HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: September 27, 2013 To: City Clerk's Office From: Lisa M. McElrea Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Signature Homes Residential Design Standards Modification LUA (file) Number: LUA-13-000069; MOD Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Gerald Wasser Acceptance Date: January 18, 2013 Applicant: William Hines, Jr. Owner: William Hines, Jr. Contact: William Hines, Jr. PID Number: 3343902520 ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: January 18, 2013 Appeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Residential design standard modification for garage design. Location: 2004 NE 12th Street Comments: ,. DEPARTMENT OF CL.,IMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MODIFICATION OF RESIDENTIAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE R-4 AND R-8 ZONES ~ APPROVAL D DENIAL EVALUATION FORM & DECISION An "X" is shown in the applicable residential design requirement box. When an alternative is employed that requires a modification, the staff evaluation is written on the lines below. The decision to approve or deny the requested modification can be found at the conclusion of this form. PROJECT NAME: Signature Homes Residential Design Standards Modification PROJECT NUMBER: LUA13-000069, MOD PROJECT MANAGER: Gerald Wasser, Associate Planeer APPLICANT: William G. Hines, Jr. Signature Homes 10407 gth Street E Edgewood, WA 98372 ZONING DESIGNATION: Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) PROJECT LOCATION: 2004 NE 12'h Street SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant proposes a garage design which is greater than 50% of the front fa~ade of the proposed house at ground level. In order to create an aesthetically compatible design approach two single garage doors instead of one double garage door would be installed (Exhibit 2). The proposed garage would be 53% of the front fa~ade. 1. Primary Entry Choose one: D Stoop (minimum 4'-6" x 6' and 12" above grade); or ~ Porch (minimum 5' deep and 12" above grade); or D Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain)--------------- 2. Fa~ade Modulation Choose one: ~ Facades visible from street are offset (minimum 10' wide x 2' deep on a minimum one story); or D One street facing fa~ade is offset (minimum 2' deep first story from second); or City of Renton Department of C1.. ;nity and Economic Development Administrat, odification Request Report & Decision Signature Homes Residential Design Standards Modification LUA13-000069, MOD Report of January 18, 2013 Page 2 of 4 D Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain)---------------- 3. Windows and Doors Choose one: ~ Windows and doors constitute at minimum 25% of all facades facing streets or public spaces;or D Alternative that meets guideline (Explain)---------------- 4. Scale, Bulk & Character Choose one: D Abutting houses are different models; or ~ Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain) _.c,N,.,_A..,_ ____________ _ And, if a subdivision of ten (10) or more, choose one: D At least 3 different home models are used for any 10 contiguous abutting homes; or D Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain)---------------- 5. Roof Choose one: ~ Hip or gabled with at least 6:12 pitch; or D Shed roof; or D Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain)---------------- And if more than nine (9) lots choose one: D D A variety of roof forms are used; or Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain)---------------- 6. Eaves Choose one: ~ All eaves project minimum of 12" and have horizontal fascia with a minimum of 5" (Fascia-gutter is acceptable); or D Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain)---------------- And, if roof has soffits, choose one: D Trim minimum of 2" on fa~ade at bottom of soffit panel; or D Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain)---------------- 7. Architectural Detailing Choose one: ~ Trim (minimum of 3 -1/2") around all windows and doors; or D Shutters on windows and trim (minimum 3 -1/2") around doors; or City of Renton Department of Cc.. Jnity and Economic Development Administrati. _ ,odification Request Report & Decision Signature Homes Residential Design Standards Modification LUAB-000069, MOD Report of January 18, 2013 Page 3 of 4 D Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain)---------------- And, if one siding material is used on any side that is 2 stories or more, choose one: ~ A horizontal band (minimum 8") is used between the first and second story; or D Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain)---------------- 8. Materials and Color Choose one: ~ The house is a different color than the abutting homes, or 0 Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain)----------------- And, choose one: 0 At least 2 colors are used (body with different color trim is acceptable); or 0 At least 2 different siding materials are used (siding & shingles, siding & masonry, etc.); or 0 Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain)--------------- 9. Lot Configuration (R-8 Only) Choose one: 0 For each 4 abutting lots, lot widths vary at minimum 10'; or 0 For each 4 abutting lots, front yard setbacks vary at minimum 5'; or 0 Minimum 4 lot sizes are used (minimum 400 s.f. difference); or ~ Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain) _NL!L.!A"-------------- 10. Garages Choose one: 0 Recessed 8' from the front of the house and/or front porch; or D Roof extends 5' beyond garage front at least the width of the garage and the porch/stoop; or 0 Alley Accessed; or 0 Located so that the entry does not face a street or an access easement; or 0 Sized so it represent no greater than 50% of the front fa~ade width at ground level; or D Detached; or ~ Alternative that meets guidelines. (Explain) The proposed new single-family residence would have a two-car attached garage. Because the Residential Design and Open Space Standards regarding garage design state an attached garage may be no more than 50% of the front facade at ground level which would necessitate the use of one double garage door at the project location, the applicant has requested a modification which would allow for the installation of two single garage doors in City of Renton Deportment of Cc. .mity and Economic Development Administrat,. ,odification Request Report & Decision Signature Homes Residential Design Standards Modification LUA13-000069, MOD Report of January 18, 2013 Page 4 of 4 order to provide a more functional and aesthetically compatible design approach. The proposed garage would occupy approximately 53% of the front facade. And, if the garage is wider than 26', choose one: 0 The portion greater than 26' is setback at least 2'; or 0 Alternative that meets guidelines (Explain)---------------- RMC 4-9-250D.2 Criteria for Modification of the Standards. The requested modification must also meet the following criteria: 1. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; and 2. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; and 3. Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; and 4. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and 5. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. DECISION The proposal satisfies 5 of the 5 criteria listed in RMC 4-9-250D2 for approval of modifications. Therefore, the garage design modification (as depicted in Exhibit 2) of the residential design standards for the proposed single-family residential structure, Project Number LUA13-000069 is approved. C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Administrator Department of Community & Economic Development The decision to approve the modification(s) will become final if not appealed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 on or before 5:00 pm, on February 1, 2013. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7'h Floor, (425) 430-6510. If you have any further questions regarding this decision, feel free to contact the project manager, Gerald Wasser, at 425.430.7382 or gwasser@rentonwa.gov. Exhibits: 1. Site Plan 2. Front Elevation '·, / /1/,n.r..,_, ?.,..,:r• I )oNW'-£,( ;-£,}ts Lor ffe-t/ -S•Z<= 5, '182.so cl, 5,c-.At~T"Ve.t.. C'usro""" llo"""=~- (""'=v" S1Nc...,w FA11,,ly ~h)(,-:,:,vc<j:) Exl!"n.vc.., ~DDtl.t:."""$I /PAil.cui -r(;' P"-A.,--: ZODg NG 12 +l. S,- K't:-A/roN, Cj8~5" -# 33'1 sc;ozs z o 20' ~ l' >y r 1 I 1.!t~ r I I OS. ''\ -· '-- I 5 In \ 1,3<'1, SQ. ~ DS I I I EXH!BlCT 1 Ex ,.rnw ).,,~ --r.::>..ra,rn""' /i:w. /",.,,,.-: J'TAI Lor i Tt<•cr 2'-'l ~. D. 11.//MANS , . J.r..l,ca 1,,/4.9-1,M:,,~ (;.-A-Wb'...C or> t::?P~ Aoo . .-o ~An-b., V1'I. ,vo, A/, V{)I-. /I, P. B Z , f~w6 f!ov,tT'( TYPILAL C,t,2-·Fi,LL,. lf.JRL.T'RA"l'\Of,J l"FII-TP-Anol'J Si. Ff. M,\11\1 i':L. I, 3~1 r:/i 6A1t.AC:,11i' 5r;,z. r:i> PoR.r:.He. tS'S ~ I Iii \ i. 611,t,;..r i'::.&:> "' ~~ A " / f Fl+ 1c6' W/>.'l"El: ,--I r_...J_ -1 -\-I I -~ I I I . I S'b2 &:;;>. Fl'". \ c / _I"= Zo' _;;,Cr.. c I \,_ 'J!,v,r..e>1,re, ,>!7if ?,..,.Al ToTJ'..L = z402 ip. ' . ·e,40'2 -;-° 700 :: 3.43J<.\0 '° 34 I 34' 4'' RIDb!b . pi;:-R\!= , SI-! E'E-T Fl .. .ow '="'<' Pl, TDTAL 7'2.. :5S'B I I I ..... EXHIBIT 2 99086 '</M 'uowe~ 1 ~60£ UB(d ( sawoH woisn: ___ .. _ ·· _____________ __i..____::-::...__LL____:'~· ... __ ·--... __ Signature Custom Homes . 10407 8th Street East . Edge~bod, WA 98372 ~ SANGlAR'{ i!51 tol;5 City of Renton Planning and I>evelopment Design Review 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 To Whom It May Concern: ~i;pf~~- ~,0i-/zo/3 BUILDING DIVISION Signature Custom Homes is proposing to build the home shown and described in the . th permit package attached at 2008 NE 12 Street, Renton. · The same plan was built by Isola Hornes in 2011 at 810 N 30th St, Renton. This location is roughly 1.8 miles away. The neighborhoods are consistent with each other in age'and appearance. Upon completion, the home received very positive feedback from the community on its overall design.and Contemporary Northwest feel. It is Signature's position that based on this homes ability to integrate into the existing neighborhood, it's above average elevation, and Isola Homes' approval for the same home under the Renton Residential Development Standards, that it be approved for constructio~n~-~~-... espectfully, . lliarn ' Hines. Jr. Owne Signature Custom Homes ,Kl:'? PRofl051::D 51u8LI::'-FAM 11..Y R'E'GIOE'Nl.<= WoiJ.Z..:D 1-\A.l.lE' A TWD-CA.R ATI-Ac.i-\e.D 6ARAe::rE' LSEE AiVC.1-\1:=D f't\0,0$) BECAUSE f?i=iS IO EWTA.L Lt'51e:rU S.,,d.. \J .DA 1<.DS: R.c=r,;; i.lA-R!i) 1 "-lb &A.t?A6.E'S STA,E 11-\.A.T A~ ATf ACH E:D erARAbE 1-v(AY f';E i'JO MO\cE -f(.\p.._~ .Eb% c,F FRC<.1.J1 FACADE" AT Gl<Ouls.lD Lf:;·l)E"L W'HIC.1-\ W°DUL.D IJE"CE=.SSITATE Tl-IE" /.A.SE: OF e>10E O'.:>LIBLE' G-A.R.&..GE ~-/>.T" T\-11= ~ECT l...D::ATION, SIE:d-. .lt>..,Uk?t' cu.;Tof.l\ f-lDMES R€c:J.l/1EST& A MD.Dl.FIC-ATlO\\J 11..1\-\(CH WDLILD ALWK/ FoR. Tl-I.I: LlSE' oF T't<!o ~l~bLi= GARA&\:: b:1:cRS IIJ DRDEf<'. TD Fl<'D\l(DE A MDR'E FLlldGTID\.JAL AIJ.D A..;:-..s.THE:TiCAL.LY C.DMPAT(BLI:: De:;;rblJ A:PPR'oAc.+-\. ,\-\1::' PKDl=>CSED TWO GARA.E>s D~ MD:blF(GAT\0/.0. WDU.LD Ll$6 AWR'Dl({Mti.T!::cl...Y° 53-Y.,,__o_~ ::t:8-.. g-~T 1==s-<.c:6,.t,"1;;;c.----------------~ / ,;/,_,..,_.,., ?7 h<>'T"', hfo,,,v/1.£,t l.k :t tr Lor ffet/ -SIZG 5,'18Z,50 cf, S1<·1N~T"Vl?..t.; C:usroiN\ lloM(;;;-::..- (Nc: "" .S INC.lLu FM.1P• 'r f<c:s1vc:.vc(j:) Et..1.fTINC, .Ao~-n /PA.tJ..t.ul -ro iL~T : 1 zoog NG 12 +l Sr 1<,.....,"',.,. °'8"'6" N #-33'/3'1025 2 D 5 I "' L __ _JL,;'-=..:-:....:;i:i Cl!, I f'l7-I Lor i T,l.4cT Z'-i <!. D. ;.I,//,.,,,,,.., ' . J.11ka W4..S .. 11Nt;,To....t &Alt.,)C,i";,{ 0 1° £::'J}o=>,f 1.l.:: .. ,:;,. -ro ~Alrl;, v,v. NO. '*'I, v~. 11, P. Bl, !~1N6 t!ow-ii'( TYPllAL C,t..~ Fu<-t.-1tJRl-1RA."<'1ofJ INFI/..T~'->nON s'I.. Pf. ;,..,/1\11\J FL. I, 3~1 ,:Ji 6n.11.4~-$(.,Z. 'l PoR.u16 1e. 'S \ i 64\Jt=. .. e:.= di . -,;, I P I IO' A E / T l='"I+ ,C:6· 5c.,,_ /"' ..i.. ,, = I I pu,~,.;,,,#(;, ..>Inf "-- Zo' 7,_,,.AI To TA.L :a Z. 4c,i ¢ ' . 'i';'.,40'2 -;-700 = 3,43Kl0 "34' 34' 4'' RIDblD Pt:'~f' , 51-\E"E:"T F"l-DW sa;, pr; ToTAL 7'2.. 38"o .. I I I ,! i ip I i· ,· t i~, •1 J !· !I~. 'I i I !~ ~ t ' 1! I f· i ~. 99086 '</M 'UQlU8~ 'l ~60£ UB(d I sawoH wo1sn:: ' l · ,J I ,. ~ 11 ~f i' 1: !11 I ---·------------------------------__ ",:~ __ _L -~---·---- I, f I '· i S 4JZ~ 3N 800Z a~ II ::IMO 1 aJnJeu61s i· : I I i § a, m I a ~ i I I I -f' ==mi I l • ! I ! N ij : I of ~ ! I Z ! II I I I I I I I I I I 1111111111111:111 I \ i ~=1 i ! 11111111111111111111111111 j i ! ! ! 11111111111:111 l i .lJ ! I 0 LO <( • j I _I--··· ' ' ' i ' le I i r 1·-1 . I l ' I ' • ' ;- -----·--.------- I I -n '' '' '' ! : 'I 11 I! 11 11 : j' i I I I i I' I : : I 11 11 '' ii '' I! I I/ ._ 11 I I ! 1 ' I '' : : I I I l '' : : '' '' '' 11 '' '' I: I 11 '' I! I '' 11 ' ! ! I '' 11 I I ..j_J i l -~--~, .. ---~ ,I H I ,I !H I t' Ii ti r !I I 11 ii !tli ~ I ! ; '. I ~ h (•~ ~ , .• ' r ii ,.. n~ l ~ i • I ~ i • ! I ' I i ' I ' ! I I ' I ! ! I I I I ' I I ! ! I I ':2 0 ~ lli ~ ~ ..s +- () tv) 2 a -&J I , ' / C][ITOJF RENTON DEJP> A.R'fMENT OJF COMMUN][TI{ & ECONOM][C .DEVEJLOJP'MENT MEMORANDUM Date: December 13, 2011 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Design Modification for 810 N 30'h Street LUA (file) Number: LUA 0 11-039, MOD Cross-References: LUAll-040; LUAll-041 AKA's: Project Manager: Gerald Wasser Acceptance Date: June 24, 2011 Applicant: Ron Froton, Isola Homes Owner: Isola Real Estate III LLC Contact: Same as applicant PID Number: 3342100420 ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: June 24, 2011 Appeal Period Ends: July 8, 2011 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: New house with Residential Design Modification request for garage exceeding 50% of ground floor fac;ade width. Location: 810 N 30th Street Comments: . June 24, 2011 Ron Froton Isola Real Estate Ill LLC 450 Shattuck Avenue South, Suite 201 Renton, WA 98057. • SUBJECT: RESIDENTIAL DESIGN STANDARDS MODIFICATIONS FOR 810 NORTH 30TH STREET (LUAll-039, MOD) Dear Mr. Froton: The City of Renton is in receipt of your request to modify the minimum standards of the residential design regulations for the proposed single family residence on property located at 810 North 30th Street in the Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) zone. The following summarizes your request, project background, analysis, and decision. Summary of Request Ron Froton has requested a modification from the minimum standards of the Residential Design and Open Space Standards (RMC 4-2-115) for a proposed new single-family house located at 810 North 30th Street (Exhibit 1). The modification would be from the standard which regulates garages. The requested design standards modification would accommodate a functional and aesthetically-pleasing attached garage design. Background The applicant has requested a building permit (CP11048) for a new single-family house. The property is located at 810 North 30'" Street and is zoned Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R-8). The subject proposal would result in a residential design standards modification for a new single-family residence on a site which is currently vacant. The proposed new single-family residence would have a two-car attached garage (Exhibit 2). Because the Residential Design and Open Space Standards regarding garages state that an attached garage may be no more than 50% of the front fa~ade at ground level which would necessitate the use of one double garage door at the project location, the applicant has requested a modification which would allow for the installation of two single garage doors in order to provide a more functional and aesthetically compatible design approach. The proposed garage would occupy approximately 53% of the front fa~ade. RMC 4-9·2SOD2 requires that the following criteria must be met for modifications: 1. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; and 2. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; and ·., Denis Law · Mayor June.24, 2Dlf Ronfroton · Isola Real Estate Ill LLC Department of Community ani;f Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator. 450 Shattuck Avenue South, Sujte 201 .·Renton, WA 98057 . SUBJECT: . . RESIDENT;AL DESIGN STANDARDS MODIFICATIONS FOR.810 NOR~H 30TH STREET (LUAll-039, .MOD) Dear Mr. Froton: . The City of Rent~n is in receipt of your req~est to modify the minimum standards of the . residenti~I design regulations for-the proposed single family residence on property located at .· • 810 North 30'h Street in the Residential~ 8 d~elling units per acre (R-8) zo·ne. The· following summarizes your request, project background, analysis, and detisi.on. · · ···Summary of Request Ron Froton has requested a modification.from the.minimum standards of the Residential Design . · . and Op.en Space Standards (RMC 4-2-iis) for a pr~posed new single-family hquse located at810 . . North 301h Street (Exhibit 1). The modification would be from ttie standard which regulates · garages. The requested design standards rnodificati~n would ·accommodate a functional and aesthetically-pleasing attached g~rage desig·n. · · · Backgrou.nd: . The ~pplicant has request~d a building permit (CPllp48) for a,new single-family house. The property is located at 810 North 3D'h Street and is zcined Residential-: 8. dwelling units per acre (R-8). The subject proposal would result in a _r~sidential design standards modification·for a new . single-family residence on a site wh.ich is currently vacant.· The proposecl riew single:famUy residern;e would h.ave a two-·car attached garage (Exhibit2). Because the Residentia1Design and Open Space Standards regarding garag·es state thaian · · .attached garage·m~y be no more than 50% of.the front fa,ade at ground 0 leve_l which would . necessitate the use of one d,ouble gar~ge door at the project location, the applicant-has requested a modification which would allow for the installation of two single garage doors in order to provide a more functiopal and aesthetically compatible design approach. The proposed garage would occupy approximately 53% of the front fa,ade. · · . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . RMC 4-9'250D2requires that the following criteria must be met for modifications: . . ' . . . . ' . . . · 1.. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environnient~I protection and maintainability intended b·y the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; and . . 2 .. Will not be injurious to otherproperty(ies) in the vicinity; and . _Renton City Ha!I o 1055 South Grady Way _o _Renton, WashinQtOn 98057 o rent~nWa.gov I • I I. ·, I • I I 1. I I , . I l· , . . i Ron Froton ( · iune 24, 2011 .Page ,2 ' 3. Conform to the intent and purpose of.the Code; and 4, Can be ;hewn to b~ justified and required for the use and situation intended; and, · 5. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity . . ' ' ' . . . Analysis ~nd Decision ·· The purpose of the Resi9ential Design and Open Space Standards (RMC 4-2-llSA) regarding,site design is to promote quality neighborhoods which are characterized oy well land~caped, safe, .. pedestrian orient.ed streets fronted by a variety of housing types. ,:hese qualiti~s are enhanced by lots in a variety of sizes.and widths and by homes Which·vary in scale and massing, each with prominent entry and generous fenesuation facing the street. Garages,'while a neQessity_to today's lifestyles should not visually dominate .the sfreetscape. The·purpose ofthe Residential Design and Open Space Standards rega~dirig residential design is to pro~ote key characteristics of attractive neighborhoods which include a variety of housing architectural styles, enhanced by attention to selection of exterior.materials, colors, and architectural detailing. ·The· proposed . single-family ·house meets the purpose of the. Residential Design ahd Ope_n Space Standards for both site design.and res_idential design.· 1-iowever; the garage· standard is not met: · • · Garag_es -The gara~e must,be sized sci that i~ represents no greater than 50% of the width of the front fa,ade atgroun.d level.. The proposed structure is-designed so that· the attached garage would represe~t approximately 53% of the frantfa,ade.atgrOuhd !eve/. . · Additionally, ~M!;: 1-2~115F includes guidelines for the ,design.of garages which aid in the ·· implementation.of RMC 4-2°115A. The_guideline and analysis are as follows: • Garages-The vis.ual impact6f garages shall be minimized, while porches a~d front· . . doors shall be the emphasis ~f the frontcif the home. Garage·s sh.all be located in a . . ' . . . . . . . . . . manner that minimizes the p_resence of the garage·and.shall not be located at the end · 'of view corridors. Theproposol minimizes t_he visuai impoct'of the garage by utilizing two separated single garage ·doors al/Owing for more street facing trim detail.and . . vi:Jriatiop of the overall front fa,ade. Based on the analy;is, ab~ve; the proposed modification· meets: th·e intent of the guidelines of . the Residential besign and Operi Space Standards. The pmposal satisfies the five criteria lis;ed in RMC 4-9-250D2 for approval of modifications in , 'that it meets the intent and p·urpose of the Code; does not result.in injury oradverse· impacts, and is justified in this instance.'. Therefore, the modificatio·n ·~f the res!dential design ;egu'iations. · for the proposed single family resid~ntial structure to be.located at 810 North 301h Street is · approved. Ron Froton June 24, 2011 Page 3. The decisio.n to approve the proposed modification is subject to a fourteen (14) day appeal period fromthe date of this letter.·. . . . . . within 14-days of the effective date of.decision, any party may request reconsideration that a . decision may be reopened by the Administrator (Decision-maker) .. The Administrator (Decision- maker) may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original .decision is· found .or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the Administrator (Decision,maker) finds sufficient evidence to a~endthe original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal perioa. Any person · .. wi~hingto take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal timeframe with the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7'h Flo~r, (425) 430-6510. · · · The decisio.n to approve the proposed modification will become final if not appealed inwriting to the Hearing Examiner on o(before 5:00 pm, July 8, 2011. Additional lnformation reg~rding the appeal process may be. obtained from the Rent.on City Clerk's office, Re.ntoli pty Hall-7'h Floor, (425) 430:6510. Appeals must be filed in writing, toge.ther with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South.Grady Way, Reriton, WA .98057. ··If you ha·v.e questions regarding this correspondence, feel free to contact _Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner at (425) 430-7382. Sincerely, . · . . C.CZ.U~ . C.E. Vincent, Director . Planning Division Exhibits: 1. Site Plan 2: South ·Elevation 3. Aerial Photo 4'. Zoniryg ·Map· · -. : ·· ,cc: Jt;!nnifer Henni~g, Current Planning Manager· ~ ,~o~' r -----':-:-,-- f-·-: \ IEXIHIEBE1T" 1 5' SIDE SETBACK 5.0' 20' GARAGE SETBACK FLOWERING PLUM (PRUNUS BLIREIANA) 1-1 /2" CALIPER MIN I SW0ol'33"E I ' """ I I a f I I \\ 20' bR _/__ SET~ACK -1 \•fa. .. '~ l --~~~;,?