SoiJth Grady Way 0 Renton, Washington 98057 • Tentonwa.gov ..', . Figure 4-3-050Q4' STREAMS AND LAKES • • Water Classes I.'>.: ::,~ GItyUmits ....:-.::.;\~~ r ---. \~ Claas_.3 r 1AV.~-=--·.~t~OaSfl2='Y~·CIa~4 ~ Cu1I.<er!. r mo;;~ON .. -"",It'\ • EXHIBIT 8 .' L-C<;;\ ('''' SEP 0,.920\\ ~~d.J~ ,~ Mr. Gerald Wasser-RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Shocking,. but not surprising-would best describe , our neighborhood's reaction to the' belated posting for the proposed Joey's short pla~ , In spite of our submitting hundreds of photos and letters, testimony from many longtime area residents, letters froin both the Washington State Departinent of Ecology and the Washington Department of Fish and Game agencies, and a stream study condltcted by the Wild Fish COilServancy organjzationawhich has been in the City's possession since 2008 .. the plat application is referring to Kennydale Creek as a class 4 intermittent stream. We have provided incontrovertible proof that this creek NEVER dries up, even in the most protracted dry weather at the end of summer (see. enclosed photos, taken today) and we find it indefensible that the City continues to maiDtain the fiction tbat this creek is anything less than a Class, 3. The , classification should have been upgraded years ago, especially after we had, hand-delivered the Wild Fish Conservancy study to Chip VIDcent in December 012008. Although we had submitted all of our documentation prior to the. change in the City's process to upgrade the stream classification, we still met the criteria ' establiShed in 2009. • 2006 .. Letter from Larry Fisher, Habitat Biologist for • Washington Department of Fish and Game. requesting classification he upgraded, due to the presence of crayfish and other unidentified fish in the creek. 2008 .. Stream study from WIld Fish CODS.ervancy, accepted by Ciiy of Renton Administrator Chip VIncent We note that in spite of the re~classification of both Honey and Maplewood Creeks, the City has failed in its' stated goals of preserving and protecting our critical areas where it.concerns KennydaIe Creek. We are . urging· you to rectify this situation immediately to prevent the cosdy appeals and litigation we would all prefer to avoid. . We are enclosing a number of supporting documents to help you determine the facts of this case, and we have many more boxes of documents available if you should need them. Thank you for your prompt consideration of this matter. Sincerely, Susan Rider Kennydale Critical Areas AJJjance 1835 NE 20th St Renton, WA (425)228.8711 .-' , " . • • State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE Region 4 Office: 16018 'MillCreek Boulevard -Mill Creek, Washington 98012 -(425) 775-1311 'October 12,2006 Erika Conkling, Senior Planner City of Renton Economic Development Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Ms. ,':onkling: SUBJECT: Proposed Determin~tioJ;l of Non-significance; Kennydale Blueberry Farm Rezon·e, File Number CPA 2006-M-O,2, Kenuydale Creek and Its Associated Wetlands, Tributary to Lake Washington '\ ), The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has reviewed the above-referenced Proposed Determination of Non-significance, and offers the following co=ents at this time. Other co=ents may be offered if the project progresses. , A Hydraulic Project Approval (HP A; RCW 77.SS.021fW AC 220-110; to be issued by WDFW) would be required for activity affecting the natura! bed or flow of the stream or its associated wetlands. The stream on the property is the upper end of Kennydale Creek and should be classified at least , as a claSs 2 perennial stream. It supports crayfish and other unidentified fish species. The wetlands are a rare peat soil based system of very high value, especially if restored and given adequate buffering. WDFW believes it is'imperative to preserve and protect these wetlands, as directed by the Growth Management Act (GMA), and it would be contradictory to the GMA to rezone this property and allow dense residential development, particularly without a carefully planned and implemented mitigation plan. Deveiopment of the property without such a plan would result in disruption of the natural drainage and the degradation of the quality of the stream and wetland system. WDFW also notes the buffers widths being considered are inadequate to protect this very sensitive system. Furthe=ore, WDFW believes it would be premature to evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed rezone without a proper wetland delineation and a full biological evaluation. The SEP A checklist is lacking key information concerning fish and wildlife use of the site and the ' area near the site. A variety of wildlife species (including great blue herons, osprey, pileated woodpeckers, deer, ducks; and shorebirds) have been observed using this area for habitat, but IVlJ:). LUillW..!.l!5, October 12, 2006 Page 2 • • that is not mentioned in'the SEP A checklist. Nor does the checklist even mention the existence of the wetland. As it is, there is no scientific basis by which to evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed rezone on the wetland or stream System or the fishlife and wildlife which nse it for habitat. This proposal should not proceed without further study and a plan to rfOStore the wetland and its buffers; WDFW appreciates the cooperation of the City of Renton in our efforts to preserve, protec~ perpetua1:e, and manage the fish and wildlife resources of the' state of Washington. Thank: you for the opportunity to provide these co=ents. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 649-7042,or fisheldf@dfw.wagov. Sincerely, ~~:"I Larry FiEher Area Habitat Biologist LF:!f:CORBlueberryFarm.s.doc cc: . WDFW SEP A Coordinator " • STATEOFWASIDNGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY • NoHhwesf Regir,1U1l Office. 3190 16i1' Avenue SE. Bellevue, WasltiJ.gi{Jn-98008-5452. (425) 649-iOOO October 16,2006 Ms_ Erika Conkling, Senior Planner City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way . Renton, WA 98055 Dear Ms Coulding: . RE: Comments on SEPA DNS for K~nnydale Blneberry Farm Rezone, LUAOS-159 Thank you for the opportunity to co=ent on the proposed DNS dated October 2, 2006, for a rezone of the KeIlIlyd.ale Blueberry Farm property from Resource Conservation (RC) to R-4. The Department of Ecology believes that the proposed rezone will pose a significant risk-of adverse impacts to wetlands on this property, and to the beneficial functions that the wetlands provide to the watershed .. The DNS does not adequately evaluate this risk. . The SEP A checklist attached to the DNS notes that the lower two-thirds of the parcel is covered by 1 to 5 feet of "soft peat" The Soil Survey of King County Area (Snyderet al. 1973) maps this soil as Shalcar muck, a hydric (wetland) soil. Evidence indicates that the site holds a large remnant of an important wetland system maintained by shallow groundwater and by a spring that flows out of the adjoining greenbelt on the east As the SEPA checklist notes, the surface water from this spring flows north via a ditch just inside the parcel's eastern border and ultimately through Kennyd.ale to Lake Washington. A "Special Focus Issue Paper on the Kennydale Blueberry Farm" (Issue Paper) was included in the information packet for the Renton Planning Commission meeting of November 2, 2005. This Issue Paper noted that the "soft soils" co"ering about two-thirds of the parcel would have to be "removed and replaced with suitable fill" in order to bl,lild homes on the site. The Issue Paper states that "a wetland area mapped over a portion of the Blueberry farm" is the basis for requesting a wetland evaluation. After discussing the site'.s potential for residential development, the issue paper cautions: . '''Depending UpoD. the results of a wetland analysis, this type of activity may not be allowed under current regulations." The paper cOncludes that existing information on drainage or wetland Conditions is outdated and that updated information is needed before a zoning decision can be made. We agree. . . Ms. Erika Conkling September 16, 2006 Page 2 • •• Unfortunately, the proposed DNS says nothing about the updated infon:nation that the issue paper sirid was needed.. The proposed action could very well lead to the destruction of wetlands; including replacement of organic soils by fill. Muck and peat soils are extraordinru:ily effective at improving water quality by removing toxins iIDd other pollutants. They also retain disproportionate volumes of stormwater and release it slowly .. Such functions are vital to the health of the wa:tershed., the municipal i.nfra:structure, and Lake Washington. A delineation, rating, and functio,n assessment of wetlands on the parcel should be a prerequisite to any land-use decision that coUld affect their fate. The wetland study should also evaluate the effect of "improvements in drainage of the property," including "a major dewatering in 2004," which the issue paper said the property owner reported. What v:.as the llature of the dewatering? Could it have resulted in adverse impacts to aquatic resources or other sensitive areas? Did it involve work below the ordinary high water mark or divert or change the natural flow? Thank you for taking th~e concerns into account Please call or e-mail me witJ;t any· questions or for further discussion. I can be reached at (425) 649-4447. Sincerely, Richard K. Robohm Wetland Specialist RKR:rc cc: Anne Fritzel, Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development Pam Erstad, Washington Department of.Fish & Wildlife Jeff Davis, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife Donna Bunten, Ecology CAO Review Coorqinator Erik Stockdale, Wetlands Specialist, Ecology Northwest Regional Office i . , ., . I I • • \Vild Fish Conservancy Sep~er23,2008 The Wild Fish Conservancy (WFC) peiiormed a stream assessment survey Dn Kennydale Creek, at tributary to Lake Washington in Renton. WA on September 18, 2008 (Figs.1-3). The objective of the survey was to evaluate the s:u=er .low-flow characteristics of the watershed and tD deScribe the likely impacts of continued degradation of the creek's watershed. ".,. ,., ..... , . ,. , , , .... " \ ~ .-" " .:." " :' .. . '.'.i. t .~ " •• . .... " '" + : \.':' __ '0" ~'. ~,:.':":' \ <.~.;: .. ~~<"" .. 0' Figure 1. Kennydale Creek field assessment locations. Fig.2. Upper Kennydale Creek study reach in Renton, W A. Field assessment locations are represented by· the yellow stars. 2 Fig.3. Lower Kennydale Creek, study reach in Renton., W A. Field verification locations are represented by the yellow stars. Results The channel was wetted and stream flow was easily discemable at !!11 fOUI locations (Table I, Figures 4- 5). The channel meets the physical criteria for. fish habitat established by the Washington State in WAC 222-16-031: at least 2.0 foot bankfull width and less than 16% gradient. The documented presence of perennial aquatic invertebrates, including the relatively pollution-intolerant families Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera:, indicates the stream channel has not gone dry in recent years. Compromising the condition of Kennydale Creek through the addition of impervious area and the associated stormwater runoff will further degrade the condition of the stream (Table 2). The South Puget Sound Forum Indicators Report (TRPC, 2006) summarizes the local impacts of impervious area; ~ Among other variables, studies have found a strong relationship between the amount of impervious snrface and forest cover in a basin or watershed, and the health. of streams and other v.:arer resources. The greater the amount of .impervious area and the corresponding loss of forest cover, the less water that is absorbed into the ground -being filtered natora1ly and slowly returning to our ground water Dr stream systems. Increased surface runoff leads to more )?Dilution in OUI'streams and inlets, to higher and increased numbers of flood events, and to degradation of our streams and stream beds." (South . Puget Sound Environmental Quality -Economic Vitality Indicators Report, July 2006). KiIig County's May Creek Basin Plan (200 I), developed for the Lake Washingron tribUtaIy immeiliately to the north of Kennydale Creek, states: 3 "Development ,-.ities within the basin have historical.gra~ ~eamand wetland habitats. Filling of wetlands, increased stormwafer runoff and peak stt:eam flows, addition of sediment and pollutants to the water, and removal of coniferous forest cover have contributed to the degradation of local habitat in the basin.'~ Table 1. WIld FISh Conservancy observations from field verification loq!l:ioiIs (Figures 1-3), September 182008. w_ _II Slto lstItude La~ftude Width Width Su_. Flow No'" . A N 47.50932 W 122.19424 21eet 41eet mud Yes . Dhched ...." channoI, soft nwd ........,.. _ canary I><ISS riparia. Ditched stream c:hanneI. soft mud substra1& Mth OccaBsional B N 47.5V961 W122..19462 ' .Ieet 4 feet mud and coI:bla Y .. cotbIe. Aquatic macroinvartetrates obsarved indudad mayfly nymph., _y larvae, and ampt,;pods. ·C N 47.51287 W 122.19756 31eet <feet cobble and sand Yes Wan-shaded stream corridor. Walar is dear and cool. Aquatic invertebrates observed, same as B. D N 47.51308 W 122...19738 3 feet 6,feet cotbIe and sarx::I Yes Welk;haded stream corridor. Water is dear and cool. Aquatic invertebrntes observed, same as B .. Table 2. Impacts from Increases of Impervious Surfaces, from Thurston Regional Planning Council., 2003. :. '~' .. '.' ". '. -~ . ,'I: • -.. ~ R -'t:<:'tni :::£.-.~-. -:.:.~~~:. ~-::"~-..-.':-;;--~ -,ln~rp.a5L-'d ImpErviDusm~95:-'.;, . Hiibltilt· '-. . ~ Chanm:J . ·StrCi:im~ed ... . lea-ds to: . .. FJootiina Loss Erasion '. widening-. alteratio~" '> -'.. 0_' -. .. • • Incseased \'olume X X X X x Increased pook fbv.. x x x X x lnaeased peak flow d",.tion X X X X X Chanl/es in sediment loalfmg X x x X x DecreaseO base flow x IntmlSed siream lempmlure X lnaeased steam acidity ·x Incseased water pollu1ioo X SODRCES: (GV21T. 2001); V1BAKIZAnOl1 k'<ll STIfE.'.J.l5: Sn;DIES OF h-rDROLOGIClMl'}.CIS. 1997). Kennydale Creek mayor may not =tly support a fish population, but there is no doubt that it contributes water and aquatic invertebrateS to Lake Washington and therefore affects the water qUality and, in part, the integrity, of Lake Washington. Lake Washington supports chinook salmon and steelhead listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act:; as well as sockeye and coho salmon; kokanee; resident and sea-run cutthroat trout; and a wide variety of native non-salmlmids. Bull trout, also listed as tlrreatened nIider the ESA, have been docuniented in Lake Washington. Many of these fish, including juvenile chinook salmon, spend a significant amount of time rearing and feeding in the lake Washington littoral (nearsbore) babitats that are fed by small streams including Kennydale Creek. While the streams themselves are small, they are D.llIIleIOUS and the cumulative effects of their degradation can have significant implications for the health and prodnctivity of Lake Wasbington and the fish th.at live there. 4 . . , , Figure 4. outlet under NE 24 StIeet (Site C) on September width was 3 feet, and stream flow was easily disc=able. Figure 5. Stream channel at Site D on September 18, downstream from the culvert outlet under NE 24'" Street Flow Conditions: 5 Evidence that the survey 11;. .• from September 18, 2008 are represent;. .f summer low-flow conditions can be found in adjacent watershed stream flow data Provisional stream flow data from USGS National Water InfOllOatiOD System (bttp:!!waterdat;.. usgs. gov!walnwi s!uv?cb 0006O=0n&format=gif stats&period-30&site no-12120000) demonstrate that flows in the Mercer Creek watershed, a Lake Washington tributary north of KennydaIe creek,· were 5.4 cfs atthe time of Wild Fish Conservancy's KennydaIe survey, well DelQW the median flQWS experienced OD September 18 during the past 54 years (Figure 6) and the mean monthly flows during the past 62 years. 3SII.B ~ 298.B c 8 " .. 100.8 '-., Q. t: " '- " I· I .... "" '" " • " '" '-.. 18.B .J:. " .. .,., Q 4.8 !lug 39 Sep 86 Sep.1S Sep 21l ---PlO'lIisional Data SUbject to Revi~;ion c,. Hedian daily statistic (54 years} -Ili"""ru-ge STATlSncs Of MONTKlY MEAN DATA FOR WATER YEARS 1945 -2007. BY WATER YEAR IWYI o.t Nov Dec Jon feli Mar Apr May Jon" .luI Aug Sep Mean 16.~ }1~.1,l -lll.0 40$ ~~.7 295 ll.h 14.7 .12.4 R.73 K(-I2 11.2 Max 44.4-77;.1. 70.7 &4$ (,1.l h7.5 ~9.9 ", ~/ ... . B.& Ih5 ~.9 22.3 (WY) ( II)K21 (2007) i 11)97) C~OO6J fI\)9(i) 1197"} 119')1. ill,.1.t)t.1 (i9~5i 11997. 12004J , 197~, Min 7A2 11.0 11>5 )5.9 ][12 1.5.4 9.911 8.45 534 3.~2 3.2.0; 5.05 (Wy] C2{){I:01 (1977, «977) (1977) U9')31 11965i <1W4) 1195"1 (19~8i 11958) 1I<l45i 1Il:l5,) Figure 6_ August and September 2008 USGS Stream Flow Data for Mercer Creek, a Lake Washington tributary north of KennydaIe Creek. Please feel free to CQntact me with any questions about Wild FIsh Conservancy's surveyor this report. Sin=ly, Jamie Glasgow, M.Sci. Director of Science and Research Wild FIsh Conservancy 42Sn88-1167 www.wildfisbconservancy.org 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 G·d -"1. '. (\ '. The Honorable Jay V. White Tria! Date: Monday, Dec. 15, Z008 Trial Time: 9:00 fLin. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FORKING COUNTY KENNYDALE CRlTICAL AREAS ALLIANCE, a Waslrin.gtonnon-profit . oorporatian, and SUSAN RIDER. PetitioneIS, v. CITY OJ:' RENTON, B. Washington MunicipBi Corporation; and RICHARD LAURALEE GORDLEY, husband and wife. .. NO.08-2-21823-6KNT i. IE,.,;'! ,,..(...- tpmH !SED] ORDER Qfu'tlH W3 PEITTIONEru;' MOTION TO SUPPLEMENT THE RECORD Res ancients. THIS MATTER having come VII for hearing pursuan.t to tre motion of Petitioners .0Gx,.h- [mlBP5iiID] ORDERQR:MlTING PETITIONERS' MOTION TO SUPPLEMENT THE RECORD-1 OR\G'NAL GENDLER & MANN, UP t424-hal1b A,venut, SLlih-1015 Sezl~llr WA 9510' Pbonr. (2.081 s;z,...aasa Fe::: f2;06] EZt-tl512. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c:. . ) •• Datcdfuis ~ clayof N~ 2008. THE LEJAYV. WillTE KING COUNTY WPERIOR .cOURT JUDGE Presented 1?y: GENDLER & MANN, ILP 9 By: 10 11 ey for Petitioners 13 14 15 .16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 ~1"1r- [Her stmLl] ORDER G:!1 'Zli"f":JG PETITIQNERS' MOTION TO SUPPLEMENT THE RECORD-2 xtJ.=I .l3r~3Stn dH GENt>LEH II< MANN, UP 1424 FwnbAwnu .. Stltta '1.01; s..l!ttIa. WA 9S,01 , Phone (ZOIij S21.aee:s Fo:: 12:0e:) 821...a5'l2 ~tJSE:D' BDD2 D2 ~O~ , /LUA.U-056, ECF, 5 •.. _-It I{ ,. PRDJECT NUMBER: I • IPROJECT NAME: l~oey'S Short Plat I EJ Application requesting Environmerrtal (SEPI'.) RevIew and Administrative Short Plat approval to subdivide a 36,847 square foot partei Into two lots. The two resulting 10Is would be 17,B82 sJ. (Lot: 1) and 1B,965 ,J. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Qass 4 creek, is present and bisects the site. A category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 5.f.) is present on the nor1heast portion of the site. Both proposed lots ~ouJd gain acce;s from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are locairo on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are pro(X1S8d to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-1ot short plat would Yield a density of 2.74 dufnet acre. The site is generally fiat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat appmval. IGeneral Location: I Z20B Jones Avenue NE IZone: I Residential -4 dwelnng lHlits per acre (R-4) IPublic Approvals: I Environmental (SEPA) Review, AdministratiVe Shqrt Plat appJ1)Va1 !Ptoject Maneger.IlGerelld Wasserr te!: 425-430-7382.. e9llaI1: gvvasser®rentQn~ gQv I Applicant/Project Wilford Hughes, WH Hug .. CO,; 144D1lssaquah Hobart Rood; !s:saquah, WA Contact Person: 93027 IDate of . Appl!cat:ion: IIAu9u;t B, 2011 I Notice o.f ~ust262011 I Complete !APpucation: Comments may ~.,w, I be SubmItted through: Map: The map below is for illustrative pur]XJSeS only. In the event of omissions, errors or dlfferences, the documents in CED's files will oontn:>l. ate!< on map to be directed to the Oty's GIS Portal. 'I~~ ' .. ~.-:,-.~"-~...:.~.I"""" '.' .':'<~ ~'~\;?1~i iJ:, ::It~~~} ,,,, "" ~ "~.<~~ V.-'."", 'f:1r~1 ::::~··:.~~Y~.~ ",~~., 1><"'-'f."R" ';:-0' ....... \:~.",,\" .~.:'.~~c;;:-~-.. I " "iL "W'X,,'2\iC';:" . ~:"':~ ~~~~J1-~ ~ ~!.~1 '1"0.:" ,""",, '5~lIU~' , ·L ~_-:-':';;~£~:.,i:,""~.~..r-;~ IDeci~on(s): II I Comments on the .b<We application must be sublnitred In writing to Gerald Wasser, Projett Ma .... ger, CED -Planning Division by 5:00 p.m. on September 9, 2011. If you nave questiDns about this prOp""a\, or wish to be made a party of reco.rd and ......,;y., additla.nal notification bV mai~ contact the Project: t4anag .... at 425-430-T3S2.. Return to top of Rage, • , ., . 9/9/2011 3:55:06 PM '. ~-9/9/2011 3:51 :49 PM Denis taw MaYDr September 21;2011 Susan Rider· ·1835 NE·i.o th Sttreet . Renton, WA 98057 Department ofComtn:un.ity ard Economic Development . :Alex Pietsch,AdminiStrator SUBJECT: JOEY'S SHORT PU>.T, LUA1i-D66; EcF, SHPL-A Dear Ms, 'Rider: '.Thank you for your letter r.:garding Joey's Short Plat, LUAll-066):U,SHPL-A that we receive'd on September 9,,2011. Your comments have heen added to 'the file forthe decision-maker'to consid,er, .... ' , ,. ,.. While I appreciate thehistory~nd background, as well ~s the supplemental materials, you prClvided on ·KennydareCr~ek, this pfojectis f~nhe subdivision of limd to cr~ate , one ~dditi~nai lot in the·Residential.; 4 dwelling units per acre (Rciq zone, The ., classification of Ken'nydale creek is notatls~ue" The' project would maintai~ the. 'm inimum 35-foot bl!ffer area require.d for a-tlass4 stream, ~ . .' . , i will include you as a PartyofRecori:!.for JO~y's Sliort Plat, LUAU-066, Eel', SHPL-A, You may ccil1tact me at (425j 430;7:382 or gWasser@rentClnw.a,gov, . . ...... : ~~ Gerald'C. Wasser. . ' Assciciat~' Planner .... : ' Renton Oty +-Ia!l • 1055 South Grady Way • Re~ton, was:hin~~n 9B057 • rentonwa.gov • • • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT i[~mr~@Iffi ® M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE: TO: FROM: . SUBJECT: September 8, 2011 Jerry Wasser Bob Mac oni9 . Joey Short Plat, LUA-11-066-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review I have reviewed the above referenceQ short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Project Manager: Please note that the application notes that Lorraine Taylor is the owner but since the application has conveyed her interest in the property at issue to the applicant, via deed under recording number 20110815000255. Comments for the Applicant: A portion of the block of text associated with City of Renton Mon # 369 is illegible. Information needed for finai short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-ll-066- SHPL and LND-20-0565, respectively, on the final short plat submittal. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Provide a direct tie to two City of Renton Surv~y Control Network monuments. The geometry will be checked by the city when provided. Provide sufficient information to determine how the short plat boundary was established. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. h;\fi!e sys\lnd • land subdivision & surveying records\lnd·20 • short plm\0565'<v09091 Ldoc Addressee N 3l)1e Page 3 of3 Dale of Memo • • If there are new private easement(s) proposed with this short plat, include the following statement, juxtaposed to the subject easement: "Area for new private (utilities, access, etc.) easement". Since the new lots created via this short plat are under common ownership at the time of recording, there can be no easement(s) until such time as the lots are conveyed to others, via conveyance documents. The conveying document(s) need to include a statement about the together with and/or subject to specific easement rights. Add the following Declaration of Covenant language on the face ofthe subject drawing, lfthe previous paragraph applies: DECLARA TlON OF COVENANT: The owner of the land embraced within this short plat, in return for the benefit to . accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenants and agrees to convey the beneficial interest in the new easements shown on this short plat to any and 0/1 future purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivisions thereof. This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this short plat If there are no new private easements defined on the subdivision the Declaration of Covenant language currently shown can be removed. If there is to be a Native Growth Protection Easement for the wetland and wetland buffer area please include the relevant language and clearly delineate the area(s) so impacted. b.:\file syslJnd -land subdivision & surveying recordsllnd-20 -short pla1s\0565\rv0909ll.doc • • EXHIBIT 9 Technical Memorandum 10230 NE Poinlf Drive SNit,400 Kirkland, WA 98033 Phone (425) 8224446 Fax (425) 827-9577 To: From: Copies: Chip Vincent, Planning Director, City of Renton Jennifer Henning, Planning Manager, City of Renton Stephanie Smith, Werland Biologist Kevin O'Brien, Ph.D., Senior Wildlife Biologist Suzanne Anderson, PhD., Senior Wetland Biologist Date: October 20, 2011 Subject: Kennydale Creek Stream Typing Project No.: 31821C Otak Inc. biologists were asked by the City of Renton (City) to confirm the stream typing of Kennydale Creek (also called Clover Creek) in the vicinity of 2208 Jones Avenue NE (parcel # 3343903602), which has been approved as a two-lot short plat (Joey's Short Plat). Otak biologists conducted their site visit on October 6, 2011, and were able to view the stream on the subject parcel. However, because Otak biologists lacked property access to any other parcels, they were unable to observe the stream in its entirety. Otak biologists were only able to view additional segments of Kennydale Creek from public rights-of way upstream of Interstate 405 (1-405), including the intersections of: Jones Avenue NE near NE 24'" Street; NE 24'" Street near High Avenue NE; and the stream crossing on NE 20'" Street. Kennydale Creek is currently categorized by the City as a Class 4 stream upstream of the 1-405 crossing (Including the subject parcel), and as a Class 3 stream downstream of the 1-405 crossing. Per the Renton Municipal Code (RMC 4-3-050.L.1.a) Class 3 and 4 streams are defined as: Class 3: Class 3 waters are non-salmonid-bearing perennial waters during years of normal rallfall, and/or mapped on Figure Q4, Renton Water Class Map, as Class 3. (RMC 4-11- 160 defines perennial as "Waters which flow continuous!!'). . Class 4: Class 4 waters are non-salmonid-bearing intermittent waters during years of normal rainfall, and/or mapped on Figure Q4, Renton Water Class Map, as Class 4. (RMC 4-11-090 defines intermittent as ''A condition where water is not present in the channel year-round duringyears of normal or above normal rainfal!,). Numerous studies have been completed for different segments of Kennydale Creek. These studies include a stream assessment conducted by Jamie Glasgow of Wild Fish Conservancy on September K:\project\31800\31821 C\Reports\31821C techmono SA_KOB.docx • Chip Vincent; Planning Director, City of Renton' IVm!ydak Creek Stream Typing • Page 2 October 20, 2011 18, 2008' on segments of Kennydale Creek located upstream of 1-405 (Wild Fish Conservancy memorandum, September 23, 2008). Ms. Glasgow reported observing £low both upstream (near NE 20'" Street) and downstream (near NE 24'" Street) of the subject parcel in the autumn Of 2008. However, since she did not assess the entire reach of Kennydale Creek located upstream of 1-405, she did not have sufficient information to determine whether any section of the stream lacks continuous £low during th~ summer. Additional studies on upper Kennydale Creek include a stream assessment prepared by Carl Hadley of Cedarrock Consultants, Inc., dated February 17, 2006. Mr. Hadley reviewed the water type classification of upper Kennydale Creek, and recommended maintaining the Class 4 water classification of the stream. Otak biologists were asked to determine whether the current Class 4 categorization for Kennydale Creek on the subject parcel is correct, or if the stream meets the definition of a Class 3 stream. The subject parcel has been approved for a two-lot short plat, and currendy has a house on the northern portion of the property. The southern portion of the parcel consists of a mowed field dominated by creeping buttercup (RJJnuncu/us repens), and the western portion of the parcel fronts Jones Avenue NE. Kennydale Creek £lows from south to north on the subject parcel, and it is located approximately 125 feet east of Jones Avenue NE, essentially bisecting the parcel. On the subject parce~ the creek channel is densely vegetated, is approximately four feet wide, and had between five and eight inches of very slowly £lowing water at the time of the site visit -see the photo attached to the end of this memorandum. It is important to note that the Otak site visit occurred on October 6, 2011 after several days of rain. Vegetation in the creek was dominated by watercress (Nasturtium officinale), American speedwell (Veronica Americana), with some reed canarygrass (Phalaris arnntiinacea). The two dominant species in the creek (watercress and speedwell) are both obligate wedand species, meaning that 99-percent of the time, these plants are found in wedand habitats. Vegetation completely filled the stream channel, growing from the channel bed and banks of the stream., The density of the vegetation indicates that water does not £low through this segment of the stream at a sufficiendy high velocity to prevent plants from becoming established. The dense vegetation also indicates that this segment of the stream may lack surface water flow during the summer, but it likely has high enough groundwater to support the hydrophytic (water- loving) veg~tation. Looking upstream (to the south) from the subject parcel, the stream bed appears to generally lack vegetation, indicating water may £low through that segment at a higher velocity than on the subject parcel, thereby precluding vegetation establishment Other segments of the stream channel that we were able to view from public rights-of-way (both up-and downstream of the subject parcel) also generally lacked vegetation, indicating potentially higher velocity flows or impoundment However, many of these segments were viewed at or near culvert inlets or oudets, which can influence stream £lows, and may not be representative of the stream's characteristics. Downstream (north) from the subject parce~ there is a pond on a parcel adjacent to Jones Avenue NE, just south of the NE 24'" K \project\31800\31821 C\Reports\31821 C techmemo SA_KOB.doo:: • Chip Vincent, Planning Director, City of Renton Kemrydale Creek S tmam Typing • Page 3 October 20, 2011 Street. It appears that Kennydale Creek enters and exits the pond via culverts prior to crossing beneath Jones Avenue NE. While our site visit and data collection was limited by property access and time of year, it is our best professional judgment that some portions of Kennydale Creek upstream of 1-405, particularly in the vicinity of 2208 Jones Avenue NE, may lack surface water flow during some portion of the year, thereby meeting the definition of a Class 4 water per RMC 4-3-050.L.l.a.iv. While it is likely that some segments of Kennydale Creek located upstream of I-405 remain inundated throughout the year; the heavily vegetated nature of the stream channel on the subject parcel suggests that a combination of evapotranspiration and infiltration during at least a portion of the summer may result in a lack of surface water flow in this segment of the stream. Photo looking downstream (towards the north) at Kennydale Creek on the joey's Short Plat parcel. Note the dense vegetation in the stream channel. K: \project\31800\3'1821 C\Reports\31821 C techmemo SAJ(OB.docx • EXHIBni~ Altmann Oliver ASsociates, LLC PO Bmc 57R August 4,2011 Bill Hughes WH Hughes Homes 14401 Issaquah-Hobart Rd SE Issaquah, WA 98027-6925 OA Planning & Landscape Architecmre AOA-4072 SUBJECT: Revised Critical Areas Review for Joey's Short Plat (File No. 11-021) 220B Jones Ave. NE, Renton, WA (Parcel 334390-3602) Dear Bill: On June 30, 2011 I conducted a wetland and stream reconnaissance and delineation on the subject property utilizing the methodology outlined in the 1997 Washington State Wet/ands Identification and Delineation Manual. The primary focus of the initial reconnaissance was on the southwestern portion of the site .in the vicinity of a proposed new residence to be constructed as part of the short plat. A subsequent site visit was conducted on July 26, 2011 to map the approximate location of a wetland located in the northeastern portion of the site. Existing Conditions T.he northwest portion of the site is currently developed with an existing single-family residence and associated detached out-buildings. The southwestern portion of the site in the vicinity of the proposed residence consists of a flat mowed upland lawn. Soil borings taken throughout this portion of the site revealed dry, non-hydric, high chroma soils and there was no evidence of ponding or prolonged soil saturation. Kennydale Creek drains from south to north through the central portion of the site. During the initial field investigation, the ordinary high water (OHW) of the west side of the stream was delineated. The delineated boundary was subsequently surveyed by Touma Engineers and Land Surveyors, PLLC and is depicted on the survey drawing. Kennydale Creek is considered a Class 4 stream by the City of Renton and would require a 35-foot buffer. Kennydale Creek on the site consists of a well-defined channel that appears to have been historically ditched. Vegetation along the stream banks is mowed to the edge of the channel and plant species within and adjacent to the channel at the time of the field investigation consisted almost entirely of reed canarygrass (Phalaris Bill Hughes August 4, 2011 Page 2 • • arundinacea) and watercress (Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum). Woody vegetation along the stream corridor was generally restricted to one twin red alder (Alnus rubra) tree adjacent the southern portion of the channel. In addition to Kennydale Creek, a disturbed wetland was observed in the northeastern portion of the site. The approximate location of this wetland was mapped during the July 26, 2011 site visit and is depicted on your density calculation sheet (attached). The wetland consists of a shallow topographic depression that appears to extend slightly off-site to the north. Vegetation within the wetland at the time of the site visits included Pacific willow (Salix lasiandra), Himalayan blackberry ·(Rubus discolor), reed canarygrass, creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens), giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia), Watson's willow-herb (Epilobium watsonii), and scattered skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanum). Hydrology within the wetland was generally assumed based on the presence of disturbed hydric soils. Since this wetland is located more than 15 feet from the eastern OHW of the stream, and the maximum possible buffer from this wetland would be 50 feet, the buffer from Kennydale Creek would be more restrictive. The maximum 50-foot buffer is based on the unlikely possibility that the wetland is a Category 2 rather than a more likely Category 3 wetland which requires a 25-foot buffer per RMC 4-3-050M.6.c. Priority Habitats and Species As part of the stream assessment, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's Priority Habitats and Species database was reviewed. This database does not indicate that any priority habitats or species are located on or adjacent the property. In general, the habitat value of the on-site riparian corridor is relatively low due to the historic and on-going vegetation maintenance that has resulted in a low plant species and structural diversity along the stream channel. Conclusion As part of the proposed short-plat, a single-family residence would be constructed within the lawn in the southwestern portion of the site. It is rny understanding that since: 1) the proposed residence would be constructed outside of the 35-foot stream buffer and 2) there is no proposed activity within the wetland area located east of the stream, there are no proposed critical area impacts on the site. Bill Hughes August 4, 2011 Page 3 • • If you have any questions regarding the reconnaissance or stream delineation, please give me a call. Sincerely, ALTMANN OLIVER ASSOCIATES, LLC John Altmann Ecologist 1'1 -{ r . •. I I ! i I r • • EXHIBIT 11 oResources, LLC Ph 253-896-1011 Fx 253-896-2633 5007 Pacific Hwy E., Ste. 16 Fife, Washington 98424 WH Hughes Company, Inc. 14404 Issaquah-Hobart Road, Suite 104 Issaquah, Washington 98027 (425) 444-3367 Attn: Mr. Bill Hughes July 26. 2011 Geotechnicallnfi~rati6n Letter 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton. Washington PN: 3343903602 Job No. WHHughes.JoneAve tNTRODUCTION & SCOPE AUG -8 lin, This letter addresses the feasibility of infiltration for the proposed single family residences to be located at 2208 Jones Avenue NE in Renton, Washington, as shown on Figure 1. We visited the site on June 15, 2011. The purpose of our services was to evaluate the surface and subsurface conditions at the site as a basis for developing and providing geotechnical stormwater recoinmendations for the proposed development. Specifically, our scope of services for the project included the following: 1. Visiting the site and conducting a geologic reconnaissance to assess the site's soil, groundwater and slope conditions; 2. Exploring the subsurface conditions in the pond areas by excavating two test pits across the site; 3. Completing laboratory grain size analysis for the site soils; and 4. Providing infiltration rates for the stormwater faCility, as appropriate. SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions The site is in an area of eXisting residential development. The site consist of a single tax parcel that measures about 25 feet deep (east to west) by 150 feet wide (north to south) and encompasses about 0.85 acres. The site is currently developed with an existing single family residence located in the northwest corner of the parcel. The site is bounded by residences on the north and south, Jones Avenue on the west, and by a vacant parcel on the east. The homesite is generally level, to slight lower, than Jones Avenue on the west. Behind the house is a shallow seasonal drainage that tends to fiow from south to north across the parcel. The bottom of the drainage is about 2 to 3 feet below the existing residence (see attached photographs). On the east side of the drainage, the site slopes back up to the east. According to topographic information obtained from the King County IMap website, total topographic relief across the parcel is on the order of 10 feet. The site is mostly covered with grass and scattered omamental trees. The eastern, upper portion of the site is covered with a dense stand of younger trees and native shrubs. . WHHughes.JoneAve July 26, 201.1 Page 2 Site Soils • • The USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey for Pierce County maps the soils in the area of the site as Indianola loamy sand (InC). The Indianola soils are derived from sandy glacial outwash deposits that form on 6 to 15 percent slopes and are listed as having a "moderate" erosion hazard. These soils are listed in hydrologic soils group "A". Subsurface Conditions As stated, the subsurface conditions underlying the site were evaluated by excavating two shallow test pits with a mini-excavator. In general, out test pits encountered about 4 to 6 inches of sod and topsoil overlying a loose to medium dense silty fine to medium sand. These shallow soils mantled a dark brown/gray fine to medium sand with minor amounts of si~ and organics. The subsurface conditions in the two test 'pits were fairly consistent and generally confinmed the mapped stratigraphy. The soils encountered were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), a copy of which is attached as Figure 4. The Test Pit Logs are attached as Figure 5. Grain Size Analysis Our geotechnical laboratory tests were completed on representative samples collected from the proposed stormwater facility. The enclosed laboratory testing sheets graphically present these results. Groundwater Conditions Slow groundwater was observed at about 3% feet below existing grades in both test pits. The depth of seepage was generally consistent with the level of water in the drainage ditch east of the residence. Based on the nature of the near surface soils, we anticipate fluctuations in the local groundwater levels will occur in response to precipitation patterns, off-site construction activities, and site utilization. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the soils encountered in our explorations, laboratory analyses, and our engineering analysis, we conclude that the infiltration of stormwater is feasible in the native .sand appears feasible from a grain size standpoint. According to the 2009 King County Stormwater Manual, Appendix C2.2.2.1.b, a minimum of i-foot of separation is required between the seasonal high groundwater and the bottom the infiltration gallery; therefore there may not be sufficient separation between the bottom of an infiltration gallery and . seasonal high groundwater. Stormwater Infiltration Stormwater infiltration rates for the site soils were determined in accordance with the 2009 King County Stormwater Manual, Appendix C. We performed sieve analysis on a representative soil sample collected from the outwash soils. Based on the results of our sieve analysis and our experience, the upper loamy sand would be considered a Type 4 soil, whereas the deeper, cleaner sand would be a Type 3 soil (Appendix C.2.3.2). We would recommend a maximum infiltration rate of 4 for the deeper sand and a rate of 1 for the upper silty sand. We recommend that an appropriate factor of safety should be applied to this value. A typical factor of safety of 2 is usually applied to surface grade stonmwater systems. A higher factor of safety should be considered for a below grade stormwater system. We recommend that we observe the excavation of the infiltration system to verify WHHughs.JoneAve.l July 26,2011 Page 3 • that suitable soils have been exposed . • Appropriate design, construction and maintenance measures will be required to ensure the infiltration rate can be effectively maintained over time . It should be noted that special care is required during the grading and construction periods to avoid fine sediment contamination of the infiltration system, especially from the overlying loamy gravels. This may be accomplished by using an alternative storm water management location during grading and construction activities or leaving the bottom of the systems 1 to 2 feet high, and subsequently excavating to the finished grade once the driveways are paved and landscaping is installed . All contractors working on the sit e (builders and subcontractors) should be advised tq avoid "dirty" stormwater flowing to the site's s(ormwater system during construction and landscaping actMties at the site. Concrete trucks should not be washed or cleaned on-site. Suspended solids could clog the underlying soil and reduce the infiltration rate for the system. To reduce potential clogging of the infiltration systems, the infiltration system should not be connected to the stormwater runoff system until after construction Is complete and the site area is landscaped, paved or otherwise protected. Temporary systems may be utilized through construction. Periodic sweeping of the paved areas will help extend the life of the infiltration system . • •• We trust this is sufficient for your current needs. Shou ld you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact us at your earl iest convenience. Respectfully submitted, GeoResources, LLC KSS:RMH:kss Renee M. Hadley Staff Geologist DoclO : WHHughs.JoneAve.l Attachments: FtgUfB 1: SHe Vicinity Map FIgure 2: Exploration Map Fi~e 3: USDA SoIl Map Fl~e 4: Unified Soil Oessffication Sys lem Fogure 5: Test p~ Log. . Grain Size Analysis Principal • GeoResources, LLC 5007 Pacific Highway East, Surra 16 Fifa, Washington 98424 Phone : 253-696-1011 Fax: 253-896-2633 • Approximate Site Location Site Vicinity Map 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, Washington DoclD: HughesJonesStF July 20'1 Not to Scale figure 1 Apprqximate Site Location ma created from the USDA Natural ResoUrce Conservation Service Web Soli Surve Soli T e InC ,~ ,w~ .Yf"~ 5 So il Name Ind i anol a loam sand GeoResources ,LLC 5007 Pacific Highway East, Suite 16 Fife , Washington 98424 Phone: 253-896-1011 Fax: 253-896-2633 Paren t Materia l Sand Glac ial Outwash DoclO: Slopes Erosi on Ha1:ard 6 t o 15 Moqerate NRCS SCS Soils Map 2208 Jones Avenu e NE Renton, Was hingto n J uly 2011 Hydrol o gic Solis Grou A Not to Sca1e F1gure 3 .! , SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM MAJOR DIVISIONS GROUP GROUP NAME SYMBOL GRAVEL CLEAN GW WELL-<3RAOED GRAVEl., FINE TO COARSE GRAVEL GRAVEL COARSE GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVEL GRAINED More than 50% SOILS Of Coarse Fraction GRAVEL GM SILTY GRAVEL Retained on WITH FINES No.4 Sieve GC CLAYEY GRAVEL More than 50% SAND CLEAN SAND SW WELL-GRADED SAND, ANE TO COARS E SAND Retained on No . 200 Sieve SP POORLY-GRADED SAND More than 50% Of Coarse Fraction SAND SM SILTY SAND Passes WITH FINES No.4 Sieve SC CLAYEY SAND SILT AND CLAY INORGANIC ML SILT FINE CL CLAY GRAINED SOILS UquidUmlt Less than SO ORGANIC OL ORGAN IC SILT , ORGAN IC CLAY SILT AND CLAY INORGANIC MH SILT OF HIGH PLASTICITY, ElASTIC SILT More than 50% Passes CH CLAY OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAY No . 200 Sieve Uquld limit 50 or more ORGANIC OH ORGANIC CLAY, ORGANIC SILT HIGHLY ORGAN IC SOILS PT PEAT NO TES : SOIL MOISTURE MODIFIERS : 1. Reid dasslflcatlon Is based on visual examination of sotl Dry-Absence of moisture, dry 10 th e touch In gonn accordance with ASTM 02488-90. MoI.t-Damp. but no vis ible water 2. Soli classmcatJon uslng laboratory tests Is based on ASTM 02487-90. Wel-Visible free water or saturated , usually soIlls obtained from below walBf' tabla 3 . Description of sofl density or consistency are based on Interpretation of bkm count deta, visual appearance of sol's, end or lest data. GeoResources, LLC Unified Soil Classification 5007 Pacific Highway East, Suite 16 F~e, Washington 98424 2208 Jones Avenue NE Phone : 253-896-1011 R e nton, W ashington Fax: 253-896-2633 DeclO: Hughes.JonesSlF I July 2011 I Figure 4 i , Depth (ft) 0 -% % -2 2 -4 . Depth (ft) 3Y> -4 Soil Type SP Soil Description Sad over Topsoil Test Pit TP-1 Location: Front of site Light gray/tan with orange mottling, silty fine to medium SAND (loose to medium dense, moist) Dark brown/gray fine to medium SAND, some silt, scattered organics (medium dense, moist to wet) Temninated at 4 feet below ground surface. No caving observed. Slight groundwater seepage observed from 3% feet. Test Pit TP-2 Location: Back of site Soil Type Soil Description Sad over Topsoil Light gray/tan with orange mottling, silty fine to medium SAND (loose to medium dense, moist) . SP Dark brown/gray fine to medium SAND, some silt, scattered organics (medium dense, moist to wet) Terminated at 4 feet below ground surface. No caving observed. Slight groundwater seepage observed from 3 feet. GeoResources, LLC Test Pit Logs 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, Was hington 5007 Pacific Highway East, Suite 16 Fife, Washington 9B424 Phone: 253-896-1011 Fax: 253-896-2633 DeclO: Hughes.JonesSt.F I July 2011 ! Figure 3 >. " .c f- "0 " c 2 .c o ~ ~ >. " £ E o .c ~ • • Particle Size Distribution Report " Ji . .Ii . c: c: S ~ l<l 0 0 6 g ~ 8 £~.E-·~e = Cj; * ~ = M N;-... ~ ;;c:.., ~ 'It ~ t ~ 100 I I I: I : I h I: : I 0 : I I I 90 " I II I 10 I I I I I I I II! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 80 I I i I I; 11\ i i 20 : I I I: I I I 70 Ii 30 I I I I I I I II: I I I I I I 0:: I I I I I I I I I I I I I LU 60 Iii I~ 40 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I u.. Iii f-I I I I I I I I I I I I I 50 Z 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LU 0 ! I I I I I I I I 'I~ I I 0:: 40 60 LU i'-' D-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 30 I I: I: I: : I I: : 70 : I I I I I I 20 I: I rI: I II I BO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .,; 10 : I: I: I : I I; ; 90 I I I I I I I E 0 , I: II I II I 100 '" '" 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 ro GRAIN SIZE -mm. " C % Gravel % Sand % Fines " %+3" I Clay :0 Coarse I Ane Coarse Medium Fine Sill ~ I 1.7 15.1 I 48.6 34.1 " ~ SIEVE PERCENT SPEC," PASS? Material Description ~ SIZE FINER PERCENT (X.NO) Lt Grey/Bm,orange mottled silty sand '" -#4 99.S 0 Q) #10 97.8 > #20 94.4 ~ Atterberg Limits '0 #40 82.7 PL= LL-PI= .s #60 57.1 15 #100 40.8 Coefficients c #200 . 34.1 085= 0.4545 060= 0.2657 050= 0.2097 " ~ 030= 015= 010= '" Cu= Cc= "0 C '" Classification u USCS= AASHTO= " en J'l Bemarks '" Lt. GrelBm,omage mottled silty sand ~ F.M.-1.08 E '" '" (no specification provided) " £ 0 ~ Sample Number: 0902827 Location: 2208 Jones Ave. N.E. Renton Date: 6-15-11 c a GeoResources, LLC Client: W. H. Hughes I Projaet: 220& N.R Jones Road Renton '" 6-15-11 Fife, WA Proiect No: 0902827 Fiqure Tested By: -'C""R"O"---________ Checked By: )"C<l:RIl,OL-_______ _ ·1 I "U m Al 0 m z -i 0 ~ Al (/) m Al -------------------------~----------------------, • • Particle Size Distribution Report .. " .~ ".e .s~ ~ Hi; ~ ~H c " ~~ :~ ~~ -. -100 : I I: : I ' , I 0 I I : : I I 90 I IJ j 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 80 ; I I; ; I ; ; I 20 I I I I I 70 I I I I I 30 I I I I I I I I I I I I " c:: I I I I I I I I I I I I m ;l) W 60 ; 40 () z I I I I I I I I I I m u: z f0o-I I I I I I I I I I I I I 50 -I z 50 I I I I I I ~ I I I I I () III 0 U : I I I I I I I I I I » c:: 40 I 60 ;l) III fJ '" Cl. I I I I I I I I I I I I m I I I I I Ii I I I I I I ;l) 30 : I : : I I: I' , 70 I I I .: \: I I 20 I I I; 80 I I I I I I ~ I I I ~I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .,; 10 : : I: : I I: : : I 90 ~ I I E 0 , " I I; : I I 100 .. en 100 10 1 0.1 0.Q1 0.00 1 .. () GRAIN SIZE -mm. e % Gravel 'I. Sand y, FI nes Q) ,.. +3" Cla v Coarse I An. oarsel Medium I Fi n. Slit L 2: 0.2 18 .0 I 75.9 5.9 e " i SIEVE PERCE NT SPEC.* PASS? . M a!~[i~1 O es~[l e!ll!D SIZE FINER PERCE NT (X=N O) Lt Grey/Bm. orange mottled silty sand 0 #4 100.0 II> #10 99.8 1': #20 97.8 § #40 81.8 8tte[be[g Limits e #60 43.4 PL= LL= PI= 0 #100 16.5 ~o ~ffl!;I~D!~ e #200 5.9 085= 0.4528 Osc= 0.3108 050= 0.2732 II> ~ 030= 0.2026 015= 0.1428 010= 0.1145 .. Cu= 2.72 Cc= 1.15 e .. C I ~§~ifi~o n USCS= SHTO= Vi B~m arks $ en Lt GreylBm. orange silty sand ~ F.M .~1.33 E .. en (no specification provided) Q) ,s Sampl e Num b er: 0902826 .B Dat e: 6-15-11 ~ L ocat i o n: 2208 Jones Ave. N.E. Renton 0 GeoResources , LLC · Clie n!: W. H. Hugbes ~ Proj ect: 2208 N.B. Jones Road Renton IXJ 6-15-11 Fife WA Prol ec t No : 0902827 Fl our. Tested By: -'C"-R"'O'--_______ Che c ke d By : "'C"R"'O _______ _ ,', • --------,---------------------------------------------------~ .... , ...... ~ , " ,', I' .' .' ,I 1,\" f-\, " ,< , , '" ·.'f " • .' r ' . '~.~ '" : " .• , .. " . " , , \ , • I ' t· "'1 ; , \' . , , . , !' ..... 'I \1 f. ~ , • , " ';,I!\ \ '1 '1.~. ~ , ,. '" ,. ~N I ". ~. I . , I . . , ,., ;c,;" .. " .... .... ~, •. : ".',': .: .... The Honorable Phil A. Olbrechts Hearing Examiner City of Renton Dear Sir '. • •• CIl'Y OF RENTON$I EXHIBIT 5 OCT 132011 October 12, i011 RECEIVED CIl'Y CLERK'S OFFICE iOi'-i9 uJ11, Cc. i3o'Wt rJci Ito'1, c,ft c.lc~k: U;.(('i IJp.fre.1 1 elf-.( AHy Ne'! i-J," ti5, Dec' 5"0-':> ])NC-to.' j",1V<' .{,,' Hev1l1ln:'7" f'/c,rtrl,''J, ~{OM5'V C~'f VI~eI1+-' IiC%"r1I~J DI,eL~ 5rM..frvckr/J Dcl/ ~'c We are appealing the recent approval of Joey's Short Plat at 2208 Jones AveNE [LUAll-0661 dueto the categorizatiori of Keimyda Ie Cree k as a Class IV [intermittent] stream and the resultant inadequate buffer zones imposed. We ~re requesting that the creek becorrectJy identified as Class III, in accordance with RMC4-3-050 L Lajii; and that the appropriate buffers be required before any further action is taken on this short plat. This creek is a spring fed stream which is classified as perennial [Class III] a short distance from this plat, and is furthermore a headwaters stream originating in the peat wetlands less than a block away from the proposed Jots. We do not believe that the City has shown the required due diligence in this matter. and we are seeking an upgraded classification based on pur voluminous collection of supporting documentation. Sincerely Susan Rider 1835 NE 20"' St Renton, WA (425)228-8711 William O'Connor 921 S Washington St Port Angeles, WA (360)457-3437 Kennydale Critical Areas Alliance " ....... ..;.: • October 11, 2011 City of Renton Environmental Review committee Attn: Gerald Wasser, associate planner RE: Joey's sho.rt plat LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A • This letter is in regards to the DNS-M decision on the short plat application for the property currently defined as 2208 Jones Ave NE. I have no issue with the short plat request itself; in fact, it is a great neighborhood infill project. I would like someone to confirm that the existing house is in fact hooked up to the sewer system and not still on septic. Sewer hook-up should be required for both the existing and proposed lots based on the proximity to the creek. The main purpose of this letter is to comment on the proposed "mitigation" requirements suggested by the City, specifically the "native growth protection easement." 1. This easement is essentially a taking of land that historically was in agricultural use. The requirement is for a 35' buffer along Kennydale Creek (which, by the way, is a man-made channel through the subject property). Why would the remaining property east of that buffer also need to be included in the easement? 2. The proposed NGPE does not allow any mowing, pruning, or removal of vegetation. And yet, per the report, many of the existing plant species are non-natives and one in particular is highly invasive. Without the ability to cut, prune, mow, or remove ANY vegetation, the area will once again be overtaken by Himalayan blackberries and even the boundary of the easement (at the split rail fence) will be impossible to maintain. Himalayan blackberries are not "native growth" nor do they provide the best habitat. This NGPE may look great on paper, but it actually creates a negative impact on the environment itself. It prevents anyone from doing any kind of creek or habitat restoration with actual native plants. The establishment of the NGPE as written would require future property owners to turn their backs on this environmental asset called Kennydale Creek. I kindly request that the Environmental Review Committee reconsider their response to this topic. ::;2t6~ ~""' 2216 Jones Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 425.254.1254 Gil\' GF R~NTON RECE.iVED OCT 11 2011 BUILDING DIVISION r----------c--------------------------------\. NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) DATE: August 26, 2011 PROJECT NUMBER: WAll·OGG, ECF, SHPL-A PROJECT NAME: Joey's Short Plat PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (Lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 creek, Is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 s.f.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. PROJECT LOCATION: 2208 Jones Avenue NE OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore. as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated (DNS-M). A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: August 8, 2011 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: August 26, 2011 APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Wilford Hughes; W.H. Hughes Co.; 14401 Issaquah Hobart Road; Issaquah, WA 98027 Permits/Review Requested: Other Permits which may be required: Requested Studies: Location wh~re application may be reviewed: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/land Use: Environmental (SEPAl Review, Administrative Short Plat approval Hydraulic Permit Approval, Construction Permit Wetland Delineation and Geotechnical Study Department of Community & Economic Development ICED) -Planning Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 NfA The subject site is designated Residential Single Family IRSF) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Residential -8 (R-B) on the City's Zoning Map. If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CEO -Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: Joey's Short Plat/LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A NAME: ______________________________________________________________ __ MAiliNG ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO.: \. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: Proposed Mitigation Measures: EnVironmental'AI Checklist • The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, RMC 4·7-070, RMC 4·3- 050.l, RMC 4-3-080.M, RMC 4-2-110 and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. The following Mitigation Measures will likely be imposed on the proposed. project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. The applicant will be required to follow the recommendations of the Geotechnical Report with regard to site, utility, and building construction; The applicant will be required to install construction and erosion control fencing on the west side of the creek to prevent intrusion into the stream buffer. The fencing must be installed prior to the issuance of construction ond/or building permits and remains until the completion of construction. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing ·to Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner, CEO - Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on September 9, 2011. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7382; Eml: gwasser@rentonwa.gov PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION " • • EXHIBIT 4 PLAN~ING DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIS1,'~on . . -'-, , \ . \ . ~ ,"" City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady-Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 . PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: ~" "cc:;~\~~1)J q """ 1(' It"'\. \\..):\\L.."1~ The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter. 43.21 C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS isrequired. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefiy, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do flot know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies c~m assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NON PROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For non project actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words' "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geograph.ic area," respectively. - 1 - 06/09 .H:\CEO\Oata\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\envchlst.doc • A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: To~1 5 ~r \-veAl 2. 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact Plrson: _, 144.0 I I.~AQ.0~ .. t.lp6 .... y-r 4. ::r::sSAQvAv/ L..A...> A '1' ~z 7 Date checklist prepared: 5. Agency requesting checklist: t... ,,~! of 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. ~&> 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. ~P 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. \0 34.,77 D WI II be..- k s ... (", JY-\ u.....!} I q. F7' I~D -2- H:\CED\Dala\Forms-Temp!ates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\envchlstdoc 06/09 • .. . • • • 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. b. General description of the site (circle one); flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other______ I F L A-i" . U-.l ,\r-q ~~ ~ \ e(>~ +0 ~ tA6"1 PA~ -r --fk-L-?-et.J ... What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) What general types of soils are. found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If Yc>u know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. . e. f. h. N° Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate' source of fill. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? describe. If so, generally About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, a~~~tbUildiJ9S)? ... 12°/~t Z 4,D T01""AL. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: -3-06109 H:\CED\Oata\Forms.Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\envchlst.doc • • 2, AIR a, What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. b, c. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: 3, WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year- round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names, If appropriate, state what stream or river It trows into. C ' ..... ,..~ S T? ~A; L. \ A~ "t s. +f4k""-- C-A""-2-~~ 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. , \ w "'--'1 ~~e. ~ \\~ ~ C2... f::::. t..J Ii\""\; I t"" .tt= ~ o'F-a.H,.w. =* ...s-r~f...k"""-U' 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. "II::> 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. ('-/t? 5) Does the proposal lie within a 1 DO-year fiood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge, -4-06/09 H :\CEOillata\Forms-T em p lates\Self -Help Hando~ts\P Ianni ng\envchlst. doc .. ' • • b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn. or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. 2) c. 1) 2) , .. d. Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), o~the nu. r of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. . ~o...:>.5't-tP ' t l b.z.-c., ~ \ ~l::> . c.. ~ +'1' SM L~"" ()9.-~r ~7r:> te..-v--- Water Runof~ (including storm witer): / Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water fiow? Will this water fiow into other waters, If so, describe. \ '?.k~ \= (~ 0 ill L->~J\.s Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. tie> Proposed measures to reduce or control surf~ce, ground, and runoff water impacts, if I any: A~~~<lQ S~~ u.-rA:.-r~~ "5 'fS~ -fr= ~~~ rW',,-,"o-4 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: ~ deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other __ evergreen tree: fir, cedar,. pine, other shrubs ' ~ grass __ pasture __ crop or grain __ wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other I other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? ;J~,Jf. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: N ol\l£,. -5-06/09 H:\CED\Data\Forms-TempJates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\envchlsldoc • • 5. ANIMALS ". , " Circle any birds and animals, which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other . P<=bj,J;" J r I ,,"cL Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other ___ --LtJ=-oN~~f~=_-:_- Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other __ -,-N=DoAJi=l. __ _ @ List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. "'prJ£. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain NO d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: tl°tJf.. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the -• • b. ::~~:~~ri~~~j:~:s energy needs? Descr~ble Whe:),"" • wI" 0, "';J;;;'E~ tJATI.Jf?-.Ar'-6.1'6 -rt~T w-N&~£ I; ~ (e.t-k.<tL -L Ie> ~ c9...cj :feto.er-.. ;f [; ~ Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of, this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: rJ~;.)E.. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosio!1, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. N t9 Describe special emergency services that might be required. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: r/t:>f\.!fj;; -6-06/09 H:\CED\Data\Forms-TempJates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\envchlst.doc • • b. Noise 1) , What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? , rJEJtUC.. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate wha~s':~=-~from ~ J21:;:;r~. A-- N-. -~"""'" ~ '_oC -l.::, ... 00 r .-.- 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? rr~ 1>~f;;.f:"7 :5,"4 Ie...-' y/r ........ j b, Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe, c. Describe any structures on the site. , (\. a -o'-"-t-6....s-L ,C:Fi "-~ J I -' ~~ / I -~ ~ . d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? ,Yo. - e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? K.~. 4- ? What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? rJ/A. h. Has any part of the site been classified 'as an "environmentally sensitive" area? specify. • f"-) _ .,-(.p.; <!" ~ !:; T j:1!-A'-"'" If so, i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? c~!:~ +-7. f 4-~6 06/09 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Setf-Help Handouts\Planning\envchlst.doc • • j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? (9 k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: 9. HOUSING a. b. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. D c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: tJ'D,.Jf.... 10. AESTHETICS a. b. c. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. 3 0 pr sr~JHALIl' PL,..Jt..s r~87":r- What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? \J ,JCJ,Je. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: ,JDtJL 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of.d9Y would it mainly occur? A. -r"J"'''L~1 r:l'~ l-t--5~ f~ 6) ~ Ie.-F,Arv-/1..j r!-.:>:J.JE.... A r-r~ D.A tt.. L. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? -8-06/09 H:\CED\Data\Forms·Templates\Setf·Help Handouts\Planning\envchlstdoc - • • d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or' private? rJ0 e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. NO How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur . . g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Not-lf.. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. tJO b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. ,JolI.!L 16. UTILITIES a. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. N c> r-Je.....-:) U -\-\ \.*,(,3$ C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true, correct, and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent Signature: Name Printed: Date: -10-06/09 H:\CED\Oata\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\envchlst.doc q .-. . - .. . • Gerald Wasser From: Sent: To: Phil Olbrechts [olbrechtslaw@gmaiLcomj Monday, December 12, 2011 1 :33 PM Gerald Wasser Jennifer T. Henning Cc:' Subject: RE: LUA 11-066, ECF, SHPL-A, Joey's Short Plat The City's objections are overruled and the 81 pages offered by the Appellants are admitted as Ex. 40. The affidavits may have been submitted for the purpose of another project, but they are probative on the issue of whether Kennydale Creek is perennial. Any party may submit responsive comments to the documents by 12/16/11. As previously ordered, objections to the documents submitted by Ms. Gordley must be received today. If no objections are received, Ms. Gordley's letter will be admitted as Ex. 41 and all other persons will have until 12/16/11 to respond to it. From: Gerald Wasser [mailto:GWasser@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 9:26 AM To: 'Phil Olbrechts' Cc: Jennifer T. Henning Subject: RE: LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A, Joey's Short Plat Hi Phil: Exhibit 40, "Testimony Affidavits", is attached. There are 81 scanned pages. These pages are in the order submitted. Jerry Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7382 FAX (425)430-7300 gwasser@rentonwa.gov From: Phil Olbrechts [mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 9:03 AM To: Gerald Wasser Subject: RE: LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL -A, Joey's Short Plat Thank you Jerry. Would it be possible to pdf me the affidavits (I don't know how long they are)? If not, overnight mail would work so I could rule on the objectiori tomorrow. From: Gerald Wasser [mailto:GWasser@Rentonwa.govj Se'nt: Monday, December 12, 2011 7:57 AM To: 'Phil Olbrechts' Cc: Jennifer T. Henning; Garmon Newsom Subject: LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A, Joey's Short Plat Hello Phil: 1 • I have attached the Planning Division staff objection to the admissibility of the appellants' Exhibit 40 for Joey's Short plat. I have placed the original letter in today's USPS mail. If you have any questions, please contact me. Jerry Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7382 FAX (425) 430-7300 gwasser@rentonwa.gov 2 1', • , Denis Law. Mayor , 'December:12, 2011 Department of Community and Economic Development Phil Olbrechts • City of Rentori Hearing Exam'iner .Olbrechts and Associiltes 18833 NE 74th Street' Granite Falls, WA 98252 . . '. 'Alex Pietsch, Administrator . SUBJECT: . OBJECTION TO ADMISSIBILITY OF APPELLANTS' EXHIBIT 40.' .'. Joey's Short Plat, ,LUAll'066> ECF, SHPL-A .2208 Jones Avenue NE Dear Mr. Olbrechts: . .'. ,.' . I • ". • .' ' .,.. .:, '. ..' , AHhe appeal hearing for Joey s Short Plat on December 6, 2011, you left the reco~d op'enfor written objeCtions/comments to the appeliants"Exhibit 40, "Testim'ony . AffidilVits'< Please consider this correspondence staff's form'al objection to the' admissibility oHxhibit 40.' .' .., ',The various'stiltementsandletters which compriseExhibit 40 are not relevant to Joey's , Short Plat with one exception, That exception is a September 21, 20111.ett~r whi'ch I . ,wrote toSusan Rider inresporiseto a'commentletter submitted for Joey's Short Plat .. ' .. The appellants rightly highlightedasent~nce in.the copy of that letter which states, .. "The classification of Kennydale Creek is not at issue,", Theother statements and letters ,which COnipri~e Exhibit '40 are da'ted from 1990 through 2008 and were cieari y writte~,. ' .. solicite'd, and/or,submitted:for Projectsand,issues not related to'Joey's·Short Plat; The b~lk·of the'materi<ilsin Exhibit 40 conta'i~ nonscientific, ~necdotal information which is not pertinent to the ~ppeai.· . . ., , " 'Sho~ld you h'ave'ilnyquesti6~s, please contact meat (425) 430'7382 or . gwasser@rentonwa;gov.' ..... ,... . ' Gerald C. Wasser .' . Associate Planner cc: William Q'Con,nor Susan R-ider . ' .. Wilford Hughes Jean:Stearns . Chip, Vincen,t Lauralee Gordley Jennifer Henning Garmon Newsom Renton City Hall .• 1055 So·ut.h Grady Way • Renton, W.ashington 98057 •. rentonwa.gov Gerald Wasser From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Dear Susan Rider: • Bonnie Walton Friday, December 09, 2011 10:20 AM 'dozermom@comcast.net' Gerald Wasser; Jennifer T. Henning Joeys Plat -schedule & submission IMG_NEWPDF • After getting your call this morning, I checked with Mr. Wasser and am providing the following two items as you requested: 1) Ms. Gordley·s submission of 12/8/2e11 -attached. 2) The deadlines per the Hearing Examiner·s message to City staff: quote: '"Gordley documents must be submitted by 12/8/11 Objections to Gordley documents are required by 12/12/11 I will rule on the objections on 12/13 Any comment/response on the Gordley documents is due by 12/16/11 Objections to the testimony affidavits must be submitted by 12/12/11. I will rule on the objections on 12/13 Any comment/response to the testimony affidavits is due by 12/16/11 The documents identified above are the only documents allowed. Any party to the proceeding may file objections or provide comment/response (except of course the Appellants and Ms. Gordley cannot provide comment/response to their own documents).'" unquote Sincerely, Bonnie Walton City Clerk City of Renton 425-43e-65e2 1 Gerald Wasser From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: • Bonnie Walton Thursday, DecemberOB, 20113:19 PM 'Phil Olbrechts' Gerald Wasser; Jennifer T. Henning • FW: From Lauralee Gordley Re Joey Shortplat Testimony From Lauralee Gordley Re Joey Shortplat Testimony I was cc'd on the attached and am it forwarding fyi. Bonnie Walton City Clerk City of Renton 425-430-6502 1 "-' ...... Gerald Wasser From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: .-- L G [kennydaleprop@gmail.comj Thursday, December 08, 2011 3: 11 PM Gerald Wasser; Bonnie Walton From Lauralee Gordley Re Joey Shortplat Testimony IMG_NEW.pdf • I am attaching my testimony for the record on the appeal to Hearing Examiner on the Joey Short Plat Decision. Lauralee Gordley 1 • • December 8, 2011 To: Hearing Examiner Olbrecht, City of Renton Re: Joey Short Plat Appeal Hearing, December 6,2011 Dear Examiner Olbrecht I am submitting this letter as my testimony to be included in the record. I have reviewed the evidence in the binder located in the City Clerk's office that was submitted by the appellants. Upon review Ifound most all evidence is the evidence used in my short plat application and subsequent legal action against myself and the city brought by the same appellants, as well as the appeal letter references that suit. The appellants declined to appeal the judge's decision on this matter in a higher court where damages could have been subjected and therefore should be held to the decision. In allowing this claim to be reviewed again would affect me as 1 am a property owner with the creek. I will not be providing evidence documents on a matter that I prevailed on previously in a court of law and as well as was subjected to a great burden. 1 contest this appeal as the rebuttal would subject me as well as the city to extensive burden without sanctions to the appellant. I will restate that the appellant only targets specific property owners as several developments have been processed without appeal as stated in my verbal testimony. Therefor I contend it is not an act in good faith for the stated purpose. The group of specific property owners are further burdened with the city notifying any potential buyers of our properties with the notice they will encounter obstruction from the appellant. In reviewing the short plat application, the applicant was required to adhe~e to the proper short plat application process based on my experience of going through the process and was subjected to further evaluation by the city's obtaining a third party review of the wetlands. The applicant has met the requirements of the approval process and as a property owner should not be subjected to issues outside of that process. Lauralee Gordley ------------------------------------- .. ~. Gerald Wasser From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: , Phil Olbrechts [olbrechtslaw@gmail.com] Wednesday, December 07, 2011 1 :37 PM Gerald Wasser Jennifer T. Henning; Chip Vincent; Garmon Newsom RE: Joey's Short Plat LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A Gordley documents must be submitted by 12/8/11 Objections to Gordley documents are required by 12/12/11 I will rule on the objections on 12/13 Any comment/response on the Gordley documents is due by 12/16/11 Objections to the testimony affidavits must be submitted by 12/12/11. I will rule on the objections on 12/13 Any comment/response to the testimony affidavits is due by 12/16/11 • The documents identified above are the only documents allowed. Any party to the proceeding may file objections or provide comment/response (except of course the Appellants and Ms. Gordley cannot provide comment/response to their own documents). . From: Gerald Wasser [mailto:GWasser@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 201111:53 AM To: 'Phil Olbrechts' Cc: Jennifer T. Henning; Chip Vincent; Garmon Newsom Subject: Joey's Short Plat LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A Hello Phil: My understanding is that at the appeal hearing yesterday on the above-captioned project, you left the record open for written comments on two items. Those items are (1) Exhibit 40 ("testimony affidavits"), submitted by the appellants, Susan Rider and William O'Connor, and (2) the exhibits which are yet to be copied and submitted by Lauralee Gordley, one of the testifiers from the audience. My understanding of the dates/ timeframes which you established yesterday is as follows: Objections/comments from the City to be submitted by December 12, 2011; Ruling on admissibility by December 13, 2011; and Response by appellants/testifier due by December 16, 2011. Please verify that the two items identified above are the only items for which the record was left open and that the dates I have identified are correct. Thank you. Jerry Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way 1 Renton. WA 98057 (425) 430-7382 FAX (425) 430-7300 gwasser@rentonwa.gov , • 2 1 'J ' , ",, ',-'.' Denis.Law, ".,' '", Mayor' City Clerk -Bonnie I. Walton ~ --" . ", ;., November i4,20:i1 ' .'. ..' N '., . , Susan, Rider ' , ,183S NE 20'hSt Renton;WA980S6 ' ",,' .t. "'" '.- ,WilliamO'Con'nor ' , -.' '- , " ,: "921 S Washingtoif~t.. ,,' ,Port Arge1es, WA98362 ',' , , " -<" '. . ',':: .- " Appeal HearirigforJoey'sShbrtPfat, LUAii~066,'EC~; SHPL:A,-' , , Re:, '" --, '.' ., ,.-. "', , '. '. . ~ . ' . bear Ms. Rider & Mr. O'Connor: ,', " ."' -, ... .'. ." .,. " Thea;pe~I'hearlngy~~ have ~eqJested in the'abov~ r~f~renced'inatter will~beheard bY~:h~ , 'He~~iri'gExamineron TuesdaY;De~emb~r 6;. 2011, atlO:OOa.m. The hearing willtakepla~e in ',' theCouricilChambersoh th~seventhfloor,ofRenton City 'Hall, 10555 Grady 'Nay> Re~ton; WA', 9~057, ' " " , ,,',' , ' '," ' ", • , ' , , ' , " ,', ' .. :-, If you have any ~ues.tions, ,piease e~~ilh1e at bwalfon@'rentbnwa,gov. , • • _ . _ • . . c· .' .• ." ", .. " .. ,,~.j',uJ~ .. ', .. ', Bonnie 'I. Walton,:" ,," .. -< City Clerk' " Er\~,:Ai~~~LLetierda,edio/12/11 Hea;ing' E'x'a'rriiner" _ '".' Larry Warren, City Attorney' , Je~nifer Hennlng,Currentl'lan'riing Manager" ' , ",Neil'w'ai,s,:Dev~lcip''';ent Seivicebirect6r " , St~i:y Tucko'r, Develop'ment Service; " ' , , 'Pariies of Recorp (8) , ,,' • t .' , ' ",' . . -.- ... -. 1 055 S~uth Grady Way ~ Re~ton, Washington 98057 •• (425) 430-651 0/ Fax (425) 430-6516~ rentonwa.gov , ' \ -- . .'. ~ -." " .. ''-.' '. " " " ~, , , • CIlYOF RENT ___ OCT 132011 October 12, 2011 RECEIVED CIlY CLERK'S OFFICE The Honorable Phil A. Olbrechts /Oicf9 C(,lt1, Hearing Examiner City of Renton Dear Sir We are appealing the recent approval of Joey's Short Plat at 2208 Jones AveNE [LUA11-066] due to the categorization of Kennydale Creek as a Class IV [intermittent] stream and the resultant inadequate buffer zones imposed. We are requesting that the creek be correctly·identified as Class III, in accordance with RMC 4-3-050 L. 1.a.iii, and that the appropriate buffers be required before any further action is taken on this short plat. This creek is a spring fed stream Which is classified as perennial [Class III] a short distance from this plat, and is furthermore a headwaters stream originating in the peat wetlands less than a block away from the proposed .lots. We do not believe that the City has shown the required due diligence in this matter, and we are seeking an upgraded classification based on pur voluminous collection of supporting documentation. Sincerely Susan Rider 1835 NE 20th St Renton, WA (425)228-8711 William O'Connor 921 S Washington St Port Angeles, WA (360)457-3437 Kennydale Critical Areas Alliance • • November 14, 2011 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) § ) BONNIE I. WALTON, City Clerk for the City of Renton, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that she is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of 21 and not a party to nor interested in this matter. That on the 14th day of November, 2011, at the hour of 4:30 p.m. your affiant duly mailed and placed in the United States Post Office at Renton, King County, Washington, by first class mail to all attached parties of record, a letter scheduling an appeal hearing for Tuesday, December 6, 2011 for the Joey's Short Plat Appeal (LUA-11-066, ECF, SHPL-A) Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE me this 14th day of November, 2011.. 1 ,111 "'''''''' ttll ~\A R. '--_ III + ~ _ ....... 4,,0-:' II .l; .::»SSION ;~" :,L.;" " () .';,.-. -r.o 0, 7 ~ S fO ~OTAAy \\ ~ s ,U (I)" S ~: ...... : ~ -cy-"n-t~h"'ia-.-M-'-o"';:ya=--~'---~<:-==----'~'-cP-e·r-·. -PUBLIC i ~ ~ '::. "'...... .. .. 0 I- N t P bl " d f th St t f '::. '1'.>-:,··<7'2.7-...... ' '" II a ary u IC In an or e a e 0 "-~·O· ........ ···~~ III Washington, residing in Renton , II W .. S'iio IIII ".,,,,,,,,,,,,11111 11 My Commission expires: 8/27/2014 Wilford Hughes W.H. Hughes Co. 14401 Issaquah Hobart Road Issaquah, WA 98027 Fritz Brendemihl 1203 N 38th Street Renton,WA 98056 Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner City of Renton • Lorraine Taylor 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 Deanna Dobak 1700 N E 20th Street Renton, WA 98056 Chip Vincent, Planning Director City of Renton • Jean Stearns 2216 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 Karen Walter, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Divisions 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 1--· From: Sent: To: Cc: • Gerald Wasser Thursday, November 10, 2011 8:56 AM Bonnie Walton Jennifer T. Henning • Subject: Hearing Examiner Appeal for Joey's Short Plat, LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A Hello Bonnie: I've checked with Phil Olbrechts, Garmon Newsom, the applicant and the appellants and Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at 10:00 am is good for all of them. Thanks. Jerry Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7382 FAX (425) 430-7300 gwasser@rentonwa.gov 1 .------------------------------------------------------ " '. • From: Bonnie Walton Sent: To: Thursday. November 10, 2011 9:48 AM Cynthia Moya Subject: FW: Hearing Examiner Appeal for Joey's Short Plat, LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A Cindy, I think we need to include a copy of the appeal with the hearing notification letter, Bonnie From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 9:36 AM To: Cynthia Moya Cc: Jason Seth Subject: RE: Hearing Examiner Appeal for Joey's Short Plat, LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A They do except when there is an appeal. This one was appealed to the HE, so we send out the notices and we will send out the decision. On regular, non-appeal land use hearings, CED is supposed to take care of those steps, But appeals 'are ours. I'll have a talk with CED about all this when I'm back. Thanks. Bonnie, x6502 From: Cynthia Moya Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 9:34 AM To: Bonnie Walton Cc: Jason Seth Subject: RE: Hearing Examiner Appeal for Joey's Short Plat, LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A I thought that CED sends out the notices for the Land Use cases. If not, I will get it out today. Thank you, Cindy Moya, Records Management Specialist City of Renton -Executive/City Clerk Division cmoya@rentonwa.gov 425-430-6513 ~,rf?-~"""",-,,,-.~, --1,:~Sk0.uli.'j From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 9:31 AM To: Cynthia Moya Cc: Jason Seth Subject: FW: Hearing Examiner Appeal for Joey's Short Plat, LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A If you haven't already done so, the hearing notices for the Joey's plat appeal can be mailed out. Thanks. Bonnie 1 • From: Gerald Wasser Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 8:56 AM To: Bonnie Walton Cc: Jennifer T. Henning Subject: Hearing Examiner Appeal for Joey's Short Plat, LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A Hello Bonnie: • ,. I've checked with Phil Olbrechts, Garmon Newsom, the applicant and the appellants and Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at 10:00 am is good for all of them. Thanks. Jerry Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton lOSS South Grady Way Renton, VVA 98057 (425) 430-7382 FAX (425) 430-7300 gwasser@rentonwa.gov 2 • The Honorable Phil A. Olbrechts Hearing Examiner City of Renton Dear Sir CITY OF RENT04t- OCT 1 3 2011 October 12, 2011 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 10 H9 a,lt1, cc· BovtY\lof tJCt Ito'l, (, fy c.(,,~k: /.a-y("<t w",("re", Cot..( Atly A./e..d tJCI d'S) Deu 5vc."', Dfeefe:.' JeVlVld", Hel'ftllnj, PlCti1t1 I "{j tf{OMS/V CIA,,o V,tlGeni-, Iril.-Vlrf/"~ Dlrec./crv' 5hcy ./v'ckt-./J Del.! St!c We are appealing the recent approval of Joey's Short Plat at 2208 Jones AveNE [LUA11-066] due to the categorization of Kennydale Creek as a Class IV [intermittent) stream and the resultant inadequate buffer zones imposed. We are requesting that the creek be correctly identified as Class III, in accordance with RMC 4-3-050 L. l.a.iii, and that the appropriate buffers be required before any further action is taken on this short plat. This creek is a spring fed stream Which is classified as perennial [Class III] a short distance from this plat, and is furthermore a headwaters stream originating in the peat wetlands less than a block away from the proposed lots. We do not believe that the City has shown the required due diligence in this matter, and we are seeking an upgraded classification based on pur voluminous collection of supporting documentation. Sincerely Susan Rider 1835 NE 20'h St Renton, WA (425)228-8711 William O'Connor 921 S Washington 5t Port Angeles, WA (360)457-3437 Kennydale Critical Areas Alliance . : .. CITY OF RENTON City Clerk Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98057 425-430-6510 o Copy Fee o Appeal Fee Funds Received From: Name Address City/Zip , .' , .. ::::{;;,)!i/'> . :,<':'. ," , , " , ;,r I Receipt 1828 Date --L!<lD~/f---./34-1......,1.D,,-+-I+--1 _ , I o Notary Service 0 ______________ __ " " ," , . ", " '. '! fl' .: ~ , ~', ' .. " . " , , -, "',: . i' ... - • • CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: October 26, 2011 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Joey's Short Plat LUA (file) Number: LUA-11-066, ECF, SHPL-A Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Gerald Wasser Acceptance Date: August 26, 2011 Applicant: Wilford Hughes Owner: Lorrain Taylor Contact: Same as applicant PID Number: 3343903602 ERC Decision Date: September 26, 2011 ERC Appeal Date: October 14, 2011 . Administrative Approval: September 30, 2011 Appeal Period Ends: October 14, 2011 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: October 13, 2011 By Whom: William O'Connor & Susan Rider HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council DeCision: Date: I Mylar Recording Number: I Project Description: Applicant requests Administrative Short Plat approval and Environmental (SEPA) review to subdivide a 36,847sq ft parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (Lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 stream, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 s.f.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would cain access from Jones Avenue NE. Location: 2208 Jones Avenue NE Comments: Request for reconsideration received October 11, 2011. Amended the ERC Report & Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision with changes to Mitigation Measure #2. New appeal period ends November 7, 2011. ',,-, CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT': PrA:IliNIIN(;")lIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MA,ILlNG On the 26th day of October, 2011, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Amended Environmental Review Committee Report and Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision; Miltig,lticm Measures document documents. This information was sent to: Agencies -Mitigation Measures document only See Attached Wilford Hughes Applicant/Contact Lorraine Taylor POR Jean Stearns POR Fritz Brendenmihl Deanna Dobak William O'Connor Karen Walter Susan Rider (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ss ) POR POR POR POR POR I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy M. Tucker signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act fo:·:r~~~'~'~)~).~~~a~n;d purposes mentioned in the instrument, Dated: Oc\;dw,r ac.) dO\\ Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print):, ____ ---:.k;.:., _A_, ----.:c;.~.;.:oJa~e:::..r ___________ _ My appointment expires: A~ cv.;~ ~q J ~ c 1.3 Joey's Short Plat LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A template -affidavit of service by mailing . ;.,.-' L.~ • • AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology' WDFW -Larry Fisher' Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept .• Environmental Review Section 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer PO Box 47703 Issaquah, WA 98027 39015 -172 nd Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Auburn, WA 98092 WSDOT Northwest Region' Duwamish Tribal Office' Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program' Attn: Ramin Pazooki 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015172" Avenue SE PO Box 330310 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers· KC Wastewater Treatment Division· Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation· Seattle District Office Environmental Planning Supervisor Attn: Gretchen Kaehler Attn: SEPA Reviewer Ms. Shirley Marroquin PO Box 48343 PO Box C-3755 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Seattle, WA 98124 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Boyd Powers· Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Servo City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: SEPA Section Attn: Steve Roberge Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director Renton, WA 98055-1219 13020 Newcastle Way 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Metro Transit Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Senior Environmental Planner Municipal Uaison Manager Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Gary Kriedt Joe Jainga 6200 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01 W Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Seattle Public Utilities - Real Estate Services Attn: SEPA Coordinator 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 ·Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the notice of application. template -affidavit of service by mailing ' .. ·····bEPARTMENTOF COMMU!Y' AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT . DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED AMENDED MITIGATION MEASURES· . APPLICATION NO{S): APPLICANT: ' . PROJECT NAME: LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Wilford Hughes Joey's Short Plat DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would'be 17,882 sJ. (Lot 1) and 18,965 sJ. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 creek, is present and·bisects the site. A CategorY-2 or 3 wetland (3,500 ·sJ.) is present on the . northeast portion of the site., Both proposed lotswould g~inaccess from Jones Avenue NE. An existing' . house and two sheds are located on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is .0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 dujnet acre. The site is generally flat. The. project requires SEPA envfronmental revieVl( and short plat approvaL' LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: .2208 Jones, Avenue NE LEAD AGENCY: The City of Renton' . Department o(Community & Economic Development Planning Division, . MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The applicant shall install a split rail fence with appropriate signage along the westernmost 35-foot stream buffe~ boundary of Kennydale creek, Such split rail fence and signage ~hall be installed priorto recording of the short plat. ' . . '. '. 2. A Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) shall be established betw~en the western most 35-foot stream buffer boundary and the eastern property line. The NGPE shall be indicated on the short plat and a' note describing the NGPE shall be placed on the face of the short plat. 3. The existing easternmost shed·on Proposed Lot 1 shall be removed or relocated oUfside of the NGPE prior to installation of the split rail fence. .' • , ERe Mitigation Measures Page 1 of 1 : Denis Law. Mayor October 26, 2011 Jean. Stearns 2216 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 Department of Community and Economic Development .. ' . Alex Pietsch, Administrator . ' : . SUBJECT: JOEY;!; SHORT PLAT, LUAil-06~,ECF, SHPL-A .. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION RECONSIDERATION REQUEST Dear Ms. Stearns: . · The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee (ERe) considered your request for reconsideration of the Environmental Review Committee Determination of. Non-Significance ~ Mitigated forJoey's Short Plat on October 24, 2011. Your reconsid'eration request identified two concerns: 1) the reason for . including the portion of the' property eastof the'35-foot Class 4 Stream' buffer in the native, Growth ',' Protection Easement (NGPE);.and 2) maintenance of vegetation within the NGPE.' · ;he NGPE would include n;tonlythe 35-foot ~uffei areaforKennYdale Creek (a Class 4 Stream), but' · also the 25,foot buffer area for the ';"'etland located in'the northeastern portion of the property .. The · ERC agreed with staffthat:the NGPE is appropriate as indicated in the staff report .. Because the wording for "the NGPE required on the face of the short plat allows m'aintenance and enhancement of vegetation within it, the sentence 'regarding mowing in the original' Mitigation Measu~e 2 is not appropriate, Accordingly, the ERC agreed to remove the sentence. ' ., The enclosed AmendedEnvironmental Review Committee Report and Administrative Short Plat Report· . ·g.'Decision include the change described above. The three mitigation measures contained in the .. " · amen'ded document 'reflect the change, . .' . Please ~ontact me at (425) 430-7382 of gwasser@ientonwa,govifyouhave questions regarding this .' matter. '/~"/~~~',' /. erald C. Wasser Associate Planner CC:, ,Wilford Hughes/D.wner . _ Parties of Record . Bonnie Walton/City Clerk Enclosure Renton eii;' Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton; Washington 98057 • rentcnwa.gov . ' , -( • Wilford Hughes W.H. Hughes Co. 14401 Issaquah Hobart Road Issaquah, WA 98027 tel: (425) 444-3367 (applicant / contact) Fritz Brendemihl 1203 N 38th Street Renton, WA 98056 tel: (425) 228-4682 (party of record) Karen Walter • • PARTIES OF RECORD JOEY'S SHORT PLAT LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Lorraine Taylor 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 (owner) Deanna Dobak 1700 NE 20th Street Renton, WA 98056 (party of record) Susan Rider Jean Stearns 2216 Jones Avneue NE Renton, WA 98056 tel: (425) 254-1254 (party of record) William O'Connor 921 S Washington Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (party of record) Watersheds & Land Use Team Leader 1835 NE 20th Street Renton, WA 98056 (party of record) Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 (party of record) Updated: 10/26/11 (Page 1 of 1) • • . Stacy Tucker From: Gregg A. Zimmerman Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 9:07 AM To: Cc: Terry Higashiyama; Gerald Wasser; Alexander Pietsch; Mark Peterson Stacy Tucker; Jennifer T. Henning Subject: RE: ERC Consent Agenda & Amended ERC Report for Joey's Short Plat Jerry, I also concur with the staff recommendation. Gregg Gregg Zimmerman, P.E., Administrator Renton Public Works Department .... __ ._---_._-_. From: Gerald Wasser Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 4:33 PM To: Gregg A. Zimmerman; Alexander Pietsch; Mark Peterson; Terry Higashiyama Cc: Stacy Tucker; Jennifer T. Henning Subject: FW: ERC Consent Agenda & Amended ERC Report for Joey's Short Plat Stacy's email below erroneously states that a signature sheet will be routed for this ERC agenda item. However, a signature sheet will not be routed and we just need your emailed concurrence on Monday, October 24, 2011. If you are unable to send the concurrence please have your alternate do so. The concurrence emails should be sent to me; I will then copy them and place them in the permanent file. Thank you very much. Jerry Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City cif Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7382 FAX (425) 430-7300 gwasser@rentonwa.gov From: Stacy Tucker Sent: Thursday, October 20,20114:19 PM To: Gerald Wasser Subject: FW: ERC Consent Agenda & Amended ERC Report for Joey's Short Plat cf'ltae.g.. 1k. :TlLcAcft, "P~ cf'~'r..ff City of Renton I CEO I Planning Division 1055 S Grady Way 16th Floor I Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425.430.7282 I Fax: 425.430.7300 I stucker@rentonwa.gov 1 DEPARTMENT OF COMMU~ AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AMENDED ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT AND ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REPORT & DECISION ERC MEETING DATE: Project Name: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: October 24, 2011 Joey's Short Plat Lorraine Taylor 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, VVA 98056 VVilford Hughes VV.H. Hughes Co. 14401lssaquah,VVA 98027 Same as applicant LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Gerald VVasser, Associate Planner Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 sJ. (Lot 1) and 18,965 sJ. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 stream, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 sJ.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. 2208 Jones Avenue NE 1,230 36,847 SF (0.85 acre) Proposed New. Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): Total Building Area GSF: N/A N/A 1,230S.F. Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M). Amended ERe & Short Plot Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community .nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PIA T ERC o.ministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Report of October 24, 2011 PROJECT LOCATION MAP I PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION I BACKGROUND A. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: Exhibit 8: Exhibit 9: Ex. 10: Ex. 11: Project file ("yellow file") Zoning Map, Sheet D4 Site Plan (received August 8, 2011) Landscape Plan Aerial Photo Letter from William O'Connor (received September 7, 2011) Email from Karen Walter, Muckleshoot Tribe (received September 21, 2011) Letter from Susan Rider (received September 9, 2011) Technical Memorandum from Otak, Inc. (dated October 14, 2011) Revised Critical Areas Review For Joey's Short Plat (dated August 4,2011) by Altmann Oliver Associates, LLC Geotechnical Infiltration Letter (dated July 26,2011) by GeoResources, LLC Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc Page 2 of 15 City of Renton Department of Community ECOI,omic Development ERe dm,'nistrotive Short Plat Report & Decision SHPL·A Report of October 24, 2011 B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: Lorraine Taylor 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton,VVA 98056 Page 3 of 15 2. Zoning Designation: Residential - 4 dwelling units per acre (R-4) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Residential Low Density (RLD) 4. Existing Site Use: Single Family Residence s. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: b. East: c. South: d. VVest: 6. Access: 7. Site Area: Single Family Residences (R-4 zaning) Single Family Residences and Vacant (R-4 zaning) Single Family Residences (R-4 zoning) Single Family Residences (R-4 zoning) Jones Avenue NE 36,8475.F. (0.85 acres) C. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Comprehensive Plan Annexation Kennydale Blueberry Farm CPA & Rezone D. PROJECT NARRATIVE: Land Use File No. N/A N/A LUA05-159 Ordinance No. 4924 1818 5265 Date 12/05/2001 03/09/1960 09/20/2005 The applicant is proposing a short plat for two single-family residential lots on a 36,847 square foot parcel in the Residential 4 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-4) zone (Exhibit 2). Proposed Lot 1 would have 17,882 square feet and proposed Lot 2 would have 18,965 square feet. The net density for the proposed project is 2.7.4 dwelling units per acre. An existing single family home and two sheds are located on the northwest portion of the site and are proposed to remain. The project site is primarily flat with less than a lO-foot change across the parcel from west to east. Soils on the property are described in the Geotechnical Infiltration letter, dated July 26, 2011, by GeoResources, LLC (Exhibit 11). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 stream, bisects the site from north to south and the majority of a wetland (Category 2 or 3) exists in the eastern portion of the property beyond Kennydale Creek and its buffer. Development of a new detached single family house on the site would take place outside the 35- foot stream buffer (Exhibit 3). Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11·066.doc City of Renton Department of Community _nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T ERC a,eministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUAll-D66, EeF, SHPL·A Report pf October 24, 2011 Page 4 of 15 Access to proposed Lot 1 would continue to be via an existing driveway from Jones Avenue NE; and access to proposed Lot 2 would be via a new driveway cut from Jones Avenue NE. E. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities a. Water: Water service would be provided by the City of Renton. There is an 8-inch water main in Jones Avenue NE. The existing home at 2208 Jones Avenue NE is served by a %-inch water meter connected to the water main in Jones Avenue NE. b. Sewer: Sewer service would be provided by the City of Renton. There is an 8-inch sewer main in Jones Avenue NE. The existing home at 2208 Jones avenue NE is connected to the sewer main. c. Surface/Storm Water: There are existing storm drainage facilities in Jones Avenue NE. Z. Streets: There are existing sidewalk, curb, and gutter along Jones Avenue NE. No further improvements are required. 3. Fire Protection: The City of Renton provides fire protection services to this area. I PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. ENVIRONMENTAL THRESHOLD RECOMMENDATION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS-M with a 14-day Appeal Period. B. MITIGATION MEASURES 1. The applicant shall install a split rail fence with appropriate signage along the westernmost 35-foot stream buffer boundary of Kennydale Creek. Such split rail fence and signage shall be installed prior to recording of the short plat. 2. A Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) shall be established between the western most 35- foot stream buffer boundary and the eastern property line. The NGPE shall be indicated on the short plat and a note describing the NGPE shall be placed on the face of the short plat. 3. The existing easternmost shed on Proposed Lot Ishall be removed or relocated outside of the NGPE prior to installation of the split rail fence. C. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS The Proposal was circuloted and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community .nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of October 24, 2011 ERe aaministrative Short Plat Report & Decision WAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Page 5 of 15 occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Stoff reviewers hove identified thot the proposol is likely to have the fallowing probable impacts: L Water a, Stream and Wetland Impacts: Kennydale Creek crosses the central portion of the subject property in a north/south orientation. Per RMC 4-3-050Q Kennydale Creek is a Class 4 stream in this vicinity. Class 4 streams require a minimum buffer area of 35 feet. To the east of Kennydale Creek is a wetland which is either a Category 2 or Category 3 Wetland. Category 2 wetlands require a buffer area of 50 feet and Category 3 wetlands require a buffer area of 25 feet. The applicant submitted a Revised Critical Areas Review (Exhibit 10) for Joey's Short Plat (File No. LUAll-066), 2208 Jones Ave. NE, Renton, WA (Parcel 334390- 3602), dated August 4, 2011, prepared by Altmann Oliver Associates, LLC. The Critical Areas Review states that Kennydale Creek on the project site is a Class 4 stream which appears to have been historically ditched. Vegetation along the stream banks is mowed to the edge of the channel and plant species within and adjacent to the channel at the time of the field investigation consisted almost entirely of reed canary grass. The Critical Areas Review also identifies a disturbed wetland in the northeastern portion of the site (Exhibit 3). The wetland consists of a shallow topographic depression that appears to extend off-site to the north. Vegetation within the wetland includes Pacific willow, Himalayan blackberry, reed canary grass, creeping buttercup, giant horsetail, Watson's willow-herb, watercress, and scattered skunk cabbage. Hydrology within the wetland was based on the presence of disturbed hydric soils. The Critical Areas Review also notes that the wetland is more than 15 feet from the eastern Ordinary High Water Mark of Kennydale Creek and the maximum required buffer for the wetland would be 50 feet, therefore, the stream buffer is more restrictive. The report notes that the 50-foot buffer shown on the plans is based on the unlikely possibility that the wetland is a Category 2, rather than a more likely Category 3 wetland which would require a 25-foot buffer. The Critical Areas Review concludes that because the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Priority Habitats and Species database does not indicate any priority habitats or species on or adjacent to the subject property and the fact that future development would take place outside the 35-foot stream buffer area, there would be no critical area impacts as result of the project. Three letters commenting on the classification of Kennydale Creek were received by staff. Two of the letters commented on a previous project in the vicinity and questioned the Class 4 stream designation of Kennydale Creek (Exhibits 6 and 8). Exhibit 8 also included attachments, one being a stream assessment survey on Kennydale Creek, prepared by Wild Fish Conservancy (dated September 23, 2009). The third letter was received from Karen Walter, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division (Exhibit 7), asking about the classification of Kennydale Creek and providing suggestions for buffer area enhancement. Staff responded to these letters and stated that this two-lot short plat does not affect the classification of the creek. Furthermore, the future development on the project site would occur outside of the 35-foot stream buffer. Therefore, there is no essential nexus for requiring buffer area enhancement. However, by requiring the NGPE and not allowing removal of vegetation without the express written permission of the City of Renton, the buffer area would be enhanced. However, based on concerns raised in the comment letters, and to evaluate the Wild Fish Conservancy stream assessment, the City requested an independent evaluation of Kennydale Creek at the subject location by Otak, Inc. Field work was conducted by Otak staff and a report was prepared (dated Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community enomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PIA T Report of October 24. 2011 ERC aeministrat;ve Short Plat Report & Decision WAll-066, EeF, SHPL-A Page 6 of 15 October 14, 2011 and contained herein as Exhibit 9). The report concludes that the portion of Kennydale Creek on the subject property meets the definition of a Class 4 stream. As the short plat would allow the for development of one additional detached single family home, and in order to prevent degradation of the onsite stream and wetland, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the applicant install a split-rail fence with appropriate sensitive area sign age along the western 35-foot stream buffer boundary. The split rail fence and signage would need to be installed prior to recording of the short plat. Also, in order to protect the creek, buffer and wetland area and buffer on the east portion of the site, staff recommends as a condition of approval that a Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) be established. This NGPE would include the site area from the westernmost 35-foot stream buffer boundary to the eastern property line. The NGPE would need to be indicated on the short plat and a note describing the NGPE shall be placed on the face of the short plat. In addition, to improve the function and value of the stream buffer, staff recommends that a shed that is presently located within the stream buffer (on Proposed Lot 1) be removed or relocated outside of the NGPE prior to installation of the split rail fence and before the short plat recording. Mitigation Measures: 1. The applicant shall install a split rail fence with appropriate signage along the westernmost 35-foot stream buffer boundary of Kennydale Creek. Such split rail fence and signage shall be installed prior to recording of the short plat. 2. A Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) shall be established between the western most 35- foot stream buffer boundary and the eastern property line. The NGPE shall be indicated on the short plat and a note describing the NGPE shall be placed on the face of the short plat. 3. The existing easternmost shed on Proposed Lot 1 shall be removed or relocated outside of the NGPE prior to installation of the split rail fence. Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; RMC 4-3-050E D. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or "Advisory Notes to Applicant." ,/ Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. PART THREE: ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REVIEW A. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts a. Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts b. Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table c. Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community .nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLAT ERe a.~inistrative Short Plot Report & Decision LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Report of October 24, 2011 d. Section 4-2-115: Residential Design and Open Space Standards 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts a. Section 4-3-050L: Streams and Lakes b. Section 40-3-050M: Wetlands 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards a. Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards a. Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 5. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations a. Section 4-7-070: Detailed Procedures for Short Subdivisions Page 7 of 15 b. Section 4-7-120: Compatibility with EXisting Land Use and Plan -General Requirements and Minimum Standards c. Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots -General Requirements and Minimum Standards d. Section 4-7-130: Environmental Consideration -General Requirements and Minimum Standards 6. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria 7. Chapter 11 Definitions B. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element: Residential Policies 2. Community Design Element: Established Residential Neighborhoods 3. Environmental Element Critical Areas C. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. Project Description/Background See Project Narrative, above. 2. Environmental Review Except when located on lands covered by water or sensitive areas, short plats are exempt from SEPA Environmental Review pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(6)(a). Since this site contains both Kennydale Creek and a wetland, SEPA Environmental Review is required. 3. Compliance with ERC Conditions See Mitigation Measures in Part 2 B, above. 4. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc -----------~-------- City 0/ Renton Department 0/ Community anomie Development JOEY'S SHORT PLAT Report of October 24, 2011 ERC o.ministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Page 8 of 15 officia I file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report. 5, Consistency with Short Plat Criteria Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision-makers in the review of the plat: aJ Compliance with the Comprehensive Designation The site is designated Residential Low Density (RLD) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Lands in the RLD designation are intended to guide development on land appropriate for a range of low intensity residential where land is either constrained by sensitive areas or where the City has the opportunity to add larger-lot housing stock, at urban densities of 4 du/net acre, to its inventory. Lands that either do not have significant sensitive areas, or can be adequately protected by the critical areas ordinance, are zoned R-4. The proposal is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan Land Use, Community Design and Environmental Element objectives and policies. Policy LU-1S7 _ Within the Residential 4 dulac zoned area a maximum density of 4 units per acre is allowed to encourage larger lot development and increase the supply of upper income housing consistent with the City's Housing Element. Policy Objective Met o Not Met Policy CO-12. Infill development, defined as new short plats of nine or fewer lots, should be encouraged in order to add voriety, updated housing stock, and new vitolity to neighborhoods. Policy Objective Met o Not Met Objective EN-A, Protect and enhance water quality of sUrface water resources including the City's lakes, rivers, major and minor creeks, and intermittent stream courses. Policy Objective Met o Not Met Objective EN-B. Preserve and protect wetlands for overall system functioning. Policy Objective Met o Not Met bJ Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation The subject site is designated R-4 on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development would allow for the future construction of one new single-family dwelling unit. Density: There is no minimum density in the R-4 zone and the maximum density is 4 units per acre. The area of the criticai areas (wetland and stream) onsite (5,150 square feet) is deducted from the gross square footage ofthe site. Therefore, the net square footage would be 31,627 square feet (0.73 acre). The net density for the two proposed lots would be 2.74 dwelling units per net acre which falls within the permitted density range for the R-4 zone. Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community _nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLAT Report of October 24, 2011 ERC aaministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUAl1-066, ECF, SHPL-A Page 9 of 15 Lot Dimensions: As demonstrated in the table below, all lots meet the requirements for minimum lot size, depth, and width. As Proeosed Lot Size Width Deeth 8,000 SF minimum 70 feet required 80 feet required Lotl 17,882 SF 70 feet 255 feet Lot 2 18,965 SF 74 feet 255 feet Setbacks: The required setbacks in the R-4 zone are as follows: front yard is 30 feet; interior side yard is 5 feet; and the rear yard is 25 feet. The proposed lots are oriented so that the front yards of both lots face west. The proposed lots appear to contain adequate area to provide all the required setbacks. Building Standards: The R-4 zone permits one residential structure per lot. Each of the proposed lots would support one detached unit. Accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. Building height in the R-4 zone is limited to 30 feet for primary structures and 15 feet for detached accessory structures. The allowed building lot coverage for lots over 5,000 square feet in size in the R-4 zone is 35 percent or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater. Impervious surface area coverage may be a maximum of 55 percent. The existing house on proposed Lot 1 complies with these standards and the building standards for proposed Lot 2 would be verified at the time of building permit review. c) Community Assets The site (outside of the wetland area) is vegetated primarily with lawn. There are 7 trees on the project site (2 cedars and 5 alders) all of which would be retained. In addition to the trees, the site also contains Pacific willow, Himalayan blackberry, reed canary grass, creeping buttercup, giant horsetail, Watson's willow-herb, watercress, and scattered skunk cabbage. The applicant would be required to plant two ornamental trees, a minimum caliper of 1 Yz inches (deciduous) or 6 - 8 feet in height (conifer), within the 30-foot front yard setback area for the proposed lots (Exhibit 4). The submitted landscape plan indicates that two 1 Yz-inch caliper flowering cherry trees would be planted in the front yard of each lot. Existing landscaping may be used to augment the required landscaping. In order to protect the onsite stream and wetland, staff has recommended mitigation measures which are discussed in Part Two of this report. d) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations Streets: There is existing Sidewalk, curb, and gutter fronting the project site along Jones Avenue NE. No additional street improvements are required. The proposal would result in an increase in traffic trips to the City's street system. The new residence is expected to generate 9.57 trips at a rate of $75.00 per additional average daily vehicle trip; credit is given for the existing Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community .0miC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of October 24, 2011 ERC aeministrat;ve Short Plat Report & Decision LUAJ1-066, ECF, SHPL-A Page 10 of 15 residence on the subject property. The Transportation Mitigation Fee is estimated to be $717.75 (1 new lot x 9.57 trips x $75.00 = $717.75) and would be payable priorto recording the short plat. Therefore, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant pay a Transportation Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $717.75, prior to recording the short plat. Blocks: No new blocks would be created as part of the proposed short plat. Lots: The shape, orientation, and arrangement of the proposed lots comply with the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations and the Development Standards of the R-4 zone. Proposed Lots 1 and 2 would be rectangular in shape. Access to both lots would be via Jones Avenue NE. Both lots meet the requirements for minimum lot size, depth, and width as demonstrated in the table above. The lots are oriented to the west; the front yards would be along Jones Avenue NE. Lot 1 contains an existing house to be retained and Lot 2 appears to have sufficient,building area for the development of a detached single-family residence provided the applicant complies with the conditions of approval. e) Reasonobleness of Proposed Boundaries Access: Access to both lots would be via Jones Avenue NE. Topography: The site is primarily flat. Relationship to Existing Uses: All properties surrounding the subject site are designated R-4 on the City's Zoning Map. The proposal is similar to existing development patterns in the area and is compatible with that development. In addition, the proposed development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code. f) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicates that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to Code required improvements and fees. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that a Fire Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $488.00, be paid prior to recording the short plat. Schools: According to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the City of Renton Land Use Element (January 16, 1992), the City of Renton has a student generation factor of 0.44 students per single-family residential dwelling. Based on the student generation factor, the proposed short plat would result in 0.44 additional students (0.44 X 1 new lot = 0.44) to the Renton School District. The Renton School District Impact Fee is currently $6,310.00 per each new single-family unit and is payable prior to the issuance of building permits. It is anticipated that the Renton School District can accommodate any additional students generated by this project at Kennydale Elementary School, McKnight Middle School, and Hazen High School. Parks: There would be no anticipated impacts to parks. Storm Water: The project will comply with Appendix C of the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual and the City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWDM, Chapters 1 and 2. Based on the City'S flow control map, this site falls within the Flow Control Duration Standard, Forested Conditions. Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community anomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PIA T Report of October 24, 2011 ERC aAministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Page 11 of 15 Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: The site is served by the City of Renton water and sewer services. All plats are required by City Code to provide one hydrant within 300 feet of any proposed single-family structure. In addition, separate water service is required to be provided to each building lot prior to recording the plat. All short plats shall provide a separate side sewer to each building lot prior to recording. D. FINDINGS: Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1. Request: The applicant is requesting an Administrative Short Plat approval for the subdivision of one parcel (36,847 square feet) into two lots for the future construction of one single-family residence on Lot 2. The existing single-family residence on Lot 1 would remain. 2. Application: The applicant's short plat application complies with the requirements for information for short plat review. The applicant's short plat plan and other project drawings are contained within the official land use file (Exhibits 2 -5). 3. Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is designated ReSidential Low Density (RLD) in the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Zoning: The proposal is zoned R-4. 5. Subdivision Regulations: The proposal is subject to the requirements established by the City's Subdivision Regulations. 6_ Existing Land Uses: Single-family residences in R-4 zoning surround the project site to the north, south, east, and west. 7. System Development Charges: Water System Development Charges and Sewer System Development Charges, at the current rates, will be required for each new single-family residence as part ofthe construction permit. 8_ Public Utilities: The applicant will be required to install individual sewer and water stubs to serve the new lot. E. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the Residential Low Density comprehensive plan designation and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation. 2. The subject site is located in the R-4 zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval. 3. The proposed Joey's Short Plat complies with the subdivision regulations as established by City Code and state law provided all advisory notes and conditions are complied with. 4. The proposed Joey's Short Plat complies with the street standards as established by City Code, provided the project complies with all advisory notes and conditions of approval contained herein. 5. Staff recommends measures to protect the onsite stream and wetland. F_ DECISION: Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 1l-066.doc ------------------------------------------------ City of Renton Department of Community anomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of October 24, 2011 .onmental Review Committee Report WAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Page 12 of 15 The Joey's Short Plat, File No. LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A, is approved and is subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the environmental mitigation measures specified for Joey's Short Plat, LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A as adopted in the Environmental Threshold Determination. 2. The applicant shall pay a Transportation Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $717.75, prior to recording the short plat. 3. The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $488.00, prior to recording the short plat. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: c.E. "Chip" Vincent, Planning Director Planning Division /012-1/,1 , I ' Date TRANSMITTED this 24th day of Octoberr, 2011 to the Contoct/Applicant/Owner!s): Contact/Applicant: Wilford Hughes 14401 Issaquah Hobart Road Issaquah, WA 98027 Owner: Lorraine Taylor 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 TRANSMITTED this 24th day of October, 2011 to the Porty!ies) of Record: Jean Stearns 2216 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 William O'Connor 921 S Washington Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Fritz Brendemihi 1203 N 38th Street Renton, WA 9056 Karen Walter Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 39015172,d Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 TRANSMITTED this 24th day of October, 2011 to the following: Neil Watts, Development Services Director Larry Meckling, Building Official Kayren Kittrick, Development Services Jan Conklin, Development Services Carrie Olson, Development Services Amended ERC & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc Deanna Dobak 1700 NE 20'h Street Renton, WA 98056 Susan Rider 1835 NE 20'h Street Renton, WA 98056 ------------------------------- City of Renton Department of Community .nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of October 24, 2011 Fire Marshal Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Renton Reporter ERC a.ministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUAll-066, EeF, SHPL-A Page 13 of 15 G. LAND USE ACTION APPEALS, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION, & EXPIRATION The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the decision date. APPEAL: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on November 7, 2011. An appeal of the decision(s} must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680}. Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110.B governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee to Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, lOSS South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall- 7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. EXPIRATION: The Administrative Short Plat decision will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A single one (1) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-7-070.M. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. Planning: 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 2. The applicant will be required to comply with protection measures for retained trees as set forth in RMC 4-4-130H8. 3. The applicant will be required to comply with Environmental Regulations concerning Native Growth Protection Areas, streams, and wetlands contained in RMC 4-3-050. 4. Language for the NGPE is: "The Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) identifies the stream, wetland and buffer areas. The creation of the Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) conveys to Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of October 24, 2011 Development ERC fmi,nistrati've ~;ho,rtPlat Report & Decision SHPL-A Page 14 of 15 the public a beneficial interest in the land within the easement area. This interest shall be far the purpose of preserving native vegetation for the control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slape stability, visual imd aurol buffering, and protectian af plant and animal habitat. The Native Growth Protection Easement imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the easement area enforceable on behalf of the public by the City of Renton, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the easement area. The vegetation within the NGPE may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without express written permission from the City of Renton. The right of entry granted herein shall apply to the agents, representatives and employees of the owners or subsequent owners of the underlying property. H 5. The Renton School District Impact Fee is currently $6,310.00 and is payable prior to issuance of building permits for Lot 2. Plan Review -Water: 1. The project will need to provide domestic service, and fire service to serve the proposed development. 2. Per the City Fire Marshal, the preliminary fire flow requirement for a single family home is 1,000 gpm minimum for dwellings up to 3,600 square feet (including garage and basements). If the dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, a minimum of 1,500 gpm fire flow would be required. A minimum of one fire hydrant is required within 300-feet of the proposed buildings and two hydrants ifthe fire flow goes up to 1,500 gpm. Lateral spacing of fire hydrants is predicated on hydrants being located at street intersections. 3. The fee for a Yo-inch water meter installed by the City is $2,260.00. Plan Review -Surface Water: 1. The Surface Water System Development fee is $1,012.00 per new lot. 2. Small project drainage review is required for any single-family residential project that will result in 2,000 square feet or more of new impervious surface, replaced impervious surface, new plus replaced impervious surface, or 7,000 square feet of land disturbing activity. If the project exceeds anyone of these thresholds, a drainage plan and drainage report will; be required with the site plan application. The report shall comply with Appendix C of the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual and the City of Renton amendments to the KCSWM, Chapters 1 and 2. Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls with ion the Flow Control Duration Standard, Forested Conditions. 3. A geotechnical report for the site is required. Information on the water table and soil permeability, with recommendations of appropriate flow control BMP options with typical designs for the site from the geotechnical engineer, shall be submitted with the building permit application. Plan Review -Sewer: 1. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges are based on the size of the domestic water meter. These fees are collected at the time a construction permit is issued. The sewer fee for a Yo-inch water meter is $1,591.00 Plan Review -Transportation: 1. Traffic mitigation fees will apply. Traffic mitigation fees of $717.75 will be required prior to recording of the short plat as a condition of the plat. 2. The maximum driveway width for a single loaded garage is 9 feet and 16 feet for a double loaded garage. Plan Review -Fire: 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. Available fire low is limited to 1,250 gpm. 2. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 3. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. Amended ERC & Short Plat Report 1l-066.doc City of Renton Department oj Community JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of October 24, 2011 Property Services: Development Please see attached for memo from Property Services, Amended ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc ERe iminisl1rn"ivpShort Plat Report & Decision SHPL-A Page 15 of 15 C4 -32 T24N R5E E 112 L, ZONING MAP BOOK . E4 -08 T23N RSE E 112 PW TSCH~UCA.l SERVICES ~ PRIN'lto ON ll/l3/D9 V --~-­_ .. _---_ .. ... _-_ ... ' ....... ---,,_ ... ""'..,..,._ ..... ~--!1"f) -~~m.:-'\ -..... -t>~_ -~~ .,. J ;.!::UJ IYJll :SJl o 200 400 N iF .. , 1:4,800 EXHIBIT 2 R-8 05 T23N RSE.E 112 53()5 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT RENTON. WASHINGTON DEClARATION Of COVENANT IIlE ~rns or lAND [IolBIlACfJl 'IUflN lHl!; ~ORI I'L ..... tl IIETIflH fOR l\£ Booms TO ACCInJE FROW lifS SlIOOJ\llSlON. BY SlCHHC HERE(JI CO">Ul'NU ANtI IICllff TO C(tIYEY 11£ I![N[FlClII.L IHltR£ST IN 11-£ HEW E"2:IolENlS !HffIN OM m Sl-lrRl fUlT TO ANY AHU !d.L HlTURl PURCHASERS (f" lH£ lOlS, OR iT ~T SUBOlVlSlQNS THEREOf". TKS COY!:HAHI SH,I,ll mm .tH 1<1( LAND "5 SHOMO ON TIllS SHORT I'\.I\T. OWNER'S OEa..ARA nON KNOW /U ~IPI..E ElY ~~m~ IHJ[RSIGID ONOS ~~&f~ rtfl.N!['lIIS IlAf' 'iij~mr~" ~~snK.J: ~~..:tT"mk~~ Wt:~1N IN WlTHESS I'M£REOF WE SE'T OUR HANUS AND SEAlS. LORRAINE T ... YlOR ACKNOWL...EOGMENTS n./t" ... _ .... ) _.'--_a ",~JFr'_rut N:I--.JAYtIf' ___ ...... ~ __ II(. ... ...-... ~ .. r~~~~,=" ..... s_"'_""-;;~,,_,, .... _IF ___ ,., ... IN<'...,.----... -noa-_ .... '-_ ..... _1OOS1fr ___ &IlHI'''_IUIIJUT __ "' o .. Bi ="::.:.:O'''"'_=~=~C---::.,. .... _-- ~r __ '~ .. ,. smm V SITE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ It NE 20lH STIl:EtT i!i ; NE 16TH SiR£ET VICINITY MAP RECORDER'S CtRTIFICATENo. riled for record Ihls_doy 01 ___ .:70 __ al: in book ___ ot __ ot poge __ 01 the request 01 Don M Jpl'mg ~-SupC of Records APPROVALS' CITY or RENTON Admlnlolrator 01 c."""""lty ... ~ [...., .... 10 D.ooI_",,1 E .. mmd o.d _ ..... Ihlo _ 010,01 10_ -- my Of RtHlOH MON pJ4 INTrnSEC"llON JONES AYE HE 01< NE 24th smUT, FtlO 1/8-BR PlN IN cOOOlrn MON IN CASE (06/04) ~N .. fA111.~11I71 DEPARTMENT or ASSESSMENTS RECORDING 1>10. VOL./PAGE [""",h.d .... ~ OIPPr • .u W. ~ <lor .f 20_ SCALE: ~ _ .: .\" ':' -'r ~." ..... . - SC/U 1-. XI" JJn90 :.ooe02 PORTION or 0_11 ~ .... _ ......... 1_ SW 1/4 OF TJ:IE NE 1/4 OF SEC 5, TWN ZJ N, RG 5 L W.M. AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CRE"TED H£REIN FAIl. wmtH ZONE 2 or Rnll!l<S "0U'IF11I I'fIOTECllO' AREA .vm ARE SUBLCT 10 M REOJllIDIENTS or THE: arr or RENTON OOOI-I.I.HCE '~167 AN!) ~ AIoIENIlED BY ORtllH.t.tICE NO. 47411. 1HIS errs stU: SOORct Of DRINKING "'AlUI IS stf'I'\JtD FROM ... SH.u.LOW ADUIFER UNDER THE ClrfS SURfACE. lHrn£ 15 NO N,t,'lIJRA!. BARRtrn llfTllUH M WATER T.o.Bl( AHO GRWNtI SURFAce:. EKTREME CARE SHOUUl B'E EXEflClSED WHEN H.t.NtlUNG ANY lIWD SUBSTANce: OtHER lH.t.N WAm 10 PROl[C1" rn~ CONTACl WITH lHE: GRC\JNO Sl/RfAcr:. IT IS lH£ H~EO'M-lERS RESPOMSIBlUTY TO PROT<:CT "!liE ClTY"s DRINKING WATER. it LUA-XX-XXX-SHPL LNO-XX-XXXX SURVEY NOTES lNSTRUMElU TOPCOH GPT JDOO"If TOTAL srA1JQ-.I IoIETllOO USID: FlEI..D mA\lERSE WllH ACTUAL FlEI..D MEASI.IREMOm; AND ANGlES WAC JJ2-1JO-Olm DAlE Of SURYE:Y: .lilY 2011 BASIS OF" BEARING: JONES .&.VE "IE (00'33'23" E) LEGAL DESCRIPTION ----. ~ ~~1l7;~;~J2~~~EE:r+~ ..... I S' r\}rfl lHE StllTH HAlf iT "TRACT 294. CD HItlJ,lI\NS lAKE WASflNG1Cll GARDEN OF EDEH DMSKII NO 4, Ac:c:oRDWC TO lI£ P\.AT THEREOf RECORDED IN \la..WE 11 or PlATS, p.&.a:. az, RECCJ!(lS OF" kING COtnHY, WASIINGlUN. w Z ~ « til W Z o ~ ..... FOIINfl 1/2" REAAI! ..t CAl' LSI 17659 2.0 OffSET (7/2011) t~ : iii :'" ,"'- .. 2!>0.J)" u 24i!1.I0·-12-W fENCE SOUTH UN[ OF" m"'CT 29~ (KCEYT n£ NORlH 150 FEET "THEREOF; 5I1\lATr IN M cruHTY or Ole, STA,1t or WAstCNeTON. /=--,{BJ~ ENGINEER / SURVEYOR ll)lJhfA ENGINEERS 01< L.t.ND SURVEYORS 6532 S 1&101 PLA,CE SVI1t: E -102 KENT, WASHING10N 90012 OWNER LORRAINE TAYlOR 2.20S JONES AVE Nt rOl..Ml !" IRCH R[}llllN. YfA 9805B f'IP{ (7/2{(I1) 425-4«-J367 SHORT PLAT DATA lUT,t,\. SHORT PlAT AREA, J.6,1!I~7 511- NlNBER OF" lOTS PRoPOSED _ 2 CURRENT ZONINO - R 4 DENSITY PERhIlllED -~ tlNns PER , DENSITY -2.36 OU/ACRE an' or IIDfION UON 1I!)9 S B!li0'2";-WIJ2~7~E 20th STR~y INl£RSECTION JONES AYE HE k IHTERSECTION -'BERtIEEN ,,\1£ tf[ .!! HE ZDth STREET, FND PIN ... NE 20\10 S1RU1. om PIN IN orr or ROITOH !dON ,369 165:1:" or INltRs£cnQN EfiIlNIEi~ .I: NE 20th SlRE[T. FND J"BRASS UON W f\lHCH MARK N CONCRElE MON IN CAst (07/2011) 1<1_16I1,0Il2.0J3 E_r.J06.2f S.JD8 C .. ~ PROP~SQU'&'RE rOOTAG£: or THE 1". : .. , Pj C 7JIII!rIQ\ -n:'--. '1 '.~. 2."'.r lB:965.ICI.lfl~~_I. Planning r;;v;,.;on AUG -8 lUll w " • COHCRnt UON .., CASE (07/2011) COICRflE WON ... CASE (01/2011) H_ 186,077.739 E"'l,JOJ.56:'2.l7 U .. 2711.17 LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This mop correclly represents 0 survey mode by me or under my dirllction j" .. on/ormonee .... ilh Ihe ·requirements of the Sur~y Re.:ording Act ot Ihe requesl of Lorroin!! 10ylor in ply 2011 . ----------c:e~iifif:;t;_No. J899i' r~~;.J;~~ ~ it' \>-~$ ,~~ 11ft TOUMA ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS.PLLC TRI<Ri5((JIlp,(j)N~i0trJ 2208 ~1~ ~ Nfl RENTON. WA 98058 v.£ST VA,u.rY EXECUTIVE P.o.RI< (lVIW. fir OAT{ JOB NO. ~ c > LUI SOIfTH 11151 I'l~c[' SUITt [-II);! .I<DfT, "A 18Pl1 DAN 1. AllY 1(111 515-245-011 _ ('~) l"-ot~ floJ. l'~) 25'_D6~ r"~;:;;;,~ .•• "'.----t;;~,,.~,,;-----t;~;;'",;C,--'-----l ""' l"_Jl'· . 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' ! ~ ___________________________ -1-__________________ . -----------~ --255.14' S8C3° 13'58" W • ~ ::t t-I ~ :t ~ • N LA~.nSLA~i~5'fF'~'LAJ PIa.llnltlCl Division pIn -334390-3602 2208 Jones Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 AUG -3 Zul1 ',h) IcC' '0,",',"e I"',il r,C"; [2)) 1'1) ,-'\\".ICI:'-" 1,-' , [ . '=1 .j __ .1. V .. S 378.1 City of Renton, W8lhlngton This map is a user generated ltatlc output from an Inlemet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that eppear on thra map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwlle rellabht. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Lakes and Rivers Water Courses Parcels Street Names Rights of Way Streets Roads Jurisdictions Belle". Des Mones , ... < • .., .... """ c:o.ny Meroer Island "'"""',. RENTON SeaTac SeetlJe T ...... Aerial (March 2J • R.ecI: BantU • Green: eancL: • Blue: BancC3 1: 2.269 @8.S"x11" Notes Enter Map De&eripUon ~ ~ 1-1 c:J ~ U1 • o • '''0· Cit'j of Ren tv . . on P' ning D,V'SI \3\i\ \ LUIr i/.-o6/, f(P SflPL-A EXHIBIT 6 Denis laW:. ' C' ' 'f Mayor eee I"i "lty 0 '. ',," -~~~~JS·'~]]WJl , ' ' September 21, 2011 Department of Community and Economic Development:' WilJiam E. O'Connor 921 South Washington Street Port Arigeles, WA 98362 , , " Alex Pietsch, Administrator . SUBJECT: "JOEY'S SHORTPLAT, LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A ' Dear Mr. O'Connor: Thank you for your letter regarding JoeY's Short Plat, LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL~A that we received on Septeinber?, 2011. Your comments have been added to the file' for the decisiDn-makert~ c:~nside~. ,Your commentsa~emuch appreciated. lri your letter you stated that you were certai~ ,that Susan Rider would be contacting me regarding this matter. In fact, Ms. Rider did conta~t me by mail and provided backgro~nd and history, including somesupplem~ntal ,'materials regarding Kennydale Creek. This project is for the subdivision of land to create, (:one additional lot in the Residential-4 dwelling units per acre (R-4) zone. The classification of Kenny dale Creek is not at issu'e. The project would maintain the ,minimum 35-foot buffer area required fora Class 4 stream., ' " I will include you as a Party of Record for JoeVs Short Plat, LUAl1c066,ECF, SHPL-A.. ,. ..., You, may contact me at (425) 4~0-738.Zor gwasser@rentonwa.gov. ?d7;:/ :/fi/\ " G',~~ . A~sociate'PI~lnn.er Renton City Hall • '055 South Grady Way'. Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa·9 0v ---------------------------------------------------------------- ~G.e.r~a~ld~vv~a~s~s~e~r----------~ .. :-------------------------4It From: Sent: To: Karen Walter [KWalter@muckleshoot.nsn.us] Wednesday, September 07, 201111:14AM Gerald Wasser EXHIBIT 7 Subject: Joey's Short Plat, LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A, Notice of Application and Proposed Determination of Non-Significance, Mitigated Jerry, The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division has reviewed the Notice of Application materials for the above referenced project. We have a question and initial comment about this project as noted below: 1. Per the Critical Areas Review for this site (Altmann Oliver Associates Aug 2011), Kennydale Creek through this site is considered-a Class 4 stream by Renton.· What is the basis for this classification? According to the surveyors configuration of the stream and wetland onsite, the stream is 10 feet wide. If the stream is this wide, then it suggests that the stream is capable of supporting salmon. Please provide the data that Renton has to support the classification of Kennydale Creek at this location. 2. The Critical Areas Review also notes that the stream is currently ditched and mowed to the edge of the channel. As part of the short plat, the stream buffer should be enhanced with native trees and shrubs to improve habitat and water quality and shade out the existing reed canarygrass. We appreciate the opportunity to review this proposal and look forward to the City's responses. We may have comments subsequently. Thank you, Karen Walter Watersheds and Land Use Team Leader Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 39015172"" Ave SE Auburn, WA 98092 253-876-3116 1 Denis Law· _. C· r Mayor , •. . d,t ~tyftlbYMJ.-~,--.::...~~ ... : t.,!, ~r! 'il£I(-\ rr<l .. , .~;--~, .. ~~ ,-. -'-:.'~~ , September 21, ·2011 D~partment 6f Community and Economic Development . .. .. : Ajex Pietsch, Administrator . Kaferi Walter Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 3901S 172pd Aven~e SE . Auburn,WA .98092 SUBJECT: JOEY'S SHORT PLAT,LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Dear Ms. Walter:' Thank youJor. your email of September 7, 20ii regarding Joey's Short Plat, LUAll~066, ECF, SHPL,A. In that email you ask what the basis is for classifying KennyOale.Creek ".5 a Class 4 Stream in this area and you provide 'suggestionsfor stream buffer enhancement. '.. .' . ' . ". '.' . Henton Municipal Code (RMC)4-HSOQ Figure 4-3-0S0Q4 icopyatta~hed) identifies . KennydaleCreekasa (las54 stream in this ViCinity'. RMC 4+050i..1:a.iv,identifi!'s Class· . 4 waters as non-salmonid-bearingdu~ing years of normal rainfall. A check dam on ' Lower Kennydale Creek would likely render th estre am courseinipassable to salmon .. The project is to subdivide the ~xistirig p~~cel which would create~ne additibnallot. B~thlots wouid be oriented ea5tlwestand KennydaleCre~k wo~id remai~uhtouched. ··ihe buffer for Class 4 ~tr~ams is a minim~m of 35 feet. The~ppl(cant is proposing to maintain that buffer and staffwill recommend that asplitr~iI fehce be installed alo'ng the buffer boundarY. Because the 3S~foot buffer area will be maintained,there is'rio essential nexus tOTequire.buffer enhancement. I trust that your concerns have been addressed i~ this letter. Please contact meat (4iS) 430-7382 or gwass,er@ren·tohwa.govifYou have any CjUestio~s .. . ... ' .• ~~ .... Gerald C. Wasser . Associate. Planner Attachment f3.enton dty .. HaH • 105:5 South ~rady Way -Renton, Washington 9B057 •. rentonwa.gov Figure 4-3-050Q4 STREAMS AND LAKES • Cotntmmity & Eoooomic Dev¢l<>p"""'t A!ca~~1oc ~S~~ . A«L.u",~~~ ~~~-u..-~d-~iq.k~.t-""' ....... _ "" __ ...... _~~"""""i""lr~"'~ ft:I_"'~--"""F""">= • Water Classes r.·': ::q City-Umit:> ---':"·\'~'at:p~Ctas .. r ............. \1lh1~ Clols,s.3 r i PA.~ ~1 ........ -~.~~t~Cl::ls5 L =. V~·CJa~ '" ~ CulYert IT) >. CityO~ »> > » S>'( > > ~. U~~~t ~~lID ~~~-' > >,.~~~ •.. __ .. > !iN .---------- , - lITY OF RENTON • EXHIBITS- ",{).I\,\ L--{~\ f"" SEP 092011 \\<~ d.J~-~ Mr. Gerald Wasser-RECENED cm CLERK'S OFFICE Shocking-but not surprising-would best .describe . our neighborhood's reaction to the belated posting for the proposed Joey's short plat~ In spite of our submitting hundreds of photos and letters, testimony from many longtime area residents, letters from both the Washington State Departinent of Ecology and the Washington Department of Fish and Game agencies, and a stream study conducted by the Wild Fish COilServancy organization-which has been in the City's possession since 2008-the plat application. is referring to Kennydale Creek as a class" intermittent stream. We have provided incontrovertible proof that this creek NEVER dries up, even in the most protracted dry weather at the end of summer (see enclosed photos, taken today) and we find it indefensible that the City continues to maintain the fiction tbat this creek is anything less than a Class 3. The _ classification should have been upgraded years ago, especially after we had. hand-delivered the Wild Fish Conservancy study to Chip VlDcent in December of 2008. Although we had submitted all of our documentation prior to the change in the City's process to upgrade the stream classification, we still met the criteria . established in 2009. • 2006- Letter from Larry Fisher, Habitat Biologist for • Washington Department of Fish and Game . requesting classification be upgraded, due to the presence of crayfish and other unidentified fish in the creek. 2008 .. Stream study from Wild Fish Conservancy, accepted by City of Renton Administrator Chip Vincent We note that in spite of the re~classification of both Honey and Maplewood Creeks, the City has failed in its' stated goals of preserving and protecting our critical areas where it concerns Kennydale Creek. We are·urging.you to rectify this situation immediately to prevent the costly appeals and litigation we would all prefer to avoid. We are enclosing a number of supporting documents to help you determine the facts of this case, and we have many more boxes of documents available if you should need them. Thank you for your prompt consideration of this matter. Sincerely, Susan Rider Kennydale Critical Areas Alliance 1835 NE 20th St Renton, WA (425)228-8711 • • State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE Region 4 Office: 16018 'MiliCreek Boulevard -Mill Creek, Washington 98012 -(425) 775-1311 , October 12, 2006 Erika Conkling, Senior Planner City of Renton Economic Development Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Ms .• '::onkling: SUBJECT: Proposed Detennin~tion of Non-significance; Kennydale Blueberry Farm Rezone, File Number CPA 2006-M-02, Kennydale Creek and Its Associated Wetlands, Tributary to Lake Washington '\ ')' The Washington Department ofFish and Wildlife (WDFW) has reviewed the above-referenced Proposed Determination of Non-significance, and offers the following comments at this time. Other comments may be offered if the project progresses. A Hydraulic Project Approval (HP A; RCW 77.55.0211WAC 220-110; to be issued by WDFW) would be required for activity affecting the natural bed or flow of the stream or its associated wetlands. The stream on the property is the upper end of Kennydale Creek and should be classified at least as a claSs 2 perennial stream. It supports crayfish and other unidentified fish species. The wetlands are a rare peat soil based system of very high value, especially if restored and given adequate buffering. WDFW believes it is imperative to preserve and protect these wetlands, as directed by the Growth Management Act (GMA), and it would be contradictory to the GMA to rezone this property and allow dense residential development, particularly witho\It a carefully planned and implemented mitigation plan. Deveiopment of the property without such a plan W9uld result in disruption of the natural drainage and the degradation of the quality of the stream and wetland system. WDFW also notes the buffers widths being considered are inadequate to protect this very sensitive system. Furthermore, WDFW believes it would be premature to evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed rezone without a proper wetland delineation and a full biological evaluation. The SEP A checklist is lacking key information concerning fish and wildlife use of the site and the ' area near the site. A variety of wildlife species (including great blue herons, osprey, piieated woodpeckers, deer, ducks; and shorebirds) have been observed using this area for habitat, but Ms. Conkling October 12, 2006 Page 2 • • that is not mentioned in the SEPA checklist. Nor does the checklist even mention the existence of the wetland. As it is, there is no scientific basis by which to evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed rezone on the wetland or stream system or th'e fishlife and wildlife which llse it for habitat. This proposal should not proceed without further study and a plan to restore the wetland and its buffers: WDFW appreciates the cooperation of the City of Renton in our efforts to preserve, protect, perpetuate, and manage the fish and wildlife resources of the state of Washlngton. Thank you for the opportunity to provide these co=ents. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 649-7042 or fisheldf@dfw.wa,gov. Sincerely, ~~:<>I Larry Fisher Area Habitat Biologist LF:lf:CORBlueberryFann.s.doc cc:WDFW SEPA Coordinator l • • STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY NoNI,west Regional Office. 3190 16r/' Ave!!ue SE. Bellevue, Washingto,,' 98008-5452. (425) 649-7000 October 16, 2006 Ms. Erika Conkling, Senior Planner City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way . Renton, WA 98055 Dear Ms Conkling: RE: Comments on SEPA DNS for Kennydale Blueberry Farm Rezone, LUA05-159 Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed DNS dated October 2, 2006, for a rezone of the Kennydale Blueberry Farm property from Resource Conservation (RC) to R-4. The Department of Ecology believes that the proposed rezone will pose a significant risk of adverse impacts to wetlands on this property, and to the beneficial functions that the wetlands provide to the watershed .. The DNS does not adequately evaluate this risk. . The SEP A checklist attached to the DNS notes that the lower two-thirds of the parcel is covered by 1 to 5 feet of "soft peat" The Soil Survey of King County Area (Snyderet al. 1973) maps this soil as Shalcar muck, a hydric (wetland) soil. Evidence indicates that the site holds a large remnant of an important wetland system maintained by shallow groundwater and by a spring that flows out of the adjoining greenbelt on the east. As the SEPA checklist notes, the surface water from this spring flows north via a ditch just inside the parcel's eastern border and ultimately through Kennydale to Lake Washington. A "Special Focus Issue Paper on the Kennydale Blueberry Fann" (Issue Paper) was included in the information packet for the Renton Planning Commission meeting of November 2, 2005. This Issue Paper noted that the "soft soils" covering about two-thirds of the parcel would have to be "removed and replaced with suitable fill" in order to b1ri1d homes on the site. The Issue Paper states that "a wetland area mapped over a portion of the Blueberry farm" is the basis for requesting a wetland evaluation. After discussing the site'.s potential for residential development, the issue paper cautions: . "Depending upon the results of a wetland analysis, this type of activity may not be allowed under current regulations." The paper cOncludes that existing information on drainage or wetland conditions is outdated and that updated information is needed before a zoning decision can be made. We agree. . Ms. Erika Conkling S"pt"mb"r 16, 2006 Page 2 • • Unfortunately, the proposed DNS says nothing about the updated infon:nation that the issue paper said was needed. The proposed action could very well lead to the destruction of wetlands; including replacement of organic soils by fill. Muck and peat soils are extraordinarily effective at improving water quality by removing toxins !illd other pollutants. They also retain disproportionate volumes of stormwater and release it slowly .. Such functions are vital to the health of the watershed, the municipal infraStructure, and Lake Washington. A delineation, rating, and function assessment of wetlands on the parcel should be a prerequisite to any land-use decision that coUld affect their fate . . The wetland study should also evaluate the effect of "improvements in drainage of the property," including "a major dewatering in 2004," which the issue paper said the property owner reported. What was the nature of the dewatering? Could it have resulted in adverse impacts to aquatic resources or other sensitive areas? Did it involve work below the ordinary high water mark or divert or change the natural flow? , . Thank you for taking these concerns into account Please call or e-mail me with any questions or for further discussion. I can be reached at (425) 649-4447. Sincerely, Richard K. Robohm Wetland Specialist RKR:rc cc: Anae Fritzel, Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development Pam Erstad, Washington Department of.Fish & Wildlife Jeff Davis, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife Donna Bunten, Ecology CAO Review Coordinator Erik Stockdale, Wetlands Specialist, Ecology Northwest Regional Office • • Vlild Fish Conservancy September 23, 2008 The Wild Fish Conservancy (WFC) peIformed a stream assessment survey on Kennydale Creek, at tributary to Lake Washington in Renton, WA on September 18, 2008 (Figs.I-3). The objective of the survey was to evaluate the su=er low-flow characteristics of the watershed and to describe the likely impacts of continued degradation of the creek's watershed. ...... :_.; ./'--.: ;,/' . ..•. . , -,::,. .. T. , . 1-: i " ,·I·e. + , \,:", . .~/ .. ,· 0' B -e-" -.;t.XI1"'l:;T :', .... :A Figure I, Kennydale Creek field assessment locations, -I Fig.2. Upper Kennydale Creek study reach in Renton, W A. Field assessment locations are represented by the yellow stars. 2 Fig3. Lower K.ennydale Creek; study reach in Renton, W A. Field verification locariollS are represented b y the yellow stars. Results The channel was wetted and stream flow was easily discernable at '!li fOUI locariollS (Table I. Figures 4- 5). The channel meets the physical criteria for. fish habitat established by the Washington State in WAC 222-16-031: at least 2.0 foot bankfull width and less than 16% gradient The documented presence of perennial aquatic invertebr.ates, including the relatively pollution-intolerant families Epbemeroptera and Trichoptera', indicates the stream channel has not gone dry in recent years. Compromising the condition of Kennydale Creek through the addition of impervious area and the associated stormwater runoff will further degrade the condition of the stream (Table 2). The South Puget Sound Forum Indicators Report (TRPC, 2(06) summarizes the local impacts of impervious area; "Among other variables, studies have found a strong relationship between the amount of impervious surface and forest cover in a basin or watershed, and the bealth of streams and other ",ater resources. The greater the . amount of .impervious area and the co=sponding loss of forest cover, the less water that is absorbed into the ground -being filtered naturally and slowly returning to OUI ground water or stream systems. Increased surface runoff leads to more pollution in OUI 'Streams and inlets, to higher and increased numbers of flood events, and to degradation of OUI streams and stream beds." (South . Puget Sound Environmental Quality -Economic Vitality Indicators Report, July 2006). King County's May Creek Basin Plan (2001), developed for the Lake Washington tributary immediately to the north of Kennydale Creek, states: 3 "Development attities within the basin have historicAgrad~ stream and wetland habitats. Filling of wetlands, increased stormwaier runoff and peak stream flows, addition of sediment and pollutants to the water, and removal of coniferous forest cover have contributed to the degradation of. local habitat in the basin." Table 1. Wild FIsh Conservancy observations from field verification loqttions (Figures 1-3), September 182008 . Wetted _" Silo LatJlude longitude WIdIh Width Sobstrot. Row HolM · A N 47.50932 W 122..19424 2 feet • feel mud Y .. . Dhoned stream channel, &Oft mud a.bstrale., reed canary grass f'I>aria. Ditched stream c:hameI. soh mud Slbstra1e \Wh oc:cassionaI B N 47.50961 W 122.19462 3 feet .f ... mud and coIDIe Y .. __ Aquatic macrolnvlll1 ........ -.00 incIudod mayfly nymphs. caddlsfIy IaN ... and ampl-Opods. C N 47.5 1297 W 122..19756 3teel 4 foot cottIie and scud Yes Well-shaded stream cnrridof. Wa1er is clear and cool. AQuatic invertebrates observed, &arne as S . 0 N 47.51308 W 122..19738 3 feet 6 foot eobble and sard Yes WeIJ...shaded stream conidor. Waler is clear and cxxX . Aqua1ic invertebrates obGEwved, same as B .. Table 2. Impacts from Increases of Impervious Surfaces, from Thurston Regional Planning Council. 2003. . R It I t Incrf'asl'Ci Imp(tVlousnf'9S H;bllat Channl'l Strcambl:d h:ads to Floodmg Lo,s Erosion widemng altt'fation Increased \'tlItITle X X X X X Increased peak no. .. X X X X X Ina •• sed peak tIow duratioo X x X X X ChangeS i1 sediment 100ding x X X X x Deatoased base flow X I""eased stream temperoture x tnc:eased slream acidity 'x Incre.sed w.le, polMioo x Kennydale Creek ~y or may not currently support a fish population, but there is no doubt that it contributes water and aquatic invertebrateS to Lake Washington and therefore affects the water qtiality and, in part, the integrity, of Lake Washington. Lake Washington supports chinook salmon and steelhead listed as threatened UDder the Endangered Species Act; as well as sockeye and coho salmon; kokanee; resident and sea-run cutthroat trout; and a wide variety of native non-salmonids. Bull trout, also listed as t:hIeatened Wider the ESA, have been documented in Lake Washington. Many of these fish, including juvenile chinook salmon, speod a significant amount of time rearing and feeding in the Lake Washington littoral (nearshore) habitats that are fed by small streams including Kennydale Creek.. While the streams themselves are ~, they are numerous and the cumulative effects of their degradation can have significant implications for the health and productivity of Lake Washington and the fish th,at live there. 4 .. Figure 4. Culvert outlet under NE 24 C) on September 18, 2008. Wetted width was 3 feet, and stream flow was easily discernable. Figure 5. Stream channel at Site D on September downstream from the culvert outlet under NE 24'" Street Flow Conditions: approJCiimaltely 30 feet 5 Evidence thar the survey reA from September 1 8, 2008 are represen . of summer lo w-flow conditions can be found in adjacent watershed stream flow data. Provi sional stream flow data from USGS National Water Information System (http ://waterdata .usgs.gov/waln wisluv?cb 0006O=o n&formal-gif stats&period -30&si te no-12120000) demonstrate thaI flows in the Mercer Creek watershed., a Lake Washington tributary north of Kennydale creek, were 5.4 cfs at .the time of Wild Fish Conservancy 's Kennydale survey, well below the median flows experienced on September 18 during the past 54 years (Figure 6) and th e mean monthly flow s during the past 62 years. USGS 121211898 tlERCER CREEl: HERR BaLEVUE, IIR . 398.9 ." 28B.9 " 8 " .. 100.8 '-" "-... " " ... " .... .., " " , " 0.0 '-'" lB.8 .l: " co .... co 4.9 Rue 38 Sep 86 Sep 13 Sep 29 ----Prov i ~ional Data Sub ject t o Revis ion £. Hedian daily 'statistic (54 !lears) -Ili"char-ge STATISTICS OF MOIffHlY MEAN DATA FOR WATER YEARS 1545 .2JXJ7, BY WATER YEAR {WY) Oot Nov De. Ja., Fob Mar Apr MRY JIIII Jul Aug S.p Mean I~.S .. ~~.q 4O.U 40.R H.7 295 2.l.fI 14 .7 .12 .4 K7J R .tl ~ 11.2 M .. 44 .4 77.3 '70.7 >\.I.R ~I.I "7 .5 3~.9 27.:! . 2.'.R 1 ~5 }(.I.I) 12 .~ IWY) (1 \)10:21 120(7) 11\XI7 1 "(06) 1I l)Y ~} 1 1 91 ~) O!l'l l , II lJl)(\) 1 1 9~5i 119971 1 ~()04J 1 1 97~, Min 7A 2 II.U 1(-.5 15.9 IB-2 15.4 9.9<1 S.45 534 J.:?2 .1.2'::; 5.05 IWY) (2011 .~J 1I ~77 , ( 19771 <I ~771 II 9'J J I 11%5; I:!IK141 1 1 95~1 1195 11 11958 1 .19451 119551 Figure 6 . August and September 200S USGS Stream Row Data for Mercer Creek, a Lake Washington tributary north of Kennydal.e Creek. Please feel free to contact me with any questions about Wild Fish Conservancy's surveyor this report. Sincerely, Jamie Glasgow, M.Sci . Director of Science and Research Wild Esh Conservanc y 425nS8·1167 www .wilclfishconservancy .org 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The Honorable Jay V . White Trial Date: Monday, Dec. 15, 200S Trial T ime: 9 :00 a.m. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR KING COUN1Y KENNYDALE CRmCAL AREAS ALLIANCE, a Washington non-profit cmporation, aDd SUSAN RIDER, '. NO. 08-2-21 823-6XNT 1. Petitioners, v. CITY Or: RENTON, a Washington Municipai Corporation; and RICHARD LAURALEE GORDLEY, husbaod and wife, 1);..,'('" .. < ..... [i 2t81 BED] ORDER G!b~41 14m PETITIONERS'MOTIONTO SUPPLEMENT THE RECORD Res ondents. 1HIS MATIER having come on for hearing pursuant to !:he motion of Petitioners ~,,A,­ (IlaOPGiiL!)j ORDER,"~'d~IG PETITIONERS' MOTION TO SUPPLEMENT THE RECORD-I OR\G1NAL Xl,/~ .l3C"i'l3SI,/, dH GENDlER & MANN. UP , 42A fltltrtb 1wenu., Suit. 1015 Seattla, WA 98'0' Pttonr. t2G8I ",-aasl FIZ; l:loS) e:%t-05U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .'l Dated this ~ dayof (\J~ 2008 . THE JAYV. WIDTE KINO COUNTY SUPERIOR .cOURT JUDGE Presented by: GENDLER & MANN. ILP 9 B y: 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 ~\"Ir EPB stemm] ORDER gp , U..,NG PETITIQNER.S· MOTION TO SUPPLEMENT TIlE RECORD-2 )(~.:! .L3(,l!3S~" dH GENOLER II< MANN , l.LP 1424 Fourth Awnu., SllIb '016 Sellttl •• WA '8'01 Pban&: (lOS) 621-8888 F .. : 1208} e21..()S12 .... .. ti ""MR ".· ' "." _n ~~ EO', NAME: Joey's Short Plat requesting Environmental (S8'A) Review and Administrattve Short Iplat approval to subdMde • 36,847 square root parcel Into two lots. The two ,,'He lots would be 17,882 .J. (lot 1) and 18,965 .J. (lot 2). Kennydale ICreek, a Qoss 4 creek, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 ,~"' '" 1(3,500 sJ.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. 80tIl proposed lots lwouid gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are liocated on !"hat would be lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net area is 0 .73 acres. A two-Iot short plat would YteId • density of 2.74 ldu/net acre. The site Is generally ftat. The project requires SEPA envIronl1l\'l1tal lreview and short nO... ., " 112208 Jones Avenue NE Izone: I I -4 dwelling units per acre (R~) Ip, ,nr I (SE PA) Review, , ShQrt Plat approval I IGeraId_ wasser, tel : '~'_~' ,email: . ,.onv I Hughes, WH Huges CO.; 14'101 lssoQuah Hobart Road; Issaquah, WA ro, ...... 198027 Da be of IAugust 8, 2011 of ~ugust 26 2011 may l ~e --"'''~ 9,2011 IMap: The map below is for Illustrative purposes only. In the event of omissions, errors or dlffee ICeS, Ithe dOaJments in CED's files will oontrol. aiel< on map to be directed to the Clty'. GIS Portal. .~" ~~.~~ "I' "~".~,~ ; .... ~,~~' -', ...... . ' . • A:.:.-=.. ;j;"' " Z ... . ' . -"r~' . . . ':::---";':' , ~ )., :~r; J~~~:'tj :;~ ",.-,.~~l·m ·~' r 1_--!-o:j .••. ,;. ." .. Y.*.( )~,~ ,~~~~~.;-;;-p,' . ,.:j7~1~Wt · '''\iit''-r >G;1W /l;l&";~1i , ft....: . '~'-~' ,'1. -_-.:.,..t;.:r":'~.l5 ~-"':' ·......;.t II 1 on the above application must be sublJlitted In writing ~ Gerald Wasser, Manager, CEO -Planning Division by 5 :00 p.m. on September 9, 2011. If you have about tills proposal, or wish to be mode a party of record and receive additional by mo_",-contact tile Project at 425-430-73B:L Return tp top of page ------------_._--------------------. • • 9/9/2011 3:55:06 PM 9/9/2011 3:51 :49 PM , ' , Denis Law .~ayor September 21,"2011 , Susan R.ider 1835 N noth Sttreet Renton, WA , 98057 Department of <;:omtn.unity and Economic Development , " ,: Alex Pietsch, Admin'i5t(ator SUBJEcT: JOEY'S SH ORT PLAT, LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A Dear Ms, 'Rider: " , '.Thank you for your letj:er re'garding Joey's Short Plat, LUAU-066" ECF, SH~,L-A that we receive'd' on September 9,~011. Your comments have b'een add~d to 'th~ file forthe decision -maker ,to consider, While I appreciate the 'history '~nd background, a,S well as the supplemental materials, you provided on 'Kennyd ,afe 'creek; this projecds f;r the subdivision of land to create one additional lot in the 'ResidentiaLC" 4 dWelling units per acre (R '4) zorie, 'The clas sification of Ken'nydale Cre~k is n~t 'at:issue'" The ' project would m,aintain the , minim'~m .3S-foot buffer area required for a, tiassA strE!am , ' " , . -.' . .' , i will include, you as ~'party';(Record ',~or Jo~y'sSliort PI~t, LUA11 -066, ECF, SHPL-A, : '., . . ,: : ' . You may cOf]tact me ad,425) 430,]382 or gWasser@rentonwa,gov, .' '. . " ' 'fI ' " . ' '~ ~"~ Gerald'C. Wasser , ' , Associate 'Planner . .' . .' . Renton OtyHall • , OSS South Grady Way • ,Rimton , Washington 98057 • rentoriwa,gov " , , ' , , .! • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • ----~1Pt~mr1c(o)IDl e DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: M E M 0 RAN DUM September 8, 2011 Jerry Wasser Bob Mac oni9 . Joey Short Plat, LUA-ll-066-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review .. I have reviewed the above reference\! short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Project Manager: . Please note that the application notes that Lorraine Taylor is the owner but since the application has conveyed her interest in the property at issue to the applicant, via deed under recording number 20110815000255 . Comments for the Applicant : A portion of the block oftext ass ociated with City of Renton Mon # 3 69 is illegible. Information needed for finai short plat approval includes the followin g: Note the City of Renton land u se action number and land record number, LUA-11-066- SHPL and LND-20-0565, respectively, on the final short plat submittal. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Provide a direct tie to two City of Renton Surv~y Control Network monuments. The geometry will be checked by the city when provided . Provide sufficient information to determine how the short plat boundary was establ is hed . Provide short plat and lot clo sure calculation s. h :lfi1e sysllnd -land subdi visi on & surveyin g recordsllnd-20 -short platsl0565\rv0909 1l.doc Addressee N arne Page 3 of3 Date of Memo • ----------------------- • If there are new private easement(s) proposed with this short plat, include the following statement, juxtaposed to the subject easement: "Area for new priv ate (utilities, access, etc.) easement". Since the new lots created via this s hort plat are under common ownership at the time of recording, there can be no easement(s) until such time as the lots are conveyed to others, via conveyance docum e nts. The conveying document(s) need to include a statement about the together with and/or s ubject to specific easement rights . Add the following Declaration of Covenant language on the face of the subject drawin g, ffthe previous paragraph applies: DECLARA TlON OF COVENANT: The owner of the land embrace d within this s hort plat, in return for the benefit to occrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenants and agrees to convey the beneficial interest in the new easements shown on this sho rt plat to any and all future purchasers of the lo ts, or of any subdivisions thereof. Thi s covenant shall run with the land as s hown on this short plat. If there are no new private easements defined on the subdivision the Declaration of Covenant language currently shown can be removed. If there is to be a Native Growth Protection Easement for the wetland and wetland buffer area please include the relevant language and clearly delineate the area(s) so impacted. b.:lffle sysllnd -land subdivision & surveying recordsllnd-20 -short plats10565\Jv090911.doc ------------ • • EXHIBIT 9 Technical Memorandum 10230 NE Points Dri", SN it, 400 Kirkland, WA 98033 Phon, (425) 8224446 Fax (425) 827-9577 To: From : Copies: Chip Vincent, Planning Director, City of Renton Jennifer Henning, Planning Manager, City of Renton Stephanie Smith, Wedand Biologist Kevin O'Brien, Ph.D., Senior Wildlife Biologist Suzanne Anderson, Ph.D., Senior Wedand Biologist Date: October 20, 2011 Subject Kennydale Creek Stream Typing Project No.: 31821C Otak Inc . biologists were asked by the City of Renton (City) to confirm the stream typing of Kcnnydale Creek (also called Clover Creek) in the vicinity of 2208 Jones Avenue NE (parcel # 3343903602), which has been approved as a two-lot short plat Ooey's Short Plat). Otak biologists conducted their site visit on October 6, 2011, and were able to view the stream on the subject parcel. However, because Otak biologists lacked property access to any other parcels, they were unable to observe the stream in its entirety. Otak biologists were only ab le to view additional segments of Kennydale Creek from public rights-of way upstream of Interstate 405 (l-405), including the intersections of: Jones Avenue NE near NE 24'h Street; NE 24th Street near High Avenue NE; and the stream crossing on NE 20'h Street. Kennydale Creek is currendy categorized by the City as a Class 4 stream upstream of the 1-405 crossing (including the subject parcel), and as a Class 3 stream downstream of the 1-405 crossing. Per the Renton Municipal Code (RMC 4-3-0S0.L.l.a) Class 3 and 4 streams are defined as: Class 3 : Class 3 waters are non-saimonid-bearing perennial waters during years of normal rainfall, and/or mapped on Figure Q4, Renton Water Class Map, as Class 3. (RMC 4-1 1- 160 defines perennial as "lIVa/en whichjlow cOllliIIllOIlS!!'). Class 4: Class 4 waters are non-salmonid-bearing intermittent waters during years of normal rainfall, and/or mapped on Figure Q4, Renton Water Class Map, as Class 4. (RMC 4-11-09 0 defines intermittent as "A cOllditioll where water is 1I0t preswt ill the challlle! year-rolllld dl/lingyears if ,/O/'mal or aboue normal rainfall'). Numerous studies h ave been completed for different segments of Kennydale Creek. These studies include a stream assessment conducted by Jamie Glasgow of Wild Fish Conservancy on September K:\pro jcct\3 1800\3182IC\Reports\3182 IC tcchmemo SA.J(OB .docx • Chip Vincent, Planning Director, City of Renton lVnnyda/e Creek Stream Typing • Page 2 October 20, 2011 18,2008 on segments of Kennydale Creek located upstream of T-405 (Wild Fish Conservancy memorandum, September 23, 2008). Ms. Glasgow reported observing flow both upstream (near NE 20" Street) and downstream (near NE 24" Street) of the subject parcel in the autumn of 2008. However, since she did not assess the entire reach of Kennydale Creek located upstream of 1-405, she did not have sufficient information to determine whether any section of the stream lacks continuous flow during the summer. Additional studies on upper Kennydale Creek include a stream assessment prepared by Carl Hadley of Cedarrock Consultants, Inc., dated February 17, 2006. Mr. Hadley reviewed the water type classification of upper Kennydale Creek, and recommended maintaining the Class 4 water classification of the stream. Otak biologists were asked to determine whether the current Class 4 categorization for Kennydale Creek on the subject parcel is correct, or if the stream meets the definition of a Class 3 stream. The subject parcel has been approved for a two-lot short plat, and currently has a house on the northern portion of the property. The southern portion of the parcel consists of a mowed field dominated by creeping buttercup (RLzlJJmcII/lls repellS), and the western portion of the parcel fronts Jones Avenue NE. Kennydale Creek flows from south to north on the subject parcel, and it is located approximately 125 feet east of Jones Avenue NE, essentially bisecting the parcel. On the subject parcel, the creek channel is densely vegetated, is approximately four feet wide, and had between five and eight inches of very slowly flowing water at the time of the site visit -see the photo attached to the end of this memorandum. It is important to note that the Otak site visit occUtred on October 6, 2011 after several days of rain. Vegetation in the creek was dominated by watercress (Nasturtium officina/e), American speedwell (Veronica Americana), with some reed canarygra ss (Pha/aris anmdinacea). The two dominant species in the creek (watercress and speedwell) are both obligate wetland species, meaning that 99 -percent of the time, these plants are found in wetland habitats. Vegetation completely filled the stream channel, growing from the channel bed and banks of the stream. TI,e density of the vegetation indicates that water does not flow through this segment of the stream at a sufficiently high velocity to prevent plants from becoming established . The dense vegetation also indicates that this segment of the stream may lack surface water flow during the summer, but it likely has high enough groundwater to support tl,e hydrophytic (water- loving) vegetation. Looking up stream (to the south) from tl,e subject parcel, the stream bed appears to generally lack vegetation, indicating water may flow through that segment at a hi gher velocity than on the subject parcel, tllereby precluding vegetation establishment. Other segments of the stream channel that we were able to view from public rights-of-way (both up-and downstream of the subject parcel) also generally lacked vegetation, indicating potentially higher velocity flows or impoundment. However, many of these segments were viewed at or near culvert inlets or outlets, which can influence stream flows, and may not be representative of the stream's characteristics . Downstream (north) from the subject parcel, there is a pond on a parcel adjacent to Jones Avenue NE, just south of the NE 24" K:\projcc t\31 800\31821 C\Rcp oro;\3 1821 C tcchrnemo SA_KOB .doo: • Chip Vincent, Planning D irector, City of R enton Kennydale Creek Stream Typillg • Page 3 Octob er 20, 2011 Street. It appears that Kennydale Creek enters and exits the pond via culverts prior to crossing beneath Jones Avenue NE. While our site visit and data collection was limited by property access and time of year, it is our best professional judgment that some portions of Kennydale Creek upstream of T-405, particularly in the vicinity of 2208 Jones Avenu e NE, may lack surface water flow during some portion of the year, thereby meeting the definition of a Class 4 water per RMC 4-3-050.L.1.a.iv. While it is likely that some segments of Kennydale Creek located upstream of I-405 remain inundated throughout the year; the heavily vegetated nature of the stream channel on the subject parcel suggests that a combination of evapotranspiration and infiltration during at least a portion of the summer may result in a lack of surface water flow in this segment of the stream. Photo looking downstream (towards the north) at Kennydale Creek on the Joey's Short Plat parcel. Note the dense vegetation in the stream channel. K:\projcct\3 1800\3 1821 C\Rcp orts\31821 C u:c hmemo SAJ(OB.doc.x • EXHIBI~O Altmann Oliver Associates, LLC f\.OA V() Ho'( 57R August 4, 2011 Bill Hughes WH Hughes Homes 14401 Issaquah-Hobart Rd SE Issaquah, WA 98027-6925 Em'inJllll1enwl Planning & Lan(lscape Architec\llre AOA-4072 SUBJECT: Revised Critical Areas Review for Joey's Short Plat (File No. 11-021) 2208 Jones Ave. NE, Renton, WA (Parcel 334390-3602) Dear Bill: On June 30, 2011 I conducted a wetland and stream reconnaissance and delineation on the subject property utilizing the methodology outlined in the 1997 Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual. The primary focus of the initial reconnaissance was on the southwestern portion of the site in the vicinity of a proposed new residence to be constructed as part of the short plat. A subsequent site visit was conducted on July 26, 2011 to map the approximate location of a wetland located in the northeastern portion of the site. Existing Conditions The northwest portion of the site is currently developed with an existing single-family residence and associated detached out-buildings. The southwestern portion of the site in the vicinity of the proposed residence consists of a flat mowed upland lawn. Soil borings taken throughout this portion of the site revealed dry, non-hydric, high chroma soils and there was no evidence of ponding or prolonged soil saturation. Kennydale Creek drains from south to north through the central portion of the site. During the initial field investigation, the ordinary high water (OHW) of the west side of the stream was delineated. The delineated boundary was subsequently surveyed by Touma Engineers and Land Surveyors, PLLC and is depicted on the survey drawing. Kennydale Creek is considered a Class 4 stream by the City of Renton and .would require a 35-foot buffer. Kennydale Creek on the site consists of a well-defined channel that appears to have been historically ditched. Vegetation along the stream banks is mowed to the edge of the channel and plant species within and adjacent to the channel at the time of the field investigation consisted almost entirely of reed canarygrass (Phaiaris Bill Hughes August 4, 2011 Page 2 • • arundinacea) and watercress (Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum). Woody vegetation along the stream corridor was generally restricted to one twin red alder (Alnus rubra) tree adjacent the southern portiorl of the channel. In addition to Kennydale Creek, a disturbed wetland was observed in the northeastern portion of the site. The approximate location of this wetland was mapped during the July 26, 2011 site visit and is depicted on your density calculation sheet (attached). The wetland consists of a shallow topographic depression that appears to extend slightly off-site to the north. Vegetation within the wetland at the time of the site visits included Pacific willow (Salix lasiandra), Himalayan blackberry ·(Rubus discolof), reed canarygrass, creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens), giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia), Watson's willow-herb (Epilobium watsonil), and scattered skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanum). Hydrology within the wetland .was generally assumed based on the presence of disturbed hydric soils. Since this wetland is located more than 15 feet from the eastern OHW of the stream, and the maximum possible buffer from this wetland would be 50 feet, the buffer from Kennydale Creek would be more restrictive. The maximum 50-foot buffer is based on the unlikely possibility that the wetland is a Category 2 rather than a more likely Category 3 wetland which requires a 25-foot buffer per RMC 4-3-050M.S.c. Priority Habitats and Species As part of the stream assessment, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's Priority Habitats and Species database was reviewed. This database does not indicate that any priority habitats or species are located on or adjacent the property. In general, the habitat value of the on-site riparian corridor is relatively low due to the historic and on-going vegetation maintenance that has resulted in a low plant species and structural diversity along the stream channel. Conclusion As part of the proposed short-plat, a single-family residence would be constructed within the lawn in the southwestern portion of the site. It is my understanding that since: 1) the proposed residence would be constructed outside of the 35-foot stream buffer and 2) there is no proposed activity within the wetland area located east of the stream, there are no proposed critical area impacts on the site. Bill Hughes August 4, 2011 Page 3 • • If you have any questions regarding the reconnaissance or stream delineation, please give me a call. Sincerely, ALTMANN OLIVER ASSOCIATES, LLC John Altmann Ecologist Sr-~ .. fAI"\ A~A 1 0 I w;,9.~ X. .ts>S CbSO . WCL-.\ LA. tJ~ AQ..'t:.A • FT~ I 7 0 )<.. J 50 ~I~ -'3 $00 I DEI"ARTt.lENT -w ASStSSM!z'NT$ fi£COROING NO VOL fP.LC£ ~.;u" «)C!- __ ,"",.01 2.:_ SC ... LI: 10 ---.....J i ' . ---tr_.l:_~ ___ "_110701 ~ ---PQITION OF --~~.3!1r.-M!J~ SoN 1/. -Of' lHE Nt: 1/-4-& SEC. 5, 'T'iM 23 ~. RG.!l E. W.N. AQU1FE::H .PROTECTION NOTICE . . 'DIE urrs: CilOtED HEl9I rloU. .. ".. lOll[ 2 a tIDfIf».'"5 ,\QKOI1'R!ITl"tTu; ..aLI-NO AJI[ $U8.£cr 10 '!WE ~1'S 0< lHf. crn" IIiIfTl)-l CIlOIINId.. fOIl? J,ICI ,t.5 .urowo B~ (IIItlItWIC[ NO. 41<!o. "MS 01"f5 stU stlJRa: cr ~ .... w. ~ StI'PlJEII AOoI A SIW..LDW AI:Ufl:J< UIIDEII'.M: CiTT'S SLlB"AfL lI4IEJI( " ~ .... MAt. /WaR Bf1'Iftlo' rtE ... '!Dt.1AlllL ,ANI (;A[:UII() :IUIIF".\cr. !::t"IJID'£ eAA£' SH(U.lIIl' 0IJICIS[ll; tIHEIIltANtIUrfO ~y tlO.IP ~~cr cmDI 11_ .A'I(Ji;o I'ItOlEtT f1I'ON Cl'ftoU:1' wll-I "fI.\[.CI!CMJND $$FlIL If 15 tlJ£ 1fCIlI!0000000S ~fT TO!PII6lECT 'N: CITT':I".~ .... 1tR. WA-XX-XXX-SHPL LHO-XX-nxx SURVEY NOTES ~T. 'It)P(XW GI'1 lCJOOIW 1OT,I.,L Sl"'~ ~ tISEII: ~ ;';:.l'o9SE _ 1 .... -1\"'" fOf'~_.1JJo4 ~000I·.a/5 AVE HI: .... .2411> S'IRtET, nm.l ..... 8R , .. tfJOICJfOE 100< fIWI ... ~ ...,., UIQLS IIA:;~-,~ , ~p.r 1;;>1(. tI"tt CF 9JII1o£f; .u.~ :all ~ cr-Ill~ be' .. Vi Id: (1JO"J,l'tl. L) e.d!: (~j04J lDt.ll!1.UI11 lllll,lin.l0.0 ~ 1S'1l1'2! E m4~' 0-a; NE 2-4-th' ---,-.l._ 1r:L.-, .. e.!! STREET-' ---'-- I .... [~ .. 2-~~,r":I'·lIi '~ / . 11[. ~ H1.IIoICl 1"" "'-'p.. >I( 2UII SlRftf .0.'1( l ~ "" "," "-"'. • """"" ' ... -/," _~ 'M'''' """00"", .,u",,', ..... "'" ",' -',," _ ',:___ N .9'0'>6-E o5~; _:~"C'" ,""',;0:':'-'.-T-' N ';'.' 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POCSIlY-P£Rl,I-fllII -'. lW1! PU! .It.CItE G o ,...-,/ LJ~' ~ca -~(7n01\) \-5OU'1llI.HfT~:g. DO$fT-~, w/_ f--, \ '-""'"""'--.. n .. nq..;)' paoposm saJAAE fWtAa: Of' Il€ ..ani " ., " . , ... "'.,,.. \ ,-l7,..,~, ~ ~~ ;.l!iO.~ sn-,:i~rc 7&~n feR) _ ~(f"~fI:J5I05~ ~ -18."514 f\. --L/.::o50 t 6 1 $00 '-6, tSO pr'%... -t"1'\ c...-.-<!:> IL D f- /cD~ SA1=ry' ~ ~ _ .11( 2D\lo.51IIl!l.f"Nl.n'IoI.ss MOIl \W S QII"'lI)'"24' ... ··Il~;g' ~>1 PIMQ\ IL\IlI( iii ~ Ioi~ III t.ASf to,7/201I) NE 20th STREd to-IIII,I.UIUJ tomII wtJ!, III!J~ J C"",lOU:l~ lIQIoi ~ ,I.~·II(·" 1IIIlfJI:get'.itltI J.9ER:lEt1i ~lIE If: .II rme:n. F,c) PIN III t<E zoo, ~11{[!r H4l ~ i,; .w.n:~ C;Ast (07/2::\1) COIKKm IIQN .. US[ (01/2011) ....", J.l7 ~~. CERTIFICA Tt -~ fJI '''-''i" 7ft TOUMA ENGINEERS LAND SURVE'T'ORS.PLLC 1I€S'I" W,ou['r rxEtlIII'4" f'NI( JOEY SHORT PLAT 2208 .XlNES ",\It: U£ RENTOtl. 'oil,., 9~_ t! < "-: ~ "'i repi_U 0 ..... rllcy made ".I' dlrectlOf', ill· (:""rC'cmnn",,, eol5 Of the Sur"~y fi. .. e-n<,::it,g It pI lorraine 1'J)'I<Y lT~~~' f( J.~I ~~.~~! .. ): -n>o ... ,;-I>\.AC'L U"I[;-l-IW_·!O:lIl.. ... ~ {).OJi t. .u... .. :201' el:'-H~-Gll ~.' rtt I~" ,'.;)0' Cl!'I"tilk;ote ~", 1am ". , I't!CQ (<D) =--FAll (CII) ::U-<*» CtfII~ !'~ SC.It.i.I ~IT"1" ... , ,~~it;·. -I O,3~ Fr~ - • • Ph 253-896-1011 Fx 253-896-2633 EXHIBIT 11 oResources, LLC 5007 Pacific Hwy E., Ste. 16 Fife, Washington 98424 WH Hughes Company, Inc. 14404 Issaquah-Hobart Road, Suite 104 Issaquah, Washington 98027 (425) 444-3367 Attn: Mr. Bill Hughes July 26, 2011 Geotechnical Infiltration Letter 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, Washington PN: 3343903602 Job No. WHHughes.JoneAve INTRODUCTION & SCOPE Planning Civis!ol1 AUG - 8 1Uii This letter addresses the feasibility of infiltration for the proposed single family residences to be located at 2208 Jones Avenue NE in Renton, Washington, as shown on Figure 1. We visited the site on June 15, 2011. The purpose of our services was to evaluate the surface and subsurface conditions at the site as a basis for developing and providing geotechnical stormwater recommendations for the proposed development. Specifically, our scope of services for the project included the following: 1. Visiting the site and conducting a geologic reconnaissance to assess the site's soil, groundwater and slope conditions; 2. Exploring the subsurface conditions in the pond areas by excavating two test pits across the site; 3. Completing laboratory grain size analysis for the site soils; and 4. Providing infiltration rates for the stormwater facility, as appropriate. SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions The site is in an area of existing residential development. The site consist of a single tax parcel that measures about 25 feet deep (east to west) by 150 feet wide (north to south) and encompasses about 0.85 acres. The site is currently developed with an existing single family residence located in the northwest corner of the parcel. The site is bounded by residences on the north and south, Jones Avenue on the west, and by a vacant parcel on the east. The homesite is generally level, to slight lower, than Jones Avenue on the west. Behind the house is a shallow seasonal drainage that tends to flow from south to north across the parcel. The bottom of the drainage is about 2 to 3 feet below the existing residence (see attached photographs). On the east side of the drainage, the site slopes back up to the east. According to topographic information obtained from the King County iMap website, total topographic relief across the parcel is on the order of 10 feet. The site is mostly covered with grass and scattered ornamental trees. The eastern, upper portion of the site is covered with a dense stand of younger trees and native shrubs. WHHughes.JoneAve July 26, 201.1 Page 2 Site Soils • • The USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey for Pierce County maps the soils in the area of the site as Indianola loamy sand (InC). The Indianola soils are derived from sandy glacial outwash deposits that form on 6 to 15 percent slopes and are listed as having a "moderate" erosion hazard. These soils are listed in hydrologic soils group "A". Subsurface Conditions As stated, the subsurface conditions underlying the site were evaluated by excavating two shallow test pits with a mini-excavator. In general, out test pits encountered about 4 to 6 inches of sod and topsoil overlying a loose to medium dense silty fine to medium sand. These shallow soils mantled a dark brownlgray fine to medium sand with minor amounts of silt and organics. The subsurface conditions in the two test 'pits were fairly consistent and generally confirmed the mapped stratigraphy. The soils encountered were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), a copy of which is attached as Figure 4. The Test Pit Logs are attached as Figure 5. Grain Size Analysis Our geotechnical laboratory tests were completed on representative samples collected from the proposed stormwater facility. The enclosed laboratory testing sheets graphically present these results. Groundwater Conditions Slow groundwater was observed at about 3)1, feet below existing grades in both test pits. The depth of seepage was generally consistent with the level of water in the drainage ditch east of the residence. Based on the nature of the near surface soils, we antiCipate fluctuations in the local groundwater levels will occur in response to precipitation patterns, off-site construction activities, and site utilization. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the soils encountered in our explorations, laboratory analyses, and our engineering analysis, we conclude that the infiltration of stormwater is feasible in the native .sand appears feasible from a grain size standpoint. According to the 2009 King County Stormwater Manual, Appendix C2.2.2.1.b, a minimum of 1-Ioot of separation is required between the seasonal high groundwater and the bottom the infiltration gallery; therefore there may not be sufficient separation between the bottom of an infiltration gallery and seasonal high groundwater. Stormwater Infiltration Stormwater infiltration rates for the site soils were determined in accordance with the 2009 King County Stormwater Manual, Appendix C. We performed sieve analysis on a representative soil sample collected from the outwash soils. Based on the results of our sieve analysis and our experience, the upper loamy sand would be considered a Type 4 soil, whereas the deeper, cleaner sand would be a Type 3 soil (Appendix C.2.3.2). We would recommend a maximum infiltration rate of 4 for the deeper sand and a rate of 1 for the upper silty sand. We recommend that an appropriate factor of safety should be applied to this value. A typical factor of safety of 2 is usually applied to surface grade stormwater systems. A higher factor of safety should be considered for a below grade stormwater system. We recommend that we observe the excavation of the infiltration system to verify WHHughs.JoneAve.1 July 26. 2011 Page 3 • that suitable soils have been exposed. • Appropriate design, construction and maintenance measures will be required to ensure the infiltration rate can be effectively maintained over time. It should be noted that special care is required during the grading and construction periods to avoid fine sediment contamination of the infiltration system, especially from the overlying loamy gravels. This may be accomplished by using an alternative storm water management location during grading and construction activities or leaving the bottom of the systems 1 to 2 feet high, and subsequently excavating to the finished grade once the driveways are paved and landscaping is installed. All contractors working on the site (builders and subcontractors) should be advised to avoid "dirty" stormwater flowing to the site's stormwater system during construction and landscaping activities at the site. Concrete trucks should not be washed or cleaned on-site. Suspended solids could clog the underlying soil and reduce the infiltration rate for the system. To reduce potential clogging of the infiltration systems. the infiltration system should not be connected to the stormwater runoff system until after .construction is complete and the site area is landscaped, paved or otherwise protected. Temporary systems may be utilized through construction. Periodic sweeping of the paved areas will help extend the life of the infiltration system. • •• We trust this is sufficient for your current needs. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact us at your earliest convenience. Respectfully submitted, GeoResources, LLC KSS:RMH:kss Renee M. Hadley Staff Geologist DoclD: WHHughs.JoneAve.1 Attachments: Figure 1: Site Vicinity Map Figure 2: Exploration Map Figure 3: USDA Soil Map Figure 4: Unified Soli Classification System Figure 5: Test Pit Logs Grain Size Analysis Principal • '1'\ <IV -* .. ,-<t' ~\; 8 GeoResources, LLC 5007 Pacific Highway East, Suite 16 Fife, Washington 98424 Phone: 253-896-1011 Fax: 253-896-2633 • Approximate Site Location Site Vicinity Map 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, Washington DeclD: Hughes,JonesSt.F July 2011 Not to Scale Figure 1 Approximate Site Location ma created from the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service Web Soil Surve Soli T e InC Soil Name Indianola loam sand GeoResources,LLC 5007 Pacific Highway East, Suite 16 Fife, Washington 98424 Phone: 253-896-1011 Fax: 253-896-2633 Parent Material Slopes Erosion Hazard Sand Glacial Outwash 6 to 15 Moderate NRCS SCS Soils Map 2208 Jones AvenueNE Renton, Washington DoclD: Hughes.JonesSt.F July 2011 Hydrologic Soils Group A Not to Scale Figure 3 SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM MAJOR DIVISIONS GROUP SYMBOL GROUP NAME GRAVEL CLEAN GW WELL-GRADED GRAVEL, FINE TO COARSE . GRAVEL GRAVEL COARSE GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVEL GRAINED More than 50% SOILS Of Coarse Fraction GRAVEL GM SILTY GRAVEL Retained on No.4 Sieve WITH FINES GC CLAYEY GRAVEL More than 50% SAND CLEAN SAND SW WELL-GRADED SAND, FINE TO COARSE SAND Retained on No, 200 Sieve SP POORLY-GRADED SAND More than 50% Of Coarse Fracllon SAND SM SILTY SAND Passes WITH FINES No.4 Sieve SC CLAYEY SAND SILT AND CLAY INORGANIC ML SILT FINE CL CLAY GRAINED SOILS Liquid Llmlt Lesslhan 50 ORGANIC OL ORGANIC SILT, ORGANIC CLAY SILT AND CLAY INORGANIC MH SILT OF HIGH PLASTICITY, ELASTIC SILT More than 50% Passes CH CLAY OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAY No. 200 Sieve Liquid limit 50 or more ORGANIC OH ORGANIC CLAY, DRGANIC SILT . HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT PEAT NOTES: SOIL MOISTURE MODIFIERS: 1. Field classification is based on visual examination of soli Dry-Absence of moisture, dry to the touch In general accordance with ASTM 02488-90. Moist-Damp. but no visible water 2. Soli classification using laboratory tests Is based on ASTM D2487 -90. Wel-Visible free water or saturated. usually soil Is obtained from below water table 3. Description of soli denslly or consistency are based on interpretation of blow count data, visual appearance of soils, and or test data. GeoResources, LLC Unified Soil Classification 5007 Pacific Highway East, Suite 16 Fife, Washington 98424 2208 Jones Avenue NE Phone: 253-896-1011 Renton, Washington Fax: 253-896-2633 DoclD: Hughes.JonesSt.F I July 2011 I Figure 4 Depth (ft) a -y, y, 2 2 4 Depth (tt) a -y, ~ -2% 3Y, -4 Soil Type Soil Description Sad over Topsoil Test Pit Tp·1 Location: Front of site Light gray/tan with orange mottling, silty fine to medium SAND (loose to medium dense, moist) SP Dark brown/gray fine to medium SAND, some silt, scattered organics (medium dense, moist to wet) Terminated at 4 feet below ground surface. No caving observed. Slight groundwater seepage observed from 3Y, feet. Soil Type Soil Description Sad over Topsoil Test Pit Tp·2 Location: Back of site Light gray/tan with orange mottling, silty fine to medium SAND (loose to medium dense, moist) . SP Dark brown/gray fine to medium SAND, some silt, scattered organics (medium dense, moist to wet) Terminated at 4 feet below ground surface. No caving observed. Slight groundwater seepage observed from 3 feet. GeoResources, LLC Test Pit Logs 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, Washington 5007 Pacific Highway East, Suite 16 Fife, Washington 98424 Phone: 253-896-1011 Fax: 253-896-2633 DoclD: Hughes,JonesSt.F I July 2011 I Figure 3 • • Particle Size Distribution Report .5 .6 .s~ .5.5 .E~ 11 0 000 '" 8 ~ 8 w M N~ r-~ ~i<'s ;;; ~ ~ t !II ~ i ~ 100 I I: I I 1 ~ I \ ...., >..... : : I 0 ~ I ~ I: : I I I 90 I: I; i i 10 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I .. I I I I I I I Ii I I I I I 80 I: : Ii 11 I: I : : I 20 : I I I I: I; \1 I 70 30 I I I I I I I I: I I I I I I "U cr: I I II I I I I I I I I I I I m w 60 40 ;u Ii I Ii Ii i () z I I I I I I I I I m u: Ii z l-I I I I I I I I I I I I 50 --l Z 50 I I I: I I I I I: I I I I I I () w ~ u I I I! I I! I I I: I I I )',1 I OC 40 60 ;U w Ii I Ii Ii ~ en 0.. I I I I I I I m I I I I I I I Ii I I I I I ;U 30 : II I I: I : I 70 I I I: I : I I :1 : I 20 i -I; , ,I 80 I I I I I I I I: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ui 10 I II I I: :1 : ' II 90 '" ~ : I I I: I : I I : :1 I co 0 I; ;1 I 100 '" 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 co 0 GRAIN SIZE -mm. c % Gravel % Sand % Fines Q) %+3" Coarse T I Fine Coarsel Medium I Fine Slit Clay ~ 1.7 15.1 I 48.6 34.1 c Q) ~ SIEVE PERCENT SPEC." PASS? Material DescriRtion ~ SIZE FINER PERCENT (X'NO) Lt Grey/Brn,orange mottled silty sand 0 #4 99.5 Q) #10 97.8 ~ #20 94.4 ~ #40 82.7 Atterberg Limits PL= LL-PI= S #60 57.1 0 #100 40.8 Coefficients c #200 . 34.1 085= 0.4545 060= 0.2657 050= 0.2097 '" ~ 030= °15= °10= ro Cu= Cc= c co Classification '" USCS= AASHTO= '" '" Remarks '" Lt. GrelBrn,ornage mottled silty sand Q) ~ F.M.~1.08 co '" (no specification provided) '" 0 Sample Number: 0902827 Date: 6-I 5-11 E Location: 2208 Jones Ave. N.B. Renton ~ GeoResources, LLC Client: W. H. Hughes ~ Project: 220& N.R. Jones Road Renton 6-15-11 Fife. WA Project No: 0902827 Fiaure Tested By: -"CceR"O!........ ________ Checked By: C\,illR~O ________ _ ------------------------------------------------------ • • Particle Size Distribution Report (no specification provided) PL= 085= 0.4528 030= 0.2026 C u= 2.72 Atterberg Limits LL- Coefficients 060= 0.3108 015= 0.1428 C c= 1.15 PI= 050= 0.2732 010= 0.1145 USGS= Classification AASHTO= Remarks Lt Grey/8rn, orange silty sand F.M.-!.33 Oate: 6-15-11 Figure Tested By: -,G~R-"O",-________ Checked By: "G"'R"'O'--_______ _ " m ;u () m ?i () ~ 1:l m ;u ~ " /. .,' ,', , ,\. I'J." • , .. ,., , \ , ,~. , ., " . , ,I" , , • " , ' " , , . , , ,1' ',1.; ~ " .. ' ~', .. /. \ .. . '. ,'1', " . " ; -~ ',' . . ., , , • " • , , " , • I. I. " .' . ,. . , I. " , • j ,J '. :~ I' • ;~ l:1 ,,'1.' ~', .' . , .,... I ., . , . " If," \ .,\ •• ,. '.'i' ,,\\~ . , ~'~ . " " " , . , • . , ~ ;. -. ,. 1 • , , ' " .,'",\-., . J .~~;: ,1, '''' ..,. l'\'1 • • Stacy Tucker From: Mark Peterson Sent: Friday, October 21,2011 8:21 AM To: Cc: Gerald Wasser; Gregg A. Zimmerman; Alexander Pietsch; Terry Higashiyama Stacy Tucker; Jennifer T. Henning Subject: RE: ERC Consent Agenda & Amended ERe Report for Joey's Short Plat I concur with staff recommendation. Mark Peterson Fire Chief/Emergency Services Administrator City of Renton Fire & Emergency Services Dept. 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425.430.7083 mapeterson@rentonwa.gov From: Gerald Wasser Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 4:32 PM To: Gregg A. Zimmerman; Alexander Pietsch; Mark Peterson; Terry Higashiyama Cc: Stacy Tucker; Jennifer T. Henning Subject: FW: ERC Consent Agenda & Amended ERC Report for Joey's Short Plat Stacy's email below erroneously states that a signature sheet will be routed for this ERC agenda item. However, a signature sheet will not be routed and we just need your emailed concurrence on Monday, October 24, 2011. If you are unable to send the concurrence please have your alternate do so. The concurrence emails should be sent to me; I will then copy them and place them in the permanent file. Thank you very much. Jerry Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7382 FAX (425) 430-7300 gwasser@rentonwa.gov From: Stacy Tucker Sent: Thursday, October 20,20114:19 PM To: Gerald Wasser Subject: FW: ERC Consent Agenda & Amended ERC Report for Joey's Short Plat d"tacfI 1k. !Tu.c.h.c.h., p~ d"~ City of Renton I CED I Planning Division 10555 Grady Way 16th Floor I Renton, WA 98057 1 ----_. --_._----------- -1 • • Stacy Tucker From: Alexander Pietsch Sent: Friday, October 21,2011 7:42 AM To: Cc: Terry Higashiyama; Gerald Wasser; Gregg A. Zimmerman; Mark Peterson Stacy Tucker; Jennifer T. Henning Subject: Re: ERC Consent Agenda & Amended ERC Report for Joey's Short Plat I'm in Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint! -----Reply message ----- From: "Terry Higashiyama" <THigashiyama@Rentonwa.gov> Date: Fri, Oct 21,2011 7:38 am Subject: ERC Consent Agenda & Amended ERC Report for Joey's Short Plat To: "Gerald Wasser" <GWasser@Rentonwa.gov>, "Gregg A. Zimmerman" <Gzimmerman@Rentonwa.gov>, "Alexander Pietsch" <Apietsch@Rentonwa.gov>, "Mark Peterson" <Mapeterson@Rentonwa.gov> Cc: "Stacy Tucker" <STucker@Rentonwa.gov>, "Jennifer T. Henning" <Jhenning@Rentonwa.gov> Concur with staff recommendation. Terry Higashiyama City of Renton Community Services Administrator 425-430-6606 thigashiyama@rentonwa.gov From: Gerald Wasser Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 4:33 PM To: Gregg A. Zimmerman; Alexander Pietsch; Mark Peterson; Terry Higashiyama Cc: Stacy Tucker; Jennifer T. Henning Subject: FIN: ERC Consent Agenda & Amended ERC Report for Joey's Short Plat Stacy's email below erroneously states that a signature sheet will be routed for this ERC agenda item. However, a signature sheet will not be routed and we just need your emailed concurrence on Monday, October 24,2011. If you are unable to send the concurrence please have your alternate do so. The concurrence emails should be sent to me; I will then copy them and place them in the permanent file. Thank you very much. Jerry Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7382 FAX (425) 430-7300 gwasser@rentonwa.gov 1 • • Stacy Tucker From: Terry Higashiyama Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 7:39 AM To: Cc: Gerald Wasser; Gregg A. Zimmerman; Alexander Pietsch; Mark Peterson Stacy Tucker; Jennifer T. Henning Subject: RE: ERC Consent Agenda & Amended ERC Report for Joey's Short Plat Concur with staff recommendation. Terry Higashiyama City of Renton Community Services Administrator 425-430-6606 thigashiyama@rentonwa.gov .. _-_._------_._-----_._-- From: Gerald Wasser Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 4:33 PM To: Gregg A. Zimmerman; Alexander Pietsch; Mark Peterson; Terry Higashiyama Cc: Stacy Tucker; Jennifer T. Henning Subject: FW: ERC Consent Agenda & Amended ERC Report for Joey's Short Plat Stacy's email below erroneously states that a signature sheet will be routed for this ERC agenda item. However, a signature sheet will not be routed and we just need your emailed concurrence on Monday, October 24, 2011. If you are unable to send the concurrence please have your alternate do so. The concurrence 'emails should be sent to me; I will then copy them and place them in the permanent file. Thank you very much. Jerry Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7382 FAX (425)430-7300 gwasser@rentonwa.gov From: Stacy Tucker Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 4: 19 PM To: Gerald Wasser Subject: FW: ERC Consent Agenda & Amended ERC Report for Joey's Short Plat d"t ..... " 1k. !Tu.c.h..cft, p~ d"~ City of Renton I CED I Pla.nning Division 10555 Grady Way 16th Floor I Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425.430.7282 I Fax: 425.430.7300 I stucker@rentonwa.gov 1 • • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVElOPMENT MEMORAN DUM DATE: October 20, 2011 TO: Environmental Review Committee FROM: SUBJECT: Gerald Wasser, Associate Planne~ LUA11-0GG, ECF, SHPL-A Joey's Short Plat A request for reconsideration of the ERC DNS-M for the above-captioned project was received on October 11, 2011 from Jean Stearns, a neighboring property owner (see Attachment). Ms. Stearns raises two points in her reconSideration request: 1) the reason for inclusion of the portion of the subject property east of the stream buffer in the Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE); and 2) the reason for not allowing mowing, pruning, or removal of vegetation within the NGPE because this would allow for the growth of non-native invasive vegetation. The reason for inclusion of the eastern portion of the property in the NGPE is to accommodate both the 35-foot Class 4 Stream buffer and the 25-foot Category 3 Wetland buffer on the project site. Staff recommends that no change be made in the portion of the property to be included in the NGPE. Regarding Ms. Stearns' comment on mowing, pruning, and vegetation removal within the NGPE, wording was inadvertently included in Mitigation Measure 2 which stated that there shall be no mowing within the NGPE. Staff recommends that Mitigation Measure 2 be changed so that the sentence regarding mowing is removed. The attached Amended Environmental Review Committee Report and Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision reflect this change. Mitigation Measure 2 currently reads: A Native Grawth Pratectian Easement (NGPE) shall be established between the westernmost 35-foot stream buffer boundary and the eastern property line. The NGPE shall be indicated on the short plat and a note describing the NGPE shall be placed on the face of the short plat. The existing easternmost shed on Proposed Lot 1 shall be removed or relocoted outside of the NGPE prior to installation of the split roil fence. There sholl be no mowing within the NGPE. h:\ccd\planning\currcnt planning\projects\11-066.jerry\reconsideration memo to ere. doc ERe •• • Page 2 0[2 October 20. 20 II Mitigation Measure 2 in the amended document reads: A native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE)shall be established between the westernmost 35-foot stream buffer boundary and the eastern property line. The NGPE shall be indicated on the face of the short plat and a note describing the NGPE shall be placed on the face of the plat. The existing easternmost shed an Proposed Lot 1 shall be removed or relocated outside of the NGPE prior to ionstallation of the split rail fence. The required wording for the NGPE includes provisions maintenance and enhancement ofthe NGPE with the express written permission from the City. Attachments: l.Reconsideration Request from Jean Stearns (received October 11, 2011) 2. Amended Environmental Review Committee Report and Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision h:\ccd\planning\currcnt planning\projects\II-066.jeny\reconsideralion memo to ere.doc -l ".' '. " ," " :''-' .... ' •••• .. ·.DenisLaw· . Mayor'· ,. '. : -:: '.., City .. C.lerk -Bonnie I. Walton .'. '" .' . . ' ' . , .. , .. b~tobe~ 19;2Q11 . ~ '. . '. '.: . .: .. > , . ", ". " . J. '.': .. ' '.:' .' " . Susan 'Rider William O'Connor· .' , ,1835 NE20th St. " · Re~ton;IiVA980S6 ,'. ' , . 921 S,Wash,ington,Si:>' , ". Port A'ngeles,WA98362' -.: . 'Re:·· Appeal of Joey's Short Plat;lUAcH-066 '.' - .' : Dear Ms':Rider and Mr. O'Connor:' . .... , '. ,.' This is'toinformyouthatdue'tothe filing of a requestfbrreeonsideration 15-;1 another'. · part yon the JoelsShort Platadn,inistrativedeclsion, proc'es~ing of the appeal'that you', • ", . filed on October 13th will.bedelayed ~ntil tbat;is decided'" • " . '. , ._,.'" .' . . , . . . The appeal peri~d {ortni, adrrii~istrative decisionendedat Spm cm.October. i4;201LA • request fbrreconsiderationwas filed liyJean St~arns with, the Development Services .. ' Division' o'n,October 11th'.' ....... . , . .,." ' .. ' -. . , .'. '," .." ':'.( .. ~. /" . , ". '. . The RequestfOr Reconsiaeration mustbe decided, first. After that,:theri I wilieontact you, ' ' , oryou cancontact'me;tcidetermi~eifih({eedybu still wantto proceedwith'you( a'ppeaj . . asfiledcrheappeal willthen be processed accordirigly .. ," ' , .' , " " "',"'."'" ' .. ·.If you have,anyquestions, please feel free toeontact me. " Sincerely; : .Bonnie I. w~li:on :'. ' .C.it"; Clerk, bw CC: .' CnipVincent, · -~' . Jennifer He'iini~g' .' .' ;" " .. -', : '." . ',', _. _' .' ..' 1,."" . ' , .' . _ , ,_. • , "" ' . , . :. 1 OS5 So~th Grady Way. Renton, Washington 98057 ',. (4;!5) 430-6510/ Fax (42S) 430-6516· rentonwa,gov . . ;, " , ' '." . . -:. , ' ., \ ~. • October 11, 2011 City of Renton Environmental Review committee Attn: Gerald Wasser, associate planner RE: Joey's short plat LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A • This letter is in regards to the DNS-M decision on the short plat application for the property currently defined as 2208 Jones Ave NE. I have no issue with the short plat request itself; in fact, it is a great neighborhood infill project. I would like someone to confirm that the existing house is in fact hooked up to the sewer system and not still on septic. Sewer hook-up should be required for both the existing and proposed lots based on the proximity to the creek. The main purpose of this letter is to comment on the proposed "mitigation" requirements suggested by the City, specifically the "native growth protection easement." 1. This easement is essentially a taking of land that historically was in agricultural use. The requirement is for a 35' buffer along Kennydale Creek (which, by the way, is a man-made channel through the subject property). Why would the remaining property east of that buffer also need to be included in the easement? 2. The proposed NGPE does not allow any mowing, pruning, or removal of vegetation. And yet, per the report, many of the existing plant species are non-natives and one in particular is highly invasive. Without the ability to cut, prune, mow, or remove ANY vegetation, the area will once again be overtaken by Himalayan blackberries and even the boundary ofthe easement (at the split rail fence) will be impossible to maintain. Himalayan blackberries are not "native growth" nor do they provide the best habitat. This NGPE may look great on paper, but it actually creates a negative impact on the environment itself. It prevents anyone from doing any kind of creek or habitat restoration with actual native plants. The establishment of the NGPE as written would require future property owners to turn their backs on this environmental asset called Kennydale Creek. I kindly request that the Environmental Review Committee reconsider their response to this topic. Regards,. ~ ~'"~ 2216 Jones Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 425.254.1254 CiTY Cf REmON RECEIVED OCT 1 1 2011 BUILDING DIVISION , , . ,Denis·I-!3\,,j· . Mayor'· . October. 19 ; 2Q11 .. '" City,Clerk -Bo~nje I. Walton ,', .,:. ' . , ' .. ' .. ; ". < . '" ... ~ ' .. . '" , . '- , ," " . : ': " Susan'Rider ' '1835 NE.2bth St. " , Renton,WA980S6 " ,j: -. ". ., , " . J .• ' .: ',' William OiConnor ,,' '. 921 S,WashingtonSt ' Port Angeles;WA,98362 -.' .. ,'Re: '" Appeal of !Ol~y'S ShbrtPlat;,LUA~11'-066 ',. " : . " , D,ear Ms'Ride~ and,Mr.C)'C6n~or: . ' •. '.' Thisistc)informyouthatdue totheJiling 'cfa, request fbrrecon$ideration 'by another, " , ,partY0rJ the Jbey'sShort f'lai:adri1inistratived~dsion, proces~ing ofthe appeal that you, • ,", ,fil~d 6nOct~b~r i,3th willbedelayed ~ntil toat'is dec:ided" " ,',',"" " ' .', . ,Theappeal peri~dfortnis adnii~ls!r~tive decisi~nendedat Spm on.OCtober. 14;?OlLA : requ~st forrecons'ider;3tionwas filed tiydean Stearns with. the cievelopm~nt Services. ' Division' on,October 1wi'." ' , ' '. " , ' ., " ~ ".' ~ - The Requestf6r Rec~nsiaerationm~srbedecided:fi'i-st.Afte( that,:,then 1 wUlcontact you, .' , oryou can contact me; todeterml~eifindeed you still w~nttoprocee~ .with youfippeaj, , , , as filed, ,The 'appeal will then be, jJrCicessed accordingly, " . ' ' ", , .', ." .... '. , , If you haiieanyquesiion~; please f~:el free to contact me> Si~cereIY; , ' ,r, ' -' ' Bonnie I: W~lton ,', C;ity CJerk ,', " ' bw : .cc: : . " , Chip Vincent -Neil Waits 'Jennifer Henning', ..... . ' .. (, '. . '"", '.;". " .'.' "" . " .~ . " .. .' .. ' , ' , ',' "055 So~thGr~dy lYay; Renton, W~5hjngto~ 98057 ., (425) 430-651 01 Fax (425)430-6516 • rentoliwa.gov " " , .. .' :' '. '. ... ," . The Honorable Phil A. Olbrechts Hearing Examiner City of Renton Dear Sir CITY OF RENTON~ OCT 1 3 2011 October 12, 2011 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE /0 icfc.; C{,'11, c.c. 3 0 MI;' Wei It01 l, C.i'f d~rk w rr'i ,Vp. ,rbi, c.ly Atly Ned tV-i:t t15) De .. ./ 5,,( . ..., DNCt-O'" Je,1V!1 f,,-He,jllln, I flMfrlI''J tf10MSf/ c..'v"f V"1Ct'o'lf,/ II'H1~1 '''i: Dire[~ 5t.r-.cy . ,liCk.--I DeL-s:..c We are appealing the recent approval of Joey's Short Plat at 2208 Jones AveNE [LUA11-()66] due to the categorization of Kennydale Creek as a Class IV [intermittent] stream and the resultant inadequate buffer zones imposed. We are requesting that the creek be correctly identified as Class III, in accordance with RMC'4-3-OS0 L. l.ajii; and that the appropriate buffers be required before any further action is taken on this short plat. This creek is a spring fed stream Which is classified as perennial [Class III] a short distance from this plat, and is furthermore a headwaters stream originating in the peat wetlands less than a block away from the proposed Jots. We do not believe that the City has shown the required due diligence in this matter, and we are seeking an upgraded classification based on pur voluminous collection of supporting . . .~ of-lJr;p{?O.r documentation. Sincerely Susan Rider 1835 N E 20'" St Renton, WA (425)228-8711 William O'Connor 921 S Washington 5t Port Angeles, WA (360)457-3437 Kennydale Critical Areas Alliance ------------------------------------------- e · .. October 11, 2011 City of Renton Environmental Review committee Attn: Gerald Wasser, associate planner RE: Joey's short plat LUAll-D66, ECF, SHPL-A • This letter is in regards to the DN5-M decision on the short plat application for the property currently defined as 2208 Jones Ave NE. I have no issue with the short plat request itself; in fact, it is a great neighborhood infill project. I would like someone to confirm that the existing house is in fact hooked up to the sewer system and not still on septic. Sewer hook-up should be required for both the existing and proposed lots based on the proximity to the creek. The main purpose of this letter is to comment on the proposed "mitigation" requirements suggested by the City, specifically the "native growth protection easement." 1. This easement is essentially a taking of land that historically was in agricultural use. The requirement is for a 35' buffer along Kennydale Creek (which, by the way, is a man-made channel through the subject property). Why would the remaining property east of that buffer also need to be included in the easement? 2. The proposed NGPE does not allow any mowing, pruning, or removal of vegetation. And yet, per the report, many of the existing plant species are non-natives and one in particular is highly invasive. Without the ability to cut, prune, mow, or remove ANY vegetation, the area will once again be overtaken by Himalayan blackberries and even the boundary of the easement (at the split rail fence) will be impossible to maintain. Himalayan blackberries are not "native growth" nor do they provide the best habitat. This NGPE may look great on paper, but it actually creates a negative impact on the environment itself. It prevents anyone from doing any kind of creek or habitat restoration with actual native plants. The establishment of the NGPE as written would require future property owners to turn their backs on this environmental asset called Kennydale Creek. I kindly request that the Environmental Review Committee reconsider their response to this topiC. Regards, ~.6tU4t-t- . /;e:n5tearns 2216 Jones Ave NE Renton,WA 98056· 425.254.1254 OCT 11 2011 BUILDING DIVISION ,------------------------------------------------------- • October 11, 2011 City of Renton Environmental Review committee Attn: Gerald Wasser, associate planner RE: Joey's short plat LUAll-Q66, ECF, SHPL-A • This letter is in regards to the DNS-M decision on the short plat application for the property currently defined as 2208 Jones Ave NE. I have no issue with the short plat request itself; in fact, it is a great neighborhood infill project. I would like someone to confirm that the existing house is in fact hooked up to the sewer system and not still on septic. Sewer hook-up should be required for both the existing and proposed lots based on the proximity to the creek. The main purpose of this letter is to comment on the proposed "mitigation" requirements suggested by the City, specifically the "native growth protection easement." 1. This easement is essentially a taking of land that historically was in agricultural use. The requirement is for a 35' buffer along Kennydale Creek (which, by the way, is a man-made channel through the subject property). Why would the remaining property east of that buffer also need to be included in the easement? 2. The proposed NGPE does not allow any mowing, pruning, or removal of vegetation. And yet, per the report, many of the existing plant species are non-natives and one in particular is highly invasive. Without the ability to cut, prune, mow, or remove ANY vegetation, the area will once again be overtaken by Himalayan blackberries and even the boundary of the easement (at the split rail fence) will be impossible to maintain. Himalayan blackberries are not "native growth" nor do they provide the best habitat. This NGPE may look great on paper, but it actually creates a negative impact on the environment itself. It prevents anyone from doing any kind of creek or habitat restoration with actual native plants. The establishment of the NGPE as written would require future property owners to turn their backs on this environmental asset called Kennydale Creek. ;' , I kindly request that the Environmental Review Committee reconsider their response to this topic. )?6tMz Jean Stearns . 2216 Jones Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 425.254.1254 OCT 1 1 2011 BUILDING DIVISION • NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINAnON OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE. MITIGATED (D~S'M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION I'ROIECT NAME: J!Irr'lShortPlat PltO/ECT NUM8ER: WoUl.(l16, leF, SHPl." LOCATIOH: UOI Jo .... A_. HE D£SCJUP'TlOH, ...,..naM twqUab b> tWdMd, • 15M7 "I ...... loot ,.,aollnta fwo 11m. no. two ..... 1'lhI& Job would boo 17,11.2 .. r. (Lot I) and 11.'65 "',(Lot 21. ItoInnycIalt ,,"II, • 0_" st ......... preM'nt -bIMctJ the 1Ir.. It Crt,pry 2 .... 1 wetland (3.soo d,l II poaent on tII'.-thioQl pOrIlon of ~ shII. loth proposed lob would pin __ 51 from Ja..., A_ HE. .... exlstlnc IooouH .nd two "'"" Ire loc.Itod on _ would ... Lat 1. '"'" "'btln, buM""", I .. ,....,.,.." to 1M .. tlln". OnQI tIM _I,nd Ind rtnIlm MI. Is d,dvcud tIM rvulUn, ... 1 " ..... lop.GI •• "'. II 0.71 ",,",I. A two-Iot IhOf't pllt would ylliel. d.mlty of 2.14 dll/Mt .cr •. .",. lit. II ,In.,,,Uy ",t. ",. proJ~ ",qlllre" ~PA InvIroI'Imlntal ...... w Ind lhon plot .ppronl. THE ellY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTE!: [ElIC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACT10N DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVEIISE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AppGI. ofthl IlIVl,onmental dlllrmlnition must bl flld In wrltlnl on or before 5:00 p.m. On oc;tob .. 14, 2011. Appnl. must be flied In wrttln. tOllth" with thl requlrld t .. with: H"rlnl Examiner, City of Rent'"', lD55 South G •• llly WilY, Rlnton, WA 98057, App<!:ills to thl Examiner ". lonrn.d by Oly"; Renton Munld~t Code SKI;lon ...... 110.1. Additional Information rqardln. the eppII' proCiU may b. obtillned from thl R'!Mton cry O.rIr', OffiCI,. {IUJ 011-0510. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL OffiRMINATloN IS APPEALED, A PU8UC HEARING WlU BE SET AHD AU PARTlEs NOTIFIED. . CERTIFICATION I, J Cli\ \1\ \'fc,y H-eIA\'\l ~ , hereby certify that" copies ofthe above document were posted in 2-conspi~us places or nearby the described property on Date:,_"\-'-tl-,~~(-=--z.a",--' (,-' __ STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) SS ) Signed: ~~~VVO I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that:S \\e-"'- signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary tt or the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument, -""'~,C\\ ~ ...A ~V\ Notary Public in 7ndfOr the State of Washington Notary (Print): U A f. \ ___ ,,~,,~\,_~~,~~~er~ ____________ __ A "'% v.s;;-\ STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as. a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on September 30, 2011. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $84.00. ~ ///;J#!/L 't1nda M. Mills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subscribed and sworn ~e this 30th day of September, 2011. he State of Washington, Residing NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMIITEE RENTON. WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee has issued a Detenni- nation of Non-Significance-Miti- gated for the following project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. Joey's Short Plat LUAII·066, ECF, SHPL·A Location: 2208 Jones Ave NE. Applicant requests SEPA Review and Administrative Short Plat approval of a 2-lot subdivision on a 36,847 sf parcel in the R-4 zone. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on October 14,2011. Appeals must be filed in 'NTiting together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110.8. Additional infonnation regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430·6510. Published in the Renton Reporter on September 30, 2011. #530153 """,,~'!}~iO\"IIII"1 ~' , ~~ ,.,.,,"'''''~&o':'''''1. ff -t::"'~SSIO/f~" \ E :~ .... OTA~ ". ~ :: :0 ~.,.~ ~ ~ ':::-0 I! ~ ~ ... • ... J S; ..::'i..o rE ~ <J) ~ lJ8\.~ = = ~ ...... ~ '-f~ = ~'1. "'~"I" 0"19 .. ,\'b~~~ ~= '1111 ~ O'III"'\\\~""";O ;- ""'' 1:" WAS",1 ':!<. ............ $ 11""\\\\\",,," • • • On the 29th day of September, 2011, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing ERe Determination of Non-Significance -Mititgated documents. This information was sent to: Agencies See Attached Wilford Hughes Contact Lorraine Taylor Owner Jean Stearns POR Fritz Brendemihl POR Deanna Dobak POR William O'Connor POR Karen Walter POR Susan Rider POR (Signature of Sender): ...1Q~~!4---,'-!....L~t1.:y'.LJ.;",e&:'::::"" ____ ---,~~31 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy M. Tucker signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act (tJlll\l'I~H.~~~~QJ'I~ mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print):, ___ ......:.I:-.:.,' ':..,:A:..:...:.._ ~G~r"-:::\,,::--l.:::::...( ____________ _ My appointment expires: A4'-'-t;i" ~~ ;}o\3 Joey's Short Plat LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A template -affidavit of seNiee by mailing .. ---------------------------------- ,---------------------------------------------------------- • • AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) Oept. of Ecology'" WDFW ¥ Larry Fisher· Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept .• Environmental Review Section 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer PO Box 47703 Issaquah, WA 98027 39015 _172" Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Auburn, WA 98092 WSDOT Northwest Region' Duwamish Tribal Office' Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program ... Attn: Ramin Pazooki 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015172" Avenue SE PO Box 330310 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers ... KC Wastewater Treatment Division ... Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation· Seattle District Office Environmental Planning Supervisor Attn: Gretchen Kaehler Attn: SEPA Reviewer Ms. Shirley Marroquin PO Box 48343 PO Box C-3755 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Seattle, WA 98124 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Boyd Powers ... Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Servo City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: SEPA Section Attn: Steve Roberge Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev . .Director Renton, WA 98055-1219 13020 Newcastle Way 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Metro Transit Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Senior Environmental Planner Municipal Liaison Manager Steve lancaster, Responsible Official Gary Kriedt Joe Jainga 6200 South center Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01W Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Seattle Public Utilities Real Estate Services Attn: SEPA Coordinator 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 *Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional ONS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the notice of application. template ,. affidavit of service by mailing • • OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION . PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: LOCATION: Joev's Short Plat LUA11-066, ECF, SHPl-A 2208 Jones Avenue NE DESCRIPTION: Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (lot 1) and 18,965 5.1. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 stream, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 s.f.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.14 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITIEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed In writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on October 14, 2011. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be . obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. . IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE SET AND ALL PARTIES NOTIFIED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please Include the project NUMBER.when cal!ing for proper file identification .. ------------------------------------------- Denis Lalli( Mayor .' September 28;2011 , Department of C~mmunit~ and 'Economic b~velopment ' , , , Alex Pietsdi, Administrator Wilford Hughes, , W:H. Hughes Co: , 14401 Issaquah Hobart Road IssaqiJah, WA98rJ27 ' ' , ' ' ,SUBJECT:, 'ENVIRONMENTAL THRmiOLD (SEPAl DEi'ERMINATION ' ' ' Joey's ShortPlat, lUA1Hi66, ECF; SHPL-A ,,' " Dear Mr. Hughes: This letter is written on behalf of the Environr11.ental Review'Cornmittee (ERe) to advise you that they h'ave'completed their review 'of the subject project arid' have issued a ' thr,eshold Determination cif Ncin-Significa'ncEcMitigated with Mitigation Measures: , Please refer to the enclosed ERC Report and, Decision, P,!lrt 2, Section B for. a list of the Mitigation Measures. Appeals of the emiiroi1me~t~1 deter~ination must be fileciinwriting on o~before 5:00 p;m. on October 14, 2011, Appeals must be filed in writing together with the recju'ired, ' fee with: Hearing' Examiner; Cityof Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. ' Appeals to the Examiner a~e governed by City of Renton rviunicipal Code Section 4-8~ , 110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the' ',Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6Sio.' ,,' If the En~ironrnental Deterini~ation is appealed, a public hearing date will be set and all' parties notified. , " 'The ~receding inforrriation will, assist you in Rlanning for impfementation'ofyour project and enable you to exercise your ~ppeal rights rr;ore fully, if you choose to dose. If you' have any questions or desire c1a'rification of the above, ple'ase call me at (425)430-7382.' For the " nvironrriental Review Committ~e, ," ',,~/1~/f::MA . ~~~ Gerald C. 'Wasser, ,',' : : 'Associate Planner . Enclosure cc: . lo~raine ravl_or'J own~r(s) . Jean Stearns, Fritz Bre~demihl, Deanna Dob'a"k, William O'Conno,r, Karen Walter"Susan Rider / PartY(ies) of , , . Record' . . . ': . . ~ent6n City H~ll • , 055 ~outh Gr;~y W~y • Re~t~~, ~~Shingt~n· 9~~~7 •. renton,:,a:g~v , , , Denis Law . Mayor .' ~--~---c-- , , ' . September 28, 2011 . Department of Community and Economic Development, Alex Pietsch, Administrator Washington State' Department of Ecology Environmentai :Review Section PO BO~47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703. ' , " Subject: ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPAl DETERMINATION Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following . , ' project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERe) on September 26, . -. , . 2011:, DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE cMITIGATED PROJECT NAME:. 'Joey's Short Plat PROJECT NUMBER: ' LUAll-0GG, ECF, SHPL-A LOCATION: Z208 Jones Avenue NE ~' ' DESCRIPTION: . Applicant requests SEPA Review and Administrative Short Plat approval of a Z-Iot subdivision on a 3G,847, sf parcel in. the R-4 zone. :' Appeals of the environmental determination must be 'filed in writing on or before 5:00 'p.m. onOctober014,2011. Appeals must be filed i~ writing together with the ~equired fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057. 'Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. ' . . " ' Please 'refer to the enclosed Notice of Environmental Determination for complete details. Ifyo~ have questions,'please call meat (425)430-7382. For the Environmental Review Committee, '. ,(f~~ GeraldWasser ~r Associate Planner Enclosure Renton City Hall.. 1 ass South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov· I I ·r ·1 I I W~~~ingt~n'Stat~ Qepartm'.f E~~logy Page 2 of 2 'September 28, 2011' ' ",' lC"C: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Boyd. Powers: Department of Natural Resources, Karen Walter, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Melissa Calvert, Mu'ckleshoot Cultural Resources Program' Gretchen Kaehler, Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation " . • " Raniin Pazooki, WSDOT, NW Region Larry Fisher,WDFW . , Duwamish Tribal Office" 'US Army Corp. of Engineers " ' , , DEPARTMENT OF COMMUlv AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Wilford Hughes Joey's Short Plat . DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (Lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 creek, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 s.f.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: 2208 Jones Avenue NE The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1. The applicant shall install a split rail fence with appropriate signage along the westernmost 35-foot stream buffer boundary of Kennydale Creek. Such split rail fence and signage shall be installed prior to recording ofthe short plat. 2. A Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) shall be established between the western most 35-foot stream buffer boundary and the eastern property line. The NGPE shall be indicated on the short plat and a note describing the NGPE shall be placed on the face of the short plat. The existing easternmost shed on Proposed Lot 1 shall be removed or relocated outside of the NGPE prior to installation of the split rail fence. There shall be no mowing within the NGPE. ERe Mitigation Measures Page 1 of 1 • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED ADVISORY NOTES & CONDITIONS APPLICATION NO(S): APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A Wilford Hughes Joey's Short Plat DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (Lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 creek, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 s.f.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: 2208 Jones Avenue NE The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental informotion provided in conjunction with the environmental determinotion. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning: 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 2. The applicant will be required to comply with protection measures for retained trees as set forth in RMC 4- 4-130H8. 3. The applicant will be required to comply with Environmental Regulations concerning Native Growth Protection Areas, streams, and wetlands contained in RMC 4-3-050. 4. Language for the NGPE is: "The Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) identifies the stream, wetland and buffer areas. The creation of the Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the easement area. This interest shall be for the purpose of preserving native vegetation for the control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, visual and aural buffering, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The Native Growth Protection Easement imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the easement area enforceable on behalf of the public by the City of Renton, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the ERe Advisory Notes Page 1 of 2 easement area. The vegeta. within the NGPE may not be cut, prua, covered by fill, removed or damaged without express written permission from the City of Renton. The right of entry granted herein shall apply to the agents, representatives and employees cif the owners or subsequent owners of the underlying property." 5. The Renton School District Impact Fee is currently $6,310.00 and is payable prior to issuance of building permits for Lot 2. Plan Review -Water: 1. The project will need to provide domestic service, and fire service to serve the proposed development. 2. Per the City Fire Marshal, the preliminary fire flow requirement for a single family home is 1,000 gpm minimum for dwellings up to 3,600 square feet (including garage and basements). If the dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, a minimum of 1,500 gpm fire flow would be required. A minimum of one fire hydrant is required within 300-feet of the proposed buildings and two hydrants if the fire flow goes up to 1,500 gpm. Lateral spacing of fire hydrants is predicated on hydrants being located at street intersections. 3. The fee for a %-inch water meter installed by the City is $2,260.00. Plan Review -Sewer: 1. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges are based on the size of the domestic water meter. These fees are collected at the time a construction permit is issued. The sewer fee for a %-inch water meter is $1,591.00 Plan Review -Transportation: 1. Traffic mitigation fees will apply. Traffic mitigation fees of $717.75 will be required prior to recording of the short plat as a condition of the plat. 2. The maximum driveway width for a single loaded garage is 9 feet and 16 feet for a double loaded garage. Plan Review -Fire: 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. Available fire low is limited to 1,250 gpm. 2. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 3. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. Property Services: Please see attached for memo from Property Services. CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall comply with the environmental mitigation measures specified for Joey's Short Plat, LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A. 2. The applicant shall pay a Transportation Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $717.75, prior to recording the short plat. 3. The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $488.00, prior to recording the short plat. ERe Advisory Notes Page 2 of 2 • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) APPLICATION NO(S): APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A Wilford Hughes Joey's Short Plat DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (Lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 creek, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 s.f.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 2208 Jones Avenue NE LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on October 14, 2011. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8~ 110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: j"----','-------' Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Community Services Department Septem ber 30, 2011 September 26, 2011 1/h~IwJ,l Date Date Date --------------- " DEPARTMENT OF COMMU~ AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT AND ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REPORT & DECISION CONCU~N97l ERC MEETING DATE: Project Name: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: September 26, 2011 Joey's Short Plat Lo'rraine Taylor 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton,VVA 98056 VVilford Hughes VV.H. Hughes Co. 14401 Issaquah, VVA 98027 Same as applicant LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A Gerald VVasser, Associate Planner NAME INITI~p~E ~+Uci£ur 1'2/ tJ~~ ,r1WI'i r?'1 V t-y "1IC~ U In. I ._"" ...... -~~,.. Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (Lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 creek, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 s.f.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. 2208 Jones Avenue NE 1,230 Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): N/ A Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): N/A 36,847 SF Total Building Area GSF: 1,230 Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-MI. ERe & Short Plot Report 11-066.doc DEPARTMENT OF COMMUtTY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT AND ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REPORT & DECISION ERe MEETING DA TE: Project Nome: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: STAFF REeOMMENDA nON: September 26, 2011 Joey's Short Plat Lorraine Taylor 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton,VVA 98056 VVilford Hughes VV.H. Hughes Co. 14401lssaquah,VVA 98027 Same as applicant LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Gerald VVasser, Associate Planner Applicant requeststo subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (Lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 stream, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 s.f.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. 2208 Jones Avenue NE 1,230 Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): N/ A Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): N/A 36,847 SF Total Building Area GSF: 1,230 Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated {DNS-M}. ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Deportment of Community 10nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLAT ERC o~dministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUAll·066, ECF, SHPL·A Report of September 26, 2011 PROJECT LOCATION MAP I PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION I BACKGROUND A, EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: Exhibit 8: Project file ("yellow file") Zoning Map, Sheet D4 Site Plan (received August 8, 2011) Landscape Plan Aerial Photo Letter from William O'Connor (received September 7,2011) Email from Karen Walter, Muckleshoot Tribe (received September 21, 2011) Letter from Susan Rider (received September 9, 2011) B, GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: Lorraine Taylor 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton,WA 98056 Page 2 of 15 2. Zoning Designation: Residential - 4 dwelling units per acre (R-4) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Residential Low Density (RLD) 4. Existing Site Use: Single Family Residence ERC & Short Plat Report 11·066.doc City of Renton Department of Community .nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T ERe ~ministrative Short Plat Report & Decision • LUAll·066, ECF, SHPL·A Report of September 26, 2011 S. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: Single Family Residences (R-4 zoning) b. East: c. South: d. West: 6. Access: 7. Site Area: Single Family Residences and Vacant (R-4 zoning) Single Family Residences (R-4 zoning) Single Family Residences (R-4 zoning) Jones Avenue NE 36,847 sf C. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Comprehensive Plan Annexation Kennydale Blueberry Farm CPA & Rezone D. PROJECT NARRATIVE: Land Use File No. N/A N/A LUA05-159 Ordinance No. 4924 1818 5265 Page 3 of 15 Date 12/05/2001 03/09/1960 09/20/2005 The applicant is proposing a short plat for two single-family residential lots on a 36,847 square foot parcel in the R-4 zone (Exhibit 2). Proposed Lot 1 would have 17,882 square feet and proposed Lot 2 would have 18,965 square feet. The net density for the proposed project is 2.74 dwelling units per acre. The project site is primarily flat. Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 stream, bisects the site from north to south and the majority of a Category 2 or 3 wetland exists in the eastern portion ofthe property beyond Kennydale Creek and its buffer. Development on the site would take place outside the 35-foot stream buffer (Exhibit 3). Access to proposed Lot 1 would be via an existing driveway from Jones Avenue NE; and access to proposed Lot 2 would be via a new driveway cut from Jones Avenue NE. The existing single-family residence is proposed to remain on Lot 1. Three comment letters were received regarding the classification of Kennydale Creek. These letters and staff responses are included as Exhibits 6 through 8. The classification of Kennydale Creek is not at issue for this project. E. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities a. Water: Water service would be provided by the City of Renton. There is an 8-inch water main in Jones Avenue NE. The existing home at 2208 Jones Avenue NE is served by a %-inch water meter connected to the water main in Jones Avenue NE. ERe & Short Plat Report 11·066.doc City of Renton Deportment of Community 10nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLAT ERC ot'tdministrotive Short Plat Report & Decision WAl1-066, ECF, SHPL-A Report of September 26. 2011 Page 4 of 15 b_ Sewer: Sewer service would be provided by the City of Renton_ There is an 8-inch sewer main --e in Jones Avenue.NE. The existing home at 2208 Jones avenue NE is connected to the sewer main. c. Surface/Storm Water: There are existing storm drainage facilities in Jones Avenue NE. 2_ Streets: There are existing sidewalk, curb, and gutter along Jones Avenue NE. No further improvements are required. 3_ Fire Protection: The City of Renton provides fire protection services to this area. ! PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. ENVIRONMENTAL THRESHOLD RECOMMENDATION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS-M with a 14-day Appeal Period. B_ MITIGATION MEASURES 1. The applicant shall install a split rail fence with appropriate sign age along the westernmost 35-foot stream buffer boundary of Kennydale Creek. Such split rail fence and signage shall be installed prior to recording of the short plat. 2. A Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) shall be established between the western most 35- foot stream buffer boundary and the eastern property line. The NGPE shall be indicated on the short plat and a note describing the NGPE shall be placed on the face of the short plat. The existing easternmost shed on Proposed Lot 1 shall be removed or relocated outside of the NGPE prior to installation of the split rail fence. There shall be no mowing within the NGPE. C. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS . The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposol is likely to have the following probable impacts: 1_ Water a_ Stream and Wetland Impacts: Kennydale Creek crosses the central portion of the subject property in a north/south orientation. Per RMC 4-3-050Q Kennydale Creek is a Class 4 stream in this vicinity. Class 4 streams require a minimum buffer area of 35 feet. To the east of Kennydale Creek is awetland which is either a ERe & Short Plat Report 1l-066.doc City of Renton Deportment of Community 10nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of September 26, 2011 ERC aldministratiVe Short Plat Report & Decision LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Page 5 of 15 Category 2 or Category 3 Wetland. Category 2 wetlands require a buffer area of 50 feet and Category 3 wetlands require a buffer area of 25 feet. The applicant submitted a Revised Critical Areas Review for Joey's Short Plat (File No. LUAll-066), 2208 Jones Ave. NE, Renton, WA (Parcel 334390-3602), dated August 4,2011, prepared by Altmann Oliver Associates, LLC. The Critical Areas Review states that Kennydale Creek on the project site is a Class 4 stream which appears to have been historically ditched. Vegetation along the stream banks is mowed to the edge of the channel and plant species within and adjacent to the channel at the time of the field investigation consisted almost entirely of reed canary grass. The Critical Areas Review also identifies a disturbed wetland in the northeastern portion of the site (Exhibit 3). The wetland consists of a shallow topographic depression that appears to extend off- site to the north. Vegetation within the wetland includes Pacific willow, Himalayan blackberry, reed canary grass, creeping buttercup, giant horsetail, Watson's willow-herb, watercress, and scattered skunk cabbage. Hydrology within the wetland was based on the presence of disturbed hydric soils. The wetland is more than 15 feet from the eastern Ordinary High Water Mark of Kennydale Creek and the maximum required buffer for the wetland would be 50 feet, therefore, the stream buffer is more restrictive. The 50-foot buffer is based on the unlikely possibility that the wetland is a Category 2, rather than a more likely Category 3 wetland which would require a 25-foot buffer. The Critical Areas Review concludes that because the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Priority Habitats and Species database does not indicate any priority habitats or species on or adjacent to the subject property and the fact that future development would take place outside the 35-foot stream buffer area, there would be no critical area impacts as result of the project. In order to prevent degradation of the on site stream and wetland, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the applicant install a split-rail fence with appropriate sign age along the western 35-foot stream buffer boundary. Such split rail fence and sign age shall be installed prior to recording of the short plat. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the placement of such fence be shown on a final landscape plan which shall be submitted to the Planning Division project manager for review and approval prior to recording of the short plat. Also, staff recommends as a condition of approval that a Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) be established from the westernmost 35-foot stream buffer boundary to the eastern property line. The NGPE shall be indicated on the short plat and a note describing the NGPE shall be placed on the face of the short plat. The existing easternmost shed on proposed Lot 1 shall be removed or relocated outside of the NGPE prior to installation ofthe split rail fence. There shall be no mowing within the NGPE. Three letters commenting on the classification of Kennydale Creek were received by staff. Two of the letters commented on a previous project in the vicinity and questioned the Class 4 stream designation of Kennydale Creek (Exhibits 6 and 8). A third letter was received from Karen Walter, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division (Exhibit 7), asking about the classification of Kennydale Creek and providing suggestions for buffer area enhancement. Staff responded to these letters and stated that this two-lot short plat does not affect the classification of the creek. Furthermore, the future development on the project site would occur outside of the 3S-foot stream buffer. Therefore, there is no essential nexus for requiring buffer area enhancement. However, by requiring the NGPE and not allowing mowing or removal of vegetation, the buffer area would be enhanced. ERC & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community lonomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PIA T ERC a:ldministrative Short Plat Report & Decision WAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Report of September 26, 2011 Page 6 of 15 Mitigation Measures: 1. The applicant shall install a split rail fence with appropriate signage along the westernmost 35-foot stream buffer boundary of Kennydale Creek. Such split rail fence and signage shall be installed prior to recording of the short plat. 2. A Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) shall be established between the western most 35- foot stream buffer boundary and the eastern property line. The NGPE shall be indicated on the short plat and a note describing the NGPE shall be placed on the face of the short plat. The existing easternmost shed on Proposed Lot 1 shall be removed or relocated outside of the NGPE prior to installation of the split rail fence. There shall be no mowing within the NGPE. Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; RMC 4-3-050E D. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or "Advisory Notes to Applicant." ,( Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. PART THREE: ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REVIEW A. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts a. Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts b. Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table c. Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards d. Section 4-2-115: Residential Design and Open Space Standards 2_ Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts a. Section 4-3-050L: Streams and Lakes b. Section 40-3-050M: Wetlands 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards a. Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations 4_ Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards a. Section 4-6-060: Street Standards S. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations a. Section 4-7-070: Detailed Procedures for Short Subdivisions b. Section 4-7-120: Compatibility with Existing Land Use and Plan -General Requirements and Minimum Standards ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community 10nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T ERC a1dministrOtiVe Short Plat Report & Decision LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Report of September 26. 2011 Page 7 of 15 c. Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots -General Requirements and Minimum Standards d. Section 4-7-130: Environmental Consideration -General Requirements and Minimum Standards 6. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria 7. Chapter 11 Definitions B_ APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element: 2. Community Design Element: 3. Environmental Element C. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: Residential Policies Established Residential Neighborhoods Critical Areas 1. Project Description/Background See Project Narrative. above. 2. Environmental Review Except when located on lands covered by water or sensitive areas, short plats are exempt from SEPA Environmental Review pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(6)(a). Since this site contains both Kennydale Creek and a wetland, SEPA Environmental Review is required. 3. Compliance with ERC Conditions See Mitigation Measures in Part 2 B. above. 4. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence ofthe comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections ofthis report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end ofthis report. S. Consistency with Short Plat Criteria Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision-makers in the review of the plat: oj Compliance with the Comprehensive Designation The site is designated Residential Low Density (RLD) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Lands in the RLD deSignation are intended to guide development on land appropriate for a range of low intensity residential where land is either constrained by sensitive areas or where the City has the opportunity to add larger-lot housing stock, at urban densities of 4 du/net acre, ERe & Short Plat Report ll-D66.doc City of Renton Department of Community .0nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of September 26, 2011 ERC a~dministrative Short Plat Report & Decision WAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Page 8 of 15 to its inventory. Lands that either do not have significant sensitive areas, or can be adequately protected by the critical areas ordinance, are zoned R-4. The proposal is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan Land Use, Community Design and Environmental Element objectives and policies. Policy lU-1S7. Within the Residential 4 dulac zoned area a maximum density of 4 units per acre is allowed to encourage larger lot development and increase the supply of upper income housing consistent with the City's Housing Element. Policy Objective Met o Not Met Policy CD-12_ Infill development, defined as new short plats of nine or fewer lots, should be encouraged in order to add variety, updated housing stock, and new vitality to neighborhoods. Policy Objective Met o Not Met Objective EN-A. Protect and enhance water quality of sUrface water resources including the City's lakes, rivers, major and minar creeks, and intermittent stream caurses. Policy Objective Met o Not Met Objective EN-B. Preserve and protect wetlands for overall system functioning. Policy Objective Met o Not Met b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation The subject site is designated R-4 on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development would allow for the future construction of one new single-family dwelling unit. Density: There is no minimum density in the R-4 zone and the maximum density is 4 units per acre. The area ofthe critical areas (wetland and stream) on site (5,150 square feet) is deducted from the gross square footage of the site. Therefore, the net square footage would be 31,627 square feet (0.73 acre). The net density for the two proposed lots would be 2.74 dwelling units per net acre which falls within the permitted density range for the R-4 zone. lot Dimension: As demonstrated in the table below, all lots meet the requirements for minimum lot size, depth, and width. As Proeosed Lot Size Width Deeth 8,000 SF minimum 70 feet required 80 feet required Lotl 17,882 SF 70 feet 255 feet Lot 2 18,965 SF 74 feet 255 feet ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Deportment of Community 'onomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of September 26, 2011 ERC a.dministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Page 9 of 15 Setbacks: The required setbacks in the R-4 zone are as follows: front yard is 30 feet; interior side yard is 5 feet; and the rear yard is 25 feet. The proposed lots are oriented so that the front yards of both lots face west. The proposed lots appear to contain adequate area to provide all the required setbacks. Building Standards: The R-4 zone permits one residential structure per lot. Each of the proposed lots would support one detached unit. Accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. Building height in the R-4 zone is limited to 30 feet for primary structures and 15 feet for detached accessory structures. The allowed building lot coverage for lots over 5,000 square feet in size in the R-4 zone is 35 percent or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater. Impervious surface area coverage may be a maximum of 55 percent. The existing house on proposed Lot 1 complies with these standards and the building standards for proposed Lot 2 would be verified at the time of building permit review. c) Community Assets The site (outside of the wetland area) is vegetated primarily with lawn. There are 7 trees on the project site (2 cedars and 5 alders) all of which would be retained. In addition to the trees, the site also contains Pacific willow, Himalayan blackberry, reed canary grass, creeping buttercup, giant horsetail, Watson's willow-herb, watercress, and scattered skunk cabbage. The applicant would be required to plant two ornamental trees, a minimum caliper of 1 X inches (deciduous) or 6 - 8 feet in height (conifer), within the 30-foot front yard setback area for the proposed lots (Exhibit 4). The submitted landscape plan indicates that two 1 X-inch caliper flowering cherry trees would be planted in the front yard of each lot. Existing landscaping may be used to augment the required landscaping. In order to protect the onsite stream and wetland, staff has recommended mitigation measures which are discussed in Part Two of this report. d) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations Streets: There is existing Sidewalk, curb, and gutter fronting the project site along Jones Avenue NE. No additional street improvements are required. The proposal would result in an increase in traffic trips to the City's street system. The new residence is expected to generate 9.57 trips at a rate of $75.00 per additional average daily vehicle trip; credit is given for the existing residence on the subject property. The Transportation Mitigation Fee is estimated to be $717.75 (1 new lot x 9.57 trips x $75.00 = $717.75) and would be payable prior to recording the short plat. Therefore, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant pay a Transportation Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $717.75, prior to recording the short plat. Blocks: No new blocks would be created as part of the proposed short plat. Lots: The shape, orientation, and arrangement ofthe proposed lots comply with the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations and the Development Standards of the R-4 zone. ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Deportment of Community 10nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of September 26, 2011 ERC aldministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Page 10 of 15 Proposed Lots 1 and 2 are rectangular in shape. Access to both lots would be via Jones Avenue NE. Both lots meet the requirements for minimum lot size, depth, and width as demonstrated in the table above. The lots are oriented to the west; the front yards would be along Jones Avenue NE. Lot 1 contains an existing house to be retained and Lot 2 appears to have sufficient building area for the development of a detached single-family residence provided the applicant complies with the conditions of approval. e) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access: A,cess to both lots would be via Jones Avenue NE. Topography: The site is primarily flat. Relationship to Existing Uses: All properties surrounding the subject site are designated R-4 on the City's Zoning Map. The proposal is similar to existing development patterns in the area and is compatible with that development. In addition, the proposed development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code. f) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicates that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to Code required improvements and fees. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that a Fire Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $488.00, be paid prior to recording the short plat. Schools: According to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the City of Renton Land Use Element (January 16, 1992), the City of Renton has a student generation factor of 0.44 students per single-family residential dwelling. Based on the student generation factor, the proposed short plat would result in 0.44 additional students (0.44 X 1 new lot = 0.44) to the Renton School District. The Renton School District Impact Fee is currently $6,310.00 per each new single-family unit and is payable prior to the issuance of building permits. It is anticipated that the Renton School District can accommodate any additional students generated by this project at Kennydale Elementary School, McKnight Middle School, and Hazen High School. Parks: There would be no anticipated impacts to parks. Storm Water: The project will comply with Appendix C of the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual and the City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWDM, Chapters 1 and 2. Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls within the Flow Control Duration Standard, Forested Conditions. Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: The site is served by the City of Renton water and sewer services. All plats are required by City Code to provide one hydrant within 300 feet of any proposed single-family structure. In addition, separate water service is required to be provided to each building lot prior to recording the plat. All short plats shall provide a separate side sewer to each building lot prior to recording. ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Deportment of Community tonomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of September 26, 2011 D, FINDINGS: ---------------------- ERC aldministrative Short Plat Repart & Decision WAII-066, ECF,SHPL-A Page 11 of 15 Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1_ Request: The applicant is requesting an Administrative Short Plat approval for the subdivision of one. parcel (36,847 square feet) into two lots for the future construction of one single-family residence on Lot 2. The existing single-family residence on Lot 1 would remain. 2, Application: The applicant's short plat application complies with the requirements for information for short plat review. The applicant's short plat plan and other project drawings are contained within the official land use file (Exhibits 2 -5). 3_ Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is deSignated Residential Low Density (RLD) in the Comprehensive Plan. 4, Zoning: The proposal is zoned R-4. S. Subdivision Regulations: The proposal is subject to the requirements established by the City's Subdivision Regulations. 6_ Existing Land Uses: Single-family residences in R-4 zoning surround the project site to the north, south, east, and west. 7. System Development Charges: Water System Development Charges and Sewer System Development Charges, at the current rates, will be required for each new single-family residence as part ofthe construction permit. 8. Public Utilities: The applicant will be required to install individual sewer and water stubs to serve the new lot. E_ CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the Residential Low Density comprehensive plan designation and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation. 2. The subject site is located in the R-4 zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval. 3. The proposed Joey's Short Plat complies with the subdivision regulations as established by City Code and state law prOVided all advisory notes and conditions are complied with. 4. The proposed Joey's Short Plat complies with the street standards as established by City Code, provided the project complies with all advisory notes and conditions of approval contained herein. 5. Staff recommends measures to protect the onsite stream and wetland. ERC & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Deportment of Community 10nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of September 26, 2011 F. DECISION: ERC ~dministrotive Short Plot Report & DeCision LUAll·066, ECF, SHPL·A Page 12 of 15 The Joey's Short Plat, File No. LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A, is approved and is subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the environmental mitigation measures specified for Joey's Short Plat, LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A. 2. The applicant shall pay a Transportation Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $717.75, prior to recording the short plat. 3. The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $488.00, prior to recording the short plat. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Planning Director Planning Division ~ Date TRANSMITTED this 30th day of September, 2011 to the Contact/Applicant/Owner(s): Contact/Applicant: Wilford Hughes 14401 Issaquah Hobart Road Issaquah, WA 98027 Owner: Lorraine Tay/or 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 TRANSMITTED this 30th day of September, 2011 to the Party(ies) of Record: Jean Stearns 2216 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 William O'Connor 9215 Washington Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 ERC & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc Fritz Brendemihi 1203 N 38" Street Renton, WA 9056 Karen Walter Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 39015172"d Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Deanna Dobak 1700 NE 20" Street Renton, WA 98056 Susan Rider 1835 NE 20" Street Renton, WA 98056 City of Renton Deportment of Community 10nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of September 26, 2011 TRANSMITTED this 30th day of September, 2011 to the following: Neil Watts, Development Services Director Larry Meckling, Building Official Kayren Kittrick, Development Services Jan Conklin, Develapment Services Carrie Olson, Development Services Fire Marshal Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Renton Reporter ERC oldministrotiVe Short Plot Report & Decision WAll-066, ECF, SHPL·A Page 13 of 15 G. LAND USE ACTION APPEALS, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION, & EXPIRATION The administrative land use decision will become final ifthe decision is not appealed wit~in 14 days ofthe decision date. APPEAL: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on October 14, 2011. An appeal of the decision(s} must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.(.075(3); WAC 197-11-680}. Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110.B governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee to Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall- 7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. EXPIRATION: The Administrative Short Plat decision will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A single one (1) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-7-070.M. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. ERe & Short Plat Report 11·066.doc City of Renton Department of community.nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of September 26, 2011 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT I8lronmental Review Committee Report • LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Page 14 of 15 The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these nates are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. Planning: 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 2. The applicant will be required to comply with protection measures for retained trees as set forth in RMC 4-4-130H8. 3. The applicant will be required to comply with Environmental Regulations concerning Native Growth Protection Areas, streams, and wetlands contained in RMC 4-3-050. 4. Language for the NGPE is: "The Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) identifies the stream, wetland and buffer areas. The creation of the Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the easement area. This interest shall be for the purpose of preserving native vegetation for the control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, visual and aural buffering, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The Native Growth Protection Easement imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers ofthe easement area enforceable on behalf of the public by the City of Renton, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the easement area. The vegetation within the NGPE may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without express written permission from the City of Renton. The right of entry granted herein shall apply to the agents, representatives and employees of the owners or subsequent owners of the underlying property." 5. The Renton School District Impact Fee is currently $6,310.00 and is payable prior to issuance of building permits for Lot 2. Plan Review -Water: 1. The project will need to provide domestic service, and fire service to serve the proposed development. 2. Per the City Fire Marshal, the preliminary fire flow requirement for a single family home is 1,000 gpm minimum for dwellings up to 3,600 square feet (including garage and basements). If the dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, a minimum of 1,500 gpm fire flow would be required. A minimum of one fire hydrant is required within 300-feet of the proposed buildings and two hydrants ifthe fire flow goes up to 1,500 gpm. Lateral spacing of fire hydrants is predicated on hydrants being located at street intersections. 3. The fee for a %-inch water meter installed by the City is $2,260.00. Plan Review -Sewer: 1. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges are based on the size of the domestic water meter. These fees are colletted at the time a construction permit is issued. The sewer fee for a %-inch water meter is $1,591.00 Plan Review -Transportation: 1. Traffic mitigation fees will apply. Traffic mitigation fees of $717.75 will be required prior to recording of the short plat as a condition of the plat. 2. The maximum driveway width for a single loaded garage is 9 feet and 16 feet for a double loaded garage. Plan Review -Fire: 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. Available fire low is limited to 1,250 gpm. 2. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. ERC & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department oj commun;ty.nomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of September 26, 2011 ERe ~dministrative Short Plat Report & Decision .. WAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Page 15 of 15 3. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. Property Services: Please see attached for memo from Property Services. ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc C4 -32 T24N RSE E 112 EXHIBIT 2 - -- RM~ R-8 . E4 -08 T23N RSE E 112 ZONING MAP BOOK ~[~JC[EllVl~4 PW TECHl;lllCAl SERVICES .f PRINlIED ON 11/13/09 -_ • .y.....,." ....... -... ..... _ .. __ ......... ... ... _-_ ........ _- 05 T23N R5E. E 112 1No"..·_ ... 0If __ ...... o 200 400 N IF,e( -__ ",.,0-... 1:4,800 5305 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT RENTON, WASHINGTON DECLARATION ()' COVENANT lIl[ OWN[IlS ('11-LAND HIBRAC[n 'IImnN lHI~, l';~ORI PlAl, I~I RETURN fOR THE 8£NEFlTS TO ACCRUE FROU THIS S\IBDlIIISlOt( BY SoIGIfflG HrRECtI COWNo/l ,t,N[l ACRIT 10 ccwvrr lI/[ a~[F1a.o.t. INITREST IN 1J.£ NEW €ASUoIENTS gj{lWN III THIS SHOOT PLAT 10 AN~ ANI') .t..U fUTURi. P\.IRCHASl:RS (J lilt LOlS, OR Of ANY 5UBDI\IISIQNS lHEREer. 11-115 r.OVE~AN1 SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND "'5 SHOWN ON 1Il15 SHORT PLAT. OYtN£R'S DECLARATION twC:&~~!Jl'vJ:?Et£R~~IH~~~ SHORl SU\Itft\llSW l'I€I!EFU!E DECLARE ms WAf 10 IlE THO GR-'I'HIC REI'RES[NTATION OF THE SAUE, AND Tl1~l 9lORT SU8lll~SlON IS WAllE 'Mrn 1M[ fREE CONSElH AIIllIN Ac:coRDANGr 'InH 1\£ DrSIR£ Of THE OIItIEl<S IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1'1£ SET OUR HANOS ANO SEALS LORRAINE T" YlOil ACKNOWLEDG~ENTS n."'''' .. __ J _rr' ~~.";;.JZT~,"*~-==:;,~~_;~~_;;~:;';;:;;~~~ ~':':;:~"'>£I""I>CT_""WE""'_nott "1M3S'"'''''''' _"""""' ..... "...,"",""" ...... ms-,....,"" ""l'WI '" o ~ '" co =~".;;.o..;-;;~;;-;;~;---:: . .,.-..-......-....'~ I" • ......,""'" n<Hn- NE 24Tt SlRITT (SITE ; ~ ~ .-~ !t NE 20TH STREET " ~ NE 16W STRITT VICINITY MAP RECORDER'S CERllFICATENo. riled for record this_dey oi ____ .70~ 01 In boo~ __ ,' __ ot pogc __ ot 1M request 01 Don t.A JplJmQ M9' SLlflC·;f Recorcr;- APPROVALS: I DEPARTMENT or ASS[SS~Em::, I RECOROING NO I VOL/PAGE CITY or RENTON io4'n"",1raIo< 01 C<rlmMllty <Old [_" ~-" ... , ~~ .... d _,0Ye<! Ih. _ .. ~ of 20_ ,. . " '" .... ' t ' E.om..-d ...,d _"""" !~ .. _ do)' o-f 20_ SCAlE: ---SC~!--:l(r 0 .... 11 A ..... D' 334j9(o 360:' PORTION or ,~-A< ....... ;~ SW 1/4 Of THE Nt 1/4 OF SEC 5, T'M>J 23 N, RG 5 E. W.M, w z w > '" VI W Z o ~ AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE . LUA-XX-XXX-SHPL lHE LOTh CREATID HEIlEIN F.t..LL VoI1ltN ZONE 2 OF" R[NT(lO(S AOUII'm PROTrCllCII AREA .I.NtI AAE SUB.£CT TO THE: REour.tEllENT5 OF" THE orr OF" RENTON ORDINANCE 1~~67 ANO AS AIoIEHllED BY OOOlNANCE NO. HoW. lH5 my's SOU SOURCE OF ORiNKmG WATER IS SUPPUEO fR(lI,I A SHAlLOW AOUIFER UNl>ER THE CIT'i"S SURf~CE. WERE IS NO NA"TUR ..... BARRIER BETVfiN WE WATER T,t,BLE ANO GROUND SLRf"ACE. uw-xx-xxxx SURVEY NOTES INSTRUMENT, TOPCON GPT 3000W TOTM. STATTON I.AETHOO usm: FlElD TRA'otRSE: WITH ACTU/O.l CITY OF" REN1tto' 101CJ.1 ~ EXTREII[ CARE SHOLlD BE EXERC!SEIl WI-IDl HANDlING -'NY UQUO SUBS1ANCE 0ll£R INTERSECTION JONES WE N!: & THAN WATER TO P!lOTECT fR(lI,I CONT"CT t.!1H THE GlOUHO SURF"ACE. Ii IS THE FIUD I.4EASUREIoI[NTS AA'O ANGLES WAC J.l2-1lO-D9l) NE 24th S1RUT, rno I/B" BR HOI.IEOWNERS REsPONSIBIlITY 10 PROTECT 1lIE CflYS DRINKING WATER PIN IN CONCRm WON I ~ I " '''' '"'1'" ~ -~ j3.J fftZ ~v ~E:1.3b~l.~~:i~~ ,;). .~ I ,.. ---.---~ ''']:, EX [;fl IN1£RSEC Aa!ROCEN AVE t'\J '!l 1,1 FI g ]4B.l1 Nt Ii:. 24th STRU1, rna I INV EL '" 24~91-12·W PIN RETE IN v;: .. ,," V" "'"'" • 101 lie' 0 H f\~.' I fTh l ~ C.oJ' tsj' 176~9 20 OFTSET ~ '!' I I;~; ,-~-"I"H',: "n, N 89:'-~' ""i / I :: I "',-", I Ij' ! i I ~ !. r=~:4Jj [,"co],~ i ': ,"l ~ ,0 !7I~ "I I , '.. .' 1 : ,:': L .JI I '!'~ I r ; ~~~~'~N~ '13'58"" ;" i' ~--~', ~'~~~ Ol ~ ~ ~"-- OA"IE OF" SUR\1:Y, .lit Y 2011 BASIS or BEARING, JONES AYE HE: (00·33'23' E) LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH HALr OF 1RACT 29~, co HIUM,l,NS L-'KE WASHINGTON GARDEN or ED£N D1\11S1ON NO 4, ACCORDING TO TH£ PLAT b-iERE:Of RECOROED IN VCUJME 11 OF" PLAts. PAGr B2. RECCROS OF KING COUtHY, WASIINGTtIN. [XCEPlll-lE NORm 150 FEET lHEREOF; snUATE IN THE COJNTY or KING, SlATE: Of WJo.SttNCTON. fOUND 1/2" REBAR & C,&.P LS, 17659 (7/7011) W <. ~A."'ti '99' BJP*E6L ENGINEER / SURVEYOR TOUMA ENGINEERS & L"NO SURVEYORS 6632 S 191st PLACE SUIT£ E -102 Ki;:NT, WASHINGTON 98032 z OWNER r ru: FENCE LORRAINE TAYlOR 2208 JONES AVE NE ~ i" '~("lG.Si~ I :.. BSBL .i SHORT PLAT DATA fOl.tlD ,. IRON RENTON, WA 9110511 ,,~PIP£ P/2011) 42~444-3367 ttf' , -~ I TOTAl. SHOR1 PLAT ... REA 36,847 S~ • :' ...... ,~ 1---NUI.IElER OF LOTS PROPOSED _ 2 -, --~ ---.-ON RF. f£NCE CURRENT ZONING _ R 4 I . , '. ........-~OUNr) 1 III I DENSITY PERI.AITTEO _ 4 UNITS PER. --. __ EX eEl IPE (7/2011) SOOlH UNf OF lRACl 29~ DENSITY _ 2.30 [lU/"CRE , '----fI11,I n .. 250 33 • • PROP OUARE FOOTAGE OF" THE '-, E~B tNVn~2461O_\2W 1 l' L" 1 ,~l,. "'" . ,,'W ""n ,,,) \ CI"''' """' ... ".. . CltY20~\l.On •• -.-----@ & Nt: 20trJ S1'REE:T, FNO JtlRASS MON '10' annln' , , IfolV [t = 58522 =1 165±N Of INlUlSECllON (Cl1l!aW[E;1'Ml6Il!5 PI ' i 5 89"20'24' W \J25.79 V -~CI1 M.oJ!K IN CQNCR[1[ 1,1(\1-1 IN CAS[ (07/2011) 9 D,VISiOn L NE 20th STREET N-1B9,092.0J3 CITY or RENTON 10100 11839 £ .. 1,306,215.308 IN1!RS£CT1ON JCtIES .YE w.: " 1Nl1:RSf:Cll()tj .l8D!DEEN AVE Nt: 6: NE 20th S1Rf1:T, F"NIJ PIN II NE 2D1h STREET F,,"O PIN IN AUG - 8 2011 CONCRtTE UON tI CASE (07/2011) CONCRETE liON f.! CASE (07/2011) ~ ~ ~ N_ IBS,B77.7~9 EE1,~,),565.2Ji El _ 279.17 LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTlF!CATE This mop correctly represents 0 suryey mode by mE' or under my elirection in (';onforrnnnce .... ith the r~quirements of the Survey Re~ord"lg Act 01 Ihp request ot Lorroine loylol" july 2011 --·--t·~-r!iii(:~t.~ No.389~7 I.ft.~),,% , '<~'" ., ;. ~. , \{~?.J'I E TOUMA ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS,PLLC 2208 JOi RENTON, ~wU)) WA 98056 V/E:Sl VALLEY E>XCUTIVE PARK [1WN 8~ DATt JOB NO ~ i6J2 SOUl\! 19151 "'-Act. SUITE !-102 ·~[NT, W~ 911O.J2 DAN 1 -'JLY 2011 52~-24,,-Oll P\l(»f[ ('25) 251-Dli8~ f~ \42S) 251-0025 1-;:,"O,",:-::,~,~----t~"C,7,,;-----t;,~c,",7, -----1 ""' 1" .. ~0· , or 1 • m· >< :::c I-f g, ~ W I i i , I , 15: '9 o ~ iLl ,Z I~ ,« I~ ,z F~ , I , I i 253.9G' N89° I 0'39" E ~ J [T;. ~~'~ .. -.~'~.'::~~~" ,"'i::4~F~-:" -.:;'/'~4~~'~i:;i,:~~-:;;:=------r--------------------.----1 30..00' I", '.' ._,47.";0· ". . '", PAVED .".. CARPORT : I s ~ 1l " o z ~ ~ I ,-'. -.. ' EXISTING ,. . . .. ." ... : ::SURf'ACE ".", . I ~ .. ,,~.-.~ "DRIVEWAY'; . . .• -' ".". : ' ~' .: '<U :.-. :.":' ~. ~ .. ' :1 EXISTING • z , .. , .. -'. SHED ,'~ I ~ -.' ,'--q-'. -.~ -I o ,,~ 'li C\J o \ ;u .1 '>-'1 0 4 R~~T~~~E ','.. ,p£>,...n.--~ !g ~ I' l1.J ;-t'-'~~.P l..bT I i U N ~: -6 17.~;X~ i :- ~I , o I 4(; 50 f I ~ ~------1\ -!'::'---!~----255 ~c5~--58§~j"30.f8~w----------------------l 1"--' : I Cf) , :' I 't I D~ 7 a <.c ~~I Tl2...z.es : -, ~! ~ ~ -I. I ~+:i;1 f'..1 t'- Cf) 't t'- c;;. Ga.r I..-""'.'f Cf) I PROPOSffJ lOT GJ...:'fY -q:: 'k'l U I A. 1"6,'1~¢4' /i' t'-! F IDu.)<2-~l ~~ c.LQ. rJ'i / ! ~-----------------------------~-------------------------------~ 255.14' 589 0 13'58" IN • ~ toot 0' !:t ,f:Io • N L A~-D 5LA ~i~of R~~AJ Planning Division pin -334390-3602 2208 Jones Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 AUG -S 1011 [Rl~~~~Vl~[)) ~ City of Renton, Washington Joey's Short Plat LUA 11-066 This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map mayor may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Lakes and Rivers Water Courses Parcels Street Names Rights of Way Streets Roads Jurisdictions C; Benevue CJ Des Moines fO Issaquah 0 •• m 0 King County 0 Mercer Island 0 Newcastle III RENTON ;:; SeaTac 0 Seattle D Tukwila Aerial (March 2, • Red: Band_', • Green: Ban(C: • Blue: Band_3 m >< :::c """ OJ """ -4 Ut. o • • PI'llj "'" ~ Mtlli"'l,C'- Ie ~ ly of f<~I"~Vl II I 05S S.,..,+l" W y lflCtt ~~~~~'¥J~\Q) !i ~~l,....,., c,u,t>-ge057 II Iii tk~ ,A,(v !?K<;~~ Se.lf', ceLl f,F.' Joe/r ~t..cv-{.. pi,,-/- EXHIBIT 6 1 II Ihl'( Ie ~c ... Cc9",ce.~r +t,-. ""IS _clt:l<;(;;J'tbf<o~ ,d i4My J .. ,k e~~,,-K ill w~lid It'll,/' <; +h~5~ iN 'l..ba~e 110 ~ 1(,) ~'r'( "Jtu':! PLq /." ':1., ~A( II k~¥ .. ,-.. J,',,,, I;WI-e.L c.,(loM-+1-.. Cr«k <A,'~ ".,. • .f:'!' ",r C( 0&,.<,,4 II "7htc ~+~ ,ts ,t'\'+-" Cfuc,,' 4, b.J~ .'! ,,'" C&,~( '3 Ctr d,../~ ..... ,,,.) I by o<J.~ ., -Iv J 7 q tc"""'<"~ J '7 1-t.. f4,.lJ1y J4' k Cu ./., .... 1 ~ ,Atll>tk:"€ " II «it..\.. pe,/.."",<,j, L.., +1'0 0-» I{ F,~t, COiA<;..1N<lnct" NW ~f DII""!! t.J4, 1'1 ''/ r I, , II' 7/z( sftJ y W"t rv-f6.-~ ..... a V'2f~1I-.f .. IJ~ """'5'--.1 k.i)( .. ~/~,«~ Ii P'1 tk., cd.., ,,-.J <. copy 01 f-i,.. sf.;J'r "-"f' 7/"'~ -Ie )!IY, Chip II VItAC"At, C, Lr of j)...liwn se'/€ ... / .y eavr "!C_ II' :i, 1,)..10..1 Vt",! s<»py,'<eJ o;..! 4" 7.. 3C'(.l) -/J..... in-IJ,--.A.., ;. -/1 .. il P'''i-.,I-: J{!,"C"'tJJI~' (H :r. h.J o,(fCJfV.Li fh C/~ I.UOJU AN ( ccw<>:..f...! :1 -!-)..,'V 1<'''li br ihl'5 -!tiN, II :t tw. <;hw ve/~u kJ fpw.... +1. {<..,..4.,. ,ctl"h au d Cc>u;lcf /IJ(,,/r ii '!At +\/.t o~ -\-Wr Issue b,., ~ " ... C',,---4,". .fit",+-A-i(' ~~''', R,Jer/ III c:,t. +V-.. -k ~ A wIll hI cOV'~Jt.'5 /E.? ... 1c4,,,? 1tt;1 (SlOe.., !, _ 4J' "f. Ov 1-..11{ ~ ,CH'1 O'Jf" j.f"~' v'7""""'r~r +1.. < S~"'-1. c../at'Si:I.'c .. .f.to,. i I q<; J s-/-J 1 'r you W ,,~ eCtl ~ f-.he. /<.J.-<L~ 42)' , Z2 B .. 87ft. ! ,'?I"o.J< e\ll-l wH M _'" P"-v7< o{ y&oj c" -It-. P,?ed--SC 7. lu.r Ii Cc>.\....4"'.'e -b WGVl).,'" 'l-h I"I]<!' ill I, :'1 ii, :i' I! ii, 't 2 ( g < (y.>N tuc...,~" SI- p" ~-t-~-• .t~< w--tI.-99%2 September 21,2011 William E. O'Connor 921 South Washington Street Port Arigeles,WA 98362 , Department of Communiiy and Economic Development:' , ' " Alex Pietsch,Administrator ' SUBJECT: JOEY'S SHORTPLAT, LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Dear Mr. O'Connor:' Tha'nk you for your letter regarding Joey's Short Plat, LUAU-066, ECF, SHPL'A that we received on September7, 2011. Your comments have been added to the file' for the decision-maker to consider. . Yourcommentsaremuch appreciated: In your letter you stated that you were certain ,that Susan·Rider would be contactirig me regarding this matter. In fact, Ms. Ri.der d.id contact me by mail and provided backgro~nd and history, including some supplemental ,'materials regardingKennyaale Creek. This' project is for the subdivision of land to create ':one <idditionallot in the Residential-4 dwelling units per acre (R-4) zone. The classi'fication of ,Kenny dale Creek is not at'issue. The project would maintain the ,minimum35-foot buffe'r area required foraClas~ 4 stream,' , , , I ;""ill include you as a Party of Record for Joey's Short Plat, lUA11,066, ECF, SHPL-A. You, may contact me at (425) 430-73820r gwasser@rentonwa,gov. . . \ . . Renton City Hatl • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Gerald Wasser From: Sent: To: Subject: Jerry, --------------------------------------------- • Karen Walter [KWalter@muckleshoot.nsn.us] Wednesday, September 07, 201111:14AM Gerald Wasser • EXHIBIT 7 Joey's Short Plat, LUA 11-066, ECF, SHPL-A, Notice of Application and Proposed Determination of Non-Significance, Mitigated The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division has reviewed the Notice of Application materials for the above referenced project. We have a question and initial comment about this project as noted below: 1. Per the Critical Areas Review for this site (Altmann Oliver Associates Aug 2011), Kennydale Creek through this site is considered-a Class 4 stream by Renton.· What is the basis for this classification? According to the sUNeyors configuration of the stream and wetland onsite, the stream is 10 feet wide. If the stream is this wide, then it suggests that the stream is capable of supporting salmon. Please provide the data that Renton has to support the classification of Kennydale Creek at this location. 2. The Critical Areas Review also notes that the stream is currently ditched and mowed to the edge of the channel. As part of the short plat, the stream buffer should be enhanced with native trees and shrubs to improve habitat and water quality and shade out the existing reed canarygrass. We appreciate the opportunity to review this proposal and look forward to the City's responses. We may have comments subsequently. Thank you, Karen Walter Watersheds and Land Use Team Leader Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 39015172"d Ave SE Auburn, WA 98092 253-876-3116 1 Denis Law Mayor , September 21,2011 Karen Walter • Department of Community and Economic Development ' , " , ' Alex Pietsch, Administrator ' Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries DiVision 39015 172nd Avenue SE' Auburn,WA ,98092 SUBJECT: JOEY'S SHORT PLAT, LUAll-OGG, ECF, SHPl-A Dear Ms. Walter:' Thank you.for, your email of September 7,201i regarding Joey's Short Plat, LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL'A, In that email you ask what the basis is for classifying Kennydale,Creek as a Class 4 Stream in this area and you provide suggesti9nsf~r stream buffer enhancement, Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4+0500, Figure 4-3-050Q4(copyattached) identifies , Kennydale Creek asa Class4 stream in this viCinity. RMC 4'3-050L.1:a.iv identifies Class' , 4 waters as 'non-salmonid-bearingduring years of normal rainfall. A check dam on Lower Kenhydale Creek would likely render the stream courseinipassable to salmon., The project is to subdivide the existing pa~cel which would create one additibnallot. B~th lots would be oriented east/west and KennydaleCreek wouid remainuhtouched. , the buffer, for Class 4 ~treams is a minimum of 35 feet. The applicant is proposing to maintain that buffer and staff will recommendth~t asplitrail felice beinstall~d along the buffer boundary. Because the 35:foot buffer area will be maintained,there is rio essential nexus to require buffer enhancement. ' ' ' , ' Itrustthatyourconcerns have been addressed in this letter. ,Please contact meat (425) 430-7382 or gwass,er@ren'tonwa:govifyou have any questions. Associate, Planner Attachment Renton City Hall • 1055South Grady Way 0 Renton, Washington 98057 • 're~tonwa:go~ , , , ,------------------------- Figure 4-3-050Q4 STREAMS AND LAKES • •• Water Classes t:~j~~.d City limibi ~:W:.t.£lrClan 1 ._-\t\I'l.1er Class 3 o PAA B~i:Y _ ....... V'lat~r Class 2. === '/ISlef Class 4 tltttJtltI Culvert 1- • Mr. Gerald Wasser- • EXHIBIT 8 lI'IV OF RENTON ..',(NY\ .. L--{S-\ (WI SEP 0_92011 \~,~ M~-.....J .. RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Shocking-but not surprising-would best describe . our neighborhood's reaction to the belated posting for the proposed Joey's short pla~ In spite of our submitting hundreds of photos and letters, testimony from many longtime area residents, letters froiD both the Washington State Departinent of Ecology and the Washington Department of Fish and Game agencies, and a stream study conducted by the Wild Fish .. Conservancy organization-which has been in the City's possession since 2008-the plat application is referring to Kennydale Creek as a class 4 intermittent stream. We have provided incontrovertible proof that this creek NEVER dries up, even in the most protracted dry weather at the end of summer (see enclosed photos, taken today) and we find it indefensible that the City continues to maintain the fiction that this creek is anything less than a Class 3. The . classification should have been upgraded years ago, especiaIly after we had.hand-delivered theWnd Fish Conservancy study to Chip Vineent in December of 2008. Although we had submitted all of our documentation prior to the change in the City's process to upgrade the stream classification,we still met the criteria - established in 2009. • 2006. Letter from Larry Fisher, Babitat Biologist for • Washington Department of Fish and Game . requesting classification be upgraded, due to the presence of crayfish and other unidentified fish in the creek. 2008. Stream study from Wild Fish Conservancy, accepted by City of Renton Administrator Chip Vincent We note that in spite of the re"!classification of both Boney and Maplewood Creeks, the City has failed in its' stated goals of preserving and protecting our critical areas where it concerns Kennydale Creek. We are· urging you to rectify this situation immediately to prevent the cosdy appeals and litigation we would all prefer to avoid. We are enclosing a number of supporting documents to help you determine the facts of this case, and we have many more boxes of documents available if you should need them. Thank you for your prompt consideration of this matter. Sincerely, Susan Rider Kennydale Critical Areas Alliance 183S NE 20th St Renton, WA (425)228.8711 • • State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE Region 4 Office: 16018 "Mill Creek Boulevard -Mill Creek. Washington 98012 -(425) 775-1311 " October 12, 2006 Erika Conkling, Senior Planner City of Renton Economic Development Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Wao:hington 98055 Dear Ms .• 20nkling: SUBJECT: Proposed Determinatiou of Non-significance; Kennydale Blueberry Farm Rezon"e, File Number CPA 2006-M-02, Kennydale Creek and Its Associated Wetlands, Tributary to Lake Washington '\? The Washington Department ofFish and Wildlife (WDFW) has reviewed the above-referenced Proposed Determination of Non-significance, and offers the following comments at this time. Other comments may be offered ifthe project progresses. A Hydraulic Project Approval (HP A; RCW 77.55.0211WAC 220-110; to be issued by WDFW) would be required for activity affecting the natural bed or flow of the stream or its associated wetlands. The stream on the propelty is the upper end of Kennydale Creek and should be classified at least as a class 2 perennial stream_ It supports crayfish and other unidentified fish species. The wetlands are a rare peat soil based system of very high value, especially if restored and given adequate buffering. WDFW believes it is imperative to preserve and protect these wetlands, as directed by the Growth Management Act (GMA), and it would be contradictory to the GMA to rezone this property and allow dense residential development, particularly without a carefully planned and implemented mitigation plan. Deveiopment of the property without such a plan would result in disruption of the natural drainage and the degradation of the quality of the stream and wetland system. WDFW also notes the buffers widths being considered are inadequate to protect this very sensitive system_ Furthermore, WDFW believes it would be premature to evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed rezone without a proper wetland delineation and a full biological evaluation. The SEPA checklist is lacking key information concerning fish and wildlife use of the site and the area near the site. A variety of wildlife species (including great blue herons, osprey, pileated woodpeckers, deer, ducks, and shorebirds) have been observed using this area for habitat, but Ms. Conkling October 12, 2006 Page 2 • • that is not mentioned in the SEPA checklist. Nor does the checklist even mention the existence of the wetland. As it is, there is no scientific basis by which to evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed rezone on the wetland or stream system or the fishlife and wildlife which use it for habitat. This proposal should not proceed without further study and a plan to restore the wetland and its buffers: WDFW appreciates the cooperation of the City of Renton in our efforts to preserve, protect, perpetuate, and manage the fish and wildlife resources of the state of Washington. Thank you for the opportunity to provide these comments. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 649-7042 or fisheldf@dfw.wa.gov. Sincerely, ~x' .... :"''''''/~ Larry Fisher Area Habitat Biologist LF:lf:CORBlueberryFarm.s.doc cc:WDFW SEPA Coordinator • • STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Northwest Regiol1al Office. 3190 16d" Avenue SE. BeYevlle, Washil1gtOll98008-5452. (425) 649-7000 October 16, 2006 Ms. Erika Conkling, Senior Planner City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way . Renton, W A 98055 Dear Ms Conkling: . RE: Comments 00 SEPA DNS for Keonydale Blueberry Farm Rezone, LUA05-159 Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed DNS dated October 2, 2006, for a rezone of the Kennydale Blueberry Farm property from Resource Conservation (RC) to R-4. The Department of Ecology believes that the proposed rezone will pose a significant risk-of adverse impacts to wetlands on this property, and to the beneficial functions that the wetlands provide to the watershed .. The DNS does not adequately evaluate this risk. . The SEP A checklist attached to the DNS notes that the lower two-thirds of the parcel is covered by 1 to 5 feet of "soft peat." The Soil Survey of King County Area (Snyderet al. 1973) maps this soil as Shalcar muck, a hydric (wetland) soil. Evidence indicates that the site holds a large remnant of an important wetland system maintained by shallow groundwater and by a spring that flows out of the adjoining greenbelt on the east. As the SEPA checklist notes, the surface water from this spring flows north via a ditch just inside the parcel's eastern border and ultimately through Kennydale to Lake Washington. A "Special Focus Issue Paper on the Kennydale Blueberry Farm" (Issue Paper) was included in the information packet for the Renton Planning Commission meeting of November 2,2005. This Issue Paper noted that the "soft soils" covering about two-thirds of the parcel would have to be "removed and replaced with suitable fill" in order to build homes on the site. The Issue Paper states that "a wetland area mapped over a portion of the Blueberry farm" is the basis for requesting a wetland evaluation. After discussing the site'.s potential for residential development, the issue paper cautions: "Depending upon the results of a wetland analysis, this type of activity may not be allowed under current regulations." The paper concludes that existing information on drainage or wetland conditions is outdated and that updated information is needed before a zoning decision can be made. We agree. . Ms. Erika Conkling . September 16, 2006 • • Page 2 Unfortunately, the proposed DNS says nothing about the updated information that the issue paper silid was needed. The proposed action could very well lead to the destruction of wetlands; including replacement of organic soils by fill. Muck and peat soils are extraordinarily effective at improving water quality by removing toxins and other pollutants. They also retilin disproportionate volumes of stormwater and release it slowly .. Such functions are vital to the health of the watershed, the municipal infra:structure, and Lake Washington. A delineation, rating, and function assessment of wetlands on the parcel should be a prerequisite to any land-use decision that could affect their fate . . The wetland study should also evaluate the effect of "improvements in drilinage of the property," including "a major dewatering in 2004," which the issue paper said the property owner reported. What was the nature of the dewatering? Could it have resulted in adverse impacts to aquatic resources or other sensitive areas? Did it involve work below the ordinary bigh water mark or divert or change the natural flow? Thank you for taking these concerns into account. Please call or e-milil me with any questions or for further discussion. I can be reached at (425) 649-4447. Sincerely, Richard K. Robohm Wetland Specialist RKR:rc cc: Anne Fritzel, Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development Pam Erstad, Washington Department of.Fish & Wildlife Jeff Davis, Washington Department ofFish & Wildlife Donna Bunten, Ecology CAO Review Coordinator Erik Stockdale, Wetlands Specialist, Ecology Northwest Regional Office· • • \Vild Fish Conservancy September 23,2008 The Wild Fish Conservancy (WFC) pelforrned a stream assessment survey on Kennydale Creek, at tributary to Lake Washington in Renton, WA on September 18, 2008 (Figs.1-3). The objective of the survey was to evaluate the summer low-flow characteristics of the watershed and to describe the likely impacts of continued degradation of the creek's watershed. \ .. ",' \ "."",,, " '- • "3" . e <. ; .... "i .. :1/\ .' . ,. ! .. • (,:~, . : •. ::1', \'''''' • /'. - /.' I " U:l~CT" ~~~: '::':'" . . -.;" .' <.- '-"1---1~ST .. , ..... Figure 1. Kennydale Creek field assessment locations. . ... :; ',. " :""~ . ""';""':: \-" :~.: .. UISTp ,.--.'-:.-.-",'.', ;. Fig.2. Upper Kennydale Creek study reach in Renton, W A. Field assessment locations are represented by the yellow stars. 2 Fig.3. Lower Kennydale Creek study reach in Renton, W A. Field verification locations are represented by the yellow stars. Results The channel was wetted and stream flow was easily discernable at all four locations (Table 1, Figures 4- 5). The channel meets the physical criteria for. fish habitat established by the Washington State in WAC 222-16-031: at least 2.0 foot bankfull width and less than 16% gradient. The documented presence of perennial aquatic invertebrates, including the relatively pollution-intolerant families Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera:, indicates the stream channel has not gone dry in recent years. Compromising the condition of Kennydale Creek through the addition of impervious area and the associated stormwater runoff will further degrade the condition of the stream (Table 2). The South Puget Sound Forum Indicators Report (TRPC, 2006) summarizes the local impacts of impervious area: "Among other variables. studies have found a strong relationship between the amount of impervious surface and forest cover in a basin or watershed, and the health of streams and other water n,sources. The greater the -amount of .impervious area and the corresponding loss of forest cover, the less water that is absorbed into the ground -being filtered naturally and slowly returning to our ground water or stream systems. Increased surface runoff leads to more pollution in our-streams and inlets, to higher and increased numbers of flood events, and to degradation of our streams and stream beds." (South -Puget Sound Environmental Quality -Economic Vitality Indicators Report, July 2006). King County's May Creek Basin Plan (2001), developed for the Lake Washington tributary immediately to the north of Kennydale Creek, states: 3 ---------- "Development tVities within the basin have histOriC! degraded stream and wetland habitats. Filling of wetlands, increased stormwater runoff and peak stream flows, addition of sediment and pollutants to the water, and removal of coniferous forest cover have contributed to the degradation of local habitat in the basin." Table I. Wild FIsh Conservancy observations from field verification locations (Figures 1-3), September 182008. Wolted _II S ... U\IIude longitude WIdIh -Subslrale Flow Noles· A N 47.50932 W 122.19424 2 fOOl 4 feet mud Yes . Ditched stream channel, GOft mud SLbsI:ra1e. reed canary grass riparia. Ditched stream channel, &oft mud substrate with occassionaJ B N 47.50961 W 122.19462 31001 41 ... mudand_ Yes ool:bIe. Aquatic macrolnvertebrtdes observed included mayfty nymphs, caddisfly larvae, and amphipods. ·C N 47.51297 W 122.19756 3 feet 4 feet cobble and saoo Yes Well-shaded stream corridor. Water is clear and cool. Aquatic invertebrates observed, same as B. 0 N 47.51308 W 122.19738 3 teet Sleet cobble aOO tiatld Yes Wen-shaded stream oorrldor. Water is dear and cool. Aquatic invertebl"ates observed, same as B. ' Table 2. Impacts from Increases of Impervious Surfaces, from Thurston Regional Planning Council, 2003. Rlttact Increased Impervlousnf'ss Hablt.at Channi'j Streambed leads to Flooding Loss ErOSion widemng altp.ratlOn Increased \'OIome x X X X X Increased peak flow X X X X X Increased peak flow duration X X X X X Chan~es in sediment loadi~ X X X X X Oecreased base flow X I~eased stream temperature X In",eased stream acidity x Increased waler poUutioo X SOURCES: (GR.'.Nf. 2000; URB.'\l'olZA110~ A.'1D STP,J;A.\IS: SrLllIES OF HlllROLOGlC1MPACTS. 1991). Kennydale Creek mayor may not currently support a fish population, but there is no doubt that it contributes water and aquatic invertebrates to Lake Washington and therefore affects the water qliality and, in part, the integrity, of Lake Washington. Lake Washington supports chinook salmon and steelhead listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act; as well as sockeye and coho salmon; kokanee; resident and sea-run cutthroat trout; and a wide vllriety of native non-salmonids. Bull trout, also listed as threatened under the ESA, have been docuniented in I..ake Washington. Many of these fish, including juvenile chinook salmon, spend a significant amount of time rearing and feeding in the Lake Washington littoral (nearshore) habitats that are fed by smaIl streams including Kennydale Creek. While the streams themselves are ~, they are numerous and the cumulative effects of their degraDation can have significant implications for the health and productivity of Lake Washington and the fish that live there. 4 Figure 5. Stream at Site D on September 18, 2008, approximately 30 feet downstream from the culvert outlet under NE 24'" Street. Flow Conditions: 5 ( • • Evidence that the survey !Its from September 18, 2008 are representative of summer low-flow conditions can be found in adjacent watershed stream flow data. Provisional stream flow data from USGS National Water Infonnation System (http://waterdata,usgs,gov/wainwis/uv?cb 00060-on&forrnat-gif stats&penod-30&site no-12120000) demonstrate that flows in the Mercer Creek watershed, a Lake Washlngton tributary north of Kennydale creek, were 5.4 cfs atthe time of Wild Fish Conservancy's Kennydale survey, well below the median flows experienced on September 18 during the past 54 years (Figure 6) and the mean monthly flows during the past 62 years. USGS 12120BBB tlERCER CREEl: NEAR BELLEVUE, IIR 3D8.B .., 2BB.8 a " " " 188.8 ... " i ... ... " " ... " .... "" " " , " .. ... '" 1B.8 '"" " co .... = l('){ltnNV'i{V\(V"{''I/: 4.8 Rug 38 Sep 86 Sep 13 Sep 28 ----Provisional Data Subject to Revision L l1edian dell!/ statistic (54 !/ears) -Discharge STATISTICS OF MONTHLY MEAN DATA FOR WATER YEARS 1945 ·2007. BY WATER YEAR (WYI Oct Nov Dec J,n Feli Mar Apr May JlIl1 Jul Aug Sep Melin Ih.S .1,2.9 40.0 40$ :'.'-.7 295 2.1.t. 14,7 .12.4 KiJ Kfl2 11.2 Max 4H 77.:1 70.7 g4,R {lLI (,7.5 ,1,9.9 '1" ., .2.1,.S 16.5 :'(l.i) 22 .. 'l, ';'1.- IWY) (l0N2) 121m) 119971 i2006; IlljlJ(l) 1197~) (19'-)1 ) 11l)%l t19:-i5j I I l)l)7 " 12(}{~1 ! 197)\1 Min 7.-1-2 II.U 1<1,5 J5.9 10.2 15.-1 lJ.9H HA5 5.34 :U:! J.:!5 5.0::- IwyJ (ZOO?) ( 1~77J i 1977) \ 1<,)77) (/993) ! 11J65i 1.20U·l) ( /<)5,~) (/l)5tO IIY5S) 1(945) IIYSS) Figure 6. August and September 2008 USGS Stream Flow Data for Mercer Creek, a Lake Washington tributary north of Kennydale Creek. Please feel free to contact me with any questions about Wild Fish Conservancy's surveyor tills report, Sincerely, Jamie Glasgow. M,Sci, Director of Science and Research Wild Fish Conservancy 425n88-1l67 www,wildfishconservancy,org 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The Honorable Jay V. White Trial Date: Monday, Dec. 15,2008 Trial Time: 9:00 a.m. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR KING COUNTY KENNYDALE CRITICAL AREAS . ALLIANCE, a Washington non-profit corporation, and SUSAN RIDER, ... NO. 08-2.21 823-6KNT + Petitioners, v. CITY OF RENTON, e. Washington Municipai Corporation; and RICHARD LAURALEE GORDLEY, husband and wife, lEw" ,,..f.,. [Ill!! !SED] ORDER (;!bid; 1 10 PETITIONERS' MOTION TO SUPPLEMENT TIm RECORD Res ondents. THIS MATIER having come on for hearing pursuant to the motion of Petitioners to supplement the administrative record with II stream assessment conducted by Wild Fish rn.. '1!J.\I"k "'~"'rl ~~~........ 'Ot 1""cI"\1,r.. I t::f't "J ~+6-. j- Conservancy (':,wFC"), p_tie~eing ~ted by attgmM nendter & )4gnn, l:bPr fOet:;'" I _~v.J~~' Rac~~ ~ \t.. ... .,., ",:_'r ~~ ~ c;-rz.,J-. atftI~tdmt.w. BOb, and it a}l~nIg Aom tile meftQft~ sltppel'tl:Rft'9fi..efSftS: attaehl!8 . ~. 1:' C:::..&of>rrvt I 'X c..\ c.~ ~ JI-1$ 01-1 wridmre rited tber=iR, ];;t' IS HEREBY ORDERED: . . ~,..,,~n. 1. Petitioners' motion to supplement the record is ~-bed. 2.. «~I'-J,....1~ G;vl. ~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ CR \1 ~." ... c.~~ \, 'L:>~\F-n~ (]\J ~"A.­ [BRaps;?i"] ORDER Qlb'dFRNO PETITIONERS' MOTION TO SUPPLEMENT THE RECORD-1 OR\G\NAL XI:l.:l 1.3rM3SI:l1 dH GENDLER & MANN. LLP t4Z4 fvul'lh Avenull, Suite 10'1.& SO.W_, WA 98101 PIlon.; <208J 621-8888 FIX: (208)621-0511 ~1:l6e:ol Booa oa ~O~ ~-------~----------~ Dated !his ~ dayof N~ 1 2 3 4 THE JAYV. WHITE KING COUNlY SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE 5 6 7 8 Presented by: GENDLER & MANN, LLP 9 By: 10 11 12 \lCCAA(DC11)~A cascN'luposod 0 ...... Gran!iog Motion 13 14 15 .16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 E"cI 24 25 26 27 28 ~\ ... Ir- EPRoiil' =~.Jl ORDER G? ua'G PETITIQNERS' MOTION TO SUPPLEMENT THE RECORD-2 XI:I.:l .L3r~3Sl:ll dH GENDLER So MANN. LLP 1424 Fourth Awnu •• SIIIlh 1D16 St:llttfe. Wp. 98'0' PhDnI.: (ZOB) 621-SB68 F .. : t20B} 821...0512 ~1:I6E:Ot 8002 02 ~O~ I/LL'''L'-UOO,' ECF, SHPL-A requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and AdminisITative Short approval to subdivide a 36,847 square foot partellnto two lots. The two 1l-_____ -1!'reSIJIUf19 lots would be 17,882 sJ. (Lott) and 18,965 s.f. (Lot 2). Kennydale a Dass 4 creek, is present and bisects the Site A category 2 or 3 wetland s.f.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots gain access from lones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net Iid"vel,opa,ble area Is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 acre. The site ls generally Hat. The project requires SEPA environmental of may I/SeIPten,ber 9, 2011 The map below is for illustrative purposes only. In the event of omisstons, errors or differences, documents in CED's files will control. Oick on map to be directed to the Dty's GIS Portal. on the above application must be submitted In writing to Gerald Wasser, IIPlrojlectManager, CED -.Plannlng Division by 5:00 p.m. on September 9, 2011. If you have about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional contact the at 425-430-7382. Return to too of paoe. • • 9/9/2011 3:55:06 PM ~::-9/9/2011 3:51 :49 PM September 21,'2011 'Susan Rider' 1835 N E20th Sttreet Renton, WA 98057 • Department of Community and Economic Development , ,: Alex Pietsch, Administrator , ' SUBJECT: JOEY'S SHORT PLAT, lUA11-066; ECF, SHPl-A Dear Ms. Rider: ",Thank yoU for your letter regarding Joey's Short Plat, lUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A that we receive"d on September 9, 2011. Your comments have been added to the file for the decision-maker ,to consider. While I appreciate the history ~nd background, as well ~s the supplemental materials, you provided on Kennydaie Creek, this projecds f;r the subdivision of limd to create one additi;nai lot in the Residential. __ 4 dwelling units per acre (RA) zolie.The " classification of Ken'nydale Creek is not atissue.: The project would maintain the, minimum 35-footbuffer area required for aClass4 stream. ." . -. '. , , I will include you as a" Party of Record, for Jo~y's"Short Plat, LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A, . ,.." . . '. You ~ay contact me at (425) 430-;382 orgwasser@rentonwa,gov: Sincer y" GeraldC. Wasser" ' Associate Planner Renton City-Hall '. ~ 055 South Grady Way •. Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov • • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -1bt ~n. ~ ------~®ill1l1@IDl ~ DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: M E M 0 RAN DUM September 8, 2011 Jerry Wasser . Bob Mac oni~ Joey Short Plat, LUA-ll-066-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Project Manager: Please note that the application notes that lorraine Taylor is the owner but since the application has conveyed her interest in the property at issue to the applicant, via deed under recording number 20110815000255. Comments for the Applicant: A portion of the block of text associated with City of Renton Mon # 369 is illegible. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-U-066- SHPl and lND-20-0565, respectively, on the final short plat submittal. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Provide a direct tie to two City of Renton Survey Control Network monuments. The geometry will be checked by the city when provided. Provide sufficient information to determine how the short plat boundary was established. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. h:lfile sysllnd -land subdivision & surveying recordsllnd-20 -short platsI0565\rv090911.doc Addressee N arne " Page 3 on Date of Memo If there are new private easement(s) proposed with this short plat, include the following statement, juxtaposed to the subject easement: "Area for new private (utilities, access, etc.) easement", Since the new lots created via this short plat are under common ownership at the time of recording, there can be no easement{s) until such time as the lots are conveyed to others, via conveyance documents, The conveying document{s) need to include a statement about the together with and/or subject to specific easement rights, Add the following Declaration of Covenant language on the face of the subject drawing, ltthe previous paragraph applies: DECLARA TlON OF COVENANT: The owner of the land embraced within this short plat, in return for the benefit to accrue fram this subdivision, by signing hereon covenants and agrees to convey the beneficial interest in the new easements shown on this short plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivisions thereof. This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this short plat. If there are no new private easements defined on the subdivision the Declaration of Covenant language currently shown can be removed, If there is to be a Native Growth Protection Easement for the wetland and wetland buffer area please include the relevant language and clearly delineate the area{s) so impacted, h:lfile sysllnd -land subdivision & surveying recordsllnd-20 -short platsl0565lrv090911.doc STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of a.t'>teral circulation and is now and has been for more than six months ~~r to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact formannexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period_ The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on November 25, 20 II. • , full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is .sum of $70.00. , . \ ~$;W~ Lillda M. Mills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subscribeld and sworn \O-.me this 25th day of November, 201 L e State of Washington, Residing '---'------""'Ill NOTICE OF APPEAL HEARING RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON An appeal Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of Renton City Hall. 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington, on Decem~ ber 6. 2011 at ·10:00 am to con· sider the,following petitions: ~foev's ShOrt-Plat ) /' LUAII-066, ECF, SjlPL-A ~ocatlon: 22~Jones Ave NE. Appeal oLan administrati\'c ap- varnf a 2-101 short plat on 0.85 ac in the R-4 zone. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the City Clerk's Office, Seventh Floor. City Hall, Renton. All in- terested persons are invited to be present at the Public Hearing to express their opinions. Questions should be directed to the Hearing Examiner at 425-430-6515. Published in Renton Reporter on November 25, 2011. #547310 . :\''''\\\\\\''''11" ~",~ 1'( DA£.& """ $~~ ~"'\\\\\tl"" ~Q ~ :~I """ ,,:."'!\ON E:.f:t/~ ~ =~~~fQ 1~ ~\ ~ = =~ .:::....0 ~ (C\~ :::: ==~ ..... cn~:::: ~ ... O • _ ... ~ "~o-E;: ~ ~ () =~ = ~ ~ bUB\.\: &.. =0 = ~ ~ "J':-~_ ~ ~~/" '0 19-'\~$~ ... ~ ~ -I, ~ ... , .... ~"\7~ ;t" 7'>-.& Illh\~\\\"" ~\'t'; ,.0:. ....... "'1" OF WAS ~" .... ~ 11111',\\\\"",,'Irti ---:.~. -,-- ---------------- Denis Law Mayor' City Clerk -Boimie I. \Valton, ' "January 5, 2012 Susan Rider ;l835 NE 20'h St Renton, WA980S.6 William O'Connor' 921 SWashirigton St PortAngeles, vyA 98362, , ' , , Re: Appeal Decision for Joey's Short Plat, LUAll-06.6, ECF, sHPL-A pear Appellants: :' . , ; Attached is~6ur copy of th~ I'i~aring E,xaminer's Decision dated January ~,2012, in the above~ referenced m<Jtter. ,', If I can provide furtherinfor~ation, please feel free,to contact me, ' Sincerely, ~'ltJ.,~ , -. , . Bonnie L Waiton , . City Clerk, Ene.:" . Hearing Examiner's Decision. cc: t;{~aring Exami~.e~. '. La'rry Warren, City'Attorney , ,ienniler Henning,Current Planning Manager,' , Neil Watts; Development Service Director Stacy Tucker, De;ielopment serviCes .' " Parties 01 Record (7) " 1055 So.rth Grady wa~ • R~nton. Washington 98057,. (425) 431l-651 0 / Fax (425) 430-6516 • renton';'a,gov .. ml+m· ... Hughes W.H. Hughes Co. 14401 Issaquah Hobart Road Issaquah, WA 98027 Fritz Brendemihl 1203 N 38th Street Renton,WA 98056 Susan Rider 921 S Washington St Renton, WA 98056 Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner City of Renton •• Lorraine Taylor 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 Deanna Dobak 1700 N E 20th Street Renton, WA 98056 William O'Connor 921 S Washington St Port Angeles, WA 98362 Chip Vincent, Planning Director City of Renton Jean Stearns 2216 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 Karen Walter, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Divisions 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Lauralee Gordley 2010 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ------------------ • • CIlY OF RENTON JAN 052012 RECENED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF RENTON RE: Joey's Short Plat Appeal LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A ) ) ) APPEAL OF SHORT PLAT APPROVAL ) ) ) ) ) ) Summary 9 The Appellant appeals the approval of the Joey's Short Plat by the Planning Director on the 10 grounds that Kennydale Creek has been misclassified as a Class 4 stream instead of a Class 3 stream. The appeal is denied and the decision of the Planning Director is affirmed. 11 12 13 14 15 Testimony Appellant Testimony: Susan Rider, Appellant, noted that the City of Renton has repeatedly classified Kennydale Creek as Class 4, giving it less protection than if it was classified Class 3, perennial. According to Ms. Rider, the studies cited by the City previously do not properly explain this Class 4 16 designation, and, furthermore, the City has not provided the evidenced used for the original Class 17 4 designation, despite numerous requests. She noted that the stream is mapped both as Class 3 18 and Class 4 in one halfrnile section (ending when it reaches Lake Washington). Ms. Rider stated in a previous hearing that the City's attorney said they would need a stream study done in the 19 summer months in order to determine a new classification; however, their hearing was in February. Thus, according to Ms. Rider, the previous Hearing Examiner determined that doing a stream study at that time was pointless, and he ruled (based on the evidence presented) that the 20 21 stream should be considered perennial without needing to go through the reclassification process dictated by the RMC. 22 23 She stated that the City Council recommended overturning the Hearing Examiner's decision, and the decision was overturned. Ms. Rider commented that two council members were asked to sit 24 out the vote because of their living proximity to the creek area in question. A stream study conducted in September, 2008 by Wild Life Conservancy and commissioned by Ms. Rider was kept out of evidence, according to Ms. Rider. Ms. Rider stated that she believed the judge did 25 26 not look at the commissioned reports and solely relied on the information provided by the City. APPEAL-I .. _------------, I 2 3 • • For many years, Ms. Rider said, she was told there was no process for the reclassification of streams. Ms. Rider stated that the recent decision to allow Joey's Short Plat to move forward with the stream classified as intermittent demonstrates the City's history of ignoring evidence of a need for reclassification. She stated that, in 2005, the City allowed a downgrade of stream 4 classification with much less evidence than Ms. Rider has provided. Ms. Rider stated that the previous studies have been done in a way to not contradict the City because the City pays the 5 providers of the studies. She further commented that some of the studies provide evidence that 6 the stream may be perennial. 7 Ms. Rider presented a letter from Jamie Glasgow who conducted the Wild Fish Conservancy study to Chip Vincent, Renton planning Director (Exhibit 7). The letter stated that his findings 8 9 1,0 11 12 13 14 15 were that Kennydale Creek was a perennial creek and there was ample evidence to support this conclusion, according to Ms. Rider. Ms. Rider presented a letter (Exhibit 8) from Lorraine Taylor (2208 Jones Avenue NE, Renton, W A) which described the yearlong flow of the creek for 48+ years and describes the creek as a frequent place of recreation in the summer. Ms. Rider also presented a letter from the Department of Fish and Wildlife by Larry Fisher describing Kennydale Creek as an ecosystem and recommending the creek be classified as Class 2, perennial; the letter also contained the City's response to his recommendation (Exhibits 9 and 10). 16 Gerald Wasser, Associate Plann'er for Reriton, stated the City has a staoding objection to the inclusion of information submitted for prior projects which are not directly relevant to this Short 17 Plat project. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Ms. Rider stated that the Superior Court judge did not rule on the stream classification, but instead that the City of Renton should not have been overruled by the Hearing Examiner. She commented that the only study done in the proper time of the year was the Wild Fish Conservancy study. Upon question by the Hearing Examiner, Ms. Rider testified that the property in question (Joey's Short Plat) is downstream from the previously contested short plat by about one lot. Ms. Rider presented photos from September, 2006 (Exhibit 11) of different areas of backyards where the Kennydale Creek runs through, as well as photos from July 9, 2006 (Exhibit 12). She stated that there are addresses on the photos demonstrating where the photos were taken from along the creek. APPEAL-2 ' .. • • 1 Ms. Rider presented further photos of the groundwater level of the pond which drains into the 2 creek (Exhibit 12). She commented that Kennydale Creek is groundwater driven. She also provided a photo from September 9, 2011 (Exhibit 14) which showed water in the creek. Ms. 3 Rider submitted aerial photos from 1936, 1946, and 1960 (Exhibit 15) demonstrating the ditching 4 which has drained out the wetlands to make the land more usable, according to Ms. Rider. 5 Ms. Rider presented an elevation map demonstrating that the creek follows the lowest elevation in this area (Exhibit 16). She stated this shows the creek is groundwater driven. She also 6 provided the Otak report which was commissioned by the City most recently. She noted that 7 throughout the report Otak uses the words "may be" Class 4 and is not defInitive. She stated she believes the City has avoided doing studies in peak summer months for fear of having to 8 reclassify the stream and that is why the Otak report was done in October. The GeoResources 9 report stated that slow groundwater was observed in July in the creek, according to Ms. Rider. 10 11 She stated she believes this contradicts a Class 4 classifIcation. Ms. Rider stated that when the stream study was done the City asked only if it was Class 4 or Class 5, and did not entertain the idea of it being Class 3. She submitted a letter from Chip 12 Vincent, Renton Planning Director, to Bill Collins dated October 7, 2011 (Exhibit 17). 13 Mr. Wasser noted that the letter from Chip Vincent referred to a different project on a different 14 part of Kennydale' Creek and maintains the Class 4 classifIcation. Furthermore, according to him, this hearing cannot contest the ordinances that established the RMC years ago which provides for 15 the stream classifIcations. 16 William O'Connor, Appellant, interjected that the City had assured the Appellants previously 17 there was no process for stream reclassifIcation, but has since developed a process. He further noted that he believes the City should have conducted a more thorough stream study report, giving the contentious nature of this particular stream classifIcation. He stated that the City 18 19 Council overruled the Hearing Examiner's previous decision without any written report and he 20 asked that the Hearing Examiner carefully read the Superior Judge's decision in the prior case. 21 Ms. Rider submitted the study by the Watershed Company (Exhibit 18), stating that the report noted that standing water was observed in July throughout much of the site. She noted the study 22 was done in July, 2005 and observed the kidney-shaped Wetland area from the Blueberry Farm 23' upstream. Ms. Rider also submitted a report done by Ellisport Engineering on October 20, 2004 (Exhibit 19) which stated a Class 3 stream originates at the Blueberry Farm and flows upstream. 24 She also submitted a report done by Cedar Rock Consultants (Exhibit 20) stating that water was 25 flowing in the stream at the time of the study. Ms. Rider noted that the City often uses the study as evidence of the stream being Class 4, but the study does not support those findings. 26 APPEAL-3 1 2 3 • • Ms. Rider submitted a letter from Karen Walter of tbe Muckleshoot Indian Fisheries Division which asked the City for its basis of classification for tbe Kennydale Creek, according to Ms. Rider. She stated tbat tbe City's response was just to cite Renton Municipal Code (Exhibits 21 and 22). 4 Ms. Rider presented a request made by herself on November 29, 2007 for a different project in 5 which she asked for information regarding tbe evidence used to make tbe Kennydale Creek classification; she states that tbe request went unanswered by tbe City (Exhibit 23). Ms. Rider 6 provided an acknowledgment by the City tbat it received her request for information (Exhibit 7 24). 8 9 Mr. O'Connor inteIjected tbat tbis request was relevant because it demonstrates tbe City has no scientific evidence to explain tbe Class 4 stream classification. 10 Ms. Rider also provided a letter from tbe office of tbe Hearing Examiner dated March 27, 2008, II noting tbat it was written when they were going through a similar appeal hearing process for a different plat applicatioti (Exhibit 25). 12 Ms. Rider submitted tbe Wild Fish Conservancy report conducted by Jamie Glasgow in 13 September 18, 2008 and a letter written by Jamie Glasgow to tbe City on December 5, 20II (Exhibits 26 and 27). Ms. Rider noted that tbe City referred to Mr. Glasgow as "her," and this 14 suggests tbey never contacted him or tbey would have known he was a man. According to Ms. 15 Rider, there is evidence that tbe City never discussed witb Mr. Glasgow his findings. Ms. Rider also submitted a biography and article of Mr. Glasgow demonstrating his extensive work in tbe 16 field of stream classification (Exhibit 28), she noted. According to Ms. Rider, in the article Mr. 17 Glasgow discusses tbe common problem of misclassification of streams and creeks. 18 Mr. Wasser stated tbat tbe original Wild Fish Conservancy report did not list tbe stream as being 19 Class 3 and only in Mr. Glasgow's letter does he assert a Class 3 stream classification for 20 21 22 Kennydale Creek. Mr. O'Connor inteIjected that he believes Mr. Glasgow seems to be highly qualified and experienced in his field based on tbe information provided. Ms. Rider noted tbat council member Randy Corman was excluded from decisions in previous 23 appeal hearings in front of tbe City Council because of his living close to tbe creek. She 24 referenced Mr. Corman's blog on June 9, 2008 (Exhibit 29) where he asserts tbe creek is perennial and tbat he has never seen it stop flowing in his 20 years of living tbere. Ms. Rider 25 stated tbat anotber councilmember was also excluded from previous hearings due to living close 26 to tbe creek. APPEAL-4 I • • 1 According to Ms. Rider, the City fought a motion (Exhibit 30) by Ms. Rider in a previous 2 hearing to have supplemental evidence entered in the form of a stream study. She stated that she was denied having this supplemental evidence entered because of the City's actions. Ms. Rider stated that she believes all exhibits and information are relevant because they provide historical 3 4· information about the creek. 5 Ms. Rider submitted the Superior Court decision from the previous case and the brief her lawyer submitted to the Superior Court (Exhibits 31 and 32). 6 Ms. Rider submitted the transcript of proceedings from the previous appeals in 2008 (Exhibit 7 33). Also, she presented a memo to the council members from her lawyer dated April 24, 2008 8 regarding the appeal filed against the original decision made by the previous Hearing Examiner (Exhibit 34). According to Ms. Rider, the memo outlines the argument as to why the decision 9 should not be overturned. 10 11 12 Ms. Rider presented more photos concerning the groundwater (Exhibit 35). The photos showed a foundation dig in the same wetland system (off ofN.E. 20 th St.), where the Joey's Short Plat is located, which has affected the groundwater runoff negatively, according to Ms. Rider. She noted that the large homes being built have driven the City to ignore the danger to the creek 13 because they want the tax dollars. She commented that she believes the stream is groundwater 14 driven, thus if groundwater is affected by the building of new homes than the stream is affected. 15 Ms. Rider submitted communications (Exhibits 36 and 37) between Master Builder, Terry Dutro, and the City in regard to the downgrading the classification of the stream to Class 5. She stated 16 that the Master Builder was able to gain this new classification with only anecdotal evidence 17 from the 1950s. Furthermore, she claimed his anecdotal evidence was hearsay. An Ellisport Engineering report from June 28, 2005 (Exhibit 38) was referenced in the decision to grant the 18 down-grade, but, according to Ms. Rider, they .stated there was water in the creek at the time of 19 their study. Moreover, Ms. Rider submitted a memo, dated November 10, 2005, from the Renton 20 Planning Department recommending· the new lower-classification (Exhibit 39), based on no scientific information, according to Ms. Rider. She commented that the standard of evidence 21 was not consistent. 22 Ms. Rider commented that many neighbors have made positive comments regarding the constant flow of the creek and can attest to the perennial nature of Kennydale Creek through firsthand 23 accounts. 24 William O'Connor, Appellant, stated that the entire issue is the correct classification of the 25 Kennydale Creek, and he asserted that the City is in extreme state of denial over the 26 classification. He stated that there is a lot of water flow and storage within the ground around the APPEAL-5 • • 1 stream and the ground-water level is very high. He observed that one of the consultants noted 2 that this high level of ground-water would suggest the stream is perennial. He testified that it is extremely linlikely that the stream dries up at any time based on these observing. The City knew 3 about the contentious nature of the stream, according to Mr. O'Connor, thus it should have done 4 proper studies at the appropriate times of the year. The City chose to ignore the study done by Jamie Glasgow, he stated. Mr. O'Connor concluded that the City has been negligent and overly- 5 technical in their handling of the stream classification. 6 Staff Testimony: 7 8 9 10 11 Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner for Renton, submitted several maps showing areas around the property in question. Using maps within the City's GIS system, Mr. Wasser pointed out the Class-3 downstream portion of Kennydale Creek. However, east of the 1-405 freeway, Kennydale Creek is classified as a Class-4 stream (yellow line on the map), according to Mr. Wasser. The Class 4 classification section of Kennydale Creek is what bisects the property in question for Joey's Short Plat, he noted. Mr. Wasser observed that the subject property of Joey's Short Plat application was approved for 2-lots and is an R-4 property. He stated that currently 12 there are an existing house and two sheds on the property (located on Lot I). He commented that 13 the Applicant proposed to stay within a 35-ft buffer area from the stream on either side with split- rail fencing on the western boundary of the buffer area. Mr. Wasser testified that he slightly 14 altered a map that is found within the City of Renton code in order to make the classification 15 areas more clear. The map provided identifies the stream as Class 4 primarily east of the I-405 freeway, according to Mr. Wasser. He stated that the section of the code where the classification 16 map is found is RMC4-3-050L. 17 Mr. Wasser noted that most of the information provided by the Appellant had been submitted 18 previously for the prior Superior Court appeals. He stated that the Appellant believes the Staff made a mistake in not requiring a full stream study for the Joey's Short Plat, but it was a 19 conscious decision made by Staff based on the previous court decision upholding the current 20 classification (Class 4). Staff recognized that the area is one of contention and was aware of the Cedar Rock and Wild Fish Conservancy reports, so they chose to contact their on-call biologist, Otak, to look at this section of the creek, Mr. Wasser stated. A field investigation was conducted 22 by Stephanie Smith and Kevin O'Brien ofOtak and, they determined, based on the Joey's Short Plat property, that the classification of that section of Kennydale Creek should be Class 4, Mr. Wasser testified. The City wished to lay the issue to rest and that is why this study was done as a 21 23 24 secondary review of information, he commented. According to Mr. Wasser, within the Otak 25 report the biologists did review the Cedar Rock and the Wild Fish Conservancy reports and still found this area of the creek to be Class 4. Mr. Wasser, addressing the issues of anecdotal 26 evidence, stated that there have been arguments on both sides with firsthand accounts by APPEAL-6 I 2 3 4 5 • • individuals; however, the City has attempted to use scientific method· to substantiate their stream classifications. The Staff believes the Joey Short Plat application should not be denied. Upon questioning by the Hearing Examiner in regards to there being anecdotal evidence. about the creek drying-up, Mr. Wasser stated he had heard anecdotal evidence that the creek has been manually ditched up in the past. 6 Kevin O'Brien, Otak Specialist, stated that Otak did field work on the stream during the water- year when one would expect flow in the system (perennial or not). He noted that on the Joey 7 Short Plat property, Otak found the stream bed completely covered over with vegetation. This suggested that there is not enough flow energy to scour out the vegetation and that at some point 9 in time in the year, flow would go sub-surface in the system, according to Mr. O'Brien. He noted that in an intermittent system there still may be anecdotal evidence of the stream flowing all year 10 round, but at some point portions of the flow goes sub-stream (normally in August and September). Based on his experience which began in 1998, Mr. O'Brien stated that the indirect 8 11 evidence gathered on the Joey Short Plat showed that the flow of the stream is likely to be an 12 intermittent one where portions of the stream are inundated year round, and portions go sub-. stream. Usually if there is enough energy associated with the flow, one will see no vegetation in 13 the channel, but it is possible to have some vegetation if the stream is extremely slow, according 14 to Mr. O'Brien. 15 16 Mr. O'Brien stated that Otak uses longitudinal evidence for sites normally, where mile-long sections would be studied. The Wild Fish Conservancy did not look at the full system and specifically did not look at the Joey's Short Plat site, but instead at sites in the vicinity ofNE 20 th 17 near the Blueberry farm and sites upstream of 1-405, he noted. Where the Wild Fish 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Conservancy looked there· was no vegetation in the channel and at that time the system did appear to be perennial, given that limited sampling, according to Mr. O'Brien. The Otak report suggested that it might not be perennial throughout the system, he observed. Mr. O'Brien stated that he received his Bachelor of Arts and PHD in Biology and from University of Washington Department of Zoology and Biology, and has a certification from UW in stream restoration. Stephanie Smith, .Otak Biologist, stated that the velocity of the stream will scour out the vegetation. In areas where the stream channel is higher up in the ground you will see some amounts of vegetation lying low; however, it is difficult for vegetation to survive with water flow, according to Ms. Smith. The vegetation observed by Otak at Joey's Short Plat was upright, she stated. She noted that she has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Washington and certificates in restoration ecology and wetlands management. Mr. Wasser noted that these experts were hired by the City of Renton at the City's expense. APPEAL-7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . 24 25 26 • • On cross-examination by Susan Rider, Mr. O'Brien stated that Otak examined the creek on October 6,2011, and there was water in the creek at this time. He noted that there were plants in the creek at this time as well, but having plants in the channel is indicative that the system may go subsurface for long enough for vegetation to be established. Low-grade systems tend to have the least energy associated with them, and the area examined had about 1-percent grade, which is a relatively flat system, according to Mr. O'Brien. He stated he has looked at many flat systems in the Puget Sound area and the ones that have perennial flow tend to provide enough . scour to eliminate vegetation. There is no strong correlation between ditching and the establishment of vegetation, according to Mr. O'Brien. He stated that creeks of low-grade can be fed by groundwater and he noted that stream systems have both gaining and losing systems. Mr. O'Brien observed that it is possible to have both types of systems where water is coming from the surface through infiltration and that can be non-perennial. He cited the Yakima River as an example Of soil conditions and groundwater resulting in a non-perennial system. Mr. O'Brien stated that, just because a stream is associated with a groundwater source does not mean it is a perennial system. It is subject to localized soil conditions and localized groundwater conditions, depending on the different depths within the soil, he noted. Mr. O'Brien testified that a longitudinal survey would be required (over the course of several seasons) to know the groundwater conditions for this area positively. The Otak report used the best evidence available to them in order to establish their Class-4 decision, he said. Mr. O'Brien stated that the Glasgow study had many limitations, including that it was only looking at flow to the system at one point in time at 4 different locations. He stated that he questioned the Glasgow study because he felt there was potential misinterpretation of the levels of invertebrates and drew conclusions from these levels that may have been misleading. Mr. O'Brien stated that one would need to look at the depth of the stream and the pond adjacent to the subject property because the pond would not necessarily dry-out even if the stream did. According to Mr. 0 'Brien, it is likely that the system goes subsurface at some point in the year based on the conditions he observed. Mr. O'Brien stated that he is unaware of how the State's interpretation of subsurface flow relating to stream classification and stream flow would pertain to the City's code classification. He stated that his understanding of WDFW indicates that if surface-flow is lacking in some portion of the stream at any point in the year, you are looking at intermittent flow. According to Mr. O'Brien, in order to prove this one would need to do longitudinal studies or instead use what evidence you could to establish strong correlations. He further noted that Otak's fmdings were for the specific location dictated by the City. He stated that he did not go out at the hottest part of the year for this particular system . On cross-examination by Mr. 0 'Connor, Mr. O'Brien stated that the gradient of the stream on the channel measured was about 1 percent according to his kilometer reading. He noted that he APPEAL-8 1 2 3 • • recorded it and made a notation in his field notebook. He stated that there is a margin of error of about to 0.5 percent, and a handheld kilometer was used to take the recording. Mr. Wasser interjected that the City asked Otak for their best professional judgment. He noted that the City contacted Otak for the study because they suspected there could be contention in the 4 stream classification. 5 6 7 8 Mr. O'Brien stated that Otak expected to find a Class 3 stream, but they found the evidence of a Class 4 stream. On cross-examination by Ms. Rider, Mr. O'Brien noted that Otak reviewed the Altmann Oliver Associates report which attested to pit-testing in July resulting in evidence of surface water. However, Mr. O'Brien stated that intermittent system can have areas where surface water is 9 present all year round, but the region of the system studied and involved in the Joey's Short Plat 10 11 12 13 14 15 area had evidence of subsurface flow. Mr. Wasser noted that the Altmann Oliver Associates Report was suhmittedwith the Joey's Short Plat application and stated that the stream in the area was Class 4. The report was submitted by the project Applicant in lieu of a full geo-technical report, he stated. Mr. O'Brien stated that infiltration of groundwater (which was found in Altman Oliver Associates Report) would not be inconsistent with subsurface flow, but he noted that he finds the evidence provided by this report inconclusive. He commented that doing these studies in July is not a bad time of the year, but that the end of August and the beginning of September would be 16 the best time of the year. 17 Applicant Testimony: 18 Bill Hughes, Applicant, stated that the Appellants have presented no new information in their 19 appeal. The arguments and studies the Appellants are using have already gone through Superior Court in appeals, and lost, according to Mr. Hughes. He stated that the new expert (Otak) has 20 verified the Class 4 classification. 21 22 23 Public testimony: Lauralee Gordley stated that she was taken to court previously over her Short Plat application by the Appellant. She noted that much of the information the Appellants have brought forward 24 was information she financed, and they are interpreting it in their own way. She commented that 25 26 she was surprised this same issue was brought forward again. She testified that she does not feel it is right to have this stream classification issue pressed on citizens and neighbors who are looking to Short Plat their property. It is very difficult to sell a large parcel property in a large APPEAL-9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 • • urban area because people do not want huge property, according to Ms. Gordley. She observed that this stream classification battle has already been fought in Superior Court and shouldn't have to be done again. Ms. Gordley stated that all the evidence brought up in the original argument is not here because it was previously unclear whether this hearing was due to the stream re- classification process or a land use issue. In regards to the original issue of the non-perennial v. perennial stream classification, Ms. Gordley presented a map of her property (1712 NE 20th St) where a Short Plat and Lot-line Adjustment was completed, noting the creek intersection. She said that all of the storm-drainage water from the streets flows into the blueberry field and then flows into her property offof20th St. On her title report, it is listed as a utility ditch used by the City of Renton for stormwater drainage which expired in 1988, she testified. According to Ms. Gordley, the sewage was pumped from this area to Jones Avenue and a sewer line was installed, resulting in a french drain. This underground french drain changed the groundwater in the area, she noted. As a result, in 2003, three lots came through the Heritage Glen Project which directed the stormwater drainage to a huge vault which now drains into Ms. Gordley's lot, she stated. Any water studies (done during any time of the year) will be influenced by the vault holding a large amount of water (which is engineered to drain through the creek), according to Ms. Gordley. She concluded that the whole argument of constant water in the creek is only a result of the creek being a stormwater drainage system. There has been a lot of development that has changed the water table in the area that cannot be fixed, she noted. The presence of the retention vault makes it clear that it is not groundwater in the creek, but storm drainage, according to Ms. Gordley. There is a drain-pipe on the south-end of the parcel next to the blueberry farm for storm drainage, she noted. Ms. Gordley stated there are many photos of the storm drain which can be traced to the blueberry farm. She noted that her own Short Plat process took 3-years and $30,000 in legal fees. Ms. Gordley testified that the interpretation of her evidence from the previous suit has been misguided. The report completed by Ellisport Engineering, paid for by Ms. Gordley, was done during a period. where King County had a different classification system where 1,2,3 changed to 1,2,3,4,5, according to Ms. Gordley. Ms. Gordley further stated that many neighbors do not believe this stream classification to be an issue, and there has been no authentication of all anecdotal evidence submitted by the Appellant. She noted that some of the accounts are from people who do not even live in the area. Ms. Gordley testified that she does not know if the Appellants have ever pursued the stream classification issue with the City council. She noted that she believes some Short Plat 26 applications have not been appealed, and she questions the Appellants' discriminatory behavior. APPEAL-10 • • 1 The Appellants' arguments have not been consistent, Ms. Gordley concluded. 'She cited the case 2 of LUA03044, which was a neighborhood project that affected the drainage into the stream dramatically, as an example of a case which was not appealed. Ms. Gordley maintained that this 3 application was about a Short Plat, not a stream classification. 4 In regards to Exhibit 29, Ms. Gordley testified that Randy Corman's blog is his personal 5 statement, and the other councilmember who was recused should not be included in his comments. 6 Jean Stearns (2216 Jones Avenue NE St), stated that she lives at the property directly north of 7 the property in question for Joey's Short Plat application. She testified that she believes the 8 Applicant should be allowed to move forward with the Short Plat. Ms. Stearns said the subject 9 property has been downgraded from R-4 to R-8 zone and the current buffer planned is more than is required. She noted that she believes the creek is properly protected on this piece of property. 10 Ms. Steams, referring to Page 2 of the Otak report, noted that the re-classification of the creek is 11 in line with current RMC. Although the code may need to be tightened up from its current state 12 because it does not properly defme "velocity" or flow", she noted, a Short Plat application is not the place for this change to happen. 13 City Rebuttal: 14 15 Gerald Wasser stated that the timing of the Otak study was based on when the application was filed. The City had 120 days to process the project according to state law and that is why the 16 study was done in October, according to Mr. Wasser. The City wanted to get the creek 17 classification correct because of the previous contention, he noted. Mr. Wasser testified that in the 2015 critical areas ordinance, longitudinal studies of the area will be pursued. 18 Mr. Wasser commented that it is unclear if the Appellants have met RMC 4-8-110e3, which 19 addresses standing for appeals of administrative decisions. He said that the Appellant must 20 demonstrate how he/she will be aggrieved or affected by the decision and harmed, but the Appellant has not clearly done this. 21 Mr. Wasser stated that the stream classifications for Kennydale Creek are established in the code 22 and the City has gone through the process specified by the code for reclassification and the Class 23 4 status holds. He concluded that the Planning Director's decision should be upheld. 