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LINE, W. 660', NW. 1/4, SE. 1/4, SEC. 32 _23_5 W. LINE, NE. 1/4, NW. 1/4, SE. 1/'4-, SEC. Jl-il-2' W000 FENCE Nll1'37 "E 35' ~ \ \ I' :I ----- .•. NO'l'-4&'07"E: ~~ ~v'i .. " ®:--J ' " " & ' , ~~ • 0 ':~ ' f ,. -, ~sl g ' ti ~ I __ -·---L \7£.87' N01'49C•,OeC,---- 112TH AVE SE ~-r+ " a:: r z a ' X X ' X X X X r C >- '.. " I X X X I ~ "D I . '- ;_ 0 ~~ ,a· !;o, s,:il ;~ "' ii: 0~, a e; Ii;,, m ~~; z 0 lar ;;; ~ 1. I §'; ' -~~· .. ,,. S"'q M(JJ'O,'Cll"(" ,...., ••• ,, c~. .~ ~ ... ., ~· i::;:~ ,rL p e •a • ~ ;e!e s pir e~! ' -- ' 'I -·---J -~rw ___,___~:.... r--N ij ~ " V\ • " ~ " • D ' • E )> l "' I X ~ I :;i ;g 0 !il " z <> " .o ~ "' ·~ ~ ., Denis Law vrfr--·· , . . City oL 1 < ·· · ---=Mayor~----~· •·. ! ~' . (.;~1Ft1'¥~ rt'r·'.·,1·,;,\ ,, t, ~J t;(,L~JjJ l Department of Community a11d Economic Development · t.E."Chip"Vincent,Administrator CITY OF RENJON . 4/11/2013 . MAY 10 2013 . RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE .. · . . TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Subject: New Plats an~ Short Plat~ inthe City of Renton Pleas,e see attached site·•plans of new plats a.nd short plats and multi-building · • · . . developments thafhave recently·beeo address.ed. Some ofthese are recorded and I · -am supplying a list of new parcel numbers with the new addresses: If the plat is not · reco'rded{NR), I am only,giving you the plat map with the new potential addresses · wrjtten on it. Right nowJonly have time·to do the plats starting with A-F. Coming later · . will be the rest of the alphabet! · · ! • . . . .. . • . . . . Please aod these .addresses to your City directories ;rnd map~.,·. • th . . . . . . N 26 · StreetShort Plat (NR) · .Beel.in Plat (NR) Bre.mertcin TownhomesPlat (NR) Caimes ;,hort Plat· · · ,Cedar River Station Claremont Plat · Dell Short.Plat . . . Duvall/Mapleside Short Plat Frontier Bank Short Plat . · · Sincerely;·· . Jan Conklin Energy Plans Examiner · · Develop-m~ntServices Division Tel1cphone: 425-43o.;7276 · · #1:platadd . Almyer Plat(NR) , .. · ··Benson Trails/Sandhu Plat Brookefield North · Cavalfa Plat (NRi (helan Ridge/Vuong Delaney Park Plat Dewitt Short Plat (N R) . Eastwood/Olympus Vil la Plat· . _Renton ch}'Hall ~ :, 055 south Grady Way. • Renton, -Washington" 9805-7. ~ ~entonwa.~o~ . . -. . '· i i CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: July 1, 2013 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. __ ...,_._. __ ......,,. ... "-=-....... .-......... ,...,.,,,,~,,.,..,. .. , .. .. Project Name: Altmyer Final Plat I LUA (file) Number: LUA-13-000368, FP ·---'------'----------------'------------------- ; Cross-References: LUAOS-106 I AKA's: Jan Illian Project Manager: 1------------------------------------ . Acceptance Date: , Applicant: f Owner: '. Contact: PID Number: . ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: , Administrative Denial: i Appeal Period Ends: , Public Hearing Date: ! Date Appealed to HEX: j By Whom: : HEX Decision: ', Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: . Council Decision: ; Mylar Recording Number: April 8, 2013 Geonerco Properties WA, LLC Same as applicant Jamie Waltier, Harbour Homes, LLC 3223059302; 3223059294 Approved with conditions Date: June 28, 2013 Date: · Project Description: Altmyer Final plat to subdivide into 21 single family lots. The plat includes ' · installation of road and storm improvements and detention vault; streetlights are private. Water · :• and sewer is Soos Creek Water and Sewer. : Location: 11022 & 11023 SE 184'h Place · Comments: ~--··-·------------·-·-''"" ~---·· " DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: July 1, 2013 TO: FROM: Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Jan Illian x 7216 SUBJECT: ALTMYER FINAL PLAT MYLARS FOR SIGNATURE LUA13-000368 PARCEL #s 3223059302 / 3223059294 Gregg, Here are two sets of mylars for the Altmyer final plat for your review and signature. The following has been completed: • The final plat was approved by the Hearing Examiner on June 28, 2013. • All construction permit fees have been paid. • The impact fees will be paid at building permit issuance. • The inspector has signed off the construction permit. Please contact me when they have been signed and I will stop by and pick them up. Thank You. i:\projects\altmyer\plat to gregg.doc 1. As Built mylars submitted ALTMYER FINAL PLAT LUA13000368 2. As Built street light mylars submitted. N/A 3. Street lighting finaled. N/ A 4. Monument cards submitted S. Inspector signed off construction permit 6. Final Cost Data, Bill of Sale, and Maintenance Bond posted 7. All applicable permit fees are paid 8. Planner approved final plat 9. All wetland plans, construction issues approved 10. Technical Services recommends approval 11. Check for courier 12. HOA and CRRs approved 13. Fire approval received. 14. Two year Maintenance and Defect Bond in place Cynthia Moya From: Sent: John Baringer <jbaringer@geonerco.com> Tuesday, July 02, 2013 11:46 AM To: Cc: Subject: Jamie Waltier Jan Illian; Cynthia Moya RE: Altmyer Plat Those spaces are for the recording number of the plat -to be filled in when the plat recording numbers are available. Please call me if you have questions John C. Baringer Vice President/Corporate Counsel Geonerco Management, LLC. 1441 North 34th Street, Suite 200 Seattle, Washington 98103 Fax: (206) 352-2010 Office: (206) 352-2020 Cell: (206) 396-6687 ibaringer@geonerco.com Please Note: The information in this E-mail message, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended only for the use of the individual(s) named above. If you are the intended recipient, be aware that your use of any confidential or personal information may be restricted by state and federal privacy laws. If you, the reader of this message, are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you should not further disseminate, distribute, or forward this E-mail message. If you have received this E-mail in error, please notify the sender and delete the material from any computer. Thank you. -----Original Message----- From: Jamie Waltier Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 11:44 AM To: John Baringer Subject: FW: Altmyer Plat -----Original Message----- From: Jan Illian [mailto:Jillian@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 11:18 AM To: Jamie Waltier Subject: FW: Altmyer Plat Jamie, Please see city clerk's office question. Jan Illian I City of Renton Development Services 1055 -S. Grady Way 6th floor Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 430-7216 E-mail: jillian@rentonwa.gov -----Original Message----- From: Cynthia Moya Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 11:01 AM To: Jan Illian Subject: Altmyer Plat At the bottom of page 4 has some blanks. What needs to go in there? Thank you, Cindy Moya, Records Management Specialist City of Renton -Administrative Services/City Clerk Division cmoya@rentonwa.gov 425-430-6513 -----Original Message----- From: PDECopy Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 10:51 AM To: Cynthia Moya Subject: Message from "CityClerks" This E-mail was sent from "CityClerks" (Aficio MP 6001). Scan Date: 07.02.2013 10:50:47 (-0700) Queries to: PDECOPY@rentonwa.gov 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF RENTON RE: Altmyer Final Plat LUA 13-000368 FP ) ) ) FINAL PLAT APPROVAL ) ) ) ) ) 11----------------~ Summary 16 The Applicant has applied for final plat approval. The final plat is approved. 17 18 Testimony No hearing is held on final plat applications. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Exhibits The following documents were considered in evaluating the application for final plat: I. 2. 3. 4. June 3, 2013 memo from Jan Illian to Phil Olbrechts. June 25, 2013 staff report. Plat and Vicinity Map Minor Amendment Findings of Fact FINAL PLAT-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Procedural: I. Applicant. Geonerco Properties WA LLC 2. Hearing. No hearing is required or held for final plat applications. Substantive: 3. Description of Proposal. The applicant is requesting final plat approval for a 11 lot subdivision. The City of Renton approved the preliminary plat on February 9, 2009. The final plat encompasses 3 .17 acres. It is located at 11022 SE 184 th St. 4. Consistency with Preliminary Plat Conditions. The Applicant has complied with all preliminary plat conditions of approval, as detailed in the staff report, Ex. 2, the findings and conclusions of which are adopted and incorporated by this reference as if set forth in full. Conclusions of Law Procedural: I. Authority of Hearing Examiner. RMC 4-7-1 !0(C) provides that the hearing examiner shall approve all final plats. Substantive: 2. Applicable Standards. The RMC doesn't contain any standards for final plat approval, other than to require that "the final plat shall conform with only minor modification to the preliminary plat." RMC 4-7-IIO(A)(2). As determined in Finding of Fact No. 4, as conditioned the plat conforms with all preliminary plat conditions of approval or will be bonded to comply with any outstanding conditions. DECISION The final plat application is approved, subject to the following condition: I. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat unless otherwise authorized by the preliminary plat conditions of approval. Dated this 28th day of June, 2013. FINAL PLAT-2 • 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 City of Renton Hearing Examiner Appeal Right and Valuation Notices RMC 4-8-11 O(E)(9) and/or RMC 4-8-11 O(F)(l) provides that the final plat approval of the hearing examiner is final subject to appeal to the Renton City Council. RMC 4-8-11 O(E)(9) requires appeals of the hearing examiner's decision to be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the hearing examiner's decision. A request for reconsideration to the hearing e examiner may also be filed within this 14 day appeal period as identified in RMC 4-8-11 O(E)(8) and RMC 4- 8-100(G)( 4 ). A new fourteen (14) day appeal period shall commence upon the issuance of the reconsideration. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall-7th floor, (425) 430-6510. Affected property owners may request a change in valuation for property tax purposes notwithstanding any program of revaluation. FINAL PLAT -3 SOOS Cl~EEK WATER & SEWER DISTIUCT 14616 S.E. 192nd ~t. • PO. llc1x 5Hti.l9 • Renton, WA 98058-1039 • Phone (253) 6:lil-99110 • Fax (253) 6]11-5209 Certification of Water Availability for the Plat of: Altmver Plat Soos Creek Water and Sewer District certifies herewith that the water ,y,·tem installed in the referenced plat has been accepted for 111ait1te11a11ce and operation. This water system has been i11cnrpnrated into the District's water .~vstem mu! service will be provided to the connecting properties 011 the same basis and under the same conditions as all ()(/,er customers of the water district. All lots/units within the plat of: Altmver Plat now have water avai/at,/e by service connection. A waler meter application must be obtai11ed al the Soos Creek Water tmd Sewer District office prior lo connection. i?7 ._-. . /'-Lh f .2ez . Ron Speer · ~ District Manager cc Local Fire Department Friday. June 21, 2013 Page I of/ www.snoscreek.co111 SOOS CREEK WATEn & SEWER DISTRICT 14616 '.:it:. 192nd St. • PO. Box 58039 • Renton, WA 98058 1039 • Ph,111e (253) 630-9900 • fax (2:i,) n:lO-'i289 Certification of Sewer Availability for the Plat of: Altmyer Plat Soos Creek Water and Sewer District certifies herewith that the sewer :,ystem installed in the referenced plat has been accepted for nwinte1umce and operation. This sewer system has been incorporated into the District's sewer ,;vstem and service will be provided to the connecting properties on the same basis mu! under the same condition.\' as all other customers oftlte sewer district. All lots/11nits within the plat of: Altmyer Plat 110w have sewer availahle by side sewer connection. A side sewer permit 11111st he obtained at the Soos Creek Water a11d Sewer District office prior to co1111ectio11. e\~ee;L, Ro11 Speer · ~ Dfrtrict .Manager Frhlay, June 21, 2013 Page I of/ www.sooscreek.com CITY OF RENTON Construction Permit Permit Number: U 120085 Permission is hereby given to do the following described work, according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinances of the City of Renton. ------------------------------------------ Description: SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER WORK IN CITY ROW (SE 184TH) FOR ALTMYER PLAT. ROAD RESTORATION WILL BE PER CITY STANDARD. Job Address: Owner: Contractor: Contact: 11022 SE 184TH PL SE 184 PL AND 112TH AVE SE GEONERCO PROPERTIES WA LLC 1441 N 34TH ST SEATTLE WA BDZ CONSTRUCTION 3207 PACIFIC AVE EVERETT, WA 98201 98103 HARBOUR HOMES BY GEONERCO INC Contractor License: BDZCOC*902LT Contractor Phone: City License: Contact's Phone: 425-259-2290 23474 206-547-8213 Work _________________________________________ Other Information: Date of Issue 08/07/2012 Work Order 87031 Date of Expiration ,. _ I J _ 2--0 ( ~ Parcel Number 3223059302 Inspector's Name Date Fmaled~ -I~ lA A ~ ______ 0-A __ · ____ f_V_\ ___________________________ It is Inspector's Phone understood that the City of Renton shall be held harmless of any and all liability, damage or injury arising from the performance of the work described above. You will be billed time and material for any work done by Cty staff to repair damages. Any m>rk performed within the right-of-way must be done by a licensed, bonded contractor. Call 425-430-7203 one working day in advance for inspections and for any work in the Right of Way To Cancel an Inspection -call 425-430-7200 between 8AM and 5PM Locate utilities before excavating. Call before you dig -72 Hour Locators 1-800-424-5555 I hereby certify that no work is to be done except as described above and in approved plans, and that work is to conform to Renton codes and ordinances. Subject to compliance with the Ordinances of the City of Renton and information filed herewith permit is granted. X Applicant Public Works Rep THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED AT THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CITY OF RENTON STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS APPLICANT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: RECOMMENDATION: Geonerco Properties WA LLC Altmyer Final Plat (Preliminary Plat LUAOS-106) File: LUAB-000368 FP 11022 -SE 184 TH Street SE Y. Section 32, Twp. 23 N. Rng. 5 E. Final Plat for 21 single family residential lots, with storm and streets. Water and sewer service is provided by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. Approve With Condition FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record documents in this matter, staff now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Geonerco Properties WA LLC filed a request for approval of an 11-lot final plat. 2. The yellow file containing all staff reports, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit No. 1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official, issued a Determination of Non-Significance on October 3, 2008, for the subject proposal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at 11022 -SE 1841 h Street. The plat is located in Section 32, Twp. 23 N. Rng. 5 E. 6. The subject site is a 3.17 acre parcel. 7. The Preliminary Plat received approval from the City on February 9, 2009. 8. The property is located within the R-8 Zoning. 9. The Final Plat complies with both the Zoning Code and the Comprehensive Plan. 10. The proposed Altmyer preliminary plat was accepted by King County prior to annexation to Renton. Following annexation the King County preliminary plat conditions were amended and the applicant has complied with the amended preliminary plat conditions. Amended Conditions of Approval for the Altmyer Preliminary Plat The proposed subdivision of Altmyer Plat, as accepted by King County for complete application on September 26, 2007, and granted preliminary plat approval by the City of Renton on December 2, 2008 is granted approval of minor amendments to the preliminary plat, subject to the following conditions of final plat approval: Hearing Examiner's Conditions as amended by Neil Watts, Director of City of Renton Development Services Division in the letter to Jamie Waltier of Harbor Homes, LLC, and dated May 17, 2012 and clarified in the letter to Jamie Waltier of Harbor Homes, LLC, dated June 6, 2012: 1. Compliance with all platting provisions of the Renton Municipal Code (RCM) 4-8-110. Response: The final plat is in compliance with the Renton Municipal code. 2. Original condition deleted. 3. The plat shall comply with the King County base density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-8 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-8 zone classification and shall be generally as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, except that minor revisions to the plat, which do not result in substantial changes, may be approved at the discretion of the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department. All future houses within the plat shall substantially conform to the guidelines listed in Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-2-115 Residential Design and Open Space Requirements. The City shall review and approve modifications from strict adherence to the prescribed standards provided the applicant demonstrates design alternates meeting the spirit and intent of the guidelines. The houses shall otherwise be in conformance with the applicable vested King County setback requirements and other associated land use standards for development. Any plat boundary discrepancy shall be resolved to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department prior to the submittal of the final plat documents. As used in this condition, "discrepancy" is a boundary hiatus, an overlapping boundary or a physical appurtenance, which indicates an encroachment, lines of possession or a conflict of title. Response: The final plat has been prepared in conformance with the preliminary plat and meets the density and dimensional requirements of the R-8 zone classification. There are no boundary discrepancies to resolve. Any condition of approval related to the design and construction of future houses will be addressed at the time of building permit application. 4. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (2007 KCRS), or as otherwise modified by agreement between the City of Renton Development Services Division and the applicant per RMC 4-9-250D. 2 Response: The approved construction plans have been prepared in accordance with required standards. This condition has been met by the completion of construction of the site improvements, as shown on the approved plans. 5. The applicant must obtain the approval of the City of Renton Fire Department for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of RMC 4-5-070. Response: The applicant has complied. This condition has been met through the preparation and approval process for the Engineering Construction water plans. The City of Renton Fire Department approved the plans and will continue to monitor through the house building process. 6. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location of lots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. The following conditions represent portions of the Code. Requirements shall apply to all plats. The following conditions specifically address drainage issues for this plat: Response: The applicant has complied. The approved construction storm drainage plans have been prepared in compliance with the vested codes. a. The drainage facilities shall meet the requirements of the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). The drainage design shall meet at a minimum the Level 3 Flow Control and Basic Water Quality in the KCSWDM, unless otherwise approved by the reviewing agency. Response: The applicant has complied. The construction storm drainage plans have been prepared and approved as in compliance with the required codes. b. The existing County detention pond on Lot 1 [Short Plat 4740409 (Parcel 3223059313)] shall be retrofitted with an overflow riser in the control manhole as shown on the Preliminary Road and Storm Drainage Plan received April 30, 2008. This design can be modified, as approved by the engineering plan reviewing jurisdiction. Response: The applicant has complied. This condition has been met. The overflow riser in the control manhole has been installed as shown on the approved construction plans. c. To implement the required Best Management Practices (BMPs) for treatment of storm water, the final engineering plans and Technical Information Report (TIR) shall clearly demonstrate compliance with all applicable design standards. The requirements for best management practices are outlined in Chapter 5 of the 2005 KCSWDM. The design engineer shall address the applicable requirements on the final engineering plans and provide all necessary documents for implementation. Response: The applicant has complied. The final recorded plat includes all required covenants, easements, notes, and other details to implement the required BMPs for site development. The approved engineering plans and Technical Information Report have been prepared in compliance with the applicable standards. Appropriate notes/restrictions have been included on the final plat. d. Standard plan notes as listed in the 2005 KCSWM shall be shown on the engineering plans. Response: The applicant has complied. All required notes are shown on the approved engineering plans. 3 e. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: "All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings# on file with the City of Renton Development Services Division. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file." Response: The applicant has complied. The required note has been included on the final plat. 7. The following road improvements are required to be constructed in lieu of the original King County street standards: a. The internal access road SE 184th Place shall be improved at a minimum to the urban sub access street standard with a permanent cul-de-sac at the west end. Response: This condition has been met. Completion of construction of the site improvements, including the new roadway and cul-de-sac has been completed as shown on the approved construction plans. b. Sufficient right-of-way (ROW) shall be dedicated for the SE 184th Place improvement with the final plat. Note that this includes ROW acquisition from King County/City of Renton for the needed ROW adjoining lot 1 of SP 474040, known as an existing County detention pond. A 25- foot R/W radius is proposed at 112th Avenue SE. Response: The applicant has complied. The required dedication within the plat boundary has been provided. The dedication of off-site right of way has been executed and submitted for recording by the City of Renton. c. Any proposed joint use driveways or private access tracts shall be improved per Section 3.01 and 2.09 of the KCRDCS. These tracts shall be owned and maintained by the lot owners served. Response: The applicant has complied. This condition has been met by the completion of construction of the site improvements, as shown on the approved construction plans. Ownership of the tracts has been provided for on the final plat. d. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section 1.12 of the KCRS. 9. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the City of Renton prior to final plat recording. Response: No modifications were utilized in the preparation or construction of the approved engineering plans. 8. The applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with the applicable City of Renton traffic mitigation fee schedule or applicable impact fee schedule in place at the time of fee payment. The applicant has the option to either: (1) pay the traffic mitigation or impact fee at the final plat recording, or (2) pay the mitigation or impact fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of final plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All traffic mitigation or impact fees required by Renton Municipal Code have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. 4 Response: In 2012, the City of Renton adopted an Impact Fee schedule that allows the owner/builder to pay the fees with the building permit. All fees shall be determined with the complete building application and collected at each building permit issuance. The applicant has chosen to defer payment of the required fee to the time of building permit application. 9. Off-site access to the subdivision shall be over a full-width, dedicated and improved road which has been accepted by the City of Renton Development Services Division. The street improvements must be completed or deferred prior to recording of the plat. A request to deferral of the improvements would be subject to the procedures of RMC 4-9-060C. Response: The applicant has complied with all dedications and improvements are completed. The access is constructed per the requirements. The off-site dedication has been executed by the City of Renton for recording. 10. The planter islands (if any) within the cul-de-sacs shall be maintained by the abutting lot owners or homeowners association. This shall be stated on the face of the final plat. Response: The applicant has complied. The required note has been provided on the final plat. 11. A suitable recreation space shall be provided within the combined drainage/ recreation tract. The recreation space may be placed above the vault. The recreation area must be accessible and consistent with the requirements of KCC 21A.14.180 and KCC 21A.14.190 (i.e., sport court[s], children's play equipment, picnic table[s], benches, etc.) and landscaping of KCC 21A.16. In lieu of providing these improvements, the applicant may choose to pay the Parks Mitigation or Impact fees prior to the final plat recording, using the fee schedule in effect when the plat receives final approval. If the applicant opts to provide suitable recreation space on-site, then the following conditions must be met. Response: The applicant has chosen to pay the current Parks Impact Fee in lieu of providing the recreation space improvements. In addition, a privately maintained tot-lot play space is being provided for the use of the plat residents. All required fees will be paid prior to final plat recording. a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., landscape specs consistent with 21A.14 and KCC 21A.16) shall be submitted for review and approval by the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department and City of Renton Parks Department concurrent with the submittal of the engineering plans. This plan shall include location, area calculations, dimensions, finished grades, access to underground vault (access grate) and general improvements, i.e., landscaping, fencing, and trail. Response: Not applicable, Applicant to pay fee in lieu providing open space. b. The vault maintenance shall not interfere with the recreation area improvements. Response: Not applicable. Applicant to pay fee in lieu providing open space. c. If the engineering requirements for the construction of the drainage facility prevent provision of a suitable recreation tract, a separate recreation tract shall be provided. A revision to the· plat may be required. Response: Not applicable. Applicant to pay fee in lieu providing open space. d. All landscaping shall be maintained in good condition and be irrigated. The landscape plan shall include the method of irrigation. 5 Response: Not applicable. Applicant to pay fee in lieu providing open space. e. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. Response: Not applicable. Applicant will pay fee in lieu providing open space prior to recording the final plat. 12. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established, to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department, which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation tract. Response: This condition has been met. A Certificate of Incorporation was issued on April 2••, 2013. 13. Street trees shall be provided as follows: a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along SE 184th Place. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. Response: This condition has been met. All landscaping has been installed, as shown on the approved plans. b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 2007 King County Road Standards, unless the City of Renton Development Services Division determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. Response: This condition has been met. All landscaping has been installed, as shown on the approved plans. c. If the City of Renton determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. Response: This condition has been met. All landscaping has been installed, as shown on the approved plans. d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the City of Renton has adopted a maintenance program. This shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. Response: The applicant has complied. The required note has been provided on the final plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department if located within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. Response: This condition has been met. No new trees were installed in the right of way. The landscaping plan was approved with the Engineering construction plans. f. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by the City of Renton Community & Economic Development prior to engineering plan approval. 6 Response: The applicant has complied. The street tree plan and quantity sheet was approved as part of the Engineering Construction plans. g. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after the Community & Economic Development Department has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. Response: This condition has been met. All landscaping has been installed and accepted, as shown on the approved plans. h. A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. Response: The applicant has complied. 14.To implement appropriate tree retention standards under RMC 4-4-130, a detailed tree retention plan shall be submitted with the engineering plans for the subject plat. The tree retention plan (and the engineering plans) shall be consistent with the requirements of RMC 4-4-130. No clearing of the subject property is permitted until the final tree retention plan is approved by Renton Development Services Division. Flagging and temporary fencing of trees to be retained shall be provided, consistent with RMC 4-4-130. The placement of impervious surfaces, fill material, excavation work, or the storage of construction material is prohibited within the fenced areas around the preserved trees, except for grading work permitted pursuant to RMC 4-4-130. No clearing or grading of the site shall occur until CED approves the detailed tree retention plan. Response: The applicant has complied. The required significant tree retention/replacement plan was submitted and approved as part of the Engineering Construction drawings. CONCLUSIONS: The Final Plat satisfies the conditions imposed by the preliminary plat process. RECOMMENDATION: The Hearing Examiner approves the Final Plat with the following condition: l. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to the recording of the plat. SUBMITIED THIS zs'" DAY OF June 2013 ELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION 7 ·\;;i~ w, • w w~ ... " 49· ~I~ ~o ' . ..,~ 00 ·~ 0 .. ~-: 50 "111/i!'J i,1:!W ~-51 ~ ~ ~ ~;, ... 52 .., 0 ·1~ 'I " 0 z• W"lf,:1 ~"J''' • •• G5:1, 69 ~, Cf)I:;; 3 co ~i~ 0690 ~:;;;· :, .,q .. 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" Q_ ~ 0 > 0 z " z § w ~ Q_ C X I X X X X X X I I X N X I ' 0 < z ~ => ~ • C 0 • ~ w w I ' --i, I ~· ;~ ~ oli'. ' a "· ~ t ! ,g • " .. •' "' ~f ·----·-- ~"' 100.00' ' 100.00' 14&.99' <("-~~ ...... <;r.it:t;--i: )-"'"'"" u ... le!.!iJi gi:~_o ' . .:O'it -,..., •• , """ '/ I -a-~ ';)Js Vi ·35 <th 'MN 't/1 ;11,1 '3Nn . ..._ J ~~r-ts: = 't/1 "35: 't/1 '/01 ',09Y ',I\ '3Nr1 'J ' ~ I (:;JJ ,'l:1 n ~-=:..] ·~-::"-. ·.:::.=--' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: M E M O R A N D U M May 10, 2013 Bob MacOnie, Technical Services Jan Illian, Plan Review fJ2, ALTMYER FINAL PLAT LUA 13-000368FP 11022 -SE 184'h Place Enclosed are the latest corrections to the final plat per your April 2013, memo. Attached is the revised plat. If all concerns have been addressed and you recommend recording of the mylars, please sign this memo below and return to me. Thank you Approval: cc: Yellow File .-' ~. -(,;,( -,, __ . /.// ~l -\' / _-,..___ Name Title May 2, 2013 Denis Law Mayor Stephen J. Schrei, PLS D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers 10604 -NE 381h Place #101 Kirkland WA, 98033 Department of Community and Economic Development C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator SUBJECT: Status Report of ALTMYER FINAL PLAT File No. LUA13-000368 FP Stephen, The purpose of this letter is to provide an update on the status of the final plat submittal. There are several outstanding items, which must be completed and resubmitted for a second review before project closeout can be completed and the final plat can be recorded. I am forwarding on the first set of comments from all departments. Please use this letter as a checklist to move the project forward towards final recording. Property Services Comments Property Services has reviewed the final plat submittal and has provided the following comments: 1. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUAB-000368-FP and LND-10- 0500, respectively, on the final plat submittal. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. 2. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC32-130-100. 3. Note lot addresses on the plat drawing. 4. Item 9 under NOTES AND RESTRICTION on sheet 2 of 4 needs to be revised to reflect the City of Renton and it fees. 5. All vested owner(s) of the subject plat, at the time of recording, need to sign the final plat. For the street dedication process, include a current title report noting the vested property owner. 6. Since a plat by definition is a simultaneous conveyance the DECLARATION OF COVENANT on sheet 1 of 4 is not necessary. 7. The same private drainage easement verbiage regarding the City's right to enter and repair appears on both sheets 1 and 2, the last paragraph under PRIVATE DRAINAGE ACCESS EASEMENT on sheet 1 and the second paragraph under EASEMENT NOTES on sheet 2. Remove one or the other. 8. Please change Finance Director to Finance Administrator and Public Work Director to Public Works Administrator on the signature blocks. Renton City Hall , 1055 South Grady Way , Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Altmyer Final Plat May 2, 2013 Page 2 Planning Comments Jerry Wasser has reviewed the final plat submittal and has provided the following planning comments: l. Complete all landscaping requirements. Provide a sign off from Jerry Wasser approving the landscape plan, including the recreation space on the storm vault. Fire Comments Corey Thomas has reviewed the final plat submittal and has provided the following fire comments: l. Install hydrant markers and strip any fire lanes as needed. Transportation Comments l. Complete plat improvements. Maintenance Agreement for Stormwater l. The City attorney will review the CC&R's. Stormwater Comments l. Please add the following language on the face of the plat: • Sheet 1: Under DECLARATION OF IMPERVIOUS AREA RESTRICTIVE COVNENANT Compliance with this stipulation must be addressed in the single family residential building permit drainage review when any application is made for a building permit. • PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILITIES The owner(s) of private property within this plat encumbered with drainage facilities required by plat design, covenant or condition, hereby grant and convey to the City of Renton, a political subdivision of the state of Washington, the right of reasonable access (ingress and egress) to enter said property for the purpose of observing that the owner(s) are properly operating and maintaining the drainage facilities contained therein. The owner(s)s of said private property shall retain, uphold, protect the stormwater management devices, features, pathways, limits, and restrictions, known as flow control best management practices ("BMPs"), shown on the drainage study and plans No. __ on file with the City of Renton. The owner(s)s of said private property are responsible for operating, maintaining, and repairing the stormwater management devices, features, pathways, limits, and restrictions, known as flow control best management practices ("BMPs") contained on said private property and are hereby required to obtain any required permits or permission from the City of Renton prior to filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drainage facilities (such as rain gardens, etc.) or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities and/or designated flow paths contained within the private property. This covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owner(s) of said private property, their heirs, successors and assigns. Altmyer Final Plat May 2, 2013 Page 3 Utility Improvements Punchlist 1. Complete all utility, drainage, paving, grading, street lighting, landscaping, street improvements, including installation of all street signs for the project. This includes all punch list items from the Public Works Inspector and/or the City Maintenance Division. Please continue working with inspector, Pat Miller, 206-794-6162. The utility construction permit must be signed off by the inspector prior to recording of the plat. Please ensure all punch list items are complete, the project has a final walk through and permit sign off has been completed. 2. Please provide a plat completion letter from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. As-Built Submittal 1. The construction plan mylars must be checked-out from the sixth floor Public Works counter and updated or replaced with a complete As-Built plan set. All plan sheets, including those constructed per design, must be verified, stamped and signed as As-Built by a licensed surveyor or engineer. The civil drawings shall accurately reflect the construction activity. The civil drawings also need to show all storm drainage system easements, which shall be consistent with the as-built location of the utility. Once the above have been addressed, submit one set of as-built blue lines of the civil drawings to me. The inspector will review the blue lines. If they are in order, I will call for the civil mylars to be returned. These final mylars must be submitted for our permanent records. The mylars shall be labeled "AS-BUILT" in a large block letters and stamped by a PE or PLS. 2. Please provide mylars for the water and sewer. Construction Cost Data The Cost Data Inventory Form is to be completed and submitted with the Bill of Sale. The Cost Data Inventory must reflect the actual cost of construction in dollars (value) for each utility the City will own and maintain. Form is attached. Bill of Sale The Bill of Sale is to reflect the items and quantities as shown on the Cost Data and Inventory Form. Include street improvements and storm to be owned and maintained by the City. Do not include side sewers or any constructed improvements not to be owned by the City of Renton. Form is attached. Maintenance Bond A two year Maintenance Bond or Assignment of Funds is required in the amount of 20% of the grand total of the storm, storm vault, street, sidewalk, curb and gutter costs as shown on the Cost Data Inventory form. The permit bond (if provided) will be released upon receipt and acceptance of the maintenance bond or assignment of funds. All Fees Paid Ensure any overtime inspection billed to the job is paid. A check in the amount of $15.81 made out to Champion Courier will be required prior to recording. Please submit all correspondence and revisions to me and I will forward them on to the appropriate departments for further review. Please keep in mind each department has up to two additional weeks to review the corrections. If you have any questions please contact me at 425-430-7216. Altmyer Final Plat May 2, 2013 Page 4 Sincerely, Development Services 1055 -5. Grady Way 6th floor Renton,WA 98057 Phone: (425) 430-7216 E-mail: jillian@rentonwa.gov CC: Kayren Kittrick Jennifer Henning Bob MacOnie Steve Pinkham File Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 BILL OF SALE / Proj Name: Project File#: Property Tax Parcel Nuinl:,er: Street Intersection: Address: Reference-Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation . 2 . The Grantor, as named above, for, and in consideration of mutual benefits, hereby grants, bargains, sells and delivers to the Grantee, as narrled above, the following described personal property- WATER SYSTEM: Length Size Tvpe L.F. of " Water }..fain L.F. of .. Water Main L.F. of .. Water Main each of ,. Gate Valves each of ,, Gate Valves each of Fire Hydrant Assemblies SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: Length Size 1= L.F. of ,, Sewer Main L.F. of ,, Sewer Main L.F. of ,. Sewer Main each of ,. Diameter Manholes each of ,. Diameter Manha les , each of ,, Lift Stations STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Length Size 1= L.F. of ,. Stonn Main L.F. of ,, Storm Main L.F. of ,, Stonn Main each of ,, Storm Inlet/Outlet each of ,, Storm Catch Basin each of ,, Manhole STREET IMPROVMENTS: (Including Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Asphalt Pavement) Curb, Gut:ter, Sidewalk L.F. Asphalt Pavement: SY or L. F of Width STREET LIGHTING: # of Poles By this conveyance, Grantor· ·will \.Varrant and d.::fend ths:: sale hc:reby made unto the Grantee against all and every p~rson or persons, \(homsoever. Ja\1,{ully claimin~ or to claim the same. T11is conveyance shdll bind the heirs, cvcutors, adminis1rators and assigr_ts forever. O:\Fonns\PBP\V\BILLSALE2.D0C\bh Page 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this _ day of ____ , 20 _. Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be witbin box Notary Seal mus1 be within box O:\Forms\PBP\.V\BILLSALE2.D0C\bh !;VD!VJDUAL FORA! OF .4 CKl\TOJfIEDGAJENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that--------'------ --~-----------------signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) _____________ ~ My appointment expires: _____________ _ Dated: REPRESENT4TIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that------------ _____________________ signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the i nstmment and acknowledged it as the and _________ _ of to be the _free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State ofWashington Notary (Print) _____________ _ My appointment expires: _____________ _ Dated: CORPORATE FORA! OF ACKNOlfTEDGMENT STA.TE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this ___ day of ______ , 20 __ , before me pcrsona!ly appeared -+------------------------to me known to be of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and volun!ary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print). _______________ _ My appointment expires: _________________ _ Dated: Page 2 COST DATA AND INVENTORY TO: NAME OF PROJECT: City of Renton Plan Review Section Planning/Building/Public Works 1055 South Grady Way 6" floor Renton, WA 98055 FROM: DATE: CITY WTR-------- PROJECT WWP-------- NUMBERS: SWP-------- TRO-------- TED--------- Per the request of the City of Renton, the following information is furnished concerning costs for improvements proposed to be installed for the above referenced project. WATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION COSTS: Length -----L.F. of -----L.F. of -----L.F. of -----L.F. of ----EACH of ----EACHof ----EACH of ----EACH of Size Type ---WATERMAIN ___ WATERMAIN WATERMAJN ---- WATERMAJN ---- GATEVALVES ---GATE VALVES GATE VALVES ---FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLIES (Cost of Fire Hydrants must be listed separately) Engineering Design Costs City Permit Fees Washington State Sales Tax TOTAL COST FOR WATER SYSTEM $ $ $ $ $ SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Length L.F. of L.F. of L.F. of Size Type ---- SEWER MAIN SEWER MAIN SEWERMAIN EA of DIAMETER MANHOLES Engineering Design Costs -"-$ ----- City Permit Fees -=-$ ----- Washington Slate Sales Tax _$:::__ ____ _ (Sewer Stub -line between sewer main and private property line) _$:::__ ____ _ Length L.F. of L.F. of L.F. of EA of EA of EA of Size Type STORM LINE STORM LINE STORM LINE STORM INLET STORM CATCIIBASIN ----STORM CATCHBASIN Engineering Design Costs -=.$ ____ _ City Permit Fees -=.$ ____ _ Washington State SaJes Tax -=.$ ____ _ TOTAL COST FOR SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM _,,$ _____ _ TOTAL COST FOR STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM _:,:$ ____ _ STREET IMPROVEMENTS: (Including Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Asphalt Pavement and Street Lighting) SIGNALIZATION: (Including Eng. Design Costs, City Permit Fees, WA St Sales Tax) STREET LIGHTING: (Including Eng. Design Costs, City Permit Fees, WA St Sales Tax) Print signatory name formslCOSTDA TA.DOC/bh (day phone#) (SIGNATURE) (Signatory must be authorized agent or owner of subject development) King County Department of Permitting and Environmental Review 35030 SE Douglas Street, Suite 210 Snoqualmie, WA 98065-9266 206-296-6600 nY Relay: 711 www.kingcounty.gov F04 Web date: 1111512012 FINAL PLATS: King County Procedure for Checking of Final Plats For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. This guide is primarily for the final plat reviewers within the Department of Permitting. However, we believe the guide can be useful for the draftperson preparing the final plats and the land surveyor who submit plats for recording. This guide contains both required and suggested procedures. The suggested procedures are considered to be good land surveying practices. The purpose for this guide is the desire to standardize the final plats and make the procedure more uniform. We believe this guide as followed by the Department of Permitting and Environmental Review (Permitting) staff, if used by the land development professional, will reduce the time for reviewing final plats. TO VIEW A SUGGESTED TEMPLATE FOR PLAT MYLARS ONLINE, visit the Permitting Web site, www.kingcounty.gov/permits, specifically: www.metrokc.gov/ddes/lusd/cad.htm. I. GENERAL A. For submittal requirements for application for final review, refer to Appendix "E." B. For peer review process and submittal, refer to Appendix "F." C. When checking the prints of the final plat, green or yellow out each word, number or symbol after reviewer is satisfied of its correctness. When the plat check is completed, there should be no word, number, or symbol that is not marked out. D. Indicate corrections to be made in red pen. E. Check that the final plat conforms with the approved preliminary or administratively approved revision to the written conditions of approval. F. Check that the boundary is correctly calculated from the legal description. The plat should contain all information needed to evaluate the survey and/or should reference recorded documents that contain the necessary information. All reference documents should have been submitted with the final plat review package. G. All controlling monuments must be shown and documented on the face of the plat and/or reference a recorded document that contains this information. H. Check all notes for content and format-see attachment "PLAT NOTES." KCProcedureForCheckingFinalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl.pdf F04 1111512012 Page 1 of 19 F04 Web date: 11115/2012 11. PLANNING AND ADDITIONAL REVIEW {RCW 58.17, KCC 19, KCC 20, KCC 21A) A. Compare plat with the approved engineering plan and profile for required easements, street widths, building setbacks or other restrictions that could affect the titles of the new lots in the subdivision. B. Compare that the final plat and the last approved preliminary plat are very similar as to lot and road layout. C. Verify that each condition of preliminary approval as set by the Examiner and King County Council, has been satisfied. Initial and date each condition of approval and the ordinance, if applicable, after you have verified satisfaction of completion. D. Check the Health Department letter (or if applicable, the Water/Sewer certificates -see note below) for approval and any restriction that must be shown on the plat. If a restriction is required, check the plat for satisfaction of completion. Note: Health Department Requirements will be satisfied as follows: 1. Within the rural growth area zoning, Final Health Department Approval will be required; 2. Within the urban growth area zoning, Water/Sewer Availability Certificates will be required along with verification from the Utility District that either the improvements (extensions) were installed or bonded for. If the Water/Sewer Availability Certificates have expired, it is the applicant's responsibility to obtain new availability certificates and to either build or bond for the required improvements. 111. MATHEMATICAL PLAT CHECK A Map closures (mapchecks) shall be submitted for all closed figures as part of the final plat application submittal and shall meet the following criteria, unless otherwise approved by the King County reviewer: 1. The dimensions listed in the mapchecks must be identical to those depicted on the map and shall be the exact numeric quantity used in computing the closure. 2. The mapchecks must contain, at minimum, all the curve information depicted on the map. 3. For curves -the radial bearings in and out must be listed in the mapchecks. 4. The mapchecks must list coordinates for the ends of each course and radius points. The starting point coordinate for a closed figure must be mathematically related to the rest of the plat. 5. The mapchecks must provide a calculated area in square feet and a mathematical closure for each closed figure. Inversed dimensions will not be accepted. KCProcedureForCheckingFinalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl.pdf F04 11/1512012 Page 2 of 19 F04 Web date: 11/15/2012 B. When the legal description requires a subdivisional breakdown based on a United States public land survey, begin the plat review by ascertaining that the section breakdown follows the procedure laid out in the Manual of Survey Instruction. The section breakdown must be delineated on the plat and/or a reference made to a recorded document containing the required information. Remember, with a few exceptions, there must be at least five original section monuments to breakdown a quarter section (four quarter monuments and one section corner monument) (G.L.O.). C. Then check the mathematical correctness of the breakdown. (KCC Title 19, WAC 332- 130 and G.L.O.) D. Continue the mathematical check in the following order: 1. Boundary 2. Each street centerline or block exterior 3. Each lot, tract and parcel E. When lot average area is less than zoning requirements, or if lots are undersized, a lot or lots will be eliminated until the proper areas have been obtained (KCC Title 21A). F. The area of each lot must be large enough to satisfy the zoning and/or special requirements (KCC Title 21A). G. The mathematical error of each enclosure must be less than 0.02 of a foot unless otherwise approved by the King County reviewer. H. Check that all parts equal the total. I. Compare the adjoining plats with the plat under review. If there are differences in distances and bearings, show the previous recorded information and the new information (WAC 332-130). J. A plat containing more than two map sheets must have an index map showing the outline of the map, boundary and the streets (WAC 332-130). K. TABLES FOR CURVE AND LINE DATA ARE ACCEPTABLE; However, they should be limited only to those curves and lines that cannot be otherwise added to the map, unless otherwise approved by the King County reviewer, the table should be on the same sheet of the plat map where the curves or lines are located. KCProcedureForCheckingFlnaJPlals.doc le-info-finalpl.pdf F04 11/15/2012 Page 3 of 19 F04 Web date: 11115/2012 IV. CHECK PLAT FOR PROPER DRAFTING AND APPROVAL FORMAT: (WAC 332-130, RCW 58.17 and KCC Title 19) A. Basis of bearing. This can be a line between two existing described physical monuments (preferably section monuments) within the following meridians: 1. A previously recorded document. 2. King County aerial survey (KCAS). 3. King County Survey Control (KCSC) -Nad 1983 / 1991. 4. Assumed, as applicable. B. North arrow C. Scale. Both bar scale for microfilming and reducing, and the regular numbered scale. D. Pursuant1o KCC Title 19A.16.060, the plat sheets shall be 18" x 24" in size with a 2" margin on the left 18" side and Y," margins on the remaining 3 sides. The margins must be clear of any writing. Note: The plat sheet is the same size as the Survey map sheets. E. Tie with bearing and distance to all existing monuments used in the survey of land. F. Description of all monuments as to physical characteristics. Also, indicate if found, set, or will be set, and date visited (see WAC 332-130). G. Proper form of dedication. See Appendix "A." H. Proper approval forms. See Appendix "B." I. Proper form of Land Surveyor's Certification. See Appendix "C." J. Length of subdivision name (33 spaces maximum, this includes blank spaces between the letters). K. Dimension of all easements, building setback, top of slope, etc. The dimensioning should be such that a surveyor can reestablish the line. L. The permitting project file number is on the left lower corner of the plat. M. Symbols and legends are encouraged to describe monuments, lines, and other information. N. Lettering should be large enough to be legible when microfilmed and reduced. Minimum size: Leroy Template "80CL" (upper case only) or minimum vertical dimension of 0.08 inches for lower case letters. Use black india type ink for lettering and signatures: (WAC 332-130). KCProcedureForCheckingRnalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl. pdf F04 11/15/2012 Page 4 of 19 F04 Web date: 11/15/2012 0. Information pertaining to only one sheet of the plat must be shown on that sheet. P. General information pertaining to the whole plat may be shown on any sheet. Q. Every sheet shall have two (2) blocks 2" by 3/4': one in the upper right corner and in the lower right for the Volume and Page with the surveyor's title block (see WAC 332-130). V. PLAT CERTIFICATE (RCW 58./7) A Compare the legal description of the plat certificate with the legal description on the plat map to be certain that they describe the sane parcel of land. B. Before sending the plat out for recording, check that the plat certificate will be Jess than 30 days old when the plat is expected to be recorded. C. Check that existing easements and other encumbrances are shown on the plat together with the recording numbers. Note: show them on the map if they are locatable, otherwise describe as a "SUBJECT TO" within the notes. D. Check that every owner, who is indicated on the plat certificate to have an ownership interest in the land being subdivided has signed the plat. All signatures must be acknowledged by a notary public using the proper form, i.e., corporate, individual, etc. See Appendix "D." Note: All labor and/or material liens will be treated as ownership interest when land is dedicated. KCProcedureForCheckingFinalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl.pdf F04 11/1512012 Page 5 of 19 F04 Web date: 11115/2012 APPENDIX "A" DEDICATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned owners of interest in the land hereby subdivided, hereby declare this plat to be the graphic representation of the subdivision made hereby, and do hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets and avenues not shown as private hereon and dedicate the use thereof for all public purposes not inconsistent with the use thereof for public highway purposes, and also the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots shown thereon in the original reasonable grading of said streets and avenues, and further dedicate to the use of the public all the easements and tracts shown on this plat for all public purposes as indicated thereon, including but not limited to parks, open space, utilities and drainage unless such easements or tracts are specifically identified on this plat as being dedicated or conveyed to a person or entity other than the public, in which case we do hereby dedicate such streets, easements, or tracts to the person or entity identified and for the purpose stated. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, waive for themselves, their heirs and assigns and any person or entity deriving title from the undersigned, any and all claims for damages against King County, its successors and assigns which may be occasioned by the establishment, construction, or maintenance of roads and/or drainage systems within this subdivision other than claims resulting from inadequate maintenance by King County. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, agree for themselves, their heirs and assigns to indemnify and hold King County, its successors and assigns, harmless from any damage, including any costs of defense, claimed by persons within or without this subdivision to have been caused by alterations of the ground surface, vegetation, drainage, or surface or sub-surface water flows within this subdivision or by establishment, construction or maintenance of the roads within this subdivision. Provided, this waiver and indemnification shall not be construed as releasing King County, its successors or assigns, from liability for damages, including the cost of defense, resulting in whole or in part from the negligence of King County, its successors, or assigns. This subdivision, dedication, waiver of claims and agreement to hold harmless is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of said owners. In witness whereof, we set our hands and seals: KCProcedureForCheckingFinalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl.pctf F04 1111512012 Page 6 of 19 F04 Web date; 11/15/2012 King County Department of Permitting and Environmental Review 35030 SE Douglas Street, Suite 210 Snoqualmie, WA 98065-9266 206-296-6600 TTY Relay: 711 www. king county .gov APPENDIX "B" FORMAT FOR KING COUNTY PLAT APPROVALS AND CERTIFICATES APPROVALS APPROVALS: Department of Permitting and Environmental Review Examined and approved this ____ day of _____________ , 20 __ Development Engineer Examined and approved this ____ day of _____________ , 20 __ Permitting Authorized Representative King County Department of Assessments Examined and approved this ____ day of _____________ , 20 __ King County Assessor Deputy King County Assessor Account Number:----------- Finance Division Certificate I hereby certify that all property taxes are paid, that there are no delinquent special assessments certified to this office for collection and that all special assessments certified to this office for collection on any of the property herein contained dedicated as streets, alleys, or for any other public use, are paid in full. This day of , 20 __ . Authorized Representative Finance Deputy King County Council Note -please leave space for a 2n diameter stamp. Examined and approved this ____ day of _____________ , 20 __ Chairperson, King County Council KCProcedureForCheckingRnalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl.pdf Attest: ----------- Clerk of the Council F04 11/1512012 Page7of19 F04 Web date: 11/1512012 ~ King County Department of Permitting and Environmental Review 35030 SE Douglas Street, Suite 210 Snoqualmie, WA 98065-9266 206-296-6600 TTY Relay: 711 www. king county .gov APPENDIX "C" RECORDING AND LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE INFORMATION BLOCK PER WAC 332-130-050 RECORDING CERTIFICATE Recording No. ___________ _ Filed for Record at the request of the King County Council this day of ________ ,, 20 __ , at minutes past __ m. and recorded in Volume __ of Plats, pages __ through __ , records of King County, Washington. DIVISION OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS Authorized Representative Superintendent of Records LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that this plat of is based upon an actual survey and subdivision of Section , Township North, Range East W.M., that the courses and distances are shown correctly thereon; that the monuments will be set and the lot and block corners will be staked correctly on the ground as construction is completed and that I have fully complied with the provisions of the platting regulations. Professional Land Surveyor, Certificate No. _________ _ Business name:---------------- Address: ------------------- City, State:-------------Phone: ------- KCProcedureForCheckingFinalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl.pdf F04 11/15/2012 Page 8 of 19 1. 2. F04 Web date: 11115/2012 APPENDIX "D" For an acknowledgment in an Individual Capacity: STATE OF WASHINGTON County of __________ _ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _________ _ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated:--------------------- Signature of Notary Public:-------------- Printed name of Notary Public:----------- Residing at:------------------ My Appointment Expires:------------- For an acknowledgment in a Representative Capacity: STATE OF WASHINGTON County of __________ _ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _________ _ signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the of _______________ to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: ____________________ _ Signature of Notary Public: --------------- Printed name of Notary Public: ----------- Residing at:------------------ My Appointment Expires: ------------- KCProcedureForCheckingFJnalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl.pdf F04 11115/2012 Page 9 of 19 ~ KingCounty Department of Permitting and Environmental Review 35030 SE Douglas Street, Suite 210 Snoqualmie, WA 98065-9266 206-296-6600 TTY Relay: 711 www.kingcounty.gov APPENDIX "E" Permitting Review Section REVIEW SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST FOR FINAL PLAT • Final Plat Map drawings (five sets) In addition 1 copy of following supporting items are required for complete final submittal: • Permitting staff report from hearing • Examiner's report/decision from hearing or approval ordinance (if applicable) • Copy of any appeal hearing report/decision if applicable • Approved entire Engineering / construction plan set. • Current plat certificate including copies of supporting documents. • Approved preliminary plat map from hearing • Map closures (map checks) • Copy of Preliminary Health Approval if applicable • Final Health approval (may be deferred to prior to recording) • Statement of fact-how each condition of approval was or will be met • Approved revisions, if applicable • Approved road variances/drainage adjustments, if applicable • Title Report/Plat Certificate and copies of referenced documents • Applicable fees paid • Certificate of Applicant Status form (updated) KCProcedureForCheckingFinalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl.pdf F04 11/15/2012 Page 10 of 19 APPENDIX "F" King County Department of Permitting and Environmental Review 35030 SE Douglas Street, Suite 210 Snoqualmie, WA 98065-9266 206-296-6600 TTY Relay: 711 www.kingcounty.gov Permitting Review PEER REVIEW SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST FOR SUBDIVISION TO: Date: Plat: File Nos. License No. Conditions of Preliminary Approval Approved Preliminary Plat Map Approved revisions. if applicable Approved revised plat map, if applicable Approved variances, with applicable exhibits Current Plat Certificate/copies of supporting documents Approved Engineering Plans Lot Area Calculations/Closures Letter requesting peer review Copy of Preliminary Health Approval (if applicable) Final Health Approval, if available Assessor's Quarter Section Map Technical Information Report, if applicable Other ----------------------------- Other----------------------------- I acknowledge receipt of the above listed items. Name Firm Date KCProcedureForCheckingFinalPlats.doc le--info~finalpl.pdf F04 11/1512012 Page11of19 F04 Web date: 11/15/2012 Peer Qualifications Requirements: The Peer Review Surveyor must be a professional land surveyor licensed in the State of Washington. In addition, simultaneous, reciprocal review may not occur, i.e., two firms cannot review each other's plans at the same time. The applicant or his agent shall submit a letter, requesting a Subdivision Peer Review to the Platting Unit of the Department of Permitting and Environmental Review (Permitting). Include the name, address, phone number, and license number of the Peer Review Surveyor. The peer review should not commence until receiving authorization to review from the Platting Unit. Submittal Requirements and Review Procedure: Submit for final plat approval and attach all supporting documents (see reverse side) with the applicable fees to the Department of Permitting. Provide the Peer Review Surveyor all supporting documents (see reverse side) to evaluate the submittal. The final subdivision must conform to all conditions of preliminary approval and applicable King County Codes as well as WAC 332-130, and RCW 58. All details of a review must be resolved between the applicant and the peer review surveyor prior to scheduling a meeting with the Platting Unit. The Final Subdivision must conform to the approved engineering plans. Should questions or conflicts arise during the review process, County staff should be contacted to clarify issues. Once the Peer Review Surveyor has completed review of the Subdivision, he shall make a written request to meet with the Platting Unit and the applicant's surveyor to discuss final review and approval of the subdivision. The following information shall be submitted to the Platting Unit prior to setting up a date for the meeting. County staff will evaluate the information submitted by the Peer Review Surveyor. In the event that all applicable requirements have not been fully completed, the plans will not be accepted for review. · A. A brief written summary listing how each condition of preliminary approval was complied witli. B. Copy of the final peered plat mylars, and copies of any referenced documents. C. A letter from the peer review surveyor that summarizes his review and makes a final recommendation. For additional information on the plat peer review process, contact the Department of Permitting. KCProcedureForCheckingFinalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl.pdf F04 11/15/2012 Page 12 of 19 F04 Web date: 11/15/2012 PLAT NOTES 1. All tracts must have a note that defines the purpose, the ownership, who benefits and who is responsible for the maintenance. 2. The Assessor's Office and a prominent local title company have expressed concerns about the language used in the notes designed to convey property. The Assessor' Office seemed to be mainly concerned about "when" conveyance occurs and the title company was concerned about both the "when" and about the lack of using a "legal word of conveyance." To avoid potential delays in the recording process, please use the following language in the notes conveying ownership. a. Use "dedicated upon the recording of this plat" or "hereby dedicated" for conveyance of public roads. b. Use "hereby conveyed" or "conveyed upon the recording of this plat" for conveyance of public tracts, private tracts, private easements, and other private property interests. 3. Per the King County Road Standards -private streets must be clearly delineated "Private" on the face of the plat. TO VIEW A SUGGESTED TEMPLATE FOR PLAT MYLARS ONLINE, visit the Permitting Web site, www.kingcounty.gov/permits, specifically: www.metrokc.gov/ddes/lusd/cad.htm. THE FOLLOWING NOTES WILL ALMOST ALWAYS APPLY: (Roads, select either one of the following two notes): All fees required by KCC 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid. (OR) This plat is subject to KCC 14.75, King County Road Mitigation Payment System (MPS). The MPS fees plus the MPS administrative fee shall be paid at the time of building permit application at the rate in effect at that time. (Schools -unless revised by plat review engineer): Fifty percent of school impact fees were paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with KCC 21A.43.050. The balance of the assessed fee,$ per lot, together with the current administration fee, must be paid at the time of building permit issuance. (Road and Drainage note): )t The road and storm drainage systems shall be constructed according to the approved plan and profile, Plan No. on file with Permitting. Any deviation from the approved plans will require written approval from the proper agency, currently the Department of Permitting. I, (Addressing): The house address system for this plat shall be as follows: Addresses shall be assigned for the north -south roads within the range of to ___ _ and within the range of to for the east -west roads. Individual addresses will be assigned to the principal entrance of each residence or building in accordance with KCC 16.08. KCProcedureForCheckingFinalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl. pdf F04 11/15/2012 Page 13 of 19 F04 Webdate: 1111512012 (Drainage Easement Restriction for NEW1998 Drainage Manual): Public Drainage Easement Restrictions: Structures, fill, or obstructions (including but not limited to decks, patios, outbuildings, or overhangs) shall not be permitted beyond the building setback line of the public drainage easements. Additionally, grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the public drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by the Department of Permitting or its successor agency. (Drainage Easement Restriction for OLD 1990 Drainage Manual): Public and Private Drainage Easement Restrictions: Structures, fill, or obstructions (including but not limited to decks, patios, outbuildings, or overhangs) shall not be permitted beyond the building setback line or within drainage easements. Additionally, grading and construction of fencing shall not be allowed within the drainage easements shown on this plat map unless otherwise approved by the Department of Permitting or its successor agency. King County Drainage Easement and Covenant: fll drainage easements within this Plat, not shown as " Private", are hereby granted and conveyed to King •County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, for the purpose of conveying, storing, managing 'and facilitating storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King County, ',together with the right of reasonable access (ingress and egress), to enter said drainage easement for the jpurpose of inspecting, operating, maintaining, repairing and improving the drainage facilities contained ~herein. Note that except for the facilities which have been formally accepted for maintenance by King pounty, maintenance of drainage facilities on private property is the responsibility of the property owner. ;The owners of said private property are required to obtain prior written approval from King County Real /Estate Services, and any required permits from the Department of Permitting for activities such as / clearing and grading, prior to filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape / maintenance such as lawn mowing) in open vegetated drainage facilities (such as swales, channels, ( ditches, ponds, etc.), or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities, contained , within said drainage easement. ' This easement is intended to facilitate reasonable access to the drainage facilities. This easement and covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their heirs, successors and assigns. / 'Private Drainage Easement Covenant: ! The owners of private property within this Plat encumbered with drainage easements shown as "Private", >, hereby grant and convey to King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, the right, but \ not the obligation to convey or store storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King County, together with the right of reasonable access (ingress and egress), to enter said /drainage easement for the purpose of observing that the owners are properly operating and maintaining i the drainage facilities contained therein. / The owners of said private property are responsible for operating, maintaining and repairing the drainage facilities contained within said drainage easement, and are hereby required to obtain any required permits, from the Department of Permitting prior to filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn mqwing) in open vegetated drainage facilities (such as swales, channels, ditches, ponds, etc.), or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities, contained within said drainage easement. . This covenant shall run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their heirs, \ successors and assigns. ' KCProcedureForCheckingRnalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl.pdf F04 11115/2012 Page 14 of 19 F04 Web date: 11/15/2012 THE FOLLOWING NOTES MAY BE APPLICABLE: ,. King County Drainage Easement and Covenant for Recreation Tracts: · A drainage easement and covenant over Tract_, is hereby granted and conveyed to King County, /a political subdivision of the State of Washington, for the purpose of conveying, storing, managing / and facilitating storm and surface water per the engineering plans approved for this Plat by King '1 County, together with the right for King County its successors or assigns to enter said drainage / easement and covenant for the purpose of inspecting, operating, maintaining, repairing and ; improving the drainage facilities contained herein. Only the flow control and water quality facilities contained within the tract will be considered for formal acceptance and maintenance by King County. : Maintenance of all other improvements on this property shall be the responsibility of the property 'owner. The property owner will be responsible for the cost for the restoration of any non-drainage : improvements removed or altered as the result of the maintenance, repair and reconstruction of the '1 drainage improvements. The owners of said private property are required to obtain any required permits from the Department pf Permitting, or its successor agency, for activities such as clearing and grading, prior to filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation ( except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn m9wing) in open vegetated drainage facilities (such as swales, channels, ditches, ponds, etc.), or performing any alterations or modifications to the drainage facilities, contained within said drainage easement. ·, This easement and covenant is intended to facilitate reasonable access for the operation, :,.maintenance, repair and reconstruction of the drainage facilities. This easement and covenant shall 'run with the land and is binding upon the owners of said private property, their heirs, successors and /assigns. (Plat note for Tree Retention Plan when applicable): Pursuant to KCC 21A.38.230 for the {for example Soos Creek Community Plan) , an approved Tree Retention Plan is on file with Permitting, Records Center, on sheet_ of_. of the approved engineering plans No. , under Activity No. . Lots within this plat either contain trees that must be retained or must be planted/ replaced per said approved Tree Retention Plan. Any proposed clearing, gradin~ or construction activities that will or may impact a significant tree within said lots must be reviewed and approved by the Department of Permitting, or its successor agency, for compliance with said Tree Retention Plan. {Clearing and Grading note when KCC 16.82. applies): For subdivisions vested prior to January 1, 2005, KCC 16.82.1500 (Ordinance No. 12878, 1997) seasonal clearing and grading limitation periods apply to the property. The following note shall be placed on the face of the plat: Construction work involving soil disturbance, grading, and filling of the site, including individual residential building pad preparation, is prohibited from October 1 through March 31, unless otherwise approved by King County Department of Permitting and Environmental Review or its successor agency. Those subdivisions vested after January 1, 2005, shall comply with the provisions of KCC 16.82.095 (Ordinance No. 15053, 2004) where the limited period is between October 1 and April 30. For rural short plats, additional restrictions on clearing as described in KCC 16.82.152 shall be shown on the face of the map. KCProcedureForCheckingFinalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl.pdf F04 11/15/2012 Page 15 of 19 THE FOLLOWING ARE EXAMPLES OF NOTES THAT MAY BE USEFUL: Private Tracts and Easements with undivided ownership: Tract_ is a Sensitive Area Tract. Ownership of a lot within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract_, and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance and protection of said Sensitive Area Tract. . Tract_ is a private Joint Use Driveway Tract for ingress, egress, private drainage and utilities for the benefit of the owners of lots_ and _. Ownership of lot_ and lot_ within this plat · includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract_, and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. Tract_ is a private access Tract for ingress, egress, private drainage and utilities for the benefit of the owners of lots _, _, _, _ and _. Ownership of lots _, _, _, _ and _ within this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract __ , and an equal and undivided responsibility for the maintenance of said Tract. Dedicated Road: This portion is dedicated to the public use for road purposes upon the recording of this plat. Public Drainage Tracts and Easements: (Convey Drainage Tract): Tract is conveyed to King County or its successor agency for drainage purposes upon the recording of this plat. (Conveyance of overlying easement): An overlying easement is hereby conveyed to King County, or its successor agency, over, under, across, and upon Tract for the purpose of operating, maintaining, and repairing the drainage facilities contained therein. Private Drainage Easements: The 10-foot private drainage easement within lots is for the benefit of lots ; The owners of the lots having benefit of use shall share and be equally responsible for the maintenance and repair of the drainage facilities within the easement. The 10-foot private drainage easement within Lots is for the benefit of Lots . The owners of said lots shall be responsible for the maintenance of that portion of the drainage facilities they have benefit of use, and shall equally share in the maintenance of that portion of the drainage facilities used in common. The 10-foot-wide private drainage easement within lot(s) _ is for the benefit of Lot(s) _; The 10-foot-wide private drainage easement within lot(s) _ is for the benefit of Lot(s) _; The 10-foot-wide private drainage easement within lot(s) _ is for the benefit of Lot(s) _; The 10-foot-wide private drainage easement within lot(s) _ is for the benefit of Lot(s) _: The owners of said lots shall be responsible for the maintenance of that portion of the drainage facilities they have benefit of use, and shall equally share in the maintenance of that portion of the drainage facilities used in common. KCProcedureForCheckingFinalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl.pdf F04 11/15/2012 Page 16 of 19 F04 Web date: 11/15/2012 Miscellaneous: (If Lot averaging was used): Lot averaging has been utilized in this subdivision. Further subdivision is prohibited unless all lots in this plat meet zoning requirements. (If buffer averaging was used): Buffer averaging was used in Tract(s) , see approved construction drawings no. ______ on file with the Department of Permitting. (Street Tree Note): The Street Trees shall be owned and maintained by the homeowner's association unless and until King County or its successor agency has adopted a maintenance program. Easement Provisions: (Example -change named franchises to suit) An easement is hereby reserved for and granted to US West Telephone Co .• AT&T Cable TV and for Puget Sound Energy, and their respective successors and assigns, under and upon the exterior 1 O feet, parallel with and adjoining the street frontage of all lots and tracts, in which to install, lay, construct, renew, operate and maintain underground conduits, mains, cables and wires with necessary facilities and other equipment for the purpose of serving this subdivision and other property with electric, telephone, TV, and gas service, together with the right to enter upon the lots at all times for the purpose herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as possible to their original condition by the utility. No lines or wires for the transmission of electric current, telephone or cable TV shall be placed or be permitted to be placed upon any lot unless the same shall be underground or in conduit attached to a building. For Private Tracts: "Tract " " is a tract for the benefit of all lot owners in this plat. Each ownership of a lot in this plat (lots_ through_, inclusive) includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract"_". The Homeowners Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of said Tract"_". However, should the Homeowners Association fail to properly maintain Tract"_", then the lot owners of all lots_ through_ shall be equally responsible for the maintenance of said tract." Tract Note: Tract(s) is(are) considered a "tract(s)" pursuant to KCC 19A.04.330; A "tract" is land reserved for specified uses including, but not limited to, reserve tracts, recreation, open space, sensitive areas, surface water retention, utility facilities and access. Tracts are not considered lots or building sites for purposes of residential dwelling construction. KCProcedureForCheckingFinalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl.pdf F04 11/15/2012 Page 17 of 19 F04 Web date: 11/15/2012 Downspout Note: "All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings No. on file with the Department of Permitting and/or the Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application for any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with said plans. All individual stub-outs and infiltration systems shall be privately owned and maintained by the lot owner." (Standard (sample) wording for limited access to major road): There shall be no vehicular ingress or egress directly onto ----.,----,-------from------------' (street) (lot numbers and/or Tracts) (Note for Temporary turnaround easement): The Temporary Turnaround Easement becomes null and void when (street name) is extended to a publicly maintained road system and is accepted for maintenance by a public agency. This easement may otherwise be extinguished by the recording of an extinguishing document reviewed and approved, and signed by the Department of Permitting or its successor agency. A review fee may be assessed for this service. (Note for wood fences in KC Drainage Tract) The owners of lots _ and _ are responsible for the maintenance of the 6-foot wood fence located on the boundary line of Tract "_". Said lot owners shall obtain any required permits from the King County Property Services Division prior to performing any work within said tract. (Note for rockeries or retention walls) "For lots a special foundation design and/ or building setback restriction may be required due to the location of retaining walls or rockeries within this plat. See the approved construction drawings no. on file with the Department of Permitting." KCProcedureForCheck.ingFinalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl.pdf F04 11/15/2012 Page 18 of 19 DEMOLISHED RESIDENCE IMPACT FEE NOTES NOTE FOR SCHOOL FEES "SCHOOL FEES FOR LOTS ___ THROUGH -:-----c:-::------:- Fifty percent of school impact fees were paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with KCC 21A.43.050. The balance of the assessed fee, $---,----- per lot, together with the current administration fee, must be paid at the time of building permit issuance." "SCHOOL FEES FOR LOT __ _ One residential unit was existing and demolished prior to the development of this subdivision. If the issuance of a new building permit for Lot occurs on or prior to---,--,--,------ (three years after date of the issuance of the demolition permit), then said lots shall be exempt from the payment of the school impact fees. If the issuance of a new building permit for said lot occurs after , then the full assessed fee, $ per lot, together with the current administration fee, must be paid at the time of building permit issuance. See KCC 21A.43.070.A.2." NOTE FOR ROAD MPS FEES (If all fees are paid at recording, with the exception of the demolished residence -ie: No need to address demolished residence if no fees are required at building permit ---use standard note below): "All fees required by KCC 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." (If fees are deferred to building permit): "ROAD MPS FEES PER KCC 14.75 FOR LOTS THROUGH __ This plat is subject to KCC 14.75, King County Road Mitigation Payment System (MPS). For Lots ___ through , the MPS fees plus the MPS administrative fee shall be paid at the time of building permit application at the rate in effect at that time. ROAD MPS FEES PER KCC14.75 FOR LOT -- One residential unit was existing, occupied and demolished within the three years prior to the application for development of this subdivision. Lot __ in this plat shall be exempt from the payment of fees required by KCC 14. 75, Mitigation Payment System. See King County Department of Transportation Public Rule" Check out the Permitting Web site at www.kingcounty.gov/permits KCProcedureForCheckingFinalPlats.doc le-info-finalpl.pdf F04 11/15/2012 Page 19 of 19 =====·· ·······-·············------ . . . . Secretary of State I, KIM WYMAN, Secretary of State of the State of Washington and custodian ofits seal, hereby issue this CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION to ASHBROOK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION a/an WA Non-Profit Corporation. Charter documents are effective on the date indicated below. Date: 3/14/2013 UBI Number: 603-289-681 Given under my hand and the Seal of the State of Washington at Olympia, the State Capital ~~ Kim Wyman, Secretary of State Date Issued: 412/2013 FILED SECRETARY OF STATE MARCH 14, 2013 STATE OF WASHINGTON 603 289 681 03/14/13 2375196- 001 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATIOr$30,00 K <Id: 2495911 OF ASHBROOK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Harbour Homes, LLC, a Washington corporation, for the purpose of forming a nonprofit corporation under Chapter 24.03 or the Revised Code of Washington, adopts the following Articles of Incorporation: ARTICLE l. NAME The name of the corporation is Ashbrook Homeowners Association. ARTICLE 2. DURATION The Association shall have perpetual duration. ARTICLE 3. PURPOSES AND POWERS 3. I The Association does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit, direct or indirect, to its members. In way of explanation and not of limitation, the purposes for which the Association is fonned are: 3. I.I To be and constitute the Association to which reference is made in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Ashbrook (hereinafter the "Declaration"), recorded or to be recorded in the Records of King County, Washington, to perform all obligations and duties of the Association, and to exercise all rights and powers of the Association, as specified therein, in the Bylaws of the Association ("Bylaws") as adopted by the Board of Directors of the Association, and as provided by law; and 3.1.2 To provide an entity for the furtherance of the interests of the Owners in lhe development. 3.2 In furtherance of its purposes, the Association shall have the following powers, which, unless indicated otherwise by the Declaration or Bylaws, may be exercised by the Board of Directors: 3.2. l All of the powers conferred upon nonprofit corporations by common law and the statutes of the State of Washington in effect from time to time; 3.2.2 All of the powers necessary or desirable to perform the obligations and duties and to exercise the rights and powers set out in these Articles, the Bylaws, or the Declaration, including, without limitation, the following: Articles of Incorporation Page I (i) To adopt and amend budgets for revenues, expenditures and reserves and impose and collect assessments or other charges to be levied on members; (ii) To manage, control, operate, maintain, repair, and improve property subjected to the Declaration or any other property for which the Association by rule, regulation, declaration, or contract has a right or dilly to provide such services; (iii) To enforce covenants, conditions, or restrictions affecting any property to the extent the Association may be authorized to do so under the Declaration or Bylaws; (iv) To engage in activities which will actively foster, promote, and advance the common interests of all owners of property subject to the Declaration; (v) To buy or otherwise· acquire, sell, or otherwise dispose of, mortgage, or otherwise encumber, exchange, lease, hold, use, operate, and otherwise deal in and with real, personal, and mixed property of all kinds and any right or interest therein for any purpose oflhe Association; ( \•i) To borrow money for any purpose; (vii) To. enter into, make, perfoim, or enforce contracts of every kind and description, and to do all other acts necessary, appropriate, or advisable in carrying out any purpose of the Association, with or in association with any other association, corporation, or other entity or agency, public or private; and (viii) To adopt, alter, and amend or repeal such Bylaws as may be necessary or desirable for the proper management of the affairs of the Association; provided, however, such Bylaws may not be inconsistent with or contrary to any provisions of the Declaration. 3.3 The foregoing enumeration of powers shall not limit or restrict in any manner the exercise· of other and further rights and powers which may now or hereafter be allowed or pennitted by law; and the powers specified in each of the paragraphs of this Article 3 are independent powers, not to be restricted by re"rerence to or inference from the terms of any other para1,'Tllph or provisions of this Article 3. ARTICLE 4. MEMBERSHIP The Association shall be a membership corporation without certificates of shares of stock. Each Owner of a Lot (as such capitalizced tenns are defined in the Declaration) subject to the Articles of Incorporation Page2 Declaration is a member and sh~II be entitled to vote as set forth herein and in the Declaration and the Bylaws. Membership in the Association shall consist exclusively of Lot Owners. ARTICLE 5, BOARD OF DIRECTORS The business and affairs of the Association shall be conducted, managed, and controlled by u Board of Directors. The Board shall initially consist of one (I) director. The name end address of the initial member of the Board of Directors is as follows: Harbour Homes, LLC 1441 N. 34111 Street, Suite 200 Seattle, Washington 98103 The number of directors may be increased or decreased from lime to time by amendment to or in the manlier provided for in the Bylaws. The method of election, term of office, removal and filling of vacancies shall be us set forth in the Bylaws. The Board may delegate its powers lo operate the Association to such companies, individuals, or committees as it, in its discretion, may determine. ARTICLE 6, LIABILITY OF DIRECTORS To the full extent that the Washington Nonprofit Corporation Act permits t)te elimination or limitation of liability of directors, a director of the Association shall not be liable to the Association or its members for monetary damages for conduct as a director; provided that the liability of a director shell not be eliminated or limited for acts or omissions that involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law, for approval of distributions or Joans contrary to law, or for any transaction from which the director has personally received or will personally receive a benefit in money, property, or services to which the director is not legally entitled. ARTICLE 7. DISSOLUTION The Association may be dissolved only upon II resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors end the affinnative vote of members who are Owners of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the Lots (other than the Declarant} and the consent of the Declarenl so long as the Declarant owns any property subject to the Declaration. Upon dissolution of the Association, so long as the United States Veterans Administration ("VA") is guaranteeing and/or the United States acting through the Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD'') is insuring any mortgage in the Development, and unless otherwise agreed in writing by HUD or VA, as applicable, any remaining real property assets of the Association shall be dedicated to an appropriate public agency to be used for purposes similar to those for which this Association was created. In the event that such dedication is refused acceptance, such assets shall be granted, conveyed and assigned to any nonprofit corporation, association, trust or -other organization to be devoted to such similar purposes. No such restriction sh~ll exist if VA is not guaranteeing and HUD is not insuring any mortgage in the Development; provjded, however. HUD end/or VA shall be notified of such dissolution. Articles of Incorporation Page3 ARTICLE 8. MERGER AND CONSOLIDATION The Association may merge or consolidate only upon a resolution duly adopted by the board of directors and the offinnative vote of members who are Owners of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the Lots (other than the Declarant) and the consent of the Declarant so long as the Declarant owns any property subject to the Declaration. ARTICLE 9. AMENDMENTS These Articles may be amended only upon a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors and the affirmative vote ofat least two-thirds (2/3) of the total eligible votes of the members. ARTICLE 10. INCORPORA TOR The name and address of the sole incorporator is Harbour Homes, LLC, J 441 N. 34th Street, Suite 200, Seattle, Washington 98103. · ARTICLE 11. REGISTERED AGENT AND OFFICE The initial registered agent and office of the Association is Paul Brain, Esq. located at 1119 Pacific Avenue, Suite 1200, Tacoma, Washington 98402-4323. The undersigned duly-authorized officer of the incorporator has signed these Articles of Incorporation at Seattle, Washington, on this l~day of March, 2013. · . Harbour Homes, LLC a Washington limited liability company By~'*' Secretary/freasurer Articles of Incorporation Pege4 CONSENT TO SERVE AS REGISTERED AGENT Paul Brain, Esq. hereby consents to sen•e as Registered Agent, in the State of Washington, for Ashbrook 1-iomeowners Association. It is understood that as agent for the Association, Paul Brain, will have the responsibility to receive service of process in the name of the Association; to forward all mail to the Association; and to immediately notify the office of the Secretary of State in !he eve11t of its resignation, or of any cha · e registered office address ()f the Association for which it is agent. Date Articles of Incorporation Pa11I Brain Brain Law Firm PLLC 1119 Pacific Ave., Suite l 200 Tacoma, WA 98402-4323 Page 5 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS (LUA13-000368) PLAN ADDRESS: Se 11022 184Th Pl Renton. WA 98055 of ' APPLICATION DATE: 03/25/2013 DESCRIPTION: Altmyer Final plat to subdivide into 21 single family lots. The plat includes installation of road and storm improvements and detention vault. streetlights are private. Water and sewer is Soos Creek Water and Sewer . .............. ,,. Fire Review -Construction Corey Thomas Ph: 425-430-7024 email: cthomas@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: Complete all required construction improvements prior to final approval. Technical Services Bob MacOnie Ph: 425-430-7369 email: bmaconie@rentonwa.gov Correction: Technical Services Comments Comments· Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA13-000368-FP and LND-10-0500, respectively, on the final plat submittal. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC32-130-100. Note lot addresses on the plat drawing. Item 9 under NOTES AND RESTRICTION on sheet 2 of 4 needs to be revised to reflect the City of Renton and it fees. All vested owner(s) of the subject plat, at the time of recording, need to sign the final plat. For the street dedication process, include a current title report noting the vested property owner. Since a plat by definition ls a simultaneous conveyance the DECLARATION OF COVENANT on sheet 1 of 4 is not necessary. The same private drainage easement verbiage regarding the City's right to enter and repair appears on both sheets 1 and 2, the last paragraph under PRIVATE DRAINAGE ACCESS EASEMENT on sheet 1 and the second paragraph under EASEMENT NOTES sheet 2. Remove one or the other. Reviewer Comments Bob MacOnie Ph: 425-430-7369 email: bmaconie@rentonwa.gov Item Review Name: Technical Services Comments: Lot addresses Are shown on the attached document Altmyer Addresses.pdf May 02, 2013 Page 1 of 1 Denis Law Mayor April 8, 2013 Jamie Waltier Harbour Homes, LLC 1441 N 34th Street #200 Seattle, WA 98103 Department of Community and Economic Development C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator Subject: Notice of Complete Application Altmyer Final Plat, LUAB-000368, FP Dear Mr. Waltier: The Planning Division of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7216 if you have any questions. Sincerely, r.-ty/~...-/ illlian Project Manager cc: Geonerco Properties WA, LLC / Owner(s) Renton City Hall • J 055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov June 6, 2012 Mr. Jamie Waltier Harbour Homes, LLC 1441 North 34'" Street, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98103 Department of Community and Economic Development C.E."Chip"Vincent, Interim Administrator RE: Altmyer Preliminary Plat Minor Amendment Approval Clarifications 11022 SE 184'" Place LUA 08-106 Dear Mr. Waltier: Thank you for meeting with me to discuss your questions on the amended conditions for the Altmyer preliminary plat. This memo is a follow-up to our discussion to provide clarification on the project conditions. Condition #3: The reference dimensional requirements are for King County R-8 zoning standards in place .at time of application of the project. Condition #4: The reference to the 1993· KCRS is incorrect, and should be the 2007 KCRS. The proposed 20-foot wide access tracts are acceptable. Condition #5: Based upon the proposed project street design and vested King County standards, fire sprinklers are not required for any of the new homes in the plat. Condition #7: The right-of-way dedication for the 25-foot radius at the intersection is only required on the north side adjacent to the detention pond site. I hope these responses are helpful in clarifying these points. If you have additional questions regarding this approved minor amendment and associated conditions, you may contact me (425)430-7218 or Jan Illian (425)430-7216. Sincerely, ,0tJ 1,,J,iJ/1 Neil Watts, Director Development Services Division cc: Chip Vinc.ent, Interim CED Admlnl5trator Kayren Kittrlck, Development Engineering Supervisor Jennifer Hennln&,. Current Planning Maf'Jager Jan Illian, Plan Reviewer Renton City Hall • 1 OS5 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentohwa.gov DPnis i .. Z:'N fVli1y,)1 May 17, 2012 Jamie Waltier Harbour Homes, LLC 1441 N. 34'" Street, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98103 Department of Community and Economic Development C.E."Chip"Vincent, Interim Administrator RE: Altmyer Preliminary Plat -Minor Amendment Approval 11022 SE 184th Place LUA-08-106 Dear Mr. Waltier: We have reviewed the approved project conditions for the Altmyer preliminary plat. The preliminary plat is for 21 residential lots, and located on the west side of 112 1 h Avenue SE. The original project conditions were incorrectly based on standard King County language following annexation of the property to Renton. We are approving revisions to the wording of the plat conditions to clarify Renton requirements for approval of the final plat. These revisions are approved as a minor amendment to the preliminary plat, as allowed by Renton Municipal Code (RM() 4-7-0SOM. The approved amended preliminary plat conditions are listed below. A worksheet listing the original conditions and revised conditions is attached. The approved revisions include clarification of required impact fees and a condition for compliance with Renton's Residential Design Standards. Amended Conditions of Approval for the Altmyer Preliminary Plat The proposed subdivision of Altmyer Plat, as accepted by King County for complete application on September 26, 2007, and granted preliminary plat approval by the City of Renton on February 9, 2009, is granted approval of minor amendments to the preliminary plat, subject to the following conditions of final plat approval: 1. Compliance with all platting provisions of the Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-8-110. 2. Original condition deleted. King County staff has been unable to provide any information on the content or intention of the referenced King County Council Motion No. 5952. 3. The plat shall comply with the King County base density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-8 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-8 zone classification and shall be generally as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, except that minor revisions to the plat which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department. Renton City Hall " 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • ren-tonwa.gov Mr. J.;:1'iie 'vValtier Page2of5 May 17, 2012 All future houses within the plot shall substantially conform to the guidelines listed in Renton Municipal Code /RMC) 4-2-115 Residential Design and Open Space Requirements. The City shall review and approve modifications from strict adherence to the prescribed standards provided the applicant demonstrates design alternates meeting the spirit and intent of the guidelines. The houses shall otherwise be in conformance with applicable vested King County setback requirements and other associated land use standards far development. Any plat boundary discrepancy shall be resolved to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department prior to the submittal of the final plat documents. As used in this condition, "discrepancy" is a boundary hiatus, an overlapping boundary or a physical appurtenance which indicates an encroachment, lines of possession, or a conflict of title. 4. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (1993 KCRS), or as otherwise modified by agreement between the City of Renton Development Services Division and the applicant per RMC 4-9-250D. 5. The applicant must obtain the approval of the Renton Fire Department for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of RMC 4-5-070. 6. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location of lots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. The following conditions represent portions of the Code. Requirements shall apply to all plats. The following conditions specifically address drainage issues for this plat: a. The drainage facilities shall meet the requirements of the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). The drainage design shall meet at a minimum the Level 3 Flow Control and Basic Water Quality in the KCSWDM, unless otherwise approved by the reviewing agency. b. The existing County detention pond on Lot 1 [Short Plat 4740409 (Parcel 3223059313)) shall be retrofitted with an overflow riser in the control manhole as shown on the Preliminary Road and Storm Drainage Plan received April 30, 2008. This design can be modified, as approved by the engineering plan reviewing jurisdiction. c. To implement the required Best Management Practices (BMPs) for treatment of storm water, the final engineering plans and Technical Information Report (TIR) shall clearly demonstrate compliance with all applicable design standards. The requirements for best management practices are outlined in Chapter S of the 2005 KCSWDM. The design engineer shall address the applicable requirements on the final engineering plans and provide all necessary documents for implementation. The final recorded plat shall include all required covenants, easements, notes, and other details to implement the required BMPs for site development. d. Standard plan notes as listed in the 2005 KCSWM, shall be shown on the engineering plans. Mr. Jamie Walt1er Page3ofS May 17, 2012 e. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: "All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings# on file with the City of Renton Development Services Division. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file." 7. The following road improvements are required to be constructed in lieu of the original King County street standards: a. The internal access road SE 184th Place shall be improved at a minimum to the urban subaccess street standard with a permanent cul-de-sac at the west end. b. Sufficient Right-of-Way (ROW) shall be dedicated for the SE 184th Place improvement with the final plat. Note that this includes ROW acquisition from King County/City of Renton for the needed ROW adjoining Lot 1 of SP 474040, known as an existing County detention pond. A 25 foot R/W radius is proposed at 112th Avenue SE. c. Any proposed joint use driveways or private access tracts shall be improved per Section 3.01 and 2.09 of the KCRDCS. These Tracts shall be owned and maintained by the lot owners served. d. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section 1.12 of the KCRS. 9. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the City of Renton prior to final plat recording. 8. The applicant or subsequent owner shali comply with the applicable City of Renton traffic mitigation fee schedule or applicable impact fee schedule in place at time of fee payment. The applicant has the option to either: (1) pay the traffic mitigation or impact fee at the final plat recording, or (2) pay the mitigation or impact fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of final plat application and a note shall be place on the face of the plat that reads, "All traffic mitigation or impact fees required by Renton Municipal Code have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. 9. Off-site access to the subdivision shall be over a full-width, dedicated and improved road which has been accepted by the City of Renton Development Services Division. The street improvement must be completed or deferred prior to recording of the plat. A request to deferral of the improvements would be subject to the procedures of RMC 4-9-060C. 10. The planter islands (if any) within the cul-de-sacs shall be maintained by the abutting lot owners or homeowners association. This shall be stated on the face of the final plat. 11. A suitable recreation space shall be provided within the combined drainage/recreation tract. The recreation space may be placed above the vault. The recreation area must be Mr. i;:imie Wa!ticr Pagct.otS May 17, 2012 accessible and consistent with the requirements of l<CC 21A.14.180 and KCC 21A.14.190 (i.e., sport court[s], children's play equipment, picnic table[s], benches, etc.) and landscaping of KCC 21A.16. In lieu of providing these improvements, the applicant may choose to pay the Parks Mitigation or Impact fees prior to the final plat recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. If the applicant opts to provide suitable recreation space on- site, then the following conditions must be met. a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., landscape specs consistent with 21A.14 and KCC 21A.16) shall be submitted for review and approval by the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department and City of Renton Parks Department concurrent with the submittal of the engineering plans. This plan shall include location, area calculations, dimensions, finished grades, access to underground vault (access grate) and general improvements, i.e., landscaping, fencing, and trail. b. The vault maintenance shall not interfere with the recreation area improvements. c. If the engineering requirements for the construction of the drainage facility prevent provision of a suitable recreation tract, a separate recreation tract shall be provided. A revision to the plat may be required. d. All landscaping shall be maintained in good condition and be irrigated. The landscape plan shall include the method of irrigation. e. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. 12. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established, to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department, which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation tract. 13. Street trees shall be provided as follows: a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along SE 184 Place. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. th b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 2007 King County Road Standards, unless the City of Renton Development Services Division determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. c. If the City of Renton determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right- of-way line. d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the City of Renton has adopted a maintenance program. This shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department if located within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. Mr J.:imie Waltier Page5of5 May 17, 2012 f. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by the City of Renton Community & Economic Development prior to engineering plan approval.· g. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after the Community & Economic Development Department has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. h. A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. 14. To implement appropriate tree retention standards under RMC 4-4-130, a detailed tree retention plan shall be submitted with the engineering plans for the subject plat. The tree retention plan (and engineering plans) shall be consistent with the requirements of RMC 4-4- 130. No clearing of the subject property is permitted until the final tree retention plan is approved by Renton Development Services Division. Flagging and temporary fencing of trees to be retained shall be provided, consistent with RMC 4-4-130. The placement of impervious surfaces, fill material, excavation work, or the storage of construction materials is prohibited within the fenced areas around the preserved trees, except for grading work permitted pursuant to RMC 4-4-130. No clearing or grading of the site shall occur until CED approves the detailed tree retention plan. This decision to approve the minor amendment to the Altmyer Preliminary Plat is subject to a fourteen (14) day appeal period from the date of this letter. Any appeals of the administrative decision must be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 pm, May 31, 2012. If you have additional questions regarding requirements for this project, please contact Kayren Kittrick at 425-430-7299. Sincerely, Neil Watts, Director Development Services Division attachment cc: Chip Vincent, lntedm CED Administrator Kayren Kittrick, Development Engineering Supervisor Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Jan ll!ian 1 Plan Reviewer Worksheet: Amended Conditions of Approval for the Altmyer Preliminary Plat 1. Compliance with all platting provisions ofTitle 19 of the King County Code. Revision: Compliance with all platting provisions of the Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-8-110. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. Revision: Delete this condition. King County staff have been unable to provide any information on the content or intention of the referenced King County Council Motion No. 5952. 3. The plat shall comply with the King County base density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-8 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-8 zone classification and shall be generally as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, except that minor revisions to the plat which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department. Any/all plat boundary discrepancy shall be resolved to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department prior to the submittal of the final plat documents. As used in this condition, "discrepancy" is a boundary hiatus, an overlapping boundary or a physical appurtenance which indicates an encroachment, lines of possession or a conflict of title. Revision: Condition #3 is amended to add the following condition: All future houses within the plat shall substantially conform to the guidelines listed in Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-2-115 Residential Design and Open Space Requirements. The City shall review and approve modifications from strict adherence to the prescribed standards provided the applicant demonstrates design alternates meeting the spirit and intent of the guidelines. The houses shall otherwise be in conformance with applicable vested King County setback requirements and other associated land use standards for development. 4. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Design & Construction Standards (2007 KCRD&CS) established and adopted by King County Ordinance No. 15753. Revision: All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (1993 KCRS), or as otherwise modified by agreement between the City of Renton Development Services Division and the applicant per RMC 4-9-250D. 5. The applicant must obtain the approval of the City of Renton Fire Marshall for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. Revision: The applicant must obtain the approval of the Renton Fire Department for the adequacy of the fire hydrant. water main. and fire flow standards of RMC 4-5-070. 6. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location of lots as shown on the Draft Amended Preliminary P May 16,2012 mditions -Altmyer Preliminary Plat Pagcj2 preliminary approved plat. The following conditions represent portions of the Code. Requirements shall apply to all plats. The following conditions specifically address drainage issues for this plat: a. The drainage facilities shall meet the requirements of the 2005 King County Surface'Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). The drainage design shall meet at a minimum the Level 3 Flow Control and Basic Water Quality in the KCSWDM, unless otherwise approved by the reviewing agency. b. The existing County detention pond on Lot 1 [Short Plat 4740409 (Parcel 3223059313)] shall be retrofitted with an overflow riser in the control manhole as shown on the Preliminary Road and Storm Drainage Plan received April 30, 2008. This design can be modified, as approved by the engineering plan reviewing jurisdiction. c. To implement the required Best Management Practices (BMPs) for treatment of storm water, the final engineering plans and Technical Information Report (TIR) shall clearly demonstrate compliance with all applicable design standards. The requirements for best management practices are outlined in Chapter 5 of the 2005 KCSWDM. The design engineer shall address the applicable requirements on the final engineering plans and provide all necessary documents for implementation. The final recorded plat shall include all required covenants, easements, notes, and other details to implement the required BMPs for site development. d. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) Engineering Review, shall be shown on the engineering plans. e. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: "All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings # on file with DOES and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file." Revisions: Condition #6 remains mostly unchanged, with minor changes in sections d and e. Section dis revised to standard plan notes as listed in the 2005 KCSWM. Section e is revised to the approved construction plans on file with the City of Renton Develbpment Services Division. 7. The following road improvements are required for this subdivision to be constructed according to the 2007 King County Road Standards: a. The internal access road SE 184th Place shall be improved at a minimum to the urban subaccess street standard with a permanent cul-de-sac at the west end. b. Sufficient Right-of-Way (ROW) shall be dedicated for the SE 184th Place improvement with the final plat. Note that this includes ROW acquisition from King County/ City of Renton for the needed ROW adjoining Lot 1 of SP 474040, known as an existing County detention pond. A 25 foot R/W radius is proposed at 112th Avenue SE. c. Any proposed joint use driveways or private access tracts shall be improved per Section 3.01 and 2.09 of the KCRDCS. These Tracts shall be owned and maintained by the lot owners served. d. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section 1.12 of the KCRS. 9. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the City of Renton prior to final plat recording. 2 Draft Amended Preliminary P, mditions -Altmyer Preliminary Plat May 16, 2012 Page I 3 Revision: Street modifications may be approved by City of Renton Development Services Division according to the modification procedures of Renton Municipal Code 4-9-250D. Otherwise. condition #7 remains unchanged. 8. The applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System {MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance. The applicant has the option to either: (1) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that . reads, "All fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been . paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. Revision: The applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with the applicable City of Renton traffic mitigation fee schedule or applicable impact fee schedule in place at time of fee payment. The applicant has the option to either: (1) pay the traffic mitigation or impact fee at the final plat recording, or (2) pay the mitigation or impact fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time offinal plat application and a note shall be place on the face of the plat that reads," All traffic mitigation or impact fees required by Renton Municipal Code have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. 9. Off-site access to the subdivision shall be over a full-width, dedicated and improved road which has been accepted by King County for maintenance. If the proposed access road has not been accepted by King County at the time of recording, then said road shall be fully bonded by the applicant of this subdivision. Revision: Off-site access to the subdivision shall be over a full-width, dedicated and improved road which has been accepted by the City of Renton Development Services Division. The street improvement must be completed or deferred prior to recording of the plat. A request to deferral of the improvements would be subject to the procedures of RMC 4-9-060(. 10. The planter islands (if any) within the cul-de-sacs shall be maintained by the abutting lot owners or homeowners association. This shall be stated on the face of the final plat. Revision: Condition #10 remains unchanged. 11. A suitable recreation space shall be provided within the combined drainage/ recreation tract. The recreation space may be placed above the vault. The recreation area must be accessible and consistent with the requirements of KCC 21A.14.180 and KCC 21A.14.190 (i.e., sport court[s], children's play equipment, picnic table[s], benches, etc.) and landscaping of KCC 21A.16. a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., landscape specs consistent with 21A.14 and KCC 21A.16) shall be submitted for review and approval by the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department and City of Renton Parks Department concurrent with the submittal of the engineering plans. This plan shall include location, area calculations, dimensions, finished grades, access to underground vault (access grate) and general improvements, i.e., landscaping, fencing, and trail. 3 Draft Amended Preliminary P May 16, 2012 .mditions -Altmyer Preliminary Plat Page!4 b. The vault maintenance shall not interfere with the recreation area improvements. c. If the engineering requirements for the construction of the drainage facility prevent provision of a suitable recreation tract, a separate recreation tract shall be provided. A revision to the plat may be required. d. All landscaping shall be maintained in good condition and be irrigated. The landscape plan shall include the method of irrigation. e. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. Revision: The applicant may comply with the original condition to provide suitable recreation space as part of the plat development, or pay the Parks Mitigation or Impact fees prior to the final plat recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. 12. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established, to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department, which provides for the ownership and wntinued maintenance of the recreation tract. Revision: Condition #12 remains unchanged. 13. Street trees shall be provided as follows: th a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along SE 184 Place. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 2007 King County Road Standards, unless the City of Renton Department of Public Works determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. c. If the City of Renton determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the City of Renton has adopted a maintenance program. This shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department if located within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead · utility lines. f. The applicant shall s_ubmit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by the City of Renton Community & Economic Development prior to engineering plan approval. g. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after the Community & Economic 4 Draft Amended Preliminary P May 16,2012 mditions -Altmyer Preliminary Plat Page I 5 Development Department has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. h. A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. Revision: Condition #13 remains unchanged. 14. The proposed plat shall comply with the requirements of KCC 16.82 including the significant tree retention as required by 16.82.156. A significant tree retention/replacement plan shall be submitted with the engineering plans. Revision: To implement appropriate tree retention standards under RMC 4-4-130, a detailed tree retention plan shall be submitted with the engineering plans for the subject plat. The tree retention plan (and engineering plans) shall be consistent with the requirements of RMC 4-4-130. No clearing of the subject property is permitted until the final tree retention plan is approved by Renton Development Services Division. Flagging and temporary fencing of trees to be retained shall be provided, consistent with RMC 4-4 130. The placement of impervious surfaces, fill material, excavation work, or the storage of construction materials is prohibited within the fenced areas around the preserved trees, except for grading work permitted pursuant to RMC 4-4-130. No clearing or grading of the site shall occur until CED approves the detailed tree retention plan. 5 Lu• City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT i1AH 2 .• . , MASTER APPLICATION~?r,- •s, • I.,,. ir~ ;,-":.,.·, PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION -"' PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: Geonerco Properties WA, LLC Altmyer ADDRESS: 1441 North 341" Street, Suite 200 PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: 11022 & 11023 Se.1841 " Place, 98055 CITY: Seattle ZIP: 98103 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 206-352-2020 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 3223059302 & 3223059294 APPLICANT (if other than owner) EXISTING LAND USE(S): NAME: Single Family Residential PROPOSED LAND USE(S): COMPANY (if applicable): 21 Single Family Residential Lots EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: Residential Single-Family PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: ZIP: (if applicable) Same EXISTING ZONING: R-8 TELEPHONE NUMBER: CONT ACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): NIA NAME: Jamie Waltier SITE AREA (in square feet): 136,064+/-S.F. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY (if applicable): Harbour Homes, LLC DEDICATED: 23,539 +/-S.F S.F. ADDRESS: 1441 North 34 1 " Street, suite 200 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: N/A PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY: Seattle ZIP: 98103 ACRE (if applicable) 8.13 DU/AC TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) 21 206-315-8130 jwaltier@harbourhomes.com NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): N/A C: \Users '~baringer\App Data \Loca l\M icrosoft\ W induw:;. \ T empornry Internet Fi les\Content. Outlook\ 79 LN HC8 V\masterapp I .doc -1- Pn.OJECT INFORMATION (continued) ~----'-------''--------------~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable); N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable); N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A ------ PROJECT VALUE:$ IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): NONE D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO D FLOOD HAZARD AREA D GEOLOGIC HAZARD D HABITAT CONSERVATION D SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES D WETLANDS ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY /Attach leaal description on separate sheet with the followino information included) SITUATE IN THE SE QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23N, RANGE 5 East, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) Jamie Waltier, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) __ the current owner of the property involved in this application or X the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date Signature of Owner/Representative STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that .J:,._ : L L.::k If,~ C signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/~ free and voluntary act for the uses and purpose ~lfffflnthe instrument. ,,, BAF1/'1,, 3 .--,:. ~-air·<'ltGt,:. ..._ ··-~ z• • ...t\ ~ Dated ~ ') /o~-~ .. ·.,... ~ -: <> NOTARY "': -: . - :: m \ PUBLIC f ~ : -:.:.A·· ,·o-- Date "' .,,-. '• •• f:::. ~ ';, :>-"'·•,.8~e~20\"o,,,' 0 ~ ,, '-"' 0 ········· ~ .,:. ,,,,, ~ wr,.sY.. ,,,, My appointment expires: __ ¥,_,,.~1_,_"Z-i) __ J S __________ _ '''''""'''' C: \Users '-jbaringer\App Data \Loca 1\M icrosoft\ Windows\ Temporary lntemet F iles\Content. Outlook \79 LN HC8 V\masterapp I .doc . 2. D.R. STRONG CONSULTING ENGINEERS March 14, 2013 Project No. 11012 City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98057 Re: Altmyer Final Plat To Final Plat Reviewer: The following is provided in response to the City's Final Plat submittal requirement regarding "Confirmation of Compliance with all Conditions of Plat Approval". Hearing Examiner's Conditions as amended by Neil Watts, Director of City of Renton Development Services Division in the letter to Jamie Waltier of Harbour Homes, LLC, dated May 7, 2012 and clarified in the letter to Jamie Waltier of Harbour Homes, LLC, dated June 6, 2012: 1. Compliance with all platting provisions of/he Renton Municipal Code (RCM) 4-8-110. The final plat has been prepared in compliance with sited code. 2. Original condition deleted. 3. The plat shall comply with the King County base density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-8 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-8 zone classification and shall be generally as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, except that minor revisions to the plat, which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department. All future houses within the plat shall substantially conform to the guidelines listed in Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-2-115 Residential Design and Open Space Requirements. The City shall review and approve modifications from strict adherence to the prescribed standards provided the applicant demonstrates design alternates meeting the spirit and intent of the guidelines. The houses shall otherwise be in conformance with the applicable vested King County setback requirements and other associated land use standards for development. Any plat boundary discrepancy shall be resolved to the satisfaction of the City _of Renton Community & Economic Development Department prior to the submittal of the final plat documents. As used in this condition, "discrepancy" is a boundary hiatus, an overlapping boundary or a physical appurtenance, which indicates an encroachment, lines of possession or a conflict of title. The final plat has been prepared in conformance with the preliminary plat and meets the density and dimensional requirements of the R-8 zone classification. There are no boundary issues to revolve. Any condition of approval related to the design and construction of future houses will be addressed at the time of building permit application. 4. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by 10604 N.E. 38m Place Suite 232 Kirkland, WA98033-3063 Phone: (425) 827-3063 Fax: (425) 827-2423 Toll Free: (800) 962-1402 www.drstrong.com Engineers Surveyors Landscape Architects City of Renton March 7, 2013 Page2 of6 Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (2007 KCRS), or as otherwise modified by agreement between the City of Renton Development Services Division and the applicant per RMC 4-9- 250D. The approved construction plans have been prepared in accordance with required standards. This condition will be met by the completion of construction of the site improvements, as shown on the approved plans. 5. The applicant must obtain the approval of the City of Renton Fire Department for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of RMC 4-5-070. This condition has been met by action taken by the developer and through the preparation of the approved water plans. 6. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location of lots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. The following conditions represent portions of the Code. Requirements shall apply to all plats. The following conditions specifically address drainage issues for this plat: The approved construction stormdrainage plans have been prepared in compliance with the required codes. a. The drainage facilities shall meet the requirements of the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). The drainage design shall meet at a minimum the Level 3 Flow Control and Basic Water Quality in the KCSWDM, unless otherwise approved by the reviewing agency. The approved construction stormdrainage plans have been prepared in compliance with the required codes b. The existing County detention pond on Lot 1 [Short Plat 47 40409 (Parcel 3223059313)] shall be retrofitted with an overflow riser in the control manhole as shown on the Preliminary Road and Storm Drainage Plan received April 30, 2008. This design can be modified, as approved by the engineering plan reviewing jurisdiction. This condition will be met by the completion of construction of the stormdrainage facilities as shown on the approved plans. c. To implement the required Best Management Practices (BMPs) for treatment of storm water, the final engineering plans and Technical Information Report (TIR) shall clearly demonstrate compliance with all applicable design standards. The requirements for best management practices are outlined in Chapter 5 of the 2005 KCSWDM. The design engineer shall address the applicable requirements on the final engineering plans and provide all necessary documents for implementation. The final recorded plat shall include all required covenants, easements, notes, and other details to implement the required BMPs for site development. The approved engineering plans and Technical Information Report have been prepared in compliance with the applicable standards. Appropriate notes/restrictions have been included on the final plat. d. Standard plan notes as listed in the 2005 KCSWM, shall be shown on the engineering plans. The required notes are shown on the approved engineering plans. e. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: City of Renton March 7, 2013 Page 3 of6 "All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings # on file with the City of Renton Development Services Division. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file. " The required note has been included on the final plat. 7. The following road improvements are required to be constructed in lieu of the original King County street standards: a. The internal access road SE 184th Place shall be improved at a minimum to the urban subaccess street standard with a permanent cul-de-sac at the west end. This condition will be met by the_ completion of construction of the site improvements, as shown on the approved construction plans. b. Sufficient right-of-way (ROVV,) shall be dedicated for the SE 184th Place improvement with the final plat. Note that this includes ROW acquisition from King County/City of Renton for the needed ROW adjoining Lot 1 of SP 474040, known as an existing County detention pond. A 25-foot RIW radius is proposed at 112th Avenue SE. The required dedication within the plat boundary has been provided. The dedication of off-site right of way will be accomplished by action taken by the City of Renton. c. Any proposed joint use driveways or private access tracts shall be improved per Section 3. 01 and 2. 09 of the KCRDCS. These tracts shall be owned and maintained by the lot owners served. This condition will be met by the completion of construction of the site improvements, as shown on the approved construction plans. Ownership of the tracts has been provided for on the final plat. d. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section 1. 12 of the KCRS. 9. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the City of Renton prior to final plat recording. No modifications were utilized in the preparation of the approved engineering plans. 8. The applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with the applicable City of Renton traffic mitigation fee schedule or applicable impact fee schedule in place at the time of fee payment. The applicant has the option to either: (1) pay the traffic mitigation or impact fee at the final plat recording, or (2) pay the mitigation or impact fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of final plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All traffic mitigation or impact fees required by Renton Municipal Code have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. The applicant has chosen to defer payment of the required fee to the time of building permit application. The required note has been included on the final plat. 9. Off-site access to the subdivision shall be over a full-width, dedicated and improved road which has been accepted by the City of Renton Development Services Division. The street improvements must be completed or deferred prior to recording of the plat. A request to deferral of the improvements would be subject to the procedures of RMC 4-9-060C. City of Renton March 7, 2013 Page 4 of6 The required dedication within the plat boundary has been provided. The dedication of off-site right of way will be accomplished by action taken by the City of Renton. 10. The planter islands (if any) within the cul-de-sacs shall be maintained by the abutting lot owners or homeowners association. This shall be stated on the face of the final plat. The required note has been provided on the final plat. 11. A suitable recreation space shall be provided within the combined drainage/ recreation tract. The recreation space may be placed above the vault. The recreation area must be accessible and consistent with the requirements of KCC 21A.14.180 and KCC 21A.14.190 (i.e., sport court[s], children's play equipment, picnic table[s], benches, etc.) and landscaping of KCC 21 A. 16. In lieu of providing these improvements, the applicant may choose to pay the Parks Mitigation or Impact fees prior to the final plat recording, using the fee schedule in effect when the plat receives final approval. If the applicant opts to provide suitable recreation space on-site, then the following conditions must be met. The applicant has chosen to pay the required fees in lieu of providing the recreation space improvements. All required fees will be paid prior to final plat approval. a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., landscape specs consistent with 21A.14 and KCC 21A.16) shall be submitted for review and approval by the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department and City of Renton Parks Department concurrent with the submittal of the engineering plans. This plan shall include location, area calculations, dimensions, finished grades, access to underground vault (access grate) and general improvements, i.e., landscaping, fencing, and trail. Not applicable, Applicant to pay fee in lieu providing open space. b. The vault maintenance shall not interfere with the recreation area improvements. Not applicable, Applicant to pay fee in lieu providing open space. c. If the engineering requirements for the construction of the drainage facility prevent provision of a suitable recreation tract, a separate recreation tract shall be provided. A revision to the plat may be required. Not applicable, Applicant to pay fee in lieu providing open space. d. All landscaping shall be maintained in good condition and be irrigated. The landscape plan shall include the method of irrigation. Not applicable, Applicant to pay fee in lieu providing open space. e. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. Not applicable, Applicant to pay fee in lieu providing open space. 12. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established, to the satisfaction of the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department, which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation tract. This condition shall be met by action taken by the developer. 13. Street trees shall be provided as follows: City of Renton March 7, 2013 Page 5 of6 a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for eve,y 40 feet of frontage along SE 184th Place. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. This condition shall be met by the installation and completion of the landscaping, as shown on the approved plans. b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 2007 King County Road Standards, unless the City of Renton Development Services Division determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. This condition shall be met by the installation and completion of the landscaping, as shown on the approved plans. c. If the City of Renton determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. This condition shall be met by the installation and completion of the landscaping, as shown on the approved plans. d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the City of Renton has adopted a maintenance program. This shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. The required note has been provided on the final plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by the City of Renton Community & Economic Development Department if located within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanita,y or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. This condition shall be met by the installation and completion of the landscaping, as shown on the approved plans. f. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by the City of Renton Community & Economic Development prior to engineering plan approval. This condition has been met by action taken by the developer. g. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maint1;,nance bond may be released after the Community & Economic Development Department has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. This condition shall be met by action taken by the developer and the City of Renton. h. A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. This condition shall be met by action taken by the developer. 14. To implement appropriate tree retention standards under RMC 4-4-130, a detailed tree retention plan shall be submitted with the engineering plans for the subject plat. The tree retention plan City of Renton March 7, 2013 Page 6 of 6 (and the engineering plans) shall be consistent with the requirements of RMC 4-4-130. No clearing of the subject properly is permitted until the final tree retention plan is approved by Renton Development SeNices Division. Flagging and temporary fencing of trees to be retained shall be provided, consistent with RMC 4-4-130. The placement of impeNious surfaces, fill material, excavation work, or the storage of construction material is prohibited within the fenced areas around the preseNed trees, except for grading work permitted pursuant to RMC 4-4-130. No clearing or grading of the site shall occur until CED approves the detailed tree retention plan. The final plat has been prepared in compliance with the sited code. The required significant tree retention/replacement plan has been submitted to the city. I trust this will satisfy the City's Final Plat submittal requirement Sincerely y rs, D. R T NG Con ul SJS R:\2012\0\12011\2\Documents\Final Plal\130306_Renton-COA.Doc DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 1. __ 136064 square feet 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public streets** Private access easements** Critical Areas* Total excluded area: 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: _ 23,539 square f~et __ NA square feet __ NA square feet 2. ___ .23,539 square feet 3. __ 112,525 square feet 4. _____ 2.5832 acres 5. _____ 21 units/lots 6. _ 8.13 = dwelling units/acre *Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. ** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. R:\2012\0\12011 \2\Documents\Final Plat\density[2].doc • I • 03/08 0 d SIii ··1 ·1 11 1,1, ! J -. 1 t:1~11V --~ • n • r l r • I I • I ( IKftll'H ttll'M! _,..,.--,,-,.-.,,,, -•• -N-alllMl'llfn ""'*'- l•!ll""'l '"'II IO W~£!:6 !10! '51 'PO sa,-c;c;z-c;z, '</M 'uoiua~ -Sdsn Hd zo a z10,-1,o·c;z ALTMYER FINAL PLAT MAP CHECKS DRS PROJECT NO. 12011 PREPARED BY SJS 10/29/12 D.R. STRONG CONSUL TING ENGINEERS 10604 NE 38 1 H PLACE, SUITE 232 BELLEVUE, WA. 98022 ')/_if• Lot Report Lot File: R:\2012\0\12011\2\Carlson\MAP CHECKS.lot CRD File: R:\2012\0\12011\2\Carlson\12011.crd LOT SUB-1 PNT# Bearing 10074 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT Distance Northing 159925.629 10075 10076 10077 504 2051 10078 10079 10080 10081 10074 N 01°26'19" E N 01°26'19" E N 01°26'19" E N 01°26'19" E N 89°32'11" E N 89°32'11" E s 02°11'17" w s 02°11'17" w N 88°50'20" W N 88°50'20" W 1363.95 681. 98 340.99 340.99 1331.45 1331. 4 5 1401.91 1401.91 1312.40 1312.40 161289.150 161970.911 162311. 791 162652.671 162663.442 162674.212 161273.326 159872.440 159899.035 159925. 629 Easting 1302881.164 1302915.408 1302932.530 1302941. 091 1302949.652 1304281.063 1305612.474 1305558.948 1305505.422 1304193.293 1302881.164 Closure Error Distance> 0.0140 Error Bearing> S 46°20'25'' E Closure Precision> 1 in 774418.6 Total Distance> 10819.42 LOT AREA: 7309209 SQ FT OR 167.8 ACRES Page 1 of 6 Mon Oct 29 13:08:29 2C LOT SUB-2 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10080 159872.440 1305505.422 N 88°50'20" w 1312.40 10081 159899.035 1304193.293 N 01°49'07" E 1382.90 10082 161281. 238 1304237.178 s 89°39'25" E 1321.79 10079 161273.326 1305558.948 s 02°11'17" w 1401. 91 10080 159872.440 1305505.422 Closure Error Distance> 0.0045 Error Bearing> N 19°25'38" E Closure Precision> 1 in 1193118.2 Total Distance> 5419.00 LOT AREA: 1833434 SQ FT OR 42.1 ACRES Page 2 of 6 LOT SUB-3 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10075 161289.150 1302915.408 N 01°26'19" E 681. 98 10076 161970.911 1302932.530 N 89°56'18" E 1326.59 10083 161972.340 1304259.120 s 01°49'07" w 691. 45 10082 161281. 238 1304237.178 N 89°39'25" w 1321.79 10075 161289.150 1302915.408 Closure Error Distance> 0.0053 Error Bearing> S 12°34'30" w Closure Precision> 1 in 753112.5 Total Distance> 4021.81 LOT AREA: 909022 SQ FT OR 20.9 ACRES Page 3 of 6 LOT SUB-4 PNT# Bearing 10076 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT Distance Northing 161970.911 10077 2050 10083 10076 N 01 °26' 19" E N 89°44'13" E s 01°49'07" w s 89°56'18" w 340.99 1329.01 345.72 1326.59 162311. 791 162317.891 161972.340 161970.911 Easting 1302932.530 1302941. 091 1304270.092 1304259.120 1302932.530 Closure Error Distance> 0.0113 Error Bearing> S 20°31'51'' E Closure Precision> 1 in 295941.3 Total Distance> 3342.32 LOT AREA: 455683 SQ FT OR 10.5 ACRES Page 4 of 6 LOT SUB-5 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10077 162311. 791 1302941. 091 N 01 °26' 19" E 340.99 504 162652. 671 1302949.652 N 89°32'11" E 1331.45 2051 162663. 442 1304281.063 s 01°49'07" w 345.72 2050 162317.891 1304270.092 s 89°44'13" w 1329.01 10077 162311. 791 1302941. 091 Closure Error Distance> 0.0083 Error Bearing> S 02°04'50" E Closure Precision> 1 in 402494.0 Total Distance> 3347.18 LOT AREA: 456465 SQ FT OR 10.5 ACRES BLOCK 1 TOTAL AREA: 10963813 SQ FT OR 251.7 ACRES Page 5 of 6 LOT BOUNDARY PNT# Bearing 10000 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT Distance Northing 162475.473 10001 10002 10003 10004 10005 10006 10007 10008 10009 10000 s 89°38'12" w s 01°49'20" w s 89°44'13" w N 01°37'48" E N 89°32'11" E s 01°49'07" w N 89°38'12" E 247.07 157.37 387.42 343.35 352.48 149.30 115.08 s 01°49'07'' w 8.01 N 89°38'12" E s 01°49'07" w 168.12 30.02 162473.906 162316.619 162314.841 162658.057 162660.908 162511.685 162512.415 162504.413 162505.479 162475.473 Easting 1304245.080 1303998.014 1303993.011 1303605.591 1303615.357 1303967.825 1303963.087 1304078.168 1304077.914 1304246.032 1304245.080 Closure Error Distance> 0.0125 Error Bearing> N 03°10'34" E Closure Precision> 1 in 156182.4 Total Distance> 1958.22 LOT AREA: 136064 SQ FT OR 3.1 ACRES Page 22 of 37 Lot Report Lot File: R:\2012\0\12011\2\Carlson\MAP CHECKS.lot CRD File: R:\2012\0\12011\2\Carlson\12011.crd LOT CENTERLINE PNT# Bearing 2051 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT Distance Northing 162663. 442 100084 100085 10011 10069 10070 10067 10060 10005 100088 2051 s 01°49'07" w s 89°38'12" w s 89°38'12" w N 05°07'14" W N 00°21'49" W N 89°32'11" E N 89°32'11" E N 89°32'11" E N 89°32'11" E N 89°32'11" E 168.86 30.02 495.13 50.00 117.97 49.56 56.00 116.92 283.22 30.02 162494.667 162494.477 162491. 337 162541.138 162659.108 162659.509 162659.962 162660.908 162663.199 162663.442 Easting 1304281.063 1304275.704 1304245.683 1303750.565 1303746.102 1303745.353 1303794.912 1303850.910 1303967.825 1304251.040 1304281.063 Closure Error Distance> 0.0074 Error Bearing> N 72°16'05" E Closure Precision> 1 in 188538.4 Total Distance> 1397.71 LOT AREA: 89500 SQ FT OR 2.1 ACRES BLOCK 1 TOTAL AREA: 89500 SQ FT OR 2.1 ACRES Page 1 of 1 Mon Oct 29 13:27:36 2( Lot Report Lot File: R:\2012\0\12011\2\Carlson\MAP CHECKS.lot CRD File: R:\2012\0\12011\2\Carlson\12011.crd LOT 1 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10006 162511.685 1303963.087 s 89°38'12" w 91. 23 10053 162511.107 1303871. 855 N 00°21'49" w 50.00 10057 162561.105 1303871. 538 N 89°38'11" E 93.14 10058 162561. 696 1303964.675 s 01°49'07" w 50.04 10006 162511.685 1303963.087 Closure Error Distance> 0.0056 Error Bearing> N 54°54'40" Closure Precision> 1 in 50483.9 Total Distance> 284.41 LOT AREA: 4609 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 1 of 37 Fri Oct 26 11:38:08 2( w LOT 2 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10058 162561. 696 1303964.675 s 89°38'11" w 93.14 10057 162561.105 1303871. 538 N 00°21'49" w 50.00 10056 162611.104 1303871.221 N 89°38'11" E 95.04 10059 162611. 707 1303966.263 s 01°49'07" w 50.04 10058 162561.696 1303964.675 Closure Error Distance> 0.0066 Error Bearing> N 55°12'00" E Closure Precision> 1 in 43931.9 Total Distance> 288.22 LOT AREA: 4705 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 2 of 37 Lot Report Lot File: R:\2012\0\12011\2\Carlson\MAP CHECKS.lot CRD File: R:\2012\0\12011\2\Carlson\12011.crd LOT 3 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10059 162611.707 1303966.263 s 89°38'11" w 115.04 10055 162610.977 1303851.221 N 00°21'49" w 48.99 10060 162659. 962 1303850.910 N 89°32'11" E 116.92 10005 162660.908 1303967.825 s 01°49'07" w 49.22 10059 162611. 707 1303966.263 Closure Error Distance> 0.0053 Error Bearing> N 87°49'05" Closure Precision> 1 in 62779.9 Total Distance> 330.17 LOT AREA: 5693 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 1 of 2 Mon Oct 29 13:39:27 2( w LOT 4 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10066 162515.872 1303795.824 Radius: 25.00 Length: 7.10 Chord: 7.08 Delta: 16°16'34" Chord BRG: N 44°25'20'' W Rad-In: N 37°26'23'' E Rad-Out: N 53°42'57" E Radius Pt: 10065 162535.721,1303811.022 Tangent: 3.57 Dir: Right Tangent-In: N 52°33'37'' W Tangent-Out: N 36°17'03'' W Non Tangential-In Tangential-Out 10068 162520.927 1303790.870 Radius: 50.00 Length: 51.34 Chord: 49.12 Delta: 58°50'12" Chord BRG: N 65°42'09" W Rad-In: S 53°42'57" W Rad-Out: S 05°07'14" E Radius Pt: 10011 162491.337,1303750.565 Tangent: 28.19 Dir: Left Tangent-In: N 36°17'03" W Tangent-Out: S 84°52'46" W Tangential-In Non Tangential-Out 10069 162541.138 1303746.102 N 00°21'49" w 117.97 10070 162659.108 1303745.353 N 89°32'11" E 49.56 10067 162659.509 1303794.912 s 00°21'49" E 143.64 10066 162515.872 1303795.824 Closure Error Distance> 0.0033 Error Bearing> N 84°55'07'' E Closure Precision> 1 in 111391. 4 Total Distance> 369.62 LOT AREA: 6207 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 4 of 37 LOT 5 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10069 162541.138 1303746.102 Radius: 50.00 Length: 9.51 Chord: 9.49 Delta: 10°53'47" Chord BRG: S 79°25'52" W Rad-In: S 05°07'14" E Rad-Out: S 16°01'02'' E Radius Pt: 10011 162491.337,1303750.565 Tangent: 4.77 Dir: Left Tangent-In: S 84°52'46'' W Tangent-Out: S 73°58'58" W Non Tangential-In Non Tangential-Out 10010 162539.396 1303736.769 Radius: 60.00 Length: 40.15 Chord: 39.40 Delta: 38°20'11" Chord BRG: N 51°26'42'' W Rad-In: S 57°43'24'' W Rad-Out: S 19°23'12" W Radius Pt: 2080 162507.356,1303686.040 Tangent: 20.86 Dir: Left Tangent-In: N 32°16'36" W Tangent-Out: N 70°36'48" W Non Tangential-In Non Tangential-Out 10071 162563.954 1303705.957 N 00°21'49" w 94.83 10072 162658.785 1303705.355 N 89°32'11" E 40.00 10070 162659.108 1303745.353 s 00°21'49" E 117.97 10069 162541.138 1303746.102 Closure Error Distance> 0.0053 Error Bearing> s 88°19'43" w Closure Precision> 1 in 56669.3 Total Distance> 302. 4 6 LOT AREA: 4308 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 5 of 37 LOT 6 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE; LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10071 162563.954 1303705.957 Radius; 60.00 Length; 20.68 Chord; 20.58 Delta: 19°45'02'' Chord BRG; N 80°29'18'' W Rad-In; S 19°23'12'' W Rad-Out; S 00°21'49" E Radius Pt; 2080 162507.356,1303686.040 Tangent: 10.44 Dir: Left Tangent-In: N 70°36'48'' W Tangent-Out; S 89°38'11" W Non Tangential-In Tangential-Out 10016 162567.354 1303685.659 s 89°38'11" w 24.72 10015 162567.197 1303660.935 N 00°21'49" w 91. 22 10073 162658.421 1303660.356 N 89°32'11" E 45.00 10072 162658.785 1303705.355 s 00°21'49" E 94.83 10071 162563.954 1303705.957 Closure Error Distance> 0.0052 Error Bearing> N 68°55'19" w Closure Precision> l in 52984.8 Total Distance> 276.47 LOT AREA; 4130 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 6 of 37 LOT 7 PNT# Bearing 10014 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT Distance Northing 162547.198 10019 10004 10073 10014 s 89°38'11" w N 01°37'48" E N 89°32'11" E S 00°21'49" E 48.87 111. 21 45.00 111.22 162546.888 162658.057 162658. 421 162547.198 Easting 1303661.062 1303612.194 1303615.357 1303660.356 1303661. 062 Closure Error Distance> 0.0018 Error Bearing> S 46°47'52'' E Closure Precision> 1 in 177848.4 Total Distance> 316.31 LOT AREA: 5218 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 7 of 37 LOT 8 OF PNT# Bearing 10017 s 89°38'11" w 10018 N 01°37'48" E 10019 N 89°38'11" E 10013 BLOCK 1, TYPE: Distance 90.02 52.03 73.59 LOT Northing 162495.449 162494.877 162546.888 162547.355 Easting 1303700.734 1303610.714 1303612.194 1303685.786 Radius: 40.00 Length: 38.92 Chord: 37.40 Delta: 55°44'43'' Chord BRG: S 62°29'28" E Rad-In: S 00°21'49" E Rad-Out: S 55°22'53'' W Radius Pt: 2080 162507.356,1303686.040 Tangent: 21.15 Dir: Right Tangent-In: N 89°38'11" E Tangent-Out: S 34°37'07'' E Tangential-In Non Tangential-Out 10012 162530.080 1303718.958 Radius: 50.00 Length: 40.21 Chord: 39.13 Delta: 46°04'31'' Chord BRG: S 27°45'16" W Rad-In: S 39°12'29" E Rad-Out: S 85°17'00'' E Radius Pt: 10011 162491.337,1303750.565 Tangent: 21.26 Dir: Left Tangent-In: S 50°47'31'' W Tangent-Out: S 04°43'00'' W Non Tangential-In 10017 162495.449 1303700.734 Closure Error Distance> 0.0020 Error Bearing> S 09°29'03" E Closure Precision> 1 in 146729.1 Total Distance> 294.77 LOT AREA: 4998 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 8 of 37 LOT 9 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10020 162461.123 1303710.726 Radius: 60.00 Length: 11.76 Chord: 11.74 Delta: 11°13'57'' Chord BRG: S 25°00'00'' W Rad-In: S 59°23'02" E Rad-Out: S 70°36'59'' E Radius Pt: 2081 162430.566,1303762.362 Tangent: 5.90 Dir: Left Tangent-In: S 30°36'58" W Tangent-Out: S 19°23'01'' W Non Tangential-In Non Tangential-Out 10021 162450.480 1303705.763 s 89°38'11" 10022 N 01°37'48" 10018 N 89°38'11'' 10017 w 96.33 E 45.03 E 90.02 162449.868 162494.877 162495.449 1303609.433 1303610.714 1303700.734 Radius: 50.00 Length: 36.56 Chord: 35.75 Delta: 41°53'37" Chord BRG: S 16°13'49'' E Rad-In: S 85°17'00'' E Rad-Out: N 52°49'23" E Radius Pt: 10011 162491.337,1303750.565 Tangent: 19.14 Dir: Left Tangent-In: S 04°43'00'' W Tangent-Out: S 37°10'37" E Non Tangential-In 10020 162461.123 1303710.726 Closure Error Distance> 0.0066 Error Bearing> S 13°25'14'' W Closure Precision> 1 in 42131.8 Total Distance> 279.70 LOT AREA: 4250 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 9 of 37 LOT 10 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10036 162430.185 1303702.363 s 00°21'49" E 24.73 10037 162405.458 1303702.520 s 89°38'11" w 94.37 10038 162404.859 1303608.153 N 01°37'48" E 45.03 10022 162449.868 1303609.433 N 89°38'11" E 96.33 10021 162450.480 1303705.763 Radius: 60.00 Length: 20.68 Chord: 20.58 Delta: 19°44'51'' Chord BRG: S 09°30'36'' W Rad-In: S 70°36'59" E Rad-Out: N 89°38'11'' E Radius Pt: 2081 162430.566,1303762.362 Tangent: 10.44 Dir: Left Tangent-In: S 19°23'01'' W Tangent-Out: S 00°21'49'' E Non Tangential-In 10036 162430.185 1303702.363 Closure Error Distance> 0.0035 Error Bearing> N 44°54'34'' E Closure Precision> 1 in 81298.8 Total Distance> 281.14 LOT AREA: 4235 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 10 of 37 LOT 11 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10035 162360.459 1303702.806 s 89°38'11" w 95.94 10039 162359.850 1303606.872 N 01°37'48" E 45.03 10038 162404.859 1303608.153 N 89°38'lt" E 94.37 10037 162405.458 1303702.520 s 00°21'49" E 45.00 10035 162360.459 1303702.806 Closure Error Distance> 0.0044 Error Bearing> s 52°13'07" E Closure Precision> 1 in 63103.0 Total Distance> 280.33 LOT AREA: 4282 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 11 of 37 LOT 12 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10040 162315.380 1303723.093 s 89°44'13" w 117.50 10003 162314.841 1303605.591 N 01°37'48" E 45.03 10039 162359.850 1303606.872 N 89°38'11" E 115.94 10032 162360.586 1303722.806 s 00°21'49" E 45.21 10040 162315.380 1303723.093 Closure Error Distance> 0.0068 Error Bearing> N 81°31'04" w Closure Precision> 1 in 47826.3 Total Distance> 323.67 LOT AREA: 5265 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 12 of 37 LOT 13 OF PNT# Bearing 10029 s 89°38'11" w 10032 N 00°21'49" w 10033 BLOCK 1, TYPE: Distance 45.00 69.73 LOT Northing 162360.872 162360.586 162430.312 Easting 1303767.805 1303722.806 1303722.363 Radius: 40.00 Length: 17.93 Chord: 17.78 Delta: 25°41'00'' Chord BRG: N 12°28'41" E Rad-In: N 89°38'11" E Rad-Out: S 64°40'50'' E Radius Pt: 2081 162430.566,1303762.362 Tangent: 9.12 Dir: Right Tangent-In: N 00°21'49" W Tangent-Out: N 25°19'10" E Tangential-In Non Tangential-Out 10034 162447.673 1303726.205 Radius: 50.00 Length: 42.48 Chord: 41.22 Delta: 48°40'54'' Chord BRG: S 85°11'02'' E Rad-In: N 29°09'25'' E Rad-Out: N 19°31'29'' W Radius Pt: 10011 162491.337,1303750.565 Tangent: 22.62 Dir: Left Tangent-In: S 60°50'35" E Tangent-Out: N 70°28'31'' E Non Tangential-In Non Tangential-Out 10030 162444.212 1303767.276 S 00°21'49" E 83.34 10029 162360.872 1303767.805 Closure Error Distance> 0.0052 Error Bearing> S 40°32'58" W Closure Precision> 1 in 49579.1 Total Distance> 258.48 LOT AREA: 3696 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 13 of 37 LOT 14 PNT# Bearing 10024 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT Distance Northing 162361.126 10029 s 89°38'11" w N 00°21'49" W 40.00 83.34 162360.872 Easting 1303807.804 1303767.805 10030 162444.212 1303767.276 Radius: 50.00 Length: 30.47 Chord: 30.00 Delta: 34°55'04" Chord ERG: N 53°00'59" E Rad-In: N 19°31'29" W Rad-Out: N 54°26'33'' W Radius Pt: 10011 162491.337,1303750.565 Tangent: 15.73 Dir: Left Tangent-In: N 70°28'31'' E Tangent-Out: N 35°33'27" E Non Tangential-In Tangential-Out 10031 162462.261 1303791.242 Radius: 25.00 Length: 19.25 Chord: 18.78 Delta: 44°06'54'' Chord ERG: N 57°36'54'' E Rad-In: S 54°26'33'' E Rad-Out: S 10°19'39'' E Radius Pt: 10026 162447.723,1303811.580 Tangent: 10.13 Dir: Right Tangent-In: N 35°33'27'' E Tangent-Out: N 79°40'21" E Tangential-In Non Tangential-Out 10025 162472.318 1303807.098 S 00°21'49" E 111.19 10024 162361.126 1303807.804 Closure Error Distance> 0.0031 Error Bearing> S 16°32'46" W Closure Precision> 1 in 91241.5 Total Distance> 284.26 LOT AREA: 3890 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 14 of 37 LOT 15 OF PNT# Bearing 10023 s 89°38'11" w 10024 N 00°21'49" w 10025 BLOCK 1, TYPE: Distance 45.00 111.19 LOT Northing 162361. 411 162361.126 162472.318 Easting 1303852.803 1303807.804 1303807.098 Radius: 25.00 Length: 4.35 Chord: 4.34 Delta: 09°57'51'' Chord BRG: N 84°39'17" E Rad-In: S 10°19'39" E Rad-Out: S 00°21'48'' E Radius Pt: 10026 162447.723,1303811.580 Tangent: 2.18 Dir: Right Tangent-In: N 79°40'21'' E Tangent-Out: N 89°38'12'' E Non Tangential-In Tangential-Out 10027 162472.723 1303811.421 N 89°38'12" E 40.67 10028 162472.981 1303852.095 s 00°21'49" E 111.57 10023 162361. 411 1303852.803 Closure Error Distance> 0.0072 Error Bearing> N 62°09'51" E Closure Precision> 1 in 43401.3 Total Distance> 312.79 LOT AREA: 5020 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 15 of 37 LOT 16 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 2042 162342.045 1303862.926 s 00°21'49" E 26. 02 10041 162316.023 1303863.091 s 89°44'13" w 140.00 10040 162315.380 1303723.093 N 00°21'49" w 45.21 10032 162360.586 1303722.806 N 89°38'11" E 130.00 10023 162361.411 1303852.803 s 00°21'49" E 2.11 10042 162359.302 1303852.816 s 30°21'49" E 20.00 2042 162342.045 1303862.926 Closure Error Distance> 0.0052 Error Bearing> s 02°00'46" w Closure Precision> 1 in 69875.0 Total Distance> 363.34 LOT AREA: 6238 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 16 of 37 LOT 17 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10002 162316.619 1303993.011 s 89°44'13" w 129.92 10041 162316.023 1303863.091 N 00°21'49" w 26.02 2042 162342.045 1303862.926 N 29°38'11" E 20.00 10043 162359.429 1303872.816 s 60°21'49" E 5.78 10044 162356.570 1303877.841 N 89°38'11" E 116.47 10045 162357.310 1303994.305 s 01°49'20" w 40.71 10002 162316.619 1303993.011 Closure Error Distance> 0.0036 Error Bearing> N 59°34'30" w Closure Precision> 1 in 93385.7 Total Distance> 338.90 LOT AREA: 5252 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 17 of 37 LOT 18 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10045 162357.310 1303994.305 s 89°38'11" w 116.47 10044 162356.570 1303877.841 N 60°21'49" w 5.78 10043 162359.429 1303872.816 N 00°21'49" w 37.11 10046 162396.538 1303872.580 N 89°38'11" E 123.00 10047 162397.318 1303995.578 s 01°49'20" w 40.03 10045 162357.310 1303994.305 Closure Error Distance> 0.0026 Error Bearing> N 69°38'43" E Closure Precision> 1 in 126209.6 Total Distance> 322.39 LOT AREA: 4882 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 18 of 37 LOT 19 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10049 162396.811 1303915.580 s 89°38'11" w 43.00 10046 162396.538 1303872.580 N 00°21'49" w 76. 57 10048 162473.107 1303872.094 N 89°38'12" E 43.00 10050 162473.380 1303915.093 s 00°21'49" E 76.57 10049 162396.811 1303915.580 Closure Error Distance> 0.0002 Error Bearing> N 00°21'48" w Closure Precision> 1 in 1147132.3 Total Distance> 239.14 LOT AREA: 3293 SQ FT OR 0 .1 ACRES Page 19 of 37 LOT 20 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10051 162397.065 1303955.579 s 89°38'11" w 40.00 10049 162396.811 1303915.580 N 00°21'49" w 76.57 10050 162473.380 1303915.093 N 89°38'12" E 40.00 10052 162473.634 1303955.093 s 00°21'49" E 76.57 10051 162397.065 1303955.579 Closure Error Distance> 0.0002 Error Bearing> N 00°21'49" w Closure Precision> 1 in 1202224.1 Total Distance> 233.14 LOT AREA: 3063 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 20 of 37 • LOT 21 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10047 162397.318 1303995.578 s 89°38'11" w 40.00 10051 162397.065 1303955.579 N 00°21'49" w 76.57 10052 162473.634 1303955.093 N 89°38'12" E 42. 92 10001 162473.906 1303998.014 s 01°49'20" w 76. 63 10047 162397.318 1303995.578 Closure Error Distance> 0.0052 Error Bearing> N 31°06'42" E Closure Precision> 1 in 45249.9 Total Distance> 236.12 LOT AREA: 3175 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES Page 21 of 37 LOT TRACT A OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT PNT# Bearing Distance Northing Easting 10053 162511.107 1303871. 855 s 89°38'12" w 20.00 10054 162510.980 1303851.856 N 00°21'49" w 100.00 10055 162610.977 1303851. 221 N 89°38'11" E 20.00 10056 162611.104 1303871.221 s 00°21'49" E 100.00 10053 162511.107 1303871.855 Closure Error Distance> 0.0001 Error Bearing> S 00°21'49" E Closure Precision> 1 in 2475162.6 Total Distance> 240.00 LOT AREA: 2000 SQ FT OR 0.0 ACRES Page 23 of 37 LOT TRACT B OF PNT# Bearing 10054 s 89°38'12" w 10061 N 40°42'35" w 10062 s 89°38'11" w 10063 s 49°14'16" w 10064 BLOCK 1, TYPE: Distance 39.83 2.51 3.00 2.06 LOT Northing 162510.980 162510.727 162512.632 162512.613 162511. 267 Easting 1303851.856 1303812.029 1303810.391 1303807.391 1303805.829 Radius: 25.00 Length: 11.11 Chord: 11.01 Delta: 25°27'08" Chord BRG: N 65°17'11" W Rad-In: N 11°59'15" E Rad-Out: N 37°26'23" E Radius Pt: 10065 162535.721,1303811.022 Tangent: 5.65 Dir: Right Tangent-In: N 78°00'45" W Tangent-Out: N 52°33'37" W Non Tangential-In Non Tangential-Out 10066 162515.872 1303795.824 N 00°21'49" w 143.64 10067 162659.509 1303794.912 N 89°32'11" E 56.00 10060 162659.962 1303850.910 s 00°21'49" E 148.99 10054 162510.980 1303851.856 Closure Error Distance> 0.0087 Error Bearing> N 27°36'31" w Closure Precision> 1 in 47035.7 Total Distance> 407.13 LOT AREA: 8307 SQ FT OR 0.2 ACRES Page 24 of 37 Lot Report Lot File: R:\2012\0\12011\2\Carlson\MAP CHECKS.lot CRD File: R:\2012\0\12011\2\Carlson\12011.crd LOT TRACT C PNT# Bearing 10014 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT Distance Northing 162547.198 N 89°38'11" E 24.72 Easting 1303661.062 10013 162547.355 1303685.786 Mon Oct 29 14:00:03 2( Radius: 40.00 Length: 38.92 Chord: 37.40 Delta: 55°44'43'' Chord ERG: S 62°29'28" E Rad-In: S 00°21'49'' E Rad-Out: S 55°22'53" W Radius Pt: 2080 162507.356,1303686.040 Tangent: 21.15 Dir: Right Tangent-In: N 89°38'11" E Tangent-Out: S 34°37'07" E Tangential-In Non Tangential-Out 10012 162530.080 1303718.958 Radius: 50.00 Length: 20.24 Chord: 20.10 Delta: 23°11'27'' Chord ERG: N 62°23'15'' E Rad-In: S 39°12'29" E Rad-Out: S 16°01'02'' E Radius Pt: 10011 162491.337,1303750.565 Tangent: 10.26 Dir: Right Tangent-In: N 50°47'31" E Tangent-Out: N 73°58'58" E Non Tangential-In Non Tangential-Out 10010 162539.396 1303736.769 Radius: 60.00 Length: 40.15 Chord: 39.40 Delta: 38°20'11'' Chord ERG: N 51°26'42" W Rad-In: S 57°43'24'' W Rad-Out: S 19°23'12" W Radius Pt: 2080 162507.356,1303686.040 Tangent: 20.86 Dir: Left Tangent-In: N 32°16'36" W Tangent-Out: N 70°36'48'' W Non Tangential-In Tangential-Out 10071 162563.954 1303705.957 Radius: 60.00 Length: 20.68 Chord: 20.58 Delta: 19°45'02'' Chord ERG: N 80°29'18'' W Rad-In: S 19°23'12" W Rad-Out: S 00°21'49" E Radius Pt: 2080 162507.356,1303686.040 Tangent: 10.44 Dir: Left Tangent-In: N 70°36'48'' W Tangent-Out: S 89°38'11" W Tangential-In Tangential-Out 10016 162567.354 1303685.659 s 89°38'11'' w 24.72 10015 162567.197 1303660.935 s 00°21'49'' E 20.00 10014 162547.198 1303661.062 Closure Error Distance> 0.0010 Error Bearing> N 57°50'41" w Closure Precision> 1 in 190842.2 Total Distance> 189.43 LOT AREA: 1478 SQ FT OR 0.0 ACRES Page 1 of 2 Lot Report Lot File: R:\2012\0\12011\2\Carlson\MAP CHECKS.lot CRD File: R:\2012\0\12011\2\Carlson\12011.crd LOT TRACT D PNT# Bearing 10035 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT Distance Northing 162360.459 N 00°21'49'' W 69.73 Easting 1303702.806 10036 162430.185 1303702.363 Mon Oct 29 14:03:42 2( Radius: 60.00 Length: 20.68 Chord: 20.58 Delta: 19°44'51" Chord BRG: N 09°30'36" E Rad-In: N 89°38'11'' E Rad-Out: S 70°36'59" E Radius Pt: 2081 162430.566,1303762.362 Tangent: 10.44 Dir: Right Tangent-In: N 00°21'49" W Tangent-Out: N 19°23'01" E Tangential-In Tangential-Out 10021 162450.480 1303705.763 Radius: 60.00 Length: 11.76 Chord: 11.74 Delta: 11°13'57" Chord BRG: N 25°00'00'' E Rad-In: S 70°36'59'' E Rad-Out: S 59°23'02'' E Radius Pt: 2081 162430.566,1303762.362 Tangent: 5.90 Dir: Right Tangent-In: N 19°23'01'' E Tangent-Out: N 30°36'58" E Tangential-In Non Tangential-Out 10020 162461.123 1303710.726 Radius: 50.00 Length: 20.65 Chord: 20.51 Delta: 23°39'58'' Chord BRG: S 49°00'36'' E Rad-In: N 52°49'23" E Rad-Out: N 29°09'25'' E Radius Pt: 10011 162491.337,1303750.565 Tangent: 10.48 Dir: Left Tangent-In: S 37°10'37" E Tangent-Out: S 60°50'35" E Non Tangential-In Non Tangential-Out 10034 162447.673 1303726.205 Radius: 40.00 Length: 17.93 Chord: 17.78 Delta: 25°41'00" Chord BRG: S 12°28'41" W Rad-In: S 64°40'50'' E Rad-Out: N 89°38'11" E Radius Pt: 2081 162430.566,1303762.362 Tangent: 9.12 Dir: Left Tangent-In: S 25°19'10'' W Tangent-Out: S 00°21'49'' E Non Tangential-In Tangential-Out 10033 162430.312 1303722.363 10032 10035 S 00°21'49'' E S 89°38'11'' W 69.73 20.00 162360.586 162360.459 1303722.806 1303702.806 Closure Error Distance> 0.0034 Error Bearing> N 35°03'16" W Closure Precision> 1 in 67626.4 Total Distance> 230.48 LOT AREA: 1884 SQ FT OR 0.0 ACRES Page 1 of 2 LOT TRACT E PNT# Bearing 10043 OF BLOCK 1, TYPE: LOT Distance Northing 162359.429 2042 10042 10028 10048 10043 s 29°38'11" w N 30°21'49" W N 00°21'49" W N 89°38'12" E S 00°21'49" E 20.00 20.00 113.68 20.00 113.68 162342.045 162359.302 162472.981 162473.107 162359.429 Easting 1303872.816 1303862.926 1303852.816 1303852.095 1303872.094 1303872.816 Closure Error Distance> 0.0001 Error Bearing> N 00°21'49'' W Closure Precision> 1 in 2963632.2 Total Distance> 287.36 LOT AREA: 2447 SQ FT OR 0.1 ACRES BLOCK 1 TOTAL AREA: 248588 SQ FT OR 5.7 ACRES Page 27 of 37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I After Recording Return to: Harbour Homes, LLC c/o Geonerco Management, LLC Attn: John Baringer 1441 North 341h Street, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98103 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS FOR THE PLAT OF ASHBROOK -I DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, I AND RESTRICTIONS FORTHE PLAT OF ASHBROOK I THIS DECLARATION is made on the date set forth below by Harbour H!mes, LLC, a Washington limited liability company ("Declarant"). I . RECITALS I A. Declarant is the owner of that certain real property located in the Ci~ of Renton, Coun~ of King, Washington, and more particularly described in Article 2 of this Declaration. B. Dedarant desires to subject the real property described in Article 2 ereofto the provisions of this Declaration to create a residential community of single-famil housing (as '"single family" is defined below) and related uses as set forth in Section 6.2 he of. NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares that the real property desct'bed in Article 2 of this .Declaration, including the improvements constructed or to be con cted thereon, is hereby subjected to the provisions of this Declaration and shall be held, old, transferred, conveyed, used, occupied, and mortgaged or otherwise encumbered sub· ect to the covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, assessments, and liens, hereinafter s forth, which are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of, and which shal run with the title to, the real property hereby or hereafter made subject hereto, and shall be bi ding on aU persons having any right, title, or interest in all or any portion of the real propert now or hereafter made subject hereto, their respective heirs, legal representatives, successo'f, successors-in-title, and assigns and shall inure to the benefit of each and every owner of all or any portion thereof. 1 ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS LI Words Defined. The following words, when used in this Declaratio~ or in any Supp(ernentruy Declaration (unless the context shall prohibit), shall have the followi1g rnearungs: I .I. I "Association" shall mean Ashbrook Homeowners Associationj a Washington nonprofit corporation, its successors and assigns. J 1.1.2 "Board of Directors" or "Board" of the Association shall be th appointed or elected body, as applicable, having its normal meaning under Washingtor law. 2 Association. 1.1.3 ··Bylaws" shall refer to the Bylaws of the Ashbrook Hornef wners 1.1.4 ··common Areas" shall mean any and all real and personal lroperty and easements and other interests therein, together with the facilities and irnprovernen~ located thereon as designated on the final plat of the Community or as otherwise conveyeji to the Association for the common use and enjoyment of the Owners. ] I .1.5 '·Community'' shall mean and refer to that certain real prop!rty and interest therein described in Article 2, and such additions thereto as may be made ry Declarant by Supplementary Declaration. 1.1.6 "Community-Wide Standard" shall mean the standard of cJduct. maintenance, or other activity generally prevailing in the Community. Such standkd may be more specifically determined by the Board of Directors. Such determination, how+ver, shall generally be made with reference to the standards originally established by the De9Jarant. 1.1. 7 "Declarant" shall mean and refer to Harbour Hornes, LLC successors-in-title and assigns, provided any such successor-in-title or assign shall the purpose of development or sale all or any portion of the remaining undevelope portions of the real property described in Article 2, and provided further, in the in ment of conveyance to any such successor-in-title or assign, such successor-in-title or assi is designated· as the "Declarant" hereunder by the grantor of such conveyance, which!antor shall be the "Declarant" hereunder at the time of such conveyance; provided, furthe , upon such designation of such successorDeclarant, all rights of the fonner Declarant in d to such status as "Declarant'' hereunder shall cease, it being understood that as to all of the foperty described in Article 2, which is now subjected to this Declaration, there shall be on one "Declarant" hereunder at any one point in time. 1.1.8 "Development Period" shall mean that period of time beginnjng on the date this Declaration is recorded in the records of King County and ending on the ddte Declarant holds a special meeting of the Association, in accordance with the Byla~~' for the purpose of transitioning the management of the Association from the Declarant to t9e Owners. 1, 1.9 '·Governing Documents" shall mean and refer to this DeclaraEon, the Articles of Incorporation (if any) and Bylaws of the Association, and rules and regul lions (if any) of the Community adopted by the Board, as any of the foregoing may be amen from ~~~~ l 1.1.10 '·Lot" shall mean any plot of land within the Community, whe er or not improvements are constructed thereon, which constitutes or will constitute, after fhe construction of improvements, a residential dwelling site as shown on a plat recorde<j in the records of King County. -3 l .1.11 "Mortgage" means any mortgage. deed of trust, and any and I other similar instruments used for the purpose of encumbering real property in the Comm nity as security for the payment or satisfaction of an obligation. 1.1.12 "Mortgagee'' shall mean the holder of a Mortgage. I . I. 13 "Occupant" shall mean any Person occupying all or any portio of a residence or other property located within the Community for any period of time, re ardless of whether such Person is a tenant or the Owner of such property. 1. I .14 ··Owner'' shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether o e or more Persons, of the fee simple title to any Lot located within the Community, excluding, owever, any Person holding such interest merely as security for the payment or satisfaction o obligation. 1.1.15 '·Person" means any natural person, as well as a corporation, j venture, partnership (general or limited), association, trust, or other legal entity. 1.1.16 '·Single Family'' shall mean a single housekeeping unit, witho t regard to the construction type or ownership of such unit, that includes not more than four ( ) adults who are legally unrelated. I. I. I 7 "Supplementary Declaration'' means an amendment or supple ent to this Declaration which subjects additional property to this Declaration or that impos expressly or by reference, additional or modified restrictions and obligations on the I nd described therein. 1.1. l 8 "Total Association Vote" means all of the votes attributable to members of the Association (including votes ofDeclarant). ARTICLE2 PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THIS DECLARATION The real property which is, by the recording of this Declaration, subject to th covenants and restrictions hereafter set forth and which, by virtue of the recording o this Declaration, shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed, used, occupied, and mortgag or otherwise encumbered subject to this Declaration is the real property described as: LOTS 1 THROUGH 21, INCLUSIVE, OF ALTMYER ACCORDING TO TH PLAT THEREOFRECORDEDINVOLUME OFPLATSATPAGES THR UGH . .RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER _________ . SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON -4 Private Tracts: I Tract A is a private access tract for ingress, egress and utilities and is owned and maintained by the owners of lots 2 and 3. An easement over Tract A is reserved for and granted to the Owner oflot I for private utility services. . I Tract C is a private access tract for ingress, egress and utilities and is owned and ~aintained by the owners oflots 5, 6.· and 7. An easement over Tract C is reserved for and W<fted to the Owner oflot 8 for private utility services. I Tract D is a private access tract for ingress, egress and utilities and is owned and *1aintained by the owners oflots 10, 11 and 12. An easement over Tract D is reserved for an~ granted to the Owners of lots 9 and I 3 for private utility services. l Tract E is a private access tract for ingress, egress and utilities and is owned and aintained. by the owners of lots 16, 17 and 18. An easement over Tract E is reserved for and bnted to the Owner oflot 19. I Common Areas: The planter islands and street trees, if any, shall be maintained by the Association. !The Association shall maintain the landscaping and recreation facilities in Tract B. An ~asement is reserved over lot 21 for an entry sign monument. I Property Not Owned by the Association: Tract Bis a storm drainage tract which is owned and maintained by the City ofReJon. An easement is reserved over Tract B to the Association for maintenance of the lands,ping in the tract. ARTICLE 3 ASHBROOK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION I I 3.1 Description of Association. The Association may, at the election otthe Declarant or the Association, be incorporated as a non-profit corporation organized nd existing under the laws of the State of Washington. The Association shall be charg with the duties .and vested with the powers prescribed by law and set forth in the Governing Documents; provided, however, that no such Governing Documents, other than the Declaration, shall for any reason be amended or otherwise interpreted so as to be inc~nsistent with this Declaration. I 3.2 Board of Directors. Declarant shall have the right to appoint or remJve any member or members of the Board of Directors or any officer or officers of the Assoc1tion until termination of the Development Period. Each Owner, by acceptance of a deed ti or other conveyance of a Lot, vests in Declarant the authority to appoint and remove dir¢ctors and officers of the Association during the Development Period. The directors selecti by the -5 Declarant need not be Owners. The number of directors shall be as set forth in tt Bylaws. Following termination of the Development Period, the Board of Directors shall br elected by the Owners in accordance with the Bylaws. 3.3 Membership. Every Owner of a fee interest in any Lot that is sutjiect to this Declaration shall be deemed to have a membership in the Association and membtrship in the Association shall cons. i.st exclusiv. ely of such ow.n.ers. Th. e .foregoing is not intenld to include Persons who hold an interest merely as security for the performance of an obligat n, and the giving of a security interest shall not terminate the Owner's membership. No O . er, whether one or m .. ore Persons, shall have more th.an •. one (I) membership per Lo. t. M.emb. ei-,.lh. ip ... shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of any Lot. The rights_ afd privileges of membership, including the right to vote and to hold office, may be exercised bf. a member or the member's spouse, but in no event shall more than one ( I) vote be cast nor o ice held for each Lot owned. 3.4 Voting. Members shall be entitled to one (l) vote for each Lot owled. When more than one (I) Person holds an ownership interest in any Lot, the vote for suchjLot shall be exercised as those Owners themselves determine and advise the Secretary prior to jiny meeting. In the absence of such advice, the Lot's vote shall be suspended in the e~ent more than one (I) Person seeks to exercise it. I 3.5 Architectural Control Committee. No construction, alteration, ad~ition, refurbishing, or erection of any structure or !illy nature whatsoever shall be comme ced or placed upon any part of the Community, except that which is installed by the Deel ant, or is approved in accordance with this Section, or as is otherwise expressly permitted he ein. Any such construction, alteration, addition, refurbishing, or erection shall not be made u Jess and until plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, size and height, archtectural design and detail, materials, workmanship, colors, location on site, improvement a~d site grade elevations, and site landscaping shall have been submitted in writing to and a.f proved by the Ar.·. ch.ite. ctural Control Committee.(th.e "ACC") established pursuant to this Se~ti n 3.5. The Board may employ architects, engineers, or other Persons as it deems necess to enable the ACC to perform its review. Written design guidelines and procedures ("Design Guidelines") may be establish. ed by the Board for the exercise of this review, which pesign Guidelines may provide for a review fee. Copies of the Design Guidelines shall be 'vailable to all Owners upon request for a reasonable fee. 3.5. l The ACC shall consist of not less than one (I) nor more than ~ve (5) members, who need not be Owners. So long as the Declarant owns any property fox development and/or sale in the Community, the Declarant shall have the right to app int or remove any or all members of the ACC. Upon the expiration or earlier surrender in riting of such right, the Board shall appoint the members of the ACC, however the ACC shall\ include two members of the Board. 3.5.2 Members of the ACC shall not be entitled to compensation fo~services performed pursuant to this Section 3.5. The Association shall defend, indemnify, an4 hold - 6 I I I I each members of the ACC harmless for any liability incurred while serving as a rember of the ACC. 3.5.3 The ACC shall be the sole arbiter of plans submitted to it l\fid may withhold approval for any reason, including aesthetic considerations, and it shall be entitled to stop any construc.·tion in violation of approved. plans or th. is Dec. Iara. t. ion.. i 3.5.4 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE NOT APPROVE FOR ENGINEERING OR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OR QUALITY OF MATERIA , AND BY . . '. APPROVING SUCH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS NEITHER THE ACC, E MEMBERS THEREOF, NOR THE ASSOCIATION ASSUMES LIABILITY 0~ RESPONSIBILITY THEREFOR, NOR FOR ANY DEFECT IN ANY STRUCTtjrRE CONSTRUCTED FROM SUCH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. NEITHER l DECLARANT, THE ASSOCIATION, THE ACC, THE BOARD, NOR THE OFt ICERS, DIRECTORS, MEMBERS, EMPLOYEES, AND A.G. E. N. TS OF ANY OFT. HEMfSHALL BE LIABLE IN DAMAGES TO ANYONE SUBMITTING PLANS AND SPECIFIC. TIONS TO ANY OF THEM FOR APPROVAL, OR TO ANY OWNER OF PROPERTY. . · AFFECTE. D BY THES. E RESTRI. CTICiNS BY REASON OF MISTAKE IN JUD4JMENT, NEGLIGENCE, OR NONFEASANCE ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTIO~ WITH THE APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL OR FAILURE TO APPROVE OR DISilPROVE ANY SUCffPLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS. EVERY PERSON WHO SUBMIT PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS AND EVERY OWNER AGREES THAT SUCH PERSO OR OWNER WILL NOT BRING ANY ACTION OR SUIT AGAINST DECLARAwt, THE ASSOCIATION, THE ACC, THE BOARD, OR THE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS; 1 MEMBERS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS OF ANY OF THEM TO RECOVER[ANY DAMAGES AND HEREBY RELEASES, REMISES, QUITCLAIMS, AND COV~ANTS NOT TO SUE FOR ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, AND CAUSES OF ACTION ISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY JUDGMENT, NEGLIGENCE, OR NONFEASANCE AND HEREBY WAIVES THE PROVISIONS OF ANY LAW HICH PROVIDES THAT A GENERAL RELEASE DOES NOT EXTEND THE CLAIM , DEMANDS, AND CAUSES OF ACTION NOT KNOWN AT THE TIME THE R LEASE IS GIVEN. ·•. . I 3.6 Bylaws, Rules and Regulations. The Board on behalf of the Associrtion shall have .the power to adopt, modify, and amend bylaws, rules and regulations govemin the Community, provided that such bylaws, rules and regulations shall not be inconsiste t with this Declaration and shall apply uniformly to all Owners, except as specifically provided herein. The Board shall have the power to enforce the rules and regulations on behalf of the Association and m. ay prescribe penalties or fines for their violation. Any such byla~f· rules and regulations shall become effective thirty (30) days after promulgation and shall 9e mailed to all Owners prior to their effective date. A copy of the bylaws, rules and regulatiof then in force shall be retained by the secretary of the Association. The Declarant on behalf j the Board may adopt the initial bylaws, rules and regulations. -7 I I I I ARTICLE4 ASSESSMENTS 4.1 Purpose of Assessment. The assessments provided for herein shlill be used for the general purposes of promoting the recreation, health, safety, welfare, combon benefit, and enjoyment of the Owners and occupants of Lots, including the maintenance 1freal and personal property, all as may be more specifically authorized from time to time by the Board of Directors. I 4.2 Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligation for Assessments, Each Owner of any Lot, by acceptance of a deed therefor, whether or not it shall be so Jxpressed in such deed, covenants and agrees to pay to the Association: (i) annual assessment~ or charges; (ii) special assessments, such assessments to be established and collected as herei~after provided; and (iii) specific assessments established pursuant to the tenns of this qeclaration, including, but not limited to, reasonable fines imposed in accordance with the tels of this Declaration. · 4.2. I All such assessments, together with (i) late charges, (ii) intq-est set by the Board, not to exceed the maximum rate permitted by law (but not to exceed eighteen percent (18%) per annum), and (iii) costs, including, without li.mitation .• reasonabl' attorneys' fees actually incurred, shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien ~pon the Lot against which each assessment is made. · · 4.2.2 Each such assessment, together with late charges, interest, clsts, including., without limitation, reasonable attorneys' ti. ees actually incurred, shall als~ be the personal obligation of the person who was the Owner of such Lot at the time the as~essment fell due. Each Owner shall be personally liable for the portion of each a·. ss·es·s· m .. ent 1oming due while the Owner of a Lot, and each grantee of an Owner shall be jointly and sever~ly liable for such portion thereof as may be due and payable at the time of conveyance; provided, however, the liability of a grantee for the unpaid assessments of its grantor shall no1 apply to any first Mortgagee taking title through foreclosure proceedings or deed in lieu of f!reclosure. · ·. . ·. 4.2.3 The Association shall, within five (5) days after receiving a +tten · request therefor and for a reasonable charge, furn. ish.a certificate signed. by an offic1 of the Association setting forth whether the assessments on a specified Lot have been paid! Such certificate shall be binding upon the Association as of the date of issuance. 4.2.4 Annual assessments shall be levied equally on aU Lots. AsseJsments shall be paid in such nianner and on such dates as may be fixed by the Board. Unlesf otherwise provided by the Board, the assessment shall be paid in annual installment~. 4.3 . Adoption of Budget. It shall be the duty of the Board to prepare and I adopt a budget covering the estimated costs of operating the Association during the coming year and the asses~ments to be lev!ed ag·a.i~st each Lo .. t, which niay include an amount for ca.pit·a· l· . reserves m accordance with a capital budget separately prepared. The Board shall catjse a summary of the proposed operating a.nd capital budgets and the proposed assessment\ against - 8 each Lot for the following year to be mailed to each Owner. The Board shall set' a date for a special m. eeting of the Owners to consider ratification of the budget within thirty~30) days after adoption by the Board and not less that fourteen (14) nor more than sixty (6p) days after the mailing of the proposed budgets and assessments. Unless at such meeting thi· budget is rejected by at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the Total Association Vote, in erson or by proxy, the budget shall be ratified, whether or not a quorum is present. In the ev nt the proposed budg. e. tis rejected or the required notice is not given, the budget in effeit for the then current year shall continue in effect until the Owners ratify a subsequent budget. 4.4 Revised Budget. lfthe financial circ···um.stances or needs of the A~sociation materially change during any year, the Board may prepare and adopt a revised bu4get and assessments for the balance of the year. The Board shail cause a summary ofthefroposed revised budget and assessments to be mailed to each Owner and shall set a date ti a meeting of the Owners to considerratification of the revised budget and assessments in th san1e manner as the regular annual budget as set forth in Section 4.3 above. ·. I 4.5 Special Assessmenu. In addition to the other assessments authorited herein, the Association may levy. special assessments for expenses such as, but not limite to, capital improvements from time to time if approved at a meeting by two-thirds (2/3) of th Total Association Vote. Special assessments shall b.e paid as determined by the Board, f.d the Board may permit special assessments to be paid in installments extending beyond] the fiscal year in which the special assessment is imposed. 4.6 Lien for Assessmenu. All sums assessed against any Lot pursuant Ito this Declara·. t.ion, together with late char. ges, interest, costs, includin. g, without limitatiol reasonable attorneys' fees actually incurred, as provided herein, shaUbe secured b a lien on such Lot in favor of the Association. Such lien shall be superior to all other liens d encumbrances on such.Lot, except for (a) liens for ad valorem taxes; or (b) liens fot all sums unpaid on a first Mortgage or on any Mortgage to Declarant duly recorded in the retards of King County and all amounts advanced pursuant to such Mortgage and secured th[eby in accordance with the terms of such instrument. All other Persons acquiring liens or encumbrances on any Lot after the recording of this Declaration shall be deemed to onsent that such lien. s or encumbrances shall be inferior to future liens for assessments, as ~rovided herein, whether or not prior consent is specifically set forth in the instruments creatirg such liens or encumbrances. · 4.7 Effect of Non a ment ofAssessmenu· Remedies of the Associati n. Any assessment or installment the.reof delinque. nt for a period of more than ten (I 0) days{hall incur a late charge in an amount as the Board may from time to time determine. Th Association shall cause a notice of delinquency to be given to any member who has ot paid within ten (I 0) days following the due date. If the assessment is not paid within thiii}, (30) days, a lien, as herein provided, shall attach and, in addition, the lien shall include interest set by the Board from time to time, on the principal amount due, late charges, costs oftlection, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees actually incurred, and any o er amounts provided or permitted by law. - 9 I I I 4.7.1 In the event that the assessment remains unpaid after sixty (60) days, the Association may, as the Board shall determine, institute suit to collect such amounts and/or to foreclose its lien. Each Owner, by acceptance of a deed or as a party to any other type of conveyance, vests in the Association or its agents the right and power to bring all actions against such Owner personally, for the collection of such charges as a debt or to foreclose the aforesaid lien in the same manner as other liens for the improvement of real property. 4.7.2 The lien provided for in this Article shall be in favor of the Association and shall be for the benefit of all other Owners. The Association, acting on behalf of the Owners, shall have the power to bid on the Lot at any foreclosure sale or to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage, or convey the same. 4. 7.3 No Owner may waive or otherwise exempt himself from liability for the assessments provided for herein, including, by way of illustration, but not limitation, abandonment of the Lot. 4. 7.4 All payments shall be applied first to costs, then to late charges, then to interest and then to delinquent assessments. 4.8 Suspension for Nonpayment of Assessment .. If an Owner shall be in arrears in the payment of any assessment due, or shall otherwise be in default of the performance of any terms of the Governing Documents of the Association for a period of thirty (30) days, said Owner's voting rights shall, without the necessity of any further action by the Association, be suspended ( except as against foreclosing secured parties) and shall remain suspended until all payments, including interest thereon, are brought current and any other default is remedied. No Owner is relieved ofliability for assessments by non-use of the Common Areas or by abandonment of a Lot. 4.9 Date of Commencement of Assessments. The assessments provided for herein shall commence as to a Lot subject to this Declaration on the first day of the month following conveyance of such Lot to a Person other than Declarant. The first annual assessment sha(I be adjusted according to the number of months then remaining in that fiscal year. 4.10 Specific Assessments. In addition to the general and special assessments outlined above, the Board shall have the power to levy such specific assessments pursuant to this Section 4.10 as, in its discretion, it shall deem appropriate. All other terms and conditions of this Article 4 relating to general and special assessments shall apply to the levy and collection of the specific assessments covered hereby and the Association shall have all powers and remedies for collection and enforcement of such assessments as are applicable to the general and special assessments set forth above. Fines levied pursuant to Section 11.1 of this Declaration and the costs of maintenance performed by the Association for which the Owner is responsible underSections 5.3 and 5.4 of this Declaration shall be specific assessments. IO 4.11 Common Areas Exempt. The Common Areas shall be exempt from assessments by the Association. ARTICLES MAINTENANCE; CONVEYANCE OF COMMON AREAS TO ASSOCIATION 5.1 Association's Responsibility. The Association shall maintain and keep in good repair the Common Areas described in Article 2 herein and any Common Areas acquired by the Association in the future. If the streetlights are installed and there is no procedure for billing individual lot owners then the Association shall pay the bills for the streetlights. The Association shall also maintain all other facilities serving the Community not dedicated to or maintained by a public entity. The foregoing maintenance shall be performed consistent with the Community-Wide Standard. 5.2 Property Not Owned by Association. The Association shall have the right, but not the obligation, to maintain other property, whether or not owned by the Association . and whether within or without the Community, where the Board has detennined that such maintenance would benefit all Owners. The following property is not owned by the Association: Tract A is a Private Access Tract owned and maintained by the Owners ofLots 2 and 3. Tract C is a Private Access Tract owned and maintained by the Owners of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Tract D is a Private Access Tract owned and maintained by the Owners of Lots l 0, I I and I 2. Tract E is a Private Access Tract owned and maintained by the Owners of Lots 16, I 7 and 18. In the event Tracts A, C, D and E are not maintained by such Lot Owners, the Association shall have the right, but not the obligation, to maintain those Tracts at such Lot Owners expense pursuant to the procedure in Section 5.4 below. Without limitation of the foregoing, the Association may enter into a joint maintenance agreement with adjoining property owners or associations for the repair, maintenance and replacement of any shared facilities or other property. 5.3 Damage Caused by Owner. In the event that the Association determines that the need for maintenance, repair, or replacement, which is the responsibility of the Association hereunder, is caused through the willful or negligent act of an Owner, or the family, guests, lessees, or invitees of any Owner, the Association may perfonn such maintenance, repair or replacement at such Owner's sole cost and expense, and all costs thereof shall be added to and become.a part of the assessment to which such Owner is subject and shall become a lien against the Lot of such Ow1wr. 5.4 Owner's Responsibility. Except as provided in Sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 above, all maintenance of any Lot and all structures, parking areas, landscaping, and other improvements thereon together with the landscaping and trees on any parking strip fronting any such Lot, shall be the sole responsibility of the Owner thereof, who shall provide maintenance consistent with the Community-Wide Standard and this Declaration. The perimeter fencing, if any, shall be.maintained and repaired, in uniform appearance, by the abutting lot owners. In the event that the Board of Directors of the Association determines that any Owner has failed or refused to discharge properly any of such Owner's obligations with 11 regard to the maintenance, repair, or replacement of items for which such Owner is responsible hereunder, the Association shall, except in an emergency situation, give the Owner written notice of the Association's intent to provide such necessary maintenance, repair, or replacement at the Owner's sole cost and expense. The notice shall set forth with reasonable particularity the maintenance, repairs, or replacement deemed necessary. The Owner shall have ten ( 10) days after receipt of such notice within which to complete such maintenance, repair, or replacement, or, in the event that such maintenance, repair, or replacement is not capable of completion within a ten ( 10) day period, to commence such work which shall be completed within a reasonable time. If any Owner does not comply with the provisions hereof, the Association may provide any such maintenance, repair, or replacement at such Owner's sole cost and expense, and all costs shall be added to and become a part of the assessment to which such Own.er is subject and shall become a lien against the Lot. 5.5 Conveyance of Common Areas by Declarant to Association. During the Development Period, the Declarant may transfer or convey the Common Areas to the Association, including any personal property and any improved or unimproved real property, leasehold, easement, or other property interest. Such conveyance shall be accepted by the Association, and the property shall thereafter be Common Areas to be maintained by the Association. The Common Areas are subject to an easement of common use and enjoyment in favor of the Association and every Owner, their heirs, successors and assigns in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Governing Documents. Such rights to use the Common Areas are appurtenant to and shall not be separated from ownership of any Lot and shall not be assigned or conveyed by any Lot Owner in any way except upon the transfer of title to such Lot, and then only to the transferee of such title and shall be deemed so conveyed whether or not it shall be so expressed in the deed or other instrument conveying title. Certain rights of use, ingress, egress, occupation, and management authority in the Common Areas set forth elsewhere in this Declaration shall be reserved to Declarant for the duration of the Development Period. Oeclarant shall not be required to make any improvements whatsoever to property to be conveyed and accepted pursuant to this Section. 5.6 Further Restrictions on Common Areas. If any Common Area is currently owned or is acquired in the future which is designated as a steep slope, as a wetland, as a buffer, as a native growth protection area or as any other type of sensitive area, then use of such Common Area shall be limited to activities approved by the municipality which designated such Common Area as sensitive. Notwithstanding the provisions in this Article 5, or in. Section 10.1 below, or in any other provision of this Declaration, there shall be no right or easement of ingress and egress, use and enjoyment in or to such Common Area. Access shall be limited to maintenance activities approved by the municipality. ARTJCLE6 USE RESTRICTIONS AND RULES 6.1 General/Rnles and Regulations. This Article, beginning at Section 6.2, sets out certain use restrictions which mustbe complied with by all Owners and Occupants. These 12 use restrictions may only be amended in the manner provided in Section 11.3 hereof regarding amendment of this Declaration. In addition, the Board may, from time to time, without consent of the Owners, promulgate, modify, or delete other use restrictions and rules and regulations applicable to the Community. Such use restrictions and rules shall be distributed to all Owners and Occupants prior to the date that they are to become effective and shall thereafter be binding upon all Owners and Occupants until and unless overruled, canceled, or modified in a regular or special meeting by a majority of the Total Association Vote and the consent of Declarant during the Development Period. 6.2 Residential Use. Except as provided in this Section, all Lots shall be used for single-family residential purposes exclusively with the exception that certain home occupations may be permitted, subject to the guidelines and rules established by the Board, if any, and subject to approval by the Board. Such home occupations may be limited to certain business uses, shall not create any disturbance, noise, or unsightliness, shall not unduly increase traffic flow or parking congestion, and shall not be in violation of any of the provisions of the Governing Documents. Use of the Lots shall in all cases be in compliance with all applicl)ble laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.} 6.3 Building and Landscaping Requirements and Restrictions. Except as provided in Section 6.4 below, all residences constructed within the Community by any Person shall be subject to design review and approval by the ACC which may cover the minimum size, architectural style, height, scope of improvements, quality of design, materials, workmanship, and siting standards. Without restricting or limiting the authority of the ACC pursuant to Section 3.5 in approving or disapproving of any specific proposal, the following restrictions shall apply to the Community in general: 6.3. l Only one Single Family home shall be permitted on each Lot. Two story or split level homes shall include no less than 1,600 gross square feet ofliving space, exclusive of one-story open porches and garages. One story horn.es shall include no less than 1,500 gross square feet ofliving space, exclusive ofone-story open porches and garages. 6.3.2 After Declarant has completed construction of all houses in the Community, any remodeling or exterior addition to any residence or other structure erected or placed on any Lot shall be completed as to external appearance, including finished painting, within six (6) months after the date of commencement of construction. All front, side and rear yard landscaping mustbe completed within six (6) months from the date of closing of the purchase of the residence by the Owner from the Declarant. In the event that strict enforcement of this provision would cause undue hardship due to weather conditions, this provision may be extended for a reasonable length of time when approved by the ACC. 6.3.3 All homes within the Community shall contain a garage; carports shall not be pennitted. Unless otherwise approved by the ACC, all garages must be .attached to, or incorporated in and made a part of, theresidence constructed upon a Lot. In granting waivers to this requirement, the ACC will consider functional necessity and architectural desirability. 13 6.3.4 All driveways and parking areas shall be paved with material approved by the ACC. 6.3.5 No fence, fencing-type barrier, or hedge of any kind in excess of six (6) feet high or extending into the front yard of any residence shall be erected, allowed or maintained upon any Lot, without the prior written consent of the ACC. All fences shall be constructed of wood material unless approved by the ACC, Any such fence, barrier, row of trees, or hedge shall be strictly in compliance with Design Guidelines, if any, established by the ACC, which standards may provide for limited acceptable styles and/or specifications. 6.3.6 Each home constructed on a Lot shall be built of new materials except, with approval of the ACC, decorative items such as used brick, weathered planking, and similar items. All visible masonry shall be native stone, brick or stucco. Types and colors of exterior paint and stain must be submitted to the committee for approval. Any change to the exterior color of any improvement located on a Lot, including, without limitation, the dwelling, must be approved by the ACC. 6.3. 7 All roofs on dwellings and garages shall be of composite, tile or cedar shake and shall have a minimum pitch of four/twelve. 6.3.8 No owner shall grade, fill cir otherwise alter the slope or contour of any Lot, construct or alter the drainage patterns initially installed and constructed by Declarant or a Residential Developer, or as established by the grading and natural course of surface and subsurface water run-off without first obtaining i) recommendations from a soils engineer or civil engineer, as appropriate, duly licensed by the State of Washington, ii) any and all necessary governmental approvals and permits and iii) written approval of the ACC, if any. No Owner shall perform any such work except in conformance with the recommendations, plans and specifications of such engineer. 6.4 Existing Residence. Intentionally omitted. 6.5 Signs. No sign of any kind shall be erected by an .Owner or Occupant within the Community without the prior written consent of the ACC. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board and the Declarant shall have the right to erect reasonable and appropriate signs including, without limitation, signs related to Declarant's development and marketing of residences within the Community. In addition, "For Sale" signs and security signs consistent with the Community-Wide Standard and any signs required by legal proceedings maybe . erected upon any Lot. 6.6 Vehicles. The term "vehicles" as used herein shall include, without limitation, automobiles, vans, campers, trucks, buses; motor homes, mobile homes, boats, jet skis, trailers, portable aircraft, motorcycles, snowmobiles, mini-bikes, scooters, go-carts, dune buggies and any other towed or self propelled transportation type vehicle. The term "passenger vehicles'· as used herein shall include passenger automobiles, vans, small trucks, motorcycles, and similar type vehicles used regularly and primarily .as transportation for the 14 Occupants of the Lot. Vehicles used for commercial and recreational purposes are not considered passenger vehicles. "Parking area.s'" shall refer to the number of garage parking spaces and driveway areas in front of garages. However, driveway areas shall be considered ''parking areas" for passenger vehicles only. 6.6.1 No vehicles other than passenger vehicles in regular use may be parked on any Lot or portion of the Community, except in parking areas on Lots, or in a screened area on a Lot, if such screened area is approved by the ACC. Any vehicle regularly parked in an unapproved area or for longer than twenty-four (24) consecutive hours shall be considered a nuisance and may be removed from the Community. 6.6.2 No passenger vehicles may be parked on any Lot or portion of the Community except in ''parking areas'' as defined in this Section. 6.6.3 Any passenger vehicle which is inoperable or unlicensed and not capable of use on the public highways and which is parked on any parking area for a period of more than forty-eight (48) hours shall be treated the same as a non-passenger vehicle and shall be considered a nuisance and may be removed from the Community. 6.6.4 The Board may adopt and maintain current rules and regulations concerning the parking and storage of vehicles on any Lot or any portion of the Community. Said rules are to protect the Community from the potentially adverse impacts of vehicles on the Community environment and to accommodate the evolving nature and use of such vehicles. Such rules and regulations may provide for exceptions and/or modifications to the conditions of this Section as determined in the sole discretion of the Board. The Board shall rule on any dispute as to the interpretation or application of this Section and all rules and regulations established by the Board with respect to vehicles. 6.6.5 Off-street parking for at least three (3) passenger vehicles shall be provided on each Lot. Covered enclosed parking shall be provided for one (I) or more passenger vehicles, plus a driveway for at least two (2) additional passenger vehicles, unless approved by the ACC. 6.7 Vehicles on Common Areas. No motorized vehicles shall be permitted on pathways or unpaved Common Areas except vehic1es being used for the limited purpose of operating and maintaining utilities. 6.8 Leasing. Lots may be leased for residential purposes. All leases shall have a minimum term of at least three (3) months. All leases shall require, without limitation, that the tenant acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Declaration, Bylaws, and rules and regulations of the Association. 6.9 Occupants Bound. All provisions of the Declaration, Bylaws, and of any rules and regulations, which govern the conduct of Owners and which provide for sanctions against Owners shall also apply to all Occupants. Fines may be levied against Owners or 15 Occupants. If a fine is first levied against an Occupant and is not paid timely, the fine may then be levied against the Owner. 6;10 Animals. No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept in the Community; provided, however, that conventional household pets may be kept on a Lot subject to the following restrictions: Pets shall not be kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purposes. Owners shall be responsible for the immediate clean up and removal of all fecal matter deposited by pets on any property other than the Lot of the Owner of the pet. Pets shall be confined in the Owner's Lot unless on a leash and accompanied by a responsible person. No domestic pet maybe kept ifit is a source of annoyance or a nuisance. The Board shall have the authority to determine whether a particular pet is a nuisance or a source of annoyance, and such determination shall be final and conclusive. Pets shall be attended at all times and shall be registered, licensed and inoculated from time to time as required by law. 6.11 Mining Prohibited. No portion of the Community shall be used for the purpose of boring, mining, quarrying, or exploring for or removing oil or other hydrocarbons, minerals, gravel, or earth. 6.12 Nuisance. Each Owner and Occupant shall prevent the development of any unclean, unhealthy, unsightly, or unkempt condition on his or her Lot. No Lot shall be used, in. whole or in part, for the storage of any property or thing that will cause such Lot to appear to be in an unclean or untidy condition; nor shall any substance, thing, or material be kept that will emit foul or obnoxious odors or that will cause any noise or other condition that will or might disturb the peace, quiet, safety, comfort, or serenity of the occupants of surrounding property. No illegal, illicit, noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on within the Community, nor shall anything be done tending to cause embarrassment, discomfort, annoyance, or nuisance to any Person using any property within the Community. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no speaker, horn, whistle, siren, bell, amplifier or other sound device, except such devices as may be used exclusively for security purposes, shall be located, installed or maintained upon the exterior of any Lot unless required by Jaw or unless specifically approved by the ACC. 6.13 Unsightly or Unkempt Conditions. The pursuit of hobbies or other activities, including specifically, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the assembly of and disassembly of motor vehicles and other mechanical devices, which might tend to cause disorderly, unsightly, or unkempt conditions, shall not be undertaken outside of homes or garages. Garage doors shaUbe kept dosed at all times unless they are in use. In addition, the storage of equipment, machinery, construction supplies or any similar material on a Lot outside of the home and garage constructed thereon is strictly prohibited except as required during the remodeling or refurbishing of improvements on such Lot and then for not more than sixty (60) days. 6.14 Antennas. No outside radio antenna, television antenna, microwave or satellite dish, aerial, or other such device (collectively II Antennas") with a diameter or diagonal measurement in excess of one meter shall be erected, constructed or placed on any 16 Lot. Reasonable restrictions which comply with Federal, State and local laws and do not significantly increase the cost of the Antenna system or significantly decrease its efficiency or perfonnance may be imposed by the ACC on Antennas with a diameter or diagonal measurement of one meter or less. 6.15 No Obstruction of Easements, Catch basins and drainage areas are for the purpose of natural flow of water only. No obstructions or debris shall be placed in these areas. No Owner or Occupant may obstruct or. re-channel the drainage flows after location and installation of drainage swales, storm sewers or storm drains. Declarant hereby reserves for the benefit of Declarant and the Association and their respective successors. and assigns a perpetual easement across all Common Areas and Lots for the purpose of maintaining or altering drainage and water flow. No structure, planting, or other material shall be placed or permitted to remain upon any easement which may damage or interfere with the installation and maintenance of any utilities, unless approved by the Board prior to installation. At no time shall any access easements be blocked. 6.16 Sight Distance at Intersections. All property located at street intersections shall be landscaped so as to permit safe sight across the street comers, No fence, wall, hedge or shrub planting shall be placed or permitted to remain where it would create a traffic or sight problem as determined by the ACC in its sole discretion. 6. t 7 Garbage Cans, Woodpiles, Etc. All garbage cans, woodpiles, airc conditioning compressors, machinery, equipment and other similar Items related to the operation of the residence shall be located or screened so as to be concealed from view from the street abutting the Lot on which such items are located. All rubbish, trash, and garbage shall be regularly removed arid shall not be allowed to accumulate. Trash, garbage, debris, or other waste matter of any kind may not be burned within the Community. 6.18 Subdivision of Lot. No Lot shall be subdivided or its boundary lines changed except with the prior written approval of the ACC. Declarant, however, hereby expressly reserves the right to re-plat any Lot or Lots owned by Declarant. Any such division, boundary line change, or re-platting shall not be in violation of the applicable subdivision and zoning regulations. 6.19 Guns. The use offirearms in the Community is prohibited. The term "firearms" includes without limitaiion BB guns, pellet guns, and firearms of all types. 6.20 Utilities, Except as may be permitted by the ACC, no overhead utility lines, including lines for cable television, shall be permitted within the Community, except for temporary lines as required during construction and except as such lines exist upon recording of the plat of the Community or as required by utilities serving the Community. 6.21 Lighting. No colored lights (except holiday displays and yellow insect type lights) shall be permitted at any location within the Community. All exterior fixtures that are 17 attached to the home shall be of compatible design and materials of the home. Any post mounted exterior fixtures shall be of compatible design and materials as the fixtures attached to the home. No fixtures which illuminate and excessively glare onto any other Lot shall be permitted, and all exterior lights shall be screened to minimize impacts oflight and glare. No unshielded spot/floodlight fixtures are permitted. 6.22 Artificial Vegetation, Exterior Sculpture, and Similar Items. No artificial vegetation, exterior sculpture, fountains, and similar items shall be permitted in the front yard of any Lot unless approved by the ACC. 6.23 Mailboxes. All mailboxes located on Lots shall be of a style approved by the ACC. Mailboxes shall be attached only to stands provided and maintained by the Association in designated locations. 6.24 Clotheslines. No exterior clotheslines of any type shall be permitted upon any Lot unless entirely screened from view from other Lots. 6.25 Exterior Security Devices. No exterior security devices, including, without limitation, window bars, shall be permitted on any residence or Lot. Signs placed on the Lot or the exterior of the residence stating that such residence is protected by a security system are permissible. 6.26 Construction and Sale Period. So long as Declarant owns any property in the Community for development and/or sale, the restrictions set forth in this Article 6 shall not be applied or interpreted so as to prevent, hinder or interfere with development, construction and sales activities of Declarant or any builder or developer approved by Declarant. ARTICLE? INSURANCE AND CASUALTY LOSSES 7.1 Insurance Coverage. The Board of Directors or the duly authorized agent of the Association shall have the authority to and shall obtain or cause to be obtained insurance as follows: 7.1.1 The Board shall obtain insurance on all insurable buildings and, where the Board deems there to be a reasonable risk, other substantial structures whether or not such buildings or structures are located on the Common Areas and which the Association is obligated to maintain. Insurance on buildings shall provide, at minimum, fire and extended coverage, including vandalism and malicious mischief, and shall be in an amount sufficient to cover the full replacement cost of any repair or reconstruction in the event of damage or destruction from any such hazard. Insurance on other substantial structures shall coverthose risks deemed advisable by the Board and shall be in such amounts as are deemed advisable by the Board. The Board may insure other types of improvements, including entry monuments, 18 landscaping, and the like, as it deems advisable. With respect to such other improvements, the Board shall determine the risks to be insured and the amounts of insurance to be carried. 7.1.2 The Board shall obtain a public liability policy applicable to the Common Areas covering the Association and its members for all damage or injury caused by the negligence of the Association or any of its members or agents, and, ifreasonably available, directors' and officers' liability insurance. The public liability policy shall have a combined single limit of at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) unless otherwise determined by the Board .. 7.1.3 The Board is hereby authorized to contract with or otherwise arrange to obtain the insurance coverage required hereunder through the Declarant and to reimburse Declarant for the .cost thereof, and Declarant shall be authorized, but not obligated, to purchase such insurance coverage for the benefit of the Association and the Owners upon Declarant and the Association agreeing Upon the terms and conditions applicable to reimbursement by the Association for cosis incurred by Declarant in obtaining such coverage. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Declaration to the contrary, the Board shall not be required to comply with the provisions of this Article if the Board has contracted for or otherwise arranged to obtain the required insurance coverage through the Declarant. 7.1.4 Premiums for all insurance shall be common expenses of the Association. The policies may contain a reasonable deductible, and the amount thereof shall not be subtracted from the face amount of the policy in determining whether the insurance at least equals the full replacement cost. 7.1.5 In the event insurance premiums in connection with the insurance required by this Article 7 become prohibitively expensive, in the judgment of the Board, the Board may with approval ofseventy-five percent (75%) of the Total Association Vote reduce the amount of the required insurance, self-insure itself, or discontinue the insurance all together. 7 .2 Policy Requirements. All such insurance coverage obtained by the Board of Directors shall be written in the name of the Association, as trustee for the respective benefited parties. Such insurance shall be governed by the provisions hereinafter set forth: 7.2.1 All policies shall be written with a company authorized to do business in Washington. 7.2.2 Exclusive authority to adjust losses under policies obtained by the Association shall be vested in the Association's Board of Directors; provided, however, no Mortgagee having an interest in such losses may be prohibited from participating in the settlement negotiations, if any, related thereto. 7 .2.3 In no event shall the insurance coverage obtained and maintained by the Association's Board of Directors hereunder be brought into contribution with insurance 19 purchased by individual Owners, occupants, or their Mortgagees, and the insurance earned by the Association shall be primary. 7.2.4 All casualty insurance policies shall have an inflation guard endorsement and an agreed amount endorsement if these are reasonably available and all insurance poHcies shall be reviewed annually by one or more qualified persons, at least one of whom must be in the real estate industry and familiar with construction in the City of Renton. 7 .3 · Other Insurance. In addition to the other insurance required by this Article 7, the Board shall obtain worker's compensation insurance, if and to the extent necessary to satisfy the requirements of applicable laws. The Board may, in its discretion, obtain a fidelity. bond or bonds on directors, officers, employees, and other persons handling or responsible for the Association's funds, ifreasonably available. The Association shall obtain additional insurance coverage, if and to the extent necessary to satisfy the requirements of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, the Federal National Mortgage Association, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, or the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. . 7.4 Individual Insurance. By virtue of taking title to a Lot subject to the tenns of this Declaration, each Owner acknowledges that the Association has no obligation to provide any insurance for any portion of individual Lots, and each Owner covenants and agrees with all other Owners and with the Association that each Owner shall at a minimum, carry fire and extended coverage casualty insurance on the Lot and all structures constructed thereon in an amount sufficient to cover the full replacement costs of any repair or reconstruction in the eventof damage or destruction from any such hazard. 7.5 Damage and Destruction -Insured by Association. 7.5. l Immediately after damage or destruction by fire or other casualty to all or any portion of any improvement covered by insurance written in the name of the · Association, the Board of Directors or its duly authorized agent shall proceed with the filing and adjustment of all claims arising under such insurance and obtain reliable and detaHed estimates of the cost of repair or reconstruction of the damaged or destroyed property. Repair or reconstruction, as used in this Section, means repairing or restoring the property to substantially the same condition and location that existed prior to the fire or other. casualty, allowing for any changes or improvements necessitated by changes in applicable building codes. The Board of Directors shall have the enforcement powers specified in this Declaration necessary to enforce this provision. 7.5.2 Any damage or destruction to property covered by insurance written in the name of the Association shall be repaired or reconstructed unless, within sixty (60) days after the casualty, at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the Total Association Vote otherwise agree. If for any reason either the amount of the insurance proceeds to be paid as a result of such damage or destruction, or reliable and detailed estimates of the cost ofrepair or reconstruction, or both, are not made available to the Association within such period, then the · period shall be extended until such infonnation shall be made available; provided, however, such extension shall not exceed sixty (60) days. No Mortgagee shall have the right to 20 participate in the detennination of whether damage or destruction shall be repaired or reconstructed. 7.5.3 lfthe damage or destruction for which the insurance proceeds are paid is to be repaired or reconstructed and such proceeds are not sufficient to defray the cost thereof, the Board of Directors shall, without the necessity of a vote of the Association's members, levy a special assessment against all Owners in proportion to the number of Lots owned by such Owners. Additional assessments may be made in like manner at any time during or following the completion of any repair or reconstruction. If the funds available from insurance exceed the costs of repair or reconstruction or if the improvements are not repaired or reconstructed, such excess shall be deposited to the benefit of the Association. 7.5.4 In the event that it should be determined by the Association in the manner described above that the damage or destruction shall not be repaired or reconstructed and no alternative improvements are authorized, then and in that event the property shall be restored to its natural state and maintained as an undeveloped portion of the Community by the Association in a neat and attractive condition. 7.6 Damage and Destruction -Insured by Owners. The damage or destruction by fire or other casualty to all or any portion of any improvement on a Lot shall be repaired by the Owner thereof within seventy-five (75) days after such damage or destruction or, where repairs cannot be completed within seventy-five (75) days, they shall be commenced within such period and shall be completed within a reasonable time thereafter. Alternatively, the Owner may elect to demolish all improvements on the Lot and remove all debris therefrom within seventy-five (75) days after such damage or destruction. In the event of noncompliance with this provision, the Board of Directors shall have all enforcement powers specified herein. 7.7 Insurance Deductible. The deductible for any casualty insurance policy carried by the Association shall, in the event of damage or destruction, be allocated among the Persons who are responsible hereunder, or be a common expense of the Association. ARTICLE 8 CONDEMNATION In the event of a taking by eminent domain of any portion of the Common Areas on which improvements have been constructed, then, unless within sixty (60) days after such taking, at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the Total Association Vote shall otherwise agree, the Association shall restore or replace such improvements so taken on the remaining land included in the Common Areas to the extent lands are available therefor. The provisions of Section 7.5, above, applicable to Common Areas improvements damage, shall govern replacement or restoration and the actions to be taken in the event that the improvements are not restored or replaced. 21 ARTICLE9 MORTGAGEE PROVISIONS The following provisions are for the benefit of holders of first Mortgages on Lots in the Community. The prnvisions of this Article apply to both this Declaration and to the Bylaws, notwithstanding any other provisions contained therein. 9.1 Notices of Action. An institutional holder, insurer, or guarantor ofa first Mortgage, who provides a written request to the Association (such request to state the name and address of such holder, insurer, or guanmtOr and the Lot number, therefore becoming an "eligible holder''), will be entitled to timely written report as to the current status of said Lot with respect to the following: 9.1.1 Any condemnation loss or any casualty loss which affects a material portion of the Community or which affects any Lot on which there is a first Mortgage held, insured, or guaranteed by such eligible holder; 9.1.2 Any delinquency in the payment of assessments or charges owed by an Owner of a Lot subject to the Mortgage of such eligible holder. 9.2 No Priority. No provision of this Declaration or the Bylaws gives or shall be construed as giving any Owner or other party priority over any rights of the first Mortgagee of any Lot in the case of distribution to such Owner of insurance proceeds or condemnation awards for losses to or a taking of the Common Areas. 9.3 Notice to Association. Upon request, each Lot Owner shall be obligated to furnish to the Association the name and address of the holder of any Mortgage encumbering such Owner's Lot. 9,4 VA/HUD Approval. As long as the Declarant has the right to appoint and remove the directors of the Association and so long as the project is approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") for insuring or the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs ("VA") for guaranteeing any Mortgage in the Community the following actions shall require the prior approval of the VA and/or HUD as appHcable: dedication of Common Areas to any public entity; mergers and consolidations; dissolution of the Association, and material amendment of the Declaration, Bylaws or Articles of Incorporation. 9.5 Applicability of Article 9. Nothing contained in this Article shall be construed to reduce the percentagevo1:e that must otherwise be obtained under the Declaration, Bylaws, or Washington law for any of the acts set out in this Article. 9.6 Amendments by Board. Should the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, HUD or VA subsequently delete any of their respective requirements which necessitate the provisions of this Article or make any such 22 requirements Jess stringent, the Board, without approval of the Owners, may cause an amendment to this Article to be recorded to reflect such changes. ARTICLE 10 EASEMENTS 10.t Easements for Use and Enjoyment. I 0. I. I Every Owner of a Lot shall have a right and easement of ingress and egress, use and enjoyment in and to the Common Areas which shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to each Lot, subject to the following provisions: · the right of the Association to charge reasonable fees for the use of any portion of the Common Areas, to limit the number of guests of Lot Owners and tenants who may use the Common Areas, and to provide for the exclusive use and enjoyment of specific portions thereof at certain designated times by an Owner, his family, tenants, guests, and invitees; 10. 1.1.2 the right of the Association to suspend the voting rights of an Owner and the right of an Owner to use certain Common Areas for any period during which any assessment against such Owner's Lot remains unpaid; the right of the Association to borrow money for the purpose of improving the Common Areas, or any portion thereof, or for construction, repairing or improving any facilities located or to be located thereon, and to give as security for the payment of any such loan a Mortgage conveying all or any portion of the Common Areas; provided, however, the lien and encumbrance of any such Mortgage given by the Association shall be subject and subordinate to any rights, interests, options, easements and privileges herein reserved or established for the benefit of Declarant, or any Lot or Lot Owner, or the holder of any Mortgage, irrespective of when executed, given by Declarant or any Lot Owner encumbering any Lot or other property located within the Community; and I the right of the Association to dedicate or transfer all or any portion of the Common Areas subject to such conditions as may be agreed to by the members of the Association. No such dedication or transfer shall be effective unless an instrument agreeing to such dedication or transfer has been approved by the affirmative vote of at least seventy-five percent(75%) of the Total Association Vote; provided, however, that during the Development Period, Declarant may, on its sole signature, dedicate or trnnsfer portions of the Common Areas, so long as such transfer or dedication does not materially and adversely affect the Association or any Lot Owner. 10.1.2 Any Lot Owner may delegate such Owner's right of use and enjoyment in and to the Common Areas and facilities located thereon to the members of such Owner's 23 family and to such Owner·s tenants and guests and shall be deemed to have made a delegation of all such rights to the Occupants of such Owner's Lot, if leased. 10.2 Easements for Utilities. There is hereby reserved to the Declarant, the Association and any utility pfoviders designated by either the Declarant or the Association blanket easements upon, across, above and under all property within the Community for access, ingress, egress, installation, repairing, replacing, and maintaining all utilities serving the Community or any portion thereof, including, but not limited to, gas, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, cable television, telephone and electricity. It shall be expressly permissible for the Declarant, the Association, or the designee of either, as the case may be, to install, repair, replace, and maintain or to authorize the installation, repairing, replacing, and maintaining of such wires, conduits, cables and other equipment related to the providing of any such utility or service. This easement shall be utilized so as to not unreasonably interfere with improvements constructed upon any Lot and the building envelope for any unimproved Lot. Should any party furnishing any such utility or service request a specific license or easement by separate recordabl.e document, the Board shall have the right to grant such easement. 10.3 Easement for Maintenance. Declarant hereby expressly reserves a perpetual easement for the benefit of the Association across such portions of the Community, determined in the sole discretion of the Association, as are necessary to allow for the maintenance required under Article 5. Such maintenance shall be performed with a minimum of interference to the quiet enjoyment of Owner's property, reasonable steps shall be taken to protect such property, and damage shall be repaired by the Person causing the damage at its sole expense. 10.4 Easement for Entry Features. If Declarant installs an entry feature, there is hereby reserved to the Declarant and the Association an easement for ingress, egress, installation, construction, landscaping and maintenance of entry features and similar street- scapes for the Community, as more fully described on the recorded subdivision plat for the Community or any other recorded instrument, easement or conveyance. The easement and right herein reserved shall include the right to cut, remove and plant trees, shrubbery, flowers and other vegetation around such entry features and the right to grade the land.under and around such entry features. l 0.5 Construction and Sale Period Easement. Notwithstanding any provisions contained in this Declaration, the Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, rules and regulations, design guidelines, and any amendments thereto, so long as Declarant owns any prnperty in the Community for development and/or sale, Declarant reserves an easement across all Community property for Declarant and any builder or developer approved by Declarant to maintain and carry on, upon such portion of the Community as Declarant may reasonably deem necessary, such facilities and activities as in the sole opinion ofDeclarant may be required, convenient, or incidental to Declarant's and such builder's or developer's development, construction, and sales activities related to property described above, including, but without limitation: the right of access, ingress and egress for vehicular and pedestrian traffic and construction activities over, under, on or in the Community, including, without 24 limitation, any Lot; the right to tie into any portion of the Community with driveways, parking areas and walkways; the right to tie into and/or othenvise connect and use (without a tap-on or any other fee for so doing), replace, relocate, maintain and repair any device which provides utility or similar services including, without limitation, electrical, telephone, natural gas, water, sewer and drainage lines and facilities constructed or installed in, on, under and/or over the Community; the right to carry on sales and promotional activities in the Community; and the right to construct and operate business offices, signs, construction trailers, model residences, and sales offices. Declarant and any such builder or developer may use residences, offices, or other buildings owned or leased by Declarant ot such builder or developer as model residences and sales offices. Rights exercised pursuant to such reserved easement shall be exercised with a minimum of interference to the qulei enjoyment of affected property, reasonable steps shall be taken to protect such property, and damage shall be repaired by the Person causing the damage at its sole expense. During the Development Period, this Section shall not be amended without the.Declarant's express written consent. ARTICLEll GENERAL PROVJSIONS 11.1 Enforcement. Each Owner and Occupant shallcoinply strictly with the Association's Bylaws, rules and regulations, the use restrictions, as they may be lawfully amended or modified from tiine to time, and with the covenants, conditions, and restrictions set forth in this Declaration and in the deed to such Owner's Lot, if any. After notice and an opportunity to be heard by the Board of Directors or by a representative designated by the Board, and in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the Board, the Board may levy reasonable fines for violations of the above (in addition to any late charges that may be assessed in connection .with the late payment of assessments or other Association charges) in accordance with a previously established schedule adopted by the Board and furnished to the Owners, which fines shall be collected as provided herein for the collection of assessments. Failure to comply with this Declaration, the Bylaws or the rules ai:td regulations shall be grounds for an action to recover sums due for damages or injunctive relief, or both, maintainable by the Board of Directors, on behalf of the Association, or, in a proper case, by an aggrieved Owner. Failure by the Association or any Owner to enforce any of the foregoing shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 11.2 Duration. This Declaration shall run with and bind th.e Community, and shall inure to the benefit of and shall be enforceable by the Association or any()wner, their respective legal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns, perpetually to the extent provided by law; provided, however, so long as and to the extent that Washington law.limits the period during which covenants restricting land to certain uses may run, any provisions of this Declaration affected thereby shall run with and bind the land so long as permitted by such law, after which time, any such provision shall be (a) automatically extended (to the extent allowed by applicable law) for successive periods often (JO) years, unless a written instrument reflecting disapproval signed by the then Owners of at least seventysfive percent (75%) of the Lots and the Declarant (so Jong as the Declarant owns any property for development and/or sale in the Community) has been recorded within the year immediately 25 preceding the beginning of a ten ( 10) year renewal period agreeing to change such provisions, in whole or in part, or to terminate the same, in which case this Declaration shall be modified or tenninated to the extent specified therein; or (b) extended as otherwise provided by law. Every purchaser or grantee of any interest (including, without limitation, a security interest) in any real property subject to this Declaration, by acceptance of a deed or other conveyance therefor, thereby agrees that such provisions of this Declaration may be extended and renewed as provided in this Section. 11.3 Amendments. 11.3.1 This Declaration may be amended unilaterally at any time and from time to time by Declarant (i) if such amendment is necessary to bring any provision hereof into compliance with any applicable governmental statute, rule, or regulation or judicial determination which shall be in conflict therewith; (ii) if such amendment is necessary to enable any title insurance company to issue title insurance coverage with respect to the Lots subject to this Declaration; (iii) if such amendment is required by an institutional or governmental lender or purchaser of mortgage loans, including, for example, the Federal National Mortgage Association or Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, to enable such lender or purchaser to make or purchase Mortgage loans on the Lots subject to this Declaration; or (iv) if such amendment is necessary to enable any governmental agency or private insurance company to insure or guarantee Mortgage loans on the Lots subject to this Declaration; provided, however, any such amendment shall not adversely affect the title to any Owner's Lot unless any such Lot Owner shall consent thereto in writing. Further, so long as Declarant owns any property for development and/or sale in the Community, Declarant may unilaterally amend this Declaration for any other purpose; provided, however, any such amendment shall not materially adversely affect the substantive rights of any Lot Owners hereunder, nor shall it adversely affect title to any Lot without the consent of the affected Lot Owner. I I .3.2 This Declaration may also be amended upon the affirmative vote or written consent, or any combination thereof, of the Owners of at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the Total Association Vote and the consent ofDeclarant (so long as the Declarant owns any property for development and/or sale in the Community). Amendments to this Declaration shall become effective upon recordation, unless a later effective date is specified therein. 1 L4 Partition. The Common Areas shall remain undivided, and no Owner nor any other Person shall bring any action for partition or division of the whole or any part thereof without the written consent of all Owners of all portions of the property located within the Community and without the written consent of all holders of all Mortgages encumbering any portion of the property, including, but not necessarily limited to, the Lots located within the Community. 11.5 Gender and Grammar. The singular, wherever used herein, shall be construed to mean the plural, when applicable, and the use of the masculine pronoun shall include the neuter and feminine. 26 11.6 Severability. Whenever possible, each provision of this Declaration shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid, but if the application of any provision of this Declaration to any person or to any property shall be prohibited or held invalid, such prohibition or invalidity shall not affect any other provision or the application of any provision which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and, to this end, the provisions of this Declaration are declared to be;, severable. 11.7 Captions. The captions of each Article and Section hereof, as to the contents of each Article and Section, are inserted only for convenience and are in no way to be construed as defining, limiting, extending, or otherwise modifying or adding to the particular Article or Section to which they refer. 11.8 Perpetuities. If any of the covenants, conditions, restrictions, or other · provisions of this Declaration shall be unlawful, void, or voidable for violation of the rule against perpetuities, then such provisions shall continue only until twenty-one (21) years after the death of the last survivor of the now-living descendants of the individuals signing this Declaration. 11.9 Indemnification. To the fullest extent allowed by applicable Washington law, the Association shall indemnify every officer and director against any and all expenses, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, imposed upon or reasonably incurred by any officer or director in connection with any action, suit, or other proceeding (including settlement of any suit or proceeding, if approved by the then Board of Directors) to which such officer or director may be a party by reason of being or having been an officer or director. The officers and directors shall not be liable for any mistake of judgment, negligent or otherwise, except for their own individual willful misfeasance, malfeasance, misconduct, or bad faith. The officers and directors shall have no personal liability with respect to any contract or other commitment made by them, in good faith, on behalf of the Association (except to the extent that such officers or directors may also be members of the Association), and the Association shall indemnify and forever hold each such officer and director free and harmless against any and all liability to others on account of any such contract or commitment. Any fight to indemnification provided for herein shall not be exclusive of any other rights to which any officer or director, or former officer or director, may be entitled. The Association may, at the discretion of the Board, maintain adequate general liabiiity and officers' and directors' liability insurance to fund this obligation, if such coverage is reasonably available. 11.10 Books and Records. This Declaration, the Articles oflncorporation, the Bylaws, copies of rules and regulations, Design Guidelines, use restrictions, membership register, books of account, and 111inutes of meetings of the members of the Board and of committees shall be made available pursuant to reasonable procedures established by the Board for inspection and copying by any member of the Association or by the duly appointed representative of any member and by holders, insurers, or guarantors of any first Mortgage at any reasonable time and for a purpose reasonably related to such Person's interest as a member or holder, insurer, or guarantor of a first Mortgage at the office of the Association or at such other reasonable place as the Board shall prescribe. 27 11.11 Financial Review. At least annually, the Board of Directors shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, a financial statement of the Association. Upon written request of any institutional holder of a first Mortgage and upon payment of all necessary costs, such holder shall be entitled to receive a copy of such financial statement within ninety (90) days of the date of the request. 11. 12 Notice of Sale, Lease or Acquisition. In the event an Owner sells or leases such Owner's Lot, the Owner shall give to the Association, in writing, prior to the effective date. of such sale or lease, the name of the purchaser or lessee of the Lot and such other information as the Board may reasonably require. Upon acquisition of a: Lot each new Owner shall give the Association, in writing, the name and mailing address of the Owner and such other information as the Board may reasonably require. 11.13 Agreements. Subject to the prior approval ofDeclarant (so long as Declarant owns any property for development and/or sale in the Community or has the right to unilaterally annex additional property to the Community) all agreements and determinations, including settlement agreements regarding litigation involving the Association, lawfully authorized by the Board of Directors shall be binding upon all Owners, their heirs, legal representatives, successors, assigns, and others having an interest in the Community or the privilege of possession and enjoyment of any part of the Community. 11.14 Implied Rights. The Association may exercise any right or privilege given to it expressly by this Declaration, the Bylaws, the Articles of Incorporation, any use restriction or mle or regulation, and every other right or privilege reasonably to be implied from the existence of any right or privilege given to it therein or reasonably necessary to effectuate any such right or privilege. 11.15 Variances. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Board of Directors or its designee shall be authorized to grant individual variances from any of the provisions of this Declaration, the Bylaws and any Design Guideline rule, regulation or use restriction established pursuant thereto if it determines that waiver of application or enforcement of the provision in a particular case would not be inconsistent with the overall scheme of development for the Community. 11.16 Litigation. No judicial or administrative proceeding shall be commenced or prosecuted by the Association unless approved by at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the Total Association Vote. This Section shall not apply, however, to (i) actions brought by the Association to enforce the provisions of this Declaration (including, without limitation, the foreclosure ofliens), (ii) the imposition and collection of assessments as provided in Article 4 hereof, (iii) proceedings involving challenges to ad valorem taxation, or (iv) counterclaims brought by the Association in proceedings instituted against it. This Section shall not be amended unless such amendment is made by the Declarant pursuant to Section 11.3, hereof, or is approved by the percentage votes, and pursuant to the same procedures, necessary to institute proceedings as provided above. 28 EXECUTED this)fciayof ~c.-t..-, 2013. DECLARANT: Harbour Homes, LLC By: _GI-, _.:::===":::::±I-!:;'=-- Justin Harm an / Vice President State of Washington ) )ss. County of King ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Justin Harman is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Vice President of Harbour Homes, LLC to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. (Seal Or Stamp) 3-1S:,Zo13 N Public in and for the State of Washington R dingat: &//ev~ Printed Name: -.::P..~ &r '"::!fa My Appointment Expires 'lf,. 1--u,1 S 29 After Recording Return to: Geonerco Management, LLC 1441 N. 34lh Street, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98103 PRIVATE ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The undersigned, being the owner of the following described !<its in King County, Washington, to wit: Lots 5, 6 and 7 of the plat of Altmyer according to the plat thereofrecorded in Volume of Plats, Pages_ through_, records of King County, State of Washington. - do hereby establish a common plan for the maintenance and protection of a Private Road and joint driveway easement. Effective Date: This agreement shall be effective upon recording of this document in King County, Washington. Maintenance: The road will consist of an all-weather surface paved road. The cost of maintaining the area of the Private Road shall be shared equally by the owners of Lots 5, 6 and 7. Decisions: All decisions concerning the maintenance of the Private Road shall be vested with the owners of the residential lots served by the Private Road and obligated to contribute to the maintenance costs of the Private Road. Such owners shall make all decisions relating to the maintenance of the Private Road, with each lot having one ( 1) vote and the unanimous vote of the Jots having the authority to bind all lots with respect to reasonable and necessary maintenance expenses. An such decisions shall be in writing and signed by all voting owners. Notwithstanding the foregoing, at all times the Private Road shall be maintained in a safe condition and shall comply with all applicable municipal codes and ordinances. In the event that the parties are Jmable to agree as to any matter covered by this agreement, including specifically but not limited to the necessity for road repair work or road maintenance work, the dispute shall be settled by a single arbitrator who shall direct any settlement deemed equitable under the circumstances. The arbitrator shall be appointed by the presiding Judge of the King County Superior Court upon request of any · .. party bound by this agreement. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding· and not subject to appeal. The decision maybe entered as a judgment and enforced by any party bound by this agreement in any court of competent jurisdiction in King County, roadeasement Washington, and the losing party shall pay all costs in connection therewith, including reasonable attorney fees in an amount to be set by the court. Restrictions on Use: The Private Road shall be used in a manner consistent with a residential street. No parking shall be allowed on the Private Road. The Easement shall not be used for access to any commercial or multi-family development. Ownership of Property: The property subject to the Private Road Easement is owned by the owners of Lot 5, 6 and 7 and is legally described as follows: Tract C of Altmyer according to the plat thereofrecorded in Volume_ of Plats, Pages _ through _, records of King County, State of Washington. Miscellaneous: a. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. b. This Easement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the undersigned. This Agreement and the benefits and obligations provided hereunder shall be deemed to be a covenant running with the land and shall bind all subsequent owners of Lots 5, 6 and 7. Harbour Homes, LLC ~/· By: )( Justin Harman ~ent State of Washington } } ss. County of King } I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Justin Harman signed this instrument, on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Vice President Harbour Homes, LLC to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated: _3_-_l_:__5'_,,_I _:_? __ roadeasement otary Public in and for the State of Washington My appointment expires "!.. 'l-'Zo1S 2 After Recording Return to: Geonerco Management, LLC 1441 N. 34 lh Street, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98103 PRIVATE ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The undersigned, being the owner of the following described lots in King County, Washington, to wit: Lots 10, 11 and 12 of the plat of Altmyer according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume_ of Plats, Pages_ through_, r.ecords of King County, State of Washington. do hereby establish a common plan for the maintenance and protection of a Private Road and joint driveway easement. Effective Date: This agreement shall be effective upon recording of this document in King County, Washington. Maintenance: The road will consist of an all-weather surface paved road. The cost of maintaining the area of the Private Road shall be shared equally by the owners of Lots I 0, 11 and 12. Decisions: All decisions concerning the maintenance of the Private Road sh.all be vested with the owners of the residential lots served by the Private Road and obligated to contribute to the maintenance costs of the Private Road. Such owners shall make all decisions relating to the maintenance of the Private Road, with each lot having one (I) vote and the unanimous vote of the lots having the authority lo bind all lots with respect to reasonable and necessary maintenance expenses. All such decisions shall be in writing and signed by all voting owners. Notwithstanding the foregoing, at all times the Private Road shall be maintained in a safe condition and shall comply with all applicable municipal codes and ordinances. In the event that the parties are unable to agree as to any matter covered by this agreement, including specifically but not limited to the necessity for road repair work or road maintenance work, the dispute shall be settled by a single arbitrator who shall direct any settlement deemed equitable under the circumstances. The arbitrator shall be appointed by the presiding Judge of the King County Superior Court upon request of any party bound by this agreement· The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding and not subject to appeal. The decision may be entered as a judgment and enforced by any party bound by this agreement in any court of competent jurisdiction in King County, roadeasement Washington, and the losing party shall pay all costs in connection therewith, including reasonable attorney fees in an amount to be set by the court. Restrictions on Use: The Private Road shall be used in a manner consistent with a residential street. No parking shall be allowed on the Private Road. The Easement shall not be used for access to any commercial or multi-family development. Ownership of Property: The property subject to the Private Road Easement is owned by the owners of Lot IO, 11 and 12 and is legally described as follows: Tract D of Altmyer according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume_ of Plats, Pages _ through _, records of King County, State of Washington. Miscellaneous: a. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. b. This Easement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the undersigned. This Agreement and the benefits and obligations provided hereunder shall be deemed to be a covenant running with the land and shall bind all subsequent owners of Lots 10, 11 and 12. Harbour Homes, LLC By:i~tp / Justin Harman Vice President State of Washington } } ss. County of King ) 'J-1.s-I"'> Date 1 certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Justin Harman signed this instrument, on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Vice President Harbour Homes, LLC to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated: 3-I~,. I .3 ~ . .,,.._,' 'J-'Y road easement otary Public in and for the State of Washington My appointment expires f. %, Z.u IS- 2 After Recording Return to: Geonerco Management, LLC 1441 N. 34tl• Street, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98103 PRIVATE ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The undersigned, being the owner of the following described lots in King County, Washington, to wit: Lots 16, 17 and 18 of the plat of Altmyer according to the plat thereofrecorded in Volume_ of Plats, Pages_ through_, records of King County, State of Washington. do hereby establish a common plan for the maintenance and protection of a Private Road and joint driveway easement. Effective Date: This agreement shall be effective upon recording of this document in King County, Washington. Maintenance: The road will consist of an all-weather surface paved road. The cost of maintaining the area of the Private Road shall be shared equally by the owners of Lots 16, 17 and 18. Decisions: All decisions concerning the maintenance of the Private Road shall be vested with the owners of the residential lots served by the Private Road and obligated to contribute to the maintenance costs of the Private Road. Such owners shall make all decisions relating to the maintenance of the Private Road, with each lot having one (I) vote and the unanimous vote of the lots having the authority to bind all lots with respect to reasonable and necessary maintenance expenses. All such decisions shall be in writing and signed by all voting owners. Notwithstanding the foregoing, at all times the Private Road shall be maintained in a safe condition and shall comply with all applicable municipal codes and ordinances. In the event that the parties are unable to agree as to any matter covered by this agreement, including specifically but not limited to the necessity for road repair work or road maintenance work, the dispute shall be settled by a single arbitrator who shall direct any settlement deemed equitable under the circumstances. The arbitrator shall be appointed by the presiding Judge of the King County Superior Court upon request of any party bound by this agreement. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding and not subject to appeal. The decision may be entered as a judgment and enforced by any party bound by this agreement in any court of competent jurisdiction in King County, roadeasement Washington, and the losing party shall pay all costs in connection therewith, including reasonable attorney fees in an amount to be set by the court. Restrictions on Use: The Private Road shall be used in a manner consistent with a residential street. No parking shall be allowed on the Private Road. The Easement shall not be used for access to any commercial or multi-family development. Ownership of Property: The property subject to the Private Road Easement is owned by the owners of Lot 16, 17 and 1 8 and is legally described as follows: Tract E of Altmyer according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume_ of Plats, Pages _ through _, records of King County, State of Washington. Miscellaneous: a. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. b. This Easement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the undersigned. This Agreement and the benefits and obligations provided hereunder shall be deemed to be a covenant running with the land and shall bind all subsequent owners of Lots 16, 17 and 18. Harbour Homes, LLC By:~ liustin Harman h Vice President State of Washington } } County of King } ss. '3-JS·f) Date I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Justin Harman signed this instrument, on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Vice President Harbour Homes, LLC to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated: 3 -/5 ~ / 3> otary Public in and for the State of Washington c, My appointment expires .I'· 3-u:i,s roadeasement 2 After Recording Return to: Geonerco Management, LLC 1441 N. 34<h Street, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98103 PRIVATE ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The undersigned, being the owner of the following described lots in King County, Washington, to wit: Lots 2 and 3 of the plat of Altmyer according to the plat thereofrecorded in Volume_ of Plats, Pages_ through_, records of King County, State of Washington. do hereby establish a common plan for the maintenance and protection of a Private Road and joint driveway easement. Effective Date: This agreement shall be effective upon recording of this document in King County, Washington. Maintenance: The road will consist of an all-weather surface paved road. The cost of maintaining the area of the Private Road shall be shared equally by the owners of Lots 2 and 3. Decisions: All decisions concerning the maintenance of the Private Road shall be vested with the owners of the residential lots served by the Private Road and obligated to contribute to the maintenance costs of the Private Road. Such owners shall make all decisions relating to the maintenance of the Private Road, with each lot having one ( l) vote and the unanimous vote of the lots having the authority to bind all lots with respect to reasonable and necessary maintenance expenses. All such decisions shall be in writing and signed by all voting owners. Notwithstanding the foregoing, at all times the Private Road shall be maintained in a safe condition and shall comply with all applicable municipal codes and ordinances. In the event that the parties are unable to agree as to any matter covered by this agreement, including specifically but not limited to the necessity for road repair work or road maintenance work, the dispute shall be settled by a single arbitrator who shall direct any settlement deemed equitable under the circumstances. The arbitrator shall be appointed by the presiding Judge of the King County Superior Court upon request of any party bound by this agreement. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding and not subject to appeal. The decision may be entered as a judgment and enforced by any party bound by this agreement in any court of competent jurisdiction in King County, roadeasement Washini,>ton, and the losing party shall pay all costs in connection therewith, including reasonable attorney fees in an amount to be set by the court. Restrictions on Use: The Private Road shall be used in a manner consistent with a residential street. No parking shall be allowed on the Private Road. The Easement shall not be used for access to any commercial or multi-family development. Ownership of Property: The property subject to the Private Road Easement is owned by the owners of Lot 2 and 3 and is legally described as follows: Tract A of Altmyer according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume_ of Plats, Pages_ through_, records of King County, State of Washington. Miscellaneous; a. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. b. This Easement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the undersigned. This Agreement and the benefits and obligations provided hereunder shall be deemed to be a covenant running with the land and shall bind all subsequent owners of Lots 2 and 3. Harbour Homes, LLC By: _,;z ___ ;i ____ .,_ T Justin Harman Vice President State of Washington } ) ss. County of King } J-It"') Date I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Justin Harman signed this instrument, on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Vice President Harbour Homes, LLC to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated: 3-r~,. / 3 ,-aadeasement otary Public in and for the State of Washington My appointment expires ff: 'l-Zl);,S- 2 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF ASHBROOK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION rii~-/LJ) Harbour Homes, LLC, a Washington corporation, for the purpose of forming a nonprofit corporation under Chapter 24.03 of the Revised Code of Washington, adopts the following Articles of Incorporation: ARTICLE I. NAME The name of the corporation is Ashbrook Homeowners Association. ARTICLE 2. DURATION The Association shall have perpetual duration. ARTICLE 3. PURPOSES AND POWERS 3 .1 The Association does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit, direct or indirect, to its members. In way of explanation and not of limitation, the purposes for which the Association is formed are: 3.1.1 To be and constitute the Association to which reference is made in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Ashbrook (hereinafter the "Declaration"), recorded or to be recorded in the Records of King County, Washington, to perform all obligations and duties of the Association, and to exercise all rights and powers of the Association, as specified therein, in the Bylaws of the Association ("Bylaws") as adopted by the Board of Directors of the Association, and as provided by law; and 3.1.2 To provide an entity for the furtherance of the interests of the Owners in the development. 3 .2 In furtherance of its purposes, the Association shall have the following powers, which, unless indicated otherwise by the Declaration or Bylaws, may be exercised by the Board of Directors: 3.2.1 All of the powers conferred upon nonprofit corporations by common law and the statutes of the State of Washington in effect from time to time; 3.2.2 All of the powers necessary or desirable to perform the obligations and duties and to exercise the rights and powers set out in these Articles, the Bylaws, or the Declaration, including, without limitation, the following: Articles oflncorporation Page 1 (i) To adopt and amend budgets for revenues, expenditures and reserves and impose and collect assessments or other charges to be levied on members; (ii) To manage, control, operate, maintain, repair, and improve property subjected to the Declaration or any other property for which the Association by rule, regulation, declaration, or contract has a right or duty to provide such services; (iii) To enforce covenants, conditions, or restrictions affecting any property to the extent the Association may be authorized to do so under the Declaration or Bylaws; (iv) To engage in activities which will actively foster, promote, and advance the common interests of all owners of property subject to the Declaration; (v) To buy or otherwise acquire, sell, or otherwise dispose of, mortgage, or otherwise encumber, exchange, lease, hold, use, operate, and otherwise deal in and with real, personal, and mixed property of all kinds and any right or interest therein for any purpose of the Association; (vi) To borrow money for any purpose; (vii) To enter into, make, perform, or enforce contracts of every kind and description, and to do all other acts necessary, appropriate, or advisable in carrying out any purpose of the Association, with or in association with any other association, corporation, or other entity or agency, public or private; and (viii) To adopt, alter, and amend or repeal such Bylaws as may be necessary or desirable for the proper management of the affairs of the Association; provided, however, such Bylaws may not be inconsistent with or contrary to any provisions of the Declaration. 3 .3 The foregoing enumeration of powers shall not limit or restrict in any manner the exercise of other and further rights and powers which may now or hereafter be allowed or permitted by law; and the powers specified in each of the paragraphs of this Article 3 are independent powers, not to be restricted by reference to or inference from the terms of any other paragraph or provisions of this Article 3. ARTICLE 4. MEMBERSHIP The Association shall be a membership corporation without certificates of shares of stock. Each Owner of a Lot ( as such capitalized terms are defined in the Declaration) subject to the Articles of Incorporation Page2 Declaration is a member and shall be entitled to vote as set forth herein and in the Declaration and the Bylaws. Membership in the Association shall consist exclusively of Lot Owners. ARTICLE 5. BOARD OF DIRECTORS The business and affairs of the Association shall be conducted, managed, and controlled by a Board of Directors. The Board shall initially consist of one (I) director. The name and address of the initial member of the Board of Directors is as follows: Harbour Homes, LLC 1441 N. 34th Street, Suite 200 Seattle, Washington 98103 The number of directors may be increased or decreased from time to time by amendment to or in the manner provided for in the Bylaws. The method of election, term of office, removal and filling of vacancies shall be as set forth in the Bylaws. The Board may delegate its powers to operate the Association to such companies, individuals, or committees as it, in its discretion, may determine. ARTICLE 6. LIABILITY OF DIRECTORS To the full extent that the Washington Nonprofit Corporation Act permits the elimination or limitation of liability of directors, a director of the Association shall not be liable to the Association or its members for monetary damages for conduct as a director; provided that the liability of a director shall not be eliminated or limited for acts or omissions that involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law, for approval of distributions or loans contrary to law, or for any transaction from which the director has personally received or will personally receive a benefit in money, property, or services to which the director is not legally entitled. ARTICLE 7. DISSOLUTION The Association may be dissolved only upon a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors and the affirmative vote of members who are Owners of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the Lots ( other than the Declarant) and the consent of the Declarant so long as the Declarant owns any property subject to the Declaration. Upon dissolution of the Association, so long as the United States Veterans Administration ("VA") is guaranteeing and/or the United States acting through the Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") is insuring any mortgage in the Development, and unless otherwise agreed in writing by HUD or VA, as applicable, any remaining real property assets of the Association shall be dedicated to an appropriate public agency to be used for purposes similar to those for which this Association was created. In the event that such dedication is refused acceptance, such assets shall be granted, conveyed and assigned to any nonprofit corporation, association, trust or other organization to be devoted to such similar purposes. No such restriction shall exist if VA is not guaranteeing and HUD is not insuring any mortgage in the Development; provided, however, HUD and/or VA shall be notified of such dissolution. Articles oflncorporation Page 3 ARTICLE 8. MERGER AND CONSOLIDATION The Association may merge or consolidate only upon a resolution duly adopted by the board of directors and the affirmative vote of members who are Owners of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the Lots ( other than the Declarant) and the consent of the Declarant so long as the Declarant owns any property subject to the Declaration. ARTICLE 9. AMENDMENTS These Articles may be amended only upon a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors and the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the total eligible votes of the members. ARTICLE 10. INCORPORATOR The name and address of the sole incorporator is Harbour Homes, LLC, 1441 N. 34th Street, Suite 200, Seattle, Washington 98103. ARTICLE 11. REGISTERED AGENT AND OFFICE The initial registered agent and office of the Association is Paul Brain, Esq. located at 1119 Pacific Avenue, Suite 1200, Tacoma, Washington 98402-4323. The undersigned duly-authorized officer of the incorporator has signed these Articles oflncorporation at Seattle, Washington, on this _ day of March, 2013. Articles of Incorporation Harbour Homes, LLC a Washington limited liability company By George Neffuer IV Secretary/Treasurer Page4 CONSENT TO SERVE AS REGISTERED AGENT Paul Brain, Esq. hereby consents to serve as Registered Agent, in the State of Washington, for Ashbrook Homeowners Association. It is understood that as agent for the Association, Paul Brain, will have the responsibility to receive service of process in the name of the Association; to forward all mail to the Association; and to immediately notify the office of the Secretary of State in the event of its resignation, or of any changes in the registered office address of the Association for which it is agent. By Date Articles of Incorporation Paul Brain Brain Law Firm PLLC 1119 Pacific Ave., Suite 1200 Tacoma, WA 98402-4323 Page 5 Altmyer Title Documents Chicago Title Plat Certificate Order No. 1352952 Updated March 4, 2013 DRS PROJECT NO. 12011 D.R. STRONG CONSUL TING ENGINEERS 10604 NE 39TH PLACE, SUITE 232 BELLEVUE, WA. 98022 f -·. ··-··l...;-l: .,"C:::· 0 ~~~JJ; ' . ' -. ·--- EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND UTILITY PURPOSES >J1D JOINT l'.A!NTENANCE OF SAME COME NOW, George S. J. Paffile and Y.a.rlene K, Paffile, his wife, owners of the fcllowins described property in King County, Washington, to vit: '111e North~ of the Northeast~ of the Northwest\ of the Southeast~ of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., also known aa Lots 1 1 2, 3, 4 of short plat 1474040 Ring Cot.Blty auditor's Yecordins P740924o,so do herevith impose an easement for access and utility purposes over and under the center 30 feet of the East 378 feet of the North~ of the Northeast 1t of the Northwest ~ of the Southeast Ji; of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East. W~M.1 which easement for access .end"'utility purposes shall b:0 for the use and benefit of the following described property, situate in King County, Washington. to wit: 1be North~ of the Northeast\ of the Northveat ~ of the Southeast\ of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., also known as Lots lw 2, 3t 4 of short plat #474040 King Cotmty auditor's recording #7409240450 'ibis easement shall be for all utiliey purposes and for right-of-way with or without automobile or other vehicle or on foot for the purpose of ingress and egress to and from each of the properties for which the easet1ent is given to benefit. It is further the purpose of the owner that each of the properties for which the easement is given shall beaT the costs of maintenance of said easement equally~ and the right and conditions herein granted shall insure to the benefit of each of the owners of the properties for which the eaaeme.nt is given to benefit, their hetrs~assignees, grantees and successors in interest, and their tenants, servants and licensees. Dated at R£.nton, Washington on \ • STATE OF WASHISGTON, ! . ~ " founty of ft · On this day perso ly ap~red before me to me known lo be t e 'ndividualf descri~ fn and ack.no•ledgtd that signed the same as uses and purpostS tbcr tioned. GIVES" under my band and official seal thls \ C) q N -< I --·'. '••' ·,_._.,~ .. --:· . .-.~+·"·., _:_ '• t p > .. ____ ,,_.., · .. ,.,.,.' · ... · . .,-...... ·' ·,.,-.... ~C:CORDE, OF •.•..• REOUESi Ci ::.;,:_:, T ,:;,? REC.0F.U3 l.. E:LECTJONS KING ccurnr. WASH, .I. ;i ·• I i ' '( l 1 I ! l •, i ·/,· . ...,.;:-; \ EASEMENT FOR UTILITY PURPOSE COKE NOW, George S. J. Paffile and Marlene K. Paffile, his wife, owners of the following described properi:y in King County, Waahington, to wit: The North~ of the Northeast~ of the Northwest~ of the Southeast\ of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, "<:' W,M. M • -.JJ C) do herewith impose an easement for utility purposes under the North 15 feet of C"\/ the North~ of the Northeast~ of the Northwest~ of the Southeast~ of Section 32 Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. '.Ibis easement is granted to facilitate the flc~ of storm water across the herein described property as required by conditions of King County for short plat #474040. I ' f f ' 1 i I i ' i I .J 1 ! l i ' ! ' ' l I ~ l • 0 q N I c- -0 n 0 0 .. ' ...... r<f.CORDED •••••. OF ...... nEoutsi·,.,! 575 AUG 12 PM 4 I I REC -;,.:c~ .• i -, •. c-,-.os & c. ,.·~r-~·-· KING ---.... , ..... ,.,:. COUNTY, WASH, • AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: King County Property Services Division 500A King County Administration Bldg. 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 RELINQUISHMENT OF EASEMENT REFERENCE NUMBER: 6-1995-039; Parcel 5 GRANTOR: King County GRANTEE: Bytheway, William H. and Eva LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot I, K.C. Short No. 474040 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 322305-9300 The GRANTOR herein, King County, a political subdivision, for mutual benefit and other valuable consideration. hereby relinquishes and conveys to William H. Bytheway and Eva M. Bytheway, husband and wife, all interest in a portion to that certain easement dated August 12 1 1975 and recordecl under Auditor File No. 7508120634 effecting the following described real estate: The North 15 feet of Lot I, King County Revised Short Plat No. 474040, as recorded under Auditor File No. 7705110932, records of King County, Washington. EXCEPT the East 168 feet thereof. Situated in the Southeast quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.1 King County, Washington. ,..,,&. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this instrument this ~=~ ___ day of f'lrJo /xK: , 1997. King County Property Services Division: STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING )ss ) i.! On the _2_1 _ day of Or /nbev , 1997, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared before me~ Preugschat to me known to be the Manager of King County Property Services Division, the organization that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged lo me that he signed and sealed the same as his free and voluniary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and on oath slated that he is authorized to execute said i.nstrument. Given under my har1d and official seal the day and year first above written. ~ '4Juu4Aj 0,m~ l-lardmbi NOTARY PLn and for ffie State of Washington residing at 'fl'lon} 4 /4 'l/uDfibn EXCISE TAX NOT iUIREO \ "'"'0" fjet.'~' ';!:,'~/) ~Gt.'<d#. 'w.- .1!a ' ' I • l • ~ Ii , t ' j i l ' I ! l ' a ' t I i t i f r ' l i I I l I ,1 ~ 'q' co 0 II") ('l LO r- BASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND ELl!CTRIC SYSTEM Gf'illw S. J. PArrILE and MARLENE K. PAFFILE. his wife ("Grantor'" here1n}, grant.s. cunveys and warranl.8 to PUOET SOUND POWER & LIGffl' COMPANY, a Washington corporaUon (' ·Grantee" herein). for ih@pt1rposes tlereh1arter set forth a perpetual easement under. &cross and owir the followlng descrJbed rea.J property {the ··prq,e':Y .. herein) king County, Washington. Tracts I and 2 of Short Plat 1474040 recorded under Auditor's File No. 7409240450 being in the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 32. Towru;!iip 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. Exe.:pt as may be otherwise set forth herein Grantee's rights shall be exercised upon that portion of the Prcperty (the "Ri(lllt•or-Way'" herein, described as follow8: abR .. ..,.Wea••••c••••••••••••••,_."'69.,..kJt~••••••••••=•••=:••••••=•••••-.... ...... .wtll ... d,,s...,..,._ .... ~a:. .. ,~ Being within the south 5 feet of the west 5 feet of Tract l and being within the north 5 feet of the west 5 feet of Tract 2. 1~.-~ E>'.".".':O!:-:-·.·: "<---.~. .·: :::-::) B~~~ ... '. ..• 1. Pa~ Gram~ ~l b&n the rlsht to construct. operate, maJntaln, repair, replace and eolllU"Jle an uDderground '!!ectrle transmlssloo :m,/ar db!~.:Uer. syst=n ~.;~c:n!!!f! ~ .. er !114! RJ,ght-d-Way roaettier with aU Peoenary or c.om,enlent ,.ipurtenances Uieretor, which may include but are oot lfmJted to the followlfJI: underground oooc~dts, cables, communicalion lines; vanJ.Lo;;, manholes. nrltcbes. and transformers; and semi-Wried or ,ll'Olll!d mounted faclUUes. FoUowq the Initial con- struction of its racilities. Gra."Jtee may from time IO time oonstnict sucll addltlona) facilltles as It may require. 2. k.>eess. Grantee shall have the rl,8htofaccessto the RJght-of•Way over and across tbe Property to enable Grantee to exercise Its rights heranler, p~lded.thal.Oraoteesballcoq,,ensate Gran.tor for MY damage lO the Property caused by the exercise of said right of access. 3. Obatraettou: 1-ndse•na Grantee may from time w time remove U'ee&, bushes, or other obstructions within the Riitlt·ol'-Way and may level 1.-:d grade tbe Rlsht-of-Way tD the extent reasonably necessary to carry aut the purposes &et forth Jn paragraph l hereof, pruvtded. that foll01finll: any such worl:, Grantee shall, to the extent reaaocabl.Y practicable, restore l!Je Rt,:bt-o!-Way to 1he eoodlticm tt was Immediately prior io 11.1ch work. Followiffl the Installation Of GrfUl.tee's unierground facUltles. Grantor may unlertake any onHnuy tmprovemeots to the Jandscaplng o! th~ Rl&ht-of-Way, provided th.at no trees or olber plllllts shall be placed tbel"eOa which would be unreasonably e,ipenstve or lmpnctlcal for Grantee to remove and restore. ,. Grutor's Use of at,ltt-af-Way. Granror reserves die rljbt 10 use 111.e Rit,ht·of·Way for any purpose not Inconsistent with the rlJbts herelD ,8!'8.Qted, provided: lhat Orantor shall not construct or maintain any building or other structure on Che Right-of-Way which wwld Interfere wilh the exercise of the rlahts herein granted; that no dfgln,:, tunneling or other fonn :t'J ....,...,.. ... ~ !!!'tfvl"' -..n M .dgn"" m tM Prooerty whldl would distnrb the compaction or unearth Grantee's faeillUes on lhe Right-of-Way. or emanger die lateral suwort to said facUities; and lhat oo blasting shall be done within 15 feet of lhe Right-of-Way. 5. h:lemnUy. By acctf>tin& an:I recording this easement, Grantee agrees to indemnJty and hold har:m\es~ .~~ .. jrom any and all cJatms for dam~s suttered by any persoo. wbich may be CB1Jsed by Grantee's exercise bf .•e•rlkht,;t.:.effdn, granted; provided. that Grantee shall not be responsible to Grantor for any damages resulting from l~u.f'.ir,. fG,·Nty.·P.t{s6n caused by act<; or omissions of Grantor. -i :· · \',\: , I '.J • t t ·: "' · . -~. ' . 6. AbandoTUDeoL The ri2bt., he.rein granted shall continue wiUI SUCh time as Grantee ceases to use the ;ikhr~\V,y.~r 1i period of five (5) successive yee.rs, In whfdl event this easement shall tennrnate and all rights her,under JialJ revet'1 &ti Gren tor, provided that no ab.ndanment shall be deemed to have occurred by reason or Grantee's rallur,a id· ~HlalJp' J~_.AU" its facUlties on the Rfght-of-Way within any period of time !rom lhe date hereof. . · , ~ · . : ' · .• ") •. . .. i,i:: . \ ' 7. Saccenors add AuJpa. ·!be r)J;hts a:nd obllgeUon.s: or the parties shall Inure to the benefit of and be -blndlha upon lhelr respective successor5 and uslans. DATEI>tllls~doyor 4c•a->r 4,,.,/. ,e--2£. GRANTO!< c;;" ~,, tfii ___ >Jd, ws 7'1/,'13 -l'{/1~:r -·---·---~~--····--... ·---·,-· ' ' l I ' ,. ! , . 1 I I • • l j ' I I I \iv STATE OF WASIIINGTON v• f . COUNTYOF 11~~ (I__ (51,o,e,s1,-S J'. /J,9FP/t.G"" efi' On lhts cloy petSOIIIJly -"" bfllor•m•~/./dRlE/Ut;-,(.&fF-F(Lt; ,IO p,e !mown IO be lhe lndlvtm.ol~ described In and who executed the wUbtn mi torttolqlnlt.lUDltnt, and ~ledaed fhad.f.!;J sip.al the same u-1.A ~,rtree IUld volWiW')' am IDd deed for Ille u1m IDd purpose• therein mentkJoed. GIVEN UNI>ER MY HAND ANll OFFICIAL SEAL dds~ cloy ul ilµf,m,b.tJv. 19 2._£ STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF ___ _ WrrNESS MY H.,_"ffl_ AND OFFICIAL SF.AL hereto Bffixed the day ud year tint lbove written. _ NOTARY PUBLIC lo and for the State of WaiblD,(ton, rdWlna"'·----~------- ·HS'IM 'MNnOO DNl>I SNOll.0313 "9 S0ll00llll 'jQ1.0)ijl0 u, 8 NI SI .. J !,L6l "' 030ll00illl Fk~D FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF; ;);, i .. :_·T ,;1r ."~-'.'" ({ i{"::J,_ ~-'ii-,:'.. L;1VIS.IOX P_. C. ~!OX ['::3 Ii LELLEVUE, V/ASHlt;;:;TGN 9800!l , AT'fENTIOll; uO~AR.D A,. STRONG t .. -.. --·-··-~·~· .. T , ·:·-;,---;~i~J"\.ii-~:_::~:_~;-~-~-:,~~::::T.(f~-~;}:~~~;S0,St%1~S.T,~~~s~~~~%~::;·~r0~'.;·~·'.:::.~ --j~-~~~:·, '• ,._ -", :~r-~··:·":··· ':"" - "" ,..., <;> ..... '" • -· '-" 0 0 ..:, _, 0 _, V1 ,_. N ,_. ,.,, c:, co .r:: .: ,- V, -< c:, ~ 11 ; I J· l ! ' 1 t ! ~~;~;{"~}, \ ii~_'" ~.·.-_::~_,,-· -·-~--c...' . 1 . :-,.~-, •' - .. i ij 1 FILED FOR RECORD KI 'nlE RF.QUEST OF: Q\SCADE SEWER DISTRICT 10828 s. E. 176th l:JISEi)1ENr M). 32-23-5-5$" Altmayer Extension i :~ 1~ F.enton, Washlllgt:on 98055 i :3 ;j 1 i-- 1_' ~~ ~ .:.::> i :' EASEMENT i : 'lHIS INllENl'llRE, mde this z y J;L day of /1,4.ea fl' • 19 Bu , "' c:> by and between CASCADE SEWER DlS'IlUC".C, a. municipal corporation. of King County, Washington, ~ n hereiuaft:er termed tha "Grantee" and &,cr•a, :;Go.nt~.• &1~, Pr"-7 y , 1 : hereinafr.er termed the 11Grantors", t!AR/L L_, /.-,{i.,,.R../€.A'f i . W ~ T N E S S E T R: ~ That the said Grantors for a valuable consideration receipt c.> of which is hereby acknowLedged by the Grantee, does by these presents convey, grant and ~ warrant. unto the. Grantee a perpetual/temporary easement for sewe-r mai.ns and appurtenances ~ under, through, above, across the following described property situated in King County, -.::;;: Washington, together 'With all after acquired title of the Grauto~s tbere1.u, a.ud more par- t.icul.arly desc:.rib@d .as follows: The North half of the Northeast quart.er of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 32, Township ·23-'-iiorth, Range 5. East, ~.N., in King County, Washington, also known as Lots 1, 2,. 3,-and 4, of Short Plat No. 474040, Ki.ng County Auditor's recording No, 7409240450. · Said easem.ent shall be described as the East 378 feet of the North 15 feet of the South half of the above described property. the Grant;or warrants that their ticle is free a.nd c1ear of all encumbrance-a e:xcept, ___ ....<11£<1<Ji,lc.<. ______________________________ _ lf the p~operty of the Granters at this time of granting this easem&nt is un- p1atted but is platted prio; to the recording of this document, then the Grantors do hereby authorize the Grantee to add to this agreement the des~gnation (volume .and page, etc.) of such plat. The Granter acknowledges that part of the consideration being paid by the Grantee is for any aud all damage resulting tO or resulting hereafter from the possibla inter£erence of the natural flow Of surface waters by Grantee's digging of pipe lines which may disturb the soil composition within sa1d easement. Ihe said Grantee shall have the right without pricir institution of any suit or proce!:!ding at ;t.aw, at suc.:n time as Ill3Y be necessary, to ent.ar upon the easement for the purpose of constructing, repairing, alter:i..ng or rec.onstructi.on said seuer cains, or making any connections herewith, without jncurring any legal. obligation or liability ·therefor, provided; (1) The Grantee, Cascade Sewer Districc, wi11 restore Grantors propercy to a condition as good as or better than the premises were prio1: to entry by the Grantee, Casc~de Sewer District; (2) 'l'he District will exercise its best effo1:ts not to damage any private im~rovements on the e3sement herein, but if it does so~ it shall repair and/or replace said improvements; ------------k 0---- ------------------·------------------------------,,e+k. [ll AVl:::. ®· 'K. ® @ 3: ® :t: v, N'lt -•~ \.. .. ·:r t :~ iii I I j ,,,, .. / ,_.'><,· ' •,.;.; .. -,.-'Y __.,..J;o . ....32-2:/ (3) (4) {5) Restoration--replacem.ent~repair~shall be co=pleted within ninety days of the date of any entry by tha District and said ~estoration--~eplace-- ment--or repair ~ill be of a quality and/or quantity that is compaxable or better than existed prior to the Crantee's:, District's, entry upon the easement; The above set forth conditions shall apply not only t:o the initial con- struction but also to any re-entry by the Sewer District that becomes necessary for repair and maintenance of the sewer lUle on said easemente Any damage and/or removal of any ornamental tree, shrub, fence., or rock- ery shall be replaced within the aforementioned 90 day period.by the District6 The Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement if such use does not interfere with installation of the sewer :maina However, the Grantor, shall. not erect buildings or structures of a permanent nature on the eas~ent during the ex- ister.ce of sai.d easement .. -t;_ and shall be binding on the successors., heirs:, and assigns of both of Cha pa~cies hereto • 1; The easement., during its existence, shall be a covenant running Vi.th the land,· ...,. IN Wl'INESS WliEREOF, Ye have: se.t our hands and seals this ,;l. f 4ay of · <.-i 8 ///#.1ud 19 J"c: ,J .,I: ,,. _ .... v 0 0 co STATE OJ/ 'WASHINGTON ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) ON this day personally appeared before me /{!vu fi.-'-1' ··-----,;- and -,..=:;:=:::=.c,..,....,:;-,--,;-:,~,:..,-=,:.:;~::::;::::--,,'. to ]Ile lcnown to be the .indi.vid.ual -d.esc.ribE!d m and who exec.uted the within and foregoing instrmneQt., and aclcnowl.edged that.•, ... µ_.---~-.. ~. 7 . signed the sama as / i J. free and voluntary act and deed, for the. use., :31td purposes/ t:1.ent:ionee. , i::_ · GIVEN unde-r my hand and official seal. this ~ day of _d~'=._....c......, 19 ,f??• . ,,· ~? &,.;-c/,-v-'C-::c-·" ~OTARY P~C :f.n and fo-r th~ Sc~te Of ·W-ashin$-ton re.aiding at s:;.4-·6£&; · ·' STATE OJ/ WASHINGTON \s COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of --~~----' 19 __ ,. the undersigned,, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly cOllllllissioned and sworn> personally appeared ---,..---~-,-,.--=--~-.--,.--..-,,-----~-,,AND ___ ~-~---------""--to ~e kno~n to be the President and Secreta::y, respective1y, of , the corporation that executed the fore- -g-o,..i'"n_g_i'"n-s-t'"r_um_e_n_t_,_a_n_d,--a-c""k_n_o_w""l'"e-d'"g_a_d'""'t"'h_e_s-a°"i"d;--;i-n"'s7trument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, fo~ the uses and purposes therein 111entioned, WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public residing at -----~--~-~---~-~~~~~~.-~~--_:::_-__ -__ _ -------------------------- (IT AVE. ®· 'K ~ f; ~ © \.~ \~ :(: N\ --.~{ : • ,..._._~._.-: -,"T I) •. ; .fi • i . ... ., ~ : ·..;: . -~ "SI" LO 0 0 8 '° .·.~·-··· ---- " , ®· ~[i] ~ gr, :{ f m s: :.f RF.CORDED i!-fl<:'. rv,-.- Af~ rn 12 ]lj PII qn SY,THEC·, · , ·.: RE COHOS & fLEC f!O~. IIING sou~; . ~ )> Q 'i ' ----- -- 'l 1· , ,; ··.~1~.Jl "'"' 'f: .o ~ '." . . ' ,ti co "<I' L{J 0 0 ,,,--,,, ~T NO._ 32-2' (3) Restoration-replacement-repair-shall bl:! completed within ninety days of the date of any entry by the l>istrict and said restoration-re~lar:e- ment~or repair will be of a quality and/or quantity that is comparable or bette~ thau existed prior to the Grantee's, District's, entry upon the easement; (4) The above set forth condit;!,ons shall apply not only to the initial con- struction but also to any re-entry by the Sewer District that becomes necessary for repair and maintenance of the sewer line on said easement. CS) Any damage and/or removal of any omamental tree, shrub, fence, or rock- ery shall be replaced vithin the afo~emeutioned 90 day period.by the Dist.rtct. The Grantor sh.al.l retain the right to use the surface of the easeii1ent if such use does noc interfere with installation of the sewer :main. However, the Grantor, shal1 not erect buildings or structures of a permanent nature on the easement during the. ex- istence of said easement. The easement, du'I'iug its existence. shall be a covenant run:..1.-...ug with the la.nd and shall be binding 011 the successors, heirs, and assigns of both of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and seals this ./?"wr..c:4 19 ,G:c) __ • STATE OF WASl!INGTON ) ss . COUNTY OF KING ) Oll chis day personally appeared before me .?,,-,,,.,,;;,,/ //. d,(.T h'/l)''["e :7 .. ·- and Lc;--e/oac'"aP.J?· ?. cf?T#".47£.g , to l!le. known to be the individual described in aud who executed the ~ithin and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that t;:...U1- signe.d the same ~ -;.7 /U .. , ~ __, free and voluntai:y act and deed a for the uses and purp6ses mentioned. GIVEi \.o1dex' my hand and official seal this /7·::-day of -<, ~~.,..,.::£; . -,-, 19 .tlc. . ~¥.~'l~_,.Y RP'.F~~fL) ' : NOTARY PUBLIC in ~~or.· the. St.i~e of Washington .residing at 4 :r ~-/O;,~-..,s./_ SlATE OF WASHINGTOll ) ss COUllTY OF KING ) On this ' day of , 19 , the undersigned, a Notary l'ublic in and for the State of Washington, duly ~ommissioned and sworn, personally ap~e~red --~------=---c-,---~,---AND_--,--,----c----,,-----------to me known to be the President and Secretary, respectively, of ----------------------'C""'"--:--"7"-c-c---,-,----,------,-' the corporation that executed the fore- soing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary ace and deed of saiC corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, WITNESS my hand and offic~al·seal the day and year first above ~ritten. Notary Public rCsiding at --------- -----·-----.1.. ----------------- ' f; ' fi ' ' tSE ~ 9~ ~ . If m r :.f , , AY'f=.. , ~wwme ~ ~ :.i 'i • -- rt ' '; ,, \ -,l " i- ' l • ATI'ER RECORDING RETURN TO: King County Property Services. Division SOOA King County Administration Bldg. SOO Fourth A venue Seattle, WA 98104 DRAINAGE EASEMENT REFERENCE NUMBER: 6-1995-039; Parcel S GRANTOR: Bytheway, William H. and Eva GRANTEE: King County Filed For Record At The Request OI z, <:Z4mf-t.· King County Property-.ces • LEGAL DFSCRJFl'ION: Lot I, K.C. Short No. 474040 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 322305-9300 THIS AGREEMENT, made between Wjl!iam H Bytheway and Eva Bytheway, hu$hand and wife (Granter), and King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, (Grantee): WHEREAS, the Gran tor herein is the owner of that certain parcel of land described as follows: Lot I, King County Revised Short Plat No. 474040, as recorded under Auditor File No. 7705110932, records of King County, Washington. Except the East 168 feet thereof. Situated in the Southeast quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. WITNESSETH That Granter for and in consideration of Mutual Benefits , and other valuable consideration, does hereby grant and convey to lhe Grantee, its successors and assigns, agents, and licensees and to the same extent and purposes as if the rights herein had been acquired by condemnation proceedings under Eminent Domain statutes of the State of Washington, a perpetual easement to construct 1 reconstruct, operate, and maintain drainage facilities, across, under, over, and upon that certain parcel of land which Grantor owns described as follows: The West 10 feet and lhe South 10 feet of lhe above described property. Contains 3,270 square feet, more or less. Together with a ·temporary construction easement over the above described prpperty for the initial construction of said drainage facility Grantee, its .successor and assigns, shall have the right at such time as may be necessary, to enter upon said propeny for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and repairing said drainage facility . i I / I / ' l ' l I i ' I l j ! ~ i ! I I i j • The rights, conditions. and provisions of this caJemenl shall inure to the benefit or and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, and successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed this instrument this __ fJ'-----0. __ day or J"ltJV1/3( , ~ I 'f't 7 -~,Ltl 7// '{?'4,;i/ Eva Bythewa / STATE OF WASIIlNGTON) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) ;;_~ j y !'!97 On the V day ofl'<N V"IR'. , i996; before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared before me WjUjam H Bytheway and Eva Bytheway to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they signed and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the ~d purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand_.!l!ld,qf(icial seal the day d year r bove w ten . ....... -..~AN '11 11 -.C......... I --~ ~ 1, .-----,,=='---.!--'-'--' -,.!.~-='------f,~t~---j;/;~~)\ RY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington ~ ', .... , .. ~ f ~ ing at n&c~ (( ;ts (.AN p I ,, ,~ .. ! ,= ,. ,, ,,,, ........... .:: , , 11111,,~~~ ...... ti' _ • ,,, .,,.'(I. _..:· .•,,\\\\v,, ... , ...... l I l I I ' ; I l J I J ·· REVlj~~N PLAT NO 'l:_. ~ .. SHORT ta s. ?,t T. Z!> R. !!'> KING COIJNTY, WASHINGTON < I .,,. -0 = 0 0 ~hi• •P•c• r•••rv•d tor ret:Ord,r '·• u•e Daplrtamt oi" Planning and ConaunJty Developal6'nt Bulld1ng and La.nd' Dovela_p.mant DJ.vision Uam.fnff ~ •l>Proved tb.t• /.L_ day ot -YH,'t' • i'E;-P-- ~6. _ "'"' j .. j FJled lor record Rt tlle ,NfNll:t oft ~f,t f'ff'LI a.turn to, LEGAi. IIUCRll'TION De~rt11tBnt ot PubJJ c Works Director Department of Asses.n11l!nts E.w.tm.ined and •pproved thjs ___ ,./_./...._ __ , Deputy Assessor Toki ivu!,a n..2. rwdh f of. :th.e. n=tf,.ut i of :th.e. ~ ~' D/. iluz. .;,aufJ,,.J f of. .eclirn 32 in.r~ 23 rwdh """fl"-5 "'1-!>i; w,m, £ «•·f>I--ry.. ...,...,_ · Loi 1 : l. 378 /.£.d. ,4 ti,.._ n f cl i:4 ,rf o.• ih.e. /I.e.. i nf ii,.e. N,/J,-j of flu. S.l.,' S,.,, 32 T.y, 23 !.', h.5 l, L·.f,. k.. :th.e. S. 15 !1, iltvuw/ and .&u ;wad lei 2: c. 727 µ. oL S.f o! ti.... !i'.f ci Liu,, ii,l.i of f/,,,_ N •. ·.,' o/ :th.e. i.c.t of )e.c J,! T ,q,, 23*'. 5 {., ;.,.{,, L,u,, iJ.,, fl. 75 V., ii=/ and hu. ;wad lei 3: 11.,' C) tk i,.-/ of :th.e. 11.c.., of the. 1/ .. ,,1 ol the. S.l.f of JU, 32 Twp. 23 IV ,i, 5 l.; ",;;, 1~ flwi. ~ of the. l. 378 it, 1AM.e.of .&.ll19 ti, of J/,... S. 15 /i :/k,;w! .le,., =1 Lni 4; J 0 f cl llu!. ii./ .o[ the if.l. i .o.f ,:h.e /.1.W.i .of i./i.e. S.l,i o/ Sa..c. 32 Twp. 2) I{ ,~. 5 c.;,:.·.11. Uu lJwi r,oA..lion o_i Dr.-e l, 1d7 /1. i.h.tVt.sW,t ~/..i.n.g Snui.!i n/ th..e.. ,; • 75 ff., JA~ hu.,, ,w&d. day of .IIIOP oc,.Flle II, Vault P•va. l ot $ 'i c 32-.:? )-~ ' !•.· ' ~ ·,u ~ e-, '\--·:.. ~ ~ ~ .j ' ~ "l \,-, .. 1--.,.,, ;_ " J ., . ' "' "( '<. \ '---) : 1.r,. 77' .., .. (]) .... "' "I ~ .. "l ~ 0) ,si 1s·1 N 1 11 '-I'!' lo" L:: @ ~ ~ " 0, ,., J7/,(.i$' ;;;nz ;;r~., ~)(-·)l")I: ,. ~i,C ~Jat No• _ _ ~1,jo,Jp ~ t?t, l:IS -,n.77· , ' 1..;.· 1 ..... 0 ' ... 0--' ; . JS7, t.-o' -0 .: 4 "' ' \.i ';:' @) .. ;?J, /,:Y )I " ' .REV1Si()N .-. ' -·· ....... __ -. w ,\ ; -~ ~ ~ " ~ 1/) - "' ... ·~ - - .., ,ti .... <>- " .. J <,- "' .., <!I --- :.u Q f .,... :I: .... <I:: -0 3 ::, - 1 ) ;. - Map on FUe In Yaun Direction: t ~- Sf;«le: 0 Pav,, t or!!I -- (' . . : . acr~BUJClf 1 i.n .... g ·-,- ' ·.i. ... •;.· , . :-it. ;,,. 8TAD OJ' lfMIIIIJl11'0ll,1 • ~o,, ____ _ DIii W• q pi,naa1J11 ~ Hlon • --------------- 01'11111 -.. "" -, ..,, on,oJoJ ON.I tH• _ •ii o1 _____ _, u_. .. W.11 W & ..a ai a; hiW ;» IWla:L, ... ,,, ., ..... s_. - ..... = .w c:, "' :=,- 0 ~ N c-- C) .=,- r--- "" 0 "' 0 0 = r,-= "' .;_ ..... ~ < • ' . ll I " .. " 1i! a : -(J.:, SHORT PLAT NO, 41'# KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Filed for record at the request of: p: fAffH,t' APPROVAL Department of Community & Environmental Development Div.it.ion of L~nd use .Hanagement Examined and app~oved th.ts 4, day of l 9 .2.'::/._ Dfrector, Divi on of Land Us' IU,ru,gemet-'- Department aE Public Works Examined .?nd .ipproved thi.s /'P 77¥ day at .5 .t£"#"' TE",,,.,,B(!;;e .Depa.:tment of Assessments .,,/ r..v E:am.i.ned and a.p~roved th.is ___ ... _,_,.. __ _ day of FILED for Record at Reque$t of ~ HARJ.EY fL HOPFE Retum to: land Use Jlfanagement Div. N21Sr King Co. Courthouse Seattle, Nasb:i.ngton 98104 LEGAL PESClilPTION TM ::·0ttt.~ f D/-liu,_ /!~ i D/ tA.e N.on.JJu,;e,d. t of tAe. 5.ou:f.h..ead -i of .Se.c.1..i.on. 32 T~-wrup 23 N.oo±A 1~.qe. 5 Cui; lJ Ji. M111p on File In Vault ·~,,.;. I • DECLARATIOO: Know all men by these presents that we, the undersigned, owner(s) in fee simple [and contract purchaser(a)Jof the land herein described do hereby make a short subdivision thereof pursuant to RCW 5S.17.060 and declare this short plat to be tbe graphic representation of same, and tbat said short subdivision is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the owner(s). In witness whereof we have set our hands and seals. ""~.· --· ~~ Name Name Name Name STATE OF W.ASHINGTON,1·ss. countg or. ______ _ \ • • On this clay ~sonally appeared before .., ~ [~ • ~ '*'~ g , 0 Y\(\ o -0 a • ,. ~4i"4.. 1;0 ... knofm to be the dividual :i!!!Jibed in and r,ho e:<ecuted/j,',e within and foregoinr; .1r..st~t:, and acknowledged tha signed t:he same as ~-F~ee and voluntary .act and dsed1 for t"he uses and purpos· the.rein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and offi.cia.1 seal STATE OF w .ASHJNGTON' I ss. county 0£--~--- 0n th.is dag pe.rsonally appeared before me ------------------ to me k;u:;,.,,m to be t'.be indiviclira.l described .fn and wha executed the w.!th.in and foregoing instrument, Bnd acknCNledged that signed the saDe as ____ .Eree and voluntary act 412d deed1 fer 1:h.e &l.St.s and puxpases therein .me."ltioned. GI\r"'EN under ay hand and official seal this __ day of ------~ 19 __ • Short Plat Number tfl:7,f:t:J# Notary Public in and for the State or Washington, residing at Page..l::_or~-3~- i ··..:-~{11\"· 0 j';. '6 I ~ ~ "' 0 ~ l() I ,., oJ _., J J '<I' "! ~ ~ . 0 {' • dJ ~ J ,,, dJ dJ l ,t • .. {' ~ :,... 0 ,q-r- ,n I' < .µ ,5 " :, . 3 0 '? C ~ .. _, r. r~ --lt1 '" J . " , s,. , r;· ._·. 1 r... , ;,.,s· ~.1•44• 10,"'E:.., ~.,• c:r,o"'e:.. ~ 1 .! G ~ 1 :; I • . -.- i: ,--.. .1.·~,·~1 .. t,..., ~ _____ .,. X Land Surveyor's Certificate: ,, p J Xhis short: plat cor~ectl~ repre•snts • surve, mids bg ms or under 111!1 dJrect.ion ln .a:inl'orasnce wjth the requirement• of a_pfro;rlate at•t• •nd county st•tute •nd ordinance. '( ( 'i / 1 :f "?t, '}t1 ,{J.,._k_ jlato certUJc,,te No,_...,)<.....'I....:~:;.?>.,_ _____ ,. short Plot No. 4-7 ,f,(lf,-0 --' ,.,. - _._, --~~---~~----r~~ --·--~ • ' ' I ' Map on rue In Vault D1rect1on: 7. seal•, \ 11 '=-\00 u \00 t 'l..Oo S. 32. T.1,L R.~ r-1 I SJJC<' '"'"''"" to,I recorder's ust· Filed 101 re.:.:vrd ,H the re;;u~st of: Return to: :~; r.;/:;.~;;;;l.:~~;~ !}i~d; 7 S.::f'ltt?.;;, k'a:ih~~r.g!on 28104 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHOP. T PLAT KI NG COUNTY, WASHINGTON APPROVAL De;>drtmtmt oi l'lar.11irh; and Com.:iun~t!,,' DL'\'t..•ll';xr:~•r.t Build.ing ,rnd Land De\·eJ.,iFmcnt D..:i·..:s~'-':; !xdr.iined a.nd approved t:his 7r'\ dd!,' of M-,l, 19 et,-,--.~ Ma.nai;;er, Building~ La.r.d Development !Jepart~nt of Pub1J c r.·crks DJ rector i·e;.iart.-..::r.c of l.ssessn=::ls n,dr.t:.r.t.•d and appro-.·ed th is ---~?-~~( __ _ (_)_~ Dep!J! i A.ssessor NJ..J ·".,:-.Si:: :~ 32 ·25~5 _:;_ ~ -='_j";:'..j · 9.::93~ 9:..9+ L:1t .::. of revis£.:-Sh;:,rt Pb.t ~o. 47i'.i0t.0 as re::cr~eo under .l\uditor 1 s File No. 7705110932, ::idng 1: revision of Sho!'t Plat recorded und-2r .0.u2ita!'1 S rile No. 7409240450; being a oorti!:in of: The ffarth half of the Northeast e:uarter of the Northll.ies"!:. quarter of the Southeast ~uarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 [ast, U.M.t in King County, Washington; fxcept right-of-way for county road; Together uith an easement for Ingress, Egress and utilities over, under, through and -=--c'O$;~ ths Soutr • s. 01 Feet of th: East 3liB. 26 feE!t of Lot 3 of said Short Plat. 5ubj'?c.: to eas1;>m!mts, rights I conv1mants I terms and conditions of instruments r~cord•sl unjer Kin9 County R<?cor:-Jing No,;:. B004100547t B0090S0764t 509ll083, 7508~?.0533, 7=1112osoe, 7s121so944, 1soz2102so, and 7502270261. ,_ " a i,.i ,, "' "' :..,, I..:....;.,:, ~ c~ ::.-r: ';T ·- "-'- .. ) = ,.,--' --";:;:'.'!:. ~.3~ ~'-' co~ • 8S/0.3..-08 RECD F REl,I S CASHSL ' 7.50 15.00 #0332 D ***2"2. 50 55 Map or, File in Vault Pa, ge l D[ _!/__ N M ~ 0 8 Ir:) rr:, Sm11e :-:cr-t ion of th!? residence to b~ plac~~ c~ lot i1 shall be locatr,-· within thp ~ast~rly S3 1 fP"a:'t of the lot. unless a. water main is installed on S.£. 18tlth Phc;;::, in acccrdanc~ with ~~cuirem~nts of Wat~r .""'istri:::-t SB. fasE>m12nt t::i Lut -j1 and £2 g:-2nt:=::I Short Plat 1a740l:O euditor 1 s ,.f?50812:J633 .< l for acces~ an~ uti!itiPs. ~ Maint?nance agr~em~nt ~:-anted Short Plat *~7.::0.'10 and au::litor's ;.;:75os1206}3 1:1AID.:ING: King County h~s no rPsponsibility to buil1, i~~Love, main- tain or ath~r~iss sc=v" the orivate roads cont~ine~ within or crovi-:ling service to the ~roperty dFscribej in this Short Olat. G~arg!:!' Murray 18421 112tn Avenua s.E. Renton, !llashinqton 98055 , .. _,.,, I (!4.l.e., ,v "'• . ..y, • #'8., L; £. "--'""'' •i5: .4r "fr -- I : '-- ..V ,:""''· II"'• C4.te. /71, "1 w. "'-'""'' •" .t...r,.,, IV ,•-J1'-.:r, .. C ' .. ... Map on Fil• in VauH t Directjon: sc.Je: , ., : 100 • '*' So 0 ,"ll!"NPIAIV /C~M /Uc. NO-7-k>?2-#o1'>o , .. -..,. •11ort PJat #o, •. ~8,._.8e.::t'L!:o::;,s:._:.z.,.,._-'--____ _ ·:-. -,· ~ M 0 (ZJ 0 DECLARATION: Kr.ow all men by these presents that we, the undersigned, owner(s) in fee simple fand contract purchasar(s)] of the land herein described do here- b~· make a short subdivision thereof pursuant to RCW 58.17.060 and declare this short plat to be the graphic representation of same, and that said short subdivision is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the owner{s). SEATTLE . ane '(x 0$-,j)µ~•PC<O ' . NCIJ11e @ SAFECO On <his l"hL ~ day of rVe m,.,~ .,. D., 19 .£..9 before me:=Cnonallr ap~ea e4. -<Jl.i: .~Lb, .:ta'" -Y .... ~)_i"Q __ ,:)'\< • . ~f:..,_.,,-.u.-· , torn; l,;nown to be the ).•, -rO fv ~ ':::! ::S.iy.~;) " _______ of the corporac1011o chac 2 '\ U') (ZJ ' cxccu1cd the within a11d foregoing inscrumem. afld adrnowlcdgcd the sald insnument fO be the frce and ,·ol- \Ultary ace and deed of said corporation for d1(' uses ..1nd purposes d1<"rein mC"n1ionC"d, and <n oath s1au:d rhal~h~ w~authorizc-d 10 e,:e~uce said insuumC"llC, 'IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I bat·<' he,e:mto !H>I my J.a.ml and 13://ix:l!d "IY o/ficiid :seal /be Jay liltfd ye,c:rr /irst aboue u.rittelL. . sea! STATE OF __ W.ashlu,.tpn.._ ___ 1 lss. County of __ King _ -·------J On this 23rd ~day of __ Oct~-- .---------· A. D. 19~. before me, the under-:iigned. a Notary Public in and for the State 0 f_._ }Jashington -----------.---. duly corn.missioned and sworn personally appeared Frank Fields, Jr. and A. G. Marino to me known to be the._ _______________ Pre$ident and . ___ G_ITY CREI)IT UNION OF SEATTLE ecrctary. rcspec.t1vely, of the corpo.-<1.tion tltr::t executed the foregoing instrurnent, and acknowledged the said ,·n,•--t t b th f d I d deed f · uumen o e e ree an vo ur,-ta1H~t; ~nRE o said c01~oration. for the uses and purpO'!iles therein mentioned, and 00 oath stated that-lie . authorized to execute the said instrument arid that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official :seal h~reto affixed the day and year ih this certificate above writtell .. · -.>f., __ «< c 77," ;:e::;' ,=· -.·· Noti,ty Puhli~ in and for the Stat,: ..,f Wasb-ington ruidinli' a1-------"aa41"---- (Adtnowl...Jgm,:~I l>)" Corpora1i<>n. Pioneer Natiooat Ticlc Insur-a.nee Company, Form L 29) SHORT PLAT NO. 884052. F-208B 6/?g Page _,;J__ of _4~-- DtCLAAATlON: Know all men by these presents that we 1 the undersi9ned 1 owner(s} in fee simple {and contract purchase:r(s)] of the land herein described do here- by make a short subdivision thereof pursuant to RCW 58.17.060 and declare this short plat to be the graphic representation of same, and that said short subdivision is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the owner(s). hands anrt seals . • ::.!>rt:J STATE OF w;;sHINGTCN Cou:1ty of t:.,:H 1 ss. ., •. __ G_. e~«...,7~. ,~· ~J~-/1~"-"'~·-·-= .. +7--,,,-- GIVEN sea.~ • STATE CF WASHINGTON) County of } ss. On this day persona.Uy appea:z'e;;.' l:e[or>e r;e ----------------------- to me knoi.m !'o be the individuaZ :ieacribed ir.. .:ind 1..1hd r.xeauted the :...'tthin ar.d fore~oing instrument~ and .::e1kn01,)ledged tr.at :figned tfle same aa -~-----free and volunta:ty a<!'t ar.C leed, .~o.,. the u.ses c:1d purpcscs tlzerein r-;enticnecl. GIVEN :mdet' rriy hat:! and offi<n'.c-:.~ seaZ thts day or----------~ 19 __ _ sea.I SffORT PLAT NO. 881/ O:[,.l F-308B 6/79 Notary PuhZic in and for the State of Washingtm•.J ree1:ding at w BOUNDARY LINE APPROVAL APPROVAL NOTES: RECORDING NO. VOL/PAGE ADJUSTMENT DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT ANO EN\llRONMENTAL SERVICES MS li'[Q\J[Sf QVAI.JFlES fOR El(EMPT!ON UNDOl KCC I~!. rr 00ES NOT CUIJl-').'(o/1ro7 APPROVED lHIS /'5..:: DAY OF £.~J~t<.'.IJ.Al{'t 20E~-NffiI THO.T 1f£ lOTS UJ. BE SIJl1""8..E FOR DEVELOPMOO NOW OR IN THE FUTI.N,E. King County NO. L07L0065 ~~ THE l.EC.l,L TlWISfE!l or TIE P~IY MUST BE 000E B'f SEl'APJ.TE INSlJrullfNT tMLESS Ml. LOTS HEREIN AAE UNIE! THE SOME ~- KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON KING COUNTY DEPARlMENT OF ASSESSMEN~ PORTION OF E~.4,Ml~ED, & APPROVED Tl·HS 2.J.ot DAY OF 20.£e, DECLARATION :t':t Sc.oi± Noble.. ~ 4f41W'. ~1/4 of 2S....1/4, s.__g_, r.-1.-2._N., R.lE.,W.M. KINC COUNTY ASSESSOR DEJ'UTYKIG COUNTY ASSESSOR KNOW AU. M(N IJ'I" JH[S[ PRrso!TS 111,\T WE THE UNOERSiGN£D OWNrn(s) or THE SURVEY INFORMATION Wll 1£RElN OESCl!IEID 00 HEREB'f l,IIJ(E A BOU~ I.II( A!JJJS'fllf)(r Tm!EOF PIJRSUAA'T TO RCW 68.17.0.W ANO OECIJRE THIS .oJlJUSll,IENl" TO II: THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION or THE SAi,£, ~D TIIAT ~ J.[)JUSTIIEKT IS Ml« \IID! THE rm: PROCEDURE / NARRATIVE COHSl:NT ANO IN i.CCORIWICE \lllH l\j[ DESIRES OF ll1E OIIN£R(S] ~ lllJN[55 A flU.O TRAl'ffiSE: USl-"G A l.ElC.I. TCR 7<.IJ TOTAL STATION ANO ms RANOFJl DATA COCilCTCfl, !M'Pl.[MO{J[D 'l!ITil FlM \!HER(££ SET Cl.Iii IWlDS I.II[] S£\1.s. OOJES 'I/IS PERFORMED, EST,',!!USH/NG TllE N;CtOJI, UNfAA ANO I\Rll:l,l l!El.J.TICNSHIPS BEl'WEEII THE 00r,rut¥)1r,. -u .'LA5 s&lf~~~ v PROPEJm' lJIES mD TH£ TO!'\lGIW'HIC FEATURES ~s SltCIIIN HEREO/,/. A ur:n n-2 (I/) ALJTOI.IATIC LEVEL W}S usw TO EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPT!ON IJ:1ECK MID ESTABLISH THE fl.Et'ATION Of Tl£ 8ENCHLIARKS MIO l'E!m:AL CONTl!Ol POOllS. IHE RESULTING D.1.TI. MEETS NU.IW H. 9YTHOIAF 8/A M. Bl'lffD.+? (ll EXCCEDS TH[ STIJIWIDS FM lJHD 9:lt.tlOOiY SURVEYS .IS S[T F00TH IN W/oC :l:12-1Jtl-090. DATES OF SURVEYS ~ ;ru&,,_ ~RT 3 ~~ 474040. NS R'ECCW!Dm UNDER RF.CCflOIN!} NUl,(!)[]1 7705110932, ecJNC A R£VISIOH /f;.;{1:ll~' FIEW SU/M.YS B'1" 8AAGHIJJSEl'I CONSULra; ENGl~S, INC. WOf: COIIDUCTIJ) FEBRIJAR'I' 9-10, 2007. N.l THE or SHOJ1T PlAT RECORDED UNOEil RF.CORl'.llNG NU'"8ER H0924°'50. OEl1lC A ~ORllON OF "Oj[ MORTII 1\1\l.f or nc l,(Olf.l~OO'S DEPICTED ON TIIS DRAWING I/ERE FOUND AT TW,T TIME, l.lllES OJH[Jff<IS[ NOTEll. ~·OIIDOST QU/J(l'(R or THE NORTH\IIEST OUAITTER OF THC SIJU!\JEAST QUJfflER 0' SECTION 32, !Ol'IN$1-!IP 23 NORTH. RANG£ S fAST Of Tl-£ n!AMCTI[ l,(CRIQW,/, 1H Kim; COIMTY WASHINGTON; A l'IAS\!INGTON CORPORATKlN TOllETHffi 'MT!i AfJ EASfltEN! FOR INGR£$$, £GRESS MID IJlll.lT]ES 0\0!, UNOER. TI!ROUGH /Joi;) I.CROSS THE NORTH B'l': BAS19 OF BEARINGIS 15,01 Fffi Of TIIE EAST 341!26 Fm Of LOT 4 Of $Ml $HORT PV.T. r:s: Tl£ EPSI" LK Of THE SOlllllEAST OlWfilR OF SECTION 32, 1'0W!.slrP 23 I-IOlml, R/ltlGE 5 EAST Of T11': 11'11\.wrnt MERIDIAN. SAID lltlE BWIS Nfll'"l 1'1ij"( NS \ffi\Slm FROM KING COlMIY IIORI/Ol{TAL COmROI. l'OIJ11'S AS l/01'0 PMCa C: (rAX LOT 322305-VJOO) HEREON LDT 1, REVISED SHORT PU.T NU\llEJ! 4HO-IO, AS ft(C@JfD UNDER RECOROINC NLIIBER 770511m37, UFll,IG A RNSION or S~RT PlAT RECDROW UNorn RECORa.NC ~BER 74(lg24045(I, 101G A PORTIOl1 or THE NOFllli H.115 OF THE SUAVI.V CONTROL tKMrnEIST lllWmR OF THE: tlOITTHlt(ST QI.IAlffi:R Of THE SOUTlfEASf OUIJITTR OF SEC110N J2, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, Tl-£ 8'S1S OF JliE HORllONTM. mo vrnTIC,O,I_ WIIROL FOR lll1S SURVEY !OS lJOOIIID FROM GPS l.EASUREMOO'S IN<DI RANGE 5 (AST OF TI!E 'MI.LIMEITE MERllWl, IN KING COL'IITY 1'1~1flCTClN; ' ON FcBRIJARY g, 2007. rnr EQUIPMENT USED Ir.OS A TR!UBLE 5700 MODEL NO. Oll15 REC[M]! WITH A TRl~e'\.E 5800 EXCEPT THE EA5T I Ba.OD ru:r OF SNO LOT 1; ' MOOCL NUM9[R 1284 ROVER. W( UIUZED wees ).l()NUl.!£NIS TD OCIUl~INE THE ~ZONTN.. DATUM or NAil !l.l01 1,11[) TDGEIIIER WITH AN WEllEHI Flll MX:E5S 00 \/llJ1Y PURPOSES 0\/ER TI!E MOST f)SllJlLY 548.26 FEET or LOTS ~ ' lmCAL DATUM OF W.\/0 as All.rUSm) TD OUR SURVEY CONTROL N£r#()RI(. Tli[ V/11..UES OF Th'OSf.: FtllllNG'S ME />i/0 ,i. Of 5.'JD SHOR!" PlAT, BElNG ~ STRIP 30.00 Fm' IN WIOTH .OS ESTASUSHED 8'l' INSTRUl,lf.NT Rf.CIJllOLlJ Ul>IIJF.R i omcrro HEREON. REOORDI~ N\JMBER 7501l120G3.l SUTE OF IIASIIJl,!;JOII \~ KING COUNTY SURVEY CONTROL POINTS USED AB LISTED l1WQ"ER PMCEL; THE WEST 5S.oo f"ITT OF LOT 1, RE\!SEll SHORT Pl).T NIM!D: 474[)-\(I, K; RITORllED UNDER RECORDING NUl.!ll[R COIMT'r' CF KING THE KING COON!)' HORll(.fflM. MID \IEllllC\L CONTROL POINTS US[D ["lJll !HIS SUR'/£1' WERE ~rnrn 38.'l\ mo =· 77051 \0932, BEJNG A R™SIOM OF SHORT PLAT R£CORDED UNDER RECORDING NLJIAlER 7109210450, BEING A PORTION 0 OF THE ~ IW..F OF Tli[ NORTIOST QUOJIIER Of Th'E NORllil'/EST OUAATER OF l'Hi. SOOTHEAST QUAIITER OF sreno~ ~ I CffiTFY THI.T I Kl«l\l OR f\(\1£ $1.TISfACTORY El'IDElf:E 11W YllWAI,( H. IJl'[l},'fMy EXPRESSED RIGIHTS 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, !WICE 5 EAST l'.d' THE WILlAl£TTE MERIJWI, IN Kl~ COUNTY WASHINGT!lf!: mo EVA M. Bl'IHE'IU.'(, m1-!ED THIS oo::t.lJWJ()N mD ACKIIOltUDGElJ IT 70 BE TI-!EIR iH1$ SUFMY WAS P!lEPAAEO FDR THE EXCLUSM: US!: OF M.J.F. HOUNMGS INC., DONAi.fl H. .'.l.l\11\YER ANO IWl..EEN E. TOGETl£R WITH 11£ SOOIH a.DO Fffr r,-SIJD LOT I. EXCEPT THE WEST 65.0(J ITfT THEREOf, /IND EXCCPT lliC t:o.sT ej FREE N!l IOWN"II.RY .o.Cf fUR TIIE USES ANO PURPOSES MEI/IIOOE!l IN THE Al.11.IA'IER, Hl!SIIAIE mD WH. RICHTS TO RELY ON Oil USE 11115 ~ 00 ~ EXTEND 10 AN( UNW.W[I) P.IRIY INSIRIJMOO. WITHOUT EXPRBS fll':CEllllflO.TION DY ~ C0'1SULTING E'NGM!l!S, !NC. NJD/OR THE PROFESSIONAL LANO tea.oo THE:REOF. SUM'TOO WHOSE SEAL APPEARS H(ll£0.I. -, 1/,l>ii' ACCESS EASEMENT NOTE -Q}f:~/', .:::)~;.) ~TW: cw,--ITTLE REPORT ] PACIFIC l>KJHIHWf:;r TTIU COMPANY Of" \II.ISHtlCION INC~ F'lAT CEJmnCAT£ ORDER flUUBER 6554M OATID NJGUST 21, AN IN(lR'ESS. ECl!ESS I.ND Ul1UlY f.ASDIENT rm mE BENEFIT Of TII[ O'IIN!'R or IOT "Fl" Of THIS B~Uf!PAA'Y UH£ ... ,,,;,. ·\.:Z~'I =p~OF ·r,_k';u~ -.r '1007 AT 8:00 IJ.I. All.lt.lSTMEIIT IS £ST/llll.lSHED UPON THE RE:CCN'lDING OF ms llOlJNOAAY LINE A[l,JtJSTI.l!N O'trn A PORTION OF I.OT -~·. /IS \ .'..:~?·· ,.~ SUBJECT ID: SHOWN ON SHffi 2. THE OWNER OF LOT "8" S\lAU. BE RESPONSllll.f fllR Tlif 11-\INIUWICE OF THE F"-CIUTlES 'lolTHIN ~ mu: "MA,* , S,1,/ll f.l.S[IIENT. THE OWNER OF LOT "A" Of TIIIS SOIJN!Wl'\' IJNE /IJJ.JUSTl,100 5'W.1 RETAIN THf. RQ!T TO O\JILO A IIY IJ'POINTMENT EXF1RES ;;i::;a~ 1. EASEJ.IM ANO lHI' ITTli!S IJID CONOOIONS R£ml£NC8l Tl9£11, fU!I INGRESS, EGRESS 00 UTII./IY l'URPOS!:S, PUOUC RQ.IDW.IY OYER WO DSE!ffi,IT, AN IJ.TO!~TE ACC£SS TO LOJ 'U' 51!'.LL Sf PROVID:D OORJI-IC CONSTRUCTION ' RECORCMrlC l!O. 7:iffi1206JJ, ALONG Vllltt A COIEMAHT TD BEAil ~ SHARE OF !ME COST Of CONSJRUcrntl OR Of SAID POOU: RllNJIIA'f. REP/ii:!. V.SEMENI IS GRI.PIIICAU.Y DEPJCTID [ti $HffT 2 TiiE OOEJ.IENT Stw.1 BECOM( Nill AND \/0!) WHEN mo If A ROADIIIAY IS auu {M]l THE SIJD EASEJ.IM AND THE g smr or W.I.SHINGTON \~ ' EOSOIDIT /JolO JliE IERl,jS IJID CONIID"JNS REFERDlCED lHERElN, FOR sn)lij WATER Ft.OW, RECO:lOOIG NO. l!OMIWAY IS OOJICATUl TOTHE PU!lUC LISI.GE Alll/llll IS ACCCT'IIll FM WJl{JC)Wlef: B'1" A PUBUC ~GtllCT. Rruoo!. :; "'"'"' = 75061206J4. U.50.ENT ts CIW'HK:>1.1.Y D[F'OEO ON SHEET 2. or 00 E:llSTlNG 1.CCESS rllCIUTIES SIW.1 B£ THE R£SP0NSIBIUTY OF !JI[ DE\'"<LOPER WOO B\J!l.CS THE ROAOWAY. I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISfAC!ORY f"'1llEIICl: TWIT I.IICIWl. J. ffiJEROORH ' EISnF.NT AND THE Tm!S 00 CONDl"llONS REFERENCU> THfREIN, FM UNDERCROUIID ru:cJRIC Dt,IRIOUTIOII :; IS l\l[ PffiSON WNO A"PEIJ!ED BEFORE ME, AND ™> PERSON >CJ(NO'M.£1)(;£ THAT SYSl!lil, Rf.COROO/G NO. 7512150!!44, E.ISOENT !S GRAPHK:AI.LY D[PICT[O ON Sf'EET 2. ~ flE SIGNED THIS rr."SIRUWOO, OH Oil."Tli STl<IDl TIW HE li'AS N.ITT!OlllZED TO EXECUTE Tl-£ IGTRUMENT AHO .l.00«.l'M.Er(ED rr IS TI£ ?RESllENT or wr l!OI.Jlll«.S, INC, C TD 8£ THE FREE I.Nil \".lUM!Alll' /'CT Of SUCH PNITI' FOR Th'E USES 11110 Pll!POSES •. rAS(I.IM .1111) THE raws .IJ./0 COffDllJCm REflRENCEO TNEREIN, FOR SEW£R MAINS mo Al'PURIDWICES, 1 MOOIOlffil 1H THE INSTRIJWENT. RECOR!ltiG NO. II00~1DO.Wl. rASEhlOO IS CRAPHICAU.Y DEPICTED ON SHEET 2. ' EISDIOO 00 mE TEFUJS AND COmiffiONS RErERF.NCED THEREIN, FOO DRAINAG[ rN:IUTIES, R£CORONG 00. ,,,,,•''C.'L~'-,-.,. o..1m 2-5.08 9710211378. EASEhlOO IS CRAPHICAl.!.Y D£P1CJ[D ON SHITT 2. {··~~;·:::;~"\_ mr~~ 4!uwu c. (iu.h.y 6. OAAINACE RElDSE AMO THE TERMS mo CCNC.OOI-IS THEROOF, l'!XrnDING NO. 509408.J, RECAADt/G" CONSENT I l~refJ-.:.n~~ ~ ~~~OF Sabin( C UShcv 10 nlE 1-1'.lUPJ.L FtOW OF SURFliCE \'MID FRCt.l ltlf P'I.AT OF WAl.1111\UI TO OE CARRlrn IN ITS W.TUPJ.l. C1W1Na ACROSS Tl£ SWJ(CT PllOPERIY /Ml ro HCM..ll THE COUNTY BLIJ.l~tm, nJR ANY O>W.CE THIIT IIAY BE CALISED B'f SolJO OR.olNACE FLOW. \ \ P°C"~~v .f§j mu i \~···· . .t<-')o/.~·:/6/ I« .ol'!'OIN!Moo EXPIRfS , z -9-zo,, J. AGRffilrnr mo THE TmMS ANO COrnlllTDNS THFRF"OF, [![CORDING NO. 0004100543, RffiARDll,I, A PRIVATI: ~:ri_?i:fi~~i'' lll(f'OAAR"i' WATm LINE AND A '10-f'FlOTECT CIMIWIT. ,, AGREEMENT mo THE lERMS AND CONM!OHS Tl1[R[(lF, RE~ 00. S1@220ol55 R[G,\ffilNG lll(PORAA"f ;, " \IATE!l SCIMC[ ~~O l/0 mTEST PRO\IISIDNS FOR A \!ATER W.IN E"ASEMENT ROOl.!REO TO SEIM: Sl,IQ Pf!°'5ES. \ 9. OOIEHlffiS. CONOOlOllS, RES'IRICTIONS ml [A50Ull"S WITIJNED tJ SHORT PIJ;rs, R(COflDING NO 7"°9240450 AND 1105110!!.ll! ?: ~ REFERENCE SURVEYS EXISTING AREAS PROPOSED AREAS I THE PlAT or WP1..E GI.DI R'ECOROCO IN \/CM.uME 105 AT P...-:t: 15. THE PlAT OF IIAU!AVEH mamnN NO. 2 RECOROED tJ PAACEL A (LOT 1J 5-l,55B SQ. IT, ""' 65,700 SQ. fT. IDJJIIIE 69 AT PAGE ~6-~7. ~I~ O"JUl{J)" SOOITT PlAT RECOl!OO} lHJ[R RrCOODIHC I/UMBERS 77051109~2. 7400240450, S50:ioaoJ.l2 >ID 750'.!270261. R£C@D or SUIMY REOOll!MtlG NO. 20050713900009. rAACE1.~(LOTn) 28,323 so. ff. ,ma 17,182 SQ. FT. / " ' " IIHll~IIHHl~H LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE al SVRYE'r FOR M,J,F, HOLDINGS, INC, • ~ '"" ""' '"'"' ,mm, 22617 -BTH DRIVE SE THS iW' CORRECTI.Y RU'RES£NTS ~ Sl!RVE.Y WOE II'," ME OR I.MIER IIY -O!REC1JON II CONF~ \lllH THE REQUIREMENTS OP TlfE SU~ BOTHELL, WA 98021 20080221900006 "'~ f!'l'QORl'.llNG W AT Tl1E REQUEST Of' Ii$ HOWINC, IMC. m OUIY, 2001. ,1. \ ~)2~ -=2 ' -~ ~"'cor;r.. ~ Bl.Al1 113.H ;:; "': (425)251-67!!2 FAX -.~ M~ =~ 7ft' :J;',>l1~'1,-!'~l9 ?lt S,. '® Hev~r \ .l OI/I.-.\IHJPIRNHIJ. -7/U/07 12787 S'oq/1-~~ oV[ffp' "' °'l"~ ..... .,,G,._._1.<t SUINE'!IHG,~ILSEJM:':tS CHKO. BY -SHEET NE M. 5TM:Kl-!OUSE ~· 5VPT.~~ CERTincATI: NO. 3-fS71 --== = •I• 1 "' 2 • ()0 "' t5 ~-• ~ -§'. '5-"' 0 > ~1 e ~1 ci • ,;__ t ' ;1 • 0 ~ z " z 15 "j ~ 0 ~ " " w ~ ~ '< ~ ~ 0 z 0 F ~ 0 ~ I \ I I ' I ' ! i! I Hi _»JI! g I ~ <'J ~ ' <'J ' ' ~ ~ ;:. C ~ ! ·I I ··i •.I :1 r, '*IT ll/ll;'':f•~.)14$t:AIIM"7",..1'f . .') ..... ·--·,-- \ VOL~)972 PAt.1290 .·.~V-~T: .. i.):1,_ '~_!-!H() l,,.;1.t./,,Yii!'l'';l!'<N4>j •--~...:..,,':';-~·"'"·t~-;. .. : .. ·. :"-~~. ·----~~-.,..,. .. __.. ..... ~~.~·-.u_,{.;., ,...,~J,.'fc,,., _./.,_,:,,'.,.< ":;:···_'.. . ... 509408a C"j ~ .. r THIS AOREl!IIENT, ""'de nt·----'l"i~•"n=(""-----~---..---•Waohington 'f) on the I ';ttb 0 day ot: ____ _.o"'n"'t"'ou..hcgcJ.:J;'.;. ..... _______ .,l9 _'i!l_, by and bowoon .... C)Abra•,a,m C, Wall ,nd f:Xelxo A Well f.tldttona H, WttJedr,S find To1r1,e a lh1'Jed1;e-.. -. hiz:1 wire · . · · his wife i1 WSB(IHFt--tNft:'llDli, HllREINAFl'ER CALLEO THE Fiasr PAllTlES, and KING OOUNTY, a IIUNICIPAL . . GCRPORATION, HEREINAFrER GALLED THE SECOND 'PARTY, and , WHEllEAS, first parties represent and ,ran-ant tlvit thoy BI<l the OlTtlero (tenant, mortg,,;gee) oi' that oertain parool of land deaoribed aa follo,ror . and The Et or tho Nt of the NWt or the SJ,.':; or .~ec, 32, Townehip 2) N, l~an,;e 5, ~st W. M. Heco~ds of K1nr. Gountr, State of WA~h. WHEilEAS, the aoocnd perty by its Boo:ro of County Cormuosicnero, ia about to soaept for reoording a plat knc,;m ae W/llJH. v tt'N Wherein' the fle.tUl'al drainage l~.l~r1fl-~f~ro-.. -.JCi.')i-\d,1Jp.Jjl .. !1-\t"'-1-.-8~t~t~1.in=e-.-.,,~,..,-. -.-.~t~}-1e'~proper==~t~y-O~f~tTh_8_lli-~st,~ Pa:r-tie s, nCM I the ref ore IT IS l!UTllAU.Y AORlll) A$ FOlLO'lfS1 '!>hat the said F':Lt'•t Partl.eo hereby conaont to the natural fl.ow of our!s.ee water f'rom said plat to be carri•d in it, natuul oharaiel aorooo the property of tho F':Lt'st Partiea and to hold King Cc:<inty blamoleoa· for any damage that may be oauoed by said drainage flmo I'ta HOA!ill bJi OOiiffl'"tltm!M!cill®l PA!l'l'Y OF THE SECOND PART• I ·11·.· ·-JI \ •. '·.~· .. ' .. :J .J l I l ; 0 q .,.. N I - ., I KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 58 The undersigned, /J,NA:4) :--· -c::. C (husband and wife), owner (s) of the following deScribed real property in King County, Washington, towit: for and in consideration of Water District. No. 58, King County, Wash- ington~ hereinafter called "District", granting permission to coanect a private temporary water line to said property pursuant to the terms and conditions of Reso- lution No. 1403, as adopted or amended by the Board of Commissioners of said water District No. 58 ~ does hereby agree as follows: l. Water service shall be for a sin.gle family home only. 2. The undersigned shall obtahi. fro1n others at his cost all easements which may be necessary for the installat5.on of a temporary service line. 3. If required by the District and as part of the consideration for sai~ permission, the undersigned has granted and conveyed or hereby agrees to grant and convey to the District ease1Jents over, throL.3h, under and across the above described property for water mains and appurten- ances for the implementation of the comprehensive plan or for the improvement of th~ water sypply of the system of the District. 4. The undersigned agree to pay forthwith t· t meter and service install- ation charge of $ .;Jot::-l!'d , the general facilities charge of $~S' and the special temporary service charge of the District: f;l fl.!JtJ, Oo aPd shall pay for water service at the prevailing rates of the District under the same terms and conditions as the other customers of the District.Lateo::::lner's payrrent of$ 65.70 5. The undersigned hereby agree chat no protests can be made by him (them) or his (their) heirs, administrators, executors and assigns, against the construction of or assessment for a permanent water main which may be constructed to serve said property. 6. The undersigned further agree to pay their pro rata share of the cost of che water line installed or to be installed as a part of a utility local improvement district or by a private party or parties. I (we) hereby agree to pay the cost of moving the meter f~om its original location to connect to the new water main, together with the cost of connection, if and when a permanent main is installed to serve said property. 7. The undersigned further agrees to obtain and present to the water district written approval or waiver by the fire marshall and/or his duly authorized representative in the locale. This written author- ization shall be on file wit.h the temporary service agreement.. This agr~ement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon all parties and their heirs, administrators~ executors and assigns unt.il the permanent water main to serve the above described property has been constructed and accepted by the District. . rJ t/l IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I (we) have hereunto set my hand and seal this~ day of d,r&-(! H !'7 / -1 - .:. a;. re , , I • ' , - ' r ' ··,7:, ~ ST,.'\Tf.:. OF WASHil'lf,.';T(N ) Ln / ss 0 CO\!NTY OF KTNO ) a I, __ .. ic.c....-.;<:.-'.;.b;:.;C;..·_'-_;..F_. _ ... ?c...'_'·..:· .O::;.:;.H:_·'-'..:>':.1 _' ___ • a Notary Pub l ic in and for the State oi Washington 7 r~siding at --~«='-"-~:~/_:~_,_~_;_'_:C._·_,_-_.,,~;/------' do bereby certify that on thls / ?71 day of' /r...,.,,..;;~· ~· t:;: , 19~1 personally app%red before me ,Z.o.,,,,:;;/,./ ,,¥ #,{T,,/,,/ r£'£" /£-qe/e,•,, £ 4-'T/i,1'y.,;;5 to me known to be the individual (s) descrihi"d herein and Wlo executed the wi ttiin instrurrient and ac:knowledged that ,#~ s:i gncd and sealed the .same as a free and voluntary ~ct and deed for the u~es and purposes therein ment~ ioned. GIVEN mDER MY HA~'D AND OFFICIAL SEAL tllis /7,2--day of /Y'.a-r,;,( /f"{.J 0 19_. Notary Public i'nand for t~~~~~te_ of~/ Washington~ :residing at h·/'._,/,_~Jt:..--,,, I ' :~ ' ,,~, i: t: ;I )i ·····I '.;..\ '' . ·.,·; \;;,w ;. c ('! · \ ~ 1., P, ,,:'J KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. ~.-ns,:i:~ -::'ii, ::y;N'\0455 REC[, F 4.00 AGREEM&NT FOR TEMPORARY WATER SERVI~sHSL ''*'*4. Of, :.2. The unders:igned, Duain.e L. Moe anti Ma.r,qaret Moe ----- (husband and wife), owner (S) of the follo~ing described real property in King County, Washington, towit: Lot 1 of Short-f~=t 47040 11.108 SE 184th PL for and in consideration of Water District No. 58, King County, Wash- ington, hereinafter called "District"• granting permission to connect a private temporary water line to said property pursuant to the terms and conditions of Reso- lution No. 1403, as adopted or amended by the Board of Commissioners of said Water District No. 58, does hereby agree as follows: 1. Water s~rvice shall be for a single family home only. 2. The undersigned shall obtain from others at his cost all easements which may be necessary for the installation of a temporary service line. 3. If required by the District and as part of the consideration for said permission, the undersigned has granted and conveyed or hereby agrees to grant and convey to the District easements over, through·, under and across the above described property for water mains and appurten- ances for the implementation of the comprehensive plan or for the improvement of the water sypply of the system of the District. 4. The undersigned agree to pay forthwith the meter and service install- ation charge of $ 300. QC ~ t:he general facilities charge of $ and the special temporary service charge of the District$ 300.~ and shall pay for water service at the prevailing rates of the District under the same terms and conditions as the other customers of the Distric ':, 5. The uwdersigned hereby agree that no protests can be made by him (them) or his (their) heirs, administrators, executors and assigns, against the construction of or assessment for a permanent water main which may be constructed to serve said property. 6. The undersigned further agree to pay their pro rata share of the cost of the water line installed or to be installed as a part of a utility local improvement district or by a private party or parties. I (we) hereby agree to pay the cost of moving the meter fvom its original location to connect to the new water main, together with the cost of connection~ if and when a permanent main is installed to serve said property. 7. The undersigned further agrees to obtain and present to the water district written approval or waiver by the fire marshall and/or his duly authorized representative in the locale. This written author- ization shall be on file with the tempnrary service agreement. This agreement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon all parties and their heirs, administrators, executors and assigns until the permanent water main to serve the abcve described property baa been constructed and accepted by the District. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I (we) have hereunto set my hand and seal this-~~ day of-~~~--~(_],_ __ 19Ji/_. i{LwJMR '.::;I·~ [., ' ' ·l l\t\\ -~·-·,, _:;Z;'. --. /It I I ·.· .... i Xi ,.,.......-.- ST1'TE, OF WASHIN,-;T(N ) COUNTY Or JONG ss ) I, ~4--£ /( tM~ . a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, r~siO)ng at -~l(!;.,,cs""'~"",::;:;::;::.~~~~~~-~~~' do hereby cert it")' that on th;~!ay o( ~ef , 19 f/, personally appeared before me~/t><r: /v'Jl1,J1/ffn.c,,:J {2 ~ to me known to b<> the indfoidual (s) des.:;;~:;r•in and \>.ho executed the t•iithin instrument and acknowledged that si.gncd and sealed 'the sa1r.e as a :free and voluntar}' I\Ct and deed 'for the uses and purposes tlle:rein rncnt- ioned. GIVEN UNDER MY HANO AND OFFICIAL SEAL this _,_/~_ .. Zc..._ 19fL. :.,' t, ' iia"eil""lr?ii'Qfflll!!l':!!!72"!1!!! """'4ffl& .. J~ .. ,. i ~:--~ --_-~:.::0A:·:--:~::~=~b1~:~~r,·t;~ ~1 ,', .··t:; ...... , ' ,. ":; '.·' ·- •• • . ' " i ·' Mv ...... -..... L, .l.l\'l,.ua;.»~., 1,.,,1 .. !,'.\'\.,,'I 'I . ' .,,1 ---.,,,,,,.,,.~,.-,,'-;.\.:•_,, '•i• .. ,1,' ., Th, grnnto, ... ,;,: ... ho,o ln .•. ~ .. <., ..... ~J! .. : ..... f.h.£.6~.(.,;,, ...... f.. ..... A!C.dt:: .. C::.~.:e ...... .<.'.S:: .. , ......... . .. u £ff/.._ ....... d .... ff,,.,., .r ... <f,, ... 1.v,.r:...· .............. _ ..................................................................... . ' (or the considcr11.1ion of •••• .1:/.1,1.[11.IJJn •..• fl..~n.e.:?.1 .. t:. ........................................................... , .. _, ........ ._ ..... DollarH and alsu of benefice co nccruc 10 ...... J'J.tt.b... ................ by reason of layint out and utablishing a public road 1hrough, ...... S..t2Ld. .......... _, ... propcny 1 and whh::h is heteinal1er dcecribcd 1 convey ...... rclcasc~ ... 1 and quh•claim ..... co che County ol ...... lc'~ .......................... -, .................. State-of Waahing1on 1 for use of the Public lorcvcr,ns a public road and hlghll'ay,all interesl in the following dcecrl1>ed real csta1c, including any aher acquired tide, The Easterly 30 feet 1n width of the North·l/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, ~.H. Containing: 0.23 Acres M/L. R/W. 112th Ave. S.E. together lflth the tlrlit lo to.Ike all n1<1N1t.r7 •lop" for out1 and tl1.11 upon the abuttinr properly and on , uoh aid" of aald de11orlbed rl1hkf,1n11 ln t1onfonnU1 with 1hr,ndard p1&n1 and 1peal.do•Uon1 for hlghwa7 z,wpoae., and t.o the tu1t txtont and plll'poM ., Lt tbt rlrhtl beNiD. 1ranttd Ji.•d bOeJl a.o.qu.lttd b7 oondemn1dou proooodlnp undor Bmluenl Domain•~• Bill• ot Wuhln(lon, . lltuated in tbt Oount7 of ...................... ,~ ............... 7.~f-:C:.:.: """';.''.'' Stitt of Wuhlnrton, Dol,d lhl1 .... ,, ... ,,,'~() .......... do1 ol ................. ,:', ··, ............ , A. D, 1&.2 ... l/- WITNEBBt ).· ... JR~: .... ,, ...... . .~~ ....... .. ' :, l l I \ ' ) ' ' 'i i I ! ) r I I \ l f ! I ) ! ' } .r ,, ., i\ '"1 'i, ! j •.< <1 •;, I ·\ ·1 , . . j .. . , ) ., ... f ) ' .-,..,. ,, ·, ).' "•) '· ' ''1 :,: .I ','i' .1 .,. 'j ;·'. ·. i i ! i nme·renm~rz:mzrm1rser I I I I . J ,,. I \'i: \ , ':','•,, STATS OP W~HINGTON )1.d ... ' ·. COUNTY OP ...... ~ ............. :f'.;"7 . , • . ,n~On :::·~;~:~~~~d::;·~~£z:.~;,::~·::~:~~~~:: "" ....... ..,.~1/tfr;.:-....... 14,.~.I::.. ·r-"·'° ....... ~ ... bt ~'d&L .... .!. deaorl ID and·-pf"·~•oa}o1 th• ':"lthin lnatrntaeat -.ud aokuowltdpd to mo th1't .. ~ ··~ ....... .trned ...o and uialeO. lbe um, u. ....... .'::::q.Jl.tJA,..,<,,.,.lree t.nd ,obl.lltiq aol ud dHd lO't lhe uu• u.d e therti.A N ; r--. .. ,ntlo•od. ·~~· n ..--- Wltn, .. m7 band &nd olllol,l 001l Ibo da7 and 70111 :.l.~.u.~ Notar, Pnbllo ln ud tor tho State of Waablngton, reeldlng at .................. /~.~ ............................... . •' .......... _ .. ___ _ ! l I J II I I 1 I I i I" I !, i ~ ~ r.'.l g_ I I ~ l l I ~ I .:i • r I "' I I ' !, f, J ' • I I l "l ' I ~ j I ~rs ' I f I ~ I I I I J " !:! • • • .. .a ~ .$: -~ 'l! ' I I / i I ] I ~i ' ~ J ' u "l.a .,; • I • ,:i J " J t] I 1i "' • ~ ~"' /',; "' 0 • • ·' j ------ L1 RfCOROlO 1.1[;, .. ........................... f~ v! ' • "'·' ........... REQUEST or ' l.'1 '" 1.:' ., ... >· . J 1975 FEB 27 Ml R 30 .... ,. (' • l :.< ,, ; ' i, 13 (. '., ' • _.ft~ DlftC(';l ..,1·, , : ~ j1 • ' \ ,'.. 1!:LECTl~1Nf> •t,INQ 00, WN (\; : ' ·~ \" f' ;,J t, ,I Uf'.PUTY ' · i r:p •ll£Pf0RRECOROATR£2~~0fl ··~ PIONEER NAT'l, TITLE I 719 SECOND AVE ,. SEA TIU, W<6.SHINaTOli 96104 .-/1 .• \ '. ! I \ I ' I: ! \ ' ' J j '\ RETURN ADDRESS: Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Attenllon; R/W Department PO Box 970341 Est O&W Bellevue, WA 98009-9942 (Zach Bergman) REFERENCE #: \11111111111111111 20121121001279 PUGET SOUtm EN EAS 74 .00 PAGE-0ra1 OF ee3 U/21/2612 u,:l;\Z KDIG CO\l'ITY, \.IA EXCISE Tf .X NOT AEQU:RED ~:~ny EASEMENT D ORIGINAL GRANlOR: Geonerco Properties WA, LLC GRANTEE: PUGETSOUNDENERGY,INC. SHORT LEGAL: Loi A, KC Ree, #20080221900006 & lot 2, KC Rec. #8503080332 ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL: 32230$.9302 & 322305-9294 For and in consderation of One DoTiar($1.00) and other valuable consideration in hand paid, GEONERCO PROPERTIES WA, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company , ("Grantor'' herein), hereby conveys and warrants to PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC., a Washington Corporation (~Grantee" herein). for the purposes hereinafter set forth, a nonexclusive. perpetual easement gver, under, along across and through the foUowing described real property ("Property" herein) in King County, Washington: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. Except as may be otherwise set fQrth herein Granlet'ts rights shall be exercised upon that portion of the Property (Casement Area• herein) described as follows: EASEMENT No. 1: ALL STREETS AND ROAD RIGHfS.OF-WAY (BOTH PRIVATE AND PUBLIC) AS NOW OR HEREAFTER DESIGNED, Pl.ATIED, ANOIOR CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY. (WHEN SAID STREETS AND ROADS ARE DEDICATED TO THE PUBU~ THIS CLAUSE SHAU. BECOME NULL AND VOID.) EA§EMENTN0.2: AS1RIP OF LAND 10 FEETINWIDTHACROSSALLLOTS, TRAClSANDOPEN SPACES LOCATED WITHIN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY BEING PARALLEL TO AND COINCIDENT WITH THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID PUBLIC STREETS AND ROAD RIGKTS-OF-WAY, EAsEMENT No. 3: ALL ALLEYWAYS AND PRIVATE DRIVES (eom PRIVATE AND PUBLIC) M NOW OR HEREAFTER DESIGNED, PLATIED, AND/OR CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY. (WHEN SAID ALL AI.L='fWAYS AND PRIVATE DRIVES ARE DEDICATED TO ntE PUBLIC, THIS CLAUSE SHAU. BECOME NULL AND VOID.) EASEMENT No. 4: ASTRIP OF LANO 10 FEETINWIDTii ACROSS ALL LOTS. TRACTS P.NDOPEN SPACES LOCATED WITlllN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY BEING PARA1.LEL TO AND COIMCIDENT wnH 1HE BOUNDARIES OF ALL ALLEYWAYS AND PRIVATE DRIVES; 1. Purpose. Granlee shall have the right to use the Easemenl Area to consttuet, operate. maintain. repair, replace, Improve, remove. and enlarge one or more utility systems for purposes of transmission, distribution and sale of gas and electricity. Such system may include, but are not limited to: Underground faelliUes, Pipes, p!pelines, mains, laterals, conduits, regulators and feeders for gas; conduits. &nes, cables. vaults, sw"tches and transrormers for eleetrieity: fiber optic cable and otl,er lines, cables and facilities for communications; semi-buried or ground-mounted facilities and pads, manholes. meteB, fixtul'$$, attachments end any and all other facilities or appurtenances necessl;l,'y or convenient lo any or all of the foregoing. Fonowing the initial construction of all or a portion of its systems, Grantee may, from time IO time, construct 5-Uch additional facllitles ~ lt may require for such systems. Grantee st.an have the right of aooess to the Easement Area over and across the Property to enable Grantee to ex~se its rights heraunder. Grantee shah compensate Granter f~r any damage to the Property eaused by the exercise of such right of aceess by Granlee. 2. Easement Ania Cll!ilring and Maintenance. Gr:,nlee shalt have the right to cul, remove and dispose of any and an brush. trees or other vegetatfon in the Easement Area. Grantee shall also have the right to control, on a continuing basis and by any prudent and reasonable means, the establishment and growth of brush, lrees or other vegetation In the Easement Arm. 3. Grantor's Use of Easement Araa. Grantor reserves the right to use 1h19" Easement Area for any purpose not Inconsistent with the rights herein granted, provided, however, Granlor shall not construct or maintain Altmyer Plat 105071109 & 107046579 / 083261 Page 1 of3 any buildi119s, structures or other objects on the Easement Area and Grantor shaU do no blasting v.;thin 300 feel of Grantee's facilities without Grantee's prior written consent. 4. Indemnity. Grantee agrees to indemnify Grantor from and against 6ability incurred by Grantor as a result of Grantee's negligence In the exercise of the rights herein granted to Grantee, but nothing herein shall require Grantee to Indemnify Grantor for that portion of any such liability attributable to the negligence of Grantor or the negligence of others. 5. Abandonment. The rights herein granted shall continue until such tms as Grantee ceases to use the Easement Area for a period of five (5) successive years. in which 8'1'enl this easement shall tenninate and aU rights here.under, and any improvements remaining in the Easement Area, shall revert to or otherwise becane the property of Grantor, provided, however, that no abandonment shaTI be deemed to have occurred by reason of Grantee's failure to fnilially Install its systems on the Easement Area within any period of time from the dale hereof. 6. Successors and Assigns. Grantee shaU have the right to assign, apportion or otherwise transfer 'air/ or all of JIS rights, benefits, privileges and interests artslng in and ~nder this easemcmt. Without limiting lhe generality of the foregoing, the rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be bil'lding upon their respective SUCC8SS0rs and assigns. DA1EDth~ IS7"t dayof AJ,,.,,,,,l,,r-,2012, GRANTOR: GEO NERCO PROPERTIES WA, UC, a Washington Limited Uablllty Company BY: GEONERCO INVESTMENTS, LLC, a WashTl'lgton Limited LlabDlty Company STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )SS COUNTY OF ) "/"' I -On this~ day of N"1/.c. ..... .er 2012. before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly conunissioned and sworn, personally appeared George M. Heffner IV, to me known to be the person{s) \\M signed as Member, of GEONERCO INVESTMENTS, U.C, a Washington Limited Uabillty Company, the corporation acting as manager of GEONERCO PROPERTIES WA, LLC, a Washington Umited Uebility Company that executed the withfl and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to tie HIS free and voluntary act and deed and the free. and voluntary act and deed of GEONERCO INVESTMENTS, LLC, as manger of GEONERCO PROPERTIES WA, UC for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and on oath staied' that HE was authorized to execute the said il'lStrument on behalf of said GEONERCO PROPERTIES WA, LLC. Altmyer Plat 105071109 & 1070465791083261 Page 2of 3 NOTARY PUB UC In ~nd-Ztthe Stale of A Washington. residing at ti< cl"'-( W ~ MyAppolntm<ntEJCQires: $"-Y-Znt-S ' . ' ' EXHIBIT"A" TAX PARCEL#322305-9302: LOT A. KING COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER L07L0065, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20080221900006; SITUATEINTHECITYOFRENTON,COUNTYOFKING,STATEOFWASHINGTON. TAX PARCEL#322305-9294: LOT 2, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 884052, AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 8503080332; SITUATEINTHECITYOFRENTON,COUNTYOFKING,STATEOFWASHINGTON. Altmyer Plat 105071109 & 107046575 /053261 Page 3of 3 CHICAGO Tffi :J) REF# /JS,? 'z .S:;I • i:, After recording return to: John Baringer Geonerco Management, LLC ! 441 N. 34" Street, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98103 l~llliilillllllll!I 20121206002440 CUCACO nTLE REAS 72.11 PAGE-001 OF Ht 12/06/2112 14:4t'I KING COUNTY, YA RELINQUISHMENT OF EASEMENT GRANTORS: Dennis E. Bosshart and Cynthia L. Bosshart GRANTEE: Geonerco Properties WA, LLC LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, King County Short Plat Number 884052, recorded under recording number 8503080332, King County, Washington. TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 322305-9294 Grantor,, Dennis Ii Bosshart and Cynthia L. Bosshart, husband and wife, are the owners of the following property in King County, Washington: Lot I of King County Short Plat Number 884052, recorded under rerording number 8503080332, King County, Washington. Grantors are the beneficiaries of a turnaround easement created by King County Short Plat Number 884052, rerorded under recording ntunber 8503080332, in King County, Washington. The turnaround easement burdens Lot 2 of King County Short Plat Nmnber 884052, recorded under recording number 8503080332, King County, Washington. For valuable consideration the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Grsntors hereby relinquish and convey to Geonerco Properties WA, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, all interest in the turnaround easement affecting the following described real estate: Lot 2, King County Short Plat Number 884052, recorded under n:cording number 8503080332, King Connty, Washington. GRANTORS: &~~J& Date: 1//:J:?/;'2-Date: //...-rif·-/,), • State of Washington } } ss. County of King } I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Dennis E. Bosshart and Cynthia L. Bosshart are the persons who appeared before me and said persons acknowledged that they signed this i~eNiWMfknowledged it to be their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes menti~~hff~ent. ,.,·~~ ··-~If(,"" ~0~~S10N~~~ /," S' ~<! 7. -""'~ ~-Dated: !$'2-,,. ,, NOTARY i:,i - ~~\ PUBLIC J j ';~\ ~?~ ~ ~-.. ~201~··~ S' 'i,,,<jf:' WAS~\~,,,," '''""'"''' otary public in and for e State of Washington Residing at <l,;_f(tM. wA My appointment expires :8. 7 · Z/JJS ® AR CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY 701 FIFTH A VENUE, #2300, SEATILE, WA 98104 ORDERNO: YOURNO: UNIT NO: LOANNO: PHONE: (206)628-5610 FAX: (206)628-9717 001352952 ALTMYER· 06 ,, MAR 2 5 :J!::i SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT #2 :_tlt.~ ~------------------------------- 0 R D E R R E F E R E N C E I N F O R M A T I O N SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER: 2 PURCHASER/BORROWER: GEONERCO PROPERTIES WA, LLC .,/'; Our Title Certificate dated 11/08/12 at 8:00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: AS PARAGRAPH NUMBERS 15 AND 16 HAVE BEEN AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: AT PARAGRAPH NUMBER 15: AV 1. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES): YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL A AU PARAGRAPH NUMBER 16: 2013 322305-9302-06 2128 $ 366,000.00 $ 1,000.00 BILLED: $ 5,365.67 PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ 5,365.67 AW 2. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES): YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: 2013 322305-9294-06 2128 SEE NEXT PAGE SUPPCOM2/RDA/0999 AX CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY Order No.: 1352952 Your No.: ALTMYER UnitNo.: 06 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT (Continued) ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL B $ 596,000.00 $ 1,000.00 BILLED: $ 8,716.98 PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ 8,716.98 THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS CERTIFICATE SINCE NOVEMBER 8, 2012, EXCEPT AS SHOWN HEREIN ABOVE AND ON SUPPLEMENTAL 1. AY MARCH 4, 2013 AUTHORIZED BY: MIKE HARRIS SUPLCOMZ/RDA/0999 @ AJ CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY 701 FIFTH A VENUE, #2300, SEATTLE, WA 98104 ORDER NO: YOURNO: UNIT NO: LOAN NO: PHONE: (206)628-5610 FAX: (206)628-9717 001352952 ALTMYER 06 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT 0 R D E R R E F E R E N C E I N F O R M A T I O N SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER: 1 PURCHASER/BORROWER: GEONERCO PROPERTIES WA, LLC Our Title Certificate dated 11/08/12 at 8:00 A_M_ is supplemented as follows: AQ THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH HAS BEEN ADDED TO OUR CERTIFICATE: AO PARAGRAPH NUMBER 21: AP 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND ENERGY UTILITY SYSTEMS FOR GAS AND ELECTRICITY PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES, AS DESCRIBED IN SAID INSTRUMENT NOVEMBER 21, 2012 20121121001279 AK THE FOLLOWING IS ADDED TO PARAGRAPH NUMBER 8: AL AM THE TURNAROUND EASEMENT AS DELINEATED ON THE FACE OF SAID SHORT PLAT, HAS BEEN RELEASED BY RELINQUISHMENT OF EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20121206002440. THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS CERTIFICATE SINCE NOVEMBER 8, 2012, EXCEPT THE MATTERS NOTED HEREINABOVE. DECEMBER 7, 2012 AUTHORIZED BY: MIKE HARRIS SUPPLCOM/RDA/@99 • AGO TITLE COMPANY • FTH A VENUE, #2300, SEA TILE, WA 98104 PLAT CERTIFICATE Order No.: 1352952 Certificate for Filing Proposed Plat: In the matter of the plat submitted for our approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of KING County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that the title to the following described land situate in said KING County, to-wit: SEE SCHEDULE A (NEXT PAGE) VESTED IN: ,'.)_;_-ir;r• GEONERCO PROPERTIES WA, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY EXCEPTIONS: SEE SCHEDULE B ATTACHED CHARGE: $350. oo TAX: $33.25 Records examined to NOVEMBER 8 , 2 o 12 at 8:00 AM By DARYL jqAVIDIS Title orfcer (206)628-5610 "fi'· ."! '' PIA TCRTA/RDA/0999 PARCEL A: ei!CAGO TITLE COMPANY PI.AT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A (Continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Order No.: 1352952 LOT A, KING COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER L07L0065, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20080221900006, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: LOT 2, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 884052, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8503080332, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PlATCRTL/RDA/0999 CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULEB Order No.: 1352952 This certificate does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: A. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent lo the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. C. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. D. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. E. Any lien, or right to lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for stale workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. F. Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. G. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. H. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding or in the same becoming a lien. I. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. J. Water rights, claims, or title to water. K. THIS REPORT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED UPON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE LIABILJTY OF THE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS($1000.00). PLATCRTB/RDA/00'1J ei!CAGO TITLE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) EXCEPTIONS Order No.: 1352952 A 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: ACCESS AND UTILITIES PORTIONS OF PARCELS A AND B AUGUST 12, 1975 7508120633 • SAID INSTRUMENT CONTAINS PROVISIONS FOR BEARING THE COST OF MAINTENANCE, REPAIR OR RECONSTRUCTION OF THE RIGHT OF WAY FOR ACCESS AND UTILITIES BY THE USERS. c 2, EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: UTILITIES; FACILITATE THE FLOW OF STORM WATER A NORTHERLY PORTION OF PARCEL A AUGUST 12, 1975 7508120634 D SAID EASEMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED BY RELINQUISHMENT OF EASEMENT DOCUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9710211379. B 3. UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT APPURTENANCES PORTIONS OF PARCELS A AND B DECEMBER 15, 1975 7512150844 CONTAINS COVENANT PROHIBITING STRUCTURES OVER SAID EASEMENT OR OTHER ACTIVITIES WHICH MIGHT ENDANGER THE UNDERGROUND SYSTEM. 4, EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: CASCADE SEWER DISTRICT SEWER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES A NORTHERLY PORTION OF PARCEL B APRIL 10, 1980 8004100547 PlATCRTBl/RDA/0999 G 5. H 6. ei!CAGO TITLE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: (Continued) Order No.: 1352952 CONDITIONS THEREOF: CASCADE SEWER DISTRICT SEWER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES A SOUTHERLY PORTION OF PARCEL A APRIL 10, 1980 8004100548 CONDITIONS THEREOF: THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN DRAINAGE FACILITIES A PORTION OF PARCEL A OCTOBER 21, 1997 9710211378 r 7. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, NOTES, DEDICATIONS AND SETBACKS, IF ANY, SET FORTH IN OR DELINEATED ON THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7705110932. J SAID SHORT PLAT rs A REVISION OF SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7409240450. K AFFECTS: PARCEL A L 8. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, NOTES, DEDICATIONS AND SETBACKS, IF ANY, SET FORTH IN OR DELINEATED ON SAID SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8503080332. N AFFECTS: PARCEL B N 9. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, NOTES, DEDICATIONS AND SETBACKS, IF ANY, SET FORTH IN OR DELINEATED ON THE BOUNDARY/LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20080221900006. o AFFECTS: PARCEL A 10. RELEASE OF DAMAGE AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: ABRAHAM C. WALL, ET AL KING COUNTY OCTOBER 21, 1959 5094083 PIATCRB:i/RDA/Dm ei!CAGO TITLE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1352952 RELEASING KING COUNTY FROM ALL FUTURE CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM: NATURAL DRAINAGE FLOW FROM ADJOINING PLAT. o 11 , AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: • AFFECTS: PARCEL A DONALD H. ALTMAYER AND RAELEEN E. ALTMAYER, HUSBAND AND WIFE KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 58 APRIL 10, 1980 8004100543 TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE s 12. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: T AFFECTS: PARCEL A DUAINE L. MOE AND MARGARET MOE, HUSBAND AND WIFE KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 58 SEPTEMBER 22, 1981 8109220455 TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE u 13 . RIGHT TO MAKE NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS OR FILLS UPON PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED AS GRANTED IN DEED: GRANTEE: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: v AFFECTS: PARCELS A AND B KING COUNTY FEBRUARY 27, 1975 7502270261 w 14. MATTERS DISCLOSED BY SURVEY OF SAID PREMISES BY BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC., DATED FEBRUARY 22, 2007, UNDER JOB NO. 12787, AND BY PHYSICAL INSPECTION ON JANUARY 12, 2012, AS FOLLOWS: A. A SIX FOOT WOOD FENCE MEANDERS ALONG THE SOUTHERLY PROPERTY LINE OF PARCEL B, AND ANY ADVERSE RIGHTS STEMMING THEREFROM. B. A SIX FOOT WOOD FENCE LYING UP TO 5.3 FEET WEST OF.THE WESTERLY PROPERTY LINE OF SAID PREMISES. PIA TCRB2/RDA/C999 eilCAGO TITLE COMPANY PLAT CERTIF1CATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1352952 C. A WOOD FENCE LYING UP TO 1.1 FEET NORTH OF THE NORTHERLY PROPERTY LINE OF PARCEL A. D. A SIX FOOT CHAIN LINK FENCE LYING UP TO 2.2 FEET INTO AN ADJOINING RETENTION POND NORTHEASTERLY OF SAID PREMISES. x 15. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR {AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES): YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL A 2012 322305-9302-06 2128 $366,000.00 $1,000.00 BILLED:$ 4,992.83 PAID: $ 4,992.83 UNPAID: $ 0. 00 16. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR {AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES): YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL B 2012 322305-9294-06 2128 $ 596,000.00 $1,000.00 BILLED: $ 8,107.47 PAID: $ 8,107.47 UNPAID: $ 0.00 z 17. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT OUR SEARCH DID NOT DISCLOSE ANY OPEN DEEDS OF TRUST OF RECORD. IF YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF ANY OUTSTANDING OBLIGATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE TITLE DEPARTMENT IMMEDIATELY FOR FURTHER REVIEW. AA 18. UNRECORDED LEASEHOLDS, IF ANY, RIGHTS OF VENDORS AND HOLDERS OF SECURITY INTERESTS ON PERSONAL PROPERTY INSTALLED UPON SAID PROPERTY AND RIGHTS OF TENANTS TO REMOVE TRADE FIXTURES AT THE EXPIRATION OF THE TERM. AB 19. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT FOR GEONERCO PROPERTIES WA, LLC. PLJ\TCRB2/RDA/0999 ~ICAGO TITLE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1352952 AC 20. THE LEGAL DESCRrPTION rN THrs CERTrFrCATE IS BASED ON INFORMATION PROVrDED wrTH THE APPLrCATION AND THE PUBLIC RECORDS. THE PARTIES RECEIVING THIS CERTIFICATE MUST NOTIFY THE TITLE INSUl\ANCE COMPANY IF THE DESCRIPTION DOES NOT CONFORM TO THEIR EXPECTATIONS. AB NOTE l: ANY MAP FURNISHED WITH THIS CERTIFICATE IS FOR CONVENIENCE IN LOCATING THE LAND INDICATED HEREIN WITH REFERENCE TO STREETS AND OTHER LAND. NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED BY REASON OF RELIANCE THEREON. NOTE 2: EFFECTIVE JANUARY l, 1997, DOCUMENT FORMAT AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN IMPOSED BY WASHINGTON LAW. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE DOCUMENT BY THE COUNTY RECORDER OR IMPOSITION OF A $50.00 SURCHARGE. FOR DETAILS OF THESE STATEWIDE REQUIREMENTS PLEASE VISIT THE KING COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE WEBSITE AT WWW,KINGCOUNTY.GOV/BUSINESS/RECORDERS.ASPX AND SELECT ONLINE FORMS AND DOCUMENT STANDARDS. THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 65.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: LOT A, KING COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20080221900006; AND LOT 2, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8503080332. END OF SCHEDULE B PlATCRB2/RDA/O'llJ I. e-i!CAGO TITLE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1352952 AZ THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COPY OF THIS CERTIFICATE: D R STRONG 10604 NE 38TH PLACE, SUITElOl KIRKLAND, WASHINGTON 98033 STEVE SCHREI (425)827-3063 HARBOUR HOMES 1441 NORTH 34TH STREET, SUITE 200 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98103 JOHN BARINGER (206) 315-8130 EMAIL EMAIL PLATCRB2/RDA/0999 RECEIPT EG00005924 BILLING CONTACT GEONERCO PROPERTIES WA LLC 1441 N 34Th St, 200 Seattle, WA 98103 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME -,--~·'· , -.. LUA 13-000368 PLAN • Final Plat Fee Technology Fee Created On: March 25, 2013 Prepared By: Gerald Wasser TRANSACTION TYPE =,,,-~~<=<=~'""'=>-w~~~•==<nn, Fee Payment Fee Payment MAR 2 ~ 2013 iK?/~,' c<; fE i1 \V'~ [Q) PAYMENT METHOD ,, . Check #651 Check #651 ,-., SUB TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT PAID ,,, $1,500,00 $45,00 $1,545,00 $1,545,00 Page 1 of 1