HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/20/2013 - Minutes Renton Library Ad�isory Board ,�*,,:..�--. c�ty or, ����}������ '?=�� Meeting Minu#es Ci#y Hall, Council Conference Room March 20, 2013 � 5:3� p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Lynne King called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. In Attendance Members: Laurie Beden, Lynne King, Catherine Ploue-5mith, Suzi LJre City of Renton Staff: Peter Renner, Diane Wagner KCLS Staff: Angelina Benedetti Excused Members: Erica Richey Staff: 1'erry Higashiyama li. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motian was made by Laurie Beden, seconded by Suzi Ure,to appro�e the agenda. All were in fa�or, mation carried, agenda appra�ed. III. APPR�VAE.OF MINUTES Laurie Beden made a motion, seconded by Catherine Ploue-Smith, to appro�e the January 16, 2013 meeting minutes and February 3, ZQ12 Retreat minutes as written. All were in fa�or, motion carried, minutes approved. tV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONSIRUBLIC COMM�NTS None. V. BOARD COMMUNICA710N5 Nane. VI. CITY REPORT/ Peter Renner Peter talked abaut#he design meeting for the liberty Park Lihrary, which Catherine and Lynne attended. They talked about t�e three main issues: door,foatprint, and budge#. They discussed the different seismic s�aring, maintenance of the building at different square faotage, and the bridge deck/pedestrian bridge. The Council presen#ation is scheduled for April 15, but that date may change. The presentation will incfude design and budget. Peter reminded #he graup about the Open House/Meeting scheduled for March 26 at the Liberty Park Library. Peter talked about the progress af the Higi�lands redevel�pment in particular the Library portion and said there are m�etings e�ery-other week. The meetings invol�e the lawyers and City oF Renton Library Board Minutes March�0,2013 Page 2 of 3 sol�ing the issues#hat stitl need to be addressed. The �fraf� Purchase and Sale Agreement should be complete in a�proximately one month, E�en with the change in rig�t-of-way, the balance of Sunset Lane is sufficient far two lanes of traffic and some parallel parking. Existing ut�lities are sufFicient far building needs if KCLS starts prior to the mixed use development. i'he design is not any different than the last public update. VIE. KCLS REPORT/ANGELINA BENEDE771 Angelina talked about the Summer Outreach Pragram and provided information abaut the 5ummer Reading Partnerships with the City of Renton shawing such events as the KCLS Oay�t the Henry Mases Aquatic Center,the Summer Cancert at#he Rentan Farmer's Mar[cet, and the 5ummer Ex#ravaganza at Heritage Park,to name just a #ew. This will also bring the Library2G0! �ehicle to many events througk,out Renton during the summer mon#hs and pro�ide an opportuni�y ta have Library cards available to those w#�o currently do not ha�e a Library Card. The Board discussed how they can be in�ol�ed in assisting with the distriloution af infarmat+an about the library ant� cards. Angelina will email the information to the Board so#hey can distribute#he information #a friends, family, co-worlcers, �TA members, e#c. and mentioned that KC�S can provide materials as requested. Angexina talked about the recent author visit with Laurie King. She said there were approximately 40 people at the Library for h�r�isit, whicF� was held on Thursday, March 14, at 2:Oa pm. Laurie King wrate on her blog t�at she had a great#ime at the Renton Library. Angelina talked about a program titled,A Place at the Table. This themed pragram is a year- long series full af inspiring,thought-provolcing and interesting authars, presenters, and programs. She distribu#ed the first quarter acti�ity guide illustrating a number of authors and programs, some which are comjng to the Renton Libraries. As part af A Place at the Table, KCLS is accepting non-perishabhe food that will be distributed to 45 4oc�l food banks from March through December of 2013. BEns are located at each Library, New bags are a�ailable to put fnod in and wil� be distr�buted at the 5pring Festival and#he Fa�mers Market along with other events. Angelina shared the new library bags �and advised the L�brary will no longer be giving out plastic bags. The news �ags are a�aiiable far purchase at$1.�5 each or they can be checked- out for up to a year. The new bags are available a#the Renton �ibrary. VIII. DISCU$$ION/ACTION ITEMS The Soard talked about the retreat gaals and how they can get involved around the community such as possible ha�ing tables at different events that i�clud� information ahou� the library and applications for cards, etc. The summer e�er�ts and different ideas were discussed. ; � � kC-��Bodrds and Cammissions��,ibrary Board�2012�2d13 Minutes�l�+larch 2013 City of Renton Library Board Minutes March 20.2013 Page 3 of 3 IX. OLD BUSINESS Peter ga�e a progress report on the Day Center/5helter. The remodel design is camplete. 7here are a few ehanges required due to a recent inspectian and ac�ditional funding is being actively pursued ta accommadate the changes. T�e handout Peter distributed included information on the REACH website and how volunteers can sign up on the website at: �ttp://www.reachren#on.or�/reach-center-of-hope.html - X. NEW BUSINESS None. XI. INFORMA710N The Li#erary Lions Gala is scheduled for Saturday, March 23, 2013, at the Belle�ue Nyatt. Informa#ion on the event is included in the packet. X�I. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by 5uzi Ure, seconded by Laurie 8eden, to a�journ the March meeting. Alf were in favor, motion carri�d, the meeting adjournec� at 6:50 p.m. Signature NEXT REGULAR MEETINGS -� APRIL MEETING Wednesday,April 7.7,2012, 530 p.m. Rentan City Hall,Council Conference Room,7`h Flaor Telephone 425.430.6574 MAY MEETfNG Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 5:30�.m. Renton City Mall,Counci) Conference Roorn,7`"Floor Telaphone 425.430.6574 � , . �. H:��Boards and tommissians�Library Board�2012�2013 MinuteslMarch 2013 �, ��— --