24 Appellant Rebuttal: 25 William O'Connor, in regards to RMC 4-8-110e3, Mr. O'Connor noted that every citizen is 26 affected by the City's treatment of the environment. Kennydale Creek flows 3-ft from Ms. APPEAL-II • • 1 Rider's west boundary, according to Mr. O'Connor, thus its classification affects her greatly. Mr. 2 O'Connor testified that the City has still not provided the evidence it used to originally classifY the creek as Class-4. He suggested the City review the definitions of the State regarding 3 perennial classification and intennittent systems and then conduct a new, thorough study of the 4 area. 5 Mr. O'Connor stated that the Otak report only suggested what "might" be and is not definitive. 6 The City in 1988 Short Platted the whole area and set aside a stream easement for the whole area because there was no evidence the creek had ever dried up, he observed. 7 Susan Rider commented that the City has dewatered the wetland in order to create the current 8 drainage vaults. These.drainage vaults have created more water in the creek, making it perennial, 9 she noted. She testified that the current classification system does not protect the wetlands and is resulting in a dangerous cycle that should be stopped. 10 In regard to Ms. Gordley's collateral estoppel, Mr. Wasser stated that the parties are different in 11 this case, and the City does not wish to pursue collateral estoppel. He noted that secondary 12 review is generally done when an Applicant provides a different report which contradicts the City code. Mr. Wasser stated that the City did use the review process outlined in RMC 4-3-050-Ll cii. 13 Mr. O'Connor stated that the Wild Fish Conservancy report is the key to their appeal case. He 14 noted that the Appellants feel the Otak report is not definitive and thus flawed. He testified that 15 the City has never come up with scientific basis for the current Class-4 classification. 16 Exhibits 17 18 The October 24, 2011 Staff report, along with its attachments, was admitted into the record during the hearing. Exhibits admitted during the hearing are listed below. The record was held 19 open for written objections/comments to the Appellant's Exhibit 40, "Testimony Affidavits." 20 The Hearing Examiner received objections from the City (herein admitted as Exhibit 41) and from Lauralee Gordley (herein admitted as Exhibit 42). 21 Exhibit 1 - 22 Exhibit 2- 23 Exhibit 3 - 24 Exhibit 4- Exhibit 5 - 25 Exhibit 6- 26 Exhibit 7- Exhibit 8- APPEAL-12 Appeal Statement dated October 12, 2011 with attached letters Report from Environmental Review Committee dated September 26, 2011 with attachments Amended Environmental Review Committee report with 11 attachments Planning Division Environmental Checklist dated August 8, 2011 Mitigation Determination of Non-significance dated August 26, 2011 Letter from Susan Rider (Appellant) outlining appeal Letter sent to Chip Vincent from Jamie Glasgow dated December 5, 2011 Affidavit from Janice Shearer dated 217108. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Exhibit 9- Exhibit 10- Exhibit 11 - Exhibit 12- Exhibit 13 - Exhibit 14- Exhibit 15- Exhibit 16- Exhibit 17- Exhibit 18- Exhibit 19- Exhibit 20- Exhibit 21 - Exhibit 22- Exhibit 23 - Exhibit 24- Exhibit 25- Exhibit 26- Exhibit 27- Exhibit 28- Exhibit 29- Exhibit 30- Exhibit 31 - Exhibit 32- Exhibit 33 - Exhibit'34 - Exhibit 35- Exhibit 36- Exhibit 37- Exhibit 38- Exhibit 39- Exhibit 40- • • Letter from Erika Conkling to Larry Fisher dated October 18, 2006 Letter from Larry Fisher of Fish and Wild Fish Conservatory to Erika Conkling dated October 19,2006 3 Photos of Kenny dale Creek from September 17,2006 in different areas along backyards 3 Photos of Kenny dale Creek from July 9, 2006 at NE 20th St Photos August 20, 2007 and June, 2010 showing the groundwater level of pond Photo from September 9, 2011 Aerial Photos Elevation.Map of creek area Letter to Bill Collins from City of Renton Director of Planning, Chip Vincent dated October 7, 2011 Watershed Company Report dated July, 2005 Ellisport Engineering Report dated October, 2004 Cedar Rock Consultants Report dated Feb 17,2006 Karen Walter letter dated September 7, 2011 Response letter from Karen Walters dated Sept 22, 2011 Public records request from Susan Rider from 2007 that was unanswered by City of Renton Public records request from Susan Rider dated 2007 Letter from Office of Hearing Examiner dated March 27, 2008 . Wild Fish Conservancy Report by Jamie Glasgow with letter to Mr. Collins dated September 18, 2008 Letter from Jamie Glasgow to City dated December 5, 2011 Biography of Jamie Glasgow June 9, 2008 entry from Randy Corman's Blog Motion for Supplemental Evidence Superior Court Decision Brief from Susan Rider's attorney, Gendler and Mann Transcript of Proceedings in Superior Court Lawyer's memo to Council Members after appeal was filed against previous Hearing Examiner's decision dated April 24, 2008 Photos concerning the groundwater which show foundation digs near creek in the same wetland area as subject, just upstream, dated 7/30/2006 and 4/2008 May 17, 2005 letter to City of Renton from Masterbuilder Construction. June 30, 2005 letter to City of Renton from Masterbuilder Construction. Ellisport Engineering Report dated June 28, 2005 November 10,2005 Memo from Planning department reco=ending classification downgrade to class 5 for Kennydale Creek . Testimony Affidavits from various parties from 1990 to 2008 in response to prior land use permits and some corresponding City of Renton responses. APPEAL-13 • • 1 2 Findings of Fact 3 Procedural: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I. Appellant. The Appellants are Susan Rider and William O'Conner. 2. Hearing. The Examiner held a hearing on the appeal at 10:00 am on December 6, 2011, in the City of Renton City Council Chambers. Substantive: 3. Description of Appeal. The appeal is of the Planning Director's approval of the Joey Short Plat (LUS 11-066, ECF, SHPL-A). Kennydale Creek runs through the short plat. The sole grounds of the appeal are that Kennydale Creek should have been classified as a Class 3 stream instead of a Class 4 stream. The stream is currently classified as a Class 4 stream on the City's water class map. 4. Property Description. The property is located at 2208 Jones Avenue NE in Renton, WA, and is currently owned by Wilford (Bill) Hughes (Applicant). The Applicant applied for the subject short plat in August 2011. The short plat is composed of only two lots. There is a single family home and two existing sheds on the lot. The property has a small (Category 2 or 3) wetland on the northeastern portion of the site. The subject is bisected by Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 stream that runs north-south across the property. 5. Factual Basis for Appeal. On October 24, 2011, the Planning Director issued an Administrative Approval for the Joey's Short Plat. The approval included conditions requiring protection of Kennydale Creek based on its classification as a Class 4, non-fish bearing, intermittent stream. Prior to the Director's decision, the Appellants on October 13, 2011 filed an appeal of the decision. The Appellants provided several studies, comment letters from state agencies and anecdotal evidence in support of a Class 3, perennial classification of the stream (Exhibits 7, 18-22,26,38 and 40). 6. Perennial Nature of Kennydale Creek. As discussed in the Conclusions of Law below, the key factual issue of' this application is whether Kennydale Creek is a perennial creek. It is determined that Kennydale Creek is not perennial on the parcels composing Joey's short plat. The evidence on the stream consists of a classic "battle of the experts" between consultants hired by the City (Stephanie Smith, Kevin O'Brien and Suzanne Anderson, all ofOtak Engineering) and the expert hired by the Appellants (Jamie Glasgow of the Wild Fish Conservancy). The City's experts decisively prevailed in this exchange, for a number of compelling reasons: (1) Project Specific Analysis. The City experts based their conclusions APPEAL-14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • upon a site specific analysis of the project site. The Appellant expert did not base his conclusions upon the ·project site portion of the stream, but rather observed flows upstream (near 20 th St.) and downstream (near NE 24 St.) of the project site. That distinction is of critical importance, because the City experts concluded that at the project site the vegetation and other stream characteristics established that the stream . ran underground during certain times of the year. When the Examiner inquired how Mr. Glasgow could come to a different conclusion, the City experts were able to respond that Mr. Glasgow only observed those portions of the stream that do flow perennially and he did investigate the stream characteristics at the project site where the stream did not flow perennially. (2) Objectivity. The City experts were hired by the City at the expense of the Applicant. The Applicant had no authority to fire the experts if he disagreed with their findings. Notably, the City experts testified that when they initiated their investigation they expected to find that the stream should be classified as a Class 3, since this is fairly common with this type of situation. However, upon viewing the stream characteristics they determined that the currently mapped classification is correct. The City and the City's experts had no reason to be biased in their assessment of the stream. The Appellants are clearly operating selflessly for what they believe to be the best interests of their community. However, they're objective is to reclassifY the stream and they would be reasonably· expected to hire and retain experts that only support that position. Given that the experts for both the City and the Appellants are all . well qualified, the added objectivity ofthe City experts is compelling. (3) Presence at Hearing. The City experts were present at the hearing and Mr. Glasgow was not. The City experts were able to credibly defend themselves against rigorous questioning by both the Hearing Examiner and the Appellants. Their conclusions remained intact. Mr. Glasgow's conclusions were not similarly put to the test. (4) Uncontested Opinion. The City experts provided an opinion that was consistent with the information provided by the Mr. Glasgow as well as the observations made by neighboring property owners on perennial flow. For the reasons detailed in their testimony and their report, Ex. 9 to Ex. 3 staff report, the experts determined that the prevalence of vegetation in the stream bed at the project site established that the stream went underground at this location. They noted that the vegetation in the stream bed could not survive if subjected to the flows of a: perennial stream. The City experts also noted that other portions of the stream did not have vegetation present in the stream bed, establishing that those portions were subject to perennial flows as determined by Mr. Glasgow and persons who lived in the vicinity and have seen perennial flows for decades. The observations and conclusions of the City experts were consistent with the evidence presented by the Appellants and residents of the area who witnessed perennial flows. In fact, the observations and conclusions of the City experts are uncontested in APPEAL-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 J3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • the administrative record. No one wrote or testified specifically that flows at the project site were perennial, including Mr. Glasgow. In a letter dated December 5, 20 II, Ex. 7, which was after the City experts issued their report, Mr. Glasgow re-affmned his opinion that Kennydale Creek is a Class 3 stream without addressing the City expert conclusions that the stream ran underground at the project site. The Appellants also submitted an extensive amount of affidavits and other evidence from residents of the vicinity affirming that Kennydale Creek is perennial. None of these observations concerned the project site and most observations were done for another project application. In sum, the City experts provided a plausible opinion based upon site specific observations and unbiased expertise that were left uncontested by the Appellants or any other hearing participant. The only reasonable inference to be drawn from their testimony is that, more likely than not, their conclusions are correct. . The conclusion of the City experts is further bolstered by RMC 4-8- IIOE7a, which requires that in administrative appeals the Examiner give substantial weight to any discretionary administrative decision rendered pursuant to City development standards. Conclusions of Law Procedural: I. Authoritv of Hearing Examiner. Appeals of administrative decision are governed by RMC 4-8-110B, RMC4-8-110E and RMC 4-8-080G. Short Plat and Environmental Review are Type II Administrative Decisions under RMC 4-8-080G appealable to the Hearing Examiner in an open record hearing. Appeals of the Hearing Examiner decision are heard in a closed record hearing by the City Council. City Council decisions are appealable to Superior Court. 2. Appeal of Legislatively Adopted Map Designation. It is a little unclear as to whether the Appellants could administratively appeal the mapped classification of Kennydale Creek, since this was adopted by ordinance by the Renton City Council. RMC 4-8-11OLlaiv provides that a stream may qualify as a Class 4 stream if it is mapped as a Class4 stream on Figure Q4, Renton Water Class Map. Kennydale Creek is mapped in this fashion. As testified by staff, the mapping was adopted by ordinance by the Renton City Council. Ordinances typically cannot be administratively appealed during the permit review process. This is particularly true for Growth Management Act ("GMA") development standards such as stream claSsifications, which must be appealed within 60 days of ordinance adoption to the Growth Management Hearing Boards as required by Chapter 36.70A RCW. However, stream classifications are not typical GMA ordinances, in that the code contemplates and provides for a process to amend the map classification if it is not consistent with classification designation standards. RMC 4-8-11 OL I cii specifically provides that if the mapped classification is inconsistent with classification designation criteria that the criteria will govern. Reclassification to a higher class· requires "administrator acceptance of a supplemental stream or lake study" followed by legislative amendment of the mapped classification. APPEAL -16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • The reclassification system outlined in the preceding paragraph is probably a legislative acknowledgment that mapped stream classifications are based upon sometimes over-generalized assumptions and that the classifications should be subject to case by case review, as needed, to ensure that the assumptions are correct for a specific development project. With this background in mind it is reasonable to conclude that a staff decision to accept or not accept a supplemental report is an administrative decision that should be subject to the administrative appeals process. The staff decision to initiate or not initiate reclassification in this regard is every bit as significant as other administrative staff decisions that are subject to the benefits of the administrative appeals process. Given the factors outlined above, the appeal filed by the Appellants, Ex. 1, will be construed as an appeal of the City staff decision to not initiate a reclassification of Kennydale Creek to a Class 3 stream. The Appellants could have more clearly linked their appeal to the reclassification process authorized by RMC 4-8-11 OLI cii, but it is clear that was their objective. The Appellants even supplied a supplemental stream study with their appeal that supported a reclassification. The appeal was also filed prior to the issuance of the short plat decision, giving staff an opportunity to assess whether the stream should be reclassified. The subsequently issued short plat decision, expressly maintaining a Class 4 designation, constitutes an administrative decision to decline to initiate a reclassification of Kennydale Creek as authorized by RMC 4-8-IIOLicii. It is concluded that the Ex. 1 appeal, despite some timing and descriptive irregularities, was sufficient to challenge the administrative determination to not reclassify Kennydale Creek to a Class 3 stream. 3. Standing. During the hearing the City challenged the standing of the Appellants. The Examiner took the challenge under advisement. The Examiner concludes that Susan Rider has standing to bring forth the appeal. Renton has some unusually detailed standing requirements for administrative appeals. RMC 4-8-11 DE3 requires as follows: In the order to appeal the person or entity shall be aggrieved or affected by the administrative or environmental decision. In order to be aggrieved, the person or entity must demonstrate the follOWing: a. An injury in fact, in that the person or entity will be specifically and perceptively harmed; and b. That the interest the person or entity seeks to protect is arguably within the zone of interests to be protected or regulated. Kennydale Creek abuts the property of Ms. Rider. The classification of Kennydale Creek, even if downstream, affects the overall "health" of the stream, which in' turns affects the use and enjoyment of Ms. Rider's property. As someone directly affected by degradation of Kennydale Creek, Ms. Rider is within the zone of interests protected by the City's stream regulations and she would suffer an injury in fact if the stream is not properly classified. APPEAL-17 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 • • 4. Collateral Estoppel. Lauralee Gordley expressed frustration that the classification of Kennydale Creek is being considered again, since it has been subject to extensive litigation and analysis in a prior permit application. ill some circumstances the courts will prohibit the relitigation of identical issues under the judicial doctrine of collateral estoppel. The specified circumstances. for collateral estoppel to bar re-litigation are: (I) identical issues, (2) a final judgment on the merits, (3) the party against whom the plea was asserted must have been a party to or in privity with a party to the prior adjudication, and (4) applying the doctrine must no work an injustice on the party against whom the doctrine is to be applied. Willapa Grays Harbor Oyster Growers Ass'n v. Moby Dick Corp., 115 Wash. App. 417, 423 (2003). In this case collateral estoppel does not apply because a different applicant and different parcel of property are involved. As demonstrated in Finding of Fact No.6, the different parcel is a significant difference, since the perennial nature of the stream is parcel specific. Collateral estoppel does not bar relitigation of the Kennydale stream classification. 5. Stream Classification. As previously discussed, RMC 4-8-IIOLlcii specifically provides that if the mapped classification is inconsistent with classification designation criteria that the designation criteria ofRMC 4-8-110Lla will govern. RMC 4-8-110Llaiii sets the designation criteria for Class ill streams and provides that they are non-salmonid bearing perennial waters during years of normal rainfall. As determined in Finding of Fact No.6, the streams are not perennial. Consequently, they are mapped correctly as Class 4 streams, which RMC 4-8-1IOLlaiv provides are non-salmon bearing l intermittent waters during years of normal -rainfall. DECISION The appeal is denied. The City administrative decision to not initiate reclassification of Kennydale Creek to a Class ill stream is affirmed. DATED this 5th day of January, 2012. C]?~£;~- • Phil A. Olbrechts City of Renton Hearing Examiner Appeal Right 26 I It is uncontested that the streams are non-salmonid bearing. APPEAL -18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • Appeals of the Hearing Examiner decision are heard in a closed record hearing by the City Council. Any such appeal shall be made in writing and filed with the City Clerk's office, together with the applicable appeal fee, within fourteen (14) days of the Examiner's final decision Change in Valuation Notice is given pursuant to RCW 36. 70B.130 that property owners who are affected by this decision may request a change in valuation for property tax purposes notwithstanding any program of revaluation. APPEAL-19 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 • • CITY OF RENTON JAN 052012 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF RENTON RE: Joey's Short Plat Appeal LUAII-066, ECF, SHPL-A ) ) ) APPEAL OF SHORT PLAT APPROVAL ) ) ) ) ) ) Summary The Appellant appeals the approval of the Joey's Short Plat by the Planning Director on the grounds that Kennydale Creek has been misclassified as a Class 4 stream instead of a Class 3 stream. The appeal is denied and the decision of the Planning Director is affirmed. Testimony Appellant Testimony: Susan Rider, Appellant, noted that the City of Renton has repeatedly classified Kennydale Creek as Class 4, giving it less protection than if it was classified Class 3, perennial. According to Ms. Rider, the studies cited by the City previously do not properly explain this Class 4 designation, and, furthermore, the City has not provided the evidenced used for the original Class 4 designation, despite numerous requests. She noted that the stream is mapped both as Class 3 and Class 4 in one half mile section (ending when it reaches Lake Washington). Ms. Rider stated in a previous hearing that the City's attorney said they would need a stream study done in the summer months in order to determine a new classification; however, their hearing was in February. Thus, according to Ms. Rider, the previous Hearing Examiner determined that doing a stream study at that time was pointless, and he ruled (based on the evidence presented) that the stream should be considered perennial without needing to go through the reclassification process dictated by the RMC. She stated that the City Council recommended overturning the Hearing Examiner's decision, and the decision was overturned. Ms. Rider commented that two council members were asked to sit 24 out the vote because of their living proximity to the creek area in question. A stream study 25 conducted in September, 2008 by Wild Life Conservancy and commissioned by Ms. Rider was kept out of evidence, according to Ms. Rider. Ms. Rider stated that she believed the judge did 26 not look at the commissioned reports and solely relied on the information provided by the City. APPEAL-I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ------------------------ • • For many years, Ms. Rider said, she was told there was no process for the reclassification of streams. Ms. Rider stated that the recent decision to allow Joey's Short Plat to move forward with the stream classified as intermittent demonstrates the City's history of ignoring evidence of a need for reclassification. She stated that, in 2005, the City allowed a downgrade of stream classification with much less evidence than Ms. Rider has provided. Ms. Rider stated that the previous studies have been done in a way to not contradict the City because the City pays the providers of the studies. She further commented that some of the studies provide evidence that the stream may be perennial. Ms. Rider presented a letter from Jamie Glasgow who conducted the Wild Fish Conservancy study to Chip Vincent, Renton planning Director (Exhibit 7). The letter stated that his findings were that Kennydale Creek was a perennial creek and there was ample evidence to support this conclusion, according to Ms. Rider. Ms. Rider presented a letter (Exhibit 8) from Lorraine Taylor (2208 Jones Avenue NE, Renton, WA) which described the yearlong flow of the creek for 48+ years and describes the creek as a frequent place of recreation in the summer. Ms. Rider also presented a letter from the Department of Fish and Wildlife by Larry Fisher describing Kennydale Creek as an ecosystem and recommending the creek be classified as Class 2, perennial; the letter also contained the City's response to his recommendation (Exhibits 9 and 10). Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner for Renton, stated the City has a standing objection to the inclusion of information submitted for prior projects which are not directly relevant to this Short Plat project. Ms. Rider stated that the Superior Court judge did not rule on the stream classification, but instead that the City of Renton should not have been overruled by the Hearing Examiner. She commented that the only study done in the proper time of the year was the Wild Fish 20 Conservancy study. Upon question by the Hearing Examiner, Ms. Rider testified that the 21 property in question (Joey's Short Plat) is downstream from the previously contested short plat 22 23 24 25 26 by about one lot. Ms. Rider presented photos from September, 2006 (Exhibit II) of different areas of backyards where the Kennydale Creek runs through, as well as photos from July 9, 2006 (Exhibit 12). She stated that there are addresses on the photos demonstrating where the photos were taken from along the creek. APPEAL-2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • Ms. Rider presented further photos of the groundwater level of the pond which drains into the creek (Exhibit 12). She commented that Kennydale Creek is groundwater driven. She also provided a photo from September 9, 2011 (Exhibit 14) which showed water in the creek. Ms. Rider submitted aerial photos from 1936, 1946, and 1960 (Exhibit 15) demonstrating the ditching which has drained out the wetlands to make the land more usable, according to Ms. Rider. Ms. Rider presented an elevation map demonstrating that the creek follows the lowest elevation in this area (Exhibit 16). She stated this shows the creek is groundwater driven. She also provided the Otak report which was commissioned by the City most recently. She noted that throughout the report Otak uses the words "may be" Class 4 and is not definitive. She stated she believes the City has avoided doing studies in peak summer months for fear of having to reclassify the stream and that is why the Otak report was done in October. The GeoResources report stated that slow groundwater was observed in July in the creek, according to Ms. Rider. She stated she believes this contradicts a Class 4 classification. Ms. Rider stated that when the stream study was done the City asked only if it was Class 4 or Class 5, and did not entertain the idea of it being Class 3. She submitted a letter from Chip Vincent, Renton Planning Director, to Bill Collins dated October 7,2011 (Exhibit 17). Mr. Wasser noted that the letter from Chip Vincent referred to a different project on a different part of Kennydale Creek and maintains the Class 4 classification. Furthermore, according to him, this hearing cannot contest the ordinances that established the RMC years ago which provides for the stream classifications .. William O'Connor, Appellant, interjected that the City had assured the Appellants previously there was no process for stream reclassification, but has since developed a process. He further noted that he believes the City should have conducted a more thorough stream study report, giving the contentious nature of this particular stream classification. He stated that the City Council overruled the Hearing Examiner's previous decision without any written report and he asked that the Hearing Examiner carefully read the Superior Judge's decision in the prior case. Ms. Rider submitted the study by the Watershed Company (Exhibit 18), stating that the report noted that standing water was observed in July throughout much of the site. She noted the study was done in July, 2005 and observed the kidney-shaped Wetland area from the Blueberry Farm upstream. Ms. Rider also submitted a report done by Ellisport Engineering on October 20, 2004 (Exhibit 19) which stated a Class 3 stream originates at the Blueberry Farm and flows upstream. She also submitted a report done by Cedar Rock Consultants (Exhibit 20) stating that water was flowing in the stream at the time of the study. Ms. Rider noted that the City often uses the study as evidence of the stream being Class 4, but the study does not support those findings. APPEAL-3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • Ms. Rider submitted a letter from Karen Walter of the Muckleshoot Indian Fisheries Division which asked the City for its basis of classification for the Kennydale Creek, according to Ms. Rider. She stated that the City's response was just to cite Renton Municipal Code (Exhibits 21 and 22). Ms. Rider presented a request made by herself on November 29, 2007 for a different project in which she asked for information regarding the evidence used to make the Kennydale Creek classification; she states that the request went unanswered by the City (Exhibit 23). Ms. Rider provided an acknowledgment by the City that it received her request for information (Exhibit 24). Mr. O'Connor interjected that this request was relevant because it demonstrates the City has no scientific evidence to explain the Class 4 stream classification. Ms. Rider also provided a letter from the office of the Hearing Examiner dated March 27, 2008, noting that it was written when they were going through a similar appeal hearing process for a different plat application (Exhibit 25). Ms. Rider submitted the Wild Fish Conservancy report conducted by Jamie Glasgow In September 18, 2008 and a letter written by Jamie Glasgow to the City on December 5, 2011 (Exhibits 26 and 27). Ms. Rider noted that the City referred to Mr. Glasgow as "her," and this suggests they never contacted him or they would have known he was a man. According to Ms. Rider, there is evidence that the City never discussed with Mr. Glasgow his findings. Ms. Rider also submitted a biography and article of Mr. Glasgow demonstrating his extensive work in the field of stream classification (Exhibit 28), she noted. According to Ms. Rider, in the article Mr. Glasgow discusses the common problem of misclassification of streams and creeks. Mr. Wasser stated that the original Wild Fish Conservancy report did not list the stream as being Class 3 and only in Mr. Glasgow's letter does he assert a Class 3 stream classification for Kennydale Creek. Mr. O'Connor interjected that he believes Mr. Glasgow seems to be highly qualified and experienced in his field based on the information provided. Ms. Rider noted that council member Randy Corman was excluded from decisions in previous appeal hearings in front of the City Council because of his living close to the creek. She referenced Mr. Corman's blog on June 9, 2008 (Exhibit 29) where he asserts the creek is perennial and that he has never seen it stop flowing in his 20 years of living there. Ms. Rider stated that another councilmember was also excluded from previous hearings due to living close to the creek. APPEAL-4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • According to Ms. Rider, the City fought a motion (Exhibit 30) by Ms. Rider in a previous hearing to have supplemental evidence entered in the form of a stream study. She stated that she was denied having this supplemental evidence entered because of the City's actions. Ms. Rider stated that she believes all exhibits and information are relevant because they provide historical information about the creek. Ms. Rider submitted the Superior Court decision from the previous case and the brief her lawyer submitted to the Superior Court (Exhibits 31 and 32). Ms. Rider submitted the transcript of proceedings from the previous appeals in 2008 (Exhibit 33). Also, she presented a memo to the council members from her lawyer dated April 24, 2008 regarding the appeal filed against the original decision made by the previous Hearing Examiner (Exhibit 34). According to Ms. Rider, the memo outlines the argument as to why the decision should not be overturned. Ms. Rider presented more photos concerning the groundwater (Exhibit 35). The photos showed a foundation dig in the same wetland system (off ofN.E. 20th St.), where the Joey's Short Plat is located, which has affected the groundwater runoff negatively, according to Ms. Rider. She noted that the large homes being built have driven the City to ignore the danger to the creek because they want the tax dollars. She commented that she believes the stream is groundwater driven, thus if groundwater is affected by the building of new homes than the stream is affected. Ms. Rider submitted communications (Exhibits 36 and 37) between Master Builder, Terry Dutro, and the City in regard to the downgrading the classification of the stream to Class 5. She stated that the Master Builder was able to gain this new classification with only anecdotal evidence from the 1950s. Furthermore, she claimed his anecdotal evidence was hearsay. An Ellisport Engineering report from June 28, 2005 (Exhibit 38) was referenced in the decision to grant the down-grade, but, according to Ms. Rider, they stated there was water in the creek at the time of their study. Moreover, Ms. Rider submitted a memo, dated November 10, 2005, from the Renton Planning Department recommending the new lower-classification (Exhibit 39), based on no scientific information, according to Ms. Rider. She commented that the standard of evidence was not consistent. Ms. Rider commented that many neighbors have made positive comments regarding the constant flow of the creek and can attest to the perennial nature of Kennydale Creek through firsthand accounts. William O'Connor, Appellant, stated that the entire issue is the correct classification of the Kennydale Creek, and he asserted that the City is in extreme state of denial over the classification. He stated that there is a lot of water flow and storage within the ground around the APPEAL-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l3 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • stream and the ground-water level is very high. He observed that one of the consultants noted that this high level of ground-water would suggest the stream is perennial. He testified that it is extremely unlikely that the stream dries up at any time based on these observing. The City knew about the contentious nature of the stream, according to Mr. O'Connor, thus it should have done proper studies at the appropriate times of the year. The City chose to ignore the study done by Jamie Glasgow, he stated. Mr. O'Connor concluded that the City has been negligent and overly- technical in their handling of the stream classification. Staff Testimony: Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner for Renton, submitted several maps showing areas around the property in question. Using maps within the City'S GIS system, Mr. Wasser pointed out the Class-3 downstream portion of Kennydale Creek. However, east of the 1-405 freeway, Kennydale Creek is classified as a Class-4 stream (yellow line on the map), according to Mr. Wasser. The Class 4 classification section of Kennydale Creek is what bisects the property in question for Joey's Short Plat, he noted. Mr. Wasser observed that the subject property of Joey's Short Plat application was approved for 2-lots and is an R-4 property. He stated that currently there are an existing house and two sheds on the property (located on Lot I). He commented that the Applicant proposed to stay within a 35-ft buffer area from the stream on either side with split- rail fencing on the western boundary of the buffer area. Mr. Wasser testified that he slightly altered a map that is found within the City of Renton code in order to make the classification areas more clear. The map provided identifies the stream as Class 4 primarily east of the 1-405 freeway, according to Mr. Wasser. He stated that the section of the code where the classification map is found is RMC4-3-050L. Mr. Wasser noted that most of the information provided by the Appellant had been submitted previously for the prior Superior Court appeals. He stated that the Appellant believes the Staff made a mistake in not requiring a full stream study for the Joey's Short Plat, but it was a conscious decision made by Staff based on the previous court decision upholding the current classification (Class 4). Staff recognized that the area is one of contention and was aware of the Cedar Rock and Wild Fish Conservancy reports, so they chose to contact their on-call biologist, Otak, to look at this section of the creek, Mr. Wasser stated. A field investigation was conducted by Stephanie Smith and Kevin O'Brien of Otak and, they determined, based on the Joey's Short Plat property, that the classification of that section of Kennydale Creek should be Class 4, Mr. Wasser testified. The City wished to lay the issue to rest and that is why this study was done as a secondary review of information, he commented. According to Mr. Wasser, within the Otak report the biologists did review the Cedar Rock and the Wild Fish Conservancy reports and still found this area of the creek to be Class 4. Mr. Wasser, addressing the issues of anecdotal evidence, stated that there have been arguments on both sides with firsthand accounts by APPEAL-6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • individuals; however, the City has attempted to use scientific method to substantiate their stream classifications. The Staff believes the Joey Short Plat application should not be denied. Upon questioning by the Hearing Examiner in regards to there being anecdotal evidence about the creek drying-up, Mr. Wasser stated he had heard anecdotal evidence that the creek has been manually ditched up in the past. Kevin O'Brien, Otak Specialist, stated that Otak did field work on the stream during the water- year when one would expect flow in the system (perennial or not). He noted that on the Joey Short Plat property, Otak found the stream bed completely covered over with vegetation. This suggested that there is not enough flow energy to scour out the vegetation and that at some point in time in the year, flow would go sub-surface in the system, according to Mr. O'Brien. He noted that in an intermittent system there still may be anecdotal evidence of the stream flowing all year round, but at some point portions of the flow goes sub-stream (normally in August and September). Based on his experience which began in 1998, Mr. O'Brien stated that the indirect evidence gathered on the Joey Short Plat showed that the flow of the stream is likely to be an intermittent one where portions of the stream are inundated year round, and portions go sub- stream. Usually if there is enough energy associated with the flow, one will see no vegetation in the channel, but it is possible to have some vegetation if the stream is extremely slow, according to Mr. O'Brien. Mr. O'Brien stated that Otak uses longitudinal evidence for sites normally, where mile-long sections would be studied. The Wild Fish Conservancy did not look at the full system and specifically did not look at the Joey's Short Plat site, but instead at sites in the vicinity ofNE 20th near the Blueberry farm and sites upstream of 1-405, he noted. Where the Wild Fish Conservancy looked there was no vegetation in the channel and at that time the system did appear to be perennial, given that limited sampling, according to Mr. O'Brien. The Otak report suggested that it might not be perennial throughout the system, he observed. Mr. O'Brien stated that he received his Bachelor of Arts and PHD in Biology and from University of Washington Department of Zoology and Biology, and has a certification from UW in stream restoration. Stephanie Smith, Otak Biologist, stated that the velocity of the stream will scour out the vegetation. In areas where the stream channel is higher up in the ground you will see some amounts of vegetation lying low; however, it is difficult for vegetation to survive with water flow, according to Ms. Smith. The vegetation observed by Otak at Joey's Short Plat was upright, she stated. She noted that she has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Washington and certificates in restoration ecology and wetlands management. Mr. Wasser noted that these experts were hired by the City of Renton at the City's expense. APPEAL -7 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • On cross-examination by Susan Rider, Mr. O'Brien stated that Otak examined the creek on October 6, 20 II, and there was water in the creek at this time. He noted that there were plants in the creek at this time as well, but having plants in the channel is indicative that the system may go subsurface for long enough for vegetation to be'established. Low-grade systems tend to have the least energy associated with them, and the area examined had about 1-percent grade, which is a relatively flat sysiem, according to Mr. O'Brien. He stated he has looked at many flat systems in the Puget Sound area and the ones that have perennial flow tend to provide enough . scour to eliminate vegetation. There is no strong correlation between ditching and the establishment of vegetation, according to Mr. O'Brien. He stated that creeks of low-grade can be fed by groundwater and he noted that stream systems have both gaining and losing systems. Mr. O'Brien observed that it is possible to have both types of systems where water is coming from the surface through infiltration and that can be non-perennial. He cited the Yakima River as an example of soil conditions and groundwater resulting in a non-perennial system. Mr. O'Brien stated that, just because a stream is associated with a groundwater source does not mean it is a perennial system. It is subject to localized soil conditions and localized groundwater conditions, depending on the different depths within the soil, he noted. Mr. O'Brien testified that a longitudinal survey would be required (over the course of several seasons) to know the groundwater conditions for this area positively. The Otak report used the best evidence available to them in order to establish their Class-4 decision, he said. Mr. O'Brien stated that the Glasgow study had many limitations, including that it was only looking at flow to the system at one point in time at 4 different locations. He stated that he questioned the Glasgow study because he felt there was potential misinterpretation of the levels of invertebrates and drew conclusions from these levels that may have been misleading. Mr. O'Brien stated that one would need to look at the depth of the stream and the pond adjacent to the subject property because the pond would not necessarily dry-out even if the stream did. According to Mr. O'Brien, it is likely that the system goes subsurface at some point in the year based on the conditions he observed. Mr. O'Brien stated that he is unaware of how the State's interpretation of subsurface flow relating to stream classification and stream flow would pertain to the City's code classification. He stated that his understanding of WDFW indicates that if surface-flow is lacking in some portion of the stream at any point in the year, you are looking at intermittent flow. According to Mr. O'Brien, in order to prove this one would need to do longitudinal studies or instead use what evidence you could to establish strong correlations. He further noted that Otak's findings were for the specific location dictated by the City. He stated that he did not go out at the hottest part of the year for this particular system. On cross-examination by Mr. a 'Connor, Mr. O'Brien stated that the gradient of the stream on the channel measured was about I percent according to his kilometer reading. He noted that he APPEAL-8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • recorded it and made a notation in his field notebook. He stated that there is a margin of error of about to 0.5 percent, and a handheld kilometer was used to take the recording. Mr. Wasser interjected that the City asked Otak for their best professional judgment. He noted that the City contacted Otak for the study because they suspected there could be contention in the stream classification. Mr. O'Brien stated that Otak expected to find a Class 3 stream, but they found the evidence of a Class 4 stream. On cross-examination by Ms. Rider, Mr. O'Brien noted that Otak reviewed the Altmann Oliver Associates report which attested to pit-testing in July resulting in evidence of surface water. However, Mr. O'Brien stated that intermittent system can have areas where surface water is present all year round, but the region of the system studied and involved in the Joey's Short Plat area had evidence of subsurface flow. Mr. Wasser noted that the Altmann Oliver Associates Report was submitted with the Joey's Short Plat application and stated that the stream in the area was Class 4. The report was submitted by the project Applicant in lieu of a full geo-technical report, he stated. Mr. O'Brien stated that infiltration of groundwater (which was found in Altman Oliver Associates Report) would not be inconsistent with subsurface flow, but he noted that he finds the evidence provided by this report inconclusive. He commented that doing these studies in July is not a bad time of the year, but that the end of August and the beginning of September would be the best time of the year. Applicant Testimony: Bill Hughes, Applicant, stated that the Appellants have presented no new information in their appeal. The arguments and studies the Appellants are using have already gone through Superior Court in appeals, and lost, according to Mr. Hughes. He stated that the new expert (Otak) has verified the Class 4 classification. Public testimony: Lauralee Gordley stated that she was taken to court previously over her Short Plat application by the Appellant. She noted that much of the information the Appellants have brought forward was information she financed, and they are interpreting it in their own way. She commented that she was surprised this same issue was brought forward again. She testified that she does not feel it is right to have this stream classification issue pressed on citizens and neighbors who are looking to Short Plat their property. It is very difficult to sell a large parcel property in a large APPEAL-9 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • urban area because people do not want huge property, according to Ms. Gordley. She observed that this stream classification battle has already been fought in Superior Court and shouldn't have to be done again. Ms. Gordley stated that all the evidence brought up in the original argument is not here because it was previously unclear whether this hearing was due to the stream re- classification process or a land use issue. In regards to the original issue of the non-perennial v. perennial stream classification, Ms. Gordley presented a map of her property (1712 NE 20th St) where a Short Plat and Lot-line Adjustment was completed, noting the creek intersection. She said that all of the storm-drainage water from the streets flows into the blueberry field and then flows into her property off of 20th St. On her title report, it is listed as a utility ditch used by the City of Renton for stormwater drainage which expired in 1988, she testified. According to Ms. Gordley, the sewage was pumped ·from this area to Jones Avenue and a sewer line was installed, resulting in a french drain. This underground french drain changed the groundwater in the area, she noted. As a result, in 2003, three lots came through the Heritage Glen Project which directed the stormwater drainage to a huge vault which now drains into Ms. Gordley's lot, she stated. Any water studies (done during any time of the year) will be influenced by the vault holding a large amount of water (which is engineered to drain through the creek), according to Ms. Gordley. She concluded that the whole argument of constant water in the creek is only a result of the creek being a storm water drainage system. There has been a lot of development that has changed the water table in the area that cannot be fixed, she noted. The presence of the retention vault makes it clear that it is not groundwater in the creek, but storm drainage, according to Ms. Gordley. There is a drain-pipe on the south-end of the parcel next to the blueberry farm for storm drainage, she noted. Ms. Gordley stated there are many photos of the storm drain which can be traced to the blueberry farm. She noted that her own Short Plat process took 3-years and $30,000 in legal fees. Ms. Gordley testified that the interpretation of her evidence from the previous suit has been misguided. The report completed by Ellisport Engineering, paid for by Ms. Gordley, was done during a period where King County had a different classification system where 1,2,3 changed to 1,2,3,4,5, according to Ms. Gordley. Ms. Gordley further stated that many neighbors do not believe this stream classification to be an issue, and there has been no authentication of all anecdotal evidence submitted by the Appellant. She noted that some of the accounts are from people who do not even live in the area. Ms. Gordley testified that she does not know if the Appellants have ever pursued the stream classification issue with the City council. She noted that she believes some Short Plat applications have not been appealed, and she questions the Appellants' discriminatory behavior. APPEAL-IO 1 2 • • The Appellants' arguments have not been consistent, Ms. Gordley concluded. She cited the case of LUA03044, which was a neighborhood project that affected the drainage into the stream dramatically, as an example of a case which was not appealed. Ms. Gordley maintained that this 3 application was about a Short Plat, not a stream classification. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 In regards to Exhibit 29, Ms. Gordley testified that Randy Corman's blog is his personal statement, and the other councilmember who was recused should not be included in his comments. Jean Stearns (2216 Jones Avenue NE St), stated that she lives at the property directly north of the property in question for Joey's Short Plat application. She testified that she believes the Applicant should be allowed to move forward with the Short Plat. Ms. Steams said the subject property has been downgraded from R-4 to R-8 zone and the current buffer planned is more than is required. She noted that she believes the creek is properly protected on this piece of property. Ms. Steams, referring to Page 2 of the Otak report, noted that the re-classification of the creek is in line with current RMC. Although the code may need to be tightened up from its current state because it does not properly define "velocity" or flow", she noted, a Short Plat application is not the place for this change to happen. City Rebuttal: Gerald Wasser stated that the timing of the Otak study was based on when the application was filed. The City had 120 days to process the project according to state law and that is why the study was done in October, according to Mr. Wasser. The City wanted to get the creek classification correct because of the previous contention, he noted. Mr. Wasser testified that in the 2015 critical areas ordinance, longitudinal studies of the area will be pursued. Mr. Wasser commented that it is unclear if the Appellants have met RMC 4-8-IIOe3, which addresses standing for appeals of administrative decisions. He said that the Appellant must demonstrate how he/she will be aggrieved or affected by the decision and harmed, but the Appellant has not clearly done this. Mr. Wasser stated that the stream classifications for Kennydale Creek are established in the code and the City has gone through the process specified by the code for reclassification and the Class 4 status holds. He concluded that the Planning Director's decision should be upheld. Appellant Rebuttal: William O'Connor, in regards to RMC 4-8-IIOe3, Mr. O'Connor noted that every citizen is affected by the City's treatment of the environment. Kennydale Creek flows 3-ft from Ms. APPEAL -II r I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • Rider's west boundary, according to Mr. O'Connor, thus its classification affects her greatly. Mr. O'Connor testified that the City has still not provided the evidence it used to originally classifY the creek as Class-4. He suggested the City review the definitions of the State regarding perennial classification and intermittent systems and then conduct a new, thorough study of the area. Mr. O'Connor stated that the Otak report only suggested what "might" be and is not definitive. The City in 1988 Short Platted the whole area and set aside a stream easement for the whole area because there was no evidence the creek had ever dried up, he observed. Susan Rider commented that the City has dewatered the wetland in order to create the current drainage vaults. These drainage vaults have created more water in the creek, making it perennial, she noted. She testified that the current classification system does not protect the wetlands and is resulting in a dangerous cycle that should be stopped. In regard to Ms. Gordley's collateral estoppel, Mr. Wasser stated that the parties are different in this case, and the City does not wish to pursue collateral estoppel. He noted that secondary review is generally done when an Applicant provides a different report which contradicts the City code. Mr. Wasser stated that the City did use the review process outlined in RMC 4-3-050-Llcii. Mr. O'Connor stated that the Wild Fish Conservancy report is the key to their appeal case. He noted that the Appellants feel the Otak report is not definitive and thus flawed. He testified that the City has never come up with scientific basis for the current Class-4 classification. Exhibits The October 24, 2011 Staff report, along with its attachments, was admitted into the record during the hearing. Exhibits admitted during the hearing are listed below. The record was held open for written objections/comments to the Appellant's Exhibit 40, "Testimony Affidavits." The Hearing Examiner received objections from the City (herein admitted as Exhibit 41) and from Lauralee Gordley (herein admitted as Exhibit 42). Exhibit I - Exhibit 2- Exhibit 3 - Exhibit 4- Exhibit 5 - Appeal Statement dated October 12, 20 I I with attached letters Report from Environmental Review Committee dated September 26,2011 with attachments Amended Environmental Review Committee report with 11 attachments Planning Division Environmental Checklist dated August 8, 2011 Mitigation Determination of Non-significance dated August 26, 20 II Exhibit 6-. Letter from Susan Rider (Appellant) outlining appeal Exhibit 7-Letter sent to Chip Vincent from Jamie Glasgow dated December 5, 2011 Exhibit 8 -Affidavit from Janice Shearer dated 217108. . APPEAL -12 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Exhibit 9- Exhibit 10- Exhibit 11 - Exhibit 12 - Exhibit 13 - Exhibit 14 - Exhibit 15 - Exhibit 16 - Exhibit 17 - Exhibit IS - Exhibit 19- Exhibit 20- Exhibit 21 - Exhibit 22- Exhibit 23 - Exhibit 24- Exhibit 25- Exhibit 26- Exhibit 27- Exhibit 2S - Exhibit 29- Exhibit 30- Exhibit 31 - Exhibit 32- Exhibit 33 - Exhibit 34- Exhibit 35 - Exhibit 36- Exhibit 37- Exhibit 3S - Exhibit 39- Exhibit 40- • • Letter from Erika Conkling to Larry Fisher dated October IS, 2006 Letter from Larry Fisher of Fish and Wild Fish Conservatory to Erika Conkling dated October 19, 2006 3 Photos of Kennydale Creek from September 17, 2006 in different areas along backyards 3 Photos of Kennydale Creek from July 9, 2006 at NE 20th St Photos August 20, 2007 and June, 2010 showing the groundwater level of pond Photo from September 9, 2011 Aerial Photos Elevation Map of creek area Letter to Bill Collins from City of Renton Director of Planning, Chip Vincent dated October 7, 20 II Watershed Company Report dated July, 2005 Ellisport Engineering Report dated October, 2004 Cedar Rock Consultants Report dated Feb 17,2006 Karen Walter letter dated September 7, 2011 Response letter from Karen Walters dated Sept 22,2011 Public records request from Susan Rider from 2007 that was unanswered by City of Renton Public records request from Susan Rider dated 2007 Letter from Office of Hearing Examiner dated March 27, 200S . Wild Fish Conservancy Report by Jamie Glasgow with letter to Mr. Collins dated September IS, 200S . Letter from Jamie Glasgow to City dated December 5, 2011 Biography of Jamie Glasgow June 9, 200S entry from Randy Corman's Blog Motion for Supplemental Evidence Superior Court Decision Brief from Susan Rider's attorney, Gendler and Mann Transcript of Proceedings in Superior Court Lawyer's memo to Council Members after appeal was filed against previous Hearing Examiner's decision dated April 24, 200S Photos concerning the groundwater which show foundation digs near creek in the same wetland area as subject, just upstream, dated 7/30/2006 and 4/200S May 17,2005 letter to City of Renton from Masterbuilder Construction. June 30, 2005 letter to City of Renton from Masterbuilder Construction. Ellisport Engineering Report dated June 2S, 2005 November 10, 2005 Memo from Planning department recommending classification downgrade to class 5 for Kennydale Creek . Testimony Affidavits from various parties from 1990 to 200S in response to prior land use permits and some corresponding City of Renton responses. APPEAL -13 • • I 2 Findings of Fact 3 Procedural: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 \3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I. Appellant. The Appellants are Susan Rider and William O'Conner. 2. Hearing. The Examiner held a hearing on the appeal at 10:00 am on December 6, 2011, in the City of Renton City Council Chambers. Substantive: 3. Description of Appeal. The appeal is of the Planning Director's approval of the Joey Short Plat (LUS 11-066, ECF, SHPL-A). Kennydale Creek runs through the short plat. The sole grounds of the appeal are that Kennydale Creek should have been classified as a Class 3 stream instead of a Class 4 stream. The stream is currently classified as a Class 4 stream on the City's water class map. 4. Property Description. The property is located at 2208 Jones Avenue NE in Renton, W A, and is currently owned by Wilford (Bill) Hughes (Applicant). The Applicant applied for the subject short plat in August 2011. The short plat is composed of only two lots. There is a single family home and two existing sheds on the lot. The property has a small (Category 2 or 3) wetland on the northeastern portion of the site. The subject is bisected by Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 stream that runs north-south across the property. 5. Factual Basis for Aooeal. On October 24, 2011, the Planning Director issued an Administrative Approval for the Joey's Short Plat. The approval included conditions requiring protection of Kennydale Creek based on its classification as a Class 4, non-fish bearing, intermittent stream. Prior to the Director's decision, the Appellants on October 13, 2011 filed an appeal of the decision. The Appellants provided several studies, comment letters from state agencies and anecdotal evidence in support of a Class 3, perennial classification of the stream (Exhibits 7, 18-22,26,38 and 40). 6. Perennial Nature of Kennydale Creek. As discussed in the Conclusions of Law below, the key factual issue of this application is whether Kennydale Creek is a perennial creek. It is determined that Kennydale Creek is not perennial on the parcels composing Joey's short plat. The evidence on the stream consists of a classic "battle of the experts" between consultants hired by the City (Stephanie Smith, Kevin O'Brien and Suzanne Anderson, all of Otak Engineering) and the expert hired by the Appellants (Jamie Glasgow of the Wild Fish Conservancy). The City'S experts decisively prevailed in this exchange, for a number of compelling reasons: (I) Project Specific Analysis. The City experts based their conclusions APPEAL -14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • upon a site specific analysis of the project site. The Appellant expert did not base his conclusions upon the project site portion of the stream, but rather observed flows upstream (near 20 th St.) and downstream (near NE 24 St.) of the project site. That distinction is of critical importance, because the City experts concluded that at the project site the vegetation and other stream characteristics established that the stream ran underground during certain times of the year. When the Examiner inquired how Mr. Glasgow could come to a different conclusion, the City experts were able to respond that Mr. Glasgow only observed those portions of the stream that do flow perennially and he did investigate the stream characteristics at the project site where the stream did not flow perennially. (2) Objectivity. The City experts were hired by the City at the expense of the Applicant. The Applicant had no authority to fire the experts if he disagreed with their findings. Notably, the City experts testified that when they initiated their investigation they expected to find that the stream should be classified as a Class 3, since this is fairly common with this type of situation. However, upon viewing the stream characteristics they determined that the currently mapped classification is correct. The City and the City's experts had no reason to be biased in their assessment of the stream. The Appellants are clearly operating selflessly for what they believe to be the best interests of their community. However, they're objective is to reclassify the stream and they would be reasonably expected to hire and retain experts that only support that position. Given that the experts for both the City and the Appellants are all well qualified, the added objectivity of the City experts is compelling. (3) Presence at Hearing. The City experts were present at the hearing and Mr. Glasgow was not. The City experts were able to credibly defend themselves against rigorous questioning by both the Hearing Examiner and the Appellants. Their conclusions remained intact. Mr. Glasgow's conclusions were not similarly put to the test. (4) Uncontested Opinion. The City experts provided an opinion that was consistent with the information provided by the Mr. Glasgow as well as the observations made by neighboring property owners on perennial flow. For the reasons detailed in their testimony and their report, Ex. 9 to Ex. 3 staff report, the experts determined that the prevalence of vegetation in the stream bed at the project site established that the stream went underground at this location. They noted that the vegetation in the stream bed could not survive if subjected to the flows of a perennial stream. The City experts also noted that other portions of the stream did not have vegetation present in the stream bed, establishing that those portions were subject to perennial flows as determined by Mr. Glasgow and persons who lived in the vicinity and have seen perennial flows for decades. The observations and conclusions of the City experts were consistent with the evidence presented by the Appellants and residents of the area who witnessed perennial flows. In fact, the observations and conclusions of the City experts are uncontested in APPEAL -15 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • the administrative record. No one wrote or testified specifically that flows at the project site were perennial, including Mr. Glasgow. In a letter dated December 5, 2011, Ex. 7, which was after the City experts issued their report, Mr. Glasgow re-affirmed his opinion that Kennydale Creek is a Class 3 stream without addressing the City expert conclusions that the stream ran underground at the project site. The Appellants also submitted an extensive amount of affidavits and other evidence from residents of the vicinity affirming that Kennydale Creek is perennial. None of these observations concerned the project site and most observations were done for another project application. In sum, the City experts provided a plausible opinion based upon site specific observations and unbiased expertise that were left uncontested by the Appellants or any other hearing participant. The only reasonable inference to be drawn from their testimony is that, more likely than not, their conclusions are correct. The conclusion of the City experts is further bolstered by RMC 4-8- IIOE7a, which requires that in administrative appeals the Examiner give substantial weight to any discretionary administrative decision rendered pursuant to City development standards. Conclusions of Law Procedural: I. Authoritv of Hearing Examiner. Appeals of administrative decision are governed by RMC 4-8-11 OB, RMC4-8-11 OE and RMC 4-8-080G. Short Plat and Environmental Review are Type II Administrative Decisions under RMC 4-8-080G appealable to the Hearing Examiner in an open record hearing. Appeals of the Hearing Examiner decision are heard in a closed record hearing by the City Council. City Council decisions are appealable to Superior Court. 2. Appeal of Legislatively Adopted Map Designation. It is a little unclear as to whether the Appellants could administratively appeal the mapped classification of Kennydale Creek, since this was adopted by ordinance by the Renton City Council. RMC 4-8-11 OLI aiv provides that a stream may qualify as a Class 4 stream if it is mapped as a Class4 stream on Figure Q4, Renton Water Class Map. Kennydale Creek is mapped in this fashion. As testified by staff, the mapping was adopted by ordinance by the Renton City Council. Ordinances typically cannot be administratively appealed during the permit review process. This is particularly true for Growth Management Act ("GMA") development standards such as stream classifications, which must be appealed within 60 days of ordinance adoption to the Growth Management Hearing Boards as required by Chapter 36.70A RCW. However, stream classifications are not typical GMA ordinances, in that the code contemplates and provides for a process to amend the map classification if it is not consistent with classification designation standards. RMC 4-8-IIOLlcii specifically provides that if the mapped classification is inconsistent with classification designation criteria that the criteria will govern. Reclassification to a higher class requires "administrator acceptance of a supplemental stream or lake study" followed by legislative amendment ofthe mapped classification. APPEAL-16 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • The reclassification system outlined in the preceding paragraph is probably a legislative acknowledgment that mapped stream classifications are based upon sometimes over-generalized assumptions and that the classifications should be subject to case by case review, as needed, to ensure that the assumptions are correct for a specific development project. With this background in mind it is reasonable to conclude that a staff decision to accept or not accept a supplemental report is an administrative decision that should be subject to the administrative appeals process. The staff decision to initiate or not initiate reclassification in this regard is every bit as significant as other administrative staff decisions that are subject to the benefits of the administrative appeals process. Given the factors outlined above, the appeal filed by the Appellants, Ex. 1, will be construed as an appeal of the City staff decision to not initiate a reclassification of Kennydale Creek to a Class 3 stream. The Appellants could have more clearly linked their appeal to the reclassification process authorized by RMC 4-8-11 OL I cii, but it is clear that was their objective. The Appellants even supplied a supplemental stream study with their appeal that supported a reclassification. The appeal was also filed prior to the issuance of the short plat decision, giving staff an opportunity to assess whether the stream should be reclassified. The subsequently issued short plat decision, expressly maintaining a Class 4 designation, constitutes an administrative decision to decline to initiate a reclassification of Kennydale Creek as authorized by RMC 4-8-11 OLI cii. It is concluded that the Ex. I appeal, despite some timing and descriptive irregularities, was sufficient to challenge the administrative determination to not reclassify Kennydale Creek to a Class 3 stream. 3. Standing. During the hearing the City challenged the standing ofthe Appellants. The Examiner took the challenge under advisement. The Examiner concludes that Susan Rider has standing to bring forth the appeal. Renton has some unusually detailed standing requirements for administrative appeals. RMC 4-8-11 OE3 requires as follows: In the order to appeal the person or entity shall be aggrieved or affected by the administrative or environmental decision. In order to be aggrieved. the person or entity must demonstrate the following: a. An i'!iury in fact. in that the person or entity will be specifically and perceptively harmed; and b. That the interest the person or entity seeks to protect is arguably within the zone of interests to be protected or regulated. Kennydale Creek abuts the property of Ms. Rider. The classification of Kennydale Creek, even if downstream, affects the overall "health" of the stream, which in· turns affects the use and enjoyment of Ms. Rider's property. As someone directly affected by degradation of Kennydale Creek, Ms. Rider is within the zone of interests protected by the City's stream regulations and she would suffer an injury in fact if the stream is not properly classified. APPEAL -17 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 \1 12 \3 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 • • 4. Collateral Estoppel. Lauralee Gordley expressed frustration that the classification of Kennydale Creek is being considered again, since it has been subject to extensive litigation and analysis in a prior pennit application. In some circumstances the courts will prohibit the relitigation of identical issues under the judicial doctrine of collateral estoppel. The specified circumstances .for collateral estoppel to bar re-litigation are: (1) identical issues, (2) a final judgment on the merits, (3) the party against whom the plea was asserted must have been a party to or in privity with a party to the prior adjudication, and (4) applying the doctrine must no work an injustice on the party against whom the doctrine is to be applied. Wil/apa Grays Harbor Oyster Growers Ass'n v. Moby Dick Corp., liS Wash. App. 417, 423 (2003). In this case collateral estoppel does not apply because a different applicant and different parcel of property are involved. As demonstrated in Finding of Fact No.6, the different parcel is a significant difference, since the perennial nature of the stream is parcel specific. Collateral estoppel does not bar relitigation of the Kennydale stream classification. 5. Stream Classification. As previously discussed, RMC 4-8-IIOLlcii specifically provides that if the mapped classification is inconsistent with classification designation criteria that the designation criteria of RMC 4-8-1 lOLl a will govern. RMC 4-8-11 OLI aiii sets the designation criteria for Class III streams and provides that they are non-salmonid bearing perennial waters during years of nonnal rainfall. As detennined in Finding of Fact No.6, the streams are not perennial. Consequently, they are mapped correctly as Class 4 streams, which RMC 4-8-11 OLI aiv provides are non-salmon bearingl intennittent waters during years of nonnalrainfall. DECISION The appeal is denied. The City administrative decision to not initiate reclassification of Kennydale Creek to a Class III stream is affinned. DATED this 5th day of January, 2012. ~ ~£c:f?e:=---:- Pliil A. Olbrechts City of Renton Hearing Examiner Appeal Right 26 I It is uncontested that the streams are non-salmonid bearing. APPEAL-18 r-------------~-------~---~ ~--~----------------- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 I3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • Appeals of the Hearing Examiner decision are heard in a closed record hearing by the City Council. Any such appeal shall be made in writing and filed with the City Clerk's office, together with the applicable appeal fee, within fourteen (14) days of the Examiner's final decision Change in Valuation Notice is given pursuant to RCW 36. 70B.130 that property owners who are affected by this decision may request a change in valuation for property tax purposes notwithstanding any program of revaluation. APPEAL -19 · .. : .. ::: ....... . • EXHxBIT 1 C~OFRE.NTON.JS·· \ OCT 1 8 20fl October 12, 2011 RECEIVED The Honorable CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Phil A. Olbrechts /0 i'-i'i u,Ji-1, Hearing Examiner City of Renton Dear Sir ce. be,'''1 1{ ;)ci l·b 1, [.-il dcrk. i.,;; (1'f iJ.,rle,/ J Diy Atly Ne.! {JJl~ t/5, Dec' 5,,(-,:> D(<,(.t-o-' j£'1V11.(.~'-He,1rI1n7' f/c,J1J1/''7 "t{OMfX-' C\<'. f (JU1U ,,.t., /r,,,VI 111 ,. J' [)I(ec~ 5tr-,Cylvckr/j l)<'I./ s("c . We are appealing the recent approval of Joey's Short Plat at 2208 Jones Ave NE [LUAll-066j dueto the categorization ofKeimydale Creek as a Class IV [intermittent] stream and the resultant inadequate buffer zones imposed. We are requesting that the creek be correctly identified as Class III, in accordance with RMC'4-3-D50 l. 1.a.iii; and that the appropriate buffers be required before any further action is taken on this short plat. ThIs creek is a spring fed stream which is classified as perennial [Class III] a short distance from this plat, and is furthermore a headwaters stream originating in the peat wetlands less than a block away from the proposed .lots. We do not believe that the City has shown the required due diligence in this matter, and we are seeking an upgraded classification based on pur voluminous collection of supporting documentation. Sincerely Susan Rider 1835 NE 20th St Renton, WA (425)228-8711 William O'Connor 921 S Washington 5t Port Angeles, wA (360)457-3437 Kennydale Critical Areas Alliance ! DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI. .. AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -f' EXHIBIT' .. ~, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT AND ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REPORT & DECISION ERe MEETING DATE: Project Name: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: STAFF REeOMMENDA TlON: September 26,2011 Joey's Short Plat Lorraine Taylor 2208 Jones Avenue NE .Renton,VVA 98056 VVilford Hughes VV.H. Hughes Co. 14401 Issaquah, VVA 98027 Same as applicant LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Gerald VVasser, Associate Planner Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882.s.f. (Lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 stream, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 . wetland (3,500 s.f.) is.present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. 2208 Jones Avenue NE 1,230 Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (grass): 36,847 SF Total Building Area GSF: N/A N/A 1,230 Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated {DNS-M}. ERe & Short Plat Report 1l-066.doc v·; City ~f Renton Deportment of communi~ & EC.iC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLAT ERe and A.strative Short Plat Report & Decision WAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A "/Report of September 26.2011 Page 2 of 15 . PROJECT LOCATION MAP I PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION / BACKGROUND A_ EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Project file ("yellow file") Exhibit 2: Zoning Map, Sheet D4 Exhibit 3: Site Plan (received August 8, 2011) Exhibit 4: Landscape Plan Exhibit 5: Aerial Photo Exhibit 6: Letter from William O'Connor (received September 7, 2011) Exhibit 7: Email from Karen Walter, Muckleshoot Tribe (received September 21, 2011) Exhibit 8: Letter from Susan Rider (received September 9, 2011) B_ . GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: 2_ Zoning Designation: 3_ Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: 4. Existing Site Use: ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc . Lorraine Taylor 2208 Jones Avenue N E Renton, WA 98056 Residential-4 dwelling units per acre (R-4) Residential Low Density (RLD) Single Family Residence City of Renton Department of Comr, JOEY'S SHORT PIA T y .nomiC Development an.ministrative Short Plat Report & Decisiog • LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Report of September 26, 2011 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: Single Fomily Residences (R-4 zoning) b. East: c. South: d. West: 6. Access: 7. Site Area: Single Family Residences and Vacant (R-4 zoning) Single Family Residences (R-4 zoning) Single Fomily Residences (R-4 zoning) Jones Avenue NE 36,847 sf C. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Comprehensive Plan Annexation Kennydale Blueberry Farm CPA & Rezone D. PROJECT NARRATIVE: Land Use File No. N/A N/A LUA05-159 Ordinance No. 4924 1818 5265 Page 3 of 15 Date 12/05/2001 03/09/1960 09/20/2005 The applicant is proposing a short plat for two single-family residential lots on a 36,847 square foot parcel in the R-4 zone (Exhibit 2). Proposed Lot 1 would have 17,882 square feet and proposed Lot 2 would have 18,965 square feet. The net density for the proposed project is 2.74 dwelling units per acre. The project site is primarily flat. Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 stream, bisects the site from north to south and the majority of a Category 2 or 3 wetland exists in the eastern portion of the property beyond Kennydale Creek and its buffer. Development on the site would take place outside the 35-foot stream buffer (Exhibit 3). Access to proposed Lot 1 would be via an existing driveway from Jones Avenue NE; and access to proposed Lot 2 would be via a new driveway cut from Jones Avenue NE. The existing single-family residence is proposed to remain on Lot 1. Three comment letters were received regarding the classification of Kennydale Creek. These letters and staff responses are included as Exhibits 6 through 8. The classification of Kennydale Creek is not at issue for this project. E. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities a. Water: Water service would be provided by the City of Renton. There is an 8-inch water main in Jones Avenue NE. The existing home at 2208 Jones Avenue NE is served by a %-inch water meter connected to the water main in Jones Avenue NE. ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc ; " City 0; Renton Department of Community & ECO,lc Development JOEY'S SHORT PIA T ERe and Ad.trat;ve Sh~rt Plat Report & Decision WAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Report of September 26, 2011 Page 4 of 15 b. Sewer: Sewer service would be provided by the City of Renton. There is an 8-inch sewer main in Jones Avenue.NE. The existing home at 2208 Jones avenue NE is connected to the sewer main. c. Surface/Storm Water: There are existing storm drainage facilities in Jones Avenue NE. 2. Streets: There are existing sideiNalk, curb, and gutter along Jones Avenue NE. No further improvements are required. 3. Fire Protection: The City of Renton provides fire protection services to this area. I PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. ENVIRONMENTAL THRESHOLD RECOMMENDATION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS-M with a 14-day Appeal Period. B. MITIGATION MEASURES 1. The applicant shall install a split rail fence with appropriate sign age along the westernmost 35-foot stream buffer boundary of Kennydale Creek. Such split rail fence and sign age shall be installed prior to recording of the short plat. 2. A Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) shall be established between the western most 35- foot stream buffer boundary and the eastern property line. The NGPE shall be indicated on the short plat and a note describing the NGPE shall be placed on the face of the short plat. The existing easternmost shed on Proposed Lot 1 shall be removed or relocated outside of the NGPE prior to installation of the split rail fence.' There shall be no mowing within the NGPE. C. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS . The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by variaus City Departments and Divisions ta determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: 1. Water a. Stream and Wetland Impacts: Kennydale Creek crosses the cent'ral portion of the subject property in a north/south orientation. Per RMC 4-3-050Q Kennydale Creek is a Class 4 stream in this vicinity. Class 4 streams require a minimum buffer area of 35 feet. To the east of Kennydale Creek is a wetland which is either a ERC & Short Plat Report l1-066.doc , . City of Renton Department oj Community anomiC oev~/opment JOEY'S SHORT PLA T . Report of September 26, 2011 ERe Oaministrative Short Plat Report & DeCiSion' WAll-066, EeF, SHPL-A Page 5 of 15 Category 2 or Category 3 Wetland. Category 2 wetlands require a buffer area of 50 feet and Category 3 wetlands require a buffer area of 25 feet. The applicant submitted a Revised Critical Areas Review for Joey's Short Plat (File No. LUAll-066), 2208 Jones Ave. NE, Renton, WA (Parcel 334390-3602), dated August 4,2011, prepared by Altmann Oliver Associates, LLC. The Critical Areas Review states that Kennydale Creek on the project site is a Class 4 stream which appears to have been historically ditched. Vegetation along the stream banks is mowed to the edge ofthe channel and plant species within and adjacent to the channel at the time ofthe field investigation consisted almost entirely of reed canary grass. The Critical Areas Review also identifies a disturbed wetland in the northeastern portion of the site (Exhibit 3). The wetland consists of a shallow topographic depression that appears to extend off- site to the north. Vegetation within the wetland includes Pacific willow, Himalayan blackberry, reed canary grass, creeping buttercup, giant horsetail, Watson's willow-herb, watercress, and scattered skunk cabbage. Hydrology within the wetland was based on the presence of disturbed hydric soils. The wetland is more than 15 feet from the eastern Ordinary High Water Mark of Kennydale Creek and the maximum required buffer for the wetland would be 50 feet, therefore, the stream buffer is more restrictive. The 50-foot buffer is based on the unlikely possibility that the wetland is a Category 2, rather than a more likely Category 3 wetland which would require a 25-foot buffer. The Critical Areas Review concludes that because the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Priority Habitats and Species database does not indicate any priority habitats or species on or adjacent to the subject property and the fact that future development would take place outside the 3S-foot stream buffer area, there would be no critical area impacts as result ofthe project. In order to prevent degradation of the on site stream and wetland, staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the applicant install a split-rail fence with appropriate signage along the western 3S-foot stream buffer boundary. Such split rail fence and signage shall be installed prior to recording of the short plat. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the placement of such fence be shown on a final landscape plan which shall be submitted to the Planning Division project manager for review and approval prior to recording ofthe short plat. Also, staff recommends as a condition of approval that a Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) be established from the westernmost 3S-foot stream buffer boundary to the eastern property line. The NGPE shall be indicated on the short plat and a note describing the. NGPE shall be placed on the face of the short plat. The existing easternmost shed on proposed Lot 1 shall be removed or relocated outside ofthe NGPE prior to installation of the split rail fence. There shall be no mowing within the NGPE. Three letters commenting on the classification of Kennydale Creek were received by staff. Two of the letters commented on a previous project in the vicinity and questioned the Class 4 stream deSignation of Kennydale Creek (Exhibits 6 and 8). A third letter was received from Karen Walter, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division (Exhibit 7), asking about the classification of Kennydale Creek and providing suggestions for buffer area enhancement. Staff responded to these letters and stated that this two-lot short plat does not affect the classification of the creek. Furthermore, the future development on the project site would occur outside of the 3S-foot stream buffer. Therefore, there is no essential nexus for requiring buffer area enhancement. However, by requiring the NGPE and not alloWing mowing or removal of vegetation, the buffer area would be enhanced. ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc ; I , . . City;/ Renton Department of Communi~ & ECO.C Development JOEY'S SHORT PLAT ERe and Adarative Short PI~t Report & Decision WAll-Q66, ECF, SHPL-A Report of September 26, 2011 Page 6 of 15 Mitigation Measures: 1. The applicant shall install a split rail fence with appropriate signage alDng the westernmDst 35-fDDt stream buffer bDundary Df Kennydale Creek. Such split rail fence and signage shall be installed priDr tD recDrding Df the shDrt plat. 2. A Native GrDwth ProtectiDn Easement (NGPE) shall be established between the western mDst 35- fDDt stream buffer boundary and the eastern property line. The NGPE shall be indicated Dn the shDrt plat and a note describing the NGPE shall be placed Dn the face Df the shDrt plat. The existing easternmDst shed Dn PrDpDsed lDt 1 shall be remDved Dr relDcated Dutside Df the NGPE priDr tD instaliatiDn Df the split rail fence. There shall be nD mDwing within the NGPE. Nexus: SEPA Environmental RegulatiDns; RMC 4-3-050E D. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The propDsal has been circulated tD City Department and DivisiDn Reviewers. Where applicable, their CDmments have been incorpDrated intD the text Df this repDrt and/Dr "AdvisDry NDtes tD Applicant." y"' CDpies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. PART THREE: ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REVIEW A. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 land Use Districts a. SectiDn 4-2-020: PurpDse and Intent Df ZDning Districts b. SectiDn 4-2-070: ZDning Use Table c. SectiDn 4-2-110: Residential DevelDpment Standards d. SectiDn 4-2-115: Residential DeSign and Open Space Standards 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts a. SectiDn 4-3-050l: Streams and lakes b. SectiDn 40-3-050M: Wetlands 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards a. SectiDn 4-4-030: DevelDpment Guidelines and RegulatiDns 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards a. SectiDn 4-6-060: Street Standards 5. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations a. SectiDn 4-7-070: Detailed Procedures fDr ShDrt SubdivisiDns b. SectiDn 4-7-120: CDmpatibility with Existing land Use and Plan -General Requirements and Minimum Standards ERe & Short Plat Report 1l-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community anomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T ERC o;'.ministratiVe Short Plat Report & Decision . WA11-055, ECF, SHPL-A . Report of September 26, 2011 Page 7 of 15 c. Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots -General Requirements and Minimum Standards d. Section 4-7-130: Environmental Consideration -General Requirements and Minimum Standards 6. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria 7. Chapter 11 Definitions B. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: l. Land Use Element: 2. Community Design Element: 3. Environmental Element C. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: Residential Policies Established Residential Neighborhoods Critical Areas 1. Project Description/Background See Project Narrative, above. 2_ Environmental Review Except when located on lands covered by water or sensitive areas, short plats are exempt from SEPA Environmental Review pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(6)(a). Since this site contains both Kennydale Creek and a wetland, SEPA Environmental Review is required. 3. Compliance with ERC Conditions See Mitigation Measures in Part 2 B, above. 4. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report. 5. Consistency with Short Plat Criteria Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision-makers in the review of the plat: aJ Compliance with the Comprehensive Designation The site is designated Residential Low Density (RLD) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Lands in the RLD designation are intended to guide development on land appropriate for a range of low intensity residential where land is either constrained by sensitive areas or where the City has the opportunity to add larger-lot housing stock, at urban densities of 4 du/net acre, ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City o~ Renton Department oj Community & ECO.C Development JOEY'S SHORT PIA T Report of September 26, 2011 ERe and Ad.trative Short Plat Report & Decision WAH-066, ECF, SHPL-A Page 8 of 15 to its inventory_ Lands that either do not have significant sensitive areas, or can be adequately protected by the critical areas ordinance, are zoned R-4_ The proposal is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan Land Use, Community Design and Environmental Element objectives and policies_ Policy LU-157_ Within the Residential 4 dulac zoned area a maximum density of 4 units per acre is allowed to encourage larger lot development and increase the supply of upper income housing consistent with the City's Housing Element Policy Objective Met D Not Met Policy CD-l2_lnfill development, defined as new short plats of nine or fewer lots, should be . encouraged in order to add variety, updated housing stock, and new vitality to neighborhoods. Policy Objective Met D Not Met Objective EN-A_ Protect and enhance water quality of sUrface water resources including the City's lakes, rivers, major and minor creeks, and intermittent stream courses. Policy Objective Met D Not Met Objective EN-B_ Preserve and protect wetlands for overall system functioning. Policy Objective Met D Not Met b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation The subject site is designated R-4 on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development would allow for the future construction of one new single-family dwelling unit. Density: There is no minimum density in the R-4 zone and the maximum density is 4 units per acre. The area of the critical areas (wetland and stream) onsite (5,150 square feet) is deducted from the gross square footage of the site. Therefore, the net square footage would be 31,627 square feet (0.73 acre). The net density for the two proposed lots would be 2.74 dwelling units per net acre which falls within the permitted density range for the R-4 zone. lot Dimension: As demonstrated in the table below, all lots meet the requirements for minimum lot size, depth, and width. As Proeosed Lot Size Width Deeth 8,000 SF minimum 70 feet required 80 feet required Lotl 17,882 SF 70 feet 2SSfeet Lot 2 18,965 SF 74 feet 255 feet ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc City of Renton Department of Community anomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of September 26, 2011 ~RC an.ministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUAll-066, EeF, SHPL-A Page 9 of 15 Setbacks: The required setbacks in the R-4 zone are as follows: front yard is 30 feet; interior side yard is 5 feet; and the rear yard is 25 feet. The proposed lots are oriented so that the front yards of both lots face west. The proposed lots appear to contain adequate area to provide all the required setbacks. Building Standards: The R-4 zone permits one residential structure per lot. Each of the proposed lots would support one detached unit. Accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. Building height in the R-4 zone is limited to 30 feet for primary structures and 15 feet for detached accessory structures. The allowed building lot coverage for lots over 5,000 square feet in size in the R-4 zone is 35 percent or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater. Impervious surface area coverage may be a maximum of 55 percent. The existing house on proposed Lot 1 complies with these standards and the building standards for proposed Lot 2 would be verified at the time of building permit review. c) Community Assets The site (outside ofthe wetland area) is vegetated primarily with lawn. There are 7 trees on the project site (2 cedars and 5 alders) all of which would be retained. In addition to the trees, the site also contains Pacific willow, Himalayan blackberry, reed canary grass, creeping buttercup, giant horsetail, Watson's willow-herb, watercress, and scattered skunk cabbage. The applicant would be required to plant two ornamental trees, a minimum caliper of 1 Yz inches (deciduous) or 6 -8 feet in height (conifer), within the 30-foot front yard setback area for the proposed lots (Exhibit 4). The submitted landscape plan indicates that two 1 Yz-inch caliper flowering cherry trees would be planted in the front yard of each lot. Existing landscaping may be used to augment the required landscaping. In order to protect the onsite stream and wetland, staff has recommended mitigation measures which are discussed in Part Two of this report. d) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations Streets: There is existing sidewalk, curb, and gutter fronting the project site along Jones Avenue NE. No additional street improvements are required. The proposal would result in an increase in traffic trips to the City's street system. The new residence is expected to generate 9.57 trips at a rate of $75.00 per additional average daily vehicle trip; credit is given for the existing residence on the subject property. The Transportation Mitigation Fee is estimated to be $717.75 (1 new lot x 9.57 trips x $75.00 = $717.75) and would be payable prior to recording the short plat. Therefore, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant pay a Transportation Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $717.75, prior to recording the short plat. Blocks: No new blocks would be created as part of the proposed short plat. Lots: The shape, orientation, and arrangement of the proposed lots comply with the requirements ofthe Subdivision Regulations and the Development Standards ofthe R-4 zone. ERe & Short Plot Report 11-066.doc 1 City o~ Renton Department of Community & ECO.C Development JOEY'S SHORT PIA T . Report of September 26, 2011 ERC and Ad.trative Short Plat Report & Decision LUAll-D66, EeF, SHPl-A Page 10 of 15 Proposed Lots 1 and 2 are rectangular in shape. Access to both lots would be via Jones Avenue NE. Both lots meet the requirements for minimum lot size, depth, and width as demonstrated in the table above. The lots are oriented to the west; the front yards would be along Jones Avenue NE. Lot 1 contains an existing house to be retained and Lot 2 appears to have sufficient building area forthe development of a detached single-familyresidence provided the applicant complies with the conditions of approval. e) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access: Access to both lots would be via Jones Avenue NE. Topography: The site is primarily flat. Relationship to Existing Uses: All properties surrounding the subject site are deSignated R-4 cm the City's Zoning Map. The proposal is similar to existing development patterns in the area and is compatible with that development. In addition, the proposed development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code. f) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicates that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to Code required improvements and fees. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that a Fire Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $488.00, be paid prior to recording the short plat . . Schools: According to the Draft Environmental impact Statement for the City of Renton Land Use Element (January 16, 1992), the City of Renton has a student generation factor of 0.44 students per single-family residential dw.elling. Based on the student generation factor, the proposed short plat would result in 0.44 additional students (0.44 X 1 new lot = 0.44) to the Renton School District. The Renton School District Impact Fee is currently $6,310.00 per each new single-family unit and is payable prior to the issuance of building permits. it is anticipated that the Renton School District can accommodate any additional students generated by this project at Kennydale Elementary School, McKnight Middle School, and Hazen High School. Parks: There would be no anticipated impacts to parks. Storm Water: The project will comply with Appendix C of the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual and the City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWDM, Chapters 1 and 2. Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls within the Flow Control Duration Standard, Forested Conditions. Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: The site is served by the City of Renton water and sewer services. All plats are required by City Code to provide one hydrant within 300 feet of any proposed Single-family structure. In addition, separate water service is required to be provided to each bUilding lot prior to recording the plat. All short plats shall provide a separate side sewer to each building lot prior to recording. ERe & Short Plat Report 11-0G6.doc City of Renton Department of Community anomiC Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T ERe an.ministrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUAll·066, ECF, SHPL·A Report of September 26, 2011 Page 11 of 15 D. FINDINGS: Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: L Request: The applicant is requesting an Administrative Short Plat approval for the subdivision of one parcel (36,847 square feet) into two lots for the future construction of one single-family residence on Lot 2. The existing single-family residence on Lot 1 would remain. 2. Application: The applicant's short plat application complies with the requirements for information· for short plat review. The applicant's short plat plan and other project drawings are contained within the official land use file (Exhibits 2 -5). 3. Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is designated Residential Low Density (RLD) in the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Zoning: The proposal is zoned R-4. 5. Subdivision Regulations: The proposal is subject to the requirements established by the City's Subdivision Regulations. 6. Existing Land Uses: Single-family residences in R-4 zoning surround the project site to the north, south, east, and west. 7. System Development Charges: Water System Development Charges and Sewer System Development Charges, at the current rates, will be required for each new single-family residence as part of the construction permit. 8. Public Utilities: The applicant will be required to install individual sewer and water stubs to serve the new lot. E. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the Residential Low Density comprehensive plan designation and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation. 2. The subject site is located in the R-4 zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval. 3. The proposed Joey's Short Plat complies with the subdivision regulations as established by City Code and state law provided all advisory notes and conditions are complied with. 4. The proposed Joey's Short Plat complies with the street standards as established by City Code, provided the project complies with all advisory notes and conditions of approval contained herein. 5. Staff recommends measures to protect the onsite stream and wetland. ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc 1 City ~J Renton Department oj Community & Eeo'ie Development JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of September 26, 2011 F. DECISION: ERe and A.strative Short Plat Report & Decision WAll-Doo, ECF, SHPL-A Page 12 of 1S The Joey's Short Plat, File No. LUAll-066, ECF, SHPl-A, is approved and is subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the environmental mitigation measures specified for Joey's Short Plat, lUAll-066, ECF, SHPl-A. 2. The applicant shall pay a Transportation Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $717.75, prior to recording the short plat. 3. The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee, estimated to be $488.00, prior to recording the short plat. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: c.s::\J, C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Planning Director Planning Division ~ Date TRANSMITTED this 30th day of September, 2011 to the Contact/Applicant/Owner(s): 'Contact/Applicant: Wilford Hughes 14401 Issaquah Hobart Road Issaquah, WA 98027 Owner: Lorraine Tay/or 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA $8056 TRANSMITTED this 30th day of September, 2011 to the Party(ies) of Record: Jean Stearns 2216 Jones Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 William O'Connor 9215 Washington Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 ERC & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc Fritz Brendemihi 1203 N 3lfh Street Renton, WA 9056 Karen Walter Muekleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 39015172" Avenue SE .. Auburn, WA 98092 Deonna Dobok 1700 NE 20th Street Renton, WA 98056 Susan Rider 1835 NE 20th Street Renton, WA 98056 City oj Renton Deportment of Community &4tnom;c Development JOEY'S SHORT PIA T Report of September 26, 2011 TRANSMITTED this 30th day of September, 2011 to the following: Neil Watts, Development Services Director Larry Meckling, Building Official . Kayren Kittrick, Development Services Jon Conklin, Development Services Corrie Olson, Development Services Fire Marshal Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Renton Reporter ERC onlministrotive Short Plat Report & Decision WAll-055, ECF, SHPL-A Page 13 of 15 G. LAND USE ACTION APPEALS, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION, & EXPIRATION The administrative land use decision will become final ifthe decision is not appealed within 14 days of the decision date. APPEAL: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on October 14, 2011. An appeal of the decision(s) must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110.B governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee to Hearing Examiner, City of Renton; 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall - 7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. EXPIRATION: The Administrative Short Plat decision will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A single one (1) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-7-070.M. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial deCision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. ERe & Short Plat Report l1-066.doc City of Renton Department of Comrr. 1& EC.iC Development JOEY~ SHORT PLAT EnVir.ntaf Review Committee Report . LUAll-055, ECF, SHPL-A Report of September 26, 2011 Page 14 of 15 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. Planning: 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2Iimits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 2. The applicant will be required to comply with protection measures for retained trees as set forth in RMC 4-4-130H8. 3. The applicant will be required to comply with Environmental Regulations concerning Native Growth Protection Areas, streams, and wetlands contained in RMC 4-3-050. 4. Language for the NGPE is: "The Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) identifies the stream, wetland and buffer areas. The creation of the Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the easement area. This interest shall be for the purpose of preserving native vegetation for the control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of· slope stability, visual and aural buffering, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The Native Growth Protection Easement imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the easement area enforceable on behalf of the public by the City of Renton, to. leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the easement area. The vegetation within the NGPE may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without express written permission from the City of Renton. The right of entry granted herein shall apply to the agents, representatives and employees of the owners or subs'equent owners ofthe underlying property." 5. The Renton School District Impact Fee is currently $6,310.00 and is payable prior to issuance of building permits for Lot 2. Plan Review -Water: 1. The project will need to provide domestic service, and fire service to serve the proposed development. 2. Per the City Fire Marshal, the preliminary fire flow requirement for a single family home is 1,000 gpm minimum for dwellings up to 3,600 square feet (including garage and basements). If the dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, a minimum of 1,500 gpm fire flow would be required. A minimum of one fire hydrant is required within 300-feet of the proposed buildings and two hydrants ifthe fire flow goes up to 1,500 gpm. Lateral spacing of fire hydrants is predicated on hydrants being located at street intersections. 3. The fee for a %-inch water meter installed by the City is $2,260.00. Plan Review -Sewer: 1. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges are based on the size of the domestic water meter. These fees are colletted at the time a construction permit is issued. The sewer fee for a %-inch water meter is $1,591.00 Plan Review -Transportation: 1. Traffic mitigation fees will apply. Traffic mitigation fees of $717.75 will be required prior to recording of the short plat as a condition of th~ plat. 2. The maximum driveway width for a single loaded garage is 9 feet and 16 feet for a double loaded garage. Plan Review -Fire: 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. Available fire low is limited to 1,250 gpm. 2. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. ERe & Short Plat Report 11-066.doc _ City of Renton Department of Comn JOEY'S SHORT PLA T Report of September 26, 2011 y .onomie Development aAf!ministrative Short Plat Report & Decision. .. LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A Page 15 of 15 3. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. Property Services: please see attached for memo from Property Services. ERe & Short Plot Report 11-066.doc - ZONING MAP BOOK . E4 -08 T23N RSE E 112 PW ~HJ:'.IICAl5ERVICE5 , PRINIDJ ON ll/J3/09 --+"..,tp< ............. -_ .. __ ..... _-... _---....... _- 1Wo ...... _d ... ~ ......... "..-.. ...-i¥-o ZOO 400 f-W I Foe' 05 T23N RSE E 112 1:4,600 5305 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT RENTON, WASHINGTON OECLAAAllON at I.,;UYl.NA/'I'I 1111 ~[R:S (T LNfO UI8RAC£f1 WnlitN 1t*.; 9(1111 I'\.AT, ..., R£llJRH roo 1l£ awms 10 ACCRUE fROloC THIS !:UtlDlvrslON, BY SIGNING HER[~ COVEN~T N-IO .o.CREE TO ccw't£Y Tl£ 9OItAO ..... 1N1ERES1 IN lIt: NEW EASIJoIEtfi5 SHOWN til lHS gmT PI.,I,l TO ANY ANt) ,o.u runJRE PlJRQl"~R'S IT THE lO'~ "" ....... ~ SU~YlSIONS THEREOf· THIS GOYE"..l.HT !oHm .os SHOWN ON tHIS SHalT F\Al. OWNER'S DECLARA TlON rr':&~fVi£BT na~~lH~ ~Ao:rs SHORT !AAlt)MSI(II muCLARE illS U .... 'iii BE 1)( ~AI'HIC R£l'IIESOITA1IO'I CJ' ~ mAT SHOOT SlIIm..,SKIIIS IWJ[ II1W 111: fREE COHSEl/1 ,1$ IN NfC( IHH 1)£ IIEH cr 11£ 0'MfERS IN WITNESS I'Ml1IEOf" WE SET OUR HANDS AND SE"l.S. lORRAlN( TA'TtOR ACKNOWl...EOGUENTS ".,., ....... _1tW J ::~A-=:r-!r~*~'=u;Ui_~~i_o;;-~~;;,_~~~ '=-=~A~:..,~"'~I,.tr""~IM["-"""'--.-... .... ____ "'IIoI._IPotIaUT __ ~ a: <n :~rr:"'~c.:-::_:-;;~=-=wo--­:-...... ----~r. __ _ "''' "'''' (SITE w t ~ . ~ ~ ~ < < ~ NE 20lli SlREn i ~ ; HE l&lH SlRE£T VICINITY MAP RECORDER'S CERTIFICA TENo. riled for record this_doy 01 ___ ,70._ 01 in book __ ,. __ ol poge __ ot the request Don M. lOUma. Mgr. S~';;rlrecards APPROVAl~>: DEPARTMENT or ASS~.SIolEHTS RECORDING NO. VOL.jPAt>[ CIT'!' or RENTON .......... I.I'~la< 01 C..........nII1 .. d E-..nII: 0,,,-,> .. 1 E_.d __ .... dll\ll_ftT.1 2D- Jo ... .. -.. , .. .. _ .' I. __ L--I , to ...... .., O"~ __ I~" _ .... 1 ~I ____ _ ---!;;;JUI", JCI' SCALE: m_ 0 .... " A", .. _ PORTlON or J301'l0 :.'>&02 --~ .. _I-SW 1/" OF 11:'£ Nt: 1/4 OF SEC 5, lWN 23 N, RG 5 E. W.M. w Z ~ " tl z o , AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE lUA-XX-XXX-SHPL CITY or REHm;.o:::~ A~J~ 6- IN1t:RstCllON ttl f)I[l 1/11" 8R Nt: 24th S~m ~ON THE l0T5 att:ATlll HEREIN fAl.1 ¥IIllfH ZONE Z (F RDITOt(S AOUFUI f1WlEC1lOH AAU ,t,N[) ARE SlJB,.(CT TO M RECUlRnlEf/T!; (F iHE aty Of REf/TOO 0R0IN,l.t/C£ ,4J67 "-NO AS I'.WEtIOED BT OR[lINAHC£ NO. 474D. THIS ClTYS 5Ol.£ SOORCE U' DRINkING WArrR IS SU'PUEtI mow A SHAilO'll' ADUFER UHOER lH£ ClTY"S SlIRf.lCE:. tHERE IS NO NAlUR ...... BAA!!IER aETMEN THE WArrR TABLE .t.HO GROONfI SURFACE. ExmUE CARE SI-\OlUl BE ExrRClSED M\OI H.t.NIlUNG ANY llQU[) SWST,l.NC( OTHER TllA.H WAn TO PROTrC1 flICIot CONTA!:' wnw l}£ ~ SU!l"ACE. Il IS tHE HCl.IEOWtm!S RESPONSIBIUTY TO I'ROlECl 1l-IE CliY"S DRINICINC WA"lER. LNO-XX-XXXX SURVEY NOTES tNSlRUIIElH: TOPCON GP1 JOOOY\' lOT""" !iTAllON r.lElllOO USED: rnn TRA\oU!SE 'MlH ACTUAL Fn.D l([ASUlEW[NTS AND A.HGlES WAC 332-1.1O-DDO DAlE or SOR'.n, .ut. Y 2011 PIN ~~DII/I).4) • __ _ '. "',n>,'" . ,,..,,' ~ _ /" ~"1.::IDJ,S77.HKO N el'l1l7'Z~ [ • --ET--' y--~ AIJ[R()[[N AVE ---- . -~ 24th STRE. IN]ERst_C ~ " I S rQr:Q BASIS or BEARlNC: .tINtS .... YE NI': (00'33'23· E) LEGAL DESCRIPTION fH( SOUTH HAlf (J" "tRACT 2111. CD HlUIAW5 lAKE ,,"ASflNCTON GAROEN CE Ell£N DMSKlH NO 4, ACCOROWG TO lllE Pl.AI "!HEREOF" RECORDED IN IJQ.UUE 11 or PlATS. PAl;[ 1!2, REctf!OS CE" Kffll CCI)IHY. WASlINGlm. E~ r:: . ~.1!.1l, I2"W IHV U • 245.01-I I E(XJHI1 '/.2~~1I~ ~T CAl' lSI N "..---P/lOU) .• I I •• /' """''''" l " ,I pt,' ",,~m ~'IN .CASf... {07(l0f1} 0 .. t1f' T Y ) .... B9·1o'ls~ E 25 t;"~ EXCEPT "!Hi NORTH I~ FU1 THEREOF: srruAl[ IN lH£ COOHTY (F ~G. SiAi( or WASlfHI;TllN. ':.-----. ,,",",': I :', " I ': i ", '-A n" ",I ' :'i N:. ~'I~e, 'I : : i ~ ::0 ¢ . , • : ~ ~: r/, .'" I : : . : L I , '8 ·,,'58" . , -l ---N I : : " ----rrnri U __ '~_.--;;._'_ . • : .-, GRA\lEt Lt I I U . LO't'" ~ * j) r '51,., !:~, 1'& 4 GS:, So •• n , ( \i: t.: " I 1 : _ "', ~'g ; ",,, "" ".,,'w ,,,an ICR) & S 8970'24" W 'J2S.7~E 20th STREE 01Y or ROOON IoION {lIm IHTDlSE:Cl1Ct1 JON[S ~\IE N[ Ie 'HERS!:CllCiH t.8ERDEEN A'.'{ HE .. N[ 20th STRttl, HIO PIN IN N£ 200. SlR££T, fNO PIN., CONCRETE: MCtI IN CASE (07/2011) CONCREtt liON f,' C4S[ (07/2011) N_ l88,e17.7J!l ["l,3D).~2J7 fl. .. 279.17 ~E[HCE srum UN[ or TRACT 294 OTr Of RENTON W»-I 1369 we:. ~A...Jti 9="B.J~ ENGINEER / SURVEYOR lOUMA DlGlNEtRS .. LAN!) stJRVEYOAS 6&J2 S 191.1 Pll\CE SUll[ E -1D2 . KENI. WASHING.ON 980J2 z OINNER r l'ENct LORRAINE TA"11.OR 2208 JONES AYE Nt . FOlND I" IRON Rl:HTON WA 98058 . /r-PIPE 17/2(111) -425-44~-J367 . SHORT PLAT DATA IOTAI. SHaH !'lA' ,\REA 36,847 sq. NUUBER or LOTS PROPOSED -2 CURRENT ZONING -R -4 DENSITY PrnloltnEO -1 UNITS PER • DENSITY -2..16 OtJ/ACRt C ~, PR.OPqsEll.SOO,l.RE FOOTAGE Of" THE {--, s, ,c1'f~~5d"""q:"fl'--'1 '.~ 2 ~ 11I:!l65.aq .• n~'"}" PlannillQ Division 185:1:11 CE" INlERstcnON ~"M9B115 .. NE 20th SlREET, FND J"BRASS 1.1(»1 W PUNOI "'ARK W CONCIlm liON .. CASE (07/2011) N_189,0'iI1.OJJ [_t,306,215.308 AUG -8 ZUll ~ ~ ~ LAND SURVEYOR'S CERllFlCA TE IE TOUMA ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS,PLLC 1'''1idl~(r.Olf0l!llVfi~fiJ' u " .. ~~~~~ ~.,.,?lY This mop correctly represents 0 survey mode by mO!" or under my dirediol"l in cOllformonce with (he 'requirements of the Survoy Re.~ordin9 Ad 01 the request of Lorroine loylor in ply 2011 ' --------Certifi{-:-;;t" No. 3699;1 RENTON, WA 96056 .... t:ST VAU.£Y EX£ctJTIvr PAR\( 0_. 9Y OAT( JOB "0 5liJ~ 5WnI ItlSlI'lAcc. SUItt [-102 ·1<Dfl,"lrA '~03l DAN 1. JULY 2011 525-245-011 ""~ ('2~) 2~l-ll1a~ f..:1. (425) 251_OOZ' I-;:,O~c.,C,~.~,----t"~C.C~-;-----t;;~;.,;,~,-----j '"' '"-3fY ,~ , • r/' :J: 1-1 O::J ~ w I II ~d.oo I , I , 1 ,; ~ u , D 15 "' " z ;= ,~ '" 5 0 ~ \LJ ,2 I~ ,« l[l ,2 IQ , 1 , 1 , I 253.9G' N89° I 0'39" E [C'J~r-,~C0"';;-~i--,'C~'----~---------------------'---l .. y., .. ~:. SHED ,'~ I '1_ .... :.,..... -;~ '-1-1 o ~.. ~ N o .' ' ., J • EXISTING . '-:16 0 I lU 5 '1 0 ' '.'5'D'NC' ="r.or~~ ,~. ;:t 1'-1 = = I'-,........-~.o '-'L>T I ;'-' , N 0, A 1·7.~0l..~ ; ,- ::-' V ,; \ ~I ' b ; ~' ~ ~ 9~ ___ 8'~ ________________ L ____ ' _____________________ _ ------255.05' 589 0 13'58" W , , f...-I • I ~! O~ a s ~i:""\ T£.z-~ :~ \ , + ,-f--I -I f--Qa.r L,.dI:/ (() : (() ! PROP(JSfrJ lOT fil.../!! "<l' : I ~ 11._ II ~ A 1"'6 .. ,/a:?;,.( :iIj 1'-1 IZ.. I-J i . I 10 I , cL ; , , 0-; \ Flo"""') <2..;:1 (\.~ , rf'i ,/ ! ~ ___________________________ ~ _____________________________ ..J --255.14' 5890 I 3'58" W . . • ~ 1-1 Cl '1-1 -4 .j:::o • pin -334390-3602 2208 Jones Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 N L A,..)-D 2>LA @i~of ':;~'LAJ planniilCl Di\.r;sioll AUG -8 'Ion II 1:-~1! [i ~~~ rt'>' I~ Ii \~,ji r~ ~D '.!I :::;::J ,:::::~ .':--..:1 U \'" ,~10 378.1 City of Renton, Washington Lakes and Rivers Water Courses Parcels Street Names Rights of Way Streets Roads JUrisdictions Bellevue Des Moines Issaquah Kent King Coooty Mercer Island Newcastle RENTON SeaTac SeatUe Tukwila Aerial (March 21 • R.ed: BamU • Green: 8800_: • Blue: Band_3 1: 2,269 @8.5" X 11" This map Is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only, Data layers that appear on this map mayor may not be ! IEnter Map Description accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAViGATION ~ :c 1-1 o:J ~ Ut. o •. Serf-c., caLi f,e-.' Jo et', :;'/c,vf-pLerl: L.UA-il-ob6 r:CF StlPL-A EXHIBIT 6 iii !Jew.-It,( v lYe-;-5~~ ill . ,; <" II! I ~,,( Ie He,-C~L'Ce.""'r +~ ""'IS _cla<;(;J'ib.h~ d Vo-ttltrj" ~ Cvc.,,-k. ;;: . il! W~I~<-~ ltv", +hY<"-')~ iN q,~o'i.e .1okl II"Je't '( r:;~ Pill" ·t.,. ~~ I!' iiil"+'="""""b", ",wl-,,-l o,I/;AL t~ C>V"<"k t4,~ .~,J.c.J. '" C( Cf.N\ 4- I" I'! . . . • Ii! "--thtc ~+~ ,'s ~ " ClPS( 4 I J,.J f-,'s '" C {P,-r 3 C<.r d~k_."J 101 .!Ill by 01 S+-"uA-~~ J 7 q ~"e J ~'j it.. K""-ty./"k Ct.t ./., ...... 1 ~ ,AtINIIc€ I . ii! q,Li pe'.;....'''''eJ h-t +1... U->Il~ h'J, C"i.<.~~"'''ncy NUl ~f {)v..;,,(( ,uJ.4. II' . . .. ;:: 74, s~Jy w", rv{:,"".<d M a J-<!-.,,/f ~f -f+.e. c'Jvr!5;-i i<-1)(-~(amI'cA..!"", lii h +!\ ... cd.., """J« copy c.t H--.. S~j,T t...>Jr 7/""" -f., )l/v. C/'t,o :,i VI(AcM~' C' L, 01 /4.,i.Jn se'ie~1 'I eavr "!a_ Iii "'"i. t.;Jo.., ye,,! s<»pn'<eJ "'~11 'j. ~C'<.l) -It... in.-/.J . .-.-...A.., ;. -// .. \\\ pl"1 __ ~Je"c"'tJJ,~" ,u ':t h.J Mfov-~I fh. C/I; t0 0JU hNe. cow<t.4! II 4-)"', v "" .... f! hr .fl.!) -/-t;y., .. : ! :t tv.v. .,1 {w ve It '-' kJ -r 1"'..... th fl.'<A-./..... .d).e<.. a u d Co. 1/ /1-<! i-i oc" lr 1! l~'1A1 +\/.( e", +Wr Issue l:,.. ~ " ... c.er--f.o.;". ....J.h .. i-Ale-~~"" R,Je r; itl (;) P-+~t ~ A .,JIll bl cOV'Mo""5 ~....vd'''7 ~;f {S,ue.... !I: ill -::l;J' '(ov 1'J''le . QH( r~< f-t..,~, V'7.,...Jf~f i-io.~ 5~~cI..aN·I-Itb>.~ iii Cf'< J s.J.->l'r j"'v W"r eo,," ~I-AM Rd., .<-1 42)' '2.2$ -&?/I. 111 ~ il ?f"'o-f<" e"-\"L ,,,. a.~ .. "-po..~."ol v&:r!,J 0,", -/J... pw}ed-s~ --{.... lIAr ::1 . Hi Co.\.....k ,,-,,-e {, W."1;-k.v i-t-. I)~""-' :ii :l\ II: ii ,:1 :j1 i ,. "l2 ( g , /..YN h..,,--; {.. Sf- t'k. ,.J.... J.., ... 1.. t.1""""4-0 A-~b? Denisl:aw-. ' C' '. . __ ~Ma:YOr_' 1IIIII!IIiII;' __ ,..iIil,-a-'" 1"\ ,lty, -, ' '," -' il:'~&]IDilll . ' ' September 21,2011 , Department of Community and Economic Development:' , ' ", Alex Pietsch,Ad!Tlinistratdr . William E. O'Connor ·921 South Washington Street Port Angeles,WA 98362 . . . . . . SUBJECT: " JOEY'S SHORTPLAT, LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A' De"r Mr. O'Connor: . . ,.... . .' . , Thank you for your letter regarding Joeis S~ort riat, LUM1-066, ECF, SHPL'A th~t we received on S'eptember7, ~011. Your comments have been added to the file-for the decision-maker to sonsider. '. Your commentsa~e'much ~ppreciated. In your letter you stated that you were certai~ ,that Susan,Rider would be contacting me regarding this matter, In fact, Ms. Rider did conta~t me by mail ~nd provided backgro~nd and history, including somesupplem~ntal ' 'materials regarding Kennyaale Creek. ThiS' project is for the subdivision of land to create I. • . . . ;:one additionallat in the Resid,ential-4 dwelling units per acre (RA) zone. The' classification olKennydale Cr'eek is not atissu'e. The p'roject would maintain the" , minimum 35-foot buffe'r ar'ea required fora,Class 4 stream.,' , , , I will includeyou as a Party ~f Record for JoeY's Short Plat, LUAll,066, ECF, SHPL-A.' You, may co~tactme at (425) 4~0-7382 or gwasser@rentonwa.gov. " . , " . '.'" Sincerely, ~,/'~ ~~ Gfrald'C. wasslr , A~sociateplann,er Renton Gty Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Gerald Wasser . From: Sent: To: • Karen Walter [KWalter@muckleshoot.nsn.us] Wednesday, September 07,2011 11 :14 AM Gerald Wasser • EXHIBIT 7 Subject: Joey's Short Plat, LUA 11-066, ECF, SHPL-A, Notice of Application and Proposed Determination of Non-Significance, Mitigated Jerry, The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division has reviewed the Notice of Application materials for the above referenced project. We have a question and initial comment about this project as noted below: 1. Per the Critical Areas Review for this site (Altmann Oliver Associates Aug 2011), Kennydale Creek through this site is considered· a Class 4 stream by Renton.· What is the basis for this classification? According to the surveyors configuration of the stream and wetland onsite, the stream is 10 feet wide. If the stream is this wide, . then it suggests that the stream is capable of supporting salmon. Please provide the data that Renton has to support the classification of Kennydale Creek at this location. 2. The Critical Areas Review also notes that the stream is currently ditched and mowed to the edge of the channel. As part of the short plat, the stream buffer should be enhanced with native trees and shrubs to improve habitat and water quality and shade out the existing reed canarygrass. We appreciate the opportunity to review this proposal and look forward to the City's responses. We may have comments subsequently. Thank you, Karen Walter Watersheds and Land Use Team Leader Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 39015172"d Ave SE Auburn, WA 98092 253-876-3116 1 - Denis law', • ,-C '. ' _~Ma:.yO' .....:----riJIII' Ciit' , f.i:'iLfdj',l.!7, -J~t<]SJ' ~,' ; '-(-<~ -[tj,-'r:--'" '! ... '!e-i"t, ;,' ,; , ,~;_.-.I;\ -~~_; .. " .. ,_.1 _-.1. :'_._.t),') ._. , September 21,2011 , Department 6f Community and Economic Development , " , 'Alex Pietsch, Administrator ' Karen Walt!'!r Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Di~ision 39015 1720d Avenue SE Auburn,WA98092 SUBJECT: JOEY'S SHORT PLAT, LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A Dear Ms. Walter: .... Thank youJor, your email of September 7,201i regardingJDey's Short Plat, LUA11-:066, ECF,SHPU\, In that email you ask what the basis is for classifying KerinytJale,Creek;"s a CloSS 4 Stream in this area and you prDvide suggestions'fDr stream buffer en'hancem'ent. Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-H50Q, Figure 4-3-0S0Q4 (copyatta~hed) identifies , Kennydale Creekas~ Class 4 stream in this viCinity', RMC 4'3,~05()L,1:a,iv identifies Class' , 4 waters as non-salmonid-be~ringdu~ing years of normal rainfall. A check dam on ' Lower Kenhyda,le ,Cree'k would likely,renderthe stream course,impassable to salmon" . .' . . . . . The project is to subdivide the existihg pa~cel which would cr'eateone add'itibnallDt, l3~th lots w6uid be oriented eastlwestand KehnytJaleCreek wD~id remai~uhtDuched, 'The buffer, fD~ Class 4 ~tr~ams is a minim~m of 35 feet.-The ~pplicant is propDsing tD maintain, that buffer and staff will recommendth~t aspliuail fence be,install~d along the bufferb~unciary, Because the 35-foDt buffer area will be maintained,there isno essential nexus to,requirebuffer enhancement, I trust that your co~cerns have been addressed in this letter, ,Please cont~ct me at (425) 430-7382 Dr gwasser@rentonwa:govifyou have any questio~s" ... ' .... ~~ Associate, Planner Attachment ~enton Dty .. Hal! • , 055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98057 • ·rentonwa.gov Figure 4-3-050Q4 STREAMS AND LAKES • Col:1llllU!Iity & Ecooomic De\'elopmtn~ Alcd'"'''''''~''' ~SAaSb'Ji! 6Ct\~ . b~ h.m-a,.rrnt.l..!IdJo ~~ ... ·_~J:""-i<l,_~~""'''''';'~~ """o"""""' ........ _"""-I~~~IV~"';o.;J:...,..?'. ' =-=-... ~~II'o.f-.,..= • Water Classes l'>-.:::q Gitytim~ ~~\\I;rlf';C~;; f -...-~~.tn&Class3 .. -.......,. . . . ," L-J PA.t..Bomdary _e __ V~laterCl.3s&! =·Y'.l:lerClas.s01 ian~~-JI Cufvert \tTY Of REHTOH • EXHIBITS- .. ~ ,v.!t\ . ' .Lf <;" \ r"'" : SEP092011 ~~d"(""~ Mr. Gerald Wasser-RECENED CIlY CLERK'S OFFICE Shocking-but not surprising-would best describe, our neighborhood's reaction to the belated posting for the proposed Joey's short plat~ In spite of our submitting hundreds of photos and letters, testimony from many longtime area residents, letters from both the Washington State Departinent of Ecology and the Washington Department of Fish and Game agencies, and a stream study condncted by the Wild Fish Conservancy organization .. which has been in the City's possession since 2008-the plat application, is referring to Kenoydale Creek as a class 4 intermittent stream. We have provided incontrovertible proof that this creek NEVER dries up, even in the most protracted dry weather at the end of Slimmer (see enclosed photos, taken today) and we find it indefensible that the City continues to maintain the fiction that this creek is anything less than a Class 3. The , ' classification should have been upgraded years ago, especially after we had.hand-delivered the Wild Fish Conservancy study to Chip Vmcent in December of 2008. Although we had submitted all of our documentation prior to the change in the City's process to upgrade the ,stream classification,we still met the criteria ' established in 2009. • 2006· Letter from Larry Fisher, Habitat Biologist for • Washington Department of Fish and Game requesting classification be upgraded, due to the presence of crayfish and other unidentified fish in the creek. 2008 .. Stream study from Wild Fish Conservancy, accepted by City of Renton Administrator Chip Vincent We note that in spite of the re~classification of both Honey and Maplewood Creeks, the City has failed in its' stated goals of preserving and protecting our critical areas where it concerns Kennydale Creek. We are·urging you to rectify this situation immediately to prevent the costly appeals and litigation we would all prefer to avoid. We are enclosing a number of supporting documents to help you deteI"IDine the facts of this case, and we have many more boxes of documents available if you should need them. Thank you for your prompt consideration of this matter. Sincerely, Susan Rider Kennydale Critical Areas Alliance 1835 NE 20th St Renton, WA (425)228.8711 • • State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF FISHAND WILDLIFE Region 4 Office: 16018 ·MilI'Creek Boulevard -Mill Creek, Washington 98012 -(425) n5-1311 . October 12, 2006 Erika Conkling, Senior Planner City of Renton Economic Development Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Ms .• :onkling: SUBJECT: Proposed Determination of Non-significance; Kennydale Blueberry Farm Rezone, File Number CPA 2006-M-02, Kennydale Creek and Its Associated Wetlands, Tributary to Lake Washington '\ :A The Washington Department ofFish and Wildlife (WDFW) has reviewed the above-referenced Proposed Detennination of Non-significance, and offers the following comments at this time. Other comments may be offered if the project progresses. A Hydraulic Project Approval (HP A; RCW 77.55.021/WAC 220-110; to be issued by WDFW) would be required for activity affecting the natural bed or flow ofthe stream or its associated wetlands. TI1e stream on the propelty is the upper end of Kennydale Creek and should be classified at least as a claSs 2 perennial stream. It supports crayfish and other unidentified fish species. The wetlands are a rare peat soil based system of very high value, especially if restored and given adequate buffering. WDFW believes it is imperative to preserve and protect these wetlands, as directed by the Growth Management Act (GMA), and it would be contradictory to the GMA to rezone this property and allow dense residential development, particularly without a carefully planned and implemented mitigation plan. Deveiopment of the property without such a plan would result in disruption of the natural drainage and the degradation of the quality of the stream and wetland system. WDFW also notes the buffers widths being considered are inadequate to protect this very sensitive system. Furthermore, WDFW believes it would be premature to evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed rezone without a proper wetland delineation and a full biological evaluation. The SEP A checklist is lacking key information concerning fish and wildlife use of the site and the . area near the site. A variety of wildlife species (including great blue herons, osprey, pileated woodpeckers, deer, ducks; and shorebirds) have been observed using this area for habitat, but Ms. Conkling October 12, 2006 Page 2 • • that is not mentioned in the SEP A checklist. Nor does the checklist even mention the existence of the wetland. As it is, there is no scientific basis by which to evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed rezone on the wetland or stream system or the fishlife and wildlife which use it for habitat. This proposal should not proceed without further study and a plan to restore the wetland and its buffers: "WDFW appreciates the cooperation of the City of Renton in our efforts to preserve, protect; perpetuate, and manage the fish and wildlife resources of the state ofWasbington. Thank you for the opportunity to provide these comments. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 649-7042 or fisheldf@dfw.wagov. Sincerely, -1.--~." ",.....,':" D ~ ....... o..{.,l- Larry Fisher Area Habitat Biologist LF:lf:CORB1ueberryFarm.s.doc cc: "WDFW SEPA Coordinator , . • • STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY ."'oNi/west Reg/Ollal Office. 3190 16rf" Avellue SE. BeUevlle, Washingtol/' 98008-5452. (425) 649-7000 October 16, 2006 Ms .. Erika Conkling, Senior Planner City of Renton lOSS S Grady Way . Renton, W A 98055 Dear Ms Conkling: . RE: Comments on SEPA DNS for Kennydale Blneberry Farm Rezone, LUAOS-159 Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed DNS dated October 2, 2006, for a rezone of the Kennydale Blueberry Farm property from Resource Conservation (RC) to R-4. The Department of Ecology believes that the proposed rezone will pose a significant risk-of adverse impacts to wetlands on this property, and to the beneficial functions that the wetlands provide to the watershed .. The DNS does not adequately evaluate this risk. . The SEP A checklist attached to the DNS notes that the lower two-thirds of the parcel is covered by 1 to 5 feet of "soft peat." The Soil Survey of King County Area (Snyderet al. 1973) maps this soil as Shalcar muck, a hydric (wetland) soil. Evidence indicates that the site holds a large remnant of an important wetland system maintained by shallow groundwater and by a spring that flows out of the adjoining greenbelt on the east. As the SEPA checklist notes, the surface water from this spring flows nortl1 via a ditch just inside the parcel's eastern border and ultimately through Kennydale to Lake Washington. A "Special Focus Issue Paper on the Kennydale Blueberry Farm" (Issue Paper) was included in the information packet for the Renton Planning Commission meeting of November 2,2005. This Issue Paper noted that the "soft soils" covering about two-thirds of the parcel would have to be "removed and replaced with suitable fill" in order to build homes on the site. The Issue Paper states that "a wetland area mapped over a portion of the Blueberry farm" is the basis for requesting a wetland evaluation. After discussing the site'.s potential for residential development, the issue paper cautions:· ·"Depending upon the results of a wetland analysis, this tyjJe of activity may not be allowed under current regulations." The paper cOncludes that existing information on drainage or wetland conditions is outdated and that ·updated information is needed before a zoning decision can be made. We agree. . Ms. Erika ConklinL September 16, 2006 Page 2 • • Unfortunately, the proposed DNS says nothing about the updated information that the issue paper said was needed. The proposed action could very well lead to th~ destruction of wetlands; including replacement of organic soils by fill. Muck and peat soils are extraordinarily effective at improving water quality by removing toxins and other pollutants. They also retain disproportionate volumes of stormwater and release it slowly .. Such functions are vital to the health of the watershed, the municipal infrastructure, and Lake Washington. A delineation, rating, and function assessment of wetlands on the parcel should be a prerequisite to any land-use decision that could affect their fate . . The wetland study should also evaluate the effect of "improvements in drainage of the property," inclu~g "a major dewatering in 2004," which the issue paper said the property owner reported. What was the nature of the dewatering? Could it have resulted in adverse impacts to aquatic resources or other sensitive areas? Did it involve work below the ordinary high water mark or divert or change the natural flow? Thank you for taking th~se concerns into account. Please call or e-mail me with any' questions or for further discussion. I can be reached at (425) 649-4447, Sincerely, Richard K. Robohm Wetland Specialist RKR:rc cc: Anne Fritzel, Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development Pam Erstad, Washington Department of.Fish & Wildlife Jeff Davis, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife Donna Bunten, Ecology CAO Review Coordinator Erik Stockdale, Wetlands Specialist, Ecology Northwest Regional Office • . ---.. • w Wild Fish Conservancy September 23, 2008 The Wild Fish Conservancy (WFC) performed a stream assessment survey on Kennydale Creek, at tributary to Lake Washington in Renton, WA on September 18, 2008 (Figs.1-3). The objective of the survey was to evaluate the summer low-flow characteristics of the watershed and to deScribe the likely impacts of continued degradation of the creek's watershed. '; \ + . \ ..... . . f-, . , ; .: • T • "=~Sl-' ;.:-j-.;.,,::, .';' .~ , ',.' ,,',:; : .-: i~ . "J . 'I : :~ ',J;~ . . . .. ,::-~~~ i ...... (;": .. ;.J ··.' .. : .. :1··./ .... ~. i'/ .. ':.- ? ~ ::.: ~ .•. : i \ :-1'" . '" • , \,:.-, ._, .". . .-, . .' ," :\ : .. :.::~>; .. !?~~'";."'" .. , Figure 1. Kennydale Creek field assessment locations . ".; . ,', , .. ,.., -rr ' ... -... : ",' . i", ." " ..... '.( ;.,.,~:,' -' . "':', ;.~~~ :. !~~.~­ ::1~~';:·.:r: ,; ;. . ..... .. ) .8 _ i • • •• Evidence that the survey results from September 18, 200S are representative tummer low-flow conditions can be found in adjacent watershed stream flow data Provisional stream flow data from USGS National Water Information System (http://waterdata.usgs.gov/wainwis/uv?cb 0006O=0n&forrnat=gif stats&period=30&site no= 12120000) demonstrate that flows in the Mercer Creek watershed, a Lake Washington tributary north of Kennydale creek, were 5.4 cfs at tbe time of Wild Fish Conservancy's KennYdale survey, well below the median flows experienced on September IS during the past 54 years (Figure 6) and the mean monthly flows during the past 62 years. 3BB.B 'C 288.B C <:> " " " 1oo.B '-" Q. ... '" " --" ..... .J:> " " , " '" '-'" 18.B .&: " " .... co 4.B Ilug 38 Sep B6 Sep 13 Sep 28 ----Pro .... i:>iona.l Data Subject to Revision 1:, Heman daily statistic (54 ye"rs) -Disch" .. ge STATlsnCS OF MONTHLY MEAN DATA FOR WATER YEARS 1!!45 .2007. BY WATER YEAR {WY} Oct Nov 'Dec J,n Feb Mar Apr M.y Jun' Jul Aug Sep Mean 16.~ .'\~.l,.) -J(1.O -l<l$ ~J.7 ~95 2.l.h 14.7 .12.-% KD R,6::! I \.2 Ma, MA 77.:1 70.7 &4.S 6\,1 (,75 .~Y.9 27.:! . D.& Jfl5 XI,I) 22.?- (WY) ( 11.)~2) t2{X17 j \11.)97) i2006i ( 11),)6i {197~j {] 9lJl j l!lJ%1 l19S5i (l9t.m I::!O{}.tJ 111.)71'1 Min 7.-+:? 11.0 1(',5 15.',1 1Il.::! 15.4 9.90 H • ..1-5 5.:'4 :;.22 3.25 5.05 (1'.'1'1 COO.'2.) (P)77) ( 1977) 111.)77) (I99J; tl~C15i I~{)O-l·) (\Y5~i (J 95~i I!Y581 119-+5) \ 11)55) Figure 6. August and September 200S USGS Stream Flow Data for Mercer Creek, a Lake Washington tributary north of Kennydale Creek. Please feel free to contact me with any questions about Wild Fish Conservancy's surveyor this report. Sincerely, Jamie Glasgow, M.Sci. Director of Science and Research Wild Fish Conservancy 42SnsS·1l67 www.wildfishconservancy.org 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 • The Honorable Jay V. White Trial Date: Monday, Dec. 15,2008 Trial Time: 9:00 a.m. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR KING COUNTY KENNYDALE CRITICAL AREAS . ALLIANCE, Ii Washington Don-profit corporation, and SUSAN RIDER, . NO.08-2-21823-6KNT r Petitioners, v. CITY O~ RENTON, Ii Washington Municipai Corporation; and RICHARD LAURALEE GORDIEY, husband and wife, 1):; wY I M- [IllS! !SED] ORDER Gfu'dQ i ... UJ PEITTIO~'MOTlONTO SUPPLEMENT THE RECORD Res oDdents. THIS MATTER having come on for hearing pursuant to the motion of Petitioners to supplement the administrative record with a stream assessment conducted by Wild Fish t1\.G Co~ Lt~",~ ~~~,..-J ~ ,o."cI"rl1f". I C::::;'" "I (?P ... ~ j- R:~:C: (~~~~eR:;:L~~~::~~~~!er .;:,v;~bP, . p~·Yl. ~~7,~~'; ~:\g::~f~tten, stl1'l'sRiHg eReftmti W ,evidc;ncii cited thrill, IX IS HEREBY ORDERED: . . . ~,.,,€n. 1. Petitioners' motion to supplement the record is gj;? tc:i. 2,. RP(I'....,J....l~ Guv.l.~~· ~~). On. CI< II ?-~ ... c.~.,..... \.c ~~\~-G\..J ()6.x,,J(,- [llReF em' 'J ORDER QR::'al'l'RlIG PE1TI10NERS' MOTION TO SUPPLEMENT THE RECORD-I OR\G1NAL GENDLER & MANN. LLP 1424 flJul1b AvCftlJe, SLlIt. 1D15 Sellttlll, WA 91J'101 Ptlonu~ tl081 $21-3881 Fax: 12De:16Z'l...oS1Z 1 2 3 Datedthls ~ dayof N~ u~~ TIlE JAY V. WHITE 4 KING COUNfY SUPERIOR .GOUR T JUDGE 5 6 7 8 Presented by: GENDLER & MANN,llP 9 By: 10 endan W. Done ers WSBA No. 39406 11 ttorney for Petitioners 12 IKCAA(Dcn)\U.ll'A cosolPropo<ed Orda ~ Motion 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 {)£;.t'I'1"'1..- E~8j 3~Dl ORDER ~ \i:l'fflm PETITIQNERS' MOTION TO SUPPLEMENT THE RECORD-2 Ga.lPLei II< MANN. LLP 1424 Fl)\lrth Awnu., SPIte 1.016 SIII:fttj., WA SB,01 Pbono: \.OSj621-BSSS Fu: 1208) 821...0512 ~ --.. "A".n,," ECF,SHPL'A NAME: IJoeYs ShDrt Plat requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Administrative Short ". Iplat approvallD subdivide a 36,847 square foot panoeilnlD two lots. The two ,.IH. lots would be 17,882 5.f. (lDt 1) and 18,965 5.f. (lDt 2). Kennydale ICreek, a aass 4 creek, is present and bisects the site. A category 2 or 3 1(3,SOO 5.f.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. 80th proposed lots IWOuid gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are DCaJ:e<l on what would be lDt 1. The existing buildings are proposed ID be -:: Once the wetland and stream anea is deducted the resulting net area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short piat would yield a density of 2..74 !du/net acre. The site {s generally Hat. The project requires SEPA environ~tal lreview and short plat, I 12208 Jones Avenue NE Izone: ~duo.uo,· 4 dwelling units per acre (R-4) IPublic i I (SEPA) Review, , ShQrt P'., Gerald Wasser, tel: ,email: I 'I'" Hughes, WH Huges Ci:J.j 14401 Issaquah Hobart Rood; Issaquah, WA .. ""I'StHl, 98027 loate of August 8, 2011 of August 26 2011 : may Ibe 9,2011 [Map: The map below is for illustrative purposes only. In the event of omissions, errors or differences, Ithe documents in CEO's files will control. aiel< on map to be directed to the Oty's ~ Portal. I~"i-~!B -:: .... ~.:,-.;i~~W~.,~~: ;1~oi~1~:~ ~':1~~:i,~;;~~~~}q . ".\Jij(k#ji," '::V'it'--i· .,;.T-r.1 ,..;: .. ,;','t."":"}::;..:; ," 'I =f' ",' r,:-c",fj t:4,i~;"'" ili'''' ~;'}[ : '(''';':0,":' ·-r"·-\"~l~' • ',1. P.l~,:;r:;.3~~;_,l:~; ~,t~:.1 II 1 on the above application must be submitted in writing t~ Gerald Wasser, -" Manager, ceo a Piannlng Division by 5:00 p.m. 00 September 9, 2011. If you have about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional • by_ mail,contact the Prole",Manager at 425-430'7382. Retum to too of page, • • • e · 9/9/2011 3:55:06 PM ~-9/9/2011 3:51 :49 PM Figure 4. Culvert outlet under (Site C) on September width was 3 feet, and stream flow was easily discernable. Figure 5. Stream channel at Site D on September 18, 2008, approximately 30 feet downstream from the culvert outlet under NE 24" StreeL Flow Conditions : 5 "Development ac!itiCS within the basin have hiStoricall!graded stream and wetland habitats. Filling of wetlands, increased slormwater runoff and peak stream flows, addition of sediment and pollutants to the water, and removal of coniferous forest cover have contributed to the degradation of local habitat in the basin." Table 1. Wild Fish Conservancy observations from field verification locations (Figures 1-3), September 182008. Wotted Bankfull Silo .... lbJdo LD!!i 1tude WIdth Width Subclnt. Flow No' .. A N 47..50932 . W 122.19424 2'00\ .'001 mud V_ Dhchad stream chaMeI, soh mud abstrale, reed canary grass ~ Ditched stream chameI, son mud stbs:trala >M1h oc:x::assicowllll B N .47.50961 W 122.1!U62 3 feet HOOI mud and oottie V .. cobb6e.. Aquatic maaoinv9f1abra1as observed indudad maytty nymphs. ~ IaN ... and ampNpods. C N 47.51297 W 122.19756 3 feet 4'001 cobble and sand Ves Well-shaded stream corridor . Water is dear and cool . Aquatic Invertebrates observed, same as B. 0 N 47.51308 W 122.'9738 3 feet 6.faet _and.,.,-d Ves Wekhaded stream oonidor. Water is dear and cool . Aquatic invertebrates observed, tame as B. Table 2. Impacts from Increases of Impervious Surfaces, from Thurston Regional Planning Council, 2003. ~ In C'f'a~wd ImplrvlOu~I"'I!I~ Habitat etlannl'l Streambed h.:6ds to rlODckll~ lo:!!:!! EIo!llon Widening alll'ration l..,..sedl'Dlt.me X X X X X Increased peak 1Iov: X X X X X Increased peak now d ... tion X X X X X ChonpeS;' sediment loading X X X X x Deaeosed base flow X lna:eased s1reom tern_lure X Increased s\ream acDty x Inc<eosed VI.tor polution x SOURCES: (GlL ... '<T. 2000; t.111l.'-'lZAno:< .... '<0 SlP.E.'_\lS : STU)"" Of Hro10LOGIC)J.lPACTS. 199 7). Kennydale Creek mayor may not currently support a fish populatiOn. but there is no doubt that it contributes wa~ and aquatic invertebrateS to Lake Washington and therefore affects the water qUality and, in part, the integrity, of Lake Washington. Lake Washington supports chinook salmon and steelhead listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act; as well as sockeye and coho salmon; kokanee; resident and sea-run cutthroat trout; and a wide variety of native non-salmonids. Bull trout, also listed as t:ru:eatened wider the ESA, have been docuniented in Lake Washington. Many of these fish, including juvenile chinook salmon, spend a significant amount of time rearing and feeding in the Lake Washington littoral (nearshore) habitats that are fed by small streams including Kennydale Creek. Wbile the streams themselves are smal,l, they are numerous and the cumulative effects of their degradation can have significant implications for the health and productivity of Lake Washington and the fish that live there. 4 I ' ~ • ,. Fig.3. Lower Kennydale Creek: study reach in Renton, W A. Field verification locations are represented by the yellow stars. Results The channel was wetted and stream flow was easily discemable at all four locations (Table 1, Figures 4- 5). The channel meets the physical criteria for. fish habitat established by the Washington State in WAC 222-16-D31: at least 2.0 foot bankfull width and less than 16% gradient The documented presence of perennial aquatic invertebrates, including the relatively pollution·intolerant families Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera:, indicates the stream channel bas not gone dry in recent years. Compromising the condition of KeOilydale Creek through the addition of impervious area and the associated stormwater runoff will further degrade the condition of the stream (Table 2). The South Puget Sound Forum Indicators Report (fRPC, 2006) s1lIIlII:\arizes the local impacts of impervious area: "Among other variables, studies have found a strong relationship between the amount of impervious surface and forest cover in a basin or watershed, and the health of streams and other w.ater resources. The greater the ·amount of .impervious area and the corresponding loss of forest cover, the less water that is absorbed into the ground -being .fiItered naturally and slowly returning to our ground water .or stream systems. Increased surface runoff leads to more pollution in our streams and inlets, to Jllgher and increased numbers of flood events, and to degradation of our streams and stream beds." (South . Puget Sound Environmental Quality -Economic Vitality Indicators Report, July 2006). King County's May Creek Basin Plan (2001), developed for the Lake Washington tributafy immediately to the north of Kennydale Creek, states: 3 Fig.2. Upper Kennydale Creek study reach in Renton, W A. Field assessment locations are represented by the yellow stars. 2 ------------------------------ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND .ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M 0 RAN D U DATE: May 2, 2012 TO: Bonnie Walton, City Clerk's Office M FROM: SUBJECT: Carrie K. Olson, Plan Review x7235 dO JOEY'S SHORT PLAT, LUA-l1-()66-SHPL Attached please find two sets ofthe above-referenced original Mylar and three paper copies ofthe Mylar for recording with King County. The recording instructions in order are as follows: 1. Record the short plat mylars. 2. Request King County to return one of the executed mylars to us for our records. Please have the Courier take these documents via 8-hour service. A check in the amount of $15.81 made out to Champion Couriers is attached. According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account #000000.007.559.60.49.003. PI~ase call me if you have any questions. Thank you. Cc: Kayrell Kittrick (Notice of Recording) Jan Conklin Yellow File i:\planreview\colson\Shortplats iOI2\joey's shpl 07m clerkrecord new format.doc Printed: 05-01-2012 Payment Made: eITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA11-066 05/01/2012 11 :47 AM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 1,205.75 Payee: W H HUGHES #3258 Current Payment Made to the Following Items: . Trans Account Code Description 5045 304.000000.009.345 Fire Mitigation-SFR 5050 305.000000.016.344 Traffic Mitigation Fee Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #3258 1,205.75 Account Balances Amount 488.00 717.75 ., Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000000.020.345 Park Mitigation Fee 3080 503.000000.004.322 Technology Fee 3954 650.000000.000.237 Special Deposits 5006 000.000000.007.345 Annexation Fees 5007 000.000000.011.345 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.000000.007.345 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.000000.007.345 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.000000.007.345 Environmental Review 5011 000.000000.007.345 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.000000.007.345 Final Plat 5013 000.000000.007.345 PUD 5014 000.000000.007.345 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.000000.007.345 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.000000.007.345 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.000000.007.345 Rezone 5018 000.000000.007.345 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.000000.007.345 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.000000.007.345 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.000000.007.345 Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence 5022 000.000000.007.345 Variance Fees 5024 000.000000.007.345 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.000000.007.345 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5045 304.000000.009.345 Fire Mitigation-SFR 5050 305.000000.016.344 Traffic Mitigation Fee 5909 000.000000.002.341 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.000000.007.341 Maps (Taxable) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 R1201942 .---c-c----~--------___:_~--------.-----------------------------, Denis L~w Max or .,April24,2012 Mr.BillHughes • WH Hughes Homes , Department of Com;;'~nity and Economic Development, ,., " .". Alex Pi~tsch)\dminisirat6r ,i4401Issaciu~h:HorbartRd SE Issaquah WA 98927-6~J25 . "JOEY'S SHORT PLAT, LUA-ll~066-SHPL , -.. ,."., . , ,SUBJECIT: . ~ .. ",The review submltt<il on the above:mentioned short plat has beencorripleted and th'e ' , "followingcomme~ts have been:returried. " ," " , ',," ' " '" SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: (These items are required to be com'pleted p~ior to recording of the sh0r:t plat.) ,. ' . '. ," " " '. ' " , .' '1. Pay the Transpo'rtation a~dFire Mitigation Fees in the amountof $1;205,75 f~r i lot u~denUAil-066 made payable to the(:jtyof Renton, These fees may be paid at the Customer Services Counteron,the 6th floor of Renton CitY Hall. ' . . ,',,-.' '.' -'".", ," 2, ' Provide a PMT ofthe final short plat drawing. ,'When the above items are completed; you ~ay submit the signed and notarized short plat· ., 'Mylar (one o~igin~1 Mylar an'd one copy/on Mylar) of.eachsheet) along with a check in the 'amount of $iS,81 (current couri~r fee) made outtoCtiampion Courie~s,' , Should youn~ed to discuss any~6rtion ofthis letter please contact me at (425) 430-7235, " • I ' '. . .. .' Si ncerely; , Carrie K, Olson '. ' . .' : Development Services; Plan 'Review " E-m~iled To: Touma Engineers '. mhtouma@'aoLcom Cc: Yellow File " ,-I:~lanReview\COLSON\Shortpi~t:' 2~12\Joe~s s~r.: 06L Re.quest M~larStop:?Oc. R~mton City Hall .'.1 O~5 So'uth Grady Way • Renton, Washington 9S0?? ~ rento~wa·.g~v . . ~ . .,---------------------------------- . • COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: March 29, 2012 Jan lilian, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review ;tr) Carrie Olson, Plan Review LY Joey's Short Plat, LUA-ll-066-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachments included: • Letter of Compliance • Lot Closures • Title Report • Short Plat drawings . Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Ac~egl~!! R~I~te!! 'i. P[!!le~ #~ As-Builts Cost Data Inventory Bill of Sale Easements (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication Restrictive Covenants Maintenance Bond Comments: Approval: ~""'" -¥.. ¥. ~ck Ka r Kittrick Cc: Yellow File Comments Square Footage: Release Permit Bond i:\planrcview\colsonlshortplats 2012\joey's shpl DIm pr-ts reviewstart newformat.doc NA " v/ V 0/' V 'i. 'i. ~ o ,/' DATE: TO: FROM: • COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVelOPMENT • M E M 0 RAN DUM .. April 10,2012 SUBJECT: Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Carrie Olson,Plan Review cP Joey's Short Plat, lUA-ll-066-SHPl Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Short Plat drawings If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. . -.~~~) APprov;rse~-~ ~ Robert T ac Onie, Jr. Date: -4/2.-4/2 .0 \ z- Cc: Yellow File i:\pianreview\colson\shortplats 2012\joey's shpJ 04m ts reviewstart newfonnat.doc COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • MEMORANDUM DATE: April 10, 2012 TO: Sandy Minniti, Development Services FROM: Carrie Olson, Plan Review SUBJECT: Joey's Short Plat, LUA-ll-066-SHPL A copy of the above mentioned short plat is attached for your information. If you have comments or changes in addressing. please let me know. i:\planreview\colson\Shortplats 2012\joey's shpl OSmjan c. reviewstart newformat.doc • • COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORAN DUM DATE: April 5, 2012 TO: Jerry Wasser, Planning FROM: Carrie Olson, Plan Review SUBJECT: Joey's Short Plat, lUA-U-066-SHPl Attached is the LUA folder for the short plat. We are in the final review stage of recording this short plat. • PMT's will be provided with signed Mylar. • Mitigation fees will be paid at recording in the amount of $1,205.75. • Please sign-off landscape drawing and return to me. • On 4-6-12 you wrote that you spoke with the applicant, Bill Hughes. He has relocated the shed outside the 35' stream buffer area thereby not requiring a demo permit. The split rail has been installed and is waiting for the signs to be added to the fence. He will provide photos at that time. • Jerry, please provide a copy of the photos of the fence and sign installation when they are available so I can include them in the LUA folder. Please sign and date below and return to me when you have accepted this project as completed. Thanks. Date :-,t.-r--':"-'f- Cc: Yellow File I:\PlanRevieW\COLSON\Shortplats 20 12\Joey's Short Plat SHPL 03m PlanningReview.doc I i i , I , 15 ,0 (y' ij ~ lLl ,z I~ ,« ltD ,z IQ i i i J:>~ CI7)J~~~&.-l Ai4P, ";;$'-v~~h-J?~ l<a ON ~ I [,--::-:-:~~-::-:-:-_-,-;.-_ -~-,,_. ___ .3?-~. 3;~ __ ~~LO'3~:L:-------------------~llJll 3d.00 ' ' , 47 GO ' • '-EXI5T1NG, EXI5TING ' 'J::'oO , " 1140· 1204 • ' EXI5T1NG -• --PAVED ., CA""ORT : : 'J I.~ . '::,~}R.~~.~:,:: .. , ,~ :" ~:::' ~~R:'~CF' -/u.J 1 _ '2 1_ ,', .. " ,'ii) : 10 0 O<::;! .. -." EXI5TING iii '1-1 I . ~ ,!l.J =:; _ EXISTING '., '_ ::>HED ,v C\.I ,>' 0 ,~ -, ~ > 1 ['... RESIDENCE ::tJ 0 I ~ 0, 2208 JONES AVE NE ;15 f'-.I ~ '-'I _I A ' IN ~ liJ 1 V ( I 7,823 SF) : ' :'l' t;s CC) : 1 <D il 00 4G.sa : C\.l Or \ I i :0 tf) 9.03' 8.41': 0 . ------1-----------255~Os:_--58§~Gt8~w----------------------J z f'-.' i I. ('()I " 1-~! D~ 7 a ~ ;-u.ZI TE-Z.~ ,/ i ~ f..- CC) 'I' f'-. 0- ,'~ _ lo;;;t ~+'~ ,-"" . 1 '/:! f'.. PROPOSED LOT /8 cc), ,'<' ~I (18,354 SF) if! f'-.I I" P-' I IlL 1/ /) I A _ F' Io"-'d"~ cl.. r"i ! i ~-----------------------------~------------~ 255 _ 14' S89° I 3'58" W ----------------- pin -334390-3602 2208 Jones Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 N • • • o TOUMA ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS,PLLC 6632 S 191"' PlACE, SUIlE E·102, KENT, WA 98032 TEL 425-251-0665 FAX 425-251-0625 E-mail Address:mhtouma@aol.com Trarsnittal TO: City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98043 Altention: callie Olson Date: Joey's Short Plat LUA11..Q66.SHPL SUBJECT: FROM: Dan Touma We are submitting the following documents: (3) Revised plans April 9, 2012 If you have any question with respect to this transmittal, please call me. • •. ~/;¢t;5F'\1:~~1,~ 3/2/2012 Jo.ey Short Plat f'.jA~ 28 2012 RECEIVED 2208 Jones Ave NE Renton WA 98056 LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A Please be advised that all conditions of the Joey Short Plat have been satisfied. Item 1) Complience of all environmental Mitagation Measures 1) Install spilt Rail Fence and signage 2) Native Growth Protction Easement (NGPE) will be shown on Final Short Plat Map -:s: _ '~ __ ,>:'" " / ! " )\ 3) Existing Shed will be taken down and lor relocated just outside 35 Ft Line-D-a/)ll"-<l! fihV·VIAV· f Item 2) Transporation fee of $717.75 will be paid just prior to recording final short plat Cb}~l~~ , '{ i-i / / Item 3) Fire Mitagation Fee of $488.00 will be paid just prior to recording of final shoet plat If (;1.06 ,J 5 / / Denis Law Mayor April 5, 2012 Mr:.Bili Hughes . '. , WH,H'ughes:Homes i4401'lss~qiJah-HorbartRd SE .' Iss~quah WA 98027-6925 ' . ;,. . . ' . ,>. " '" '. -', "'" , .' ;, " .. "--.. ,Department of Community ~ndEconom;"c De~~lopment '...' . ' Alex.Pietsch, Administrator , ' 0, '.' ,', SUBJ~CT: . JOEY'S SHORT PLAT, LUA~11~066-SHPL . ':! . '.' ' .. ' '," " The review on the above'mentioned shbrt plat has been cornpleted and the following ccimmen,tshave' been returned, Please review these comments and make the necessary changes, .Once 'changes have .' ,b~en completed please resubm'it tllr~e copiesof the short plat dr~wings and three 'copiesof a~y other relaied docume'nts, c. ',' ...' , ," ') SHORT PLAT REVIEW COMMENTS: (These items are r~quired to be,completed prior to recording of the, short plat)' , , . . , " , . -", COMMENTS FROM:' Bob Mac Onie -425-430-7369" . . ~ 1. Note the dtyof Rent~n land record number, LND-20-0565, ?nthe short plat, ' 2,TheC;ty Of Renton "APPROVALS" block is signed by the Citvof Rent~nAdministrator, ,,', Departm'ent'of Public'Works, 3, Add a note on the short plat stating that, Lots 1 and 2 ~fthe short plat have a no~- '"sever~b'le,e-q~al and undivided interest in Tract 'A': • " ,'" , PI~a. ~e conta~t .. Ja. ~ 1I.lian, ~Ian~evie;";er-425-4~.O,-7216 !JL. ivil,const~ucti?n items to b.e'comPleted, , ' -5I,e I!as IIots'gR,Ctf QRtl,,! flFejeet ¥e~~ ~:--ij\3 }'f~\;}., ' ,',,', , •• , , shouid you need ,to disi:uss any portio'n of this letter please contact me at (425) 430-7235, ' '., , , .. . . Sincerely, ~'Ka~ arrieK, Olson " ' .. , ': :, '" Development Services, Plan Review , ' , E-mailedTo:T~umaEngi~eersinhtou·ma@aoLcom , . ". . .Cc: ,Yello~ File ." '", ! , , I:\PlanRev}~W\CO~SO~hortPlats 2012Voey SHPL 02l Change RequestStop~doc . .' , . " " . >'. Renton City Hilll '. 1055 South Grady Way ~: Renton, Washjngton, 9805;' renton';~,g~v, ' . ,-----------• DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORAN DUM April 5, 2011 Jerry Wasser Bob Mac onieLl) Joey Short Plat, LUA-ll-066-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Note the City of Renton land record number, lND-20-0565, on the short plat. The City of Renton "APPROVALS" block is signed by the City of Renton Administrator, Department of Public Works. Add a note on the short plat stating that lots 1 and 2 of the short plat have a non- severable, equal and undivided interest in Tract 'A'. h:lfile sysllnd -land subdivision & surveying recordsllnd-20 -short platsI056SGoey)\rvlI040S.doc I • I , I , I , Is ,~ o <J) lLJ ,Z I~ ,4: I~ ,Z IQ , I , I i p~ cfF¥ ol~~,'v!..~ }.fA,) ~~oW fr/i:; '1/j -2 ~ .y ~ I r----' ---::-,-:-::-,-~ -:--~--_]--___ ~_5}9~~_-~~L0'3~:Lr---------------J::-et:i~~'2 , ' , , , I I 40 , I 2 0;4' , EXISTING EXISTING .' VI ~D 30.00 I ' 47 ba --~ PAVED 'CARJ'ORT " I , 1 ". : ........ EXISTING '~-:: 5UR.FAC~, ;, .. " . : '., .<'. ···:·~~.~~~·~rA~.,,. . -.:.: . '.-, ! ~ ~ ~ o iii C'> z :ii il , -~ 18 O<iJ' iB ~ I . EXISTING :i ~ LU 5: I 0 RESIDENCE I &i f'-.. _ 0 1 r----2208 JONES AVE NE IU ~ :-: <> (17,823 SF) : Ci:l o'l 1 ' (\j o'l \ _ 0 8 L 4050 1 19m' 18.41' i J ~ tf) I ------)-.. ----~-----255~c5ST"""--S89-;G,~8-;-W----------------------L f---- o'l " " f---- cD '"" r---- o~ 7' ~ 0- s, ~~-,-TE.z.~ ~r l-dt _ IL II ~ PROPOSED LOT I Q:. I-' I A, (18,954 SF) ,"-' -Of 'co "" 'f: :" ,'ti ''< ,"-0 '!Ii Iv f---- o'l " r---- F 1oc....)<2-r.!-1 (\.~ ~ rJ'i /' L ____________ -_________________ ..L _____________________________ J 255_ 14' S89°1 3'58" W U> '"" '"" • • N ~LAJ pin -334390-3602 LA,jn5LA~L 2208 Jones Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Carrie Olson From: Sent: To: Subject: • Jan lilian Thursday, March 29, 2012 10:33 AM Carrie Olson FW: Joey's SP • Disregard my comment below regarding Park and Fire $. For sure, one transportation fee is due. From: Jan lilian Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 9:55 AM To: carrie Olson Subject: Joey's SP Carrie, The one new lot is subject to payment of a transportation mit $ because this short plat was subject to SEPA review. No mit $ are collected for Parks or Fire. Jtu1/ Ill£tu1/ City of Renton Development Services lOSS -S. Grady Way 6th floor Renton, WA 98057 425-430-7216 iillian@rentonwa.gov .. ", . 1 3/2/2012 Joey Short Plat 2208 Jones Ave NE Renton WA 98056 • LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A • Please be advised that all conditions of the Joey Short Plat have been satisfied. Item 1) Complience of all environmental Mitagation Measures 1) Install spilt Rail Fence and signage 2) Native Growth Protction Easement (NGPE) will be shown on Final Short Plat Map 3) Existing Shed will be taken down and lor relocated just outside 35 Ft Line Item 2) Transporation fee of $717.75 will be paid just prior to recording final short plat Item 3) Fire Mitagation Fee of $488.00 will be paid just prior to recording of final shoet plat ... .., . -------------------------------• • Lot Map Check t~",o O"""T~v. b fif4,p.2 " "'~tv~ttt' 'l'~Ct'" U l(}ll "IVS; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Lot name: LOT 1 North: 189642.9882 East: l303719.0818 Line Course: S lr-46-15 W Length: 71.83 North: 189572.6687 East: l303704.4287 Line Course: S 89-l3-58 W Length: 102.50 North: 189571.2962 East: 1303601.9379 Line Course: N 00-33-10 E Length: 70.02 North: 189641. 3130 East: l303602.6l34 Line Course: N 89-10-36 E Length: 116.48 North: 189642.9867 East: 1303719.0814 Perimeter: 360.82 Area: 7,670 sq.ft. 0.18 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0016 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 17-03-51 W East: -0.00047 Error North: -0.00152 Precision 1: 227,442.04 Lot name: LOT 2 North: 189496.9313 Line Course: N 89-l3-52 E North: 189498.1077 Line Course: N 11-46-15 E North: 189572.6662 Line Course: S 89-13-58 W North: 189571.2937 Line Course: S 00-33-10 W North: 189496.9272 East: 1303601.2254 Length: 87.67 East: 1303688.8875 Length: 76.16 East: 1303704.4240 Length: 102.50 East: 1303601.9332 Length: 74.37/, Eas't!"'!" 1303601. 2157 Perimeter: 340.70 Area: 7,069 sq. ft. 0.16 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0106 Error North: -0.00411 Precision 1: 32,252.73 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 67-07-36 W East: -0.00973 , .. . • Lot name: NGPE North: 189498.1078 Line Course: N 89-13-52 E North: 189500.3551 Line Course: N 00-28-45 E North: 189644.9801 Line Course: S 89-10-36 W North: 189642.9902 Line Course: S 11-46-15 W North: 189498.1122 East: Length: Length: Length: Length: --------- • 1303688.8915 167.47 East: 1303856.3464 144.63 East: 1303857.5560 138.48 East: 1303719.0903 147.99 East: 1303688.9006 Perimeter: 598.57 Area: 22,108 sq. ft. 0.51 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0101 Error North: 0.00442 Precision 1: 59,034.58 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 64-09-55 E East: 0.00913 • Project: 525254 ------ --------Lot-Map Check Lot name: LOT 1 North: 189644.9781 Line Course: S 89-10-36 W North: 189641. 3145 Line Course: S 00-33-10 W North: 189571.2978 Line Course: N 89-13-58 E North: 189574.7128 Line Course: N 00-28-42 E North: 189644.9804 • Wed Mar 07 15:01:36 2012 East: 1303857.5499 Length: 254.96 East: 1303602.6162 Length: 70.02 East: 1303601.9406 Length: 255.04 East: 1303856.9578 Length: 70.27 East: 1303857.5444 Perimeter: 650.29 Area: 17,882 sq. ft. 0.41 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0059 Error North: 0.00222 Precision 1: 110,913.34 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 67-47-02 W East: -0.00543 Lot name: LOT 2 North: 189574.7129 East: 1303856.9632 Line Course: S 89-13-58 W Length: 255.04 North: 189571. 2979 East: 1303601.9461 Line Course: S 00-33-10 W Length: 74.37 North: 189496.9313 East: 1303601. 2286 Line. Course: N 89-13-52 E Length: 255.14 North: 189500.3551 East: 1303856.3456 Line Course: N 00-28-42 E Length: 74.36 North: 189574.7125 East: 1303856.9664 Perimeter: 658.91 Area: 18,965 sq. ft. 0.44 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0032 Error North: -0.00037 Precision 1: 205,624.16 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 83-22-03 E East: 0.00318 .. ' .. ·cn· .. .. .. .. .. * .. It .. Order No.: • Old Republic Title, Ltd. 5207093872 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE •• SECOND REPORT •• Unit: • Date: February 9, 2012 at 8:00 a.m. Fee: Sales Tax: Total: $ 200.00 $ 19.00 $ 219.00 FOR INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE ON THIS ORDER CONTACT: LYNNWOOD OFFICE Mike McCarthy, Title Officer (mmccarthy@ortc.com) Marlene Graber, Title Officer (mgraber@ortc.com) Stephanie Dvorak, Title Officer (sdvorak@ortc.com) Cindy Fraser, Assistant Title Officer (cfraser@ortc.com) Minda Obey, Assistant Title Officer (mobey@ortc.com) Telephone: (425) 776-4305 Fax: (425) 776-3350 4114 198th St SW, Suite #4, Lynnwood Washington 98036 Reference: ATTN BILL HUGHES W. H. HUGHES HOMES 15220 CEDAR GROVE RD SE ISSAQUAH, WA 98027 Ladies/Gentlemen: In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, the Company (Old Republic National Title Insurance Company) has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County and from such exami ion hereby certifies that the title to the following described land, Situate in said King C unty, to-wi· Vested in: WH HUGHES JR. CO., INC., a Washington corporation Legal Description: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS, SEE ATTACHED: 0793872 Page 1 • EXHIBIT "A" The South half of Tract 294, C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO.4, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 82, records of King County, Washington. EXCEPT the North 150 feet thereof; SITUATE in the County of King, State of Washington. END OF EXHIBIT "A" 0793872 Page 2 • SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. Rights of parties in possession and claims that may be asserted under unrecorded instruments, if any. 2. GENERAL TAXES, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY AFTER DELINQUENCY; 1ST HALF DELINQUENT ON MAY 1; 2ND HALF DELINQUENT ON NOVEMBER 1: For year: Amount Billed: Amount Paid: Parcel No.: Levy Code: 2012 $ 2,975.20 $ 0.00 334390-3602-07 2100 ASSESSED VALUATION: Land: $ 155,000.00 Improvements: $ 69,000.00 3. DELINQUENT GENERAL TAXES, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY AFTER DELINQUENT; 1 ST HALF DELINQUENT ON MAY 1; 2ND HALF DELINQUENT ON NOVEMBER 1: Year Amount Billed Amount Paid Parcel No. Levy Code Assessed Valuation Land Improvements 2011 $1,443.19 $419.73 334390-3602-07 2100 $173,000.00 $82,000.00 4. DEED OF TRUST to secure an indebtedness of the amount stated below and any other amounts payable under the terms thereof: Grantor: Trustee: Beneficiary: Loan No.: Amount: Dated: Recorded: Recording No.: WH Hughes Jr. Co, Inc, a Washington corporation Old Republic Title, Ltd. Marine Heights, LLC Undisclosed $250,000.00 August 5, 2011 August 15, 2011 20110815000256 5. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND/OR LEASES, GIVEN AS SECURITY, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: Assignor: Assignee: Amount: Dated: Recorded: Recording No.: 0793872 WH Hughes Jr. Co., Inc., a Washington corporation Marine Heights, LLC, a Washington limited liability company $250,000.00 August 12, 2011 August 15, 2011 20110815000258 Page 3 • • 6. DEED OF TRUST to secure an indebtedness of the amount stated below and any other amounts payable under the terms thereof: Grantor: Trustee: Beneficiary: Loan No.: Amount: Dated: Recorded: Recording No.: WH Hughes Jr. Co, Inc., a Washington corporation Old Republic Title, Ltd. Lorraine Taylor Undisclosed $30,000.00 August 5, 2011 August 16,2011 20110816000387 7. Matters as contained or referred to in an instrument, NOTE 1: Entitled Recorded Record of Survey May 13,2011 in Official Records under Recording Number 20110513900006 The liability of the Company under this Short Plat Certificate shall be limited to the amount of actual loss sustained by the addressee because of reliance upon the information set forth herein, but in no event shall such liability exceed the fee paid for this Short Plat Certificate. RMKlrob (sd 2114/12) 0793872 Page 4 • ~ ._"._---<, • DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 1. 3G. JT7 7 -square feet 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public streets** Private access easements** Critical Areas* Total excluded area: 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 6. Divide line 5 by line" for net density: ----' square feet - square feet (O,,3COsquarefeet .sa ~tf1 2. (O,~ square feet 3. 2.b,417 square feet 4. _.---,~-=-I __ acres 5. __ 2..=-__ units/lots 6. .~ 3.Z.~ • = dwelling units/acre 'Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded . .. ** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. r I :\F 0 J ms\P la Ilning\d ensi t y. doc . I . OJ/OS 5-ruAI'\-\ Ap.cA LJ ;bl<L x. I JO 1~5 / I, bSO . WQ...-\-LA. t-J~ AfLf:.A ' I 7 0 x. 50 -3 SOO I FT'C... J Fr~ DEPART~ENT Of ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. VOL/PAGE ........ ~~ ... , ,~----~,. L I I " , T SCALI: (I"IMB'-- 5UJI ," _ JO" ~1~ PORTION OF 334390-3502 .--!-SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC 5. l'VIN 23 N. RG 5 E, WM .-~.----L AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREAlED H£RElN fl\LL ~ ZCHE :2 Cf" IIDmltfS AOLFER PROTECTION AAEA .IJm ARE SUa.£CT TO THE RECUIROlENlS Cf" 1HE CITY OF" RENTON OROINN'lct f4367 NIl AS IdoIENOOl BY 0R!lINJ,HCE: NO. 47-4<1. THtS OlY'S saL ~ IT ORIHIQNG ",,,TO! IS ~ED f'ROU A 5HAl.l.OW Arum UIIO£R THt CIlYS SUFlFAC[. 1HERE IS NO NATURAL BARRI:R f!E1'IiIE£N 1)£ W,o,illi 1.1.!1.£ NIl CRot.t.'O SUflF"~ El(ll!(l.I.[ CARE: SltOULD BE EXDICS£D WtIDI HANDUNG ANY UWO SUBSTANCE: OTI£R THNI W"'TEF. TO PRmrC'l FRa.I C(Nf"CT NTH THE: GR!1MD &JRfACE. IT IS THE HOIIf(lIlHERS RESPONSlBUn TO PROTECT 1\1[ CIlYs DRINKING WATER. LUA-XX~XXX-SHPL LNO-XX-Xxxx SURVEY NOTES y (F R£/fT(JI Uti'< IJ34 ERSECllDtl JONES A Vi. HE '" Uth SlRITT. FNO 1 IB" BR t IN COHCRffi YON o.SE (06/0() 191.115.1971 I.30J.5n.l040 ~2~E mus' EX CB NE 24t ,--~-?-<:~~ l: ' 0. -, .. u h STREET V - EL = 2~5.9"_11'VI IIfIERSE FOU'40 • HE '" tI£~tf1 AEERO££tI A\IE CAP lSI /2 REBAR '" PIN ~ CONCR S1RUT, FMD : "l/ 1'/""\ ""'" "'". ,,,"",, m.oo< .. ,,,;t -.-':,., N 8910'36~ E 25~:,' ""',. '; ------------e.<;St~~---.-_i<_ --"?--~i 'Ll, " ~l" ""'-:i,' !§J I ~~-!": 0 " L "" J!~ i '; '1"8· .-' : iil L_ ~iy, -:~stro"Jd ci ::::; + I LOT 2 ,'ii: :Ji: -J. r--, <..; lI,B.B2 'Q.ll,~ o L I ! ,,'n, 504' ·---~---:------"N-8~113'58 ' .-:-=-t~-·-----=v.ooifrrncr----:· GIlA'o£l {)II ; .: .," .- ;& 'ii! LOT''''2 : :::; 16.96,~ .q.1l , """ ORDINAAY liICI-I 'W"TER MAAK INS1RUIoCENT: TCPCCfj Grl 3000W TOTAL S'TA'J'OII t.l£THOO USED: F1EUl lRA\o£RSE WITH ACnJA:.. fIElD W£ASUREUENTS mil ANGI.£S WA: 33Z-13O-£l9O DAlE OF SlJR'oEY: MY 2011 BASS OF E£4RlNC: .K:WES "''0{ Nf (OU3:l'2J" £) LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1HE SOUTH HALF OF 'tRACT 29~. co HUMANS lAKE WASHNGTO'I GARDEN Cf" IIDI II't1SIOi NO .(, ACCORDING TO 1HE PL.J,.T 1HElIEOr m:CORDED IH \UJJUE 11 or I"I..ATS. PAGE B2. RECCIlOS Cf" KlNG COUNT'!'. WASHINGTON. EXCE'T THE NCRlH 150 FEET lHERElJf; SITUATE IN !HE COOHT'r CF lONG. STATE (I' 'WASHINGTON. ·r~·: ENGINEER / SURVEYOR ~! TOUMA OiG1NEEf!:S ok LANO SJR\£lORS 6632 S 191st PLACE g)lTE E -102 KENT, WIoSM1NCTON 96032 LORR,tJNE T"'YLOR IRE rENe.:: OWNER _ 2206 .JJNE5 ,1.11( NE . _ FOUND 1 IRON RENTON, WA 96058 AlDER I . -~'i/ PIPE (7/2011) 425-44+-l367 . /. . . . I __ SHORT PLAT DATA ,; ~ "'" H N , , --'--J------NUWBER CF' LOTS 1"R0000SED - 2 -r~AL AIL~ 5, 14'~ 'I roT"-S",'" OUT '''' ",'" ~ • ----~I----E FENCE~; CURRENT ZONINC _ R ... : "l, ......... -FOUHC I" :RO'I ![i ~, DENSITY Pffit.llTTnl _ ... UNITS PEl< ... CRE G O\ ...... l/ A.I:J;-j' "" """""'1 """U"~""~'" 00<""-'" 'Uj"'" f--. \ "'-"'Tc...-1M Q ~ ~5{).J3· PRoPOSED SQUAR£: FOOTAGE Of" Tli£ LOTS " '" 0. -,,,-,,'-,,'W \ ,_ n,"""" -IlIM EL -250.7S' . ~-w 2651172 (CRl arr Of RENTCJ> lolOO 1369 2 _ 16.965 sq. ft. t --l/gSO t 6,5 e>o -~, /.$0 F'f'Z... '~LolL of-5A~ry' \ /aD'Yo ___ -~ I.: NE 2Dth S1l!E!1". FNO J-BRI\$S MON W ~v n ~ 585"'22 J. H la5±N or IN1!RSEcn(ltl ~(E}~ S BS702" VI 13Z.'j79 V PUNOi \lARK r; CCflO!E1T t,I(J<I IN CASE (07/2011) NE 20th STREET N_189,tln.O:n REN10N I.lOO ,1a:l9 £-1,306,215.3011 liON' JONES A\IE HE .t INl[RSECTlL.'tI ABEROEDI A\IE N£ '" STREET, fNO PIN IN HE 20'".b STREET. mo I'tI IN ~~J:I C...sE (1l7/2U11) COOC'.IlET;::.ION IN CASE (07/l0n) 5/i5.237 •• 17 rs CERTlFIC . .e.TE y represents 0 su~vt')' mode ny direction in conformonc~ ents at the Survey Recoroing ;t of Lorroine Taylor 'lI \::l It. ~ 7JfI: TOUMA ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS,PLLC JOEY SHORT PLAT 2208' JONES AVE 'NE RENTON, WA 96056 V£ST VAU..E:Y EXECUl1VE PARK 0_. BY O"TE .JOEl NO. w o < '" ~ ~~,:;,;;o'%o <'it~> iI,\ ,'0 I"~~ U~ I l6J2 5OIJ]1; ,OIST Pl.O.C[. sum: (-'1)2 'ICO<T. 11M IfIL032 0"1' T. JULY 2011 52S-HS-0\1 pttCt£ (4lS) 2!i'-oe~ F.o,x (~:!:i)::"---OC:; fc:cCH<~,C,",""----!",CcC",,7:"':"'--+:~C'~n=------f Certificate No. 3-8992 ""' 1'·30' ,~, /0, ::,e>e Fr~ , , , • • , ·~ • PLANNING DIVISION ... WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIRE'1VIENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review PROJECT NAME: -I--=p'--''-'----='''--'='''>-l.---- 3. Building 4. Planning H'\CEO\Data\Forms·Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Plannrng\waiverofsubmittalreqs.xls 06/09 " ." --'. •. PLANNING DIVISION .- WAIVEROF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Inventory of Existing Sites 2 Lease Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review PROJECT NAME: -+-=='--+-\._=-"""' ......... -..,. __ _ 3. Building DATE: ____________ _ 4. Planning H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\waiverofsubmittalreqs.xls 06109 • • August 4, 2011 Bill Hughes WH Hughes Homes 14401 Issaquah-Hobart Rd SE Issaquah, WA 98027-6925 AOA F:,~ ~'f'!r\) :e:I-I!,",f):1 gll"irolllllGlllnl Planning & Lalldscape Arcilil{,cjure AOA-4072 SUBJECT: Revised Critical Areas Review for Joey's Short Plat (File No. 11-021) 2208 Jones Ave. NE, Renton, WA (Parcel 334390-3602) Dear Bill: On June 30, 2011 I conducted a wetland and stream reconnaissance and delineation on the subject property utilizing the methodology outlined in the 1997 Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual. The primary focus of the initial reconnaissance was on the southwestern portion of the site in the vicinity of a proposed new residence to be constructed as part of the short plat. A subsequent site visit was conducted on July 26, 2011 to map the approximate location of a wetland located in the northeastern portion of the site. Existing Conditions The northwest portion of the site is currently developed with an existing single-family residence and associated detached out-buildings. The southwestern portion of the site in the vicinity of the proposed residence consists of a flat mowed upland lawn. Soil borings taken throughout this portion of the site revealed dry, non-hydric, high chroma soils and there was no evidence of ponding or prolonged soil saturation. Kennydale Creek drains from south to north through the central portion of the site. During the initial field investigation, the ordinary high water (OHW) of the west side of the stream was delineated. The delineated boundary was subsequently surveyed by Touma Engineers and Land Surveyors, PLLC and is depicted on the survey drawing. Kennydale Creek is considered a Class 4 stream by the City of Renton and would require a 35-foot buffer. Kennydale Creek on the site consists of a well-defined channel that appears to have been historically ditched. Vegetation along the stream banks is mowed to the edge of the channel and plant species within and adjacent to the channel at the time of the field investigation consisted almost entirely of reed canarygrass (Phalaris ", Bill Hughes August 4, 2011 Page 2 • arundinacea) and watercress (Rorippa nastUlTium-aquaticum). Woody vegetation along the stream corridor was generally restricted to one twin red alder (Alnus rubra) tree adjacent the southern portion of the channel. In addition to Kennydale Creek, a disturbed wetland was observed in the northeastern portion of the site. The approximate location of this wetland was mapped during the July 26, 2011 site visit and is depicted on your density calculation sheet (attached). The wetland consists of a shallow topographic depression that appears to extend slightly off-site to the north. Vegetation within the wetland at the time of the site visits included Pacific willow (Salix lasiandra), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus discolor), reed canarygrass, creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens), giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia), Watson's willow-herb (Epilobium watsonil), and scattered skunk cabbage (Lysichitoll americanum). Hydrology within the wetland was generally assumed based on the presence of disturbed hydric soils. Since this wetland is located more than 15 feet from the eastern OHW of the stream, and the maximum possible buffer from this wetland would be 50 feet, the buffer from Kennydale Creek would be more restrictive. The maximum 50-foot buffer is based on the unlikely possibility that the wetland is a Category 2 rather than a more likely Category 3 wetland which requires a 25-foot buffer per RMC 4-3-050M.6.c. Priority Habitats and Species As part of the stream assessment, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's Priority Habitats and Species database was reviewed. This database does not indicate that any priority habitats or species are located on or adjacent the property. In general, the habitat value of the on-site riparian corridor is relatively low due to the historic and on-going vegetation maintenance that has resulted in a low plant species and structural diversity along the stream channel. Conclusion As part of the proposed short-plat, a single-family residence would be constructed within the lawn in the southwestern portion of the site. It is my understanding that since: 1) the proposed residence would be constructed outside of the 35-foot stream buffer and 2) there is no proposed activity within the wetland area located east of the stream, there are no proposed critical area impacts on the site. i _ Bill Hughes August 4, 2011 Page 3 • .. If you have any questions regarding the reconnaissance or stream delineation, please give me a call. Sincerely, ALTMANN OLIVER ASSOCIATES, LLC John Altmann Ecologist , . ' 5-ru-AI'Y\ A~A I 0 i W ~ J).z.. X. If£:, 5 l,bSO . w"--\-LA. ~~ ArLtA t 7 0 K 50 '3 $00 I FIT... J f='-r "Z.. ;._t __ , Tr':;::>P.F.TIIEtr. nr J.,.::.::t'S:5Mons ! too-...... __ .... _..... ~ K n£:;ORDlN~ 1>10 I VOL.!::>~r I 0 __ " .~ SCAl,.(-.. __ ~"~l!l --POIFl"" or -'-3!>"'%-Xc:' ~' 1/1, .nr Tr-It Nt;" 1/..;. Of SEC 5, TWN 2.3 N, RG S ~ W.II~ AQUIFER .PROTECTION NOTICE 1ti! um; ~A1D:l HEJI£lK Tl..l. "' ... ZDfl: :I. (I IID'ltIf! N:U"3I l'RGltrnCh NIEA ;.'It> AAt SUB.LCt W '!IE ~ «' THE on'!:" ItOi'IOrl ~ 1'4357 UC) AS ~ I!"T ~ wo. 47~_ THS c:rtY'5 sa.!" SDJRQ: tf" ~ """-~ IS stM\JOI F\lOW' • !W.UOIa' .o.wrFEJ: UHOER tit: CIl"!"S lVWACf.. 1M91t IS q;;. 1II~'TlJ>.\l 8~ ~ 111'_ .~1[R_ t.\SU fN, (JlIlUI.t; SiR'"Aa.- o:m:r.!f CIJ!( 9tct.l.lJ II!' crnasrn ~ 1tAA~ Nf,Y ua.ltl ~»tCf ono _ .... v to ~l rm)oI .c::JIfAC~ _Ill Nt ~ $UIlF.<CE r. (", t»t -;!tlW[O'IHEl"Ji 1i!S"ONSIBIU'l'r Th "WI'ECT M ~ ~ ""'l'U\. LUA-iY.-XX):-Sf.lPl 1..N£I-)();-lCn:>:: r !Y"mm:tIloI~ ~ ~nor< De5 A\O( N£ .!i: HU, S1Rcrt ;:w l Ill' II" ... ctJI<iU(["I( lID< ;;;AS.!: (0610<1) li/l,1l!-1911 1"~17.I{)W .. WW':I:" t 131<l.!/!:' I ~ ~ 2-~til STR;r.. T"I-· -----T ... ~I~~£ I u::.r, J --'IU L. a 2~~1t i UI. (~ .. 2!I!i.':'::"-' "'-I:: $I! zqr, 5lll(!;_ tJCI> - ~ Jj =*::F!ETE' 10< 1II 0.:::.': , ~11-"fC 1 /':"" RtIJ..:; lit €~7 .. ~n) I ~ CAP_ Lt, n6~:: :!.-~ CF~SE: / I /" {7/~"'11 ,. ';OF"',""· ~~ N S!?iO·3fia ~ :,!5J~ ~: '. t;k~'~ ---r-·~·-ia~(~~?~:; , j~. I -:J:);;,. ! :q; '.;~ .,,:,_.P ,-I-:"'J;~".J :'-' 17 I LO! 2~:~ i " f8"· 12 : 1~,M: ... '", 'I I .' l5"~, t..-----: "t~-E~r,:,.~e-' - a!>-V<;;. t"! -~~!!,,"'" : -, -,5.04' ?"~ ~, ~-i . . f[ '~":.o'..!lt'I< \ ~ "'I" ~: c SURVEY NOTES 1N51RUM9fT. 1'CF03JI G'l _ ;::IT ..... P ... :o. ~11<Ot' ll!lED: FaD ~'151S1: "111 .t..."'U'>.!. flU!I ~ -'M) ~ • ....:; :s,v-cl!l-QS(l D,I;'l!: or ~ 4'1=1 B-\SlS Cf"a.uam:;. ..oe "'',( ..-r to...-:JS1S 0 LEGAL D::S-:Rf?Tl~ Il<t SOO'll-l i'W.f Il' "!Il#,C1 .NoI. Q) Ill..L.iIMIS l.oKr. ... ~U)oI.:..oJ!OCI.I[J'~~"" 1 ., ... ~. -0:: '{> THE ......... ' l>IO<t~ l!;c:<III::Jl!' f III \/tWIll[ Il ~ !> ..... rs.. f>..ct II"-!'lE~ if ) JQofC :t:uorn, ""~~. ~ 11£ IQnH \!Ie fE"1 'WU£OI !l'!l.I.I1rIN ':WE: eaJI'Il"l' U 1QIoC.$T.l.l[ rF ._-~L~ II~';""'_~ :r.'" :::HGltJEER / SURVFfO;' lLlJW,o/. i:N~~ '" LN<!:' :-.:.R~ ,,= r 191_1 pl.JotI sun: t -10; KfNi. filo3llw;Tai ,9s:.I' DWNER :~~ i~ ~~l •• > :0 nJ ~O'Fe ;_~: ' ~~ALt[R r--2. r i\;z ,-'~ 1e:I'':~ ... IL b.",' I ~~ D<cr l~JYt([ n'l"~::w. q ~ m ';;.;.,i ~"it. .. 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T.!Il . ~7 ~.n n!i Ct:Rl!::-IC'" IS' ¥ \ I '-fW!:1:! 1t.\R>::Ii t!l'1aa[ 100>< It, Cl5[, !;I7!ZOIl) NE 2G~h C;TR;:-E, ;-"·I"iil.~.lI!l --;' t",l.~I!..n Wm>S£~" O\&-:::;!OELo.: ~v.: 14:" / tj~ 20th :>W..!:"I. "f((j f'I~ II-! -"" COIot1!C: ~ ..-'-"SI: (in/lOll) , r~l>r~¢flt:.> (! SU'V"'~ -rneat:- i,~' riit'eclia<-_ in CCJI".To."rr'Innc., ~/~~ I t=" T- ~ t:,· \. 'I .7it TOUMA ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS,PLLC l";t:; 01 Ih(' : ..... r""'~· r,,"'C'-"-,l;',; )\ »/ ~.oHdn ... ;>;»)'10<' 'JotS'; ... .<.!.IB-OEcunv.: PAAII: JOEY SHORi PLA I :1208 ...:wE!: ,...\1£ 1'1£ ' W....NTDt>. w. 960SB ~ " 9 t( ~~. '~f!®.,fi . I" , ,~ N\ _ !iI" IJ~ ~~;i~'" QO.I;!JWl>< m-:>r~" !>.Of [-l~ -1CDI1. _ ~ n..... M-" 1Ul" ~~:;-~~:;-'" r·" " I , .. , I '" ., ~ .~'JY _\0l=-> r"'lQ!,,=*"~ (:>4"-' "'~ I !CAll_ I so,.,,-~ ....... '·~l(f . Cen,lkote N .. .38S£>::> ,;» , I' I 0, ~C':>O Fr"Z.. t- ,-------------- Denis Law Mayor • . September 21,2011 . D~partment of Community and Economic Development .. . Alex Pietsch, Administrator Karen Walter Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Di~ision 39015 172 nd Avenue SE Auburn,WA 98092 SUBJECT: JOEY'S SHORT PLAT, LUAll-066, ECF, SHPl-A Dear Ms. Walter: Thank you.for your email of September 7,2Cni regardingJoey's Short Plat, LUAll-066, . ECF,SHPL'A. In that email you ask what the basis is for classifying KennydaleCreek as a Class II Stream in this area and you provide ·suggestions· for stream buffer enhancement. < • " , Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-H50Q, Fig~re 4-3-050Q4 (copy attached) identifies Kennydale Creek as a Class4 stream in this viCinity. Rrvic 4+050L.l.a.iv identifies Class . 4 waters as ·non-salmonid-bearing during years of normal rainfall. A check dam on Lower Kennydale .Creek would likely.renderthe stream course impassable to salmon .. . . -, ' '. . The project is to subdivide the existing pa~cel which would create one additional lot. Both lots would be oriented ea~tjwestand Keni1Ydaletre~k would remain uhtouched . .. The buffer. for Class 4 str~ams isa minirilUm of 35 feet. The applicant is proposing to m'aintainthat buffer and staff will recommend that asplitrailfence be installed along the buffer boundary. Because the 35:foot buffer area will be maintairied,there isno essential nexus to require buffer enhancement. . Itr~st that your concerns have been addres~edi~ this letter. . Please contact me at (425) 430-7382 or gwasser@rentonwa:govifyou have any questions. ···.tt~ Gerald C. Wasser Associate Planner Attachment . .' ~enton City_ Hall • 1 OSS'South ~rady way" _ Rento~, Was~ington 98057 • 're~tonwa:go~ Figure 4-3-050Q4 STREAMS AND LAKES • '&I;,~. r.t N . r..,.:.....,..~'I:",..~;~r&~ __ .. o,I;...;.;..~' • ..,..-r..n.r_ ............... _"-... "'-,_~'I:Ito_.$'.'l..:tl'_ .. '>Ct .• "'. Community & &ooomic De\·dopmcn\ Aka Pid>ch, ~"" ~s.na.tr)l,l ~ft A~ ",,)r.tno.. "**" ~ _....-...... u.re., ......... t.I .... Cli,,~ ................. ....,.-... ___ "_-.,.WUL'IiiI_! .... _I(o~. -",~....--y"""I'-'" • Water Classes 12::.:-;:':! City lim~ -\'Vat.er Ctass 1 -..,.-'va.at~r Clau.3 ,...-., . . L-J PAA Bcmdary _ ..... -Wat-ar Class 2 === v.ater CIEis.a .4 Iitttftft1 CUlvert . Denis Law Mayor • September 21,2011 Department of Community and Economic Development . ., .: Alex Pietsch, Administrator Susan Rider 1835 NE20th Sttreet Renton, WA. 98057 SUBJECT: JOEY'S SHORT PLAT, LUAU-066, ECF, SHPL-A Dear Ms. Hider: . . Thank you for your letter regarding Joey's Sh~rt Plat, LUA11-066,ECF, SHPL-Athat we received on September 9, 2011. Your comments haye b'een added to the file for the decision-maker to consider. While I appreciate thehistoryimd background, as well as the supplemental materials, you provided on Kennydale Creek, this project is for the subdivision of land to create. one additional lot in the Residential-,: 4 dwelling units per acre (R-4) zone, The. classification of Kennydale creek is not at issue.: The project would maintain the minimum 35-foot buffer area required for <iClass 4 stream, .' . i will include yoil as a Party of Record··for Joey'sShort Plat, LUAll~066,ECF, SHPL-A. . '. . . , . . You may contact me at (425) 430"73820rgwasse·r@rentonwa,gov. Gerald C Wasser' Associate Planner '~ .. . . '.~. '.' ~ .. ~ Renton City Hall • 10S5 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentcowa.gov Denis law Mayor September 21, 2011 William E. O'Connor • 921 South Washington Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Department of Community and Economic Development, , ' Alex Pietsch,Administrator ' SUBJECT: JOEY;S SHORTPLAT, LUAU-OGG, ECF, SHPL-A ' Dear Mr. O'Connor:' Thank you for your letter regarding Joey~s Short Plat, LUAU-OG6, ECF, SHPLCA that we received on September7, 2011. Your comments have been added to the file for the decision-maker t; ~onside~. " ' ' ,Your' comments'are much app,reciated~ I~ your'letter you stated that youwe~e certain' ,that Susan·Rider would be contacting me regarding this matter, In fact, Ms. Ri.der did contact me by mail and provided backgro~nd and history, including some supplemental materials regarding Kennydale Creek. This' project is for the subdivision of land to create . one additional lot in the Residential-4 dwelling units per acre (R-4) zone. The' classification of Kennydale Creek is not at issue. The project would maintain the , minimum35-foot buffer area required fora.Class 4 stream. ' , , I will include you as a Party of Record for JoeY's Short Plat,LUAl1-066, ECF, SHPL-A. , . .. .. . . You may contact me at (425) 430-7382 or gwasser@rentonwa.gov. , , , Sincerely, . /~M·. IdCW '" ~, ra . ass r Associate Planner Renton City Hall • 1 ass South Grady Way • Renton, Washi~gton 98057 '. rentonwa.gov • • City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 2011 APPLICATION NO: LUA1 DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 2011 APPLICANT: Wilford H PROJECT MANAGER: Wasser PROJECT TITLE: , Short Plat PROJECT REVIEWER: Jan lilian SITE 0.85 acres EXISTING BLDG AREA uare feet LOCATION: 2208 Jones Avneue NE PROPOSED BLDG AREA SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (Lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 creek, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 s.f.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element 0/ the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major In/ormation Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Air Water ~ 0"'- Plants Land/Shoreline Use 'tilities. Animals Environmental Health PubNc Services .- Energy/ Natural Resources ~~~=·~eet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact itional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date ,. • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVElOPMENT • MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: September 13, 2011 Jerry Wasser, Planner Jan lilian, Plan Review gil Utility and Transportation Comments for Joey's Short Plat 2208 -Jones Ave NE lUA 11-066, ECF I have reviewed the application for West Pacific Short Plat located at 16646 -109th Ave SE and have the following comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER Water service is provided by the City of Renton. There is an 8-inch water main in Jones Ave NE. The existing home at 2208 -Jones Ave NE is served by a %" water meter connected to the water main in Jones Ave NE. SEWER Sewer service is provided by the City of Renton. There is an 8-inch sewer main in Jones Ave NE. The existing home at 2208 -Jones Ave NE is connected to sewer. STORM There is a drainage ditch in Jones Ave NE. STREETS There is new sidewalk, curb, and gutter fronting the site in Jones Ave NE. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER l. The system development fee for water is based on the size of the domestic water meter that will serve the new home on the new lot. The fee for a %-inch water meter install is $2,236.00. 2. The fee for a %-inch meter installed by the City is $2,260.00. 3. All new construction must have a fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 gpm and must be located within 300 feet of the structure. There are fire hydrants in the vicinity that may be counted towards the fire protection of this project, but are subject to verification for being within 300 feet of the nearest corner of the building. If not already in place, a Storz "Quick Connect" fitting will be required to be retrofitted on any existing hydrant approved to serve the site. H:/CED/Planning/Current Planning/PROJECTS/ll-066.Jerry/Plan Review Comments LUA 1l-066.doc ------------------------------------~ Joev's Short Plat -LUA11-066 Page 2 of 2 September 13, 2011 SEWER • • 1. The System Development fee for sewer is based on the size of the new domestic water to serve the new home on the new lot. The sewer fee for a %-inch water meter install is $1,591.00. SURFACE WATER 1. The Surface Water System Development fee is $1,012 per new lot. Credit is given to the existing home. This fee is payable prior to issuance of the construction permit. 2. Small project drainage review is required for any single-family residential project that will result in 2,000 square feet or more of new impervious surface, replaced impervious surface, new plus replaced impervious surface, or 7,000 square feet of land disturbing activity. If the project exceeds anyone of these thresholds, a drainage plan and drainage report will be required with the site plan application. The report shall comply with Appendix C of the 2009 King County Surface Water Manual and the City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWM, Chapters 1 and 2. Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls within the Flow Control Duration Standard, Forested Conditions. 3. A geotechnical report for the site is required. Information on the water table and soil permeability, with recommendations of appropriate flow control BMP options with typical designs for the site from the geotechnical engineer, shall be submitted with the application. TRANSPORTATION/STREET 1. The transportation mitigation fee of $717.75 may be assessed for the new lot. Credit is given to the existing home. This fee is expected to be replaced with an impact fee sometime within the next year which will likely be higher and vested at the time of building permit. 2. Street improvements are not required. 3. The maximum width of a single loaded garage driveway shall not exceed nine feet (9'), and double loaded garage driveway shall not exceed sixteen feet (16'). General Comments 1. All construction utility permits for drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. 2. When the utility plans are complete, please submit three (3) copies of the drawings, two (2) copies of the drainage report, permit application and an itemized cost of construction estimate, and application fee at the counter on the sixth floor. 3. All subdivisions shall provide water, sewer, and storm stubs to each new lot prior to recording of the plat. 4. Separate permit and fees will be required for the water meter installation, side sewer connection, and storm water connection. H:/CED/Planning/Current Planning/PROJECTS/11-066,Jerry/Plan Review Comments LUA 11-066.doc CityO!Rlton DepartmentotCammunity & Econ~mic D!/opment Db" " ,r,eli. :j,' "",,,..;;;) EN V I RON MEN TAL & DE VEL 0 P MEN TAP P Lie A T ION REV IE wlT,g' f.l1flil:1'llON REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: '"rIM ~ if A ..J COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 9, 201fUG ~ 6 2011 APPLICATION NO: LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL·A DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 26,2011 RECEIVt=n APPLICANT: Wilford Hughes PROJECT MANAGER: Jerry Wasser PROJECT TITLE: Joey's Short Plat PROJECT REVIEWER: Jan lilian SITE AREA: 0.85 acres EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): 1,230 square feet LOCATION: 2208 Jones Avneue NE PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) NjA SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (Lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 creek, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 s.t.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained: -Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More En1lironment Minor MoJor In/ormation Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housin, Air Woter KS ies lare Plants Land/Shoreline Use Animals ~ion. Environmental Health , Energy/ Natural Resources Aif:::,;,., B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ~~M-L%t.O :> JeA#A7h?'~~~ We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise anCf1i'avr!"identijied areas of probable impact . -~""f~"~""""'.M~"""~~"_' ~. cr/I7!fI I • • 5# 883 TRANSPORTATION MITIGATION FEE Project Name: Joey's Short Plat Project Address: 2208 Jones Avenue NE Contact Person: Wilford Hughes Permit Number: LUA11-066 Project Description: 2-[01 SFR short p[al with existing home SEPA triggered Land Use Type: Method of Calculation: X Residential o Retail DNon-retaii X ITE Trip Generation Manual, 8 th Edition Calculation: 2-1= 1 x 9.57 = 9.57 ADT 9.57 x $75.00 = $717.75 Transportation Mitigation Fee: $717.75 o Traffic Study o Other (210) SFR 9.57 trips/DU Calculated by: ....:K..:.: . .:.:K:.::.itt:::..r:.::ic:.:.k __ ~~~ __________ Date: 8/29/2011 I Date of Payment: ______________________________________________________ __ • • DEVELOPMENT SERVICES City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET &lIl'nl\ REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: T ron""1 . .x IrhliCf\ ~ .. " COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 9, 2OJ..\... __ .. APPLICATION NO: LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-~ DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 26, 2011 APPLICANT: Wilford Hughes PROJECT MANAGER: Jerry Wasser PROJECT TITLE: Joey's Short Plat PROJECT REVIEWER: Jan lilian SITE AREA: 0.85 acres EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): 1,230 square feet LOCATION: 2208 Jones Avneue NE PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (Lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 creek, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 s.f.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor MoJor In/ormation Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Air Water Plants iii Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Environmental Health Energy/ Natural Resources Feet Af~E i,OOOFeet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional i'!formation is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date ~-~. ~----• • Cfi'Y fYI RI!tJ'I'(».I CoWl'\. .L-{: <;"" \ f WI SEP 09,2011 \\c,......o..~: Mr. Gerald Wasser-RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Shoeking-but not surprising-would best deseribe our neighborhood's reaedon to the belated posdng for the proposed .Joey's short plat. In spite of our submitdng hundreds of photos and letters, testiDlony from many 10ngtiDle area residents, letters from both the Washington State DepartiDent of Eeology and the Washington DepartiDent of Fish and Game ageneies, and a stream study eondueted by the WUd Fish Conservaney organizadon-whieh has been In the City's possession sinee 2008-the plat appUeadon is referring to KeDDydale Creek as a elass 4 Intermittent stream. We have provided Ineon~vertible proof that this ereek NEVER dries up, even in the most protraeted dry weather at the end of sumDler (see enelosed photos, taken today) and we find it indefensible that the City eondnues to maiDtain the fiedon that this ereek is anything less than a Class 3. The elassifieadon should have been upgraded years ago, espeeially after we had hand-deUvered theWUd Fish Conservaney study to Chip Vineent In Deeember of 2008. Although we had submitted all of our dooUDlentadon prior to the ehange in the City's proeess to upgrade the .stream elassifieadon, we sdll met the eriteria estabUshed In 2009. • 2008- Letter from Larry Fisher, Hahitat Biologist for • Washington Department of Fish and Game retplesting elassifleadon be upgraded, due to the presenee of erayfish and other unidentified fish in the ereek. 2008- Stream study from WUd Fish Conservaney, aeeepted by City of Renton Administrator Chip Vineent We note that In spite of the re-elassifleadon of both Honey and Maplewood Creeks, the City has failed In its' stated goals of preserving and proteeting our erideal areas where it eoneerns Kennydale Creek. We are urging you to reetify this situadon inllnediately to prevent the eosdy appeals and Udgadon we would all prefer to avoid. . We are eneloslng a number of supporting doeuments to help you determine the faets of this ease, and we have many more boxes of doeuments available if you should need them. Thank you for your prompt eonsideradon of this matter. Sineerely, Susan Rider Kennydale Crideal Areas Allianee 183S NE 20th St Renton, WA . (425)228-8711 • • State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE Region 4 Office: 16018 'Mill Creek Boulevard -Mill Creek, Washington 98012 -(425) 775-1311 October 12, 2006 Erika Conkling, Senior Planner City of Renton Economic Development Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Ms. '~onkling: SUBJECT: Proposed Determination of Non-significance; Kennydale Blueberry Farm Rezone, File Number CPA 2006-M-02, Kennydale Creek and Its Associated Wetlands, Tributary to Lake Washington '\ /1 The Washington Department ofFish and Wildlife (WDFW) has reviewed the above-referenced Proposed Determination of Non-significance, and offers the following comments at this time, Other comments may be offered if the project progresses. A Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA; RCW 77.55.021/WAC 220-110; to be issued by WDFW) would be required for activity affecting the natural bed or flow of the stream or its associated wetlands. The stream on the property is the upper end of Kennydale Creek and should be classified at least as a class 2 perennial stream. It supports crayfish and other unidentified fish species. The wetlands are a rare peat soil based system of very high value, especially if restored and given adequate buffering, WDFW believes it is imperative to preserve and protect these wetlands, as directed by the Growth Management Act (GMA), and it would be contradictory to the GMA to rezone this property and allow dense residential development, particularly without a carefully planned and implemented mitigation plan. Development of the property without such a plan would result in disruption ofthe natural drainage and the degradation of the quality of the stream and wetland system. WDFW also notes the buffers widths being considered are inadequate to protect this very sensitive system. Furthermore, WDFW believes it would be premature to evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed rezone without a proper wetland delineation and a full biological evaluation. The SEPA checklist is lacking key information concerning fish and wildlife use of the site and the area near the site. A variety of wildlife species (including great blue herons, osprey, pileated woodpeckers, deer, ducks, and shorebirds) have been observed using this area for habitat, but Ms. Conkling October 12, 2006 Page 2 • • that is not mentioned in the SEPA checklist. Nor does the checklist even mention.the existence of the wetland. As it is, there is no scientific basis by which to evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed rezone on the wetland or stream system or the fishlife and wildlife which use it for habitat. This proposal should not proceed without further study and a plan to restore the wetland and its buffers: WDFW appreciates the cooperation of the City of Renton in our efforts to preserve, protect, perpetuate, and manage the fish and wildlife resources of the state of Washington. Thank you for the opportunity to provide these comments. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 649-7042 or fisheldf@dfw.wa.gov. Sincerely, Larry Fisher Area Habitat Biologist LF:lf:CORBlueberryFarm.s.doc cc: WDFW SEPA Coordinator ~-.-------------------------------• • STATE OF W ASHTNGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY MI~tl/lveSI Regiol/al Office. 3190 16f/" A,'ellue SE. Bel/evlle, Wa"ll/lIgIOli 98008-5452. (425) 649-70{){) October 16, 2006 Ms. Erika Conkling, Senior Planner City of Renton lOSS S Grady Way . Renton, W A 98055 Dear Ms Conkling: RE: Comments on SEPA DNS for KennydaJe Blueberry Farm Rezone, LUA05-159 Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed DNS dated October 2, 2006, for a rezone of the Kennydale Blueberry Farm property from Resource Conservation (RC) to R-4. The Department of Ecology believes that the proposed rezone will pose a significant risk-of adverse impacts to wetlands on this property, and to the beneficial functions that the wetlands provide to the watershed .. The DNS does not adequately evaluate this risk. ' The SEPA checklist attached to the DNS notes that the lower two-thirds of the parcel is covered by I to 5 feet of "soft peat." The Soil Survey of King County Area (Snyderet al. 1973) maps this soil as Shalcar muck, a hydric (wetland) soil. Evidence indicates that the site holds a large remnant of an important wetland system maintained by shallow groundwater and by a spring that flows out of the adjoining greenbelt on the east. As the SEPA checklist notes, the surface water ftom this spring flows north via a ditch just inside the parcel's eastern border and ultimately through Kennydale to Lake Washington. A "Special Focus Issue Paper on the Kennydale Blueberry Farm" (Issue Paper) was included in the information packet for the Renton Planning Commission meeting of November 2, 2005. This Issue Paper noted that the "soft soils" covering about two-thirds of the parcel would have to be "removed and replaced with suitable fill" in order to build homes on the site. The Issue Paper states that "a wetland area mapped over a portion of the Blueberry farm" is the basis for requesting a wetland evaluation. After discussing the site's potential for residential development, the issue paper cautions: . "Depending upon the results of a wetland analysis, this type of activity may not be allowed under current regulations." The paper concludes that existing information on drainage or wetland conditions is outdated and that updated information is needed before a zoning decision can be made. We agree. \ Ms. Erika Conkling September 16, 2006 Page 2 • • Unfortunately, the proposed DNS says nothing about the updated info~ation that the issue paper said was needed. The proposed action could very well lead to the destruction of wetlands, including replacement of organic soils by fill. Muck and peat soils are extraordinarily effective at improving water quality by removing toxins and other pollutants. They also retain disproportionate volumes of stormwater and release it slowly. Such functions are vital to the health of the watershed, the municipal infrastructure, and Lake Washington. A delineation, rating, and function assessment of wetlands on the parcel should be a prerequisite to any land-use decision that could affect their fate . . The wetland study should also evaluate the effect of "improvements in drainage of the property," including "a major dewatering in 2004," which the issue paper said the property owner reported. What was the nature of the dewatering? Could it have resulted in adverse impacts to aquatic resources or other sensitive areas? Did it involve work below the ordinary high water mark or divert or change the natural flow? Thank you for taking these concerns into account. Please call or e-mail me with any questions or for further discussion. I can be reached at (425) 649-4447. Sincerely, Richard K. Robohm Wetland Specialist RKR:rc cc: Anne Fritzel, Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development Pam Erstad, Washington Department ofFish & Wildlife Jeff Davis, Washington Department ofFish & Wildlife Donna Bunten, Ecology CAO Review Coordinator Erik Stockdale, Wetlands Specialist, Ecology Northwest Regional Office • • Wild Fish Conservancy , , September 23, 2008 The Wild Fish Conservancy (WFC) petfonned a stream assessment survey on Kennydale Creek, at tributary to Lake Washington in Renton, WA on September 18, 2008 (Figs.I-3). The objective of the survey was to evaluate the summer low-flow characteristics of the watershed and to deScribe the likely impacts of continued degradation of the creek's watershed. Figure 1. Kennydale Creek field assessment locations. --------------------------------------------------------------------• • Fig.2. Upper Kennydale Creek study reach in Renton, W A. Field assessment locations are represented by the yellow stars. . 2 ,------------------------------------------------------• • Fig.3. Lower Kennydale Creek study reach in Renton, W A. Field verification locations are represented by the yellow stars. Results The channel was wetted and stream flow was easily discemable at all four locations (fable I, Figures 4- 5). The channel meets the physical criteria for, fish habitat established by the Washington State in WAC 222-16-031: at least 2.0 foot bankfull width and less than 16% gradient. The documented presence of perennial aquatic invertebrates, including the relatively pollution-intolerant families Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera, indicates the stream channel has not gone dry in recent years. Compromising the condition of Kennydale Creek through the addition of impervious area and the associated storrnwater runoff will further degrade the condition of the stream (fable 2). The South Puget Sound Forum Indicators Report (TRPC, 2006) summarizes the local impacts of impervious area: "Among other variables, studies have found a strong relationship between the amount of impervious surface and forest cover in a basin or watershed, and the bealth of streams and other water resources. The greater the 'amount of .impervious area and the corresponding loss of forest cover, the less water that is absorbed into the ground -being filtered naturally and slowly returning to our ground water or stream systems. Increased surface runoff leads to more pollution in our· streams and inlets, to higher and increased numbers of flood events, and to degradation of our streams and stream beds." (South Puget Sound Environmental Quality -Economic Vitality Indicators Report, July 2006). King County's May Creek Basin Plan (2001), developed for the Lake Washington tributary immediately to the north of Kennydale Creek, states: " " I . , 3 ---------------• • "Development activities within the basin have historically degraded stream and wetland habitats. Filling of wetlands, increased stormwater runoff and peak: stream flows, addition of sediment and pollutants to the water, and removal of coniferous forest cover have contributed to the degradation of local habitat in the basin." Table I. Wild Fish Conservancy observations from field verification locations (Figures 1-3), September IS 2OOS. -_U -UtIIudo 1.0_ WIdth Width -Plow - A N47.50932 W 122.19424 2 feet 4 feet mud Ves Ditched SIr88m ohannel.1IOft mud oubsIrato. rood canary grass rIparia. DItched stream channel, 80ft mud substrate with occaasionaI B N 47.50961 W 122.111462 3 feet • feet mud and_ Yes _. Aquatic macro/nv_as oboarved Included mayfly nymphs. caddisfly larvae. and amphlpods. C N 47.51297 W 122.19756 3teel 4 feat cobble and sand Yes WaJl_ sJream corridor. Water Is cJear and cool. Aquatic lnvenebrales observed, arne as B. 0 N 47.51308 W 122.19738 3 feet 6 feet cobble and sand Ves WeD·shaded stream conidor. Water Is dear and 0001. Aquatic invertebrates observed, same as B. Table 2. bnpacts from Increases of bnpervious Surfaces, from Thurston Regional Planning Council, 2003. R It I t Incn'a~!('d Irnpl:fVIOU!!n{'!! Halu!;11 ChanOl I Strl'arnt)l'd lead! to FloodlnQ LOllS EroSIOn wldunlOQ alt.·ratlon Increesed volume x x x X x Increesed peak flow X x x x x Increased peek flow duration x X x X X ChongeS in sediment loading X X X X X Decreased base flow X In~eased stream temperature X Increased s~eam acidity 'x Increased water poVution X SOt'RC£S: (GRA.'1T. ZOOO: l'RBA!-lZAno~ A.'lD SlREA.\!S; STLlllES OF HlllROLOGIC IMPAC1S. 1997). Kennydale Creek mayor may not currently support a fish population, but there is no doubt that it contributes water and aquatic invertebrates to Lake Washington and therefore affects the water qliality and, in part, the integrity, of Lake Washington. Lake Washington supports chinook salmon and steelhead listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act; as well as sockeye and coho salmon; kokanee; resident and sea-run cutthroat trout; and a wide variety of native non-salmonids. Bull trout, also listed as threatened under the ESA, have been documented in Lake Washington. Many of these fish, including juvenile chinook salmon, spend a significant amount of time rearing and feeding in tbe Lake Washington littoral (nearshore) habitats that are fed by small streams including Kennydale Creek. While the streams themselves are small, they are numerous and the cumulative effects of their degradation can have significant implications for the health and productivity of Lake Washington and the fish that live there. 4 , .. . , • • Figure 5. Stream D on September 18. 2008 . approximately 30 feet downstream from the culvert outlet under NE 240b Street. Flow Conditions: 5 . . • • Evidence that the survey results from September 18, 2008 are representative of summer low-flow conditions can be found in adjacent watershed stream flow data. Provisional stream flow data from USGS National Water Information System (http://waterdata.usgs.gov/wa/nwisluv?cb 00060=0n&forrnat-gif stats&period-30&site no= 12120000) demonstrate that flows in the Mercer Creek watershed, a Lake Washington tributary north of Kennydale creek, were 5.4 cfs at the time of Wild Fish Conservancy's Kennydale survey, well below the median flows experienced on September 18 during the past 54 years (Figure 6) and the mean monthly flows during the past 62 years. USGS 12128888 IlERCER CREEJC NEAR BELLEVUE. itA 388.8 r---------------------------------------------~----, 1 , 1 1 • 288.8 188.8 t 18.8 Cl 4.8~--------------------------------------~~----~ Rug 38 Sep 88 Sep 19 Sep 28 ----Provisional Data Subject to Revision ---- ;:, "edian dally statistic (54 !/liars) --Diacharee STATISTICS OF MONTHLY MEAN DATA FOR WATER YEARS 1945 ·21107, BY WATER YEAR (WYI 001 Nov Deo Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Mee .. Ib.K .~2.l) 40.0 .)(1$ )).7 21.),5 21.tI 14.7 12.4 X.7) ~.fl2 Ma. 44.4 77,3 70.7 1<4$ b1.1 "7." .w.') 27.'2 2~.K Itl5 ~I.~ 1M) (I~H2) CW(7) ( 1')97) i20llbj IIt)Yfl) ( It17Z, (J9t}l) IP)%) ( 19K;) ( jtJl)7 I 12()()~) Min 7.42 11.0 1(1.5 15.1) I().~ 10504 ~.IH) MAS :U~ J.22 ).25 1M) C!OO.') i 1~771 t ItJ77) 11977) ( 19~J) 11110.;) c~mj) ( 1l./,5X) IIIJ:'\K) tl95x) IIWSI Sep 11.2 22.~ ( 1l)7KJ s.o; (1955) Figure 6. August and September 2008 USGS Stream Flow Data for Mercer Creek, a Lake Washington tributary north of Kennydale Creek. Please feel free to contact me with any questions about Wild Fish Conservancy's surveyor this report. Sincerely, Jamie Glasgow, M.ScL Director of Science and Research Wild Fish Conservancy 425n88-1167 www.wildfishconservancy.org 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The Honorable Jay V. White Trial Date: Monday, Dec. 15,2008 Trial Time: 9:00 a.m. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR KING COUNTY KENNYDALE CRITICAL AREAS ALLIANCE, a Washington non-profit OOlJlOration, and SUSAN RIDER, Petitioners, v. CITY OF RENTON, Ii Washington Municipai Corporationj and RICHARD LAURALEE GORDLEY, husband and wife, . Res ndents. .. NO.08-2-21823-6KNT ~. 1)';",,(, I,..c, [IUS !Ed] ORDER C;;ib~41 III PETITIONERS' MOTION TO SUPPLEMENT TIiE RECORD TInS MATTER having come on for hearing pursuant to the motion of Petitioners (')6,x,..Ifr- [RllefCIJ£'I 'j ORDER t;!R:'dR'BlO PETITIONERS' MOTION TO SUPPLEMENT THE RECORD-I OR\GlNAL GENDLER 80 MANN. LLP '424 hurlh Avenul. 8ulht1016 Seettl., WA 9'101 Phon.: 1201' 82'~.B8 fiX: 120eltlZt-oB1Z w~se:Dl BDD~ D~ ~DW Dated this ~ dayof N~ 2008. u .. t;:'---- 1 2 3 4 TIm JAY V. WHITE KINO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE 5 6 7 8 Presented by: GENDLER & MANN. LLP 9 By: 10 11 ey fur Petitioners 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ()ti.x,tI'" [PIUiil SS!!D] ORDER an 111$ ro PETITIONERS' MOTION TO SUl'PLEMENT TIlE RECORD-2 GENDLER .. MANN. LLP 1424 Fourth Awn" •• Blafg 1D1I &00lil0. W/4 BB'O' Phan&: CZ081 821.aasa F .. : 1208) 12,..06,\2 ~~~;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~,;;;;;;---;;;;;;;-;;;"",,-;;;;;;;;-~;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;,,;;,;;;;;;--~-- - - ---- PROJECT /LUAll-066, ECF, a-A ~ NUMBER: _ ~ IPROJECT NAME: 16'5 Short Plat I EJ Application requesting Environmental (SEPAl Review and Administrative Short Description: _ Plat approval to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel Into two lots. The two . resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (Lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (Lot 2): Kennydal~ Creek, a aass 4 creek, is present and bisects the site. A category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 s.f.) Is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 dU/net acre. The site Is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. IGeneral Locatlon:112208 Jones Avenue NE llone: IIResidential-4 dwelling units per acre (R-4) IPublic Approvals: IIEnvlronmental (SEPA) Review, Administrative Short Plat approval IProJect Manager: IIGerald Wasser, tel: 425-43Q-.7382, email: awasser@rentoowa·goy Applicant/ProJect Wilford Hughes, WH Huges CO.; 14401 Issaquah Hobart Road; Issaquah, WA Contact Person: 98027 Date of Application: Notice of Complete Application: comments may be Submitted through: jAugust 8,2011 [August 26 2011 Map: The map be/ow Is for Illustrative purposes only. In the event of omiSSions, errors or differences, the documents In CEO's files will control. alck on map to be directed to the aty's GIS Portal. IDeclslonCs): II Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Gerald Wa .... r, Project Manager, CED -Planning Dlvtslon by 5:00 p.m. on September g, 2011, If you have questions about this pn.posal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mall, contact the Project Manager at 425-430-7382. Return to top of page. w . . (J1 ~ Office of the City Clerk 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98057-3232 1"\, tii\~~ ~ (.I.I~~~o ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED • ~-:J ----- Gerald Wasser From: Sent: To: • Karen Walter [KWalter@muckleshoot.nsn.usj Wednesday, September 07,2011 11 :14 AM Gerald Wasser • Subject: Joey's Short Plat, LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A, Notice of Application and Proposed Determination of Non-Significance, Mitigated Jerry, The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division has reviewed the Notice of Application materials for the above referenced project. We have a question and initial comment about this project as noted below: 1. Per the Critical Areas Review for this site (Altmann Oliver Associates Aug 2011), Kennydale Creek through this site is considered a Class 4 stream by Renton. What is the basis for this classification? According to the surveyors configuration of the stream and wetland onsite, the stream is 10 feet wide. If the stream is this wide, then it suggests that the stream is capable of supporting salmon. Please provide the data that Renton has to support the classification of Kennydale Creek at this location. 2. The Critical Areas Review also notes that the stream is currently ditched and mowed to the edge of the channel. As part of the short plat, the stream buffer should be enhanced with native trees and shrubs to improve habitat and water quality and shade out the existing reed canarygrass. We appreciate the opportunity to review this proposal and look forward to the City's responses. We may have comments subsequently. Thank you, Karen Walter Watersheds and Land Use Team Leader Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division 39015172"d Ave SE Auburn, WA 98092 253-876-3116 1 --------------------------------------~ , .,,-. • • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: M EM 0 RAN 0 U September 8,2011 Jerry Wasser Bob Mac oni9 . . Joey Short Plat, LUA-ll-066-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review M I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Project Manager: Please note that the application notes that Lorraine Taylor is the owner but since the application has conveyed her interest in the property at issue to the applicant, via deed· under recording number 20110815000255. Comments for the Applicant: A portion of the block of text associated with City of Renton Mon # 369 is illegible. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-ll-066- SHPL and LND-20-0565, respectively, on the final short plat submittal. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Provide a direct tie to two City of Renton Survey Control Network monuments. The geometry will be checked by the city when provided. Provide sufficient information to determine how the short plat boundary was established. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. h:\fi1e sys\lnd -land subdivision & surveying records\lnd-20 -short piats\0565\rv090911.doc Addressee N arne Page 2 of3 Date of Memo • • Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lots. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. The lot addresses will be provided by the city as soon as possible. Note said addresses and the street name on the short plat drawing. On the final short plat submittal, remove all references pertaining to utilities facilities, trees, concrete, gravel, decks and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary short plat approval. Do note encroachments. Do not include an owner's block oran engineer/surveyor block. Do not include any references to use, density or zoning on the final submittal If the surrounding properties are platted, note the lot numbers and plat name on the drawing otherwise note that the properties are unplatted. Remove the building setback lines from the proposed lots. Setbacks will be determined at the time that building permits are issued. Note the research resources on the short plat submittal. Note ill! easements, covenants and agreements of record on the short plat drawing. The City of Renton "APPROVALS" block is signed by the City of Renton Administrator, Department of Public Works. A pertinent approval block is also needed for the King County Assessor's Office. Provide signature lines as required. All vested owner(s) of the subject short plat, at the time of recording, need to sign the final short plat submittal. Please note that the owner shown on the short plat no longer owns the property and thus cannot be the signatory. Note that if there are easements, restrictive covenants or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. Reference the associated document(s) on the short plat drawing and provide spaces for the recording numbers thereof. h:lfile sysllnd -land subdivision & surveying recordsllnd-20 -short plat~I0565\rv090911.doc .ft", Addressee Name Page 3 of3 Date of Memo • • If there are new private easement(s) proposed with this short plat, include the following statement, juxtaposed to the subject easement: "Area for new private (utilities, access, etc.) easement". Since the new lots created via this short plat are under common ownership at the time of recording, there can be no easement(s) until such time as the lots are conveyed to others, via conveyance documents. The conveying document(s) need to include a statement about the together with and/or subject to specific easement rights. Add the following Declaration of Covenant language on the face of the subject drawing, ltthe previous paragraph applies: DECLARATION OF COVENANT: The owner of the land embraced within this short plot, in return for the benefit to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenants and agrees to convey the beneficial interest in the new easements shown on this short plat to any and all future purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivisions thereof. This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this short plat. If there are no new private easements defined on the subdivision the Declaration of Covenant language currently shown can be removed. If there is to be a Native Growth Protection Easement for the wetland and wetland buffer area please include the relevant language and clearly delineate the area(s) so impacted. h:\file sysllnd -land subdivision & surveying recordsllnd-20 -short plalsl0565lrv09091l.doc ,-" • -_.'--' .--_...... ....... - .... _ _. 1.0," __ l~ He,: Cc9/Ace-r -+0:0 "",IS _.c.la~<:;"~{rb~'_ ~Al!r.~ ~._~~t:; ..... _______ W~~d_lN ... 5_*.~1-«-'5.L1:N_'t_bQ~(UAobl.-~:l"-'r'r:;~ P~I. '" '1., j~ ____ _ _________ _ J.!'.f"r"""<+"'''' .. i.:<:-<>kL~.I/~ ._tk. c:.~e.Ic_IA>.':.LIM-k.!. <l.(' ~ {2{p&c4 __ _ .---r:h~~. ~+~ I'S ... I\.t-._ .... Cl.o,;~ 1, )-"t 1~1 __ £<_C&,S'L.~ _a.L.d,,~/e~.,.,.j ___ .h't-...£f-~ .. -;.f.,;J 7 · q~~d_~y __ i:""_~yj4<J Cuj,'<o.Lkw d(f.I!!.k"~_. .. . <:tt-cl pe./..~ J _~. +t-." (....>,[( 5'dt .. C~<;~!,~,,"c't .NI!L<ff:. Qllvedl..,uJ4 .. ____ . __ _7ftc_s~}y _W<'( --rv..~...4 ."'-r .. f)._/.-<!(tJlI::.. ~f.-f.I:e_&v.t!9J~. '!:J}!.':.",/~t.I~ .. p...,_.+~ ... 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""I{.k~ ~~~ __ ~,.,v4t ... ~ ftt;f_I'Sr,Oe. _' _ .. _ .. _._ . ... _ . ____ .. _._-:tJ' __ 'f0~ jy.\(_~_CH~·'1·r~~~_~, __ ""ttdt~ . .:I-Io.Ls.~~c.(a('rdt!£a~_ .. __ ell< J ... sb!.1'r. y<JY .Wll~ {!crJ. ~f....~~J.,,--_<!-i _4~r. -2.28..-87Il~.__ _ __ .... .. __ . _____ ' .. _ '?1~Lc_ g.V'1._~("-~_.<t -P"-.J., •. o{k~:Lo" .it-.p.o}~ _g~_1~Ju.r... ___ ~_ .Cc>,,--4."'.ve.~_.w.6~k {h_)~Su<!.· ._._ ... ___ '. __ i- -'. ------------.- --_.-------------------------------- ----------------------------- --------------- ----------------------------lH---------- ------- '.iI [I, o (1/ -./ + (.J N ~J N --- :-:- -- ' .. • I , City o.ton Department of Community & Economi.elopment EN V I RON MEN TAL & D EVE LOP MEN TAP P L I ~ • ., IV.. '~ SHE E T REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ~(\YYliG . 'Dev; COMMENTS D~E: SEPTEMBER 9,2011\\ APPLICATION NO: LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULAT~ AUGUST 26,2011 ) APPLICANT: Wilford Hughes PROJECT MANAGER:"'Jer ~ . PROJECT TITLE: Joey's Short Plat PROJECT REVIEWER: Jan lilian SITE AREA: 0.85 acres EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): 1,230 square feet LOCATION: 2208 Jones Avneue NE PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/ A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (Lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek: a Class 4 creek, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 s.f.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major In/ormation Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Ligh Glare Plants Recreation Lond/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14 000 Feet 8. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional infarmation is needed to properly assess this proposal. q/(4/11 • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • City o.ton Deportment of Community & Economi.etopment ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER APPLICATION NO: SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST APPLICANT: Wilford PROJECT MANAGER: Wasser PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT REVIEWER: Jan lilian SITE AREA: 0.85 acres EXISTING BLDG AREA are feet LOCATION: 2208 Jones Avneue NE PROPOSED BLDG AREA SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (Lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 creek, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 s.f.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Element 0/ the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Eorth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LiQht/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health -Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,OOOFeet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS ~ tX1-ZfU)~~ in ~J;o C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ~CUA /U)~~1o £lJo/ We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact ti n is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date - --------------- • .... ~ , ~ -iii'''''' • CITY OF RENTON • FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM DATE: August 29,2011 TO: Jerry Wasser, Associate Planner FROM: Corey Thomas, Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT: Preliminary Comments for Joey's Short Plat Environmental Impact Comments: 1. The fire mitigation impact fees are currently applicable at the rate of $488.00 per single family unit. This fee is paid prior to recording the plat. No charge for existing home. Code Related Comments: 1. The fire flow requirement for a single family home is 1,000 gpm minimum for dwellings up to 3,600 square feet (including garage and basements). If the dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, a minimum of 1,500 gpm fire flow would be required. A minimum of one fire hydrant is required within 300-feet of the proposed buildings and two hydrants if the fire flow goes up to 1,500 gpm. Existing hydrants can be counted toward the requirement as long as they meet current code, including 5-inch storz fittings. There is one existing hydrant within 300-feet. There is adequate fire flow in the existing 8-inch water main. 2. Fire department apparatus access roadways are adequate. CT:ct joeyssp .... •• '~' i:. City o.ton Department of Community & Economi.elopment ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 'Fi rG COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 9, 2011 APPLICATION NO: LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 26, 2011 APPLICANT: Wilford Hughes PROJECT MANAGER: Jerry Wasser PROJECT TITLE: Joey's Short Plat PROJECT REVIEWER: Jan lilian SITE AREA: 0.85 acres EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): 1,230 square feet LOCATION: 2208 Jones Avneue NE PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) N/ A SHEET SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (Lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 creek, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 s.f.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be Lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two-lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housin, Air Water Plants Land/Shoreline Use ~~ 'f£":: es Animals Environmental Health Energy/ Natural Resources ~/Sto:~C~:.~I~U'OI A:,!?';;l: 14 Illln ~~~, 8. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional in/ormation is needed to properly assess is proposal. 7 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON_SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) UAn: PIlOJECT NUMIlR, PIlOJECT NAME: """wi 16, 2011 WAl1..Q66, ECF,SHPL· .... JOIy'.ShortPIaI PIlOIECTOESCRIPTlON: Mpllant flqU"U to subdMde I 16.841 .qu,,' fool ~lUllnlo two 101 •. rho two , .. "It In, lot' would M 11,88Z ,.f. (lot 1).nd 18,965 • .1. (lot 2f. Kln"velilo ete.k, I O .. S 4 <;fH" ~ 11<"'""1 Ind bl •• t\llne ,Itl, A COI"1I0IY 1 or 1 wotllnd (3,500 ,.1.)11 pre.lnt on th. """M.1t portion 01 tho site. 80th proposed loti _uldilin "",,51 from lonet ",VI"'" NE. "n •• lollnl hou ••• nd lwo ,h.dl ,ro located on whit would'" Lot 1. Th. "I<I'tlng bulldl", •• re propo • ..o to b. "'lol""d, Onci tho .... tllnd."" nmm Ire, Is deduct" 1M relu1tlnc net d .... ..,p,&bie "u Is o.n luel. "'Iwo--ll>t short pllt would yield' den.lty of 2.14 du/net .er •. Tho ,Ite I ••• n.rally ~.t. Tho proJlct .. qui". Sf,A environmental "vlew.nd $I>o<t plat Ippr"""l. PIlOJlCT LOCATION: ll08 )On" IlYlIIUe NE O",ONAI. OlTERMINAnON Of NON.SlGNIFICANa. MmGATED (ONS-M): AI tnt Lead AaoMey, thft City 01 R~nton hll dltl,ml""d Ihlt II,nlllconl Invl,onm.ntollm~cts ... ""nhty to I • ..., !rem 1M pmpo.ed p.ojed. The .. Ic,e. If permitted und"the RCW .3.21(,110. the OtyolRenton I. ullna th' Optional DNS-M pr«ell to I"" OOlite Ihll I ONS. M Is Ilkd,. 10 1>0 Is,",d. Commlnt perlcJd' lor \hi projod ,nd tllo p<Opolld (m5oM , .. Inte~t.d "to I .1011• o;ommenl period. Thor. will be na commonl period follawlol Ih. 111uonci of Ihl Th .. mokl ~"rmlnllkln al Non- Sllnlflconco.Mltjpted (ONs-M). A l~-dav Ipptll perlod wUllcRow 1110 I ...... nc. oflh, ONS-IvI. PlRMIT APl'UCATION OAT(: August a, 1011 Nona OF COMPLETE APPUCAnON, AUB"tI 16.1011 APPUC"-NT/PIIOJECf CONTACT PERSON: Wilford HUlhH;W.H. HUlhll ta.; l~~Oll"o~ulh Hobart A.,.d; I ... ~uh,. W"" lion '"rmIU/1\rIIro< RoquaIlld: OthorhnnlU .... hldr may lot .. qulrod: t.ccatlon whl" .ppll~lon mov 1>0,...-1..-..1, PUIUC HEARINGt CONSISfENCY QVt:Rvt[W: zonl"lf!.and U'" Enolranmonurl !SEPA) A.vll .... , "-'imlnl'lrlllvl Short Pili opp.o",,1 Hyd"uUc Plrmit Appro .. '. Con.tructlon p,rmlt I)oplrtmonl 01 Community. E_omlc O .... lopm.nt (CEO) -PI,nnlo, Olvl,'on. 5h.tIr floor ~.nton CIty Hili, 10S5 50utIr Grady Way, R.nto ... WA 91051 '" ThI.ubject lite Is dn1lnlled R •• ldlnll.1 Singi. Ftmllv (RSFj on the City of Renlon Comprl~en!fv"I tind use M~p.nd R~lldlnllll.' (11-8)011 thl City's Zanln, MOP. If you wouIdlilto 10 lie mlde I party of record to rlce"'o '",Iho, I"form'lion on Ihi. propolld PfOllct. o;omplol' thi. form and rltum 10: City 01 Renlon, aD _ Pllnnl"1 0/YbI0II, lOSS So. G'Wy Way. Renton, W"" t80S1. Nlme/Rlo NO.: Joey'.SI>ort PI.t/LIJAIHI66. fCF, SKPL·,," . ... ,,------------------ M,,"IUNG.lDDRESS: ________________________ _ TEI.f.PKONENO.: ________ _ Envlronml_1 Docvmo"UI...6. 'nlualll the ~_"'I'fol~'" EnvlRmmentll (SEP""J Chodll:ot o....Io_tR .... UtiofIS U,.d for P",jlct MttllltlO": ,.".,.,. ... Mltllltlon Moa.u ... , Thl p"'llcl win be lubllet 10 tn. Clty'l SEPA o-n:Ilnonco, ftMC.·7·07D, IIMC4-3- 050.1... ~MC '·3-C1O.M, M«: .·J-ll0 Ind owr Ippligoblo cod .. Ind .. ",III!cf1'''"ppmptlltl. TIM followll1l Mltllillon Mil ... "' ..... In 1\Io:.Jy 1>0 Imposed on the II"II'OIId project. Thll •• eccmmendld MIIII"llon Me .. u". oddr ... proJ.ct Imp~cts nol cOYe",d by '''''tIne cod," Ind rqulltloRl .. r;Ittd .bon. :,;;:~kotr~b:.,:=;o fcI/cw rIIf 'ocommlndollo,u of Ih. GIf<lIiW>nIcG' Ropr:>tt with regord to ,110, TItt opp/lcGnl wiN H nq.nr.d 10 kutoll eoru/tud:l"" end .torbl conlm/ fmdrJg on fht wort JIM of rho '"fir 10 ~nt '"'ru,1OII1II1O rIIf fIT.om buffo •. TItt '''''1111 mUl' H In.rcllod (IfIor 10 rhl (UIIIInn' of tonlffll(flon <>nd/or INNding p.rmIb ond ",moln rmtll rho ccmpl.1Ion of c""strvctlorl. Commlrrts 110 tho 1_ 'ppllcatlon ml,ml 1>0 ... ttmlttoJd In .. rttInf; to C; .... 1cI WI ..... ",.-u. pt,""". ceo _ P'.n"'", Olvillon, 1055 !ovth andy Wrt. ft.-. WA tlO!>1. by 5:110 PM on So",lmbor 9. 2011. lI"(t1u hno qUIIUOnlli>otJl !hI. pro", .. ', or wish 10 be midi I porty of ,"cord.mj "C.lvlldditloo.1 notillariion by mill, Contlc! lho Pro/eCI "' ........ Anyone .... 110 IIIbmlU WlItto" o;o""""nts .. 1R .ulomatlcll!v become I puty 01 roo;ord and....m be ""Un,d Qlonydlcls"m on !hI. project. CONTACT PERSON: Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7382; Eml: gwasserl@rentonwa.gov PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CAlUNG FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION /' / CERTIFICATION I, ~ 4< tI'2 ~M~erebY certify that ..;.:.z....:,.0" were posted in,;;:l:-conspicu;~s p,aces or nearby the Date: ~d;of( STATE ;Z WA£lINGTON COUNlY OF KING ) ) 55 ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory' evidence that G-"( m [el I Q C'-'iS if signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument_ Notary Public in~he State of Washington Notary (Print): I J J I b __ ~~~·dd~·~b~r.~~~e~( ____________ _ My a ppoi ntment exp i res_: __ --,A::!·.l&I'(j"f-l-'J.;' (s...k:L.--'¢~qL,I--"C}:!O::.I!;,3L_ ____ _ • • CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMic'DEVEi.OPM~NT-P~~~!N~·q.lg.i$!q~:;· AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING . C:\'V' ';:":':Jj. ,-' ",' n.,':;-¢.'-",.;~,~:1'":,,,,~,:_:., _~~ "_~~",_ ... &;;.,, On the 26th day of August, 2011, I deposited in the mails ofthe United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter, Notice of Application, Reduced Site Plan, Environmental Checklist documents. This information was sent to: Agencies See Attached SEPA Registry (emailed) Department of Ecology Wilford Hughes Contact/Applicant Lorraine Taylor Owner 300' Surrounding Proper,ty Owners -NOA only See Attached (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Jennifer Henning signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: "''!8':'-5 ~ il C. dOli ) Notary P blic in and for the State. of Washington Notary (print): ___ .:...~-=-. ""A-'-'-""(7'-'r"'4=<f""'f _____________ _ My appointment expires: ""~ \As.\--OL q I ;;t 0 l3 ;_''''-',,:i'~·('~.~*"''·.,.h~·v.-, 1~~I~5tJlJ.I1]~;.!" Joey's Short Plat ~._. n '-..,. ft~~ . .:;~j~cW.~,in Jl.~r.:· LUA11-066, ECF, SHPL-A template -affidavit of service by mailing • • Dept. of Ecology" Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 WSDOT Northwest Region .. Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers .. Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Boyd Powers· Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Servo Attn: SEPA Section 900 Oakesdale Ave. 5W Renton, WA 98055-1219 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt 201 South Jackson Street K5C-TR-0431 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Seattle Public Utilities Real Estate Services Attn: SEPA Coordinator 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 • AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) WDFW -larry Fisher· Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept ... 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer Issaquah, WA 98027 39015 _172" Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Duwamish Tribal Office .. Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program .. 4717 W Marginal Way 5W Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 KC Wastewater Treatment Division .. Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation· Environmental Planning Supervisor Attn; Gretchen Kaehler Ms. Shirley Marroquin PO Box 48343 201 S. Jackson 5T, M5 KSC-NR-050 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: Steve Roberge Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, A1CP Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director 13020 Newcastle Way 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Municipal liaison Manager Steve lancaster, Responsible Official Joe Jainga 6200 South center Blvd. PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01 W Tukwila, WA 98188 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 "'Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the notice of application. template· affidavit of service by mailing 334450016509 ALLISON PATRTICIA R 13722 W LAKE KATHLEEN DR SE RENTON WA 98059 334390356106 DE SALVATORE OLGA 2100 JONES AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 802955017008 GERKING LYNN+JEREMY 2213 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 334450021301 HANSON JAMES R+MARGARET L 2225 JONES AVE NE RENTON WA 98055 929086006004 LIMING EDWARD+MAGGIE 2109 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 334450019008 MILLER ANTONIO+CARMEN 2132 HIGH AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 334450019107 PRESTON VIRGINIA C 2217 JONES AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 802955021000 ROLLINS EMILY R+BENJAMIN A 7617 l1lTH PL SE NEWCASTLE WA 98056 334450018109 SPARROW WILLIAM M 2115 JONES AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 334390360801 SYRBU VYACHESLAV+NATALYA 1717 NE 23RD ST RENTON WA 98056 • 334450018307 BRENDEMIHL FRITZ W 1203 N 38TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334390320102 DUTRO TERRY+SIRI C 10711 SE 30TH ST BELLEVUE WA 98004 334450018000 GRAPES NATHAN D+ARCELIE 2124 HIGH AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 802955018006 KNIRK ERIN L+CHRISTOPHER C 2219 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 334390360702 MA GENE Y+MYRA JOYCE F 1711 NE 23RD ST RENTON WA 98056 802955016000 MORRIS JONATHON L+JENNIFER 2207 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 334450021004 RATRAYRN 2301 JONES AVE NE RENTON WA 98055 929086007002 SMITH MICHAEL A+SEBERO JER 2115 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 334390360108 STEARNS BRIAN & JEAN 2216 JONES AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 334450019206 TASSI BADREDDINE 2209 JONES AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 • 334390316209 CAVE ROBERT N 12518 E 17TH ST BELLEVUE WA 98005 334390360504 FROHLICH ROBERT M+CARLSON H 6909 128TH PL SE BELLEVUE WA 98006 334450016608 HA CELINA+HO CYNTHIA 2033 JONES AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 334450014009 KOHLMEIER RONALD &ANNETTE M 2420 NE 25TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334450021202 MCLEOD CHRIS TINA 2224 HIGH AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 334390360009 NELSON JESSE 1725 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 334450022309 ROBERSON WILLIAM 16834 31ST PL S SEATTLE WA 98188 334390320300 SNOHOMISH COUNTY SRDTF 3000 ROCKEFELLER AVE #404 EVERETT WA 98201 334450018901 STEWART HUGH J 16735 SE 63RD PL BELLEVUE WA 98006 334390360207 TAYLOR LORRAINE 2208 JONES AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 -,0 334450018208 ULRICH DANIEL 2125 JONES AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 802955020002 WOLFE JUSTIN F+PAMELA SANS 2231 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 • 334390360603 VELEZ JUAN A 1705 NE 23RD ST RENTON WA 98059 802955019004 WONG THOMAS HANN G 2225 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 • 929086008000 WALSH JAMES+ELIZABETH 2121 KENNEWICK PL NE RENTON WA 98056 • / • NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) DATE: August 26, 2011 PROJECT NUMBER: 'LUAll-066, ECF, SHPL-A PROJECT NAME: Joey's Short Plat PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Applicant requests to subdivide a 36,847 square foot parcel into two lots. The two resulting lots would be 17,882 s.f. (Lot 1) and 18,965 s.f. (Lot 2). Kennydale Creek, a Class '4 creek, is present and bisects the site. A Category 2 or 3 wetland (3,500 sJ.) is present on the northeast portion of the site. Both proposed lots would gain access from Jones Avenue NE. An existing house and two sheds are located on what would be lot 1. The existing buildings are proposed to be retained. Once the wetland and stream area is deducted the resulting net developable area is 0.73 acres. A two·lot short plat would yield a density of 2.74 du/net acre. The site is generally flat. The project requires SEPA environmental review and short plat approval. PROJECT LOCATION: 2208 Jones Avenue NE OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DN5-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.ll0, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period foltowing the Issuance of the Threshold Oetermlna.tion of Non- Significance-Mitigated tONS-MI. A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: August 8, 2011 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: August 2G, 2011 APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Wilford Hughesj W.H. Hughes Co.; 14401 Issaquah Hobart Road; Issaquah, WA 98027 Permits/Review Requested: Other Permits which may be required: Requested Studies: location where application may be reviewed: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/land Use: Environmental (SEPAl Review, Administrative Short Plat approval Hydraulic Permit Approval, Construction Permit Wetland Delineation and Geotechnical Study Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO) -Planning Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, lOSS South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 NfA The subject site is designated Residential Single Family (RSFl on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Residential-8 (R-8) on the City's Zoning Map. If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to; City of Renton, CED -Planning Division, lOSS So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: Joey's Short Plat/LUAll-0GG, ECF, SHPL-A NAME: __________________________________________________________________ _ MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO.: • Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: Proposed Mitigation Measures: • Environmental (SEPA) Checklist The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, RMC 4-7-070, RMC 4-3- OSO.l, RMC 4-3-080.M, RMC 4-2-110 and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. The following Mitigation Measures will likely be imposed on the proposed project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. The applicant will be required to /oflow the recommendations of the Geotechnical Report with regard to site, utility, and building construction; The applicant will be required. to install construction and erosion control fencing on the west side of the creek to prevent intrusion into the stream buffer. The fencing must be installed prior to the issuance of construction and/or building permits and remain until the completion of construction. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to C?erald Wasser, Asso.clate Planner, CED - PlannIng DiviSion, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on September 9, 2011. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Gerald C. Wasser, Associate Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7382; Eml: gwasser@rentonwa.gov I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION ·o'enisLaw Mayor · August 26; 2011 Wilford Hughes W.H. Hughes Co.' • 14401 Issaquah Hobart Road Issaquah, WA 98027 Oepartment of C;ommunity and Economic Development Alex Pietsch,Administrator Subject: Notice of Complete Application" ... Joey's Short Plat, LUAll-OG,G, ECF, SHPL-A Pear Mr.Hughes: The Planning Division of the City 'of Renton has determined thanhe subj~ct application · ,is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. . '.. . . ' . It is tentatively ~cheduledfor consideration by the Environmerital Review Co'mmittee on . September 19, 2011. Prior to that review, you will. be notifi~d. if any additional · i[lformation is required to continue processing your application.· - . , , Please contact me at (425) 430-7382 if you have any questions. 'Sincerely, '~~ .. -,friGerald Wasser -Associate Planner cc: lorra!~ Taylor / O~ner{s) Renton City H'all -: , aSS' Sout~ Grady Way • Ren~on, Washington 98057' • rentonwa.gov --------------------------------------------- Denis Law .•. Mayor . August 26, 2011 NancyRawls Departm-ent of Transportation·· Renton School District _ .. 420 Park Avenue N Renton, WA98055 Sul:lject: Joey's·Short Plat: Department of Community·and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator LUAll-OGG,_ ECF, SHPL-A The City of Re~ton's Department of Community and Economic Development (CED) has received an application -for a -2-lot single-family subdivision loca.ted at 2208 Jones Avenue NE. Please see the enclosed Notice of Application for further details. ·Ihorder to process this application, CED needs tokn~w which Renton schoois wou.ld be attended by childrenliving in residences at .the location indicated· above.· Please fill.in the appropriate schools on the list below and return this letter to my attention, City of . Renton,CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way; Renton~ Washington 98057 by --September 9, 2011. -. Elementary School: ~-_-'-_____ -'-_~ __ .,._~---,--'---'---_,_---' Middle Schoof: ____ -'--_-,-~ ____ _,_-'--'-----~--'---,--- High School: iNill the schools you have indicated be able to. handle theimpactofthe additional students estimated to come from the proposed development? Yes No __ -,- Any_ Comments:,.--____ ---,-____ -;-_---'--"-~_..,---.,_-'---,__--"-~ . Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way.. Renton, yvashington 98057 • rentonwa.gov f.... Nancy Rawls Page 2 of 2 August 25; 2011 • .. Thank youfor providing this important information. If you have any:questions regarding· this project, please contact me. at (425)430-7382 .. Sincerely, .. ....•... ~~. ~ ..... (ffV Gerald c. Wa~ser . . . Associate Planner· Enclosure -----~----------- , City of Renton 0 , 'sion Planning IVI " LAND USE PERMI-T ~\JG-SIO\\ MASTER APPLICATION ~~cc~~~~\Q) PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATIO~ NAME: LoQ.Q.A "J~_ T---A1!>r" PROJECT OR DEVEL~\ENT NAM~ , ::rO(:'" \ ~1 .-l.... LAc-I ADDRESS: 22.a~ Je"Q..5 ~~ • PROJECT/ADOOESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: 2.2.0f!:,. -:ro~ Auf.. rUE:.. CITY: ~-\oJ, w-f\ ZIP:ct~b ~~ I..t..J ~ • 't8=:S(' ,>'- KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): TELEPHONE NUMBER: , APPLICANT (if other than owner) 334-3'rO-3~o2 -67 NAME: uJ.L~eJ>.. H 0Q~..s. EXISTING ~ND USE(S): J+.. C,n /J :s,~ ~A' ....... ,v( COMPANY (if applicable): '.lj. ~, ~~ Lt:::, , -PROPOSED LAND Usr: '5 \~ f'"A .... l";i' ~ , , I L JI. ADDRESS: 14-40 l ~vAH . ~d" EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ~ ~L"'D CITY: -:r: s-sACU .Art ZIP: ,\8:>b 7 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if J'plicable) ,J \A TELEPHONE NUMBER: ~S' .r 4-4 /1 .... 3.,3" J EXISTING ZONING: 2.:-4- CO NT ACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): NAME: sAwt---A!J ArfL,c.AfY .-' SITE AREA (in square feet): , 3G>/717. 00 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY (if applicable): DEDICATED: ;.J IA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: ADDRESS: tJ/A- PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY: ZIP: ACRE (if"'llIllic;ab~) . TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: NUMBE OF PROPOSIilB.s:t_lIf applicable) ~lOlIIJa s_ WIMIOIIA'21'. NUMBE OF ,,,,,,,~y~~d,,tf!lgl'lltPl!il(lll~lic Ie): " J" H:\CEO\Data\Fonns-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Pianning\masterapp.doc - 1 - 06/09 .' , 10 I'-' • ~ PROtCT INFORMATlON(Contin~) ~~~~~~L-______________ -, , ...... NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): \ SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRO~~ED RESIDENTIA~ Ai BUILDINGS (if applicable): .1< ... .A;/I(llr;}JJf'" '-,rvvv-v vV' SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL 'Z, BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): l /2..15 ff . SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSEDCON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): t-J A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESlENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): ,..I A NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-rSIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if ap~cable): ,..J A . NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): " J-J I A PR~JECTVA~ ,J\A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): ~ D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO D FLOOD HAZARD AREA D. GEOLOGIC HAZARD D HABITAT CONSERVATION ''\-SHbRELINE STREAMS & LAKES ~. WETLANDS ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. _-,--_sq. ft. sq. ft. , LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY , (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE (!If. QUARTER OF SECTION s: . TOWNSHIP 23 . RANGE .S" . IN THE CITY ---------OF RENTON; KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEI;S List all land use applications being applied for: 1. hltA 3. - -2. .-,-,-4. . Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) LD\ 'I:~ \ '('If? "l"h ~ a -ra, \0 y-, dadare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) ~the current owner of the property involved in this application or __ the authorized representative to act for a co oration please attach roof of au orization and that the fore Din statements and answers herein cOntained and the information h 'are rp ( p ) 99 er8Wlth In all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. : I k:~::~~~~~tt:~~thatLa~'{Q,\(\e 1'. ~'1 \of inst to be his/her/their free and voluntary '}./Ilc)p'ed in the instrument. -My appointment expires: \:v\.c1>lC,h. , H:\CEO\Data\Forms-TempJates\Self-HeJp Handouts\Planning\masterapp.doc - 2 -06/09 • L~AL The land referred to is situated in the County of King, City of Renton, State of Washington, and is described as follows: The South half of Tract 294, C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO.4, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 82, records of King County, Washington. • EXCEPT the North 150 feet thereof; SITUATE in the County of King, State of Washington. ABBREVIATED LEGAL A portion of the South half of Tract 294, C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO.4 Tax Account No. 334390-3602-07 -Q.T'-I ~ I v PREAPpttICATION MEET'NG JOEY'S SHORT PLAT 2208 JONES AVE NE CITY OF RENTON Fg~f Renton. Planning Division ~UG - 8 1011 Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division PRE11-021 June 02,2011 Contact Information: Planner: Gerald Wasser Phone: 425.430.7382 Public Works Reviewer: Jan lilian Phone: 425.430.7216 Fire Prevention Reviewer: Dave Pargas Phone: 425.430.7023 Building Department Reviewer: Craig Burnell Phone: 425.430.7290 Please retain this packet throughout the course of your project as a reference. Consider giving copies of it to any engineers, architects, and contractors who work on the project. You will need to submit a copy of this packet when you apply for land use and/or environmental permits. Pre-screening: When you have the project application ready for submittal, call and schedule an appointment with the project manager (planner) to have it pre- screened before making all of the required copies. The pre-application meeting is informal and non-binding. The comments provided on the' proposal are based on the codes and poliCies in effect at the time of review. The applicant is cautioned that the development regulations are regularly amended and the proposal will be formally reviewed under the regulations in effect at the time of project submittal. The information contained in this summary is subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Planning Director, Development Services Director, Department of Community and Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator and City Council). " DATE: May31,2011 • CITY OF RENTON • FIRE PREVENTION, BUREAU MEMORANDUM TO: Jerry Wasser, Associate Planner FROM: Corey Thomas, Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT: Preliminary Comments for Joey's Short Plat 1. The fire flow requirement for a single family home is 1,000 gpm minimum for dwellings up to 3,600 square feet (including garage and basements). If the dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, a minimum of 1,500 gpm fire flow would be required. A minimum of one fire hydrant is required within 300-feet of the proposed buildings and two hydrants if the fire flow goes up to 1,500 gpm. Existing hydrants can be counted toward the requirement as long as they meet curreritcode, including 5-inch storz fittings. There is one existing hydrant within 300-feet. There is adequate fire flow in the existing 8-inch water main. I 2. The fire mitigation impact fees are currently applicable at the rate of $488.00 per single family unit. This fee is paid prior to recording the plat. No charge for existing home. 3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are adequate. CT:ct joeyssp ~. • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVElOPMENT -1]f" Cityo{} ci ------ID\,~IIDl1@IID 0 M E M 0 RAN DU M DATE: May 24,2011 TO: Jerry Wasser, Planner FROM: Jan lilian, Plan Review ~ SUBJECT: Joey's Short Plat 2208 Jones Ave NE PRE 11-021 NOTE: The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary is preliminary and non- binding and may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official city decision-makers. Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. I have completed a preliminary review for the above-referenced proposal. The following comments are based on the pre-application submittal made to the City of Renton by the applicant. Water 1. Water service is provided by the City of Renton. There is an 8-inch water main in Jones Ave NE. The existing home at 2208 Jones Ave NE is served by a %" water meter connected to the water main in Jones Ave NE. 2. System development fee for water is based on the size of the new domestic water meter that will serve the new home on the new lot. Fee for %-inch water meter install is $2,236.00. 3. Fee for a %-inch meter installed by the City is $2,260.00. -Sanitary Sewer eo-... 4 1. Sewer service is provided by the City of Renton. There is· an 8-inch sewer main in Jones Ave NE. The existing home at 2208 Jones Ave NE is connected to sewer. 2. System development fee for sewer is based on the size of the new domestic water to serve the new home on the [}ew Ipt. Sewer fe~.fo.r a %-in6t: w~r meter install is $1,~91.00. ~ w.:> ....... ~ -SQ4-.c.~u~l A.~-~-'-' C. L . [;) ."::'" .~~ Storm bramage. l,O :S 1. There is a drainage ditch in Jones Ave NE. \ " { .~ , H/CED/Planning!Current Ptanning/PREAPPSjl1-Q21Jerry/Plan Review Comments -PRE 11-021 Joey's Short Plat PRE 1l-{)21 Page 2 of 2 May 24, 2011 • • 2. Small project drainage review is required for any single-family residential projectthat will result in 2,000 square feet or more of new impervious surface, replaced impervious surface, or new plus replaced impervious surface, or 7,000 square feet of land disturbing activity. If the project exceeds one of these thresholds, a drainage plan and drainage report will be required with the site plan application. The report shall comply with Appendix C of the 2009 King County Surface Water Manual and the City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWM, Chapter 1 and 2. Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls within the Flow Control Duration Standard, Forested Conditions. 3. A geotechnical report for the site is required. Information on the water table and soil permeability, --.,;'Y'!>' with recommendations of appropriate flow control BMP options with typical designs for the site from the geotechnical engineer, shall be submitted with the application. 4. Surface water system development fee is $1,012.00 for the new lot. ~-.--.----.----' .--.--... ~-.-"--- Transportation/Street 1. No street improvements are required for this project. There is new sidewalk along the east side of Jones Ave SE fronting this site. . 2. The maximum width of single loaded garage driveway shall not exceed nine feet (9') and double- __ .>'" loaded garage driveway shall not exceed sixteen feet (16'). / General Comments 1. All construction utility permits for drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. 2. Separate permit and fees will be required for the water meter installation, side sewer connection, and storm water connection. 3. Water service, sewer stub and a drainage flow control bmp are required to be provid·ed to the new ~ lot prior to recording of the short plat. / . H/CED/Planning!Current Plannin~PREAPPS/ll-021Jerry/plan Review Comments -PRE 11-021 • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: June 2, 2011 TO: Pre-application File No. 11-021 FROM: Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner SUBJECT: Joey's Short Plat General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above- referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator, Planning Director, Development Services Director, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase' for $50.00 plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first fio?r of City Hall or online at www.rentonwa.gov Project Proposal: The subject property is located at 2208 Jones Avenue NE. The property is zoned Residential-4 dwelling units per acre (R-4) and is 36,770 square feet (0.84 acre) in size. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property into 2-lots. Proposed Lot 1 would have an area of 17,823 square feet and proposed Lot 2 would have an area of 18,954 square feet. Access to proposed Lot 1 would continue to be via an existing driveway from Jones Avenue NE. Access to proposed Lot 2 would also be' from Jones Avenue NE. Current Use: The property has an existing 1,230 square foot house, two sheds and a carport which would remain on Proposed Lot l. Zoning/Density Requirements: The subject property is zoned Residential -4 dwelling units per acre (R-4). There is no minimum density in the R-4 zone and the rnaximum density is 4.0 dulac. Private access easements, critical areas and public right-of-way dedications are deducted from the total area to determine net density. While it appears that there is adequate net site area to comply with the required net density range, formal project application must include a density calculation worksheet which verifies that the project is il'1 compliance with the required density range. Note:' Please see the ~ . > h:\ced\planning\current plannlng\preapps\11-021.jerry\preOl1-021,joey's short plat,2-lot shpl, r-4.doc Joey's Short Plat, PRE I 1-021 • Page 2 of5 June 2, 2011 • Critical Areas Section, below. A calculation of critical areas square footage will be required in order to determine the net site area and, subsequently, the net site density. Development Standards: The project would be subject to RMC 4-2-110A, "Development Standards for Single Family Zoning Designations" effective at the time of complete application. A copy ofthese standards is included. Minimum Lot Size. Width and Depth -The minimum lot size permitted in Zone R-4 is 8,000 square feet for parcels less than one acre. Minimum lot width is 70-feet for interior lots and 80-feet for corner lots. The minimum lot depth is 80-feet. The proposal appears to meet the minimum lot size and width requirement. Building Standards -The R-4 zone allows a maximum building coverage of 35% of the lot area or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater for lots over 5,000 square feet in size. Building height is restricted to 30 feet. Detached accessory structures are restricted to 1S-feet in height. Accessory structures are also included in building lot coverage calculations. Compliance with building standards will be determined at the time of building permit review for any new structures. Setbacks -Setbacks are the minimum required distance between the building footprint and the property line and any private access easement. The required setbacks in the Zone R-4 are: Front yard -30-feet for the primary structure; Rear yard -25-feet; Side yards -5-feet, except 20-feet for side yards along a street. Residential Design and Open Space Standards: The Residential Design and Open Space Standards contained in RMC 4-2-1215 would be applicable to any new residential structures. A handout indicating the applicable guidelines and standards is enclosed. As applicable to the R-4 zone the guidelines are: Garages -The visual impact of garages shall be minimized, while porches and front doors shall be the emphasis of the front ofthe home. Garages shall be located in a manner that minimizes the presenCe of the garages and shall not be located at the end of view corridors. Alleyway access is encouraged. If used, shared garages shall be within an acceptable walking distance to the housing unit it is intended to serve. Primary Entry -Entrances to homes shall be a focal point and allow space for social interaction. Front doors shall face the street and be on the fa~ade closest to the street. When a home is located on a corner lot (i.e. at the intersection of two roads or the intersection of a road and a common space) a feature like a wraparound porch shall be used to reduce the perceived scale of the house and engage the street or open space on both sides. Fa~ade Modulation -Buildings shall not have monotonous facades along public areas.' Dw~lIings shall inclilde articulation along public frontages; the articulation may include y h:\ced\planning\current planning\preapps\1l'{)21.jerry\preOll'{)21,jOey's short plat,2-lot shpl, r.-'l.doc Joey's Short Plat, PREII-. Page 3 of 5 June 2, 20 II • t~' v,..' ~~~~Tht;;',~ the connection of an open porch to the building, a dorm:er./a~l~g the street, or a well- defined entry element. Windows and Doors -Windows and front doors shall serve as an integral part of the character of the home. Primary windows shall be proportioned vertically rather than horizontally .. Vertical windows may be combined together to create a larger window area. Front doors shall be a focal point of the dwelling and be in scale with the home. All doors shall be of the same character as the home. Scale, Bulk, and Character -A diverse streetscape shall be provided by using elevations and models that demonstrate a variety of floor plans, home sizes, and character. Neighborhoods shall have a variety of home sizes and character. Roofs -Roofs shall represent a variety of forms and profiles that add character and relief to the landscape of the neighborhood. The use of bright colors, as well as, roofing that is made of material like gravel and/or reflective material is discouraged . . Eaves -Eaves should be detailed and proportioned to complement the architectural style of the home. Architectural Detailing -Architectural detail shall be provided that is appropriate to the architectural character of the home. Detailing like trim, columns, and/or corner boards shall reflect the architectural character of the house. Materials and Color -A diversity of materials and color shall be used on homes throughout the community. A variety of materials that are appropriate to the architectural character of the neighborhood shall be used. A diverse palette of colors shall be used to reduce monotony of color or tone. Access/Parking: The applicant has indicated that access would be taken for proposed' Lot 1 via the existing driveway from Jones Avenue NE and while it is not indicated, staff assumes that access to Lot 2 would be via a new driveway from Jones Avenue NE. Each lot is required to accommodate off street parking for a minimum of two vehicles. landscaping and Open Space: The site is vegetated and staff will recommend retention of existing trees. Tree requirements for short plats include at least two trees of'a City approved speCies with a minimum caliper of lX-inches per tree which must be planted in the front yard or planting strip of each lot prior to building occupancy. A conceptual landscape plan must be provided with the formal land use application as prepared by a registered landscape Architect, a certified nurseryman or other certified professional. If 100 percent drought tolerant plants are used, irrigation is not required. Significant Tree Retention: A tree inventory and a tree retention plan along with a tree retention worksheet shall be provided with the formal land use application. The tree retention plan must show preservation of at least 30 percent of significant trees, and indicate how proposed building footprints would be sited to accommodate preservation h:\ced\p'lanning\current planning\preapps\l1-021.jerry\pre01HJ21,joey's short plat,2-lot shpl, r-4.doc Joey's Short Plat, PREII-021 • Page 4 of5 .' June 2, 2011· of significant trees that would be retained. If trees cannot be retained, it may be possible to replace them with minimum 2 inch caliper trees at a ratio of six to one. Critical Areas: Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 Stream bisects the subject site from south to north. Class 4 Streams have a 35-foot buffer area which is measured from the stream banks. While there are no mapped wetlands on the subject property the existing vegetation and topography indicate that wetlands may be present. In order to determine the buffer area for Kennydale Creek a stream study would be required with a formal short plat application. Further, in order to determine if wetlands and their buffer areas exist on site, a wetland delineation study must be prepared by a wetland biologist. A habitat study must be incorporated into the wetland delineation. Environmental Review: Short plats are categorically exempt from Environmental (SEPA) Review unless critical areas are found to be present on the project site. The project area contains Kennydale Creek, a Class 4 stream, and potential wetlands. Therefore, SEPA Review is required. Permit Requirements: The proposal would require approval of an Administrative Short Plat and SEPA Review. The Short Plat request and SEPA Review would'be reviewed concurrently within an estimated time frame of 6 to 8 weeks. The fee for the short plat is $1,442.00 ($1,400.00 plus 3% Technology Surcharge Fee); the fee for SEPA Review is $1,030.00 ($1,000.00 plus 3% Technology Surcharge Fee). Detailed information regarding the land use application submittal is provided in the attached handouts. Upon receipt of preliminary approval, the applicant must complete any required improvements, such as Sidewalks, fire hydrants and grading. A separate construction permit is required for these improvements. The applicant must also satisfy any conditions of the preliminary approval before the short plat can be recorded. A separate (no-fee) submittal is required for the final short plat. The newly created lots may be sold only after the short plat has been recorded. The applicant can submit plans for building permit review for new construction before the short plat is recorded, however, the City can issue building permits only when the plat has been recorded. Impact/Mitigation Fees: Impact fees, which would replace mitigation fees, may be adapted prior to building permit approval (for which an applicant may vest to impact/mitigation fees). Those fees have yet to be determined. Currently fees are the following: • A Parks Mitigation Fee based oSer new single family residence payable prior to recor' . • A Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project payable prior to recording; • A Fire Mitigation Fee based on $488.00 per ~ Single-family residence payable prior to recording; and, h:\ced\planning\current planning\preapps\1l-{)21.jerry\preOU-Q21,joey's short plat,2-lot shpl, r-4.doc Joey's Short Plat, PREII-. Page 5 of5 • June 2, 2011 • A Renton School District Impact Fee based on $6,300.00 per eac h new single-family residence payable prior to issuance of building permits. A handout listing all of the City's Development related fees is attached for your review. Expiration: Upon approval, a short plat is valid for two years with a possible one year extension . • h :\ced\planning\current planning\preapps\ll-021.jerry\preOll-021,joey's short plat,2-lot shpl, r-4.doc 377.8 City of Renton , Washlngton Joey's Short Plat PRE11-021 o 188.90 , , 377.8 Feel = .--J ~!,' + 'I!l-'~' ". -I./!'* I. • "'" •• ' •• ~'.~~ o.o.lJ'~l' TIlls map 15 • user generated static output'rom an Internet mapping site and is for referenet only . Oata lay.,.. Itlat appear on this map mayor may not be accurate , current. or otherwise reliable . THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Lakes and Rivers Water Courses Parcels Street Names Righls of Way Streets Roads Jurisdicttons --0.. McWtu; '-.... """ COunt, Mercer ItItnd Nowao ... RftfTON SMTK ...... T.- Aerial (March 2010) • Red: BancU • OrHI'\: Band_2 • Blue: Btlnd_3 Notes Enter Map Desaiption o ----------------------------------------------------- C4 32 T24N RSE E 112 c., 1- ..... ZONING MAP BOOK -E4 -08 T23N RSE E 112 PW nCHNICAl SERVICES .' PRIN1Eo ON 11/13/09 0 -.... ..-.. -.---_ .. _--_ .. _-.. _-_ .. "' .... _--_ .. _ .... ""'-_ .... ---·C""" Of)'oC.~, --, • .c::=:~ ".~-... --.--.,-'."-, . c.l!~J;lJD0Jl ~i o 200 400 I-W 1 Feet 1:4,800 R-8 D4 05 T23N RSE E 112 _. __ 5305- • • 4 -------------------------~ - ~ . ce., -I 0 ... r .~ (c.:.:::. L> . oS r \t ~ .---------- .tp~ '.:5C~­.~ re-~ -G ~"\ ... • -- RM·, ~ .\ . . ) f( . ~. ZONING MAP BOOK PW TECHNICAL SERVICES PRINTED ON 11/13/09 -_ ... .---_ .. _ ................ _"" ""' .... .,"",,' .. ""' .... ~.~ .. 01' ...... ..-.. _ ...... __ ... 011' __ ....,. E4 -08 T23N RSE E 112 o 200 400 I-W I'ee' 1:4,800 R-8 D4 05 T23N R5EE 112 5305 , PLANNING DIVISION . ~ . WAIV. OF SUBMrrTAL RE.QlJW{EMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATiONS This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review 3. Building 4. Planning H'\CEO\Data\Forms-Templates\SeJf-HeJp Handouts\Planning\waiverofsubmittalreqs.xis City of Renton Planning Division AUG -8 lUll ( \ 06109 · PLANNING DIVISION WAIVE.F SUBMITTAL REQUIRl4tENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Draft 2AND3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 of View Area Photosimulations This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review PROJECT NAME: -\r-=="--........,,~="""-'''-'----- 3. Building DATE: ____________ _ 4. Planning H:\CED\Data\Forms· T empiateslSelf-Help Handouts\Planning\waiverofsubmittalreqs.xls 06109 ....:£-' • • Joey Short Plat Project Narrative: Project Name: Joey Short Plat, 2 lot Short Plat, 2208 Jones Ave NE Permits Required: Administrative Short Plat Zoning Designation: R-4 Current Use: Single Family Residence Special Site Features: Class 4 Stream, Class 2 Wetland City of Renton Planning Division AUG - 8 ZOl1 Soil Type and Drainage: Dark BrownlBlack Medium Dense Silty Sand with Trace Gravel Proposed use of Property: Single Family Residence Proposed Lots #: 2 Access: Jones Ave NE Off Site Improvements: None Construction Costs: None Quantities and Types of Materials: None Number of Trees to be Removed: None No Land to be Dedicated to the City of Renton No Job Shacks etc Proposed Modifications: None Distance from Stream to Work Area: There will be no Construction Work done under this Permit ...-.... ~/ .. ------------------------------------------------------------------~ DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1.' Gross area of property: 1. ]~.]J 1 square feet • 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public streets" Private access easements" Critical Areas' Tolal excluded area: 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: _____ square feet ---,--;;;-~::;;; square feet /0, .3cDsquare feet Lb. 471 • 3. square feet square feet 4. __ ._~ ____ I,----_ acres 5. ____ -==--___ units/lots 6. 3.2. 8 = dwelling units/acre 'Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. ** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. . H:\Fonns\Planning\dem'ity.doc -I . 03/08 5-rg..fAl'\'\. APLA w ;J)~ x. , 10 LfDS I • I b50. I . We_A LJitI. ~~ ArL'tA' FT"Z... 7 0 )<.. i 50 -3, $'00 FI~ DEPARTI.1ENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO VOL/PAGE .r_~c.._"" I~"" ____ ~'Y'( lC_ ':" ',' ':"-----, ~_...... 1~_ SCAL.£: W1 « SCM[ '" ~ .JO' -,-3;}4il90-J602 PORTION or -'" .... ,-SW 1/4 OF THE NE './4 OF SEC 5, T'NN 23 N, RG 5 E. W.M. AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE LUA~XX~XXX~SHPL YOi' RENltlN ~ON IJ.3.t ERS£CTlON JONES A vt: N:: .I: 24th STIlEn. rno 1/8' OR IN COHa1Elt IoION c.o.se:(06~) lIiE 1ll'lS CR£A'lUI1fffiEJoI FN.L 'MlHIN ZONE: 2 or ROfl[Jo,'"S AI:lJFEJ! PROTEt:lION AREA ,o,ND ARE gj8.£CT TO THE REOUIRomns OF" THE CITY or I!E}(TOO ORO!N.o.tICE 1-\3&7 Io.IIll AS AUEJ'fOED BY ORDItI.o.NCE J'fO ... 7-10. THIS clYS sa..e: sa.JRCE or ~" WAlDl IS SUPPUED F'R0t.I A SHAU.OW MUfEI UtlOER 1J.E CITY'S SURfACE THERE IS NO NA1U'IA!. B.o./lRJER BEl"WEEN lHE WAlDl lUlL! 00 GR().Ml SUl!l'ACE. EXTREME CARE SHOUlD BE EXERCISED 'IoHOJ HANOlJlolG .o.tIY ur.uo SUE!STAHC!: 01l1ER THAN ""Am TO PROTECT ffiQ,I CONTACT '101111 THE GROIJoIO SJRFACE. IT IS lIiE HDIlEOYoW£RS RESf'ONS/BUTY TO F'iKlTECl THE cm-s Of!llol.1(JNG WAlEIt l..ND-XX-XXXX SURVEY NOTES INSffiUI.lOO: TCf'~ G!'T XIOOW TOT'-I. STATION Io€lHOO USED; rno 1R1.\£RSE "MTIl o\.CTUAL F1ElIJ WEASURiJ,orTS AHD ..... (;I,£S WAC 332-1JO-C90 DATE or !l.JR\£Y: .lIt.Y 2011 191.115.1971 \.3G3.Sn.l040 _____ ~2~ElJ2.;.g:r _~---.-- D CE NE 24th STREET INlDlSEC1\Ctl...arnoEOl AVO ~,,~flJ'" BASIS OF BEAIIWG.: .D>I£S AVE NE (Oc-3:r2:i" E) LEGAL DESCRIPTlON TIit saJlH HAiS or lRACT 21K CD ~ANS lAKE lI'.o.5HIJ'f"lON G.oJlDEH Cf EDEll D/VlSlOO J'fO ~, A~G TO 1HE PLAT nfllElJ' RECORDED IN VQ.lJ.\It 11 OF PLATS. PAG( 8:!. RECORDS or IOJ'fG CCiUtITY, WASHIJ'fGTCJI ~ _101 IJ. -24811 WE Ir liE 24111 SlREET. fWD _ . / ItlV EL .. 245 .. '91'-1:"'1/ f'IN It; cc.lCROE 1,100 IN CASE FClJNfl lr.' REB"'R '" (D7/2{1ll) :~-_ CAP LSI liESS 1.0 CfTSET r : -, ~~ rENCE :\ _~ (7~2~:t) N 8910'36-E 2541 . / " :i: -.-----~------Bse-----:..-~;.~- •. (~c _\~j. ~C -fP -\;~t;~~ . /fIDl 'j ""8 ,~:-l~'L"'J:K I o :~ ~j).-'16~ ~ r-... ,'" 0-I lOT 2;~ oo,t£(MR. '~OROINl.Rr HII:/<. 1'31, WI" ~t; ; ~~ 17,B82 '0.1::& r L _.J ," "-"'Ml' I , ----------------t¢-8913'5B~~5.04 .-:"'-------,~~.-----.~rm:r-:. (;RAI,n OR . ,'"" .- :ii lO"f2 :~ • Al.D[p. 11l.96~ '4-l.i.. ;-5 WATER UAI!I( ~' .. -"" , . / ; "AlOER : ______ e~: ____ _ ._:1 N '-, ._- ~E f"wcr '~: EJrCEJ'T TIlE NORlH 150 fED nfllECI'; SffiJATE IN "!HE COOtHY OF" KING, STAlE or WASlt~Gl1JN ,~.~." Ir-:,._-~·,,:TC'. ~, c.r ,~L't"'. "t. '~ ENGINEER / SURVEYOR "' -~j ::; n 0 TOU ... A ~GlNEtRS o!.: LlNO SURVEYORS 6632 S 191,,1 PlACE SUITE: E -102 KENT. WASHINGTON 9BOJ2 ~i z OWNER ~ F"ENt( LORR ...... E T .... YlOR ,I _ F"OUtIO I" tROO ~~i?"'';; ~~~E /., PIP[ (7/2011) 425-~3367 / SHORi PLAT DATA 1----.~"""AL. AILt-M i! \... SOU1H UNE Of" 1RA~ 294 fOUHD )' :RON -" ~~ "', ",""" CD "'" ~ "" =_.., :" " a; . _ 0" '" '"' "'"","',..... "'" G -:7 ft'" (. '-A-L-~: ~ : ;;:}~:~:w '''' n ,CR) A -6 \. ~:~ ;":~~_':.:;'. ,-'" '''I''''') f--" -'"'' "'~'"' __ _ --------V i N-I8S'm:.2-.~a 1N\j El ----, TREET j E~I.3OG~1~ ---'i,·,,'''-"""~E 20th S, / TOTAl SHORT PLAT AREA 36,8 .. 7 I~ II.. NUIoIBffi Of' LOTS PIUJPOSED -:2 CUflRElJT ZONING -R ~ DENSITY PERt.llnuJ -~ UNITS Pm AffiE DENSlTY -236 DUjACRE PROPos.-:D SOU"-RE FOOTAGE OF l1-!£ LOTS I _ 17.882 .~. It :! 16,965 sq. It- (~5o-t 3,500 --l~O F-T'1-.. .- ~, ,fA:6r~ IL 0 F- 'o-t /oD~ SA1=Tf EROEEH All[ /£ ~ TON ~orj 'le3~ t. IN1fRSEClIl.'N All F"N() I'tI IN .~ JONES A~ ~~ tiE 20th S':i!' ~ C.I.S£ (07/2011) :':i!\t~ASE (C7/2C"11) ~(";;EE ~ "-B17.7J9 5G5..237 ;.17 ,'5 CERTlFIC.A.TE y represents 0 survey mode ny' direction In conformor.c~ ent~ of the Survey Recording ;t of Lorraine ''lylor Certificate No. 3-8992 ~ I , J' ~ ,I llI: JOE Y SHORT PLA T /<;)~b:--TOUMA ENGINEERS 2.208 JCNES ,11.1£ 111£ (l" ;. ~""f LAND SURVEYORS,PLLC RENTON. WA 98055 I W"".5r VAUEY EXECllTlVE PARK OWN. BY O"'r.: JOB NO I .Il ~@) ,= -,.~ ~ ~ ,-,~ -~. ~ -'" ,. ~, >0" "'-">-0,, J I \~~0'~ ~~OOE (~~~) l'!I'--o!I!~ FAA «2:1) :':;,....cG:Z:; ~ CKKD. BY SCALE SHEET I U\-1T 1"_30' 1 OF" 1 ,0, ~~ Fr?. City of Renton . l f\eotoO TRE E RETE N TI 0 NC~~~(\~(\g Divis iO (\ WORKSHEET 1. Total number of trees over 6" in diameter1 on project site: 1. 2. Deductions: Certain trees are excluded from the retention calculation: Trees that are dead, diseased or dangerous2 £> trees Trees in proposed public streets 0 trees Trees in proposed private access easements/tracts _o--,:=-_ trees Trees in critical areas3 and buffers $" trees Total number of excluded trees: 2. __ ......::O~ __ trees 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1: 3. __ -,O=-__ trees 4. Next, to determine the number of trees that must be retained4 , multiply line 3 by: 0.3 in zones Re, R·1, R-4, or R-8 0.1 in all other residential zones 0.05 in all commercial and industrial zones 4. ___ O ___ trees 5. List the number of 6" or larger trees that you are proposing 5 to retain 4 : 5. b" trees 6. Subtract line 5 from line 4 for trees to be replaced: <If line 6 is less than zero, stop here. No replacement trees are required). 6. __ 0=·=--__ trees 7. Multiply line 6 by 12" for number of required replacement inches: 7. 0 8. Proposed size of trees to meet additional planting requirement: (Minimum 2-caliper trees required) 8. 0 9. Divide line 7 by line 8 for number of replacement trees 6 : (if remainder is .5 or greater, round up to the next whole number) inches inches per tree 9. __ -"0=-___ trees 1. Measured at chest heighl 2. Dead, diseased or dangerous trees must be certified as such by a forester, registered landscape architect, or certified arborist, and approved by the City. 3. Critical Areas, such as wetlands, streams, floodplains and protected slopes, are defined in Section 4-3-050 of the Renton Municipal Code (RMC). 4. Count only those trees tq be retained outside of critical areas and buffers. 5. The City may require modification of the tree retention plan to ensure retention of the maximum number of trees per RMC 4-4-130H7a 6. Inches of street trees. inches of trees added to critical areaslbuffers, and inches of trees retained on site that are less than 6;' but are greater than 2" can be used to meet the tree replacement requirement. H:DivisionIFonnsffreeRetentionWorksheet 11107 • Construction Mitigation Description: No Construction is Anticipated at this Time • City of Renton Planning DiviSion AUG -8 ZOI1 • Joey Short Plat, 2208 Jones Ave NE Renton Drainage Control Plan Narative • . 01 Henton c,t\!. Oi\liSIO(1 pla(1(1I(1g ~Il\J ~ S 1~\\ A single Family House will be built on the new lot that will be created thru this short. plat. There is an existing driveway (with existing curb cut) on the north side of the new lot off of Jones Ave. The existing house will be remaining. When the building permit is applied for on the new residence a drainage plan will be included in the submittal. The existing driveway will be figured in the analysis as the BMPS will be evaluated. <t' • • PLANNING DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKUSTtRenicm City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady, Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 , PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: r r "" II III I!,) UIVISlon AUG -8 2011 The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter,43,21C R9W, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environrnental impacts of a proposal before making decisions, An Environmental Irnpact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid im'pacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS isrequired, INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are Significant, requiring preparation of an EIS, Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can, You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge, In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts, If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply", Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations, Answer these questions if you can, If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you, The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land, Attach any additional information.that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects, The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NON PROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete ·this chE!cklist for 'nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply:" IN,ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D), For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions ~on policies, plans 'and programs), the references in the checklist to the words' "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read' as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively.. , I - 1 - 06/09 H:\C EO\Oata\Forms-T emplates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\envchlst. doc • • A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: To'?,! 5 ~r \-?CAt 2. 3. Address and phone n~er of applicant and contact pJ;:n: , I 44e I :.L~AQ.u4b\" L ~P\""' 4. :C:S5AQ \JAv!L-o-> A '1' ~z 7 Date checklist prepared: 5. Agency requesting checklist: L "7 of 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. 1-/0 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. ~P 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. 11. Giv'e brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. \0 3 ~(77D Wlli bL k s ... l::, a9.\ u-J) I q. F'T I,...,f.c -2- H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templales\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\envchlst.doc 06109 •• • • 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. b. General description of the site (circle one); flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other ______ . . FLA-'I . ~,\r... q~~ ~\'O~-'L +0 ~ E.. A6"T' PA e:. 7' ..fk.-L.-?-et-k.- What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) What general"!)ipes of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any 'prime farmland. . .. " ' ' ,'... C\I- d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. . : No e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. f. h. Indicate source of fill. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? describe. If so, generally About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, al~!~buildilgS)? ... . I 2 0 I~ t 2 4 7... ""T'b'" At. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: -3-06/09 H:\CED\Oata\F orms~ T emplates\Self-Hel p Handouts\Planning\envchlst. doc • • 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. b. c. Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: 3. WATER a. 1) 2) 3) Surface Water: Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year- round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river It trows into. c.. \ A~ Ar :s. ~""-- C-A"-. 2. ~f..-\U Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available pians. \ , .J.... 1 f-\~~ ~ ,\t ~"-l:::. u It~ W II'" ~ 0 ~ e» . ~. W. 0 -t ...s 'il-f.k""'n ,,\0 Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. NIP. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. I'll? 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year tiood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. -4-06/09 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Hando~ts\Planning\envchlst.doc . . i. . . .' • • b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. 2) c. 1 ) 2) : ... d. Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), 0::crLthe nu r of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. ~o...:O't--~ • t l ~ (, ,..:; I . ~/:::. . c.. I.-\-..( SM ~~..., '5.s>-~r ~7CJ t~ Water Runof) (including storm wiler): / Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water fiow into other w~:~o, de~i~~ \ ~ iLl ~~Ab Could waste material enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. tI~ Proposed measur:es to ~educe ~r control surf~ce, ground, and. n.inoff water impacts, if I any: A~~\U>-J4Q S~.......:... UJ"A,""t''£.-''-.. '6 'f6~ 17"= ~~~ r ..... ~o4 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: ~ deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other __ evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other shrubs ,.' --::J... grass __ pasture __ crop or grain __ wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other I other types of vegetation . b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? tYD,J*, c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. d. !. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: N...u£,. -5· 06/09 H:\CED\Oata\F arms-T emplates\$etf.Hel p Handouts\Planning\envchlst.doc • • 5. ANIMALS .r Circle any birds and animals, which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other . pcb,,J;" J f III..::.-L Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other -:----c:-_-LrJ~oNf.~~~-;_- Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other __ £N=ty..lj=£ ... ~ @ List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. JJP,J(. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: ,Jo t4 f.. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for he~. 'ng, .. '. b. manufacturing, etc. .,' f ,./~,.. ~ t0ATu~ ~1'6 -nf:AT WA"#.f2. ~ I~<tc... -L I&:> ~ J2. -Li ;{vl.er-a'1 /I ~ Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of. this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: rJl:T~E 7, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosio.n, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. r.J &> Describe special emergency services that might be required. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: rJt::>f\Jg);; -6-06/09 H:\CED\Data\Forms·Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\envchlst.doc .. - - - - ----------------- • • b, Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? , rJotUf.. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short·term or a long·term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours nOis,e would ~ome from the site\ C\ ~ r> LJS N5. -\ lWG""t"ot3 ~ J2j::3 I ~ • A--M -~~ ~ ',00 -<::. ~ 00 (> -- 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: 8, LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? P:;d "i>"t:.-+v1 :5,~ Ie...-' vl'r.-'l"'j b, Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe, c. Describe any structures on the site, \ ~ 'J. -~-.T+-6...r L C:Fi 1L-1f J I ... ~~ / I -CbA ~ • d, Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? ~, ,.Yo- \ . . . ~. e, What is the current zoning classification of the site? K...~:4-. '. ~ 7 Q What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? NI~ h. Ha~ any part of the siie beehciassified 'as an "environme'ritally sensitive" area? specify. . {1 .' _} '. . 'fI!J$l (y~ ~ .sT~M--~ If so, i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? c~:~ +.7. -r 4 ~ 06/09 H:\CED\Data\Forms~Templates\Self~Help Handouts\Planning\envchtst.doc • • j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? (9 k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income·housing. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: ,Jo,Jf.. 10. AESTHETICS a. b. c. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. 3 0 .. pr ~Q~ jHALIl' PL~.s(~&'-":r What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? " r1o-~ Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: rJD,JL 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. b. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of, d'\Y would it mainly occur? ,4 -r'/~';'--..J c.l'~ ~t,j~ f~ oS ~{e-F-+-1l.j r!.-"":f>E-. Ar-rb€--D;Att.L . Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? -8-06/09 H:\CEo\Oata\Forms·Templates\Self.Help Handouts\Planning\envchlst.doc . . , . I • • c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: 12. RECREATION C[) What designated and infonmal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. riO c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: rJo,.Jf... 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. -,r1e~ c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, ifany: f'lou'- 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. -:Te..>£S A,j~. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? {IJ 0 c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? . ~. to 4.e 2-fo"".(.,~:t.?-:k.l rw::J ~~F~~ H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\envchlst.doc d. e. • Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private? rJ0 Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. NO How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: No,.Jf... 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. ,..Jo b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. ,Jot0L 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currentl available at 'the site: lectrici sanitary sewer septic system, other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project: the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. tV 0 ,.Je.....;:) U + \ \.~1aS c. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjurY under the laws of the State of Washington that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true, correct, and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent Signature: Name Printed: Date: -10 -.06/09 H:\CED\Data\Forms·Templates\Self·Help Handouts\Ptanning\envchlst.doc . , , • • Altmann Oliver Associates, LLC AOA August 4, 2011 Bill Hughes WH Hughes Homes 14401 Issaquah-Hobart Rd SE Issaquah, WA 98027-6925 t.\JG -B LU'\ Environmental Planning & Landscape Al'chiteculre AOA-4072 SUBJECT: Revised Critical Areas Review for Joey's Short Plat (File No. 11-021) 2208 Jones Ave. NE, Renton, WA (Parcel 334390-3602) Dear Bill: On June 30, 2011 I conducted a wetland and stream reconnaissance and delineation on the subject property utilizing the methodology outlined in the 1997 Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual. The primary focus of the initial reconnaissance was on the southwestern portion of the site in the vicinity of a proposed new residence to be constructed as part of the short plat. A subsequent site visit was conducted on July 26, 2011 to map the approximate location of a wetland located in the northeastern portion of the site. Existing Conditions The northwest portion of the site is currently developed with an existing single-family residence and associated detached out-buildings. The southwestern portion of the site in the vicinity of the proposed residence consists of a flat mowed upland lawn. Soil borings taken throughout this portion of the site revealed dry, non-hydric, high chroma soils and there was no evidence of ponding or prolonged soil saturation. Kennydale Creek drains frorn south to north through the central portion of the site. During the initial field investigation, the ordinary high water (OHW) of the west side of the stream was delineated. The delineated boundary was subsequently surveyed by Touma Engineers and Land Surveyors, PLLC and is depicted on the survey drawing. Kennydale Creek is considered a Class 4 stream by the City of Renton and would require a 35-foot buffer. Kennydale Creek on the site consists of a well-defined channel that appears to have been historically ditched. Vegetation along the stream banks is mowed to the edge of the channel and plant species within and adjacent to the channel at the time of the field investigation consisted almost entirely of reed canarygrass (Phalaris Bill Hughes August 4, 2011 Page 2 • • arundinacea) and watercress (Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum). Woody vegetation along the stream corridor was generally restricted to one twin red alder (Alnus rubra) tree adjacent the southern portion of the channel. In addition to Kennydale Creek, a disturbed wetland was observed in the northeastern portion of the site. The approximate location of this wetland was mapped during the July 26, 2011 site visit and is depicted on your density calculation .sheet (attached). The wetland consists of a shallow topographic depression that appears to extend slightly off-site to the north. Vegetation within the wetland at the time of the site visits included Pacific willow (Salix lasiandra), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus discolor), reed canarygrass, creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens), giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia), Watson's willow-herb (Epilobium watsonil), and scattered skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanum). Hydrology within the wetland was generally assumed based on the presence of disturbed hydric soils. Since this wetland is located more than 15 feet from the eastern OHW of the stream, and the maximum possible buffer from this wetland would be 50 feet, the buffer from Kennydale Creek would be more restrictive. The maximum 50-foot buffer is based on the unlikely possibility that the wetland is a Category 2 rather than a more likely Category 3 wetland which requires a 25-foot buffer per RMC 4-3-050M.6.c. Priority Habitats and Species As part of the stream assessment, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's Priority Habitats and Species database was reviewed. This database does not indicate that any priority habitats or species are located on or adjacent the property. In general, the habitat value of the on-site riparian corridor is relatively low due to the historic and on-going vegetation maintenance that has resulted in a low plant species and structural diversity along the stream channel. Conclusion As part of the proposed short-plat, a single-family residence would be constructed within the lawn in the southwestern portion of the site. It is my understanding that since: 1) the proposed residence would be constructed outside of the 35-foot stream buffer and 2) there is no proposed activity within the wetland area located east of the stream, there are no proposed critical area impacts on the site. • Bill Hughes August 4, 2011 Page 3 • • If you have any questions regarding the reconnaissance or stream delineation, please give me a call. Sincerely, ALTMANN OLIVER ASSOCIATES, LLC John Altmann Ecologist • I I ! i , r t • I ! fa ~ I i! ! ~ ~ I ~ I ! , g ,~ ------------- • • Ph 253-896-J (} 11 Fx 253-896-2633 GeoResources, LLC 5007 Pacific Hwy E., Sle. 16 Fife, Washington 98424 WH Hughes Company. Inc. 14404 Issaquah-Hobart Road, Suite 104 Issaquah, Washington 98027 (425) 444-3367 Attn: Mr. Bill Hughes July 26.2011 Geotechnical Infiltration Letter 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, Washington PN: 3343903602 Job No. WHHughes.JoneAve INTRODUCTION & SCOPE City of Renton Planning Division AUG -8 lOll This letter addresses the feasibility of infiltration for the proposed single family residences to be located at 2208 Jones Avenue NE in Renton, Washington, as shown on Figure 1. We visited the site on June 15,2011. The purpose of our services was to evaluate the surface and subsurface conditions at the site as a basis for developing and providing geotechnical stormwater recommendations for the proposed development. Specifically, our scope of services for the project included the following: 1. Visiting the site and conducting a geologic reconnaissance to assess the site's soil, groundwater and slope conditions; 2. Exploring the subsurface conditions in the pond areas by excavating two test pits across the site; 3. Completing laboratory grain size analysis for the site soils; and 4. Providing infiltration rates for the stormwater facility, as appropriate. SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions The site is in an area of existing residential development. The site consist of a single tax parcel that measures about 25 feet deep (east to west) by 150 feet wide (north to south) and encompasses about 0.85 acres. The site is currently developed with an existing single family residence located in the northwest corner of the parcel. The site is bounded by residences on the north and south, Jones Avenue on the west, and by a vacant parcel on the east. The homesite is generally level, to slight lower, than Jones Avenue on the west. Behind the house is a shallow seasonal drainage that tends to flow from south to north across the parcel. The bottom of the drainage is about 2 to 3 feet below the existing residence (see attacheci photographs). On tile east side of the drainage, the site slopes back up to the east. According to topographic information obtained from the King County iMap website, total topographic relief across the parcel is on the order of 10 feet. The site is mostly covered with grass and scattered ornamental trees. The eastern, upper portion of tile site is covered witll a dense stand of younger trees and native shrubs. WHHughes.JoneAve July 26, 2011 Page 2 Site Soils • • Tile USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey for Pierce County maps the soils in the area of the site as Indianola loamy sand (InC). The Inelianola soils are derived from sandy glacial outwash deposits that form on 6 to 15 percent slopes and are listed as having 8 "moderate" erosion hazard. These soils are listed in hydrologic soils group "A". Subsurface Conditions As stated, the subsurface conditions underlying the site were evaluated by excavating two shallow test pits with a mini-excavator. In general, out test pits encountered about 4 to 6 inches of sod and topsoil overlying a loose to medium dense silty fine to medium sand. These shallow soils mantled a dark brown/gray fine to medium sand with minor amounts of silt and organics. The subsurface conditions in the two test pits were fairly consistent and generally confirmed the mapped stratigraphy. The soils encountered were visually classified in accordance with tile Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), a copy of which is attached as Figure 4. The Test Pit Logs are attached as Figure 5. Grain Size Analysis Our geotechnical laboratory tests were completed on representative samples collected from the proposed stormwater facility. The enclosed laboratory testing sheets graphically present these results. Groundwater Conditions Slow groundwater was observed at about 3)1, feet below existing grades in both test pits. The depth of seepage was generally consistent wi III the level of water in the drainage ditch east of the residence. Based on the nature of the near surface soils, we anticipate fluctuations in the local groundwater levels will occur in response to precipitation patterns, off-site construction activities, and site utilization. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the soils encountered in our explorations, laboratory analyses, and our engineering analysis, we conclude that the infiltration of stormwater is feasible in the native sand appears feasible from a grain size standpoint. According to the 2009 King County Stormwater Manual, Appendix C2.2.2.1.b, a minimum of 1-foot of separation is required between the seasonal high groundwater and the bottom the infiltration gallery; therefore there may not be sufficient separation between the bottom of an infiltration gallery and seasonal high groundwater. Stonnwater Infiltration Stormwater infiltration rates for the site soils were determined in accordance with the 2009 I<:;ng Counly Slormwater Manual, Appendix C. We performed sieve analysis on a representative soil sample collected from the outwash soils. Based on the results of our sieve analysis and our experience, the upper loamy sand would be considered a Type 4 soil, whereas tile deeper, cleaner sand would be a Type 3 soil (Appendix C.2.3.2). We "would recommend a maximum infiltration rate of 4 for the deeper sand and a rate of 1 for the upper silty sand. We recommend that an appropriate factor of sarety should be applied to this value. A typical factor of safety of 2 is usually applied to surface grade stormwater systems. A higher factor of safety should be considered for a below grade stormwater system. We recommend that we observe the excavation of the infiltration system to verify WHHughs.JoneAve.1 July 26, 2011 Page 3 • that suitable soils have been exposed. • Appropriate design, construction and maintenance measures will be required to ensure the infiltration rate can be effectively maintained over time. It should be noted that 'special care is required during the grading and construction periods to avoid fine sediment contamination of the infiltration system, especially from the overlying loamy gravels, This may be accomplished by using an alternative storm water management location during grading and construction activities or leaving the bottom of the systems 1 to 2 feet high, and subsequently excavating to the finished grade once the driveways are paved and landscaping is installed. All contractors working on the site (builders and subcontractors) should be advised to avoid "dirty" stormwater flowing to the site's stormwater system during construction and landscaping activities at the site. Concrete trucks should not be washed or cleaned on-site. Suspended solids could clog the underlying soil and reduce the infiltration rate for the system. To reduce potential clogging of the infiltration systems, the infiltration system should not be connected to the storm water runoff system until after construction is complete and the site area is landscaped, paved or otherwise protected. Temporary systems may be utilized through construction, Periodic sweeping of the paved areas will help extend the life of the infiltration system. + • + We trust this is sufficient for your current needs, Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact us at your earliest convenience. Respectfully submitted, GeoResources, LLC l<SS:RMH:kss Renee M. Hadley Staff Geologist DaclO: WHHughs.Jonel\ve.1 Attachments: Figure 1: Site Vicinity Map Figure 2: ExploraUon Map Figure 3: USDA Soli Map Figure 4: Un!ffed Soil Classification System Figure 5: Test Pit Logs Grain Size Analysis Principal • GeoResources, LlC 5007 Pa,ific Highway East, Suite 16 Fife, Washington 98424 Phone: 253-896-1011 Fax: 253-896-2633 • Approximate Site Location Site Vicinity Map 2208 .Jones Avenlle NE Renton, Washington DoclD: Hugfles .• Jol1p.sSt.F ,July 20'11 Not to Scale Flyure 1 • Approximate Site Location (rna) created from tile USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service Web Soil SUrve Soil Hydrologic Soil Name Parent Material Slopes Erosion Hazard T~~e~ ____ ~~~~ ______ ~ ____ I~~~~~~~ __ .~4-~~~4 _____ ~~~ _____ f_S~O~IIS~G~1~·O~U~p~ InC Indianola loam sand Sand Glacial Outwash 6 to 15 Moderate A (N.. ,w"*,,: S GeoResources, LLC 5007 Pacific Highway East, Suite 16 Fife, Washington 98424 Phone: 253-896-1011 Fax: 253-896-2633 NRCS SCS Soils Map 2208 Jones AvenueNE Renton, Washington DoclD: Hughes.JonesSt.F July 2011 Not to Scale Figure 3 SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM MAJOR DIVISIONS GROUP GROUP NAME SYMBOL GRAVEL CLEAN GW WELL-GRADED GRAVEL, FINE TO COARSE GRAVEL GRAVEL COARSE GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVEL GRAINED More than 50% SOilS Of Coarse FracHon GRAVEL GM SILTY GRAVEL Retained on No.4 Sieve WITH FINES GC CLAYEY GRAVEL More than 50% SAND CLEAN SAND SW WELL-GRADED SAND, FINE TO COARSE SAND Retained on No. 200 Sieve SP POORLY-GRADED SAND More Illan 50% 01 Coarse Fraction SAND SM SILTY SAND Passes WITH FINES No.4 Sieve SC CLAYEY SAND SILT AND eLA Y INORGANIC ML SILT FINE CL CLAY GRAINED SOILS Liquid limit Less than 50 ORGANIC OL ORGANIC SILT, ORGANIC CLAY SILT AND CLAY INORGANIC MH SILT OF HIGH PLASTICITY, ELASTIC SILT More t!lan 50%, Passes CH CLAY OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAY No. 200 Sieve LIquid limit 50 or more ORGANIC OH ORGANIC CLAY, ORGANIC SILT HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT PEAT NOTES: SOIL MOISTURE MODIFIERS: 1. Field classification is based on visual examination of sol! Dey-Absence of moisture, dry to the louch In general accordance with ASTM 02488-90. Moisl-Damp, but no visible water 2. Soil classification usln~ laboratory lesls Is based on ASTM 02487-90. We\-Visible free water or saturated, usually soli Is obtained from below water table 3. Descrlp\lon of 5011 densl\y or consistency are based on interpretation of blow count data, visual appearance of salls, and or test dala. GeoResources, LLC Unified Soil Classification 5007 Pacific Highway East, Suite 16 Fife, Washington 98424 2208 Jones Avenue NE Phone: 253-896-1011 Renton, Washington Fax: 253-896-2633 DoclO: Hughes.JonesSt.F I July 2011 I Figure 4 Depth (ft) o -~ 2 2 4 Depth (H) 0 -y, y, -2% 31,4 -4 Test Pit Tp·1 Location: Front of site Soil Type Soil Description Sad over Topsoil Light gray/tan willl orange mottling, silty fine to medium SAND (loose to medium dense, moist) SP Dark brown/gray fine to medium SAND, some silt, scaltered organics (medium dense, moist to wet) Soil Type SP Terminated at 4 feet below ground surface. No caving observed. Slight groundwater seepage observed from 311, feel. Soil Description Sad over Topsoil Test Pit Tp·2 Location: Back of site light gray/tan with orange mottling, silty fine to medium SAND (loose to medium dense, moist) Dark brown/gray fine to medium SAND, some silt, scaltered organics (medium dense, moist to wet) Terminated at 4 feet below ground surface. No caving observed. Slight groundwater seepage observed from 3 feel. GeoResources, LLC Test Pit Logs 2208 Jones Avenue NE Renton, Washington 5007 Pacific Highway East, Suite 16 Fife, Washington 98424 Phone: 253-896-1011 Fax: 253-896-2633 DoclD: Hugl1es.JonasSI.F I July 2011 1 Figure 3 • • Particle Size Distribution Report ,£i .S .S ~ .s'~ ,~~ 0 000 0 8 ~ 8 w '" N;" ... ;;::: ~ M ;; ~ ~ ;;t !if ~ i ~ 100 I II I : : :1 0 ~ I I ~-I I I I r-. I I . 1. I_II 1-. I I I 10 90 --- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -:-:1 I 80 -I 'if -I I 20 I I Ii: I : I I I I : : :1 I 70 -~---30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -u 0:: I I I I I I I I I I :~ I I I m :;u w 60 -I I I -H 40 () ;;; I I I I I I I I I I I I I m IL z l-I I I I I I I I -1. I I I I I 50 --1 Z 50 I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I () w 0 II I I I I! I ! I I I I I \~ I I » 0:: I -1-60 :;u ill 40 --I -(f) [l I I I I I I I I I I I i~ m I I I I I I I I I I ~. I I ;u 30 I II I I 1 I r 70 I I I I ~ 1 ~ ~ I I I I : ~ I I 20 1--I-I ---I -I-I 80 I I I I Ii I I I I I I I I I I I IJ I I II I I I I I I I to 10 ------,---I rl! I . I n' 90 QJ ~ : I I:: I: : I I I I : I I E 0 I 100 '" to 100 1U 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 iii " GRAIN SIZE -mm. 1: % Gravel % Sand % Fines QJ %+3" Coarse I '0 Fine Coarse Medium Fine Sill Clay i 1.7 15.1 I 48.6 34.1 t: QJ I SIEVE PERCENT SPEC: PASS? Material Descrigtioll SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) Lt Grey/8m,orange mottled silty sand '0 114 99.5 QJ #10 97.8 > 1120 94.4 "' Atterberg Limits '(3 1140 82.7 U PL= LL= PI= .S #60 57.1 -0 #100 40.8 Coefficients t: #200 34.1 085= 0.4545 060= 0.2657 050= 0.2097 QJ ~ 030= °15= 010= '" Cu= CG= '0 t: rn Classification '0 USCS= AASHTO= .2) to .2) Remarks to Lt. GrciBrn,ornage mottled silty sand ~ F.M.~1.08 E '" to (no specificfllion provided) QJ E Sample Number: 0902827 0 Date: 6-15-[ J Z Location: 2208 JOlle~ Ave. N.E. Renton t: 0 GeoResources, LLC Client: W. H. Hughes ~ 0 Project: 220R N.E. Jnnes ROfld Renton '" 6-15-11 Fife. WA Proiect No: 0902827 Flour. Tested By: --'C"'R"O'---________ Checked By: "'C"'R"'O'---_______ _ ,., '" .c f- -0 ru c 19 .0 0 OJ ~ OJ " ,., QJ £ E 0 .c '" ~ Q C .!!l t3 <lJ £ -0 '" "' " <lJ .~ "' " t3 x QJ Q) £ ~ Q QJ iii $l :; '" '" ~ <lJ "' <lJ .c f- '0:: ui '" ~ E ro "' ro u 'c ru :0 £; C ~ ~ ~ 0 <lJ > ., '" '6 .S; (5 c ~ <1l "0 C <1l "0 QJ U) .$ "' ru '§ E ro "' Q) £ .8 2 ~ g W Z u: f- Z w U 0:: w "- • • Particle Size Distribution Report ~ ~~i~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ 100 ,,"-1lnrfurrTIIT 1-lI'-lil-rm>rr"""' ..... .;;IiTT-JI-li :11-rT;n;'-'m-111 TITI TTlrT-'---rITTTTT~r-, 0 -~+H4-1 4+1'1-j1..1-II -jL1_LII ~IH J+jl-IH-l---t-JlI+I' _!I_~I-U I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 90 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I _.--1--I . --1--I ,-1---,I--i-,i'1ijjtl-I-I-~+---lj+HH-+++---l20 : I I I I : I I I I I: ::1 I 70 H-H-+--1WI+I-j!l-LI-1.-JlI-l-l-J-lI-J-I.-I--OO-l-I-lI\-l-Lj-LlfWI-H-l++--ttt-H+l-++--· 30 I I I I I I I I I!I I I I I i I I I I I I I I II I I I I 60----:-:'--:-:-ii: -1--I---I---HtIH'H-I:111-i I I I 80 40 I+HI-+I -ttI1H-H-IIH-+I-HI--+I-j\IH-H-j\I-H-I--fjl:t-t+tiIH\;-1 t-t-I -:HI J!l.1 j-l--j-l--+----+I I+HI-I-I-~----50 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II I II. tl ! II 40 - --I--H-IH+~-lH+-IIH-jil-I+I-H+-+--" ....,1--~~-IJj.++-H-+--+H~H--j-+---l60 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 301+Hf-i-1 -H-Ilrt-H-ll-j+ I I I ~H-+-fhll : -+ r+-: Ul j--l-I-I--I----+I·~+-I-·H--l70 : I I!I:I I I Iltll 20 I---1-I -I--1-1-I-H--+-+l1 I -II-III I.jjj..HH-I--I--I-H++I-H·-)--1 SO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 - -.--1----IlItl-·I+-Irl--rl--;.-\;I-lH-IH--I---I---1-hl+I--hI+r+.,\d+liH-+--I-hl---H+t+-H++-190 I I: I ; I I 1;1 ; ; I o LL~...l:---,-M~.LIL.LIU!...1 ...l1-,J!f1LLll..LL.-L----'fill-LUlLl: I..LL 1--,--;; 1!Y-IJJ-l..LJ-..L....L----;;7if-U-.LL.L....l-,;-;;;'; 1 00 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE -mm. -u m ;U o m Z -l () ~ ;U (j) m ;U %+3" % Gravel % Sand 1--__ ~----'%'-:F,-"ln"'e-'-5 __ "",,~ ___ I i---oc-oa-,·-"se"'T-' I"'FC"";n-e-l=c-o.-rs-er-:IM-:-'-:dl"-um=T-I--O:F"C";n-e--Silt I --Clav I 0.2 18.0 I 75.9 5.9 SIEVE SIZE 1/4 #10 1120 1/40 #60 #100 #200 PERCENT FINER 100.0 99.8 97.R 81.8 43.4 16.5 5.9 SPEC.' PERCENT (110 specificlllion provided) Sample Number: 0902826 Location: 2208 Jones Ave. N.E. Renton GeoResources, LLC Fife, WA PASS? (X=NO) Material Descrigtion Lt GreylBrn, orange moUled silty sand PL= 085= 0.4528 030= 0.2026 C u= 2.72 Alterberg Limits LL- Coefficients 060= 0.3108 015= 0.1428 C c= 1.15 PI= 050= 0.2732 010= 0.1145 USCS= Qa.ru;lf,c,{'Nmho= Remarks Lt Grey/Bm, ornnge silty sand F.M.-1.33 Client: W. J.L Hughes ProjAct: 2208 N.E. Jones Road Renton 6-15-11 Project No: 0902827 Date: 6-15-11 Flaure Tested By: --'C"-R"'O'--________ Checked By: "C!-'R"'O'--_______ _ - ------------- ~ ~~--------------- • • ORDER NO. : 5207093925-1 EXHIBIT A The land referred to is situated in the County of King, City of Renton, State of Washington, and is descri bed as follows: The South half ofTract 294, CD. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO.4, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 82, records of King County, Washington. EXCEPT the North 150 feet thereof; SITUATE in the County of King, State of Washington. ABBREVIATED LEGAL A portion of the South half of Tract 294, CD. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO.4 Tax Account No. 334390-3602-07 Page 1 of 1 City of Renton Planning Division !lUG-StU)) ** (;.Jf 1<* OLD REPUBLIC Jf 'fi.. TITLE & ESCROW * 1<,.. * Attached Commitment Issued for the sole use of: W. H. HUGHES HOMES 1S220 Cedar Grove Rd SE Issaquah, WA 98027 Attention: BILL HUGHES 4114 198th Street SW, Suite 4 Lynnwood, WA 98036 (425) 776-1970 Our Order Number 5207093925-1 Customer Reference TAYLOR/WH HUGHES When Replying Please Contact: Marlene Graber Mike Mccarthy Direct: (425) 776-4305 Fax: (425) 776-3350 See Attached Commitment to Insure oln LJf! TITI • • ALTA Commitment COMMITMENT FOR filE INSURANCE Issued by Old Republic National "Title Insurance Company OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL filE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation ("Company"), for a valuable consideration, commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the Proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges and compliance with the ReqUirements; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions of this Commitment. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the Proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A by the Company. All liability and obligation under this Commitment shall cease and terminate six (6) months after the Effective Date or when the policy or poliCies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue the policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. The Company will provide a sample of the policy form upon request. Issued through the office of: Old Republic "Title, Ltd. 4114 198th Street SW, Suite 4 lynnwood, WA 98036 Authorized Officer or Agent OLD REPUBUC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A Corporation 400 Second Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 (612) 371-1111 By Attest Page 1 of 7 Pages President Secretary ORTIe 1613 (2006) OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY • Order Num.: 5207093925-1 ALTA Commitment 1. Effective Date: June 1, 2011, at 8:00 AM 2. Policy Or Policies to be issued: ALTA Owner's Policy -2006 Amount: $290,000.00 Premium: $1,132.00 Tax: $107.54 Rate: General Schedule Note: Standard Coverage SCHEDULE A Customer Reference: TAYLOR/WH HUGHES Proposed Insured: W. H. HUGHES HOMES, INC. ALTA Loan Policy -2006 Amount: Amount to come. Rate: Simultaneous Note: Extended Coverage Proposed Insured: To be determined The printed Exceptions and Exclusions from the coverage and Limitations on Covered Risks of said Policy or Policies are set forth in Exhibit A attached. Copies of the Policy forms should be read. They are available from the office which issued this Commitment. 3. The estate or interest in the land described Or referred to in this Commitment is Fee 4. Title to the Fee estate Or interest in the land is at the Effective Date vested in: LORRAINE TAYLOR, as a separate estate 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: Page 2 of 7 Pages ORTIC 1614 OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY • Order Num!: 5207093925-1 See Legal Description Exhibit. This Commitment is not valid without SCHEDULE A and SCHEDULE B. Page 3 of7 Pages ORTIe 1614 OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY • • Order Number: 5207093925-1 SCHEDULE B Customer Reference: TAYLOR/WH HUGHES l. REQUIREMENTS: 1. Pay us the premiums, fees and charges for the policy. 2. Documents satisfactory to us creating the interest in the land and/or the mortgage to be insured must be signed, delivered, and recorded. 3. You must tell us in writing the name of anyone not referred to in this Commitment who will get an interest in the land or who will make a loan on the land. We may then make additional requirements or exceptions. 4. Release(s) or Reconveyance(s) of appropriate items. 5. If any document in the completion of this transaction is to be executed by an attorney-in- fact, the completed Power of Attorney form should be submitted for review prior to closing. 6. If the property described in Schedule A is occupied by a marital community or registered domestic partnership as a homestead under Washington law, any conveyance or encumbrance must be executed by both spouses/domestic partners pursuant to RCW 6.13.060. 7. Satisfactory evidence furnished to this Company as to the due formation and continued existence of W. H. HUGHES HOMES, INC. as a legal entity under the laws of the State of Washington; and documents from its board of directors authorizing this transaction and specifying the officers who shall to execute on behalf of the corporation. Page 4 of 7 Pages ORTIe 1616 OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • • Order Number: 5207093925-1 SCHEDULE B continued Customer Reference: TAYLOR/WH HUGHES II. Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the Effective Date hereof but prior to the date the proposed Insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 1. Encroachments, or questions of location, boundary and/or area which an accurate survey may disclose. 2. Easements or claims of easements not disclosed by the public records. 3. Rights or claims of parties in possession not disclosed by the public records. 4. Any lien or right to lien for services, material, labor, and/or contributions to an employee benefit fund or State Workers' Compensation that is not disclosed by the public records. 5. Exceptions and reservations in United States patents, Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements and equitable servitudes. Water rights, claims or title to water. 6. Any service, installation or general connection charges for sewer, water, electricity, telephone, gas and/or garbage removal. 7. General taxes not now payable; special assessments and/or special leVies, if any, that are not disclosed by the public records. 8. Lien of Real Estate Excise Sale Tax upon any sale of said premises, as established by the Washington State Department of Revenue. NOTE: As of the date of this commitment, the current Excise Tax Rate is: .0178. Confirm the current rate by contacting the following prior to closing: Name of Agency King County Records and Election Division, Excise Tax Department at Telephone Number (206) 296-1843 Page 5 of 7 Pages ORTIC 1618 OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY --------------------------- • • Order Number: 5207093925-1 9. GENERAL TAXES, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY AFTER DEUNQUENT; 1ST HALF DELINQUENT ON MAY 1; 2ND HALF DELINQUENT ON NOVEMBER 1: Year Amount Billed Amount Paid Parcel No. Levy Code Assessed Valuation Land Improvements 2011 $419.73 $209.87 334390-3602-07 2100 $65,000.00 $61,200.00 10. General taxes shown as exempt on the tax rolls as follows: Year Tax Account No. Levy Code No. 2011 334390-3602-07 2100 Any liability for additional taxation and/or termination of the exemption currently allowed under RCW Chapter 84.36 due to a change in ownership or death of the taxpayer. 11. Matters as contained or referred to in an instrument, Entitled Recorded Record of Survey May 13, 2011 in Official Records under Recording Number 20110513900006 --------------------Informational Notes ------------------- A. NOTE: According to the public records, there have been no deeds conveying the property described in this report recorded within a period of 24 months prior to the date hereof except as follows: NONE Page 6 of 7 Pages ORTIe 1618 OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY • • Order Number: 5207093925-1 NOTE: The last recorded transfer .or agreement to transfer the land described herein is as follows: Recorded January 31, 1989 in Official Records under Recording Number 8901310353 B. Pursuant to WAC Code 284-29-260, there will be a cancellation charge (minimum of $50 plus tax) in the event the proposed transaction does not close. C. NOTE: This report covers land which was identified by street address and/or tax parcel number(s) -assessor's parcel number(s) when the order was opened. D. The applicable rate(s) for the policy(s) being offered by this report or commitment appears to be section(s) 3, 28 and 18. E. Short Term Rate ("STR") does not apply. F. NOTE : We find no pertinent matters of record against the name(s) of : W. H. HUGHES HOMES, INC. G. Matters dependent upon inspection of the premises have been cleared for ALTA Mortgagee's Policy. The ALTA Mortgagee's Policy, when issued, will contain the ALTA 9 (CLTA 100), ALTA 22 (CLTA 116), ALTA 8.1 endorsements. H. NOTE: The CLTA 116 may describe the improvements as a Single Family Residence known as 2208 Jones Avenue Northeast, Renton, WA 98056. rob/RMK Page 7 of 7 Pages ORTIC 1618 OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY • • CONomONS 1. The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquired actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and Conditions and Stipulations and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. This Commitment is a contract to issue one or more title insurance poliCies and is not an abstract of title or a report of the condition of title. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. 5. The policy to be issued contains an arbitration clause. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. You may review a copy of the arbitration rules at http://www.alta.org. If a policy other than the 2006 ALTA Owner's Policy of lit Ie Insurance, 2006 ALTA Loan Policy of lit Ie Insurance or 2006 ALTA Short Form Residential Loan Policy is ultimately issued, the arbitration provisions of the issued policy shall control. • • ORDER NO. : 5207093925-1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT The land referred to is situated in the County of King, City of Renton, State of Washington, and is described as follows: The South half of Tract 294, C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO.4, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 82, records of King County, Washington. EXCEPT the North 1S0 feet thereof; SITUATE in the County of King, State of Washington. ABBREVIATED LEGAL A portion of the South half of Tract 294, C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO.4 Tax Account No. 334390-3602-07 Page 1 of 1 • • Exhibit A AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE -2006 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy, and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (including those relating to building and loning) restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land; (ii) the character, dimensions, or location of any improvement erected on the Land; (iii) the subdivision of land; or (iv) environmental protection; or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances, or governmental regulations. This Exclusion l(a) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under COvered Risk 5. (b) Any governmental police power. This Exclusion l(b) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 6. 2. Rights of eminent domain. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant; (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded in the Public Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disdosed in writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (however, this does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 9 and 10); or (e) resulting in loss or damage that would not have been sustained jf the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Title. 4. Any claim, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that the transaction vesting the Title as shown in Schedule A, is: (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or (b) a preferential transfer for any reason not stated in Covered Risk 9 of this policy. 5. Any lien on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching between Data of Policy and the date of recording of the deed or other instrument of transfer in Public Records that vests Title as shown in Schedule A. EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE -SCHEDULE B, PART ONE ThiS policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) that arise by reason of: 1. (a) Taxes or assessments that are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records; (b) proceedings by a public agency that may result In taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims that are not shown by the Public Records but that could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or that may be asserted by persons in possession of the Land. 3. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the Public Records. 4. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse drcumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an aCQJrate and complete land survey of the Land and not shown by the Public Records. 5. (a) Unpatented mining daims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or tItle to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b), or (c) are shown by the public records. 6. Any lien or right to a lien for services, labor or material not shown by the public records. Page 1 of 2 • • Exhibit A AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE -2006 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy, and the Company will not pay loss or damage, coSts, attorneys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of: 2. (a) Any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (including those relating to building and zoning) restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land; (v) the character, dimensions, or location of any improvement erected on the Land; (vi) the subdivision of land; or (vii) environmental protection; or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances, or governmental regulations. This Exclusion lea) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5. (b) Any governmental police power. This Exclusion l(b) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 6. 2. Rights of eminent domain. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant; (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded in the Public Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no [ass or damage to the Insured Claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (however, this does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 11, 13, or 14); or (e) resulting in loss or damage that would not have been sustained if the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Insured Mortgage. 4. Unenforceability of the lien of the Insured Mortgage because of the inability or failure of an Insured to comply with applicable doing-business laws of the state where the Land is Situated. 5. Invalidity or unenforceability in whole or in part of the lien of the Insured Mortgage that arises out of the transaction evidenced by the Insured Mortgage and is based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth-in-Iending law. 6. Any claim, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that the transaction creating the lien of the Insured Mortgage, is (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, or (b) a preferential transfer for any reason not stated in Covered Risk 13(b) of this policy. 7. Any lien on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching between Date of Policy and the date of recording of the Insured Mortgage in the Public Records. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk l1(b). EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE -SCHEDULE B, PART 1, SECTION ONE This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) that arise by reason of: 1. (a) Taxes or assessments that are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records; (b) proceedings by a public agency that may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims that are not shown by the Public Records but that could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or that may be asserted by persons in possession of the Land. 3. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the Public Records. 4. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an acrurate and complete land survey of the Land and not shown by the Public Records. 5. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b), or (c) are shown by the Public Records. 6. Any lien or right to a lien for serviCes, labor or material not shown by the public records. Page 2 of 2 • • OLD REPUBLIC TITLE, LTD. Privacy Policy Notice PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) generally prohibits any financial institution, directly or through its affiliates, from sharing nonpublic personal information about you with a nonaffiliated third party unless the institution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of information that it collects about you and the categories of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed. In compliance with the GLBA, we are providing you with this document, which notifies you of the privacy policies and practices of OLD REPUBLIC TITLE, LTD. We may collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources: Information we receive from you such as on applications or other forms. Information about your transactions we secure from our files, or from [our affiliates or 1 others. Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency. Information that we receive from others involved in your transaction, such as the real estate agent or lender. Unless it is specifically stated otherwise in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional non public personal information will be collected about you. We may disclose any of the above information that we collect about our customers or former customers to our affiliates or to nonaffiliated third parties as permitted by law. We also may disclose this information about our customers or former customers to the following types of nonaffiliated companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or with whom we have joint marketing agreements: Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, consumer finance, securities and insurance. Non-financial companies such as envelope stuffers and other fulfillment service providers. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMmED BY LAW. We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your non public personal information. ORT 287-C 5/07/01 **** * * • • ; OLD REPUBLIC TITLE & ESCROW, Ltd. ** * ** THIS SKETCH IS PROVIDED, WITHOUT CHARGE, FOR YOUR INFORMATION. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO SHOW All MATTERS RELATED TO THE PROPERTY INCLUDING, BUT NOT llMfTED TO, AREA, DIMENSIONS, EASEMENTS, ENCROACHMENTS OR LOCATIONS OF BOUNDARIES. IT IS NOT A PART OF, NOR DOES IT MODIFY, THE COMMITMENT OR POUCY TO WHICH IT IS ATTACHED. THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY MATTER RELATED TO THIS SKETCH, UNLESS SUCH COVERAGE IS SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED BY THE COVERED RISKS OF THE POLICY. REFERENCE SHOULD BE MADE TO AN ACCURATE SURVEY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. NORTHEAST OUARTERS. SECTION 5. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2208 JONES AVENUE NORTHEAST. RENTON. WA 98056 ,)4 ;" I 60 60 " N 89-07-11 E , -----------------------------------------o ~ =-,., TRA 10680. und Int 66.96 38106 SF 3601 7200 SF 3161 _._.-L._._~_~_~_~_ -~-~--------------- NE 24T11 ST 1. 51 AC "-.iii~",,":;;:'--1 3160 1. 67 AC 3162 4114 198TH STREET SW LYNNWOOD, WA 98036, PHONE (425) 776-1970 FAX (425) 776-5710 • • AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF , PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: 1. On the 2.7 day of Tl.! Y , 20~, I installed I public information sign(s) and plastic flyer box on the property located at 2,..2 A8 T~"C$..4 ~IZ.. ~t for the following project: Toe;l~ s. L..rt ? LAY Project na e lcl2J2.A, /'Jf.. Owner Name 2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X" to indicate the location of the installed sign. 3. This/these public information sign(s) was/were constructed and installed in locations in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 7 Title 4 of Renton Municipal Cod, eod lho Cily" 'Pobl;o "'"m"'o, S1g" ''',"II''Iof!",:!,,,,g,, "2- Z 7-,j Installer Sign e SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me thiS.JJ!: day of J (..(.,~ ,20 \ \ . NAOMI R. !',tNNI'IMER NOTARY PUBLIC STI'ITE Of W/XSHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES OCTOBER 4. 2011 . ~~.KR~ NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at '\<.eh-!on. I t. )f) . _ ""', My. commission ~J:<p.ires on \ D -L/ -2b I ! , --. -. I {:\CED\J)ata \F onns-T empla tes\Se 1 f-Help Han dou ts\Planning\pubsi gn. doc - 3 -03/06/2009 l Printed: 08-08-2011 Payment Made: • CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA 11-066 08/08/2011 02: 19 PM • Receipt Number: City of Renton Planning Division AUG -8 lU"1I R1103045 Total Payment: 2,472.00 Payee: W.H. HUGHES JR. COMPANY, INC. Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3080 503.000000.004.322 Technology Fee 72.00 5008 000.000000.007.345 Binding Site/Short Plat 1,400.00 5010 000.000000.007.345 Environmental Review 1,000.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 2768 2,472.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000000.020.345 Park Mitigation Fee .00 3080 503.000000.004.322 Technology Fee .00 3954 650.000000.000.237 Special Deposits .00 5006 000.000000.007.345 Annexation Fees .00 5007 000.000000.011.345 Appeals/Waivers .00 5008 000.000000.007.345 Binding Site/Short Plat .00 5009 000.000000.007.345 Conditional Use Fees .00 5010 000.000000.007.345 Environmental Review .00 5011 000.000000.007.345 Prelim/Tentative Plat .00 5012 000.000000.007.345 Final Plat .00 5013 000.000000.007.345 PUD .00 5014 000.000000.007.345 Grading & Filling Fees .00 5015 000.000000.007.345 Lot Line Adjustment .00 5016 000.000000.007.345 Mobile Home Parks .00 5017 000.000000.007.345 Rezone .00 5018 000.000000.007.345 Routine Vegetation Mgmt .00 5019 000.000000.007.345 Shoreline Subst Dev .00 5020 000.000000.007.345 Site Plan Approval .00 5021 000.000000.007.345 Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence .00 5022 000.000000.007.345 Variance Fees .00 5024 000.000000.007.345 Conditional Approval Fee .00 503.6 000.000000.007.345 Comprehensive Plan Amend .00 5909 000.000000.002.341 Booklets/ErS/Copies .00 5941 000.000000.007.341 Maps (Taxable) .00 5998 000.000000.000.231 Tax .00 I . I CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT RENTON, WASHINGTON DECLARATION OF COVENANT THE OWNERS OF LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFITS TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANT AND AGREE TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL 'INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. OWNER'S DECLARATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE. THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED, DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREFORE DECLARE THIS MAP TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SAME, AND THAT SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. LORRAINE TAYLOR ACKNOWLEDGMENTS STATE or WASHINGTON ) COUNTY or __ _ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THA T ON THIS --IJA Y OF , A.D. 20_ BeFORE ME. THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBUC, PERSONALLY APPEARED ~=-::::-:=:-;:;-;;::-=;::-ro ME KNOVrN TO BE THE INDMDUALS MfO SIGNED THE ABOI£ --CER=TI=rt=CA-TE..".....,.AN,""'V,.....A:-:-CI(,,-::-N~OVtl£DGED ro ME THA T THEY SIGNED THE SAME AS THEIR FREE ."" ""T."'V ACT A,un .n<Trl ~ ..•. ~,,_.~ p-VL. ... ,' ."'i'l I .'1" I =tv ... , "'~.i;I,.'. 'MTNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THE DA Y AND 'YE:AR rtRST ABOI£ WRI77EN. L{) 0 ~ 0::: C/) SIGNATURE OF _______ _ NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STA TE or WASHINGTON, Re;!OING IN _____ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES: NE 24TH STREET SITE w z w z ~ NE 20TH STREET « (f) Z (f) W W 0 Z w Z 0 0 0 .., 0:: ::::.i: w 0 m w « NE 16TH STREET VICINITY MAP RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE No. APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON Administrator of Community and Economic Development Examined and approved this day of ____ -', 20, __ Administrator CITY OF RENTON MON #334- INTERSECTION JONES AVE NE & NE 24th STREET, FND 1/8" BR PIN IN CONCRETE MON IN CASE (06/04) ~--N= 191,115.1971 E=l,303,577.1040 DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE Examined and approved this __ day of ____ ---..., 20· __ Assessor SCALE: i 0 SCALE 1" = 30' Deputy i\ssessor PORTION OF Account Number __ 3_3_43_9_0_3_6_0_2 __ _ SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC 5, TWN 23 N, RG 5 E, W.M. AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREATED HEREIN FALL WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE #4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. THIS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY'S SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE. EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE HOMEOWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER. LUA-XX-XXX-SHPL LND.,-XX-XXxx SURVEY NOTES INSTRUMENT: TOPCON GPT 3000W TOTAL STATION METHOD USED: FIELD TRAVERSE WITH ACTUAL FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND ANGLES WAC 332-130-090 DATE OF SURVlEY: JULY 2011 BASIS OF BEARING: JONES AVE NE (00'33'23" E) LEGAL DESCRIPTION N 89'07'20" E 1324.95' A. NE 24th STREE--r ----'V THE SOUTH HALF OF TRACT 294, CD HILLMANS LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO 4, AqCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS. PAGE 82, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. w z w > « (f) w z o '"'") EX CB 1M EL = 248.11 INV EL = 245.91'-12"W FOUND 1/2" REBAR & INTERSECTION ABERDEEN AVIE NE & NE 24th STREET, FND ---' PIN IN CONCRETE MON IN CASE (07 /2011), ,~, "! '~r" )h! I /'.,.1 . : I I WIRE FENCE ;: ,! f3 EXCEPT THE NORTH 150 FEET THEREOF; SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING. STATE OF WASHINGTON. " I CAP LS# 17659 2.0 OFFSET (7/2011 ) II I .. ~ ,. ,_. '", ;' ,;:' . ~ " ,~. ." -.I N 89°10'36" E 25496', ! . -._. • ;-t=.",----:x-_-x-.-' ,-. I I " , ./ I i 11-2 I . I 1 / ",--ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK i i '_'_'_'_.l~l_ w FOUND 1/1" REBAR & CAP LS# 17659 (7/2011 ) ENGINEER / SURVEYOR TOUMA ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS 6632 S 191 st PLACE SUITE E -102 KENT, WASHINGTON 98032 SHORT PLAT DATA II II ~ II I /I I N 89°13'52 'I e 255.14' . ! f __ "--WIRE FENCE ~:?, TOTAL SHORT PLAT AREA 36,847 sq. ft. NUMBER OF LOTS PROPOSED -2 CURRENT ZONING - R 4 Sr-¥-- II II v EX B EX CB FOUND 1" IRON PIPE (7/2011) ------RIM EL = 250.33' INV EL = 24S.10'-12"W '--RIM EL = 250.78' INV EL = SB5'22'37"W ._-/ 265B.72 S 89'20'24" W 1325.79' CITY OF RENTON MON #1839 INTERSECTION JONES AVE NE & NE 20th STREET, FND PIN IN NE 20th STREET SOUTH LINE OF TRACT 294 CITY OF RENTON MON #369 185±N OF INTERSECTION ~4IlJm)'Hlffi~EM5 & NE 20th STREET. FND 3"BRASS MON W PUNCH MARK IN CONCRETE MON IN CASE (07/2011) N=189,092.033 E=1.306,215.308 DENSITY PERMITTED - 4 UNITS PER ACRE DENSITY -2.36 DU/ACRE PROPOSED SQUARE FOOTAGE OF THE LOTS 1 -17,882 sq. ft. 2 -18,965 sq. ft. '----CONCRETE MON IN CASE (07/2011) N= 188,877.739 INTERSECTION ABERDEEN AVE NE & NE 20th STREET. F~;D PIN IN CONCRETE MON IN CASE (07/2011) E=1,303,565.237 EL = 279.17 LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE . ~ o > Filed for record this __ day of ___ ,20_ at __ In book __ of ___ at page __ _ at the request M This map correctly represents a survey mode by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the Survey Recording g TOUMA ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS,PLLC JOEY SHORT PLAT UTILITY PLAN RENTON, WA 98058 Act at the request of Lorraine Taylor in july 2011 of Dan M. Touma WEST VALLEY EXECUTIVE PARK DWN. BY DATE JOB NO. 6632 SOUTH 1915T PLACE, SUITE E-102 'KENT, WA 98032 DAN T. JULY 2011 525-245-011 PHONE (425) 251-0665 FAX (425) 251-0625 I--------+--------+---------t CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET Mgr. Supt. of Records Certificate No. 38992 MHT 1"=30' 1 OF 1 ---'-----,,~ , , I CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT RENTON, WASHINGTON DECLARATION OF COVENANT THE OWNERS OF LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT. IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFITS TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANT AND AGREE TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. OWNER'S DECLARATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY TI-lESE PRESENTS TI-lAT WE, TI-lE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN TI-lE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED, DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION TI-lEREFORE DECLARE TI-lIS MAP TO BE TI-lE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF TI-lE SAME, AND TI-lAT SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WlTI-l THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH TI-lE DESIRE OF TI-lE OWNERS IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. LORRAINE TAYLOR ACKNOWLEDGMENTS STA TE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF __ _ THIS IS TO CERnFY THAT ON THIS --DAY OF A.D. 20_ BEFORE ME. THE UND£RSlGNED, A NOTARY PUBUC, PERSONALL Y APPEARED --:-:-=-:c-:::::-::,.",,-==- , TO ME KNO'M>! TO BE THE INDIWDUALS MlO SIGNED THE ABO~ -::CC£R=nF1=C-:-:A TE=-:-AN,:-:::D:-A:-::CJ<:-::-N~O'MEDGED TO ME THA T THEY SIGNED THE SAME AS THEIR FREE VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THE DA YAND Yf:AR FIRST ABO~ WRmeN. -, . SIGNATURE OF _______ _ NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STA TE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING IN _____ _ MY APPOINTMENT £XPIRE:s: NE 24TH STREET SITE w z ~ NE 20TH STREET « (f) Z W W Z w a Cl ~ a::: NE 16TH STREET w CD « VICINITY MAP RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE No. w z (f) Cl Z a ~ Cl W APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. VOL.jPAGE CITY OF RENTON Administrator of Community and Economic Development Examined and approved this __ day of ____ --0, 20 __ 30 30 15 o 60 Exomined and approved this day of ____ ---', 20 __ Assessor SCALE: Deputy Assessor PORTION OF Administrator Account Number __ 3_3_43_9_0+-. _3_6_0_2 __ _ SW 1/4 OF THE NF':, 1/4 OF SEC 5, TWN 23 N, RG 5 E, W.M. w z w > « U1 w Z o -:> CITY OF RENTON MON #334 INTERSECTION JONES AVE NE & NE 24th STREET, FND 1/8" BR PIN IN CONCRETE MON IN CASE (06/04) ~--N= 191,115.1971 E=1,303,577.1040 N 89'07'20" E 1324.95' AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE THE LOTS CREATED' HEREIN FALL WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECllON AREA AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE #4367 AND AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4740. THIS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY'S SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETWEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE. E TREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER AN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE H MEOWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER. LUA-XX-XXX-SHPL LNO-XX-Xxxx SURVEY NOTES INSTRUMENT: TOPCON GPT 3000W TOTAL STATION METHOD USED: FIELD TRAVERSE WITH ACTUAL FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND ANGLES WAC 332-130-090 DATE OF SURVEY: JULY 2011 BASIS OF BEARING: JONES AVE NE (00'33'23" E) LEGAL DESCRIPTION EX CB NE 24th STREET THE SOUTH HALF OF TRACT 294, CD HILLMANS LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIVISION NO 4, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 82, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. I L 1/ 1/ I 5: 1/ I 1/ I /I I 1/ I I I I I I 1M EL = 248.11 INV EL :=: 245.91'-12"W FOUND 1 /2" REBAR & CAP LS# 17659 2.0 OFFSET (7/2011 ) " ~, ' •• ", < f r"; . )(~ -------- GRAVEL DR I PROAOSED WM I I I-.-J IOJ 1i2 I PROPOSED SS ~ BSBL I I L __________ ~-__ ---~ N 8 1 1 INTERSECllON ABERDEEN AVE NE & NE 24th STREET. FND ---' PIN IN CONCRETE MON IN CASE (07 /2011 ),.~ '.;> ,j ,~t,· 'r"~ I ... .-.,.J I I . I r' 0 10'36" E 254 96', I , tt=;1--, i , ,-.- I ./ I ! ORDINA Y HIGH , , i. WATER ARK 1-5 1-6 r I 1'-3' ~-It-I',,: -'.i -----~- .l I: f IA ' -,4" / J , ,; I ! ,-I i , . ! I ' , .' ' , I .r I.' ' : I / . I ; ... I~I ',' "ALDER I" • I. , ALDER I ... : i -. , I ~ (CJ to • ~ CO N o o o ---...q-~ Z· EXCEPT THE NORTH 150 FEET THEREOF; SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. FOUND 1/2" REBAR & CAP LS# 17659 (7/2011) ENGINEER I SURVEYOR TOUMA ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS 6632 S 191 st PLACE SUITE E -102 KENT, WASHINGTON 98032 r--WIRE FENCE LORRAINE TAYLOR OWNER I ./ " 2208 JONES AVE NE FOUND 1 IRON RENTON, WA 98058 PIPE (7/2011) 425-444-3367 SHORT PLAT DATA .-.-.-.-.-.. -• • _II_._X-· 1/ .-._. • Sl-+-- II 5: 1/ II -H--+---+I 1/ 1/ EX B EX CB FOUND 1" IRON PIPE (7/2011) ~-h'IM EL :=: 250.33' INV EL = 248.1O'-12"W RIM EL :=: 250.78' INV EL = S85'22'37"W N 89'13'52'1 B 255.14' , 2658.72 S 89'20'24" W 1325.79' CITY OF RENTON MON #1839 INTERSECTION JONES AVE NE & NE 20th STREET, FND PIN IN NE 20th STREET i_- WIRE FENCE ~.-.~ SOUTH LINE OF TRACT 294 CITY OF RENTON MON #369 185±N OF INTERSECllON ~~J1\.'fil}J[}ffi"VtVe6Q'6 & NE 20th STREET, FND 3"BRASS MON W PUNCH MARK IN CONCRETE MON IN CASE (07/2011) N=189,092.033 E=1,306,215.308 TOTAL SHORT PLAT AREA 36,847 sq. ft. NUMBER OF LOTS PROPOSED - 2 CURRENT ZONING - R 4 DENSITY PERMITTED - 4 UNITS PER ACRE DENSITY -2.36 DU/ACRE PROPOSED SQUARE FOOTAGE OF THE LOTS 1 -17,882 sq. ft. 2 -18,965 sq. ft. 5,.. fl.€-Awt-AuA ~ LJ:=....~ LA.~ 0 AUA '----CONCRETE MON IN CASE (07/2011) N"" 188,877.739 INTERSECTION ABERDEEN AVE NE & NE 20th STREET. FND PIN IN CONCRETE MON IN CASE (07/2011) E=1,303,565.237 EL = 279.17 LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE AUG -8 Lui1 -. • -.J o > iK\ ~, ,0 ~ Ii W If-; lQ) Filed for record this __ day of ___ ,20_ aC_ In book. __ of ___ at poge __ _ at the request of Dan M. Touma M This mop correctly represents a survey mode by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the Survey Recording Act at the request of Lorraine Taylor jg TOUMA ENGINEERS- LAND SURVEYORS,PLLC JOEY RENTON, WA 98058 WEST VALLEY EXECUTIVE PARK OWN. BY DATE JOB NO. in july 2011 6632 SOUTH 1915T PLACE. SUITE E-102 • KENT, WA 98032 DAN T. JULY 2011 525-245-011 PHONE (425) 251-0665 FAX (425) 251-0625 1--------+---------+-----------1 CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET Mgr. Supt. of Records Certificate No. 38992 MHT 1 "=30' 1 OF 1 _ ____ "'" ~,.o·_, •..