HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 01r I •• • CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: September 17, 2009 To: City Clerk's Office From: City Of Renton Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Lund Short Plat LUA (file} Number: LUA-09-015, SHPL Cross-References: King Co. File #L04S0037 AKA's: Project Manager: Acceptance Date: November 2, 2004 Applicant: Guy Lund Owner: Same as applicant Contact: William Taylor, TEC, Inc. PID Number: 0088000170 ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: May 10, 2005 Appeal Period Ends: May 27, 2005 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: 20070919900008 Project Description: A short subdivision of approximately 2 acres into 7 lots for detached single- family dwellings in the R-8 SO zone. Location: 16217 114th Avenue SE Comments: Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW KlngCounty Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www.kingcountv.rov Permit Number: L06SI163 Parcel Number(s): 008800-0110 Permit Title: Date: LUND,GUY L04S0037/LUND SP -STREET TREE 01/08/2009 17844 147TH AVE SE, RENTON, WA 98058 Notice of Completion -Non-Project Managed This is notification that the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) has completed the review and/or inspection of the permit application. As the Permit Applicant, you have the right to dispute billings posted against the permit application per King County Council Ordinance 16026. In a dispute of DOES billings: • You may only challenge ODES' application of the development permit fees. • You may not challenge the development fees themselves, as adopted by the King County Council and codified in Title 27, or any other King County Code requirement, including any land use provision. If you wish to contest DOES' decision on the permit, you must file a separate appeal. You must request a fee waiver for any billings you wish to dispute before you may appeal the billing to the Hearing Examiner. The fee waiver request must be received by DOES not later than 21 days after the date of this Notice of Completion. A fee waiver request form can be obtained at the following website http://www.metrokc.gov/pem1its/info/fees.aspx. The fee waiver request must be sent to the attention'of: Jim Chan, Building Services Division Director (for building permits) or Randy Sandin, Land Use Services Division Director (for land use permits) at the address listed in the letterhead. DOES must issue its decision on the fee waiver request within 14 days of the request. You may file an appeal of ODES' decision on your fee dispute to the Hearing Examiner as follows: • Submit the combined Notice and Statement of Appeal with DOES within 21 days after you receive the decision on the fee waiver request. (The Examiner will conduct an open hearing to determine whether to affirm, modify or reverse ODES' decision). • The combined Notice and Statement of Appeal must include: • Completed Notice and Statement of Appeal Form; and • Written documentation supporting your claim; and • A $50 appeal fee. The fee must be paid in the form of cash (in-person only), check or money order (made payable to King County Office of Finance). If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact DOES at (206) 296-6714 or via email at: waiverappeal.ddes@kingcounty.gov NQC.NPM3 (08/23/2008) PROJECT REQUEST FORM PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS I FILE STATUS I WNEw OR o EXISTING: FILE CODE cPRJ-XX-xxxx) I LOCATION I D My Work Space: I D File Bay Shelf#: I P(Other: UTILITY PERMIT# LUA# OC[-0/S WO# ______ _ ADDRESS I STREET NAME(S): I (; :)._ I 1 I! tf th J31~SE ""'I"" 6(5. I G:). rrJ df. DEV: ______ ; CNTR: ; OWN: ; CNSLT/ENG: ____ _ OTHER ALIASES G l{ \..} j-LJQA) Lllt,){) ' ~")~. ( I {J ~ Circle Size of Waterline: Circle Size of Sewer line: Circle Size of Stonnline: 8" 8" 12" IO" 12" Circle One: IO" 12" Circle One: 18" 24" Circle One I CHECK EACH DISCIPLINE INVOLVED IN PROJECT ~ TED D TRO D WWP D WTR ';i( SWP 1-PLR (off site improvements) (Signalization, Channelization, Lighting) (sanitary sewer main, include basin name) (Mains, Valves, Hydrants) (CIP onlyXinclude basin name) (For Developer Files Only) Ltr D D D D D New/ Replace/ Extension New/ Replace/ Extension New/ Replace/ Extension Drwg # of sheets D (include TESC) D D D (inc. composite & Horizonta!Ctrl) D D (letter only) PLEASE CffiCLE THE DISCIPLINES WlllCH NEED TO SIGN MYLARS WATER WASTEWATER SURF ACE WATER TRANSPORTATION FIRE FOR FILE MAINTAINANCE USE ONLY Date Entered and Labels Made ...• !.. ·-·'"' .. ~ tQ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov • REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION DEFICIENCY Land Use Inspection Section Name of Development: Lund Short Plat Project No.: L04S0037 Address of Development: SE 164 1h St & 114 1h Ave SE. Activity No.: L06SI023 Developer: Contractor: Guy Lund 17844 1471h Ave SE Renton, WA 98058 The following deficiencies have been observed on the site referenced above and must be completed prior to Final Construction Approval or further action may be taken. Remarks: • Install drain pipe between CB #102 and CB #107 as discussed to resolve problem of detention tank/pipe flowing at a negative slope of 0.002 ft/ft. Conflict with gas line to readjust the tank to positive flow. • Remove and replace curb and sidewalk areas marked in orange paint. • Overlay required of 1141h Ave SE in areas that have been repaired and patched. • Complete plan change no. 1, L07PC047 and plan change no. 2, L08PC003. Date: January 7, 2009 Inspector: Mike Meins Cell Phone No.: 206.427.7318 Original: Developer Copy 1: General Contractor Copy 2: Inspector S/LUIS/FORM/CURRENTFORM/CON·DEF.LUI.DOC 08-09.02 ·-·------· ~,J>-'-J 1-i"~:··; ·. \'L"' t; {'; . . k --\ I.. _"l!'l'"'lll- 1' -~ .~~~ ~~~~~csiS'J) -\' cC\ ,..0,ZJ )V V ...... Jr ......••• -. .. ----· 1 RIM :.mM-·¥7198 IE~ (IN) 471.58 471:56 -·-- ------.. --..... ,,.-__..,_ .. -i'----·- ~: -~.: ·---<I. .. .,·--- ·-7 ,~·1t SD . 41' __ .ta... -. " -<I <I . .... .,_: ··~·'·'."' "1 <.1-~("I" ,;, · ~-~Lf ' (l;;'.~j) 0-0; ~O.,'; ~· ,. " . \ 1·:o, " \.}\ '· '' -·-\::.·, -.... ___ --;; ~--·· ( ~ ;> ,j, r, I _i .___., '-----~ .. ·;-,~ , _ _m11103 Tl'PE 2---1i -.,;.,, 'C'A/.RIM ~ .474.53 '-.. _ ' ( . , ,, S TV !E f6B.89 (IN) T' -.-. "-:!\.·· \ ,,./~-·-,/ . IE~ (OUT)467.9~ ·~,.,( v .... -\:.;:. . ACCESS (isER I, .l.,- ' \ \ \ ·0-0.L r,. .~. ---~~· :,. '· { ' ::'c \ r· r \_ < A "-.,-., ., ~i 98 Lf 48"/ V) -• -\..= "··i2, --OET. TANK'i-- ( ,r---, v7. . ".'"~./ __ CB/1102 TYPE 2 54" W/ 8: f' .,> ··v~J1/ (SEE DETAIL 2/3:1).. . . . > V RIM~ 473.70 :: "'-.;:· \ \ I \ \ '· \ IE~ (IN} 467.18 .·· '>,A (,,,;:;:'~:~:-"Isl~;:} 7\. \ Z"' <O u> l-l '14 . v'1) E:l\s,..)\ \ E, 410· (U _../--...__. DETENTION TANK PLAN SCALE: 1"=10' tQ King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov ~ Within the City of: Renton ~ Landscaping Project Name: Lund Short Plat Address: 16217 -114th Ave. SE SUBDIVISION, SHORT SUBDIVISION AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Landscaping and/or Recreational Equipment INSTALLATION APPROVAL ~ Recreational Equipment Project No: L04S0037 Landscaping Inspect Activity No.; L06SI164 On 10/29/2008 it was determined that the landscaping and/or recreational equipment required for the project listed abo~e have been installed. The minimum 2 year · maintenance perif.d fof, landscaping only, as required by King County Code, shall commence on IL '2h ~ · r, PERFORMANCE FINANCIAL GUARANTEE INFORMATION If you have questions concerning the status of the following financial guarantee(s), please contact the Financial Guarantee Management Unit at 206-296-6659. Posted Amount Financial Guarantee Activity No. Financial Guarantee Activity No. _____ _,,/Landscaping '-$ ______ * _A~0~6~BN~2~3~3 __ ~_Recreation Equip?$ 16,620.00 *If landscape financial guarantee~s) includes amount for recreational equipment and/or trail, landscape only portion is$ IC){)C),<2(2 KING COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE Inspector: Mike Mains 11/25/2008 Eng. III Initials:_-j-'-->q,-----Date: \V(J(ofi::. DEVELOPER REPRESENTATIVE Name: Guy Lund Street: 17844 -147~ Ave. SE City: Renton State: WA Zip: __ 9~8_0_5_8_ Original: Developer Copy I: FGMU Copy 2: File Copy 3: Inspector Landscape Rec Equip Install Aprvl form revised 05252007 • 1 / te> /-z.co6 ~X: 4z-. ,c) : 6, uy l.-u1'.JO +So. I s%r- ~ ·. ,Mtic,€ /Lle-{~7 jL/1'.J::',. Co,;,~ ~'? CB#I 04 TYPE I ~f!/S' 47J.98 RIM ~ \ 'l'I' 471.58 IE~ (IN) ,~ 471.25 IE~ (OUT) If 471.40 (S) ~ ~ \ \ ----·---- Wednesday, Jul 02, 2008 04:28 PM • 6,,v'1- ~·~ Ap{?tzoJ&-0. I~ Tl-'-£ p,~ ~c..G'? ~ /t,J(?/c.,.A"fe:C> ~ - 6 ~ CsiJIE I 47J.25Rf ..• -- 471.25 (W)~ ~ ' ' . ;I V.'. • L __ _ ~cf i I I "' I ~ , I ·'· .. r ''1 EB N • i 6 i .................... ;······ ...... ·--··-·········-·-· ........... . :.8 M 0£'091' 31: / : '. '. ·····S·J~~W]I'''''''''''''''''''''''''' .::8 N or·ogt 31: ~--~ = = = = ~ = == =1~: ~ .JO}J!:. Jjl~h/ ' . T'/: lSOl Ht'1SS· / I • I I: . . . . . . . '.' ... gz"ut~ll I J .•. I I I I I I I I I I 'Tl : . ' .... '1t'lt~.t'1J~ ... : IWlfflll 1 ,'I m 'VII • I Jd.u Lm#83 I I :1 ¥ II 1,/ , ~ I/ I .I• tr: o i 1 ·I ~I::':! e; I I . .-:.--1/ I~ !Q ~ ~ ! I ······ :·····t· ': ~\,f~e· :··11·· :· e;. , SIJUs!I-. I I . : ~: I ,-.. I I. I : I I : : · · · · · f · ·: : r 1t'1 · · · · · · · ! ! · · · · · I ,'$1 ' I I :rsJ a.·ut 31 · ,1 12'Ut(!no) _. JI : 11\· \ : II · · 11 · , .. .Wllt{N1)"*69'.-JI,•,, I,, . ill'~t'il~ . j Bn;+u 1 .z I vrs . , .11:·'· ..... -:· 11 .... ·:·. ·II 11· 1 : fl • ·/ I II· I , 1 ·1 ,I I , '. ,,', .. ' .. ' ,', .. ,. /1·:1 ... · )1 •• • ···:· • : ii I!! /1 :1 ; / : II cl f / i. I . ,v. ' /·/ . j I . • • • ' •• ,', •••• ' ' •• N Iii .. j' .••.•• --+I·--...... , .. :'µ/~::1'1/ 1i :· . ~ . u . ; I I. I 1· : ·I_ -//I: 1iiJ: .. ·;· 1-~-f:.I.·... .,.,·. • '..... I • • ·p . l"l· ~w' .I ' I I' :~: I '. /I'. -~~ -i'f~ ... , ..... ,..... '"'{'"'"" ' ....... · ..... l'i~_:!?ii!. .. 1' .. · ..... I./..· ........ : .. ' ' "I . 11 ' ' • • • I : (3) ,t.W 31 :'.I I I I ~UtUno)~JI .I I // . U'Ut(NI,...... JI ·I 11 i' / / (' ]dJJ. tQL#B:) • !I . : I BSTJl+l; 1 ~I~ !t'?lrt::S-. . . . . , ' 'r /' i JdAl soi#ro ·[~ ..... / f f N I :/ .P.. /"" ././ ......... . /. I I ): JI :: soc Page I of3 Meins, Mike From: Rhoads, Kate Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 4:21 PM To: Meins, Mike Cc: Foley, Steve; Sanders, Jim; Bergam, Mark; Jonson, Claire; Pray, Jeff Subject: RE: Lund Plat I think that the consensus was that if it was flow control only, that it would not be a big deal to have another inlet into the detention tank at the outlet end. If you don't hear any objections from the cc's, then I think that you can conclude that it is a non-issue. Kate From: Meins, Mike Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 4:09 PM To: Rhoads, Kate Subject: RE: Lund Plat Kate- Thanks for looking at this today. I looked at the TIR and verified this with Jeff Pray: no water quality is required, detention only. The active inspect activity for this project is L06SI023. Let me know what your conclusion is and also if you any thing else. Thanks again, Mike Meins, Engineer II Land Use Inspections 206.296.6678 From: Rhoads, Kate Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 2:03 PM To: Meins, Mike Subject: RE: Lund Plat -# LOSSR031 I just left you a voice mail, but decided that e-mail might be better. Is the detention tank on the plans a tank (pipe) for detention only? Sometimes they call it a detention tank and it is actually a combined wetvault which provides water quality treatment. Also, Jim Sanders says that the project number above is probably not correct. Is there an active project# ? Kate From: Meins, Mike Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 11:06 AM To: Rhoads, Kate Subject: RE: Lund Plat -# L05SR031 Kate- 08/01/2008 ? vvf a ~--a ,.;-,.,;;g:;;;c;;:._,1 , . ...-, 3-0 ,. 1 "6h.FM.Z C,, IA 7 ' 7 SOC Page 2 of 3 Initially we thought it would be a road variance. Jim said to run it by you and if you thought it was a non-issue, we would not go the road variance route. Thanks, Mike Meins, Engineer II Land Use Inspections 206.296.6678 From: Rhoads, Kate Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 10:54 AM To: Meins, Mike Cc: Jonson, Claire; Foley, Steve Subject: RE: Lund Plat -# LOSSR031 Isn't this a roads variance? We can discuss this at the drainage adjustment meeting if you are looking for drainage-related input. Claire, please add this to the agenda. Kate From: Meins, Mike Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 10:33 AM To: Rhoads, Kate Subject: FW: Lund Plat -# L05SR031 Kate- I met with Jim Sanders on this issue and he suggested I run this by you. Could you take a look at this and then we could talk. The pipe was installed with a slight negative drainage-see attached memo. It is collecting minimal street surface flow. We would like your opinion: If you think it is a non-issue then we will accept it as is. If you think it should be replaced ( a second time ) then I will have them do that. Maybe you could discuss this at the adjustment meeting? Please look it over and let me know. Thanks, Mike Meins, Engineer II Land Use Inspections mike.meins@kingcounty.gov 206.296.6678 From: Bill Taylor [mailto:btaylor@teccivil.com] Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 5:22 PM To: Meins, Mike Cc: Guy Lund; Pray, Jeff Subject: Lund Plat -# LOSSR031 Hi Mike, Thanks for meeting with us on Tuesday. Attached is the memo I mentioned that will hopefully help with the initial review by the Roads Variance Committee. 08/01/2008 From: To: • Taylor Engineering Consultants Bill Taylor Mr: Mike Meins King County DOES 900 Oaksdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 • MEMORANDUM Date: May 15, 2008 Topic: Lund Short Plat -Activity Number L05SR031 -Issues related to potential request for variance from Road Standards The following issues are relevant to the discussion about approval of the as-built condition of the storm drain system on 1141 h Ave SE. • The approved design had the southernmost portion of road storm drain pipe flowing north (at adverse grade to the roadway) in order to convey the runoff back to the upstream end of an adjacent detention tank. The approved design pipe slope was 0.005 ft/ft (relatively flat). • The as-built pipe slope is 0.002 ft/ft down to the south (the wrong direction). 1However, the pipe "out'' of the target CB was constructed at the lowest possible elevation to avoid a conflict with an adjacent gas line (that was not identified at the time of design and permit review) -that elevation is just 0.15' lower than the as-built invert of the pipe "in". • Reconstructing the pipe "out" low enough to clear below the gas line would cause problems with the connection to the adjacent detention tank as it would be well below the spring line, and would require a core and saddle that would be difficult to install. • Relocating the gas line and then reconstructing the storm system per the original plan would be extraordinarily expensive and would require approval of PSE, which is not a certainty. • The initial review of the tributary runoff to the pipe with substandard slope indicates that system will function easily without surface flooding up to the 100-year return frequency event. We understand that approval of the as-built condttion would require a variance from Road Standards. It will be very helpful for us to get an indication from the Roads Variance committee as to whether the current as-built condition is likely to be approved through variance. Any help that you can give us in that area will be much appreciated. Thanks. 205 Front St. S. • P.O. Box 1787 • Issaquah, WA 98027-0073 • tel. (425) 391-1415 • fax (425) 391-1551 • www.teccivil.com '" ---;;'-t :--· i : -' !D •1 · :; . \. !ti . ' > 11 !I !I ·n{· - ·-t'<I . -"· ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ':. : ' -·~ ~- ' ' ' -' ... ' ' ' ' ' ;1, :1'.· = ' '· \,"I ~ ~-:e ----,-,-· ' ' ' ' ' • --, i'fi ' ' ' ' I y -----~ ' soc Page I of I Meins, Mike ·From: Bill Taylor [btaylor@teccivil.com] Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 9:48 AM To: Meins, Mike Cc: Guy Lund; KCDDES, Jeffery Pray Subject: Lund Plat, #L0450037 Mike, Regarding the a~-built configuration of the storm drain at the south end of 114th; The contractor has explained that the reason the system was constructed at grades much higher and flatter than the design is due to a conflict with an existing gas line that runs parallel to the curb, between the street storm drain pipe and the detention pipe. The storm drain pipe running laterally from the street system to the detention tank was installed just above the existing gas main. I assume that installation of the storm drain pipe at design elevations would have resulted in the conflict between the existing gas and new storm. · We need your input to determine what will be allowed by the County and/or what must be done to resolve this situation (given this riew gas line conflict information). Please call and/or respond to this email at you earliest convenience, as we all want to finalize this project and move on. Thanks, Bill Taylor TEC, Inc. 425-391-1415 06/04/2008 ,, Meins, Mike From: Sent: To: Subject: Townsend, Steve Monday, October 01, 20071:43 PM Meins, Mike FW: SE 164 ST -113 AVE SE to 114 AVE SE One of yours? -----Original Message----- From: Thinley, Tenzing Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 7:58 AM To: Townsend, Steve Cc: Pray, Jeff Subject: RE: SE 164 ST· 113 AVE SE to 114 AVE SE Steve: Not my project. I -think it I s in Tim I s area. Tenzing. -----original Message----- From: Townsend, Steve Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 7:51 AM To: Thinley, Tenzing Cc: Pray, Jeff Subject: FW: SE 164 ST -113 AVE SE to 114 AVE SE Tenzing, Is this one of your projects? Steve -----Original Message----- From: Greenside, Rob Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 12:42 PM To: Giri, Jerry Cc: Harris, Ryan; Townsend, Steve; Kara, Fatin; Mitchell, Mark-C; Posey, Norton; Perrin, Henry; Eddy, Bob Subject: SE 164 ST· 113 AVE SE to 114 AVE SE Jerry, I have received a complaint regarding a crosswalk that had not been re-installed after an overlay by a developer, Guy Lund. The location is SE 164 St between 113 Ave SE and 114 Ave SE. I did a field inspection and found that there wasn't a crosswalk and temporary tape striping were installed for the centerline striping and the permanent striping had not been re-installed after an overlay. I spoke with Mr. Lund prior to any striping work being started and explained what needed to be done. I also told him that I would need to see if there was a channelization plan for his project and that I would have to review .the striping layout before any work could be done. I drove by the site yesterday (9/24/07) and found that the developer had in fact striped the centerline and painted the x-walk without contacting King County to inspect the striping layout. The problems that need correcting before the project can be signed-off are: 1.) The photos show that centerline striping doesn't line up with existing striping. The centerline striping needs to be removed and (Double Yellow C/L)re-installed to align with the existing centerline striping. 2.) The existing edgeline for the walkway on the south side SE 164 St needs to be re- installed. 3.) Painted PSIX (bar style crosswalk) needs to be removed and replaced thermoplastic PBIX 1 • . ·~ (piano key style crosswalk) to meet KCRs.· 4.) New edgeline striping needs to be installed on the north side SE 164 St beginning where the pavement narrows near 113 Ave SE to 114 Ave SE for W/B traffic. 5.) Install centerline Type 2YY RPM's per KCRS. Thanks, Rob 2 ' •. I ' '.,/ ·--·----. -··· . -··---· . ,. ~-"p~~ -~---~ _L 'I' f"~ ~~~ ~'L ,., ~ X\,v1 c.,t)-: ... -... ·,, _1. ·.: (v\ .v,,. I.,._,, .. ·s--~-- ::, • _ -. ""' 0 v1 \' .::" o.JJ r;;i~ ~A\.t.-"1~w--v~ ,u ' ~ A10-qo \. 'i)<I, ------·-·--___ CB#104 TYPE 1 ' . -. ---·-·---·-··--\·--~--------------·"-··-··--RIM 473:§9 47198" ----·---·-·--·---··----- IE 469.25 (IN) 471.58 471;58 -- .q,_ ,,/ . _.__"(-~.--~--~ ' i ( -· \ . • 98 LF 48" DET. TANK ., .< --·-· ---~ ·-----..... __ - c, • ACCESS ('Sf'R J , C 103 ,n'PE':2. #\;' '-' .;.;· ---~ -l;s. · ~ C, -····· . ~ \ .. , .. BlM 41'.J29 474.53 \ . (l \7 ---·--""""-::::-. -~ ~ IE }6e789 (iN)--------r--·-x . -==--/ _ __ --• \\P: -- JE 467.69 (OUT) 467.9 --·------------~,------. ... -----· '·. \ , X "'v-,-,_/1 \ ··; \ ,.----\ ~-'• '·, \ ·,\ .-' . . / \ \ \:-' \ - -~---·-CB#102 TYPE 2 54" W/ F.C (SEE DETAIL 2/3~1'}-------- RIM 473.29 473.70 IE 469.08 (IN) 467.18 's ~-~ ' _ --IE 467.SO_(ovn ~7.J7 t .. (;J<t,~ 0 fu. l.,L··· hl-t~ , 2-"' <O u) ~"'. 17b e"sl' \ E, 41b-(U ~----...· DETENTION TANK PLAN SCALE: 1"=10' .. :;";', --- C-· s,lr .:r.!s •. f;:: f.,-, .. _,,iit(,_;.•_ , iui, ·::0,0,_ ,_., • .'.;, , ..... ~~...:..:L~L;;.;;.,,F~-Jl};:#.<.;.'.·~.;.:;..-1:m.1c'-11?;~ .. '"-'---,:s ... , Page I of I Meins, Mike From: Bill Taylor [btaylor@teccivil.com] Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 10:31 AM To: Meins, Mike Cc: Guy Lund Subject: Lund Plat -# L0450037 Mike, We have encountered a problem with the as-built pipe slope for the 12" SD from CB#107 to CB#104 -our as-built survey shows that it was inadvertently built at a reverse grade. We propose to correct the functionality of the system by plugging and abandoning the reverse grade pipe and installing a separate 12" SD from CB#107 directly to the detention system at CB#102 as shown on the attached PDF sketches. Please review and comment. Thanks, Bill Taylor TEC, Inc. 425-391-1415 09/27/2007 • • Page I of I Meins, Mike From: fglund@comcast.net Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 4:15 PM To: Meins, Mike Subject: Re: Lund Short Plat Inspections Hello Mike, Mike before you took over this project, from Jody, she had given us a 5 item list to complete for recording only. Item #1: Bill Taylor (our engineer) email you yesterday I believe, items #2 and 3 we have in place with Soundview Insurance for those bonds, and are waiting for item #4 to be completed which it has, I believe Bill Taylor also emailed you about this yesterday along with the item number I, so those are done, and the last item #5 I believe AAR Testing Lab has already done and hopefully sent, because we received a bill from them a couple of days ago. Item #4 as I said above, Bill Taylor sent you and that bond we are waiting to hear from you, I believe it would be you??, so we can get this info, along with the paper work, to give to Soundview for that performance bond, item #4. So I was wondering if you have had time to see that 5 item list that Jody gave us, and I know you just received the 2 items, #1 and #4 that are on that list yesterday, but so we can expedite this performance bond paper work is there any way you can get those figures for that bond and the paper work ready so we can get this over to the insurance company??? We would like to get this short plat recorded and in the mean time this email I/we will pass on to the necessary people to get this punch list done, I do believe tho most has already been done and this 5 item list ( received from Jody) again is only for recording purposes of the short plat alone. Any help to expedite this would be greatlly appreciated. Guy Lund --------------Original message -------------- From: "Meins, Mike" <Mike.Meins@METROKC.GOV> ><>Guy- > Attached are two items: > I) the road standards detail on how the driveways need to be > reconstructed. Let me know if you have any questions before you redo > these. > 2) This is a list of what should be completed prior to me coming out for > a punch list (final) inspection. If you read through this list, there > is items on here that should be done still be a punch list inspection is >preformed.Let me know a schedule of when you will be completed with > all items and I can then schedule the punch list inspection and bring > out King County DOT for that. > > Thanks, > > Mike Meins > Engineer II > DDES, Land Use Inspection > 206.296.66 78 > > 09/04/2007 Pra , Jeff From: Sent: To: Subject: Mike, • Pray, Jeff Tuesday, August 28, 2007 9:35 AM Meins, Mike Lund pipe deficiency • FYI, I just spoke to the engineer for Lund, who has discovered a pipe constructed in the ROW with the slope going in the wrong direction. After discussing it, I advised him the pipe needs to be relaid per the approved plans. Let's include this in our Lund discussion later this week. Thanks. Jeff Pray, P.E. Engineer Ill I Project Manager Land Use Inspections Section King County ODES, Land Use Services Division ph 206-296-7234 fax 206-296-7174 jeff.pray@kingcounty.gov --.. '(. ~ · .. 1 .--------------------------------------------------- • Taylor Engineering Consultants August 28, 2007 King County DOES Land Use Inspection Section 900 Oaksdale Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055-1219 Attn: Ms. Jody Conyers • 205 Front St. S. P.O. Box 1787 Issaquah, WA 98027 phone (425) 391-1415 fax (425) 391-1551 www.teccivil.com Re: Lund Short Plat, KC Activity Number LOSSR031-As-Built Volume Verification for the Detention Pond and Tank Dear Ms. Conyers: The as-built configuration of the Lund Plat detention pond and tank and flow control CB 's were field surveyed by PLS, Inc. under my direction in July, 2007. The as-built configuration of the detention pond and its flow control structure were found to be constructed 0.4 I feet higher than the design detail as shown on the permit drawings. Further examination of the as-built grades showed that the entire site was constructed about that amount higher and so the pond should function as designed because the storage volume and control structure configuration match the design intent described in the permit Technical Information Report (TIR) and as a result should perform as documented in the TIR. The as-built volume of the detention pond was found to be 8,483 cubic feet, which exceeds the required detention volume per TIR. The flow control TEE was measured by the surveyors and found to match the relative design geometry, and as a result is expected to perform as documented in the approved TIR. The as-built configuration of the detention tank and its flow control structure were also found to have been constructed higher than the design details, and the tank was constructed with an overall bottom slope of about 0.008 ft/ft, rather than the flat bottom slope called for in the design detail and shown on the permit drawings. As with the pond, the fact that the entire site was constructed higher than the design details means that the tank should function as designed because the storage volume and control structure configuration match the design intent described in the permit Technical Information Report (TIR) and as a result should perform as documented in the TIR. The as-built volume of the detention tank was found to be I, 184 cubic feet, which exceeds the required detention volume per TIR. The flow control TEE was measured by the surveyors and found to match the relative design geometry, and as a result is expected to perform as documented in the approved TIR. Sincerely, Taylor Engineering Consultants, Inc. William N. Taylor, P.E. Principal C. Guy and Francis Lund \jobs\281-pls\admin\LETTER_As-Built Detn Confirmation.doc Digitally signed by Bi Taylor ON: cn=Bi!I Taylor, o=TEC, Inc., email= taylor@teccivll.com Date: 2007.08.28 12:46:40 -07'00' I EXPIRES 6/10/09 Page I of I~ _, Cheatum, Tim From: Sanders, Jim Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 1 :06 PM To: Cheatum, Tim Cc: Townsend, Steve; Follmer, Mark; Cheshier, Beth Subject: FW: Lund Plat, L0450037 Tim: This concept is OK but seems to fall short with the details. It was my understanding the existing road was 20 paved with some shoulder. That would mean the 8 foot lane with no shoulder they show needs to be at least 10 feet and a shoulder added that replaces the existing. I think they are confusing a 20 foot half street with a requirement to build half the street. Also, the transition at west end needs to be at least a 'speed' :1 taper (e.g. 35:1 for a 35 mph design speed). From: Bill Taylor [mailto:btaylor@teccivil.com] Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 12:06 PM To: Cheatum, Tim Cc: Guy Lund; Townsend, Steve; Follmer, Mark; Sanders, Jim Subject: Lund Plat, L0450037 Tim, I am in receipt of your Design Plan Change notice -Activity No. L07PC047. I have discussed the matter with Guy Lund, Mark Follmer, and Jim Sanders, and have resolved that the best solution is noJ to realign the proposed curb, but to widen the opposite side of the traffic pavement as necessary to maintain the required 20' of traffic pavement. The amount of widening on the opposite side is typically less than 2' and a maximum of about 3' near the intersection. Attached is a PDF plot of the revised sheet 4.1 drawing file that shows the opposite side widening in detail. I have "clouded" the revisions to help with review. Because we are proposing a minor revision using standard pavement widening section and details already on the approved construction drawing set, I request that the "Design Change" be replaced with a "Field Change" to avoid the expense and time required to go back through engineering review. I have copied Mark, Jim, and Steve, so that they can help with this evaluation. I look forward to a quick resolution on this issue so that we can keep the schedule moving forward. Thanks, Bill Taylor TEC, Inc. 425-391-1415 05/21/2007 • "' ' I l ,- " I r--- [NJ~ 1]/~s ~~(c; ~®s 1f\W[N] ~J [N]s [R1 ~ ~ 27 Lf 12" 0 000Sft/fl ~ CCMIEi:i" :,_.,'fly J}"' 10 EXI_STIN '.·': I[ 47067 a '.~ .-1 t ,,r ,I ,(f ~!);, SE 162ND STREET IMPROVEMENTS PLAN SCAL(: t •.>V ~ - " -~ i • -"".'."' '":' l~ ----~ .. '""'" -.. ''\ .. --_,., •••. :. ''°"'' _--( -: -'\,. ---~----'\cmo, mol -- --C-. -: ~·§•'"JC ,, · 470 ':::J EB ~I ~I ~I sl f ,~~ :'' 2£+00 2S+OO SE 162ND STREET PROFILE i'~f(r:.~-;:~~ ··~. L --·--.L.;e -- "j I T '"' I DATUAI EL£V 465.00 " o,oo I CONCRCJE CIJRB A!() QJ!llR ID" ,- " o,· r 2· .,- ' e;, I r ID' '" . !!' . . . . 1t r~:cr ~~~~ SA'lrtUl LINE 2" ~BOARD or rns,~c GRADE) , DEMO/REMOVAL NOT[S: IC>-SA'IICUI ANO R[l,IOV[ HISTING ASPH.•.U PA\lllolENT CONSTRUCT/ON NOTES: 8 ASl'Hl.ll ROAD 11()('4:N(; PER K.Cl!.S. OM;_ NO. 1-002 0 CONCRfl[ CURB .I.NO Gl1"[R PER K.C R.S. OWG. NO. J.-001 0 COIIC!lETE DRIVEWAY 4PROACH PER KC RS. OWG NO. J-Q0,1 0 CONCRfl[ SIDEWALK PER K.C.RS OWG. NO. 1-002 0 STRHl TREES PER K C.R.S. DWG. NO S-009 0 CURB RAl.lP PER K.COOTRSO. rlG. NO J-007/3-008 0 C[ll[~I CCflCR[T[ SIDEWALK TRANSlllON JO ASPHALT SH(lJLDCR PER K.C.0.0.1.R.S.0. FIG NO 3-009 IG_pl[L!O B PROWlE GRAV[[ SIOJI.DCR 10 IIATCH (1' LtN W(IJH), AOJJST Dl1Dl LOCATION AS REOUR[D I, PER KCRS S[C"!()N <I 01r, A I INCH ruu illDTH O\l(RI.AT SHALL BE REQUIRED. 11£ OV£RLAY MAY B[ WAIVED ONLY ArT[R AN [VALUATION OF PAV[lil[NT CONDITIONS OR CHANNELIZATION fi[OOIRM[NlS HAS S[[N COMPL£1£0 ANO APPROV[O BY lH[ COUNIY ROAO [NGIN[[R OR DEYflON[NT [NGIN[(R If ROAD SURfACE fAII.UR[S AR( PR[S(Nl, All APPROPRIAJ[ REP,\IRS 10 lff( (XISTINC SIJSCRADE. BA<;[ MAITRIAI. A.NO SURfACING SHALL BE IIAOE PRIOO TO PlAClNG Tfff OV[RI.AY. JHIS APPU£S JO All lHR[( rR~lACES 2. 11((1) AOJJS1 G011JJ! Cl!,',[)( TO C00RD1NAT£ W/ D:ISTINC l!OAOWAT CROW AS REQUIR£D 3 ROAD 'lll)[MNG Ill.I'S! Pl!O\IIO£ A CONTIMJOUS SUP!: fROU l!OAO CROW 10 Qlll[R 11\JHOUI .o.BRUPT ;iii[AXS OR ·rALSE Q)JJ[Rs·. IT IIAY & N[C[SSAJIT 10 ~o OR R!:IIOV[ [XISJING PAV!:IIL'IT, OR PRE-l£V[l l0W SPtlTS BEfOR[ PI.ACINC lH( OV[RLAY. T I ~,---,.-,C-,>-:l:::A~:-""~ ~:·· PA::l:::: :::All CONC~~t~· 2" CUSS ·e· ASPHN.1 CONCRE: 1-1/2" CRUSHED SURFACING TOP ~RSE 1-1/2" CRIJSH[D SURFACING TOP C 5• CRUSHED SURfActlG BASl: COORS£ "5" CR\JS,l[O StmfADf.lG BA'S£ COJRS[ • • · .,.00111ow.1. JRfAlllUII llf R(l)Jlf((O). l,OOITIONAl TREAIIIENJ (If RHlUtf!ED) GRAPHIC SCALE 1111 Taylor Engineering Consultants 205 front St. S P.O. Box 1787 lssoquoh. WA 98027 1~. 425-391-1415 lo, 425-391-1551 Projed LUND PLAT 15217 114TH AVEN..E SE fENTON, WA 98055 Developer: I.Ir. Cuy lund 1760 147th A""'ue S£ Rtnloo, WA 98056 Job Dolo: I!( h~: 2fil.=..!:LS (r;,g~,-~ WNT [,-om g£ [;,,·:!.~:( Ud..I Authorized Use !Ms &a~"'9 IS 1osu"'1 /o, u~, "' Iha 1,//e-J p,,,j,x, ,~1/y 11 <~oil nal o~ us"'1 for u"y 011,., purµos~ .. ,1ho11/ /he e,p,,•ss wlhOfi.·~li~n ,;md/or o,J,;,pla/io,, l•J /ET Permit Agency: KOo!G CCllNlY ACTIVITY f-l05SR03\ PRO.CCT f: l04S0037 di('' . ,'/;j/,... "" ' . ';:j ""'" ,fi{~i«'.<;, (:! ;. \~ , I ~-/r..{· ,C:.,;:B-"'~ SCALE: HOR. l"•JO' / vrn. ,·~s· TYP. SEC. SE 162ND STREET -k.-~ 1 i i '"I I·-j Issued for: """"'" I if , I ==::::·~~/_fi-- --~-~;:,·,:'./' [ ----~ 'o ----"--',G: -A-~o_j~ 0: "_ '·::1_·_,-.- 1 , -~--~---:---~:-;-: ;.: ~-<' \ t ~:: . --r;; , . -I ·), . ' , 'I . I~ ,; . .:, I ·::cJ SE 162ND STREET TREE PLAN SCALE: 1".,JO' L : :,,,,:'?,;;,-"" - •'L. i 2;~--" I EB SCALE: 1·~s· CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-424-5555 FOR r1ELD LOCATION or UND£RGR0UND UTILITIES kl"~ ( IN rut) , 1...,h • :io r, GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN F'EET ) llnch•5 I~ FINAL PLAT Rev. CO. C~M ,,. I LOI R£\11$10N j CO. COlolM co """ rlCLD CIWlGE Sheet Tille: 6/9/05 Dote 9/12/05 12/YJ/05 1/24/06 2/20/06 s12_y~ APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION SE 162ND STREET IMPROVEMENTS PLAN, PRORLES ANDSECTIOI @ King Co .. nty 0.0.t.S. R<.;.•[- Re,;.• ["9"''"' JAM[S H SANOERS, P ( O[V[LOPM(NT [NGIN([R Commenl< Comc>'et""'l>ot• c""'""''°" 0o,. Appco,ol Doto Sheet No: 4.1 Sheet or U1 • King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov ·- · io·~i~·i:gih··••·•P·1:~·11 .Cfta;r11,ge· · NOT TO BE USED FOR EARLY START To Be Completed by Land Use Inspection Section This plan change is for Landscape/Recreation/Street Tree: D D within the City of: _________ _ Annlicant: Guv Lund Address: 17844 147 1h Ave SE Renton. WA 98055 Project Name: Lund.Shortplat Site Address: 16217 I l 4'h Ave SE Plan Change No. Plan Change Activity No. Submittal Inlonnatlon: Upon completion of the review of the revisions, the reviewer' shall notify the design engineer: Enoineer & License No.: William Tavlor 26198 Address: Tavlor Envineerin•, Consultants, Inc. 205 Front Street South Issaquah, WA 98027 Project No. L'-'0"'4,,.S,,O,e03._7,...__ ________ _ Inspect Activity N?· L0-"6"'-S'--"10"'2.,_3 ______ _ On May 14, 2007, the following plan change to the approved plan was: (reeeJHJHeHded by DDBS) (required by DDES) (requestea by a1313lieaRt) I. Adjust location of curb/gutter, sidewalk, and road widening within the right of way to meet hearing examiners condition to build SE 162nd St frontage to Urban Sub Access. Per 1993 KCRS, sub access streets shall have a minimum half street paved width is 20 feet 3. Adjust drainage so that flow is caught within curb-line 4. Adjust radius on intersection of SE 162nd St and 114'" Ave SE to maintain 25ft radius after adjustment . 5. Full width overlay will be required to adjust crown for lanes. · · Reason for Change/Code Citation: Submitted plans do not represent site conditions. Hearing Examiners conditions were not being met with current design. This Plan Change involves: ~ Roadway Plan & Profile [gj Drainage Land Use Projects Only Project is: D recorded [8:J not recorded D Traffic D Materials Lab D Platting D Planner D Site Development Services (Grading) D Other The proposed change requires revised engineering drawings that must be submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services for approval: I Please call (206) 296-7137 when ready to submit. Design changes must be made by a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Washington. Payment of fees and deposits are due as of the date of this plan change, late penalties (KCC 27.02.030) are applicable. Each submittal shall include three (3) sets ofrevised plans highlighted in green with a revision block and a symbol by each revision. The revision block must be dated and initialed by the professional engineer making the revision. A copy of this form will be mailed directly to the design engineer indicated above and shall be included with each submittal. The review will be completed as soon as possible. the top of this form. Tim Cheatum 206-296-7232 May 14. 2007 Inspector Name and Phone No. date (plea print) ngineer mitm s date Approval/denial will be directed to the persons indicated on Developer Representative date S:Cum:nt Fonn. Design Pai Change.doc 09-12-06 Cheshier, Beth From: Sent: To: . Subject: Fessenden, Janise Monday, September 24, 2007 4:00 PM Cheshier, Beth; Carlson, Joanne KCSP L04S0037/L07FR016 Parcel reconfiguration completed. Lot sizes added. Lot 1 -008800-0177 Lot 2 -008800-0170 Lot 3 -008800-0171 Lot 4 -008800-0172 Lot 5 -008800-0175 Lot 6 -008800-0174 Lot 7 -008800-0173 Lot 8 -008800-0176 Tract D -008800-0178 1 ) • ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 June 30th, 2006 Mr. Guy Lund 17844 14yth Ave. SE Renton, WA 98058 RE: · Lund Short Plat L04S0037/L05SR031 Recreation/Landscape Activity No. L06MI013 Dear Mr. Lund: • The Land Use Services Division has reviewed the landscape and recreation space plan submitted for the Lund short plat dated June 2"d, 2006. DOES recommends approval of the plans with the following conditions: 1. The equipment (structures, benches, picnic table, etc.) shall, at a minimum, meet the Consumer Product Safety Standards and be appropriately anchored. 2. Walkways shall be installed from the sidewalk to the play areas, and shall be constructed of a material and grade that comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 3. Street trees and significant tree retention, if any, shall be reviewed with the engineering plans and are not part of this approval. A revised recreation/landscape plan may be required in the event modifications are made to the significant retention plan. Please note that trees within recreation tracts are associated with the significant tree plan and are not included in the recreation/landscape bond. The landscaping and recreation space improvements (i.e. play structures) must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to plat recording. The amount of the bond has been established at $16,620.46. This includes landscaping, equipment, surfacing materials, etc., as well as.a thirty-percent contingency for . walkways and benches. Please n'oie-thaffhis-approvai doesnofiridude street trees or significant trees. That review will be conducted in conjunction with the engineering plan review. Mr. Guy Lund June 30ili, 2006 Page2 • • An inspection fee is due prior to recording. This fee covers the cost of an installation inspection and a maintenance inspection. The amount of the inspection deposit will be determined by the Land Use Inspection Section (LUIS). If a performance financial guarantee is posted, the improvements must be installed within two years from the date of recording. At the time of inspection by LUIS, the performance financial guarantee may be reduced jf the improvements are fully installed per the approved plan. · Enclosed is a copy of the approved plans for your records. If you have any questions, please call me at (206) 296-7136. If you have questions regarding the financial guarantee please contact Stacy Graves, Financial Guarantee Management Unit at (206) 296-7009. Questions regarding the inspection process may be directed to the Land Use Inspection Section (206) 296-6642. S. inc~~ely,-(i /:k~.~ -~ Angelica Velasquez, Project Manager II Current Planning Section, LUSD cc: Jay Magruder, Landscape Architect w/encs Ray Floren!, Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD w/encs Steve Townsend, Supervising Eng., Land Use Inspection Section, LUS w/encs FGMU w/encs File w/encs ---;--------·----·--·----.--- "' u C> ..: 0 a. {l i 0 I ,i a. a, ... s ,;; :g 0 N ;;,. ' "' 't .,, j; ... -;;. j / .!l 3 .D I .. ;!, "' • .,, ~ ..., a. I .; N ~ m ~ / ,;.; .... ,_,,, ... ~,,.,., , IE~~I 7r . fn.2:>lt.~'lQUl), 1£-472.42 £ 471.<IJ (S/ ~ (CONNEC STING CULVERT) C 472.# _ _J •tn.2S1E~ --------. ----------------------- lOVEMENTS PLAN = it; "' . :, •. ~r .......... . V1 : -~!!!S• : g · wg ... -S · ,-: . ~o· ~2-S: .: ·: ... ,,i ff:;· .. : ... -<· f' J:! . w I-... • u U) ~ !:!:!'6l . ~..;;:__·.~ ..... _;;_ ..... '.\',,,.38; ---------..::__,_ ~ ~-----=== zffi }~,- .. ·~· ................ . Ill· r .. ...-; ~ ~ . . -==----,------fl ----- ac = =::: ~ i:,:g:::~~Ltt:.:..: .c · • : : . E)(IST 12" ~ WATER (~ACKGROUND} --:--.. __ ------ ...... ·l· ...... ·.· ...... -:-...... -:-. ., .. . L i .•. 1· ·,.,;, ~-·~ : 48) _loz..:03:: ~l.-iggg- -1~000· ~b~~~: .. 18~.'# ~-'*: -· '-r I: I. +:·. :•JO II. II: II· II: .IL·. II: II· 11: II· --:----= ::; :)J(. . ; ""' l r I DEMO/, I[> SAIICUT ~ CONSTf IB""= CONCRE1E 0 CONCRE1E 0 CONCRE1E © STREIT 11 © MBRN, 0=T~ © EllSTIIG, SHEET 1. PER K<Z S£I CMRlAY IIAY Bl awtEUZAll/JN ENCNER OR 1£, AFPROPlilAlE REl IIAIE PRI/JRTO 2. FED AO.llST J. ROAD,,_ ll1HOUT AIIRU'T EXISIIC PA'SE ..,..-------------------------------------- • Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division Nltice of Decision 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 File No.: L04S0037 DDES Planner: Angelica Velasquez Telephone No.: 206~296-7136 Applicant Guy Lund c/o William Taylor 205 Front Street South Issaq1-1ah, \Vk '98027 :i'; 'FileName:Lund,Short Plat 360~~52-3046 , . Project Location: 16217114 .. Ave. SE, Renton, WA. (Type 2) Project Description: Subdivision ,of approx .. 2 acres. into 8 ,residentia)lots in the R-8. zone. '' ,• ' ', ' I' '' ' ,. 1 I' : , ,,, I ',., ' 1 ' Permits Requested: Short Subdivision Department Decision: Approved with conditions . . . I , ! I.:',.: 1 !, ii',·; SEPA Threshold Determination: NA Appeal Procedure: Except for shoreline permits which are appealable to the State Shorelines Hearings Board, this decision may be appealed in writing to the King County Hearing Examiner. A notice of appeal must be filed with the Land Use Services Division at the address listed below prior to 4:30 p.m. on May 27, 2005 and be accompanied with a filing fee of$250.00 payable to the King County Office of Finance. If a timely Notice of Appeal has been filed, the appellant shall also file a Statement of Appeal with the Land Use Services Division at the address listed below prior to 4:30 p.m. on June 3, 2005. The Statement of Appeal shall identify the decision being appealed (including the file number) and the alleged errors in that decision. Further, the Statement of Appeal shall state: 1) specific reasons why the decision should be reversed or modified; and 2) the harm suffered or anticipated by the appellant, and the relief sought. The scope of an appeal shall be based on matters or issues raised in the Statement of Appeal. Failure to timely file a Notice of Appeal, appeal fee or Statement of Appeal, deprives the Hearing Examiner of jurisdiction to consider the appeal. Appeals must be submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) at the following address: Date Mailed: May 10, 2005 DDES--Land Use Services Division Attn: · Permit Center 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 If you have any questions regarding the appeal procedures, please contact the planner at the phone number listed above. If you require this material in braille, audio cassette, or large print, call 206-296-6600 (voice) or 206-296-7217 (TTY). King County has made a decision on an application for a development proposal on property at the address listed above. You are receiving notice of this decision because our records indicate that you own property within approximately 500 feet or because you requested to receive notice of the decision. @ BUCKLEY, VILAS C/0 L.A.+ I 1000 LK CITY WAY NE #401 SEATTLE, WA 98125-6748 CLAUSSEN, KIM PROGRAM MANAGER III DDES/LUSD COOK,DANA 11304 SE 162ND ST RENTON, WA 98055 FOSTER, CURT SR. ENGINEER DDES/LUSD LARSEN, YVONNE I 1202 SE 162ND ST RENTON, WA 98055 LUND, GUY & FRAN 810 4TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 TAYLOR, WILLIAM 205 FRONT ST. SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WA 98027 VELASQUEZ, ANGELICA PROJECT MANAGER II DDES/LUSD WEST, JAMES L. 28650 KENT BLK DIAMOND RD KENT, WA 98042 • L04S0037 L04S0037 L04S0037 L04S0037 L04S0037 L04S0037 L04S0037 L04S0037 L04S0037 • WETLAND RESOURCES INC. SCOTT BRAINARD 9505 19TH AVE SE, SUITE #106 EVERETT, WA 98208 L04S0037 0806000095/L04S0037 ALVAU FRANK G 16501115TH SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000050/L04S0037 BOLANOS PEDRO+CATALINA G 16016 113TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000152/L04S0037 CARDIN PETER F 11311 SE 162ND ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000320/L04S0037 CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH OF CHRIST PO BOX 5355 KENT WA 98064 0088000325/L04S0037 COOPER CHRISTINE+ MATIHEW 11417 SE 164TH ST RENTON WA 98058 0088000072/L04S0037 DOR OS JAM ES A 3532 SW 112TH SEATILE WA 98146 0088000302/L04S0037 DURDY MARY G 24120 52ND AV W MOUNTLAKE TERRACE WA 98043 0088000111/L04S0037 FAN HUNG 1602 S ATLANTIC ST SEATILE WA 98144 0088000063/L04S0037 GONZALES CARLOS D+CATHLEEN 16020 1/2 114TH ST SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000442/L04S0037 GUEVARA FRANCISCO E+PATRICIA C 16404 111TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000444/L04S0037 BANGERTER KARL+MARTHA 11123 SE 164TH ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000221/L04S0037 BOWERS FLOYD & DAN EEN 16229 116TH AV SE RENTON WA 98058 0088000281/L04S0037 CARLSON MARILEE 16220 114TH SE RENTON WA 98055 PL33/L04S0037 cm OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 0088000038/L04S0037 CORREA EMILIO+MARIA DOLORES 16021113TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000280/L04S0037 DUNAWAY NANCY JO 16204 114TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000192/L04S0037 EAGAN WILLIAM CAREY 16240 114TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000061/L04S0037 GEBRU TSEHAY 16024 114TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000033/L04S0037 GREEN PAUL W 11225 SE 160TH RENTON WA 98055 0088000200/L04S0037 HAMILTON ERIC+STONE SHERRJ 11438 SE 164TH ST RENTON WA 98055 • 0088000070/L04S0037 BITH KONG HENG 11420 SE 162ND ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000242/L04S0037 BOWERS FLOYD L 16229 116TH AV SE RENTON WA 98058 0088000430/L04S0037 CARNER KELLY G+KATHRYN J 11135 SE 164TH ST RENTON WA 98055 PL50/L04S0037 CrrY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON WA 98055 0088000106/L04S0037 DEMAN DAN P+NOUANTHONGME BOUTSY 11107 SE 162ND ST #B RENTON WA 98055 0088000304/L04S0037 DURDY MARY G 24120 52ND AV W MOUNT LAKE TERRACE WA 98043 0088000383/L04S0037 ETILES KIRK D 30913 114TH LN SE AUBURN WA 98092 0088000362/L04S0037 GERTH AS 11443 SE 164TH RENTON WA 98055 0088000036/L04S0037 GRISSOM STEVEN E 11205 SE 160TH RENTON WA 98055 0088000245/L04S0037 HASELBLAD LORI J 11445 SE 162ND ST RENTON WA 98055 ' -.. _ ... '" 0088000202/L04S0037 HERNANDEZ ROSA 11434 SE 164TH ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000132/L04S0037 JERKE DELBERT 11221 SE 162ND ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000062/L04S0037 KANGAS HENRY A 16044 114TH S E RENTON WA 98055 0088000201/L04S0037 LACKIE DANIEL M 11420 SE 164TH ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000131/L0450037 LE DO+KIM TUYEN NGUYEN 11203 SE 162ND ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000151~ MA~ B 1123 RENT N A 8055 0088000260/L04S0037 MORK CLIFFORD 11427 SE 162ND RENTON WA 98055 0088000071/L~ NG~H 1143 1 N ST RENT WA 98055 0088000370/L04S0037 OKUMA RODNEY M & VERONICA 17037 154TH PL SE RENTON WA 98058 0088000042/L04S0037 OWENS OWEN PO BOX 12922 MILL CREEK WA 98082 • 0088000195/L04S0037 HOANG NGUYEN T 11414 SE 164TH ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000341/L04S0037 JOHNSON JOHNIE B+DEBI K 11433 SE 164TH ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000110/L04S0037 KIRKLAND BETTY J 11126 SE 164TH ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000034/L04S0037 LARSEN RONALD W+YVONNE R 11202 SE 162ND ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000029/L04S0037 LIFETIME ADVOCACY PLUS FOR VILAS BUCKLEY 11000 LAKE CITY WY NE #401 SEATTLE WA 98125 0806000100/L04S0037 MCGAVRAN DOUGLAS G 16503 115TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000066/L04S0037 MULFORD STEVEN J+ANITA R 16020 114TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000113/L04S0037 NGUYEN KELLI 11230 SE 164TH ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000108/L04S0037 OUCHIO SAELLE NOUANTHONGME NOLA 14243 SE 157TH PL RENTON WA 98058 . 0088000044/L04S0037 OWENS OWEN PO BOX 12922 MILL CREEK WA 98082 • 0088000133/L04S0037 JACQUES JAMES H 1216 N 38TH ST RENTON WA 98056 0088000301/L04S0037 JONES JEFFREY G+STACY E 11307 SE 164TH ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000203/L04S0037 LACKIE DANIEL M 11420 SE 164TH ST RENTON WA 98055 · 0088000222/L04S0037 LAURIE NORMAN J 11444 SE 164TH ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000170/L04S0037 LUND GUY+FRANCES 810 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362 0088000048/L04S0037 MERRILL DAVID W 16030 113TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000340/L04S0037 NELSON GARY L 11421 SE 164TH ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000101/L04S0037 NGUYEN QUANG T 11107 SE 162ND ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000046/L04S0037 OWENS OWEN L & JACQUELINE L 15622 2ND PL W LYNNWOOD WA 98037 0088000067/L04S0037 OWENS RONALD J PO BOX 58054 RENTON WA 98058 . ,,,.. .• . .... 0088000064/l04S0037 OWENS RONALD J PO BOX 58054 RENTON WA 98058 , 0088000041/L04S0037 PARSONS CHRISTINE A 16005 114TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000191/L04S0037 PIPKIN DAVID J & JANELL 16230 114TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000100/l04S0037 RICHARDSON S R 11109 SE 162ND · RENTON WA 98055 0088000073/L04S0037 SAVELA MILO L 11432 SE 162ND ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000047/L04S0037 SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER PO BOX 58039 RENTON WA 98058 0088000282/L04S0037 STRALEY GRACE M 16226 114TH AV SE RENTON WA 98058 0088000045/L04S0037 VELASQUEZ EDWARD A 11304 SE 162ND RENTON WA 98055 0088000022/L04S0037 WATKINSON PRISCILLA J+WATKJNSON KENNETH L 11114 SE 162ND ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000130/L0450037 YANDELL LUCILLE T 6502 BERKSHIRE DR EVERETT WA 98203 • 0088000043/L04S0037 OWENS RONALD J PO BOX 58054 RENTON WA 98058 0088000300/L04S0037 PAULL PATRICK T +LUELLA E 16428 113TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 SD13/l04S0037 R. STRACKE, FACIUTIES & PLANNING RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT #403 1220 N 4TH ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000112/l04S0037 ROBBINS JAMES & TERESA 10816 SE 271ST ST KENT WA 98031 0088000023/L04S0037 SCHREINER SYLVAN T +CONNIE K 16126 111TH PL SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000065/L04S0037 SPARING LLOYD 16022 114TH SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000051/L0450037 TEMPLETON HELEN D TRUSTEE 16010 113TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000032/L04S0037 VIAL YS JASON SESCA PO BOX 101226 DENVER CO 80250 0088000030/L04S0037 WILUAMS CAROLYN 11212 E 162ND ST RENTON WA 98055 • 0088000049/L04S0037 OWENS RONALD J PO BOX 58054 . RENTON WA 98058 0088000190/L04S0037 PHILUPS ROBERT I 11408 E 164TH RENTON WA 98055 0088000080/l04S0037 RENTON CHURCH OF GOD 16045 116TH AV SE RENTON WA 98058 0088000109/l04S0037 SAELEE OUCHIO NOUANTHONGME NOLA 14243 SE 157TH Pl RENTON WA 98058 0088000040/L04S0037 SEKO MARVIN E W+AUDREY I W 23329 194TH AV SE RENTON WA 98058 0088000443/L04S0037 STAROVEROV SERGEY 16410 111TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000193/L04S0037 TRIPI JOSEPH A 16318 114TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 0088000261/L04S0037 WARREN JEFFREY G 11435 SE 162ND ST RENTON WA 98055 0088000060/L04S0037 WILSON RICHARD D 16018 114TH AV SE RENTON WA 98055 ... ® • King County Department of. Development and Environmental Services· 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 May IO, 2005 Mr. William Taylor TEC,Inc. PO Box 1787 Issaquah, WA 98027 • RE: · Preliminary Approval for Short Subdivision No.L04S003 7 Dear Mr. Taylor: The Land Use Services Division (LUSD) has completed review of the short subdivision application captioned above. The LUSD finds that the proposed short subdivision complies with the King County Land Segregation Code (Title 19A), Zoning Code (Title 21A), and other applicable codes as specified in King County Code (KCC) 19A.08.060. The short subdivision is granted preliminary approval subject to the Conditions of Preliminary Approval attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Any aggrieved party may appeal this . decision by the appeal deadline, which is May 272 2005. The appeal procedure is enclosed for your information. The preliminary approval is valid for a period of 60 months from the date of this letter, unless an appeal is filed. In the event that an appeal is filed, the preliminary approval is valid Jor a period of 60 months from the date of the appeal decision. Enclosed are the following: • · Notice of Decision • Conditions of Preliminary Approval • Appeal Procedure If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Angelica Velasquez, Program Manager, at (206) 296, 7136 or Curt Foster, Engineer, at (206) 296, 7106. Sincerely, ~I<-~ Curtis Foster, P.E., Senior Engineer· Engineering Review Section, LUSD Enclosures cc: Applicant File ~~ Current Planning Section, LUSD • • ® KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 REPORT AND DECISION SHORT SUBDIVISION File No. L04S0037 A. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED SHORT SUBDIVISION: B. C. This is a short subdivision of approximately 2 acres into 7 lots for detached single-family dwellings in the R-8 SO zone. The proposed density is 8 dwelling units per acre. The proposed lot sizes range from approximately 4,100 square feet to approximately 21,000 square feet. The existing residence on proposed Lot 2 will remain. Refer to Attachment 1 for a copy of the short plat map. GENERAL INFORMATION: Owner/ Applicant: Engineer: STR: Location: Guy Lund 810 East 4th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 William Taylor TEC, Inc. PO Box 1787 Issaquah, WA 98027 NE/NE 29-23-05 16217 114TH Avenue SE, Renton, WA Zoning: R-8-SO Acreage: 2 acres Number of Lots: 7 Density: 8 d.uJacre (360) 452-3046 (425) 391-1415 Lot Size: approx. 4,100 sq. ft. to approx. 21, 000 sq. ft. Proposed Use: single family residential Sewage Disposal: Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Water Supply: Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Fire District: King County No. 40 School District: Renton School District 403 Complete Application Date: November 2, 2004 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT 1. Topography: The site is generally flat, with a slight depression in the southern portion. · · Report & Decision 1 of9 .L04S0037 • • 2. Soils: AgC soils are found on this site per King County Soil Survey, 1973. AgC -Alderwood gravelly, sandy loam; 6-15% slopes. Runoff is slow to medium and the. hazard of erosion is moderate. This soil has a moderate limitation for foundations, due to a seasonally high water table and slope. It has a severe limitation for septic tank filter fields due to very slow permeability in the substratum. 3. Wetland/streams: A sensitive area study, dated June 7, 2003, revised September 27, 2004, was prepared by Wetland Resources, Inc. The study described. the functions and values of the sensitive areas located on-site, discussed how the applicant proposed to alter the wetlands and concluded that the proposed activities will have minimal impacts to overall functions and values of the site. The site lies within the Black River drainage basin. 4. Vegetation: The northern portion of the site is occupied by what is currently the · lawn of the existing single family residence. The southern portion of the site is vegetated with sapling black cottonwood, Scotch broom, and Himalayan blackberry. 5. Wildlife: Larger species may visit this site on occasion; however, no threatened ' or endangered species are known to exist on or near the property. 6. Mapped Sensitive Areas: Three wetlands and an intermittent stream are located on the site. Wetlands A, B, and C are emergent wetlands located in the southern portion of the site. Wetland A is a Class 3 wetland. Wetlands Band C are less than 2,500 square feet in size and as such are considered unclassified by King County. The applicant is proposing to fill these wetlands. The stream is located in a man-made ditch paralleling the site's western property boundary and begins approximately 112 feet north of the southwest property corner. D. DESIGN FEATURES Density, Lot Pattern, Comprehensive & Community Plan/SDO: The proposal complies with the King County zoning code (KCC 21.A), is designated Urban in the King County comprehensive plan and is located in the Soos Creek community planning area. The special overlays deal with significant trees, clearing and grading, and seasonal clearing restrictions .. 1. Access/Roadway Section: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 will be accessed directly off 114th Avenue SE to the east, while lots 5, 6 and 8 will obtain access to 114th Ave SE by way of a private access tract 26 foot in width. 2: Drainage: Runoff from the site drains into three drainage basins: a). Northwest downstream drainage path -The runoff from this basin flows into the closed depression on the site. From there it drains west in a roadside ditch and culvert system along the south side of SE 162"d Street flowing west. Then it flows overland across a semi-vacant storage yard to a sharp grade break and down to the bottom of a large natural ravine draining to the northwest. b). c). Southwest downstream drainage path -The eastern and southern . portions of the property, as well as drainage from 114th Aven.ue SE and SE 164th Street and a small upstream tributary area to the east, drain west in a roadside ditch and a driveway culvert system along the north side of SE 1641h Street to the bottom of the hill near 1091h Avenue SE. This roadside system discharges into the same large natural ravine draining to the northwest. West downstream drainage path -The remainder of the property drains directly west through private property, initially in a drainage ditch and stream, then in a long piped system which discharges into the same large Report and Decision 2 of9 L04S0037 · • • natural ravine between the discharge points for the northwest and southwest drainage paths. 4. Utilities: Both sewage disposal services and water supply service will be provided by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. The district has issued the certificates of sewer and water availability signed on August 23, 2004 and July 23, 2004, indicating their intention and ability to provide the service. 5. Schools: This proposal has been reviewed under RCW 58.17.110 and KCC 21A.28 (School Adequacy). a. School Facilities: The subject subdivision will be served by Cascade Elementary, Nelson Middle and Lindbergh High School, all located within the Renton School District. b. -School Capacity: The Renton School Board has adopted capacity figures which indicate their ability to accommodate the anticipated students generated by this proposal. c. School Impact Fees: King County code requires that an impact fee per lot be imposed to fund school system improvements to serve new development within this district. Payment of this fee in a manner consistent with King County code is a condition of subdivision approval. _ d. School Access: The District has indicated that the future students from this subdivision will walk via sidewalks to all the schools. E. SEPA THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: This short subdivision application is exempt from review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW 43.21 C. - F. FINDINGS/CONCLUSIONS: The subject subdivision will comply with the goals and objectives of the King County Comprehensive Plan and will comply with the requirements of the Subdivision and Zoning Codes and other official land use controls of King County (i.e. 1993 King County Road Standards, 1998 Surface Water Design Manual, etc.), based upon the conditions for final short plat approval. G. DECISION: Proposed Short Plat (file No. L04S0037), received October 4, 2004 as described by Attachment 1 of this report is GRANTED PRELIMINARY APPROVAL; subject to the following conditions of final approval: 1. Title 19A A. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19A. of the King County Code B. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final short subdivision. C. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final short plat recording. Report and Decision 3 of9 L04S0037 • • 2. Surface Water Management (KCC 9) 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) FULL REVIEW The proposed short plat qualifies for full drainage review as outlined in Chapter One of the Surface Water Design Manual. Final short plat approval .shall require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. A professional civil engineer, licensed in the State of Washington, shall prepare drainage plans and a technical information report as outlined in Chapter 2 of the drainage manual. The drainage plan submittal shall demonstrate compliance with all applicable Core and Special Requirements. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location of lots as shown on. the preliminary approved short plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval, which represent portions of the drainage requirements. All other applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) must also be satisfied during engineering and final review. A. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Prior to short plat recording, the applicant shall submit drainage and engineering plans to address the required short plat improvements. King County approval of drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. Permit fees for review and inspection shall be paid as required by County codes and policies .. Bonding for the drainage plans will also be established as determined by DOES prior to plan approval. After receiving.drainage plan approval, the applicant shall contact the DOES Land Use Inspection Section to schedule a pre-construction meeting prior to performing work on the site. · B. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by DOES Engineering Review shall be shown on the engineering plans. C. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: . "All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces. such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings on file with DOES and/or the Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots designated for perforated stub-outs, dispersion, or infiltration systems, the designs shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with the plans on file." SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS As required by Special Requirement No.2 in the drainage manual, the 100-year floodplain limits determination calculations shall be included in the Technical Drainage Report (TIR) and delineated / shown on the final engineering plans and the recorded short plat for the existing onsite depression. 4. Road Standards (KCC 14) 1993 King County Road Standards All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (1993 KCRS). The proposed short subdivision shall comply with the 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS) including the following requirements: A. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS) including the following requirements: 1. The proposed on-site access serving proposed lots 5, 6 & 8 shall be placed in a Private Access Tract (PAT). These lots shall have undivided ownership of the tract and be responsible for its maintenance. The PAT road improvements shall Report and Decision 4 of9 L04S0037 • • conform to KCRS 2.03 for Urban Minor Access Road Standards and shall include 22 feet of paving with concrete curb and gutter on both sides of the road. The minimum tract width shall be 26 feet with a maximum length of 150 feet. · 2. 114th Avenue Southeast fronting the subject property shall be improved to Urban Sub-Access Standards, per the 1993 King County Road Standards, Section · 2.03. 3. Southeast 162"d Street fronting the subject property shall be improved to Urban Sub-Access Standards, per the 1993 King County Road Standards, Section 2.03. 4. Southeast 1641h Street fronting the subject property shall improved to Urban Neighborhood Collector Standards, per the 1993 King County Road Standards, Section 2.03. 5 Street trees shall be included in the design of all road improvements, and shall comply with Section 5.03 of the KCRS. 5. Health (KCC 13) This project is exempt from further King County Heath Department review. However, if improvements are required from the Sewei and/or the Water District, then verification shall be required from said District{s) that the improvements have been bonded and/or installed, prior to final recording of the short plat. · 6. Building and Construction Standards (Title 16) 7. A. The applicant shall comply with all applicable provisions of KCC 16.82. 8. The applicant shall demonstrate compliance with KCC 16.82.150 {clearing standards) requirements at engineering and final short plat. Fire Code (KCC 17) Section 902 of the 1997 Edition of Uniform Fire Code The applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code: 8. Zoning Code (KCC 21A) A. Density and Dimensions {KCC 21A.12) All lots shall meet the density and dimensions requirements of the R-8 zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary short subdivision, whichever is larger. Minor revisions to the short subdivision, which do not result in substantial changes and/or do not create additional lots may be approved at the discretion of the Department cif Development and Environmental Services. 8. Street Trees (KCC 21A.16) Street trees shall be provided as follows (per KCRS 5.03 and KCC 21A.16.050): 1. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage . along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance . requirements for driveways and intersections. 2. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation determines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. Report and Decision 5 of9 L04S0037 • • 3. If King County determines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. 4. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or otherworkable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. 5. The species of trees shall be approved by DOES if located within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility Jines. 6. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by ODES prior to engineering plan approval. 7: The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one' year. After one year, the maintenance borid may be released after ODES has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. · 9. Sensitive Areas (KCC 21A.24) The proposed subdivision shall comply with the Sensitive Areas Code as outlined in KCC 21A.24. Permanent survey markings and signs as specified in KCC 21A.24.160 shall also be addressed prior to final plat approval. Temporary marking of sensitive areas and their buffers (e.g., with bright orange construction fencing) shall be placed on the site and shall remain in place until all construction activities are completed. Preliminary plat review has identified the following specific requirements which apply to th.is project. All other applicable requirements from KCC 21A.24 shall also be addressed by the applicant. A. Wetlands 1. Class 3 wetland(s) shall have a minimum buffer of 25 feet, measured from the wetland edge. 2. The wetland(s) and their respective buffers shall be placed in a Sensitive Area Tract (SAT). 3. Buffer Averaging, as shown on the approved plan set, meets provisions of the King County Sensitive Area Code 21A.24320 (b). 4. A minimum building setback line of 15 feet shall be required from the edge of the tract. B. Streams 1. Class 3 stream(s) shall have a 25-foot buffer. 2. The stream(s) and their respective buffers shall be placed in a Sensitive Area Tract (SAT). · 3. A minimum building setback line of 15 feet shall be required from the edge of the tract. Report and Decision 6 of9 L04S0037 • • C. Alterations .to Streams or Wetlands 1. 2. Alterations of streams and/or wetlands are approved in conformance with KCC 21A.24. As an alternative to mitigation plantings, the applicant has provided buffer averaging in excess of 2:1. The Sensitive Area Tract that includes the Class 3 wetlands and associated Class 3 stream shall be fenced with split rails (spit rail fence) and posted with Sensitive Area signs. D. SDO Conditions (KCC 21A.38)-The following Special District Overlays apply to this site: 1. Significant trees -Calls for the retention of a certain percentage of the trees on the site. · 2. Seasonal clearing restrictions -Clearing is limited to April 1•1 through September 30th. 10. Road Mitigation Payment System The applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with Road Mitigation Payment System (MPS), King County Code 14.75, by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by King County Department of Transportation. The applicant has an option to either: A. Pay the MPS fee at final short plat recording, or B. Pay the MPS fee at the time of building permit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of short plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the short plat that reads, "All fees required by King County code 14.75 have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of the building permit application. 11. Lots within this subdivision are subject to King County Code 21 A.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent (50%) of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and collected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall be allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building permit issuance. 12. Suitable recreation space shall be provided consistent with the requirements of K.C.C. 21A.14.180 and K.C.C. 21A. 14.190 (i.e., sport court[s], children's play equipment, picnic table[s], benches, etc.). a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., location, area calculations, dimensions, landscape specs, equipment specs, etc.) shall be submitted for review and approval by DDES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with the submittal of engineering plans. b. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. Other Considerations A. Preliminary approval of this application does not limit the applicant's responsibility to obtain any required permit or license from the State or other regulatory body. This may include, but not be limited to, obtaining a forest Report and Decision 7 of9 L04S0037 • •• practice permit, an HPA permit, building permits, and other types of entitlements as necessitated by circumstances. 8. The short subdivision shall conform to KCC 16.82 relating to grading on private property .. C. Development of the subject property may require registration with the Washington State Department of Licensing, Real Estate Division Report and Decision 8 of9 L04S0037 • • Appeal Information.and Parties of Record RIGHT TO APPEAL This action may be appealed in writing to the Kihg County Hearing Examiner, with a fee of $250 (check payable to King County Office of Finance). As required by KCC 20.20.090 and 20.24.090, the appeal period shall be fourteen (14) calendar days and shall commence on the third day after the notice of decision is mailed. Filing an appeal requires actual delivery to the King County Land Use Services Division prior to the close of business (4:30 p.m.) on May 27. 2005. Prior mailing is not sufficient if actual receipt by the Division does not occur within the applicable time period. The Examiner does. not have authority to extend the time period unless the Division is not open on the specified closing date, in which event delivery prior to the close of business on the next business day is sufficient to meet the filing requirement. If a timely Notice of Appeal has been filed, the appellant shall file a statement of appeal within a 21-day calendar period commencing three days after the notice of decision is mailed. The statement of appeal shall identify the decision being appealed (including file number) and the alleged errors in that decision. The statement of appeal shall state: 1) specific reasons why the decision should be reversed or modified; and 2) the harm suffered or anticipated by the appellant, and the relief sought. The scope of an appeal shall be based on matters or issues raised in the statement of appeal. Failure to timely file a notice of appeal, appeal fee, or statement of appeal deprives the Examiner of jurisdiction to consider the appeal. Appeals must be submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services, addressed as follows: LAND USE APPEAL · Land Use Services Division Department of Development and Environmental Services BlackRiver Corporate Park 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Any party may make a request for a pre-hearing conference. For more information regarding appeal proceedings and pre-hearing conferences, please contact the Office of the Examiner for a Citizens' Guide to the Examiner Hearings and/or read KCC 20.20 and 20.24 .. Parties and Persons of Interest: Guy Lund, 810 East 4th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 William Taylor, TEC, Inc. PO.Box 1787 Issaquah, WA 98027 Scott Brainard, Wetland Resources, Inc. 9505 19th Ave. SE, Ste. 106, Everett, WA 98208 Dana Cook, 11304 SE 162"d Street, Renton, WA 98055 Yvonne Larsen, 11202 SE 162"d Street, Renton, WA 98055 Curtis Foster, P.E., Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD, ODES Mazen Haidar, P.E., Project Engineer, Engineering Review Section, LUSD, ODES Kim Claussen, Program/Project Manager Ill, Current Planning Section, LUSD, DOES Angelica Velasquez, Program/Project Manager II, Current Planning Section, LUSD, DOES Report and Decision 9 of9 .L04S0037 •• • Affidavit of Publication 2881941 / 3 State of Washington, Counties of King and Snohomish, Daniel S. O'Neal being duly sworn, says that he/she is the Authorized Agent of Seattle Times Company, publisher of The Seattle Times and representing the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, separate newspapers published daily in King and Snohomish Counties, State of Washington: that they are newspapers of general circulation in said Counties and State; that they have been approved as legal newspapers by orders of the Superior Court of King and Snohomish Counties; that the annexed, being a classified advertisement, was published in: Newspaper Publication Date The Seattle Times 11/18/04 And not in a supplement thereof, and is a true copy pf the notice as it was printed and/or distributed in the regular and entire issue of said paper or papers during all of said period, and that said newspaper or newspapers were regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22"' day of November, 2004 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at Seattle ~AAIN FILE COPY , ·~!~G CouNTY,Dl:Pr;.()F . . : ·.DEVELOPMENT & -... ·: ENV·.···. 0. N.M.ENf .. A. L. ·SE~VICES_'_ (DDESMQ0'0(1kesdale·-V& SW,i · ,Rentop,'-WA'f8055·12 f· · . .. ·NOrice·oFiANO use , · .--~~~~IT APPl.:ICATIONS REQUEST:' ·· SHORT,SUBDIVJSIONS File:::;;, ..... ,;.,._. , . · - l04S0036; Blaklev.Short Plat ~r.l~~nl\6~1e~. ·. : .' ·. . . . . Location:,:.:.:.:.!.·''.. . Locoted•on_the southwest corner of the intersection of SW. Jl),lfh St. and,12th Ave SW ···· · · · r~~mi\:oe:~~~~i~'t~6s1n le- fom/Jv · resfdenllal lots. Prlect; t~~7~~f,~~16sciG8z; ·(~i,296-.7136' ' ., . ,, . ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Ave SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 • L04S0037 -Lund Short Subdivision DOES Project Number • l,~G~=l..+-.c..,lfl'--.,-L=--1...,A._AI....__D"----'' hereby affirm that I have ~ecQiR,l;1iwing: / (print name) X Notice of Permit Application D Other _____________ ~- on the :17 /Ir day of ll/o uem 6e1e... , 2004, in accordance with the Department of Development and Environmental Services' requirements. I further affirm that the notice will remain in place and visible during the full required notice period. 2) ------------------------- 3) I hereby affirm that the above is a true and correct statement. This affidavit must be completed and returned to the Land Use Services Division within 7 days of posting. Improper posting or failure to return the affidavit within 7 days shall be cause for the final decision regarding your permit to be postponed. MAIN FILE COPY ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services • 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 I November 9, 2004 Mr. William Taylor 205 Front Street S. Issaquah, WA 98027 • RE: Notice of Complete Application for Application Time Periods Application No. 1048003 7 Date Filed: October 4'n. 2004 Dear Mr. Taylor: The purpose of this letter is to notify you that on November 2, 2004 the Land Use Services Division determined that the above-referenced application is complete under current requirements for a complete application. This initial determination is intended only for the purpose of applying the time periods for permit processing specified in Ordinance 12196. Supplemental information may be requested by the Division, as necessary, for the continued review of your application. Our goal is to process your application within 120 days. However, the complexity and level of analysis required to review your project and available staff resources will affect the actual review time. The timeline can also be impacted by one or more of the following: • any request made by the Division for additional information • changes or revisions requested by the applicant • mutually-agreed-upon requests to stop the time clock • preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement • failure to post the property • resolution of land use decisions appeals If you have any questions about your application or the posting requirements, please contact me at (206) 296-7136. Sinc~~:;Y~ .. ___ .,,- ··'" I ./ ~-.~-. ~/~ / <{/V/L<:/' --cu~,/ -Angelica Velasquez, Proj:Ct M~r Current Planning Section cc: Lisa Dinsmore, Supervisor, Current Planning Application File · • N•tice ® Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division of Application 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 (Type 2) Applicant: . Guy t~rid · ..• ·.,. ' Fil~:1!tliu04S0031} , •,t: };!\ii( ,;,/ ,)•,:, •.Bto,4th Street,: t:;,;/ o. • , ., ;"' , • ,.:":; ,c::: '.(':,,\"·.(}.. . ' '.. ' Port' Angeles.WA·•·· 9J~s2i''''·, ... t ': oH~;;~,f~j~df i~~~'~:g~:~/1: .. Ang~Uc~ •... v~l~stjuez :i,;, ,•.ffe1E'lp?o!ii~,~'~!(2~,t~ .• ~:~7?1,~6 ,,,,y;< .ii!j::) ···,::i<•.••• • ,:qc1i~'fiPP!ic~t:ibh::F,il.e~:.,.[pq~oi;e~l,:t{~9.o;r.••···,, ·i,,i < . . >-.. ·Qc:!te peterminecl Complete: Noy~rnber;,2, f904- ;'i,1·:j,1;!.: :,,j .. , . ·'{1,1;,', ',:·!'t:J.:, ·Project. Desc'ription:·S libdivide '2:05,ac~ei:i' into 8 singleafam.ily, re~idl;lntialj:lotst ' . , .:. ·.·.)·.· . , ·: · .. ",., "' _'(1_.,·_:., _((.''.,-:_,_-' .,.,:I' .'., ,,:,;:· ·. ,,,',i 1·:1 -. : .Permits requ·ested,•in,tnis_.application,'iSl)<>it§ubdivisi<>n . . . · .. ,, ,,, '> 0 ,: '':' 'i ,/{,,:,: '' · · , · ···Rel~v:~1··,~J'irrnrii~·~I,1 •. do6J~i~t~i~f:V~t~1';~·~·1·Z'.~t t~J .... ~b~·0~}·~g:1i:~l!i:.:··15J~i~~§~;st~d;1 :1:i""i,,,;,·· .. . . ' . ' '" '.' ,: ' .: . ; ' ':,·:. i:> .. :i:, ,' .,> F>.' ,, '}_:)\; ,.:1\;\??:::,i ;,)\":_:'.i!ii:::::/<::\ii i:",'~::; ',,Ir, ,i:,r/{! :, 'I' 1,{ ;,{I::::;\:,:,,:;;; ?(\,:iii,i;.;.:::([),:,:r}"-':.\i:;.i {J")'.:,:ii:?111 :;~::,:!:l!:;i;ljfi?;!:::,::i::1.) t:'.11:/; I.:\ .. ::':_, ! ;; I!. Developme qt· ~E'lg u latiobs ;to be,• U~~.di fore p reject n, itig~Ji()n :knO'A'nat,.tti is Jiv:,ei;,K 9Qr2 ~'~;:i n~fuil ing '. ·sensitive.•area r~g ~.1ati9q~; ~,<>Ji<!. ,~~rc!.irc!.~. :ijq'.g) ~~.~, ~Hrf.i~~l!l!!f~.~,,.g~~.!~.r'M~nl/!I; .•···. , .. , • • , ': , ., 1 ;: : " : , 0 ., ,, ?;;;:.<-• . : , ',.,• ... :1)'.::'f ':' .:·<i::/: __ ': '_\ }:•: : ':,·,. :: :t> , ' I • i/.,:::::; ",.,' :• ;::{\:J.'; ){!:'f :{i: .< ,_ ::1}1/'): :':~(/::JiF ·):::;;-:'.! '"jJ !!)L:!i??-:}\:if\' ,::-.:_ i j;,:(/J.' .",:, :\{·: I.'·- Consistency with applicabie ::Co1:1rity.:,plans, arid:, reg ulatioris: . , ;ifhis 1,proposc1l,willi:be:r~Yiewed, fc:,r ... , compliance v.rith aU . .1pplica~l.e King County C,Qc;l~s, Including thos~ .no!~c;l;,apov~., , ' .. , . ,._, :-,···: .. :>:: ::.-< "<.:·.:1:}·'..:'.::,::,::1:i.: ... ·:'·'·::i·1/i-<:::··!-':.,,-i_, : :-1;::,i,,,_.·,:.:, ::i,<.::.:·.\1::i:f·i·:·;: .. j,, ·:::,:.r.·:{;!:ii"{:. :;\ .. :;·ii/:1:·'·'_1::_;,f;·f·::''.?}>!1-l·::;;/<,i.,;,_,-... :.. .. , Other permits :not included:in this applicatibn;.known.at!:ll)is time: : Noneiatthis 'time(: ,.:,,i I, • .. -· ·1 .,-' -' ···, ·:,, .. , i· · · · · · · • ·· · -· .. ,,: , , ·• ;.-. · , ··; . ---.-.-, .. , t, _,;c .. . ,I , 1 :·-·;';q,' ,'./'ll::1hi''· /!;'!1.:,;1:' (:.!/ii-!.,:< The Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day public comment period which ends on December 23, 2004. Written comments on this application must be submitted to ODES at the address below. A public hearing is not required for this application prior to the ODES decision. However, the ODES decision may be appealed to the King County Hearing Examiner, who would conduct an appeal hearing prior to making a decision on the appeal. Details of the appeal process will be included in the notice of decision. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the Project Manager at the address listed above. You may review the application and any environmental documents or studies in our Renton office. NOTE: If you require this material in braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call (206) 296-6600 (voice) or (206) 296-7217 (TIY). Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Date of Mailing: November 29, 2004 -------------------------------------------------- If you wish to receive a copy of the DDE.S report ~nd decision of this application, complete and return this portion of the notice to the Land Use Services Division.at the address listed above. File No. L04S0037 ( please print ) Name: _______________________________ _ Address: _______________________________ _ Telephone No.: ---------- FileNo: . ~ '·:L0~,·00°~ .. __ . : ,_' ~' .:.· . '· ,· ", .',_ ' :::. .. ' C!)~,,_, North Scale: t ' 1-" = I \00 • ,/ ' . Date:,_·----- Revisio~'tr© g 5 ~ ~@ . l.N OCT,0 ~ 2004 . r. 0 I SCALE: K.C. o.o.e.s. 50 100 I : t" = 100 fl Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Short Plat Application lc-app-ahplatpdf 05/28103 <® '· l • Ntttice Department of Development and Environmental Se,vices Land Use Services Division of Application 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Applicant: Guy Lund 810 4th Street (Type 2) File #: L04S0037 Port Angeles, WA 98362 . ODES Project Manager: Angelica Velasquez Telephone No: 206-296-7.13.6 Date Application Filed: October 4, 2004 Date Determined Complete: November 2, 2004 Project Location: rhe site is located at 16217 1141 h Avenue SE•, Renton, WA Project Description: Subdivide 2.05 acres into 8 single-family residential lots. Permits requested in this application: Short Subdivision Relevant environmental documents are available at the above address: Drainage study Development regulations to be used for project mitigation; kn.own atthis time: .KCC 21A, including sensitive area regulations, road standards, and 1998 Surface Water Design Manual. ' 'I, ' Consistency with applicable County plans and regulations: This proposal will be reviewed for compliance with all applicable King County Codes, including those npted above. Other permits not included in this application, known at this time: None atthis time; The Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) will issue a decision on this application following a 21-day public comment period which ends on December 23, 2004. Written comments on this application must be submitted to DOES at the address below. A public hearing is not required for this application prior to the DOES decision. However, the DOES decision may be appealed to the King County Hearing Examiner, who would conduct an appeal hearing prior to making a decision on the appeal. Details of the appeal process will be included in the notice of decision. Any person wishing additional information on this proposed project should contact the Project Manager at the address listed above. You may review the application and any environmental documents or studies in our Renton office. NOTE: If you require this material in braille, audio cassette, or large print, please call (206) 296-6600 (voice) or (206) 296-7217 (TTY). Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Date of Mailing: November 29, 2004 ============================-----==--------------- If you wish to receive a copy of the ODES report and decision of this application, complete and return this portion of the notice to the Land Use Services Division at the address listed above. File No. L04S0037 ( please print ) Name:.~------------------------------~ Address: _______________________________ _ Telephone No.: --------- ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 • • Land Use Services Division Fee Quote Pre-app Estimate Number: A04PM120 Date: August 26. 2004 Permit Name: Lund Short Subdivision Permit Type: 8-lot Short Plat Permit Sub-Type: _ _._N!!./ A~--- ' Based on permit information submitted by the applicant, the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) has determined the amount of review fees for the subject application. The fees shown below do not include ancillary permit fees, project-related mitigation fees, or any other fees that are passed through to the applicant from other agencies or as part of the project's environmental review. Counter Services Fee for Application Intake: Estimate for All Fixed Fee Reviews (Total): a. Fire Review Estimate for Hourly Fees: Total Permit Fee Quote: $283.76 $138.86 $18,837.00 $19,259.62 Note: The estimate for hourly fees stated above is based on the total estimated number of hours not to exceed 130 hours for the disciplines listed below, and is calculated using the department's hourly rate in effect at the time the work is performed. The total hours reflect work performed by the following disciplines: • Engineering • Planning • Platting • Sensitive Areas/Wetlands • Project Management After receiving the foe quote from ODES, the applicant has ninety (9@ ~ t~o~pt~t~ '[)' application submittal. If the application is not received within ninety ~day{'fh@apJil:i911"t[.0 may be required to obtain a new fee quote. ' . . ' . \. . ~r· -• • Keeping review fees at or below the fee quote estimates will depend on the applicant's commitment to complete the process review. At a minimum, this commitment should include submitting materials which address all County codes, policies and previous approval conditions, and responding to the County's request for corrections or additional information requirements in a timely manner, not to exceed 90 days. Acknowledged: 6u V Lu NO Applicai/i!Owner Name (print) · ~/3$/tf V Date · wner Name (signature) cc: Angelica Velasquez, Planner II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Curt Foster, Senior Engineer, Engineering Review Unit, LUSD Ray Floren!, Senior Engineer, Engineering Revi~w Unit, LUSD Bill Mudd, Fire Protection Engineer, BSD LUSD fee estimate.doc 12/12/03 1 _.-.. J .. _. ' . . . • ... r • • For further questions on this fee quote or for other requirements about this permit application, please contact the Project Manager, Rich Hudson, at (206) 296-7157. Sincerely, ~~~ , Project Manager, Land Use Services Division Land Use Servic,es Division Fee Quote Pre-app Estimate Number: A04PM120 Date: August 26. 2004 Permit Name: Lund Short Subdivision Permit Type: 8-lot Short Plat Permit Sub-Type: -"'N"'IAco... __ _ The following disclaimers are attached and part of the fee quote for this permit. The applicant is required to submit a signed copy of this form with the application and fee payment acknowledging that the applicant has read the disclaimers sated below. Disclaimer Applicants are responsible for all fixed fees and reported hours performed in reviewing submittal materials and processing, up to the fee quote. Changes in the scope of the project review will result in a revised review fee quote. Fee quotes are based on information submitted to DOES by the applicant prior to finalization of the permit application. In addition, quotes are determined by utilizing historical data gathered .from projects of similar type, size, and scope. The fee quote will be the maximum fee charged unless the scope of the project changes and/or items are identified that are not originally disclosed or identified later in the process. DDES's fee quote is subject to revision under conditions including, but not limited to, the following: 1) Unknown or undisclosed site or project issues · 2) Changes in the project 3) Incomplete information from applicant 4) Errors in applicant information or submittal 5) County code fee changes 6) Appeals 7) If road variance approval is desired, it must be obtained prior to the preliminary submittal. 8) Additional hoµrs may be required if drainage or road problems (SSD) are discovered after the preliminary short plat submittal. 9) Plan changes require a revised estimate. LUSD fee estimate.doc 12/12/03 . ...,,,.. .. ----------------------- ® Application · ·Land Use Permits King County Deparbnont of Development and Environmental Servtcee Land Use Services Olvlalon 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, W&shington 98055-1219 206-296-6800 TTY 206-296-7217 Alternative fonnats available upon request Application Number(sJI so 0Do37oox J. U ':I: ~ @©@OW@ [Q) OCT O 4 2004 DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS DIVIDER I (We) request the following pennlt(s) or approval(s): ~ Building Pennlt Cl Shoreline Substantial Development Pennlt ~ Clearing & Grading Pennlt Cl Shoreline Conditional Use Pennlt Cl Temporary Use Penni! Cl Shoreline Variance Cl Binding Site Plan Cl Shoreline Redesignation Cl Site Development Penni! Cl Zoning Variance Cl Boundary Line Adjustment Cl Conditional Use Pennlt ~ Short Subdivision Cl Reuse of Public Schools ~ Fonnal Subdivision Cl Special Use Penni! Cl Urban Planned Development Cl Zone Reclassification Cl Plat Alteration Cl Site Specific Comprehensive Plan Amendment Cl Plat Vacation Cl P-Suffix Amendment Cl Road Variance Cl Special District Overlay Removal Cl Drainage Variance or Adjustment Cl Reasonable Use Exception Cl Right-of-way Use Pennlt Cl Public Agency & Utility Exception Cl Shoreline Exemption Cl Period Review for Mining Sites I, GIA~ ~IA i ,beingdulyswom,statethatlamtheowneror (print name) officer of the corporation owning property described in the legal description filed with this application and that I have reviewed the rules and regulations of the Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) regarding the preparation and filing of this application and that all statements, answers and infonnation submitted with this application are in all respects true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. ' · During the review of this application, it may be necessary for DDES staff to make one or more site visits. By signing this application fonn, you are giving pennission for these visits. If It is rental property, the owne~=Y °t:~oiotify tenants of possible site visits. ~ ~ '1 printed name ~ 'JI signature % Io {.t.f +\-~ _-__,f'-----c~;--'-A'-"------ mai1ing address co,poration or company name ~-rt AM,t \.e,, WA qg1t:2. ~·1,0 .. 4cn-J ~~ ~ city _ O stale zip telephone If applicable, state below, the name, address and telephone number of the authorized applicant for this application as shown on the Certification and Transfer of Application Status fonn filed with this application. name mailing address telephone city state Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Application ror Lsnd Use Permits lc-app-wper.pdf 05f21J03-Paga 1 of2 • For Formal Subdivisions only: Name of Subdivision Registered Land Surveyor Engineer Developer Land Surveyor's Certification I hereby certify that the accompanying plat has been inspected by me and conforms to all rules and regulations of the platting resolution and standards for King County, Washington Signed: Date: • Name Address and Zip Telephone Number Name Address and. Zip Name Address and Zip Telephone Number Land Surveyor Seal Note: Application forms and submittal requirements are subject to revision without notice. Check out the DDES Web slle at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Application for Land Use Pennit:s IO-app4uper.pdl 05/21/03 Page2of2 • • --------------------------.----------------------- If you wish to receive a copy of the ODES report and decision of this application, complete and return this portion of the notice to the Land Use Services Division.at the address listed above. File No. L0450037 ( p/ea~e print) , 1, Name. v I l""-"'"> Address: l\ 000 ~ v-(, lc..Le.-'t Le,...'<...Q.. (,', ~l C.,/o L" + ' i', '~ Telephone No.: --------- t/)r iA k • ® King County ' Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW • Renton, WA 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600 .. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) File Number: Application Name: Lv. "~ Q k.1 ------------------------ Project Location: \ <o 1 I 1 -114+"-A~ s~ . 1 fl.LYl-!i>n I wA· The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: 1. That the affiant is competent to be a witness herein; 2. That the affiant is the applicant for the above project; 3. That to the best of the affiant's knowledge the critical areas on the development proposal site have not been illegally altered; and 4. That the affiant has not previously been found to be in violation of critical areas regulations for any property in King County, or alternatively, that if there have been any violations, such violations have been/are being cured to the satisfaction of King County. Date and Place (City and State) \ I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that ~'4/}I• foregoing is true and correct. . . •rr f!:ft.~ c,~, ""''"'ODES Wob ... "wwwm.JID.:: ~ !; [Q) L 0·21nsCOt)S~ 1c-aff-sacomp. pdf 12/19/03 _.,._ Page 1 of 1 K.C. o.o'.E.S. CoJ)~ e ® KingCOUnty Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-2-00 nv 206-296-1211 -Alternative formats available upon request L0a.i!)037 (To be filled in by DOES) PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION WORKSHEET RELATING TO DENSITY AND DIMENSIONS Several development regulations play a role in the creation of a subdivision within King County. Determining the allowable density, minimum densfty, and a lot width on a piece of property can be confusing. This worksheet will assist you in correcHy applying specific portions of the code and will be used to determine if a proposed subdivision or short subdivision meets the density and dimensions provisions of the King County Zoning Code (Tftle 21A). This worksheet is designed to assist applicants and does not replace compliance with adopted local, state and federal laws. Pre-application conferences are required prior to submittal of a subdivision or short subdivision. These conferences help to clarify issues and answer questions. They may save you both time and money by eliminating delays resulting from requests for addftional information and revisions. You may call 206-296-6600 to find out how to arrange for a pre-application conference. r.· Worksheet Prepared By: LOfl\ ll (V\ · I 0...,1/ i){ (Print Name/ Date: __:.q_._j l'-7_._j 0:...4.:__ Subdivision Name: _....:lu=:.."::;<.l;_;P_.:..:lcd-:::::.. ______________ _ ---' Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: !,kroo ({t'J 0 4Rob·~ CY'fd1Y 00 ~-1'2 J,.,_/ar,. l Zoning: B-8 -Res·, cvotJ c+-P , Z µu, p.i1{ ia, c<r ff more than one Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation or zone classification exists for the property, show the boundary between the land uses or zones and the area wfthin each on the preliminary plat map. If a single lot is divided by a zone boundary, transferring density across zones on that lot may be permitted subject to the provisions of K.C.C. 21A.12.200 .. Please complete only the applicable portions of this form I. Site Area (K.C.C. 21A.06.1172) also see (K.C.C. 21A.12.080); Site area (in square feet) is the gross horizontal area of the project sfte, less submerged lands as defined by K.C.C. 21A.06.1265, and less areas which are required to be dedicated on the perimeter of a project site for the public rights--0f-way. _ _..pe:_. __ square feet in submerged land (any land below the ordinary high water mark -see K.C.C. 21A.06.825) -~¢..,__ __ square feet in perimeter rights-of-way which will be required to be + __ A dedicated !£_ Total [fej&©&OW&fo' OCT O 4 2004 l_!:!) Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes K. C • &!>e~. ig,:sity and Dimension Calculations lc-cal-subden.pdf 12/10/03 Page 1 of8 ' Calculation: I ffi, 2 q A Gross horizontal area of the project site r/) Total submerged lands and rights-of-way ' Site area in square feet NOTE: To continue calculations, convert site area in square feet to acres by dividing by 43,560 _ _.l,,_ __ Site area in acres NOTE: When calculating the site area for parcels in the RA Zone, if the site area should result in a fraction of an acre, the following shall apply: Fractions of .50 or above shall be rounded up to the next whole number and fractions below .50 shall be rounded down. Example: If the site area in acres is 19.5 acres (less the submerged land and less the area that is required to be dedicated on the perimeter of a project site for public right-of-way) the site area can be rounded up to 20 acres. No further rounding is allowed. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.080) II. Base Density {K.C.C. 21A.12,030 -.040 tables I: The base density is determined by the zone designations(s) for the lot. _ __,6<---du/acre Ill. Allowable Dwelling Units and Rounding {K.C.C. 21A.12.0701: The base number of dwelling units is calculated by multiplying the site area by the base density in dwelling units per acre (from K.C.C. 21A.12.030 -.040 tables). _ _:c'l..:::__site area in acres (see Section 1.) X __ <;?"'-_base density (see Section II) = ---"llo"--allowable dwelling units Except as noted below, when calculations result in a fraction, the fraction is rounded to the nearest whole number as follows: A. Fractions of .50 or above shall be rounded up; and B. Fractions below .50 shall be rounded down. NOTE: For parcels in the RA Zone, no rounding is allowed when calculating the allowable number of dwelling units. For example, if the calculation of the number of dwelling units equaled 2.75, the result would be 2 dwelling units. Rounding up to 3 is not allowed. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.070(E)). IV. Required On-site Recreation Space (K.C.C. 21A.14.1801: This section must be completed only if the proposal is a residential development if more than four dwelling units in the UR and R zones, stand-alone townhouses in the NB zone on property designated Commercial Outside of Center if more than four units, or any mixed use development if more than four units. Recreation space must be computed by Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc,goy/ggea Subdivision Oon~ty and Dimension Calculations lc·cal-subden. pdf 12/10/03 Page 2 of 6 ' multiplying the recreation space requirement per unrt type by the proposed number of such dwelling units (K.C.C. 21A.14.180). Note: King County has the discretion to accept a fee in lieu of all or a portion of the required recreation space per K.C.C. 21A.14.185. Apartments and town houses developed at a density greater than eight unrts per acre, and mixed use must provide recreational space as follows: 90 square feet X ___ proposed number of studio and one bedroom units 170 square feet X proposed number of two bedroom units + 170 square feet X proposed number of three or more bedroom units + Recreation space requirement = Residential subdivisions, townhouses and apartments developed at a density of eight unrts or less per acre must provide recreational space as follows: 390 square feet X _.,,S,__ proposed number of units = 31 1.W sf or Mobile home parks shall provide recreational space as follows: 260 square feet X ___ proposed number of units = V. Net Buildable Area {K.C.C. 21A.06.797l: This section is used for computing minimum density and must be completed only if the srte is located in the R-4 through R-48 zones and designated Urban by the King County Comprehensive Plan. The net buildable area is the site area (see Section I) less the following areas: ~ ' + l}j ID I + •, ~i21 + So + 6 I + rj)_ = ?.41SQ2. areas within a project site which are required to be dedicated for public rfghbH>f-way In excess of sixty (60') of width sensitive areas and their buffers, to the extent they are required by King County to remain undeveloped areas required for above ground stormwater control facilities including, but not limited to, retention/detention ponds, biofiltration swales and setbacks from such ponds and awales areas required by King County to be dedicated or reserved as on-eite recreation areas. Deduct area within stormwater control facility if requesting recreation space credit as allowed by K.C.C. 21A.14.1BO(see Section IV)·"{,._ ,i, \,ti<. of ' regional utility corridors, and other areas, excluding setbacks, required by King County to remain undeveloped Total reductions Calculation: site area in square feet (see Section1) -~ Total reductions ~ Net buildable area in square feet NOTE: convert site area is square feet to · acres by dividing by 43,560 = \. 49 Net buildable area in acres Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc,qov/ddes SL1bdiv,sion Density and Dimension Calculations lc-cat-subden.pdf 12/10/03 Paga 3 of 6 • ' + + + + + + + = = = = , VI. Minimum Urban Residential Density (K.C.C. 21A.12.060): The minimum density requirement applies only to the R-4 through R-48 zones. Minimum densrty is determined by multiplying the base density in dwelling unrts per acre (see Section II) by the net buildable area of the site in acres (see Section V) and then multiplying the resulting product by the minimum densfy percentage from the K.C.C. 21A.12.030 table. The minimum densrty requirements may be phased or waived by King County in certain cases. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.060.) Also, the minimum densfy requirement does not apply to properties zoned R-4 located wrthin the rural town of Fall City. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.030(B)12.) Calculation: S base density in du/ac (see Section II) X I, &J 'l Net buildable area In acres (see Section V) =:1~1:,:'.'I:::== X minimum density % set forth in KC.C. 21A.121i30 or as adjusted in Section VII __ .,__ minimum dwelling units required t 5 l:,? 0 VII. Minimum Density Adjustments for Moderate Slopes (K,C.C. 21A,12.087l: Residential dev·elopments in the R-4, R-6 and R-8 zones may modify the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 based on the weighted average slope of the net buildable area of the site (see Section V). To determine the weighted average slope, a topographic survey is required to calculate the net build able area(s) within each of the following slope increments and then multiplying the number of square feet in each slope increment by the median slope value of each slope increment as follows: ----sq. ft 0-5% slope increment X 2~5% median slope value;: ~-=-sq. ft 5-10% slope incrementX 7.5% median slope value= + 1 jlJ \J sq. ft 10-15% slope increment X 12.5% median slope value= --3-2..,\J~· _ + -'--'---sq. ·ft 15-:20% slope increment X 17.5% median slope value= + -1-14-0-u-.-:~: ~ ;~~;~~ :}~~= ;~~~=~=~!~ ~~:~~ ~=::~ ::~~= ~::~:.: taGD : sq. ft 30·35% slope increment X 32.5% median slope value = + ----sq. ft 3540% slope increment X 37.5% median slope value= + ·I ~i)~ Total square feet 11ao Totalsquarefeet r in net buildable area adjusted for sJope Calculation: ~~.,_L;;·U;c. ~-total square feet adjusted for slope divided by 412QD total square feet in net buildable area .n, -Zo. weighted average slope of net buildable area _41,.0~-% (Note: multiply by 100 to convert to percent-round up to nearest whole percent) Use the table below to determine the minimum density factor. This denstty is substrtuted for the minimum density factor in K.C.C. 21A.12.030 table when calculating the minimum densrty as shown in Section VI of this worksheet. Weighted Average Slope of Net Minimum Denstty Factor Buildable Areals\ of Site: 0% --less than 5% 85% 5% --less than 15% 83%, less 1.5% each 1 % of averaae slope in excess of 5% 15% --less than 40% 66%, less 2.0% for each 1 % of a,eraae slope in excess of 15% r5 , IX. Minimum Lot Area For Constructjon (K.C.C. 21A.12.100); Except as provided for nonconformances in K.C.C. 21A.32: A. In the UR and R zones, no construction shall be permitted on a lot that contains an area of less than 2,500 square feet or that does not comply wtth the applicable minimum lot width, except for townhouse developments, zero- lot-line subdivisions, or lots created prior to February 2, 1995, in a recorded subdivision or short subdivision which complied with applicable laws, and; B. In the A. F, or RA Zones: 1. Construction shall not be permitted on a lot containing less than 5,000 square feet; and 2 Construction shall be limited to one dwelling unit and residential accessory uses for lots containing greater than 5,000 square fee~ but less than 12,500 square feet. (K.C.C. 21A.12.100) X. Lot Width (K.C.C. 21A.12,050(B)); Lot widths shall be measured by scaling a circle of the applicable diameterwtthin the boundaries of the lot as shown below, provided than an access easement shall not be included within the circle. (See K.C.C. 21A.12.050). ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· ·-·-·-·-·-·-' Lot Width Measurement Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrpkc.gov/ddes Subdivision Oens1t~ .ind Dimon,.ion Calculation& lc-cal-subden.pdf 12/10/03 Page 6 of 6 • 21A.12.030 21A.12.030 Densities and dimensions -residential zones. A Densities and dimensions -residential zones RESIDENTIAL z RURAL ....... 0 RE- N SBIVE E • ST-S ... ... ..... ....... UR R•I (17) ow •• ,., Bal• o.nuty: u u ,., ... u ' • • -"'K "'K "'K "'K "'K "'K "'K "'K """"" (21) ,., (151 Mulmurn D1ra1ty; .. .. • • ~Unll/Aalo .. K "'K "'K "'K (20) .. , ••• ,,, lllllinimam Dmaity: ... . .. OJ (12) (12) (11) (11) (23) Mlrill'UTI Lal ArH (13) 1.175 3.71 >,K HK .. .. Minimum Lat .... .... . ... .... .. . ... ... , .. .... '" "' 13) Mirimi.nltnoal ... .. . ... ... .. . ... ... ... ...... ,., ., ., •• "' "' "' ,,, •• lllilliffMffllntllriDr .. , .. ... .. . •• .. .. •• ...... .. ,., •• ., "' "' (31 (16} a.1 Haight ... ... ... ... .. . ... '" ,.. •• ... (14) ......... _.... ""' ... '"' 12.6% "" -"" "" Surtac:.I: (11) {HI {11) (11) (11) (11) P•-.tage(Sl (11) (111 {11) (19) B. Development conditions. ' ......... ........... •• R•12 • " "'K "'K " " "'K "'K ... ... (12) (Ill (11) ... ... ... ... "' •• • • .. (10) ... ... ... (14) '"' ... (King County 9-2002) ZONING J , R•11 .... .... " .. .. "'K .. K "'K " " " "'K "'K "'K "" '"' '"' (11) (111 (11) ... ... '" ... .... ... "' •• •• .. •• .. (10) {IOI (101 ... Ufl .. . ... ... .. . {14) (141 (14) . .. ... .,. 1. This maximum density may be achieved only through the application of residential density incentives in accordance with K.C.C. chapter 21A.34 or transfers of development rights in accordance with K.C.C. chapter 21A.37, or any combination of density incentive or density transfer. Maximum density may only be exceeded in accordance with K.C.C. 21A.34.040F.1.g. 2. Also see K.C.C. 21A.12.060. 3. These standards may be modified under the provisions for zero-lot-line and townhouse developments. 21A-104 • SE Coscode Elemento ry 1 6022 11 6th Ave Renton WA 98058 Phone: $':, 321\d Si ~ <( '-~ )4th St ·l...--1-- 425-204-3350 SE 16th Pl • School fEPESTRl/fN f?OL(_TEJ To A/B(il/!),,ff/OQI) .XH{)()LS ~ ~ en en ~ w <( > <( "O "O C N "' ;:; ;:; ~ en ~ .;;_ cE ~ ;:; K.C. o.o.'E.s. RillADINJ IFBL!E ©@1?'1 ~ cn ~ <( ~ ;;; c, SE 17 • Date:, _____ _ Revisio~t@ @'. B ng ~@ . lru OCT. 0 4 200lt r · 'j K.C. D.D.E.S. I North · Scale: t ' 1"=' \00 •-......... , .... -......... __ . ,; '· ! 11; I i --- O 50 100 I N SCALE: 1" 100 fl EB Short Plat AppllcaUon Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes lc-app-shplatpdl 05/28/03 Page 2 of 2 ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oaksdalc Ave SW Renton, Washington 98055-1219 Monday, October 04, 2004 !Activity Number: i Project Number: I I CHARGES Description L04S0037 L04S0037 Project Mngmt Hrs Budget Counter Service Fees Bldg FircFlow Review SUBTOTAL: PAYMENTS • FEE RECEIPT 1 1 Applicant: LUND, GUY . 810 EAST4TH ST I PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 (360) 452-3046 Checklog Check# Payee • Date Entered Amount $18,837.00 $283.76 $138.86 $19,259.62 Checklog Check# Payee Date Entered Amount Description Check -----5026 LUND,-~G~U7.Y~-----·----~\0~/~04~/2~0~0~4--~(~$~\ 9~,2~5=9~.62) SUBTOTAL: CHANGE GIVEN: BALANCE DUE: ($19,259.62) $0.00 $0.00 The fees shown above represent current charges as of this date and are an estimate based on the information provided to ODES at the time of application. ODES permit fees were restructured effective March.4th, 1999. Many fees previously assessed a flat feii assessed as hourly charges. Because of this change; and to ensure that our customers secure permits am~~~b'rr,~Yir D be issued prior to all hourly charges being recorded into our billing system. For services that are rend ~ 11~i'~b~is,: th'&-t those services will be based on the actual hours worked ... Hourly fees are charged at the rate In eff c~ t e time of se. rvice, and e billed (f) monthl~a~~ng wit=~ ~~~g~. ~ that have been posted prior to permit i ce ~I~ CWIINctm.f: th 1me. Fees ff(\,,, subse~ltjt'£1~uu·t"J···, .II fees must be paid in full before DOES issues Fih;,LApJ!to~~IPl'~~o. or c.o. \ • If , Printed on: Monday, October 04, 2004 at 11:08:06 AM K.C. o.o.E.S, Page I 1 ® ' • King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 FOR INDIVIDUALS: Alternative formats available upon request Permit Number: ---------- I, GIA. v,VII ~ , (print name) hereby certify that I am an/the ner of the property which is the subject of this application for permit or approval. If I am not the sole owner of the property, I certify that I am authorized to apply for this permit or approval by any and all other owners of the property. My mailing address is: '3 \0 -t.J.f"'\,-"5'11. I further certify that I am the "applicant" for this permit or approval and am financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. I shall remain the "applicant" for the duration of this permit or approval unless I transfer my "applicant" status in writing on a form provided by this department. By being the "applicant," that individual assumes financial res onsib' it for all fees nd will eceive refunds paid. Date'Signed OR FOR CORPORATIONS/BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS: I, , (print name) hereby certify that I am an authorized agent of , a corporation, or other business association authorized to do business in the State of Washington which is the subject of this application for permit or approval. If this business association is not the sole owner of the property, I certify that this business association is authorized to apply for the. permit or approval by any and all other owners of the property. The mailing address of this business association is: I further certify that the above-named business association is the "applicant" for this permit or approval and is financially responsible for all fees and will receive any refunds paid. This association shall remain the "applicant" for the duration of this permit or approval unless it transfers its "applicant" status in writing or on a form provided by this department. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregging is true and correct. . MAIN ALE COPY Signature of Applicant ~[jl~cg ~ W § [Q) y II l AS<lh\~~ES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddesCL 1 0 4 20. 04 UcliisJ o'r,li;,1 Us V ~r~stat.pdf 05/21/03 · · · Page 1 of 2 K.C. D.D.E.S. ' • NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: By law, this department returns all engineering and other plans to the applicant. If, however, you wish to authorize the department to return engineering and other plans directly to the engineer, architect, or other consultant for the limited purpose of making corrections, please designate below: ,® I authorize this department to return plans directly to my consultant(s) for the limited purpose of making corrections as designated on this form. CONSULTANTS: WC I \V\<., ~o . ~i)'>G 11 Cb, Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.ciovlddes Certification of Applicant Status lc-cer-apstat.pdf 05121103 Page 2 of 2 ® !Ill ' King County ,'Department of Development and Environmental Services· · Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 File No.-------------- Agent's me Street \/-.hl\1(1,M le'.; lov (.~ -ov« "tt.<5' Address/Location of Prope y I b-i 11 -\1 1 £J #I Ave c;e 1/4 1/4 SEC TWP RGE Legal Description N ~6 1Gt 1-1>1" 6" Signature Owner/Authorized Agent Date: Technician: ----- Kroll: ------~-Zoning: Min. Lot Area Restrictions: Min. Lot Width Community Planning Area: Comprehensive Plan Designation: Shorelines: ---- Sensitive Areas Map No.: Landslide Wetland Seismic Streams, Class: Env: Floodplain Erosion Steep Slope Known Unmapped Sensitive Areas: Critical Drainage Basin: SWM Variance Requested? CIP Project? Access: Proof of Access Required? Yes Row Use Permit Required? Street Road Variance Requested? Fish Bearing Coal Mine No CIP Project? --------------- Sensitive Area Variance Requested? Certificate of Water Availability Required? Certificate of Sewer Availability Required? Health Department Approval Required? SEPA Required? Proof of Legal Lot Required? Other: (SA, 2ndG,P.B.) Alternative formats available upon request L04S0037 licarit/. : .. ·· ,: · Phone it.o -4'52-sd-/ Zip Phone e,11 1fl,';-'5°l/· /.l/ ,~ Size f Property No. of Lots 'Z, O§. <3· Tax Account No. ooi~ oo o. 11 G) FEES State Highway? Yes __ No Cities within 3 miles? City Utilities? Critical Corridor? Bald Eagle Nest Buffer? Bald Eagle Habitat Area? Forest Dist. AG Dist. RELATED FILES: Yes Yes Yes I 0 11/ No No No ~ rn@rnowrn IQ\ OCT O 4 2004 ~ (/ Short Plat Application Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes K.C. D.D.E.S. {j'). lc-app-shplat.pdf 05/28/03 MAIN FILE OOP¥age 1 of 2 l.Y I , Proposed Short Plat Map . I File No:. _______ _ Date:. _____ _ Revision Date: ·------- North Scale: t . 1"=' \00 0 I SCALE: I~ I I :I i I \i 1 ,ti 1 50 I 1" = Check out the DOES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Short Plat Application lc-app-shplalpdf 05/28/03 100 : N EB, 100 fL Page 2 of 2 t .. ~. ' . (;fl KENl CS tt] l..lt.l l ,. • -Chicago Title Insurance Company Fax Transmission Number of Pages 5 Fax Number (425) 391-1551 Please Deliver to: John Taylor Private Please find the item(s) you requested: Protlle and Deed Regarding: 16217114th Ave SE, LUND Per the re.q11est o/GUY LUND. Sent: 9/3/04 0444PM If you did not receive all pages of this transmission, or would like to receive bardcoples by m11il, please call customer service as soon ao possible at: Phone: (253) 856-9770 Fax: 2S3-856-977S Thuk you foe <hooslng Chkogo mi, Comp'"Y foe yo~":w a~. ~IC£L Heidi Dinsmore THIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN MADE AVAILABLE TO YOU BY: Chicago Title Insurance Company IN CONFORMING WITH THE RULES ESTABLISHED BY THE INSURANCE COMMISSIONER WHO URGES YOU TO SHOP FOR THE BEST SERVICE AVAILABLE. NO GUARANTEE IS GIVEN NOR LIABILITY ASSUMED WITH RESPECT TO THE IDENTITY OF ANY PARTY NAMED OR REFERRED TO HEREIN OR WITH RESPECT TO THE VALIDITY, LEGAL EFFECT OR PRIORITY OF AN"r MATT~R SHOWN THl!.REIN. ~ [§@[§0\W[g IQ' OCT O 4 ~004 ~ LU4S0037 K.C. D.D.E.S. MARINI FILE COl?Y • Parcel ID Owner CoOwner Site Addr Mail Addr S81e Date SaleF'rice Loan Amt Use Code Zoning Prop Desc Legal :008800 0170 :Lund Guy/Frances METROSCAN PROPERTY PROFILE Bldg ;1 :16217 114th Ave SE Renton 98055 :16:217 114th Ave SE Renton Wa 98055 :04/26/2004 Oocli :2510 ;$355,000 Deed :Wan;inty Type ; :002 RES.SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE :R8SO :BLK 3 LOT 5 AKERS FARMS #6 Total :S251,000 Land .$162,000 Strucl :$89,000 %1mprvd :35 Levy Cd :4250 2004 Tax :$3,154.44 Phone Vol :42 Pg :15 MapGrid :656 E6 NbrMCd :030002 ••.CENSUS -- Tract ;258.01 BlocK ; 1 QSTR :NE 29 PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS Bedrooms :2 Bath Full ;1 Bath 3/4 Bath 1/2 Fireplace Laundry F'orch Deek :1 :Yes 1st Floor SF 2nd Floor SF Half Floor SF AboveGmdSF Bsmnt Finished esmnt Total SF Building SqFt DeckSqFt '· ;1,320 ;1,320 ;140 :720 :2,040 Year Built ;1947 Elf Year 61dQ Matl Bldg Cond :Good Bldg Grade :Avg Interior Insulation HeatSource :Electric 23N Stories :1 Units ; 1 Garage Type Attached GrgSF Heat Type ;Elec\l>aseboard Air Method Bllmnt ParkingSF Easements Basement Type :Yes Nuisance easement Grade :Poor Wtr Source ;Weter PiStrict Sewer Type ;Public Purpose LANO INFORMATION OTHER INFORMATION St Access :F'ubllc Beach Ace WtrFront WtrFntLoc WlrFrntFT OWNERS :West James L :West James L Lot SqFt :89,298 Lot Acres :2.os Lot Snape Tde/Uplna TopoF'robd SI Surface :Paved !elevator Sprinklers Golf Adj :No TRANSFER HISTORY DATE /DOC# :08/0412003 1794 :08/31/1983 1105 PRICE :$90,000 :$106,000 Soundproof Storage Security DEED :Quit Cla :Werrant LOAN lnJOnnatJ'.m ,ompilrdJrtlm v11rio11~ •u:1..-r:o:..-. R~iI:sl('/C Solwt/0111 makes n,:.-q;i,c,mmtions : (Jr warrrinrtt.s a, ,o flt<! accurac,v or compit.?,ti1f.!' nfif\(onMtio,r ci;ntointrf iff tfll~· !Yp<;tf. 05E TYPE , en KENT cs • ~ WH,iN REC0l1Df.0 1mnrJ..~TO 01"il-UNO ii JlllllJIIII 2. , i!J, Ill ZI ,H Ul1'1Uffl{ A\/t::ruB SOlJJ~ST J!lNI'ON, WA~lNOTON1'o.1! for a.ud tQ CtJasd~ af I O lJ ... K UfllT'f, ilR n.~ 1)01.l.t\~AND On1S.."t GOOD .t,NJ;i VAI.UAB~ OO~IVBJl/.110N Ul bud p1.td, CCU\e)'$ ;md ...r.u-rN",11 ~Q lWYLU"1)A.'-lJ..)PMJl~l.\J,.;;o,H~AA"OWll"Jt. ~00:J :00404260IJ2,10.001 I. Ilic followiD; dN,crlbcd TC:~1 ul:1t1D i;lttlt.t.e<l U\ th~ Couity of IONO State of W uhmgton TcA<co,at~wnbu(s). I 00!J80().(ll7'0-09 TRAer 5, il.<JCK J, AM&R.•S !'ARMS NO 6, ACX!OlDltro TO TXS, PI.A.T THmi.fOr', J.ICON)ED U:1 VOl.aill U CF i'~Til, iJICI 15, lN J.'i~ CCIWl'Y, 'iltAS;m«:nQd SUitJli:CT TO EWIUU'l' •J.,• J!.TI')kCJ!E:D HSR~ AND DY n.BPEREN~ MADE }I_ H.JlT H!lt-'JF , .. ,rr V . r ' • ' S7.4Te OP WA$ I QTCN !S COOblT't 0$' -f!-l.W'-'<--¥:...---,-. o, T.,s a'.? OAY o, 14 (x i I . ,r:tl,f: ••?ORE .... = U'.r.)Bll.SIIJNSO, A I.JOTAAY l'TJiLIC :11 iifc POii nil !in.ATS O'P WASH:NGTON, DULY C~lSSlONIC NfJ} SWOIU'o, i>P-90NM.LY APPB,Ugr, ::!iliM(S-L-tAlrSaC ---~OWd TO MX TO !IS TNS INDl'./IOUAL!S) ::iESCRliED 1H iUID WHO U5CU1'8D TJ.IC WlTHllli lNSTRW.illT JWO Aei<l,JOWl,JDCS.C: ':"HltiT SJGW!l:D AND SE:A.MBD 'INE SAr4E AS -1.'.J,;_ FRBE AND VO!..t.ltTARY Ji.CT FOR Tiill USES PU'.POSIS ~Mi:NTION&iO . . , !),lJ;OJ,·200~ 16:5~ FAX 25J6569775 en KEKr cs • EXHIBIT A Esacw No lll3698 ii1J U0$ 2*0426002510.QQJ uor:1 TO !UITD SAID P~BMtsU 'IO MA.KE RlfAIRS, AND TF.i RIG!fr TO CJ.II' BRUSH AND TR£ES 'AHlCH <."ONSTI'IUTE " Ml!NAC:il OR DANGZR TO \TTltl'I'Y u»u LQCAn:o ON PROPSRTY 1\0JOHUliC ~O i'Jl.tKISE.9, AS QRl.)l'IW B'i INSTF.L'N2N'!" Rl!:OORDF'D UN~i:R RSCOJCllilQ WVMB&~ 34S?Cil SAI'O BASEMi:n' IS A RE-Rtcoa:irnc OF V.SENB'NT REC'ORDED l.lN?)GR RECOR:>lNG NUM~t~ l4Sl2n PtlP.fQSR AREA APP~"'"I'E'.D RtCOSU:,!D RECl>;;LlNO N-ER Pt.Ki'ET SOUND P<)iSR Cc L:iGliT CO'.IIF~Y, J.. WASHINCITON CCRFQRA't"IOO 3 GUY WIRZS lil,1C 3 t.N'CKORS FOATIOO OP SA-:it' PR.ltM!SES ~i~RUARY 18, 197S '1SC2l80ni RESTUCTI0NS CONTAINitl U-SAID PLAT AS FOlil.OiliS AJ.,~ LOT.» lltl '1'liIS PU.T ARE nST!\!C'IEID TO s~ l. EUiiURa\.N US!l, SXCE:i'T AJ.J., OP BLOCK 9, ANP TR.\Cl'S l 1 3, t, 5, i , 7 A..\10 8 , flLCCK 8, WKl CH I~! !<ES?Rl ~ED TO R-! R.BSI0ENC3 U.Si!, NO 1hr oa. KIRTIO.lf OP A L01 m TH!S PUT S;;.u.J.. II OIVIDEO All'C S01,:, OR RBS01'0 OR CWNliASMU owt08D ~ l'RAli.$TEllR!.D Wr!lil\EBY THE ~HRSlllF OP A1l'l PORTl~ OF TlUS FIAT SH/I.Wt DS tltSS 1.'H,\N 35,000 SQl:AI.E 1"!:ST P'OR S•l US2 NOR :.tss THAN &, OGCI SQUAlt& !"St':' AJiD 50 ;'HT lN WIDTH FOR R• l IJSEl, AIID SUBJECT F'URTJ.:ER l'CI THB PROVISlOlrlS OP IUOO COUNTY RiSICiNTUJ., ~1.IM:.iiR 574Sl6 WO StJ!IS~T »mNDMmtt: THEJU:TO RIGHT or THE l't.1'91.ilC TO NAJ<E NL'CESS.U:'l SLOPES POii ~ Oil FILLS IJPQt,l SA.ID PRe;.,nS&S' IN nm REASONI.BLE o:ucnN.\L GAAOINC or S'l'RBE:I"S, Ava-1.J'IS, A:.:..ETS ANO ROAoS AS TJiDICATE!J 1N THE PLAT I I ' ! ! • ; ~! ; n ' ;: ' ,, t! e ' l ! ~ ' ' ,; .. :::? : • .. -· i 0 AdO:> 3111::ll NIV' ~ • ' ' j ; 1 r, l ' I! i • :tr-.. a .. :• ~ • • • z (/) "' z 9 0) , __ r ' R J! -··----------------1-- I I I I I I I I l~~~~~~rIS"Ffrt.Z·s=j -UOJU8~ \ 1 L " CHICAGO TITLb INSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTHA VENUE, #3400, SEATTLE, WA 98104 ORDERNO: YOURNO: UNITNO: LOANNO: SUPPIBMENTAL COMMITMENT PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX: (206)628-5657 001237162 LUND SHORT PIAT 10 0 R D E R R E F E R E N C E I N P O R M A T I O N SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER: SELLER: PURCHASER/BORROWER: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1 GUY LUND AND FRANCES LUND WASHINGTON OUr Title Conunitment dated 05/10/07 at 8:00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS COMMITMENT SINCE MAY 10, 2007, EXCEPT THE MATTERS NOTED HEREINABOVE. JULY 12, 2007 AUTHORIZED BY: KEITH EISENBREY SUPPLCOM/RilA/099'J 11 0 • CHICAGO TI1Lb INSURANCE COMP ANY 701 FIFTII A VENUE, #3400, SEATTLE, WA 98104 ORDERNO: YOURNO: UNITNO: LOANNO: PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX: (206)628-5657 001237162 LUND SHORT PLAT 10 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT #2 0 R D B R R B F B R E N C B I N F O R M A T I O N SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER: SELLER: PURCHASER/BORROWER: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2 GUY LUND AND FRANCES LUND WASHINGTON our Title Commitment dated 05/10/07 at 8:00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: THE FOLLOWING IS ADDED TO PARAGRAPH NUMBER(S) 5: MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: AUGUST 6, 2007 AUGUST 16, 2007 20070816000981 THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS COMMITMENT SINCE MAY 10, 2007, EXCEPT AS SHOWN HEREIN ABOVE AND ON SUPPLEMENTAL(S) 1. • SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 AUTHORIZED BY: MIKE HARRIS NOTE: THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COPY OF THIS SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT: GUY LUND KING COUNTY -DDES STEVE VAN PATTEN E/1/1 E/1 ' • RETURN ADDRESS: ........... .... -. 221 W81t Gow• Stint P,0, Box 1122 Kent, WA 98032 · 11101111111 .TilL"°T ..... HG. ~'.'J• MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST 20070816000981.001 Reference# (;f applicable): KENT-XX2285-N0,20070212001388 Grantor(s}: Additional on page _ 1. LUND, GUY 2. LUND, FRANCES Grentee(s) 1. Frontier Bank. cHiCAGO mLE INS. co REF# j2?'3u$,i;.· ll @) /f'f3 Legal Descr;ption: LOT 5, BLOCK 3, VOLUME 42 OF PLATS, PAGE 15 Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#: 008800-0170-09 Additional on page 2 THIS MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST dated August 6, 2007, fa made and executed between GUY LUND and FRANCES LUND, as husband end wife, whose address Is 17844 147th AVENUE SE, RENTON, WA 98058 C-Granto,") and Frontier Bank, whoaa address Is Kent Offlca, 221 West GoweStreet. P.O. Box 1122, Kent,. WA 98032 ("Lender"). MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST (Continued) · 20070816000981.002 Pago 2 DEED OF TRUST. Lender and Granter have entered Into a Dncl of TRIit dated February 1, 2007 tthe .Deed of Trust·, which has been racOtded in KINO Courtty, Stata Of Wuhington. aa 1ollowt: · RECORDED ON FEBRUARY 12, 2/J07, BY CHICAGO TTI'LE INSURANCE COMPANY Ill KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON, UNDER AUDrTOR'S NO. 20o70212001388. REAL PROPfRTY OESCRIPTlON. The Dnd of Trust covers th• lollowing detcrlbed real property located In KING County, Stam Of Wll$hlngton: · TRACT 15, BLOCK 3, AKER'S FARMS N0.6,ACCOROING TO THE PlAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 42 Of PLATS, PAGE 15, IN ICING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Th, Rell Property or !ti addreas la commody known u 16217 114#1 AVENUE SE, RENTON, WA 9B066. The Real Pfoperty tax ldel'ltlfloatlon number Is 00880().()170-09, IIODIRCATION. lander and Granto, hereby modify the Deed of Trust u follows: INCREASE BY t160,000.00 FOR A NEW TOTAL OF H50,0QO.oo. CONTINUING VALIDITY. E>ccep1 u expreuly modified above, the terJnl of thl original Dead of Tru&t shall rlffllaln unchartgod and In fulJ lorc1 and effecL Consant by Lender to th1I Modification dooa not waive Ltndot'a right to require ttriCt ptrlonnanoe of the Deed of Trt.m1 u changad •bow not obligate Lander to make any futin modificltlons. Nothing in this Modlffcatlon lhaU coflStltute a utisfactlon of thl promlnory note or other cre<fit agreement 18Cured by the o.ed of Trust fthe ·Note·). 11 is the lntantfon of Lender to main as llabM all partlN to the DMd or Trust end ell pattie,, maten and endOrw .. to tho Nace, lncllldlng eccommodation partloa, unlea I party ls exprauly ralNMd by lencf8f In wrttfno, Arry mabr or endoraer, tncludlng accommodation makers, •htlJ not be releued by virtue or #!is Modifioation, If any person who ligntld the orfglnal Dead of Trurt dota not aJgn thit Modlffcatfon. then 811 penons algn!ng below acknowledge thet this Modlfierion is given coodttlonally, baNd on the 1'9~ntat5on to Lender that the non-signing person consems to the ohangn end provlslonm of this Mocliflcadon or otherwltt Will not be reltesod by It. Thia waiver appnn not only to any initial extension or modffk:a1fon, but also to 10 such aubdquent acdont. GRANTOR ACKNOWLa>GES HA.VWO READ AU THE PROVISK>NS OF THIS MODIRCATION OF DEED OF TRUST AND GRANTOR AGREES TO fTS 1'£RMS. no& MODIRCATION OF DEED OF TRUST IS DATEb AUGUST 8, 2007, LENDSI: INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT &TATE o,_..,(A~/..,A:~---- COU>ITY OP_~}-~_;-,.,_.,,,_ __ _ 188 -. • MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST (Continued) INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT LENDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEOF _ _.W"'"'k'-------, .. ' 2Wi06160WS61.00$ Page 3 it>""\\""'' ....... _.__....._ ___ .=.. ... -.-. _..,.._ ·---- @ L CHICAGO TIILb INSURANCE COMP ANY 701 FIFTII A VENUE, #3400, SEATI1.B, WA 98104 ORDERNO: YOURNO: UNITNO: LOANNO: SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX: (206)628-5657 001237162 LUND SHORT PLAT 10 0 R D E R R E F B R E N C E I N F O R M A T I O N SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER: SELLER: PURCHASER/BORROWER: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1 GUY LUND AND FRANCES LUND WASHINGTON OUr Title Commitment dated 05/10/07 at 8:00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS COMMITMENT SINCE MAY 10, 2007, EXCEPT THE MATTERS NOTED HEREINABOVE. JULY 12, 2007 AUTHORIZED BY: KEITH EISENBREY SUPPLCOMfRDA/C999 .. filCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAl J,oo COLOMBIA CBN'?BR.~ 701 s~ AVB sBA.nLB, n ,no• SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE Certificate for Filing Proposed Short Plat OrderNo.: 1237162 In the matter of the short plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of KING County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said ~unty, and from such c:xamination hereby certifies that the title to the following descnbed land situate in said KING County, to-wit: SEE SCHEDULE A (NEXT PAGE) VESTED IN: GUY LUND AND FRANCES LUND, HUSBAND AND WIFE. EXCEPTIONS: SEE SCHEDULE B A'ITACHED CHARGE: $200. oo TAX: $ 17.80 Records c:xamined to May lo , 2 O O 7 By at 8:00 A.M. C!IlCAGOTITI.EINSURANCECOMPANY oY- 'llCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP.Ar SHORTPLATCERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A (Continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OrderNo.: 1237162 TRACT 5, BLOCK 3, AKER' S FARMS NO. 6, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 42 OF PLATS, PAGE 15, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. C!IlCAGO TITLB INSURANCE COMPANY ClllCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Order No.: 1237162 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULEB This certificate does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: A Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acqlrires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. C. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, and any other matters whicb would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. D. Easements or claims of easements not showo by the public records. E. Any lien, or right to lien, for contnlmtions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. F. Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not showo by the public records. G. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. H. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding or in the same becoming a lien. I. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tnbal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. J. Water rights, claims, or title to water. K. TIIlS REPORT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED UPON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS($1000.00). SBPI.ATB/D315M/soc CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ok .. ':IICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAf SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULEB (Continued) EXCEPTIONS OrderNo.: 1237162 1. RIGHT TO ENTER SAID PREMISES TO MAKE REPAIRS, AND THE RIGHT TO CUT BRUSH AND TREES WHIOI CONSTITUTE A MENACE OR DANGER TO UTILITY LINES LOCATED ON PROPERTY ADJOINING SAID PREMISES, AS GRANTED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 3457064. • SAID EASEMENT IS A RE-RECORDING OF EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 3451222. a D 2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, GRANTEE, PURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION 3 GUY WIRES AND 3 ANOIORS PORTION OF SAID PREMISES FEBRUARY 18, 1975 7502180394 3. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, fHOv/' IJ c. rAcruTref GRANTEE, PURPOSE: PUGET SOUND ENERGY ONE OR MORE UTILITY SYSTEMS o F EA-f Fi".::.V T AREA AFFECTED, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, 10 FEET IN WIDTH HAVING 5 FEET OF SUOI WIDTH ON EAOI SIDE OF THE CENTERLINE OF GRANTEE'S SYSTEMS LOCATED AS CONSTRUCTED OR TO BE CONSTRUCTED, EXTENDED, OR RELOCATED, EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS OCCUPIED BY EXISTING BUILDING FOOTINGS, FOUNDATIONS, AND/OR SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES MAY 3, 2007 20070503002725 B 4. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES), YEAR, TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER, LEVY CODE, ASSESSED VALUE-LAND, ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS, GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES, 2007 008800-0170-09 4250 $198,000.00 $100,000.00 BILLED, $ 3,673.33 PAID: $1,836.67 UNPAID, $1,836.66 ClllCAGO TIILE INSURANCE COMPANY ;nCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAf SHORTPIATCERTIFICATE SCHEDULEB (Continued) EXCEPTIONS OrderNo.: 1237162 , 5. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: LOAN NUMBER: GUY LUND AND FRANCES LUND, HUSBAND AND WIFE CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY FRONTIER BANK $ 500,000.00 FEBRUARY ·1, 2007 FEBRUARY 12, 2007 20070212001388 THE AMOUNT NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS UPON WHICH THE SAME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED.FROM THE HOLDER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. a 6. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THIS CERTIFICATE IS BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION AND THE PUBLIC RECORDS AS DErINED HEREIN. THE PARTIES MUST NOTIFY THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY IF THE DESCRIPTION DOES NOT CONFORM TO THEIR EXPECTATIONS. " NOTE 1: THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 64.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: LOT 5, BLOCK 3, VOLUME 42 PLATS PG 15. AS OF MAY 10, 2007, THE TAX ACCOUNT FOR SAID PREMISES IS 008800-0170-09. END OF SCIIEllULB B SHPLA.1'83/12,,U-90/BK CHICAG01TILE1NSURANCECOMPANY 'UCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAl SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULEB (Continued) EXCEPTIONS OrderNo.: 1237162 J · THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COPY OF THIS COMMI1MENT, GUY LUND KING COUNTY -DDES STEVE VAN PATTEN E/1/1 E/1 ClllCAGO 1TI1.E INSURANCE COMPANY SHPIAIB3/J.2.l'J.OO/EK . ' .··4Z/15 .. AKEJf :S FARMS.-. .,p,v. _,v,,. 6 . . ,:; · .. ;_._ .. ; .,-. ~·--·· ; . · This sketch :ls not based upon a survey of the property· descli'lbed ;i.n · Order No, of Chicago Title :i:nsu;i;ance Company, lt ;I.a ·· furnished wi thciut charge ·solel.y for the· ·purpose qt assist;l.ng j,n locatin9 the said premises, It does not pu:i:por.t to shciw all.roads .9;i; easellJeriti;, · The company assumes no liabi,lity for .. .i.naccuraci.es' therei.n',> · . . . :· .. · . __ ._._ .. __ ._. '---~~----'--...:....--.... . .. . , .... - ... ; · ... ·'"1 . Ii) 1 WBENRBCORDBD RBIURNTO GUYLUND 1Q17U(I]IAVENUBsour.BBAS1' BENI'ON, W.ASHDiGI'ON 9805,S lllJ.11'2~11111111 2~0 ~~-II) 21.11 14/ 11;,P . ·- E2033783 =-~'.·.r slN ..U:U::H PAGDl1 OF 811 20040426002510.001 @-CHI_CA!_G_o_TITLE __ IN_s_URAN __ CE_CO_MP_ANY ___ ...c~$:;___ STATUTORY WARRANTY DEll,1 1123@8 • IJ TIIB ORANTOR . IAMESL WBST,JtNUNMAJUUBDMANMRISSBPAM113mTA'IBASTOAN1IND1VlDBDINI'BRESTINSAID PRBNr.sm,ANDLWBSL WBSl',ANlINMARRIBD PBRSONASTO'IBBBBMAINDBR forandmc:omideralumof 1ENDOUARSANDOTHBR.GOODANDVALUAR1BOONSIDERA'l10N m hand pa,d, con,oya and wmuu to GUY UJNDAND PRANWSLUND,BUS&\NDANDWIPB thofollowlngdacribcdrcal.....,"""""'1in thcCom,tym KING TmcAccoun!Numb<r(,). oomm-0170-09 T8ACT 5, BLOCK 3, AKER' S PARMS NO 6, ACCORDING TO THS PLAT THEREOP, RECORDED IN VOLUME 42 OP PLATS, PAGE 15, IN KING COUNTY, NASHI?«n'ON SUBJECT TO EXHIBIT uA• AT'l'ACHED HBRBTO AND BY REFERENCE M1LilB A PART Hl!REOP 1 20040426002510.002 ss S'mTB OF WASfuimm COUNTY OF ---4/\ I 11\.h./ ON THIS :a};.y OF l'J~j I ' ,r/)!f BBPORB KB, THE UNDBRSIGNEO, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN FOR TBB S"MTE OF WASHINGTON, DULY CCMUSSIONED ANP SWORN, P}mSONALLY APPBARBD ::::salN)/ C. ~-h)lf:,~ I<IIOWN TO ME TO BB THB INDIVIDIIAL(S) DESCRIBED IN Am> WHO EXEaJ'I'BD 'fflB: WITHIM U1~CjUMSNT AND ACKNOWLEDGKD 'fflAT SIGNED AHD SEALED THE SAME AS PREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT D FOR 'l'HB USBS PURPOSBS HBRB N MDn'IONED I 20040426002510.00S ClllCAGO 1TIU!JNSURANCB COMPANY BXlilBIT A EscrowNo 1123698 RIGHT TO ENTER SAID PREMISES TO MAKE REPAIRS, AND THE RIGHT TO CUT BRUSH AND TREES WlllCH t'ONSTI'I'UTB A MENACE OR DANGER 'ro trrILITY LINES LOCATED ON PROPERTY ADJOINING SAID PREMISFS, AS GRANTED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDBD UNDER RECX>RDING NUMBER 3457064. SAID BASEMENT IS A RE-RECORDING OP BASEMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 34.51222 BASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITION'S THBRBOP PURPOSE AREA APPBCTE!l RECORDBD RRCORDING NUMBER PUGET SOUND PCMBR & LIGHT COMPANY, A llASIIING'l'Oll CORPORATION 3 GUY WIRES AND 3 ANCHORS PORTION OP SAID PREMISES PBBRUARY 18, 1975 7502180394 RBSTRICTION'S CONTAINBD IN SAID PLAT AS FOLLOWS ALL LOTS IN 'ffflS PIAT ARB RBSTRICTRD TO S-1 SUBURBA!a1 USE, EXCEPT ALL OP BLOCK 9, AND TRACTS 1, 3, t, s, 6, 7 Am> e, BLOCK 8. mucu ARE RBSTRICI'ED TO R-1 RESIDENCB USB, NO U)T OR PORTION OP A uYr IN THIS PIAT SHALL BE DIVIDED AND SOLD OR RESOLD OR OWNERSHIP CWWGED OR TRANSPERRBD WHERBBY THE OWNERSHIP OP ANY PORTIObl' OF THIS PLAT SHALli BS LESS THAN 35,000 SQUARE PEET FOR S-1 USB NOR LBSS 'l'H1W' 6,000 SQUARE PEET AND 50 PBB'l' IH' WID'nl POR R-1 USE, AND SUBJECT PURTHER TO THE PROVISIONS OP KING COUNTY RESIDENTIAL NUMBER 67494 AND SUBSEQUENT AMENDMBHTS THERBTO WATBR SUPPLY -SPRIOO GLEN WATER. SYSTEM SE'A'ITLE CITY 'liATER SEWAGE DISPOSAL -SEPTIC TANKS RIGHT OP "nm: PUBLIC TO MAKE NECESSARY St,OPES POR CUTS OR FILLS UPON SAID PREMISES IN 'l'HB RBASCIIABLE ORIGINAL GRADING OF STREETS, AVENUES,. ALLEYS MID ROADS AS DEDICATED IN THB PLAT . AKER"S FARMS N. E.1/4 SEC. 291". 23N.R.~E.W. M. t:NPLATTED 'lltll """" or ~n··· ......... o. t l!OC.L.UKI •U "' '1111 NOnNUIITCIUAIITtll "' ........... ill ,ow111•1• ., • .,.,.-...CI IAffWLL ... l1'TI ......... . DEDICATION •>00•.u.wu ln'NUl ... .,,,..,,'"'"' ... 'nil UNHUIGNll 1•U¥U C., ... 1 ...... DCI.•••• ""'"· ::=::.',tJ.:'..:. .. ~~ ::.!~t.~,~~~~m.;.':1~:.:m::.':~ ~:i::Mm~-:".1.:.... •u ... , ~O(IJU NCITINC,Gf<llnU1, ... "!ln11r IAUIIUIIOI" •OIi -\.iC. .. ,"."' -l'DIU . ...ia "''"'""' TCI ...... M.L•IUHA.YM.OIIU,,ofl ,uuoariu.tUPOtl L,DTZ,....,C.ICI ,...., .. ,. n ..... ,, ... 0, U.IID- _,.,,...,,N .... _..,,. .. ou.oo-u••AIIINGIII AtLffllrmi AO-MICJP-.. ,._ INWlnH.U _ .. u .. •wc ........ ,.culO'TOHT ou• ""''"· ......... u. ,...._ .. UJ DAYCI, .t,VIJl,.,-0.1141 ,na, ,1,r• FW« dtV' aa.w~'M1:a,,.,;,cn e NO. 6 RESTRICT I ON S •.i.l.014 •• Tll,I HAT •1'1' 111,11'11C'1U TO••••-•• .... l,W!"' AU. OI' IIOC-• I UD-'11, >•>••••••-> • • '""""""" lo IIUC.N AN! .. D'f111C'l'll>l0 •tlOUOl!NC.11 ""· ...... TOPPC>nlDN ......... T,. ....... H ·····n- ·--11U01.0,g•-r;u1a ..................... -•• ••lltEU,,.I -lUHllOIAN'f PO•TI ... 0, '" .. ,~u ........... ~ ........ _ .. _ ............... -I.QI """"l,IDOIG," """ "°"' •• WID'III rOII ,._ I \IU AID 11/WIIIC'T "'"1IOl• lO'Ttll-tJ'10IUOl••ocCC1U1Y,, au ..... -,..,.._u,,,-r,,,,r•u "'••no. W"'T[lt~l"P1..Y•~1'ff lU11 •••-,1/f,m,,ttrr, S~IW.G[ DISPOSAi. • wn" ,...,,,., u:::r. ~~~,.,=~ ~ tt:~v~~ ,;:~-.·.;~ :~: .... IIJ,ww,noU 1'Me DIIT .... CU.<IOU1UUAICIHGL.U AM -"''"°"""'"ff.IP, ..O~""IIL.-cO•-. ... ,, .. r.oa•l<.TLTON ... IGIIO\IN0,"1 .... TJH ..... ,ui.uu ...... , .. -TICPIWWlllk.10ITlt(ff4Tll1fl .... ,..1-UU.T• ,o-, C:0"1 ............. ,,, ..... ,.,. c,,,, .... ,.,. 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'i.'~q . ;:/~~'tiJJY . }? i'.~1:f:f :~f~ t\ ·:.: ., ; . ::}j · .. ,· . .. ·~··,··,: ,'J,.·. · ... ~.. -,. . . . . .. . -~ i ' . . ,.-·. :··.·:-,.~,;:-.. >·~ ' _::,_ .· /' i '--q N < "' .. N 0 0 ._·-~~-~~:~~¥": .. :£~M~Y;1: .. ;·~·~_;f,~[~1.W$~f-:~~~~l;~~ . . I DASBMBNT Tho undersigned, CH&BIES •• B!G!N and MABYJiQPISE -~GIU, h1nwtfa here&, grant(sj to PlCET SiXND Pt.X'ffiR 4 LtQtt WGPAAI, a Wasnington corpoTatlon, tho right to install, use and IIIUJltain --J.._ 1Vf wiTI>.!.. and 3 lfflhon, on that certain nal property situated in t1ii Countyof"Xing, State 00~£~1,~as~h~lJli= ten described as follows: ' Lot 5, Block 3, AnkerR Farma No. 6, ac per plat recorded in Voluma 42, page 15, records of King County, Waahlngtcnr situate in the Northeaat 1/4 of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range S £aat, W.H • .... :,.... .............. 4~! .. :!:. "i'"~ \ •\ •• · ..... V:;/i..-.•.•ca, .... ~ ·-. -·~' ,,.,.,. .. {~~l l~':TAR;l\),;\ :· !111 .. ,,.-· .... : . ; ~ ... uDL!C._.,,,, ".-·. , .. Y.~ ,,~_ .... h I' ill'/,:".''''' ,: ; ; ',. ' ""'''"'" ~ , ..... ;, t) ...... ,.,,-, 1he Grantee shall have access for the purposes stated and shall be nospon• sible for damage caused by negligeru:e of tho Gnmtee, Theso tenns shall bo binding upon the successors and assigns of the respective parties, ' .~ ..1.,..,,:,. ,"'.l:z::::'.:: sr A"ll! OP W>Sl!IliGl'CN ) )SS, Cl'.l!MY OF ) to~~ ::ri:=r!Zn%~.!:~~&':.n~~\£'4~~lo.~ foregoin11 instrunent, and acl:nowlcilg..S thatt:J1!filla sign,,d the sam as if,g&[ free and vollEltat)' act and deed, for the """' purposes theTI>in mm 1 , GIVEN under my hand and official seal this J&..c1ay ofB;l')e\li9fi?t ,19.J? FILED for Record at R!!f'.~es\ of , . .i M r-:ou:sr OF: I ' l , 1.1 t ·, ~'L. VIN.:.! !111:C i(~fJ 98009 Nota,y~,!~'tu'to of Wasliiiiiton, residing at iftK,usea RECORDED =::i~·aursro~: :;;; FEB ia PII 2 54 .. DIRECTOR Rl:COIIOI I ELICTIOIIS KIii. COUNTY, WASH. I I I; : ' I l i t:: l · .i ' ~/. 20070503002725.001 11~~11111111111~ 20070503002,25 RETIJRNAPPRESS: Puget Sound Energy, Inc. Atb1: RIW Deparlmant (Z. Bergman) PO Box 90888/ EST-oGW llellavue, WA 98009 mrr.Pz... .. ... l~~Sa· EASEMENT ORIGINAL REFERENCE I: GRANTOR: Guyand-Lund GRANTEE: PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC. SHORT LEGAL: Portion of ll'IICI I, -3,""""" Fanm, No. 6 Vol. 40 Pg.15, King County ASSFSSOR"SPROPERTYTAXPAACEL: D088000170 For and In conaideration of One Donar ($1.00) and other valuable eonsidelaUon 1n hand paid, guy tung and Er:nn Lund , ('G..-,, -). he,.by conwya and warmnts ID PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC., aw..._ Corpo,atJon ("Grantee" herefn), for the purposes hereinafter set forth, a ncnexcluslYe perpetual easement OYer, under, aJong., BCIOOO, and lhrough lhe fol/owing deacrlbed real property rl'roperty" herein) In King County, W-: lRACT 6, BLOCK 3, AKElf8 FAFIIIS NO, 8, ACCORDING TO 1ME PLAT lHEREDF, RECORDED lN VOWM! 42 OP PLA"l'S, PAGE! 16, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON EASEMENT LOCATION: Except as may be otherwise set forth herein, Glrantae's rights 8halJ be eJCefdsed upon that """'°" ol lho Property (Oho "Easement AN! herein) 1hol'a ton (10) loet In wldlh ha,mg 11w (II) feet ol 811Ch width M each side of lhe centerline of Grantee's ayaterns lcx:aled as constructed or to be conatructed, extended or ralocated on the Prq:ieny, exoept those portions of the Property oceupled by bulldlng footings, foundations, ancVor subsurface -1, Purpose. Grantee shall have the right to construct. operate, mailtain, repair, replace, !mprove, remove. enlarge, and use the easement areu for one or mo,e U1ilty systems 1or purposes of transmalon, di8trllutlon and sale of gas and elecb1clty. Such system may lnc!ude, but are not lkniled to: u,-ground facll/lles. Plpeo, pipe/lneo, mains, latarula, condu/18, l'OQIJiatol8 and -rs lor-c:onctrlb, llne3, cablea, Yalill, sw/lches and transformen,forolecb1c/ly; -- cable and other lhea. cables and faciflfes ror cornm.ncaUons; aemJ-b&.uied or ground-mounted 1ac/lillea and -manholes, melor8, lbdurea, attachments and arty and all -laclliUes 0< 8J)l:lUltenanC8 necessary or convenient to any or aD of lhe foregoing. Fo/Jow/ng Oho bll!!al CON1rucllon cl all ora !)Ofllon of Its gyszemo, -may, -time ID I/me, conatJuct 8UCh -facffitlea as• may requlrs lo< tuch -Grantee"'"' hew lhe right ol access ID Iha Easement Area over and acn:iea Iha Property to enable Grantee to exerdse Ila: rights h8reunder. Granlee s:hal compensate Gtantor lo< arty damage to Oho Property ca.-bylho •-oe cl suet, right ol access by-. 2. Eaaement Area Clelrlng and Malnlenanca. Grantee shall ha\18 the right to cut, remove and dispose of any and all brush, trees Of other wgatalfo,'l /n the Eaaement Area. Grant8e shall also have the right to controf, on a continuing bui:s and by 8trf prudent and raascrtt:mM means. the estabDahment and QffM'lh cl brush, trees or other wgetation In the Easement Area. 3,. Grantol'• Uae of Easement Area. Clranlor l'GSOMl8 the rli;tlt to uae the Easement Area b any p1,1rpoae not lnconslatant with the r1ght:t hereln QIMled. plD'lllcled, howllVW, Grantor dQI not oonstruat or malnlaln any Wktlngs, mucwtH or Olher objects on the Easemenl At88 and Grantor aha.II do no blastlng Wllhln 300 feet ot Clnrn!ee'a facllmes without Grantee's prior wrltlen consent. 4. indemnity. Grantee -ID -mnify (lrantor °""' and agaJnst llabffi!y /rlcunod by Gtantor as a result cl Grantee's negligence In Oho axetclse ot lh• rights hBn>lrl g""1ted ID <lrantlle, but no/ling heroin aha/I rsqutre G..-ID lndomnlfy Grantor for Iha! portla, ol flll'f sucll llabllHy l/llrlbUtab!8 to Iha negligence of Grantor or lhe negligence ol CIChera. 5. Abandonment. The lights hendn s,anted shall contfnue unll1 such dme as Grantee ceases to use the Easement Area for a period of five (5) SUCC888ive )'881'8. In which evenl, this easement shat terminate and an rights hereunder, and any lff1)r'OV91'1'18 remaining In the Easement Area. shall revert to or othmwise become lhe property of Grantor; proYldeef, however, that no abandonment shaD be deemed to have OCCWTed by reason ot Grantee's failure to lnltlally Install Its systems on the Easement Area within any period of time from the date hereof. S. SuCC8890l'S and AuJgns. Grantee shaD haw the right to assign, apportion or otherwlae transfer any °' au of ils rfgl1ts, bonefils, prlvlegea and -~ In and under lh/s eaaement Wllhout Rmltlng the Guy and Frances Lund 105042865 & 107027754/ 084110 Pag&1 ofZ BXOISi! TAX NOT Rl!Qtll'REO Kina Co. Records B)'. ~se;;~~ .::. ~··.· 2007050300-Zi26.002 generality of the foregoing, the righ1s and obagations of the parlles shalt lnu!e to the benefit of and be binding _. their respective successocs and assigns. DATED this _2Q__ day of U r 1; p , '2007. STATEOFWASHINGTON ) ·• !),A,; ) $S OOUNTYOF ~ ) ' On thin 4sO--c1ay of Q ru '2007, be1oro !i~f !•>Y::;, In and lo< the Srate of /_y . J Wuhinjjio,,,cillycommlsslonedand ,persooa1ysppoen,<1 LH and Eja:jrqlA[ vt"'L, own to be the lndividwJl(f) w!)o executed the wtlhln and fo Instrument. and acknowfi\p I that signed the same as~ free end volunlary act and deed. for the US88 and purposes therein . Guy and Frances LLl'ld 105042885 & 107027754 / Ol54110 Paga 2of2 (SlgnalUre ol Notary) Mr. I cb,a~ y (Plfnt or atamp name ol Nola,y) :"ARY ~rie~~!)",f"'•gton, 18Sid'mg My._1men1 E>q,1,.., --=W=<I-'/ ""'If''------ RE11JRN ADDRESS: ---""""' 221 W.t Gowe Stnld P.O. Bax 1122 ICmt,.WA 98032 DAlE: Fobruary 1, 2007 20070212001388.001 .r 1111111111~11·11111 20070212001388 !i!!J."l!i91&:k!,. DT 41.11 ~ U:a1 KIN!i ' 11A DEED OF TRUST CHICAGO TillE INS. CO REF# 1aaq1,n-1 I @,%1,Lj'i, Reference # (if eppllcable): NKENT·XX2286 / ORDER NO. 1229688 Grantor(s): Adcfrtlonal on page _ 1, LUND, GUY 2. WNO, FRANCES Grenteefs) t, Frontier Bank .2. Chicago Tftla Insurance Company. Trustee Legal Description: LOT 6, BLOCK 3, VOLUME 42 OF PLATS, PAGE 16 Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#: 008800-0170-09 Additional on page 2 THIS DEl!D OF TRUST Is dated February 1, 2007, IUIIOl1JI GUY WND ond FRANCES WND, husbond and wife, whose address Is 17844 147th AVENUE SE, RENTON, WA 88088 ("Grantor"l: Frontier Sank, whose mamng l!!Jd.,...11 Kent~. 221 West Gow• Stroot, P.O. Box 1122, Kent, WA 98032 Crafarred to ,below sometimes u •Lender" and sofflltlmu as "Beneficiary"); and Chloago Thie ln111111nco'Compony, whooo malling oddrau ls 25688 104Tth Avoaue SE, Kent, WA 98031 (referred lo below n "Trustse"), DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20070212001388.002 Pogo 2 CONVEYANCE AND GRANT, For nluab!a ~ Chntor ~ to TNltee In trust w1lb PoWW of ale. rlgbt of entry and poauuloD and for the NIMffl: ot t..dlr< .. 'Baoeflclsy, all of Grantor's right, title. aid lntarut In Ind to 1ht followlng described real prope:rt'f, togathar with ell existing o, 1u21Nquentty enctod or effixed bulldingl, Improvements and ftidwn: all ouemenu. righta of way, end appur1llmlncn; at! watat, Wltfl' rights md dlcoh rfghtl Oncludk1I .cock In udltfu with clltch Ol lll'loatlari ,tghtah and all DChlr rfghts, royetd119, and ~fttt relating to the real · property, lnctudlng without llmltdGn al mlnarab, oD, gn, geott,ermaJ end •~ mattora, {the ·Real Propaty•) locotod In KING County, Slate DI Wlllhlngton: TRACT 8, 81.0CK 3, AKER'S FARMS NO. 6, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 42. OF PLATS, PAGE 16, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. The Real Property or Ito edd'"8 la C:O"lfflonly known .. 16217 114th AVENUE SOUTHEAST, RENTON. WA 98055. Tho Roel ProPOrty lllll ldontlflcatlon number la 006600-0170-09. Granto, heteby uslgnl aa ncurfty to llndar, aU of ~• rlgM. title, and 1ntetut In and to 111 '8asel, Ranta, and proffta of the Property. Thia IISlignment ii recorded In accordance with RCW 65.08.070; 1ht Utn cruted by this anlgrmetrt It Intended to be 1ptdfic, parfmtad and choato'uj)on 1h8 racordlng of vis ONd of Trvst. Lendaf ;ran11 to Oramor a llcanae to colecr tha Rentl and proflta. which llcensa may be rtvokod et Lendor't c:ipdon and ahaG be al.llOmetlcllly revoked upon eccelemion of 1ft or l*t ot U. ~ nns DEED OF TRUST. INCWDING THE ASSIGNUBfr OP RENTS ARD THI! SECURm' INTEREST IN THE flfNT8 AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, IS GIVEN TO SECURE CA) PAYIIEIT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND (B) PERFORMANCE OP AltY AND All OBUGATIONS UNDER THE NDTI!', THE RB.ATED DOCUIIE1fTB,. AND nu DEED OF TRUST. nas DEB> OF TRUST, INCWDIMQ TIE A88ll]N11Bf1: OF RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTBIEST .. THE RENTS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, IS ALSO GIVEN TO SECURE ANY AND AU. OF GRANTOR'S 0BLIOATIONS UNDER fflAT CERTAIN CONSTRUCTION LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEBI GRANTOR AHD LENDER OF EVEN DAT& HEREWITH, NIV EVENT OF DEFAULT UNDER THi CONSTRUCTION LOAN AGREEIIENT. DR MlY OF THE RELATE> DOCU11e1T8 RE'BtRED TO THEREIN, SHAL1 ALSO BE AN EVENT OF DEFAUI.T UNDER lHIS Df£D OF TRUST. TH1S DEED Of TRUST IS DIVEN AND ACCEPTED ON THE FOU.OWING TERMS: PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Except d ~ptOVfcled In thls DMd of Truat,. Grantor lhall pay t10 lendtt ,11 amountl NCUNld by this Deed of Trust aa they ~· di.It, and 1h11 n1C'tt'( and In o tlmalv ffllll'llllr per1otm 1111 of Orantor'• obligations under tho Mota, this Deed of T~ ariii thll Ralatad Documllltl. POSSESSION AND MAfN'TBANCE OF THI! PROPERTY. 0rantor lgl'NI that On1ntor'1 pouusion and UN of the ~ ahaD be govemgd bv the followtnQ p,ovialOl'II: PONNllon and Un. Until thl OC<ICl'l'tl"IOt of an Event of Default. Grantor may 11) remain In poqnalon and control of 1M Propeny; (2) uae,. optmt or manag1 thl Propmw and l3J caUect the Rents &om the Property ftNI prfvlJaua la • &cense from landar to Grontor autDmadcally nrvokad upon dafaultt. n. following p,ovlalo,w relate to the UM Of tht Property OI to other llmltationl on the Proiierty. Tha Real Property II not Ulm pmc1paDy for~ purpoaaa. Daty to MUltlh Grantor nA malnt.ah Ult Propwty In 1anlntabla condition and prompdy perform oil ,epoirs. reii!IIIC8fflllnta. _and maiminanca necaurv to P"AfV' Ila value. Niaance., w..ta. Gnintot aha& not ~ conduct·« permit any nutsance nor commit. permit. o, suffer anv sbippfng of or waste on or to 1ht Property or SJ)'. pcl'ttlon·of thll Property, Vt'lthaut llmltlng 1he generality of U. fonigoing, Orantor wBI not l'1ln'ICMI, or granc to lfff ~ 1ht rlgN io ntmOV8, 1tr1 timber, mlnarall (Including oD and pa), coel, c311V, ICoria, aol, gravel or roe~~ without lancltt'I ptlOf wrttton conaent. Removal of bnpravemants. Gnnto, 1h11 nat dcnoUah « f'9mOVlt ony lmprowmenta trorn the Ant ~ without lendat'1 prlOr written COl'INnt. Al a condition to tho removal of any lmprovornents, Lender may reqwe Orantot to mate anol'IQffllent:l lltlsfoctory to I.ender to rwpCace such 1mproyement1 with ~ of 1t lust equol vatua. , l.endlf'I Right to EftW. 1.andet find l.endef'a ogentl and fCP,-nentotfwes may ente, upon tho Real Property It all ~tn dmes to ettffl:I to Lendar', lnteruta Bnd to Inspect VII Rnl Property fol putpoAS of Grantor's compllanco with the 1enns 1nd conditionl of tNa Deed of Tnalt:. Co~ wf1h Go•llfflffllffllll Requlrunant:a. Grantor ahall pmrnpt!y cornptv. ant shal ptOITlptly COUM oompl1anco by oD ogentt, ienams or other Ptltona or entitlol of overy natura wha1aoover who Mt. Iulo o, Glharwfu usa or oocupy the Property kr any mlMlt, with oR !owl, Ofdlnarmel, and rogulatlonl, now or tllfllaftw In affact. of a11 governmemol autborida ~' to the use ot occupancy. DI tht Property, tncluclna wbhJut lrnftltlofl, 1hl Amarlcanl With Dt&ablltlal Act. .J3!'111!t9r may oonte:st In good faith ttrt fUCh lew, ordinance. or NgUia1lon and wllhhold compllal'Q during any pirqoualng, lnoludlnQ 1ppropr1tte IPPH!a. ao tong• Qranto, tlU nodfled Lender In Wrillng prior to dcJna oo w•io Ion; u, 1n IMldor'1 tola opWon, Lender'• inellruta 1n 1hl Property an, not: Jeopardl'zed. Lender ffll'I r.qulni 'Grant:or to poot ldaquoto uo~ty or , aumy bond, l'UIOC'llbly .. t1atactorv to Landar, tlO protKt Lenclet'• 1ntatut. Dvty to PfotNt. Granto, IGl'NS noJ1hlr to at>ondon ot INYII unsttended 1ho Property, Gmltor lhal do 1111 other acu, In addltfon 10 tlKll9 ac1I Ht forth above In du HCtlon,. which from 1he charaoter and Ul8 of the Property are rauonably necuury to protmct and pmaw the Property, Construcdon Lo•. If aoma Ot oll af tht proceedl of the loan CIOllllng 1ho lndobmdneu are to be tiled to colWtl'Uet or comP'IUI constn.lCUon of any lmprowmenta on 1ho Property, the lrnprovemem. 1hall bo complated no linv than the maturity dste of tho Note lor 111Ch ellffltr dltl a: Landa, may rNIOl'llbly Ntallllsh) and Grontor lhd P9Y In fwl aD coats lll'ld expenna In ;onnoctlon with 1he wort. lander wll dl:&buu loan ptOoeeda under 1uoh torrna and ooncll1kml a Lender may deem rntonably n,c~ tq ~ thlJt ~ ~ ci'~ by~ Dead. of Trµst lhaD h1we·prforitr over all poa;lble llans. lnoludlng ome,;~ ~rtpl •I.IPPllm and workmen. lMMtll may l'Gqlm'a, anong Offilr thing1, that dlabtnemtnl l9QU8Stl be ~, .Iii. receipted bill1, expanN · offldmta, wolvsrs of llem, construction pn)gfln reporu, and 1uch ott. docihi~ P Llndw may reoaonebly ,.quett. DUE ON SAL!. CC.SENT BY LENDER. londar may, at Ltndar'• opdon. (A> dtellfl lmmldlrtetv due Ind payable Ill ,i.ms 19Cur«I by this Deed of Trust or 181 lncreaae the lntetat rate provtdad "for In the Nota or other documant evidanclng thl lndobtodnen Ind lmpoao such other condltkma a Ltndet dMml app,oprlate, upon th• aalo or transfa, without letlder'• prior wrttten consent. of all or any part of tha Aul Proparty, or any tm.ren In the RHl Property, A •Hie or trlnafat" "'91111 tha conveyllnOI of Rael Pn,party °' any right, title or lntareat In the FINI Property; whathlf IIIGal, bfflaflctal or equitable; whdiff vohmarv c, lnvokmary; whethlt by outright .. m. deed, inltallment Ale contract,, lard comract. oontnct for deed, lenahold lntinat wfth o tlrm gruw-than tlvaa 131 yea,a. laue,opdo11 COnlroct, ot bV Ula, onlgnment, or transfer of •nv beneflclaf lntllr111t fn or to any land.trust i"ddlng 00. to U. RNI Property, or bV •nv :'l :_. DEED OF TRUST (Contfnuedl 20070212001$R).003 Page3 othor method of conveyance ol an intllelt In the Real Property. However, thla option shall not be mmtclaed by Lender if such-'"*' i. PIOhlbited by fodotal law or by W~if,r'· TAXES AND UENB, Thi following pro~ nir.tl,g·toi:Jhl( tlXa8 Cid Dena on the Property a111 part ol 1hla Deed of TnDt, Payment. OranQ)r &hall pey when due (and in alf ewnta prior to d1llnqutncy) ell taxea, ePIIQtal UOfel, .. •.entw. charQea (Includmg water and IIIWflrl, flnea end i.npocltfonl Jovlod IQSitlat or on eccou,,t of 1ha Praparty, and ahal pay whtn due all' cfalma: fof wort done on or for _... rtndoted or material fwruhad to tt. Property. Grantor lhaU maintain tha Property he of d liens haWlg pclotlty o..r or 9qual 10 1ha lnterost o1 lAlndar Ul'ICle, 1hla Deed ol Trust. ucept to, 1ha !Sin of taQI and UIMC nat:411 not cha and OlCCept • o\hlTMN PftMC*l In 11111 o..cl ol TMt. Rrghl: to CoaiNt. Orat11or may wfdlhold payment ol any -., aaaeNment. o, olalm In coMIC1lon with a good faith dlepute DVIII' the ollll;atlon to pey, to Iona u Lendet'a nrateat ln thl Property la notjaopardbd. tf a Dan adMaor ia fil1ld u a mutt of 1,0,1&10,ment .. Grilr.tor shall within ftrteon (Hii) daya after the !Jen MHI or, ff 1 119n b fillld, wflhln lll'taan 115) daya after Gnntnr Nia notlca of Utt l'mng, HC&re die dlscharga of tha 111n, or If req&JUted by Lanclar, daJ)Olit: wllh Lender CHh or • avfflclent OOfS)Ol'fltll aurety bond or 01h9t ICurity Ntitfi1CtatV to Lsndar h an amount IUfffCJant to dlacharga the lien pl1,11 any COltl, a,ild ~· faaa, or other chaTgaa, that OOldd aocrua • a ruurt of a fwockilura ot tala under tha Den. · lrt a,;y contut. Grantor ahaiD defend Itself n Lander and lhan Atllfy any actv ... Judgment before enfon:amant against tha Prapsrty, Gnntor lhal name Landar Ill an adiitlonal obU091 under any MG1Y bond furtiahod In the contnt ~ Evldalct of Payment. Otantor thalJ upon dtmand fwmh w Lender utlef.ctory avfdenca of payment of tha um• or ...-.ms and ahall autho,tze tht ~-;ovemnantal officW ID dallver to Ltndet 111: any tlmD a written a:tatement of the taxn and IISlesan-ntl lgainattht Propeny. Notbt at Conmuctton. Granter shall nctlly landar et !Hat fifteotl (16) daya before any worl( Is commenoed, any urk• aro fumllhld. or llrf m,tenals are auppied to tha Propt,iy, It lllJ'f mechanlc'a llan.. mmrialrnan'a llen,. or Cthfl lien could be tH9rtsd on accoum of tho WOik. MrVlc"' or matarlals. Granto, wDI upon l'llqWlt of l.enda, fumlah to Lander edvance assurance• aatfafactory to Lender 1hot Grantor can and wfll PIV the coat of auch --· PROPERTY DAMAGe INSURANCE. The foDowlng ~ ~ to lrwurinQ tha Proparty .,.. a part of 1hla Deed of Tl'\llt. \) ~ ,;~b.; · MD1e11Uice of ln:annca, Orantor lhall pn,oin·-antt'mllntaln pcOda of ftra ineurancll with standard llCt.8ndad ooveraga endorumentll on a replacamant ban for tha full lrla\nible vait.. ~ ti ~ on the RIii Praparty In an amo!Slt auffk:\ent to llVOld •~ of any ooinlwance clauaa, and with e atencfard mortgagee dauaa In favor of Ltndar. Granter 1h11 al10 procure and mllntul comprehtnafve ganwa llabll!ty lnauranoe In a,cn oowraa-amou1t1 a lander may raquut whh Truatae and landar bing named • addltlonol lnsureda In SIEh labllty Insurance polic:5u. Addttlonaltf, Grentw ahall mtlmlln auch other lmurrce,. Including but not llnitad to hazard, busJneaa rnwn..,don. and boifst U'lluranca, • Lander rnav r.aontbfv require, Pollclaa lhal ba wrman In form. emounta, coverages and basis reaaonabt)' 1CC1Jlllblt tD ~ and luuad by a oornoenv or oompanlal raaacnab!y acceptabla to t.andw. Orantor, upon rflCIUOlt of Landlt, wm deliver to laidar from time to t1ma tha poBoln or cerUficl,tos of lnaurenoe In f'Ofm atlsfactotV io Landar, including stfpulltlcnl thet cowrages wll not be cancelled or dmlnllhed withlut at laaet tt1lny (30) daya prfor 'iYlitt8n notlca to Lander. Each lns.lrance policy also aholl lncludD an ell:lortanent providing that owerage in fevot of Lender wil not be lmpafrad In q way by 1ny aet. CNNflkln or defaull of Orantot or any othel pe,son. Should tha fteal Propwty be ICCatDd In an araa da!gnmd by the D7f9Ctor of thl Federal Emetgen,;y MlneQemDnt Aotncv as a ,pedai flood hazard uea, Granlor IQnNII to obtain and mafntaln Federal Flood Insurance, If ~ wftHn 48 dava altar notloa b glvan ~ Landa, 1hlll: the Property II located in I specJel flood hazard atel, f6r tha flJI .... Pf(nclpal bllm'lce of U. loan Ind .-,, pdor Dana on tha J)l'Operty ncwlna th• loan. up to the rnmdmlrn po(ICV lmha IOt under tha National Rood lnuenct Program, or II othefwfM required by l.andtr, and tD mualn I\ICh lnl\nnco for 1he term at the loan, Appllaatlan ot Proc:Hda. Orantor lhall J)tOl1lpdy notify landet of any bu o, cllffl8QI to 'Iha Property, Lender ffllY make proof Of Ian If Grantor falls to do ao within fifteen (19) days of tht casualty, WhedlDt o, not l.andar'• ~ b lmpa1red. under may, It Landor'• ~ tecetva end retain tha procaedl of any lnN'anca end apply the prooNdt to thl raduc1ion of U.. lndebCedneal, paymant of any Uan effecting the Property, er the rutomfon and repair of the Prop.tty. If lendar elteta to apply d'lt pooeeds to raato,atlon and rapu, Grantot ahall repair or ,.p1ace tha damagtd or dNt1oyed lffll'l'O\J•••O In a mannar lltlsfactoty to Lendar, Landat. 1h10. ~ utlsfacto,y PfOOf of euch •irpendltura:. pey or runbu,.. ar.ntor from the p,ocNda for 1h11 l'NIC>nllble em,: of repair or reatoradon If Grant« la not In dafe\ft under this Deed of TNIL Any prOCNdl which hew nat bNn dilbu:raad within 180 dl'p after thw recelpl and. whictl undar hea not comn¥ttld lo tha nlpllr or mwmkin of tht Ptoparty ahaD bo 1118d flm ta pey eny amount ~!>Q.to lander under thi1 Daod of Trull. 1hln to pav eccn,ed brtwat. and the nmalnder, If q, lhall ba ~-10:~,prlnclpd balance of 1ha lnd1btadneaf. If Lender hclda 1ny procaodl lftet pe',lnartl In full of thl ~~,~~Pi'OONdl atall ba pakl without intellllSI to Granter N Grlfflor"• lrttlfntl mav ,ppaar. Gralitor's Repc,t on IIMvnAc:a. Upon ttQUUt of I.ender, however not mere than onoe I year, Grar.tar ahlll bnlah to lAndw • ,-part en each histing pollc:y ol NIJllW'tN ~: (11 'tha Mini of the lnMnrJ (2J the tltb lnauntd,-(3> 1ho amount of tha pollayJ Kl tho psoperty lna\nd, 1hl ttMtn curnnt 1es,laoemant value of such p.q,erty, a'ICf tho nannar of~ that value; and 15) tht e,cplratlon date or 'Iha policy, Qrantor shall. upon request of Lender, hew •n lndopa.ldent appralaer aatlafacto,y to l.andat detunnlnt 1ho cat. value replacament COil of tha Property, LENDER"S l!>CPeNDITURES, rr any ICdon or procaodlnll is co,11n1e11ud that would materlally affect Lander'• lnterat In tha PJoparty or If Grentor falls to comply with any PRN'.don of thl9 Dead of Truat ot q Ralllted Documants. lnclucDncl but not Dmltad to Grantor's tabe to dllchorge or pay when dut any amDWltl Grantor ii ,.quirtd to dlactwga c, p,y undar thia DNcl of Trust or any Related Documan\l,. t.endar an Oranror'• bahaff may [but lhlD not be obllgete>d to) ta~ any acdon that Lendor delfflll IC)pl'Qgriata. Including 00,: noi Dmlted to .dllchmglng or paying aD t:mcu. Ilana, IIClldV interem. anoumbr•ncu and othar Claims, at en, tirpe~or placed on tha Property and Pavria all aoatl for lnlllA'fng, malmainlng and pmer.in,; the Propaty. AU such~ lncumld or paid by Lander 1ot IUCh l)UIJ)Ola wiD 1IISl'I bait im.rnt llt the ra1a chargad under the Natl! from ft!9 c!ate lnwrMd Ol paid by t.endar to 1ha date of~ by Orantor. Al such npen1e11 wm become a pan: of the fndebt.clnaa and, et lendet'• opdon,, WI! W be payabla on demlndl {BJ ba added to tt. balance of tM Natl and be aPCXlrtfonecf among and ba payable with any lnstdinent PIYmenll 'tO bacome due during either 111 tha term ol an, appllclble irwuratloa pcffa,r, o, 12J 1ha remaining term of the Note; or IQ ba treatad u a balloon payment which wll be due end paynbla at tha Nota'• maturity. Tha Dead of Tl'Ult llao WII Maure payment of theta amaunra. Buah right WI ba In addition to all other rlgl,ta and rem.dia 1o whiah 1.ICdat may ba entfflad upon Dafeult. WAaRANTY: D6ENSe OF fflLE. Tha following provlalonl. raladng to ownerahlp of the Property ara a pert of thla Daad .n .... DEED OF TRUST (Continued) -~200,0212001388.004 Page4 1'1111. Gnmtor wamnt1 that: laJ Gtantllf hold• good and mertmblt uu. ot record to thl Property &'I r.. .imp,,, ht end cfear of ell Ilene end. oncwnbnnca ~d:mt thoat t:et forth In the Real Prnparty ~ or n _. tfdl Insurance po11oy, t1t1e rapon. or final 1itSe Ion laued n ttvor o#, and aooeptDd by, Lander 1n COMICtlon with 1ta Dtod of Trult, end lbl Orantw NI "tht. tight, powor, Ind authority to exacute and dallvar dim 0.ld Of Tn.tltto Lendal. . I o.t.n.. of nu.. Sw)ect to the oxcep&on n thl plrlgrDph above, Gtarrtot warrants Ind wll forwtf de1-K:l 1he tltle to the Property egalnst the IIWhd claim• of air perma1, In the 9WRt any ac:don or p,ocNdlng le C01111Ueii11ad that quutfonl Grontot'a tlUe or the .-.tmest of TnatM or Lenda undar W. Deed Of Tnm., Gnlma 1h11 d.tfend the action at Grantur'a expenee, Orantor tnlY be tha nomll party In IUiih prOONdlrtg. but Lend.-shall bt enthJ,d to ~ h tho proceadklg end to be ,....med In tht prOCNClhg bv counNJ Of J.and9r"t own choa, and Grentot wDI dtliwiw, or m. to be~. ID Lendet ,ueti lnl~ 11 Lander may n,quNt from dml to time to po,mlt IUCh pardcfpmion.. eom,Danca With Lawe. Grantol Wmmrt:I that 1he Pmpany and Gnsntclt"I use of U'lo Ptoperty complla wtch d n:lstinG app&ablt tam, onfi~anca. and reguSatlono of oovommental aulhorltlet. BwvlVal of Rip~ and WarrandeL AD r~ warnntlaa. and &grurtleffll made by Granto, In tNa o..d of Truat lhell l\Jl'fflt' the axacutlon and·~ ... , U'III Doed Of TNlt, Iha! be contlming In nature, and 1hall ramaln ., tun faro. and eflecc untl •uoh Ume u .Qranto,'1 lndabteclrwtfl thall bt paid In ful, COIIDBIUlATION. The folowCnQ prGWlion& ~to~ pn>ceecllngl are a part of W. Deed of Trust: ProoHLllslD It any proceadlng In condemnation ii filtd, Granto, shall promptty notify Landat In writing, and Q,anui, lhall prompdy teb auch fflpt • mav bt necesaecy to defand tha action and obtUI thl swri Gron:tor may bt the nominat patty In SUCh PfOCl(lllflna, but Londar ahall be antldacf to perdofpata In the PfOCDBdlnCI and to bt rop,eMZ'ltlld In tbt prtlCOOding by aourwel of lta own choice aD st Onintor'• ..,.._ and Grantor wll dllwr or CMJN to bt deffvmod to lende, such ins1rum8l1ts and cf~ .. may be ,aqimted by l.andtt fmm time to timt to permit such pertlcfpadon. Applcadon of Nat Prvcledl:. If d or 8/'tf part of the Property Is condtirnned by lrl'linen1 domalrt ~ or by any pocNdlno w JUChaA ;n llou of cx,ndemnadon, undef may et Its aloctlon niqulN lNrt Ill or eny po,tion of 1hl NI pocwdl of Iha award be aPIIGed to tho ......,.... o, tr. 1'Palr or ratoratiOn of the Property. Thi net prooeads of the award shall meen tha awenl lftor peymen1 Of all rauonable costs,~ and~· fees lnca,-red by TIUltN 01 lal'lds In COMICtion whh tha condtmnatlon. IMPOSFTIOII OP TAXES, FEE8 AND CHARGES BY ~TAL AUTHORllJE8, The foBowq pn:MSionl rtUltinQ to~ 'tlXIII, feel and chal'QIII .. e per,: ofthi:I Oded of Tnac Cummt Tu.. FtN and Charsltl, Upon ,aquost by lm'lder. Oral"IUM' 1h11 exacutB luoh docun'lenta fn eddlUon to thll Deed of Tl'Ult end take w~ other ectlon II r~ by t..\dar to P8l'feot and COl'1tm'UII \.andar'a len on the Ru! Property. Grantor ahaD ralmbw.ia Lonclar for d taxes, eo dolcribad below, togathef with all 8XP'f1NI lncUl'l'9d In rtOOrdlnu, perfecting or oomirw1tag 'Chi• Dead of Trust, mcuDng without llmltation au taxes, feel, documentar,J e1amps. and other chargaa for 1'1COfdlng or f9Qllltmtng this Doad of Trust. Tma. The foBowtng ahell cons1huta taxee to which tNa HC1lon appliei,; (11 a tpeclflc tu: upon 1h11 typo of Daed Of nust or upon all or any part of 1hl ~-.,,._ by 1h11 Deed ol Trust 121 • apaolflo mx on Grarrro, vrhk:h Grantor II authoriz:ecl or raqulred to deduct from payments on the lndabtednlta NOUrad by thl• type of Daad of T11.111. 131 • tax on this typo of Dared of TRIit ohargaeble a;alnlt the Lander or 1ht holdw of U'la Nota1 and f4) • spaclflc we on Ill or q portion of 1ha lndebtadtMlu or on payment1 ot ~ and lnCilfllSt mada by (3Q:ffl!Qr, .'" 'Id".,• . .r l :ntr.·• ~- SobllQUtnt Taxn. If any tu to which 1h11 ~·~ ii enac\ld ~nt to the date of 'Chis Dead Of Trust, 1h11 evtnt ahaJI hlVa tt. aama •ffaot .. ari ev.iir:" of Dofault. llnCI Lendu may eJraralla any or all of Its IIYlll1Bbla nmocilu for an Evant of Default• proviclld below Wllne: OrllfflDI' ailhar 111 PIVI the tmt beba It bacomN dallnquant.. Of l2J contas1S U. tax • pn,-Mod llbovo In U'lo TIIXN and lJlns Nctkm end dePCffll wflh Lander C8lh or• aufflclarlt corporate -etv bani or othu ncurity •tlafaotory to Lendor. SECURn'Y AGRE£11ENT: FINANCWG BTATEIIIENTS, The toDowfna pnrvWont ftllatlng to thll Dud of Tn.mt u a aool.rity 111QN1em11nt .. a p,tt of thlt Dllacl of Trust: hcalrlty Agrunnnt. Thb hscrumant ahall oormfluta • S8wrfty Agtemnent to Iha extent any of tha Pn$8rty ~ ~ and Lender ahlll haw all of N rSghtl of II Mclnd party tRier U. Untrann eumm.Jal Code ea amended from time to 1kne. Security lntmilll. Upon fflql.Mt by I.Midllf, Orantor lhall take whltww IICdon II raquamd by unfar to perfect and contilYJB landal'a NCUrlty lmrffl: In the Rera and """°"81 Property. In addl1lon to recording UQ 0... of Trust In the raa1 prope.rty f911Drda. lender may, ~ '" NIii and wlthoul further atrthorizdon from Granto,, ma IDQICIUbld ~. copl11 ot ~ of. .this Dotd of Trust u o financing ~ Granto, lhall Nfn1lqae Lender fot .U OpareN Incurred In ~~o, continuing thll ucurftv lntamt. Upon datmjt, Granto, "1lll not remow, ....,.. or de'llch tho Ptrsonol ftopony ftom 1hl Proparty. Upon default. Gnil"ltor lhal! aulmblil any PlrNnal Proparty not affhrad to tha Property In • rnannar Ind at e piam ,..,,o,\tbly conveolent tu Grantor and under a,cf mate It IIY8ltablt to Lender within 1twN (3) daVI 1tter racalpt of wriUar\ dtmand from Lender to tht utont ponnlUad by appllcula law, Addl'Utel. Tha melllng adchan of Gtantor (dalico,J and l.etdet lucured partyj fro,n which lnfonnatlon oonc«nfng thl NCUttry JntaruC qranmd by 1'111 Dead of TRIit rnay be obtelnad (ach • l9qlkecl by h lJnlfonn ~ CodaJ ara q nated on the fk'st p,oa of th1s Deed of Tnllt. RJRll(ER; ASSURANCU: ATI"ORNEY-W.fACT. The followtno provllloM reCattno to fw1hef awranoa and etton,ay,,in,,fact en, e pan of thi1 DNd of ~ Furthct, AafllrancN, At any time, and from tlma to~. upon reqUlllt of Loader, Orwltor wll mate, IIXIICluto end dallvar, or wll cauta to ba made. executiid or dtlilleNdAD bndtr or to Lendeft dnlgn~ and whirl f~ by LAndar, cause to be ffled, ~. rafflld, 01 na'.acordad{.aJ thl cae mav ba. at •uch tlrnll and In such omce. and plac.. • Lender may deem approprltne; any:afi:I d'Mlch mortQIIQOI, daada of trust, NC\.Sily dMcls, NCUritY agmmanta, ftn1nclng sta1:llmonta, contlruation atatiinantl, ~ of Nrtha-muranca. oertiflolltel, and Cl1hlr docl.lffl«ttS • may, In the IOfa o!*llon of Lend«, be necesaary or clNlrablt In onllr to effeotu.ie. com--. parlact, conciwe, or pmarve (1J Otanlor'• ~ unchir the Nott. this Dead of 1'Nlt. and tha Rltated Doc:unontt, and 121 thl U.. end HC!.ritv ~ onmod bl,-tHa Deed of nu.t a first and pdo, llans on the Proporty, whether now owned or hareotter acqufrad ~ or,mor. uns.u proh1bhad by Jaw or IMldar IGfNI to Iha contrwy In writing. Grant« shall l'l:inlblna l.ardclr fot all cottt and expenses lncuTed in connection with Iha mattaJI ratemtd 1D In this paragraph. ,;. .. ' DEED OF TRUST (Continued) ~Ou/0212001388.005 ""8• 5 ~Fact. It GtantDr falll to do any of 1he ti1;a ret9ff8d to In 1he Pfocedina p1111gra:lh. Lendlr may do ao lot 1nd in 'the name of Qnnto, and et Gtlntac"t _..--. FOt such IMPOM8, GreMor hareby lml~ appolnta Linder •• Grentor'• ~fact for 11w ~ ~}J{clllia, exacutsig. dollverlnr,, 1IIng. recordklg, and doing all other things aa may be necnwy or dNlratii.. in ~r;. SO. opinion, to ~ thl mat1IN'a ,.,.,rad to In 1he preceding po,ag111ph. . '¥ .• .~ • FU1.L PERFORMANCE. rt GranlOt pays all tho ll.debted1111a whtn cu, mer otherWlt1 pa,fotll\l all tt. ob8;stlons lm?Ol8d upon Gtantor .,,., this Deod of TIUlt. Linder shall ~ end dallver to TMtM 1 ,...-for full rfCOIMlfll'ICI and shall PltCUtO and dellvw to Orantor suitable ltlWn8n1:I of 1ermlnatlon of any llnanr;hg tmament c,n fila tvidanclng Lender', 1eauity fntwNt In the ftontl end the Personal Propany, Any l'8DOl'IV8yanel fn lhaJI be pelcl by Orantw, If pennitbtd bv eppllcablt law. The grancn In anv ~nee may be described II Iha •penion or poraont legally entttlad thlt1to•, end the l9Cftala In 1he roconvoyance of any man., or facts ahd be cont:fulM proof of the truthfulne• ot anv aucta rnauers or hots. 1NENT8 OF DEFAULT. Each of 1ha lollowlllO, at Landar'1 option. shall oonstltutl an Ewnt Of Deflub: under this DNd ofTMI: hymlffl Default, Grentor falll to mat. any Pl)'fflan1 whan dut WICl'er 1:ho lndebtadneat. Other Ddaulta. Grantor 'ab to campy with ~ ta; perform any Dttlw term, obr.gatlon, oovenanc or oondllon oonttlnld In thlfi Dead of Ttu11 or In any of the Related ·oocument:1 or to comply with or 1o perform q term, obligation. covenent or condition oontalnad' In 1ny'udle, '9l'ffm8nl betw111n lender and Orurtot. c:on.,hnoe Dtflult, FelJure to comply with anv oO'lel tonn. ob11Qa1lon. ccmnaM. or condhk>n oonUl1ned In tNa: Dood of Truat. dw Note or In any of Iha Related Documerrts. Defaull on OdJor Paymenta. Ftftq of Grantor within tho time required b'f thls Deed of Trust to make any payment tot tBXN or Insurance. or ant oth• PIIVl'*lt nlC8IAfY to Jlffl'ffll fling ol o, to effect cbchlrge of any len. Dtfaalt In Fcvor of Third Partlu, Should Grantor defOutl: under any lo.\, extansion ot credit. MCWicy lgreenW!t. purchase or ta1N agruement, or any other agrument., In faYOr of anv other Cl1ld1tor or pet10n that mev matarfdy effect any of Grantor's property o, Grantor's ability to repay the lnclobtadnoH ar perform their rfll)8CIWe ollllgation. uncte, mis Deed of Trust or anv of 1ha Relatad Documentt. FalN statemtnts. Any waminay, tepraenr,don or. stotsment mad• or furnished 10 Lendor bv Orama, or on Gtanlor't bthtlf under tNt DNd of Trust or tht RlilattAI Documtnts la false or rnisllllding In q mmrtal l'flP'Ct. ehher now or tt 1111 time made or Ml'lllhld or~ 'fbe or mlslNdlng at any 1imB thOrNftltf. 0tt.ctM ColatwAallon. This Detd of Tnmt 01·.,.Y-'~~b. Reiat8d Doo\lffl8f\tl CNlh ID bl in full flH'DII and effect ~ fatlure of any colateral docunsnt 10 CfNte • valid Md POrfacted NCU\\y ln\ilrnt or hnl at q 1lms and for any raason. Dim or lnadwncy. Tho death of 11ny Orantor, thl fnaolwnoy of Grantot, the IIPPQ[ntiMnt of• ,~ to, lll'lf part of Grontor'I s:niperty, 1nV ullgfment for U. benaftt of cnldtots.. any type Of craditOr wottout. ot tht ~ of ,ny prOCNClng undor any bantrup1CY or nlOlvenoy laws by or agalnet: Grantur. CNdltDr a, ~ Pu I ... Comrrwmcement of foreclosan Dr fatfettln prooeoclnp, whltt. by Juclcial proc:eeclng, Nlf-halp., 14 i 1k>n or any other method. by any cndtor of Grantor or by any goverrmentaJ •11encv agatnat any prgpany NCUrinQ the lndlllttdnea:, Thia lnlwdtl a gemlahment of any Of Grantor's a~. Including depotit IDQQ\lldll, with lander. Howewr, dis Event of O.fautt lhall not apply U ttlh la • good faith dilpute by Granto, u 1o 1he validity o, reuonablfil'INl of tha claim which It the bollil of tha cndltof or fadllltuta proondlng and If Gtanmt give, 1Ainder wrtnen notice or 1he cf9dltor or forfaiture pn,coedJno and de,pcw, wtdl lenl* morliN or• uetr bOnd fot Iha ONdltor Cf.fDrlettura procotding, In an amount detarn*wd by Lender, In !ta aoi. dlscmlon. as being an acllq\,lml ,...... o, ~ ~ aw dispute. 8MDC11 Df Otha"~. Arr, brach by G~ unds the tamw of any other agrNnMll'lt batwaen Grantor a,d Linder that iii not ,omtdled within any grace peitod provld,d thfflln. lncluclng without limhdon any ac,aoment OOM8fl1lng q lndabmdneH or other otillgdon of Grantor to Lander, wt.iti. existing now ot latsr. ~ Affecting OlllnlltDr, Any of die prectding OY8nta OCOIJIW With ,apectto any fill.l*'MtOI', andenv., surety, or aooommodatlon party of any ot tht Ind~ or any guarantor, ondorsctr, turtty, o, accommodation party diet o, btcomN ~ or ~ or dbiputU lht valldlty ot, or Dabillty under, anv Ouanrrtv of the lndllbtednMs. In the 8Vfflt of a death,, I..Dndu, et b option, may, but thal1 not be reqwed to. ponnlt thll guarantor'a estate to uawne ~ thl oblfgatlons etftlna undar tha guwanty kl • ffilMBr aatllfactory to Landet, and, t, doing to, oure any Event of Dafaufl, Attv.... Chanp. A materfal ICMl'N changa ocetn In Gramor"• frlancl'al condition. or under belJevas VII PRIIP'Ct~~ymamorparlormlnc8oftha~~-lmpaired. . fflabt to Can. If anv dafam., oth8f than• dlfl~g J. cwable and It Gtantor '* not betn !iliwn • nodot otabrNohofthe anaprovb;lonofthb DNdofifi ·· ""' 1ho~twtMI 112l montl\l-,lt maybe curadll Grarttor, after rectM,; written notice flom LMldet' ~ CW'I of sueh clefNt: 111 DUtU the defatit within ten n DI dlYS; or (21 if the ci.n r.quh1 mon than ton 110J diva. lmmedl1te1y Wdatea steps which Lender deem• In I.Mlder'• aole cn.am1or1 tD bt al."llfflcllnt to cur. the dafU and thlrN ttar ~ and cornplttN .a ,.....,..... and nectsNry napa 1ufflci11rrt 1a produ08 complllnDe 81 IIODn • ftl.lQnably pnicdcal, RIGKTS AND REMEDIES OIi DEFAULT. ff an Ewnt of O.fmllt occwt Lhdm" ttlfl Deed of Trust. et anytime thereaftllt, TrunN or Lendw may oxerclae any one or more of 1h11 toRowlng rlQhts and rontedlu: · Beotlon of Rem9clea. EleatiDn by Lender to p.,rsue any remedy 1h.a not t,cCludll ~ of flPf othar :ernecty, and an e!ootlon to mata upandlcurea or 10 take aatlon 10 perform an obllgatlort of GrantDt undet thil DNd of Trust, att. Gtanior'• failuN ID perform. ahell nut affect Lender'I rtght 10 doclara e dafault end exan:Jse !ts nmodln. Accellnte lnda11Wdna1, LMldal-lhd haw the right st b option 1a decl1re the entire lidebb.dlW lrnmedJatolv dw and payable, lndudlno any p,apeyme,rt penalty which OraJIU!r woutd be required to pay, Foredolute. Wllh respect 10 d or any part Of 1ha Real Prc,peny, the TMtaa lhall hlYt the tight to a:xerclaa Ill poww of Hie and to fwemoM by notiot .-id ,ieSo} "and Lendar •hall NM thl rlgfl\ 10 f'Ol'eololo by )ldlcJat ton,ctc,Qt, In elthet AN In aoconfance with andµ, the.~ ~ pravldod by apploaMe law. ucc R..-n-. Wkh resPOrrt 10 ell or 11nv pan of the ~ Property, Londlr lhd haw d the rlghta and remedJoa of O aea.nd party under Iba UnlfOnn Connercial Code. Collet Rema. Lande, shall hava 1he right. without notice 1o Oramnr to take paueniOn of ... manage tt. Property Ind COlect the ~ Including amollltl put dua and unpaid, and apply 1h11 l'l9t proceeds, over and oboV9 Under'e coats. a;afnet thl lndobttdrma, In ha'thtrtnce ol thll rfGht, Lender may raquh any tenant or othu uaer of tha Property to mab paymerna .of rent or um fen directly to Linder, If tht Ainu are coDoc::lOd by "•:_"r:-, ... DEED OF TRUST (Continued) ·200,0212001388.006 Pago& t..ndtt, then On:intor lrrwocebfy datlgiuttal LlllldW u Otllltor't atmmey-l~ftct tD endotM Jnatrumsnts toceJwd In payment thereof In 1:tll nama of Gramo, end to nogodm the umo and coJltcc tha prDCNdJ. Paymenb by tlnantl or other uaera to Lender In 1espc1M1 to IAndet"t .demand ,hen aatiafy the obligatlcn for which u. ~ .. mm•, whether or not ll'lV proper grounds for ·1i:I• ~ exfl19cf. Lendor may exarcfle Its righte laldtt thl, M:lpera;teph either In person, by eaent. or through a,recelver. Appoint Racelwr, Linder lhal have the riQtll to hM • receiver eppolnml W tab ~of al or eny pm of tho Property, with the poww to prcbJcl and pra.,.... the Property. to opwai. the Property preoedln; or pending fo~ or Nie, and to collect the Renbi from tht Property lllnd appfy the prooeed,, over and abow the cost o1 the recelvarshlp, agtlnlt tht lnd6bledrlel1. Thi r9C8Mlr may NMII whhout bond If permitted by law, lMldor'• right to the ePPQlmmeffl: of , racetv. nn u:llt Whethar or not the epperem: value of the PrOl1fflV PCIGdl die lnde~ by • atatanttal amount. Emplovrnerit t,y Lend9r WID not dl9quolfy II peraon from nrvlng ea • -· Tenanor aa Sulkftnoe. tf GNntor rwmalra In ~ of the Property aftar ihe Prope,ty r. eoJd a povidad above or Lender othltWiao btcomu «ditlud to ponenlon of the Property upon default of Grantor, Otencor shall bacoma II tenenr. at Mretanca of Londlr or the purchuer of the Propttty and lhaD, at Ltnder"t option. eithff ftJ pay I tuaoneblB rental for "1h11 UH ot the Property, or 12) vacata tha Propartv frrmldfataly upon tho demand of Ltndar. -...: :'·. ·.'. Ott. R.m.dla, TMI• or Lender thall haw ~ oq..i-~ OI' remedy proylded fl thll Deed Of TtUat Of thl Nott or avaiabla et ~w or In equity, Notice or Salt. Lender •hell gtv. Gremo, teaonabla notice of tho tlma end Place of any p\bllD sole of the Pel'IOnel Property or of the time after which any Pl'M!a tile o, other lntond9d dlspotltfon of the Penonal Property la to ba made. Roatonebla nadoa ahd mun notice g1wn 11 INst tan (tO} dl'f' before the time of 'the Nia or dllpDIIUon. Arry Ala of the Pem>nal Property may be mlK» in con]unctJon Whh any Ala Of tha Real Property. Sale of the Property. To the llxtllnl permlaod by epp[lceblo Jaw. Orantor h•alJy wa!vu any and en rights to have ttw Property merthal)ed, In eJCDl"dlln; Ill ,lghta Ind rernedlu, the Trutwe or Lendor llhall be tru 'ID NII .it o, -, pan of the Property toQathtt Of us,arate,v, 11"1 one sela o, by aaperate aelu. Lendor lhlll ba tntitlad to bid at IIR'( pubic sale on aU or any ponlon of the Propa,ty. Aa:omeye' Ffls; E!lpenaN. H Lender ll\ltlMel lnY tult ot ectlon to enforce ,ny of tha termt of this o.ed of Trust. undet thllll be anddld to reoovar IUCh tum u Iha cowt may adjudge reesonebla a attornays' r.e. at trlal and upon anv appu1. Wtwthel or not ..,., OOL11 ·action ii lnwlvad, and to f'lt extent not PIOhiblted by law, an nNIIOllabla pPttnNi under lncura that In Lenc:1"111 Oi:iion et0 necNAry 11t env tlm8 for tho proceotlon of Its lntarnt o, the tmo&cament of Jte rights shall baopY,,-11 pail of U. ~ peyabll on demand and shall baar lnt.-.m 11t the Nara ratu tram die date of u. ~ until repaid. Expenses covered by 1hil Pll"IIQtllph Include, without lltnitetion. however IUb)ect to an, llmftt: w,der, appllcable law, Lendor'• attotmp' , ... and l.andar'I ltpl mcpanaa, wharher or not there II a IIIWIUft. lnok,6ag llttOtnlyS' fNt and. Ul*INI for bGnmlplCY proctldingl (Including effona to modify Of \l8Clltll q Momatlc ably or lriu,ctfonJ, 1ppoall, and any amlo..-S f*tiudgment eolleotlon UMC111, tho coat of ~ racorda. obtall1lng 1lde ,aporta flnchxflng toNaloSl.n raponeJ, IVMIY0'1' reporta, and apprellel ful, tltla lnluranoe, and feel for the TrustN, to tha extant pennitaed by appllcabJa law. oranmr also wm pey any court ooau, In 1delldon to 111 ottler fUlnl prQVldod by law. Rfgtrtl of TruetN. Trustlt lhlll ha'4 al of IN rlghb and dutiN of Lend.-IS ut forth In fil lffliOn. POWERS AND OBLIGATIONS OFTRUSTEE. The tollow!J11"prvvielorw reletlng to the pt,wltl'f end obllgatbna of Truatao [put.uant to Lend1t'• inltructionlJ 1t11 pert of ttu Deed of Trust: Powaa of TNstu. In addition to aD powera o1 TfUS1NMtllng at • rnsttet of law, TNltlo .W,.,,. U. power to tau thl foUowlng ICdo,-with rnpect to tho Property -., the written requm of """*" and Grantor. laJ Join In preparing and filk,a • map or plet of 1111 Rell Pi'opec\fi ~uc&lu hi doclcation of .fCnletl or odllr rfghta to lhl publlo; lbl Join In granting any ... mant or creating any tNViCdon on tho Rnl Property. and lcJ join In anr 8lbltdlnstion o, othllr IQfNffllnl affllOlq W. Deed of Tn.iat or 1ha lntwuc of lender under 1hla Dood of Trust. Obll(fadons to Nottfy. 1'Natae lhal not be Oblgated to notify any ottw party of I pondng Ale I.Nier en, ott. trust deed or lien. or of any ICtlon or pruoeedlng In whch Granter, under, or Trustee shall ba , party, unlua raquhd by applicabl,a ~w. « unlnl lhl action or proceodlng II brought byTMtN. TnlstN, l"Mtl• Iha!/ mut Ill qualffJcations '*"*8d tor TNt1ee ... ~ law. In addition to "Iha ~ W 1lffllldles • forth abovt, w1U1 tNpeot to all or q pert of the Property. tha Trusttt shall have the ~ht to fONCloa br notice end Nia, and Lendlt ahall haw tht right to forlOJote br )udicial fomloawe, In eltt. cm In eccardance with and to tha full 1xttnt provldld by eppClcaiN law. . auconaor Trmtu. l.andlr. at uncllr'• option. mey from tfma tD time appoint a euccenor Trua1ea to any rf1.1Stn apl)Olntad unde, th!t DNd of T,uat by an insWrnont axacutlMI and 1cknowladged by lander and racornd In the offlca or die reconfao'. of ICING Ccuity, Stna of Waatqiton. The 1nttNmlllt thall contain. In adcltlon to aD OU. mimn required by tUl1e law, tha n,ma ot tht·~!ntJ Lendw, TruatN, end Grantor, tha boot Ind PIOO or 'tho Auditor'• File Numbtr where tiill Dud or Trust 11'!-radordact, and tht name ond ldcfr ... of the SUCCH101 trurtee, and 1he lnatrurnlnt thal bll executed and ack~ by Li,ndar orb ~ In lnteraL TM mccanor tn.lllM, wtchrM ~ of the Property, nu aucONd to an the tltll, powv, end dUUea canfemd UJ)Orl u. Trwtn kll tflil o..d of Ttuat encl' by N!Plicebto Jaw. Thil procedun, tw ~on o1 TruatM lhall goyom to 1ha IJa)uk)n of 1111 ott. provllions for Nbltltudon. NOTICES. 8&mjec:t to lppllctbla law, and except fo, nodco reqlMed or ellowlld by Jaw to be given In anothor manna,, any notice NQU1rec1 to t,a 11/wn undar tN:s DNd of Truat. lnc:dudlrG Without ltmltadon any notice of de~ and any notice of .... ahaJI' be QMN1 In wrtmg, and ahal be effktMI when actually dallveNd, whan aotually rectlvad by tulallClirnilt (unlat othefWlle ~ed by law), when depoabd with a natlonaUy rlCOQrllled ovamlght courter, or, If malled. when dePC)ahed In the IJrit9cl Stetn mal, a ht clul, C*rtlffed « tOQlete,ed mall postag• prapald, dlr9Ct9d' to the addruus lhown new the ~ of thlt o..d of TRIit. AU copieli of nirdca ot ~ from tha holder of any 1111 whlotl h• priority owr 1hla DNd of Tn11t thal ba_.Nnt to ~·• lddlul. a shown near 11w baglmng of thla Deed of Trust. Arry party may otw.ngo ill addreN .for-nodQa: tn:W du DNd of TNtt by giving fonnal written notice to 1ha ott... partlet, spadfyl111 that die l)tsll41Dl~~-notlce la to change tha pany't addreaa. For nodce l>U"POHB, Otantor agJM1 ID bop Lander lnfOnned 11 alF 1nia il9 "Grentof't ourntnt oddr..., s~ ID applicable law, and OJW11pt fot notice reqLllr..s o, •llowld by law 10 be saiwn t, another mtnnff, If awe ll mon UBI one Grentor, anv notioe gNen by Lender to any Brantot It dffmlld 1D bll node• QIYltn to all Qrentora. MISCEI.LANEOU8 PROVISIONS, The followfng ~. PfO\l(tJonl tre a part of thll Deed of Trust: ~ Thll Deed of Trus1. together with any Relatld Documents, constltutu tha llllt""l'a undemanding tnd agt88mlnt of 1h8 partlN • to the mewn at fonh In this D9ed of TNlt. No altaratlon of ar amendment to this Deed of Trust WU be effectlYI unlua given In writing and IIIQned by the party o, par1iea aouaht to bo charged or (" i' ,, '. bound by th• lllltamlon or amendment.. :) .. i. :,; .. DEED OF TRUST {Continued) 20010212001386.007 Page 7 Annual Reports, tt 1ha Property bl usod for purpoau othtl" daan Glamor'• fefldenoe, Grantor lhaU furnish to Lender, upon r8qlmt. • cwtffled St&llmlnt: of net ii Income ~ from 0. Property during Grantor's prwfot.11 flacal yur ln suah form and detail u Yi!l!d (. ntqUil'9, •N9t oPMttfng 1ncome• ahd mtar1 all CNh receipts from Ula Property Ina al cah ~ ,:.; .~~ COnntertion wtthU. opemton of1ha l'n;,perty. Captba HNCllnp. C.ption tl9ldlnp h thla Dood of Trust are for convenlenca piapoeea o~ and are not to be used to Interpret or daflnl the PtOVI*" ot this Deed of Trust. Mllgttf, There shal be no mer;.-of the lntmesl or utate croatad by dlil Dead of Trust with 111'1\1 other Interest or esutt 11'1 thct ProDOl'tV at any time held by or tor the btntfit of Lander In any caper;:Jty, without thl wrtn.n consent of lender, 80Wfllfn; law. 1bla Died of Trust wlU be gov,nad by fadlqf law eppllcablt ID Lendlr ad, to the IJCtlnt not prumpted by fNeral IIW, 1h11 lnn of Ula am. of Wufllnotocl wldmut Nglrd to tt. oonflcta of 11w ~ Thk Died of TRIit IIU NIii acctpllld by ltndlr In thl 8lata of wa.tilngtGn, Cholcl of Vnue. ff ihlle ii a IIWSLIC, Bra,to, l9'Mf upon l.endar'I requoat to luhmlt to the JurlsdlotJon of U. court:s of King County, Statt of WIINn;\on. Joint and s...i llabUltr, All obligation, of Grantor under this Dead of Trun ahaD be Jo(nt and severar, and ,u rafmwnces to OrantDr RI maan each and ·~ Gramor. Thil meana that NCh Omitor at;nlng btlow ii ,apo,,slbla tor al obll;ltlona In this Dtod of Trus_t. : No Waiver by Lendar, Llndar lhall not ta deemid to have waived any rfghta l#lder tNt l>lod of Trust unlln IUCh waiver 1a flN9n In wrfdnQ and llgnad bf lMlder. No delay or omiNkln on tha pert of Lffldar In exero11Jna any right 1'1111 opeme • a waiver of such right or any othu right. A wliYet bv Landw of I provblon of this DNd of Trust shaD not Pl"fliudlc1 or conattluta • watwr of Under'a right otherwise to dtcnand etrlot compDance Wfib that provlaton or ffli other provltlon of this DNd of Trust. No Prior waiwr by lend.-, nor m, COVl'lt of dating botwMn Londar and Orantor, ahall OOflStiMe • walwt of any of Lender'• rl;hta or of any of Grantor's~ es to any l'uture tRns~ ~ tht consent of Lender la rtquhd under thfs Dotd or Tnsst, the Qnlfltl"ng of such consent by LMlder In any fnltance chaff not oonatfhrte continuing CORlflfJI: 1D aubtlqUem: klstanca where such consent 1a ,aqulred and In aa oaan auch connnt mav be granted or wfthheld In 1tla IOk, dlac:retion or l..andet. Srmablhy. ff I court of COffll)ttMt )ntldlctlon flnda any provltJon of 1h11 Died of Ttun to be lltoal. lnvalkr, or UMl1forceabla II to 1111'( person Of citQtJmltance,. thn &ding ahaD not make the offending p,ovlslo,\ JDaga,. Invalid, or unenfOroaahle n to any othar penon ot ~. · If feaalbh, the offtndlng pn,vlslon $hall be conaJderad modified SO that It bacomN IIQsl. Yllld and~~! Ji.~ ofhn1lncl pmillon ClnnOI be IO modiftad, It ahaU be conaldored deleted from thb Dnd of rruct.,·· ·Urll-~oihatw!N required by i.w, tha lllegllJry, lnYalldity, or unenforceablllty of vr, ~ of this Dead of Trust than not an.ot thll logalltr, Wllldlty or enforceablllry of any other prollialon ofthla Deed of Trust. 8~ and Aalgna. SUllleot to any irnltationa stated In dila DNd of Trust on Uanafor of Ortntor'a lntareat, this Deed of Tnat lhaD be binding upon and Inure to the banefit of tht parties, their 11.JCCNIOl'a and aalgna. H owntrShip of the Property beGomN wsttd In a person othlr than Glamor, Landw, wtthout nodoe to Granter, may deal with Gramor'I IUeQIIIOtl with ,alltencl to thla Deed of lrurt ll'ld tht ~byway of folboaranoe Ot" awna1on without 1U11lng Grantor from tha obDQationl of thla DNcl of Truat Of llabllty W1dtt the Ind~ 1lml II of 1119 Eaunce, Time II of tha Ullr'ICI In U. perfonn1nce of 1h11 DNd of Trust, Wslnr of HOIMSttd Euaq,llan. Gtantor haraby mNIU end wetvn 111 rfghta and benefha of tha homlstaad ournptlon l1W1 of the State of Walhfngton III to aD' tndebtednlsl IICUr8CI ~ thla DNd of Tnllf. DERNmONB. The folowlnQ capltlllted wonk and terms ahal haw thn followln11 mnnin111 whon UMd In 1h11 Daad of TRIit. Unlus ~ stated to tha connry, aD rdtlihncee-to dollar amoWltl. shall mean ll'l'IOU'lll In lawf\ll monoy Of the Unltad SW.. f1f Amertca. Wotda and tenna UNd. In tha alng&nr shal'I lnDlude tt. pkwal, and 1ha plural 1h10 lncludl the 1ingufs, a 1ha conimct may roquko. Woada and torms not otharwbe deflnad In thfa Dead of Trust ahall haw the 1l'INr1lrGI attributld to IIIC:h tarm1 In u. Unlfcinn Ccmmorolll Coda: Bmlafic:llry. Tho word •0eneffclary• 1'n81111 Frontllr Bank, and tr.a auccnaors and "'911- eonow.r. The won, •8onvwaf• mew. GUY WND Wld FRANCES WNO ll'ld h:11.as ID c04lgnan and co-mabta 1lgnlng the Nott and II Ullfr ,ueoesscn and aas!;na. DMd of Trust. The worda •Deed of TNlt" mean this Deed of Tnm 1mong Ol'lrdof, lamer, and Trust11, and fldudn without llmlmtlon d ISllgM\el\t and IOCUl'lty lntttalt ~ ralatlng to tht Panon1I Property and ...... Default. Tho word "Dofo:IJI• maan, tha Daf1ult set bth In this Dead of TRIit in tho aec1km tltlecf "Dtfauk", Event of Dafaaft. Thi words •ew.it of o.tautt• ~~t!Y.-of tho awnta of daftult ut fonh kl it.. Dtad of TRIit In tha IIYlml of dafault IICilon of da Died of Trva;.l .i: .,.s:,,;' ~ '. . . Granter. Tha word •Grantof" maarm GUY LUND &( ~CES LUND. Gur,nmty. The won:11 •ouaranty" me-. tha paranty from QUN"antor, DndorNt, ltl!Wly; or aooommodaUon party to undar, lnofucling wtthout Jmftadan • GUIJlnly of all or pert of thl Nola. lmprovenaata. Th& word •1mprovam1nt1• muns au existing and future l~nta. builclft;s. atruo\Wa, mobllo homN affixed on tho Reel Property, flloDitln, addltlON., Nplacementa and othar canstruatlan on 1ha RIM -· lndHtlelnNt, The WGfd ·lndabtadneas• means Ill principal, lnl«Nt., end other .amounts, coats and ~ payable unct• tha Note or Rllatad Docun.nts. toQethot with au ranewall or, oxtana1on1 of, moclfJc8tiOnl of, GOMOlkbrtlon1 of and IWIJdMlons fOr 1hl NoCt!I ot Rllltld Documlnts and anv amGIJntl expanded or advMOed by Lendar to dlacharp Otentor's obDgadom or uper1191 lncwr.d by TRlltN o, Lendlf to enrorw oramor·• obligations under thla DM::I of Trust, toge'dw with·lntsreat on such amouma u provided In 1h11 Dead Of Trust. t..ndat. Thi word ·~ 1TM11n1 Frontlet Bank, ·ha •llCCOl&Ofl and assl;r.. Nole, The word ·Note· mans 1hl pt'Dlffll0~901G·' ~ February 1, 2007, In the orlglnal prtnolpai amount of $600.000.00 from Grantor 10 l..midlr, togeUMII' with aa rtnOWala of, extanslona of, modlffc"5onl of, ntflr'lanclnga cf, conaaDdationa of. end aubstfMiona for 1hl promlnoly note or .-,ment. NOTICE TO GRANTOR: THE NOTE CONTAINS A VARIABLE INTEREST RATE. Panonel Proparty. The wordl "Petlorw Property" maen au equipmant. fixtures, end other artlcJM of personal PfOPlrtv now or hereafter' ownad by Orantor, and now or hereafter attached ot afftxad to the Real Ptope,ty; togalher with .a tccasaionl, pan:a, and edcldons 10, all taplaclmanta of, md an IUbltJtutionl tor. eny ot ~ DEED OF TRUST (Con1h)uedl ·-200,0212001388.008 Pages PfOPlrt\r. and togathar wtth an Juun and proffta thnon and proceeds line~ wllhoul llrnltltlon all Jnsurarce procMds and r9fund1 of premiume) flom any ule or othat dlspoaltlon Df 1he Property. Pn,p.rty, The word ·Property· meaM~lytha Aul Propertyancftha PwaonaJ Property. Rell Property. The wordl •Reaf Property• mean the n,111 property, lntemtl and rlght:t, u further dMcrlbed In thlt ~~~Trust. . RllatN Docmnenta, Tha words •Rafatad ~· mean all J)l'OffllAory notc:a. cradlt agreements, loan ao,Nffl8nt1. guarantlet, eecuritv e;reemants, mpttglQIS, dNdll of trust, 1ecurtty dnda. collatenll inorlgaglS, and all othat lnstnrnentl, ~ntl and docunonts, whether now or hefeatt.r mcistfng. Ult01,lted In connection with the Ir ~11 t d,...,; provldl4. that dlll •IMl'l:ll.mwml indlffll'lity 1gra1rnenu are not ·Rers1.t DocumlCU· and n not HCUred by dris Deed Of Tnat. Rama. The wotd •ftent1• moana ell present end twn rents. rewnuM, lncuma, ilsuea, raveldes. ptOflla. and othsr benefits detlved from ths Proparty. Ttuatw. Thi wont ·TrustN• rrmns Chlcego Tltls lnauTonce Company, who.. m1llng lddrsll 1126088104Tlh Avenue GE. ksnt. WA 88031 end any 1t.1bst1Ma or auccaMW tt'UltNI. EACH GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVJNCI READ AU. THI PROVJSION8 OF T1fJS DEED DP TRUST, AND MCH GRANTOR AGREES TO l1'S nRMS. ~''""'"'1111 ,-.; ~U~IS t:,lf· STATE OF :r ... DEED OF TRUST (Continued) ... 20070212001386.009 Page9 REQUEST FDR FULL RECONVEYANCE To: Trustee The undenligned b the lagaf ownet and holder Of Ill.~ aocl.Nd by this Deed of Trusi. You ero hereby reqUNted. upon payment Of ol lUfflS owing to YoU. to roconvty without warranty, to 1ho pssons enthlad thlnto,. tht dghl, titta and intemt now held by yo1,1 WlderWt Deed otTrust. .... , ____________ _ ... .......,, ______ _ ..,, _____ _ ""' m .. .....:-u.....;;m"-'--,...:-·---.... ™™--. ~ -:.i:1., • ·hr·~\J:.,,·, :,•';•,' I~' . ·, • • ~-lG-20114 14;31 SOOS CREEK P.05 This certlfb:ata providu inform11tiotl n~ua,y to eva/11ale development propo11,1s. Certlllcate : 3781 SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER D1STR1CT CE.RTlftlCATE OF WATER AVAILABILITY Typ~: Preliminary Plat or PtJO ; Applh:aut'1 Name; Gay & Frances Lw,d Proposed Use1 8 Sin11le Family Resid=w Location; Lot: S Bl0<:k: 3 Developma1t: AKERS FARMS 6 Parcel: 008800 Ql70 Addrus: 16201114TH A~ SE:, RENTON In forma tlon: WATER PURVEYOR lNliORMA'l'ION I. • :,!] Waier win be piovi<k.<1 by ..,,ire cniu,e"tion only io •• c,ci•ung r inch ..._,er main, 49' rue frum th• sire. ~•di Ollt" b ~. I Watn service will ,r4u1J·e an i....,roveJffl<m lbc water 1yt1er11of: l. a 9-j The watar &ystom;. ill confonUAD<,O wilh a Cuu.oiy app,oved ,..!ff con,prelllll.Sivc plall, b r J 'l'b< -!er t)'ltem implOVtmcnl wi)J fCl)\JUC a w•ter COntprthensiVC p\all !Wltudmt;nC. J. a ~ 'nte propo1ed. p,oject b . .a.'1.&h.u:1 the corporate lill'\ita of lhe d.iS!ri:n, or hu Oeen gn.nted Boundary Re,·t.111 Board oppro,·tl .for t•ll.'ll.lion or .u,,icc ~"11ids Ibo dl51rict or oity, or is wi!hin tba COIUll)I app,ond scrviu ara uf l }Ui\.·11t1 wa.tie:r purv1yor, b O An.nexabon or B1.>11oiiary Rc'lf'iew Bo.tUd. apPfoYo.1 will be neeuJsaryto prc"Vlde IOfVic:c. ~-• ;ii "'-Wot will he av.il,bk: at tile me of t\ow a!ld Jluration iJ>dlcated below at DO 1 ... tbaQ 20 psl mnslll'ed at the oear .. t fire bydr,n1 65 feet ft~n, \be b'~i\Ji4t,/ptoperty (nr as 1111rkcd OJI the attacllc~ in&p): Rate ,,r Flow: l 0()0 IIPm Du.rati~n: l ho~n b ,-i Warer sywterus i• t10r ••~•bl~ ofprovidi11g r11-. new. ,• • • lt \A Ille re,poia11:i,11ty or \O~ appm:.im ,u ''""'" .... , •"'I=-._. ........ -..... . property. l lltroby ecrtUy lltal lllO aboYO ,. 1 ter puncyor lniormatioo. II cru.. Tb1' CUlllloatloa, sball l>t valid lo• 001 ,_ fn,m d•ta of 111111111n. SOOS C1UililC WA"fl!ll & SI!WE!t OISTR!CT -A~•Y Nt1rnc. -- 5upelVi~or, UevelopnltD\ J\dmini1rroti1Jn ·--· -''iiiie• -· -- .. . . . . ~,· • ' .. " ....... ,., "·' ··;· • .. " • f. ~ .. ,, .~.. ,· f ,, " 'iB !l. ~ ~ "' i;: "' ) ,: ~ ;§ ) !VJ ~ ... '7 rl :i . Col 'I "' • rl • I ,fu 11) ... ,'\ •o~<> '! ~ i '·,, 4·~"- ..,., ,,,., I ; ~~l} I 'f' '{_j_,p;: .3.., /ID n,;..ae. ......... ., j,.,,ffoiisc, :.·'.%Ji'.·. • .• l : !~ . ·.-: . . . ·>.-'.',\;!;:~ · ,:· ... · 'r• n~ :::,1r-:.a___ 1 • • I ·- .. , • • -· • • i ·' e SEP-16-2004 14:30 SOOS CREEK F' .03 -· This certltlca!e provide& /r,formation n•-•'Y to evaluatA dav11Jo11m11nl proposals. Certilkate : 4430 SOOS CREEK W A.1'ER AND SEWER DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF SEWER AVAILABILITY 'fype: Preliminaxy Plat or PUO Applitaat'• Name: Guy&. I'rancea l.u111i Propo111d Uu: 8 Single Family Residances Locatio11: Lut: ~ Block: 3 Development: AKERS PAA.MS 6 Parcel: 008800 0170 Addrcu: 16207 114Tif AVE Sli, REN1'0N lnfarmatlou: See attaebed pror,osed layout SEWER PURVEYO.R [NFORMATJON J, • ;__; Sewer •ervioa wiU be pro~i~td by servic.t ,;anntl:llcin anly to Ill •iuttin11-moin N1'11 ~t from Ille lite alld the: ,.,.,er sr.,tem hU tl,c <&pKil)' tll llMI• the propaoood area. l. 3. , l,il Olbor (deas'libe): a ~ b IJ • lo(\ • r1 'l'he ptopoocd pl•L fl\\lffi lh• illllalWio~ oC opplOllUll&blly 110 lf of omila saniniry .. .., . ., mo!n. All pJ;>M mu.st b• "l'P<•••d hy ad meet 11,e req,iitm11011 or KCWTD aDd Som1 Cteek Waier and Se_, ni.1uicl. The 1.wcr t),tem iii in 00~1 wllll ~ Cowty ljlJl!ovcd se--crcomprc:i.,a,m, ~ The sc,wor .!):'11Cm ifflprOYIDIC!t! Mll l'Ulllilo •-o:,mp,ehmsive plu, 1mnidlnc111. 'fbo ptapo.aed p,.:,jcci la w!Jhl4 ll:lt co,poiw.be limi" oflbc dloltlcl, or llu 'beCTI pu19d Ba,mduy Review ilo•rd •PPfO"al fut cxum.si"" or aavict n111tldt tho dilltric:t en c;ity. Armouoon or Buw!dary Rovlew Bou~ •.PpNval will be nee~ ,o pn,• lda 1crvice . 4. S...vlca i. 111bjott to the follo,vl11g, • 61! c.,,,,,,,.,i,,,, (':!).,..,., y cs b li.!I Ea.sCtN!nl (,): c ~ O!ber: Oiislte n,qulrcd Sec i:wiricIJS abo,~ llld below. Scrvic• ia •ubj eel to the: applicanL~ agrecmcmt lo comply and perform to mllla: such · tioB [g ~ o/J @: [Q) 1111cl/or conneclions to the stancwds, regulations, req_uiremC'llta md 1:ondition• o(this Dis!l"icl CT O 4 2004 r~cililies will ~cxi"ie~,jf ffl\C r,t!H ~e such SCl"'_icc ,waif able to the K.C. D.D.E,S. (;I\ ind such other agency or agenc:i~s ha.vi.llgjuri&dic:tion. TIiis Diatrtct i• not replC$Clltin11 that it's ... · . @ IJ V ':!:.:, V U t) .. I . --···--· -·~--~iMn\WH'®@l?'lr \ / • ' applicant. Il is the respon&ibillry of the applicant to muc a.ny 111l{u, .. u," .:A, ...... ..,., v, ·-=-· ov serve their properly. I b•t•l>J' cerllfl' tl\ol t11• abu•• .. ,. . ., punc,o, Information ia trua. Tllll certtG .. t10111llall be ,lfid fo, one year rr-dlla nf 111gtuiwre. SOOS CRE~ WATER& SF.WliR.D!STIUC.T ~8P'\OY I" iunc. . S1.1ipavisnr. DcvelnpDlCD.f A.do::d.nis1r.1tion Till• . ~ .. " .. ~ ' ' ,. ' ~ t, ' L,. t .~ {\ _, ",-., ,. / .. g ,., ,., • • • ' -- )133tl:J 5005 .,, ... ·r !'.!(I !u I '".,o~ ,/ ... .,o ~o a,., j .... 8"' i~ .... · ' CJ'!:: --i / ~·1-· ~ e "' .. • ' • • • . a SeP.-09-04 11:44 I .. ,. .. ~ J ' l !, ~.... . Fire Fire District Receipt luND~, 2062967742 '® Klng county ·P.02 Department cf Development and Environmental Service• 900 Qakesda,1e A11en..,e Renton, WA 980SS·l219 Fire District #_40_~--- Name of Project/ Proposal Location of Project / Proposal \ltlfl_-_11qti Av:;;:$"') ~WN ~~A-__ (Address, parcel n~mber, tax account number. legal dsscriptiont •one of these required for processing of application ~I .S~__6~4A(C;~~_FA&H.$ +I:{, I ACCO~N.6_1Q nw OlAI nte'R?E ~\J2L,._l.f2 I Ar PAE€ b) PaJoe.t:>S c,F KJ\JC::o, CbUNTv} V../A 1€; }4,SEC 2.9 1WN -~hl.--.. ANG. S:e KROLL PAGE----- Name of Applicant _J8'i!L.O~ ro;§J.,A\)JS Address of Applicant ZO:)""_E2ol1::-5T: s \ po BQx 17'67) lSSAQJ4l~'. qec,z.7 Telephone Number_ 425-:391-IY:I.S:-: ~'t~~ -3q I -/5S::\ Description: Type of Project/ Proposal Check appropriate box(es) UDuplex L~ Subdivision ri Conditional Use 'l Unconditional Use _ _1 Apartment/ Mu11ifamily i:l Commercial I Industrial r.1 Retail ~hort Subdivision/ Short Plat n Planned Unit Development D School I Classroom U Residential: Single Family Residence ll Rezone []Other (describe) ··--···--·---·-- ,6torz couplings. required on Fire Hydr~-n;~------·--· Issuance of this receipt does not imply an approval, disapproval. nor review of referenced project I proposal. This receipt shall be valid for 30 days from date of signature. ~~@!Fww~W %-m?CTA.'Y ---------TITl8 Distribution.· White: Applicant (see below) Yellow: King County Building Services Division Pink: Fire District Note Applicant: at the time of application to ODES the white copy must be presented with project I proposal submittal. LU4S0037 Fire District: mail yellow copy to: King County Buildfng Services Division 900 Oakesdale Avenue Renton, WA 98055·1219 Attn: Fire Engineering ' K.C. D.D.E.S. Check Request for Non Vendor Refund or Reimbursement This form is to be used only for one time vendors. Please contact Accounts Payable if you have any questions regarding one time vendors. Check will be included ill the next scheduled AIP check run and mailed after Council approval. Check Request Info: Requestor 's name: Date of request: 06-10-2013 Requestor 's department/division: Carrie Olson . CED/Dev Serv/Plan Review ' Payable to: Guy or Frances Lund Mail address for check: 17844 14?1h Ave SE, Renton WA 98058 Check amount: Account number(s) to charge: $2,417.00 650. Special Deposit Reason for refund or reimbursement: Lund Short Plat Sensitive Area Wetlands Cash Bond, LUA09-015 Check handling request: Please mail check and attached documents directly to payee. Thanks *Aooroval Sianature: Signature: Date: Requestor's Department Administrator, Division Director or designee: --------------------< Jennifer Henning type name of signer on above line 06-10-2013 *The person approving this check request must be an authorized signer. Requestor 's ext. #: 7235 Amount per account #: l:\FlanRevitw\C0UNTER\BONDRELS\SENSIT1VE AREA OR WETLAND MITIGATION MAINTENANCE BONDS RELEASE LETrERS\LUA09-015 Lund Sensitive Area· Wetland Mitigation Maintenance & Monitoring Cash Bond Request.doc Online Typeable Form, July 1007 . benis·Law . "Mayor .,. . . . rviav, 13, 2013 ; . ~ ·. Gary.and Frances Lund : ·· : 17844 147th Ave _SE Re~ton,WA 98.058 Subject: Receipt of Final 'Ahli~al Maintenance and MOnitoring Report . Lu~d Short Plat • · · · ·. · · · · · ·· ·. City'of Renton File lUA09s015 .Dear Mr. and Mrs. Luricf: . . ·. • This fetter is to inform you that I ha~e.acce~ted the final an~ual maintenance and monit~ring report for the Lund Short Plat ~itigation project. • UJ)o_n evaluation,'it appears the project is iri compliance with t_h~ ·. establi_shed. performance. standarci's thereby satisfying. the: _monitoring• 'pefiod requirknient from the county: . . . :. . . ' . . . ' . -. . . . 1. hav~ initiated the paperwo;kt6 release the ~urety; in .tlie anici.unt of $2;417. If you have ahy · general questions piease coptact me at(425) 430:7219 ·or,Carrie ()Ison wit.h qu~stions in regards -· to.the release ofyour 'surety at (425) 430-7235:· . . -.. . . · Sincerely, vf?~~ R'~c7'er;mm~m, Sen(o~ Pianner, CurrentPlanning D1v1s1on·: · : . ' .. -· . . •· ~iiy of Renton FHe LUA09s015 .... ·. . . . . • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Carrie, May 20, 2013 Carrie Olson Rocale Timmons Release of Assignment of Funds · Lund Short Plat City of Renton File LUA09-015 Please initiate the paperwork to release, the surety for the mitigation project for the Lund Short Plat. The amount is for approximately $2,417. A copy of the paperwork should also go in the yellow file and to the City Clerk's office. Thank you! h:\ced\planning\current pla.\wetlands\lund short plat\release memo.doc, • '-- Comcast Webmail -Email Message From: "Brandt, Lisa" <Lisa.Brandt@kingcounty.gov> To: <fglund@comcast.net> Subject: RE: A06BN191 Lund Mitigation Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009 3:52:48 PM Page I of2 I Please note that I made a typo in the previous KC bond number in the title line. It is actually AD6.. This may help you and the City keep on track for your monitoring. From: Brandt, Lisa Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 3:51 PM To: 'fglund@comcast.net' Subject: A05BN!91 Lund Mitigation Hello Guy, I have been directed to transfer your critical area mitigation file over to the City of Renton, as your property was annexed into the City limits. They will follow up on the remainder of the critical area monitoring and the bond KC holds will be transferred to them. {< If you have any questions you can still contact me. Your new contact will a ren Kittick, Develo ment Engineer Supervisor with the City of Renton. She can be reached at. 425-430-64 _ 1mag1ne t e wou still want you to submit the next annual monitoring report by Oct. 31, 2009 which has been the schedule for monitoring under King County. Thank you and I have appreciated working with you. Sincerely. Lisa Lisa Brandt Environmental Scientist Land Use Services, ODES 900 Oakesdale Ave. Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5219 tel: 206-296-6764 fax: 206-296-7051 Lil?.~, bn,1 D.~@1QD gc_o_u_o_ ty_, 99Y. Please note: Fees will be charged at the KC annual rate for staff time associated With all work done in conjunction with compliance review, correspondence, monitoring, and release of financial guarantees. http://mailcenter3 .comcastnet/wmc/v/wm/498486ED000COCC5000028F322155 863940B... 1/31/2009 &)'y:- :i «fl • tQ KingCounty Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 nv 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov Deeen1ber 27, 20070eteber lO 2008 Guy aRd l'raRees LuRd 17844 ~'" A·,'e. SE ReRtOA WA 98058 Fglmid@eomeast.Ret JaAa KuRsl, Asst. De,·elopmeAt MeReger QuadraRt Hemes 14725 SE 3611, St., SHite 200 PO BO)i 130 Bellevue, WA 98009 RE: Meadow Ridge (Jlem Crest DivisieR 2) JliA1rnoiel GuareAlee /\OeBN 191 WetlaAd/Buffer MitigatioR SUB: Ki Ag Cotmty lnspeetion Aetivily L05Gl2382008, Year 1 Monitoring Report Review Deer Ms. K1crnst Dear Ms. aAd Mr. LHRd: ' ThaAk :fOH for suamitting tile 2008, Year l FAORitoriAg repert, yoH prejlared. It was l'ery tllereugll aRd eemplete. Tile repert was revie·ued and aeeepted. Aeeerding to the rejlort the native plaRt survi·o<al was 97% and aerial sever "Nas estimated et 10 12%. T!iis-ts- guite good for year eAe and you eeRfirmed vour iRtent to replnee Ike dead eoRifers this wiRter. It was diffieult to see the Aath'e plants er the Himalayan blaekbeFFY you spoke of iR the photegrnphs. Yeu did eeRfiFTAed that the blaekberry would be eoRtrnlled this wiAter too. It is ideal if they are ha0d dt1g 0·1 the roets ta eFaaieate them, as that way they mav oAlY re s1;1rout in a few s1;1ots ene er two mere times liefore yeu are finished with theFA. Due to their aggressive nature they ean grnw 15' a yeaf aRd guieldy eRgulf a mitigatioA area if not eoF1trolled on a FOHtiAe basis. It is FAueh aeHer ts strive to eradieate them than have I • · . 121 t;i;. me ···llem tllis maiRteRattee to deal with them fur year OR a routitte sasis.ease A0 •V " ceRtiA11ea Ytg1leRee !R(eeJJrng reel e rs "'ith the reeemme11ea1im1s reEj11iree elwer threslisles. Tile DeJJartmeA eeA II " BAB looks forv,·are te seei11g them HflJlleme11tee. 8iAeerely, JeA 8\eaALisa BraAet ellvireAmefltal 8eieAtist m C Lisa BraAdt (Critieal Areas 8eetioA DDBS) Second Year Report 2009 On the Maintenance and Monitoring of the Wetlands Plantings for Lund's Short Plat, Fall 2008-Fall 2009 Tract 5, Block 3, Akers Farm No. 6, recorded in Volume 42 of Plats at Page 15 As is reported in the first year Monitoring Report (included in this second year report) the construction part of this project started approximately in March 2007. In September 2007 the area for the wetlands plantings were established, planted, reviewed by King County personnel and excepted. Approximately 8o/o of the plantings did not survive. In the fall of 2008, there were 2 new ferns and a Douglas fir that had not survived and new ones were planted. The plantings, including the ferns and Douglas fir were doing good, see photos for May 2009, but as what happened in 2008, we had another strong dry spell and again the ferns and Douglas fir did not survive, pictures were taken in late August early September '09. Approximately 92% of plantings, as did in 2007(year planted)-2009 time frame survived 10-12°/o approximately of aerial cover of native installed plants, (1,234 sq ft) Due to the ferns and Douglas fir not surviving a second time in the 2 years of monitoring (2007-2009) we will wait to hear from Renton as to whether Renton wishes to have these plantings replaced a third time. I April/May 2009 Pictures September 2009 Pictures // ,, ..... .:,• ..... ~. ~ . : ·, ..... . ... . ..... " ... -~ \ ... ... t .#-.,,. _..,. .,. " .,: .. ... ,., . ~ •• .,,. •• ~ 'ti/Ir . . . - ., .. .. . . .... #t~ ti King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 www,metrokc.gov October I 0, 2008 Guy and Frances Lund 17844 147th Ave. SE Renton, WA 98058 Fglund@comcast.net RE: Financial Guarantee A06BN191 -Wetland/Buffer Mitigation SUB: 2008, Year 1 Monitoring Report Review Dear Ms. and Mr. Lund: Thank you for submitting the 2008, Year 1 monitoring report, you prepared. It was very thorough and complete. The report was reviewed and accepted. According to the report the native plant survival was 97% and aerial cover was estimated at 10-12%. This is quite good for year one and you confirmed your intent to replace the dead conifers this winter. It was difficult to see the native plants or the Himalayan blackberry you spoke of in the photographs. You did confirmed that the blackberry would be controlled this winter too. It is ideal if they are hand dug by the roots to eradicate them, as that way they may only re-sprout in a few spots one or two more times before you are finished with them. Due to their aggressive nature they can grow 15' a year and quickly engulf a mitigation area if not controlled on a routine basis. It is much better to strive to eradicate them than have to deal with them for year on a routine basis. Please notify me when this maintenance and replanting work has been completed. If you have any questions please contact me at 206-296-2764, other wise the Year 2 Monitoring Report will be due by Oct. 31, 2009. Sincerely, Lisa Brandt Environmental Scientist Critical Areas Section -DOES I • September 28, 2008 King County DDES ADI, 'B t,J l"I I Lo '-~:C-!'5'6 6JJ / L-1.1 M C> f?c,,'1? 'j. Z 't · t:J'B i-\---o "~trl>P ~~ '74-•<? ¥€-<f ll!>OU \U> £.,e,rl~ i.-~ v--C> Ce>,v, C ., C, '-1, 4--t!b "S )E, . RE: First Year Report for Wetlands Plantings for the Lund Short Plat-2008 Attn. Lisa Brandt q,Z ~ ,..ue:,v. Jr;,-rz.. 7, e,cl)rµi_ ~.~ t:, ?'o I'-'\/-~ 11 v • 7,t P-f>~ 12-f/ · Lisa enclosed is our report, maintenance and monitoring, for the wetlands v-. u-!lf'O""ft... , plantings, installed last year, 2007. l-4>1f.idl'I ?'p..J ~ ) .t,I~ I hope I've included everything needed for this report, but if I missed 1.,,uf'.~ something please let us know. Sincerely, Guy and Frances Lund 17844 147th Ave S.E. Renton, WA 98058 Email: fglund@comcast.net Home phone: 425-430-1536 Guy's cell (new): 425-919-1974 Fran's cell (new) 425-919-1973 ,------------ First Year Report 2008 On the Maintenance and Monitoring of the Wetlands Plantings For Lund's Short Plat, Fall of 2007-Fall of 2008 Tract 5, Block3, Aker's -Farm No. 6, Recorded in Volume 42 of Plats at Page 15 The construction part of this project started approximately March of 2007. By September of 2007 the area for the wetlands plantings was established and the plantings were then installed and reviewed by King County personnel and excepted. Diagrams included in folder. The plantings survived the fall, winter, spring and most of the summer of 2008, but during the mid to latter part of the summer we had a dry spell and some of the ferns did not survive nor did the Douglas Fir, despite watering efforts? Photos taken Fall of 2007, included in folder and present day photos, September 28, 2008 also included in folder. 92%, approximately, of native installed plants survived 10-12% approximately of aerial cover of native installed plants l,)..34. si+eef 2% approximately of aerial cover of invasive species in. oat ,;,,~~''"-~,....-11.;.>:.:;.·.~~~~•''-........... :.,--.... r----.... -~.,.,.-·-·-.,.-j'l'C'"'" ..... ~-(~..: .. ~· BUFFER ENHANCEMENT 617SF ~--~ WETLAND B 423 SF UNCLASSIFIED TO BE FILLED BUFFER AVERAGING ADDITION ----- 771 SF Prune .diseased and broken branches C Lath stakes driven securely in to the ground _ . Water basin with 3-4" mulch LOT 6 I LOT 4 LOT 8 LOT7 ~----__/ S. ~. 1 64TH ST. BUFFER AYERAGI 1 ~,...__._.__ · REDUCTION 374 SF ·~ ® • (D • • · LEGEND BUFFER PLANTINGS Western hemlock Tsuga heterophy/la Douglas f1r Pesudotsuga menzies/1 Osoberry Oem/er/a ceraslformis Baldhfp rose Rosa gymnocarpa Snowberry Symphorlcarpos a/bus Oregon grape Berberis nervosa Sword fern Polyst/chum mun/tum PLANT SPACINGS SHOULD BE ADJUSTED IN THE FIELD TO ACCOUNT FOR EXISTING NATIVE VEGETATION LEGEND . EJ WETLAND mm BUFFER AVERAGING ADDITION ~ BUFFER AVERAGING REDUCTION BUFFER PLANTING PLAN TYPICAL n I ~ -• f . ' .. ~.~ -·-\ :~ ~ . ' 2007 Photos .. ' t ; • ~ .. ! . -• ,,t .. / ., /1,-., ' '!' . .:. ... .. . .w ' .. . .. ..,~., . . ' . . . 2008 Photos Brandt, Lisa From: Sent: To: Subject: Carol, Brandt, Lisa Tuesday, October 23, 2007 8:52 AM DDES, FGMU A06BN 191 Lund Short Plat, I have inspected and approved the mitigation area at the Lund Short Plat for installation. The project was installed per the approved plan and will now be placed in monitoring status. Please reduce the performance bond to a maintenance bond. Thanks Lisa Lisa Brandt Environmental Scientist Land Use Services, DOES 900 Oakesdale Ave. Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5219 tel: 206-296-6764 fax: 206-296-7051 Please note Email Address change! Usa.brandt@kinqcounty.gov 1 ti King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 Fran & Gu¥ Lund 17844 147h Ave SE Renton WA 98058 RE: Sensitive Area Performance Reduction and Release DOES File Number: L04S0037 Project Title: Lund Short Plat Dear Mr: & Mrs. Lund: November 1, 2007 The compliance wetland installation inspection for the above-referenced project was completed. Based on this inspection, it has been determined that the sensitive area improvements have now been installed per the approved plans. Therefore, we are releasing the following surety bond and reducing the cash deposit performance financial guarantee to maintenance: Sensitive Area Restoration surety bond number 579813S, in the amount of $5,600, issued by Indemnity Company of California to Guy Lund, ODES activity number A06BN 191. Sensitive Area Restoration cash deposit in the amount of $2,456, DOES activity number _ A06BN.1.9.L This guarantee is being reduced-to the maintenance amount of $2,417. Therefore, a check in the amount of $39.00 from the King County Office of Finance is enclosed (total guarantee $8,056-$5,600 surety-$39.00 cash deposit= $2,417 retaining for maintenance). By copy of this letter, King County is hereby authorizing release of the above surety guarantee(s). The original document(s) will be forwarded to your surety company. After completion of your monitoring period, we will perform a final maintenance inspection. If the · plantings have been successfully maintained for the required monitoring period, we will process the release of your maintenance financial guarantee. During the required monitoring period, maintenance and monitoring should be performed and annual monitoring reports submitted to the Department of Development and Environmental Services per your permit conditions. If you have any questions, please contact the Finance hotline at 206-296-6659. cc: Indemnity Company of California Lisa Brandt, Critical Areas Section Financial Guarantee File ..... _. t{i King County Department of Development and Envlronmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 S ENSITIVE AREA RESTORATION AGREEMENT AGREEMENT Guarantee t and Name Short"c·PJ:ati Site Location Parcel 0088000170 This AGREE NT is made and entered into this i.M day of $~ , 20_.l'.1'1. (Effective date) between the King County Department of oe lopment and EnviroruiiGOtal Services, hereinafter called the COUNTY, and the above named applicant, hereinafter called APPLICANT. All references in this AGREEMENT to the APPLICANT shall include the APPLICANT and its successors and assigns. All references in this AGREEMENT to the COUNTY shall include King County and its successor political jurisdictions. @asis for AGREEMENT: I WHEREAS the undersigned APPLICANT seeks to record the above-referenced subdivision or obtain issuance of the above-referenced permit; and WHEREAS the COUNTY will permit recording of the subdivision or issuance of the permit upon agreement by the APPLICANT to, among other requirements for this project, coffiplete all terms of this AGREEMENT; NOW THEREFORE, the APPLICANT hereby agrees and binds itself and its legal representatives, successors, and assigns, as follows: Terms of the AGREEMENT: 1. The APPLICANT shall fully install all sensitive area and/or buffer mitigation measures required pursuant to the above referenced Project/Permit by the time specified by the COUNTY, which is prior to recording of the above subdivision (unless approved in writing by DOES). Installation shall be in accordance with the approved sensitive area and/or buffer mitigation plan including any approved amendments or extensions thereto, and in conformance with applicable COUNTY ordinances, standards, and specifications. All improvements shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Director of DDES or his/her designee. 2. The APPLICANT shall fulfill all other requirements of King County Code 21A. 24 and other Codes and regulations applicable to the project, even if these requirements are not set forth in this AGREEMENT, 3. The COUNTY must approve (in writing) any APPLICANT proposed change of work from the approved plans prior to beginning such work. 4. Prior to bt:ginning construction, a pre-construction conference shall be held with the COUNTY, the APPLICANT and the APPLICANT'S contractor(s). 5. The APPLICANT shall be responsible for costs of any corrective work on or off the site to the extent that such corrective measures are associated with work performed and/or not completed. 6. The APPLICANT shall implement all necessary erosion-sedimentation measures/facilities to ensure sediment-laden water does not enter natural or human- made drainage facilities and will maintain them until such time as erosion potential is past. In the event erosion and sedimentation is observed and upon written notice by King County, the APPLICANT shall inunediately take corrective actions to prevent erosion on or off the site. 7. The APPLICANT shall notify the COUNTY in writing upon installation of the mitigation plan measures. Within 60 days after COUNTY inspection approves mitigation installation, the APPLICANT shall submit as-built drawings, and shall thereafter submit monitoring reports by or before October 31st in every year following. A06BN191 Sensitive Area Restoration Agreement Page 2 8. The APPLICANT shall perform moni taring and maintenance as set forth in the mitigation plan so as to create healthy growing conditions for five years after the COUNTY approves installation. By signing this agreement, the applicant will post a surety bond for installation purposes {70%), up to but not exceeding three years, and a cash deposit for the remaining 30% for the maintenance period. If the project site does not meet the performance standards established in the mitigation plan, the COUNTY may extend the monitoring period until those performance standards have been met. 9. Prior to the COUNTY' s approval and authorization of construction, the APPLICANT sha;l.l post a financial guarantee in the above amount and in a form approved by the COUNTY to guarantee compliance with all terms of this AGREEMENT. The financial guarantee shall remain in force and effect until written release by the COUNTY. The APPLICANT's obligation to perfom work and pay fees and other amounts is not limited to the amount of the associated financial guarantee. 10. Any failure on the part of the APPLICANT to proceed with due diligence and in good faith in the construction, maintenance, and/or monitoring work provided herein shall, upon notice by the COUNTY, constitute a default of the terms of this AGREEMENT, 11. The APPLICANT shall reimburse the COUNTY for all direct and indirect costs necessitated by this AGREEMENT, including but not limited to plan review and inspection fees pursuant to Title 27 of the King County Code, hourly monitoring and inspection fees pursuant to Title 27.02.080, and corrective action or abatement. 12. The APPLICANT hereby grants the COUNTY the right to enter and inspect the project site, and, in the event of any failure to perform terms of this AGREEMENT, to implement such corrective measures as the COUNTY deems necessary. 13. The obligation to install, maintain, and monitor the mitigation measures set forth in the mitigation plan shall run with the principal of the guarantee. 14. The APPLICAN'r shall be responsible for the proper performance, safe conduct and adequate policing and supervision of the project. This responsibility shall not be lessened or otherwise affected by the COUNTY' s review of plans, specifications, or work, or by the presence at the work site of the COUNTY's representative(s}, or by the compliance by the APPLICANT with any requests made by said representative(s). 15. The APPLICANT shall indemnify and hold the COUNTY and its agents, employees and/or officers harmless from and shall process and defend at its own expense all claims, damages, suits at law or equity, actions, penalties, losses, or costs of whatsoever kind or nature, brought against the COUNTY arising out of, in connection with, or incident to the execution of this AGREEMENT and/or the APPLICANT's performance or failure to perform any aspect of the AGREEMENT. Provided, however, that nothing herein shall require the APPLICANT to hold harmless or defend the COUNTY from any claim arising from the sole negligence of the COUNTY'S agents, employees and/or officers. · 16. In the event that any party deems it necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to enforce any right or obligation under this AGREEMENT, the parties hereto agree that any such action or proceeding shall be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction situated in King County, Washington. 17. This Agreement shall remain in effect and the associated financial guarantee shall not be fully released until five years after installation is approved by the COUNTY and performance standard,;-;;-t forth in the mitigation plan have been met to the satisfaction of the Director of ODES or his/her designee. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day and year first above written. TITLE: .&zz ACTIVITY NUMBER A06BN191 ~ King County Department of De\·clopment and En\·ironmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055·!219 Financial Guarantee Activity No. __o.A::;0:::6:::B=N:.:1"9'-'1'--------Project No. Name of Project Lund Short Plat Applicant L04S0037 The APPLICANT hereby authorizes that the sum of $2,48f(Oo be kept on deposit with the King County Office of Finance to secure for King County the APPLICAN~perfonnance of certain work and payment of fees and other amounts required in connection with the above-referenced project. THE CONDITION OF OBLIGATION is that: I. The APPLICANT has executed an "Agreement" entitled "Sensitive Area Restoration Agreement",, a copy ofwhich is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Under the provisions of the Agreement, the APPLICANT is required to furnish a guarantee to secure the APPLICANT'S compliance with the terms of the Agreement. IT IS FURTHER EXPRESSLY PROVIDED that: I. Umil written release of this obligation by King County, this cash financial guarantee may not be tenninated or cancelled by the APPLICANT for any reason. 2. The obligation of the APPLICANT shall not be discharged or affected by any amendment of the engineering plans used for constmction of the project. 3. Upon failure of the APPLICANT to perfonn any of the tenns of the Agreement, King County may use the funds to complete the work and pay outstanding fees and other amounts. The APPLICANT shall have no duty or right to evaluate the correctness or appropriateness of King County's detennination that requirements have not been satisfactorily completed. Any unexpended funds shall be returned to the party designated below upon completion of the terms of the Agreement. 4. The APPLICANrS obligation to perform the work or pay fees and other amounts is not limited to the amount of this cash deposit. 5. In the event that this project becomes part of an incorporated area, King County may transfer its rights and obligations under this cash financial guarantee and the attached Agreement to any successor jurisdiction without notice to the APPLICANT. I, __ , an employee of King County, certify that the above referenced funds have been received by King County. APPLICANT'S MAILING ADDRESS: J7f(/l/ (Date) v lunD APPLICANT'S Phone Number It is the APPLICANT'S responsibility to notify King County of.any ch~nge in addres~ and telephone number. Upon release of this cash deposit, the funds are to be returned to at the following address: State of Washington, County of King , I certify that I know or have seen satisfactory evidence that _ _cG-:::__'-';'1="1---'Ll,i""'"od--"--L----------- signed this instrument and acknowledges it to be his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. (Notary Seal or Stamp) '" .A __ ;!,._,~_..~---, --11,1 i\. NE:LSON-BLY ,• l'mTARY PUBLIC 'i ST/\TE OF WASHINGTON j COMMISSION EXPIRES ). APRIL 10, 2008 CASl!DEP.doc (!0/99) A06BN191 Dated: q(\;;,,/aoo, Signature of Notary Public: --A~ -K % fin~ Title: Ro\:,m I\ \,,lel·mn ::P,\ 'j My appointment expires: _4,,c/._(,.,oc./._@(X:,==8~------- \ • \ .. , r '·' ,·w· King County Department of Development ai,d Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057·5212 206·296·6600 TIY 206-296-7217 www.kingcounty.gov Guy Lund 17844 -147"' Avenue SE Renton, WA 98058 . ·--: RE: Street Tree Financial Guarantee Reduction DDES File Number: L04S0037 Project Title: Lund Short Plat Dear Mr. Lund: December 18, 2008 The compliance street tree installation inspection for the above-referenced project was completed. Based on this inspection, it has been determined that the street trees have now been installed per the approved plans and King County Zoning Code 21.51.070. Therefore, we are reducing the following performance financial guarantee: Street Tree Performance surety bond, number 579743S, in the amount of $3,612, issued by Indemnity Company of California to Guy Lund, DDES activity number A07BN252. By copy of this letter, King County hereby requests your surety company to issue a rider reducing the bond amount from $3,612 to $1,083 and changing it from performance to maintenance: The remaining balance of $1.083 will be held as a two year maintenance financial guarantee. After the street trees have been maintained for two years, we will perform a maintenance inspection. If the trees have been successfully maintained for the two-year period, we will process the release of your . maintenance financial guarantee. If you have any questions regarding this reduction, please contact the Finance billing hotline at 206-296-6659 or email fgmu.ddes@kingcounty.gov cc: Indemnity Company of California Jody Conyers, Project Manager, DDES Land Use Inspection Section Financial Guarantee Services • I· ! ·tQ King County SUBDIVISION, SHORT SUBDIVISION AND PLANNED IT DEVELOPMENT Department of Development and Environmental Service 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 206-296-6600TIY 206-296-7217 www.metrokc.gov 0 Within the City of: Renton Project Name: Lund Short Plat Address: 16217 -114th Ave. SE DEC 1 O 2008 KING COUNry FGMU Project No.: L04S0037 t=::;f.; ,.:,s~. · / i -, ~-Ja ( D Street Tree Inspect Activity No.: L06SI163 On 10/29/2008 it was determined that the street trees required for the project listed above have been installed. The minimum 2 year maintenance period as required by King County Code shall commence on 10/29/2008. FINANCIAL GUARANTEE INFORMATION If you· have questions concerning the status of the financial guarantee, please contact the Financial Guarantee Management Unit at 206-296-6659. Financial Guarantee Activity No.: A07BN252. KING COUNTY REPRESENT Posted Amount ·Street Tree$ 3,612.00 Inspector: Mike Meins ate: 11/25/2008 , Eng. III Initials: Date: \ >.., h /o '& __ ,.....,....___ I I DEVELOPER REPRESENTATIVE Name: Guy Lund Street: 17844 -147th Ave. SE City: Renton State: WA Zip: 98058 Original: Developer Copy 1: FGMU Copy 2: File Copy 3: Inspector S/forms/current fonns/StreetTreelnstal!Aprvl.doc 09-14-06 BOND RIDER £d'/54:f37 ~7LYl/o<~ INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA 9750 -3rd AVENUE NE, SUITE 305, SEATTLE, WA 98115 DATE OF NOTICE BOND NUMBER TYPE OF BOND DOES FILE NUMBER 12/22/2008 579743S Street Tree Bond L04S0037 ' . ,. Nothing herein contained shall be held to vary, waive, alter, or extend any of the terms, conditions, agreements, or warranties of the above mentioned bond, other than stated beloQ OBLIGEE: King County ODES uf; /1@ /i /! ff [fl· Attn: Stacy Graves Dre 2 4 D 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW KttvG c · Zooa Renton, WA 98055-1219 FGJdtv,..,. Gentlemen: This Rider is to be attached to and form a part of the above captioned bond effective 12/18/2006. This Rider is on behalf of: Guy Lund It is understood and agreed, effective from above date, that: The bond amount is decreased from Three Thousand Six Hundred Twelve and 00/1 OOths ($3,612.00) Dollars to One Thousand Eighty Three and 00/100ths ($1,083.00) Dollars and bond is converted from a performance to a maintenance guarantee per King County letter dated December 18, 2008. PRODUCER: Provided, however, that the liability of the company under the attached bond as changed by this order shall not be cumulative. Signed this December 22, 2008 s0J~Aw'~·-'--- ,y~Urphree, Attorney-in-Fact Soundview Insurance Agency, Inc. Attn: Patty Allen PO Box 6249 Lynnwood, WA 98036 POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA PO BOX 19725, IRVlNE. CA 92<123 (949) 263-.1.100 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE.SENTS. that cx·c·ept :.ts expressly limiied, DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY aud JNOE1\1NITY COMPANY or CALIFORNIA. dt1 cach, hereby make. consli1ule and app(lint: · ·***Jake W. Murphree, Karen L. Staffanson, Dan Bouc, jointly or severally**~ 11s rhcir \rue an<l lawful Allorncy(s)-in-~-acl, f(1 make, cxccuk. ddiver u11d acknowkdgc, for find on behalf of said n.nporations, ;is sur~·ties. bomb, undenaldngs :.md contracts of sure!yship giving :rnd granting unto said Attorney(s)-in-Fac1 full power and authority lo do and to pc1 form every net necess:.uy. rc4uisiie m pm per to be done in co1111ec1ion therewilh as etit::h {)f :.aid corporations could do, buc:rescrving to ench of said coq:iorn.dons full power ufsubstitution and rev0ca1ion, anJ a!! of lhe ucts of said Alwmcy(s)·in-Fact. pursuant w t~csc presents, are herd:,y ratified and con tinned. This Power i,r Ar1orney is grnmeJ :ind is sign_cd by facsimile unJer r1nJ by auihority of the following rcst)ltttions .idopted by the respective Board of Direclors of DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY and INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, dfoctivc a~ of November I, 2000: RESOLVED. that the Ch:iinna11 nfthe 80.'lrd. the !'resident and :rny Vice President of the corponuion he, ,rnJ tlwt ern.:h ofchcm herebv is. aurhorized to execulc Powefs ur"/\uorncy, 4u;.1Ji fying the auornl'Y(S) name LI i11 I he Powers of Anomcy to e)(ccutc. 011 behalf of the corp(1rntions, born.ls, undertak i11g~ 1ind coi111·..1cts of suretyship; and that the Secretary or any Assist,1nt Secretary of the corµor~tions be, and e~ch of 1hc111 hereby is, aurhorizcd lo attest the execution of 11ny suc!i Power of Atlomey: RESOLVED. FURTHER, that the sigml!ures 'tit' such officers may he afthcd to ,my such Power of Attorney or rn any cerriticate relating thereto by fac:.imile, and any ~uch Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatmes sh:111 be v:iliJ and binding upon the cnqlOr:ition when .~o affixed and in the future with respect to any bond, undertaking or con/racr of sun:tyship ro which it i~ attached. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDElv1N!TY COMPAr,,;Y .ind lN[)EMN!TY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA have severally caused these prcsenLS to be signed by their resrective Executive Vice President and attes1ed by tlieir respective Sccretnry thi~ !st day of Dect'mher. 2005. ---·---......, By: David H. Rhode.~. Executive Vicc-Prcsi<lcnl By:_~----=~--'---- Wultt!T A. Crowell. Secrl.!tary STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY 0~ ORANGE ] On December I. 2005 before me, Ginn L. Gamer, Nolary Public (here insert nanie and title (1fthc otlicc:r), pers,mally appeared Davit.! H. Rhodes and Wsdtcr A. Crowell. personully known to me for proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the pe1·son(s) whos.: name(s) isl;1re subscribed to the within instn.1111cnt nn<l :id:nuwlc<lgcd to me thu! he/shc/thcy cxccutcd Lhc same in his/her/their uu1horizc<l capucily(ics), u11d lh.it by his/her/their· signalurc(s) on the instrumcm the pcrson(s ), or 1he entity upon he half of which the pcrsou(s) acted. executed the i nstnu11cnt. WITNESS my.hand and official sen!. (SEAL) ,, •• ,,,.,,,,t,+tf ~@ GINA L. GARNER J -COMM.# 1569561 g NOTARY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA i ~ ORANGE COUNTY " lJ -· .-~·~·~"~-~.-~xpir!8;~~·-~-~-2~J . 0 • $ • • • $ • • ~ • • • c!ERTIFIC,\H: The undcrsignt>d, ..1::. Assist:1111 Secrci::11y, of DEVELOPERS SURETY /\ND JNDEMr"\'!TY COM Pi\NY nnd INDEMNITY COMP/\NY OF CALIFORNIA. tin{'S hl·rcby certify thal the forcgning PowerofA1t(1111ey rc111ni11s in full fon.:e ~nd has 1101 been revokcJ, :ind furthcrmurl·, dmt the provisi\lns of the resolutions of the respective 80:irds of Directurs of said corpt1ratio11s set forth in lhc Power of Attorney, are in force us of the d.i!C of chis C.:erfificate. -~·,'><l 0 This CcMilicnte is executed in the City of lrvi11c, California. th~_..,.,. ___ day ot' ~ By Albert Hilkbnmd, Assistant St>cretal)· I[). ]380 ( Rev, 12/05) ,t&I:·· King County Department of Developmenl and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 APPLICANT'S Name ~Y&A/'p ACTlVITY Number Guarantee Amount Project Number and Name L04S0037 -Lund Short Plat Site Location/Section Parcel 0088000170 This AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ~y of Se ,,QT , 20 £2 between the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (or its successor agency), hereinafter ca~OUNTY, and the above named applic1rnt, hereinafter called APPLICANT. Basis for AGREEMENT: WHEREAS the undersigned APPLICANT wishes to develop the above-referenced project, and WHEREAS the COUNTY will grant final plat approval upon agreement by the APPLICANT to, among other project requirements, comply with all terms of this AGREEMENT; NOW Tl IEREFORE, the APPLICANT hereby agrees and binds itself and it's legal representatives, successors, and assigns, as follows: Terms of the AGREEMENT: l. Prior to recording of the subdivision, the APPLICANT shall provide the COUNTY ,with a financial guarantee in the amount and in a form approved by the COUNTY in order to secure the Ai'PLICANT's compliance with terms of this AGREElvlENT. The guarantee shall remain in force and effect until written release by the COUNTY. The APPLICANT'S obligation to perform work and pay fees or other amounts is not limited to the amount of the associated financial guarantee. 2. The APPLICANT shall, within two years of the final plat approval, install all required street trees in full compliance with the approved landscape development plans, including any appruvcd amendments thereto. Street trees shall be planted and completed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and the COUNTY Standards. All planting shall be perfomied in accordance with accepted practices, in good soil wilh adequate wutcr available. The APPLICANT sha!! nutify the COUNTY in writing when all street trees are implemented in accordance with approved plans. 3. The County must approve {in writing) any APPLICANT proposed change of work from the approved plans prior to the APPLICANT beginning such work. 4. J'hc APPLICANT shall fulfill all other requirements of King Cuunty Code Title 2 I A, and adopted ordinances in connection with street tree improvements, even if these requirements arc not set forth specifically in this AGREEMENT. 5. rhc APPLICANT shall complete all street tree installation work requirements with due diligence. The COUNTY may extend the time limit for compliance up to six months when the COUNTY has determined that circumstances beyond the control of the APPLICANT warrant an extension. 6. The financial guarnntec slrnll be rc4uiml for a minimum period of two years after King County has inspected and approved the planting or transplanting of trees. This lime pcrioi.l may be extended by one year by the director, if necessary, lo cover a planting and growing season. 7. The street trees shall successfully grow and remain attractive, free of disease and defects in workmanship and materials for a period of two years frnm the date of satisfactory inst al Im ion. The APPLICANT shal! prune and trim all street trees to maintain: a healthy growing condition or to prevent primary !imb failurt": and replace al! dead, diseased, damaged or stolen trees within three months or during the next planting season if the !oss does not occur in a planting season. 10. If, at the conclusion of the two-year period, the COUNTY, at its sole discretion, determines that the street trees are not in a well-maintained condition, the APPLICANT or Guarantor shall perform prompt and adequate maintenance. In the event this maintenance is not done, by either the APPLICANT or Guarantor, within a time period as specified by the COUNTY, the Guarantor shall, upon demand, tender the total guarantee amount to the COUNTY. After performing the maintenance, the COUNTY will return any unexpended funds, without interest, to the Guarantor. 11. The APPLICANT shaH be obligated to take corrective action or make repairs, as described above, which obligation shal! not be limited by the amount of the financial guarantee. 12. The APPLICANT shall reimburse the COUNTY for all-actual direct and indirect costs necessitated by this AGREEfl.1ENT including but not limited to plan review and inspection fees pursuant to Title 27A of the King County Code and corrective work or abatement. l3. The APPLICANT herehy grants the COUNTY the right to enter and inspect the project site and, in the event of any failure to comply with terms of this AGREEMENT, to implement such co1Tective measures as the COUNTY deems necessary. 14 The APPLICANT shall be responsible for the proper performance, safe conduct and adequate policing and supervision of the project. 111is responsibility shall nut be lcs~ent":d or otherwise affected by the County's approval of plans, specifications, or work, or by the presence at the work site of the County's representativc(s), or by the compliance by the APPLICANT with any requests made by said rcpresentative(s) 15. The APPLICANT shall indemnify llnd hold the COUNTY and it's 11gents, employees and/or officers hannless from and shall process and defend at it's own expense all claims, damages, suits at luw Dr equity, actions, penalties, losses, or costs of whatsoever kind or nature, brought against the COUNTY arising ou1 of, in connection with, or incidcm to the execution of this AGREEMENT and/or the Applicant's performance or failure to perform any aspect of the AGREEMENT. Provided, however, that if such claims arc caused by or result from concurrent negligence of the APPLICANT and the COUNTY, it's agents, employees and/or officers, this provision shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of the APPLICANT, and provided further, thut nothing herein shall require the APPLICANT to hold hannlcss or defend the COUNTY from any claim arising from the sole negligence of the County's agents, employees and/or officers. 16 ln the event that any party deems it necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to enforce any right or obligation under tliis AGREE!vfENT, the parties hereto agree thut any such action or proceeding shal! be bmught in a court of competent jurisdiction situated in King County, Washington. 17. It is the APPLICANT'S responsibility to notify King County of any change in address, phone number, or change of ownership of property. It is the APPLICANT'S responsibility to arrange for replacement of any/all financial guarantees prior to the time that a change of ownership occurs. The Applicant, as indicated in this AGREEMENT, shall remain responsible for a!I terms of the agreement until such time as a new owner shall replace the financial guarantees and complctt": any other documents as required by the County. RELEASE REQUIREMENTS: This AGREEMENT shall remain in effect and the associated financial guarantee shall not be released until all terms of this AGREEMENT have hecn completed to the satisfaction ofthe COUNTY. A07BN252 • w King C-.lunty King County Depart111rnt of Dcnlo11me11t and Environmental Sen ices 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW RentOil WA 98055-12!9 Financial Guarantee Activity No. A07BN252 Name of Project Lund Short Plat Location/Address of Project Parccl0088000170 Project No. L04S0037 ----------------------- Bond No. Bond Amount We , as Principal and Indemnity Campany of Cal 1 forni a a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California and legally doing business in the State of Washington, as Surety, are held and finnly bound unto King County, State of Washington, as Obligce, in the penal sum of Three Thousand, six hundred hvelvc and 0/100 dollars for the payment of which we firmly bind ourselves, and our legal representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and severally. THE CONDITION OF OBLIGATION is that: 1. The Principal has executed an "Agreement" entitled "Agreement to Install & Maintain Street Trees for n Subdivision", a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Under the provisions of the Agreement, the Principal is required to furnish a guarantee to secure the Principal's compliance ·with the tenns of the Agreement. 3. This Surety Bond is intended to secure the Principals' perfonnance of work and payment of fees in accordance with the associated Agreement. IT IS FURTHER EXPRESSLY PROVIDED that: I. Until written release of this obligation by King County, this bond may not be terminated or cancelled by the Principal or Surety for any reason. 2. The obligation of the Surety shall not be discharged or affected by any extension of time for the Principal's performance of this Agreement or by any amendment of the engineering plans used for construction of the project. The Surety hereby waives notice of any such extension or amendment. The obligation of the Surety shall, in no event, exceed the penal sum hereof unless the Surety has expressly consented to any change, modification or extension of the Agreement and has issued its written adjustment of the penal sum, signed by the Principal and Surety. 3. Upon failure of the Principal to perform any of the terms of the Agreement, The Surety shall either perform the terms of the Agreement or shall tender to the County the amount which the County estimates necessary to effect compliance with the terms of the Agreement. The County e~timate may not be challenged or otherv,ise disputed by the Principal or Surety. Any funds provided by the Surety in excess of that expended to remedy noncompliance with the Agreement will be returned to the Surety upon completion of the remedial work and payment of outstanding fees. 4. In the event that this project becomes part ofan incorporated area, King County may transfer its rights and obligations under this Surety Bond and the associated Agreement to any successor jurisdiction without notice to the Surety or Principal. The rights and obligations under this Surety Bond arc for the exclusive benefit of King County. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the rights and obligations of King County under this Surety Bond may not be assigned, hypothecated or transferred for uny purpose. It is the PRINCIPAL'S (as APPLICANT in attached Agreement) responsibility to notify King County of any change in address, phone nu mbrr, or change of ownership or property. It is the PRINCIP A I. 'S responsibility to arrange for replacement of nny/all lin:mcial guarantees prior to the time that a change of ownership occurs. The PRINCIPAL shall remain responsible for all terms of the agreement until such time as a new owner shall replace the financial guarantees and complctr any other documents as ret1uired by the County. A07BN252 Pagel of2 Page 2 of2 SURETY: Indemnity Company of California -.J=aD:,...,_iY\L..l...,6£9="""'"1=-----""'S'-+-'/3Lfm_ Signature Dan Bouc Date• Attorney-in-fact Title Title 9750 Third Ave NE, Suite 305 Mailing Address Mailing Addren 3entb "7 uJA-qt?os-?" Seattle, WA 98115 £/75-c/30-/S-JC,,, 206-525-8201 Phone Number l'honc Number PLEASE ATTACH A POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR SURETY AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING FOR THE PRINCIPAL State of Washington, County of King I certify that I know or have seen satisfactory evidence that -~(_!.,~ll~,i_,,__L='-'~o~cl~---------- signed this instrument and acknowledges it to be his/her free and vofuntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. · (Notary Seal or Stamp for Principal) . ROBIN K. NELSON-BLY NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON• • COMMISSION EXPIRES , " APRIL 10 2008 - SURETY.lloc (10/99) A07BN252 Dated: 9 / \'.:i /aoo, Signature of Notary Public: i)(Hr<gt. 'f< {µ,µ1y1/-{.311r Title Ro\:,lh Is 1\ebof'>· \J\ ':j My appointment expires: '-t:\O -;;(00'2, Financial Guarantee Activity Number: __ _ ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oaksdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 June 12, 2006 Guy Lund 17844 -147~ Avenue SE Renton WA 98058 RE: Subject: Dear Mr. Lund: Financial Guarantee Activity Number A06BN 191 (L06GII 50 ) Sensitiye Area Mitigation 0 As you may know, there is a Sensitive Area Mitigation financial guarantee associated with permit L04S0037, which requires monitoring. Prior to initial monitoring, the financial guarantee must be posted with the Department. If you have not already done so, please contact Stacy Graves (206-296-7009) at your earliest convenience. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with information about the monitoring process, a county monitoring staff contact, and to inform you of King County hourly fees associated with the monitoring activity. Permit conditions required that the mitigation area satisfy approved plan performance goals and standards of success by the end of the monitoring period. Monitoring and maintenance will need to be performed on this site throughout the monitoring period to comply with permit conditions. Typically you can expect an installation inspection, follow-up reviews of the monitoring report and site visits if questions arise and a final inspection at the end of the monitoring period. Attached is a copy of the bond monitoring guidelines to further explain the process. Typically, such maintenance includes watering and control of invasive, non-native, brush and weeds. All documents and future monitoring reports should be submitted under the bond number (above) to enable us to monitor the progress of your project and ensure approval of the release of your financial guarantee at or before the end of the performance monitoring period. An activity has been established to track the monitoring activities. Monitoring and maintenance verification inspections will be conducted on an as needed/annual basis by the Department of Development and Environmental Section (ODES) staff to ensure your project is progressing toward satisfying the success criteria. Fees will be charged at the annual current billing·rate (2004+ rate is $144.90 per hour) for staff time associated with all work done in conjunction with monitoring, inspection, permit compliance, and release of financial guarantees. Please reference your activity number and provide a copy of this correspondence when remitting payment to our finance office located in the main reception area on the first floor at ODES. These fees must be paid before the release of the financial guarantee. Guy Lund June 12, 2006 Page2 If you have any questions regarding this process please contact me within (30) thirty days at 206-296-6764 or lisa.brandt@metrokc.gov. Lisa Brandt Environmental Scientist II Critical Areas Section Enclosure cc: File • f , ·Weth11tl R.eso11rces, llfc. If' · Delineation / Mitigation / Restoration / Habitat Creation / Permit Assistance IP L~S~OC)31- L~st<W/ SENSITIVE AREA STUDY FOR Lund 114th Avenue King County, WA Wetland Resources, Inc. Project #04153 Prepared By: Wetland Resources, Inc. 9505 19th Ave. SE Suite 106 Everett, WA 98208 (425) 337-3174 For: Guy and Fran Lund 810 4th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 June 7, 2004 Revision: April 27, 2006 9505 19th Avenue S.E. Suite 106 Everett, Washington 98208 (425) 337-3174 Fax (425) 337-3045 svl~~ KC/ SENS ~EA R9"IEW DATE \o -I O '- TABLE OF CONTENTS SITE DESCRIPTION PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROPOSED SENSITIVE AREA IMPACTS AND MITIGATION WETLAND CLASSIFICATION -COWARDIN SYSTEM WETLAND CLASSIFICATION -KING COUNTY ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS WETLAND DETERMINATION REPORT BOUNDARY DETERMINATION FINDINGS FUNCTIONS AND VALUES ANALYSIS WILDLIFE USE OF THIS REPORT REFERENCES FIELD DATA SENSITIVE AREAS STUDY MAP 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 10 1 /1 SITE DESCRIPTION Wetland Resources, Inc. conducted a wetland delineation on May 10, 2004 to locate jurisdictional wetlands on the approximate 2 acre site located at 16217 114th Avenue SE in King County, Washington. The site is located as portion of Section 29, Township 23N, Range SE, W.M. The applicant is proposing a multi-lot residential development for this property. This site is generally flat with a slight depression in the southern portion. One single-family residence and associated infrastructure is located on the northern portion of the site. Surrounding land use is comprised of single-family residences. Access is from the east, via 114th Avenue SE. The northern portion of the site is occupied by maintained lawn associated with the existing single-family residence. The southern part of the site is vacant land, with vegetation represented by sapling black cottonwood, Scotch broom, Himalayan blackberry, and tall fescue. Three wetlands and an intermittent stream are located on the subject site. Wetlands· A, B, and C, are emergent wetlands located in the southern portion of the site. Wetland A is a Class 3 wetland. Regulated Class 3 wetlands in King County typically receive 25-foot protective· buffers. Wetlands B and C are less than 2,500 square feet in size. Urban Class 3 wetlands less than 2,500 square feet in size in are unclassified in King County. The stream is located in an man-made ditch paralleling the sites western property boundary. This Class 3 stream is designated a 25-foot protective buffer from its flagged OHWM. · PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROPOSED SENSITIVE AREA IMPACTS AND MITIGATION The applicant is proposing a multi lot development on this property. To accommodate portions of Lot 7 and Drainage tract 2, the applicant is proposing to reduce a total of 609 square feet (374 + 235) of the buffer of Wetland A. Mitigation for this buffer reduction is offered through designating a total of 1,234 square feet (771 + 399 + 64) of area as additional buffer. This represents a slightly better than 2: 1 ratio of additional buffer to reduced buffer. The buffer areas proposed to be reduced and the areas proposed to be additional buffer contain similar species and provide equivalent functions and values. The designation of additional area as buffer at a better than 2: 1 ratio should maintain or improve functions and values for the site. In addition to buffer averaging, the applicant is proposing to fill the unclassified Wetlands B and C. In order to comply with King County Code (KCC) 21A.24.320B, the applicant is proposing to enhance 1,234 square feet of wetland buffer. This enhancement will provide a net increase to the functions and values of the wetland and buffer. 2 Impact and Mitigation Table Impact Mitigation Buffer Averaging Reduction • Buffer Averaging Addition 1,234 SF 609 SF total Greater than 2: 1 ratio • Buffer Enhancement 1,218 SF 2:1 ratio WETLAND CLASSIFICATION -COWARDIN SYSTEM According to the Cowardin System, as described in Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States, the on-site wetlands are classified as follows: Wetlands A -C: Palustrine, Emergent Wetland, Persistent, Seasonally flooded/ Saturated. Stream: Intermittent, Streambed, Mud WETLAND CLASSIFICATION -KING COUNTY Pursuant to King County Code (KCC) section 21A.06.1415, the on-site wetlands are classified as follows: Wetland A Class 3: This wetland is less than one acre in size and has one wetland class. Class 3 Wetlands in King County typically receive 25-foot protective buffers. Wetlands B and C: These wetlands are less than 2,500 square feet in size and have one wetland class. In King County, urban wetlands less than 2,500 square feet in size are not classified. Stream: This stream is intermittent in years of normal rainfall and is not used by salmonids. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS The on-site wetland and buffer shall be designated as an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA). Environmentally Sensitive Areas are not to be disturbed in compliance with King County's restrictions. Concurrent with future development proposals, 3 Sensitive Area Signs will be required and shall be installed no greater than150 feet apart with minimum of one per lot. An example of a Sensitive Areas Sign is as follows: ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA THIS WETLAND IS PROTECTED TO PROVIDE WILDLIFE HABITAT AND MAINTAIN WATER QUALITY PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB THIS VALUABLE RESOURCE BUILDING SETBACK Under KCC 21A.24.200 Building Setbacks, unless otherwise provided, buildings and other structures shall be set back a distance of 15 feet from the edges of all sensitive area buffers or from edges of all sensitive areas, if no buffers are required. The following may be allowed in the building setback area: 3) Landscaping; 4) Un<;overed Decks; 5) Building overhangs if such overhangs do not extend more than 18 inches into the setback area: · 6) Impervious ground surfaces, such as driveways and patios, provided that such improvements may be subject to special drainage provisions specified in · administrative rules adopted for the various sensitive areas. WETLAND DETERMINATION REPORT Methodology On site, routine methodology as described in the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (Washington State Department of Ecology Publication #96-94, March 1997), was used for this determination, as required by King County during the permitting process. Under this method, the process for making a wetland determination is based on three sequential steps: 1) Examination of the site for hydrophytic vegetation (species present and percentage cover). 2) If hydrophytic vegetation is found, then the presence of hydric soils is determined. 3) Determination of the presence of wetland hydrology in the area examined under the first two steps. Vegetation Criteria The Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual, 1997 edition, defines hydrophytic vegetation as the sum total of macrophytic plant life that 4 occurs in areas where the freque·ncy and duration of inundation or soil saturation produce permanently or periodically saturated soils of sufficient duration to exert a controlling influence on the plant species present. One of the most common indicators for hydrophytic vegetation is when more than 50 percent of a plant community consists of species rated "Facultative" and wetter on lists of plant species that occur in wetlands. Soil Criteria and Mapped Description The Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual, 1997 edition, defines hydric soils as those that formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part. Field indicators are used for determining whether a given soil meets the definition and criteria for hydric soils. The soils underlying this site are mapped in the Soil Survey of King County Area Washington, 1973 edition as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes (AgC). The AgC soil unit is described as rolling with irregularly shaped areas ranging from 10 to about 600 acres in size. The A horizon ranges form very dark brown to dark brown. The B horizon is dark brown, grayish brown, and dark yellowish brown. Permeability is moderately rapid in the surface layer and subsoil and very slow in the substratum. Available water capacity is described as low. Included within this soil unit are the poorly drained Norma, Bellingham, Seattle, Tukwila, Shalcar soils, and Alderwood soils that have slopes more gentle or steeper than 6 to 15 percent. Included soil units make up no more than 30 percent of the total acreage. Hydrology Criteria The Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual, 1997 edition, states that "areas which are seasonally inundated and/or saturated to the surface for a consecutive number of days greater than or equal to 12.5% of the growing season are wetlands, provided the soil and vegetation parameters are met. Areas inundated or saturated between 5 and 12.5% of the growing season in most years may or may not be wetlands. Areas saturated to the surface for less than 5% of the growing season are non-wetlands." Field indicators are used for determining whether wetland hydrology parameters are met. BOUNDARY DETERMINATION FINDINGS Wetland A: Wetland A is located in the south central portion of the site. Vegetation in this wetland is represented by soft rush (Juncus effusus, FacW). reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea, FacW). sedge species (Carex spp.). and sparse tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea, Fae-). Several black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera. Fae) are located near the southern edge of this wetland. Typical soils within this wetland have a Munsell color of very dark grayish brown (10 YR 3/2) with redoximorphic features of dark yellowish brown (10 YR 4/4) and a texture sandy 5 loam from O to 18 inches below the surface. Soils were moist during our May 2004 site investigation. Wetland B: Wetland Bis located in the southwest part of the property. Vegetation in this wetland is represented by reed canarygrass and creeping buttercup (Ranuncu/us repens, FacW). Soils have a Munsell color of very dark gray (10 YR 3/1) and a texture of silt loam from O to 18 inches below the surface. Soils were moist throughout during our May 2004 site visit. Wetland C: This wetland is located in the eastern central portion of the site, adjacent to 114th Ave SE. Vegetation in Wetland C is represented by overhanging, sapling Bitter cherry (Prunus emarginata, FacU) and willow (Salix Sp., Fae -FacW+ ), with field horsetail (Equisetum arvense, Fae) rooted in the wetland. Soils in this wetland have a Munsell color of very dark gray (10 YR 3/1) with redoximorphic features of brown (10 YR 4/3) and a texture of silt loam from Oto 18 inches below the surface. Soils were slightly moist during our May 2004 site visit. Non-Wetland: Vegetation in the portions of the site mapped as non-wetland is represented sapling black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera, Fae) and Bitter cherry, with Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius, nol/Upl), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus discolor, FacU), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea, Fae-), sweet vernalgrass (Anthoxanthum odoratum, FacU+ ), common vetch (Vida sativa, Upl), common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale, FacU), and English plantain (Plantago lanceolata, FacU+ ). Soils in the upland portions of the site are disturbed and appear to be primarily comprised of fill. These soils have Munsell colors ranging from very dark gray (10 YR 3/1) to olive (5 Y 5/3) with textures ranging from silt loam to sandy loam. Soils in the upland portions of the property were dry to moist at the time of our May 2004 site investigation. There were no surface indicators of saturation or inundation in the non-wetland areas. It appears that the areas mapped as non-wetland are not saturated for a period greater than 5% of the growing season, and therefore do not meet the wetland hydrology criteria. FUNCTIONS AND VALUES ANALYSIS Methodology The methodology for this functions and values assessment is based on professional opinion developed through past field analyses and interpretation. This assessment pertains specifically to the on-site wetland, but is typical for assessments of similar systems common to western Washington. Functions and Values Components Wetlands in western Washington perform a variety of ecosystem functions. Included among the most important functions provided by wetlands are stormwater 6 storage and flood flow attenuation, water quality improvement, and fish and wildlife habitat. An assessment of these functions for the project site are provided below. Existing Conditions Overall functions and values provided by these wetlands are low. These wetlands make minor contributions to stormwater storage and water quality as a result of their depressional nature and presence of emergent vegetation. Functions for all values provided by these wetlands are limited by their small size, lack or shortage of native and woody vegetation, and proximity to roads and development, as well as the extent of disturbance within these wetlands. Proposed Impacts to Functions and Values The applicant is proposing a multi lot development on this property. To accommodate portions of Lot 7 and Drainage tract 2, the applicant is proposing to reduce a total of 609 square feet (374 + 235) the buffer off of Wetland A. In addition to buffer averaging, the applicant is proposing to fill the unclassified Wetlands B and C. As a result of the current low overall quality of the area, these activities should have minimal impacts to overall functions and values of the site. Post Mitigation Functions and Values Mitigation for this buffer reduction is offered through designating a total of 1,234 square feet of area as additional buffer. This represents a slightly better than 2:1 ratio of buffer averaging addition to buffer averaging reduction. The designation of additional area as buffer at a better than 2:1 ratio should maintain or improve functions and values for the site, including water quality and wildlife habitat. Additionally, by enhancing a portion of the wetland buffer, the applicant will provide healthy native edge habitat for local passerine birds, small mammals, and amphibians. Two small areas were chosen for enhancement in order to ensure the spread of native plant material on both sides of the subject wetland buffer. This newly planted area will become increasingly important as the surrounding area is developed. WILDLIFE At the time of our investigation, fauna typical of western Washington forests at that time of year were heard or observed. Several species of birds were noted including white-crowned sparrow, American robin, dark-eyed junco, and black-capped chickadee. Other resident and migratory species may utilize this site during some portion of their lives. No herpetofauna were noted. USE OF THIS REPORT This Sensitive Areas Study and Buffer Averaging Plan is supplied to Guy Lund as a means of describing jurisdictional wetland conditions, as required by King County during the permitting process. This report is based largely on readily observable 7 I conditions and to a lesser extent, on readily ascertainable conditions. No attempt has been made to determine hidden or concealed conditions. Reports may be adversely affected due to the physical condition of the site and the difficulty of access which may lead to observation or probing difficulties. The laws applicable to wetlands are subject to varying interpretations and may be changed at any time by the courts or legislative bodies. This report is intended to provide information deemed relevant in the applicant's attempt to comply with the laws now in effect. The work for this report has conformed to the standard of care employed by wetland ecologists. No other representation or warranty is made concerning the work or this report and any implied representation or warranty is disclaimed. Nick Ostrovsky Associate Wetland Ecologist 8 REFERENCES Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. FWS/OBS- 79/31. December 1979. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. Washington, D.C. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, 1987. Technical Report Y-87-1. Environmental Laboratory. U.S. Army Engineer Waterway Experiment Station. Vicksburg, MS. King County Zoning Code, Title 21A. King County, WA. February 2000. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands, Northwest Region. 1996. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. Washington, D.C. Soil Survey of King County Area Washington. November 1973. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. Washington, D.C. Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual. Washington State Department of Ecology. Publication #96-94. March 1997. 9 Field Data Sheet Lund-114th Ave -WRI# 04153 Investigation Date: 05/10/04 Pit Depth Texture Color Moisture Species % Status Strata S1 0-18" Sandy Loam 10YR 3/1 sl. moist Festuca arundinacea 90 Fae-Herb Non-Wetland 10YR 4/3 Agrostis tenuis 5 Fae Herb Redox Vicia sativa 5 Nol/Upl Herb Conclusion: Non-Wetland -Parameters for hydrophytie vegetation and wetland hydrology are not met. S2 0-6'" Silt Loam 2.SY 3/3 moist Anthoxanthum odoratum 50 FaeU Herb Non-Wetland 6'"-10"' Sandy Loam 2.SY 4/3 moist Festuca arundinacea 20 Fae-Herb 10YR 4/4 redox Agrostis tenuis 10 Fae Herb 10·-15··+ Sand SY 5/3 moist Vicia sativa 10 Nol/Upl Herb 10YR 5/6 redox Plantago lanceolata 5 Fae Herb Juncus patens 5 FaeW Herb Conclusion: Non-Wetland -Parameters for hydrophytie vegetation, hydrie soils, and wetland hydrology are not met. SJ 0-18"' Sandy Loam 10YR 3/2 moist Juncus effusus 40 FaeW Herb Wetland 7.5YR4/4 Phalaris arundinacea 30 FaeW Herb redox Carex sp 20 Fae-Obi Herb Festuca arundinacea 5 Fae-Herb Conclusion: Wetland -Parameters for hydrophytie vegetation, hydrie soils, and wetland hydrology are met. S4 0-18'" 3ravelly Sandy Loan 2.SY 4/4 dry Populus balsamifera 10 Fae sapling Non-Wetland Prunus emarginata 5 FaeU sapling Cytisus scoparius 10 Nol/Upl Shrub Rubus discolor 20 FaeU Woody Vine Festuca arundinacea 50 Fae-Herb Anthoxanthum odoratum 30 FacU+ Herb Vicia sativa 10 Nol/Upl Herb Taraxacum officinale 5 FaeU Herb Plantago lanceolata 5 FaeU+ Herb Conclusion: Non-Wetland -Parameters for hydrophytie vegetation, hydrie soils, and wetland hydrology are not met. 10 I..........___ ~ ~ Scale 1" = 60' ~ ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA STUDY AND BUFFER AVERAGING MAP LUND 114TH AVE PORTION OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23N, RANGE 5E, W.M. 60 90 120 + S.E. 1 62ND ST. D ,1 COTT JI D BUFFER ENHANCEMENT 617SF ---~ WETLAND B 423 SF UNCLASSIFIED TO BE FILLED BUFFER AVERAGING ADDITION ------..... 771 SF & LOT 2 EXISTING SINGLE- FAMILY RESIDENCE EXISTING r----, / H I I GARAGE LOT 5 11 LOT 6 11 11 LOT 8 Cl 11 ~ ~ .t,. -I LOT 3 :c )> < rn en m L~, LOT 7 I WETLAND C -431 SF UNCLASSIFIED TO BE FILLED BUFFER AVERAGING REDUCTION 374 SF BUFFER AVERAGING r5i I I I ADDITION 64 SF • ~ -6--e-~ BUFFER ENHANCEMENT 609 SF BUFFER AVERAGING ~/-e,-..,... ~ ~ I ADDITION 399 SF BUFFER AVERAGING WETLAND A ~ .J::;:~ ~ """' W::::fi \ REDUCTION CLASS 3 235 SF I. Wetb11d Resott/'C68, llfc. _f ~:;a;;h/ =~:~:; ~.~.";~,1:0110~~~;:e~~.:a~~~n:~:;~;;~ Phone: (425) 337-3174 Fax: (425) 337-3045 Email: mailbox@wetlandresources.com S.E. 1 64TH ST. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS STUDY AND BUFFER AVERAGING MAP LUND -114TH AVE KING COUNTY Guy and Fran Lund 810 4th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Sheet 1 /1 WRI Job# 04153 Drawn by: L. Emenhiser Date: 06/27/2006 NTS SITE 'ti~~, LEGEND ~ WETLAND [[[[] BUFFER AVERAGING ADDITION ~ BUFFER AVERAGING REDUCTION ~ WETLAND FILL ~ BUFFER ENHANCEMENT •-• DATA SITES • SENSITIVE AREA SIGNS X SENSITIVE AREA FENCING tr,., ~r.; ; • .S ,Y • , }' • .--, ,,. • • , ,• ,•'' ',' ) • ' '. '< ' • ; .• '({• • ,·, C ·' ' • s •, <• • '( ;', I > ~ ' •• ,,;(~-, • '• f ' , ~, • • • 1 s' ,~ • ,, r_ ,1,'< ·' .-''0 •• /·1 ,' ,• ' • • i rt,;;' , , . · :c·: . · . . ·. , . , ·: · • . , B.Ur.F~R:AJ~G}l,'IG;fy\~8 AND i' '. '-, ,, . ·· ·· . · • .·. ·. ·. Ml].IQATION Pl.AN • ·.··.· :;: ·· · . · .· L:lJ;..io'.1.1Ji:rH I.Vs . ;·>. PORTION OF SECTIQN.29, TbWNSHff:>·2'3N, RANGE 5E, W.M. -·· .. ~-·· '. ,··,." .. _-.,, ... ·. \• . ' . . , ' . _, .. ' ' ',-_ ' ' ,. ',,. '. ' i' c, ., r':\' ' f_, .'/",.'' ,' --·i , .1'/• ' {! ' :, ' ' .. . . ,_' ' ' . ,. ;' • ' '( ./' ,_;'. '.(: aSf '}" .. .. i~, :·~ ' . ' ;,·' " , ' ' ;~ ·: . ' ,. '\ ' • ;"'' ' ' . 1 ,-., • ' :, . ' .. ' ., ', -c _;'.,; . . .,: ,, '" ·-:,·., .. ' . ;);;".' . • ':/:· ' ,. . ' ' t.-'· ·, -(>< ' "'' " ,. -, ; ,, a • , ,,. ,, GRASS SEEDING All areas of disturbance shall be seeded to the certified grass seed mixtures below. Similar native seed mixes are acceptable, upon approval of the consulting professional. Due to sensitivity of surrounding systems, fertilizer shall not be used unless absolutely necessary. If deemed necessary by the consulting professional and/or the County representative, an appropriate fertilizer shall be applied . UPLAND GRASS SEED MIXTURE Common Name Scientific Name Red fescue Festuca rubra Hair bentgrass Agrostis scabra Alaska brome Bromus sltchensis White clover Trifo/lum repens STREAM GRASS SEED MIXTURE Common Name Scientific Name Meadow foxtail Alopecurus pratensis Pacific reedgrass Calarrragrostis nutkaensis Tall fescue Festuca arundinacea BUILDING SETBACK lbs/acre 38 36 16 10 lbs/acre 38 38 20 lbs/1,000 s.f. 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.2 lbs/1,000 s.f. 0.8 0.8 0.5 . . Under KCC 21A.24.200 Building Setbacks, unless otherwise provided, buildings and other structures shall be set back a distance of 15 feet from the edges of all sensitive area buffers or from edges of all sensitive areas, if no buffers are required. The following may be allowed in the building setback area: 1 ) Landscaping; 2) Uncovered Decks; 3) Building overhangs if such overhangs do not extend more than 18 inches Into the setback area: . 4) Impervious ground surfaces, such as driveways and patios, provided that such improvements may be subject to special drainage provisions specified in administrative rules adopted for the various sensitive areas. PROJECT NOTES Pre-Construction Meeting There will be a pre-construction meeting on this site between the applicant, the consulting biological professional,. equipment operator(s), and a King County representative. The objective .will be to verify the · location of erosion control facilities, verify the. location of the mitiagtion areas, site access points to the mitigation areas, and to discuss project sequencing. Inspections . . . . . A.biological consultant-shall be, C?/it(il.<;:!ed,tp petip.dic<1llY iQsp.~ct the. mitigation nieasures described in this 'plan. :Minor adjustments to the original designs may be necessary prior to and during constrllction due to unusual or hidden site conditions. A King County representative and/or the consulting biologist will make these decisions during con.struction. Erosion and Disturbance Control Measures The mitigation measures will be implemented during the dry season to the greatest extent possible. Refer to the Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures on this plan. Erosion control methods (e.g.: filter fabric or straw bales) shall be used to prevent silt-laden water from entering the stream. Construction Timing and Sequencing All mitigation plantings and wetland creation shall take place in early spring or late fall. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS The on-site wetland and. buffer shall be designated as an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA). ~nvironmentally Sensitive Areas are not to be . . disturbed in compliance with King County's restrictions.· Concurrent with future development proposa(s,. Sensitive Area· ?)gns will.be required and . shall be instaUed no greater than '.150 feet apart with minimum of one per lot. An example of a sensitive Area Sign is as follows: ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA THIS WET.LAND IS PROTECTED TO PROVIDE WILDLIFE HABITAT AND MAINTAIN WATtR QUALITY , .. · .. PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB THIS VALUAB.LEiRESOURtE PLANTING NOTES . Plant in the early spring or late.fall andorderall pl9nts from a reputable · nursery. Care and handling of all plant•rnaterials is extremely important .. to the overall success of the project. tne origin of11ll plant ma5erials spes;ified in this plan shall be native plants, nursery grown in'the Puget Sound region of Washington. ·frt'!·dug plants may only.be used upon approval·of King County DOES Environm.en~al Scientist. Some limit.ed species substitution may be allowed, only with the agreement of the Landscape Designer, Wetland Biologi$t;\ind/or K,ingJ?ounty DOES. • •., Environmental Scieriti.st. · Larger. plant stock m1,1y be 'tised without·.. .· consultation. Substitution$ with smallerplant stock than specified may require consultation; . .. .· . . . , · · . ' . Handling . . ... Plants shall be handled so ,;1sto avoid-all darnage, intluding breaking, · bruising, root damage, sunburn, drying; freeiirig or other injury:-Plants must be covered during transport. Plants Shall ·no(be bound with wire or rope in a manner that could daruage branches. Pr'otect plarit roots with shade and wet soil in the time period.between delivery and installation. Do not lift container stock by trunks, stems, qr tops. [)Ci not r,e(llOVe from CQntainers uhtil ready to plant, Water),Jl plants clS nec,e;;sary to keep moisture levels appropriate to the specieshorti~ult1,1ral,reqµJrements. · Pla(lt~ shall not be allowed to dry out. All planfs,shall be Watered ·· · thoroughly in1mediately upon installatioiJ, ;~oak all ~ontaiheiized plants thoroughly prior to installi,1tion. Bare r99t plants ares9bjecttq the . follqwing special requirements, and stiall·not lbe used unless:planted between November 1 and March 1,. arid qnly with t~e perrnisslon of the Landscape Designer an\:I King County DOES En.viJonrnehtal Scientist. Bare root plants must have ·enough fibrous ro<:>t to insµre plant survival. Roots mJ1St be covered at all tfrne~ wJth mud .and/o(wet stta'(I, moss, or Other . .suitable packing material until time of i'iistallation. filarits whose roots . ·· have dried out froni exposure will not be accepted atinstallation inspection, . . . . PLANTll-!G NOTES CONTINUED · Weeding . . ... . . ··. . . . . .. Existing, and exotic vegetation.,in.the mitig11tion ~nd buffer areas will be · hand vyeed(;ldfrOfTJ aroµq9 all nevyl>1 installed plants at the time of installation and on a rciutlne'basis thr'qughpllt the rnonitotif]g perip.d. No chemical control. of vegetation 01fany portion 9f the site is allowed without the written permission of King County PDES.Environment~l Scientist. · · Soll :Ariiendments .· · .. Unlessotherwise specified and approved by. King County DOES, organic m.i.tter(tompost' or.approved equa() ,will l:)e lficorporated in.to th~ entire planting site, not incl!,lding 11reas inside the dtipllne of existing trees and shrubs.'Qrie unit ofJoose, weu:composted organic rnai:erial should be' . ·, ilic~rpor~ted wiJh t't/<5. uni.ts of silt loam topsoil to. a depth of eight to ten ·. inchfl~ (only.three to four inches within three feet of existing drip lines) • . ' . • . . -. • I and rnixedthqro4ghly. · .. · • · ·· . ·· · · · · . ' ' ; . . ' . ' . . Site coh~itiqps . .··.• .. ·• ,· ·. ·, ·.·· ·. · ·. ·.· · ·. , .. · · . The contractQr shall immediately notify the Landscape Designer and I or · Wetl~nd'Bio(qgistofdrainageor soil condftfons l\kely t9 be detrimental to the growth ot'survival of plants, Plantihg qperatlon,s shall not be · · . conducted under the following condition.s: freezing weather, when the .· grauod ts fr<:>zen,, exc.essive[y wet weather, e:Xcessive[y Windy weather, or in ~xcessive heat. · · · · . -, Planting P1ts .· · ... Planting pits shall be circular or square wiJh vertical sides, and shall be 6" ' . <-J•. . 1--. ' de~per and 12" larger lo diameter than. the (oot b~U of the plant, · Break · up the sides of the. pit \IJ compacted soil.~ .. Set plants uptight in p)ts, as illustrated in 'plc1nting detail/·.Burlap sh~ll be·removed from the. planting pit .. Bqckfill shall J:>e worked back into holes such that: air pocket:; are · . removed w.ithoufadversely compacting down soils. · . . . Fertilizer .. . . " ' . . ' • '· ._, ' -, ' '< ' ' . Slo'fl releasefertilizermay be used ifp.re,approved bY.Kjng Coun~y ODES Environmental S'cientist, Fertilizers shall be applied only at the l:iase of . ' . ' ,. ,' . . • ' ' • '· . ' ' . -'1 • ' plantings µnder~eath the required coveting of mulch (that does not make · · contact w.itn stems of the. plants). No, soil amendment or fertilizers will be placed in planting holes,,. · · W,;1ter .. · CONTINGENCY PLAN If during clny of the inspections, 20% of the plants are severely stressed, or it appears 20% may not survive, additional plantings of the same species may be added to the planting area. Elements of a continger)cy plan may include, but will not be limited to: rnore aggressive w~ed control, pest control, mulching, replanting with larger plant material, species substitution, fertilization,. soil amendments, and/ or irrigation. . . . MAINTENANCE The mitigation areas will require periodic maintenance to replace vegetation morta,ljty as necessary. Maintenance shall be required in . accordance with King Co4nty Sensitive Areas Restoration Guidelines (2002) and approved plans. Maintenance ... may include, but.no,t be limited to, rem.oval of 1,ompeting grasses (by .. hand if necessary); irrigation, . fertilization (ifneces.sary), replacement of plant mortality, and the ,replacement qf mulch for each n,;,ilntenance period. Chemical control, only if approved by DOES staff. shall be applied by a licensed applicator following all label instructions. · . Dvration and Extent: In order tq i!Chieye performance standards, the Permittee shall have. the mitigc1tion area maintained for.the duration of the monitoring period, 5 Yf!ars. MaiQten<in<;e will inclµde wc1tering, weeding around the base ofinstaUed.plants,· pruning, replacement, restaking, removal of all classes of noxious weeds (see Washington State Noxious Weeds List, WAC,16,750;005) as well as Himalayan blackberry, and any other measures needep to insL1re plant survival. The Landscape Designer and/d(Wetland Biologist shall direct all m<1intenance. Survival: The Permittee shall be responsible for the.health of 100% Of all newly installed .. plants for one;growing·season after installation has been accepted bY Kirig County. DOES' Ehvironmental Scientist (see Performance Stanclards), · 'A'growing season for these purposes ls.defined as oc<;urring from spring to spring (Marth 15 to M&rch 15, of the following year). For fall install~tion (often required), the growipg season will begin the following spririg. The ,pern,ittee shall replace any 'plants that are failing, weak, defective in manner ofgro~th, or dead during this. growing season, as directed by'the Landsc~pe Designer, Wetl.and Biologist, and/or King County ODES. Environmental Scientist. · . Jnsta![ation Tirning forJ~eplacement Plants: Replacement plants shall be installed betwefln Sep:t&mtier 15 and J~nuary 15, unless otherwise determined by the Laqdsc~pe Destgner, Wetland Biologist, and/or King County DDES'Environmenta( Scientist, · · · ·. · . •' • I , , .• • , ), " ,," , ,' > . , , • • , . ' ,;, . ·. Pla.ots shall be watered midway through backfilling, and again upQn completiop of backfilling .. for Spring' pl<1htir1gS (I/approved), a rim of · earth shalt b~ mounded. around the base of the tree or '~h rub no closer tiian the drip line; or no l;ss than 30" in diameter, ~xcept on steep slopes or in hollows,, as. Illustrated in pl11nt,ing d~taH. · Plants shall be.watered a second time within 24-48 hours:after installation. The earfheri rirri , dam S ,,s .. h .•. 9.· .. · ... µ.l4. 9.~J~ve ... · .. 1.e. d.· .. P .. r. io .. · ... r.·.t. o ... t. h, e .•.. · .. ~.e .. co rid.·.· growing, s ... easori. . . . . torage . · . . .. ·. · . · . . , . .. · , ·. . :~:~rt~rfil;~~ f~~~;~~it~~:::O~~dQfr~~~&~~~~~~h~~ ~arrtl~~ia~~rtg /,,. c • . ,,'~fil~i~i'>i) .('.f''}{ ,,,')tt\,/i; (',, ''. '~ ;; :)(,,",f' \,, ., , ., •· . , 1. . .· .. ·, ... · . ,,, , Standards for Replacement Pic1nts: Replacement plants shall meet the same standards for size and. type as·those specified for t!ie original .. in}tal,laSj9,n ~n,l~ss ?t/1.~JXt.i,StsiiJ:ec,t~d pj,~hf:~\\,nds<;~p.7 [le~i?ner, Wetland . species hbrticultural requirements. Plgnts must .be reinspected, by the Most.$hrubs and many trees DO NOT requi~e af)y'stiikf[ig;;J{,tfie plaf\t can .. Wetland Biologist and / or Landscape Designer prior to installation. .· ,starid alone withoyt staking in ci[11Q.~efate IVirJd, d9 ripfuse a stake.Jfthe . .·; :.B1q~o~~t! ;an,q{~[:ISi9g., Gl?\J1I¥(P.,9;~:~nv1f;oqrn~n\a,t.;Sc)eJ1 tJ;;t.f , , ''< ; , ;l)' '.>. , . .· ·' Re,plaptlng; Plants tha(ti,;1ve sett(eq in their planting J1ts too deed: t~ ·.• Darnilged plants . . . . · > , . c, . Damaged dried out, or otherwise mishandled plants' will be rejected at· installation inspection. All rejected plants shall be irnme.dtately removed.·· from the:site. · · ·. ·· ··· · · Plant Names . . Plant names shall comply with those genefally 11ccepted in the native plant · nursery trade. Any question regarding p(an(spec(es or variety shall be , ·. referred to the Landscape Designer, Wetl.\n·d Bjologist or King County ODES· Environmental Scientist. All plant materials Shall );)e true to species and . variety and legibly tagged. Quality and condition Plants shall be normal in pattern of grpwtli', healthy, well-branched, vigorous, with well-developed root systems, and free of pests and . diseases. Damaged, diseased, pest-infested, scrap.ed, bruised, dried out, burned, broken, or.defective plants wilth'e rejected; Plants with pr\Jning wounds over 1" in diameter will be rejected. · · · '' ' . ' " Roots All plants shall be balled and burlapped or containerized, unless.explicitly authorized by .the Landscape Desi~ner:'i\od. f,,,of Wetlarid Bio\?gis.t'. ·....• ·. · Rootbound plants or BB;B plants'w1th da(ll,;1gecj;, i;racked or,loose;rootballs. (major damage) will be rejected, Jmmectiately before installation; plants'·. with minor root damage (somebrqkenand I or twisted roofsfmust be · root 0 pruned. Matted or circling roots . .ofcontainerized plantings must be pruned or str.aightened and the:sides.oftlie rqotball rnllst be roughened from top to bottom to a depth .. of appr/Jxirnately half an inc::h in two to four places. Bare root plantings of woody materialis a1{0wed only with permission from the Landscape Designer; Wetland Biologist and /or King County DOES Environmental. Scientist. · ·· . · · . · Sizes Plant sizes shall be the size indicated inth~ plant schedule in approved plans. Larger stoc.k may be accf!ptable provided that it has not been cut . back to si;::e ~pecified, and that the root /,all.is proportiqnate to the size of the plant. Smaller stock m.iy be.acceptaple, and under some· circumstances preferable, based on site-specific conditions. . Measurements, caliper, branching and palling and burlappjng shall conform to the American Standard of Nursery Stock by the American Association of . . Nurserymen (latest edition), Form Evergreen trees, if used, shall have single trunks and symmetrical, well,developed form. Deciduous trees shall be single trunked unless specified as multi-stem in the plan schedufe: Shrubs shall have multiple stems, and be well-branched, · · . p(a(ltneeds support, then strapping'or webl:>ing shoul.d ti,:r.,µsed \IS low ,is ·. pqssible on theJr'urJk. tq loosely brace the tree with two. st.~kes (see l;'lanti11g Detail);,Dq not brace the tr~e,ti!iht(y· or top high. on the trunk. If · the .. tree iS:unable ,to·sway; it wHl further lcise thifatii!ity to support itself. Do not use.wire in a. rubber .hose for str.ippJng as i.t exerts .too much pressure on ~he,gark. As S()O/\ as,sµpporting the plant becomes . unnecessary,·remove the stakes,, All stakes must be removed within two (2) years o,f installation. · · · · · . . Plant Lqcation . . ., . . , . , . Three(oot by 2-inch by 1/4-inch lath stakes or suitable (lagging material shall.be placed next to or on each plan~ing to assist in locating the plants w,hile r'errioving the competing non-native vegetation and to assist in locating the plants during the monitoring period. Arrangement and Spacing . . . . , The pl.;nts sh~ll be i!rra(lged in a pattern with the appropdate numbers, size~,species, and distribution that are required In, ~cc<:1rdance With the ·· apptpved plao~ ... T.he actual placetnentof lndividual,plants shall rilimic . · oaturaf; asymmetric vegetation P/.ltterns found on s/mil~r \Jhdisturbed sites , • • • • ' • , , , • • , ' • I . in the a(ea. Spo.cfng ,ot th.e plantings may be adjusted to Qif!intain existing v~getation 1Yiththe agreement of, th.e ~andscape·Desjgner;.Wetland · Biologist, and/or King County OPES Environmental Scientjst. · lnspection(s) . . . . . · ··.. · ,. . ·. · · · . . A biological professional shall be present on site to'fnspect the plants prior to planting .. Minor adjustments to the.original,design rnay berequired prio~ ,to and during construction. · ·· , · Mulch . . . . . ' . ' All landscaped areas denuded of vegetation and soil surface s.urrounding all planting pit areas shall receive no les .. s than Z to 4 inches of organic compost or certified weed free straw after planting', Compost or certified weed free.straw shall be kept.well away (at least 2 inches) from the trunks · and stems of woody plants. No bark products or sawdust will be permitted. · · · · .• shallow, .loose, or crooked }hall b~ replanted as directecj by the Landscape · Desigher/Wetlarid Biologist, and/or King County ODES Environmental Scientist. · Herbicides I Pesticides: Chemical controls shall not be used In the mitigation/restoration area, sensitive areas, or their buffers. However, limited US(! of.herbicides may be iipproved depending on site,specific conditions, only if approved by King County ODES. . . . . Irrigation / Watering: Wi'lter shall ~e provided during the dry season (July 1 through October 15) for the first two years after installation to ensure . plant survival and establishment. A temporary above ground irrigation system and/or water truck should provide water. Water s.hould be applied at a rate of 1 inch of water twice per week for year 1 and 1 inch per week during year 2, General: The permittee shall include in general maintenance activities, the replacement of any vandalized or damaged signs, habitat features, . fences, or other structural components ofthls mitigation· site . . PROJECT MONITORING Requirements for monitoring project: 1. Initial comptia.r1ce report· 2. Yearly site inspection (once per year in the fall) for five years 3. Annual reports including final report (one report submitted in the fall of each monitored year). · · Purpose for Monitoring: The purpose for monitoring this mitigation project shall be to evaluate its success.· Success will be determined if monitorJng shows at the end of five ye<1rs, that the definitions of success stated below are being met. The•.property owner shall grant access to the mitigation are.a for inspection and maintenance to th.e contracted · · landscape or wetland specialist<and the King County biologist during the · ·periocl of the bond or until the project is evaluated as successful. Monitoring: Monitoring shall be conducted annually for 5 years in accordance with the approved Re~toration Monitoring Plan. T~MPORARY 1::ROSlON AND SED.IMENTATION CONTROL (TESC) Orange barrier (eriting shall be .rilaced aroµnd areas to be preserved and Vegetation Monitoring: Sampling points or transects will be established .al\ savfl,trees shall b~ clearly;marked prior.to construction. All for vegetation monitoring, and photo points established from which photos sedimentatiqo control fa~ilities shall be.Kept jn place an<! functioning until will be taken throughout the rnonitoring period, Permanent transect · ground vegetation,is firmly established arid tlie project ls complete. Prior location(s) must be identifie'd on the mitigation site plans in the first to remova.l of.downstream oTESC: facHit1es; an inspe.,<;tion shall be required monitoring report (they may be .drawn on approved mitigation plans by to be.conducted by thee King County DOES Environmental .Scientls.t to verify b!l!l<! . Eaah,ct.@os,_ · ·, · · · ·. · ·· ou~;~shrub,;:aodtlreeo..ee.v.erag~i; that·aUa~c~rnulated.sedin1tlJ1tl\nd debris that have beeri contained by \'Q,a1£I!,~~.:·, ·. ~":l . · '· '""'A·r~a's:Rest:otatfo~ii'lfs· ·· .· l'~SC facilities have been removed, and,the site stabilized.. (2002). Monitoring of vegetat o ransecfs"sl\all occur annually between . ·· · · ·· · , , · .. ·. · ··· ·· ·• · · · .· ·' · · · May 15 and 'September 30 (ptio"r-to leaf drop), unless Otherwise specified. Timing of Planting .· . . . . . AH upland areas of disturbance shall be $eeded tQ Ii minim\lm of 100 · . . · ·.·· .. · . .. ·. . . · .. , . · To the greatest extent p<:>ssible, all planting shiill occur petween . pqunds per a<::re or grass ,seed m/x'and ~llyi~tlan~I ar.1'!\i's of disturpance Ph~to points: No less than 3 permanent photo poi/its within the mitigation . November 1 and Marth 1. overall, the ear,ller plants go into the.grP!,lnd . . ~hall ..be see9,ed tq a IJliOi(ll~m of•9o:P?4rps per acr.~rof (lr~ss seeq mix · . areas will be establ.ished, · Photographs W.il\ betaken from these points to during the (:lormant period, the rnore'time tbey have. to adaptt9 the site . unmed1aiely•upoJ1. c;9mplet1on of:gr 9d1ng anp, plar1t1ng. Seed mixes are·. . . visually record coridltiQn of the'iestoratian area. Photos .shall be taken · anq ex(eild .. their root ·sysfems.be(ore ~h(;l Wo.ier demclnds of spl'ir1'g ·an:d, ··.:, .• spe~jfiia1i~ l~i.~ P.lan-,. · ....• ·.· ;• ... · ..... ,.· S!>C. · ,. \: . . ' : · .... · .. : .:· .· , . . .•· ·.aonually between May 1 ~ ahg September 30. (pr/or t? l.eaf drop), µnless ·--··;/ J."· ' ' ,·· . '. ' . ,_ . '. ;,,_, ' ' . MO.NITORING REPORTS Report Contents: Monitoring reports shall be submitted by October 31 of each year during the monitoring period. As applicable, monitoring reports must include descriptions / data for: a. Site plan and .location map p. Historic description of project, including date of installation, current year of monitOri.ng,·restatement of mitigation / restoration goals, and performance s.tandards · ~. Plant survival, vigor, and areial coverage for every plant community {transect data), and explanation of monitoring methodology in the context pf assessing performance standards d. Site hydrology,. including iound~tion extent, saturation, depth to groundwater, function of any hydrologic structures, piezometer or staff gauge data, if avc1il,;1ble, inputs, outlets., etc ... ~· Slope condition, site stability, any structures or special features f. Buffer conditions, e.g'., surrounding land use, use by humans, and/or wild and domestic creatures · . g .. Qbserved w.Hdlife, including amphibians, avians, and others r. Assessment of nuisance / exotic biota and recomrnendations for management f. Soils, including texture, Munsell color, rooting and oxidized rhizospheres j. Receipts for any structural repair or replacement k. Color photographs (4"x6" in size) taken from permanent photo,points as ;hown on Monitoring Plan ' ' fROJECT SUCCESS AND COMPLIANCE Criteria for Success:·Upon cornpletion of the proposed mitigation project, rn inspection by a wetland professional will be made to determine plan ~ompliance. A compliance report will be supplied to King County within 30 days after the completion of planting. A landscape professional or biological scient.ist will do condition monitoring of the plantings in the fall, hnnually. A written report describing the monitoring results will be ~ubmitted to King County after each site inspection of each monitored • ,d ' year. Final in.spection will occur five years after completion of this project. The contracted consulta·nt will prepare a report as to the success pf the project. ' ' I -. . Definition of Success: The wetland and buffer mitigation areas shall support at least 80% of the native plants set forth in the approved [llitigation plan by the end of five years. · The species mix should resemble fhat proposed in the planting plans, but strict adherence to obtaining all of the species shall not be a criterion for success. By the end of the fifth growing season, the percent areal coverage of native plants shall be 80% in lhe qiitigation areas. . . " ' a· . ·· This Sen;;itive Areas Study a[ld Buffer Averaging Plan ls supplied to Guy Lund a's a means of describing jurisdictional wetland conditions, as required by King County during the permitting process. This report is based largely qn re,;1dily qbservable conditions arid to a lesser extent, on readily ascertainable corid!tioris. No attempt has been made to determine hidden or conceal.ed c9nditions. Reports may be adversely affected due to the physical condition of the site and the difficulty of access which may lead to observation or probing difficulties. The laws applicable to wetlands are subject to varying interpretations and may be changed at any time by the courts. or legislative bodies. This report is intended to provide information deemed relevant in the applicant's attempt to comply with the laws now in effect. ;rhe work for this report has conformed to the standard of care employed PY wetland ecologists. No other representation or warranty is made concerning the work or this report and any implied representation or warranty is disclaimed. Wetland Resot1rces, Inc. I ,'VVeth11d {fffSottrc(/8, lttc. ~ IJal!nudRO I Mjtjg.,\hQ I ~tlW@\b 0 I Ha';,j\a\ <;re1\'rn I Pe unit AtlllWG• 950'.i 19th Avenue S.E. Suite 101> Ev~rett,W8sh1n11ton 98208 Phone: (425) 337·3174 Fax: (425) 337 .. 3045 Email: mallbox@wetlandresources.corn BUFFER AVERAGING MAP AND MITIGATION PLAN LUND-114TH AVE KING COUNTY Sheet3/fl. Guy and Fran Lund WRI Jo/)# 04153 8'10 411) Street Drawn by: L. Ernenhfser Port Angeles, WA 98.362 Date: 06/27/2006 a ,"' " ',. ' ,· . ;;,no'; ,: }~ ;,{,, '.,\,;,:;rf :;;),;, ; ;, ~ .;,,,trt . '.1tb/,; };';{:/ i'ti:,:t,,,&' ,,:;, \ l),i : ,/ .:':~#;,;;; . c;,J ; ·> ;·) ' c:::;r'''.f j''"::, (:} \ ; . : " ' '. . . ' ' ' ' . . .. .. . .. ' ·. :. . ., ,.:,, ,:y':. 's , .. · .. ,,/, · ; .. 1 ,t : ... \ ::! ,k ,.i:;J1., : .. ,\.;,•.,, ·J" ,.,.\' ,,;.c, •r :1,,.,:;;,1,,:f,:,'/,:,i.fi' f.f,. (;::,:.fi:1:1, ,, '\,i.:;',. , ,. ';,,., '.'? '~ .,,;1 ;· .. :; ?;",~':' i' ·>':".;,; ,:,;"'l iJ ·•'.•-~c::: .. y; :, , ,;;ft" ,. , ', '.;: :' ; /· .. ;: <'.',' ; ... :,, c; ,:;; ·: .. ,,,;; '· ·. ,: . ;:, :'.,' · '. ;; ;.::;; .. :: .. '..'·::: .:r: ~ ;, •,,;~~ :;: ;";,~,; :\ .. ;:·,;:;:/. ;; ,; :'. ; . ' ;; i,. ::.,::; '.. , · . · : ' .... · '.' '., · · · · · .. .'. · · , · ,, · . · ·. · · · ' ' .. 'l ,.-__ ,_;,,-;-', + ,. ' ' ' . . . I ' ' . I '. J," ·.;,.; . ,,·: . ' . ' . ,. • '-' 1 ,·;\"!"1/'";·.-,,~;··--·-':,-··,"~,:,•:.;'u'·-_...,.·~_.;-.'·'-"'.'.•~.-.:>.,1··_, ___ ·a,•·.·_· _ _..•_'.':..._ ____ .__~.;,-·_·'.··-··.·,';.,_. ___ ...,. ___ .. _ .. _ ... '-_.:._,-~ .. ;,)w, ~· __________ ...;, ____________________________________________________ ~----------------~-~-----------------------------------------------a·I 0 BUFFER PLANTINGS ~ Western hemlock Tsuga heterophy/la 18) Douglas fir Pesudotsuga menziesli 8 Osoberry Demler/a cerasiformis Iii Baldhip rose Rosa gymnocarpa • Snowberry Symphoricarpos a/bus • Oregon grape Berberis nervosa 0 Sv1ord fern Polystichum munitum PLANT SPACINGS SHOULD BE ADJUSTED IN THE FIELD TO ACCOUNT FOR EXISTING NATIVE VEGEfATION ,,,.:,.~ . :, ,-.. . ; : '. ;, ·'t"E'o· EN·o· .. ·· .. " .. -, / ' ' " -· .,. ,., ,• \ •• ',{"r""' .• ,, .,;• '. ,,.,, ,,,.,,1.·,1, , " , WETLAND [......__ . _.,,._, :~ r·r :-jl! BUFFER AVERAGING ' ' ' 1 , · , , ADD)TJON .:....~. : ' . '. ' ···---~ ,_....,....,,. :·. -~11 ' ·.· ·.· i ' /"; ''' ,"/,';;"-;_j -~..-.L-., _,, • X BUFFER AVERAGING REDUCTION WETLAND FILL BUFFER ENHANCEiAf:tff DATA SITES SENSJTIVE AHEA SIGNS SENSITIVE A/JEA FENCING ' -' ---------------- Scale 1" = 60' BUFFER ENHANCEMENT 617 SF WETLAND B 423 SF UNCLASSIFIED TO BE FILLED BUFFER AVERAGING ADDITION · --··· --· 771 SF ' ' ' ,-, ' ' S.E. 162ND ST. LOT 1 ' ' --_,.-1 --· ., ..;- . ' ' --_J r --, I ----· -•- LOTZ ,-,-.... -~--· . "1, • -----. • .Y I /I : ,.../,,........ . 'T ·--~---~-----·---•-., . .' -ii-------·-·-·-···----·---.--·-:G ____________ -; I :--------- .;_J i : ' ' 1; LOT 5 : 1 · T LOT 3 ' ' ' .. I I I ' LOT 8 ·: , I ! i , LOT 7 ' / D-1 ' i ' ' :i / .... .. .~ + '. ...-,--0: "'" ,· ..,.,0---~ --\ .• -'-JP--' i = -~ -I ' ' ' ' I ~ --,,. _,..,.. -e!--.-. \ EXISTING SINGLE- FAMILY RESIDENCE . ;. ---!-------··-· EXISTING GARAGE -' ' I -·" ' --j :C I p' <' , rn , (J) rn : ! WETLAND C -1-.. ----· · 431 SF UNCLASSIFIED TO BE FILLED BUFFER AVERAGING REDUCTION 374 SF BUFFER AVERAGING ·· ADDITION 64 SF BUFFER ENHANCEMENT -----. 609 SF I ----, -- BUFFER AVERAGING ADDITION 399 SF , ,.,. · (\0-2 , ' i ;o..-·w *· -. , .\ BUFFER AVERAGING rl, WETLAND A CLASS 3 ._· ':-, 1 ' ,.....-;.,·..-'-....... ~~..,.,,--·...._---£,,' ',........:{2-;'_, ·-· _-. ..J. --; · __ ...\..... ___ REDUCTION · · --··-···· 1 235 SF 30 60 90 120 ,j-------- --Prune diseased and broken branches Lath stakes driven securely in to the ground _ Water basin with 3-4" n1ulch · water thoroughly DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL Nll"Sc">ite······· --·· ···· -------··· Compacted topsoil Prune diseased and water thoroughly, """"""" -broken branches fertilize as req:d ~-\.1 fa ----------Water basin with ' t-_.., , ~ · ----3-4" of n1ulch Planting hole min. ·-·-twice sf:ze of containerized root ball SHRUB/HERBACEOUS PLANTING DETAIL ·rros-cate ·--~-------- ·" , Planting pit min. twice size of root ball / S.E. 164TH ST. ,, Lath stakes driven ,, securely In to the ground ___ . Water basin with 3-4" n1ulch --water thoroughly EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING DETAIL ·No Seate ------------·---- \ BUFFER AVERAGING MAP AND MITIGATION PLAN LUND 114TH AVE PORTION OF SECTION 29, ·roWNSHIP 23N, RANGE SE, W.M. SITE DESCRIPTION Wetland Resources, Inc. conducted a wetland delineation on May 10, 2004 to locate jurisdictional wetlands on the approximate 2 acre site located at 16217114th Avenue SE in King County, Washington. The site is located as portion of Section 29, Township 23N, Range 5E, W.M. The applicant is proposing a multi ·lot residential development for this property. This site is generally flat with a slight depression in the southern portion. One single-family residence and associated infrastructure is located on the northern portion of the site. Surrounding land use is comprised of single-family residences. Access is frorn the east, via 114th Avenue SE. The northern portion of the site is occupied by maintained lawn associated with the existing single-farnily residence. The southern part of the site is vacant land, with vegetation represented by sapling black cottonwood, Scotch broom, Himalayan blackberry, and tall fescue. Three wetlands and an intermittent strearn are located on the subject site. Wetlands A, B, and C, are emergent wetlands located in the southern portion of the site. Wetland A is a Class 3 wetland. Regulated Class 3 wetlands in King County typically receive 25-foot protective buffers .. Wetlands Band Care less than 2,500 square feet in size. Urban Class 3 wetlands less than 2,500 square feet in size in are unclassified in King County. The stream is located in an man-made ditch paralleling the sites western property boundary. This Class 3 stream is designated a 25-foot protective buffer from its flagged OHWM. PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROPOSED SENSITIVE AR(A IMPACTS AND MITIGATION The applicant is proposin~ a rnulti lot development on this property. To accommodate portions of Lot 7 and Drainage tract 2, the applicant is proposing to reduce a total of 609 square feet (374 + 235) of the buffer of Wetland A. Mitigation for this buffer reduction is offered through designating a total of 1,234 square feet (771 + 399 + 64) of area as additional buffer. This represents a slightly better than 2:1 ratio of additional buffer to reduced buffer. The buffer areas proposed to be reduced and the areas proposed to be additional buffer contain sirnilar species and provide eqlJ_fvalent functions and values. The designation of additional area·as buffer ,it-.9 better than 2:1 ratio should maintain or improve functions and values for the ·site. In addition to buffer averaging, the applicant is proposing to fill the unclassified \1/etlands B and C. In order to comply with King County Code (KCC) 21A.24.320B, the applicant is proposing to enhance 1,234 square feet of wetland buffer. This enhancement will provide a net increase to the functions and values of the wetland and buffer. Impact and Mitigation Table Impact Buffer Averaging Reduction 609 SF total Mitigation Buffer Averaging Addition 1,234 SF Greater than 2: 1 ratio Buffer Enhancement 1,2·13 SF 2:1 ratio FUNCTIONS AND VALUES ANALYSIS Methodology The methodology for this functions and values assessment is based on professional opinion developed through past field analyses and interpretation. This assessrnent pertains specifically to the on-site wetland, but is typical for assessments of sirnilar systerr1s con:imon to western Washington. , Functions and Values Components 1 Wetlands in western Washington perform a variety of ecosystbm functions. Included among the most irnportant functions provided by wetlands are stormwater storage and flood flow attenuation, water qualit~ improvement, and fish and wildlife habitat. An assessrr1ent of: these functions for the project site are provided below. ! Existing Conditions I Overall functions and values provided by these wetlands are \ow. These •11etlands make rninor contributions to stormwater storage anp water quality as a result of their depressional nature and presence ~f emergent vegetation. Functions for all values provided by these wetlan~s are limited by their small size, lack or shortage of native and woody vegEltation, and proximity to roads and development, as well as the extent ofjdisturbance within these wetlands. ' Proposed Impacts to Functions and Values \ The applicant is proposing a multi lot development on this pnlperty. To accom'.11odate portions of Lot 7 and Drainage tract 2, the app\icant is proposing to reduce a total of 609 square feet (374 + 235) the buffer off of Wetland A. In addition to buffer aven1ging, the applicant is proposing to fill the unclassified Wetlands B and C. As a result of the currt\nt low overall quality of the area, these activities should have minifnal impacts to overall functions and values of the site, Post Mitigation Functions and Values Mitigation for this buffer reduction is offered through designating a total of 1,234 square feet of area as additional buffer. This repres1nts a slightly better than 2: 1 ratio of buffer averaging addition to buffer aieraging reduction. The designation of additional area as buffer at a b~tter than 2:1 ratio should rnaintain or irnprove functions and values for the site, including water quality and wildlife habitat. Additionally, by enhancing a portion of the wetland buffer, the applicant will provide healthy 11ative . edge h_abitat for local passerine birds, small marnrr1als, and ari,phioians. Two sina(l areas wete chosen for enhancement iri order to en~ure the spread of native plant material on both sides of the subject wetland buffer. This newly planted area will become increasingly important as the surrounding area is developed. + BUFFER ENHANCEMENT To ensure that the proposed buffer averaging results in increased functioning of the buffer and increased protection to the wetland, the applicant is proposing to provide a total of 1,234 square feet of enhanced buffer. Buffer enhancement is proposed to consist of controlling invasive species and planting the following native trees, shrubs, and herbs: Buffer Enhancement (1,234 square feet) Common Name Latin Name Size Spacing Quantity 1. Western hemlock Tsuga heterophylla ·1 gallon 1 O' 2 2. Douglas fir Pseudotsugo menziesii 1 gallon 10' 2 3. Big leaf rnaple Acer mocrophyllum 1 gallon 1 O' 2 4. Osoberry Oernleria cerasiformis 1 gallon 5' 5 5. Ba ldhi p rose Roso gymnocarpa 'I gallon 5' 5 6. Snowberry Symphacarpus a/bus 1 gallon 5' 5 7. Oregon grape Berberis nervosa 1 gallon 5' 5 8. S111ord fern Polysticum muni turn ·1 gallon 5' 5 PPAOVED BY· t..t..-,--------SEN S AREA REVIEW c--J-::;,Ca DATE ------------.,· -- I Wdlt111d Reso11rces, l!tc. ii'. I rr Rf\!l)'JO!i?o / MJ (19:t\i:W ! B,ll?•d!Zt I !l.i?IW ,;ru Ll2;D / I'; "~II A11Jl/Jrs• 9~05 19th Menue S.E. Suite 106 E~erelt,W.i5hlnqton 98208 Phone: 1425) 337-3174 Fax: 1425) 337-3045 Email: mallbox@wetlandresources.com BUFFER AVERAGING MAP AND MITIGATION PLAN LUND· 114TH AVE KING COUNTY Guy and Fran Lund 810 4th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Sheet 1 / WRI Job# 04153 Drawn by: L. Emenhiser Date: 06/27/2006 I I . I I ' . I ' ·"'. ;.,