HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/09/2003 - Minutes City of Renton 6's � Park Board Minutes Ci�y Ha11 1055 South Grady Way 5`" Floor—Room 511 September 9, 2003--4:34 p.m, In Attendance: Members Staff Others Cynthia Bums, Chair Margie Beitner Laura Cerimele Ralph Evans Leslie Betlach AI Dieckman Michael O'Donin Kelly Beym�r Marney Greeno Marge Rich#er Dennis Culp Cindy Pederson Tim Searing Terry Flatley Troy Wigestrand Jerry Rerecich Absent Ron Regis CALL TO ORDER The September 9, 2003, Par�c Board meeting was called to order by Chair, Cynthia Bums, at 4:30 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Michael O'Donin and seconded by Ralph Evans to approve t�e August minutes. All were in favor, motion carried. The August minutes were approved as written. ANNOUNCEMENTS Dennis Culp announced the upcoming WRPA Board and Commissions Workshop Training. CONSENT Kelly B�ymer, Golf Course Manager, gave a short summary or� the Golf Course Concessionaire Lease Agreement Renewal. They have been in negotiations on this contract for one year. Staff recommends a six-year renewal of the I�ase be awarded ta Afl My Restaurants, Inc. with an option at the end of the agreemenf to renew for#hree y�ars. Ralph E�ans made a motion that the Golfi Course Lease Renewa� be adopted as presented. The motion was seconded by Mike O'Donin. Laura Cerimele also mentioned that Kelly Beymer is a great asset to the Ci#y as Manager for the Golf Course. City of Rcnton Park Board Minut�s Septernbcr 9,2003 f'agc 2 of 3 Consent Item D. Jerry Refecich commented tk�at this same graup had a similar competition in #he Ci#y of Kent with mucY� succ�ss. The e�ent went well. Consen# Item C. Discuss�o� regard�ng advertising of a small personal business. The Park Board members agreed that there should be no amplified music and also did not like the idea of ad�ertising someone's personal business. Ralpt� E�ans agreed that we do not want to recommend appro�al ofi this request because of the ad�ertising. Consent Item F. Cynthia Burns asked if the party or pa�ties listed on #his consent agenda are aware they could ha�e the function without amplification? She thought it would be good if the staff calls these parties an� discusses this with them. Mike O'Donin made a motion to appro�e #he consent agenda items B, C, D and E as listed with staff recommendations with one contingency an item D to add a sentence, "Subject to Legal Rerriew" (for tF�e Skate Park Competition Event). Item F of the consent agenda was approved with staff recammendations, but the board members woufd like the Parks A�min. staff to get back to Loretta to see if they want to ha�e the birthday party without t�e amplification de�ices. The mation was seconded by Ralph Evans. All were in favor, consent ag�nda appro�ed, OLD BUSINESS Teen Musical —Jerry Rerecich said #he number of attendees was up from the p�ev�ous year Dog Park Update--Terry Flatiey ga�e an update on the Grand�iew Park. The Grandview Off-Leash Dog Park is ownEd by King County and is a 37-acre park. Qriginally this par�c was set up f�r picnics with a picnic shelter} barbeques, soccer fields and playground. Use of the soccer fields dwindled and King County closed this area for at least one year. E�ght {8) cities sel�cted 2-3 sites for the off-lease dog park and this was the final site. This is a one-time fee of $2,500 for the City of Renton. Most of these donations are going into the new fencing requirements. Vo1un#eers are pulling weeds, �tc. trying to ready the parlc tor the grand opening. Eact� city will be contributing a w�rk day to get park ready for the grand opening. A question was raised about liability issues. SODA {Serve Our pogs Agency} wil� be in charge of mainter�ance operations. The City wi�l not ha�e any liability. This pa�lc will be open to the general pubiic from dawn to dusk. The park is iocated on 228�' and Military (about 12 minutes from City Ha11). The park is accessed off of Military Road. Cynthia Bums commented t�at there should be more publicity in Renton for this new park and information for the citizens on how much the City has put into this. Terry Flatley ad�ised there will be news releases going out and the informat€on will be placed on the City's web site, Dennis Culp also commented that the staff was waiting for this ta pass Council and that we are plan�ing on getting this information out to the public. Renton High School Dinner-- Dennis Culp wanted to let the Park Bo�rd Members know there had been a change. When t�e original request to waive fees came through Park Board, the request come in as a "non-prafit" organization and the request was not City of Rentan Fark Baard Minutes Scptcmber 9,2003 Pagc 3 of 3 approved. This request has been re-tooled and now the request is from the Renton School District and involves the interlocal agreement between the School District a�d the City of Renton. The fee will be waived and the use of the Renton Community Center will be free. AUDIENCE COMMENT AI Dieckman wanted to address a concern regarding the Maplewood Golf Course. He asked if they were stilf trying ta work with the concessionaire and the other golfers to come up with ather menus so t�ey can use their facilitEes for entertaining rather thar� taking the business off site. AI mentioned he has taken his group off site after golfing. Kefly Beymer said they are more than willing to change menus and ti�ey wan# to work on tF�at. Cynthia Burns also asked about tF�e Score Board Dedication at the Golf Course. Kelly Beymer advised the dedication went well. Marge Richter asked how th� Pool was coming alang. Dennis Culp advised the pool project was going well and on schedule for completion the �7th of December. They ha�e been able to put two slides back in#o the plan so there are four components ta the play structure. ADJOURNMENT Ralph E�ans made a mo#ion, secanded by Troy Wiges#rand to adjoum the meeting. All w�re in fa�or, motion carried. The September meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. � Signat NEXT REGULAR MEETING OCTQBER 14, 2Q�3--4:30 P.M. CITY HALL-F1FTH FL�OR RQOM 511