HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/11/1998 - Minutes City of Renton Park Board Minutes Renton Senior Activity Center August 11, 1998--4:3� p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Tim Searing, Cf�air Syl�ia Allen Gerald Durst Joan Moffatt Leslie Betlach Jonn Painter Michael 0'Donin AI Dieckman Danie! Ba�stad, Sr. Marge Richter Glenn Kost Ron Regis Sandy Pilat Jerry Rerecich Absent Cynthia Bums Robert La ue CALL TO ORDER Tim Searing, Chair, called the August 11, 1998, meeting to order a# 4:30 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Joan Moffatt made a motion secanded by Ran Regis to approve th�July minu#es as written. Motion carried, minutes appro�ed. CORRE5PONDENCE A lette�from Luanna Martin was discussed regarding the amount of inemorials at Coulon Park. Ms. Martin felt t�e park should be for the living and with bouquets recently placed the park resembled a cemetery. Discussion followed regarding the benefits for the tree replacement and bench danations we have recei�ed from this program but also the amount of work to coordinate the purchasing, planting ar�d maintenance invol�ed with each reques#. It was decided to re�iew the policy at next month's meeting at w�ich time staff will ha�e polled other cities in the area #o see if they i�a�e a policy in effect and if there is a limit of a number th�y wil� except, etc. CONSENT Martin Schell and Julie Daw requested ta use Kiwanis Park on Saturday, August 29, at noon for their wedding ceremony. They ha�e been made aware of other ac#i�ities sch�duled at the park for that day ar�d signed a user agreement and mad� a damage deposit. Marge Richter made a mation seconded hy Ron Regis to approve the wedding as req�ested. A!I were in favor, motion carried. City of Renton Park Board M�nutes August 11, 1998 meeting Page 2 of 3 Leslie Betlac� re�iewed a letter from Jacqueline Ward wh� requested to hold her wedding at Tonkin Park on Sept�mber 5, �998, at 3:00 p.�n. Staff recomm�nded appro�al of t�is request and ha�e re�iewed park ruies and regulatian with Ms. Ward. Joan Moffatt made a motion seconded by Michael O Donin to approve the request. Motion carried, reauest approved. Wizards of the Coast booked the north shelter of Cou�on Park for approxima#ely 200 people on August 27, 1998. They now are an#icipating another 50-10� guests to atter�d� 5taff feels this will not create a problem since it is during the week and they have arranged shuttle service to a�oid parking probiems. Marge Richt�r made a motion, seconded by Ron Regis #o appro�e this request, Mo#ion carried. Kathleen Hansen, Boeing, requested to reserved the Ceda� River Park shelter and ballfield for a company picnic on Wednesday, August 19. They expect 250- 300 people to attend. Staff does not feel this will cause a problem because that is the week the community center is closed for their annual ma�ntenance so will not impact the center's parking ar conflict with acti�ities. Joan Moffatt rrtade a motion seconded by Marge Richter to approve �he request. Motio� carried, requ�st appro�ed. OLD BUSINESS Three members #ram the Renton VFW Post were in attendance to review the request for a �eteran's memorial to b� placed at a city park site. Leslie Betlach, re�iewe� their meeting held on August fi. Th� recommendation was to request to have a memorial: ✓ To commemorate alf �eterans who honorably serr�ed in the service of ti�eir county ✓ This memorial shall be located at the comer of 3� and Main ✓ On-going main#enar�ce will be the city's responsibility ✓ Design fees and construction costs will be paid from donated funds ✓ Arch€tectural Selection Committee and Design Committee each include a member from the Community Services Department ✓ 4nce the design is complete and prior to advertising and bidding, t�e design will be presen#ed to the Park Board and that recommendation forwarded to th� Council. ✓ Veterans Post 1263 will serve as the Steering Committee through which alf other organ�zations will work. Marge Richter made a motion to approve tY�e request amending the memorial to include all who honorably ser�ed their coun#y rather than �eterans who ser�ed in wars and conflicts. Michael O Donin seconded the motion. Alf inembers present were in fa�or, motion carried. City of Renton Park Board Minutes August 'I 1, 1998 meefing Page 3 of 3 Project Update Glenn Kost, C!P Manager, was present to update everyone on various projects inciuding the Mazda demolition, Lake Washing#on Boathouse, senior center patio and the Ron Re�is Park. Lastly the pool bond issue wi11 go on the ballot for 4 million dallars on No�ember 3'�. ADJOURNMENT Ron Regis made a motion seconded by Michael O'Donin ta adjourn tF�e meeting. All were in fa�or meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Signature Chair NEXT REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, � 998-4:30 P.M. SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER