HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-08-126 -Report 3® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219· December 4, 2003 Wayne Jones Lakeridge Development P.O. Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 Mel L. Daley, P.E. Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. / 726 Auburn Way North Auburn, WA 98002 RE: Liberty Grove Contiguous Subdivision 1998 KCSWDM Adjustment and Shared Facility Plan Request (File No. L03V0065) Dear Applicant and Engineer: The Land Use Services Division, Engineering Review Section, has completed review of the adjustment request for the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision. You are requesting approval for an adjustment from the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) Core Requirement No. 1, Section 1.2.1, Discharge at the Natural Location and approval of a shared facility plan with the Liberty Grove subdivision. Our review of the information and a site visit provides the following findings: 1. The proposed Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision is located between 1601 h and 162"d Avenues SE, south of SE 1361h Street. The 36 lot, 7.9 acre, proposed Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision is filed under Land Use Services Division (LUSD) file number L03P0005. The proposed Liberty Grove subdivision is located in the northwest quadrant of the 1601h Avenue SE/SE 1361 h Street intersection. The 24 lot, 4.8 acre, proposed Liberty Grove subdivision is filed under Land Use Services Division (LUSD) file number L03P0006. 2. The Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivisions are located in the Orting Hills subbasin of the Lower Cedar River basin. The sites are subject to the Level Two flow control and Basic water quality requirements of the 1998 KCSWDM. 3. The Liberty Grove site slopes gently to the south and southeast, causing sheetflow to migrate to the south property line where it is intercepted by a well defined ditch. The ditch flows east to the west side of 1601h Avenue SE into a well defined channel that proceeds south. Gentle slopes across the Liberty Grove Contiguous site direct sheetflow to the southwest. This results in the eastern portion of the site sheetflowing across the south property line where a constructed swale located on the adjacent parcel to the south carries flows to the midpoint of the common property line. Central flows migrate through an on-site wetland that allows excess flow to join intercepted eastern flows at the midpoint outlet. The drainage path from the defined outlet continues Liberty Grove Contiguous/L03 V0065 December 4, 2003 Page 2 of3 south through a defined open swale that bisects several parcels to the south and ultimately flows via stream channel south in the 162"d Avenue SE unopened right-of- way. Sheetflow from the western side of the site migrates to the southwest and eventually reaches the ditch system on the east side of 160 1h Avenue SE. Flow from this portion of the site flows south in the ditch system on the east side of 160 1h Avenue SE. Liberty Grove and western Liberty Grove Contiguous flows meet Y. mile south on 160 1h Avenue SE at a newly upgraded culvert crossing. Combined flows then cross parcel# 145750-0110 to the east to rejoin eastern Liberty Grove Contiguous flows in the vicinity of the 162"d Avenue SE unopened right-of-way. Both sites have upstream tributary area of several acres. 4. The proposal is to collect most runoff from the Liberty Grove site and divert it to a single, combined detention and water quality facility located in the southwest comer of the Liberty Grove Contiguous site. Flows across the Liberty Grove Contiguous site will also be collected and diverted to the single, shared facility. The allowed release would then be proportionally split between the southern flows on the east side of I 60'h Avenue SE and the natural discharge path that runs south through the neighboring parcels. Nuisance flows across the south property line of Liberty Grove Contiguous would be significantly curtailed. A small reduction of flow would occur in the western ditch of 160 1h Avenue SE, offset by an increase in the eastern ditch. It is not clear if frontage improvements are included in the conceptual drainage plan. 5. No decorative ponds or shallow wells have been identified that would be affected by the proposed diversion. 6. The Level One Downstream Analysis identified drainage complaints related to conveyance overflows at 14028 160'h Avenue SE (Brenden/Myers) and in the southeast comer of the 145750-0110 parcel and adjacent neighbor (Gragg) to the south. Continuing to utilize the natural discharge path that traverses the center of the intervening parcels reduces the volume of total flows that would reach the problem conveyance area and would minimize the diversion of flows. The applicant has offered mitigation in the form of Level Three flow control in the on-site detention system and, via a combination of flow control and splitting outflows, maintaining predeveloped flowrates to parcel 145750-0110. Potential conveyance upgrades along any of the downstream paths will be addressed in the plat conditions. 7. Both sites are being developed by the same applicant who intends to build both projects at the same time. 8. A consolidation of facilities for the proposed subdivisions will be more economical in long term maintenance. Based on these findings, we hereby approve this adjustment to allow the diversion of runoff to a single, shared facility draining via flow splitter to two downstream paths with the following conditions: Liberty Grove Contiguous/L03 V0065 December 4, 2003 Page 3 of3 1. The release rates for the detention facility will be based on all of the tributary area to be developed being directed to the facility. 2. The volume for the detention facility will be based on all flows directed to the facility at full development under current zoning. The allowed release rate will be reduced by any undetained flows that would bypass the proposed subdivision drainage facilities. The· detention volume shall be sized using the Level Three flow control standard in the 1998 KCSWDM. A 10 to 20 percent volumetric factor of safety must be applied to all storm events requiring detention. The design Technical Information Report shall state the factor of safety selected and the basis of that determination. 3. Water quality facilities must be sized based on the entire proposed subdivision draining to the facilities including any required frontage improvements. 4. All onsite or offsite drainage facilities must be located in a public right-of-way, recreation space tract with easement or storm drainage tract dedicated to King County. 5. Developed flows from Liberty Grove must be conveyed via tightline to the drainage facility located in the Liberty Grove Contiguous site. If not built concurrently, Liberty Grove Contiguous must precede Liberty Grove. 6. Additional storm drainage requirements identified by SEPA or the plat hearing review will apply to this project. If you have any further questions regarding this KCSWDM adjustment or the design requirements, please contact Mark Bergam at (206) 296-7270. Sincerely, I , . ., . I ·, I I . James Sanders, P.E. Development Engineer Engineering Review Section Land Use Services Division Jim Chan, P.E. Supervising Engineer Site Engineering and Planning Section Building Services Division cc: Curt Crawford, P.E., Managing Engineer, Stormwater Services Section, KCDNR Randall Parsons, P.E., Engineer III, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Bruce Whittaker, Engineer III, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Karen Scharer, Project/Program Manager II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Mark Bergam, P .E., Engineer III, Engineering Review Section, LUSD '· ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Sen-ices 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Surface Water Design Manual Requirements / Standards Adjustment* Request Project Name; Project Address: / 3S 3 S' 2. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT/DESIGN ENGINEER: Address: 72.6 ,4()&()/&'11 WI} Please be sure to include all plans (T.I.R., if available), sketches, photos and maps that may assist in complete review and consideration of this adjustment request. Failure to provide all pertinent inforrnaticm may result in delayed processing or denial of your request. Please submit two comp(ete copies of this request application fgrm, and applicable fee to the DOES Intake Counter, at 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest. Renton, Washington 98055-1219. For addittonal Information, phone Randall Parsons, P.E., at (206) 29&-7207. Rl!PBR TO SBCTIOlf L 4 ±H .C!IAPTBR 1 Oli' THB S1ffl11ACB .IIATBR .0B$.IGN MAllllAL FOR AJJ.111STlll!HTS DESCRIPTION OF ADJUSTMENT REQUEST: ~andard CJ Complex D Experimental D Blanket D Pre-application APPLICABLE VERSION KCSWDM: D 1990 (11/95) • ~98 (9/98) D ___ _ • (Note: the term "variance" replaced by "adjustmenr) APPLICABLE SECTION(S) OF STANDARDS: CoR.€ R.cq(/1R.eH~NT 11/i,. I JUSTIFICATION PER KCSWDM SECTION 1.4.2 D See attachments listed below. /. ./1,(S r1r:1cAr10N ,C<JR. AtJ.JUSTHCNr ,'!.e-qvEST 2-1//C/AJITl.f HA/> 3. ASse SSO!<."S HAPS AUTHORIZATION SlGNATURES: DETERMINATION: O Approval )OConditlonal Approval (see below} 0 DNR/WLRD Approval Signed: _ DOES Staff Recommendation Signed: Conditions of Approval: See attached Memo Dated· DOE~, .Latl(f Use Services Div., Engineering Review Supervisor: Signed: Date; ) / I j F99/ERS/SlmM-ADJ ,doc F96/ERS/SWDMR-S. cpy22 .doc 11/ l 7 /99 clc CJ Denial ental & Blanket variances only) ~ 3(.44-flr Of 4-1 14-5 750-00zSS ooqo (FORMERLY DALEY ENGINEERING CO.) MBE-DBE DALEY • MORROW • POBLETE, INC. ENGINEERING -PLANNING -SURVEYING 726 AUBURN WAY N AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98002 TELEPHONE (253) 333-2200 FAX (253) 333-2206 DRAINAGE ADJUSTMENT JUSTIFICATION The proposed Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous developments are within three separate parcels, located near the northwest and southeast comers of the intersection of SE 136th Street and 160th Avenue SE. Parcel 3664500141, which is located near the northwest comer of said intersection, will be developed as Liberty Grove. Parcels 1457500085 and 1457500090, which are located near the southeast comer of the previously mentioned intersection, will be developed as Liberty Grove Contiguous. The parcels are located within the NE and SE quarters of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County Washington .. There is an existing house and shop within the proposed the Liberty Grove development, with the remainder of the site mostly covered with grass and some tree. Liberty Grove is approximately 4.84 acres. The Liberty Grove site has an average slope of approximately 3.6 percent, and generally drains to the south via sheet flow, then through the conveyance facilities along the west side of 160th Avenue SE. There are two houses within the proposed Liberty Grove Contiguous development, with associated structures. The 7.92-acre Liberty Grove Contiguous site is presently forested in the northeast comer, with the remainder of the site being dominated by pasture land. There is a wetland area within the southwest comer, which will remain, and will be protected by a 25-foot buffer. The Liberty Grove Contiguous site has an average slope of 4 percent, and generally releases water along the southern property line and the east side of 160th Avenue SE. It is proposed to construct the detention facility within the south~comer of Liberty Grove Contiguous. Discharge will be to the existing conveyance facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE. The drainage facilities consist of driveway culverts and drainage ditches. The system components are shown in Exhibit C of the Off-site Analysis, and are itemized in the Off- site Analysis Drainage System Table (Exhibit n. There have been several complaints within this downstream system, copies of which are included in Exhibit G of the Off-site Analysis. Furthermore since we are proposing to convey runoff from Liberty Grov~\~stem, the facility will have to convey more flows. We are therefore proposing to i JJl9V )!~fN~~@ facilities between point 1 to point 24 (See Exhibits C and I of the Off-si ts f The ~wS I 0 conveyance system will be designed to handle the peak flow rates. SEP I 1 20D3 ' K.C. D.D.E.S. U)~V~ This development involves the creation of sixty single-family residential lots within both developments. Access roads and roadway improvements will also be a part of the development. As previously stated, the detention facility will be constructed in the south~er of Liberty Grove Contiguous. A wetpond, sized per the Basic Water Quality Menu, will be constructed below the detention facility. Due to the proposed location of the detention facility, it will be necessary to divert runoff from Liberty Grove to the east and into the detention facility, instead of flowing down to the south (See attached map). Downstream facilities from Liberty Grove to the new 24" ADS culvert crossing 1601h Avenue SE will be bypassed, while flows between the detention facility down to the east end of the 24" culvert will be increased. Flows from the west and east sides of 160111 Avenue SE converge at the east end of the 24" culvert. Since flows to the east side of 160th Avenue SE will be increased, conveyance facilities along the east side will be improved up to the convergence point. As previously stated, most of the runoff from Liberty Grove Contiguous leaves the site along the south property line. Since most of the post development flows will be conveyed to the detention facility and will be discharge to the facilities along 160th Avenue SE, additional flows will have to be considered in the upsizing of the conveyance facilities. This Adjustment Request is for diverting water from the west side of 160th Avenue SE (between Liberty Grove and the 24" ADS culvert) to the east side of 160th Avenue SE. In addition, the request is being made to allow post-development runoff to be conveyed to the detention pond and released directly to 160th Avenue SE, instead of being released along the south property line of Liberty Grove Contiguous. Both Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous are part of the same basin. We believe that our proposal benefits the public for the following reasons: I. By diverting flows from Liberty Grove to Liberty Grove Contiguous, there will only be one stormwater facility to be maintained by the County. 2. Improvements to the downstream facilities will eliminate existing problems. 3. Re-routing flows to the south of Liberty Grove Contiguous to the public facilities within the 160th Avenue SE R.O.W. will eliminate potential for failure of the private facilities downstream from the site. We believe the above reasons justify our adjustment request. We therefore respectfully request that this Adjustment be granted approval. • • '®King County 11111111!1111 News w;;;;;;;w -----! -1- - 0064 - iMAP Print Paoe I ao,1 9041 1-I ---! -1-0118 Comments e ;;;;;,w ..,11 - L.-ry,e information induded on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. l'\.mg County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such nformation. King County shaU not be llclble for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages inducting, but not limited to, ost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or infomtation on ... is man is nrohibited excent '-· written -rmission of Kinn Countv. King County I GIS Center I Nevis I Services I Commems J Search By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expreMIY (a~ree to ~ bound by term$ 1:md conqitio~ of the site. The details. 11 12 I I I SE 128TH TREET f ----~~~~~~---------,-- w (/) SITE I >- <!) "' > SE 136TH 13 ST [ I I I I §:!ubERTY ~ : s ~ IH.S. > <!) -I ., I ~ MAPLEWOOD HEIG\-ITS \ PA K I ~-~~1~u-~~------+-- RENTON FISH AND I GAME CLUB I REC AREA. 24 1 VICINITY MAP Scale: 1'' = 1 /2 MILE I I I I I I I foJ 1~©0_Jnn;712@ Lrt1 ~ --CC] \y 15 D SE? I 1 2003 K.c. D.D.E.s. UJ?JV(R)t.,f) May 25, 2004 Karen J. Sharer King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 RE: King County DDES Land Use Services Division File No. L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Ms. Sharer: I am forwarding the enclosed copy of correspondence regarding the adverse possession claim still pending against the Bowen/Lakeridge Development project known as Liberty Grove Contiguous (L03P0005). There has been no satisfactory resolution of the issue to date. As the satisfactory resolution of the issue was listed as a condition precedent to the final approval of the above referenced application, we wanted to advise you of the status of the claim. If you require additional information or have questions, please feel free to contact us at 425.271.2234. Sincerely, "vi<---:j:_xh·._ .. " =--,,.·_· __ ___ May 25, 2004 Debra Ferguson CCIM Project Coordinator Lakeridge Development PO Box 146 Renton, WA 98057-0146 RE: Claim of Adverse Possession against the Bowen Property Dear Ms. Ferguson, In reference to your letter dated May 5, 2004, our desire has never been one of monetary gain. Our desire remains consistent with our first discussions. We expect quiet title to our property, which includes our northern fence line and all property directly adjacent to the south of that fence line, be recorded with King County. As soon as this is accomplished your development of the property to the north of our fence line can continue without further delay. We have been advised that a non-contested quiet title action can be completed relatively quickly. If you would like to meet to discuss this matter further, we would be available to meet with you on Monday June 7th or Tuesday June 81h at 6pm. Please feel free to contact us at 425-271-2234 if you would like to meet on one of the dates listed above. Sincerely, Cc: King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division STEVEN & JOANN LEE PO BOX 3221 RENTON WA 98056 CERTIFIED MAIL,. I II 7003 1010 0003 6071 6672 I I I I 11 I 11 I I II 111111 I 11 I I I 1111 II 11 I I I 111 I l11 l1 I I I 111 I I 111l 111 I I Karen J. Sharer ([ -; , 11111 starnpsl $4.42Q '~ ,, ~"-; . ' ti;. ,T!.1'~1:;i'rB ~.~.".WU .. TAG·o· r. , .~ -1• di l, "FIRS<r-QLAS$'-MA1L \ 27 -~ •• 1;1r'g::;-l\';l'{l;R,:1~·0Nimw/ic~ur'tl) ~ • 'J -~t-t •{Jr ,r, 1~ ~ ,..{ r ~ ,;:, ~ ,- :~: · ·:.N .. ;:. V -~~ I STAMPS.COM 062S0005049263 ( f" ·1..r· King County Dept of Development & Environmental Serv. Land Use Serv. Div 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton WA 98055-1212 ·:;;i:,c.,s~-+ i Z i Z ll,l 11l11 I 1ll 1 .. 1l 1l II I 1I, 111 II,, I, I .. , II II I 1111,,, II,,, I .. , II Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet @ King County Department of Development & Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Project Name: LIBERTY GROVE Alternative Formats Available Upon Request Date: 4-May-05 Location: NW & SE OF INT. OF SE 136TH ST. AND 160TH AVE. SE Project No.: L03P0005 & L03P005 Clearing greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? L_G) If yes, Forest Practice Permit Number: (RCW 76.09) -~.Pno Lo5"4F 033 Page 1 of9 P,u;dM~ld. r ~ ~~7 s/z,~/o~ Activity No.: L04SR055 Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and profit. Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database. ~" & ~~ $r::,r:i,;s .J::,,~ #-I~~~~ ~ A() ~ -S:,T ~~ ...... \., KingCountyBondquantities.xls Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04122102 Report Date: 51412005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet . . . . .· ... I I .C . . . Backfill & comoactlon-embankment Check dams, 4" minus rock Crushed surfacina 1 1 /4" minus Dltchlno Excavation-bulk Fence, slit Fence, Temnnrarv INGPEl Hvdroseedlna Jute Mesh Mulch, bv hand, straw, 3" deeo Mulch, bv machine, straw, 2" deen Pioina, temnnra=, CPP, 6" Plolna, temnnrarv, CPP, 8" Plolna, temoorarv, CPP, 12" Plastic coverina, 6mm thick, sandbaaaed Rio Rao, machine olaced; slooes Rock Construction Entrance, 50'x15'x1' Rock Construction Entrance, 100'x15'x1' Sediment oond riser assemblv Sediment trao, 5' hlah berm Sed. trao, 5' hlah, rlaraaned aolllwav berm section Seedlna, bv hand Soddlna, 1" deeo, level around Soddlna, 1" deeo, slooed around TESC Suoervisor Water truck, dust control WDlfi:.tN;.I ·~, .. 1--_,·_,..:.,__...._~' Page 2 of9 KlngCountyBondquantltles.xls . ' ,,_-,;,_ ,' . . Reference# Numi!er .· ·, .... ESC 0 1 ESC-2 SWDM ESC-3 WSDOT 9-03.913) ESC-4 ESC-5 ESC-8 SWDM ESC-7 ESC-8 SWDM ESC-9 SWDM ESC-10 SWDM ESC-11 SWDM ESC-12 ESC-13 ESC-14 ESC-15 SWDM ESC-18 WSDOT 9-13.112) ESC-17 SWDM ESC-18 SWDM ESC-19 SWDM ESC-20 SWDM ESC-21 SWDM ESC-22 SWDM ESC-23 SWDM ESC-24 SWDM ESC-25 ESC-26 SWDM 5.4.7 . . · . unit ·. · .. . Prlc:a Unit · auant1tv . . $ 5.62 CY 36 $ 67.51 Each 15 $ 85.45 CY $ 8.08 CY 560 $ 1.50 CY $ 1.38 LF 1840 $ 1.38 LF 480 $ 0.59 SY 22000 $ 1.45 SY $ 2.01 SY $ 0.53 SY '2. 2.000 $ 10.70 LF $ 16.10 LF $ 20.70 LF 70 $ 2.30 SY $ 39.08 CY $ 1,464.34 Each $ 2,928.68 Each 2 $ 1,949.38 Each 2 $ 17.91 LF $ 68.54 LF $ 0.51 SY $ 6.03 SY $ 7.45 SY $ 74.75 HR 8 $ 97.75 HR 32 •• . Each ESC SUBTOTAL: 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: ESCTOTAL: COLUMN: Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.goylddes #of :.t.nnllcatlon• Coat 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $ $ $ 202 1013 4525 2539 662 12980 1/1,Lo 1449 5657 3899 598 3128 ae,esii!.4B 11,855.75 41:eae.24 A +8~s1z.+1 l+,s:.S?,,7S- 6 3, o6f. z; Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 5/4/2005 ' ·-,, . GI -1 GI -2 GI -3 GI -4 GI· 5 GI· 6 GI· 7 Gl-8 Gl-9 GI -12 GI -13 GI -1 GI -1 GI -21 Surve GI· 22 GI· 23 ers GI -24 GI· 25 Gl-26 GI· 27 GI -28 GI· 2 Page 3 of 9 ·Kee 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. KingCountyBondquantitles.xls Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Exlatl"9 . futun, Publl~ . Right-of-Way Road lmprpvementa &Oral FKllltlH Unit Prk:e Unlf · Quant. · Cost Quent. Coal $ 5.62 CY 14 78.68 $ 8.53 CY $ 0.36 SY $ 8 876.16 Acre 0.7 6,213.31 2 17 752.32 $ 1.50 CY 200 300.00 1000 1 500.00 $ 4.06 CY $ 18.55 LF $ 13.44 LF 290 3,897.60 $ 1,271.81 Each $ 12.12 LF $ 22.57 CY $ 25.48 CY $ 37.85 CY $ 54.31 SY $ 74.85 SY $ 132.48 SY $ 2.02 SY $ 0.95 SY 6800 6,460.00 9700 9 215.00 135.13 Each 3 405.39 8 1,081.04 2.88 Each 9 25.92 7.46 SY 788.26 Da 2 1,576.52 2 1 576.52 $ 1,556.64 Acre $ 85.18 HR 32 2,725.76 $ 7.59 SY $ 8.33 SY $ 8.19 SY 100 819.00 $ 44.16 SF 1700 75 072.00 $ 9.49 SF 15 142.35 15 142.35 SUBTOTAL 17,823.33 111,160.43 Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.aovlddtf Prlvaq Quantity Completad lmprovementa (Bond Reduction)* Quant. 10.8 4000 52200 1 12.8 Quant. · Cost Com lete Cost 95,862.53 6 000.00 49,590.00 788.26 19,924.99 172,165.78 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 5/4/2005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet '' " . ·-. ', ' '' --.. I Unli Price. ~ T · .. ·. No. AC Grlndina, 4' wide machine< 1000sv RI -1 $ 23.00 AC Grindlno, 4' wide machine 1000-2"" RI -2 $ 5.75 AC Grindlna, 4' wide machine > 2000sv RI -3 $ 1.38 AC RemovaVOlsooaal/Renalr RI -4 $ 41.14 Barricade, ""'e I RI -5 $ 30.03 Barricade, •-e Ill I Penmanent) RI· 6 $ 45.05 Curb & Gutter rolled RI· 7 $ 13.27 Curb & Gutter, vertical RI -8 $ 9.69 Curb and Gutter, demolition and dispose RI -9 $ 13.58 Curb. extruded asnhalt RI -10 $ 2.44 Curb, extruded concrete RI· 11 $ 2.56 Sawcut asohalt. 3" deoth RI -12 $ 1.85 Sawcut concrete, -r 1" deoth RI -13 $ 1.69 Sealant asohatt RI -14 $ 0.99 Shoulder AC. t see AC road unit nrice ' RI -15 $ . Shoulder aravel, 4" thick RI -16 $ 7.53 Sldewelk, 4" thick RI .17 $ 30.52 Sidewalk, 4" thick, demolition and dlspos RI -18 $ 27.73 Sidewalk, 5" thick RI -19 $ 34.94 Sidewalk. 5" thick, demolition and dlsoos RI -20 $ 34.65 $Ion handlcao RI· 21 $ 85.28 Striolno. oer stall RI· 22 $ 5.82 Strlolno, thenmoolastic, I for crosswalk \ RI· 23 $ 2.38 Strloinn, 4" reflectorlzed line RI -24 $ 0.25 Page4ol9 SUBTOTAL ·KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. KlngCounlyBondquantllles.xls ., ' ' · · Elllatlng · Fuiura P~bilc · p-Bond Reduction• ' !tl/iht-of-way Road Improvements Improvements ' ·-· .. I Dralna-.F.CI00.1 '· Quant. Unit .Quant . I. · . Cost Q~.1· Coat · Quant. I Cost Cornolete Cost ' ' SY SY SY 3430 4.733.40 SY LF LF LF 3020 40,075.40 500 6,635.00 LF 1960 18,992.40 LF LF LF LF 1200 2,220.00 LF LF 1200 1,188.00 SY SY SY 555 16,938.60 SY SY 733 25,611.02 SY Each Each SF LF 1200 300.00 44,372.40 65,686.42 6,635.00 Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddft Unit prices updated: 02/12102 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 5/4/2005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet ·. • .. ' · . l!ltlatln11 FulUl9Publlc·.· ... I Right-of-way Road lml)IOY9lllanta . . . .·. . . & Drelna•• Faclll!IN . . .. · .. ·. un~P~ce Unit Quant. I · • · Cost Quant I Coit . . . ~ (4' Rock" 2.5 basa & 1.5' top COU1118) . For 193 KCRS ( 6.5" Rock• 5" base & 1.5" top cou111e) ·. For KCRS '93, /additional 2.5" baael ad< RS -I $ 3.60 SY 3590 12,924.00 5720 20,592.00 AC Overl-1.5' AC RS-2 AC OVerlav, 2" AC RS-3 AC Road 2", 4" rock, First 2500 SY RS-4 AC Road. 2", 4" rock. Qtv. over 2500SY RS -5 AC Road, 3' 4" rock, Fl111t 2500 SY RS-6 AC Road, 3", 4" rock Qtv. over 2500 SY RS-7 AC Road, 5". First 2500 SY RS-8 AC Road, 5", Qtv. Over 2500 SY RS-9 AC Road, 6" First 2500 SY >S-1 AC Road 6", Qtv. Over 2500 SY >S-1 Aaohatt Treated Baaa, 4" thick ~S-1 Gravel Road, 4" rock, First 2500 SY ~S-1 Gravel Road, 4" rock Qtv. over 2500 SY ~S-1• PCC Road, 5u, no base over 2500 SY ~s -1 PCC Road, 611 , no base, over 2500 SY ~S-1 Thickened Edae ~S-1 Page 5 of 9 "KCC 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. KlngCountyBondquantltles.xls $ 7.39 SY 3430 25,347.70 $ 8.75 SY $ 17.24 SY 2500 43.100.00 $ 13.36 SY 3220 43.019.20 $ 19.69 SY 2500 49,225.00 $ 15.81 SY 1090 17 232.90 $ 14.57 SY $ 13.94 SY $ 16.76 SY $ 16.12 SY $ 9.21 SY $ 11.41 SY $ 7.53 SY $ 21.51 SY $ 21.87 SY $ 8.89 LF SUBTOTAL 104,729.60 106,711.20 Check out the DDES Web 11/te at www.mettpkc.aovlddH ·. p-· Bond Reduction• lmprovemants Quant. Quant. r . Coat Comolete Coat 400 6,696.00 197 1,357.33 8,253.33 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4122/02 Report Date: 51412005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet · .. I .. bl9\111Q FIIIU19PUIIII/' Prtvete Bond Reduction• Right-of.way . Road lrnprovemtnta · lmprovementa .. • '.· . . & D"lna-FIICIUU.. Quant. I . UnltPr1ce Unit ·. Quant. I Coat Quant. I Coat Quant. I Cost Comolete Cost ~ (CPP • Conugated Plaatic Pipe, N.12 or EQulvalent} .ForCu/vert ""CflS Averaae of 4' cover was assumed. Assume nerforated PVC Is same nrfce es solid n/ne. 133 2,226.42 Access Road, RID 0-1 $ 16.74 Bollards -fixed 0 • 2 $ 240.74 Bollards -removable 0-3 $ 452.34 • (CBs Include frame and lid\ CBTvna I 0 -4 $ 1.257.64 CB Tvoe IL 0 • 5 $ 1,433.59 CB T""• II, 48" diameter 0-6 $ 2,033.57 for additional death over 4' D-7 $ 436.52 CB T= II, 54' diameter D -6 $ 2,192.54 for additional death over 4' D-9 $ 466.53 CB T""e II, 60" diameter D-10 $ 2 351.52 for additional danth over 4' D -11 $ 536.54 CB Tvne II, 72" diameter D-12 $ 3,212.64 for addltlonal denth over 4' D-13 $ 692.21 Throunh-curb Inlet Framework /Add\ D -14 $ 366.09 Cleanout. PVC 4" 0-15 $ 130.55 Cleanout, PVC. 811 D-16 $ 174.90 Cleanout, PVC, 8' 0-17 $ 224.19 Culvert, PVC 4" D-18 $ 8.64 Culven, PVC, 6" D-19 $ 12.60 Culvert PVC 8" D-20 $ 13.33 Culvert, PVC 12" D-21 $ 21.77 Culvert, CMP, 8" D-22 $ 17.25 Culvert, CMP, 12" D-23 $ 26.45 Culvert, PVC. 15" D -24 $ 25.00 Culvert PVC, 18" D-25 $ 29.00 Culvert, PVC, 24" D-26 $ 33.00 Culvert. CMP, 30" D-27 $ 71.45 Culvert, CMP, 36" D-28 $ 112.11 Culvert, CMP, 48" D-29 $ 140.83 Culvert, CMP. 60" D -30 $ 235.45 Culvert, CMP, 72' D -31 $ 302.58 Page6of9 SUBTOTAL 'KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. KlngCountyBondquantlties.xls SY Each 2 481.48 Each 2 904.68 Each 23 28,925.72 18 22,637.52 Each 1 1,433.59 Each 6 12,201.42 5 10,167.65 FT 22 9,603.44 34 14,641.68 Each FT Each 1 2 351.52 FT 4.5 2,414.43 Each FT Each Each Each Each LF LF LF LF 529 11,516.33 LF LF 1875 49,593.75 LF 827 20.675.00 418 10.450.00 LF 476 13,804.00 132 3,828.00 LF 207 6.831.00 LF LF LF LF LF 104,990.50 119,897.33 Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.qoy/ddo 6 30 6 1880 508 139 7,545.84 5,247.00 1,345.14 23,688.00 6 771.64 3,676.55 48,274.17 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 5/4/2005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet . · ·. .. -·------T . · . . . . . No •. Untt Price · Culvert Concrete. 8" D-32 $ 21.02 Culvert, Concrete, 12" D-33 $ 30.05 Culvert, Concrete, 15" D • 34 $ 37.34 Culvert Concrete. 18" D • 35 $ 44.51 Culvert, Concrete 24 11 D-36 $ 61.07 Culvert, Concrete 30" D-37 $ 104.18 Culvert, Concrete, 36" D • 38 $ 137.63 Culvert, Concrete, 42 11 D • 39 $ 158.42 Culvert Concrete, 48 11 D -40 $ 175.94 Culvert, CPP, 6" D-41 $ 10.70 Culvert, DI, 8" D • 42 $ 21.00 Culvert. DI, 12 11 D-43 $ 30.00 Culvert, DI, 15" D .44 $ 37.00 Culvert DI, 18" D • 45 $ 27.60 Culvert, CPP, 24" D -46 $ 36.80 Culvert, CPP, 30" D-47 $ 46.30 Culvert, CPP, 36" D -48 $ 55.20 Dltchino D -49 $ 8.08 Flow Dlsoersal Trench 11,436 base+) D • 50 $ 25.99 French Drain 13' death) D • 51 $ 22.60 Geotextlle, lald In trench, ao,;;;;roovlene D • 52 $ 2.40 Infiltration nond teatl-D -53 $ 74.75 Mid-tank Access Riser, 48" dla, 8' deeo D • 54 $ 1,805.40 Pond Overflow SDlllwav D • 55 $ 14.01 Restrictor/011 Seoarator 12" D • 58 $ 1,045.19 Restrictor/Oil Senarator, 15" D • 57 $ 1,095.56 Restrictor/011 Seoarator, 18" 0-58 $ 1.146.16 Rlorao, olaced 0-59 $ 39.08 Tank End Reduoar 136" diameter) D -80 $ 1,000.50 Trash Rack, 12" D -61 $ 211.97 Trash Rack, 15" D • 62 $ 237.27 Trash Rack, 18" D • 63 $ 268.89 Trash Rack, 24" D. 64 $ 340.00 Page 7 of9 SUBTOTAL ·KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. KlngCounlyBondquantltles.xls . ExlatlnQ . Future Pul!llc -· .. . Pt1v1ta Right-of-way R1>11d lmr,roverMnla lmpi'OYem- . ' ··. .. · . & Dnllnage F1clllll11 · . Unit Quant. · ·. Coat Quant. _Cost_-Quant. Coat LF LF 23 691.15 LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF 232 6960 286 8580 140 LF 384 14208 LF 26 717.6 LF LF LF CY 200 1616 LF LF SY HR Each SY 5 70.05 · Each Each Each 1 1148.16 CY 10 390.8 Each Each Each 1 237.27 Each 7 1882.23 Each 1 340 25934.65 10904.61 Check out the ODES Web site et www.mettpkc.qovldde§ Bond R8duct1on• Quant. Comnlete Cost 4200 4200 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 5/4/2005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity.Worksheet . ' ' ...... Exiating Futul'f PUbllc Prlv ... Bond Reduction' . Right-of.way ' R""d lmprovementa lmprovementa ' ·· .. '' •· & Pral1111na Facilities Quant. ' . ·. I . ' Unit Price Unit Quant . ' Price· · .: -Quant._ I --Cott Quant. I -Coat Comolete Cosl • "T . ' ' •,' ,' .·. ' Hg. 2" AC, 211 too course rock & 411 borrow PL-1 $ 15.84 SY 2" AC, 1.5" too course & 2.5" base cou• PL-2 $ 17.24 SY 411 select borrow PL· 3 $ 4.55 SY 1.5" loo course rock & 2.5" base course PL-4 $ 11.41 SY -1 ...... .:· '·.--. -. ··: .·_ ·_: ,' ., . ,· .---=-' ,. ' . Hg. CHANNELIZATION INT. 156TH & 136T WI -1 $ 400.00 LS 1 400 5' WIDE PED. WAL't'/NAY Wl-2 $ 17.24 SY 170 2,930.80 STAIRS W/ HANDRAIL Wl-3 $10,000 LS t 10,000.00 Wl-4 EA. Wl-5 EA Wl-6 EA. Wl-7 LF Wl-8 SF Wl-9 LF Wl-10 LF SUBTOTAL 400.00 12 930.80 SUBTOTAL (SUM ALL PAGES): 298,250.48 427 290.79 239,528.28 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: 89,475.14 128,187.24 71,858.48 GRANDTOTAL: 387 725.63 555 478.03 311 386.76 COLUMN: B C D E Page 8 of9 "KCC 27 A authorizes only one bond reducllon. KlngCountyBondquentllies.xls Check out the DOES Web site et www.matrokc.aovlddg Unit prices updated: 02112/02 Version: 4/22102 Report Date: 5/412005 Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Orlglnal bond computations prepared by: Name: MELL. DALEY, P.E. Date: 5/4/2005 PE Registration Number: 13258 Tel.#: (253) 333-2200 Firm Name: DALEY-MORROW-POBLETE, INC. Addre11: 726 AUBURN WAY N, AUBURN, WA 98002 Project No: L03P0005 & L03P005 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & DRAINAGE FACILITIES FINANCIAL GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS PERFORMANCE BOND• PUBLIC ROAD & DRAINAGE AMOUNT BOND• AMOUNT MAINTENANCE/DEFECT BONO· Stabilization/Erosion Sediment Control (ESC) (A) REQUIRED AT RECORDING OR $ b 3, o6f -47,9()8.2 TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY ... Existing Right-of-Way Improvements (8) $ 387,725.6 Future Public Road Improvements & Drainage Facilities (C) $ 555,478.0 Private Improvements (D) $ 311,386.8 Calculated Quantity Completed Total Right-of Way and/or Site Restoration Bond'!"" (First $7,500 of bond' shall be cash.) (A+B) $ 4->D,79/.& 43a,eaa e (T) $ I, ?>17, is6·4' . Performance Bond' Amount (A+B+C+D) = TOTAL Reduced Performance Bond' Total "' Maintenance/Defect Bond' Total NAME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND' REDUCTION: Minimum bond' 1,382.498.T amount 1s $1000. (E) -'$'---~~~--=-~ Tx0.30 $ Vi 5, z. 'tt.1 390, 7'19.6 OR (T-E) $ 1,302,498.7· Use larger ol tx:!0% or (f-E) Date: "" NOTE: The word "bond" as used in this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to King County. H NOTE: KCC 27A authorizes right of way and site restoration bonds to be combined when both are required. (B+C) x 0.25 = $ 235,800.9 The restoration requirement shall include the total cost for all TESC as a minimum, not a maximum. In addition, corrective work, both on-and off-site needs to be included. Quantities shall reflect worse case scenarios not just minimum requirements. For example 1 If a salmonld stream may be damaged, some estimated costs for restoration needs to be reflected in this amount. The 30% contingency and mobilization costs are computed In this quantity. ·-NOTE: Per KCC 27A, total bond amounts remaining after reduction shall not be less than 30% of the original amount (T) or as revised by major design changes. SURETY BOND RIDER NOTE: If a bond rider is used, minimum additional performance bond shall be I $ 866,864.8 !(C+D)-E REQUIRED BOND' AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION BY DOES Page 9 of 9 KingCountyBondquantities.xls Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 5/4/2005 ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 June 6, 2005 David Casey Casey Engineering PO Box 1255 Fall City, WA 98024 RE: Plat of Liberty Grove (DOES File No. L03P0006) Recreation/Landscape Activity No. L04MI046 Dear Mr. Casey: This is in response to your request for approval of the landscape and recreation space plan associated with the plat of Liberty Grove. We have reviewed your submittal and with the following conditions, approve it as submitted: 1. The equipment (structures, benches, picnic table, etc.) shall meet at a minimum, Consumer Product Safety Standards and be appropriately anchored. 2. Street trees shall be reviewed with the engineering plans and are not part of this approval. The landscaping and recreation space improvements (i.e. play structures) must be installed and inspected or a performance bond posted, prior to plat recording. The amount of the performance bond has been established at $13,485. This includes landscaping, .equipment, surfacing materials, etc. The bond amount also includes a thirty-percent contingency. An inspection fee is also due prior to recording. This fee covers the cost of an installation inspection and a maintenance inspection. The amount of the inspection deposit will be determined by the Land Use Inspection Section (LUIS). If a performance financial guarantee is posted, the improvements must be installed within two year's from the date of recording. At the time of inspection by the Land Use Inspection Section, if the improvements are fully installed per the approved plan, the performance financial guarantee may be reduced. Enclosed is a copy of the approved plans for your records. If you have any questions, please call me at (206) 296-6758. If you have questions regarding the financial guarantee please contact Stacy Graves, Financial Guarantee Management Unit at (206) 296-7009. Questions regarding the inspection process may be directed to the Land Use Inspection Section (206) 296-6642. Sincerely, T 1sh Bull, Planner II nt Planning Section, LUSD Cc: Joanne Carlson, ASII, Engineering Review Section, LUSD w/encs Steve Townsend, Supervising Engineer, Land Use Inspection Section, LUSD w/encs FGMU w/encs File w/encs Our most popular bench. Show n in 6' len gth with 2"x4" cedar. Comes with 2"x4", 4"x4" o r p lastisol steel seat. Available in su rface mount ( as show n) or inground. Contour bench shown in 6' length wi th 2"x4" c edar. Comes w ith 2"x4", 4"x4" or plastisol stee l seat. Available in surface mount or inground (as shown). Single pedestal 4' c ontour bench with 4"x4" cedar. Comes with 2"x4" or 4"x4" cedar seat. Ava il able in surface mount or inground (as shown). Sing le pedestal 6' contour bench. with 2"x4" cedar. "::omes with 2"x4" or 4"x4"cedar. ['~ ~ (w wailable in surfa c e mount or in ground ru (as shown). JUL 30 2 K.C. D.D.E.S. .'.,.,·: ·.::, ... ___.... • 2 ~!21bJ es fP'5 I I Pon"ab le and e conomical picnic table with 6' cedar 2"xl O" top and seat s. Frame can be galvanized or powdercoated. Portable heavy duty p icnic tabie with powdercoated steel fr ame and plastisol steel top a nd seats . Shown in 6' length. Als o avail able in 4'. II Pedestal 6' picni c tab le shown with 2"x l O" cedar top and seats . Also avail able wit h p last isol steel top and seats. Surface mount (as shown ) o r inground. Can be made ADA accessible . Square 4 ' two sided picnic tab le with plastisol top and seats. Also avail able wit h 2"x1 O" cedor top and seats. Surface mount or ii,gro und ( as shown ). . ., ····"" It Ii • . " . " ' ., •. ,i -,~ ' ' r----• -· ·--- -------------------- Poly Cu rve Slide Poly / Roof Snake Clim ber U-B end Climb er Safe Pla y Zone 26' x 30' Bubble Pa nel Arch Cl imber Steering Wheel Ht---------i B'x lB"Slide Safe Play Zone 28' x 3 0 ' U-Be nd Cl imber Poly Roof Firepole St eering Whee l S'x IS"Slide ~afe Play l one !2S' x 30' Ve rtical La dder ~.~ Climbing ~ Tire Tu rni ng Ba r Po ly Roof U-Bend Climber \ I ® L ~~SCAPE BOND QUANTITY WOUKSIIEET~~RM J KING COUNTY Dept. of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Ave•ue Southwest PROJECT NAME: L O ?/-c:) ~ -~ --, --DOES PROJECT#: -5 U ,j '-'/, Renton, WA 98055-1219 ADDRESS: -----c--cc-------------------2061296-&iOO PREPARED BY:~,{_=__,,~i~Q~(_'~i~c:~l~,~;,-~v-/~-=L~--=o~'f~r:--~-c,''i~-PHONE:~00 -.Z 2 7-f?/g-.7 7 Bonds are based upon required landscaping only and will be posted for performance and/or maintenance-Required landscaping include.s perimeter landscaping, surfuce parking area landscaping, (KCC 21A 16) and any landscaping required by SEPA environmental review, The maintenance perifld i,, for the life of the projeet, however, after posting for maintenance, the performance bond will be reduced to 30% ($1,000.00 minimum) and be held for a two year period, Upon re-inspection of the site the bond will be rele<sed if the site ha, been properly maintained (2 IA l 6, 180). A landscape mainmnanee inspection deposit of $316.80 i,, required prior to permit i,,snsna, to oover the costs of the 2-year mai8"'oanee inspection.. Land&cape inspections are billed at the current hourly rate once tbe initial deposit i,, emaU81ed. If the project has not been maintained and there are dead trees, shrubs, ground cover, or other deficiencies noted in the required landscaping, the bond will be held until the deficiencies are corrected, UNIT PRICE UNITTYPE QUANTITY PRICE SOD LAWN AREAS $500.00 MSF (1000 SQ. FI) J1/A- 7, 0 < Su, -HYDROSEEDING $50.00 MSF ( 1000 SQ. FI) f/oo ;C;,1c,,/ / C /J /,ei'S / <"~ -· / I / '-'· /c;c 7vc-/s I OS-, -- J j ltW,-// us-e SOIL PREPARATION rJ/J -S/ .fc A TOPSOIL (6 INCHES DEEP) $25.00 CY (CUBIC YARD) ·-=-: j',A -/· · t / /! d; C-/ /l-7/ · .,c,--· Zc',• / #/)/ / ./fr:/,, B. MULCH (2 INCHES DEEP) $4.00 SY (SQUARE YARD) //h. C. PEAT MOSS (1WO INCHES DEEP) $2.30 SY (SQUARE YARD) /)/:'.'_ D. COMPOST (3 INCHES DEEP & TILLING $26.00 SY (SQUARE YARD) ;/-' '-:". E. FERTILIZER $6.67 CY(CUBIC YARD) s:o :? ,:;,, -- .,_/ ,' ~ PLANT MATERJAL'I A. DECIDUOUS TREES I. 75 -2.00" CALIPER (minimum height 101 $250.00 EACH COST&LABOR .. PERJMETER & PARKING AREAS .. 1.5 -!. 75" CALIPER $225_00 EACH COST&LABOR ., INTERIOR LANDSCAPINOOROTI-IHR REQUIRED LANOS(.'Al'fNO B. EVERGREEN lREES FIVE (5) FEET OR ABOVE $150.00 EACH COST&LABOR ,, 3 L --. ), --. ,-,· - C. SHRUBS $35.00 EACH COST&LABOR ··-:;.- BOND AMOUNT SUB TOTAL: SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT $ --<'." 9::)7() __.· ,' ' -·" / ,, . Revised LBQW 8/19/2001 PAGE 1 OF2 - UNIT PRICE UNl!TTYPIE QUANTITY PRICE D. GROUND COVER $4.00 EACH COST&LABOR MISCELLANEOUS 1REE STAKES $2.65 EACH PER STAKE& 22 LABOR _, C:,/ - FENCING: LINEAR FOOT ,/>//': SOLID WOOD CEDAR $28.50 INCLUDES LABOR . . '/ ~~ ~ BERM!NG $17.50 LINEAR FOOT /,,·j.·· INCLUDES LABOR .. -/.,. ..• ,.. IRRIGATION 80¢ SQUARE FOOT RELOCATING TREES ON SITE 36" BALL $260.00 EACH IV./>, 60"BALL $920.00 EACH //./'.J~ RELOCATING SHRUBS ON SITE 12"BALL $26.00 EACH _...··.,./'."/~-:', 24 11 BALL $33.00 EACH ,1~< ...-:; . ADDffiONAL ITEMS /(ec. r' /-} ' ,':'"" .·1 . C > i a-<· l"j~ C ,-:/ (; I -~? .':? _ _j ~ . ' ,• J/J:.?c.::e --po/ .1/-/~-· · --. .::::· (7 ./-; ./,, , SUB TOTAL BOND AMOUNT BOND SUB TOTAL: s /07-77,4 ,I .;;, / ..;,. u Add 30% of the Bond Sub-Total for Contingency in accordance with 30% CONTINGENCY: Financial Guarantee Ordinance 120220, Section 13. s 3, //2. 0 TOTAL BOND PRICE I TOTAi. BOND ,.,;ICI< s /31 "T?C:O ., Revised LBQW 8129/2001 CASEY ENGINEERING July 28, 2004 Kim Claussen, Senior Planner Current Planning Section Land Use Services Division King County D.D.E.S. 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 REF: Liberty Grove -Site Engineering Review -Recreation Space Plan (DDES Project File L03P0006) SUBJ: Itemization of Components for Recreational Space Dear Ms. Claussen: P.O. BOX 1255 FALL CITY, WA 98024-1255 CELL: 206-227-8187 The following is an itemization (and costs) of the components proposed to be provided within the Liberty Grove "Tract "B" recreational area. Item: Supplier: Catalog#: Total Cost: Picnic Tables (2) Pacific Outdoor Products PT-35 $ 1,276.0 Play Facility ( 1) Pacific Outdoor Products WS-573 $4,310.0 Park Benches (2) Pacific Outdoor Products BP-25 $ 796.0 Total Cost of Components: $ 6.382.0 Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. Sincerely, r;;_f) ~ .lt/ ~ David W. Casey, P.E._ V CASEY ENGINEERING C:/KIII/Documents/Kim Claussen rec plan rosts 7-27-04.Doc STORMWATER HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN LAND PLANNING ~---, r-· I: 1·if: i i JUL 3 0 2004 l':1 / LEVEL I OFF-SITE ANALYSIS FOR LIBERTY GROVE CLIENT: Lakeridge Development P.O. Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 228-9750 PREPARED BY: Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. 726 Auburn Way N Auburn, WA 98003 Phone: (253) 333-2200 Fax: (253) 333-2206 PROJECT: 01-470 DATE: March 3, 2003 REVISED: JULY 11;2oo3 RECE,!Vf:O SEP O 3 2003 l\ii'll. 'vUUNTY LANO USE SERVICES /REVISION/ L03P0005 L03P0006 COPY ··-_., ' I EXPIRES, JAN. 9, 2004 STAMP NOT VALID UNLESS StGNEll AND DATED TASK 1: TASK 2: TASK 3: TASK4: TASK 5: TABLE OF CONTENTS Study Area Definition and Maps General Information On-Site Drainage Analysis Upstream Drainage Analysis Downstream Drainage System Description Future Site Conditions Resource Review 1. Flood Plain/Floodway (FEMA) Maps 2. Offsite Analysis Reports 3. Sensitive Areas Information 4. SWM Division Drainage Investigation Information 5. King County Soils Survey Maps Field Inspection 1. Investigation of Reported or Observed Problems During Resource Review 2. Location of Existing/Potential Constrictions or Lack of Capacity in the Existing Drainage System 3. Identify Existing/Potential Flooding Problems 4. Identify Existing/Potential Overtopping, Scouring, Bank Sloughing, or Sedimentation 5. Identification of Significant Destruction of Aquatic Habitat or Organisms 6. Collect Qualitative Data on Land Use, Impervious Surfaces. Topography and Soil Types 7. Collect Information on Pipe Sizes, Channel Characteristics and Drainage Structures 8. Verify Tributary Basins Delineated in Task 1 9. Contact Neighboring Property Owners in the Area 10. Note the Date and Weather Conditions at the Time of the Site Visit Drainage System Description and Problem Description 1. Drainage System Descriptions 2. Problems Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G Exhibit H Exhibit I Exhibit J Exhibit K Exhibit L APPENDIX Vicinity Map Drainage Basin Map Downstream Drainage System Map FEMAMap Assessors Map Sensitive Areas Information SWM Division Drainage Investigation information King County Soils Survey Map Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Table Site Plan of Liberty Grove Copy of December 5, 2002 letter from Haozous Engineering Copy of November 27, 2002 letter from Ms. Laura Casey TASK 1: Study Area Definition and Maps General Information The proposed Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous developments will be within three separate parcels, located near the northwest and southeast comers of the intersection of SE 1361h Street and 1601h Avenue SE. Parcel 3664500141, which is located near the northwest comer of said intersection, will be designated as "Parcel A" in this report. Liberty Grove will be entirely within Parcel A. Parcels 1457500085 and 1457500090, which are located near the southeast comer of the previously mentioned intersection, will be designated as "Parcel B" in this report. Liberty Grove Contiguous will be entirely within Parcel B. The parcels are located within the NE and SE quarters of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County Washington. The project site is located within an area zoned R-4. Since both projects will be developed at the same time, and in fact will share the same detention facility, this off-site analysis will be for both projects. There is an existing house and shop within Parcel A, with the remainder of the site mostly covered with grass and some tree. Parcel A is approximately 4.84 acres and generally drains to the south. There are two houses within Parcel B, with associated structures. The 7.92-acre parcel is presently forested in the northeast comer, with the remainder of the site being dominated by pasture land. There is a wetland area within the southwest corner of Parcel B, which wiil remain, and will be protected by a 25-foot buffer. Site soils have been identified as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS). On-Site Drainage Analysis Parcel A has an average slope of approximately 3.6 percent, and generally drains to the south via sheet flow. Parcel B has an average slope of 4 percent, and generally releases water along the southern property line. Upstream Drainage Analysis As shown in Exhibit B, Parcel A receives runoff from approximately 9. 7 acres. The upstream basin is presently covered with trees, pasture land, grass and some houses. Water from said basin enters the site via sheet flow along the northern property line. Parcel B has an upstream area of approximately 13. 1 acres. This basin is partially forested, but is dominated by single-family houses with a density of approximately 6 DU/GA. Water from the upstream area mostly enters the site via culvert that discharges near the northern property line, and into a ditch that flows to a wetland area within the site. There are minor flows from the ditch near the northeast comer of Parcel B. The ditch continuous south and starts to broaden. Water then enters the site, disperses and eventually drains into the wetland area. Downstream Drainage System Description As previously described, there are two separate areas to be developed as part of this project, which are designated as Parcels A and B. Parcel A presently discharges into an earth-lined ditch along its south property line. Water then enters a ditch along the western side of 160th Avenue SE and continues to flow south. Approximately '!.-mile downstream, a new 24-inch diameter ADS N-12 culvert intercepts water and brings it across 160th Avenue SE. We are proposing to bypass the above mentioned downstream system as part of the development, and will therefore provide no further analysis of said system. Furthermore, said system will most likely be improved by the proposed Evendell Plat, located south of Parcel A. It is proposed to collect runoff from the developed Parcel A and its upstream tributary area, and convey it to the proposed detention facility within Parcel B. The existing downstream facilities from the proposed detention facility will therefore be described in more detail in this report. Parcel B presently discharges runoff along its south property line. However, most of the runoff passes thru an on-site wetland located near the southwest corner of Parcel B. Water that is released by the wetland is collected by a yard drain located within the adjacent parcel to the south. We were unable to enter the property to collect more information about the system within said property. Although we were unable to collect more information about the above mentioned yard drain, we believe this system will be inadequate to handle runoff from the proposed development. The County may however, require the existing hydrology to the wetland be retained, and therefore, the yard drain will continue to receive the same amount of runoff. It is proposed to construct the detention facility within t~e~~ corner of Parcel B. Discharge will be to the existing conveyance facilities alohg t11e east side of 160th Avenue SE. The drainage facilities consist of driveway culverts and drainage ditches. The system components are shown in Exhibit C, and are itemized in the Off-site Analysis Drainage System Table (Exhibit I). There have been several complaints within this downstream system, copies of which are included in Exhibit G. Furthermore since we are proposing to convey runoff from Parcel A to this system, the facility will have to convey more flows. We are therefore proposing to improve the conveyance facilities between point 1 to point 24 (See Exhibits C and I). The new conveyance system will be designed to handle the peak flow rates. Points 25 through 30 have recently been upgraded. ' Future Site Conditions This development involves the creation of sixty single-family residential lots within Parcels A and 8. Access roads and roadway improvements will also be a part of the development. As previously stated, the detention facility will be constructed in the southeast comer of Parcel B. A wetpond, sized per the Basic Water Quality Menu, will be constructed below the detention facility. The proposed facility will discharge to the facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE. There have been several recorded complaints along this downstream route (See Exhibit G). Due to the proposed plan to convey water from Parcel A to Parcel B, runoff to the downstream facilities on the eastside of 1601h Avenue SE will be increased. It is therefore proposed to improve a portion of the downstream facilities to handle the post-development flows, and will be further discussed in Task 5 of this report. Per discussion with Mr. Bruce Whitaker of King County D.D.E.S, it is our understanding that developments within the basin will be required to provide downstream improvements, in lieu of the Level 3 Flow Control requirement. Although we were previously proposing to use the Level 2 Flow Control criteria together with downstream improvements, not all downstream facilities are within the R.O.W. and therefore cannot be easily upgraded. Beyond point 30, the ditch begins to disappear. Water then disperses within the private property and then collects in a ditch, then continuous east. Although there have not been any drainage complaints from the property owners, it appears that the drainage facilities within said property will be inadequate to convey flows beyond pre-development rates. In lieu of upgrading facilities beyond point 30, we are proposing to upgrade the conveyance facilities from the project site to point 24 together with the Level 3 Flow Control criteria. Another alternative is to provide the Level 2 Flow Control criteria and provide adequate conveyance along 160th Avenue SE down to SE 144th Street, which will prevent water from entering private property. The pond shown in the Conceptual Drainage Plan, in our estimation, will be able to accommodate a pond sized per the Level 3 Flow Control criteria. Flow to the existing wetland will be calculated and maintained by allowing some roof and yard runoff to drain directly into the wetland. Runoff from upstream areas, presently draining into the wetland will be collected and discharged directly into the wetland. There is a proposed development called Evendell Plat, which is located south of Parcel A and across the street from Parcel B. A Level 3 downstream analysis, dated August 26, 2002 has been prepared by Haozous Engineering for said development. The analysis was later supplemented by a letter from Houzous Engineering, dated December 5, 2002 (See Exhibit K), which identified conveyance facilities that need to be upgraded. We believe that with the improvements proposed by Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous, and together with the improvements for Evendell Plat, most of the downstream problems will be eliminated. TASK 2: Resource Review The following is a description of each of the resources reviewed in preparation of this Downstream Analysis: 1. Flood Plain/Floodway (FEMA) Maps The site is not within a 100-year floodplain. Refer to Exhibit D. 2. Offsite Analysis Reports We have reviewed the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis for the Evendell Plat. Evendell Plat is located south of Parcel A and west of Parcel B. We also reviewed a supplemental letter, dated December 5, 2002, which lists the downstream facilities that need to be upgraded by the Evendell Plat (See Exhibit K). We have also review the Preliminary Technical Information Report for Evendell Plat, dated June 15, 2001. 3. Sensitive Areas Information 4. 5. We have included a printout from the King County website as Exhibit F in this report. The printout shows that there are no sensitive areas on or adjacent to the site. However, a wetland area has been identified near the southwest corner of Parcel B. A wetland evaluation and delineation report has been prepared by Habitat Technologies. The report, dated November 5, 2002 has been review by Ms. Laura Casey of King County's Critical Areas Section. See Exhibit L for a copy of the letter from Ms. Casey. The wetland area is shown on the conceptual drainage plan, and will be within a Tract. SWM Division Drainage Investigation Information There have been several recorded complaints, both on-site and within the downstream flow path. In Exhibit G, we have included a map showing the location of where each problem occurred and the complaint number. We have also included a summary of the pertinent complaints and a copy of each complaint. King County Soils Survey Maps The soil underlying the site is Alderwood. A copy of the relevant page from the King County Soils Survey Map is included as Exhibit H. TASK 3: Field Inspection As previously mentioned, this project involves the development of Parcels A and B. Although the parcels are not connected, they are part of the same basin. Parcel A presently drains into the facilities along the western side of 160111 Avenue SE, while Parcel B presently drains into the eastern side of 160111 Avenue SE. The flows however converge further downstream. It is proposed to divert runoff from the developed Parcel A into the proposed detention facility within Parcel B. This analysis therefore focuses more on the facilities downstream from the proposed detention facility. 1. Investigation of Reported or Observed Problems During Resource Review There were several drainage problems identified in the review. Please see Exhibits G, I and K, and also Task 5 of this report. 2. Location of Existing/Potential Constrictions or Lack of Capacity in the Existing Drainage System See Exhibit I. 3. Identify Existing/Potential Flooding Problems See Exhibits G, I and K 4. Identify Existing/Potential Overtoppinq. Scouring. Bank Sloughing. or Sedimentation See Exhibits G, I and K 5. Identification of Significant Destruction of Aquatic Habitat or Organisms At the time of the site visit, there where no signs of aquatic habitat or organism destruction. 6. Collect Qualitative Data on Land Use. Impervious Surfaces. Topography and Soil Types Qualitative data has been collected from previous field visits. This information is included within this report. 7. Collect Information on Pipe Sizes, Channel Characteristics and Drainage Structures See Exhibits C and I. 8. Verify Tributary Basins Delineated in Task 1 At the time of the site visit, the tributary basins described in Task 1 were verified as being accurate. 9. Contact Neighboring Property Owners in the Area At the time of the site visit, a neighbor living in address 13814 160th Avenue SE was available during our site visit. This neighbor had previously complained about water overflowing from the ditch along the west side of 1601h Avenue SE and flowing into the facility in front of his property, causing said system to fail (See Exhibit G). This problem has been identified for the Evendell Plat also, and improvements were proposed to eliminate this problem (See Exhibit K). We are also proposing to upgrade this system in front of his property. The wetland area within Parcel B currentiy drains across address 13802 160th Avenue SE, before discharging into a channel behind the above mentioned neighbor's property (See Exhibit C). Said neighbor stated that he constructed the channel to allow water to flow freely. He also stated that the channel is dry during summer and wet during winter. He mentioned that there was no problem with the system. Furthermore, due to the requirement to maintain the wetland hydrology (See Exhibit L), the proposed plat of Liberty Grove should not have any effect on the system. 10. Note the Date and Weather Conditions at the Time of the Site Visit The site and downstream system were visited on Jan. 17 and Jan. 20, 2002. It had just rained prior to our Jan. 20, 2002 visit. 1. TASK 4: Drainage System Description and Problem Description Drainage System Descriptions: As previously stated, runoff from the developed Parcel A will be conveyed to the detention facility to be constructed within the southeastern comer of Parcel B. Discharge from the detention facility will be to the drainage facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE, which is the focus of this report. The existing drainage facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE consist of roadside ditches and driveway culverts. Several complaints have been filed due to the failure of this system. One residence has experience flooding on more than one occasion. Haozous Engineering, in their study of the downstream facilities, prepared a Level 3 analysis. A supplemental letter, dated December 5, 2002, outlining their proposed improvements is included as Exhibit K in this report. It is evident that the downstream facilities will have to be upgraded to fix the ongoing problems within said system. 2. Problems: A summary of the different complaints is included in Exhibit G. Please see Exhibits C and I also. TASK 5: Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems Drainage facilities for the proposed Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous Plats will be designed using the guidelines within the King County Surface Water Design manual. The development is proposing to install a new detention and water quality facility within the southwest property comer. Due to several recorded downstream drainage problems, we are proposing to improve some of the downstream facilities as shown in the Conceptual Drainage Plan. The new facilities will be designed per the quidelines within the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Per discussion with Mr. Bruce Whitaker of King County D.D.E.S, it is our understanding that developments within the basin will be required to provide downstream improvements, in lieu of the Level 3 Flow Control requirement. Although we were previously proposing to use the Level 2 Flow Control criteria together with downstream improvements, not all downstream facilities are within the R.O.W. and therefore cannot be easily upgraded. Beyond point 30, the ditch begins to disappear. Water then disperses within the private property and then collects in a ditch, then continuous east. Although there have not been any drainage complaints from the property owners, it appears that the drainage facilities within said property will be inadequate to convey flows beyond pre-development rates. In lieu of upgrading facilities beyond point 30, we are proposing to upgrade the conveyance facilities from the project site to point 24 together with the Level 3 Flow Control criteria. Another alternative is to provide the Level 2 Flow Control criteria and provide adequate conveyance along 160th Avenue SE down to SE 144th Street, which will prevent water from entering private property. The pond shown in the Conceptual Drainage Plan, in our estimation, will be able to accommodate a pond sized per the Level 3 Flow Control criteria. Flows to the existing wetland will be calculated and maintained by allowing some roof and yard runoff to drain directly into the wetland. Runoff from upstream areas, presently draining into the wetland will be collected and discharged directly into the wetland. The drainage complaints are included in Exhibit G. Also included in Exhibit G is a summary of the drainage complaints that relate to this project. Each complaint will be address as follows: 1. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 2000-0322 and 1982-0520 13612 160th Ave. SE Complaint 2000-0322 was a water quality complaint. Problem could not be identified; therefore the County closed the file. Complaint 1982-0520 was file in 1982 and involves flooding of the property. Solution: 2. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 3. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 4. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: These complaints originated from Paree! B of the project. These problems will be eliminated by the development of the property. 1989-0867 13802 160111 Ave. SE Was not available. Complaint may be too old and may already have been addressed. The County will require the flows to the wetland within Parcel B to be maintained, and therefore there should be no affect on this property. CAR No. 99-004152 and CAR No. 01-005339 13814 160111 Ave. SE Complaints indicated that the ditch in front of the property has plugged. King county responded by cleaning the ditch. The property owner indicated that the ditch along the west side of 160111 Avenue SE floods. When flooding occurs, water crosses onto his property. We are proposing to upgrade the facilities in front of this property to handle post-development peak flows. The proposed Plat of Evendell will be improving the west side 1601h Avenue SE, which will also help eliminate the problem. 1997-0203, 1997-0423 and Claim Nos. 31249 & 21860 14028 160111 Ave. SE Complaint 1997-0423 is not available. Complaints 97-203 and Claim No. 21860 were filed by the previous owner Mr. Marshall Brenden. Claim No. 31249 was filed by the current owner Mr. Chad Myers. All the complaints involve failure of the drainage system and flooding of the property, which includes flooding of the lower level of the house. Problem appears to have not yet been resolved. The 18" pipe in front of this property was recently enlarged to a 30" ADS pipe, which should be adequate to convey the flows. 5. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 1997-206 16046 SE 142"d PL. Off-site flows impacting property. Property gets flooded and septic system operation impacted. Although Drainage Investigation Report does not indicate any actions were taken at the time of the complaint, it appears that the County has installed an 18-inch diameter pipe behind pipe behind his property. There is still a problem with erosion downstream from the 18-inch pipe. This is beyond Y.-mile downstream from the project site. We believe our proposed mitigation will improve existing conditions. This level 1 analysis has provided a complete review of the downstream conditions. With implementation of the conveyance, detention and water quality standards, the project should not pose significant negative impacts to the downstream drainage course. 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EtHtB!T £ KC. 54 ' ®King County Hvme Nc·,,s Comm~nb iMa 1 Print Pane 1L"1500!>40 142'30S9112 1473059009 ,., County Bound.art ,r./ S1tael's n -· •~ ~ lnCXH"pOtated Asea # ~ Snel llild'I . ., -... -SA6Stieam ': """" ' Clas:2~ # Cllm.:2~ ,r./ a-, .. -. SI\Oi8ina Management DeSign..-i ml Cawww•q m -m ..... ffil! ......,,__ m -- Legend ...-- Lalwti. and Large Rwem FEMA floodwBy FEMI\ FIOodpliJal EEi ,00.,. EI!:l """" WIRD P.annel Mgtatiotl Hazard • MOOERATE • -~ Sole Soul'l:ll:I Aquifer II SAO-"" 1%1 SAO 1..a11<l-e ffil! SAOCaai-• ml SAO Sal&fflic II SAO- m Q'lw,ok ~UtiOn • Sem;liri,a Alea NDtioe on Tilla • • t EXH!Blr F .SEN~lnl/E AREAS INF~ATltJN he information induded on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness. timeliness, or rights to the use of such nformation. King County shaR not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages induding, but not limited to, ost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or information on this map is prohibited except bv written permission of Kina Countv. King Count)'_ I GIS c~nter I News I Serv~ I Comments \ Search • •----·-+ ··-·· --------1., -~-... t ... ...,_, ...,_,,,n.-1 h., t""c..,,c. ,:,,n.-1 ..-nnrlitinn"I: nffhp RitP ThP rl~if:s EX/..llb!T G SwM D1 ,/1S1arv !Jf2.AINAb£ 1tJ11E<;,T!GA11otJ 1NFa2HA17DN Illa tadY IMr ml lllllll I .as lhlsllll -IIMlb!QB 111'111:81 Sa:till '*•'*'~ Pmted: 12/'28IOO 7:3658 AM -'"' 1,,.11_ -II---.... --1974-0095 C RIPRAP 15225 JONES RO ROCKSIDIKE/15219 JONES RD/CEDAR RIV 657A4 1974--0096 C RIPRAP 15224 JONES RD ROCK/DIKE/JONES ROJCEOAR RlVER 657M 1974-0103 C 15631 JONES ROSE W/0 BACKFIWJONES RO 657A4 1974-0106 C ORNG 15005 JONES RO OITCHfALONG CEDAR 657A4 1975-0128 C FLDG 16418 SE 145THST STORM SEWERSISRIARWOOO S 65784 1976-0084 C 156T>< PL SE/JONES RD DAMAGE ALONG RD/CEIJAR. RIVER AREA 657M 1976-0091 C DEBRI 15463 SE JONES RD CEOARRIVER 657M 1979-0090 C ORNG 14406 162NDAVSE 65783 1980-0117 C ORNG 13405 1S6THAVESE 657A2 1981--0316 C 15035 SE JONES RO DIKE JETIYICEDAR RIVER 657A4 / 1982--0520 C FLOG 13612 160THAVE SE 65782 1982-0521 C FLOG 16426 SE 145TH PL BRIARWOOD AREA 657B4 1983--0357 C ORNG 14827 SE.JONES RO GHNL OVERFLO/MADSEN CRK 657A4 ' 1983-0386 C ORNG 15243 SE 132NDST . ORNG OITCHfSE 132ND STl152ND AVE SE 657A2 1983--0387 C FLOG· 14003 171ST AVE SE BRIARWOOO AREA 65783 1984--0224 C FLOG 16211 SE 145TH ST 65784 1985--0710 E FILL 15035 SE JONES RD KG CTY NOT RESP-WILl.JwCENF 657A4 1986-<>Jn C VIOlATE 15817 SE JONES RO MOBILE HOME IN FLOOD PLAIN 657A4 1986-03n E ILLDVLT 15817 SE JONES RO TO BALD FOR CM(CHI( STAT BY CMDT). 657A4 1966--0378 C FLOG 13129 160THAVE SE BLOCKED DITCH 65762 1986--0437 C Cl.A..VERT 152S2 SE 142ND Pl INST ALLATION-NEEO CB 657A3 1966-0651 C FILLING 15045 SE JONES RD SEE 66-0745,1158 657A4 1966-0745 C FILL 15045 SE JONES RO ILLEGAL FIU.--CEDAR RIVER 657M 1986-0812 C EROSK>N 15421 SE JONES RO CEDAR RIVER 657M 1986-1158 C FLOG 15059 SE JONES RO SEE: e&-074S BRAMBLETT 86----0745 6S7A4 1987--0430 C TRFD TO SWM-FMIRD DRNG. 65782 1967-0430 ER OHfSWM DIV Pl Y. 65782 1987-0430 NOA OHISWM DIV PLY. 65782 1987--0496 C ORNG 16423 SE 135TH ST SEEPAGE 6S782 1967-0589 C SEE .fl7-0430 WILSON. 657B2 1987-0593 C ORNG 16904 SE 1361H ST DRNG ESMT WATER/DITCH NEEDS MAINT 6,782 1987-1001 X FILL 16861 SE JONES RD ILLEGAL FILL IN FLDPLAIN 65784 1988-03n C DRNG 14250 161ST AVE SE HAZARDOUS PONO OHffO CM. 06/10/89 657B3 1989--0020 C FILL 13<00 168THAVE SE NEAR ORNG CHNL 65702 1989-0066 C DRNG 14820 154TH Pl SE INSTALLING DRAINAGE 657M 1989-0863 C ORNG 13224 168THAVESE DITCH CLEANING/LOSING YARD 65782 ,/ 1989-0067 CL ORNG 13602 160THAVE SE CL#12735 OUEAPRIL 65702 Page 1 of4 ~ :: , .... --__ .. _ --- 1990-0318 C flDG 15225 SE JONES RD DIVERTED DITOIISTORM EVENT 657M 1900-04<9 C ORNG 1<9<3 SE JONES RD DEBES IN CREEKJSTORM EVENT 6'iTM 1990-0518 a. flDG 15225 SE JONES RD CU12839 6'iTM 1990-0590 C ORNG 14933 SE JONES RO BACKUP INTO MADSEN CREEKfSTORM 6'iTM 1990-0702 a. FlOG 15059 SE JONES RD CU12933 SEE TULLY OUE AUGUST 657M 1990-0748 Cl_ FlOG 15023 SE .JONES RD CU12989 SEE n.tU. Y OUE AUGUST 657M 1990-0793 a. FWG 15035 SE .JONESRO WASHE DOUT DR1VEWAYICUT3019 SEE 6'iTM 1990-0931 C ORNG 16423 SE 135THST SWAMP IN NEXT LOT/STORM 65782 1990-0956 a. FlOG 15226 SE JONES RD MUD FROM CLOGGED CULVERTICU1313 657M 1990-1023 C ORNG 15408 SE JONES RD HOUSE MOVED lN NEAR CEDAR RIVER 657M 1990--1101 C EASEM'T 16516 SE 149TiiST ON LOT 6UtU> AOO£TION 65784 1990-1101 E EASEMENT 16516 SE _149TH_ST MET ON SITE WILL SUBMIT PROPOSED S 65784 1990--1280 C DRNG 1<926 165TH PL SE ONTO 0/W AT Cl.I.. OE SAC 65784 1990-1343 C DRNG 14920 163RDC7 SE DAMA.GED PVT DRAIN 65784. 1990-1503 C DRNG 15025 156lll Pl. SE PIPE OUTFAU. TO RIVER 657M 1990-1509 C EROSION ~ 154THPlACE SE CULVERT DAMAGE ANO SLIDE lN RA.VINE 657M 199().1542 C flDG 16446 SE X>NESRD WATER OVER ROADWAY/OUT OF BANKS 657 .. 1990-1615 C EROSION 1S633 SE JONES RD OF RIVERBAr,JK/FAIL£0 LEVEE 657M 1990-1673 C EROSION 1<908 SE JONES RD CEDAR RIVER BANK 657M 1991)..1634 C EROSION 17055 SE .JONESRD REPAIR OF DIKE OF RIVER 657"' 1991-0064 C RDG 16<26 SE 145TH RID PLUGGED/NO DRAINAGE 65784 1991--0064 SR FLOG 16426 SE 1"5TH ROST FM ADO TO OLDS/OFF 65784 1991--0188 C DRNG 16400 SE 143RDPLACE BROKENP1PE 65783 1991--0186 E DRNG 143RD SE 164lH AVE. SE BROKEN PIPE 65783 1991-0322 C FLOG 16418 SE 14STH ST PLUGGED PVT ORAJN 65784 1991-0422 C ORNG 16446 SE JONES RD ROCKS ANO DEBRIS FROM RAVINE 65164 1991-0422 SR DRNG 1 ..... SE JONES RD OHIRDRNGCM 05111/91 SEE 91-0530 65784 1991-0688 C DRNG 15243 SE 132NDST BACKYARD ts UNUSABLE 657A2 1991-0750 C RU. 13008 156THAVE SE 1N DRAINAGE AREA 657A2 1991-0954 C fl..()QOING 15006 SE 143ROST STORM EVENT CIB OVERFLOW 657"3 1991-1000 C DRAINAGE 13535 160nfAYE SE MAINTAIHENCE OF UNOPEN R.O.W. DITC 65782 1991-1147 C DRAINAGE 14506 165THAYE SE WATER PONDING IN ROAD 65784 1992-0082 C DRAINAGE 12817 162ND SE 65782 1992-0082 E DRAINAGE 12817 162ND SE 65782 1992-0082 ER DRAINAGE 12817 162ND · SE QnlAcByCmDt) 65782 1992-0082 PN DRAINAGE 12817 162>10 SE 657B2 199:>-0252 C DRNG 16410 SE 143RDPLACE WRNEDTOE 65783 1~52 E DRHG 16410 SE 143ROPLACE CHECK STAT BY CMOT DA.TE 65783 1993-0521 C DRAINAGE 13301 SE 160THPLACE BROKEN WATER LINE 65782 1993-0528 C DRAINAGE 13301 SE 160THPlACE SEE 93-0521 657B2 Page2ol4 ....... ,,.. '"'"-__ .,_ -----1993-0n4 C FLOG 13516 16411i AVE SE FLOODING 657B2 1993-0724 RN FLOG 13516 164TttAVE SE FLOODING IN WETLAND °""1 PROPERTY 65782 19S:.i-07~ VVCi.C UVMt"it-iG iO&H 5~ JGNESRU 6578( 1993-0752 WOE DUMPING 16861 SE JONES RD SEOaMENT FROM WELL ORIUIN:G 65784 1993--1063 C HOLE 16519 SE 149THST HOLE IN ROAD SHOULDER 65784 1994-0326 C DRNG 13200 156TH AVEY RD SE NEW UPSTREAM CONSTRUCTION -WILL 6'S1A2 1994--0538 C HAZARD 16519 SE 149TH ST NEW KC DITCH IN YARD IS A HAZARD 6'S7B4 1994-1011 C DRNG SE 132ND & 156TH A SE DIRECT DISCHARGE FROM Pl.AT OEVELO 657A2 1995---0107 C CULVERT? 15641 SE 136TH PL POSSIBLE GROUNDWATER IMPACT T<J ·5 65783 1995-0715 C RUNOFF 164)0( SE 136TH ST ROAD CULVERT OJSCHARGE HIST ORNG 6S782 1 ggr.,..0007 C DRAINAGE 13100 164THAVE SE LACK OF CONVEYANCE IN UNOPENED RI 6'S782 1995--0007 R DRAINAGE 13100 164TH AVE SE LACK OF CONVEYANCE IN UNOPENED RI 6'S782 1995-1070 C CREEK 15915 SE 148TH ST STREAM FLOW INFO REQUEST 65784 1996-0039 C DRNG 15609 SE 126TH ST NO INFORMA 1lON AVAILABLE 65782 1996--0269 C FLOG 15225 162NOAVE SE GROUNDWATER STREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 1996-0289 R FLOG 15225 162NDAVE SE GROUNDWATER STREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 1996-0376 co SEEPAGE 15225 162NDAVE SE SEE 96--0289 OUP 65784 1996-0556 C RUNOFF 14301 166Tli PL SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFACING 65783 199&-0556 R RUNOFF 14301 166TH PL SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFACING 657B3 1996-0869 C FLOG 15035 SE JONES RO HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657M 1996--0869 NOA FLOG 15035 SE JONES RO HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 6'S1AA 1996-0869 R FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657M 1996-0870 C R/DPONO 15XXX SE 14.3RD ST KIDS USING POND FOR DIRT BIKES 657A3 1996-1050 CL FLOG 15010 156TH PL SE REIMBURSMENT FOR CLEAN UP WORK IN 657A4 1996~1253 C DRNG/PIP 15226 162NOAVE SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 1996-1253 NOA DRNG/PIP 15226 162NDAVE SE PVT DR.NG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65764 1996-1253 R ORNG/PIP 15226 162NDAVE SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 1996--1557 WOA CONSULT 13203 156TH AVE SE BCW SITE CONSULTATION 6'S1A2 1996--1724 C FLOG 14206 164THAVE SE OFFS1TE FLOW IMPACTING PVT PROP 65783 199&-1762 C FLOG 15059 SE JONES RD DAMAGE TO DRNG OUTFALL TO CEDAR R 657A4 1997-0056 C DITCH 13215 154Tl-t AVE SE 657A2 1997-0056 R DITCH 13215 154THAVE SE 6'S1A2 ,/ 1997--0203 C FLOG 14026 160THAVE SE OVERFLOW FROM 0/W CUL V IMPACT PVT SS783 v 1997--0206 C FLOG 16046 SE 142ND Pl OfFSITE FLOW lMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 ./ 1997--0206 NOA FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 657B3 ,/ 1997-0206 R FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSITE Ft.OW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 1997--0318 CL CL.AJM 14038 SGTHAVE SE FLOODING OUE TO PLUGGED CUL VERT 651"3 NOE ~ 1997---0423 CL FLOG 14028, 160THAVE SE ROADSIDE:: DITCH OVERFLOW-160Tii AVE 657B3 II V/.1 I.A , 1997--0484 C DRAINAGE 15701 138TH PL SE PROPERTY DEV CONCERNS PVT ORNG 657A3 1997-0524 C EROSION 14631 156IBAVE SE NATURAL SLIDE AREA ADJACENT TO ptp 657A4 Page3of4 ..-.,.. """-_,,_ ----I* 1997-()659 FCR VAtO\l.lS 161TH Pl. SE&SE144TH VANDAUSM TO RID IDENTIFICATION SIGN 65783 1997-0917 FCR DRNPOND 145TH SE PLBlWN 150&151 Pl. NEIGH KIDS DIGGING IN PONO SIDE SLOP F61A3 1997-1072 C STUMPS 15405 SE .JONESRO STUMPS STOO<PJLED FOR CO PROJECT 6'ilM 1997-1432 C DRAINAGE 1S413 SE 133RDST LOT DRAINAGE PVT ORNG SYS C8 LOWE 657A2 1997-1493 FCR POND 16426 SE 1-45JHST INALTRA.TJON PONO NOT HANDLING LAR 65784 1998-0152 C DRAINAGE 13115 158THAVE SE PVT PROPERTY IMPACT DUE TO NTRl. OR 65782 1998,-0192 FCR WASTE 15006 SE 145TH Pl. DOG WASTE SIGN REQUESTED 657A3 1-.o202 C DRAINAGE 14312 160TltAVE. SE LOW AREA PVT PROP ADJ PROP RAISED 65783 1-= C "JREES 14= 15UTHPI. SE TREE FALL DAM FENCE. NOT LDSU f"ACI 6'ilA3 1998-0475 woe ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE RH.EASE FROM ASH POND 65784 1998,-0475 WOR ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE RElEASE FROM FISH POND 65784 1998-0931 woe Fll.L 12813 163ROAVE SE DUMPING OF COL ADJ TO DRAINAGE SYS 65783 199!>-0059 CL TREE 14334 166TH Pl. SE TREE FALL DAMAGED FENCE 657BJ 1999--0225 woe DUMPING 15921 SE 148THST DUMPING ON PVT PROP YARD WASTE/DE 65784 / 1999-0297 FCR ROMAINT 15006 SE 145TH PL REQUEST TO REPLACE BOUAROS ANO l 657M 2000-0322 woe WQI 13612 160THAVE. SE APPARENT IRON OXJOE BACTERIA IN DIS 65782 2000-0666 FCR MNM 163XX SE 145THST REQUEST TO INSTALL ADOITlONAL TRAS 65784 2000-0674 FCR ,_, 16225 SE 145TH ST DUMPING/STOCKPILING OF LUMBER ON 65784 2000-0674 R ,_, 16225 SE 1-45THST DUMPING/STOCKPILING OF LUMBER ON 65784 2000-0703 FCR" MNM 16225 SE 145THST C8 OOES NOT HAVE LOCKING UO, FENG 65784 2000--0731 FCR MMG 14210 149Tlt PL SE DEVl..EOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY Of REN 657A3 2000-0731 WOE woo 14210 1.f91lt Pl SE DEVLEOPMENT WlTiflN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 2000-0731 WOR ,_, 14210 149Tii PL SE OEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 6'ilA3 ~-4o(-4 ., ,_ .. Li .... ),___l____'..· , .··:CJ-l-'-~+--:·- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 7. gbn. _~3 .. ~~.,c··· ~,~5 --~-. :1 - =· ... ~----- . -·-·--~ DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS SUMMARY: 1. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 2. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 3. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 4. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 2000-0322 and 1982-0520 13612 160th Ave. SE Complaint 2000-0322 was a water quality complaint. Problem could not be identified; therefore the County closed the file. Complaint 1982-0520 was file in 1982 and involves flooding of the property 1989-0867 13802 160th Ave. SE Was not available. Complaint may be too old and may already have been addressed. CAR No. 99-004152 and CAR No. 01-005339 13814 160th Ave. SE Complaints indicated that the ditch in front of the property has plugged. King county responded by cleaning the ditch. The property owner indicated that the ditch along the west side of 1601h Avenue SE floods. When flooding occurs, water crosses onto his property. 1997-0203, 1997-0423 and Claim Nos. 31249 & 21860 14028160th Ave. SE Complaint 1997-0423 is not available. Complaints 97-203 and Claim No. 21860 were filed by the previous owner Mr. Marshall Brenden. Claim No. 31249 was filed by the current owner Mr. Chad Myers. All the complaints involve failure of the drainage system and flooding of the property, which includes flooding of the lower level of the house. Problem appears to have not yet been resolved. 5. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 1997-206 16046 SE 142"d PL. Off-site flows impacting property. Property gets flooded and septic system operation impacted. Although Drainage Investigation Report does not indicate any actions were taken at the time of the complaint, it appears that the County has installed an 18-inch diameter pipe behind pipe behind his property. There is still a problem with erosion downstream from the 18-inch pipe. JRN.24.2003 4:15PM KC WLRD N0.222 P.2/5 KJNc C'911NTYWA'l'ER~LANDRESO_URCESDIVISI0N ·.··. , .. V.eP ... ·,:. ' . ' ' DRAINAGEINVESfIGATIONREPORT ' I I .. :,lF'.~-:;~ ', , /JA' ~~ ___ L INVESUGAT!ONREQUEST .. · T;n>e ,-mt.. ~-··· . PROBLEM: ~t!.-fL.<LZ../KH" //1/) · /,., · . · 1 . , .• • ; , 1 , •. ".::::~M>l'uM.e.:....,~~-;~3.; ~,No: 0(}1!3,g ; . . . . . . , · (Day) ( ) (Eve) < ...... }_~\ .. NAME: . Pia H:) fr1v,d .· , · . · PHoNE · ADDRESS: 13 ~ I ,2 lfoOt-6' (0 ~ c)t;.~ City fit3.1,-;c:w· Statec....-· _· Zip /qgp~ !<: • ' ,, ' ' • J .. '., • : • LOCATION OF PROBLEM, IF DIFFERENT: ' , .. : . ' Platname: ~ ~ /;~ MkL 112-Lot No: / Block No:3' 0ther agencies involved: No field investigation required. __ · Th.Bros: New fP5'f s~ ·•.. . JRN.24.2003 4:15PM KC WLRD N0.222 P.3/6 , ·v • .,, ·wvz-... ,.,r i SJ I ilfli . 11 Complaint No. 00 0322 Investigated by: Virgil Pacampara Date: May 16, 0000 ff I mr r Ii r r ::r rt:2•1·:rr l!M:filk,;littt:rr*'· 1• , • .,,., Name: Jeff Ketchel · I R ~· · " -.. am DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: I met with Mr. Craig Geller (resident) at 2:30 PM regarding a water quality complaint. He informed me that he has no idea where the pipe has originated. its source of flow and notice the discharge two months ago. He been living in that house for sev,n months only. The subject of complaiTJIS a 6" dia., white colored PVC pipe discharging an orange colored liquid. The exposed end-part Cont fall) of pipe line is located nt side diroh of 160th Ave. SE. approx. 40 feet North from the SW comer of the property. Using the end of pipe as reference point (refer to photo# 1,2, 3). It seems it was been laid laterally at an angle towards the house in north-easterly direction and b11ried in varying depth of l' to 2' feet. At time of visit, I took a water sample from 011t fall (end of pipe). Lt is discharging clear/ colorless liquid (refer to photo# 5,6). Noted a constant flow of disch~e in the whole duration of visit. Stained area is still visible (refer to photo #4, 5,7), No trace of recent back fill/ excavations along the probable route of PVC pipe due to presence of· debris and yard waste scanered all over the property. Notice the south side of the small garai;e, a stock pile of used I remnants of varyini size of PVC pipe including: an identical ,ize and color of pipe mentioned in the complaint (he informed me tha1 it was materials use at his other work as a plumber). Checked water met.er for possible leak in water supply of the house, (noted war.er meter gage is not running despite a constant discharge of liquid/ water in out full). He added that a septic tank is serving his sewerage system and a drain field located at backyard. The roof downspout is not connected to any storm drain pipe, will create a surface run off in the area (refer to photo ,#8). Water sample taken ftom the pipe reveals Category #4; variety of in,p-relared bacteria and Category 115; Iron -related bacteria plus anaerobic & aerobic slime- ~ ~l--~~~~~~-·~_21_a __ 'T_Hl~~-S3-"'if'~~~-~~~- !6" dia. drainage pipe (buried) driveway r---,----T---, ~ I ~.;;-i I Walberg I ~ I ~~ I #16021 I I I I I ,--__. ____ _,___l I -----, Property line I ~--- L_ ___ ..r--,r"':::::.,~~-'-~· ___ ..J1 ~ I Drain field ~!;:;~;~~~=~==~~~~;/~i o~~ •• • r;:;;:;~:;;:;-;::~::::::~~~-:,,'~ •• I Old trailer •' . Stock pile of pipes ditch area Probable route crl 6" dia. PVC pip·~ (used/ remnants) _..J Property line JAN.29.2003 12',10PM ,-.--. \'L;, KC WLRD N0.339 P.12/13 E2-o:iu - DIVISION NQ · 4 0886 DATE zs iis I?--. DEPARTMENT OF PUILIC WORKS , K ,. COM PL.A INT INVESTIG.A TION REPORT NATUREoF COMPLAINT, FlooDt,vG Complaint Rec d Radio O Gti2en 0 Phone M'.l On,.,iew D COMPLAINANT: JoHII !!:r~wA(7' ADDRESS 136/Z,-lbO 4v, ,:;E PHONE: 7 7Z-(;,3'f< Details of Complaint, Bc1N(, JoH,o G1:01u .. 1: i<1AJ0 011 A) ec t> ON C ? Complaint Received Bv, I.;,~ /.. e w Complaint Referred To, Rot;€/:. ./5r?t,~reK Dote,~ C" f;;,1 8·"2;.. The Stewart pl'opel'tY is naturally low,lying approx. 4 feet below the ACTIONTAKEN,surrounding p;i:opel'ty which is County road, and other private property, 'he road and its culverts have been in existence for well beyond 7 years. I aon•t 'eel we should do any work,expending public funds to improve private property. Ir. Stewart could install a French drain,collect any water that enters his proper1 ,nd discharge from the french drain into the roadside ditcha along 160th AVE.S.E. 'he discharge would have to be controlled so that it was not much mol'e than a tri( .n order to assure that the ditch can handle it, and that we also do not create at ,roblems elsewhere, Stewart told me h~ ~ants County to channel the drainage aloni; Complo;non, advised of Act;on possible e : Phone D!l !_erre, D Personol Contact O ::Z ~/ ft:.e,J "-lo ~ he roads and not onto , .,,.,,-0 "'"'+ ,:,ver ploiF>it! 8i. ¥ Complo;nr Action Handled By ·· · 17 044 CL2 -<2..J. r-ei ~ ow, [a!?s show Natural drainage NAIi o .. ,... ,.,.. ~.:c,·..,.. -t-h:r+-'1'1..t,'l. , .c oss his property.Established dr, inage. 4 rr,'.,-e,te, proble-. RETAIN PINK CA~BO~: ENO V~LLOWAND WHIT O~Ro . .,....:, wl..;e./.. -tl,ie .,.,,,..,.;.., 11.l, IJ.1 ~ , /,,.; 11.0-t feil::t;. c;,~+,,,.., • -,X ~ C, 5f0" ~lo!.'i>,' +t..,·~ IIOII>" . : / JAN.29.2003 12:10PM KC WLRD 1 6 0 A V s E -------- :1 'I ' . )' . OPEN DI'l'CH s.E. 136th Street OPEN DITCH 13612 \t:. ______ D .,-1------S'l'EWAR't' PRO:eEBTY ------- N0.339 P.13/13 1 --· O,DITCH 6 ' 2 ' I I I A I • I V JI.. I { I s . OPEN I E \ DITCH~, \ ,, , I /' I I . --~ LU/ ~LI GVV.{ U I _ J;, 1·nA .<..uu ,._,._,, u_._.,;v · ij:i119 ~ounty Department <>f Transpo(tatiQn Citizen Action Request Form RequestN~ RequestDat~- Reques!Time: 900 --------- Request taken via: P (P)hone (R)adio (O)n-V,ew (F)ax By: MCDONALD Caller Name: BOWDEN, BRET Caller Address: 160 AV SE @13814 l.,ocation: 160AVSE@13814 Request Details: CLEAN DITCH Request forwarded to: PU 004 DIV: 4 Dispatched to: Above !his lina lor Office Use Initial Investigation by: CAMPBELL Findings Action Taken: SLOPE MOWED Task Completed: 262 Responding Pit SUMMIT Refe~d to: Time Refd: Req. Type: D RPU Day Phone: (425)255-6152 Other: 3"<\ ~ '5€. lo~L ~~ ql!,D5"8 --line for Foeld Use Investigation Date: 10/05/1999 or Work Scheduled: Date Refs: --------------·-----------------·------------------ Second Investigation by: Date Recv' d: Action Taken: Task Completed: Request Type: Date Closed: 08123/2000 Contact log: I 10/6/99 PM CONTACTED CITIZEN Caller contacted by: 1 (P) Phone (I) In person (NI Note or letter (U) Unable to contact Type of Request Choices A. Abandoned/Com1. Vehicle G. Guardr.!M'enoe Damage B. Utility lnspecfion H. Spa CJ<>anup (Gefler.>I) C. Conlracl/Over1ay issues I. 1nquirieS RE: Main!. Activities D. Dras,;,ge J. $pray Application E. Deb,-, on~ K Washout Repair/5-Removal F. F~ Piq,o,rty . L VegelStioo COlltrol (M°". Brush, el<:.) M. !legal Use cf R/1/11 N_ Shoulder Maintenance 0. MISC. Requests P.POlhole a. s-..cum M.w,t R RepwS1nael/Paving S. Street Main./Sloeep T. T rashll..itter on RJV\/ U Snow/Ice V. Water on Road/Flooding W. Lid MtSSing (CIB Uli.) X.Oflching Y.B<idge1SSuQS RequestN~ Request Date: 1 Request Time: 1633 Ki.!1{;! County Department of Tl'a!lspofta!ion Citizen Action Request Form ------------------------------- Request taken via: P (P)hone (R)adio (O)n-V"'w (F)ax By: GALLARDO Caller Name: (IOWOEN, 1,!RET CalterAddress: 160AVSE@13814 Location: 160 AV SE @!1381_4 Request Details: DRAINAGE DITCH PLUGGED Request forwarded to: PU 004 0111: 4 Dispatched to: :RONIN Above this -for Office Use Initial Investigation by: CRONIN Time Refd1633 Req. Type: D Findings Action Taken: VACTOREO & FLUSHED SYSTEM Task Completed: 241 Refer'd to: RPU Responding Pil: SUMMIT Second Investigation by: Action Taken: Task Completed: Request Type: Contact Log: Day Phone: (425)793-7783 Other: Below ttii6 linat kif F"teld Use -------------- Investigation Date: 12/13/2001 or Work Scheduled: I Date Refs: Dale R!'Cv'd: Date Closed: 12/14/2001 Caller contacted by: U (Pl Phone (I) In person {NI Note or letter (U) Unable to c<>ntact Type of Request Choices A. Al>andOne<I/Com. Vehide 8. Ufilitr Inspection C. Contradl(),norlay isoues D. Drainage E. Dams oo Road#ay F. FloodH,g Praperty G_ GuartkaillR,nce Damage H. Spil Cleanup (General} I. Inquiries RE: Mainl _..,,, J. Spray Applica1ion K. Washout Repair/$-Removal L. Vegetation Control (Mow. Brush. etc..) M_ llegal Use ol R/W N_ Shoulder Maintenance 0. Misc. Reques1s p_p_ Q. SideWalc/Curb Maint R.RepairStrest/Paving -s.s.--~ T. TrashlLitlec on RIW U.Snow/k:e V. Water on Road/Ftooding W. L1c1 Missing (CJB Ulil) X. D;ict.ing Y. Bridge Issues JAN.24.2003 4:15PM KC WLRD NO. 222 P. 4/6 _.,. .... '. -- KING COUNlY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION RE:I;>ORT Page· 1:· INVESTIGATION"REQU~T OK'd by: FHe·No. L. ,; ' 4, ;I J t • I ''-, , . Type ~-- f 7-JQ Received -&om: ·.. (l'loase pri ~l~n for =nnlng), . (Day} {Eve) NAME:. wJz;wAafaa114dM ·· · · PHONE d77-:<£9..2Lqot~; ADDRESS: ///f2c),f d& OtD LU)(' l K City -~ .state_ Zip. 00 Received by; ~ ~ate: £/ Loca~on of problem, H different · · · · · ~p!Y!! Plat ~e: C.' ec/cu-/J4r f<::. 7 Cl c. r,,.. T,,. > Other agencies Involved: Basin L Cfr Councll Dist / d... Chc,rga No: DISPOSITION: Turned to.__ __ . on----· by __ _ Lot No: S' BlockNo: 3 Th.Bros: New· &.7' Old 35 Fip OR: No further actlon recommended beca1 _ Lead agency has been notified:_........,:,..----,-.,......._-__ ......,......,.,.,, ____ -=-,.......,,--..,,...---'".,-.---~ _ Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has been Identified, _ Prior Investigation addresses probl1 See File# • _ Private problem -NDAP will no: consider because; · _ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel . Location Is outside SWM S~)fea. ..;_ Other (Specify): DATE CLOSE~,}_ ,iu.J..1 by:_J/{l ~?fJ'/P,f/_6 JAN.24.2003' 4: 16PM KC WLRD' ' . I. ' • • . -~1~J~ :·;: ? '. . . · Qp~~!rl-zdj, ~ Bieniiml. 1402s.1, . ·· hu H ' ,·1·--.,:, ·-... ..:j.C, .. , .... ; ... ·; ,·, .. N0.222 P.5/6 ,t. mvesugatwby,"S~.~:~~1/~ . ' . . ' ..... ! L·i. ,,: ,~-' , ' '' ~ ! Mmshall Brendon built bis n.sldcnce located al 1he :lb<""' refcnmced address in 1992. T]Jjs is the fint iJWdellt of flOOO!Dg in Qie h~ .~ ~ bmovcd in, liowever, Id'crcncc !'Uc Ng. 97-206 for hi'10ric flooding In ~ n~ighborh~, :.The cJrnma~ llitch nol'D)8lly in the past years handli;,d ti!~ si,rface water Dow !Juring storm evenlf, Brendon~ '111c gara~ cjl111111ce of B,endon's home is slightly be!~~ wamage di~.~Dl elevation. 'fliere jg a &totin 4n!l1111(lja@ttt to the garage entnnce that is so~tJipes overwlidmed by ~ ~ water' fl.ow ~t t1us'<ii tj.c 'fas ~ t4 b~ment tloot ,..a., flooded. n,.e '*1i djtch inmic:dia.icly:u~giadc of ' Biendon' s dwlllling is '1eavily "911<;,lalCd which reduce, volume. Also, ti)!' fil)W 11' com;i.ntrated by ~bining !!<>th sides of 160111 Aye SE: ~OJ):! fli3 h9mc. :J:)rondon wants potential flooding opus ll111'11g,:: and ba:ICl!llml to be -· . cl~ The~~ of~ nµming down his ii.rive to'MUd bis g~~ ~d ~ent js high bµt the S!Ollll drain'll(ljllecDt to tj1e c!dvt ls less ftequcntly overwhelmed, Brendon said. , '· : .· · ·, · • . ' · • ,~ ',. •: ,f •:' ~ ' ' I (" ' • ' J ' ' • ' ,", " J ( • ... ·: '! -·. ·:-:. ,'I.!·,, 1601:h Ave.· S.E. •,.! r• • ' ,. :, :. Culvert inlet area redrn;ed t,y sedim,~nt an gravel build~lll> .. . ' ' ... Storm drain I 140 g· · /, ·ll..~__.,~~~, l,' !'' ,i, i .. ~ .... ,. ·'.·,, ·--·_:,, .................. ,. __ , .. :,--....................... . . !-f \....... .. .......... /·--· Standing Water -~ ,:::.·.:·· .. ·:s~ace Wmer Discl:l!u'.ges '-··1 t6 Open Land' · . · · ---···------ -•• 4 ....... __ '·· .. i , • • ................... ···:··· '··-... ·1 • • ........ - ·• ...... _ .. ·····•• --•--, •• ,••'' ,,(r • .,. ,, JAN.24.2003 4:16PM KC WLRD Management • ~ King County i.\\\ sunace Water Everyone lives di!wnstream Engineering & Emrironmental Services I , I I I ' I I I \ SWM-EngWorl<Sl,eet 4/22/93 \ I ., i.-- l I I I \ \ ' ··• . I ·· .. .......... . .. ·- N0.222 P.6/6 " '\ /''••-,, ............................... -) . ~----Ch-k-=--=--------_-_-_-R-ev~-----------_-_-_ ,_P_ro_iec_t ______ _ Date Date Date Page of Pages . ;., ' ' !',,_ ·-- ~ ., ' I I ' ! ' ' ... ·t,,-..·· f lc-v',..(.. .. t~ 1.99)- ./ 1-~ ·t I" ''I: . .., (" •:. ~' ~ ... ...... .. , ·----S,,_crc.... '-. -·--'\.. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON CLAlM FOR DAMAGES CLAIM 218 6 0 NOTICE: Ne damages: can be·p~id ~ King County unless-a cl.aim compfying·with \Vas~inglmi State La+ . .-:s. presented to lhe King County Cm..;ncil. After filing clatm, please direct ?111 que,;tio,,s to thf: Office of Rist< ~./1anc.;e:rnent ~t. {206) 296-7432. lNSTRllCT)ONS: 1)Ccmplete form, giv;ng specific dEta!ls about yc-ur damage er loss. Include. dates; Hmas m1d witness.es. Z)Sign and have me torrn notarized. 3)Retum-form lo Klng C~unty Cler:.C cf-the Ccur.cii, Rvc:-n 403. King County Courthouse, Seattle, WA. 9a104. ·1NAME /1,fqrJ·,.fl}-!( · /;'/, /f,,e1,1d<;>t11 1 .f£.. ! (Fir-st, middle, last or business name) . !ADDRESS 1-'4.z; /(16 ,iV. s: £. -I: ,v:k!f?rd. YJ' OS z l {home er t:·..:s!nessj includ~ cfty, &ut_ro and r.lp . iauS!NEJiS HOME r,, /\ . MESSAGE iPHONE\01' a C)i'.77J'?o?/ PHONE:\f)(d~)J. 77-rf'?2/ PHONE: ____ _ \ADDRESS SIX MONTtiS BEFORE ILOSS/ACCIOENT ,/. ,7 /OCCURRED: / ~o z.J' p;:... /(o s: r: -&.<.lh>-V L · Jnclud• c.fy, sraie and zlp I · r./, · .·~ .;j.;----~ l')ATEOFACC!DENT ~ 7( TIMEOFACCIDEt-rr8-/fJ/fl7.AM0UNTCLA1Mi::D8.£~--- kocATIO:sJ LOSSiACCID'::NT /,/o Lt /to S:c ~ A:,</ z{,".u' . I I DESCFHP'TION OF O:;: 1AfLS (Descnbe hO\-v the loss/incident oc::urrec): ! £y_ ,#((j;f,,.,~T d, . !----------------------------~--~--------! ~ w i-----------------------------=-=---~=----=~-~=·-===-------~ ,._.:,;; . _.-a;;____m_v ___ , ,~l~G ~OU,\(fy'S :NV_OLVE.MENT {If fX}SSible, identify the employee or department ~ ~~G , 1 ,ncJC-<ah): 0/ ,1t?.c{',t1 e ,ve .ll · . ....,_$ -,, ff1 ; --------'-----.,--------------------i;~_,,~_,,.._ __ 1 L m J1MJURY (I~ y:::u .,..,..~re inj•..!red, pleas.a de~oribs in full}: ,Af(r-A(_c...__ _ o&}'/ ,fu,.,,>?~--c~c~r'-Y----- 1--:--------·-----------------..:_-----'--I :c~nn,. phys_ician(s) er a;;y other medical professional(•) involved: __ !Vuc,.,.,i/'-'-·----------- J_ I lccA.cre.::.;vc.::oc:u_:s:,::cillc,r::.e::cce='iv"-ie;~:;,g_;m'-''""ed"-ic:,"~al'..ct"-'re:::a~l'.'.m~en:.!:..t?:;:,.-,f-"""J..l,i---====ee====:c=--~-------.! ! swe::!i mis !s a true ar,d 2e:e:ur.ate staten\et".t ,, ' PROPERTY DAMAGE 35.00 Hair dryer 95~00 vacuum cle.1ner 950.00 Carpet and pad I 50.00 Removal 600.00 Doll House 40.00 Dog bed 225.00 two Nintendos 100.00 Stereo cabinet 800.00 Hidcabed 750.00 Couch 350.00 Recliner 250.00 Stereo '.'>pcakers 200.00 coffee table 175.00 Pkrme frames 185.00 Wicker clrnir 450.00 three duur> al J SO.CO each 100.00 Rug deaner-rcntal 50.00 Rug fan ren!al ~5 d<\yS $5,505.00'Tornl Costs Brenden claim Attachment C January! 8, I 997 •·111e total .1mount does nol include hidden charges 5uc;:h as mildew or water·damages to the walls or instibtion. . . . ~1Hif{f~f~~;;l~';t~;~%'~~'.:f.:~k-~~Y::f._:_f~~~:.ilfo~,·;~;_.~£ff~,7JT~-~i:J:!,0g~'*fu-)tB~~$.£!i~::S:f~;:~:'ti~~~\,t~R~~;~~1.~~--A%\<;.,W}:L~~12:;z,\.i'.'.-~2<~/--.~;,:-:~,:~?;;-.:fA,'.,~ts'.%f.B~~s-rm-:..~,., / 'i ·.:; ' King County Involvement: Brenden claim Attachment D January IR, 1997 King Cmmt}· lvlaintenance over a period of three months have been cleaning, lining and otherwise improving the drainage ditches on both sides of 160 SE above my propeny starting at a point :from i,E I 30th sm,et. TI1ese improvements and deaning was extended to approximately I block North ofmy prnpcrtJ-Thjs. aqion (:aused 1he drainage water to be a.JI diverted ro the. culVcrt at my property .site rather 1han some W.tters be absorbed by properties above mine. lmmc:dia1ely ·North of my site 1he. County and/or others clivertied a.H walers draining tm the West side.of 160 SE by the us.c of a culvert undtr the roadway to the Ea.st side of 160.SE thereby doubling the water-volume immediately above my home site. This action along with dit-cli improvements to the North and the .. debris b-uilth.1p in the dltc.h next to my home caused an overflow of the culvert area and dirnctly cai1St..~ my)ouse to be dcfugcd with drainage waler. J believe the County erred in·improving the drainage areas above my sire rather dwn below my site~ ·niis left only iny house to contain t~e e.xcess now of water_ I hrwc included photographs to help you better understand the Counry's negligence in this matter. Photo No. l Driveway at 13& 15 160 SE-shows drain culvert and volume of water on'\\.1ESTsidc of 160 SE Photc) No. 2 Orain.:1gc and cu\,..cr1 WEST side of 160 SE Ph<>lO No_ 3 Drainage of waler in ditch 011 WEST side of 160 SE and the point where this drainage is directly closed off and ro111ed 10 the Ei\STside of 160 SE and directly feeds this water through my culvert. PlH..110 No. 4 Drainage on EAST slde of f60 SE and immediately prior to c-0nversfon of waters se-e Photo. No. 3 Photo No. 5 Drainage dikh on EAST side where waters. from both EAST and \VEST ditches were diverte-d by the County difecll)' abt1vc my residence. Photo No. 6 [)rain culvert from WEST ditch to EAST ditch. Photo No. 7 EA.ST ditch JirccUy Noc-lh ofmy residence and after the conversion of both WEST and EAST drninage ditcbcs. into one drainage t.li1ch. Phuw No 8 Wesl side of 160 SE ( across the street from my home). Although there is a culven on the South Ille culvert ends or is p lugge<l before ii meets the drain waters on the WEST side of 160 SE. . . :~;f;:ZB7g,~,¥:st~~~,1.0;:s,7~'~1'(}:~~,:5 ~-,;·:~,~'i'1!/"l;~l;~~~:}Y0~·~i.~it1~5T:I:~f:,~,:r~2;--;;r::"?"{<-t!..';."!;1;:;;1c;,,~-'?'1~·"ti:..;..w:-=-:?.M[:1,t-1¢dtL-~<''.·'.~;;.ris:--..!'f:'t~ . .:"-:',JiT-c~,~~~:-7j,:,,,?ITY~"z•~~-i.~F-':\ttt=""'""'"'" ' .,•:_ .. ,. .-:.-~:::: .-:·-!kf-;:'. __ ··::·• '1 ' ,, •. .l; •/·, ··.'t,-., .,.r· .=- . '-'• ' Brenden c )aim Attachment A January 18, 1997 Description of de!ails, (sec auachment A) loss resulted from approximately a foot or S"o ofwater entcringlbe ground floor area of my home at 14028 160 Avenue SE and sevcre]y damaging or destroying the contents of tht: living area of my home. The water was the result of aa overflow from the roadside ditch.es and its dralOage· culvert on 160 SE caused by L overgrowth of vegetation 2. debris in the ditch immediately adjacent to fPy home and J_ excessive water drniuage routed lo the ditch adjacen! to my home. by the Couu!y. ?•' -t'- ,, \ September 11, 1998 TO: Karen Graham, Claims Officer, Office of Risk Management FM: Harold s(~hi, Manager, Road Services Division . RE: Claim: 21860/Clalmant: Marshall M. Brenden/Amount; ss,sos.oo Thank you for your February 5, 1997 memorandum requesting corrunents and a recommendation concerning the above-referenced claim filed against King County. This claimant alleges damage to various pieces of personal property due to King County Maintenance cleaning, piping and otheiwise improving the drainage ditches on both sides of \60~ Avenue Southeast, above his property at #14028. · This work caused the drainage water to be diverted to the culvert at his property site rather than some waters to be absorbed by properties above his. The flooding incident reportedly occurred on December 31, 1996, between 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. My staff has reviewed this claim and the findings arc as follows: Incident Confirmation: The incident was confinned by Road Services, Maintenance Division Four personnel who responded the same day to a report of plugged drains. Staff did not located a plugged pipe, apparently there was just too much water for the pipe. Also again on January 2, 199·7 County forces observed one-foot plus of water in the Brenden residence and a driveway culvert that could not handle the heavy flows. · Damai:e Confirmation: King County employees did not assess damages to the property. The claimant's property is located below the road with no provisions to address possible overflow of the roadside ditch. Recommendation; I recommend denying payment of this claim. Although King County has done ditch cleaning, some installation of drainage pipe and other improvements to drainage ditches on 160• Avenue Southeast, this work was a considerable distance north of the claimant's property and none of these activities altered water flows. Staff did not confinn the claimant's a!Iegations of a plugged pipe inlet. There is an 18-inch diameter cl!lvert pipe along the front of the Brenden property and there is no history of previous or subsequent problems at this site. Karen Graham September 11, 1998 Page Two Second Party Liability: None. Staff report there was just too much water for the system to handle during the stonn of December 31, 1996. The event included snow and ice melt concurrent with the rainfall. Remedial Action; The drainage system on 160" Avenue Southeast is being reevaluated for possible improvements. Hold Harmless Agreement: None kno\\lT1. If you have any questions concerning these findings, please contact Field Engineer Bill O'Connor at 296-8147. HST:WEO:le cc: Roderick E. Matsuno, Maintenance Operations Manager Bill O'Coru1or, Field Engineer -j ~ KJng Couniy "" Roed Sen1ce Dhislot · Department ofTranspc Road Maintenance Sec 155 Monroe Ave NE Renton, WA 980S6-4 l September l 0, 199 TO: Harold Tanigu FR: Roderick Mats RE: Contract C75( Attached is Change ( Contracting Compan. change does not resu required because the building permit applic space provided and n If you have any questi Cc: Kathy Brown, Jon Cassidy, S, ' «•) -~ KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON - -CLAIM FORDAMAGES UAiM ~1249 NOT1C''E: "No d,"1,]Jl;l~ can be p-.,.iJ !'y Ktng. Ccun«y unb ;1 d2Dl\ complying i.Tilh W:'l!lb.mgk,n Sblc Liw tS prcs:coiOO to lhc Cktk ar Tot!: C('tmcil. /Jler ftlil)_g cbi.m, rF~..i.'"~ dirro 3:IJ qu~li•:,f>$. 1l' ~ 01fu-.e-(.fRisk.:\1.magcmcot at (2~) 2?6-74n. - [ L'<~1Ru_:cn __ oN_·_,_·-, ti_) c"""_ ktcfonni;h~~~-,.1,o,,1l'""..._,,"'""" ~""".btcs'"""''"'4~_J""=-_ . _ _ {2)Sign1h< rron.. Ql R.~"""""""'-· ronn 'I t~~~'=-~~.!-~~~~~~~ti,.Roo:m'Wa_10l5,.Jao:CllGl:ttyC'omihome5)6TbmfA~cnur,S<attk,.V.:A98104, ~<:f.1~b.mdlmg~oo1x¥-l()fform. HA b L 1-1£ V£AS Finr_ !!-11,-Jd/6. i.~rw)12~3 ;:.:;i.t:,te) ADDR,.!;~, __ J/:/ IJ :?_ &' ; Ir !J H, A ut .s,.c..· .=£ ___ '7? EN'-=o:.:.i.J=-· ___ __.w~-',.cl"'.-· 1Jfomt'OT~5inen_) c~1, 70fr;_4qg_37c,~ Ci~F S,()(C BUSH<E:-ss hr. 'SI-ij':,5'5' noM!l ''2r ,;,-J 1a 71 ~,v.ssACE . .fllO;,iE. "'{,;,;, 'f, 6 ,<t:,l;o l'flONE, _,_-, _;;,_·":'=~'f_'_..cl___ PTIO;<F~ ~t,...U.E'. DATE OF IIIJITH __ -:Z..::--2-!L:: ~to ___ SOCIAl,SECIJRITY NUMJ<ER{Oplicnal)' -~N-'-fr·t,.~-------- ADl>RK'i.S SIX ~IO:-.TUs JlEF!)Jtl'. ------=S=· :..A..:::::"-\=l;:,.,_ __ -'-----------------"---'----- 1~-~-~-~-~!_:m_F,_~~-'X_~!~~--E-,D--_f _____ _;'~""=;~-~d='~C~. ,~ a..w&:::_cX~~-----·------------------------' DATE0f"l1'C1D~-i''1",_ I! •H 'Ol ~ ,z., .r3 ·DlnMEOFINCIDEl''T,kJW® gMl _ 5 PMAMOlr.''TCl~~IMEO,L~ 6 40 2. bl l.OC'.\TlO~ Of1.0SS/JNCJ1>ENT! s:,...~,e:_ p..~ ~"GOV£. DH AILS (d=nl>< how 11',, !=in<S,lcnl """::i.t :-]2_J_<,_i,-( DIU\/_blJ_QN --z:~.~ 1'h4 _ _N._g,,l_t\ .\,;IJ_!\l.d ilo11rt,,~o vtrifT'iiiiid /l!IO __ [u:>Ct>£Q_CHJIZ. Gu"¥, ll-1-Wl.Qu..v\_ L,,>N£.l __ of' _k-OY,\L, --____ . _______ _ .. -----------------------. ,· ---------------------------------------- ... ---------------- --------~--------------------------,,,, ____ _ .-:it: -----------------------------------'~--------C'.l'::::;_-_-4~5"--~~'--' l1°'J1.!)H' {ify(!u. wac injuTCll,. pkas:t-&ve .ckl:a:US): ------·-___ _ ---',J~J'--"t,,"---------------- !..l,::uti.fy .my ph:;"i:l~.w(s:) !Jr any~ mcdkal prnfe%.K1.na)(!-) lDVolvoJ; ----- ------------. -----------'-"'---''--'-J\ __ _ n ,.,, ______ ,. ______ _ ._ _____ ----------- -------~------------------.- " l dee-lare-under penalty of perjury under lbe laws of the State of Washington~t fo'J'"'Ji_ · __ g-is 1JUC a11d coJTCCt:" i /2.'1 /2.coz. "i?~<--6, wj,.. \ ~t~ ... ---- foa,c and Place (Cily, Stale)) -Signalure ::::0,,. ••..•• ,1 ;_1.;;_7i'".l1: ; UAlM 3124 9 MEYERS FLOOD -PAGE1 OF2 11/14/01 ~ Arrived home at approximately 5:30 pm to find that the lower le\•el of the house had flooded that day. Most of the water had soaked into the carpet and. pad by the time that I got home. By that time. the ditch was also lower but I suspected that it had overflowed. There were signs of water and debris running down the driveway from the ditch so I called King County to report the problem. 11/29/01 -I called King Country Roads Division again. They stated that someone would be out on Monday, December 3rd to investigate the problem. · 12/5/01 -J arrived home at approximately 6pm, I had a message on my answering machine from Manny Espinosa with King County Roads. He stated that he was in my neighborhood and would be out t0 my property in approximately Y, hour. He did not state the time that he called and my answering machine doesn't track it so I do not know what time of the day he called. 1bis was the only message that I received from him. I do not know ifhe was out to my house or not. 12/13/01 ·-My wifo arrived home at approximately 3 pm to find thatthe ditch had been overllo,ving and the water running .into the house again through the garage. She called me and I called the King County Road Division at 3 :30pm. :Mike Hudson arrived at 5:30 pm. He stated that the drainage tile probably needed to be upgraded to handle a larger capacity of water flow. He instructed me to call 1-800-KCroads. :My wife also called 911 arid the Renton Fire Departmcut was dispatched. Bill Kullburg and his crew from King County Fire District #25 assisted in draining all of the water from our home that day. 12/14/0J -I called l-800-KCRoads and talked to Bob Napier. All of the other employees were out at hmch. 1 told him ihat this was the second time that this had happened and we needed someone out to our home to see the damage as soon as possible. He said that someone would be contacting us and would come out and see the damage before we repaired anything. He said that this person would be out later that same day or Monday, December 171h. 12/14/01 -I called and talked to Lori Kronan at I :45 pm .. She had called my wife earlier and stated that they had a "vac truck" out to our property on the morning of December 11th but she didn't know if they had found anything that would have caused the problem. 1.2/18/01 -Called at 9:00 am and left a message for the roads department to see if they had been out yet and if ihey hadn't, it was imperative that them come out ASAP because we were having new carpet installed and didn't want this to happen a third time. 12/18/01 .. I called J-800-KCRoads at 3 pm. Talked to a woman at.first, then T ,vas transferred to Lori Kronans voicemail. I left her a message to call me. Lori Kronan called me back that same day and stated that there wouldn't be anyone from their department looking at our damages. She said someone would be out to check out the drain that same afternoon. ClAHt. 312 4 9 1"IEYERS FLOOD -continued PAGE 2 OF 2 12/27 /0l -I called again at 11 :50 am. I asked for Lori but she was out in the field. n1e person that I talked to looked up my file and said that nothing was reported as being done yet. She would leave a message for Lori. · 12/28/01-10:30 run-Received call from LoriKronan. She said she had been out at our property and looked down our drain and didn't see any blockage. She saw a slight bow in the pipe near the telephone pole area, but nothing that should restricUlow. She's not sure if the vactor clcm1ed out sticks or debris, but when they vactored it, they found nothing that was of large proportion to cause blockage. She said she had filed the paperwork to have the ditch dug and cleaned. l/25/02 -Called Lori Kron.in at 7 a.m. informing her that the ditch was cresting again. and it needed to be looked at immediately. Sometime that morning after l Oam, someone was out to my property, but by that time, the water in the ditch had decreased. They left a load of sandbags in a pile in my driveway. She stated that she had filed the request to have the ditch cleaned but was hot sure when this would happen. CURRENT SITUATION - As of today's date, the ditch has not been dug outand there are still times during heavy rain \vhere the water is at a level higher than expected. 1RESE PHO'Tb'S WERE ~"Et\\ 8Y 'THE ~N'lbN FIRE DEPT. .' WIEN lUEY A~\JED 1D OIJR HOME IJIE DA'I ot=,,~-n:.fE SECOWD FLOOD. CLAIM 3124 9 1 l -' 11 IESE. PHOTOS s~w WHEA:E .·· JIIE 'Nm-ER CAME ~MAND HIE .AREAS OF out<. \, K>ME · 11 IAI ·. WBlE t>AMJ\68> l>UE 1o iflE ·~TEI<. ClAIIA 31.2 4 9 . .ffi .... ·. ··15· ·.·. ·p·H£m· ·• ... ··.··. ... : • ······. ... ,, .... 71\ ·. · ...•........ ····~<i\.·V ·., ;" ' .. -, ,-, ' .. ·.·: _: ·, ·--'., Wl<l&6 ·tflE . wm-E.R CR6SfEl) Cl.AIM. 312 4 9 Wf!irER.· 0lll:f2ED OUR.HOM·E· · · · .· ru ·. ~ . --r-s-+e &t\f<PGE .. --. . . ~ ..... ~GE \tJ HCME l=ROM ROOD 10: GARP6E, IAJN~/, R-\MI~/ ROOM AND UNDER-$1~l!~c: ® King County Road Services Division Department of Transportation 20 l South Jackson Seattle, WA 98104-2637 March 27, 2002 TO: Robert Hansen, Claims Officer, Office of Risk Management FM: Linda Dougherty, Manager, Road Services Division RE: Claim: 31249/Claimant: Chad L. Meyers /Amount: $6,402.61 Thank you for your February 12, 2002 email requesting comments and a recommendation concerning the above-referenced claim filed against King County. The claimant alleges County responsibility for flooding damage to the garage and lower level of a residence located at 14028 160th Avenue Southeast, which occurred on November 14, 2001 and again on December 13, 2001 between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. My staff has reviewed this claim and provides the following findings: Incident Confirmation: A query of the Citizen Action Request database produced CAR 01- 005097, received from the claimant on November 30, 2001 at 2:55 PM, which stated "ditch plugged from last rain, had water in basement." CAR 01-005343 and 01-5405, which were received on December 13th and 14th also confirmed the incident. Damage Confirmation: Roads staff did not confirm damage to the Meyers' residence. Used sandbags were, however, located on the north edge of the property, which would indicate a flooding problem. Recommendation: Staffrecornmcnds this claim be denied. Roads staffbelieves there is no liability on the part of King County. Second Party Liability: Please note Brenden Marshall, Jr. (former owner), filed a claim for flooding damage (Claim 21860), which occurred on December 31, 1996. Staff investigation confirmed the installation of an 18-inch enclosed drainage system extending across the entire frontage of the property. A check with DDES could not locate any valid right of way use permits authorizing installation of this pipe. Staffbelieves this pipe is undersized (and probably-was at time of installation) and cannot handle flows from event storms. Roads staff further recommend Mr. Meyers check his purchase paper work to determine if the 'known' flooding problem was disclosed. Remedial Action: County engineering staff have reviewed the site, have assigned tracking number ( 4-1032) to this project and are currently designing an upgraded system to correct the problem created by the improper pipe installation. Hold Harmless Agreement: NIA If you have any questions concerning these findings, please contact Office Engineer Bill Hintz at 296-8709. Enclosures: cc: Roderick E. Matsuno, Maintenance Operations Manager Bill Hintz, Office Engineer JA'i. 0.2001 5:04PM KC 1..t.RD . N0.642 P.3/S, _ -KJN6-80UNlY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISISlteOIH!fc-.• (,/ ,:'_ 0 DRAffiAGE INVESTIGATION REPORT _ ~ a Page1.-.INVES"J1GATION~ . .,,_ C...., Recolveclby: 0:m,, Date: d& OK'd_by: Fla-No.. tJJ-clQ(p -Rec,w,,d fuKn: ·, f'lo,.. --... ocannln1I). ' . IO>>'l . IE-l ~ --Unz(~. ~ Gr,-a,. . . -· -PHONE Eo--<?ld;6 _ . ..:Ooiuiss: l(j,O'i'~ ·%?/:'/.,2A>"..d!jb/ City Yda:m ---21p"fil3 Plat·name: · A7,i:..1 L E.,4 C./?€,T o:herag~ fnv~: Parcel No.. 7.Z 5:'J70-0110 Basl~ LC/j', · eounc:ir Olst /;;;!._ Charge No: Lo!No;. // . Block No: No.Flelcl lnvBstl!,a!lon Needed __ _ _ Le.tel a.gern;y has bean notfflec;I: ---=====--===-.;.......-'--,;;========:;;,; _. Problem has been corrected.. _ ~a problem has been k:lentified. Prior ltlVe.$t:IQaUon address.es prot -_ ~-~" -_ Private problem -NDAP will no: consider bec;ause..· · · Wa.r.ar originil.te.s. onsn.o urd/or on netg:hborlng parent -. Location bi outside SWM Service· Area.. -·• . DA.~ <:;J.0SEO: ll.J-2:::µ5,.:J.. by:-12-/.l,:,,._,._ . Othor (Specify): .. -_ f f<:-:,-17),f· Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD - .. ... ... ... ... ... ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ~ ,.. ~ t,- ~ ,,. ~ JA'i. 8.2001 5:04PM KC "-RD Complaint 97-206; Don~ 16046 SE 142""' Pl. Rent.on lnvestip.tcd by· S=an Groom on 01/14/97 N0.642 P.4/9 D---...r.. Grq:g hu lived at thi:: abavc referenced locatiOII. since the early 60s. (his house -,,,::.l:!. sc:c.ond built iA the. ac:velap.llleQt). Sud.ace &tGcm. water tlO'WS beg.an 1looding his garage .approxim.a:tely fi. .. -c years ago. At his own o:pcmc at thal..tim.c he brought a ba..k boein 10 cut a &aina.giditch alo~thc:back side CI his property_ 'This Open trcncb provfdc, relief during JiDOd precipi~oa OYO:Zts"_ cwface ,rarer-wava aronnd his property. Storm wab" docs breech 1he top oca!Sionally. Tbc: ditch.fills~ up and hcclcan;thc diu::hd ~ mat :floan-&:rwn and reduces :flow. Be walks the dJainqe ditch during IIDrm. events (he 1n$U't around .far the last srcmu event) to ~ its fi.tnctioD3lity 8$ a ptc:am6on as well. He wants the dtaina,ge to cont:i.nne down 160<ti. Ave SE instead or a ~ r,;ystt;m. anm:..t bis and~ a property. Appareody. as: devc10pou:nt !IOl1h mhis pn,peny_lws incn:ased' add.itl'onal runatr is ClDleentrated intu the drainage alm:r.g 160"" AYe SR and subsequently runs to his pmpeey. 160"' Ave S.E. Stamfi:Qg-.m.cr, :nmotffrom 160• A'ft: SE dllcbao-p-thi<a=. Low~ Gregg said the land can~ be deveJap,-d ba:aa.sc they don't bavt: the percolatwn for iu:fi1tndj.Qn_ a{ sq,ti,;; synans. SE 142"" Place Tm.E Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD J~-e.ZOOl. 5:05PM KC \.LRD N0.642 P.7/'3 97-JO(p O~I()alB U0 DIBCIJSS:IOlf Mr. Gra.qg-J.• concerned about continui.nq -apatrae. develapoent whi.cb typically raauit~ .i.n Eaare eurfa~• wa.t9%'. ~lqw• through hi• dr•inagn d~tch CUld oc:;caa1.ona1ly into hi.• y.rd. 1 exp.la.1..nad th&.t £or l.arg-r deY*.lC>plt&ntl!II where more tllan 5r000 aqua.re :f••t. o~ .i.,,ipclrvi..ou• vur:faca• ar• constructed., the d-el..opa.r • e angl..neex i.• only reqdred to revi.ew. the drainage .ywtom•a capacity up to DJ:M? qu.artar o~ ;a mi.1.e downnt.re-·from thR propoued pl.at· a outl.et'.. po.1.nt. :For 111i.ngle bOPIC•i.t•• ~ there .i.e. ~y DO dOwustream an.a.ly•iu reqni..r:ed •ince t.hera i.a nffll.al.ly l..eae than 5,000 aquare :f:et;,t aL rtew .t..pervioQ• 11urfaee111 cono:rt:nl.ctM. I ~atAd that Mr.. Gragg .look for Dev•l~nt S.lgna al.ong 160th zwrt:..b of hi.a ~. When b• aee• new signa, he; CIIUl 11.ttend publ..ic ~:l.nge &l1d w:ri.1;.et lettere exp.ra••i.ng Ida concerna and O\:ltl.i.ni.nq hi• drA.i.Jlage impact11. Na .al..uti.an to thi.11 drainage prob.l.ur, va.a identi.fi.-S. Hr. Gr;a.99 requ.et-4 tb.at we cleap. out hia drainage di.tch. w .. o~i:~d to e1ean out pa:rt of hi.• ditch~£ our contractor c~q get the neceea;iu-y equi:p111ent from Gragq' a drl.-vew.a.y i.nt.o t.b.B di.tch. 3 nn.£ Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD . JA-4. 0.2001 s:84Pt1 ------- :ro: 7rl.ll: IUC.: NDAP ~TJ:Ol'f :roR OOMP:tA1BT JK>. 16041& 0 1"2l!ID PLACZ ~ COKPLAnff CBROlfOt.OGY1 OJUQ.J.&B.L 1-10-07 Pzat.D DIV l.-l.4-97 rlSLD EVl,J.. 3-7-9~ at.D PXLBS.t ..X 97-0206 GRAGG 235-0168 . •. P2eiaoa -the attacbed ~ compl•lllt .inv..etJ.gation report da:t:.ed 1-14-97 by SCDn Groom.. 8~ the problea -.eat• al.1 o.f tha l1DAP project cri.~.i.a l.Utad below, i.t qv&llfi.ee for and ha.a bean inW!:ati.gated 'IJlder the M>AP ~ogram. • rbe protlol.ee. •i.te i• llf.ithi.n the SHH •ervice ar•• and doe11 not J.avol•e a~ Comity CXC) code vi.olat1011. • the prabl.em. ai.t. •how• evldel:lee or or reported l.ocal.i.~d fl.oodJ.nq .. erosion and/or &ad.iJD,eota.tion with.in tha Of~ road dra1nage •Y~l!:Oti on priv•te reaidentiai and./or COIT'merclal proparty due in part to later upetream de,re1opment. • '?'lie pro:bl.eu ia cau•"d by aurlace w&.ter .from more tha.o one adjoining property·. son.s: Accordi.nq to the J;C ooil• .map .. the ai.te 1.& 1ocate4 i.n tbe foilow-ing soil Aa&oci•tion: ALOERWOO!> ASSOCUl,.Tl:OII'= JIOder&'Ce.l.y well drained un.CNlati.n9 to hil.ly so.1.1• that b&ve denae, vsry ml.owly perlQll!l.ll.ble glacial ti.l.l at a. dapth o-t. 20 to -'O i.nchae; on uplan~ and terraces- i: met w:i.th th:' .. 11;raqg on Karell ,tri and toured :bl.• propertr~ Aa d.evel.oi-nt oonti.nu•• Ul the appro,dmate 60 acre drai.nage baaJ..n nort.b of hi.a property~ ~e drai..Jt.ag• W.flter has been rout.-d. •01.1.tb. into the po1ld l.oea.ted j;u&t lnl of Ma property which th~l'l dra.tn. •ast and aout:b a.round the edqe o;f hi.s pro~rty. l Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD • • , ' JAN. B.2001 5:05PN KC "-.RD N0.642 P.6/9 He requested that the d:rai..nllg• tl.OWi.n~ eouth al.ong the eaet side o~ 1e.oth AV>llnue 5Z be :reroute.a. •t:.rai.ght •outb al.Ollg tbe east a1.4e of 16Qeh pa.•~ SB 1~2~d Pl•c• rather t.ban the ~t route whJ,.eh ~low. ••at and •cn1th around. bi.• property. Kr. Cragg ata:t.ad. that ,to.aTRra.l. l.oaq teri;a. re•i.dcm.t• have told hiia the clrai.Dage U8ed to f1ow ~a.i.ght eouth a1o»g the va•t and e••t •i.dee of l.60th all tbG v-.y down to sE 1.44,th_ l: •t..i.t*d. 1:.hat ll)3.y be true but the exl.atJ.ng dtainage ~ttern i.• old and c11.unot ti• revie•d ~ec::auae i.t i11 con111-dM"Bd the •etaJ:ll.i11b&d drainage pa.tten.t :!or hiB nr&a. I rev i.swed hi.a and hie two W!:i.ghbor • • dr~ r-1.•ted impaet:a and · ecor*<l tbf'!I probl.em at l.4 with hi.a garag,e and .-ptic ey9t41m impact• a.i:1d :rard ~9 • to two~-Al.thovgh ~ 1-1: £-~· h.11.~ be~ eapecia.11:y -t .-nd bad. I rated the ev,pnt:. f:requan.cy at 10 or once every 2-5 year• which~• my eJrt.UD&te of the Lrequ.ency 0£ how oft9n b~• eept~c •y•tem wi1.l boa e..v.rel.y i.mpact~ OTe% thO l.ong tona. Mr. r.-ragg stat.Ad that hi.a pumped e1"1:1uent septic ey11tmn ha.a ..,ox:kad fi,ne, :f'or the :flllJt l.5 year•. JJ~r .. bft ha., ~ up four pampe vi.thin the 1aat three yaara du& to the i,.tlcreae:ed gz'Ov..Odwata:r :t"lawa i.nto b.i.• .-pti.c tank/d:rai.nfi.el.d arAa.-!"r<)al hi,.q wet/¢ry ee&Don ob&erva.ti.cn•, he i• CQllTi.nced that 11110•t of the qroundvater comes £ram. the d~ai..rUt.gA di~ch looat.ed just abo'Ye h.lo dra.in.fie1d. We revi.ewed waya of pratect.i.n9 hi.s septic dra.infia1.d f:i:vm tlw IDQY'8ment of groQndwater from the Uphi.11 pond and drainage ditch. We di.ncueeed ways to eeal.. the earthen d.i.teh it•el:f u.•in9 a pl. .. ti.c l.iner or a l..&rge hal~ round or rul1 p.i.pe mectione alon.g about SO f&at of ditch abave-hi• drainfield-I pointed out tbat cone.i.der.abl.e groundwate~ may ati.11 £1ow :rrom north to south bQl°'"' tha ditch s~ion uo th.at aeal.i.ng the dit.ch ~ay not volve t.bl'!; problam. Depending on t~ depth to b.a.rdpan, an icnpervioun verticel layer of plagt.i.c or bantonite slurry located uphil1 of b~• dr•infie1d bet~ hie clrai.nfie~d and the ditch would probably be. the eaa~•gt and IIIODt et£acti.ve aolutl.ort to thi• probl-# Thi• iJP.pe,rviCN:lli la~ would .run frC)l'P, tba 'jl.round aurface down to tlulo bardpan layer Where it .... oul6. be kayed down i.nto the ba.rdpan layer. Decau.oe eucb a layer .rould :ceatri.ct the flO'lol' of ground water, higher groundwater 1evela· l'l\i.(Jtlt result .in th~• part of Gragg· u yard wi.th more groundwater •urfa.c.1ng during t:be ·wet a•••on •apecially near each end of aueh &n .inparviOl.le Wf!l.ll reau1ting in more Wlilt &eaoon auxfa.c:e w~~or oee9~9~/£lowa a:n.d icy conditionu Od porti.onv o~ Kr• cragg'a driveway. Pot any "'°rk thie. cloae to tbe drainfiald. ;,a.ny yard dra~n or i.mperv~ou.D facility cf this kJ.nd would h•ve to be reviewed and approved ~y the Xing Co\lnty Health Dtrpartmeint (Wayn~ oisen at 2g6-9737)- 2 Tm.£ Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD ., ·. ::. , I • .. . ... . . ' f I I I ~ :·. I ; :=:5F""". :~i-~:~:c,,;·."-···~-: • • • I • I l I ;:-"i!i,BF~~b;,~l-========I I I I I I I U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE 1 680000 F£E.T " . " . " ' • ' ,, • AgC ... . ' . ' --·-:: , .. EvB .- ' I I I ' I • ',i':. I --~ l \I". I I I I t .&ltLS MAP S .::A LE: r "a oxc.,1 £x11,e,1r H R_SE_ I ./~;:f: • I Page 1 of 4 Basin: Basin draining to 160th AVE. SE OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Site Visit 1/20/2003 Weather Overcast E F -' 0-37 None CB (Shallow) Collecting from pavement N/A 37 None J 1218LF -18" LCPE Under gravel driveway 3.8% 37-256 None 158LF Channel 4' wide; 3' deep 4.8% 256-313 Rusty water running from I 4 ls1de slopes 1 :1 Rockery to earth lining the east 6" plastic pipe 5 I 38LF • 12" LCPE JUnder utility access drive 3.6% 313-352 Erosion due to a water outfall from pipe to channel 95LF Channel 14' wide; 2.5' deep Side slope 2' from edge of 6 ls1de slopes 1 :1 to 1 :2 Earth lined 4.2% 416-468 pavement I Under dirt drive to back of Ponding @ south end of 7 l20LF -12" Concrete 0.4% 448-468 prop. pipe 41LF Channel 5' wide; 2.5' deep Water pool 3' wide .5' deep. 8 I side slopes 1 :1 Earth lined 3.2% 468-508 Straw bail 9' from S. culvert 9 l18LF -12" Concrete Dirt drive to back of property 2.2% 508-527 None 1' outfall to 2.5' wide 0.5' 153LF Channel 14' wide 2.5' deep I I deep water pool at end of 1 10 I Side slopes 1:1 to 2:1 3.0% 527-678 pipe. Straw bail 6' from S. Earth lined I culvert. Straw bail 57' from N. culvert Site Visit 1/21/2003 Weather rainy G H ,IPRY~rf;ar.ei-U~i1hoodof c ,i~I;xr9~l~f\1\0VllrfiOW. SEE NOTE2 System in good condition INone Water pool 2.5' wide .5' deep @ south and of pipe 4" roof drain east. At beginning <v" of channel Straw ball 7' from S. culvert o"' Plugged 4" roof drain east @ fv~ c.f south end of pipe 1.5' edge of pave. to edge of water SEE NOTE 1 15' EP to EW@ S. side of channel 11 l74LF -12" Concrete_ JUnder asphalt pavement I 3.0% I 678-753 I None I None ISEE NOTE 2 NOTE 1: LOCATIONIC> 2 TO 10 WILL BE UPGRADED BY THIS DEVELOPMENT AS PART OF THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, ANC> WILL BE SIZED TO HANDLE EXPECTED FLOWS. NOTE2: LOCATIONID1(11-24 · WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. 8£E EX.Hl/3/r (! ALSO ~ ~ ~ ht Page 2 of 4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Basin: Basin draining to 16oth AVE. SE A B IS. end of N. pipe broken. Wat.er currently seeping into 12 ICB (Shallow) !Collecting surrounding water I NIA I 753 ground. Made of Cone. Bricks. CB in destructon Bricks out of place. 13 52LF -12" Concrete Under asphalt pavement 2.0% 753-805 None SEE NOTE 2 14 CB (Shallow) Collecting surrounding water NIA 805 Water likely seeping 4" roof drain into cb from east underground 15 35LF -12"' Concrete Under asphalt pavement 2.0% 805-840 None 16 3.5LF Channel 3' wide; 1.5' deep 2.0% 840-844 None Side slopes 1 :2 Grass lined Property owner noted water 17 l38LF -12" Concrete Under gravel drive 2.0% 844-882 draining Into property over 160th 3yrs ago 1116LF Channel 15' wide; 2.5' deep I I 13' wide 0.5' deep water pool@ 18 2.0% 882-998 end of channel Side slopes 1 :1 Grass lined Straw bail 44' from N. culvert I <v '1, o" I SEE NOTE 2 I f<,~ 19 l55LF -12" Concrete I Under gravel drive I 2.0% I 998-1053 16" outfall to 3' wide 0.5' deep "<><i) water pool @ end of pipe Adjacent property owner noted 156LF Channel 13· wide 2' deep I I /that water partially drains onto 20 I side slopes 2:1 Vegetation lined 2.0% 1053-1209 the north property during heavyl rainfall. Flowing southeast then south 21 I 44LF -12" Concrete I Under newly paved drive I 2.0% I 1209-1253 !None I Straw bail 8' N. of culvert Straw bail 126' N. of culvert 1 12SLF Channel 4' wide 2' deep 4' from EP to EW@ beginning 22 Grass lined 2.5% 1253-1378 of channel I I SEE NOTE 2 Side slopes 1 :1 Straw bail 30' from S. culvert 23 26LF -12" Concrete Under Gravel drive 3.0% 1378-1404 None 1 1 NOTE 1: LOCATION ID 2 .TO 10 WILL BE UPGRADED BY THIS DEVELOPMENT AS PART OF THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WILL BE SIZED TO HANDLE EXPECTED FLOWS. NOTE 2: LOCATION ID ·. / :/: (/ -2. <f WILL BEANALYZEDAND WILL BE UPGRADEDACCORDINGLYTO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS s~ EXl!t/3/T C ~LS'O Page 3 of 4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Basin: Basin draining to 16oth AVE. SE "~---8 24 INC;;,IU},l'l;I;;> I,"" -.:,1~;;,::i, 11111;;\.I 25 47' 24" ADS N-12 Crossing 160th Ave. W. to E. 9LF Channel 4' wide 3' deep. 9LF in length Side slopes: riprapped 26 27 20' 30" ADS N-12 Under gravel drive 112LF Channel 3' wide 3.5' depth Side slopes 1 : 1 Grass lined 28 29 133' 30" ADS N-12 Along property frontage 50LF Channel 3' wide 3' depth to none Side slope 2:1 to none Earth to forest lined 30 31 Braided channel Forested 31A Ponded Area Forested 2.5' channel, 1' deep with Earth-lined Side slopes.2:1 31B 32 12 Concrete culvert Under gravel drive .::i\,".-i 3.0% 1404-1439 Erosion of slopes 3.0% 1439 None I 2.0% 1439-1448 None I 20% 1448-1468 None I 3.0% 1468-1580 None I 3.0% 1580-1713 None I 2.0% 1713-1763 Minor erosion at outlet of 18" LCPE 1.0% 1763-1863 None 0.5% 1863-1963 None 2.0% 1963-2113 None I 2.0% From Parcel A /!N'one -.. "·.' 12" CMP culvert Gravel c over J 2.0% I 30 I Will not be affected by this development SEE NOTE 2 None None None None None SEE NOTE 2 None None None i None t~butafy.lirea, likelihood of t'i'.,!lioblerl\; overflow ·],.f;·' ' Almost vertical slopes Recently installed {old pipe was 12" cone.) Was recently upgraded Recently installed (old pipe was 24" emf>) Was recently regraded Recently installed (old pipe was 18" lcpe.) Natural braided channel at end of 50' ditch Water flows east among trees Flow path through middle of ponded area See proposed mitigation Shall be upgraded by this development and sized to handle water fiow. Road currently not developed 34 !Yard Drain !Lawn cover I NIA I From Parcel B !None identified !None identified !Flows will be maintained NOTE 1: LOCATION ID 2 TO 10 WTCL BEUPGRADED BY THIS DEVELOPMENT AS PART OF THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WILL BE SIZED TO HANDLE EXPECTEDFLOWS. !NOTE 2: LOCATION ID 1 & 11-24 WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. ~e:.e EXHtt!:, rr C'. 4LS0 Page 4 of 4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Basin: Basin draining to 16oth AVE. SE A _e 35 I 12" Concrete pipe ILawn cover I NIA I 150 !None 36 120LF Channel 12• wide 1.5' depth Grass lined 2.0% 150-270 None 37 j 15' 12" Concrete Under drive to rear property 2.0% 270-285 None None \ /Ti-/ None t~~'illrea,.11~elihO,~dof ,,~:,'•problJm, overflow ?~(IC r\i).:.:; :r-·r:\ -· Visible end of pipe from north. Under fence at property line C,ollects water from N. pipe "'1d from adjacent properties None 38 J 30LF Channel Alonoside of drive 2.0% 285-315 None 39 I 12" Concrete pipe I Under drive to rear property I 2.0% i iNone None if current flows I Running east to west I ___ j~~~~~~~----~~-~~~--+---==.:.:.:.:_-j;:;;;;;:--------I to on-site wetlands is . -1 ·~ . maintained. Running north to south NOTE 1: LOCATION ID 2 TO fOW1LL BE UPGRADED BY THIS DEVELOPMENT AS PART OF THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WILL BE SIZED Tb HANDLE EXPECTED FLOWS. NOTE 2: LOCATION ID 1, . AND_i_i-2'{ WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. S'€C E,(/-111.JITC A-t.So / ' , ~ r __ _.-1 r--, ,.-... , I. , ~-, (§) I I I I , , -, ISF'RII I , L--.J \ \ , , r---,i-i---._ _ _j '--1 __ _;---...J , " , @ ;!1 L--.JL_J • • 3 7· • 2 , i\-, , , " I fl <§v , 11 • :< 23 I 12 " i 22 .. i) , I .. ~ ,. (E)IBTNl) NOT OPEN • .. " ~ .,:>"4' ,.. " ., " J> 'flv"'" • 7:' ~'9 #.,. ~ • ;.% •' ., " ~ ",j~"Y " " ., "' « • " " '" '" " " ~ " ,, " " " " ,u " " ,, "·" " " " ,, ,, ,, " " ' ,, " " "· . " " " " " ,. " " " 1-·· , . '1' , """ ,....,. ~ ; ' ' ,, 15 " 13 12 " 10 I ""' OH-0 OIJD ""' 0110 0,00 00,0 SE. 13111h 8T. (BB11IQ', -' - 33 \ .. ,~ I 211 35 ,. D " 11 30 31 " ,. ) u_ ··~·,.. ~\ll-""'!...+~-·s--l---~,--l-~--\-!4--l!s___"""-l---"'~,-----·~1-----~--l--'-'--.:\l~·-'!::==37::::j R i-!---L--, SI 58 54 53 .. , \ , I I I .. r-, , , ,-.l '--", , -, L-~--_.! ,------, , , .. _____ ., " .. .. - ,. .. " ,-------] L, Sl'R c., , , '----1-_J EXH/8/T J I , I , Ii ,,. \11 ,Ill \! ,j I , r , I , ~ S Ii£ fl.AN OF f./J!,ERr1 GROVE , Se1.L£: 1'• lbJ Haozous E n g Robert H. Da"ow, P.E. 13428-45th Court Mukilteo, WA 98275 fax (425) 742-S488 (425) 7'5--5872 December 5, 2002 Mr. Michael Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Drive SE Bothell, WA 98021 RE: Additional Information Request i n e EXH!/317 k e r i n g ~ Edward J. McCarthy, Ph.D-. P.E, l48/6SE1l6thStreet Renlon, WA 98059 fax (425) 254-0579 (415)135-2707 Application No. LOI TY40l & L01P0016-Evendell Dear Mr. Romano: This letter is in response to an information request by DDES in their letter dated November 26, 2002. I have analyzed additional drainage complaints in the downstream Evendell basins that were recently released by DDES. The analysis presented below includes proposed mitigations for the downstream problems per Core Requirement 2 of the King County Swface Water Design Manual. Drainage Complaints Drainage complaints along the downstream systems from Evendell were investigated at King County Water and Land Resource Division as part of the Level 1 Downstream Drainage Analysis submitted with the project's preliminary technical information report (TIR)(Haozous Engineering, June 2001). However, since the preliminary TIR was prepared, the following drainage complaints and claim information have been released by DDES: Complaint ID Date of Address of Type of Flooding/Description Complaint Complaint KCDOT Action 12/13/01 13814 160" Nuisance Flooding -Ditch on west side Request 01-Avenue SE of 160th Ave SE overtopped road and 005339 flooded the owner's driveway and yard. Complaint 97-1/7/97 14028 160" Severe Flooding -Capacity of pipe 0203 Avenue SE system in front of house was exceeded. Water overtopped ditch, and flooded road and ground level floor of home. Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 2 Complaint ID Claim 31249 Claim 21860 Complaint 97- 0318 Claim 21699 Date of Complaint 1/29/02 1/25/97 1/21/97 1/10/97 Address of Type of Flooding/Description Complaint 14028 160" Severe Flooding -Capacity of pipe Avenue SE system in front of house was exceeded. Water overtopped ditch, and flooded road and ground level floor of home. 14028 160" Severe Flooding -Capacity of pipe Avenue SE system in front of house was exceeded. Water overtopped ditch, and flooded road and ground level floor of home. 14038 156th Severe Flooding -Inlet pipe in front of Avenue SE house overtopped and flooded basement. 14038 156th Severe Flooding -Inlet pipe in front of Avenue SE house overtopped and flooded basement. I have also provided additional information regarding the following drainage complaint that was presented in the TIR for the project (Haozous Engineering, June 2001): Complaint 97-1/10/97 16046 SE Severe Erosion -Soil eroded from bank 0206 142•• Place is deposited 50 -l 00 feet downstream and contributes to ditch overtopping and garage flooding. AnaJysis of Complaints The complaints and claims listed in the table above document problems that occurred along the downstream conveyance systems from the proposed Evendell plat. The complaints were filed by property owners due to flooding caused by inadequate capacity of conveyance structures. The hydraulic structures at the locations of each complaint were evaluated as part of the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis (Haozous Engineering, August 26, 2002) prepared for the Evendell Plat. KCDOT Action Request 01-005339 was filed on 12/13/01 by Mr. Bret Bowden, a resident at 13814 160th Avenue SE. The ditch on the west side of 160th Avenue SE overtopped the road and flooded the complainant's driveway and yard. King County DOT responded to Mr. Bowden's action request and cleaned the ditches on both sides of the road. The flooding that motivated Mr. Bowden's call to the county was apparently Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 3 caused by a blockage in the ditch. Two driveway culverts on the west side of 160th Avenue SE, across from Mr. Bowden's property, were modeled in the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis. The culverts, identified as Pl 16 and Pl 17 in the drainage analysis, were predicted to flood at a 2-year return period. Flooding at these culverts could create a backwater condition in the ditch, thereby causing water to sheetflow onto Mr. Bowden 's property, as 'did occur when the ditch was blocked. This type of flooding would likely be classified as a "nuisance" problem by the King County Swface Water Design Manual. Complaint 97-0203, Claim 31249, and Claim 21860 relate to flooding that has occurred at the residence located at 14028 160th Avenue SE. Flooding at this location has been a recurring problem. Both 160th Avenue SE and a residential structure are subject to flooding. On at least two occasions in the past, the culverts in front of the property have overtopped. When flooding occurs, stormwater flows down the driveway and into the garage and ground level floor of the home. This problem is considered both a "severe building" and a "severe road" flooding problem by the King County Surface Water Design Manual. The Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis predicted flooding occurs in front of this residence at a 2-year return period. Flooding is caused by undersized culverts at locations Pl 13, Pl 14, and Pl 15. Complaint 97-0318 and Claim 21699 were filed by the property owner located at 14038 156th Avenue SE. A 12-inch diameter inlet pipe to a conveyance system, identified as POOi in the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis, is located in front of the complainant's property. Stormwater in the easterly ditch of 156th Avenue SE overtops the 12-inch diameter inlet pipe and flows down the owner's driveway and into her basement. Flooding has occurred on more than one occasion and has resulted in damage to the owner's washer, dryer, and water heater. This flooding problem is considered a "severe building" problem by the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Based on the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis, the 12-inch diameter inlet pipe in front of the property is predicted to overtop at a 2-year return period. Lastly, a "severe" channel erosion problem is located in the downstream system on the east boundary of the property located at 16046 SE 142nd Place. The channel is within the right-of-way of SE 162"" A venue. Channel bank erosion that is occurring at this location could be depositing in a flat section of channel 50 to 100 feet downstream from the eroded area. Sediments in the channel could be contributing to flooding as documented in Complaint 97-0206. In my field visit of the site, Mr. Don Gragg, the property owner, described flooding that impacted his garage in the past. A 4-inch pipe drains a catch basin in the driveway near the garage. The invert of this pipe is only 1.4 feet above the bottom of the channel. It appears that when the channel fills, water backs up in the pipe and floods Mr. Gragg's driveway and garage. Minor channel improvements at this location would likely improve the existing flooding/erosion and sedimentation problem. Alternatively, changes to the configuration of the 4-inch diameter drain pipe could prevent further flooding of the driveway and garage. Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 4 Proposed Mitigations Level 2 detention standards are required on the Evendell site, and were included in the preliminary drainage plan for the proposed plat. Prior to receiving recently released flooding information from DDES, described above, we had considered the flooding to be a "nuisance" problem and did not propose mitigations in addition to the Level 2 detention standards. In light of the new information, additional stormwater mitigations will be needed as part of the Evendell Drainage plan to conform with the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Drainage Problems at 13814 and 14028 160"' Avenue SE For the severe flooding problem at 14028 160"' Avenue SE, I recommend upgrading the downstream system as opposed to adopting onsite Level 3 detention standards. In my opinion, in this situation, upgrading the conveyance system along 160th Ave SE by eliminating constrictions, would provide more benefit to the neighborhood and surrounding properties than would adopting a more stringent onsite detention standard. By upgrading the system, the existing "severe roadway" flooding problem would be fixed, as would the existing "severe building" flooding at the residence located at 14028 160th Ave SE. Proposed upgrades would also solve the nuisance flooding problem at 13814 160"' Avenue SE. While adopting onsite Level 3 detention standards would conform to requirements in the Surface Water Design Manual, only conveyance upgrades would fix the existing problems. Pipes that would need to be upgraded would include the following: • Two driveway culverts on the west side of 160th Ave SE (Pl 16 and Pl 17) • Cross culvert under 160th Ave SE (Pl15) • Culvert immediately upstream the property at 14028 160th Ave SE (Pl 14) • Existing 18-inch diameter pipe at 14028 160th Ave SE (Pl 13) Upsizing these pipes would prevent the ditch from overtopping. Stormwater would be contained in the roadside ditch and would not be allowed to flow across the road or onto · adjacent properties, as has occurred in the past at 13814 and 14028 160th Avenue SE. Drainage Problem at 14038 156"' Avenue SE For the severe flooding problem at 14038 156"' Avenue SE, either onsite Level 3 detention standards could be adopted in place of Level 2 standards or the capacity of the existing 12-inch inlet pipe could be increased. Increasing the capacity of the 12-inch inlet pipe would likely entail upsizing at least 115 feet of 12-inch diameter pipe. By upsizing this reach of pipe to 18-inch diameter and increasing the head above its crown at the inlet, the capacity of the inlet pipe would be increased. The frequency of flooding would be reduced from a 2-year return period to approximately a 10-year return period. Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 5 Drainage Problem at 16046 SE 142"" Place For the severe erosion problem along the east boundary of the property at 16046 SE 142"" Place, the proposed Level 2 RID standards provide the mitigation required by code. Other types of mitigations to reduce erosion at this location, such as bank stabilization in the eroded section of channel or Level 3 RID standards, can be imposed through the King County Surface Water Drainage Manual under certain circumstances. Cleaning sediment out of the flat section of channel and stabilizing the eroding banks immediately upstream would reduce flooding to the driveway and garage at 16046 SE 142"• Place. Alternatively, the owner of the property could explore the possibility of retrofitting the outlet of the drainpipe from his property with a flap gate or extending the outlet of the pipe an additional 80 to 100 feet downstream to where the flood water surface in the channel is below the upstream invert of the pipe. Impacts of Mitigations on Downstream Properties I do not believe that upsizing the conveyance pipes along 160"' Avenue SE would aggravate flooding that occurs further downstream. The amount of runoff that flows out of the constricted ditch during floods along 160"' A venue SE is enough to cause damage to affected properties. However, containing this water in the conveyance system would likely not result in a substantial increase in flow rate. Furthermore, because the storage volume in the roadside ditch is relatively small and provides insignificant attenuation, upsizing the pipes as proposed would not result in an increased flow rate at the downstream end of the improvements. If you have questions regarding these analyses or need additional documentation, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Edward McCarthy, Ph.D. P.E. Hydrologist Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 6 References Haozous Engineering, August 26, 2002. Evendell Plat -Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis. Renton, Wash. Haozous Engineering, June 15, 2001. Evendell Plat-Preliminary Technical Information Report. Renton, Wash. King County Department ofNatural Resources, 1998. King County Surface Water Design Manual. Seattle. - £ ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale AvcnucSourhwesl Renton, WA 9H055-I219 November 27, 2002 Mr. Wayne Jones Lakeridge Development, Inc. P. 0. Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 RE: Liberty Plat, A02P0151 Wetland Determination Dear Mr. Jones: EXll//3/T L t<ECEIVEIJ DEC o 2 2002 ~~·~ I reviewed the Wetland Evaluation and Delineation Report and Wildlife Habitat Evaluation for the "Liberty Ridge" property, prepared by Habitat Technologies, Inc., dated November 5, 2002. I met Mark Heckert of Habitat Technologies at the site on November 25, 2002 and walked the property and surrounding areas. I also reviewed aerial photos in the County files, from 1936, 1970, 1985, 1990, 1996 and 2000. I conferred with several of my colleagues on interpretation of the Sensitive Areas Code in relation to this property. The site consists of two properties, separated by 160th Avenue SE. Parcel A (3664500141) has apparently been filled many years ago (prior to 1985) with ditches installed around the west, south and east sides. The property is maintained as lawns and landscaping with a residence and shop. There are neither wetlands nor streams on this parcel.. Parcel Bis two tax parcels (1457500085 and 1457500090). The northeastern portion of this site is forested upland. The remainder of the property is pasture with a few structures and outbuildings. A central drainage through the site was ditched across the property following recent construction of three residences to the northwest. This conveyance has some wetland characteristics through the logged area, then is ditches across the pasture. An eastern drainage outlets from a culvert under SE 136th Street, conveying stormwater runoff from the roads, lawns and roofs of a pre-1970's subdivision to the north. This drainage has some wetland characteristics through the forested area, then is ditched through the pasture. These drainages are excavated through upland soils, and are neither used by salmonids nor convey a stream that was naturally occurring prior to construction. Therefore, they are neither jurisdictional wetlands nor streams. TO: Mr. Wayne Jones RE: Liberty Plat, A02P0151 November 27, 2002 Page 2 ,,. __ However, the wetland on the south-central portion of the site appears to have been present since at least the mid-198Ds. The eastern ditch is evident in the 1970 aerial photo, conveying water from the culvert under SE 136th Street since that time. Thus, the source of hydrology to the wetland from the culvert is the "normal circumstance" for that wetland. This wetland on the south-central portion of Parcel B meets the criteria for a Class 3 rating. The wetland and a minimum 25-foot buffer must be protected through the subdivision process by placement in a Sensitive Areas Tract. The wetland buffer width could be averaged, as allowed in Code and Administrative Rule, with enhancement of the wetland and buffer provided as compensatory mitigation. The wetland's hydrology must be protected through the subdivision process. This could occur by conveying the flows from the culvert underneath SE 136th Street across the site, either in pipes or aboveground, and outletting into the wetland through a dispersal system. Alternatively, equivalent hydrology could be calculated and possibly provided from roof drainage from surrounding structures. The stormwater runoff from the three new residences to the northwest is not required to be conveyed to the wetland as this is a recent new input to the wetland. The wildlife habitat survey may need an addendum prepared during early spring, to detern,ine whether any of the nests observed on-site are used by species that require protection under the King County Comprehensive Plan. This property is within the Urban-designated portion of the County, so the few species that require protection include state and federal endangered, threatened or sensitive species, and certain raptors and herons. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further. I can be reached at (206) 296-7291 or laura.casey@metrokc.gov. Cc: Mark Heckert, Habitat Technologies, Inc. Steve Bottheim, Supervising Engineer, Critical Areas Section Lo3 PDoo6 H=~ ~~ I... b/ C~T ~d (';--,,..,, i,, (,U,<,'d? "D L ~ c_ 3 ... b/ r-C'Y-'Jk' Wa,,,,>flbt 1 ]).e,,,,si) Ge# -fc, 1>C>Es 4 A ba~tn'lw,;t-1J P?(r'S 1' s:er fc. s,~_,,___ 'is... dr~"Y-c,.Lpff~ Lo 3 VtJots /' l.R4 3 ff~ ~-l-,,/ i-bcts,c lfl"~~ rl~ ~ (D ' J:_j,,/'.ff ~ ~ co.r&-J~ r<;y c:u(v-uf :ff z '/, 11 _ ( ev t" f l~r,£~ aJ\ U.Lf( a-t . ( 2.. /2~ /"'fr~.± .. a; ss 13~ -It, n -b/ tJ"4-t 5/l,1!.., I b1J 14 1,,.,e SE >tl}o«:Rs;5 drJ n.,,,·~~k-t. eclkc!,;v _ ;;; '3f /36#1 «-/ S'EfA-he,Jf1-t-~ 4>&'4-t,_ . d; -r;~ A--'fH ,v,,:t;__ ~ .rs * ,.__,_r ... e; ,4-f1tJ r.aJ,t«1 J.ed,c;,,fr= A -I~ AAS· f«-~...c.T cg ls-IP~ st-}-s E 1 36 iii 'Sf- 1 sec~ r c,.,d, 'wo cl..( cl:-.::~ -I= .. ~ -tk NtJ ~ 1 /JD 4 ~ SE 2., >E-. t?//i,_ :P( I 6".. ~.~ c.J.,,U= ka:::__ '2,/ A . 2'f .. 5t?PA 'j/0/ ( 1<--f Tl7v~ /.;;,./ adci c/;;.a-lee-<"-~ ,cv( SF-/Z f ~ ~ / ttcY ~ ·-· t'-/ C:~f-R L-e~ ,,;E t J(, ~ 9(--, rpV·-se fl_ c-,/~rf----~ I 5 6 4 ' Sc J!,,. t 56 *' "F;T fo fyov,-/2 °' scn-,.-lir. i c-,...,{ (.ef) ·~. 1~ I · r~ .. . .3 ... L; ifA ~ 0¥"11'C-'f(-L-~ 4 ... L.~~?' &;..~ ~11,,_ ~.al~ ~ ·--~~ l oP 7r ,, "1i... /. ~4 /,Ir 2.S-3 g ... ~ l,'~f-~ /,9'1 1 L~H,,f ~W"r(JL,o ,&«-,1iA o, +r l<O IC <• " ,~ B Z., IZ. { ( f1Uft>A4(. f,-. +.4£ ... ( 7 ... Ll""-7 ~ rb#41.t_ 6t1ts,'n t). 731 I g ... t.:i~ ~ G...f:t~ ~t.,. o.3/3. 3 f> Fl,n..) 5rf.l""-""J.4,-~ 3f ... ~ LG; + l.6i C-//J...~:i. ,4 2,i,f ... B~:i.t ,_.,. -.. p. 4o li' ci,tf.-::t ~ P. 2-. 4! ... L.Gj, BA-r:n ( z.BS 4 '2... .. . '.B~snt. z 43 ... L.6iC ~a~ k( ... -4-! ~11.fo 4} .f [8 .+ 42 -t z.. <{-Z. o.S'<f ~.63 {,(<.__ I f fre, fsf- 1 /c rr.e, fsf- r-.e. fsf d.ev ,, t -&f d.t',,J I! C ,::{ • ~ c/.v,, I 'I c/. • fif d.41/ I tsf- I 'IF• fsf- 1::. Z.., t-~,c. 13-cr, fsf ,s: rt.-ff bi. +r-f ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 · December 4, 2003 Wayne Jones Lakeridge Development P.O. Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 Mel L. Daley, P.E. Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. / 726 Auburn Way North Auburn, WA 98002 RE: . Liberty Grove Contiguous Subdivision 1998 KCSWDM Adjustment and Shared Facility Plan Request (File No. L03V0065) Dear Applicant and Engineer: The Land Use Services Division, Engineering Review Section, has completed review of the adjustment request for the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision. You are requesting approval for an adjustment from the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) Core Requirement No. 1, Section 1.2.1, Discharge at the Natural Location and approval ofa shared facility plan with the Liberty Grove subdivision. Our review of the information and a site visit provides the following findings: I. The proposed Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision is located between 160'h and 162"d Avenues SE, south of SE 1361h Street. The 36 lot, 7.9 acre, proposed Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision is filed under Land Use Services Division (LUSD) file number L03P0005. The proposed Liberty Grove subdivision is located in the northwest quadrant of the 1601h Avenue SE/SE 1361h Street intersection. The 24 lot, 4.8 acre, proposed Liberty Grove subdivision fs filed under Land Use Services Division (LUSD) file number L03P0006. 2. The Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivisions are located in the Orting Hills subbasin of the Lower Cedar River basin. The sites are subject to the Level Two flow control and Basic water quality requirements of the 1998 KCSWDM. 3. The Liberty Grove site slopes gently to the south and southeast, causing sheetflow to migrate to the south property line where it is intercepted by a well defined ditch. The ditch flows east to the west side of 1601h Avenue SE into a well defined channel that proceeds south. Gentle slopes across the Liberty Grove Contiguous site direct sheetflow to the southwest. This results in the eastern portion of the site sheetflowing across the south property line where a constructed swale located on the adjacent parcel to the south carries flows to the midpoint of the common property line. Central flows migrate through an on-site wetland that allows excess flow to join intercepted eastern flows at the midpoint outlet. The drainage path from the defined outlet continues Liberty Grove Contiguous/L03 V0065 December 4, 2003 Page 2 of3 south through a defined open swale that bisects several parcels to the south and ultimately flows via stream channel south in the 162nd Avenue SE unopened right-of- way. Sheetflow from the western side of the site migrates to the southwest and eventually reaches the ditch system on the east side of l 60'h Avenue SE. Flow from this portion of the site flows south in the ditch system on the east side of 1601h Avenue SE. Liberty Grove and western Liberty Grove Contiguous flows meet '!. mile south on 1601h Avenue SE at a newly upgraded culvert crossing. Combined flows then cross parcel #145750-0110 to the east to rejoin eastern Liberty Grove Contiguous flows in the vicinity of the 162nd Avenue SE unopened right-of-way. Both sites have upstream tributary area of several acres. 4. The proposal is to collect most runoff from the Liberty Grove site and divert it to a single, combined detention and water quality facility located in the southwest comer of the Liberty Grove Contiguous site. Flows across the Liberty Grove Contiguous site will also be collected and diverted to the single, shared facility. The allowed release would then be proportionally split between the southern flows on the east side of 1601h Avenue SE and the natural discharge path that runs south through the neighboring parcels. Nuisance flows across the south property line of Liberty Grove Contiguous would be significantly curtailed. A small reduction of flow would occur in the western ditch of 1601h Avenue SE, offset by an increase in the eastern ditch. It is not clear if frontage improvements are included in the conceptual drainage plan. 5. No decorative ponds or shallow wells have been identified that would be affected by the proposed diversion. 6. The Level One DQwnstream Analysis identified drainage complaints related to conveyance overflows at 14028 160th Avenue SE (Brenden/Myers) and in the southeast comer of the 145750-0110 parcel and adjacent neighbor (Gragg) to the south. Continuing to utilize the natural discharge path that traverses the center of the intervening parcelsreduces the volume of total flows that would reach the problem conveyance area and would minimize the diversion of flows. The applicant has offered mitigation in the form of Level Three flow control in the on-site detention system and, via a combination of flow control and splitting outflows, maintaining predeveloped flowrates to parcel 145750-0110. Potential conveyance upgrades along any of the downstream paths will be addressed in the plat conditions. 7. Both sites are being developed by the same applicant who intends to build both projects at the same time. 8. A consolidation of facilities for the proposed subdivisions will be more economical in long term maintenance. Based on these findings, we hereby approve this adjustment to allow the diversion of runoff to a single, shared facility draining via flow splitter to two downstream paths with the following conditions: Liberty Grove Contiguous/L03V0065 December 4, 2003 Page 3 of3 1. The release rates for the detention facility will be based on all of the tributary area to be developed being directed to the facility. 2. The volume for the detention facility will be based on all flows directed to the facility at full development under current zoning. The allowed release rate will be reduced by any undetained flows that would bypass the proposed subdivision drainage facilities. The detention volume shall be sized using the Level Three flow control standard in the 1998 KCSWDM. A 10 to 20 percent volumetric factor of safety must be applied to all storm events requiring detention. The design Technical Information Report shall state the factor of safety selected and the basis of that determination. 3. Water quality facilities must be sized based on the entire proposed subdivision draining to the facilities including any required frontage improvements. 4. All onsite or offsite drainage facilities must be located in a public right-of-way, recreation space tract with easement or storm drainage tract dedicated to King County. 5. Developed flows from Liberty Grove must be conveyed via tightline to the drainage facility located in the Liberty Grove Contiguous site. If not built concurrently, Liberty Grove Contiguous must precede Liberty Grove. 6. Additional storm drainage requirements identified by SEPA or the plat hearing review will apply to this project. If you have any further questions regarding this KCSWDM adjustment or the design requirements, please contact Mark Bergam at (206) 296-7270. Sincerely, James Sanders, P.E. Development Engineer Engineering Review Section Land Use Services Division Jim Chan, P.E. Supervising Engineer Site Engineering and Planning Section Building Services Division cc: Curt Crawford, P.E., Managing Engineer, Stormwater Services Section, KCDNR Randall Parsons, P.E., Engineer III, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Bruce Whittaker, Engineer III, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Karen Scharer, Project/Program Manager II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Mark Bergam, P.E., Engineer III, Engineering Review Section, LUSD ® King Cowtty Department of Development aad Environmenta1 Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Surface Water Design Manual Requirements / Standards Adjustment* Request Project Name: Address: 7 Z6 IIUSVM W/1 INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT/DESIGN ENGINEER: Please be sure to include all plans (T.I.R, if available), sketches, photos and maps that may assist in complete review and consideration of this adjustment request. Failure to provide all pertinent infoonation may result tn delayed processing or den!al of your request. Please submit two complete copies of this request application fonn and applicable fee to the ODES Intake Counter, at 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwes~ Renton, Washington 98055-1219. Foraddltlonal Information, phone Randall Parsons, P.E., at (206) 296-7207. ~l'~R ·T~·-.$~l'.OR l.s4,.IN •. Cl!Al''l'B~ ·•1_(!1!'0 .¢1!it"sm\11ics •w1ma-.b~r(;lt• IIAW:U. ioa··AOJtUl'PIIBIITS. DESCRIPTION OF ADJUSTMENT REQUEST: "'andard Ocomplex D Experimental D Blanket D Pre-application APPLICABLE VERSION KCSWDM: o 1990 (11/95) • s{gga (9/98) D ___ _ • (Note: lhe term "variance" replaced by "adjustment") APPLICABLE SECTION($) OF STANDARDS: CoR.€ l<cqv1/!.e:fafeNT /11,:,. / JUSTIFICATION PER KCSWDM SECTION 1.4.2 D See attachments listed below. /. ..JUS1/FICA1"/0/I/ f"<J,e AtJ<IUSTHC/1/T l<.t~(/cST 2. 11/Cl;V!Tlf HAI' 3. ASse sso~s HAPS AUTHORIZATION SlGNATURES: DETERMINATION: D Approval )QConditlonal Approval (see below) D DNR/WLRD Approval Signed: ~fH-t9.C.,..q.,,..._ DDES Staff Recommendation Signed: Condttlons of Approval: See attached Memo Dated: ---l 'l,, • t./ -0 ~ DDES DIRECTOR/DESIGNEE: DDES.,J.a~ Use Saivlces Div., Engineering Review Supervisor: ,/ Signed: Date: F99/BRS/SWmhADJ .doc f'96/!ilt6/SWDMR-S.c('}'2:.l.doc 11/17/99 clc Date: D Denial ental & Blanket variances only} .5 .D.E.S. 3(4,4€ir 0( 4-1 1+ 5 750-00'"?SS ooqo dmp, inc. (FORMERLY DALEY ENGINEERING CO.) MBE-DBE DALEY • MORROW -POBLETE, INC. ENGINEERING -PLANNING • SURVEYING 726AUBURN WAY N AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98002 TELEPHONE (253) 333-2200 FAX (253) 333-2206 DRAINAGE ADJUSTMENT JUSTIFICATION The proposed Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous developments are within three separate parcels, located near the northwest and southeast comers of the intersection of SE 136th Street and 160"' Avenue SE. Parcel 3664500141, which is located near the northwest comer of said intersection, will be developed as Liberty Grove. Parcels 1457500085 and 1457500090, which are located near the southeast corner of the previously mentioned intersection, will be developed as Liberty Grove Contiguous. The parcels are located within the NE and SE quarters of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County Washington __ There is an existing house and shop within the proposed the Liberty Grove development, with the remainder of the site mostly covered with grass and some tree. Liberty Grove is approximately 4.84 acres. The Liberty Grove site has an average slope of approximately 3.6 percent, and generally drains to the south via sheet flow, then through the conveyance facilities along the west side of 160"' Avenue SE. There are two houses within the proposed Liberty Grove Contiguous development, with associated structures. The 7.92-acre Liberty Grove Contiguous site is presently forested in the northeast corner, with the remainder of the site being dominated by pasture land. There is a wetland area within the southwest corner, which will remain, and will be protected by a 25-foot buffer. The Liberty Grove Contiguous site bas an average slope of 4 percent, and generally releases water along the southern property line and the east side of 160"' Avenue SE. It is proposed to construct the detention facility within the south~comer of Liberty Grove Contiguous. Discharge will be to the existing conveyance facilities along the east side of 160"' Avenue SE. The drainage facilities consist of driveway culverts and drainage ditches. The system components are shown in Exhibit C of the Off-site Analysis, and are itemized in the Off- site Analysis Drainage System Table (Exhibit I). There have been several complaints within this downstream system, copies of which are included in Exhibit G of the Off-site Analysis. Furthermore since we are proposing to convey runoff from Liberty Grovii· s ~stem, the facility will have to convey more flows. We are therefore proposing to i JJl9V ®~~[Q) facilities between point I to point 24 (See Exhibits C and I of the Off-si s1sFfii~rtt.JiS I O conveyance system will be designed to handle the peak flow rates. SEP I I 200J K.c. o.o.e.s. 1-0~V~ ' • I This development involves the creation of sixty single-family residential lots within both developments. Access roads and roadway improvements will also be a part of the development. As previously stated, the detention facility will be constructed in the south~er of Liberty Grove Contiguous. A wetpond, sized per the Basic Water Quality Menu, will be constructed below the detention facility. Due to the proposed location of the detention facility, it will be necessary to divert runoff from Liberty Grove to the east and into the detention facility, instead of flowing down to the south (See attached map). Downstream facilities from Liberty Grove to the new 24" ADS culvert crossing 160th Avenue SE will be bypassed, while flows between the detention facility down to the east end of the 24" culvert will be increased. Flows from the west and east sides of 160th Avenue SE converge at the east end of the 24" culvert. Since flows to the east side of 160th Avenue SE will be increased, conveyance facilities along the east side will be improved up to the convergence point. As previously stated, most of the runoff from Liberty Grove Contiguous leaves the site along the south property line. Since most of the post development flows will be conveyed to the detention facility and will be discharge to the facilities along 160th Avenue SE, additional flows will have to be considered in the upsizing of the conveyance facilities. This Adjustment Request is for diverting water from the west side of 160th Avenue SE (between Liberty Grove and the 24" ADS culvert) to the east side of 160th Avenue SE. In addition, the request is being made to allow post-development runoff to be conveyed to the detention pond and released directly to 160th Avenue SE, instead of being released along the south property line of Liberty Grove Contiguous. Both Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous are part of the same basin We believe that our proposal benefits the public for the following reasons: 1. By diverting flows from Liberty Grove to Liberty Grove Contiguous, there will only be one stormwater facility to be maintained by the County. 2. Improvements to the downstream facilities will eliminate existing problems. 3. Re-routing flows to the south of Liberty Grove Contiguous to the public facilities within the 160th Avenue SE RO.W. will eliminate potential for failure of the private facilities downstream from the site. We believe the above reasons justify our adjustment request. We therefore respectfully request that this Adjustment be granted approval. # .,,, .. _...,. . .. • '@King County 111111111111--CIPl!i•N Comments llo1~ . 1110 l~ -f!! ~ - -1-- - 0051 -~ -1- ~~lf) \ ·. -- -9019 ~ 11_ I ~I 9057 - ~ iMAP Print Paae 1 I : I J-- 9104 1101 --· -9037 ft- 9&11 -9041 ---1llli lies: 9078 OUQ ·-. 'OB ll01S !11191 ,_~ ;s I I I 1-1/ ~J-,,.--,1 ,----Tt,JJL--J,-1,--,-,.JJl""!lm,J/ H~~ I I ' 'I 0023 -- ...... ST -rhe information included on this map has been compited by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. ~ng County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the U86 of such nformation. King County shall not be lia~e for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages inducting. but not limited to, L~ revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or information on n,is mac is orohibited ... v....,..,.. hu written ...... rmission of Kina Countv. King County I GIS Center I~ I~ I Comments I Search By visiting this and other King County web pages, you ei<PrOM!\' ~~r~o le !;lo bound by t,,r11111 ~nil co~piliQ!lf of the site. The details. 11 12 I I I I ----,-,--r--r"-'r---iF-~-~-----T-- SITE w (/) SE 136TH · w Ul > <( 13 ST 1 I I I I I I I I I -J.-""'---l-+c'O-!f-r----1-".U......-------+-- RENTON I FISH AND CAME ewe I REC AREA 24 1 VICINITY MAP Scale: 1" = 1 /2 MILE I I I I I I I 00 ~-©@D W &!f51 Sc.? I 1 2003 l_!:!) K.c. o.o.e.s. L.O?, V (R)t,lj ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 March 3rd, 2005 Mr. Wayne Jones Lakeridge Development P.O.Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 Mr. Melvin Daley, PE DMP, Inc. 726 Auburn Way North Auburn, WA 98002 RE: Plats of Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous, L03P0005 and L03P0006 Review Activity: L04SR055 Dear Mr. Daley: Our office has completed the second review of engineering plans for the project. The attached list provides a summary of design issues which must be addressed in your next submittal. The review comments are based upon the design plans and technical information report received January 5th, 2005. Once the review comments have been addressed, please submit three sets ofrevised plans and technical reports. To assist in reviewing the revised plans, the design engineer should prepare a written response for each issue identified in the attached comments. A computer file of the comments will be provided to you at your request with your email address. If you would like to discuss the design requirements for the project, please contact me at 206-296-7044. Sincerely, ~p~ Wylie Wong Engineer II Enclosure cc: Pete Dye, Senior Engineer LIBERTY GROVE AND LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS, L04SR055 SECOND REVIEW COMMENTS All page references are based on 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM), 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS) and King County Codes (KCC). HEARING EXAMINER'S CONDITIONS: Liberty Grove Contiguous and Liberty Grove I. Although downstream pipes have been updated, it is your responsible to document I 00 year storm conveyance capacity analysis for the downstream drainage system along the east side of 160'h Ave SE from the south plat boundary to approximately 50 feet south of the house at 14028 -160'h Ave SE per condition 10 on the techuical information report. GENERAL AND TIR COMMENTS: 1. All engineering plans shall be signed and dated by professional engineer for approval. 2. Use Rocky Mountain Maple or Pacific Dogwood on street tree plan. 3. Provide a recreation tract plan. 4. Provide bond quantity worksheet (BQW) for the project on TIR, including improvements for off-site school walkway, mitigation to high accident location and street trees. Actual performance bond for recording will be reduced if neighboring development already posted the bond, but the BQW shall include all the costs of improvements per permit conditions. 5. Upstream basins to Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous shall be included on the design of flow control and pond sizing per offsite bypass requirement of KCSWDM 6. Two existing flow rate patterns at the south of Liberty Grove Contiguous shall be maintained by a flow splitter at the outlet of the pond per condition 8 and approved adjustment Jetter L03V0065 dated December 4, 2003. These flow paths do not converge within the quarter mile limit, and pass through private parcel 1457500110 with inadequte conveyance capacity. 7. Shading on the road plans shaJJ be removed on the mylars and final corrected plans. I 8. Show silt fences and orange color sensitive area fences at wetland on TESC plans per condition 15. 9. The following items shall be addressed per recent discussion with Drainage Adjustment Committee: a. Offsite runoff along 160'h Ave SE cannot be mixed with onsite runoff per water quality requirement on KCSWDM Section 6. This mixing of offsite and onsite flows was rejected at the review of Drainage Adjustment L03V0065 by the committee. b. A new drainage adjustment approval is required if a drainage easement is on two properties (lots 6 and 7). Otherwise, the easement shall be within a single property per KCSWDM 4.1. DRAWING COMMENTS: Sheet 5 1. Specify the treatment trade area for onsite runoff from SE I36'h Ave per water quality requirement on KCSWDM Section and how to convey the traded runoff to the pond. The release rate from the pond shall be reduced to compensate the bypass of Basin S per KCSWDM Sheet 6 1. Offsite runoff along 160'h Ave SE cannot be mixed with onsite runoff from Liberty Grove per Drainage Adjustment Committee. A separation of flows is needed. It can be done by diverting the offsite runoff form the east side of 160'h Ave SE to the west side of l 60'h Ave SE. 2. Show 100 year floodplain at wetland on plan per condition 11. 3. Upstream basins to Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous shall be included on the design of flow control and pond sizing per offsite bypass requirement on page 1- 36 ofKCSWDM. 4. Correct note for chain link fence, see detail on sheet 14 instead of sheet 12. 2 5. Frontage improvement on SE 1361h Street between 1601h Ave SE and 162"d Ave SE. a. At the southwest quadrant of intersection of SE 1361h Street and l 62"d Ave SE, the curb return and sidewalk ramp shall be constructed to the tangent of ultimate road width (16 ft from the centerline of roadway). b. Use cement concrete sidewalk transition (Fig. 3-009 of 2004 King County Design and Construction Standards) to replace curb ramp (Fig. 3-007) near CB#26 on SE 13 61h Street. Sheet 12 1. Correct road dimensions, easements and subgrade thickness on road section H-H. Sheet 13 1. A flow splitter is required at the downstream of control structure to maintain two existing flow rate patterns to the south of Liberty Grove Contiguous per condition 8 and drainage adjustment L03V0065. The runoff on 1601h Ave SE will enter private property at 14120 of 1601 h Ave SE (parcel no. 1457500110) where has two 12 inch culverts without enough flow capacity. See locations 22 and 23 of Table 1 on the off-site analysis ofEvendell prepared by Haozous Engineering, and attached sketch. An upgrade of these culverts are required if the addition flow is going to be added on this route. Agreement of upgrading private improvements from the owner shall be documented on TIR prior to plan approval. It is required to have an engineering solution to balance the off-site flows and eliminate potential drainage problems. 2. Revise designs of detention pond capacity and control structure on TIR to include the runoffs from upstream basins to Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous. Release rate form control structure shall be reduced to compensate any off-site bypass per KCSWDM 3 L; b@fr ~CW' Cnif.jt<=s. lo3f'oo-o5 ... II~~~ . 6 1 ..• l)y,2~ ~~ ~:t L CJ 3 \/ 17D k;- '/, ... l/4.J. 3 f!cv =-zW .-f j,~ ~' ~ {O ... Chf ~ Cc.vl~ # z.f (f, ... )J~ I= 7" ff~tl~-~ Sp.c:..I_ y~/f2 1f1Ct.JPlf r z ... /2~ /"Yr~~ ... a/ >E I 3 7 -1/r 51)...zt /0/avr s-al ~ ... b,/ (6Z f( '5£ . !0fa.1 Sui.rU£C5-.S 2'. 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I,«-. .~se,( I z.'lfl6(s P• 3/J cfs 2., ~"fcf.s S-, 6Jcfs F; I ,f />.3/ p. L; be-if 6v,i,-e_ ~f~ c.,.,..d;f-.. tz._ ,u; ~Ii--( 4//µl::,,.- s E-I J.( ./,t, st"" s~ ::::-2-so 1 _ .Rai<,:J~ ~ I k; -a... A--~t=- IM,&~ M~~ 'SE I! 7 -Ht 9t° s'5I) ~ (sz,1 . lti.. "'-Pf· .;e-~If o-t-o-?-re,o . /;u.1:,A.-llt~ ,11.~a-,~ t t2..,,M Pl~ WA J+oo -_t-ec.. 5 € 136 -11.. S"i' LJ,1-(fp.fA.. "o 16'~ ~ ,()._._ ~- soc DDES King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, Washington 98055-1219 January 18, 2005 Houri Applicant: WILSON, KURT SBIDEVELOPING,LLC PO BOX 73790 PUYALLUP, WA98373 Function ER -Engineering Review Task/Description Permit I Plan Review Permit I Plan Review Permit I Plan Review Permit / Plan Review Subtotal ER Function PM -Project Management Task/Description Name Wong, Wylie Wong, Wylie Wong, Wylie Wong, Wylie Name Org 3473 3473 3473 3473 Permit I Plan Review Permit I Plan Review Permit I Plan Review Project Management Fee Estimating Dye, James Dye, James Dye, James Sanders, James Subtotal PM Function PR -Land Use Applications Review Task/Description Permit I Plan Review Project Coordination Meetings Subtotal PR Function TR -Traffic Review Task/Description Meetings Subtotal TR Name Scharer, Karen Scharer, Karen Scharer, Karen Name Langley, Kristen Org 3464 3464 3464 Org 3464 Activity Number: Project Number: Development Number: Permit Type: Status: Workday 12/08/2004 12/14/2004 12/14/2004 12/23/2004 Org Workday 3473 12/07/2004 3473 12/08/2004 3473 12/14/2004 3473 12/15/2004 Workday 12/16/2004 12/13/2004 12/14/2004 Workday 12/14/2004 Page 1 of2 L04RW046 ROWUSE PENDING Hours Amount 1.0 $144.90 1.0 $144.90 0.8 $115.92 1.0 $144.90 3.8 $550.62 Hours Amount 0.5 $72.45 0.25 $36.23 2.75 $398.48 0.25 $36.23 3.75 $543.39 Hours Amount 1.25 $181.13 0.2 $28.98 0.5 $72.45 1.95 $282.56 Hours Amount 0.75 $108.68 0.75 $108.68 ---- -.. -•.... --·"". .. , ·---, Jil\ UJ..' ., -~ --, . ...... 0 -- I I --•. . ."\ (OJ .. l,-..:a. I _,,r---.' _,/\ r.n ;-,. ?S'-./ CJ ~---< n i~~'. ,' -.~-- ~,~,' -~t.. --~~ ,, . ·1 • ·' ~- , , Collons Engineering 195 Front Street • Issaquah, WA 98027 p: (425) 369-1101 • f: (425) 369-1157 l·j,,,; u· ., ·.•104 ,L· ,., '!) ( •' '\ll'<i\.i LUUNlY LA1Jll USE SERVICES Liberty Grove Storm Pond Walls for Tract "B" Developer: Wayne Jones Lakeridge Development PO Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 (425) 228-9750 Structural Bryan Collons, P.E., S.E. Engineer: Job#: 04-052 Date: July 22, 2003 ~ ~ """' 1m, .,. "'""' l' Jr L51l86 'VM 'IIOll.llll '9K XOII 'Q'd .. M. ri.iim1 pllOJ IIUOI$ ! .I!, _§ "JUI '1uawdo1a.aa aip[l·~·, aAOJ'.l A)Jaqn ,I !~ ""'"O "P'!o1c1 •~ , liri ,x o ,,, m "' a '"'·"'"'··-«•, '"mo., t, " , ff";,., ;o; ___ ---,•,u.a , "'~-·• ,__!L___]__§_>J __ _,..:;_ •.< ,...,_ < , ~--;.1 z HJ -""---'P,J•.nt"' ..,,., .;;.w , .. ~ c , :o~. 1 i ,:~ ii~ al I•· ,I N1;w:· --------- t ~ .. I • ' ' ~ t ----j f ....., -~t • ""' .i , ]' ! I I I I I ~ ff h' ~,: IU -, --,---_, .i i J: I ' -------'----~--····-· -' ' ' , , t +-----:o::~ - ~ u, limili, I .:__t_;..:_.,.;, ~ i J I l f "' C:Z,'5 MTER I.ML VARIES aEV. 6.00' · '462."IO' L &" L 1 1 15 • l&"oc: -----0,D--.. E/IG!4 FAGE 15 • q•oc: ----11l>-<H E/IG!4 F ,IGf NI 500. HOOK 5'-o" MIN. z x 9 ... 2'-4" • /:l)'5 IN KEY --1--0 s·-o· I'-#," MIN. L l ~ 2 ~ 15 x D • 20"oc: TOP I BOTTOM 2'-o" 2'-0" Reinforcing Splice & Development Length Schedule 8 C, lj ' ,: '< I --, 1-- I / / /. / l ~/· i C c__gLLONS ENGINEERING 195 Front Street North• Issaquah, WA98027 p: (425)369-1101 • f: (425)369-1157 Gc:orEcH.w 1c;1c1. __ ~-=-----~ f"O Ge.DTE.Cit N/0<1...-PATA. ""!:,= 3oCOrr -'1~0. ~( ~ So IL.." I To p::.F E. f :P i.. s:o pGF 6\ss 1 4c,,(.... . ~3~ e..f(Fi ),.?7"Tj:;- Projecl LAkeridSB -Libert~ Grove Projecl No. 04-0S. o C 't. Date By BLC Ov---'{'-.)E:fl.. ">TAfe> 61_ AC1N... ti LL. v/'rUJe5 F1 f 1..-0 vERAPi Ct1,,,<;:c:. L -___;-z __ a.! 4-&?: c=- ,; 4,;i' -'Vi [J?,771'.r -~ LL Sketch Sheet t /10 i COLLONS ENGlu'J 195 Frpnt Street No~h • Issaquah, WA 98027 p: (421 369-1101 • I: (425) 369-1157 l I . ' . ----'< . : ... I I--------------~-- Proiect l.AkBridSB · Libert~ &rove Project No. 04-oil o ('-Z Date By I' '5 '1 !--\\ I ~ i 1~ ;~ ' ' -~----·-·--· Title: Liberty Grove Storm Pond Walls Dsgnr: BLC Date: Description : Scope : Retaining Walls Job# 04-052 4:35PM, 21 JUL 04 Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 ------- Rev· 580005 User. KW-0605963, Ver 5.8 O, 1-Dec-2003 (c)1983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering SoftwtJre Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 04·052 l1be·'.y r1dge.ecw.Calcula1,ons Case 1 Description Full dirt surcharge. No water in pond. Soil Data ~Criteri_a ____ I Retained Height = 8.00 ft Wall height above soil = 1.00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00: 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 24.00 in Soil Density = 120.00 pct Wind on Stem = 0.0 psf I I Footing Strengths & Dimension_s_) re = 3,000 psi Fy 60,000 psi Min. As% 0.0014 Allow Soil Bearing = 3,000.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure 35.0 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 250.0 psf/ft Water height over heel = 0.0 ft FootingllSoil Friction = 0.300 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure Toe Width = 2.33 ft Heel Width = 3.00 Total Footing Width = ---=- Footing Thickness = 15.00 in Key Width = 12.00 in Key Depth 12 00 in Key Distance from Toe = 2.00 ft = 0.00 in Cover@ Top = 3.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in [surcharge Loads I Surcharge Over Heel = 240.0 psf Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psf NOT Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning NOT Used for Sliding & Overturning [ Design-Summal I Total Bearing Load = 5,266 lbs ... resultant ecc. 8.95 in Stem Construction I Top Stem 2n_d _____ _ c.,;;...,.,...,;iii,iii,iima•--•-Stem OK Stem OK Design height ft= 2.25 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht" Concrete Concrete Soil Pressure@ Toe 1,818 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Hee! = 158 psf OK Allowable = 3,000 psf Thickness = 8.00 8.00 Rebar Size # 5 # 5 Rebar Spacing 18.00 9.00 Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable Rebar Placed at = Edge Edge Design Data ----------------------··----·--------- ACI Factored@ Toe 2,329 psf ACI Factored @ Heel 203 psf Footing Shear@ Toe = 14.5 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel 39.6 psi OK Allowable = 93.1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 2.33 OK Sliding = 1.79 OK Sliding Cales (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 2,144.8 lbs less 100% Passive Force=: 2,257.8 lbs less 100% Friction Force= 1,579.7 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK .. for 1.5: 1 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK ,··-----• I Footing Design Results Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 2,329 203psf Mu': Upward 5,480 0 ft-# Mu' : Downward = 1,625 7,062 ft-# Mu: Design 3,855 7,062 ft-# Actual 1-Way Shear = 14.48 39.57 psi Allow 1-Way Shear = 93.11 93.11 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0.715 Total Force@ Section lbs= 1,667.9 Moment. ... Actual ft-#= 3,852.5 Moment... .. Allowable ft-#= 5,391.0 Shear .... Actual psi = Shear ..... Allowable psi= Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in= Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in= Wall Weight psf = Rebar Depth 'd' in= 23.2 93.1 21.36 21.36 96.7 6.00 0.848 2,737.0 8,806.0 10,404.0 38.0 93.1 21.36 8.02 96.7 6.00 Masonry Data ----------------- psi= psi= rm Fs Solid Grouting Special Inspection Modular Ratio 'n' Short Term Factor = = Equiv. Solid Thick. = Masonry Block Type = Normal Weight Concrete Data re Fy psi= 3,000.0 psi= 60,000.0 3,000.0 60,000.0 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel: #4@ 12.50 in, #5@ 19.50 in, #6@ 27.50 in, #7@ 37.50 in, #8@48.25 in, #9@ 4 Key: Not req'd, Mu< S • Fr Title: Liberty Grove Storm Pond Walls Dsgnr: BLC Date: Description : Scope : Retaining Walls Job# 04-052 4:35PM, 21 JUL 04 Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Rev· 580005 LJ5er. KW-0605963. Ver 5.6.0, 1-Dec-2003 [c)1983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 04·052 1toerty r,dge.ecw Calcula:,ons Description Case 1 Full dirt surcharge. No water in pond. [ Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments ... ,.OVERTURNING ..... Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure - Toe Active Pressure Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load :.: Load @ Stem Above Soil = Seismicload = Total - Resisting/Overturning Ratio 2,144.8 3.55 2,144.8 O.T.M. = = 7,611.5 7,611.5 2.33 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 5,265.7 lbs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure . .... RESISTING, .... Force Distance Moment lbs ft ft-# ----=---- Soil Over Heel -2,240.0 4.16 9,325.9 Sloped Soil Over Heel Surcharge Over Heel -Adjacent Footing Load Axial Dead Load on Stem= 0.00 Soil Over Toe 559.2 1.17 651.5 Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = 870.0 2.66 2,317.1 Earth @ Stem Transitions: Footing Weight 999.4 2.67 2,663.3 Key Weight 150.0 2.50 375.0 Vert. Component -447.2 5.33 2,383.4 Total= 5,265.7 lbs R.M.= 17,716.1 I 8.00005in Cone wl #5@ 18.in olc #O@O.in @Toe Designer select #O@O.in all horiz. reinf @Heel '" - - 2'-0" . 2'-4" <!'·· i:, • . , ... '/it I ·.o: . - 5'-4" LA St I 2" 6'-9" 9'-0" 8'-0" -,j ', I 2" j 3" --~~! ·~ :J 1'-3" 3" 1'-0" 2'-4" 3'-0" . . 240.psf 1817.?psf Rev-saoo:s ------ User KW ·0505983. Ver 5 e O 1-Dec-2003 (c)1983-2003 ENERCALC Eng111eering Sof1ware Description Case 2 Title : Liberty Grove Storm Pond Walls Dsgnr: BLC Date: Description: Job# 04-052 4 35PM, 21 JUL 04 Scope: Retaining Walls { Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 ------- Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 04,052 liberty ridge ecw·Calculat1ons Partial dirt surcharge. Full water surcharge, Soil Data -------------- • , Criteria I l£ooting Strengths & Dimensions- Retained Height = 9.00 ft Wall height above soil = 1.00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00: 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 60.00 in Soil Density = 120.00 pct Wind on Stem o.o psf Allow Soil Bearing = 3,000.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 62.2 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure = 35.0 psi/ft Passive Pressure • 250.0 psf/ft Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Footingl1Soil Friction = 0.300 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 0.00 in re -3,000 psi Fy 60,000 psi Min. As% 0.0014 Toe Width 2.33 ft Heel Width = 3.00 Total Footing Width 5:3'., Footing Thickness 15.00 in Key Width = 12.00 in Key Depth 12.00 in Key Distance from Toe 2.00 ft Cover@ Top ::: 3.00 in @ Btm.::: 3.00 in [ Surcharge Loads I Surcharge Over Heel = 0.0 psf Surcharge Over Toe 240.0 psf NOT Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning NOT Used for Sliding & Overturning • • Desi!iln Summa~ I Stem Construction I ~T~oLp~S~t~•m~--2=",-,d=----------. _______ _ -Stem OK Stem OK Total Bearing Load = 6,566 lbs ... resultant ecc. = 12.29 in Soil Pressure@ Toe = 2,668 psi OK Soil Pressure @ Heel =-O psf OK Allowable = 3,000 psi Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored@ Toe = 3,433 psf AC I Factored @ Heel = O psi Footing Shear@ Toe = 15.1 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 36.6 psi OK Allowable = 93.1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 2.10 OK Sliding = 3,02 OK Sliding Cales (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force ;: 2,829.9 lbs tess 100% Passive Force= 6,570.3 lbs less 100% Friction Force::: 1,969.8 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK .. .for 1.5: 1 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK r ---··-~---~----------- Footing Design Results • ~ ~ Factored Pressure = 3,433 o psi Mu': Upward = 7,848 0 ft-# Mu' : Downward = 3,905 6,941 ft-# Mu: Design = 3,943 6,941 ft-# Actual 1-Way Shear = 15.07 36.56 psi Allow 1-Way Shear = 93.11 93.11 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Design height ft= 2.75 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht" Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing ::: Concrete = = = 8.00 # 5 18.00 Edge Concrete 8.00 # 5 9.00 Edge -------------------. Rebar Placed at Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Moment. ... Actual Moment. .... Allowable = lbs= ft-#= ft-#= Shear .... Actual psi = Shear ..... Allowab1e psi= Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in• Bar Lap/Hook BELOW HL in = Wall Weight psf = Rebar Depth 'd' in= 0.721 1,646.9 3,888.4 5,391.0 22.9 93.1 21.36 21.36 96.7 6,00 0.973 2,943.7 10,120.3 10,404.0 40,9 93.1 21.36 9.30 96,7 6.00 Masonry Data fm ----------------------- Fs Solid Grouting Special Inspection Modular Ratio 'n' Short Term Factor Equiv. Solid Thick. psi= psi= = = = = Masonry Block Type • Normal Weight Concrete Data re Fy psi::: 3,000.0 psi::: 60,000.0 ----------------·------ 3,000.0 60,000.0 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S .. Fr Heel: #4@ 12.50 in, #5@ 19.50 in, #6@ 27,50 in, #7@ 37.50 in, #8@ 48.25 in, #9@ 4 Key: Not req'd, Mu < S • Fr Title : Liberty Grove Storm Pond Walls Dsgnr: BLC Date: Description : Scope: Retaining Wails Job# 04-052 4 35PM, 21 JUL 04 8 Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 !BC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Rev 586605 Use,. KW-0605983. Ver 5 8.0, 1-Dec-2003 1 (c)\983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design 0,_0,21 ,0,"Y"'"'~~!,~~'"'"s Description Case 2 Partial dirt surcharge. Full water surcharge. --------- I Su,;,mar~ of O~erturnins & Resistins Forces & Moments ..... OVERTURNING ..... .. ... RESISTING .. Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# ----~ Hee! Active Pressure 3,267.4 3.42 11,163.8 Soil Over Heel = 2,520.0 4.16 10,491.6 Toe Active Pressure = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = -437.5 3. 13 -1,367.2 Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem ::; 0.00 Load @ Stem Above Soil ::; Soil Over Toe = 1,398.0 , .17 1,628.7 Seismicload Surcharge Over Toe ·--~--Stem Weight(s) 966.7 2.66 2,574.6 Total 2,829.9 O.T.M. = 9,796.6 Earth @ Stem Transitions= Resisting/Overturning Ratio 2.10 Footing Weight = 999.4 2.67 2,663.3 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure ::; 6,566.1 lbs Key Weighl = 150.0 2.50 375.0 Vert. Component = 532.1 5.33 2,835.8 -----·-""" Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Total= 6,566.1 lbs R.M.= 20,569.0 I 8.00005in Cone wl #5@18.in olc #O@O.in @Toe L_ Designer select #O@O.in all horiz. reinf. @ Heel • 2'-0" 2'-4" . •• " 2" '-0" 2'-4" 3'-0" 5'-4" -_,-·1-· ···--"t' 1'-0" I 7'-3" 10'-0" 9'-0" ,J I i 3" _L·~-, I , _L __ J =:I 3" 1 '-3" f 1 '-0" / c/ /6 2668.1psf King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 fax (206) 296-6729 ** CONDITIONS OF PERMIT I APPROVAL ** DATE: 9/10/2004 Project No: L04SR055 Location Liberty Grove Plat 136441601h AVE. SE Concrete Retaining Walls within storm water pond COMMERCIAL COR. I ORDINANCE 0001 -GENERAL: This correction sheet is an abridged version of code requirements and is a review aid only. It shall not be used in lieu of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Fire Code, or any King County regulation or state law. Corrections noted below are part of the approved plans and shall remain attached to them at all times. The approval plans and specifications does not permit the violation of any section of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, UniformFire Code, or any King County regulation or state law. Corrections as indicated below, along with the unchanged information shown on the drawings, must be complied with. In addition, since this correction sheet is a review aid, it shall not be used in lieu of the above mentioned codes, regulations, and laws. Therefore, code compliance with all noted applicable code sections on this correction sheet, as well as other applicable code sections not specifically noted, shall be required. The approved plans shall not be changed, modified, or altered without authorization from the building official. The approved plans are required to be on the job site. Section 106.4, U.B.C. 0348 -SPECIAL INSPECTION: a) Approval of Special Inspection Service shall be obtained from the Land UseServices Division, Development Inspection Unit, prior to construction. Section 1701, U.B.C. b) Submit field inspection reports, test lab. reports and final reports to the Land Use Services Division, Development Inspection Unit in compliance with Section 1701, U.B.C. c) Provide the following special inspections ( to comply with Section 1701, U.B.C. ): I) Concrete work. 2) Concrete reinforcing steel placing. 0350 -SPECIAL INSPECTION: Provide special inspection by Geo technical Engineer of Record for compliance withsoil report recommendations. Submit field inspection reports, test lab. reports and final reports to the Land Use Services Division, Development Inspection Unit, in compliance with Section 1701, U.B.C. The following items shall have special inspection: 1) Excavation and foundation sub grade preparation; and soil bearing load capacity confirmation (3000 PSF). 2) Wall lateral load design soil parameters confirmation. 3) Backfill soil materials selection and compaction. 4) Installation of drainage system behind walls. 0357 -SPECIAL INSPECTION: Any fill emplaced under footings, slabs, or other foundation systems must be certified by a special inspection as having been compacted to at least 95% of ASTM D-1557. 0366 -SHOP DRAWING: Engineer of record shall review and approved all shop drawings. An approved copy shall be submitted to the Land Use Services Division, Development Inspection Unit. Section, U.B.C. 1) Concrete mix designs. 2) Reinforcing steel. SEE DRAWINGS) (FORMERLY DALEY ENGINEERING CO.) Jan.3,2005 726 AUBURN WAY N. AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98002 TELEPHONE (253) 333-2200 FAX (253) 333-2206 Mr. Wylie Wong King County ODES RECEIVED JAN O 5 2005 KING COUNTY LAND USE SERVICES 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 RE: Plats of Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous, L03P0005 and L03P0006. Review Activity: L04SR055. First review comments. Dear Mr. Wong: The comments in your October 14, 2004 letter were addressed as follows: HEARING EXAMINER'S CONDITIONS: Libertv Grove Contiguous 2/ v· 3. 5./ V 6. Documentation of the completion of the TOR has been provided in Section VII of the TIR. The final King County Health Department approval for abandonment of the existing septic system will be provided prior to final plat approval. The plans show the new conveyance facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE. The facilities beyond the 24" culvert crossing 160th Avenue SE were recently upgraded; therefore we are not proposing upgrading said facilities. Furthermore, this is where the flows converge; therefore we are not increasing flows to this point. The R.0.W. radius at the southwest quadrant of 162"" Avenue SE and SE 136th Street intersection is shown on Sheet 4 of the plan set. This item is in the process of being satisfied. Engineering plans have been reviewed and approved for the Evendell project that shows the construction for the completion of the remainder of the improvements to SE 1361" St. between 158th Ave. SE and 160th Ave. SE. It is our understanding that the construction of road improvements to satisfy Condition #20 Is currently in process. All work has been bonded by the owners of the Evendall project. We are proposing to provide a walkway from 1601h Avenue SE to Liberty High School through the Liberty Grove Contiguous site and through SE 13ih Place. The plans for the plat of Evendell will show the entire walkway route. The portion of the route to be constructed by Liberty Grove Contiguous is shown on Sheet 6 within the southeast comer of the property. Liberty Grove 10. 11, V 12. J-3· The note was added to Sheet 13 as requested. Documentation of the completion of the TOR has been provided in Section VII of the TIR. Documentation of compliance with this item will be provided to ODES prior to the recording of the Final Plat. Please be aware that the existing septic systems cannot be abandoned until the SS has been installed and the existing residences have been hocked up to the new system. As a result, this item cannot be satisfied prior to engineering plan approval. See response to item 3. The R.O.W. radius at the northeast quadrant of 158th Avenue SE and SE 136th Street intersection, as well as, the R.O.W. radius at the northwest quadrant of 160th Avenue SE and SE 136th Street intersection are shown on Sheet 4 of the plan set. See response to item no. 5. See response to Item 6. The note was added to Sheet 1 of the plan set. GENERAL AND TIR COMMENTS: 1. 3. 7. Please be aware that the flows from 158th Avenue SE do not pass throu!l,!' a flow splitter. Although it is true that onsite water mixes with upstream runoff from 158 Avenue SE and 160th Avenue SE, runoff from the upstream areas comes from driveway and roadway areas that are also untreated. In effect, we are doing a "Treatment Trade" as allowed in Section of KCSWDM. We are therefore requesting the County to allow us to proceed with the proposed pipe layout, which will eliminate additional piping within the R.O.W. We will add the bond quantities worksheet when final layouts of the streets, conveyance systems, etc. are established. The pipe labels on Sheets 6 and 8 were revised and a Note 3 added to sheets 7 and 9, which specifies a debris barrier for the 18" pipes. The detail was added to Sheet 14. The box with the sheet number was added to the lower right comer of Sheets 3, 4 and 19. The King County approval box was added to Sheets 12, 13, 14, 15 and 18. A stage-storage table showing the different elevations, stages, and volumes was added to Section IV, page 30A, of the T.I.R. The areas were measured using Autodesk Land Development Desktop and should be accurate. Mailbox locations are shown on the plans. The location was slightly modified to accommodate driveways. A copy of the P.O. approval is included in this submittal package. DRAWING COMMENTS: Sheet 4 [/f. Radius for all curb returns are now shown on the plan. 2. Sheet 5 The building setback lines were moved for lots 35, 32, 30, 29, 28, 27, 6 and 7 so that they do not encroach on the communication easement and are at least 5 feet from the drainage easements. ,,, ,., / 1. The 100-yr peak flow determined in Section V for the area in question (Basin S), was generated using the 15-minute time steps. Since the peak flow requirement in page 1-36 falls under Core Requirement# 3, we believe the 100-yr peak flow should be determined 2. Sheet 6 using the hourly lime step. The attached printout show that by using the hourly lime r-l ,z, steps, the 100-yr peak flow for the area in question is 0.341 cfs, which is under 0.4 cfs. Furthermore, although it is true that runoff from the north half of SE 1361h Street -1,, '"« bypasses the pond, we are treating runoff from other upstream areas to compensate for the development areas that do not drain into the detention facility. The new conveyance system was designed to treat equivalent flows, and also to minimize conveyance facilities within the R.O.W., which the County will have to maintain. We therefore request that this item be waived. See response to the General and TIR Comments item number 1. The curb inlets were replaced with Type I catch basins. The ramp is now shown on the plan. The detail is on Sheet 15 of the plan set. The roof drain stub-out to Lot 16 was added. The pipe between CB#38 and CB#39 was enlarged to 12". The R.O.W. radii are shown. The plat boundary will change when final plat is recorded. The detail was revised as required. The pipes were enlarged to 12". The pipes have sufficient cover, therefore, we are not proposing D. I. pipes. The note was added to Sheet 5. Sheet numbers to locate road sections were updated. The correct info for CB#52 can be found in Sheet 6 and was removed from Sheet 5. Shown on horizontal site plan. 1. See response to the General and TIR Comments item number 1. ?. The R.O.W. radius is shown on sheet 4. The plat boundary will change when final plat is \,/ recorded. <";' ' ( 5. \¥ \Y'/ 8 \,/ JI' 13. The note was added to Sheet 5. CB#52 infonnation added to Sheet 6. The size of CB#24 was also added. The pipes between the catch basins in question were enlarged to 12'. The 8" DI pipe was labeled. The pipe lengths, sizes and slopes were added. CB moved and callout was revised. We are proposing to provide a walkway from 160th Avenue SE to Liberty High School through the Liberty Grove Contiguous site and through SE 137"' Place. The plans for the plat of Evendell will show the entire walkway route. The portion of the route to be constructed by Liberty Grove Contiguous is show on Sheet 6 within the southeast comer of the property. Sheet numbers to locate road sections were updated. The required curb radii are shown on Sheet 4 for clarity. The slope has been corrected on the plan. The downstream pipe (See pages 82 and 83 of Section Ill of the TIR) has an invert of approximately 457 .80. The top of the existing grade around the pipe is about 3.5 feet high. The downstream overflow elevation is therefore approximately at elevation 461.30. The lowest house in Liberty Grove Contiguous will be in Lot 23, and will have a finished floor elevation on approximately 464.00. The house will therefore be more than 2 feet above the overflow elevation. This project is therefore exempt from Special Requirement # 2 per the exemption in Section A note was added to the engineering plans specifying that the finished floor elevations within the new subdivision can be no lower that 463.30, which is two feet above the overflow elevation. In the event that water reaches the overflow elevation, water will begin to disperse within a wide area and will continue south. By insuring that the new buildings are at least 2 feet above the overflow elevation, we are confident that no house will be flooded. Through curb inlets were removed for CB's 7. 8 and 19. CB's 10, 11, 15 and 17 were changed to Type I catch basins. 3' cover provided over pipe. a. The road section for the SE 136th Street fronting the three existing houses is shown in Sheet 11 of the plan set. Due to the steepness of the existing driveways, we are only proposing a 20-foot wide pavement width as allowed iri Condition 12.d. for Liberty Grove Contiguous. b. The 3:1 transition is shown on Sheet 6. c. The proposed channelization is shown on Sheet 6. d. See Sheet 6 for improvements to the southwest comer of the intersection of SE 1361h Street and 162"d Avenue SE. Sheet 7 e. See Sheet 6 for improvements to the southeast comer of the intersection of SE 136th Street and 160"d Avenue SE. vt'. Note 3 added, which specifies a debris barrier for the 18" pipes. The detail was added to Sheet 14. / Rlprap protection was added to the downstream end of the culverts. 3. Sheet 8 The plans show the new conveyance facilities along the east side of 1601 h Avenue SE. The facilities beyond the 24" culvert crossing 160th Avenue SE were recently upgraded; therefore we are not proposing upgrading said facilities. Furthermore, this is where the flows converge; therefore we are not increasing flows to this point. The location of 14028 1601h Avenue SE is now shown on the plan. J.! The detail was revised to show 3 inches of Class B asphalt concrete as required. 3'· The road classification was added to the sections and profile. t.,3, The section labels were corrected . . .,,4. The labels were corrected to show 18" pipes. "-5'./ The label was corrected and now indicates SE 1371h Street. Jv. Note 3 added to Sheet 8 indicating beveling of projecting pipe ends. Sheet 9 The approximate location of 14028 160tll Avenue SE was added to the profile. See response to Hearing Examiner's Conditions item number 3. Note 4 added to Sheet 9 indicating beveling of projecting pipe ends. Sheet 10 V The road classification was added to the section and profile. ~ CB's 34, 36, 37, 38, 42 and 42A were changed to Type I catch basins. Sheet 11 c. 2. The detail was revised to show 3 inches of Class B asphalt concrete as required. The road classification was added to the sections and profile. The label was corrected on the SE 1361h Street sections. 4. t The CB's 25 and 30 are outside the flowline. Furthermore, CB No. 30 has a solid locking lid and will not collect runoff. The catch basins were relocated to address spacing requirements. Please note also that additional catch basins were provided to allow at least 5-foot separation betWeen watermain and storm drain per Water District requirements. Sheet 12 V· ,3 _.,./ ·?" \4,_-·~ The road classification was added to the section and profile. The label was corrected on the SE 13ih Street section. The section for the minor access portion of 162nd Place SE was added. The sidewalk shown on both sides of the section. All curb inlet labels were revised to Type I. Sheet 13 1. 3. Although runoff from SE 1361h Street (Basin S) bypasses the pond, we are treating an equivalent amount of untreated upstream runoff (See flow splitter design starting on page 38 of Section IV of the TIR). In effect, we are doing a "Treatment Trade", which we believe is allowed. We therefore request that this issue be waived. The pond configuration was revised as suggested. The length to width ratio is approximately 3.3 :1 when using the guidelines in Section page 6-72 of the KCSWDM. The correct areas (measured using Autodesk Land Development Desktop) are shown in the Stage-Storage Table in page 30A of Section IV of the T.I.R. A chain-link fence is only required for slopes steeper than 3:1. We are therefore only providing fencing along the walls. The information plate detail was added. The note was added. Sheet 14 \)-, The pipe size was corrected. 2. It is true that portions the Liberty Grove development (mostly improvements within SE 136'" Street and 160'" Avenue SE) bypasses the wetpond. It is also true that water mixes with upstream areas prior to draining into the flow splitter. However, because the upstream areas are untreated developed areas, we are not mixing clean water with dirty water. By allowing the equivalent amount of water that would have been generated by Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous to enter the water quality facility, we are performing a "Treatment Trade", which we believe is allowed. Water that bypasses the pond is equivalent to runoff from upstream areas in terms of quantity and quality. We therefore believe the plan is in compliance with the water quality requirements. In addition, the wetpond is oversized and will provide additional treatment. Sheet 15 1v'!. The detail was revised to show the truncated domes at full width. '2. The detail was removed. Sheet 16 to 18 1. A temporary sediment pond for Liberty Grove will be provided and is shown on Sheet 16 of the plan set. The calculations are included In Section VIII of the T.I.R. Sheet 19 1. The number and species of trees are shown on the plan. The bond quantities worksheet was added to the T. I. R. Please fell free to contact me at (253) 333-2200 if you have any questions. Sin~re4,rt- ~Pob~ DMP, lnc1· Attachment cc: Dave Casey, P.E. -Lakeridge Development '1 • . ' KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time series E . ', .. , Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location Landsburg Computing series : a:s.tsf Regional scale Factor: 1.00 Data Type: Reduced creating Hourly Time series File Loading Time series 0.40 acres Loading Time series 0.38 acres Till Grass Impervious Total Area: 0.78 acres File:c:\KC...S\olDM\KCRTS\LATG60R.rnf scaling Yr: 8 File:c:\Kc_sWDM\KCRTS\LAEI60R.rnf Adding Yr: 8 8 8 Peak Discharge: 0.341 CFS at 7:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time series File:a:s.tsf 8 Time series Computed Flow Frequency Analysis Time series File:a:s.tsf Project Location:Landsburg ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.184 4 0.103 8 0.169 6 0. 204 3 0.166 7 0.172 5 0.222 2 o. 341 1 computed Peaks 2/09/01 2:00 12/03/0117:00 9/10/03 15:00 8/26/04 1:00 10/28/04 18:00 10/22/05 17:00 ll/21/06 9:00 1/09/08 7:00 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks --Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.341 1 100.00 0.222 2 25.00 0.204 3 10.00 0.184 4 5.00 0.172 S 3.00 0.169 6 2.00 0.166 7 1.30 0.103 8 1.10 o. 301 50.00 0.990 0.960 0.900 0.800 0.667 0.500 0.231 0.091 0.980 Wong, Wylie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Foley, Steve Monday, January 31, 2005 9:34 AM Wong, Wylie Townsend, Steve; Crawford, Curt RE: Fencing at Pond Wylie, thanks for your comment. Yes there are lots of partial fenced ponds and there will be more in the future. This standard has been in place since 1998. It was developed with lots of input and debate, and not everyone agrees with how and when ponds should be fenced. We did not change this requirement in the 2005 manual. --Steve From: Wong, Wylie Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 9: 15 AM To: Foley, Steve Cc: Townsend, Steve Subject: Fencing at Pond Steve, We used to have totally enclosed pond with fencing if only part of perimeter slopes (and /or walls) are steeper than 3:1. Lately, I have a pond with half perimeter of walls and half perimeter with 3: 1 slopes. The design engineer replied fencing is only required for slopes steeper than 3:1, and they are only providing fencing along the walls. I check design criteria for pond on page 5-20 of 98 KCSWDM Their statements are correct per Side Slopes requirements 1, and 3 b. However, requirement 3 c for Pond Walls states "at least 25% of the pond perimeter will be a vegetated soil slope not steeper than 3H:1V. SWDM does not allow 100% pond perimeter with walls. If we accept fencing at walls only, there will be a lot of partially enclosed ponds in the future. I think the pond shall be totally enclosed. Please advice. Thanks, Wylie 1 SEE DRAWINGS) Centerline Improvements to Existing County Roads Engineering Review Section September 2003 Issue: When an existing County Road is not located in the center of the right-of-way (ROW), how should road widening requirements applied? Findings: Many of the roads in King County are not built along ROW centerlines. There are a number of good reasons; the alignment may be located to fit terrain restrictions or minimize encroachment onto a critical area. There are areas where the road may be offset from surrounding development and buildings may be located with little or no setback distances. There are also areas where development was built to the location of the road regardless of ROW location. Where offset roads have existed for a long time, it can be argued that prescriptive ROW exists for the maintained road that actually falls outside the ROW. Typically, development proposals and commercial building permits are conditioned to 'improve' road frontage. The section drawings in KCRS indicates the road centerline and ROW centerline are the same. Certainly, all new construction (excepting half streets) should conform to these drawings. However, these drawing details are not intended to cover reconstructing or otherwise improving an existing road that may not follow the existing ROW centerline. As early in the process as possible, designers and reviewers need to decide which centerline the improvements should be applied. In most developed areas, the most practical design solution will be to design ultimate improvements to the existing road centerline, and not the ROW centerline. In most cases, this approach would minimize impacts to existing driveways, drainage facilities and setbacks to existing structures.. 1rrm•. ff.· s··.es;,\i[. ·1s1r.. easible or practical to use the ROW centerline because of these existing 1cts ta111~/ j · · Recommendation: Consultants s~oul · · dJsiinfre o st u lion projects for existing County roads along the existing road centerline. Any additional ROW dedication requirements should also be based on the existing road centerline. Exceptions to this policy my be allowed if based on an evaluation of several factors: • Is there likelihood the other half of the road can be built. • There is a project scheduled to re-construct and complete the other road half. • Shifting the alignment will minimize impacts to existing structures. • A public benefit will be realized if the road alignment is shifted. If a development is required to provide frontage improvements and the proposed centerline is shifted from the existing centerline, then designs should also meet the following criteria: 1. The re-constructed road shall provide a uniform road section, and 2. The section will conform to and/or complete a standard road section, including crown location, or specifications conditioned on the permit application, and 3. The travel lane(s) across the street (from the development site) is maintained (11 feet wide for rural road/open ditch sections), and 4. A shoulder (for rural road/open ditch sections) is provided that will be at least equal in width to the existing shoulder before the road alignment was shifted, and 5. Adequate offsite transitions to the existing road shall be provided. If a proposed improvement to an existing County road does meet the above criteria. a variance approval by the County Road Engineer will be required. KCRS-Centerline.doc 09/29/03 Page 1 SITE ENGINEERING & PLANNING STRUCTURAL REVIEW TRANSMITTAL TO: Hou-Ching Chow, Plan Review Services *DATE: 8/12/04 *FM: Pete Dye, Review Engineer 1~ *RE: Structure for Liberty Grove Plat *Project# L04SR055 (project) Please accept and review the attached Structural Review Package. The Site Engineering and Planning Review Unit has begun reviewing the engineering plans for the road and storm system; we anticipate completion by September 10, 2004. Your efforts in assisting us with this deadline are greatly appreciated. Please contact me at 296>7185 at any time you require additional information. Upon structural approval, please return the plans and approval documentation to the Site Engineering and Planning Section with an approval memo stating any required fees. *Description of Structure: Concrete Wall within storm water pond. *Location of Structure (Page# and/or describe location): Tract B, sheet 12 of 18 Public ROW: Existing ______ _ Public Tracts: X Existing ______ _ Private Tracts: Existing ______ _ Easement( _______ ): Existing ______ _ (type) Restrictions/Requirements Related to the Structure: (e.g. other approvals (HPA, DOT), ordinances, elevations) *submittal Package Includes: Engineering Plans (Road/Drainage) Structural Drawings and Plans Manufacturing Specifications(if necessary) Design Calculations Soils Report _x_ X ---- _x_ Future -------Future X ------Future ______ _ Future ------- minimum: copies (2) copies (2) copies (2) copies (2) copies (1) Note: If this is a REVISION to an approved structural plan, then include the approved plans. List of Key Contacts: King County Sensitive Area Staff: Larry West Design Engineer: Structural : Bryan Collons Engineering Plans: Wylie Wong Other: ----------------------------- Installation/Inspection Inspection Responsibility of Commercials: ________________ _ Contractor License# (if needed) _______ _ Structural Value $ ------ Attachments ----------------------------- REVISION DATE: ---.A-..----,,<=>,------,'---,~-- SIGNATURE:_----H--f~J~-'HW&--r--1 0"d-"-Pf"M-. +-' ---,q~+11-1b~+Hj &-=,.-¥ - *REQUIRED ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 (206) 296-6600 TIY (206) 296-7217 Alternative formats available upon request Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division ••H****~******************* IMPORTANT ****•****11 **********H******* PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME IS NECESSARY FOR ALL DROP-OFFS Project No.: L o.J' ,,Oooos- Project Name: L, ·j;~/I,; Gr<?f/t!. CC?~/-,'qc,oC/..r ~ ~ FROM: O,:n//c/ W-C <?5e</ Company Name I Contact Person _,, TelephoneNo.: Ze7Ci-Z-Z.7-"ir/g;,7 To: l?e::-/-<:-r LJqc-, ?E, :ZC,,p~cv/.r,:;r-, .....,,.-.., 7 7 Date Received by LUSD RECEIVED AUli () ll 2004 KING COUNIY LAND USE SERVICES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) Short Plat I Plats Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Lot Line Adjustment Permit Please specify ttem(s) dropped-off: Right of Way Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Clearing I Grading Permit Additional information requested; please specify item(s) dropped-off: Other:------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE: All drop-off item(s) will be logged into the computer under the project number, therefore, it is important that the top portion of this form is completed properly before you drop-off anything. Assistance in finding a project number can be provided by speaking to a Land Use Services Division Person of the Day (POD) or the Zoning/Land Use Technician. Your cooperation is important. Thank you. LUSD Drop-Off Cover Sheet lg-cvs-dropoff.pdf 05-30-2002 Page 1 of 1 Collons Engineering 195 Front Street • Issaquah, WA 98027 p: (425) 369-1101 • f: (425) 369-1157 Liberty Grove Storm Pond Walls for Tract "B" Developer: Wayne Jones Lakeridge Development PO Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 (425) 228-9750 Structural Bryan Collons, P.E., S.E. Engineer: Job#: 04-052 Date: July 22, 2003 .1 2 n11 ,1 "' p ffl • CK"i6"9iZ (m) "ON 30011<i I Ii; iSDK 'VM 'l!olllill '9K xoa 'O'd sa•M lu~ti~~ l)IIO.I wi111s ., U) 1i1 ·,u1 '1uawdo1a,ao a8p1,a~e1 OAOJa AlJOq!l ,I ;~ l·:m,11,I -P'[0',1 .. -----~ " ~ ,_ - "' ..... 00 j I l I J I L ! I !' i, l ! 11 !i I T 1; ' d I o. I: u~ ~! !• !" H p ~, ~ i 1'.; t! •• t, Ii Iii !I! ,, ' . f h! t,i "' -~ i~ ! I lj~ ~d ~ • h. ----' _, ,1~1 ' i .., I ji :~ ,i ~~~ t I z ,, !i<• ! 11 :~ .. ~~ ~ ~ let<.O-l "' ii --·p I JI § ;! I' l' i: I ~ .. ; ; ~ --~ , .. I ~, LI I: t h '\ ' n!_. ll'l?~l:f f' Vl'l.; .. ~ ,,11 -•------------·w;.:o-;. ,i-,1 • ~1,1 I I ,t~· ·:O: ~ ~ ~11, E ~.K s d l ------------~------------------- L &' t 1 /2)15 fl.EV. <le6DO' --462.10' 15 • l&'oc; ------lb----dl EAGHFAGE 15 • q•oc; ------lb----.:11 EAGH FACE "1500. HOOK 3'-0' MIN. • 2'-o' r-o· 5'-0' l'-6' MIN. ~ ~ \ 1 15 x D a :IO'oc; TOP a BOTTOM (6)15 Reinforcing Splice & Development Length Schedule 8 · I I L r r 1 X. - \ \ ' \ i C c___gLLONS ENGINEERING 195 Fron< Street Nonh • Issaquah, WA 98017 p: (425) 369-1101 • I (425) 369-1157 Pro~t Pro~! No. Date By L.Akerid~ -Uoorti Grove 04-G51-o C 1- Ske~h 61.c; Sheet /',JO Ge,OTEUt Nli.fil...-. PAT!\", '1:,= 3 DOJ f"'F" OL.0/--lEJl. STA-'r(;:-1 61__.AC1f;:L fl LL--J/'vJeS -'1 ~ D, '3[ ~ SD IL-:; I To f".,F E. f P '1.-s:o P4" - F1 1: LD vsfUiF-j, 0; \ \ /IO I COLLONS ENGUIJ 195 Frpnt Street North • Issaquah, WA 98027 p: (421 369-1101 • f: (425) 369-1157 ~...,,.., r0"' D-ooz,o 5\J"I. ,,J:; L I . . . ·;--, • ! Projecl LAkerid~ -L!oert~ &rove Dale By 61..C. ·' ---1\ l - !~ ' f I " ' Title: Liberty Grove Storm Pond Walls Dsgnr: BLC Date: Description : Scope: Retaining Walls Job# 04,052 4:35PM. 21 JUL 04 _____________ __=C::od __ e~R__::e,,l:__::A_CI 318,02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 Rev 580005-- User· KW·05059B3, Ver 5 8.0, 1-Dec-2003 (i::)1963-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 04·052 11berty 11dge.ecw Calculations Description Case 1 Full dirt surcharge. No water in pond. I Criteri_a ___ I Soil Data I Retained Height 8.00 ft Allow Soil Bearing = 3,000.0 psi Wall height above soil = 1.00 ft Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Slope Behind Wall 0.00: 1 Heel Active Pressure 35.0 psi/ft Toe Active Pressure = 35.0 psi/ft Height of Soil over Toe = 24.00 in Passive Pressure = 250.0 psf/ft Soll Density = 120.00 pcl Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Footing Strengths & Dimensions fc:; 3,000 psi Fy 60,000 psi Min. As% 0.0014 Toe Width 2.33 ft,. Heel Width 3.00 Total Footing Width = 5.33' Footing Thickness 15.00 in FootingJISoil Friction = 0.300 Wind on Stem = 0.0 psi Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 0.00 \n KeyWidlh = 12.00in Key Depth = 12.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 2.00 fl Cover@Top = 3.00 in @Blm= 3.00 in [ Surcharge Loads [ Desig,; Summary ) Surcharge Over Heel :i: 240.0 psf Surcharge Over Toe 0.0 psf NOT Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning NOT Used for Sliding & Overturning • I Stem Construction • ~T~o~p~S~te~m~--'2"'n-"d'----- • Stem OK Stem OK Tota! Bearing Load ... resultant ecc. = = 5,266 lbs 8.95 in Soil Pressure@ Toe 1,818 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 158 psf OK Allowable = 3,000 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored@ Toe = 2,329 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 203 psi Footing Shear@ Toe :;: 14.5 psi OK Footing Shear@ Heel = 39.6 psi OK Allowable 93.1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning Sliding = 2.33 OK 1.79 OK Sliding Cales (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 2,144.8 lbs less 100% Passive ForcEF 2,257.8 lbs less 100% Friction Force= 1,579.7 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK .... for 1.5: 1 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK [Iooting Design Results J Factored Pressure Mu': Upward Mu' : Downward Mu: Design Actual 1·Way Shear Allow 1.Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing _ToL = 2,329 5,480 1,625 = 3,855 = 14.48 93.11 :i: None Spec'd None Spec'd = None Spec'd Heel 203psl 0 ft-# 7,062 ft-# .J.062 ft,# 39.57 psi 93.11 psi Design height ft= 2.25 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht" Thickness Rebar Size = Concrete Concrete 8.00 8.00 # 5 # 5 Rebar Spacing 18.00 9.00 Rebar Placed at :; Edge Edge Design Data ------------------------· fb/FB + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Moment. ... Actual Moment. .... Allowable = lbs= ft,#= ft,#= Shear ..... Actual psi:; Shear ..... Allowable psi = Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in;:; Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in= Wall Weight psi= Rebar Depth 'd' in = Masonry Data rm Fs psi= psi= Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n' :; Short Term Factor = 0.715 1,667.9 3,852.5 5,391.0 23.2 93.1 21.36 21.36 96.7 6.00 Equiv. Solid Thick. ;:::: Masonry Block Type :; Normal Weight Concrete Data re Fy psi= psi= 3,000.0 60,000.0 0.846 2,737.0 8,806.0 10,404.0 38.0 93.1 21.36 8.02 96.7 6.00 3,000.0 60,000.0 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu< S * Fr Heel: #4@ 12.50 in, #5@ 19.50 in, #6@ 27.50 in, #7@ 37.50 in, #8@ 48.25 in, #9@ 4 Key: Not req'd, Mu < S' Fr / • Title; Liberty Grove Storm Pond Walls Dsgnr: BLC Date: Description : Scope: Retaining Walls Job# 04-052 4:35PM, 21 JUL 04 A Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000 ! Rev 5SOD05 : User. KW-0605983. Ver 5.8.0. 1-Dec-2003 L (c)1983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 04-052 liberty ridge.ecw .Calculat,ons Description Case 1 Full dirt surcharge. No water in pond_ --------------------------------------- Summar of Overturnin & Resistin Forces & Moments _,, .. OVERTURNING,,,_, Force Distance Moment Item Heel Active Pressure Toe Active Pressure :;: Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load Load @ Stem Above Soil :;: SeismicLoad Total = = Resisting/Overturning Ratio lbs ft ft-# 2,144.8 3.55 7,611.5 2,144.8 O.T.M. = 7,611.5 = 2.33 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 5,265.7 lbs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem= Soil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe = Stern Weight(s) = Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weight Key Weight Vert. Component = Total= ..... RESISTING .... Force Distance lbs ft 2,240.0 4.16 0.00 559.2 1.17 870.0 2.66 999.4 2.67 150.0 2.50 447.2 5.33 Moment ft-# 9,325.9 651.5 2,317 1 2,663.3 375.0 2,383.4 5,265.7 lbs RM.= 17,716.1 B.00005in Cone w/ #5@ 18.in o/c #O@O.in @Toe Designer select #O@D.in all horiz. reinf. @Heel 2'-0" 2'-4" '-0" 5'-4" 2" 3" .. : =t + 2'-4" 3'-0" 1'-0" 6'-9" 9'-Q" I! I 8'-0" ' I i 2'-3" ~l _ ___j __ 1 '-3" 3" 1'-0" I !_ 240.psf 1817.7psf Title: Liberty Grove Storm Pond Walls Job# 04-052 Dsgnr: BLC Date: 4 35PM, 21 JUL 04 Description : Scope: Retaining Walls 1 -~-----C_od_e_R_e_f_: A_CI 318-02, 1997 lJ_B_G_ 20~_1B~:.l_oo_3 ~i:r'_i\5000 Rev· ·s800ci5 User KW-0605983. Ver 5 8 0, 1-Dec-2003 (c),983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 04-052 liberty ndge.ecw.Ca:c,.,1a1,ons Description Case 2 Partial dirt surcharge. Full water surcharge. -----------J ; Criteria Retained Height Wall height above soil Slope Behind Wall Height of Soll over Toe Soil Density Wind on Stem [-surcharge Loads Total Bearing Load ... resultant ecc. = = = = = = 9.00 ft 1.00 ft 0.00: 1 60.00 In 120.00 pcf 0.0 psf 6,566 lbs 12.29 in • • Soil Pressure@ Toe = 2,668 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = O psf OK Allowable = 3,000 psi Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored@ Toe 3,433 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = O psf Footing Shear@ Toe = 15.1 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 36.6 psi OK Allowable = 93.1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning 2.10 OK Sliding = 3.02 OK Sliding Cales (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force 2,829.9 lbs less 100% Passive Force=, 6,570.3 lbs less 100% Friction Force= 1,969.8 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK .. for 1.5: 1 Stability 0.0 lbs OK --------~----------~-1, Footing Design Results J _I2L. ~ Soil Data I Footing Stren.gths&Dimensions-1 Allow Soil Bearing = 3,000.0 psf fc = 3,000 psi Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Min. As% Heel Active Pressure = 62.2 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 250.0 psf/ft Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width Footing Thickness = Fy = = = 60.000 psi 0.0014 2.33 ft 3.00 --= 15.00 in Footingl!Soil Friction Soil height to ignore for passive pressure 0.300 Key Width 12.00 in Key Depth = 12.00in Key Distance from Toe 2.00 ft = 0.00 in Cover@ Top = 3.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in Surcharge Over Heel = 0.0 psf Surcharge Over Toe 240.0 psf NOT Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning NOT Used for Sliding & Overturning I Stem Construction =:=J Top Stem ___ 2"'n-'-'d'--- -Stem OK Stem OK Design height ft= 2.75 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Concrete Concrete Thickness 8.00 = . 8.00 Rebar Size # 5 # 5 Rebar Spacing 9.00 = 18.00 Rebar Placed at Edge = Edge Design Data -~---------- fb/FB + fa/Fa Total Force@ Section Moment. ... Actual Moment. .... Allowable lbs= ft-#= ft-#= Shear. .... Actual psi = Shear ..... Allowable psi= Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in= Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in= Wall Weight psf = Rebar Depth 'd' in= Masonry Data fm Fs Solid Grouting Special Inspection psi= psi= = Modular Ratio 'n' = Short Term Factor = 0.721 1,646.9 3,888.4 5,391.0 22.9 93.1 21.36 21.36 96.7 6.00 0.973 2,943.7 10,120.3 10,404.0 40.9 93.1 21.36 9.30 96.7 6.00 Factored Pressure Mu': Upward = 3,433 o psf Equiv. Solid Thick. = Masonry Block Type = Normal Weight Mu' : Downward Mu: Design = = = 7,848 0 ft-# 3,905 6,941 ft-# 3,943 6,941 ft-# Actual 1-Way Shear = Allow 1-Way Shear = 15.07 36.56 psi 93.11 93.11 psi Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing None Spec'd = None Spec'd = None Spec'd Concrete Data ------ 3,000.0 60,000.0 fc Fy psi= psi= 3,000.0 60,000.0 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu< S * Fr Heel: #4@ 12.50 in, #5@ 19.50 in, #6@ 27.50 in. #7@ 37.50 in. #8@ 48.25 in, #9@ 4 Key: Not req'd, Mu <·s * Fr Title: Liberty Grove Storm Pond Walls Dsgnr: BLC Date: Job# 04-052 4.35PM. 21 JUL 04 Description : Scope: Retaining Walls 8 Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 !BC. 2003 NFPA 5000 -------------Rev. 580005 I User· KW-0605983, Ver 5.8.0. 1-Dec-2003 L..__(c}1983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Case2 Description Partial dirt surcharge. Full water surcharge. Summa of Overturnin & Resistin Forces & Moments ..... OVERTURNING ..... Force Distance Moment Item Heel Active Pressure = Toe Active Pressure ;:: Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = Seismicload Total a Resisting/Overturning Ratio lbs ft ft-# 3,267.4 -437.5 3.42 3.13 2,829.9 O.T.M. a 11,163.8 -1,367.2 9,796.6 2.10 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure .: 6,566.1 lbs Soi I Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel a Surcharge Over Heel ;:: Adjacent Footing Load ;:: Axial Dead Load on Stem= Soil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Stem Weight(s) Earth @ Siem Transitions= Footing Weight Key Weight = Vert. Component .: Page 2 04-052 liberty r,dge.ecW"Calculat1ons .RESISTING .. Force lbs 2,520.0 1,398.0 966.7 999.4 150.0 532.1 Distance ft 4.16 0.00 1.17 2.66 2.67 2.50 5.33 Moment fl-# 10,491.6 1,628.7 2.574 6 2,663.3 375.0 2,835 8 -------~---- Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Total= 6,566.1 lbs R.M.• 20,569.0 8.00005in Cone w/ #5@ 18.in o/c #O@O.in @Toe Designer select #O@O.in all horiz. reinf. @Heel ' • 2'-0" . 2'-4" 2" ·-o: -2'-4" -. 3'-0" 5'-4" r I I 7'-3" 10'-0" ' 9'-0" 3" __j_·--------.--- 2'-9" • I I . I 1 ·-'---=:I 1 '-3" 3" + 1 '-0" I . I a/ /6 2668.1psf SITE ENGINEERING & PLANNING STRUCTURAL REVIEW TRANSMITTAL TO: Hou-Ching Chow, Plan Review Services *DATE: 8/12/04 *FM: Pete Dye, Review Engineer 7~ * RE: Structure for Liberty_ Qrove Plat ... * Project# L04SR055 ~---. (project) Please accept and review the attached Structural Review Package. The Site Engineering and Planning Review Unit has begun reviewing the engineering plans for the road and storm system; we anticipate completion by September 10, 2004. Your efforts in assisting us with this deadline are greatly appreciated. Please contact me at 296-7185 at any time you require additional information. Upon structural approval, please return the plans and approval documentation to the Site Engineering and Planning Section with an approval memo stating any required fees. * Description of Structure: 1 2 . (, ,.: :j' · ·, < ;xf ,· v ' Concrete Wall within storm water pond. / ··· , 1 *Location of Structure (Page# and/or describe location): Tract B, sheet 12 of 18 Public ROW: Existing ______ _ Public Tracts: X Existing ______ _ Private Tracts: Existing. ______ _ Easement(, _______ ): Existing. ______ _ (type) Restrictions/Requirements Related to the Structure: (e.g. other approvals (HPA, DOT), ordinances, elevations) *submittal Package Includes: Engineering Plans (Road/Drainage) Structural Drawings and Plans Manufacturing Specifications(if necessary) Design Calculations Soils Report __ x_ __ x_ __ x_ Future ______ _ Future_X _____ _ Future. ______ _ Future. ______ _ minimum: copies (2) copies (2) copies (2) copies (2) copies (1) Note: If this is a REVISION to an approved structural plan, then include the approved plans. List of Key Contacts: King County Sensitive Area Staff: Larry West Design Engineer: Structural : Bryan Collons Engineering Plans: Wylie Wong Other: ____________________________ _ Installation/Inspection Inspection Responsibility of Commercials: ________________ _ Contractor License# (if needed) _______ _ Structural Value $ _____ _ Attachments ____________________________ _ *REQUIRED REVISION DATE: ---1:Ac+-..----.,<::>,-------,L...-,--- SIGNATU RE:_--++~J-+-1Utf+,.t-.-1t 0.;,,,...¥141-,' +' -A+~l~4.:.µ.:(oY=-. _ dmp, inc. (FORMERLY DALEY ENGINEERING CO.) March 24. 2005 Mr. Wylie Wong King County DOES 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 MBE-DBE DALEY -MORROW· POBLETE, INC. ENGINEERING · PLANNING -SURVEYING 726 AUBURN WAY N. AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98002 TELEPHONE (253) 333-2200 FAX (253) 333-2206 RE: Plats of Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous. L03P0005 and L03POD06. Review Activity: L04SR055. Second review comments. Dear Mr. Wong: The comments in your March 3, 2005 letter were addressed as follows: HEARING EXAMINER'S CONDITIONS: Liberty Grove Contiguous and Liberty Grove 1. The conveyance facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE from the southwest comer of the project to approximately 50 feet from lot 14028 160"' Avenue SE were analyzed for the 100-yr storm. The analysis can be found in Section Vof the T.I.R. In addition, the proposed conveyance facilities along the western side of 160"' Avenue SE were also analyzed including the culvert that crosses the road. ~f.""'-5 GENERAL AND TIR COMMENTS: 1. The plans will be signed and dated by a professional engineer prior to final plan approval. 2. Pacific Dogwood is now specified on the street tree plan. 3. The recreational space plan was added to the plan set. -r,.~.,.c._ "'1r"~ 4. The bond quantities worksheet was added to Section IX of the T.I. R. The improvements for off-site walkway and mitigation for the high accident location (channelization at intersection of 156"' and 136"') were include in page 8 of Section IX under "Write-in- Items", so that they can be removed easily if needed. Please be aware that the previously mentioned items were already included in the Evendell bond quantities worksheet. A separate Landscape Bond Quantity worksheet is also included in Section IX for the street trees. 5. The upstream basins were included in the design of the detention facility (See Section IV of the T.I.R.). 6. Although a flow splitter is mentioned in the adjustment letter, the splitter is not a condition of the adjustment, nor is it the only method to maintain existing hydrology. As ~ ~--mentioned in Section IV of the T. I. R., it is required to mimic the hydrology of the existing 1 :(R, wetland. In order to approximate existing wetland hydrology, it is necessary to allow ja,,JP-\ some areas of the development to bypass the detention facility and drain directly into the , ~; '('f~ wetland. By allowing some developed lots to drain directly into the wetland, the existing ( • .,t ,,,_, hydrology to the downstream properties is also maintained. It is therefore not necessary 1-to install an additional structure that will serve no purpose (See Analysis of Wetland Hydrology in Section IV also). We therefore request that this item be waived. 7. The hatching on the plans have been revised per our previous meeting. It is our understanding that the County has not yet determined exactly how light or how dark hatching can be. If still unacceptable, then we will eliminate the hatching on the as-built plans. 8. The silt fences and orange color sensitive area fences are now shown on the T.E.S.C. plan. 9.a. We have provided additional piping to eliminate mixing of off-site with on-site flows. 9.b. The easement is now entirely within Lot 7. DRAWING COMMENTS: Sheet 5 Sheet6 In order to mitigate for the untreated areas, we are proposing to collect runoff from the existing pavement along 160'" Avenue SE fronting the two sites. The treatment areas are described in more detain in page 8 of Section IV of the T.I.R. 1. See response to the General and TIR Comments item 9.a. 2. The 100-yr flood plain is now shown on the plan. 3. See response to the General and TIR Comments item 5. 4. The note referencing the detail sheet was corrected. 5.a. The curb return is now tangent to the ultimate road width (16 feet from the centerline of the R.0.W. 5.b. The curb ramp has been replaced with a cement concrete sidewalk transition. Sheet 12 1. The dimensions on Section H-H have been corrected. Sheet 13 1. As previously mentioned, the flow splitter is not the only method of maintaining existing flows, furthermore, although mentioned in the adjustment, it is not a condition. Since we are required to maintain existing wetland hydrology, runoff to the properties south of Liberty Grove Contiguous will be maintained as well. Therefore water that enters parcel 1457500110 to the north will be maintained. Although we are diverting runoff from Liberty Grove to Liberty Grove Contiguous, existing flows converge at the downstream end of the culvert that crosses 160th Avenue SE. Since we are providing a Level 3 detention facility with approximately 17% factor of safety, we are maintaining the peak flow rates (if not reducing it) up to the 100-yr storm where it discharges at the northeast comer of parcel 14750011 O. We therefore believe that we are not aggravating existing problems, and are in fact providing sufficient measures to alleviate the problem by using the Level 3 flow control criteria. No additional mitigating measures should then be required for this project. 2. The upstream areas were considered in the sizing of the detention facility. The bypass areas were also considered and were treated as "Tributary Flow" in the sizing calcultations (See Section IV of the T.I.R.). Please fell free to contact me at (253) 333-2200 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Alex Poblete, P. E. DMP, Inc. cc: Dave Casey, P.E. -Lakeridge Development LIBERTY GROVE AND LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS, L04SR055 THIRD REVIEW COMMENTS All page references are based on 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM), 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS) and King County Codes (KCC). HEARING EXAMINER'S CONDITIONS: Liberty Grove Contiguous and Liberty Grove 1. Add note on cover sheet to indicate the compliance of condition 20 by using approved improvements ofEvendell Plat LOIPOOI6 on 1361h Street, and revised channelization at the intersection of 1561h Ave SE and SE 1361h Street. GENERAL AND TIR COMMENTS: 1. All engineering plans shall be signed and dated by professional engineer for approval. 2. Revise bond quantity worksheet (BQW) to include retaining wall at pond. On page 5 of road surfacing, additional 2.5'' base course for 93 KCRS shall be 3590 square yards instead of 3287 square yards on existing right-of-way DRAWING COMMENTS: Sheet 1 1. Correct a typo " B3E" on school access note. Add " See and refer to proposed school walkway plan of Evendell LO 1 POO 16" at the end of the note. Sheet 4 1. Show mailbox approval by postmaster on plan. Lot 31 of Liberty Grove Contiguous shall be served by mailbox B instead of mailbox C. Update the mailbox note as follows: Liberty Grove Contiguous mailbox note: Box (B): 12 unit CBU serves lots 7-14, 27-29 and 31. Box (C): 12 unit CBU serves Jots 15-26. 2. Curb return shall be 35' radius instead of25' at the~ quadrant of intersection SE 137'h Street and 160111 Ave SE. Sheet 5 I. Move CB#lBP to the edge of vertical curb and clear from the travel path of concrete transition ramp. Adjust the location ofCB#2BP if necessary. 1 2. At the NE quadrant of intersection SE 136'h Street and 158 1h Ave SE, delete concrete transition ramp on the north side of curb ramp. 3. Use a concrete sidewalk transition near CB#25 to replace curb ramp at the SE quadrant of intersection SE 136'h Street and I 60'h Ave SE. 4. Revise relocation stop sign note to "Contact KCDOT to relocate stop sign." Sheet 6 1. Show 100 year floodplain at wetland on plan per condition 11. 2. Eight feet wide paved shoulder and sewer line were added on the west side of l 60'h Ave SE from the Evendell Plat. Provide field check and revise the locations of CB#5BP and outfall pipe to prevent conflicts. 3. Use a curb ramp within radius to replace concrete transition ramp at the SW quadrant of intersection SE 136'h Street and 162"d Ave SE. Relocate or delete CB#l IBP to avoid conflict with the curb ramp. 4. Use 12" concrete pipe at the north inlet ofCB#12BP to match existing concrete pipe. 5. Label cement concrete sidewalk transition (Fig. 3-009 of2004 King County Design and Construction Standards) near CB#24 on SE 1361h Street. 6. Reduce sharp turns and provide smooth horizontal curve on the pedestrian walkway at the east of lot 17. Sheet 13 1. Provide driveway drop to the pond access road. Access road shall be paved from the back of sidewalk to the right-of-way line per SWDM. 2. Move control manhole to the edge of pond access road per Section 5 of SWDM. Sheet 19 1. Delete a tree within the 50 ft setback at the SW quadrant of interestion SE 1361h Street and 162nd Ave SE. 2 LIBERTY GROVE AND LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS, L04SR055 SECOND REVIEW COMMENTS All page references are based on 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM), 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS) and King County Codes (KCC). HEARING EXAMINER'S CONDITIONS: Liberty Grove Contiguous and Liberty Grove 1. Although downstream pipes have been updated, it is your responsible to document 100 year storm conveyance capacity analysis for the downstream drainage system along the east side of 1601h Ave SE from the south plat boundary to approximately 50 feet south of the house at 14028-1601h Ave SE per condition 10 on the technical information report. GENERAL AND TIR COMMENTS: 1. All engineering plans shall be signed and dated by professional engineer for approval. 2. Use Rocky Mountain Maple or Pacific Dogwood on street tree plan. 3. Provide a recreation tract plan. 4. Provide bond quantity worksheet (BQW) for the project on TIR, including improvements for off-site school walkway, mitigation to high accident location and street trees. Actual performance bond for recording will be reduced if neighboring development already posted the bond, but the BQW shall include all the costs of improvements per permit conditions. 5. Upstream basins to Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous shall be included on the design of flow control and pond sizing per offsite bypass requirement of KCSWDM 6. Two existing flow rate patterns at the south of Liberty Grove Contiguous shall be maintained by a flow splitter at the outlet of the pond per condition 8 and approved adjustment letter L03V0065 dated December 4, 2003. These flow paths do not converge within the quarter mile limit, and pass through private parcel 1457500110 with inadequte conveyance capacity. 7. Shading on the road plans shall be removed on the mylars and final corrected plans. 1 8. Show silt fences and orange color sensitive area fences at wetland on TESC plans per condition 15. 9. The following items shall be addressed per recent discussion with Drainage Adjustment Committee: a. Offsite runoff along 1601h Ave SE cannot be mixed with onsite runoff per water quality requirement on KCSWDM Section 6. This mixing of offsite and onsite flows was rejected at the review of Drainage Adjustment L03V0065 by the committee. b. A new drainage adjustment approval is required if a drainage easement is on two properties (lots 6 and 7). Otherwise, the easement shall be within a single property per KCSWDM 4.1. DRAWING COMMENTS: Sheet 5 ti Specify the treatment trade area for onsite runoff from SE 1361h Ave per water quality V requirement on KCSWDM Section and how to convey the traded runoff to the pond. The release rate from the pond shall be reduced to compensate the bypass of Basin S per KCSWDM Sheet 6 ~Offsite runoff along 1601h Ave SE cannot be mixed with onsite runoff from Liberty Grove per Drainage Adjustment Committee. A separation of flows is needed. It can be done by diverting the offsite runoff form the east side of 160'h Ave SE to the west side of 1601h Ave SE. ~ Show 100 year floodplain at wetland on plan per condition 11. V Upstream basins to Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous shall be included on V the design of flow control and pond sizing per offsite bypass requirement on page 1- 36 ofKCSWDM. ~ Correct note for chain link fence, see detail on sheet 14 instead of sheet 12. 2 5. Frontage improvement on SE 1361h Street between l 60'h Ave SE and 162nd Ave SE. b. At the southwest quadrant of intersection of SE 1361h Street and 162nd Ave SE, the curb return and sidewalk ramp shall be constructed to the tangent of ultimate road width (16 ft from the centerline of roadway). Use cement concrete sidewalk transition (Fig. 3-009 of2004 King County Design and Construction Standards) to replace curb ramp (Fig. 3-007) near CB#26 on SE 1361h Street. f. k / ~ Sheet 12 A: Correct road dimensions, easements and subgrade thickness on road section H-H. Sheet 13 / A flow splitter is required at the downstream of control structure to maintain two existing flow rate patterns to the south of Liberty Grove Contiguous per condition 8 and drainage adjustment L03V0065. The runoff on 1601h Ave SE will enter private property at 14120 of 160'h Ave SE (parcel no. 1457500110) where has two 12 inch culverts without enough flow capacity. See locations 22 and 23 of Table 1 on the off-site analysis of Evendell prepared by Haozous Engineering, and attached sketch. An upgrade of these culverts are required if the addition flow is going to be added on this route. Agreement of upgrading private improvements from the owner shall be documented on TIR prior to plan approval. It is required to have an engineering solution to balance the off-site flows and eliminate potential drainage problems. Revise designs of detention pond capacity and control structure on TIR to include the runoffs from upstream basins to Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous. Release rate form control structure shall be reduced to compensate any off-site bypass per KCSWDM 3 ~ CORE ~DESIGN ENGINEERING PLANNING · SURVEYING TRANSNIITTAL TO K.C.D.D.E.S . DATE May2,2005 AnN, Wylie Wong Core Design, Inc. 147// N.E. l9th Place Suite #/01 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax. 425.885.7963 JOB NO. 04037 ............. 900 Oakesdale Avenue.SW . R!:lnton,WAJl055-t2l9 .......................... REF: ... NicbolsPlac~ (Proj!;lc:t # LQ3PQ015) MAIL ............................ . DELIVER .. X ............... PICKUP ............................. . TI\ANSMITIED FOR: YOUR USE X ....................... PEI'. REQUEST .... INFORMATION ONLY .. ACTION REQUIRED: PROCESSING .. X ....... REPLY ............................. RETURN .. NONE ......................... . QUANTITY 3 COMMENTS. CC: DATED DESCRIPTION ReyisedSchoolVl/alk1Nay.Plan, .. sheet.C},03 ... ····RECEIVED MAY O ? 2005 1,1NG COUN!Y ......... .... ... ... ... ... .... ........ ... I.AND USt&ERVIGES BY, ·····oav1a· E:·cayfon .·P:E. @ King County Deparbnent of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 (206) 296-6600 TTY (206) 296-7217 Alternative formats available upon request Drop-Off Cover Sheet for Land Use Services Division ***************************i IMPORTANT ***•******"*******1t***1t:l:1r1t'IIIH PROJECT NUMBER AND NAME IS NECESSARY FOR ALL DROP-OFFS Project No.: L O ~ P e> 0 l 5 Project Name: N l {' H. Oc..,. PL ~CE Date Received~ LUSD {PJ ~ ((; fE'. // 1\f if l[Y MAY O 2 i'005 UJ} ' FROM: l'.!OllE;,. 't,>pS,.f&,O /]>JN,C> ~y7,:, Company Name I Contact Person Telephone No.: 4 "Z :Z: -8 8 5 -? g 2~ K,G, D.D.E.S. ~ TO: IJ,J y' LI £ W 01'19 r.. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY KING COUNTY STAFF (please print) Short Plat / Plats Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Lot Line Adiustment Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Right of Way Permit Please specify item(s) dropped-off: Clearing / Grading Permit Additional information requested; please specify item(s) dropped-off: Other:------------------~------------------ PLEASE NOTE: All drop-off item(s) will be logged into the computer under the project number, therefore, It is Important that the top portion of this fonn is completed properly before you drop-off anything. Assistance in finding a project number can be provided by speaking to a Land Use Services Division Person of the Day (POD) oJ the Zoning/Land Use Technician. Your cooperation is important. Thank you. -: • LUSD Drop-Off Cover Sheet lg-cvs-dropoff.pdf 05-30..2002 Page 1 of 1 SEE DRAWINGS) ,--, I / L, SFR / I ---..,_____ _} / 'lRAYf!_ DRIV GRA\rt. r>Rl\1 ~...,~,,/ t~--- 30' 0 / ~ Y, 0 ' () -}"!, / r-----r-1 ---, I I I SFR / I I I I L_ I l __ _r----1 / - / r __ ___r--1 I SFR I ,-11 I r--,, IL __ t... __ j I I I I L ___ J L_J ..... _'5' CHA1N 't.1m( ITJIICE·-591' I ,--1 I I I SFR I L __ J , ---, I I I I I I I I L_..J Gf!A 6 0 ·_ --j_ ..... _6,Qc,-60' I 60' ' ' CHAIN LINK FENCE Df,IV. ~s·---- • SP-2 6,,-/ 10 / 5 fl l,.\.. ~ 62' ~ Rf~O_".'.E~7 ·o ---["~f ,rl-' ~ GAHAGE f.f__4~~- ---·--· -- I · .. · I . • .. • DRIVE ·. __ .J_ ~RB---e----"------ . --------.· <: ..EA_ SEMENT O 1 . I '\ ·,:--· : :·· ~ c. No. ..--..t-3 · 1 8s5o1\~o859 ,---·-r---· J \ 1'~ j'--/ I ---__ ::::-, ---/C.__ I 2 SP 1 ~:---·; ~ . "' I u',, __ _.:. ::---60, . '.j__ ' ~ C) •· ;....c . ./60; 60' 39' _ .. ----lll ·c 0 \ "' / . ~ ,....E 135TH PL <PAOPoseo) ~ ----;J---. ~/ 398' = ~ q ~ -,.- 0 ""' \. Cl-~ N ·~;g;j 0 "' ./ .· _.. I N\ --··-• , .. -'; __ 92 _ , 26' 1 23 ,, 92'G) g ~'_ -~r / 1&. ~ I / 94' / 12 / "1,'b ! - 13 "' . / -.,. ~ / " .· / ~-' / '· ! ·, _.b,?)'?( <D I') _____ ---tr ~ ;,. RQ_ WALL _ --.,.,_f '\, r• 1-9· ---49 ~= n _, ~ ~ M -en --CT • 30 "' , r --~ i= / TOT LQTI') fi 2 STORY. r fr) ·'WMts) \/ \ .· ~ 1--/ v f~,_ ~J-, -, \ \-J<'? 92' l( "' •. -. -Ii; I') <D t~ ., ~ ~, w ,. 24 I "-~~ Q~ 'j; 2, ;,. _ f]_i• i ~ u [ <D r---11_ -~ : ,;~ ~ r-' -···-..,] / \ 94•~6----i r,. _ .. 92; -f 2 STORY . · ~.t.'..t.L.;/.J_/J~.f.J,~ ....___ qiA\'.tL ---:_ ·•---21 19 20 ;,. ) ~' ~ . .., , I '-----c·:-. _ w•---· ~ fl! PO -84 ___ _ -·--.~ :.: -... C • _ --· .• ,.: ·. ~.:;;.:·"-=· C cc :"':cC . . ::=.·::C. "= -c: ."c.::,.:::? -~ ·11·1J _______ , ... -·------------\ ----------....... o ~-U,.. \ ---1'\ • ti" ll" ,, ~,, ;. ', ":c,1: \.. ~~£\ \)-@:·_;".!\ \\_• f,(c \ · ·\\::Zs , \1. 'II tS'«I"~'"''.... \ .... . \ . ~ '2 cHt-C:1\-BD c>{ J3~ ----::J p1,:t1>1Y------_____ ,--·--- Wen.PrNc 13vl"F&. nz.o/v'\ OFF~,-rc WE'11->o-lD ? .... _452--- 1t_ r5'_;t_ ,----, I I I I I SFR I I I I I L __ ..J <. '-. '-. --J ----- I' ----I ---. ---. I t I., ( ----I SFR '1 ( ----/ ---. ---. I -----./ ,-, I L--, I I I L ___ I I SFR ..J L ____ _r- /' / '\ /'\ < V '\ '\ SFR ) '\ / '\ / v ) ~iiwj, r!J~'R*o~~E~·"FE'"'" ; ASPHN I' ORI\IE-.. L O~?Oc:)Q(c Lt~~\'-\ <=:n=4bv t::. L\b~ Grove Cen1~~"'o\,)s LO~'vcx:ic~ LI b ew~ G~\J ~ Le:, ::,~c::,,c, ~ "l"h<e.. ? ,re.~ ......Q. =? to \.. , b12,,,1 ~ G~c....-- -::::: ?1-.) heed."=> d \~~1 ~ b c:, ~ ?C,..'('" be... t _.:'.) 4-o d,\l0 L,~ (:,..-.~ ~ "".-\-... .:) ~ c-::. ~ Va.._ v--t. .;._._,,__ CUL. '"to Ce>~\...._:._ d~ "'°"t a..U\f'"C-~-. ~ =f C~ ... {e... "' '?«-,~~..._~ "'-6.4.,,~-:-\ ~ -50 ..... ~ 'oe ..,.,.__~ . o-f L ~ ~¢.. ~~~-( f>CS.~"""I"' ~ "'7• So~ J . ' ? ~-+-s \. '"2..,,e... l ::. ~ \. ~ c... • -:p...-c)b l,o......~ .::M~[J.. ®,/J~...k ~~ C,r;:,\'O<>~'l p..-.ob ~ lLih~ {bO~ ~:...._'a-'1--f·'lo-...:)~ ea...s-\'-.~ /~1 J ~~e.~C,. ~end. \/4"""-'-k . ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton. WA 98055-1219 April 8, 2003 Wayne Jones Lakeridge Development PO Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 RE: Notice of Incomplete Application DOES File Nos. L03P0006 -Liberty Grove Dear Mr. Jones The purpose of this letter is to notify you that on April 8, 2003, the Land Use Services Division determined that the above-referenced application is incomplete under the current requirements for a complete application as specified in King County Code 20.20 and 19A.08. This initial determination is intended to be used only for the purposes of applying the time period established in the King County Code. The following information is needed for this application to be considered complete. Fees: Submit the appropriate submittal fees or request a waiver of submittal requirements. Certificate of Sewer Availability: Submit an updated certificate of sewer availability from the City of Renton. The initial letter·submitted is dated April 5, 2002. Rezone: It appears that a rezone from R-6 to R-4 is proposed. A separate rezone application is required for this proposal. Either revise the plat to comply with the existing zoning or submit a second rezone requesVapplication along with the associated fees. Please note, that subdivision applications associated with rezone requests are not vested until such time as a final decision has been issued on the rezone. Land Use Services Division will keep your application "on hold" pending receipt of the above information, during which time no further review will take place. Pursuant to King County King Code 20, if the requested information is not received within 90 days from the date of this letter (July 8, 2003), your application will be canceled. No time extensions will be granted. Should the application be canceled, you will be required to submit a new application. If you have any questions about the information requested, please contact Karen Scharer, Project/Program Manager at (206) 296-7114. Sincerely, ~!~ Current Planning Section, Land Use Services Division cc: DPM Engineering Greg Borba, Supervisor, Current Planning Section, Land Use Services Division Karen Scharer, Planner, Current Planning Section, Land Use Services Division Bruce Whittaker, Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Application file "' w "' I: ~ z w ..J IL w 0 0 u 0 w " "' ® King County Department ofDevelopment and Envirorunental Services 900 Oakesdale A\'enueSoufowest Remon, \\'A 98055-1219 DD.-· tE' s· .. ' ~ \ .. '* ,><I,, ~ -......" ~r~=-i.;,;;;;;;:;r MEMORANDUM FROM: Site Investigator RETH CH ESH I E't2 Date 5 · '5 · 3 FIie L.D CHECI£. 'i · '2.3. 3 TO: Engineer BQUCE WH-11 I AKER Q<SCHJ RE: Field Check Observations I. PROJECT NUMBER / NAME L03PCCOta / LI BERTY 6QovE I Address/ Location 13 5 3 5 I (oQ TH AYE .5 f Related Project#/ Name LO 3 TY Y O / , LO 3PQ(X) 5 Thomas Map Page (new) (o5] P:>2. Thomas Guide Page (old) _______ _ l. SYNOPSIS OF PROPOSAL SUBDIVIDE L\,5Y ACJ2..ES INTD 2Y LOTS. FLovJ CONTJ<.O L -LEVEL 2 LHDA's \NA I E. R QuAL-1 TY BASIC w 3. SIERRA FILE INFORMATION Parcel #(s) 3(o(o LJ 50-0 I y' / S-T-R NE P--l · 2.3 · os Kroll Map Acres / Feet' Lj, '6 Y A Current Zoning_~Q_.,._-_LJ-1----- Community Plan NEWCASTLE ~ o Comprehensive Plan .......J.L.I..LL ___________________ _ C'O::'. LimitedTextEntry ND P·SUFf/X C.D\JDIJJONS FOUND PAGE 1 4. SENSITIVE AREAS INFORMATION MAP FOLIO PAGE# SIJECQNTA!NS SITE ABUTS YES NO YES NO COMMENTS • Wetlands ____ 0 ~ ~ D R.VSI-\ t+QJ2$E]Al L WET Al2E7\$ -fl ELDQJEl'.X.. Wetland# Wee/and Oass _____ Drainage Basin -------- Sub Basin Low i:;;R CEDA--K RIV ER Crilical Basin? [Y] [ill • Streams O D O 0 Stream Class Stream Name • I 00-year Floodplain _0 IBI_O ~ • Erosion Hazard __ 0 C81_0 (21 • Landslide Hazard _0 lll_O ~ • Seismic Hazard __ 0 IXI_O ~ • Coal Mine Hazard _0 IZJ_O IE] • Other known SA's _. D o_o D Class I or 2 Stream or Class I Wetland within one mile downstream of project site? __,Y__.f:-'$"""'---- . CEDl'tj2. f<.J\/1:::l<. -::t · I MI LE DOWN STl20rt::'.) FEMA FIRM number .5 30 3 3 C O 9 5 Z F In FEMA Floodplain? [Y] ~ Soils Mapped _'_J___'c'l-'c_""'-------------------;Map # _____,_/-'----- Best available Topographical Map I 1 '',,'2.Q) 1 US S # Z S. SITE DESCRIPTION MATCHES T.I.R. DESCRIPTION! ::THE f?EC:17\]:J E,uL-Al< Sl:±A:'i?ffi 'PA-i<CcL Is · PASTUQE° $c.A I IEQED :::r:J2_EES ON :::nJ E WEST Y2,. E;,gAss/ W 111-i l.A:WfJ ) ; DQJVE'S w :::o--tE EAST s1DP:. A /_,A-Q.6£ A-Mouwr: of F1 LL. H-As BEEN PLACID ALaJb ::n+E. "-IQl2_n-l Si DE . ....,,,.., .a... \ -:> t..\ ( EI L.L. ill I N LDW S PoT S -Possi B LIZ W c::.11:::Ui'::' D <; , PAGE 2 6. EXISTING SITE FEATURES Unmapped Sensitive Areas: 12vst:t, t:Jq2.S!V)\ 1 L , [3u:rtB2 eve IN WET A12E1\ s 0\/?]2.. V/W-loUSE 9PDTS 0"-J-S rrE Soils types seen and evidence of soil movement, slides, slumps, erosion, or deposition: 1=1 L 1;. ON t:-,,tQ/2...T}:1 SrDE Ground Cover: Gl2.ASS BuTT82LL..P 1 'PA5[1..ll2.i;-F(.rwBJZsj1;::(eAS51?$, QUStC ttPesE 'J2\ t L I c.o:m::N wcc0. c EDAf:'. Existing Utilities (hydrants, signs, poles, etc.) shown on site plan? __ Y~E~S~--------- Wildlife and habitats: Sor-..)b St 120 S, Water Wells: NOIJ t;:: SE'f.J\/ Work started on site? _. _ _i_:::...O=---------------------- Closed depression >5000 .feet'? C!J ~ Steep slopes? C!J oo·------------ 7.· DRAINAGE Drainage complaint records SEE 61$ krTACtff;J~ Proposal will add >5000ft1 of new impervious surface? [I) IHl Approximate Area ______ _ Proposal will collect and concentrate surface and storm water runoff from an upland and site drainage area of over 5000 ft'? Ir] [HJ Approximate Area ______ _ I Upland Drainage Basin (draining directly onto site): ~ l O ACJ?,E $ NO(<'...Ili OF THE Sr:r:£ Dr2.AJN wrn WE $!TE. THE j2.EST Cf TI-lE ups'Tl2.E7crY\ 6A Sr N I<; DI Q,EC...TE)) AQ,wlD 1l:t£ Sn::£: \ N Qffl? QQAD- S1 DE D1 TLHES ::11:)A,T CQVY)Br NE OFE 5/IE NS\J2..ntE SE C012. t-J ef<.. OF -r,-1 £ SI TE . On-site Drainage: OJ-$ rTE D12.Pa f\,l Ab E m 'Tl-\ E D 11::Z.-++ W t n+-11,...j Tt) E UtJOE.Vfl LJPED FLOWS Sount Q ... o-t.0 OF sE Downstream Drainage (minimum 1/4 mile distance): 1}1-E SITE Cu@ P1>TI~Y De,>o1,,[ S LPJJ:\E o,w Ku2/...h -n-lE SOJIJ:I: :Bou1.JDA:t?::':C u>l:tlCJ-J Pt--ows OST: ,JvsT BE8:l2.-E' ~t-19 l\oC)Tl-1 A;\JE SE 11:l:E D117 d CUTS SE ACL(2asS :TI±C i'sP,\KBJT R'ii<.CEL(:BJ£:NELL S1TE) ?rlJD ::n::t@J BJ??oYY161J:\E QDAOs,oE DtR..t\ n..ow10ei '.":,L)LJU:l fil,CJ\.,l{;zi '.J}t!Z \t,JFST 'StDf: C::F l!oOTl-1-/N'c ~[. ~ 1'1 MILEt 'THE D ITT.I-I c l2..0$SE. s u 1'.l 0EJ2. I lPb"lrt /N'C S fto..u S. S QLJTI:f: AwrJq 'Tr-\£ E]\S1 S10£ oF TJ::1£ E?..OAD ::n-taJ Ek;,, :JJ:ti?DLb f± PMTV~/ UlooDS A1J D S -r E: I ls.I A DI TlJt A-ecv~O rlou '5 E. S E'JL .... Drainage Description Matches T.I.R.1 (.,0?:J2,Bl,JT Pou.) b)sre.@:JVj f...lQC AfD,z f5,'$,@) Q,>l.-'( P~OS£0. PAGE 3 B. EXISTING ROAD NETWORK On~site Roads (;:lrZA',Jf:L l<DAiJ f D 12-IVE Th troUSES r , --------------------------------- Adjacent Roads I 55D:J ME SE 9" U)tST S10E -t-..lO ACCESS pg.¢,pDSED lloQ(H AYE $E Ot::,l Et\ST SIDE -P\2.d?QS.FD ACCESS. 82)NT · Closest Transit Stop------------------------- 8. ESTIMATE OF PR.OJECT IMPACTS ON SOIL ANO WATER !>. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Norfn pocbon of s,+e Eyendef I Pio.+ ±D the Solllli ha;:, Wt::J1./rND up tu wodb bovoda.r:_j ~ butte., oo L1ber~ b:ove. 5rl-e.? NDT OF Sl'TE PA GE 4 10 CONSTRUCTION SIGNS WITHIN SOO FEET AND ADJACENT USE 5f H-ous E s EAST " " lloOD:l AVE SE soun-1 EVENDUL \JJEST -SF 1 $'c',TH A\/E SE I I NUMBER OF PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN 2-0 PAGE 5 ATTACHMENT TO MEMORANDUM PROJECT NUMBER: FIELD/OFFICE SKETCH WORK: Drainage systems, features, channels within the upland site plan areas, on the development site, and in the downstream receiving areas: SKETCHED BY: SC A LE Notes:-----------------------------I"=---- 0 PA GE 6 '.~llllJQ;,PJU;:-PLATVers:2DJOPRELIMINARYPLATAPPLIClfSub-i!:PRE-PtAT(Ptoject)r' . 1/'·· c~t' ',•Ef Activity: JL03P0006 Status: !APPLIED Dale: J 03/11/2003 Location: j13535 160TH AVE SE APPLICANT: JLAKERIDGE DEVELOPMENT. INC Saok.§:top r :11~1--~~rnra®tlttrnttffTa:ri:rirrrimshitTIU~IIJ-lo~ x[ ·, : . Sere en -feople Status: I APPLIED i.] % Complete: W-[I !Jpdate ) I + I E,!!it I Back I ! Plat Name: !LIBERTY GROVE No.of Lots: ~ .• .• :· Descr: JZONING EXISTll·JG R-4 PROPOSING R-6 L03TY401. 24LOTS 5.36 LOTS PER Applied j03/11 /2003 Parcel No:J366450·0141 Location: J13535160TH ll.VE SE City /Zip: Owner:] ~P~LA-. ~TZ~G~U~Y~E~E-T-A-. L---------- Applicant: JL~KERIDGE DEVELOPMENT. INC. Planner: ]KCL6. Rev. Engr.:]BWHI Occupancy: ,------ Acres: ~J U-.~00~--- Amount Paid: I $948. 75 Balance Due: J $0.00 Develop: Licemee KING COUNTY. WA Deemed Complete:J_I _/ __ Vested:J_I _I_ SEPA tYIN)I SEPA TD: J_;_;_ Report: J_I_I __ Open Hearing: J_I _/ __ Decision: I_;_/ __ Expires:[_;_; __ Recorded:J_I _/ __ Complete:]_;_; __ Last Stat1...1s Change: 103/11/2003 Entered by: JPINTABER Date Entered: J 03/1112003 ! Serial Number: 6136 Users: 150 i Version: v. 4J·.·:z4 ! .. ES'l lnbo" -Microson Outlook I ..., 'PERMITS' Plus I !~2f,rjti~ij (i~Y s 55 AM Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 08:55 AM King County -ODES ,., Parcel Table Maintenance El i---- 1 Parcel No: j 366450-0141 AIIKey T oolBar Order _JI~ .. ----··-··--- i No . Dir/ St:::~: 0~::<J!~i~~~:-!K-C----=r Gene,,,! Information Su!;!division: !13535 101160TH AVE SE 11· Fr act: I f Se,lect An Address I ! Situs !13535 160TH AVE SE tlame: !PLATZ GUYE ET AL ,6,ddress 1: !13535 160TH AVE SE Address 2: JRENTON WA Address 3: ~I ;._ ____________ _ Address 4: Zip: J98059 F'hone 1: Phone 2: ;__ __________ _ Notation: Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 08:55 AM King County -DOES ~--Lot: Area: J 210,830.00 Acres: J 4.84 Zoning:IR-4 ---- Census Tract: Cen Block: X Coord: Y Coard: Legal Description Use Code:J iJ I TRA: S tatus:J ACTIVE iJ Exempt: 1 Govt Owned: I ii. AIPA>'s For Parcel: 366450-0141 l!!I~ f3 ! 8930.6217 ADDITIOI f ADDITION i A _ PLATZ,CARL . LB94A5640 I R-EXTEN Fl-EXTEND A 11/14/1994 FINALED PLATZ,Co.RL - 366450-0141 1 B95A2271 'R-MECH R-MECH A 05/09/1995 FINALED PLATZ,CARL ---- 366450-0141 E9501120 ENFORCI ENFORCE p 09/15/1995 CLOSED PLATZ CARL ---------366450-0141 E9801019 ENFORCI GRADE p 09/27/1998 PENDING PLATZ, GUY ET AL 366450-0141 LOOGl254 G-INSPc· INSPGRAD A 10/16/2000 COMPLETE GRAYDON E. PLATZ :....::..+.:.:..c:::....::::..::_.:.::___!'--C---1--'-::c_;_.:.:.=.::.::..c_;...::.=.:..:.c.=c.:..=.+c-c::...:;c.::...::;_:__:::._:_=..:.c=-...-._ 366450-0141 ______ J L03P0006 PRE-PLA PRE-PLAT i_P __ 03/11/2003 APPLIED ____ LAK~~[)_GE DEVELOP1':i_l:l'l_ 366450-0141 i L03TY401 I LU-TYPE I REZONE IP 03/11/2003 APPLIED LAKERIDGE DEVELOPMEN 366450-0141 ! L98G0233 GRADE GRADE P --1 10/29/1998 1 COMPLETE GR.<I.YDON E PLATZ ---------------. --"··· ---------------------L ----------'-------------··----------~--··--·---~---------J.,.'.·---------,----------------11 ~ Record: 1 of 10 CT .... = , "" =-Q Select .Earcel Numbers Like j 366450-01,11 r~-------~~~ I Status: Type: Sub Type: OK I EnteredDateBetween: c,_,__ and c,_, __ ,./ Select Select Multiples & Make Activity Set r Show Address Attachments 1 @ JI: Back.2_top 1 Un<.e! Exit ·-·-···---···· -·------------···-····------------------J ··-------- T oolBar Or,for --~ I _I _______ J Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 08:56 AM King County -DDES ~ DDES Custom Parcel Screen Blil 13 ««<Identification Information>»» Parcel Number Situs Address Postal City Owner's Name I 366450-0141 j13535160TH AVE SE JPLA TZ GUYE ET AL <««Location I nformalion» > » Status 1 /4-Sec-Twp-Rng IHE ·14-23-05 Ref.No. Plat Name JJAHETTS RENTON BOULEVARD TRS Lot No. 16-7 Blk No. Zip .~.cres Kroll Pg [ 4.84 [ 811 Sq. Ft. J 210,830 Engr Map No. Traffic Mit. Zone School D islrict Fire District Waler District Sev .. 1er District -----J452 Vol./Pg J017/050 ---------J403 [Renton) Tuesday. Apr 08. 2003 08·56 AM King County -ODES Ii !Jpdato ] I • I E]it I Baer, j · J urisdiclion Date Entered Last Update J11 /24/1998 ]09/15/2000 «<«Development Information»»> Zone 1 R-4 -----------Zone 2 Zone 3 Zoning Effective Date: Land Use Code Comprehensive Plan Community Plan Public Water Avail? Public Sewer /1.vail? Vacancy Code J_l_l_ J lfo,,,castl fY [N fl iii;. Relationships for LOJP0006 El Related to Development Number: !X0001138 I Stalus:ILINK I Date:103/26/20031 Title: IR elated L03P0005.06. L03TY401 I Location: L--------------__, Activities Attached to This Project .Bemove from DeY Activity No Type Date Status ;======-~------ /?,PD Relationsips ] .Qther Associations I iaX0001138 sJ, LI L03P0005 I ' IL-,------------=----....-J r Status·---~ It Type: -:;:;=i II APPLIED ~ PRE-P~j ,-Title:·· 1 J LIBERTY GROVE __ I [~mary Name: ~KERl~~E DEVELOPMENT, INC. J j Select j 1 ...... Activit~ .... J Select AIJ C'-1>:·~r St•i, ;:ctJor1 Cr'C':it>: /,, {+ T,:::.rrrrior.:Jr'.J r.Jc, Current Set Add Actiyiti,e:,s To This Project ·~Work Description R_tmoue, from Project ,__ _____ .., ZONING EXISTING R-4 ·1~ T ool8~r Order Tuesday, Apr 08, 2003 08:57 AM King County -DOES PROPOSING R-6 L03TY401. 24 I LOTS 5.36 LOTS PER GROSS ACRE/4.48ACRES 11__ . _;:,j . Back .§top r ---------~ BD07 KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS REAL PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS SITUS: 13535 160TH AV SE 98055 BDOl PAI11260-Sl 04/08/03 09:00:41.7 ACCOUNT: 366450-0141-0 TAXPAYER: PLATZ GUYE ET AL QSTR: NE 14 23 05 LOT: 6-7 BLK: 1 PLAT: JANETTS RENTON BOULEVARD TRS JURS: KING CO * L A N D ZONE ACTUAL D A T A * I * * B u I L D I N G j BLDG SQ FOOTAGE DATA DAT A * * BLDG 1 OF 1 * * MISC BLDG INFO JURISDICTION ACRES KING CO j FIRST FLOOR 2310 4.84 j 1/2 FLOOR WATER SYSTEM WTR DIST j 2ND FLOOR 960 SEWER VIEW OPEN SPACE TIDELANDS WATERFRONT FEET WFT LOCATION WFT BANK PRIVATE NO I I UPPER FLOOR TOTAL BSMT I FIN BSMT I BSMT GARAGE I I I TOTAL LIVING AREA ATTACHED GARAGE I ROOMS 3270 1440 YEAR BUILT #STORIES #LIVING UNITS DAYLIGHT BSMT HEAT SOURCE HEAT SYSTEM ACCESSORY IMPS POOL AREA POOL CONSTR DET GARAGE AREA CARPORT AREA WFT RIGHTS ONLY j BEDROOMS 5 MOBILE HOME ================================================================= ( CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, 1957 2.0 1 GAS FR AIR 1040 0. 1) == <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF6> FOR HISTORY, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PFB> TO END. BD07 ACCOUNT: 366450-0141-0 KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS REAL PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION SITUS: 13535 160TH AV SE 98055 BDOl PAI11280-Sl 04/08/03 09:00:48.3 TAXPAYER: PLATZ GUYE ET AL LEGAL DESCRIPTION -PAGE 1 LOT 6-7 BLOCK 1 JANETTS RENTON BOULEVARD TRS PT ONE LN 12.3 FT N FR SECOR TGW TR 7 * END OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION* QSTR: JURS: NE 14 23 05 KING CO PLAT: JANETTS RENTON BOULEVARD TRS POR TR 6 LY SLY OF LN RNG FR TAP ON W LN 4.8 FT N FR SW COR 0.0) ===================================================================-=========== CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <ENTER> FOR MORE LEGALS, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF6> FOR HISTORY, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. BD07 KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS BDOl PAI11270-Sl REAL PROPERTY HISTORY 04/08/03 09:01:18.6 ACCOUNT: 366450-0141-0 SITUS: 13535 160TH AV SE 98055 TAXPAYER: PLATZ GUY E ET AL QSTR: NE 14 23 05 LOT: 6-7 BLK: 1 PLAT: JANETTS RENTON BOULEVARD TRS JURS: KING CO * A S S E S S E D VALUE HISTORY *I* SALES HISTORY* YEAR 03 02 01 00 99 99 98 97 95 93 91 LAND 160,000 151,000 135,000 130,000 159,000 140,000 140,000 140,900 140,900 71,900 59,900 IMPS DATE REASON I DATE 255,000 07/02 REVALUE I 03/94 238,000 04/01 REVALUE I 09/87 220,000 05/00 REVALUE I 176,000 07/99 REVALUE I 167,000 10/98 REVALUE I 147,000 04/98 EXTENSION I 147,000 09/97 REVALUE I 108,300 09/96 REVALUE I 108,300 08/94 REVALUE I 161,900 04/92 REVALUE \ 134,900 08/90 REVALUE I SALES PRICE REMARKS 653 QCD PACD * * * CONTINUED * * * I * END OF SALES HISTORY * ----------------------------------------------------------------( 0.8) CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <ENTER> FOR MORE HISTORY, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. BD07 KING COUNTY DEPT OF ASSESSMENTS BDOl PAI11270-Sl REAL PROPERTY HISTORY 04/08/03 09:01:22.6 ACCOUNT: 366450-0141-0 SITUS: 13535 160TH AV SE 98055 TAXPAYER: PLATZ GUY E ET Al QSTR: NE 14 23 05 LOT: 6-7 BLK: 1 PLAT: JANETTS RENTON BOULEVARD TRS JURS: KING co * A s s E S S E D VAL u E H I S T 0 R y * * S A L E S H I S T 0 R y * YEAR LAND IMPS DATE REASON DATE SALES PRICE REMARKS 89 47,300 76,000 03/88 REVAlUE 03/94 653 QCD 87 47,700 73,600 06/86 REVAlUE 09/87 PACD 86 50,500 72, 900 07/85 MAINTENANCE 85 50,500 65,700 06/84 MAINTENANCE 85 50,500 42,800 03/84 REVAlUE 83 46,300 47,000 03/82 REVALUE * END OF VALUE HISTORY * * END OF SALES HISTORY * ================================================================= ( 4.8) CHOOSE ONE OPTION: PRESS <PRINT> TO PRINT SCREEN, <PF2> FOR CHARACTERISTICS, <PF4> FOR LEGAL, <PF7> FOR TAXES OR <PF8> TO END. S '3NN-SO-£i-B6-866l 'VM' Ul)l l Jo l :iaau z ' 0 0 w _J <! u (/) "l) .. ) '\ \ \ ' L I I!' 1• • • I • ,, . , •• ,. . " •• '• .. rz 6'L. ,. . ' 0 ';,. < \[J ., SP • ~ •• ' 011 rr.,- ~ Q , ·~;' i ~,, ("("( 1 ~ 0 -Q rL f r'I Q . ~ "~., 1-·--- "' ---------------- • • 'HJ.I!<, I . ., Cl "'~?. C, \:~Gy ~ .... > i ., ., Q ---!\!-:-:;-~· -'-J .J 1:;-...J ,, ' - ' . ~ I ~-. r o r ,- "' •· ----·:, .,., ~ ~~ '· • M " ' I. ""'" rr, l " ", ' ,:, . :- ~· rrI 1 " ~-Q (\I .. ~ l"'o' ~ o:, f"rf ~tlo ~ • .L."' TC-~ ' 111.-lo~ • ... .L. ('[• ~~ ' -,Q ~,.. rr, • t0 !II 91 ~' ' Q ,. 9pr:f"f ,:!J;' .,6 ~ ,-.: . . ' VI --•• ,., ., I I- "' "' - w VI • .., ~- 0 .., I I ' ~1 q ~I ' ' •• , ' ' .; ' •, • ' . I I . : I I I 'i ' • ! ' I ; I Dev. Cond. Query Result -ODES, King County Washington Page 1 of! ® King County IIJ?lt%llll ll:::m!IIII Si§Vii3§il Comments Wi¥il§,• No P-Suffix Conditions Found The Parcel Number you entered "3664500141" does not have any Development Conditions. To start over click on the New Query link below. Updated: December 29, 1998 King Co_llaty I DQES_Fa~ I DDES/GIS Page I New Query I News I Service~ I Comments I Search Links to external sites do not constitute endorsements by King County. By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. Ill<Ll!_elail>.c http://apps0l.metrokc.gov/www6/ddes/new _ direct.cfm 04/08/2003 Parcel Number: 3664500141 Taxpayer: PLATZ GUYE ET AL Annexation: NIA Jurisdiction: Unincorporated King County Situs Address: 13535 160TH AVE SE Postal City: Renton, 98059 Plat Name: JANETIS RENTON BOULEVARD TRS Rec: nil Lot: 6-7; Block: 1 Kroll Page: 811 E Thomas Bros. Page: 657 1/4-S-T-R: NE-14-23-5 Acres: 4.84 (210830 SqFt) Current Zoning: R-4 Potential Zoning: Comp. Plan Land Use: um Assessor's Open Space: N/A Commercial Use: NIA Number of Units: N/A Mobile Home: N Land Value: 151000 Improvements Value: 238000 Community Plan Area: Newcastle Unincorporated Area Council: Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council School District: Renton 411 Fire District: 25 Roads MPS Zone: 452 ($2128.00) Waterfront: PRIVATE Water Service: WATER DISTRICT Water Service Planning Area: King County Water District 90 Sewer Service: PRIVATE Airport Noise Remedy Program: N/A Bald Eagle Flag: N/A Council District (1996-2001): 12 David Irons Jr. (R) Council District (2002): 12 David Irons (R) Drainage Basin: Lower Cedar River, WRIA 8 Police: King County, Pct: 3, Dist: F2 Service/Finance Strategy Area: Seivice Planning Snowload Zone: Standard Agricultural Production District N Forest Production District: N Rural Forest Focus Area: N TOR Type: N/A TOR Status: NIA TOR Permit Number: N/A Building Inspection Area: Keller Rockey Clearing Inspection Area: Bruce Engen Code Enforcement Inspection Area: Bill Turner ESA Inspection Area: Greg Sutton Grading Inspection Area: Bruce Engen Land Use Inspection Area: Jay Young Sens. Areas Notice(s) on Title: NONE ~1 t;; JS try w ,c ~ ~" i 1; 1s-hYH1~l --,s-:c,: 0 • • """ Pl! " a -. ~ 1' t; t;;t--t,.,--..: 8661 !H911:1Ad0J ---z:..--- H.Lgn ' ]S ' " ' -- --'--~----)~ ~ ' ~ ~4'- """ ' -- + + - ,, " • • SHE AGRICULTURE KING COUNTY)N SERVICE (RENT( 1680000 FEET 'I AgC II l I ,I I I " I Ii I " " I '" ,. . • 11. '\ .1~ I \\~ I I I ... [ .. .. . . . . :. RENTON QUADRANGLE WASHINGTON-KING CO. 7_5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) UNlltU ::,1tt.1r.;::, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY L98G0233 - ,so B \ gT11-·:i ,,,.,,.,... 91!>#·'/o- 98G0233 SC.ALE. 1 ·• ca= 50' P rz ~'LL c.1 ~~ PLAN \ ) ) ,,,/ I / ,.,---- -... C'I n n a., ___ ,,.-::,.-\ -----~ ,_ ,,,.,_.::-:-r ){ 1Jt,1)7 I' """"" -" ,' ......, I ' / ,.. ... '1::"'-..-'"' 1', --'C\J I I ',, / --I ' ,...,-____ t ... ~ --.J IP, (' -,/.... ' ' ," . I ' , 1 '..,, .,,.r" ,..,.,-,. '/ ... _.,.... ,..., ... ---. . ' I ,,.-....... -· I \ ""'~ ..... ' ', ' ... _... ...~ -,, ---... ~ --' -, ' ' ' '· ' ' ~ ~s l1> ) 6:i1 li 11 :Jf.btr .. L.L t. il·pcil (1) ~ j~8-Si -~ (0 > I ·iHi :!t -0 1 ii r-2~?!,1 LO I... ~ .,,! •ip~!li' 0(9 .9 ! e r p -~ El>JJ 0 I t drj1JiJ!a 0 >, .s::: ::J (/) (/) J :ii! a. .9-CJ) w w @ U1J 1iE1 1I w z z ot J z -:::J I I 0 ~ d ~ i ~ .s::: a.. (1) t: 0 ~ ~ a. 0 rinnf1ti ~.o 0 ~ ~~~:~<~ < ~ 0 ~hHnidH o._ .....I .....I cJ) ~ :l_~lf. I: '-/j I L03P0005/6 LIBERTY GR0"1 E HYDRO&GEO Topo5C4 ~foo Topo 04 ~foo ~ Fish and DHctl Data Bald Eagle Nests N:c::"t:.::=. ~-1:'.'t-R ~~~L~rES ~1WPllNES N S1ree1B 1r ~i ;.,_,; SAOWe~ond ~ SAO L<ndolide Ull SAO Coal Mine D SAO Seismic g SAO Erosion W ater Bodies D W LRD Drai""IIO eorr.,lainlB -::J Pw,;eis p~.0~1 Eagle Habitat i WOFW2 OR TREES1 WOFW2 OR TREESJ TREES2 FEMA Cross Sections FEMAFloodw9y CJ FEMA 100-yr. Floodplain Cities N cny B<ulc!anes 500 1000 F....t ~=~~~-- 1 .. 1000 feel @King County TIM, inlonnllbon ~a, .... """' hM b..en OOl"l,piled by King County •t.tf trtwn • .,,.,;ety o f ~ .-ld ii t.l.qed 1o ~~nc:ibcil-l<ng~fflllk•na ~~-~~Ol~M,pP'e,MQr l~N\oh ~ _ ~. C<lfflP4Jt.n.M, bffll,lintM, or rig1,t. lo he UN o t ~ -.JCh 1,.-0ffl\tdon. Klng ea,.,it, ""-1 na1 tM 16'ible ror any -~ ganwal, ap«:iaj, W'Mil'Kl. inci~. Of ~bal ~ inddt'Q, 1:1.11 not limited ta , io.1 ~ or loet pro5ta ruu11nu fnxn Iha UN « rTiauae o f lhe nfotmakin a:intaned on lt.1 map, lvry ..... cl thia n-., « ir,"c:nnation on !hit map 1a prat,itii.d uctiPI by wrihn petT'Nl,lla, of Kng Cwnly. Plot dato: Ap, 8 , 2003; l\dde.001\x0f1Qislav_d~lbaae2.apr -l I I l I I I 1 f-J l L I r ;-L 1 I I __ j ... Mt j :c ... $£ 114~ SJ "if ' ~ [ 1 I ,! L Liberty Senior High Scho Maplewood Heights Par I 1 l I I -I I j !+ I I L03P0005/6 LIBERTY GRO ZONING .-,•"Trails ! School&/School Facilitleo A,Townstip Liies s-f-R "',·asLINES ~SECLINES ~TWPLINES N Streols Water Bodies Road Righ1&-ol-Way -Parcels tj Parl<s Cities ZCning A-10 -Agriculbnl, cno OU pe,-10 BCT88 -A-35 -Agriculbnl, cno OU pee 35 BC<es F -Forest M-Mineral RA-2.5 . Rural Area, one DU per 5 aaes RA--5 • RlrBII Area, one DU p« 5 IID'"&& RA-10-Rural Area, one DU per 10 aaes UR -1.Jroan RMo,vo, cno DU pee 5 aaes R-1 -Reol-181, one OU per aao R-4 • Resi-iel, 4 DU po< acr& R-6 -Reol-181, 6 DU pe, aao R-8 -Residential , 8 DU per aa,, R-12 -Ro-.u;al, 12 OU pe< aao -R-18 -Ro-.u;al, 18 OU per aao -R-24 -Ro-.u;e1, 24 OU per aero -R-48 --al. '48 OU pe, aae NB -Neighborhood Business -CB -COmnunity Busl._. I...J RB -Regional Business • 0 -0ffico 1-lnduslrial N City Boundenos 0 500 1000 Feet 1"= 1000 feet @ King County The Information lrdJc»d on ffl map hlM bMt1 COIT'P41d by IOng C<ulty ttaift trom a ...,;«Y of ~ ~~~kl chair9t llll"ithoul n<IOot ~ County mak• no ~tationl or..,.,.,.. .... .,... or ifT1)1ied . • t.o u. aoc:u-ecy, ~~. dmeiMN. or rig'ltl to 'chi \.IIN ol aucn inlorn'taion IOng C<lunty ~ not be liabl• tor .,.,., ge'*'III, ll)eClfll, ind~ l10'*1t..i, or ~tial ~ nc;t.d~. b.Jt not hm1ted lo, loet rw~ Off io.t pn:,fttl, ~ng from 1he -.... or m_. of ttw nfonnation oontai"ld on ttn map_ My...,. d ttw.. ~ or riommbon on t. IT9P it. prohibit.:l e~t b'f writl-" ~of~ eo..nir Plot date: Af'l 8, 2003; \lddo1001\x01\gislav _d,w\projoctB\baso2.apr E L03P0005/6 LIBERTY GRO 2000 PHOTO Aeriel Phou,s -2000 N City Bo .mdarieo Citi es 0 1 00 200 300 Feet 1·= 300 !&et ® King COunty Tht infortnlbon in<::IUCM>d on Vwt n--, hM bMrl CO"l',piled by King Q>uowy t tlff from • variety d IOU"CM and .t IUbt.a to cnar'IOt 'Ml"ICIJI nooc.. KrlQ Ccu'lt)' ~ no ,....ntatione Of w.-rri .. , t,x,pr ... 0t ~i tid, • 10 N ICOJl"tq, oo,,nplet.,...., trnlili ...... , Of nghtl k> 1h11 UN of -.ICh n fom'ladon Kng County tt\111 not M l lble tot en)! gie,neral , aptci.al, Indirect i~, Of oonNq.Mltial dltnegM indoclng. but not l mted k>, lost ,.............,. or lost prolltl t NUDNi! fn)ffl the UM or ~ al the information oonlained on lhil map An; Nie of he ffi8'l or informltion on tlia "\IC> ii. prohibiMd uc.pt by writie,ri pttmttion of King Coon:,. E I -,.lrJ " i ~, r-· 1 I ---1 l _l.' r ~~ L . ~-1 l~I --\ 1 _ \-1·__r ··- L --0~ . ~~~n_I' ---' l= l~ : l 01Po~o6ic~ LOJPOOOS#T l_ ----·1 I "-, /~ ---t- ~L \ -.:: ·--------J_J \ ; .) + ,tlliic i·l'liiH I I L03P005/6 LIBERTY GR0"1E ARTERIALS N T-,ship Linea S-T·R " . / \ ,' OSUNES & SECUNES N 1WPLINES /\/ Shela W8""Bodioe p.,,.,.. atios j\/ City Boundarloe 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Feet ,.,. 3333 feet ® IC"lng Courrty TM~.ncLdlodcnh•MaPhN~ClOff'CIH<lby King Co.,nty ataff from•~ of~ and Ill•~ 10 I ·:':n=~~~ma:,-~ .. k) .. I ~. ~\*MM, \lfflMneM. or~ta 1g ,-i.aeof a,ch ,,..-onnmoo. Kang CoJnt1 eNII not~ IIKH kr 111'11 -·----...-...<Y--Olmaigtl ~ng. bvt not IW'l'littd 10, loet. ,....,.._ o< U:.t prot\e ,...,..ng lron'I the uM or~ ot 1t'III WormlCi<)n ooni.ned on OM map. My MN d M map« enlomwtion I on D'lit MIP it-p!"OhOi*1 •AOtP1 ~ wna.n ~of~ --L-~-__j Plot date:/>¥ 8, 2003; \ldoes001\X01\giS\av _d8111pn)jecta\baM2.apr _,:N I ~r \:-r : i '' L03P000~6 . ' FLOW CONTROL E ? • i+ ~!1111· ITlill Lo.. W .J. LIBERTY GR0\'1 rn=;t----. , . I , .,.... •. J I I -· JI 1JUH.IL ... M & ~ 1111 - . • $1J8TH PL ,~ !u 1J9Tlf PL iC ! I~ = ,j SLlijS[_fa,: " li .. - O tie& 5ensl1ive SI-Level 2 Ate .. DA rr=J ERS 1 ~ ·="'o::._ 1'!'-1 ft ;).J I". -J ,. , ,. 4, _ J Landslide Hazard Level 2 Ne8t8 ~ I _ _,, ... .I :.---DA ' '---~ LNO Area Specific Flo# Control Requremonts Level 1 FC Area Level 2 FC Nee -Level 3 FC Ares Basii>-,.;de F lo# Conln:ll Requirements D Level 1 FC Atos D Level 2 FC Atos N City Boundaries 500 1000 F8"1 I""!""!!~~==- , ... 1000 foot ® King County The lnformai>on incuded on ht map hN bMrl ~.ct by King Cooney,..,. from• vanecy of ~ and if.~ to changt Wltr'l<MA nociot Kll"lg County m.ak• no ~iabOnl °' ....,..,., ... •...-orl"1)1ied. • to the l()C.lQCy, cornpltt.,..., timtinew, o, tigltl lo the I.Ni of ktCh lnlotmalon. King County tnlll not ~ liable tor any genet'III, ~. ind~ nodenf.91, OI OQnMQUWlul ~ n:;u:1'1lil, blA nol lmrt.d lo. io.i ~ or ~t proftte; r'Nl.lting from,.. UM or rrialN of thl nk;itma;K:in oontlintd on tn, mtlP-My ..... d t... fflllP " 1rian.b0n on M map II pn;hbll~ PC4J1PI 0, viorihn ~of ~ c.un~ Ploi date: 1'{X 8, 2003; l\ddea001\x011gislav_dovll)rojeetalb88e2.opr 1 1 1 i· t -1 • ~ j . ---] . I + -l ; ~ j 'l 1 . >L_ ~ 1 1-------:~/,I /t_ -----;-'"' ' ] f J : -~---L"-, _Jj ! I j I I i I t+ ~IIEWM·fiil, r 1 L03P0005/6 J I l LIBERTY GROv1 E ; J j WATER Q UALITY r t= NO LHDA'S MAPPED -j N •-... -· S.T-R -~ .,\ / QSLINES I -~SECUNES I 'I\/ TWPLINES I ~ r --- -, .,, ... [---N streets J Wat«Bocieo Pan;eis Cities Bogs CJ BOG DA a-NW lZJ Solo Sol.roe Aquler lveo Specific Wflll,r Quaity Roquiremerrts Basic W O T.....tment Aroes (TA) -tive lakeTA • Rogionaly Sigmicant Sir-,, TA Basir>-wide Woter Ot.laity Requnments D BaslcWQTA D Sensative Lake TA N a,y Bo.r>dariea O 500 1000 Feet 1~ 1000teet @ King County The 1nlonnation il'l:::Uiltd era tti.1 map hM bNn cxwnpnd by King Ccu\ty autf from a ....nety of scuc.. ald 11 •11>Jed to c:hangll 'llil'lthoi.a natim King County maka no ~lllboraot~,....-01i"'1'11d,Mta 1hl acasacy, oarripNien.&a, limllir-.-., 01 rig'ltll to aw iaa of ax:h il'Wlffllllbon. Kil1J ea..ity ahllll nae boa liabla fa.,., O--al, apeca.i, irdrKt, nc:idenlal , Cl~ ~ ncu:tng, but nol lirrwte(I IO, ~,.....,...or Iott profita r.....-ar-.;i from ht UM Of' rri._.. of Ile ilk>rmarion oontaln.d on h a map. My MM d t'lil m.p 01 tnfcm.tion on t'lil rr.-~ pronib\ad oc.pt b," Wl'ihn ~<If~ c....., Plot dote: A{r 8, 2003; l\ddes001\x01\gi1\av __ d0\l\projects\base2.apr ,i SEE DRAWINGS) ' l. ··--·-·----···-··· ' --,-q. ·-- f- I ! _.l,_j___...!...._,~, '· , t!"'"-i--"'t::rrrrr'-4 - ~ -·--·"'!' '- l i ~---- 1 I I ---. I EXHIBITS Plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous {LGC) / FILE NO. -L03POOOS & Plat of Liberty Grove {LG) / FILE NO. -L03P0006 Exhibit No. I LGC • DDES file L03P0005 Exhibit No. 2 LC -DDES file L03P0006 Exhibit No. 3 LGC • DDES preliminary report for L03P0005, prepared 01/26/2004 with attachments as follow: 3. I. 36 Lot Plat Design 3.2. Density Calculations R-4 w/ 4 TDR's 3.3. Issaquah School District 3.4. Certificate of water availability, 1/8/2003 3.5. City of Renton letters, including Sewer Certificate_ 3 .6. Certificate of Transportation Concurrency Exhibit No. 4 LG -DOES preliminary report for L03P0006, prepared 01/26/2004 with attachments as follow: 4. I. 24 Lot Plat Design 4.2. Density Calculations R-4 w/ 5 TDR's 4.3. Issaquah School District 4.4. Certificate of water availability, 1/8/2003 4.5. City of Renton letters, including Sewer Certificate 4.6. Certificate of Transportation Concurrency Exhibit No. 5 Corrections/Revision of Conditions to Preliminary Staff Reports (Conditions 7. & 12.) dated 2/9/2004 Exhibit No. 6 LGC -Application for land use permit/plat L03P0005 received 3/11/2003 Exhibit No. 7 LG -Application for land use permit/plat L03P0006 received 3/11/2003 Exhibit No. 8 LGC -Revised environmental checklist received 9/3/2003 Exhibit No. 9 LG -Revised environmental checklist received 9/3/2003 Exhibit No. IO LGC -Mitigated determination of non-significance dated 12/16/2003 Exhibit No. 11 LG -Mitigated determination of non-significance dated 12/16/2003 Exhibit No. 12 LGC -Affidavit of revised posting indicating posting dates of 6/2/03 & rec'd 6/3/03 Exhibit No. 13 LG -Affidavit of posting indicating posting date of6/2/03 & & rec'd 6/3/03 Exhibit No. 14 LGC-Revised Site plan (36 lot preliminary plat map) received 9/3/2003 Exhibit No. 15 LG -Revised Site plan (24 lot preliminary plat map) received 9/3/2003 Exhibit No. 16 Assessors maps (2) SE 14-23-05 revised 2/3/200 & NE 14-23-05 2/28/2000 Exhibit No. 17 Intent to sell TOR-Density Credits, letter Dated 4/21/03 w/attached agreement. Exhibit No. 18 Traffic Impact Analysis by Gary Norris dated 2/7/2003 & rec'd 3/11/2003 Exhibit No. 19 Revised Traffic Impact Analysis by Gary Norris dated 6/24/2003 & rec'd 9/3/03 Exhibit No. 20 Walkway Study prepared by dmp, inc., dated 8/18/03 Exhibit No. 21 LGC -Walkway Study Map Annotated by DOES, prepared 2/9/04 Exhibits -LGC & LG/ Files -L03P0005 & L03P0006 Page 2 Exhibit No. 22 3/ I 0/03 e-mail from Issaquah School District regarding school walkways to Liberty High, Maywood Middle, and Briarwood Elementary School for plat conditions of LOOP0023. Exhibit No. 23 Level One Downstream Drainage Analysis prepared by Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc., dated 3/3/2003 Exhibit No. 24 Revised Level One Downstream Drainage Analysis prepared by Daley-Morrow- Poblete, Inc., Revised 7/11/2003 Exhibit No. 25 Conceptual Drainage Plan, received 3/l l/2003 Exhibit No. 26 Additional Downstream Information, received l l/25/2003 Exhibit No. 27 Drainage Adjustment, approved 12/4/2003 (L03V0065) Exhibit No. 28 Wetland Report by Habitat Technologies, dated l l/5/2002 Exhibit No. 29 LGC-Addendum Wetland Report for LGC, H&S Consulting, 7/18/2003 Exhibit No. 30 LGC -Tributary Area Map annotations by DOES staff prepared 2/2004 Exhibit No. 31 1/29/2004 Letter from Anita & Richard Oilphant requesting comments to LO!P0016 & L03RE038 be considered iri this matter. Exhibit No. 32 LGC -2/2/2004 Letter from Steven & Joann Lee w/attachme~ts regarding claim of Adverse Possession along south property line of LGC. Exhibit No. 33 Hearing Examiner Report & Decision for Evendell/L03RE038, issued 2/4/2004 Exhibit No. 34 Exhibit No. 35 Exhibit No. 36 /-- Sl_UJ 2.-tc~ L -----~ --~'~~-.erR~~__Cs:i.S\\WG~ '-~?c,:c:o,C~~--- -!.-_ \ lo ~'"J'< G.Q ~ 1 e,. L-O"?,P">'?C:, C. Drainage Narrative The existing drainage on the site and any stormwater entering from the north flows southerly to an existing wetland in the southern central portion of the site. Storm water leaves the wetland to the south across the adjoining parcel in a swale and culvert. The flow continues in a series of culverts and drainage swales, through private property and undefined drainage course. The drainage course becomes a defined channel again approximately 900 feet south of the site , meandering easterly and southerly to the unopened R/W for 162"d Ave SE. Flows from the 160'h Ave SE drainage combine with this drainage from the north in the l 62"d Ave SE R/W. Flows continue south to S 144 1h St, turning west along the south side ofS E 144'h St, and south eventually entering the Cedar River. A drainage adjustment(L03V0065) is approved for this site and for the Liberty Grove site(L03P0006). The proposal is to combine both post developed drainage facilities on the Liberty Gro · ite east side of l 60'h Ave SE). The facility is to be designed to t Level 3 flow control ndard and the basic water quality menu. The outlet for the new e en 10n ac1 1 y 1s proposed to flow into the existing drainage system along the east side of l 60'h Ave SE. A flow splitter is proposed to maintain the existing flows to the south. Off site improvements along the downstream portion of the east side of l 60the Ave SE are also proposed. The existing ditch and culverts are to be improved to provide adequate capacity. A Conceptual Drainage Plan was received March 11, 2003 showing the combined facility and proposed conveyance pipes. ------------·-·--------------------------- 11: -l •·>,\\ l---------~-____!t.>~~cg--3t--"K•::i=o~..l-ecJ. ~-? __ j~~ ~~-.......,___~ ~ ~ . . 5 "O"' \ -.J _____________ \~)-::.7 __ ~-~- -------------------\e~ _. _4-.s' d.~------------------- --------------~~-e.. a..,~&·¥-2JTC? •blQ....____:' - 6\..l.0. . . -----~-~-~¥---~~'"*" t -£_~ctl _-.,~..jJ.~ ---- .. a;,~~--+.::. ~ ~-'---.ie..\ _3 :_"\Jo\u"'"~-------- ------------------ ==~------=--------l[~,.,e.~ )_, ~~V\J ~e, .::. '-' b=,,.. --~------------ ----------~\.____Q. fl<. .::.. ~-=-c:;.+=~=\---=-"'---"---__::::_::T'--__ \,_"=-D R.. ~ -:z __ 3> ~ 4 ~s)r p r-c. 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SUMMARY INFORMATION To be considered by the Metropolitan King County Council on May I 0, 2004 at 9:30 a.m. FOR THE METROPOLITAN KING COUNTY COUNCIL REGARDING AN APPEAL FROM THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE HEARING EXAMINER Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0005 Department of Development and Environmental Services File No. L03P0005 LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS Preliminary Plat and Proposal for Transfer of Density Credits Ordinance Concurring with Examiner's Recommendation Vicinity Map Examiner's Summary of Appeal Issues Appeal Arguments C.A.R.E./Gwendolyn High Appeal Responses Lakeridge Development Shirley Day Examiner's Report and Decision TABLE OF CONTENTS Department of Development and Environmental Services Preliminary Report Page No. 2 3 4 6 19 33 34 51 Proposed No. 2004-0005.1 KING COUNTY Signature Report April 28, 2004 Ordinance Sponsors Phillips 1200 King County Courthouse 516 Third A venue Seattle, WA 98 I 04 AN ORDINANCE authorizing a subdivision on certain · property located south of SE 136th Street, between 160th Ave SE and 162nd Ave SE, at the request of Wayne Jones, Lakeridge Development, department of development and environmental services file no. L03P0005. I I Ordinance BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY: SECTION I. This ordinance does hereby adopt and incorporate the findings and conclusions contained in the February 27, 2004 report and decision by the hearing examiner and adopts as the decision of the council the decision by the hearing examiner to approve the transfer of five (5) density credits and to grant the application for preliminary approval, subject to the conditions recommended by the examiner, of the proposed 36 lot plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous, received September 3, 2003 in DDES file no. L03P0005. SECTION 2. The appeal of the February 27, 2004 decision of the hearing examiner by Citizens for a Responsible Evendell ("C.A.R.E. ") is denied. ATTEST: Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council KJNG COUNTY COUNCIL KJNG COUNTY, WASHINGTON Larry Phillips, Chair APPROVED this __ day of ________ _ Ron Sims, County Executive Attachments None 2 10 11 j!c lJl 12 ·> :e .. SE 128lH SlllEET ... VI 14 > 13 .. 15 ,:, SE 136lH ST z .. w SITE :e "' > VI <( > ... -< "' SE 14 T ST ;::. ~ SE 144lH ST RENlON FlSH AND GAME a.ua REC AREA 24 VICINITY MAP Scale: 1" = 1 /2 MILE EXAMINER'S SUMMARY OF APPEAL ARGUMENTS RE: Department of Development and Environmental Services File No. L03P0005 I. Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Preliminary Plat and Proposal for Transfer of Density Credits Examiner: James N. O'Connor 2. Parties to the Appeal: 3. 4. 5. Appellants: Respondents: Location: Issue on Appeal: Citizens Alliance for a Responsible Evendell {"C.A.R.E."), represented by Gwendolyn High Lakeridge Development, Represented by Duana Kolouskova Shirley Day South of Southeast 136"' Street, between 160'" A venue Southeast and 162nd A venue Southeast Should the transfer of a maximum of five (5) density credits to this site be approved, to permit the development of36 lots on 7.92 acres in the R-4 zone? Appellant's Arguments: There is not a shortage of housing capacity that requires additional density on this property. The transfer of density credits to this site is inconsistent with County Wide Planning Policies and Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies, as required by KCC 21A.37.0!0. This location is not one where necessary infrastructure already exists or can be provided at the lowest public cost. Although located in the Renton potential annexation area, required interlocal agreements have not been made by King County with Renton. King County has failed to address issues raised by the City of Renton. New development in existing neighborhoods should build on existing patterns. This neighborhood is now divided into lots ranging from 15,000 square feet to I Y. acres, giving an overall impression of a suburban or somewhat rural area. It is isolated from fully developed areas. Respondent's Arguments: The County's Transfer of Density Rights {"TOR") program designates areas within the county that may receive density credits. A site within a designated receiving area has an outright ability '/ to use density credits. A proposed development using density credits is processed as a regular subdivision, without additional subjective review related to the use of density credits. This property is in a designated receiving area, being in an unincorporated urban area zoned R-4. KCC 21A.37.030 (A)(l). R-4 allows a maximum density of6 dwelling units per acre using density credits. The proposed plat revision is within that maximum. A new TDR review process that would apply Countywide Planning Policies and the Comprehensive Plan directly to a subdivision is not contained in the county code or permitted by state law. No code provision bars development in an area not subject to an interlocal agreement. The City of Renton supported this subdivision by allowing sewer hook-ups for the property. 6. Examiner's Recommendation: No change from February 27, 2004 decision 2004 1.q" I ,... ['/,,,c\ J ~'4 'I· c:5 fl1 J I , V . r1 r2..- ,,,. I Li r,. ,~-.'"": _, ._ ~::. ! \ · ·· " , -'.:.~;: ccusc11. BEFORE THE KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Re: Proposed Preliminary Plat and Proposal for Transfer of Density Credits for the Proposed Plat of LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS -----------------' 0. L03P0005/L03TY401 roposed Ordinance No. 2004-0003; 2004-0005) TATEMENT OF APPEAL This Appeal Statement is submitted by Citizens' Alliance for a Responsible Evendell ("C.A.R.E."), a Washington non-profit corporation representing over 80 households and 150 residents of the community surrounding the proposed Liberty Grove Contiguous site. C.A.R.E. has participated fully in this matter -as lnterveners -before the Hearing Examiner at the Public Hearing held on February 10, 2004. I. INTRODUCTION Lakeridge Development ("Lakeridge") originally submitted a Preliminary Plat application in conjunction with a Zone Reclassification application for the parcel known as Liberty Grove Contiguous lying South of SE 136"' St, between 160"' Ave. SE and 16200 Ave. SE. These applications were deemed complete by the Department of Development and Environmental Services ("DDES") as of May 15, 2003. Upon the issuance of the Memorandum of Decision, dated January 27, 2004, from the Honorable Deborah Fleck -which upheld the actions of the Hearing Examiner and the King County Council in the denial of the adjacent Evendell Zone Reclassification application - Lakeridge withdrew its Zone Reclassification application and proceeded with the intent to utilize the Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) program. The plat application proposes a 36 unit subdivision -31 units in compliance with the current zoning designation ofR-4, plus 4 or 5 units through TDR. Statement of Appeal -Page I of 13 C.A.R.E., after having been granted the right to Intervene on behalf of the surrounding community by Hearing Examiner pro tempore James O'Conner, presented the concerns of, and outstanding issues raised by, the residents of the surrounding community at the Public Hearing of February 10, 2004. In his Report and Decision of February 27, 2004, the King County Hearing Examiner recommended approval, subject to conditions, of the revised Liberty Grove Contiguous plat application. II. APPEAL ARGUMENT The Hearing Examiner's Recommendation of Approval Is Inconsistent With Countywlde Planning Policies and Inadequately Weighs King County Goals and Policies as Required by KCC 21A.37.010. · h.( ( 21 \.37.010 l 1:rnsfrr of dt:H:lopnH.'llt I ights ( l DR) program -purpose. A. The purpose of the transfer of development rights program Is to provide a voluntary, incentive-based process for permanently preserving the rural resource and Urban Separator lands that provide a public benefit. The TDR provisions are intended to supplement lands use regulations, resource protection efforts and open space acqnisition programs and to encourage Increased residential development density, especially inside cities, where It can best be accommodated with the least impacts on the natural environment and public services by: 1. Providing an effective and predictable incentive process for rural, resource and Urban Separator land property owners to preserve lands with public benefit as descnbes in K.C.C. 21A.37.020; and 2. Providing an efficient and streamlined administrative review system to ensure that transfers of development rights to receiving sites are evaluated in a timely way and balanced with other county goals and llcie and are ad usted to the ecific conditions of each recelvin site. Though the legislation regulating the TDR program, in general, allows increased density within the entire area of the Urban Growth Boundary, the statement of purpose acknowledges that not all parcels within that area are equally capable of supporting such increased density. KCC 21A.37.0IO requires three things: A. Appropriate Location: Density increases resulting from the use ofTDR must be located where they can best be accommodated with the least impacts B. Balance of Goals·and Policies: All of the goals and policies of King County must be balanced when evaluating applications for utilization of the TDR program C. Adjnstment to the Site: The use of TDR must be adjusted to fit the circumstances of the each receiving site Statement of Appeal -Page 2 of 13 A. Appropriate Location The total number oflots and the plat layout, the proposed improvements to the roads and sewers systems, as well as the traffic, drainage and environmental impacts of the Liberty Grove Contiguous proposal utilizing TDR are identical to those under the original proposal for Zone Reclassification. The solitary difference between these proposals is the replacement of the words "Zone Reclassification" with "Transfer of Development Rights" ("TDR"). If the real-world impacts under one scheme are not allowed, those same impacts must also disallow the proposal under any scheme. h.111:.! ( ounl~ ( OlllJH 1.:IH.'llsh r l'lan Polin l -113 New residential development In the Urban Growth Area should occur where facilities and services can be provided at the lowest public cost and In a timely fashion. The Urban Growth Area should have a variety of housing types and prices, including mobile home parks, multi-family development, townhouses and small-lot, single-family development. ''Best" and "least" are absolute superlatives. There is no legislative justification for approval of increased density in areas that cannot "best'' accommodate its negative consequences with the "least" impacts. The Issaquah School District has determined that there is no safe walkway for students between the Liberty Grove Contiguous site and any of the local schools (Briarwood Elementary, Maywood Middle School or Liberty High School) even though they are only blocks away. DDES has recommended a condition, which C.A.R.E. supports, that requires additional walkway facilities to accommodate school children walking to the middle and high schools. There is no possibility of constructing a safe walkway to the elementary school. The DDES Recommendations Report (Exhibit 3 in Record), the Issaquah School districts requirements are clearly articulated. " ... there new developments nearby should provide acceptable walking facilities to the local schools ... The district views this bus service as temporary only and requests that with construction of new nearby housing developments, safe walking access to schools be provided." All Elementary children will still have to be bussed at taxpayer expense under exceptional arrangements because this site is inside the 'walking radius' where bus service is not provided by the district The requirement for additional taxpayer funds to bus school children from Liberty Grove Contiguous to schools merely blocks away clearly violates the "lowest public cost" requirement of U-113. Statement of Appeal -Page 3 of 13 King ( ount~ Count\" illc Planning Po lie~ Phasing Development within the Urban Growth Area DeYewpment in the Urban Area will be phased to promote effident use of the land, add certainty to infrastructure planning, and to ensure that urban services can be provided to urban development •.. LU-28 Within the Urban Growth Area, growth should be directed as follows: a) first, to Centers and urbanized areas with existing infrastructure capacity; b) second, to areas which are already urbanized such that infrastructure · rovements can be easil extended· and c las to areas uirin ma'or infrastructure· rovements. LU-28 employs the superlative "first" in directing that growth should be directed where services and infrastructure currently exist in adequate levels to accommodate new growth. The closest Urban Center is in downtown Renton and is not full, neither have the areas inside the Renton City Limits been developed to the point of depleting capacity. Therefore, there is no justification for increasing density in the unincorporated area where major infrastructure improvements, such as significant construction of new sewer system network and liftstations, are required. Such areas are specifically designated by LU-28 to develop "last''. B. Balance of Goals and Policies h_( ( 20.0-l-.005 H.d.uionship to ( omp1 L·hcusi\ l' Plan and < r1 O\\ I h \I ana:,.::l'IIH .. ·nt \rt. The provisions of Ordinance 11653 relating to zoning and development review are hereby enacted as a development regulation to be consistent with and implement the comprehensive plan in accordance with RCW 36.?0A.120. In case of conflict, provisions of this title take precedence over procedures presently contained in Title 19 and Title 21A. h.CC 20.10.020 PhasC' I policiL'S adoptt.·d. A. The Countywide Planning Policies attached to Ordinance 10450• are hereby approved and adopted for purposes of complying with RCW 36.?0A.210 to begin the process of city review and ratification; to provide a policy framework for developing and updating jurisdictions' comprehensive plans; to provide a policy framework for interim controls to the extent the policies expressly require them; and to establish a program for the additional work necessary to refine, amend and implement the Countywide Planning Policies, including SEIS review and fiscal anal is. l\(C 20.l!.015 lh·l.1tion,hip of( omp1chcnsht Plan to p1c,ious[_'I-adoptl'd p!.11J1,. po!il'ks. and J.111d 11\il' Jt•:..:11l.1tion.;. 3. For aspects of proposals where either the comprehensive plan or a previously adopted community plan, but not both, has applicable policies or plan map designations, the plan with the applicable policies or designations shall overn; King County shall implement the Countywide Planning Policies through its Comprehensive Plan and through Potential Annexation Area, service and other interlocal a ments with the cities. Statement of Appeal -Page 4 of 13 Ideally, the policies and goals that must be balanced in consideration of applications for the use ofTDR would be codified in the King County Code and the Comprehensive Plan. These regulatory instruments are formulated under the framework established in the Countywide Planning Policies in accordance with the Growth Management Act. However, the King County Code and the Comprehensive Plan are inconsistent with the Countywide Planning Policies, ratified by all jurisdictions in King County in 1992 and incorporated into the King County Code in KCC 20.10.020. After more than IO years since the adoption of the Countywide Planning Policies, King County has failed to fully implement the specific requirements of the several applicable Countywide Planning Policies into the King County Code, the Comprehensive Plan or the required interlocal agreements with Cities in regard to their Potential Annexation Areas. Thus, in accordance with the priorities established by the above listed regulations, the Countywide Planning Policies themselves are the most specific regulation currently in force, and must be applied to this specific application. "ing ( 011nt~ Count," ick Pl:rnnin2 Polin LU-29 All jurisdlctions shall develop growth phasing plans consistent with applicable capital facilities plans to maintain an Urban Area served with adequate public facilities and services to meet at least the six-year intermediate household and employment target ranges consistent with LU-67 and LU-68. These growth phasing plans shall be based on locally adopted definitions, service levels, and financing commitments, consistent with State Growth Management Act requirements. The phasing plans for cities shall not extend beyond their potential annexation areas. Interlocal agreements shall be developed that specify the applicable minimum zoning, develo ment standard Im act mi · ation and futnre annexation for the otential annexation areas. h.llH! ( cH111t, ( m111t~HHk Plannin~ Pohn LU-33 Land within a city's potential annexation area shall be developed according to that city's and King Connty's growth phasing plans. Undeveloped lands adjacent to that city should be annexed at the time development is proposed to receive a full range of urban services. Subsequent to establishing a potential annexation area, Infill lands within the potential annexation area which are not adjacent or which are not practical to annex shall be developed pursuant to interlocal agreements between the County and the affected city. The interlocal agreement shall establish the type of development allowed in the potential annexation area and standards for that development so that the area is developed in a manner consistent with its future annexation potential. The interlocal agreement shall specify at a minimum the applicable zoning, development standard im act mill ation and future annexation within the tential annexation area. Refusal to acknowledge the phasing plans of Renton violates LU-29 and LU-33. City of Renton Long Range Waste Water Management Plan/ East Cedar River Basin Sewer Collection Report (see Exhibit 52 in Record), which, with their Comprehensive Plan, defines their development phasing plan for this area, states that a gravity lift station at the Elliot Bridge is the best sewer system extension option for the following reasons: Statement of Appeal -Page 5 of 13 ID II • Least requirement for force main pipe of all options considered • Lowest cost of all options considered -for both construction and maintenance • Better perfonnance than pump lift station systems • More reliable than pump lift station systems -less chance of environmental damage due to failure If our community must bear an unequal burden of density in the name of the public interest that would be served by the provision of additional sewer infrastructure, we are entitled to a system that does not subject us to the potential consequences of an inferior infrastructure. King County is in violation of the Countywide Planning Policies articulated in LU-29 and LU-33. Though LU-29 and LU-33 employ the imperative "shall", there is not one interlocal agreement between the City of Renton, in whose Potential Annexation Area Liberty Grove Contiguous is located, and King County regarding these specified land use issues. As a result, all plat and related land use applications have been, and continue to be, processed in violation of these fundamental legislative requirements. King County is not allowed the option to neglect to negotiate and adopt interlocal agreements ''that specify the applicable minimum zoning, development standards, impact mitigation and future annexation for the potential annexation areas" at its discretion. Tiris is a fundamental legislative requirement. h.in~ Count, ( ouut\\, i{k Plannin~ Polin Infill Development Urban growth occurs both in new neighborhoods and in existing neighborhoods. Existing neighborhoods have a history of development patterns which have created a sense of identity. Al the same time a vital neighborhood adapts to change and develops its own image. New development in these neighborhoods should build on the aisling patterns in a manner which respects and enriches the neighborhood ••• LU-69 All jurisdictions shall develop neighborhood planning and design processes to encourage infill development and enhance the existin comm uni character and mix of uses. Approval of the requested increased density violates LU-69. Increased density has been proven to be incompatible with the existing community character. Tiris application proposes exactly the same density and developed character as the originally proposed -and withdrawn as untenable -rezone proposal. Toe Comprehensive Plan and County Code fail to specify criteria of character to be considered with application for use of TDR, so again, the Countywide Planning Policy is the most specific applicable regulation. Statement of Appeal -Page 6 of 13 The development pattern of the wider surrounding neighborhood indicates a well defined scale ofnot greater than R-4 development that has been in place since the early 1960s. In his recommendations for the adjacent Evendell zone reclassification application, the King County Hearing Examiner recorded his acknowledgment of these conditions: "Existing development in the area surrounding Evendell is generally on lots ranging from 15,000 square feet to I !4 acres, with a few smaller and a few larger. Redevelopment and infill will occur over time in much of the area, creating smaller lots, but a substantial portion of the area will remain as currently developed for the indefinite future. The general character of existing development is individually built homes, with yards, gardens, trees and some pasture area and outbuildings, generating an overall impression of a suburban or somewhat rural area" Many of the members of C.A.R.E. have purchased their homes fairly recently, as compared to our neighbors of thirty or more years. The most consistent factor in their decision criteria has been that this community is one of the last places in King County that offers housing on large lots with large trees. Not only will the proposed development be immediately incompalll>le with the character of the existing neighborhood, but the site plan itself completely prevents the possibility of growth of the species or scale of trees to ever mask its presence or mitigate its impact. It will remain an expanse of rooftops and blacktop forever. In 2003 the City of Renton conducted a major study of the East Renton Plateau Potential Annexation Area in which the proposed Liberty Grove Contiguous development is located. Like King County's, Renton's Comprehensive Plan is a relatively recent legislative development -the result of the requirement of the Growth Management Act for local jurisdictions to plan for their share of anticipated growth. Interestingly, the Evendell, Liberty Grove, Liberty Grove Contiguous and Nichols Place applications were critical motivations for these studies. These applications brought to staff's attention the need to refine the zoning and development standards for this area to provide sufficient authority to ensure that the development ofRenton's PAA would allow the achievement of core Comprehensive Plan Polices. (Renton Strategic Planning Department -Staff Reports of June 3, September 2 3, October I, October JO Exhibit 57 in Record; Renton Planning Commission Recommendation of October 21 Exhibit 58 in Record; Ordinance 5016 Exhibit 59 in Record; and Renton City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of Navember 24, 2003 Exhibit 60 in Record) Statement of Appeal -Page 7 of 13 13 As the acknowledged future local government for the East Renton Plateau PAA, the City of Renton is best qualified to evaluate the long term potential for development, best utilization, and the associated costs of such development. The results of their research are dramatic. The assumptions at the start of the process included the option of either confirming the extension of the city's standard base density ofR-8(net) throughout the PAA or setting aside 2 limited bonus areas ofup to R-6(net) within an area-wide designation ofR-4(net). Ultimately, Renton determined that either standard would critically impede the implementation of other of its Comprehensive Plan Policies. The final action resulted in adoption of updates to their Comprehensive Plan which designates the entire PAA as R-4(net) and requires new, more stringent, site and building design restrictions being added. h.int!; Count, (uunt~"ull' Pl,11111in!.! Polic, RF-4 Each city with a potential annexation area shall enter into an lnterlocal agreement with the County for defining service delivery responsibilities. A financing plan for investments in the annexation areas shall be included in the interlocal agreement for capital facilities and service delivery. Level-of-service standards and financial capacity should be considered for each area, together with density issues and phasing of developments. RF-5 In order to transition governmental roles so that the cities become the provider of local urban services and the County becomes the regional government providing Countywide and rural services, unincorporated Urban Growth Areas are encouraged to annex or incorporate within the 20-year timeframe of these Policies. To achieve this goal, all cities that have Identified potential annexation areas shall enter Into lnterlocal agreements with King County that includes a plan for development standards and f"manclng of capital and operating expenditures durin the riod rior to annexation. King County is in violation of the Countywide Planning Policies articulated in RF-4 and RF-5. Since there still are no interlocal agreements as required by these policies, the Countywide Planning Policy is the only adopted criteria by which the application for use of TOR can be evaluated in this potential annexation area. h.ill!..:! Count, C umpn'ht•nsiH' Plan Polin l -122 • ... King County supports increases m urban residential density through a rezone or a proposal to increase density through the density transfer or the density incentive programs when the proposal will help resolve traffic, sewer, water arks or ace deficiencies in the immediate nei ood. • In his recommendations for the adjacent Evendell applications, the King County Hearing Examiner recorded the following in regard to U-122: " ... Most of the same improvements also would be built to support the 46 lot alternative plat proposed under the existing R-4 zone classification. The impacts from the development of 46 lots require similar sewer and surface water drainage improvements ... " C.A.RE. supports fhis finding and finds it directly applicable to the current application for the use ofTDR. Since there are negligible net gains in the improvements to be provided under current zoning density as compared to the requested increased density, there is no justification to grant that requested density. Statement of Appeal -Page 8 of 13 King County and the cities shall collaboratively address level-of-service standards and costs. King County and the cities may share the costs of needed capital improvement programs and other services. The city of Renton specifically identified the need for roadway widening, pavement section, curb and gutter, sidewalks, street lighting, internal street system (including right-of-way width) in conformance with Renton standards in their letter of May 6"' 2003 (see Exhibit 3.3.5 in the Record). They raised specific objection to the paved shoulder and drainage ditch proposed for the frontage on 160"' Ave. SE. ODES failed to fulfill the requirement to "collaboratively address level-of-service standards and costs". In fact, they failed to even acknowledge the issues raised by Renton. If a city desires a level-of-service higher than King County's service standard, the city should be responsible for · all of the incremental costs of the hi er level-of-service above what the Coun would vide. Since ODES failed to engage with the City of Renton in any way, Renton was not afforded to opportunity to pay any incremental cost associated with their higher design and construction standards. Additionally, the City of Renton provides fire protection services for this area of unincorporated King County. This constitutes a kind of functional interlocal agreement for which consideration of Ren ton's standards for the accommodation of emergency vehicles and zoning must be included in the evaluation of these applications. Renton requires additional site access and road network connectivity, as well as wider and thicker road surfaces with larger turning radii. In the absence of the interlocal agreements required by the Countywide Plarnting Policies, the requirement of Comprehensive Plan Policies U-208 and 209 carry all the more weight It is not an option for King County to address these issues, or not, at its discretion. King County is required to address the issues raised by the City of Renton. DDES utterly failed to do so, and thus the recommendations proposed by staff are in violation of KC Comprehensive Plan Policy U-208 and must not be approved. Failure to coordinate the standards to which infrastructure improvements are to be constructed with the jurisdiction in whose PAA the subject parcels are found violates LU-28, LU-29, LU-33 U-208and U-209. Required mitigation must be modified to the negotiated satisfaction of both King County and the City of Renton. Statement of Appeal -Page 9 of 13 Jr Kinp; ( ount, Count," ick Pbnninu Polin Urban Areas Designated for Growth Beyond 2002 In Urban Areas designated for growth beyond 2002, there will be a mix of existing services which may or may not be at urban service levels. The appropriate infrastructure improvements for sewer and water systems will vary according to existing site conditions. New developments should o,,cur contiguous to existing,fu/ly-deve/oped areas so that extension of services occurs in an orderly and cost-effective manner. Phased and Cost Effective Extension of Urban Water and Sewer Systems C0-11 To the extent practicable, all new plats shall be contiguous to the areas identified for growth for the next ten years. The phased expansion should respect basin boundaries or other natural landscape features. The proposed Liberty Grove Contiguous development is completely and without exception isolated from any fully-developed areas. Approval of any of these applications would violate KC Countywide Planning Policy C0-11. ( omp Plan C hapll'r 2 · B. Rl·~Hknti.11 Lmd l sr 1. Residential Densities The density of eight homes per acre expressed below is a long-term goal and would be an average density of sin e-famil and multifamil develo ments. According to the 2003 Aonual Growth Report, 50% of the anticipated growth in King County for the entire 20 year planning cycle has been achieved in the first 38% of that cycle. Even more telling, the Unincorporated Area of the South Subregion, in which the proposed Liberty Grove Contiguous is located, has achieved 37% of its total 20 year goal in the last 2 years (9% of the total period). (King County Benchmark Report 2003: Land Use -excerpts Exhibit 54 in Record) This rate far exceeds the anticipated and planned rate of growth, and the impacts are sorely felt in our community. Achieved Density on New Plats and Achieved Density on New Permits far exceeded the Average Planned Density for areas, such as ours, currently zoned 3-5 DU/acre in the South Subregion. Our area is more than meeting its growth targets aod fulfilling the goals of the Comprehensive Plan for urban densities inside theUGB. There is no shortage of housing or of housing capacity. The Buildable Lands Evaluation Report 2002 has indicated no such shortage now or in the foreseeable future. (Buildable Lands Eva/uotion Report 2002 -excerpts Exhibit 55 in Record) On page 183, the Residential Capacity Analysis for the South County urban unincorporated area, in which the proposed Liberty Grove Contiguous site is located, states: ''The South County Urban Unincorporated Area has a total residential capacity of 17,283 units. Its remaining target to 2012 is 4,935 Statement of Appeal· Page 10 of 13 households. This amounts to a smplus capacity of 12,384 units greater than its target: It has achieved 53% of its target in the first eight years of the twenty year planning period." On page 9 the following summary conclusions are reported for the entire County: • King County has well over the capacity needed to accommodate the growth that is expected to occur by 2012. • Sufficient capacity exists to accommodate further growth beyond the 2012 planning horizon. • All the sub-areas of King County show adequate capacity for the target period through 2012, and beyond. The data clearly shows that we have much more than sufficient capacity in this area, and in all of King County, to meet all mandated targets -without approval of any application for densities higher than the current base densities anywhere in the County or at any time within the planning period. To achieve an average density within the Urban Zone, county wide, ofup to eight houses per acre, there must be areas with density lower than that average. Where circumstances in a specific area, such as ours, make higher density inappropriate, this provision for the allowance of lower density makes it not only possible, but necessary to allow that lower density to be maintained. The Washington State Office of Financial Management sets the projected growth targets for all local governments. Its 2003 reports show that the rate of population increase has slowed sharply. There is a significant probability that all growth targets inside King County will be lowered as a result of these trends. (State, County, City Populations Exhibit 5 6 in Record) C. Adjustment to the Site !,( C 211.2;.11711/Bl The examiner's recommendation may be to grant or deny the application or appeal, or the examiner may recommend that the council adopt the application or appeal with such conditions, modifications and restrictions as the examiner finds necessary to carry out the applicable state laws and regulations and the regulations, including c ter 43.21C RCW ... !<( \\ ;~ 21c.11211121 In order to carry out the policy set forth in this chapter, it is the continuing responsibility of the state of Washington and all agencies of the state to use all practicable means, consistent with other essential considerations of state policy, to improve and coordinate plans, functions, programs, and resources to the end that the state and its citizens may: (a) Fulfill the responsibilities of each generation as trustee of the environment for succeeding generations; (b) Assure for all people of W asbington safe, healthful, productive, and aesthetically and culturally pleasing surroundings; ( c) Attain the widest range of beneficial uses of the environment without degradation, risk to health or safety, or other undesirable and unintended couse ences; ... Statement of Appeal -Page II of 13 /(. King County Council has both the authority and the obligation to apply the policies, the county code and the long term goals of the county in a manner that is balanced, fair and legal. Higher density is not appropriate for this site and must not be approved. h.CC 2112-l lXO L:x,unirn:r linclint!.s. When the examiner renders a decision or recommendation, he or she shall make and enter findings of fact and conclusions from the record which support the decision and the findings and conclusions shall set forth and demonstrate the manner in which the decision or recommendation is consistent with, carries out and helps implement applicable state laws and regulations and the regnlations, policies, objectives and goals of the comprehensive plan, subarea or community plans, the zoning code, the land segregation code and other official laws, policies and objectives of King County, and that the recommendation or decision will not be unreasonabl inc atible with or detrimental to affected ro rties and the eoeral ublic. In light of complete lack of interlocal agreements between the City of Renton and King County for the Potential Annexation Area in which the Liberty Grove Contiguous site is located, which are required by Countywide Planning Policies LU-29, LU-33, RF-4 and RF-5 as well as are required by Comprehensive Plan Policy RP-202, the Hearing Examiner's Findings are incomplete. There is no demonstration that the recommendations recorded are consistent with, carry out or implement the goals and policies required to be balanced in consideration of applications for the use ofTDR as set forth inKCC 21A.37.0IO. I ~ Statement of Appeal -Page 12 of 13 III. CONCLUSION We are the Public. Our interest is in protecting our homes, preserving the character of our existing neighborhood, promoting fair and reasonable use of property for all land owners and preventing harm to our community. King County is obligated to craft and enforce the implementation ofland use regulations which are self- consistent and which protect the interests of its citizens. The Liberty Grove proposal for increased density is not in the public interest On the contrary, the proposed higher density development will cause the destruction of the character of the existing and established surrounding neighborhood, precipitate pennanent and substantial damage to adjacent properties, and burden the community with increased noise, traffic and pollution. Approval of this application as currently recommended would not only violate the specific requirements and limitations ofKCC 21A.37.0IO, the Comprehensive Plans of both King Col_lilty (RP-202, U-113, U-122, U-208, U-209 and T-321) and the City of Renton, as well as the Countywide Planning Policies (LU-28, LU-29, LU-33, LU- 69, RF-4, RF -5 and CO-I I), but also jeopardizes King County's interests and its express goal of accelerated annexations of the Urban Unincorporated Areas by exacerbating the existing infrastructure deficit and by failing to collaboratively address level-of-service standards of the City of Renton in its Potential Annexation Area. Based on the foregoing and the record in this matter, Citizen's Alliance for a Responsible Evendell respectfully requests that this Council deny the use of Transfer of Development Rights for the Liberty Grove Contiguous Preliminary Plat, applications L03P0005 and L03TY401. OA~.li/fr">of /!ktd!. Bi" ~w1~ 1¥ Gwendolyn High-President Citizens' Alliance for a Responsible Evendell P.O. Box 2936 Renton, WA 98059 Statement of Appeal -Page 13 of 13 2004. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 rel -~ c;;:, = :r: ~ ,.) :-~ C) -0 C) ;;o rn ' :r ,.-N -~,~, --< ~:; -0 :,._""J.:. n ::JC C) C t:? :r. BEFORE THE KING COUNTY COUNCIL w n _, KING COUNTY, WASIDNGTON In re: Citizens's Alliance for a Responsible Evendell Appeal of Proposed Preliminary Plat and Proposal for Transfer of Density Credits for LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS ----------------~ NO. L03P0005 APPLICANTLAKERIDGE DEVELOPMENT'S RESPONSETO C.A.R.E.'S STATEMENT OF APPEAL I. FACTUAL BACKGROUND The · Applicant, Lakeridge Development ("Lakeridge"), has submitted a subdivision application for Liberty Grove Contiguous. The Liberty Grove Contiguous site is located in the Renton Highlands area within the unincorporated Urban Growth Area. Lakeridge has applied for a 36-lot subdivision using density credits for 4-5 lots pursuant to the Transfer of Development Rights program (the "TDR program"), chapter 21A.37 King County Code. The County's Department of Development & Environmental Services reviewed the application under applicable King County Code and performed environmental review under the State Environmental Policy Act. The County's Mitigated Determination of REsPONSE TO APPEAL-} of J 4 JOHNS MONROE MITSUNAGA PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1500 114"' Ave. SE, Suite 102 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel: (425) 451 2812 / Fax (425) 451 2818 ~ ,.-·~} n1 0 r-n -<: ~-i.: 0 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Nonsignificance was not appealed. On February 10, 2004, the Hearing Examiner held the preliminary plat hearing for the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision application and issued an approval with conditions on February 27, 2004. This is the decision that Citizens for a Responsible Evendell ("C.A.R.E.") has appealed to the King County Council. II. SUBSTANTIVE RESPONSE TO C.A.R.E.'S APPEAL Lakeridge is not requesting a rezone for the Liberty Grove Contiguous site. C.A.R.E.'s implication that this Council should undertake some sort of subjective rezone review is not appropriate. Lakeridge has applied for a straight subdivision using density credits, as expressly allowed for by King County Code. C.A.R.E. does not directly challenge any specific condition that the Hearing Examiner imposed in his approval of the 36-lot subdivision. In fact, C.A.R.E.'s substantive briefing does not relate at all to any specific condition contained in the Hearing Examiner's decision. Instead, C.A.R.E. asks this Council to create a new subjective review process on an ad hoc b11Sis for subdivisions which use the IDR program. C.A.R.E.'s arguments are set within a framework that fundamentally misinterprets the IDR program. C.A.R.E. attempts to create a new three step review based on an incorrect reading of the chapter's purpose section. However, the operative code sections under the IDR chapter do not support this additional layer of review. All of C.A.R.E.'s arguments are based on its misinterpretation of County Code. Therefore, C.A.R.E. 's appeal must simply be dismissed in its entirety. REsPONSE TO APPEAL· 2 of 14 JOHNS MONROE MITSUNAGA PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1500 114"' Ave. SE, Suite I 02 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel:(425)4512812/ Fax(425)4512818 1 2 3 A. The Hearing Examiner Properly Approved the Liberty Grove Contiguous Subdivision Under the TDR Chapter. I Lakeridge 's major revision using density credits complies with the TDR 4 chapter. 5 The Growth Management Act ("OMA'') encourages the use of innovative zoning 6 techniques such as the Transfer of Development Rights ("TOR") program adopted by 7 King County. RCW 36.70A.090. 8 The TOR program, chapter 21A.37 King Cowity Code, provides that designated 9 receiving sites within the County's urban growth areas can purchase density credits from 10 designated sending sites in the rural and urban separator areas. The purpose of the TOR 11 program is to provide an incentive-based program to preserve rural and urban separator 12 lands. KCC §21A.37.010. The TOR program complies with the OMA goals of 13 preserving rural areas, encouraging growth in urban areas, and discouraging suburban 14 sprawl. RCW 36.70A.020(1) and (2). The TOR program also indirectly helps to 15 promote affordable housing and the County's economic vitality. RCW 36.70A.020(4) 16 and (5). 17 The process of developing property using density credits under the TOR program 18 is clearly set forth in King County Code. This process promotes the OMA by providing 19 timely and fair permit processing to ensure predictability. RCW 36.70A.020(7). The 20 program is integrated into the County's zoning code such that ODES and the Hearing 21 Examiner can process a subdivision application involving density credits as a regular 22 subdivision without any additional subjective review related to the use of density credits. 23 KCC §21A.37.030 regulates receiving sites. The Liberty Grove Contiguous site 24 is clearly designated as a receiving site under subsection (A)(I): the site is in an 25 REsPONSE TO APPEAL-3 of 14 JOHNS MONROE MITSUNAGA PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1500 114" Ave. SE, Suite 102 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel: (425)4512812 I Fax (425)4512818 ct! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 unincorporated urban area zoned R-4. Under County Code, there is no further review regarding the propriety of using density credits for this site. However, this does not mean that there is no further regulation of the site. First, the amount of density credits that can be used for any particular receiving site is limited under the zoning code. KCC §21A.37(C). In this case, the R-4 zone allows a maximum density of six dwelling units/acre. KCC §21.A.12.030. Lak.eridge's proposal complies with this maximum density limit. Second, the application continues under the review process pertaining to the particular development application: in this case subdivision review. DDES and the Hearing Examiner properly followed that process for the Liberty Grove Contiguous site. Pursuant to this process, the Hearing Examiner issued his decision approving the 36-lot preliminary plat for Liberty Grove Contiguous. C.A.R.E. does not dispute that the Liberty Grove Contiguous site is a proper receiving site under chapter 21A.37 KCC or that the density credits Lak.eridge is purchasing for the site comply with chapter 21A.37 KCC. C.A.R.E. also does not raise any issues related to the Hearing Examiner's approval of the preliminary plat or the conditions he placed on the approval. 2. The TDR program does not provide authority for C.A.R.E. 's concept of a three step subjective review. 20 DDES and the Hearing Examiner do not perform any balancing of goals under the 21 TDR program when reviewing a specific subdivision application; the County Council 22 already balanced the goals stated in KCC §21A.37.0IO in adopting the TDR program 23 itself. As is evident from the record, Lakeridge has fully followed the TDR program 24 requirements. The Hearing Examiner approved the 36-lot subdivision using density 25 REsPONSE TO APPEAL· 4 of ) 4 JOHNS MONROE MITSUNAGA PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1500 I 14th Ave. SE, Suite 102 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel: (425) 451 2812 / Fax (425) 451 2818 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 credits. C.A.R.E.'s statement of appeal does not dispute any of the foregoing. C.A.R.E.'s arguments are not supported by anything in King County Code or state Jaw. C.A.R.E. relies exclusively on the purpose clause of the IDR program found in KCC §21A.37.010 to try to create three new site-specific, subjective, review elements under the IDR program. However, C.A.R.E.'s creation of three new site specific review elements is not supported by KCC §21A.37.010, any operative section of the IDR chapter, or any other section of King County Code. C.A.R.E.'s review system would violate an applicant's constitutional right to substantive due process by creating and applying a system not supported by King County Code. A declaration of purpose does not have any operative force in and of itself. Hartman v. State Game Comm'n, 85 Wn.2d 176, 532 P.2d 614 (1975). The IDR purpose section does not regulate a specific site. Instead, the purpose section provides information on the overall TDR program, acts as a guide to understanding the operative sections of the chapter, and explains why the County adopted the program. The TDR program's overarching goal is "to provide a voluntary, incentive-based process for permanently preserving rural resource and Urban Separator lands that provide a public benefit.'' KCC §21A.37.0IO(A). C.A.R.E. ignores this goal and the County's dual responsibility to preserve rural areas and encourage density in urban areas. C.A.R.E., being a limited-interest, neighborhood-specific group, does not take into account the county-wide considerations with which this Council must grapple in addressing zoning and long-range, county-wide planning. Pursuant to this overarching goal, KCC §21A.37.010 makes several purpose statements without creating a hierarchy among them. For example, subsection (AX2) states a general purpose of ensuring that the use of density credits is balanced with other REsPONSE TO APPEAL-5 of 14 JOHNS MONROE MITSUNAGA PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1500 114"' Ave. SE, Suite 102 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel: (425) 451 2812 / Fax (425) 451 2818 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 county goals and policies and is adjusted to conditions of each receiving site. However, KCC §21A.37.010(AX2) also states in the same sentence a goal or purpose of providing "an efficient and streamlined administrative review system" and evaluation in a timely manner. C.A.R.E. focuses exclusively on the former statement without acknowledging any of the other TDR program purposes. All of the purpose statements found in KCC §21A.37.0IO were used by this Council in adopting the TDR program itself. The purpose statements are already integrated into the operative sections of the TDR program, KCC §21A.37.020-.170. KCC §21A.37.020-.170 are the sections that provide the actual rules and regulations that both an applicant and reviewer must follow. C.A.R.E.'s theoretical three-step review process does not exist anywhere in King County Code. C.A.R.E.' s issue with the TDR program as a whole is simply not related to the site specific review of the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision. Instead, C.A.R.E.'s true complaints are with the TDR program itself. C.A.R.E. must raise its real concerns to the Council in the Council's legislative capacity. The Council reviews this appeal as a quasi-judicial body and must apply adopted King County Code to the proposed Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision. Therefore, the Council cannot consider C.A.R.E.'s arguments in this review process. Lakeridge respectfully requests this Council to reject C.A.R.E.'s attempt to create an entirely new layer of review that is not supported by adopted King County Code, and dismiss C.A.R.E.'s appeal in its entirety. RESPONSE TO APPEAL· 6 of 14 JOHNS MONROE MITSUNAGA PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1500 114"' Ave. SE, Suite 102 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel: (425) 451 2812 / Fax (425) 451 2818 1 . 2 3 B . The Countywide Planning Policies, King County Comprehensive Plan, and Recent City of Renton Planning Activities do Not Apply to the Liberty Grove Contiguous Subdivision. 4 C.A.R.E.'s exclusive reliance on the purpose section of the TDR chapter also 5 circumvents state law and the hierarchy of planning and zoning documents. C.A.R.E. 6 asks this Council create a new review process under the IDR program and apply the 7 Countywide Planning Policies and the Comprehensive Plan directly to the Liberty Grove 8 Contiguous subdivision. Such a review process is not contained anywhere in King 9 County Code and not pennitted state law. 1 o The Growth Management Act ("OMA") created a hierarchy of land use planning 11 documents. The Countywide Planning Policies ("CPPs'') direct the Comprehensive Plan, 12 and the Comprehensive Plan in turn directs development regulations. Development 13 regulations are "the controls placed on development or land use activities by a county or 14 city, including, but not limited to, zoning ordinances, critical areas ordinances, shoreline 15 master programs, official controls, planned unit development ordinances, subdivision 16 ordinances, and binding site plan ordinances together with any amendments thereto." 17 RCW 36.?0A.030(7). 18 CPPs and the Comprehensive Plan do not apply to a specific development 19 proposal. Instead, the County's development regulations, i.e. King County Code, govern 20 review of the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision. 21 22 23 24 25 1. Countywide Planning Policies and the Comprehensive Plan are not applicable to a site specific development, i.e. the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision. According to state law, "a 'county-wide planning policy' is a written policy statement or statements used solely for establishing a county-wide framework from RESPONSE TO APPEAL-7 ofl 4 JOHNS MONROE MITSUNAGA PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1500 114" Ave. SE, Suite !02 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel:(425)4512812/ Fax(425)4512818 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 which county and city comprehensive plans are developed and adopted pursuant to this chapter." RCW 36.70A.2IO(I) (emphasis added). Countywide Planning Policies ("CPPs'') are adopted by a county and the cities within its boundaries in order to provide guidance for each jurisdiction's comprehensive plan. See, King County v. Central Puget Sound Growth Management Hearings Board, 138 Wn.2d 161,979 P.2d 374 (1999). The Central Puget Sound Growth Management Hearings Board has clearly ruled that CPPs are a planning policy document. CPPs are not development regulations under the OMA and do not guide specific development proposals. City of Snoqualmie v. King County, CPSGMHB Case No. 92-3-0004, page 58 (code publishing) (Final Decision and Order, March 1, 1993). A comprehensive plan is also a planning policy document: "a generalized coordinated land use policy statement of the governing body of a county or city .... " RCW 36. 70A.030( 4). A comprehensive plan is not an act of zoning or any other land use development regulation. Instead, a comprehensive plan provides goals and policies that shape the County's development regulations. Comprehensive plans do not control the issuance of permits nor directly control the use of land. Rather, comprehensive plans are directive to development regulations and capital budgeting decisions. McVittie v. Snohomish County (McVittie V,), CPSGMHB Case No. 00-3-0016, page 10 of 30 (website decision) (Final Decision and Order, April 12, 2001). A comprehensive plan does not provide specific criteria necessary to make land use decisions on site specific proposals. Comprehensive plan policies and goals are not intended to be "specific regulations necessary to give 'effective or meaningful guidance' to applicants, to design professionals, or to the public officials ... who are responsible for enforcing the code." Pinecrest Homeowners Association v. Glen A. Cloninger REsPONSE TO APPEAL-8 of 14 JOHNS MONROE MITSUNAGA PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1500 I 14th Ave. SE, Suite 102 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel: (425) 451 2812 / Fax (425)451 2818 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Associates, 115 Wn. App. 611, 62 P.3d 938 (2003) (citations omitted). Otherwise, use of a comprehensive plan to review a site specific proposal would result in "ad-hoc case-by- case policy making" that has been soundly rejected by our courts. Pinecrest, 115 Wn. App. at 622 (citing Anderson v. City of Issaquah, 70 Wn. App. 64, 79, 851 P.2d 744 (1993)). Virtually all of C.A.R.E. 's arguments are based on CPPs and comprehensive plan statements and policies. As shown above, C.A.R.E.'s arguments must be rejected since they are not based on specific development regulations, i.e. King County Code authority. 2. Renton 's city standards and planning review performed subsequent to its approval of sewer hookups for Liberty Grove Contiguous are not relevant. C.A.R.E. also makes several arguments related to the planning relationship between the County and the City of Renton. C.A.R.E. appears to have a strong desire for an interlocal agreement between the two jurisdictions. However, these arguments have nothing to do with the Council's site specific review of the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision. C.A.R.E. must raise its concerns to this Council when acting in its legislative capacity at another time. C.A.R.E. has no authority or practical basis for its argument. The fact that King County and the City of Renton have not finalized an interlocal agreement is not a basis for regulating or denying the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision. There is nothing in King County Code that bars development in an area not subject to an interlocal agreement. Instead, the County's review of the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision must be performed under the King County Code provisions in effect at the time Lakeridge submitted a complete application. C.A.R.E.'s comments related to the City of Renton's review of the East Renton REsPONSE TO APPEAL-9 of 14 JOHNS MONROE MITSUNAGA J>LLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1500 114,. Ave. SE, Suite 102 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel: (425) 451 2812 / Fax (425) 451 2818 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Plateau Potential Annexation Area are likewise not relevant to the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision or this Council's review. The Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision is located in unincorporated King County; Renton's planning activities for the most part do not have relevance to the area until Renton actually annexes land. Renton's planning activities only become relevant where Renton has a duty to provide a particular public service, in this case sewer. The Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision was vested to King County regulations upon submission of the complete development application. Under those regulations, Renton had the opportunity to review and comment on the proposed subdivision. Renton supported the subdivision by allowing 36 sewer hookups for the property. ODES Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner: February 10, 2004 hearing ("Staff Report"), Attachment 5. Renton' s other planning activities are simply not relevant. C. Code. The Liberty Grove Contiguous Subdivision is Consistent with King County While C.A.R.E. does not make any arguments related to the Hearing Examiner's approval of the subdivision or his conditions, C.A.R.E. does make certain inferences to which Lakeridge hereby responds. 1. C.A.R.E. 's attempt to import rezone review into this subdivision proposal is inappropriate. C.A.R.E. attempts to draw inappropriate parallels between the County's rezone process and the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision which relies on density credits. C.A.R.E. 's arguments related to rezones are not relevant. Lakeridge is not pursuing a rezone request for the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision. RESPONSE TO APPEAL-IO of 14 JOHNS MONROE MITSUNAGA PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1500 114"' Ave. SE, Suite 102 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel: (425)451 2812 / Fax (42_5) 451 2818 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Rezone· review is a subjective review of various criteria which are set forth in County Code and case law. In contrast, County Code does not provide any subjective review process similar to a rezone for an increase in density under the TDR program. If a site falls within the definition of a 'receiving site' under KCC §21A.37.030 and an applicant purchases the density credits, that applicant is entitled to subdivide that property up to the maximum density allowed for the zone. C.A.RE.'s argurnents that the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision application should somehow include considerations similar to those in a rezone review do not make sense under County Code. Had Lakeridge pursued a rezone application, the Hearing Examiner would not have reviewed the underlying subdivision unless the rezone was granted. A subdivision is reviewed under the adopted zoning, whether that zoning is adopted through a site specific rezone or area-wide action. King County Code does not support the idea that rezone criteria or similar considerations should somehow be infused into review of a straight forward subdivision. Rezone criteria, concepts or analogies simply have no place in the County's review of the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision application. 2. C.A.R.E. 's arguments related to the Evendell subdivision are not relevant to the Council's review of Liberty Grove Contiguous. C.A.RE. in its introduction refers to the Superior Court review related to the Evendell rezone request. Any facts or argument related to the Evendell subdivision to the north are not relevant to Liberty Grove Contiguous. Liberty Grove Contiguous is developed by Lakeridge Development, a completely different development group from U.S. Land. The two subdivision applications were submitted separately for totally distinct sites in different locations with different access and infrastructure. Each REsPONSE TO APPEAL-11 of 14 JOHNS MONROE MITSUNAGA PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1500 114"' Ave. SE, Suite 102 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel:(425)4512812/ Fax(425)4512818 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 subdivision has its own set of circumstances and is reviewed as a distinct subdivision application. C.A.R.E.' s attempt to intermingle the two applications is not appropriate, does not lend any value to its arguments and simply serves to confuse what is in fact a clear process under King County Code. 3. The County's Buildable Lands Report is not Relevant. C.A.R.E.'s arguments related to the buildable lands report are also not relevant. C.A.R.E.'s arguments here again relate to County planning policy, not to this specific subdivision. C.A.R.E. does not dispute that King County Code permits the 36-lot subdivision. 4. Appropriate Infrastructure and Public Services Will Support the Liberty Grove Contiguous Subdivision. First, C.A.R.E. argues that busing elementary school children to school violates Comprehensive Plan policy U-113. As explained above, comprehensive plan policies do not pertain to site specific development proposals and cannot be used as a basis of evaluation. C.A.R.E.'s arguments here must be dismissed. C.A.R.E. argues that the School District requested that safe walking access be provided with the construction of new housing developments. C.A.R.E. Statement of Appeal, pg. 3. The Hearing Examiner imposed conditions to ensure safe walking for school children to maximum extent possible. Hearing Examiner Decision, Conditions 21 and 22. C.A.R.E. has not appealed these conditions. As part of these conditions, Lakeridge will participate in constructing a walkway system for school children to satisfy the School District's request. With the completion of surrounding residential developments, a walkway system will be put in place for safe walking for school children, not just for those new children moving to the area, but also for those children REsPONSE TO APPEAL· ) 2 ofl 4 JOHNS MONROE MITSUNAGA PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1500 I 14~ Ave. SE, Suite 102 · Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel: (425) 451 2812 / Fax (425) 451 2818 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 living in the area today who do not have a safe walkway to their nearby schools. Second, C.A.R.E. implies that the County should superimpose the City of Renton's standards as a condition of County approval, particularly Renton's street standards. As C.A.R.E. notes, the County and Renton do not have an adopted interlocal agreement that would somehow allow King County to impose City of Renton standards in unincorporated areas. In fact, there is nothing that would allow the County to impose City of Renton standards upon developments located in unincorporated King County. To the contrary, an attempt to impose street standards which are not set forth under King County Code would be a fundamental violation ofLakeridge's vested and constitutional rights. Third, C.A.R.E. would apparently prefer a gravity lift station at the Elliot Bridge for sewer service. C.A.R.E. raises this issue for the first time in this appeal. Ironically, although C.A.R.E. wishes the County to impose Renton street standards upon Liberty Grove Contiguous without any lawful authority, C.A.R.E. also argues the County should not consider Renton's standards and decision to approve Lakeridge's request for sewer hookups for Liberty Grove Contiguous even though Renton has authority to approve or deny an applicant's request for sewer hookups. C.A.R.E. again has not challenged the conditions imposed by the Hearing Examiner relating to sewer service. Instead, C.A.R.E. relies solely on Countywide Planning Policies for its argument, which, as stated above, are inapplicable to this site specific development review. There is no substantive appeal issue here. Renton clearly approved sewer hookups for the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision. DDES Staff Report, Attachment 5. Renton has detennined that a system of developer-funded lift stations (versus an Elliot Bridge regional station option) will be a REsPONSE TO APPEAL-J3 of J 4 JOHNS MONROE MITSUNAGA PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1500 114,. Ave. SE, Suite 102 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel:(425)4512812/ Fax(425)4512818 3/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 satisfactory method of providing sewer service. Pursuant thereto, Renton authorized sewer service for the Liberty Grove Contiguous site. There is no simply legitimate dispute that Liberty Grove Contiguous will be supported by the necessary infrastructure. King County Code has set up a comprehensive review process that ensures urban subdivisions are fully supported by urban services. Lakeridge has complied with King County Code and will comply with the Hearing Examiner's conditions of approval. III. CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, Lakeridge respectfully requests this Council to dismiss C.A.R.E.'s appeal in full. In addition, Lakeridge respectfully requests this Council to review the administrative appeal related to the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision as a separate appeal from any other C.A.R.E. appeals. Consolidation could easily result in confusion between any specific site issues or an inappropriate import of the appellant's arguments from one appeal to another. Lakeridge respectfully requests this Council to review and address each subdivision on its own merits. DA TED this l,.)_. day or~A-'-+.--'~ o~\~-----~· 2004. 1220-2 Response to Appeal W Contig 4-2-04 REsPONSE TO APPEAL-] 4 of 14 JOHNS MONROE MITSUNAGA, PLLC By~ ti ,Q -. K:olotIBkov~\V§I3~7532 Attorneys for Lakeridge Development JOHNS MONROE MITSUNAGA PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1500 114"' Ave. SE, Suite 102 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tel: (425) 451 2812 / Fax (425) 451 2818 Shirley Day 14412-167t1t. Place SE Renton, WA 98059 ( 425) 255-7005 March 29, 2004 Clerk of the Cowicil Room WI025 King Cowitry Courthouse 516-Jrd. Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 RE: File No's LOJP0006, LOJPOOOS, LOJP0015 RECEIVED 2004 Mf-q 3 \ ~M IQ: 0 S CL[~K r:·1,:-; UUSTY COUNCIL Liberty Grove, Liberty Grove Contiguous and Nichols Place I am writing to protest the transfer of density credits for the above Plats, allowing an increase from R-4 to R-6. This is an increase of500/o in an area not able to handle the growth. It has already been determined that R-6 is not compatJble with the character and scale of the surrowiding neighborhood. As a resident of the above address for 34 years, I am aware that growth is inevitable. However, what has happened in our area, is growth with no consideration to the existing area or the traffic congestion, Homes are being built all arowid us in wetland areas. Water retention ponds are on almost every block. I believe this is a health and safety hazard. My block has had homes and garages flooded since they cleared the area for homes North ofl44th. Water retention ponds have overflowed in years ofheavyrains. I find it hard to believe that there are adequate provisions for drainage and our problems will not increase. Traffic on NE. 4th.and 156th. SE can not handle the existing traffic. There are no plans for improving the roads to accommodate all the homes recently built, let alone all those being planned. I hope you will consider the potential problems that increased density will have on our area There should be no reason that the developer can not build using R4 density. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely,. ~ ' .. Shirleyi ~ 33 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 400 Y esler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 February 27, 2004 REPORT AND DECISION SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services File Nos. L03P0005/L03TY 401 Proposed Ordinance Nos. 2004-0003; 2004-0005 LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS Proposed Preliminary Plat and Proposal for Transfer of Density Credits Location: Applicant: South of Southeast 136"' Street, between 160"' Avenue Southeast and 162nd A venue Southeast Lakeridge Development Attn: Wayne Jones P.O. Box 146 Renton, Washington 98057 Telephone: (425) 228-9750 Intervenor: C.A.R.E., represented by Gwendolyn High 13405 -158 1 • Avenue Southeast Renton, Washington 98059 King County: Department of Development and Environmental Services, represented by Karen Scharer 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Telephone: (206) 296-7114 Facsimile: (206) 296-6613 SUMMARY OF DECISION/RECOMMENDATION: Department's Preliminary Recommendation: Department's Final Recommendation: Examiner's Decision: Approve, subject to conditions Approve, subject to conditions (modified) Approve, subject to conditions (modified) L03P0005/L03TY401-Liberty Grove Contiguous EXAMINER PROCEEDINGS: Hearing opened: Hearing closed: 2 February IO, 2004 February JO, 2004 Participants at the public bearing and the exhibits offered and entered are listed in the attached minutes. A verbatim recording of the hearing is available in the office of the King County Hearing Examiner. ISSUESffOPICS ADDRESSED • Transfer of density credits • Surface water drainage • Road improvements • Safe walking conditions SUMMARY Application for transfer of a maximum of 5 density credits, and approval of a preliminary plat to subdivide approximately 7 .92 acres into 36 lots in the urban area, are granted preliminary approval. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. General Information: Proponent: Representative: Intervenor: Wayne Jones, Jr. Lakeridge Development Inc. PO Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-228-9750 e-mail: joneswayne@qwest.net Mel L. Daley, P.E. Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. Auburn Way North Phone: 253-333-2200 Facsimile: 253-333-2206 C.A.R.E., represented by Gwendolyn High 13405 -158th Avenue Southeast Renton, Washington 98059 Location: Lying south of SE 136'h St. between 160th Ave. SE and J62'h Ave. SE. Sectionffownship/Range: SE 14-23-05 Parcels 1457500085 & 90 ' Acreage: 7.92 acres L03P0005/L03TY 401-Liberty Grove Contiguous Current Zoning: R-4 Number of Lots: Proposed -36 w/4 or 5 TDRs Density: 4. 7 dwellings per acre Lot Size: 4,400 to 8,700 square feet Proposed Use: single family Sewage Disposal: City of Renton Water Supply: Water District #90 Fire District: King County Fire District # 25 School District: Issaquah Community Plan: Newcastle Drainage Subbasin: Lower Cedar River King County Permits: Subdivision Complete Application Date: April 8, 2003 (Dated Filed March 11, 2003) Threshold Determination: Mitigated Determination ofNonsignificance (MDNS) Date oflssuance: December 16, 2003 KC Permit Contact: Karen Scharer, Project Manager II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Phone # 296-7 l 14 or e-mail at karen.scharer@metrokc.gov 3 2. Except as modified herein, the facts set forth in the DDES preliminary report to the Hearing Examiner for the February JO, 2004, public hearing are found to be correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. Said report is exhibit no. 3 in the hearing record. 3. The Applicant's request to reclassify the subject property from R4 to R6 was withdrawn prior to commencement of the hearing. 4. On February 4, 2004 the King County Hearing Examiner issued his report and decision granting preliminary approval for the revised plat ofEvendell, based upon transfer of20 density credits that would allow for development of 70 lots on 12.43 acres. This would provide a density of 5.6 dwelling units per acre on the Evendell property, which is directly west, across 160'h Avenue Southeast, from the subject property. The maximum density permitted in the R4 zone classification is 6 dwelling units per acre, utilizing density incentives or transferred development rights. The Examiner's decision approving the Evendell plat revision, File No. LO!P0016, is exhibit no. 33 in the hearing record of this proceeding. · 5. Directly north of the subject property are single-family dwellings on lots that are approximately 9,600-10,000 square feet in area. East, across 162"d Avenue Southeast, is the plat of Liberty Lane, with lots approximately 12,500 square feet in size. South of the subject property is a 2.24 acre parcel. 6. King County's "Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)" program is governed by Chapter 21A.37 of the King County Code. The TDR program establishes a property right which is separable from the fee-simple title to certain lands within King County, and provides a method for the transfer and utilization of that new right, which is colloquially known as a development right or "density credit." A density credit has a substantial market value. The underlying purpose of the TDR program is to allow for the movement of residential density from rural areas to urban areas of King County. The code is intended to provide," ... an efficient L03P0005/L03TY 40 I-Liberty Grove Contiguous 4 and streamlined administrative review system to ensure that transfers of development rights to receiving sites are evaluated in a timely way and balanced with other County goals and policies, and are adjusted to the specific conditions of each receiving site." KCC 21A.37.010.2. Receiving sites are required to meet the provisions ofKCC 21A.37 .030. Those requirements are that the receiving site: 1. be within an unincorporated urban area, zoned R-4 or higher, or be within a potential annexation area; 2. be within a city where new growth is or will be encouraged, and where facilities and services exist or public investments in facilities and services will be made; or 3. be within RA-2.5 and RA-5 zoned parcels, subject to stringent criteria. The subject property is within the first category of eligible receiving sites listed in KCC 2 lA.37.030. Sites within the unincorporated urban growth area are not required to have any specific level of available facilities and services. Development approvals that utilize density credits must meet only those service criteria that apply generally to development of the number of dwelling units proposed on the site. King County Code chapter 21A. I 2 governs densities and development standards in residential zones. The R-4 zone in the urban residential area allows for a maximum density of six dwelling units per acre, which may be achieved only through the application ofresidential density incentives or transfers of development rights. KCC 21A.12.030.A. and B.J. When density credits are used, development shall comply with dimensional standards of the zone having a base density most comparable to the total approved density. KCC 21A.37.030.B. 7. The foregoing provisions of the King County Zoning Code are generally consistent with policies of the King County Comprehensive Plan governing residential land use. In particular, the Zoning Code provisions are generally consistent with: Policy U-113, that new residential development in the Urban Growth Area should occur where facilities and services can be provided at the lowest public cost and in a timely fashion; Policy U-114, that the County seek to achieve an average zoning density ofat least seven to eight homes per acre in the Urban Growth Area through a mix of densities, allowing for lower density zones to recognize existing subdivisions with little or no opportunity for infill or redevelopment; Policy U-122, that supports increases in urban density through a rezone or a proposal to utilize density transfer, when the proposal will help resolve traffic, utility, parks or open space deficiencies in the immediate neighborhood. This proposal will extend sewer service further into the urban area, and will provide recreation facilities and open space available to future residents on the subject property. 8. The subject property is in the City ofRenton's potential annexation area. The City is considering modifications to its comprehensive plan that would limit density on property in this area to a maximum of 4 dwelling units per acre. However, those plan changes were not in effect at the L03P0005/L03TY 401-Liberty Grove Contiguous 5 time a complete application for this subdivision was submitted, and the property is not presently within the City of Renton 's jurisdiction. 9. ODES, this Applicant and the developers of other properties in the vicinity have agreed upon right-of-way dedications and road improvements to mitigate the impact of traffic which this proposal will generate adjacent to and in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development. The dedications and improvements to be provided by this proposal will include the east side of 1601h Avenue Southeast and the south side of Southeast 1361h Street, along the plat frontage and north and west to the intersection of Southeast 136'h Street with 160th Avenue Southeast. Improvements that will be made to Southeast 136th Street, from 156"' Avenue Southeast to 160th Avenue Southeast, will result in a new east-west route that will divert traffic from the high accident intersection of Southeast I 28th Street and J 60'h Avenue Southeast. Those Southeast 136th Street improvements may be made by other developers prior to the development of Liberty Grove, or may be made jointly by this plat in cooperation with other developers. I 0. The Issaquah School District plans to operate a school bus stop for elementary school children at the intersection of Southeast 136th Street and 160th Avenue Southeast. The internal road improvements and frontage improvements on 160th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 136'h Street will provide a safe route for children to use between the lots of this subdivision and that bus stop. Additionally, the Applicant will provide school walkway improvements pursuant to the requirements of condition no. 22 below, to provide safe walking conditions to the high school and middle school serving the area. · 11. A surface water drainage adjustment (no. L03V0065) has been approved for this proposal and the Liberty Grove proposal (no. L03P0006). Stormwater detention will be provided on this property for the Liberty Grove property that lies on the north side of Southeast 136th Street and west side of 160th Avenue Southeast. The level 3 flow control standard is required as a condition of the drainage adjustment for discharge from the surface water detention facilities. In addition, some downstream surface water conveyance improvements have been made by King County, and others are required to be made by this and other developments that are being proposed and constructed in this area. The downstream analysis and required improvements assure adequate conveyance of surface water for a distance greater than Y. mile from this plat. The level 3 flow control standard protects downstream properties from damage from surface water discharge from this development. 12. Improvements to Southeast 1361h Street along the frontage of parcels 0086-0088 will be constrained by the steepness of existing driveways on those three lots, particularly parcel 0086 at the intersection of 160th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 136th Street. It may be necessary to substitute a walkway for the curb, gutter and sidewalk required by the King County Road Standards through a portion of this area. If a variance is necessary, it can be addressed at the time engineering plans are submitted for review and approval. 13. The Applicant has agreed to provide sewer connections to serve the three properties fronting Southeast 136th Street that have drainfield easements on the subject property. The terms of the existing drainfield easements provide for their abandonment at such time as sewers are available and connections provided. Approval by the King County Health Department of the abandonment L03P0005/L03TY 40 I-Liberty Grove Contiguous 6 of existing septic systems on site, including drainfields that serve off-site homes, is required prior to final plat approval. 14. The proposed sensitive areas tract, "Tract F", provides appropriate protection for the on-site wetland in the south central portion of the property. CONCLUSIONS: 1. If approved subject to the conditions recommended below, the proposed subdivision will comply with the goals and objectives of the King County Comprehensive Plan, subdivision and zoning codes, and other official land use controls and policies of King County. 2. If approved subject to the conditions recommended below, this proposed subdivision will make appropriate provision for the public health, safety and general welfare and for open spaces for drainage ways, streets, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supply, sanitary waste, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds and safe walking conditions for students who only walk to school; and it will serve the public use and interest. 3. The conditions for final plat approval required below are in the public interest and are reasonable requirements to mitigate the impacts of the development upon the environment. 4. The dedications ofland or easements within and adjacent to the proposed plat, as required for final plat approval or as shown on the proposed preliminary plat submitted by the Applicant on September 3, 2003, are reasonable and necessary as a direct result of the development of this proposed plat, and are proportionate to the impacts of the development. 5. The Applicant has negotiated for the purchase of development rights that would allow for an increase in the number of lots to be developed on the subject property to a total of 36. The development of 36 lots on the subject property will be within the maximum density of 6 dwelling units per acre permitted in the R4 zone classification in the urban area. The proposed development of the subject property, utilizing up to 5 density rights, is consistent with all applicable development standards and other provisions of the king county code. Provisions of the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan concerning density of development on this property are not applicable to this proposal. 6. The road improvements proposed and agreed to by the Applicant, including those shown on the September 3, 2003 preliminary plat and set forth in the conditions below, will reasonably mitigate the impacts of traffic generated by the proposed development. 7. Safe walking conditions for children who walk to school from the subject property will be provided by using one of the alternatives for improvements incorporated into this proposal and set forth in condition no. 22 below. 8. The conditions of approval of the surface water drainage adjustment L03V0065, and the conditions recommended by ODES and agreed to by the Applicant, incorporated into the conditions below, mitigate the impacts of surface water drainage from this proposed development. • • L03P0005/L03TY 401-Liberty Grove Contiguous 9. The establishment of"Tract F" as a sensitive areas tract, and the conditions recommended by DOES and agreed to by the applicant, incorporated into the conditions below, preserve and protect the on-site Class 3 wetland in accordance with the requirements of the King County Sensitive Areas Code. DECISION: 7 The proposed preliminary plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous, as revised and received September 3, 2003, utilizing up to 5 density credits (transferable density rights), is APPROVED, subject to the following conditions of final plat approval: 1. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19 of the King County Code. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. 3. a. The plat shall comply with the maximum density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-4 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-4 zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger, except that minor revisions to the plat which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. b. The Applicant shall provide Transfer of Density Credit documentation to DOES prior to final approval to allow transfer of a maximum of five density credits. c. Fence encroachment shall be resolved to the satisfaction of King County DOES LUSD or the encroachment area shall be conveyed to the adjoining property prior to the recording of the final plat. The Applicant shall document the impact on lot density by the exclusion of any encroachment area. 4. The applicant must obtain final approval from the King County Health Department for abandonment of existing septic systems on-site, including drainfields that serve off-site homes. 5. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 1 1 187, as amended (1993 KCRS), except as modified by variance. 6. The applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. 7. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or modifying the location oflots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval which represent portions of the drainage requirements. All other applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) must also be satisfied during engineering and final review . YI L03P0005/L03TY401-Liberty Grove Contiguous 8 a. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and applicable updates adopted by King County. DOES approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. b. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by DOES Engineering Review, shall be shown on the engineering plans. c. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings # on file with ODES and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file." d. The storm water control facility shall be located in a separate tract and dedicated to King County unless portions of the drainage tract are used for required recreation space in accordance with KCC 21A.14.180. 8. A drainage adjustment (L03V0065) is approved for this site and for the Liberty Grove site (L03P0006). The adjustment allows combining the storm water from both subdivisions on the Liberty Grove Contiguous site; and routing post developed flows to 160th Ave SE. A flow splitter is proposed to maintain existing flows to the south. All conditions of approval for this adjustment shall be met prior to engineering plan approval. A Conceptual Drainage Plan showing the preliminary configuration was received March 11, 2003. 9. The stormwater detention facility shall be designed to the Level 3 flow control standard in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). The facility shall also be designed to meet the basic water quality menu. I 0. The downstream drainage system along the east side of 1601h Ave SE from the south plat boundary to approximately 50 feet south of the culvert 29 (House # 14028); shall be improved to achieve adequate drainage capacity per the 1998 KCSWDM. Culvert 29 is shown in the Level I Offsite Analysis received September 3, 2003. Plans and supporting capacity analysis for this improvement shall be submitted with the engineering plans. 11. The I 00-year floodplain for any on-site wetlands or streams shall be shown on the engineering plans and the final plat per Special Requirement #2 of the KCSWDM. 12. The following road improvements are required to be constructed according to the 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS): a. SE 137th Street (the internal access street) shall be improved to the urban subaccess street standard. L03P0005/L03TY401-Liberty Grove Contiguous 9 b. 162"d Place Southeast shall be improved to the urban subaccess street standard from SE l 37'h St to SE 136th St; and improved to the minor access street standard south of SE 137'h St. c. 160th Ave SE from the south plat boundary to SE 136th St shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard (east side only). d. SE 136'h St from 160th Ave. SE to 162"d Ave. SE shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard (south side only); except for the first 270 feet east of 160'h Ave. SE. The first 270 feet can transition to a narrower width to avoid creating an adverse grade to the existing three driveways. Reverse slope driveways or other designs may be considered by DDES at engineering plan review stage. e. Tracts D and E shall each be improved as a joint use driveway per Section 3.01 of the KCRS. The tracts shall be owned and maintained by the owners of those lots being served. f. A RJW radius shall be dedicated at the southwest quadrant of 162nd Ave. SE and SE 136th St. (northeast comer of Lot 9). g. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section 1.08 of the KCRS. 13. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final plat recording. 14. The applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance. The applicant has the option to either: (I) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. 15. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the Sensitive Areas Code as outlined in KCC 2 IA.24. Preliminary plat review has identified the following specific requirements that apply to this project. All other applicable requirements from KCC 21A.24 shall also be addressed by the applicant. a. The Class 3 wetland shall have a minimum 25-foot buffer of undisturbed vegetation as measured from the wetland edge. b. Buffer width averaging may be allowed by King County if it will provide additional protection to the wetland or enhance there functions, as long as the total area contained in the buffer on the development proposal site does not decrease. In no area shall the buffer be less than 65 percent of the required minimum distance. To ensure such functions are L03P0005/L03TY401-Liberty Grove Contiguous 10 enhanced a mitigation plan will be required for the remaining on-site sensitive areas. An enhancement plan shall be submitted for review during final engineering review. c. Sensitive area Tract(s) shall be used to delineate and protect sensitive areas and buffers in development proposals for subdivisions and shall be recorded on all documents of title of record for all affected lots. d. A 15-foot BSBL shall be established from the edge of buffer and/or the sensitive areas Tract(s) and shown on all affected lots. e. A mitigation plan and financial guarantee/bond will be required for any proposed impacts of sensitive areas. The bond amount will include all components of the mitigation plan including, but not limited to, plantings, grading, fencing, signs, inspections, and monitoring for five years. f. Prior to commencing construction activities on the site, the applicant shall temporarily mark sensitive areas Tract(s) in a highly visible manner, and these areas must remain so marked until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive areas are completed. g. Prior to final approval of construction activities on the site, the boundary between the sensitive area Tract(s) and adjacent land shall be identified using permanent signs. Sign specifications shall be shown on final engineering plans and shall be installed every 50 feet or as deemed appropriate by county staff at the time of engineering review. h. During engineering plat review the applicant shall provide a wetland hydrology analysis to demonstrate how the wetland hydrology will be maintained post-construction. 1. Detention out-fall structures maybe permitted within the wetland buffers, however, structures shall be located in the outer edge of the buffer, if possible. All buffer impacts shall be mitigated. j. Development authorized by this approval may require other state and/or federal permits or approvals. It is the applicant's responsibility to correspond with these agencies prior to beginning work on the site. k. During engineering review, the plan set shall be routed to the sensitive areas group to determine if the above conditions have been met. 16. The following note shall be shown on the final engineering plan and recorded plat: RESTRICTIONS FOR SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS AND BUFFERS Dedication of a sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, and • L03P0005/L03TY401~Liberty Grove Contiguous 11 protection of plant and animal habitat. The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/sensitive area and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without approval in writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor agency, unless otherwise provided by law. The common boundary between the tract/sensitive area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. No building foundations are allowed beyond the required IS-foot building setback line, unless otherwise provided by law. 17. Suitable recreation space shall be provided consistent with the requirements KCC 21A.14.180 and KCC 21A.14.190 including sport court[s], children's play equipment, picnic table[s), benches, etc. a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., landscape specs, equipment specs, etc.) shall be submitted for review and approval by ODES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the engineering plans. This plan shall comply with Ordinance# 14045. b. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. 18. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established to the satisfaction of DOES which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation, open space and/or sensitive area tract(s). 19. Street trees shall be included in the design of all road improvements, and shall comply with Section 5.03 of the KCRS and KCC 21A.16.050: a. b. C. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. YY L03P0005/L03TY40J-Liberty Grove Contiguous 12 d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by DOES iflocated within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. f. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by DOES prior to engineering plan approval. g. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after ODES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. The inspection fee is subject to change based on current County fees. 20. The following have been established by SEPA as necessary requirements to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of this development. The applicant shall demonstrate compliance with these items prior to final approval. Individually, or joint with other area developers, the Applicant shall design and construct improvements to Southeast 128th Street at 160th Ave. SE to mitigate project impacts at the High Accident Location. Or, the Applicant shall reduce the project impacts at the High Accident Location by completing the remainder of the improvements to Southeast 136th Street (i.e. additional paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks), between 158th Avenue SE and 160th Avenue SE, and, revise the channelization at the intersection of 156th A venue SE/SE 136th Street to provide a southbound left turn lane. School Mitigation Fees 21. Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21A.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent (50%) of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and collected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final L03P0005/L03TY401-Liberty Grove Contiguous 13 approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building permit issuance. School Walkways 22. The Applicant, individually or in conjunction with other developers, shall construct an off-site walkway to Liberty High school from the site. The walkway shall be constructed within the right-of-way from 160th Ave SE, east along SE 135th Street to 166th Ave SE, and south to Liberty High School at SE 136th Street, or via alternative right-of-way and easements that become available and are approved by ODES. One acceptable alternative would be to use future right-of-way of Southeast 136th Street and 162nd Avenue Southeast to connect with the sidewalk improvement of "five lot subdivision," and through the plat of"five lot subdivision"/LOOP0023 to the southwest gate of Liberty High School. The walkway shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the 1993 King County Road Standards and shown on the engineering plans for ODES review and approval. Any surfacing alternative from the King County Road Standards (KCRS 3.09) may be submitted for approval through a road variance application. ORDERED this 27th day of February, 2004. TRANSMITTED this 27th day of February, 2004, to the parties and interested persons of record: William J. Bowen WilmaJ. Bowen Marshan Brenden Bowen Revocable Living Trust 13644 -160th Ave. SE 18225 SE 128Ui 13644 -160U, Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98055 Carolyn Ann Buckett Thomas Carlyle Melvin L. Daley 16524 SE 145U, St P0Box581 DMP,INC Renton WA 98059 Tacoma WA 98401 726 Auburn Way N Auburn WA 98002 KaU,y Graves Brad & Julie Herrin Gwendolyn High 13020-160th Ave. SE 16202 SE 137U, Pl. P.O. Box 2936 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98056 Victor & Gwendolyn High Wayne Jones Edward June & Kris Hill 13405 • 158U, Ave. SE lakeridge Development Inc. 13527 156U, Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 PO Box 146 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98057 Don & Diane Kezele Milton & Helen Lee RebeccaUnd 15657 SE 137U, Pl. P.O. Box 2574 City or Renton. EDNSP Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98056 1055 S. Grady Way Renton WA 98056 'Ir L03P0005/L03TY401-Liberty Grove Contiguous 14 Leroy Nass Kattiy Nelson Richard & Anita Oliphant 15713 SE 128Hl St. Transportation Dept. 16519 SE 145Hl St. Renton WA 98059 805 -2nd Ave. S. Renton WA 98059 Issaquah WA 98027 Larry & Susan Oord David & Georgia Platt Guy Platz 16013 SE 136th St. 510 Panoramic Dr. 13535 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Camano Island WA 98282 Renton WA 98059 Resident Mike Romano SeaWe KC Health Dept. 13020 -160th Ave. SE Centurion Development Services E. Dist. Environ. Health Renton WA 98059 22617 8Hl Drive SE 14350 SE Eastgate Way Bothell WA 98021 Bellevue WA 98007 Deborah Stewart Jesse Thatcher Mike Tull 16207 SE 136Hl St. 13817 -162nd Ave. SE 16056 SE 136th St. Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Mr. & Mrs. Bob Wilmot Kevin M. Wyman Gregg Zimmerman 13900 -160th Ave. SE 16540 SE 149th St. City of Renton-Planning Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 1055 S Grady Way Renton WA 98055 Greg Borba Kim Claussen Nick Gillen DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Current Planning Site Development Services MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-OE-0100 Kristen Langley Carol Rogers Karen Scharer DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD Land Use Traffic MS OAK-DE-0100 Current Planning MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 Steve Townsend Larry West Bruce Whittaker DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD DDES/LUSD Land Use Inspections Geo Review Prel. Review Engineer MS OAK-DE-0100 MS OAK-OE-0100 MS OAK-DE-0100 NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL In order to appeal the decision of the Examiner, written notice of appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council with a fee of $250.00 (check payable to King County Office of Finance) on or before March 12, 2004. If a notice of appeal is filed, the original and six (6) copies of a written appeal statement specifying the basis for the appeal and argument in support of the appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council on or before March 19, 2004. Appeal statements may refer only to facts contained in the hearing record; new facts may not be presented on appeal. Filing requires actual delivery to the Office of the Clerk of the Council, Room 1025, King County Courthouse, 516 3'd Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104, prior to the close of business (4:30 p.m.) on the date due. Prior mailing is not sufficient if actual receipt by the Clerk does not occur within the applicable time period. The Examiner does not have authority to extend the time period unless the Office of the Clerk is not open on the specified closing date, in which event delivery prior to the close of business on the next business day is sufficient to meet the filing requirement. ' L03P0005/L03TY 401-Liberty Grove Contiguous 15 If a written notice of appeal and filing fee are not filed within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of this report, or if a written appeal statement and argument are not filed within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the date of this report, the decision of the hearing examiner contained herein shall be the final decision of King County without the need for further action by the Council. MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY I 0, 2004, PUBLIC HEARING ON DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FILE NOS. L03P0005/LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS (LGC) AND L03P0006/L03TY 403/LIBERTY GROVE (LG). James N. O'Connor was the Hearing Examiner in this matter. Participating in the hearing were Karen Scharer, Bruce Whittaker, Nick Gillen and Kristen Langley, representing the Department; Wayne Jones and Dave Casey, representing the Appellant; Gwendolyn High, Intervenor for C.A.R.E. and Anita Oliphant, Kristy Hill, Mary Brotherton, Diane Kezele, Rhonda Bryant, and Joann Lee. The following exhibits were offered and entered into the record: Exhibit No. I Exhibit No. 2 Exhibit No. 3 Exhibit No. 4 Exhibit No. 5 Exhibit No. 6 Exhibit No. 7 Exhibit No. 8 Exhibit No. 9 Exhibit No. 10 Exhibit No. 11 Exhibit No. 12 Exhibit No. 13 Exhibit No. 14 LGC -DDES File L03P0005 LG-DDES File L03P0006 LGC -DDES Preliminary Report for L03P0005, Prepared January 26, 2004 with attachments as follows: 3.1 36 Lot Plat Design 3.2 Density Calculations R-4 w/4 TDRs 3 .3 Issaquah School District 3.4 Certificate of Water Availability dated January 8, 2003 3 .5 City of Renton Letters, including the Sewer Certificate 3.6 Certificate of Transportation Concurrency LG -DDES Preliminary Report for L03P0006, Prepared January 26, 2004 with attachments as follows: 4.1 24 Lot Plat Design 4.2 Density Calculations R-4 w/5 TDRs 4.3 Issaquah School District 4.4 Certificate of Water Availability dated January 8, 2003 4.5 City of Renton Letters, including Sewer Certificate 4.6 Certificate of Transportation Concurrency Corrections/Revisions of Conditions to DDES Preliminary Reports (Conditions 7.d. & 12.d) dated February 9, 2004 -Not Entered into the Record LGC -Application for Land Use Permit/Plat L03P0005 Received March 11, 2003 LG -Application for Land Use Permit/Pit L03P0006 received March 11, 2003 LGC -Revised Environmental Checklist Received September 3, 2003 LG -Revised Environmental Checklist Received September 3, 2003 LGC-Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance dated December 16, 2003 LG-Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance dated December 16, 2003 LGC -Affidavit of Revised Posting Indicating Posting Date of June 2, 2003 And received June 3, 2003 LG -Affidavit of Posting Indicating Posting Date of June 2, 2003 and received June 3, 2003 LGC-Revised Site Plan (36 Lot Preliminary Plat Map) received September 3, 2003 L03P0005/L03TY401-Liberty Grove Contiguous Exhibit No. 15 LG-Revised Site Plan (24 Lot Preliminary Plat Map) received September 3, 2003 Exhibit No. 16 Assessors Maps (2) SE 14-23-05 Revised February 3, 2000 & NE 14-23-05 Revised February 28, 2000 Exhibit No. 17 Letter w/attachments to DDES from Wayne Jones; Re: Intent to sell TOR-Density Credits dated April 23, 2003 Exhibit No. 18 Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Gary A. Norris ofDN Traffic Consultants dated February 7, 2003 and received March 11, 2003 Exhibit No. 19 Revised Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Gary A. Norris ofDN Traffic Consultants dated June 24, 2003 and received September 3, 2003 Exhibit No. 20 Walkway Study Prepared by DMP, Inc. dated August 18, 2003 Exhibit No. 21 LGC-Walkway Study Map Annotated by DDES prepared February 9, 2004 Exhibit No. 22 March I 0, 2003 email from Issaquah School District to Ted Cooper regarding School walkways to Liberty High, Maywood Middle and Briarwood Elementary School for plat conditions ofLOOP0023 Exhibit No. 23 Level One Off-Site Analysis prepared by Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. dated March 3, 2003 Exhibit No. 24 Revised Level One Off-Site Analysis prepared by Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. Dated July 11, 2003 Exhibit No. 25 Conceptual Drainage Plan received March 11, 2003 Exhibit No. 26 Additional Downstream Information received November 25, 2003 Exhibit No. 27 LG -Letter to Wayne Jones and Mel Daley from James Sanders and Jim Chan Dated December 4, 2003 regarding drainage adjustment (L03V0065) Exhibit No. 28 Wetland Evaluation and Delineation Report and Wildlife Habitat Evaluation By Habitat Technologies dated November 5, 2002 Exhibit No. 29 LGC-Letter to Wayne Jones from Mark Heckert ofH&S Consulting dated July 18, 2003; Addendum to the Wetland Evaluation and Delineation Report Exhibit No. 30 LGC -Tributary Area Map Annotations by DDES; Prepared February 2004 Exhibit No. 31 Letter to Karen Scharer from Anita & Richard Oliphant dated January 29, 2004 Requesting comments to LO!POOI6 & L03RE038 be considered in this matter Exhibit No. 32 Letter to Karen Scharer from Steven & Joann Lee dated February 2, 2004 Regarding claim of adverse possession along south property line ofLGC Exhibit No. 33 Hearing Examiner Report & Decision for Evendell/LOIP0016/L03RE038 Issued February 4, 2004 Exhibit No. 34 Email from Shirley Day to Karen Scharer dated February 3, 2004 Exhibit No. 35 Email from Glenda Johnson to Karen Scharer dated February 10, 2004 Exhibit No. 36 Letter from Bill & Dona Mokin to Karen Scharer dated February 7, 2004 Exhibit No. 37 Photograph of driveway located at SE 136th/160th on February 4, 2004 Exhibit No. 38 C.A.R.E. Response: Liberty Grove/Liberty Grove Contiguous Plat Applications L03P0006&L03P0005 Exhibit No. 39 C.A.R.E. Households List Exhibit No. 40 Community Map Exhibit No. 41 March and April 2000 Press Releases from King County Executive Ron Sims Exhibit No. 42 King County Metro Six Year Transit Development Plan, February 2002 Exhibit No. 43 Report of the King County General Government Budget Advisory Task Force To County Executive Ron Sims dated June 25, 2003 Exhibit No. 44 A Joint City Position -The Cities' Suggestions for Inclusion in the King County Budget Advisory Task Force's Recommendations dated March 12, 2003 16 L03P0005/L03TY 40 I-Liberty Grove Contiguous Exhibit No. 45 Message to Employees from King County Executive Ron Sims; General Budget Advisory Task Force Recommendations dated July 9, 2003 Exhibit No. 46 King County Council Budget & Fiscal Management Committee Capital Budget Plan, 2004 CIP Overview Exhibit No. 47 In Transportation -Facing the Budget's Challenges from Harold Taniguchi Dated November 3, 2003 Exhibit No. 48 High Accident Locations Report dated July 2003 Exhibit No. 49 Transportation Service Areas 2000 Exhibit No. 50 King County Concurrency Maps 2001, 2002 and 2003 Exhibit No. 51 Transportation Concurrency Detail Comparison Graphic Exhibit No. 52 City of Renton Long Range Wastewater Management Plan (Excerpts) Exhibit No. 53 2003 King County Annual Growth Report Exhibit No. 54 King County Benchmark Report-2003 (Land use-excerpts) Exhibit No. 55 Buildable Lands Report-Dated August 29, 2002 (Excerpts) Exhibit No. 56 State, County, City Populations Exhibit No. 57 City of Renton Economic Development, Neighborhoods, and Strategic Planning Department Reports (June 3, 2003; September 23, 2003; October I, 2003; October 10, 2003) Exhibit No. 58 Renton Planning Commission Recommendation dated October 22, 2003 Exhibit No. 59 City of Renton Ordinance No. 5026 Exhibit No. 60 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes dated November 24, 2003 Exhibit No. 61 C.A.R.E. Member's Letters Detailing Adverse Impacts from High Density Development in this Community Exhibit No. 62 City of Renton Proposed Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Exhibit No. 63 Two Photographs of Intersection Exhibit No. 64 Two Photographs of SE 144th/62nd Ave. SE Exhibit No. 65 List of Individuals and Their Addresses in Attendance Exhibit No. 66 Letter to Karen Scharer from Claude R. & Eloise M. Stachowiak Dated November 16, 2003 Exhibit No. 67 Letter to the Hearing Examiner from Kristy J. Hill dated February 10, 2004 Exhibit No. 68 Letter to the Hearing Examiner from Edward & June Hill dated February 10, 2004 JOC:gao L03P0005/L03TY401 RPT 17 A. ® DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER February 10, 2004 -PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:30 AM Hearing Room at ODES 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 PROPOSED REZONE AND PRELIMINARY PLAT OF LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS FILE NO's: L03TY401 & L03P0005 PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO's: #2004-0003 & #2004-0005 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ACTION: This is a request for reclassification from R-4 to R-6 to allow greater density on the subject property to subdivide the site into 36 lots. Should the rezone be denied, the applicant alternatively plans to use the transfer of 4 density credits to implement the same plat design with 36 lots. The 36 lots would mostly range from 4,400 square feet to 8,700 square feet in area. As part of the plat, a recreation area and drainage detention area are proposed. Existing buildings inside the plat will be demolished, except for the existing house which will remain on Lot 36. Only Lot 36 will gain access off 160th Ave. SE, direct access to all other lots is proposed from the internal platted streets. These streets will connect to SE 136th Street and 160th Ave. SE. See Attachment 1 for the proposed plat design. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: Proponent: Representative: Wayne Jones, Jr. Lakeridge Development Inc. PO Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-228-9750 e-mail: joneswayne@qwest.net Mel L. Daley, P.E. Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. Auburn Way North Phone: 253-333-2200 Facsimile: 253-333-2206 SI C. L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Location: Lying south of SE 136th St. between 160th Ave. SE and 162th Ave. SE. Section/Township/Range: SE 14-23-05 Parcels# 1457500085 & 90 Acreage Plat: 7 .92 acres Current Zoning: R-4 Number of Lots: Proposed -36 w/4 TDR Density: 4.7 dwellings per acre Lot Size: 4,400 to 8,700 square feet Proposed Use: single family Sewage Disposal: City of Renton Water Supply: Water District #90 Fire District: King County Fire District# 25 School District: Issaquah Community Plan: Newcastle Drainage Subbasin: Lower Cedar River King County Permits: Rezone and Subdivision Complete Application Date: April 8, 2003 (Date Filed March 11, 2003) Threshold Determination: Mitigated Determination ofNonsignificance (MDNS) Date of Issuance: December 16, 2003 KC Permit Contact: Karen Scharer, Project Manager II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Phone# 296-7114 or e-mail at karen.scharer@metrokc.gov HISTORY/BACKGROUND: I. For the preliminary plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous (L03P0005), the Subdivision Page2 Technical Committee (STC) of King County has conducted an on-site examination of the subject property. The STC discussed the proposed development with the applicant and clarified technical details of the application to determine the compatibility with applicable King County plans, codes, and other official documents. In mid December 2003, the STC determined that there was sufficient information presented to proceed with issuance of a SEP A TD and scheduling of a public hearing on the requests. 2. Under KCC 20.20.070, the request for rezone (Type 4 permit) is not vested under regulations in effect at the time of complete rezone application. Vesting to zoning can only occur once the zone becomes effective. The plat application (Type 3 permit) is based on the rezone to R-6; therefore the plat with rezone can not be vested to zoning. If the rezone is denied, the applicant's alternative plat layout under the existing R-4 zone with use of density credit transfer is vested to codes in effect at the time of complete application (April 8, 2003). D. THRESHOLD DETERMINATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE: Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW 43.21C, the responsible official of the Land Use Services Division (LUSD) issued a threshold determination -mitigated determination of non-significance (MDNS) for the proposed development on December 16, 2003. This determination was based on the review of the environmental checklist and other pertinent L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page3 documents, resulting in the conclusion that the proposal would not cause probable significant adverse impacts on the environment with implementation of mitigation for the proposal. Therefore, an environmental impact statement (EIS) was not required prior to proceeding with the review process. Agencies, affected Native American tribes and the public were offered the opportunity to comment on or appeal the determination for 21 days. The MONS was not appealed by any party, including the applicant, and it has been incorporated as part of the applicant's proposal. The MONS states: The following mitigation measures shall be attached as conditions of permit issuance. These mitigation measures are consistent with policies, plans, rules, or regulations designated by KCC 20.44.080 as a basis for the exercise of substantive authority and in effect when this threshold determination is issued. Key sources of substantive authority for each mitigation measure are in parentheses; however, other sources of substantive authority may exist but are not expressly listed. Individually, or joint with other area developers, the Applicant shall design and construct improvements to Southeast 128th Street at I60u, Ave. SE to mitigate project impacts at the High Accident Location. Or, the Applicant shall reduce the project impacts at the High Accident Location by completing the remainder of the improvements to Southeast 136th Street (i.e. additional paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks), between 158th Avenue SE and 160th Avenue SE, and, revise the channelization at the intersection of 156th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street to provide a southbound left turn lane. E. AGENCIES CONTACTED: I. King County Natural Resources & Parks Division: No response. 2. King County Fire Protection Engineer: Fire protection engineering preliminary approval has been granted as requested. 3. Seattle-King County Health Department: No response. 4. Issaquah School District: See comments contained in report and Attachment 3. 5. Water District# 90: See Attachment 4. 6. City of Renton: See Attachment 5 for all responses. 7. Washington State Department of Ecology: No response. 8. Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife: No response. 9. Washington State Department of Natural Resources: No response. 10. Washington State Department of Transportation: No response. S3 . L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page4 11. METRO: No response. F. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: I. Topography: The site slightly slopes with a 30-foot difference in elevation from the north east comer to the southwest comer of the site. 2. Soils: Surface soils are found on this site per King County Soil Survey, 1973 include: AgC -Alderwood gravely, sandy loam; 6-1 S % slopes. Runoff is slow and the erosion hazard is slight. This soil type has a moderate limitation for low building foundations due to a seasonally high water table, and severe limitations for septic tank filter fields due to very slow permeability in the substratum. 3. Sensitive Areas: The site has been field checked by DDES staff. Additionally, both the November 5, 2002 Wetland Evaluation and Delineation Report by Habitat Technologies, and July 18, 2003 information update by H & S Consulting were reviewed. There is a Class III Wetland located on the south central portion of the site according to the LUSD wetland ecologist assigned to review this project. The 9,167-sq. ft. wetland is classified as a palustrine, emergent, seasonally flooded/saturated and requires a 25 foot buffer from the wetland edge and a I 5 foot building setback line from the 25 foot wetland buffer. Improvements to the downstream drainage system will have to be reviewed to ensure that no wetlands are being drained or flooded as a result, no streams placed in pipes, or no streams damaged by increased flows. Enlarging culverts, if any, in a sensitive area requires a clearing and grading permit. 4. Hydrography: A preliminary March 3, 2003 Technical Information Report was prepared by DALEY-Morrow-Poblete, Inc., as well as, a revision on July 1 I, 2003 titled: Level One Downstream Drainage Analysis. The site is within the Orting Hills. sub basin of the Cedar River watershed. Flooding has occurred in the past along downstream conveyance structures on 160th Ave. SE, and on nearby properties. Recently, improvements have been made by King County providing better conveyance along 160 Ave SE. To further address issues of providing appropriate drainage facilities, the applicant has obtained approval of a Drainage Adjustment, approved December 4, 2003, File L03V00065. The following information is detailed in the Drainage Adjustment approval: Gentle slopes across the Liberty Grove Contiguous site direct sheetflow to the southwest. This results in the eastern portion of the site sheetflowing across the south property line where a constructed swale located on the adjacent parcel to the south carries flows to the midpoint of the common property line. Central flows migrate through an on-site wetland that allows excess flow to join intercepted eastern flows at the midpoint outlet. The drainage path from the defined outlet continues south through a defined open swale that bisects several parcels to the south and L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 5 ultimately flows via stream channel south in the l 62"d Avenue SE unopened right-of-way. Sheetflow from the western side of the site migrates to the southwest and eventually reaches the ditch system on the east side of 160th A venue SE. Flow from this portion of the site flows south in the ditch system on the east side of 160th Avenue SE. Liberty Grove and western Liberty Grove Contiguous flows meet Y. mile south on 160th A venue SE at a newly upgraded culvert crossing. Combined flows then cross parcel #145750-0110 to the east to rejoin eastern Liberty Grove Contiguous flows in the vicinity of the 162"d Avenue SE unopened right-of-way. Both sites have upstream tributary area of several acres. Most runoff from the Liberty Grove plat will be collected and it will diverted to a single, combined detention and water quality facility located in the southwest corner of the Liberty Grove Contiguous plat. Flows across the Liberty Grove Contiguous site will also be collected and diverted to the single, shared facility. The allowed release will then be proportionally split between the southern flows on the east side of 160th A venue SE and the natural discharge path that runs south through the neighboring parcels. Nuisance flows across the south property line of Liberty Grove Contiguous would be significantly curtailed. A small reduction of flow would occur in the western ditch of 160th Avenue SE, offset by an increase in the eastern ditch. The Level One Downstream Analysis identified drainage complaints related to conveyance overflows at 14028 1601 h Avenue SE (Brenden/Myers) and in the southeast corner of the 145750- 0110 parcel and adjacent neighbor (Gragg) to the south. Continuing to utilize the natural discharge path that traverses the center of the intervening parcels reduces the volume of total flows that would reach the problem conveyance area and would minimize the diversion of flows. The applicant has offered mitigation in the form of Level Three flow control in the on-site detention system and, via a combination of flow control and splitting outflows, maintaining predeveloped flowrates to parcel 145750-0110. Potential conveyance upgrades along any of the downstream paths will be addressed in the plat conditions. Conditions ofL03V0065 December 4, 2003 approval, allowing the diversion of runoff to a single, shared facility draining via flow splitter to two downstream paths are as follows: I. The release rates for the detention facility will be based on all of the tributary area to be developed being directed to the facility. 2. The volume for the detention facility will be based on all flows directed to the facility at full development under current zoning. The allowed release rate will be reduced by any undetained flows that would bypass the proposed subdivision drainage facilities. The detention volume shall be sized using the Level Three flow control standard in the 1998 KCSWDM. A IO to 20 percent volumetric factor of safety must be applied to all storm events requiring detention. The design Technical Information Report shall state the factor of safety selected and the basis of that determination. 3. Water quality facilities must be sized based on the entire proposed subdivision draining to the facilities including any required frontage improvements. L03TY40I & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page6 4. All onsite or offsite drainage facilities must be located in a public right-of-way, recreation space tract with easement or storm drainage tract dedicated to King County. 5. Developed flows from Liberty Grove must be conveyed via tightline to the drainage facility located in the Liberty Grove Contiguous site. If not built concurrently, Liberty Grove Contiguous must precede Liberty Grove. 6. Additional storm drainage requirements identified by SEP A or the plat hearing review will apply to this project. Note that there are no specific requirements under the SEPA Threshold Determination regarding drainage. 5. Vegetation: The northeastern portion of the site is forested upland with Douglas Fir and Maple. The remainder of the site is pasture with a few structures and outbuilding on the west. 6. Wildlife: A wildlife study in conjunction with the wetland evaluation and delineation report, was prepared for this site and dated November 5, 2002. A large variety of small birds and animals were observed on site. Black tail deer and ruffed grouse both "Priority Species" of Washington State were observed. A single "State Candidate" species -the pileated woodpecker -was observed to utilize the upland forested area onsite per page 13 of the report. According to ODES staff Senior Ecologist, none of the species identified in the applicant's report are required to be protected in the urban designated part of the County where this project lies. The preservation of the wetland and a 25-foot buffer will provide some limited level of habitat for local species. G. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The site is located in the east potential annexation area of Renton. Properties located nearby vary in size from large 5-acre parcels to small urban lots. The neighborhood is rapidly changing from a rural-suburban character to an urbanized area with mostly single family homes and some related services such as schools, a fire station, churches and parks. Developed lots immediately nearby are on septic systems. These lots are approximately 9,000 square feet to 30,000 square feet in size. Many of the parcels are currently considered as under utilized within the urban designation. Zoning immediately surrounding the plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous is R-4. However, still pending as of the date of this report is the court challenge to the King County Council decision denying the reclassification request for the plat ofEvendell from R-4 to R-6 (L0ITY401). The plat ofEvendell located west across 1601h Ave. SE was preliminarily approved for 46 lots. King County is currently processing an application for major revision (L03RE038) to allow 70 lots based on R-4 zoning with density credit transfers. The examiner hearing on this application was held on January 22, 2004. Anyone wishing to obtain a copy of the examiner's decision regarding this plat should contact the examiner's office at 206-296-4660. H. L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 7 Nichol's Place, L03P0015 is scheduled for plat hearing on February 24, 2004. This plat with 23 lots is located just south of Evendell. The primarily approved plat of Hamilton Place (L02POOl 1) is located on property 700 feet north of the site between 158'h Ave. SE & 1601h Ave. SE. Lots proposed would average approximately 5,000-sq. ft. each. Transfer of 6 density credits was approved for this plat. The parcel with the preliminarily approved plat of"5 Lot Subdivision" also known as Dickinson, LOOP0023 is located south off 162"d Ave. SE and contains 5 lots averaging .9 d.u.'s per acre. Homes would be served by septic, and dry sewers will be installed as part of plat approval. This plat is currently in for engineering review. DDES also has held other pre-application meetings for plats in the immediate area. Timing for submittal of further applications is unknown. On-Site: The existing two residences gain access off 160th Ave. SE, although the site has frontage on SE 1361h St. and I 62"d Ave. SE. There are also a number of out buildings on the west side of the property. The majority of the site east of the homes is in pasture. The northeast area is forested. Most of the existing trees will need to be removed for plat and home construction. On the northeast portion of the site is a easement for an existing drainfield which serves three homes off-site immediately to the west. Plat approval will require that the easement be abandoned and the homes connect to the sewer line being brought to the neighborhood. Near the south property line is existing fencing which encroaches onto the site. The applicant has agreed to resolve the encroachment problem, or the encroachment area will be conveyed to the adjoining property. SUBDIVISION DESIGN FEATURES: I. Lot Pattern and Density: The proposed lot and street layout is in conformance with King County Codes (i.e. KCC 21A and the 1993 King County Road Standards. Density calculations for the plat average 4.7 d.u. 's per acre. The 36 lots ranging in area from 4,400 square feet to 8,700 square feet. 2. Internal Circulation: Most lots will front onto a public street that provides an internal street system within the subdivision and exits out to SE 136th Street and 160th Ave. SE. Two Joint Use Development Tracts (JUDT's) that connect to the public street will serve a few other lots. See the proposed plat layout, Attachment 1 to this report. 3. Roadway Section: As proposed by the applicant, SE 136111 Street and 160th Ave. SE frontage would be im,1;1roved with urban improvements, including curd, gutter and sidewalks. Widening of SE 136 St and 160th Ave. SE along the south street frontage of the three out Sr I. L03TY401 & L03POOOS Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 8 parcels would include curb, and gutter with four foot wide paved walkway improvements. No improvements are proposed to 162"d Ave. SE. The public street planned as SE 13 7111 St. will be improved as a subaccess street, as will the proposed 162"d Place SE from SE 137111 St. north to SE 136111 Street. The proposed 162nd Place SE from SE 137th St. south will be developed as a minor access street. The two J.U.D.T.'s at the south end of the plat will each serve two lots. 4. Drainage: The existing drainage on the site and any stormwater entering from the north flows southerly to an existing wetland in the southern central portion of the site. Stormwater leaves the wetland to the south across the adjoining parcel in a swale and culvert. The flow continues in a series of culverts and drainage swales, through private property and undefined drainage course. The drainage course becomes a defined channel again approximately 900 feet south of the site , meandering easterly and southerly to the unopened R/W for 162"d Ave SE. Flows from the 160111 Ave SE drainage combine with this drainage from the north in the 162"d Ave SE R/W. Flows continue south to S 144th St, turning west along the south side of S E 144th St, and south eventually entering the Cedar River. A drainage adjustment (L03V0065) is approved for this site and for the Liberty Grove site (L03P0006). The proposal is to combine both post developed drainage facilities on the Liberty Grove Continuous site ( east side of 160111 Ave SE). The facility is to be designed to the Level 3 flow control standard and the basic water quality menu. The outlet for the new detention facility is proposed to flow into the existing drainage system along the east side of 160111 Ave SE. A flow splitter is proposed to maintain the existing flows to the south. Offsite improvements along the downstream portion of the east side of l 60the Ave SE are also proposed. The existing ditch and culverts are to be improved to provide adequate capacity. A Conceptual Drainage Plan was received March 11, 2003 showing the combined facility and proposed conveyance pipes. Also see comments above in Section F-4 of this report. TRANSPORTATION PLANS: I. Transportation Plans: The King County Transportation Plan indicates that SE 136th111 Street and 160111 Ave. SE are non-Arterial Roads. The King County Nonmotorized Transportation Plan does not designate these roadway for bicycles of equestrian use. The subject subdivision is not in conflict with this Transportation Plan, the King County Regional Trails Plan, nor Nonmotorized Plan. 2. Subdivision Access: The subdivision will gain access from two access points: SE 136111 Street and 160th Ave. SE. Trips will be sent to the intersection of Southeast I 28th Street at 160th Avenue Southeast which has, as of June 2003, been placed upon King County DOT's High Accident Location list (ID: HAL #16). The recommended countermeasure is to construct both east and west left tum channelization at the intersection. These improvement measures are appropriately required prior to King County approving further development that would reduce the level of safety by adding vehicles trips to this intersection. Therefore, due to the additional impacts, mitigation of project impacts at this intersection is necessary and was made a condition of the MONS. Alternatively, if another local access L03TY401 & L03POOOS Liberty Grove Contiguous Page9 route is provided, and development impacts are mitigated, then improvements at the intersection could be deferred. The alternative local access route would be at SE 136th St. between 156th Ave. SE and 160th Ave. SE provided that the 70 lot plat design for Evendell is approved and constructed. The Evendell improvements with the 70 lot design include a 'half-street' improvement opposite the frontage of the proposed plat of Liberty Grove (L03P0006). Completion of the balance of the improvements by this Applicant (Liberty Grove Contiguous) could provide a more attractive alternative route for project-generated trips that would otherwise enter the HAL at SE 128th St. identified by King County DOT. This alternative is also afforded under the MDNS. Typically, absent a direct connection to this roadway, improvements to Southeast 136th Street by the Applicant for the proposed plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous would not be required as a condition of plat approval or under a MDNS. However, by completing the improvements to Subcollector Street (Urban) standards, project-generated trips of the plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous would have an alternative westbound access (towards the City of Renton) along Southeast 128th Street at the signalized intersection of 156th Avenue SE. Additionally, project-generated trips would have the alternative access to SR-169 from plat-generated trips by use of SE 136th Street (in lieu of traveling northbound on 160th Ave. SE., making the left tum at the intersection of 128 1h Street -the HAL -and another left turn at the l 56'h Ave. SE signal). Mitigation is listed in Section D of this report. Under either scenario, road improvements would to assure a safe access route for resulting traffic from this plat. 3. Traffic Generation: It is expected that approximately 360 vehicle trips per day will be generated with full development of the proposed subdivision. This calculation includes service vehicles (i.e., mail delivery, garbage pick-up, school bus) which may currently serve this neighborhood, as well as work trips, shopping, etc. 4. Adequacy of Arterial Roads: This proposal has been reviewed under the criteria in King County Code 14.70, Transportation Concurrency Management; 14.80, Intersection Standards; and King County Code 14.75; Mitigation Payment System. a. King County Code 14.70-Transportation Concurrency Management: The Transportation Certificate of Concurrency indicates that transportation improvements or strategies will be in place at the time of development, or that a financial commitment is in place to complete the improvements or strategies within six (6) years, according to RCW 36.70A.070(6). b. King County Code 14.80 -Intersection Standards: The arterial system will accommodate the increased traffic volume generated by this proposal provided the conditions of the SEPA MDNS are implemented. See Section D of this report for conditions and Section I. 2. above for a discussion of the status of the intersect of SE 128'h St. and 160th Ave SE. c. King County Code 14.75 -Mitigation Payment System: J. L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 10 King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), requires the payment of a traffic impact mitigation fee (MPS fee) and an administration fee for each single family residential lot or unit created. MPS fees are determined by the zone in which the site is located. This site is in Zone 452 per the MPS/Quartersection list. MPS fees may be paid at the time of final plat recording, or deferred until building permits are issued. The amount of the fee will be determined by the applicable fee ordinance at the time the fee is collected. PUBLIC SERVICES: I. Schools: This proposal has been reviewed under RCW 58.17.110 and King County Code 21A.28 (School Adequacy). a. School Facilities: The subject subdivision will be served by the Issaquah School District (Briarwood, Maywood Middle, & Liberty High schools). b. School Capacity: The Issaquah School Board has adopted capacity figures which indicate their ability to accommodate additional students. The capacity figures for 2004 through 2008 show at minimum an excess capacity of779 per the 2002 Capital Facilities Plan for the District. The figures reveal the district has adequate capacity to accommodate the anticipated students generated by this proposal. c. School Impact Fees: The Issaquah School District has adopted a fee of$4,617 for each new single family residential unit. A total of 35 new dwellings would be added to the Issaquah District. d. School Access: The Issaquah District has provided information as to the location of existing bus stops. This information is reflected on the School Walkway Access Study submitted Sept. 3, 2003. The current bus stop for middle and high school students is located at the intersection of SE 130th Street with 162nd Ave SE. Bussing occurs at present due to lack of safe walkways to the schools. It is the District's position that with the influx of new students in the area as a result of new homes being built, these new development nearby should provide acceptable walking facilities to the local schools. The local schools serving this property are all within one mile of the plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous. The school district has submitted updated information indicating that the existing bus stop for Liberty High School and Maywood Middle School is at SE 130th Street and 162° Ave. SE. Currently the area is underdeveloped and has poor pedestrian connections; bus service for students within one mile of the schools has been provided by the district. The district views this bus service as temporary only and requests that with construction of new nearby housing developments, safe walking access to schools be provided. Per a request by DDES, the applicant of Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous provided information clarifying which streets that have been improved with pedestrian K. L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 11 walkways. A narrative indicated that a walkway system to Liberty High School as feasible. DDES staff has taken exception to this analysis and finds that a walkway is not feasible along SE 135th Street between I 601h Ave SE and I 66th Ave. SE. (then south on 1661 h Ave SE one block to the school). This location of a walkway would provide a high level of visibility of the students walking from nearby residences and students would only need to walk past one wooded parcel on the south side of SE 135th Street. Additionally, an alternative access to Liberty High School is planned in conjunction with the plat of"5 Lot Subdivision". Paved sidewalks and a paved pedestrian walkway are planned from the subdivision frontage on I 62"d Ave. SE east/southeast to the southwest comer of the Liberty High School where there is a gated school entry. This subdivision is also scheduled to construct safe access to the middle school, a four foot wide graveled path south from the southeast comer of the plat, south along 164th Ave. SE to SE l 42"d St. (if extended). The district has determined that the walking area between SE I 42"d St. and SE I 44th St. on 164th Ave SE is safe, as the street paving is approximately 30 feet wide with very little traffic. There are already safe walking conditions on SE 144th St. for school children to walk from 164th Ave SE east to the middle school. 2. Parks and Recreation Space: The nearest public park is located on the south west comer of 152nd Ave. SE and SE 136th St. The applicant has proposed on-site recreation areas Tract C on the north end of the plat. The details of improvements will be designed and submitted for approval prior to final plat. KCC 21 A.14 requires subdivisions in the UR and R zone classifications to either provide on-site recreation space or pay a fee to the Parks Division for establishment and maintenance of neighborhood parks. The required recreation area equals 14,400 sq. ft. Tract C will contain 23,058 sq. ft. Per KCC 2 IA. I 4.180 E, one tot lot and two additional playground/recreational facilities will be required. The applicant is proposing a half size sports court and a playfield. 3. Fire Protection: The Certificate of Water Availability from W. D. 90 indicates that water is presently available to the site in sufficient quantity to satisfy King County Fire Flow Standards. Prior to final recording of the plat, the water service facilities must be reviewed and approved per King County Fire Flow Standards. UTILITIES: I. Sewage Disposal: A Certificate of Sewer Availability, dated April 5, 2002 indicates the city's capability to serve the proposed development. A sewage pump station will be required to be constructed as this plat can not be served by gravity flow. Currently, the lift station planned L03TY40I & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 12 would be located off-site. The existing sewer line will be extended east along SE 136th Street to I62"d Ave. SE (2,600 linear feet) to provide connection to Renton's sewer system. 2. Water Supply: The applicant proposes to serve the subject subdivision with water from Water District 90. A Certificate of Water Availability, dated January 8, 2003, indicates this district's capability to serve the proposed development. L. COMPREHENSIVE AND COMMUNITY PLAN: 1. Comprehensive Plan 2000 Land Use Map: This proposal is governed by the 2000 King County Comprehensive Plan with Land Use Map that designates this area as "Urban Residential, 4-12 dwellings per acre". 2. The following policies and principles of the Comprehensive Plan are relevant to the proposed rezone and subdivision: a. Chapter 2-Urban Land Use, B. Residential Land Use, Section# 2 U-114 King County shall seek to achieve through future planning efforts over the next twenty years, an average zoning density of at least seven to eight homes per acre in the Urban Growth Area through a mix of densities and housing types. A lower density zone may be used to recognize existing subdivisions with little or no opportunity for infill or redevelopment. U-118 King County should apply minimum density requirements to all urban residential zones of four or more homes per acre, except under limited circumstances such as the: a. Presence of significant physical constraints, or b. Implementation of standards applied to a property through a property-specific development condition, special district overlay, or subarea plan. Conunent: The proposal would yield an overall density of 4.7 dwellings per acre. b. Chapter 2-Urban Land Use, B. Residential Land Use, Section# 3.-Increases of Zoning Density: While King County supports higher densities in the urban areas, increased densities that would be incompatible with existing neighborhoods or cause significant impacts on roads, services and the environment are discouraged. The following policies will guide decisions on application of densities and proposed rezones. U-120 King County shall not approve proposed zoning changes to increase density within the Urban Area unless: a. The development will be compatible with the character and scale of the surrounding neighborhood; L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 13 Comment: The area is in transition from an under utilized urban area to more of an urban area with a full range of urban services for the residents. There are other similar residential developments in the neighborhood currently under construction or in the planning stages (see Section G of this report). b. Urban public facilities and services are adequate, consistent with adopted levels of service and meet GMA concurrency requirements, including King County transportation concurrency standards; Comment: Urban services are available to the property and concurrency standards are met. c. The proposed density change will not increase unmitigated adverse impacts on environmentally sensitive areas, either on site or in the vicinity of the proposed development; Comment: The Class III Wetland on the site will be preserved under the Standards ofKCC 21A.24. Drainage will be mitigated through the implementation of the 1998 KC Drainage Manual. d. The proposed density increase will be consistent with or contribute to achieving the goals and policies of this Comprehensive Plan, and subarea plan, if applicable; and Comment: The proposed density is within the density range of 4-12 dwellings per acre as designated by the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Also see the Analysis Section of this report. e. The proposal is consistent with the adopted city comprehensive plan for the Potential Annexation Area where the rezone is located if the proposed density exceeds eight dwelling units per acre. If the city is not planning for urban densities and efficient land use patterns consistent with the Countywide Planning Policies, then this paragraph shall not apply. Comment: The proposal is consistent with the adopted City of Renton Comprehensive Plan in effect when this application was submitted. The density does not exceed eight dwellings per acre. U-121 King County, when evaluating rezone requests for increases in density, shall notify adjacent cities, special purpose districts and local providers of urban utility services and should work with these service providers on issues raised by the proposal. Comment: DDES notified the City of Renton and the city has responded to this request through a letter (Attachment 5). Road improvement standards to be used for build out this plat would seem the only issues of concern raised by the City. U-122 King County supports increases in urban residential density through a rezone or a proposal to increase density through the density transfer or density incentive programs when the proposal will help resolve traffic, sewer, water, parks or open space deficiencies in the immediate neighborhood. L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 14 Comment: Under the SEP A MDNS SE I 28th Street intersection improvements, or alternatively frontage improvements along the north side of SE 136th St. will be constructed between 158th Ave. SE and SE 160th Street. M. CRITERIA FOR ZONE RECLASSIFICATION APPROVAL: 1. KCC 21A.44.060 Zone reclassification. A zone reclassification shall be granted only if the applicant demonstrates that the proposal complies with the criteria for approval specified in KCC 20.24.180 and 20.24.190 and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and applicable community and functional plans. Comment: See Section L above for a discussion of applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies and the Analysis Section of this report below. 2. KCC 20.24.180 Examiner findings. When the examiner renders a decision or recommendation, he or she shall make and enter findings of fact and conclusions from the record which support the decision and the findings and conclusions shall set forth and demonstrate the manner in which the decision or recommendation is consistent with, carries out and helps implement applicable state laws and regulations and the regulations, policies, objectives and goals of the comprehensive plan, subarea or community plans, the zoning code, the land segregation code and other official laws, policies and objectives of King County, and that the recommendation or decision will not be unreasonably incompatible with or detrimental to affected properties and the general public. 3. KCC 20.24.190 Additional examiner findings -reclassifications and shoreline redesignations. When the examiner issues a recommendation regarding an application for a reclassification of property or for a shoreline environment redesignation, the recommendation shall include additional findings that support the conclusion that at least one of the following circumstances applies: A. The property is potentially zoned for the reclassification being requested and conditions have been met that indicate the reclassification is appropriate; B. An adopted subarea plan or area zoning specifies that the property shall be subsequently considered through an individual reclassification application; C. Where a subarea plan has been adopted but subsequent area zoning has not been adopted, that the proposed reclassification or shoreline redesignation is consistent with the adopted subarea plan; or D. The applicant has demonstrated with substantial evidence that: 1. Since the last previous area zoning or shoreline environment designation of the subject property, authorized public improvements, permitted private development or other conditions or circumstances affecting the subject property have undergone substantial and material change not anticipated or contemplated in the subarea plan or area zoning; 2. The impacts from the changed conditions or circumstances affect the subject property in a manner and to a degree different than other properties in the vicinity such that area rezoning or redesignation is not appropriate; For the purposes of this subsection, "changed conditions or circumstances" does not include actions taken by the current or former L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 15 property owners to facilitate a more intense development of the property including but not limited to changing tax limitations, adjusting property lines, extending services, or changing property ownership; 3. For proposals to increase rural residential density, that the proposal meets the criteria in Comprehensive Plan policies R-205 through R-209; 4. For proposals to increase urban residential density, that the proposal meets the criteria in Comprehensive Plan policies U-118 through U-123; and 5. The requested reclassification or redesignation is in the public interest. (Ord. 14047 § 12,2001: Ord.4461 § 10, 1979). Comment: KCC 21A.24.190 (A), (B), and (C) do not apply to the subject rezone application. The relevant criterion under the additional Examiner Finding is KCC 20.24.190 (D). Prior to the adoption of the 1995 KC Comprehensive Plan and Area Zoning, the property was zoned SR-15,000 which was an urban zone designation that allowed development of property into lots 15,000 square feet in size and allowed/assumed on site septic/drainfields would be provided for the disposal of sewage for new development. With adoption of the 1994 Comprehensive Plan, and 1995 Area Zoning conversion process, the property was rezoned from SR-15000 to R-4. This R-4 zone continued to permit urban residential development on septic/drainfield systems in the Service Planning Area provided that dry sewers would be installed & a future service agreement were signed. Now under the 2000 Comprehensive Plan and Ord.# 14049, both effective as of March 12, 2001, all new residential development in the urban area must be served by sewer. Providing sewer to this and other properties in the immediate area will require a sewage pump station to facilitate new residential development at either R-4 or R-6 zoning density. As currently planned, and recognized under preliminary plat approval, a pump station will be constructed on the plat ofEvendell to the west. This pump station would serve this plat and other properties nearby. If the plat ofEvendell is not constructed, the applicant would be required to construct a pump station and obtain the City of Renton' s approval for the alternative location. As of the writing of this report, a court decision has not yet been made regarding the reclassification request ofEvendell which if approved would allow 70 lots under a R-6 designation. N. PLAT STATUTES/CODES: I. 2. If approved with the recommended conditions in this report, the proposed development will comply with the requirements of the County and State Platting Codes and Statutes, and the lots in the proposed subdivision will comply with the minimum dimensional requirements of the zone district. King County Road Standards Section 1.03 -Responsibility to Provide Roadway Improvements: A. Any land development which will impact the service level, safety, or operational efficiency of serving roads or is required by other County code or ordinance to improve such roads shall improve those roads in accordance with these Standards. The extent of 3. ' L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 16 off-site improvements to serving roads shall be based on an assessment of the impacts of the proposed land development by the Reviewing Agency ... RCW 58.17.110 Approval or disapproval of subdivision and dedication-Factors to be considered-Conditions for approval-Finding-Release from damages. (1) The city, town, or county legislative body shall inquire into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of the subdivision and dedication. It shall determine: a) If appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health, safety and general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and schoolgrounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school; and (b) whether the public interest will be served by the subdivision and dedication. (2) A proposed subdivision and dedication shall not be approved unless the city, town, or county legislative body makes written findings that: (a) Appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and schoolgrounds and all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school; and (b) the public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedication. If it finds that the proposed subdivision and dedication make such appropriate provisions and that the public use and interest will be served, then the legislative body shall approve the proposed subdivision and dedication ... 4. KCC 20.24.180 Examiner findings. See Section M2. above for citation. 5. KCC20.24.195 Additional examiner findings -preliminary plats. When the examiner makes a decision regarding an application for a proposed preliminary plat, the decision shall include additional findings as to whether: A. Appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds and all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school; and B. The public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedication. (Ord. 12196 § 38, 1996: Ord. 9544 § 16, 1990). 6. 21A.12.030 Densities and dimensions -residential zones. A. Densities and dimensions -residential zones. Base Density: 4 dwelling units per acre Maximum Density: 6 dwelling units per acre Minimum Density: 85% of base density B. Development conditions. L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 17 I. This maximum density may be achieved only through the application of residential density incentives in accordance with ... transfers of development rights in accordance with K.C.C. chapter 21A.37 .. . 7. 21A.37.030 Transfer of development rights (TDR) program -receiving sites. A. Receiving sites shall be: I. King County unincorporated urban sites, ... zoned R-4 .... The sites may also be within potential annexation areas established under the countywide planning policies; or ... B. Except as provided in this chapter development of an unincorporated King County receiving site shall remain subject to all zoning code provisions for the base zone, except TDR receiving site developments shall comply with dimensional standards of the zone with a base density most closely comparable to the total approved density of the TDR receiving site development. C. An unincorporated King County receiving site may accept development rights from one or more sending sites, up to the maximum density permitted under K.C.C. 21A.12.030 and 21A.12.040. 0. ANALYSIS I CONCLUSIONS: 1. Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW 43.21C, the responsible official of the Land Use Services Division (LUSD) issued a threshold determination - mitigated determination of non-significance (MDNS) for the proposed rezone and plat on December 16, 2003. This determination was based on the review of the environmental checklist and other pertinent documents, resulting in the conclusion that with implementation of mitigation, the proposal would not cause probable significant adverse impacts on the environment. 2. DDES recognizes that circumstances affecting the subject property have undergone substantial and material change since the last previous area zoning which was not anticipated or contemplated by that area zoning in that Title 13 now requires all urban subdivisions to connect to sewer. Previously, a plat could be approved on septic if dry sewer lines were installed. 3. Although required by KCC 20.24.190, the applicant has not demonstrated with substantial evidence any impacts from changed conditions or circumstances since the last previous area zoning that affect the subject property in a manner and to a degree different than other properties in the vicinity. 4. Comprehensive Plan Policy U-122 supports increases in urban residential density when the proposal will help resolve traffic, sewer, water, parks or open space deficiencies in the immediate neighborhood. In the instant situation, the plat application will provide basic P. L03TY401 &L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 18 neighborhood infrastructure benefits in the form ofroad improvements on Southeast 136th Street and 160th Avenue Southeast and other improvements which would commonly be required as part of preliminary approval for a plat. There has not been an offer by the applicant to provide neighborhood improvements beyond that which would normally be expected with preliminary plat approval under the R-4 designation and SEP A. It is noted that KCC 21A.37 -transfer of density does not require an applicant of a plat to "benefit a neighborhood" beyond the basic needs for implementation and approval of the plat. 5. Potential adverse impacts to environmentally sensitive areas on site and environmental constraints in the vicinity will be adequately mitigated through the King County Code. 6. King County has notified the City of Renton and other local agencies of the request. The City concurs that the density proposed is consistent with the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan for this Potential Annexation Area adopted with time this plat was vested. The density does not exceed six dwellings per acre. The City did express concern with road improvement standards to be used. At this time an interlocal agreement has not been signed between the two jurisdictions by which King County would alternatively recognize City of Renton standards for street improvements. 7. The subject subdivision with density credit transfer will comply with the goals and objectives of the King County Comprehensive Plan and will comply with the requirements of the Subdivision and Zoning Codes and other official land use controls of King County, based on the recommendation below conditions for final plat approval. RECOMMENDATIONS: L03TY 40 I -Deny reclassification from R-4 to R-6. L03POOOS -Grant preliminary approval of the September 3, 2003 preliminary plat Liberty Grove Contiguous with transfer of density credits, subject to the following conditions of final approval: 1. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19 of the King County Code. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. 3. a. The plat shall comply with the maximum density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-4 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-4 zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger, except that minor revisions to the plat L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. Page 19 b. The Applicant shall provide Transfer of Density Credit documentation to DOES prior to final approval to allow transfer of a maximum of four density credits. c. Fence encroachment shall be resolved to the satisfaction of King County ODES LUSD or the encroachment area shall be conveyed to the adjoining property prior to the recording of the final plat. The applicant shall document the impact on lot density by the exclusion of any encroachment area. 4. The applicant must obtain final approval from the King County Health Department for abandonment of existing septic systems on-site and homes off-site. 5. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (1993 KCRS). 6. The applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. 7. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location of lots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval which represent portions of the drainage requirements. All other applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) must also be satisfied during engineering and final review. a. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and applicable updates adopted by King County. DDES approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. b. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by DDES Engineering Review, shall be shown on the engineering plans. c. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings # on file with DDES and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file." L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page20 d. The stormwater detention design shall comply with the Level 2 Flow Control requirements per the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). e. The storm water control facility shall be located in a separate tract and dedicated to King County unless portions of the drainage tract are used for required recreation space in accordance with KCC 2 IA.14.180. 8. A drainage adjustment (L03V0065) is approved for this site and for the Liberty Grove site L03P0006. The adjustment allows combining the storm water from both subdivisions on the Liberty Grove Continuous site; and routing post developed flows to 160th Ave SE. A flow splitter is proposed to maintain existing flows to the south. All conditions of approval for this adjustment shall be met prior to engineering plan approval. A Conceptual Drainage Plan showing the preliminary configuration was received March 11, 2003. 9. The stormwater detention facility shall be designed to the Level 3 flow control standard in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM); The facility shall also be designed to meet the basic water quality menu. 10. The downstream drainage system along the east side of 160th Ave SE from the south plat boundary to approximately 50 feet south of the culvert 29(House # 14028); shall be improved to achieve adequate drainage capacity per the 1998 KCSWDM. Culvert 29 is approximately 900 feet south of the southwest corner of this site and is shown in the Level 1 Offsite Analysis received September 3, 2003. Plans and supporting capacity analysis for this improvement shall be submitted with the engineering plans. 11. The 100-year floodplain for any on-site wetlands or streams shall be shown on the engineering plans and the final plat per Special Requirement #2 of the KCSWDM. 12. The following road improvements are required to be constructed according to the 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS): a. SE 137th St(the internal access street) shall be improved to the urban subaccess street standard. b. 162"d Pl SE shall be improved to the urban subaccess street standard from SE 13 7th St to SE 136th ST; and improved to the minor access street standard south of SE 137'h St. c. 160th Ave SE from the south plat boundary to SE 136th ST shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard( east side only). d. SE 136th ST from 160th Ave SE to 162nd Ave SE shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard (south side only). L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 21 e. Tracts D and E shall each be improved as a joint use driveway per Section 3.01 of the KCRS. The tracts shall be owned and maintained by the owners of those Lots being served. f. A R/W radius shall be dedicated at the southwest quadrant of 1621h Ave SE and SE 1361h St. (northeast comer of Lot 9). g. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section 1.08 of the KCRS. 13. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final plat recording. 14. The applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance. The applicant has the option to either: (1) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. 15. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the Sensitive Areas Code as outlined in KCC 2 IA.24. Preliminary plat review has identified the following specific requirements that apply to this project. All other applicable requirements from KCC 21A.24 shall also be addressed by the applicant. a. The Class 3 wetland shall have a minimum 25-foot buffer of undisturbed vegetation as measured from the wetland edge. b. Buffer width averaging may be allowed by King County if it will provide additional protection to the wetland or enhance there functions, as long as the total area contained in the buffer on the development proposal site does not decrease. In no area shall the buffer be less than 65 percent of the required minimum distance. To ensure such functions are enhanced a mitigation plan will be required for the remaining on-site sensitive areas. An enhancement plan shall be submitted for review during final engineering review. c. Sensitive area Tract(s) shall be used to delineate and protect sensitive areas and buffers in development proposals for subdivisions and shall be recorded on all documents of title ofrecord for all affected lots. 7-1 L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 22 d. A 15-foot BSBL shall be established from the edge of buffer and/or the sensitive areas Tract(s) and shown on all affected lots. e. A mitigation plan and financial guarantee/bond will be required for any proposed impacts of sensitive areas. The bond amount will include all components of the mitigation plan including, but not limited to, plantings, grading, fencing, signs, inspections, and monitoring for five years. f. Prior to commencing construction activities on the site, the applicant shall temporarily mark sensitive areas Tract(s) in a highly visible manner, and these areas must remain so marked until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive areas are completed. g. Prior to final approval of construction activities on the site, the boundary between the sensitive area Tract(s) and adjacent land shall be identified using permanent signs. Sign specifications shall be shown on final engineering plans and shall be installed every 50 feet or as deemed appropriate by county staff at the time of engineering review. h. During engineering plat review the applicant shall provide a wetland hydrology analysis to demonstrate how the wetland hydrology will be maintained post- construction. 1. Detention out-fall structures maybe permitted within the wetland buffers, however, structures shall be located in the outer edge of the buffer, if possible. All buffer impacts shall be mitigated. J. Development authorized by this approval may require other state and/or federal permits or approvals. It is the applicant's responsibility to correspond with these agencies prior to beginning work on the site. k. During engineering review, the plan set shall be routed to the sensitive areas group to determine if the above conditions have been met. 16. The following note shall be shown on the final engineering plan and recorded plat: RESTRICTIONS FOR SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS AND BUFFERS Dedication of a sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 23 of the land subject to the tract/sensitive area and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without approval in writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor agency, unless otherwise provided by law. The common boundary between the tract/sensitive area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. No building foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback line, unless otherwise provided by law. 17. Suitable recreation space shall be provided consistent with the requirements KCC 21A.14.180 and KCC 21A.14.!90 in providing sport court[s], children's play equipment, picnic table[s], benches, etc. a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., landscape specs, equipment specs, etc.) shall be submitted for review and approval by DDES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the engineering plans. This plan shall comply with Ordinance# 14045. b. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. 18. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established to the satisfaction of DD ES which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation, open space and/or sensitive area tract(s). 19. Street trees shall be included in the design of all road improvements, and shall comply with Section 5.03 of the KCRS and KCC 21A.16.050: a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. L03TY401 & L03P0065 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 24 c. If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by DDES if located within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. f. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by DDES prior to engineering plan approval. g. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after DDES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. The inspection fee is subject to change based on current County fees. 20. The following have been established by SEPA as necessary requirements to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of this development. The applicants shall demonstrate compliance with these items prior to final approval. Individually, or joint with other area developers, the Applicant shall design and construct improvements to Southeast 128th Street at 160th Ave. SE to mitigate project impacts at the High Accident Location. Or, the Applicant shall reduce the project impacts at the High Accident Location by completing the remainder of the improvements to Southeast 136th Street (i.e. additional paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks), between 158th Avenue SE and 160th Avenue SE, and, revise the channelization at the intersection of 156th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street to provide a southbound left tum lane. • School Mitigation Fees L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 25 21. Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 2 lA.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent (50%) of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and collected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building permit issuance. School Walkways 22. The applicant shall construct an off-site walkway to Liberty High school from the site. The walkway shall be constructed within the right-of-way from 160th Ave SE, east along SE 135th St. to 166th Ave SE, and south to Liberty High School at SE 136th St. The walkway shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the 1993 King County Road Standards and shown on the engineering plans for DDES review and approval. Alternatively, if access improvements are made from and through the plat of"5 Lot Subdivision"/LOOP0023 to the southwest gate of Liberty High School, the applicant may choose to instead complete school walkway improvements on l 62"d Ave. SE to the sidewalk improvements "5 Lot Subdivision". Any surfacing alternative from the King County Road Standards (KCRS 3.09) may be submitted for approval through a road variance application. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: I. The subdivision shall conform to KCC 16.82 relating to grading on private property. 2. Development of the subject property may require registration with the Washington State Department of Licensing, Real Estate Division. 3. Preliminary approval of this application does not limit the applicant's responsibility to obtain any required permit or license from the State or other regulatory body. This may include, but is not limited to the following: a. Forest Practice Permit from the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources. b. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit from WSDOE. c. Water Quality Modification Permit from WSDOE. d. Water Quality Certification (401) Permit from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers REPORT ATTACHMENTS: I. 36 Lot Plat Layout 2. Density Calculations for development with density credits 3. Issaquah School District 4. Certificate of Water Availability, January 8, 2003 5. City of Renton letters, including Sewer Certificate 6. Transportation Concurrency TRANSMITTED TO PARTIES LISTED HEREAFTER: BORBA,GREG CURRENT PLANNING SUPERVISOR DDES / LUSD MS: OAK -DE-0100 BOWEN, WILLIAM J. BOWEN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 13644 160TH A VE SE RENTON, WA 98055 BOWEN, WILMA J. 13644 160TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 BRENDEN, MARSHALL 18225 SE 128TH RENTON, WA 98059-8732 CLAUSSEN, KIM SR. PLANNER DDES / LUSD MS: OAK -DE-0100 DMPJNC. MEL DALEY 726 AUBURN WAY NORTH AUBURN, WA 98002 GILLEN, NICK WETLAND REVIEW DDES / LUSD MS: OAK -DE-0100 GRAVES, KATHY 13020 160TH A VE SE RENTON, WA 98059 HERRIN, BRAD & JULIE 16202 SE 137TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 HIGH, GWENDOLYN 13405 158TH A VE SE RENTON, WA 98059 HIGH, MS. GWENDOLYN PO BOX 2936 RENTON, WA 98056 LAKERIDGE DEVELOPMENT INC WAYNE JONES PO BOX 146 RENTON, WA98057 LANGLEY, KRIS LAND USE TRAFFIC REVIEW DDES /LUSD MS: OAK-DE-0100 LEE, MILTON & HELEN PO BOX 2574 RENTON, WA 98056 LIND, REBECCA CITY OF RENTON EDNSP DEPT. 1055 S. GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98055 NASS,LEROY 15713 SE 128TH ST. RENTON, WA 98059 NELSON, KATHY L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page 26 ISSAQUAH SCHOOL DISTRICT, TRANSPORTATION DEPT. 805 2ND A VE S. ISSAQUAH, WA 98027 OORD, LARRY & SUSAN 16013 SE 136TH ST. RENTON, WA 98059 PLATT, DA YID & GEORGIA 510 E. PANORAMIC DRIVE CAMANO ISLAND, WA 98282 PLATZ,GUY J3535160THAVESE RENTON, WA 98059 RESIDENT 13020 160TH A VE SE RENTON WA 98059 ROGERS, CAROL CURRENT PLANNING SECTION DDES I LUSD MS: OAK -DE-0100 ROMANO, MICHAEL J. CENTURION DEVELOPMENT SVCS 22617 8TH DR. SE BOTHELL, WA 98021 SCHARER, KAREN PROJECT PLANNER DDES/LUSD MS: OAK -DE-0100 SEATTLE KC HEALTH DEPT. ?1... • • E. DIST. ENVIRON. HEALTH 14350 SE EASTGA TE WAY BELLEVUE, WA 98007 STEWART, DEBORAH J. 16207 SE 136TH ST. RENTON, WA 98059 THATCHER, JESSE 13817 162ND A VE SE RENTON, WA 98059 TOWNSEND, STEVE LAND USE INSPECTIONS DDES/LUSD MS: OAK-DE-0100 TULL,MIKE 16056 SE 136TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 WEST,LARRY DDES /LUSD GEO REVIEW MS: OAK -DE-0100 WHITTAKER, BRUCE PRELIMINARY REVIEW ENGINEER DDES I LUSD MS: OAK -DE-0100 WILMOT, BOB & LYNN 13900160THAVESE RENTON, WA98059 WYMAN, KEVIN M. 16540 SE 149TH ST. RENTON, WA 98059 ZIMMERMAN, GREGG CITY OF RENTON PLANNING 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98055 OLIPHANT, ANITA & RICHARD 16519 SE 145HTH ST. RENTON, WA 98059 JUNE, EDWARD & KRIS HILL 13527 156m A VE SE RENTON, WA 98059 KEZELE, DON & DIANE 15657 SE 137rn PL. RENTON, WA 98059 BUCKETT, MRS. CAROLYN ANN 16524SE 145rnST. RENTON, WA98059 L03TY401 & L03P0005 Liberty Grove Contiguous Page27 SEE DRAWINGS)