HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-08-126 - Report 4SEE DRAWINGS) ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 DATE: en..· 2 +. U)o TO: Addressing Services Administrative Services Division FM: Engineering Review Section Land Use Services Division Request to Record Plat RE: Plat No.\,J)oPo::Dw Final No.\, tiJ-KC)~ PlatName: L, 6t::-\Clj ~~E Attached are two sets of prints for the above referenced plat. We are almost ready to forward this plat for recording. Does your division have any corrections? YES If answer is yes, please make corrections on print. DATE: I ; TO: ~-'lt,~1\~~ Engineering Review Section Land Use Services Division ---~---,L--'r-.,,,---_-________ Addressing Services Ad -~r. s . D" .. mm1s ::,e erv1ces IVISIOn FM: Attached are the above final plat prints with the necessary corrections shown in red. To comply with the Washington State Senate Bill 5799, please add to the above plat prior to recording. "The house address system for this plat shall be as follows: Addresses shall be assigned for the north-south roads with the range of / J 5 CJ J to I 3 5 5 5 and within the range of I 5 Joo to I 5311 for the east-west roads. Individual addresses will be assigned to the principal entrance of each residence or building in accordance with King County Code 16.08." SEE DRAWINGS) FORMAL PLAT RECORDING FEES PERMARYTRUJILLO, OCTOBER4TH, 1997 ($1 PERLOT+$1 PER TRACT)IDIVIDEDBY2 +$1 PER ACKNOWLEDGMENT +$1 PER ADDITIONAL OWNERS (ONE OWNER INCLUDED, i.e. HUSBAND & WIFE) +$1 PER LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~URCHARGE 4' i-1'1-z<>o"'- $TOTAL ~13:,,---f? .-Z,ooe, $~ MINIMUM RECORDING FEE, 40 LOTS OR LESS ~' ,..., e? -I!}-:,-( I '8' > r -11-2a0 'L ( J1 t-1-, J /> 1fJOG, c!J - Page 1 of I VanPatten, Steve From: Scharer, Karen Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 11 :21 AM To: Hans Korve Cc: VanPatten, Steve Subject: Liberty Grove TOR Correction Met w/Joe & he approved the addition of 1 TOR to bring the total units to 24 allowed under the plat. Steve was at the meeting too & will be finishing his work on this file. Karen J, Scharer Program/Project Manager II Current Planning Section Land Use Services Division Department Of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055 206-296-7114 FAX 206-296-7051 karen.scharer@metrokc.gov 01/29/2007 Date: January 25, 2007 To: Joe Miles, Manager LUSD From: Karen Scharer, PPM 11, LUSD Cc: Steve VanPatten, Engineer, LUSD RE: TRD's for Liberty Grove -Reference Files L03P006 & L06FR052 Request- Allow increase TRD credits from 5 to 6 total to support 24 lots as originally requested and approved for the preliminary plat of Liberty Grove. ReasonforRequest- Originally the site area was incorrectly listed in the Density Calculation Worksheet as 4.84 acres. To achieve a lot total of 24, it had been determined through density calculations that 5 density credits would be needed. Now at the engineering stage, it has been determined that the actual site area is 4.48 acres. Recalculation of density based on this corrected site area requires 6 TDR's, one more than discussed in the plat hearing process. Justification - The 4.84 acre site area stated in the original Density and Dimension worksheet was based on Assessor records. The correct project size, as determined by the site survey is 4.48 acres. Unfortunately, the worksheet was never updated to reflect the corrected numbers. It is thought that the numbers for site area (4.84 and 4.48) were transposed by the assessor and relied upon by the applicant. This transposition would result in the loss of one lot. Had this information been available during the preliminary process, the applicant would have made the proper adjustments at that time. All documentation and public notices indicated a total unit/lot count of 24. No additional lots are being proposed and the maximum allowed units under the current zoning is 27 (revised down from the original calculation of 29 due to the new calculations). Also see applicant's letter of January 19, 2007 seeking your approval. Staff Recommendation - Allow the use of one additional TOR to reach the number of lots allowed by code under maximum provisions and total approved by the hearing examiner (24 lots). Had this information been available prior to DDES's final recommendation, staff would have supported the use of the one added TOR. Total number of lots will remain the same in the plat. ® Dept. of Development and Environmenta1 Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 DA TE: --"'S,,e:upt,,e""mcsbecer'----'--'15'-'-, _,,_2,,_00,,_,6,___ TO: Financial Guarantee Management Unit RE: Project Name:._,aLc,,ib,,e""rtvu.cG=roe.:v'-'e'------------Project No.: L03POOOS Inspection Activity No. :_..JL"'O""S'-"S,.I..,12"'7'----- After a review of the Bond Quantity Worksheet (BQW) and an inspection of the project, the Land Use Inspection Section authorizes the reduction of the folJowing Performance Financial Guarantee: Financial Guarantee Activity Number: ________ _ 1. Original TOTAL performance amount (Line Ton BQW): $ 1,336.585 2. Total of Improvements NOT completed (Line T -Line Eon BQW): $,_e;26"'1,.,_,_l,.,16,.__ _____ _ 3. 30% of Line 1 above (Line Ton BQW): $ _-'.4,,_.00"-'-9"---7'-"S'------- 4. REQUIRED Guarantee Amount (Higher of Line 2 or 3) $ _4=0=0=9-'-'75e.._ __ _ Comments: ____________________________________ _ ~ -lf//1.>-(dc; Inspector1s signature and date NOTE: Only one reduction inspection is authorized. The financial guarantee will not be reduced below 30% of the original amount. Original: FGMU Copy I. lnspectorr Copy 2: BP Engineer Copy 3: Platting Engineer (if not recorded) S/FORMS/CURRENTFORMS/.FG Rcduction.doc/05/21 i03 .1 I, SAM REED, Secretary of State of the State of Washington and custodian of its seal, hereby issue this CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION to LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION a/an WA Non-Profit Corporation. Charter documents are effective on the date indicated below. Date: 9/6/2006 UBI Number: 602-648-340 APPID: 656241 Given under my hand and the Seal of the State or \Vashington at Olympia, the State Capital . I ----=-===·======== :==,==========·wl'f I VanPatten, Steve From: Sent: To: Subject: Thompson, Mark Wednesday, January 17, 2007 10:37 AM VanPatten, Steve Lake Ridge Development Steve got a phone call from Wayne Jones, Lk Ridge Development regarding some hydrant installs that were tested and approved on 9-11-06 Permit No. B05F0518 They are in and inspected/tested and signed off on 9-11-06, by me. He says the Permit has not been signed off, but it is. Thanks Mark Thompson, Deputy Fire Marshal 6-6757 1 VanPatten, Steve From: Sent: To: Subject: Good Day All - Hans Korve [hans@dmp-inc.us] Tuesday, November 21, 2006 3:28 PM wmwaynejonesjr@netscape.net; Claussen, Kimberly; VanPatten, Steve RE: Liberty Grove L03P0006 I have already spoken to Karen about this typo. The original plat was approved for the correct number of lots. There was simply a transposed number on the original density worksheet. The Staff report refers to the purchase of 5 Tic's and the correct number is 6 Tic's. The Applicants proposal is well below the maximum allowed density of the site. The intent of the Staff report and the Examiners findings was to describe that 5 TDC's were being used to achieve the requested 24 units, not to set a limit on the number of Tic's used. Karen and I agree that the Applicant only needs to purchase an additional TDC, for a total of 6, to correct the typo and bring the plat back up to the approved number or lots. This assumption needs to be confirmed. Thanks for your time. Hans Korve -----Original Message----- From: wmwaynejonesjr@netscape.net [mailto:wmwaynejonesjr@netscape.net] Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 12:14 PM To: kimberly.claussen@metrokc.gov; VanPatten, Steve; hans@drnp-inc.us Subject: Liberty Grove L03P0006 Kim We have a problem with Liberty Grove. When we did Liberty Grove (L03P0006) 24 lots and Liberty Contiguous (L03P0005) 36 lots, we used density credits. Liberty Contiguous was approved with 36 lots using 5 density credits and the Hearing examiner allowed us an additional credit depending on the outcome of a property line dispute. However on Liberty Grove he limited us to 5 density credits and there is a big enough discrepancy between the assessors parcel size and the surveyed boundary that we will need to purchase an extra density credit to achieve the 24 lots the plat was approved for. The plat is all but complete with paving, sidewalks, etc. installed. Steve Van Patten raised this issue during final plat review. What are our options. Thanks Wayne Jones 1 Page I of I VanPatten, Steve From: David Christensen [Dchristen@ci.renton.wa.us] Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 8:56 AM To: VanPatten, Steve Cc: wmwaynejonesjr@netscape.net Subject: Plat of Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous Steve, This e-mail shall serve as notice that the sanitary sewer system installed as part of the Liberty Grove Plat and Liberty Grove Contiguous Plat has been accepted by the City of Renton and is ready for connection by the new lots within these plats. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at 425.430. 7212 or by e-mail at d..Qhristen@ci. rentQD.wa. us David M. Christensen Wastewater Utility Supervisor 01/03/2007 SEE DRAWINGS) May 10 07 09:23a DMP, Inc. 253-333-2206 '1'01 Daley, Narrow, Poblete, Inc. 726 Aul:,UDl Way llort:h Jwlll•rn, llaahillgtOG .H002 Atbu Sean .. f.jl Job •o. Ol.-4.70 SUPPiel¥1Pr.rAL RBPORT 13 TO TBB SIIORT PLAT CDTil'ICATB PIIN'J: Order R'umber: 623422 • A l'U.11 Upcl&ta of the seorr PLB.'l' Cll.'l':tP.ICATI: fram JaD,azy 9, 2007 ~ May t, 2007 at a,oo a.a. baa cliacloaad tba follDWing1 • 'lbe foll.owiJls paragrapb. haa l:Jeen --dloedld to read aa fcllowa, 10. Gl!IIBPP.L AIU) SPBCIAL TADS ARP C11AROBS, Pil!ST H11LP DKLXl!IQUlml' MAY 1, 1:1' tr!IIPAJ:D I SBCXnll) HALF ])Bl,IliQUlDIT 1110VBN118R. 1, D!' 'UIIIPJUD, mu, ftZ AiCCOUlft -· LBVY CODE: 2001 3H45G-0141-0D 6870 C02RJIIIT ASSBSSBD VALUB: Land: $! 15, D DO • 0 0 Imj;>rovelUlllte, $402,0DO.OD AJIIOUlll'l' BILLBD l"IQll!l;IAJ, 'l'lllXBS: $10,,22.21 SPEIC!llU, DISTRICT: $100.43 $10.57 $1.95 $,. jl!l 'IIOftl. IIILLlllh $11, 045 • 21 n:EJ> t ,s, 522 • 51 'JO!'.IIL Dlllh $5, 522. CD • rbere has b-no change iD the title to tha property covezecl by this order aince J~ 9, 2007, &&CBH t:JMa -ttera noted bere!Dabave. Datect •• of May 10, 2001 at e,oo a.m. Br• 11!.ke ldaar"-7 til:1e ~f.lOC' »21.one ...,er, 20&-343-1J27 p.2 TO: Daley, Morrow, Poblete, Inc. 726 Auburn Way North Auburn, Washington 98002 Attn: Sean Ref.# Job No. 01-470 ~ PACJFIC NoRTH\VEST TITLE Compo.,!)'.,[ w,..hi"l!'on. Inc 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104 0~(£S{Zl---, SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT #2 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE The following matters affect the property covered by this order: • A Full Update of the Short Plat Certificate from June 20, 2006 through January 9, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. has disclosed the following: • Paragraph 6 of the commitment is/are out, 2006 taxes are paid in full. • The following have been added as paragraphs 9 and 10: 9. DECLARATION OF COVENANT AND ANNEXATION AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BY: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Lakeridge Development and the City of Renton, a municipal corporation ~ ~:~~~~O~Os;~OG~ 10. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES NOT YET DUE AND PAYABLE: YEAR: AMOUNT: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2007 NOT YET AVAILABLE 366450-0141-00 • There has been no change in the title to the property covered by this order since June 20, 2006, EXCEPT the matters noted hereinabove. Dated as of January 18, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. cg PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY By: Mike Sharkey Title Officer Phone Number: 206-343-1327 ro, Daley, Morrow, Poblete, Inc. 726 Auburn Way North Auburn, Washington 98002 Attn, Sean Ref.# Job No. 01-470 21 S Columbia Stnoet Seattle, Washington 98104 SUPPLEMENTAL RBPORT I 1 TO SHORT PLAT CBRTIFICATB PHNT Order Number: 623422 • A Pull Update of the Short Plat Certificate from May 16, 2006 through JUne 20, 2006 at 8:00 a.m. has disclosed the following: NONE • There has been no change in the title to the property covered by this order since Kay 16, 2006, BXCBP'l' the matters noted herein.above. Dated as.of June 23, 2006 at 8:00 a.m. PACIFIC NOR'l'IINBST TITLB COJIPAlff By, !like Sbarll:ey Titl.e Officer Pho,.. Jllmber; 2045-3"3-1327 PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104-1511 ';&)-,-_ Senior Title Officer, Mike Sharkey (mikesharkey@pnwt.c Title Officer, Curtis Goodman (curtisgoodman@pnwt.com) Assistant Title Officer, Charlie Bell (charliebell@pnwt.com) Unit No. 12 FAX No. (206) 343-1330 Telephone Number (206)343-1327 Daley, Morrow, Poblete, Inc. 726 Auburn Way North Auburn, Washington 98002 Attention: Sean Your Ref., DMP Job No. 01-470 Title Order No. 623422 CERTIFICATE FOR FILING PROPOSED PLAT SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A GENTLEMEN, In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that according to said records the title to the following described land: As on Schedule A, page 2, attached. IS VESTED IN, LAKERIDGE DEVELOPMENT 1, LLC, a Washington limited liability company SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS, As on Schedule B, attached hereto. CHARGE, TAX, $250.00 $ 22.00 TOTAL CHARGE, $272.00 RECORDS EXAMINED TO, May 16, 2006 at 8,00 a.m. NORTHWEST ;)NC. Mike Sharkey Senior Title Officer Unit No. 12 PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A Page 2 The land referred to in this certificate is situated in the State of Washington, and described as follows: All of Lot 7, Block l, and that portion of Lot 6, Block 1, lying southerly of a line beginning on the east line of the said Lot 6, at a point 12.3 feet north of the southeast corner thereof; and running westerly to a point on the west line of said Lot 6 at a point 4.8 feet north of the southwest corner thereof and the terminus of said line as said line was established by Judgment entered January 29, 1969 in King County Superior Court Case No. 6911199, all in Janett's Renton Boulevard Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 60, in King County, Washington. END OF SCHEDULE A GENERAL EXCEPTIONS, PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule B Order No. 623422 1. Rights of claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Public or private easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the premises. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, or Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. 5. Any title or rights asserted by anyone including but not limited to persons, corporations, governments or other entities, to tide lands, or lands comprising the shores or bottoms of navigable rivers, lakes, bays, ocean or sound, or lands beyond the line of the harbor lines as established or changed by the United States Government. 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; {b} reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, capacity, or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. General taxes not now payable or matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. 9. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes. PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 2 Order No. 623422 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: ¥ 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, jl..f:C.I IJ QU('5 H €-J<T!A.IGUf'iH o/1 fCJfT :I< 2. 3. /3)( T,/ll)r; v I', fl o « fU.. T * 4. (;,K1!AJGU(f1...f Of</ le.AT oK 5. 5JCJ!'=CT ,o BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Ross E. and Glenda E. Johnson A reserve drain area Northeasterly portion premises May 17, 1985 8505170859 RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT, AS HERETO ATTACHED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: NOTICE OF ON SITE SEWAGE THEREOF: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: January 15, 1981 8101150638 INSTRUMENT, AS HERETO November 9, 1993 9311090539 ATTACHED: (y') SYSTEM AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS June 11, 2001 (JJ") 20010611000030 TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: June 23, 2004 20040623001597 (continued) PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 2 Order No. 623422 6. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID: YEAR: 2006 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: 366450-0141-00 6870 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $486,000.00 Improvements: $382,000.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $10,656.63 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $91.43 $10.57 $1.95 $10.00 TOTAL BILLED: $10,770.58 PAID: $5,385.29 TOTAL DUE: $5,385.29 7. DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT AND FIXTURE FILING AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Lakeridge Development, Inc., a Washington corporation PRLAP, Inc., a Washington corporation Bank of America, N.A., a national banking association $2,208,937.00 July 6, 2004 July 19, 2004 20040719003007 The amount now secured by said Deed of Trust and the terms upon which the same can be discharged or assumed should be ascertained from the holder of the indebtedness secured. DEED OF TRUST MODIFICATION AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: March 29, 2006 20060329000737 ( continued) PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 4 Order No. 623422 8. Right, title and interest of Liberty Grove LLC presumed from the execution of instrument recorded under Recording Number 20060329000737. END OF SCHEDULE B Title to this property was examined by: Myron Sizer Any inquiries should be directed to one of the title officers set forth in Schedule A. cc: Lakeridge Development/Renton/Attn: can/20060425001125 Wayne Jones Janett's Renton Blvd Trs ,• ; .• ;; •• • : . • . 090734 • ~· .. _,.;ft • : PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE Company of Washington, Inc. N 8 .1. -.,40_-~I W Order No. 17/60 -. " .$ ; I r ' ~ .I' ./ -. l • • ~ • u1-1.,. o"' ~ 11,_.,o ,3 "' -. 623422 IMPORTANT: This is not a Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. • • l N I --· EASEMENT .. For a valuable contlderalloa, receipt of whlc:h 11 hereby acknowledged, 1h, Cr•ntor(1J. hrrcby granl_ and convey_ lo the Granleej1J, ROSS E, & GI ENDA E • JOHNSON hi~ 1ucce11or11 and a,algna, !he right, p,rivllege and aulhority to conslruct, Jmprova. repair and maia1alq 4 RESERVE PIA.TH .Uf'.A acroH, over and upon --2120 SO FEEI feet of the following land, located in --------'W"'---County, Stale of Wa1hington, to-wit: BEGINNING ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT #6 AT A POINT 12.3 FEET NORTEi OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF AND RUNNING 40 FEET SOUTH TO A POINT 167.8 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER. THENCE WESTERLY ALONG A LINE 130 FEET TO A POINT 167.8 FEET SOUTH OF THE HOST NORTHERLY POINT OF LOT #6, es.,,05/11 RECD F CASHSL 10859. B The Grantor(1} shall make no UH of the land occupied by said -~G~RruA~·~rL•~·~·~s,__ ___ _ except for MAINTENANCE ANP UfQN INSTAil &TIQN Of A f.OUNn SEHER SYSTEH Tllll!N THIS MCPNENT JS NHJI & VOID 1n e~erclling lhe rights herein granted. thf! Grantee(aJ~he..i:...._successon and eHlgoa, may paH and repu, over ,aid ABOVE DECRIBED PARCEi and may cut and remove brush, tteH and other obtlrudion, wbfob in the opinion or the.GranteelaJ interfere(•) wUh MAINTAINING SAID RESERVE AREA The covenants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upon all 1ub1equent owners thereof. In WUneu Whereof. the .said Grentor(sl b..all.e.. executed thi1 insll'Umenl thie--1.1..tbday of MAY , 19.ll., -... -;: ~ (Individual A~~t) ii. ~--. ~ ~--8i! ...c- STATE OF WASHJNGTON, } County of ....,,•~•~•"-----------"· ], .......... u,~·~·~-w,C~J~yd~·'--------• Notary Publie in and !or th State or Waahin111on, f1!1idiDa at 134 SW 144th SHtU1 . do hereby cerllfy lbal on thi, ....llJ:lL_ day of -~lla""''-------19.....li. pertonally appeared before me Carl ! Pl dz Jr Notary Publh; Jo and lor the Stat• or Wa1hin --_-... -~ ,·,i -,--:-·-_j---- _, ,- '~ > ~ " t :' \_\l ~ t, , V -- ~ 0 \' -, ro ,- \ I_ \ NON -SEGREGATION COVENANT Know all men by these presents that we (I) the unders:gned, owner (s) in fee simple of the lA.nd described hert,in, hereby declare this covenant and place aame on record. We (I) are (am) the owner (a) in fee simple of the !ollo'tiling described real estate situated in King County, State of Washington, to wit: *'--------------------- On which we ( I} desire a single tuily residence aerviced by & aeptic tank and drain !1eld. IIOY,-TIIERElORE, we (I) agree and covenant that said owner (•), their succeaaore and assigns will not construct, maintain, or suffer to be constructed more than ore single family reeid.ence unleee such seco.11d and subsequent residences are connected and recaive sewer service !rom a legally constituted sewer district or municipality. It le further agreed and covenanted that the above identi!ied property will not be subdi"fid.ed for re~denti_al, purpos1:_s un~ess ser:ved __ by a public se;wer. OR SuJ;,-pL( lo ()£(//,/4-NL/.:... <!f'1'1t-,d,n .. ..-'"J ,....a~ .5~bd'.·,·,Q'nvt;-- These co~naqts shall run with the land arid shall be binding on all parties having or acq1Jiring any right, title, or interest in the land described herein or any part thereof, as long as septic tank ~ervice is required for the first residence. ·witness our hand ( s) this _ __./:..:4:2--_ day of Owner State of Washington County of King ss 81/01/15 RECD F CASHSL , 19£)_ 10638 D 4,00 ......... 4.00 I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the above named and State, do hereby certify that on this fitvi[ip9.Jfl-1 .. wnlOA&/ . 19 !JI Coudly day of C'.41?1-,. E flKTL to ~e known to be the individual (s) described in and who executed the with.in instrument, and acknowledge that they signe~ and sealeri the same as (his) (her) (their) free and ~olu.ntary act anQ deed, for th~ uses and purposes herein mentioned. Given under my hand and official. seal the day and year last aDove mentioned. ··------. i il ing: ~epartment of Records and Elections aoom 500A County Administration Bldg. 3rd and Jame;; Seattle, Washington 98104 Phone: 344-4215 te Filing Fee: i3.00 for 1st page. Copy will be sta.:npec. free. 51.00 ~or each additional page. I 1. i ,- L. -__ ;._ --....-----~-~ \ L \ ----·· -------~~- ,. / I ,,, 1 · . , * DESCR.""LPTIOI\J OF PROPERTY A, 1'347S 1GOlli AvENUE Sou'T!-lEA5,, 'Rel'l,oN, WAsH-:tNGTO"J q &055: A LL OF loT 7, BLOC1o;, i., L1:ss 11-te So~THEA'S,T 15Cj. ?5 FEET RuNN-YrJG Wia:snRLY ~ TO A f01NT '2.'\'7, 35 J:'EET, /,\ND 1N ,H,\T ~ R>R-.:rON Or LOT G IN SA-:L'D Bi.oc:K 1.. 0 co l-'fING, S01>-"THE..R\-'( Or A L'XI\IE Be'G'J:Nlll'X-NG ON 1l-lE £1\S.T L-ri.JE OF sA-:i: D Lo-,-f, > A"T A fo-YNT :1 '2., '3 Fl.ET NoA.'TH OF "THE 'Sou.'Ttl!;AST C.O~NER TH£.fUcOF ANo R\.UJIJ"l'.N(J, \4JES"t'!i~'f TO A Rl'l.NT OJ-) THE ~ST 1.:r.N&i' OF sPp:D LoT 6 A.T A f'~NT 4. 't FEET NoR:TH OF 1l-l E ~ot.CTHEAST C012JJER TttEl2EOF AND 'Tltt. "TE"RlVl'I:NU.S OF s:.q-ro L-Xl'JG A5 SA-rP \...'1:1\JE" WAS ESTABL-rsttED BY :J\.lt,c:;,EmE-...rT EITT'E"REU JAN. 2.9 1.q6q -:tN l<'.1:~.Hi Cote NT'( .S,.PER.'10~ Co._.R.T CAu5E NO. lo9 '11. q q > Au.. ':ltJ J'At,1 E'"r"T' s 'REtlTON 'BOl.t~VA~D 11\1\C.TS:, Acco~D"X"-JG "To Vou..,-e 1'7 oF PLJ>.TS I PAGE: GO , Rt-c.o~-os oF Kn.iG Co1o<t-1-rv, WA.sM:tNG"foN. SE 1./ 4 , S \IJ -1./4 , NE.1/+ , s~cTroN i4 > Tow,.,.st1:rp '2 '3> NORTH, Rl'ltv~£ 5 l:A'5i) W1LLAm~TTE' MER'l'..DJ:AN. J~f.l\ Ilse!~'"' C RF.1:1J..,·~. • \ ., ',·1 ... --~. --· .. ,_ .. .,,/ .. ,'.k-_. __ ., ______ _ ·-·,'!; •. •. DECLARATION OF CONDITIONS, COV!HANTS AND IIESffllCTIOIIS 2. 1/llo hove requeotod approval by Kins County ot an opplicotion tor uil ins pormi} for tho• • __ cleaoribed proparty -'I . ., ' ' , ,._ r 3. I/Wo raoo1111izo that tho exiat1as aeptio •Y•tea on tho above property aervoa a reeidonce with :f_ bedrD01111. I/We rocognlze thot it ia th~ purpooe of th••• covenanta to epec1fy minimum reqairoments for thla aaptio •ratea aad limit the number ot bodrooma in thio rooidooce to~:.-~~ 1/Wo rocosni•o that conotruotion or uae of additional roOllla as bedroome beyond aaid 11•it may overload tho aaptlo ayetem, 4. Recosnizing the obovo facto and in co1JJ1ideratlon of King County'• approval ot eaid permit: A. I/Wo horoby agreo not to Construct, aa1nte1D, or euttor to be conatruotod or aaintalnod upon aaid lend o reaidonco hovins more than ....::i bedrooaa. 5. Thia Declaration ot Condition•, Covenlllll-ts 'IIDd lle•trlo- tiona la bindin1 upon our boir• aaslanooa and auoc•••ora in intareat aa ~he owaera of the above~deeCribod pro_pert,7 aod ia a covenant runn1ns with tho land. I, This Declaration of CondltioDa, Covenant• and Beatdc- tiono ahall not bo relenaod without the oxproaaed written approval ot the Kin& County Health Officer or hie deaisn••- On thla _:]_ doy ot /v,,w>rfzo 19 7-i, before -perDOnallT appeared _ , 'J/' ~ · : .--. to ma known to be the individual• deaoribed horein llAd who axocutod tho toro101ng 1nat1"W10nt •• t.beir free &Ind voluntar~ Get and deed tor the us9a and purpose• herein m~nt.1oned. W1t1>0•• ·my bond and . .11eal hereto dUud Ula ',1(,: daJ' of ~-· ~LL.:.--~ 19 :.-.:.=:, . -.,, .,.,,r, ·-/,. . -Jlota17 .l'ublic 1D and tor t.he atai,, of )'uhl...,_...,, aealdl .. ~ •fl ···, /r// • ,-/ _, ,,' ... ,' /. ,. . -, a _, .- · -11111 1111111111 RETURNADDRESS 200106 1000030 CHICAGO TITLE N 1e.ee Ef'th._J_/ PIIGE 891 OF IH 89/11/2001 09 .04 _ KJNG COUNTY, WR , ~7(;0 f ~~ ~ t11-Rw-fon I vw}!J~o~) ,,.,, Please pnnt neatly or type mformauon Document Title(s) Nrroie of ~a.~Sq,s~ Reference Number(s) of related documents Grantor(s) (Last, Flm, ••d Mlddle Inldal) f;!u~s ~~hn~ Grnntees(s) (Last, Fin~ Mlddle lulbal) THE PUBLIC Assesso3 Pr9p\jr1I. Tax ParceVAcconnt Number 1t;. 1[)'1 so -011 I AddttJ:cn.aJ Reference #'son page __ _ Addlbonal gr.mtors on page Addibonal grantees on page Additional parcel #'son page The Auddor/Reco1dcr will rely on the mfonnabon provided on this fonn The staff will not read the documents to venfy the aecuracy or completeness of the indexing tnfonttabon provided herein -ta = .... = c::, ..... ... • .;!> ,;:~'111' > ,. 1,-\1 I .... ·~}l ti. ' " '< I. 2 3 NOTICE OF ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS ~o -e>1'1/-0o 1-11-12.-m;J,Al ~ -fJov &!-l-dl-71f _.._..._,,__..._.=,i._,_."'--'-"'-""'-""'--==="' are the owners of real property w1thm The above-descnbed real propeny 1s served by an on-site sewage system ("OSS") The Code of the King County Board of Health, Secuon 13 60 005 establishes ce, mm .. respons1b1ht1es of the OSS owner with respect to the operatlon and marntenance of an On-site Sewage System, as follows A The OSS owner 1s responsible for the conunuous proper operauon and mamtenance of the OSS, and shall 1. Determine the level of solids and scum m the septic tank at least once every three (3) years for residential system w,th no garbage grmder and once every year If a garbage grinder is mstalled and, unless otherwtse provided m wntmg by the health officer, once every year for commerc1al systems. 2. Employ an approved pumper to remove the septage from the tank when the level of sohds and scum md1cates that removal is necessary. 3 Cause preventive mamtenance/system performance monitormg mspecuons to be conducted and any indicated service to be performed by an approved person at a mmmum frequency m accordance with Table 13.60-1 unless otherwise estabhshed by the health officer or the sewage review conuruttee. 4 Operate and mamtam all OSS m accordance with thJS utle, with pertlnent alternative system gn1dehnes 1SSUed by the DOH [State of Washmgton Department of Health] and with the approved OSS owner's operatmg and mamtenance instrucUon manual: 5 Protect the OSS area includmg the reserve area from· a Cover by structures or impervious matenal, b Surface dramage, c Sot! compaction, for example, by vehlcular traffic or livestock; and d Damage by soil removal and grade alterauon ..... tO c::, .'.:' ~.,. NOTICE OF ONSITE SEWAGE SYSTEM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQIBREMENTS Page2 6. Maintain the flow of sewage to the OSS at or below the approved design both m quantity and waste strength. 7. Direct drains, such as footing or roof drams away from the area where the OSS IS located B The owner shall not allow 1 Use or mtroductton of strong bases, strong acids or organic solvents mto an OSS for the purpose of system cleanmg, 2 Use of a sewage system add1uve unless 1t IS spectftcally approved by the DOH, or 3 Use of an OSS to dispose of waste components atypical of res1denttal wastewater, for example, but not limited to, petroleum products, pamts, solvents, or pesuc1des Dated this M_ day of __,/fl-'-=~"-)'-<-'---• 'Z-OtJ / (month) (year) } ) ss ) mil~ . ~ I . before me personally ,,;onth) (year) appeared and , to me known to be the individual(•) descnbed herein and who executed the forogoiog instrument as his/her/their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes herein stated. Giv~n un~er my ~d and official seal this J.,C/"{f, ~ay of ~ month) d}..ool (year) <2n()jy,t~ ~ __ {j)tJ,, h -,, Notary Pubii<lh and for the~ate gf Was~· Residingat.$/.3.G°" l'L~ll-1)..e, /Vt: r~~ My Commission Exptres ----------- AMARYLLIS RIVERA-GALARZA MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES: 4-29-04 20040623001597.001 1111111111111111 20040623001597 Recordmg Requested By And When Recorded Mail To Mark Solhtto KmgCounty Water and Lands Resources D1v1s1on Resource Lands and Open Space Sectton 201 South Jackson Street, Swte 600 MIS KSC-NR-0600 Seattle, WA 98104 KING COUNTY ETMISC 0 ae PAGE001 OF eei:i 06/Z3/Z904 14.94 KING COUNTY, I.IA E2049101 11&1z312094 14 ee KING COUNTY, 11A TAX $1,441 80 SALE $81 , 890 00 RECORDING COVER SHEET TDR CERTIFICATE #76 Grantor V entts Capital LLC Grantee Lakendge Development. Inc .. PAGE00! OF 001 Legal Descnptton ( abbreviated) Parcel #1-TRACT 1, BLOCK 3,CEDAR PARK FNE ACRE TRACTS, VOLUME 15, PAGE 91. Parcel #2-LOT 2, BLOCK 3, CEDAR PARK FNE ACRE TRACTS, VOLUME 15, PAGE 91. Parcel #3-LOT 7, BLOCK 1, AND THAT PORTION OF LOT 6, BLOCK 1, ALL IN JANETT'S RENTON BOULEVARD TRACTS, VOLUME 17 OF PLATS, PAGE 60. Addttlonal legal(s) on Page One Assessor's Tax Parcel ID# ,145750-0085-03, 366450-0141-00.145750-0090-06 Recording Requested By And When Recorded Mail To: Mark Sollitto ® King County Transfer of Development Rights Program Water and Land Resources D1v1s1on 201 So Jackson St , Suite 600 MS: KSC-NR-0600 Seattle, WA 98104 Transfer of Development Rights Certificate Number: 76 9 Urban Development Rights Date Issued: June 22, 2004 Cert1f1cate Issued To Name· Lakendge Development Inc Address PO Box 146 City & Zip Renton. WA 98057 20040623001597 .002 Thts development nght(s) 1s/are transferred from the following certified sending site, pursuant to K.C.C. 21A 37: Sending site file number. A99P3116 Grantor King County. a political subd1v1sion of the State of Washington Parcel Number 052205-9225 This certifies that Lakendqe Development Inc owns nine urban development rights removed from the sending site identified above, which has been qualified as a transfer of development rights sending site pursuant to K.C.C. 21A 37 Receiving site: Parcel #1wRecordinq # 199901132522 TRACT l, BLOCK 3,CEDAR PARK FIVE ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PLATS, PAGE 91, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. EXCEPT THE NORTH 100 FEET OF THE WEST 270 FEET AND EXCEPT THE SOUTH 29 FEET OF THE NORTHERLY 129 FEET OF EASTERLY 70 FEET OF THE WEST 270 FEET AS PER KING COUNTY ENGINEER SUBDIVISION NO. 6846, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO 9410250673 Parcel #2-Recording # 199402090504 LOT 2, BLOCK 3, CEDAR PARK FIVE ACRE TRACTS, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 15 OF PLATS, PAGE 91, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Parcel #3-Recording # 20031119001446 ALL OF LOT 7, BLOCK 1, AND THAT PORTION OF LOT 6, BLOCK 1, LYING SOUTHERLY OF A LINE BEGINNING ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 6 AT A POINT 12 3 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF AND RUNNING WESTERLY TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 6 AT A POINT 4 8 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE AS SAID LINE WAS ESTABLISHED BY JUDGEMENT ENTERED JANUARY 29,1969 IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER 691199, ALL IN JANETT'S RENTON BOULEY ARD TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 17 OF PLATS, PAGE 60 IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCELNUMBER(S) 366450-0141-00 Certificate Number 76 Date Issued 6122/04 Page 1 of4 •. 20040623001597 .003 The official record of these development rights is maintained by King County If there 1s any discrepancy between the number of nghts 1dent1f1ed on this certtf1cate and the official record, the official record shall control. If any of the development nghts 1dentlf1ed on this cert1f1cate are sold, conveyed or transferred, the person acquinng the nghts shall within ten (10) business days deliver to the King County Transfer of Development Rights Program this onginal cert1f1cate A new cert1f1cate ,n the buyer's name shall then be issued The development nghts may be used only on a rece1v1ng srte(s) that has/have been given final approval for additional residential density achieved through the transfer of development nghts in accordance with King County Zoning Code (K C.C. 21A 37) Approved by Representative of the King County Transfer of Development Rights Program lnteragency Review..Committee &ure~ STATE OF WASHINGTON) )SS. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that MA(l..,070'-'-J-f7o ,s the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he Is authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Program Manager, Transferable Development Rights Program of King County to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the Instrument. Dated· (p/z,--z,,-/o"f' . ,,,,u,uu,,, ,,,,,,"'\. DEG0Q'1,,,. ~~~~~iOii~.,~A { ( .. -0~ ~ \ ~ ' t1111e\.,~ S -d' -c:,: ,.. ~.:::, ~~~... , .. :4,,,.tt::i.§ ~ # ~·:$' ~,,,. o, w••"'" -:,,,.,,~ "111111111 ll\\\\\.\: To Redeem Development Rights: State of Washington Residing at --'-~=<=:.cil'--'rl-'-------- My appointment expires -=r,,c.,/'-~-"'"'"''-'/oc.,e,,ec-_ In applying for receiving site approval, the applicant shall provide the Department of Development and Environmental Services with either a copy of this certificate issued in the name of the applicant or a =PY of this certificate with a signed option to purchase these development nght(s) For receiving sites w1th1n incorporated municipal Jurisd1ct1ons, the applicant shall provide the above documentation to the municipal iunsd1ction and shall follow that iunsd1ct1on's development application review process Before building permit issuance or before final plat or short plat recording, the applicant shall dehver the appropnate TDR certificates issued 1n the applicant's name to the Transfer of Development Rights Program. The applicant shall receive an extingu,shment document showing that the development rights have been applied to an approved receiving site The TDR Program shall confirm for ODES or the municipal Junsdict1on that the requirements of K C.C 21A.37 have been met Certtficate Number 76 Date Issued 6/ 22/04 Page 2 of4 • 20040623001 SALE, CONVEYANCE, TRANSFER, AND REDEMPTION OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS If any of the development nghts 1dentif1ed on this cert1f1cate are sold, conveyed, transferred and/or redeemed for use, the person acquiring and/or redeeming the rights shall within ten (10) business days deliver to the King County Transfer of Development Rights Program this ongmal cert1f1cate with this section property completed. Upon receipt, cert1f1cate(s) wdl be re-issued to reflect the new number of nghts available, if there are any, to the owner or to the person acquinng the nghts after the sale, transfer, conveyance and/or redemption reported herein A. Fill out this section for a sale, conveyance or transfer of development rights. 1. GRANTEE (Buyer) NAME ______________________ _ ADDRESS ______________________ _ CITY/ STATE ___________________ _ ZIP CODE --------------------- 2. GRANTOR (Seller) NAME _______________________ _ ADDRESS _____________________ _ CITY ______________________ _ STATE/ ZIP ____________________ _ 3. NUMBER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS SOLD, TRANSFERRED OR CONVEYED ________ PURCHASE PRICE. ____ _ 4. RECEIVING SITE STREET ADDRESS ---------- 5. RECEIVING SITE ZONING ___________ _ 6. ODES RECEIVING SITE PRE-APPLICATION/PERMIT FILE # __________ _ 7. DEVELOPMENT RIGHT SELLER APPROVAL Signature of Seller Date 8. DEVELOPMENT RIGHT BUYER APPROVAL Signature of Buyer Date 9. ATTACH WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF TRANSACTION (e g. Contract of Sale, Bill of Sale) Certificate Nwnber .LQ Date Issued 6/ 22/04 Page3 of4 WEEKLY ALERTS -Subdivision Recordings Name of Plat: Liberty Grove Activity#: Zoning: R-4 Project#: L03P0006 Parcel# 3664500141 Number of Lots: 24 Site square footage: 194,982 S.F. Applicant/ Developer: Lakeridge Development 1, LLC Final Plat Review Engineer: Steve Van Patten Preliminary Plat Planner: Kim Claussen Preliminary Plat Review Engineer: Bruce Whittaker Engineer Review: Pete Dye (Critical Areas)Reviewer: Larry West, Nick Gillen Development Inspector: Tim Cheatum Plat Location: East Renton Date: 05-24-07 Issue Date: Public Open Space: 0.000 acres BUILDABLE LANDS Address/Location: Sensitive Areas Tracts (total square feet): Processed by: svan Private Open Space: 0.2149 acres Subarea: Public Purpose Dedication Tracts (total square feet): Rights-Of-Way Tracts (total square feet): Road dedications (total square feet): Future Development Tracts/Other (total square feet): Lots (total square feet): Major# Notes/Comments: LI 8E/?.t'( G£.o V€. I 6BJ I II 34-87 l. S7.JS-g 9.360 3 (, 4-09 C ..]2 "3 + 54-04-{) I 4-o I:, s 1-92.0 ' 6076 7 661-8 8 68/D 'J 584-3 /o S882 II 7008 /Z 7 6~4-- ;.J 71/Z I 4-66<:f-J /S" 6 'J9S 16 657/ 17 61:. 4-/ 18 b ZZ.4-- /9 6000 z.o (,, 000 21 6000 zz. 1,000 2J 6000 2. 4-62]/ OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 February 23, 2004 REPORT AND DECISION SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services File Nos. L03P0006/L03TY403 Proposed Ordinance Nos. 2004-0004; 2004-0006 LIBERTY GROVE Proposed Preliminary Plat and Proposal for Transfer of Density Credits Location: Applicant: North of Southeast 136"' Street, between 160,. Avenue Southeast and. . 15 8th A venue Southeast Lakeridge Development Attn: Wayne Jones P.O. Box 146 Renton, Washington 98057 Telephone: (425) 228-9750 Intervenor: C.A.R.E., represented by Gwendolyn High 13405 -158"' Avenue Southeast Renton, Washington 98059 King County: Department of Development and Environmental Services, represented by Karen Scharer 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Telephone: (206) 296-7114 Facsimile: (206) 296-6613 SUMMARY OF DECISION/RECOMMENDATION: Department's Preliminary Recommendation: Department's Final Recommendation: Examiner's Decision: · Approve, subject to con~itions Approve, subject to conditions (modified) Approve, subject to conditions (modified) L03P0006/L03TY 403--Liberty Grove EXAMINER PROCEEDINGS: Hearing opened: Hearing closed: 2 February JO, 2004 February IO, 2004 Participants at the public hearing and the exhibits offered and entered are listed in the attached minutes. A verbatim recording of the bearing is available in the office. of the King County Hearing Examiner. ISSUESrfOPICS ADDRESSED • Transfer of density credits • Surface water drainage • Road improvements • Safe walking conditions SlJMMARY Application for transfer of a maximum of 5 density credits, and approval of a preliminary plat to subdivide approximately 4.84 acres into 24 lots in the urban area, are granted preliminary approval. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. General Information: Proponent: Representative: Intervenor: Wayne Jones, Jr. Lakeridge Development Inc. PO Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 Pbone:425-228-9750 e-mail: joneswayne@qwestnet Mel L. Daley, P.E. Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. Auburn Way North Phone: 253-333-2200 Facsimile: 253-333-2206 C.A.R.E.; represented by . . Gwendolyn High : 13405 -158th Avenue Southeast · Renton, Washington 98059 Lying south of SE 136th St. between 160th Ave. SE and 162th Ave. SE. E 5 Parcel# 3664500141 L03P0006/L03TY 403-Liberty Grove Current Zoning: R-4 Number of Lots: Proposed -24 w/5 TDR Density: 5.2 dwellings per acre Lot Size: generally 6,000 square feet Proposed Use: single family Sewage Disposal: City of Renton Water Supply: Water District #90 Fire District: King County Fire District # 25 School District: Issaquah Community Plan: Newcastle Drainage Subbasin: Lower Cedar River King County Permits: Rezone and Subdivision Complete Application Date: May 15, 2003 (Date Plat Filed March 11, 2003 & Rezone May 7, 2004) Tirreshold Determination: Mitigated Determination ofNonsignificance (MONS) Date oflssuance: December 16, 2003 · KC Permit Contact: Karen Scharer, Project Manager II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Phone# 296-7114 or e-mail al karen.scharer@metrokc.gov 3 2. Except as modified herein, the facts set forth in the DOES preliminary report to the Hearing Examiner for the February I 0, 2004, public hearing are found to be correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. Said report is exhibit no. 4 in the hearing record. 3. The Applicant's request to reclassify the subject property from R4 to R6 was withdrawn prior to commencement of the hearing. · 4. On February 4, 2004 the King County Hearing Examiner issued his report and decision granting preliminary approval for the revised plat ofEvendell, based upon transfer of20 density credits that would allow for development of70 lots on 12.43 acres. This would provide a density of 5.6 dwelling units per acre on the Evendell property, which is directly south, across Southeast 136"' Street, from the subject property. The Examiner's decision approving the Evendell plat revision, File No. L01P0016, is exhibit no. 33 in the hearing record of this proceeding. 5. · Directly east, north and west of the subject property are suburban-sized lots, ranging from approxirnately9,000 to 30,000 square feet in area. The maxirnwn permitted density in the R4 zone classification is 6 dwelling units per acre, utilizing density incentives or transferred development rights. 6. King County's ''Transfer of Development Rights (TOR)" program is governed by Chapter 21A.37 of the King County Code. The TDR program establishes a property right which is separable from the fee-simple title to certain lands within King County, and provides a method for the transfer and utilization of that new right, which is colloquially known as a development right or "density credit." A density credit has a substantial rnarlcet value. The underlying pmpose of the TDR program is to alfow for the mov~t of residential density from rural areas to urban areas ofKing County. The code is intended to provide, " ... an efficient and streamlined administrative review system to ensure that transfers of development rights to L03P0006/L03TY 403-Liberty Grove 4 receiving sites are evaluated in a timely way and balanced with other County goals and policies, and are adjusted to the specific conditions ofeach receiving site." KCC 21A.37.010.2. Receiving sites are required to meet the provisions ofKCC 21A.37.030. Those requirements are that the receiving site: 1. be within an unincorporated urban area, zoned R-4 or higher, or be within a potential annexation area; 2. be within a city where new growth is or will be encouraged, and where facilities and services exist or public investments in facilities and services will be made; or 3. be within RA-2.5 and RA~5 zoned parcels, subject to stringent criteria. The subject property is within the first category of eligible receiving sites listed in KCC 21A.37.030. Sites within the unincorporated urban growth area are not required to have any specific level of available facilities and services. Development approvals that utilize density credits must meet only those service criteria that apply generally to development of the number of dwelling units proposed on the site. King County Code chapter 21A.12 governs densities and development standards in residential zones. The R-4 zone in the urban residential area allows for a maximum density of six dwelling units per acre, which may be achieved only through the application of residential density incentives or transfers of development rights. KCC 21A.12.030.A. and B.L When density credits are used, development shall comply with dimensional standards of the. zone having a base density most comparable to the total approved density. KCC 21A.37.030.B. 7. The foregoing provisions of the King County Zoning Code are generally consistent with policies of the King County Comprehensive Plan governing residential land use. In particular, the Zoning Code provisions are generally consistent with: Policy U-113, that new residential development in the Urban Growth Area should occur where facilities and services can be provided at the lowest public cost and in a timely fashion; Policy U-114, that the County seek to achieve an average zoning density of at least seven to eight homes per acre in the Urban Growth Area through a mix of densities, allowing for lower density zones to recognize existing subdivisions with little or no opportunity for infill or redevelopment; Policy U-122 that supports increases in urban density through a rezone or a proposal to utilize density transfer, when the proposal will help resolve traffic, utility, parl<s or open space deficiencies in the immediate neighborhood. This proposal will improve traffic .circulation in the area, will extend sewer service further into the urban area, and will provide recreation.facilities and open space available to future residents.on the subject property. 8. The subject property is in the City ofRenton's potential annexation area .. The City is considering modifications to its comprehensive plan that would limit density on this property to a maximum L03P0006/L03TY40J-Liberty Grove of 4 dwelling units per acre. However, those plan changes were not in effect at the time a complete application for this subdivision was submitted. 9. DOES and the Applicant have agreed upon right-of-way dedications and road improvements to mitigate the impact of traffic which this proposal will generate adjacent to and in the immediate vicinity of the proposed developmenL The dedications and improvements include additional right-of-way and construction that will open and improve the north side of Southeast 136th Street, from 160th A venue Southeast to 158th A venue SoutheasL This dedication and improvement will be matched on the south side of 136th Street by dedication and improvements to be constructed by the plat ofEvendell. Additional improvements that will be made to Southeast 136th Street from 158th Avenue Southeast to 156th Avenue Southeast will result in a new east-west route from 160th Avenue Southeast to 156th Avenue SoutheasL This new route will divert traffic from the high accident internection of Southeast I 28th Street and 160th A venue Southeast. The subject plat will also provide improvements to the west side of 160th Avenue Southeast along the plat frontage, to the urban neighborhood collector standard. These improvements will include a sidewalk from the north property line to Southeast 1361h Street. I 0. The Issaquah School District plans to operate a school bus stop for elementary school children at the internection of Southeast 136th Street and 160th Avenue Southeast. The internal road improvements and frontage improvements on 160th A venue Southeast will provide a safe route for children to use between the lots of this subdivision and that bus stop. 11. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location oflots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval which represent portions of the drainage requirements. All other applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) must also be satisfied during engineering and final review. a. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and applicable updates adopted by King County. DDES approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. b. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by DDES Engineering Review, shall be shown on the engineering plans. c. The following note shall be sl!iown on the final recorded plat: "All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains.from allimpervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the · approved construction drawings # · on file with DDES and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permiL All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file." L03P0006/L03TY 403-Liberty Grove d. The stonnwater detention design shall comply with the Level 2 or Level 3 Flow Control requirements, as applicable, per the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). (See SEPA conditions in condition no. 19.) e. The storm water control facility shall be located in a separate tract and dedicated to King County unless portions of the drainage tract are used for required recreation space in accordance with KCC 21A.14.180. 6 12. A surface water drainage adjustment (no. L03V0065) has been approved for this proposal and the Liberty Grove Contiguous proposal (no. LOJP0005). Stonnwater detention for the subject property will be provided on the Liberty Grove Contiguous property site that lies on the south side of Southeast 136th Street. and east side of 160th Avenue Southeast. The level 3 flow control standard is required as a condition of the drainage adjustment for discharge from the surface water detention facilities. In addition, some downstream surface water conveyance improvements have been made by King County, and others are required to be made by this and other developments that are being proposed and constructed in this area. The downstream analysis and required improvements assure adequate conveyance of surface water for a distance greater than Y. mile from this plat. The level 3 flow control standard protects · downstream properties from damage from surface water discharge from this development. CONCLUSIONS: l. If approved subject to the conditions recommended below, the proposed subdivision will comply with the goals and objectives of the.King County Comprehensive Plan, subdivision and zoning codes, and other official land use controls and policies of King County. 2. If approved subject to the conditions recommended below, this proposed subdivision will make appropriate provision for the public health, safety and general welfare and for open spaces for drainage ways, streets, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supply, sanitary waste, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds and safe walking conditions for students who only walk to school; and it will serve the public use and interest. 3. The conditions. for final plat approval recommended below are in the public interest and are reasonable requirements to mitigate the impacts of the development upon the environment. 4. The dedications of land or easements within and adjacent to the proposed plat, as required for final plat approval or as shown on the proposed preliminary plat submitted by the Applicant on September 3, 2003, are reasonable and necessary as a direct result of the development of this proposed plat, and are proportionate to the impacts of the development. 5. The Applicant bas negotiated for· the purchase of development rights that would alfow fo~ an increase in the numberoflols to be developed on the subject property to a total of 24. The development of24 lots on the subject property will be within the maximum density of 6 dwelling units per acre permitted in the R4 zone classification in the urban area, although it will be most comparable to the base density of the.R6 zone classification. The proposed development of the subject property, utilizing up to 5 density rights, is consistent with all applicable development standards and other provisions of the king county code. Provisions of the City of Renton L03P0006/L03TY 403-Liberty Grove 7 Comprehensive Plan concerning density of development on this property are not applicable to this proposal. 6. The road improvements proposed and agreed to by the Applicant, including those shown on the September 3. 2003 preliminary plat and set forth in the conditions below, will reasonably mitigate the impacts of traffic generated by the proposed development. 7. Safe walking conditions for children who walk lo school from the subject property will be provided by using one of the alternatives for improvements incorporated into this proposal and set forth in condition no. 22 below. 8. The conditions of approval of the surface water drainage adjustment L03V0065, and the conditions recommended by DDES and agreed to by the Applicant, incorporated into the conditions below, mitigate the impacts of surface water drainage from this proposed development. DECISION: I. a. inary plat of Liberty Grove, as revised and received September 3, 2003, utilizing~ transferable density rights}, is APPROVED, subject to the following conditions of Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19 of the King County Code. -w·b. Prior to the recording of Liberty Grove, the plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous shall be recorded ( as drainage facilities for Liberty Grove will be constructed off-site in the plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous). 2. ob~\~ 3. /'If-'l 8 7- z 1, 5. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shali sign on the face of the final plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. a. The plat shall comply with the maximum density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-4 zone classification. All lots shall meetthe minimum dimensional requirements of the R-6 zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger, except that minor revisions to the plat which do not . result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. I 7. 'f ,,.ff.v'cJ --~· b. The Applicant shall provide Transfi fDensity C I documentation to DDES prior to final approval to allow transfer of maximum of§va · sity credits. !ft S TIii. = lJ ""~Jt. !.oh The applicant must obtain final approval from g County llealth Department for abandonment of existing septic systems on-site serving on and off-site homes. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. I I 187, as amended (1993 KCRS). L03P0006/L03TY 403----Liberty Grove 8 olz. 6. 7. The applicant must obtain the approval of the KingComit)' Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location oflots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval which represent portions of the drainage requirements. All other applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) must also be satisfied during engineering and final review. a. b. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and applicable updates adopted by King County. DDES approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required' prior to any construction. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by DDES Engineering Review, shall be shown on the engineering plans. 4--c. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the pennanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings # · on file with DDES and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. ,All connections. of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file." The storm water control facility shall be located in a separate tract and dedicated to King County unless portions of the drainage tract are used for required recreation space in accordance with KCC 21A.l4.l80. 8. A drainage adjustment (L03 V0065) is approved for this site and for the Liberty Grove Contiguous site (L03P0005). The adjustment allows combining the storm water from both subdivisions on the Liberty Grove Contiguous site; and routing post developed flows to 160"' Ave SE. A flow splitter is proposed to maintain existing flows to the south. All conditions of approval for this adjustment shall be met prior to engineering plan approval. A Conceptual Drainage Plan showing the preliminary configuration was received March 11, 2003. 9. The stormwater detention facility shall be designed to the Level 3 flow control standard in the 1998 King Count)' Surface Water.Design Manual(KCSWDM) .. The facility shall also be designed to meet the basic water quality menu. 10. The ciownstre~ drain~ge system alon~ the east side oft 60ihAv~ SE from the south plat · · ·.· boundary of Liberty Grove Contiguous to approximately 50 feet south of the culvert 29.(House # 14028); shall be improved to achieve adequate drainagi, capacity per the 1998 KCSWDM. Culvert 29 is approximately 900 feet south of the southwest corner of the LCG site and is shown L03P0006/L031Y403---Liberty Grove 9 &/.IL II. It ~ -<,.nf( ~:Js 12. in the Level I Offsite Analysis received September 3, 2003. Plans and supporting capacity analysis for this improvement shall be submitted with the engineering plans. The 100-year floodplain for any on-site wetlands or streams shall be shown on the engineering plans and the final plat per Special Requirement #2 of the KCSWDM. The following road improvements are required to be constructed according to the 1993 King County Road Standards(K.CRS): a. SE 135 .. PL shall be improved to the urban subaccess street standard. b. FRONTAGE: The frontage along 1601h Ave SE shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard( west side only). c. FRONTAGE: The frontage along SE 136,. ST may be improved to the urban standards per the SEP A mitigation list d. Tract A shall be improved as a private access tract according to Section 2.09 of the KCRS. The tract shall be owned and maintained by the owners of those Lots being served. Tracts C and D shall each be improved as a joint use driveway per Section 3.01 of the KCRS. The tracts shall be owned and maintained by the owners of those Lots being served. ~ e. A R/W radius shall be dedicated at the northeast quadrant of 1581h Ave SE and SE 136,. St. (southwest corner ofLot 16), and a second radius shall be dedicated at the northwest quadrant of 160,. Ave SE and SE 1361h St. (southeast comer of Lot 24). 13. ~14. 15. f. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section 1.08 of the KCRS. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final plat recording. The applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance •. The applicant has the option to either. (I) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording. or (2) pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the flfSt option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application.· The proposed subdivision shall comply with the Sensitive Areas Code as outlined in KCC 21 A.24 .. Preliminary plat review has identified the following specific requirements that apply to this project All other applicable requirements from KCC 21A.24 shall also be addressed by the applicant: . ,.,}-, L03P0006/L03TY 403--Liberty Grove · IO 17. Southeast 136"' Street to the south of the project site may or may not be improved prior to beginning construction on Liberty Grove. If road improvements are made OT are in the process of being constructed, then no wetland conditions shall apply. If however the improvements are not made or are not under construction, then the extent of the buffer/wetland area shall be shown on the Plat of Liberty Grove and a Sensitive Areas Tract is required for the protection of the Class II buffer/wetland area for the wetland identified on the Plat of Evendell. The following note shall be shown on the final engineering plan and recorded plat, if wetland buffer is necessary per condition 15 above: RESTRICTIONS FOR SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS AND BillrERS Dedication of a sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. ·n.e sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/sensitive area and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensitive.area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without approval in writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor agency, unless otherwise provided by law. The common boundary between the tract/sensitive area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer. The required marking OT flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. No building foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback line, unless otherwise provided by law . Suitable recreation space shall be provided consistent with the requirements KCC 21A.14.180 and KCC 21A.14.l90 in providing sport court[s], children's play equipment, picnic table[s], benches, etc. b. Adetailed recreation space plan (i.e., landscape specs, equipment specs, etc.) shall be submitted for review and approval by ODES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with ~e submittal of the. engineering ·plans. This plan shall comply with Ordinance# 14045. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. L03P0006/L03TY 40J-Liberty Grove II 18. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established to the satisfaction ofDDES which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation, open space and/or sensitive area tract(s). 19. Street trees shall be included in the design of all road improvements, and shall comply with Section 5.03 of the KCRS and KCC 2IA.16.050: a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. c. If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat.· e. The species of trees shall be approved by DOES iflocated within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility Jines. f. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by DOES prior to engineering plan approval. g. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance. bond posted prior to recording of the plat If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance .bond may be released after DOES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. The inspection fee is subject to change based on current County fees. 20. The following have been establisliled by SEP A as necessary requirements to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of this development. The applicants shall demonstrate compliance with these items pri(lr to final approval. L03P0006/L03TY 403-Libcrty Grove 12 Individually, or joint with other area developers, the Applicant shall design and construct improvements to Southeast 128th Street at 160"' Ave. SE to mitigate project impacts at the High Accident Location. Or, the Applicant shall reduce the project impacts at the High Accident Location by completing the remainder of the improvements to Southeast 136th Street (i.e. additional paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks), between 158th Avenue SE and 160th A venue SE, and, revise the channelization at the intersection of 156th Avenue SE/SE 13 6th Street to provide a southbound left tum lane. School Mitigation Fees ~21. Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21A.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent (50%) of the impact fees due for the plat shall he assessed and collected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building pennit issuance. School Walkways 22. The Applicant, individually or in conjunction with other developers, shall construct an off-site walkway to Liberty High school from the site. The walkway shall be constructed within the right-of-way from 160th Ave SE, east along SE 135th Street to 166th Ave SE, and south to Liberty High School at SE 136th Street, or via alternative right-of-way and easements that · become available and are approved by DDES. One acceptable alternative would be to use future right-of-way of Southeast 136th Street and 162nd Avenue Southeast to connect with the sidewalk improvement of"five lot subdivision," and through the plat of .. five lot subdivision"/LOOP0023 to the southwest gate of Liberty High School. The walkway shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the 1993 King County Road Standards and shown on the engineering plans for DDES review and approval. Any surfacing alternative from the King County R~ad Slal\dards (KCRS 3.09) may be submitted for approval through a road variance application, ORDERED this 23rd day of February, 2004. es . O'Connor g ounty lfeanng Examiner pro tem TRANSMITTED this 23rd day of February, 200 , b the parties and interested persons of record: WiRiam J. Bowen -.. Revocable Living Trust 13644-160thAve. SE Renton WA 98055 Wilma J. Bowen 1.3644-1001h Ave. SE Rentoo WA 98059 MarshaH Brenden 18225 SE 128th Rentoo WA 98059 L03P0006/L03TY 403~Liberty Grove carolyn Ann Buckett 16524 SE 145th St. Renton WA 98059 Kathy Graves 13020 • 160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Victor & Gwendolyn High 13405 • 158th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Don & Diane Kezele 15657 SE 137th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Leroy Nass 15713 SE 128th SL Renton WA 98059 Lany & Susan Oord 16013 SE 136th St Renton WA 98059 Resident . 