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LUA-96-012 Large Format
00 Im CHAINLOCK TREE TIES 43' SHALL BE A ROOT - MINIMUM OF BALL TWICE THE I DEPTH ROOT -BALL 12' DEPTH MIN �.IIN 11 CJ YJ � 111E 1 B' ROOTEALL 8 Al .WIDTH �INI PLANTING PIT ' SHALL BE A MINI- MUM OF TWICE THE ROOTBALL WIDTH. — (2)-2"x2" WOOD TREE STAKES (STAIN W/ OYMPIC NO. 711 PRIOR TO INSTALLATION) — 2" MULCH IN BASIN i-- — 3' WATER RETENTION BASIN (IN SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER AREAS ONLY) Y --- FERTILIZER TABLETS - --- — BACKFILL SOIL MIX \ -- - — REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 2/3 OF ROOT BALL. \�---- COMPACTED MOUND OF BACKFILL SOIL MIX NOTE: REMOVE TREATED OR SYNTHETIC BURLAP COMPLETELY. TREE PLANTING AND STAKING DETAIL LAWN AREA 6' EDGE SHRUB BED _ (TYPICAL) TRENCH * (TYPICAL) i I FINISH GRADE---� a � I d AW 45 9C 3. LAWN EDGE DETAIL NTS WIDTH VARIES ' REFER TO PLAN FINISH GRADE - (INCLUDING BED I MULCH) * 3" MIN.; REFER TO PLAN FOR SPECIFIC 2" O SHRUB-- -- k BERM k CROWN HTS. BEDS, FLUSH O LAWN AREA -SUB-BASE MATERIAL ASPHALT \ PAVING \ -NATIVE SOIL CONCRETE CURB OR---- - TOPSOIL FILL - REFER TO ADJACENT PAVEMENT SPECIFICATIONS FOR SOIL TYPE NOTE: GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE EXCESS ASPHALT PAVEMENT AND SUB- BASE MATERIAL DOWN TC NATIVE SOIL. PARKING ISLAND PLANTER DETAIL NTS NTS Ilowww, wp- F1 AREA FOR SPACING ADJUSTMENT CONTINUOUS OUTER ROW OF PLANTS / SPACED "X' ON CENTER AND SET BACK FROM THE PLANTING BED EDGE 2/3 "X" + EDGE OF PLANTING BED 2/3 'X" TRIANGULAR SPACING WITHIN PLANTING BED SPECIFIED PLANT SPACING="X" INDIVIDUAL PLANTS REPRESENTED AS:{- PLANT SPACING DETAIL NTS MULCH ROOT BALL/POT BACKFILL SOIL MIX 1 FERTILIZER TABLET GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL NTS 3% PLANT.NG PIT I SHALL BE A MIN. OF TWICE THE ROCTIBALL CEPTH PLANTING PIT SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF TWICE THE ROOT - BALL DEPTH V- M'� � l.:H ,am WATERING BA _ E FERTILIZER TABLETS, 2"-6' DEPTH PEEL BURLAP BACK FROM TOP HALF OF ROOT BALL AFTER PLACING SHRUB IN PLANTING HOLE (REMOVE COMPLETELY \ IF FIBERGLASS OR TREATED). BACKFILL SOIL MIX SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL .. k NTS fi L 4N7 t*-1A7E fR r4L L I S� OTY, I BOTANIGAL NAY" IE I COMMON NAME SIZE 4 SPACING 6 _ 2 A_GER RUB_RU_M'RED SU_N_S_ET' 'RED _SUN_SET'_R_E_D MAP_L_E AUSTRIAN PINE 2 I'2" 8'-10' GAL., 12'-14' HT,, 545 HT,,_B_4B_ _ PINJS NICzRA 268 53 ARGTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI AZALEA 'GLAMOUR' KINNIKINNIGK 'GLAMOUR' AZALEA I C34L. 1 C;AL. GONT. Q GONT, 6 3' 3' O.G. O.G. 61 HE1"fEROGALLI5 'STELLA D'ORO' 'STELLA D'ORO' DAYLIL`I' 1 GAL. 1 GAL, GONT. 6 CON-- +0_3' 2' O.G. O.C. 28 ILEX GORNUTA 'ROTUNDA DW,4RF CHINESE HOLLY 45 SPIRAEA JAPONICA SHROB NA SH IBORI 1 AL. CONT . 3'-4' HT,, 545/GONT, m 4' O.G. 25 TNUJA OGGIDENTALI5 'EMERALD GREEN' 'EMERALD GREEN' ARBORVITAE -15 VIBURNUM DAVIDII DAVID VIBURNUM I GAL. GONT. 9 3' O.G. EX1571NG TREES (2) TO BE REMOVED I-AUSTRIAN PINE ---- -- 28-DAVID VIBURNUM 9 3' O.G. 24-K;NNIKINNICK -- Q 3' O.C. 6-'SHIBORI' SPIRAEA 25-'EMERALD GREEN' -- ARBORVITAE 'a 4' O.G. 1-AU57RIAN PINE LIMIT OF WORK 148-KINNIKINNIGK Q 3' O.G. TO BE REMOVED &FEC:IFIGr471ON& 1. Refer to details above for additional informatlor. 2. Chemically kill and remove from site all existing weeds and vegetation not shown to remain on plans. 3. Distribute imported sandy loam topsoil (approved by the Landscape Architect) in areas shown and at depths indicated for crowning and berming of landscape areas. Dotted lines indicate 1' contour intervals. All landscape beds and parking islands shall receive topsoil, whether indicated on plan or not, so that finish grades of all shrub beds shall be 2" below tops of adjacent curbs and pavement. 4. Fine grade all landscape beds prior to planting operations. 5. No plant substitutions shall be permitted without prior approval of Landscape Architect/Owner. 6. All plant materials and plant locations shall be approved by the Landscape Architect prior to installation. All plants shall be thoroughly watered immediately after planting with Alaska Fish Fertilizer solution. 7. Soil amendment for soil preparation and planting backfill shall be a screened nitrofied wood residual compost equal to "Nutra-Mulch" brand compost and as available from Northwest Cascade, Puyallup, WA, (206) 848-2371. 8. Soil Preparatiion - (all landscape beds). Spread 9 c.y. of specified soil amendment per 1000 s.f. (approx. 3" depth) of area. Spread 100 lbs.; 1000 s.f. of dolomite lime (in lawns only), 150 lbs./1000 s.f. of Agricultural Gypsum and 15 lbs./1000 s.f, of 16-8-8 commercial fertilizer over soil amendment. Roto-till oil of the above to a 6'-8" depth and grade smooth, compacting as required, and removing all rocks, clods and debris. 9. Lawn areas shall consist of the following turf types: 60% Turf -Type Perennial Rye Gross Varieties 20% Bluegrass 20% Hard Fescue Seed shall be equal to that as growr by Country Greer Turf Farms, Olympic, WA. Seed shall be applied at 7 lbs.,/1000 s.f. and include 10 lbs./1000 s.f. of Nu -Life 15-5-10 fertilizer in lawn areas. All tree calipers shall be measured at DBH (diameter -at -breast -height). 11. All trees in lawn areas shall be planted in a 3' diameter circle of bed mulch. 12. Backfill mix for all plants shall be a blend of 113 existing site soil, 1/3 coarse sand and 1/3 soil amendment specified in No. 7. Apply Osmocote 17-7-12, 12 month slow release fertilizer over the surface of all plant Pits at the following rates: Trees over 10' height: 2 Cups All shrubs (except 1 gallons): 1/2 Cup Groundcovers: 1/4 Cup Trees under 10' height: 1 Cup 1 Gallon Plants: 1/4 Cup 13. Fertilizer tablets for all plants shall be Agriform (20-10-5) 21 gram or 10 gram tablets distributed as follows: All trees: 4-21 gram tablets; all shrubs (except 1 gallons):. 3-21 gram tablets; ail 1 gallons: 1-21 grarn tablet; all 2 1/4" and 4" pot groundcovers: 1-10 gram tablet each. Set tablets directly next to root ball. 14. All shrub and groundcover beds shall receive a 2' depth (6 c.y. per 1000 s.f.) of "Nutro-Mulch" screened compost as a finish bed mulch. 15. Apply a granular pre -emergent herbicide to all shrub and groundcover beds after applying bed mulch. Do not use Cosaron or Norasoc brands. 16. All work shall be performed to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect/Owner. 17. All plants shall be guaranteed for one full year from date of project acceptance. All replaced plants shall be re -guaranteed. All replacements shall be made within 21 days of receiving written notice from the Owner Contractor shall not be responsible for plants dying due to Owner neglect or vandalism, after the maintenance period. 18. Plant list quantities are shown for reference only. Contractor is responsible for verifying all quantities in list with actual plan call -outs, and installing plantings per the landscape plan. Groundcover quantities shall be adjusted as required for field conditions at the specified spacing, 19. Final inspection shalt occur at the conclusion of a 60-day maintenance period. Maintenance period shall commence upon completion of all landscape installation activities and shall include the following: A. Mow lawns once per week. B. Remove all weeds over 1' in height. C. Replace dead and/or unhealthy plants. D. Insure proper function of irrigation system. E. Insure adequate moisture is delivered to all landscape beds, including non -irrigated areas. F. Fertilize all lawns at conclusion of maintenance period. A ICTLI I A t"1Ie-%In,-%I r-'% A�/I II v LILY NORTH 20' 10. 0 20' 40' SCALE: 1" - 20' STATE OF WASHINGTON IREW7 RED LANDgCAM'E'I It RCHITECT Jeffrey B, `Glander Certiflcpo Flo. 405 v v C O .En .j h.. O C X x 6 Q m y 3 ZO C o C ° -C -C v N z 0 r V ZLLJ 2: V) V J Q Q Z Z n O Z Ld Non —V bt u W .-r aN uw 0,000 < is, o " a qeN o n H a� VJ 0 Nf-� • Cie i, ram, U d Q .r U it LLJ l ! V W Ln N a— r Q U---- E..� -- a --- N --- - sheet 0 Z L-1 Q of 1 pw civ OF PEEN 6A-96 --olz CHAINLOCK TREE TIES 43" 3 v971AN77ING PIT SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF TWICE THE ROOT - BALL DEPTH 12" ROOT -BALL DEPTH MIN 12" J J 1.I �JJ B 1?00MALL 11 I WIDTH I PLANTING PIT SHALL BE A MINI- MUM OF TWICE THE ROOTBALL WIDTH. (2)-2"x2" WOOD TREE j STAKES (STAIN W/ OYMPIC NO, 711 PRIOR TO INSTALLATION) �— 2" MULCH IN BASIN — 3" WATER RETENTION BASIN (IN SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER AREAS ONLY) FERTILIZER TABLETS --- — — BACKFILL SOIL MIX --- REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 2/3 OF ROOT BALL. COMPACTED MOUND OF BACKFILL SOIL MIX NOTE: REMOVE TREATED OR SYNTHETIC BURLAP COMPLETELY. TREE PLANTING AND STAKING DETAIL NTS LAWN AREA 6- EDGE SHRUB BED _ (TYPICAL) TRENCH 7 (TYPICAL) FINISH GRADE— d d � I 45 d LAWN EDGE DETAIL NTS AREA FOR SPACING ADJUSTMENT CONTINUOUS OUTER ROW OF PLANTS SPACED "X" ON CENTER AND SET BACK FROM THE PLANTING BED EDGE 2/3 "X- + + 2/3 -x- EDGE OF PLANTING BED + + \�/ + 2/3 "X" TRIANGULAR SPACING WITHIN PLANTING BED SPECIFIED PLANT SPACING="X" INDIVIDUAL PLANTS REPRESENTED AS:+ PLANT SPACING DETAIL NTS MULCH ROOT BALL/POT BACKFILL SOIL MIX 1 FERTILIZER TABLET GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL 4" NTS EXISTING TREES (2) TO BE REMOVED 1-AU5TRIAN PINE — 28-DAVID VIBURNUM 6 3' O.G. 24-KINNIKINNICK -- Is 3' O.C. 6-'5HI5ORP SPIRAEA 25-'EMERALD GREEN' ARBORVITAE 'a 4' O.G. 96-KINNIKINNICK a 3' O.G. 2-1-'5HI5ORI' SPIRAEA 46-'GLAMOUR' AZALEA 6 3' O.G. _ 0 0 0 o 0 ED N5ET ED M E 14-DWARF CHINE5E HOLLY 1� 3' 0/-'. r, X'Mi — :5, H04 1PA4 711 BERM.,��� / 24' HT. P RP'1 O 6 ABO / TO OF RB 12-' HIBORI' SPIRAEA 41-DAVID VIBURNUM 3' O.G. R = --� (T Y F. a, --- 43-'STELLA D'ORO' DAYLILY 2' O.C. IJ 1 - _1-'GLAMOUR' AZALEA \ a �' ELLA D'ORO' DAYLILY I-AUSTRIAN PINE d d d u WIDTH VARIES d d d -- MULCH = 15' \ '-� �•� � REFER TO PLAN T - WATERING BASIN BERM FINISH GRADE r - - � LIMIT O� WORK -- I � - 5-EED L,4WN (INCLUDING BED PLANTING PIT SHALL BE A ROOTBALI TH ' FERTILIZER TABLETS, f _ �T ✓ MULCH) ----- 3" MIN.; REFER TO TAHE OCTBIN. OF AL 6EPMIN. TH 5�1 17,7 SERE PLAN FOR SPECIFIC_ DEPTH 1 PEE6"BOURPAP BACK �' 2' O SHRUB -- ---� — BERM k CROWN HTS. FROM TOP HALF OF `� - - - 5 - RED SUNSET' BEDS, FLUSH _ _ _ O LAWN AREA T ROOTeAu ROOT BALL AFTER PLACING SHRUB IN �RED MAPLE ---- --- �•�•o► • •ts gAMETER PLANTING HOLE-� .• --- SUB -BASE MATERIAL - (REMOVE COMPLETELY IF FIBERGLASS OR 148-KINNIKINNICK _ — - ASPHALT --J MIN. MIN TREATED). 3 O.C. PAVING -- — NATIVE SOIL PLANTING PIT -BACKFILL SOIL MIX -- — TOPSOIL FILL - REFER TO SHALL BE A EXISTING TREES (3) CONCRETE CURB OR ADJACENT PAVEMENT SPECIFICATIONS FOR SOIL TYPE MINIMUM TWICE THEE ROOT- T I O BE REMOVED BALL DEPTH NOTE: GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE EXCESS ASPHALT PAVEMENT AND SUB- BASE MATERIAL DOW% TO NATIVE SOIL SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL H) NTS PARKING ISLAND PLANTER DETAIL NTS • FLINT t* 1ATERIAL L iS� QTY, I BOTANICAL NAME I COMMON NAME SIZE 4 5PACINGz 6 AGER RUBRUM 'RED SUNSET' 'RED SUNSET' RED MAPLE 2 1/2` GAL., 12'-14' HT., 545 2 PINUS NIGRA AUSTRIAN PINE 8'-10' HT., 545 268 ARCT05TAPHYL05_UVA_-_U_R5_1 KINNIKINNICK i 6 3' 53 AZALEA 'GLAMOUR' _ _ 'GLAMOUR' AZALEA _CsAL._GONT, 1 GAL. CONT. 6 3' O.G. 61 HEMEROCALLIS 'STELLA D'ORO' 'STELLA D'ORO' DAYLILY I COAL. GO_NT, 6 2' O.G. 28 ILEX CORNUTA 'ROTUNDA' _ DWARF CHINESE HOLLY 1 GAL. GONT, e 3' O.G. 45 SPIRAEA JAPONICA '5HIRO5ANA' 'SHIBORI' SPIRAEA 1 GAL. GONT. 25 THUJA OGGIDENTAL 15 'EMERALD GREEN' 'EMERALD GREEN' ARBORVITAE 3'-4' HT,, 545/GONT. 6 4' O.G. 75 VIBURNUM DAVIDII DAVID VIBURNUM 1 GAL. CONT. a 3' O.G. _ SF:)E C IF I CAT I ON5 Refer to details above for additional information. 2. Chemically kill and remove from site all existing weeds and vegetation not shown to remain on plans. 3. Distribute imported sandy loam topsoil (approved by the Landscape Architect) in areas shown and at depths indicated for crowning and berming of landscape areas. Dotted lines indicate 1' contour intervals. All landscape beds and parking islands shall receive topsoil, whether indicated on plan or not, so that finish grades of all shrub beds shall be 2" below tops of adjacent curbs and pavement. 4. Fine grade all landscape beds prior to planting operations. 5. No plant substitutions shall be permitted without prior approval of Landscape Architect/Owner, 6. All plant materials and plant locations shall be approved by the Landscape Architect prior to installation. All plants shall be thoroughly watered immediately after planting with Alaska Fish Fertilizer solution. 7. Soil amendment for soil preparation and planting backfill shall be a screened nitrofied wood residual compost equal to "Nutra-Mulch" brand compost and as available from Northwest Cascade, Puyallup, WA, (206) 848-2371. 8. Soil Preparatiion - (all landscape beds). Spread 9 c.y. of specified soil amendment per 1000 s.1. (approx. 3" depth) of area. Spread 100 lbs./1000 s.f. of dolomite lime (in lawns only), 150 lbs./1000 s.f. of Agricultural Gypsum and 15 Ibs./1000 s.f. of 16-8-8 commercial fertilizer over soil amendment. Roto-till all of the above to a 6"-8" depth and grade smooth, compacting as required, and removing all rocks. Nods and debris. 9 Lawn areas shall consist of the following turf types: 60% Turf -Type Perennial Rye Grass Varieties 20%. Bluegrass 20% Hard Fescue Seed shall be equal to that as grown by Country Green Turf Forms, Olympia, WA. Seed shall be applied at 1 Ibs./1000 s.f, and include 10 Ibs./1000 s.f. of Nu -Life 15-5-10 fertilizer in lawn areas. 10. All tree calipers shall be measured at DSH (diameter -at -breast -height). 11. All trees in lawn areas shall be planted in a 3' diameter circle of bed mulch. 12. Backflll mix for all plants shall be a blend of 1/3 existing site soil, 1/3 coarse sand and 1/3 soil amendment specified in No. 7. Apply Osmocote 17-7-12, 12 month slow release fertilizer over the surface of all picnt pits at the following rotes: Trees over 10' height: 2 Cups All shrubs (except t gallons): t/2 Cup Groundcovers: 1/4 Cup Trees under 10' height: 1 Cup 1 Gallon Plants: 1 /4 Cup 13, Fertilizer tablets for all plants shall be Agriform (20-10-5) 21 gram or 10 gram tablets distributed as follows: All trees: 4-21 gram tablets; oil shrubs (except 1 gallons): 3-21 gram tablets; all 1 gallons: 1-21 grem tablet; all 2 1/4' and 4" pot groundcovers: 1-10 gram tablet each. Set tablets directly next to root ball. 14. All shrub and groundcover beds shall receive a 2" depth (6 c.y. per 1000 s.f.) of "Nutro-Mulch" screened compost as a finish bed mulch. 15. Apply a granular pre -emergent herbicide to all shrub and groundcover beds after applying bed mulch. Do not use Casoron or Norasoc brands. 16. All work shall be performed to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect/Owner. 11. All plants shall be guaranteed for one full yeor from dote of project acceptance. All replaced plants sholl be re -guaranteed. All replacements shall be made within 21 days of receiving written notice from the Owner. Contractor shall not be responsible for plants dying due to Owner neglect or vandalism, after the maintenance period. 18. Plant list quantities are shown for reference only. Contractor is responsible for verifying all quantities in list with actual plan call -outs, and installing plantings per the landscape plan. Groundcover quantities shall be adjusted as required for field conditions at the specified spacing. 19. Final inspection sholl occur at the conclusion of a 60-doy maintenance period. Maintenance period sholi commence upon completion of all landscape installation activities and shall include the following: A. Mow lawns once per week. B. Remove all weeds over 1" in height. C. Replace dead and/or unhealthy plants. D. Insure proper function of irrigation system. E. Insure adequate moisture is delivered to all landscape beds, including non -irrigated areas. F. Fertilize all lawns at conclusion of maintenance period. NORTH 20' 10' 0 20' 40' SCALE: I" = 20' STATE OF WASHINGTON IRE RED LAND�C RCHITECT ceiVED l ' d ffrey,8 Zlander CertiFic)pil Vvo. 405 FEB 7 ?mp DEVELOPMENT PLANNI G CITY OF RE'NTON v v C .0 a� f` O C x X WP 0 0 m-0 3 O Z C O C _!IC 'v U N z O Z_ Li = V) Q Q 3: Z Z � OO Z LLJ CD wN 0 Lo u W 0 eq <aGo 40 1 4 .4N N a rh N x) go N Ea. a e V L G� Q W rT1 U U _Ja_ w�lJ� W r Tn 0 0 00 V hero a_ Q �-j �' a N� sheet V) 0 z L-1 Q J of 1 <r , r* A a 1�ti - SCALE: 1 " = 20,_0„ , . '' ^, ..'.�..- '.�.! _ r. �� .�=•-"-� �.�.•,�., _ REMOVE ANY TREE WITHIN- ,:: .... 5 FT OF EDGE OF PROPOSED PAVEMENT _. = h� .19-55 nt` _- 1945. _ 19.70 19.25 , — _ 19.15 _ 19.15 ---, EXISTING DARAGE, BUILDING AND ° `18.85 18.70 PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED ON —SITE AND TO EDGE OF SW 12TH STREET. ' 18.70 -�� - 18-90: } Qp .2$% 18.70 �. o CB 2 TYPE 1 NEW ASPHALT CONCRETE ALLEY CONSTRUCTED BY THE CITY OF RENTON AFTER DATE OF SURVEY. ALLEY CROSS— SECTION IS AN INVERTED CROWN. DESIGN r GRADES ARE NOT AVAILABLE AS OF THE DATE OF THESE PLANS. CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME THE GRADES ON EAST EDGE OF PARKING ARE WITHIN 6 INCHES OF EXISTING GRADE. �r 1% MATCH EDGE OF EX. PAVEMENT - o /— SOUND MAZDA—SUZUKI—HYUNDAI DEALERSHIP. NOT CONSTRUCTED AS OF DATE SHOWN ON ! s THESE PLANS. INFORMATION SHOWN IS FROM CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED PLANS. ®ATMIM-P-Mee! 1 2 RIM=17.90 SD 8.55 8:70 2 3 2 3 IE=16.23 (8" DI S,E) ,SO 18.55 Y'�" �- 40LF-8"ODI©0.28% \ --_ I 18.60 18.60 -- -` --~ v - --" �—S S3. v L. _ — S 's•` t: "_-' -. Mom. ss �r•a�' \-.'' _` _ s� _ _Jt`-`l. _�iT _,µ•w'^-1,.s'<. V y!yY w.yr.- 1 - ..; - _• - - '�,.y�'� Y. CB#3. TYPE 1 1 2 RIM =18.15 n 2 3 2 3 ss CB1. TYPE 1 IE=16.47 (8 DI W) CONNECT TO EX. STORM RIM=18.00 1 2 IE=16.12 (12" HDP E,W) COALESCING PLATE OIL/WATER SEPARATOR -- CONNECT TO EX, STORM IE=16.08 (12" HDP E) IE=16.05 (12" HDP W) CAPACITY AT 0.50 GPM/SF = 1200 GPM USE PIPE INC. MODEL 712—SA OR APPROVED EQUAL. NOTE THAT THE COALESCING PLATE OIL/WATER SEPARATOR WILL SERVE THE SOUND MAZDA BUILDING SITE AS WELL AS THIS ADDITIONAL SITE. //// WARNER ENGINEERING 5122 Olympic Dr. NW Suite B204 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED i rru i7v pni c POLE ANCHOR AND GUY :c STREET LAMP STANDARD C-�--•— NATURAL GAS PER LOCATOR MARKS -- UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE ASPHALT GATE VALVE 6- FIRE HYDRANT - �t--- - WATER LINE WAT-R METER BOX REDUCER POST INDICATOR VALVE FDC 7 CATCH BASIN {v> STORM DRAIN MANHOLE AREA DRAIN CONCRETE GUTTER SL-- STORM LINE 5.------ SEWER LINE SEWER MANHOLE CLEANOUT :x--- FENCE - POST 4 r. DECIDUOUS TREE DRIP RADIUS SPOT ELEVATION — CONTOUR GRADE BREAK ./— 20.00 ELEVATIONS ARE CITY OF RENTON DATUM FROM CITY BENCH MARK NO. 707, CHISELED SQUARE AT FACE OF CONCRETE WALK IN LINE WITH EAST FACE OF ATOMIC BATTERIES BUILDING, 55 SW 12TH STREET. ELEVATION 21.60' Office (206) 858-8577 1� Fax (206) 858-8579S'IONAL� 3 EXPIRES 9/21 NO. REVISION CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOMM SOUND MAZDA-SUZUKI-HYUNDAI ADDITIONAL SITE SITE GRADING, PAVING AND STORM DRAINAGE PLAN DESIGNED: C.E.L. DATE: 01 /30/96 FlLE NAme SITEPLAN DRAWN: C.E.L. j� j� CHECKED: G . E . W - SCALE: 1 ,"= 2 0 T — 0 » naD BOOK: PAGE: BY APPR. DAIS APPROVED SHEET: 2 OF: 6 d�rrw Cr weuc �