HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/16/2010 - Minutes MINUTES G[tyof City of Renton (���QQ� �_��' Human Ser�ices Advisory Committee Tuesday, No�ember 16, 2014 City Hall, 7th Floor 3:00 p.m. Cauncil Cor�ference Room Commitree memhers For your calendars: present: 1'he clat� of the next regular meeting is Tuesday, December 21, at 3:00 p.m. in the Counci! Conference Room, 7t" Floor, Renton City �all. Rolf Dragseth Alicia Glenwell �obin called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Adria Krai[ Robin Jones, Chair I.inda Smith �• Minutes from October 19, 2010, Meetin�: The approval of the October Rob spier minutes was deferred unfi[the Decem�er meeting. Nicole Wicks 2. Update on Fundin� Recommendations: Five programs that were funcled in 2009-2Q1Q �ut were not recommended for funding in 2011-2012 are: "fhe � Rentan Clothes Bank, Commur�ities in Schools of Ren�on (C1SR) Family Absent: Liaison Prograrn, C1SR Mentor Program,T�e Ukrainian Center Refugee Margie Albritton Assistance Program, and the Romest[c Abuse Wame�'s NetworK (DAWN) Charles Gray Cor�munity Ad�ocacy Program. Some of these agencies have had long Elizabeth Stevens,Vice- p�rfinerships with the City and pro�ide much need�d services to resider�ts, chaPr so Council made the decision to fund them at 50% af their 2009-201a Staff Contacts. a[location. Partialfy funding them will give them the opportunity ta �repare � for the next applicatiar� cycEe. Dianne will send communication to t�e Karen Bergsvik agencies to [et them Ecnow they will receirre partial funding. /�25-�k30-6552 kbergsvik@rentonwa.gov 3. Hausin� Repair Assistance Pro�ram: Tim l.awless, G[ty of Renton Housing bianne Uteci�t Repair Caardinator, provided an o�erview of t�e Housing Repair Assistance 425-430-6655 Program (HftAPy. 7he program pro�ides minor home repair services to City dutec�t@rentonwa.gov resident homeowners who meet U,S. Department of�lousing and Urban Develo�ment income guidelines. Free home services are pro�ided,focusing Carol Allread on heafth anci safety issues to ir�prove the carnfart, security, and safety for 425-43�-6650 gu���fied client's homes, In turn, this he[ps keep housing safe and callread@rentonwa.go� affordable and improves the comfort and�li�abifity of the city's hornes and neighbarhoocts. Tim presented the proposed changes to the HRAP policies; • The home cannat be for sale at any time while part of the program. Previausly, the pol9cy read: The applicant must-own and reside in the d4velling requiring services for af least 12 rrronths prior ta requesting service. The home cannot be for sale within 12 months of receiving services. • lt is recommended that the policies �e amended to a�dress applicar�ts experiencing extenuating circ�rrtstances. An extenuating circumstance is an ever�t that can change a family's income ar farnily size during the calendar year and may make the applican�e[igible to receive services. An extenuating circumstance consic[eration of eligibility is a one-time per fami[y exception that wilf last for six rnonths from date of acceptance inta#he program. A maximum of$2,000 wifl be available for this six month period, a home ass�ssment wi11 not be performed, and al! other pragrarn �olicies apply. • Eligibility far manufac�ured homes is limited to thase �ui[t in the U,S. after Ju�e 15, 1976, that are [abeled and certified by the manufacturer to be bui[t in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and tJrban Development's Construction and Safety Standards in effect on the date the home was manufactured. The HSAC had previo�sly appraved this change, but it has nat yet �een appro�ed by the Council. o HRAP will pro�ide professional licer�sed pest contral services one tirrte per year. There will be no ongoing pest control maintenance eontracts. Alicia made a mation ta appro�e the changes as written, Rob seconds the motion. Motian appro�ed. �. Third Quarter A�encv Performance Report: Dianne reported that the Mu1ti-5ervice Center had not met their goals for third quarter. While they are on track ta meet their numbers for the year, it [s important that they increase the number of unduplicatecf clients served as stipulated in the contract and they ha�e agreed to prioritize ftenton families to meet requirements. Karen askecf the Comrnittee if the perfarmance re�ort farma� fielps them understand what is going on in the agencies. Alicia said she likes the forrrtat of the report but would fike to know why the agencies that do not meet the reporting deacilin�s are late. Rob requested that the Committee E�e informed when there is a pattern of an agency ur�derperforming or turning in their re�orts late. Ne also su�gested that when an agency is not meeting goals, staff from the agency shoufd be required to come to a rrteetir�g to explain why they are under�erforming. 5. A�encv Visits for 2011:, Karer� proposes that the Committee estabiish a schedufe to �isit the ten new programs that the City is funding in the 2011-Z0�2 funding cycle, Adria suggested cambinmg the monthly meeting with an agertcy toUr, and shortenir�g the agenda in order to accorr�modate the visit. Rolf suggested having a��ropriate agency staff come ta the regulariy sc�eduled rrieetings to brief fhe Committee on their agency function. Another suggestion was#o c[etermine which agenc[es hacE meeting roorrts, and which agencies have something for the cammittee to see. Karen will get back ta the eommittee ance she gets this infarmation. 6. Human 5ervices Bud�et Cuts: !t is anticipated tha� 2011 will f�e one of the most difficult years ever in Human Ser�ices, �ver 60� Re�tor� families are losing Temporary Assistance far Needy FamilE�s (1"AN�) in February, and approximateEy �,500 families in King County wifl lose unernployment benefits. Karen referred t�e Corr�mittee to www.kin�county.�ov/operations/DGhIS/Services/StateBudgetCuts.aspx for detailed informatian regarding the c�ts. H:�HurrEan Servlces\09�Advisory Committee�Agenda-Handouts-Minutes�M3nutes�2fl101Vtlnutes�t�ovemher 10 rt�Inutesfinal.doc 7. Caaacity B�ai[din� Request for Proposal: Five-thousand dollars ($�,000) was set aside to provide professiona[ services to improve the capacity of non-profit agencies�unded by the City. Dianne is currently in the proeess of writing the Request for Proposal that wil! be sent ta agencies that may be interested in provEding these serviees. IVicole as[ced how'the agencies will be chosen to receive capacity f�uilding ser�ices. The Committee will he(p iden'tify the criteria used to choose the agencies that will � receive the services. Nicole askec# if more ag�ncies could �e served by pro�[ding a grau� session. The language in the Request for Propasal can E�e expartded to inciude either individual or group technical assistance. More discussion will follow at the next meeting. The rneeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.rn. �--�'�. � Robin Jones, Chair H:�Human Services\09�Adv€sory Committee�Agenda-Handouts-MSnutes\Minutes�2fl10 Minutes�iVvvem6er 10 minutesfiaal.doc