HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/09/2004 - Minutes Ci�y of Renton �i ru Park Board Minutes City HaII 1�55 South Grady Way 5`�' Floor November 9, 2044--4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Michael O'Donin, Chair Leslie Be#lach Jim ZimmeRnan Ralph E�ans Kelly Beymer Marge Richter Denn�s Culp Ron Regis Sandy Pilat Jerry Rerecich Absent Cynthia Bums Tim Searing Tro W i estrand CALL TO ORDER Chair, Michae! O'Donin called the No�ember 9, 2004, mee#ing to order at 4:30 p.m. APPROVAL 4F MINUTES Marge Richter made a motion seconded by Ralph Evans to appro�e t�e �c#ober minutes as written. All were i� favar, minutes appro�ed. ANNOUNCEMENTS The upcoming Hassle Free Cf�ristmas Bazaar was announced. CORRESPONDENCE No correspond�nce received this month. CONSENT A. Fee increases Staff re�iawed the proposed fee changes for 2005. One proposal was to lower the fees for the weight room at the community center. Jerry explained the need to stay competiti�e with the �rivate sec#or and keep City of Renton f��rk$oard Minutes Navember 9,2004 Pagc2af3 CONSENT(continued) 8. Fee increases (continued) the fees ir� line. Ron Regis made a motion seconded by Ralph E�ans to appro�e #he fees as presented. All were in favor, motion carried, fees appro�ed. Dennis Culp re�iewed the remainder of the consent items as follows: C. Cascade Canoe and Kayalc Centers requested to increase the line of merchandise for sale at the Boathouse. The modified terms of their exist�ng co�tracts and Payment proposal would include: i $200 per mont� identified as rent ■ 8°lo charged on all gross sales of lessons, rentals, guide services, races and promotional acti�ities ■ 1.5% charged on all gross sales of inerc�andise Staff recommends approval noting the abo�� terms ha�e been approved by the City Attomey. C. Diane Shey, Parents Witho�rt Partners, F�as reserved the Highlands Neighborhood Center for a �arty for the group's volunteers (approximate 7D-90 people} on November 20, 2004, from fi:00-9:Q0 p,m. The renta� fee is $152 and they are requesting a fee wai�er or discount for the�acility. Staff does not recommend wai�ing or re�ucing the rental �ee. D. T�e Samoyed Club of Washington 5tate requests to hold a Fun Match for dogs on May 14t" or 15�h of 2005, with an expected attendance of 100-200 individuals. Club members would be assigned to ensure the park is cfeaned up after their event. S#aff recommends approval of t�is event contingent on presentation of insurance c�rtificate naming the City af Renton as a co-insured. The shelter may not be reserved far 2005 unti! January 3�. At the time of reservation the shelter fees must be paid. Ralph Errans made a motion ta adopt consent items B-D with sta�f rec�mmendations. Marge Richter seconded the motion, all prese�t were in fa�or, consent agenda appro�ed. QLD BUSINESS Day of Caring Dennis Culp ga�e a report on the home that was painted by a �olunteer group. Troy Wigestrand had requested the information and wasn't preser�t at th� mee#ing so Dennis will touch base with him prior to next meeting, Cily of Renton Park Board Minutcs No�ember 9,2004 Page 3 oF 3 OTHER Holiday Ligh#ing Ciam Lights will be December 3 through January 1 St and tf�e Piazza tree lighting will be December 4t�'. Budget Michaef O'Donin inquired abo�t the budget process and if parks wou[d sustain any cuts or reductions. Dennis Culp re�iewed some of the savings we were proposir�g, such as not filfing �acant positions (CIP Coordinator, Library Director) and reduction in hours at the I�brary. ADJOURNMENT Ralph E�ans made a motion seconded by Ron Regis to adjourn the meeting at S:Oa p.m. All present were in favor, motion carried, the November meeting was adjourned. Signature Nex# regular meeting December 14, 20Q4-4:30 p.m. City Hall-Room 519