HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1..... PARTIES OF RECORD GARCHA SHORT PLAT LUA09-001, SHPL-A Javinder K Garcha Bhupinder Singh Chandi Bruce MacVeigh 14446 5gth Street S 4413 S 146th Street 14245 5gth Avenue S Tukwila, WA 98168 Tukwila, WA 98168 Tukwila, WA 98168 tel: (206) 265-9065 tel: (206) 293-7100 tel: (206) 242-7665 (owner) (applicant) (party of record) Richard Vaisvila Steve Bottheim, Supervisor Trishah Bull, PPMIII 6041 Championship Circle CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 Mukelteo, WA 98278 tel: (425) 299-1739 ' ' (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Kim Claussen, PPMIII Lisa Dinsmore, PPMIV Curt Foster, Sr Engr CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CPLN LUSD MS OPAK DE 0100 ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 ' ' ' (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Molly Johnson, Managing Engr Arlene Mariano, PPM! Pat Simmons, Prel Rev Engr ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 ' ' ' (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Kelly Whiting, KC DOT Harold Dolstad Robert M Thomas RD SERV DIV MS KSC TR 0231 19010 102nd Avenue SE 18833 102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 ' tel: (425) 226-4141 tel: (425) 255-5129 (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Edward & Cheryl Bigus Ivan & Allison Matz Steven Rusch 18839 102nd Avenue SE 18819 102nd Avenue SE 18816 102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Steven Hunter Stephen Flanagan Linda Church 18810 102nd Avenue SE 18861 102nd Avenue SE 18861 102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Lester Lambert Kerry Sikora Stephen & Heidi McNamee 18860 102nd Avenue SE 10056 SE 190th Street 701 S 52nd Street Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Updated: 07/09/09 (Page 1 of 2) Richard Krog 10127 SE 188th Street Renton, WA 98055 tel: (425) 271-3507 (party of record) Updated: 07/09/09 PARTIES OF RECORD GARCHA SHORT PLAT LUA09-001, SHPL-A (Page 2 of 2) CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHORT PLAT FILE No. L07S0022 LAND RECORD NUMBER: _Q!;Q!_QA TION MD AYENU1 =~~ ~~§ ~l'lific WE DO HEREB PERSON OR fN FURTHER, M UNOERSlGtlED 01\NEr'S OF Tl1E I.ANO HEREBY SHORT SU~'IIDEDI wi~~l:N~~~~n,r:iJNS~~~l':l~ = ~ OAAl-'l'i£S I.C.OJll:ST 111'. CITY or $£All£, ns SllCCOSORS >ND ASSIGHS YHCH MAY SE OCCAS10NEO fl\' THE EST~USHMENT, COOSTRIJCTICtj, OR 1,11,JNlEHAHa: Of ROADS ANO/OR DRAINAGE m-TEMS 'II\Tl11N TrllS SH<JU SUIE111SION OTHER T!,AN a.AIM'S RESIJLTIIG FRCM IH.l,DEOOATE M,IJIHEH.o.NC! BY Tit£ QTY Cf' IIDfflJl flJRlllER, THE UNOERSlGNED OYl!ERS or n1E I.AND HEREBY SHORT !!iUBDl110El)I ... GREE FOR nm,!SELYES. Tl1EJR HElRS HID ASSIGNS TO lf!CEMHWY 00 HOLD 1Wafl&.t" Jt?1~W~J:.~~H~~~~a1°~~ TlllS SHORT SU90111SION TO HAYE 0EDI CAUSED BY AlTERATlalS Cf' T11E ~'.!,°~t.0 ~A~~%r:~:OO;~R~~~ 6ll~~'fst~~~~.FACE CONSTRUCTION OR WJt.lIDIAHct Of 11-E ROADS 'MTl11N THIS SHORT SIJBDNIS!OO. PRO'l<IDflJ, TJ11S WAIVER IIND INOOlr-w.cATIOH SHW. NOT BE CCtlS1fflJEO AS R£lD..St/G 1liE CITY Of RENTON, ITS S1JCCESS<RS OR IISSll);S, f1!llll UM!IUTY fOfl DAMAGES. INCLUDING lh'E COST OF DEFENSE, RESULTING IN IIHO..E Cfl: IN PAAT FRCII lHE NEGLJOOtCE OF Tl1E (Jl)' OF REHlQN. ITS SIJCC(SS()RS, OR ASSIGNS Z!.i'-l~lf1 ~ 51~Abi~W~·~E~ONCfui~:i :0 ... ~.JNJ ioTHH~E DESIRES OF SAIC OIINERS. IN I\ITNESS l"HEREOF \If: SET OUR HANDS ANO SE!'.LS JA\IHOER KAUR l:MD1A lil.v« or /.MERICA .. STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF ..........JiltJ 1111.E: I CElffiF'T' TliAT I KNOW OR HAVE.: SATISFACTOR'Y EVIDENCE TH/\T ,!,!WIPER KAUA OrY!C-H:!, IS THE PERSON WHO APPEAAED 0EF'ORE ME. MIO SAID PERSON ACKt,IOWI.EDGED THAT HE SIGNED TlilS INSTRUMENT ANO ACl(lsOWLEDCEO IT TO B'E HIS FREE ANO VOlUl'/TM{I' ACT FOR TtlE USES AND PURPOSES M£NT10NEO IN TI-!£ INSTRUMENr. DATED•------ (SJGNATVRE:) (SEAL OR STAMP) '"" MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES< ____ _ STATE: OF WASHlt,IGTON )SS COUNTY OF .......Jill:&._ f CERTIFY ffi'T I KNOW OR liA\JE SATISFA!:mRY £VIOENC£ '!HAT "M-m=~-,-==-=,-,-,-,-..,_=-,_=-,=,e=,,~o· J= ;wr l~:,',N!)~ ACrnOWLEOOED rr "'5 Tl1E Of RANK Qf WEPK'-'1 TO EIE THE FREE NIO 'wl:ll.UNTAAY !CT Of SUCH PAATI' FOR TliE IJS(S AND f'URPOS£S MDITlONED IN Tl1E INSTR~. DA TEO _____ _ (SEAL OR STAMP} (SIGNATVRE:) mu MY ,IPPQINTMENT EXPIRES LAIC> 81,fl'/EYOffS CEFITIFICAlE THIS BOUNDARY LINE ADJUS1MENT CORRECTLY REPRE- SENTS A SURVEY MAOE BY ME OR UNOCR MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH STATE AND COUNTY STATIJTES. IN ................. , :20. CERTIFICATE NO. 39570 RECORDER'S CERTFICATE ------------ FILED FOR RECORD THIS ........ DAY OF ...... ,20 . AT ... M IN BOOK OF... AT PAGE ........ AT THE REQUEST OF KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS [XA~INIED &; APPROVED THIS ~ DAY OF ----20_ """""'l>J. ""'"" THIS REQUEST OUAUFlES FOR EXEMPTION UNDER KCC 19A.28 IT DOES NOT GUARANTEE 1HAT "THE IB'.XlfllKI NO. va..JPME KING COIJNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY A.SSESSOR LOTS WILL BE SUITABLE FOR OE\11::LOPMENT NOW OR IN "THE FUTURE. THE LEGAL TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY MUST SE DONE BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT UNLESS ALL ALL LOTS HEREIN ARE UNDER SAME O'M-IERSHIP. t..J lj i i ClRAPHC SCALE (Nl'l!ET) 1hllh • IC>ll CITY OF RENTON / ADWINlSTRATOT / PUSiJC WOR~S PORTION OF< S.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4, SEC. 32, T-~ .• R-5E,W.M IIIC. FWND-- TCf'O MAP !RJE'f? , 3/• • SA~ oisi:; -l S 47TH ST--- t: .__ .. ..,_ .''•""R. _.,,-,-. w~~g;~~aci= -~ ,,' -'"'"""n~,·" ._;'\ ...,,_.__ Cl ---FORr.lOOIVMENTllE ~~ : ~ ;:;:-;,:·~:?:;"; cl, --\llsnED..UN 08 "i ~ vf, 1 "' .,.,,.,,-~ ~ --D ·-,~ ""'~ ~ ',:; ""~"·ec;;f"" ·= .,..,.,..,.. ~ .......,_ CAI..C P051110t/ --l -657:lB --1~7214~ _..._.. PEIi ROS 2 .. I o--_..,/ 1 :. 53) ~.=::,,. ___.--------:BAA~c.011:~ ,.;t.-· ?§·'f~~f~:E; ......:, • '" ,,, M.1.C. ,~, ~%2" ~ i~s"l~O"W{',filOW •== CALCUI.AlEO MOt<IJMElff IN CASE !Jotf ,'t,, P~,~~EAIIOW IC 5LICE8 t. Kff<O OOI/Nrt ASSESsoR's MAP or SW. n-2.J-5 2. Pl,\T Of PNl11iER MEADOW VDL. 151, PG. H-:za J, 'fHE R€SER\f: AT S'IOHEHA'EN Pl.AT "'1. 23:J. PO. '3-'7 4. PVT or TM.DOT RIOOE Y0L 1t4, PQ. 1&-17 KCSP 1'11!:ca!DEtl UNDER REC-~ 79091~17 5. Pt.AT or Hl-l'!EW HEIGKTS YDL 1t, PQ, 7&,79 f, 11:ECORO Of SURYE'r li£C. H1>. 20040-lf1IODOOIII 7. KCSP RECOftOED UNDER REC. No. 910108900l W. LJ,I, SW 1/4, S£C. 32, T-2:)N, R-15E. W,1,1 _ ___.../..., O X-1/,IG W/$£ \~~.s~-~ "''" TliE RES[fl\1i; Al STONEMAVEN PUT Y0L ~:l-l, PG. 43-47 8. Pt.AT OF fl!EDERICICS PLACE '¥Cl.. 1Btl, PG. 30-37 $. STEWN!T flll.f GllAAANrt CCIMPMY SUilOI\IISION GUARNfTEE. ORDER Ho. 20714H2!, DATED MAACtl 14, 2007. ~G NO'l,S31"E Wlll'EO Of'.C .08 i I ill ___ N _LN .• OF s 1go-, N 22-0',...f 1L2, s 1/2, Nw _!/4,.._ sw ~ 1.[:!. ~c. J2, T-2lN,.JI-_¥. w.M ' jo} 15 ~ 1( I FfW I tiKM -----·-- }gs,,, 09,J,;:,o ~>,}~ ~ :a: I LOT 2, ~ING COUNTY SHOIIT Pl.AT lfo. 287014, RECORDED UNDE:R RO::CltOIIIG No. 870l14145Z RECMDS !! ; .., r7,:-'.~-~'.'.~<; Q \\. : i~ ::CWNTY,WASMNGTON. I~ ~ "'0 g 1 Oi. ~ r~ 1~ SIANE'I' 'II/.$ PEl!FORMEI) USN'IG A Nl~ON ON 420 '!ODIi.. STATION EIIIPUF!'INO ~ -J, ,. " ;\ °'} .( ~.r=:Ffro.F1£1.[) WORK B'r' G€00m:: SURYfYINC SEIMC£ N 2007. ,tJJ,. MU$Jff[MOOS , ..r,., • •:' i · ~ -2. Sl£WART llll..E: GUAA'-NTY COMPIINY Sll90MSl0tl GUARANTEE. Cf«IER No. 2071481121, D',lED '!i~~ ' _i). ,I;_ ' ljt lolllRre 14. 2007, WAS Rfl.JEO UPON FOR ~SCI.OSURE OF THE '¥fSTIHCl Of" mu; OF lH!: IIEAl J,:li-!.,_ "<<; \·1"fi ~( ~ITT~Tf:THl:=~TtlU~i/ft~~l~,=~~TOSAID~UNt I ,t:::i \ \ ·0:. ; ; ~-KC W.O.lt:A 01ST. No, 58 lEMPO!t'.RY W.O.TE!l: SERVICE ,l,(l!l[[M[Nf:5 ,.,,,,o lHE ltRMS 111':C. No 3-<l · Cl<'ANUNK '--Is. ~ li'I 7410290028 NICI Tro.!30043.J. ·l!ll G rni'ct --+ ... · • .. ·..J. 9. RE$llllCTIOH, 00Nol11011S or FA<:£ or 9iDRT Pl.,\T REC. No. 7909130n7. "r<'..E AP '°' ,----'-,, '° i (J ' ~ 1::::-C. '!£RMS AHO CONDITOIS Cf' IIOTICE REC. Ho. 1190J0224t(I. Q.l' ;_·a· N--;· 7'7,. ~/717/m··. ,, ' , '\ 4.. ::_·:/ t ~~J~ffl:i~J..S,%'f:,~2.CUTS 'IEC, No. nOll150917. ~-.. ~ f~ ~~ -,~' '/77//77/v ~ I,\;:' ~c • ", . ," F. TERM AHCI PR0\1SIOH$ Cf' SID£ SEWER Ei.sEMENT UNDER RE:C. ND. &7<111100533 )»'7/)'77, ~-u' ~-Glo.Rlo.i;E ~ '.. . 'z ' ;!$.," •"' ll EASElffJi1S. ~MTS, CONDITIONS AHO R€STF!1CT10NS CONff,lNEO !N TltE SHORT PUT REC. NO. ::;.: R\'5incf'ICE. ,;:i_,.,,T-'\;:b~~~-af.;'. :'. 'II)· ,;f O 57081414.52 ,+ · ~ Et"a)2)'1~Q,\k.,~~ Wt'lz ~z ;a., . ~ u.i '~ J. TR#t1o£RSE CUISIJl!ES FOR 1)fS SVRm OCCEID 1HE fl:EQUl~!hl!Nl$ Of" WI'!:; JJ2-IJD-09C. • ~ ~ ,..ws£ y,b'/$,.::: •·• YLU( ,:_ { ,a.fl /:"':",~-~~ ~~~=~~K~~:%1~Tl11~~/:fA~ ~ (:,,1/~.4".(/./.. °"'.·' -.·-···,." -... ~-~"lf, ,(~h, "w; ,1•, j ) ! -IS AACHMll ON DISC OIi CD. WRIITCH fl!lD NOTES ....... .,, NOT OCl$1' '"''' LOT1' ' -' . ·,-~ '•' -I' - ,, C .. , .. , \·'·, .. -· ; '"'-"'·"" l!!. · , T~ R Ev·1 -· · ,,. · ~-::! 0.1D -:1:\,.<NW'2B"W · ~··~ i ..... JWEQFENl'IJB r. {.; r "· : W • ~"' /f~'.;1:10.03' \ .. ft; 1H!: LINE BETYIE!l, T1lE l<lotll/M£NTS AT lHE .S. 1 4 !I! .. ''"p,l'·;f .. ,,, .. ,,. 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I 2eJ.~2· ?66J.OO r · -l't89'(i01~· -150.~ 1 ; ~-:? c:::;., · \!J C::-, ~ , 1,-I :':; LJHfOOfT!C/.J.. . ._;__ ·~.' ..:_ . . --· ~ . ,:..,.,...,. ~ c,;~ r.m:;-15F'"N"":!~~Nlf'if.r.: -$_ ~-',;~ ~ ~ 1/4. SW 1/4, SEC. 32, T-~_µ, : I DEC 1 "' ,s,..,,," ,::, .. ~r ', .• ,,_·,,1 ; I ."' q;""v".1, ~ /CO •-~ w.,. f5'C'~·Cc, ·t· 1 " •,,,~e MAI~ FILE CQ _,0):} ~ \';/·,·:.,:> :N '11 i:: T~S, J' , ,· -· · ·,'f ,.,..i.. · -._ 1·.-...e ,_>(,'\':,:\: ' i' P t-~,~. ~,-,-~ . ~~ ,,v,,, ' -t'-,;,,,, "~;~ . ,,.,. ' \~:2i~; ;,,f,T:i't~ ,., •i ,~~·C:_P.L_ . ..:..s_ _'" ',"'<,, ,.-"'"' I SE 192.TH . ~196J,g•· ; ti (; N~976'o~·w 25111.~~· ~ f :u.m~· 65464' -··~ 32 f 1' ~~~B~ ;\5185Y .. C. ~ ,c,.mo M.1.c 8f!ASS DISK 'lt/Y, IN COl<C. W5HED .IJNE '06 ). ... ,;;,;· ,.:,; :,"----,:',,, .,,,.r ,/ .. -~ lti :::?.f2S2.: ,i I I I ' ' • I JAVINDER KAUR GARCHA 18B45 102ND AVE SE RE.'HON, WA 91.!055 se.lLE, ... ,D' ..... 'Su'RVfYOR··s··NAMf" . 1 -· I ;'\ .. ~ .11«10 ~.. ..:. -P.O. BOX J4BB I 1 ~ ! I ~~~ .. /)' -~ " RE:/1/TON WA 96056 ., .. ;, ,/ ,::., i) I It I K~ I~· .L SURVEYINGSERVICES /~ ~';#/ ">'-' C ' ~NTI ~~ ~"-I VICINITY MAP~,.. f<}I ·-. r,110DET10· PHONE, ('25)299-1739 ---•• ft., g GARCHA SHORT PLAT No, L07S0022 ·-.:.tXl-iAGtR··· .. SUP'l':··or·~ti".:~t'.i!f' l!!!:!.I "" ,y Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW KingCounty Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.kin•countv.•ov Permit Number: L07S0022 Permit Title: Date: GARCHA SHORT PLAT 07/30/2009 GARCHA JA VIND ER KAUR 14446 S 59TH A VE, TUKWILA WA 98168 Parcel Number(s): 322305-9285 ···-······································-......................................................................................................................................................... . Notice of Completion -Project Managed This is notification that the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) has completed the review and/or inspection of the permit application. As the Permit Applicant, you have the right to dispute billings posted against the permit application per King County Council Ordinance 16026. In a dispute of ODES billings: • You may only challenge ODES' application of the development permit fees. • You may not challenge the development fees themselves, as adopted by the King County Council and codified in Title 27, or any other King County Code requirement, including any land use provision. If you wish to contest DOES' decision on the permit, you must file a separate appeal. You may file an appeal of DOES' decision on your fee dispute to the Hearing Examiner as follows: • Submit the combined Notice and Statement of Appeal within 21 days after the date of this Notice of Completion. (DOES will render a decision on your appeal within 21 days of receiving the Notice and Statement of Appeal. ODES' decision will be forwarded to the Hearing Examiner. In the case that DOES partially or fully denies your appeal, the Hearing Examiner will conduct an open hearing to determine whether to affirm, modify or reverse DOES' decision.) • The combined Notice and Statement of Appeal must include: • Completed Notice and Statement of Appeal Form; and • Written documentation supporting your claim; and • A $50 appeal fee. The fee must be paid in the form of cash (in-person only), check or money order (make payable to King County Office of Finance). If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact DOES at (206) 296-6659 or via email at: waiverappeal. ddes@ki n gcounty. gov NOC-PM (09103/2008) • tQ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 Notice and Statement of Appeal Form for DOES Fee Estimates and Billings DDES' decision on an applicant's fee dispute may be appealed in wrting to the King County Hearing Examiner, with a fee of $50. The appeal fee must be paid in the form of cash (in-person only), check or money order (make payable to Kirg County Office ofFinance ). Filing an appeal requires actual delivery ofa Notice and Statement of Appeal (NSA) and the filing fee to the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) Cashier prior to 4:30 p.m. or postmarked by lhe appeal deadline. Specific Appeals Deadlines: Fee Estimates/Revisions -Within 17 days of the mailing of DDES' decision of fee estimate. Fee Waiver -Within 21 days of the mailing of DDES' decision of fee waiver. Notice of Completion -Within 21 days of the mailing ofDDES' notice of completion. The items listed below in the NSA checklist are due within the aforementioned deadlines. The Hearing Examiner does not have authority to extend the time period unless the Department is not open on the specified closing date, in which event delivery prior to 4:30 p.m. on the next business day is sufficient to meet the filing requirement. The combined Notice and Statement of Appeal statement shall cont.in specific reasons why the decision should be reversed or modified. The scope of an appeal shall be based on matters or issues raised in the statement of appeal. Failure to timely file a Notice and Statement of Appeal deprives the Hearing Examiner of jurisdiction to consider the appeal. The Notice and Statement of Appeal check list: D Completed Notice and Statement Form (below). D A statement of appeal that identifies the decision being appealed. D $50 appeal filing fee. To be comoleted bv Annellant orior to submission of notice and statement of anneal. Annellant Name: Annellant Address: Annellant Phone: Permit Number: I Pa reel N um her: Required appeal materials must be submitted to the DDES, addressed as follows: FEE APPEAL Finance Section Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 For more information regarding fee appeal proceedings, please contact DDES at (206) 296-6714 or via email: waiverappeal. ddes@kingcounty.gov NSA 03/13/2008 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: July 30, 2009 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. Project Name: LUA (file) Number: Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Acceptance Date: Applicant: Owner: Contact: PID Number: ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: Appeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Mylar Recording Number: Garcha Short Plat LUA-09-001, SHPL-A / #L07S0022 King County File #L07S0022 Jerry Wasser January 6, 2009 Javinder K. Garcha Same as applicant Same as applicant 3223059285 July 9, 2009 July 23, 2009 Date: Date: Project Description: The applicant is requesting approval of an Administrative Short Plat for the subdivision of a 0.40-acre site into two lots for the eventual development of an additional detached single-family residence. Location: 18845 102nd Avenue SE Comments: Proposed project is vested to King County regulations and is being processed by the City of Renton. Its located in the R-6 zone of King Co and has a density of 5 dwelling units per gross acre. Denis Law Mayor July 28, 2009 Javinder K. Garcha 1446 59'" Avenue S Tukwila, WA 98168 SUBJECT: Garcha Short Plat LUA09-001, SHPL-A Dear Mr. Garcha: Department of Community & Economic Development This letter is to inform you that the appeal period ended July 23, 2009 for the Administrative Short Plat approval. No appeals were filed. This decision is final and you may proceed with the next step of the short plat process. The enclosed handout, titled "Short Plat Recording," provides detailed information for this process. The advisory notes and conditions listed in the City of Renton Report & Decision dated July 9, 2009 must be satisfied before the short plat can be recorded. If you have any questions regarding the report and decision issued for this short plat proposal, please call me at (425) 430-7382. For questions regarding the recording process for the short plat, as well as for submitting revised plans, you may contact Carrie Olson at (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, Gerald C. Wasser Associate Planner Enclosure(s) cc: Bhupinder Singh Chandi / Applicant See Attached/ Party(ies) of Record Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Javinder K Garcha 14446 59th Street S Tukwila, WA 98168 tel: (206) 265-9065 (owner) Richard Vaisvila 6041 Championship Circle Mukelteo, WA 98278 tel: (425) 299-1739 (party of record) Kim Claussen, PPMIII CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 ' (party of record) PARTIES OF RECORD GARCHA SHORT PLAT LUA09-001, SHPL-A Bhupinder Singh Chandi Bruce MacVeigh 4413 S 146th Street 14245 59th Avenue S Tukwila, WA 98168 Tukwila, WA 98168 tel: (206) 293-7100 tel: (206) 242-7665 (applicant) (party of record) Steve Bottheim, Supervisor Trishah Bull, PPMIII CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 ' ' (party of record) (party of record) Lisa Dinsmore, PPMIV Curt Foster, Sr Engr CPLN LUSD MS OPAK DE 0100 ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 ' ' (party of record) (party of record) Molly Johnson, Managing Engr Arlene Mariano, PPM! Pat Simmons, Prel Rev Engr ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 ' ' ' (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Kelly Whiting, KC DOT Harold Dolstad Robert M Thomas RD SERV DIV MS KSC TR 0231 19010 102nd Avenue SE 18833 102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 ' tel: (425) 226-4141 tel: (425) 255-5129 (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Edward & Cheryl Bigus Ivan & Allison Matz Steven Rusch 18839 102nd Avenue SE 18819 102nd Avenue SE 18816 102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Steven Hunter Stephen Flanagan Linda Church 18810 102nd Avenue SE 18861 102nd Avenue SE 18861 102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Lester Lambert Kerry Sikora Stephen & Heidi McNamee 18860 102nd Avenue SE 10056 SE 190th Street 701 S 52nd Street Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Updated: 07 /27 /09 (Page 1 of 2) Richard Krog 10127 SE 188th Street Renton, WA 98055 tel: (425) 271-3507 (party of record) Updated: 07/27/09 PARTIES OF RECORD GARCHA SHORT PLAT LUA09-001, SHPL-A (Page 2 of 2) STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on July 10, 2009. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $87.50~ ~1u~?ll@ Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subscribed and SW(\rn to me this 13th day of July, 2009. for the State of Washington, Residing . ,.·.\\\\,\\lt CITY OF RENTOi'i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lhe Renton Citv Council has flxe<l the 17th day ~}f August. 2009. at 7:00 p.m. as tho:.: date and time for a public hearing to be hel<l in tht.! seventh floor Council Chamhers of Renton City HalL 10:55 S. Grady Way, Renton. WA 98057, to consider the following: Petition for Street Vacation of a portion of right~of-way containing approximately 12.HJO square feet. loc<1ted east of Lake Washington Boulevard No., south of N. 44th St. (Petitioner: Alpert International: File #VAC-09-001) All interested parties arc invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral .:.:omments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act. and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. for infonnation. mil 425-430- 6510. Ronnie I. Walton City Clerk Publi~hed in the Renton Reporter on July 10, 2009. #245342 c::G t1, \., S,<e-I I I () I;),..: .... , ... ,\\\\\\11, ,,, ' ..... -., ..iPI,-. 11 A_ ·~ .:-~.'(:.."'· "-1':s ''lri ·v: 'I. >-. ::: 0 ,.,., 11 0 ? I. ioi ;.:-·"" \ '< ~ --::~ ·' .. •.) ,.-:::: t, ~ c.:r_;-:"", '7-..:;,-::Z~ ~//"" ,";_ --->-\ ·o pv .... o; _::: .:t :; ';,V "-. ::::-0 -,, "· \<;;,.,,,co _,z = ,, ,,,,-.,,,,-':---X -..-::..-.;:, 111 0'7ATE O ~ 4., !>,.~ ll\\\\\\'''"" ·' CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT· PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 9th day of July, 2009, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision documents. This information was sent to: Name Javinder K. Garcha Owner Parties of Record See Attached (Sigaarure of Seadec);.fu1' m~ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) . Project Name: Garcha Short Plat Reoresentina Project Number: LUA09-001, SHPL-A [KING CO. FILE NO. L07S0022] Javinder K Garcha 14446 59th Street S Tukwila, WA 98168 tel: (206) 265-9065 (owner) Richard Vaisvila 6041 Championship Circle Mukelteo, WA 98278 tel: ( 425) 299-1739 (party of record) Kim Claussen, PPMIII CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 ' (party of record) PARTIES OF RECORD GARCHA SHORT PLAT LUA09-001, SHPL-A Bhupinder Singh Chandi Bruce MacVeigh 4413 S 146th Street 14245 59th Avenue S Tukwila, WA 98168 Tukwila, WA 98168 tel: (206) 293-7100 tel: (206) 242-7665 (applicant) (party of record) Steve Bottheim, Supervisor Trishah Bull, PPMIII CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 , ' (party of record) (party of record) Lisa Dinsmore, PPMIV Curt Foster, Sr Engr CPLN LUSD MS OPAK DE 0100 ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 ' ' (party of record) (party of record) Molly Johnson, Managing Engr Arlene Mariano, PPM! Pat Simmons, Prel Rev Engr ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 ' , , (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Kelly Whiting, KC DOT Harold Dolstad Robert M Thomas RD SERV DIV MS KSC TR 0231 19010 102nd Avenue SE 18833 102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 ' tel: (425) 226-4141 tel: ( 425) 255-5129 (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Edward & Cheryl Bigus Ivan & Allison Matz Steven Rusch 18839 102nd Avenue SE 18819 102nd Avenue SE 18816 102nd Avenue SE ~enton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Steven Hunter Stephen Flanagan Linda Church 18810 102nd Avenue SE 18861 102nd Avenue SE 18861 102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Lester Lambert Kerry Sikora Stephen & Heidi McNamee 18860 102nd Avenue SE 10056 SE 190th Street 701 S 52nd Street Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 (party of record) (party of record) (party of record) Updated: 07/09/09 (Page 1 of 2) Richard Krog 10127 SE 188th Street Renton, WA 98055 tel: (425) 271-3507 (party of record) Updated: 07/09/09 PARTIES OF RECORD GARCHA SHORT PLAT LUA09-001, SHPL-A (Page 2 of 2) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REPORT & DECISION ------------ A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST REPORT DATE: Project Name: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: July 9, 2009 Garcha Short Plat Javinder K. Garcha, 14446 59 1 h Street South, Tukwila, WA 98168 Same as above Same as above LUA09-001, iPL-A (King County File No. L07S0022) Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner The applicant is requesting approval of an Administrative Short Plat for the subdivision of a 0.40 acre site into two lots for the eventual development of an additional detached single family residence. The proposed project is vested to King County regulations and is being processed in the City of Renton. The proposed project is in the King County R-6 zone and has a density of 5 dwelling units per gross acre. Proposed Lot 1 would be 8,555 square feet and proposed Lot 2 would be 8,705 square feet in size. The existing single family residence and garage would remain on proposed Lot l. Access to both lots would be from 102nd Avenue SE. The project is Categorically Exempt from SEPA regulations. -----·-------------------------------------------- 18845 102nd Avenue SE 2,682 sf 0.40 ac (17,250 sf) Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): Total Building Area GSF: N/A N/A ------------ Project Location Map Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A.doc DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REPORT & DECISION A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST REPORT DATE: Project Name: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: July 9, 2009 Garcha Short Plat Javinder K. Garcha, 14446 59th Street South, Tukwila, WA 98168 ----- Same as above Same as above LUA09-001, SHPL-A (King County File No. L07S0022) Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner The applicant is requesting approval of an Administrative Short Plat for the subdivision of a 0.40 acre site into two lots for the eventual development of an additional detached single family residence. The proposed project is vested to King County regulations and is being processed in the City of Renton. The proposed project is in the King County R-6 zone and has a density of 5 dwelling units per gross acre. Proposed Lot 1 would be 8,555 square feet and proposed Lot 2 would be 8,705 square feet in size. The existing single family residence and garage would remain on proposed Lot 1. Access to both lots would be from 102nd Avenue SE. The project is Categorically Exempt from SEPA regulations. 18845 102nd Avenue SE 2,682 sf 0.40 ac (17,250 sf) Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): Total Building Area GSF: Project Location Map N/A N/A Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SH PL-A.doc City of Renton Department of Cami GARCHA SHORT PLAT y & Economic Development Adn rative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A /KING COUNTY FILE NO. L0750022} Report of July 9, 2009 Page 2 of 14 Exhibit 1: Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the project. Exhibit 2: Site Plan and Vicinity Map (dated December 10, 2008) Exhibit 3 Site Improvement Plan (dated December 19, 2007 -superseded by Exhibit 2) Exhibit 4 Zoning Map 14 WY, Exhibit 5 Petition from residents on and around 18845 102"d Avenue SE (dated April 14, 2009) Exhibit 6 Letter from Cher I & Edward Bigus (dated April 9, 2009) C. GENERAL INFORMATION: Javinder K. Garcha, 14446 59th Street South, 1. Owner(s) of Record: Tukwila, WA 98168 14446 59th Street S Tukwila, WA 98168 2. Zoning Designation: Residential -6 Dwelling Units per Gross Acre (King County Zoning) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Urban Residential (UR) 4-12 du/ac 1994 King County Comprehensive Plan 4. Existing Site Use: A single family residence and garage to remain. 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: b. East: c. South: d. West: 6. Access: 7. Site Area: II 0. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities Single family residential (City R-4 zoning) Single family residences (City R-4 zoning) Single family residences (City R-4 zoning) Single family residences (City R-4 zoning) Via 102"d Avenue SE 17,250 sf (0.40 acre) a. Water: Water supply for this two lot short plat would be provided by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A Certificate of Availability was issued by the District on March 16, 2007. b. Sewer: Sewage disposal for this two lot short plat would be provided by means of a public sewer system managed by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A Certificate of Availability was issued by the District on March 16, 2007. Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SH PL-A.doc City of Renton Department of Com GARCHA SHORT PLAT ty & Economic Development Adr wtive Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A {KING COUNTY FILE NO. L0750022) Report of July 9, 2009 Page 3 of 14 c. Surface/Storm Water: The site has a gentle slope of 5 to 7 percent from east to west. The ground absorbs most of the rainfall and runoff sheet flows downhill to the west. A catch basin is located in the frontage and conveys any water from the roadway to the east side of the street and then south along the roadway. Future runoff from the site would continue with the same flow path. 2. Streets: The proposed project is adjacent to 102nd Avenue SE, an urban neighborhood collector street. This street varies in width from SE 192nd Street on the south to the proposed project site and beyond to the north. 102"d Avenue SE along the project frontage has a pavement width of 22 to 24 feet with 6-foot gravel shoulders on both sides of the street. Neighborhood collector streets have a design speed of 35 miles per hour and a stopping sight distance of 250 feet; this relatively flat street has stopping sight distances which exceed standards. Currently, there is a utility pole and one tree located approximately 6 feet west of the pavement; these obstacles would have to be relocated or removed to provide a 10-foot clear zone. 3. Fire Protection: King County has given preliminary Fire Engineering approval subject to the applicant obtaining approval for the adequacy of fire hydrant, water main and fire flow standards. E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE KING COUNTY CODE: 1. King County Code, Title 19A: Land Segregation 2. King County Code, Title 21A: Zoning a. Section 21A.28, Adequacy of Public Facilities and Services (School Adequacy) b. Section 21A.16.050, Landscaping -street frontages c. Section 21A.38.230, Tree Retention 3. 2007 King County Road Design and Construction Standards (KCRDS) 4. 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) 5. King County Code 14. 70, Transportation Concurrency Management F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. 1994 King County Comprehensive Plan 2. Soos Creek Community Plan G. DEPARTMENT ANAL YS/S: Urban Residential (UR) 4-12 du/ac 1. Project Description/Background The applicant is requesting Administrative Short Plat approval for the subdivision of 0.40 acres into two lots. Lot 1 would be 8,55S square feet and Lot 2 would be 8,705 square feet. The Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A.doc City of Renton Department of Comr GARCHA SHORT PLAT :y & Economic Development Adn .rative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A {KING COUNTY FILE NO. L0750022) Report of July 9, 2009 Page 4 of 14 existing house and garage on proposed Lot 1 would remain and Lot 2 is proposed for the future development of an additional single family residence. The project is vested to King County regulations and is being processed by the City of Renton. The applicant filed a King County Application for Land Use Permits/Short Plat Application for the proposed project on April 5, 2007. The proposed project is within the Benson/Cascade Community. The Benson/Cascade Community annexation was approved by the voters in November 2007 and the annexation to the City of Renton became effective on March 1, 2008. As specified in lnterlocal Agreement No. CAG-08-027, the City of Renton will process, using King County regulations, those projects vested in King County prior to the effective date of the Benson Hill/Cascade Community annexation. The proposed project is vested to King County Residential-6 zoning and would yield a gross density of 5 dwelling units per acre. The site has a gentle slope of 5 to 7 percent from east to west. Soils consist of Alderwood gravelly, sandy loam (Age). Because ofthe site's topography only light to moderate earthwork is anticipated for the construction of an additional single family residence. Access to both lots would be from 102nd Avenue SE. A petition, signed by 13 residents of the surrounding neighborhood, in opposition to approving the proposed short plat was received on April 14, 2009. The following issues were identified in the petition: • Size of Proposed Lots. The petition states that most properties in this area are much larger than the proposed approximately 8,000 sf lots; • Tree Retention. The petition states that all trees would have to be removed to provide for the planned easement to 18855 102nd Avenue SE, and planned second residence at 18845 102nd Avenue SE; • Size of Yards. The petition states that neither lot would have a yard and existing homes have yard space; • Previous Subdivision. The petition states that the property has already been subdivided; the other half of the property is at 18839 102"d Avenue SE; • Property Value. The petition states that subdividing the property in such fashion would bring already declining property values down further; • Drainage. The petition states that drainage problems exist due to past mistakes at the county level. The petition further states that cutting down trees and adding more foundations will promote soil erosion and more flooding to the immediate neighbors; • Traffic. The petition states that increasing density equals increases in traffic. 102nd Avenue SE is the only road into the neighborhood and it is narrow. The petition also states that problems exist with traffic and increased density would add to these problems. A letter, in opposition to approving the Garcha Short Plat, was received from Cheryl and Edward Bigus on April 14, 2009. The issues identified in this letter are tree removal, drainage, lot size, previous subdivision of the property and problems with previous tenants of the existing house on the subject site. Administrative Short Plot Report & Decision LUA09-001, SH PL-A.doc City of Renton Department of Comm GARCHA SHORT PLAT ,1 & Economic Development Adm, ative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A (KING COUNTY FILE NO. L0750022) Report of July 9, 2009 Page 5 of 14 The issues identified in the petition and letter in opposition to approval of the proposed short plat which address the proposed lot size, size of yards and density are discussed in section G.5.b) (Compliance with Underlying Zoning) in this report. The issue which addresses existing trees and tree retention is discussed in section G.5.c) (Community Assets) of this report. The issues related to drainage and traffic are discussed in section G.5.e) (Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries) in this report. While issues related to property values and tenants are important, they are a matter of conjecture and are not addressed. 2. Environmental Review Except when located on lands covered by water or sensitive areas, short plats are exempt from SEPA Environmental Review pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(6)(a). 3. Compliance with ERC Conditions N/A 4. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report. 5. Consistency with Short Plat Criteria Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision-makers in the review of the plat: a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Designation The site is designated UR 4-12 du/ac in the 1994 King County Comprehensive Plan and is consistent with the goals and policies established with this designation. It is also consistent with the Soos Creek Community Plan. b} Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation The subject site is vested to King County R-6 zoning (Residential -6 dwelling units per gross acre). The petition and letter in opposition to the approval of the proposed short plat state that many of the properties in the immediate vicinity of the subject site are larger than the proposed lots. However, King County R-6 zoning allows the proposed lot sizes (8,555 sf and 8,705 sf). Density: The proposed subdivision meets the King County base density (6 dwelling units per gross acre) and minimum density (5 dwelling units per gross acre). The density of the proposed project is 5 dwelling units per gross acre. The petition and letter in opposition to approval of the short plat state that the proposed project is not within a high-density neighborhood. King County R-6 zoning permits the lot sizes proposed. Lot Dimensions: The proposed project meets the minimum lot width (30 feet) and minimum lot area (none specified) requirements of King County R-6 zoning. The width of Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SH PL-A.doc City of Renton Department of Com GARCHA SHORT PLAT Report of July 9, 2009 ty & Economic Development Adr trative Short Plat Report & Decision WA09-001, SHPL-A {KING COUNTY FILE NO. l0750022/ Page 6 of 14 proposed Lot 1 would be 62.04 feet in width along its 102nd Avenue SE frontage and 52.04 feet in width at its rear property line by 150.03 feet in length. Proposed Lot 2 would be 58.04 feet in width by 150.03 feet in length. Setbacks: The minimum street setback in the R-6 zone is 10 feet. At least 20 linear feet of driveway must be provided between a garage, carport, or other fenced parking area and the street property line. Interior setbacks in the R-6 zone are five feet. Proposed Lot 1 would have side yard setbacks ranging from a minimum of 6.4 feet on the north to 13.1 feet on the south, a rear yard setback of 15.6 feet and a front yard of approximately 22 feet from the garage to the street property line. Proposed Lot 2 has adequate area to meet the minimum setback requirements. The petition and letter in opposition to the approval of the short plat state that the proposed lots would not have a yard. While the lot dimensions of the proposed lots may not be similar to surrounding properties, they are within the parameters of the setbacks for King County R-6 zoning. c) Community Assets Vegetation on the proposed project site consists of grasses, shrubs, and evergreen and deciduous trees. The trees on proposed Lot 2 consist of a 32-inch and a 34-inch cedar, an 8-inch, a 20-inch, and a 24-inch fir, an 8-inch and two 12-inch pine trees and a 12-inch and an 18-inch birch. The applicant's submitted environmental checklist states that all vegetation would be removed. However, King County Code specifies that in zones R-4 through R-48 trees shall be retained at a rate of 10 trees per acre or five percent of the trees, whichever is greater. As there are 10 existing trees, four trees are required to be retained on this 0.4 acre parcel. A detailed tree retention plan in compliance with King County Code 16.82.156 will be required as a condition of approval. Staff recommends that the 20-inch and 24-inch fir trees and the two 12-inch pine trees be retained as a minimum on proposed Lot 2. No additional on-site landscaping is proposed at this time. One street tree for every 40- feet of frontage is required as specified in King County Code 21A.16.050 and King County Road Standards 5.03. As specified in King County Code, street trees are owned and maintained by the abutting property owners. Street trees must be installed and inspected or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the short plat. The petition and letter in opposition to the Garcha Short Plat state that all trees would have to be removed to accommodate a planned 10-foot easement along the south property line of proposed Lot 2. The file does not indicate that a 10-foot easement is proposed. A County Boundary Line Adjustment was proposed by the applicant, but withdrawn. That Boundary Line Adjustment would have taken approximately 1,500 square feet from proposed Lot 2 and added it to the property to the south. d) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations The proposed two-lot short plat complies with the King County Subdivision regulations (King County Title 19A, Land Segregation) provided the conditions of approval are adhered to. The subject property was included as Lot 2 of King County Short Plat No. 287024 which was approved on August 14, 1987. The petition and letter in opposition to the Garcha Short Plat correctly state the property was part of a previous subdivision. Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision WA09-001, SH PL-A.doc City of Renton Department of Com GARCHA SHORT PLAT ty & Economic Development Adn rotive Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, 5HPL-A /KING COUNTY FILE NO. L0750022/ Report of July 9, 2009 Page 7 of 14 e) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access: This short plat is adjacent to 102nd Avenue SE (an urban neighborhood collector street). This roadway varies in width and edge treatment from SE 192nd Street north to the proposed project site and beyond. The street north to SE 135th Street consists of curbs, 6 to 8-foot shoulders and areas of substandard shoulders. The existing roadway is in poor condition and most likely it will require some repair and overlay when the frontage improvements (shoulder) are constructed. The short plat frontage has a 22-24 foot wide roadway with a 6 foot gravel shoulder (both sides). The relatively flat straight road provides stopping sight distance that exceeds standards. Currently, there is a telephone pole and one tree approximately 6 feet back from the pavement. King County Code requires that these obstacles be relocated or removed to provide a 10 foot clear zone which is the total roadside border area available for use by errant vehicles. This clear zone area may consist of a shoulder, a recoverable slope, a non-recoverable slope, and/or a clear run-out area. It is anticipated that the eventual development of an additional single family residence on proposed Lot 2 would generate 9.57 average daily vehicle trips on City of Renton streets. The City's Transportation Mitigation Fee is based on $75.00 per average daily trip and is estimated to be $717.75. The petition and letter in opposition to the Garcha Short Plat contends that increased density equals increased traffic. The proposed short plat would create the potential for one additional residence in the neighborhood; single family residences have an average daily vehicle trip generation of 9.57 trips. The Transportation Mitigation Fee would help offset the cost of future road improvements. Topography: The site slopes gently from east to west approximately 5 to 7 percent. Based on the topography, light to moderate earthwork would eventually be required for construction of a new single family residence. Soils consist of Alderwood gravelly, sandy loam (AgC). Runoff is slow to medium and the hazard for erosion is moderate. This soil type has a moderate limitation for foundations due to a seasonally high water table. The petition and letter in opposition to the proposed short plat state that the removal of trees and an additional foundation will promote soil erosion and flooding. The Technical Information Report (TIR) for the Javinder K. Garcha 2-Lot Residential Short Plat, prepared by Bruce S. McVeigh, P.E. on June 26, 2007 states that existing surface runoff leaves the site to the north and west, and uncollected surface flows will continue to do so after development, although at a reduced rate. Additionally, runoff from all new impervious surfaces will be infiltrated on site using gravel trenches. The TIR also indicates that soil studies show infiltration is feasible for disposing of flows collected from all development impervious surfaces. The TIR indicates that infiltration of all or almost all of the new impervious surfaces would reduce the surface runoff leaving the site. Relationship to Existing Uses: The properties surrounding the subject site are developed as single family residential. The surrounding properties are zoned Residential -4 dwelling units per net acre (R-4) in the City of Renton. While the proposed lots are smaller than surrounding properties the proposal would be compatible with the single family development pattern in the area. Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SH PL-A.doc City of Renton Department of Com, GARCHA SHORT PLAT y & Economic Development Adn :rotive Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A {KING COUNTY FILE NO. L0750022) Report of July 9, 2009 Page 8 of 14 f) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Police and Fire: The City of Renton would provide fire and emergency services. The City's Fire Mitigation Fee is based on $488.00 for each new single lot. The fee for this short plat is estimated to be $488.00. Schools: The Renton School District has indicated that future students from this proposed project will be bused to Benson Hill Elementary, Nelsen Middle School, and Lindbergh High School. The bus stop location for elementary school and middle school students is at the intersection of 102nd Avenue SE and SE 1901h Street. The bus stop location for high school students is located at the intersection of 1041h Avenue SE and SE 190th Street. Walkway conditions to the bus stops include a series of paved and gravel shoulders and sidewalks. Parks: The nearest public park is Boulevard Lane Park located approximately 1.6 miles east of the subdivision. King County Code 21A.14 requires subdivisions of more than 4 units in the UR and R zone classifications to either provide on-site recreation space or pay a fee to the Parks Division for establishment and maintenance of neighborhood parks. This subdivision is for 2 lots in the R-6 zone and is, therefore, exempt from providing on-site recreation space. Storm Water: The site has a slope of S to 7 percent from east to west. The ground absorbs most of the rainfall at this time and runoff flows in the form of sheet flow (to the west) downhill. A catch basin is located in the frontage and conveys any water from the roadway to the east side ofthe road and then conveys the runoff along the roadway. Future runoff from the site would continue with the same flow path. A Technical Information Report was submitted and accepted with calculations showing that the project is exempt from detention per the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. All other surface water improvements including, but not limited to conveyances, roof drains, yard drains, driveway crossings and frontage improvements are required to meet City of Renton standards. Frontage improvements including curb, gutter and sidewalk are triggered; an application for fee in-lieu may be considered. The petition and letter in opposition to the approval of the Garcha Short Plat contend that drainage problems in the vicinity would promote soil erosion and increased flooding. Adherence to the surface water improvements stated above should aid in the reduction of future surface water issues. Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: The proposed project would be served by public water supply and a public sewer system by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. Certificates of Sewer Availability and Water Availability were issued by the District on March 16, 2007. [ H. FINDINGS: Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1. Request: The applicant, Javinder K. Garcha, is requesting Administrative Short Plat approval for the subdivision of one parcel (total area of 17,250 square feet) into two lots for the future construction of a single-family residence on Lot 2 while retaining the existing single-family residence and garage on Lo! t 2. Application: The short plat application, short plat plan and other drawings are contained within the official land use file. Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A.doc City of Renton Deportment of Comr GARCHA SHORT PLAT Report of July 9, 2009 y & Economic Development Adn rative Short Plat Report & Decision ... LUA09-001, SHPL-A (KING COUNTY FILE NO. L07SOOZZ) Page 9 of 14 3. Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is designated UR 4-12 du/ac in the 1994 King County Comprehensive Plan and the Soos Creek Community Plan. 4. Zoning: The proposal is zoned R-6 in King County. 5. Subdivision Regulations: The proposal is subject to the King County Land Segregation regulations. 6. Existing Land Uses: Surrounding development and uses include: North -single family residences (City of Renton R-4 zoning); East -single family residences (City of Renton R-4 zoning); South -residential single family residences (City of Renton R-4 zoning); West -single family residences (City of Renton R-4 zoning). 7. Setbacks: The proposal is subject to the setback requirements of the King County R-6 zoning designation. 8. System Development Charges: Certificates of Sewer Availability and Water Availability were issued by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District on March 16, 2007. 9. Public Utilities: The Soos Creek Sewer and Water District provides water and sewer service. JO. Access: Access to both proposed Lots 1 and 2 would be provided via 102nd Avenue SE. I. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the UR 4-12 du/ac designation of the 1994 King County Comprehensive Plan and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation. 2. The subject site is located in the King County R-6 zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation provided the applicant complies with King County Code and conditions of approval. 3. The proposed two lot short plat complies with the subdivision regulations as established by King County Code and state law provided all conditions are complied with. 4. The proposed two lot short plat is required to comply with the 1993 King County Road Standards. 5. The proposed two lot short plat is consistent with the single family residential development in the surrounding area. 6. Certificates of water and sewer availability were issued by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District on March 16, 2007. Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A.doc City of Renton Department of Comm GARCHA SHORT PlAT & Economic Development Admi ative Short Plat Report & Decis,on LUA09-001, SHPl-A {KING COUNTY Fil£ NO. W750022) Report of July 9, 2009 Page 10 of 14 II J. DECISION: The Garcha Short Plat, File No. LUA09-001, SHPL-A (King County File No. L07S0022), is approved and is subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with all Land Segregation provisions of King County Code (KCC) Title 19A including: a. The final short subdivision recording documents must be prepared by a professional land surveyor, licensed in the State of Washington. These documents shall comply with all other conditions of approval. b. The final review process must be completed prior to the recording of the short subdivision or the sale of any lots contained within. c. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final short subdivision. d. Prior to final recording KCC 19A.08.160 requires: • Drainage best management practices (BMPs) facilities and erosion control measures are consistent with KCC 9.04.090; • Water mains and hydrants (if required) are installed and fire flow available; • Grading as necessary so that lots are accessible by passenger vehicle; • Specific site improvements are completed that are required and conditioned prior to plat recording or required to remove any safety hazard. 2. The extent of conditioned improvements for this short plat qualify for small project drainage review as outlined in the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) Section Prior to final plat submittal Best Management Practices (BMPs) are required for the new impervious surface (frontage improvements, driveways, and new houses) created by this project. Alternatively the applicant may submit the lot improvements for review with the building permit application with the following note shown on the face of the final recorded plat: "Permit applications for buildings or other improvements constructed on lots created by the subdivision must be reviewed by the City of Renton for compliance with Best Management Practices (BMPs) and other applicable drainage standards as specified in the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual. The permit applicant for each lot must prepare a drainage site plan with procedures for design and maintenance details, and record a declaration of covenant and grant of easement for implementation of the BMPs." 3. The applicant shall comply with Access Requirements of KCC Title 14 and the 1993 King County Roads Standards (KCRDS) Subdivision Requirements as follows: a. A six-foot wide paved shoulder shall be installed along the 102nd Avenue SE frontage. Alternatively, a standard neighborhood collector street section may be installed. Street widening shall conform to KCRDS standard 4.03.1. A minimum 1.5 inch overlay is required unless a waiver has been obtained. Administrative Short Plot Report & Decision LUA09-001, SH PL-A.doc J City of Renton Deportment of Com, GARCHA SHORT PLAT y & Economic Development Adr trative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A /KING COUNTY FILE NO. L0750022} Report of July 9, 2009 Page 11 of 14 b. An existing power pole and trees located within the minimum clear zone for safety shall be relocated or removed prior to recording (KCRDS 5.11} unless otherwise approved. Field verification that this condition has been satisfied prior to final approval is required. 4. The applicant shall comply with all applicable provisions of KCC Chapter 16.82, including KCC 16.82.156 concerning 'significant trees" on short subdivisions. A detailed tree retention plan, which complies with KCC 16.82.156B2 and other applicable requirements, shall be submitted to the City of Renton Planning Division project manager for review and approval prior to final short plat approval. At a minimum the applicant shall retain the 20-inch and 24-inch fir trees and the two 12-inch pine trees indicated on the site plan (Exhibit 2). 5. The applicant shall obtain approval for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. 6. All lots shall meet the density and dimension requirements of the R-6 zone classification. 7. The applicant shall provide street trees per King County Road Standards 5.03 and KCC 21A.16.050 as follows: a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards; if it is determined that the required street trees should not be planted within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line; c. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the owners of the abutting lots. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat; d. The species of trees shall be approved by the City of Renton Planning Division project manager if located within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines; e. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by the City of Renton Planning Division project manager; f. The applicant shall contact Metro Service Planning to determine if 102"d Avenue SE is on a bus route. If 102"d Avenue SE is a bus route, the street plan shall also be reviewed by Metro; g. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after the City of Renton Planning Division project manager has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A.doc City of Renton Department af Com GARCHA SHORT PLAT Report of July 9, 2009 ty & Economic Development LUA09-001, Adr trotive Short Plat Report & Decision SHPL-A /KING COUNTY FILE NO. L0750022} Page 12 of 14 8. The applicant shall pay the City of Renton Transportation Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per each new average daily vehicle trip (estimated at $717.75) prior to recording of the short plat. 9. The applicant shall pay the City of Renton Fire Mitigation Fee of $488.00 per each new single family lot (estimated at $488.00) prior to recording of the short plat. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: C =t {, /o't C. E. "Chip" Vincent, Planning Director Date TRANSMITTED this 9th day of July, 2009 to the Contact/Applicant/Owner(s): Contact: Javinder K. Garcha 14446 59'1 ' Street S Tukwila, WA 98168 Applicant: Same as contact TRANSMITTED this 9th day of July, 2009 to the Party /ies) of Record: Bhupinder Singh Chand/ Bruce MacVeigh 4413 S 146" Street 14245 59" Avenue S Tukwila, WA 98168 Tukwila, WA 98168 Harold Dolstad Robert Thomas 19010 102°d Avenue SE 18833 102°d Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Ivan & Allison Martz Steven Rusch 18819 102°d Avenue SE 18816 102"d Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Stephen Flanagan Linda Church 18861102°d Avenue SE 18861102°d Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Kerry Sikora Stephen & Heidi McNamee 10056 SE 190" Street 701 S 52°d Street Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SH PL-A.doc Owner(s): Same as contact Richard Valsvila 6041 Championship Circle Mukilteo, WA 98278 Edward & Cheryl Bigus 18839 102'd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Steven Hunter 18810 102"d Avenue SE Renton, WA 99055 Lester Lambert 18860 102"d Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Richard Krog 10127 188" Street Renton, WA 98055 City of Renton Deportment of Comr GARCHA SHORT PLAT y & Economic Development Adn rotive Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A {KING COUNTY FILE NO. LOlSOOZZ) Report of July 9, 2009 TRANSMITTED this 9th day of July, 2009 to the following: Neil Watts, Development Services Director Larry Meckling, Building Official Kayren Kittrick, Development Services Jan Conklin, Development Services Carrie Olson, Development Services Jennifer Henning, Planning Manager Renton Reporter Land Use Action Appeals, Request for Reconsideration, & Expiration Page 13 of 14 The administrative land use decision will become final ifthe decision is not appealed within 14 days of the decision date. APPEAL: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on July 23, 2009. An appeal of the decision(s) must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075{3); WAC 197-11-680). Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the $75.00 application fee to Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that a decision on a short plat be reopened by the Administrator (Decision-maker). The Administrator (Decision-maker) may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the Administrator (Decision-maker) finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal timeframe. EXPIRATION: The administrative short plat decision will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A single one (1) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-7-070.M. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A.doc City of Renton Department of Cornn GARCHA SHORT PLAT y & Economic Development Adm rotive Short Plot Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A (KING COUNTY FILE NO. 10750022) Report of July 9, 2009 Page 14 of 14 appeal process for the land use actions. • Planning 1. RMC Section 4-4-030C2 limits haul hours between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Department of Community & Economic Development. 2. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other non-residential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Protection measures during construction for retained trees shall include: • Applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained; • Applicant shall erect and maintain a 6-foot high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees. Placards shall be placed every SO- feet indicating the words, "NO TRESPASSING -Protected Trees" or on each side of the fencing if less than SO-feet. Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four sides. The applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees; • lfthe grade level adjoining a tree to be retained is raised, the applicant shall construct a dry rock or rock well around the tree. The diameter of this wall or well must be equal to the tree's drip line; • Applicant may not install any impervious surface material within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained; • The grade level around any tree to be retained may not be lowered within the area defined by the drip line of the tree or an area around the tree equal to 1 Y, -inches in diameter for each one inch of tree caliper, whichever is greater; • Applicant shall retain a professional arborist or other qualified professional to prune branches and roots, fertilize, and water as appropriate for any trees which are to be retained. Plan Review 1. A drainage report was submitted and accepted per Code with calculations showing the project is exempt from detention under 1990 King County Water Design Manual. All other surface water improvements including, but not limited to conveyances, roof drains, yard drains, driveway crossings and frontage improvements are required. 2. Frontage improvements including curb, gutter, and sidewalk are triggered. 3. Transportation mitigation fee is estimated to be $717.75. Property Services See attached comments. Administrative Short Plot Report & Decision LUA09-001, SH PL-A.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM April 24, 2009 Jerry Wasser ~- Bob Mac Onie I 1 Garcha Short Plat, LUA-09-001-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-09-001-SHPL and LND-20-0539, respectively, on the final short plat submittal. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Show City of Renton Survey Control Network monument numbers 1866 and 1868 in conjunction with the N'/. Corner and the EV, Corner monuments. Provide a direct tie to the subject property. Currently the tic is to a point 20 of the SE corner of the subject property. The geometry will be checked by the city when the ties have been provided. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances ofrecord and those measured or calculated, if any. Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing. The new address or addresses and possibily street names will be provided by the city as soon as possible. Note the addresses and the street names on the short plat submittal. On the final short plat submittal, remove all references to trees, utilities facilities, topog lines and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary short plat approval. \H:\File Sys\LND ~ Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0539\RV090424.doc April 24, 2009 Page 2 The vicinity map is copyrighted material shown without copyright credit. This map is too heavily shaded to reproduce legibly and the use of other hatching obscures some of the dimensions and thus does not conform to WAC 332-130-050 (I)( d)(ii). Provide an offset distance for the structure to the north of the north property line. Provide an approval block and signature line for the City of Renton, the City of Renton Administrator, Department of Public Works, is the only city official signatory of this short plat. The dedication block needs to be re titled "OWNER'S DECLARATION". Remove all references to density, zoning, building setbacks and comprehensive plan designations, if any, on the final submittal. Note that ifthere are easements, restrictive covenants or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) are to be referenced on the short plat drawing. Provide spaces for the recording numbers thereof. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this short plat will be provided at the next review. 1-1:\Pile Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 ~ Short Plats\0539\RV090424.doc\msoffice > EXHIBIT 2 0 () B w ' J~YJ/"10/1 i? ....J ;\' LL il ~ ,-!... N <"> ~ " g ~- 3'; 0) ~o 11 1~ ~ z ~ :l -.< •• o~~ ~~~:f~~ z 7. w::::,"' ~1<~iE'zei" i§~~l,..l,J~ Fwa. 0 50 ~~gClC~w wz~l!:(I');: ~tw~~"' <o< ~Btr=~~ 1-lL....J~Z ~g':J8~~ '=,vi~--' [le: ! ,,:~1-w;,.."'= ~o~~~t5 >-!::w Z[!'j I ~~~~gI 3ii~~s Ct::,-"-1-..1 ~t:sw~:::l i!= ~...Ji!:'::::;:<( i ' s Ii § ~ Jg " ~ I~ ~ ' ' I I I~ ill ~ § ,, m 1: ' § o. I I ,, ~·· 1 .. 1: ,-\;l_\i,_: \'JS\l?!];;ffi i ~~~I;;:~ i ,t1t8::,~ ~ ~~§g;i; ' 0 ,::<n 0 w 1J ' • ~J.c~~i': i;.:~ t:;l1-!:J~ ! ~ffi!e:s ~ ... ~:§~§ a " ~Few~ 1§, 1,, • ;iri • < §' • " z ocr z "" zw::, s ~ i -08"-~ "' ,-"'"'o • l ; .._ t ~g~ ; ' ti~~ Q~~ ~ ~ ! ~Zli: ~<:as • ~ ~8~ ~i~g ' >. " ,a 0 w " s • z . cos li!5~ 0 ~ ~~§ ~ ~ 0 w j ~ Q;,..Vl " c w ,, ~ I ~ ~5~ < i! uoo ~ zo " coo z > ; z < ti I 0) "':S~ ~ ; 0 ~ ~ ~ .. < < • .~ ~!i.~ u I C " ~. I ~-i , F < ffi . '-'"' ' ~ WQ • u z-..; ~ ; " I ~ ~~~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~~~ f ~ . Zs< " 0 0 > 5 l o<, i f ~~i ' § ~ e ~ ~ ~8 ,:'.; C • EXHIBIT 3 -~-ii! '11 '•1 / ,, i ~---...~.:ti ! ',,_ I ' ' ' ~-" -t __ ,_ .. _. 'i!J;til1 I 'i ' !( ,1 1' I ! ! i i ' . .. I '' a i ii it F H, ,I ! u 11 i ii !J I intu1, 1 H ? 1, . ~ I ii ii! · !I ·1 l -lt 11 I . i!I 11 p . iit !11 ~ -H. i 1. ! llH 1!11, !'I lHI ·IL It I ltl!!1ii Ji! I ! I I l ' I ! . mo-<Nrr·"' HO$,,,.._., ,.:.:.:-~¥~'.~~ °'ld"'"'"'°"""l"l:S I I ! I I " ' Ii \ .· I R-1 EXHIBIT 4 R-14 R-10 C ZONING PWTECHNICALSER\1CES 07/15/08 ... 19 T23N RSE W 1/2 RM-F CA • " ; R·14 g " J ., CA ~ < ~ R-10 R-1 R~ J4 -05 T22N RSE W 1/2 0 200 400 kJ I Feet 1 :4,800 CA CA CA R-8 SE 18011"1 St SE 175th SI SE l!IOth;$t R-B 6Cllh St R-8 SE !~tal St R-'l SE 166~>.S• .... -------ai,J R-8 j': R-14 s!:: 1~0th & SE 19Clh S 19G'Ji Pl R-8 N R-14 CN A ~i N 14 32 T23N RSE W 1/2 5332 We as residents on and arouni'.J _cl these criteria: 102"d Ave. SE oppose the st l. Most properties in this area are much larger than the propo EXHIBIT 5 2. All trees would have to be removed to provide for the planned easement to 18855 102"d Ave SE, and planned second residence at 18845 !02"d Ave SE. 3. Neither residence would have a yard; we Jive in an area where everyone has space. 4. This isn't a high-density neighborhood/subdivision. 5. T,his property has already been subdivided; the other half of the property is at 18839 102"d Ave SE. 6. Subdividing this property in such a fashion would bring our already declining property values down further. 7. We already have drainage problems due to past mistakes at the county level. Cutting down trees and adding more foundations will promote soil erosion and more flooding to the immediate neighbors. 8. Increasing density = increases in traffic. 102"d Ave SE is the only road into our neighborhood and it is narrow. We already have problems with traffic and don't wish to add to it. _Signature: ~ ~- -Address: Address: We as r·esidents on and aroun 8845 102"' Ave. SE oppose tt1e subd ion of the property based on these criteria: 1. Most properties in this area are much larger than the proposed <8000 sq. ~-lots. 2. All trees would have to be removed to provide for the planned easement to 18855 102"'1 Ave SE, and planned second residence at 18845 102"d Ave SE. 3. Neither residence would have a yard; we live ,nan ar·ea where everyone has space. 4. This isn't a high-density neighborhood/subdivision. 5. This property has already been subdivided; the other half of tt1e property is at 18839 102"" Ave SE. 6. Subdividing this property in such a fashion would bring our already declining property values down further. 7. We already have drainage problems due to past mistakes at the county level. Cutting down trees and adding mor·e foundations will promote soil erosion and more flooding to the immediate neighbors. 8. Increasing density = increases in traffic. 102'd Ave SE is the only mad into our neighborhood and it is narrow. We alr·eady have problems with traffic and don't wish to add to it. Name(e,ro<J~cJg, JL~•-'"'""'" A,, A/) i"J_]J_ -C1twidi . Address:~-i.LL. /{)µ1J$.~~~-H_-~~-A/~ ···~-·- _L . L ,-. ... . r;~ =/.,... o . iJ. =2_ Name(Print): e SI:t.::J,-__ {J i'1/..h 1:6_ \ L _Signature: ~.£!-__,.f..0,,.(,t;-_lb_{l/t/1....+;!%.L -. Address: t a;;;(,, d. =-.J.D 2 .. ':L[1... --·· -~ -~~-· -~--.. -~-·-_ ........ . .7 ' / Name(Print):_~l~S,~ ____ Signature:_-·].'.~~~·~::-'::' Address: \00) l, 5?.~\l ().L-.h_~f \~~G ~-/J,._~'1 ?OT~f:-_ ,,-.,/··· Name(Print):_ &i.t'r /vi . J/.lu//1A:5 ___ Signature: fi,._;f_.r -.. ___ _ Address: __ /f?h'JJ 1 /o.7 _Avt 5£r--;t;;,vrc,v H4_j<YcS-5 ~---- ~-... Name(Print):$12{it~ Jv( (..tf f;..J,:t eY_~~ S1gnature:__{_~}//.,z, 70~ Address:.$!6:-,Zol 5 !{~_'}__L<Jr 1/((1{J{l11!__qf<1'S'r_~ Name(Print): ... ~---~-----·· -~-_Signature: __ ~ Address: ---------------------· April 9, 2009 Cheryl & Edward Bigus 18839 102"' Ave. SE Renton, WA. 98055 425-277-9359 Mr. Gerald Wasser Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA. 98055 EXHIBIT 6 Re: Garcha Short Plat/LUA09-001, SHPL-A (KC File #L07S0022) Dear Mr. Wasser, pLANNiNG DEVELOP\';_ ~~F~rron CIT'i'''. APR \ ~ 2009 RECE\VED We are writ'1ng in response to the petition to subdivide the property located at 18845 102"d Ave SE, Renton. At this time, we wish to be a party of record for the Garcha Short Plat/LUA09-001, SHPL-A (KC File #L07S0022) We are opposed to the subdivision of the property at 18845 102"d Ave SE. Following are the reasons we oppose this subdivision as well as a little history. The property would be divided down the middle from East to West, AFTER a ten-foot easement along the length of the south side property line is granted to the property at 18855 102"d Ave SE that is behind 18845 and 18839 102"" Ave SE. The reason why Mr. Garcha is granting the ten-foot easement is that he and his partner (the owner of record for the property at 18845 102oa Ave SE) are planning on subdividing and building houses on the property. This can't be done without widening the driveway, which is the reason he bought this property in the first place. There were grand plans for· the property at 18855 102"' Ave. SE. First it was going to be six houses, then five houses, then they were thinking of apartments, and now have settled on thr·ee houses, even though the land is not suited for thr·ee houses due to a very large gully in the middle of the property, nor is it in keeping with the open space of our neighborhood. We oppose this subdivision at 18845 102"' Ave SE because if Mr. Garcha were allowed to grant the easement as well as build the second residence on the property, this would entail stripping the entire property of all the existing trees. We know this to be, because it is what his partner has recently done to the property behind us at 18855 102"' Ave. SE. Ninety percent of the trees on that property have been removed, which I am sure you are aware of since you are with the Community Development Department. I am sure we don't have to go into the benefits of trees in a neighborhood and community especially in regard to property values, environmental impact, soil erosion, and flooding. Also, if the property is subdivided, and another concrete slab is installed where is the rainwater to go? We have serious drainage problems already in our neighborhood due to the county allowing a residence just around the corner to be built on a former wetland site that was filled in for development (10318 SE 190'h St., built in 2000). This has been detrimental to our entire neighborhood with basements regularly flooding when it rains and large areas of standing water in everyone's yards. We feel that adding higher density housing in our area will impact all of us negatively. The next reason we oppose this subdivision is the plan to make lots around 8000 sq. It. does not fit in with the surrounding neighborhood at all. Not to mention if the ten-foot easement is granted, the subdivided portion of the land will be very narrow and long, and less than 8000 sq. It. per lot. This allows absolutely no space for a yard due to the shape of the lots. This may not be a problem in a planned community, but on our street there isn't a sidewalk easement, and our road is very narrow, which all contribute to the lack of open space for people. If you review the site map of our immediate area, you will see there are much larger properties surrounding this proposed subdivision and we feel it would be detr·imental to the value of our properties. We should not have to shoulder the burden of our property values fallrng further because someone with development aspirations plans on carving up our neighborhood for therr quick profit. The smallest lot by far in our general neighborhood of 102"' Ave SE is ours right next door at 18839 102"' Ave SE at 11,250 sq. ft., which coincidentally used to be the back yard of this proposed subdivision at 18845 102"' Ave SE. The property has already been subdivided once, and that is enough. Since we reside in a residence that sits where the "backyard" of the proposed subdivision was, Mr. Garcha is proposing tearing up the remaining front yard to build a residence. Two lots of barely 8000 sq. ft. along with the long narrow configuration of the current residence and the planned ten-foot easement leave little room for a residence, let alone any yard. This does not meet with the general make up of our neighborhood. We have been dealing with Mr. Garcha indirectly for three years. Indirectly because since he acquired the property from the previous residents (the Dunbars), he has placed five different tenants, including pot smoking rowdy 20-something partiers, folks who used it as a car lot, most recently an airport limousine staging area, and it has been constantly used as a dumping ground for trash and other household items from whatever tenants lived there. This in turn attracted vermin and other wild creatures from the four corners of the neighborhood. He has recently (in the past two weeks) started to clean up the property with multiple truckloads of debr·is removal, and landscape maintenance. Tl1is only occurred after· I sent his partner a strong email stating they were going to have to do something about the property or I was going to file a complaint with the City of Renton. We have been visited by the Sl1er·iff's department more trmes than we can count over the brawling brother·s that were part of a family of at least ten living ther·e. Then we had the pleasure of an FBI raid while an Indian man, his wife and young son lived in the residence. It turned out he embezzled $SOOK from Mr. Garcha. Our point in stating some of tt1is history is that Mr. Garcha and his partner in the property at 18855 102"'' Ave. SE have nothing invested in our neighborhood or our community except exploiting the two properties for a quick buck and then moving on without a care as to tt1e impact of all the residents in the area. Thrs all detracts from the neighborhood tt1at we live in and contribute to. Mr. Garcha came upon the property in a less than ethical way when he offered to buy it in 2006 from the Dunbar· family; they refused, so he had one of his friends make the offer, which was later accepted. At that point the property changed hands three times until Mr. Garcha finally acquired it in June 2006. The Dunbar's refused his offer because they knew he wanted to divide the land and grant an easement for his development aspirations for the property at 18855 102°' Ave SE wt1ich he had acquired earlier. He or his partner had previous asked the Dunbars for the easement; they refused to preserve their property and the neighborhood from high density development. We wrsh to preserve our neighborhood and our quality of life. We all live in this area for the open space, good neighbors, and great neighborhood. Although this area of Renton is zoned R-6, it doesn't mean that we have to allow that kind of density in an already established neighborhood. It sets a bad precedent to wanna-be developers that they can buy a property in Renton city limits, go in dig up the back yard and put up another house with no thought as to the long-term effects to the neighbort1ood. As stated before, our property ( 18839) is the former backyard of the proposed subdivision at 18845 102"d Ave SE. So now are we going to allow the only remaining space to be occupied by another residence? Mr. Garcha's high- density development plans would be to the detriment of our neighborhood. We all chose this area for the open space, lack of sidewalks and the feeling that we aren't living in a high-density subdivision. His plans for a quick buck would be at our neighborhood's expense. We have discussed this proposed subdivision with quite a few neighbors and no one in this neighborhood is in support of this subdivision. Best Regards, tJ a , ~ A2-i ,a,,._ ---;; "'u. -- Cheryl Bigus Edward Bigus CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHORT PLAT FILE No. L07S0022 LAND RECORD NUMBER: 11,1 'MTNESS '111-ltREOf WE SH OIJR HANDS ANO su.LS. J.l.\1HOEII K/IUR CMCH" 8N<II< -or AMER!(:-;,;- ~ STATE OF" W-'SHINOTON )SS COUNTY Of~ mu, I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HA.£ SA11Sfo1CTORY EVIDENCE THIil lAYJNPf'B WR GfflCH! IS THE PERSON WHO APPEAAED &EFQRE ME, AND SAID PERSON PCKNOWLEDGE0 THl,T HE SIGNED THIS INS<RVMENT ANO ACKNOWI..EDGED IT TO SE HIS FREE ANO \oOWNTAR'I' iltCT F"OR Tl-IE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN TliE INSTRUMENT OA,w, ____ _ (SEAL OR STAMP) {SIGNAnJR!':) mi.-,-- 1,(\" APPOIN'T\!ENT D:PIRES, ____ _ STATE Of WASHINOTON )SS COUNTY Of"~ I CERTlfY TWIT I Kr-lOW OR HAVE SATISFACTOR'I' EVlOE'.NCE THAT •,,= .. ~s,",;=,o =,,.-,~_,"E"w="'""""==,=wc,aOcei= :mr l=~~~N ACXNOWLEOGEO IT ...S Tl-£ Of SANK OE MRKi,I, TO BE TfiE FREE ».10 VOL.Utll.oRI' K:r OF' SUCH PNm l'OII TfiE USES 00 PURPOSES MENTIONED IN 1HE INSTRUMENT. "'"°'----- (SEAL OR STAMP) (SIGN>,TURE) ~ hlY f.P?OINTMOIT D<PIRES LAND SUIVEYOR'B CEFmRCAlE THIS BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSThlENT CORRECT1. Y REPRE- SENTS A SURVEY MADE BY t.te: OR UNDER ~y DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH ST'°'TE AND COUNTY STATUTES. IN ................ , 20 .. . CERTiflCATE NO. 39S70 RECOADEll'B CEFmRCAlE --- FILED FOR RECORD THtS . . . DAY Of ........ 20 .... AT •. M IN SOOK .......... Of ....... AT PAGE .•..... AT Tl,E REQUEST OF SliRVEYOFi"S'. NAi:le:' .. ··~·.,;.·NAGER··· ··sop•t:··of·~Eij~ti!:f'"" KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAt.llNIED & APPROVED THIS _ DAY OF ---20_ ~AJ..NQTE8= THIS REQUEST QUAUFlES FOR EXEMP110N UNDER KCC 19A.28 IT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT THE IBlOl'CINQ NO. V<>-JPiJJE KING COUNTY ~ OE:PUTY KING COUMTY ASSESSOR LOTS WILL BE SUITABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT NOW OR IN 1HE FUllJRE. ™E LEGAL TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY MUST BE DONE BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT UNLESS All ALL LOTS HEREIN ARE UNDER SAME Oi'mERSHIP. "' " 1111 -.I 1111 ORAPHC SCALE ( "1 flll!T) 1hdl•OO· ClTY Of" RENTON / ADMIN!STRA TOT / PUBLIC WORKS f'ORIION Of' m >< :::c M c:i M TOPO MAP LEQEtO 0 ,__.,....,_ <5/=p \'·---~) --• ·--,..,.,,., ..... -- a D E'!l'J 0 C3l wJPVN6lYT~~~---f ;-§ 4-?TH--.-.ST-~ --- SEE SECTIOO SU8DIIIISIOO . i;;.!ll . . .;;~.· -··.···· ;~~'.\;-;;::; "r f"OR',l~~M~:: ~.~ -Nftrn'l)"f }6/~~/~'.~~;:['.:~:/ M~L~.oitsi~: ----31 32~ i,5/ ~a" --1972!4~ PERROS2 i ·: ' _/. \ ,, ' ·~ ,,,.",.;•; .. ,. -- =-:=.,. -;::; 1J __,,...... Ill CONG. IN CASE ' _,.,, ... ..-9f1AS$ OISK !//fl. ~--· '' W. IJi. SW,;.;, SEC. 32.. T-2:lN. R-~ W.M.-/ DX-ING W/SE l&ell, 0ST---,_). :ii S.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4, SEC. 32, T-231 ...,_ • "' (C) M.i.C. =· ""'' ~'i{{~ :;~~:o-wf,UJ..OW M£>.SIJREO ~= .. MONUt.lENT IM USE t'lt.T 1'fi.'M.~?-2~ fflE AESER\IE AT STilNEH>.VEN PLAT VOL 233, Pil 4J.-47 fEf5ENCE8 I. KING COUITTY >.SS£S50R'S 2. PL.Al Of PANfnER MEAD< :S. TliE ll£SE!'l'IE ~I STOHEH PC. 4J--47 ~. PlJIT Of KCSP -- "' 6. RI 7. K1 e.. Pl.AT P<J. 30-J7 9. S1'EWAAT 11TL( OUAAmr WARANTEt:, ORDER No. :W7 DATEtl M'-IICl-t !4, ~007. ~ N BE'-l!INll ~o,inrt: ~1'ED 0°~5 • E } r· --_ N~ .• Of S 190', N 220',.! 1f?., ~w ~4.._SII 1 /4, SW 1l±, :!;C. J2, T-UI.._R-~. w~. : J. ' , ' ~ . . ,~ I FOtrl Dfft M!ILf8 I °i .. ,!c \.CT 2, KINO COU!fTY SMOflT Pl.AT No. 2876fi..fii:~ u~ER Ra:a'IDING No Ii:! ('°~'],,',,"",;°';;',,~ "i 11 OF KIIIO COUNT'!', W"5Hll'IG'ION. I:; : ~... :/:~->:;:::;::.::;:j; o 'i ~ i # NOTES G ll/ ft v'-., ;<"'o :'-/ /-/ <,,.:) ~ , ~ · § 1. TH1S SllRYE'I' WAS f'ERfORMEl) USINIJ A NIKON OlN -420 TOTH. STA110N EMl't.C"l'lNC CONVElfflOl,l/!L J. k:CSF> 28702~<'(.'?'<-. c-.. ;\ ~ : .$ ~~-~fm.FlEl..tl WORK f!t C£0001C SURVEY\NQ SEIMCf: IN 2007. ALL MEASIJROIOOS st~ 8 7oa11-14~2 \•. '"'" , '. I ~' ; , '~ I 2. S1EWAAT mu: GUARANTY COMP""" SU90IIIISION CUAAANTE£, ORDER Mo. 20714llD21, DAll:O 1-;-,!_ LOT 1 c><<:\(:,~ :i~, •2 i l,;c : ~~4,~~ 1WsED~~FO!li_JlS~EJt :b~~~,Q~~O ~U~ LINE ..i"': ··., f_/ <i<'',< '1\ -; -~ ;:;· i ADJUSTMENT CDmFICATE lS SLIS.IECT TO™~ F"Ol..lll'IIING SP[aN._ [J(C£PTIONS. I K~ c_/__;c ·" --'"I , C~Al~INK f£NC£ , ; :·~ t.~ !a : A, lCC WATER DIST. Ho. 58 TEMPORARY WATER SOhlCE AGREEMENT'S MIO fflE TERMS REC. No. 3 ~ !J • Q\"i,.t~lJNK 1 .J '-".'! ,r, 1i>' i 741112900211 >.NC 770IJ0043:J, ;,,:~IH 6 ~Nef:. , . . . . • ...... -... ~ ' e. R£S1RIC1IOH, CONOl110NS Of r>.CE OF SMORT Pl.AT R£C. No. 7DO!l13071?. c,~cE AP___ ,-,---., . . 0 · ~ 1-. C. mlMS NIP OONPITIONS OF= REC. No. ~03022-4-95. H' E:. 1.5' N j" :.,77//,7, I 't.-7/)7,7/)?;.: ._:.·.:·.· · ' :.;\., ! . 1 ~/ [· ~J,,T&~Jh~,J/1i~l~2.CUTS R[C. No. 770!1~17. ---i-----,5.§'... '777/77/)'77. ~ Ls 1.1%" . ~; -.-.·. ~ -I' ,, ,j F. ,ERM ANO PRC\IISIONS Of SIDE: SEV1U1 D.SEl.!ENT UNCE'R RE;C. NO. !170!!100533 Wp//. . .., s.._ .~' { (l~R~3Ef-i;;j.·.'".: · .. ·.• t,j. · ·· , ~ .,, :;i G. [,I.SEM[H"IS, ~ANTS, cmlDl110NS AND RE'STRIC110NS CONTAINED IN fflE SHO~T PLAT REC NQ ,;'.: R<~illE~~, ).V71'('.~~0 sO. J. ·. -···liijl; ,_ ·•-J. .. W--8708141'!52 i c;.'. Ctif~5o~uM~ ~" % w· -·· . -Uj · 3. TRA"ERSE a..osuRES fOft lHIS $1..¥1:~ EXCfiD 1ME REQUIROIENT'S Of WAC J32-131)-M0 • • • \; "()I.) -·N'/L, W/.<'L//, ·.. . oj 4. ™E '!OPOOIW'lil(: S\JRVtl' SHOWN l'IEREQN W,S P£RFORMED IN .JJOHUARY Cf 2007 11,[ FIELD 0>.TA U) S!J ' ~ ,if/$,?U'°_!~: oj__ ;"i·l-... ,., . . . l WAS COIJ..ECIID ANO AECO,WEO (IN IIWJ~C ~W. 111ROOOH AN ELECl'RtC niEODOUTL 11,E O'.TA FIL£ ~;~ Os,,~>..) ~>,o}& 8 "' ~/..£.Ud:'>f 1/-\' ::,:~-~ _::t· .Jc~_\,~·~ , ,,:;i)/ ·j, ~j: IS .oRCHVED ON OISC OR: CO. WRITTEN FIEU) NOTES W.'I' NOT 01ST .. ~ 1IJ t~· ~ 'o'J:J:X -~·..,;;,,~-· ii,;>,<'-~' ~~ , .. --e BASl8<lf1F!Btl'.lll R Ev·1 ~(~' ! U" ';J'\' ,;:;, <'II o ,..~,, -~-,,-1150.03 5.l ,,, . '0 lllE lJME BE'T'IIEEN fflE MO!UMEHTS AT 1H£ 9. 1/4 ' \j' I "' _ .. ,·,-;-,; '·',.',c•·;• LOT 2 1 1 Q . ;;, COltNElt ;J;D MONUl,IENT ~T :<-INC OF CEHW!UME' or , t f~ ;;.,-t~.-/·•'"•'~1f:firf,,:' s;}:!~·{ --'; ;-'(:~ ~\;." ,. ,S~~~~W~:!:'N!:i~~~•w hlO.N.NO.TfOIJNJ .i,\-·'1J.i.(1 .-,{ ;:R p 1' ;. • / ~>{: ... ,-·-• .,.~ ,.··· ;.[ " ~ CALC.POSITI~ ,,1.1·~{9y: [.g ~ iii;--'-," "-, • ,.. Q ' ;' ~ I SCC'rlON SUBOI\/ISION ~ PLAT Of PlR ROS < <!-".--:.;.1-S ;;'; a ';ALC . . ,, ' .' y,.,,., ..i • PN-IT1-':ERVf:AllCWY!ll...1~1,PG.211-28 SEE_CIETA'L ·f.i•r:;, ;'; ,': l'C/5;CICJN S. lN .. OF N 220'. E,,,1/i, S 1/2. NW7'' ii'j , -, -~PU~~ , ' '" f'!.R '<OS t a.,·'i.N_~{A~~ t~s:'R1!;;; .. s:..F .. ·.·.t-. ~-J~ . .:,.,·,· ;r3~1:i :;~ re~ ~ ~~ \,\// r~ 28]2 -~;.e9'"i9ln'. :2:;~~'~ ~3.2§, I N89'50'~ -.150,~ · ·~b -...::_:!} I~.' ' \!_; ~ d, .::; \_rni:ORE'fl~At.. ---_J_ _,. ~ ·.:._ '; ' . --~ ~ I ;,, ,:,.,:.,~b. ~ Cl/4 ,,. """"'"'""= .. ,..,-DEC 1 ,,. ' e SW 1/4. SW 1/4, SEC. J2,. ,-.... '. , -i " "-,.i,, J ·, ', H. •• r::cc· · 1· " ''••, ':"AI ~ "1 " , -1 1 ;-J q,:,,~<S· 1-V-11 I ,x, ~ \', '. ,, r., ~,J_:, " FILE COll'V '--,----~:;;:c.,i_~~ r-= x :,, 'I i '?.,i,[:""o,;, ' .,_. ,! . >., SE1901H KC ... z j .,., ·-.. ' ii! \ ( .(" u ·~ ~ ,. I ",·, .,,i .. .-= .. -. . . ·. / ..:.., -, '.v : :;!, : :~: ~.'--TE!) OEC oe, -·---',. '"0<!NC 1,1.1.C. ~~A~S DI~~ ,,, .. ~ • • ' L ~; "'' ~ "',v..; \ \ 32 .; ~"i,,," , SE 192TH . :~ s1~£J,.9,· t ],,l'l,'----,,o""c.,c,,c000.,e--c,c°'c"c"~-~ 'i"""" I ! ~· -·r ~··, 654.H' -·-32 ~ .to~ NOT FQIJ~D I" I ~-Na;·;o·oa·w 261~ C. ~ CAL~. PQSlllON W/Y I~ CONC WSlTF.D -'UNE "05 ,. .! • j c.ot' N. o.o< w , _ _p--.~:;~ / fl1~ '?tPE~ ~os , SUBDM:'IION Of ... ,-~1 I M'BJfP !11 PA \ . SW1/4, SEC. 0,2, T-Dl R-5E. W.M. I • I SCALE: 1•-1coo' •• ./ ~ I I ,, ,, o(lo s, GEODETIC SURVEYING SERVICES JAVINDER KAUR GARCHA ~ .. ~~ l 8845 I 02ND A VE SE Rc:N10N, WA 98055 GARCHA VICINITY MAP"'·' P. 0. BOX 34BB RENTON. WA 98056 PHONE: (425)299-1739 SHORT PLAT No. Ul7Sflll22 'li,,a~--w ;~~~r:~~ { ,.,,.,,...., RV ....:; e.•= 1 ;·)" ~ i I I I I !~ I I >U\11'>·•-'XVI i;,,J.--m l,ot) '"".JID 19WVM'•o•a•J. ~•es•u,.v"it O!tl EXHIBIT 3 i !J!! ,jlill! I UJf'·I '. 1 1 P'Jt I ; ·1lj11 ; ·1l 11l1. I ·1 , l!h1 11 • 1DliJ l ! !ll·11 l 1 !1_111~.i I! 11 f lhH J 1 ill t!linm It ,r~·l<im,"" 1..,,, .. ,.,~ ,rs-•v,.;:"1,q, Rl,l1'0q[!l"-""1!"'1-T "'Td""'"'"o.i.ul .. !S JI EXHIBIT 4 R-14 R-14 R-10 ZONING PW TECHNICAL SERVICES 07/15/08 TT, 19 T23N RSE W 1/2 RM-F R-14 ~' 1l CA R-10 J4 -05 T22N RSE W 1/2 0 200 400 1-t.J I Feet 1:4,800 ~ " • • CA SE 100'.h R-8 ------< R-14 CA SE 176th St CA CA R-8 \ R-14' SI:. liOthSL 14 32 T23N RSE W 1/2 5332 )NING MAP BO K 'B 1 'B2 1"s3 £l -·~s 1 4586 1~7 26T24NR4E 25T24NR4E 30T24NR5E i9T24NR' 28T24NRSE . 'vn<NRSE. 26T24Nb5E ~-'------t~;.;;.---F=;;.....-F-'-='.L:-F=::__.:F.;,;;;.:,;;;_~':'.'+' f'::___j.j 81 94W 455W /457 ; 458 460 _4_64_! C1 C2 1 J5 T24N R4E 36 T24N R4E ,· . , I - C3/ C4-·-C5, . C6 -c7 , -·-.,. . .. , ' I 31 T24N RSE(; :. 32-T24N RSE .. ·--. Ja.<fflN _B..l>E-·-~ T........._ ----:· 35 TI24N RSE · 306 '307 ="0.W8 ' 309 · · 368',c, 1'::.:~ 800 , 801 .0-··· 1 :'r·[)2 1 1 D3 \\D4 .. D§ oaJ, D7 ,1.· . ~ r--, 2 T23N R4E 1 \r23N R4E · ' 6 T23N RSE ,,: T23N-RSE · · 4 T23N R5E 3 T23N RSE L,.; 2 T23N RSE 316 : 806 ' 311 ·.·· 318--·' E2', t3 >--' 12 T23N.R4E c ...z, T23N RSE Ea1·T ~7 . ' 10 T23N R·s1;.· '---·-11 T2 N RSE 805 . I.;_ .8T23N RSE--9 T23N RSE - 325'. / 326 '°~,?] F1·\~+-!r2l'' 1:3· -- 4 T23N R4E \ J3 T23tfR4E 18 T23N RSE -., 8rt1 ... I . F4···· -F5 ~f;~L'"f7 17 T23N RSE 16 T23N RSE t 1fi T23N RSE 14 T23N RSE. 328 370 810_ 334 \;335 336 ~ 337 816 . ! ,G1 ..... G2 24 T23fil R4E G3 1 1 G4 ----Gs.: J'G~~) "Gl:: 19 T23N_RSE 20 T23N RSE 21 T23N RSE l 22 T23J'~ RSE,) 23 T23N R5E',. 2• ~3 T23N .R4E 344 345 600 .. 601 . 602 I __ 820 821 /.E H7 1 tfT23N R4E 25 T23/W R4E ' ~-. 50 0 351 1 r--........ ------ / I '1 ' ; 12 ' f , r"'···-fisN~E 36 T23N R4E 06'./ 607 ' H3 H4 H5 r~)H6 30T23N R5E . ·29 T23N RSE 28 T23N_ R5E .. .., ... J27T23N R5E 1603? 604 605 i I 825 ~ 14 IS ) 16 I t3. r 31 T23N R5E ' 33 T23N Rii j 32 T23N RSE 34 T23N RSE 608 j c~ 609 [ 610 632 I ' : f;.t,711ER I.Ail 26 T23N RSE . 1 ·25 826 / 8 I I u 3€ 17 35 T23N RSE 833 8 )1 J2 J3-J'4 J5 J6 J7 22N R4E 1 T22N R4E 6 T22N R5E RESIDENTIAL ~ (RC) Resource Conservation ~ (R-1) Residential 1 du/ac [F-4] (R-4) Residential 4 du/ac ~ (R-8) Residential 8 du/ac ~ (RMH) Res·1denlial Manufactured Homes ·. ~=iD (R-1 O) Residential 1 O du/ac EGJ (R-14) Residential 14 du/ac I RM-rl (RM-F) Residential Multi-Family IR1-T I (RM-T) Residential Multi-Family Traditional Ml (RM-U) Residential Multi-Family Urban Center 5 T22N R5E 4 T22N R5E 3 T22N R5E 2 T22N R5E 1 T2 M IXEO USE CENTERS ~ (CV) Center Village IL'C-N1 I (UC-N1) Urban Center-North 1 IJC-N2I (UC-N2) Urban Center-North 2 ~ (CD) Center Downtown COMMERCIAL I CDR ! (COR) Commercial/Office/Residential @] (CA) Commercial Arterial ~ (CO) Commercial Office ~ (CN) Commercial Neighborhood INDUSTRIAL -~ (IL) Industrial -Light ~ (IM) Industrial. Medium 0 (IH) Industrial -Heavy -----Renton City Limit5 --·--Adjacent City Limits KROLL PAGE PAGE# INDEX We as residents on and arounl'i 1 .5 102nd Ave. SE oppose the Sl these criteria: EXHIBIT 5 L Most properties in this area are much larger than the propo 2. All trees would have to be removed to provide for the planned easement to 18855 102"d Ave SE, and planned second residence at 18845 102"d Ave SE. 3. Neither residence would have a yard; we live in an area where everyone has space. 4. This isn't a high-density neighborhood/subdivision. 5. TJ1is property has already been subdivided; the other half of the property is at 18839 102"d Ave SE. 6. Subdividing this property in such a fashion would bring our already declining property values down further. 7. We already have drainage problems due to past mistakes at the county level. Cutting down trees and adding more foundations will promote soil erosion and more flooding to the immediate neighbors. 8. Increasing density ~ increases in traffic. 102nd Ave SE is the only road into our neighborhood and it is narrow. We already have problems with traffic and don't wish to add to it. Name(Print): l::})WA.Rb '&&vs Address: I 'O~~~ l02 w. A.v~ s~ Name( Print) : C,H'E)'!.. 'i l.-J?I.6i IA.£. Address: 1"?1?39 /b2 ,..L Aw. SE Name(Print): Ulf.1.3ori fY7 a_,__ji I rY<)-1 Ci / ;//d /J n t'~ Address: 2) or I O,;{) ,-l1'V'f -, Name(Print): ~Jb. l)_U ' Address: t@/1 /~~£ Signature:_~tf,t_-_.~_3_m ___ l~l-~l,=J=--· ~7=\-=--- ~hn eul/ cJfciss Signature:Jt/th, D. j\~evr{-z__ ~ 1J,;A-q 6 DS'C Name(Print): SHev(V\ f'J..vrc;,cfn Signature: ~ ~ Address:~/ ~=f~l&------~lo~· ~d--h_o{_A--+->1t1~e,~s=£c..+(_,_g~P~v14--i~')~t1+--! _lv _ ___,_tJ=_,_____~~2~-~~~-- Name(Print): 57c:Vc}J HI/J.J"fe:x.__ Signature: ~ J, ~/t;i;. Address: __ ,~f}~8_/rJ~;_o_2,_rid~fJw__,_,_,.~-'5~,€_._ --~~-'d'N~-W~1t~~r.rB_o_s_s--______ _ Name(Print): .5 T}'.P/-/£1t /. -P-M 4f14N Signature: ~t.>-;(} ~ J.-<~ Address:_1Z'S':6t 14;;} /Jt,t_e_ {:z.. /J.fll{olfi ttln:-qfl' y<;" -63/.Z, We as residents on and arounu L8845 102"d Ave. SE oppose the subd ion of the property based on these criteria: 1. Most properties in this area are much larger than the proposed <8000 sq. ~-lots. 2. All trees would have to be removed to provide for the planned easement to 18855 102"d Ave SE, and planned second residence at 18845 102"d Ave SE. 3. Neither residence would have a yard; we live in an area where everyone has space. 4. This isn't a high-density neighborhood/subdivision. 5. This property has already been subdivided; the other half of the property is at 18839 102"d Ave SE. 6. Subdividing this property in such a fashion would bring our already declining property values down further. 7. We already have drainage problems due to past mistakes at the county level. Cutting down trees and adding more foundations will promote soil erosion and more flooding to the immediate neighbors. 8. Increasing density = increases in traffic. 102"d Ave SE is the only road into our neighborhood and it is narrow. We already have problems with traffic and don't wish to add to it. ,,mc(OC,,<)£;,.Jq 2 Ji:,,-c.4 ;=S<goa<cre, /...,1 '_\ i 'J> (1 _]) G_ h l t~L_ Address: ~J /C:l;J ... ~I Ji {'.e'_~ (!,,vzi<YJ1 -71.__/ ~~· -- Name(Print):_US ':CeL1-a Y1h 'c' l y Signature:4~_fwv~~-- Address: { 'ff/2~ C2 -/0) 5f [P ---------------- Name(Print):_±(_~ :5; ~ ___ Signature:~'.1e'-4=-: Address: \OO"'jl, 5~,\ '10+h __2zf ~ +---,~__:__A____ __ '2t_i_·o"I"_r_ Name(Print): a. ~J~r ___ Signature:_--,,~ Address: ,;::;,.; 7iP -<I w,q 'Jcfo 6"S . - Name(Print):__!jT~[i} M <. fiA /\ll l::t' Address: pi!'G: -70 I --; _ _ilv1 k >r Signature:_{j~J1i-,. 7(A.,....-_ /2[1{10rJ 9ft!S-C:,---- Name(Print):lk /j) I mttJltmE'G Signature:_ ML a. /YJcfltLrn.e <.... Address:_ ']DI ,S, ,5;i.rd s+ BenhJn. IA.ti qfs[JSS • Name(Print): _____ _ Signature: __ Address: April 9, 2009 Cheryl & Edward Bigus 18839 102nd Ave. SE Renton, WA. 98055 425-277-9359 Mr. Gerald Wasser Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA. 98055 EXHIBIT 6 Re: Garcha Short Plat/LUA09-001, SHPL-A (KC File #L07S0022) Dear Mr. Wasser, NT PLANNING QEV~ff~~ c;fNTOM t,..PR \ 4 2009 RECEIVED We are writing in response to the petition to subdivide the property located at 18845 102nd Ave SE, Renton. At this time, we wish to be a party of record for the Garcha Short Plat/LUA09-001, SHPL-A {KC File #L07S0022) We are opposed to the subdivision of the property at 18845 102nd Ave SE. Following are the reasons we oppose this subdivision as well as a little history. The property would be divided down the middle from East to West, AFTER a ten-foot easement along the length of the south side property line is granted to the property at 18855 102nd Ave SE that is behind 18845 and 18839 102nd Ave SE. The reason why Mr. Garcha is granting the ten-foot easement is that he and his partner (the owner of record for the property at 18845 102nd Ave SE) are planning on subdividing and building houses on the property. This can't be done without widening the driveway, which is the reason he bought this property in the first place. There were grand plans for the property at 18855 102nd Ave. SE. First it was going to be six houses, then five houses, then they were thinking of apartments, and now have settled on three houses, even though the land is not suited for three houses due to a very large gully in the middle of the property, nor is it in keeping with the open space of our neighborhood. We oppose this subdivision at 18845 102nd Ave SE because if Mr. Garcha were allowed to grant the easement as well as build the second residence on the property, this would entail stripping the entire property of all the existing trees. We know this to be, because it is what his partner has recently done to the property behind us at 18855 102nd Ave. SE. Ninety percent of the trees on that property have been removed, which I am sure you are aware of since you are with the Community Development Department. I am sure we don't have to go into the benefits of trees in a neighborhood and community especially in regard to property values, environmental impact, soil erosion, and flooding. Also, if the property is subdivided, and another concrete slab is installed where is the rainwater to go? We have serious drainage problems already in our neighborhood due to the county allowing a residence just around the corner to be built on a former wetland site that was filled in for development (10318 SE 190'h St., built in 2000). This has been detrimental to our entire neighborhood with basements regularly flooding when it rains and large areas of standing water in everyone's yards. We feel that adding higher density housing in our area will impact all of us negatively. The next reason we oppose this subdivision is the plan to make lots around 8000 sq. ft. does not fit in with the surrounding neighborhood at all. Not to mention if the ten-foot easement is granted, the subdivided portion of the land will be very narrow and long, and less than 8000 sq. ft. per lot. This allows absolutely no space for a yard due to the shape of the lots. This may not be a problem in a planned community, but on our street there isn't a sidewalk easement, and our road is very narrow, which all contribute to the lack of open space for people. If you review the site map of our immediate area, you will see there are much larger properties surrounding this proposed subdivision and we feel it would be detrimental to the value of our properties. We should not have to shoulder the burden of our property values falling further because someone with development aspirations plans on carving up our neighborhood for their quick profit. The smallest lot by far in our general neighborhood of 102"ct Ave SE is ours right next door at 18839 102"' Ave SE at 11,250 sq. ft., which coincidentally used to be the back yard of this proposed subdivision at 18845 102"d Ave SE. The property has already been subdivided once, and that is enough. Since we reside in a residence that sits where the "backyard" of the proposed subdivision was, Mr. Garcha is proposing tearing up the remaining front yard to build a residence. Two lots of barely 8000 sq. ft. along with the long narrow configuration of the current residence and the planned ten-foot easement leave little room for a residence, let alone any yard. This does not meet with the general make up of our neighborhood. We have been dealing with Mr. Garcha indirectly for three years. Indirectly because since he acquired the property from the previous residents (the Dunbars), he has placed five different tenants, including pot smoking rowdy 20-something partiers, folks who used it as a car lot, most recently an airport limousine staging area, and it has been constantly used as a dumping ground for trash and other household items from whatever tenants lived there. This in turn attracted vermin and other wild creatures from the four corners of the neighborhood. He has recently (in the past two weeks) started to clean up the property with multiple truckloads of debris removal, and landscape maintenance. This only occurred after I sent his partner a strong email stating they were going to have to do something about the property or I was going to file a complaint with the City of Renton. We have been visited by the Sheriff's department more times than we can count over the brawling brothers that were part of a family of at least ten living there. Then we had the pleasure of an FBI raid while an Indian man, his wife and young son lived in the residence. It turned out he embezzled $SOOK from Mr. Garcha. Our point in stating some of this history is that Mr. Garcha and his partner in the property at 18855 102"d Ave. SE have nothing invested in our neighborhood or our community except exploiting the two properties for a quick buck and then moving on without a care as to the impact of all the residents in the area. This all detracts from the neighborhood that we live in and contribute to. Mr. Garcha came upon the property in a less than ethical way when he offered to buy it in 2006 from the Dunbar family; they refused, so he had one of his friends make the offer, which was later accepted. At that point the property changed hands three times until Mr. Garcha finally acquired it in June 2006. The Dunbar's refused his offer because they knew he wanted to divide the land and grant an easement for his development aspirations for the property at 18855 102"d Ave SE which he had acquired earlier. He or his partner had previous asked the Dunbars for the easement; they refused to preserve their property and the neighborhood from high density development. We wish to preserve our neighborhood and our quality of life. We all live in this area for the open space, good neighbors, and great neighborhood. Although this area of Renton is zoned R-6, it doesn't mean that we have to allow that kind of density in an already established neighborhood. It sets a bad precedent to wanna-be developers that they can buy a property in Renton city limits, go in dig up the back yard and put up another house with no thought as to the long-term effects to the neighborhood. As stated before, our property (18839) is the former backyard of the proposed subdivision at 18845 102"d Ave SE. So now are we going to allow the only remaining space to be occupied by another residence? Mr. Garcha's high- density development plans would be to the detriment of our neighborhood. We all chose this area for the open space, lack of sidewalks and the feeling that we aren't living in a high-density subdivision. His plans for a quick buck would be at our neighborhood's expense. We have discussed this proposed subdivision with quite a few neighbors and no one in this neighborhood is in support of this subdivision. Best Regards, ~ Cheryl Bigus Edward Bigus / // DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM April 24, 2009 Jerry Wasser < Bob Mac Onie I' Garcha Short Plat, LUA-09-001-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-09-001-SHPL and LND-20-0539, respectively, on the final short plat submittal. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Show City of Renton Survey Control Network monument numbers 1866 and 1868 in conjunction with the NV. Corner and the EV. Corner monuments. Provide a direct tie to the subject property. Currently the tie is to a point 20 of the SE corner of the subject property. The geometry will be checked by the city when the ties have been provided. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and Jot number) or unplatted. Note all easements, covenants and agreements ofrecord on the drawing. The new address or addresses and possibily street names will be provided by the city as soon as possible. Note the addresses and the street names on the short plat submittal. On the final short plat submittal, remove all references to trees, utilities facilities, topog lines and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary short plat approval. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Rccords\LND~20 ~ Short Plats\0539\RV090424.doc April 24, 2009 Page 2 The vicinity map is copyrighted material shown without copyright credit. This map is too heavily shaded to reproduce legibly and the use of other hatching obscures some of the dimensions and thus does not conform to WAC 332-130-050 ( 1) (d) (ii). Provide an offset distance for the structure to the north of the north property line. Provide an approval block and signature line for the City of Renton, the City of Renton Administrator. Department of Public Works, is the only city official signatory of this short plat. The dedication block needs to be re titled "OWNER'S DECLARATION". Remove all references to density, zoning, building setbacks and comprehensive plan designations, if any, on the final submittal. Note that if there are easements, restrictive covenants or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) are to be referenced on the short plat drawing. Provide spaces for the recording numbers thereof. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this short plat will be provided at the next review. H:\Filc Sys\LND -I .and Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0539\RV090424.doc\msoffice April 9, 2009 Cheryl & Edward Bigus 18839 102nd Ave. SE Renton, WA. 98055 425-277-9359 Mr. Gerald Wasser Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA. 98055 Re: Garcha Short Plat/LUA09-001. SHPL-A (KC File #L07S0022) Dear Mr. Wasser, A.PR \ 4 2009 RECE\\JEO We are writing in response to the petition to subdivide the property located at 18845 102nd Ave SE, Renton. At this time, we wish to be a party of record for the Garcha Short Plat/LUA09-001. SHPL-A (KC File #L07S0022} We are opposed to the subdivision of the property at 18845 102nd Ave SE. Following are the reasons we oppose this subdivision as well as a little history. The property would be divided down the middle from East to West, AFTER a ten-foot easement along the length of the south side property line is granted to the property at 18855 102nd Ave SE that is behind 18845 and 18839 102nd Ave SE. The reason why Mr. Garcha is granting the ten-foot easement is that he and his partner (the owner of record for the property at 18845 102nd Ave SE) are planning on subdividing and building houses on the property. This can't be done without widening the driveway, which is the reason he bought this property in the first place. There were grand plans for the property at 18855 102nd Ave. SE. First it was going to be six houses, then five houses, then they were thinking of apartments, and now have settled on three houses, even though the land is not suited for three houses due to a very large gully in the middle of the property, nor is it in keeping with the open space of our neighborhood. We oppose this subdivision at 18845 102nd Ave SE because if Mr. Garcha were allowed to grant the easement as well as build the second residence on the property, this would entail stripping the entire property of all the existing trees. We know this to be, because it is what his partner has recently done to the property behind us at 18855 102nd Ave. SE. Ninety percent of the trees on that property have been removed, which I am sure you are aware of since you are with the Community Development Department. I am sure we don't have to go into the benefits of trees in a neighborhood and community especially in regard to property values, environmental impact, soil erosion, and flooding. Also, if the property is subdivided, and another concrete slab is installed where is the rainwater to go? We have serious drainage problems already in our neighborhood due to the county allowing a residence just around the corner to be built on a former wetland site that was filled in for development (10318 SE 190th St., built in 2000). This has been detrimental to our entire neighborhood with basements regularly flooding when it rains and large areas of standing water in everyone's yards. We feel that adding higher density housing in our area will impact all of us negatively. The next reason we oppose this subdivision is the plan to make lots around 8000 sq. ft. does not fit in with the surrounding neighborhood at all. Not to mention if the ten-foot easement is granted, the subdivided portion of the land will be very narrow and long, and less than 8000 sq. ft. per lot. This allows absolutely no space for a yard due to the shape of the lots. This may not be a problem in a planned community, but on our street there isn't a sidewalk easement, and our road is very narrow, which all contribute to the lack of open space for people. If you review the site map of our immediate area, you will see there are much larger properties surrounding this proposed subdivision and we feel it would be detrimental to the value of our properties. We should not have to shoulder the burden of our property values falling further because someone with development aspirations plans on carving up our neighborhood for their quick profit. The smallest lot by far in our general neighborhood of 102°d Ave SE is ours right next door at 18839 102"' Ave SE at 11,250 sq. ft., which coincidentally used to be the back yard of this proposed subdivision at 18845 102"d Ave SE. The property has already been subdivided once, and that is enough. Since we reside in a residence that sits where the "backyard" of the proposed subdivision was, Mr. Garcha is proposing tearing up the remaining front yard to build a residence. Two lots of barely 8000 sq. ft. along with the long narrow configuration of the current residence and the planned ten-foot easement leave little room for a residence, let alone any yard. This does not meet with the general make up of our neighborhood. We have been dealing with Mr. Garcha indirectly for three years. Indirectly because since he acquired the property from the previous residents (the Dunbars), he has placed five different tenants, including pot smoking rowdy 20-something partiers, folks who used it as a car lot, most recently an airport limousine staging area, and it has been constantly used as a dumping ground for trash and other household items from whatever tenants lived there. This in turn attracted vermin and other wild creatures from the four corners of the neighborhood. He has recently (in the past two weeks) started to clean up the property with multiple truckloads of debris removal, and landscape maintenance. This only occurred after I sent his partner a strong email stating they were going to have to do something about the property or I was going to file a complaint with the City of Renton. We have been visited by the Sheriff's department more times than we can count over the brawling brothers that were part of a family of at least ten living there. Then we had the pleasure of an FBI raid while an Indian man, his wife and young son lived in the residence. It turned out he embezzled $SOOK from Mr. Garcha. Our point in stating some of this history is that Mr. Garcha and his partner in the property at 18855 102"' Ave. SE have nothing invested in our neighborhood or our community except exploiting the two properties for a quick buck and then moving on without a care as to the impact of all the residents in the area. This all detracts from the neighborhood that we live in and contribute to. Mr. Garcha came upon the property in a less than ethical way when he offered to buy it in 2006 from the Dunbar family; they refused, so he had one of his friends make the offer, which was later accepted. At that point the property changed hands three times until Mr. Garcha finally acquired it in June 2006. The Dunbar's refused his offer because they knew he wanted to divide the land and grant an easement for his development aspirations for the property at 18855 102°d Ave SE which he had acquired earlier. He or his partner had previous asked the Dunbars for the easement; they refused to preserve their property and the neighborhood from high density development. We wish to preserve our neighborhood and our quality of life. We all live in this area for the open space, good neighbors, and great neighborhood. Although this area of Renton is zoned R-6, it doesn't mean that we have to allow that kind of density in an already established neighborhood. It sets a bad precedent to wanna-be developers that they can buy a property in Renton city limits, go in dig up the back yard and put up another house with no thought as to the long-term effects to the neighborhood. As stated before, our property ( 18839) is the former backyard of the proposed subdivision at 18845 102"d Ave SE. So now are we going to allow the only remaining space to be occupied by another residence? Mr. Garcha's high- density development plans would be to the detriment of our neighborhood. We all chose this area for the open space, lack of sidewalks and the feeling that we aren't living in a high-density subdivision. His plans for a quick buck would be at our neighborhood's expense. We have discussed this proposed subdivision with quite a few neighbors and no one in this neighborhood is in support of this subdivision. Best Regards, ~ Cheryl Bigus Edward Bigus We as residents on and around 18845 102"d Ave. SE oppose the subdivision of the property based on these criteria: 1. Most properties in this area are much larger than the proposed <8000 sq. ft. lots. 2. All trees would have to be removed to provide for the planned easement to 18855 102"d Ave SE, and planned second residence at 18845 102"d Ave SE. 3. Neither residence would have a yard; we live in an area where everyone has space. 4. This isn't a high-density neighborhood/subdivision. 5. This property has already been subdivided; the other half of the property is at 18839 102"d Ave SE. 6. Subdividing this property in such a fashion would bring our already declining property values down further. 7. We already have drainage problems due to past mistakes at the county level. Cutting down trees and adding more foundations will promote soil erosion and more flooding to the immediate neighbors. 8. Increasing density = increases in traffic. 102"" Ave SE is the only road into our neighborhood and it is narrow. We already have problems with traffic and don't wish to add to it. Name(Print): EDw~tZ-1) b&vs Address: \ ~cei~~ l02 ti!). A.~ SE" Name(Print): tu?tJm /11LJ:J[ Addcm, /'6//1'/ !~'' 4-,, f Name(Print):~J!>,, .ll Address: /?§}Cf /(52,i~~:jff_ Name(Print): Si even fJ..vrt;/,Ch Signature: ~ ~ Address: l~f /(t /DJ.ho{ Ave, s£( gPV1ft211 r lv!j-~2 -~~ Name(Print):_5~a_cv.~c)...)~-H~v.~'J.)"f,-e_1l~ _____ Signature: ~ J • fl$. 1f}e>1u 10-irid..~/:N=:_,· ~~S~.€~·-rfo.J~~1~~0J~-w~11~~1fi_o_s_s-______ _ Address: Name(Print): .S,fl?i-/£1,//'. P-1':fJft/:1"4& Signature: ~t->-;O U-B«k<~ Address: / 'z{>t61 /t)d) lkr.e 52-f.._. t9..£!Ll]:sdi ttkf.-qyl? ye;--63/.L We as residents on and around 18845 102nd Ave. SE oppose the subdivision of the property based on these criteria: 1. Most properties in this area are much larger than the proposed <8000 sq. ~-lots. 2. All trees would have to be removed to provide for the planned easement to 18855 102nd Ave SE, and planned second residence at 18845 102nd Ave SE. 3. Neither residence would have a yard; we live in an area where everyone has space. 4. This isn't a high-density neighborhood/subdivision. 5. This property has already been subdivided; the other half of the property is at 18839 102nd Ave SE. 6. Subdividing this property in such a fashion would bring our already declining property values down further. 7. We already have drainage problems due to past mistakes at the county level. Cutting down trees and adding more foundations will promote soil erosion and more flooding to the immediate neighbors. 8. Increasing density = increases in traffic. 102nd Ave SE is the only road into our neighborhood and it is narrow. We already have problems with traffic and don't wish to add to it. Name(Pria<) Jq_;,c1 q' ::J fi;,,u:__.IJ s;g"a'"re ~' A j) l'f ]) Ch l(/IP-6 Address: ~J IC'.,? ,._,cfls{:. 1< e.-1,qt6*7 J(/~. Name(Print):_Le 5-Lt' L, La nib It' l v-Signature:_¢..uizz al+1.._~- Address: f 8:/21,.d-/O). <1[J Name(Print):~~ ::S'1~ Address: \ 00) l, :5 ~ , \ ~ Q...1-.{,, cl'f Name(Print):~.t·,e,-I'll Address: Name(Print):$eftaJ /vl, N /t .M El: Address: .. -70 I 5 t;j_.,, k >r Name(Print) :-1:1..E_ill j m C.lJlf t"nE:£-Signature:~/, ft . /YJ_J}4.-rn L (___ Address: ']D( ,S. ,5;).rd ,Si Remvn. ud 1/soSS ' Name(Print): Signature: Address: City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 14, 2009 APPLICATION NO: LUA09-001, SHPL-A DATE CIRCULATED: MARCH 31, 2009 APPLICANT: Javinder K. Garcha PLANNER: Jer Wasser PROJECT TITLE: Garcha Short Plat PLAN REVIEWER: Rick Moreno SITE AREA: 0.40 acres EXISTING BLDG AREA ross : 2,032 LOCATION: 18845 102"• Avenue SE PROPOSED BLDG AREA ross N/A I WORK ORDER NO: 78008 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesrting approval of an Administrative Short Plat for the subdivision of a 0.40 acre site into two lots for the eventual development of detached single family residences. The proposed project is vested to King County regulations and is being processed in the City of Renton. The proposed project is in the King County R-6 zone and has a density of 5 dwelling units per gross acre. Lot 1 would be 8,555 square feet and Lot 2 would be 8,705 square feet in size. The existing single family residence and garage would remain. Access to both lots would be from 102nd Avenue SE. The project is Categorically exempt from SEPA regulations. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Lin ht/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transnrirtation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Natural Resources Historic/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 8. C. We have reviewe this application wit particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where ad · ionaf information is eeded to properly assess this proposal. -.. Date Project Name: Project Address: Contact Person: Permit Number: Project Description: Land Use Type: i:;?1fesidential D Retail D Non-retail Calculation: ). -I : \ ;;.<AJ.~.,J· \ o'\ li.Sl Mi-\.,._ q;S7 · 1 o .. "' "° ,,, 'H -n ·1:-15 q.s1 j.. I> I_,. i# b'\ -,- / I Method of Calculation: 8-JTE Trip Generation Manual, 7'" Edition D Traffic Study D Other (z..~) ':,~i<I.. '1.$1 /" ~'--. Transportation 4 Mitigation Fee: ~ 11, ]/ 1. 7c; . Calculated by: :Krr i. :f\i&::oc\iv Date: c..f 1 h.)~1 Date of Payment: ____ :J _________________________ _ NOTICE OF APPLICATION PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Garcha Sliorl Plal I LUA09-00 I, SHPL-A (KC FILE #L07S0022j PROJECT DESCRIPTION· The a pf t aubd1v,s1on of a o 40 acre· s,le in'o lwc lot t ~ari '5 req~esn,nu app;o,al of _an Admimslrahve Short Plal for 1.,., proposed prOJecl 1s vesled :o Kin~ County re~u~:l,o e :~~ntu~ de,elopmenl of rlHti<ched s1~ple fan11ly residences The ,s ,n the King County R·6 zone and has a ,1ens,t,·nsf 5· d ,s 11 "'"9 processed "_1 11,e City of Renton. The proposed µroJe<:I ar.::r Lot 2 would be a 705 t 1 c . . wa mg un,ts per 9'_0"" ac,e Loi 1 w0uld be 8 555 square feet both lots WDVld be 1rO~ 10~~~a;:.,~~e ';tz;h The ~x_1s11ng srngle fam,ly residence ~nd garage would re~ain Access lo c prowci 1s Categor,cally exempl lrom SEPA regulatrons PROJECT LOCATION· 18845 102"' Ave11ue SE PUBLIC APPROVALS 'lomin,sira·we Short Plal approval APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Jav,ndm K Garcha. Tel· !206) 26S-9065 DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APP~ICATION: DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: City of Renton: January 6, 2009 King County· Apnl 5. 2007 City of Renton: March 31, 2009 King Count,; July 24. 2007 If you WDvld like to be made a par.· of re d ·o f · --------·-~= and ·el um 10: City or Ren In cEo'. p 1,.n~:g (l/~~,~,';~1~~t;·~:'.~~::~;~,~;/n:e~;~~o~~i P;;~e5c; co,n~lete this torr, Fole Name.' No Garcha Short Plat lLUA09-001 SHP~-A (KC: '°ILE #L07S0022) NAME MAILING ADDRESS ______ _ TELEPHONf: NO. -------·-- CERTIFICATION I, ~ALO "~reby certify that 3 copie were posted by melr(=---~onsp1cuous places or nearby th DATE:3 h I kco/ ;u < I I ATIEST: Subscnbed and sworn before me, a Notary Pubhc, m and for the State of Washington res1dmg1n. rJ.1 ~ ',>.'II 1, '1 1:2,(ll tt:L ,onthe__,_/ __ dayof aflA: , CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT· PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 31st day of March, 2009, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter & NOA documents. This information was sent to: Name Javinder K. Garcha Owner Bhupinder Singh Chandi Developer Bruce MacVeigh Engineer Richard Vaisvila Land Surveyor Parties of Record See Attached Surrounding Property Owners -NOA only See Attached (Signature of Sender): . ~ ~,.,, STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) Notary (Print): 'Arnbec L'/bO My appointment expires: ;, -\ G,-i o Garcha Short Plat LUA09-001, SHPL-A Reoresentina BOTTHEIM STEVE SUPERVISOR Cl'LN UJSD MS OAK DE 0100 llULL TRI SHAH PPMIII C:PLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 CHAND! SINGH BHUPINDER 4413 S 146THST TUKWILA WA 98168 CLAUSSEN KIM PPMIII CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0!00 DrNSMORE LISA PPMIV CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 FOSTER CURT SR ENGR ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 GARCHA JAVINDER 18845 I 02ND A VE SE RENTON WA 98055 JOHNSON MOLLY MANAGING ENGR ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 MJ\CVEIGH BRUCE 14245 59TH AVES TUKWILA WA98168 ir-all-0008] L07S0022 L07S0022 L07S0022 L07S0022 L07S0022 L07S0022 L07S0022 L07S0022 L07S0022 MARIANO ARLEI\E PPM! CPLN LliSD MS OAK DE 0100 SIMMONS PAT PREL REV ENGR ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 VAISVILA RICHARD 6041 CHAMPIONSHIP CIRCLE MUKELTEO WA 98278 WHITING KELLY KC DOT RDSERV DIV MS KSC TR 023 I L07S0022 L07S0022 L07S0022 L07S0022 JJ88320049/L07SU022 ADDINGTON CLYDE C/0 MMES l'LTlRSON 10034 S[ 190TH RENTON WA 98055 32230593 IO/L07S0022 CHURCH LINDA D 18861102NDAV[SE RENTON WA 98055 6624300010/LD7S0022 CROSS JESSE L 19005 I03RD PL SE RENTON WA 98055 3388320 I I O/L07SOD22 DOMAN JAM[S PO BOX 7486 COVINGTON WA 98042 6624300100/L07S0022 FIORE KENNETH W&CIIRISTINE A 19022 ID2NDAVESE RENTON WA 98055 3223059249/L07S0022 GOODWIN KEN GOODWIN PEGGY 18846 102ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 33 88320070/LD7S0022 HUNTER ALAN+CHERYL 10033 SE 190TH ST RENTON WA 98055 3223059248IL07S0022 JORDAN DOUG+DIANNE 18836102NDAVESE RENTON WA 98055 322305934I/L07S0022 KROG RICHARD 10127 SE 188TH ST RENTON WA 98055 3223059I24/L07S0022 LO ANDREW HK 10035 SE 187TH ST RENTON WA 98055 3 223059336/l,07S0022 BIGUS ED\VARD+Cl !ER YL 17701108TIIAV[SE#416 RENTON WA 98055 RNIL07S0022 CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 32230593D8/L07S0022 DIRKS GEORGE H+KATHY J I 8826 I 02ND A VE SE RENTON WA 98055 6624300090/L07S0022 DUNN WILLIAM C+DONNETT A L 19018102NDAVESE RENTON WA 98055 32230593 I 1/L07S0022 FRANZEN JAMES C+SI-IARON K 10133 SE 188TH ST RENTON WA 98055 3 I23059075/LD7S0022 GURUDWARA SINGH SABHA OF WA 5200 TALBOT RDS RENTON WA 98055 32230S9332IL07S0022 HUNTER STEVEN F+SUZANNE L 18810 t02NDAVESE RENTON WA 98055 KEIL07S0022 KENT El\GINEERING DEPT EDWARD WHITE 220 4TH AVES KENT WA 98032 3223059244/L0750022 LAMBERT LESTER I 8860 I 02ND SE RENTON WA 98055 3388320120/L07S0022 MAKER KENNETH M+MARTHA T 19027 I02NDAVESE RENTON WA 98055 J 12J059327/L07S0022 BURLESON ALVIN ll 19030 102ND AV[ S[ RENTON Wi\ 98055 6624300140/L07S0022 CONCIIEE MELVIN L 10313 SE 190TH PL RENTON WA 98055 6624 300050/1,0 7 S 002 2 DOLSTAD HAROLD A 19010102ND AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 6624300 t201L07SD022 ERWIN MORGAN K+RACHAEL K 10305 SL t90HI PL RENTON WA 98055 3223059285/L07S0022 GARCHA JAVINDER KAUR 14446 S 59TH AVE TUKWILA WA 98168 3388320080/LD7S0022 HOOG DARRELL+O'BRIEN CANOES 10037 SE t90TII ST RENTON WA 98055 6624 3 0003 O/J, 07 S 0022 JENSEN KENNETH R+PAMELA J t0314SE t90TII PL RENTON WA 98055 SD9/L07S0022 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #4 I 5 G. ANDERSON, PLANT & FACILITIES 12033 SE 256TH ST KENT WA 98031 6624300020/L07S0022 LEUNG YUK HUNG+FAN LEI 10322 SE 190TH PL RENTON WA 98055 3223059027/L07S0022 MARTZ IVAN D+ALLISON C 18819102NDAVESE RENTON WA 98056 80833 50260/L07S0022 MARTZ JACK W & SALLY A 702 S 52ND ST RENTON WA 98055 JJ 88J20060/L07S0022 MEDLOCK CL YDE+PURCELL NANCY PO BOX 58489 RENTON WA 98058 3388320100/L07S0022 ODRENGARY 10055 SE 190TH RENTON WA 98055 3388320040/L07S0022 PETERSON JAMES R+MARJLEA A 10034 SE 190TH RENTON WA 98055 SDIJ/LD7S0022 RENTON SCHOOL DlSTRICT #403 R. STRACKE, FACILITIES & PLANNING 1220 N 4TH ST RENTON WA 98055 6624300 I 30/L07S0022 ROWE ERIC L+DELVECCHJO SARA M I 0309 SE 190TH PL RENTON WA 98055 322J059342/L07S0022 SEVIGNY FAMILY TRUST 10117SE 188THST RENTON WA 98055 J223059028/L07S0022 SINGH RUPINDER 25906 I 25Tll PL SE KENT WA 98030 322305902JIL07S0022 TALLMADGE MARK L 18729102NDAVESE RENTON WA 98055 6624300080/L07S0022 TRANMEl 5929 32ND A VE S SEATTLE WA 98118 3 3883200201L07S0022 MCCALL MICHAEL DAVID l 0050 SE I 90Tll RENTON WA 98055 322305903lfl,07S0022 MOKLER SUSAN L 18808 I 02ND A VE SE RENTON WA 98055 3223059i391LD7S0022 PARV ALEKSEI 18815 102ND SE RENTON WA 98055 33 88320090IL07S0022 RISTER H RAY 10041 E 190TH RENTON WA 98055 3388320050/L07S0022 RUDISJl,L ROBYN R+IIEATHER M 10028 SE 190TH ST RENTON WA 98056 33883200 I O/L07S0022 SIKORA DANIEL +KERRY 10056 SE 190TH ST RENTON WA 98056 3223059338/L07S0022 SNYDER FRANK RAYMOND 10128 SE 188TH ST RENTON WA 98055 3223059307 IL07S0022 THOMAS ROBERT M & MARY ANN 18833 102ND AVE SE RENTON WA 98055 3223059Jl4/L07S0022 WARNER JAMES H+KATHLEEN B 18851 103RDCT SE RENTON WA 98055 32230592.l I /l.07S0022 MCG!LLIVRA Y MIC! IAEL S 18850 103RD CT SE RENTON WA 98055 J 22J059250IL07S0022 MOUHAMATH ESA & ZALLYKHA PO BOX 1449 RENTON WA 98057 32230593391L07S0022 PATRICELLI MICHAEL A+CAROLE A 10116SE 188THST RENTON WA 98055 322l059JJJIL07S0022 RENTON CITY OF 1055 S GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98057 JJ88320030/L07S0022 RITCHIE DELMAR K 10042 SE 190TH RENTON WA 98055 322305933 l/L07S0022 RUSCH STEVEN A RICHARDSON JUDY L 18816102NDAVLSE RF.NTON WA 98055 66243000401L07S0022 SINGH DIDAR l 0308 SE I 90TH PL RENTON WA 98055 322J059117IL07S0022 SPOSARE JAMl'.S M+CARMEN R l 0140 SE 188TH ST RENTON WA 98055 32230593 l 51L07S0022 TRACY STUART L+JOHANNA 18865 103RD CT SE RENTON WA 98055 662430011 O/L07S0022 WOODARD PATRICK+WOODARD KIMBERLYN 10301 SE 190HI PL RENTON WA 98055 .. J22l059343/L07S0022 YAMASHITA HIDEO JAMLS+MICHL 10101 SE 188TH ST RENTON WA 98055 NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO}-Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Garcha Short Plat I LUA09-001, SHPL-A (KC FILE #L07S0022) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesrting approval of an Administrative Short Plat for the subdivision of a 0.40 acre site into two lots for the eventual development of detached single family residences. The proposed project is vested to King County regulations and is being processed in the City of Renton. The proposed project is in the King County R-6 zone and has a density of 5 dwelling units per gross acre. Lot 1 would be 8,555 square feet and Lot 2 would be 8,705 square feet in size. The existing single family residence and garage would remain. Access to both lots would be from 102nd Avenue SE. The project is Categorically exempt from SEPA regulations PROJECT LOCATION: 18845102nc1 Avenue SE PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Short Plat approval APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Javinder K. Garcha; Tel: (206) 265-9065 Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on April 14, 2009. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-7382. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: City of Renton: January 6, 2009 King County: April 5, 2007 City of Renton: March 31, 2009 King County: July 24, 2007 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: Garcha Short Plat/ LUA09-001, SHPL-A (KC FILE #L07S0022) NAME: ------------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS:-------------------------------- TELEPHONE NO.: --------------- ~~y o CITY ::>F RENTON ~~.~ I(' ~ Department of Community and -Economic Development ~ -~ Denis Law, Mayor Alex Pietsch, Administrator ~N~o,:;-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------~----- March 31, 2009 Javinder Garcha 14446 59th Street South Tukwila, WA 98168 Subject: Garcha Short Plat LUA 09-001, SHPL-A (KC File No. L07S0022) Dear Ms. Garcha: This letter is to notify you that the Planning Division of the City of Renton has received the above subject application from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) for review. The City of Renton will begin its review and a report and decision will be forthcoming. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 430-7382. Sincerely, Gerald C. Wasser Associate Planner cc: Steve Bottheim, Supervisor, CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 Trishah Bull, PPMIII, CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 Kim Claussen, PPMIII, CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 Lisa Dinsmore, PPMIV, CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 Curt Foster, Sr. Engr, ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 Molly Johnson, Managing Engr, ERS LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 Arlene Mariano, PPMI, CPLN LUSD MS OAK DE 0100 Pat Simmons, Pre! Rev Engr, ERS LUSD MS OAK DE O 100 Kelly Whiting, KC DOT, RD SERV DIV MS KSC TR 0231 Richard Vaisvila, Bhupinder Singh Chandi, Bruce MacVeigh / Party(ies) of Record ------l-0-55_S_o_ut_h_G_ra_d_y_W_a_y_-R-e-n-to-n,-W-as-hin_gt_o_n_9_8_0_57 _______ ~ @ This paper contains 50°/o recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE CIT' OF RENTON 0~"'\'Y 0~ + ,!E) + Department of Community and ~ Economic Development ~ -~ Denis Law, Mayor Alex Pietsch, Administrator ~N~QI)'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~- March 18, 2009 Javinder Garcha 18845 102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Subject: Garcha Short Plat LUA-09-001 Dear Mr. Garcha: During a site visit on March 3, 2009 it was discovered that the Notice Board for this project had been taken down. On March 6, 2009 I left a voice mail message for you to advise you of this. I asked that the Notice Board be reinstalled and that you let me know when this occurred. I have not heard from you regarding this matter to date. The Planning Division of the City of Renton cannot determine that your application is complete until such time as the Notice Board is reinstalled. Please reinstall the Notice Board and contact me when the reinstallation is completed so that we may proceed with the processing of your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7382 if you have any questions. asser Associate Planner ------l-0-55_S_o-ut_h_G_ra_d_y_W_a_y--R_e_n_to-n,-W-as-hin_gt_o_n_9_8_0_57 ______ ~ @ This paper contains 50% recyded material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Moe, Judi From: Sent: To: Moe, Judi Wednesday, January 07, 2009 11 :32 AM Mariano, Arlene Subject: RE: Full sized Maps Page I of 1 l Arlene, placing in the mail a full size copy of the map -revision dated 12110/08 -of the one you used in your report attachment... ... ____ ... Judi From: Mariano, Arlene Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 11:08 AM To: Moe, Judi Subject: FW: Full sized Maps Hi Judi- Could you please mail Laureen Nicolay (address below) a copy of a full size map for the Garcha Short Plat (L07S0022)? Thank youl Arlene From: Rocale Timmons [mailto:RTimmons@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 11:04 AM To: Mariano, Arlene Cc: Laureen M. Nicolay Subject: Full sized Maps Hello Arlene, Laureen is out of the office today. I understood you need the correct spelling g of her name and mailing address in order to send her full size maps. Laureen Nicolay 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Should you have any further questions she should be back in the office tomorrow. Thank you. Rocale Timmons City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7219 (tel) (425) 430-7300 (fax) 01/07/2009 tQ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www .metrokc.gov December 18, 2008 Jennifer Henning Planning Division City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: Preliminary Approval for Short Subdivision No.L07S0022. Garcha Short Subdivision Dear Ms. Hennmg: The King County Land Use Services Di vision (LUSD) has completed its review of the above-noted short subdivision application. LUSD staff have determined the proposed short plat can comply with the King County Land Segregation Code (Title 19A), the Zoning Code (Title 21 A), and other applicable codes referenced in KCC 19A.08.060. Pursuant to the provisions of the inter local agreement between the City and our department for the review of pending applications in the Benson Heights annexation area, LUSD recommends this short subdivision be granted preliminary approval subject to conditions. Enclosed you will find the following relevant documents: • Draft Notice of Decision * • Report and Decision * • Labels for Parties of Record and 500 foot radius list • Customer Information Bulletin #25 (You may wish to forward this document to the applicant with the decision to grant preliminary approval to the application.) If you have any questions or need additional documents from the file, please contact either Arlene Mariano, Project Manager, at 206-296-6686 or by e-mail at arlenc.mariano@lkingcounty.gov or Pat Simmons, Engineer, at 206-296-6636 or by e-mail at pat.simmons@kingcounty.gov. Following the completion of your review, please forward a copy ofthe City's decision to Arlene Mariano. The preliminary approval will be valid for the period of 60-months from the date of the decision. In addition, following the close of the appeal period, please send confirmation as to whether any appeals of the City's decision were filed, and a copy of any subsequent appeal decision issued by the City. Steve Bottheim, Supervisor Current Planning Section Land Use Services enclosures Engineering evicw Land Use Services * An electronic copy of these documents will also be forwarded to the City. I Department of Development & Environmental Services King County State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) .« l'l)',l'll'l'~ !,llr-"'. ~01-1 nE.\J E.I..~ or p.£ V C\I' :0 Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) L07S0022 Garcha Short Plat Date of Issuance: Project: Location: Applicant: King County Contact: Telephone No.: E-mail: King County Permits: December 18, 2008 Short subdivision of 0.40 acres into 2 lots for detached single family dwellings in the R-6 zone. The proposed lot sizes are approximately 7,200 and 8,555 square feet. 18845 1 O~d Avenue SE, located approxim~tely 116 feet north of SE 1901 Street on the west side of 102" Avenue SE, Postal City Renton, WA. Javinder K. Garcha 18845 102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 206-265-9065 Arlene Mariano, Project/Program Manager I 206-296-6686 arlene.mariano@kingcounty.gov Short Subdivision Zoning: R-6 Community Plan: Soos Creek Drainage Subbasin: Black River Section/Township/Range: SW 32-23-05 Notes: A. This finding is based on review of the project site plan received December 10, 2008 (revised), environmental checklist received December 19, 2007, a level one drainage analysis received June 28, 2007, and other documents in the file. B. Issuance of this threshold determination does not constitute approval of the permit. This proposal will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable King County codes, which regulate development activities, including the Uniform Fire and Building Codes, Road Standards, Surface Water Design Manual, and Critical Areas Regulations. Threshold Determination The responsible official finds that the above described proposal does not pose a probable significant adverse impact to the environment. This finding is made pursuant to RCW 43.21 C, KCC 20.44 and WAC 197 -11 after reviewing the environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency and considering mitigation measures which the agency or the applicant will implement as part of the proposal. The -- L07S0022 Garcha Short Plat Page 2 f responsible official finds this information reasonably sufficient to evaluate the environmental impact of this proposal. The lead agency has determined that the requirements for environmental analysis, protection, and mitigation measures have been adequately addressed in the development regulations and comprehensive plan adopted under chapter 36. 70A RCW, and in other applicable local, state, or federal laws or rules, as provided by RCW 43.21C.240 and WAC 197-11-158. Our agency will not require any additional mitigation measures under SEPA. Comments and Appeals The SEPA determination may be appealed in writing to the King County Hearing Examiner. Written comments or a notice of appeal must be filed with the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) at the address listed below prior to 4:30 p.m. on January 5, 2009, and be accompanied with a filing fee of $250.00 payable to the King County Office of Finance. Please reference the file numbers when corresponding. If a SEPA Appeal is filed, the appellant must also file a Statement of Appeal with DDES at the address listed below prior to 4:30 p.m. on January 12, 2009. The Statement of Appeal shall identify the decision appealed (including the file number) and the alleged errors in that SEPA decision. The Statement of Appeal shall state: 1) specific reasons why the decision should be reversed or modified; and 2) the harm suffered or anticipated by the appellant, and the relief sought. The scope of an appeal shall be based on matters or issues raised in the Statement of Appeal. Failure to timely file a Notice of Appeal, appeal fee or Statement of Appeal, deprives the Hearing Examiner of jurisdiction to consider the appeal. Comment/appeal deadline: Appeal filing fee: Address for comment/appeal: 4:30 PM on January 5, 2009 $250 check or money order made out to the King County Office of Finance King County Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98057-5212 ATTN: Current Planning Section Steve Bottheim, Current Planning Supervisor Current Planning Section Date Signed Land Use Services Division Date Mailed: December 18. 2008 tQ 1,otice of King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 Land Use Decision AND Environmental Threshold Determination (Type 2) File No.: L07S0022 File Name: Garcha Short Plat Applicant: Javinder K. Garcha 18845 102"d Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 206-265-9065 Department Decision: Approve with conditions ~\~ '-"~~ ~01-1 ~~1..0~ o'<" ?.I: o c~ 'l.\}t.}'6 u1c.c. 'l. 1 ~'c.C'c.\\J1c.0 SEPA Threshold Determination: Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) Date of Decision and SEPA Determination: December 18, 2008 Project Location: 18845 102"d Avenue SE, located approximately 116 feet north of SE 190th Street on the west side of 102"d Avenue SE, Postal City Renton, WA. Project Description: Short Subdivision of 0.40 acres into 2 lots for detached single family dwellings in the R-6 zone. The proposed lot sizes are approximately 7,200 and 8,555 square feet. Permits Requested: Short Subdivision King County Contact: Telephone No.: E-mail: Arlene Mariano, Project/Program Manager I 206-296-6686 arlene.mariano@kingcounty.gov Appeal Deadline: January 5, 2009 Comment and Appeal Procedure: Comments on this proposal are welcome. You also have the right to appeal this decision and/or determination in writing to the King County Hearing Examiner. In order to appeal, a party must file: 1. A notice of appeal and a $250.00 non-refundable filing fee (payable to the King County Office of Finance) by 4:30 p.m., January 5, 2009, and 2. A statement of appeal, by 4:30 p.m., January 12, 2009, which includes: A. The decision and/or determination being appealed; B. The errors contained in that decision and/or determination; C. Specific reasons why the decision and/or determination should be reversed or modified. D. The harm suffered or anticipated by the party; and E. The relief sought. Appeals must be submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) at the following address: DDES -Land Use Services Division Attn: Permit Center 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 The scope of an appeal shall be based on matters or issues raised in the Statement of Appeai. Failure to timely file a Notice of Appeal, appeal fee or Statement of Appeal, deprives the Hearing Examiner of jurisdiction to consider the appeal. The Hearing Examiner does not have the authority to extend the time period unless the Division is not open on the specified date, in which event delivery prior to 4:30 p.m. on the next business day is sufficient to meet the filing requirement. Date of Mailing: December 18, 2008 If you have any questions regarding the appeal procedures, please contact the Project Manager at the phone number listed above. If you require this material in Braille, audio cassette or large print, call 206-296-6600 (phone) or 206-296-7217 (TTY). King County has made a decision on an application for a development proposal on property at the address listed above. You are receiving notice of this decision because our records indicate that you own property within approximately 500 feet or because you requested to receive notice of the decision. A. til King County DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 REPORT AND DECISION Recommendation to the City of Renton SHORT SUBDIVISION File No. L07S0022 December 18, 2008 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED SHORT SUBDIVISION: This is a short subdivision of 0.40 acres (17,250 square feet) into 2 lots for detached single family dwellings in the R-6 zone. The proposed density is 5 dwelling units per acre. The proposed lot sizes are approximately 7,200 and 8,555 square feet. A revised site plan was received on December 10, 2008. The primary modifications include minor lot reconfiguration and additional general notes. Refer to Attachment 1 for a copy of the short plat map. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: Owner/Applicant: Engineer: STR: Javinder K. Garcha 18845 102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 206-265-9065 Bruce S. MacVeigh 14245 59th Avenue S Tukwila, WA 98168 206-242-7665 SW 32-23-05 Location: 18845 102nd Avenue SE, located approximately 116 feet north of SE 1901h Street on the west side of 102"d Avenue SE Postal City, Renton, WA Zoning: R-6 Acreage: 0.40 acres Number of Lots: 2 Density: 5 dwelling units per acre Lot Size: Approximately 7,200 and 8,555 square feet Proposed Use: Detached Single Family Dwellings Sewage Disposal: Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Water Supply: Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Fire District: King County Fire Protection District 40 School District: Renton School District 403 Complete Application Date: July 12, 2007 C. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: 1. Topography: The site slopes gently from the east to the west approximately 5 to 7 percent. 2. Soils: AgC soils are found on this site per King County Soil Survey, 1973. Report & Decision Page 1 of9 L07S0022 D. AgC -Alderwood gravely, sandy loam; 6-15% slopes. Runoff is slow to medium and the hazard of erosion is moderate. This soil has a moderate limitation for foundations, due to a seasonally high water table and slope. It has a severe limitation for septic tank filter fields due to very slow permeability in the substratum. 3. Wetland/streams: No mapped hydrographic features exist on this site. The site lies within the Black River Drainage Basin. 4. Vegetation: This site is primarily covered in pasture grasses. Scattered evergreen/deciduous trees and brush occur in limited numbers. 5. Wildlife: Small birds and animals undoubtedly inhabit this site; however, their population and species are limited due to nearby development. Larger species may visit this site on occasion. DESIGN FEATURES: 1. Density, Lot Pattern, Comprehensive & Community Plan/SDO: This property is located in unincorporated urban King County in the Soos Creek Community Planning Area. The zoning of the subject property is R-6. The proposed subdivision meets the base density, minimum density, minimum lot width, and minimum lot area requirements of the R-6 zone. An existing residence and garage currently exist on the north half of the site. These structures will remain on proposed lot 1 of this short plat. 2. Access/Roadway Section: This short plat is adjacent to 102nd Avenue SE (an urban neighborhood collector street). This roadway has a collection of various widths and edges from SE 192nd Street to the site and beyond. The street north to SE 1851h Street consists of curbs, 6 to 8 foot shoulders and areas of substandard shoulders. The existing roadway is in poor condition and most likely it will require some repair and an overlay when the frontage improvements (shoulder) are constructed. The short plat frontage has a 22-24 wide roadway with a 6 foot gravel shoulder (both sides). The relatively flat straight road provides stopping site distance that exceeds standards. Currently, there is a telephone pole and one tree about 6 feet back from the pavement. These obstacles will require relocation or removal to provide a 10 foot clear zone. 3. Drainage: The site has a gentle slope of 5-7 percent from the east to the west. The ground absorbs most of the rainfall at this time and, runoff flows in the form of sheet flow (to the west) down the hill. A catch basin is located in the frontage and conveys any water from the roadway to the east side of the road and then conveys the runoff south along the roadway. Future runoff from the site would continue with the same flow path. 4. Utilities: a. Sewage Disposal: The applicant proposes to serve the subject subdivision by means of a public sewer system managed by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A Certificate of Sewer Availability was issued by the district on March 16, 2007. b. Water Supply: The applicant proposes to serve the subject subdivision with a public water supply and distribution system managed by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A Certificate of Water Availability was issued by the district on March 16, 2007. 5. School Facilities: The subject subdivision will be served by Benson Hill Elementary, Nelsen Middle and Lindbergh Senior High Schools, all located within the Renton School District 403. Report and Decision Page 2 of9 L07S0022 School Access: The District has indicated that the future students from this subdivision will be bussed to Benson _Hill Elementary, Nelsen Middle and Lindbergh High Schools. The bus stop location for elementary and middle school students is at the intersection of 102°d Avenue SE and SE 1901 h Street. The bus stop location for high school students is located at the intersection of 1041h Avenue SE and SE 1901h Street. Walkway conditions to the bus stops include a series of paved/gravel shoulders and sidewalks. School Impact Fees: Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21A.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve the new development. The current fee payment per lot is $0 per lot (per 2008 School Impact Fees). The assessed fee shall be collected prior to building permit issuance using the fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit application. 6. Parks and Recreation Space: The nearest public park is Boulevard Lane Park located approximately 1.6 miles east of this subdivision. King County Code 21A.14 requires subdivisions of more than 4 lots in the UR and R zone classifications to either provide on-site recreation space or pay a fee to the Parks Division for establishment and maintenance of neighborhood parks. This subdivision is for 2 lots in the urban zone and will therefore be exempt from providing on-site recreation space. E. SEPA THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW 43.21 C, the responsible official of the Land Use Services Division (LUSD) issued a threshold determination of non-significance (DNS) for the proposed development on December 18, 2008. This determination was based on the review of the environmental checklist and supporting documentation filed with the application, resulting in the conclusion that the proposal would not cause probable significant adverse impacts on the environment. F. FINDINGS/CONCLUSIONS: The subject subdivision will comply with the goals and objectives of the King County Comprehensive Plan and will comply with the requirements of the Subdivision and Zoning Codes and other official land use controls of King County (i.e. 1993 King County Road Standards, 2005 Surface Water Design Manual, etc.), based upon the conditions for final short plat approval. G. DECISION: Proposed Short Plat L07S0022, revised and received December 10, 2008 as described by Attachment 1 of this report is GRANTED PRELIMINARY APPROVAL; subject to the following conditions of final approval: 1. KCC Title 19A -Compliance with Final Short Subdivision Requirements a. b. C. Report and Decision Compliance with all of the Land Segregation provisions of King County Code (KCC) Title 19A. The final short subdivision recording documents must be prepared by a professional land surveyor, licensed in the State of Washington. These documents shall comply with the conditions of approval listed in this letter. The final review process must be completed prior to the recording of the short subdivision or the sale of any lots contained within. The Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) strongly recommends that the Final Short Plat review package be submitted to the department at least one year prior to the expiration date of the preliminary approval letter. Page 3 of 9 L07S0022 d. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final short subdivision. e. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final short plat recording. Prior to recording KCC 19A.08. 160 requires that the following is required: f. Prior to recording KCC 19A.08. 160 requires that the following is required: 1. Drainage best management practices(BMP's) facilities and erosion control measures are consistent with K.C.C. 9.04.090; 2. Water mains and hydrants (if required) are installed and fire flow available; 3. Grading as necessary so that all lots are accessible by passenger vehicle; 4. Specific site improvements are completed that are required and conditioned prior to plat recording or required to remove any safety hazard. 2. Surface Water Management and Control (Title 9 KCC) 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) The extent of conditioned improvements for this short plat qualify for Small Project drainage review, as outlined in SWDM Section 1. 1.2. 1. Best Management Practices (BMP's), is required for the new impervious surface (frontage improvements, driveways and new houses) created with this project. The review shall be included with the final platting submittal package (Title 19A). Alternatively, the lot improvements may be submitted and reviewed separately at the building permit stage. Compliance with the following condition is required unless otherwise approved by ODES. a. If the subdivision applicant chooses to defer implementation of lot BM P's to the building permit process, the following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: "Permit applications for buildings or other improvements constructed on lots created by this subdivision must be reviewed by King County for compliance with Best Management Practices (BM P's) and other applicable drainage standards as specified in the SWDM. As determined by King County, the permit applicant for each lot must prepare a drainage site plan with procedures for design and maintenance details, and record a declaration of covenant and grant of easement for implementation of the BMP's." 3. Access Requirements (KCC 14) 1993 King County Roads Standards (KCRS) Subdivision Requirements Minimal roadway improvements are required to address access requirements and impacts to existing roads and right-of-way. However, engineering plans are not required to address these improvements. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the 1993 King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (KCRS). The proposed short subdivision shall comply with the KCRS including the following requirements, unless otherwise approved by DOES: a. Per KCRDCS 2.05 (creating one additional lot with an existing dwelling unit) a 6 wide paved shoulder shall be installed along the 102nd Avenue SE street frontage. Alternatively, a standard neighbor collector street section may be installed. Street widening shall conform to KCRDCS Report and Decision Page 4 of9 L07S0022 standard 4.03.1 a minimum 1.5 inch overlay is required unless a waiver is obtained from the King County Road Engineer. b. An existing utility pole and trees located within the minimum clear zone for safety shall be relocated or removed prior to recording (KCRS 5.11) unless otherwise approved. Field verification that this condition has been satisfied prior to final approval is required. 4. Site Improvement Inspections, Fees and Financial Guarantees (KCC 19A & 27) This short plat was conditioned to construct/reconstruct road access/right-of-way improvements and/or drainage facilities. Please note that the pre-construction meeting is mandatory prior to the start of any work (including site clearing) or the recording of the short plat. a. An inspection fee and applicable financial guarantees are required prior to either starting construction or recording this short plat. Please contact the Land Use Inspection Section at 206-296-6642 to request the initiation of the fee estimate and financial guarantee paperwork process and to request a pre-construction meeting. You will then be notified of the fee amount that will be required to be deposited with ODES and of the financial guarantee amount(s) required prior to scheduling of the pre- construction meeting. b. In accordance with King County Code and related Public Rule, a right of way and site restoration financial guarantee amount of $16,600.00 has been calculated for this project and must be posted, by the applicant, with ODES prior to scheduling a pre-construction meeting. If the applicant wishes to record the short plat prior to constructing the required improvements, an additional performance financial guarantee in the amount of $3,400.00 will also be required (combined total of both guarantees is $20,000.00). The Land Use Services Division may, if circumstances require, re-evaluate and modify these financial guarantee amounts prior to posting. The applicant is allowed two years from the date of recording to complete all requirements for Final Construction Approval. Failure to complete within this time frame may result in financial guarantee forfeiture actions and increased costs to the applicant. c. An inspection fee and applicable financial guarantees are required prior to either starting construction or recording this short plat. Please contact the Land Use Inspection Section at 206-296-6642 to request the initiation of the fee estimate and financial guarantee paperwork process and to request a pre-construction meeting. You will then be notified of the fee amount that will be required to be deposited with DOES and of the financial guarantee amount(s) required prior to scheduling of the pre- construction meeting. Please note that the pre-construction meeting is mandatory prior to the start of any work (including site clearing) or the recording of the short plat. 5. Health (KCC 13) This project is exempt from further King County Heath Department review. However, if improvements are required by the sewer and/or water purveyor to serve the lots in this short plat, then written documentation shall be provided from said purveyor(s) to verify that the required improvements have been bonded and/or installed, and all necessary easements have been provided, prior to final recording of the short plat. 6. Building and Construction Standards (Title 16) The applicant shall comply with all applicable provisions of KCC Chapter 16.82, including KCC 16.82.156 concerning the preservation of "significant trees" on Report and Decision Page 5 of9 L07S0022 short subdivisions located in the King County "Urban" designated area. A detailed tree retention plan, which complies with KCC 16.82.156B2 and other applicable requirements of this Code section, shall be submitted to ODES for review and approval prior to engineering plan approval (if required), or prior to final short plat approval where engineering plans are not required. Bonding may be required by ODES to assure implementation of the tree retention plan. No clearing or grading of the site shall occur until ODES approves the detailed tree retention plan (and engineering plans where required). 7. Fire Code (KCC 17) Section 902 of the 1997 Edition of Uniform Fire Code a. The applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. b. Preliminary Fire Engineering approval has been granted with no additional requirements or conditions. 8. Zoning Code (KCC 21A) a. Density and Dimensions (KCC 21A.12) All lots shall meet the density and dimensions requirements of the R-6 zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary short subdivision, whichever is larger. Minor revisions to the short subdivision, which do not result in substantial changes and/or do not create additional lots may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. b. Street Trees (KCC 21A.16) Report and Decision Street trees shall be provided as follows (per KCRS 5.03 and KCC 21A.16.050): 1. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. 2. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of- way. 3. If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. 4. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. 5. The species of trees shall be approved by DOES if located within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. Page 6 of9 L07S0022 6. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by ODES prior to engineering plan approval. 7. The applicant shall contact Metro Service Planning at 206-684- 1622 to determine if 102nd Avenue SE is on a bus route. If 102nd Avenue SE is a bus route, the street tree plan shall also be reviewed by Metro. 8. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after DOES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. 9. Road Mitigation Payment System (KCC 14.75) The applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with Road Mitigation Payment System (MPS), King County Code 14.75, by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by King County Department of Transportation. The applicant has an option to either: a. Pay the MPS fee at final short plat recording, or b. Pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of short plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the short plat that reads, "All fees required by King County code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS) have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of the building permit application. 10. School Impact Fees (KCC 21A.43) Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21A.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, the total amount of the school impact fees shall be assessed and collected when the building permit is issued using the impact fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit submittal. Notes to this effect shall be shown on the final plat. Other Considerations A. Preliminary approval of this application does not limit the applicant's responsibility to obtain any required permit or license from the State or other regulatory body. This may include, but not be limited to, obtaining a forest practice permit, an HPA permit, building permits, and other types of entitlements as necessitated by circumstances. B. Development of the subject property may require registration with the Washington State Department of Licensing, Real Estate Division Report and Decision Page 7 of9 L07S0022 Appeal Information and Parties of Record Parties and Persons of Interest: Chandi Singh Bhupinder 4413 S 1461h Street Tukwila WA 98168 Garcha Javinder 18845 102nd Avenue SE Renton WA 98055 MacVeigh Bruce 14245 59th Avenue S Tukwila WA 98168 Vaisvila Richard 6041 Championship Circle Mukilteo WA 98278 Steve Bottheim, Supervisor, Current Planning Section, LUSD, ODES Trishah Bull, Project/Program Manager Ill, Current Planning Section, LUSD, ODES Molly Johnson, Development Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD, DOES Curt Foster, Engineer Ill, Engineering Review Section, LUSD, DOES Kris Langley, Traffic Engineer, Road Services Division, KCDOT Arlene Mariano, Project/Program Manager I, Current Planning Section, LUSD, ODES Judi Moe, ASII, Current Planning Section, LUSD, ODES Carol Rogers, FGMU, DOES Pat Simmons, Engineer II, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Steve Townsend, Supervisor, Land Use Inspection Section, LUSD, DOES Kelly Whiting, Road Services Division, KCDOT Report and Decision Page 8 of 9 L07S0022 RIGHT TO APPEAL This action may be appealed in writing to the King County Hearing Examiner, with a fee of $250 (check payable to King County Office of Finance). As required by KCC 20.20.090 and 20.24.090, the appeal period shall be fourteen (14) calendar days and shall commence on the third day after the notice of decision is mailed. Filing an appeal requires actual delivery to the King County Land Use Services Division prior to the close of business (4:30 p.m.) on January 5, 2009. Prior mailing is not sufficient if actual receipt by the Division does not occur within the applicable time period. The Examiner does not have authority to extend the time period unless the Division is not open on the specified closing date, in which event delivery prior to the close of business on the next business day is sufficient to meet the filing requirement. If a timely Notice of Appeal has been filed, the appellant shall file a statement of appeal by 4:30 p.m., on January 12, 2009. The statement of appeal shall identify the decision being appealed (including file number) and the alleged errors in that decision. The statement of appeal shall state: 1) specific reasons why the decision should be reversed or modified; and 2) the harm suffered or anticipated by the appellant, and the relief sought. The scope of an appeal shall be based on matters or issues raised in the statement of appeal. Failure to timely file a notice of appeal, appeal fee, or statement of appeal deprives the Examiner of jurisdiction to consider the appeal. Appeals must be submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services, addressed as follows: LAND USE APPEAL Land Use Services Division Department of Development and Environmental Services BlackRiver Corporate Park 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Any party may make a request for a pre-hearing conference. For more information regarding appeal proceedings and pre-hearing conferences, please contact the Office of the Examiner for a Citizens' Guide to the Examiner Hearings and/or read KCC 20.20 and 20.24. Report and Decision Page 9 of9 L07S0022 ~~ ~ 0 ~ ., --i r- I CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHORT PLAT FILE No. L07S0022 LAND RECORD NUMBER: " =.i~F:;a..=,~~lfSOF"~~~.r' ~P/1111 Flltll H IIXlJGEN(( rs 1l£ cm rs 11DnQ1, ns 9JOC£SS(ltS, ~~~w,~~~Z'°~J:nr~ OESAES or SMJ O'tltfERS. IN \flNESS N-£R£llF" WE'. S£T OUR IWOS NID SEALS. -~KAl,1111·-0NICl!A -"~ .,, STATE M WASHINOTON )S$ fflLE: COi.iNN OF --19t!llL__ l~J:lt t=rn ~~~~ :=J~ M[, ANO &IIJ PERSON ACKNO'IIILEOGED THAT HE SIGl'IED THtS ltml!UMDIT ANO ~ IT TO 9£ HIS FREE AAO VOUJHTAA'l' /Cf FOIi THE USES -'HO PURPOSES MDfflONED IN THE IHSTltUMENT. '""''------(S&J. OR STAMP) i'nU: "' -""''""---- STAT£ OF WASH!NOTOtl )ss CIJUlffY OF __.ISll:!l..!L_ I CEJmFY TWIT I KNOW OR HIM: SATISfACTORY EVIDENCE MT ·-~=~=.,= .. =,..=,=J<-=,.,==-~--=,,-~ :r,~..,gi N::Kt!Ol'lt!OGECI rr ~ M: o, MK Of WfPtC! 'ltl BE TII( FREE AMO \ICILUHTNl'I' IC OF SLOt pMr( f"OR Tl£ USD NICI P0RP0SE:S IIEHTlONED N THE INS1IIUMEM\'. ~"''------(S£,1,1. CHI STAMP) "'"' t.1Y N'POttm1£NT EXPII LAN) SllM:YCRB ~TE nil$ BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT CORRECTl Y REPRE- SDITS ~ SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY OIR£Cnot,1 IN CONFORMANCE W11H STATE ANO COUNTY STATUTES. IN . • ....... , 20 ••. CERTIFlCATE NO. 39570 F£COIICER'8 CEATFICATE ------- F1L£D FOR RECORO THIS ••...•••• DAY OF ••.•....• ,20 .•..• AT ••• M !N BODI( .......... OF •••.• AT PAGE ........ AT THE REQUEST or •• SURVE°YOR'"s .NAME .• ... MAN~ ... .."s!JP't:··t!,f·~~illl:~~-·· KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXANINIED & APPRO'.m TlilS -DAY 0.----20_ .......,..,._""""' 1HIS REQUEST QUAUAES FOR £XEMPTICW UNDER KCC 19A,2B IT DOES NOT GUARANTEE TI-IAT THE IEOOIDNO NO. Ya../P"1E. ""'""""'-DEPUTY Kll'IC COO!fT'I' ~ LOTS WILL BE SUITABLE FOR DE'JEL0PM£NT NOW OR lN 1HE FlJTURE. lllE LEGAL lRANSFER or THE PROPERTY MUST 8E DONE BY SEPARATE INS1RUMENT UNLESS AU. ALL LOTS HEREIN ARE UNDER SAME O'M'lERSHIP. b 9 1i r j OIW'HC SCALE UU'l!ET) -1Nlll•aDA. dTY or RENTON / /<Ol,tlNISlRATOT / PUBLIC WQftK$ POfl110H "" S.W.1/4 of S.W.1/4, SEC. 32, T-m, A-5E.,W.M. rgo MAP LEQB() W/PIJNO-I STAIIPm "WW !" S 47TliST ',., .. ·~--=-i-~ ---:caeca ' IS) " " "' C•J ·0-., * "' SU s,;cna,i SUllOMSIIJN i5~ ~-~..,.,...,.._...,,. __ _... Q --FMMOHUIIIENT"TE .t~ I "'J :::3:~J:~~ 'OISl"ffl)JJN"O!, "'i ~ .,. , ... n...-i:~ 0 --HOT rtll.MI 3f \ +;:: NIW'U'IJ"E:_tr::z,; ~ ~ ~ -CAlC. POSITION-I -M7l8' -1172.U ~ _.. PERR0$2 ~ ;'; ! ['Z;l ~ 1 ~I '--•••-"'", 12l:'l:"J;I:.• l!R,t,$$ DISK W/1, .........-r·~..-.._-.,.,?."":!!1 .. cctlC.frlCASC J:::~J.,;;.j ROS2 w. lH. SW 1/4, SEC. 32. T-Z,J;N, R-2,. W.11. 0 lHNO W/K 111f1tt ,ST ' l ----SF",a • "'' --"' "'" ---- ~J:~~'70'W/ml.OW ---......, ..... Qt_T ,'ri, P~:z?- 'lttE l!DEIIW: AT STONEHAWN PLAT YOl. tll, PG. Q-47 I. KDIQ COIMTY ASSfSSDll'S 1W' Of SW. 32-23-$ 2. PLAT rJF PAMlHEfl: fllEADOW YOL 151, l'O. ze...2111 J,, THE A£SERYE AT STOtEIA'oEM PUT Y0L W, PG. Q-'17 :~~~AtC.~~~~17 ~ PLA7 Of f*.-\olEW IIDGHTS YOL ll, PG. 75.711 !I. MCOlm Of SIJRVtV R£C. No. 200404G1KiOODII 7. KCSP REOOMJ(D UNDE:ft REC. tf<>. 1110108800J I, PLAT OF l'Mll!RICKS PL\CE VOL 1H, ~-~ t. S1nll<ltf mu: GUAIW4'1Y COMPNfY SJIDMSION GUNWITIL atDF:A No-. 107Hff21, ~l>IO"l,3'll"i 0.05[ ·i l ___ N_I.Jol~ Of"S 1IIO', N Ho',_! ljJ. S 1/Z.NW1{...,_SW~1e,.3c. :U, T-::::-.: ~ . ..!. l..1 1 5 hf OAm:i WAAQj 14, 2001, };g; -'> 'Jo ..lo ~>1;.~~ o/r~/·~· , F:9'1 cee er10@ LOT 2, -CCUNTY SHCflT PUT No-. ll7024. REC0RDm UNDER ll£CllAOINO No,. fJ708H1+52. RCCORDS r:,p KING COUN'IY, Wl<!Hl4ClDN. , 1 .. 'l" ~ ···~ 1; j . l" j,t:!: ~ ~ ;:-11-'l::: I. 1>E~IIINIIPERF'ORlol[l)!JSIIIQ.1<191<0ND'\1'110TOTliL.$Tl<TIOMDIPUMNO~ -I ,-.. '{':.,,. ~ f'll:OCfDUl!ES. fll!LD -flY IZIXIEnC SIRvE't'tlO SD1Y1CE Ill 2007. HJ. WEASUIEMDllS ~~; .,·;,,ti···· I F ~~ ~NITY COMPANY SIJllllMSIOM OOiWN'IE£. 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