=.: ,:J \ t""f-: r-~I 7"'.""s""• /j....::.,i:: ··'-'. ., '_.'.'·: ;· i. : W----, ) 3.,. 22.5 : I ..tJ· I ~ ,,:J:,;P : / i I tlo / itf §: <0 PROPOSED/ : ;, ~ 1 ..-2-STORY/ 1 • 1 RESIDEN,fE O I I ~ Q I i 1,, l!)i,I : /[5' \ I I i i/.42' k 5' SIDE SETBACK 5.0' 0 ci I!) / ) ,, I , ' 5.0' . 23.0' I ' Cl t!) ""' I , S811"04'35'E r / \ 1 FLOWERING PLUM L ____ l.. _ \ ) (PRUNUS BLIREIANA) ) I --GMJ "';: ,---I =-7 /2" CALIPER MIN t-··--···--···-4--··---\-··-···=···--··-~\: ···-···--/' .,/ , , . / . /~·'111--- / //. ~; < _, __ _ ...... ;•"' ._-,; I / ,• I ---------'--------~3~.18' :::,,< ~- I '• -'J5"'1;511iJiii' BUILDING FOOTPRINT: COVERED PORCH: TOTAL STRUCTURE COV.: N 30TH STREET (SE 94TH STREET) 5.099 SQ. FT. 1,959 SQ. FT. 63 SO. FT. 2,022 SQ. FT. Site Pian 06/02/11 ~L.J ., :··j 1"=20' Isola Real Estate 810 N 30th St Renton, WA 98056 elllLDlt,,t;, MEIGMT 1 I $ ~lltPL.09RPl.!:!f __ _ ' • i • 11/4><3" PLAT WI eEYELaD !!.DGI! 0/ 11/4><6 IIILL TRIM ~Rl'I.OOROUl!il"l..R --- ~"il'l.~f:b...HT ____ _ !o/4><6"~R TitlH (~ l.ffOJ 4v.1""2~ MORIZOHTAI... 61DNO <TTP II.I-IE~ ~ ~> 1,s,1,11! 1 i. 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THIS MAP 1S NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Lakes and Rivers D Parcels <> Renton Fire Hydrant <> Other System Fire Hydrant ) Street Names Rights of Way Streets Roads Jurisdictions C Bellevue ;'": Des Moines [.": Issaquah ·-.. Kent Cl King County C Mercer Island iJ Newcastle ffi G RENTON ~ ,_, SeaTac r: Seattle ~ C r,...., l=l Aerial (March 201 00 a Red: Band_1 Fl a Green: Band_2 9 ) a Blue: Band_3 w 1: 1,014 @8,5" X 11" ® Notes Enter Map Description B IEXHXIBXT 41- COR ZONING MAP BOOK D4 -05 T23N RSE W 1/2 PW TECHNICAL SERVICES PRINTED ON 11/13/09 __ ,,,,. ... __ _ "'" ... ""'"'""'"'""'"'-•odk-cl"" ...... ~ .. --~ ...... ,, .. __ __ ............. °" __ _ ··--·----V o 1--+-1---,-ll-200 400 c::::::t:=:::::/ Feet 1:4,BOO CA -RC CA !·-· -- ! i .......... r ••••• _J -----i CA------ -__ -_ ---::1 i -:-, r--- _.J· .. ~----~: i i-··-. ··-- ---R,s--·, 1·--·-_____ f !-("1 R-1 RC ,,., ... -. N C4 32 T24N RSE W 1/2 5432 To whom it may concern: RE: Architectural review of Kennydale SFR submittals by Isola Homes. "3 !D 0 :30 {--\,,, S-t We have recently submitted for review 3 new home designs on N 29th and N 30th St in the Lower Kennydale area. We are aware that the city has implemented stricter architectural review guidelines to inhibit run of the mill 'cookie cutter' design as was an issue in years past. Isola Homes is just as concerned with providing outstanding product, with attention to design and function, that sets itself apart from the crowd and improves the neighborhoods we invest in. In reviewing the requests by the city to conform to certain requirements, I request that the city consider the overall look of the homes as a package. While such limitations may be set for the protection of the community, we have designed these homes to have maximum appeal and unique quality, each exterior elevation of the home has been thought out and made to maximize appeal. We are not pursuing the items that you have requested be changed for cost cutting measures, in fact they are more costly, but request that the best practice for individual homes, including livability for the future residents, be considered. We are requesting that the garage fa,ade currently proposed be allowed for each home. We have proposed the inclusion of 2 single and separate 9' garage doors for a number of reasons. Foremost is function, 2 single doors are much more functional and more often used to park vehicles, preventing an overflow of household vehicles into the driveway and onto the streets, which adds to the appeal of the home and the street when completed and being lived in. Secondly is aesthetics, the extra break between the doors allows for more street facing trim detail and variation to the overall fa,ade. Isola homes shall adhere to all other requests made by the city regarding the architectural review. In general, we realize and appreciate the efforts made by the city to protect the neighborhoods, as each of us have been Renton residents for large portions of our lives and still maintain our business here. Please consider that the design standards have a place that can only be suited by working with architecture meant to better suit individual projects, and review the homes as a whole, as they have already been thoughtfully designed and will accomplish the best intention that the city is implementing in its design review. For more information on our homes and our company please visit Isola homes.com, you will see that we are a quality minded and community based company with a strong reputation. We look forward to doing more business in the City of I Renton, and thank you for the consideration. Sincerely, Ron Froton Isola Homes '• ~~y ~ '1');,p 'I~~ -------'· 1 D -----12.00' ALLEY '_I_ -- = \ 1:1 I C 5' SIDE SETBACK FLOWERING PLUM (PRUNUS BLIREIANA) I -I /2" CALIPER MIN \ S6g"(),f33"E ! J PROPOSED/ 2-STORY/ RESIDENiE I l\ ) I SO.DO' I D ci 1!) I 5' SIDE SETBACK 5.0' 0 ci 1!) 5.0 0 I!) 1 S89'0'1'35"E \ I f \ \ ' FLOWERING PLUM / ____ l_ _ _ \ : (PRUNUS BLIREIANAJ r \ -~,/ ~ ,--/ :-'[ /2" CALIPER MIN /,-----~-=-t,-- . -~1~ / ;, . • / ----r'--_ _,_ __ _ ,,.... /$i ~·""' : ---------f--------4--J~96' .. .,,,e ,, sa~·Ool~"E 51!~91!' S1TEAREA: BUILDING FOOTPRINT: COVERED PORCH: TOTAL STRUCTURE COV.: N 30TH STREET (SE 94TH STREET) 5.099 SQ. FT. 1,959 SQ. FT. 63 SQ. FT. 2,022 SQ. FT. !!.~.w_ Site Plan Isola Real Estate 810 N 30th St Renton, WA 98056 06/02/11 · Printed: 06-07-2011 Payment Made: ('ITY OF RENTON . 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions IRIECIE!PT Permit#: LUA11-039 06/07/2011 04:39 PM Receipt Number: 33421o64ti> CPI IOLbg' R1102086 Total Payment: I 100.00 Payee: ISOLA REAL ESTATE Ill LLC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount ----~-----------------------------------------------5022 000.000000.007.345 Variance Fees Payments made for this receipt I Trans Method Description ' Amount ------------------------------------------------------------ Payment Check #6837 100.00 I 100.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due -----1- 3021 3080 500p 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 303.000000.020.345 503.000000.004.322 000.000000.007.345 000.000000.011.345 000.000000.007.345 000.000000.007.345 000.000000.007.345 000.000000.007.345 5012 000.000000.007.345 5013 000.000000.007.345 5014 000.000000.007.345 5015 000.000000.007.345 5016 000.000000.007.345 5017 000.000000.007.345 5018 000.000000.007.345 501~ 000.000000.007.345 5020 000.000000.007.345 so2V ooo.000000.001.345 502i ooo.000000.001.345 5024. 000.000000.007.345 5036: 000. 000000. 007. 345 59091 000.000000.002.341 5941, 000. 000000. 007. 341 59541 650. 5998 1 000. 000000. 000. 231 I ------------------------------ Park Mitigation Fee Technology Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) DO NOT USE -USE 3954 Tax ~emaining Balance Due: $3.00 .00 3.00 .oo .oo .oo .oo .oo .00 .00 .oo .oo .oo .00 .oo .00 .oo .oo .oo .oo .00 .oo .oo .00 .00 .oo RECEIPT EG00002633 REFE BILLING CONTACT SIGNATURE CUSTOM HOMES 2008 Ne 12Th St Renton, WA 98056 RENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA 13-000069 PLAN -Modification Technology Fee Printed On: January 15, 2013 Prepared By: Gerald Wasser ---=:::;;,.---==-;..- TRANSACTION TYPE Fee Payment Fee Payment PAYMENT METHOD Credit Card Credit Card SUB TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $100.00 $3.00 $103.00 $103.00 Page 1 of 1