HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/11/2000 - Minutes City of Renton Park Board Minutes �� Renton Senior Acti�ity Center July 1 � , 2000--4:30 p.m. I� Attendance: Members Staff Others Ron Regis, Chair Sylvia Allen Joan Moffatt LesEie Betlach Michael O'Donin Randy Leifer Marge Richter Sandy Piiat Bonnie Rerecich Absent Jerry Rerecich Tim Searing Jim Shepherd Cynthia Bums CALL TQ OR�ER Ron Regis, Chair, called the July 11, 2000 meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Joan Moffatt made a mation seconded by Marge Richter to approve the min�tes as writt�n. All were in favor, minutes appro�ed. ANNOUNCEMENT5 Bonnie Rerecich announced the following upcoming e�ents: Passport to Summer Fun Creative Kids Fair on July 13t�' and The Teen Musicaf-Babes in Arms on July 20tn CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Shepherd reviewed a letter firom VIlarren and Margaret Mitc�ell sending a $100 donatio� as an expression of their appreciation for the outstanding fiacilities and programs Renton provides to the public. The donation was applied to the scholarship program for tY�e Renton Yout� Symphony. CONSENT Randy Leifer re�iewed the proposed golf course fee increases, noting they are comparable with other area golf courses. Joan Moffatt made a motion seconded CONSENT(contrnued) by Michael �'Donin to approve the rate increase. All we�e in favor, rate incr�ase approved. 5ylvia Alfen re�iewed the pr�posed �ees for use of the Piazza for special communi#y e�ents. The proposa� included that all special e�ents be brought to park board for review, there wauld be a $10 charge (minimum of 8 hours) and the Piazza Committee may host up to three e�ents per calendar year with waiver of fees. Marge Richer madE a motion seconded by Joan Moffatt to appro�e the Piazza fees. All presen# were in fa�or, motion carried. The North Renton Neighborhood annual picnic is scheduled at Liberty Park on Sunday, Juiy 16 from 11 AO a,m. until 5:00 p.m. They ha�e requested wai�er of park fees for the usE of the shelter. Marge Richter made a motion seconded by Michael O'Danin to deny this request. The City's Neighborhoad Program will reimburse the neighborhood group the $40 shelter fee. Motion carried, request denied to waive the shelter fiees. Geoff Newing reques#ed to pfant a tree and �laque in memory of Shirley Newing. Ms. Newing was a music teacher a# #�indbergh High 5chool. Staff will worlc with Mr. Newing to coordinate the purchase and location. Joan Maffatt made a motion secanded by Marge Richer to approve the memorial. All were in favar memoria! approved. Terri Marquardt requested to plant a lilac tree �n memory of her father, Lou, along the trail at Gen� Coulon Memorial Beach Park. There presently are no lilac trees in #he location she requested, howe�er, staff will work with her in selecting another plan# species. Michael 0 Donin made a motion seconded by Joan Moffatt to apprave #he reques# with noted modificatians. AGI were in fa�or, motion carried. Rhonda Smith requested to hold her wedding ceremony at the Ri�erview Park sheiter on Saturday, Aug�ast 12, 2000. 7here will be approximately 30 guests and they plan on using the park for no more than two hours. Ms. Smith is aware of the park rules and regulatio�s4 Joar� Moffatt made a motion to approve the wedding. Marge Richter seconded the mo#ion. A!I were in fa�or, motxon carried. Elizabeth Williams, Muckleshoot Binga, requested to use an inflatable at t�eir August 30t�' picnic at Couion Park, Staff recommen�ed appro�al cont�ngent on coordination of placement of the inflatable with our staff. The VFW requested use of the Veterans Memor�al Park a� 3�' and Main Street for the purpose of ha�ing a fundra�ser, which will consist of photographing c�assic cars� and ha�ing a barbecue. All donated monies will be used for the Veterans Memorial. Stafif recommends appro�al of this request conting�nt on coord�nation with city staff regarding coordination of location of cars and barbecue, traffic control plan and securing proper food handling permits. Joan Moffatt made a motion to approve this request pro�iding the stipulations are met. Michael O'Donin seconded the mo#ion. All were in favor, motion carried reques# appro�ec�. OTHER Mr. Shepherd announced we would be accepting a�plications for tne vacancy on the board. He requested anyone interested in participating in the interview process call f�im. We would try to schedule the interviews in August. Michael O'Donin made a motion to canceE the regular August meeting. All were in favor, motion carried, mee#ing cancelfed. There was discussion regarding the progress of the skateboard board. Marge Richter commented on the 4th of July celebration. The anticipate� open hause for Highlands Neighborhood Center is September 16°h. ADJOURNMENT Joan Moffatt made a motion seconded by Michael O'Donin to adjoum the meeting. A I were in favor, the Juiy meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. Signature NEXT REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 12, 2000�--4:30 P.M. RENTON SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER