HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1~i--------~:s-.... _,=--~-.,....;· '·,:----~ '1 " • It, PERMIT# _ __,'J/1-'----- PBPVa.05 10:'99 : 128Y)OVAL~ \N \/e.L~~ 'RE.PLA~~ I~ ("\a£tr-l ~ rl}J - •. a ·-,__ .... \ ) " ! ' ' ,A• ~ ~ ; l l \ \. LA~E: \A/~14(,,TeN BollU:.V.I\Rt> NoQ.Ti-t l'\APJ.-.e. [A.ca,,M& A + ,rJ r tee Ir 50ft, Se-e,v !U NW, /Ne,. .CoR.Nl.15 ft.CRIM -4' f'(Rl.1.5 ~ AtlcR 'PA~,w,< ~ <t)~l)J'l,I' ~ Ac.ER ?A1.."4>,TU.M 'WP t 'B\.00'\)(:,00't>' AlcR C..IR!JNATUM ~ Vle'.UWUM 11N . 0 RW)tle>"Ot;"'t> ti.ON -'?IN~ 0 ~ A ® @) ' •,,. ' ··, Re:.M.oVA L PLAN R\-\ODO~~ClN 'PRUNU.S-flh,,JW.\l"I.& Pw.M (Y\ A-L,(\'.)OL\ A AC..tR P OP(J..l.t.L$ t'R\..\.N u.5-f I.OW r?FJ\'lG, C\\E:RR Y C{;''Dru.l.S t::€00~ f'INu.$ Ll Qlll t>lliM.eiAR ST'{ AA(.\ ~1.-l.lA .yisti~ ~~t*\r1f)$ '~A, 2 ·• ~· ·~ ; I ''] .'\i-: \ -~-' QJTTmn1 ~~+ I t'.., k,...,, '--~+>(~~--·~-~1r:r~. ' I DEPARTMENT OF CC MUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT MANAGER: OWNER: APPLICANT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: EXPIRATION DATE: EVALUATION FORM & DECISION May 22, 2014 LUA14-000418 Marina Landing Tree Removal Jill Ding, Senior Planner REEP-SP MARINA LANDING LLC 1300 N 20St Renton, WA 98056 Anne Morey A & M Tree Service 19712 147th Ave SE Renton, WA 98058 1300 N 20th St The applicant is requesting approval for the removal of 22 trees that have been identified as nuisance trees (Exhibit 1). The project site is currently developed with an apartment complex and is located within the Residential Multi-Family (RMF) zone. Trees to be removed include Cherry trees and Cedar trees that are located between the apartment buildings and carports. In addition, one Big Leaf Maple tree that is located on the southeast corner of Lake Washington Blvd N and N 20th Street would be removed. The proximity of the trees to the buildings has become very narrow as the trees have grown. In addition, many of the trees are located within close proximity to power meters and other utilities. The applicant is proposing to replace the 22 identified nuisance trees with 22 minimum 2-inch caliper trees within an area mapped as sensitive slopes (slopes between 25 and 40 percent) along the surface parking area located on the eastern portion of the project site. REVISION: The applicant has identified an additional Cedar tree for removal and has requested an amendment to the approved Routine Vegetation Management Permit. The Cedar tree has been identified as a nuisance tree and is located on the west side of Building B along Lake Washington Blvd N. The applicant is proposing to replace the nuisance tree with a Hinoki Cedar in the vicinity of where the original tree was removed. May 22, 2015 Page 1 of 3 City of Renton Department of Comm y & Ecanomic Development Rou •. ne Vegetation Management Permit LUA14-000418 Marina Landing Tree Removal GENERAL REVIEW CRITERIA 4-4-130H4: YES 1. YES 2. YES 3. YES 4. YES 5. YES 6. YES 7. The land clearing and tree removal will not create or contribute to landslides, accelerated soil creep, settlement and subsidence or hazards associated with strong ground motion and soil liquefaction. The land clearing and tree removal will not create or contribute to flooding, erosion, or increased turbidity, siltation or other form of pollution in a watercourse. Will the land clearing and tree removal be conducted to maintain or provide visual screening and buffering between land uses of differing intensity and consistent with applicable landscaping and setback provisions ofthe Renton Municipal Code? Comments: To ensure than screening and buffering along the public right -of-way (Lake Washington Blvd N) and within the surface parking lot is maintained, staff recommends as a condition of approval that of the 23 replacement trees proposed, 1: be permitted to be installed to the east of the surface parking lot located on the eastern portion of the property, 5 be permitted to be installed along the west side of Buildings 0, P, and Q and 2 be installed along Lake Washington Blvd N in the vicinity of Building B. Can the land clearing and tree removal be conducted in a way so as to expose the smallest practical area of soil to erosion for the least possible time, consistent with an approved build-out schedule and including any necessary erosion control measures? Land clearing and tree removal shall be consistent with subsection D2 of this Section, Restrictions for Critical Areas -General, and RMC 4-3-050-Critical Areas Regulations. Comments: Staff recommends as a condition of approval that an inspection be completed upon the installation of the replacement trees by the Current Planning Project Manager. The retained trees will not create or contribute to hazardous conditions as the result of blow-down, insect or pest infestation, disease, or other problems that may be created as a result of selectively removing trees and other vegetation from the lot (s). Will the land clearing and tree removal being conducted maximize the preservation of any tree(s) in good health that is an outstanding specimen because of its size, form, shape, age, color, rarity, or other distinction as a community landmark? DECISION: The Marina Landing Tree Removal Routine Vegetation Management Permit is Approved with Conditions*. Page 2 of 3 City of Renton Department of Commu • & Economic Development Marina Landing Tree Removal *CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Rout,,,e Vegetation Management Permit LUA14-000418 1. Site inspection required upon completion of installation of trees. Contact Jill Ding at jding@rentonwa.gov to schedule the inspection. 2. The proposed replacement trees shall be a minimum of 2-inch caliper trees. 3. The replacement trees shall be located as follows: 16 replacement trees shall be installed along the surface parking area located along the eastern portion ofthe project site, S trees shall be installed within the landscaped areas along the surface parking area to the south of Buildings 0, P, and Q, and 2 trees shall be installed along Lake Washington Blvd N in the vicinity of Building B. SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION : c.z.V, -_J May 22, 2014 C.E. "Chip" Vincent, CED Administrator Date Appeals of permit issuance must be filed in writing on or before S:00 p.m. on June OS, 2014, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renter WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, 425-430-6510. Reconsideration: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. Expiration: The Routine Vegetation Management Permit shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance. An extension may be granted by the Planning Division for a period of one year upon application by the property owner or manager. Application for such an extension must be made· at least thirty (30) days in advance oft he expiration of the original permit and shall include a statement of justification for the extension. Page 3 of 3 I ® ~ 01 ~ (ii ~· .-1 I:; a:i 1-1 :c riS / ,;· J : 1?£j110\)~\-~ N Yev ... ~ 'UE:.P LI~· >Sr':> I ~ (,<Lt:.€N ., -0 __, el,. 12\,. , ' LA'f'..(: W}oi$\"\tl4( rthl l:'JL'>U.LC.V!\t<O Noi'.!."'fr\ ~~~~ ~ail~ 1t-1, ~. A ... ffl,ee:e ~ 'Av,u. NlV, /Ne,;. Ru'\oVAL PLAN i>.HOOOl:#ll:>l'-'>N ?RUl'lu.s-Fl.h'Ns"-<1<0 p\.U.M M~"'OUA AC.f-1\. POP<Jl-\J.$ 1'Rll.N"-'-(U>W0'JNG, .[1\f:l<.\W Cs"t>RLcS ,:;,,;001>,RA 1'1Nll.S LIQ.lll Dh"!cA'-S T'(l'J<.\ yLW, 4., sti n.j ~~t:;~~!\: D X ~ 1o T3:z 1Zer1 o;x<ZMAR 21 W14 CITY ()F r1.rnto N VI.ANNING 01v1;;1or~ , --":"~-, Gunove Ceda.. Orudo.ro. · \,I'\ 'DCU':'Y>e Cv(e,c.._ Denis Law Mayor February 27, 2014 Community and Economic Development Department C. E."Chip'Vincent, Administrator Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Subject: ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPAi THRESHOLD DETERMINATION · Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on February 24, 2014: SEPA DETERMINATION: Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated (DNSM) PROJECT NAME: Roman Short Plat PROJECT NUMBER: LUA13-000795 Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on March 14, 2014, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. Please refer to the enclosed Notice of Environmental Determination for complete details. If you have questions, please call me at (425) 430-7219 For the Environmental Review Committee, ~~«~ Jennifer Henning Planning Director Enclosure cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Boyd Powers, Department of Natural Resources Karen Walter, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Melissa (alvert, Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Gretchen Kaehler, Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Ramin Pazooki, WSDOT1 NW Region Larry Fisher, WDFW Duwamish Tribal Office US Army Corp. of Engineers Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on February 28, 2014. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum oJ $105.00 !/7,/e.tr /11 ,,;: to2',. nda M. Mills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 28th day of February, 2014. <Jii ¥-~ O&u[1x.£-- Kathleen C. Sherman, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Buckley, Washington \ , .. , ; ; . , ., tc: -': \ °", i•,r· ,c ,. '1 cJ· .. 11, ~' (_;'·· · '<;,;/?:~,;'}{it;?>/ . '' ;_\\'\.\\\.;,,....:0-''~- '" pNOTICEOF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee has issued a Detenni- nation of Non Significance Miti- gated (DNS M) for the follm.ving project under the authority of the Renton municipal code. Roman Short Plat LUAIJ 000795 Location: 2120 JONES Ave NE. Subdivision of a 2.27 acre lot into 2 lots & 1 Critical Are- as Tract Tract A in the R 4 Zone. Lot l would be 5,729 sf (small lot cluster per RMC 4 2 110A) & Lot 2 would be 8,324 sf. Tract A would be 84,883 sf. An existing house would remain & an existing shed would be removed. Den- sity would be 1.3 dwelling units per net acre. Three Cate- gory 3 wetlands & a Class 3 stream (Kennydalc Creek) are located on the site. The stream buffer would be averaged to a minimum of 37.5 ft on a portion of the west side of the creek. Enhancement and the protection of additional created buffer is proposed. Appeals of the DNS M must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on March 14, 2014. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner c/o City Clerk, City of Renton, l OS5 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner arc governed by RMC 4 8 110 and more infonnation may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, 425 430 6510. Published in the Renton Reporter on February 28, 2014. #994454 Jill Din From: Sent: A & M Tree Service LLC <aandmmorey@comcast.net> Friday, May 16, 2014 2:33 PM To: Jill Ding Subject: RE: A & M Tree Attachments: Marina Landing Revised Additional Tree Replant Plant.pdf Here is the new map, will this work? Anne From: Jill Ding [mailto:JDing@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 7: 16 AM To: 'A & M Tree Service LLC' Subject: RE: A & M Tree I think that would work. If you could revise your clearing/planting plan to indicate that a replacement tree would be planted in the vicinity of the tree to be removed, that would allow me to proceed with the permit revision. Thanks, Jill From: A & M Tree Service LLC [mailto:aandmmorey@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 4:46 PM To: Jill Ding Subject: RE: A & M Tree Mike suggested a Hinoki Cedar? Anne From: Jill Ding (mailto:JDing@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 2:08 PM To: 'A & M Tree Service LLC' Subject: RE: A & M Tree Anne, (~ L llA I '-1-(}')'.}l t 'o ~lw .(;·te._ • You could replace the cedar with a different variety of tree that would be more appropriate for that location. Is there another variety of tree that would work at that location? Thanks, Jill From: A & M Tree Service LLC [mailto:aandmmorey@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 8:13 AM To: Jill Ding Subject: RE: A & M Tree 1 Jill, Attached is the site plan we worked on together. The Cedar is located along Lake Wash Blvd but the area there for replant is minimal as you can see in the pictures. I'd like to replant that cedar up above with the others and maybe we can put one of the 5 to be planted by the upper buildings down there instead of a large evergreen tree? What do you think? Anne From: Jill Ding [mailto:JDing@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 6:45 AM To: 'A & M Tree Service LLC' Subject: RE: A & M Tree Anne, Could you give me a site plan (or amend the original one you gave me) and include the location and type of replacement tree? Thank you! Jill From: A & M Tree Service LLC [mailto:aandmmorey@comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 6:08 AM To: Jill Ding Subject: RE: A & M Tree Jill, Attached is the letter addressing the additional tree. Please let me know if you need anything else other than this. We are hoping to finish up the work this week. The trees to the north of N 2o'h St have been removed at this point, we only have the maple and the additional tree to do. Thanks for your help on all this! Anne From: Jill Ding [mailto:JDing@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 6:23 AM To: 'A & M Tree Service LLC' Subject: RE: A & M Tree Anne, We can modify the existing permit, you will need to submit a letter requesting the modification including: 1. Which additional trees need to be removed; 2. The reason for their removal; and 3. Location and Type of replacement tree (planting plan) Any pictures you have would also help with the approval of the modification. As an FYI, if the tree to be removed is located along Lake Washington Blvd, we would probably require replacement in the vicinity of where the original tree was removed. 2 We would reissue the permit with a new 14 day appeal period. Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks. Jill From: A & M Tree Service LLC [mailto:aandmmorey@comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 2:19 PM To: Jill Ding Subject: RE: A & M Tree • OK, It's another cedar that sits not far from the big leaf maple along the street side. I took a few pictures to show proximity to the building and damage to the walkway so let me know if you need any of that otherwise it is right in line with the same issues that the others had i.e. root zone and too close to the building. Anne From: Jill Ding [mailto:JDing@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 11:47 AM To: 'A & M Tree Service LLC' Subject: RE: A & M Tree Thank you Anne, I am not sure what the process is for revising an issued permit to include an additional tree. Let me check and get back to you. Thanks! Jill From: A & M Tree Service LLC [mailto:aandmmorey@comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 9:08 AM To: Jill Ding Subject: A & M Tree Hi Jill, Wanted to drop you a quick line and let you know we started cutting yesterday. All the cherries are done and we are grinding those today. While doing another full walk through Mike has identified an additional Cedar across the street from the other Cedars that should be removed as well. He is going to take some pictures for me and I was hoping I could come by there with the map and our paperwork to go over it with you to see ifwe can add it onto the permit? Anne M Morey A & M Tree Service NW, Inc. www.aandmtreeservice.com 42 5-86 7-2 307 3 I; • ~- P'I I:; r::a M :c ~ __ , . _·-_· .~ 12£(Y)oVR~ '· N _Yec..1...~ 'UE.PL~tSf.~ I~ ( ')<Z£€i',l ... . qj"" .o~ M::. -NJ.-. ,~ t,'d)'(lll ~ -: ~ '-~ ., . _ _. · It 111 I Irr 1 4"fa QJ ,·~ -· ~*":-~ .Jiff~-~ A' -~:, ~. ' ' ~ .. ~ .... ,~ A ... rtJ rtEE _ tyi Srrtv.1ce NCo, I Ne,;. 0 * A ~ &,...,oVA\.. PL.A,N ffl()-N 'l'RU>lu.5-f'u,,l~>I(, PLI.U-1 Mfl<,."lOU A ~v.. ~UM'"' . 11 i POf>tll.US 1'IO;IU,l~..f\.tWmi!G _C'A!:\1,.Y Cl1t>'IIUS - L•~t W161\fl,1,;:r"" S<><u..tvMlo i'loO.-n< 1'1Nllf, l..!Q.Uli>M'-""-$T'(,..._\l'!.M . .y.ieti~ ~~D X ""/()-& l{,,.fT1~AR 27 2014 CITYOF RENTON """""""OMlo()N . ~~e. Cedar ~do.ro.' l (\ ~a,,;n~ ~€..4. • .. , (. J ' A&M Tree S1u • .lice NW, Inc. Commercial & Residential Services May 12, 2014 Madrona Ridge Realty Marina Landing c/o Don Hankinson 1300 N 20th St. Renton, WA 98056 This letter is in regards to the tree removal project that is currently happening here at Marina Landing. We have located an additional Cedar tree to the south of N 20'h St near the Maple that sits along Lake Washington Blvd. that should be removed as well. Below are pictures that show the proximity of the tree to the building and walkway posing the same nuisance issues as the other Cedar trees on the property to the north of N 20th St. We suggest removal of this tree with a replacement of a less evasive tree nearby. ~ .. i. Sincerely, Michael A Morey Jr. A & M Tree Service NW, Inc. ISA Certified Arborist PN-6934A CTRA#1794 425-867-2307 Here you see the limited root zone by the building as well as the first picture that shows the same limitation with the walkway. The blue arrow shows the ground for the power. Arborist Report for Marina Landing-Prepared by Mike Morey Jr. PN-6934A CITY OF RENTOl\ , DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: April 30, 2014 To: City Clerk's Office From: Sabrina Mirante Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Marina Landing Tree Removal LUA (file) Number: LUA-14-000418, RVMP Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Jill Ding Acceptance Date: March 27, 2014 Applicant: Anne Morey, A&M Tree Service Owner: Marina Landing Apartments Contact: Anne Morey PID Number: 3344500315 ERC Determination: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Administrative Decision: Approved with Conditions Date: April 30, 2014 Anneal Period Ends: Mav 14. 2014 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: The applicant has requested approval of a Special Fence Permit along the south side of Lot 42 of the Laurel Crest Plat (Exhibit 1). The property is located within the R-8 zone. The proposed fence would have a maximum height of 6 feet and encroach 5 feet into the required 15-foot side yard along a street setback. The proposed fence would be The posts would be spaced constructed cedar boards and trim, and pressure treated posts (Exhibit 2). utilizing approximately 6-foot on center, at no point would the posts be closer than 4-foot on center and no further than 8-foot on center. Landscaping including Silver Linden trees, Zabel Laurel, Rockrose, Wild Lilac, Eulalia Grass, and Kinnikinnick is proposed within the 10-foot setback alonn the full lennth of the fence to orevent a blank wall aMearance I Exhibit 3'. Location: 1300 N 20th St Comments: Approved with conditions ERC Determination Types: DNS -Determination of Non-Significance; DNS-M -Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated; DS -Determination of Significance. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND r(flitfyojf' f:f 'f.l ~~ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --------.J . ..,, .. ..,._ . ..,..,,.v_ . ..._ ~ PLANNING DIVISION ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE: -;Q Apri])ef. 2014 PROJECT NUMBER: LUA14-000418 PROJECT NAME: PROJECT MANAGER: Marina Landing Tree Removal Jill Ding, Senior Planner REEP-SP MARINA LANDING LLC 1300 N 20 St OWNER: APPLICANT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: EXPIRATION DATE: Renton, WA 98056 Anne Morey A & M Tree Service 1300 N 20th St The applicant is requesting approval for the removal of 22 trees that have been identified as nuisance trees {Exhibit 1). The project site is currently developed with an apartment complex and is located within the Residential Mu_lti-Family (RMF) zone. Tl::uJrQ is a ~a:tte1 ~Cherry /rees and Cedar;ffees that are located between the apartment _____ c:b.::u:._ild:._in__:g,::.s and carport~~ one Big Leaf Mapl~ree that is located on the souffieastco~ner of Lake Washington Blvd N and N 20th Streex-- The proximity of the trees to the buildings has become very narrow as the trees have grown. In addition, many of the trees are located within close proximity to power meters and other utilities. The applicant is proposing to replace the 22 identified nuisance trees with 2 -inch calipe minimum rees within an area mapped as sensitive slopes (slopes between 25 and 40 percent) along the surface parking area located on the eastern portion of the project site. -.so April/. 2015 GENERAL REVIEW CRITERIA 4-4-130H4: YES L YES 2. The land clearing and tree removal will not create or contribute to landslides, accelerated soil creep, settlement and subsidence or hazards associated with strong ground motio,1 and soil liquefaction. The land clearing and tree removal will not create or contribute to flooding, erosion, or increased turbidity, siltation or other form of pollution in a watercourse. Page 1 of3 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND r* G1y21, .. ··· (f;.·0,_ EcoNoM1c DEVELOPMENT ___ _..,,,,,,.,.-.•• r(~SJ!,DCl i?W PLANNING DIVISION ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: EVALUATION FORM & DECISION April 30, 2014 LUA14-000418 Marina Landing Tree Removal PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Ding, Senior Planner REEP-SP MARINA LANDING LLC 1300 N 20 St OWNER: APPLICANT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: EXPIRATION DATE: Renton, WA 98056 Anne Morey A & M Tree Service 1300 N 20th St The applicant is requesting approval for the removal of 22 trees that have been identified as nuisance trees (Exhibit 1). The project site is currently developed with an apartment complex and is located within the Residential Multi-Family (RMF) zone. Trees to be removed include Cherry trees and Cedar trees that are located between the apartment buildings and carports. In addition, one Big Leaf Maple tree that is located on the southeast corner of Lake Washington Blvd N and N 20th Street would be removed. The proximity of the trees to the buildings has become very narrow as the trees have grown. In addition, many of the trees are located within close proximity to power meters and other utilities. The applicant is proposing to replace the 22 identified nuisance trees with 22 minimum 2·inch caliper trees within an area mapped as sensitive slopes (slopes between 25 and 40 percent) along the surface parking area located on the eastern portion of the project site. April 30, 2015 GENERAL REVIEW CRITERIA 4-4-130H4: YES 1. YES 2. The land clearing and tree removal will not create or contribute to landslides, accelerated soil creep, settlement and subsidence or hazards associated with strong ground motion and soil liquefaction. The land clearing and tree removal will not create or contribute to flooding, erosion, or increased turbidity, siltation or other form of pollution in a watercourse. Page 1 of 3 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Marina Landing Tree Removal Routine Vegetation Management Permit LUA14-000418 YES 3. YES 4. YES 5. YES 6. YES 7. Will the land clearing and tree removal be conducted to maintain or provide visual screening and buffering between land uses of differing intensity and consistent with applicable landscaping and setback provisions of the Renton Municipal Code? Comments: To ensure than screening and buffering along the public right-of-way (Lake Washington Blvd N) and within the surface parking lot is maintained, staff recommends as a condition of approval that of the 22 replacement trees proposed, 17 be permitted to be installed to the east of the surface parking lot located on the eastern portion of the property, 5 be permitted to be installed along the west side of Buildings 0, P, and Q and 1 be installed along Lake Washington Blvd N in the vicinity of Building B. Can the land clearing and tree removal be conducted in a way so as to expose the smallest practical area of soil to erosion for the least possible time, consistent with an approved build-out schedule and including any necessary erosion control measures? Land clearing and tree removal shall be consistent with subsection D2 of this Section, Restrictions for Critical Areas -General, and RMC 4-3-050 -Critical Areas Regulations. Comments: Staff recommends as a condition of approval that an inspection be completed upon the installation of the replacement trees by the Current Planning Project Manager. The retained trees will not create or contribute to hazardous conditions as the result of blow-down, insect or pest infestation, disease, or other problems that may be created as a result of selectively removing trees and other vegetation from the lot(s). Will the land clearing and tree removal being conducted maximize the preservation of any tree{s) in good health that is an outstanding specimen because of its size, form, shape, age, color, rarity, or other distinction as a community landmark? DECISION: The Marina Landing Tree Removal Routine Vegetation Management Permit is Approved with Conditions*. *CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Site inspection required upon completion of installation of trees. Contact Jill Ding at jding@rentonwa.gov to schedule the inspection. 2. The proposed replacement trees shall be a minimum of 2-inch caliper trees. 3. The replacement trees shall be located as follows: 16 replacement trees shall be installed along the surface parking area located along the eastern portion of the project site, 5 trees shall be installed within the landscaped areas along the surface parking area to the south of Buildings 0, P, and Q, and 1 tree shall be installed along Lake Washington Blvd Nin the vicinity of Building B. Page 2 of 3 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Marina Landin Tree Removal Routine Vegetation Management Permit LUA14-000418 SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION: \ !' . .,./. c· i t' ___.. ? -I ' /._ April 30, 2014 C.E. "Chip" Vincent, CED Administrator Date Appeals of permit issuance must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on May 14, 2014, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, 425-430-6510. Reconsideration: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. Expiration: The Routine Vegetation Management Permit shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance. An extension may be granted by the Planning Division for a period of one year upon application by the property owner or manager. Application for such an extension must be made at least thirty (30) days in advance of the expiration of the original permit and shall include a statement of justification for the extension. Page 3 of 3 .-f 1- 1-t £0 1-t :c >< w \ 0-,'-'q}". ~~~ :j 0 ff,'1sl$1 ' ~fit ALL NOT BE C NSTRU _ / (jr-{!> -iORITV TO v'tOLATE OR , PROVISIOJ1t5 OF CODES, : OR_ OTHE,R REGULATIONS I THIS CllJ{ 1 "le r !A: ' . r ./ . -0 §JI: A+ ie ~ , ' 1,,."""-cr_'~Z--:-#_-__ r-I .~-I 1~--11"-' 11~··, 11,,, __ , $ ~ : 1?€1110 \J~ L~ ~ Yel\.~ UEPL~~':> 11'\ (')\Let:;~ ~ LA¥.~ Wi\~li4<;:.TtN BDLLU~.VARb NoQ.-n-i. ~-PlJ~ ... f.A~W11'4GI~ A+n1TeEE ~ Setv,u N<P, /Ne-.. a ~ A ~ ' Ro"'.oVAL PLAN 1'-\-\D~Ot<eND\'-ON 'PRUNU.S· I' t-,w&'1.11'E> Pt.U.M (Y\ f\-GtclOU. A ACR,'1,, POP\J.W.S r'RU>4U.S.-flCW€RIN& C~R\W Cft>Rl,lS D€0DA'RA l'INIJ.& LIQUliJ/\t'.-ST'{AAC.ll'LIM _ -Ui s-t i n4 lU .. p,t->Af\5,... D ..,. u '<'r.: ......... t:wt ..1 i}:. °Rerr.o_,~_.J,MAR 2 7 1014 CITY OF f!.ENTON PLANNING o"1v1:)10r~ 13~,- City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT PROPERTY OWNER(S) NAME: I ADDRESS: SI CITY:Q,~ ZIP: °t'60Sb TELEPHONE NUMBER6tto k?~ Q1:x) APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: A tvt0b Mo Q_£._ 'I COMPANY (if applicable):/} ~· rn T ~ s \/ ADDRESS:lC\J \;} \Lf)T'-1 Ave-s~ CITY~ ZIP:q~Q TELEPHONE NUMBER:~ ~5 %~ J o)30J CONT ACT PERSON NAME: COMPANY (if applicable): A "1-· {Vl T. 5 ADDRESS, l 0i 11 d I Lr, Ti, .4vc s c CITY: -:RC't,.)Jl)t0 ZIP: Oi~<K TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: 4.)'5 d-(oO Lj~O,_?, ' o.a,nclm +ree serv1 u..@. /rlQ,, l.e: H:\CED\Data\Forrns-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\masterapp.doc -1 - • ,. PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: ~-AO,~ ~ts)()\~ G PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: \~00 N o)Q--1-1,1. 01 ~~l'DI= WA Q~0.51..::, ) KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 3'344SOO 3 I'S EXISTING LAND USE(S): M t.J t-ll -F-ln--h / ~ / PROPOSED LAND USE(S): / !V/,4 EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION· (if applicable) ~' ;~!=-J'V/4 EXISTING ZONING: JZ-!"1F PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable):/\/ fa SITE AREA (in square feet): 14'1 3b2' SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: N/4 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ,ESS EASEMENTS: . /\/ 4 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable) /1,/ fa NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS )if applicable) /VIA NUMBER OF NEW DW;~NITS (if applicable): 06109 I 0 ti PR!ECT INFORMATION (contin,d) ~-~-----~-----------~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: d \DO SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF BUILDINGS (if applicable): /v'/~ ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): /J/4 D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-SIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): /Ji,4 . D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO D FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft . SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-R~TIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): ;/j D GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIA~UILDINGS (if applicable): f(:.//,1-V D HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. D SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES sq. ft. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPL~ BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): / A !' D WETLANDS sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION __ ,TOWNSHIP __ , RANGE_._, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SE~ A-TT 4-c. t-re7" D TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. /2.//H p 3. ' 2. 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) , declare under penalty of perjui;v under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one)_ the current owner of the property Involved In this application or the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the.foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all resoects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signature of Owner/Representative) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that~~~-~~~- signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. 0 ,-,-,--,cc-,.,,-~--c~-c--=-:-=,-,-,--:---Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ___________ _ My appointment expires:------~-- H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\masterapp.doc -2 -06/09 PLANNING DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS u LAND USE PERMi'tsDeiiillffAiU) '" WAIVED : MOOiFiED •.••..•.•.•. • .•. • •. :.·.·•.·•.•.· .. ••.·.· .. • •. · .•.. i .................... ·:,,··.·· .. •o··.·M·· ........ M. ·.·.~.· .. ~··.·.·,·.··r·.···s.·.·.·.··,··.··.··.·········.'··················. ) •••••• • ~qµJR'™~t{Jt$, • H • •• HH Hf ijy': • ':' • :~Yi : "' '"'' Calculations , qpipf#~ Miir)ff#{p1~riiwf t>> · · ·····. Construction Mitigation Description ,AND 4 Drainage Report , 1$i¢y~~i~~:11ti~~~siyf¥\f#~~·•••··•·•·•·•·•·•······························· Environmental Checklist, §#,~~~s•®¥~1ij~fi.tR~~Pr~~~%9hl¥I~•··•·•••••••••••·•············ Existing Easements (Recorded Copy), Grading Plan, Conceptual, ~r~tjirrf P1'in,P~t~i1~tj•/ • • •••• r ·•·········. Habitat Data Report 4 Legal Description, ~1~1it@µrf9tjptj1rW}'rRr~rtxPw~~.•: • ••••> .••. Mailing Labels for Property Owners , ¥~ii:ir~x;#im1f$11~J!'tRm~i11qm~A :1 • • • • • > · · Master Application Form, M9nY0ii9~f~~·~Pm~Pmrm~rMm¢n\t!••·••••i••·•·•·•·•········ Neighborhood Detail Map 4 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Planning Section PROJECT NAME: 1~1 A O J NG\ • DATE: JI 12/ 14 . 7 Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\waiverofsubmittalreqs.xls 1~FCE1VE" \ ~,-,5b( tS(~ u ~ MAR27Z014 CITY OF RENTON 02/08 1 PLANNING DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS ••• 8ANR Y§~· ~~ri1ti§Y,~Mmff-8rnW•••••• ••• .,. .,,,.w,.,.•.,',,.:.,~B·'·N'" .• ,'.,:.'.·.EO.·.,'.,.:,', ..• ,.,',',• •, .• ,'.,M .••.•. '., .. ,o,.·.• .. , .•• ,e.•••.".'.f,'.l.·,,.',E, .•. ',,·,p .•. : .• ,', .••. >• •>tRE;QU!Rl!!Ml!!!'ftS::)' >'' ::,, '''" . . , ,..., Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis• pi~if~l¥lPs®rmi~~xf • <••·<•' ,, .. Fi@i~'i&~~~AWPt~¥~~g~~fi•••t••••••:•••••••n•···•·•••>'''',,., ... Rehabilitation Plan 4 Site Plan 2 AND, ~tte@l•~ft~K~§1i/~/i§t~n~~/••:••••,::••••••••,•'•''''''''''''·' Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental 4 ~r@rnP{t~k~M1tiQ~tmi••mi~m+:•••••,•••••·············••·•''•••'',,,,., Street Profiles 2 f~1i~.R~~~¥Ar pi~(~~ffiA~~·;• •:•: :•••••:••••·:y••·•·•·••••••'••,,,,,, Topography Map, Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan 4 kintw•8'r1~w~iQn@t~f!#jt•B1mmi~ijR#ppttJ••·•••••••·• l,Jtilities Plan, Generalized 2 w~1i~@~•ijii~i1~~·~1~r1Fm~iffi••••••••••••·······················,·,,,,,, Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 ~~"'~~~ ~~ppt:tlp~iin~m\iRn ¥ • • •· .,. ,, Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND, Inventory of Existing Sites 2 ANDJ Lease Agreement, Draft 2ANos Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND, Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: 1 . Property Services Section RECFJ\/FC PROJECT NAME•-----+--------- 3 lj 2 /11 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section DATE: 4. Planning Section Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\waiverofsubmittalreqs.xls I I MAR 2 7 20:i, CITY Oif' RENTON PLANNING [)l\/!i;;l(J~-.J 02/08 ,. A&M Trees ·ice NW, Inc. Commercial & Residential Services March 3, 2014 Madrona Ridge Realty Marina Landing c/o Don Hankinson 1300 N 20th St Renton, WA 98056 Thank you for the opportunity to help with your properties tree needs. Attached is the report required by the city for the removal and replant process. If you have any questions regarding this report I can be reached on my cell phone at 425-770-3040 Sincerely, Michael A Morey Jr. A & M Tree Service MY, Inc. ISA Certified Arborist PN-6934A ISA TRAQ 425-867-2307 • r~c:c~r-1,.JE[; I.,[ .. ..._.,... -· CITY Of fd:NTON ?l. Ah!N';\·..J~s, i)!'·~<:;,,:~-i\ Arborist Report for Marina Landing-Prepared by Mike Morey Jr. PN-6934A A&M Trees ice NW, Inc. Commercial & Residential Service Scope of Work On March 3•• 2014 I visited Marina Landing to observe 22 trees that had been designated for inspection. I focused on any damage that the existing trees may have or are causing on the property itself i.e. foundation damage, drainage, possible utility issues to help determine if they were nuisance trees. This property is a 149868 square foot apartment community with minimal improvements such as painting taking place at the current time. The tree removal project is not preparing the site for future development as the property appears to be fully developed. The work will not be performed in a Native Growth Protection Easement or on a 40% slope or high landslide area. We will be doing stump grinding for each of the removed trees which is considered excavation. These will only be performed if the locate allows and will be done by a standard stump grinding machine. The tree removal process will involve typical tree removal tools such as gas powered and non-gas powered saws as well as a large chipper. No pesticides or herbicides will be used. There will be clear signage and caution cones directing pedestrian traffic as well as road traffic which will be minimal. An ISA Certified Arborist will be onsite for all removals. Pending approval of the permit we hope to complete the work by April 4th 2014 if at all possible. I have over 18 years in the industry. I am a Certified Arborist as well as a Qualified Tree Risk Assessor which is also known as TRAQ This qualification from the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) allows me to assess the risk of your tree(s). My visual assessments include a rubber mallet, a spade, a field microscope, binoculars, Stanley tape measure, and pruning shears. Observation: This property is located directly to the East of Gene Coulon Park a lake front community park for the city of Renton. This property was developed in 1986 and the landscape has been well kept. This property is on a gradual slope with the buildings sitting in a 4 set tier. There were a wide variety oftree species on the property but the ones we were to focus on set on the backsides of 3 of the tiers. Buildings G,H, K, L, M, N & 0. There is a pattern of Cherry Trees (Prunus) and Cedar Trees (Cedrus deodara) that sit between the buildings and carports. There is one Big leaf maple tree (Acer macrophyllum) that Is on the North West corner of Lake Washington Blvd North and North 20'h St. These appear to be nuisance trees as the longer they are there the worse the conditions will become. In several pictures below you will see where the proximity of the cedar trees vs the buildings are becoming very narrow. Also noted in pictures below are how close in proximity the trees are to the power meters and other utilities . • Arborist Report for Marina Landing-Prepared by Mike Morey Jr. PN-6934A A&M Trees ice NW, Inc. Commercial & Residential Services This shows one of the cedar trees and the narrowing space between tree and building. Also shows where one exposed root is and the closeness of that just on the surface . Arborist Report for M arina Landing-Prepared by Mike Morey Jr. PN-6934A A&M Trees 'iCe NW, Inc. Commercial & Residential Services This picture shows a different cedar tree and how the limbs are growing over the carport and the lack of room. Surface roots are running down the slope to the parking area as well. Here is one of many cherry trees that are set right in front of the power meters. This is common on most the buildings. The orange X marks less than 24" between power boxes and tree. Arborist Report for Marina Landing-Prepared by Mike Morey Jr. PN-6934A A&M Trees 'iCe NW, Inc . Commercial & Residential Services Here we see several things with another cedar, again very common for the others on the property. Less than 3 feet from utilities box where it has been dug into to contain access. The distance from tree to building here i s less than 1' with surface roots. Arborist Report for Marina landing-Prepared by Mike Morey Jr. PN-6934A A&M Tree ice NW, Inc. Commercial & Residential Services Here you see a cherry tree and the typical invasion of the root system. Some have been cut leaving large wounds. This shows the Big Leaf Mapl e and the limited area for growth. You can see the root sy stem through a spacer in the walk way. Arborist Report for Marina Landing-Prepared by Mike Morey Jr. PN-6934A A&M Tree s t1ice NW, Inc. Commercial & Residential Services The top picture shows the damage the Maple has caused on the other side of the walk way. The bottom picture shows how crowded the Maple is becoming with the street trees and the building. Arborist Report for Marina Landing -Prepared by Mike Morey Jr. PN-6934A A&M Trees 'iCe NW, Inc. Commercial & Residential Services Discussion: Being very familiar with apartment complex layouts and landscaping, after reviewing this property I am very pleased with the upkeep. These Cedars and Cherries have been well maintained but I feel are outgrowing their surroundings. Cedar trees love water this being said when you constrict them of water they suffer. Every tree is different as is every human so it's hard to say just how much suffering will or has happened but as they continue to grow they will start to cause other problems. Again, if it hasn't already started as l noted in the pictures above that several of the root systems were already headed in that direction. The cherry trees are in a similar situation. l did notice some gummosis on several of them which is a slimy substance they excrete when improper pruning. lawn mower strikes and other gardening tool injuries. These cause wounds that allow fungal spores to enter the cherry tree. I noticed quite a bit of cracks in the trunks that seem to be the reason for it but again it could be any of the above. Either way these trees are limited in space to grow as well, some are getting as big if not bigger as the buildings and will only pose more of a problem and cost in the future. Lastly the Big Leaf Maple is going to get squeezed out. The root system sits between a paved walkway and near several other street trees that are already crowding it Recommendation: l recommend that these trees be removed and replaced with trees that are better suited for the area. We can also propose to help maintain and inspect the other surrounding trees in the natural areas of the property to help keep the canopy where it should be. *"'**Date stamps on pictures are incorrect Pictures were alf captures on Murch J Jth & 12 11i of 2014. Arborist Report for Marina Landing-Prepared by Mike Morey Jr. PN-6934A OPERATING AGREEMENT OF SP APARTMENT COMMUNITIES m LLC TIDS OPERATING AGREEMENT OF SP APARTMENT COMMUNITIES m LLC (this "Agreement") is dated and made effective as of November 12, 2013 by and among SP APARTMENT COMMUNITIES m LLC, a Washington limited liability company (the "Company''), SP FUND MANAGING MEMBER II LLC. a Delaware limited liability company (the "Manager''), and SECURITY PROPERTIES MULTIFAMILY FUND II LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ( "Member"). 1. THE COMPANY. 1.1. Formation and Amendment On November 12, 2013, the Company was formed as a Washington limited liability company under the name SP Apartment Communities m U.C through the filing of a Certificate of Formation of the Company with the Washington Secretary of State. The Company, Manager and the Member hereby adopt this Agreement as the limited liability company agreement for the Company. The rights and obligations of the Manager and Member shall be as provided in the Washington Limited Liability Company Act, RCW 25.15, and any successor or replacement statute, as amended from time to time (the ".4.cf'), except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement. 1.2. Name. The business of the Company shall be conducted under the name SP Apartment Communities ill U.C. The Company may do business under that name and under any other name or names upon which the Manager may designate from time to time. 1.3. Purpose. The purpose of the Company is to engage in (a) the direct or indirect acquisition, development, ownership, disposition, operation and management of mixed- use commercial and/or multi-family residential real estate properties; (b) to carry on any lawful business or activity which may be conducted by a limited liability company organized under the Act; ( c) to exercise all other powers necessary to or reasonably connected with the Company's business which may be legally exercised by limited liability companies under the Act; and (d) the Company shall have the power and authority to do any acts and to engage in all activities as may be necessary, appropriate, proper, advisable, incidental or convenient to carry out the foregoing purposes and the protection and benefit of the Company and its properties and assets. 1.4. Offices. The Company shall maintain its initial principal business office within Washington at 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 5400, Washington 98101, or such other place as the Manager may determine from time to time. 1.5. Registered Agent. Security Properties Inc., a Washington corporation is designated as the Company's registered agent in Washington and the registered office is 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 5400, 98101. SP Apartment Communities ID U.C Operating Agreement #919148 vi /20781-126 Pageloftl/\1127 2014 c1rv OF ll'ENTON :·n ,l,f\J,~~li\JG DIVI.SIO~ 4.5.2. Term: Resignation; Removal. Each officer shall hold office until his or her successor shall be duly designated and shall qualify or until his or her death or until he or she shall resign or shall have been removed in the manner provided in this Agreement. Any number of offices may be held by the same person. Any officer may resign as such at any time. Such resignation shall be made in writing and shall take effect at the time specified in such resignation, or if no time be specified, at the time of its receipt by the Manager. The acceptance of a resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective, unless expressly so provided in such resignation. Any officer may be removed as such, either with or without cause, by the Manager at any time; provided, however, that such removal shall be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any, of the person so removed. Designation of an officer shall not of itself create contract rights. Any vacancy occurring in any office of the Company may be filled by the Manager. 4.5.3. Salaries. The officers and employees shall not receive salaries unless approved by Member. 4.5.4. Initial Officer Designation. The initial Officers of the Company shall be as follows: John M. Orehek: Robert M. Krokower: Dorothy Denton: President and CEO Treasurer Vice President 4.6. Conflicts. The Manager need not devote full time to the Company's business but shall devote such time as it, in its discretion, deems necessary to manage the Company's affairs in an efficient manner. The Company may transact business with the Member, the Manager or any affiliate of the Member or Manager. 5. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE MANAGER AND MEMBER. 5.1. Limitation on Liability of Manager, Officers and Member. 5.1.1. Liability to Company. Neither the Manager, officers nor the Member shall have any liability to the Company for any loss suffered by the Company which arises out of any action or inaction of the Manager, officer or Member, except, in the case of the Manager or officers, for acts or omissions finally adjudged to be gross negligence, intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law and except with respect to any transaction with respect to which such party was finally adjudged to have personally received a benefit in money, property or services to which such party was not legally entitled. 5.1.2. Liability to Third Parties. Except to the limited extent provided in the Act, neither the Manager, officer nor the Member shall have any personal liability for any Company obligation, expense, or liability. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, the Member shall only be liable to make its capital contribution. The Member shall not, SP Apartment Communities m UC Operating Agreement #919148 vi/ 20781-126 Page4of7 .. --..........,. TAG# Bldg. DBH Species Problem Resolution Replanting recommendation 397 Q . 2 trunk 7 & ' Cherry limited space for growth, planted Removal Cherry 9inch too close to building , 398 p 3 trunk 11,7 Cherry limited space for growth, planted Removal Cherry & 9 inch too close to building 396 p 3 trunk 10, 8 Cherry limited space for growth, planted Removal Cherry & 5 inch too close to building ' 395 0 2 trunk 11 & Cherry limited space for growth, planted Removal Cherry I 5inch too close to building 1394 0 18inch Cedar Invasive roots, planted too close Removal Cedar to building I 393 0 2 trunk 7 & Cherry limited space for growth, planted Removal Cherry I 2 too close to building ! 392 Office 4 trunk 8,8, 7 Magnolia limited space for growth Removal Magnolia I & 5 inch I 391 K 9inch Cherry limited space for growth, planted Removal Cherry I too close to building 390 K 20inch Cedar Invasive roots, planted too close Removal Cedar to building and utilities 389 K 8inch Cherry limited space for growth, planted Removal Cherry too close to building 388 L 12 Cherry limited space for growth, planted Removal Cherry too close to building 387 M 2 trunk 8 & Cherry limited space for growth, planted Removal Cherry 6inch too close to building 386 M 18inch Cedar invasive roots, planted too close Removal Cedar to building 385 M 11 inch Cherry limited space for growth, planted Removal Cherry too close to building 383 N 16inch Cedar invasive roots, planted too close Removal Cedar ' ) f~· ( .·· ;;~~ ,; \ / t: : to building i.~· 381 H 3 trunk 4,5 Cherry limited space for growth, planted Removal Cherry R 2 " ·•nil• & 5 inch too close to building MA.I i L',,- (:!T'V (sf 1 ·:._;-,J·; Pi r. \_''-i:·,:; · King County Department of Assessments: eReal Property PARCEL Parcel 334450-0315 Number Name REEP-SP MARINA LAND L L C Site Address 1300 N 20TH ST 98056 Legal HILLMAN$ LK WN GARDEN OF EDEN# 5 TRACTS 340,341 & 343 TGWVAC TRACTS 342 & 359 CD HILLMAN$ LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN DIV NO 5 TGW POR OF VAC LAKE VIEW BLVD LESS POR OF TRACT 359 LY WL Y OF NEL Y MGN OF LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N TGW POR OF GOV LOT 3 OF SEC 05-23-05 LY NELY OF LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N &LYN & WOF SD PLAT SD ABOVE DESCRIPTION DEPICTED ON SURVEY IN VOL 31 PAGE 182 RECORDING NO 8204069002 LESS POR LY NL Y & WL Y OF BORY LN AGREEMENT RECORDED 8509110605 AS SHOWN ON SURVEY IN VOL 46-170 RECORDING NO 8509119008 TGW POR VAC ST ADJ LESS ST TGW PORTION OF TRACTS 357 & 358 LY NEL Y OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD NORTH AS DEPICTED ON SURVEY IN VOL 45 PAGE 111 RECORDING NO 8506249011 AND BOUNDARY LINE AGREEMENT UNDER RECORDING NO 8506240829 LESS STREET UNDER RECORDING NO 860224789 TGW PORTION OF VACATED STREET ADJOINING PER VAC ORD #3947 BUILDING 1 Year Built 1986 Building Net Square 149868 Footage Construction Class WOOD FRAME Building Quality AVERAGE Lot Size 400533 Present Use Apartment Views y Waterfront TOTAL LEVY RATE DISTRIBUTION Tax Year: 2014 Levy Code: 2100 Total Levy Rate: $14.25053 Total Senior Rate: $8.78732 38.34% Voter Approved CIiek here to see levy dlsldbut1on comparison by year. TAX ROLL HISTORY Valued Tax Appraised Appraised Appraised Year Year Land Value Imps Value Total($) ($) ($) 2013 2014 8,811,700 20,194,300 29,006,000 2012 2013 8,811,700 16,955,300 25,767,000 2011 2012 8,811,700 : 11,586,300 20,398,000 2010 2011 8,811,700 , 14,188,300 23,000,000 Taxable Land Value($) 8,811,700 8,811,700 8,811,700 8,811,700 )51 L11,·,'.1, 'O'U.I, - -U.':3. :; .;~~t,!J. ~.J~- . -f :,:.,: () '·;'.10'. ' IJ/j a '--fc·r, _: ·;_''.:,!'.· C-·C.! _ ' C ]<_UC Taxable Taxable ·imps Value Total($) ($) 20,194,300 29,006,000 , 16,955,300 25,767,000 11,586,300 20,398,000 14,188,300 23,000,000 http://info.kingcounty.gov/ Assessor/eRea!Property/Dashboard.aspx?Parcel. .. Page 1 of2 Reference Link! King County Taxll Districts Codes ar Levies (.PDF} King County Tax Links Property Tax Advisor Washington State Department of Revenue (External Unk) Washington State Board of Tax Appeals (External tink) Board of Appeals/1:guallz.at Districts Report Recorder's Office Scanned lmagn < surveys and othe1 map documents Scanned Images < - 3/12/2014 380 H 15inch Cedar invasive roots, planted too close Removal Cedar to building 379 H 9inch Cherry limited space for growth, planted Removal Cherry too close to building 378 G 10inch Cherry limited space for growth, planted Removal Cherry too close to building 377 G 21inch Cedar invasive roots, planted too close Removal Cedar to building 376 G 11inch Cherry limited space for growth, planted Removal Cherry too close to building 375 C 18inch Big Leaf limited space for growth, planted Removal Big Leaf Maple Maple too close to building, invasive roots iMAP Le;,erd Ill Hi,;highlod Fe,hn JV Cllan:: P>Jrvmial ml Ch nook 'listributio, uimtH1e «ano-• -. 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Mapdata02014Google 1000ft https://www.google.com/maps/place/1300+N+20th+St/@4 7 .5096266,-122.... 3/12/2014 MyTopo Map Print . C·i." r ,0 N " "" .• 1,l/t' '· ale ·~.I··· . I $1"1 t! ' .. \ ... .. .. < -, -:s.;: ;.....-+--~-~II,. t . •, -. 0 -----•2000 Ft Map provided by MyTopo.com Page 1 of 1 i '.<') fr_;{ '• i: .. · , .. v· ' r ·. ,l. \ ,, .. \...,,, ... C--' MAR 2 7 20,1 CITY OF f,!:I\ITON -=·t.1--\Nf-J.NG ()i 1,1 .s.:c :\ http://map-pass.mytopo.com/maps/print_ mytopo.asp?print=20&scale=5&la... 3/12/2014 RECEIPT EG00021111 BILLING CONTACT Anne Morey A & M Tree Service REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA 14-000418 PLAN -RVMP Fee Technology Fee Printed On: 3/27/2014 Prepared By: Jill Ding TRANSACTION TYPE Fee Payment Fee Payment Transaction Date: March 27, 2014 PAYMENT METHOD t;redit Card Credit Card SUBTOTAL TOTAL !<FC:FIVED MAR 2 7 2014 CiTV 0~ RENTON r:r AJ\JNi!'JG Gi\/lSIO,\! AMOUNT PAID $75.00 $2.25 $77.25 $77.25 Page 1 of 1