HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/13/2004 - Minutes City of Renton �s � Park Board Minutes City Hall 1055 South Grady Way St" Floor—Room 511 July �3, 2QQ4--�4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Cynthia Burns, Chair Syivia Allen AI Dieckman Ralph E�ans April Alexander Justin Wilcox Michael O'Donin Leslie Betlach Glenn Wood Marge Richter Kefly Beymer Ron Regis Dennis Culp Tim Searing Terry Flatley Troy Wigestrand Sandy Pilat Jerry Rerecich CALL TO ORDER Cynthia Burns, Chair, cafled th� meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ron Regis made a motion seconded by Marge Rich#er to approve the minutes as submitted. All were in favor, motion carried, minutes approved. ANN�UNCEMENTS � Dennis Culp announced the following: ❖ Senior Center 25'" Anni�ersary on September 26th from 11 a.m. until 2:0� p.m. ❖ 5ockeye fishing is set for Saturday, July 17th, beginning one hour before sunrise and ending on� hour after sunset. ❖ The Sam Chastain Memorial Golf Tournament will be held on July 23, 2004. City of Renton Park Board Minutes July 13,2004 �age 2 of 4 CONSENT The following items were subm�tted for considera#ion: a. Julie Sia, 4"'Pass, requested to have a catered e�ent on Sunday, July 18, 2004, at Gene Coulon Beach Park at the south shelters. Staff recommends appro�a[ of this request contingent on coordination of location of barbeques. The grills must be on hard surface not on grass. Parks Su�ervisor w;ill coordinate a suitable location with group. b. Joy Johnson requested to purchase a hench and plaque in memory of Roger Johnson. Si�e would like the bench along the Cedar River between the library and Lake Washington, Staff recommends appro�al of this request and will coordinate location with applicant. c. Therese Joyce, Vice President, PS, requested #o use the north shelter at Coulon Park and the trail for a memorial walk beginning a# 9�00 a,m. on Sunday, October 1 Qt". They would need extra garbage cans. Staff recommends appro�al of this request. {Shelters are reserved and fees col�ected thru September 30"', so there is no fee waiver associated with #his request). d. Hazen, Lindberg� and Renton HigY� Schools ha�e requested to utilize the Maplewood Golf Course at no fee for their Fall 2Q04 golf season. Staff recommends appro�al of this request contingenf on coordination with the golf course staff. Associated fees being waived for these three scY�ools are estimated at $8,325 (green fees � $2,175 per school and $fi00 eac#� school for range keys). e. Cast for Kids Foundation requested a waiver of boat launci� fees and use of the pa�ilion area at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park for registration, awards and din�er for a fishing derby for developmen#ally disabled children, ages 5-18 on September 11, 2004, 5taff recommends approval of the approximate $300 fee. f. Sheryl Duntonl Principal, Talbot Hill Elementary School requ�sted permission to use the Community Center on April 2, 20�5, for a fund� raising event and waiver of the $750 #ee. Staff recommends appro�al; the funds that are raised will support the educational curriculum at Talbot Hill Elementary. g. Phyllis Da�is has requested to hang a banner, post directional signs and balloons for her out of town guests at her family reunion at Liberty Park on August 14�h. Staff recommends appro�al contingent on C�ty of Renton Park Baard Minutes July 13, 20D4 Page3of4 coordination witi� our Parks Supervisor on locat�on and type of signage, methods and materials used to past signs and agreement to remo�e same at conclusion of e�ent. Troy Wigestrand made a motion ta appro�e the consent agenda with guidelines outlined by staff, Michael O'Donin seconded the mo#ion. AI� were in favor, mation carried, items a-g appro�ed. OLD BUSINESS Policy Changes Sylvia Allen s�bmitted changes in Community Services Poiicy: CS-02 Changes in Disruptive Behavior Policy. Ti�ere was an addition of an appeals process to the existing policy. Tim Searing made a motion seconded by Ralph Evans to approve the addition to the policy. Ali were in favor, motian carried. NEW BUSINESS Jolene Chen requested to have a p�ato shoot for a client on Friday, Juiy 16t�' or July 20"' at the Skate Park. The park would be closed to #he puf�lic for a few hours. The consensus was closing ti�e park would be difficult. Also this fate request did not allow enough time to make accommoda#ions. Since photo shoot requests come up fairly regular�y, it was decided a policy needs to be de�eloped. Tim Searing made a motion seconded by Ralph E�ans to not approve the request to close the skate park for a pho#o shoot on July i 6t'' or 20t''. All were in favor, request denied. Pool Attendance Report Sylvia re�orted that the average daily attendance at the pool was 628 patrans in June and 685 in July. Tf�e lowest attendance day was JuEy 4'h. The beach areas are �xperiencing a 25% drop in attendance. By the end of the season, admission fees will co�er the direct operating costs and the $150,�00 start-up costs. P[ayground Equipment ➢ Windsor Hills Park-New play equipmen# �nstalled this spring ➢ Jones Park-New expanded play ar�a for 2-5 year olds will be installed by #he end of summer, beginning of fall. ➢ Burnett Linear Park-Vanda�ism required #he remo�a� of play equipment, which will be replaced next year. ➢ Kennydale Lions Park-The Parks Department received correspondence questioning the play equipment's safety, so it was remo�ed. New equipment installation is scheduled fior next year. ➢ Sunset Court Park-A request for�roposal was published for the purchase and installation of new play equipment designed for 2-5 year olds and 6- City�f Re�ton Park Board Minutes Juiy 13, 2004 Page 4 of 4 12 year olds. Installation of th� new eq�ripment should begin i� September, �THER �eslie Betlach, Parks Director, answered questfons regarding debris located against the brfdge pilings at Rivenriew Park. She explained the Cedar Ri�er is a waterway of the state the City can only clean up garbage, items like logs and brus� is considered habitat, She also responded to a question regarding adding a drinfcing fountain on the Cedar River Trail be#ween the Logan St. �ridge and the lake. To add a drinking toun�ain you would �ave to go inta the levy and that �annot be breached. There is howe�er, a fountain at the shelter/restroom area south of the boathouse. �Froy Wigestrand brought informatior� regarding a "Day of Ca�ing', sch�duled for September 2004, Dennis C�Ip indicated he would forward the information to Humar� Services. Cynthia's one year period serv}ng as Chair conclt�des this month. Mic�ael O'Donin is "ne�ct' in fine. He agreed to serve. Marge Ric�ter made a motion s�conded by Ralph Evans that Michae� serves as the Chairperson for a term o# one year. All present were in fa�or, motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Mici�ael O'Donin made a motion to adjoum the meeting. Ron Regis seconded the motion, all were in f�vor, motion carried. The July meeting was ad�ourn�d at 5;43 p,m. � Signature NEXT REGULAR MEET�NG AUGUST 10, 2004 4:30 P.M. CITY HALL RQ4M 5� 1