13020 • 160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Deborah Stewart 16207 SE 136th St Renton WA 98059 Mr. & Mrs. Bob Wilmot 13900 • 160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Greg Borba DDES/LUSD MS OAK-OE.0100 Kristen Langley DDES/LUSD Land Use Traffic MS OAK-OE.0100 Steve Townsend DDES/LUSD Land Use Inspections MS OAK-OE.0100 Thomas Carlyle P0Box581 Tacoma WA 98401 Brad & Julie Henin 16202 SE 137th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Wayne.Jones lakeridge Development Inc. PO Box 146 Renton WA 98057 Milton & Helen Lee P.O. Box2574 Renton WA 98056 Kathy Nelson Transportation Dept. 805 • 2nd Ave. S. Issaquah WA 98027 David & Georgia Platt 510 Panoramic Dr. Camano Island WA 98282 Mike Romano Centurion Development services 22617 8th Drive SE Bothen WA 98021 Jesse Thaleher 13817 • 162nd Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Kevin M. Wyman 16MO SE 149th St Renton WA 98059 Kim Claussen DDES/1.USD Current Planning MS OAK-OE-0100 carol Rogers OOES/LUSD .. MS OAK-OE.0100 LanyWest DDESILUSD · Geo Review MS OAK-OE.0100 Melvin L. Daley DMP,INC 726 Auburn Way N Auburn WA 98002 Gwendolyn High P.O. Box 2936 Renton WA 98056 Edward June & Kris HRI 13527 156th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Rebecca Lind City of Renton, EDNSP 1055 S. Grady Way Renton WA 98056 Richard & Anita Oliphant 16519 SE 145th St Renton WA 98059 Guy Platz 13535 • 160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 SeaWe KC Health Dept E. Dist Environ. Health 14350 SE Eastgate Way Bellevue WA 98007 Mike Tun 16056 SE 136th St Renton WA 98059 G'1'99 Zimmerman City of Renton-Planning 1055 S Grady Way Renton WA 98055 NickGlDen DDESILUSD SIie Development Services MS OAK-OE.0100 Karen Scharer DDES/LUSD Current Planning . MS OAK-OE-0100 Bruce Whittaker DDES/LUSD Pret. Review Engineer MS OAK-OE.0100 13 L03P0006/L03TY 403-Liberty Grove 14 NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL In order lo appeal the decision of the Examiner, written notice of appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council with a fee of$250.00 (check payable to King County Office of Finance) on or before March 8, 2004. If a notice of appeal is filed, the original and six (6) copies of a written appeal statement specifying the basis for the appeal and argument in support of the appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council on or before March 15, 2004. Appeal statements may refer only to facts contained in the hearing record; new facts may not be presented on appeal. Filing requires actual delivery to the Office of the Clerk of the Council, Room 1025, King County Courthouse, 516 3"' Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98!04, prior to the close of business (4:30 p.m.) on the date due. Prior mailing is not sufficient if actual· receipt by the Clerk does not occur within the applicable time period. The Examiner does not have authority to extend the time period unless the Office of the Clerk is not open on the specified closing date, in which event delivery prior to the close of business on the next business day is sufficient to meet the filing requirement. Ifa written notice of appeal and filing fee are not filed within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of this report, or if a written appeal statement and argument are not filed within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the date of this report, the decision of the hearing examiner contained herein shall be the final decision of King County without the need for further action by the Council. MINUTES OF TIIE FEBRUARY JO, 2004, PUBLIC HEARING-ON DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FILE NOS.L03P0005/LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS (LGC) AND L03P0006/L03TY4031LIBERTY GROVE (LG). James N. O'Connor was the Hearing Examiner in this matter. Participating in the hearing were Karen Scharer, Bruce Whittaker, Nick Gillen and Kristen Langley, representing the Department; Wayne Jones and Dave Casey, representing the Appellant; Gwendolyn High, Intervenor for C.A.R.E. and Anita Oliphant, Kristy Hill, Mary Brotherton, Diane Kezele, Rhonda Bryant, and Joann Lee. The following exhibits were offered and entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1 Exhibit No. 2 Exhibit No. 3 Exhibit No. 4 LGC -DOES File L03P0005 LG -DOES File L03P0006 LGC -DDES Preliminary Report for L03P0005, Prepared January 26, 2004 with attachments as follows: 3.1 36 Lot Plat Design 3.2 Density Calculations R-4 w/4 TbRs 3 .3 Issaquah School District - 3.4 Certificate of Water Availability dated January' 8, 2003 3.5 City of Renton Letters, including the Sewer Certificate 3.6 Certificate of Transportation Concurrency -LG-DDES Preliminary Report for L03P0006, Prepared January 26, 2004 with attachments as follows: · 4.1 24Lot Plat Design 4.2 Density Calculations R-4 w/5 TDRs L03P0006/L03TY403-Liberty Grove 43 Issaquah School District 4.4 Certificate of Water Availability dated January 8, 2003 4.5 City of Renton Letters, including Sewer Certificate 4.6 Certificate of Transportation Concurrency Exhibit No. 5 Corrections/Revisions of Conditions to DOES Preliminary Reports Exhibit No. 6 Exhibit No. 7 Exhibit No. 8 Exhibit No. 9 (Conditions 7.d. & 12.d) dated February 9, 2004-Not Entered into the Record LGC-Application for Land Use Permit/Plat L03P0005 Received March 11, 2003 LG-Application for Land Use Pennit/Plt L03P0006 received March 11, 2003 LGC-Revised Environmental Checklist Received September 3, 2003 LG -Revised Environmental Checklist Received September 3, 2003 Exhibit No. IO LGC-Mitigated Determination ofNon-Significance dated December 16, 2003 Exhibit No. l l LG -Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance dated December 16, 2003 Exhibit No. 12 LGC-Affidavit of Revised Posting Indicating Posting Date of June 2, 2003 And received June 3, 2003 Exhibit No. 13 LG -Affidavit of Posting Indicating Posting Date of June 2, 2003 and received June 3, 2003 Exhibit No. 14 LGC -Revised Site Plan (36 Lot Preliminary Plat Map) received September 3, 2003 Exhibit No. 15 LG -Revised Site Plan (24 Lot Preliminary Plat Map) received September 3, 2003 Exhibit No. 16 Assessors Maps (2) SE 14-23-05 Revised February 3, 2000 & NE 14-23-05 Revised February 28, 2000 Exhibit No. 17 Letter w/attachments to DOES from Wayne Jones; Re: Intent to sell TOR-Density Credits dated April 23, 2003 Exhibit No. 18 Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Gary A. Norris ofDN Traffic Consultants dated February 7, 2003 and received March l l, 2003 · Exhibit No. 19 Revised Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Gaiy A. Norris ofDN Traffic Exhibit No. 20 Exhibit No. 21 Exhibit No. 22 Consultants dated June 24, 2003 and received September 3, 2003 Walkway Study Prepared by DMP, Inc. dated August 18, 2003 LGC-Walkway Study Map Annotated by DOES prepared February 9, 2004 March I 0, 2003 email from Issaquah School District to Ted Cooper regarding School walkways to Liberty High, Maywood Middle and Briarwood Elementary School for plat conditions ofLOOP0023 Exhibit No. 23 Level One Off-Site Analysis prepared by Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. dated March 3, 2003 Exhibit No. 24 Revised Level One Off-Site Analysis prepared by Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. Exhibit No. 25 Exhibit No. 26 Exhibit No. 27 Dated July 11, 2003 . Conceptual Drainage Plan received March l l, 2003 Additional Downstream Information received November 25, 2003 LG-Letter to Wayne Jones and Mel Daley from James Sanders and Jim Chan Dated December 4, 2003 regarding drainage adjustment (L03V0065) Exhibit No. 28 Wetland Evaluation and Delineation Report and Wildlife Habitat Evaluation By Habitat Technologies dated November 5, 2002 · Exhibit No. 29 LGC-Letter to Wayne Jones from Mm Heckert o{H&S Consulting dated July 18, 2003; Addendum to the Wetland Evaluation and Delineation Report Exlubit No. 30 LGC -Tributary Area Map Annotations by DOES; Prepared February 2004 Exhibit No. 31 Letter to Karen Scharer from Anita & Richard Oliphant dated January 29, 2004 Requesting conunents to L01POOl6 &.L03RE038 be considered in this matter Exhibit No. 32 Letter to Karen Scharer from Steven & Joann Lee dated February 2, 2004 Regarding claim of adverse possession along south property line ofLGC 15 L03P0006/L03TY40J-Liberty Grove Exhibit No. 33 Hearing Examiner Report & Decision for Evendell/LOlPOO 16/L03RE038 Issued February 4, 2004 Exhibit No. 34 Email from Shirley Day to Karen Scharer dated February 3, 2004 Exhibit No. 35 Email from Glenda Johnson to Karen Scharer dated February l 0, 2004 Exhibit No. 36 Letter from Bill & Dona Mokin to Karen Scharer dated February 7, 2004 Exhibit No. 37 Photograph of driveway located at SE 136"'/l 601h on February 4, 2004 Exhibit No. 38 C.A.R.E. Response: Liberty Grove/Liberty Grove Contiguous Plat Applications L03P0006 & L03P0005 Exhibit No. 39 C.A.R.E. Households List Exhibit No. 40 Community Map Exhibit No. 41 March and April 2000 Press Releases from King County Executive Ron Sims Exlnbit No. 42 King County Metro Six Year Transit Development Plan, February 2002 Exhibit No. 43 Report of the King County General Government Budget Advisory Task Force To County Executive Ron Sims dated June 25, 2003 Exhibit No. 44 A Joint City Position -The Cities' Suggestions for Inclusion in the King County Budget Advisory Task Force's Recommendations dated March 12, 2003 Exhibit No. 45 Message to Employees from King County Executive Ron Sims; General Budget Advisory Task Force Recommendations dated July 9, 2003 Exhibit No. 46 King County Council Budget & Fiscal Management Committee Capital Budget Plan, 2004 CIP Overview Exhibit No. 47 In Transportation -Facing the Budget's Challenges from Harold Taniguchi Dated November 3, 2003 Exhibit No. 48 High Accident Locations Report dated July 2003 Exhibit No. 49 Transportation Service Areas 2000 Exhibit No. 50 King County Concurrency Maps 2001, 2002 and 2003 Exhibit No. 51 Transportation Concurrency Detail Comparison Graphic Exhibit No. 52 City of Renton Long Range Wastewater Management Plan (Excerpts) Exhibit No. 53 2003 King County Annual Growth Report Exhibit No. 54 King County Benchmark Report -2003 (Land use -excerpts) Exlnbit No. 55 Buildable Lands Report-Dated August 29, 2002 (Excerpts) Exhibit No. 56 State, County, City Populations Exhibit No. 57 City of Renton Economic Development, Neighborhoods, and Strategic Planning Department Reports (June 3, 2003; Septembet· 23, 2003; October 1, 2003; ·Octoberl0,2003) Exhibit No. 58 Renton Planning Commission Recommendation dated October 22, 2003 Exlnbit No. 59 City of Renton Ordinance No. 5026 Exhibit No. 60 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes dated November 24, 2003 Exhibit No. 61 C.A.R.E. Member's Letters Detailing Adverse Impacts from High Density Development in this Community Exhibit No. 62 City of Renton Proposed Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Exhibit No. 63 Two Photographs of Intersection Exhibit No. 64 Two Photographs of SE 1441h/62nd Ave. SE Exhibit No. 65 List oflndividuals and Their Addresses in Attendance Exhibit No. 66 Letter to Karen Scharer from Claude R. & Eloise M. Stachowiak Dated November 16, 2003 16 L03P0006/L03TY403-Liberty Grove Exhibit No. 67 Letter to the Hearing Examiner from Kristy J. Hill dated February I 0, 2004 Exhibit No. 68 Letter to the Hearing Examiner from Edward & June Hill dated February I 0, 2004 JOC:gao L03P0006/L03TY403 RPT 17 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 '• Proposed No. 2004--0006. l KING COUNTY Signature Report May 10, 2004 Ordinance 14901 Sponsors Phillips 1200 King County Courthouse 516 Third Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 AN ORDINANCE authorizing a subdivision on certain property located north of SE 136th Street and between 158th Ave SE and 160th Ave SE, at the request of Wayne Jones, Lakeridge Development, department of development and environmental services file no. L03P0006. 8 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY: 9 SECTION I. This ordinance does hereby adopt and incorporate the findings and IO conclusions contained in the February 23, 2004, report and decision by the hearing 11 examiner and adopts as the decision of the council the decision by the hearing examiner 12 to approve the transfer of five density credits and to grant the application for preliminary 13 approval, subject to the conditions recommended by the examiner, of the proposed . 14 twenty-four-lot plat of Liberty Grove, received September 3, 2003, in department of IS development and environmental services file no. L03P0006. 1 Ordinance 14901 16 SECTION 2. The appeal of the February 23, 2004, decision of the hearing_ 17 examiner by Citizens for a Responsible Evendell ("C.A.R.E. ") is denied. 18 Ordinance 14901 was introduced on 1/12/2004 and passed by the Metropolitan King County Council on 5/10/2004, by the following vote: ATTEST: Yes: 10 -Mr. Phillips, Ms. Edmonds, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague and Mr. Constantine No:O Excused: 3 -Mr. von Reichbauer, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING CO Y, WASIIlNG Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council Attachments None 2 '' ' Cond. No. l(a)(b) 2 3(a)(b) 4 5 6 7(a)(b) 7(c)(d) 8 9 10 11 12(a)-(d) 12(d)(t) 13 14 15 16 17(a)(b) 18 19(a)-(g) 20 21 22 LIBERTY GROVE D.D.E.S. FILE No. L03P0006 DEMONSTRATION LETTER Statement of fact Title 19* of KC code shall be complied with prior to recording and Liberty Grove Contiguous shall record first. Acknowledgements shall be completed prior to recording. The plat complies with R-6 zone requirements and density transfer credits shall be provided prior to recording. Health department approval to be provided. All construction being done in accordance with the approved engineering plans. Fire protection engineer approval to be obtained prior to recording. These conditions have been addressed on the approved engineering plans. These conditions have been addressed on the fmal plat. Stormwater facilities have been provided by the plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous. The design of the stormwater facility has been approved. Plan and capacity analysis has been submitted and approved. No flood plain or on-site wetlands exist on this site. These conditions have been addressed on the approved engineering plans. These conditions have been or will be addressed by the final plat. To be provided prior to recording. See MPS fee note on the fmal plat. No sensitive areas exist on site. No sensitive areas exist on site. Recreation space has been provided and suitable bonds shall be posted prior to recording. Proof of the creation of the Homeowner's association shall be provided. Street tree type and location has been addressed on the approved engineering plans, mntenance responsibilities have been addressed on the final plat and appropriate bonds will be posted prior to recording. The remainder of the improvements to 1561b Ave SE/SE 136th St. have been or are being completed. A school impact fee note has been placed on the face of the final plat. Easements have been provided and construction has been or is being completed on the school walkway path. ~ King County Project No. >= LOOXXXXX SUBDIVISION Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 and SHORT SUBDIVISION REQUEST TO RECORD Interoffice Memo 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov DATE S--I -0 1 TO: ____ 4]:-+-+-iu.--____________ Land Use Inspection Section RE: Project Name: l I &c J.?..T'( G XC<.Jb Project No. :_L_o_· "-J---'--P_o_o_o_c;..,:.__ ____ _ Final Activity No.: (., 0 (, FI<. 0 ~ L Inspection Activity No.: /.-0 TS I I ,;2__ l Please inspect the above-referenced project for the following items: The Land Use Inspection Section does not recommend recording if any item is marked NO I. KCC 9.04.090( c): Are those portions of the drainage facilities necessary to accommodate the control of flows discharging from the sites constl/llcted and in operation, per public RID rule? __ ./_Yes __ No 2. Water mains and hydrants installed? (must aJfo be approved by Fire Marshall) _/_Yes __ No Roadways graded to all lots capable of provicjlng access by passenger vehicles? _/'_Yes __ No 3. Specific site improvements required by prelilJiinary approval installed? _/_Yes __ No 4. 5. Sensitive area to remain undeveloped deli,,ed? Yes No Temporary control monuments set by Landyurveyor? Yes 6. No 7. All safety hazards addressed? 8. 9. No There are no objections to the recording oft~ subdivision, and issuance of building pernits. _/_Yes __ No Are there any building lots on this plat which should have further review or engineering prior to building construction? If so, identify lots and describe concerns in comment section. I 0. Minimum Performance Financial Guarantee required for recording is $ 7{) (/; '( l:.S-. Cash or Assignment of Fund Restoration Financial Guarantee may be used ifa Pe~formance Agreement to Complete form is completed .. 11. Minimum Landscaping Financial Guarantee amount required for recordng is $ \ 4/; & B ) _.,... / __ 12. Minimum Recreation Financial Guarantee amount required for recording is 13. Minimum Street Trees Financial Guarantee amount required for recording is $ 3 7 6 2-t..- ~~ Inspector1s signature and date: ____ _ ..____ -~- Financial Guarantee Compliance Engineer Initials and date: RETURN TO: S:-k...c. (h "1 f .__ tfe.v1, , Engineering Review Section S/Fonns./CURRENTFORMS. Present. Req-tRec. mem/09-14-06 Original: Platting Engineer Copy I FGMV Copy 2· Inspector Copy 3: BF Engineer / //7 (~~ .') -rv· '-;/p Ii I) r __ - ---, ,.) ..._. ; L ' { -..._ u ,,/ C, ,·oJMjhte "'/Pi/t.Af,o'I, /f;!a_:, IS, t..ooJ RECORDING CHECKLIST Q 'f.. I) RED LINES ADDRESSEi ~ ~ o "~ 1).7" i v1 $" -"/ -07 OK2) OK TO RECORD; l...::ROUTED REQUEST TO RECORD /1;,,, c!rea.+vwi ~) K.C. FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEER .tJ.K_ 4) FINAL HEALTH (any restrictions?) )~pie_ 6/<. i&k(s) HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA TJON (established) &6) COVENENTS a) recording fee ($9.00 first page plus $1.00 each additional page) __ 7)UPDATEDPLATCERTIFICATE(30days) /1A"7 ro/ u7 -~8) LOT SUMMARY __ 9) EXAMINERS REPORT CHECKED OFF __ I 0) REVIEW VARIANCES AND COMMENTS UNDER PROJECT NO. lo J 1/ oor.. J ~ 11) FEES AND ACTIVITIES ..D.K._.12) "FINAL PLATTING PROCEDURE" FORM .,;r_K._13) ADDRESSING ON PLAT o /<.14) ENGINEERING PLANS REFERENCED ON PLAT off 15) ROAD MITIGATION ~a) PROPER NOTE ,/(.,;; /'I b) FEES PAID . o k 16) SCHOOL MITIGATION La) PROPER NOTE __ b) FEES PAID .QK_ 17) PLAT RECORDING FEE / i 1. oo .6...k.-1 S) BONDS __ a) PERFORMANCE Ir ? /?/·: ;; r (, <--V .. ) vvv 0 c.. o G r: r...os·7_ JC C 4-s-ao r 4-! NE !4--2J-cS (<-4-- £5'St)JQU/1f( ~f} fv1 Ps zo«E 1--s--z.._ v CD -9 SJ)=6(J'C. /z = .JD{,8 __ b) WETLAND RESTORATION: __ PLAN __ BOND f'Z f l 'tE-<f 7 S-0 ,// c)L-PLAN/RECREATJON: __ PLAN __ BOND ok A,,.._,._ /JO -6'-11\:--z O (, J 't <f -7 f-0 0 ~ ___ d) STREET TREE: PLAN BOND ~19) BUILDING PERMIT NOTE NEEDED? j C"l '<5 (.,j~r"' ~ Q 7fllest < /\I eT ~20) IF IN R-l OR RA THEN VERIFY BASIN RE: KCC 2IA.l2.030 19. ~21) REQUEST ELECTRONIC COPY OF DRAWING FILE __ / ,'/c/u Je_ C,ol'1 v"I-Oft /ro/~A"_> {Jo,....._ v, ,+h f /,,.+, f}-t. .. rrf-1 : )7. 'I + /',Ao.X S-11)1..,'; := /"f.tl.'t< of -e.,g /o-fs. fl,_is f/A.f-C,4r,tf...,"!A,J Z..I}-fo+S. )e"-O(.JIAll'tAJce /tf-"fO( ;l£cD G, r!)/2.15 f 11/f/l-OUAL fJ<.0/V\ !'CANN€/<.... -12--L r, V(_ /<-er-i-V: C +(~IA.. / f t'A vf,( (l,t.J /<._,,,f ;lcf-/:<,r, A/fo<-> I ~xc,..._/fio,. f,, 1/vfj?..._c+ .P.~<!.S 0 K_ TD fl N6+~ v~r,fs <AS i /If_ ec,.,J;fr~ ,· ... .. ® King County D.D.E.S. RED-I Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 DATE: November 15, 2006 PLAT NAME: Liberty Grove FILE No.: L03P0006 ACTIVITY No.: L06FR052 The following items must be addressed before final approval is granted and the plat is recorded. If you have questions or need clarifications, please call Steve Van Patten, PLS, Platting Review Engineer, at 296-7 I 97. I) Need a Plat Certificate dated within 30 days prior to the recording of this plat. ,;;) fC 2) Need a copy of the Final Health Approval. If on sewer in an urban area, current letters of approval of the sewer and water systems by the utility district may be accepted in lieu of Health Department approval. If there was an existing well or septic system, please provide copies of the abandonment papers. •k 3) Need approval from the King County Fire Protection Engineer. Also, because SE 135th Pl. is under 28 feet in width, add the following note to the face of the plat: "Any future residence to be constructed in this plat shall be constructed with a (N.F.P.A.) National Fire Protection Association Standard 13D sprinkler system unless otherwise approved by King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (D.D.E.S.) or its successor ok 4) 5) (; ~. 6) b\b 7) agency." Verify--add the NAD 83/91 coordinates and bearing per KCC 19A.08.130.B. Complete construction of the required improvements or post a performance bond. Need confirmation that the Homeowners Association (HOA) has been established (incorporated). Please provide a copy of the HOA Document showing the Washington State approval. IF the HOA is the same as for Liberty Grove Contiguous, please provide a copy of the page of the CC&R's allowing the inclusion of this plat. Fill out the enclosed "Request for Designation as Common Property" form. Filling out this form will allow you to convey a Tract to the Homeowners Association. Note that the taxes for the tracts owned by the HOA will be distributed equally between all lot owners. ___ 8) Need signatures of all owners and mortgage beneficiaries. Signatures must be originals on the mylar map and notarized. Signatures and notary stamps must be in black ink. I ___ 9) When the main issues/ comments have been addressed, please notify the plat reviewer. Within one week of notification, King County Finance will then provide the final fee balance to be paid at plat approval. 10) If you want to speed up the recording process, then after the redlines have been addressed, please take a copy of the plat into the assessors office for their preliminary review. Also, the applicant should contact Lilian Yetter at 206 296-4184 and pre-pay the taxes due for the new proposed lots one week prior to plat approval. ___oL 11) Add a statement for addressing the accuracy of the survey. 12) Regarding the Redline comments on Page 1 of 3: oh. a) Correct minor typo in the legal description. b) Verify/ revise the name in the acknowledgement from US Bank to Bank of America. c) Revise the tax numbering the Approvals. d) Regarding Note number 2: 0€-u;:(Cf D aa) Relinquish title exception 8505170859 and remove reference to it. oy.. bb) Amend notes "B", "C", and "D" to include verbiage something like: " ...... .is considered extinguished upon the recording of this plat -see "Extinguishing Note" below." e) Remove the verbiage granting King County a drainage easement over Tract A and C -in notes 6 and 8. The verbiage may cause confusion as to whether or not the County has an obligation to maintain the private drainage facilities. Note that the "Private Drainage Easement and Covenant" note on page 2 gives King County the right to access and maintain all private drainage facilities. oJ-f) Typos in note 7. olz g) Revise the joint use driveway to a private access tract in note 8. "k, h) Amend note 12 as shown. -~.-i~k~ i) at( j) Revise note 17 to something like as shown. Delete note 17. 13) Regarding the Redline comments on Page 2 of 3: e\,(.. ak. ot( ok. oK ()~ ak () ~- o/( 0~ a) b) c) d) e) t) g) h) i) j) Correct the heading information. Please verify / clarify the Basis of Bearing. Show proportioning data for the lots in the underlying plat. Add the addressing information. Add the half school fee. ju-v;5 <-.Por 2.-001 I didn't see any public drainage easements in this plat -so you can remove the "King County Drainage Easement and Covenant" note and the "Public Drainage Easement Covenant" note. Revise the reference to the underlying plat under the Legend. Correct typos in reference no. 1. Remove the "Private Drainage Easements" -looks like they are boilerplate from another project. It looks like the applicant may qualify for an exemption to the impact fees. If the applicant elects to pursue the exemption, please provide documentation demonstrating 2 that a residence was lived in within 3 years prior to this permit and was demolished less then 3 years ago. Also you will need to use the impact fee notes provided below. 14) Regarding the Redline comments on Page 3 of 3: ok a) Correct the heading information. ok. b) Verify the scale under the north arrow. o k. c) Remove the vertical datum and benchmark unless finish floor elevations are required. ok d) Revise the easement designation in the Legend. of< e) Amend the dedication verbiage at the SW and SE comers of the site. o k f) Add "Private" to the access tracts. o k. g) Revise the designation of Tract C. o k h) Add the dimensions at the east end of SE 135th Pl. 15) Regarding the Hearing Examiner Conditions: of< a) Per H.E. Condition no. I, the plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous must record prior to this plat. () k. b) Please provide a copy of your density calculations. My preliminary calculations show that only 23 lots are allowed (18 + maximum of 5 density credits). See H.E. condition no. 3. 6 7Dl2..'S w,'/( b< c>,/(o._.,,J f'U' Ju, /IA.'r~, c) Per H. E. Condition no. 4, please provide King County Health Department approval for the abandonment of the existing on-site septic system. ____ d) For H.E. Condition no. 13, please provide a note signed by the applicant stating that "All utilities within proposed rights of way are included within a franchise approved by the King County Council." ___ e) Note that the improvements stated in H.E. Condition no. 20 must be completed prior to recording. f) The school walkways per H.E.Condition no. 22 must be constructed prior to plat approval. 16) Regarding the Plat Certificate: f(G Rev-"Z-a) Work with the Title Company and relinquish title exception no. I by separate instrument --regarding the septic drainfield easement 8505170859. $(%;, ~EJ>::"'1 Title exceptions 2, 3 and 4 should be extinguished so that they don't appear on title in future t' searches on the new lots. We think that by relinquishing the instrument 505170 5 , e can accomplish clearing the title by extinguishing said remaining e · on the face of the plat. Please consider the following plat note: "Because sanitary sewers have been provided to this site ai,e sill~@ i11stRillleftt l±f!Eisr r@s9rr.li11g Rs. 8-505170859 haJ bcett tehnquishCS-1mder King Couat,• reeording nB. instruments under recording numbers 8101150638, 9311090539 and 20010611000030 no longer have effect and are her ~tinguished °ii"pon the recording of this plat." ~ l)fl.€"1{;17) Please provide an electronic copy of the plat with the final mylars for King County GIS purposes. 18) Address and return the redlines together with 2 copies of the revised maps. 3 ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTES: This plat has participated in King County's "Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)" program. The density for this plat was achieved through the inclusion of 5 transfer of density credits. THE FOLLOWING NOTES MAY BE APPLICABLE: DEMOLISHED RESIDENCE IMPACT FEE NOTES: NOTE FOR SCHOOL FEES A "SCHOOL FEES FOR LOTS THROUGH --- Fifty percent of school impact fees were paid at the time of final plat approval in accordance with King County Code 21A.43.050. The balance of the assessed fee, $ per lot, together with the current administration fee, must be paid at the time of building permit issuance." "SCHOOL FEES FOR LOT __ _ One residential unit was existing prior to the development of this subdivision. If the issuance ofa new building permit for Lot occurs on or prior to , (three years after date of the issuance of the demolition permit), then said lots shall be exempt from the payment of the school impact fees. If the issuance of anew building permit for said lot occurs after , then the full assessed fee, $ per lot, together with the current administration fee, must be paid at the time of building permit issuance. See K.C. code 21 A.43.070.A.2." NOTE FOR ROAD MPS FEES (Jfallfees are paid at recording, with the exception of the demolished residence -ie: No need to address demolished residence if no fees are required at building permit ---use standard note below): o /,( "All fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." 4 (If.fees are deferred to building permit): "ROAD MPS FEES PER K.C. CODE 14.75 FOR LOTS THROUGH This plat is subject to King County Code 14. 75, King County Road Mitigation Paymmt System (MPS). For Lots through , the MPS fees plus the MPS administrative fee shall be paid at the time of building permit application at the rate in effect at that time. ROAD MPS FEES PER K.C. CODE 14.75 FOR LOT One residential unit was existing and occupied within the three years prior to the application for development of this subdivision. Lot __ in this plat shall be exempt from the payment of fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System. See King County Department of Transportation Public Rule" Steve Van Patten, P.L.S. Engineering Review Section 5 ® King County D.D.E.S. RED{!) Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 DATE: January 9, 2007 PLAT NAME: Liberty Grove FILE No.: L03P0006 ACTIVITY No.: L06FR052 The following items must be addressed before final approval is granted and the plat is recorded. If you have questions or need clarifications, please call Steve Van Patten, PLS, Platting Review Engineer, at 296-7197. Complete the pending issues contained in RED-1. Regarding the Redline comments on all pages: a) Correct the page number for "Janett's Renton .... Vol. 17/60" contained in the heading of each page. ~3) ok 9~, ---4-- * o.K. 4) a/; -4- 5) ok. o/( 6) oK Regarding the Redline comments on Page 1 of 3: a) Correct minor typo for the tax number in the approvals. b) Update the year in the Recording Certificate. c) Since 8505170859 actually does have a sunset clause, we can go without the relinquishing document and just add it to the Extinguishing Note on the plat. d) Revise the Extinguishing Note something like as shown. Include 8505170859. Regarding the Redline comments on Page 2 of 3: a) Please add the King County NAD 83/91 coordinate to the controlling monuments. FYI- we are asking for this information for future incorporation into the KC GIS. b) Revise the school fee per the new fee schedules for 2007. the 50% fee amount is $3068.00. c) Remove the Fire Sprinkler note. I believe Wayne Jones will want to go with the parking restriction note -see page 3/3. d) Correct the numbering in the References. Regarding the Redline comments on Page 3 of 3: a) Correct the bar scale. b) Revise the Parking Restriction note to as below. Regarding the Plat Certificate: a) Title exceptions 1, 2, 3 and 4 should be extinguished so that they don't appear on title in future title searches on the new lots. We now recommend the following plat note: 1 "Because sanitary sewers have been provided to this site, instruments under recording numbers 8505170859, 8101150638, 9311090539 and 20010611000030 no longer have effect and are hereby extinguished upon the recording of this plat." 7) Address and return the redlines together with 2 copies of the revised maps. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTES: Parking Restriction: "No parking is allowed at any time along ONE side of (Avenues/Streets) , as designated by the King County Department of Transportation. The purpose of this restriction is to provide adequate road width for the access of emergency vehicles." Steve Van Patten, P.L.S. Engineering Review Section 2 tQ KingCounty Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov May 23, 2007 TO: VIA: FM: RE: Clerk of the Council '!;r;i,;[t;,vision Director e~~•rs, P.E., Development Engineer Final Plat of LIBERTY GROVE DOES Project No. L03P0006 The Platting Unit of the Engineering Review Section has checked this plat (3 sheets) and finds it complies with the requirements of King County, with the exception of the certification by the King County Office of Finance. A statement showing receipt for the plat recording fee of$98.00 is attached. COUNCILMATIC DISTRICT: 9 Attachments: Copy of Sewer and Water Availability Letter Statement for the Recording Fee SEE DRAWINGS) (AV ,--/ t:- VanPatten, Steve From: Floren!, Ray Sent: To: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 10:45 AM VanPatten, Steve Subject: FW: L06FR052 paid current for Liberty Grove rec. Fees for all activities are paid and good for recording. Raymond E. Florent, PLS DDES Chief Land Surveyor I Engineer IV Land Use Services Division Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 (206) 296-6790 Fax (206) 296-6613 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Staines, Heather Wednesday, May 23, 2007 10:43 AM VanPatten, Steve; Florent, Ray carlson, Joanne L06FR052 paid current for Liberty Grove rec. 1 Recording Requested By And When Recorded Mail To: Mark Sollitto ® King County Transfer of Development Rights Program Water and Land Resources Division 201 So. Jackson St., Suite 600 MS: KSC-NR-0600 Seattle, WA 98104 Transfer of Development Rights Certificate Number: 123 i Urban Development Rights Date Issued: December 13. 2006 Certificate Issued To: Name: Lakeridge Development I. LLC Address: P.O. Box 146 City & Zip: Renton. WA 98057 This development right(s) is/are transferred from the following certified sending site, pursuant to K.C.C. 21A.37: Sending site file number: A99P3116 Grantor: King County. a political subdivision of the State .of Washington Parcel Number. 052205-9225 This certifies that Lakeridge Development I LLC owns two (2) urban development rights removed from the sending sit~ identified above, which has been qualified as a transfer of development rights sending site pursuant to K.C.C. 21A.37. Receiving site: Liberty Grove DOES FIie: L03P0006 The official record of these development rights is maintained by King County. If there is any discrepancy between the number of rights identified on this certificate and the official record, the official record shall control. If any of the development rights identified on this certificate are sold, conveyed or transferred, the person acquiring the rights shall within ten (10) business days deliver to the King County Transfer of Development Rights Program this original certificate. A new certificate in the buyer's name shall then be issued. The development rights may be used only on a receiving site(s) that has/have been given final approval for additional residential density achieved through the transfer of development rights In accordance with King County Zoning Code (K.C.C. 21A.37). Approved by Representative of the King County Transfer of Development Rights Program lnteragency RG>Q.eW Committee '10c Q ~ 0/le3/0(p Signature Certificate Number 123 Page 1 of 4 Date Issued 12/13/06 STATE OF WASHINGTON) )SS. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ##1:-5o<-L.t77o is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Program Manager, Transferable Development Rights Program of King County to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. · Dated: njtZJ,/oc ~,,,,"11110,,,,,. ~'''\ 1 0.!.llOo/'~,. ~~s o•~~ .... ~ ~.., .,~ ~ ~ if: -OTA/ly '! 5 --5 i .,_u,1.\c. I 'i~ , .. ~~ ~if>. ~y ~/IP WAl'-~t,.P -...,,,,,,. .. u\\'¥'· To Redeem Development Rights: State of Washington Residing at f2.t;,,:sr u/J My appointment expires 0/SoJ; o 't In applying for receiving site approval, the applicant shall provide the Department of Development and Environmental Services with either a copy of this certificate issued in the name of the applicant or a copy of this certificate with a signed option to purchase these development right(s). For receiving sites within incorporated municipal jurisdictions, the applicant shall provide the above documentation to the municipal jurisdiction and shall follow that jurisdiction's development application review process. Before building perm~ issuance or before final plat or short plat recording, the applicant shall deliver the appropriate TDR certificates issued in the applicant's name to the Transfer of Development Rights Program. The applicant shall receive an extinguishment document showing that the development rights have been applied to an approved receiving site. The TDR Program shall confirm for DDES or the municipal jurisdiction that the requirements of K.C.C. 21A.37 have been met. Certificate Number .l2l Date Issued ~ Page 2 of 4 SALE, CONVEYANCE, TRANSFER, AND REDEMPTION OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS If any of the development rights Identified on this certificate are sold, conveyed, transferred and/or redeemed for use, the person acquiring and/or redeeming the rights shall within ten (10) business days deliver to the King County Transfer of Development Rights Program this original certificate with this section properly completed. Upon receipt, certificate(s) will be re-issued to reflect the new number of rights available, if there are any, to the owner or to the person acquiring the rights after the sale, transfer, conveyance and/or redemption reported herein. A. FJJI out this section for a sale, conveyance or transfer of development rights. 1. GRANTEE (Buyer) NAME. __________________ _ CITY/ STATE _______________ _ ZIP CODE ----------------- 2. GRANTOR (Seller) NAME. _________________ ~ ADDRESS. ________________ _ Cl.TY ___________________ _ STATE/ZIP ________________ _ 3. NUMBER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS SOLD, TRANSFERRED OR CONVEYED. ______ PURCHASE PRICE. ___ _ 4. RECEIVING SITE STREET ADDRESS------- 5. RECEIVING SITE ZONING. _________ _ 6. DOES RECEIVING SITE PRE-APPLICATION/PERMIT FILE #, _______ _ 7. DEVELOPMENT RIGHT SELLER APPROVAL Signature of Seller Date 8. DEVELOPMENT RIGHT BUYER APPROVAL Signature of Buyer Date 9. ATI ACH WRITIEN EVIDENCE OF TRANSACTION (e.g. Contract of Sale, Bill of Sale) Certificate Number ill Date Issued ~ Page3 of4 Fill out this section for a redemption of development rights for use at a receiving site. 1. OWNER (Person Redeeming Rights) NAME. _________ _ ADDRESS-------- CITY ----- STATE/ ZIP __ _ 2. RECEIVING SITE FOR WHICH DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS ARE REDEEMED: TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S). ___________ _ 3. KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES RECIEVING SITE DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FILE NUMBER _________ _ 4. KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES RECEIVING SITE DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION APPROVAL DATE. ________ _ 5. NUMBER OF RIGHTS REDEEMED. _______ _ 6. DEVELOPMENT RIGHT REDEEMER APPROVAL Signature of Redeemer Date ---- O::rtificate Number ill Date Issued 12/13/06 ---------------------·-·······--. Page 4 of 4 SEE DRAWINGS) ·. ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Project Name: L06FR052 LIBERTYGROVE L03P0006 Project Location: 13535 160TH AVE SE LAKERIDGE DEVELOPMENT, INC. P.O. BOX 146 RENTON, WA 98057 Project Management Statement Statement Date: 5/22/2007 Customer: CUST-02355 Permit#: L06FR052 Project#: L03P0006 Parcel Number: 3664500141 Permit Type: FINAL Status: REVIEWED Page 1 of3 Project Management Statement Managed Project Hours Budget: Total Hours Worked (see Hours Detail): Total Budgeted Hours Remaining: Fixed Fees: Description Issaquah Sch Dist 411 Roads MPS Admin -DDES Roads MPS Admin -Roads Roads MPS Zone 452 Counter Service Fees Finance Charges Recording Fees Total Fixed Fees: Managed Project Hours Budget: Total Managed Project Budget Total Amount Deferred: AMOUNT DUE AT APPLICATION: Installment Payments: Scheduled for 5/1/2007 Scheduled for 6/112007 Scheduled for 7/1/2007 Total Deferred Installments: Pa ments: Date Posted 12127/2006 2/5/2007 3/512007 4/24/2007 5/2212007 Payment Type Check Check Check Check Check Total Payments Received: CkloglD 102281 104165 105130 107095 108058 CURRENT (Excludes Deferred Amount): Total Balance: Amount $70,564.00 $26.00 $34.00 $49,197.00 $205.28 $32.93 $98.00 $120,157.21 $9,998.10 $130,155.31 Amount $495.08 $2,583.18 $1,659.12 $2,166.23 $1 666.35 $121,585.35 Deferred $70,564.00 $26.00 $34.00 $49,197.00 $119,821.00 $4,999.05 $124,820.05 $1,666.35 $1 666.35 $3,332.70 Check# 24375 3435 3468 3512 3535 69.00 36.30 32.70 Due Now $205.28 $32.93 $98.00 $336.21 $4,999.05 $5,335.26 $1,666.35 $1,666.35 ($8,569.96) $0.00 Date: January 25, 2007 To: Joe Miles, Manager LUSD From: Karen Scharer, PPM II, LUSD Cc: Steve VanPatten, Engineer, LUSD RE: TRD's for Liberty Grove -Reference Files L03P006 & L06FR052 Request- Allow increase TRD credits from 5 to 6 total to support 24 lots as originally requested and approved for the preliminary plat of Liberty Grove. Reason for Request- Originally the site area was incorrectly listed in the Density Calculation Worksheet as 4.84 acres. To achieve a lot total of 24, it had been determined through density calculations that 5 density credits would be needed. Now at the engineering stage, it has been determined that the actual site area is 4.48 acres. Recalculation of density based on this corrected site area requires 6 TDR's, one more than discussed in the plat hearing process. Justification - The 4.84 acre site area stated in the original Density and Dimension worksheet was based on Assessor records. The correct project size, as determined by the site survey is 4.48 acres. Unfortunately, the worksheet was never updated to reflect the corrected numbers. It is thought that the numbers for site area (4.84 and 4.48) were transposed by the assessor and relied upon by the applicant. This transposition would result in the loss of one lot. Had this information been available during the preliminary process, the applicant would have made the proper adjustments at that time. All documentation and public notices indicated a total unit/lot count of 24. No additional lots are being proposed and the maximum allowed units under the current zoning is 27 (revised down from the original calculation of 29 due to the new calculations). Also see applicant's letter of January 19, 2007 seeking your approval. Staff Recommendation - Allow the use of one additional TOR to reach the number of lots allowed by code under maximum provisions and total approved by the hearing examiner (24 lots). Had this information been available prior to DDES's final recommendation, staff would have supported the use of the one added TOR. Total number of lots will remain the same in the plat. ® King Comity Subdivision Density and Dimension Calculations Department of Development and Enviromnental Services Land Use Services Division Alternative formats available upon request 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 (206) 296-6600 TTY (206) 296-7217 File Number (To be filled in by DDES) i PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION WORKSHEET RELATING TO DENSITY AND DIMENSIONS I Several development regulations play a role in the creation of a subdivision within King County. Determining the allowable density, minimum density, and a lot width on a piece of property can be confusing. This worksheet will assist you in correctly applying specific portions of the code and will be used to determine if a proposed subdivision or short subdivision meets the density and dimensions provisions of the King County Zoning Code (Title 21A). This worksheet is designed to assist applicants and does not replace compliance with adopted local, state and federal laws. Pre-application conferences are required prior to submittal of a subdivision or short subdivision. These conferences help to clarify issues and answer questions. They may save you both time and money by eliminating delays resulting from requests for additional information and revisions. You may call (206) 296-6600 to find out how to arrange for a pre-application conference. Worksheet Prepared By: Hans Korve Date: 04/28/03 (Print Name) Subdivision Name: Liberty Grove Preliminary Plat (R-4 Option W/ TDR) Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Urban Residential R-4 to R-12 Zoning: R-4 * * R-4 Option w/ TDR If more than one Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation or zone classification exists for the property, show the boundary between the land uses or zones and the area within each on the preliminary plat map. If a single lot is divided by a zone boundary, transferring density across zones on that lot may be permitted subject to the provisions of K.C.C. 21A.12.200. Please complete only the applicable portions of this form I. Site Area <K.C.C. 21A.06.1172} also see <K.C.C. 21A.12.080}: Site area (in square feet) is the gross horizontal area of the project site, ~ submerged lands as defined by K.C.C. 21A.06.1265, and less areas which are required to be dedicated on the perimeter of a project site for the public rights-of-way. + = -~O __ square feet in submerged land (any land below the ordinary high water mark -see K.C.C. 21A.06.825) -~O __ square feet in perimeter rights-of-way which will be required to be dedicated (area 30 feet from center line of road) _ _.,._O __ Total * All existing Density and Dimension Calculations Liberty Grove R-4 Option w/ TDR Page 1 of 6 4.ti Calculation: 210,830 Gross horizontal area of the project site 0 Total submerged lands and rights-of-way 210,830 Site area in square feet NOTE: To continue calculations, convert site area in square feet to acres by dividing by 43,560 4.84 Site area in acres NOTE: When calculating the site area for parcels in the RA Zone, if the site area should result in a fraction of an acre, the following shall apply: Fractions of .50 or above shall be rounded up to the next whole number and fractions below .50 shall be rounded down. Example: If the site area in acres is 19.5 acres (less the submerged land and less the area that is required to be dedicated on the perimeter of a project site for public right-of-way) the site area can be rounded up to 20 acres. No further rounding is allowed. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.080) II, Base Density (K.C.C. 21A.12.030 -.040 tables): The base density is determined by the zone designations(s) for the lot. _..:..;R._-_4.___ du/acre * Not including TDR III. Allowable Dwelling Units and Rounding (K.C.C. 21A.12.070): The base number of dwelling units is calculated by multiplying the site area by the base density in dwelling units per acre (from K.C.C. 21A.12.030 -.040 tables). 4.84 site area in acres (see Section 1.) X _~4-base density (see Section II) I Bu~+s = __ 1~9 __ allowable dwelling units Except as noted below, when calculations result in a fraction, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole number as follows: A. Fractions of .50 or above shall be rounded up; and B. Fractions below .50 shall be rounded down. NOTE: For parcels in the RA Zone, no rounding is allowed when calculating the allowable number of dwelling units. For example, if the calculation of the number of dwelling units equaled 2.75, the result would be 2 dwelling units. Rounding up to 3 is not allowed. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.070(E)). IV. Required On-site Recreation Space {K.C.C. 21A,14.180l: This section must be completed only if the proposal is a residential development if more than four dwelling units in the UR and R zones, stand-alone townhouses in the NB zone on Density and Dimension Calculations Liberty Grove R-4 Option w/ TDR Page 2 of 6 property designated Commercial Outside of Center if more than four units, or any mixed use development if more than four units. Recreation space must be computed by multiplying the recreation space requirement per unit type by the proposed number of such dwelling units (K.C.C. 21A.14.180). Note: King County has the discretion to accept a fee in lieu of all or a portion of the required recreation space per K.C.C. 21A.14.185. Apartments and town houses developed at a density greater than eight units per acre, and mixed use must provide recreational space as follows: 90 square feet X ___ proposed number of studio and one bedroom units _N=A~--- 170 square feet X proposed number of two bedroom units + 170 square feet X proposed number of three or more bedroom units + Recreation space requirement = Residential subdivisions, townhouses and apartments developed at a density of eight units or less per acre must provide recreational space as follows: 390 square feet X -'1"'9 __ proposed number of units = 7 410 390 square feet X _2_4 __ proposed number of units, including TOR Mobile home parks shall provide recreational space as follows: = 9 360 260 square feet X ___ proposed number of units = NA v. Net Buildable Area {K.C.C. 21A.06.797l: This section is used for computing minimum density and must be completed only if the site is located in the R-4 through R-48 zones and designated Urban by the King County Comprehensive Plan. The net buildable area is the site area (see Section I) less the following areas: 0 + 0 + 0 + 7,410 + + = 7,410 Calculation: areas Within a project site which are required to be dedicated for public rights-of-way in excess of sixty (60') of width sensitive areas and their buffers, to the extent they are required by King County to remain undeveloped areas required for above ground stormwater control facilities including, but not limited to, retention/detention ponds, biofiltration swales and setbacks from such ponds and swales areas required by King County to be dedicated or reserved as on-site recreation areas. Deduct area within stormwater control facility if requesting recreation space credit as allowed by K.C.C. 21A.14.180 (see Section IV) regional utility corridors, and other areas, excluding setbacks, required by King County to remain undeveloped Total reductions \ ~~ 14 7 210,830 site area in square feet (see Sectionl) -,410 IB7} 739 = J..j. ~ = 7 410 Total reductions ~~~-203,420 Net buildable area in square feet NOTE: convert site area is square feet to acres by dividing by 43,560 4. 7 Net buildable area in acres ----_4=.6=---Net buildable area in acres including TDR = Density and Dimension Calculations Liberty Grove R-4 Op~on w/ TOR Page 3 of6 + + + + + + + = = = = VI, Minimum Urban Residential Density (K.C.C. 21A.12.060): The minimum density requirement applies only to the R-4 through R-48 zones. Minimum density is determined by multiplying the base density in dwelling units per acre (see Section II) by the net buildable area of the site in acres (see Section V) and then multiplying the resulting product by the minimum density percentage from the K.C.C. 21A.12.030 table. The minimum density requirements may be phased or waived by King County in certain cases. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.060.) Also, the minimum density requirement does not apply to properties zoned R-4 located within the rural town of Fall City. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.030(B)12.) calculation: NA base density in du/ac (see Section II) X Net buildable area in acres (see Section V) ----x minimum density% set forth in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 or as adjusted in Section VII ----minimum dwelling units required ---- VII. Minimum Density Adjustments for Moderate Slopes (K.C.C. 21A.12.087l: Residential developments in the R-4, R-6 and R-8 zones may modify the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 based on the weighted average slope of the net buildable area of the site (see Section V). To determine the weighted average slope, a topographic survey is required to calculate the net buildable area(s) within each of the following slope increments and then multiplying the number of square feet in each slope increment by the median slope value of each slope increment as follows: _N~A ___ sq. ft 0-5% slope increment X 2.5% median slope value = NA ____ sq. ft 5-10% slope increment X 7.5% median slope value= + ____ sq. ft 10-15% slope increment X 12.5% median slope value= ____ + ___ sq. ft 15-20% slope increment X 17.5% median slope value= + ___ sq. ft 20-25% slope increment X 22.5% median slope value = + ---sq. ft 25-30% slope increment X 27.5% median slope value= + ---sq. ft 30-35% slope increment X 32.5% median slope value= + ---sq. ft 35-40% slope increment X 37 .5% median slope value = + ---Total square feet Total square feet in net buildable area adjusted for slope calculation: total square feet adjusted for slope divided by total square feet in net buildable area ---NA weighted average slope of net buildable area --- ----% (Note: multiply by 100 to convert to percent -round up to nearest whole percent) Use the table below to determine the minimum density factor. This density is substituted for the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 table when calculating the minimum density as shown in Section VI of this worksheet. Weighted Average Slope of Net Minimum Density Factor Buildable Area(s) of Site: 0% --less than 5% 85% 5% --less than 15% 83%, less 1.5% each 1% of averaae slonP in excess of 5% 15% --less than 40010 66%, less 2.0% for each 1°10 of averaae slonP in excess of 15% Density and DI mens Ion Calculations Liberty Grove R-4 Option w/ TDR Page4 of6 . . EXAMPLE CALCULATION FOR MINIMUM DENSTIY ADJUSTMENTS FOR MODERATE SLOPES: sq. ft: 0-5% slope increment X 2.5% median slope value = + 10,000 sq. ft: 5-10% slope increment X 7.5% median slope value= 750 + + 20,000 sq. ft: 10-15% slope increment X 12.5% median slope value = 2,500 + + sq. ft: 15-20% slope increment X 17.5% median slope value = + + sq. ft: 20-25% slope increment X 22.5% median slope value = + + sq. ft: 25-30% slope increment X 27 .5% median slope value = + + sq. ft: 30-35% slope increment X 32.5% median slope value = + + sq. ft. 35-40% slope increment X 37.5 % median slope value = + 30,000 Total square feet 3,250 Total square feet in net buildable area adjusted for slope 3,250 Total square feet adjusted for slope divided by 30,000 Total square feet in net buildable area = .108333 Weighted average slope of net buildable area = 11 % (Note: multiply by 100 to convert to percent -round up to nearest whole percent) Using the table above, an 11% weighted average slope of net buildable area falls within the 5% --less than 15% range which has a minimum density factor of 83%, less 1.5°/o for each 1% of average slope in excess of 5°/o. Since 11% is 6°/o above 5%, multiply 6 times 1.5 which would equal 9°/o. Subtract 9% from 83% for an adjusted minimum density factor of 74%. This replaces the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 table. VIII. Maximum Dwelling Units Allowed (K.c.c. 21A.12,030 -.040): This section should be completed only if the proposal includes application of residential density incentives (K.C.C. 21A.34) or transfer of density rights (K.C.C. 21A.37). Maximum density is calculated by adding the bonus or transfer units authorized to the base units calculated in Section III of this worksheet. The maximum density permitted through residential density incentives is 150 percent of the base density (see Section II) of the underlying zoning of the development or 200 percent of the base density for proposals with 100 percent affordable units. The maximum density permitted through transfer of density rights is 150 percent of the base density (see Section II) of the underlying zoning of the development. NA base density in dwelling units per acre see (Section II) X 150% = maximum density maximum density in dwelling units per acre X site area in acres = ----maximum dwelling units allowed utilizing density incentives (K.C.C. 21A.34) NA base density in dwelling units per acre (see Section II) X 200% = maximum density maximum density in dwelling units per acre X site area in acres = ----------maximum dwelling units allowed utilizing density incentives with 100 percent affordable units (K.C.C. 21A.34) 4 base density in dwelling units per acre (see Section II) X 150% = --=-6~---maximum density 6 maximum density in dwelling units per acre X 4.84 site area in acres = 29 maximum dwelling units allowed utilizing density transfers (K.C.C. 21A.37) /B (p 2-4 4.46 calculation: 19 base allowable dwelling units calculated in Section III -~--+ ____ bonus units authorized by K.C.C. 21A.34 + _5~---transfer units authorized by K.C.C. 21A.37 24 total dwelling units (cannot exceed maximum calculated above) IX. Minimum Lot Area For Construction CK,C.C. 21A.12.100l: Except as provided for nonconformances in K.C.C. 21A.32: Density and Dimension Calculations Liberty Grove R-4 Option w/ lDR -~--- Page 5 of 6 . . x. A. In the UR and R zones, no construction shall be permitted on a lot that contains an area of less than 2,500 square feet or that does not comply with the applicable minimum lot width, except for townhouse developments, zero- lot-line subdivisions, or lots created prior to February 2, 1995, in a recorded subdivision or short subdivision which complied with applicable laws, and; B. In the A, F, or RA Zones: 1. Construction shall not be permitted on a lot containing less than 5,000 square feet; and 2. Construction shall be limited to one dwelling unit and residential accessory uses for lots containing greater than 5,000 square feet, but less than 12,500 square feet. (K.C.C. 21A.12.100) Lot Width (K.C.C. 21A,12,0SO(B)l: Lot widths shall be measured by scaling a circle of the applicable diameter within the boundaries of the lot as shown below, provided than an access easement shall not be included within the circle. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.050). I • I • 30 Feet \ Lot Width Circle • I I • -· ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· ·-·-·-·-·-·- Lot Width Measurement Density and Dimension Calculations Liberty Grove R·4 Option w/ TOR Page 6 of 6 TO DMP, INC. Engineering · Surveying · Land Planning 726 Auburn Way North AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98002 (253) 333-2200 FAX (253) 333-2206 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL WE ARE SENDING YOU O Attached > n Under separate cover via __________ the following items: L1 Shop drawings D Copy of letter D Prints D Change order D Plans n THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: > LJ For approval A For your use D As requested n Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted D Returned for corrections LJ Samples n Specifications D Resubmit ____ copies for approval n Submit ____ copies for distribution D Return ___ corrected prints D For review and comment o ________________________ _ U FOR BIDS DUE D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO ---------------------- PRODUCT 240T H enclosures are not as noted, kindly not;ty us at once. dmp, inc. January 19, 2007 King County DOES Attention: Joe Miles , Division Director 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Re: Liberty Grove L03P0006: Dear Joe: DALEY-MORROW-POBLETE,INC. ENGINEERING-PLANNING-SURVEYING 726 Auburn Way North Auburn, WA 98002 (253)333-2200 Phone (253)333-2206 Fax It has been brought to my attention that there was a clerical error in the original Density and Dimension worksheet, which was prepared for the Preliminary Plat of Liberty Grove. In the original worksheet, I indicated the project site area as 4.84 acres as indicated in the Assessors records. The correct project size, as determined by the site survey is 4.48 acres. Unfortunately, the worksheet was never updated to reflect the corrected numbers. This transposition of numbers had resulted in the loss of one allowed dwelling unit. Thankfully, the Liberty Grove project proposed to use TOR credits to achieve a total unit count of 24. All documentation and public notices indicated a total unit count of 24. No additional lots are being proposed and the maximum allowed units under the current zoning is 29. What we do propose however, is to increase our use of TOR credits from five to six to make up for the lot that was lost as a resu It of my clerical error. This proposal might normally be handled at the Project Planner level if not for an oddly worded condition in the Hearing Examiners report. In condition 3 (b) the Examiner seems to limit the number of TOR credits to be used for the project to achieve the proposed 24 units. After consulting with Staff, it was felt that, with your approval, we could move forward with what we feel is the "intent" of the condition, which was to use what ever number of TOR credits was required to achieve the approved unit count. I hope that this request will meet with your approval. If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contract me on my cell phone at (425) 444-3240. Thank you for your time. H nsA. Korve Planning Manager DMP., Inc. L03P0006/L03TY 403-Liberty Grove Comprehensive Plan concerning density of development on this property are not applicable tl this proposal. 6. The road improvements proposed and agreed to by the Applicant, including those shown on t September 3, 2003 preliminary plat and set forth in the conditions below, will reasonably mitigate the impacts of traffic generated by the proposed development 7. Safe walking conditions for children who walk to school from the subject property will be provided by using one of the alternatives for improvements incorporated into this proposal and set forth in condition no. 22 below. 8. The conditions of approval of the surface water drainage adjustment L03V0065, and the conditions recommended by ODES and agreed to by the Applicant, incorporated into the conditions below, mitigate the impacts of surface water drainage from this proposed development. DECISION: The proposed preliminary plat of Liberty Grove, as revised and received September 3, 2003, utilizing up to 5 density credits (transferable density rights), is APPROVED, subject to the following conditions of final plat approval: I. a. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title I 9 of the King County Code. b. Prior to the recording of Liberty Grove, the plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous shall be recorded (as drainage facilities for Liberty Grove will be constructed off-site in the plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous). 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. 3. a. The plat shall comply with the maximum density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-4 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the R-6 zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger, except that minor revisions to the plat which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. b. The Applicant shall provide Transfer of Density Credit documentation to DOES prior to final approval to allow transfer of a maximum of five density credits. --r ---L-<.J ........,_ I , 4. The applicant must obtain final approval from the King County Health Department for abandonment of existing septic systems on-site serving on and off-site homes. 5. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. I 1187, as amended (1993 KCRS). ~ ~llECOP April 21, 2003 King County D.D.E.S. 900 Oaksdale A VE. SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Attn: Karten Scharer LAKERIDGE DEVELOPMENT PO BOX 146 RENTON, WA 98057-0146 PHONE 425·228·9750 FAX 425-228-7232 Re: DENSITY TRANSFER Liberty Grove L03P0006 Liberty Grove Contiguous L03P0005 Dear Ms. Scharer; Since the Evandale rezone from R4 to R6 was denied by the Hearing Examiner and is in appeal we feel we should cover all bases, and have therefor purchased Density Transfer Credits to use on these projects in case the rezone for them is also denied, Liberty Grove is 4.84 acres and at R4 would allow 19.36 ·units, rounded down to 19. We will apply 5 density credits to this project to bring it up to 24 units as proposed in the plat application with the R6 rezone. Liberty Grov/contiguous is 7.92 acres and at R4 would allow 31.68 units, rounded up to 32. We wfu apbly 4 density credits to this project to bring it up to the 36 units as proposed I .. in the plat application with the R6 rezone. •, ~ ' ' . ' \ ·.' I j / . ~Wa~~es,"'Jr. President, La~idge Development, Inc. 206-399· 7 400 m Scliarer, Karen From: Scharer, Karen Sent: To: Thursday, January 25, 2007 2:14 PM Gallagher, Wendy Subject: L03P0006 & L06FR052 -Liberty Grove TO R's Attachments: L03P0006 TOR.doc Wendy- Attached is a copy of my briefing memo regarding allowing one additional TOR for this Plat. I will also forward the request from the applicant to you for Joe's review. Please include both Steve Van Patten & myself in any briefing meeting scheduled. Thanks. L03P0006 TOR.doc (33 KB) Karen J. Scharer Program/Project Manager II Current Planning Section Land Use Services Division Department Of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055 206-296-7114 FAX 206-296-7051 karen.scharer@metrokc.gov 1 Gallagher, Wendy Subject: Location: L03P0006 & L06FR052 -Liberty Grove TDR's briefing meeting SCHARER, VanPATTEN Joe's Start: End: Recurrence: Mon 01/29/2007 11 :00 AM Mon 01/29/2007 11:30 AM (none) Meeting Status: Meeting organizer High Importance: PURPOSE: ATTENDEES: Briefing meetingto Miles on L03P0006 & L06FR052 -Liberty Grove TD R's Miles, Scharer, VanPatten CONFIRM: Monday, 1/29/07 at 11 :00 in Joe's office. Thank you. ---·--_,_...._ ----- -- Ga'llagher, W.endy From: Scharer, Karen Sent: To: Thursday, January 25, 2007 2:14 PM Gallagher, Wendy Subject: L03POD06 & LD6FR052 -Liberty Grove TO R's Attachments: L03POD06 TOR.doc Wendy- Attached is a copy of my briefing memo regarding allowing one additional TOR for this Plat. I will also forward the request from the applicant to you for Joe's review. Please include both Steve Van Patten & myself in any briefing meeting scheduled. Thanks. L03P0006 TOR.doc (33 KB) Karen J. Scharer Program/Project Manager II Current Planning Section Land Use Services Division Department Of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055 206-296-7114 FAX 206-296-7051 karen.scharer@metrokc.gov 1 I, SAM REED, Secretary of State of the State of Washington and custodian of its seal, hereby issue this CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION to LIBERTY GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION a/an WA Non-Profit Corporation. Charter documents are effective on the date indicated below. Date: 9/21/2006 UBI Number: 602-648-319 APPID: 656288 Given under my hand and the Seal of the State of Washington at Olympia. l11c Stale Capital Sam Recd, Secretary of Stale VanPatten, Steve From: Sent: To: wmwaynejonesjr@netscape.net Tuesday, January 23, 2007 11 :51 AM VanPatten, Steve 5AV6 //EALT!I Subject: [Fwd: Plat of Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous Water and Sewer] Attachments: Liberty water letter.pd!; wmwaynejonesjr.vcf Page I of I Here is the email that Dave sent you on the sewer and I attched the letter from Lester Piel at WD 90 saying the water is complete. --------Original Message-------- Subject:Plat of Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous Date:Wed, 03 Jan 2007 08:55:42 -0800 From:David Christensen <Dchristen@ci.renton.wa.us> To:<Steve.VanPatten@METROKC.GOV> CC:<wmwaynejonesjr@netscape.net> Steve, This e-mail shall serve as notice that the sanitary sewer system installed as part of the Liberty Grove Plat and Liberty Grove Contiguous Plat has been accepted by the City of Renton and is ready for connection by the new lots within these plats. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at 425.430. 7212 or by e-mail at dcll_risten@ci.renton.wa.us David M. Christensen Wastewater Utility Supervisor 01/23/2007 January 5, 2007 William Wayne Jones, Jr. President Lakcridge Development P.O. Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 King County Waler District No. 90 l.'i606 South East I 28th Strel'.t Renton, Washington 98U59-4.'i40 Phone: 42."i-255-9600 Faxc 425-277-4,28 I JAN :. 0 2007 · A11s'1L .... RE: Substantial Completion of Water Mains and Hydrants -Liberty Grove & Liberty Grove Contiguous Mr. Jones, District staff has reviewed the Liberty Grove Plat Water System and found that the water mains are in and the hydrants are operational East of l 60'h Ave SE and South of SE I 36'h Street. Therefore, this Jetter is to inform you that the water mains and the hydrants have been installed to the District's satisfaction. If you have any questions on this matter, please give me a call. Sincerely, cefA'e,~C~-6 Lester Piele Superintendent King County Water District 90 Z:\Devcloper Extensions\Substantial Completion\Liberty Grove I 05 07.doc I VanPatten, Steve From: Sent: To: Subject: wmwaynejonesjr@netscape.net Tuesday, January 16, 2007 3:03 PM VanPatten, Steve [Fwd: Re: Fwd: Liberty Contiguous] Attachments: wmwaynejonesjr.vcf Steve Page I of2 On your red line comments, Item 13 c in the 20 years I have been doing this I have never had the Health Dept. inspect a septic abandonment. It is always done by the sewer inspector for the sewer district or city. Here is a re send of Dave Christensen's email saying the houses are hooked to sewer and the septic were abandoned. Wayne --------Original Message-------- Subject: Re: Fwd: Liberty Contiguous Date:Mon, 18 Sep 2006 15:02:45-0700 From:David Christensen <Dchristen@ci.renton.wa.us> To:<wmwaynt'ljpnesLc@netscape.n~t> The permits being finaled includes proper connection to the City's sanitary sewer as well as appropriate abandonment of existing septic tanks. As such, all work required by the City to abandon the tanks has been completed to the City's satisfaction. Dave Christensen Wastewater Utility Supervisor >» <wmwaynl)jonesir@netscape.net> 09118/06 2:54 PM>» Dave if I could get a short email from you saying that the septic tanks were abandoned per health dept. regs., etc. plat review engineer a king County will be happy. Thanks Wayne Wayne, The permits have been fina2.ed. Rick Kokko,, David Christensen 09/12/06 2:20 PM>>> Rick, Can you please confirm these three addresses are in fact connected and finaled by thE Thanks, Dave C. ~~Ill~_ay:1cjQD._E:0]r@n~t~cape.n~:t2: 09/12/06 2:16 PM>>> Dave 01/19/2007 --------------------------------.--------------- ® King County Department Qf Development and Environmental Servi.ce.s 900 01..1kc~dale Avenue Southi,,ves( J<cnlon, WA 96055~1219 Date:_Q/1,/0 'l I To: Abstract Section Supervisor King County Department of Assessments Fm: Raymond E. Florent, PLS, Chief Land Surveyor Land Use Services Division DDES Project No. L03P0c?O{; Subdivision Name: Li C;,E:RiY 4R 0//~ Request for Designation as Common Property D I hereby request that the ownership ofTract(s) _8_, ___, ___, ___, -as shown within this subdivision, be conveyed in fee to the L1 (3£R'1 Y z;;-1/Jvl:' Homeowners Association upon the recording of this subdivision. I also, request that said Tracts be designated as "Common Property" for the purposes of tax assessment, with each ownership of a Jot within this subdivision being responsible for an equal and undivided share of said tax assessment. This equal and undivided share shall be reflected on the tax statements for each individual lot. Said Homeowners Association shall be responsible for all other fee assessments and shall be responsible for the maintenance of said Tracts. (A note to this affect shall be placed on the final recording document.) _s/;jDC/ Respon ibl S1 na for Above Subdivision Date *\l1ht: \o,&(j n tQ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov May 23, 2007 TO: John Sweetman, Division Manager, Department of Assessments VIA: Joe Miles, ~erv{;J Division Director FM: RE: Final Plat of LIBERTY GROVE DOES Project No. L03P0006 The Land Use Services Division has reviewed the referenced final plat and finds the subdivision in compliance with applicable County codes and the conditions of final plat approval set forth by the County Council. We therefore transmit to you the attached original tracing of the plat for your approval. Please forward the plat to the Office of Finance for collection of taxes and assessments, and for their certification. COUNCILMATIC DISTRICT: 9 Attachment cc: Lilian Yetter, Platting Technician, Office of Finance ti KingCounty Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov May 23, 2007 TO: John Sweetman, Division Manager, Department of Assessments VIA: Joe Miles, ~ehr@jJ Division Director RE: Final Plat of LIBERTY GROVE DOES Project No. L03P0006 The Land Use Services Division has reviewed the referenced final plat and finds the subdivision in compliance with applicable County codes and the conditions of final plat approval set forth by the County Council. We therefore transmit to you the attached original tracing of the plat for your approval. Please forward the plat to the Office of Finance for collection of taxes and assessments, and for their certification. COUNCILMATIC DISTRICT: 9 Attachment cc: Lilian Yetter, Platting Technician, Office of Finance ~ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov May 23, 2007 TO: VIA: FM: RE: Clerk of the Council Q'!&,,vision Director =_-::,,.= rs, P.E., Development Engineer Final Plat of LIBERTY GROVE DDES Project No. L03P0006 The Platting Unit of the Engineering Review Section has checked this plat (3 sheets) and finds it complies with the requirements of King County, with the exception of the certification by the King County Office of Finance. A statement showing receipt for the plat recording fee of $98.00 is attached. COUNCILMA TIC DISTRICT: 9 Attachments: Copy of Sewer and Water Availability Letter Statement for the Recording Fee ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division PLAT NAME FINAL PLATIING PROCEDURE (Interoffice Use Only) I-/ 8 E /e.. TY G£0 vE PROJECT NUMBPll. ACTIVITY NUMBl'll. LOJ, /' OOOC:, L OlrJ?.OS-c NUMBl'll. OP SHEETS RECORDING FEE COUNCIL DISTRICT 3 I re,oa 9 The Pia ng Unit wil comp! te Final Plat review by ensuring each plat condition has been satisfied or bonded and all fees that are due have been paid. Each recommendation of the adopted plat conditions shall be initialed and dated by the reviewer when Ulat condition is satisfied. Following Final Plat review, this form shall be completed by the reviewer and attached to the Final Plat mylars with other appropriate documents (see 3 below). Since this step represents the culmination of the subdivision process, the procedures listed below are intended to assist staff in processing the final plat as completely and expeditiously as possible. PROCEDURE' l. When all conditions have been satisfied and all fees are paid, the Plat Reviewer will fill out this form and place It In the Word Processing Unit with pink slip attached. Update and approve SIERRA routing and base screens for the FINAL-* activity. 2. Word Processors shall prioritize this form and type the Assessor's (AM) and Clerk of the Council (COMPLIES.COC) plats only transmittal memos. Typed memo(s) shall be returned to Plat Reviewer. 3. Plat Reviewer will paper clip to the Final Plat mylars this form and one copy of the following: •COC memo •AM memo •Recording Fee Receipt • Final Health Department Approval form • Lot area (segregation) calc sheet • List of SIERRA project activities (Keyword LACT) •Verification that all fees are paid (Keyword SPROJ) 4. Plat Reviewer shall combine mylar package with KEY DOCUMENTS file and submit to Platting Unit Senior Engineer for review and initialing. Then the package and file shall be routed to the Development Engineer for approval and signature. Office Tech shall assist in organizing the package and KEY DOCUMENTS file. Make sure file has adopted conditions report recommendations initialed and dated by the review(s). 5. The Development Engineer shall sign the map and initial transmittal memos when satisfied review is complete for recording. Mylar package and KEY DOCUMENTS file shall be forwarded to Manager's Office. 6. Manager shall sign the map and initial transmittal letters when satisfied review is complete for recording. All documents shall be returned to Office Tech or Plat Reviewer. 7. Office Tech shall make 4 sets of prints from the mylars and make 2 copies of the transmittal memos, 1 copy of fee receipt and Health approval form. One set of the prints shall be routed to the Building Services Division (Addressi·ng), 1 set to Residential, 1 set to the KEY DOCUMENTS file, and 1 set shall be attached to the original mylar and Assessor's Office transmittal memo along with memo copy and lot area calcs. A copy of the fee receipt and Health form are attached to the Clerk's memo. One set of prints, copies of memos, original fee receipt, Health approval and this form shall be placed in the KEY DOCUMENTS file. Update SIERRA base screen. 8. Memos, attachments, and mylars shall be routed to the Engineer Tech for delivery to Seattle. Engineer Tech shall drop off the Assessor's transmittal and mylars to the Assessor's Office (7th floor, Administration Building). For plats, deliver the Clerk's transmittal memo (Room 452 Courtbonse). The copied Clerk's transmittal memo shall be date stamped (by the Clerk) and placed in the division's KEY DOCUMENTS file upon return. Mfi/FIN1u..CHK Feb. 22, HH--l0118am/dj ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 October 9, 2006 Wayne Jones Lakeridge Development, Inc. PO Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 RE: Permit Fee Estimate Project: Final Plat of Liberty Grove File No. L06FR052/ L03P0006 Dear Mr. Jones: Beginning January 2, 2004, our office implemented a new program for managing certain types of permit applications to provide customers with an enhanced level of customer service. The Project Manager Program seeks to provide customers with increased predictability for the permit process and better accountability from County review staff. For permit applications using the Project Manager Program, a project manager is assigned to the permit to facilitate communication with the applicant and provide a fee estimate to cover the anticipated scope ofreview. The project manager will also monitor and manage the permit application throughout the review process to ensure that review schedules remain in line with performance standards and the overall work hours are within the range of estimated fees for the project. Your application was received by our office on September 27, 2006. The enclosed information provides a summary of the fee estimate for the anticipated work disciplines and also discusses the submittal process and disclaimers which may affect the final permit fees. Once the attached estimated fee form is signed and submitted to our Department with a complete permit application, including payment of the estimated fee, your project will be assigned for further review. If you have any questions regarding the permit fees or other aspects of the review process, please contact Ray Floren! via email ray.florent@metrokc.gov or by telephone at 206-296-6790. Sincerely, fi?"r\--0~ . Ra~ ;::Florent, LS, ProJect Manager Land Use Services Division Enclosure @ King County Land Use Services Division Permit Fee Estimate Pre-a pp Estimate Number: L06FR052/ L03P0006 Date: 10/09/2006 Permit Title: Liberty Grove Permit Type: Final Plat Based on permit information submitted by the applicant, the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) has determined the amount of review fees for the subject application. The fees shown below do not include ancillary permit fees, recording fees, project-related mitigation fees, or other fees that are passed through to the applicant from other agencies or as part of the project's environmental review. Fixed Fees: (Intake Fee Included in Hourly Rate Below) Total Fixed Fees: Less Fees Already Paid: Estimate for Hourly Fees: (69 Hours x $144.90) Total Permit Fee Estimate Owing: 205.28 +205.28 -0 +$9,998.10 $10,203.38 Note: The estimate for hourly fees stated above is based on the total estimated number of hours not to exceed 69 hours for the disciplines listed below, and is calculated using the department's hourly rate in effect at the time the work is performed. Based upon the financial disclosures found on page 2, the number of hours required may be modified. The total estimated hours reflect work performed by the following disciplines: Land Surveying Technical Review, Engineering Technical Support, Project Management, and Addressing. After receiving the fee estimate from DDES, the applicant has ninety (90) days to complete the application submittal. Please call 206-296-6797 to set up an appointment with the Permit Center to complete your application and payment. If the application is not received within ninety (90) days, the applicant may be required to obtain a new fee estimate or this activity may be cancelled. For further questions on this fee estimate or for other requirements about this permit application, please contact Ray Florent via email ray.florent@metrokc.gov or by telephone at 206-296-6790. Raymond E. Floren!, PLS, Project Manager Land Use Services Division Project Manager.dot 1/26/04 Page I @ King County Land Use Services Division Permit Fee Estimate Pre-app Estimate Number: L06FR052/ L03P0006 Date: 10/09/2006 Permit Title: Liberty Grove Permit Type: Final Plat Estimated Maximum Hours: 69 Applicant: Wayne Jones -Lakeridge Development, Inc. Total Fee Owing: $10,203.38 The following disclaimers are attached and are part of the fee estimate for this permit. The applicant is required to submit a signed copy of this form with the application and fee payment acknowledging that the applicant has read the disclaimers stated below. Disclaimer Applicants are responsible for all fixed fees, reported hours performed in reviewing submittal materials and processing, up to the fee estimate. Changes in the scope of the project review will result in a revised review fee estimate. Fee estimates are based on information submitted to DOES by the applicant prior to finalization of the permit application. In addition, estimates are determined by utilizing historical data gathered from projects of similar type, size, and scope. The fee estimate will be the maximum fee charged unless the scope of the project changes. Should fewer hours be required to complete the review, then the applicant may receive a refund for those hours. If items are identified that are not originally disclosed or identified later in the process. a new estimate may be required. Applicants will be responsible for any additional hours identified in a new estimate because of: 1) Unknown or undisclosed site or project issues 2) Changes in the project 3) Incomplete information from applicant 4) Errors in applicant information or submittal 5) County code fee changes 6) Unanticipated critical area review or verification 7) More than one major set ofredline correction comments and one minor set ofredline correction comments Keeping review fees at or below the fee estimate will depend on the applicant's commitment to complete the process review. This commitment should include submitting materials which address all County codes, policies, previously approved conditions, and responding to the County's request for corrections or additional information in a timely manner, not to exceed 90 days. Acknowledged: Applicant/Owner Name (print) Applicant/Owner Name (signature) Project Manager.dot 1/26/04 Date Page2 @) King County Land Use Services Division Enigneering Review Section Project Management Fee Estimating Worksheet Permit Type: Final Plat Review Permit/PreApp No: L06FR052 BLA, Engineering and Final Review Fees: Descriotion of Fees Authoritv A. Counter Service Intake 27.06.030 Intake Group 2 B. Right-of-way application 27.10.120 c. Fire Flow and Access 27.10.040 Current Hourly Rale: $ 144.90 Permit Type: FINAL Subtype: FINAL-P Prepared For: LIBERTY GROVE -L03P0006 Budget Hours Listed Fees Est. 205.28 434.70 Date Prepared: Applicable Fixed Fee Hourlv Fee $ 205.28 10/08/06 Initials Type of Permit Not Applicable D. Boundary line adjustment 27.10.220 Incl. 1st 4 hours of review 579.60 E. ForestryfTree Retention 27.10.090 0.00 Acres F. Work Without a Permit 27.02.140 I Engineering Review: _{ERJ G. Sitt@l4Jiil@CIIIIU mu:aoo. iJ.ib.&Sb ETEK Hrs. DENG Hrs. !n LENG--2 Hrs. Total ER hours ___ 2 $ 289.80 _P_O_Y_E __ _ I Final Surve~ Review: (FR~ A. SbbdlfJIJi I -I ti ill I CJ@£. Boundary line adjustment ii. ib.266 27.10.220 ETEK Hrs. DENG--1-Hrs. LENG~Hrs. Total FR hours--6-1 I Project Management Fees: (PMt 1. G&iiJIJi &IOI& i@b. L.62.166 PM Estimate: 4 Hrs. TR Estimate: ___ o Hrs. PR Estimate: Hrs. D. Nonresidential review $724.50 Critical Area Estimate after 5 hours: Hrs. M. Exceptions and Variances 27.10.140 Estimate: Hrs. N. Other (Shorelines) 27.10.140 PR Estimate: Hrs. AD Estimate: ___ 2 Hrs. Total Fixed Fees: $ 205.28 !n $ 144.90 °'J""SA~N~-- $ 8,694.00 _,S:..:V:.:.;A:..:N __ _ !n $ 289.80 _,J'-'K"-IN'---- Estimated Review Hours Above Base Hours: 69 Hourly Fee: $ 9,998.10 Total Estimated Review Hours: 69 Total Fee Estimate: $ 10,203.38 • DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES · LAND USE SERVICES DlVISION KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER F~bruary 10, 2004 • PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:30 AM Hearing Room at DDES 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Rentoq, WA 98055-1219 PROPOSED REZONE AND PRELIMINARY PLA,TOF LIBERT-Y GROVE FILE NO's: L03TY403.& L03P0006 PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO's; #2004-0004 & #2004-0006 A. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ACTION: This is a request for reclassification from R-4 to R-6 to allow greater density on the subject property to subdivide the site into 24 lots. Should the rezone be denied, the applicant alternatively plans to use transfer of5 density credits to implement the same plat design with 24 lots. The 24 lots would mostly have 6,000 square feet in area. As part of the plat,a recreation area is proposed. A drainage detention area would be constructed off site with the plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous. Existing buildings inside the plat will be demolished. Direct access to all lots is proposed from an internal street. This street will connect to 160th Ave. SE. See Attachment I for the proposed plat design. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: Proponent: · Representative: Wayne Jones, Jr. Lakerldge Development Inc. PO Boxl46 Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-228-9750 e-mail: joneswayne@qwest.net Mel L. Daley, P.E •. Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. Auburn Way North Phone: 253-333-2200 Facsimile: 253-333-2206 Location: Lying south of SE !36'h St. between 160th Ave. SE and 162th Ave; SE. Sectiori/Township/Range: SE 14-23,05 Parcels# 3664500141 Acreage Plat: 4.84 acres • , Current Zoning: R-4 Number of Lots: Proposed -24 · w/5 TDR Density: 5 .2 dwellings per acre Lot Size: generally 6,000 square feet Proposed Use: single family Sewage Disposal: City of Renton Water Supply: Water District #90 Fire District: King County Fire'District # 25 · School District: Issaquah Community Plan: Newcastle Drainage Subbasin: Lower Cedar River IS:ing County Permits: Rezone and Subdivision .. Complete Application Date: May 15, 2003 (Date Plat Filed March 11, 2003 & Rezone May 7, 2004) C. Threshold Detennination: Date of Issuance: L03TY 403 & L03P0006 Liberty Grove Page 2 Mitigated Detennination ofNonsignificance (MDNS) December 16, 2003 KC Permit Contact: Karen Scharer, Project Man,iger !I, Current Planning Section, LUSD Phone# 296~7114 or e-mail at karen.scharer@metrokc.gov HISTORY /BACKQR,QUND:. 1. For the preliminary plat of Liberty Grove (L03P0006), the Subdivision Technical· Conunittee (STC) of King County has conducted an on-site examination of the subject property. The STC discussed the proposed development with the applicant and clarified technical details of . the application to detennine the compatibility with applicable King County plans, codes, and other official documents. In mid December 2003, the STC determined that there was sufficient information presented to proceed with issuance of a SEP A TD and s.cheduling of a public hearing on the requests. 2. Under KCC 20.20.070, the request for rezone (Type· 4 permit) is not vested under regulations in effect at the time of complete rezone application. Vesting to zoning can only occur once the zone becomes effective. The plat application (Type 3 permit) is based on the rezone to R-6; therefore the plat with rezone can not be vested to zoning. If the rezone is denied, the applicant's alternative plat layout under the existing R-4 zone with use of density credit transfer is vested to codes in effect at the time of complete application (May 15, 2003). D. THRESHOLD DETERMINATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE: . . . Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW 43.21C, the responsible official of the Land Use Services Division (LUSD) issued a threshold determination -mitigated detennination ofnon-iignificance (MDNS) for the proposed development on December 16, 2003. This determination was based on the review of the environmental che.cklist and other pertinent . documents, resulting in the conclusion that the proposal would not cause probable significant adverse impacts on the environment with implementation of mitigation for the proposal. Therefore; an environmental iinpact statement (EIS) was not required prior to proceeding with the review process. Agencies, affected Native American tribes and the public were offered the opportunity to comment on or appeal the determination for 21 days. The MONS was not appealed by any party, including the applicant,,and it has been incorporated as part of the applicant's proposal. . . : . . The MONS states: The following mitigati?ij measures shall be attached as co.nditions of permit issuance. These mitigation measures are .consistent with policies, plans, rules,. or regulations designated by KCC 20.44.080 as a basis for the exercise of substantive authority and in effect when this threshold determination' is issued.· Key sources ofsubstantive authority for each mitigation measure are in parentheses; however, other sources of substantive authority may exist but are not expressly listed. Individually, or joint with other area developers, the Applicant shall design and construct improvements to Southeast !28th Street at 160 1h Ave. SE to mitigate project impacts at the High Accident Location. · . Or, the Applicant shall reduce the project impacts at the High Accident Lo.cation?~ completing the remainder of the improvements to Southeast 136th Street (1.e. add1t1onal paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewal\cS), between 158th Avenue SE and 160th ·Avenue SE, and, revise the channelization at th.e intersection .of 156th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street to provide a southbound left tum lane. '· E. AGENCIES CONTACTED: . . . 1' ' 1. King County Natural Resources & Parks Division: No response. L03TY403 & L03P0006 Liberty Grove Page 3 2. King County Fire Protection Engineer: Fire protection engineering preliminary approval. has been granted as requested. 3. Seattle-King County Health Department: No response. 4. Issaquah School District: See comments contained in report and Attachment 3. 5. Water District# 90: See Attachment 4. 6. City ofRenton:See Attachments 5 for all letters received from Renton. 7. Washington State Department of Ecology: No response. 8. Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife: No response. 9. Washington State•Department of Natural Resources: No response. 10. Washington State Department of Transportation: No response. 11. METRO: No response. F. NATURALENVIR,ONMENT: I. Topography:, The site slightly slopes with a 12-foot difference in elevation from the northwest comer to the southeast corner of the site. 2. · Soils: Surface soils are found on this site per King County Soil Survey, 1973 include: ~ -Alderwood gravely, sandy loam; 6-15 % slopes. Runoff is slow and the erosion hazard is slight. This soil type has a moderate limitation for low building foundations due to a seasonally high water table, and severe limitations for septic tank filter fields due to very slow permeability in the substratum. 3. Sensitive Areas: The site has been field checked by DOES. staff. Additionally, both the November 5, 2002 Wetland Evaluation and Delineation Report by Habitat Technologies, and July 18, 2003 information update by H & S Consulting were reviewed. The wetland buffer is present near the southeast corner ofthe site which would provide protection for the Class. II wetland to the south. The wetland off site requires a 50 foot buffer from the wetland edge and a 15 foot building setback line from the 50 foot wetland buffer. If road improvements to SE 136'h St. between 158th Ave SE and 160'h Ave SE are required as a result of the platting ofEvendell or Liberty Grove, wetland buffer would then be unnecessary due to the road improvement severing the remaining wetland (south) from area north of the road improvement. Improvements to the downstream drainage system will have to be reviewed to ensure that no · wetlands are being drained or flooded as a result, no streams placed in pipes, or no streams damaged by increased flows. Enlarging culverts, if any, in.a sensitive area requires a clearing and . grading permit. 4. Hydrography: A preliminary March 3, 2003 Technica/1nformation Report was prepared by DALEY-Morrow-Poblete, Inc., as welt as, a revision on July 11, 2003 titled: Level One Downstream Drainage Analysis. The site is within the Orting Hills subbasin 6fthe Cedar River watershed. Flooding has occurred in the past along downstream conveyance structures on 1601h Ave. SE, and on nearby properties. Recently, improvements have been made by King County providing better conveyance along 160th Ave SE. To further address issues of providing appropriate drainage facilities, the applicant has obtained approval of a Drainage Adjustment addressing variances for both the plat of . Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous. This adjustment was approved December 4, 2003, File L03V00065. The following information regarding this property is detailed in the Drainage Adjustment • approval: ,... .. L03TY403 & L03P0006 Liberty Grove ·Page4 Stonnwater from Liberty Grove and Western Liberty Ofove Contiguous flows meet Y. mile south on 160ui Avenue SE at a newly upgraded culvert cro~sing. Combined flows then cross parcel #145750-0110 to the east to rejoin eastern Liberty Grove Contiguous flows in the vicinity of the 162nd Avenue SE unopened right>of-way. Both sites have Upstream tributary area of several . acres. Most runoff fi'om the Liberty Grove plat will be collected and it will diverted to a single, combined detention and water quality facility located in .the southwest comer of the Liberty Grove Contiguous plat. Flows across theLiberty Grove Contiguous site will also be collected and diverted to the single, shared facility. The allowed release will then be proportionally split between the southern flows on the east side of 1601b Avenue SE and the n~tural discharge path that runs south through the neighboring parcels. · Nuisance flows across the south property line of Liberty Grove Contiguous would be significantly curtailed; A small reduction of flow would occur in the western ditch of 160ui Avenue SE, offset by an increase in the eastern ditch. The Level One Downstream Analysis identified drainage complaints related to conveyance · overflows at 14028 1601h Avenue SE (Brenden/Myers) and in the southeast comer of the 145750- 0110 parcel and adjacent neighbor (Gragg) to the south. Continuing to utilize the natural discharge path that traverses the center of the intervening parcels reduces the volume of total . flows that would reach the problem conveyance area and would minimize the diversion of flows. The applicant has offered mitigation in the fonn of Level Three flow control in the on-site detention system and, via a combination offlow control and splitting outflows, maintaining predeveloped flowrates to parcel 145750-0110. Potential conveyance upgrades along·any of the downstream paths will be addressed in the plat conditions. . . . ' ' . ' '', ' ; Conditions ofL03. V0065 Decerriber4, 2003 approval, allowing .the diversion of runoff to a single, shared faciHty draining :vja flow splitter to two downstream paths are as follows: ' ' • l ,' ' ' ' ' 1. The release rates fot the detention facility will be based on all of the tributary area to . be developed being directed to the facility. · · ' 2. The volume for the detention facility will be based on all flows directed to the facility at full ,development under current :z:oning. The allowed release rate will be reduced by any . undetained flows that would bypass the proposed subdivision drainage facilities. The · detention volume shall be sized usirig the Level Three flow control standard in the 1998 KCSWDM. A IO to 20 percent volumetric factor of safety must be applied to all storm events requiring detention. The design Technical Information Report shall state th~ factor of safety selected and the basis of that determination. 3. Water quality facilities must be sized based on the entire proposed subdivision draining to the facilities including a1,1y required frontage improvements. ' '< 4. ·All onsite or offsite draina~e facilities must be located in a public right-of-way, recreation space tract with easement or storm drainage tract dedicated to King County, 5. Developed flowsfromLiberty Grove must be conveyed via tightline to the drainage facility located in the Liberty Grove Contiguous site. If not built concurrently, Liberty Grove Contiguous mu~t precede Liberty Grove. 6. Additional storm drainage. requirements identified by: SEP A or the plat hearing review will apply to this project. · Note that Liberty Grove is contingent on approvalof the plat of Liberty Grove ~i:>~tiguous. Also note tb,at there are no specific requirements under the SEPA Threshold Detem\tnatton(s) regarding drainage. · 5. Vegetation: The site is mostly covered by pasture. Surrounding the house on the east is grass lawn. There are a number .of large trees mainly scattered on the east end of the parcel. Additionally, evergreen hedging is planted along portions of the southwest, west, and northwest property lines. L03TY 403 & L03P0006 Liberty Grove Page 5 6, Wildlife: A wildlife study in conjunction with thllwetland evaluation and delineation report, was prepared for this site and dated November 5, 2002. A large variety of small birds and animals were observed on site. According to DqES Senior Ecologist, none of the species identified in the applicant's report are required to be protected in the urban designated part of the County where this project lies. G. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The site is located in the east potential annexation area of Renton. Properties located nearby vary in size from large 5.acre parcels to small urban lots. The neighborhood is rapidly changing from · a rural.suburban characterto an urbanized area with mostly single family homes and some related services such as schools, a fire station; churches. and parks. Developed lots immediately n.earby are on septic systems. These lots are approximately 9,000 square feet to 30,000 square feet in size .. Many of the parcels are currently considered as under utilized w.ithin the urban designation. Zoning immediately surrounding the plat of Liberty Grove is R·4. However, still pending as of the date of this report is the court challenge to the King County Council decision denying the reclassification request for the plat of Evendell from R·4 to R·6 (LO I TY 401 ). The plat ofEvendell located south across SE 1361h St. was preliminarily approved for 46 lots. King County is currently processing an application for major revision (L03RE038) to allow 70 lots based on R-4 zoning with density credit transfers. The examiner hearing on this application was held on January 22, 2004. Anyone wishing to obtain a copy of the examiner's decision regarding this plat should contact the examiner's office at 206·2964660 .. Nichol's Place, L03P0015 is scheduled for plat hearing on February 24, 2004. · This plat with 23 lots is located just s.outh ofEvendell. · The primarily approved plat of Hamilton Place (L02POO 11) is located on property 320 feet north of the site between !58'h Ave. SE & 160 1h Ave. SE. Lots proposed would average approximately 5,000·sq. ft. e.ach. Transfer of 6 density credits was approved for this plat. The parcel with the preliminarily approved plat of ''5 Lot Subdivision" also !mown as Dickinson, LOOP0023 is located south off 162"d Ave. SE and contains 5 lots averaging .9 du. 's per acre. · Homes would be served by septic and dry sewers will be installed as part of plat approval. This plat is currently in for engineering review. · DOES also has held other pre-application meetings for plats in the immediate area. Timing for submittal of further applications is unknown. On-Site: The existing residence gains access off 160th Ave. SE, although the site also has frontage on 158th Ave. SE, there are also out buildings on the northeastern portion of the site. The inajority of the site west of the home is in pasture. Most of the existing trees scattered on site will need to be removed for plat and home cons.truction. . On the northeast portion of the site is a easement for an existing drainfield which. serves property off.site. Plat approval will require thatthe easement be abandoned and connection to the sewer line being brought to the neighborhood. H. SUBDIVISION DESIGN FEATURES: I. · Lot Pattern and Density: The proposed lot and s.treet layout is in conformance with King County .Codes (i.e. KCC 21 A and the 1993 King County Road Standards. Density calculations for the plat average .5.2 d.u. 's per acre. The 24 lots are generally 6,000 square feet in area. 2. Internal Circulation: Most lots will front onto the internal public street that provides within the subdivision and exits out to 160th Ave. SE. Two Joint Use Development Tracts (JUDT's) an,d a Private Access Tract (PAT)will connect eight lots to the internal public street. . See the proposed plat layout, Attachment 1 to this report. · · L03TY403 & L03P0006 · Liberty Grove Page6 ~-Ro~~way Sect_ion: As propos~d by ~e applicant/ 160th Ave. SE fronta~e would be improved with urban improvements, mcludmg curd, gutter and sidewalks. Widening of the north . \/2 of SE 136th St. between 158th Ave SE and 160th Ave. SE may occur as an improvement alternative. SE 135t11 PL within the plat will be improved to the urban subaccess street standard. The two J.U.D.T.'s at the·west end of the plat will each serve two Jots. The PAT will serve four lots on the north east portion of the site. 4. Drainage: The Liberty Grove site is located in the Orting Hills subbasin of the Lower .· Cedar River basin. The existing site drainage sheet flows to the south and southwest, entering a well defined ditch along the south property boundary. The ditch flows east to the west side of 160th Ave SE into a ditch flowing south. The flow path continues south in the roadside ditch . . .·. ' ' through several driveway culverts about Y. mile to a new 24 inch cross culvert under 160th Ave SE. The drainage then continues south in a ditch and newly upgraded culvert along the east side of 160th Ave SE, turning east at approximately 300 feet south of the cross culvert. The flow · continues easterly through Lot 6 of Cedar Parks Five Acre Tracts to a stream channel flowing south in the.unopened R/W for'l62"d Ave SE. The drainage continues south and west along the south side of SE 144 1h St, eventually entering the Cedar River. · . · A drainage adjustment (L03V0065) is approved for .this site and for the Liberty Grove Continuous .site (L03P0005). The proposal wiH combine both post developed drainage facilities on the Liberty Grove Continuous site (eastside of 160th Ave SE). The facility is to be designed to the Level 3 flow control standard and the basic water quality menu. The new detention facility outlet is proposed to flow into the existing drainage system along the east side of 160th Ave SE. A flow splitter is proposed to maintain existing flows to the south. Offsite improvements along the downstream portion of the east side of I 60the Ave SE are also proposed. The existing ditch and culverts are to be improved to provide adequate capacity. A Conceptual . Drainage Plan was received March 11, 2003 showing the combined facility and proposed. conveyance pipes. Also see commenis above in Sectio1;1 F -4 of this report. · I. TR:ANSPORTATION PLA)'fS: I. Transportation Plans: The King County Transportation Plan indicates that 160th Ave. SE, 158 1h Ave SE. and SE 136th1h Street are non-Arterial Roads. The King County Nonmotorized Transportation Plan does not designate these roadway for bicycles of equestrian use. The subject subdivision is not in conflict with this Transportation Plan, the King County Regional Trails Plan, nor Nonmotorized Plan. . . . . 2. Subdivision Ac.cess: The subdivision will gain access from one access point off 160th Ave. SE. Trips will be ~ent to the Intersection of Southeast 128th Str.eet at 160th Avenue Southeast which has, as of June 2003, been placed upon King County DOT's High Accident Location list (ID: HAL # 16). The recommended countenneasure is to construct both east and west left tum channelization at the i1;1tersection. These inlprovement measures are appropriately required prior to King County approving further development that would reduce the level of safety by adding vehicles trips to this intersection. Therefore, due to the additional impacts, mitigation of project impacts at this intersection is necessary and was made a condition of the MDNS. Alternatively; if another local access route would be provided and development inlpacts could be mitigated, inl.provements at the intersection could be deferred. · · The alternative local access route would be at SE 136th St. beiween 156th Ave. SE and 160th Ave. SE provided Uiat the 70 lot plat design ·for Evendell is approved and constructed. !he Evendell . improvements wi.th the 70 lot design include a 'half-street' improvement opposite the frontage of this plat of Liberty Grove. Completion of the balance of the improvements b~ this Applicant (Libe.rty Grove) could provide a more attractive alternative route for project-generated tnps Uiat would otherwise enter the HAL at SE !28th St. identified by King County DOT. This alternative is also afforded under the MONS. Typically, absent a direct connection to this roadway, inl.provement~ to Southeast .1~6tll Street by the Applicant for the proposed plat of Liberty Grove would not be requ1ted as a condmon of plat approval or under a MONS. However, by completing the inJ.provements to Subcollector Stree~ (Urban) standards, project-generated trips of the plat of Liberty Grove would hav.e an .atte~uve westbound access (towards the City of Renton) along Southeast 128th Street.at the s1gnallzed mtersection of 156th L03TY403 & L03P0006 Liberty Grove Page 7 Avenue SE. Additionally, project-generated trips would have the alternative access to SR-169 from plat-generated trips by use ofSE,136"' Street (in lieµ oftt:a\'.~Iing northbound on 160'" Ave. SE., making the·left turn at the intersection of 128"' Street -the HAL.: and another ieft turn at the 156"' Ave. SE · signal). Mitigations are listed in Section D of this report. Under either scenario, road improvements would to assure a safe access route for tesulting traffic from this plat. 3. Traffic Generation: It is expected that approximately 240 vehicle trips per day will be generated with full development of the proposed subdivision. This calculation includes service vehicles (i.e;, mail delivery, garbage pick-up, school bus) which may currently serve this neighborhood, as well as work trips, shopping, etc. · 4. Adequacy of Arterial Roads: This proposal has been reviewed under the criteria in King County Code 14.70, Transportation Concurrency Management; 14.80, Intersection Standards; and King County Code 14. 7 5; Mitigation Payment System. · a.' King County Code 14.70. transportation Concurrency Management: The Transportation Certificate of.Concurrency indicates that transportation improvements or strategies will be in place at the time of development, or that a financial commitment is in place to complete the improvements or strategies within six (6) years, according to RCW 36. 70A.070(6). b. King County Code 14.80 • Intersection Standards: The arterial system will accommodate the increased traffic volume generated by this proposal provided the conditions of the SEPA MDNS are implemented. See Section D of this report for conditions and Section I. 2. above for a discussion of the status of the intersect of SE 128th St. and 160th Ave SE. c. · King County Code 14.75 • Mitigation Payment System: King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), requires the payment of a traffic impact mitigation fee (MPS fee) and an administration fee for each single family residential lot or unit created. MPS fees are determined by the zone in which the site is located. This site is in Zone 452 per the MPS/Quartersection list. MPS fees may be paid at the time of final plat recording, or deferred until building permits are issued. The amount of the fee will be determined by the applicable fee ordinance at the time the fee. is collected. J. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. . Schools: ·This.proposal· has been reviewed under RCW 58; 17 .110 and King County Code 2 IA.28 (School Adequacy). · a. School Facilities: The subject subdivision will be served by the Issaquah School District (Briarwood, Maywood Middle, & Liberty High schools). . · b. School Capacity: The Issaquah School Board has adopted capacity figures which indicate their ability to accommodate ;idditional students. · The capacity figures for 2004 through 2008 show at minimum an excess capacity of 779 per the 2002 Capital Facilities Plan for the District. The figures reveal the district has adequate capacity to accommodate the anticipated students generated by this proposal. c. School Impact Fees: The Issaquah School District has adopted a fee of $4,617 for each new single family residential unit. A total of 24 new dwellings would be added to the Issaquah District. d. School Access: The Issaquah District has provided information as to the location of existing bus stops. This infonnation is reflected on the School Walkway Access Study submitted Sept. 3, 2003. The current bus stop for middle and high school students is . located at the intersection of SE 130th Street with 162"d Ave S!3. Bussing occurs at L03TY403 & L03P0006 Liberty Grove Page 8 present due to lack of safe walkways to the schools. It is the District's position that with the influx of new students in the area as a result of new homes being built, new urban d~velopments nearby should provide acceptable walking facilities to the local schools. The local schools serving this property are all. within one mile of the plat of Lib~rty Grove. The school district has submitted updated information indicating that the existing bus stop for Liberty High School and Maywood Middle School is at SE 130th Street and 162td Ave. SE. Currently the area is underdeveloped and has poqr pedestrian c01:m~ctions; bus service for students within one mile of the schools has been provided by the d\strict. The district views this bus service as temporary only and requests that with ~onstruction of new nearby.housing developments, safe walking access to schools be ptovi,ded. Per a request by DDES, the. applicant of Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous pro\rided information clarifying which streets that have been improved with pedestrian walkways. A narrative indicated that a walkway system to Liberty High School is not fellljible .. DOES staff has taken exception to this analysis and finds that a walkway is fc,aiible along SE 135th Street between 160th Ave SE and 1661h Ave. SE. (then south on 1661,h'Ave SE one block to the school). This location of a walkway would provide a high level of visibility of the students walking from nearby residences and students would only need t~ walk past one wooded ~arcel on the south side of SE 13 5th Street. Addipo~ally, an alternative. a~cess to Liberty High School is planned in conjunction with ,the platdf "5 Lot Subdivision". Paved sidewalks and a paved pedestrian walkway are planned from the subdivision;fiontage on J 62nd Ave. SE east/southeast to the southwest corner of the Liberty High School where .there is a gated school entry. <" ... , ' • ' ·f, . · 0 This·subdivision is also scheduled to construct safe access to the middle school, a four ··. foot wide graveled path south from the southeast corner of the plat, south along 164th Ave. SE tQ SE 142"d St. (if extended). The district has determined that the walking area between SE 142"d St. and SE 144th St. on 164th Ave SE is safe, as the street paving is approximately 30 feet wide with very little traffic. There are already safe walking . conditions.on SE 1441h St. for school children to walk from 1641h Ave SE'east to the middle school. 2. . P.iirks and Recreation Space: The nearest public park is located on the south west corner of 152ndAve. SE and SE 1361h St. The applicant has proposed on-site recreation areas Tract Bon the north centrll,l area of the plat. The details of improvements will be designed and sub,mitted for approval priorto final plat. l(CC 21 A.14 requires subdivisions in the UR and R zone classifications to either provide on-site recreation space or pay a fee to the Parks Division for establishment and maintenance of neighbo~hood parks. · The recreation area, Tract B will contain 9,360 sq. ft. which equals the minimum required area. Per KCC 21A.14.180 E, one tot lot and one additional playground/recreational facilities will be required.: · 3., · Fire Protection: The Certificate of Water Availability from W. D. 90 indicates that water is presently available to the site in sufficient quantity to satisfy King County Fire Flow Standards. Prior to final recording of the plat, the water service facilities must be reviewed and approved per King County Fire Flow Standards. K. . UTILITIES: J. · Sewage Disposal: A Certificate of Sewer Availability, dated April 17, 2003 indicates · the city's capability to serve the. proposed development andLiberty Grove. A seY:'age pump station will be required to be constructed as these plats c~ not be s:n:ed by grav!ty fl~w. Currently, the lift station planned woul.d be located off-site. The ex1stmg sewer hne will be L03TY403 & L03P0006 Liberty Grove Page 9 extended east along SE 136th Street to l 62"d Ave. SE (2,600 linear feet) to provide connection to Renton's sewer system. 2. Water Supply: The.applicant proposes to serve the subject subdivision with water from WaterDistrict 90. A Certificate of Water Availability, dated January 8, 2003, indicates this . district's capability to serve the proposed development: L. COMPREHENSIVE AND COMMUNITY PLAN: I. · Comprehensive Plan 2000 Land Use Map: This proposal is governed by the 2000 King County Comprehensive Plan with Land Use Map that designates this area as "Urban ResldentiaJ, 4-12 dwelUngs per acre". 2. The following policies and principles of the Comprehensive Plan are relevant to the proposed re:zone and subdivision: · a. Chapter 2· Urban Land Use, B. Residential Land Use, Section# 2 U-114 . King County ihall seek to achieve through future planning efforts over the next twenty years, an average zoning density of at least sev11n to eight homes per acre In the Urban Growth Area through a mix of densities and housing types. A lower density .zone may be used to recognize existing subdivisions with little or no opportunity for Infill or redevelopment. U-118 King County should apply mini.mum density requirements to all urban residential zones of four or more homes per acre, except under limited circumstances such as the: a. · Presence of significant physical constraints; or b. Implementation of standards applied to a property through a property-specific development condition, special district overlay, or subarea plan. Comment: . The proposal would yield an overall density of 5.2 dweUings per acre. b. Chapter 2~ Urban Land Use, B. Residential Land Use, Section # 3 .• Increases of Zoning Density: While King County supports higher densities In the urban areas, Increased densities that would be incompatible with existing neighborhoods or cause significant Impacts on roads, services and the environment are discouraged. The following pollcleswlll guide decisions on application of densities and proposed rezones. U-120 King, County shall not approve proposed zoning changes to Increase density within the Urban Area unl11ss: a. The development wHI be compatible with the character and scale of the surrounding neighborhood; · Comment The area is in transition. from an under utilized urban area to more of an .urban area with a full range of urban services.for the residents . .There are other similar residential developments in the neighborhood currently under construction or in the planning stages (see Section G of this report). b. Urban public facllltles and services are adequate, consistent with adopted · levels of service and meet GMA concurrency requirements, Including King County transportation concurrency standards; Comment: Urban· services are available to. the property and concurrency standards are met. c. The proposed density change wlll not Increase unmitigated adverse Impacts on environmentally sensitive areas, either on site or In the vicinity of the proposed development; · L03TY403 & L03P0006 Liberty Grove Page 10 Comment: The Class II Wetland off site and to the soutl]. will be preserved under the Standards ofKCC 21A.24. Buffer area will be reduced on the north side of the Welland should SE 136th St. be improved. d. The proposed density Increase wlll be consistent with or contribute to achieving the goals and policies of this Comprehensive Plan, and subarea plan, If appllcable; and · Comment: The proposed density is within the density range of 4-12 dwellings per acre as designated by the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Also see the Analysis Section of this report. e. . The proposalls consistent with the adopted city comprehensive plan for the Potential Annexation Area where the rezone Is located If the prl:iposed density exceeds eight dwelllng units per acre. If-the city Is not planning for urban densities and efficient land use patterns consistent with the Countywlda Planning Policies, than this paragraph shall not apply. Comment: The proposal is consistent with the adopted City of Renton Comprehensive Plan in effect when this application was submitted. The density does not exceed eight dwellings per acre. U-121 King County, when evaluating rezone requests for Increases In density, shall notify adjacent cities, special purpose districts.and local providers of urban utility services and should work with these service providers on Issues raised by the proposal. · Comment: DD:ES notified the City of Renton and the city has responded to this request through a letter (Attachment 5). Road improvement s~andards to be used for build out this plat would seem the only issues of concern raised by the-City. U-122 King County supports Increases In urban residential density through a rezone or a proposal to Increase density through the density transfer or density Incentive programs when the proposal will help resolve traffic, sewer, water, parks or open space deficiencies In the Immediate neighborhood ... Comment: Under the SEPA MONS SE 128th Street intersection improvements, or alternatively frontage improvements along the north side of SE 136th St. will be constructed between 158th Ave. SE and SE 160th Street. · M. CRITERIA FOR ZONE RECLASSIFICATION APPROVAL: 1. KCC 21A.44.060 Zone reclassification. A zone reclassification shall be granted only if the applicant demonstrates that the proposal complies with the criteria for approval specified in KCC 20.24.180 and 20.24.190 and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and applicable community and functional plans. Corrunent: See Section L above for a discussion of applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies and the ·Analysis Section of this report below.· · 2. , 3 •. KCC 20.24.180 Examiner findings. When the examiner renders a decision or recommendation, he or she shall make and enter findings of fact and conclusions from the record which support the decision and the findings and conclusions shall set forth and · demonstrate the manner in which the decision or recommendation is consistent with, carries out and helps implement applicable state laws and regulations and the regulations, policies, objectives and goals of the comprehensive plan, subarea or community plans, the zoning · code the land segregation code and other official laws, policies and objectives of King · Cou~ty, and that the recommendation or decision will not be unreasonably incompatible with or detrimental to affected properties and the general public. KCC 20.24.190 Additional examiner findings . reclassifications and shoreline · redesignations. When the examiner issues a recomm7ndation regar~ing ~ application for a reclassification of property or for a shoreline environment redes1gnat1on, the recommendation shall include additional fi11dings that support the conclusion that at least one of the following circumstances applies: L03TY403 & L03P0006 · Liberty Grove A. The property is potentially zoned for the reclassification being requested and conditions have been met that indicate the rechi~sification is appropriate; B. An adopted subarea plan or area zoning speclfies that the property shall be subsequently considered through an individual reclassification application; Page 11 C. Where a subarea plan has been adopted but subsequent area zoning has not been adopted, that the proposed reclassification or shoreline redesignation is consistent with the . adopted subarea plan; or . D. The applicant has demonstrated with substantial evidence that 1. Since the last previous area zoning. or shoreline environment designation of the subject property, authorized public improvements, permitted private development or other conditions or circumstances affecting the subject property have undergone substantial and material change not anticipated or contemplated in the subarea plan or area zoning; · 2. The impacts from the changed conditions or circumstances affect the subject property in a manner and to a degree different than other properties in the vicinity such that area rezoning or redesignation is not appropriate; For the purposes of this subsection, "changed conditions or circumstances" does not include actions taken by the current or former property owners to facilitate a more intense development of the property including but not limited to changing tax limitations, adjusting property lines, extending services, or changing property ownership; 3. For proposals to increase rural residential density, that the proposal meets the criteria in Comprehensive Plan policies R-f05 through R-209; · 4. For proposals to increase urban residential density, that the proposal meets t!ie criteria · in Comprehensive Plan policies U-118 through.U-123; and 5. The requested reclassification or redesignation·is in the public interest. (Ord. 14047 § 12, 2001: Ord. 4461 § 10, 1979). . Comment: KCC 21A:24.190 (A), (B), arid (C) do not apply to the subject rezone application. The relevant criterion under the additional Examiner Finding is KCC 20.24.190 (D). Prior to the adoption of the 1995 KC Comprehensive Plari and Area Zoning; the property was zoned SR-15,000 which was an urban zone designation that allowed development of property into lots 15,000 square feet in size and allowed/assumed on site septic/drainfields would be provided for the disposal of sewage for new development. With adoption of the 1994 Comprehensive Plan, and 1995 Area Zoning conversion process, the property was rezoned from SR-15000 to R-4. This R-4 zone continued to permit urban residential development on septic/drainfield systems in the Servi(ie Planning Area provided that dry sewers would be installed & a future service. agreement were signed. · Now under the 2000 Comprehensive Plan and Ord.# 14049, both effective as of March 12, 2001, all new residential development in the urban area l!!Y§! be served by sewer. Providing sewer to this and other properties in the i!llll1ediate area will require a sewage pwnp station to facilitate new residential development at eitherR-4 oi'R~6 zoning density. As currently planned, and recognized under preliminary plat approval, a pump station will be constructed on the plat ofEvendell to.the south. This pump station would serve this plat and other properties nearby. If the plat ofEvendell is not.constructed, the applicant would be required to construct a pump station and obtain the City ofRenton's approval for the alterp.ative location. · · As of the writing of this report, a court decision has not yet been made regarding the reclassification request ofEvendell which if approved would allow 70 lots under a R-6 designation. N. PLAT STATUTES/CODES: 1. If approved with the recommended conditions in this report, the proposed development will comply with the requirements of the County and State Platting Codes and Statutes, and .the lots in the propos~d subdivision will comply with the minimum dimensional requirements of the zone district. · · · 2. King County Road Standards Section· 1.03 -Responsibiljty to Provide Roadway Improvements: A. Anyland development which will impact the service level, safety, or operational efficiency of serving toads or is required by other County code or ordinance to improve L03TY403 & L03P0006 Liberty Grove Page 12 such roads shall improve those roads in accordance with these Standards. The extent of off-site improvements to serving roads shail be based on an assessment of the impacts of the proposed land development by the Reviewing Agency ... 3. RCW 58.17.110 Approval or disapproval of subdivision and dedication-Factors to be considered-Conditions for approval-Finding-Release from damages. ( 1) The city, town, or county legislative body shall inquire into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of the subdivision and dedication. It shall detennine: a}If appropriate provisions are made for, but not. limited to, the public health, safety and general welfare, for open spl\ces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and schoolgrounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts, incli,lding sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school; and (b) whether the public interest will be served by the subdivision and dedication, (2) ·· A proposed subdivision and dedication shall not be approved unless the city, ·. town; or county legislative body makes written findings that: (a) Appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and schoolgrounds and all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school; and (b) the public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedication. If it fmds that the proposed subdivision and dedication make such appropriate provisions and that the pubHc use and interest will be served, then the legislative body shall approve the proposed subdivision and dedication ... f . \ . 4. KCC 2o;z4;1so Examiner findings. See Section M 2. above. 5.. · KCC20.24.l95 Additional examiner findings -preliminary plats. When the examiner makes a decision regarding an application for a proposed preliminary plat, the decision shall il)clude ~dditional findings as to whether: A. Appropriat~ provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit · stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds and all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from · school; and B. The public use and intere~t will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedication. (Ord. 12196 § 38, 1996: Ord. 9544 § 16, 1990). 6. 21A.12.030 Densities and dimensions -resldentlai zones. A. Densities and dimensions -residential zones . . Base Density: 4 dwelling units per acre · Maximum Density: 6 dwelling units per acre · .· MinimumDensity: 85% ofbase density B. Development condiiions. · . · . • . . 1.. This maximum density may be achieved only through the application of residential density incentives in accordance with ... transfers of development rights in accordance with K.C.C. chapter 21A.37 .. : 7. · 21A.37;030 Transfer of development rights (IDR) program· receiving sites. A. Receiving sites shall be: · . · 1. King County unincorporated urban sites, ... zoned R-4 .... The s~tes may ~!so · be within potential annexation areas established under the cowityw1de planning policies; or... · · · . . B; Except as providedin this chapter development of an uruncoq:,orated King County receiving site shall remain subject to all zoning code pro~isio~ for. the base zone, except TDR receiving site developments shall comply with dunens1.onal standards L03TY403 & L03P0006 Liberty Grove Page 13 of the zone with a base density most closely comparable to the total approved . density of the TDR receiving site development. C. An unincorporated King County receiviiu: site may accept development rights from one or more sending sites, up to the maximwn density·pennitted under K.C.C. 21A.12.030 and 21A.12.040. . 0. ANALYSIS I CONCLUSIONS: 1. · Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW 43.21 C, the responsible official of the Land Us.e Services Division (LUSD) issued a threshold determination· mitigated determination of non-significance (MD.NS) for the proposed rezone and plat on December 16, 2003. This determination was based on thereview of the environmental checklist and other pertinent documents, resulting in the conclusion that with implementation of mitigation, the proposal would not cause probable significant adverse impacts on the environment. · · 2. · DOES recognizes that circumstances affecting the subject property have undergone substantial and material change since the last previous area zoning which was not anticipated or contemplated by that area zoning in that Title 13 now requires all urban subdivisions to coru1ect to sewer. Previously, a plat could be approved on septic if dry sewer lineswere installed. 3. Although required by KCC 20.24.190, the applicant has not demonstrated with substantial evidence any impacts from changed conditions or circumstances since the last previous area zoning that affect the subject property in a manner and to a degree different than other properties in the vicinity. 4. · Comprehensive Plan Policy U-122 supports increases in urban residential density when the proposal will help resolve traffic, sewer, water, parks .or open space deficiencies in the immediate neighborhood. In the instant situation, the plat application will provide basic neighborhood infrastructure benefits in the form ofroad improvements on 160th Avenue Southeast. and other .improvements which would commonly be required as part of preliminary approval for a plat. There has not been an offer by the applicant to provide neighborhood improvements beyond that which would nonnally be expected with preliminary plat approval wider the R~ designation and SEP A. • I • It is noted that KCC 2IA.37 -transfer of density does not require an applicant of a plat to "benefit a neighborhood" beyond the basic needs for implementation and approval of the plat, · 5. Potential adverse impacts to environmentally sensitive areas on site and environmental constraints in the vicinity will be adequately mitigated through the King County Code. 6. King County has notified the City of Renton and other local agencies of the request. The City.concurs that the density proposed is consistent with the City of Renton Comprehensive Plan for this Potential Annexation Area adopted at the time this plat was . vested. The density does not exceed six. dwellings per acre. The City did express concern with road improvement standards to be used. At this time an interlocal agreement has not been signed between the two jurisdictions by which King County would alternatively recognize City of Renton standards for street improvements. 7. The subjectsubdivisionwith density credit transfer will comply with the goals and · objectives of the King County Comprehensive Plan and will comply with the requirements of the Subdivision and Zoning Codes and other official land use controls of King County, based on the recommendation befow conditions for final plat approval. P. RECOMMENDATIONS:· ···.f L03TY403 & L03P0006 Liberty Grove Page 14 L03TY401 -Deny reclassification from R-4 to R-6. L03P0006 -Grant preliminary approval of the September 3, 2003 preliminary plat Liberty Grove with· transfer of density credits, subjectto the following conditions of final approval: . 1. 2. a. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19 of the King County Code. b, Prior to the recording of Liberty Grove, the plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous shall be recorded as drainage facilities will be construct~d off-site in the plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous. · All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Co.uncil · Motion No. 5952. · . . a. The plat shall comply with the maximum density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-lzone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional · requirements qfthe R-$zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger, except that minor revisions to the plat which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. b. The Applicant shall provide Transfer of Density·Credit documentation to DDES prior to final approval to allow transfer of a ffiaJ\llllUDl of five density credits. 4; The applicant must obtain final approval from the King County Health Department for · abandonment of existing septic systems on-site serving on and off-site homes. 5. AU construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No, 11187, as amended (1993 KCRS). ·. 6. The applicant must obtain the approval ·of the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. · 7. Final plat approval shall require fuU compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location oflots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. Preliminary review bas identified the following conditions of approval which represent portions of the drainage requirements. All other applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the Surface Water Design Manual · (SWDM) must also be satisfied during engineering and final review. a. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and applicable updates adopted by.King County. DOES approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. · b. Current standard plan notes and ESCnotes, as established by DDES Engineering Review, shall be shown ·on the engineering plans. c. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious s~aces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm dram outlet as shown on. the approved construction drawings # on file with DDES and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots.that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, d. L03TY403 & L03P0006 Liberty Grove Page 15 the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building pennit and shall comply with plans on file." · e. The stonn water control facility shall be located in a separate tract and dedicated fo King County unless portions of the drainage tract are used for required recreation space in accordance with KCC 21AJ4.180. 8. A drainage adjustment(L03 V0065) is approved for this site and for the Liberty Grove Continuous site L03P0005. The adjustment allows combining the storm water from both subdivisions on the Liberty Grove Continuous site; and routing post developed flows to 160m Ave SE. A flow splitter is proposed to maintain existing flows to the south .. All conditions of approval for this adjustment shall be met prior to engineering plan approval. A Conceptual Drainage Plan showing the preliminary configuration was received March 11, 2003. 9. . The stormwater detention facility shall be designed to the Level 3 flow control standard in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual(KCSWDM). The facility shall also be designed to meet tjie basic water quality menu. 10. The downstream drainage system along the east side of 160rJJ Ave SE from the south plat boundary of Liberty Grove Continuous to approximately 50 feet south of the culvert 29 (House# 14028); shall be.improved to achieve adequate drainage capacity per the 1998 KCSWDM. Culvert 29 is approximately 900 feet south of the southwest comer of this site and is shown in the Level 1 Offsite Analysis received September 3, 2003. Plans and supporting capacity analysis for this improvement shall be submitted with the engineering plans. 11. The 100-year floodplain for any on-site wetlands or streams shall bi:: shown on the engineering plans and the fmal pli1t per Special Requirement #2 of the KCSWDM. 12. The following road improvements are required to be constructed according to the 1993 King County RoadStandards(KCRS): a. SE 1351b PL shall be improved to the urban subaccess street standard. b. FRONTAGE: The frontage along 160"' Ave SE shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard(west side only). c. · FRONTAGE: The frontage along SE 1361b ST may be improved to the urban standards per the SEPA mitigation list. d .. Tract A shall be improved as a private access tract according to Section 2 .09 of the KCRS. The tract shall be owned and maintained by the owners of those Lots being served. Tracts C and D shall each be improved as a joint use driveway per Section 3.01 of the KCRS. The tracts shall be owned and maintained by the owners of · those Lots being served. . lb . . . · · . A R/W radius shall be dedicated at ie northeast quadrant of 1581b Ave.SE and SE D36111 St. (southwest corner of Lot%, and a second radius shall be dedicated at the northwest quadrant of 160"' Ave SE and SE 136'h St. (southeast comer of Lot 24). f, Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the . variance provisions in Section 1. 08 of the KCRS. L03TY403 & L03POOOl Liberty Grove Page 16 13. All utilit!es within propose? ri~hts-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the Kmg County Council prior to final plat reeording. 14.' The applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with ~g County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance. The applicant has the option to either: (1) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. · 15. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the Sensitive Areas Code as outlined in KCC 21 A.24. Preliminary plat review has identified the following specific requirements that apply to this project. All other applicable requirements fromKCC 21A.24 shall also be addressed by the applicant: Southeast l 36'h Street to the south of the project site may or may not be improved prior to beginning constructfon on Liberty Grove. If road improvements are made or are in the process of being constructed, then no wetland conditions shall apply. If however the improvements are not made or are not under construction, then the extent of the buffer/wetland area shall be shown on the Plat of Liberty Grove and a Sensitive Areas Tract is required for the protection of the Class II buffer/wetland area for the wetland identified on the Plat of Evendell. · 16. The following note shall be shown on the final engineering plan and recorded plat, if wetland buffer .is necessary per condition 15 above: 17. RESTRICTIONS FOR SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS AND BUFFERS Dedication of a sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. This interest . includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of · slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The sensitive area · tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and· future owners and occupiers of the !and subject to the tract/sensitive area and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without approval in writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor agency, unless otherwise provided by 'Jaw. The.common boundary between the tract/sensitive area and buffer and th.e area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading; building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed. · No building foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setpack line, unless otherwise provided by law. Suitable recreation space shall be provided consistent with the requirements KCC 21A.14.180 and KCC 21A.14.190 in providing sport court[s], children's play equipment, picnic table[s], benches, etc; · L03TY 403 & L03P0006 Liberty Grove Page 17 a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., landscape specs, equipment specs, etc.) sliall be submitted for review and approval by'DDES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the engineering plans. This plan shall comply with Ordinance # 1404 5. b. A perfonnance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. 18. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established to the satisfaction ofDDES which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation, open space and/or sensitive area tract(s). · · 19. · Street trees shall be included in the design of all road improvements, and shall comply with Section 5.03 of the KCRS and KCC.2 lA.16.050: a. Trees shall be planted ata rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. · b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. · c; If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has . adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. · e. The species of trees shall be approved by ODES iflocated within the right-of-way, and §hall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose: roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm . sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. f. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by DDES prior to engineering plan approval. g. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a perfonnance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be fostalled pet the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the perfonnance borid replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after ODES has completed a second inspection and determined . that the trees have been kept healt~y and thriving. A landscape inspection fee shaH also be submitted prior to plat recording. The inspection fee is subject to change based on current County fees. 20. The following have. been established by SEPA as necessary requirements to mitigate the advei:se environmental impacts of this development. The applicants shall demonstrate coinpliance with these items prior to final approval. · L03TY 403 & L03P0006 Liberty Grove Page 18 Individually, or joint with other area developers, the Applicant shall design and construct improvements to Southeast ! 28th Street at l 60'h Ave. SE to · · mitigate project impacts at the High Accident Location. Or, _the Applicant shall reduce the project impacts at the High Accident Location by completing the remainder of the improvements to Southeast 136th Street (i.e. additional paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks), between 158th A venue SE and 160th Avenue SE, and, revise the channelization at the intersection of 156th Avenue SE/SE 136th Street to provide a southbound left turn lane. . . . School Mitigation Fees 21. Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 2IA.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a · condition of final approval, fifty percent (50':lo) of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and collected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building permit issuance. School Walkways The applicantshall construct an off-site walkway to Liberty High school from the site. The walkway shall be constructed within the right;of-way from 160th Ave SE, east along SE 135th St. to 166th Ave SE, and south to Liberty High School at SE 136th St. The walkway shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the 1993 King County Road Standards and shown on the engineering plans for DDES review and approval. Alternatively, if access improvements are made from and through the plat of"5 Lot Subdivision"ILOOP0023 to the southwest gate of Liberty High School, the applic.ant may choose to instead complete school walkway improvements ori 162nd Ave. SE to the sidewalk improvements ''5 Lot Subdivision". · y surfacing alternative from the King County Road Standards (KCRS 3.09) may be '--submitted for approval through a road variance application. ffHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. The subdivision shall conform to KCC 16:82 relating to grading on private property. 2. Development of the subject property may require registration with the Washington State Department of Licensing, Real Estate Division. 3. Preliminary approval of this application does not limit the applicant's responsibility to obtain any required permit or license from the State or other regulatory body. This may· include, but is not.limited to the following: a. Forest Practice Permit from the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources. · · b. · National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit from WSDOE. c. Water Quality Modification Permit from WSDOE: d, · Water Quality Certification (401) Permit from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers lPORT ATTACHMENTS: 1. 24 Lot Plat Layout 2. Density Calculations for development with density credit transfer 3. Issaquah School District · 4. Certificate of Water Availability, January 8, 2003 5 .. City of Renton Letters, including Sewer Certificate 6. Transportation Concurrency TRANSMITIEDTO PARTIES LISTED HEREAFTER: BORBA.GREG CURRENT PLANNING SUPERVISOR DDES/ LUSD MS: OAK -DE· 0100 BOWEN, WILLIAM J. BOWE.N REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST i3644 160TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 BOWEN, WILMA J.. . . . . 13644 160TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 BRENDEN, MARSHALL 18225 SE 128TH RENTON, WA 98059-8732 CLAUSSEN, KIM· SRc PLANNER DDES I LUSD MS: OAK -DE-0100 DMP INC. MEL DALEY 726 AUBURN WAY NORTH AUBURN, WA98002 GILLEN, NICK WETLAND REVIEW DDES I LUSD MS: OAK -DE-0100 GRAVES, KATHY 13020 160TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 HERRIN, BRAD &.JULIE 16202 SE 137TH PL RENTON, WA 98059 HIGH, GWENDOLYN. 13405 158TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 HIGH, MS. GWENDOLYN PO BOX 2939 RENTON, WA 98056 LAKE]UDGE DEVELOPMENT INC WAYNE JONES PO BOX 146 RENTON, WA 98057 LANGLEY, KRIS LAND USE TRAFFIC REVIEW DDES I LUSD MS: OAK -DE· 0100 LEE, MILTON & HELEN PO BOX 2574 RENTON, WA 98056 LIND, REBECCA CITY OFRE.NTON EDNSP DEPT. !055S. GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98055 NASS, LEROY 15713 SE 128TH ST. RENTON, WA 98059 NELSON, KATHY L03TY403.& L03P0006 Liberty Grove Page 19 ISSAQUAH SCHOOL DISTRICT, TRANSPORTATION DEPT. 805 2ND AVES. ISSAQUAH, WA 98027 OORD, LARRY & SUSAN 16013 SE 136TH ST. RENTON, WA 98059 PLATT, DAVID & GEORGIA 510 E. PANORAMIC DRIVE CAMANO ISLAND, WA 98282 PLATZ, GUY 13535 160TH A VE SE RENTON, WA 98059 RESIDENT 13020 160TH AVE SE RENTON WA 98059 ROGERS, CAROL CURRENT PLANNING SECTION DDES I LUSD MS: OAK -DE-0100 ROMANO, MICHAEL J. CENTURION DEVELOPMENT SVCS . 22617 8TH DR. SE BOTHELL, WA 98021 . SCHARER.KAREN PROJECT PLANNER DDES/LUSD MS: OAK -DE· 0100 SEATTLE KC HEALTH DEPT. E. DIST. ENVIRON. HEALTH · 14350 SE EASTGATE WAY BELLEVUE, WA 98007 STEWART, DEBORAH J. 16207 SE 136TH. ST. RENTON, WA 98059 THATCHER, JESSE 13817 !62NDAVE SE RENTON, WA98059 TOWNSEND, STEVE LAND USE INSPECTIONS DDES/LUSD MS: OAK-DE-0100 TULL, MIKE 16056 SE 136TH ST RENTON, WA 98059 WEST, LARRY DDES /LUSD GEO REVIEW MS: OAK. DE-0100 WHITTAKER, BRUCE PRELIMINARY REVIEW ENGINEER DDES/ LUSD MS: OAK -DE· 0100 WILMOT, BOB &LYNN 13900 160TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 WYMAN, KEVIN M. 16540 SE 149TH ST. RENTON, WA 98059 ZIMMERMAN, GREGG . . CITY OF RENTON PLANNING 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98055 OLIPHANT, ANITA & RICHARD 16519 SE l4SHTH ST. RENTON, WA 98059 JUNE, EDWARD &.KRIS HILL 13527156TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98059 KEZELE, DON & DIANE · 15657 SE 137r• PL. RENTON, WA 98059 . BUCKETT, MRS. CAROLYN ANN, .16524 SE 145TH ST, RENTON, WA 98059 '§' ~ e ~ " ._. J'"'"' '• !\~ ~ ---, I L--, j SFR I ,. L I . ---,___J JQ' <ip ~ \" ·q. r------r' --, __-1-I I SFR I I I I I L_ I . 1_ __ __r--...,..c.J / 1_?...--/ / / !l·f • 131 I ' 1tu• I I I~ I /'SP-3 126' 42' u.: 0 w ~ '-- ,--s-1 I SFR I . ,-11 I ,---, I 1L---i_ __ j I I I I L __ _J L · .J §.191'_ 'J . -7 ettA1N-t::II« 1"EAC£"' __ _.g&-lf5' 1-. ~ 7 "' > TO BE REMO ':)-~, --49+-----v m~Jm ~ 75• 0 <O 98' --------.... ------8 "' ...._........:. ____ _ ---- 85' z5• / 82' ~ .· ~'fl-_ / 397 e *~----<F'FIOPosa>>,,,. --,,,.~- 60' 60' 60' e ,--1 I I I SFR I L __ J r-, I I I I I I I I L-..J GRA . CHAIN LINK ·FENCE ORI~ • · 26' / / 1a r, el& I ·19--s _Jg~-2~JQ ; . 21 ~ -'22---,_ /",,,.,~~-~,r.~.-·-~ ·,.::i'"~~~-----r. 41 ' I I .. - ----, ___.-$ ,I 60' 60' . .· '!iQ' • PO. f' c..: ¥ :"'t--._ .§2'"-i....J_ · 86' ~--:::;::=---~-----~-=======--·,--,.,,, ·~·""· --~----~ ----,-8.E. 136th ST._ .. ~ ~ =_-o;;ror OPEN~ . -1 ~ 1 --~ t I St- I I L- lffl Hllll IN- .C IN .CASE ) r--, I I <... ..., (. 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PAGE• PAGE R PdMT 71 ... 7 7 'ICC 2M,l,2JM)I Tue-..-.................. ,m:O,lheR-<,._,..li-18......_ --·-.. """""""' ................ -.. """'""'!"' . C-_BJ.,.lhenet-anadlhoSOe.,..,.,C-Sedlon\lJnl"'"' _ .... __ ............. -....... --11»1<.= =-·lhe ---........ """"51 .. -...... Coo,ty'1-..... (S,e1<.C.C.2'A,)2.00).) ......... ___ ~~not apply to PJ(IPStleS ioned R--1 bcattd wltfm the rural IDwn dfal City. (S,ek.C.C. 2IA.12JJ3ll(ll)I2.) ~ ~ ia9e~l!4tt/w:. [Slee Sectbl DJ X • ___!:l1_ ·ftet ........... 111 m-es(si,e-Sedb:11 Y) ,. =:a:= X ....... 4aa, .. Sltb1hln IC.C.C 21A.12.0lOa-a.4aiedfA Sl!!r;UaiiW --41, .. -~ ~dMA,gurlb~ YR. Ill ,,,..,, , obrr : +-7 £Kt£ nanmn: ~ <bdep.Mid:s in the R--4,. R-6 and Jl-8. DB maymodlfr the~ __ .. k.C.C.21A.Wl30-...... ___ oldie ... ~-. fib Sitt: (see Ser.:tl:n V). 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Sl:J~•;--,., 2JOO + + ---!IIJ,. lt~tkp lllcNallatX 17.ft. llldl!n.._WM"' + + tq.1:»zit% *-IM,:,malX.22.$%---slop&,Wllle "" + .. ==== sq_ t 2S-3DM, 11ape;1atnmmtx zra ...-. s1upe. va1ae • + + ---· __ 1q.ft».-alcip!~X32.5%...._.~.,._u + + -:;q. a. 3S-10!lo sq,e lllcrm-.:X 37.S 11. ...,.._ ~ "'*'-"' + ~ 'TmllQllare.lbit . -. . 3,250 T<lttl~teet ._......... ~b9,pr, ~ Tobf...-11eetadjim:d1tr;tlpecMflidlJ,.· 30,0CO Totil~li:dkiaethfdiil*w ,.. .1083!3 .'#flll*:d-.iQe*IN:dllet~~ . a --.!!:!L_ ~ -~brl.OOloCXIIIWlllD.percait,-IIQld Upllo neadWllbele~ ."'"1gllle .... al>iNe,anm•_..........,.s1ap,.,,.. ____ .., 5""-less--..... -has. ___ .,.,,.,...,,..,..,,._ 1% ~~~In ~d5%. Shc;e 119' Is:~ abc:M!~ fOOIUJIVG tlme:$1.5 ----,..,...... ....... -...... adjuslm ___ ., _ ,.,,._ -_ ... ___ .. «.==-- vm. · ,,,..,,,,.., r s + """' Mmffll nc.c.c. 21 a , ? cm .. .Dffh ---be-,n!yflhe __ ...._..,_. --(I<.= -----rioM,tx-c.-c. 21A.31). . __ s __ .,._ ... ...,...,_...,...........,.,""'...,. ---1>-.m<11Ns....,._ lhe.........,_pen-.i_ --~&150-dlhe-~(,eeSedmB)du.e un:ler¥n9 ZDq « the c:fer ek.pcbd* er 200 p!ft81t of the base c:lenslr for prop,,sals Wfth 100 ____ 11,e ___ _...,._.,_ -~ 150-oftho --(--BJ ...... underl,t,g "'*'9 <Idle -...... . -~-~--b ... alsperQst:e,(Sldol!IQX150%• ----~ -llllldn'undntr ..... l&lb Pll'"emtX _._..bans'"' .· aa,da.wwwdMll&vri:S*-lllullldrlfdL!nslr~(icc.:w.34) ---- ...M__ biisl!,...,11 .... lllll!i: per et (9ee5fdal P)X 2005"' ...... dc!asl,- ---~----....._Wll:speraeX da!.nl lD«M""'" ==.-.-aas-_._ .,_.. NS._,dl:lig dl!mir' IDl:a!CM!S\16 100 ptmlll:~ NS(k.C.C.2LU') -•--tiase,~111--.11'11Sper*09(seeSer:lloll.lQX.tsM.• f ~~ ....!_ ...... dlmlr"ll._.. .. ,. ... x 4.N .... MJ!!l .. 21 · ................... .._~trad!IS(K.c.C.2LU7) .,.,_,, D-·llm~dliean9111b~ln$el::tlilnM ~ .............. bf'ltC.C.2:IAJt-. + • tnmfer"al:s ...... a.,K.C.C. 2IA.l7 >I ____ llltll...,unlts(~ ..... -...-c:ma1ai1a1~ IX. 111!!11 LatArwfarQ lpp)JC.1!.C.714121PP1: Excelll" as provided fer aoc.c..ffiana..ces. .-. K.C.C. 21.A.32: ~-Olllllll*II.~ U.-,1111.eJM~~ ~Sdtl ~ In 1he lit.and R~ no UJrarudlon _. be penntled ut_a .__M unatns an ate1 of& lfai 2,500 !IIJJift felt er tbald:>es nat ~ wati dle~-lot--e,apt1br-de,oqw,1& ......... t,;-..-;,, erfols ..--to-2.1995, ... - _er_"""t~ "'*"---"'~ ,nf; B. In lhe ,\ F. or RA zones: L ~shalnotbe-onabt ......... lessttran!i,000 -""" ,nf . . 2. ~ Wlli be ll1*d to~ dwellng un1:and ~ aooessury u,esft,rlols_..., __ 5,000_ ............ -. -· 12.""'--(IC.C.C.·2J..UUOO) x. 1iPC• fk.c.r.. ne ,i-PMMITh · ..;;....,.,_ ............................ -" ... __ __._ .... . botmdadts f:I the lot as 5'iown below, pnMded than an acxess 61Sll!ffle'1t shal .nctbe --die dnle. (Seo k.c.C. 21A.121J50). . ·• ., ·, . I .. '-· llll'4Jad~~ O,~-- ... .. ~ la.n,Qw91MOjllll:ll'1lf~ ........ q' .. King County Dept. of Development and Environmental Service, Land Use Services Dlvislqn 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 DATE: March 27, 2003 TO: Issaquah School District, ATTN: ___ _ FM: Kim c1aussen,·Prolect/Program Manager Ill iL,, RE: Proposed Plats of Liberty Grove & Llb,rty Grove Contiguous & Rezone Req~est_ LUSD FIie Nos: L03P0005, L03P0006 & L03TY401 The Land. Use Services Division (LUSD) has received an application for a subdivision In your District. Enclosed Is a copy of the plat maps received by the Land Use Services Division on March .11, 2003. In order for us to adequately evaluate this proposal, provide the most accur!lte Information to the public, and for LUSD to serve .the School District better, please provide us wit~ the following Information: Which schools db y'Qu anticipate the stui:lents living In this subdivision would attend? Elem~h~~ f)t2l6IQOOd Y f_Q ("if•,QO\n,i\ It . Jr. )'ilgh/Mlddle ffi«qj IOOC':ti .. rr, ); )IC <>'{' i '/ n : sr: tflgh l.1 b eo·~ \ ( k.J1e1 \ (,/ >('\'.'/') ; , . . ,. I I ill th tud~nts walk or ,be bu~ lhese schools].1 . eJ._. Elem,entary bu S:~ · -CJ--<A.R 6 U..,..... >«../{ w~/c.~ S dl ~.~i' Jr.H;~h/Mlddle bv,fW . dv..e 6 ~ w,t(!c ~ /i~1~.e-Sr.High .htsf~ . '-(U,v{ hi ~ ~tfi/cw~ ~ LA-1.s( /i ~.e s.tudents wm be bussed, where do you anticipate the bus stops will be locate~lf that information Is not · -~~,. aval.lable at this.time, .currently, where are the cl®,est bus1~tO..PS li:>cated to·thls site? _( .L (..c.y, 5 . J, · · -th /5{."f'J>. /W.a-S· t. QI. S · t. ', '$/}l! //.P'tJ/IU,f>t.(i/ S-!1 Ot-1..41. f'll ~p--<-' . · r"'7 · -<(Elementary P5t.' Mp.f, · f.,,@ '5 ~132-~-Si l/iPfW.$· f. @ s:yy1.u:0-' ,11. /{<.i~ 1 . « Jr. High/Middle /61./._f Au.a <;· 'e @ S· t. I 3f51h 1:,1--I~ Ajll &i: e1 S~ 131 &'rW '*.i'Sr. High.\ fllO::et Jl,,prt/8@. ft.. IP., C 'A /'?:0'1}, fl OtherCommehts:&ud.e-n.. /6och. & SE ~ 61-J ·~ c:i.,,,1/kw47 f fe J:5~t,t~~ hrl-.--,.cf-w,1/ l@K µ,f !?1?1117 s-J,td:,::/~/- j..J fi/f:. · fj & &1ts 5fv,e cf IZPM,,· Jq-gr PL ~ SE/~,; ' 1 L , Yi, ,s . 191,tls1,k ¥' ra 1"' #1, k R~ rr;,.-,,wvori G '.R,:,,,.,e.,., r-'-,J . Wf •Vi eQ.1(/-( (5 H-0,cl/7 Please comp'l~e this form and return lt-lS'y A rll 30, 003 to the address below. If you have questions 'fii,.. ,6.,,;r>,,, . regarding these proposals, please call me at (206) 296-7167. Thank you. . ~ S~.;:/r / ' ' King County Department of Development and Environmental Services .,3 land Use Services Division ATTACHMENT ___ _ I · A TIN: Kim Claussen, Project/Program Manager Ill Ir ®D8is DEPAR'TMl:NT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENI/IRONMENTAI. SERVlC.S 900 Oakesdole Avenue Southwest Renton, Wa 980SS·i219 ) This cartlflco\a provldH \I\~ ScaWa King County Copartmel\t of Public Health Qnd lho Depanmenl of D1ve1c~mont and Environmental Services with lnfcrmetlcn necessary to •valuate deve/Qpmont proposals, King County Certificate of Water Availability [ ~ not wnie In t~I• box' · . nyp. __ _ 0 Bwldlng Permit o Short SubdlV11lcn __ ._ .. ---__ . ___ .. _---' name ..--J ,g Preliminary Plat or PUC IJ P.ezcne er other, __ _ (all4<h mip end legal dowlptl>n If nocwary) 1B) IE t .IE~.~ IE ij \!'li M/1.R t 12003 · W..rte1 r•urvcym intormution: K.C. o.o.E.S. 1. CJ a. waw will be ~vh:/ed by service connection only 10 an existing S" {size) water main thllt Is~ th• site, · 8 b, Water scrvltt w111.reQu1r1 an lrnprovement to \he ~·atcr sys~m of; C (1) ftet or water main to reach the sltt; ,n,1/or 2. 3 a,' OR 0 b. Cl (2) The cor.strlJC!lon .cf a dlrtriMlon system or \ho situ; ,md/OI . ig (l) · Other (dmnbt): or, site lmp~ements on 160' required, also .... ments and on sit< Improvements rc,c1ulrcd, o.e lS required. lhe water 5Ystcm II 1n conformance with a County oppro.ve<J water comprel1enslye pion. il,e WIiier S)'>tern Improvement Is not In conlorm,mce wl\h • county 1pproved wotcr comprehenl!ve plan and wlll require R wmr comprehensive pion amendmon~ ('This may cause, de/oy In i!ISUa!1CO of a permit or opproval). · ;,' ,. eg •• The ·prof)OMd pro)ecl b within the corporote Um Its of tl1e dlstrl<t, or has been ;rantocl e.iundary Review Board . approvol tor ext111slon ofserv~ oul$Jdo tho district or city, or 1, wlt!Vn .th• County approve() sotVi<ll arq of, prtvate water purveyor, · OR C b. Annexa~on or Bounda,y Review Board (Bl\8) approval wlll bo niicemry to prol'lde.service, a. Walllr lS or~ •.lllillble at the rate of now and duration Indicated ~aw at no loss thin 20 psi measure<! at the noartst·nre twmnt GO' k!et from the bul/dJng/~portf (or., morkod on the attochod map): Rar. of flow •t P•ak Dom;,nd D11r,t1oh CJ· loss thl!\ SOU 9pm (appt0X,. gpm) CJ Je.,s I/Ion l hour CJ SOO to 999 gpm CJ I hour to l hour, . gJ 1000 ;pm or more eg 2 lloUrs or more CJ flow tfll>t of g pm CJ · 0 alculo~on OI 9pm other (Note: commcrdal building permits whle/1 indud~i multifamily structvres requlni flow test or calC\Jla~on.) . · · . . OR Cl b. w,ter symm !• not cop;ible or provldilla fire now. s. eiJ •. 'OR CJ b, W•w syslem I'll> cert1ncates .or w•ter ~ght or water nght daJn15 suftlaoot to provide sorvlca. Weter system does not.currenlv have ne=IY Wlrtcr nghts or ~tor right d;lms. Commen~condltfON:·GfC $3,200,00 PW lot, Watac AYtHAb\\\ty earb lgt. Meter prpp $1SQ,OO ucb, ECES SUIJ!C't' TO CHANGE WlTHOUT PBJQR NOTICI. I c:e,tjfy !hit the aboya water purveyor Information It truo •. This ct'llflca\lOn shall bl valid for 1~ar from dote ol llqnature. ·. KING COUN'N' WA'T!R DISTRICT #90 LmER P!!I.E RENEY/hl ens· WI lti 1 YEAR '50.00 Agency name · . Slgnawy nan!1 ... AfUR t YMB SUS OD ~p ~ 1/0BMAIN /:! SUPE!UNTI!NDEi'IT 11~e ' Slgnat~ ' Oato •Lt Cop~ ' (5' C:\My Document$ R~pUon\Wotcr Avallabllity\Lakerloge\W•yn, Jones.doc L..l)&IM>Ot. ' ATIACHMENT_i_ I OF l ~~PA~G~E~ PAGE )> -0,_ it )> (") G> :::r: m ~ b m z :i, c-i ~<,.,; \t' . .April 17, 2003 · .WayneJoncs . . . Lab:ridge Development · .. P.O.Boxi46 ·Ra,ton,WA 98057 -:-----.--.. -~~·_;Ef~ RECll:APR ?l ZOOJ · SUBJECT: SANITAllYSEWERAV~-LIBERTYPLAT . KcyID1@75MOSS&I0'8;·~i41 . . -. -SE 161m S'I'RBJ' AND 1~111 A'YENDE SE· . ':-'::-~~ IlcarM'r.'Jon= _This lettcz" shall serve as~ of a one-year~ to youi original availability~ jllOvided 1o you on dus Jl<Oied &i.<1 Apr:il a. '20Q2. This availability shall be wlid . tbrongh April 8, 2004. AB other coodi"-oontainc,t'limhin the original av:lilability and supplemental "'""'shall apply. : · · ._-ding this ldttt, pleaso ~ me at(425) 430-7212. 16)~Cfl~fE.l[j' · lfll HAY O 7 2003 l!lJ K.C. D.D.E.S. w L03TY403 · · ...... ·. · · .··. ·~ ..,...Sp\..,.,.-lf_......,._. -1' • ·-«no A"'....;.,~ . . ,os,s..ii.<ino!,w.1 --.w :· ... HOS5. TO~· . ®"""_.....__.....,...,.-. .... ..JIIIN fl.'5. o• TB1 cu .. n · I .q,r.;:r ...... J .· )::'::u .. ~ OiYi<b> :;q,i()abs4aloA.....,Soudi-i . ...,..;.wA!llO>S-1219 ··•.•.·. ~~~r~~i ~. ·,~--... ·· . , ·-~'tc: . S < v.,G· o:o.t::·. · _ > ,!~. ·~lillo~~i:v°OUS-EG3POOf!S&~*1 .· O..,Ms.~ ~~~.6e~~~·arid~nvotiogtl&this~pioposal-~~~ . ~Wo,b~--... .,,·-. -~, .. -- . · I. Wat;,-...vicewill be ~!JtJ{ii,gCouoty W-~ #90. ·This~ )ias •~ · .....,.....w,m,y &oo. tbocitJ,oC.._,.. · · 2. .· Theprnposed devdopmeiit is~RmCQB~s ~~~~~wt: . . ._ .... tbostr.;,<~~,.;.i.w.ga,.tpa-,cwoo,cud,and ~~s!Mit ligl,ling; c&cjFCiiy«-.....imrs bco,,p,ired fixtbo . px1i<,,u>fl .... A....,.;S.E,l~A-8.B.andSRl36"'S....;........,.u., devdopma-Weabo·-doat.6"~--iuclu<lmgrigbt-<>f-way . ,._-,1>c.........,aocoolingmc.,yor~-. · · s"""""". ~4M"A'L~ ··o.,gg~:....--. . Plaooioglllml~ W«b"""" · eic: .-M·Wiitl ~~ ,,........,.. ~~ ~--.. ;·?~: :·\: ~.;-.=~-i~~ -~ .-.,· ;);:{ ···--· < ):, "Ol . ;1 ~ )::> G)~ () m :z: :if: 0 rn :z: iJ~ -· r--. "· _t CI'r'ic ·-6"1 RENT~N ~Maj&_- ~-Dq-.- Glqz-n-rnP.E,.A I 5 7 ,:atw ·AP<i!s.2002 Me!OOey DlwfP, Inc. 726 Nlbuin Way North Auburn. WA 9I002 SUJU.Ecr: · SANJ"liB.vSEWER.A.VAii-aBIIJTY-I.JBERTYPLA.T 59 LOl' l"Li\T-.KCPID NO 1"'5'758-,0085-&-~3664S0--0411 LAKD.UDGE Di:Vll.OPMENJ' . "Dear.Mr: Daley . This ldb' 8ha11 supp1anaittbc ~~!ability~ fut-~ sab_r.>ct proj~ ~ ·Apru 5~ . 2002.: Samt:uy sewu sen-ice is a.Tailablc to Ibis~ plat. ~ 'will «::quire the CJd2:usion · &fso:wes-as_ fol~-_ _ . _ · p : Fxtni~ of"app: • ~ 1Y..2600 ~ ~'of12-mcli ~ m,ain. in SE 1364' S11cct from _ .. -lS2-'A-veaueS1Hol6r-Avcancsk . ..::_ -_-·. -~ :. . __ · a -~OR·of~~~fi:etofl~~~~g~-~~---.--- proposed plat in. 1 ~ A vamc SE, 800 Iiocar-feet of 8--incL .sewa--main ~ I6ri"' A'VQJ.ue "SE,; aoo 3t)O _linear :feet of8-incla sewtt ~ in isl"' A VCD.'IC SE. · · · -·a -~?fs:.ind;a·saniwy~~withio1beplatfo~~-~~. ' . a Iostallalic:M1 qf a city-,ovmed :s:ewct lift_:sbti,Jn ata iocatioo.1r:> be "ck:teo:nined &o be pilDpcd lJP · to 1hcneW'maiD in SE 136"' SIR¢ ·This lift. :statian.sball be .shied_ to ~:flaws from . this pCOpOS(d pfatas ~ u ~~l:iut,o,y~ fu?ni-the basin 'aad flows from Ub=rty__ · Hig1, SchooL · · · · · · · The items listed above_8SSUIOC ~ JlErijcds.euuaatiy abdcr-~-wc;,ald.aot move . f~ ·The C"lty ~.~is.med seyia-an~?ffles co two dc'Velopmcnts dd: ti'oo.t Oil~ 1366.11.uit.if~~~~.Cz~:f~-~ _ · CSE.U~~ We also aic ~ imewing mt·~ daatam\CS fi:un }"QUi" office fix-ai.dcvdqimeu( · 1bat lroirts on 16r A..,... SE.l""l""""i byDnid1'<!riL It is .... t:ity,.-lb,t lh<sedevelopa,catswod:ia.por-.,mloclp..,;,,;m;,.-..-i-oelacifilio,~ -~~-~to~lhis-ari:a. ·-- .~~is Sllbject lo~ fu»ol1riog fees: .- . Sidc~P~ . ~pcrlot . s,'stann..veto;,mo,it<::ba,ge ~"°P"< Jot . . . ... ·East Ita,li,n S,,..>al A. -.Imtrict·Cha,g,, ·ttu.52 plus iotc;<Sf. pa-lot . · .Rlght-<>{WayF... . S90: . . RigJ&t-of-W;ay Bond 1~ of csfin.,atcd cow.1t.diw, costs KmgCo.mtyl'=itFee 100% ofociml billings.by King County PlanR.eviewaadlospectionF~ · 5~of~~costs .. ~ -----. ~ -----· -----RENTON :a~• OP TH::& cua.n. MeJ. Dalt:y. Dt,,0>, 1-.. AprilS,2002 "'&<2 () sewer~ is aiso subj«t ~ ~ ~ COllditioas: ,.....:.. ,) a AU road:wzy pavcmeat scctkwts .;..mcct1k Citys m.iuimuai stazidaid of 4--incbe:s of'· asphalt,... <,.i,,ebeo of ......... sm&cing10p ~ a ~~m11bcn:qaiced1osigaa~to~docnmcutprior~~-o£ any ~piCmlits bytbe City ofltl'ldou f« .$CWCl'.service. • . ~ ' . .. . .. : lCyou i.a..:e my· questioas ~ ftlisle&r-or~iley ~~ ,,kasee coldact me at ~ (425)439-"'2~12::. -.. ·: . · . · •. . .... ·. .· .· ::-:. · .. : ·. :· : . - .:Wastew~ Utility s~ ·-.:--:-··· ~ ·":--._,1 .. --· R~,~- • • • ' ; . ' . ' . ' ,' ,• I' ! .. • .• I • '. . • / '. , . I ·. ,. . ·. I : (, .. ·· · < · < 1 I r, ; , 1 · .. ·. · (-. . 0 . , ' p l. \ • . I l · > 1 · tf ' · ! du . -. I : l J, l l t : 1 l,~i1JJJJJ1 . , ~ ti I . . . . . . . , ~ .. 1-. ~ . J .. . , ·. . . . .. l:, fijll t O,Q :, ~. ,I l J' I · 11·· »t'J1·· •..•• ,·' ' ·· .. : . , t M: · ' · 1 · . . 1 ~ r . , · . \ '' '>-_. . . 1 { . j }f:§ l J . o . ~ 9 ~a . , . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' RI ·~ ~ ,' ' . ' . . '' . . ' ., ' ·.. , '. ' ' ' .• l '' ·•' ... •. < .·· ..•. ·.··•• . •· ATTACHMENT. . 6 3 OF · !> PAGE PAGE . . ·:t,-.· ... ·. . ··. ~(},¥!/i .. " ······- RHd Servl-Dl'Yltlon . t .. . . ., -;·.~ . ) . •.'•1•··· . TYPE OF CERTIFICATE 181 ORIGINAL 0 CONDITIONAL , '· ,; • .. .:Dopartmant .otT~. .:.201 · Soull> i.-n Stnet .c's.attlt, WA NI04-31Gf. · ~-:;"" '1.; .. :;·"Nv." , .... ,:.~:~1·,·.1::,...:' ·'.:..-<···-\•, ... -~ ' .. ,,,::····.·;-.:-.:.J->·.;=;.'I\' -·' ' l I , ~...-• ' ~ ,; ,• -l ~~<!-• i!',\c ":::o,t"t.;'Vlt"'~¥~rtr· {:, 'r r,,fi .. ' · .. '! ;· t; ~, ,: '?J'.+?:t:,cei:if1FicA1e 'oF :rRANsP0Rr Ar10N 'c·0Ncurtiu€acv:~11:?{\ ,, !S ·T~/~'\i:>:;~t: ~ lD' 1ho' 1•·· ;o~n-CoiiOllmli'' ~ MDDlgenielit'.pni&flDihu .. bC'en 'iati;ji0d'U(f~d-i_-~-~aciiy1s :~;f~ffe~r2:};~'.)?'.~)~- • ··': /, ('·7:;;ij~d for 1he':ev~opmoiit project Z<;ri'oed beloiv; )MPORrANT: niis'~ititii:~1,;·ao~.i~ot~'i''~:';l'.f\i'i,}\,!'•\.':'•, ,:;•.c;,,:,:,-',,;;~de,'oJltpiiieiit'~:·,OtbcrlnDsp naiiooliiiproveiiieiiu'andmitigationwillb~'rcquiierlo'~ol!liitiwith~!~;;:;,,;:·• '.' .. " ·;~:/;,:::;_;·,,:::f ,0:~.:;:~n .. ~~-s/"~;: c.~~~·~ad.i~aards; ~it~t~/t;:'.;I}:~lf~~'.~!~f}!lt;t;'.'t:• ·• :;,'-· · 1.-AppUc1111tNamoand Addraas: WMWayne Jones, Jr., Lakerldge Development, Inc. ·. ' ·, ·· ·· .·, ·. J:;i · '· • •• • 1 • •• • • .PO Box 146, Renton, WA 98057 . / · ·.. · .. ~.. . .. . ) •.••• ~.i~.~:-J~)\.i.!.',.\.:.::r.;;,/i:·~i~:; r. ·~· ... /:J:~;~; >-;·.)~,\,.,,·~.i-,_,!;.· .. ~ .. ,··.:r .. i.<.:.,:};t<.r.~~.\.1~.·.;,.,'.i.:;.,,:.·;, }.~i-.·•,{;::.':'.~_::.·.;~.t:.:L.:·~.·.1~.\.~,.-:· .. ::. .. . · .. :i·:i:, ;: ; ··: : ;\:, . ~;-i\?t':f ·t·'\;:.•: /) -::1; ·.i ~?>,, :r-~Q.'·\~Vr...:::: (.;~,.: . .-\ .\ I'·:;,,\), ~ .;~r~~1~~~~~~~;x13e{2·1~lih.AJ~~~·~ii";+~{,.• •.. :·:·H:·i;:.i;,.:;~~~1Q~;~t~,~~:;r1~::;;i~1~~~w:'"~~?1~~j'.:,~: ). <"i'+i)~•,(·,...._1\•···1••'<•·' '(,.,,•,,., ,; ·. ',,-, '• ,.,.,,. •)-l·· ~''}1.:·,· •; •,,,~····~ .!,·,. ·~'i(~•I' ·~, ... ,.,":' ,,.• .. 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Kini County, Washington ATTACHMENT_ ... ~-- ___,,..,..,,.I ,,,,_OF___,~'-- PAGE .PAGE , .. ~ ., ~j,:'" iii(: ·.\.• Lot name: BLOCK lA North: 180797.4100 Line Course: S 87-09-52 E North: 180766.0319 Line Course: S 00-21-36 E North: 178141.1238 Line Course: N 87-55-20 W North: 178164.8153 Line Course: N 00-03-55 E North: 180797.4036 East: Length: Length: Length: Length: 1308344.7998 634.29 East: 1308978.3132 2624.96 East: 1308994.8062 653.45 East: 1308341.7858 2632.59 East: 1308344.7852 Perimeter: 6545.29 Area: 1,690,798 sq.ft. 38.82 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0160 Error North: -0.00640 Precision 1: 409,707.19 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 66-23-57 W East: -0.01464 Lot name: BLOCK 2A North: 178164.8199 East: 1308341.7944 Line Course: N 00-03-55 E Length: 2632.59 North: 180797.4082 East: 1308344.7937 Line Course: N 87-09-52 W Length: 634.29 North: 180828.7862 East: 1307711.2803 Line Course: S 00-29-18 W Length: 2640.37 North: 178188.5121 East: 1307688.7767 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E Length: 653.45 North: 178164.8206 East: 1308341.7970 Perimeter: 6560.70 Area: 1,696,279 sq.ft. 38.94 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0027 Error North: 0.00069 Precision 1: 2,388,881.53 courses , radii , and deltas) Course: N 75-22-25 E East: 0.00266 Lot name: BNDRY A North: 178505.1956 Line Course: S 00-21-36 E North: 178172.2422 Line Course: N 87-55-20 W North: 178193.7486 Line Course: N 00-03-55 E North: 178520.0684 Line Course: S 88-33-24 E North: 178505.1945 East: Length: Length: Length: Length: 1320495.0025 332.96 East: 1320497.0946 593.18 East: 1319904.3046 326.32 East: 1319904.6764 590.51 East: 1320494.9990 Perimeter: 1842.96 Area: 194,982 sq.ft. 4.48 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0037 Course: S 71-57-33 W Error North: -0.00115 East: -0.00354 Precision 1: 494,971.69 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot name: CL A North: 178366.2466 East: 1320054.4965 Line Course: N 21-33-01 W Length: 50.00 North: 178412.7513 East: 1320036.1306 Line Course: N 21-33-01 W Length: 112.95 North: 178517.8056 East: 1319994.6421 Line Course: N 88-33-24 W Length: 89.99 North: 178520.0723 East: 1319904.6807 Line Course: N 88-33-24 W Length: 30.01 North: 178520.8282 East: 1319874.6802 Line Course: S 00-03-55 W Length: 356.00 North: 178164.8285 East: 1319874.2746 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E Length: 653.45 North: 178141.1369 East: 1320527. 2950 Line Course: N 00-21-36 W Length: 150.14 North: 178291.2739 East: 1320526.3516 Line Course: N 87-55-20 W Length: 399.91 North: 178305.7731 East: 1320126.7046 Curve Length: 86.88 Radius: 75.00 Delta: 66-22-19 Tangent: 49.05 Chord: 82.10 Course: N 54-44-10 w Course In: N 02-04-40 E Course Out: S 68-26-59 W RP North: 178380.7238 East: 1320129.4238 End North: 178353.1750 East: 1320059.6666 Line Course: N 21-33-01 W Length: 14.07 North: 178366.2614 East: 1320054.4984 Line Course: S 90-00-00 E Length: 0.00 North: 178366.2614 East: 1320054.4984 Perimeter: 1943.39 Area: 131,766 sq.ft. 3.02 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0150 Course: N 07-21-07 E Error North: 0.01488 East: 0.00192 Precision 1: 129,530.93 Lot name: ROW A North: 178504.4396 East: 1320525.0079 Line Course: S 00-21-36 E Length: 363.32 North: 178141.1268 East: 1320527.2907 Line Course: N 87-55-20 W Length: 653.45 North: 178164.8184 East: 1319874.2703 Line Course: N 00-03-55 E Length: 356.00 North: 178520.8181 East: 1319874.6759 Line Course: S 88-33-24 E Length: 30.01 North: 178520.0622 East: 1319904.6764 Line Course: S 88-33-24 E Length: 590.51 North: 178505.1883 East: 1320494.9990 Line Course: S 88-33-24 E Length: 30.01 North: 178504.4324 East: 1320524.9995 Perimeter: 2023.30 Area: 234,360 sq.ft. 5.38 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0111 Error North: -0.00722 Precision 1: 182,878.38 listed courses, rad.ii, and deltas) Course: S 49-17-24 W East: -0.00839 Lot name: 1 A North: 178440.1647 East: 1320495.4112 Line Course: N 00-21-36 W Length: 65.03 North: 178505.1934 East: 1320495.0026 Line Course: N 88-33-24 W Length: 105.59 North: 178507.8530 East: 1320389.4461 Line Course: S 01-26-36 W Length: 49.80 North: 178458.0688 East: 1320388.1917 Line Course: S 39-05-54 E Length: 20.00 North: 178442.5475 East: 1320400.8048 Line Course: S 88-33-24 E Length: 94.64 North: 178440.1637 East: 1320495.4147 Perimeter: 335.07 Area: 6,831 sq.ft. 0.16 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0037 Course: S 74-50-50 E Error North: -0.00097 East: 0.00357 Precision 1: 90,568.94 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name: 2A North: 178380.1362 East: 1320495.7884 Line Course: N 00-21-36 W Length: 60.03 North: 178440.1650 East: 1320495.4112 Line Course: N 88-33-24 W Length: 94.64 North: 178442.5488 East: 1320400.8012 Line Course: S 01-26-36 W Length: 60.00 North: 178382.5678 East: 1320399.2899 Line Course: S 88-33-24 E Length: 96.53 North: 178380.1364 Bast: 1320495.7893 Perimeter: 311.20 Area: 5,735 sq.ft. 0.13 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0010 Error North: 0.00025 Precision 1: 324,193.00 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 75-10-06 B Bast: 0.00093 • • ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name: 3 A North: 178338.4528 East: 1320496.0503 curve Length: 40.33 Radius: 25.00 Delta: 92-26-16 Tangent: 26.09 Chord: 36.10 Course: S 45-51-32 W Course In: S 89-38-24 W Course Out: S 02-04-40 W RP North: 178338.2957 East: 1320471.0508 End North: 178313.3122 East: 1320470.1444 Line Course: N 87-55-20 W Length: 72.58 North: 178315.9436 East: 1320397.6121 Line Course: N 01-26-36 E Length: 66.64 North: 178382.5625 East: 1320399.2906 Line Course: S 88-33-24 E Length: 96.53 North: 178380.1311 East: 1320495.7900 Line Course: S 00-21-36 E Length: 41.68 North: 178338.4519 East: 1320496.0519 Line Course: N 00-21-36 W Length: 0.00 North: 178338.4519 East: 1320496.0519 Perimeter: 317.77 Area: 6,409 sq.ft. 0.15 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0019 Course: S 60-22-13 E Error North: -0.00092 East: 0.00161 Precision 1: 171,566.07 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name: 4 A North: 178316.8866 East: 1320371.6265 Line Course: N 01-26-36 E Length: 66.36 North: 178383.2256 East: 1320373.2980 Line Course: N 88-33-24 W Length: 82.00 North: 178385.2910 East: 1320291.3240 Line Course: S 01-26-36 W Length: 65.45 North: 178319.8618 East: 1320289.6754 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E Length: 82. 01 North: 178316.8884 East: 1320371.6315 Perimeter: 295.81 Area: 5,404 sq.ft. 0.12 acres Ma.poheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0053 Error North: 0.00178 Precision 1: 55,537.79 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 70-25-48 E East: 0.00502 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name: 5 A North: 178383.2223 East: 1320373.2978 Line Course: N 01-26-36 E Length: 60.00 North: 178443.2033 East: 1320374.8091 Line Course: N 88-33-24 W Length: 82.00 North: 178445.2687 East: 1320292.8352 Line Course: S 01-26-36 W Length: 60.00 North: 178385.2877 East: 1320291.3239 Line Course: S 88-33-24 E Length: 82.00 North: 178383.2223 East: 1320373.2978 Perimeter: 284.00 Area: 4,920 sq.ft. 0.11 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0000 Error North: 0.00000 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 90-00-00 E East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 284,000,000.00 Lot name: 6 A North: 178458.0697 East: 1320388.1877 Line Course: N 01-26-36 E Length: 49.80 North: 178507.8539 East: 1320389.4421 Line Course: N 88-33-24 W Length: 95.00 North: 178510.2468 East: 1320294.4723 Line Course: S 01-26-36 W Length: 65.00 North: 178445.2674 East: 1320292.8350 Line Course: S 88-33-24 E Length: 82.00 North: 178443.2020 East: 1320374.8090 Line Course: N 41-59-06 E Length: 20.00 North: 178458.0684 East: 1320388.1877 Perimeter: 311.80 Area: 6,076 sq.ft. 0.14 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0013 Error North: -0.00133 Precision 1: 234,320.07 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 00-42-12 W East: -0.00002 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name: 7 A North: 178445.2686 East: 1320292.8351 Line Course: N 01-26-36 E Length: 65.00 North: 178510.2480 East: 1320294.4723 Line Course: N 88-33-24 W Length: 116.62 North: 178513.1854 East: 1320177.8893 Line Course: S 01-26-36 W Length: 20.34 North: 178492.8519 East: 1320177.3770 Line Course: S 41-37-49 E Length: 61.14 North: 178447.1530 East: 1320217.9936 Line Course: S 88-33-24 E Length: 74.86 North: 178445.2674 East: 1320292.8298 Peri.meter: 337.96 Area: 6,648 sq.ft. 0.15 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0054 Error North: -0.00123 Precision 1: 62,807.30 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 76-49-52 W East: -0.00524 Lot name: 8 A North: 178322.5745 Line Course: N 01-26-36 E North: 178385.0647 Line Course: N 87-55-20 W North: 178389.2892 Curve Length: 32.12 Delta: 36-05-15 Chord: 31.59 Course In: S 63-08-15 W RP North: 178366.2448 End North: 178358.0689 Curve Length: 47.48 Delta: 97-08-50 Chord: 41.99 Course In: S 80-C6-30 B RP North: 178353.5802 End North: 178325.5986 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E North: 178322.5727 Bast: 1320214.8603 Length: 62.51 East: 1320216.4348 Length: 116.52 Bast: 1320099.9914 Radius: 51.00 Tangent: 16. 61 Course: S 08-49-08 E Course Out: S 80-46-30 B East: 1320054.4946 East: 1320104.8350 Radius: 28.00 Tangent: 31.73 Course: S 39-20-55 E Course Out: S 02-0,-,0 W East: 1320132.4729 East: 1320131.4577 Length: 83.46 East: 1320214.8628 Perimeter: 342.08 Area: 6,810 sq.ft. 0.16 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0032 Error North: -0.00183 Precision 1: 108,566.30 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 54-24-59 E East: 0.00256 • ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name: 9 A North: 178447.1541 East: 1320217.9990 Line Course: S 01-26-36 W Length: 62.11 North: 178385.0638 East: 1320216.4346 Line Course: N 87-55-20 W Length: 116.52 North: 178389.2884 East: 1320099.9912 Line Course: N 48-22-11 E Length: 126.64 North: 178473.4180 East: 1320194.6479 Line Course: S 41-37-49 E Length: 35.14 North: 178447.1527 East: 1320217.9922 Line Course: S 86-25-25 E Length: 0.00 North: 178447.1527 East: 1320217.9922 Perimeter: 340.41 Area: 5,843 sq.ft. 0.13 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0070 Error North: -0.00138 Precision 1: 48,527.04 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 78-41-30 W East: -0.00688 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name: 10 A North: 178408.7246 Line Course: N 48-22-11 E North: 178492.8543 Line Course: N 01-26-36 E North: 178513.1878 Line Course: N 88-33-24 W North: 178515.5180 Line Course: S 01-26-36 W North: 178408.7319 East: Length: Length: Length: Length: 1320082.7208 126.64 East: 1320177.3775 20.34 East: 1320177.8899 92.51 East: 1320085.4092 106.82 East: 1320082.7186 Perimeter: 346.31 Area: 5,882 sq.ft. 0.14 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0076 Error North: 0.00725 Precision l: 45,657.09 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 17-02-57 W East: -0.00222 • ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name: 11 A North: 178408.7246 East: 1320082.7208 Line Course: N 01-26-36 E Length: 106.82 North: 178515.5108 East: 1320085.4115 Lina Course: N 88-33-24 W Length: 90.80 North: 178517.7978 East: 1319994.6403 Lina Course: S 21-33-01 E Length: 111.95 North: 178413.6736 East: 1320035.7615 Curve Length: 49.09 Radius: 51.00 Delta: 55-09-08 Tangent: 26.64 Chord: 47.22 Course: S 83-58-27 E Course In: S 21-33-01 E Course out: N 33-36-07 E RP North: 178366.2388 East: 1320054.4947 End North: 178408.7168 East: 1320082.7191 Lina Course: S 48-58-43 W Length: 0.00 North: 178408.7168 East: 1320082.7191 Perimeter: 358.66 Area: 7,008 sq.ft. 0.16 acres Mapchack Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0080 Error North: -0.00785 Precision 1: 44,557.90 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 12-45-55 W East: -0.00178 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name: 12 A North: 178412.7513 Line Course: N 21-33-01 W North: 178517.8056 Line Course: N 88-33-24 W North: 178520.0723 Line Course: S 00-03-55 W North: 178455.0524 Line Course: s 88-33-24 E North: 178452.6776 Line Course: S 21-33-01 E North: 178401.5224 Curve Length: 20.58 Del.ta: 23-34-42 Chord: 20.43 Course In: S 45-07-43 E RP North: 178366.2465 End North: 178412.7513 East: 1320036.1306 Length: 112.95 Length: Length: Length: East: 1319994.6421 89.99 East: 1319904.6806 65.02 East: 1319904.6066 94.28 East: 1319998.8566 Length: 55.00 East: 1320019.0591 Radius: 50.00 Tangent: 10.44 Course: N 56-39-38 E Course Out: N 21-33-01 W East: 1320054.4937 East: 1320036.1278 Perimeter: 437.81 Area: 7,654 sq.ft. 0.18 acres Mapcheck Cl.osure -(Uses Error Cl.osure: 0.0028 Error North: -0.00008 Precision 1: 158,794.47 l.isted courses, radii, and del.tas) Course: S 88-15-35 W East: -0.00276 Lot name: 13 a North: 178401.5225 Line Course: N 21-33-01 W North: 178452.6778 Line Course: N 88-33-24 W North: 178455.0525 Line Course: S 00-03-55 W North: 178387.5526 Line Course: S 88-33-24 E North: 178384.9423 Curve Length: 20.00 Delta: 22-55-06 Chord: 19.87 Course In: S 68-02-49 E RP North: 178366.2500 End North: 178401.5259 • East: 1320019.0620 Length: 55.00 East: 1319998.8595 Length: 94.28 East: 1319904.6094 Length: 67.50 East: 1319904.5325 Length: 103.63 East: 1320008.1296 Radius: 50.00 Tangent: 10.14 Course: N 33-24-44 E Course Out: N 45-07-43 W East: 1320054.5042 East: 1320019.0696 Perimeter: 340.41 Area: 7,112 sq.ft. 0.16 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0083 Course: N 66-12-37 E Error North: 0.00334 East: 0.00758 Precision 1: 41,107.94 • --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot name: 14 A North: 178329.0280 East: 1320021.1082 Curve Length: 61.14 Radius: 50.00 Delta: 70-03-29 Tangent: 35.05 Chord: 57.40 Course: N 13-04-33 W Course In: N 41-53-42 E Course Out: N 68-02-49 W RP North: 178366.2465 East: 1320054.4965 End North: 178384.9389 East: 1320008.1220 Line Course: N 88-33-24 W Length: 103.63 North: 178387.5491 East: 1319904.5249 Line Course: S 00-03-55 W Length: 62.82 North: 178324.7292 East: 1319904.4533 Line Course: S 88-33-24 E Length: 125.60 North: 178321.5655 East: 1320030.0135 Curve Length: 11. 63 Radius: 170.00 Delta: 3-55-05 Tangent: 5.81 Chord: 11.62 Course: N 50-03-50 W Course In: N 37-58-37 E Course Out: S 41-53-42 W RP North: 178455.5695 East: 1320134.6220 End North: 178329.0266 East: 1320021.1015 Perimeter: 364.81 Area: 6,643 sq.ft. 0.15 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0068 Error North: -0.00145 Precision 1: 53,668.69 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 77-40-21 W East: -0.00664 • • ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name: 15 A North: 178256.0226 East: 1319990.2920 Line Course: N 31-13-15 E Length: 76. 64 North: 178321.5632 East: 1320030.0174 Line Course: N 88-33-24 W Length: 125.60 North: 178324.7269 East: 1319904.4573 Line Course: S 00-03-55 W Length: 65.59 North: 178259.1369 East: 1319904.3825 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E Length: 85.97 North: 178256.0200 East: 1319990.2960 Perimeter: 353.80 Area: 6,995 sq.ft. 0.16 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0048 Error North: -0.00257 Precision 1: 74,070.93 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 57-23-19 E East: 0.00402 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name: 16 A North: 178190.4902 Line Course: N 16-23-02 E North: 178255.1917 Line Course: N 87-55-20 W North: 178259.1385 Line Course: s 00-03-55 W North: 178217.8885 Curve Length: 38.39 Delta: 87-59-15 Chord: 34.73 Course In: S 89-56-05 E RP North: 178217.8600 End North: 178192.8765 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E North: 178190.4919 East: 1319994.1527 Length: 67.44 East: 1320013.1756 Length: 108.86 East: 1319904.3872 Length: 41.25 East: 1319904.3402 Radius: 25.00 Tangent: 24.14 Course: S 43-55-42 E Course Out: S 02-04-40 W East: 1319929.3401 East: 1319928.4337 Length: 65.77 East: 1319994.1605 Perimeter: 321.72 Area: 6,371 sq.ft. 0.15 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0080 Course: N 77-27-04 E Error North: 0.00174 East: 0.00783 Precision 1: 40,106.96 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name : 1 7 A North: 178188.2450 Line Course: N 16-23-02 E North: 178292.4735 Curve Length: 44.02 Delta: 14-50-13 Chord: 43.90 Course In: N 16-23-02 E RP North: 178455.5704 End North: 178310.1905 Line Course: S 31-13-15 W North: 178255.1941 Line Course: S 16-23-02 W North: 178190.4927 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E North: 178188.2477 East: 1320056.0321 Length: 108.64 East: 1320086.6764 Radius: 170.00 Tangent: 22.13 Course: N 66-11-52 W Course Out: S 31-13-15 W East: 1320134.6285 East: 1320046.5111 Length: 64.31 East: 1320013.1768 Length: 67.44 East: 1319994.1539 Length: 61.92 East: 1320056.0331 Perimeter: 346.34 Area: 6,641 sq.ft. 0.15 acres Mapcheck Closure -{Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0028 Error North: 0.00264 Precision 1: 121,787.32 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 21-47-47 E East: 0.00106 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name: 18 A North: 178185.4766 Line Course: N 00-21-36 W North: 178285.5646 Line Course: N 87-55-20 W North: 178285.6821 Curve Length: 42.45 Delta: 14-18-22 Chord: 42.34 Course In: N 02-04-40 E RP North: 178455.5703 End North: 178292.4735 Line Course: S 16-23-02 W North: 178188.2450 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E North: 178185.4768 East: 1320132.3347 Length: 100.09 East: 1320131.7058 Length: 3.24 East: 1320128.4679 Radius: 170.00 Tangent: 21.33 Course: N 80-46-09 W Course Out: S 16-23-02 W East: 1320134.6315 East: 1320086.6793 Length: 108.64 East: 1320056.0350 Length: 76.35 East: 1320132.3348 Perimeter: 330.77 Area: 6,224 sq.ft. 0.14 acres listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 32-26-26 E East: 0.00014 Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0003 Error North: 0.00021 Precision 1: 1,311,585.22 Lot name: 19 A North: 178185.4766 East: 1320132.3347 Line Course: N 00-21-36 W Length: 100.09 North: 178285.5646 East: 1320131.7058 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E Length: 60.00 North: 178283.3893 East: 1320191.6664 Line Course: S 00-21-36 E Length: 100.09 North: 178183.3012 East: 1320192. 2952 Line Course: N 87-55-20 W Length: 60.00 North: 178185.4766 East: 1320132.3347 Perimeter: 320.18 Area: 6,000 sq.ft. 0.14 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0000 Error North: 0.00000 Precision 1: 320,180,000.00 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 90-00-00 E East: 0.00000 Lot name: 20 A North: 178183.3011 East: 1320192.2952 Line Course: N 00-21-36 W Length: 100.09 North: 178283.3891 East: 1320191.6664 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E Length: 60.00 North: 178281.2137 East: 1320251.6269 Line Course: S 00-21-36 E Length: 100.09 North: 178181.1257 East: 1320252.2558 Line Course: N 87-55-20 W Length: 60.00 North: 178183.3011 East: 1320192.2952 Perimeter: 320.18 Area: 6,000 sq.ft. 0.14 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0000 Error North: 0.00000 Precision 1: 320,180,000.00 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 90-00-00 E East: 0.00000 Lot name: 21 A North: 178181.1256 East: 1320252.2558 Line Course: N 00-21-36 W Length: 100.09 North: 178281.2136 East: 1320251.6269 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E Length: 60.00 North: 178279.0382 East: 1320311.5875 Line Course: S 00-21-36 E Length: 100.09 North: 178178.9502 East: 1320312.2163 Line Course: N 87-55-20 W Length: 60.00 North: 178181.1256 East: 1320252.2558 Perimeter: 320.18 Area: 6,000 sq.ft. 0.14 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0000 Error North: 0.00000 Precision 1: 320,180,000.00 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 90-00-00 E East: 0.00000 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name: 22 A North: 178178.9501 Line Course: N 00-21-36 W North: 178279.0381 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E North: 178276.8627 Line Course: S 00-21-36 E North: 178176.7747 Line Course: N 87-5S-20 W North: 178178.9501 East: Length: Length: Length: Length: 1320312.2163 100.09 East: 1320311.5875 60.00 East: 1320371.5480 100.09 East: 1320372.1769 60.00 East: 1320312.2163 Perimeter: 320.18 Area: 6,000 sq.ft. 0.14 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0000 Error North: 0.00000 Precision 1: 320,180,000.00 courses , radii , and deltas) Course: S 90-00-00 E East: 0.00000 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name: 23 A North: 178174.5990 East: 1320432.1374 Line Course: N 00-21-36 W Length: 100.09 North: 178274.6871 East: 1320431.5085 Line Course: N 87-55-20 W Length: 60.00 North: 178276.8624 East: 1320371.5480 Line Course: S 00-21-36 E Length: 100.09 North: 178176.7744 East: 1320372.1769 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E Length: 60.00 North: 178174.5990 East: 1320432.1374 Perimeter: 320.18 Area: 6,000 sq.ft. 0.14 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses, rad.ii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 90-00-00 E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 320,180,000.00 Lot name: 24 A North: 178248.3731 Curve Length: 38.21 Del.ta: 87-33-44 Chord: 34.60 Course In: S 89-38-24 W RP North: 178248.2160 End North: 178273.1995 Line Course: N 87-55-20 W North: 178274.6875 Line Course: S 00-21-36 E North: 178174.5995 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E North: 178173.1887 Curve Length: 40.33 Delta: 92-26-16 Chord: 36.10 Course In: N 02-04-40 B RP North: 178198.1723 End North: 178198.3294 Line Course: N 00-21-36 W North: 178248.3784 Line Course: S 00-21-36 E North: 178248.3784 East: 1320496.6163 Radius: 25.00 Tangent: 23.96 Course: N 44-08-28 W Course Out: N 02-04-40 E East: 1320471.6168 East: 1320472.5232 Length: 41.04 East: 1320431.5102 Length: 100.09 East: 1320432.1391 Length: 38.91 East: 1320471.0235 Radius: 25.00 Tangent: 26.09 Course: N 45-51-32 E Course Out: R 89-38-24 E East: 1320471.9299 East: 1320496.9294 Length: 50.05 East: 1320496.6149 Length: 0.00 East: 1320496.6149 Perimeter: 308.63 Area: 6,231 sq.ft. 0.14 acres Mapcheck Cl.osure -(Uses l.isted courses, radii, and del.tas) Error Cl.osure: 0.0055 Course: N 14-32-36 W Error North: 0.00534 East: -0.00139 Precision 1: 55,945.86 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot name: "A" A North: 178315.9439 East: 1320397.6110 Line Course: N 01-26-36 E Length: 126.64 North: 178442.5437 East: 1320400.8008 Line Course: N 39-05-54 W Length: 20.00 North: 178458.0650 East: 1320388.1878 Line Course: S 41-59-06 W Length: 20.00 North: 178443.1986 East: 1320374.8091 Line Course: S 01-26-36 W Length: 126.36 North: 178316.8787 East: 1320371.6263 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E Length: 26.00 North: 178315.9360 East: 1320397.6092 Perimeter: 319.00 Area: 3,487 sq.ft. 0.08 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0081 Error North: -0.00785 Precision 1: 39,568.20 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 13-05-45 W East: -0.00183 Lot name: "B" A North: 178319.8600 Line Course: N 01-26-36 E North: 178445.2702 Line Course: N 88-33-24 W North: 178447.1558 Line Course: S 01-26-36 W North: 178322.5753 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E North: 178319.8612 East: Length: Length: Length: Length: 1320289.6754 125.45 East: 1320292.8353 74.86 East: 1320217.9990 124.62 East: 1320214.8601 74.86 East: 1320289.6708 Perimeter: 399.79 Area: 9,360 sq.ft. 0.21 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0047 Error North: 0.00120 Precision 1: 84,789.55 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 75-17-55 W East: -0.00456 Lot name: "C" A North: 178389.2911 East: 1320099.9932 Line Course: N 48-22-11 E Length: 126.64 North: 178473.4207 East: 1320194.6499 Line Course: N 41-37-49 W Length: 26.00 North: 178492.8543 East: 1320177.3776 Lina Course: S 48-22-11 W Length: 126.64 North: 178408.7247 East: 1320082.7209 curve Length: 26.29 Radius: 51.00 Delta: 29-32-08 Tangent: 13.44 Chord: 26.00 Course: S 41-37-49 E Course In: S 33-36-07 W Course Out: N 63-08-15 E RP North: 178366.2467 East: 1320054.4965 End North: 178389.2910 East: 1320099.9932 Perimeter: 305.58 Area: 3,263 sq.ft. 0.07 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0000 Error North: -0.00000 Precision 1: 96,931,159.19 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 41-37-56 E East: 0.00000 Lot name: "0" A North: 178255.1923 Line Course: N 31-13-15 E North: 178310.1886 Curve Length: 20.05 Delta: 6-45-22 Chord: 20.03 Course In: N 31-13-15 B RP North: 178455.5685 End North: 178321.5646 Line Course: S 31-13-15 W North: 178256.0239 Line Course: S 87-55-20 E North: 178255.1937 East: 1320013.1757 Length: 64.31 East: 1320046.5100 Radius: 170.00 Tangent: 10.03 Course: N 55-24-04 W Course Out: S 37-58-37 W East: 1320134.6275 East: 1320030.0190 Length: 76.64 East: 1319990.2935 Length: 22.90 East: 1320013.1785 Perimeter: 183.90 Area: 1,406 sq.ft. 0.03 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses Error Closure: 0.0031 Error North: 0.00138 Precision 1: 59,640.16 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 63-28-13 E East: 0.00276 Date: ------- To: Abstract Section Supervisor King County Department of Assessments Fm: Raymond E. Florent, PLS, Chief Land Surveyor Land Use Services Division DDES Project No. ( ~ Subdivision Name: L.e,~ G¥o/G Request for Designation as Common Property D I hereby request that the ownership ofTract(s) __:f:l_, __ , __ , __ ,___,as shown within this subdivision, be conveyed in fee to the \ , (3"fJ??/ 6,@:;l,l'E.. Homeowners Association upon the recording of this subdivision. I also, request that said Tracts be designated as "Common Property" for the purposes of tax assessment, with each ownership of a lot within this subdivision being responsible for an equal and undivided share of said tax assessment. This equal and undivided share shall be reflected on the tax statements for each individual lot. Said Homeowners Association shall be responsible all other fee assessments and shall be responsible for the maintenance of said Tracts. (A note to this affect shall be placed on the final recording document.) ----OR---- 0 I hereby request that each ownership of a lot within this subdivision be conveyed an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract(s) __ , __ , __ , __ , __ upon the recording of this subdivision. Said ownership of a lot within this subdivision shall be responsible for an equal and undivided share of all fee and tax assessments. However, the Homeowners Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of said Tracts. (A note to this affect shall be placed on the final recording document.) Responsible Signature for Above Subdivision Date