HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/08/2000 - Minutes City of Renton '�� Park Board Minutes Renton Senior Activity Center February 8, 200Q--4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Ron Regis, Chair Syl�ia Allen Connie Brundage Cynthia Bums Leslie Betlach Jim Brundage Robert Logue Af Dieckman Diane Dobson Michael O'Donin Sandy Pilat Wyman Dobsan Marge Richter Jerry Rerecich Jerry Hudson Tim Searing Jim Shepherd Steve Perkins Herb Postlewait Absent Diana Postlewait Joan Moffatt CALL TO ORDER Chair, Ron Regis, called t�e February meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Marge Rich#er made a motion seconded by Michael O'Donin to appro�e the January minut�s as written. All were in favor, motion carried, minutes appro�ed. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Wyman Dobson briefly outlined his pre�ious written su�mittal requesting the "down#own' park be named after his pioneer family. Combined his family members had contribu#ed o�er 100 years of serrrice in the Lions Club and was instrumental in starting the Renton Rotary Club. They also �articipated as one of the city's first councif inembers and served as a mayor. The downtown sit� is where his family actually homesteaded in 1898. He concluded by rEquesting the Baard to consider naming the n�w park after the Dobson family. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Shepherd reviewed upcommg e�ents including: ✓ Darren Motamedy � Carco Theatre--February 12'" � 7:00 p.m. and the ✓ Renton City Cancert Band Winter Concert C�? Carco Theatre March g{n C�3 7:30 p.m. Ticke# information and reservations for both events can be obtained by calling 425.430-6706. Cynthia Burns asked for clarifica#ion on the date Darren Motamedy would be appearing. Sy��ia Allen, Recreatian Director, verified the show was actually on Sunday, February 13t�'. Ci�y of Re�7�on Park Board Minu�cs F�ebruary 8,2000 Aage 2 a C S CORRESPONDENCE Jim reviewed two letters the first from Mr. John Wimpress who made a donation to the parks department of $50.00. This is an annual donation made because Mr. Wimpress and �is wife do not live within th� city limits but enjoy the Renton parks system on a regular basis. Since Mr. Wimpress does not pay taxes to suppart ti�e parks systEm he wanted to contribute to supporting our facilities. The second letter was from Becky Milis who thanked us for a job well done for the new p�ay structures at Kiwanis Park. She commented the structures ar� sa#e, creative and fun serving many children and families. She thanked the department for keeping Kiwanis Park a safe and fun p�ace to play. CONSENT Ms. Esther Holt, Liberty Park concessionaire, reques#ed her monthiy lease amo�nt lowered from the $90.00 charge per month to $40.00 per month. She will stil� pay her utilities as in tf�e past. Due to the pool closure and numerous rainouts during last year's baseball season her 1999 profits were minimal. Staff recommended red�cing the monthly fee to $60.00. Tt�e Board discussed and agreed they felt the concession provrded a ser�ice #o our park patrons and are aware there is not a lot of business. Jerry Rerecich, Recreation Manager, explained that when the city published the request for proposals far this concession Ms. Holt was the only respondent. Mr. Regis suggested cutting Ms. Halt's rent in half to $45.D0 per mor��h. She would still pay her own utilities as in the past. Marge Richter made a motion #o decrease the leas� amount to $45.00 per month. Cyrrthia Burns seconded the motion. AU were in favor, #he motion carried. Jim re�iewed the remainder of the consent items arad invited any discussion or questions fvllowing the summary and #hen r�quested one mo#�on be made for all remaining items. The first item was a request from Sharon Kenyon, CROPWALK, who requested the fee fo� the shelters at Cedar River Park and Riverview Park for checkpoints for their annual CR�PWALK be wai�ed. A portion of the money they raise is donated to the Renton Food Ban�c and the Friendly K;tchen. The gro�p has filled out the necessary paperwork, right-of-way applica#ions and ob�ained insurance (with the City named as co-insured.) Th�y are aware no motorized �ehicfes are allowed on #he trails, any signage must be coordinated with the parks maintenance staff and remor+ed immed�ately following their event and their group must clean up after the walk. Staff recommended appr�val of t�e waiver of fees for the two sheiters on Sunday, May 7°h Betty Nokes, Comrnunity Foundation Board Membert requested use of Coulon Park or the Boat House dock on Saturday, March 11, from approximately fi:30 p.m. until 11:00 p.m, The Foundation is hosting a "gala e�ent" and has booked th�e Argosy Ship, the Lady Mary. TF�ey would fiKe to dock at one of these City of Rcnton Park Board Minutcs February 8,20{l0 Page 3 of 5 CONSENT (canirnued) locatians. Staff recommended approval of this request contingent on coordination wit� the par�c staff regarding required depth requir�ments. Stacy Math�son is having her wedding reception at the Senior Activ€ty Center on August 5, 2000. She is requesting to cond�ct the ceremony outside of the senior center in t�e grassy area. Ms. Matheson has been ad�ised of the park rules and regulations and agrees to abide by these rules. Staff recommend�d a�proval of this request contingent on coordination two weeks prior to the event with our Senior Center Coardinator, Shawn Daly. The Spring Glen Congregation of Jeho�ah's Witnesses has reserved Carco Theatre for Wednesday evening, April 19, 2000, for observation of a religious cefebration. Part of their ceremony will include passing of wine and bread. They are requesting permission to have wine at their celebration and ha�e paid t�e appropriate fees and will clean up after their event. Due to anather event scheduled at the community center it is suggested the group encourage car pooling to eliminate parking problems. 5taff recommended appro�a! of their request. The St. Bemard Club of Puget Sound has requested ta hold their annual summer specialty show at Thomas Teasdale Park. This group has utilized our facilities for many years and always have been courteous guests, cleaning up after ti�emsel�es and their pets. Staff recommended appraval of this picnic pending receipt of a certificate of insurance, payment of picnic shelter fee and bathroom key deposit and the group is aware all dogs are to be on a leash. Charles 'Tony' Starkovich, of 5eatt[e, submitted a letter and application to donate a bench at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Mr. 5tarko�ict� walks at Coulon e�ery day and fi��s it is tt�e most beautiful place on earth, where he finds peace and happiness. He wishes to give something back. Staff recommends approval of this request and will coordinate the purchase and location of the bench. Jim and Connie Brundage requested to purchase a park bench and �laque in memory af Gary Loucks. Mr. Loucks coached youth sports and played soft�all in the Renton ieague for many years. They would like to locate the bench a# Liberty Park a# Big Liberty. Staff recommends approval of t�is request and will wor�c with the Brundages to find a mutually agreeable spot for #heir bench and plaque. Malinda Leishman, a Renton residen#, has requested to hold her wedding ceremony at Riverview Park on September 9, 20�0. She has reserrred t�e s�elter for the en#ire day, although only the ceremony will be hEld there. They expect approximately 125-�50 people to attend and will be holding their recep#ion off site. Th�y have been made aware of park rules and regulations and agree to abide by same. 5taff recommends appro�al of their request contingent on City of Rcntan Park Board Minutes February 8,2000 Pagc 4 af 5 CONSENT �continued} compleiion of necessary paperwork and payment of shel#er fees. Dean Hirabayas#�i, United States Corporate Ath�etic Association and US West, has scheduled a national track and field championships for August 5th and 6t" at Renton Memorial Stadium. They are rEquesting use of the trail for their e�ent. They are renting the community center for their post event party and have paid the appropriate fees. They have agreed to hire R�nton police to monitor their group's crossfng at 1315t and at Houser Way. They also ha�e agreed #o clean up following their event. Staff recommends appro�al of #his event and will assist in coordinating any future needs they may have. Michael O'Donin made a motion to appro�e consent items B-J as outlined above, Marge RichtEr seconded the motion. All present were in fa�or, motion carried requests appra�ed. OL� BUSINESS Downtown Par[c--Jim reviewed that a total of three names had been submitted for the new down#own park, They were Dobson, Henry Moses and Piazza Rentan. As defined in the policy, after a name is submitted there is a six-month waiti�g period. Staff will review the submittals and bring back a recommendation to Park Board in the months ahead. The Board will in turn submit their recommendation to the Council for re�iew. Bocci Ball Court C Earlington Park--Leslie Betlach, Parks Director, reported that sh� and Parks Manager, AI Dieckman, had visited Earlrr�gton Park to expiore the feasibility of putting in a bocci ba11 court (as requested at an earl�er meeting by Mr. Martin Pa#ricelli.) Leslie indicated the area between the basketball court ar�d play area would pro�id� an. e�en, gently sloping play area. Howe�er, s�e noted the area does re#ain wa#er. A second, more suitable location to the nort�west of the basketball co�rt could accommodate bocci ball withou# any modification. This site cauld be left as is and only require striping to play on. Mr. Regis questioned if the Board wanted to go ahead with this project when only one request had been made, making it appear to be for one person's private use. L.eslie said #his item will be added to the consent agenda at a future meeting for further discussion. OTHER A photo album from �he senior center was distributed containing photos of senior center participants and pictures of some of their many activities and field trips. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Postlewait request�d to speak to the submittal of a suggested name for the down#own park. He felk it sho�ld remain named the Piazza. Piazza means "gathering place" a�d he feit this name was appropriate. He stated the Re�ton is City af Ren�on Par�:Baard Minutes February 8,2000 Puge 5 of 5 �ery proud of its heritage and there are many families who ha�e a long time association with the city. Howe�er, this park should nat be named after one AUDIENCE COMMENT (continuec� member of th� community but serve as and be known as a gat�ering �lace �or all citizens of our cammunity. Mr. Postlewait also commented an the choice of tree that was selected to be planted at the downtown park. This �ariety did �ot se�m, in his opinion, to be the best c�oice for that location. Mr. St�ve Perkins o� t�e Spring Glen Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses thanked the Board for their appro�al and coaperation in planning their event. Sylvia AI[en, Recrea#ion Director, announced they would be testing ti�e field lights at Cedar Ri�er Park tonight from 4:00 p.m.-B:OQ p.m. to ensure they were not a hazard to cars on and exiting the freeway. Leslie reported the anticipated opening the trail in June and t�ey had 33 memorial trees scheduled to be replanted. Mr. Shepherd announced that t�e Community 5ervices Employee of t�e Year was Jerry Rerecich. He explained this award was �oted on the by tY�e empfoyees of the department. ADJOURNMENT Cynthia Bums made a motion seconded by Tim Searing to adjourn the meeting. Motion as carried #he February meeting was adjourned at 5:17 p.m. ] Sigr� tre NEXT REGULAI� MEET�NG Ma�ch 14, 2000--4:34 p.m. RENT4N SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER