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H ~~I =:,, ==·"' Archllocls ,..,,•-•-••- > i•,· B~ ~ -·--" GABBERT --------L £Pla::nn~•rsl__icED~AR~RIDG~EC~HURC~H --~~~~§ • • • • -;t I .... ~ ' ~ I n I,_/ / ---..'-- ~ ~ ~--; ill -i ~ &1 ~ E • 4ifS I ~ I I a I I ~ -.. a § e ~ II I § \.. LI \.. I..) !Bt ~ QG( ·Bi ~GI • I • I ... •· ... • -• ~) • • CED AR RID GE C HURCH CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH • • • ~ :.~.~ ! I .... :ff:-GAB~~B.I . -,_,,_, __ "___ Planners -..~u.r.~~11111111 ........... CE DAl RIDGE CHURCH --. -. fJY l)l,l["""11-... ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' CEDAR RJDGE CHRUCH l",."",o,_o.----j :'...7,t~:_::,"'"'-,':;:;·,::.: 11411 SE 114TH STREET, RENTON, WA /...---,C.--,--! • • • -. ..... m ~· --. O©~ z a a o " " a • • I I ' ' ' -=• I::.,::'~ I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -::;:::.'C.·:=:·" ® ' ' ' ' ' ' il!l: TOUMA ENGINEERS 1'JIID l.ANtl SURITTORS, Pl.LC "'''°"'"""1,uer.=<•111>·""'•°'""" _,.,.)..,_ <o(Q0)2'1- ·~ TREE INVENTORY PLAN D£C 22. 2015 -' CEDAR RIDGE CHRUCH 101il001 ! 1411 SE 114Tf-l STREET, RENTON, WA • • • /H I ; l I > ..... 0 I; -i1 l --. ..... LI ,1 ~ t;. _,_, • .,,,, WI ii=. ,......,...1 Archl te ct1 .,..._,... Planners C l iJ ti ! ~ ~ CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH llfl1N16'11111•~•A- CEDAR RIDGE CH URCH 11 ~ -· .. --.. GABBERT '-----"-----'------'---::__ ____ ,:__ ________ __: ._.. .. .....,...,... ._ \\Oo\111,.,.,....~,_...,\~.c.. ....... o.-,\l'ICM~-.... ~,...-..M __ _. I I I I I I ~~~ --;r -. I " I I I I I I I • • • • • • CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH . , September 8, 2017 Peter Harvard Gabbert Architects Planners 20011 Ballinger Way NE, #211 Shoreline, WA 98155 Denis Law Mayor City Clerk -Jason A. Seth, CMC Subject: Hearing Examiner's Final Decision upon Reconsideration RE: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion (LUA-16-000128) Dear Mr. Harvard: Enclosed please find the Hearing Examiner's Final Decision upon Reconsideration dated September 6, 2017. I can be reached at (425) 430-6510 or jseth@rentonwa.gov. Thank you. Sincerely, J,A~ Jason A. Seth, CMC cc: Hearing Examiner Jill Ding, Senior Planner Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Craig Burnell, Building Official Jennifer Cisneros, Secretary, Planning Division Julia Medzegian, City Council Liaison Parties of Record (5) 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 • (425) 430-6510 / Fax (425) 430-6516 • rentonwa.gov 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF RENTON RE: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion Conditional Uses and Variance ) ) ) FINAL DECISION UPON ) RECONSIDERATION ) ) ) LUA 16-000128, ECF, CU-H, V-A ) SUMMARY Upon reconsideration, the Applicant's February 8, 2017 request for reconsideration is approved, given new evidence that the Applicant's request is consistent with past interpretations of staff of RMC conditional use provisions. BACKGROUND A Final Decision on the above-captioned matter was issued on January 25, 2017. By letter dated February 8, 2017, the Applicant requested reconsideration on the basis that "We request a 5- ye{(r maximum approval period, rather than the standard 2 years, renewable for 2 more years." City staff requested that the hearing examiner delay issuance of a decision on the reconsideration request to provide time to issue a formal interpretation on City development standards that govern the expiration dates of conditional use permits. The examiner granted the request. A fonnal interpretation, Interpretation Cl-113, was issued on March 9, 2017. The appeal period for the FINAL DECISION UPON RECONSIDERATION -I I I I I ! I I I I ' I I I I I ' ' I I I interpretation request ended April 7, 2017. No appeals were filed. On April 10, 2017, an Order on 2 Reconsideration Request was issued and distributed to the parties of record to give them an 3 opportunity to comment on the applicant's request for reconsideration. That deadline for providing 4 comment was April 20, 2017 and no comments were submitted. 5 ANALYSIS 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 6 Giving the deference due to staff interpretations of conditional use standards, it is concluded 7 that the Applicant's request for expiration extension should be granted. Interpretation C 1-113 recognizes that there is some ambiguity in RMC 4-9-030(F)(8) and (9) regarding the authority of the hearing examiner to extend the expiration period of conditional use permits beyond four years. The interpretation states that it has been a matter of past practice to construe these provisions as authorizing expirations to extend beyond four years. This information was not previously in the record and is appropriately considered after the close of the administrative record of the subject applications because it is part of a formal City administrative interpretation subject to judicial notice and that interpretation has been distributed to the parties of record for comment. In interpreting local ordinances, RCW 36.70C.140(b) requires a court on judicial appeal to allow "for such deference as is due the construction of a law by a local jurisdiction with expertise." For deference to be "due," a local entity interpreting an ambiguous local ordinance bears the burden to show its interpretation was a matter of preexisting policy. Ellensburg Cement Products, Inc. v. Kittitas County, 179 Wash.2d 737 (2014). Giving that due deference to the City's prior interpretations of its permit expiration provisions, it is concluded that they can be interpreted as authorizing permit extensions beyond four years. 22 23 24 25 26 The applicant gave no reason for requesting a five year permit term with two year extension. In the absence of any justification, the request would normally be denied. However, it is recognized that the applicant is a church and thereby it is reasonably assumed that the applicant works under more challenging financing conditions than a typical private developer. For these reasons, the request is deemed to be based upon good cause and the request is granted. FINAL DECISION UPON RECONSIDERATION -2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 DECISION The Applicant's February 8, 2017 request for reconsideration is granted. The expiration period for the conditional use permit application approved by the Hearing Examiner under LUA16- 000128 is extended to five years. The issuance date for the Final Decision of the variance and conditional use permit applications of LUA 16-000128 shall be the issuance date of this decision for purposes of appeal. DATED this 6th day of September, 2017. City of Renton Hearing Examiner Appeal Right and Valuation Notices RMC 4-8-080(G) classifies the application(s) subject to this decision as Type Ill applications subject to closed record appeal to the City of Renton City Council. Appeals of the hearing examiner's decision must be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the decision. Affected property owners may request a change in valuation for property tax purposes notwithstanding any program of revaluation. FINAL DECISION UPON RECONSIDERATION -3 September 8, 2017 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING CERTIFICATE OF MAILING ) ) § ) Denis Law Mayor City Clerk -Jason A. Seth, CMC JASON A. SETH, City Clerk for the City of Renton, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that he is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of 21 and not a party to nor interested in this matter. That on the 8th day of September, 2017, at the hour of 4:30 p.m. your affiant duly mailed and placed in the United States Post Office at Renton, King County, Washington, by first class mail Hearing Examiner's Final Decision upon Reconsideration dated September 6, 2017, RE: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion -LUA-16-000128 to the attached parties of record. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE me this gth day of September, 2017 Cynthia . ya Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Renton My Commission expires: 8/27/2018 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 , (425) 430-6510 I Fax (425) 430-6516 • rentonwa.gov Pat & Luella Paull 16428 113th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Russ Johnson 29804 1111h Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Peter Harvard Gabbert Architects Planners 20011 Ballinger Way NE, 211 Shoreline, WA 98155 Siegfried Schmidt Cedar Ridge Church of Christ P.O. Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 Marlin Gabbert Gabbert Architects Planners 20011 Ballinger Way NE, 211 Shoreline, WA 98155 Howard Herndon Cedar Ridge Church of Christ P.O. Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 , • April 10, 2017 Peter Harvard Gabbert Architects Planners 20011 Ballinger Way NE, #211 Shoreline, WA 98155 • Denis Law Mayor City Clerk -Jason A. Seth, CMC Subject: Hearing Examiner's Order on Reconsideration Request RE: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion (LUA-16-000128) Dear Mr. Harvard: Enclosed please find the Hearing Examiner's Order on Reconsideration Request dated April 10, 2017. I can be reached at (425) 430-6510 or jseth@rentonwa.gov. Thank you. Sincerely, .fjJ Jason A. Seth, CMC City Clerk cc: Hearing Examiner Jill Ding, Senior Planner Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Craig Burnell, Building Official Jennifer Cisneros, Secretary, Planning Division Julia Medzegian, City Council Liaison Parties of Record (6) 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 , (425) 430-6510 / Fax (425) 430-6516 • rentonwa.gov -· ; 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF RENTON RE: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion Conditional Uses and Variance LUAl6-000128, ECF, CU-H, V-A ) ) ) ORDER ON RECONSIDERATION ) REQUEST ) ) ) ) A Final Decision on the above-captioned matter was issued on January 25, 2017. By letter dated February 8, 2017, the Applicant requested reconsideration on the basis that "We request a 5-year maximum approval period, rather than the standard 2 years, renewable for 2 more years." City staff requested that the hearing examiner delay issuance of a decision on the reconsideration request to provide time to issue a formal interpretation on City development standards that govern the expiration dates of conditional use permits. The examiner granted the request. A formal interpretation was issued on March 9, 2017. The appeal period for the interpretation request ends April 7, 2017. No appeals were filed. Since the examiner may grant the reconsideration request, affected parties have a right to comment on the request to extend the expiration period to five years. ORDER ON RECONSIDERA TlON REQUEST -I I I I ! I I I I ' I i 2 3 • • 4 ORDER 5 Any persons who testified or submitted written comments on the above-captioned 6 matter may submit a written response to the Applicant's request for reconsideration. Persons 7 wishing to comment should submit their written comment by 4:30 pm, April 20, 2017 to the 8 Renton City Clerk's Office by email (CMova0'rcnton\\tL~<w) or personal delivery or mail to 9 Cynthia Moya, Renton City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall, t 055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA t O 98057. All comments must be received by the due date. Should anyone write a response, the 11 Applicant shall have until 4:30 pm April 26, 2017 to submit a written reply to the City Clerk's 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Office. DATED this 10th day of April, 2017. I City of Renton Hearing Examiner ORDER ON RECONSIDERATION REQUEST-2 / .I • • ------~RentOil ® -Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY /CODE INTERPRETATION ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY/CODE INTERPRETATION#: Cl-113 MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS: RMC 4-9-030 Conditional Use Permits REFERENCE: N/A SUBJECT: Extended Approval for Conditional Use Permits (CUPs) BACKGROUND: RMC 4-9-030F.8 specifies that the Administrator or Hearing Examiner may "limit the term and duration of the Conditional Use Permit." RMC 4- 9-030F.9 specifies that the CUP is valid for a period of two (2) years with a possible two (2) year extension. Previously, the City had utilized RMC 4-9- 030F.8 to extend CUP approvals beyond the standard two (2) year approval. However, it has come to the City's attention that the use of the word "limit" in RMC 4-9-030F .8 implies that the decision maker only has the ability to reduce the duration of the CUP approval to less than the standard two (2) year approval and may not be used to extend the approval beyond the standard two (2) year time frame. JUSTIFICATION: There are certain land uses, which require a CUP, where an extended approval is practical (i.e. for projects that are anticipated to be constructed in phases). DECISION: Amend RMC 4-9-030F, as specified below, to allow the decision maker the flexibility to extend the period of validity for a CUP beyond the standard two (2) year time frame. ADMINISTRATOR APPROVAL: EFFECTIVE DATE: C. E. "Chip" Vincent March 24, 2017 H :\CED\Planning\ Title IV\Docket\Administrative Policy Code lnterpretation\Cl-113\Code lnterpretation.docx I I ! I I I \ I I APPEAL PROCESS: CODE AMENDMENTS NEEDED TO IMPLEMENT • • To appeal this determination, a written appeal--accompanied by the required filing fee--must be filed with the City's Hearing Examiner (1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, 425-430-6515) no more than 14 days from the date of this decision. Your submittal should explain the basis for the appeal. Section 4-8-110 of the Renton Municipal Code provides further information on the appeal process. DETERMINATIONS: 4-9-030 Conditional Use Permits STAFF CONTACT: Cl-113 F. Procedures 8. Decision and Conditions: The Administrator may grant a Conditional Use Permit, with or without conditions, or deny the requested Conditional Use Permit. The Administrator or Hearing Examiner shall have authority to grant the Conditional Use Permit upon making a determination, in writing, that the use is consistent with the applicable decision criteria in this Section. The Administrator or Hearing Examiner may require additional setbacks, fencing, screening, soundproofing, public improvements or any other appropriate measures necessary to ensure compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood, and may~ specify the term and duration of the Conditional Use Permit. Conditions imposed by the Administrator or Hearing Examiner shall reasonably assure that nuisance or hazard to life or property will not develop. 9. Timeline to Apply for Associated Permits: Building permits, licenses or land use permits required for the operation of a Conditional Use Permit shall be applied for within two (2) years of the date of Conditional Use Permit approval. unless an extended time frame is granted by the Administrator or Hearing Examiner. A single two (2) year extension may be granted for good cause by the Administrator. (Ord. 5675, 12-3-2012) Jill Ding X 6598 Page 2 of 2 . '· • April 10, 2017 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING CERTIFICATE OF MAILING ) ) § ) • MEGAN GREGOR, Deputy City Clerk for the City of Renton, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that he is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of 21 and not a party to nor interested in this matter. That on the 10th day of April, 2017, at the hour of 4:30 p.m. your affiant duly mailed and placed in the United States Post Office at Renton, King County, Washington, by first class mail Hearing Examiner's Order on Reconsideration Request dated April 10, 2017, RE: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion -LUA-16-000128 to the attached parties of record. Me an Gregor, CMC, MLIS, Deputy City Clerk Cynthia R. ya Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Renton My Commission expires: 8/27/2018 Cct::ty r'C'tl'I-I-CIUt:m, I a y UseAve~JifW0:4' ~ J, Ii Feed Pa~er - r,ena a1ong nne to exeose Pos:tU.P. Edge™ IP,] J fil ~i~~~@rfflP:i/ 17 marlin gabbert • MBP Integration 20011 Ballinger Way NE Shoreline, WA 98155 -~~~J..~91 Peter Harvard Gabbert Architects Planners 20011 Ballinger Way NE, 211 Shoreline, WA 98155 Russ Johnson 29804 111th Ave SE Auburn, WA 98092 l ~ AVERY® 516o® I '~ . •• Pat & Luella Paull 16428 113th Ave SE Renton. WA 98055 Siegfried Schmidt Cedar Ridge Church of Christ PO Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 Dan Forward Cedar Ridge Church P.O. Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 Etiauettes faciles a peler Utilisez le gabarit AVERv® 5160® : I J ... Sens de chargement Reollez b la hachure afln de I reveler le rebord Pop-Up™ J www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY I I I • • April 10, 2017 Peter Harvard Gabbert Architects Planners 20011 Ballinger Way NE, #211 Shoreline, WA 98155 • Denis Law Mayor City Clerk -Jason A. Seth, CMC Subject: Hearing Examiner's Order on Reconsideration Request RE: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion (LUA-16-000128) Dear Mr. Harvard: Enclosed please find the Hearing Examiner's Order on Reconsideration Request dated April 10, 2017. I can be reached at (425) 430-6510 or jseth@rentonwa.gov. Thank you. Sincerely, cc: Hearing Examiner Jill Ding, Senior Planner Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Craig Burnell, Building Official Jennifer Cisneros, Secretary, Planning Division Julia Medzegian, City Council liaison Parties of Record (6) ---------·-·------------- 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 , (425) 430-6510 I Fax (425) 430-6516 , rentonwa.gov I I I I ! I I I I I I I I APPEAL PROCESS: CODE AMENDMENTS NEEDED TO IMPLEMENT • • To appeal this determination, a written appeal--accompanied by the required filing fee--must be filed with the City's Hearing Examiner {1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, 425-430-6515) no more than 14 days from the date of this decision. Your submittal should explain the basis for the appeal. Section 4-8-110 of the Renton Municipal Code provides further information on the appeal process. DETERMINATIONS: 4-9-030 Conditional Use Permits F. Procedures 8. Decision and Conditions: The Administrator may grant a Conditional Use Permit, with or without conditions, or deny the requested Conditional Use Permit. The Administrator or Hearing Examiner shall have authority to grant the Conditional Use Permit upon making a determination, in writing, that the use is consistent with the applicable decision criteria in this Section. The Administrator or Hearing Examiner may require additional setbacks, fencing, screening, soundproofing, public improvements or any other appropriate measures necessary to ensure compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood, and may liffiit specify the term and duration of the Conditional Use Permit. Conditions imposed by the Administrator or Hearing Examiner shall reasonably assure that nuisance or hazard to life or property will not develop. 9. Timeline to Apply for Associated Permits: Building permits, licenses or land use permits required for the operation of a Conditional Use Permit shall be applied for within two (2) years of the date of Conditional Use Permit approval. unless an extended time frame is granted by the Administrator or Hearing Examiner. A single two (2) year extension may be granted for good cause by the Administrator. (Ord. 5675, 12-3-2012) STAFF CONTACT: . Jill Ding x 6598 Cl-113 Page 2 of 2 • Cynthia Moya From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: • Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> Thursday, April 06, 2017 2:15 PM Jill Ding Cynthia Moya Re: Cedar Ridge Recon Order • Attachments: conditional use and variance --Order on Reconsideration --Cedar Ridge Church 11.pdf Sounds good. Cindy, please mail out the attached order next Monday morning if no appeal is filed on the City's interpretation (Jill can let you know what that's about if it's unclear). Note that the Order is dated April IO so it can't be mailed out before Monday. Thank you! On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 11:08 AM, Jill Ding <lDing@rcntonwa.gov> wrote: Phil, I misunderstood our comment versus appeal process for Code Interpretations. The public comment period ended on March 23'', however the appeal period doesn't end until tomorrow. Could you update your order with the correct dates? Thanks and sorry for the confusion! Jill From: Phil Olbrechts [mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 9:14 AM To: Cynthia Moya Cc: Jill Ding Subject: Cedar Ridge Recon Order Hi Cindy, Please mail the attached Order on Reconsideration, along with the Applicant's request for reconsideration and the City's interpretation to all parties of record. I don't have a copy of the signed interpretation, so if you don't have it already you can probably get a copy from Jill Ding. I 'I. • • - Cynthia Moya From: Sent: To: Subject: • Phil Olbrechts <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> Monday, February 27, 2017 9:09 AM Cynthia Moya Re: FW: Cedar Ridge Recon Request • The decision has been placed on hold pending a formal interpretation from the planning department. You can disregard the decision I sent. On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 9:04 AM, Cynthia Moya <CMoya@rentonwa.gov> wrote: I am checking on the status of this Reconsideration. I was asked not to send it out yet since there was so much back and forth from you and the planner. I have not heard a final word if I need to send this out soon. Thank you, Cindy Moya, Records Management Specialist City of Renton -Administrative Services/City Clerk Division cmoya@rentonwa.gov 425-430-6513 From: Jill Ding Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 9:39 AM To: 'Phil Olbrechts' <olbrechtslaw@gmail.com> Cc: Vanessa Dolbee <VDolbee@Rentonwa.gov>; Jennifer T. Henning <Jhenning@Rentonwa.gov>; Chip Vincent <CVincent@Rentonwa.gov>; Jason Seth <JSeth@Rentonwa.gov>; Cynthia Moya <CMoya@Rentonwa.gov>; Clark Close <CClose@Rentonwa.gov>; Jennifer Cisneros <JCisneros@Rentonwa.gov>; Gillian Syverson <GSyverson@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: RE: Cedar Ridge Recon Request /~ Phil, 1 • .. . . .. • I spoke with Jennifer and Chip this morning and we agreed that a Code Interpretation is in order to clean up these conflicting code sections and clarify that the decision maker can grant an approval for longer than the 2 years specified in F(9). If we do a Code Interpretation, how does that impact this current application? Can you wait to issue your decision until after the Code Interpretation is complete? Do you still need copies of past decisions? Thanks for your guidance. Jill From: Phil Olbrechts [mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 8:20 AM To: Jill Ding Cc: Vanessa Dolbee; Jennifer T. Henning; Chip Vincent; Jason Seth; Cynthia Moya Subject: Re: Cedar Ridge Recon Request I was well aware of F(8). F(8) lets the examiner limit "the term and duration" of conditional use permits. F(9) identifies "the term" as 2 + 2 years. Expanding that term to five years isn't limiting it, it's pretty much the opposite. I realize that what may have happened is just sloppy code writing and F(8) and F(9) weren't properly coordinated, but when you have conflicting code provisions you have to try to stick to plain meaning and harmonize the two provisions before simply ignoring one altogether. The two provisions are harmonized and the plain meaning of "limit" is maintained by interpreting F(8) as giving the examiner the authority to reduce (limit) the 2 + 2 year term. The interpretation you're following is to ignore F(9) for hearing examiner conditional use permits, when no such exception is written into the code. Keep in mind that F(9) only requires the applicant to apply for implementing permits within the 2 + 2 time frame. This gives the applicant four years to apply for permits and then the City can extend the expiration date I of those permits in unending six month increments for cause. I I ·The code doesn't appear to prohibit reconsideration requests of orders denying reconsideration. Of course, to prevent people from purposely delaying projects by endlessly requesting reconsideration of every prior reconsideration, a recon of a recon should only be done under very limited circumstances. Unknowingly ?Verturning years of precedent is one valid grounds for recon of a recon. If you can give me some decisions that have extended the 2 + 2 I will reconsider the reconsideration order. With that info it would also be helpful i'f you can dig up any legislative history that supports the interpretation that F(8) was intended to override or s~rve as an exception to F(9). I'll also need some explanation as to why four years isn't enough time to just file I 2 . • • construction permit applications .• is information i;iiakes it likely that I ~hange the term, the request will then have to be distributed to all persons who attended the hearing for comment. On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 6:23 AM, Jill Ding <JDing@rentonwa.gov> wrote: Phil, RMC 4-9-030.F.8 grants the Hearing Examiner the ability to limit the duration of the Conditional Use Permit, which was why the applicant had requested the extended approval. I know that these have been granted by the City in the past. Thanks, Jill From: Phil Olbrechts [mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com] sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 10:01 AM To: Vanessa Dolbee; Jennifer T. Henning; Chip Vincent; Jason Seth; Cynthia Moya; Jill Ding Subject: Re: Cedar Ridge Recon Request Short. Have a great weekend! 3 Cynthia Moya From: Sent: To: Subject: Cindy, • Jill Ding Tuesday, February 21, 2017 6:48 AM Cynthia Moya FW: Cedar Ridge Recon Request • Please don't sent out the original decision, we're working on a Code Interpretation and then Phil will issue a new decision. Thanks, Jill From: Phil Olbrechts [mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 7:06 PM To: Jill Ding Subject: Re: Cedar Ridge Recon Request Ok, disregard the decision I sent and I'll wait for your interpretation. On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 9:39 AM, Jill Ding <JDing@rentonwa.gov> wrote: Phil, I spoke with Jennifer and Chip this morning and we agreed that a Code Interpretation is in order to clean up these conflicting code sections and clarify that the decision maker can grant an approval for longer than the 2 years specified in F(9). If we do a Code Interpretation, how does that impact this current application? Can you wait to issue your decision until after the Code Interpretation is complete? Do you still need copies of past decisions? Thanks for your guidance. Jill From: Phil Olbrechts [mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 8:20 AM To: Jill Ding Cc: Vanessa Dolbee; Jennifer T. Henning; Chip Vincent; Jason Seth; Cynthia Moya Subject: Re: Cedar Ridge Recon Request 1 11 ' ! I I 1 I I I was well aware of F(8). F(8) I.e examiner limit "the _term and ducat.of conditional use permits. F(9) identifies "the term" as 2 + 2 years. Expanding that term to five years isn'tTmiting it, it's pretty much the opposite. I realize that what may have happened is just sloppy code writing and F(8) and F(9) weren't properly coordinated, but when you have conflicting code provisions you have to try to stick to plain meaning and harmonize the two provisions before simply ignoring one altogether. The two provisions are harmonized and the plain meaning of "limit" is maintained by interpreting F(8) as giving the examiner the authority to reduce (limit) the 2 + 2 year term. The interpretation you're following is to ignore F(9) for hearing examiner conditional use permits, when no such exception is written into the code. Keep in mind that F(9) only requires the applicant to apply for implementing permits within the 2 + 2 time frame. This gives the applicant four years to apply for permits and then the City can extend the expiration date of those permits in unending six month increments for cause. The code doesn't appear to prohibit reconsideration requests of orders denying reconsideration. Of course, to prevent people from purposely delaying projects by endlessly requesting reconsideration of every prior reconsideration, a recon of a recon should only be done under very limited circumstances. Unknowingly overturning years of precedent is one valid grounds for recon of a recon. If you can give me some decisions that have extended the 2 + 2 I will reconsider the reconsideration order. With that info it would also be helpful if you can dig up any legislative history that supports the interpretation that F(8) was intended to override or serve as an exception to F(9). I'll also need some explanation as to why four years isn't enough time to just file construction permit applications. If this information makes it likely that I will change the term, the request will then have to be distributed to all persons who attended the hearing for comment. On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 6:23 AM, Jill Ding <JDing@rentonwa.gov> wrote: l Phil, I 1 RMC 4-9-030.F.8 grants the Hearing Examiner the ability to limit the duration of the Conditional Use Permit, which was \Why the applicant had requested the extended approval. I know that these have been granted by the City in the past. I i I Thanks, 1 I \ 2 Jill • From: PhilOlbrechts[mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.coml Sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 10:01 AM • To: Vanessa Dolbee; Jennifer T. Henning; Chip Vincent; Jason Seth; Cynthia Moya; Jill Ding Subject: Re: Cedar Ridge Recon Request Short. Have a great weekend! 3 Cynthia Moya From: Sent: To: Subject: Cindy, • Jill Ding Tuesday, February 21, 2017 6:48 AM Cynthia Moya FW: Cedar Ridge Recon Request • Please don't sent out the original decision, we're working on a Code Interpretation and then Phil will issue a new decision. Thanks, Jill From: Phil Olbrechts [mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 7:06 PM To: Jill Ding Subject: Re: Cedar Ridge Recon Request Ok, disregard the decision I sent and I'll wait for your interpretation. On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 9:39 AM, Jill Ding <JDing@rentonwa.gov> wrote: Phil, I spoke with Jennifer and Chip this morning and we agreed that a Code Interpretation is in order to clean up these conflicting code sections and clarify that the decision maker can grant an approval for longer than the 2 years specified in F(9). lfwe do a Code Interpretation, how does that impact this current application? Can you wait to issue your decision until after the Code Interpretation is complete? Do you still need copies of past decisions? Thanks for your guidance. Jill From: Phil Olbrechts [mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 8:20 AM To: Jill Ding Cc: Vanessa Dolbee; Jennifer T. Henning; Chip Vincent; Jason Seth; Cynthia Moya Subject: Re: Cedar Ridge Recon Request 1 I I I I was well aware of F(8). F(8) le.e examiner limit "the term and durati&f conditional use permits. F(9) identifies "the term" as 2 + 2 years. Expanding that term to five years isn't ,rrr';iting it, it's pretty much the opposite. I realize that what may have happened is just sloppy code writing and F(8) and F(9) weren't properly coordinated, but when you have conflicting code provisions you have to try to stick to plain meaning and harmonize the two provisions before simply ignoring one altogether. The two provisions are harmonized and the plain meaning of "limit" is maintained by interpreting F(8) as giving the examiner the authority to reduce (limit) the 2 + 2 year term. The interpretation you're following is to ignore F(9) for hearing examiner conditional use permits, when no such exception is written into the code. Keep in mind that F(9) only requires the applicant to apply for implementing permits within the 2 + 2 time frame. This gives the applicant four years to apply for permits and then the City can extend the expiration date of those permits in unending six month increments for cause. The code doesn't appear to prohibit reconsideration requests of orders denying reconsideration. Of course, to prevent people from purposely delaying projects by endlessly requesting reconsideration of every prior reconsideration, a recon of a recon should only be done under very limited circumstances. Unknowingly overturning years of precedent is one valid grounds for recon of a recon. If you can give me some decisions that have extended the 2 + 2 I will reconsider the reconsideration order. With that info it would also be helpful if you can dig up any legislative history that supports the interpretation that F(8) was intended to override or serve as an exception to F(9). I'll also need some explanation as to why four years isn't enough time to just file construction permit applications. If this information makes it likely that I will change the term, the request will then have to be distributed to all persons who attended the hearing for comment. 1 1 On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 6:23 AM, Jill Ding <JDing@rentonwa.gov> wrote: I Phil, I 'RMC 4-9-030.F.8 grants the Hearing Examiner the ability to limit the duration of the Conditional Use Permit, which was Why the applicant had requested the extended approval. I know that these have been granted by the City in the past. I I 1hanks, I I 2 Jill • From: Phil Olbrechts [mailto:olbrechtslaw@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 10:01 AM • To: Vanessa Dolbee; Jennifer T. Henning; Chip Vincent; Jason Seth; Cynthia Moya; Jill Ding Subject: Re: Cedar Ridge Recon Request Short. Have a great weekend! 3 • CITY OF RENTON February 8, 2017 Phil A. Olbrechts Hearing Examiner City of Renton , .. fji fN\ FEB O 8 2017 ()JIM RECEIVED 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 SUBJECT: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion (LUA-16-000128) REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION Dear Mr. Olbrechts: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE We have been informed by Jill Ding that we can "request a reconsideration" of your January 25, 2017 decision, and this letter is such a request. We request a 5-year maximum approval period, rather than the standard 2 years, renewable for 2 more years. s;~~.,,,t-'\..,..,... ___ _ Dan Forward -'Dtcu,g""- CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH • • .~ Denis Law Mayor . •,. : : ( City Clerk -Jason A. Seth, CMC January 27, 2017 Peter Harvard Gabbert Architects Planners 20011 Ballinger Way NE, #211 Shoreline, WA 98155 Subject: Hearing Examiner's Final Decision RE: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion (LUA-16-000128) Dear Mr. Harvard: Enclosed please find the Hearing Examiner's Final Decision dated January 25, 2017. I can be reached at (425) 430-6510 or jseth@rentonwa.gov. Thank you. Sincerely, cc: Hearing Examiner Jill Ding, Senior Planner Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Craig Burnell, Building Official Jennifer Cisneros, Secretary, Planning Division Julia Medzegian, City Council Liaison Parties of Record (4) 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 • (425) 430-6510 / Fax (425) 430-6516 • rentonwa.gov • January 27, 2017 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING CERTIFICATE OF MAILING ) ) § ) • Denis Law Mayor City Clerk -Jason A. Seth, CMC JASON A. SETH, City Clerk for the City of Renton, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that he is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of 21 and not a party to nor interested in this matter. That on the 27th day of January, 2017, at the hour of 4:30 p.m. your affiant duly mailed and placed in the United States Post Office at Renton, King County, Washington, by first class mail Hearing Examiner's Final Decision dated January 25, 2017, RE: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion· LUA-16-000128 to the attached parties of record. Cynthi R. ya Notary Public n and for the Sta Washington, residing in Renton My Commission expires: 8/27/2018 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 • (425) 430-6510 / Fax (425) 430-6516 • rentonwa.gov Pat & Luella Paull 16428 113th Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Russ Johnson 29804 111 th Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 • Peter Harvard Gabbert Architects Planners 20011 Ballinger Way NE, 211 Shoreline, WA 98155 Siegfried Schmidt Cedar Ridge Church of Christ P.O. Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 .Marlin Gabbert Gabbert Architects Planners 20011 Ballinger Way NE, 211 Shoreline, WA 98155 • CITY OF RENTO~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & Et:ONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: January 12, 2017 To: City Clerk's Office From: Jenny Cisneros Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion LUA (file) Number: LUA-16-000128, ECF, CU-H Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Jill Ding Acceptance Date: February 25, 2016 Applicant: David Pagel Owner: Cedar Ridge Church Contact: David Pagel PID Number: 0088000320 ERC Determination: N~ Date: '3/L'i /111 Appeal Period Ends: Administrative Decision: Date: Aooeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: J1,11r, ID 1 2..0 11 Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: 1---~---1, Af~ ~t)i,.v, Date: ~ ADDeal Period Ends: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: .Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Location: 11411 SE 1641h St Comments: ERC Determination Types: DNS -Determination of Non-Significance; DNS-M -Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated; DS -Determination of Significance. NAME ~v-1, ~ <24&!;.?vf Ku.s.s ::Tl, fl tu .s"' .J Ph . .t ~-u I; I LAND USE HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET Cedar Ridge Church Expansion, LUA16-000128, ECF, CU-H January 10, 2017, 11:00 AM PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ADDRESS Phone# with area code (including City & Zip) (aptianal) -ZC.-=/1 ~f::ltY/1="' lp'1 /y'/E -<h&?Y'~ 1-ie, ~ "t$/5"fi :z~ ~7 3',-.P,:? :t.'i/?ort 1/li;!!.Avb ~ A"1~~~ C,l?o9'L z~-3-7 t/o -oz 9/ I (pc./25r //31,. f(Jv.J De U~'i'ga --V2-)" ~)-01;~ ) Email (aptianal) /4(,,U'ft "1, 11 ~ ~ ,,r-,:-d?l:ied,,:,,,:;z/,~ $, ~' I~ ,.Yc:r.s:r.:r~Co"""IC't -- • Project Name: • CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER, EXHIBITS Project Number: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion LUA16-000128 Date of Hearing January 10, 2017 Staff Contact Jill Ding Project Contact/Applicant Peter Harvard, Gabbert Architects Project Location 11411 SE 164" Street The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: Exhibit 8: Exhibit 9: Exhibit 10: Exhibit 11: Exhibit 12: Exhibit 13: Exhibit 14: Exhibit 15: Exhibit 16: Exhibit 17: Exhibit 18: Exhibit 19: Environmental Review Committee Report Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation, prepared by Nelson Geotechnical Associates, Inc., dated September 25, 2015 Critical Areas Study and wetland delineation prepared by ACRE Environmental Consulting, LLC, dated January 1, 2016 Technical Information Report (TIR) prepared by Touma Engineers, dated February 14, 2016 Traffic Impact Analysis, prepared by Christopher Faulkner, PE, dated January 30, 2016 Site Plan Phase I and II (Sheets Al.0 and Al.l), prepared by Gabbert Architects Planners, dated 2/18/16 Landscape Plan Building Elevations (Phase I and II) Grading and Drainage Plan Advisory Notes HEX Staff Recommendation Revised Site Plan, dated received November 17, 2016 Overall Floor Plans, dated received November 17, 2016 Revised Building Elevations, dated received November 17, 2016 Updated Advisory Notes Tree Retention Plan Transportation Concurrency Memo SEPA Determination of Non-Significance Photos of other non-residential structures in residential zones ------~RentOil ® ( ( Main Office 17311 "!'" 135 111 Ave NE, A-500 Woodinville, WA 98072 (425) 486-1669 · FAX (425) 481-2510 September 25, 2015 Mr. Siegfried Schmidt Cedar Ridge Church of Christ P.O. Rox 5355 Kent, Washington NELSON GEOTECHNICAL AsSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS Engineering-Geology Branch 5526 lndustry ume, #'l East Wenatchee. WA 98802 (509) 665-76% · FAX (509) 665-7692 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion 11411 SE l64'h Street Renton, Washington NGA File No. 933515 Dear Mr. Schmidt: We are pleased to submit the attached report titled "Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation -Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion -11411 SE 164"' Street-Renton, Washington." The parcel number for the property is 008800-0320. This report summarizes the existing surface and subsurface conditions within the site and provides general recommendations for the proposed site development. Our services were completed in general accordance with our proposal signed by you on August 12, 2015. The site is currently occupied by an existing church building within the relatively level bench area within the central portion of the site. The ground surface slopes gently to moderately from the higher elevation level bench area within the vicinity of the existing building in all directions. A moderate southwest- facing slope is located within the southern portion of the property with designated wetlands to the south of the toe of the slope. We understand that the proposed development plan consists of expanding the existing building in multiple phases. The first phase of the project consists r• ----~ .. -·'----·· ' ., •· north of and adjacent to the existing church structure to serve as the congr Full Document existing building will remain in its current unaltered configuration until ph Available upon Request two will consist of either replacing or remodeling the current buildir administrative offices. A fellowship hall and kitchen on the south end of th, the current building is replaced. New access driveways extending from EXHIBIT 2 ( • CRITICAL AREAS STUDY FOR Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Tax Parcel Na. 008800-0320 Acre Project #14032 Prepared By: Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC. 17715 281h Ave. NE Lake Forest Park, WA 98155 (206) 450-7746 For: Cedar Ridge Church of Christ PO Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 December 22, 2014 Revision #1: January 21, 2016 Full Document Available upon Request EXHIBIT 3 (' r \_. ( TIR STORM DRAINAGE REPORT FOR CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH 11411 SE 114th STREET RENTON,WASHINGTON FILE NO. 1016-001-015 PREPARED BY TOUMA ENGlNEERS 255 SW 41" STREET RENTON, WA. 98057 (425) 251-0665 February 14, 2016 Full Document Available upon Request IEx~ibitl EXHIBIT 4 ( ( CITY OF RENTON CEDAR RIDGE CHRURCH EXPANSION TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Prepared for: Mr. Marlin Gabbert AIA, AICP GABBERT ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 18422 -103n1 Ave N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 Prepared by: Christopher Faulkner, PE I 0827 z•d Ave SW Seattle, WA 98146 (206) 788-7993 December 22, 2015 Revised: January 30th, 2016 Full Document Available upon Request IEx~ibitl EXHIBIT 5 g J.ISIHX3 l11q1~3 1 I -·· i -.. _, ···-,. I !"9 ' • • J ; \ / J .... _::, 1--·t " ( -~ 1l .~·-·q·'. '(1 ~ J; I n;H Iii du q I (/) =l m ar lf' r z 1 iH , ~1 it !i l ,, H Ii~ I 0 din i ;u I ~ I ! i 0 iii n1 z . ~ il j nt § ; I R u ~ ~ 111 ~ i I a I ~ 2 ill ¥ ~ l l Ii j I • 1;s§ m~ .. G) • ;;i iiiiU ;o ~ aJ1U m i t'e "ti !~m > z 1g 'i' m :~lat (') )> a r ~ (') C • > ::I 0 z ~ i 1r,, 11 ~ ,1~ =:::::. GABBERT I -"' w I Ami. ..._..->__ A,c h ,t•c 1 , = .........,....._ Plonne,, ~-----=--------~ --· .. -,.C-_.... ___ ,., C!DAt IIDG! CHUtCH C!OAI IIOG! CHURCH '") ~ ' ' ' @ ' ' : ' i ' ) ) a ' ; ' i ' , ' ij ' - I I l ! I I I ' I I I I j I ; I I I 1 I • ! ' l ' ; lllm~ 9 ' ' ; z ! ! • ~ 1 i ! I B ' ' • i ' • ' 9 ' ! ' I ; ·, I ' I ' 1 I l I I I I ! I ! 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EXHIBIT9 ADVISORY NOTES TO AP~ANT LUA16-000128 Application Date: February 18, 2016 Name: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion Site Address: 11411 SE 164th St Renton, WA 98055-5213 PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I PoU!=e Pli!n Review .C:om.ments Cqntact: Sanclra V\,'.hittington I 425-430-7519 I swhittington@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: PROJECT LUA16 000128 Cedar Ridge Church Expansion City of Renton Department of Planning/ Building/ Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENTAL APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET POLICE RELATED COMMENTS 84 Police Calls for Service Estimated Annually CONSTRUCTION PHASE Theft from construction sites is one of the most commonly reported crimes in the City. To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. The site should have security lighting, and any construction or storage trailers should be completely fenced in with portable chain link fencing. The fence will provide both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective criminal and will demonstrate that the area is private property. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should be fitted with heavy duty deadbolts with a minimum 1 1/2" throw when bolted. Any construction material that contains copper should be removed from the construction site at the end of each working day. Glass windows in construction trailers should be shatter resistant. Toolboxes and storage containers should be secured with heavy duty padlocks and kept locked when not in use. 'No Trespassing" signs should be posted on the property during the construction phase. These signs allow officers, upon contact, to provide a verbal warning to trespassers that should they be contacted on the property again, they could be cited and/or arrested. COMPLETED COMPLEX All exterior doors should be made of solid metal or metal over wood, with heavy duty deadbolt locks, latch guards or pry resistant cylinders around the locks, and peepholes. All strike plates should have 2 1/2 to 3" wood screws. And any lever handled doorknob located on the outside is discouraged. These are easy to pry/damage to obtain access inside a building. If you have a deadbolt as a secondary lock, levers are fine. Where egress might be an issue, bar releases can be installed to meet Fire Code requirements. This would include any supply, utility or maintenance rooms. If glass doors are used, they should be fitted with the hardware described above and additionally be fitted with a layer of security film. Security film can increase the strength of the glass by up to 300%, greatly reducing the likelihood of breaking glass to gain entry. All areas of this project need to have adequate lighting. This will assist in the deterrent of theft from motor vehicle (one of the most common crimes in Renton) as well as provide safe pedestrian travel for both patients and staff. It is recommended that the commercial areas be monitored with recorded security alarm systems installed. It's not uncommon for businesses to experience theft and/or vandalism during the hours of darkness. An auxiliary security service could be used to patrol the property during those times. It is important to direct all foot traffic towards the main entrance of the buildings. Any alternative employee entrances should have controlled access doors to prevent trespassing. Landscaping should be installed with the objective of allowing visibility -not too dense and not too high. Too much landscaping will make patients and staff feel isolated and will provide criminals with concealment to commit crimes such as burglary, theft, malicious mischief, etc. With the expanse of land surrounding this site, there is also the possibility of attracting transients to this area. It's important to keep the dumpster areas located within a housing and locked when not in use. I highly recommend that the developer have a Renton Police Crime Prevention Representative conduct a security survey of the premises once construction is comnlete. EXHIBIT 10 Ran: March 17, 2016 1::xh1b1t 10 Page 1 of 5 ADVISORY NOTES TO AP~ANT LUA 16-000128 PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I . . Planning R~vlew, Co1111!)ents . , Co_ntact: Jill Ding I 425:430-6598 I jding@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: 1. AMC section 4 4 030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2. Commercial, multi family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surtace Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. A National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is being cleared. 5. The applicant will be required to comply with all the code requirements of AMC 4 3 050 Critical Areas. This includes, but is not limited to, placing the critical area within a Native Growth Protection Easement, providing fencing and signage, and providing the City with a site restoration surety device and, later, a maintenance and monitoring surety device. 6. The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained. 7. The applicant shall erect and maintain six foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees, or along the perimeter of a stand of retained trees. Placards shall be placed on fencing every fifty feet (SO') indicating the words, "NO TRESPASSING -Protected Trees" or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (SO'). Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. B. This permit is shall comply with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The permitted is responsible for adhering to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Bald Eanle Manaaement Guidelines (2007\ and /or vour U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service nermit. - -' ' _. ·_;. . . •," . . .. _;" l;!!gineering f!eview Coml!lelit11 .Gontact: l_an Fitz-James I 425-430-7288 I tti!Z'iame~@rentonwa,gov Recommendations: I have reviewed the application for the Cedar Ridge Church Expansion located at 11411 SE 164th Street and have the following comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER: Water service is provided by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A water availability certificate was received by the City on February 18, 2016. SEWER: Sewer service is provided by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A sewer availability certificate was received by the City on February 18, 2016. STORM: There are two Threshold Discharge Areas (TOA) on site. Most of the northeastern portion of the site flows north to the southern frontage ol 164th Street NE. This portion of the site is part of the Lower Cedar River drainage basin. The rest of the site flows south and is part of the Soos Creek drainage basin. There is a small northern portion of the site that is part of the Soos Creek drainage basin. Please see the description below. The eastern driveway for 11417 SE 164th Street (parcel NE of church parcel), serves at the high point for the drainage along the southern frontage of SE 164th Street. From this high point, a ditch conveys stormwater west, under the western driveway for 11417 SE 164th Street, and then to the corner of SE 164th Street and 113th Avenue SE. Drainage conveyed west from this high point is part of the Soos Creek drainage basin. Heading east from the high point, stormwater is conveyed by a 12" storm drain with type 1 catch basins. This storm drain conveys the majority of the drainage from the northeastern portion of the site. This drainage is part of the Lower Cedar River drainage basin. The piped conveyance drains to the public storm drain in 116th Avenue NE. At the second type 1 catch basin east of the driveway, COR Facility ID #137670, a private French drain from the south is intercepted. According to the property owner of 11417 SE 164th Street, the French drain runs through his property back to the church. Also according to the owner, the French drain has capacity issues and occasionally results in flooding of his yard and the yard of 11421 SE 164th Street. The City of Renton does not have any formal drainage complaints in this area. Drainage from the southern portion of the site flows to existing wetlands. This portion of the site is part of the Soos Creek drainage basin. STREETS: The existing right of way along SE 164th Street is approximately 60 feet. The width of the pavement is approximately 40 feet. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER COMMENTS Ran: March 17, 2016 Page 2 of 5 ADVISORY NOTES TO APitlcANT LUA 16-000128 PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I Engineering R.evlew Com!l'l.ents . . .. Contact: Ian Fitz:James 1425,430-7288 I ifjtz-james@rentonwa.gov 1. Review of the water plans will be conducted by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District and the City of Renton Fire Department. 2. Plans approved by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District shall be routed to the City for final review prior to permit issuance. SEWER COMMENTS 1. Review of the sewer plans will be conducted by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District and the King County Wastewater Treatment Division. 2. Plans approved by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District shall be routed to the City for final review prior to permit issuance. STORM DRAINAGE COMMENTS 1. A Preliminary Technical Information Report completed by Touma Engineers was submitted to the City on February 18, 2016. The site is approximately 3.87 acres in size and contains a church and asphalt parking lot. The remainder of the site is covered by grass and trees. 2. The site is in the Flow Control Duration Standard (Forested Conditions) and requires Enhanced Water Quality. The site contains two Threshold Drainage Areas (TDA). One TDA is tributary to the Lower Cedar River and the other is to Soos Creek. The preliminary TIA notes the TDAs as Black River and Soos Creek. Please have the TIA updated to reflect this. 3. The applicant is proposing to develop the property in two phases. The site consists of two separate Threshold Discharge Areas (TDA). Both TDAs require a full drainage review. In phase 1, construction will impact the north basin (Lower Cedar River) and in phase 2, construction will impact the south basin (Soos Creek). 4. The project is proposing a combination detention/ wetvault design for each TDA in accordance with the 2009 KCSWDM and the 2010 City of Renton Amendments for Level 2 Flow Control and Basic Water Quality. This site requires Enhanced Water Quality. Thus, a wetvault is not an acceptable water quality option. Please Reference Section 6.1.2 of the City amendments to the 2009 KCSWDM for approved enhanced water quality options. 5. The site will require an on site Flow Control BMP. Please see section of the City amendments to the KCSWDM for the Flow Control BMPs Requirement. 6. Please revise the Level 1 downstream analysis found in Task 3: Field Inspection for the North Basin. The downstream flowpath described does not agree with conditions observed in the field or with the City's mapping of the storm drainage system. Please reference COR maps for more information on storm drainage conveyance pipes and ditches in the project vicinity. 7. Please locate and display the existing French drain that drains north from the project site to the Type 1 Catch Basin (COR Facility #137670) on the drainage site plan. Address how you plan to address this French drain in the updated TIA. 8. A thorough description of the proposed drainage facilities and layout along with all incomplete information from the Core Requirements shall be provided in the final report. 9. A Geotechnical Report completed by Nelson Geotechnical Associates was submitted to the City on February 18, 2016. Per the report, this site is unsuitable for large scale stormwater infiltration. Per the report, pervious pavement, bio swales, or rain gardens may be feasible in specific areas of the site. 10. A Construction Stormwater General Permit from the Washington Department of Ecology will be required since clearing of the site exceeds one acre. 11 . The development is subject to a system development charge (SDC) of $0.0594 per square foot of new impervious surtace area, but not less than $1,485.00. TRANSPORTATION/STREET COMMENTS Ran: March 17, 2016 Page 3 of 5 ADVISORY NOTES TO AP.ANT LUA 16-000128 PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I ··.· -,:,-., ._c -, .·. ·:--''.i' . , ,. ,, " . , ·.. . ,,, .. ' . . ' Engineering Review Comments . Contact:. Ian Fitz,James I 425,430-7288 lifitz'jaiTies@rentonwa.gov 1. The current transportation impact fee rate for a church is $1.70 per square foot. The transportation impact fee that is current at the time of building permit application will be levied. Payment of the transportation impact fee is due at the time of issuance of the building permit. 2. SE 164th Street is classified as a Residential Access street. No right of way dedication is required for SE 164th Street. 3. Frontage improvements for SEC 164th Street include a 5' sidewalk, 8' landscaping strip, curb and gutter, and ADA ramp. 4. The applicant may submit an application to the City requesting a modification of the street frontage improvements as outlined in City code 4 9 250C5d. 5. Right of way dedication and street frontage improvements are required for building expansions valued over $50,000.00. 6. The existing access is approximately 1 O' in paving width. A 20' wide paved access may be required per the Fire Department. 7. A Traffic Impact Analysis is required. The analysis is to include the intersection of SE 164th Street and 114th Avenue SE, the location of the existing driveway and 114th Avenue SE to determine if this location is suitable or if it should be moved. 8. Paving and trench restoration shall comply with the City's Trench Restoration and Overlay requirements. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. The SDCs listed are for 2016. The fees that are current at the lime of the building permit application will be levied. Please see the City of Renton website for the current SDCs. 2. The survey and all civil plans shall conform to the current City of Renton survey and drafting standards. Current drafting standards can be found on the City of Renton website. 3. A final survey that is stamped and signed by the professional land surveyor of record will need to be provided. All existing utilities need to be surveyed and shown. Please reference COR Maps for mapping and records of existing utilities in the project vicinity. 4. Separate plan submittals will be required for construction permits for utility work and street improvements. All plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer in the State of Washington. 5. Separate permits and fees for side sewers and water services shall be obtained by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. 6. Rockeries or retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height will require a separate building permit. Structural calculations and plans prepared by a licensed engineer will be required. 7. A final tree removal/retention plan and landscape plan shall be included with the civil plan submittal. 8. When utility plans are complete, please submit four (4) copies of the plans, two (2) copies of the drainage report, an electronic copy of each, the oerrnit annlication, an itemized cost of construction estimate, and annlication fee to the counter of the sixth floor. T11eh61'.i1,~ht'iiJ~co_m.:,,erjts . <·, .: < ·.··· Contact: ~mandal\skreii I 425,430-7369,laaskreo@renionYJa.gtv Recommendations: Topographic and Boundary survey show encroachments from Parcel 0088000325 aka 11417 SE 164th Street. What is the plan to resolve the encroachments as shown? . Flrii~Rimwim.t,c11~g.C~itflilii'rits'. . '"''.,;·;, .. . . ; ,·,··;}F \., ·~3~{i:ctrii~J~ts 1· 425l43Q, 7Q24 j 6thtlr,\~i@ r~htonwa:~~~' Recommendations: Environmental Impact Comments: 1. Fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $0.25 per square foot of commercial space. This fee is paid at lime of building permit issuance. Code Related Comments: 1. The preliminary fire flow is 1,750 gpm based on a fully fire sprinklered building. A minimum of one hydrant is required within 150 feet Ran: March 17, 2016 Page 4 of 5 ADVISORY NOTES TO AP~ANT LUA 16-000128 PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I . ,, .\'·: ""'.·';'!,-'.,';<:::":.·: ,,-· .;;'~'· ' \"-".·' ~· : ' '' \, Fire Re,view • Building C:omni~nts Contact_: Corey Thomas I 425-430-7024 I cthomas@rentonwa.gov of the structure and one additional hydrant is required within 300 feet of the structure. One hydrant also is required within 50 feet of the fire department fire sprinkler connection. There appears to be one existing hydrant within 300 feet of the proposed building. An on site water main extension is required to provide adequate fire flow, one new hydrant and an adequately sized main to supply the required fire sprinkler system. An updated water availability certificate is required from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District that can demonstrate that 1,750 gpm is available at this location. 2. Approved fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems are required throughout the building. Separate plans and permits required by the fire department. Direct outside access is required to the fire sprinkler riser room. Fully addressable and full detection is required for the fire alarm system. The use of a voice type fire alarm system would be required for full time private school occupancy. 3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150 feet of all points on the building. Fire lane signage required for the on site roadway. Required turning radius are 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside. Roadways shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. Roadways shall be fully paved and support a minimum of a 30 ton vehicle and 75 psi point loading. 4. An electronic site plan is required prior to occupancy for pre fire planning purposes. 5. An annual place of assembly permit is required through the fire department. 6. An automated external defibrillator is required if the final occupant load is over 300 persons. 7. Separate plans and nermits shall be submitted to the Renton Fire Department for kitchen hood fire sunnression svstems. Ran: March 17, 2016 Page 5 of 5 I I ~ ;' u IE EB J I ED~ I _ ,v,,,.1,t-=n Ml.- 1 .. p 8 ,. iii I --, ~ g Cl i p w -·· Auh l ttc tt P11n1trs ~ t u "{ i I . I ·1 • 1t . ) ... ·-·- CIDAI IIDGf CHUICH CEOAI IIDGI CHUICH 'J ' /J . • I Ct-, 'I . 'r . i . ~ . . I l ,, ? 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CHURCH --) =1 -0 .. 1"="'1 1 .... ,., _____ I CEDAR UDGE CHUICH ADVISORY NOTES TO APPL.NT LUA16-000128 • --------Renton 0 Application Data: February 18, 2016 Name: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion Site Address: 11411 SE 164th St Renton, WA 98055-5213 PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I December 22, 2016 ·. ·contact: Ian Fitz-James 1425430-72881 ifitz-james@rentonwa.gov Engineering Review Comments Recommendations: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: December 21, 2016 TO: Jill Ding, Senior Planner FROM: Ian Fitz James, Civil Plan Reviewer SUBJECT: Utility and Transportation Comments for the Cedar Ridge Church Expansion 11411 SE 164th Street LUA 16 000128 I have reviewed the application for the Cedar Ridge Church Expansion located at 11411 SE 164th Street and have the following comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER: Water service is provided by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A water availability certificate was received by the City on February 18, 2016. SEWER: Sewer service is provided by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A sewer availability certificate was received by the City on February 18, 2016. STORM: There are two Threshold Discharge Areas (TOA) on site. Most of the northeastern portion of the site flows north to the southern frontage of 164th Street NE. This portion of the site Is part of the Lower Cedar River drainage basin. The rest of the site flows south and is part of the Soos Creek drainage basin. There is a small northern portion of the site that is part of the Soos Creek drainage basin. Please see the description below. The eastern driveway for 11417 SE 164th Street (parcel NE of church parcel), serves at the high point for the drainage along the southern frontage of SE 164th Street. From this high point, a ditch conveys stormwater west, under the western driveway for 11417 SE 164th Street, and then to the corner of SE 164th Street and 113th Avenue SE. Drainage conveyed west from this hlgh point is part of the Soos Creek drainage basin. Heading east from the high point, stormwater is conveyed by a 12· storm drain with type 1 catch basins. This storm drain conveys the majority of the drainage from the northeastern portion of the site. This drainage is part of the Lower Cedar River drainage basin. The piped conveyance drains to the public storm drain in 116th Avenue NE. At the second type 1 catch basin east of the driveway, COR Facility ID #137670, a private French drain from the south Is intercepted. According to the property owner of 11417 SE 164th Street, the French drain runs through his property back to the church. Also according to the owner, the French drain has capacity issues and occasionally results in flooding of his yard and the yard of 11421 SE 164th Street. The City of Renton does not have any formal drainage complaints in this area. Drainage from the southern portion of the site flows to existing wetlands. This portion of the site is part of the Soos Creek drainage basin. STREETS: SE 164th Street adjacent to the site is classified as a residential access street. The existing right of way along SE 164th Street is approximately 60 feet. The width of the pavement is approximately 40 feet. There is no curb or sidewalk along the site frontage. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER COMMENTS 1. Review of the water plans will be conducted by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District and the Renton Fire Authority. 2. Plans approved by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District shall be routed to the City for final review prior to permit issuance. SEWER COMMENTS 1. Review of the sewer plans will be conducted by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. 2. Plans approved by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District shall be routed to the City for final review prior to permit issuance. STORM DRAINAGE COMMENTS 1. Effective January 1, 2017, the City of Renton will be adopting a new stormwater manual. A draft of the new stormwater manual is available on the City's website. All projects vested after January 1, 2017 will be subject to these new stormwater requirements. Please refer Ran: January 02, 2017 Exhibit 15 Page 1 of4 ---------------- ADVISORY NOTES TO APPL.NT LUA16-000128 • -------Renton® PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I December 22, 2016 .· Engineering Review Comments Contact: Ian Fitz-James 1425-430-7288 I ifitz-James@rentonwa.gov to RMC 4 1 045 for Information regarding project vesting. 2. A complete drainage report in accordance with the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual is required with the construction permit submittal. All core and special requirements to the City of Renton shall be addressed in the final TIR. 3. A Preliminary Technical Information Report (TIR) completed by Touma Engineers was submitted to the City on February 18, 2016. The Preliminary TIR was assembled in accordance with the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual as amended by the City of Renton. The site is approximately 2.55 acres in size and contains a church, gravel parking lot and driveway, grass, and trees. The site contains two Threshold Discharge Areas (TOAs) and is located in the City's Flow Control Duration Standard (Forested Conditions). One TOA is tributary to the Lower Cedar River and the other is to Soos Creek. The original TIR was written to account for a two phase project. Phase 1 of the project was to build a new church building west of the existing church building and a new asphalt parking lot. Phase 2 of the project was to expand and remodel the existing church building. The new site plan has eliminated all of Phase 2, revised the new building design, and altered the parking lot design. The new parking lot is significantly smaller than what was proposed before and includes several grass parking stalls. A new TIR was not submitted with the new site p1an. The original TIR proposed a wetvault to meet the northern basin's flow control and water quality requirements and a wetpond to meet the southern basin's flow control and water quality requirements. The new site plan proposes two detention ponds to meet the flow control requirements. The final TIR should evaluate whether the southern detention pond is still necessary due to the reduced scope of work. The site is subject to the Enhanced Basic Water Quality treatment standards. The Enhanced Basic Water Quality treatment standards may be reduced to the Basic Water Quality Treatment standards provided that an exception in Section c;,f the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual is met. Awetpond is not a permitted Enhanced Basic Water Quality treatment device. On site BMPs satisfying Core Requirement #9 will be required for the site. On site BMPs shall be implemented as shown in Section C.1.3.2 of the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual. 4. Locate and display the existing French drain that drains north from the project site to the Type 1 Catch Basin (COR Facility #137670) north of 11417 SE 164th Street on the drainage site plan. Show and explain how you plan to accommodate drainage from this French drain In the construction plans and final TIR. 5. A Geotechnical Report completed by Nelson Geotechnical Associates and dated September 25, 2015 was submitted to the City on February 18, 2016. Per the report, this site is unsuitable for large scale stormwater infiltration. Per the report, pervious pavement, bio swales, or rain gardens may be feasible in specific areas of the site. An amendment to the geotechnlcal report shall be included to evaluate feasibility of the required On Site BMPs per Section C.1.3.2 of the 2017 Renton Surlace Water Design Manual. See Section C.1.3 for the complete soils report requirements. 6. A Construction Stormwater General Permit from the Washington Department of Ecology will be required if clearing of the site exceeds one acre. 7. The development is subject to a system development charge (SOC) for stormwater of $0.641 per square foot of new impervious surface area, but not less than $1,608.00. The SOC listed is for 2017. The SDC that is current at the time of construction permit issuance will be levied. TRANSPORTATION/STREET COMMENTS 1. The 2017 transportation impact fee rate for a church is $2.68 per square foot of building. The transportation impact fee that is current at the time of building permit issuance will be levied. 2. Per RMC 4 6 060, right of way dedication and street frontage improvements are required for new construction or additions valued at over $50,000. · · SE 164th Street is classified as a residential access street. Per RMC 4 6 060, the minimum right of way width for a residential access street is 53'. The minimum paved roadway width is 26' consisting of 2 -10' travel lanes and a 6' parking lane on one side of the street. A 0.5' curb, 8' planter, and 5' sidewalk are required along the frontage. Per the King County Assessor's Map, the existing right of way width for SE 164th Street is approximately 60'. No right of way dedication is required for SE 164th Street. Ran: January 02, 2017 Page 2 of 4 ,---------------------------------------------------------- • ADVISORY NOTES TO APPL.NT LUA 16-000128 --------Renton 8 PLAN. Planning Review. Land Use Version 1 I December 22, 2016 eriginee~:1nStR,~ij~.,c;c;n,me_l1ts --: ;,\;,,_, · . __ :_ . .': -)/ .. { ;;<:~}~_~cit:·q';·n)~-ifl~~~-~~f;~~~O;f?;:a:·~fJ;~J~m~t@rent~·~;a:11-~i~~: Curb ramps per WSDOT and ADA standards shall be constructed as necessary to allow for pedestrian connectivity to the surrounding paved shoulders. 3. The new drive access/ aisle and all roads used for fire access shall meet all standards put forth by the Renton Fire Authority. 4. A Traffic Impact Report completed by Christopher Faulkner and dated January 30, 2016 was submitted to the City on February 18, 2016. A Traffic Impact Analysis is required when estimated vehicular traffic from a proposed development exceeds 20 vehicles per hour in either the AM (6:00 -9:00) or PM (3:00-6:00) peak periods of a weekday. The Engineer states that the proposed project does not meet either of these thresholds. Using the Church Land Use (No. 560) in the ITE Manual, It was confirmed that the Church will generate approximately 7 vehicles per hour in both the AM and PM peak weekday periods. Thus, a Traffic Impact Analysis is not required. In addition, the Engineer met with the Church leadership and provided a list of times when the site will be used. The list is provided below. Sunday Morning worship service from 9:00 AM to 11 :00 AM Wednesday Night Bible study starting at 6:30 PM Frtday Night youth group from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM None of the above uses conflict with peak travel times defined by the City. The report also notes that a Church office does not currently exist and one ls not proposed. 5. Per RMC 4 6 060, public street frontages along commercial sites with proposed buildings larger than 5,000 square feet in size are required to conform to the City's street lighting standards. A street lighting plan shall be submitted with the construction permit submittal. 6. Paving and trench restoration within the City of Renton right of way shall comply with the City's Street Restoration and Overlay requirements. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. The SDCs listed are for 2017. The fees that are current at the time of the buildlng permit application will be levied. Please see the City of Renton website for the current SDCs. 2. Retaining walls or rockeries that are 4' or taller from bottom of footing will require a separate building permit. Structural calculations and plans prepared by a licensed engineer will be required. 3. The survey and all civil plans shall conform to the current City of Renton survey and drafting standards. Current drafting standards can be found on the City of Renton website. 4. A final survey that is stamped and signed by the professional land surveyor of record will need to be provided. All existing utilities need to be surveyed and shown. Please reference COR Maps for mapping and records of existing utilities in the project vicinity. 5. A separate plan submittal will be required for a construction permit for utility work and street improvements. All plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer in the State of Washington. 6. A final tree removal/retention plan and landscape plan shall be included with the civil plan submittal. 7. When construction plans are complete, please contact the City to schedule an intake meeting. Construction permit submittal includes three (3) copies of the plans, two (2) copies of the drainage report, an electronic copy of each, the permit application, an itemized construction estimate, and application fee to the counter on the sixth floor. 8. Seoarate oermits and fees for side sewers and water services shall be obtained from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. •-,;;· •'' -.,-,..,-___ :,,,.,_. '-· . " ; __ 1 Contact: Cyndie Parks 1425-430'7521 I cparks@rentonwa.gov Police Plan Review Comments Fire Review • Building Comments .... Coniact: Corey}honlas 1425430-7024.I cthomas@rentonrf~.org Recommendations: Environmental Impact Comments: 1. Fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $0.36 per square foot of commercial space. This fee is paid at time of building permit Ran: January 02, 2017 Page 3 of4 • ADVISORY NOTES TO APPL.NT LUA16-000128 -------Renton® PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I December 22, 2016 Fire ~ylei. B~11~1~i~~tii'iints ; t r ....• . ' k) •. ,.: ; • 1,i!l¥,1*:i~It~~i:.~1: CorJ~ Th~~~i:i 4~~-43Q~"(<J2<1'.1.i6ii\aj@reQlcl~rf~:()t; issuance. Code Related Comments: 1. The preliminary fire flow is 1,750 gpm based on a fully fire sprinklered building. A minimum of one hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structure and one additional hydrant is required within 300 feet of the structure. One hydrant also is required within 50 feet of the fire department fire sprinkler connection. There appears to be one existing hydrant within 300 feet of the proposed building. An on site water main extension is required to provide adequate fire flow, one new hydrant and an adequately sized main to supply the required fire sprinkler system. An updated water availability certificate is required from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District that can demonstrate that 1,750 gpm is available at this location. 2. Approved fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems are required throughout the building. Separate plans and permits required by the fire department. Direct outside access is required to the fire sprinkler riser room. Fully addressable and full detection is required for the fire alarm system. The use of a voice type fire alarm system would be required for full time private school occupancy. 3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150 feet of all points on the building. Fire lane signage required for the on site roadway. Required turning radius are 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside. Roadways shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. Roadways shall be fully paved and support a minimum of a 30 ton vehicle and 75 psi point loading. 4. An electronic site plan is required prior to occupancy for pre fire planning purposes. 5. An annual place of assembly permit is required through the fire department. 6. An automated external defibrillator Is required lf the final occupant load Is over 300 persons. 7. Separate olans and oermits shall be submitted to the Renton Fire Deoartment for kitchen hood fire sunnression svstems. • .. , , / -,· ,'.-::' -·.·;'._'·''. " "'' ·_·: ,-,. '·'<,,:,,J'Cp:;,;'1£;,,··:"_''.,_,·:-·,{.f;i'0'''.'_"\}';F,•,>!_~<·,:1,i;, .--'(>'. •;'~ _._ ·\c /.,'-,.;. · ','. Trarisportatlori Engineering Review Comments . , ·.· . , > .i;C:c,nt,,ct: Brianne Bannwarttil 425-430-72991 bbannwarth@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: Traffic Concurrency Test passed. See documents folder for report. Ran: January 02, 2017 Page 4 of 4 ( ( • 1--'-"-'-•'" 'r/M 'NOlN]H 'trnus Hlt ! l 3$ l t I> I! H)nHHO 3DQJ~ ~V03J N\fld ).~01N3J\N/ 33~1 --""""'"' __ ,..(<;,, ..... _,.,..,, ... , .... .,,.... ..... _.,,. ' ' ' ' -=~ ' ' ' ' ' ' •, ' ' ' ' ' ' • • -· ... Exhibit 16 • • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM December 22, 2016 Jill Ding, Senior Planner Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Traffic Concurrency Test -Cedar River Church Expansion; File No. LUA16-000128 The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit, Environmental {SEPA) Review, and a Height Variance for a proposed addition to the Cedar Ridge Church. The proposed addition would include a 3,237 square foot basement, 6,210 square foot main floor, and 2,733 square foot balcony for a total area of 12,180 square feet. The proposal would increase the existing total seating capacity within the church to 301. The existing original 2,540 square foot church building would remain and would be converted to classroom and fellowship hall space. The project site totals 168,630 square feet {3.87 acres) and is zoned Residential-8 (R-8). The proposed project includes the addition of 20 parking spaces, resulting in a total of 60 parking spaces on site. Access to the site would remain off of SE 164th Street via one curb cut. A SEPA Determination of Non-Significance was issued on March 21, 2016. The proposed development would generate a reduction in approximately 111 net new average weekday daily trips. During the weekday AM peak hour, the project would generate approximately 7 net new trips (4 inbound and 3 outbound). During the weekday PM peak hour, the project would generate a reduction of approximately 7 net new trips (4 inbound and 3 outbound). The proposed project passes the City of Renton Traffic Concurrency Test per RMC 4-6-070.D as follows: Exhibit 17 • Transportation Concurrency Test -Cedar River Church Expansion Page 2 of 3 December 22, 2016 Traffic Concurrency Test Criteria Implementation of citywide Transportation Plan Within allowed growth levels Project subject to transportation mitigation or impact fees Site specific street improvements to be completed by project Traffic Concurrency Test Passes Evaluation of Test Criteria • Pass Yes Yes Yes Yes Implementation of citywide Transportation Plan: As shown on the attached citywide traffic concurrency summary, the city's investment in completion of the forecast traffic improvements are at 130% of the scheduled expenditure through 2016. Within allowed growth levels: As shown on the attached citywide traffic concurrency summary, the calculated citywide trip capacity for concurrency with the city adopted model for 2016 is 79,353 trips, which provides sufficient capacity to accommodate the reduction of 111 trips from this project. A resulting 79,242 trips are remaining. Project subject to transportation mitigation or impact fees: The project will be subject to transportation impact fees at time of building permit for the project. Site specific street improvements to be completed by project: The project will be required to complete all internal and frontage street improvements for the building prior to occupancy. Any additional off-site improvements identified through SEPA or land use approval will also be completed prior to final occupancy. Background Information on Traffic Concurrency Test for Renton The City of Renton Traffic Concurrency requirements for proposed development projects are covered under Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-6-070. The specific concurrency test requirement is covered in RMC 4-6-070.D, which is listed for reference: D. CONCURRENCY REVIEW PROCESS: l. Test Required: A concurrency test shall be conducted by the Deportment for each nonexempt development activity. The concurrency test shall determine consistency with the adopted Citywide Level of Service Index and Concurrency Management System established in the Transportation Element of the Renton Comprehensive Plan, according to rules and procedures established by the Department. The Department shall issue an initial concurrency test result describing the outcome of the concurrency test. • Transportation Concurrency Test -Cedar River Church Expansion Page 3 of 3 December 22, 2016 • 2. Written Finding Required: Prior to approval of ony nonexempt development activity permit application, a written finding of concurrency shall be made by the City os part of the development permit approval. The finding of concurrency shall be made by the decision maker with the authority to approve the accompanying development permits required for a development activity. A written finding of concurrency shall apply only to the specific land uses, densities, intensities, and development project described in the application and development permit. 3. Failure af Test: if no reconsideration is requested, or if upon reconsideration a project fails the concurrency test, the project application shall be denied by the decision maker with the authority to approve the accompanying development activity permit application. The Concurrency Management System established in the Transportation Element on page Xl-65 of the Comprehensive Plan states the following: Based upon the test of the citywide Transportation Plan, consideration of growth levels included in the LOS-tested Transportation Plan, payment of a Transportation Mitigation Fee, and an application of site specific mitigation, development will have met City of Renton concurrency requirements. • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) PROJECT NUMBER: APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: LUAl&-000128, ECF, CU-P David Pagel, Gabbert Architects Planners Cedar Ridge Church Expansion PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit approval for the proposed addition to the Cedar Ridge Church. The proposed addition would occur in two phases. Phase 1 would include the addition of 8,9D8 square foot sanctuary to the existing church building and would increase the existing total seating capacity within the church to 301. The existing original 2,540 square foot church building would remain as part of this phase and would be converted to classroom and fellowship hall space. In Phase 2 the existing original 2,540 square foot church building would be demolished and replaced with a 6,879 square foot addition which would include a kitchen, fellowship hall, and additional meeting and classrooms. The project site totals 168,630 square feet (3.87 acres) and is zoned Residential-8 (R-8). The proposed project includes the addition of 55 parking spaces by the end of phase 2, resulting in a total of 95 parking spaces on site. A total of 61 spaces would be available after the completion of phase 1. Access to the site would remain off of SE 164th Street via one curb cut. A sensitive slope (grade between 25 and 40 percent) and two Category 3 wetlands have been identified on the project site (Wetlands A and B). Wetland A would have a standard buffer of 100 feet and Wetland B would have a standard buffer of 75 feet. Wetland buffer averaging is proposed to accommodate the proposed church expansion. PROJECT LOCATION: LEAD AGENCY: 11411 SE 1641h Street (Parcel No. 008800-0320) City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This Determination of Non-Significance is issued under WAC 197-11-340. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed In writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on April 8, 2016. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. Exhibit 18 ------------------------------------------------ • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PUBLICATION DATE: DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: March 25, 2016 March 21, 2016 • 2 / ~~ll G _/ --1-J-L'-~'if_. __ Date '1 Mark eterson, Administrator 3~fe,, Date Fire & Emergency Services czV. ~si C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Administrator Department of Community & Economic Development 01-21-llo Date 10997 SE 168th St-Google,aps Go gl e Maps 10997 SE 168th st Renton, Washington Street View -Aug 2014 Page 1 of 1 Image capture: Aug 2014 C 2016 Google Exhibit 19 https ://www.google.com/maps/@47.4523284,-122.1933 l 09,3a,75y,355 .85h,89.76t/data=... 10/19/2016 City of Renton Print map Template 0088000529 0088000509 16620 0088000509 0088000534 0088000532 10918 0088000532 0088000534 .,_ ,0088000511 R·8 0088000531 0088000531 .. "' 2923059137 2923059047 2923059058 2923059059 Notes Cross end Crown Lutheran Church end Preschool Sa nctuary Rid ge: 30' Bell Tower: 45' 0 64 0 32 64 Feet IWGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxillery_Sphere CityofRenton Finance & IT Division Legend City and County Boundary Other t':] City of Renton Addresses Parcel s Zoning • RC-Reeource ConN!V8Uon R1-Residential 1 dulac. R4-Residanllal • du/ac R-esldential • 6 DU/AC Information Technology · GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov 11/14/2016 0088000511 R 0088000511 0088000511 10940 ]lo- 2923059060 AMF-Residential Multi-Family ' 0088000531 ,_ I l f w t ' 2923059060 2923059057 • RMH-Residential Manuractured Homes CN-Commarclal Nelghbomood • CV-Center Village • CA-Commercial Arterlal • UC-Urban Center • CD-Center Downtown COR-Commen:ial OlrtCe/Rosidential • CO-Commercial Office IL-lnduslrlal • Light Th•• map Is a user generated stauc output rrom an tn,emet mapp,,,g site and 1& ror rafernnce only Data layers thal appear on 11111 map may or may not be ecante. cumm~ orothe<wile - THIS MAP IS NOT TO B E USED FOR NAVIGATION 16845 I 28th Ave SE -Goo .. faps Go gl e Maps 16845 128th Ave SE Renton, Washington Street View -Jul 2015 I 11y 1 I .X,1 IVVI _. ~ SE 169 hSt ~ ft Renton Park Ct '-"' Evangelical Chi • Renton Park Element ary ~ e Page 1 of 1 Image capture: Jul 2015 Cl 2016 Google https ://www.google.com/maps/@47.4519673 ,-122. l 699208,3a,37 .Sy, l 16 .03h,84.65t/data... l 0/19/2016 City of Renton Print map Template ~ (;, 16760 11(67b63 • J ,. ... "-... • y J 12697 ifH, 12696 i J t. Nita • l 12695 ! R I s V 12680 l I R-6 • J 1 ~ J 16960 R-6 t • 12668 • • 12808 1 • l Notes Renton Park Elementary School Roof Peak 42'-45' 0 128 0 64 128 Feet GS_ 1984_ Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere City of Renton 0 Finance & IT Division R-6 R-6 .._ .. 16828 R·6 --._,..,_ 16965 16960 l R 6 t 12824 ll 16966 l t Legend City and County Boundary Other " City of Renlon Addresses Parcels Zoning • RC-Resource Conservation R 1-Residential 1 du/ac R4-Residentiat 4 du/ac R6-Rasldential • 6 OU/AC Information Technology -GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov 11/14/2016 12844 R-6 R·6 ,._ RC R s l 16917 a . 16925 ! R 6 • ! .. ,• ~ 17005 17001 .. k ~ 17009 ., , 16946 RMF-Residentiat Mufti.Family • RMH-Residential Manufactured Homes CN-Commetdat Nelghbo<hood • CV-Center Vdlll!lfl • CA-Comme<dal Mortal • UC-Urban Center • CD-Center Downtown COR-Commerclal otroce/Resldentlal • CO-Commetclll Office IL-lndustrtat • Llgl,t Th• map is a user generated stabc output from en Internet mapping s,te and Is fat reference only Oata layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate. currant. orothefWlse - THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USEO FOR NAVIGATION 16183 Edmonds Ave SE -G.le Maps Go gl e Maps 16183 Edmonds Ave SE Renton, Washington Street View • Aug 2014 SE 22nd St 2rvl S\ SE 16( Page 1 of 1 Image capture: Aug 2014 e 2016 Google https://www.google.com/maps/@47 .4583493,-l 22.1859735,3a,37 .5y,284. l 3h,90 .78t/data... 10/19/2016 City of Renton Print map Template 0088000081 11446 Notes Renton Church of God Ridge 35' 0088000081 0 32 0 16 WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere 32 Feel CityofRenton o Finance & IT Division R· 6 0088000082 0088000082 R-6 0088000080 0088000080 Legend City and County Boundary Other C City of Renton Addresses Parcels Zoning • RC-R9SOUIQI Conae,vation R 1-Residential 1 du/ac !«-Residential -4 du/ac Re-Residential • 6 OU/AC Information Technology · G IS RentonMepSupporl@Rentonwa.,gov 11/14/2016 0088000083 0088000083 0088000083 0088000083 0088000080 16045 R-6 RMF-Resldential Multi-F•mily • RMH-Residential Manufactured Home• CN-Convnen:ial Nelghbomood • CV-CenlerV~lage • CA-Commercial Merlal • UC-Urban Cent8C • CO-Cenler Downtown COR-Commercial Offtee/Residential • CO-Commen:ial Office IL-lnduslrlal • Light Th19 map la a user generated statJc oulpul from an Internet mapping s,te and lo for reference only Data layers that appear on 1h11 mop may or may not be accurate. current or olherwtle rellable THIS MAP IS NOT TO B E USED FOR NAVIGATION 'l l L • ---------Renton® Renton® NOTICE OFAPPLICATION-· . iCLUDETHE PROJEa NUMBER WHEN CAUJNG FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION . . . A Muttlr Application h.u baan fllC'd and 1cc1pted 0wlth the Departm1nt of Community & Economic O.velopment (CED}-PlaMIII( DMslon of thl City of Rlnton, · The followlng briefly ducrlbes the applLcatlon and tha neceuary Pu bile Approvals.· · DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: Dec~ITlb.r 5, Z016 PROJECf NAME/NU MIi ER: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion/ tuA16-000U8, V-A PROJECfOESCRlPTION: The °appHcant Is requesting Hearing Examiner Conditional Use. Permit,: Environmental (SEPAi Review, and a Helsht Variance for a proposed addition to the Cedar Ridge Church. The proposed".'.:. addition would Include 13,237 square foot buement, 6,210 5,quare foot main floor, and 2,733 siiuare foo.t balcony for a'_, . total area of 12,180 square feet. The proposal would Increase the exlstlr111 total s.e1tlr111 capacity within the churc~· to. 301. The existing original 2,540 squ11re foot church bulldlng would remain ilnd would be converted to dauroom ilnd·· · fellowshlp hall space. The project site totals 16B,630 square feet (3.87 acres) and Is zoned Resldentlal-8 {R-B),-The" proposed project Includes the addition of 20 parking spaces, resultlng In a tolal of 60 parking spaces on site. Access to the site would remain off of SE 164th Street via one curb cut. A sensitive slope (grade between 25 and 40 percent) and two Catego1Y 3 wetlands have been Identified on the ptoject site (Wetlands A and 8). Wetlan.d A would have a standard buffer of 100 feet and Wetland 8 would have a stand11rd buffer of 75 feet. Wetland buffer av11ra1ln1 Is proposed to accommodate the proposed church expansion. A SEPA Determination of Non•Slsnlflcance was Issued on March 21, 2016. PROJECf LOCATION: PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: APPUCANT/PROJECf CONTACT PERSON; 11411 SE 164"' St Variance Pater Harvard/ G1bb1rtArchlt11ctl Planners/ 184221D3"' Aw/. Bothal~ WA 98011/ 4ZS-482-79li7 / daYl~pC,pbbartan:hltec:ts:com -. Commenb on the abova applleatlon must be 1ubmittHI In wrttln1 to JIii Oln1, Sanlo~ Planner, Dep;irtmli~t·of Community & Economic O.velopmant, 1055 South Grady W11y, R1nton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m, gn D1t11mbar 19, . 2016. This rnattar Is also tentatively 1th1duled for I public Marini on Janu1'rv 10, 2017 , at 11:00 am, Council Chamben, Seventh Floor, Renton Oty Hall, 1055 South Gradv Way, Renton. If YoU are li'ltl!rl!sted lri attending the ~ iL _.,,_,,._.,_..,,, .. ~ ....... _ ..... -.,. ..... ...,, .. ~ ... ,,. .. ~"."""' ... _"_-____ _..,._ ..._ ......... ,.... ........ _,,_ -·-··-.. ·-· hearing, plea$! contact !he Plannl111 Division to ensure tllat the hnri111 tus not been rl!scheduled at (425).430-6578. If comments cannot be submitted In writing by the date Indicated above, you may still appear at the hearing and present I your comments on the proposal before the HearlnB Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be I made I party of record and recellle 1dd!tlonal lnfonnatlon by mall, please contact th~ Project Manager. AnyoM who submlU wrlnen commenlll will 1utoma1ica!ly become a party of record and wlU be nollfled of any decWon on this 1d \Ike.to be made a party of record to receive further \nformatlcin on this proposed project, complete thls !turn to: City of Renton, CED, Pl~nnlng OMslon, lOSS South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. '\~-. . . '~. _--_- l ij··1 . f ~ fo "~"" rurth<"""~''""" '"" propo~dp,ojod. ®mPl""h" f If you would like to be m1d11 a party o reco 1 Divis! 1055 Soulh Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, form Bnd return to: City of Renton, CED, Planl'.I ng on, • · · • r No • Cedar Ridge Chun:h Expanslcn / LUA16,00CIU8, V-A l DORESS: ______________ CrtY/STATE/ZIP: ________ _ fN'o.: -------------l I TELEPHONE NO.: I 'I II, , :::::: :::,6:'" '"''Ch"'~''''"'"" 1,u,10="'· v-, cm~AT<'"--------- I CERTIFICATION Ji' 11 1) 1';Vs . hereby certify that / copies of the above document --1---wspicuous places or nearby the described property on I, were posted in Date: __ l 'J-_/ ....:?;-/:.._/_'e ___ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON 55 COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ~; / I ]),~ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/ ~ir free and untary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: Re<im£rtn ,,,,\\\\\\\11 _c:-'' o\.L y P. i1,,, .c-~ ,.."""'""• O~t/1 _,. 'o+~~~ ~ ~ : (/) /c; . ..-0~1\ ~ i _, :: ... . "" I u, ::: ~i .., ... :J -;. ;i \ d' ci-•uc~ E ' .. ~~9 -0 ,,,.., -17 ~ = ::<-"" """'" ::<,O ~ :<!SH\NG ,,,'~ ublic in and for the State of Washington l\lotary (Print): __ \.\-:.wt!L'""-~~-.=e-1---"'oµ)~{;,!ea"'~\:: ____ _ My a pp ointment exp i res: __ -'A,-'--"~*-i"'i:5"'-;'--....;:c)c...~.i,/,.....s-;;2"-'Q"'--'-/..12 ____ _ I • -_..,,-... -~..-, .. , ,__ _ .. , __ • =---CITY OF ~ -------Renton~ NOTICE OF APPLICATION A M•rtor AppllcaUon hu boon mod ind """p<ad with 1h11 D0p1rtm-al Communltv • tcc"°mlc C.,,o\apmont (C~D)-Plonnl"I DMl\an olth• Cltv of R••""'· nw foll<»WII brio/IV doocr!bu U,o oppllcoUa111nd lho nocoswy PublloAppnMllt, DAn OP MOlla DP APl'UCATIONI PROltcT NMl!/NUMIEI!: o-nr,,z1111 Codar Rldp Ch~ £>.pondon / WAll-OOOUI, V-A PRDJKTO!lCllP'TlDltl n,• oppllcml It ............ Hoorln1 Ulml,,., Candl~DMI u .. Pfflr,lt, fnvlronmtnllll (SEPA) llovlaw, and I H•1ht VWnai for o prop;,..d addition ta tho Cld1t Rldp Church. Thi l""pOIOII addlti<>nWOIAdlndude• J.2.37 _.foot banm""~ 1i,UDS1111•11 """-m .. n11oor, 1m1 z,73J1~ue11ft>otl>olconylor1 IOtlluaalll,l.lOoqu1Rfoot.Tl,1pn,pOSIIIWOllld1.......-t1>•..irttr.ato111l111t11,aapadl'fwlthtnltlllchurd'>IO JD1. Thi .-... orfl:lnal 2,540 """"9 f<lol ct,urd, bulkllol ...ouid ,.,..o, Ind would DI mn....-..d to dmr-.. Ind lollowd>lp t,,,~ lfll'<L The projoc< s1ta totals 161.5311""""' !Pt lU7 1tm,) ard II ....... ~-1-1 (R..11~ Tho pn> ...... pn,jaaMldalhoaddl-oflll pan:lnl-rwsultiRI in I totalot ill ,-tint-on Illa. -tD IN ... ....,... ....... olfol 5E lloC!h_.., onecurt,M.A.....U.-olopt(sndl-U ond ..a p0rqntJ and ,-c,,......,1 ___ 1dontlllodonlhllllfqad:llllt(W--A..-.IJl.W-.IA_...._,_......, bun.oft(llfpt_,WllllaftilB_...._, ___ al7'-.w.dlmbullw_....,.l>prODoseclto __.1!111 pn,pooed <hun:I>.._... A 'ill'A ~ al NOn-5lenlft,;anet-1muod on Mmh Jl, "~ PIIWln/l!lYIIW lltQUESTll); VOrlll\CII ,.,,.UCAN'l'/PIICUICT caNfACT PIIISON, POW~ I S•bbffl~ "'"-.' 11412 m .. Aft/ aothol, w .. 91011/4U-Cl1-7U7/dawlopG'p~tt-....,,, Commonto OIi the above oppll'2!1.., mUII be ltlbmltwl In Mill"' to JIii 1Jln1, Sonlor Plaroiw, DOPOrtmoll1 of C-monlty • lconomlr. o .. ol"""'ont, 1Cl5S 5olllll Gredy WOii, ~n!OII, WIii POS7, by 5:00 p.m. on -b• 19, 21111. If yoo h ... quatio!II obo"'thls p«1p<lla!, or ~,h IO bo mad,, I party of ,mud and rocai.. odd1tion1I notU\taUon by m,~. contact !ht, pn,Joct MlNIOI II (415) 430-659L ,lnf<lnl who 1ubmlt1 wrinan comm1nt1 wlU 1ototn1~<:aUy t>oa>mo I party of rocanl and will b• notlflod ol 1ny dlci~ort an tttls p<oll<:t. PLEASE lNCLUDETHE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CAUING FOR PROPER fllE IDENTIFICATION ll-.Tf: Of "'°PllC-.TION: NOVEM8lA 11, 2DH ofycu waukl m,a lO bo mado • P•r<Y of ,e«>rd IO ,ea,.. lur!hor ln!ormotlcln on !hl1 propo,od !ll'•ie<I. a,mplffll tot> lorm ,<><I "'"'"' 1<1: Cit'/ al R<nton, CEO, P~nnlnt PN~lon, l~S 5oull> Grody Way, Kinton. WA 9SCIS7. FIio Narna / No.: Codor Ri<lp Church E,pan>lcn / LU~!&-OOOtiB, V·A N/1.ME: ________ .C-___ _c.. ___________ _ MAlllNG/IOORESS: ___________ CITY/STAU/ZIP: ______ _ !ElEPHONENO.: ---------- CERTIFICATION ( ' . \ I, , li I l 1)1' 1:) , hereby certify that. copies ofthe above document were posted in _i.Q conspicuous places or nearby the described property on Date:. __ /Q..,~/-0~/_) I,, ___ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON Signed:~»s 55 COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ---'l"-'-"'--""'-'-'--"+--------- signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/ uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. ~'\\\\\\\''• oluntary act for the '~:;.....-'-",,l ~ u lie in and for the State of Washington Motary (Print): My appointment expires: A-,, 9r', s't:-.;;) 9 :;).Q\J -~."-"'~\j,.._..,.._,_ _ _...-'-r1-"'"""'-'----- Peter Harvard Siegfried Schmidt Pat & Luella Paul 300' Surrounding Properties (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING Dated: I d::-S--J( n ---l,-4L-=-.L.>,,JL--- My appointment expires: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion LUA16-000128, VA template -affidavit of service by mailing Contact Applicant Party of Record See Attached • • 88000195 806000020 806000005 BAKERANtlE BARRAGAN DAISY BIEGLER EDWARD J+DIANE L 11414 SE 164TH ST 16526 115TH AVE SE 19830 116TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 KENT, WA 98031 806000085 88000304 88000430 BRINK PROPERTY MANAGEMENT BROSSARD JULIE A CARNER KELLY GENE 11555 SE 8TH ST #130 16408 113TH AV SE 11135 SE 164TH ST BELLEVUE, WA 98004 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 806000025 88000390 88000370 CHEUNG KEN+ANN CHI HARA JIM F & THERESA A CHOI JOHN 15228 SE 83RD LN 16475 113TH AVE SE 16438 111TH AVE SE NEWCASTLE, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 806000030 88000325 88000302 COLEMAN KARL COOPER CHRISTINE+ MATIHEW DURDY MARYG 16542 115TH AVE SE 11417 SE 164TH ST 6520 196TH ST SW #296 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98058 LYNNWOOD, WA 98036 88000192 806000015 88000111 EAGAN WILLIAM CAREY ELALA MESSERET FAN HUNG 16240 114TH AVE SE 16520 115TH AVE SE 1602 S ATLANTIC ST RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 SEATILE, WA 98144 806000040 88000900 88000362 FEREDINOS PHILIP+SEANE M FERNANDEZ JAVIER GERTH AS 16561116TH AVENUE SE 16606 113TH AVE SE 11443 SE 164TH RENTON, WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 88000365 88000920 88000200 GERTH RHONDA L GOOD SHEPHERD OF WA HAMILTON ERIC+STONE SHERRI 11443 SE 164TH ST 119 N MAIN ST 11438 SE 164TH ST RENTON, WA 98055 PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 RENTON, WA 98055 88000202 806000120 88000190 HERNANDEZ ROSA HUGHES PERCY V JENSEN ANDREW V+CAYLIN B 11434 SE 164TH ST 6141 OAKHURST RDS 11408 SE 164TH ST RENTON, WA 98055 SEATILE,WA 98118 RENTON, WA 98055 88000341 88000301 88000361 JOHNSON JOHNIE B+DEBI K JONES JEFFREY G+STACY E KING COUNTY-PROPERTY SVCS 11433 SE 164TH ST 11307 SE 164TH ST 500 4TH AVE #800 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 SEATILE, WA 98104 806000110 88000201 88000203 KUMP JOSH+BRIANA LACKIE DANIEL M LACKIE DANIEL M 16517 115TH AV SE 11420 SE 164TH ST 11420 SE 164TH ST RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 806000035 LEE THOMAS G+NilMI T 15418 SE 234TH ST KENT, WA 98042 88000173 MADRIGAL MARIA L 16251114TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 806000100 MCGAVRAN DOUGLAS G 16503 115TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000300 PAULL PATRICK T+LUELLA E 16428 113TH AV SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000381 PHILLIPS WILLIAM E+RENEE H 16457 113th Ave SE Renton, WA 98055 88000391 • RANDALL MATIHEW DEAN+ANNA H 16471113TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 806000010 ROWLEY CHARLES WAYNE+CATARI 16512 115TH AV SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000193 TRIPI JOSEPH A 16318 114TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000113 LEHALSATNAM SINGH+JASWANT 11230 SE 164TH ST RENTON, WA 98055 88000910 MARASHUCK VURIY P 16630 113TH AV SE RENTON, WA 98058 806000105 MURESAN NIC 12630 NE 6TH ST BELLEVUE, WA 98005 806000125 PENG XIAO HUI 16535 115TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000383 PHILLIPS WILLIAM E+SILVER R 16425 113TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000178 RENTON CITY OF 1055 S GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98057 806000090 SAMRA PARAMJIT SINGH DELTA BC V4E 2A9 CANA, DA 0 806000095 WORKU ALEMTSEHAYT 16501115TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 • 9415950010 LE-NGUYEN THAO DUY 16603 113TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 806000115 MARCH RANDALL K & DEANNA M 16523 115TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000340 NELSON GARY L+ALETHEA 11421 SE 164TH ST RENTON, WA 98055 88000901 PERRYSCOTI 16118 113TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000191 PIPKIN DAVID J & JANELL 16230 114TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000112 ROBBINS JAMES & TERESA 16003 21ST AVE SW BURIEN, WA 98166 88000394 SCHEFFER BETH 16463 113TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 ~---------- MBP Integration . - Siegfried Schmidt Cedar Ridge Church of Christ PO Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 Pat & Luella Paul 16428 113th Ave SE Renton, WA 98055 Peter Harvard Gabbert Architects Planners 20011 Ballinger Way NE, 211 Shoreline. WA 98155 _ _-_•...---,.,.,.Ren ton 0 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion/ LUA16-000128, V-A NAME:---------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: ________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP:---------- TELEPHONE NO.: -------------- .. • • VARIANCE APPLICATION MATERIALS: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion / LUA16-000128, ECF, CU-H on February 18 November 17, 2016 NUMBER 1: PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SUMMARY No meeting was held, but Planning Division Staff (Jill Ding) communicated with Gabbert Architects Planners by email and telephone. NUMBER 2: WAIVER FORM N/A NUMBER 3: MASTER APPLICATION FORM N/A: all relevant materials are included in the Binder submitted for Cedar Ridge Church Expansion/ LUA16-000128, ECF, CU-H on February 18 NUMBER 4: FEES A check, made out to the CITY OF RENTON for $1,236.00 will accompany this packet, provided by the Church. The amount was verified by Planning Division Staff (Jill Ding). NUMBER 5: PROJECT NARRATIVE The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the Cedar Ridge Church Expansion / LUA16-000128, ECF, CU-Hon February 18, 2016. Subsequently, the Church determined that their rate of growth did not support the scale of that proposed work, and has: (1) eliminated ALL OF PHASE II (second building); and (2) revised the new sanctuary building to accommodate that more modest growth. The revised sanctuary building [plans and sections attached] avoids creating a larger impervious "footprint" on the property, but has led to the need for a height variance of 10'-1", which is the purpose of this submittal. The variance requested is an additional 10' -1" (See Sheets AS.O and AS.1) Also, because of this change, there are now only 60 parking spaces and their associated circulation infrastructure. (The driveway could not be reduced because of fire access requirements.) This reduction in impervious surfaces will result in significantly less surface water to manage, and -almost certainly-the elimination of the (previously needed) grading and retaining work above the wetland buffers at the southwest corner of the property. 11/17/2016 pg.1 RECEIVED NOV 1 7 2016 ci·(y OF RENTON p: • 1'::: D1'."~·c:-.; • • NUMBER 6: VARIANCE REQUEST JUSTIFICATION: l. PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES/ UNNECESSARY HARDSHIP The applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, and location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Zoning Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classification; The slender site has a long "north-south" axis with wetlands (and their associated buffers) to the southwest. The existing "high ground" is centrally located, complicating surface water management, since runoff flows in two directions, but making a "working" (outside accessible) basement practical. 2. NO MA TE RIAL PUBLIC DETRIMENT The granting of the variance wiff not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated; The proposed sanctuary building is located almost 56 feet from the homes to the east and 70 feet from the adjacent home to the north. The additional height will be screened from these adjacent homes by the required landscape buffer trees 3. NO INCONSISTENT SPECIAL PRIVILEGE The approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated; and Granting this Variance will not be a "grant of special privilege" since there are already numerous properties in the R-8 (and less intensive R-6) Zone that have structures that exceed the current height limits. We have included three as examples: Cross and Crown Lutheran Church and Preschool (Zone R-8) 10940 SE 168th Street, Renton, WA 98058 This facility has a "bell tower" estimated at 45'. Google Site Picture/ COR Map Renton Park Elementary School (Zone R-6) 16828 128th Avenue SE, Renton, WA 98058 The upper edge of the large shed roof (gym?) is estimated at 42' -45'. Google Site Picture/ COR Map Renton [Word of Life] Church of God (Zone R-6) 16045 115th Avenue WE, Renton, WA 98055 The taller wing has a ridge estimated at 35'. Google Site Picture/ COR Map 11/17/2016 pg. 2 • • 4. MINIMUM VARIANCE NEEDED The approval is the minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. This is the minimum variance that will work. The additional 10' -1" enables the church sanctuary to have an accessible basement for seasonal storage and a balcony for growth and teaching, without increasing the impervious footprint. 7. DENSITY WORKSHEET N/A 8. PLAT CERTIFICATE OR TITLE REPORT No change from previous submittal. 9. AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN(S) N/A 10. NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP No change from previous submittal. 11. SITE PLAN Sheet Al.O is included. 12. LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS, LOT COVERAGE AND PARKING ANALYSIS N/A 13. FLOOR PLANS Sheet A2.0 is included. 14. TREE RETENTION/LAND CLEARING (TREE INVENTORY) PLAN No change from previous submittal. 15. TREE RETENTION WORKSHEET No change from previous submittal. 16. ARBORIST REPORT No change from previous submittal. 11/17/2016 pg. 3 • 17. WETLAND ASSESSMENT No change from previous submittal. 18. STANDARD STREAM OR LAKE STUDY N/A 19. FLOOD HAZARD DATA N/A • 20, BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT/CRITICAL AREAS STUDY N/A 21. HABITAT DATA REPORT N/A 22. GEOTECHNICAL REPORT N/A 23. LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING GEOLOGIC RISK N/A 24. UTILITIES PLAN N/A 25. ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS Sheets AS.O and AS.1 are included. 26. GRADING PLAN, CONCEPTUAL Parking/Infrastructure reduction will significantly reduce need for the grading/retaining shown on original CUP submittal. 27. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE PROPERTY N/A 28. PLAN REDUCTIONS (Are Included) 8.Sxll of Site Plan (Al.O} 8.Sxll of Floor Plan A2.0 8.Sxll of Elevations (AS.O, AS.l} 11/17/2016 pg. 4 ·• • • 29. DIGITAL COPY (Complete submittal on thumb drive) 30. COLORED MAPS FOR DISPLAY (UNMOUNTED/ 1 copy each "24x36"} NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP (Previous Submittal) SITE PLAN/ Al.O (Included) LANDSCAPING PLAN (Previous Submittal/ Revised Draft Shows No Impact) ELEVATIONS/ AS.O and AS.1 (Included) 11/17/2016 pg. s .-1-llh "-~ I\ ~ ~-~----1.. u-~ ~. ---- 4i-l•,.i.S* S I TE INFORHA TION i,. ~ .._,..,,.,SIi 51.IIJNSI ,._,u111t , ir • SEI-.. Sl:ICW.f" . ~ ... ~ '-.. -~ . .. I .,-.,. • ~ ---..../, ~--. ~<r-! ~ .,.. L.. J.}.~-!--1 ,, __ I ., .. _ . ,j, '-~ ~ .. -t ~, '3 ' \ ,# ~ I'--,,,. ... ~ ·, ..,, •. '"Iii "'irrii ,. i l II '!(1-~ i ....... t r~ ...... - ~ sc,.-tt i +., t "~· <I,...,,,._ I IV",.,_ f.\ •,,, ~~ j l "' ... _..._ ............. .,,1N1St • t ! :.=-.:...- ·--·~ Jl~ -~~111~·11""\.IUI('." ---·· ----... - -------' .___..:: r::::= -I --o ~ · -I i Sf 1·WI,..!...@ -I,. ll ! ~ • 1 :I t :f, l i f ~ ~; PARCELL NU,-.,BER: 008D000!320 R -8 ZONE: ,-.,INll-1l/M LOT SIZE PER RMC4-:2-110A: 5 ,000 SOFT ACTUAL LOT SIZE: 46</,6:!0 SOFT MINll-1ll,-., LOT YVII7TH PER RMC4-2-110A: 50 FT ACTUAL LOT Y'i!OTH: :2:!0'-2" MINll-1l/M LOT OEPTH PER RMC4-2-110A: l'O FT ACTUAL LOT OEPTH: 1'0'-5" 1-f/NIMUH FRONT YARD PER RMC4-2-110A: 20 FT ACTUAL FRONT YARD: Z21'-!3" ,-.,INll-1l/M REAR YARD PER Rl-fC4--2-110A: 20 FT ACTUAL REAR YARD: 4"6'-</" ,-,IN~ SIDE YARD PER RHC4-2-110A: 5 FT ACTUAL SIDE YARO (NORTH): 6</'-4" ACTUAL SIDE YARO (EAST): S5'-10" ACTUAL SIDE YARO (rEST}: 11!3'-:2" IMPER V IOUS SURFACE 1'-fAXIMUM IMPERV/OIIS SURFACE AREA PER RHC4-:2-110A: ACTUAL Jl,,fPERVta/S SURFACE: !HPERV/OIIS SIIRFACE: !35.411 SOFT PAVE"'1ENT: :26,551 SOFT ROADS: 22,005 S/OEY'IALJ<S: 4 .156 PORCH: !3'1? @ VACINITY MAP COPY 1· = 200-0' BUIWIN6 FOOTPRINT: 8 ,"66 SOFT PROPOSEO NE>V ,,,--CHURCH BU/WING ) L• ..L1 .....JLi--... l ::::,... llf·!f;;~--1 ~EB 1 I I / D' 15' 30' 60' G) SITEPlAN 1 1· = 30'-0' 65% 1.5 % s / BUILDING INFOR.fvfA TION EXISTING BU/WING FOOTPRINT: N&'I SANCTUARY FOOTPRINT: TOTAL BUIWIN6 FOOTPRINT: 2,656SOFT 6210SOFT 8,"66 SOFT MAIN FLOOR: 6 .210 SOFT BALCONY: 2 . 7:!!3 SOFT BASE,-.,ENT: !3 2!31 SOFT TOTAL: 12 ,ll'O SO FT MAX/MU,-, BU/W/N6 COVERA6E PER RMC4-:2-110A: 50% 1.<l')I!; ACTUAL BU/UONG COVERAGE: BU/WING COVERAGE: EXISTING BU/WING FOOTPRINT: N&'I SANCTUARY FOOTPRINT: TOTAL FOOTPRINT: SfTEAREA: PERCENTAGE OF SITE: :2,656SOFT +6210SOFT 8,866SOFT /4hg 630 5GFT 1.</')I!; l-1AX/MIJ,-., NUl-1BE/'l. OF STORES PER RHC4--:2-110A: :2 ACTUAL NUMBER OF STORIES: MAX l'VALL PLATE HEIGHT PER RHC4-:2-110A: ACTUAL l"/ALL PLATE HEl6HT: PARKING IN FORMATION AOA STALLS: 4 STANOARD STALLS: S6 TOTAL: 60 PARKING LOT LANOSC.APING: !3, 152 SOFT GRASS PARKING: 8 , 1:26 SOFT 2 :24 '-0" :24'-0" xJl~o ~<:c.C ~ l\)'~ ~\)\I \ ~ ~fc,.~~ N oft .--· e,,'\\ . r / ~· c5 ! .. :E ,c( ;:; ..: 0 ..: ... ;; ~ I j I .g !!l -~~ 0:: !!I ls :, fl ,, ., -5 "' (J) ., -~ 0 C ~ 0 -;; ., ·;. a: ., a: !i ~ "ii .0 >E ., :, a: z :I: :I: u u 1111:: 1111:: ::, ::, :I: :I: u u w w t, t, 0 0 ii ii 1111:: 1111:: c( c( 0 0 w w u u L--... 5 ci:: = ~ LJ..J ~ i ... 1: -u C!:)Q. t, ~~ i f L..,;,..I ! g -"' .&. c .s ~ w w z >-{_ ! . ~ £~ t ~ -"'"' ~ R~,!! ~ ?q'Qv, ..... 14013 SD DRAWN BY: """'°' DATE: luu• Dot• SITE PLAN Al.O b i! e N EB ~· !ti~i ~ ~;!:~ 18 :::,If)!!) e OPEN TO eELO/'V R::f (1 4' 8' UPPER LEVEL 2 , T:J!J SOFT 16' 32' '''''''''' 9'-2" NURSERY/ CRY ROOM ''''''''''' "'1AIN LEVEL: 6,210 SOFT Classroom b Classroom !! .. !: Classroom ~ 22'. 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AOO/TIONAL HEIGHT ALLOl'VEO FOR 5LOPEO ROOF5 6REATER THAN4"/12 " ----==-=----------------------------------- ~--I i I ~1-11-1 I b ;,: ADDITIONAL 6 FEET ---------------514'-5518" MAX PLATE HEIGHT ~-5518" MAJNFLOOR ~ W II W @L ----49Z-O" -------------= G-,-._ I I I \VI i --~---11 111 =-~~~ ---------,-""""""- ~--::==------"t!: ---I I 483'. 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I 0/ 19/20 16 , City of Renton Print map Template 0088000529 0088000509 16620 0088000509 0088000534 0088000532 10918 0088000532 0088000534 0088000511 0088000531 0088000531 2923059137 2923059047 2923059058 2923059059 Notes Cross and Crown Lutheran Church and Preschool Sanctuary Ridge: 30' Bell Tower: 45' 0 64 0 32 64 Fee t VVGS_ 1984_ Web_Mercator_Auxiliary _ Sphere CityofRenton o Finance & IT Division Lege nd City and Cou nty Boundary Other :J City of Renton Addresses Parcels Zoning • RC-Resource Conse,vation R1-Resldential 1 dU/ac R4-Residential 4 du/ac RS-Residential -6 OU/AC I nformation Technology -G IS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa .gov 11/14/2016 0088000511 10940 • • • • • • 2923059060 RMF-Residential Multi-Family 0088000511 0088000511 0088000531 2923059060 2923059057 RMH-Resldential Manufactu'ad Homes CN-Commerclal Neighborhood CV-Canter Vilage CA-Commercial Arterial UC-Urban Center CO-Center Downtown COR-Commetcl al Office/Residential CO-Commercial otr,ce IL-Industrial -Light This map 1s a user generated sta~c output from an ln1arne1 mapl)lng s,te and ,s fOf reference only Oa1a lalars ltlat appear on ltus map may or may not be accurate curren t or otherwise rehabl~ THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION ---~1 , 16845 I 28th Ave SE -Google Maps e Go ogl e Maps 16845 128th Ave SE Renton, Washington Street View -Jul 201 5 I lf~I I ""'""'' fVVI .> ~ St 169th St ~ Renton Park Ct Evange lical Chi -. Renton Park Flemen tory S Page I of I Image capture: J ul 201 5 ~ 2016 Google https://www.google.com/map s/@47.45 19673 ,-122 .1 699208 ,3a,37.5y, l l 6.0 3 h,84.65t/data... I 0/19/2 01 6 City of Rent o n Print map Template 16763 • 12697 12696 12695 12680 R 6 R 6 12668 Notes • " Renton Park Elementary School Roof Pea k 4 2'-45' 0 128 0 16960 12808 64 WGS_ 1984_ Web_M ercator_Auxiliary _Sphere 16760 1 28 Feet City of Renton (; Finance & IT Division 6 6 16828 16965 16960 12824 16966 Leg end City and County Boundary Other J City ol Renton Addresses Parce ls Zo ning • RC-Resource Conservation R1-Resldential 1 du/ac R4-Resldential 4 du/ac RS-Residential -6 OU/AC In formation Technology -GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov 11/1 4/2016 6 12844 R 6 6 16917 16925 17005 17001 17009 16946 • RMF-Resldenbal Mulb -Famfl y • RMH-Resldential Manufactured Homes CN-Commercial Neighborhood CV-Center VIiiage • CA-Commercial Arterial • UC.Urban Center • CD-Center Downtown COR-Commerdal Olfice/Resldential • CO-Commercial Office IL-tndustnel -Light Th,s map ts a user generated stat,c output rrom an lntemet mappong site and 1s tor r9ferenc" only Data laye rs that appear on ui,s map may or may nm be accurale current or otherw1!.8 rehable THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATIO N 16183 Edmonds Ave SE -Google Maps e Goo gle Maps 16183 Edmonds Ave SE Renton , Washington Street View -Aug 2014 SE'22.nd t :z.ndSt ... ..... ; > < c:, SE 16~ ·~~-~~- Page l of I Image capture: Aug 2014 ~ 2016 Google https://www.goog le.com/maps/@4 7.4583493,-l 22.1859735,3a,3 7 .Sy ,28 4. l 3h,90. 78t/data... l 0/ 19/20 16 City of Renton Print map T emplate 0088000081 11446 Not es Renton Church of God Ridge 35' 0 32 0 0088000081 16 32 Feet WGS_ 1984_ Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sph ere City ofRenton o Finance & IT Divisio n 0088000082 0088000082 R 6 0088000080 0088000080 Legend City and Co un ty Bound ary Other '] City of Ren ton Addresses Pa rcel s Zon ing • RC-Resource Conse1Vation R1 -Resid ential 1 dulac R4-Resldenti al 4 du/ac RS.Residential -6 DU/AC Information Technology -GtS Ren tonMapSupport@Rentonwa .gov 11 /14/2016 0088000083 0088000083 0088000083 0088000083 0088000080 1 6045 6 RMF-Resldenttal Multi-Fami ly • RMH-Residential Manufacued Homes CN.Commerclal Neighbomood CV-Center Village • CA-Commercial Arterial • UC-Urban Cente r • CO.Center Downtown CCR.Commercial Office/Residential • CO.Commercial Office IL-Industrial -Light This map ,s a user generated sta tic outl)Ut rrom an Internet mapping s,te and ,s 10< reference only Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate current or otherwise reh~e THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • -------Renton® AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: 1. On the 2 ~ day of /\JDV.:C-M(JG,C, 20-LJ,._, I installed / information sign(s) on the property located __,lulc,i1,u.l-1.l~x~=~1 .... t....::'fee:P-=-.;;.$ur~..,j<,~12::c,vlt,~;;,,::.J= for the following project: Project Name Owner Name public at 2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X" to indicate the location of the installed sign. 3. This/these public information sign(s) was/were constructed and installed in locations in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 8 Title 4 of Renton Municipal Code and the City's "Public Information Signs llation" handout packa e. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this-=;,;:,... ,,,,11111,,,, ,,,, \) l\OJAs ,,,, ~'r::."'' ···l)·inx··· '-:. ~ Ao:: .•.'!o\ Pt,?.•. ~ ~ ,~ .. ~~ ~-. -;. --~-" I -:: : .. 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'211 <'"2JJ \J 7 H:\CED\Data\Forms·Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Pub Info Sign Handout.docx Rev. 04/2016 Google Maps • • Imagery ©2016 Google, Map data @2016 Google 50 ft'-----~ • • • • RECEIPT EG00062142 • BILLING CONTACT Siegfried Schmidt Cedar Ridge Church of Christ PO Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA16-000128 PLAN -Variance Technolonv Fee Printed On: November 17' 2016 Prepared By: Jan Illian _____ :.-t--·Ren ton e 1055 5 Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Transaction Date: November 17' 2016 TRANSACTION TYPE Fee Payment Fee Payment PAYMENT METHOD AMOUNT PAID Check #146 Check #146 SUB TOTAL TOTAL RECEIVED NOV 1 7 2016 Cl7Y OF RENTON pi: ..•. ;~ I~ D/1/"'lr,' ' $1,200.00 $36.00 $1,236.00 $1,236.00 Page 1 of 1 1 • • Denis Law Mayor Community & Economic Development C. E. "Chip" Vincent, Administrator August 15, 2016 Peter Harvard Gabbert Architects Planners 20011 Ballinger Way NE Shoreline, WA 98155 SUBJECT: "On Hold" Notice Cedar Ridge Church Expansion/ LUA16-000128, ECF, CU-H Dear Mr. Pagel: The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on February 18, 2016 .. Per your request, received May 3, 2016, we put the review of your project "on hold" May 5, 2016, as you had indicated the church would like to add a height variance request to their application. To keep the current conditional use application valid, please submit a complete variance application by November 15, 2016. Please contact me at (425) 430-6598 or via email at jding@rentonwa.gov if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jill Ding Senior Planner cc: Sigfried Schmidt, Cedar River Church 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov • August 11, 2016 Peter Harvard Gabbert Architects Planners 18422 103rd Avenue NE Bothell, WA 98011 SUBJECT: "On Hold" Notice • Denis Law Mayor Cedar Ridge Church Expansion/ LUAlG-000128, ECF, CU-H Dear Mr. Pagel: The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on February 18, 2016. Per your request, received May 3, 2016, we put the review. of your project "on hold" May 5, 2016, as you had indicated the church would like to add a height variance request to their application. To keep the current conditional use application valid, please submit a complete variance application by November 11, 2016. Please contact me at (425) 430-6598 or via email at jding@rentonwa.gov if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jill Ding Senior Planner cc: Sigfried Schmidt, Cedar River Church 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov '· • • R CITY OF ----enton® NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION l~UANCE Of A OITTRMINATION Of NONSIGNIFICANCf \ONS) POSTED TO NOTIF'I INTERESTEO PEIISON5 OF AN EN'IIRONMtNTAL,lCJJON PROJICT JUiMt, Cl'.OAR RIDGI CHUI\CM ElO'llNSION PROlt:CTl'IJMIW LUlll-<ICOUl.lCl',~ UJCATIONI Wl1SE1M'"STl!ffl(foll!CRN0.-,_0I Dl$CIUll'f1QNI lHl Alft/CJINr IS IIIQUUTINQ H_,. DMUNPI tl:lfiOITIONM. USI l'tllMIT M'l'IIOV.ll. IOII TIii ~ M!DmOII TO THl WIAll l\tOGI OIUI\QI. THl PIIQIOCl#D AODfflON wot/W otnlll IN twQ PIIAUS. PHA511 WOUll) INQ.IIPe THI! N>OmOII Of l,ICI $QU.UJ fOCJf SANtnJMY TOTil! l)[ISTING OIUllCH IUIUIIN!il AflD WOUUI INOU'.IUtTll!DlffJNG TDTal.SU.Tm(J r»'Aan WITIIIN TMI OIURClt lO J01-'OIi Dl15'11NG DRIGIN,ll. ,t.J4I sQlWIII FOOT OIUIICH IUI\DINII WOUUI QMl!N AS ,.ur 0, THIS PIV,Sll ANO WOULD Bf. COHVlJITW TO CW$1100M AND FtLI..DWSIIIP )!Ml. 51'.«1, IN PlltUt l THI EJIISTlr.G ORIGINAL J,S40 $01h\111. FOOT CIIUIICH IUIUllliG WOIJUI II DIMOt/S1'/HI ANO l\llll.AQO wmt /l. &,17' SOUAAI fDOT AODmON wtllCII WDUUI lNCWOI A .ffll:HEN, FEI.LIIWSIIIP It.I.LL, ANO o\llDIT\OIW. MEnlNO AND CWS11DDM5. THt PIIQJICT srn TDTALJ lA,&30 SQUAil JUT \!,11 ACRUl AND IS ZDNJD Rl$lllUffiiCI.. (11-11, TIii PRDP05UI '1\0.IICf IIICWDD Tiff AODITIQN Op H PARl(ING SPolW 11 THI IND OI' PIIASII t, RE5111.TIJtG \ft A ltl1,1,1. Of II P .. IOONG p,-as ON $lff. A 1'U1M. 0, t1 Sl'ACQ WOUUI II .I.VAJLUILJ AFl1II TIil tc>POlroDN Of -I-AC(ffl TD flll J/71 WOULD ll8WM °" Of SI 1l4TM mur vv. Drtl CUltll tuT. • SlH5lnV( ~ CGIW:ll .nwtl:N U #,ND 411 ffilCtXT1 ANO TWQ CA'IUOlff) wtlL¥IUS IIAVI llftH l!IOVTlflED ON ntt l'IIQIICf SITl f\'ffl\UUlS 4 AND I). wtnAND 4 ~ 114\ll 4 $1",._ tunu Of tall FUT .utD wrrt..uto I WOIJUI HAVI ,._ S"f1'ND.IJl1) IUFml Of ti fUJ". WmtoH!l lUl'ffll 4~ 15 PROPDStDTD Atc0JIIMDP41l Tl1l l'IUll'OStD OIIIIICH Df.lln!DM. THE CITI' OF RENTON EN'V1R0NMElfTAl RMEW COMMITTEE (SIC) HM OITTRMIN[O Th".({ Tl1E PIIOPOS~ J.CJlON ooes NOT !!AV! /l 51GNlflCAKT AllVEIISE IMPA<;T ON THE ENVIRONMElfT. Appullol 111• °"""""'""Ohl -m,l,wJoft -. bl filed 1ft wrt11111 or, or brfaft !,on p.ffl. oft ,\prfl I, 10111, ~ ..ia,u,.._-'°"wllll:llewfnt-.io-,OtJof•"""""lOSS$<1111hG!WfW.,-,-...,W4ff057, ~Ill IM--.. --1,f(ltyof!IMC-UD __ ,_...it,ao-1--N ........... -ti--CIOl<lerk'•Oflb.1425)~1.D. A P\!BUC HEAR\NG l'l~l BE HUO IT Tl1E Rtr.roN HEARING tXAMINtR AT HIS ieGUlAR MErTING IN Tl1E C;OU!ICII. O<AMBEM ON THE 7TH FLOOR OF OTYHM.L 1055 WU1l1 GAAr7'fW4Y, •wTON, W/l5HINGTON, OJU.V.Ylll, :tall/ll 11,nllAJ,ill TC WNSIDER THECONDITION.ll -use PERM(!. •F THE ENV1RONMtNTAl O£TERMl,U.110N ISA~EAl.10, TliE APP£,\L W1ll BE HEARD /l5 PAIIT OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING. FOR FURT1lE~cif:Ja~~~iNEJ6~'65~:tOJIJ,~'kiml~ ~F 4~ri~~7~~lltRTM ENT OF DO NOT REMOVE nns NOTICE WITHOUT PROP~R iUTHORIZATION PLEASE INClUDETilE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CAW NG FOR PROPER FllEIOENTIFICATION. I CERTIFICATION 1' I 1 ' ::::-:-'--":-LI-;-:-<-~~;:\---~ hereby certify that 3, . were posted in ---~,_,nspicuous places or nearby the des.cri~o:~;r;:!~~ ~nove document Date: 3(U>Y //t, ? · • --Signed:~ ::2;2 · STATE OF WASHINGTON )J ) ss ) COUNTY OF KING STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter ( and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on March 25, 2016. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $100.75. d@!11£U s Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subscribed aoo ~om to me this 25th day of March, 2016. ,,,,,11111,, ,,, c: G '" ,,, ~ """" "''' ,, .,:-0r ......... 'V .,., , .•"c:;,S\ON E ~-. , .._ .•.;f "P/• , : /(/ ",}. -:;. : f NOiAR~ \ ~ ; <J> \ p\lBLIC ) z : ~:.,.·... /f?~ Gale Gwin, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Puyallup, Washington .,,. ""fr, "• •• ~8 1:-,-?CI.~;,•• 0 ~ ,, ~ ....... ~ ... ,,, OF .,1 ,c,Y· ,,' ,, r, ~' ,,,1,til\,,,. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AND PUBLIC HEARING RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee has issued a Determi- nation of Non-Significance (DNS) for the follo..,.ing project under the authority of the Renton municipal code. Cedar Ridge Church Expansion LUAl6-000128 Location: 11411 SE 164th St. Applicant is requesting Hear- ing Examiner Conditional Use Permit approvaJ and SEPA re- view for a church expansion proposed to be conducted un- der two phases. Apptals of tbt DNS must bt filed in writing on or befon 5:00 p.m. on April 08, 2016. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner c/o City Clerk, City of Renton, I055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more infonnation may be ob- tained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, 425-430-6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers, City Hall, on May 10, 2016 at I 1:00 am to consider the submitted applica- tion. If the DNS is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. Interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing. Published in the Renton Reporter March 25. 2016. #1564648 • • • . er.-.-. -- De~~~~,aw _. £>1. .. . City or~!,\'\' . . -=---------,~~®Wt~ID May 5, 2016 • o·avid Pagel .· Gabbert Architects Planners·· i8422 103'd Avenue NE Bothell, WA98011 .· SUBJECT:. "On Hold" Notice· Community & Economic Development Department C.E. ·~ch ip"Vi ni:ent, Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . ' . Cedar Ridge Church Expansion/ LUA16-000128, ECF,,CU-H Dear Mr. Pagel: The Planning Division of the City ~f Renton accepted the ab6v~ ,r;aster application for · review on Febru~ry 18, 2016. Per your request, received May, 3, 2016, we are putting the review of .your project ."on· hold''.. We have also· cancelled the public hearing . · sch!!duled.for May 10, 2016. ·· Please contact me at (425) 430~6598 or via ·email at jdi.ng@reritoriwa.gov if you have any. questions: · · · Sincereiy, Jill Ding. Senior Planner cc: Owner(s) Applicant Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton. Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Agencies See Attached David Pagel Applicant/Contact Siegfried Schmidt Owner (s;'"""" '"'"'"l~lA ~ STATE OF WASHINGT ) ) 55 COUNTY OF KING ) Dated: Notary (Print): ___ L!./-h!'..S./~"4--%a+..u.""UK""'f'f~---------- My appointment expires: Au.g f,L,-/--al~ ~l-=J di~jmm,~g Cedar Ridge Church Expansion D!!!!DII LUA16-000128, ECF, CU-P template • affidavit of service by mailing Kent. WA 98064 • • AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERC DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology •• Dept. of Ecology " Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept.•• Environmental Review Section Attn: Misty Blair Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer PO Box47703 PO Box47703 39015 -172"d Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Auburn, WA 98092 WSDOT Northwest Region • Duwamish Tribal Office• Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program•• Attn: Ramin Pazooki 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Laura Murphy King Area Dev. Serv., MS·240 Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015 172"' Avenue SE PO Box 330310 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers • KC Wastewater Treatment Division • Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program•• Seattle District Office Environmental Planning Supervisor Attn: Erin Slaten Attn: SEPA Reviewer Ms. Shirley Marroquin 39015 172"" Avenue SE PO Box C-3755 201 s. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98124 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Boyd Powers ... WDFW -Larry Fisher* Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation• Depart. of Natural Resources 177S 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Gretchen Kaehler PO Box47015 Issaquah, WA 98027 PO Box48343 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 KC Dev. & Envlronmental Serv. City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: SEPA Section Attn: Tim McHarg Attn: Charlene Anderson, AICP, ECO 35030 SE Douglas St. #210 Director of Community Development 220 Fourth Avenue South Snoqualmie, WA 98065 1283S Newcastle Way, Ste 200 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Newcastle, WA 98056 Metro Transit Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Senior Environmental Planner Wendy Weiker, Community Svcs. Mgr. Jack Pace, Responsible Official Gary Kriedt 355 110'" Ave NE 6200 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Mailstop EST llW Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98004 Seattle Public Utilities Puget Sound Energy Jalaine Madura, Doug Corbin, Municipal liaison Mgr. Attn: SEPA Responsible Official 6905 South 228'" St 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 Kent, WA 98032 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 •Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the Notice of Application. ••Department of Ecology Is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email address: sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov •• Karen Walter, Laura Murphy and Erin Slaten with the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. are emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email addresses: KWalter@muckleshoot.nsn.us / Laura.murphy@muckleshoot.nsn.us L erin.slate n@m uckleshoot. nsn.us •••Department of Natural Resources is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice the following email address: sepacenter@dnr.wa.gov template -affidavit of service by mailing I Denis Law Mayor March 25, 2016 • Washington State Department of Ecology. Environmental Review Se~tion PO Box 47703 .. Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Subject: · ENVIR(?NMENTAL (SEPAi THRESHOLD DETERMINATION Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Det~rmination for ~he following . ·· project reviewed by the Enviro~mental Review Committee (ERC) on March 21, 2016 · • • • • > • • • SEPA DETERMINATION: . PROJECT NAME: Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated {DNS} Cedar Ridge Chuith Expansion . . . . PROJECT NUMBER: LUA16•000128, ECF; CU-P Appeals of the environmental determination musf be filed in writing on or before 5:00 · p.m, on April 8, 2016, toget~er with the required fe~ with:. Hearing Examiner, City of ·. Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. · Appeals to the Examiner are . governed by RMC 4-8-110 and information regarding the appeal process may be · obtained from the City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. · . . Please refer to the enclosed Notic!;! of Environmental _Determination for complete details. If you have questions, please call me at {425) 430-6598. For the Environ~ental Review C::ornmittee, .. : Jill Ding ' Senior Planner · Enclosure · cc: King Colliity Wastew~ter T_reat~en~ Division Boyd PoWers, Department of Natural Resources . Kciren ·waiter; Fish~ries, Muckleshoo~ Indian Tribe Melissa Calvert, Muckleshoot Cultural Resources PrOgram GretChen Kaehler; Office of Archaeology & ~istoric PreServati~n Ramin PazoOkij wsoOr, ·Nw Region ' . Larry Fisher, WDFW · OuwamiS~-Tribal O'ffice" US Army Coq~. of Engineers . Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way , Rento.n, Washington 98057 , rentonwa.gov . . . . . . . . • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) PROJECT NUMBER: APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: LUA16-000128, ECF, CU·P David Pagel, Gabbert Architects Planners Cedar Ridge Church Expansion PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit approval for the proposed addition to the Cedar Ridge Church. The proposed addition would occur in two phases. Phase 1 would include the addition of 8,908 square foot sanctuary to the existing church building and would increase the existing total seating capacity within the church to 3Dl. The existing original 2,540 square foot church building would remain as part of this phase and would be converted to classroom and fellowship hall space. In Phase 2 the existing original 2,540 square foot church building would be demolished and replaced with a 6,879 square foot addition which would include a kitchen, fellowship hall, and additional meeting and classrooms. The project site totals 168,630 square feet (3.87 acres) and is zoned Residential-8 (R-8). The proposed project includes the addition of 55 parking spaces by the end of phase 2, resulting in a total of 95 parking spaces on site. A total of 61 spaces would be available after the completion of phase 1. Access to the site would remain off of SE 164th Street via one curb cut. A sensitive slope (grade between 25 and 40 percent) and two Category 3 wetlands have been identified on the project site (Wetlands A and B). Wetland A would have a standard buffer of 100 feet and Wetland B would have a standard buffer of 75 feet. Wetland buffer averaging is proposed to accommodate the proposed church expansion. PROJECT LOCATION: 11411 SE 1641h Street (Parcel No. 008800-0320) LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This Determination of Non-Significance is issued under WAC 197-11-340. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen {14) days. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on April 8, 2016. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PUBLICATION DATE: DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: Gregg Zimmerma , Public Works Depar Community Services Department March 25, 2016 March 21, 2016 ?J} ~=ti)/6 ' Dat~ '1 Mark Peterson, Administrator Fire & Emergency Services Cz V. ~-tr C.E. "Chip" Vincent, Administrator Department of Community & Economic Development 01-21-1 lo Date • • _____ ....--,,.,..Ren tOil ® OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (DNS) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH EXPANSION PROJECT NUMBER: LUA16-000128, ECF, CU·H LOCATION: 11411 SE 164'" STREET (PARCEL NO. 008800-0320) DESCRIPTION: THE APPLICANT IS REQUESTING HEARING EXAMINER CONDmONAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL FOR THE PROPOSED ADDmON TO THE CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH. THE PROPOSED ADDITION WOULD OCCUR IN TWO PHASES. PHASE 1 WOULD INCLUDE THE ADDITION OF 8,908 SQUARE FOOT SANCTUARY TO THE EXISTING CHURCH BUILDING AND WOULD INCREASE THE EXISTING TOTAL SEATING CAPACITY WITHIN THE CHURCH TO 301. THE EXISTING ORIGINAL 2,S40 SQUARE FOOT CHURCH BUILDING WOULD REMAIN AS PART OF THIS PHASE AND WOULD BE CONVERTED TO CLASSROOM AND FELLOWSHIP HALL SPACE. IN PHASE 2 THE EXISTING ORIGINAL 2,S40 SQUARE FOOT CHURCH BUILDING WOULD BE DEMOLISHED AND REPLACED WITH A 6,879 SQUARE FOOT ADDmON WHICH WOULD INCLUDE A KITCHEN, FELLOWSHIP HALL, ANO ADDmDNAL MEETING AND CLASSROOMS. THE PROJECT SITE TOTALS 168,630 SQUARE FEET (3.87 ACRES) AND IS ZONED RESIDENTIAL-8 (R·S). THE PROPOSED PROJECT INCLUDES THE ADDITION OF 55 PARKING SPACES SY THE END OF PHASE 2, RESULTING IN A TOTAL OF 95 PARKING SPACES ON SITE. A TOTAL OF 61 SPACES WOULD BE AVAILABLE AFTER THE COMPLETION OF PHASE 1. ACCESS TO THE SITE WOULD REMAIN OFF OF SE 164TH STREET VIA ONE CURB CUT. A SENSITIVE SLOPE (GRADE BETWEEN 25 AND 40 PERCENT) AND TWO CATEGORY 3 WETLANDS HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED ON THE PROJECT SITE (WETLANDS A AND B). WETLAND A WOULD HAVE A STANDARD BUFFER OF 100 FEET AND WETLAND B WOULD HAVE A STANDARD BUFFER OF 75 FEET. WETLAND BUFFER AVERAGING IS PROPOSED TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED CHURCH EXPANSION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITIEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on April 8, 2016, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of RMC 4-8-110 and Information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, {425} 430-6510. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE 7TH FLOOR OF CITY HALL, 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON MAY 10, 2016 AT 11:00 AM TO CONSIDER THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, THE APPEAL WILL BE HEARD AS PART OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION PLEASE INCLUDE.THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION. • Denis Law: . • MaYor March 25, 2016 David Pagel . Gabbert Archifects 'Planners 18422 103'd Ave NE Bothell, WA 98011 · ~~--""-· ... .,,,. . . !=ommunity & Economic Development Department C.E."Chip"Vincent, Adm_inistrator: . . · SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTALTHRESHOLD (SEPAi DETERMINATION Cedar ~idge Church Expa~_sion, LUA16~000128; ECF, CU-P Dear Mr. Pagel:· This letter is writt~ri cin behalf of the Environmental Review Ccimmittee:(ERC) to. advise you that they'hav/completed theirreview of th~ subject project.and have issued a threshold Determination of Non-Sig~ificance. Ple.ase refere fo the enclosed ERC Report and·Decisio~ for more details. · · · · • · Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m." (!n April 8; 2016, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examine,:, City of . Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are · . governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information regarding the appeal process may.be · obtained from the Renton City· Clerk's Office, (425) 430:6510. A Public Hearing°will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner in the co·undl Chambers on the seventh floor of city Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington, on May 10, 2016 at 11:00 am. to consider the Conditional Use Permit. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant ·is required to be present at the p~blic hearing .. A copy . of the staff report will be maiied to you prior to the hearing. If the Environmen~al Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. . ' . . .-' . . .. , . If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at (425) · 430-6598. . . . . . . . . For the Environmental Review Committe·e,. Jill Ding Senior Planner Enclosure , . cc: Siegfried Schm_idt / Owner Renton City Hall , 1055 South Grady Way. , Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa:gov. • • Department of Community and Economic Development NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITIEE AND PUBLIC HEARING RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee has issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for the following project underthe authority of the Renton municipal code. Cedar Ridge Church Expansion LUA16-000128 Location: 11411 SE 164th St. Applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit approval and SEPA review for a church expansion proposed to be conducted under two phases. Appeals of the DNS must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on April 08, 2016. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner c/o City Clerk, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, 425-430-6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers, City Hall, on May 10, 2016 at 11:00 am to consider the submitted application. If the DNS is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. Interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing. Publication Date: March 25, 2016 0 0 ce Main Office 1731 l 7 1351h Ave NE, A-500 Woodinville, WA 98072 (425) 486-1669 · FAX (425) 481·2510 September 25, 2015 Mr. Siegfried Schmidt Cedar Ridge Church of Christ P.O. Box 5355 Kent, Washington o• NELSON GEOTECHNICAL AsSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 8c GEOLOGISTS Engineering-Geology Branch SS26 lndustty Lane, #2 East Wenatchee, WA 98802 (509) 665·76% · FAX (509) 665-7692 R--.-..~,· ,,....D L / l ., ~, ·-• • • r ~ • •• ' C ---• ~ '-- Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion 11411 SE 164 1• Street Renton, Washington NGA File No. 933515 Dear Mr. Schmidt: We are pleased to submit the attached report titled "Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation -Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion -11411 SE 164'" Street-Renton, Washington." The parcel number for the property is 008800-0320. This report summarizes the existing surface and subsurface conditions within the site and provides general recommendations for the proposed site development. Our services were completed in general accordance with our proposal signed by you on August 12, 2015. The site is currently occupied by an existing church building within the relatively level bench area within the central portion of the site. The ground surface slopes gently to moderately from the higher elevation level bench area within the vicinity of the existing building in all directions. A moderate southwest- facing slope is located within the southern portion of the property with designated wetlands to the south of the toe of the slope. We understand that the proposed development plan consists of expanding the existing building in multiple phases. The first phase of the project consists r• ----•----·'-· -· ·-----,_ -·• '· . -..... ~ ,_ ' " north of and adjacent to the existing church structure to serve as the congr Full Document existing building will remain in its current unaltered configuration until ph Available upon Request Q two will consist of either replacing or remodeling the current buildir administrative offices. A fellowship hall and kitchen on the south end of th, the current building is replaced. New access driveways extending from EXHIBIT 2 0 (,. CRITICAL AREAS STUDY FOR Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Tax Parcel Na. 008800-0320 Acre Project #14032 Prepared By: Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC. 17715 28th Ave. NE Lake Forest Park, WA 98155 (206) 450-7746 For: Cedar Ridge Church of Christ PO Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 December 22, 2014 Revision #1: January 21, 2016 Full Document Available upon Request ,. EXHIBIT 3 0 0 0 ce oe TIR STORM DRAINAGE REPORT FOR CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH 11411 SE 114th STREET RENTON,WASHINGTON FILE NO. 1016-001-015 PREPARED BY TOUMA ENGINEERS 255 SW 41" STREET RENTON, WA. 98057 (425) 251-0665 February 14, 2016 Full Document Available upon Request EXHIBIT4 0 0 o• o• CITY OF RENTON CEDAR RIDGE CHRURCH EXPANSION TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Prepared for: Mr. Marlin Gabbert AIA, AICP GABBERT ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 18422 -103nl Ave N.E. Bothell, WA 98011 Prepared by: Christopher Faulkner, PE 10827 znd Av; SW Seattle, WA 98146 (206) 788-7993 December 22, 2015 Revised: January 30th, 2016 Full Document Available upon Request EXHIBIT 5 m >< :c .... g::, .... ~ 0\ t~ 11 11 :. - .. @~~_,..W,OQPY ~·-,,;"~. . -' -t '--~.... .. -~.::,., -...;. ... , ~. ~--1• WI.-~:'~ r-....• ~ s . . ~ '~ . ' ::,..--,-' ._·· ,-Q."··· . ~--; .. "--,,. t ". '...: , __ .. T.'" ! J• ...,.. !!.__..,. .. .., ---~=-: ·-.-.... . .._,.,._ ._,_;.~ ':i .·r; t •• SITE INFORMATION -· -ll<AlDIN<> f'K,\Sf"J M!W~TIINN' IIAAINR.OOlll:t..:,.&Ol"T' IW.tONV" 1. 461 aGn -.... .,,,,,. ,,nson PHASE 2. "8.1~1-WL UlPfiQFT OEMOOUTING Ma.DINO. -1.640 $Ol'T Pl)TAL. JAI.W £QFr /flTEAIIEA t4U»&OR --,00.,,..,,.. 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EXHIBIT 9 ADVISORY NOTES TO APP.ANT LUA 16-000128 Application Date: February 18, 2016 Name: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion Site Address: 11411 SE 164th St Renton, WA 98055-5213 PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I .ptj11rie:~lrnti:ii~1~J86J;flt[fl. ··· ·· ', ··;;;J;r, ;1.· I+';~zt~h'.fai:"t: gina'riiwhi!ili~M:tii?~f§a;&'~'f~:~iwhitti~§ltAififfl',d~fJ1iv1 Recommendations: PROJECT LUA16 000128 Cedar Ridge Church Expansion City of Renton Department of Planning/ Building/ Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENTAL APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET POLICE RELATED COMMENTS 84 Police Calls for Service Estimated Annually CONSTRUCTION PHASE Theft from construction sites is one of the most commonly reported crimes in the City. To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. The site should have security lighting, and any construction or storage trailers should be completely fenced in with portable chain link fencing. The fence will provide both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective criminal and will demonstrate that the area is private property. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should be fitted with heavy duty deadbolts with a minimum 1 1 /2" throw when bolted. Any construction material that contains copper should be removed from the construction site at the end of each working day. Glass windows in construction trailers should be shatter resistant. Toolboxes and storage containers should be secured with heavy duty padlocks and kept locked when not in use. "No Trespassing" signs should be posted on the property during the construction phase. These signs allow officers, upon contact, to provide a verbal warning to trespassers that should they be contacted on the property again, they could be cited and/or arrested. COMPLETED COMPLEX All exterior doors should be made of solid metal or metal over wood, with heavy duty deadbolt locks, latch guards or pry resistant cylinders around the locks, and peepholes. All strike plates should have 2 1 /2 to 3" wood screws. And any lever handled doorknob located on the outside is discouraged. These are easy to pry/damage to obtain access inside a building. If you have a deadbolt as a secondary lock, levers are fine. Where egress might be an issue, bar releases can be installed to meet Fire Code requirements. This would include any supply, utility or maintenance rooms. If glass doors are used, they should be fitted with the hardware described above and additionally be fitted with a layer of security film. Security film can increase the strength of the glass by up to 300%, greatly reducing the likelihood of breaking glass to gain entry. All areas of this project need to have adequate lighting. This will assist in the deterrent of theft from motor vehicle (one of the most common crimes in Renton) as well as provide safe pedestrian travel for both patients and staff. It is recommended that the commercial areas be monitored with recorded security alarm systems installed. It's not uncommon for businesses to experience theft and/or vandalism during the hours of darkness. An auxiliary security service could be used to patrol the property during those times. It is important to direct all foot traffic towards the main entrance of the buildings. Any alternative employee entrances should have controlled access doors to prevent trespassing. Landscaping should be installed with the objective of allowing visibility -not too dense and not too high. Too much landscaping will make patients and staff feel isolated and will provide criminals with concealment to commit crimes such as burglary, theft, malicious mischief, etc. With the expanse of land surrounding this site, there is also the possibility of attracting transients to this area. It's important to keep the dumpster areas located within a housing and locked when not in use. I highly recommend that the developer have a Renton Police Crime Prevention Representative conduct a security survey of the premises once construction is complete. EXHIBIT 10 Ran: March 17, 2016 Page 1 ofS ADVISORY NOTES TO APP.ANT LUA 16-000128 PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I fT;,jfllil%t4,;Ba.i'.l~'.iWl.~---lg! ~11111 '"!l;~·~·g1:~1f11Ji~~r1r1~1~P-],R~ Ld~IJ.1Jln91 ~E!w.::on:m!~DJ~~~ ·· .· 0 { .. ·' . ~ .9J!~~£~ . .,~'.J_8g{: !?] .. 2 .. ,~.-j PLJ.D9~,.,.J!3llJ2,D.W8Jg:;:~ Recommendations: 1. RMC section 4 4 030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2. Commercial, multi family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. A National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is being cleared. 5. The applicant will be required to comply with all the code requirements of RMC 4 3 050 Critical Areas. This includes, but is not limited to, placing the critical area within a Native Growth Protection Easement, providing fencing and signage, and providing the City with a site restoration surety device and, later, a maintenance and monitoring surety device. 6. The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained. 7. The applicant shall erect and maintain six foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees, or along the perimeter of a stand of retained trees. Placards shall be placed on fencing every filty feet (50') indicating the words, "NO TRESPASSING -Protected Trees" or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (50'). Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. 8. This permit is shall comply with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The permitted is responsible for adhering to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Bald EaQle ManaQement Guidelines (2007\ and /or vour U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service oermit. '""''*ll!m~?iiliilJ'l!!i-.-.i~f'"'"~'·i,!));~''B~~~ij·_,,~·!l.111! 1117:rilrlfl'fflWR.,fil ;l:ngm~ef.mhlijiiii,ew.~9J.1'.11Jle!!!s!!''~-~~l~\l-~~c.!>n.t119!:J.!ar:iJlF,~.:z;~~.!lmes. l'..!l?i1Mi,!ifahii:lf1!1\:z;\1!!r.n.e.f!!i!l..i:eo1qnY{,1,99vJ Recommendations: I have reviewed the application for the Cedar Ridge Church Expansion located at 11411 SE 164th Street and have the following comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER: Water service is provided by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A water availability certificate was received by the City on February 18, 2016. SEWER: Sewer service is provided by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A sewer availability certificate was received by the City on February 18, 2016. STORM: There are two Threshold Discharge Areas (TDA) on site. Most of the northeastern portion of the site flows north to the southern frontage of 164th Street NE. This portion of the site is part of the Lower Cedar River drainage basin. The rest of the site flows south and is part of the Soos Creek drainage basin. There is a small northern portion of the site that is part of the Soos Creek drainage basin. Please see the description below. The eastern driveway for 11417 SE 164th Street (parcel NE of church parcel), serves at the high point for the drainage along the southern frontage of SE 164th Street. From this high point, a ditch conveys stormwater west, under the western driveway for 11417 SE 164th Street, and then to the corner of SE 164th Street and 113th Avenue SE. Drainage conveyed west from this high point is part of the Soos Creek drainage basin. Heading east from the high point, stormwater is conveyed by a 12" storm drain with type 1 catch basins. This storm drain conveys the majority of the drainage from the northeastern portion of the site. This drainage is part of the Lower Cedar River drainage basin. The piped conveyance drains to the public storm drain in 116th Avenue NE. At the second type 1 catch basin east of the driveway, COR Facility ID #137670, a private French drain from the south is intercepted. According to the property owner of 11417 SE 164th Street, the French drain runs through his property back to the church. Also according to the owner, the French drain has capacity issues and occasionally results in flooding of his yard and the yard of 11421 SE 164th Street. The City of Renton does not have any formal drainage complaints in this area. Drainage from the southern portion of the site flows to existing wetlands. This portion of the site is part of the Soos Creek drainage basin. STREETS: The existing right of way along SE 164th Street is approximately 60 feet. The width of the pavement is approximately 40 feet. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER COMMENTS Ran: March 17, 2016 Page 2 of 5 r---· ADVISORY NOTES TO APPlf ANT LUA 16-000128 PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I ~~~.,.....r··.· .. · .····.· di;!!!lirf![11ri.!:feIB~.lii.!tvl~c;:gmm.11.fll!!.i!& -lfu/fu1JtliJ:!:!Lam!iit?:11@1l'l.§.$ll~2?J:4.$1lku:?88Jl~ifitzijamEl.~~.Lentcmioc11rgg,id 1. Review of the water plans will be conducted by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District and the City of Renton Fire Department. 2. Plans approved by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District shall be routed to the City for final review prior to permit issuance. SEWER COMMENTS 1. Review of the sewer plans will be conducted by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District and the King County Wastewater Treatment Division. 2. Plans approved by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District shall be routed to the City for final review prior to permit issuance. STORM DRAINAGE COMMENTS 1. A Preliminary Technical Information Report completed by Touma Engineers was submitted to the City on February 18, 2016. The site is approximately 3.87 acres in size and contains a church and asphalt parking lot. The remainder of the site is covered by grass and trees. 2. The site is in the Flow Control Duration Standard (Forested Conditions) and requires Enhanced Water Quality. The site contains two Threshold Drainage Areas (TDA). One TDA is tributary to the Lower Cedar River and the other is to Soos Creek. The preliminary TIR notes the TDAs as Black River and Soos Creek. Please have the TIR updated to reflect this. 3. The applicant is proposing to develop the property in two phases. The site consists of two separate Threshold Discharge Areas (TDA). Both TDAs require a full drainage review. In phase 1, construction will impact the north basin (Lower Cedar River) and in phase 2, construction will impact the south basin (Soos Creek). 4. The project is proposing a combination detention I wetvault design for each TDA in accordance with the 2009 KCSWDM and the 2010 City of Renton Amendments for Level 2 Flow Control and Basic Water Quality. This site requires Enhanced Water Quality. Thus, a wetvault is not an acceptable water quality option. Please Reference Section 6.1.2 of the City amendments to the 2009 KCSWDM for approved enhanced water quality options. 5. The site will require an on site Flow Control BMP. Please see section of the City amendments to the KCSWDM for the Flow Control BMPs Requirement. 6. Please revise the Level 1 downstream analysis found in Task 3: Field Inspection for the North Basin. The downstream flowpath described does not agree with conditions observed in the field or with the City's mapping of the storm drainage system. Please reference COR maps for more information on storm drainage conveyance pipes and ditches in the project vicinity. 7. Please locate and display the existing French drain that drains north from the project site to the Type 1 Catch Basin (COR Facility #137670) on the drainage site plan. Address how you plan to address this French drain in the updated TIR. 8. A thorough description of the proposed drainage facilities and layout along with all incomplete information from the Core Requirements shall be provided in the final report. 9. A Geotechnical Report completed by Nelson Geotechnical Associates was submitted to the City on February 18, 2016. Per the report, this site is unsuitable for large scale stormwater infiltration. Per the report, pervious pavement, bio swales, or rain gardens may be feasible in specific areas of the site. 1 o. A Construction Stormwater General Permit from the Washington Department of Ecology will be required since clearing of the site exceeds one acre. 11 . The development is subject to a system development charge (SDC) of $0.0594 per square foot of new impervious surface area, but not less than $1,485.00. TRANSPORTATION /STREET COMMENTS Ran: March 17, 2016 Page 3 ofS ADVISORY NOTES TO APPWfANT LUA 16-000128 ~--~i __ . C.ityo.~ -----~ ~@]l~lQl \<>C-'RI PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I ·;ei:,'fr~Wiitt~Ji~rv,::rti·:,~m,~;::1i;1~~~,~1~0~~A1t~r«1,~ifi1~t~gl1:·.: .. f2tJk~t,1{it1ttrffl~~sPnt~ffl~· ...... 9 .. -,,~., ... " .... 9 .,,., __ ,,. , .. ,-... ------~·-··=·--·, -·-"' 1.¥-)W4:~!'S~J,i}ffltl~tif~ .... t:,. .. , ... _ .. ·~ _, ____ ....... ., ... ~s-· .-. "·--c -~ .... :..e..1:.-~--~ . ·ee .A =~-_,,.,.,,...._,_ .. ~--_,_c-, ____ g ".,,, 1. The current transportation impact fee rate for a church is $1. 70 per square foot. The transportation impact fee that is current at the time of building permit application will be levied. Payment of the transportation impact tee is due at the time of issuance of the building permit. 2. SE 164th Street is classified as a Residential Access street. No right of way dedication is required tor SE 164th Street. 3. Frontage improvements tor SEC 164th Street include a 5' sidewalk, 8' landscaping strip, curb and gutter, and ADA ramp. 4_ The applicant may submit an application to the City requesting a modification of the street frontage improvements as outlined in City code 4 9 250C5d. 5. Right of way dedication and street frontage improvements are required for building expansions valued over $50,000.00. 6. The existing access is approximately 1 O' in paving width. A 20' wide paved access may be required per the Fire Department. 7. A Traffic Impact Analysis is required. The analysis is to include the intersection of SE 164th Street and 114th Avenue SE, the location of the existing driveway and 114th Avenue SE to determine if this location is suitable or if it should be moved. 8. Paving and trench restoration shall comply with the City's Trench Restoration and Overlay requirements. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. The SDCs listed are for 2016. The fees that are current at the lime of the building permit application will be levied. Please see the City of Renton website for the current SDCs. 2. The survey and all civil plans shall conform to the current City of Renton survey and drafting standards. Current drafting standards can be found on the City of Renton website. 3. A final survey that is stamped and signed by the professional land surveyor of record will need to be provided. All existing utilities need to be surveyed and shown. Please reference COR Maps for mapping and records of existing utilities in the project vicinity. 4. Separate plan submittals will be required for construction permits for utility work and street improvements. All plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer in the State of Washington. 5. Separate permits and fees for side sewers and water services shall be obtained by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. 6. Rockeries or retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height will require a separate building permit. Structural calculations and plans prepared by a licensed engineer will be required. 7. A final tree removal/retention plan and landscape plan shall be included with the civil plan submittal. 8. When utility plans are complete, please submit four (4) copies of the plans, two (2) copies of the drainage report, an electronic copy of each, the permit aoolication, an itemized cost of construction estimate, and aonlication fee to the counter of the sixth floor. '"'*~*;;f.1~.ii~ .... ~iill i~~~ml1';!iflll!W4f~fff ill ?FIIIOOll'.11. P..iliJil ;,Iei:.1:iolc,_11Jl.~e.1"YJ!<ei.J::..9m.rn.ent11-& .· c:Jifol!9.l;?~E!!1®,~!lilliiful 11g_fa;:11@17.3Ji!321,fil!11is1~1?.n!QD"vt.E!;ggy~ Recommendations: Topographic and Boundary survey show encroachments from Parcel 0088000325 aka 11417 SE 164th Street. What is the Ian to resolve the encroachments as shown? f~l!J!l!iew • B.uH<lingi.§9mments Recommendations: Environmental Impact Comments: 1. Fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $0.25 per square toot of commercial space. This fee is paid at lime of building permit issuance. Code Related Comments: 1. The preliminary fire flow is 1,750 gpm based on a fully tire sprinklered building. A minimum of one hydrant is required within 150 feet Ran: March 17, 2016 Page 4 of 5 ADVISORY NOTES TO APP.ANT LUA 16-000128 PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I _!!'~----~-,_:_•'_ m_ 1 -i'g __ -_--i--, __ illf' ·11:,r1m_ ~--_-·_:m;~_'-__ m_iJlil, 41 ~' reg:~-rWTn'f.!_ --1_11 -jfir,E!'.l'l~l!i.e.W -1:1]J!~i!'l9~Qfill!l~IJ!if %-qq_iJ1!1~t egJv. ifillQi!~b:iitM~&~lkctlj_o.!Jl~J@...i:entoJ1Yt.~\hG: of the structure and one additional hydrant is required within 300 feet of the structure. One hydrant also is required within 50 feet of the fire department fire sprinkler connection. There appears to be one existing hydrant within 300 feet of the proposed building. An on site water main extension is required to provide adequate fire flow, one new hydrant and an adequately sized main to supply the required fire sprinkler system. An updated water availability certificate is required from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District that can demonstrate that 1,750 gpm is available at this location. 2. Approved fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems are required throughout the building. Separate plans and permits required by the fire department. Direct outside access is required to the fire sprinkler riser room. Fully addressable and full detection is required for the fire alarm system. The use of a voice type fire alarm system would be required for full time private school occupancy. 3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150 feet of all points on the building. Fire lane signage required for the on site roadway. Required turning radius are 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside. Roadways shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. Roadways shall be fully paved and support a minimum of a 30 ton vehicle and 75 psi point loading. 4. An electronic site plan is required prior to occupancy for pre fire planning purposes. 5. An annual place of assembly permit is required through the fire department. 6. An automated external defibrillator is required if the final occupant load is over 300 persons. 7. Se arate lans and ermits shall be submitted to the Renton Fire De artment for kitchen hood fire su Ran: March 17, 2016 Page 5 of 5 •• --~ Nonprofit Corporation -Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Corporation Account#: 2-406345-5 Unified Business Identifier#: 601129 640 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5355, Kent, WA 98064 Meeting Address: 11411 SE 164th ST, Renton, WA 98055 After the death of Darrell W Duff on July 15th, 2011, new officers were selected as follows: President: Siegfried Schmidt, Kent, WA Secretary/ Treasurer: Howard Herndon, Federal Way, WA Director: Dan Forward, Federal Way, WA Siegfried Schmidt ~/. Howard Her on ! .. ~ Dan Forward CITY OF RENTON RECEIVED FEB 18 2il16 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES i ,j I I • 11411SEUol•ll l'lllMfT"""UO,TIONIIATll NO'llCI Of COW'\.JTI .....UO,TIOM: .u,,u:,tJ(T/NOffCT (DKf,'C'( ,uso,,l: othor .....,tu wllldl moy b11 ,-ciul...i, F1bn,1rytl, 101.I fobNlryll,101.I _,.,.,_ _ _..,u,;uim"'-1 ......... WA 9111ll/US.UZ.7'S1/da Tt,.C d con, ~ulldlOl,-rrlt,Con~ Plrmlt Or ..... p Rop0rt,G-hnl<lll llo!Mlrt, lrolllclmpartStmln,ant, Wotl•nd .... ..,.-l . 11\IOU...-11 .. tabornodoo.,.nyol,..,..dtorw<aMtunl'IMNIIQffflSllononlhllpr_,!pr<>jKt.,,.,,plollllhll 1....,onc1ro1 .... ur.CJl'f'of-CED-P1.1 ....... -lfflSo.(ln,dyWoV,lloftlOR,W,.<JII05J. tllml/fll No,; c;aa< ~ O,urct,/ LUAUi--ODCllll. (Cf, CU-II ~·~~~~~~~~~~~~:-::-:::--~~~~~- M,.ltlNG.lODRW: ___________ ol'//Slata/ZlP:-------- lHEPMONEND.: ---------- PIJ8UC HEAR1NG1 • D~ofClln'llmlnlty·[eoftomk~Jatll•l'llnnlnl Dlvlrlon,51"1:tl FI--Clty "oil, 1CISS 5oulllGrN'/Wr,, lllfflDll,WA ,w, Pi bllr houln1 l1100Wbrrlv 11:llrdulml (gr Mn JP 204! bllllce the aenton Hnan, bw•n,r In RrDIPn rm n;II Qllmb1a "u,oo om on u,. 7th floor of Ron!0!1 Ci!'y H1U loai-d 111055 So"th G11dy W('I. n,, "'bi.rt 1111 lo dtolptad COlll'-RMnon tho City or Rtnllln Carnp,wt,IIIIMI "nd u .. Ma~ ind 11-1 on tho C11(1 Zorjol Mop. Tho, pro]Kt .,GI bll IUbjatt 10 tho Clt'(o SEPA "'*"-, RMC ...Z,.110,tl hlldarllal 0~ S-...., RMC 4,t,OSII Cr111ca1 ..... Roplol--. RMC 4-+071I ~ Rquladunl, IWC4+U0lrH -W l.lcld durtn1, RMC ,l-4-0l(I Plrklne 11op11-. and RMC 1-1-11111 Slrlot Sllnanll Ind othor ,~plat,11 cadu ond 11(lll1U0111111-rl1te. Ci:>m.....U on INI •-•ppladlft m<III bl' 111bmlNd In wfltq ta ~IL Dl"I, $oo!lat PIIIIMf, CID -Pl,n .. rc IIMllan. lo,55olrlhll11<1ywry, lllfflo11, W,\NOS7, l,f!:OCI PM an M .... 11,fflL Tl,ll mo-II lloo~sdlodullHI ' far I pul>II< h.-1"1 on May 10, 1011, n 11'CICI 1m, Cl>ulldl Chombors, Sevorrlti Floor, llonl<ln Ol'j 1111, lffl 5oulll Grody"Wl/t, Romar,.. l!YQ<1orolntanStOdln11;t11rdl'Cd,•h•~.--con11<1U,1 Plonnl"fDi.islao,io,m..,.ttoM tho hHMI hn nat botn ~ lll4l5l lJD.fiS1&. Fallawln1 u,, illu""°' ol!hl !U,\ O.torml-, yau ml'/ IIJU appHr 111 !hi lll1t1111 and pm,,M ya111 ....,,. .. a roprdi"I !hi p,,1pcsal bofoni tho Hlirtel bamlMI'. 11 yau ---•-it.pr-',otwblllDNm••portycrlJWa>nland,_ ___ bymd,,.,.._. IDntxtthoprojoa--. -----wtl~-Oputyaf.-.111111 I lrilbo-tdal""'-""thtop,ojocl. CONTACT PERSON: Jl11 Dina. .Senior Planner, Tel: (425) 430-6598; Eml: '. Jdlng@rentonwa.1av ' 1' J PlEASE INCLUDE THE PROJEcr NUMBER WHEN CAWNG FOR PROPER FILE tDENTlFICATION J CERTIFICATION J;(I 1) i ~ , hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document in ---3.J: onspicuous places or nearby the described property on I, were posted Date:_&._/_~-~~/_lo ___ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON 55 COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that -::Y, \\ J> \ -~ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and v ntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary (Print): My appointment expires: __ .... hc.=,§f~i!.,,sf.,___-=;)-q:..--"'J."'O~(-'"=f ___ _ u ' \ (1,, Agencies David Pagel Siegfried Schmidt 300' Surrounding Properties (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) ss ) Cedar Ridge Church Expansion , LUAlG-000128, ECF, CU-H template -affidavit of service by mailing See Attached Contact Owner See Attached • • AGENCY (DOE} LETTER MAILING (ERC DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology " Dept. of Ecology • • Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. •• Environmental Review Section Attn: Misty Blair Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer PD Box47703 PO Box47703 39015 -112"' Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Auburn, WA 98092 WSDOT Northwest Region • Duwamish Tribal Office • Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program•• Attn: Ramin Pazooki 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Laura Murphy King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015 172"' Avenue SE PO Box 330310 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers • KC Wastewater Treatment Division • Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program ** Seattle District Office Environmental Planning Supervisor Attn: Erin Slaten Attn: SEPA Reviewer Ms. Shirley Marroquin 39015 172'' Avenue SE PO Box C-3755 201 s. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98124 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 , Boyd Powers"'** WDFW -Larry Fisher* Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation• Depart. of Natural Resources 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Gretchen Kaehler PO Box 47015 Issaquah, WA 98027 PO Box 48343 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 KC Dev. & Environmental Serv. City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: SEPA Section Attn: Tim McHarg Attn: Charlene Anderson, AICP, ECO 35030 SE Douglas St. #210 Director of Community Development 220 Fourth Avenue South Snoqualmie, WA 98065 12835 Newcastle Way, Ste 200 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Newcastle, WA 98056 Metro Transit Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Senior Environmental Planner Wendy Weiker, Community Svcs. Mgr. Jack Pace, Responsible Official Gary Kriedt 355 110'" Ave NE 6200 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Mailstop EST llW Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98004 Seattle Public Utilities Puget Sound Energy Jalaine Madura, Doug Corbin, Municipal Liaison Mgr. Attn: SEPA Responsible Official 6905 South 2281h St 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 Kent, WA 98032 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 *Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the Notice of Application. "Department of Ecology is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email address: sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov ** Karen Walter, Laura Murphy and Erin Slaten with the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. are emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email addresses: KWalter@mucldeshoot.nsn.us / Laura.murphy@muckleshoot.nsn.us L erin.slate n@muckleshoot.nsn.us ***Department of Natural Resources is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice the following email address: sepacenter@dnr.wa.gov template -affidavit of service by mailing -,~ ....... IMP/I,.,,,,. David Pagel MBP Integration Gabbert Architects Planners MBP Integration 18422 103rd Ave NE Bothell, WA 98011 Siegfried Schmidt Cedar Ridge Church of Christ PO Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 • • 88000195 806000020 806000005 BAKER ANGIE BARRAGAN DAISY BIEGLER EDWARDJ+DIANE L 11414 SE 164TH ST 16526 115TH AVE SE 19830 116TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 KENT, WA 98031 806000085 88000304 88000430 BRINK PROPERTY MANAGEMENT BROSSARD JULIE A CARNER KELLY GENE 11555 SE 8TH ST #130 16408 113TH AV SE 11135 SE 164TH ST BELLEVUE, WA 98004 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 806000025 88000390 88000370 CHEUNG KEN+ANN CHI HARA JIM F & THERESA A CHOI JOHN 15228 SE 83RD LN 16475 113TH AVE SE 16438 111TH AVE SE NEWCASTLE, WA 98059 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 806000030 88000325 88000302 COLEMAN KARL COOPER CHRISTINE+ MATIHEW DURDYMARYG 16542 115TH AVE SE 11417 SE 164TH ST 6520 196TH ST SW #296 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98058 LYNNWOOD, WA 98036 88000192 806000015 88000111 EAGAN WILLIAM CAREY ELALA MESSERET FAN HUNG 16240 114TH AVE SE 16520 115TH AVE SE 1602 S ATLANTIC ST RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 SEATILE, WA 98144 806000040 88000900 88000362 FEREDINOS PHILIP+SEANE M FERNANDEZ JAVIER GERTH AS 16561116TH AVENUE SE 16606 113TH AVE SE 11443 SE 164TH RENTON, WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 88000365 88000920 88000200 GERTH RHONDA L GOOD SHEPHERD OF WA HAMILTON ERIC+STONE SHERRI 11443 SE 164TH ST 119 N MAIN ST 11438 SE 164TH ST RENTON, WA 98055 PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 RENTON, WA 98055 88000202 806000120 88000190 HERNANDEZ ROSA HUGHES PERCY V JENSEN ANDREW V+CAYLIN B 11434 SE 164TH ST 6141 OAKHURST RDS 11408 SE 164TH ST RENTON, WA 98055 SEATILE,WA 98118 RENTON, WA 98055 88000341 88000301 88000361 JOHNSON JOHNIE B+DEBI K JONES JEFFREY G+STACY E KING COUNTY-PROPERTY SVCS 11433 SE 164TH ST 11307 SE 164TH ST 5004TH AVE #800 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 SEATILE, WA 98104 806000110 88000201 88000203 KUMP JOSH+BRIANA LACKIE DANIEL M LACKIE DANIEL M 16517 115TH AV SE 11420 SE 164TH ST 11420 SE 164TH ST RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98055 806000035 LEE THOMAS G+MIMI T 15418 SE 234TH ST KENT, WA 98042 88000173 MADRIGAL MARIA L 16251114TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 806000100 MCGAVRAN DOUGLAS G 16503 115TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000300 PAULL PATRICK T+LUELLA E 16428 113TH AV SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000381 PHILLIPS WILLIAM E+RENEE H 16457 113th Ave SE Renton, WA 98055 88000391 RANDALL MATTHEW DEAN+ANNA H 16471113TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 806000010 ROWLEY CHARLES WAYNE+CATARI 16512 115TH AV SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000193 TRIPI JOSEPH A 16318 114TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 • 88000113 LEHAL SATNAM SINGH+JASWANT 11230 SE 164TH ST RENTON, WA 98055 88000910 MARAS HUCK VURIY P 16630 113TH AV SE RENTON, WA 98058 806000105 MURESAN NIC 12630 NE 6TH ST BELLEVUE, WA 98005 806000125 PENG XIAO HUI 16535 115TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000383 PHILLIPS WILLIAM E+SILVER R 16425 113TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000178 RENTON CITY OF 1055 S GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98057 806000090 SAMRA PARAMJIT SINGH DELTA BC V4E 2A9 CANA, DA 0 806000095 WORKU ALEMTSEHAYT 16501115TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 • 9415950010 LE-NGUYEN THAO DUY 16603 113TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 806000115 MARCH RANDALL K & DEANNA M 16523 115TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000340 NELSON GARY L+ALETHEA 11421 SE 164TH ST RENTON, WA 98055 88000901 PERRY SCOTT 16118 113TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000191 PIPKIN DAVID J & JANELL 16230 114TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 88000112 ROBBINS JAMES & TERESA 16003 21ST AVE SW BURIEN, WA 98166 88000394 SCHEFFER BETH 16463 113TH AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 ' ~ . .. Leslie Betlach • Plan Review Routing Slip Plan Number: Site Address: LUAlG-000128 11411 SE 164TH ST Name: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion Preapp Description: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit approval for the proposed addition to the Cedar Ridge Church. The proposed addition would occur in two phases. Phase 1 would include the addition of 8,908 square foot sanctuary to the existing church building and would increase the existing total seating capacity within the church to 301. The existing original 2,500 square foot church building would remain as part of this phase and would be converted to classroom and fellowship hall space. In Phase 2 the existing original 2,500 square foot church building would be demolished and replaced with a 6,879 square foot addition which would include a kitchen, fellowship hall, and additional meeting and classrooms. The project site totals 168,630 square feet (3.87 acres) and is zoned Residential-8 (R-8). The proposed project includes the addition of 55 parking spaces by the end of phase 2, resulting in a total of 95 parking spaces on site. A total of 61 spaces would be available after the completion of phase 1. Access to the site would remain off of SE 164th Street via one curb cut. Two Category 3 wetlands have been identified on the project site (Wetlands A and B). Wetland A would have a standard buffer of 100 feet and Wetland B would have a standard buffer of 75 feet. Wetland buffer averaging is proposed to accommodate the proposed church expansion . Review Type: Date Assigned: Date Due: Community Services Review-Version 1 02/25/2016 03/10/2016 Project Manager: Jill Ding Environmental lmpact'---""T-----------,------------r-----------, Earth Animals Light/Glare Historic/Cultural Preservation J-A_i_r _________ 4 E::.n:..:v.:.:ir..:o.:.:n.:.:m..:e.:.:n.::ta::.1..:.H..:e::::a:.:lt::.:h ___ +R..:e::::cr:.:e:.::a..:ti..:o.:.:n _______ --lAirportEnvironmental Water Energy/Natural Resources Utilities 10,000 Feet Plants Housing Transportation 14,000 Feet Land/Shoreline Use Aesthetics Public Service Where to enter your comments: Manage My Reviews Which types of comments should be entered: Recommendation -Comments that impact the project including any of the Enivornmental Impacts above. Correction -Corrections to the project that need to be made before the review can be completed and /or requesting submittal of additional documentation and/or resubmittal of existing documentation. What statuses should be used: Reviewed -I have reviewed the project and have no comments. Reviewed with Comments -I have reviewed the project and and I have comments entered in Recommendations. Correction/Resubmit -I have reviewed the project and the applicant needs to submit and/or resubmit documentation and I have added corrections in Corrections. ~LIJs~ctd Signature of Director or Authorized Representative B-4-/1/ Date • • Terry Flatley -----Renton® Plan Review Routing Slip Plan Number: Site Address: LUA16-000128 11411 SE 164TH ST Name: Cedar Ridge Church Expansion Preapp Description: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit approval for the proposed addition to the Cedar Ridge Church. The proposed addition would occur in two phases. Phase 1 would Include the addition of 8,908 square foot sanctuary to the existing church building and would Increase the existing total seating capacity within the church to 301. The existing original 2,500 square foot church building would remain as part of this phase and would be converted to classroom and fellowship hall space. In Phase 2 the existing original 2,500 square foot church building would be demolished and replaced with a 6,879 square foot addition which would include a kitchen, fellowship hall, and additional meeting and classrooms. The project site totals 168,630 square feet (3.87 acres) and is zoned Residential-8 (R-8). The proposed project includes the addition of 55 parking spaces by the end of phase 2, resulting In a total of 95 parking spaces on site. A total of 61 spaces would be available after the completion of phase l. Access to the site would remain off of SE 164th Street via one curb cut. Two Category 3 wetlands have been Identified on the project site (Wetlands A and B). Wetland A would have a standard buffer of 100 feet and Wetland B would have a standard buffer of 75 feet. Wetland buffer averaging is proposed to accommodate the proposed church expansion . Review Type: Community Services Review-Version 1 Date Assigned: 02/25/2016 Date Due: 03/10/2016 Project Manager: Jill Ding Environmental Impact Earth Animals Air Environmental Health Water Enerov/Natural Resources Plants Housimz Land/Shoreline Use Aesthetics Where to enter your comments: Manage My Reviews Which types of comments should be entered: Li•ht/Glare Historic/Cultural Preservation Recreation Airport Environmental Utilities 10,000 Feet Transoortation 14,000 Feet Public Service Recommendation -Comments that impact the project including any of the Enivornmental Impacts above. Correction -Corrections to the project that need to be made before the review can be completed and/or requesting submittal of additional documentation and/or resubmlttal of existing documentation. What statuses should be used: Reviewed -I have reviewed the project and have no comments. Reviewed with Comments -I have reviewed the project and and I have comments entered In Recommendations. correction/Resubmit -I have reviewed the project and the applicant needs to submit and/or resubmit documentation and I have added corrections in Corrections. Planting strip on 164 Street is not shown. Please add a planting strip between the sidewalk and curb (and a sidewalk and curb). Use only large maturing trees spaced a minimum of 50 feet on- center. Site can accomodate a total of 3 street trees. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Data Deni_s· Law: • ~ayor . . . . ' . . February 2s; 2oi6, . . ··. Community &Economic Development Depa~iment, · i:. . . CE."Chip"Vincent, Administrator ·· David Pagelr ,· . ·· · Gabbert Ar~hitects Plann~rs, is42:2 103ifAve . · · . ' . }_ .· Botnell; WA 98011 · · Subject:·. ·. :Notice of Complete Application.· ·· .. '' Cedar Ridge Church Expansfon,:LUA16-000i28; ECF, cu'.H . ' .-·. -',. . ' ' . . ... . - . 'Dear Mr. Pagel:,'. The.P.lanning Division ofthe CitY: of 0 Reritcin has determiri~d that tlie subject application ... . is complete according to submiftai requireine"nts arid, therefore; is accepted for fevie~: It is tentatively sclledulelfor cons_iderati.cin by the' Environm~rital Review Committee. on . March,21, 2016.' Prio°r to that revi~w; youwillbe notified.if any additional information is. ·. required to continue processing your applic~_tion ... ' •. ' ' . . ' . . ' ' .. In addition; this rriatter is tent~tively sc 0 heduleil fci~a Public Hearing on May 10, 20i6 at ' •.. ·_ 11:00 am, Council Chambers, s.eventh Floor,· Renton, City. Hall, 1055 South Grady :Way, R'enton. The applicant or represelitative{s) of the applicant a(e required to be present at· 'the publichearing. A copy of the staff report will.be mailed to you prior to the scheduled,.· ·, hearin~ · · · · · · · · · · · Please contact ~eat (425) 430-659.8 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jill Ding . Senior Planner cc: Cedar Ridge Church/ Owner(s) Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov • .,.. ___ _ R'.entOll® NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the appllcatfon and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: LAND USE NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: February 25, 2016 LUA16-000128, ECF, CU-H Cedar Ridge Church Expansion PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit approval for the proposed addition to the Cedar Ridge Church. The proposed addition would occur in two phases. Phase 1 would include the addition of 8,908 square foot sanctuary to the existing church building and would increase the existing total seating capacity within the church to 301. The existing original 2,500 square foot church building would remain as part of this phase and would be converted to classroom and fellowship hall space. In Phase 2 the existing original 2,500 square foot church building would be demolished and replaced with a 6,879 square foot addition which would include a kitchen, fellowship hall, and additional meeting and classrooms. The project site totals 168,630 square feet (3.87 acres) and is zoned Residential-8 (R-8). The proposed project includes the addition of 55 parking spaces by the end of phase 2, resulting in a total of 95 parking spaces on site. A total of 61 spaces would be available after the completion of phase 1. Access to the site would remain off of SE 164th Street via one curb cut. Two Category 3 wetlands have been identified on the project site (Wetlands A and B). Wetland A would have a standard buffer of 100 feet and Wetland B would have a standard buffer of 75 feet. Wetland buffer averaging is proposed to accommodate the proposed church expansion. PROJECT LOCATION: 11411 SE 164~ St OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS): As the lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional ONS process to give notice that a ONS is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance (DNS). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Permits/Review Requested: Other Permits which may be required: Requested Studies: February 18, 2016 February 25, 2016 David Pagel/ Gabbert Architects Planners/ 18422103rd Ave/ Bothell, WA 98011/ 425-482-7987/ daviep@gabbertarchitects.com Environmental (SEPA) Review, Conditional Use Permit Building Permit, Construction Permit Drainage Report, Geotechnlcal Report, Traffic Impact Statement, Wetland Assessment If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED-Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: Cedar Ridge Church/ LUA16-000128, ECF, CU-H NAME:---------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: _______________ City/State/Zip:----------- TELEPHONE NO.: -------------- -------, • Location where application may be reviewed: PUBUC HEARING: CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/land Use: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: • Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO)-Planning Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Public hearing is tentatively scheduled for May 10, 2016 before the Renton Hearing Examiner in Renton Council Chambers at 11:00 am on the 7th floor of Renton City Hall located at 1055 South Grady Way. The subject site is designated COMP-RMD on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and R-8 on the City's Zoning Map. Environmental (SEPA) Checklist The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, RMC 4-2-llOA Residential Development Standards, RMC 4-3-050 Critical Areas Regulations, RMC 4-4-070 landscaping Regulations, RMC 44130 Tree Retention and land Clearing, RMC 4-4-080 Parking Regulations, and RMC 4-6-060 Street Standards and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to JIii Ding, Senior Planner, CED -Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on March 11, 2016. This matter is also tentatively scheduled for a public hearing on May 10, 2016, at 11:00 am, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. If you are interested In attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6578. Following the issuance of the SEPA Determination, you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments regarding the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail, please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatlcally become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Jill Ding, Senior Planner; Tel: (425) 430-6598; Eml: jding@rentonwa.gov PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION • • • • CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH PARCEL NUMBER: 008800-0320 ADDRESS: 11411 SE 164TH ST, RENTON, WA APPLICATION PACKET INDEX 1. Pre-application Meeting Summary 2. Title Report 3. Land Use Permit Application Form 4. Environmental Checklist 5. Project Narrative 6. Conditional Use Permit Justification 7. Construction Mitigation Description 8. Neighborhood Detail Map 9. Site Plan l 0. Grading Plan, Utility Plan, and Drainage Control Plan 11. Landscape Plan 12. Architectural Elevations 13. Floor Plans 14. Topography Map 15. Tree Cutting Land Clearing Plan 16. Tree Retention Worksheet 17. Wetland Assessment 19. Geotechnical Report 21. Drainage Report 22. Traffic Study 23. Plan Reductions 24. Colored Maps (not included in binder) 25. Water and Sewer District Documentation • ~BBERT 18422 103'• AVE NE. Bothell. WA 98011 P .425.482. 7987 Architects Planners DEPARTMENT OF COMM.TY ... Re:an. toCITVnOF ·G .... i).· .... AND ECONOMIC DEVELo'°~l~IENT '>1' • Planning Division LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) NAME: Cedar Ridae Church ADDRESS: 11411 SE 164th ST CITY: ZIP: Renton 98055 TELEPHONE NUMBER: .. 253:859.5251 APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: David Paael COMPANY (if applicable): . Gabbert ArchitectilPlanners ADDRESS: 18422 103'd AVE NE CITY: ZIP: Bothell 98011 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425.482.7987 CONTACT PERSON NAME: David Panel COMPANY (if applicable)· Gabbert-Architects Planners ADDRESS: 18422 103'0 AVE CITY: ZIP: Bothell 98011 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADORE$$: 425.482.7987 davidp@gabbertarchitects.com i Mac: Use rs:si egfri ed sch ml d t: Desktop: ma ste rap p ( 1 ):-1.d oc PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Cedar Ridge Church PROJECT/ADDf<ESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: 11411 SE 164th ST Renton, WA 98055 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 0088000320 EXISTING LAND USE(S)· Church PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Church E_XISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: Medium Density Residential PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (ifapplicable) N/A EXISTING ZONING: R-8 PROPOSED ZONING (if-applicable): N/A · SITE AREA (In square feet): 168;630 sqft SQ[!ARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE·ACCESS EASEMENTS: NIA . . PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable) N/A NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) NIA NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicab_ie): N/A 1 Rev:08/2015 RECC\\/FD f t.c, l 5 . -'~ 1,1 ' • JECT INFORMATION co ued NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): N/A PROJECT VALUE: 1..5 Million qUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILOINGS'(if'applicable): N/A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUiLDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. (if applicable): 13,089 SQFT , SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): 2,540 SQFT TO BE DEMOLISHED IN PHASE II. NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): 6,210 SQFT IN PHASE I AND 6,879 SQFT IN PHASE II NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW P,ROJECT (if applicable): N/A 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO D FLOOD HAZARD AREA D GEOLOGIC HAZARD D HABITAT CONSERVATION D SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES 18] WETLAN_DS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY __ sq.ft. __ sq.ft. __ sq.ft. __ sq.ft. ~.645 sq. ft. (Attach legal descriotion on seoarate sheet with the followina information included) SITUATE IN THE NE QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23, RANGE 05, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print N_ame/s) Siegfried Schmidt, declare under'penalty of perjury under the laws of.the.State of Washington that I am (please check one) D the current owner of the property involved in this'application or 18] the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof ofauthorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true,and correct to the best of my knowledge.and belief. z/1/zo /£ Date Signature of Owner/Representative Date STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have saiisfactory evidencie that _~Q)ti'J''-lld ~c l'.)l'.Y)\d± signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their fiee and voluntary act for the uses and purpose mentioned in the insfrument. 211/tv Dated ' e. S. F011iDEN- m1e OF WASHiNGTl;)N NOTARY PUBLIC P8Y (:0MMISS10N EXPIRES ~>20-19 ,o! ' Notary Public in anorthE>Stateof E, -S' .rordlQJQ Notary (Print): My appointment expires: 2 iJy1a c: Users: si egf ri edsch m idt: Des kt op: mastel'a. p"p { 1 )-1. doc Rev:08/2015 • • • PREAPPllCATION MEETING FOR Cedar Ridge Church Expansion 11411 SE 164th St PRE 15-000112 CITY OF RENTON Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division March 12, 2015 Contact Information: Planner: Jill Ding, 425.430.6598 Public Works Plan Reviewer: Vicki Grover, 425.430. 7291 Fire Prevention Reviewer: Corey Thomas, 425.430.7024 • Building Department Reviewer: Craig Burnell, 425.430.7290 Please retain this packet throughout the course of your project as a reference. Consider giving copies of it to any engineers, architects, and contractors who work on the project. You will need to submit a copy of this packet when you apply for land use and/or 'environmental permits. Pre-screening: When you have the project application ready for submittal, call and schedule an appointment with the project manager to have it pre-screened before making all of the required copies. The pre-appiication meeting is informal and non-binding. The comments provided on the proposal are based on the codes and policies in effect at the time of review. The applicant is cautioned that the development regulations are regularly amended and the proposi'II will be formally reviewed under the regulations in effect at the time of project submittal. The information contained in this summary is subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Planning Director, 9?evelopment Services Director, Department of Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator and City Council). I • • • • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • ------1Et®fil~@fill ®. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: M E M O R A N D U M March 12, 2015 Pre-Application File No. 15-000112 Jill Ding, Senior Planner Cedar Ridge Church Expansion, 11411 SE 1641 " St. General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above- referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator, Planning Director, Development Services Director, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $SO.OD plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall or online at www.rentonwa.gov Project Proposal: The project site is located on the so(!th side of SE 164'" Street at 11411 SE 164'" Street between 113'" Ave SE and 116'" Ave SE. The total area of the subject site is 111,078 sf (2.55 acres) and zoning is Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R-8). The applicant is proposing a phased expansion of the existing Cedar Ridge Church facility. The Phase 1 expansion would include the construction of a 6,741 sf 2-story addition to the existing sanctuary, phase 2 would include the remodel of the existing sanctuary ·building, and phase 3 would include the addition of a gym. Access to the site would remain via the existing curb cut off of SE 164'" Street. Parking would be provided via the existing 142 s·tall surface parking lot. Two Category 3 wetlands extend onto the project site from the south and southeast. Current Use: An existing church building is proposed to remain and potentially be remodeled as part of phase 2 of this project. Zoning Requirements: The subject property is· zoned Residential-a dwelling units per acre (R-8) where interim R-8 (effectively R-6) zoning standards currently apply. Interim zoning standards where adopted under Ordinance 5724. Religious Institutions are permitted as a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use in the R-8 zone. Development Standards: The project would be subject to RMC 4-2-llOA, "Development Standards for Single Family Zoning Designations" effective at the time of complete application (noted as "R-8 standards" herein) . h:\ced\planning\current planning\preapps\2015 preapps\15-000112.)ill\15-000112 (r-8 cedar ridge church).doc I • • • • Cedar Ridge Church Expansion, PRElS-000112 Page 2 of s March 12, 2015 • Minimum Lot Size, Width and Depth-The minimum lot size permitted in Zone R-8, according to interim zoning standards, is 7,000 square feet for parcels being subdivided. Minimum lot width is 60 feet for interior lots; minimum lot depth is 90 feet. The existing site has an area of 111,078 sf with a width of 230 feet and a depth of 678.92 feet, which exceeds the minimum lot size, width, and depth requirements of the R-8 zone. Building Standards -The interim standards allow a maximum building coverage of 40% of the lot area. The maximum impervious coverage in the R-8 zone is 55%. Building height is restricted to 30 feet. Detached accessory structures must remain below a height of 15 feet and one-story. Accessory structures are also included in building lot coverage calculations. According to the submitted pre-application materials, the proposal would result in a building coverage of 7 percent, a maximum impervious surface coverage of 44 percent and have a height of 30 feet, which would comply with the building standard requirements of the R-8 zone. These standards would be verified at the time of formal land use and building permit application. Setbacks -Setbacks are the minimum required distance between the building footprint and the property line. The interim required setbacks for the R-8 zone are: Front yard: 25 feet for the primary structure. Rear yard: 25 feet. Side yards: 15-foot combined setback with a minimum not less than 5 feet. The existing structure and all proposed additions would have setbacks well in excess of the minimums required In the R-8 zone. Setbacks would be verified at the time of formal land use application. Access/Parking: The existing driveway access off of NE 164'" Street would.be maintained as part of the development proposal. The following ratios would be applicable to the site· Use Total Number Qf. Seats Ratio Required Spaces Religious None Provided Min/Max: 1 space/ every Min/Max: Unable to Institutions 5 seats in the main Calculate at this auditorium time Information on the number of seats to be provided for the new addition area .was not included in the pre-application materials, therefore staff was unable to verify compliance with this requirement. Compliance with this requirement would be verified at the time of formal land use application. If the applicant cannot comply with the parking requirements, per RMC 4-4-0SOF.10.c, a modification to the parking standards may be requested. A twenty five . percent {25%) reduction or increase from the minimum or maximum number of parking spaces may be granted for nonresidential uses through site plan review if the applicant can justify the modification to the satisfaction of the Administrator. Justification might include, but is not limited to, quantitative information such as sales receipts, documentation of customer frequency, and parking standards of nearby cities. In order for the reduction or increase to occur the Administrator must find that satisfactory evidence has been provided by the applicant. Modifications beyond twenty five percent {25%) may be granted per the criteria and process of RMC 4-9-250.D.2. It should be noted that the parking regulations specify standard stall dimensions. Surface parking stalls must be a minimum of 9 feet x 20 feet, compact dimensions of SY, feet x 16 feet, h:\ced\planning\current planning\preapps\2015 preapps\lS-000112.jlll\15-000112 (r-8 cedar ridge church).doc · ' . • • • Cedar Ridge Church Expa., PRElS-000112 Page 3 of 5 March 12, 2015 • and parallel stall dimensions of 9 feet x 23 feet; compact surface parking spaces shall not account for more than 30 percent of the spaces in the surface parking lots. ADA accessible stalls must be a minimum of 8 feet in width by 20 feet in length, with an adjacent access aisle of 8 feet in width for van accessible spaces. The appropriate amount of ADA accessible stalls based on the total number of spaces must be provided. Bicycle parking shall be provided for all non-residential developments that exceed four thousand (4,000) gross square feet in size. The number of bicycle parking spaces shall be ten percent (10%) of the number of required oft-street parking spaces. Spaces shall meet the requirements of RMC 4-4-070F.ll.b. Driveways: Maximum driveway slope shall not exceed eight percent (8%). The Administrator may allow a driveway to exceed eight percent (8%) slope but not more than fifteen percent (15%) slope, upon proper application in writing and for good cause shown, which shall include, but not be limited to, the absence of any reasonable alternative. To exceed fifteen percent (15%), a variance from the Administrator is required. The maximum width for driveways shall not exceed thirty feet (30'). Landscaping -Except for critical areas, all portions of the development area not covered by structures, required parking, access, circulation or service areas, must be landscaped with native, drought-resistant vegetative cover. The minimum on-site landscape width required along street frontages is 10 feet. For non-residential development in a residential zone, a fifteen-foot (15') wide partially sight-obscuring landscaped visual barrier, or ten-foot (10') wide fully sight- obscuring landscaped visual barrier, is required along common prope·rty lines: All parking lots shall have perimeter landscaping. Surface parking lots with more than fourteen (14) stalls shall be landscaped as follows: Total Number Parking Stalls 15 to 50 51 to 99 100 or more of Minimum Landscape Area 15 sf/parking space 25 sf/parking space 35 sf/parking space Please refer to landscape regulations (RMC 4-4-070) for further general and specific landscape requirements. A conceptual landscape plan shall be submitted at the time of Jiilc t Plirt application. CU P Significant Tree Retention: A Tree Retention/ Land Clearing (Tree Inventory) Plan along with a tree retention worksheet shall be provided with the formal land use application. The tree retention plan must show preservation of at least 30 percent (30 %) of significant trees, and indicate how proposed building footprints would be sited to accommodate preservation of significant trees that would be retained. The Administrator may authorize the planting of replacement trees on the site if it can be demonstrated to the Administrator's satisfaction that an insufficient number of trees can be retained. h:\ced\planning\current p!annlng\preapps\2015 preapps\15-000112.jill\15-000112 (r-8 cedar ridge church).doc • • • • • Cedar Ridge Church Expansion, PRElS-000112 Page 4 of 5 March 12, 2015 Significant trees shall be retained in the following priority order: Priority One: Landmark trees; significant trees that form a continuous canopy; significant trees on slopes greater than twenty percent (20%); Significant trees adjacent to critical areas and their associated buffers; and Significant trees over sixty feet (60') in height or greater than eighteen inches ( 18") caliper. Priority Two: Healthy tree groupings whose associated undergrowth can be preserved; Other significant native evergreen or deciduous trees; and Other significant non-native trees. Priority Three: Alders and cottonwoods shall be retained when all other trees have been evaluated for retention and are not able to be retained, unless the alders and/ or cottonwoods are used as part of an approved enhancement project within a critical area or its buffer. The Administrator may require independent review of any land use application that involves tree removal and land clearing at the City's discretion. Critical Areas: Two Category 3 wetlands extend onto the project site from the south and southeast. Category 3 wetlands require a 25-foot buffer. A wetland report and delineation would be required at the time of formal land use application. A mitigation plan would also be required if impacts to the critical areas and/or buffer areas are proposed. The City is in the process of updating its critical areas regulations. It is anticipated that the new regulations would be adopted prior to June 30, 2015. It is likely that wetland buffers will increase under the new regulations . Environmental Review: Environmental (SEPA) Review would be required as the proposal involves the construction of a structure larger than 4,000 square feet and due to.the presence of critical areas on site. Permit Requiremen_ts: The proposal would require a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. The Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit request would be reviewed within an estimated time frame of 10 to 12 weeks. The fee for a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit application is $3,605 ($2,500 plus $1,000 plus 3% Technology Fee). Detailed information regarding the land use application submittal is provided in the attached handouts. Detailed information regarding the land use application submittal requirements is provided in the attached handouts. Once Conditional Use Permit approval is obtained, the applicant must complete the required improvements and dedications, as well as satisfy any conditions of the approval. Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction fees, impact fees would be required. Such fees would apply to all projects and would be calculated at the time of building permit application and payable prior to building permit issuance. The fees are as follows and fees may change year to year: • Transportation Impact Fee -$1.37 per square foot; and • Fire Impact Fee -$0.25 per square foot. A handout listing the impact fees is attached . A handout listing all of the City's Development related fees in attached for your review. h:\ced\planning\current plannlng\preapps\2015 preapps\15-000112.jlll\15-000112 (r-8 cedar ridge church).doc • • .. . , " . • • • Cedar Ridge Church Expan. PRElS-000112 Page 5 of 5 March 12, 2015 • Note: When the formal application materials are complete, the applicant is strongly encouraged to have one copy of the application materials pre-screened at the 6th floor front counter prior to submitting the complete application package. Please call or email Jill Ding, Senior Planner at 425-430-6598 or jding@rentonwa.gov for an appointment. Expiration: Upon approval, the Conditional Use Permit is valid for two years with a possible two year extension . h:\ced\planning\current planning\preapps\2015 preapps\15·000112.jill\15·000112 (r·B cedar ridge church).doc • December18, 2015 • ~BBERT • Jill Ding Planner Architects Planners • • City of Renton Re: Cedar Ridge Church: project narrative Dear Jill Ding, The Cedar Ridge Church is proposing to add a new sanctuary and site improvements to house their growing congregation. The church's current site at 11411 SE 164 1h street in Renton, Washington is more than adequate to accommodate the proposed phased development. Phase one of the development will be to improve the parking lot and construct a 8,908sq.ft. new building which will house a new sanctuary with a total seating capacity of 301. During this phase the existing 2,500 sq.ft. church building will remain and be used as classroom and fellowship hall space. In phase two the existing church will be demolished and replaced with a 6,879 sq.ft. addition which will house a new kitchen, fellowship hall, and a few additional meeting rooms and classrooms. The church is seeking to complete phase 1 of the project in the by the end of this year while phase 2 will not occur for a minimum of two years depending on how fast the church continues to grow. The permits that will be required for the completion of phase 1 are as follows: Conditional Use Permit, Grading/ Land Disturbing Activity Permit, Building Permit, Mechanical Permit, and Electrical Permit. In addition lo these items the church will also have to obtain an easement to create a loop system for Soos Creek Water and Sewer District as a result of this addition. Please see the enclosed fire flow analysis completed by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. The current zoning of the site and surrounding neighborhood is R-8. The site and the structure on the site are currently being used as a church. The site contains or abuts two category 3 wetland areas located to the south and southwest. Both wetlands are localed at the edge of the site and will not be affected by the proposed development. The proposed construction will be located a minimum of 5 feet from the south wetland buffer and a minimum of 1.5 feet from the southwest wetland buffer. Please see CUP application plans included with this submittal. The site soil condition is mainly silty fine to Medium Sand and bedrock fragments as displayed in the enclosed geotechnical report. The site will continue to be accessed from 164th street as it is currently and will not require off-site improvements. The on site improvements will include grading and paving the site with the addition of a sidewalk through the site to the new building. This will require approximately l ,600cu. yards of soil to be relocated to a new location on the site. At this time this proposal does not include any land dedicated to the City of Renton for future purposes. We estimate that the cost for these proposed improvements will be approximately 1 .5 million dollars and take approximately three to six months to complete after the permitting process is finished. During the construction phase of the building a job shack will be located on the site. This proposal is not requesting any modifications to existing codes for its implementation. Thank you for reviewing this application, enclosed drawings, plans, and reports. Sincerely, David Pagel Project Manager ,,,..&AB BERT AnlllllCU Planntrs • • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • M E M O R A N D U M DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: March 13, 2015 Jill Ding, Planner Vicki Grover, Plan Reviewer Cedar Ridge Church Expansion 11411 SE 164th Street PRE 15-000112 NOTE: The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary is preliminary and non- binding and may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official City decision-makers. Review comments may_also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. I have completed a preliminary review for the above-referenced proposal located at parcel 0088000320. The following comments are based on the pre-application submittal made to the City of Renton by the • applicant. • Water 1. Water service will be provided by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A water availability certificate was provided with the pre-application memorandum and will need to be included with the site plan application. Sanitary Sewer 2. Sewer service will be provided by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A sewer availability certificate was provided with the pre·-application memorandum and will need to be included with the site plan application. TRANSPORTATION/STREET 1. Transportation impact fees will apply to this project. The actual rate will be assessed at a later date. This fee will be based on the amount of building area and its use per the City of Renton's Ordinance 5670. The fee shall be assessed based on the Church classification for usage. Payment of the transportation impact fee is due at the time of issuance of the building permit. 2. Road Classification -SE 164th Street/ Residential Access. • Existing right of way width -approximately 60. ft. on SE 1641h Street. • No Right of Way dedication is required for SE 1641h Street. Frontage improvements include a 5 ft. sidewalk, and an 8ft. landscaping strip, curb and gutter and ADA ramp. • The existing access is approximately 10 ft. in paving width, may be required to have 20 ft. of pavement to accommodate fire access . • • • Cedar Ridge Church Expansio. Page 2 of 2 March 13, 2015 • • Applicant may submit an application to the City requesting a modification of the street frontage improvements as outlined in City code 4-9-250C5d. • ROW dedication and street frontage improvements are required for building expansions valued over $50,000.00. 3. All storm drainage improvements are required to be constructed per RMC 4-6-060. 4. Paving and trench restoration will comply with the City's Trench Restoration and Overlay Requirements. 5. Traffic Impact Analysis is required. The analysis is to include the intersection of SE 1641h Street and 114'h Avenue SE, the location of the existing driveway and 114th Avenue SE to determine if this location is suitable or if it should be moved. Storm Drainage 1. A drainage report complying with the City's adopted 2009 King County Surface Water Manual and City Amendments will be required. Based on the City's flow control map, the site falls within the Flow Control Duration Standard (matching Forested Site Conditions). There are 2 drainage basin areas on the site. One Threshold Drainage Area (TOA) is tributary to the Lower Cedar River and the other to Soos Creek. The project requires enhanced water quality. An onsite flow control BMP is required. Refer to Page 1-10, Figure 1.1.2.A -Flow chart for determining the type of drainage review required in the City of Renton 2009 Surface Water Design Manual Amendment 2. A geotechnical assessment for the site is required. Information on the water table and soil permeability and a design infiltration rate with recommendations of appropriate flow controlBMP options with typical designs for the site from the geotechnical engineer shall be submitted with the site plan application. . 3. Surface water system development fee (SOC) will be applicable. The current rate of the SOC fee is $0.540 per square foot of new impervious surface area, but not less than $1,350.00. General 1. All construction and service utility permits for drainage, water and sewer will require plan submittals. All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. 2. When utility plans are complete, please submit three (3) copies of the drawings, two (2) copies of the drainage report, and permit application, an itemized cost of construction estimate, and application fee at the counter on the sixth floor . . '. & Emergency Se.es .:partment • DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM 3/5/2015 12:00:00AM Jill Ding, Senior Planner Corey Thomas, Plan Review/Inspector (Cedar Ridge Church Expansion Preapp) PRE15-000112 1. The preliminary fire flow is 1,750 gpm based on a fully fire sprinklered building. A minimum of one hydranl is required within 150-feet of the structure and one additional hydrant is required within 300-feet of the structure. One hydrant also is required within SO-feet of the fire department fire sprinkler connection. There appears to be one existing hydrant within 300-feet of the proposed building. An on-site water main extension is required to provide adequate fire flow, one new hydrant and an adequately sized main to supply the require fire sprinkler system. An updated water availability certificate is required from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District that can demonstrate that 1,750 gpm is available at this location. 2. Fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $0.25 per square foot of commercial space. This fee is paid at time of building permit issuance. •. Approved fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems are required· throughout the building. Separate plans and permits required by the fire department. Direct outside access is required to the fire sprinkler riser room. Full addressable and full detection is required for the fire alarm system .. The use of a voice type fire alarm system would be required for full time private school occupancy. 4. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150-feet of all points on the building. Fire lane sign age required for the on-site roadway. Required turning radius are 25-feet inside and 45-feet outside. Roadways shall be a minimum of 20-feet wide. Roadways shall be fully paved and support a minimum of a 30 -ton vehicle and 75-psi point loading. 5. An electronic site plan is required prior to occupancy for pre-fire planning purposes. 6. An annual place of assembly permit is required through the fire department. \ 7, An automated external defibrillator is required ifthe final occupant load is over 300 persons. 8. Separate plans and permits shall be submitted to the Renton Fire Department for kitchen hood fire suppression systems . • Page 1 of 1 • • • USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: For non project proposals (such as ordinances, regulations, plans and programs), complete the applicable parts of sections A and B even though questions may be answered "does not apply". In addition the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NON PROJECT ACTIONS (part D). Please completely answer all questions that apply and note that the words "project", "applicant", and "property or site" should be read as "proposal", "proponent", and "affected geographic area" respectively. The lead agency may exclude (for non-projects) questions in Part B -Environmental Elements -that do not contribute meaningfully to the analysis of the proposal. For help go to: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/sepa/e-review.html A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Cedar Ridge Church 2. Name of applicant: • Gabbert Architects Planners • 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 18422 103'd AVE NE Bothell, WA 98011 Contact: David Pagel Phone: 425.482.7987 Email: davidp@gabbertarchitects.com 4. Date checklist prepared: 12/15/15 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton JF).:0-'7\,i f ~J~ -' 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): PLANNING DIVISION Phase I of the proposed project will be completed immediately with a proposed completion date of December 2016. Phase II of the proposed project will not be completed for a minimum of two years and depending on church growth phase II may not be constructed for five or six years from the completion of Phase I. 2 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013 • Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP -Application\envchlst {l).docRev: 08/2015 • • • • • 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. Phase II of the project is the demolition of the existing church building 2,500 SQFT with an 6,879 SQFT addition to house the fellowship hall. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. In Accordance with the CUP application requirements of the City of Renton for this proposal a Survey, Wetlands Report, Geotechnical Report, Drainage Report, and Traffic Study have all been conducted and included with this application. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. There are no other pending approvals outside of those required by the City of Renton for the completion and construction of this project. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known . This project will require the following permits: Conditional Use Permit, Grading Permit, Building Permit, Electrical Permit, Mechanical Permit, and Plumbing Permit. 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) The existing Cedar Ridge Church housed in a 2,540 SQFT structure has a growing congregation and is proposing to expand its main sanctuary by construction an 8,677 SQFT building adjacent to its existing structure. The new building will have a footprint of 6,210 SQFT and be situated on the northeast side of the site. After completion the existing church building will be used as a fellowship hall and Christian education space. In addition to the new building the site access and parking will be upgraded to accommodate this new structure. These site improvements will be completed in phases with phase I to include the majority of the updates to the site. Phase II of the project which will not be complete for several years will include the demolition of the existing church building and a 6,879 SQFT addition to serve as the fellowship hall, and classroom space for Christian education use. In total the completed project will have a foot print of 13,089 SQFT and contain a floor area of 15,556 SQFT . 3 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013 -Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP-Application\envchlst (1).docRev: 08/2015 • • • • • 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The site for the proposed development is located at 11411 SE 164th Street Renton, WA 98055. The site can be located via a quarter section map in the NE quarter of section 29 township 23 range 5. The legal description below, along with the King County Assessor's parcel number of: 008800-0320, should provide adequate information for locating the site. Legal Description: AKERS FARMS# 6 LESS E 100 FT OF N 150 FT SUBJ TO TRANS LN R/W Plat Block: 5 Plat Lot: 2 8. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (check or circle one): Flat, rolling, (§0 steep slopes, mountainous, other~~~~~~ According to Nelson Geotechnical the site is, "relatively level bench area within the central portion of the site. The ground surface slopes gently to moderately from the higher elevation level bench area within the vicinity of the existing building in all directions. A moderate southwest-facing slope is located within the southern portion of the property with designated wetlands to the south of the toe of the slope." b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? The steepest slope on the site is located on the south property line, where no development is to occur, at a slope of 2 ft. in rise for every 5 ft in run or 40% slope . 4 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013 -Cedar Ridge Church\02 Adrnin\00 Permitting\CUP-Application\envchlst (1).docRev: 08/2015 • • • • • c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any agricultural land of long-term commercial significance and whether the proposal results in removing any of these soils. The site contains silty fine to Medium Sand and bedrock fragments. See Geotechnical Report. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. There are no surface indications of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity or on the site. e. Describe the purpose, type, total area, and approximate quantities and total affected area of any filling, excavation, and grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. The proposed project will require grading and excavation for footings and plantings totaling approximately 70,719 SQFT area of the site. The proposed project will have a balanced cut and fill. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe . The clearing of the site for construction could result in a minimal amount of erosion from any major rain occurrence during site grading, however, this erosion will be small in nature and contained within the site project area which will be bounded by the appropriate erosion control devices during construction as required by the City of Renton such as a silt fence and straw or grass erosion control check logs. As the site is up hill from all neighbors the contractor will maintain such erosion control elements throughout the project construction. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? After the proposed site improvements of phase I and phase II are implemented the percentage of impervious surface on the site will be 42% which is considerably less than the 75% allowed by the municipal code in this location. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: The project site area will be bounded by the appropriate erosion control devices during construction as required by the City of Renton such as a silt fence and straw or grass erosion control check logs. As the site is up hill from all neighbors the contractor will maintain such erosion control elements throughout the projects construction. 5 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013 -Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP -Application\envchlst (1).docRev: 08/2015 • • • L_ ____ ------ • • 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal during construction, operation, and maintenance when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Emissions from the projects construction will be minimal and limited to those typical of any construction project in which grading and site work will be r.equired. The completed project will not impose any adverse effects on the air quality of the neighborhood or city. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. There are no outside, "off-site," sources of emissions that will effect this proposal. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Upon the completion of the proposed project the site will include large quantities oftrees which do not currently exist on the site and there by improving overall air quality for the neighborhood and the City of Renton . 3. WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. There are two category 3 wetlands as defined by the City of Renton which will require a 75ft and a 100ft buffer. Both wetlands are located to the south and south west of the site in an area where no construction or development is planned to occur. Please review the enclosed wetland report which details the exact locations of wetland "A" requiring the 100ft buffer and wetland "B" requiring the 75ft buffer. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. The proposed development will include work which will be within the 200 foot boundary; however, no work will be conduct within the wetland or wetland buffer area. The proposed construction will be located a minimum of 5 feet from the south wetland buffer and a minimum 6 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013-Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP -Application\envch!st (1).docRev: 08/2015 • • • • • of 1.5 feet from the southwest wetland buffer. Please see CUP application plans included with this submittal. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. No fill or dredge material will be added or removed from the wetlands by the permitting of this proposal. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. The permitting of this proposal will not require the withdrawal or diversion of water from the wetlands. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. The proposed development does not lie within the 100-year floodplain . 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No discharge of waste materials to surface waters will occur as a result of this proposal. . b. Ground Water: 1) Will groundwater be withdrawn from a well for drinking water or other purposes? If so, give a general descriptio,n of the well, proposed uses and approximate quantities withdrawn from the well. Will water be discharged to groundwater? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. The current church and proposed addition will be serviced by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. No on site wells will be used. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals.; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. 7 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013 -Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP-Application\envchlst (1).docRev: 08/2015 • • • • • The current church and proposed addition will be serviced by Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. No waste materials will be discharged into the site. c. Water runoff (including stormwater): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. The source of potential site run off will be from rain water. The proposed design features catchment basins in the parking lot and which will collect this run-off and discharge it to either the new storm water detention vault to be located in under the parking lot and roadway or the detention pond located on the southern portion of the site. The detention vault and pond will then overflow into the Soos Creek sanitary sewer system. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No waste material will enter the ground or surface water as a result of this proposal. 3) Does the proposal alter or otherwise affect drainage patterns in the vicinity of the site? If so, describe. The drainage pattern of the site will remain unchanged by the development as drainage of the site will still be bifurcated between the north and south sections of the site as required by the City of Renton. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water, and drainage pattern impacts, if any: During construction the run-off and drainage impacts will be mitigated by silt-fencing and erosion control socks. Any impact caused by the development will be mitigated by the storm water detention vault or pond and by the buffer plantings after the project is completed . 4. PLANTS 8 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013-Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP -Application\envchlst (1).docRev: 08/2015 , • • • • a. Check the types of vegetation found on the site: _x_deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other _x_evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other _x_shrubs _x_grass __ pasture __ crop or grain __ orchards, vineyards or other permanent crops. • _x_wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other __ water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other __ other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? The proposed project will remove 15 trees that are existing on the site, however, this project will be planting a partially sight obscuring buffer which will be composed of a minimum of 50 trees. c. List threatened and endangered species known to be on or near the site . There are· no threatened or endangered species on or near the site. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: The landscaping proposed in the submitted landscape plan focuses on using native plants as both screening and interior landscaping e. List all noxious weeds and invasive species known to be on or near the site. Himalayan Blackberry, Ru bus Armaniacus, is present on the site. 5. ANIMALS a. List any birds and other animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site. Examples include: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other: ---"n""o'-'n,,,e ________ _ Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: _...!n.,,,o,.,,n"e'---------- Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other _ _,_n""o"-n,.,e~------ 9 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013 -Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP -Application\envchlst (1).docRev: 08/2015 • • • • • b. List any threatened and endangered species known to be on or near the site. There are no known threatened or endangered species on or near the site. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. This is not part of a migration route. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: The proposed project avoids disturbing the natural wetland areas on site by locating the major site improvements away from these sensitive areas. e. List any invasive animal species known to be on or near the site. Himalayan Blackberry, Ru bus Armaniacus, is present on the site. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electric and gas energy will be used on site. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. The project site is fairly large and the placement of the proposed improvements should not impact solar or wind energy harvesting on adjacent properties. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans ofthis proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: A vestibule will be provided with the proposed structure and the proposed structure will comply with or exceed the 2012 WSEC. 10 \\GAPOl \Projects\Current Projects\14013 -Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP -Application\envchlst (l).docRev: 08/2015 • • • • • 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. There are no environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal. 1) Describe any known or possible contamination at the site from present or past uses. There is no known contamination at the site from present or past uses. 2) Describe existing hazardous chemicals/conditions that might affect project development and design. This includes underground hazardous liquid and gas transmission pipelines located within the project area and in the vicinity. The only transition pipelines that could remotely be considered hazardous are the existing natural gas supply pipeline from the street to the existing church which will be reused for the new structure and the existing sewer line which will also be re-used for the new structure . 3) Describe any toxic or hazardous chemicals that might be stored, used, or produced during the project's development or construction, or at any time during the operating life of the project. The chemicals stored on site would consist of a gas can for yard and landscape maintenance equipment and potentially small amounts of fertilizers for the same purpose. 4) Describe special emergency services that might be required. The only emergency services that maybe required would be fire or ambulance service in the event of a personal health or building related emergency. 5) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Gas cans and fertilizers will be stored in a basement storage room located on the north east corner of the building. Fertilizers will be stored in a dry location out of the weather and away from any other chemicals in such a way as to illuminate any cross contamination. Gas cans must be stored in a fire resistant cabinet designated for the storage of hazardous chemicals . 11 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013 -Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP -Application\envchlst {1).docRev: 08/2015 • • • • • b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? The currant noise levels in the area are the result of low level traffic occurring on various adjacent streets. Children, residential, and school related noise typical of any residential neighborhood can be heard on and around this site. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Aside from the noise of construction which will be relatively short term the prosed project will assimilate into the existing noise level currently found within the neighborhood. The church is already part of the existing neighborhood and has not created a noise pollution issue. Furthermore, a new facility will help mitigate the noise of church related functions. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Construction will be performed between the hours of 7am and 6pm daily during the build phase not including the weekends when no work will be performed. The church functions will continue to be held at the normal times already observed by the neighbors. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so, describe. This proposal will not affect the sites current use or the uses of the surrounding properties. b. Has the project site been used as working farmlands or working forest lands? If so, describe. How much agricultural or forest land of long-term commercial significance will be converted to other uses as a result of the proposal, if any? If resource lands have not been designated, how many acres in farmland or forest land tax status will be converted to nonfarm or non-forest use? The land has not been used for a working farm or forest in the past according to any known records . 1) Will the proposal affect or be affected by surrounding working farm or forest land normal business operations, such as oversize equipment access, the application of 12 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013-Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP-Application\envchlst (1).docRev: 08/2015 • • • • • pesticides, tilling, and harvesting? If so, how: There are no surrounding farm or forest lands which will effect or be affected by this proposal. c. Describe any structures on the site. The site currently contains a 2,540 SQFT church building which houses a main sanctuary and fellowship hall. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No structure on site will be demolished in phase I. Phase II which will occur at a later date will consist of demolishing the existing church building and adding a 6,879 SQFT addition to phase I. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? The current zoning classification for the site is R-8. f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? The current comprehensive plan designation of the site is Medium Density Residential. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? This is not applicable to this application. h. Has any part of the site been classified as a critical area by the city or county? If so, specify. As previously outlined in this report there are two wetlands on or abutting the site and a detailed wetlands report has been prepared in addition to the submitted plans which detail and display the proposed project in relation to the aforementioned wetlands and their related buffers. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? The current church and proposed addition will not contain any office space or living space. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? The completed project will not displace anyone . k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: 13 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013 -Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP -Application\envchlst (1).docRev: 08/2015 • • • • • This is not applicable to this application. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The project will be undergoing a Conditional Use permit to insure that it will comply with the City of Renton's current and future planning intentions. m. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with nearby agricultural and forest lands of long-term commercial significance, if any: This is not applicable to this application. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. This is not applicable to this application as no housing will be created, removed, or provided . b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. This is not applicable to this application as no housing will be created, removed, or provided. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: This is not applicable to this application as no housing will be created, removed, or provided. 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? As calculated in accordance with the Renton Municipal Code the max height of the structure will be 30 ft. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? 14 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013 -Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP -Application\envchlst (1).docRev: 08/2015 • • • Due to the fact that our project site is up hill from all the neighbors and that the proposed project will include a partially site obscuring buffer the view to and from the site will not be drastically altered by the implementation of this proposal. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: The proposed structure will be finished with materials which will reflect the residential character and location of the proposed project. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Landscape and exterior building lighting will be residential in nature and scale and thereby blend into the surrounding neighborhood context. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? • Due to the location of the proposed structure and the planted screening proposed the lighting will not detract from views or pose a safety hazard. • c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? The only off-sight sources of light are street lights and lighting related to private residence lighting and landscaping. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Motion detection will be used on the majority of exterior lighting to mitigate light impact on the surrounding neighborhood. 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? The closest recreational opportunity is the neighborhood elementary and middle school playground and Thomas Teasdale and Cascade Park . b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. 15 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013-Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP -Application\envchlst (1).docRev: 08/2015 • • • • • The proposed project will not displace any existing recreation uses. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: The proposed project will not impact any existing recreational opportunities. 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any buildings, structures, or sites, located on or near the site that are over 45 years old listed in or eligible for listing in national, state, or local preservation registers located on or near the site? If so, specifically describe. While the existing structure on site was built over 46 years ago it is not eligible for listing in national, state, or local preservation registers. b. Are there any landmarks, features, or other evidence of Indian or historic use or occupation? This may include human burials or old cemeteries. Is there any material evidence, artifacts, or areas of cultural importance on or near the site? Please list any professional studies conducted at the site to identify such resources. The project site does not contain landmarks, features, or other evidence of Indian or historic use. c. Describe the methods used to assess the potential impacts to cultural and historic resources on or near the project site. Examples include consultation with tribes and the department of archeology and historic preservation, archaeological surveys, historic maps, GIS data, etc. This question is not applicable to this proposed project. d. Proposed measures to avoid, minimize, or compensate for loss, changes to, and disturbance to resources. Please include plans for the above and any permits that may be required. This question is not applicable to this proposed project 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site or affected geographic area and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. 16 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013 -Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP-Application\envchlst (l).docRev: 08/2015 • • • • The proposed project will use the existing access from 1641h street southeast, which will not have any major impact on the immediate area as it is already in use by the church. b. Is the site or affected geographic area currently served by public transit? If so, generally describe. If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? The site is currently served by public transit. The closest bus stop is located .1 miles away from the site on the corner of 116th AVE SE and 164th SE. c. How many additional parking spaces would the completed project or non-project proposal have? How many would the project or proposal eliminate? The proposal features 95 parking spaces. The current on site conditions feature a gravel parking lot and as such does not have fixed parking spaces. It is assumed that the current conditions can accommodate a minimum of 40 cars and a maximum of 50. This means that the proposal will add approximately 55 parking spaces. d. Will the proposal require any new or improvements to existing roads, streets, pedestrian, bicycle or state transportation facilities, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). This proposal will not require improvements to any offsite roads or sidewalks. e. Will the project or proposal use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. The project will not use water, rail, or air transportation. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project or proposal? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur and what percentage of the volume would be trucks (such as commercial and non-passenger vehicles). What data or transportation models were used to make these estimates? The proposal would result in zero percent increase in peak hour trips as defined by the City of Renton. g. Will the proposal interfere with, affect or be affected by the movement of agricultural and forest products on roads or streets in the area? If so, generally describe. • The proposed project will not affect or be affected by the transportation of agricultural or forest products. 17 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013 -Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP -Application\envchlst (1).docRev: 08/2015 • • • h. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Impacts to the transportation system will be minimal as the site has ample room for the staging and storage of materials during the construction phases. The only street that will be impacted will be 1641h and this can be easily mitigated through the use of flaggers when street frontage improvements to the site are being made. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, public transit, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. The project wil_l not result in an increase need for public services. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. • The proposed project will not impact public services. • 16. UTILITIES a. Check or circle utilities currently available at the site: ectricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, m, se other~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. The utilities that will be required by this project are already located on site and will continue to be services by the current power, gas, water, sewer, phone, and trash services the church currently receives. 18 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013-Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP -Application\envchlst (l).docRev: 08/2015 • • • • • C. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. 1 understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Proponent Signature: ~~..,.) ........ =4= ___ P_2;/_,,,_~----------- Name of Signee (printed): =D=av~i=d=J.~P~a=g=e~l -------------- Position and Agency/Organization: Project Manager/ Gabbert Architects Date Submitted: =12"'/""2"'8'"'/1"'5'------- 19 \\GAPOl\Projects\Current Projects\14013-Cedar Ridge Church\02 Admin\00 Permitting\CUP -Application\envchlst (1).docRev: 08/2015 • • • • • Conditional Use Permit Justification Form 1. Consistency with plan and regulations. RMC Section 4.4.080 compliance The proposed project strives to be consistent with the current and future planning regulations. The prosed project will provide on-site parking incompliance with RMC section 4.4.080.E. In accordance with RMC section 4.4.080.F.5 minimal parking lot lighting will be used on this project and the lighting will not extended beyond the parking lot surface. All lighting used throughout the exterior areas of the site will be residential in appearance to reflect the existing surrounding neighborhood. The proposed design will use an existing street connection to access the site. This main access will also serve as the fire lane and shall be in accordance with RMC section 4.4.080.F.6. with a minimum width of 20 feet as stated in RMC section 4.4.080.F.6.b. All radiuses on site comply with the fire department requirements as outlined in RMC section 4.4.080.F.6.e and shall bare the identification as required by RMC section 4.4.080.F.6.c. In accordance with RMC section 4.4.080.F.7 the parking lot has been located on the side of the building. All parking stalls proposed by this project are in compliance with RMC section 4.4.080.F.8.a and RMC section 4.4.080.F.8.e. In accordance with RMC section 4.4.080.F.8.g four ADA compliant parking spaces have been provided. The parking lot has been designed in accordance with RMC section 4.4.080.F.9.b and RMC section 4.4.080.F.9.d. The proposed design features 95 parking spaces and is in compliance with RMC section 4.4.080.F.10.e. In accordance with RMC section 4.4.080.G.1 and RMC section 4.4.080.G.5 then new parking lot will be paved and equipped with the necessary drainage system to meet City requirements. RMC Section 4.4.070 compliance The enclosed landscape plan features a 15 foot wide partially sight-obscuring landscaped visual barrier in compliance with RMC Section 4.4.070.E.4.a. The proposed design also features interior parking lot landscaping and perimeter parking lot landscaping which complies with RMC section 4.4.070.E.6.a and RMC section 4.4.070.E.6.b. The proposed project does not require the removal of street trees in compliance with RMC section 4.4.070.G.2. The proposed plan seeks to provide a drought tolerant landscape that will have temporary irrigation for the two year period required by RMC section The existing soil conditions on site provide adequate drainage for proposed plantings per RMC section 4.4.070.K. All plants chosen for this proposal are either native or have a history of being adaptable to the sites current environment in accordance with RMC section 4.4.070.L. a, b, and c. Ground cover shall be planted in the proposed project in accordance with RMC 4.4.070.L.2.a and b. All trees planted in the proposed landscape shall will comply with the trees section of the RMC 4.4.070.L.4.a,b, and c. All landscaping implemented on site as a result of this proposal will be maintained by the church just as the current landscaping is ,maintained by the church in compliance with RMC section 4.4.070.P.1 and 2. RECE(\lf:=D FEr f. "-t .... ~ CL~--: --~·-·'"*'·"' PIANNING DIVISION • • ! • I I • • RMC Section 4.2.060 compliance In accordance with RMC section 4.2.060 we are applying for a conditional use permit for an existing religious institution within an r-8 zoned neighborhood, so that a new sanctuary building can be constructed. RMC Section 4.2.110A compliance The proposed building complies with all required R-8 setbacks and max height requirements. The proposed design designates less than the max area allowed for paving, building, and impervious surfaces. Renton Comprehensive Plan RCP In support of the RCP policy L-16, the proposed design features an updated community gathering place located within walking distance to public transportation. The design minimizes the adverse impact to natural systems by locating development away from the existing on site wetland environment in accordance with RCP policy L-P, L-30, L-32, and L-35. Religious institution and the structures that house them support human health, and provide a social benefit in accordance with RCP policy L-45. The new design seeks to be functional and yet attractive to the neighbors in accordance with RCP goal L-BB and promote community resiliency through a healthy spiritual and physical life style in accordance with RCP L-EE, and L-FF. The scale of these proposed improvements fits within the existing community and will positively support RCP policy L-49. In accordance with RCP policy L-50 the proposed design seeks to better an existing community place where people gather and interact. The new building will have a large sanctuary space which will not have fixed seating and thereby maintain a large flexible space for the possibility of additional community events to occur on site. The design is intended to be pedestrian scale and have pathways and sidewalks with native to natural landscaping to compliment the building; all of which support RCP policies L-52 and L-57. 2. Appropriate Location. As the proposed location is currently serving as the existing church's location it is entirely logical that the church construct a new sanctuary on the same site as the old sanctuary as they are already a part of this community. 3. Effect on Adjacent Properties The proposed development should not result in any adverse effects on the neighboring development as the proposed use is also the current site use. If anything the new building and landscaping should increase the neighboring property values. • • • • • 4. Compatibility The proposed structure will be compatible in scale and appearance with the surrounding neighborhood as the building will be more residential in character than commercial and the use of the facility will be by the surrounding community. 5. Parking In accordance with the RMC sections sited above adequate parking for the proposed improvements will be created as displayed in the proposed improvement plans included with this submittal. 6. Traffic A traffic report has been prepared and is included in this submittal which displays that the new proposal will not have a noticeable effect on the traffic pattern of the surrounding neighborhood streets and road ways. 7. Noise. Light. and Glare The proposed use is the same as the existing use and therefore the light, noise, and glare currently on site will not be increased. The new building will provide better sound containment than the existing structure simply due to the improvements made in construction materials from the time the existing church was built till now. Additional noise and light reduction will also be created by the planting of the 15 foot wide landscaping buffer. The location and orientation of the building will also help shield the neighboring houses from any noise or light glare that would be associated with the use of the church's new parking lot which is also bounded by the 15 foot wide landscaping buffer. 8. Landscaping As outlined in the preceding sections and the enclosed plans the site will have a fully developed landscape plan which will be implemented upon project construction . December 22, 2015 .Jill Ding Planner City of Renton • Re: Cedar Ridge Church: Construction Mitigation Description Dear Jill Ding, • ~BBERT Architects Planners The proposed construction for the Cedar Ridge Church phase I will begin as soon as we can obtain a building permit from the City of Renton and hopefully be completed by the end of this year, December 2016. Construction hours will be from 7am to 6pm Monday through Friday, with no work occurring on or during the weekend as the church will still be holding weekly services on the site. The main transportation route for the project will be from the 405 to 515 to South Puget Drive to 1161h A VE SE to 164th AVE SE to the site. All of the grading will be reused as fill and landscaping formations on the site. This route will be primarily used for the delivery of materials during construction. Construction will only be ongoing during normal weekly business hours when the majority of the neighbors will be at work and the extra noise will not be seen as noxious. There will be no construction on the weekend when the majority of the neighbors are at home. In this way the impact from deliveries will also have minimal effect on traffic. The current proposal does not require any hauling away of soil which will also reduce the impact of development on traffic flow. If construction occurs during a dry period when dust may occur as a result of earth work or construction, watering the site will be performed to mitigate this effect on the surrounding neighbors: Erosion occurring during construction will be mitigated through the use of erosion control socks and silt fences. There are no special hours needed or required for construction outside of the time frames listed above. The .project will not require the use of cranes. A traffic control plan will be submitted for 164 1h street upon building permit application. • I hope this description meets your expectations please let me know if additional clarification of this description is needed. Sincerely, David Pagel Project Manager ~BBE~T Mthltuli l'lln11,u . . ''"' C'.:.\' .. :::,.,." PLANNING DIVISION z ct) ca· :J" 0- 0 tv 3- 0 0 0 0 Q CJ • ct) R D -Q ::::: ~ Q "'O C p • • • • • CITY OF RENTON CEDAR RIDGE CHRURCH EXPANSION TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Prepared for: .Mr. Marlin Gabb.ert AIA, AICP GABBERTARCHITECTS PLANNERS 18422 -103ro AveN.E. Bothell, WA 98011 Prer,ared ~y: Christopher Faulkner1 PE i0827 2nd Ave SW Seattle, WA 98146 (206) ·788-7993 December 22; 2015 Revised: January 30th, 2016 FE8 1 !l i"S /f ' 7 / . : . ' • ' '...... . ' .. . .. P! "''· • • • • • Introduction: The existing Cedar Ridge Church located at 11411 SE 1641h St, Renton, WA is proposing a phased expansion project that would, in Phase I, construct a new 2 story 6,741 sq ft sanctuary. In Phase 2, the existing structure would then be remodeled and expanded by 4,338 sq ft. Access to the site is to remain · via the existing curb cut off of SE 1641h St just East of 1141h Ave SE. Figure I below shows an area map with the site and existing driveway marked . Figure I. Existing Church Driveway The first phase of this project will start as soon as possible and is planning on finishing construction by November 2016. Phase I of this project is the only part that is anticipated to generate measurably more traffic since Phase 2 will not add any additional seats in the sanctuary or parking spots .. The addition of the new sanctuary building in Phase I will increase the number of seats in the sanctuary from the existing I 00 to 30 I, an addition of 20 I seats. Please see Figure 2 below for a copy of the Site Plan that shows the footprint of the existing building and the proposed enchantments and additions in Phase I and Phase 2 . • • • • ' "'-._1 • -1-,, l;..,;;-.. .. 1 Site Generated Traffic Volumes: SITE INFORMATION -·--.. .., ........ _ j / Figure 2, Proposed Site Plan • GRADE PLANE CALCULATION Al.O I I have surveyed the existing use of the facilities and discussed with the Church leadership the future planned use and I do not believe that the proposed future use triggers any of the threshold criteria set forth is the Renton City Document titled "POLICY GUIDELINES FOR TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT." The current scheduled uses are three activities per week. The largest being on Sunday Morning from 9:00 until 11 :00. The building will also be used for a Wednesday night Bible Study Class that does not start until 6:30PM. Finally, there will be a Friday Night Youth Group that is scheduled from 7:00PM-9:00PM. There is currently no Church Office at this site, and under none of the proposed improvements will one be added . Therefore the three scheduled uses above are the only times when traffic is forecasted to gather at the building. None of the documented times fall within the Weekday Peak Hours of 6:00AM to 9:00AM or • • • • • 3:00PM-6:00PM. Furthermore, since there are only 98 parking spaces in the proposed parking lot, even if every space was filled, the maximum daily generated traffic on Sunday would be less than 200 daily trips. Conclusions: Cedar Ridge Church is a relatively small religious institution that seeks to expand their facility a modest amount, and all of the anticipated generated traffic will be during non-peak times. I have shown that there should be no peak hour effects therefore I would conclude that there are no anticipated challenges for the street network in the City of Renton . DEPARTMENT OF COMM.ITV AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --------•-Renton® • TREE RETENTION WORKSHEET 1. Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov Total number of trees over 6" diameter1, or alder or cottonwood trees at least 8" in diameter on project site 51 trees ----'------ 2. Deductions: Certain trees are excluded from the retention calculation: Trees that are dangerous 2 Trees in proposed public streets Trees in proposed private access easements/tracts Trees in critical areas 3 and buffers Total number of excluded trees: Subtract line 2 from line 1: 0 0 0 0 0 51 Next, to determine the number of trees that must be retained 4, multiply line 3 by: 0.3 in zones RC, R-1, R-4, R-6 or R-8 5. 0.2 in all other residential zones 0.1 in all commercial and industrial zones List the number of 6" in diameter, or alder or cottonwood trees over 8" in diameter that you are proposing 5 to retain 4: 6. Subtract line 5 from line 4 for trees to be replaced: (if !ine 6 is zero or less, stop here. No replacement trees are required) 7. Multiply line 6 by 12" for number of required replacement inches: 15 ------- 21 ------- 6 ------- 72 trees trees trees trees trees trees trees trees trees inches 8. Proposed size of trees to meet additional planting requirement: (Minimum 2" caliper trees required) 2 inches per tree 9. Divide line 7 by line 8 for number of replacement trees 6: (If remainder is .5 or greater, round up to the next whole number) 36 trees. ------- 1 Measured at 4.5' above grade. 2 A tree certified, in a written report, as dead, terminally diseased, damaged, or otherwise dangerous to persons or property by a licensed landscape architect, or certified arborist, and approved by the City. 3 Critical areas, such as wetlands, streams, floodplains and protected slopes, are defined in RMC 4-3-050. 4 Count only those trees to be retained outside of critical areas and buffers . • The City may require modification of the tree retention plan to ensure retention of the maximum number of trees per RMC 4-4-130H7a. When the required number of protected trees cannot be retained, replacement trees, with at least a two-inch (2") caliper or.an evergreen at:ileast six feet (6') tall, shall be planted. See RMC 4-4-130.H.l.e.(ii) for prohibited types of replacement trees. . \{t( ' 1 H:\CED\Data \Forms· Templates\Self-He!p Handouts\Planning\ Tree Retention Worksheet.docx If\ 08/2015 ~% )N , • Minimum Tree Densit~ -~ minimum tree density shall be maintained on each residentially zoned lot (exempting single-family wciwellings in R-10 and R-14). The tree density may consist of existing trees, replacement trees, or a combination. Detached single-family development': Two (2) significant trees 8 for every five thousand (5,000) sq. ft. of lot area. For example, a lot with 9,600 square feet and a detached single-family house is required to have four (4) significant trees or their equivalent in caliper inches (one or mare trees with a combined diameter of 24"}. This is determined with the following formula: ( Lot Area ) 5,000sq.ft. x 2 = Minimum Number of Trees Multi-family development (attached dwellings): Four (4) significant trees 8 for every five thousand (5,000) sq. ft. of lot area. (_ LotArea ) 4 \s,ooosq.ft. x Minimum Number of Trees Example Tree Density Table: Lot Lot size Min significant New Trees Retained Trees Compliant trees required 1 5,000 2 2 @ 2" caliper 0 Yes 2 10,000 4 0 1 tree (24 caliper Yes inches) 3 15,000 6 2 @ 2" caliper 1 Maple-15 Yes caliper inches 1 Fir -9 caliper inches. 7 Lots developed with detached dwellings in the R-10 and R-14 zoned are exempt from maintaining a minimum number of significant trees onsite, • however they are not exempt from the annual tree removal limits. Or the gross equivalent of caliper inches provided by one (1) or more trees. 2 H :\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\ Tree Retention Worksheet.docx 08/2015 oo· ~ 'f/':J :133HS d'f/W • • >-1-1-Z ....I w -2 I-1- ::, Cf) ~ wo:>·1e1uawuoJ!AU88J:>e@s1no1 :11ew3 91'LL·OS1' (9oz) :auo4d SS ~86 'vM ')tJE'd JS8J0::1 8)tE'1 3N anuaA'ff 418Z S ~LU :rn 'BumnsUO:J 1eJU8WUOJfAU3 8.l!Jtf .. , SJ. "' '<> ,xa a38'ild38d ® • ..•. ·.~ A'o'D ..... OZ£0·008800 "ON 13~H'o'd X'o'l 'o'M 'NOlN3H lSIHH~ :10 H:>HnH~ 3DOIH H'o'03:> avw xanrs 'if38v 1v5111a5 ( ' ..... ( ) ffi L \ w.- ··... .....~ . ·· .. "-" • 0 z ::5 .. i,,1"' I-w :s: 9l.lZ.l0 '.l# Mt! Vloc:·z:z:·z:l :a1eo 1>9086 'rJM 'IU9)1 SS£S xoa Od !SJJLI:) JO 4:>Jn4:) a6pJl:J JBP8" ,as,uuaw3 ·1 ..., :As uMeJo · 803 d38'dd38 d f-0-8-0v-r-,q"-0-r-0 ,-0 v::.I -, ·. ' r.' ~ .~: ~ J ( i •1 ~· ~( ' . -" i ' 0.. 0 z 0 z I-0 0 ::, I- 0 0 w 0 0::: <( 0::: 0:: w w u. u. u. u. ::, ::, [l) [l) 0::: w u. u. ::, [l) 0 z ::5 I-w :s: -0 a, n. >, -~ ~ a,~ ....I .C C <( -0 I-o_ ~ C 0 0 a, I-= 0::: ~ ~ >, _.o I-z == "'O z n. a, 0 (9 Cf) > ~o a. Cf) w~ <( <( 0 §: I-0. Z ro <( (9 w (/) 0 z u. ro ~I~ • • >< • i I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • • • • • • • • CRITICAL AREAS STUDY FOR Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Tax Parcel No. 008800-0320 Acre Project #14032 Prepared By: Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC. 17715 28th Ave. NE Lake Forest Park, WA 98155 (206) 450-7746 For: Cedar Ridge Church of Christ PO Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 December 22, 2014 Revision #1: January 21, 2016 • • TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ANO BRIEF SITE DESCRIPTION 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2 METHODOLOGIES OF CRITICAL AREAS EVALUATION 3 BOUNDARY DETERMINATION FINDINGS 4 EXISTING FUNCTIONS ANO VALUES ANALYSIS 7 POST-PROJECT FUNCTIONS AND VALUES ANALYSIS 7 TERMS & CONDITIONS 9 REFERENCES 10 ATTACHMENTS: 1. WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORMS (6 DATA POINTS ON-SITE) 2. WETLAND RATING FORMS FOR WESTERN WASHINGTON: 2014 UPDATE (2 RATING FORMS) 3. CRITICAL AREAS STUDY MAP SHEET CAl.00 Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC Critical Areas Study for-Cedar Ridge Church of Christ. Renton, WA Revision #1: January 21, 2016 Page 1 • • • • • • • • INTRODUCTION AND BRIEF SITE DESCRIPTION On July 31, 2014 Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC visited the subject property located at 11411 SE 1641h Street in the City of Renton, Washington. The purpose of this site visit was to assess and locate regulated critical areas on and adjacent to the subject site. The site is further located as a portion of Section 29, Township 23N, Range 05E, W.M. The tax parcel number for this property is 008800-0320. Per the King County Assessor's office, the site encompasses approximately 2.55-acres. Surrounding land use is comprised of single family residential development with an electrical transmission line easement running across approximately the southern 200 feet of the site. Access to this site is from the north via a gravel driveway that leads south from SE 1641h Street. An existing church building and associated parking are located in the center of the site on a small hill. The site slopes away from this point in all directions. The majority of the site is comprised of maintained lawn with scattered trees. The area under the transmission lines is dominated by Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus, FacU). There are two Category Ill wetlands located in the southern portion of the property, beneath the transmission lines. In the City of Renton, Category Ill wetlands with moderate habitat scores (5 to 7 points) adjacent to moderate or high impact land uses receive a 100-foot standard buffer measured from the delineated wetland edge. Category Ill wetlands with habitat scores between 3 and 4 points adjacent to moderate or high intensity land use, typically receive 75-foot protective buffers from their delineated edge . PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is proposing to expand the existing church facility and the associated parking areas on the subject site. To accommodate the proposed parking lot, a total of 4,203 square feet of the buffers of Wetlands A and B are proposed to be reduced through averaging, as allowed by RMC 4-3-050(1)(3)(b). This will result in minimum buffer widths of 75 feet for Wetland A and 57 feet for Wetland B which are respectively 75 and 76 percent of the standard buffer widths for these wetlands. The documents Wetlands in Washington State, Volume 1: A Synthesis of the Science and Wetlands in Washington State -Volume 2: Guidance for Protecting and Managing Wetlands are currently considered to represent best available science in Washington State. The buffer widths proposed by this project fall within the ranges recommended by the above documents for effective buffer widths for wetlands with moderate and low habitat functions adjacent to moderate intensity land use. There are currently existing physical improvements in the form of maintained lawn and gravel parking in and adjacent to the outer portion of the buffer. The majority of the on-site wetland buffer is located beneath a utility easement and is dominated by Himalayan blackberry. As mitigation for the 4,203 square feet of buffer reduction, the applicant is offering to designate a total of 4,608 square feet of additional equivalent and better quality area as buffer in the Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC Critical Areas Study for-Cedar Ridge Church of Christ. Renton, WA Revision #1: January 21, 2016 Page 2 I I I I ! I I I • • southeast corner of the site. This represents a 1.1:1 (buffer addition to buffer reduction) ratio and will increase the overall area of buffer on the site by 405 square feet. The buffer proposed to be reduced is dominated by Himalayan blackberry. The area proposed for additional buffer is represented by a mixture of Himalayan blackberry with native shrubs and herbs including thimbelberry (Rubus parviflorus, FacU), black hawthorn (Crataegus douglasii, Fae), bitter cherry (Prunus emarginata, FacU), bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum, FacU), Cascade Oregon-grape (Mahania nervasa, FacU), and narrow-leaf fireweed (Chamaenerion angustifolium, FacU). By designating additional, equivalent and better quality buffer at a better than 1:1 ratio, the overall level of buffer function on the subject site is expected to be improved. At a minimum, the proposed buffer averaging will not adversely impact the functions and values of the subject wetlands. METHODOLOGIES OF CRITICAL AREAS EVALUATION In July of 2014, Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC conducted a site visit to locate and verify wetlands and streams occurring on and adjacent to the subject site. The methods used for delineating, classifying, and rating the wetlands and streams in the project area are consistent with current Federal, State, and City of Renton requirements. At the time of our July 31, 2014 site investigation, the weather was sunny with a temperature of 74 degrees Fahrenheit. • Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC used the routine methodologies described in the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (Washington State • Department of Ecology Publication #96-94, March 1997) to make a determination regarding ' regulated wetlands. In addition, Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC evaluated the site using the II U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual produced in 1987 and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation ! Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region produced in May 2010 (hereinafter ! referred to as "the Corps Regional Supplement"). The Corps Regional Supplement is designed for concurrent use with the 1987 Corps Wetland Delineation Manual and all subsequent versions. The 2010 Regional Supplement provides technical guidance and procedures for identifying and delineating wetlands that may be subject to regulatory jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Where differences in the two documents occur, the Corps Regional Supplement takes precedence over the Corps Manual for applications in the Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region. According to the federal and state methodologies described above, identification of wetlands is based on a three-factor approach involving indicators of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and the presence or evidence of persistent hydrology. Except where noted in the manuals, the three-factor approach discussed above requires positive indicators of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology, to make a determination that an area is a regulated I Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC Critical Areas Study for-Cedar Ridge Church of Christ. I Renton, WA Revision #1: January 21, 2016 Page 3 • • • • • • wetland. Using the aforementioned manuals, the procedure for making a wetland determination is as follows: 1.) Examination of the site for hydrophytic vegetation (species present/percent cover); 2.) Examination for the presence of hydric soils in areas where hydrophytic vegetation is present; and 3.) The final step is determining if wetland hydrology exists in the area examined under the first two steps. Per industry standards, Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC examined the entire project site. Per current City of Renton requirements, Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC also assessed adjacent properties within 300 feet of the proposed project limits, to the maximum extent possible without entering adjacent properties. While a detailed assessment of Critical Areas on adjacent properties was not possible due to the lack of legal access, Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC conducted a review of all available information to assess the presence of off-site Critical Areas within 300 feet of the subject site. This review is necessary to determine if any regulated Critical Areas exist off-site which would cause associated protective buffers to extend onto the property and affect the development proposal. In addition to on-site field reviews, Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC examined aerial photographs and topographical data (elevation contours) on King County's interactive mapping system {iMAP). Soil survey maps produced by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) maps produced by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), SalmonScape fish distribution maps produced by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), and StreamNet fish distribution maps produced by Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission were also evaluated by Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC as part of this project consultation. BOUNDARY DETERMINATION FINDINGS Wetlands were classified according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Cowardin system Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (Cowardin et al., 1979) and rated, by categories, rated, by categories according to the Washington State Department of Ecology Wetland Rating Form for Western Washington: 2014 Update as required by the City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-3-050 (Critical Areas Regulations). Buffers are also determined by this chapter . Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC Critical Areas Study for -Cedar Ridge Church of Christ. Renton, WA Revision #1: January 21, 2016 Page 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I • • Wetland A Cowardin: Palustrine, Scrub-Shrub wetland, Broad-leaved Deciduous, Seasonally Flooded/Saturated (PSSlE) Ecology Rating: Category Ill City of Renton Rating: Category 111, 100' Buffer This wetland is located within a transmission line easement in the southern portion of the subject site and extends off-site to the south. This hydrogeomorphic (HGM) class depressional wetland received a total score for functions of 18 points (7 points for Water Quality Functions, 6 points for Hydrologic Functions, and 5 points for Habitat Functions) on the DOE Wetland Rating Form for Western Washington: 2014 Update. Wetlands with scores between 16 and 19 points for all functions are classified as Category Ill wetlands, per RMC 4-03-050(G)(2). In the City of Renton, Category Ill wetlands with habitat scores between 5 and 7 points adjacent to moderate or high intensity land use, typically receive 100-foot protective buffers from their delineated edge. The majority of this wetland is represented my maintained lawn / pasture. However, there is some scattered scrub/shrub vegetation located mostly near the perimeters. The scrub/shrub vegetation is represented by Sitka willow (Salix sitchensis, FacW) with sapling Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia, FacW), red osier dogwood (Cornus sericea, FacW), and black hawthorne (Crataegus douglasii, Fae). The pasture portion of this wetland is dominated by reed canarygrass (Pha/aris orundinocea, FacW) with lesser amounts of soft rush (Juncus effusus, FacW), creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens, FacW), field horsetail (Equisetum arvense, Fae), and water foxtail (Alopecurus genicu/atus, Obi). Soils in this wetland have a Munsell color of very dark greyish brown (lOYR 3/2) with redoximorphic features of brown (lOYR 4/3), and a I texture of silt loam from O to 18 inches below the surface. Soils in this wetland were moist I I I I I I I I throughout during our July 2014 site visit. Wetland B Cowardin: Palustrine, Emergent wetland, Persistent, Seasonally Flooded/Saturated (PEMlE) Ecology Rating: Category Ill City of Renton Rating: Category 111, 75' Buffer This wetland is located just off-site to the west, within the transmission line easement near the southern portion of the subject site. This hydrogeomorphic (HGM) class depressional wetland i received a total score for functions of 18 points (8 points for Water Quality Functions, 6 points \ for Hydrologic Functions, and 4 points for Habitat Functions) on the DOE Wetland Rating Form for Western Washington: 2014 Update. Wetlands with scores between 16 and 19 points for all 1 functions are classified as Category Ill wetlands, per RMC 4-03-050(G)(2). In the City of Renton, I I I Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC I Critical Areas Study for-Cedar Ridge Church of Christ. I Renton, WA I I I Revision #1: January 21, 2016 Page 5 • • • • • • • • Category Ill wetlands with habitat scores between 3 and 4 points adjacent to moderate or high intensity land use, typically receive 75-foot protective buffers from their delineated edge. Vegetation in this wetland is dominated by reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea, FacW) and creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens, FacW). with sparse amounts of climbing nightshade (Solanum dulcamara, Fae). Soils in this wetland have a Munsell color of very dark greyish brown (lOYR 3/2) with redoximorphic features of brown (lOYR 4/3), and a texture of silt loam from 0 to 18 inches below the surface. Soils in this wetland were saturated at 14 inches below the surface during our July 2014 site visit. Non -Wetland Vegetation over most of the property is comprised of maintained lawn represented by tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus, Fae), colonial bentgrass (Agrostis tenuis, Fae). hairy Cat's-ear (Hypochaeris radicata, FacU). and English plantain (Plantago lanceolata, FacU). The lawn is interspersed with scattered trees, including big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum, FacU), black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera, Fae). and Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia, FacW). Vegetation in the southern part of the site under the transmission easement is dominated by Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus, FacU). Typical soils in the non-wetland portions of the site have Munsell colors ranging from very dark greyish brown (lOYR 3/2) to dark brown (lOYR 3/3). with textures of gravelly sandy loam from Oto 18 inches below the surface. Soils in the non-wetland portions of this property were dry during our July 2014 site visit . NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION SERVICE SOILS DESCRIPTION: The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) mapped the subject property as being underlain by Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes. The NRCS describes Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes as rolling with irregularly shaped areas ranging from 10 to about 600 acres in size. The A horizon ranges from very dark brown to dark brown. The B horizon is dark brown, grayish brown, and dark yellowish brown. Permeability is moderately rapid in the surface layer and subsoil and very slow in the substratum. Available water capacity is described as low. Included within this soil unit are the poorly drained Norma, Bellingham, Seattle, Tukwila, Shalcar soils, and Alderwood soils that have slopes more gentle or steeper than 6 to 15 percent. Included soil units make up no more than 30 percent of the total acreage . Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC Critical Areas Study for-Cedar Ridge Church of Christ. Renton, WA Revision #1: January 21, 2016 Page 6 I I I I I ! I I i I I • • EXISTING FUNCTIONS AND VALUES ANALYSIS The methodologies for this functions and values analysis are based on professional opinion developed through past field analyses and interpretations. This assessment pertains specifically to the subject wetlands, but is typical for assessments of similar systems throughout western Washington. The three main functions provided by wetlands include water quality, stormwater / hydrologic control, and wildlife habitat. Vegetation in the subject wetlands is represented by a mix of primarily, emergent weedy species. The buffers on the subject site are dominated by Himalayan blackberry. Overall, the subject wetlands and associated on-site buffers provide low to moderate levels of functions and values. Wetlands A and Bare hydrogeomorphic class depressional wetland,and as such, have the ability to retain stormwater for prolonged periods and provide valuable water quality functions. By_ storing stormwater and slowly infiltrating in to the ground, these wetlands have the ability to reduce flooding and moderate downstream flows. Water quality functions in Wetland B are limited by its relatively small size. Wetlands in western Washington often contain necessary wildlife habitat resources such as food, water, thermal cover, and hiding cover in close proximity. The subject wetlands and associated buffers provide protected habitat, which becomes increasingly important as areas become further populated with humans and habitat areas become fragmented. The subject wetlands are primarily emergent wetlands dominated by invasive and non-native species. As a result these features provide little value for wildlife habitat. Habitat functions in these wetlands i are limited by the proximity to roads and development, and the habitat fragmentation that I results, as well as by the prevalence of invasive species and the lack of established woody I vegetation and vegetative species diversity. It is expected that birds and small mammals are the I primary species to utilize the subject wetlands and buffers. I I I I I I I I i ! Although dominated by invasive species, the established vegetation within the wetlands and associated buffers on this site serves to intercept rain fall before it strikes the soil, thereby reducing erosion and improving water quality. Furthermore, the dense vegetation and adsorbent soils serve to trap sediment and pollutants and provide increased water quality functions that aid in a reduction of sediment which results in cleaner water leaving the site. \ Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC Critical Areas Study for-Cedar Ridge Church of Christ. [Renton, WA Revision #1: January 21, 2016 Page 7 I ' I I • • • • • • • • POST-PROJECT FUNCTIONS AND VALUES The wetlands on the subject site are dominated by emergent species with scattered shrub vegetation in Wetland A. While buffer averaging is proposed to reduce portions of the buffers of Wetland A and Wetland B, the entire area proposed to be reduced is currently dominated by Himalayan blackberry. The applicant is proposing to designate equivalent and better quality buffer at a better than 1:1 buffer reduction to buffer addition ratio. As a result, implementation of this project is expected to at a minimum, maintain the existing level of functions and values provided by the subject wetlands and buffers. Therefore, no significant adverse environmental impacts and no net loss of ecological functions are expected to occur due to this project . Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC Critical Areas Study for-Cedar Ridge Church of Christ. Renton, WA Revision #1: January 21, 2016 Page 8 • • TERMS & CONDITIONS The environmental consulting work conducted, including this Critical Areas Study is supplied to the Cedar Ridge Church of Christ (the "Client") as a means of determining whether any wetlands, streams, and/or fish and wildlife habitats regulated by the City of Renton exist on, or adjacent to, the site. The Services are provided in accordance with the following General Terms and Conditions (the "Terms"). In accepting the Services provided by Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC ("Acre"), the Client voluntarily enters into and agrees to the binding effect of the following Terms. This report is intended to provide information deemed relevant in the Client's attempt to comply with the regulations currently in effect. The work for this report has conformed to the standard of care employed by professional ecologists in the Pacific Northwest. All other representations or warranties, whether express or implied, are hereby disclaimed concerning the work or this report. This report is based largely on readily observable conditions and, to a lesser extent, on readily ascertainable conditions. No attempt has been made to determine hidden or concealed conditions. If such conditions exist or arise, the information contained in this report may be rendered inaccurate or incomplete based upon those conditions. Acre acts solely as an independent contractor in providing the Services to the Client, and nothing in the provision of such Services shall be construed as creating an agency, partnership, joint venture or other similar legal relationship between Acre and the Client. Please note that Acre did not provide detailed analyses of other permitting requirements not discussed in this report (i.e., structural, drainage, geotechnical, or engineering requirements). The laws applicable to Critical Areas are subject to varying interpretations. While Acre observed professional industry standards when completing this review, the information included in this report does not guarantee approval by any federal, state, and/or local permitting agencies. Therefore, all work on this property should not commence until permits have been obtained from all applicable agencies. If there are any questions regarding this report, please contact me at 206.450.7746. Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC. Louis Emenhiser Principal Wetland Ecologist Professional Wetland Scientist #1680 Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC Critical Areas Study for-Cedar Ridge Church of Christ. Renton, WA Revision #1: January 21, 2016 Page 9 • • • • • • • • REFERENCES Cowardin, et al, 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S.D.I. Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS-79/31. December 1979. Environmental Laboratory. (1987). "Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual," Technical Report Y-87-1, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. Hruby, T. 2014. Washington State wetland rating system for western Washington -2014 Update. Publication #14-06-029. Olympia, WA: Washington Department of Ecology King County iMAP: Interactive Mapping T,001. Administered by the King County GIS Center. http://www.kingcounty.gov/operations/gis/Maps/iMAP.aspx. Website last visited on August 7, 2014. Lichvar, R.W., M. Butterwick, N.C. Melvin, and W.N.Kirchner. 2014. The National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update of wetland ratings. Phytoneuron 2014-41: 1-42. Published 2 April 2014. Renton Municipal Code. Section 4-3-050 (Critical Areas Regulations). Renton, Washington. SalmonScape. Interactive Mapping website administered by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. http://wdfw.wa.gov/mapping/salmonscape/index.html. Website last visited on July 30, 2014. Sheldon, D., T. Hruby, P. Johnson, K. Harper, A. McMillan, T. Granger, S. Stanley, and E. Stockdale. March 2005. Wetlands in Washington State -Volume 1: A Synthesis of the Science. Washington State Department of Ecology. Publication #05-06-006. Olympia, WA. Granger, T., T. Hruby, A. McMillan, D. Peters, J. Rubey, D. Sheldon, S. Stanley, E. Stockdale. April 2005. Wetlands in Washington State -Volume 2: Guidance for Protecting and Managing Wetlands. Washington State Department of Ecology. Publication #05-06-008. Olympia, WA StreamNet. Fish Data for the Northwest. Administered by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. http://www.streamnet.org/. Website last visited on July 30, 2014. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (2010). "Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (Version 2.0)," ERDC/EL TR- 10-3, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. · Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC Critical Areas Study for-Cedar Ridge Church of Christ. Renton, WA Revision #1: January 21, 2016 Page 10 I . I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I • • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. National Wetlands Inventory Wetlands Mapper. Last updated October 6, 2014. • Website last visited on August 7, 2014. Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual. Washington State Department of Ecology. Publication #96-94. March 1997. Web Soil Survey. United States Department of Agriculture. Natural Resources Conservation Service. http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/HomePage.htm. Website last visited on August 7, 2014. i Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC I Critical Areas Study for-Cedar Ridge Church of Christ. Renton, WA Revision #1: January 21, 2016 Page 11 • • • • WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM-Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region ProjecUSite: 11411 SE 164th Street City/County: Renton I King County Sampling Date: 07.31.14 Applicant/Owner: Cedar Ridge Church of Christ State: WA Sampling Point: _D_P_2 ___ _ .nvestigator(s): _L'-'o--'u---'is_E'--m-e_nh_i_s_er ____________ Section, Township, Range: -'S'-1---'8-'-, _T_2_6_N'--, _R_S_E'--, W___:..M_. ---------- Landform (hillslope, terrace, etc.): _te_r_ra_c_e _________ Local relief (concave, convex, none): _C_o_n_c_a_ve _____ Slope (%): 2 to 5 % Subregion (LRR): _:L::_Rc.R_-c...A ____________ Lat: 47.4541 Long: -122.1883 Datum: ____ _ Soil Map Unit Name: Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes. NWI classification: ________ _ Are climatic I hydro logic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes _I __ No __ (If no, explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation __ , Soil __ , or Hydrology_ _ significantly disturbed? Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes_ ./ _ No (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Are Vegetation __ , Soil ___ , or Hydrology __ naturally problematic? SUMMARY OF FINDINGS -Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No -,/ Is the Sampled Area ---,/ - Hydric Soil Present? Yes --No --within a Wetland? Yes No ,/ Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No ,/ Remarks: Non wetland north of Wetland A VEGETATION -Use scientific names of plants. Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tree Stratum (Plot size: 30 meters ) % Cover Sgecies? Status Number of Dominant Species 1. That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 0 (A) 2. Total Number of Dominant 3. Species Across All Strata: 1 (B) 4. Percent of Dominant Species = Total Cover That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 0 (NB) Sagling/Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 10 meters ) 1. Rubus armeniacus 100 y FacU Prevalence Index worksheet: 2. T Q1al 0& Cover of: Multigly by: 3. OBL species 0 X 1 = 0 4. FACW species 0 x2= 0 5. FAC species 0 x3= 0 100 = Total Cover FACU species 100 x4= 400 Herb Stratum (Plot size: 1 meter ) UPL species 0 x5= 0 1. Column Totals: 100 (A) 400 (B) 2. 3. Prevalence Index -B/A = 4.00 4. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 5. -Dominance Test is >50% 6. Prevalence Index is s3.01 7. Morphological Adaptations 1 (Provide supporting data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 8. Wetland Non-Vascular Plants 1 -9. Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation 1 (Explain) 10. 11ndicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 11. be present, unless disturbed or problematic. -Total Cover Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: ) 1. Hydrophytic 2. Vegetation ,/ Present? Yes No -----= Total Cover % Bare Ground in Herb Stratum Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast -Version 2.0 ' SOIL • • Sampling Point: _D_P_2 __ _ Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of Indicators.) Depth (Inches) ci-18 Matrix _.,,c,.o,,.lowr /"-'m-"'o"'ise.utl_ ~ 10YR 3/2 100 Redox Features Color (moist) ~ ~ Loe Texture Remarks grsal -----------------~~---------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------- --------- 1T: e: C=Concentration, D=De lelion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Linin M=Matrix. Hy.dric Soll Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs, unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3 : _J Histosol (A1) _ Sandy Redox (S5) _ 2 cm Muck (A10) _J Histic Epipedon (A2) Stripped Matrix (S6) _ Red Parent Material (TF2) __' Black Histic (A3) Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1) (except MLRA 1) Other (Explain in Remarks) _J Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) __' Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) I Thick Dark Surface (A 12) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) I Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) Redox Depressions (FB) Restrictive Layer (if present): I Type: ____________ _ Depth (inches): ' Remarks: HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: I 31ndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydric Soil Present? Yes__ No ./ Pri!!larx loQi~atorn (mioimum Qf oo~ Cft9!Ji~Q· cbeck all thi1!t ar2gl~) I Secondary Indicators (2 or more reguired} _ Surface Water (A 1) _ Water-Stained Leaves (89) (except MLRA _ Water-Stained Leaves (89) (MLRA 1, 2, High Water Table (A2) 1, 2, 4A, and 48) 4A, and 48) -, _ Saturation (A3) _ Salt Crust (811) _ Drainage Patterns (810) _ yvater Marks (81) Aquatic Invertebrates (813) _ Dry-Season Water Table (C2) _ ~ediment Deposits (82) _ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) _ ?rift Deposits (83) _ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) _ Geomorphic Position (02) l;lgal Mat or Crust (84) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) _ Shallow Aquitard (03) 11ron Deposits (85) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) FAG-Neutral Test (05) -, _ Surface Soil Cracks (86) _ Stunted or Stressed Plants (01) (LRR A) Raised Ant Mounds (06) (LRR A) _ 1hundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (87) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) Frost-Heave Hummocks (07) _ ~parsely Vegetated Concave Surface (88) Field Observations: Surtabe Water Present? I Yes __ No_ I _ Depth (inches): Yes __ No _I_ Depth (inches): Water Table Present? Satur1tion Present? Yes __ No _I_ Depth (inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No I fincludes caniflarv frinne) ----- Descr_ibe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: I I Remarks: I I i I . US Armr Corps of Engineers Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast -Version 2.0 • • • WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM-Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region ProjecUSite: 11411 SE 164th Street City/County: Renton/ King County Sampling Date: 07.31.14 • ApplicanUOwner: C~dar Ridg~ Church of Christ State: WA Sampling Point: _D_P_3 ___ _ lnvestigator(s): LOUIS Emenh1ser Section, Township, Range: ..:S:..1..:8.!., .:.T=2-=-6N"'-, A=5=E'-, W=.M.:..:.. --------- Landform {hillslope, terrace, etc.): ..:.t•::r..:ra:.:0.:.9 _________ Local relief (concave, convex, none): _C_o_n_c_a_ve _____ Slope(%): 2 to 5 % Subregion (LRR): LAA-A Lat: 47.4548 Long: -122.1889 Datum: ____ _ Soil Map Unit Name: Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes. NWI classification: _P_E:..M_1.:.E'--------- Are climatic/ hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes_./_ No __ (If no, explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation __ , Soil ___ , or Hydrology_ _ significantly disturbed? Are "Normal Circumstances~ present? Yes_ ./ _ No __ _ Are Vegetation __ , Soil __ , or Hydrology ___ naturally problematic? (lf needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS -Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Hydric Soil Present? Yes ./ No Yes ./ No Yes ./ No Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Yes ./ No __ _ Wetland Hydrology Present? Remarks: Wetland B VEGETATION -Use scientific names of plants. Tree Stratum (Plot size: 30 meters Absolute Dominant Indicator % Cover Species? Status 1. __________________ --------- 2. __________________ --------- 3. __________________ --------- 4. _________________ --------- Sapling/Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 10 meters ___ = Total Cover 1. _________________ --------- 2. __________________ --------- 3. --------------------------- 4. --------------------------- 5. --------------------------- Herb Stratum (Plot size: 1 meter 1. Phalaris arundinacea 2. Solanum dulcamara ___ =Total Cover 95 5 y N FacW Fae Dominance Test worksheet: Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FAGW, or FAG: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FAGW, or FAG: _1_0_0 __ _ Prevalence Index worksheet: IQl5!1 °&i Cov§!r of· Multiply by: OBL species 0 X 1 = 0 FACW species 95 x2= 190 FAC species 5 x3= 15 F ACU species 0 x4= 0 UPL species 0 x5= 0 Column Totals: 100 (A) 205 (A) (B) (A/B) (B) 3 Prevalence Index = BIA = 2.05 ---------------------------~-..::.:::::~::::..:::'.:::..:'.:'.~::..,::=====-__j 4 Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: ----------------------------~ Dominance Test is >50% 5. __________________ --------- ./ Prevalence Index is s3.01 6. __________________ --------- Morphological Adaptations 1 (Provide supporting ?. _________________ --------- data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 8. __________________ --~------' Wetland Non-Vascular Plants 9. __________________ ---------' Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation (Explain) 10. ------------------------------1lndicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 11. ---------------------------be present, unless disturbed or problematic. _1_00 __ = Total Cover Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size:-----· 1. --------------------------- 2. ____________________ ------ ___ --Total Cover % Bare Ground in Herb Stratum Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ./ No Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast -Version 2.0 I SOIL I • • Sampling Point· DP3 P~ofile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) I Depth M~t[iX Redox Features (i~ches} Color (mQi§:t} ~ Color (moist) ~~ Loc 7 Texture Remarks Of18 10YR 3/2 95 10YR 4/3 5 C M silt loam I --------- ---------I ---------I I --------- ! --------- I --------- ---------I --------- 1rJne: C=Concentration. D=Deoletion RM::::Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Uninq, M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs, unless otherwise noted.} Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3 : _' Histosol (A 1) _ Sandy Redox (S5) _ 2 cm Muck (A10) _J Histic Epipedon (A2) Stripped Matrix (S6) _ Red Parent Material (TF2) _J Black Histic (A3) Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1) (except MLRA 1) Other (Explain in Remarks) _J Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) _· Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) ; Thick Dark Surface (A 12) ,/ Redox Dark Surface (F6) 3lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and I Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) wetland hydrology must be present, Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) Redox Depressions (F8) unless disturbed or problematic. Restrictive Layer (if present): ' Type: I ./ pepth (inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yes No Remarks: I I i ' HYDROLOGY ' Wetland Hydrology Indicators: I PrirTlao: !odi!:i:ators (miaimum of on~ r!ilguited· che1:;;~ all tbat ~1,2121:il Seconda~ lngicators (2 or more reguired} -Surface Water (A 1) _ Water-Stained Leaves (89) (except MLRA _ Water-Stained Leaves (89) (MLRA 1, 2, -High Water Table (A2) 1, 2, 4A, and 4B) 4A, and 4B) c!._ .Saturation (A3) _ Salt Crust (811) _ Drainage Patterns (810) _ 1 Water Marks (81) Aquatic Invertebrates (813) _ Dry-Season Water Table (C2) _ 1 Sediment Deposits (82) _ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) Drift Deposits (83) -1 ~ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) _ Geomorphic Position (D2) fllgal Mat or Crust (84) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) _ Shallow Aquitard (03) _ /ron Deposits (85) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) ,/ FAG-Neutral Test (D5) _ r,urface Soil Cracks (86) _ Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) (LRR A) . Raised Ant Mounds (D6) (LRR A) _ /nundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (87) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) . Frost-Heave Hummocks (D7) _ pparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (88) Field Observations: I No ,/ _ Depth (inches): Surface Water Present? Yes ---I Water Table Present? Yes _I_ No __ Depth (inches): 17 Satu~ation Present? Yes ,/ No __ Depth (inches): 14 Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ,/ No fincllldes caoitlarv frinae) -- Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: I Remarks: I I ' I I ' ' I US Army Corps of Engineers I -. Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast -Version 2.0 • • • • • WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM -Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region Project/Site: 11411 SE 164th Street City/County: Renton/ King County Sampling Date: 07.31.14 • Applicant/Owner: C~dar Ridg~ Church of Christ lnvestigator(s): LoUJs Emenh,ser State: WA Sampling Point: _D_P_4 ___ _ Section, Township, Range: ..:S:..1:..:8.:., _T;::2.:.6_N:..., :..:R.:;_5;::E:..., W=. M ____ . --------- Landform (hillslope, terrace, etc.): _te_r_ra_c_e __________ Local relief (concave, convex, none): _C_o_n_c_a_v_e _____ Slope(%): 2 to 5 % Subregion (LRR): _L:...R_R_--'-A'------------Lat: 47.4548 Long: -122.1888 Datum:----- Soil Map Unit Name: Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes. NWI classification: _________ _ Are climatic I hydro logic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes_./ __ No ___ (If no, explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation __ , Soil ___ , or Hydrology_ _ significantly disturbed? Are Vegetation __ , Soil ___ , or Hydrology ___ naturally problematic? Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes_ ./ _ No (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS -Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ---No -,I -Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes No ,I ,I ----within a Wetland? Yes No · Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No ,I --------- Remarks: Non wetland east of Wetland B VEGETATION -Use scientific names of plants. Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: % Cover Sgecies? Status Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 0 (A) Tree Stratum (Plot size: 30 meters 1. ________________ _ 2. ________________ _ Total Number of Dominant 3. ________________ _ Species Across All Strata: (B) = Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species 0 That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: (NB) 4. ________________ _ Sapling/Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 10 meters 1. Rubus armeniacus 95 y FacU Prevalence Index worksheet: 2. Acer macrophyflum sapling 5 N FacU TQti:11 °/p Cover of: Multig!Y b'.f OBL species 0 X 1 = 0 FACW species 0 x2= 0 FAC species 0 x3= 0 100 = Total Cover F ACU species 100 x4= 400 3. _______________ _ 4. ---------------5. ________________ _ Herb Stratum (Plot size: 1 meter UPL species 0 x5= 0 1. ________________ _ Column Totals: 100 (A) 400 (B) 2. ____________________ ----------- 3 Prevalence Index = B/A = 4.00 . -------------------------~-,._:_.:::.::.:;:;...::::=:::.:.;'.'.'.;;..::..,::=====--I 4 Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: ·-------------------------- 5 Dominance Test is >50% ·---------------------------Prevalence Index is S3.01 6. ____________________ ----------- 7 Morphological Adaptations 1 (Provide supporting . -------------------------------data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 8. ________________________ --------' Wetland Non~Vascular Plants 9. ____________________ -----------' Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation (Explain) 10. -------------------------------, Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 11. ------------------------------be present, unless disturbed or problematic. ____ -Total Cover Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size:------ 1. _____________________ ------ 2. ------------------------------- ____ = Total Cover % Bare Ground in Herb Stratum Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No ./ Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast-Version 2.0 I I SOIL • • Sampling Point· DP4 ' Pl'ofile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of Indicators.) ' Depth M~trix Redox Features (inches) Color (moist) ~ Color (moist) ~~ Loe' Texture Remarks Q-18 10YR 3/2 100 grsal ------------ I • I --------- --------- ' I I --------- --------- I ---I ------ ------------ I ---------1rlne: C=Concentration, D=Decletion, RM=Reduced Matrix CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Unino. M=Matrix. HYdric Soll Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs, unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3 : _J Histosol (A 1) _ Sandy Redox (S5) _ 2 cm Muck (A10) _J Histic Epipedon (A2) Stripped Matrix (S6) _ Red Parent Material {TF2) _J Black Histic (A3) Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1) (except MLRA 1) Other (Explain in Remarks) _J Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) _J Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) I Thick Dark Surface (A12) Redox Dark Surface (F6) 3lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and : Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) wetland hydrology must be present, : Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) Redox Depressions (FS) unless disturbed or problematic. ReStrictive Layer (If present): I Type: ' ./ pepth (inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yes No Remarks: I I I • ' HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Pci~i!!Y Indicator§ (minimum Q{ one reguir~d· ~beck §ll 11:!i!t agQl:t) Seconda!Y Indicators (2 or more reguired) _ 1surface Water (A1) _ Water-Stained Leaves (89) (except MLRA _ Water-Stained Leaves (B9) (MLRA 1, 2, _ 1High Water Table (A2) 1, 2, 4A, and 4B) 4A, and 4B) _ ;saturation (A3) _ Salt Crust (B11) _ Drainage Patterns (810) _ 1 Water Marks (B1) Aquatic Invertebrates (813) _ Dry-Season Water Table (C2) _ ~ediment Deposits (B2) _ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) Drift Deposits (B3) _ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) _ Geomorphic Position (02) -, ~lgal Mat or Crust (B4) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) _ Shallow Aquitard (03) _ Iron Deposits (B5) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) FAG-Neutral Test (05) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) _ Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) (LRR A) _ Raised Ant Mounds (06) (LRR A) -, _ \nundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (87) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) Frost-Heave Hummocks (07) ~parsely Vegetated Concave Surface (88) Field Observations: i ,/ _ Depth (inches): Surf~ce Water Present? Yes __ No_ Wat~r Table Present? Yes __ No _I_ Depth (inches): SatuJation Present? Yes __ No _I_ Depth (inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No ,/ (includes caoHlarv frinae) --- Desctibe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections}, if available: I I Remarks: I I I • I ' ' I US ArJy Corps of Engineers I -Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast-Version 2.0 • • WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM-Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region Project/Site: 11411 SE 164th Street City/County: Renton I King County Sampling Date: 07 .3 1·14 • Applicant/Owner: C~dar Ridg~ Church of Christ lnvestigator(s): Louis Emenh1ser State: WA Sampling Point: _D_P_5 ___ _ Section, Township, Range: _:S:.1:..:8::.•..:T.::2.::6:..:N.!..' :..:R.::5.::E.c., W=·::.M::.. ---------- Landform (hillslope, terrace, etc.): _te_r_ra_c_e _________ Local relief (concave, convex, none): _C;...o:..cn.:.:cc:ac_ve"--------Slope(%): 2 to 5 % Subregion (LRR): LRR-A Lat: 47.4543 Long: ·122.1881 Datum:----- Soil Map Unit Name: Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes. NWI classification:--------- Are climatic/ hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes _I_ No __ (If no, explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation __ , Soil ___ , or Hydrology_ _ significantly disturbed? Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes_ ./ _ No __ _ Are Vegetation __ , Soil __ , or Hydrology __ naturally problematic? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS -Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ---No -I -Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes No I I ----within a Wetland? Yes No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ---No I --- Remarks: Non wetland near the southeast corner of the site, beneath the transmission lines. VEGETATION -Use scientific names of plants. Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tree Stratum (Plot size: 30 meters ) % Cover Sgecies? Status Number of Dominant Species 1. Acer macrophyllum 20 y FacU That Are OBL, FAGW, or FAG: 0 (A) 2. Total Number of Dominant 3. Species Across All Strata: 6 (B) 4. 20 = Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species 0 Sagling/Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 10 meters ) That Are OBL, FAGW, or FAG: (A/B) 1. Rubus armeniacus 50 y FacU Prevalence Index worksheet: 2. Rubus parviflorus 20 y FacU Tgtal 0lo Cover Qf' Multig!Y by: 3. Crataegus douglasii 10 N FacU OBL species 0 X 1 = 0 4. Prunus emarginata 10 N FacU FACW species 0 x2= 0 5. FAC species 0 x3= 0 90 = Total Cover F ACU species 180 x4= 400 Herb Stratum (Plot size: 1 meter ) UPL species 0 x5= 0 1. Pteridium aquilinum 30 y FacU Column Totals: 180 (A) 720 (B) 2. Barberis nervosa 20 y FacU 3. Chamerion angustifolium 20 y FacU Prevalence Index = B/A = 4.00 4. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 5. -Dominance Test is >50% 6. Prevalence Index is ::.3.0 1 7. Morphological Adaptations1 (Provide supporting data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 8. Wetland Non-Vascular Plants 1 - 9. Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation 1 (Explain) 10. 11ndicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 11. be present, unless disturbed or problematic. 70 = Total Cover Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: ) 1. Hydrophytic 2. Vegetation I Present? Yes No -----= Total Cover % Bare Ground in Herb Stratum Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast -Version 2.0 SOIL • • Sampling Point· DPS I Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.} depth Ms:itri~ Redox Features (ir1ches) Color (moist) _%_ Color (moist) _%_~ Lael! Texture Remarks 0-18 10YR 3/2 100 grsal I ------------• --------- I I --------- ---------i ---------I ---------I I --------- --------- 1r,l.-.e: C=Concentration, D=DeoJetion, RM=Reduced Matrix CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 2 Location: PL=Pore Linina. M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs, unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3 : _J Histosol (A1) _ Sandy Redox (S5) _ 2 cm Muck (A10) _J Histic Epipedon (A2) Stripped Matrix (S6) _ Red Parent Material (TF2) ___, Black Histic (A3) Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1) (except MLRA 1) Other (Explain in Remarks) _I Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) -: Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) I Thick Dark Surface (A 12) Redox Dark Surface (F6) 3 lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and , Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) wetland hydrology must be present, I Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) Redox Depressions (F8) unless disturbed or problematic. Restrictive Layer (if present): I Type: I ./ Depth (inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yes No ' Remarks: I ' I • HYDROLOGY I Wet,and Hydrology Indicators: Pci~a!Y l0Qicat2rn {minimym of QD~ C!iQYiced· cbe~k all tbat aggl:il Secondaey Indicators (2 or more reguired) _ :surface Water (A 1) _ Water-Stained Leaves (89) (except MLRA _ Water-Stained Leaves (89) (MLRA 1, 2, _ ~igh Water Table (A2) 1, 2, 4A, and 48) 4A, and 4B) _ ~aturation (A3) _ Salt Crust (B11) _ Drainage Patterns (B10) _ Water Marks (B1) Aquatic Invertebrates (B13) _ Dry-Season Water Table (C2) _ Sediment Deposits (B2) _ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(C1) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9} _ Drift Deposits (B3) _ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) _ Geomorphic Position (02) ' Algal Mat or Crust (B4) I Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) _ Shallow Aquitard (D3) _ l~on Deposits (BS) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) FAG-Neutral Test (DS) _ Surface Soil Cracks (B6) _ Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) (LRR A) Raised Ant Mounds (D6) (LRR A) _ 1hundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (87) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) Frost-Heave Hummocks (07) _ ~parsely Vegetated Concave Surface (88) Field Observations: Surfa'ce Water Present? Yes --No -,I -Depth (inches): I Yes __ No_./_ Depth (inches): Water Table Present? ' Yes __ No_./_ Depth (inches): Saturation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? tincJudes canillarv frinoe) Yes ---No ,I Desc~ibe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: I Remarks: I I I I I . US Army Corps of Engineers ' Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast -Version 2.0 • • WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM-Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region ProjeeUSite: 11411 SE 164th S1reet City/County: Renton I King County Sampling Date: 07.31.H State: WA Sampling Point: _D_P_6 ____ _ • Applicant/Owner: C~dar Ridg~ Church of Christ lnvestigator(s): Louis Emenh1ser Section, Township, Range: _S_1_8~,_T_2_6_N~,_R_5_E~,_W_. M_. ---------- Landform (hillslope, terrace, etc.): _t_e_rr_ae_e'----~-----Local relief (concave, convex, none): _C:co:cnccc:.:a:cv.ce _____ Slope(%): 2 to 5 % Subregion (LRR): _L_R_R_-_A ____________ Lat: 47.4556 Long: _-1_2_2_.1_8_8_1 ______ Datum:----- Soil Map Unit Name: Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes. NWI classification: _________ _ Are climatic/ hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes_./ __ No ___ (If no, explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation __ , Soil ___ , or Hydrology_ _ significantly disturbed? Are Vegetation __ , Soil ___ , or Hydrology ___ naturally problematic? Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes_ ./ _ No (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS -Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ---No -,/ -Is the Sampled Area ,/ Hydric Soil Present? Yes No ,/ ----within a Wetland? Yes No ,/ Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No Remarks: Non wetland located northeast of the existing church building. VEGETATION -Use scientific names of plants. Tree Stratum (Plot size: 30 meters Absolute Dominant Indicator % Cover Species? Status 1. ____________________ ----_Y ___ --- 2. __________________ --------- 3. _________________ --------- 4. ___________________ --------- Sapling/Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 10 meters ____ = Total Cover 1. _________________ --------- 2. __________________ --------- 3. ___________________ --------- 4. __________________ --------- 5. --------------------------- = Total Cover Herb Stratum (Plot size: 1 meter 1. Schedonorus arundinaceus 40 y Fae 2. Agrostis tenuis 40 y Fae 3. Hypochaeris radicata 18 y FacU 4. Plantago lanceolata 2 N FacU 5. ____________________ ----------- 6. ____________________ ----------- ?.__:._ _________________ --------- 8. __________________ --------- 9. __________________ --------- 10. --------------------------- 11. __________________ --------- _1_0_0 __ = Total Cover' Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: _____ _ 1. ____________________ ----------- 2. ------------------------------- ____ --Total Cover % Bare Ground in Herb Stratum Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Dominance Test worksheet: Number of Dominant Species 2 That Are 08L, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: 3 Percent of Dominant Species 66 That Are 08L, FACW, or FAC: Prevalence Index worksheet: Total 0& Cover of: Multiply b)'.: OBL species 0 X 1 = 0 FACW species 0 x2= 0 FAC species 80 x3= 240 FACU species 20 x4= 80 UPL species 0 x5= 0 Column Totals: 100 (A) 320 Prevalence Index =BIA= 3.20 Hydrophytlc Vegetation Indicators: .!__ Dominance Test is >50% Prevalence Index is s3.01 (A) (8) (A/8) (8) Morphological Adaptations1 (Provide supporting data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) Wetland Non-Vascular Plants 1 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) 1 Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No ,/ Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast -Version 2.0 I I SOIL I • • Sampling Po'nt· DPB I Pi'ofile Description: I (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features ' (inches} Color (moist} _.%._ Color (moist} _.%._~ Loe" Texture Remarks 0-18 10YR 3/3 100 grsal I --------- I --------- ---I ------ ---I ------ I --------- --------- I ---------I ---------1Tlne: C=Concentration D=Deoletion, RM=Reduced Matrix CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Linina M=Matrix. HYdric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs, unless otherwise noted.) _J Histosol (A 1) _ Sandy Redox (S5) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3 : _ 2 cm Muck (A10) __:_ Histic Epipedon (A2) Stripped Matrix (S6) _ Red Parent Material (TF2) _J Black Histic (A3) Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1) (except MLRA 1) Other (Explain in Remarks) _) Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) _J Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) i Thick Dark Surface (A 12) Redox Dark Surface (F6) 3lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) wetland hydrology must be present, I Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) Redox Depressions (FB) unless disturbed or problematic. Re~trictive Layer (if present): ~ype: pepth (inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yes No ,/ Remarks: I I i I HYDROLOGY I We~land Hydrology Indicators: Pciffia!Y lni:H!:iil!IQ~ {minimum Qf one r~gyi[!i!Q· ~heck ~I! that ai:rn!J'.l Seconda!)l Indicators {2 or more reguired) _'. Surface Water (A1) _ Water-Stained Leaves (89) (except MLRA _ Water-Stained Leaves (89) (MLRA 1, 2, -High Water Table (A2) 1, 2, 4A, and 49) 4A, and 49) -Saturation (A3) _ SaltCrust(B11) _ Drainage Patterns (810) -Water Marks (81) Aquatic Invertebrates (813) _ Dry-Season Water Table (C2) _, Sediment Deposits (82) _ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) _ 'Drift Deposits (83) _ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) _ Geomorphic Position (D2) Algal Mat or Crust (84) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) _ Shallow Aquitard (D3) -Iron Deposits (85) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) FAG-Neutral Test (D5) _ 1 surface Soil Cracks (86) _ Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) (LRR A) Raised Ant Mounds (D6) (LRR A) _ !Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (87) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) . Frost·Heave Hummocks (D7) _ :sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (88) Field Observations: ! Surf~ce Water Present? Yes --No -./ _ Depth (inches): Water Table Present? Yes __ No_./_ Depth (inches): I Saturation Present? Yes __ No_./_ Depth (inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No ./ nnclLdes cacillarv frinae) --- Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: ! Remarks: i US Art Corps of Engineers I Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast -Version 2.0 • • • 'W~ridnamt!'ornumber~ · . --··--" .. ·- l;l~Ji~C3iSU!'i('l~AR;i '-:\Y~sJer!i.'VV:~shhig!~rf .. . . . .· .... .. . -. ~ .. -~ x-~· ~~-~'tr,-~~~~[:~~y '.~,:~c£~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~--'\" ;~~(MC?~-~:r€rji.~.;z~.¢i-1StO·:,l~'~~~~J;~;~~p~·~GJ~l~~i-~.;:~~~{~ " . - ·~--'.A'.' . _-•• , •• : ..... -.. ·;. ;;--..;i_~·--,,;:.· . ...,,.. .•, :-.· ( .• ·, '.:NOTE:' Fmm ls oot·complete wlthoutlllencu-roquostld (figure, am ae """"""'"lo·· = ·--~So1Yi-'ce'Ofbasi~trii1~hotOimif{~:,;;-·-C)'.l-,A"f'X'~·-b® ·n,·· _:~11".'~ ·.··-.,••·:cc,.••,•,·•~.-,.•-~ •....•....••. ~ . ·· .. · I ••••. 1,; · •••• ·· •'' •'"'~ ••• ....-,., ,~----~• •,--, -·-;· • ,•, ;•,,,_.,·-:: " •" I ,• ,.• .,. _ _,!.{,~ ·:-~-~ .9',IERALl' Wl;TLAND t,41. TEG()R'(---..::• !ba>ed on full(tlon,.::.._ o,. special cha=n,,ht!"_J" '1 .. ai . '" o1.we11iinc1 basecfoWFUNCTIONS ·. s~~~ ··.--~~-··~!#a~-~rore~.~3.2f ·~-· __ -'Cateaort.ll.-Tot•l_seoret;;;,20.--22~ .,,::)(. ,_";_(at~;lil;:-vro;,~;e·c='i6/l9: · __ :~~r-i_1f~~Ti~!;~i~f)t f.'!~01!)~( l.'.•m~ j ·_tl,drol!'ll!'.rl .......... , _1!,d:er ~.... ' :1~--.. "'"r:___ ,~~~_1:f11.1rhJ~·' ,piUPo~t1.1L_ H:'e'°M) l f.H,,/ilj,:crH ,,,,,., l~~pe ~!)t_eAt:I~! W,(!"M)'l.: lc•,·@J';Lc 1.~ (M),;.L ···~ "'h":' lCC I": ·®·'· W _'.®JL.1I'"~ ;~.~~~ . '°+'.: Ao 5 'JS. i ,i::.teg;,.y'~ci oii sij~:cii~iusm:s' at_;i.nd : s«ne foi.eadt :. funt1lon based~" <onlhrM :ra~"".if . . .. f&~c~,-..,1'1?!!~1 l':'~'J t9 •. e::,H,H;.~ :·s=wH M\'' ~-f;-'H~H~· b.-..H~:tA, t51H,M,l.,, !f~:~_;M,_M: -,ts.:H,l;.t_. '.:s_:;·M.M,L :'.4.~M.ii'.. ',~-~~·- aww:nilimc; CATIGOIIY.: t~~ .. ..,~~,v..fi\t' 1id ;, ·\I,)F ~:· .. ., . Estirarine ' 'I n- ,¥Jeilaod ol Hla,, co,,io, ...... v .... ; <·1 ... .lf" ,, ___ _Q .. ,IM' -, Mitirte' '°*' .;.) Old Gr0Wttt' ioreit :1 Comlal u;....·,. ~ ,,i ·,n~: ..........., . ·'1(i1'.~III\1v .. N~ei!)f·tti~~~'e' ,._ ,-,-,~-• ~:-:~-· -. .._-~ .r(. -~. ,- ,;W~d htln.a~ tor.~tam WA:..2_014'Updffl, ;·· ~tl.8 rcimi"; EtrCldiVI J;iill,l;liy_ t 1:015 :· . . ;I • • ' . ,/" ·,Wctia~d natnc or;inim.bEr-:1·'A( Map's and,flg111'88;"""Uil'8d'.toranswer;q11estlons~ri'ectly:fori i:w~m)·,a~iiinilt;~r ·· ' ··· · -~ · -· ·,'PCPCIHl9011 Yfetiand:;:- Map"of:-\t ; O:Nmdln_~ntc~" ,T0-....... ~"""':"'.~-1. ,01·~HJ.J;H u~~-:::..VI"'+·. ltDl)lrial:b~· ~ DU·H.1..2. -_-,--/.,_·~· kcationof0\111a:tJcanMa44fftiJlffG£·of.h~ ,Bound1rj'ot1,..'M'thfn1SDftafhw.ttindfmnbe'~rdto~r~ o.1;,•04.1·. --.• , ..• ·.Dil,2'05,2·-: · ;,./; .. • 'Mlpirltheoa~_!!y;bllffl,. --,· · · , .... •.:·" · ··:.;;,· ;o,u.;os:3_.~ _-.,, ".J_"L---' : 11m Poqican: Anti' tMf_ • .,,11,; 11:rn hin •!\Un _.lind itid,. .:'ltd.idtrc,· ,_,•nr·,1m·x~hii~t--·und1~~lttt'· ~~--.; -·· j{ H2.1;.H2?H2.!-, -~.1.~.,~~· I SCffll'lCJlpl!r"!Ofmlpoflll).qlf]Jist_ecl_~r:slnbminlfronl fr:,ak, --51~ ·P3,1·· 3,J• .. =~ .:_ ~·.'{·-_--:..• !,Sc1M11·ap,tur9ef i111 o(,lMDU fctWJIIA in w1iw.·i.i1t-lsfoulld (&i:iffl'inbl": 1·0·.;:, I% I ~. -· RIYertriflM:H!.?.ib -:f#!.~ .,. ' :CmA,ardlnpi.nfdauu;;-6-od,·-· -,• ~ : Piinad dapiuslollS \-. . ---• ; . ., - ·, ;~~~ Ul)ft-Dftha wntlandfr.an frrirfOM!lfo/MOUl,rr, .Pr1MCOIJllrofttM1·· ·1ndh~ ms1:.. -._ _ 'f .wtr.tttu:ifunltW:·wlchhohtrnm. ,=ribudd"'..,.·~, · ••--oftha·contr1butlna burn:-.' ....... · 1vi~~~~·:Z=z~~TuJ:·~~~~~!.f,:~-~;~ : SocfH1t e:a11t1not'rmi11 Df!D!{d)~ wstm'I tn bai:mtfrcm&okla ~ttJ' ,TO.-r Ht;t;Hl'.4' ·*ti:.2·-·- '11:Ll . .... ay,-t1u: ·--- R411 "'" " 'Ft2.2,:'A:U;R~2'? :H 2£H ilJH u·t ~2:.1:.· ·} -""~_\·'._'.''"'-'~ t.:=: ... ,-:1~ •. -•it-" :':'ii• -- )kraallCllprw. ,:ytt19ofJMDL:1fwWlllA lft Which lll]ltbfound tfmrTiwtbJ 0 - 'ft3,1'. :R.!.2;R3,J~·~ .=:,.. ":;,.-.··· "\~~l:'fri}!fl"@i#~ ---~ ... i1-rlf1:r·r·.· --~-:·-.,.::. • ...., ..... _._ ,cowardJnpiantdlltf1-·· ·--~ .. Phlnt ~rot_~ stira~uid i-tiKllallS pta,,t,;:r, --- 'Jouncl1 oftt'M'Mthlti150ft-aFthe1ifftland ciinbir·ad'mtd~ TH ..... Q\111do11S: ..,_; U .. Sz-.L:Ufti 1~1<H 1.4 •l'l\l' • ··-. ;. L'U! ,..,., -:..l:1 ;_1 .. kmPc;ilft:on:."""1 lhltotendill tmftonuntnft11iJhcf ••-~ lr1cludlt(l:i :H i.t H :Z.l,·H 2.3~· · , ... _~t.orKCeiciblehitht'nduncf~tgbftit ... _ su.1ne1acu;.efm1111ono>1"111ttedwt_tiir111i_basln!froni&okiff~ ~< ·U. •u.:2--=') . .:.. krnncipUni:n'llsiolTh'IDLllfotWRllilnwltch\lllltltfound(mlmlnbJ · .,_j t~~- $1gpe:We'Jl1u}cirj · · ~ . -.-.~ ~ .!:' ,. ~· --- 1r ,w· -· :-:,.-•. 1• • .--•·J,ToW11ttr~t-•·dA&uni•: cow.din tc~--. 'H i"'"tH:4'.·.;c;-•..::··_--;~-:.~ 1~,~-··; .!. r1acb',' ... :Ll _P!int o:n,,ei-af -~ tniu,'shnlbs,·a_nd l'l_~pWlb ,_:_:,~ ~•; !51!.!I~ . .. Jlf. ·1:::-~°{,~~~;'t-~·~~·~hl,~-~P!~!'b) ~ J~!;~-~. Bou ·orlSOftbulJflr c:1nbe114Bfto.nothti' •si.1'55;1 •Urn PofqotrAiu thfttl¢MCII Um hm fl'CittWMIIIICled11t·.indudl111-: ,H.2.ltH:2.2,"H l.3,? ... _, ·-for'~'tli.Wtatll\d~\#1d,stlri:ieill~li2i"-:-.-.... -···," ,-.:..·, . .,, .·~·,,-· -:···-.-:.:..~, ' ~n __ cap,1 gf nilp of SOJ4d) lllttd wettn 11'1 btdtl jfNlm ~~s!hlt .'.':. • '~ :Ui:__S !.l Scnen· Rptlft' of fist dTMDLs fiir WIIIA-.! "whldi unit Is~™' ~Iii wtip '. ~ I 5 3.9~· · -'~-·--• · W~d~~il ~as,,~·ror,~tirii wk 2014 u]k'.bte} ~~,arm-~v.~:~}}~~~-.- -._i._1· :r,1-.· :~,i • • ,~etia~4:n~~ ~r: ~uritber.-'.A .. HGM,Clasalficatlon.of.-Wetlaridsi'ln·-Westeril'Washlngton ., ' -. ' -.·' . . -. ' . . . . . . . -~ - J:or~uesiiDDS'i'~7; the efiteiia ~aibcd nilist:app1)',tn tha Cndre uniitie1nsnititl .. .cj::-.~-·~ ... ,·· .· .. t_,· .• • .• ::_ •• '" ---"~.-' : -· .. • :.' ---~=-'-· ', If _the bydro:toglc crtb!rl~ 11,ted In each quesdrin do riotappJy, to the c1Jtlnt unl_t l:iclM rated;'you · ·~ .. '. bably hl°W(a U'lllt 'wltlf riiU1dPitf1iGM'clmei~ID tbtSast-; ldmtif,wlµch'~·-·tmtena 111· ;:~·~{1~fappi~·8ffl.lgtl_t;j:~estt~!l.e.' ·-~ .. -. ·' -_, .-.-· ···.· ·. __ .,, -. -.... .,-~-· '•"t''--••• •. 1: _. Are the water le'\lels lathe cntirn Ullit USuilty OOn_~oUed by tictes 'eiceptdunn;i flO{)QS?, -~~-·. :•. .. -_ -_-· ~:_~~--~-ed~~-~_a:·~-~~~~~:;;·~'.1~1 ·1;115 the ,allnlty of.lhe water.durft1~:pCrtods Of annUallOW"floW btdCW O.~ _PP~Jp'arfu~j,er thotis:illc!)J · iio-5altwaterTidol Fringe (EsblartneJ . . . YEs-Fnshwa..,. Tidal Fringe I! )'DIJf wetland can bedarfifial asaFrelriwBlii Tidal filngeiisrithalamslor Flvei'ini, W!lliln<ls'.11 ~ ts _Sl.llWata'" T1dal.R11"1991t isary.E&tu~~ ine WEirand ari;j isnol ~8t~s rrehod Dln"naf be uaf to · SDefl.md:lonstcr .. etuarlnewetlanda, z .. Th~ ~ti~;f:dan~ftini~is flat arid ~retiptmtfol1 is tiie onlf ~rte (>90%)orw.ittr:.to it. .Groundwater _ a.n~.SUrfaoe,water t'tinoff arc.·N_oi:,sOUro?S ofv.iarer--lD the_un_it. -~ '· · -··-· · · ·:----.' · : · · '· ~ ~-·.~.,..,Theie~it_nd~a.~-i~}'lits ·~cenbed"'1!ifialasaAatswsland,""''heformfor·~res,ionalwetland& ·J. Does~ e_nti~ wetl~,nd ijnlt m~ ,u ~f Che_ r~no~_ilg_c~te,:t.a7 _ . . _-, _Tne ,•egeta_b!d_~ft of_ltie.wetland_ ls·on cfi~·s~~-of a'body of pmnan~t:0p~n wa~.(wlthout.;slly pl~tson· the slll'face at any ttme of lhe )'ear) at least zo':ic •. (e h.a) 1ri:S1zc: :-AileasT.30%citd:ieopen.~ter.·area1S:deepertttml6.6ft(2m) .. · ·· · ~.--~~~.~c.~tlall9¥s~~-~11JU~nSjr1ngl!j 4. oOeS:the·enttre Wedand tmit mfft"aD of thf roliOWlng cr1~rla1 • . __:__:n,,;'""th<nd Ison a slope (Sopecari Dell9'ygratllal), · . . . . . . . . . . . _The Wilt-tifloWS thnlugtt the wetJarid tn·ani! dtfftt1on '(u.nl_cUret.tion'aJ) Ud-usually.coIDCS· from. . seeps. ltntay.flowsubsurfaC"e;8S sh~dJoW; or-iriaiwalewltbOUtdtstlnct~rtlcs. . . --. G~·:;;;p~·~ thew._;~ witli~tio~!mi>o~l;"Tiiy~n~~~~,si"'.'° . .. , NOTE: surface. water.does notp_o1:1d In these type of wetlands eXC1?ptoccaslanally In very smaU and ,SbaJlaW'depresstons' Of behind hiurutloi:ks [depressloiis·~-usuany -cl f\:"dl&ineter and les!II l:han,l·ft:·' · deep). · '·' · · S: ,Dori.-tiu: ·cntirc.~nd ~~it ~eet Blfof the fou~~nicr1t:ei1~1' · _The U111us·1n a·Villlc}',·or stream cha'~nei-Whci~ ·1.-gets 1liaDd.itN bf_~ert,an~ flopdlng fiym'that • stream Or r1ver. . . . · . ~ --: , ~The ove-rbank flood~~-occurs at !mt orict'.evc~ 2 ~-ears: v.:~Jtd ~~Sy~~~ rof.~~~ W:&-~i4u~;ita. Rattn,f'orm--.~ 1,1riuuy 1, zo1s ;!_' • • Wcdand name_ornumbef,;8 ~, ~fut~1lftltcan a,n~JI d~prns~i~!Wot~i~~:tf!7~-not· . Hoodl ·,· • ··~· _-·~·-· .. ~, ·, •·• ----~ • .-, -~---'--'"«.>·,-,._,~',...c·;; _ r~,.,~-•. ~,-,a,',,.<.,, .. ,:·,:•"· ;r, •_,,., ... ::6.~,:l~the,e."Jl~,f~tJ_a.nc!.~t-~~~ ~~~P.~~~~~~-o~_in' wb~ w:i~~l)(?rki_S;_.~f.f:i~ ':D·~e · · surface;at some ttme c1ur1n·g the' y_ciar1 'ni:srrmnsthal any o.ttec; If present,, Is l'iP.'· thin thilntti la-· f~~-"'!.J~:: -•'' . . 1---~ _ , · •. r-' , ,·;_ ·NO-;. ·fii·1 1.YF.i!.Tlut.,Wcdarldclusis:O~p_re,is(··•· ~ ~ .to ... ---; .,. . ..,,.-., . ..,. '(: ..... ·-,:.. , . . . ,: lslh~eiturc\Wt1ani:lllnlt10Ciltedtn'a·verynaf.un;..i' · ·_-_· _··:·~-~-~ '· -~on·artcfrio~~f .. : 11oodlni7 :.The wiii'dot:! nDt Potid SUrfsCE water more.than • .-rew. 1ntber.:;Tb(i"llnit ~seems to lie ....... ~~ut1:·,~~1Doobf~!&!.t'#u~~kr,itiyih:O~~--~~~~~~~-~-~·~i~~:~~~~'"~f~~~~~~ ~-... . :·~9·~.~~-e ~~-~ni8:'!~ri~l,~~~s"'!)~ti~-~·-· ·\8,"'· YOur."wctland unttffl!mi to be dlflkult'tiiclassify'ud'ptcibabiy'coiitdj~ ~r.il'i:uff"efeDfl{i:i,_ · ·· ~·· ~ class.is.~ POr ~.:'st'eps°&t the tiase of 8-Siope "i:naY gia# _biio a'. ri1CnM-:Rooc;IP.laJn: Oi a ~n .;.ure.arri ~tt.in·a Depff!ssloo~t W.c~d-~a-~eor~d.1riga1~giy_ sidii,,; 1co:BA0.r"!IQ ID~~FY; . WHICH OF.THE HYDRO LOGIC REGIMES DESCRIBED IN QUESTIONS 1-7 APPLV -TO D1FF£REIIT ' • AJtEAS it!Tlfli UNIT (mm• roughsbtdi to help yi,i, ded<lei, Use ilii°followlng tab!~ ii, 1deni!1yihe'· ;Bpi,~pt;ab! Class"to ~fordientbigs~m i(you have~ HC~ das,:se; Pfescnt ~ltttie.,. - ~~tt~ng~~:. ~~~~-~this ~tir o~~ if'.the class that is recomtriended in th~ ~[Hl'OOliJmrl ·~l"eSeqtit~-or , mo_re ·or.di~ total i1lff Ot thc_,W'etLind 1Jrilt IN?tn~ f3recl · l_fttii area or theJiGM c~ 11stm1n·ro1ulnn ·2 ~ Ii ,ess thair l 0%" of l:hC. un1r;· i:1.i~ify'the-.wedand'.uitrlg the claSi lhati'ei,~11ts morn than 90%'. ar.tne' . ~btlarei( ---:· ... · · -· · HGM dassS wtthlri the walaiid wit: ,., .---~-."t,eiairaief. .. · __ SIQf,ie +'Rfvetne' 'Sbpl! • Oepress_fonal · Slope+ lab! fringe· 0ei,~s1ona1t.~a1cJiS~i:i,; · w'ittdn bound.ny ar depiessiOn D@om!itooal + la~ :Rivef'ine+ lab·rrtnli!e" ,'.Salt.Water Tlclal Fringe and iln't' othtr~ ·-Class 'of.fre,~~'1':wet_tj'nd :~:&\~=~: Rlvttine. ·Doo/e,slanai I.al.ii Frtnire; :qe:~~Jonal 0epms1ona1 ''.Riveri~- .Treatas- . >'EmJARINE · '.II )'Cli eie UUJ'uilabletod!iinninewhlm'ci theallMirite-la ej,ply to#a-'. weitanii.cr ii i,<,u '<l\oe · -niorethan2fKMdamW!ttinawiilandllwiilai{ClasllythaW<llancl .. Dq;iremaial roittie · ciail~. . ·• - ~w~d.Jriibun1$Jsam toi-W~m Wk 20Hlfpdl~, ,Jtr~naFann·~~aiU7:l:201S ---~-----~ ------ • • • • I ' I : I I I I I I I I I i • • • • • • • • • • • Weftan~:tiarn'e'oi,-n'urrlber.~:g ··----·----· --·· -. ~-·------, :r:t~'t.}~91'.~~Jij~_~)'-;'"';W.~~"sw.~siii~iJ!q~.: Nameol w«IIVld (or IDl)''G ... ,!',i,,,,· a;.i·g Q'~ :;v,it\:;-15•. : 'D!le~-~te,;,;;·:j '·:i.t-.J't R.il.ii,yr·· ,,6.,,-,i;,,usk . ·11-.iie<it,y£m1owi&)fu~iiii.~iraliiri~dZ:~~i~1.~, ~ i:i#~r<tf•1Ini\t:i~q_,. ... ~:°".'.e ;~~1¥fflllll11~~-~ f , .• 1· • 'Li&,~ :~:::!;;1f~:=~ff!!:~~ }'59i1~rY~;,;;~~,· .. ·· \Cd~ 11'-Total s:x:,e··=20:.. 22·--;;r-· ·_,,,_,, ,,, '',_ ,_.,,,., •• ,, -.--,;~ -~~"'"Tota1me:,,1e:,1e . ~~~;~Y1J~·~:~~,~-~Xif ,~--t~~ .. r:1:~Jyt,-'~, ~· ...,,u..,uliiiltMW~e~I'. ~l-1H_'M(9, ~'. ~;;t:t/®."L:; ;r;,:;. ... .,;,f ~i®"f .. h~ '.fl);,~_;;-L: I:~: <"!I-~:· IA~· M _(Yjc'!',l_(_~ ·;~lliloedon" :-Riitim,; . <' ,> • -··--a.-1-··• I u, ·1"':a:_ · . _. v -· . . b:· -·r·· JJ,t:1:: 2,:Ciiejpiy1iaseton's:mAt::~sncso1we11and: ~---. '• . ' --' .·-,• . --·---............. ~ .. -.-.-." .... -.-- '.OWIICIERSl1C_• ' -•L:'~t~I" :Btua'in&·· ··_1,c .:u, Wat111ifd H!/l Omt{v,tlon\/due I,_ e,g, ,- Maur&Rus: I• Od OOWl.llfo"Elst'i 1:.~ (liast,o UV,.,, -:t •In : !rd«°Cll'la j HI. Ill ·IV/ :f~Of-~n!.~j ~----".' --~~·· ~""''·""-~ . -· _ .... ~.-.··· .. ·-~·-~··.·-' ~WEIii ad Actln;&F;ltr11 for' IIJed;ern WA: 20_14 ~e : J~1ng·foff!i:...:afo:lr~~·:,;~1f,;-.. ·· ·-··.~ • '?i!IO!eecr1cc" Jfun onbmed·. r'ont ee: .. --,...,, :. lM'!!OO, ,> . ' :, «•.di~in·: J~i:'- 'e=H.H.H:• lei:H.H.hf. ·;1~H,~(-.. ·•·;~!-~~-, ,,~:~~~ :s•iA.M.L >~-~~.l.L;- '~-=U.l"' t;:;t,JD""'r l\\ "-~ -' .-'"'I --,,.. ,(.' 1:5 .• J3;';;'J.l1/, ..... -r· ,_.....; •. -, .. -;,. ------· . ' .. J.::>i: "'naland rwnaor nurd)er,\V •. ~--·_:,~..,,_,..,,",·1-;:-\,''"'," _ ... .,--;-.;. '::?~. :'°'--~ ·;.-·,- ;if:lW1;1!~iWst~~~,to~~~i!!~ll>~'~~'Yf!'?! ,I • ··~ ,, • . 2·~.&11W,,,#( Mtipoi;~'.~::"-:..'1.~ ~:-.r. ~ ·~·~---· ~ _. · 0Wa'dnplnd1 --- ·l.t.laiicnctetJ.ll!l (Ol!nbes:15edto-mapd ~ . ~'"•'I:"'-.... _,~ EblJrmy ci wmlllllhn 19:J ft al lheW.la'"ld (rm bealia2 lo SICl:lw. ,M5J(JIU'lo«xintrb.Aifsbmn' __ -:~~m::::=ind~~r,,:~~-~-~:~ '9rl!B1 C:Ul.H_ot -"""°' fcid'JJl_i;t~_~nln beli1t &-, ca;ci.no1 Hd of lMll.zifgr YMA 1n whktl iiil\ iliiWoo flromweb} .,, .. ;~-~Yk1Dttr ,, -=. -· ··~ .· --.,.•: - ·: ..c~-::. ,:;;t~·.~ ._ ______2 ·w, """ _,;~11'1"9gum!IOl'llli,. 01a,H.u;Ht.4\~--· D1A~H1.2 gq " •!' ,. . . :01.t;Dt.1: .. O:UfD5.2·----~ ·04.8:05.3 ~~,.~~-~yb: ,1, 'i ,, -~ .,_,:.:. 11 ~; -,c ,os.1·oa..2 -D3.S :. -.. •,r:;··:.:,;.--,,f:~-"·· •1:To.-.. H1,1,'H1.4 H1..2"·-.,- R1:f :1oos-:· ·I Rcan1·h -~";i,---.,, A2h---'I' --, AU.R42, .--:,· B_4.1 A2.?,jR2.a'R5.2~-.-,. ~;r~1~·~~t A3X--.1.··· _ _:_"':_ ·l•Ri.2.RU ___ ._ -. ------r:,-_• --, •• ·.-.-, ' • •• -···;"'--• :i; -M&pOf: :Tocns,we, _ ' .. ·Fbke'~ -~ CtlWJtdi11rf:!nldW~ -·, -·-· 1·,t:-tPL'4.1=.4,',1 · ----b "Rdto118-ol'lreet,-~iatllaba:leo.lB~iertt!I ... --~~ '.L12/'· ;,-,;i··.;,_,., .• ,., .-,:1~ ctEreBWIUll111!i>Rdthewetlln:ftanbsl!d:MIStoardlW", " L2.2~-~. -• • ·. --]~ .:1~.n~~,~~.-~.,~J!T~~~-~~--~~~ ., -.~2._1.~;~,!i~I -·.-· for llfD!llll:tthltitll 8ldu.,...mbed11&'11l8 .:• ·~ => -., '. ·· -,·--· · · , -.',. '.'..~ .· · • :Snl!ri afrnap_tA_3tB;d)llltatmnlnbasn(lram~~~-.Uf'U2r-· ·· .... :(; :wt4t~"1\:1,~;'!!~~-~~~™-~!~-~1,n~~~.'!~!.~~-'-~ --1·,ua·· ~,:.~· ~-'t'@Wlend!I • ~"· ... ~~ .. -=~". - -~-ep~:-,:_·,.,.._~ :;r" --,.:::-·tr .. ·.:--•' (bnd!n pllfl dame· . 'Rail ~ d •cten,ettees, ltVm!I; ·ft rierto:ieoJspld'ts:: Alt CIMI' ii 08ml1 ~ 11'81111,' lhute. nl hatlBl:B:IJ&Jin:s '{~_1:8&:t®d_to·· ·' ., ' ' . fO!l-1SOgb.dhr(ariteatiadtoattha',1~ · , _ . _. _; ·-· · .- ~1 tm ~ ..,.,,..acn:1s11m1.trc:tn crc1ro_WCI &•il1dW!ra! ~et,m'!fci~Hahimllsi'inlinl11U'bl!ldhiillri:-, -,. arrmc:accinot ffllll'd ;m,,11a,«1wa:.-sln~_!f!:Ol:'.l\_~91 Wlbll . Snen a!JII.Hcd bd: ot ,lMChkll" °WflA. In wWch inJI lafOlrld ___gn,m~}.,... ... ~~W411~flirinsi!W:9"itr;lt,._~tr#iWA:.20'1;4.~~ '.R!~'!-~~~8!~2" . .tn.i~.}~!0:1.~C---'. ~--= .+Totnam' kmlr'i-1l.AJ -'l H(1'HV4 ... - t'! 1.2:::- ,s1.3 ~ St:t S5.1-:." ', ;;.-.:- _ 1; 1;1_:!. ~i!'!.22.'H ?.31 sa1,sa2:-~-,-,·-"-- .,~- '"-'I' - ~a} • ~ • ·\riet1Mt1 t,am8or'1~nbi(B: ~ 'HGM'.C!a,~lflcation or·We!lan_dstn·WIHiiern Wa,stifogto11 ··Rlr,queoi1onii,1,1~ri,.a'Jis1a<1e:c1tiedmo.iei"~fyi'oi11een11riuriiit,ijiif,ale:J .• - ..:.•··;, ,.. -.. :i-' •. -~. ;,:?,.· _.;_.,._ ... ~ _,~ •. :··:,~v_~,>-:?-'"': ;.; ...• ~:--:>'.',-i-':;. •. t\i':t~ ••.. ~.:-:.,.: .-::.~.:.~=~~--.~----~~'-,K.-.· II the hydralogcalterialisted in Oldl q(IBll!lmdonct epplyto the entlrelJlit bdngrlltal, \al .. · pfoliai,ty hiria a li,if wiili rilJliiple IGI da,dri this....,: 1clei)liiy which ·iii'!!io1!>!1cici11,ili, Inc que,tl<:l'lliis1,i,i,ty;'andg,t0,0JeUion8'. --~·,·-.:: · -•. ' ,·s. ,c _,.. ·.· · -~,., I • "1., Ai-etliewater 1"""1s1ii lhaentJieu~it i..:ia11y_o:m1ra11ec1 t,y u~ ... """"PI duringtlOCXls? .... _,_ ' --, -. :: '' ." ' --' . ..-,---~· .... ·; . •., .. ~ '" . s.NO-"goto ~i,.;weii~d.;..fs 0 Tidal iii'~ge 7{P·i;,\, :1; I I~ . salln.lty of l!iewater-duringperloctsol atnua klw.llcw:befow.0.5 ppt(parlSper ttwsand)?: NO~Sl!ltweier.Tidaf Fr'inge (Btuarlm,j . YmC,Fre!liwater.Tldal Fringe: U~walandcenlieda!liflmasaFr-at..-.TldafFringeusethefamsf0<Flvtrlnewalancls'lflt 1sSiiiWat8 TI,dal f:rlngEltt isary ~U8fl!llt Miland aijd i~nat ~a:r11t1s~hcx;i~nijO(be~t-~:: SD"etunctia,sfa e5tuarlnewauancm, '.2 .. _The'entiiewdl~~,;jl l&fl~-~ predpltaiiori is tile only murai(~) iJI waler tOit,'G'°""""i118' :-·'·aidairr~watG' ·runart.!1'8NOTsoiscelof.Watef to't1teUnJt./.-· · -· : ·' · · · 7 · ·· · -• · -~ · YEl~ihewellanddmaiiSRats ·~ambedUifiEdasaRatsWMlan<tusethekurirr:i:Depfeeianal'#Claim" .3. Cbeslheentlrewetttl'ld unit-meet atLaf_thekJllowingaiterla? . : 'Thev9Cateci part or tliewdl..-id lsoiilhe,,uirescl alioily oipe-manen1 opi,, wilier (without any plattsontheufaceslanylimeollhe\oioriatleesl20ac/{811a)lndza:' --.. . .. . . . ..J,1. leesl 30%<1f :ilieOl)ori wa(ir a'M ls<leiii,er than ~.6 fi (2'm)i :~ .. ___ YES-Tho~otlalddassls~ef'ri~ge"(l.al)Jr.trlneA-1':'jl!'J -~•wetland Ur>! meet all al U,,,ldlowing alte,a?.· • : _Thewetlanc!isooa!IOpe(~oj)eeantieiuyi,iwai); .. . . .:_,_The~aler flows ttitO<lgl lheW'!lland In one direction (unl~rilctJ01)i!ff &nd USJdlyaimesllom _..11may11ciN,u,11Jrtaoa.·asshaitflc,i/;a·1naSHalewlthoot'dlcinct baiks; · -... · <:~i!, ...... il'&wetl"!id'('ilhoutb~i>?!mp~ui,9~: · __ · · _· _ -· . NO,gotos: -YES-"Th&Wdlanddassls9o~o:'. • ;,, 12 ~amwai..-<!<Je,ooi ·pcnc1;n ,,,_l)'i>eot "we11~.;,,<;;.Jt'~oni¥1Y'~ ...;;. ~1'a(id .WIiiow depressonsor ll<tlind hummocllg{doJ,ressons a-eusudly<l ft di-.. andtesst11an.1;tt cei,p). . ... 5:·~~'ihe.entlre"Wetland unit'maetall ot.thef_d1awili9c:riteriti?" , . . . . . . . _}lie '"111. lsfn a j,altev;or-cre,mmanne(wtia-elt gals Inundated by owrbaiiiiiOOdlngfrom Iha!. stiGWn Ot.rtVEI", · · ~ ·,., _Jl,eCM!lbank floodingoa,n-sat leesl °""'""'Y 2 ¥8""' · :.~iniAm_ng(ttal!fJlforWdsRW.t.~2014'~e ·Ra1J1grorffl~ara:11":J:tiu,ry,1~201s · · ':~.- ---- • • Wetf nlrnm\eor: ni.lmbe( t3,' st~,~~·~un.l(aiJ~.BJ~~~~~4t~~~~~~tl~~iJ;1~f'O'J ~ . _i"" . l, ;,~; .. · ~. " -~ ·.~ ,.,,:_ : ,. ., ·;.· '·,··~';'' , . 6.,·, lsU111 mllre welland unit in a topogqihicdep-esiion in which w .. «. ponds; a;la saluralm to I.tie,, .: sulflico; ei"ianinlme dii-irijjuieya,i.?' Thlsiniiifuithiit iinji Olii<t, If pre,,,ii; lshigh<r. than ·,;,;;1iit~ii:r; ,.' d ihe'WE!tianid.l .,...... ." .. · ... . ..... ··-·· ·~, .. ~:-,... .,.· .. , .... .,,., ,· ·····-. .:-:-~ -,, ~ ·.· . .-~-, ..,. •' !l\io:, ·"'"' . _ _ . _ _ _ '®_ ·4Toewfllfand&a..s~.-·c_._ -, .: :.. ,-. .. , .. !ID, ' ... •· . ... . ••,-'"e•·Dep •". . ··1, · 1stheeitirewellM<I oitlt locllteclin awryflal .... with noiiiivlous~rll!IBim and no ...,.lail(j . !loodlr,g?O;Tlieuiili ""I!' Ml ~ ~ wits, "19retiiiri al~ lndje,:)J,e un)I .'!""!' 1Sio lie: -~-,.,, _ .. mahilalned, by hi'1!1Joundwll«;ln t_hlla-!"'-Jh.e"''"'!"d Tlllll',be <li!~.~\11 n;,, no"'1'f<iusnaluciJI ·- "!'id;_ .. NQs!J>to8: ;YBS,:Theweii111ti<iass1~bi,p,-ass1ani, ,s: Your,.,..11.-.run11....,,. \01>ee1imcu1t_to daosliy andprobol>lyaxit.lrio..,..,1 c:1111ermn 1Gt. -,d....._ Rii e<lfl1)le, ,eapsat ttiot>aor ail~maygado Info ·arlwlne "°""'1e1,,;-a asnaJE otramwllhlnao,pre..illliatw<tlaridhaseza,a<ilflooili_ngeicingiliisdeo.:OOBAO<HOIWITIFY -=i:r~~~==':1'~~~i:;:m:r,:~,~:.~iiytiie , IIJPrqiriaiedilssto use for lhifrillingsystenf lfyou tiaw.....-iii HliM llaiiies'preiatt wilhin the · · Wetieh(fUnit beirigsa:Jra:f." · ·. ,·-:;.. , .. ,... · . __ .,. . --~-~··· ..... . . · _ .. "" . · .,. ···· .. : · -· ,;-···~·\ Nollt"\lee1hiStd>leori1Jirtt,eciaihalls_r'axwnn,endii:f1Rtheseainctaiii:Drir~eBJls10%'ci.· moraoltliototal area al lheW111iarid 11:111 belngreiedillitieareaor theHG\laelisted in'<Xlltmi 2; ls!ess lh!r'i '10% al ilia u~t: d,mly iliewotla'KI uiirigih,i,:1 .... trial repre,i,,ts~mcrethan 00% or the· :totalaM..~-··--· · · •"·----~ ...... ·· ... · ··· .,,, .. ,,.._ ·· , ... ···· · •-· ·· ,;,•.,., ·.·,-,,..-., IW dalawlllmlhowetln!Ulil- ~bai,iiated:. .-Scpe+RWline + ' 8ooo + I.aka f!lrg,. 1·,HJd·dimto · . .,.1,frio1iiii, -· .. D,pte!<ionaj -fjina, ~-+Rleina"°'1!'1ISll11 Within=-~ --":w:.~, I _ _ -· _ I -Oep + Lam . . Depenonal Rwrlne+l.aka R1rg, · -R\eine -~-onal- ~::J~';.':.'ZT:.i~""' l ~ lf)QlarestiUIJl"dllelodeterminaWNmrJ.t"""""""a1ta-ia""'"yto)<JUl'.Wllliriic.-'ii)Wtaw, r.t;~-•if2 .. ~_d_a~w111:in~~J!l!id~<!'(-"M11e~t~~~("ii"'!' .. "'i~S Wai.id Rdi~~.ii~ tor. Wmirn 'WA! ·201• Updlf.f) ~lngFmm.sartr11w;-~~:·~:5 .,..,..:,-, ._,. .. ------ ::4 :Wdi..,a ~~"' i.i~ :B .. ·•ff.,:c::~1:z~~~;iJJ;," ·:r:.n:tHmP:IAWAij)RfAJS~~~ -~41: .~J~;, ~1'~~ ~--.. .:..-;,..;ae,..,,c'"'"·-···"'1· ........ ·. ~-.. ·= ······,.=·= ... ,-~-: c,;Ji. · .. !1 '" .;. m •": ,1.c:i •• ,,..__ .. _'\n~s.~ .. ,."""""a"IS ._111.........aorau-_umst& ............ Rl'to· npove1118ter~"fU""ity~~-. :t~w ., 01'.0.;ililistl18fU8hmlethe'piotertidioimpr~wis8'cjlalltYl~;9~ ·-:·-,.,'..,.._-~ __ -.-..... :.,·--·-·•-· 01;1,0jifJd«if.k.sdunmM"lflfff:IJOOlfmmtbiwd1m:t;< .. \I\U~ l&a dqn!sdm, a-t1s1. ~ (Q.l6l'lCN 1 on 111!Y) -1th n:, BJl'la::eu:s 1&Mn.1 it <roo.trcr.): . :;;._:: ,.;_,·:·· .;~--.,.:_··. _r>· .• ; .--•• ,::, -:,.., '' _::,, .. ,;, ... , •• ~"""':-·:-_·,,·::· ,, ··-~,..,-,,_•,.-._•;-;e,.~_~.,,--'.,•··.·,.~~:~·~: :':..Wl!tla"IC!_nMa,_l~ta:tlY~~!-~-ct::~.~}~\~~-~IC!_~~~~~y-~~=;: ~WEl:1n:i h5ill~ficia(cr· · ... ·. mniiJi<io:f.·uf.ia.tkl thil:·1;9pamnn1y11il'li,wij;.;:~;1~ ·:Wet'1B"Jd@jjl1t~(~-MlmJ).'wtmt·c,1.eiet1s•DSmo,11tt1irbW1~-:_ 'P?{riti~1-~ o 1.2.·-Di8m112 Jo twmwJJIQ tJl'IMI tOl'M burl lstruadiif or: rruii irgri: (l..t!e ~iCJN0.11$ .. .4 ,N::i-•O o 1,3. Oyqde¢:IIO!HIII 's11Sdb.niortpt ppnipp11 p1Mt9~; 8:rlJ:Mhn.tl; irW:1/Qt, Rlreda=I ~din .ISBilat:·; .. :;~-~z;~i~~;~;~~~~~~---· ,-~-.. , .. ,,. -··-v•,_,. ·--· .· ~--~;~~:-:··· \l\l!Abril has~ert;-ui)!jmaiptns> _l~d •• ·'pcic'tts~ ,: wt.iaw:ilwiiniiwt·:unc,--1~_S<1,.:;o1·q· ~~rt·,~: 'D:'t4, Otaate'i!dkf« &fflX'Ed i:P:Jljrg Pi: innbl;lqn:·· "3 ,a ?f '?c-.. 1 ~.!~t~-:_· ·.~l!IJ)a1. : __ ~~::_.:·_J=*_·.·1:~~~lru~!-:"Jdri_s~•:-·1,1· .. ····· ~--·· ···»·· .. .. ·»·-···· NTS~pcid!db>14kt:dll'Sll{jwat1Jrid ;p:irlls•2 ·_ ~~1,;.;:ii,tfufa--SlloiW_Etlad id,ts'IIO ,./,Tcli{H(lr-b( _ ---. , -. ~ ~ -.-.. -'Ad1thop;rl~tiih!ooiim:li:lcM [fl;,.) ', ~l~<lf_-Stef:titEntitf ., 1' BD'Bifi.J;l1~16 mH.\ -!!,6;-11_ =M -:...:;_~_:= L,c .A;itt.d,t~~1n;ion_ilie1!~~ ,o~o:re.,,ttie~tNtlielJtlle,itldto-,ttiowittsr~1t11ttkindt,..sle'/ c 02.1:·~t~.eW1ilSldunifrD"°iOl'.niw:eidr~181V:i8f-..•. =--=:-:~------,.. i~:1\~""-~~ OJ;-~-{~; yo.22.1s:>~o,;.o,018~~11n1~1co1_the\ontf~lnil!l'tl_U!Hlthliglfla111a~a,1s1,;. · :,'te~,1~rtJ=O. ,.-!{ ·• 02.3.'hiitliv"nc.:Plc~ema~2SJ.".afthe•laid?r. ,:,t::t;WJ 'ltJ~O . .,. , O 024:·hv the"v: olher IS)l.l'Cl!l!Of pol1lla"lt8<DT-l11Qinto thO Willem INfflriciC l!S:ed In QUmlloci$D 2.1-02.3? · ' 0 ~,; . ;ro1:!:! . .. . , . . . -«· .,. '" ·'~,:;:~m•!n~:O::.'.:Z: o_ , I ,Rling~ ~.Poteotld: tf a;x,rets:....:....::::.3or,4=Hr-"1_.~2i::M:.-.:..O=l jflDx'dthtffillrg_an1tto11riJ:iD!11!1 ~: .,:. ~~Jl'lst~~ .. ~~lt~~~~~;~~.~~:_~;;· .·• ,;,, ,,,,, _;., ·"'· ~1;:~! :03.1: ll:Jesthl!fweoim d.~ dnlctly l'i ... : WIINn ,1 ml) liD ·a:11rmn; rilia"; laM:oi iNril'IOffer thd __ J!lcri the , • -: 303MIS? ~· ~'11:5.f,M>..:o .. 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C• ·• •w-··-• • -~-.. .,._.,,,..~.,;, ··;)!"-"•', '•";_"""'"t:'."~;:.'.~-\tiii.2:No'~Q·'.•; ;: ,bldtorD6 ·-:: ,,ltd:11heax,lrt:!ti1ttibaiieiasbo¥8':--; >;,-:·····-'f ·~.1.~!~~~-~-~;~f~_1·~~-~__!liit: Fb:odthl:,etlltlcn~~;~·· ;:.;1~'.~~~t~~t)~J~:~r te~ • • • • cw'etiahii~M.iii<iil~J3°~ ,WDFW,.PflofttyiHabiiats' ,sc;.-:•<•-. •·· .•. -.· •• -· .~.;, • _ ····'-"····• ··~ r_ .• , \, •· ·:~· ~,-,..,.· _-,.~-~ •-,--,,\,.····· :,. ~-,~,· • ""'•.-,,.,.,,_7_,. ·, Ajgitv tiSNUt,Uri«1 bY TJ.gW (saa mnplEl&dm:J"li:itlOlliot,IA{)F.W 1»°iOrt1)' tiatitlt!, Ind ltleccuii:lisiri 'lffld! lhi,, an·\ ,bofOLIJ'.ld,in;~~~OEprtmBll:atA!tlaldWldfiro.'~J'.n<i1ty"Hlilll11lfinr!:pedim.i.i~ajrriiiia:Wmhir'90l'l.:.'' ~171.:pp:bllo't 1WdJW,11ii9'.lYIOi:t:ll!9tlcff'i"O<UMIWrtt:woot65oi:tl (ltm:i!B!l.u,.e 1iir from tee:::: -·· . :n,1Q:·11wr10flUQQ\'tmnr..rfiamotRb:tW> . ·&.1~,~-~~:,~!~i~1naPi'i~_ii"YiJ~1~1fere'.l"ilhlfi.~g-tt(!OOm)'of1hew•!•'icfuril!'t0rE:';1NS_qaatltt11S~. 1 !~~-~~-~1-~_l_~~~~~~!!~~~~~~~,·~tl~~~y~~-~~ ~- .:·a:--~S:MdS:'.Ftlreormi>:Sdd:.ll"ldsd~g'(l;ll«,1h#l1_c(0."hB;J:-• • ~~;;~;~;;;.~;=:~:~~;:~~~~·~·:~~:~~~~. ,_a .:'.ad.g_owthtMdurefarmts: Q_O.ffl'YWttl:WM Q(Orw1,qRSC-:-iflcndsd ,e11• 2trea_~89.rotmlirge.ml.lti~ ' ·li,ii,_td aJlCl)Y Witl"!OCQ,'l!,lo,:id sn.i i:ip,Enil\}S:·w_ithd. l91:!:18Jif/Wilc(20tr_,ho)·;:32J_n ~1 tin) dtti or ~200 ija.i,Sd 0,-Mt111Tft10Cfi16..::.ssidii with a,.i;rlgeditmdetieimnng 21 In '(53 ml> dbh.; aOWri criY.-. iriat, bl 1.m·,. ·tl'lan 100%:crq;demi[llal riumt>iiid ~-~ ijra,t!tYOft~dOWriinlll!taial IS~allyloiisiMithil'' ;,~~1i,'~~h;~~~~:o~i!d~_tl'le9·.:.:.~~~,r-··~-.,_.,.,,_ •. 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'. , ., •; .,··,· ''i':7·.-·-~ 1<~-'. Wetta,c1 f1El1ng-&,aar11tor, ~o-ii WA: 2014 ~ae iAa:io;iforAl'.-Brcdiiio . .lnl:l'y.1{2(115: --· ,· , .. ~ • if= - • ···w.ii~)j,jm1',i.~;B . ·--··..--·--,. .... · .'..'''- ~~if1dJ1~$--:--:-~---:;,---·:':-,.-.... '."\ "" ·cii/-,.-. \ _ ';' "7, "·--::-... '.' ~ 11i, ro.a7i;a~tbi'.anti~tt.r-~o_afilit1a"al~'llt!mti.i~oilaia1ie~ms·:- .,~~'. , .. "'; s:a.o:81uar1new•1nts · · -· -·-~--.. · ·· ~-·~ -·~· -'" -, .. ( .. . ... D)elittlaWd:lflilml. tMfolll:M1iig,attenakW'atlia'l1e~ gf~°:"'~-rf~~~~: ~-· .~--. ~-, . ClfwihGtiiirityJ.~tbiiG5~: ~to::ctf~~-•·w·d_1~ ~1-~;-,~_th:9~iaxlwllli~,~~o-~~~kni~'-Nii~qit'_):11uav_. -.-. --_~J•"". :1to:J_·.--· .-.,_.,. R8!BW,Sa111A11r.r:.&1tc1lonel;&Mrtm11111:al;or9:ja1:lftc~~~-tnkr 1 ... -~~~~'t. ,rai•t .• '*l•ua8iP'Y •· ,., • ..,,.,to.a., ig~ . • -~ ' !C1.2., tathl!IWEtbm unr a: tm: 1 &:In an meas EC leat two at thetdloatnQ:U11•0':ltd~ ·· ~/!.:~=t-~~~~~:~~-{~:::r~=~~~~: ;Ot!I'. ;;:..::---·.t D/Jficiid_"ClithoLJ',dw~-oi11'1twiti,,i,:t~~COlibuffet~Ol'.dv!A·fOfe(·<i~or.UE •£,~~!S~J.~~~·~~~:~:~~~~~:-~!(I "''" s:;2.0,,~lin!S~ 1tll)1liiii,!!fl011 Vlli"!,~ ~--"· . ~ .. _ . _ . , .. ~ .... fC2.1;~U.~DepartmnO!'~IJl',~011$t..l)Clzitlilclth6r}l•~IQ[ndt,dei!M_D~_d_~-·-~ ---~-,;~;~:!;l~~::~,~~~~~~!~f~,~~ft ID2.USU111 Wlltlm m a&l;tion'Townd'lipf Rn.-tha o:ir«ansaNaln ttsito•IO'd? --..-.~·· "-tirif 11Wt 'iri: ffli w@Jfpirfriie@rijffflttJiwft:mmtimiW ~1:"-·_, ~ ,v--·u·.,., -• . _ s:;i:J~-.. ~idcnttno:ilri.~Wl~':e7=:~~~~~-~:l~ -...-... ~··~ihiiii_WIISt87 ,..,::,¥,•,~;~.;_.--.:.:;; .·-:,,.-~ __ .,,..,_:·:--:.: ~i·.· ': ·•-·:.-.;-;:::s--Va:l~tii~_('.~·:,."to"iiNcifa~~ ECS.°:'~ ,-,. ,~. _ .. , ..•..•. ,, -~ ...... --~-~-.,·, .. -a.,,_,,,...,~-"··· , . .,_ .• ::-··,:-,c-,,,•, ... :-., 1,,.c.,·~ ,···'<-.·•··:.:~·,:,:,-., ... .,..,,,~---•-, .. -, ~thl~(cr-a,ypnof_1hcnri~) 9'1Cd bothUis.aillJiaklrSll't;D"d~~.lr,.bl;::g:i<'U,othe-~· _iidiM.11-io.isriilffi.'tmP,will~Hil~iO-ril:81hi·Wd:1lm_bemjori1t&ff.nsi~\ .-'.·,..-:-... -~-•.-,:.-, ... fCS.Hu.ii-t1r~W11111n·thantliP3un~t1Mi-~Pl~tnflei.~sOf.riuk\~1~ s;a,2:~::~r::~:::~~·~-.---~--,•~•iltli•~.&0~1.~tD i_;_ , .. ..• , ......................... ,\'""-"L -· ., ........ -, , ............ _ .. . , · -~ br:oOck, a-illi1i4*1,iwbl0hcntion_Mhac.tit,_Of vdc#1cd\ '1t lhd ·..-0~1- ·§ .. •~=~~:,waO,..i~~~~~ftie.~~~~?~~~~ i_f«m:_IJ_lioiiil'O~llmlttho~C!dottef~intl•·~.\Qfmifsdalruihi,cttte,~t,i .. ,~---.. f:~_::r:1:,r4;~~~~:;;-~;~~~-~~~t~~-r.t~:'.!f 1 ~·~~~-~~ 1 ·~J:f. G.4.itsu,; no w.Jtll pci;lsor ~ICi'd«I ~30%covrer} wlltl Slka Q)l'UCe. ~ nr,W15em ro1 O!lda':; ~weJErrl11iin1rx•Joct'.i:1p:Jlil,lirie::qmdrv-_,a --~-~·.rt.a{W~&n'wfitePnri.'IHDQoftl'lt·~ ~-m(·Cl',~nil:kird~1tdifm~:c~mnttunmotth9coiir~ttitarioi:,i?i~ ·--"" .... --.,.·,-.:_ ... ,.,-.,,._ ... , •. ,_ .... , ,,,. ... ,.,..,~ _. .. :-, .. ,-~~2""'"': -:::f••1s•o,i;jiy·1_~s--.. ~~-i!nci·aqi ;t~~,az;~t~1f~~,-~f~ ~~t; • ,; • • Wetland raneor numbel ~ 8::4.0. Rlrd.«I Wf'Jlaicfs DJe&th&WIIHinl NM Ii 1m 1 mnt:ir r ,, m a1 rore;: thd: meeteoneor Ule!le abda!orthe WA ~ ol ~lrnWlltilS'alCNll:BfElpiattvhal:itrU'III )QJ ... 5\QU<dl lliDnce:ltorate tho wet lend bl!dedai Jtsl'ln:tkm. a Od-qowtl'l lorma(Wl!d Of Om!teaai): 9adaafsr: 111111: twotroaitSIBda fonm,;arrulMCl'/ll'ed anopy~thocrmcm1 l!ffldlopenl'V! Wllftli IBll!I Btrata::(»tr'fllJl(/ha)tl'li a-valad :200,-.r:A v,CFlflaWv:adettldo d. tira ~ (clfl)GI' 32:ti (Bt an)ITmore. c t.hl:Ufefortss{Wmt ot theOIS:a:leO'El!I}: 9:lm!IWIHnltha tirgm treasn a> a:o..-sokl au,- ~ss,tu ffiRupU'IOQl'ICll'J' haoai Mrl!IQll!i:lllffllm~amedng21 ln(53 cm). -9:5.0. Wetlmdslna::atel 1.Q:x:xts 'll:li8= Qteipyl <"t,1:1 .. N)l afcrdcd•tl.JJ'XI 1or1t11s!li!!.:tklrl OJealt»watlsid mat liillll d th!Jki!lgwing ~cri.aaf ewdln:! rn ammal ltlgXll'T? D lhtwdla'ld lletln ad~on a::;mn to m11111ewa:n1hEt tewhollya pwtliii11Y g;p;rw~ from mime wan ti,, sn1aq, fi1M ba*I. llh!tgo. ot. 1e,srr«ll,Bl1J)t. rode! D lhttar;ioon rn WlliCh lllO wd!W lsloa:li!dmrtllll\!lpcnds:l wa• Uw ladle a tndciln (>Q.$~) 4JrilgmoddthaV'Elll"il11i lad e.PQrtitrloffholCig:Xl'l~li&UEIW tleb.,Lhse~ "'5-0,toS::5.1 No=Nalawetl,rw:lln.aCOMd EC:5.1. O)os;O• wetln med a!III 01 thltJdlOWll'(I tl'Teemrdllcns1 o lheWdlald lan!IS:IW!tylnlil:lffB1 (hmm diking, citdling. ftDlrg, WU\19ian,. ~ en:! haSlcm; tban20%o:lwraf ~ qiJX:rttn!itlcJjat ipaies(allad Q:Ja:::leaanp. to:J). D It t1m: i11DI Ula 19'1C1Wa"d ed!Jld the 'ltl!tlind haa KO ft btlfer d n\lb. lcrd, or un,gmd or un- mowe:l gadtn:t a 7Mwtl!a'ldl9l~U&l 1/,oa::(43&>tt~ 'lalccGaejpryl f'b=Oterpytl &;6.0. ll"lterd\.lnd Wetttnis IStl'lewetltn:S wes. cc lhe 1889 Una (elm esleitbe Wsllem 8:an:la'yaf Waii:1 Owncl1tip or v.B.Q? ff ~an.S\'et)ICS\Q.I 11111 !f:IU needtoratethewB:laia baa:lonlt&hal::itm func:ltona ti prmicJ,J tmn:&th.t meai&thaldlowirggmg'lllhi:: lll'eB a Lmg8*:hFa11nsJa:lin:IS¥rts~S11cn 0 (t~:tamwMafSl1C5 D Oll!!lnt:t10l'~ls:1Jn:2sW8!ldffi11Snlffit09 ~ ~ Ym~G:Jlcs:&1 ~-l'lllmint~wi:t;; 1no s;e.1. blh&WdlfflCJ 1 a:or lmgar aida:nreeen 8cw8torthlthEDti• "'1d:icn&Ol thefoml(nta.H~o, H.H.M for thathrm &!Pld.sof l\l'dkn)? '9smQt80'.)l'YI l'b-B>toa:;&.2 S::6.2. tslll9 wa1m 1 a;art;,gs. or l&lt inamoacof wctllrndsthai b 1 acor l:zr'gs"7 Vmi=Ofeg:iryll flb-(.b to S::!3 OC&.3.1:slheinl: bd:¥11C111'10, 1 n:I' 1 ae, or !$It lnafflOSCIIC:o:lwedl!nl!llhsl: lat>Etween0.1 tm 1 a:? '1!iel•O!t~III OilfllP/YOf WdlO'ld balled (l'I ~el IJl:nctl!Rl:lm If ...... 8'1&118"'Edt,t, 1o, Bl .. _ n•·t.tt A-rsli~ on u--R:rm Wellaid Aitlnga,&an for Wl,:;tQ"TIWA::2014~e Rlii:lng FQr111-Eno:tiuoJrvJ:ry 1,2015 ---------- tt> ::O!teg;,ry rv 17 • QI. I Cit. I Cll .• Qtl QI.II QI.ID Cli.lV Wetland name or nllttJEr .}_ lNspogolElt tlarl<lntentlonally Wt1181d Aal:lngl\rd.«n kif W.1111 Wk. 2014~9 R.ilng Form -ata:clw.Jir"Qa'y t. 2015 -------------------- • ,. • • RATING ANSWERS FOR WETLAND A 01 .1 & 04.1 Wetland is a depression with no surface water leaving it (no outlet). 01 .3 Wetland has persistent ungrazed plants > 1/10 of the area (most of the wetland is mowed). D 1.4 Area that is seasonally ponded is > 1/2 total area of the wetland. 02.2 & 05.2 Approximately 80% of the area within 150' of Wetland A is in land use that generates pollutants and excess runoff . • RATING ANSWERS FOR WETLAND B 01 .1 & 04.1 Wetland is a depression with no surface water leaving it (no outlet). 01 .3 Wetland has persistent ungrazed plants > 95% of the area (the wetland is dominated by reed canarygrass). 01 .4 Area that is seasonally ponded is >1/2 total area of the wetland. 02.2 & 05.2 Approximately 48% of the area within 150' of Wetland B is in land use that generates pollutants and excess runoff. N CD SCALE 1" = 200' ""-=, ,.-=, 0 200 ere Job: 14032 Drawn By: L Emenhiser Figure 1 of 5 Date: 01.12.2016 ev#: PREPARED FOB· Cedar Ridge Church of Christ PO Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 WETLAND RATING MAP CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH OF CHRIST RENTON, WA PBEPAREP BY· Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC 17715 28th Avenue NE Lake Forest Park, WA 98155 Phone: (206) 450-7746 TAX PARCEL NO. 008800-0320 Email: louls@acreenvlronmental.com 400 I CONTRIBUTING BASIN FOR WETLAND B 0 WETLAND A RATING UNIT RATING ANSWERS FOR WETLAND A 04.3 th~ contributing basin for Wetland A is -209)23 square feet in size / the -27,979 square foot wetland rating unit= 7.5 (basin is less than 10 times the area of the u~it). I WETLAND B RATING UNIT -·SE- ' CONTRIBUTING BASIN FOR WETLAND A RATING ANSWERS FOR WETLAND B D4.3 the contributing basin for Wetland B is -29,657 square feet in size / the -2,436 square foot wetland rating unit= 12.17 (basin is 10 to 100 times the area of the unit). D5.3 Greater than 25% of the contributing l • I' • N CD D5.3 Gr~ater than 25% of the contributing basin ofiWetland A is covered with intensive land uses (residential/ urban). I basin of Wetland A is covered with intensive SCALE 1" = 200· land uses (residential/ urban). •~i~~--~-•.-.~~'ai~~~-• e Job: 14032 Drawn By; L. Emenhiser Figure 2 of 5 Date: 01.12.2016 Rev#: PREPARED FOB· Cedar Ridge Church of Christ PO Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 CONIBIBYIING BASIN MAP CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH OF CHRIST RENTON, WA TAX PARCEL NO. 008800-0320 0 PREPARED BY· Acre Environmental Consultlng, LLC 17715 28th Avenue NE Lake Forest Park, WA 98155 Phone: (206) 450-7746 Email: louls@acreenvironmental.com 200 400 r--- i ~ ·~ DJ] El ~ SUBJECT WETLANDS HIGH INTENSITY LAND USE MODERATE, AND LOW INTENSITY LAND USE RELATIVELY UNDISTURBED LAND ONE KILOMETER POLYGON LINE ote: Land use definitions are derived from H2.0 Table 3 of the etland Rating System for Western WA: 2014 Update RATING ANSWERS FOR WETLAND A /H2.1 H2,2 & H2.3l 1 km Area = 36,925,384 sf High Intensity Land Use = 32,834,256 sf (89%) Moderate & Low Intensity Land Use = 2,409,415 sf (6%) Accessible Moderate & Low lntensty LU= 392,180 sf (1%) Relatively Undisturbed Land Use = 1,680,390 (4%) Accessible Relatively Undisturbed LU = 0 sf (0%) N (]) SCALE 1" = 1,000' I I ~ a 1,000 2,000 ~ere Job: 14032 Drawn By: 1 L. Emenhiser Figure 3 of 5 'oate: 01.12.2016 Rev#: PREPARED FOB· Cedar Ridge Church of Christ 1 KM POLYGON MAP (UNPISIURBEP & ACCESIBLE HABITAT) CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH OF CHRIST PREPARED ex· Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC 17715 28th Avenue NE PO Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 RENTON, WA TAX PARCEL NO. 008800-0320 Lake Forest Park, WA 98155 Phone: (206) 450-7746 Email: lou1s@acreenvironmental.com I I I I I I I I ! i ' I i I I I I wo:i·1e1uawuOJ!AUaru:ie@s1no1 :11ew3 91'1..L·OSt;, (90<!1 :auo1.1d SS~86 '1/M ''l[JBd ,saJO;I 8'1[Bl 3N anuaAy 1.118<! S~l..L~ ::n1 'lJumnsUO:J /BJU8WUOJ/AU3 6J:l'O' .xe d39Vd3aa OZ£0-008800 "ON 13::>~'<fd X'<fl ' '<fM 'NOlN3~ lSl~H::> '10 H::>~nH::> 3~al~ ~'<f03 (8Jttiae5 uaaJ5S) UjSB8 Li! 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'·'\. ,Tricia ShO-b'IMn, m·=~r,ae·. -~P.~f;~.~ ·~t: .. rias' a_n lm~ne~n·pia.ft Aquilic liill>ll.it• 'P~l~-~Y~: Temper'ature:· '.Joan·'~i1:. 0'~-;m , .. _' . ,, .. ·. (_./ • • ~tli~Us."{I11 be~ d::i"ON ~~ rDDm.,fi;ffr ,,11~0.ved_b-~_.'E!~J':pp'dei-·De\le~tenl'd(Im~~ :•,._For,·ttte'r{f~f6rM~-tlat'l . .a·b1'ut "WRI}9,, · .. ~ · -~-. ·~····:·,.,,-?·, 'f.'1:, \, ''" 'C" '• , "'f' F,,;· .. , , ·"·, ••.~ , ,~.,, .••• • ~. Wi:itet~ lrf\'JRIJ\·9··:.:~'!:l;~)iJat.er· QtJaDty-~"tent. QtrerY·.TooJ ,,.t!IJdterShed:'ri•roull,diion'fO(.~/RIA·'9· :. · ·: · . . . . • D3.3 TMDL's have been identified for Soos Creek. ere Job: 14032 Drawn By: L. Emenhiser Figure 5 of 5 Date: 01.12.2016 Rev#: PREPARED FOB· Cedar Ridge Church of Christ PO Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 TMDL'S FOR WRIA 9 (Screen Capture) CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH OF CHRIST RENTON, WA TAX PARCEL NO. 008800-0320 PREPARED ex· Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC 17715 28th Avenue NE Lake Forest Park, WA 98155 Phone: (206) 450-7746 Email: louis@acreenvironmental.com • • • Main Office 17311 7 135° Ave NE, A-500 Woodinville. WA 98072 (425) 486-1669 · FAX (425) 481-2510 September 25, 2015 Mr. Siegfried Schmidt Cedar Ridge Church of Christ P.O. Box 5355 Kent, Washington • NELSON GEOTECHNICAL AsSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS Engineering-Geology Branch 5526 lndustty Lane, #2 East Wenatchee WA 98802 (509) 665-7696 · FAX (509) 665-7692 Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion 1141 I SE 1641h Street Renton, Washington NGA File No. 933515 Dear Mr. Schmidt: FEB 1 fl 20'.S (:Ti--;!':~~: ~.·2· :.~·.·:, ', "'1 We are pleased to submit the attached report titled "Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation -Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion -11411 SE 1641h Street-Renton, Washington." The parcel number for the property is 008800-0320. This report summarizes the existing surface and subsurface conditions within the site and provides general recommendations for the proposed site development. Our services were completed in general accordance with our proposal signed by you on August 12, 2015. The site is currently occupied by an existing church building within the relatively level bench area within the central portion of the site. The ground surface slopes gently to moderately from the higher elevation level bench area within the vicinity of the existing building in all directions. A moderate southwest- facing slope is located within the southern portion of the property with designated wetlands to the south of the toe of the slope. We understand that the proposed development plan consists of expanding the existing building in multiple phases. The first phase of the project consists of constructing a new building north of and adjacent to the existing church structure to serve as the congregation's new sanctuary. The existing building will remain in its current unaltered configuration until phase two of the project. Phase • two will consist of either replacing or remodeling the current building to create classrooms and administrative offices. A fellowship hall and kitchen on the south end of the facility would be included if the current building is replaced. New access driveways extending fro·m SE 164th Street south to the • • • Geotechnical Engineering Aation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion Renton, Washington • NGA File No. 933515 September 25, 2015 Summary -Page 2 existing church building and new parking areas north and south of the building are also proposed although the phasing of this work is unknown. A possible third phase of expansion would consist of a new gymnasium to be located adjacent to the west side of the fellowship hall. The site is generally vegetated with grass, and sparse trees with blackberries and trees within the sloping areas along the · western and southern portions of the property. We monitored the excavation of eleven test pits at the site on September 4, 2015. Our explorations generally indicated that the site is underlain by native weathered and unweathered sandstone bedrock at depth with localized areas of surficial undocumented fill soils. It is our opinion, from a geotechnical standpoint, that the site is compatible with the planned development provided that our recommendations are incorporated into the design and construction of this project. We have recommended that the new structure foundations be designed to utilize conventional spread footings extending down to level benches excavated into the underlying native bedrock for bearing capacity and settlement considerations. These soils should generally be encountered approximately one to three feet below the existing ground surface, based on our explorations. However, we did observe up to seven feet of unsuitable surficial undocumented fill soils within localized areas to the north and south of the proposed structure areas. Deeper areas of loose soil and/or undocumented fill could also exist within unexplored areas of the site. In the attached report, we have also provided general recommendations for site grading, slabs-on-grade, structural fill placement, retaining walls, erosion control, and drainage. Final stormwater plans have also not been developed, but we understand that on-site infiltration is being considered for this site. It is our opinion that on-site infiltration for this site will be very limited due to the relatively high silt content of the surficial soils and weathered and unweathered bedrock underlying the site at shallow depths. However, shallow infiltration systems in the form of pervious pavements, bio- swales, or rain gardens may be feasible within specific areas of the site. We should work with your civil engineer during the final design if such systems are desired. We recommend that NGA be retained to review the geotechnical aspects of the project plans prior to construction. We recommend that NGA be retained to provide monitoring and consultation services during construction to confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, to provide recommendations for design changes should the conditions revealed during the work differ from those anticipated, and to evaluate whether or not earthwork and foundation installation activities comply with contract plans and specifications. • • • Geotechnical Engineering .uation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion Renton, Washington • NGA File No. 933515 September 25, 2015 Summary -Page 3 We appreciate the opportunity to provide service to you on this project. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this report or require further information. Sincerely, NELSON GEO TECHNICAL ASSOC/A TES, INC. Khaled M. Shawish, PE Principal • • • • • TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................... 2 SITE CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................... 2 Surface Conditions ....................................................................................................... 2 Subsurface Conditions .................................................................................................. 3 Hydrogeologic Conditions ........................................................................................... 3 SENSITIVE AREA EVALUATIONS ............................................................................. 4 Seismic Hazard ............................................................................................................. 4 Erosion Hazard ............................................................................................................. 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................... 4 General ......................................................................................................................... 4 Erosion Control ........................................................................... : ................................ 5 Site Preparation and Grading ....................................................................................... 6 Temporary and Permanent Slopes ................................................................................ 7 Foundations .................................................................................................................. 7 Retaining Walls ............................................................................................................ 9 Structural Fill. ............................................................................................................. I 0 Slab-on-Grade ............................................................................................................ 11 Site Drainage .............................................................................................................. 11 CONSTRUCTION MONITORING ............................................................................. 12 USE OF THIS REPORT ................................................................................................ 12 LIST OF FIGURES Figure I -Vicinity Map Figure 2 -Schematic Site Plan Figure 3 -Cross Section A-A' Figure 4 -Soil Classification Figures 5 through 7 -Test Pit Logs NELSON GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. • • • INTRODUCTION • • Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion 11411 SE 164th Street Renton, Washington This report presents the results of our geotechnical engineering investigation and evaluation of the proposed Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion project in Renton, Washington. The site is located at 11411 SE 164'" Street in Renton, Washington, as shown on the Vicinity Map in Figure 1. The parcel number for the property is 00800-0320. The purpose of this study is to explore and characterize the site's surface and subsurface conditions, and to provide geotechnical recommendations for site development. The site is currently occupied by an existing church building within the relatively level bench area within the central portion of the site. The ground surface slopes gently to moderately from the higher elevation level bench area within the vicinity of the existing building in all directions. A moderate southwest- facing slope is located within the southern portion of the property with designated wetlands to the south of the toe of the slope. We understand that the proposed development plan consists of expanding the existing building in multiple phases. The first phase of the project consists of constructing a new building north of and adjacent to the existing church structure to serve as the congregation's new sanctuary. The existing building will remain in its current unaltered configuration until phase two of the project. Phase two will consist of either replacing or remodeling the current building to create classrooms and administrative offices. A fellowship hall and kitchen on the south end of the facility would be included if the current building is replaced. New access driveways extending from SE 1641h Street south to the existing church building and new parking areas north and south of the building are also proposed although the phasing of this work is unknown. A possible third phase of expansion would consist of a new gymnasium to be located adjacent to the west side of the fellowship hall. The site is generally vegetated with grass, and sparse trees with blackberries and trees within the sloping areas along the western and southern portions of the property. Final development and grading plans have not been developed at the time this report was prepared. The existing and proposed site conditions are shown on the Site Plan in Figure 2 . NELSON GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. • • Geotechnical Engineering Aiation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion Renton, Washington • NGA File No. 933515 September 25, 2015 Page 2 SCOPE The purpose of this study is to explore and characterize the site surface and subsurface conditions, and provide general recommendations for site development. Specifically, our scope of services include the following: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Review available soil and geologic maps of the area. Explored the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions within the site with trackhoe test pits. The trackhoe was subcontracted by NGA. Perform shallow hand holes at locations inaccessible to the trackhoe, if needed. Perform laboratory testing on soil samples, as needed. Provide recommendations for temporary and permanent slopes. Provide recommendations for earthwork, retaining wall design, and foundation support. Provide recommendations for slab and pavement subgrade preparation. Evaluate suitability of on-site soils for storm water infiltration. Perform on-site infiltration testing, per the above-referenced manual if infiltration is deemed suitable . Provide recommendations for stormwater infiltration per 2009 King County Surface Water Design manual and City of Renton Amendments, as needed. Provide recommendations for site drainage and erosion control. Document the results of our findings, conclusions, and recommendations m a written geotechnical report. SITE CONDITIONS Surface Conditions The site consists of an irregular-shaped parcel covering approximately 2.55 acres. The site is currently occupied by the existing church structure within the upper relatively level bench area within the central portion of the property. The ground surface slopes gently to moderately in all directions from the upper ' relatively level bench area. Moderate south-and southwest-facing slopes are located along the western and southern portions of the property that descend from the existing gravel driveway and parking areas to neighboring properties and designated wetland areas at an approximate gradient of up to 20 degrees (36 percent) as shown in Cross-Section A-A' in Figure 3. The site is generally vegetated with grass and sparse trees within the proposed development areas and with trees and blackberries within the southern and western portions of the property. We did not observe surface water on the site or groundwater • seepage emitting from the site slopes during our visit on September 4, 2015. NELSON GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. • • Geotechnical Engineering Aation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion Renton, Washington Subsurface Conditions • NGA File No. 933515 September 25, 2015 Page 3 Ge'ology: The Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle King County, Washington by D.R. Mullineaux (U.S.G.S., 1965) was referenced for the geologic conditions at the site. The site is mapped as Ground Moraine Deposits (Qgt) and Tukwila Formation (Tt). The Ground Moraine deposits are described as a generally compact, coherent, unsorted mixture of sand, silt, clay, and gravel. The Tukwila Formation is generally described as sedimentary bedrock. Our explorations generally weathered and unweathered sandstone at depth throughout the site consistent with the description of Tukwila Formation deposits. Explorations: The subsurface conditions within the site were explored on September 4, 2015 by excavating eleven test pits to depths ranging from 2.0 to 8.0 feet below the existing ground surface using a mini-trackhoe. The approximate locations of our explorations are shown on the Site Plan in Figure 2. A geologist from NGA was present during the explorations, examined the soils and geologic conditions encountered, obtained samples of the different soil types, and maintained logs of the test pits. The soils were visually classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System, presented in Figure 4. The logs of our test pits are attached to this report and are presented as Figures 5 through 7. We present a brief summary of the subsurface conditions in the following paragraph. For a detailed description of the subsurface conditions, the logs of the test pits should be reviewed. In all of our test pits, we encountered approximately 0.5 to 1.0 feet of surficial grass and topsoil. Underlying the topsoil in Test Pits I, 8, 9, and 11, we encountered approximately 2.0 to 7.0 feet of loose/stiff brown to red-brown silty fine to medium sand with gravel with varying amounts of gravel, organics and debris and sandy silt with organics that we interpreted as undocumented fill soils. · Underlying the surficial topsoil in Test Pits 2 through 7 and 10, and the undocumented fill in Test Pits 1, 8, 9, and 11, we encountered dense to very dense, red-brown silty fine to medium sand with fractured sandstone and gray sandstone interpreted to be native sandstone bedrock deposits. All of our test pits were terminated within the native weathered and unweathered bedrock deposits at depths in the range of approximately 2.0 and 8.5 feet below the existing ground surface. Hydrogeologic Conditions Groundwater seepage was not encountered in our explorations. If groundwater seepage occurs on this • site, we would interpret the water to be perched water. Perched water occurs when surface water infiltrates through less dense, more permeable soils and accumulates on top of a relatively low NELSON GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. • • • Geotechnical Engineering Aation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion Renton, Washington • NGA File No. 933515 September 25, 2015 Page 4 permeability material. Perched water does not represent a regional groundwater "table" within the upper soil horizons. Perched water tends to vary spatially and is dependent upon the amount of rainfall. We would expect the amount of perched groundwater to decrease during drier times of the year and increase during wetter periods. SENSITIVE AREA EVALUATION Seismic Hazard We reviewed the 2012 International Building Code (IBC) for seismic site classification for this project. Since competent weathered and unweathered bedrock deposits were generally encountered underlying the site at depth, the site conditions best fit the IBC description for Site Class D. Hazards associated with seismic activity include liquefaction potential and amplification of ground motion. Liquefaction is caused by a rise in pore pressures in a loose, fine sand deposit beneath the groundwater table. It is our opinion that the competent bedrock deposits interpreted to underlie the site have a low potential for liquefaction or amplification of ground motion . Erosion Hazard The erosion hazard criteria used for determination of affected areas includes soil type, slope gradient, vegetation cover, and groundwater conditions. The erosion sensitivity is related to the vegetative cover and the specific surface soil types, which are related to the underlying geologic soil units. The Soil Survey of King County Area, Washington by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS), was reviewed to determine the erosion hazard of the on-site soils. The surface soils for this site were mapped as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes (AgC). The erosion hazard for Alderwood gravelly sandy loam soil with a vegetative cover is classified as slight for soils that are exposed. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General It is our opinion from a geotechnical standpoint that the site is compatible with the planned development. Our explorations indicated that the site is generally underlain by a surficial topsoil layer with competent native weathered and unweathered bedrock deposits at depth. We also encountered up to seven feet of undocumented fill soils within localized areas to the north and south of the proposed development area . The native bedrock deposits should provide adequate support for foundation, slab, and pavement loads. NELSON GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. • • • Geotechnical Engineering Aation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion Renton, Washington • NGA File No. 933515 September 25, 2015 Page 5 We recommend that the new structures be designed utilizing shallow foundations. Footings should extend through any loose soil or undocumented fill soils, and be founded on level benches extending to the native bedrock, or structural fill extending to the bedrock. The competent bedrock should typically be encountered approximately one to three feet below the existing surface, based on our explorations. We should note that localized areas of deeper unsuitable soils and/or undocumented fill were encountered at this site. This condition would require additional excavations in foundation, slab, and pavement areas to remove the unsuitable soils. It is also our opinion that site soils encountered in our explorations are not conducive for typical on-site infiltration due to the relatively high silt content and shallow bedrock deposits interpreted to underlie the site at depth. However, it is our opinion that shallow infiltration systems in the form of pervious pavements, bio swales, or rain gardens may be feasible at specific areas within the site. This should be further discussed during final design with the project civil engineer. The surficial soils encountered on this site are considered moisture-sensitive and may disturb easily when wet. We recommend that construction take place during the drier summer months, if possible. If construction is to take place during wet weather, the soils may disturb and additional expenses and delays may be expected due to the wet conditions. Additional expenses could include the need for placing a blanket ofrock spalls to protect exposed subgrades and construction traffic areas. Some of the native on- site soils may be suitable for use as structural fill depending on the moisture content of the soil during construction. This will depend on the moisture content of the soils at the time of construction. NGA should be retained to determine if the on-site soils can be used as structural fill material during construction. Erosion Control The erosion hazard for the on-site soils is interpreted to be slight for exposed soils, but actual erosion potential will be dependent on how the site is graded and how water is allowed to concentrate. Best Management Practices (BMPs) should be used to control erosion. Areas disturbed during construction should be protected from erosion. Erosion control measures may include diverting surface water away from the stripped or disturbed areas. Silt fences and/or straw bales should be erected to prevent muddy water from leaving the site. Disturbed areas should be planted as soon as practical and the vegetation should be maintained until it is established. The erosion potential of areas not stripped of vegetation should be low. NELSON GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. • • Geotechnical Engineering Aation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion Renton, Washington Site Preparation and Grading • NGA File No. 933515 September 25, 2015 Page6 After erosion control measures are implemented, site preparation should consist of stripping the topsoil and loose soils from foundation, slab, pavement areas, and other structural areas, to expose medium dense or better native soils. The stripped soil should be removed from the site or stockpiled for later use as a landscaping fill. Based on our observations, we anticipate general stripping depths of one to two feet across the site. However, additional stripping may be required in areas where undocumented fills were encountered. After site stripping, if the exposed subgrade is deemed loose, it should be compacted to a non-yielding condition and then proof-rolled with a heavy rubber-tired piece of equipment. Areas observed to pump or weave during the proof-roll test should be reworked to structural fill specifications or over-excavated and replaced with properly compacted structural fill or rock spalls. If loose soils are encountered in the pavement areas, the loose soils should be removed and replaced with rock spalls or granular structural fill. If significant surface water flow is encountered during construction, this flow should be diverted around areas to be developed, and the exposed subgrades should be maintained in a semi-dry condition . If wet conditions are encountered, alternative site stripping and grading techniques might be necessary. These could include using large excavators equipped with wide tracks and a smooth bucket to complete site grading and covering exposed sub grade with a layer of crushed rock for protection. If wet conditions are encountered or construction is attempted in wet weather, the subgrade should not be compacted as this could cause further subgrade disturbance. In wet conditions it may be necessary to cover the exposed sub grade with a layer of crushed rock as soon as it is exposed to protect the moisture sensitive soils from disturbance by machine or foot traffic during construction. The prepared subgrade should be protected from construction traffic and surface water should be diverted around areas of prepared subgrade. The site soils are considered to be moisture-sensitive and may disturb when wet. We recommend that construction take place during the drier summer months if possible. However, if construction takes place during the wet season, additional expenses and delays should be expected due to the wet conditions. Additional expenses could include the need for placing a blanket of rock spalls on exposed subgrades, construction traffic areas, and paved areas prior to placing structural fill. Wet weather grading will also require additional erosion control and site drainage measures. Some of the on-site soils may be suitable • for use as structural fill, depending on the moisture content of the soil at the time of construction. NGA NELSON GEO TECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. • • • Geotechnical Engineering L.ation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion Renton, Washington • NGA File No. 933515 September 25, 2015 Page 7 should be retained to evaluate the suitability of all on-site and imported structural fill material during construction. Temporary and Permanent Slopes Temporary cut slope stability is a function of many factors, including the type and consistency of soils, depth of the cut, surcharge loads adjacent to the excavation, length of time a cut remains open, and the presence of surface or groundwater. It is exceedingly difficult under these variable conditions to estimate a stable, temporary, cut slope angle. Therefore, it should be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain safe slope configurations at all times as indicated in OSHA guidelines for cut slopes. The following information is provided solely for the benefit of the owner and other design consultants and should not be construed to imply that Nelson Geotechnical Associates, Inc. assumes responsibility for job site safety. Job site safety is the sole responsibility of the project contractor. For planning purposes, we recommend that temporary cuts in the on-site soils be no steeper than l.5 Horizontal to I Vertical (1.5H: IV). If significant groundwater seepage or surface water flow were encountered, we would expect that flatter inclinations would be necessary. We recommend that cut slopes be protected from erosion. The slope protection measures may include covering cut slopes with plastic sheeting and diverting surface runoff away from the top of cut slopes. We do not recommend vertical slopes for cuts deeper than four feet, if worker access is necessary. We recommend that cut slope heights and inclinations conform to appropriate OSHA/WISHA regulations. Permanent cut and fill slopes should be no steeper than 2H: IV. However, flatter inclinations may be required in areas where loose soils are encountered. Permanent slopes should be vegetated and the vegetative cover maintained until established. Foundations Our explorations indicate that the site is generally underlain by competent bedrock, which should provide adequate support for the planned structures. However, some unsuitable undocumented fill soils were encountered in within some of our explorations. We recommend that the structure foundations extend through the loose soils and/or undocumented fill soils and be founded on competent bedrock . Conventional spread foundations should be placed on level benches excavated into the underlying competent bedrock or structural fill extending to the bedrock. The benches should be horizontal with a NELSON GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. • • • Geotechnical Engineering Aation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion Renton, Washington • NGA File No. 933515 September 25, 2015 Page 8 minimum width of four feet. Due to the hard nature of some of the underlying bedrock, benching may be difficult with conventional excavation methods, and alternative excavation methods such as rock breaking and chipping may need to be considered to create the level benches. Also, underground utility excavations may be challenging in the hard unweathered bedrock. Based on our explorations at the site, competent bedrock is anticipated within about one to three feet below the existing ground surface in the proposed development areas. However, there may be deeper areas of loose soil and/or undocumented fill in unexplored areas of the site. We recommend that NGA be retained to evaluate the foundation excavations and subgrade materials prior to placing footing forms. Both perimeter and interior footings should extend at least 18 inches below the lowest adjacent finished ground surface for frost protection and bearing capacity considerations. Foundations should be designed in accordance with the 2012 !BC. Footing widths should be based on the anticipated loads and allowable soil bearing pressure. Water should not be allowed to accumulate in footing trenches. All loose or disturbed soil should be removed from the foundation excavations prior to placing concrete . For foundations constructed as outlined above, we recommend an allowable design bearing pressure of not more than 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf) be used for designing footings founded on competent bedrock. The foundation subgrades should be evaluated by NGA at the time of construction. We should be consulted if higher bearing pressures are needed. Current !BC guidelines should be used when considering increased allowable bearing pressure for short-term transitory wind or seismic loads. Potential foundation settlement using the recommended allowable bearing pressure is estimated to be less than one-inch total and Ya-inch differential between adjacent footings or across a distance of about 20 feet based on our experience with similar residential projects. Lateral loads may be resisted by friction on the base of the footing and passive resistance against the subsurface portions of the foundation. A coefficient of friction of0.35 may be used to calculate the base friction and should be applied to the vertical dead load only. Passive resistance may be calculated as a triangular equivalent fluid pressure distribution. An equivalent fluid density of 200 pounds per cubic foot (pct) should be used for passive resistance design for a level ground surface adjacent to the footing. This level surface should extend horizontally a distance equal to at least three times the depth of the footing. These recommended values incorporate safety factors of 1.5 and 2.0 applied to the estimated ultimate values for frictional and passive resistance, respectively. To achieve this value of passive resistance, the NELSON GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. • • • Geotechnical Engineering cAation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion Renton, Washington • NGA File No. 933515 September 25, 2015 Page 9 foundations should be poured "neat" against the unweathered bedrock or compacted fill should be placed against the footing. We recommend that the upper foot of soil be neglected when calculating the passive resistance. Retaining Walls Specific grading plans for this project were not available at the time this report was prepared, but retaining walls may be incorporated into project plans. In general, the lateral pressure acting on subsurface retaining walls is dependent on the nature and density of the soil behind the wall, the amount of lateral wall movement which can occur as backfill is placed, wall drainage conditions, and the inclination of the backfill. For walls that are free to yield at the top at least one thousandth of the height of the wall (active condition), soil pressures will be less than if movement is limited by such factors as wall stiffness or bracing (at-rest condition). We recommend that walls supporting horizontal backfill and not subjected to hydrostatic forces, be designed using a triangular earth pressure distribution equivalent to that exerted by a fluid with a density of 35 pcf for yielding (active condition) walls, and 55 pcf for non- yielding (at-rest condition) walls . These recommended lateral earth pressures are for a drained granular backfill and are based on the assumption of a horizontal ground surface behind the wall for a distance of at least the subsurface height of the wall, and do not account for surcharge loads. Additional lateral earth pressures should be considered for surcharge loads acting adjacent to subsurface walls and within a distance equal to the subsurface height of the wall. This would include the effects of surcharges such as traffic loads, floor slab loads, slopes, or other surface loads. We could consult with the structural engineer regarding additional loads on retaining walls during final design, if needed. The lateral pressures on walls may be resisted by friction between the foundation and subgrade soil, and by passive resistance acting on the below-grade portion of the foundation. Recommendations for frictional and passive resistance to lateral loads are presented in the Foundations subsection of this report. All wall backfill should be well compacted as outlined in the Structural Fill subsection of this report. Care should be taken to prevent the buildup of excess lateral soil pressures due to over-compaction of the wall backfill. This can be accomplished by placing wall backfill in 8-inch loose lifts and compacting the backfill with small, hand-operated compactors within a distance behind the wall equal to at least one-half NELSON GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. • • • Geotechnical Engineering b.ation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion Renton, Washington • NGA File No. 933515 September 25, 2015 Page 10 the height of the wall. The thickness of the loose lifts should be reduced to accommodate the lower compactive energy of the hand-operated equipment. The recommended level of compaction should still be maintained. Permanent drainage systems should be installed for retaining walls. Recommendations for these systems are found in the Subsurface Drainage subsection of this report. We recommend that we be retained to evaluate the proposed wall drain backfill material and observe installation of the drainage systems. Structural Fill General: Fill placed beneath foundations, pavement, or other settlement-sensitive structures should be placed as structural fill. Structural fill, by definition, is placed in accordance with prescribed methods and standards, and is monitored by an experienced geotechnical professional or soils technician. Field monitoring procedures would include the performance of a representative number of in-place density tests to document the attainment of the desired degree of relative compaction. The area to receive the fill should be suitably prepared as described in the Site Preparation and Grading subsection prior to beginning fill placement. Materials: Structural fill should consist of a good quality, granular soil, free of organics and other deleterious material, and be well graded to a maximum size of about three inches. All-weather fill should contain no more than five-percent fines (soil finer than U.S. No. 200 sieve, based on that fraction passing the U.S. 3/4-inch sieve). Some of the more granular on-site soils may be suitable for use as structural fill depending on the moisture content of the soil during construction. Rock fragments should be no larger than three inches in diameter if to be used as structural fill. We should be retained to evaluate all proposed structural fill material prior to placement. Fill Placement: Following subgrade preparation, placement of structural fill may proceed. All filling should be accomplished in uniform lifts up to eight inches thick. Each lift should be spread evenly and be thoroughly compacted prior to placement of subsequent lifts. All structural fill underlying building areas and pavement subgrade should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of its maximum dry density. Maximum dry density, in this report, refers to that density as determined by the ASTM D-1557 Compaction Test procedure. The moisture content of the soils to be compacted should be within about two percent of optimum so that a readily compactable condition exists. It may be necessary to over- excavate and remove wet soils in cases where drying to a compactable condition is not feasible. All NELSON GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. • • Geotechnical Engineering Aation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion Renton, Washington • NGA File No. 933515 September 25, 2015 Page 11 compaction should be accomplished by equipment of a type and size sufficient to attain the desired degree of compaction. Slab-on-Grade Slabs-on-grade should be supported on subgrade soils prepared as described in the Site Preparation and Grading subsection of this report. We recommend that all floor slabs be underlain by at least six inches of free-draining gravel with less than three percent by weight of the material passing Sieve #200 for use as a capillary break. We recommend that the capillary break be hydraulically connected to the footing drain system to allow free drainage from under the slab. A suitable vapor barrier, such as heavy plastic sheeting (6-mil minimum), should be placed over the capillary break material. An additional 2-inch-thick moist sand layer may be used to cover the vapor barrier. This sand layer may be used to protect the vapor barrier membrane and to aid in curing the concrete. Pavements Pavement subgrade preparation, and structural filling where required, should be completed as recommended in the Site Preparation and Grading and Structural Fill subsections of this report. The pavement subgrade should be proof-rolled with a heavy, rubber-tired piece of equipment, to identify soft or yielding areas that require repair. We should be retained to observe the proof-rolling and recommend repairs prior to placement of the asphalt or hard surfaces. Utilities We recommend that underground utilities be bedded with a minimum 12 inches of pea gravel prior to backfilling the trench with on-site or imported material. Trenches within settlement sensitive areas should be compacted to 95% of the modified proctor as described in the Structural Fill subsection of this report. Trenches located in non-structural areas should be compacted to a minimum 90% of the maximum dry density. Project schedule and budget should allow for potential difficult excavation conditions where the bedrock is encountered. Site Drainage Surface Drainage: The finished ground surface should be graded such that stormwater is directed to an appropriate stormwater collection system. Water should not be allowed to stand in any areas where • footings, slabs, or pavements are to be constructed. Final site grades should allow for drainage away from NELSON GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. • • • Geotechnical Engineering Aation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion Renton, Washington • NGA File No. 933515 September 25, 2015 Page 12 the structures. We suggest that the finished ground be sloped at a minimum gradient of three percent, for a distance of at least IO feet away from the structures. Surface water should be collected by permanent catch basins and drain lines, and be discharged into an appropriate discharge system. Subsurface Drainage: If groundwater is encountered during construction, we recommend that the contractor slope the bottom of the excavation and collect the water into ditches and small sump pits where the water can be pumped out and routed into a permanent storm drain. We recommend the use of footing drains around the structures. Footing drains should be installed at least one foot below planned finished floor elevation. The drains should consist of a minimum 4-inch- diameter, rigid, slotted or perforated, PVC pipe surrounded by free-draining material wrapped in a filter fabric. We recommend that the free-draining material consist of an 18-inch-wide zone of clean (less than three-percent fines), granular material placed along the back of walls. Pea gravel is an acceptable drain material. The free-draining material should extend up the wall to one foot below the finished surface. The top foot of backfill should consist of impermeable soil placed over plastic sheeting or building paper to minimize surface water or fines migration into the footing drain. Footing drains should discharge into tightlines leading to an appropriate collection and discharge point with convenient cleanouts to prolong the useful life of the drains. Roof drains should not be connected to wall or footing drains. CONSTRUCTION MONITORING We should be retained to provide construction monitoring services during the earthwork phase of the project to evaluate subgrade conditions, temporary cut conditions, fill compaction, and drainage system installation. USE OF THIS REPORT NGA has prepared this report Siegfried Schmidt and his agents for use in the planning and design of the development on this site only. The scope of our work does not include services related to construction safety precautions and our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractors' methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, except as specifically described in our report for consideration in design. There are possible variations in subsurface conditions between the explorations and also with time. Our report, conclusions, and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of subsurface conditions. A contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in the budget and schedule. NELSON GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. • • • Geotechnical Engineering l:.ation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion Renton, Washington • NGA File No. 933515 September 25, 2015 Page 13 We recommend that NGA be retained to provide monitoring and consultation services during construction to confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, to provide recommendations for design changes should the conditions revealed during the work differ from those anticipated, and to evaluate whether or not earthwork and foundation installation activities comply with contract plans and specifications. We should be contacted a minimum of one week prior to construction activities and could attend pre-construction meetings if requested. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, our services have been performed in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices in effect in this area at the time this report was prepared. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Our observations, findings, and opinions are a means to identify and reduce the inherent risks to the owner. 0-0-0 NELSON GEOTECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. • • --------------------- Geotechnical Engineering E.ation Cedar Ridge Church of Christ Expansion Renton, Washington • NGA File No. 933515 September 25, 2015 Page 14 It has been a pleasure to provide service to you on this project. If you have any questions or require further information, please call. Sincerely, NELSON GEO TECHNICAL ASSOC/A TES, INC. LEE S. BELLAH Lee S. Bellah, LG Project Geologist Khaled M. Shawish, PE Principal LSB:KMS:dy • Seven Figures Attached NELSON GEO TECHNICAL ASSOC/A TES, INC. • • Project Number 933515 Figure 1 • Cedar Ridge Church Expansion Vicinity Map • VICINITY MAP Not to Scale Renton, WA GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS 17311-135th """· NE, ""500 Woodlnvffle, WA 98072 (•2S) 4S6-1669 I fa, •81-2510 S<>0110mlsh Coonty (4251339-1669 We""!ch"/Cholam {S09) 665-7696 www.neloong..,tecltcom N "U ~ ""Tl ..Q. CD Cl> co· Site Plan w () C w - ~ "' z Cl) ~ C N "' 3 C" Cl) 0 ~ Dl m~ g!~ ~ Cl) Dl C. ~:::, co ~ W CD Dl 6" 0 :::, :::, :::,- ' -~:;:~ it! -~.i [;) i~i c g. z "' > I"' (J) (J) Approximate location of phase one of the proposed church expansion z Ul 0 • 0 Z I I ~QG'>I _..,, '- 0 > "' I _: "' ... 0 ··-•• 1H !ii ~--.~M 8 g:tl 3~§ •• Gl "' ... • (J) "' o -n r -:I 0 Z z ~ r> n ~ > 0 I"' ,g ~ ~ z p C ~ .;; 1 C 0 I ,, i ~- 0 , 0 1 m ~ '< z LEGEND Approximate location of proposed parking area -·-Property line A t TP-1 I ---1 A' f Number and approximate location of test pit Approximate location of cross-section Approximate location of phase two of the proposed church ef pansion 1 Existing Church Building ~ Approximate location of proposed parking area Approximate location of potential gym addition 0 100 200 Scale: 1 inch = 100 feet r In ~ "I Reference: Site plan based on a plan dated November 28. 2012. titlll!l "Cedar Ridge Church." prepared b.1'.Gabbert Architects. N:\2015 NGA Project Folders\9335-15 Renton Cedar Rld9e Church of Christ Bulld!ng\Draltlng\SP .dwg N ~ • -u , 0 .,, <D --<a" w Q. c,:, C , ()1 (D ~ c,:, ()1 0 0 , ct> 0 C. ~ m ~ ' X ;:o (/) "O -· (D OJ C. n ::, '° g-f!?. CD ::, 0 0 ::, ::r ~ C ~ g. z C 3 rr CD , Iii ',:'.i>> Gl ~ 0 ~ ~ n ,~~ ,tffirn '"i ~ z n > ( z r "' "' z :i,.r ~ "' "' z "' 0 ~ oz ~ !:! Gl ~ m ), "' ~ i "' --1 0 Gl "'--1 ~ !!' "' 0 n r -J: 0 Zz ~ !1 -m n ~ ), w r -z ITT " - "'-m " I ., [ ~ o· :, 0 0:, ,, '< r n "' " ~ -~ Q) ~ C .Q ro iii UJ 2 "' E "§ ~ C. Northeast 560 520 490 ~ 460 430 Exploration A 0 Test Pit Designation~ TP-1 Groundwater Level ------) I During Exploration Geologic Contact -"7 ? (approximate) --? TP-5 I 30 60 FILL I I I l I I I 90 Distance (feet) l--i 120 A' ~ I L-+--1 150 NOTES: Southwest 560 520 490 460 430 y 180 1) Stratigraphic conditions are interpolated between the explorations. Actual conditions may vary. 2) Elevations are approximate. Reference: Cross Section is based on field measurements using a hand-held clinometer and 100-ft tape measure. ,l-l'>n1" ~,r..,., o...-.:A~• c::..,1,<,,..,..\(>'>'><::.1 <: On.,+n., ,...,,,..,. 01...i .... ('h.,,.,.h nf f'h..;~, o.,;!,<lnnll'l-#ln;c.\rc: ,.,,- •: • • • UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM MAJOR DIVISIONS GROUP GROUP NAME SYMBOL CLEAN GW WELL-GRADED, FINE TO COARSE GRAVEL COARSE-GRAVEL GRAVEL GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVEL GRAINED MORE THAN 50 % GRAVEL OF COARSE FRACTION GM SIL TY GRAVEL RETAINED ON SOILS NO. 4 SIEVE WITH FINES GC CLAYEY GRAVEL SAND CLEAN SW WELL-GRADED SAND, FINE TO COARSE SAND SAND SP POORLY GRADED SAND MORE THAN 50 % RETAINED ON MORE THAN 50 % NO. 200 SIEVE OF COARSE FRACTION SAND SM SILTY SAND PASSES NO. 4 SIEVE WITH FINES SC CLAYEY SAND FINE-SILT AND CLAY ML SILT INORGANIC GRAINED LIQUID LIMIT CL CLAY LESS THAN 50 % SOILS ORGANIC OL ORGANIC SILT, ORGANIC CLAY SILT AND CLAY MH SILT OF HIGH PLASTICITY, ELASTIC SILT INORGANIC MORE THAN 50 % PASSES LIQUID LIMIT CH CLAY OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FLAT CLAY NO. 200 SIEVE 50 % OR MORE ORGANIC OH ORGANIC CLAY, ORGANIC SILT 9 HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT PEAT i ~ NOTES: .~ ~ u 0 1) Field classification is based on visual SOIL MOISTURE MODIFIERS: ~ examination of soil in general Ory -Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to ti accordance with ASTM D 2488-93. • the touch ~ , ~ 2) Soil classification using laboratory tests • Moist -Damp, but no visible water. ~ is based on ASTM D 2488-93. ~ C Wet -Visible free water or saturated, 2 3) Descriptions of soil density or consistency are based on usually soil is obtained from ~ interpretation of blowcount data, below water table ~ M M visual appearance of soils, and/or 'l! test data. • Project Number ~ELSON GEOTECHNICAL No. Date Revision By CK 933515 Cedar Ridge Church NGA ASSOCIATES, INC. LSB ~ Expansion 1 9116115 Original OPN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS & GEOLOGISTS ~ z Figure 4 Soil Classification Chart 17311-135\h Aw. NE, A-500 Snohomish Counfy (425) 337-1669 - Woodlno!lle, WA 98072 Wonotohea/Cholan (509) 661>-7696 (•25) •86-16691 Fax (81-2510 www.nolsor,geotech.com • • • DEPTH (FEET) TEST PIT ONE 0_0-0_5 0.5-3.0 3_0-6.0 6.0-8.5 TEST PIT TWO 0.0-0_5 0.5 -7.0 TEST PIT THREE 0.0-0.5 0.5-4.0 TEST PIT FOUR 0.0-1.0 1.0-5.0 TEST PIT FIVE 0.0-0.5 0.5-3.5 LSB:DPN ------------------------- USC ML SM SM SM SM • LOG OF EXPLORATION • SOIL DESCRIPTION GRASS/ TOPSOIL BROWN, SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND WITH GRAVEL AND ORGANICS (LOOSE, MOIST) (FILL) GRAY-BROWN, SANDY SILT WITH ORGANICS AND DISTURBED SILT LAYERS (STIFF, MOIST) (FILL) BROWN SIL TY SAND AND BEDROCK FRAGMENTS (DENSE TO VERY DENSE, MOIST) (WEATHERED SANDSTONE) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, AND 8.0 FEET GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 8.5 FEET ON 9/4/15 GRASS/ TOPSOIL LIGHT RED-BROWN, SILTY SAND WITH FRACTURED SANDSTONE (DENSE, MOIST) (WEATHERED SANDSTONE) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 2.0, 4.0, AND 7.0 FEET GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 7.0 FEET ON 9/4/15 GRASS / TOPSOIL GRAY SANDSTONE (UNWEATHERED SANDSTONE) SAMPLE WASCOLLECTED AT 3.0 FEET GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT MET REFUSAL AT 4.0 FEET ON 9/4/15 GRASS/ TOPSOIL RED-BROWN, SIL TY SAND WITH FRACTURED SANDSTONE (DENSE TO VERY DENSE, MOIST) (WEATHERED SANDSTONE) SAMPLE WAS COLLECTED AT 4.0 FEET GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 5.0 FEET ON 9/4/15 GRASS/ TOPSOIL RED-BROWN, SILTY SAND WITH FRACTURED SANDSTONE (DENSE TO VERY DENSE, MOIST) (WEATHERED SANDSTONE) SAMPLE WAS COLLECTED AT 3.0 FEET GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 3.5 FEET ON 9/4/15 NELSON GEO TECHNICAL ASSOC/A TES, INC. FILE NO 933515 FIGURE 5 • • • ------ DEPTH (FEET) TEST PIT SIX 0.0-1.0 1.0-6.0 TEST PIT SEVEN 0.0 -1.0 1.0-5.0 TEST PIT EIGHT 0.0-7.0 7.0 -9.0 TEST PIT NINE 0.0-0.5 0.5 -3.0 3.0-5.5 TEST PIT TEN 0.0-0.5 0.5-2.0 LSB:DPN USC SM ML SM SM SM • LOG OF EXPLORATION • SOIL DESCRIPTION GRASS/ TOPSOIL LIGHT RED-BROWN, SILTY SAND WITH FRACTURED SANDSTONE (VERY DENSE, MOIST) (WEATHERED SANDSTONE) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 2.0, 5.0, AND 6.0 FEET GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT6.0 FEET ON 9/4/15 GRASS I TOPSOIL LIGHT RED-BROWN, SIL TY SAND WITH FRACTURED SANDSTONE (DENSE TO VERY DENSE, MOIST) (WEATHERED SANDSTONE) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 3.0 AND 5.0 FEET GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 5.0 FEET ON 9/4/15 DARK RED-BROWN, SILTY FINE SAND WITH GRAVEL AND ORGANICS (VERY LOOSE TO LOOSE, MOIST) (FILL) LIGHT RED-BROWN, SIL TY SAND WITH FRACTURED SANDSTONE (VERY DENSE, MOIST) (WEATHERED SANDSTONE) SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED AT 7.0 AND 9.0 FEET GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 9.0 FEET ON 9/4/15 GRASS/ TOPSOIL LIGHT BROWN, SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND WITH ORGANICS (LOOSE, MOIST) (FILL) LIGHT RED-BROWN, SIL TY SAND WITH FRACTURED SANDSTONE (DENSE TO VERY DENSE, MOIST) (WEATHERED SANDSTONE) SAMPLE WAS COLLECTED AT 5.0 FEET GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 5.5 FEET ON 9/4/15 GRASS/ TOPSOIL LIGHT RED-BROWN, SIL TY SAND WITH FRACTURED SANDSTONE (DENSE TO VERY DENSE, MOIST) (WEATHERED SANDSTONE) SAMPLE WAS COLLECTED AT 1.5 FEET GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 2.0 FEET ON 9/4/15 NELSON GEO TECHNICAL ASSOCIATES, INC. FILE NO 933515 FIGURE 6 • • • DEPTH (FEET) TEST PIT ELEVEN 0.0 -0.5 0.5 -2.0 2.0 -5.0 LSB:DPN USC SM • LOG OF EXPLORATION • SOIL DESCRIPTION GRASS/ TOPSOIL DARK BROWN, SIL TY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND WITH ORGANICS AND CONCRETE DEBRIS (LOOSE, MOIST) (FILL) LIGHT GRAY SILTY SAND WITH FRACTURED SANDSTONE (DENSE TO VERY DENSE, MOIST) (WEATHERED SANDSTONE) SAMPLES WERE NOT COLLECTED GROUNDWATER SEEPAGE WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT CAVING WAS NOT ENCOUNTERED TEST PIT WAS COMPLETED AT 5.0 FEET ON 9/4/15 NELSON GEOTECHNJCAL ASSOC/A TES, INC. FILE NO 933515 FIGURE 7 • • • ~• • TIR. STORM DRAINAGE REPORT FOR CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH 11411 SE 114th STREET RENTON,WASHINGTON FILE NO. 1016-001-015 :PREPARED BY TOUMA ENGINEERS 255 SW 41 51 STREET RENTON, WA. 98057 (425) 251-0665 February 14, 2016 FE8 l g " \ . I I I I I I • • TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS I. PROJECT OVERVIEW Figure 1 -Site Location Figure 2 -Site Topography Figure 3 -TIR II. CONDITIONS & REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY III. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS IV. V. VI VII. VIII IX. X. Task 1 -Study Area Definition and Maps Task 2 -Resource Review Task 3-Field Investigation Task 4 -Drainage System and Problem Description Task 5 -Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problem FLOW CONTROL & WATER QUALITY Part A -Existing Site Hydrology Part B -Developed Site Hydrology CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANSLYSIS & DESIGN SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES Geotechnical Engineering Report, By Nelson Geotechnical Associates Critical Areas Study, by Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC OTHER PERMITS Building Permits Structure Permit for Vaults EROSION /SEDIMENTATION CONTROL .BOND QUANTITIES WORKSHEET, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT OPERATIION & MAINTENACE MANUAL • • • • • • • • I. PROJECT OVERVIEW The subject property involves an area of3.87 acres. The property is situated in between 113th Avenue SE and 116th Avenue SE in the southeast end of the City. The sited is bounded on the north by SE 164th Avenue SE. Access to the property will be from SE 164th Street. The applicant is proposing to phase the development of their property, Phase 1 consist of expanding the existing church facility. Construction of new auxiliary building and continue to utilize existing sanctuary facilities. Phase 2 consists of removing existing sanctuary and construction of a new building. This report is prepared to account for the full development of the church property. An existing church building is to remain on site and potentially be remodeled .. The project topography is fair and moderate at the upper half of the property and steeper slopes observed on the south side of the property. The site falls within two basins. The northerly portion of the property which slopes to the north and tributary to the Black River drainage basin, and the southerly portion of the site with steeper slopes tributary to the Soos Creek basin The site falls within Flow Control Duration Standard (matching forested site condition). The surface runoff for the northerly portion of the site is oriented north intercepted by open ditches ort the south side of SE 164th. The surface runoff for the southerly portion is directed to Two Category ill wetlands. Detention and water quality systems will be designed for both basin areas using the City adopted 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual to meet the Level 2 flow control release requirements. A Wetlands report and delineation prepared for the site wetland area, a copy of the report will be proved by the Architect. Likewise, a geotechnical assessment report prepared by Nelsen Geotechnical Associates, Inc., a copy of the report is attached to this TIR... The soil type of the site is Alderwood AgD, glacial till. Existing groundcover consists mainly of Alder and Fir forest, with ground cover shrubs. See the figures on following pages: Figure-I Vicinity Map Figure-2 Topography Map Figure 3-TIR I I I I I I i I I I I I I I PROJECT NAME: CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH TOUMA ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS, PLLC VICINITY MAP FIGURE-1 • • •• • • • PROJECT NAME: CEDAR RIDGE CHURCH TOUMA ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS, PLLC TOPOGRAPHY MAP FIGURE-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KING COUNTY, W INGTON, SURFACE WATER DESI ANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER Project Owner C' e'.1)//(2 '10/JW a Phone~~~--~~~~~-~ Address ///./// S£ /£1/=M $1 £q,f,,,z, w .d, -. r-:- Project Engineer 7Em I ~Ut11(}(_ Company @t/mll J..=7Jf 'rs .;/1,S, Phone ~.i!-.s-~6/- 0 Lip/It'§' Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION D Landuse Services Subdivison / Short Subd. / UPD !St(' Building Services ~·, Commerical / SFR ~ Clearing and Grading ~ight-of-Way Use D Other Part 5 PLAN AND REPORT INFORMATION Technical lnfonnatlon Report Type of Drainage Review ~ Targeted (circle): Site I Date (include revision 1_2.-1~ -Zorr dates): Date of Final: Part 6 ADJUSTMENT APPROVALS Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Name C'E.PAtc /?I/JfECl/14:G/ DOES Permit# --------- Location Township Z :3 // Range 5 £ Section Z "1 Site Address ////// S'£/pc/c)j,_ s:/ IZe ,,,./oq, w-11 Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS D DFWHPA 0 COE404 0 DOE Dam Safety CJ FEMA Floodplain D COE Wetlands D Other~-- D Shoreline Management ~ Structural Rockery Nault/ __ 0 ESA Section 7 Site Improvement Plan (Engr. Plans) Type (circle one): (Bi) Modified / Small Site Date (include revision dates): Date of Final: Type (circle one): ~ Complex I Preapplication / Experimental/ Blanket Description: (include conditions in TIR Section 2) Date of Aonroval: 2009 Surface Water Design Manual l 1/9/2009 ;::; :J 'u r -0 -3 • • • • • • KING COU WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATE SIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part7 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monitoring Required: Yes@ Describe: Start Date: Completion Date: Part 8 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN . Community Plan : e I tr D £ /ZevJr,/J Special District Overlays:---,---.,----------------- Drainage Basin: 8/c,c/c. ~tf/e/"" ¢ S'ovs Cra/c. Stormwater Requirements: ---------------------- Part 9 ONSITE AND ADJACENT SENSITIVE AREAS CJ River/Stream --------- 0 Lake GJ' Wetlands __ ~-------- tf Closed Depression -------- 0 Floodplain _________ _ 0 Other ------------ Part 10 SOI LS 0 Steep Slope --------- 0 Erosion Hazard -------- CJ Landslide Hazard ______ _ 0 Coal Mine Hazard ______ _ CJ Seismic Hazard --------0 Habitat Protection-------0 _________ _ Soil Type Slopes Erosion Potential d:::t. e__ <-~ a(c> ,Z/ C>i7e,, 0 High Groundwater Table (within 5 feet) 0 Sole Source Aquifer 0 Other CJ Seeps/Springs 0 Additional Sheets Attached 2009 Surface Waier Design Manual 2 1/9/2009 KING COUNTY, W !NGTON, SURFACE WATER DESI ANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 11 DRAINAGE DESIGN LIMITATIONS f-//,4 • REFERENCE LIMITATION/ SITE CONSTRAINT D Core 2 -Offsite Anal~sis D Sensitive/Critical Areas Q SEPA 0 Other D D Additional Sheets Attached Part 12 TIR SUMMARY SHEET /orovlde one TIR Summarv Sheet oer Threshold Discharne Area\ Threshold Discharge Area: ( name or description) Core Requirements (all 8 apply) Discharae at Natural Location Number of Natural Discharae Locations: Offsite Analysis Level: (j_J' 2 / 3 dated: Flow Control Level: U)_I 2 / 3 or Exemption Number (incl. facility summaru sheet) Small Site BMPs Conveyance System Spill containment located at: • Erosion and Sediment Control ESC Site Supervisor: Contact Phone: After Hours Phone: Maintenance and Operation Responsibility: (_Private)/ Public - If Private, Maintenance Loa Reauired: Yes / No Financial Guarantees and Provided: Yes, No Liability Water Quality Type: <._Basic· fl Sens. Lake I Enhanced Basicm / Bog (include facility summary sheet) or Exemption No. Landscarua Manaoement Plan: Yes i No Special Reauirerrients /as annlicablel Area Specific Drainage Type: CDA / SDO / MDP /BP/ LMP / Shared Fae_ I None Reauirements Name: Floodplain/Floodway Delineation Type: Major / Minor / Exemption I None II I/-100-year Base Flood Elevation (or range): Datum: Flood Protection Facilities Describe: N.4 Source Control Describe landuse:- (commJindustrial landuse) 1-/ A--Describe any structural controls: • 2009 Surface Water Design Manual l/9/2009 3 KING cou4, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATE ;SIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET • - Oil Control High-use Site: Yes~ Treatment BMP: Maintenance Agreement: Yes / No with whom? Other Drainaae Structures Des~) ~ . :z (/.ac/l ~ Part 13 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION I Clearing Limits ~Stabilize Exposed Surfaces Cover Measures Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities ~ Perimeter Protection 13. Cleari and Remove All Silt and Debris, Ensure ~ Traffic Area Stabilization Operation of Permanent Facilities ~ Sediment Retention ~lag Limits of SAO and open space CJ Surface Water Collection preservation areas CJ Other CJ Dewatering Control • ill. Dust Control CJ Flow Control Part 14 STORMWATER FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS (Note: Include Facility Summary and Sketch) Flow Control T voe/Description Water Quality Tvne/Description ~Detention Vau !I CJ Biofiltration CJ Infiltration (Z(wetpool ·va~ l.f CJ Regional Facility CJ Media Filtration CJ Shared Facility CJ Oil Control CJ Flow Control CJ Spill Control BMPs CJ Flow Control BMPs 0 Other 0 Other • 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I KING COUNTY, W INGTON, SURFACE WATER DESI ANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 15 EASEMENTSffRACTS Part 16 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Cl Drainage Easement 6'l Cast in Place Vault ~ Covenant Cl Retaining Wall Cl Native Growth Protection Covenant ~Rockery> 4' High Cl Tract Cl Structural on Steep Slope Cl Other Cl Other Part 17 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attached Technical Information Report. To the best of my knowled the inform · ed here is accurate. Si ned/Date 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 1/9/2009 5 • • • • • • • • II. CONDITIONS & RREQUIREMENTS SUMMARY CORE REQUIREMENT #1: DISCHARGE AT NATURAL LOCATION The allowable outflow from the site will be discharged to its natural location. The Level 2 flow control is calculated to match the developed peak discharge rates to the existing site condition peak discharge rates for Y:i the 2-year through the SO-year return periods. CORE REQUIREMENTS #2: OFF-SITE ANALYSIS The Off-site analysis is included in this report on subsequent pages. CORE REQUIREMENTS #3: FLOW CONTROL The calculation is provided on subsequent pages addressing runoff rate. The sizing of detention and runoff control facilities and its routing calculations are included in this report. CORE REQUIREMENTS #4: CONVEYANCE SYSTEM The conveyance system will be designed using the rational method as presented in the City adopted 2009 King County Surface Water Manual. CORE REQUIREMENTS #5: EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN The Erosion/Sedimentation control facilities will consist of filter fabric fences to be placed along the periphery of the disturbed areas. Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation traps and ground cover measures will be considered for water quality control during construction of plat improvements. CORE REQUIREMENTS #6: MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION NIA CORE REQUIREMENTS #7: FINANCIAL GUARANTEES AND LIABILITY Attached CORE REQUIREMENTS #8 WATER QUALITY The water quality facility proposed for this project consists of wet-vaults for both the north and the south basin . I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I • • SWM SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Special Requirements # 1: Adopted Area Specific Requirements. The site falls within two basin areas. The Black River Basin for the northerly portion of the site and the Soos Creek Drainage Basin for the southerly portion of the site. Special Requirements #2: Delineation of the 100-yr Flood Plain. NA Special Requirements #3: Flood Protection Facilities. NA Special Requirements #4: Source Control. NA Special Requirements #5: Oil Control NA • • • • • • • • ID OFF-SITE ANALYSIS The analysis contains information and data obtained through site visit observation, survey and research existing records provided by the City of Renton Task 1. Study Area Definition and Maps The property is situated in between 113th Avenue SE and 116th Avenue SE in the southeast end of the City. The sited is bounded on the north by SE 164th Avenue SE. Access to the property will be from SE 164th Street. The site falls within two basins. No off-site runoff is contributing to the site, since it is located at higher elevation as compared to adjacent properties. There are no visible surface runoff entering our site from the south. Currently, the site is used as church facility consisting of an existing building and parking areas. The north portion of the property which slopes to the north and tributary to the Black River drainage basin, and the south portion of the property which slope to the south and tributary to the Soos Creek basin Task 2. Resources Review 1. Based on a review of available resources, the site and downstream of the site for one mile are characterized as follows: • The site falls within two basins-Black River Basin for the north portion of the site, and the Soos Creek Basin for the south portion of the Site. • Floodplain/Floodway (FEMA) -the site is not located within flood plain . • Erosion Hazard -The site is not classified as erosion hazard area. • Landslide Hazard -The site is not considered as landslide hazard area. • Stream -No streams area located on site. • USDA Soil Conservation Services Soil Survey -Alderwood AgC Soil Task 3. Field Inspection North Basin -Surface runoff from the site is directed north toward and existing ditches situated along the south side of SE 164th Street. The flow is directed west for approximately 650 feet The flow is then directed to the north via an existing culvert to an existing drainage swale situated under the Bonneville Power Line Right-of-way. The flow is directed northwesterly under the Bonneville right of way for slightly more than quarter of mile until it reaches Puget Drive, approximately a mile north of the site. The flows directed west along Puget Drive and flows into storm system situated on the west side of Talbot Road. The flow is directed west to Springbrook Creek and eventually into the Black River. South Basin -The runoff from the southerly portion of the site is directed to the south into an existing wetland area. The flow continues as sheet flow to the south crossing SE 168th Streets and it flows into the upper end of the Soos Creek • • Task 4. Drainage System and Problem Description The downstream analysis was conducted in the fall of 2015 to assess potential downstream drainage • system. There were no eroding or unstable side slopes for the ditches noted during this analysis in October of 2015. Task 5. Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems The field inspection and review of available resources determined that mitigation is.not required. The development of the property is not going to impact existing downstream pattern. A temporary erosion control plan will be designed to control runoff to downstream system. • • • • • • • IV. FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILI1Y ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The area of the total site considered is 3.87 acres. As noted before the site falls within two basins. The north basin falls within the Black River Basin, and the south basin falls within the Soos Creek Basin. The Client is planning to develop the property into two phases. Phase I (north basin area) will be constructed upon securing building permit. Phase 2 (south basin area) will be considered in the future. Phase I will consist of construction of new buildings, access roadway, paved parking, and concrete sidewalks. Our analysis is covering the development of the Phase 2, which covers the south basin area. Phase I -North Basin Pre-Developed Conditions Basin Area Site Area -forested = 1.91 Acres Total Area = 1.91 Acres Post Developed Conditions Grass =0.97 Acres Impervious = 0.94Acres Total Area = 1.91 Acr Phase 2 -South Basin Pre-Developed Conditions Site Area forested = l.90Acres Wetland Area = 0.06 Acres Total Area = 1.96 Acres Post,Developed Conditions Forested =0.89 Acres Grass = 0.50 Acres Impervious =0.51 Acres Wetland Area = 0.06 acres Total Area = 1.96 acres • • The above information will be used in the King County KCRTS computer program to establish the existing and proposed time series for the peak flow analysis. The north basin flow control via concrete vault and the south basin flow control via open pond. There will be a wet-pool provided for water quality within the vault, and likewise, wet-pond will be provided for water quality for the south basin. • • • • • • • north basin church-n.txt KCRTS Command CREATE a new Time series -------.---------------- • Production of Runoff Time Series Project Location : sea-Tac Computing series : predev.tsf Regional scale Factor : 1.00 Data Type : Reduced Creating Hourly Time series File Loading Time series File:c:\KC_SWDM\KC....DATA\STTF60R.rnf Ti 11 Forest 1. 91 acres Tota 1 Area : 1. 91 acres Peak Discharge: 0.154 CFS at 9:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 storing Time series File:predev.tsf Time series computed KCRTS command ---. ---------- CREATE a new Time series ------------------------Production of Runoff Time series Project Location : Sea~Tac computing series : dev.tsf Regional scale Factor: 1.00 Data Type: Reduced creating Hourly Time series File Loading Time se.ries File:c:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTG60R.rnf Ti 11 Grass O. 97 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC....SWDM\KC....DATA\STEI60R.rnf Impervious O. 94 acres Total Area: 1.91 acres Peak Discharge: 0,649 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 storing Time series File:dev.tsf Time series computed I :.i Page 1 I i I I ' I I I I • • North Ba$in Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:predev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) 0.120 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.033 7 1/06/02 3:00 0.089 4 2/28/03 3:00 0.003 8 3/24/04 20:00 0.053 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.092 3 1/18/06 21:00 0.078 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.154 1 1/09/08 9:00 Computed Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:dev.tsf. Project Location:Sea-Tac I CFS I Period 0.154 1 100.00 0.120 2 25.00 0.092 3 10.00 0.089 4 5.00 0.078 5 3.00 0.053 6 2.00 0.033 7 1. 30 0.003 8 1.10 0.143 50.00 0.990 0.960 0.900 0.800 0.667 0.500 o·.231 0.091 0.980 ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank (CFS) 0.242 0.181 0.294 0.178 0.218 0.255 0.258 0.508 Computed Peaks Interval Size First Interval Qmax 5 7 2 8 6 4 3 1 Time of Peak --Peaks (CFS) 2/09/01 2:00 0.508 1/05/02 16:00 0.294 2/27/03 7:00 0.258 8/26/04 2:00 0.255 10/28/04 16:00 0.242 1/18/06 16:00 0.218 10/26/06 0:00 0.181 1/09/08 6:00 0 .178 0.436 = (50Yr -50% of 2yr)/n-l (0.143 -0.02650/35 0.033 = 50% of 2yr 0.5 * 0.053 = 0.0265 = 1.33 * 50% of 2yr = 1. 33 * 0. 0265 = .035 Rank Return Prob Period 1 100.00 0.990 2· 25.00 0.960 3 10.00 0.900 4 5.00 0.800 5 3.00 0. 667 6 2.00 0.500 7 1.30 0.231 8 1.10 0.091 50.00 0.980 • • • • ~ (I) u. u ~ (I) ei co .c: l) • "' i5 • N ..-- 0 0 • • .~ ..----1---------\c:------ 0 co 0 c.o 0-. 0 0 N 0 0 0 I 10 '-'I 10 ·2 Probability Exceedence !/or.II, target.dur o • • • Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Detention Vault Facility Length: 51. 80 ft Facility Width: 55.00 ft Facility Area: 2849. sq. ft Effective Storage Depth: 4.00 ft Stage 0 Elevation: 0.00 ft Storage Volume: 11396. cu. ft Riser Head: 4.00 ft Riser Diameter: 12.00 inches Number of orifices: 2 Full Head Pipe . . i'' .;, Height Diameter Discharge Diameter Orifice ~# ,. (ft) (in) (CFS) (in) 1 0.00 0.81 0.036 2 2.34 1. 44 0. 072 4.0 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Percolation (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) (cfs) 0.00 0.00 o. 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.01 0.01 29. 0.061 0.002 0.00 • ' 0.02 0.02 57. 0.001 0.002 0.00 I I 0.03 0.03 86. 0.002 0.003 o.oo ' 0.04 0.04 114. 0.003 0.004 0.00 I 0.05 0.05 143. 0.003 0.004 o.oo I 0.06 0.06 171. 0.004 0.004 0.00 0.07 0.07 199. 0.005 0.005 0.00 I 0.17 0.17 484. 0. 011 0.007 0. 00. I 0.27 0.27 769. 0.018 0.009 0.00 0.37 0.37 1054. 0.024 0. 011 o.oo I 0.47 0.47 1339. 0.031 0.012 o.oo 0.57 0.57 1624. 0.037 0.013 0.00 0. 67 0.67 1909. 0.044 0.015 0.00 o. 77 0.77 2194. 0.050 0.016 0.00 0.87 0.87 2479. 0.057 0.017 o.oo 0.97 0.97 2764. 0.063 0.018 0.00 1. 07 1. 07 3048. 0.070 0.018 0.00 1.17 1.17 3333. 0.077 0.019 0.00 1.27 1.27 3618. 0.083 0.020 0.00 1.37 1.37 3903. 0.090 0.021 o.oo 1.47 1. 47 4188. 0.096 0.022 0.00 1.57 1. 57 4473. 0.103 0.022 o.oo 1. 67 1. 67 4758. 0.109 0.023 0.00 1.77 1. 77 5043. 0 .116 0.024 0.00 1. 87 1. 87 5328. 0.122 0.024 0.00 1.97 1.97 5613. 0.129 0.025 0.00 2.07 2. 07 5897. 0.135 0. 026 o.oo 2.17 2 .17 6182. 0.142 0.026 0.00 • • • • 2.27 2.27 6467. 0.148 0.027 o.oo 2. 34 2.34 6667. 0.153 0.027 0.00 2.36 2.36 6724. 0.154 0.028 o.oo 2.37 2.37 6752. 0.155 0.029 0.00 2,39 2.39 6809. 0 .156 0.031 0.00 2.40 2.40 6838. 0.157 0.034 o.oo 2.42 2.42 6895. 0.158 0.038 o.oo 2.43 2.43· 6923. 0.159 0.043 0.00 2.45 2.45 6980. 0.160 0. 046 0.00 2.46 2.46 7009. 0.161 0.047 0.00 2.56 2.56 7293. 0.167 0.055 0.00 2.66 2.66 7578. 0.174 0.061 0.00 2.76 2.76 7863. 0.181 0.066 0.00 2.86 2.86 8148. 0.187 0.071 0.00 2.96 2.96 8433. 0.194 0.075 o.oo 3.06 3.06 8718. 0.200 0.079 0.00 3.16 3.16 9003. 0.207 0.083 0.00 3.26 3.26 9288. 0.213 0.086 0.00 3.36 3.36 9573. 0.220 0.089 0.00 3.46 3.46 9858. o. 226 0.093 0.00 3.56 3.56 10142 .. 0.233 0.096 0.00 3.66 3.66 10427. 0.239 0.099 0.00 3.76 3.76 10712. 0.246 0.102 0.00 3.86 3. 86 10997. 0.252 0.104 0.00 3,96 3.96 11282. 0.259 0.107 0.00 4.00 4.00 11396. 0.262 0.108 0,00 • 4.10 4.10 11681. 0.268 0.419 0.00 4.20 4.20 11966. 0.275 0.984 0.00 4.30 4.30 12251. 0.281 1. 720 0.00 4.40 4.40 12536. 0.288 2.510 o.oo 4.50 4.50 12821. 0.294 2.790 0.00 4.60 4.60 13105. 0.301 3.050 0.00 4.70 4.70 13390. 0.307 3.290 0.00 4.80 4.80 13675. 0.314 3.510 o.oo 4.90 4.90 13960. 0.320 3. 720 0.00 5.00 5.00 14245. 0.327 3.910 0.00 5.10 5.10 14530. 0.334 4.100 0.00 5.20 5.20 14815. 0. 340 4.280 0.00 5.30 5.30 15100. 0.347 4.450 0.00 5.40 5.40 15385. 0.353 4.610 o.oo 5.50 5.50 15670. 0.360 4.770 0.00 5.60 5.60 15954. 0.366 4.930 0.00 5.70 5.70 16239. 0.373 5.080 0.00 5.80 5.80 16524. o_.379 5.220 0.00 5. 9.0 5.90 16809. 0.386 5.360 0.60 6.00 6.00 17094. Q.392 5. 50.0 0.00 Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak ·storage Target Cale Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 0.51 0.00 0.42 4.10 4.10 11662. 0.268 2 0.24 Q.05 0.12 4.00 4.00 11409. 0.262 3 0.29 ******* 0.08 3.10 3.10 8842. o.203 4 0.24 ******* 0.09 3. 4 9 3.49 9943. 0.228 • 5 0. 26 ******* 0.08 3.11 3.11 8871. 0.204 • • 6 0.15 ******* 0.05 2.48 2.48 7065. 0.162 • 7 0.18 ******* 0.03 2.10 2.10 5972. 0.137 8 0.18 ******* 0.02 1.18 1.18 3374. 0.077 ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:rdout Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: 0.508 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Outflow Discharge: 0.421 CFS at 9:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Reservoir Stage: 4.10 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 4.10 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 11682. Cu-Ft 0. 268 Ac-Ft Flow Duration from Time Series File:rdout.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence Probability % % % -CFS 0.002 37937 61. 867 61. 867 38.133 0.381E+OO 0.005 6383 10.409 72.277 27. 723 0. 277E+OO 0.009 5976 9.746 82.022 17.978 0.180E+OO 0.012 3977 6.486 88.508 11.492 0. 115E+OO 0.016 2446 3.989 92.497 7.503 0.750E-01 0.019 2062 3.363 95.859 4.141 6. 414E-01 • I 0.022 1068 1. 742 97.601 2.399 0.240E-01 I 0.026 665 1. 084 98.686 1.314 0.131E-01 I 0.029 445 0. 726 99.411 0.589 0.589E-02 I 0.033 63 0.103 99.514 0.486 0.486E-02 I 0.036 29 0.047 99.561 0.439 0.439E-02 I 0.039 19 0.031 99.592 0.408 0.408E-02 I 0. 043 12 0.020 99.612 0.388 0.388E-02 I 0.046 23 0.038 99.649 0.351 0.351E-02 ' 0.050 27 0. 044 99.693 0.307 0.307E-02 I 0.053 14 0.023 99. 716 0.284 0.2S4E-02 0.056 12 0.020 99.736 0. 264 0. 264E-02 I 0.060 16 0, 026 99.762 0,238 0.238E-02 0.063 14 0.023 99,785 0.215 0.215E-02 o. 067 11 0.018 99.803 0.197 0 .197E-02 0.070 12 0, 020 99.822 0.178 0.178E-02 0.074 17 0. 028 99.850 0.150 0.150E-02 0. 077 17 0.028 99.878 0.122 0.122E-02 0.080 18 0.029 99.907 0.093 0.930E-03 0.084 13 0.021 99.928 0. 072 0. 718E-03 l 0.087 11 0.018 99.946 0.054 0.538E~03 0.091 7 0. 011 99.958 0.042 0.424E-03 0.094 8 0.013 99. 971 0.029 0.294E-03 0. 097 4 0.007 99.977 0.023 0.228E-03 0.101 3 0.005 99.982 0.018 0.179E-03 0.104 5 0.008 99.990 0.010 0.978E-04 0.108 3 0.005 99.995 0.005 0. 489E-04 0.111 1 0.002 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 • • • • • 0.114 Ii 0.000 . 0.118 0 0.000 0.121 1 0.002 Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: predev.tsf New File: rdout.tsf 99.997 99.997 99.998 Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS • 0.003 0.326E-04 0.003 0.326E-04 0.002 0 .163E-04 -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New %Change Probability 0.026 0.97E-02 O.lOE-01 7.9 I 0. 97E-02 0.058 0.27E-02 0.25E-02 -6.1 I 0.27E-02 0.089 0.42E-03 0.47E-03 11.5 I 0.42E-03 Maximum positive excursion= 0.004 cfs I 6.0%) occurring at 0.066 cfs on the Base Data:predev.tsf and at 0.070 cfs on the New Data:rdout.tsf Maximum negative excursion= Q.010 cfs (-23.5%) occurring at 0.041 cfs on the Base Data:predev.tsf and at 0.031 cfs on the New Data:rdout.tsf Base New %Change 0.026 0. 026 1. 5 0.058 0.056 -3.4 0.089 0.092 2.8 I I I ,....._ ' (/) I LL I (.) I '--' ' Q) ' e> I <ti I -fi I "' ' I i5 i I i I • v ...... _,_ ___________ _ 0 0 ..... 0 00 q 0 co q 0 v q 0 00 ___ ~ N 0 Probability Exceedence • rdout.dur o target.dur • • • • • • church-s.txt • SOUTH BASIN KCRTS Command • • ----_____ .,. __ _ CREATE a new Time series ------------------------Production of Runoff Time series Project Location : sea-Tac computing Series : predev.tsf Regj ona l sea 1 e Factor : 1. 00 Data Type: Reduced creating Hourly Time Series File Loading Time series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTF60R.rnf Ti 11 Forest 1. 90 acres Loading Time series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STWL60R.rnf Wetland O. 06 acres Total Area: 1.96 acres Peak Discharge: 0.164 CFS at 9:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time series File:predev.tsf Time series computed KCRTS command CREATE a new Time series ------------------------Production of Runoff Time series Project Location: sea-Tac computing series : dev.tsf Regional scale Factor : 1.00 Data Type: Reduced creating Hourly time series File Loading Time series File:c:\Kc_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTF60R.rnf Ti 11 Forest 0. 73 acres Loading Time Series File:C:\KC_SWDM\KC_DATA\STTG60R.rnf Ti 11 Grass O. 66 acres Loading Time series File:c:\KC_SWDM\KCDATA\STWL60R.rnf wetland O. 06 acres Loading Time series File:c:\KC_SWDM\KG_DATA\STEI60R.rnf Impervious O. 51 acres Total Area: 1.96 acres Peak Discharge: 0.437 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Storing Time series File:dev.tsf I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I ! • Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:predev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.126 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.033 7 1/06/02 3:00 0.096 3 2/28/03 3:00 0.003 8 3/24/04 20:00 0.053 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.092 4 1/18/06 21:00 0. 077 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.164 1 1/09/08 9:00 Computed Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.220 0.152 0.260 0.139 0.171 0.225 0.209 0.437 Computed Peaks First Interval 4 7 2 8 6 3 5 1 2/09/01 2:00 1/05/02 16:00 2/27/03 7:00 8/26/04 2:00 10/28/04 16:00 1/18/06 16:00 11/24/06 3:00 1/09/08 6:00 50% of 2yr 0.5 * 0.53 = 0.0265 • -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.164 1 100.00 0.126 2 25.00 0.096 3 10.00 0.092 4 5.00 0.077 5 3.00 0.053 6 2.00 0.033 7 1.30 0. 003 8 1.10 0.151 50.00 0.990 0.960 0.900 0.800 0.667 0.500 0.231 o. 091 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.437 1 100. 00 0.990 0.260 2 25.00 0.960 0.225 3 10.00 0.900 0.220 4 5.00 0.800 0.209 5 :;i.oo 0.667 0.171 6 2.00 0.500 0.152 7 1. 30 0.231 0.139 8 1.10 0. 091 0.378 50.00 0.980 Interval Size = (50yr-50% of 2yr)/35 = (0.151 -0.0265)/35 = 0.0035 Qmax 1.33 * 50%of 2yr = 1.33 * 0.0265 = 0.0035 • • • • • • 0 0 0 ~ ~ :, u 1ii e> "' - • "I l-----1----...-----.,....,------+-----;-----1----~-o ;::,·o o,·o vo·o 2:0·0 oo· ~ • I I I I I I I I , I ! • Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Side Slope: Pond Bottom Length: Pond Bottom Width: Pond Bottom Area: Top Area at 1 ft. FB: Effective Storage Depth: Stage O Elevation: Storage Volume: Rise.r Head: Riser Diameter: Number of orifices: Orifice # 1 2 Height (ft) 0.00 2.74 Detention Pond 3.00 H:lV 53, 40 ft 30.00 ft 1602. sq. ft 5004. sq. ft 0.115 acres 4.00 ft 0.00 ft 11179. cu. ft 0.257 ac-ft 4.00 12.00 2 Diameter (in) 0. 77 1.58 ft inches Full Head Discharge (CFS) 0.032 0.076 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None Pipe Diameter (in) 4.0 • Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Percolation (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) (cfs) o.oo 0.00 0. 0.000 0.000 o.oo 0.01 0.01 16. 0.000 0.001 o.oo 0.02 0.02 32. 0.001 0.002 0.00 0.03 0.03 48. 0.001 0.003 0.00 0.04 0.04 65. 0.001 0.003 0.00 0.05 0.05 81. 0.002 0.004 0.00 0.06 0.06 97. 0.002 0.004 0.00 0.16 0.16 263, 0.006 0.007 0.00 0. 26 0. 26 434. 0.010 0,008 0.00 0.36 0.36 610. 0.014 0.010 0.00 o. 46 0.46 791. 0.018 0.011 0.00 0.56 0.56 978. 0.022 0.012 0.00 0.66 0.66 1170. 0.027 0.013 0.00 0.76 0. 76 1367. 0.031 0.014 0.00 0.86 0. 86 1570. 0.036 0.015 0.00 0. 96 0.96 1779. 0.041 0.016 0.00 1.06 1. 06 1994. o. 046 0.017 0.00 1.16 1.16 2214. 0.051 0. 017 0.00 1.26 1. 26 2440. 0.056 0.018 o.oo 1. 36 1. 36 2672. 0.061 0.019 0.00 · 1. 46 1. 46 2910. 0.067 0.019 0.00 1.5.6 1.56 3154. o. 072 0.020 0.00 1.66 1. 66 3404. 0.078 0.021 o.oo 1. 76 1. 76 3660. 0.084 0.021 0.00 1. 86 1. 86 3923. 0.090 0.022 0.00 • Surf Area • (sq. ft) 1602. 1607. 1612. 1617. 1622, 1627. 1632. 1683. 1735. 1787. 1840. 1894. 1948. 2003. 2059. 2116. 2173. 2231. · 2290. 2349. 2409. 2470. 2532. 2594. 2657. • • • • 1. 96 1.96 4191. 0.096 0.023 o.oo 2721. 2.06 2.06 4467. 0.103 0.023 o.oo 2786. 2.16 2.16 4749. 0.109 0.024 o.oo 2851. 2.26 2.26 5037. 0.116 0.024 0.00 2917, 2.36 2.36 5332. 0.122 0.025 0.00 2983. 2.46 2.46 5634. 0.129 0.025 0.00 3051. 2.56 2.56 5942. 0.136 0.026 d.00 3119. 2.66 2.66 6258. 0.144 0.026 o.oo 3188. 2.74 2.74 6515. 0.150 0.027 o.oo 3243. 2.76 2.76 6580. 0.151 0.027 o.oo 3257. 2.77 2.77 6612. 0.152 0.029 0.00 3264. 2. 79 2.79 6678. 0.153 0.031 0.00 3278. 2.81 2.81 6744. 0.155 0.035 0.06 3292. 2.82 2.82 6776. 0.156 0.040 o.oo 3299. 2.84 2.84 6843. 0,157 0.045 a.do 3313. 2.86 2.86 6909. 0.159 0.050 0.00 3328. 2.87 2.01 6942. 0.159 0.052 o.oo 3335. 2.89 2.89 7009. 0.161 0.053 0.00 3349. 2.99 2,99 7348. 0.169 0.062 o.oo 3420. 3.09 ·3, 09 7G93. 0.177 O.OG8 0.00 3492. 3.19 3.19 8046. 0.185 0.074 o.oo 3565. 3.29 3.29 8406. 0.193 0.079 0.00 3638. 3,39 3.39 8774. 0.201 0.084 0.00 3712. 3.49 3.49 9149. 0.210 0.089 o.oo 3787, 3.59 3.59 9531. 0.219 0.093 0.00 3862. • 3.69 3.69 9921. 0.228 0.097 0.00 3939 . 3.79 3.79 10319. 0.237 0.101 o.oo 4016. 3.89 3.89 10724. 0.246 0.104 0.00 4093. I 3.99 3.99 11137. 0.256 0.108 0.00 4172. 4.00 4.00 1_1179. 0.257 0.108 0.00 4180. 4,10 4.10 11601. 0,266 0.420 o.oo 4259. 4.20 4.20 12031. 0.276 0.986 0.00 4339. 4.30 4.30 12469. 0.286 1. 720 o.oo 4419 .. 4.40 4.40 12915. 0.296 2. 510 o.oo 4501. 4.50 4.50 13369. 0.307 2.800 0.00 4583. 4.60 4.60 13831. 0.318 3. 060 o.oo 4666. 4.70 4.70 14302. 0.328 3. 290 o.oo 4749. 4.80 4.80 1471n. 0.339 3.520 o.oo 4833. 4.90 4.90 15269. 0.351 3. 720 o.oo 4916. 5.00 5.00 15765. 0.362 3.920 0.00 5004. 5.10 5.10 16270. 0.374 4 .110 o.oo 5090. 5.20 5.20 16763. 0.385 4. 29.0 o.oo 5178. 5.30 5.30 17305. 0.397 4. 460 o.oo 5265. 5.40 5.40 17836. 0.409 4.620 o.oo 5354. 5.50 5.50 18376. 0.422 4.780 0.06 5443. 5.60 5.60 18925. 0, 4-34 4.940 0.00 5533. 5.70 5.70 1948-3. 0.447 5.090 0.00 5624. 5.80 5.80 20050. 0.460 5.230 o.oo 5715. 5.90 5.90 20626. 0.474 5.370 0.00 5808_. 6.00 6.00 21211. 0.487 5.510 o.oo 5906. Hyd Inflow Outflow Peal< Storage • Target Cale Stage Elev (Cu-E't-) (Ac;-)ft) 1 0.44 0,16 0.32 4.07 4.07 11463. 0.263 • • 2 0.22 ******* 0.14 4.01 4.01 11216. 0.257 • 3 0.22 ******* 0.07 3.17 3.17 7976. 0.183 4 0.21 ******* 0.08 3.31 3.31 8462. 0,194 5 0.26 ******* 0.08 3.35 3.35 8639. 0.198 6 0.13 ******* 0.05 2.84 2.84 6855. 0.157 7 0.15 ******* 0.02 2.17 2.17 4791. 0.110 8 0.09 ******* 0.01 0.59 0.59 1038. 0.024 I ---------------------------------- I Route Time Series through Facility I I Inflow Time Series File:dev.tsf I Outflow Time Series File:rdout I Inflow/Outflow Analysis I Peak Inflow Discharge: 0.437 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Outflow Discharge: 0.318 CFS at 10:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 I Peak Reservoir Stage: 4.07 Ft I Peak Reservoir Elev: 4. 07 Ft I Peak Reservoir Storage: 11463. Cu-Ft I 0.263 Ac-Ft I I Flow Duration from Time Series File:rdout.tsf I Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability I CFS % % % I 0.002 41660 67.939 67.939 32.061 0.321E+OO I 0.006 5658 9.227 77.166 22.834 0.228E+OO • 0.010 4859 7.924 85.090 14.910 0.149E+00 0.013 3702 6.037 91.127 8.873 0.887E-01 0.017 2418 3.943 95.070 4.930 0.493E~Ol 0.021 1087 1. 773 96.843 3,157 0.316E-Ol 0.025 998 1. 628 98.470 1.530 0.1531!:-01 0.028 531 0.866 99.336 0.664 0.664E-02 0.032 113 0.184 99.521 0,479 0.479E-02 0.036 40 0.065 99.586 0.414 0, 414E-02 0.040 10 0.016 99.602 0.398 0.398E-02 0.043 20 0.033 99.635 0.365 0.365E-02 0.047 18 0.029 99.664 0.336 0.336E-02 0.051 8 0.013 99.677 0.323 0.323E-02 0.055 18 0.029 99.706· 0.294 0,294E-02 0.059 14 0.023 99. 729 0.271 0.271E-02 0.062 14 0.023 99.752 0.248 0.248E-02 0.066 16 0.026 99.778 0.222 0.222E-02 0.070 17 0.028 99.806 0.194 0.194E-02 0.074 23 0.038 99.843 0.157 0.157E-02 0.077 20 0.033 99.876 0.124 0.124E-02 0.081 28 0. 046 99.922 0.078 0.783E-03 0.085 8 0.013 99.935 0.065 0.652E-03 0.089 3 0.005 99.940 0.060 0,603E-03 0.092 5 0.008 99.948 0.052 0.522E-03 0.096 12 0.020 99.967 0.033 0.326E-03 0.100 4 0.007 99.974 o. 026 0.261E-03 I 0.104 6 0.010 99.984 0.016 0.163E-03 I 0.107 5 0.006 99.992 0.008 O.BlSE-04 • I I I I I • • • • • 0.111 3 0.005 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 0.115 1 0.002 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.119 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.123 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.126 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.130 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 0.134 0 0.000 99.998 0.002 0.163E-04 Duration Comparis_on Anaylsis Base File: predev.tsf New File: rdout.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Tolerance------- cutoff Base New %Change Probability 0.026 0.96E-02 0. 92E-02 -4.4 I 0.96E-02 0.037 0.57E-02 0.41E-02 -28.4 I 0,57E-02 0.048 0.38E-02 0.33E-02 -12,8 I 0.38E-02 0.058 0.27E-02 0.27E-02 3,1 I 0.27E-02 0.069 0.17E-02 0.20E-02 18.3 I 0.17E-02 0.079 0.96E-03 O.lOE-02 5.1 I 0.96E-03 0.090 0.54E-03 0.57E-03 6.1 I 0.54E-03 0.100 0.23E-03 0.26E-03 14.3 I 0.23E-03 0.111 0.13E-03 0.33E-04 -75.0 I 0 .13E~03 0.122 0.49E-04 0.16E-04 -66.7 I 0.49E-04 Maximum positive excursion= 0.011 cfs ( 8.7%) occurring at 6.124 cfs on the Base Data:predev.tsf and at 0.135 cfs on the New Data:rdout.tsf Maximum negative excursion= 0.010 cfs (-24.6%) occurring at 0.042 cfs on the Base Data:predev.tsf and at 0.032 cfs on the New Data:rdout.tsf Base New %Change 0.026 0.026 -0.7 0.037 0.030 -18.1 0.048 0.041 -12. 8 0.058 0.059 1. 4 0.069 0. 072 5.0 0.079 0.079 0.2 0.090 0.091 1. 7 0.100 0.102 1. 5 0.111 0.105 -5.1 0.122 0.108 -11.2 ,...., I Cl) l.l.. I (.) I °"""' (I) Cl ..... I ro I .s:::: <..l Cl) i i:S I I I • CD .... 0 'V ..-·-t------------- 0 0 .... 0 co 0 (0 0 0 'V 0 0 00 N 0 0 Probability Exceedence • rdout.dur o target.dur • • • • • • • WATER QUALITY North Basin Vault • • The wet-vault permanent pool will be sized per section 6.4, 1.1, page 6-68 of the KCSWDM. The V, = (0.9A. + 0.25A;g + 0.1 OA,r+O.OlAo) x (R/12) V,1 =volume of runoff from mean annual storm A = area of impervious SF A;g = area of till grass soil covered with grass SF Atr = area of till forest soil covered with forest SF Ao = area of outwash soil covered with grass or forest SF R = rainfall from mean annual storm (figure 6.4.1.A) = 0.47" V, = (0.9(40,946) + 0.25(42,253)) x (0.47/12) 1 = (36,851 + 10,563) 0.47/12 = (47,414)(0.47/12) = 1,857 CF = 3(1,857) = 5,571 CF The required depth of the wetpool is 5,571 CF/(106x27) = 1.95' calculated. Per the King County SWDM the depth of the wetpool should be 3;, with l' average depth for sediment storage . This volume will be accommodated within the bottom of the detention/wetvault to be designed and constructed in the northwest corner of this proposed 20 lot subdivision. The overall inside depth of the vault will have to be: 1' sediment storage 3' dead storage for the wetpool 4.0' live storage for detention 0. 5' top clearance 8. 5' total depth • • South Basin-Pond The wet-pond will be sized per section, page 6-68 of the KCSWDM. The V, = (0.9A; + 0.25A;g + O.IOA,r+O.OlAr) x (R/12) V,1 = volume of runoff from mean annual storm A, = area of impervious SF At 8 = area of tiJJ grass soil covered with grass SF Air= area of tiJJ forest soil covered with forest SF Ar = area of outwash soil covered with grass or forest SF R = rainfall from mean annual storm (figure 6.4.1.A) = 0.47" V, = (0.9(22,216) + 0.25(28,750) x (0.47/12) = (19.994 +7,188) 0.47/12 = (27,182)(0.47/12) = 1,064 CF = 3(1,064) = 3,194 CF A depth of the wetpool at 4' provides storage volume of3394 c.£ 3194 • • • I I I I I I I I I i I • VL SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES Geotechnical Report by Nelson Geotechnical Associates, Inc Dated Sept. 25,2015 Critical Areas Study by Acre Environmental Consulting, LLC Dated Dec. 14,2014 • • • • I ! I I I I I • • VIIl. EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL The Temporary Erosion Plan will be designed to the 2009 King County Smface Water Design Manual, • AppendixD. A rock construction entrance will be shown on the construction plans at the entrance road to the site. The detail will be included on the plans. A silt fence is to be erected at the bottom of slopes. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS Two traps are constructed, one for the north basin and the other for the south basin. The surface area oftbe trap-North Basin: SA= 2 X (Q:z/0.00096) = 2080 sf7cfs of the 2yr developed peak The 2 year developed peak for the site is 0.448 cfs. Sediment Pond peak flow= SA= 2X 0.448/0.00096 = 933 SF Try a pond with 4' of depth that measures 25' x 56' at the top of the weir= 1,400 square feet. SEDIMENT TRAP #1 -NORTH Depth Elev. 5.00' 359.00 4.00' 358.00 3.00' 357.00 2.00' 356.00 1.00' 355.00 0.00' 354.00 Dimension 3I 'x62' Top ofBerm 25'x56' Top of weir-1,400 SF I9'x50' 13'x44' 7'x38' E l 'x32' Bottom of sediment storage • • • • • • • The surface area of the trap-South basin: SA= 2 X (Q:i/0.00096) The 2 year developed peak for the site is 0.420 cfs. Sediment Pond peak flow= SA= 2X 0.420/0.00096 = 875 SF Try a pond with 4' of depth that measures 25' x 5 6' at the top of the weir = 1, 400 square feet. SEDIMENT TRAP #2 Depth Elev. 5.00' 359,00 4.00' 358.00 3,00' 357.00 2.00' 356.00 1.00' 355.00 0.00' 354.00 Dimension 31 'x62' Top of Berm 25'x56' Top of weir-1,400 SF 19'x50' 13'x44' 7'x38' E l 'x32' Bottom of sediment storage Two sediment traps can be constructed at the existing low areas at the northwest comer of the site . • SOOS CREEK WA.R & SEWER DISTRIC. 14616 S.E. 192nd St. • P.O. Box 58039 • Renton, WA 98058-1039 • Phone (253) 630-9900 • Fax (253) 630-5289 December 7, 2015 David Pagel 18422 103cd Ave NE Bothell, WA 98011 RE: Fire Flow for Parcel No. 008800-0320 Cedar Ridge Church of Christ expansion Dear Mr. Pagel: R!-:,....~r" '"=D . -"-. . - H.8 1 G ~" .S As requested, a hydraulic fire flow analysis was performed to determine the maximum available fire flow for the Cedar Ridge Church of Christ expansion project. The required fire flow for the project has been identified as 1,750 gpm for a minimum duration of two hours. The available fire flow was checked during simulated maximum day demand conditions, using the Soos Creek Hydraulic Model and the H20 map program by Inovyze. Three different water main alignment alternatives were run. The fire flow was simulated using the existing water main layout and the preliminary water main • layout as shown on the attached map. • Option A -For the fire flow simulation, a flow of 1,750 gpm was equally split between two fire hydrants. If the existing hydrant located on SE 164111 St meets all Fire Department requirements, the fire flow could be split between the existing hydrant and one proposed fire hydrant within the development. In this situation, the water main can be sized at 8-inch diameter throughout the development. If the existing fire hydrant on SE 164111 St cannot satisfy all the fire department requirements, then the fire flow should be split between two new fire hydrants within the development. In this situation, the proposed water main should be sized at 10-inch diameter from the connection to the existing 12-inch DI water main in SE 164th St to the first proposed fire hydrant, and 8-inch diameter after that. An alternate 8-inch loop will provide the same results. During the fire flow simulation, all pressures in the vicinity of the project were above the minimum 20 PSI and velocities remained under 8 feet per second. Per the hydraulic analysis, the existing water system can support a fire flow of 1,750 gpm for two hours. The proposed water system improvements for the development were compared with the capital improvement projects listed in the 2014 Water Comprehensive plan. North of the proposed project shows replacement of the existing 12-inch AC water main in SE 164th St with 12-inch DI water main. If your required frontage improvements conflict with the existing pipe, the District may require the AC pipe to be replaced . www.sooscreek.com • SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DIS.CT • December 7, 2015 Page 2 • • Cedar Ridge Church of Christ expansion South of the proposed project, our Comprehensive plan shows a future water main that connects the existing 8-inch DI water main in 113th Ave SE to the existing 8-in DI water main in 115th Avenue SE. A hydraulic analysis was performed for each potential tie-in point connecting the development to the existing water main in 113th Ave SE or 115th Avenue SE. Option B -A fire flow simulation was run for the development with the potential future connection to the existing 8-inch DI water main in 113th Ave SE, west of the development. A fire flow of 1,750 gpm was equally split between two proposed hydrants within the development. The proposed water mains were modeled as 8-inch diameter. The simulation showed higher fire flow pressures and lower velocities in the vicinity of the development with the additional connection to the existing water system. This option will require obtaining a PSE permit. Option C -A fire flow simulation was run for the development with the potential future connection to the existing 8-inch DI water main in 115th Ave SE, east of the development. A fire flow of 1,750 gpm was equally split between two proposed fire hydrants within the development. The simulation modeled the proposed system with all 8-inch water mains. During the simulation, pressures in the vicinity of the development were similar to the above simulation, except the velocities were slightly higher than the other simulation. This option will require obtaining easement(s) . In conclusion, the District will require a looped water system with a connection to the existing water main either west in 113th Ave SE (Option B) or east in 115th Ave SE (Option C). Your project will benefit from a looped system for water quality and also satisfies our comprehensive plan. Enclosed is a Certificate of Water Availability noting 1,750 gpm is available for a minimum of 2 hours. Please contact me at (253) 630-9900 extension 144 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~Ll!\. f[IA1\,.{J(2_y Lynn Ramsey U Development Coordinator Soos Creek Water & Sewer District : --~-------~·· • • This certificate provides information necessary to evaluate development proposals. Certificate : 4630 SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF WATER AVAILABILITY Type: Commercial : Applicant's Name: David Pagel/ Gabbert Architects Proposed Use: Church expansion FEC 1 0 201R Location: Lot: 2 Block: Development: AKERS FARMSl,!l: ::: · Parcel: 008800 0320 Address: PLP,,•J;,:;; .: Information: Hydraulic study for proposed church expansion WATER PURVEYOR INFORMATION I. a ~ Water will be provided by service connection only to an existing 12" water main, 56 feet from the site. b ~ Water service will require an improvement to the water system of: • As determined by Hydraulic model fire flow of 1,750 gpm for 2 hours duration can be obtained for this project based on fire flow divided between one existing fire hydrant north of the project site in SE 164th St and installation of a new onsite fire hydrant location. Water service will require the installation of mainline. Final water layout and requirements will be determined based on final site development plans. All plans must be approved by City of Renton Fire Marshal and Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. 2. a ~ The water system is in conformance with a County approved water comprehensive plan. b D The water system improvement will require a water comprehensive plan amendment. 3. a ~ The proposed project is within the corporate limits of the district, or has been granted Boundary Review Board approval for extension of service outside the district or city, or is within the County approved service area of a private water purveyor. b D Annexation or Boundary Review Board approval will be necessary to provide service. 4. a ~ Water is/or will be available at the rate of flow and duration indicated below at no less than 20 psi measured at the nearest fire hydrant 62 feet from the building/property ( or as marked on the attached map): RateofFlow: 1,750 gpm Duration: 2 hours b D Water system is not capable of providing fire flow. 5. Service is subject to the following: a ~ Connection Charge: SCC #60 and current General Facility Charges. b ~ Easement (s): Offsite and onsite easements may be required. c ~ Other: See 1 a and b above and below conditions. Cross Connection Control devices must be in conformance with state laws. Service is subject to the applicants agreement to comply and perform to make such installation and/or connections to the standards, regulations, requirements and conditions of this District and such other agency or agencies having jurisdiction. This District is not representing that its facilities will be extended or otherwise modified to make such service available to the applicant. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make any required extension of facilities to serve their property. I hereby certify that the above water purveyor information is true. This certification shall be valid for one year from date of signature. SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Agency Name Development Coordinator Title ---- Soos CreekWater & Sewer District "rptAvailSingleParcelAddWater" 2/6/96 Lynn Ramsey 12/8/2015 Signatory Name Date --.::---...---'--'~~=~·~o!S- • This certificate provides i11formatio11 11ecess11ry to evalmlle tleve/op111e11t proposals. • Certificate : 5539 SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF SEWERAVA.iLABILlTY Type: Commercial Applicant's Name: David Pagel/ Gabbert Architects Proposed Use: Church expansion Location: Lot: 2 Parcel: 008800 0320 Block: Development: AKERS FARMS 6 Address: 11411 SE 164TH ST, RENTON Information: Existing church ( Attach map & Legal description if necessary) SEWER PURVEYOR INFORMATION l. a 0 Sewer service will be provided by service connection only to an existing sewer main 23 feet from the site and the sewer system has the capacity to serve the proposed area. h 0 Other (describe): 2. n 0 b D 3. a 0 b D Property is currently connected to sewer. Project may require side sew.er to.be connected into a manhole per commerical standards. Final sewer layout will be determined based on final site development plans. All plans must be approved by KCWTD and Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. The sewer system is in conformance with a County approved sewer comprehensive plan. The sewer system improvement will require a sewer comprehensive plan amendment. The proposed project is within the corporate limits of the district,.or has been granted Boundary Review Board approval for extension of s~rvice outside the district or city. Annexation or Boundary Review Board approval will be necessary to provide service, or sign a Power of Attorney for annexation. 4. Service is subject to the following: a I>!] Connection Charge: Updated GFC's will be collected. b 0 Easement (s): Onsite easement may be required. c 0 Other: See I a and b above and below conditions. Service is subject to the applicants agreement to comply and perform to make such installation and/or connections to the standards, regulations, requirements and conditions oHhis District and such other agency or agencies having jurisdiction. This District is not representing that it's facilities will be extended or otherwise modified to make such serv.ice available to the applicant. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make any required extension of facilities to serve their property. I hereby certify that the above sewe:r purveyor informatio11;· is true. This certification shall be valid for one year from date of signature. SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Agency Name Development Coordinator ~-TI~ . -~ SooJ CrcekWatcr It. Sewer Distria:t "rptAwilSinalePnrcclAddSc~r" 2/6/96 cQ LJ.,I u.. I l! a ~ ¥ / t# 1<1' / l I 10• A.c.~ 116TH / • • ~ Finfttmerican • First American Title Insurance Company December 16, 2015 Howard Herndon Cedar Ridge Church P.O. Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 Phone: (253)859-5251 Fax: Title Officer: Phone: Fax No.: E-Mail: Order Number: Escrow Number: Buyer: Owner: Property: 818 Stewart St, Ste 800 Seattle, WA 98101 Curtis Goodman (206)615-3069 (866)561-3729 cgoodman@firstam.com 2569850 2569850 11411 Southeast 164th Street Renton, Washington 98055 Attached please find the following item(s): Guarantee Thank You for your confidence and support. We at First American Title Insurance Company maintain the fundamental principle: Customer First! Form 5003353 (7-1-14) Page 1 of9 Guarantee Number: 2569850 C11'l '"· . . pi.J\NN\NG U,' ·" ' CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75) Washington • • First American Subdivision Guar ee ISSUED BY First American Title Insurance Company GUARANTEE NUMBER 5003353-2569850 SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE LIMITS OF LIABILITY AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS OF THIS GUARANTEE, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a Nebraska corporation, herein called the Company GUARANTEES Cedar Ridge Church the Assured named in Schedule A against actual monetary loss or damage not exceeding the liability stated in Schedule A, which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A . -First American Title-Insurance Company flr/-44- 0enni, J. Glmoro Pr8Sldont ~J·~ Joffn,y S. Robinson S8<f8l8IY Form 5003353 (7-1-14) Page 2 of9 This jacket was created electronically and constitutes an original document Guarantee Number: 2569850 CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75) Washington 1. • 2. 1. • 2. 3. • SCHE.E OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE OF.S GUARANTEE Except to the extent that specific assurances are provided in (a) Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters Schedule A of this Guarantee, the Company assumes no affecting the title to any property beyond the lines of the land liability for loss or damage by reason of the following: expressly described in the description set forth in Schedule (A), (a) Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other (CJ or in Part 2 of this Guarantee, or title to streets, roads, matters against the title, whether or not shown by the avenues, lanes, ways or waterways to which such land abuts, public records. or the right to maintain therein vaults, tunnels, ramps or any (b) (1) Taxes or assessments of any taxing authority that structure or improvements; or any rights or easements therein, levies taxes or assessments on real property; or, (2) unless such property, rights or easements are expressly and Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes specifically set forth in said description. or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether (b) Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, or not the matters excluded under (1) or (2) are shown whether or not shown by the public records; (1) which are by the records of the taxing authority or by the public created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by one or more of the records. Assureds; (2) which result in no loss to the Assured; or (3) (c) (1) Unpatented mining claims; (2) reservations or which do not result in the invalidity or potential invalidity of exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance any judicial or non-judicial proceeding which is within the thereof; (3) water rights, claims or title to water, scope and purpose of the assurances provided. whether or not the matters excluded under (1), (2) or (c) The identity of any party shown or referred to in Schedule A. (3) are shown by the public records. (d) The validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown or Notwithstanding any specific assurances which are provided referred to in this Guarantee. in Schedule A of this Guarantee, the Company assumes no liability for loss or damage by reason of the following: GUARANTEE CONDmONS AND STIPULATIONS Definition of Terms. The following terms when used in the Guarantee mean: (a) the "Assured": the party or parties named as the Assured in this Guarantee, or on a supplemental writing executed by the Company. (b) "land": the land described or referred to in Schedule (A)(C) or in Part 2, and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property. The term "land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area described or referred to in Schedule (A)(C) or in Part 2, nor any right, title, interest, estate or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways or waterways. (c) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. (d) "public records": records established under state statutes at Date of Guarantee for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real property to purchasers for value and without knowledge. (e) "date": the effective date. Notice of Claim to be Given by Assured Claimant. An Assured shall notify the Company promptly in writing in case knowledge shall come to an Assured hereunder of any claim of title or interest which is adverse to the title to the estate or interest, as stated herein, and which might cause loss or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this Guarantee. If prompt notice shall not be given to the Company, then all liability of the Company shall terminate with regard to the matter or matters for which prompt notice is required; provided, however, that failure to notify the Company shall in no case prejudice the rights of any Assured unless the Company shall be prejudiced by the failure and then only to the extent of the prejudice. No Duty to Defend or Prosecute. The Company shall have no duty to defend or prosecute any action or proceeding to which the Assured is a party, notwithstanding the nature of any allegation in such action or proceeding . 4. Company's Option to Defend or Prosecute Actions; Duty of Assured Claimant to Cooperate. Even though the Company has no duty to defend or prosecute as set forth in Paragraph 3 above: (a) The Company shall have the right, at its sole option and cost, to institute and prosecute any action or proceeding, interpose a defense, as limited in (b), or to do any other act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as stated herein, or to establish the lien rights of the Assured, or to prevent or reduce loss or damage to the Assured. The Company may take any appropriate action under the terms of this Guarantee, whether or not it shall be liable hereunder, and shall not thereby concede liability or waive any provision of this Guarantee. If the Company shall exercise its rights under this paragraph, it shall do so diligently. (b) If the Company elects to exercise its options as stated in Paragraph 4(a) the Company shall have the right to select counsel of its choice (subject to the right of such Assured to object for reasonable cause) to represent the Assured and shall not be liable for and will not pay the fees of any other counsel, nor will the Company pay any fees, costs or expenses incurred by an Assured in the defense of those causes of action which allege matters not covered by this Guarantee. (c) Whenever the Company shall have brought an action or interposed a defense as permitted by the provisions of this Guarantee, the Company may pursue any litigation to final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction and expressly reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to appeal from an adverse judgment or order. (d) In all cases where this Guarantee permits the Company to prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding, an Assured shall secure to the Company the right to so prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding, and all appeals therein, and permit the Company to use, at its option, the name of such Assured for this purpose. Whenever requested by the Company, an Assured, at the Company's expense, shall give the Company all Form 5003353 (7-1-14) Page 3 of9 Guarantee Number: 2569850 CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75) Washington ------------------- • 5. • 6. • GrNTEE CONDmONS AND STIPULATIO.Continued) reasonable aid in any action or proceeding, securing indebtedness secured by said mortgage or said lien for the evidence, obtaining witnesses, prosecuting or defending the action or lawful act which in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as stated herein, or to establish the lien rights of the Assured. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Assured to furnish the required cooperation, the Company's obligations to the Assured under the Guarantee shall terminate. Proof of Loss or Damage. In addition to and after the notices required under Section 2 of these Conditions and Stipulations have been provided to the Company, a proof of loss or damage signed and sworn to by the Assured shall be furnished to the Company within ninety (90) days after the Assured shall ascertain the facts giving rise to the loss or damage. The proof of loss or damage shall describe the matters covered by this Guarantee which constitute the basis of loss or damage and shall state, to the extent possible, the basis of calculating the amount of the loss or damage. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Assured to provide the required proof of loss or damage, the Company's obligation to such assured under the Guarantee shall terminate. In addition, the Assured may reasonably be required to submit to examination under oath by any authorized representative of the Company and shall produce for examination, inspection and copying, at such reasonable times and places as may be designated by any authorized representative of the Company, all records, books, ledgers, checks, correspondence and memoranda, whether bearing a date before or after Date of Guarantee, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. Further, if requested by any authorized representative of the Company, the Assured shall grant its permission, in writing, for any authorized representative of the Company to examine, inspect and copy all records, books, ledgers, checks, correspondence and memoranda in the custody or control of a third party, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. All information designated as confidential by the Assured provided to the Company pursuant to this Section shall not be disclosed to others unless, in the reasonable judgment of the Company, it is necessary in the administration of the claim. Failure of the Assured to submit for examination under oath, produce other reasonably requested information or grant permission to secure reasonably necessary information from third parties as required in the above paragraph, unless prohibited by law or governmental regulation, shall terminate any liability of the Company under this Guarantee to the Assured for that claim. Options to Pay or Otherwise Settle Claims: Termination of Liability. In case of a claim under this Guarantee, the Company shall have the following additional options: (a) To Pay or Tender Payment of the Amount of Liability or to Purchase the Indebtedness. The Company shall have the option to pay or settle or compromise for or in the name of the Assured any claim which could result in loss to the Assured within the coverage of this Guarantee, or to pay the full amount of this Guarantee or, if this Guarantee is issued for the benefit of a holder of a mortgage or a lienholder, the Company shall have the option to purchase the 7. 8. amount owing thereon, together with any costs, reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses incurred by the Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the time of purchase. Such purchase, payment or tender of payment of the full amount of the Guarantee shall terminate all liability of the Company hereunder. In the event after notice of claim has been given to the Company by the Assured the Company offers to purchase said indebtedness, the owner of such indebtedness shall transfer and assign said indebtedness, together with any collateral security, to the Company upon payment of the purchase price. Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph (a) the Company's obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or damage, other than to make the payment required in that paragraph, shall terminate, including any obligation to continue the defense or prosecution of any litigation for which the Company has exercised its options under Paragraph 4, and the Guarantee shall be surrendered to the Company for cancellation. (b) To Pay or Otherwise Settle With Parties Other Than the Assured or With the Assured Claimant. To pay or otherwise settle with other parties for or in the name of an Assured claimant any claim assured against under this Guarantee, together with any costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred by the Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment and which the Company is obligated to pay. Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph (b) the Company's obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or damage, other than to make the payment required in that paragraph, shall terminate, including any obligation to continue the defense or prosection of any litigation for which the Company has exercised its options under Paragraph 4. Determination and Extent of Liability. This Guarantee is a contract of Indemnity against actual monetary loss or damage sustained or incurred by the Assured claimant who has suffered loss or damage by reason of reliance upon the assurances set forth in this Guarantee and only to the extent herein described, and subject to the Exclusions From Coverage of This Guarantee. The liability of the Company under this Guarantee to the Assured shall not exceed the least of: (a) the amount of liability stated in Schedule A or in Part 2; (b) the amount of the unpaid principal indebtedness secured by the mortgage of an Assured mortgagee, as limited or provided under Section 6 of these Conditions and Stipulations or as reduced under Section 9 of these Conditions and Stipulations, at the time the loss or damage assured against by this Guarantee occurs, together with interest thereon; or (c) the difference between the value of the estate or interest covered hereby as stated herein and the value of the estate or interest subject to any defect, lien or encumbrance assured against by this Guarantee. Limitation of Liability, (a) If the Company establishes the title, or removes the alleged defect, lien or encumbrance, or cures any other matter assured against by this Guarantee in a reasonably diligent manner by Form 5003353 (7-1-14) Page 4 of9 Guarantee Number: 2569850 CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75) Washington • • • ------------------------------------------------l GU.NTEE CONDmONS AND STIPULATION.ontinued) any method, including litigation and the completion of 12. Arbitration. any appeals therefrom, it shall have fully performed its Unless prohibited by applicable law, either the Company or the obligations with respect to that matter and shall not be Assured may demand arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance liable for any loss or damage caused thereby. Arbitration Rules of the American Land Title Association. Arbitrable (b) In the event of any litigation by the Company or with the matters may include, but are not limited to, any controversy or Company's consent, the Company shall have no liability claim between the Company and the Assured arising out of or for loss or damage until there has been a final relating to this Guarantee, any service of the Company in determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, and connection with its issuance or the breach of a Guarantee provision disposition of all appeals therefrom, adverse to the title, or other obligation. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of as stated herein. Liability is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of (c) The Company shall not be liable for loss or damage to either the Company or the Assured. All arbitrable matters when the any Assured for liability voluntarily assumed by the amount of liability is in excess of $2,000,000 shall be arbitrated only Assured in settling any claim or suit without the prior when agreed to by both the Company and the Assured. The Rules written consent of the Company. in effect at Date of Guarantee shall be binding upon the parties. 9. Reduction of Liability or Termination of Liability, The award may include attorneys' fees only if the laws of the state All payments under this Guarantee, except payments made in which the land is located permits a court to award attorneys' fees for costs, attorneys' fees and expenses pursuant to Paragraph to a prevailing party. Judgment upon the award rendered by the 4 shall reduce the amount of liability pro tanto. Arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction 10. Payment of Loss. thereof. (a) No payment shall be made without producing this The law of the situs of the land shall apply to an arbitration under Guarantee for endorsement of the payment unless the the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules. Guarantee has been lost or destroyed, in which case A copy of the Rules may be obtained from the Company upon proof of loss or destruction shall be furnished to the request. satisfaction of the Company. 13. Liability Limited to This Guarantee; Guarantee Entire (b) When liability and the extent of loss or damage has been Contract. definitely fixed in accordance with these Conditions and (a) This Guarantee together with all endorsements, if any, Stipulations, the loss or damage shall be payable within attached hereto by the Company is the entire Guarantee and thirty (30) days thereafter. contract between the Assured and the Company. In 11. Subrogation Upon Payment or Settlement. interpreting any provision of this Guarantee, this Guarantee Whenever the Company shall have settled and paid a claim shall be construed as a whole. under this Guarantee, all right of subrogation shall vest in the (b) Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on Company unaffected by any act of the Assured claimant. negligence, or any action asserting such claim, shall be The Company shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all restricted to this Guarantee. rights and remedies which the Assured would have had (c) No amendment of or endorsement to this Guarantee can be against any person or property in respect to the claim had made except by a writing endorsed hereon or attached hereto this Guarantee not been issued. If requested by the signed by either the President, a Vice President, the Secretary, Company, the Assured shall transfer to the Company all rights an Assistant Secretary, or validating officer or authorized and remedies against any person or property necessary in signatory of the Company. order to perfect this right of subrogation. The Assured shall 14. Notices, Where Sent. permit the Company to sue, compromise or settle in the name All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in of the Assured and to use the name of the Assured in any writing required to be furnished the Company shall include the transaction or litigation involving these rights or remedies. number of this Guarantee and shall be addressed to the Company If a payment on account of a claim does not fully cover the at First American Title Insurance Company, Attn: Claims loss of the Assured the Company shall be subrogated to all National Intake Center, 1 First American Way, Santa Ana, rights and remedies of the Assured after the Assured shall California 92707 Clajms.NIC@firstam.com Phone: 888-632- have recovered its principal, interest, and costs of collection. 1642 Fax: 877-804-7606 I!!-M .e lf1 .. ·.C' ·"I.• ·. 1-· ,First·:American T:itJe, Form 5003353 (7-1-14) Page 5 of9 Guarantee Number: 2569850 CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75) Washington • • First Anieican Subdivision GuaraiJe ISSUED BY First American Title Insurance Company Order No.: 2569850 Name of Assured: Cedar Ridge Church Date of Guarantee: December 10, 2015 GUARANTEE NUMBER 2569850 Liability: $2,000.00 The assurances referred to on the face page hereof are: 1. Title is vested in: Kent Hill Church of Christ, Inc. Fee: $350.00 Tax: $33.60 2. That, according to the public records relative to the land described in Schedule C attached hereto (including those records maintained and indexed by name), there are no other documents affecting title to said land or any portion thereof, other than those shown under Record Matters in Schedule B. 3. The following matters are excluded from the coverage of this Guarantee A. Unpatented Mining Claims, reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof. B. Water rights, claims or title to water. C. Tax Deeds to the State of Washington. D. Documents pertaining to mineral estates. 4. No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown herein. 5. This Guarantee is restricted to the use of the Assured for the purpose of providing title evidence as may be required when subdividing land pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 58.17, R.C.W., and the local regulations and ordinances adopted pursuant to said statute. It is not to be used as a basis for closing any transaction affecting title to said property. 6. Any sketch attached hereto is done so as a courtesy only and is not part of any title commitment, guarantee or policy. It is furnished solely for the purpose of assisting in locating the premises and First American expressly disclaims any liability which may result from reliance made upon it. Form 5003353 (7-1-14) Page 6 of 9 Guarantee Number: 2569850 CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75) Washington ~ First An-Atican • Schedule B Subdivision GuaraiJe ISSUED BY First American Title Insurance Company GUARANTEE NUMBER 2569850 • • RECORD MATTERS 1. Liability, if any, for pro-rata portion of Real Property taxes, which are carried on the King County Tax Rolls, as exempt. Tax account no. 008800032008. The taxes for the current year reflect an exemption. Any curtailment of the exemption may result in an additional amount being due for the current year and for any re-assessment of land and improvement values. 2. The right, title or interest of Cedar Ridge Church of Christ, as disclosed by Application for Title Insurance and County Tax Information. 3. Unrecorded leaseholds, if any, rights of vendors and security agreement on personal property and rights of tenants, and secured parties to remove trade fixtures at the expiration of the term. 4. Easement, including terms and Recorded: Recording Information: In Favor Of: For: provisions contained therein: March 22, 1945 3457064 Puget Sound Energy, Inc., a Washington corporation Electric transmission and/or distribution system 5. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 7503190316 In Favor of: Puget Sound Power and Light Company For: Right to install, use and maintain 2 guy wires and 2 anchors 6. Any and all offers of dedication, conditions, restrictions, easements, boundary discrepancies or encroachments, notes and/or provisions shown or disclosed by Short Plat or Plat of Aker's Farms No. 6 recorded in Volume 42 of Plats, Page(s) 15. 7. Conditions, notes, easements, provisions and/or encroachments contained or delineated on the face of the Survey recorded under Recording No. 8908289003. 8. Special permission to connect to the District's System Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: And: Recording Information: Informational Notes, if any Cedar Ridge Church Soos Creek Water and Sewer District 20000530002113 A. Special taxes for the year 2015, which have been paid. Tax Account No.: 008800032008 Code Area: 2128 Form 5003353 (7-1-14) Page 7 of9 Guarantee Number: 2569850 CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75) Washington ... ,, ........ "". Subdivision Guarantee ~ First American • Schedule C ISSUED BY First American Title Insurance Company GUARANTEE NUMBER • • 2569850 The land in the County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: LOT 2, BLOCK 5, AKER'S FARMS NO. 6, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 42 OF PLATS, PAGE 15, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 100 FEET OF THE NORTH 150 FEET .. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON . Form 5003353 (7-1-14) Page 9 of9 Guarantee Number: 2569850 CLTA #14 Subdivision Guarantee (4-10-75) Washington • . f ' . I <'> · · .. -· .. ·t L' \'... c,(. ':Xli )-' f-· J .~' .o~ -t'(~ CY d J $-' ov111s,or1 ,~ -·. -~ . • .·• ~. ---' , ._.,. __ ·. ---. ·. ... . .. 'hg1_1hu wllh·tho·rl;ht 11t·a11 Umn to the Grantee. Ila auci:""'""' and an\a.J'"· "' -ln11rn1 to ar,d c:oreH .f.ram ~fd Lar,da 11criu~ ad,· -~&CC'nt llndi of th•:~1'11.~l~~-:-·.for•t,ho 0 purpo10 .,, con,1ru.11tt~o, racon•ii.1,;Tino, 0 r\palrlng, n:na"'!ln1r, -~1~in~,· ~h~.nglrig, pk1r;~~l_l~1i · .anlf ~p&r11t1n11 et!~ !Inc, and _tho -right at any tlma tci remov~ uld poln; wlrea 11nd· app11rlo,n11!"0H from· ,,al~ land,:,: . . ' _..... ")'~ ~h,._.rlg_~l~~ l.hci ~~~"!°'•. llm .•1.11:~~1~or1 11nd aulgnn, ill all tl~ICI to ou:t 1111 ~tu•n an LI. ilmbcr;a~ -~~,~~ ai't tr~i.i. ~tiindl~g! ~r l"l\'l'lr,g u~c~ uld\;nd1 whlc~, In t!"o. opinion or I.tic Or,l!nhe, con,tltulci a mo.noca nr clanger t~-u.Jd·llno, : .. · . ' ·.'. · · Tti'i_Pttnl ___.___u.,,,1 aucc;J..01, 01 .aniUIOI, taoenauL· a1,d a.a, eo u:,L..+ · .:__wili 11ut d_o an; ht 1ra1 , ~-hnnf ~~J' ~strl~ijveti..r.b1-..c1i.;1an~e of 1111 9 .I 1<nd1 ad (®Ot-)'~ld Iii.a ,1.1 l .,is, ·u t. e:~141~ ;,~i•; tis·, ~cttmg."t~ ,· · ~~14&-~\! :i1_•~: ~~•_c: .::1, _l!'!f•lun•. u~·.1t:ttniL1~11 ,o to du. ·."'I · · P. _. . . . __ .-.. . .• _. : _. . _ .; .!!:' •. ~~~J.tl\Pti'!_'.l~~~l\llnJ 11uthor!ty l~onb)' Qrlinl11d·1h11!I coo,t)r,ue.11nd t.,ir-111 fot,:e ~ntU_ ·~~~-:t!!1"~·0:~•.~r1.nt~e, J~,,uc: ~•uo~~ ,r;~~~~ti~I jr~ui,ntlY; r-emow11, hid poln, vrlre• ud 11ppunenane111 fr~~ ••'.d f~n~"-bl' ·~•ll .. ~th~~I., perm1nu,:.11.1. )~ _•h_~~~11 ·~~.J~_t,lt-,hlc~ tlm• all ,uch rl;tiu, iltte, prli.-H111ei 111d autho~")' h~reby ~~.ntecf ah~U "te.'!'!lll•i•,· ... :_: ·~ ."" . · . · . A.n'i rt1o~iii~:o~ tlta 1uiis ~remlau hold by th, Mort.n1geo.abov1 na;,,Cd JI hir"eby rc\eai1d to tflo ut,,,~·b~t o~i; t11 "th• e>:t,nt, · "•~em.1)',.~ ~-rd"t~.it;·tho .1atd mci~;ag, t.o tho oaumenl IJo,eln or.1nied to .. Id Gr:sr,tee·. · · · . . . ·· 1 ·.·. Ill _WIT~•.•~ :,vli•~•o;, ,,;,.;,'.l"m'"t h,, "'" """.;,,,,'fr'"''" _.,;,_~;/.Tl'"' . -.. , . • , ' ' . ~ j-laJAA>il .cf:--'~~~~-:,:,~ ---'-~ ~~-'. ~-: • • ,~: •• C. •·:: • .-·1.4:~~~~i;J::~'.t~~};,; -.: ~-~~-!~2(:;''.:~~;:;.,;::w:~~e' . •". . .. ~iif.c' , .. ;J·"'...:°:, 'ilifj,'':fB..,,., ~-: -'':-' -...a;.;:,;;;:.::.c.:;.:.:_.::.:;~c;,;.:;: ,:_._:-{•J~\i,;.,;;t~;,.1.//J ,}-~~-~l,!~ ·I .. ,,.. " ·. ,' '.< •L: ." ::~· .. '{f:-1\: ~ 7-~:··-• J t:.:,_ ,·, ,v_:_.,:,, ~--. ",:.: . ;: ·'·~\.;t.... ,-w,...... ~~"l;i,, • • ,- . ' • •-- • • • • EASEMENT The undersiwied, ___ _;RE:=;N::;TON::.::...:.BAP1':::;:.:..:Ic:S;:T...:.TE.::MP,.::..::LE=----------- hereby grant[s) to POQfl' sotNb PcivER 8 [t(ffi uNPANY, a Washington corporation, the right to install, use and lllllintain 2 guy wire.!_ and 2 anchors ~-~-on that certain real property situated in tho Co1D1tyof1Cing, State of \~ashington described as follows: Lot 2, in Block 5 of Anker& Farms No. 6, as per plat recorded in Volume 42 of Plats, page 15, records of King County, Washington; EXCEPT the east 100 feet of the north 150 feet. The Grantee shall have aa:ess for the pu,poses stated and shall be respon· sible for damage caused by negligence of the Grantee. These terms shall be binding ~ the six:cessors and assigns of the respective parties . b:r:ise Tax r~ot Requi1eJ E11l C-). C;--;-:,:11~, ~y. /~,,.,&: ... ], Dep,ty ~TA1'6;.· wiS!il\CTO~ J COU,'\TY OF ,t:/NtS, J s~. {h t~is JL!l:y er~--H , 13 Zif. bdori. me, lhe unrlt•rslg.iM. perwi,a]ly e;,pe.aroo ~ J~I( .le_._ ~-._, .tom~bethe PA•"'• .», , ~••,~·.or TM ~ ~ T • rme s I lhat :f~e !on,i,;oing lnsa1Jrn!n1, ard ac;.,nc"4'l- ~J,..d tJ1i., .• aid lnstru1:1e~t to be u1~ !ri!t: and ~olun,ary act w,d dt<td or s.ald · , tor 1h~ ui.•.''> im,I puq.,osul> tlll,r</ln m .. nlic:1td. a:,d o:, t.a!l sta!ed that _ h 4' l!.uthorlxf'd to uecule the sa!d i:1strur::1e~it and L~.c, iii'l ~,-,.J ,.JluHf is the r:orporat.! S(·.al or 53ld corpor.itJon . FILED for Record at Request of ·, ! ' .1,:i;'l S3009 ·-----·· . • • ,. q N '° ... "' C, 0, .... "' 0 IQ ., U\ 0 o. 0 • ····-":'">- • RECORDED .• ,.,,.OF,, •••••.. •••••• REQUESI <ir Im IIAR I~ Ill II I 5 Clli.ECTOR RECORDS & ELECTIONS KING CCL'~./7'f, \'-: ·,,;. • • • • • AKER 0 S FARMS N0.6 C.E,CHAPMAN, tNCIN<t,r N.t.CO<I HC.U TH,s PLAT or AK<R'5 •• ,.,u NO. t INCLUD!5 ALL Of, ... NORTHH<)TQUAAnR Of,O[CT,ON H TOWN!"' p ZJ NORnl uwcc ' ,,.,,r W<LLA ... rn U[RIDIAI<. . AYK'.NOW.2°EQiEME'NT .-.~~iA~\;-t:.~~~f~.... .,· .-.·."· ,· ·,, • .,~ "ni'tt~Tl., :t.,., ON 1~ ... ZtlK j,'., or .J~,L •.ii ·~4" .: 9t,OIIE "' T><l UWOJ"IIS1C.•U>. A o/l:l'T.olly'-PUILIC;"Tlml~.O.LL' ;.' •PPE.AR[D KAR'HY t:,AkCR.,jl\JD CLAIR(·AHP 1\l,"'t KNO~N T09t .'." Tl!( P[,U01<$ WHO txt',;;µ~E D 1H( >_,;IR,GOOI<<." DEDI c.;.,Tl~N •ND DE DI CAT I ON ;;~~"~ 'tN ": ~~ :t.: ;c.s~~~ ~, .. t,.1..5o 1..''tR'• =~ ·p:"..'r¥ ~ :.1:~~ ~~~ 0!}(": c".W r~i,"':L[ ."-. =~~ il..-~ tc.~;. \~ "· fl<[ us• or TH< PUSL '' FDA! O[A •lLSTRHTJ AND AO[NU•s SHOWN H[REON. ANO lH! U!f TH(REOf "°" •lL PUIUC PU<>POSU HOT ,.co...,,s1E1<T WITl<11< ! \/SC THCR[O' •or> PUft~<C. HJCl<WAY PURPO![S, AL& rn! .. ,cHT 10 ..... ALL N!t[~SAAY ~LOPE~ ,oA GUH DR'<k.U. UP<lH LOT!:,IIUltMJ TAM;U Oil P•RtlU 0, v•o-H ONTI<II PLAT'" "!H[ OIOIGI NAL A !AJOl<A~H GA.01 .. c or ALLHRf,n ••D ...... u .. !HO"'N H!R.ON INWITN[SS WH.REo, ... HAY[ H[R[Ul<TOHT QUA HAND5 ANDJ<•U. , .. ,s_illu+ DAY or -~J\Jl,AD.1040 "dHV<t'<·-"U" CU/IK A«:C• UAMIM(DkNQU~..OV(O Tl<l.'l.!.!H DAY Of ~A .D. IUI C.D,,...f<NCS ~IIIG C.OUNTY RQAQ fNCINttn OAM< NCO ANO APPAOVCD THIJ _J!_DAY or AUGU§T "· o. ,u. ;! ~A~OlD l~A ~NNA,~ ~ ~ ., •• o .. uoc•o TO .. c ,,,.., THf ... ,~..rD A>IDShL•o ti,'!~ ... ,.:· •I Tl<[IA ,,.rr ""° VOLU• TAR> .• ct ... D D~l o 'Oll11f! un~:· •"OPUAfOJU1H(R[ON "'[NT10~D ;." ;. "'""u~ ... l<AMO ODOHICIAL!l:.o.l Jl<l OA,A~OH•A:· ""-H AaO>< "RITTCN l K[AUY GUTlfT Tl<AT T>!O WITHIN PLAT Of AK!A 'l fAA"'J '.':. NO," 15 OUlY ~-~!>OV!O '" T>tEl<lN<.CO\/NrY H~NN1,H, LOM'-'"UIO,. THl.'l.U;[f DMOr~1,4e f,i'lffill/QCC iitrRiirz•e« u'~Mi5r&,1m RESTRICTIONS •U.LOlJ' ON THrS PL•l ••H .. ,,,,.,c,,o ,o .. -1,1>L.8Ull1>•"' \l.SC UCtPT •U o• •U>C~ f ,we ff!ACT1> l -1-4. •-6-l L ti! 1N OLOCM 8, "'"''" ... e ·~•1,r,cuc TO II-I <~ES,OfNU l WC, ..0 LOT OR pO:,A1'0N OF A LOT S><AU.. BE OIYI DCC ANO JOLD 0" ftfSOLC>, 011 OWNCIUMI P CIMN<.!O OIIT ..... N!FC .. U> WH[R[U ..... ow .. us .. ,, or .... POAT ION or THOI ,v T s><•LL6[UUTMU U,000$0.rT •OR J•I UJt,NORLUS n,AN t,OOOJQ •r OD ,o.,. ,N w,o .... '"" •• ' IJ" AND ~ U~HCT •V•n<! II lO"TH! PROVISIONS o, ,<INGCOIJNT, RU. No .......... o,uas<W!NT ... fNON[NTJ '"""""· WAT(R:,UPPLY-!-::irt.i ,;,u ..,,,u o,~·,n, a~n<E<J>r ~EWAG( 015P0SAL -un,, TANKJ : ........ ''"''" TMAT ,,.,, PLU o• ............... s No. 13 usrn UPON A"""'" ••D JUDI, ,~10N o• 0 ,c, H """ ..... P•fWU,THAT TM! 01~UNCU,COURJ[S.N0UClU AR[ $><OW•, t ... U0HU"'f .. T$ .JfT, U)f ANO fOLO<.K C.OR ·~ 51AK[D LO~R[L lLY 0 .. lH C.ROUl<O, THA--r ~ KAV[ •U Lk.Y COMPLltD '"''™ TH[ PRO••J<ONS o, '™' •TATur,s •ND"T><! .. ,<.ULA1- IQN3 C.QSU>NINC.PLA11'NG. ,, L.0 fOR R[C.ORD OT TK< R[QUUl Of '"' KING C.QUHTY , PLANl<\NC. C.0"1!"-\H"ION l"l&.il OAY OF~ •.D IQ~f \.~!,.tlA,';.'';;J~~~o:o:"o'! =~~"~g~ .. ·;,~~~~ ··,N~TOI<• . ,i' ,;· ltOl(RTA.NOR"Jt.'S LOU~H •uo.tCK • • ! I • • • .,· / • • • A PORTION OF SECTIONS 3, 10, TWSP 22 N., R. 5 E .. W. M a 33,34 TWSP. 23N, R5E .. WM. RECORD OF SURVEY PUGET POWER • l I P. a..<ro,, CHKO e, SC~LE u•o•ou• • • • ,,,,,.. J7!,l,.l\l J1",.a~ .nsi020 ,i~ .. :io ''""n' ,_, .ll()"17' .l!C,o;UJ J, •• .,. J?1101'? J15&><1 ~:~~:;~ H:!t~ J..Si1SJ J:!M1-l J2•iuo J25'!921 31.,,,,.. J110,o, J20J(IJ7 J:zs1 ... ~~~:: iir.~] J2801l< J1oc::n .1>sen, I • • A PORTION OF SECTIONS 20,28,29 El 33 TWSP 23 N, R 5 E, WM. RECORD OF SURVEY PUGET POWER ~ I P. W.•lllN • ' . ' J <"O ( .., • • Filed for Record at the request of SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT 14616 SE 192nd St PO Box 58039 Renton, Washmgton 98058-1039 • 11111111111111\I 000530002113 SOOS CR.EK IIAT AG 14 01 ~~,JiaS"1l9 17 ~ING COUNTY, WA Document T1tle(s) APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR SPECIAL SERVICE Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released N/ A Add1t1onal reference numbers on page_ of documcnt(s) Grantor(s) Cedar Ridge Church Add1t1onal names on page_ of document Grantee(s) SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Add1110nal names on page_ of document Legal Descnptton L2 BS Akers Farms 6 Less N 150' of the E 100' Add1ttonal legal 1s on page_ of document Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/ Account Number(s) 008800 0320 • ' ' <' c:., C--., • • • SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR SPECIAL SERVICE TO: SOOS CREEK WATER ANO SEWER DISTRICT The undersigned hereby makes apphcat1on to Soos Creek Water and Sewer D1stnct, Kmg County, Washington ("the Dtstnct"), for special perm1ss1on to connect to the District's system at the nearest main for one single residence only, by the .. Water METHOD 3 -EXTENDED SERVICE 0 METHOD 4 -INTERIM SERVICE Bi Sewer g METHOD 3 -EXTENDED SERVICE D METHOD 4 -INTERIM SERVICE D METHOD 5 -AL TERNA TE SERVICE Method, and 1n cons1derat1on thereof, makes the following representabons and agreements, to wit 1. APPLICANT Name Mailing Address Phone Number Cc:&r-1Gdci,e; Ck~,<" L ec. i:S -'f:i•;> --i < t 2. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY II'-{ {I 0E .) <'C" -"'-/ <-c. n-o, > ,c :5 ' 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY I Q '>LC., -1 - ~-------------- • • ' ) • • Applcabon and Agreement for Special Service -conbnued 4. REASON FOR SPECIAL SERVICE jj L ;l\du'-C I'.:;, }...LC I ( • I~ I fr C'k>== S i S:b • IG :S-b " c· fz I ts c 5. PROJECT ACCOUNTING General Fac,hties Area Charge Method Charge Pemul Fee/Review Fee Meter and Installation ~urcharge (Gnnder Pump) WATER $ Other I(,,, l, •, '-•·''" :\ /<o'i?, Co3 i y.. c, c:, • TOTAL $ $ $ SEWER Cl'Ji..j 'J ;;;i_ Lf 0C'O 42'.) /D0, C)) ~4:2 l\o /1, IJL-'f:9 Note For Sewer General Facihty Charge Calculabon, 1f apphcable, this proiect ,s within the 0 GRAVITY~ PUMPED O JENKINS CREEK area of the D,stnct 6. SKETCH OF PROPERTY A sketch showing the property dimensions and the location of the single family residence to be served must be attached hereto 0 DISTRICT TO CHECK HERE WHEN COMPLETED 7. RESOLUTION Applicant acknowledges that 1t has read the Dtstnct's current Methods of Service Resolution, and hereby agrees to the terms and conditions as set forth in said Resolution applicable to the -2- • • • • • Apphcabon and Agreement !or Special SeMce -conbnued method of service requested herein, which 1s incorporated herein by this reference, as additional cons1derat1on for approval of this application 8. NATURE OF SERVICE Service shall be for one single family residence only ' 9. EASEMENTS FOR SERVICE Applicant shall at its cost obtain from all others all easements which may be necessary for the sewer service requested herein 10. EASEMENTS FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN If required by the D1stnct. and as add11Jonal cons1derabon for approval of this application, Applicant has granted, or hereby agrees to grant and convey to the Dtstnct, easements within the property to be served reasonably necessary to the implementation of the D1stnct's Comprehensive Plan, or reasonably necessary for the improvement of the District's service system, but only to the <"'"> same extent that service by the Developer Extension Method of service would require such easements .,.., ,n < , 11. RATES Applicant agrees to pay monthly charges at the prevailing rates of the D1stnct under the same tenns and conditions of the applicable service class1f1cabon as other customers of the Distnct. '!... _) c-) <C:J ...... 12. SPECIAL CONDITIONS a. Extended Service Applicant agrees to pay its pro rata share of the cost of any main installed as a part of a ubhty local improvement d1stnct or by a pnvate party which would provide pennanent service to the Applicant's property. Applicant further agrees to pay the cost of relocating its service connecllon to any such pennanent main Upon the failure of the Applicant to do so wrth1n thirty (30) days of nobce by the 0,stnct, the cost shall be charged against the Applicant and shall become a hen upon the property served b. Interim Service Applicant agrees to relocate at its cost the intenm service line to a pennanent main when one 1s installed It 1s further agreed that the D1stnct may enter upon Applicant's private property and relocate the pnvate mtenm service line to the pennanent main upon the failure -3 - • • ,.:., c-, c-, ,n c-, • ,._' C"' <.: ' ' ' • • Appl,cabon and Agreement for Special Service -conbnued of the Applicant to do so within thirty (30) days of wntten notice by the D1stnct, and the cost thereof shall be charged against the Applicant and shall become a hen upon the property served c. Extended Water Service Applicant shall obtain and present to the D1stnct wntten approval or waiver by the Fire Marshal or rts duly authonzed representallVe in the locale The approval or waiver will be maintained on file at the D1stnct with this Agreement d. Alternate Sewer Service l. The 1nstallabon of a gnnder pump unit upon Applicant's property 1s necessary to fac,htate D1stnct sewer SeMce ii. The District or 1ts agent must be present dunng the initial act,vation of the system Following installation, Applicant shall submit to the District a schematic diagram of the system suitable for the Cllstnct purposes descnbed herein iii. The gnnder pump and force line will be owned, seN1ced and maintained by the D1stnct, including replacement of any non-functioning element of the portion of the system for which the District Is responsible, provided, however, that 1f damage to the system occurs as a result of Applicant's activrues and/or misuse of the system, as determined by the D1stnct, Applicant shall be responsible for all reasonable costs, including D1stnct labor, of any repair or replacement iv. Applicant hereby grants to the D1stnct a license to enter and to bnng onto Applicant's property any equipment reasonably necessary to remove, maintain, repair and replace the gnnder pump unit and force line The D,stnct 1s also hereby authorized to use the property's domestic water seN1ce for maintenance and repair purposes v. Applicant shall be responsible for all maintenance and service of all lines and appurtenances between the gnnder pump and the house, for the intemal plumbing system, and for electric service to the unit, including maintenance and repair of the electncal service line vi. Applicant shall maintain continuous access to the gnnder pump umt as reasonably necessary for rts operation and maintenance, which may include l1fhng, removing and replacing the unit or any part thereof Landscaping, trees, shrubs, vehicles, fences, dnveways, pabos and other structures on the property shall be located, constructed and maintained m a manner that provides continuous access to the gnnder pump unit Applicant shall maintain the top of the umt at least two inches above the yard subgrade, whether the umt is located m sod, grass, bark, or other matenal Apphcant shall be assessed a special access charge of at least -4. • • c:, '-' c,, C > < , • • • Apphcabon and Agreement for Special Service -continued 13. $25 00 for each instance the unit 1s inaccessible, the specific amount to be determined by the D1stnct depending upon the circumstances and durabon vii. Applicant shall notify any tenant or other occupant of the property of this Agreement, provided, however, that Applicant shall remain pnmanly responsible for the performance of the terms hereof, and for the actions of such occupant viii. Applicant agrees that its bi-monthly sewer bills will include a maintenance charge for the gnnder pump unit ,n such amount as 1s set from bme to bme ,n accordance with the rate setbng law apphcable to sewer d1stncts. ix. Applicant hereby waives any claim against the D1stnct for damage to person or property occasioned or resulbng from the failure of the system, and agrees to hold the D1stnct harmless from same, provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed to be a release where the 1n1unes, damages or other loss ,s occasioned by the neghgent or intenbonal tortious act of the District LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY/WAIVER OF PROTEST FOR ULID Applicant for extended or intenm service hereby agrees not to protest the formation of a Ubltty Local Improvement Distnct, nor the construct,on of or the assessment for a main and facd1tles which will provide permanent service to Applicant's property, provided, however, that an Applicant for Extended Service retains the nght to protest the amount of any assessment to be estabhshed by a Ublify Local Improvement District which includes the Applicant's property, and provided further, that an Appltcant for lntenm Service may not be assessed more than the amount paid herewith by the Applicant as a pro rata share of the cost for future mains Applicant hereby designates the D1stnct as ,ts agent by limited power of attorney for the execution of any petition to form a Ubhty Local Improvement D1stnct which includes Applicant's property. 14. BREACH OF CONTRACT-ATTORNEY FEES In the event of 1it1gabon regarding the terms or performance of this Agreement, the substanba\ly prevailing party shall be enbt\ed to an award of reasonable attorney fees end costs, 1n addition to any other appropriate remedy 1S. COVENANT This Agreement, and each and every provision hereof, shall be a covenant running with the land described heremabove, and shall be binding upon all parties and their heirs, administrators, executors, grantees and assigns. The D1stnct, at its option, may record this Agreement, or a memorandum hereof, against the property 1n order to provide construebve nobce of the ex,stence -5- • • ,,.., "' c:-, r, C".> .,,., u, c-..::i L.> c-;, <CJ c~ • • • Application and Agreement for Spec,af SeMce -conbnued and terms hereof Failure by the Dtstnct, or any successor thereto, to enforce any term or condition contained herein shall m no event be deemed a waiver of the nght to do so thereafter Dated this Applicant SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Sy_,_(...,@=~• .... rZ=-'O_,,{J..___ ___ _ lts'----'-"7}6_;,.;_:e:f~o (ff:u,tl=-'-=-'--(;.,,......,.,...,,....,c""".Q_. _ I -u~ Approved by Resolution No ',, OS::: , adopted by the Soard of Comm1ss1oners on the _=t.~- day of J:>eC£B ~ , 19 GI le STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) I hereby venfy that I know or have satisfactory evidence that DR R. RE. L. L Lu . Du.Fr -----------------1s the person(s) who appeared before me, and said person(s) acknowledged that fl€-signed this instrument and acknowledged 1t to be f:IJS free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes menboned 1n this instrument Dated It /1~ /'lb ' Notary Publicanandfthe ~h1ngton, residmg at -=,i;,.fn,.,,I ,W My appointment expires 'f: -.:I:;.-.:t. ooo -6· • • First American First American Title Insurance Company 818 Stewart St, Ste 800 Seattle, WA 98101 Phone: (206)728-0400 I Fax: PR: NWEST Ofc: 4209 (874) To: Cedar Ridge Church P.O. Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 Attention: Howard Herndon Final Invoice Your Reference No.: I 1411 SE 164th St. Cedar Ridge RE: Property: I 141 I Southeast 164th Street, Renton, WA 98055 • Buyers: Sellers: Cedar Ridge Church Description of Charge Guarantee: Subdivision/Plat Certificate Sales Tax Invoice No.: Date: Our File No.: Title Officer: Escrow Officer: Customer ID: Liability Amounts Owners: Lenders: 874 -420989554 12/16/2015 4209-2569850 Curtis Goodman AD6570989 I I I INVOICE TOTAL Comments: • Printed On: 12/16/2015, 8:05 PM Thank you for your business! To assure proper credit, please send a copy of this invoice and Payment to: Attention: Accounts Receivable Department PO Box 3/001-2281 Pasadena, CA 91110-228/ Reg uester: VFD Invoice Amount $350.00 $33.60 $383.60 Page: t· • • • • • A KER'S FARMS N0.6 N. E 1/4 SEC. 291. 23N.R.5 E.W. M. C.E.CHAPMAN. tNCIN!tR ,-I AC,KNOW£E DG E MttNT I DES1CRIPTION THLI PLAT o• AHR"S , ..... s NO I ,NGLUD"ALL or .... NORTIHUTQU.RHR O<H<.TION ~· ---~t~,ift::.;il"-~J~-~-.,· .·.· :· :: -..11~ IS ,o'etRT< .... ,.,,., ON Tl<L,S 2,n, PA, o, VAIL •. p. .... TOWNtHIP .. NORT>i RA .... ,. ,or WILLAWHH "'"IDL•N. DEDICAl!ON KNOW •U...,lN &TT Ht.st PRU[NU TH•1 W!,1'tl UND"l~ICNE D H•RSU C. •IHR, AND CL.I Rt •~tit, owwu, .. I .. HE '"" •u o, TH t LAND Ht RU• PL•H•D. HCII ••• D<CI.Allt THI~ H•T ·~o PCP IGATl TO Ttl[ UH or TH! PUSL 1G •o•• V[R ALL$TIIUTS •l'<P AVCNVU ,...OWN Htll(QN. •N~ Tl<[ Us, TH<f'!DF "'" ALL PUSUG PU•F'O!U MOT ... CONSIH[NT W17"1" t UH rHrnrn, ,or, Puac, G HIGHI .. Y PURPOS(!, AL& THE RIGHT TO ..... E •LL NEGEH•RV SI.UP(' ,oa CUTJ OR "LU UPON L.OT!:, 111.0G~S TIIACT$ 0-•ARGlU OF L•"P"'°"N ONTl<IS •L•l IN ,... ORrGI NAL A •HON•BL[ Gll"-"ING or ALL 5TIIHT3 ... o-•UC, SHOWN """'°"· '" W>TNU! WH[ll(O• W[ .... v. HEll[UN105!T OUR ..... D5 •ND S(A ~ li<•.S.illll' DU or -~JI.IL. •. D.190 "1 Rl'lY C "if(" Cl:'lt!f Al((R 1u .. ,w~OA>1D .,,wovtD T>IU"..!.._Tll DAr o, •ucusr •. o Lt~• ---,,Q.-NNU ,<1>,G COU>lfV ROAO ENGIMHA f~A..,1Wf0AN0.PPAOV<tl THl5 .JLDAY 0,-~ •-D, IUO 7 J/dOLO SOA ~~MAN <.LOK, IC.RO OF C0UN1' G0 .. Ml5~10N(AJ ~ ~ 8tfD1![1<[ l>ltUNOf"S<~•(D>'• ~{•UBL,C~'!'ALL' :: ·······" """"'' ~., ........... n CLAr~(-.. u TO, .. ( ~ND,. .. TOIIC :· TH[ ,, ... o .. s -.OHO «t·.c!l.~· D lHE ·.~••co•MG"DeDICAi'ION ,No' •G~WOWLEoceo ro ... c 'M.r rn, ~ .... ,. •NDiULtD TW! ,,...,.;· ... TH[IR '"'' ... ovowwr••• •"1 AND Dt:tD ,OR 110 ~,u:· ANOPUll"OSu, ..... uN .. E .. TIO~O-:· :: ,. N>TWU~ .... !<AND UP oH,GOAI. 5(,\l J.i<E DAY A•o H•• . rl~!l A80Vt WRITTtN 1 "'"[IY C.t~TPr> TH•T l>I[ WPT~IN PLATO• •kl"'l ,.,, .. , NO. 6 15 DULY APeRQO!O 8Y T><!l<INGCOUNTY PLANNIN~ LOM ... 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CHURCH OF ClliUST, INC. lbe following described real cmre, situate in lbe Coonty of King, State of Wuhington: Lot 2, Block 5, Al<er's Farms No. 6, acconli!lg to lbe phll th=of reconled in Volume 42 of Plats, p,g, 15, in King COWl!y, Wuhingtou; EXCEPT lbe c:as1 100 feet of lbe oorth 150 fm. SUBJECT TO: Se< Exhibit "A" atl>Cbcd hereto and hy this n:fercnce mad< a pan bacof: N ... ~ I "' 8 . § -, t !· 8 .. r i ~ ~ i:! •• Q; .. It ~ ~ "' ~ Dated this 9th day of APRil., 1996 )1 ~ /} By (},,,,,.'/"f~" · f./,,,,.,,.,__ BY -.._,, - Galilee Baptist Church, a Wa.wn.gton By& t-P u1 -,,""¢51:i.,.,. ~ ast.i •-tartan, Trmtee ;,· SfATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF Kia& ) OR dab clay a1 Apil, 1991, bdon ... 11te ....du ts t a Namr Mlle la 111d fGI' ilte *« t1f w........_ duly rwnnk5fened ud SWClfl'Dt pencuDy appmnd Tlamm-Mmwi ud to -_,.. to bt Ille Praldm Md -.._d,, atGollltt&apbta..dl.a w-c.r,.,..a,rporaa--,..,--. aDd ~ die! aid illltnalm to be tllie fret UNI rolmar} aa 111111 deed ~ aid c:arpndaa, for tle a:1 ud. JllilrPI*' tbenba ...u.-1. MIi • «*II IIIUd U. lilf II ambartlld lo~ tlle aid JIIDlamL. 1111 ,,,,.,., l ~ .. , "'.""'hl'7~ -.-.,,...., _,_ --·-.<,::,.,.,.·~··· !L.A (L~'r 1.o< "llotal •· 1.oytm, ~-.-·:· •.. ~.c·-.:,,~~ -d:::.."-~..._J i it?/"" er.>,,~"\~\ ' """" """".,. m , ............ "'w-i ID"B L i Q ) ·-;;;;, d ;l ! rtSidbl& .. f:lt / 2lf b :f\ J M1 •z I ml~• ~ \ }.-1-, ,~:f /;J ...... ;,.:··.:.i-nr.:t?:./.·:· : ,,.~l'. ........ -· r+·$ .. ,,:,l!CF\':f'';,..~ ''"111111•1 I • • • m -.-,m • ·-11 ... 11... -• - . . . ' King1WA Document -Year.Month.Day.DocID 1996.412.612 Page: 1 of 3,lii11o,,-..,,.,.,....,.., ... ~.;..~~ '.,~~ scription: • • • - •t:··xao,..,, ,. N .. ! N ... .,. Q i -.----.,........---·--· .. ---~ - • • • Bxhibit •A• Rl02fi58 AH EASEM!NT AFFBCTINQ A PORTION OF SAID PJtEMISBS FOR. 'l'HB PUJtfOSlts STA1'KD 1.'HKR..B.Ul: IN FAVOR OF:trllited States of America FOR;Bleetrie trllll!lmiaaion lines DISCT.OSBD BY IRSTR.t!MEYT UCOIIDZD: .. uguat 21>, 1942 R.BCORDIHO NmimJDL:3260792 APFECTS1Soutberly portion of said preffiiaes NOTB: Said ea5emant ia Also delineated and/or dedicated on the face of the plat. ASSICUMD"t' Oi' SJ.ID BA£"E:MENT: ASSIGNBB:PUget Sound Paver r. Light COll:pally, a Waahington corporation nl'.TBD:.J,anUAcy 12. 1971 ltBCORDl'D:M&y 18, 1971 lll~ltD!kG l1UMBBR:7l0Sl80t5l AN JU.SDmN'l' AFPECTn:c A P0RTI0lr OF SAID PiEMISBS i"OJl 'l'BB-PIJJUIOSBS &TA.1'BD TBRRl!:IN: IN PAYOR. OF:United Statu o! Juimria. l'OJl.1KlC1Ctrk transmi•aicm. line DlSCLOSKD PY INSTRUMBNT RBCORDKD:July 18, 1941 R.ICOROllfG NtltmER: 31788:zt AFFBCTS:Southerly portiOD of said prcmiaea ~ E.ASBMZFr .u-nc"I'lliiG A i'OR'l'lOH 01 8Ali> PUMttlU Fl)Jl 'nm POJUIOSBS STJ:t.TKD THEREVI': IN FAVOR OF,Pugat Sound Power l: :.igbt C~y. a Naabi.ngtoo. cgq,ontiOD PO!:To L-tatall, uae iUld a:w1.intain 2 guy wire• and 2 anchor• DtSC'LOSJm RY UfSTRtJMDIT UCOlU>BD:March 19, 1'7S RBCORDINJ NtlMaEJt.:7!01190316 AFFECTS :The description c:ontained tl'lereib ia not auffident to determine its exact location within the property berein descri~ AN EASEteH"I' AITJCTINO A PORTIO?f OF SAID PUNISIS POil TSE PIJR.POSES snrirn Tlli.flZUI: IN FAVOR OF:United States of America f'Olt:Ro•d DISCLOSED BY U,STRUMENT JlBCORDBP:Deceaibet< 10, RSCORDINQ NUMBBR:J~a,,6a >SFEC."t'S,Portion of ••id pr~i••• l!Hl • I l . -., n '·· .... 1 ·,-4.=r.:wtw;./• +it:· 1995.412.512 Page: 2 of 3 • • I • • • • .. rt I-; t. ~~ ._ i - - .._I * ->\, , , . I Ii ~ ~ ... .. C, ~ OI scrip ti on: ------- ----------- • • • Right to enter aaid pretni••• to make repair• and tb9 rigbt ~ cut ~xuah and tree• which conatitute • man.ace or danger to the electric trazun:IIJ.aalon line located in ta 1tnet or road &djo1ning aaid pramiau u grmted by inatrument racorded \.\Ddor Recording N\mber H570H, Sa.id eaaea.p.t ia a re-rac:ard.ins of ea•-t recorded uader R.scordi.Dg ~ ]451:222. RBSTR.IC'l'IONS CCIN'1'AINED Iii SAID PlAT AS POI.LOWS: .All lote iD this plat are reatrictltd to S-1 Suburban uae, except all o! Block 9, and Tracts 1, .l, t, s, 6, i and 8, Block I, which are J:e•tricted to Jl-1 Residence t1'111111; no lot or portion o! a lot in thia plat shall be divided and aeld or re.aold or 011Derahip cbange4 or trll!lBferred whereby the O'lftlership o! any portion of thia plat aball be leas than 35, ooo square feet for e-1 uae for leas t.baD 6,000 square feet and 50 tecit in width for Jt.-1 W1e, and subject further ~ . tho provisiOM of Ung Colmty Reddent.f.al HUmbtir 61tH IIDCl aWlaequ.ent amandmenta thereto. Water supply -Spring Glen Water Sylltmn Seattle City Water senge cllapo.Nl -septic tanko RBSTRICTIOllS COR'l'UBBD IN SAID PlAT AS POLLOWS: All tracts bordtirl!d by Bonneville Powar Line are subject to Bomieville Powr company e&SellleDt. Basement for grading of 11treet slope11, u nece.sary, over portian of preudaes adjoining any scrnet or &llny. .,.-. .,:· .. : • ..'.i:.;.. •. ~· ................. .. King, WA Document -Year.Month.Day.DocID 1996. 412. 612 Page: 3 of 31 • r • I • • • . -... ~H· i: Ii RECEIPT EG00049951 BILLING CONTACT Siegfried Schmidt Cedar Ridge Church of Christ PO Box 5355 Kent, WA 98064 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA16-000128 PLAN -Environmental Review PLAN -HE Conditional Use Technology Fee Printed On: February 18, 2016 Prepared By: Jill Dini:a • ---------Renton® 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 TRANSACTION TYPE Fee Payment Fee Payment Fee Payment Transaction Date: February 18, 2016 PAYMENT METHOD Check #137 Check #137 Check #137 SUB TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $1,000.00 $2,500.00 $105.00 $3,605.00 $3,605.00 Page 1 of 1